#and then getting the inspiration to finish a draft
sableeira · 10 months
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please humor my self-indulgent artwork for the historical AU I mentioned like half a year ago and finally started writing. Detective Dazai and swordsman-for-hire Chuuya teaming up to solve crime cases during the Meiji period ✨
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close-up because after a decade on this website I still haven’t figured out how to get images to look sharp
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nariaein · 14 days
"I think I'll pass," Logan says.
Dopinder lets out a groan, burying his face in his hands. Yukio's excited smile drops as Ellie pats him on the back and provides, "Welp, at least you tried."
He did. Logan simply knew it wouldn't work the moment he sat down, surrounded by candlelight and soft jazz and face-to-face with a man who wasn't Wade.
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dont-offend-the-bees · 2 months
WIP Wednesday
I was tagged by @justafandomfollower - cheers, m'dears!
Posting a lil sneak peek of my fic for day one of Painland Week! It's gonna undergo some re-writing/editing before the whole thing's ready to post but this is 600 rough words of a uhhhhh 4k-ish fic. No idea if I'm gonna manage fics for every day since I'm having a big pain flare-up right now but I can at least polish up the three drafts I have so far! So here you go, some sweet nonsexual dom/sub therapy for Charles for day one, love languages💛
I'm gonna tag @kieren-fucking-walker, @firstaudrina, @coloursflyaway and @theflirtmeister, plus anyone else who feels like sharing some WIP sneak peeks, consider yourself tagged!
“Charles,” said Edwin again, softer this time. It was important not to go on the offensive; in his current condition, Charles was liable to take any careless word as keenly as a knife in the back. “Please tell me what’s on your mind.” After a moment’s consideration, he added: “I promise I won’t be angry.”
It felt like utter nonsense to say out loud, a patronising placation as one might give to a child. But Charles, in Edwin’s experience, responded well to directness. His panic thrived in the mires of ambiguity. 
Releasing a ragged breath, Charles rubbed his eye with the heel of his hand. “Just… dunno what to do sometimes. When you two go off at each other.” He peered at Edwin with his uncovered eye, and tried for a smirk. It fell decidedly short of the carefree, playful expression it was aiming for. “Dunno what side to pick, do I?”
He voiced it like a joke, but Edwin was listening carefully and he knew an incomplete sentence when he heard it. He stepped closer and, slowly, giving him time to step back, took Charles’ free hand and squeezed the fingers. 
Charles closed his eyes, dragging his hand down his face. “Can’t keep you both happy,” he admitted on a low mumble, like it was a shameful secret. 
Guilt sank sour and heavy in Edwin’s stomach, but he carefully kept it from his face. Any indication that Charles had made him feel bad was liable to make him shut down further. “It should not be your duty to keep the peace,” he said, choosing his words carefully. “I will speak to Crystal later, clear the air.”
Charles nodded, but he still stood propped against the desk and hunched unhappily in on himself. Edwin could see his brain turning itself over and over in miserable little spirals — wondering if he should have stepped in earlier, said something else, wondering what he could have done differently to make everything better. To make everyone happy. 
Edwin swallowed tightly, and placed his hand upon Charles’ shoulder. “Charles. Look at me, please.”
He did so, without question or hesitation. Responding as easily to the polite command as if it had come from his own consciousness. 
Edwin, with great care, hooked a finger through the gold chain aroudn Charles' neck, and tugged.
The effect was instantaneous. Charles’ wide, hunted eyes softened, slackened, his lined eyelids drooping. His lips parted around a quiet sigh, smoother than his last ragged exhalation, and his shoulders slumped as if a great weight had been dropped from them.
Charles was an ever-unfolding and expanding area of study; but to Edwin’s expert eye, on occasion, his needs were remarkably simple to interpret.
Meeting his now somewhat unfocused gaze, Edwin leaned in. “Put Crystal out of your mind for now,” he said, quietly commanding. “In fact, put everything out of your mind.”
“She’s upset,” Charles mumbled in protest.
“Yes — and she will continue to be so for a while longer, regardless of what you or I could say.” Edwin smoothed the collar of Charles’ polo. “When the dust has settled I will find her and smooth things over. I promise. For the time being, you’ll do none of us any good with your overthinking.”
Charles snorted. “Overthinking? Me?” he joked.
With another gentle, recriminating tug of the chain, Charles gasped and quieted.
Edwin sighed and leaned close, ‘til his nose grazed across Charles’ cheekbone. “Granted, your tendency to underthink before making dangerous choices borders on the pathological,” he teased. “But I strongly suspect you're thinking a lot of very unkind thoughts about yourself right now, and I'd like for you to stop. Please.”
Breath shuddering, Charles’ hands lifted, fisting in the front of Edwin's shirt. 
“That what you want?” He asked, his voice a small and broken thing. For all his strength of body and character, he felt as vulnerable in Edwin's hands as a baby bird.
“How about I tell you exactly what I want for a while,” Edwin offered, breathing it across the shell of Charles’ ear. “And then all you have to do is listen." He delivered a swift, dry kiss to Charles' cheekbone. "No detective work required."
Full fic coming to a blog near you on August 5th! Go check out the Painland Week blog and also lmk if you wanna collab on anything, assuming I get pain flareups under control I'm hoping to write lots and lots! Already got a little collab lined up for day 2 which I'm soooo excited about 💛
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novakiart · 10 months
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recovering from a bad sinus infection so am once again taking art prompts
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sundial-bee-scribbles · 2 months
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one of the pigtails of a miku figure that a friend gifted me broke off 😢 so i redrew said figure as neru 🍜
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duskerot · 1 month
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look at my vigilante brooo we're going to jail
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regulusdays · 11 months
Regulus, lying on the floor, with his head held back by the wall, dry tears all over his face, and a hand to his heart. Barty’s non-beating heart. That’s how Monty had found him. 
He was high out of his mind and can’t really tell what had happened in a cohesive manner – his mind holding together like shattered glass. That’s what hurts the most, he thinks. That he can’t recollect how it happened. The exact moment Barty’s heart stopped beating under his hand. 
The last days are all fuzzy and shapeless and borderless in his brain, and he can’t tell if it were really days or hours or weeks. The drugs took that away from him too, you see. Like taking Barty wasn’t enough.
Regulus had no idea who Monty was at the time, and he didn’t care. All he wanted was another shot and to feel Barty’s heart beating again. He got none of those things. What he got, instead, was hell – and a kind hand to hold him through it. 
From what Regulus has discovered so far, Monty – Fleamont, no last name – is a lawyer who mostly works paired with social workers, trying to help troubled kids. Not that Regulus has ever considered himself to be a troubled kid, he thinks of himself as a collected man actually, thank you very much. That is, if you disregard the part in which he got addicted to drugs and let his best friend and love of his life die in his arms. A well resolved man, even, if you will. 
Though there’s a loophole to Fleamont's story, Regulus considers, suspiciously. Regulus is a man. Legally, at least. What could social workers do for him? Aren’t they a few years too late? How, exactly, does he fit in the ‘troubled kid’ category? He has no idea, and it’s infuriating. 
He doesn’t know what his intentions are, and why he’s been keeping Regulus in this clinic – a private clinic, mind –, and it’s been driving him a bit mad. He’s tried to listen to whispers and interrogate his therapists but he hasn’t found a satisfying answer yet. 
Regulus vaguely, and he means vaguely, remembers the night Fleamont found him. He remembers being fussed at, like he’d never been before, and it was almost like- like Fleamont recognized him. 
He knows that’s stupid. He has never seen Fleamont in his life, and he has quite a memorable face. Regulus is good with faces and names, more than he would like, so he would definitely remember a man named Fleamont with a face such as his. 
It’s been the itch to Regulus’ ear ever since he got sober enough to get a hold of his bearings.
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northern-passage · 1 year
i think the hardest thing for me to write is endings.... which makes sense since i've never written any 💀 
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meownotgood · 3 months
decided to make a fantasy fic so I could write about a cute and handsome prince aki, and here I am writing extensive lore about the history of magic and devils and humans / elves instead......... lord help me
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mirai-desu · 3 months
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i got addicted to a losing game; for when your OTP just doesn’t quite make it thanks to canon going to shit
YouTube Playlist Here
Duncan Lawerence - "Arcade"
A Fine Frenzy - "Almost Lover"
S10 - "De Diepte" [Translation]
Leona - "Undream You"
Krick - "Drowning in the Rain"
Cornelia Jakobs - "Hold Me Closer"
Madame Monsieur - "Ne me laisse pas" [Translation]
Tove Lo - "Habits (Stay High)"
Rosa Linn - "Snap"
A Simple Plan - "Untitled"
Yohanna - "Is It True?" Johnny Logan - "Hold Me Now"
Scala & Kolacny Brothers - "With or Without You"
Emmelie de Forest - "Only Teardrops"
Željko Joksimović - "Nije ljubav stvar" [Translation]
Les Misérables - "I Dreamed a Dream"
ABBA - "Knowing Me and Knowing You"
Rascal Flatts - "What Hurts the Most"
Björnzone - "Still the One"
ABBA - "The Winner Takes It All"
Norma John - "Blackbird"
Broods - "Never Gonna Change"
The Common Linnets - "Calm After the Storm"
Sanna Nielsen - "Undo"
Lisa Ajax - "Awful Liar"
Johnny Logan - "What's Another Year"
Adele - "Someone Like You"
Enya - "Only Time"
No Maka FT. Ana Maria - "Aceitar" [Translation]
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bl-inkstone · 2 years
every action has an equal opposite reaction, but love and hate aren't opposites now, are they? it's love and indifference! here, traveler, have some soft childe thoughts about some of the little things you love about him that he'd never think twice about <3
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walking with childe, if you asked anyone else, is a workout and a half with how long his strides tend to be. but with you? it's almost second nature for him to slow down and match your pace so that you don't have to do that awkward half-walk-half-jog the traveler and any of his shorter companions have to do when they travel with him. it doesn't even look like he's aware of it, you've noticed. it's like he's so attuned to you and your comfort that childe just adjusts himself accordingly without thinking. and he stands so close to you as well! in the early days of your friendship, the two of you would often almost trip or bump into each other with how close you'd end up being during your walks. it's something he used to apologize for ("sorry, i'm used to being close to others when walking. it's easy to lose companions in the snow if you're not careful"), but no matter how hard childe tried to keep a reasonable distance, he'd always find a way back to your side. thinking back on it now, it was really cute how he'd gravitate to your side even before either of you realized that your feelings were, very much so, requited. does that make up for all the bootprints and scuffs he's left on your shoes from walking too close though? no.
more often than not, holding hands with childe means resigning yourself to losing autonomy over whichever hand he's clinging onto for the foreseeable future. he gestures quite a bit when he talks — a habit he's picked up from watching his older siblings tell stories when he was a child and integrated into his own way of speaking as he grew older — and he can sometimes forget he's still holding your hand when he moves to gesture just how big the fishes are back in morepesok when retelling stories of his homeland to his companions. even when you're just walking in the harbor and conversing, every other statement is accompanied with a flourish of his wrists and some other grand gesture, and you usually just watch him fondly from his side. you think it's so endearing that childe never lets go of your hand, not even once, through his entire performance. he casts frequent glances your way as well when you walk and talk together this way, like he's making sure he still has your attention that he, in all his puppy-like glory, can never seem to get enough of. he squeezes your hand, rubs his thumb over your knuckles, slides his forefingers down to feel at the pulse he loves listening to at night on your wrist. he'll take any excuse to hold your hand and maintain some form of skinship, and you especially love it when it looks like he's forgotten he's still holding you but hasn't forgotten that he's connected to you. you think about telling him that, sometimes, but you don't think you'd be able to properly explain to the man the difference between the two.
eating with childe is a comfort you look forward to at the end of every day. he loves eating meals with you and just winding down together at a table that he still, sometimes, can't believe he can share with you, but what you love most about your dinners is just how domestic he can be about the whole affair. it's an unspoken agreement between you that whoever doesn't cook is the one that sets the table. when childe's the one at the stove, he can be very fussy about you not eating anything any light snacks while dinner is still cooking because "you'll ruin your appetite, honey. don't let my efforts go to waste!" he's very big on healthy and hearty meals, so you always end up pleasantly content when you go to sleep. it's so easy for you to tell when a dish is cooked by him too. but when you're the one cooking... well. he's always been the type to say things like "do as i say, not as i do." he's a menace in the kitchen, always trying to sneak "taste tests" from whatever you're cooking and chattering your ear off about his day as he goes about fulfilling his assigned role. he does set the table pretty well, thankfully, and your playful annoyance at his antics subsides just a little when you notice him placing the "nicer" china in front of your chair and opening your windows just a little to let in the cool night breeze. childe talks to you throughout the entire process, moving around you in the kitchen like it's a song he's danced with you for years even though at this point, you've only known each other for two. childe habitually leans down to press soft, chaste kisses on the side of your head when he passes by too, and it's something that never fails to send the butterflies in your stomach off in a frenzy. honestly, at this point? you might as well just come out and say that your favorite parts about eating with childe is how easy it is to see your future with him. (and if you ask him, he'd say he loves how easy it is to see his future with you too.)
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[more soft childe thoughts posting! this time, about the little quirks and habits that you've noticed and find so so endearing bc even though i love childe being down atrociously bad for his beloved, the scale must be balanced. if he's a simp, the reader must simp in return.]
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taiturner · 1 year
i love appreciation weeks. i love trying to anticipate what choices the people in my fandoms will make. i love getting to focus on specific prompts and make edits i wouldn’t think to make otherwise. i love getting to spend extra time on something i love and want to share with other people. i love the swarm of creations for that one specific thing all in one week. i love appreciation weeks for fandoms i’m not even familiar with because people are having fun. i love appreciating things!!!!
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rubberduckyrye · 2 months
I keep thinking about how writing 3k words every day for me might actually be feasible
Write 1k after each meal
1k three times a day
I chew through words so fast so I only need about 30 minutes to write 1k?
It's not hard.... I could easily do it!!!
And that's without my meds--I was told my meds are safe to take but I did feel a racing heart issue so I want to switch to a lower dose or a more mild medicine tbh.
I'm trying to plan this out. Ehe.
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byanyan · 4 months
the amount I've been hoarding away some of the memes I've seen on the dash over the last week or so is so not okay for someone with as many drafts as me ashfjdh
#me: i want to focus on getting through all my drafts when i get some energy back#also me: but good & juicy memes........#I'm thinking I'm gonna lean more into doing whatever the hell pleases me once I get back to writing tbh#but I'm almost definitely throwing all the drafts into a paused queue that I won't start posting until they're all finished#will I reblog a meme or two to play with as I do that? probably. almost definitely.#fresh stuff always helps get my brain going again ahdjgsg#but know that drafts will be happening!!!! I did delete some stuff but like. not enough lmfao. I have too many great threads#that I can't bear to let go of and i've kinda accepted that at this point#sorry I'm so slow y'all pls know that me taking forever to get to shit has nothing to do with how much I'm enjoying our threads#the fact that I'm clinging to them despite wanting to start completely fresh & dump everything says a lot more about how much I love em all#anyway. may or may not write tonight? I'm going with the flow tonight & rn the flow is telling me to keep reading#I finished my reread of the second book in the millennium series last night (& stayed up way too late in order to do so ahdgksg)#& I've started my reread of the third today and I just. I can't stop. it's too good.#if I find the willpower to put it down at some point I might dabble in poking at smth but. if not perhaps tomorrow uvu#(also want to note I've been marking the books through my reread with pink page flags#whenever smth really smacks me in the face with how much byan was inspired in some way by lisbeth lmfao)#ANYWAY. love u guys!!! I'm lurking & hoping you're all doing well!!! 💜💜#━━ ˟ ⊰ ✰ ooc ⋮ don’t @ me.
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paintedpawz · 11 months
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Oh my, how sweet! Resident darling of this dark and spooky little cul-de-sac wants to go trick 'r treat with you. Just beware, neighbor... not all the residents are as friendly as he is. 😈
Little quick redesign of Imp Wally inspired by @killertoons design, since my old design just wasn't as cute and I personally feel I've gotten better at drawing Wally! I had to of course add Home, or rather Monster House inspired home and I had a lot of fun experimenting with a more detailed background in a doodle that turned into a thought out sketch. My reference actually, was this piece of Sam merch I WANT SO BAD......
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i want more characters who scream at people when they get mad. where’s the representation for people with pisspoor handles on their temper.
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