#and then he gives it to her and she’s like 1) I HAVE A DOWRY? WHAT THE FUCK and 2) cries because her dad remembered herrr even when she
sparklecryptid · 2 years
*accidentally unfollows* ugh why is the follow/unfollow button right next to the ask button? *immediately follows again* ffs
Anordil with more gold in her hair and around her neck and wrists and fingers and ANKLES than she EVER even saw in person in her first life let alone touched.
This is fine. This is FINE! She is not feeling ALL the imposter syndrome or anything! She is definitely NOT thinking of how one of the bright gold and bejeweled filigree tubes in her hair could've paid for half a year of collage probably, NOT AT ALL. (Even as long as she's been Anordil, I imagine that sort of thing just HITS her sometimes, given the weird way elven memory works.)
Everyone mentally notes apprehension about lots of shiny things and maybe they chalk it up to living as a wandering wild elf for so long, and among mortals where that much jewelry would be an invitation to get robbed.
Anordil: *wearing enough jewels to buy a 600k house*
Anordil: *suddenly hit with that fact*
Anordil: holy shit. This is more money than I’ve ever had. I could have paid off my student loans with this bracelet alone. The gold in my hair could buy me a nice house in a nice area. The combined value of all this gold and these high quality gems could just buy it outright and pay off my student loans. Fuck.
Anordil has experienced an error! She cannot believe that she’s wearing these things! Fuck. Give her a moment. Hey Elrond what’s with that face. Elrond. Elrond what do you MEAN that box holds the few Fëanor made jewelry items Maglor held onto because he remembered me. ELROND PUT THOSE AWAY DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW EXPENSIVE THOSE MUST BE!
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majeoeje · 3 months
Beating heart (part 2)
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Laios x reader
The only right answer was you
Part 1
Is this truly the right decision? You dwelled. The scent of the sea lingered in the air, the sounds of footsteps and people around you was enough to drown you.
You were leaving everything with little money in your pockets. Your stolen dowry surely wouldn’t last that long, you thought. You hoped your parents would ever find it in their hearts to forgive you for what you’re doing. But mostly… you hoped your betrothed would not harbor revenge for you.
Imagining their kind faces turning malicious made you falter. Suddenly the eight hours of horse ride that you just endured felt more than reckless. Maybe you should go back after all.. maybe if you turned back now, they’d still accept you and take you in with open arms.
As you took a step back you were bumped into someone.
You groaned before giving them a short apology not really looking at them in the eye.
“I knew it was them!” You frozed, A familiar male voice filled your ears. Upon hearing that it was as if you were transported back to your home. Back when you weren’t promised to someone you barely know, back when beginning a family wasn’t what everyone expected of you, back when you could have dreams, back to that simple village, back home.
And then you turned around to see that it was some weird unkept guy you didn’t know
You thought maybe you had mistaken someone else for your long time best friend, but then another voice appeared
“Hey, you’re right!!” Said the female voice
You audibly gasped seeing the woman, she was still the same as ever! maybe you weren’t wrong after all. And upon closer inspection, there was no denying it.
“Laios! Falin!!” You gleamed, before you shared a meaningful hug with both the Touden siblings
You almost didn’t recognize Laios with his unkept appearance, his hair growing past his eyes while you could tell he hasn’t been eating enough let alone shower or shave in that matter. You were so glad that Falin didn’t succumb to such things, keeping her appearance squeeky clean.
“It’s been too long” you let go not before you gave them a final squeeze
"We're so happy to see you.. agh- heyy..." Falin protested, you couldn't contain yourself from messing with her short hair upon seeing her signature closed eyed red cheeks smile.
"Are you planning to sail to the island too?" Laios said. Despite his drastic change you noticed that the golden hue of his eyes had never changed. It brought you a sense of relieve somehow. Despite everything, he will always be Laios.
“Traveling together would be nice”
The tone of his voice was rather hopeful. As if he wanted you to come alongside them. And by his words alone you could change your mind.
You thought about how nice it would be to travel together. Maybe you could become adventurers? As hard labour as dungeon exploring is.. you were hoping you could have your chance in it. Maybe now you could have your own room and live however you like, And maybe you could finally see the monsters that Laios was always so excited to talk about.
Aghhhh- you were stupid. You cursed yourself for being so easily swayed by him. The fact that Laios of all people didn't even need to ask you back then horrifies you. How are you that excited to see someone?
This realization came late to say the least. Years of adventuring had gone by and now you’re here. In this very moment. Grumbling alone to yourself about your past recklessness, as your other party members just lets you relish in your own madness (they already know you had lost it so why bother)
It was during your intense thought process that you didn’t notice Laios’ hand inching closer to yours only to falter away.
He wanted to tell you that dinner was almost ready but why was it so difficult??
Hesitant he rarely was, especially with you. But something had changed since last night, it was as if the beat of your heart had ingrained itself in the back of his mind, with each closing distance with you only adding to the fire that was the tune of your heart. It slowly eats him alive, drowning him, suffocating and burning him away with its sounds.
Though it wasn’t until now as he mindlessly observed you that he noticed that the fast and loud beat that was replaying over and over wasn’t yours at all in this moment.
He brought his hand to the left of his chest finding it hard to believe that his heart would beat this loudly for you. Has he always felt this way?
“Oh- Laios!… i didn’t see you there buddy” you were surprised to see Laios seating next to you. He couldn’t be there the whole time could he?? (He was)
You waited for his reaction, but he could only sit there and stare at you like he just had a realization too.
“I think-“
“Dinner’s ready!” Said senshi unknowingly interrupting Laios, presenting another one of his delicious cooked meals. The smell alone could make you drool. It doesn’t matter if it’s a monster as long as it’s good right? You choose not to dwell on the deeper meaning, ignorance is bliss. Some would say.
“What is it that you’re going to say?” You say attention now shifting back to him.
Laios looked like he wanted to say something but he shook his head and retaliated.
“Let’s eat, we can’t have other’s waiting” he stood up before going ahead to where the others are. He didn’t really know what he wanted to say. If Senshi hadn’t interrupted him, he knows that his sentence would just falls short.
Around the campfire everyone ate soundly, maybe it was because the lack of monster trivia on Laios’ part. You can’t help but miss it
It was during this moment that he wonders what is it that he wanted to say? What is it that he discovered? He knew that it was realization and he knew it was about you. But that was about it.
Marcille felt like the tension was rather dry, so she thought she’d finally ask you a question that has been itching itself in her brain
“Was it true that you were betrothed?” She asked, Laios practically choked on his food, it’s not like he didn’t know this, but he never thought to pay any mind to your past betrothal.
“Well, it was a long time ago..”
you wave your hand around, it’s true that it wasn’t a big deal anymore in your life but it does bring a sense of nostalgia in your mind at the times before you ran away from the village
“What were they like?” Asked Marcille, you could by the shine in her eyes that she loved romance books
You hummed before putting your empty plate down
“They were sweet, lovely,caring,hard working and very very stubborn” you laughed. “I could go on and on about how they were but we won’t have enough time”
The way in which you describe your betrothed was as if you were fond of them. It made Laios a little weary somehow. Why was that? It’s not like he hasn’t met them… in fact they were a good friend of yours, despite not getting along that much with him.
“You know by how you described them it would seem that you loved them” chilchuck asked, a little suspicious
Laios awaited your answer practically on the edge of his seat. Well it was pretty clear that you didn’t considering you ran away and what not, Laios said to himself
“I did” the sound of your confirmation was accompanied with the sound of Laios’ wooden bowl falling to the dungeon floor. “How could i not?”
When everyone looked at him he tried his best to seem normal, laughing nervously and saying how his bowl just slipped past his hand suddenly before gingerly picking it up.
“Then why did you leave??” Marcille was basically starry eyed, hearing you talk about your love life was what she had been waiting for.
While Laios was lost in thought. Would you want to come back to your betrothed? If you did loved them then it wouldn’t be outrageous or even wrong to get married to them once all of this is over.. but you would still go one a some adventures with him and fin before you di right?
it’s just that by then Laios had realized that he didn’t want you to marry anyone. He didn’t want his adventures with you and Falin to be over just yet. Such thoughts of you to be wed with other people lingered on his mind and soured his appetite.
“It’s because I didn’t want that life yet you know? I just didn’t want to settle down when i haven’t at least tried to reach my dream”
Your answer was short, Marcille begged you for details but suddenly you drifted the conversation to Chilchuck’s children. Then suddenly her attention drifted away. You chuckled at her antics, you didn’t thought it as nosy really,it was quite endearing to you.
“Do you.. still love them?..” Laios suddenly asked, a little quiet, but not quiet enough for you not to hear, the tint of insecurity was more than evident in his voice yet you couldn’t be more than blind to it.
After a long while you finally thought about them once again. Those days you spent everyday was more than lovely. At the time, you enjoyed their company more than anyone… it would be a lie if you were to claim that you did not love them. But even though you were glad that now you were able to look back at the fond memories you had and appreciate them, you never once wish you would go back.
“No.. at least not anymore” you reminiced, bittersweet it was.
So many questions filled Laios’ head. What if that person were to look for you? Would you come back to them? How long were you in love? He wanted to ask one by one yet only one was able to spill out of him
“Would you ever want to settle down?” Asked Laios.
Your cheeks grew warm. It was a if… he was asking for you to settle down with him.
You mentally slapped yourself for such thoughts. For fuck’s sake that was your best friend you were thinking about! You knew him ever since you were all but 2.
You looked back a few summers back. Back when you were with someone who once used to be your soon to be spouse. Back when you planned a whole future with them knowing that you didn’t actually wanted those things before ultimately throwing everything all away. You remember all the pain, anguish and guilt you felt as you ran away. You never wanted to feel like that ever again.
But.. you thought that if it were with Laios.. it would be different. It somehow just sat right to you.
“I would like that”
You unconsciously smile, you were ashamed to say that you were excited about such ideas, like he meant what he said anyways. You then realize the gentle hold of his hand on yours, his thumb gently rubbing circles on your knuckles before carefully tracing down to one particular finger, perhaps someday where a wedding ring would be.
“I would also like that”
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fantasyescapes17 · 1 year
Manners (Part 1)
Viscount Joshua Hong is by far the most eligible bachelor in London. Rich, handsome, and renowned for his excellent manners and refined tastes. Young woman would kill for the chance to be the Viscount's chosen bride. But nobody can quite determine which of the young ladies he prefers, and you are beginning to have your doubts. Is the Viscount really as gentlemanly as the ton seems to think?
Genre: Joshua Hong x Female!reader. Regency!AU (It's sort of Bridgerton-esque in the sense that I give zero attention to historical accuracy and prioritize aesthetics lmao) You are a sibling to all the Lees (Woozi, DK, Dino) so your last name is Lee but the reader has no other specific characteristics, physical or otherwise.
Word Count: 3.2k+
Part 2
Series Masterlist [I would highly recommend reading the earlier stories in this series, Patience, and Candle, before this one but it's not strictly necessary.]
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It was a warm evening in June when your life suddenly changed. 
You had, at that point, been out in London society for almost two years without having received a single marriage proposal. Being the third child and eldest daughter of the Lee family, your responsibilities were far greater than your charms. 
Most young ladies your age possessed a bountiful dowry and carefully developed talents to attract a husband. Instead, you possessed the responsibility of managing five siblings, an absentee father, and a mediocre dowry. Only three of the siblings were younger than you (but really, from the way he sometimes behaved, Seokmin might as well have been younger than you). 
Mr. Lee (your father) was often away and busy managing affairs of the estate. He had ceased to care for society or matrimony since the death of your beloved mother. The responsibility of ensuring your siblings were raised well had naturally fallen on you, the eldest daughter. You did not entirely resent the circumstances. You loved all your siblings equally- even sullen Jihoon and cheeky little Chan- but your future was quite clear. 
You would probably end up an old maid. 
Or you would have, if not for that fateful June evening when Viscount Joshua Hong appeared unannounced on the doorstep of your London home. 
The kitchens were in an uproar. 
“These noblemen are quite careless!” the cook cried out as she struggled angrily to light the large coal fire. “To come around unannounced for dinner-the Viscount, you say- oh, what am I supposed to serve him? I was going to prepare a simple soup and fish for the family supper but that will certainly not suffice for a Viscount!”
You tried in vain to calm the cook. 
“Really, Dotty, it is all right- I am sure the Viscount will not demand anything more than what we usually eat,” you told her gently. 
“Of course he will not demand it- I am quite aware that the Viscount Joshua Hong has the most excellent manners. He should likely eat stale bread without complaint if we served it to him. But how would I ever be able to live with myself if I did that? Oh- how unfortunate that the Viscount should come for supper on the one night when there is no venison to be had…”
There was no calming the cook down. You sighed. 
“Dotty, I must go upstairs to dress for dinner. Please do not worry and serve whatever you are able. The Viscount is a good friend of Jihoon and he will not mind a simple supper after having arrived unannounced.” 
Dotty gave you a miserable look. “I should very much have liked to serve the Viscount my venison pie…”
You laughed. “I shall ask Jihoon to invite him to dinner again soon; and you shall be told well in advance so that you can serve your venison pie. But soup and fish will do for tonight.” 
“Yes, miss…” 
You left the kitchens through the back entrance and hurried up to the bedchambers through a side corridor; carefully avoiding the drawing room where Viscount Hong sat in conversation with your father and older brothers. 
It was perfectly understandable that Dotty had panicked when the Viscount suddenly appeared at the doorstep of your London home to call on your brothers. 
Viscount Joshua Hong was not only one of the richest noblemen in London, he was also the most handsome eligible bachelor. He was the epitome of impeccable manners and fine breeding. The entire ton had been waiting with bated breath ever since it had become public knowledge that he was in search of a wife. 
You could not deny that you were equally curious. Any young lady that could catch the eye of Viscount Hong would surely be perfection incarnate. You could not think of a single woman that could compare. Perhaps the Duchess of Graham? Even she did not possess Viscount Hong's excellent manners. 
As you reached the top of the stairs, you discovered that the entrance to your bedroom was barred by two of your younger siblings. Chan looked upset and angry, while little Nessie looked delighted. 
You took a deep breath and prepared yourself for the onslaught. 
“Why am I not allowed to sit with the gentleman downstairs?” demanded Chan, at the same time that Nessie cried, “Is it true Viscount Hong is here? Does he really have a golden carriage?"
You ushered them into your room before their loud voices could carry downstairs to the drawing room. 
"You are not yet old enough to sit with the gentlemen," you told Chan firmly, before turning to Nessie. "Yes, Viscount Hong is here and you will be allowed to see him at supper. No, his carriage is not made of real gold."
"I'm sixteen-" Chan protested.
"Sixteen is not old enough."
"It's too old to be sitting upstairs with the girls," Chan insisted with a pout. 
You sighed. "Stay upstairs for now. After supper, if Father permits, you may sit with the gentlemen," you told him. "Now go dress for supper quickly. Both of you."
You called for your maid to help you dress and then wrestled little Nessie and Lily into appropriate gowns. Fortunately, Chan managed to make himself look presentable on his own and you were able to get them all downstairs in time for supper.
The gentlemen were already seated for dinner; your father at the head of the table and Viscount Hong to his right along with your brothers- Mr. Lee Jihoon and Mr. Lee Seokmin. 
"Remember to curtsey," you reminded your little sisters quietly. 
They both curtsied prettily for the benefit of Viscount Hong, who greeted you and your younger siblings warmly with a handsome smile and bright eyes. He was characteristically patient when little Lily suddenly threw a tantrum and insisted on being allowed to sit beside him. 
"I will sit beside the Viscount, you never allow me to sit beside the Viscount!" Lily cried, stomping your feet. You laughed nervously, taking your six-year old sister gently by the arm. 
"Come now, Lily, I've told you before that you must behave when we have company-" you scolded lightly. 
"I should very much like to sit beside Lily," Viscount Hong said with a kind smile, before turning to your father quickly. "Unless, sir, you should have any objection."
Your father waved a hand dismissively. "Let the child sit where she likes, we must get on with dinner."
Jihoon surrendered his seat to little Lily and moved around the table to sit beside you instead. You lowered your voice and mumbled in a low voice to your elder brother. 
"Of course we are delighted to have the Viscount here for dinner, it's not that anyone dislikes his company," you mumbled. "But perhaps you could ask him to give us notice next time? Dotty was quite a mess about what to serve for dinner."
Jihoon coughed into his napkin. 
"I don't know why he is even here," your brother whispered. "It's quite unlike Joshua. He is usually incredibly well-mannered but really, neither Seokmin nor I invited him here tonight and he simply won't leave."
You looked at your brother in surprise- you had thought that the Viscount was surely here to discuss urgent business with your brothers or father. 
The servants entered with dinner, so your conversation with Jihoon was cut short. You were forced to turn your attention to the Viscount, who sat opposite you and was listening patiently to a fairy tale that Lily was reciting. 
"Lily, stop boring the Viscount," Chan scolded her lightly. He turned to the older gentleman with bright eyes. "Viscount Hong, is it true that you have five thoroughbred horses and three pure white Arabian horses in your stables? And that the Arabians were brought from overseas?"
Joshua smiled. "Yes, that is correct. Are you interested in horses, Chan?"
Chan flushed. "I've studied them a little."
"He's studied them far more than he's studied mathematics," you said lightly. Chan frowned but Viscount Hong's dark eyes flickered towards you in amusement. He gave you a small smile. 
"I see your sister doesn't like your interest in horses," Joshua remarked.
"My sister doesn't like anything interesting," Chan complained and you nearly choked on your soup in embarrassment before giving your younger brother a stern look.
"Chan! "
But Joshua only turned to look at you with his usual kind smile. "If you can vouch for Chan having completed his mathematics, Miss Lee, then I should be glad to invite him to visit our stables next week to see the horses."
Chan's eyes widened in delight and he jumped out of his seat. 
"Viscount Hong, would you really-"
"I believe the Viscount said the invitation was dependent upon you completing your mathematics," you reminded your brother calmly. "So sit down and finish your dinner. And thank you, Viscount Hong, I would not want us to intrude upon your hospitality."
Viscount Hong smiled. "I do not consider it an intrusion. It is the least I can do."
"We are grateful, all the same."
Your father cleared his throat as he finished his soup. The senior Mr. Lee was not generally a social man, but even he could not ignore the need to engage in polite conversation when there was a man of such noble standing as the Viscount at his table. 
"Were you in attendance at the Hastings' ball yesterday, Viscount Hong?" your father asked. "My children tell me it was quite a wonderful event. And since you are looking for a wife, I suppose attending these events is of more importance than ever."
Joshua nodded respectfully at your father.
"Indeed, sir, I was in attendance. In fact- I was fortunate enough to have danced once with your daughter," Joshua replied with a small smile. 
You nodded. Viscount Hong was very much an in-demand dance partner, but you were grateful that he had still asked you to dance with him a number of times over the course of the season. You knew better than to read too much into a mere dance, however. Joshua also regularly danced with plenty of women far more eligible than you- Miss Jeon, the Duchess of Graham, Miss Williams, Miss Yoon…
It was a long list that you did not care to repeat. 
Mr. Lee nodded. "Yes- I am sure my daughter is quite grateful for your company."
You flushed in embarrassment at the implication that the Viscount had danced with you out of pity, but the topic of conversation was quickly rerouted by Chan- who had been unable to take his mind off the horses. 
"Viscount Hong, when you said that I might visit your stables next week," Chan pressed eagerly. "Which day of the week were you suggesting, as I have my lessons on Thursdays…"
You frowned. "Chan!"
Viscount Hong laughed. "It is quite all right, Miss Lee. Shall we say Wednesday, Chan?"
"Wednesday sounds excellent…"
The supper passed in a pleasant manner. Joshua's unannounced arrival was certainly not convenient but you had to admire how smoothly the gentleman blended himself into your family supper. He was polite, but without showing any of the airs and superiority that someone of his station could have displayed around your family. 
He showed enthusiasm for Lily's stories, patiently answered Chan's questions about horses and even joked around with Jihoon and Seokmin, whom he had known for many years. You knew that Viscount Joshua Hong was as far, far, far out of your reach as a man could possibly be but…
Well, there was no harm in silently admiring such a wonderful specimen of the opposite gender, was there? 
You ushered your sisters upstairs to bed after dinner. Chan, stubborn as ever, insisted on being allowed to stay in the drawing room while the gentlemen smoked a pipe. You left him be: disciplining Chan was quite out of your hands and you had decided that you would begin to leave it to Jihoon. 
You had just put the girls to bed and were about to undress for bed yourself when there was a frantic knocking at your door.
You opened the door, startled. 
Your brother was pink in the face and his eyes wide as he squeezed inside your room and closed the door behind him. 
"Shhh! You will not believe what is happening downstairs!" Chan hissed. 
You raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"
"We were all in the drawing room- and suddenly Viscount Hong and Father went into Father's study alone. Even Jihoon and Seokmin agreed that it was extremely strange for them to go off alone so I snuck into the study to listen in on their conversation and-"
"Chan!" you scolded him. "You cannot be eavesdropping on Father's-"
"You may scold me later! Only listen for now- Viscount Hong has asked father for permission to offer for your hand!" Chan whisper-yelled. 
You froze. 
"Sorry, my what?" you asked. 
"Your hand," Chan repeated. "In marriage?" he added unhelpfully. 
Your face felt hot. "Don't be foolish. You must have misunderstood their conversation. Viscount Hong would certainly marry a woman more suited to his station. To even suggest otherwise is nonsense-"
Chan looked angry. "I know what I heard, sister! He clearly said 'I seek your blessing to offer for your daughter's hand'- and surely, he is not intending to marry Lily!"
"He is not intending to marry me either-"
There was another sharp knock on your door and both you and Chan jumped, startled. You opened it to find a maid standing outside and she greeted you with a bow. 
"Miss Lee- your father has requested you to come downstairs to his study."
You went downstairs in a mixture of disbelief and anxiety. It was impossible that Viscount Joshua Hong had made an offer for your hand- Chan meant well but he was hardly the most brilliant young boy of his age. He had clearly misunderstood something. 
You entered your father's study anxiously. 
Mr. Lee stood from his desk. Joshua was seated quietly on a chair across from it- his expression was unreadable. 
"Ah-daughter. Here you are. I believe the Viscount has something to say to you. I am afraid I left my pipe in the drawing room so I shall return to it. You may both converse here in my study."
And your father briskly left the room, closing the study door behind him and leaving you entirely alone with Viscount Hong. 
Oh no. 
Oh no. 
"Miss Lee?" Viscount Hong asked you gently as you stared frozen at the now closed study door. He stood and stepped closer to you. "Would you like to take a seat?"
You turned to face him sharply. 
"What is the meaning of this?" you demanded. 
Viscount Hong gave you a small smile. He seemed a little surprised by your sharp reaction but reached for your bare hand- you were not wearing gloves so his soft fingers glided over your knuckles- and gently drew you closer to himself. 
"Miss Lee. I suppose the present circumstances make my object in speaking to you here quite evident, but I will still pose the question to you," Joshua said slowly. His hand pressed yours. "Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"
You felt faint. You could not make sense of what was happening. 
"But-but…" you stuttered awkwardly. "But why?"
Joshua looked taken aback. 
"Why?" he repeated. 
"Why would you want to marry me?" you cried.
Joshua let out a small, bewildered laugh. Your question seemed to amuse him. "Well- for the very reasons that any man would want to marry a woman, I suppose. For love! Should I perhaps have started with that instead of directly jumping to marriage?"
"Yes-I mean no-, I mean…" you trailed off and pulled your hand out of his grasp before moving to learn against the study table. "Oh my god, I feel rather faint."
Joshua followed you, concerned. 
"Do you need help-"
"I am fine," you brushed him off. Your heart was beating at an unnaturally fast rate and you worried that it might suddenly explode in your chest. "I just… I don't really know what to say…"
Joshua took a step back from you warily. 
"Am I to understand from your reaction," he began slowly and carefully, "that my affections are unwelcome?"
"No, not… not unwelcome, exactly, more shocking," you replied hastily. You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down and digest this strange situation that you had suddenly been thrust into. "Viscount Hong, do you expect me to believe that out of all the beautiful, talented and rich young ladies of the ton, you are in love with me?"
The Viscount slowly kneeled in front of you and took your hand into his once more, with a soft smile. 
"I thought you would have noticed my affections. Perhaps I concealed them better than I imagined. I believed that my admiration for you was quite evident," Joshua said quietly. 
"Clearly it was not," you told him firmly. "I have it on quite good authority that there is a running bet in the assembly rooms regarding which young lady the eligible Viscount Hong will propose to by the end of the season, and I can tell you with absolute confidence that not a single person has put their money on me! Even Seokmin has placed his bet on the Duchess of Graham!"
Joshua took a deep breath and nodded. 
"I see my mistake."
"Do you?" you asked weakly. 
"Yes," Joshua replied simply. He stood up and stepped back from you. "I thought it was prudent to be a little more… guarded about displaying my affections for you in public but I see now that I should not have held back so much. You did not even realise you were being courted."
You stared at him. "I… I do not think anyone realised, Viscount Hong."
Joshua's cheeks flushed pink. "Yes- well. Allow me to remedy my mistake. I will retract my offer for your hand for the moment, Miss Lee, as I see now that I have been hasty. And instead, I seek permission to enter into a formal courtship with you."
"I will court you for one month before I will ask you once again to marry me," Joshua continued. "And if by then you still do not believe my affections for you are true, I will accept your rejection as gracefully as I can."
You still could not believe it. The image- the thought of yourself marrying Viscount Joshua Hong simply would not manifest completely in your mind. Even when you closed your eyes for a brief moment and tried to picture Viscount Hong at the altar, you still saw him with women more suited to his station- the Duchess of Graham, Miss Jeon, Miss Williams…
"Do you really love me?" you asked him weakly. You hated how exposed and vulnerable you felt in this moment, looking up at this man that was better than you in every conceivable way. "Me? Out of all the more eligible young ladies in the ton… you are quite sure you wish to marry me?"
Joshua stepped forward and seized your hand before bringing it up to his lips. His fingers pressed softly but firmly against your knuckles. 
"I am sorry," he told you kindly, his dark eyes shining in the dimly lit study. "If I  have made you feel unworthy."
You swallowed. "It is not… it is not that you have made me feel unworthy, only-"
"Yes. I wish to marry you, and only you, Miss Lee. By the end of this month, I shall ensure that you will never again question my love or commitment towards you."
He turned and left your study. 
And so began, on a warm June night, your courtship with Viscount Joshua Hong- the most elite and sought-after bachelor in London.
A/N: As always, thanks for reading and feel free to share your thoughts or inputs!
Since Wonwoo and Joshua were neck-and-neck on the poll as of the time of me posting this, I've decided to go ahead with Joshua since his is shorter/simpler and we'll be doing Wonwoo next.
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celestialtarot11 · 9 months
Details About Your Wedding 💖🥂
• Hi friends! 🌹✨ Welcome to another PAC where you can find out the details of your wedding! I’m so excited to have put this together for ya’ll. I’m also loving the editing 👀💗 gotta give myself credit 🤣 but anyway, do enjoy! 🤍 likes comment and reblogs are appreciated.
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Pile 1: Seven of pentacles • Knight of cups • Divine wisdom
Right away I see a beautiful wedding, something outdoorsy. With lots of flowers, pink and white specifically! I see a white arch with gold, and round tables in a sunny setting ✨ such a beautiful nature themed wedding. I heard around 100 guests, or a little over! Some of you may have small families, so the wedding is not massive. I’m seeing a court date wedding too, so some of ya’ll may not like to go big and that’s okay! I see a bride coming forward abundantly and reassured 🤍 she has such a loving and caring spirit. You don’t have to be female for this to resonate at all! I just see someone as the bride coming in with an abundant spirit. Wherever the bride goes, abundance flows 🌟 I see guests crying as well, so definitely people will be happy for you and your marriage. A well rounded partner is what I heard too, someone who works hard and is diligent, and noble 🥂✨ someone who takes care of their image, but does not let their image get in the way of love. I see a sudden windfall of money for the bride just before the wedding, so some of you may receive a huge dowry! Or have a bonus sent to you. The groom is emotional, as he waits for the bride and looks at the bride sweetly 💗 and when she comes to the arch, he holds her hands and smiles at her. Tears are in his eyes as he imagined the day over and over, and now it’s happening. Aww. Such a sweet, caring and passionate partner you guys will be with! They may have larger hands is what spirit is sneaking in 🤣 the bride and groom put the rings on, and everyone parties! Overall it’s not chaotic, it’s a sweet and simple wedding 🤍🥂 congrats to you for the future! Thank you pile 1, if you’d love to support this blog its greatly appreciated! 
Pile 2: Page of wands • 10 of pentacles rev. • 5 of swords
Don’t worry pile 2’s! We’ll explain what’s going on 🤣💖 A very passionate, bold and wild spirit represents your groom. They are attracted to you in what they see, and spiritually there already is a connection. Wands are spiritual in nature! It’s possible things before getting married were difficult, and stressful in regard to the future. Especially when it comes to finances. So maybe one or both of you struggled to have such a big wedding, or wanted that dream, and had to compromise for the budget. Both of you are excited and nervous because of wedding 🤍 but I see the worries won’t last long as the event carries on and everyone enjoys the day. I think there is worry that either you, or the groom won’t be accepted by the in laws. But they end up supporting the wedding, and showing up 💗 commitment is important between you two no matter what circumstances you face, I see that’s a strong message. And after you two marry, within a week or two, I heard a new beginning will unfold. This could be in terms of jobs, one or both of you will find stable jobs and grow financially to support the relationship in the future. But anyway! To the wedding. The bride is enigmatic and a show stopper 😍 catching everyone’s attention. Maybe the bride has a surprise dance planned! A very bold, and powerful dance. I’m seeing with a few other dancers and the theme is black, and I’m hearing Partition by Beyoncé. Wow, so some of ya’ll really want to show your partner what they’re getting for life alright 🤣 it’s a bit of a tease for your partner, and yet not too vulgar for the audience. Your partner will be amazed, stunned, too stunned to speak is what I heard. And absolutely attracted. The passion you two share explodes that night 🥂✨ thank you pile 2’s! I hope you liked this and please support the blog 🤍 it’s always appreciated!
Pile 3: Seven of swords • Three of swords • 4 of wands
Pile 3, welcome! 🤍🥂 lets talk about what we have going on here. For the wedding I am seeing a very expensive and elegant wedding. Chandeliers, large pieces hanging down, huge ballroom space, crystal table pieces as well. Almost like Swarovski is what I want to say. Lots of effort went into this wedding and dedication, I’m seeing many planners working to decorate the space. Red and white roses decorating the walk ways, arches, and all around as a theme. Even outside it’s beautiful and gorgeous for the wedding. Very neat with the flowers and gorgeous! Some of ya’ll may be Arab too. You know how they like their roses 🤣 anyway! There is a lot of anxiety and stress surrounding the wedding, one because of preparation, two because it’s the wedding, and three both of you are afraid something may go wrong. Now I don’t know why, but it’s understandable to feel stressed that day. The 4 of wands is literally the ultimate marriage card to get! So I believe both of you truly want this, and are truly excited. Both of you are spiritually harmonizing and unionizing as well in this wedding. Your spirits agree with one another. I think there is anxiety about what people will think, or if people will like the venue is what I heard. And if family will support the marriage. Which is all understandable. I see when the bride walks in she is absolutely stunning and classy. Updo, neutral makeup, but captures her facial structure perfectly 😍 I also heard Albanian! So maybe you or another is Albanian or Arab. When she walks in there is a strong presence from her, yet so gentle. Grandparents are crying from what I see, and the groom is absolutely amazed. He is strong, and has a resilient heart. When he holds your hand he walks in faith with you. You don’t have to question his motives is what I heard. Absolutely beautiful pile 3! He is confident he wants this, and you do too. Beautiful ✨🤗 thank you pile 3! Please like comment and reblog, its always appreciated 🥹💖 thank you so much!
Paid Readings 🤍🥂
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thebluemallet · 2 months
My Favorite Portia Featherington Moments
Throughout all three seasons of Bridgerton, Portia Featherington has been a complicated character. On the surface, she's completely unlikeable. She treats Penelope poorly. Her fashion sense is excessively gaudy. And she seems either unaware or willfully ignorant of the social faux pas she makes from day to day.
But she is also a survivor who was dealt a shit hand in life with her useless husband. And she did what she had to do to ensure the safety and well-being of her daughters in desperate times. So here are a few of my favorite Portia moments.
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10- Showing Marina What Her Future Holds
When Portia finds out that Marina is pregnant, her first instinct is to protect her girls and her family's reputation. She wants to send Marina away and back to the country but she can't because of her useless husband's dealings. George hasn't answered Marina's letter telling him about her condition. Without knowing that George's fate has already been sealed, Marina's insistence that George will come for her seems naive--especially to Portia.
When Marina refuses to even entertain the idea of being married off quickly to an older man in need of an heir who won't ask too many questions, Portia, like the Ghost of Christmas Future, shows Marina what her life will be if she continues to hold out for George.
It's a much-needed wake-up call but it does not work on Marina. The forged letter may have seemed cruel at the time, but if I were in Portia's shoes, I would have assumed the worst of George, too.
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9- Confronting Her Husband
When Lord Featherington puts a premature end to the courtship between Albion Finch and his middle daughter Philippa, Portia is outraged. A man has taken an interest in one of their daughters, seems besotted with her, and wants to marry her. What possible objections could there be?
When she tries to press him for answers in public, Lord Featherington uses his position as a man and a husband to silence her. But when Portia uncovers that he has gambled away all of their money--including their daughters' dowries--her husband is revealed for the sniveling coward that he is. Outside of the eyes of society, he is a weak man who can't curtail his vices even for the well-being and future of his family.
They may not like each other, but even Portia wasn't expecting this level of betrayal from her husband.
Cry those crocodile tears, Archibald! I don't feel sorry for you whatsoever. I'm Team Portia on this one.
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8- "You find things to love, my dear."
Even a blind man could tell that Portia and Archibald were not a love match. She married him for security and he failed to even provide that. But she managed to find silver linings in the many clouds of her marriage.
Her talk with Marina in the final episode of season 1 gives the audience more insight into the kind of woman Portia is and how strong she had to be to endure her marriage with her late husband for so long. It's the kindest and most motherly we've seen her be all season. And her talk gives Marina the final push she needs to do what needs to be done to protect her babies.
Portia, as we'll see, is better off without her deadbeat husband. She has more strength than she gave herself credit for in this scene. And she has the three best things her husband gave her by her side.
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7- "I am a MOTHER."
After the death of Archibald, the Featherington women are in financial stasis until the new Lord Featherington finally shows up. When Cousin Jack finally arrives some things are starting to look up. But he is making some questionable decisions right off the bat.
Portia is, once again, at the mercy of a Featherington man who makes piss-poor financial decisions when Cousin Jack comes into the picture.
She navigates the situation as best as she can, even getting into his fraudulent gemstone scheme when she's backed into a corner with no way out. Desperate times, desperate measures.
After Colin uncovers the scheme and Cousin Jack proposes not only running away from the country, but even leaving Prudence and Penelope behind and sending for them later, Portia has had enough. If you think this woman would ever seriously consider abandoning her daughters to save her own skin, then you don't know her at all.
Portia doesn't always make the right decisions. Portia doesn't always say the right things. Portia is far from a perfect mother. But she'll ALWAYS choose her daughters over mediocre men who only care for themselves, and for that, I'll love her forever for showing Cousin Jack the door.
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6- Sex-Ed With Philippa and Prudence
The moment Philippa said that she and Albion were "very passionate" I KNEW that we were in for some comedic gold.
And I was RIGHT.
At first, Portia thinks her biggest problem with the Featherington Heir Race is Prudence. But at least she can relate to Prudence's problem of not enjoying the marital act. Poor Portia's not even aware that it can be enjoyable for both parties.
But to her horror, BOTH of her married daughters are the problem. Prudence isn't having sex because she doesn't like it and Philippa isn't having sex because she has no idea what it is.
You can see the wheels turning in both Prudence's and Portia's heads when Philippa asks that infamous question.
If Lady Featherington went home that night and screamed into her pillows, I wouldn't blame her.
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5- Chaperoning Polin
Portia's finally realized that she's been a little lax with chaperoning Penelope over the years. No matter, she'll make up for it now and chaperone her daughter when her fiancee comes for a visit!
Colin and Penelope are just not used to having a chaperone and they have no idea how to conduct themselves with one in the room. Colin looks downright annoyed every time he sees Portia out of the corner of his eye. Penelope's staring at his lips the whole time and probably wants Colin to compromise her again right there on the window seat.
But the real comedy of this scene is knowing that Penelope is already pregnant. So the chaperoning was too little, too late.
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4- Finally Bonding With Violet
For most of the series, Portia and Violet have gotten along like oil and water. They're not great friends like Penelope, Colin, and Eloise. They don't hang out at social events. Portia is envious of the Bridgertons and their social clout. Violet barely tolerates Portia on a good day. And as much as Violet loves Penelope, you can tell in 3x05 and 3x06 that she's not looking forward to having Portia as an in-law.
But when Colin and Penelope are on the outs just before their wedding, the two mothers have finally found some common ground.
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3- Handling Lady Whistledown
I was not expecting Cressida to actually tell Portia that Penelope was Lady Whistledown. I thought she'd make a vague comment that Penelope would have to play off as nothing and then she would work with Colin and Eloise to overcome the Cressida threat.
But no, Cressida really tells Portia.
The threat of Cressida's blackmail hanging over her daughter's head and what this could mean for the Polin marriage is enough for Portia's protective mother instincts to kick in and she teams up with Colin and Eloise to find a solution and protect Penelope.
And she gets extra brownie points from me because one of her first reactions to learning about Whistledown is to point out that Penelope was the one to write horrible things about herself. ("The things you wrote! About your family! About yourself!")
Yes, Portia's angry about Penelope's secret and what she's done as Whistledown, but she puts that anger on the back burner for a short time while she tries to navigate her family through their latest crisis. To paraphrase what she said to Cousin Jack at the end of last season: she and Penelope are on the same team.
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2- Portia and Penelope Finally Talk
Portia might have put her anger to the side when she found out about Whistledown, but it returns when Penelope finds out that Portia kept the money Cousin Jack had embezzled from the ton.
Portia and Penelope finally have it out and mother and daughter realize that they are more alike than they had previously realized or were even willing to admit.
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1- Portia as a Grandmother
Portia started out the season anxious that none of her daughters would have a son and secure their family's future. By the end of the season, she's a grandmother to two granddaughters and one grandson--the new Lord Featherington. Her family's future is finally secure at last.
Now that she has her grandchildren, Portia will finally be able to relax a little. It must have been hard being in survival mode for so long. Now she can enjoy her life and watch all three of her daughters have marriages filled with love and happiness.
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vacantgodling · 5 months
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a guide to: hyacinthus shrapnel
thank you to anyone who's expressed interest in my favorite asshole man--at some point i'll do this for more ocs, but i am not immune to favoritism. gently tagging those who i think would wanna see this:
@henrike-does-writing-sometimes @outpost51 @void-botanist @jezifster @mjjune @sergeantnarwhalwrites @ink-flavored @astral-runic @calicohyde @kk7-rbs @foxys-fantasy-tales @inadequatecowboy @sarahlizziewrites @multi-lefaiye
transposed under the cut!
SLIDE 1: A GUIDE TO HYACINTHUS SHRAPNEL -- the meanest, prettiest, and most emotionally constipated man ever. by @vacantgodling, yours truly
FULL NAME: HYACINTHUS SHRAPNEL (nicknames: HYA (by amon), CINTHY (by aloe, lovingly, and tagetes, degradingly), CINTH (by narci))
AGE: 31
BIRTHDAY: he hates talking about his birthday, so you won’t get the exact date. just know that it falls during the galerian form of “christmas” which is the two weeks of may 12th — may 24th. its somewhere in there :)
the galerian equivalent to our nonbinary; an entirely separate gender denomination that blurs the line between masculine and feminine; encompassing everything inbetween, nothing at all, or outside of a binary frame altogether. its considered a ‘third gender’ by the galerian people, and has been observed in galerian history for centuries. old galerian even features multiple pronoun sets, but they have been lost in the modern age. nowadays, those who present as troibemme usually use “they” “he” or “she” but this does not negate their troibemme status. gender =/= pronouns etc.
husband and wife refer to the specific social hierarchy in galere. “wife” and “husband” respectively refer to the role of being a breadwinner and connection maker (husband) versus the manager of the house and finances (wife). wives do occasionally lead the way in organizing at home balls. child rearing (in upper society) is usually left to maids and nanny’s—not a responsibility of either parent. traditionalists believe wives should take on this task as children are part of the “home”, but in actual valerian society children are usually pawned off. all of the gunn clan, sans aloe (as he is part of the clergy) are wives.
a family tree that showcases the main gunn family tree. lonicera gunn and clematis gunn are crossed out because they are deceased. they were wed first and had 3 children, tagetes gunn de beneaux (40, they/them), iberis winch (36, he/him) and narcissus spokes (33, she/her). while it is not indicated by the chart, clematis had a relationship with moxie shrapnel in lonicera's twilight years, giving birth to hyacinthus shrapnel (31, he/him) and his name is in bold lettering. then, clematis finally married belladonna anvil (who hyphenated her name to anvil-gunn) and had 2 children, lavendula caldern (28, she/her) and aloe anvil-gunn (24, he/him).
SOCIAL STATUS: aside from a wife, hya is also a BASTARD. this is not a well kept secret.
bastards, as per the definition, are illegitimate heirs. hyacinthus is the 4th child of the dodgy businessman, CLEMATIS GUNN, who had an affair with a prostitute, MOXIE SHRAPNEL (where hya gets his surname), during his first wife’s decline in health. 
bastards have no claim to family fortunes, so when clematis passed, hya would’ve been shit out of luck if he wasn’t essentially adopted by tagetes. hya has also never met his mother to his own knowledge as she fled the situation when clematis started getting more abusive.
in order to marry the keeper, tagetes had birth certificates forged. whether or not the keeper knows of this deceit is questionable; but the large dowry tagetes paid to facilitate the marriage has seemed to placate them enough not to question it.
MISC LIKES: coffee (misted ivory geisha is his favorite in universe blend—its imported from the northeast country i have yet to name), fashion (dresses, shoulder pads, and embroidery are his favorite things), gold & white (for jewelry, dress, and aesthetically), MONEY (he’s extremely materialistic), reading & literature (he’s very critical however—in a modern au he would probably be a pretty well renowned critic).
in general however, hya is easily annoyed.
SLIDE 5: what annoys hya, you may ask? FUCKING EVERYTHING. thank you for being polite because he's not :D
HEIGHT: 5’11” (~180cm)
EYE COLOR: dark brown
HAIR COLOR: black, with hime bangs (square bangs in the front with short, square cut side bangs that frame the face and chin), and long hair that reaches to his mid back.
BUILD: broad, girthy👀, and imposing. when he finds time to work out is a mystery to most, but his physique shows he clearly does.
there are 2 photos of hyacinthus to display his looks; a broad shouldered, dark brown skinned man with fox-shaped and narrow eyes, multiple piercings (nose, ears, and lip), and two beauty marks under his left eye. he is wearing an intricate white and gold outfit in the picture on the right. in the one on the left he is wearing an intricate white and gold choker. there are 2 thought bubbles over each. one says "RBF STRONG AF". the other says "even though hya is so well manicured he hates showers bc #childhoodtrauma. he does take baths though!"
SLIDE 7: everything on hya glitters like gold -> here’s a map of hya’s piercings and notable features
the picture shows various arrows pointing to hyacinthus (who has his mouth open to reveal that his canine teeth on his upper row of teeth have been replaced by sharp, solid gold). they point to his beauty marks, canines, and various piercings.
as an aside, hya didn’t have friends growing up because he literally wasn’t allowed to leave the estate his father trapped him in until he was 19… and that was bc his dad died and tagetes ‘adopted’ him.
TAGETES ⟶ despite the fact that tagetes basically raised hya, the two of them hardly see eye to eye. tagetes views, treats, and exploits hya (as they do everyone) as a means to their end goals—though what those goals are is anyone’s guess. hya doesn’t trust tagetes as far as he could throw them. yet, at the same time, they have a strange sense of obligation and “care” (if it can be called that) towards one another. tagetes was definitely the main influence into why hya is Like That.
ALOE ⟶ since aloe turned 10 and learned that he had an older brother whom he hadn’t met yet, he began to try and write letters getting to know hya. despite being generally brash, crass, and a pain in the ass, hya really cherishes aloe’s letters and companionship, and they actually meet for the first time in person during the events of paramour. 
AMON ⟶ y’all knew it was coming. i feel like i don’t even have to explain this one they are obsessed with each other in the most toxic of ways lmao. amon infuriates hya down to a molecular level, yet he is also the only man—only person—hya has ever been attracted to. (and he will not EVER admit that)
… Narcissus ⟶ she annoys him and he can’t understand why she’s so obsessed with trying to ‘fit in’ with other people. also he wished she wouldn’t try to talk his ear off every time she saw him.
… Iberis ⟶ he literally doesn’t have one. the two of them avoid each other like the plague.
… Lavendula ⟶ avoids her like the plague if he can help it, but she actually looks up to him in a way, especially based on the things aloe has told her about him. they aren’t close and don’t really speak until her book but that’s a whole other thing.
… Clematis ⟶ #daddyissues. hates the man’s guts and is glad he’s dead.
… Lonicera ⟶ she died before he was born, but even if she lived, he would’ve never met her regardless. no opinion.
… Moxie ⟶ he’s never met his mother to his knowledge, so he has no opinion of her. she loves him very much and there’s more to that story that we won’t hear about until empire (tagetes’s book)
… Belladonna ⟶ the loathing is mutual
… Erecia ⟶ he doesn’t gain an opinion of her until lavendula’s book, and even then it’s mostly just “that’s amon’s friend” territory
… Viola, Barbatus, & Rumex ⟶ he’s not good with kids so he tries not to interact if he can avoid it
… Helianthus ⟶ finds him EXTREMELY obnoxious
… Terian ⟶ no opinion, they’ve never met.
… Miss Shanin ⟶ she’s always in his way and he’s generally annoyed by and suspicious of her
… Vira, Tamhas, Asahel ⟶ no opinion at all. they’re just servants.
… The Keeper & The Bishop ⟶ finds them genuinely disturbing. distrusts them HEAVILY.
alcoholic drink: white russian
food: steak bechamel
colors: white & gold
flower: yellow hyacinths
animal: leopard
zodiac: taurus
tarot: six of swords
song: lyin’ to myself — todrick hall
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lizzaneia-elizalde · 7 months
Hi, Goodmorning/night! how has your day been? :3 i hope it went well!
If its okay, can I request mermaid reader (preferably fem), dropping some stuff down to Viper? It can be small jewelry she doesn't quite like or anything REALLY shiny — because she thinks sending him stuff would make him less interested in her and more on the stuff she drops. Basically her doing an offering and praying Viper would take the items instead of her
Always rest! And can I be "🦪" Anon? Im mostly a huge fan of Viper and Damon, so i might ask a lot about them! Again always rest and take care of yourself!!
Yandere! Male! Deep sea creature x mermaid! Fem! Reader: Viper route 1
That's so cute! Okay cuz I think Viper has like some similarities to Orion. He's also a collector! So I just let my hands flow and see where it takes me. Also, welcome 🦪anon! It's so nice to have more familiar faces here!
Also a bit sick, so I'll probably slow down a bit till i'm healed. Sore throat plus a runny nose, plus A FEVER WHAT LIKE LET ME BREATH????
Writing puts my mind at rest from being sick anyways...
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You pursed your lips and looked down at the void below the trenches.
It's been quite a while since you escaped Viper's grasp, and Viper has continued to try and fail to seduce you back to him with that dang light of his.
You're a curious fish, but not that curious.
You're even deliberating on moving out of the trenches and back to civilization again, but something's telling you to don't do it.
Deciding on taking your mind off of the deep sea merman, you dedicated your time in talking to Orion and knowing more about human technology. He's happy to oblige too, anyways.
But you can't help but glance back at the deep, dark void down below, telling you, whispering that you belong there.
Surely you don't.
You're a creature of light, someone who enjoys the sunrays reflecting on the blue, tranquil sea. Someone who loves looking at the boats passing by, cleaning up trash, finding little treasures that you stock up and design your little pod inside the trenches...
You're satisfied...
Are you?
You can't help but remember how cold yet warm the darkness was. How Viper coiled his long tail around yours, his body heat enveloping yours. You can still feel against your back, your skin, the way his torso pressed against yours flush and fit. Significantly stronger, can kill you with one bite and yet...
You shook your head as you shivered away the daydream. No. No no no!
Slapping your face, you grabbed your bag and zoomed back to the trenches to start your little... Littering.
You've been sprinkling these little gems, trinkets, and jewels down below to him. Sure, you might need them as it's currency, but you're self sufficient enough with a farm and an aquatic ranch. You rarely even go to civilization anymore to really use these.
So, as valuable as these treasures are, and would literally make you rich, you decided to dump them on Viper.
Sweet, little naive you thinks that this counts as littering. You really didn't want to throw down actual trash-- you're environmentally friendly, you don't want to do that. And Viper is still a merfolk despite how um, scary he is. Hope he sees it as a bribe too. Who knows? Maybe he'll leave you alone if you make him rich enough?
But then again, you're sweet, you're little...
And you're naive.
Didn't you really thought that this practice looks like you're giving him gifts?
No, a wedding gift specifically?
He did propose to you to be his mate, his eternal partner.
And you're doing this?
Oh, little one. You're too cute! Acting all shy and bashful-- you're so upfront at wanting to marry him by giving him what's equal to a dowry!
Viper collects them meticulously. Putting them in a giant pit that's slowly but surely making him richer by the second.
Should you and him move out of the trenches and back to civilization with this money? With all of these riches, both of you are basically at the upper crust now.
Then, he'll show to those pesky upperdwellers that one of them is his, and only his.
He'll show them how he owns you, loves you, and will have a family just to piss them off.
Oh, how it makes him shiver just thinking about it.
So yes, continue giving him the dowry, little one.
Sooner or later, he'll snatch you up and drag you back down to the abyss,
and live happily ever after.
That's what you wanted, right?
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abridgerton · 1 year
My Duty, My Honor {Reader x Anthony}
Part 1/?
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Word Count: 1.5k+
Triggers: Kissing, suggestive talk, forced marriage
Summary: Lily Wickham was caught with Anthony in a secret rondevouz in the garden, leaving her and the rakinsh Viscount no choice but to get married - even if she detests him.
A/N: Hello! I adore writing for Anthony, and I particularly like where this story is going - so please, if you enjoy reading this, please let me know that it would be worth writing a part two!
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~ Sometimes, when I close my eyes I can imagine myself in a world where I am free; someplace where I am not bound to my duty or my family. To love freely with whom I choose - to find happiness in my other half. Oh, I long for the day I find romance and acceptance; for the first time in my life I shall know joy ~
My hopeful dreams of a love match have disappeared entirely as of last night. The Viscount Bridgerton asked for my hand in marriage two twilights ago, and upon the insistence of my mother, I accepted.
When I was a young girl I entertained myself with fantasies of my prince charming - a gallant man who would sweep me off my feet and carry me into the sunset; a man who was decorated with manners and grace, a man who I would be proud to father my children. Viscount Bridgerton is far from what I had in mind. Perhaps my disdain for him stems from the wild cowlick hair that stands up off the back of his head, or that annoying purr in his voice when he speaks.
"Lydia," he panted in agony, "we should not be here..." His shimmering green eyes momentarially connected with mine, as he ran his devilishly dark irises along the length of my body - up and down before landing on my lips, and planting a soft kiss. I have never known such bliss, or such rebellion. Something about the impertinence made him so .. exciting. Anthony was the forbidden fruit, and I could not help but take a bite.
"Something about his arrogant countenance displeases me," I thought as I sat near the foot of my bed, staring at the gold trimmed white wall in front of me. To my right, on the nearby wall sat my families tapistry, woven from the finest gold, green, and red threads my ancient family could source. It displayed my families crest - an ornate display of leopards and snakes intertwining a large shield engraved with the family name, Wickham.
This tapestry was purposefully placed in my chambers as a permanent reminder of my duty to the family. No matter the circumstance, it is my duty to populate my family line - and I must do so by marrying well. As far as Viscount Bridgerton goes, he is head of the wealthiest estate in the county. Though I disapprove of him, I cannot deny the advantages of giving him my hand - a sizeable dowry for my future daughters, a place in society, an esate to own; oh, this life would be any womans dream.
Sometimes , late at night when I'm alone , I envision myself as Viscountess and head woman of the Bridgerton house; I will not jest, the idea of such prestige is a pleasant one. The union would bring me a new wardrobe, fine carriages, and luxury beyond anything I have ever known.
Marriage to this rakish man is my one chance of living in such splendor. Why must it he him that I marry? Why could Colin have not been first born? Or Benedict? Why Anthony?
I would rather resign my life away to an artist or a nomad than a man of such disgusting hubris. Nonetheless, I am the first born daughter of my family, and thus I must secure my position. After all, I will be the one responsible for paying their dowries and assimilating them into society.
What a terrible burden.
"Madam?" My ladies maid loudly called out from behind my chamber room door, "it is time to be dressed."
"Already?" panic resounded through my head, "I'm not ready..."
Despite my internal doubts, I beckoned my ladies maid to join me. As she entered the room, I noticed an emerald green silk gown with silver embellishments sprawled across her arms. I had never seen this gown before, a genuine suprise to me.
"Where did you get this?" I asked the ladies maid in an accusatory tone.
She waited to respond, continuing to lay the wrinkles out on the dress - but after a few beats she met my eyes for a moment, "It was picked up today from the modiste," she answered in a flat tone, "I'm told it was a rush order."
This response was shocking at first, for I did not know my mother was already arranging my marriage wardrobe. It is true - the Viscount and I had a whirlwind romance; it had not even been two weeks after we met that we were declared to be married. It had all happened so quickly that night in the garden ...
I remember the way his fair skin shone in the ambient starlight - his radience illuminating the vines around the garden wall - and the way the flowers around us smelled after the fresh rain that evening. He bewitched me with just one flash of that charming smile, just one glance with him was enough to break down my walls and give myself to him. "You are utterly breathtaking," he whispered into my ear, the heat of his breath warming the full of my lips, "I cannot control myself ..." Even the memory was intoxicating - ruining my head all over again.
It was only a kiss. Just one.
Thats all it took.
Now I will be Viscountess Bridgerton - what a terrifying thought.
I wish so terribly that Mrs. Featherington had not been out for a promenade that night. I wish we would have chosen the library, or the closet, or anywhere more discreet ... but the garden? What were we, animals?
My daydreaming was swiftly interrupted once again by a hughty womans voice, "Ma'am" my maid beckoned, "we really must begin.."
I loudly huffed, forced to remember that my time is never truly my own. "Right," I replied, "we must be going soon." She nodded with me in agreement.
With a heavy sigh, I positioned myself in front of my bed post, and grabbed hold-
"Breathe out!" my maid shouted, "Suck in!" she barked, and I did as I was told. She pulled the laces tighter, and tighter around my chest until I was sure my ribs would snap. What would society say then? Would they say I was unfit to marry due to injury? Perhaps I could befall some tradgedy, so I may spare Anthony and I the impending disaster of this match ...
-she began to work on my hair. I watched as she pinned my long stands of platinum blonde hair into an updo upon the crown of my head. She separated thin locks of my hair into tight spirals, exposing the back of my neck and freeing my shoulders from the weight of my hair. As I looked at myself in the mirror, I could see the uncertainty written across my features as plain as day. What if he changed his mind and left me jilted? What if we truly were miserable together? Would I be able to love him?
Ouch! I gasped as my maid mistakingly nicked my scalp with a starp hairpin. She immediately recoiled and appologized, "Oh, I'm so sorry! I did not mean to be so careless-"
I met her eyes in the mirror and cut her off, "It's fine, Mary," I let out a small exhale and looked down at the wooden floor below by vanity, "just continue, please." Mary nodded and swifty began pinning my hair again.
I hate the fuss and the frills and the dancing that is expected of a lady. Its all so ... dramatic! Why should I be forced to ready myself for hours to be considered presentable to society? Why should I not be given the privilege of skipping out on events of the ton like my brothers?
As much as these questions bothered me, I could not focus on them for too long. Mary had finished my hair and powder, which meant I was officially ready to be transported. Mary placed her hand gently on my right shoulder - just next to the lace trimming of my dress, and spoke, "M'lady, its time." I rose from my chair with a grim expression and began straigntening out the front of my dress.
I could not let the Viscount see me in such a distressed state.
"One. Two. Three," I counted slowly, "inhale, exhale .."
"Okay," I said to Mary, "I think I'm ready."
She turned to me and smiled with her dark lips curled into a delicate smirk and her eyebrows tightly drawn. Perhaps she saw the desprate look on my face, or the small bead of sweat forming on my brow, because she felt the need to remind me of my duty.
"You know what you must do," Mary whispered as she grabbed my hands, "you know what must be done."
Her words awoke something in me - something dutiful and ancient. Like my mother, and her mother, and back and back and back, I would marry well and secure my position for my future children.
Though these things were true, I might as well have been walking to the gallows. This was the end of my feedom; my secret horseback rides at dawn, lonesome walks into town, silent nights - these would all be stolen from me within the confines of marriage. My life would never be my own.
One stolen moment in the garden left me bound to a man I could not detest more. The heavens must be frowning upon be in this moment.
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webnovel-deluxe · 1 year
Isn't Being A Wicked Woman Much Better? Side Story Chapter 17
i also upload this chapter in my YT, feel free to read there to support my effort, click👉Link
“I didn't expect you to get your diploma so soon.”
What a summer semester graduation!
The dean of the Academy's Faculty of Magic, my uncle, the Marquis of Wert, puts down his teacup and grinned.
He seems cold and cynical at first glance, but seeing the same face often, he knew he wasn't in a bad mood today.
“To be honest, the picture is strange for a single magician to teach the saint who saved the empire. ”
“But it is true that graduating too early according to the school rules… I thought the dean would be against it.”
“Do I not look so inflexible like your father?”
Addition adds more, but it doesn't look less.
I swallowed the hard words that came to my throat.
“Honestly, I didn't want to make an exception either, but I can't help it. Because of you, my work is almost paralyzed.”
“I’m going to see you, and even the graduates come to the undergraduate building from time to time, and I feel like I’m going to die.”
He shakes his head with a rather troubled face.
In fact, when the academy started, it was much more serious than it is now. The formula lectures I was giving were like taking a break.
“I respect you! Lady! Sign it!”
“Call my name just once!”
“Lady! Just say one word that you will pass your graduation thesis!”
“I feel like I will be able to pass the matriculation exam after receiving the saint from afar!”
There were people who didn't listen to lectures telling me to listen, and treated me as a totem of ups and downs.
'Of course, even if you only open your eyes wildly, you close your mouth right away.'
In the past, when I appeared, everyone was busy bowing their heads and politely giving way... .
‘I don’t really want to go back to the days of a villainess, but there were definitely things I was comfortable with.'
Still, it seems that some polarizing fans were in school, It seems that he was finally able to escape from the space called the school thanks to the trouble he made to the dean and president of the Academy.
The long compulsory education period, 5 years of undergraduate life, and hard work at the academy passed like a lantern.
“… It’s too long.”
While relieving, Marquis Berthe suddenly murmured.
“I thought you were good at teaching. If possible, I was thinking of making a teaching assistant. Because that's the fastest way to become a professor.”
'Hey, it's not too harsh, oh!'
With the creepy remark that he wanted to pamper me like a grad student, he casually pushed the cake in front of me. with a small box.
“This… .”
When I opened the box, it contained a rose-shaped brooch, and his scar trembled for a moment.
“When I see you, I think of Marien. She was the junior she wore. She was a good lecturer, so she was going to be a teaching assistant, but I don't think my younger brother would run away with her.”
Surely, not a love triangle, but a favorite graduate student No. 1?
Having written several chijeong novels in my head, I erased the questions that came to mind. Sometimes it's better to just leave it unaware.
“Your mother was a beautiful bride to match May. Marriage, congratulations.”
“Thank you, dean.”
“What dean when you get your diploma? Call me uncle.”
At the name that came out a little awkwardly, he smiled softly, incomparably with the previous one.
“I’ll see you at the wedding, Deborah.”
Upon hearing the news of Isidor's marriage, the Marquis of Jaba Slein hurried up to the capital with her family. It was to help her nephew's wedding preparations.
In the Empire, instead of the bride bringing the dowry, the groom prepared the wedding preparations, so Isidor would have a lot to worry about.
“Originally, this kind of preparation has to be led by an adult in the family… ”
In the mind of the Marquis, the childhood image of Isidore, who was like an angel from the past, was etched in her mind. Perhaps that's why his nephew, who had to carry out all the preparations alone, felt pity for him.
But after a while, instead of sticking her tongue out in pity, she sticks it out in exasperation.
To put it bluntly, perfectionism is a long one... … .'
He is a person with a reputation for being meticulous, but his nephew is a bit more sophisticated.
'I don't think there's a way to skip something.'
Isidor, who visited the wedding venue in advance, not only looked at the seating arrangement, but also the banquet room curtain decorations, candle holders, wine glasses, carpets, and even cutlery used by guests.
“This tableware is a trendy style?”
The vassal quickly responded to Isidor's point.
“Yes. There are a lot of nobles in the capital who prefer this kind of tableware these days, so I prepared it.”
“But it’s a formal place, but you don’t feel too heavy. Also, it’s not a flower pattern that suits the season, is it?”
“I will change it right now.”
The Marquis of Vaslein approached Isidor, watching closely the number placed on the tablecloth.
“May I give you a heartfelt message to the Duke of Visconti?”
Isidor, who had even taken off his gloves and checked the texture of the tablecloth, lifted his head at his aunt's call.
“Speak at ease, Auntie.”
“Yeah, don’t be shy. It would be a headache just to sort out the guest list, but if you look at every little thing like this, your nerves won't be left behind.”
“As soon as this place, which you rented for a dinner party, became known, the empire was turned upside down. If it had been this way, Seymour's first headmaster would have been satisfied.”
“The little things make the best quality. Visconti’s invitation.”
“… The invitation left such a saying?”
“Yes, I remember.”
Seeing his nephew, who said he was only following the laws of the Visconti, to stop nagging, the Duchess of Vaslain shook her head as if she couldn't do it.
“You really remember everything.”
“aunt also has a good memory. I want you to forget about my immature childhood... .”
She often glorified Isidore as a child. Little Isidor, with rosy cheeks, dazzling blonde hair, and big eyes, was as real as her face, like an angel who had just descended from the earth.
“Isidor, when have you been immature? You grew up too early for needlessly because of your rude father.”
“I did the exact opposite because my father didn’t like it, but I look like I’m mature.”
“… Well, on the other hand, he was a perfect guy to be a teacher.”
I say it lightly now, but what the former Visconti owner, Albert Visconti did, was beyond my imagination.
As the only son was a mess, the former family's affection for the genius grandson grew and the conflict between the father and son deepened.
'It was terrible... .'
As she recalled the past, her eyes fell deeply.
In the long past, the Visconti Castle was always noisy due to the clamor of Bardo Visconti, the former headmaster. Even the sound of the rough waves crashing into the Alea Strait could not sweep away his shouts of force.
“There are drug dealers in the castle. Albert, are you crazy!?”
“Ah, father… !”
“Aren’t you ashamed to look at Isidor!? While you marred Visconti's impeccable prestige and defiled the stature of a noble bloodline, your son has awakened the talent of a magic swordsman! whopping! At the age of eight when you hid in an underground warehouse and stole alcohol!”
When Bardo Visconti provoked Isidor, Albert Visconti, who was trembling, suddenly bubbled like a mad dog.
“father! Where the hell is my son?”
“I know it all. Isidore is actually my younger brother, so I'm wearing it like my own son, right?”
“this… this guy! What nonsense are you talking about now?”
“Also. If you are stabbed, you are revolting.”
Albert rubbed his eyes like a madman and teasing his tongue.
“Anyway, Olga, I’ll have to pull the girl’s hair out and let Chidogon go. I'm playing with my sister-in-law, how dare I take a sip of my behavior on the topic of an affair?! The person who will receive the huge alimony is me!! dare! Dirty bitch!”
Olga, a victim of an arranged marriage, was fed up with Albert's Visconti's chaos and divorced after giving birth to Isidor.
After the divorce, the news that she died of an illness had been heard five years ago, and Bardo Visconti could not overcome his anger and drew a decorative sword, seeing his son tarnishing the honor of the deceased.
“After hanging out with the backstreets, every time I open my mouth, the smell of stinking vibrates! I will rip off your tongue today.”
“Hey, hey!”
Albert, who drank too much and couldn't even use his sword properly, was frozen by the blood of his father, the sword master.
“You poor bastard! The spirit is not as strong as that of a ten-year-old Isidor. I don't know if you are really my son!”
Just as Bardo Visconti was fed up and was about to cut his tongue with a knife, Agat broke in and stopped them.
After staying in the Bar Slaine estate, she stopped by the Visconti Castle after a long time and had no choice but to become a flagship at the sight unfolding before her eyes.
“Agat, go away!”
“father! Isidor is watching!”
Why is it that the father slaps his brother so loudly at the place where the child sees it? Isn't it too harsh to show that young child the cruel sight of his grandfather cutting off Jea's tongue?
“Ugh! Huh”
“Albert, you just owe your sister a tongue.”
The sharp blade that had dug into his shabby lips slowly fell away.
“ugh… uh... ”
Blood cascades from Albert Visconti's long slit lips and chin.
“Isidor! Don't stand here and go to your room.“
“Agat, you are the older sister who only looks at that child too young. My grandchildren don't even blink an eye at this. He's a bold guy like a Visconti.”
Little Isidor, who was standing loudly beyond the chaotic door, thought as he watched his father's tears, runny noses, and blood.
it's dirty.
The thick bloody smell and the smell of man's dung pee mixed together, and his nasal passages throbbed. It was tens of times more disgusting than the smell from the barn.
When I met my father's hazy eyes, I suddenly felt an insect crawling all over my body. Goosebumps rose from the forearms and the nape of the neck.
No matter how many times I wiped and wiped, the unpleasant sensation never went away. Bardo Visconti sighed briefly as he watched Isidor wiping his hands all day with an expressionless face.
“You are truly a Visconti even in this respect.”
Most of the Visconti's who ran away had a chronic tuberculosis. So Bardo Visconti was rather happy to see the child's fingertips that had been split and had blood on them.
A natural perfectionist temperament, the talent of a magic swordsman, a superhuman memory, and even the habit of raking gold by any means. Even if it was called the reincarnation of the invitation, it was not strange.
Target is 20 Likes and i will upload the next chapter if you all complete the target.
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hetagrammy · 7 months
hi it’s me again, sorry, may I ask in the regency au how Arthur’s siblings reacted to the kids? Because 1-2 bastard children, understandable, things happen; at least he’s being responsible and taking care of them. But four?
Oh they were pissed when he came home with Ralph and Eleanor. Arthur left home either right before or shortly after Matthew had been sent to live with them. Unlike Alfred, who had been there since he was a baby, Matthew didn’t come to England until he was two and it was a BIG adjustment for him. This is a big reason why he’s slightly more attached to Alasdair as a father figure. So Arthur already has these two children at home, one of whom he really hasn’t met properly. And then he comes back with two more from halfway across the world.
Part of it is about the family’s reputation, because for someone who constantly claims to have the family in mind, Arthur isn’t giving them a good look. The only reason Arthur really does have a chance in society is because he has had such a good naval career and is admired for it. Typical Arthur hypocrisy, but he makes up for it and they can live with that.
The big part is that they could recognize Arthur was fucking up other people’s lives trying to outrun his own pain. Mothers of these children aside, their focus is on the kids themselves. Molly almost lost it on Arthur the first time one of his kids called her “mama,” because the circumstances of their births directly deprived them of that. Matthew’s whole situation is what pissed off Alasdair. Eleanor is the straw that breaks the camel’s back.
Boys are one thing. Bastard or not, they can learn a trade and become respectable in that sense. They can be independent. A girl does not have that luxury. Add on top of that Eleanor is not just a girl, but she’s also biracial. In having her, Arthur has damned her to a life with few prospects. Let’s not get it twisted, they love Eleanor to bits, but they are infuriated at Arthur for the lot he’s given her.
Arthur bringing them home culminated in a huge fight. We’re talking even Alwyn is visibly upset. By the point he got home he’d already started thinking about being a more present father, but they demanded it. Alwyn and Alasdair essentially sat him down and made him actually make plans for things like trusts for the boys and a dowry for Eleanor. Molly didn’t speak to him for a week. Seán kept finding excuses to get out of the house to be away from him.
However, the bright spot in all of this was that for the first time in a while, Arthur was actually home. And the only people excited for him to be there were his kids. Alfred adored Arthur already, and he was dragging a still cautious Matthew along with him. He’d already been at sea with the two younger children, and it was up to him to help Ralph adjust, because it wasn’t easy for him. He had the time to develop enough of a bond with his children that made him realize “Oh God, I actually have to be responsible.” As he realized this and started to take charge independently, things cooled down and a routine was settled into.
Now of course, within the next year he’s running off to fight in the Peninsular Wars. He doesn’t magically become a perfect father by any means. However, he agrees to stop taking such long tours at sea and sticks to European waters. He starts considering settling down, hence why he eventually gets engaged to Emma. He writes to his children more consistently when he is at sea and occasionally sends them things. He also starts whoring around less, and is more careful when he does. It just took him having a Come to Jesus moment with the rest of the family to actually get to that point. There’s still conflict there because he still does have these absences, but it hasn’t come to a head like it did when he first brought home Ralph and Eleanor.
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forgottenroderick · 3 months
OOC | Varmont Wedding Traditions
a complement to [ this ] post, here're some things that jumped out at me as things that feel varmont-esque????? lmk what you all think!!! (also i wanna announce that every single one of these is inspired by a real ancient thing!!!!!!!! there's sm being ready to fight in all this aklsdjfkjdsf you can check out more [ here ] as well as more in the links in the replies of the first linked post!)
def big church weddings feel like a thing!!! wedded beneath the looming view of the one god who watches all in sharp judgment!!!!
probs some big vigil thing in which you gotta like prostrate urself before the altar or smth
the ancient germanic tradition of 'stealing/rescuing' the bride from her father's family so they can 'run away' together and get married
the ancient norse tradition whereby the groom must break into the burial mound/mortuary/whatever of a forefather in order to steal an ancient ancestral sword. often this involves symbolically fighting off ghosts (played by your besties and brothers) who talk to you abt family history and the importance of legacy, continuing the family line, etc
big dowry exchange between the families outside the church just before the wedding begins
the ancient visigothic tradition of the groom presenting the bride with bridal jewels as part of her bridal gift which is hers to keep/to prove he can provide for her, etc
engagement rings -- roderick: 'i got it i bought it is mine'
a la ancient rome/greece, the bride wears a red or yellow veil (tho it might be an any-color veil in our current timeline or whatever, or maybe she enters in a veil of her own family's colors and leaves in her hsuband's or smth?), shrouding her from head to toe, to look like a living flame and obscure her that she might frighten off demons/confuse jealous rivals who might wish to carry her off or do her harm!
the bride also wears a blue ribbon somewhere on her person to signify fidelity
a bridal party dressed the same as the bride to confuse those pesky demons (and any jealous rivals, too!) who wanna carry her off! the groom's party also dresses similarly to him in case of attack
groom's party to act as your seconds and back up if the bride's family objects after you've stolen her and/or demons show up to try and carry her off! (so many dangers when ur tryna get hitched oops sdlkfjaksdjlf)
the ancient hunnic/gothic/visigothic practice of a cache of ceremonial weapons are kept beneath the floorboards of the church for this purpose too! can't be too careful
a la ancient sparta (and today) men have stag parties to celebrate their last night of freedom, generally ending in the whole breaking into the tomb bit
the medieval practice of reading the wedding banns to announce the pending marriage to 1) inform the public and 2) give any objectors sufficient time to gather their case/object etc
the bride stands to the left so that the groom's sword hand is free in case of attack!
walking under an arch of raised swords to ensure safety as they go
drinking from the same chalice while holding it together/for e/o
ritual bathing/purification before the wedding
symbolic exchange of rings/bracelet/some kinda jewelry to signify marriage in daily life
i just gotta think there's some bloodletting no lie like cutting their hands and placing them together or smth def feels like a thing (roderick got a v scarred palm ig ;D lkjaskldfjkdsf) -- probs while under the arc of swords since the groom's sword hand is occupied!!!! a terrifying moment given all the dangers!!! ;D
probs more/not some of these etc!! i just read a lot of these while researching the other and was like 'this sure feels varmont' so i thought id pop it up here while i was thinking abt it!!
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fantasyescapes17 · 1 year
Scandal (Part 2)
The Viscount's sister with an enormous dowry, beauty and unmistakable talent- you began the London season as the most desired woman in any room. But Jeon Wonwoo (a man who would rather hide in the library than dance at a ball) is beyond your comprehension. Curiosity might have killed the cat, but it embroiled you into a scandal with a man you could never love.
Genre: Wonwoo x Female!reader. Regency!AU (It's sort of Bridgerton-esque in the sense that I give zero attention to historical accuracy and prioritize aesthetics lmao) You are Joshua's sibling so your maiden name is Hong but the reader has no other physical characteristics.
Word Count: 3.5k
Part 1 Part 3 Part 4
Series Masterlist [Reading Candle and Manners, the earlier installments in this series first is strongly recommended as main character dynamics are introduced there.]
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Your entire body felt numb. 
"It's all over," you whispered. "I'm ruined, I'm ruined, I'm ruined…."
Your sister-in-law held you tightly in her arms as you trembled like a leaf. You had been shaking uncontrollably all evening; ever since you had been discovered by Baron Wright in the library of the Graham's manor, alone with Mr. Jeon Wonwoo. 
There was no doubt in your mind of your situation. You had just become the main character of this season's juiciest scandal. 
"You are not ruined," the Viscountess tried to reassure you as she rubbed your back comfortingly. "It will be resolved. Joshua will take care of things. Come my dear, come closer to the fire, you're shivering…"
"I am not cold," you protested but the Viscountess would have none of it. She gently guided you to an armchair in front of the fire and wrapped a warm blanket around your shoulders. 
"It will be fine," your sister-in-law continued to reassure you. Her words were kind but hollow. You knew that it would not be fine. To have been caught alone with a man in a distant corner of a manor and in a compromising position….
You felt faint. 
I'm ruined. 
The door to the drawing room opened and you sat up abruptly as your brother entered swiftly and tossed his coat onto the armchair. His expression made your heart sink. 
The Viscountess ran to greet her husband. "Joshua, what has happened-"
"I am so sorry, sister," Joshua said to you gently. Your heart sank painfully into your stomach as Joshua paced up and down the drawing room.  He pressed his fingers to his temples. "I tried; I begged Baron Wright to be reasonable but he would not listen to me. He feels jilted, since he was planning to propose to you. I even offered him money but… he-he has already told too many people. The rumour has spread beyond control."
Your chest felt tight. 
"Don't say that, don't…"
"I'm sorry."
The blanket around your shoulders suddenly felt hot and constricting, as though it was suffocating you. You threw it off and onto the floor roughly before standing up. 
"I will speak to Baron Wright myself-"
The Viscountess stopped you by gently taking your arms. "My dear, no. You will only make it worse-"
You looked at her in despair. "Then what am I to do? Am I to sit here quietly while that-that odious Baron defames me before the entire ton? Should I watch patiently while he ruins my reputation?" you spat, trembling. 
Joshua sighed. "Sister, please think for a moment. It will only escalate the situation further and confirm the rumours if we act in haste. I… I think we should try to handle this calmly and rationally."
"How?" you demanded. You did not see any calm or rational way of dealing with the waking nightmare that you had been plunged into.  
"Mr. Jeon has returned to his home to speak to his family, but he will come here in some time," Joshua told you. He gave you a wary look. "He has assured me that he will marry you."
You felt like you had been slapped. 
"Marry Mr. Jeon?" you whispered in horror. "Marry him?"
"I know you are not fond of each other, sister, but I know Mr. Jeon well. He is a gentleman and will do whatever is necessary to protect your honour. Perhaps, if we can persuade the ton that you were already engaged to him before tonight…"
You could not accept this. Your mind could not even begin to fathom the idea of being married to Mr. Jeon. You recoiled at the thought. 
"I will not marry him," you hissed, trembling. "I have done nothing wrong. I will not, I will not, I will not-"
Your sister-in-law embraced you tightly and you began shaking uncontrollably once more. She gently sat you back down in the armchair and then turned to her husband with a sigh. 
"I think your sister has had too much for one evening," she told the Viscount. "Let us give her some time before we speak of marriage. Surely Mr. Jeon will not withdraw his offer if she does not accept it tonight. And… we shall have to inform your mother."
Joshua ran his fingers through his hair and nodded.
"Yes," he sighed. "Yes, you are right. I will send word to Mr. Jeon to hold off for the moment. Perhaps we had all better go to bed for now." 
You felt sick. 
"I can't go to bed, how am I supposed to go to bed-" you mumbled. 
Your sister-in-law sighed. Her tone suddenly became firm; it was no surprise that she had raised her younger siblings by herself. 
"You will go to bed because that is the only thing that can be done now. I will not hear of anything else. Come with me now."
Ella Williams was sobbing so hard that you could barely understand a word she said. 
Your cousin had come running to see you the next day, as soon as word of the scandal reached her ears. Her explanations and apologies were incomprehensible in a garbled mix of sobs and wails.
Your head ached. You had not slept. 
"Ella," you interrupted her quietly. "I don't blame you-"
She was not listening. Through her choked explanations you were able to piece together a picture of the events of the previous evening- Ella had been asked to dance the third dance by Mr. Xu Minghao, a gentleman that she had been pursuing for many months. Her promise to you was forgotten; and when Baron Wright approached her after the third dance asking if she had seen you, she informed him that you were looking at the piano upstairs and would be down shortly. 
“Never-never thought he would-sob-follow you-hic- my cousin, I am devastated-” Ella sobbed. 
You could not listen to her any longer. 
The Viscountess was much more intuitive- she noticed that despite your lack of tears and stiff expression, your composure was on the verge of cracking. She hurried to comfort Ella and took your sobbing cousin out of the room to have her sent home in the family carriage.
You sat silently in the drawing room. Your fists were clenched so tightly that your nails were digging painfully into your palms. 
Once Ella was gone, your mother came and sat beside you. 
“My dear,” your mother told you gently. “I know this is difficult for you. But time is of the essence. We must announce your engagement to Mr. Jeon.” 
You flinched. "I cannot. Not when I have not even done anything to deserve… I mean, we did not…” you turned and looked at your mother desperately. “There was nothing between myself and Mr. Jeon. You do believe me, mother?” 
Your mother sighed. “It does not matter what I believe. The ton will assume-” 
“But the ton is wrong. I have never even danced with that man, much less touched him. It is all a misunderstanding and in time I am certain that everything will be forgotten and brushed under the rug-” 
Your mother looked at you pitifully. “My dear.” 
You felt a burst of anger. Why would none of them understand? There was no need for you to marry Mr. Jeon because your virtue had not been compromised. It was simply a matter of clarifying that you had done nothing more than speak to the man, and it would be resolved. Well; perhaps Baron Wright would not court you but there were plenty of other young men, and in a short time it would all be forgotten. 
“I need to correct this misunderstanding,” you decided firmly. You stood up and gathered your skirts. You could not hide indoors in this manner. You had to seek out the gossip and crush it yourself. “I must go immediately to the assembly rooms.” 
Your mother looked horrified. “My dear, no-” 
“I must.” 
You ignored your mother’s desperate cries and hurried outside, ordering the butler to send for your carriage immediately. The butler was startled but did not have the courage to protest. It was not his place to tell you that you looked too wild to be in company; your eyes were red and had bags underneath them from lack of sleep. 
You were the sister of a Viscount. You were rich and beautiful and intelligent. 
You did not fear the ton. 
You walked up to the assembly rooms and took a deep breath before entering them with the same confidence you always had. The entrance hall where the card tables were set up was crowded; it took a few moments for your arrival to be noticed but slowly, gradually, the noise of conversation and the shuffling of cards died down. 
In less than a minute, the room was plunged into complete silence. 
Every single pair of eyes in the room was on you. 
It struck you: suddenly, and violently, what a terrible mistake you had made. You had gone through most of your life in the public eye and being the centre of attention was not new to you. Being a Viscount’s sister, you had been the subject of society's admiration, scrutiny and envy for as long as you could remember. It had left you numb to the general and uninformed opinion of others. You believed yourself unaffected by what others thought of you. 
But this was new. You had never experienced anything quite like this before. 
You were now the subject of ridicule and pity. 
Your stomach lurched and you wanted to die of shame, wanted nothing more than to run all the way home and wash yourself of the dirty gaze of the ton and hide underneath the blankets so that nobody could ever look at you this way again. You felt small and pathetic and weak. 
You turned and ran; out onto the street where your carriage was still waiting at the corner. You climbed inside and made sure to slam the door and close the curtain behind you before you allowed yourself to collapse, for the first time since this nightmare had begun, into tears. 
The sobs originated deep in your throat and were beyond your control. You had been holding yourself together at the seams for too long and all the built-up emotions exploded like a dam bursting. 
You barely heard the knock on the carriage door. There was a brief pause, and then the door opened a crack. Mr. Jeon Wonwoo was standing before it- dressed handsomely in a dark riding coat with his lips pressed together tightly in a straight line as he took in the sight of you having an emotional breakdown in the carriage. 
“Miss Hong,” he greeted quietly. “May I…?” 
You could not have answered him if you tried. Your throat was raw and you were still incapacitated from the involuntary sobs. Mr. Jeon seemed to realise that a response would not come. In one swift and graceful moment, he entered the carriage and closed the door sharply behind him.
Then he sat across from you and said nothing. 
He sat in silence for a long time. Your sobs gradually died down until eventually you were too tired, too exhausted to cry any more. Mr. Jeon waited patiently. He had the decency not to stare at you; his eyes were politely averted to the side and fixed on a random engraving on the carriage wall. Now and then his dark gaze would flicker towards you and then back to the engraving. 
Mr. Jeon finally broke the silence by offering you his handkerchief. 
You stared down at it for a long moment. It was merely a simple white handkerchief- one that any gentleman would offer a lady shedding tears in his presence. But you saw the calm, patient gaze in his eyes. 
The gesture was, for lack of a better word, a truce. 
You accepted the handkerchief and wiped your eyes and nose silently. 
Mr. Jeon finally cleared his throat. “Are you feeling better, Miss Hong?” he asked. “I apologise for entering the carriage but, well…” he trailed off and sighed. “I thought it would be better than to be seen standing outside, and at this point I suppose propriety is not the foremost concern on your mind.” 
You swallowed. “I am fine.” 
“We should discuss our situation.”
“Yes, well,” you mumbled as you crumpled his handkerchief in your fist. “In case it was not already evident, this ‘situation’ is only now beginning to sink in for me. Although it must please you to see me brought to the mercy of my own vanity; you have often delighted in pointing it out.” 
Mr. Jeon bit his lip. “Nothing about this situation pleases me. I am sorry.”
You frowned at him. Mr. Jeon could be difficult to read, but for once you understood him with perfect clarity. I’m sorry was not an expression of apology or regret. It was sympathy. He was offering his condolences for the brutal end of the life you knew, that you had hoped to lead. 
“Don’t pity me,” you snapped. 
“I was not-” 
“You were. I don’t want your pity. I can take responsibility for my own actions and I am prepared to suffer their consequences. I am a grown woman and you will treat me like one.” 
He folded his arms across his chest and nodded. 
“If you wish. But you are not making the situation any easier for yourself. Your brother informed me that you have refused my offer of marriage,” Mr. Jeon noted quietly. “Naturally, that is entirely your choice. Our acquaintance has not been a smooth one, I know. It is for you to decide whether marrying me is a worse punishment than being rejected and ridiculed by the ton.” 
You looked up at him. “That is a valiant attempt to simplify a complicated decision. Which is the lesser punishment in your view?”
Mr. Jeon blinked. He took a deep breath- his tense jaw relaxed slightly and you could almost see him visibly letting down his guard. 
“Being a man, I have less to fear from the ridicule of the ton than you. But my conscience remains equally troubled in both circumstances. So, I will leave it to you, Miss Hong, since you evidently have far more at stake. My offer to marry you remains open,” he replied diplomatically.  
“You will not resent me?” you asked. “For forcing you into a marriage without love?” 
“I can assure you that any resentment between us would only be from your end; I never had much interest or inclination to marry. I am well aware, however, that you were being courted by multiple eligible gentlemen and were probably intending to marry for love.” 
“I am certain none of those eligible gentlemen will have me now,” you scoffed.  
Mr. Jeon did not reply. 
“I am not sure that- even if we were to marry…” you trailed off and hesitated. “Joshua was right, if we had announced an engagement immediately it might have been brushed under the rug but I am afraid that it is too late now to cover up even with a marriage.” 
“Perhaps not immediately. It might be best to avoid London society for some time. My family’s estate in the countryside is far enough removed from London. If you were to accept my offer, we could live there for some time and return to London after enough time has passed for the worst of it to end.” 
You paused. It was not the life you had ever pictured living. You loved London, loved the society and the balls and the glamour of the ton. You loved being the centre of attention and having a bustling life. 
Or at least you had. 
Considering your current position, moving to a remote countryside estate where you would not have to face any members of the ton almost sounded like a blessing in disguise. You could feel the scales slowly starting to shift. Perhaps Mr. Jeon was right. If enough time passed, you could return to London as a married woman and society’s attention would be far too occupied by the latest bachelors to remember exactly how your marriage began. 
Mr. Jeon raised an eyebrow as he watched you struggle with yourself. 
“Or…” he suggested. “You could try to go back to the assembly rooms now.” 
You felt it creeping up on you… a mild, unpleasant, sickening feeling. The walls of denial and desperation and pride were crumbling. They could not last long in the face of Mr. Jeon’s calm and logical words. 
You were slowly beginning to feel resigned to your fate. 
“No,” you mumbled. “I cannot go back there. Let us marry.” 
You married Mr. Jeon Wonwoo in a quiet ceremony on a Monday morning. 
It was so methodical and mundane that you barely felt as though you had attended a wedding at all, much less your own.
Weddings were meant to be spectacular displays of love and adoration where two hopeful young people promised their lives to each other. You remembered your brother's wedding just last season: the flowers, and the blushing bride, and the gorgeous wedding dress, and the music as the happy couple left the church. 
There were no flowers at your wedding. There was no gorgeous wedding dress. There was no music. 
There was certainly no happy couple.  
It was a simple ceremony attended by none other than your mother, brother, and sister-in-law from your end, and Mr. Jeon’s parents, sister and brother-in-law. Once you had both made your vows briefly in front of the priest, you went home to ensure that all your things were packed. 
“I have packed seven evening dresses, ten daytime gowns and six nightgowns, miss,” Minnie told you hurriedly as she flew around the room in a frenzy. You sat on the edge of the bed and watched her quietly. “You must give this letter to your new ladies’ maid once you arrive. I have written out washing instructions for each of the gowns.”
She thrust a letter into your hands and then seemed to decide better of herself; she took it back and placed it neatly in the trunk. 
“There. Your new ladies’ maid should find it when she unpacks your things. Now- there is not enough space in the trunk so I will have the rest of your things sent via a later carriage. There are so many other things to take care of- oh! What about your pianoforte? It will not fit in the carriage now but perhaps I can have it dismantled and-” 
You frowned. “Leave the pianoforte here.” 
“Of course! My apologies, miss, what was I thinking? It is far too valuable to be placed on a carriage. I will think of some way to have it sent to you-” 
The door opened and your maid’s rambling was cut short by your mother- the Dowager Viscountess- entering the room. Her eyes were red and you had the feeling that she had been crying. She gave you a small smile. 
“It is time, my dear. Mr. Jeon is waiting downstairs,” your mother told you gently.  
You embraced her. She took a shuddering breath and forced a smile as she patted you on the back. 
“I’m sorry,” you whispered into her shoulder. 
“Of course not, child. You have nothing to be sorry for. Sometimes things happen to us that we do not expect. But I am confident that I raised a strong young woman who can handle anything that comes her way. I love you always.” 
You thanked her and went downstairs. The Jeons’ carriage was waiting in front of your house. Your brother stood near the door to the carriage and he gave you a soft smile. He leaned down to pat your head gently. 
“Well,” the Viscount said in an attempt to lighten the mood. “Look who is a married woman now.” 
You frowned at him. “Joshua.” 
His eyes softened and he smiled at you kindly. “I will miss you, sister.” 
“I will miss you, too.” 
There was a small yip at your feet; your maid had brought Snowball out on his leash and Joshua lifted the little white dog into the carriage before helping you inside. 
Mr. Jeon- your husband- was already seated inside. He placed Snowball on the seat beside him before closing the door behind you and helping you settle in. The carriage slowly began to rattle forward on the cobblestone street towards your new home. 
“We have a long journey ahead of us,” Wonwoo told you quietly. 
You had a long journey ahead of you, indeed- and it began here, and now as you left behind your entire life, identity, dreams and hopes. You would begin this long journey as a new person. 
As Mrs. Jeon. 
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cyeli-no · 1 year
4ggravate Pre-Proposal (Pt. 1)
—where it's just three Dendro fools simping over Cyno and wanting to have a perfect proposal for him
Linked Posts:
Part 2: 4ggravate Pre-Marriage: Doubts post
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Dehya and Candace are some of the first to hear about the decision because Al-Haitham, who became close to the duo throughout his time in the desert and with Cyno, wants to respect his culture in the proposal. It seems disrespectful to forego his background and his family when asking for Cyno's life and dedication.
Dehya is unrelenting with her teasing, offering help disguised as friendly banter. He nearly regrets telling her when it turns out Candace is the one to offer the most help. She gives him a few traditions common throughout the desert, but the Temple of Silence does not share the same customs as she does.
She tells him how Cyno once mentioned how suitors will gift jewelry made of gold and gems during the engagement. The proposee's family usually receives a dowry of some type, too. Between giving the dowry and presenting the gifts, a marriage contract is written. Typically, it is between the father and the suitor, but the individual is often included.
"It is not for permission, necessarily." She clarifies when she watches the frown begin to form on his expression, eyebrows tightening. The memory of Cyno's reaction when he realized how deeply the former sages mistreated and used him rests heavy in their minds. At least she can verify how much Al-Haitham truly cares. "In the end, it is up to the individual to accept the proposal and make adjustments to the contract. Simply, it is acknowledging the important of our families."
Al-Haitham does pause for a moment in deep contemplation. "Yes, that makes sense." He ends up deciding on, though Candace offers him a small smile.
She shakes her head, "You may not understand them completely, but I'm glad you care to know about our traditions." He takes it as the sign of approval that it actually is.
He leaves with Dehya, who smiles contently throughout the entire walk back. She tells him a bit about their traditional wedding rings and wedding celebration customs before admitting, "Knowing Tighnari, I suspected it wouldn't be a desert wedding. At least now, it'll be like bringing the desert to him."
Al-Haitham rejects that notion instantly. "We cannot bring the desert to him. I know nothing of the desert and all I have come to learn was brought by Cyno himself. It would be a mockery to do anything besides welcome what he brings." Dehya's eyes blink shut as they pause in their journey. She can feel the familiar heat against her skin and the smell of the desert winds.
"You've thought about this a lot, hm?" She teases lightly, his completely honest affirmation making her grin, "Good." She says something in a dialect Al-Haitham does not quite understand. He can understand a few vague phrases, but she explains it to him without being asked once she finishes, "It is an old prayer. May your future together be filled with happiness and love that even when you reach the afterlife, you will traverse those unknown lands together."
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Tighnari and Kaveh are quick to agree to the idea. Truth be told, they both wanted to do something for Cyno and were debating something similar. Luckily, it truly felt as if everything was perfect for them. Al-Haitham and his endless pockets could definitely afford the dowry (though Cyrus' actual acceptance might be a bit more difficult to get with his outright disdain for his darshan), Kaveh works on designing the jewelry himself, and Tighnari works on creating simple (maybe a bit more detailed than the ones Dehya described) rings for all four of them.
When they go to discuss their plans to propose with Cyrus, Al-Haitham is prepared to give an entire presentation. Tighnari takes over before Kaveh's stressed rants can start and before Al-Haitham says something that might make them lose Cyrus' good graces.
Cyrus frowns when they ask if they are allowed to propose to and to marry Cyno. "Asking me to give him over is quite the archaic request." He muses.
It is Kaveh who answers this. Tighnari and Al-Haitham may be more logical, but Kaveh is intently attuned to his emotions and the emotions of others. He knows Cyno and his desires well, "Cyno respects your opinion and would be hurt if we did not try to include his family." He pauses for just a second to gather his bearings. He doesn't want to bare his entire heart to his soon-to-be father-in-law (hopefully), but he knows the man respects honestly as much as his son. "Cyno always makes sure the memories of our families are a priority. As one of the only living relatives he has, your blessing will mean a lot to him... and to us as well."
Cyrus is not a man of few words. He has spoken at length about jokes, the main reason Cyno tries them to lighten the mood. Still, the air constricts Kaveh as he simply stares at the architect with a frown. Cyno might be scary to some, but his body becomes rigid under the intense staring of the General's father. However, he will not avert his eyes. He knows discomfort well and knows, as his throat tightens and nearly chokes the air out of his lungs, that the comfort and love of Cyno is worth every second.
"You are good kids." Cyrus finally nods at Kaveh and Tighnari. Kaveh's entire body eases at the affirmation, sucking in a sharp breath through his teeth in relief. He nearly misses how the man warily eyes Al-Haitham for a moment before he shakes his head with a low chuckle. "As long as Cyno is happy, my blessing is yours." It's a needless threat, Cyrus knows, but he feels better nonetheless.
("Do they make you happy?" He asked his son when the eventual topic of his partners came up.
In hindsight, it was quite a strange question to ask because the answer was so obvious. "Do I seem unhappy?" The younger man asked, the confusion answered by a fond smile.
Cyrus has always been better at expressing his love compared to his two top students. He ruffled Cyno's hair lightly, "No. I just want to know how they treat you."
Cyno nodded, accepting the explanation completely. "They love me," those three words were enough to ease Cyrus' heart, "more than anyone else can.
"And I love them the same.")
"Another word of warning." Cyrus mentions as they are leaving his house, "Lisa Minci will not allow you to marry him if you do not invite her to the engagement."
─── ⋅ ⋅ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
They, heeding Cyrus' advice, tell Lisa, Collei, Nahida, and Nilou. At one point, Tighnari gets worried they are telling too many people before even asking Cyno to marry them.
Al-Haitham just says, "They're family," and that's that.
Family, Tighnari echoes, when Collei runs up to hug him in her excitement. Family, he smiles, as Lisa smacks Kaveh lightly for waiting so long to ask the question. Family, he accepts, as Nilou and Nahida offer their help with wedding planning or support if they ever need it.
Family, he wishes for, when Cyno meets them for dinner with a bright smile, "I'm home." He glows despite the days of work coating his skin in dirt.
"Welcome home, love." Tighnari welcomes him closer and showers him with all the adoration he has been holding onto in the pits of his heart in anticipation of tonight. Tonight, to the world, they will become a family in every sense of the word.
Family, Tighnari learns, comes with the heat of the desert without any of the burning discomfort.
He cannot completely understand the clear discomfort and stress showing on the faces of the other two. They all know Cyno; he who is more devoted than anyone else will definitely say yes. And if he doesn't, he is nothing but kind. There is no world where they will be rejected cruelly.
The question hangs in the air, Cyno's eyes wide in surprise as he scans the three as if checking them for honesty. "Really?" It is a crime how soft his voice is. It is uncommon for him to be uncertain and it aches Tighnari's heart.
"We wouldn't ask if we weren't serious." It is a bit sassier than it needs to be, but his voice is firm to scare away his doubts.
It must do the trick because a breathless huff escapes him. Kaveh worriedly steps closer as garnet eyes glisten under the flickering candlelights, "Cyno—?"
"Yes." He answers them, and the gentle laugh that is slightly clogged by the tears welling in his eyes is the loveliest sound. "Yes..."
The second time is enough to rip Al-Haitham out of his stupor to reach out and catch Cyno's face in his hands. He presses a kiss to the top of the General's head, sighing away his stress, "Good."
Kaveh nearly shoves the man aside in his haste to hug Cyno. The latter's laughter fills the air as Kaveh falls onto his lap, "Sevens above, I adore you." He says, planting kisses on his cheeks.
Cyno can't get a word in as Tighnari's tail curls around his arm, dragging his attention to the side. Whispering against his ear and affectionately nuzzling him, "We're yours forever."
Forever... Forever sounds lovely.
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bethanydelleman · 2 years
Jane Austen Charted #15
How Wealthy are the Jane Austen Heroines?
(This turned into a long post)
Women in Jane Austen’s novels have two kinds of wealth, fortunes which seem to be guaranteed to already accompany them into marriage, like Emma’s 30k or Elinor & Marianne Dashwoods’ 1k which they have already received from their uncle, and then eventual inheritance, like Elizabeth’s 1k that she will receive after the death of both of her parents. Here are the sums:
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And the explanation of each amount:
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Anne Elliot’s amount is disputed because of how the text is worded, she is either getting 10,000 or 1/3 of that amount. Here is the quote: who could give his daughter at present but a small part of the share of ten thousand pounds which must be hers hereafter. (Ch 24) It will be paid upon her father’s death.
As to the amount, I usually think it’s 1/3 of 10k. Knowing Sir Walter’s character, and that his wife was not a trade heiress but the daughter of a country gentleman, I think Lady Elliot’s dowry being ten thousand, and Sir Walter never adding to it seems pretty likely. He probably assumed that his children would marry well based on beauty and rank alone.
As for Emma, we don’t know what is going to happen to Hartfield. The fact that John Knightley has a job and isn’t just living off Isabella’s fortune until they inherit makes me think it might be going to Emma (as opposed to how Mary and Charles Musgrove are living), but that is speculation and may also be based in a difference in personality. It is equally possible that the plan was for Spinster Emma to live there with John and Isabella. Also, Emma is counting on her sister’s eldest son to inherit Donwell, not Hartfield, which is another clue that it’s going to Emma, not Isabella.
It seems to me that the best marriage prospects would be those who have a fortune now, not when their parents die. Certainly with men, those who are the most eligible have already come into their fortunes. 
Also, the Dashwoods and Anne Elliot are in a far safer financial position if their remaining parent dies, as they have a decent, though not large income on their own. The three Dashwood sisters could continue to live at Barton cottage and maintain themselves if they worked together.
So how do the heroines compare to other ladies:
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The richest two women are Anne de Bourgh, who will inherit Rosings, and Sophia Grey, the future Mrs. Willoughby. Given that Mrs. Jennings, who is from trade, knows Sophia’s relations, we can assume that Sophia is a trade heiress. Depending on what Emma Woodhouse receives when her father dies, she may be as wealthy as both of them.
From the novels, the breakdown of fortune attractiveness:
Nothing - Nothing is bad. However, I have a strong suspicion that this can mean actually nothing or something like Jane Fairfax with a few hundred pounds. Lucy Steele and Isabella Thorpe probably have actually nothing, but I doubt Mary Crawford when she says her friend who married a peer actually had zero pounds to her name. Miss Ross probably had nothing in comparison to Mary.
£1000 - Pretty much as bad as nothing. This isn’t enough for someone to maintain themselves in gentility. The Bennet sisters could pool their money and maybe be okay with their combined £250.
£3000 - Interesting that so many heroines have this amount. It seems like it’s a decent, but not great dowry. Respectable.
£10,000 - This number comes up A LOT in Jane Austen’s novels. We are told in Mansfield Park: Miss Maria Ward, of Huntingdon, with only seven thousand pounds, had the good luck to captivate Sir Thomas Bertram, of Mansfield Park... her uncle, the lawyer, himself, allowed her to be at least three thousand pounds short of any equitable claim to it. From this statement and context from the other novels, 10k seems like the basic “good” fortune. Minimum entry to expect an eldest son match.
£20,000 - This is a big fortune, go after a Mr. Darcy or a Tom Bertram the future baronet kind of money. I don’t get the impression that either Caroline Bingley or Mary Crawford are supposed to be seen as delusional for thinking they can marry where they aim for. It’s more about the guy not liking them than unrealistic expectations. 
£30,000 + Filthy rich
Also, I really wish we knew more fortune numbers! What did Lady Middleton and Mrs. Palmer have? What was an acceptable dowry for a Miss Bertram? (my guess is at least 10k) What did Charlotte Lucas have? (I suspect not much better than Elizabeth, if not worse) 
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mariailoveyou-guerin · 3 months
You know what’s funny it was always Colin travels and he just leaves whenever spending Anthony money but kanthony kept leaving 😂 and Anthony is literally the head of the family right so where’s the outrage or he’s selfish for leaving when 2 of his sisters weren’t even married off and 1 hasn’t even been taken out in society which is his job the so called duty he constantly cried and bullied with 😂 where’s Anthony so selfish for just leaving when his family is in turmoil but Colin leaving at the end of season to find himself was him being selfish and him using up Anthony money which it never was wne will never be since it’s Colin money left to him by his father same as Benedict Greorgy have their own money and estates and the girls have huge dowries!
How many honeymoons does one need and he just gives Benedict all the work and none of the praise or glory or have him get the title instead since he’s so villy nilley about his duties and his sisters and the fact Colin and Penelope probably stayed home instead of going on their honeymoon because Colin didn’t wanna take Violet Portia grandchild away from them since Daphne and Anthony did and Francesca Eloise just left her and he knew she couldn’t handle seeing yet another child leave or take her grandchild away so he stayed home for his family probably to even help Benedict with the duties since he knows Benedict gets distracted a lot!
these are the so called people they want us to believe are selfless these same people leaving for multiple honeymoons and leaving for a different continent taking away Violet grandchild the heir to the title 😂 sure they clearly are selfless just leaving whenever they feel like it and Anthony has title and duties which he just leaves to Benedict and he don’t even get the benefit of the title since he’s 2nd son but he’s the one doing all the work all the time while Anthony just leaves for yet another vacation to go sleep with his wife daily!
I’ve been knew they was never selfless since what they did to Edwina but they keep proving all the time first with the constant leaving and then with making Colin engagement about themselves 😂 then them leaving before Francesca wedding like is Anthony okay in the head I mean I know he aint that trash never really cared about his family not truly after he sold Daphne to ped*
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guessimate · 2 months
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Today we are visiting the Oranges, for whom I rolled My Legacy Shall Go On ROS and I was about to reroll it, but then I realized that Primula Venus has to be literate as an alien from a technologically advanced planet. She needs to write a biography of the werewolf before he passes away. They are obliged to pay her 500$, which might become her little dowry.
However, I still decided to roll again, because this ROS turned out to be more for Primula Venus rather than for anyone else in this house. It was a potentially deadly ROS, but I was hoping it was based on the body skill and as a benevolent watcher, I decided to apply this scenario to the werewolf, who also happened to be the eldest person in this house.
I already thought the food shortage would be bad for the werewolf, but in the end he avoided the death by ROS by a lucky chance (it was not skill-based after all).
Ninurta got 600$ as well as the Loves to Swim trait for winning a swimming contest (at the bathhouse, I assume). In the end it turned out Venus was paid ~1300$ for the book by the game, so I just split the money between the two of them.
I decided to give this family traits, partly randomized, but I also picked what I thought made sense out of what the game wanted to give me. The werewolf Ninurta Orange Loves to Swim, and also he's a Brave, but Unstable Dog Person, and Night Owl.
I let his son and grandson inherit traits at 50% chance. I also have only the personality check on for now, so sims with any age/aspiration/interests can get any traits.
Damu is an Artistic, Hydrophobic Night Owl, and Angler, with Photographer's Eye. Ninildu is a Brave Hydrophobe, with Photographer's Eye, and he Loves the Outdoors... I know, Photographer's Eye doesn't really make sense, but I imagine they are really good at drawing portraits and still life and such.
I could turn these traits into their 'historical equivalents', but I don't think they really translate that well and I would never remember what all of these defaults stand for. Here is a nice list if anyone needs it though. Photographer's Eye is supposed to turn into Scribe, but I don't like that idea... If it was a Scribe trait, then it could only apply to literate sims.
So the Night Owl trait got passed on from Ninurta to his son Damu. Grandson Ninildu inherited his granddad's Brave trait. He also got the Hydrophobic trait from his dad. It's funny to see how Damu and Ninildu have no love for swimming, unlike their werewolf ancestor.
Ninildu wanted to teach the family dog some tricks. He also helped around the garden and got the Silver Gardening Badge. He will have to tend to this garden someday himself after all. He'll also take care of the goats and maybe make some cheese if they ever get enough animals for that purpose. I will probably have him open a home business next round.
Ninildu was rolled to become a Family sim. That's the first Family sim in this household. He wanted to become friends with a lot of his family members as a child, so it makes a lot of sense. I will need some romantic prospects for him though...
I think Ninildu has eyes and mouth similar to his father's, but his nose and face shape seem different. I'm not totally sure.
I've decided I'm killing all elders this round. No matter what, the original sims shouldn't be alive anymore. They all have grown children and at least school-aged grandchildren. They have lived for 7 rounds. That's at least 35 days, and the game was telling me they were 70+ days.
The Oranges will not be taking the inheritance money from grandpa Ninurta. I will set their money to around 4000, and they should end up with ~3600 when Venus moves out.
In case anyone wonders who the ladies Ninurta left money for are, they are his crushes and friends.
He had 1 friend (a head witch, Renee Hanby) and 4 crushes:
the burglar, Brenda Lillard
the garden club lady, Suzanne Lee
the Nature hobby instructor, Kitty Lind
and the Arts&Crafts instructor, Jenna GilsCarbo.
I should marry one of them in, maybe even to his grandson... Ninurta only made out with them, and they probably won't even remember this, because my townies don't have memories. He just really wanted his 5 dream dates, as a Pleasure sim. I guess these ladies have ~400$ dowries now, with his inheritance, so they're fine prospects for lower rank sims.
Venus is rolling no wants for Nepri. She only wanted to be BFF-s with him. I guess that's wise. He should do the moves on her if he wants to. On the other hand, she should really want to get out of this household filled with men who are unrelated to her.
I have a plan for her if she chooses not to get married. Around the time when she arrived in the neighbourhood, an alien baby was born. This alien baby is already an orphan, and his caretaker will soon die. That means the baby is either 'taken away', or someone is going to find the baby and look after him. I will move Venus to the lot next door, to take care of the baby. These 2 houses were supposed to be apartments to begin with, and I feel like the families would be close neighbours.
Since I was already giving my sims traits, I got some for Primula Venus, too. She's a Perceptive, Athletic, and Proper Genius, with No Sense of Humour.
All she's interested in is maxing out Literature hobby and Creativity skill. Maybe I should have made her Unflirty or something... She made friends with Galfrid Wolfen, so in my book it's fine for her to move into his house instead of staying with the Oranges.
I zero'd their money at the very beginning of the round, after which they got some inheritance from the emperor. It was ~2350$ total and I decided they could keep it. After all, Ninildu is the emperor's grandson, so he deserves something. Ninurta and Damu were friends with the imperial couple, as well.
Unfortunately, I sort of failed the 'lent/fast' scenario I thought of applying to all my families. None of the Oranges go to work/school, so I just had to feed them twice per day. But they ate only bread, so it's fine in my view.
Damu wanted to max out his Arts&Crafts enthusiasm again, so I let him paint some portraits of his dad and hang them on the wall.
Everyone in this house wanted a puppy, and I know it's a common want, but because they already have a grown dog, they might get some puppies someday, we'll see.
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