#and then going back home where i had the brilliant idea to pick the stick of good morale (the fireworks staff) over an instrument
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farouchestray · 2 years ago
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randomthefox · 4 months ago
You know what would make an AMAZING short animation for Sonic? While Eggman is trying to create a new robot after his latest defeat, he gets bored and gloomy. He's a bit down from getting kicked in the ass by Sonic all the time. But then he gets the brilliant idea of pranking everyone to get back at them and cure his boredom. Eggman would be SO great at pulling pranks. XD
I can picture that really vividly. Camera showing a view of Eggmans workshop in the dark. Suddenly the door swings open with the light flooding in, Eggman stomping his way inside nursing a big bandage cross on the top of his head and picking blue quills out of his butt.
Grumbling he slams his way into his work chair and swivels to his building station, already pulling out schematics and blueprints to start designing his next scheme. But his foot bumps against a trash can which is filled with crumpled up blueprint paper, he fishes a few out and unwraps them to inspect and sees they're the discarded schematics from boss mechas from previous games. Going through each and every design which was attempted, and destroyed. At first with an angry expression on his face, but then it starts to get more sullen and depressed as he goes through sheet after sheet after sheet after sheet after sheet. Each and every one was a failure. Maybe even complete with a little sketch doodle animation on the blueprint paper of Sonic breaking the mecha and laughing in a little squeaky voice.
Eggman slumps over the desk with his head in his hands, tugging at his mustache in frustration. Combing through a literal pile of his failed past schemes is making him gloomy. He pushes away from his work desk and just staggers out of the room and starts idly roaming through his base. Inspecting the assembly lines. Looking over animal containment cages. His badniks manning those stations stiffening up nervously from his presence, but Eggman is basically just doing this meme.
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Eventually as he's milling around listlessly he trips on a pile of nuts and bolts and falls flat on his ass. The badniks nearby when it happens scatter in fear of an ensuing tantrum. But he just lays on his back for a few seconds. Then he sits up and looks down at the stuff he tripped on, and toes at the pile for a second. Then his eyes widen and a big twinkle comes to his face and he starts grinning wide and huge as inspiration strikes.
Cut to Knuckles walking around on Angel Island, wandering around just on patrol. Then he struts back to where the master emerald only to stop and gawk with shocked horror. The camera panning around to show the emerald had toilet paper flung across the entire shrine and dripping yoke and broken egg shells from tossed eggs splattered all over it. Knuckles starts stomping around and raging while the camera pulls back showing Eggman hiding in the bushes cackling to himself.
Cut to Amy walking home while holding a bag of groceries, and once she gets in front of her door she pulls out the keys to unlock it and go inside, but once she tries stepping into the house she trips and falls flat dropping her grocery bag. She pushes up with a startle and looks down, and finding that her feet are stuck to the welcome mat which has been turned into a glue trap! She double takes with confusion, then glances up and looks around left to right in surprise at the sound of Eggman howling with laughter in the distance.
Cut to Tails in his hanger working on the Tornado, he takes a break wiping his brow and going over to his work desk to pop a mint into his mouth. Only to grimace and scrunch his face up, then coughs the mint out and sticks his tongue out while clutching at his throat. He frowns and inspects the mint and finds his entire bowl of candy has been replaced with what is conspicuously just metal nuts that have been painted to look like mints. Tails frowns and turns around and then gasps to find that the Tornado is sitting on top of cinderblocks, the landing gear wheels missing like a hub cap jacking.
Cut to Sonic sleeping under a tree in the shade, only for the shade to darken into a shadow as Eggman looms over him. Pov turning back to show Eggmans grinning laughing face as he leans in towards the camera until he fills up the entire frame with darkness. Then cut to later in the day with the camera sitting behind Sonics shoulder, he yawns awake and stretches. Suddenly Knuckles Amy and Tails all show up, all of them carrying the indications of their pranks Knuckles holding the entire master emerald aloft Amy stumbling with glue still on her feet and Tails holding the bowl of nut mints. They all converge in front of Sonic starting to chirp and complain, only to stop and stare as Sonic stands up and regards them with confused concern with the camera still looking just behind his shoulder. Then all three of them burst into laughter looking at Sonic, and the camera sweeps around showing Sonic's face - completely drawn over with magic marker making a fake mustache black eye and monocle and other silly scribbles all across him from chin to forehead while Sonic just looks baffled.
Cut back to Eggmans workshop just as Eggman is sitting back down at his desk, smiling and sighing with rejuvenated energy. Then he pulls out a fresh blueprint sheet and starts drawing away at a new mech design, the camera slowly pulling away while he giggles under his breath as he draws and some jaunty midi tune cover of E.G.G.M.A.N. plays out the video before it cuts to credits.
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lnfours · 2 years ago
Cutest blurb🥺
How about Tom made a handmade gift to Y/n like a scrapbook or a jar something like that and Y/n is like 🥺🥺🫶💓💖💖💞🥹
anon, this is so cute 🥺 sorry i'm just now getting to writing your request, i hope you like it!
cleaning out my inbox 💌
tom wasn't the crafty type. everyone who attended the failed paint and wine knew this. he was terrible at art, couldn't even draw a stick figure if he tried.
and beings you were the crafty type, ever since then he was determined to make you something special and 'cute'. he wanted to give you a gift that wasn't store-bought, he wanted something special to give you. something that came from the bottom of his heart.
so he thought of a brilliant idea, a scrapbook.
he had asked his mom for a few pointers beings she had made baby books for him and his brothers when they were younger. she had given him all the tips and tricks he could think of.
he even took notes.
when his mom said that it'd be nice to include things from dates the two of you had went on, his mind immediately went to the keepsake box that you had at the top of your side of the closet, the one where you kept all the photo-booth strips, restaurant receipts, movie and event tickets, everything you could possibly ever think of.
and of course he had asked you if it was okay if he went through the box, wanting to get your approval on what to take and what not to take. you were a little confused as to what he was planning.
"just go through the box and pick," you smiled, "but, can i ask why?"
he grabbed the box from the top shelf before humming back at you as you laid on the bed, "mmm, no reason. just wanna look through. maybe it'd be cute if we put together a collage and hung it up in a picture frame or something."
you furrowed your eyebrows, thankful he couldn't see your confused expression, "yeah, sounds good, babe."
and for the next few nights when you'd wander up to bed to read a few chapters of your book before falling asleep, he'd stay downstairs. in the dimly lit dining room, rummaging through the tickets and photos, picking out how he wanted each page to look. he had even made a special trip to the craft store earlier that morning to pick out stickers, fancy markers and pens, the glue dot runner his mom suggested for the photos and tickets, scrapbook paper, and designed washi tape.
he was excited to get to work. he was even more excited to see your reaction to the finished project.
and after a week and a half, and many 'is this good?' texts to his mom, the scrapbook was completed. just in enough time for your anniversary.
he had ran out and got flowers and your favorite candy to give to you along with his handmade gift. the two of you always kept it simple on your anniversary, beings it was in the middle of valentine's day and his birthday.
when you got home, he was eager to give you your gift. you laughed as he basically ran to you as you opened the door when you got home from work.
"hey," you laughed, "eager to see me?"
"always," he smiled, kissing your forehead sweetly, "come on, i've got a surprise for you."
you didn't even have time to kick off your heels before he was dragging you into the kitchen. he smiled as your eyes landed on the scrapbook, flowers, and candy. immediately 'aww'ing at his gesture.
"aww, tom," you cooed, grabbing the scrapbook from the island, "this is adorable."
the smile never left his face as you flipped through the pages, each page being a different date that the two of you went on. he had made special pages for the tickets you saved to each of the marvel movie premiers you two had gone to together. he even had the pictures he had taken on his phone of the two of you printed out so he could stick them on the spider-man scrapbook paper.
yes, he paid $15 for spider-man scrapbook paper.
the last page of the scrapbook paper was white, lace trimming on the top and bottom. you read the letters over and over again, taking in the detail. there was a diamond ring sticker, along with 4 words in white and black block letters:
'will you marry me?'
you turned to see him on one knee, smiling up at you. you laughed softly, closing the book and putting it back on the island. your vision became blurry the longer you looked at him as he sat on one knee.
"will you marry me, darling?"
you smiled, immediately nodding your head, "do you even have to ask?"
he chuckled, standing as he slipped the ring onto your finger, "is that a yes?"
you leaned up and kissed him, cupping his cheeks in your hands. his cheeks were warm as you took in the smell of his cologne and after shave. it smelled like home.
"a million times yes." you smiled, nose rubbing against his before he leaned back down and kissed you again.
"my fiancée sounds a lot better than girlfriend, huh?" he smiled, brushing a few loose strands of hair away from your face.
"couldn't have said it better myself."
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merv606 · 6 months ago
“Are there any other details you can give me - so I can have a better idea exactly 🤔”
Well I was thinking pure smut. 😂
But perhaps it could be a cross parallel to Distant Thunder and TKK3 — in that Daniel is visiting in an attempt to reconnect with his estranged father when Terry sees him and takes him.
He at first tries to trick Daniel into going with him but he’s not falling for it. So he has to take him by force.
Like TKK3, Daniel escapes him after a few weeks, finds his way home and tries to forget what happened to him. Calls the cops of course but not much they can do.
It ends with Terry deciding his boy only left because he isn’t made for forest living. So he does something he swore he’d never do: he reintegrates himself into society and city life — just for his boy. Because he won’t let him go.
Turns out he is Terry Silver, the billionaire who went AWOL over ten years ago for reasons no one could figure out.
Imagine Daniel’s shock when he sees an extremely polished and well groomed Terry Silver on the cover of a magazine three years after his ordeal.
Pure smut?! 
What kind of blog and writer do you take me for 😂 
I am shocked and appalled 😳 scandalized even! 
I ended up sticking more to the first? response to the original ask
PS Would love it if there’s a scene in which after being taken Daniel comes to in Terry’s cabin (and bed) dressed only in one of Terrys shirts — with this very large and very scary looking man looming near.
Your idea above was brilliant but nothing was coming to mind but this story did when I looked at the other response.
So I hope this will still suffice.
The weather had come up out of nowhere.
Daniel had wandered off from the path he normally took to find more berries. The yield hadn’t been great this year and the bushes he normally picked form had been cleaned off all viable berries. He had wanted to make more jam upon returning back to their home, perhaps store it for the winter. 
So engrossed in what he was doing, only looking up as the sky suddenly darkened before realizing he had lost his bearings, not entirely sure of where he was or how far off the path. Then the rain had started, and he had become even more disoriented.
This is LONG and NSFW
Quickly becoming soaked to the bone and so very cold. Luckily he found a cave, some shelter from the weather.  
Daniel hoped he would be able to find his way back, once the rain stopped, because no one would be looking for him; no one would know he was missing. His father was off god knows where. Until such a time, when the weather broke enough to venture back out, he sat in the cave, back to the wall, hugging his knees for warmth.
A loud noise wakes him, and he manages to scramble back in enough time to not be crushed by the rocks that fall down, blocking off the front of the cave; blocking off his freedom.
He starts to walk, nothing else to do. He certainly can’t move any of those rocks. Luckily enough, when he reaches the other side of the cave there is a smaller entrance. His luck seems to have run out though as when he edges out and looks down, and what he sees is a sharp embankment down. 
Still, he can’t go back into the cave and hope for another exit. Making it here through the almost pitch dark cave was frightening enough, and painful. He knows he’s covered in bruises from all the falls in the dark. He’s also beyond freezing now, chilled to the very bone, his clothes stuck to him. He realizes now, that maybe the rock slide had been good thing. 
The cold settled into his body, however, proves to be his undoing. His hands and feet are too numb to hold onto anything on his attempt to descend and he quickly looses his footing. 
That turns into falling down the rocky side before hitting his head hard enough that he lies stunned, his ears ringing and eyesight blurry. 
Daniel thinks he sees though, when he looks up, a figure. An extremely tall figure coming down the way he just fell, fast approaching him, and a sort of terror invades his chest, but before he can truly get caught up in it, darkness envelopes him. 
Terry makes his way down quickly - hoping the boy isn’t too hurt. Even from here Terry can see the small body isn’t moving.  
Terry had been out checking traps and while he could tell weather was coming, he too was surprised by how quick it had started, figuring he had more time. 
He had also taken refuge in the cave, although he had come in the back way. When he heard the footsteps reverberating through the cave, getting closer and closer, Terry had hidden out of view, unsure of what was coming, although he could tell the steps were light.
Terry had watched as he made his way out and over the side, and then as the boy lost his footing and fell.
The boy who is currently not moving. Terry bends down, putting a hand under his nose, grateful when he feels faint breath and then checks the pulse.
Steady and sure. Terry is sure he has knocked himself out cold is all, and will wake with a hell of a headache.  
Checking to make sure nothing seems broken or that he’s too injured to move, although it’s not like Terry can leave him out here. If the elements didn’t get him, there were plenty of things out here that would consider him a tasty morsel.   
Terry himself does, just not in the same way. The boy is beautiful, beyond beautiful he realizes now that he can clearly see his face. Terry’s had only himself for company for quite some time, but still, the boy is safe in his hands. 
He let’s out a painful moan when Terry applies pressure to his left wrist so he is extra careful as he easily picks him up, surprised at how little he weighs, cradling him close as he walks back to his cabin as fast as he can without jostling the boy too much. 
They arrive back ar Terry’s cabin. His home. 
First thing is first; his clothes are not only ruined but he’s soaked, and he is freezing cold. 
Sitting him down on a chair in the bedroom, the limp body against his, his face smushed against Terry’s chest as he divests him of his wet clothes. 
Next checking for any cuts or bruises. For that though, Terry moves him onto the bed, laying him there so he can spread out the boy’s arms and legs. 
Bruises cover him, all fresh from the fall, but nothing feels broken when he presses in, just more pained moans. The few cuts he finds aren’t worrisome, save a couple, so he goes outside into his garden picking the right plants to make a a salve - even small cuts can get infections that can turn bad fast. 
Next Terry wraps the wrist. He’s sure it’s not broken just badly sprained. 
Extra blankets from the closet are fetched to help warm him up, Terry tucks him in tight.
Grabbing extra wood, Terry builds the fire in the room, larger than normal before grabbing the rock from under the bed, placing it close to the fire.
Once that’s warm, Terry wraps it in a towel, testing to make sure it isn’t too hot, should he come into contact with it, before placing it on the bed with the boy to help warm him. 
The cabin is well made and insulted, Terry had been the one who built it, but this will help. 
In the next hour Terry comes in twice, checking his fingers and toes. Satisfied by the now healthy pink of them, when before the nail Ed’s had begun to turn blue, he moves the rock from the bed, but keeps the blankets tight to keep the heat in. 
Terry returns to the kitchen to finish the soup he had started. 
Daniel wakes, so damn warm he’s sweating. He tries to move but realizes he’s trapped in the blankets.
Blankets, he thinks. What? He remembers the cave and falling down a hill. Why is he in a bed?
A bed that is also not his. This much he knows, even if the room is dark. The window offers the only small amount of light coming in, although it’s only coming from the moonlight shining in.
The door creeks open slowly, and he holds his breath, wondering if he should feign sleep. 
Now more room light comes from the candle the man is holding, and Daniel can see, from the little light it gives that the man is huge - taking up most of the doorway. 
“Good, you’re awake. I was starting to worry.” Terry had been dozing himself, out in the room, and had heard the noises of someone stirring. 
Daniel really doesn’t know what to say to that except, “where am I?” He hopes he kept his voice steady. Strange men are not to be trusted. 
“My cabin. You had a nasty fall and hit your head. You remember?”
Daniel nods.
“You found me?”
“And you brought me back here.”
“No one would have survived out there in this. Especially in your condition.”
“Thank you,” he says although still a bit weary. 
Finally managed to have loosened the blankets enough to wriggle himself free enough to sit up he does, although his head swims. 
“Careful now.” The man approaches, sitting on the edge of the bed. “Try not to move so fast.”
“Good advice,” Daniel smiles. He notices then, a too big shirt hanging off him. He’s also pretty sure he has no underwear on. 
“Where are my clothes?”
“Still drying. You were pretty wet and very cold.”
Not like he could be put in the bed wet, he thinks. Still, that means the man …. 
“Are you hungry? There is some soup I can heat.”
He doesn’t think he is, but if on cue, his stomach rumbles at the mention of food.
“I’ll take that as a yes, then.” 
When he returns however, the boy is asleep, head turned to the side against the pillow he rests on, clutching the blankets to his chest.
Terry fixes the blankets around him more securely, but taking in the sweat of his forehead and flush of his cheeks, removes the extras. 
He stands in the doorway, compelled to watch as the boy’s chest rises and falls. It’s been so long since there has been another body in his bed. So long since he’s held someone, and his arms remember the feel of this beautiful boy in his.
He closes the door gently, only the sound of the click on the still air in the cabin. 
Terry realizes, as he settles back on the couch that he didn’t think to ask the boy’s name. 
The next day he seems well enough to join Terry for breakfast in the kitchen, and Terry finally introduces himself, learning the boy’s name as well. 
Daniel had tried to put his clothes on that morning but they were ruined from the fall. He ended up wearing some of Terry’s old clothes that he never threw out. 
“Glad I didn’t now,” the older man had remarked laying them down for Daniel. 
So if Daniel even if they are a bit roomy.
“They’ll do until we can you back at least.”
Daniel offers to do the washing up but with his wrist wrapped it would not be wise. He does however dry the dishes, leaving them on the little wooden island for Terry to put away.
Terry pretty much avoids him after, giving him space, sensing he is a bit weary, and that night he shows Daniel how the bedroom door locks from the inside before going to the couch. 
He is far too big for it but insists Daniel take his bed. 
“All we need is for you to hurt your wrist more than it already is.”
The next few days he starts to relax, sensing the genuine kindness in the man. The man always seems to be making himself smaller for Daniel, bending down or leaning close. Trying to make his sheer size less intimidating. 
They chat about their lives and everything in between.
Terry finds out the while still young, the boy is older than Terry had suspected, having just graduated. 
He relays the issues with his father and how while what had happened had brought them together, his father was once more gone for months on end. 
How lonely the time between is for him.
Terry realizes, for the first time, how lonely he too has become. 
The boy brings him company and an easy companionship he told himself he no longer needed, and he dreads already, having to give the boy up. 
Luckily though, the rain doesn’t let up. It hammers the land relentlessly. For days.
The flooding prevents him from returning Daniel back to his home, as promised. There is a river they must cross and it is just not safe. 
In the meantime they fall into a sort of routine. Terry refuses to call it domestic. 
A week passes in this companionable union they have created and Terry finally deems his wrist well enough to undo the bindings. 
Daniel takes more chores on, and insists on taking the couch now that he is, “fully healed.”
Up until now, Terry would not hear tell of Daniel  sleeping anywhere but the bed, no matter how much the boy protested. 
“I’ve been taking your bed from you.”
“You were injured.”
“Well, I’m not now.” He waves his arm in front of the older man’s face. 
Terry gently catches it, putting it to Daniel’s side. 
“I do not mind sleeping out there.”
“Terry would don’t even fit in the thing.”
“Your comfort and continued recuperation are more important.”
“I’m recuperated. We’ve been over this.”
The boy crosses his arms, heavy pout in place on his face and Terry sighs. 
“How about we share?”
Fair enough Daniel thinks. Besides, it would be like when he was younger and his friends were on sleepovers. 
Another week passes and they both go to the river to check it’s progress and Terry can tell the water rose over the embankment and did damage beyond.
When they return home he fishes out the old radio as Daniel starts cutting vegetables they had farmed from Terry’s garden earlier in the day, cleaning the rabbit from his traps as Terry had taught him. 
“What are you doing?” Daniel asks, wiping his hands as he does so. 
“Old radio. Hopefully it still works.”
Terry had given up keeping on top of the news of the nearby town and the world in general. 
He does go into town a couple times a year, to get supplies when necessary. A few pelts of fur and he can easier get what he needs if he cannot obtain it with his own two hands.  sometimes he’ll catch up on the news there but for the most part finds he can no longer be bothered. 
The static crackles as Terry fiddles with the antenna and adjusts the knobs to find the right frequency. Surprising himself that he remembers the right frequency for the local station.
They sit through the music until the news comes on and it is confirmed that the river had flooded the surrounding area and flooded it badly. 
The easiest, and safest route back has been washed out. With summer on its way out, fall fast approaching, and the weather is always colder this deep in the woods, there are no plans to make it passable until after winter.  
“That’s that then,” Daniel says but he won’t meet Terry’s eye.
He returns to the kitchen, and Terry frowns. Daniel has been taking to life out here like a duck to water, Terry was sure of it. But then again, Maybe Terry has been deluding himself about that though.
“Wash up,” Daniel says. “Food’s almost ready.”
They sit in silence for nearly the entire meal. Such an odd thing - Terry can normally not even get a word in edgewise with Daniel around. 
“Are you going to be alright? Your supplies … with me here?” He asks finally breaking that silence. 
“Is that what was bothering you?” He rumbles, relief going through him. It’s not that Daniel is desperate to leave this place, leave Terry. He’s just concerned. 
“Well, you like planning and I sure wasn’t planned for.”
This is true but Terry always over prepares for winter. Better than being under prepared. He learned that the hard way in the beginning. 
“I have more than enough. I will always make sure you have what you need.”
This is also true - the boy has become very important to Terry, and very quickly at that. 
“You’re not just saying that, are you?”
“Come with me.”
Terry shows him the room off the cabin with a freezer full and then the old root cellar and all the stored food. 
Next is the wood, which, if need be, he could cut more during the winter on those drier days. The drums of gas to run the generator. 
“Truth be told, I’m happy for the company. The winter can be,” he chooses his words carefully, “very lonesome.”
“Well, I can help with that.” Daniel smiles.
Terry knows he can. He has been. Without even knowing it. 
That night, the generator humming in the background, Terry puts some old vinyls on. 
Daniel looks up from his book, one of Terry’s. There is a bookshelf that takes up an entire wall of the cabin. 
“Care for a dance?”
Daniel takes the outstretched hand and they circle the room, not stopping until the record does. 
The next day is Daniel’s first official fishing lesson and with Terry’s help he catches a few. Beaning with pride, Terry loads up their supplies to head back and then a thought hits him.
Just down from the stream is a small pond and Terry quickly stripes off down to his underwear before taking though off, standing fully naked. He notices how quickly Daniel averts his eyes.
“Are you crazy! We’ll freeze.” 
“Trust me.”
Beyond sceptical but he does trust the older man. With his life. Actually, Daniel owes his life to him. 
It’s not like Terry hadn’t seen him in his underwear, but still Daniel feels a bit awkward as he undresses. Something between them has been changing as of late. Something he’s not really sure of. 
When he looks at Terry Daniel feels like he does when he looks at a pretty girl. He may not be very experienced but he’s not ignorant. He’s heard of that sort of thing - men lying with other men. It’s just, he’s never felt it before, and he wonders if it’s just because it’s the only the two of them here. 
Daniel normally takes himself in hand when Terry isn’t around or when he’s cleaning himself up in the bath. He often wonders if Terry is doing the same. 
There has been many mornings when he has woken up in Terry’s arms, feeling how hard Terry is against him. Has maybe wondered what it would be like to push his underwear down and …
Water hits his face, and he hears Terry laugh. “Hurry up.”
Daniel finishes undressing. Unlike Terry, Daniel keeps his underwear on. 
Terry is right. Despite the chill in the air the water is warm. 
“It’s had all summer to heat,” Terry explains, “and the break in the canopy there,” he points up, allows for a lot of sunlight to shine directly down on the water.”
When they get back he shows Daniel how to cut and clean the fish they caught and how to salt some for storage. 
They make a stew, Daniel warming the bread he baked yesterday over the flame of the stove. 
Everything is as it should be when they retire for the night, but a loud knock on the door a few hours later in the dead of night rouses them. 
Well not so much a knock as the clear sounds of someone trying to break in. 
Terry rolls out of bed with ease, grabbing his hunting rifle. 
“Stay here. Close the door and do not come out. No matter what.” Daniel watches the broad back as he goes to their bedroom door. 
“But ….”
“Daniel,” a hand on his face, and for a man that size he is amazed at how damn fast on his feet Terry is. “I need to know you’re safe.”
Sounds of a scuffle, Daniel sits in bed, heart in his throat. 
He can make out, under the moonlight, Terry and another man fighting. Terry has more hunting rifles but they’re kept locked up - with only one always by their bed on Terry’s side. He wonders if …. A gunshot rings loud and clear and Daniel’s word stops. Then, it kicks back into lotion and before he realizes it he’s throwing open the bedroom door, running to the kitchen to grab a knife. 
The sound of the door swinging open, and Daniel turns. 
Standing there in a black tank, blood on his face is Terry. 
Alive and unharmed.
Well, mostly, there is also blood coming down his arm.
Daniel drops the knife running to Terry who hold shim close with his other arm.
“Are you okay?” Terry asks and Daniel has to keep from laughing. 
“You’re asking if I’m okay?! You’re the one bleeding. I heard a gunshot. You weren’t shot were you,” small hands pushing up the tank top to check.
“I wasn’t.”
“Your arm?”
“Surface wound. He had a small knife,” Terry reassures. 
“A small knife, yeesh,” Daniel mutters before commanding Terry to, “let me see.” He guides Terry to the kitchen chiar directing him to sit before going to the bathroom to grab their first aid kit.
“All done,” Daniel announces as he cleans up the bloody gauze and everything else he used. 
“Think I’ll live?” He jokes to try and lighten the sudden tension. 
“You might have a scar.”
Tears then and he turns away but he can’t hide the sniffle. 
“Come here. Are you okay?” Terry asks again. 
“Yeah just … I was worried.”
“I’m sorry.”
Daniel clings to him, his fact in the older man’s chest, breathing in the familiar scent of him. 
“I’d be all alone again,” he whispers. “If something were to happen to you.”
“Would you go back?” Terry finally asking the question. The flood gave them time but Terry has been too afraid to ask, if he wanted to stay here, even if he had sensed this thing forming between them.
“I wouldn’t know how.” Truth is he means that in every way. He physically does not know how and mentally he doesn’t think he could go back. 
He had done everything he was told. Studied his ass off and made valedictorian. Even had a great school lined up but he wasn’t happy. Far from it.
All he felt was lost. 
Here though, here he is happy. Happy in a way he hasn’t been since he was a kid. Happy with this man who at first had terrified him, even if he had been nothing but kind. How wrong he had been and how glad he was that Terry was the one who rescued him. Because now Daniel feels found - like he is where he’s supposed to be. 
“I‘m happy here with you. If you’ll have me.”
“Nothing would make me happier.”
Daniel surges up, kissing him and Terry freezes. Daniel shrinks back.
“Sorry. Sorry …. I thought ….” Has he fucked this up? Did Terry means as friends? 
But before he can retreat back - run and hide like he wants - the older man growls, grabbing him and Daniel gasps. 
Lifted up, he wraps his legs around Terry, his back hitting the wall as Terry consumes him, his mouth on his. 
He can feel how fucking hard the older man is and okay, they are doing this. 
“Have you ever,” Terry pants, getting his boy’s shirt off. “…. with a man??” His own tank following.
“No, I … never ….”
“It’s okay. I’ll show you.”
Terry stops.
“I didn’t mean stop I mean … I’ve never with anyone.” 
A hand grabs his wrist, pinning it above his head, Terry grinding their hips together. Daniel can feel even through Terry’s underwear and pants the bulge. 
Terry gets his pants undone … lining up so both of their swollen lengths rub against each other. 
Daniel gasping, breaking off the kiss to cry out.
“We can go slow,” Terry groans, the boy jolting against the wall and the larger body holding him to it as they continue to writhe and thrust against each other like animals. 
“No. I  don’t want that …. I want you.”
Terry bites down, hips pistoning faster and faster. 
“Oh god …..” Daniel wails as he comes, coating his cock and Terry’s. 
His feet finally touch the ground, the wall keeping him up as Terry takes himself in hand shooting onto Daniel’s smooth stomach.
A finger swipes up through the mess Terry left on him and Daniel brings it to his lips, tasting it. 
“You keep that up and ….”
Terry looks down and the boy is hard again already, although Terry can feel he’s not far behind.
“Wow,” Daniel breathes. “That was ….”
Terry chuckles. “There is more, or course”.
“More?” Daniel parrots. 
Terry nods. 
“Like blowjobs?”
If girls can put a guy’s cock in their mouth Daniel figures so can he. 
“Yes but not what I meant.”
“What did you mean?!!”
“Turn around on your stomach for me.”
He does. 
“There we go.”
Daniel feels two thumbs separate his cheeks and he gasps, hole clenching. 
“I’m not going to hurt you.”
“I know.”
“Do you trust me?”
“Of course.”
Terry wanders to their bedroom, returning with the little pot of oil he makes that he uses to keep his hands from drying out and the skin splitting. 
A large hand on his stomach pushing his ass out as Terry sinks back to his knees. 
Terry’s mouth on him there, Daniel moaning like something in heat, pushing his ass back, humping Terry’s face. Daniel is ready to blow another load already, but then a finger slips suddenly in and, “holy fuck what was that,” he shouts coming against the wall without even so much as a hand on his dick.
“That is what will make this worth your while.”
“What? A finger up my ass.”
“No, my cock.”
Daniel looks to Terry’s cock and back to Terry’s face. Then back to his cock. His very well endowed cock. His very well endowed cock which is currently becoming more and more endowed as it hardens up again. 
“Trust me. It may be a bit uncomfortable at first and I shall do everything I can but you’re going to love me inside you. My cock hitting that spot instead,” he says, finger back in prodding that bundle of nerves, his soft cock hanging limo but giving an interested twitch. “Just let me have you, darling. Just tell me yes.”
“Yes,” Daniel moans, unable to agree to anything else with Terry’s finger inside him, fucking him open. It feels too damn good. 
“We need our bed for that.”
Lifted again, Terry carries him the short distance  to their bedroom, never breaking their kiss as he leans over their bed, laying Daniel onto it.
“Hands and knees would be best for your first time.”
“Can I … I want to see your face. Want to see you when you have me like that.”
“Fuck baby,” Terry moans. 
Kisses to distract, wet mouth trailing down a freely offered throat, circling around two small dusky nipples, down down down, taking Daniel’s cock into his mouth while he fingers his ass open. 
One two three and four. 
Each one difficult, each one his boy opening up to accept as gospel; his body reforged for Terry to worship. 
Then, a cock at his entrance instead. 
Terry’s cock pushing inside, fat head breeching his body. 
Terry’s cock slowly but surely opening his ass.
Terry’s cock in a place nothing has been before save his fingers. 
Inch by inch until there is no more to take - every bit of Terry inside Daniel. 
It feels like he’s being spilt it two.
It feels like he’s being hollowed out. His insides rearranged, made to fit for Terry. 
It feels like he can taste Terry is his fucking throat. 
He’s panting like he’s run a mile when he’s just lying there, his legs pressed right to the older man’s side, a large hand holding one of his thighs up. 
“Are you okay?” Terry smooths his other hand down his face.
“Yeah. Just,” he grimaces as the cock shifts inside him.
“I’m pulling out.”
“Don’t you dare. I just need a minute is all.”
Terry cradles his face, his elbows on either side of his head.  
His hole feels stretched too damned wide. 
His body too open. 
The thick cock unrelenting inside him.  There is no where it isn’t filing. It’s all consuming heat and pressure.
“That’s it,” Terry soothes. “Just relax for me. Just like that.”
Daniel  circles his hips at the same time Terry pulls back just a bit, nudging his cock back in and ….. 
Nails racking down his back as Daniel’s eyes roll
back and he screams as the cock nails his spot.
“There we go,” Terry groans. Daniel’s ass fits his cock like a glove but how it responds each time Terry so much as grazes that bundle of nerves is impossibly tight. 
“God you’re so responsive.” 
They lie there, face to face, sharing the same air. 
“Okay … move now,” Daniel says shakily.
Terry does. 
Not pulling back too much, his cock never leaving Daniel’s body - getting him used to it inside him. Terry rutting in. 
“Oh fuck. Right …. right there …. oh fuck,” he chants his ass already blisteningly tight is like a vice on his cock every time he nails his spot. His legs tightening where they squeeze against Terry’s side.    
It’s too much.
It’s not enough.
This is sweet agony. 
“Touch yourself.”
Daniel takes himself in hand and he doesn’t even get two full stroke sbefore he’s coming - come hitting his chin and his ass spasms around the iron length inside him.
“So fucking tight,” Terry grits. “I’m going to come in you. Going to ….”
“Yes yes please,” Daniel pleads. “Want to feel it. Want to feel you come in me … how full I’ll be ….”
Terry grabs his hips, a few rough dirty thrusts before he buries himself deep, cock pulsing and throbbing into Daniel, filling his ass with come for the first time, as he begged. 
When he’s finally finished, and his boy is as full as he’ll ever be, Terry pulls out and the wet squelching of his ass as he does is obscene in the quiet of their bedroom.
Terry grabs a washcloth but waits. He wants to see … 
“Is that … is that your come?” Daniel asks, feeling something coming out of him, dripping down. 
“Where else is it going to go?” Terry laughs. 
Terry careful cleans him, inspecting too, the once tiny little hole now gaping obscenely, clearly well used and fucked open. 
“I feel kind of open down there,” Daniel says, frowning. Like he has to clench his ass for it to fully close. It’s not a bad feeling just very unique to how it normally feels. 
“You will for a bit, but don’t worry. It won’t stay like that.”
He makes a noise through his nose as Terry continues. 
“Clench tight.”
 Daniel does and his face burns as what feels like a glob comes out as a result, the fucking noise it makes as it does. 
“You’ll get used to it,” Terry laughs, helping to finger more out. “I won’t always come inside you either. Next time I can put out.” 
“I kind of like it,” Daniel admits. 
No point denying it now. There are no secrets between them. Not since they met it seems. 
“There’s a lot you’re going to like. Trust me.”
He does.
He did.
It’s why they’re here.
Satisfied, Terry gathers Daniel into his arms. 
Glad it was Terry who found him.
Grateful for this life of theirs. 
Knowing Terry is right - there is so much more and he cannot wait to experience it all, with Terry by his side. 
Visual aids
A similar ABO mountain man fill
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seancekitsch · 2 years ago
Hi could I possibly request a Richie kirsch X reader where the reader finds out he's ghostface and doesn't know how to feel about it at first but ends up warming up to the idea and actually ends up finding it kinda sexy.
It can be your choice if you want to make it nsfw or not 😄
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I could talk him out of it, you once thought while sorting through all of his self tapes and short films. 
I could call my friend that lives in Studio City and see if she knows of any early news on internships or…
Selfishly, you thought about it and never did it. Calling her would mean a chance of that internship not being a long shot, would mean Richie moving far away from here and from you. You don’t touch your phone at all while you re-organize his footage. 
I could call his dad, you also think, while downloading all of the completed scenes onto a usb stick. You’d had his dad’s number practically on speed dial since that incident at your twenty first birthday. The infamous night when your roommate had dragged you out to the first and only club you’d been to in your life, when Richie held your drink while you waited in the bathroom line, when he drank your drink assuming he could just by you another. Your drink, that someone along the way had roofied. 
His dad could help me stop this, you think, but again you don’t pick up your phone until you’re in your car to go to work picking out a spotify playlist for the ride. 
A pit grows in your stomach and doesn’t stop until the car reaches Woodsboro. You breathe deeply, eyes screwed shut and trying to pretend this isn’t happening.
“Hey,” Sam calls, reaching into the backseat to grab your knee, “We’ll be back in Modesto in no time.”
If only she knew. 
You smile, hoping the nervousness doesn’t show in your eyes as you look to Richie. Handsome Richie, whose hard drives you have all backed up in your bag and ready to go in case anything… you try not to think about it. You think only of your handsome friend who’s been here for you through it all and you’ll be here for him through this. 
“Do you remember that one we shot for a film project? The one where I had you finish off Ghostface with a home made spear? And then you suggested it should be the pool cue your character was using earlier in the footage?” Richie’s voice makes you jump in the hallway of the hospital. It’s late night and the lights are dim. It’s eerie, like Richie’s plan didn’t need to be a thing to make this a horror movie. 
“Yeah? What about it?” you scrunch your nose at him, genuinely unsure of why he’s bringing this up now. That was your favorite of the short films you'd made with him. He was the director as well as Ghostface, of course. You were the final girl. It was a little obvious, not your best work. Ghostface was the Final girl's boyfriend and she had to kill him but it was a memory held near and dear to your heart. It was when everything clicked and fell into place with Richie. Now that everything is real, now that you’re here, the apprehension you felt has started to dissolve. A mist around you and Richie disperses. You’re looking at him through fresh eyes even though he’s been your best friend since middle school theater. Richie has only looked more and more stressed, more tense here. 
“Thats when I knew about you. That’s how I knew you’d be the new final girl of my new franchise.”
He leaves it at that, and shortly after, there’s a few more dead bodies in the hospital.
It’s you that swipes Tara’s inhaler. It’s a brilliant idea, one that even Richie overlooked. He said he needed a reason to get them back to Amber’s house, and you made it happen. He thanked you and hugged you tighter than a friend should, but what blooms in you is not the butterflies and roses you expected, but bitter jade jealousy. You’ve wanted to be like this for so long; You actively daydream of having Richie wrap his arms around you just like this but you can't stop yourself from wanting to tear his head off because of the fact that Amber, his co-conspirator, will not stop looking at him. Anytime she looks at you she looks with the same disdain as she does for Sam. As if you're one and the same.
She has no idea you're helping her by helping Richie.
"It's you and me," Richie says, his injured arm being the one to wrap around you, "Its only us getting out of here. You're my muse."
Amber and all of her glares has no idea that he's planning on double crossing her for you. A certain pride swells in your chest at that. Nothings changed from before you came. Maybe an internship and a move can be in the cards for you...
"You and me," you echo, nodding and leaning into his embrace, "And you're my director."
You're holding your side as you talk to the police in the ambulance, but you can barely focus on anything past keeping your story straight. Not when Richie lies ten feet away in a stretcher, throat torn open and staring only at you. Your eyes meet and everything clicks into place. The way you found it sexy when he chased you up the stairs with a knife in his hand, the way he jeered at Sam for thinking that she was safe with him, the way he so easily pinned everything on the dead. Sam might have gotten a stab on you, but you had gotten the upper hand.
Hell, he might even be staring at Sam's blood matted into your hair.
But then your eyes meet and it's like they make it feel in the movies. It feels like in When Harry met Sally when they realize they were meant to be, that all these years of friendship melted into more.
"She twisted the knife, officer," not a lie, until you open your mouth again "She called me a fool for walking into a horror movie."
But with Ritchie's weak attempt at a smile being thrown in your direction, its more like you walked into a rom-com.
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forensicated · 1 year ago
Gina: I've got to go talk to the Borough Commander! Smithy: Off for your pat on the back? Gina: You'll have to pay to talk to me soon! Amber: Feeling a bit rough Sarge, after Yvonne's do? Smithy: *fake smile* None of your business. Gina: *chuckles at hung over Smithy* Oh dear... *tweaks his tie* You look lovely... Smithy: I don't remember much past the champagne, but what I do know is that I should never try and keep up with you...
Smithy: It was probably better it ended when it did. I know I got out my depth... Gina: You lightweight... Smithy: I don't mean cos of the drink...
Gina: *to Smithy* Oi you, lighten up. ...And I think you should stick to fruit juice in the future.
Siobhan: Insurance Indemnity form? Smithy: Yep, it's nothing to worry about Siobhan, it just means if you get shot, stabbed, or even strangled, I'm not responsible. Siobhan: Is it alright if I read it first? Smithy: *smirk and watches her walk off* Am I right in thinking this wasn't her idea? Sheelagh: She's never at her best this early, but she's always been interested in a police career, deep down. Smithy: Very deep down by the look of it. Sheelagh: She's bored rigid in her job at the minute, I'm hoping this might inspire her. Smithy: Well, we'll have to make it exciting as possible for her, won't we! Smithy: I want you out on the High Street today, high visibility; let's show the public that we're value for money...
Smithy: JT mentioned you were upset this morning. Did the postman bring you some bad news? Smithy: June, if you need a shoulder, take your pick.
Zain: Smithy, we might have a lead on Pete Larsen... Smithy: Good, the sooner he goes down the better. Zain: So you can walk off into the sunset with his wife? Smithy: No. Me and Louise, we're finished. Zain: Well that's a good thing. Sleeping with Pete Larsen's wife is about as suicidal as it can get. So look on the bright side, your life expectancy just increased dramatically. Reg: It seems what he's nicked isn't quite right... Smithy: I've had better tat out of a Christmas cracker...
Smithy: What happened to your motor? Man: *shrugs* Kids? Smithy: A brick through the window…yes. Paint stripper? *raises eyebrow*
Smithy: Jimmy, you disappoint me… Jimmy: It’s all legal! George (Kerry’s Dad): It’s good to meet you, Smithy. I’d heard a lot about you. Smithy: Yeah? George: You and Kerry were close? Went out? Smithy: No, we er…we were just mates. George: Good mates from what I can work out, she had a lot of time for you. Smithy: I had a lot of time for her n’all. George: I don’t think she was finding it easy being a police officer, but she said if there was one copper she thought she had to model herself on. Smithy: Really? George: She thought you were brilliant, tough when you had to be, always fair, never unkind. She saw you as a knight in shinning armor, definitely one of the good guys
Gabriel: I wonder where I’d have gone for my stag party. Smithy: Some dive, probably. Usually the best man’s job. Gabriel: Well that’d probably have been you.
Bob: What you doing? Smithy: I'm taking you for a drink. Bob: No, hold on a minute, I've still got me slippers on, Shirley's not home, I haven't eaten! Smithy: Yeah well, don't worry about your slippers, you can leave her a note, and I'm sure she'll keep your dinner in the oven, and anyway, I've already shot you once. You don't think a kidnap's gonna bother me, do ya?
Ian: You don't have a bottle of water up front, do you Dan? I'm not feeling too well. Dan: Fraid not, sir. You still suffering from the fish? Ian: Yes...how do you know? Dan: Er, Mrs Barrett spoke to me this morning, and she knows I suffer from food allergies, and erm, she asked me which antihistamine I find works best... Ian: Really? What brand's that? Dan: Hister..histerects. Ian: Histerects? Never heard of that one, will have to keep my eye open for it. Roger: Sarge, can I have a word? Smithy: If it's sorry, yeah...
Dan: I should have sat tight, shouldn't I? I should have let Prosser take the flack.
Nick: "An apology would be nice, Michael." Mickey: *glares and walks past him*
Tony: "What's that?" Dan: "A pasty" Reg: "Cornish?" Dan: *sniffs* "...yeah."
Dan: Don't puke on me trousers, I haven't got another pair.
Dan: "No I said I wasn't going on a hot date" Leela: "Why, you going on a cold one?"
*Dan and Amber are arguing in the corridor* Smithy: Now now girls, come here, I've got a job for you
Mickey: It's not Kate... Debbie: Aww, you do fancy her... Mickey: Shut up will ya!
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dourpeep · 3 years ago
The Chalk Prince
Summary: Between the lines of his existence, lies a story. But above all, Albedo is most thankful that he has found his happily ever after. Contains: Albedo x gn!Reader, fluff, papa Albedo A/Note: for @xiaosmoon Valentine's Day collab, day 21, "kissing them while they're asleep." I had a lot of fun thinking of what to write for this, but the idea of making it like one of those fairytale kisses where the prince kisses their fated lover and everything just suddenly seems to be good won out-
Long before the Mondstadt of today existed, there was once a lonely boy whose eyes shone of seaglass and had hair spun of the finest flaxen thread. Born of the earth and the dreams of a lost nation, he set out with his master, his mother and creator to discover more about life.
He was little more than a child then, unsure of the world and its secrets, eager to discover more but every new experience making him cower. Yet with this apprehension, he took each step in calculated pride.
‘The true nature of this land will unfold as you move on, ■■■■■■.’
He didn’t quite understand what it was she meant at the time, instead offering a wide-eyed look and the nod of his head.
The art of creation and the transmutation of the world surrounding.
To be able to take something—a dying branch from a tree, a delicate butterfly—and transform it into something entirely new. An opportunity to take what little life gives and make it into something more.
So the boy dove into his studies, to his master’s delight
With every new discovery shutting away the loneliness, the boy bloomed and grew in skill and curiosity.
There was a time, long after he first was created, that he and his master set foot on the grounds of a great mountain shrouded in chilling winds and ice. ‘A promise.’ She said, staring out at the bleak landscape as he leafed through the few notes he took. She told him, that day on the mountain, that she knew he would achieve more than he could imagine.
Albedo’s thoughts were taken the moment his pen plucked from his grasp.
“What’s today’s date?”
His brow creases, lip turning down into a small frown. Surely, it hasn’t been that long since? Between his research and side project, he’s ensured to keep track of his meals, breaks, as well as any notable events.
So, he answers, only to be met with a tap to his nose and an exasperated sigh from his lover.
“You’ve been here since Tuesday, Bedo—it’s Friday morning, come home and rest, please?” You press a kiss to his temple, smoothing out a few stray hairs. They stick right back up. “You’ve done enough work to last a whole month, at least.”
…Perhaps those few power naps he took weren’t naps after all.
Upon his return home, a little voice speaks up.
Bright and just as interested in Teyvat as Albedo himself. Colm tugs on his father’s coat, prodding at him with questions about some weed picked out from between the stones of the cobbled road, asking him if he liked the cream cake you slipped him between experiments. Each little inquiry was met with a smile and finally followed by the gentle pressure of his lips to his child’s forehead.
“Mm, yes, the cake was just as delicious as you said it’d be.” To his delight, there was another piece tucked away safe for later.
“We can share!”
But, as all things tend to be, there was a time and a place for everything.
The little pout of Colm’s lip tugs at his heart, Albedo’s resolve only crumbling a bit before he shakes his head. He soothes it by hugging him tightly.
“How about we share it tomorrow for breakfast? Then we can start the day off properly.”
The bribe seems to work well enough, so long as he tells a story before bed.
Nighttime routines seem to go by quick. Teeth brushed, pajamas on, and worn rabbit tucked in beside his son, Albedo finally sits on the edge of the bed. Twin eyes of brilliant green stare back at him.
And with that, Albedo tells his story.
By the time he has fallen asleep, the moon peeks above the rooftops. With Mond quiet for the night, all that’s left is a last second check of the locks before bed. They secure with a click, gently illuminated by candlelight.
With a single exhale the light is extinguished, dousing the house in the dark.
You look so peaceful, near ethereal with the moonlight shining through the thin curtains and illuminating your face in a gentle light.
But Albedo couldn’t seem to bring himself to move closer. After all, this is the kind of thing that princes do—rescuing their fated lover from an indefinite sleep, braving the dangers to risk it all in the name of a love that they’ve never known before, the pursuit of a happy end.
Not him, aside from his namesake, not an alchemist from the city of Freedom.
His mind drifts back to that half-written draft.
It isn’t until after a moment longer of watching you sleep at peace that he leans in.
Lips touch in the gentlest brush, savoring the softness of yours, the familiar feeling. In his chest he can feel the way his heart flutters and rejoices. He finds himself retreating all too soon. Through half-lidded eyes, Albedo takes in the sight of you, your lips parted gently and features soft, serene.
You lay still. With every breath, your chest rises and falls, a steady rhythm.
He shifts, careful as he adjusts his position until he has you snugly in his arms.
Though his life is nothing like the fairy tales that he tells his son, Albedo rests peacefully with the fact that he has found his happy ending.
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aries-writes-shit · 4 years ago
The short end of the stick (Sbi x reader)
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paring: c!sbi x reader
prompt/request: n/a
a/n: This is an angst fic. my request are open
you were never that close with your family, they always forgot events of yours or would just straight up ignore you. you would brush it off, beliving that your father Phil and your brothers were too busy. As you all grew up, the cold shoulder towards you only began to get worse.
you sat in your plain bedroom, quietly humming to the music you had playing from your jukebox while you wrote things in a tattered notebook. you heard the front door, then the laughter of your family as they walked off again. you let out a small sigh, you knew they had forgotten about you yet again. you bookmarked the page you were on in the notebook and exited into the living room. You padded into the kitchen, where a single peice of paper with your fathers handwriting sat. you picked up the note and began to read.
me and the boys are heading into the village to get some dinner, we'll be back in a few hours
you let a huff of air out as you set he note back down, they didn't forget you this time, they willingly left you behind. you stormed back into your room, hoping to calm yourself down by taking a short nap or reading something. When you got into your room and flopped down onto your bed, a brilliant idea formed into your head. You were going to leave, you were old enough to survive on your own anyways, and your family probably wouldn't give two shits anyways. you began to gather up the few belongings you had into your leather backpack. When you had finished packing, you began to write your "goodbye" note to your family.
when you had finished writing on the sugar cane paper, you placed you note beside your fathers note before gathering a few bread and a few carrots. Without a second glance, you left your childhood home behind and set off in the opposite direction your family had gone earlier.
It had been a few years without any contact from your family and you were very happy with who you had become. you lived a happy, successful life so far in a place far away from your childhood home. Now residing in the dream smp, you began to blossom into a wonderful person who was willing to just sit and listen to whoever came to your door. That was until a blonde boy and a man with brown hair came to your door in the dead of night.
You had been awoken by a loud set of knocks at your front door. You had been assuming it was sapnap or bad again. When you opened the front door with a groggy expresion, it was not any of your friends, it was two of your three brothers. "why are you here" you growled. the two looked very shocked at the fact that you stood infront of them, a few years older and very angry. "i'll repeat myself again" you started "what are you doing here?". the two looked you over, you were taller for sure, your once stark white wings had a more dusty grey tint to them, and your (H/C) hair was now (shorter/longer). "(y/n) , is that really you?" wilbur asked, dumbfounded. "yes it is, now answer my damm question". The two looked at eachother, tommy was unnaturally quiet, but wilbur let out a short sigh and began to explain why they were there at that hour.
"you want me to join you in your new country" you asked dumbfounded. you couldn't belive that after going this long without any sort of contact whatsoever, your brothers had the audacity to ask you for help. "Sorta" wilbur mumbled, rubbing the back of his neck as the two boys shifted on their feet. "no" you replied flatly, glaring at the two "why should i help you when you never did anything to help me?" your arms now folded across your body, your face tightening into a scowl. "it was so long ago (y/n), why are you holding a stupid grudge against your family" tommy snapped, shouting at you. all those years ago, you would have flinched away, but you had changed, you were no longer afraid of them. you picked up your sword dream gave you and slung it over your shoulder "get away from my home, your not welcome here" your voice was filled with a hostility the two never saw from you " if i see you two anywhere near my home, i wont hesitate to use force" you threatened. the two left as soon as soon as you closed the door, you stayed up a little while later to make sure they had left.
it was almost a full moth of peace since your brothers had decided to visit, you currently sat kneeled in your garden, weeding your plants when a winged shadow loomed over you, and next to that shadow was a very familiar piglins shadow.
"why are you here" you snapped, standing up and facing your father and your brother. "we just wanted to see you (y/n)" philza explained, holding his hands up in a defensive manner. " i dont care if you wanted to see me" you stated, raising you voice at the two intruders "you lost that right a long time ago" you shouted. "Calm down, your over reacting" techno huffed, crossing his arms as he made eyecontact with you, your (e/c) eyes begining to gloss over. "No, im not going to calm down, i tried to be curteous to you all when i lived with you, but you took advantage of my pushoverness for your own fucking gain" your voice was now a waivering shout. the two men infront of you took a step forward, causing you to step backwards. "dont" you growled, your grey wings pressing against your back tightly "You lost your chance with me when you decided i was no longer good enough for you". You straightened yourself up, hot tears had begun to roll down you face and it made you feel weak. "i was so envious of you all" you muttered, facing away from the two " i wanted something like that with someone, anyone, but i almost never left that clearing" your voice was a soft whimper now, The tears continued to cascade down your face" and now that i finally have my own life and cut my attachment from you, you show up again expecting forgiveness" you turned just your head to look at them,your eyes already puffy from crying " leave now" you said, your voice dangerously low " this is your only warning"
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finelinevogue · 4 years ago
omg could you do a fluffy little thing based on your nyc insta request where mc meets fans and they ft harry and it’s just like the world’s glimpse into their relationship 💓
yes let’s do this!! this is short and sweet, but i hope you love it all the same!! ;
You were walking out of Starbucks when a group of girls approached you.
The day was not the nicest in New York, but you had errands to run within the city so you thought you’d get them done when it’s not a brilliant say and save the nicer days to do something fun with Harry. You’d been to the Apple store to fix your phone because it keeps on playing up. You’d been to Gucci to pick up a delivery for Harry. You’d been to the local florist to pick up some flowers for your best friend, since she was feeling under the weather. Finally, you’d just picked yourself up a coffee before you had to head back home.
Unfortunately Harry was at a fitting appointment for his tour outfits, so he couldn’t run errands with you, but he sent your good friend, and bodyguard, Aaron with you to keep you company, but more importantly keep you safe. New York could be absolutely crazy when it came to fans, but even more so when it came to creeps who had no respect for women or boundaries, so having a bodyguard helped keep things calm.
“Hi excuse me, you’re Y/N L/N right?” One of the young girls ask and you instantly knew this was a group of Harry’s fans. The giveaways? One of them had a Fine Line tote bag. One was wearing Harry’s merch. One was wearing a green frog bucket hat that Harry had worn only once.
“I am yes, hi.” You smiled politely at them, holding the warm cup of espresso between your hands. Aaron was stood near you, but not making it look like he was here for security.
“Hi, we noticed you in there a minute ago and just wanted to say hi and that we’re really big fans of you, and obviously Harry, and that we really love you guys.” The one with the tote bag spoke, who was also the one that had introduced them. You guessed that they were the most confident out of all them, because it did take balls to speak to a stranger in the way they did.
“Yeah, you’re both so sweet together and you clearly make each other happy. It’s so lovely to see actually.” The one with the frog bucket hat spoke up next. The one with the Harry merch kept a lot more quiet and you could tell by their body mannerisms that they were very nervous and shy - a lot like you actually. You had been an awful lot like them before you met and then he helped you come out of your shell and experience the world in a much brighter and safer light.
You’d be forever grateful for your boyfriend. Your best friend, Harry.
“Aww that’s so sweet of you all, thank you!” You cupped your hand over your heart in awe of their kindness. Harry’s fans always never failed to surprise you with their passion for love and spreading positivity. You admired people like this in general and it was only made more special when they were inspired by your Harry. “What are your names?”
“Oh i’m Alanna.” The one with the tote bag introduced themselves first, holding out their hand for you to shake which you shook kindly.
“Bethany, or just Beth I don’t really mind!” The one with the frog hat introduced themselves next, receiving a handshake too.
“Love your hat, Beth.” You pointed to it and they smiled excitedly.
“Harry was the inspiration!” Although you already knew that you let Beth have a moment to themselves and be happy over the little anecdote.
“And what’s your name, lovely? I’m Y/N.” You reintroduced yourself to the last girl, wanting them to feel as comfortable as possible with, not only you but, meeting new people.
“Marissa.” They smiled and shook your hand willingly.
“Oh I love that name! My aunt is called Marissa, but she goes by Mar though.” You told them the most useless bit of information just to make them feel that bit more at ease.
“People call me Mar too.” They smiled brightly and you felt like you might have cracked through even just a portion of their shell.
“Well, can I call you Mar then?”
“Cool! So you guys from New York or..” You asked, looking at all the shopping bags they carried. They’d been to all the shops you once could only just about afford, now you were lucky enough to be able to shop in the places you only ever window shopped in.
“We’re from New Jersey but just came shopping for the day.” Alanna explained. “Never expected to run into you though so that’s pretty cool.”
“Yeah, definitely made my day!” Beth added, smiling brightly.
“Well I can only apologise that i’m not Harry or he’s not with me. He’s currently at tour fittings.” You explained and they told you not to worry about being sorry. You had a brilliant idea though.
“No, seeing you is so amazing Y/N!”
“Yeah, you’re Mar’s fashion inspiration!” Mar blushed, as their friends exposed them for being such a huge fan of yours. It helped explain why they were so nervous in front of you too.
“I’m honoured.” You laughed and pulled you phone out of your pocket, hoping to run with your great idea. You prayed it worked. “Just one second.” You held up your finger to them and they just nodded eagerly, sort of hoping that you were doing what they thought you might be doing.
You opened your phone and clicked on your most recent contact. The familiar beeping of a face-time ring rang through the air surrounding you.
“Hello my favourite human being. What’s up? You okay?” Harry’s golden face came up on the screen, your face high up in the corner. He looked so pretty. He was in his brown Gucci coat and had his hair all ruffled from where he’d washed it this morning but not dried it. His hair went crazy when he didn’t intentionally tame it - a bit like yours. You admired his worry for you, smiling as he kissed his camera as if to virtually kiss you.
“Hello my favourite boyfriend.” You teased him. You often greeted him like this and it always made him smile, just at how playful you were being. “I’m doing good, miss you though.”
“Miss you always babe.”
“You free?” You asked, looking briefly to the girls who were all grinning wildly. They were so excited and it made you chuckle, which caught Harry’s attention.
“I am yeah, why? What’re you laughing at? Better not be some hot celebrity you’ve accidentally bumped into.” He rolled his eyes, letting the jealousy get the better of him. You smiled and returned your attention back to your beautiful boyfriend.
“No, there’s no hot celebrity in my presence except from you baby.” That made him beam with happiness and blush with love.
“To what do I owe your beautiful face calling me then?” Harry asked, taking note of your background to recognise that you were still in the city.
You turned the camera towards your new friends, you in the bottom of the picture and them in the top above you. They were huddling together and waving towards the screen. Mar had tears in their eyes and Beth had their hand over their mouth in shock that this was actually happening.
“Met some lovely people who deserved a special hello from you.” You explained to him simply.
“Hello!” Harry stressed the ‘o’ making it sound more like hell-oo. He was so socially awkward greeting people over face-time, but he made it seem so easy nevertheless. He never wanted his fans to feel awkward or unsafe so he had to be as socially brave as he could.
“We have Alanna, Beth and Mar. They’re so kind and Mar says i’m their fashion inspiration.” You winked at Harry, understanding where Mar was coming from because Harry takes fashion inspiration from you regularly too.
“Which one’s Mar?” He asked you and you pointed the best you could to the girl wearing his merch.
“Um pretty sure Mar’s wearing my merch babe! Are y’sure they said you were their inspiration?” He laughed, which made Mar laugh and you were really happy to see that.
“No I did say that.” Mar backed you up, which earned a fist bump between the two of you and you sticking your tongue out to Harry.
“Yes bestie!” You laughed, knowing that was the language Harry’s fans used with one another. Not that you were on stan twitter or anything…
“Sorry if Y/Ns causing any trouble for you lot, believe me she’s quite the bloody handful!” Harry joked, making you scoff and then laugh at how rude he was being. You knew it was all a joke and a front, but he was so cheeky to be so playful in front of people he’d just met.
“Oi y’wanker. Sorry about him.” You apologised on behalf of Harry for no reason whatsoever.
“Harry?” Alanna spoke his name and he dedicated his attention from you to them.
“Hello? Alanna was it?”
“Hi, yes, Um, I just want to say that i’m really proud of you and all your achievements. I think you’re an absolute treasure and we all love you so much.”
Before Harry could get a word in they each continued to add onto Alanna’s praise. Harry started blushing, never being very good at taking praise. On the other hand, giving praise, he was remarkably good at - you could vouch for that.
“Yeah Harry your music is second to none and it’s really been such a blessing to be a fan of yours. You’re ridiculously talented.”
Mar was last to speak and although they didn’t say much, their words held gravity and were clearly very important to them. Maybe that’s why Harry appreciated Mar’s words the most.
“Thank you, Harry.” Was all was said, but it was enough for Harry to clear his throat so he didn’t start crying in front of these people. He didn’t need stories getting out of how he got all weepy because of some sentimental things his fans said, God the papers would twist that story a thousand different ways - and none of them good.
Harry kept the conversation with them for a little while longer until Harry announced he had to go back to his fittings. After they’d each said their goodbyes to both you and Harry, and even Aaron, they quickly asked whether they could post any of the photos they took from today - to which you and Harry were both completely fine with. The three of them then walked off and waved back to you, you waving too. You smiled so brightly, feeling so full of joy from meeting such wonderful young women. Not all Harry fans were that nice, so you were glad that those were the ones you had the pleasure of meeting. You turned your attention back to your loving boyfriend who was already looking at you - with so much love in his eyes you thought they’d turned heart shaped for a moment.
“What?” You asked, smirking at his cheeky face which gave you a belly full of butterflies.
“You’re just so amazing, d’you know that?”
“Oh stop being so soft i’m going to bloody cry otherwise.” You turned your head away for a moment to catch the tears before they could form, only to look back at him and he had his eyebrows raised as if he already knew that you were on your way to crying. “Shut up, you.”
“I’m sorry, y’too cute not to torment. Alright call me when you get back home safely babe, alright?” He asked and you rolled your eyes at him, he laughed at your childishness but knew that he only meant well for you.
“Okay. I love you, baby.” You kissed your front camera as a signal of goodbye that you did every time.
“Love you so much. Bye, bye, byeee.” He kissed his camera every time he said bye and you laughed at him before ending the call. God you loved him so much. Now all you wanted to do was get home and have a warm bath with your loving boyfriend and, little did you know, soon-to-be fiancé.
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eloquent-vowel · 3 years ago
I have had a few bucky x read fic ideas bouncing around in my head and i cant write! So here is one,
Sam find a person who stairs and doesnt talk a whole lot because they uses ✨telepathy ✨. So Sam think they would be a good fit for Bucky, but he doesn’t know they have that power he just thinks they are mute. Then there is a thing where the reader is telling Buck how it works and they if they have something to connect them together like an object *reader motions to dog tags* they can have an unbreakable mind link. Then they fall in love or something. This is dumb, thank you for coming to my TedTalk
Hey! Thank you so much for this request, it wasn't dumb at all. I really enjoyed writing this. I may have gotten a bit carried away, this may sit close to 4000 words but we vibe. I hope this is what you had in mind! Please enjoy! <3
Click here for my masterlist of other fics and check in my bio for requests if anyone wishes to ask!
Bucky had been enjoying a moments peace, he loved working with Sam but sometimes all he wanted was to put his feet up, put on some vinyl and enjoy a good cup of coffee all while reading a brilliant book. He had been trying to get into Game of Thrones lately, on Sam’s insistence, and he had been enjoying it. With the crackles of Glenn Miller from the turntable he missed the clunky footsteps coming up the stairs.
The sight that greeted Sam needed to be photographed. Bucky was lounging back on his ‘old man armchair’ feet up, hair in a towel, in a bathrobe, coffee in hand and facemask on, this was definitely one for the family album.
At the sound of the phone shutter Bucky practically launched himself out of the chair.
“Oh, you are never gonna live this one down old boy, it’s going to haunt you.” Sam almost cackled evilly as he began to email the photo to himself- he had learnt the hard way that Bucky was very proficient at breaking phones.
“You better not upload that photo anywhere, Wilson, I have a reputation to uphold.”
“Pfft, reputation, that’s funny.”
Bucky scoffed as he stood up, placing his book carefully on the side table, “Big scary super soldier, people hardly run-in fear from a guy in a bathrobe.”
“I disagree, a man in a bathrobe is definitely something you should run from. AH NOPE!” Sam jumped backwards, on top of a nearby chair, as Bucky lunged for the phone, towel turban falling off in the process. “You are not breaking this phone as well.”
“Fine. But you gotta promise not to post that anywhere.” Bucky huffed.
“I won’t.”
“As long as- “
“Oh no, I’m not doing anything for you.”
“Think of it as payment for the last phone you broke and insurance for this picture.”
There was silence for a moment as the two friends eyed each other up. Sam raised his eyebrows, Bucky’s eyes narrowed. It was an intense staring match between a guy in a bathrobe and a precariously balanced man. A clock ticked.
“Fine.” Bucky conceded. “What do you want?”
“For you to come to a meeting.”
“The families of Veterans ones?”
“Yeah.” Sam slowly started climbing down from the chair. “And before you get your old man pants in a twist, I’m not trying to force you to talk or anything, kinda.”
“Kinda?” Suspicion laced through Bucky’s voice.
“You know sign language, right?”
“Which kind?”
“American? I think?”
“Yeah, I know ASL, might be a bit rusty but I’m sure it still holds up. Why do you ask?”
Sam shifted slightly on his feet, “There’s this person, they come in every week and listen. I tried to talk to them, but they communicate through sign language, and I don’t have anyone there to talk with them.” He cast his eyes to the floor, “I feel bad. They were brave enough to come to the group only to basically be ignored ‘because we didn’t plan well enough.”
Bucky smiled, face mask crinkling around his smile lines, “You could have just asked me to Sam. You didn’t have to blackmail me into this, of course I’ll help. When’s the next meeting?”
“This evening. You gonna be ready or do you need some more ‘me’ time.”
Bucky simply chuckled at Sam’s teasing tone, patted his shoulder making sure to squeeze just a bit too hard before retreating to his room.
“I’ll be there, Wilson, and I will look so much younger than you!”
It was frustrating to you, going along to these meetings and not being able to communicate. You could always speak into someone’s mind but all that usually accomplished was a very paranoid person. But just listening to other’s stories really helped the grief from losing someone so close to you. You related to most of the people there and even though they didn’t understand you a lot of the time, you were always made to feel welcome- with friendly pats on the back and the odd tissue thrown your way.
You bustled into the familiar building with a new sense of excitement as Sam had promised to bring a translator for you this week. It was finally time to say your thanks to some of the people there and finally let the group know about your brother, so that it wasn’t only you that remembered him.
You all but ran through the hallways until you caught sight of a familiar smiling man. Sam was facing you, talking animatedly to another man, the strangers back was to you. He was tall, broad shouldered and dressed in a vintage looking leather jacket and rather well fitted trousers. Now the debate was: does the tailoring make the ass, or does the ass make the tailoring. You were halfway through the arguments on either side when Sam shouting your name disrupted the intense debating in your mind. You blushed at being caught, then blushed some more when you caught sight of the stranger’s face. Twinkling blue eyes under a deep-set brow should have made him intimidating, but he was smiling, and his face was dazzling. There was an immediate fluttering in your stomach.
“Hey, I’m Bucky.” Dear lord even his voice was nice, what made you smile even more was the fact that he signed as he spoke. Well, Sam certainly knew how to pick them well. “Sam introduced me; said you wanted an interpreter.”
You nodded as you signed back, “Nice to meet you, thank you for helping out.”
“No problem, Sam has told me a bit about you.”
“Good things I hope.”
“Okay I recognise my own name, you two better not be conspiring against me.” Sam piped up, to be honest you had forgotten about him for a moment.
Bucky laughed, and it sent a little thrill down you, he really was adorable.
“No worries, Wilson, just letting them know all your dirty little secrets.”
“Right, you two get in there, before you make me sleep with one eye open.”
You and Bucky caught each other’s eye, his eyes were twinkling with mischief, and you couldn’t help the smile that overtook you. You had a feeling that the two of you would get on just fine.
The meeting passed easily. Bucky translated your signs and you finally felt like you could actually take part in these meetings. Everyone listened intently when you spoke of your brother and when you had thanked the whole group for being so open to you a couple of people shed a tear. By the end of the meeting though you were tired and very accepting of Bucky’s offer to walk you home.
It was a lot of side glances and hidden smiles and you walked side by side. Drawn to each other under the moonlit sky, it was nice to just be in the presence of someone who had such a kind aura. You spent the walk trying to work up the confidence to sign something, anything but nothing came to mind and Bucky seemed quite content to just walk in comfortable silence.
You soon reached your home, you turned to Bucky with a smile on your face and signed,
“Thanks for today, Bucky. You were really helpful.”
“No problem.” He signed back,
You hesitated slightly before signing, “Would you be happy to have a coffee with me, tomorrow?”
Bucky went a little red in the face, and chuckled, “I would love to, I know a nice place, real cosy. I’ll text you the details.”
“You know how to text?”
“Hey! I get enough stick from Sam, don’t need you getting on my case too. I’ll have you know that I am very adaptable.”
“Sure, Sure.” You smiled at his flustered tone. “I’ll wait for your text then, have a good evening.”
“You too.”
The two of you stared slightly awkwardly at each other, neither wanting to be the first to turn around. You shuffled your feet away slowing, smiling awkwardly once more at Bucky before turning. You heard his footsteps start to fade away as you walked towards your home. You were but three steps to the door when a large figure in a hoodie slammed into you, you raised your arms instinctively to block them when you noticed your shoulder was lighter. The bastard had stolen your bag.
You immediately took chase, chasing around the corner you just walked down but they were fast, faster then you at least. As you rounded the corner you caught sight of Bucky walking ahead. The thief wouldn’t stand a change against him. Without a second thought you cast your thoughts towards Bucky,
“Bucky! Thief! My Bag! Behind you!”
You saw Bucky flinch slightly then turn bewildered, his eyes widening when he saw you hurting towards him, chasing the hooded figure. He caught on and launched after the thief as well, with barely any effort he knocked the thief to the ground, grabbed your bag and whipped out his phone to call the cops.
Well, that was hot.
You took your bag back, immediately checking that you brother’s lucky coin was in the zippy pocket, to your relief it was still there. You looked up to see Bucky staring at you with a very puzzled look on his face. You sighed before casting your thoughts to his head once more,
“I’ll explain later.”
Bucky let out a strange, decompressed noise of shock, it made you giggle. The two of you waited in silence until the police came and took the thief away. The police car had barely driven away when he turned to you.
“Did you just, talk in my head? Or did my conscious just suddenly get really loud.”
“I did. Hi. Sorry about that.”
He waved his hands dismissively. “Believe it or not, not the weirdest thing I’ve encountered.”
“Well, that’s reassuring.”
There was an awkward silence.
“So,” You started, resorting back to sign language, it felt less invasive, “Still down for coffee?”
Bucky smiled, “One hundred percent. I’ll see you tomorrow?”
“Yeah. Bye Bucky. Thanks for getting my bag back.”
“No problem, see ya.”
The coffee shop that Bucky invited you to, was tucked away, it was the kind of place that you would stumble over on accident. With a simple door and a big window out the front, that lead soft orange light filter out onto the alley. There was the faint sound of jazz leaking out of the building, you smirked. It was such an old fashioned place, of course this was where Bucky frequented.
The bell tinkled slightly as you entered the café, where you were greeted with the smell of fresh coffee and baked goods. You caught sight of Bucky’s broad shoulders sitting in the corner, and you made your way over to him, smiling at the barista as you passed.
As if sensing you, Bucky turned to smile and wave. He was dressed in casual clothes like last time, but this time his hair was loose around his shoulders. You smiled back before settling into the seat opposite him.
His hands moved hesitantly as he signed, “What would you like? I can recommend their hot chocolate, its very warming/”
“Hot chocolate it is.”
You could tell he wanted to ask you a million questions but to his credit he walked slowly to get the drinks, he even took his time carefully carrying the tray of drinks back to your table. He placed a delicious looking hot chocolate in front of you. You watched as he took a sip.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1-
“So,” Here we go, “What is it you can do, you can speak in peoples’ heads, can you,” He lowered his voice and leaned in, “Can you read people’s minds?”
You giggled slightly, his eyes were basically sparkling, he was definitely nerding out about this.
You set the hot chocolate down before casting your thoughts to his head, “I can speak in peoples heads relatively easily, it’s how I talk most of the time to people I know. I guess you could call it Telepathy.”
Bucky’s eyes were as wide as saucers, “So you can’t read thoughts, only… speak them?”
“I like to call it casting, makes me feel like a sorcerer. I can read thoughts, but it takes a lot of energy. I used to be able to talk with my brother from across the house. That usually requires some kind of connection.”
“Oh, so like a blood or family connection? Do you have to know the person very well?”
“That certainly helps but it’s not always necessary. If I have a personal object that belongs to that person, something I can hold and connect to them it isn’t hard to make a two-way connection. Especially if that person is willing to open their mind.”
Bucky seemed to be caught in thought for a second. “So, if I were to give you something of mine, we could both talk in our… heads?”
“Well yes, but Bucky we have only just met. Letting me into your head is a lot. I try not to pry but sometimes I’ve found that thoughts just burst through. Let’s get to know each other a before that happens.”
Bucky smiled at you before speaking and signing, “You’re right. Let’s get to know one another. I find you fascinating.”
It happened on the fifth date. Bucky was just walking you home after a lovely dinner at a small Italian that he claimed he went to back in the 40s. Just outside your door, under the glow of a lamppost he turned to you and took a deep breath before speaking.
“I know this may be a lot, but I wanted to give you these.” He reached around his neck and pulled off something silver. You gasped slightly as he held out his dog tags, immaculately preserved after all these years.
“Are you sure, Bucky? This is a lot.”
“I know and if you aren’t comfortable with it then just let me know but I want to give them to you.”
“You know what this means Bucky?”
“Yeah, I know, I just figured that you’re already in my head all the time anyways, just can’t seem to get you out of it.”
“You cheeseball.” You smirked at him before taking the dog tags and placing them around your neck. You gripped the cold metal for a moment, concentrating on the man in front of you. Taking everything, you knew about him and stretching out a connection, like a hand reaching out to clasp another.
“Testing, Testing, Testing, one two, one two, can my Telepathic partner hear me?”
You laughed, “Yes I can Bucky, you big dork.”
Bucky whooped out loud before sweeping you up in a big hug. The two of you laughing under the lamp light. His joy was infectious, and you couldn’t fight the smile off your face.
“Oh, we are going to have so much fun messing with Sam.”
“You’re evil.”
Of course, the two of you made a pact not to tell Sam until he worked it out, which wouldn’t be anytime soon according to Bucky. It led to some very memorable moments and Sam refusing to play any form of card or board game with either of you because you always managed to win, somehow. Not to mention all the times you had spoken in eery unison around him.
“I swear, its like you two can read each other’s minds sometimes.” Sam threw his hands up in frustration at another lost game of charades.
You smirked at Bucky across the room, “Should you tell him, or shall I?”
“I think he’s been through enough, I got it.”
Bucky cleared his throat, “We can.”
Sam whipped around to face Bucky, a look of sheer disbelief on his face, “Seriously Bucky-boy, if you think I believe that after all-
“Hello Sam.” You cast your thoughts to him, in the creepiest old lady voice you could muster.
Sam yelped, before turning accusingly at you, “You better be joking around with me right now, I am not dealing with any kind of ghosts in this house.”
“Sorry! Surprise I’m telepathic!”
“You’re serious.”
You nodded.
Sam put his head in his hands and sighed, “Not the weirdest thing ever. Wait, does this mean you have been cheating this entire time.”
You both looked guiltily at one another.
“You owe me. That poker night, void.”
You both laughed, “We’ll have a fair rematch this time Sam.”
It had been close to a year since you had made it official with Bucky and you were now much more comfortable around one another. He no longer just dropped you off at the lamppost but cam inside with you. You had spent many lovely mornings together sharing glances over steaming cups of coffee. Fighting each other for who got to spread their legs out on the couch, there wasn’t really a loser though as it usually ended up in sofa cuddles for both of you, while watching a film.
Life was pretty great, you thought, as you smiled down at the sleeping Bucky beside you. Finally reaching over to turn off the lamp and put your book down, you were finally reading the hobbit at Bucky’s insistence. As you clicked off the light beside you and settled down you noticed the faster than usual breathing coming from beside you.
You reached out, thinking he was awake but instead as you opened up your connection you caught flashes of night terrors. You were falling indefinitely, snow all around you, and in the distance, there were cries of pain, people pleading for their lives, there was gunfire and explosions. You gasped and took off the dog tags. You only gave yourself a moment to breathe before trying to shake Bucky awake. When it became clear that he wasn’t stirring you steadied yourself and settled your hands on his temples. You didn’t care you tired this would make you, you just wanted Bucky to stop suffering. You focused, offering out that hand of connection again, this time picturing it in the shape of a fist and, although it wasn’t subtle, you tried to shake Bucky’s brain awake. You forced your way into his dreams, punching through the dark fog that clouded his thoughts and almost screamed at him.
“Bucky! Bucky wake up! You’re dreaming my dear!”
Bucky woke up with a start. Tears flowing down his face, he stared at you blue eyes shining. No one spoke as he pulled you into his arms. You just breathed together for a moment, counting the breaths and the spaces in between. When he finally pulled back, you saw his eyes flicker with concern before lifting a hand to gently wipe under your nose, it came back red with blood.
“You, okay?”
You smiled sadly, reaching out to put the dog tags back on.
“I should be asking you that.”
“But you’re bleeding.”
“Occupational hazard.” You tried to subtly get rid of any of the extra blood. “That was pretty intense. Wanna talk?”
Bucky looked down to the sheets and shook his head. You smiled at him, tilting his head to yours.
“That’s fine, want me to go? Or would you like to cuddle for a bit?”
Bucky didn’t talk again, just pulled you gently down to the bed once more. Snuggling himself under your chin, resting his head on your chest. You felt his arms draw tightly against your waist. You pressed your lips into his hair.
“May I help you go to sleep? Keep the bad thoughts at bay for at least one night.”
You felt Bucky nod and let out a little sleepy hum of agreement. You closed your eyes, focused on your connection setting up a golden wall against the dark fog at the corners of his mind and settled into a deep sleep.
You woke to the smell of fresh coffee and the clinking of cups.
“Morning.” You opened your eyes at Bucky’s voice and took the offered cup greedily. Your mind still felt hazy from the energy you used last night.
You felt the bed dip beside you as Bucky sat and sipped at his cup as well, hair a bit of a mess from bed. He had evidently only just woken up as well.
He took a breath, “I had some pretty interesting dreams, sweetheart.”
You stiffened, “Good ones I hope.”
“Don’t worry, they were good. If a little strange.”
“I was watching myself most of the time.”
You snorted into the coffee, “Sounds creepy”
There was a slight chuckle, “Nah, I was watching myself build a home, a family- “
“Oh God Bucky.” You snapped your eyes to his, you knew what had happened. “I am so sorry my dreams must have stuck in your head.”
“Those were your dreams?”
“Yeah, its only happened once before but when the connection between two people is very strong, it can happen- I call it bleeding. Perhaps we should- “
“If the next words out of your mouth are take a break, I will spill your coffee.” You clutched your cup closer to your chest, “Truthfully, those were some of the beset dreams I have every had. I really loved them.”
You looked back up at him, hesitantly “You did?”
“And I love you.”
There was silence as you stared at him in shock. His face as nothing but adoration as the sunlight filtered over his face.
“I love you, sweetheart.”
“I love you too.”
Coffee cups were cast aside as you both collided. Giggling and joking, radiating happiness as the two of you shared the sweetest kiss. Your feelings merging together, amplifying one another until they shone brighter than the sun.
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shoutaaizawas · 5 years ago
↳  keigo takami x fem!reader → ❝preening❞
summary: hawks loves your hair, playing with it, brushing it, washing it. you realize that it comes from another instinctual nature of his. you try to figure out how to return the gesture. word count: 2k+ tags/warnings: fluff, bird terminology, hawks being a birdman again  a/n: i don’t know much about birds but i’ll sure act like i do. this is sort of a sequel to shiny things but can be read alone
Hawks was obsessed with your hair.
When you convinced him to take a lazy day off you would lay on your couch and watch movies together, your head resting on his lap. Without a doubt his hand was always in your hair, brushing through it and braiding and upbraiding your hair. It was hard to focus on what you were watching not that you minded. You’d much rather give your attention to your boyfriend.
At night when you laid your head on his chest, he would always run his hand through your hair, nails gently scratching across your scalp. You always let out a sigh of content. It was impossible not to fall asleep when he did that
Anytime he caught you brushing his hair he would insist he does it for you and would offer to do your hair for you. Was he good at doing your hair? No. But in his defense, he tried his best and was getting better every time. It didn’t stop you from wearing said hairstyles out in public. The way he looked at you, so happy that you wore his work out in public more than made up for some of the odd looks you got.
When you had a bad flu Hawks was there for you to take care of you even though you insisted that he stay away for his own good but he refused. He brought you medicine, kept you fed (not his cooking, he couldn’t cook to save his life), kept you hydrated and pretty much waited on you hand and foot. He had even washed your hair for you. You were so exhausted you couldn’t bring yourself to do it but Hawks was more than happy to help out. The way he worked the shampoo into your hair was amazing. You were starting to think he was in the wrong career. It didn’t escape you that he enjoyed it too and since then he offered to wash your hair for you.
You should have realized sooner what the reasoning behind it was. You had been at a pet store to pick up food for your friend who was too bust to run by herself. It was hard not to get distracted by all the cute animals. The cockatiels caught your attention, one playing with a toy in the cage. It was hard not to think of your boyfriend when you saw any sort of bird.
But what caught your attention more was the two birds perched beside each other preening each other. It was so cute to watch and it took a few moments before it clicked in your head.
Had Hawks obsession with your hair stemmed from an instinctual need to preen? It wouldn’t be his first bird trait you had discovered. How had you not realized sooner?
“They’re so cute aren’t they.” Looking up you saw the storekeeper standing there looking at the pair of birds. “They just preen each other all day it’s the cutest thing, they love each other.”
“They’re adorable.” You agreed to smile at her. “Is there a reason they do it?”
“Those two are mates, it’s part of the courting ritual but they still do it to show affection to each other.” She explained.
“Aww,” You cooed but you were trying to process it all in regards to Hawks. As you checked out and headed to your friends to drop the pet food off for her your mind was racing. Hawks played with your hair, braided it, washed it to show affection in his own way. That warmed your heart. Keigo never ceased to make you feel like the most loved person on Earth.
But you were concerned. Should you return the favor? Was it offensive that you hadn’t? Had you made him feel unloved? Sure, you loved running your hands through his hair but you didn’t do it as often as he did. Or should you preen his wings? Would that make him uncomfortable?
Sighing you figured you’d leave the subject for later, there was only so much you could accomplish right now. You would have to spend more thinking about it.
The conclusion you came to was that you should return the gesture. You hadn’t quite figured out how you would do that but you thought that then you would see an opportunity arise eventually.
Eventually came a lot sooner than expected. The day had come to an end and you were headed over to Hawk’s place to surprise him by making dinner. You knew he was home he had text you when he got off patrol. It was a surprisingly short day for him.
You had the key to his place so you let yourself in, placing the groceries in the kitchen. Looking around you didn’t see Keigo anywhere. A noise from the master bathroom alerted you to where he was. Walking in you hadn’t expected the scene in front of you.
Hawks sat perched on the edge of the tub, wings spread out his torso turned and hands moving through his bright red feathers. Well normally they were bright red, at the moment they were covered in mud. Keigo turned and looked at you like a kid with their hand in the cookie jar.
“Kei?” You questioned.
“Uhh, hey sweetie.” He said flashing you an innocent smile, wings fluttering but didn’t have much movement with all of the mud on them. “What are you doing here?”
“I was going to make you dinner as a surprise.” You said staring at his wings, the feathers were sticking in different places in some areas. “What happened here?”
“Oh, it’s a long story. The short version is there was an incident with a mud puddle.” He said sheepishly.
“Looks like the mud puddle won that fight.” You teased. “How did that happen?”
“Villain in the park. The rain left it pretty messy out there.” He explained.
“Poor thing.” You said walking towards him. Standing over him you took his face in your hands.
“You can start dinner if you want while I finish up here.” He said looking up at you with soft eyes.
An idea popped in your head. This was finally the time.
“Can I help?” You questioned.
A look of surprise covered his face along with a light blush.
“You don’t have to-” He started but you wouldn’t have it.
“I want to if that’s okay with you.” You questioned. You knew that his wings were sensitive. You had avoided touching them too much not wanting to bother him. There was a chance he might be uncomfortable at the idea of you touching his wings.
You couldn't lie you loved his wings. They were so stunning, so unique. You could never look away and you had thought about running your hands through them more than you'd like to admit, learning every edge and curve of them.
“I don’t mind.” He said scooting over making space for you. Before you joined him you grabbed some clean washcloths before running some warm water in the bath. Sitting down you straddled the edge of the tub, one foot in the water and the other on solid ground.
With his wings over the tub, you wet the washcloth and held it looking at the brilliant wings in front of you debating where to start. It made the most sense to start at the top and work your way down.
Smoothing the cloth over the patagium, had you done a lot of research on the terminology of birds wings? Yes, your boyfriend had wings what else were you supposed to do? It was just a really just a fancy word for the skin that covered the top of his wings.
“Is this okay?” You asked. You could feel how tense Keigo was in front of you, you hoped you weren’t doing this wrong.
“More than okay.” He said letting out a sigh. “I’m just not used to anyone touching my wings.”
The mud there was mostly dried at the base of his wings and it took a few attempts to get it to loosen up. There was some mud that was especially stuck in his feathers, you applied a little more pressure earning a groan from your boyfriend.
“I’m sorry,” You said pulling your hand back.
“Don’t be that felt amazing.” He hummed. He was starting to loosen up and feel more relaxed now.
You cleaned down the wrist of his wings and to the wingtip, once the top of his wings was cleaned you moved through the layers of coverts down to his secondary feathers. It was nice running the cloth through his beautiful feathers. As more mud was gone you let go of the cloth and used your hands to brush out the rest of the dirt. You were amazed by how soft his feathers were. Right now you would never think that they would be able to become so strong and dangerous. By the time you had almost cleaned off all of the mud, Keigo was nearly leaning on you.
“That feels nice, pretty bird?” You teased looking down at him as he rested the back of his head against your chest.
The last thing you expected as an answer was the soft coo that came from him.
Keigo’s eyes shot open and his face turned red with embarrassment as he covered his mouth.
“Was that?” You questioned but he cut you off.
“Please pretend that didn’t happen.” He said covering his face.
“How am I supposed to forget the cutest thing I’ve ever heard?”
“Stop teasing me.” He whined.
“I’m really not for once.” You said your hand covering one of his on his face, smoothing your thumb over his skin. “That was adorable. I didn’t know you could make noises like that.”
“I don’t usually.” He sighed, moving his hands. He sat up looked at you but kept your hand on his. “I used to do it as a kid when I got excited or if I was really comfortable. It’s so embarrassing I learned how to stop but I guess it just slipped out.”
“I love it.” You said you wouldn’t let your boyfriend feel bad for doing something that was natural to him. “Don’t ever feel embarrassed to do it around me.”
Keigo smiled at you, not a cocky smirk or one of excitement. It was gentle and soft, it made you feel like you were wrapped up in his arms.
“C’mon, let me help you dry them off.” You said standing up and grabbing a towel before sitting down on his bed. He followed sitting in front of you. In all truth, Hawks probably could have shaken his wing and had them dry in a moment but you weren’t trying to let this moment end. And you could bet that he was thinking the same thing. It never ceased to amaze you how something so simple could make you feel so much closer to someone.
His feathers dried fast and once they did you reluctantly put the towel aside ready to tell him you were done but he spoke before you could.
“Do you think you could-” He stopped for a moment before speaking again. “Uh, run your fingers through my feathers for a while?”
It was so rare to see Hawks anything but sure of himself. It was something you cherished, the thought that you could have an effect on him like that. Not to mention it only felt fair considering all the times he made you flustered.
“Of course, baby.” You said smiling at him softly. “Come here”
Laying down Keigo followed you, his body over yours. Resting his head against your chest he let out a sigh before you even touched his wings. His wings folded against his back. You wrapped your arms around his neck, hands reaching for the top half of his wings.
It was relaxing to run your hands through the way too soft feathers. You wondered if he used conditioner for them.
“I love you so much.” He sighed against your skin.
For Keigo, this had been the last thing he expected. He wouldn't lie and say that he never thought of asking you to help him clean his wings or even just run your hands through them. He thought about it a lot. More than he'd like to admit. But he was always so nervous that you wouldn't want to, or worse that his wings weirded you out. It's not like it was normal.
This small gesture had meant far more than you probably even understood. Not only was it a way for the two of you to grow even closer but it fulfilled the care that had never received as a child. His own parents had given him up and things had only gotten worse from there. He never had someone take care of him.
But now he had you and he promised himself he would do anything for you.
“I love you too, Kei.” Your heart never failed to flutter at those words.
You continued the gentle motion, hands brushing over the red feathers and at times between them. His wings relaxed and rested against him. It didn’t take long for the soft cooing sound you heard era lier to return. It was overwhelming the amount of emotion that flooded through you knowing that he trusted you that much.
Laying there with his weight and warmth against you along with the sound of his quiet coos it was hard not to get tired. His arms wrapped around you holding you close.
“I think we might need to order take out.” He mumbled against you, you could practically feel his smirk.
“Mmhm.” You hummed in reply. Food was the last thing on your mind. All you wanted to do was lay here with your boyfriend and never move again. A late nap sounded perfect. If you woke up at once in the morning and had to make a chicken nugget run, it would be a small price to pay to stay here with him and rest.
taglist:  @sugarmaplewings-fics @lilkiwisfinest @ewwis @kandy1410@moonlightaangel @winnies-headcannons @bakugousidehoe@paintedr0ses1 @toobsessedsstuff @spellboundxizi@ourladyofseijoh  @x0doodlebug0x @katsushimaa @mooncademia
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iwalc · 3 years ago
Surprise- Brian May x Reader
It was late. You sat on the sofa reading a book in front of the fireplace when you zoned out. You started to look around you and saw how beautiful your life had become. You were married to the one and only person you ever loved and together you had built this beautiful, incredible life. 2 years ago, 3 years into your marriage with Brian, you decided to have a child, a token of your love for each other. It was a rough start. There were numerous times where it didn't work at all, other times when you peed on the stick, soon after seeing a positive test, the excitement was immense and when you told Brian he got so excited, all of this to then be broken by the news of miscarriage. It broke the both of you but somehow you still managed to carry on. And for the reward of not giving in you could finally tell Brian once again that you were pregnant, and that time, all went well. In August 1980 you could finally give birth to a bouncing baby girl. It was a strange feeling, suddenly the gravity of your universe shifted and everything revolved around this tiny human, the beautiful Amanda that you and your husband, the love of your life had created and would cherish forever.
You had Brian, your beautiful girl Amanda, you had a beautiful and warm atmosphere you could call home, and there was nothing more that you wanted in life. Until a few months ago.
Your husband had started to secretly give you hints until he finally sat down with you and spat it out.
"Love?" he called silently since Amanda was sleeping, from the living room as you were in the bathroom catching up some laundry. "Yes, gorgeous" you answered just as you accomplished the task at hand. "Could you come here for a minute, there is something I'd like to talk to you about", "Ofc, I'll just wash my hands first". You thought about it as you washed your hands in the warm water. It must be something that's been on his mind for a while since whenever it's something ordinary he just spits it out, out of nowhere. You were curious.
When you walked towards the living room you saw him sitting on the sofa, his elbows resting on his knees, face in his hands. This worried you quite a bit. "Hey, what's up?" you asked as you sat down next to him, your hand automatically landing on his thigh. "I uh, I... There is something that's been on my mind" he started, looking down at his feet signalling his nervousness. "Well, I figured, I've noticed there's been something on your mind lately, but I didn't want to push you into talking with me if you didn't feel ready to." you gently said as you squeezed his tight gently. "I haven't found the right time to tell you and talk to you about it" he continued. "I want to know what's on your mind, love" you answered, really wanting to know. He turned his head to look at you for a moment, his curls falling off his shoulder, a smile tugging at his lips. "Do you want me to just spit it out or with some background information?" he asked chuckling a bit, "Do you think background information will be necessary?" you asked him smiling while adoring his beautiful features. His hazel, soft eyes, his prominent cheekbones, his jawline, his beautiful dark curls framing his gorgeous face. "No, not really. I uhm", "Brian, love, I know you are nervous but it's just me, spit it out", "I want another baby Y/N" he blurted out, waiting worriedly for your reaction, a small smile daring to tug at his lips. You were quite shocked, to be honest, it wasn't what you thought your husband had been thinking so much about. "You know Amanda is growing quickly, she's almost 2 years old now and I uhm, it would be nice to give her some company and" he didn't get to finish his explanation because of you interrupting him with a kiss. Taking him by surprise.
It was a brilliant idea. It made your stomach flutter with butterflies. You pulled back from the passionate kiss, seeing his chocked state made you laugh. He smiled at you, adoration poured into the gaze that reached your face. "I'd love to expand our family and have another child with you!" you squeaked, flying into his arms, which in turn led to chuckles escaping Brian's throat. The sound filled your heart and once again you thought about how perfect your life had become. You were so in love with everything, but most importantly Amanda and Brian.
The way he got so excited. The way his hazel eyes got deeper with adoration and excitement. The way his smile reached his eyes. The way he hugged you, telling you how happy you made him, how in love he was with you and to share his life with you. The way he existed. Your heart ached with love for this man.
And that day, it was set, you were going to try for a new baby. It wasn't always easy, already having a child to take care of, as well as Brians sometimes strange working schedule. However, to you, it was quite obvious it had worked. You were experiencing some symptoms, which reminded you of your first pregnancy: Absent period, hormonal imbalance, tender breasts, bloated, nausea in the mornings. Even Brian noticed some changes:
You had just gotten out of a late-night shower and were just going to change into your pyjama shirt when Brian suddenly commented something you found very strange. "Love, have you been missing your period?" he blurted out. This was something you never ever thought he'd ever think of, never the less keep track off. You turned around to stare at him, "Yes, in fact, I have, why?". "No, I was just thinking, I reckon you told me last month that we had to buy more pads and tampons til' this time, but neither of us has bought any and you have been feeling quite fine compared to how you use to feel when the time of the month comes around." he said like it was nothing, you just starred at him incredulously, at awe of the attention he had paid. "What? Did I say something wrong?" he asked as his face fell. "No, no you didn't. I'm just amazed by the attention you pay to those kinds of things. I wasn't prepared for the question nor the explanation for it." you said and chuckled as you dragged the shirt over your head. Walking to the bed you smiled to yourself, wow, what a man. As you buried yourself under the quilt, snuggling up to Brian who gladly put his arm around you he blurted out another incredulous comment. "I also can't help to notice that your breast has gotten bigger". You laughed at the comment. "I don't know if they're bigger, but tender they definitely are. How do you notice all of these things?" you couldn't help but ask as you looked up at him. "Well, I don't know, I guess I just do. And I've known you for about ten years now, and we've been together for almost eight of those. I would like to say I know you very well" he stated. "Well yes, you definitely do, and I love you for it!" you said as you reached up for a kiss, he chuckled a bit and smiled into the kiss.
Brian didn't ask anything after that, you know he had his suspicions but neither of you wanted to get the hopes up too early, regarding all of the tries before Amanda. However, after emptying your stomach one morning, you decided that it would be time to take a test. Brian couldn't be with you this time since he had work at the studio that had to be done, and since Amanda was spending time with her grandparents, Ruth and Harold, you figured it would be a perfect time. Since Brian wasn't home, nor did he know you were going to take a test, you decided to keep it a secret until you knew the result and decided to take it from there.
You had pregnancy tests laying around in a draw in the bathroom. You took one, peed on it, and while waiting for a result you went to eat some breakfast. Coming back to the bathroom to look at the test, you suddenly became very nervous, you really wanted it to be positive! You would hate to break the news to Brian, telling him that it was negative and that the symptoms had been a result of something else. You took a deep breath and grabbed the test. You slowly turned it around, feeling the nervousness clearly increase. All the fear suddenly washed away, it was positive.
Suddenly you felt all the emotions in the world all at once. Tears started to drip from your eyes as you smiled like crazy. The excitement was a fact which resulted in several exited screams and runs throughout the house. If anyone could see you they'd probably think you'd be crazy. But you didn't care because you were the happiest. You had more than you would ever wish for.
Before taking the test you were thinking about waiting to tell Brian until you've seen a doctor etc but now, there was no way you could make that happen. You tried not to call Brian at the studio to tell him. Instead, you rushed to the phone and decided to call Ruth and Harold.
It felt like it took forever before anyone picked up the phone. "The May household" you heard Harold answer. "Hi Harold, it's Y/N, how are you?", "Hello Dear, I'm fine thank you, how are you?" he asked, he sounded happy, it warmed your heart. You contemplated whether telling them or waiting. Apparently, you had been quiet for too long, "Is everything alright?" he seriously asked. You hesitated a bit, "Yeah, I uhm I think so", "You doesn't sound too sure about that dear, would you like to talk to Ruth?", "That would be nice, thank you, Harold". Harold was a great grandad and a wonderful father in law, however, you had always had a better connection towards Ruth.
You heard Harold calling for Ruth and some muffled noises. "Hello dear!" you heard Ruth's voice cheering through. "Hello Ruth, how are you? And Amanda?" you gently asked, not really levelling with her enthusiasm. "Oh I'm fine dear, thank you for asking. Amanda just ate some soup, so she's full and satisfied" she laughed. "That's great! I hope you're all having a good time and that she's behaving" you chuckled. "Oh dear, don't worry, she's the best!" you chuckled as an answer. "Now, Y/N, will you tell me what's wrong?", "I uhm, I was wondering if I could pick Amanda up a bit earlier than planned? Like today?", it was quiet for some time before she answered. "Oh, well yes of course you can! Is there something wrong?" she asked. "No, I don't think so at least" you chuckled, "I just want her home for tonight when Brians getting home.", "Y/N, I'm sorry but I can see right through you, there is something on your mind.", "Well yes, there are, I just don't know if I want to tell you before I tell Brian.", "Oh" and with this, you knew she understood. "Ok, I think you know by now anyway, I uhm, I'm..... pregnant, and I wanted to" you didn't get to finish your sentence because there was a scream on the other end and it made you laugh. "Oh my heavens, Congratulations!! I am so happy for you two!" she almost screamed. "Don't get too excited Ruth, it's still pretty early" you voiced your fears. "Oh dear, I understand your fear, I really do, but it will be alright in the end, I promise!", at this you got emotional, tears started to stream down your cheeks and you sniffled, "Oh love, It will be alright! We'll pack Amandas things and then we'll be right over, okay?", "Okay" you sniffled, "Thank you Ruth!", "No worries dear!", "Ruth before you begin packing things up, you don't have too, you can have her back tonight or tomorrow if you want.", "That sounds nice if it's alright with you two, but I guess you would appreciate some time alone to talk and everything, so we'll happily come and pick her up tomorrow again!", "That sounds great, I know she loves being with you two! I won't hold you up any longer, see you soon then", "Yes darling, see you soon!"
You took a deep breath. Wow. This was a rollercoaster.
You were so happy and so appreciative for Ruth and Harold. Brian and Harold haven't always been on great terms but the last year things have been amazing between them and both Harold and Ruth have always been amazing towards you. They are great, amazing! And there is no wonder why Brian is so great.
You were in the bedroom and looking for a specific body that Amanda had, knowing that Brian would know exactly when he saw it, when you heard knock on the front door. You quickly ran downstairs and opened to great your baby and parents in law.
"Hi," you both said at the same time as you opened the door. Ruth walked inside first and greeted you with a big smile, embracing you in a hug only a mother could. "You look great!" she happily said as her hands went to your cheeks, you chuckled a bit "Thanks, I don't feel great" you laughed, hoping not to get further questions. Harold stepped inside and handed you your baby girl, oh you had missed her. "Hi baby," you said in a squealing voice before showering her in kisses, making her laugh. Harold walked up to you, and to your surprise leaned in for a hug, he's not a hugging person normally, you gently hugged him and received a happy congratulations wish. "I'm happy for you both," he said, "Thank you so much, Harold," you said and gave him a joyous smile, just as you also felt tears streaming down. "Oh wow, I'm a mess" you laughed as you brushed the tears off. "No worries dear, I was the same when I was expecting Brian" she laughed and Harold agreed, not pleased with the recall of memories. You all broke down in laughs.
You welcomed them inside and as always they made themselves feel at home as you served some tea and biscuits. Ruth was playing with Amanda on the sofa. "Has she taken her nap today?" you asked as you saw how Amanda started to get cranky and sleepy. "No she hasn't, she was about to fall asleep in the car on our way here but we thought it was better to keep her awake so she could sleep here.", "Maybe we should go take a nap, baby girl," you said as you approached them on the sofa. Suddenly, Harold stood up, "I can take her to nap, if that's ok?" he asked, "Yes of course," you said as you walked and picked Amanda up and handed her to Harold. "I'll be upstairs with the bottle in a minute," you said as you walked to the kitchen to prepare the bottle.
Amanda was happily asleep upstairs and Ruth and Harold had just left. However, before they left they handed me a little box and you thought that now would be a good time opening it. Inside you could see a yellow shirt, in Amanda's size. When you unfolded the soft material you saw the cutest thing. The shirt had "Promoted Big Sister" embroidered on the front. You chuckled slightly as an idea about how to reveal the news to Brian popped up in your head.
This will be perfect.
Amanda was seated in her chair as you finished up the rest of the dinner. For the occasion, you had made Brians favourite dinner.
You had been so distracted by the food that you hadn't heard Brian coming home. You only noticed when Amanda squealed when she saw him entering the large kitchen. You turned around and was treated by a sight that could melt your heart a thousand times over. Brians had picked her up and were showing her with hugs and kisses, making the baby girl let out belly laughs. You felt how you were about to cry but quickly turned around again to brush them away.
Brian put Amanda back in her chair for a moment and approached you. Wrapping his arms around your waist, his lips brushed against your neck and kissed your temple. "Hi" you gently voiced. "Hello, love," he said and kept kissing your cheek. "It smells delicious," he said and placed one last kiss on your ear. "It's your favourite," you said and put down the spatula to turn around and greet him properly. "I noticed, what do I owe the pleasure?" he said as you wrapped your hands around his neck, his hands placed on your waist. "nothing special" you lied. "How was your day?" you asked as you leaned in for a hug, hugging his waist, his hands brushing your back. You could smell his cologne, feel his arms tightening around you. "It was okay, nothing special," he said, his voice low. He pulled away from the hug to look at you. One of his hands stroke some hair behind your ear to then cup your cheek. "How was your day? And why's Amanda home, shouldn't she be at my parents?", "They came to visit earlier and I wanted her home, but she's going back tomorrow," you said as you adored his face. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss you. The kiss was like nothing else, your whole body tingled. You felt the excitement again.
The dinner was nothing special. Brian kept complimenting the food, which warmed your heart. Throughout the whole dinner, you just kept adoring the little family you have and the excitement to reveal that one more was on the way kept getting stronger and you were growing impatient.
Amanda played with a rattle toy while you and Brian both cleaned up after the dinner, stealing hugs and kisses here and there.
When the kitchen was done cleaning you honestly felt exhausted, and Brian, being the wonderful husband he is, sensed that. He walked up to you and kissed your forehead as he hugged you. "You go sit down and relax and I'll take care of Manda" he said and kissed you again. "Thank you" you whispered.
Brian kissed you once more and walked excitedly towards Amanda, "Come here baby girl, it's time for jammies" he said as he picked her up and threw her up in the air, making her laugh once again. You felt at peace and happy as you saw them giggling, making their way down to the nursery.
It was getting quite late. You sat down on the sofa reading a book in front of the fireplace when you zoned out. You started to look around you and saw how beautiful your life had become. You were married to the one and only person you ever loved and together you had built this beautiful incredible life. And the excitement for the news Brian is left to find out is very much evident.
You couldn't focus on reading the book, you just sat there biting you lip slightly and listening to what was happening in the nursery. You heard Brian talk to Manda and her giggles. Until it all stopped.
Silent took over the house, the only thing you could hear was Mandas joller and the fire in the fireplace.
"Love?" Brian called for you. You didn't answer, you wanted to see his reaction without you interfering to early. "Y/N" he almost shouted. Silence took over again.
Apparently, he grabbed Amanda and the shirt he had discovered and worked to the living room. "What is this?" he said, trying to hide his excitement if it weren't true. "It's a new shirt I bought for Manda" you chuckled. He looked so confused. His eyes went from looking on Amanda, to the shirt, to you. "What?" he blurted out, confusion written all over him. You rose up from the sofa and approached him. He had put Amanda down on the floor as he inspected the shirt.
You walked towards him and when there was almost no space between you he looked up at you, studied your expression. You smiled and took the shirt out of his hands and folded it and put it on the table. You walked up to him again and smiled. He tilted his head a bit, once again showing his confusion. You took his hands and brought them up to kiss them and then placed them gently on your lower stomach to get the message through. He caught on immediately. His eyes widened and he let out a breath. "Ooh my lord" he breathed as he adjusted his hands slightly, his gaze fixated on your belly. You chuckled and once again felt tears forming in your eyes. "I'm pregnant, Brian" you said smiling as the tears ran down your cheeks. He looked up at you and a smile spread across his face, "Really?" he asked as he looked at you. "Yes, I took three tests and all of them was positive".
Brian moved his hands and embraced you in a loving, comforting hug. His head was placed in the curve of your neck, his hands wrapped around you, your hands on his back, feeling his warmth, feeling the soft curls against your cheek. What you discovered next melted your heart. You heard sniffles coming from Brian.
You broke the embrace and looked at him, your hands holding his cheeks, your thumbs brushing away the tears, as more tears streamed from your eyes. You both were crying out of happiness, and soon enough you were both laughing. Brian held your waist, "Oh boy I love you!" he said as he laughed and kissed you. "I love you more" you gently said, looking into his hazel eyes. "Thank you" he then said as a wave of more tears streamed down his rosy cheeks. He leaned his forehead against yours, looking into your eyes. "I.. I don't even know what to say. I love you so much and there is no other I'd want to share my life with. You make me happy, you're keeping me on track, you are my universe. I love you so much and I am so grateful for you! You have given me the best gift of live already once, and now again. I... I'm speechless. I love you so much! And I am so excited" he laughed. "I am so excited. Im so excited for all that the future has to bring us. To see Amanda grow up, to see this little bean grow" he placed his hands on your stomach, "I love you, so much!" he started to cry again. This hit you hard. How did you end up with this fantastic man? If only you could show him how much you meant to him so he could really understand.
"Baby, I love you! So much! And I am so happy. I have more than I could ever have asked for. I have a wonderful husband, who's also my best friend. You cheer me up when I'm down, you comfort me when I'm sad, you laugh with me when I'm happy. I am so glad and grateful that I get to share my life with you too. I love you so much it hurts!" you said and kissed his swollen, red lips to then hug him tight.
You were so excited for what the future would bring. You would never want to do this with anyone else. This was perfect.
I hope you liked this one! I surely do! If you guys want maybe I could build this story further, maybe to follow them throughout the pregnancy or something? Let me know what you think!
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spencersawkward · 4 years ago
top shelf//MGG - part 1
summary: broke and having a bad day, Reader runs into Matthew outside a café. after a couple encounters, his financial support and friendship become something more.
word count: 3k
content warnings: swearing but nothing else!
pairing: Fem!Reader/Matthew
A/N: hi! welcome to my new series. i don’t think this will be super long in terms of parts, but i’ll try to update as frequently as possible for you all. this chapter is pretty expositional, so i’m sorry in advance lol. also i know i made it short but lmk if you want them to be longer. also shoutout my sweet sweet angels @reidsconverse and @voidsfilm bc i would literally cry without both of you. also THANK YOU to @dr-spencerr-reidd for this concept bc i probably wouldn't have written it without your ask!! sending hugs :)
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you throw your phone down on the passenger seat with a frustrated groan. after everything that's happened today, you're now stuck on a congested street with your car barely inside the parking spot alongside the sidewalk.
your screen sits there beside you, blank and unresponsive, and you know you're going to have to go inside the coffee shop to ask to use their phone and call Triple A. of course it's not working because nothing is working today. you might as well just sit in your car and cry.
but you can't, because you have a huge project for work that you need to get done by next week, and you've already procrastinated enough. a red glow from the headlights of other cars on the street shine through your windows like melted wax, distorted by the rain. it's been pouring all day.
bracing yourself for the onslaught, you grab the old umbrella from the foot well of the passenger seat and open the door of your car. the torrents hit your body like a wall of ice, soaking you as you try to get to the safety of the café. the umbrella helps a little, but then you get to the overhang and have to actually close it before you head inside.
your fingertips slip around the metal, trying to shove the thing closed while water drips off the bridge of your nose. it's frustrating. your footsteps are still determined as they move towards the entrance, but you're distracted by the stubborn nature of the object, so you don't see the man walking out.
it's not even a bodily collision, really. it's so much worse: the sopping material of the umbrella pokes him in the stomach, knocking the hot cup of coffee all over his sweater.
your eyes widen.
"oh my fucking god, I'm so sorry--" you stutter over your words, completely at a loss. his face is twisted up in an expression of concealed pain. it can't feel good to have hot coffee seeping through your clothes after being prodded by a piece of metal. you move your wet hair out of your face in order to look at him full-on.
"it's fine, really." he gives you what's supposed to be a friendly smile, but looks more like a grimace. your stomach twists; he's hot. like, if you saw him at the bar you would stare at him all night kind of hot.
"no, it's not," your face heats up, despite the cold, damp air. "let me buy you another coffee."
"I--" he glances down at his sweater, which is knitted with cute foxes on the front, then back at you. he pauses a moment and you have to bite down on your tongue to keep from collapsing. he's considerably older than you, but he doesn't dress or act that way. maybe late thirties, if you had to guess. "sure. thanks."
a flowering relief in your chest, partly because he doesn't seem angry and partly because you'd like to look at his face just a bit longer. your eyes stay on his until someone walks through the door of the café and reminds you of where you are.
without a word, you brush past and go into the building, him trailing behind.
Matthew watches as you walk ahead, your clothes spattered with rainwater and your hair somewhat messed up, too. he smiles to himself at the way you almost bump into the corner of a table, nervousness evident in nearly every movement.
you head to the counter, setting your hands on the granite while the barista checks out your unkempt appearance.
"hi," you smile at her before realizing you have no idea what this guy wants. you turn around and see him standing slightly behind you, suppressing a smile. he can tell how flustered you are, and now you look like a fool. "what coffee do you drink?"
"can I have a medium Americano, please?" he asks the barista with a friendly smile. he's got straight teeth, dimples... holy shit. you wish he had been unappealing so that this whole situation would be less humiliating.
you pay for his drink before getting out of the way, both of you slowly walking to the pickup counter.
"again, I'm really sorry. that stupid umbrella." you shake the thing at your side, raindrops falling to the floor. you run a hand through your wet hair.
"it's okay. I appreciate you getting me another cup." he flashes that smile again and you remember that his sweater is all stained. before you can think to do anything else, you pluck a handful of napkins from the self-serve station and start to dab at the material.
he looks down at you for a second, surprised by the way you grab his clothes. Matthew feels your hand pressing into his stomach innocently, and he feels himself blush a little. it's only when you pull away that he's able to regain his head.
"it's still bad," you throw away the napkins and re-evaluate the garment. "jesus christ, it's a nice sweater, too."
"hey, it's totally fine. I can just wash it out." he lets out a slight chuckle, and the sound makes your heart flutter. he's got a dad laugh. deep in his chest.
"baking soda and water." you say abruptly. he frowns.
"to get the stain out? I use baking soda and water for coffee stains and it usually works." you explain gently, your eyes meeting again. his irises are a brownish hazel color, warm. the laugh lines by them are charming.
"oh," he grins. "do you get coffee stains often?"
you twist your mouth to the side and glance at the windows of the coffee shop. he's teasing you and you'd be remiss if you said you don't want to play along. "more than I'd like to admit."
you can feel him looking at you with that stupidly brilliant smile and it's really setting you off-kilter. someone shouldn't be that attractive; it's not fair. and yet you want desperately to stare, if purely for the sake of aesthetic enjoyment.
"I'm Matthew." he extends his hand, which is decorated with a series of rings. you realize that you don't even know his name.
"Y/N." you shake. his fingers are softer than you expected.
"nice to meet you, Y/N."
"and under such fortuitous circumstances." the corners of your mouth turn up as you relax a little.
he laughs at your words, the delightful ring of it interrupted by a new Americano showing up on the counter. he glances at the to-go cup, then at you, then goes to get his drink. you wish you knew what he was thinking, but he's not displaying anything past friendliness.
"well, um." something like disappointment settles in your stomach as you recognize this will be the last of your interaction. there's no reason for him to stick around, and you need to get back home to work, anyway.
"I'll let you get back to your day." Matthew doesn't seem nervous, just unsure as he grips the coffee in his hand. you open and close your mouth like something impressive enough to keep him here will come out. you know it won't.
and then you remember the state of affairs, the existence of your useless car and the useless phone in the front seat, how you're going to have to call Triple A and then your roommate to come get you.
Matthew realizes that you aren't going to say anything and he gives you one last smile and an awkward wave before turning to go. you watch in silence as he crosses the room to the door. two more seconds until he's out of your life forever. so of course you choose this exact moment to speak.
his head jerks suddenly to look at you. this is embarrassing, but you have nothing to lose.
"can I... borrow your phone?"
Matthew tilts his head to the side slightly, frowning as though deeply confused. and you suppose it is a strange thing to ask, especially given that you're a younger person and most people your age carry their phones everywhere. "sure." he walks back over to you, pulling his cell out of his pocket.
"I just--" you fumble with the device while you decide how to phrase it without sounding like a pathetic mess. "my car keeps breaking down and my phone battery is, like, totally fucked, so it just turns off and on constantly and it’s still in my car but it’s raining and I just wanna see if it’s back on so I can call my roommate." you immediately cringe at yourself. the rambling isn’t cute.
he’s not too bothered by your panicking, though, his mouth only forming an O shape. "it’s no problem."
you dial your number, fingers trembling while he waits. he's turned his eyes to the rest of the coffee shop, but it still makes you nervous that he's standing right there. you put the cell to your ear and pray that it rings out.
you’re greeted by the sound of your own voice telling you to leave a message. great. with a frustrated sigh, you hang up and Matthew gives you an inquisitive expression.
“it’s still off,” you explain. “I’m gonna call my roommate.”
he nods and shoves his hands into his pockets while you punch in the other number. for a split second, you peek his way and admire his side profile. he really is something to behold; a model, maybe.
"hello?" good thing Cecilia has no problem answering unknown numbers. you bite your lip.
"hey, it's me."
"Y/N? whose phone are you using?"
"uh, someone I just met--" you frown as you try to find a way to describe him without something as insulting as a random guy. "anyway, my car broke down so I was wondering if you could pick me up."
there's a pause on the other end of the line, like the movement of sheets and the slightly disappointed groan of another person. she probably has her boyfriend over again. "sure, of course. where are you?"
you give her the address and hang up before dialing the car repair company. Matthew gestures to a table off to the side so that you two don't need to stand, and then you sit down across from him. you're so distracted by the person on the other end of the line that you don't even think about it.
Matthew twists his rings on his fingers. he's fidgety and it's sort of cute. you try not to stare at his hands, at the black spot of ink on the outside of his pinky. either he writes a lot or he's an artist. you have to focus on the table in order to keep from blushing.
finally, you finish up with the phone and hand it back to him. "you're a life saver."
"do you want me to wait with you until your friend gets here?" he gestures out the window. your immediate reaction is to say yes. it'll be awkward to sit here alone without your phone, without coffee. but you don't want to keep him any longer than you already have.
"it's okay, I'm sure you have places to be." you smile accommodatingly. he chooses his next words carefully, it seems.
"I don't, really. but I'll leave you alone if that's what you want, too." the way he speaks, offering his company without trying to impose... something about it makes your heart melt a bit. you appreciate his thoughtfulness. it makes you want to know more.
"okay," you nod as you make your decision. "if you wanna stay. it shouldn't be too long."
"great," he settles back into his chair, the light from the café lights above you reflecting off the lenses of his glasses. "why does your car keep breaking down?"
you exhale sharply at the thought. "that's a really good question, because I don't know the answer. it's super old and I'm too broke to afford a new one."
he nods.
Matthew's mind turns to different avenues at this knowledge. he knows you're young and that usually means that there isn't a lot of spare income. and he doesn't know if you have a job. but what he does know is that you've got an energy about you-- a sweet, well-intentioned manner that draws him in. every once in a while throughout the conversation, you throw out certain phrases that hint at a quick-witted intelligence.
you're funny, but not boldly so. and when you two get on the topic of how you ended up rain-soaked, shoving your way into a Los Angeles café, you tell him about your day.
"--and I have this shitty job right now working for one of my old professor's friends, so it's not like I can afford to constantly repair the damages. all my money is going towards my savings so I can pay for grad school, anyway." you sigh. he listens intently to your words, and he never shies away from eye contact. every time he nods along, you practically feel your heart leap.
"what do you do?" he asks.
"I write for a wellness magazine, but I'm sort of a fraud." you joke.
he laughs. "why's that?"
"I don't know, a lot of it is about different yoga methods and meditation, stuff like that-- but I don't do any of that in my daily life." you admit. it should be embarrassing, but you don't feel ashamed of the fact. he seems to find it funny.
"working your way toward a different kind of job, then?"
"I'm hoping for a more editorial role, honestly, but..." you lift your eyes to his. they're bright, he notices; full of a deep-rooted hope. "gotta start somewhere, right?"
"very true." Matthew wants to tell you just how much he understands, about the roles as an actor he's taken and the hours he spent making films in college, just hoping that one day he'd be able to make things on his own, but he doesn't want to scare you away or sound like he's bragging. it's not your fault you don't know who he is.
"sorry," you speak through a silence he doesn't realize he's left between you two. "I've talked your ear off and you don't even really know me. what do you do?"
"oh--" Matthew actually blushes this time. you see the pink creeping up his neck. "I'm an actor."
in the same way they did when you ran into him, your eyes widen. "an actor?"
"yeah," he smiles at the expression on your face. "you know that show, Criminal Minds?"
the name is familiar, but you've never seen an episode. "yeah, of course."
"I'm in that."
you don't know a lot about the program, but you've heard it talked about and you know that it's a popular show. so this guy is an actual actor, not just some LA wannabe. that makes him about five times more intimidating. you feel even more idiotic for not seeing it before.
"oh, shit," the words tumble out. Matthew grins at the bluntness of your reaction, and you scramble to recover. "sorry I didn't know who you are."
"no worries!" he laughs it off. "it's not a big deal."
"do you like it?" you ask. "being famous, I mean."
he shifts in his seat for a second as he makes a face like he doesn't know how to answer. you wonder if there's something deeper to him that you just haven't seen, yet. secret feelings about the subject. "I'm really not very famous, but I love the work."
genuinely humble. you can see it in his face, the sparkle in his eyes. and maybe he's just charming and you're just a girl blinded by his attractiveness, but your gut tells you that he's being real.
this time, you're the one who falls silent. admittedly, you get a little in your head sometimes. and it makes sense, now, the smoothness of his behavior and the sheer beauty of his face. this is a show business city-- of course he's famous.
Matthew's phone rings and he jumps, as if jolted from a dream. your attention moves immediately to the screen and you recognize Cecilia's number. he pushes the device over to you.
"hello?" your voice sounds far away.
"hey, I'm here. where are you?" she says.
"I'm just inside the café."
"oh, okay, I'll park and come in--" you hear the click of a seatbelt and start to panic. she can't see you in here with him.
"no!" you say too loudly. Matthew's head jerks up to frown at you.
"why not?" Cecilia asks, confused.
"no reason," god, you're a bad liar. "I'll come out and we can wait for the Triple A person in your car." you and Matthew make eye contact again. he gives you an understanding smile. your stomach flips.
"sounds good." she hangs up and you grab your umbrella. time to go.
"thanks for letting me use your phone." you stand, not really wanting to say goodbye but also lacking a reason to stay. he remains in his spot, seemingly now settled into this little corner of the café. it sort of suits him, this place. all cozy and slightly strange.
“happy to help.” you notice the tip of his tongue dart out over his bottom lip as if deliberating whether or not to say anything further. but he doesn’t and you feel awkward just standing there by the table.
“I’ll, uh…” you could ask for his number. but that would be weird, right? he doesn’t really seem to have an interest, anyway. “I’ll see you around, then.”
“yeah. it was nice to meet you, Y/N.” he gives one more of those killer smiles and you turn around, almost bumping into a display of coffee beans before correcting yourself and heading back outside.
taglist (lmk if you want to be added or removed!): @la-vie-en-amour1 @reidsconverse @voidsfilm
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liliesinrequiem · 3 years ago
The Truth
A/N: I’m back! I’ve been working on this for a while and kept changing it up. I think I’ve reached a version where I’m rather happy with it. I hope that y’all enjoy <3!
Pairing: Diluc x Reader
Summary: You have figured out that Diluc is the Darknight Hero. Now you have to confront him about it.
CW: Mentions of blood
You slightly moved the chair side to side as you waited for your husband to return. The white cloth in your hand only made you more upset than you already were. You put it down and spread it out on the desk. The bright candlelight permitted you to look at the design clearly. 
There was no mistaking it. The brilliant oranges and reds that made the owl on the handkerchief were undeniably the same colors that you had procured early on in your marriage to Diluc. It’d been a lot of negotiating back and forth to get the threads in the exact color that you wanted. You had sewn an owl, the animal that he greatly admired, in an array of colors that also reflected that of his vision. It’d been some trial and error (and many messed up handkerchiefs) to be able to create a product that you liked enough to be able to give him. 
The handkerchief had been a birthday gift for him. 
You were surprised that he even still carried it around when he had countless other handkerchiefs. Archons, you even thought that he’d long forgotten about it. While you felt happiness in knowing that he still used it, you could not separate the fact that you were upset with him from it. 
“The Darknight Hero?” you asked out loud. The words rolled off your tongue so easily and yet, you felt it difficult to consider. Not because you thought that Diluc was incapable of actually being the hero. It made a lot of sense that the man that did not like the Knights of Favonius was also the one taking matters into his own hands. 
What made it difficult to consider was how he had been hiding everything from you. What would happen if he went missing and no one knew where he had gone? How could you sleep at night not knowing if you could have done something? The idea of Diluc being injured in his activities made you spiral into despair. 
“Oh, Diluc…..” You wished to understand his reasoning in doing things at times. If only for a minute, you wished to understand why he had hidden it from you. The only reason you had even come to the conclusion was due to an array of increasingly odd actions by your husband and a rather fortuitous meeting with Kaeya. Diluc had been unable to have meals with you with greater frequency. He’d been spending less and less time in the manor. Yes, he was a busy man, but he always made time for you. You’d wake up and he was gone and go to bed with him still not being home. He’d become so much more evasive with you. 
What culminated in everything was an odd conversation that you overheard. Whether Kaeya had intended for you to coincidentally arrive as he was speaking with Lumine and Paimon about an odd handkerchief that they had picked up from the Darknight Hero, you were not sure. It just seemed to fall into place too conveniently. You didn’t question the fact that he even handed you the cloth by the end of your meeting. You understood what he meant. 
You heard the door knob of the office being turned and gripped the cloth tightly. All the emotions that you had been mulling over threatened to flood over. Your shoulders sagged when you saw Adelinde walk through the door. “I made you some tea,” she said. She placed the tray and you quietly thanked her. You made no move to drink the tea and Adelinde remained. 
“Will you rest soon?” she asked. “I can stay with you, if you would like.” You looked out the window and saw that the moon was high. Based on your estimations, it was late. It was probably a bit past midnight. The early hours of the new day were approaching. Where was he? Was he facing something horrible? Would he make it home tonight? You prayed to Barbatos that he was safe.
You turned back to look at Adelinde. “I’ll rest soon,” you answered, “I’m sure he’ll be home soon. But Adelinde...go to sleep. Don’t worry about me. I’ll be alright.” She only nodded and stopped at the threshold of the door for a brief moment. You knew that she did not want to leave you alone, but she would be unable to convince you. You were going to stick around until he came home. 
Time seemingly passed as the tea in the teapot turned cold. You had barely touched the tea in the cup that Adelinde had served a while ago. The moon seemed to be moving down more and more. The exhaustion of not having slept yet was getting to you. You’d put your head down on the desk to rest your eyes a bit when you heard the door opening once more. You looked up and half-expected it to be Adelinde, but you felt your heart stop when you saw it was Diluc. You remained quiet as he entered and dropped his sword on the ground. 
Your husband looked at you in surprise and said, “(Y/N)?” You noticed that he looked extremely tired. His outfit seemed to be in disarray. The coat was dirtied with mud and you could only wonder if the red stains on his white shirt were his or the monsters that he had killed. His hair was disheveled. While you were concerned about his well-being, you had come too far to not confront him. “What are you doing up?” 
“Waiting for you,” you said. “How’s the Darknight Hero doing?” You dropped the handkerchief onto the desk and you watched how your husband reacted. Immediate recognition of the handkerchief lit up on his face. He looked at you with a frown.  
“(Y/N), it’s late. Why don’t we talk tomorrow?” Exhaustion weighed on his voice. It was your turn to frown. 
“No,” you said softly, “I want answers, Diluc.” You had spent so much of the day going over many things in an endless loop. You wanted to know everything. His shoulders dropped and you bit your lip. You had no desire to argue with him. You just wanted to know. You stood up and moved around the desk to be standing in front of Diluc. “Are you the Darknight Hero?” 
Your heart beat loudly as you waited for an answer. Then, “Yes.” The simple response was all that you needed to fully accept it. You closed your eyes and sighed deeply. You looked at Diluc. 
“Why didn’t you tell me, Diluc?” you asked. “Do you not trust me?” Your voice cracked with the last question. It’d been the one thing that your mind had been circling back to the entire day. Lumine and Paimon knew that he was the Darknight Hero. Kaeya had figured it out. How many more people knew this information? How come he hadn’t told you?
Diluc gripped your hands, a surprising move, and said, “(Y/N), I do trust you. But I don’t want you caught up in all of this. I don’t want to cause harm to you. I…” He did not finish his sentence. You remained quiet. While you knew that he had good intentions, you hated that he had hidden a lot from you. You let go of one of his hands and placed your hand on his cheek. 
“Diluc,” you said, “Isn’t it more dangerous for me to not be aware of what you are? Knowing all of this now, I can be more alert about everything. As much as I appreciate it, I would like to know who my beloved husband’s enemies are. What if you’re seriously hurt and we don’t know where you went? You can’t just rely on yourself, you fool! Look at you right now! Ready to keel over. Were you going to try and wrap up any wounds on your own?” You pointed to the darkening red stain on his white shirt. He looked down at it. You also noticed that he had gotten paler than when he came in.
“I’m sorry,” he said. 
“I don’t think that it was okay to hide this from you, Diluc. But….I understand why you did. Just..just tell me the next time that you head out to do whatever the Darknight Hero does. It’d be better to know than to be left in the dark. If anything happened to you…” You trailed off. The idea of anything bad happening to him made you greatly upset. 
“I will,” he said. Suddenly, he seemed to lose his energy as he fell forward and into your arms. You panicked a little, but calmed down when you felt him gripping your waist gently. He was still conscious.
“Diluc, let’s sit you down. I’ll get some bandages and work on your wounds, okay?” you said as you sat him down. You were aware that he had some first aid in his office and looked around through one of the drawers and pulled out the bag. You hurried over to him and started to help him out of his coat and his shirt. You pulled out the cotton pads and poured out the wound cleaner. You kneeled to work on his wound.
“I’m sorry for causing you distress,” he whispered. You didn’t stop wiping away at the blood that came out. Your thoughts kept swirling around as you worked. Your concern for him being the Darknight Hero was well-warranted, it seemed. Your mixed feelings had mostly disappeared because he had admitted who he was. Your worry had only gotten worse as you worked on stopping the bleeding.
“I love you, you know? Of course I’d be worried about what you’re doing when you’re avoiding me! I’m just happy to have been able to catch you tonight. How would you have dealt with this?” you said. You pressed the cotton pad and breathed a sigh of relief when the bleeding stopped. 
“I love you too,” he said. You smiled softly and pulled out the bandages to wrap them around him. His hand held onto your shoulder as you worked. Though he did not speak, he did wince at times as you wound up the cloth. You finished wrapping up the bandages, stood up, and kissed Diluc’s forehead. 
“Now, how about we go to bed? You need rest.” 
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sailors-diary-for-elise · 4 years ago
Okay after this I swear I will post something OTHER than smut, I promise. But here we go, first time with mister Park Seonghwa
Warnings: (oh dear god not as many as my previous one but whew) lingerie, dry humping, multiple orgasms (y/n receiving), oral (y/n receiving again), finger sucking (Seonghwa receiving), fingering, not really orgasm denial but at the same time yes? virgin reader, experienced Seonghwa, over-usage of the name angel, protected sex (I CAN SET A GOOD EXAMPLE), a bit rough at the end, squirting (kinda mentioned but I don’t harp on it), reader kinda blacks out twice from her orgasms sooooo there’s that too but I think that’s it? If I missed anything PLEASE TELL ME.
Note: this was originally written for Jeonghan of Seventeen, but I’ve been considering taking them off of my list of groups I write for cause I haven’t really felt inspired for them 🤷🏼‍♀️ but anyway, ENJOY
Word count: 3k so not as long as Punishment (WHICH IS STILL GETTING NOTES OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH)
You were ready. This was the next step in your relationship and an important step in your life. Staring at your reflection, you can’t help but blush. Why? Because you almost don’t recognize yourself in the mirror.
A white lace, two-piece set hugs your curves and accentuates your soft facial features, which is made up of a simple eyeliner and mascara pairing meant to highlight your favorite facial features. Your hair hangs loosely over your shoulders, brushing the sensitive skin there causing goosebumps to rise across your skin and a shiver to run down your spine. Or maybe that’s because of what’s about to happen. With your boyfriend.
Seonghwa and you have been in a steady relationship for a couple years that resulted in you moving with him to Korea a few months back. You aren’t exactly sure when you realized how important Seonghwa had become to you, and you DEFINITELY don’t remember exactly when you decided he’d be your first but you did know that it was the right choice.
Your phone chimes, notifying you of Seonghwa most likely leaving dance practice to head home as he always does. He has no idea what he’s coming home to, nor does he expect it. You and Seonghwa have been moving relatively slow in your relationship, the farthest being make-out sessions that he always ended with sweet pecks and the words “soon, love” always leaving his lips with a smile that made your heart flutter. But now you are ready.
The door opens and shuts, causing your heart to race and legs to tremble. You take a deep breath to steady yourself and calm your nerves.
“Y/n?” Seonghwa calls out, setting his bag down in the living room. “Angel, I’m home. I swear Yunho was trying to kill us today with this new choreography-” 
Seonghwa stops mid-sentence, mouth dropping at the beautiful sight before him. His hair is sticking slightly to his forehead, his hand coming up to push it back. And there you stand, hands held to your chest shyly as he looks you up and down. Clearing his throat, he looks away while blushing slightly.
“I’m sorry, I should’ve knocked. Were you changing?” he mumbles, avoiding your gaze as you giggle nervously.
“No. I wasn’t,” you reply, slowly walking forward and placing a cautious hand on his chest to feel his racing heartbeat. “I meant for you to see this. What do you think?”
Seonghwa’s tongue flicks across his lip, before biting it subconsciously and looking at you properly. His pupils blow wide slightly, looking at your seemingly innocent face while choosing his next words carefully. He takes in every part of you, lightly running a single finger from your hip up to your neck where a silky white choker rests. He pulls it slightly, feeling the soft and smooth material against his fingertips while you tilt your head slightly, closing your eyes and letting out a shaky breath.
“You look absolutely ravishing.” is all he says before pulling you into a heated kiss. His lips dance across yours, hands pulling you forward by your hips until you are flush against him. You moan slightly, his tongue swiping across your lips lightly before entering your mouth, feeling his way around. Pulling away slightly, both of you a panting mess as you look in each other’s eyes, foreheads touching and noses rubbing against each other. “Y/n. I want to make sure you are absolutely sure about this. And if you change your mind at any point, just tell me and I’ll stop or we’ll try again later or-”
You cut him off by pressing a kiss to his lips, catching him by surprise and making him sigh softly.
“I’m sure,” you mumble, blushing slightly as he rubs soothing circles on your hips, fingers slipping past the waistband of your underwear. “I’ve never been more sure of anything, Hwa. I love you, and I want you to be my first.” Seonghwa smiles, pressing a kiss to your lips before grabbing your wrist and guiding you to the bed, sitting down on the edge and patting his leg.
“Okay angel, but we’re taking this slow and I’m in control,” Seonghwa states as you straddle his lap, his bulge resting on the inside of your thigh causing you to shiver. You look down, but he grabs your chin, smirking while looking in your eyes. “Understood?”
“I understand,” you mumble, biting your lip as he flashes you a brilliant smile that causes your heart to flutter.
“Good angel.” Seonghwa kisses you again, this time more in control of himself as he wraps his arms around you, unclasping your bra and slowly removing it trailing the skin it passes with fluttering touches that cause you to shiver, whimpering against his lips. He pulls away to discard the article of clothing, looking at your now exposed breasts before cupping one in his hand. “Beautiful,” is all he mumbles before bringing a nipple into his mouth and sucking lightly.
A surprised gasp leaves you, followed by a low groan as your hands tangle in his messy grey locks, tugging slightly before moving your hips against his slightly. He groans against you, grasping your hips tightly in warning not to move. Whining, you look down at him as he glares at you, pulling away from your now abused and pointed nipple. 
“Don’t test me. I’m barely keeping it together as it is and I want this to be special,” he groans, leaning over you slightly while raising an eyebrow. Gulping, you look down and nod. “Good girl.”
Seonghwa returns to his work, licking and sucking at your nipple while pinching the other before switching to give it the same treatment. You're a moaning and whimpering mess, threading your fingers through his hair as he groans, pulling away after what feels like forever to look at his handy work. 
“Now, angel, is there anything you want off of me?” he questions, smirking slightly as you pout at the loss of stimulation. Looking him straight in the eyes, you tug on his shirt indicating you wanting it to be gone. Smiling, he slowly lifts it over his head and throws it behind you. He begins peppering kisses across your jaw and down your neck, stopping at where your shoulder meets your neck to lightly bite there, then laving his tongue across that spot. He begins sucking at it and nibbling, causing shudders to run down your spine. 
“S-Seonghwa,” you whimper, tugging his locks slightly. 
“What angel?” he whispers, blowing on the now bruised part of your neck before licking a strip up and across where your pulse is.
“I-I need m-more.” You’re a stuttering mess, trying desperately not to move your hips against his tempting bulge. Feeling him chuckle against you, he loosens his grips on your hips to move them in a slow rhythm against his own. “F-fuck.”
He groans into your neck, his hips bucking against yours as you begin moving faster against him. His assault on your neck becomes a bit more aggressive, groaning and cursing as both of your hips move desperately against each other, a warm feeling overcoming your senses. You whimper at the unfamiliar yet pleasant sensation. 
“Seonghwa. What is this?” you gasp, hips acting on their own as Seonghwa brings your lips to his in a heated kiss. “Feels g-good.”
“Angel, are you about to cum? Just from my hips? I’m not even in you yet,” he teases, hand reaching between you both to rub your clit through your panties, adding to the feeling before you feel your core tightening. “You can if you want. Go ahead and cum on my lap, angel. Don’t hold back.” 
Squeezing your eyes shut, you desperately thrust against his hips before a euphoric and sense depriving feeling washes over you, causing your toes to curl and your head to roll back as you moan out. Seonghwa slows his pace against you, whispering praises against your neck before pressing light kisses to help you ride out your orgasm. 
“We can stop here if you want, angel. Just let me know. You’re doing so well,” he presses a kiss to your forehead and cheeks, nipping your nose before pecking you lightly on the lips. “I don’t want to overwhelm my sweet angel.”
“No. I’m fine. I want to keep going,” you mumble, coming back to your senses slowly. Chuckling lightly, Seonghwa presses one last kiss on your lips before laying you down on the bed, supporting your head with pillows as he slowly kisses his way down your body, kissing each hip before spreading your legs slowly.
He smirks, lightly touching your sensitive core to see how wet it is. “Look at my sweet angel, all wet and ready for me. Part of me just wants to taste you.”
“Please!” you cry out, surprised as he dives in to lick a strip up over your panties, your head was thrown back and hands finding purchase in his hair again.
“What my angel wants, she gets.” At this, Seonghwa grabs your panties with his teeth and pulls them down your legs slowly, pulling them off completely before throwing them somewhere else with the growing pile of clothes. “Thank you for the meal.”
You are honestly struggling with breathing as Seonghwa licks up your core before sucking your clit into his mouth, moaning at the taste of you hitting his tongue. The vibrations go straight through your core and you almost scream, hips jolting as he picks up his pace in eating you out. Wrapping his lips around you and sucking hard before lapping up the arousal that seeps out of you, hands pinning your hips down. What surprises you the most is when his tongue pokes at your entrance, slowly pushing in and pulling out again. You whimper at the intrusion, slowly becoming more accustomed to the feeling as he continues to fuck his tongue in and out of you. He slowly gains speed, moaning against you as he eats you out like you’re the last meal he is going to have. The warm feeling returns, much more intense than before and growing faster. You open your mouth to warn Seonghwa but all that comes out is a scream as you cum hard, white flashing before your eyes as your body goes rigid.
Your ears are ringing and you hear your name being called in the distance, the white slowly dispersing and you see a very concerned Seonghwa above you tapping your cheek lightly.
“Breathe, Y/n. Come back down from it and breathe,” Seonghwa states firmly once seeing you come out of your high. “Angel, are you ok?”
“That was amazing,” you pant, completely shocked at the powerful orgasm you just experienced. Seonghwa’s hand gently strokes your cheek, followed by a peck there. What you don't expect is how now a painfully hard dick rubs against your core, causing a strained moan to escape his lips. Smirking, you reach between his legs and cup your hand over his bulge, giggling as he grunts into your neck. 
“Y/n, stop it,” he groans, hips bucking as you continue to rub him through his pants. “You can’t handle anymore.”
“Says who?” you mumble out, slowly unzipping his jeans and slipping your hand into his underwear and pumping him a couple of times before squeezing his base. Seonghwa hisses in your ear, a mumbled curse passing his lips as he slowly moves his hips to the same rhythm of your hand movements. “I think I’ll be fine, especially if I get to take care of you.”
Before you can continue working on Seonghwa, your hand is ripped out of his pants and he gets off the bed, pulling his jeans and boxers off swiftly and pulling a small package out of one his pockets, ripping it open before rolling a condom on his length, climbing back on top of you as soon as he’s finished. He brings his fingers to your mouth, parting your lips and sliding them in gently.
“Suck them, my love,” he grunts, voice raspy from the noises he was making earlier. “Make sure you get them nice and wet for me, okay?”
You nod, swirling your tongue around his digits before hollowing your cheeks and pulling off his digits, which drip with your saliva. Seonghwa smirks at you, moving down and slowly gathering your leaking juices on his fingertips before slowly sinking one into you.
Gasping, you close your eyes and hiss out, the sudden intrusion strange yet pleasurable. Seonghwa curls his finger in you, before slowly pumping it in and out of you enjoying your writhing body beneath him as he moves up to press kisses across your neck. He keeps a steady pace, being able to tell when you’re ready for another finger until he’s stretched you around three of his long digits.
The warmth returns, but before you get a chance to fully enjoy it Seonghwa pulls his dripping fingers out of your core, holding them in front of his face before sticking them straight in his mouth, cleaning them while moaning at the taste of you.
Diving into your lips, Seonghwa lines himself up with your entrance.
“Are you sure about this?” he questions, checking your eyes and face for any signs of hesitation. A soft smile followed by a gentle nod is all he needs before pushing himself into you, pausing at just the tip.
“A-ah,” you whimper out, wiggling at the stretching sensation that starts where you two are joined before Seonghwa pins your hips down. He’s panting with the amount of restraint he’s putting on himself not to just slam into you and fuck you senseless. A couple of minutes pass before you tap Seonghwa’s shoulder, indicating he can continue. This process of moving, pausing and resuming continues until Seonghwa has bottomed out in you, filling you to the absolute brim.
“So warm, so tight,” he grits out between his teeth, feeling the strain on his muscles. “Fuck baby, I never want to leave this pussy again.”
You’re a whimpering and whining mess, digging your nails into Seonghwa’s shoulders as you try to adjust to his girth and length. Taking a few deep breaths, you gently rut your hips into him feeling a fire ignite in your stomach and spread through your bloodstream. Seonghwa groans, head falling into your shoulder as he whispers praises in your ear.
“S-Seonghwa,” you hiss out, desperate for any kind of stimulation. “Move. Now.”
With that said, Seonghwa slowly pulls out until only his tip remains in you before moving forward again, causing a long groan to break free from your mouth. He continues this slow rhythm, your head lolling back as he begins sucking on the skin of your collarbones. But it’s not enough. 
“M-more. Please give me more!” you cry out, desperate for Seonghwa to snap and fuck you into oblivion. He slowly picks up the pace, hips snapping in a sharp rhythm that feels amazing but just not enough. “Damn it Seonghwa, if you don’t pick up the pace I’m throwing you off of me and riding you until I cum.”
At your challenge, Seonghwa stills his hips as he stares at you with blown out eyes and a sweat-covered brow, a smirk growing on his face as he chooses his next words carefully. 
“Are you challenging me, angel?” he questions, his smirk growing at how whiny you’ve got now that he’s ceased his movements. “Because while I’m enjoying our current arrangement, I’m perfectly okay switching it up a bit.”
“P-please Seonghwa. Don’t tease, and stop playing nice,” you beg, eyes pleading as you try to move your hips against his. “Just fuck me already-OH!”
Seonghwa adjusts his position, making sure his thrusts hit deep inside of you and causing jolts of pleasure to course through you. His pace has completely changed, his hips slapping against yours and echoing in the small room. You’re practically screaming at this point, panting out Seonghwa’s name in a mantra as he continues his relentless pace. 
Seonghwa grunts into your neck, feeling himself twitching inside of you and panicking at the possibility of finishing before you. His concerns are put to rest when you begin clenching around him, moans going higher in pitch and hips stuttering as they attempt to match his pace. Reaching between the both of you, Seonghwa starts circling your clit rapidly, sending your eyes rolling to the back of your head as you finally reach your high, a wet feeling spurting out of you and triggering Seonghwa’s own release.
Thrusting slowly in and out of you, Seonghwa and you ride out your orgasms while trying to catch your breath. After a few minutes of this, you grow uncomfortable and whine at Seonghwa who pulls out of you quickly and collapses next to you. 
“Angel,” he grunts, voice raw from what he just experienced. “Are you okay?”
Giggling, you allow him to pull you into a warm and sticky embrace after disposing of the condom. He can feel your heart-rate slowing as you calm after your orgasm. “I’m fine. More than fine, actually. That was amazing, Hwa. Thank you.”
“No thank YOU, angel” Seonghwa states, pressing a light kiss to your temple and working out the knots in your hair. “You shared a moment so important to you with me and put your faith in me. And there are no words that can express how much I appreciate that.”
“Mmmhmm,” is all you can manage, Seonghwa’s soft fingers running through your hair and his honey voice soothing you to sleep. “I always knew it would be you, Seonghwa. Because I love you.”
Seonghwa smiles, pressing a peck on your lips before settling in for the night, deciding to properly clean up the mess when you both wake-up. Right as you fall into consciousness, you hear his angelic voice say one last sentence that sends your heart fluttering out of your chest. 
“I love you too, Y/n. Forever and for always, I will love you.”
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chocolatecakecas · 4 years ago
Yeah, Should Have Seen That Coming: Saileen Bachelor Party Ficlet
Congrats to the soon to be Mrs. and Mr. Leahy💚💍!!!
Sam had the brilliant idea to have their bachelorette/bachelor parties on the same night. Two separate parties, at least a week before the wedding to avoid any last minute mishaps (learning from the mistakes of Dean and Cas' party last month). They had thought of everything, Sam even remembered to invite Adam this time. They were each going to have a perfect party with no unforseen issues, because they both deserved a night of fun.
Dean was granted the privilege of being Eileen's best man maid of honor, so he shut down his bar that night, and threw her an absolute rager. He even dragged the stripper pole back out at Eileen's request (though Dean thinks it was a shame Cas wasn't going to be there to use it) and set up a mechanical bull. So of course Cas was chosen to be Sam's best man, and for his party, Sam just wanted a normal, quiet night. Just board games, beer and burgers at the bunker (Crowley was pissed he got stuck at Sam's instead of Eileen's, but Garth was thrilled about the prospect of playing Monopoly). So that's exactly what Cas planned to give him. He makes sure he's got Sam's favorite beer, burgers from the place that makes his favorite vegan burgers, he's taken care of everything. And all Sam has to do is grab the board games from one of the storage rooms.
What could possibly go wrong?
Well, considering Sam and Cas are involved? 
(read the rest under the cut)
They ended up on a hunt before the party even began. Sam had accidentally bumped into a shelf in the storage room, knocking over a cursed object, and then picked it up without thinking("Sam why did y- "It just looked like a piece of wood!" "It's not, its cursed it's called t-" "Well that doesn't help me now, Cas!"). And so it turned out, they unleashed an ancient curse that if they didn't break by midnight, the world would be "shroud in 5 billion years of darkness". But Sam won't let anyone call Eileen or Dean ("I just don't want to ruin her party!" "Sam the world could en-" "Yeah, but that happens all the time. How often do you get to have a bachelorette party?")
So it was up to Sam, Cas, Jack, Crowley, Garth, and Adam (Kevin was already halfway up the steps and on his way to Dean's bar before Sam even finished explaining what happened).
And a lot can go wrong over a few hours, especially if the threat of the end of world is looming over you.
In the past three hours, they managed to successfully tear apart the entire archives looking for lore, had Jack fly them to three different states to wake up three experts on the subject, fought and killed one of Crowley's old nemesis who had an ingredient they needed for a spell, were briefly transported to a different dimension, twice (Jack was able to get them home, but they had to go back because Garth forgot his phone). Then of course they summoned the wrong ancient god, then had to figure out how to kill them, before they eventually summoned the right one needed to break the curse.
At that point, after some encouragement (yelling) from everyone, Sam finally gave in and tried to facetime and text Eileen, finally allowing Cas to call Dean too.
But neither of them answered because Eileen was currently in the middle of an intense drinking contest between Rowena, Mary and Kevin (who arrived 2 hours ago and mentioned nothing about the curse), while Dean (totally sober mind you) learned he was amazing on the stripper pole, as Charlie, Kaia and Claire cheered him on, and Jo along with some of Eileen's hunter friends were trying out the mechanical bull.
So they were on their own, and quickly running out of time.
But unfortunately for them, the three hours of chaos was a complete waste, since they discovered a bit too late that lore was wrong. Because the weapon that was supposed to kill the God was clearly not working since it seemed to be chasing them around just fine, with a giant stake in it's neck. So they hurriedly decided splitting up would be the best course of action, and they scattered in all directions as they ran into the woods(where they had landed when Jack zapped them back) trying to confuse the God. 
Which had been a complete mistake ("It can clone itself!" "Yes, thank you Sam, I hadn't noticed").
And currently, Crowley and Garth were both knocked out by some of the God's clones, and Jack was nowhere to be seen, leaving just Sam and Cas to fight with what they had (2 guns, an angel blade, and half a flask of holy water, so nothing)
Now there was only five minutes until midnight and the God had them surrounded, as it threw their useless guns and blades halfway across the forrest.
And only one thought rang through Sam's mind.
"Eileen is gonna kill me if the world ends before the wedding"
"Well if you hadn't touched th-"Cas started
"Thanks Cas, you really know how to make a guy feel better" Sam yelled back, swiflty cutting him off.
He glanced back up to see the God (who's name Sam had already forgotten) inching closer, holding them in place as they were readying themselves to smite them.
Sam took one last look at Cas and the reality of the situation finally set in. This was it.
All Sam wanted was one normal night, but now the world's ending again and he doesn't even know the name of the God ending it.
They were screwed. Now he'll never see Eileen again and they'll nev-
Suddenly a wooden stake was shoved through the back of the God's neck with a crunch, sending them crumbling to the ground. It burst into black flames, disappearing.
And standing above them in a, 6 inch heels, covered in glow stick bracelets, and a bride sash, was a very tipsy Eileen.
She and Dean helped pull them to their feet, and Sam could cry at the sight of her (and he did).
As soon as he was standing, Sam frantically began rambling and signing trying to explain and apologize all in one breath. But Eileen simply took hold of his hands, stopping him in his tracks.
"You were supposed to use sheep's blood, idiot" Eileen signed with a smirk.
Then she grabbed by the shoulders, yanking him down into a deep kiss.
"Wait how did-where did yo-"Sam started as he broke away. He quickly takes in his surroundings spotting Claire and Kaia helping Garth to his feet, Rowena trying to wake Crowley, and Charlie and Jo who are probably trying to convince Adam not to leave. He finds Dean, Cas and Jack off to the side huddled close together, while Dean probably tells his husband how much of a dumbass he is.
"Jack flew to the bar, and we read through your's and Cas' texts. We were able to piece it together from there, and apparently you guys can't read. Maybe leave the hunting to the pros?" Eileen teased, swaying slightly (okay maybe she was a little more than tipsy). Sam tightly wrapped his arms around her, keeping her steady, as a smile grew on his face.
"I don't deserve you" Sam sighs, cupping her cheek.
"Yeah, you don't" Eileen shrugged with a smirk growing on her lips.
"She's right, you really don't" Dean's voice cuts through as he, Cas and Jack make their way over. Cas punches him in the arm with a fond smile.
"Well, that certainly didn't go as I had planned" Cas huffed.
"Yeah, understatement of the year buddy. But when does it ever?" Sam laughs, feeling a bit of relief.
Then Sam has another brilliant idea, smiling as he turns back to Eileen.
"So my party....was ruined by an ancient God. Mind if we crash your's?"
And an hour later, Cas (much to Dean's delight) is now spinning around on the pole while Dean, Charlie and Jo cheers him on. Crowley, Rowena, Garth and Jack (with a shirley temple of course) are seated at the bar, talking about god knows what. Claire, Kaia, Kevin and surprisingly Adam have just returned from the parking lot, giggling a bit too much. And Sam is now seven shots in, messily making out with Eileen in one of the booths. Eventually they pull away, just sitting in a drunken daze as they stare at each other.
God he can't believe she's gonna marry him. He really is the luckiest man in the world.
And before Sam can relay this sentiment, Eileen downs her glass, signs "watch this", and runs to take a turn on the stripper pole to the thrumming bass.
With a laugh he surveys the bar, watching his family drink and laugh without a care in the world. He spots Eileen and Dean by the pole in the center of the room, heads thrown back in laughter, as Cas and Jack cheers them on. So Sam quickly slides out of the booth and makes his way over, plopping down inbetween Jack and Cas, watching his fiancé and brother dance to the beat like idiots. Heart swelling at the sight of his family.
And yeah maybe this isn't the night they had planned, but it was certainly a night they'd never forget.
(Especially since Cas had shirts made that said, "I survived Sam Winchester's bachelor party")
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@wormstacheangel @smiledean @shelikestv @chaoticdean @midnightwings-deancas @jellydeans @sunshine-jack @archervale @wikiangela @organicpurplepants @writtendevastation @tkdwolf2012 @doemons-blog
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