#and then half the bag 😀
bwunnipaws · 9 months
anyways i binged on gummy bears and now i feel like ~shit~
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w2sology · 2 months
cut it out, harry lewis.
summary: harry's been a bit sick of you hopping on tiktok trends, but this one leaves him a little more than baffled.
warnings: none
notes: this trend had me giggling so bad omg 😭😭😭 guys it's been ages (like a month but still) since i last wrote something writer's block was KILLING ME 😀 feel free to send in some prompts or reqs <3
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harry had told you to get ready in the next half an hour, that you'd be going on a little date in central london. well, he didn't tell you, rather he sprung the idea up on you after you complained about being bored for the last two days.
it took a lot more than he thought it would've to convince you to leave the house, with harry going as far as telling you that he'd drive. that's how you knew he was being serious.
so as he was getting ready after you, you scrolled through the obsession of your life that was tiktok, laughing every so often and sending some to your friends who had yet to respond to the others that you sent.
stopping on one video that you couldn't stop giggling at, a thought formed in your mind. the tiktok was of a girl who wouldn't stop "accidentally" hotting her boyfriend whilst trying to get things out of the backseat of the car.
it had been ages since you last pulled a joke on harry, yet only the other day he pulled one on you with the help of the boys.
"are you ready yet or are you still laughing at your phone?" harry came back into the bedroom, pulling his navy blue nike hoodie over his shirt.
"i am ready, in fact," you got up, tiptoeing to gently grab a hold of his face, pressing your lips to his. "and the things on my phone will always be funnier than you."
"good joke," he smiled a false smile at you, squeezing your waist before grabbing the keys off of the dresser.
"i still can't believe you're driving. wait, pose with the keys, let me get a photo for your mum."
"don't get too used to this..."
harry walked out before you to put his shoes on, but seeing as you already had yours on, you asked him to unlock the car for you. to him, it seemed you were just eager to leave but really, you had to make sure that there were items in the backseat.
placing one of your tote bags in there, you evenly spread out one of the jellycats that you left in your car and another bag full of spare things. putting the camera at an angle that was able to capture both you and harry, you smiled giddily. soon enough, harry joined you in the driver's side, about to start the car.
"wait!" you called out. "i think i forgot something in the back."
"can't you get it whilst i drive? it's not me you forgot, right?"
"ha ha ha," you rolled your eyes. "no, i might rip it apart by accident."
harry shook his head, nonetheless not starting the car before he looked dead into your camera. he did wonder why you were recording, yet he never actually brought it up.
messing about in the back, deciding which item to use first, you decided on the jellycat.
it was an octopus, one that faith had got you from a trip in florida that she and ethan went to.
"here she is!" you smiled, pulling the jellycat back and purposely hitting it into harry. you did it gently, but not too gentle to the point where he didn't get irritated.
jumping as it made contact with his arm, harry frowned. "ow?" he said, looking at you, but you were too busy dusting off the jellycat.
"hm, actually no." you turned back around to put the stuffed animal back, this time reaching for the tote bag.
luckily, it didn't have anything too sharp in it, so you wouldn't actually hurt harry.
again, you pulled it back with enough force this time slightly jolt harry out of his relaxed position. "are you alright?" he asked, blinking at you.
"huh? what d'you mean?"
"you've just... full on wacked that into me?" he said, more so asked, in shock.
"did i?
"yes?!" you could've sworn you saw his eye twitch, having to restrain your laugh.
"oh," was all you mustered out, looking into the bag as if you actually needed something from it.
harry shook his head, running a hand through his hair as he waited for you to finish. "can we go now?"
"un, not yet actually," and you turned again to the backseat, this time grabbing the last bag.
pulling it back again, it hit harry in his arm, but this time he grabbed the bag from you, tossing it back in the backseat.
"harry! i needed that," you gasped, again to hide your laugh.
"no you didn't, y/n, unless you were using it to target me again" he mimicked your whiny voice.
you didn't know what had you more speechless, the mimicking or his reaction to your silly little prank.
"i wasn't targeting you..."
harry turned to you, giving you the most dead straight look ever. "cut it out, you hit me in the arm three times."
"maybe you were just too close to me."
"i— what?!"
you both stared at each other; harry with a look of shock and slight irritation and you with a serious look that you couldn't quite hold, bursting out in laughter soon after.
"oh my god!" you managed to say in between laughs. "you should see your face!"
"right, let it out. it's not that funny," harry shook his head at your state.
you leaned forward to grab your phone from where you left it, rewinding the last part where harry three the bag in the back. "oh, this is gold."
"you're a right wind up, you know that?" harry said, refusing to give you the satisfaction of know your trick worked on him.
"oh, i know," you smiled at him. "but you live me regardless."
"hey," you pushed a hand in his face, instantly groaning when you felt his tongue poke the same hand. "god, just drive."
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brandycranby · 11 months
ce characters + whether your asian parents would like them and how to win them over 🥺😣🫶🏻💕🍵
based on unfortunately realistic intrusive thoughts i have while reading self-insert fics
steve: military? hm. desi peeps leave ur comments bc idk how desi parents feel but i know ALL the east asian and southeast asian parents and grandparents might have something to say about that. the US army has left its mark.. just saying... better highlight his better features such as his sensitive artistic nature!! wait. wait. not that either, no need for them to call him a bum at the dinner table.
just... have him win your mom over with his stunning future son-in-law adorableness and charming smile 😀
andy: lawyer. that's it- no, no it doesn't matter if your EA mom prefers flower boys and he's a little too bearded. lawyer. the desi parents are messaging the Whatsapp group chat, they're calling the fam back in the motherland. look at that beard. lawyer.
tall ✅ upper middle-class ✅ drives an audi ✅ divorced? he has you now.
ari: handsome... ok.. but also. military. hmm. non-religious/non-abrahamic religious peeps, your asian parents might give him a better reception. but um, "divorced?" "has a daughter??" "soldier la??" "he have steady income???" 👁️👄👁️
my super religious background peeps, im so sorry. maybe the part where he's Jewish will get lost in translation. um. that's a fight and a half at the dinner table, good luck 🥲 maybe just elope.
curtis: ... I MEAN IS IT THE APOCALYPSE?? if not, your dad would probably like him. a man's man. strong, silent, built like a brick wall and does whatever DIY project he points him towards when you visit. your mom will call him scary. i don't think that would change whether you're E/S/SEA, your mom is pulling you aside in the kitchen and asking if you're really sure about him.
let Curtis show his gentle side. yeah, he's tall and intimidating but he has a soft heart. tell your lil cousins and niblings to use him as a jungle gym
jake: see Andy above- no, EVEN MORE POWERFUL THAN ANDY. yeah, military veteran, yeah, he's a lil awkward. but. computer science. information technology. wifi. tvs, laptops, phones. your parents are going to turn him into their personal help line and you might have to put a stop to it but goddamn if they don't call him son the minute this convo happens:
"he's in cybersecurity"
"what is cyba-"
"... IT"
ransom: he's rich. he wears L.L. Bean and probably has the Louis Vuitton travel duffle bag. ransom is the nicest dressed, actually fashionable, sleek, and nicest smelling compared to the rest of these bozos. your mom loves him already. your dad is on the fence but also, he's well off enough to take care of you.
don't... say that he writes. yes, he does write. but focus on the fact that he's connected to a big big publishing house. yes yes. if this is an au and he's in charge of Blood Like Wine. BUSINESS OWNER, TAKE THAT.
disclaimer, all asian parents different. my dad is a graphic designer/artsy (though idk if he'd want me to date an artist tbh...) if ur parents aren't represented feel free to reblog w ur thoughts 😌
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mikuni14 · 7 months
Twins - Ep 7
I tried to write some sensible commentary on this episode, but no sensible words come to mind 🤡
I love this series, I love how chaotic it is, how for 6 episodes nothing happens in terms of romance, but there are random, sudden scenes of the second couple making out hotly - a couple which is barely shown and if you don't watch carefully, you can even miss them. And how the main couple catches up with all the previous episodes in terms of their romance in one episode 😀😂👌
MY EVERLASITNG LOVE IS SPRITE, MY BELOVED PRECIOUS BOY, THE BEST HIMBO BOY THAT HAS EVER HIMBED. Sprite has no filter, he is very dumb, but at the same time he has the surprising wisdom of the ancient gods. He doesn't see how he's being treated badly (DON'T WORRY BABY, I SEE IT, I'M NOTING IT IN DETAIL, AND I'M HOLDING MY GRUDGES FOREVER), but he always sees when others need his help. Sprite's game is at a level impossible for mere mortals to achieve. He has First where he wants, he does with him what he wants, how he wants, when he wants. First didn't even notice how his entire existence is now in Sprite's hand (the other hand, not the one holding the garbage bag). First's mood depends on Sprite, what he will do, what he will tell him, how he will behave. First, the "perfect grumpy dude", in the presence of Sprite turns into a pathetic, sad, sulking jealous babygirl, who is 🥺 because Sprite gives him ONLY 96.78% of his attention and who is 🥰 because Sprite says that he is his special, most important boy…. I AM IN AWE, that's my son! And the funniest thing is that Sprite doesn't do it consciously, he is SINCERELY devastated that he is not on the same team as First, he honestly runs after him with the most 🥺🥰🥳🤡😇🤩😋😊 face in the world, he sincerely wants to be with him and take care of him. Putting aside everything that happens in The Sign, the shoe-tying scene is my third favorite, hottest scene of the year. And that is the perfection that is Twins. They have no shame or objections at all to just... randomly throw a scene that makes me wonder why I'm still alive and writing these words and not my own epitaph.
And that's not even all! There's also the adorable necklace scene with Salmon, Evil!Buddhist Monk sowing disturbance with his whispered evil words :) random scenes with the other characters and their own messy lives, how social media and shipping culture destroy friendships and real people, Sam heartbroken pumping volleyball balls while the camera shows him from behind 😭😂…
The only thing I didn't like, but I just NEVER like it, was the romanticization of bruises. No honey, bruises are NOT signs of love, can we stop this already?
But! Back to being stupid and high. I can't help but praise the 'realization of their feelings and the kiss' scene, which was the most random, ridiculous, TRASHY lol and funniest scene in the world, which I spent half of wheezing on the floor, but which I absolutely fucking LOVE.
The amount of love I feel for Sprite and his pure energy is immeasurable. Both me and First have NO chance, he's just too powerful. And the moment when Sprite knelt in front of First, slowly and never breaking eye contact, was defining and life-changing for both of us 💖
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babyyweebbitch · 2 years
Hey! I really like your posts and stuff and I wondered if you could do a Yautja × Reader, any of them you want!
Maybe a what their reaction would be to the reader defending a Yautja Pup!
sure! thank u for ur request! also i have no idea what yautja call their or know what they look like, id imagine they all have their own big ass apartment with a whole back yard or something like that. also the size of the place depends if it’s a whole family or just one and since there are two (a yautja and a human) they have the big ass apartment with a back yard 😀 if that made any sense at all (this look a long ass time i’m sorry 🧍🏾‍♀️)
content warning : female reader (she/her pronouns used) ; HumanYautja relationship ; blood ; fighting ; limb being removed ;
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y/n has lived on the ship for quite a long time after being taken in by a group of yautja as a child, she wasn’t a hunter obviously but she did work with everyone there quite well. she had hall sorts of non dangerous jobs such as medical duty, working with the weapons and technology, helped raising the younger yautja there and more! she was a great help to everyone.
her mate had brought their mutual friends small yautja pup to her to watch over while his parents were out hunting together one day. the day was going very smoothly, she helped him with plenty of stuff and even played a few games with him, having a fun day babysitting him.
“his parents should be back any time soon, it was a pretty short hunt due to his mother getting injured pretty badly” your mate told her, she picked up the young yautja and let him play with her hair, her hair was pretty long, fluffy and smelled pretty good. there were some dreads in her hair she let one of the young put in her hair while she was babysitting them a few days ago. she loved them so much that it’s now apart of her new style and will get a lot more
“oh god…. okay — i’ll take him to their home and i can tend to her wounds once she gets back.. i hope she’s okay” she said as she let the young yautja climb to her back and latch on while she walked around her own home to gather all of his things he had scattered around the place. once she had everything she put it all into a bag and went on her way. her and the young were talking the entire time she walked all the way across half the ship. she felt the presence of another yautja who wasnt her mate behind her so she turned around and one about to take the young. she backed away and she stared at them
“he’s not yours…. what are you doing?!” she said, she somehow got the yautja pup to get off her back and stand behind her, standing in front of him as if shielding him from the big predator
“he isn’t yours either, human scum! you have another’s young and i will return him to them” they reached out to grab her shoulder and pull her away from the pup but she instinctively turned and hugged the pup, using her own body as a shield to keep the yautja from hurting the pup
“stop it! i’m returning him home!” she said, the bigger yautja obviously didn’t care and tried to pry her away from the pup. after a while they finally got her off him and pushed her off. she fell on her butt and was pretty hurt from being pryed off the young. she watched them try taking the pup but he bit the side of their hand, damn near taking off their pinky and out of instinct they smacked him, causing him to fall to the floor and he started crying. she watched as all this happened and out of no where she grabbed the closet sharpest object near her and stabbed the bigger yautja in the back. they roared out in pain and she crawled to the pup, picking him up and trying to stop him from crying
“why you little piece of human scum! i will have your skull added to my collection!” they yelled, all she remembered seeing was them about to run and attack her so she protected the pup once again with her body, rather taking any hit, cut, bruise or even die than ever have this pup hurt or even killed because another yautja wouldn’t listen. once she didn’t feel any pain or being hit she looked up, seeing her mate fighting the yautja. it looked like watching two very angry wolves fighting over food. there was growling, blood, roaring and even one picking up the other and throwing them down.
she watched in terror for a few more seconds before going to check up on the pup, making sure he had no injuries or something. she got him to stop crying after a while. he wasn’t hurt too badly, he complained the side of his face hurt and that he was scared of the yautja. she held him and told him everything was okay now and that he was safe. she stood up still holding the pup close to her and she went to see if they were still fighting. her mate had won the fight but spared the yautjas life. he ended up taking their arm as a trophy instead of their head
“do not ever! and i mean ever! hurt her or that pup ever again! or next time you won’t be so lucky!” he yelled to them. she went over to calm him down a bit and checked over him to see if he had any injuries, he had a few minor cuts on his person so she handed the pup to him and went to go check on the yautja he had fought. her mate was curious as to why she was worried about them, they had tried to hurt her! maybe even have killed her if he didn’t get there when he did so why was she helping him
“why must you tend to them? they could have killed you!” he asked, letting the pup play with a shark tooth necklace he had around his neck. watching as she helped the yautja up
“it’s my duty to tend to anyone’s wounds. i am a nurse on the ship after all. i’m gonna take them to the actual doctor, please take the pup to his parents and tell the mother i will tend to her shortly!” she said as she guided the yautja to the  infirmary and got him checked out by one of the fellow nurses there. she quickly explained what happened before she left to the pups home. her mate was very confused because they tried to kill her but yet she let herself over the pup and in the end even helped the yautja who attacked her…. he wish he was as kind as her to be able to help someone who just tried to kill him…
after a few minutes of walking she finally met her mate, the pup and the parents. the mother was sitting on the floor trying to stitch herself up but Y/N went to stop her and did it for her. the mother reached out for her son before realising something was off about his face, some side was red
“y/n…. what happened to my boy?” she asked before seeing how red her back was and there were a few cuts on her “what happened to you too?!” now she knew something was wrong…. she had a tendency to get very overprotective of her since they have known each other for a long time and have been through a lot together so obviously she grew protective
“i’m okay! i promise. these are just scratches but earlier some yautja thought i was taking him away but i was trying to explain that i was taking him home… they didn’t listen and attacked me, your son bit him which cause them to smack him, i stabbed them and then my mate came and took care of them — they’re in the infirmary right now” she explained “your son was very brave by the way! not even i have the confidence to bite one of you guys” she said, going on to take care of the next wound
“you stabbed them?” her mate asked…. he was shocked she did that, he knew she was a strong human but everyone he’s met before always ran away or something so he was shocked she did that “maybe you can start going on hunts with me, you have proven you are strong even with no combat training. i shall t—“
“i’m not hunting” she said, already knowing the lecture about going on hunts he was going to give her, he’s given her this lecture so many times she knows it word for word by now. after she had cut him off the father of the pup started to laugh very hard and loud, using a laugh he had memorised from a human
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!” the father laughed with his arms crossed and everything
“she will give in one day! i just have to try harder and longer!” her mate protested, she shook her head and looked at him
“you’re not gonna convince me, dear” she said with a smile on her face. she went to the mothers back side and moved her long dreadlocks out the way to see a huge cut going across her back. she started to clean the wound and the mother would roar each time the cleaning stuff got inside her cut. “i know… i know it hurts…. just give me a few more seconds and i’ll stitch it up” she said in a calm and oddly comforting voice, the mother held in her urge to punch something until she was done with cleaning everything. after she was done and backed up a bit “okay now you can” she gave the mother the go ahead to punch the floor, which she did
she went to get the needle and thread and started stitching up the mothers back. while she did both of their mates watched this interaction between them…
“y/n is very kind…. is that usual for humans?” the mothers mate asked hers… he was confused as to why y/n was super nice even when she was threatened
“it’s usual for her…. other humans i’m not so sure about… she protected a young that wasn’t even hers… she risked her life for a child she didn’t even birth… she is amazing….” her mate said, not taking his eyes off her the entire time. he knew there was something about her he liked that he didn’t see up until that day…
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this is so bad, i rushed the end tbh. and this also isn’t proof read or edited at all. ALSO, i do have a job now so pls don’t be upset if i dont do ur request right away or it takes a long time. during october is when i should be working a lot more because halloween so yeah!
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seattlesellie · 1 year
looord i need my loser rizzless lesb ellie because im the COMPLETE opposite i looove to tease and act annoying and flirt for fun and i feel like she would die every time i sent her a half lidded stare lmao i love losers sm i need HELP ..
this is why jackson ellie (esp dance ellie) is so dear to me its like peak rizzless clueless lesbian core 😭 shes so dumb and what u described is exactly like that scene where her and dina are looking at the view before the weed part and dinas so clearly flirting and ellies like “uhh 😀 where do we check in?” like u literal idiot someones trying to bag u…. and when she blushes at the dance… and does her little cute dumb smiles…. shes so loser coded like that is the face of an actual loser. u made me wanna write -900 rizz ellie again but like loser ellie x confident flirty reader who makes her stumble on her words and sweat <333
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lambsouvlaki · 11 months
For the Hell of it - Coming Home
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Character: Jason Todd x civilian! Fem!oc
Rating and Warnings: SFW
Word Count: 1257
Summary: Jason comes home from a long trip away from Gotham and visits Andy. Both of them try very hard to pretend they're not yearning.
Jason arrived back to Gotham after two months in space.
He was sore, tired, and annoyed. He hated space. There was never enough room, the food was terrible, and no matter how much you liked your fellow voyagers, the close quarters and endless hours with nothing to do meant he spent the whole time in endless petty arguments. 
He was pretty sure he owed half the Outlaws apologies for the stupid shit he said on the ride home. 
He dumped his bag of gear in the doorway of his cold apartment. The lights took a second to come on and bathed the rooms in bleak white light. He pulled out his phone and saw the backlog of messages and calls. He scrolled past and deleted most of them. 
Andy had sent him a backlog of memes. A tired smile tugged at his mouth. 
He had thought giving her some space while he was in actual space would probably be good for both of them. He hadn’t had this much to do with someone outside of the hero scene since before his death. It wasn’t fair to her when she didn’t know the danger inherent with his company. 
He chuckled at a hideous meme about Nicholas Nickleby. Damn, he had missed her. 
He’d forgotten just how stabilising it was to have civilian friends. How relaxing it was. It kind of weirded him out sometimes. No wonder Dick was always hassling Bruce to go socialise. 
He flipped her a message, letting her know he was back. 
He shucked off his shirt and took a shower. He rewrapped his bandages but couldn’t be bothered shaving. His stubble was really just a beard by now. Tomorrow’s problem.
In a towel and slippers he wandered back through his apartment. Was it always so draughty? He’d forgotten to turn the heating on or close the curtains. He pulled the fridge open. 
It was completely empty. 
He tipped his head back and sighed for about a million years. 
Of course he’d cleared everything out before he left. He wasn’t an idiot. And there was plenty of shelf stable food in the pantry, he could technically feed every bat in the city for a year, but he was not eating rehydrated food from a packet tonight. He refused. 
His phone buzzed on the counter. He flipped it over. Andy’s face glowed next to a message asking if he wanted to come over for dinner. 
‘Got a giant pot pie in the oven,’ she said. 
He grinned. He wasn’t going to say yes, all he needed was a quiet night decompressing. Still. The thought counted. 
He opened a delivery app.
Andy sent him a photo. Her giant dog’s soulful eyes and fluffy snout took over the screen. 
‘Marlow doesn’t want you to eat sad take out in a sad empty apartment.’
‘My apartment isn’t sad,’ he replied.
‘But it doesn’t have Marlow. Who’s begging will you cave to and give the scraps from your plate?’
‘Marlow makes a compelling case.’
He flicked back to the delivery app. He scrolled by pizza and stir fry and curry. He opened the fridge again. Still empty.  
He opened the chat. 
‘What kind of pot pie?’
‘Beef burgundy.’
He leaned his head against the fridge door. 
‘I’ll be there in twenty
He threw some pants and an old shirt on and grabbed a bottle of wine from the depths of his pantry. 
Shortly after he climbed the stairs to Andy’s apartment. It was a nice enough spot for Crime Alley, a corner apartment on the top level. The elevator didn’t work, the paint was peeling, and the balcony was technically condemned, but the landlord hadn’t put the rent up in five years. A steal. 
He heard excited dog noises from behind the door before he even knocked. His shoulders relaxed.
The door swung open a moment later and Andy grinned up at him, the vanguard of a wave of wave air that enveloped him. He was holding a bottle of wine, she was holding a potato peeler. He folded her into a hug. She squeezed him happily. 
She took the wine, and he soon found himself sitting on the living room floor, his back against the couch, with a giant happy dog sitting on his legs. He was warm and sank into a puddle of golden afternoon light. Delicious smells wafted in from the kitchen and MASH reruns played quietly on the tv. He had somehow ended up holding the potato peeler.
“Can I help?” he called, even though he suspected if he had to stand up again he might just cry. 
Andy laughed from the kitchen. “Absolutely not.” 
He draped his arms over Marlow’s back, and let his head fall back against the couch. A contented huff came from the dog. Jason closed his eyes. 
When next he opened them the light had changed. 
The curtains were closed. A reading lamp off to the side cast diffuse orange light across the room. The opening credits for a later season of MASH played quietly on the tv. 
He turned his head, groggy and unconcerned. Andy sat curled up on the couch behind him and to the side. He spied a scraped empty plate next to her and an open book on the arm rest. The dog had dragged over his bed and was sleeping next to both of them. 
He looked up at her for a moment, studying her. The curl of her hand against her cheek. The little flyaway of her hair curling over her forehead. One shoulder of her cardigan slipping down her arm. Her toes tucked under a couch cushion. If he was a painter, he would want to paint her here, now. 
“Dinner’s in the oven for you,” she said quietly. 
His stomach reminded him of how pressing a concern that was. 
He clambered up with a groan. Marlow came along to the kitchen to see what he was doing, and then back again to sit optimistically at his feet. 
Jason sat next to Andy on the couch and ate his fill.
“I forgot how good a cook you are,” he moaned. 
She beamed. 
He pointed with his fork. “My turn, next time. I owe you.”
Her smile turned lazy. “Sure. Next time I fall off the map for two months and resurface with a beard and a full week of sleep debt, you can do the cooking.”
He narrowed his eyes while chewing his mashed potatoes. “Cute.” 
“You’re cute.” 
“Yeah I am. Fuckin’ adorable.” 
“Missed you, Jay.”
Something thick lodged in his throat. Too much, it was too much, if he opened his mouth something stupid would come out. 
Andy’s expression shuttered. She looked down at her book. 
“Too much peace and quiet without me?” he managed. He aimed for soft, and not sharp, and hoped like hell he succeeded. He was too rough and jagged for this kind woman. She didn’t deserve his bullshit. 
“Not enough peace and quiet,” she said like nothing had happened. “I can’t trick anyone else into walking Marlow for me. He’s taken to whining about it.” 
The dog sat up straighter at hearing his name.
“Really? Two whole months and nobody’s replaced me as his favourite?”
She shrugged and reached out to rub behind his ears. “No other contenders.”
“Well they’re missing out,” Jason said. He rubbed Marlow’s flank. 
They petted opposite sides of the dog, not making eye contact. Marlow, who had never hesitated to love anyone in his life, was perfectly happy to receive their affections.
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jungkookslipring · 1 year
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Giggles for Lixie pt 3
A part 3 you want, a part you’ll get 😊
Pairings: Lee!Felix Ler!Seungmin 🐤 🐶
Genre: fluff ❤️
It was another day of SKZ filming content for their variety show. The time had come for them to find out who they were rooming with. Seungmin made his way to his assigned room and smiled up at the security camera. When he opened the door, he walked into an empty room, assuming he was the first one. He was wrong. So so wrong. When he set his bag down on the bed, his fellow September brother pushed his way through the curtains and yelled out. Seungmin jumped not long before screaming
Felix threw his head back and smacked the bed laughing to his heart's content. Seungmin tried to steady his heartbeat as he looked at Felix in complete shock.
“I knew Seungmin would come!” Felix said happily as he got on the bed to go hug Seungmin.
“I’m sorry,” Felix laughed as Seungmin gripped his neck.
“That’s the first time I ever screamed like this,” Seungmin laughed as the Aussie dissolved into another fit of laughter. After the two settled down, they went about their day shooting with the rest of the group. When it was time for bed, the duo retreated to their respective room. When Felix was getting under the covers, Seungmin pounced on top of him and straddled his waist. Felix yelped in his strong Aussie accent before dissolving into giggles when the slightly younger September brother started squeezing his sides.
“Minniehehehehe what are you doiheheheheng,” Felix giggled as he tried to grab the hands that were squeezing his sides mercilessly.
“This is for scaring me half to death earlier,” Seungmin explained with that shit eating grin of his. Felix shook his head as the giggles continued to flow.
“You’re so bahahahahad,” he squeaked as Seungmin went higher up on his ribs.
“I’m bad?! I could’ve lost my voice and the world would’ve imploaded!” Seungmin exclaimed dramatically, but he couldn’t help but laugh. He loved hearing Felix’s giggles. Felix was growing weaker trying to grab Seungmin’s hands. He rolled all over the bed trying to get away from all the tickles but Seungmin was too quick.
“Minniehehehehe,” Lix giggles as Seungmin manages to grab a hold of both of Felix’s wrists. Felix’s eyes widened.
“Woah how are you so strAAAAHHHAHAHAHAHAHA SEUNGMIN!” Felix screeched as the younger’s free hand went under Felix’s shirt and started squeezing his armpit. Seungmin laughed along with Felix as he squeezed and poked Felix’s underarm.
“MINNIE IT TICKLES” he screeched as he curled up as much as he could, shoving half of his face into the pillow.
“Well duh I’d be shocked if it didn’t,” Seungmin said sarcastically, giggling along with the happy Ray of sunshine under him.
“GEHEHET OUT OF MY PIT MINNIEHEHEHEHEHEHEHE” Felix screeched, not having the energy to fight.
“I would but my hand is kind of trapped under your arm Bbogie,” Seungmin shrugged as his fingers wiggled effortlessly. Felix gave up and let his body go limp, his eyes squeezed shut as the tickles took over his body. The torture went on for who knows how long until Felix finally screamed
“MINNIE I GIHIHIHIHIVE!” Seungmin slowed down his tickles and got off of Felix.
“You’re a menace, Minnie,” Felix giggles as he rolls over to lay on top of Seungmin.
“A second ago you were trying to get away from me and now you’re on top of me?” Seungmin laughed. Felix giggled and hid his face in Seungmin’s chest.
“Cuddles,” Felix demanded. Seungmin laughed as he threaded his fingers through Felix’s blonde locks.
“Agh so cute,” Seungmin sighed happily as the Aussie’s eyes fluttered shut.
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you and me both javier 😔
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yup. you meet alicia. and she never lets you leave. she owns u now. ONCE AGAIN THE CHICKS WITH THEIR TINY RAT MEN THEY TREAT LIKE PURSE DOGS.
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aweee :') he cares. "your a piece of shit but your my piece of shit so stop being sad and go back to being the worst man alive"
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they playin some 8D chess here.
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that lloyd frontera charm.
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"if you failed?"
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they are bestest friends to me. bros for life.
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pathetic men for the win. lloyd is like a half dead chihuahua that alicia carries around in a bag
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wow. such a hero.
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time to go on a killing spree😀🔪
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murderous plan concocted 👍
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ember20sblog · 10 months
TW!!! B!nging/overeating and 🤮
Don’t read if you’ll get easily triggered!! I’m not promoting ED behaviors this is my own personal struggles/vent about it
So I was doing well today with restricting, like really well. All I had up u until 2:30pm or so was one black coffee in the morning, one coffee with almond milk and a little bit of vegan creamer with less than half of an apple. Then my dumb ass started eating more and I almost finished an entire bag of tortilla chips and rice crackers😭
So I tried 🤮 when I was home alone, which might I add is usually easy for me. But TODAY?! WTF!!! It was so hard!!! I could barely get anything up and it was painful and burning too!! I only waited 10 minutes so I have no clue why it was so difficult. Maybe bc I haven’t done it in a while but still I usually have no issues with it. So how I feel even worse and wanna d!e😀so I will be disappearing until I can get my shit together and stop being such a disgusting POS
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bnha-more-like-bnh-gay · 11 months
So, for a couple of years now, I've been reading the old X-Men comics of the 70s & 80s, and a few recent issues from '87 have given me a great idea for an AU.
Dazzler!Izuku 😀
So, Izuku is born with a quirk that allows him to transform sound into photonic energy. Anything from generating benign blobs of light that move, pulsate, and change color in relation to whatever music he's listening to (tho, this can be weaponized too; during the sludge villain attack, Izuku overwhelms the villain's eyes with a fantastic light show that leaves him catatonic), to concentrating a single, loud noise into a laser beam that deals concussive damage.
Izuku would, of course, gravitate towards Present Mic as a mentor. And he would team up well with Jirou.
So, what do you think?
I AM SO SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO REPLY TO, SCHOOL AND MY MENTAL HEALTH FUCKED ME OVER. I have had half of this in my queue for about 3 months, ya bitch was just burnt tf out 💀
But dude, I absolutely fucking love this 😭😭
Heads up, my knowledge of physics is limited so I’m not going to be talking much about the actual details of his quirk until after I learn more about it, but I hope you enjoy!!!
Izuku who makes physics jokes.
He has shirts with physics puns on them. A shirt that says, “the photon checked into the hotel and was asked if it had any bags, it said, “no thanks, I’m traveling light!”
Reminds me of the time I was dual enrolling and in my psychology class, I said, “I once asked the librarian if she had a book on Pavlov’s dog and Schrödinger’s cat. She said it rung a bell but she wasn’t sure if it was there or not!”
I thought I was so funny, but everyone else hated me.
Izuku is that kid. He does that shit
Inko loves it, she thinks her son is hilarious. Mic loves it. The little lister is so smart! Nezu has a goddamn field day. Aizawa is so tired, but secretly likes the jokes. He face palms every time and acts like it’s the end of the world, but he does like them. Midnight thinks it’s great, she asks izuku for more jokes/puns all the time. Mainly to annoy Aizawa. But still. BRUH, MISS JOKE. SHE LOVES THIS LITTLE SHIT. I honestly feel like all might wouldn’t understand most of them, but he’d love them anyway.
Izuku: I was studying frequencies, but now my brain Hertz.
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He accidentally freaks people out the first few weeks in the dorm because they’re not used to it/expecting it.
The number of times mina asks for mood lighting
I really want to drive home that he makes an unholy amount of puns
He doesn’t even try to, it just happens so naturally. Shouto has theorized that it’s a secondary quirk.
You have spoken directly to my soul with mentor mic (and Jirou/izuku friends)
They’d all work so well together though
Mic brings him to Put Your Hands Up Radio not only to work with his quirk, but to help with his nerves
It is no secret that izuku is a nervous lad, but I raise you, mic was also a nervous lad (personal headcanon, but you cannot tell me that lad doesn’t have generalized anxiety)
Mic helps izuku gain some coping mechanisms (or coping mic-anisms if you will (thank you, thank you))
Mic is a nerd, izuku is a nerd, Jirou is cool, but a nerd. Jirou, similar to Aizawa, rolls her eyes at the physics puns, but does she think they’re funny? Yes. Yes, she does. They defends izuku when people mock his puns
Mic couldn’t be prouder of his children
Thank you for the ask! I hope you enjoyed! Sorry it was kinda short 😅
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
hi, could you make a smut of ryusei satou x sub reader him calling his house after his mother left
I looked up this character and like who is this hottie?? 😀 I read the manga and yet didn’t even remember this gang wtf uhmm anyways… enjoy! (fem reader)
He waved goodbye to his mother as she blew him a kiss and got into her old car, backing out of the driveway and driving off in an instant.
He sighs to himself and ran a hand through his curly hair, glancing over at your house across the street to see you peering back coincidentally. You smiles awkwardly and waves, spawning a smile on his face and he held up his phone and pointed to it with his other hand.
He turned away first, walking into the now still house and slumped on the couch, awaiting his phone to go off. Sure enough, it did about a minute later, and his screen read ‘the cute neighbor ❤️’.
He answered it and listened to you rustle around and say goodbye to your parents, imagining you tugging on the same slip on shoes you always wore and slung your bag over your shoulder, shutting the door and starting towards his house.
“Miss me so much you needed to talk to me before you saw me?” he says with a chuckle as you hang up abruptly, knocking on the door soon after.
He rubs his eyes and gets up, dragging towards the door with a smile as he opens it up to have his beliefs true; your hair was a mess, you wore the same sweatshirt you always wore to cover up what you sported only for him, and your slip on shoes matched your bag.
“Hey.” he says simply, stepping aside to allow you into the familiar house.
“How much time do we have today?” you ask, slipping your shoes off at the door and setting down your bag nearby.
“A few hours. Plenty of time.” he says as he tugs your sweatshirt off, revealing the overly short crop top with a red laced bra. He could only imagine how the rest of you looked, so he also tugged off your shorts to reveal your matching set.
You instinctively put your hands up, both the cold air and the fact that you were almost naked with him fully clothed getting to you.
“Oh come on, nothing I haven’t seen.” he says with a chuckle as he drags you towards his bedroom.
“Still as beautiful as ever.” he says with a cheeky grin as you layed down on his bed, covering your face with your hands as he lined up.
“Let me see that pretty face, otherwise I won’t do anything.” he says sternly as you peak through your hands, but not taking them completely off.
You let out a whine of disapproval as he pinched your nipple, taking your hands off with a pout as you looked the other way.
“unfair.” you muttered as he quirked his eyebrows in amusement at your unusually bratty behavior.
“What’s gotten into you? Do I need to teach you..” he starts as he runs an icy finger along your chin, “how to act correctly?”
You shook your head and earned another annoyed look, opting to mutter a small “no”.
“No? You think not?” he says, bringing his head down to have his hot breathing right on your neck, sending shivers down your spine as he bit down on the tender skin.
“No.. my parents..” you whined out, but he places a hand over your mouth as he moved over farther, leaving a wet line of purple like a necklace.
He suddenly shoved himself all the way in, bringing tears to prick at your eyes as you struggled to take all of him at once.
“Ryu.. too- much!” you blabbed out as he rose up and propped you up on his legs, drilling into the spot he knew drove you crazy as your face scrunched up.
“Like that?” he asks with a sadistic lauch as you nodded your head, barely even having to with the way the thrusts were bobbing you up and down already hard enough.
You came undone, surprising both of you, yet he didn’t stop his ruthless pace, sending you into overstimulation as you clawed at his wrists.
He said sweet nothings to you, but they fell onto deaf ears. It hadn’t even been half an hour yet and your head was spinning, eye rolled back as far as they could go as he hit your g-spot over and over. You had long ago made a ring of your slick on his cock, but he went on and on and on.
You wondered if you weren’t doing well, saying that he hadn’t busted yet evn once when you were edging onto your third time. It took all of the energy you had, but you clamped down on him with all of your strength and that was all he needed to coat your insides with white.
He threw his head back and let out a guttural moan as you both came, warmth flooding your bodies as you went through your highs.
“shit.. w-wow baby.” was all he could get out as he slumped over you, taking you into his arms as he kissed the love spots he had left earlier on your neck and collarbone.
“You’ve never done that shit before.” he said, esrning a content hum from you as you brushed his hair with your hands, smiling to yourself at your grand achievement.
“Wanna do that.. I don’t know.. maybe another dozen times?”
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elejahfanfic · 8 months
OC Kiss Scene Tag Game
Thank you @darknightfrombeyond ❤️😀✨️
This is from Christmas Tale in New Orleans
Gentlemanly, Elijah thanked for the dance and as they moved away from the Ball room, as he had to see an official, Elena had scheduled for him the other day. She took the opportunity to get out in the garden.
"Cool it." she muttered to herself, taking a deep breath.
She looked up at the moon smiling down at her.
"I can't do this anymore" she thought gazing up to the shiny round satellite, "Please, help me get over this. This can't be. We work together. What is happening to me?"
And she stood like that for a little while trying to work out her emotions. 
"Ms Gilbert?" she heard Elijah's voice call out and she sharply turned to face him.
Here you are!? Aren't you cold?" Elijah said.
"No" Elena replied shortly "I needed some fresh air. Too many people in there."
"Yes, it is quite crowded inside," Elijah agreed," if you wish we can leave. There is nothing we need to do here anymore."
"All right- yeah." Elena said, a tiny smile curling up on her face.
"I will give Aiden a call." Elijah took his phone out and dialled the Chauffeur's number.
As Elijah finished with Aiden, Elena said that she had left her shawl inside.
"I will get it for you." he said and Elena said that she would meet him at the car.
Elijah nodded a little in agreement and went inside.
Half an hour later they were in front of Elena's apartment building and the gentleman he was, Elijah walked to the door.
"This me. Thank you for taking me home." Elena said gesturing to the door, taking the key out of her bag.
"This is a least I could have done. Thank you for - like always- the great work you- do." Elijah said somewhat clumsily looking at her enchantingly.
Elena nodded feeling all the butterflies in her stomach rise up - and it was like she was moonstruck. Both suddenly were lost themselves in gasping looks before their lips met. He kissed her and the world fell away. It was slow and soft at first. And then passionate, demanding. Opening her mouth to him, she let him taste her fully. Their tongues danced entwined, completely surrendering to the delicious sensation seeping through their veins.
His hand rested below her ear as he broke the kiss suddenly, his thumb caressing her cheek as their breaths mingled breaking up, looking at one another still feeling the swirls of emotions dancing up inside of them.
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"The great power of C.H.E.A.T."
The next story is about May (@poxy-domain OC farmer) teaching Julian how to use a secret magic only available to the farmers of the Stardew Valley :D Humour, crack and a bit of breaking the fourth wall. Heh 😀
"All treasures will be yours. The most delicious meals that even rich brats from Amethyne rarely have will be on your dinner table. Forgotten blades and rings. You will have power over men. You'll have everything - you'll get anything you want, you'll be able to go anywhere you want!"
Julian had been listening to May's story for half an hour, when she had decided to tell him about a forbidden magic that was not known to humans, elves, dwarves, or shadow people. Both of his gem-coloured eyes - the left the colour of aquamarine, the right like a pure emerald - looked at the girl who stood on the wooden crate and told him the secrets, gesticulating vigorously. Julian listened to May's every word, intrigued, fascinated, he couldn't take his eyes off her.
"Fascinating.... And what is the name of this spell?" The blond-haired boy asked a little more quietly. The girl looked at him and smiled enigmatically, she was obviously waiting for her friend to ask this question.
"C.H.E.A.T." May answered loudly and proudly.
"Huh? Cheat?" He asked.
"No, not cheat, but C.H.E.A.T. Did you get that?" May spelled it.
The young man was already bouncing slightly with impatience. What does that mean? Forgotten magic? Even Magnus doesn't know about it?
He asked again:
"What this stand for?"
"Hell if I know." The dark-haired farmer jumped down from the box and rubbed her palms together in anticipation. "Shall we get started?"
"Wait-wait-wait!" Julian rambled on. "Shouldn't we prepare before we cast a spell?"
May laughed good-naturedly at the panicked notes in her friend's voice.
"No, silly. This magic, this ability to cast this spells, has already been in every farmer since the beginning of our arrival in the Valley.... In me," She pointed a finger at herself. "In you," The finger was now pointed at Julian. "You'll understand the first time you try it. All we need to do it's focus on the object you want and say "debug command". I'll show you."
Julian nodded to his friend, and took two steps back, giving her space to demonstrate.
May closed her eyes and brought her two palms together again. A stream of magical energy formed around her and swirled around the girl like the wind swirling autumn leaves. Unbeknownst to him, symbols formed above her head, the girl uttered monotonously.
"Debug.... Command..."
In an instant, several large purple chests formed near May's feet, which were completely stuffed with treasures, gold and precious stones. The magic flow disappeared, the girl opened her eyes and smiled triumphantly when she saw Julian's surprised face.
"Wow!" the young man uttered, seeing May proudly step over the golden slides to approach him.
"See? Now it's your turn."
Julian nodded, closed his eyes, and tried to focus on his thoughts. Slowly, a similar magical flow surrounded him, just as it had surrounded May a few minutes ago.
"Debug... Command!"
In one moment, a large tied bag immediately formed at Julian's feet. He bent down to the bag on the ground and carefully untied it, still not fully believing that it was a real object and not an illusion. May wondered what Julian had conjured up for himself. A dozen prismatic shards, as beautiful as the sky, fell to the ground from the untied bag. Julian's pupils dilated at the sight of the beautiful shiny stones.
"Good. Very good," like a proud teacher who rejoices in the success of her talented student, May gave her verdict and patted her friend on the shoulder.
"You need to know that, in addition to conjuring items, we can also move to any place we want," The dark-haired girl stood next to Julian. "Don't go far, I'm about to read the spell."
Julian did not move, waited patiently and watched as his friend and fellow farmer read the spell again.
There was a flash of energy, for a moment there was nothing but darkness in front of his eyes, and in another moment, they were standing on a sandy beach.
"So, this is Ginger Island," May began to shake the sand off her shoes while Julian, as if struck by lightning, stared mesmerised at the crystal clear sea water. So clear that it was easy to see all the fish and other sea life!
"Okay, let's move to another place," Once again, May read a spell, after which they both found themselves on top of a volcano. The heat from the lava was so unbearable that even the air was burning hot. It was a little difficult to breathe.
No sooner had the blond-haired young man commented on the place itself or the strange forge than a figure formed behind them. A tall beautiful man, with pink hair and a blue cloak. The man opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but upon seeing the two people, he immediately closed his mouth again. Apparently, he didn't expect to see strangers here.
Julian waved his hand at the mysterious man while May cast the spell again.
"Okay, too early for us to meet him yet. Let's move on."
After another teleportation, Julian realised that this time he and May were in the middle of a sandstorm. Sand was flying in their faces, nothing could be seen.
"If I pronounced the coordinates correctly, we're now in the Crimson Baldlans. At least, according to Wiki," May tried her best to shout over the howling wind to get her words across to Julian standing next to her. Admittedly, the girl quickly regretted it when sand got into her mouth.
"Who's Wiki?," Julian didn't know if May had heard his question or not because of this blasted storm.
"Ugh! That bloody sand!" The girl, cursing, began to read the spell again. A second later, they found themselves on top of a wall that was in the same wasteland.
"Well, at least here there wouldn't be sand flying into their eyes". She sighed. "So what did you tell-"
"What in the name of Yoba is going on here!?" May didn't have time to finish before she was interrupted by the shocked voice of the woman, who stood there looking at the two strangers as if they were aliens. Julian and May were stared at, in addition to the archer, by several other pairs of similarly surprised eyes from beneath their brown hoods.
"Invaders!", The man with the scarred face drew his sword, preparing to attack the poor farmers. The girl with the bow and the others also bared their weapons, someone even started reciting magic spells. Realising that the two self-taught mages were in trouble, May quickly grabbed Julian's hand and read the spell, already for the last time.
Poof! And they were back on the peaceful and tranquil farm again.
"Phew, that was close..." The girl sighed tiredly. "I think that's enough magic lessons for today."
Smiling at Julian, who was still in a state of shock, May let go of his hand.
"So, do you want to learn more C.H.E.A.T. magic?"
Julian slowly turned to face his friend, and nodded just as slowly. The adventure had scared him a little, but his curiosity and boyish desire for fun were greater than his fear. May smiled radiantly, already anticipating the mischief they both would cause for the Valley's residents.
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sebsxphia · 2 years
Hey seb! It’s been a few days. I haven’t written anything because I was hoping that maybe you could write a little something for this.
Knife kink or CNC with phoenix please
(I think it was you that mentioned liking either one or both of these. If I’m wrong you don’t have to write it 😀)
hey my beloved anon!! <33 absolutely!!! you are correct, i like both 🥴
i hope you enjoy the below! 💌 (dark themes below the cut)
With both of these kinks, Phoenix would firstly confirm with you that you’re comfortable with going ahead with both of these and reminds you of your safe word before you begin either of them.
You’re bent over her desk with your wrists tied in specific Navy ties. She’s been home for barely half an hour after a month of being deployed and she finds out you’ve broken multiple of her rules. Rightly so, she’s pissed.
Grabbing onto your ties and rutting your hips back against the vibe pressed neatly in between your thighs she grits into your ear. “They’re pretty simple rules, brat. How could you not follow them for Daddy? Fuck.”
You wail as the vibe is overstimulating your clit, third orgasm already behind you, it’s too much and you wriggle in her grasp. “Daddy, please! It’s too much… it’s too much…” You blabber out, struggling to pull your words together, mind going dizzy.
“I don’t care. You know the rules and if you break them, you get punished.”
She turns it off momentarily and you fall against the desk with the wind knocked out of your lungs. You hear her snort behind you when she notices how you clench your thighs together, already missing the feeling.
Not daring to anger her more, you don’t turn around. You lay there waiting for what comes next. You can hear the sound of her duffle bag being unzipped and her heavy foot steps coming back to you.
You body instinctively twitches as you feel a pin prick on your ass. You then release it’s a dull edge that’s being dragged over the curves and up your spine. You shudder at the touch and don’t hold back the guttural moan that leaves your lips.
She lifts your torso off her desk to arch against her. One arm is snaked around your lower half holding you in place with the vibe switched back on making you cry out and the sudden feeling again.
Her other arm is snaked around the front of your chest, the dull edge pressing into the skin of your throat.
“You’re gonna come again for me, or else.” Pressing the edge harder into your flesh.
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anotherdayforchaosfay · 7 months
Could you show us some pictures of neat fabric you have that you haven't used yet?
Here's a few of the fabrics!
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I intend to make something for myself wirh the sushi print. The cat-cus print is a little pinker, but my phone couldn't quite pick that up. If you look up catcus fabric print, you'll likely find it.
Several of these prints are from a mystery bag I purchased a couple years ago. It was 10 half yard cuts, and in one bag was a bunch of food prints. Not really my style, but I know several people who love that stuff, so I held on to them. Another bag had a collection of five prints that remind me of Valentine's Day, but they're an orange-red and an eyesore. I haven't decided what to do with them, but I'm leaning towards sending them off as a gift.
I also have a collection turquoise/brown/cream fabrics I've put together and will be using for a sampler in the future. They're not meant for a collection, just independent designs, so I've been building it myself. A sampler quilt is a quilt made of multiple types of blocks, aka a sample of each. Some have repeated blocks, others do not. You can make one using a full pattern or just make a bunch of different blocks that are all the same size. I have a post pinned on @creations-by-chaosfay to a couple websites that provide a bunch of blocks to make your own sampler quilt rather than one designed to be a sampler. Yay for options, right? 😀
If anyone seeing this is intrigued, I'll be opening commissions in March for my members and April for everyone else.
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