#and then evan bought the place and moved in after he lost his voice to treatment for the aforementioned cancer
bitchfitch · 1 year
I've decided the house Evi drives Evan insane in is the same one Orion killed a bunch of people in for Hauke's amusement before offing himself. This is for no other reason than i like it when places just fucking suck.
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wouldyoustayvn · 2 years
I need to be spoken down to like a whole child cause Im so lost about Virgil lore and now his family lore?? omg
help me, i wanna simp so hard for this man but i needa know everything about him like his bloodtype and the time he was born asdfghujiklkjhgfds
Pfpfp yeah I get that lmao OK OK hang on tight! It’s gonna be pretty long!
Let me give you some info about his parents (mostly his mom lmao)
The world building is basically modern fantasy like, when humans and supernatural/mythical creatures co exist with each other, in a modern world like ours—
Erin Evans (Virgil’s mom) was actually half human and half fae (human witch mom named Agatha) (fae dad named Irvin) basically survived and escaped a witch hunt that murdered her mother when Erin was young. Of course her father was away at that time and when he returns, he found his wife dead and daughter missing, assuming she died as well, is in isolation out of grief.
Erin was soon later taken in and adopted by another fae, who is a single father of two, now three! Of course Erin grew up and met Thomas Evans (Virgil’s dad) during secondary school (or high school cuz this place takes in England ivdhcdjcdhc) They become high school sweethearts and marry each other during their mid 20’s. Erin is a designer who can also sew! Thomas is a florist in his family business!
Erin and Thomas has their first child, the one and only, Virgil Evans! Then the second child they have is their daughter Sarah Agatha Evans! And lastly, their youngest child is their son, Irvin Evans!
Sadly, Thomas passed away a few days before Virgil’s 10th birthday. Of course the family was devastated, especially Virgil because Virgil had a little argument with Thomas for going to miss out on his 10th birthday. Thomas had to go and visit his sister whose husband has passed away from another country and had to use the plane.
Sadly there was a malfunction during the plane ride. And before Thomas left to the airport, Thomas takes off his necklace and place it on Virgil’s nightstand as a little gift of apology, noticing that Virgil likes to play with it and wear it. So the necklace was the only thing that Virgil have of his father.
So growing up without his dad was a little rocky for his family but Virgil try his best to help raising his little brother. So whenever there are times when he’s alone, he copes by playing video games that his dad bought for him. Of course Erin notice this and took him to therapy.
Years has gone by and he was getting better, he use to be in a track team but eventually stop realizing that he doesn’t want to do that for the rest of his life, then there is his time in high school, things kind of gone well, his sister introduced him to theatre, became a theatre kid lmao, he has a pretty good voice and knows his way of instruments and met a couple of his classmates that has the same talent as him and went on to create a rock band called Below The Stars! Things have gotten pretty well with him and his band! That is until there is a fall out between Virgil and his bandmate that created a rumor about Virgil for “sleeping around” due to Virgil politely decline to their love confession.
Of course he has dated people here and there but that usually end on a good note. So the fact that his bandmate couldn’t handle the rejection and started the rumor offended and angered him to the point that he fought them physically. And thus broke up the band.
After graduation, he cut himself off from his ex bandmate and stay in contact with the others. Of course they drifted apart due to going to university and such. Virgil moved out of his family home to his apartment that is near his college. He adopted a Doberman puppy, he named him Scott! During his time, he got himself a part time job at a children’s daycare! Of course he visit his mom and younger siblings often! Usually take and drop off Irvin to school! He also take Sarah and Irvin out shopping! He also help take care of the house whenever Erin is busy working.
Everything was going well for him! He started focusing on himself, healing, plays music and post it online, he also has his streaming channel! He usually games or even cross dress for fun! He also try to go back to dating! Wanting to meet someone who he could spend his life with and maybe have a family together!
And so 22 year old Virgil is satisfied with his life until one day, that one day his life fall apart when he’s at his family house. The day that he had become sentient. He was enjoying his time, taking in his surroundings, his thoughts began to drift. Why is his pupil has a star shaped? Why is he the only one have that? Shouldn’t one of his siblings or parents have that as well? Or why everything looks like it was in 2D? Like the anime’s he enjoys watching? He looks down at his hands. Something’s not right. Why does he look off? Why does the living room looks off…Why does everything look.. off? So…artificial?
Suddenly, strange numbers and letters began to appear on the walls, startling him. Nervously he rushes towards his mom. However when he reaches towards her, he is horrified. She’s glitching and disintegrating into numbers and letters, and yet, she looked indifferent, no… she looks like she’s in a dazed. He could barely reach her to touch her and she disappears, he felt his stomach dropped, his blood run cold, he rushes towards his brother’s room, and there he was, laying on the floor, lifeless, disintegrating. The poor elf held his little brother into his arms, sobbing and pleading him to wake up, shouting for help.
Too busy holding his little brother, the walls, the items, the floors began to disappear. Geometric shapes appearing everywhere, the color of the sky turn into one sky blue to a deep blue. Irvin didn’t wake up, he dissolved into Virgil’s arms. Virgil, horrified, scared, confused, looks around, crying and sobbing. Shaking and trembling. His eyes darted around his surroundings. Where is his puppy? Where is Sarah?!
This is NOT his brother’s room.
This is NOT his family home
Everything is gone
Why is he still sitting there?!
What the hell even is this place?
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It was always about forgetting (it had always been)
Words: 3.4k (something I’ve got done last week, it’s halloween themed)
“We forget and call it healing..we forgive everything but ourselves” ‘blood makes the blade holy, evan knoll’
He remembers it in pieces, little fragments of sharp metal sinking into his abdomen, warm blood trailing down the back of his head from where he had been hit. The first wound that would hours or minutes later bring him into the emergency room he doesn’t really know how much time had passed. Then his memory degrades, it goes black, like if a light swift had switched off, everything lost its meaning, the burning through his body dissipated as he stopped feeling everything around him. 
The soft material in his back makes him confused, so different from his own carpet, a cheap rug he bought when Haley asked him to move out completely. He didn’t deserve luxury, after all, he didn’t even step inside his apartment if he was not going to sleep, and considering how many nights Aaron had spent on his office couch, he had considered selling it.
The smell is the first thing he notices, that foul smell of disinfectant stuck into the air, he momentarily locates himself, he is in the hospital. Aaron opens his eyes and is flabbergasted when he notices Derek sitting in the chair next to his bed. 
“Hey” Derek reached out for his hand, “You gave us quite a scare”. Aaron grunts as he looks around the room hoping to see the familiar face of his son, or Haley’s maroon purse, the one he had got her when they went to their honeymoon in London. A purse that survived more than their marriage ever did. He thinks that it might be her favorite.
 Morgan pauses, Hotch notices it right away, something had shifted with him, the difference was miniscule in Derek's face, but he could tell, he always could. "Jack?"
Derek shifts uncomfortably on the chair, he had supposed that JJ had been the one who had told him, even Prentiss, but he was the first one to see him awake, he would have to deal with it, even if it killed him too, to have Jack away. It was for their safety. “Witness protection is taking care of them” 
Aaron knew that something like this would be their aftermath, he was a danger to them, a danger for Derek, being near someone like he had been with him for the past months was something deadly, a death wish that Foyet would make it true, he had almost succeeded with him, but he let him live, George Foyet had been the one who brought him to the emergency room in the first place. He was already starting to destroy his life, he wanted to kill him slowly, even if he wasn’t the one who would pull the trigger. 
Foyets hands tracing his scars, admiring his work of art, Aaron had seen him smirk, as his freezing hands grabbed him, placing him in his own SUV taking him into the emergency room, yelling for help, as if he was some friend trying to save him. His father never did that. The anger Foyet had was no different from his own father's, but the latter had something more beneath, perhaps it was the hate he always had shown him. Foyet admired him, in a twisted way, he understood his need to stay in his job. 
“You should go” Aaron’s voice cracks a little as he obliges himself to usher Derek away, he wanted to be alone. Morgan shook his head, resting his head against the hospital chair, he knows that his neck is going to be sore the next morning, “You know I can’t do that love”
Aaron nods, he understands him, Derek doesn’t want to leave him alone, he is scared for him, “I’ve got security outside”, he reasons, but he knows his partner, boyfriend? They never addressed what they were, they knew that it was a silly thing to worry over now that he had been at the verge of death, face to face with a serial killer that could have finished him, but chose to let him live.
“They are not as pretty as me” Derek’s joke makes him smile softly, he pats his hands softly, gathering his attention, he had been counting the number of police officer outside his room, he had arrived to four, “I’m going to get me a coffee, don’t you dare to run away from here” 
Police officers come and go, they change their shifts, Prentiss and Reid come inside to make him the cognitive interview, there is nothing that they can take with it, he knows that he could have given them more details, but the two drinks of scotch he had before noticing the cold metal of Foyets gun placed against his skull made his memories disorganized, it had been something that he didn’t see. That they didn’t see in their profile Foyet attacking him was not even thought of. JJ had come in later, with Garcia, both of them bringing him colorful balloons, decorating his plain hospital room. Aaron had declined more invitations, deciding to give the nurses a heads up that he didn’t want any visitors that weren't family.
He didn’t fail to notice Derek’s flabbergasted expression as he happily carried two coffees. A cookie on the trail, he didn’t look up when he was explaining to the nurse their relationship, and failed to hear what he claimed about them. Only noticing his frustrated grunt as he argued with the healthcare worker that ‘Halloween pumpkins cookies could cheer him up’. The nurse declined even passing the cookie along with the cup of watery hospital coffee for him.
The morphine they gave him for the stabs wounds closing surgery was nearly finished, Aaron could feel the burning sensation again, his skin opening, the blade breaking part of the tissue, blood rushing out of him, he called a nurse, he didn’t want to remember, she gave him another dose of pain meds, it would help him sleep. Medication would help the nightmares away, at least for a few more hours. 
A finger poking into his left cheek woke him up, he knew that it wouldn't be a nurse, they were sweeter wherever they had come in when he was asleep, to take his blood, informing him that the doctor would be there ‘soon’. Aaron doubted if he was ever going to see the healthcare worker at all. 
Prentiss was the first person he saw, followed by JJ and Dave who were picking up their belongings, Rossi’s jacket was crumbled in one of the second chairs, Emily had a boot yet to put her feet into, “See, I told you both that he would be out of it”
He blinks once, because he specifically remembers telling the healthcare staff that he wanted to be left alone, no visits permitted, “How?” Aaron furrowed his eyebrows quickly looking up towards his door, they couldn’t be there because of the lack of security, two police officers were chatting animatedly outside his room. 
“Your order was absurd” Emily comments, he sees how JJ shakes her head at Emily, but Aaron knew that if he wanted the truth Prentiss was the correct person for that, he didn’t want to press her more. He wanted to be alone, feel the loneliness he deserved now that his family was out of his reach. Jack would not go to his house, where Derek had more than a part of his closet full of his things, even if he claimed that ‘they were not living together’. His team was making the task difficult. 
“I bet that this wasn’t what you had planned to go as in Halloween” Emily smirks at him. He knows that she is trying to cheer him up. But Prentiss has never been the person that he would choose to comfort him. He laughs when JJ smacks her head, which makes her apologize, “That hurt JJ!”
 His Halloween plans would have ended up with Derek watching scary films and waiting up for kids from his neighborhood to knock on his door, asking for candy. This day was Haley’s turn with Jack. They would be in his couch, eating a bowl of popcorns maybe too big for them but Derek would insist that the measurement of all the bowl filled with greasy popcorn was a necessary thing to have for Halloween even that ‘they could give children popcorn if they didn’t want to be left without any candy’ Derek had camly assured last night that all the candy would be solely for Jack, something Aaron wasn't so keen on.
“What is your costume about?” Rossi wonders, he needed something to fill in the silence, he didn't know what to say without profiling him. Emily was the perfect person for it, she and Reid were the only two people he had known to like this festivity so much. 
“As a nurse” Her smug smile as she turned to JJ, “JJ here choose not to go as Penelope and I, we are still deeply hurt by the way” 
“I told you that I was not going to go trick or treating with my two year old son dressed up as a sexy nurse” JJ huffs annoyed, she had reasoned it too many times, that it infuriated her, Emily draggin the conversation every time she could.
“Who said anything about a sexy nurse?” Emily inquires, laughing, Aaron’s mouth twisted into a smile, he had always liked their friendship, the continued teasing between the two women. Prentiss phone rang, she apologized and went outside to take it. 
“We were about to go” JJ’s voice cuts into the silence. Aaron understood it, they needed to go back to the job, before they went back to their families, waiting for them at home. They still had someone to go home to. Like he had once. Now Derek’s presence is the only thing that makes him want to stand up from his desk late nights, when his mind is too deep with cases, like Foyect, those that were not solved.
Goodbye’s are exchanged when Prentiss comes back, dragging JJ away where she had to pick up the nurses scrubs, she claimed that ‘she didn’t want to appear there alone’. Rossi stayed behind, looking at him. 
“Prentiss was quite adamant into entering inside your room” He admitted chuckling, Aaron nodded, because she always got what she wanted, she was like that, since the first time they meet, “Get some rest, don’t let Morgan baby you too much” He stops in the doorway, what he and Derek had was not a secret but they didn’t even talked about telling them, Dave somewho knew it perhaps he could have seen them kissing when no one was around, “I’ll come by tomorrow morning”
Aaron didn’t ask where Morgan was, he would have gone to his house, he understood it, he was the one at fault for that. What he didn’t expect, more than he expected his team to be there, was to see his brother in flesh and blood asking directions to a nurse that pointed towards his room. Sean had come to see him. 
“What are you doing here?” Sean stayed in his hospital door, leaned in the doorway, something was on his hand, but it was not what was worrying Aaron. 
“That’s a good way to say ‘hello’ Aaron, glad that you still keep your manners” His brother joked as he claimed the seat Derek had been in when he first opened his eyes. He missed Derek now that Sean was the only one who seemed to want to be with him.
“You should have gone with them” Aaron states, Derek had explained him how Haley and Jack were sent away the moment his team found out about Foyet’s assault, he knew now why he did not heard Sean’s name, he previously thought that the morphine dose they gave him was not letting him hear the whole situation correctly
“Sure, running around with my nephew and your ex-wife while you get killed” Sean argued, he was tired of his brother making decisions for him, “We had dad remember, there isn’t someone worse” 
Aaron gulps, reaching out for the glass of water JJ got him when she noticed his constant coughs, after checking in with a nurse, “Sean, this is for your own good, I can call someone” 
“I don’t need anyone protecting me” Sean acknowledges, he was gripping the card, his mother would not forgive him if she found out, “You did it with Dad, now it’s my turn to kill that bastard”
“What is there?” Aaron pointed to the nearly perfect white envelope. He wanted to believe that it was for him, but his childhood had not made it very easy knowing when people were going to give him something just because they wanted to. His previous gifts were soaked with bloody hands and broken bones, little things that he would be happy to receive because that meant one thing: he was forgiven. He could forget. 
“It’s from mom” Sean said, giving him the card with a smile that could not reach him at all, “She called me as soon as she saw the news. She is worried about you”. 
Sean reached into his pocket, three pieces of candy, Aaron’s favorite ones, “I got you this on the way here, a couple of kids gave it to me-”
“Did you steal from a kid?” Aaron furrowed his eyebrows, his brother had done so many things that he disapproved of, that he was not totally convinced of his actions. 
“I didn’t” Sean admits, gives his brother the candy and the card his mother told him to give Aaron, he didn’t know what more to do, with him, what more to say. 
‘Get well soon’, it was more than he could ask, it had to be the first time he had noticed her caring that much in his forty years of life, he guessed that she could start now. Sean spoke again, “You know how she gets around this place”. Hospitals had always scared her, even when it had been a few years since their father was dead, since her body was no longer marked on the outside, her flex healing from years of purplish skin.
The doctor appears in his room, checking in first is he is who she is supposed to have next on her list of patients, apologizing for the long wait he had. “Mr. Hotchner, your lab results came in surprisingly well considering the amount of blood you lost, you have two broken ribs that will take some weeks to regenerate, the nurse will give you the prescription when you get out of here tomorrow morning” 
“Is there something wrong?” Sean inquired, he didn’t like when people abruptly paused without a reason, looking towards his brother he saw that Aaron seemed completely fine, he wondered how many hospital stays there had been without his knowledge. How many nights did his brother have to sleep alone? 
The doctor was checking something more, showing them an x-ray that they don’t entirely understand, “You do have a couple of old fractures that weren’t treated correctly, I just wanted to check that there was nothing I should be worried about, now, with your job, you must get worse injuries” 
“There isn’t” He states and watches the doctor go, Sean’s expression was what was worrying him the most, “Anything you want to tell me?”
“I don’t get it” He says pacing around the room, “I don’t get why you protect him after all these years Aaron, he made your life miserable, he nearly killed you that Christmas!”
“He can't hurt me anymore Sean, he is gone and telling the truth is not going to fix me” He admits, “It’s not something I want to talk about, not with you”
“Then with who?” Sean takes a seat next to him, “Did you even talk with anyone about him?” His brother knows the answer, it was something that was hard to talk about, when he understood what happened to himself it was the last thing he wanted to remember, “Does Derek know?”
“Yes” Derek had seen his scars once when they shared a room, the first time he didn’t even ask him about it, but by the fifth night he came clean, about his family and Derek told him his own childhood, it made him feel less alone. “Can we change the subject?”
“No we can't, you can’t run from-” Sean is stopped by Derek entering the room, a bag on his shoulders and what looked to be a trail of fresh baked cookies, he smiled at him. Aaron was glad that he wasn’t alone with his brother anymore. "You have to forgive yourself"
“Sean!” Derek engulfs him into a hug, carefully setting the cookies in the chair first, “Long time without seeing you, are you going to stay for a little?”
“I was just passing by” Sean strugs looking at his brother, “I've to actually go back to work, night shift at the bar, take care of the old man here for me”
“Will do, have a great night” Aaron watched as his brother walked away, Derek took his seat back and placed a kiss on his lips, “Care to explain to me what was that about?”
“Maybe another time, I want to taste those cookies, can I have one?” Morgan laughs taking the trail towards his boyfriend, “They are still warm, figured that homemade cookies were a better choice for you right now, Happy Halloween” 
Aaron tastes the first cookie, the flavor reminds him of the cookies Jack always chooses from the supermarkets, those with the perfect amount of butter and chocolate. Jack was supposed to show him a picture of his superhero costume. "I miss him"
"I do too" Derek had something, he was quite cheerful and Halloween was not even his favorite holiday, "I have something for you, take it as super secret information" 
"What do you want to show me" Aaron inquired as he take Derek's phone, he handed it to him, a single picture in the screen, a Halloween costume, two identical blonde heads behind masks, he can not completely see them beneath the scattered clothes, but he knew who they were, Aaron could feel the tears in his eyes, "How?"
"I have moved some strings around" Derek smiles at him, he zooms over the picture, "He has blood over his left side of his face?". What Aaron does not mention is that Jack and Haley look happy, that their relationship would c hangeeven if he gets to see them again.
"It's fake, doesn't he look cute?" He adds placing a kiss to his check, "Scoot over, I'm not going to let you sleep there alone" 
"He does, Jack has always been Haley’s copy" Aaron admits, looking over at Derek, as he was taking off his shoes, he stopped and placed a hand on the side of his face, "Physically, he might be, but he is a Hotchner after all, he'll grow out of it"
"Good to know that you think I'm not attractive" Aaron teases him, he could live like this, Derek has always kept him grounded, safe from whatever thing was creeping out for him. "You look better healthier, but I'll stay with you even if you are old and grumpy" 
"You know that last Halloween he wanted to go like me?" Aaron tells Morgan, who lays next to him, accommodating himself next to his boyfriend, "You are still his hero, that is not going to change"
Aaron wants to hold onto that, to hold to what Derek tells him, that he will still be important to Jack even if he is not part of his life, even if he has destroyed Haley’s and Jack’s freedom because of his job. That he failed to protect what he should have focused more of his time on, "I wouldn't want to have my position taken by you"
Derek places a kiss to his hair, it calms him, he wanted to believe that things were going to be okay, he didn't want his son to forget about him the way he forgot his father. They were not the same. Jack had to know he cared.
"Can we do something?" Derek grunts, he was about to fall sleep, catching on the hours he kept himself awake, "Jack's birthday is coming up, we could send him, a simple gift, for him to remember us by"
"He isn't going to forget us" Derek stated eyes closed, shutting off the room lights, with the hallway door closed, the bright lights weren't too disturbing, "We can think of that tomorrow, now sleep, we are going to be woken up too many times tonight, we have time"
Aaron looked around the dark room, very little things illuminating it, he looked at Derek and got his attention tapping into his chest, "Do you mind opening the door a little bit?"
Sure, but when I come back, you better sleep" Derek teased as he quickly moved to open the door, he told something to the police officers outside before engulfing his boyfriend, "Goodnight"
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barney-james · 4 years
Lips n’ Hips || Chris Evans x Reader SMUT
AN: I’m all wet now.
Word Count: 3,884
At the party Chris throws to celebrate Endgame going in to post production, you decide to tease him until he breaks.
WARNINGS: unprotected vaginal sex, oral sex (male and female receiving), dirty talk, spanking, choking, hair pulling, squirting
*not my gifs*
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The house buzzes with the excited chatter and the loud bumps of the music shaking the house. You stand in the kitchen, pouring yourself a drink as you stare blankly into the crowded living room where your boyfriend is being a good host for his guests. You’re not paying any attention to your surroundings, just staring at him almost creepily. He looks so stately with his laid-back attitude as he laughs with his friends. The top several buttons of his shirt are undone, but he’s wearing a white t-shirt underneath which is no doubt a size or two too small and clung to his broad chest. You’d much rather he wear no undershirt, wishing his tattoo and chest hair could peak out from under his shirt. Though that’d probably be dangerous. You’re already wanting to jump his bones, and you’ve barely conversed during the party. It’s not like what he’s wearing is outside of his normal attire.
You sigh and look down, stirring your drink as you try to distract yourself from your ravishing boyfriend. Slightly uncomfortable with the unfamiliar eyes on you, you pull the hem of your short dress down, trying to cover as much leg as possible. You look unbelievably sexy, but you silently curse yourself for having bought something so far out of your comfort zone. The short dress is black to accentuate your curves, and very low cut to show off your cleavage, also revealing a few small tattoos that people wouldn’t usually know about unless you’re intimate. The guests started arriving before you were done getting ready, and Chris didn’t see you in your dress before the party started. In fact, you’re not even sure he knows you bought it. You know he would’ve made you change into something less revealing if he had, which leads you to ponder if he has seen you since you came out of your bedroom. You’d have expected him to say something about your outfit if he had.
Part of you chose the dress to get Chris excited in a situation where he wasn’t likely to do anything about it. The party celebrates the end of filming for Endgame as the movie goes into post production. Chris had been stressed and distracted the past several weeks, for good reason, yet leaving you untouched with pent up sexual frustration. Of course, you didn’t want to talk to him about it and make it seem like you don’t support him, because you very much do. And you wouldn’t dare deal with it yourself and disobey the rule the two of you have placed, but also because you, or any toy, could not do you justice as that man does for you, knowing every curve and crevice of your body and exactly how to drive you insane. 
You leave the kitchen, scooting around the many guests as politely and carefully as you can. You join Scarlett and Elizabeth on the patio, still being able to see Chris threw the floor-to-ceiling windows. You deliberately face him, so that if he looks your direction, he’s bound to see you, but also so you can keep an eye on the deliciously handsome man your so lucky to call yours. You lean across a tall round table as you converse with your friends about anything and everything. Scarlett goes on and on about her husband, Colin, and just how amazing he is. You nod your head absentmindedly, staring into the house at Chris as she talks, but it doesn’t go unnoticed.
“Y/n?” Scarlett calls your name, pulling you back to reality. “Are you listening to anything we’re saying?”
“No, not really,” you tell her truthfully. “I don’t think Chris has seen me yet, and I’m want to know what he thinks of the dress. You know I never really dress up.” You stare down at your almost empty drink.
“Well, I don’t think you’ll have to wait any longer,” she says slyly. 
Confused you look at her and see a smirk evident on her face. You follow her gaze into the house, and see Chris staring back at you with his jaw tightly clenched. Your cheeks heat up as you hold eye contact with him. Trying to get your message across, you let your eyes rake over his broad figure as you pull your bottom lip between your teeth.
You smirk as you break the burning eye contact. You look to the ladies at your table, smirk still evident. You tell them your going to get another drink and they holler, excited for you. As you walk back into the house, you notice Chris striding towards you with brazen confidence controlling his gait. You turn a corner, acting as if you hadn’t seen him, and continue into the kitchen. You walk over to the counter bearing the alcohol and nonchalantly pour yourself another drink.
You feel his presence as his eye bore into your back for a moment, the dress cut so low, the dimples in your lower back are visible. Soon enough, he approaches you, but you do not turn to face him. One of his large hands rests on your waist, the other reaching around you and taking your glass out of your hand and placing it on the counter as he presses his hips into your ass. 
You gasp at the feeling of his semi pressed against you and silently praise yourself for having such an effect on him. 
“You shouldn’t be wearing that, baby,” he almost whispers into your ear as he moves your hair over your shoulder and away from your neck. He presses his lips to your sweet spot, right below your ear, and sucks slightly, making you whine. You subconsciously push back against him at the feeling. He smirks against your skin as his hot breath fans your ear. “Why you showing off so much, baby girl? No one should be seeing this much of you except me.”
You love it when he gets possessive, but you know you can drive him farther. You take a deep breath and collect yourself, turning around in his arms so your ass is pressed against the edge of the counter. An idea comes to your mind and you smirk to yourself as you look up innocently into his dilated eyes. You hum. “You’ve got something...” you let your voice trail off as you bring your thumb to your mouth, licking it sensually to dampen the pad of the finger. You reach up to his lips, brushing your thumb softly against the corner of his mouth, you tongue between your lips in mock concentration. You shift your gaze from his lips into he eyes, letting your thumb slide over his lips and pull softly at the bottom. Chris tries to hold back a groan, but fails, letting it escape the back of his throat. Your hand rests on his jaw for a moment, your finger lingering on his lips before you drop your hand. You bring your thumb to your mouth and place the finger pad firmly to your tongue before wrapping your lips around the finger and sucking on it sensually, all while looking up at Chris innocently through your eyelashes. You hum as you slowly pull your thumb from your mouth, and you can feel him grow harder against you. You rest a hand against his chest, almost caressing him before you push him back and escape the small space between your boyfriend and the counter.
You begin to walk out of the kitchen, but stop in the doorway as you feel his eyes bore into your back once more. You turn around and walk back over to him, resting your hand back on his chest, but gripping his shirt this time and pulling his lips down to yours in a quick, yet lust-filled kiss. As Chris tries to deepen the kiss with his tongue, and his hands sit on your waist, you pull away and reach behind him to grab your drink off the counter. “Stop staring, sweetheart,” you purr, taking the small straw between your lips and onto your tongue as you take a sip. You swallow the burning liquor, keeping eye contact. “I know you want me,” you say lowly, wink, and turn and walk away with your drink in your hand before he can react. 
You leave your boyfriend, jaw dropped in the kitchen, your hips swaying the whole way, and make your way back outside to the girls. After a few more drinks, once you’ve loosened up a bit, you become more comfortable, and eventually start dancing with the girls, your hips moving with the music.
Eventually the party starts dying down and you’ve lost the pleasant buzz from the liquor. You make your way into the living room, seeing Chris sitting on the couch and talking with Anthony and Sebastian. You move closer to him, him having yet to notice you as he takes off his button down. You continue into the living room, stopping once you’re in front of him. You bend over slightly, your ass facing Chris as you put your glass down on the coffee table, reaching over it for a second to find a coaster. You bend down farther as you remove the heels you’ve been wearing all night, and you feel the back of your dress ride up. From behind you, you hear Chris suppress a moan with a cough, seemingly unnoticed by the other guests. You stand upright again, and move to sit next to him, but his strong hands grip your hips firmly and pull you down into his lap. You gasp as you land on him, finding him pressing into you again, but from the new position of your bum on his lap, you feel him press through his pants and against your panties. 
As innocently as possible, you grind your hips back onto him, making it seem as if you’re just getting comfortable in his lap, and you feel him stiffen more beneath you. You smirk, but play it off before he can see it by laughing at something Sebastian said. You lean over and place your hand softly on his forearm as you laugh. Chris’s body goes rigid for a split second before relaxing again. Your hand leaves Sebastian’s arm as you lean back against the arm of the sofa that Chris rests his arm on, and move your arm around his shoulder. You rub down against him again as you wiggle, crossing one of your legs over the other.
Once you’ve relaxed back into his arms, his hand subtly moves your hair away from your ear again as he leans in, his breath hot against you as it had been an hour or so earlier. 
“You have no idea what you do to me,” he practically growls in your ear, and you feel yourself clench around nothing as you lower area warms at his words. 
You turn to him with an innocent smile. “I don’t know what you mean,” you play.
He growls deeply again, but muffles the sound by wrapping his hand into your hair and pulling your lips onto his in a heated kiss, him instantly enforcing his dominance with his tongue, not caring about the guests surrounding. 
You moan softly into the kiss but push your hand against him again, looking at him with lust-clouded eyes. “Chris, we have guests,” you remind him, staring deeply into his mesmerizing eyes.
Chris continues to try to make moves on you for the rest of the evening, but each one is shot down, and he begins to grow painfully frustrated.  It took several more hours, and well past midnight for the rest of the guests to leave. You hug Sebastian and Anthony goodbye, pressing your chest against each of them subtly. Chris walks the last two guests out the door, staying on the porch a moment to talk to them.
You take the moment to start cleaning up, picking up cups from around the house. As you hear the front door open again, and Chris come back into the house, you get on your knees by the coffee table, bending down to reach the plastic cups under it.
You hear Chris growl behind you, and then feel his hands on your hips as he pulls you up so your standing with your back pressed against his firm chest. His hand wraps around your throat, squeezing just enough as you gasp at his actions. 
“You’re going to regret wearing that dress, and teasing me is just cruel, baby girl,” he says into your ear. He pushes you off of him, and you stumble forward. “Upstairs. Now.” he demands, and you giggle, scurrying towards the stairs at the back of the house and up towards the bedroom.
You push the door open, and Chris is right on your heals, pushing you into the room and towards the bed. He slams the door behind him and saunters over to you with his shoulders back and chest puffed out, as if he needs to adjust his posture to make him more intimidating. As he gets closer to you, you stumble backwards until your knees hit the edge of the bed and you start to fall over. But Chris snakes an arm around your waist and catches you, holding you against him. He turns both of you around and sits himself on the edge of the bed. 
He pulls you down with him so you fall over his lap, ass up. “I gotta punish you, baby girl,” he begins. “You can’t tease me like that in front of so many people.” His hand slides under the hem of your dress and pushes it up, exposing your ass to him. He rubs at the soft flesh, gripping it roughly before bringing his hand down on it, hard. You yelp in surprise, even thoug you knew it was coming. The yelp subsides into a whine as the pain quickly turns to a burning pleasure. 
“This thong is useless,” he chuckles above you as he hooks his finger into the string. “It doesn’t cover anything.” Impatiently, he rips the string, quickly discarding the scraped cloth across the room. 
You let out a breathy whine as he does so, proving his strength that you already know he more than possesses. His hand comes down on your ass again, rubbing his hand over the hot skin in an effort to sooth it before repeating the process several more times. You were keeping count in your head, but quickly, the pleasure made you lose count, and by the time Chris was pulling you to stand back up, you could feel your arousal dripping down your thigh.
Chris takes notice of your wetness and clicks his tongue in disapproval. “I haven’t even touched you, sweetheart,” he shakes his head. He leans down, capturing your lips in a hungry kiss, tongues dancing together as lips move in sync. His hands slide up your sides, lifting the dress with it, and pulling it over your head. The kiss breaks momentarily for him to remove your dress, but his lips reattach to yours immediately. His hand slides into your hair and pulls your head back and out of the kiss, making you look up at his darkened eyes. “Down,” he demands, and you obey, quickly dropping to your knees in front of him.
He removes his belt, quickly sliding it through the loops and tossing it away as you begin to unbutton his pants. You unbutton and unzip them slowly, then slide them down at an agonizing pace. His huge hand grabs you by the jaw and forces you to look up at him. “If you tease me anymore, I’ll finish here. You won’t get anything. You won’t get to cum. Understand?”
“Yes, sir,” you swallow the lump in your throat as he removes his hand from your face.
“And you wouldn’t be able to handle that would you, princess.”
“No, sir, I wouldn’t.”
You push his pants and his boxers down the rest of the way quickly, and he steps out of them, kicks them to the side, and holds his throbbing cock in his hand. You open your mouth and take him in as far as you can, no licking, no teasing, no adjusting. You take your head back, and go bath down, trying to go farther very time. You start the pace so it’s comfortable for you, but Chris seems dissatisfied. He grabs you hair again, holding you in place with your mouth open below him, and he rocks his hips, thrusting into your mouth until you feel his tip hitting the back of your throat. As he fucks his thick length into your throat, the absurd slurping and wet noises coming from you alone is enough to get him to cum, but he fights it, wanting to prolong his pleasure as he continues rocking his hips. Soon enough, your gag reflex breaks, and you have trouble breathing. You smack your hand against his bare thigh several times, taping out.
He gets the message, removing himself from your mouth as he picks you up from the floor. Chris turns, throwing you down on the bed, close to edge. You bounce slightly, but he stops it as he folds your legs up, putting your knees against your chest and holding you in place. He kneels on the floor, and dives in without warning, licking up the juices dripping from your cunt and burying his face between your legs. His stubble scratches your legs and butt perfectly, adding a new sensation to the powerful mix. His mouth moves up your core, wrapping around your clit and sucking it forcefully into his mouth, making you moan out louder. If your legs weren’t in the way, you’d wrap your fingers in his hair and pull like you know he likes. He adds to your pleasure by pounding two fingers into your hole relentlessly, no adjustment or warning again. His fingers hook up and hit your spot perfectly, and soon, all the pressure he puts on your pussy breaks, and you cum, your body convulsing and shaking, your hips leaving the bed on their own account, only to be held down by your boyfriend’s strong hands. Your voice breaks, going so high that you’re barely making any sound.
Chris buries himself further and licks you through your high until your body jerks at the over sensitive feeling of your clit. He comes up from between your thighs, dropping your legs and looking down at you. You legs drop weakly off the bed as he smirks down at you, his mouth and jaw dripping to your horrifying realization. 
“That was,” he begins, panting against your neck. “So. Fucking. Hot.” He bites into the crook of your neck as his hands grab you under your lower back, lifting you a bit higher onto the bed. He kneels between your thighs, and you naturally wrap your legs around his waist. 
“You’re so good to me, baby girl,” he moans as he pushes his cock into your still aching pussy. You cry out at the feeling, a tear falling from the corner of your eye. “So fucking tight. You take me so well, baby.” Chris wipes the tear from your face, holding it softly in his hand as he kisses you deeply, starting to move his hips at a slow pace.
After he finally let you adjust, you moan into his lips. “Chris,” you moan out. “Faster. Please.”
“Oh, yeah,” he asks and stands back up on his knees, holding your hips against him. “You want me to pound your pretty pussy, don’t you?”
“Yes, Chris,” you moan out as his speed picks up slightly. “Please!”
“Such a good girl.” He picks his pace up more, holding onto your thighs as he slams into you over and over again, hitting the spot only he can find. You whine and moan out in an almost pornographic way, driving him farther. He grew rougher at your sounds, hitting into you harder. He grips your breasts tight, massaging them, and slapping them as they bounce along with the rhythm he’s set. “God, I love the noises you make, baby,” he moans, his hand finding your throat again and forcing you down into the mattress with the gratifying pressure. Your moans get caught off by his hand, and he soon realizes it, loosening his grip on you marginally.
“Chris, oh fuck,” you moan out. “Oh, god, I’m so close.” You gasp as he pushes down on your throat again, grabbing your thigh tighter as he pounds into you harder. 
“Cum for me baby,” he encourages you. “Let me feel you cum around my cock like a good girl. Scream my name for me.”
His words use you the last bit you need, and you’re over the edge again. Your hand wrap around his wrist holding your neck down as your hips buck up against him, shaking. You scream out his name as the overwhelming pleasure courses through you.
“Fuck, YES, baby!” He moans out, riding you through your intense orgasm with sloppy thrusts, your tightening around him getting him to his own edge. Swiftly he pulls out of you, pulling you to sit up in front of him by his hand on your throat as he pumps his cock twice more and releases hot ropes of his seed over your face and chest. You gasp and moan at the feeling, at the intimacy, opening your mouth in hopes to catch some, to taste his glory. 
The strands stop, and he rubs his cock down onto your tongue, making sure you take all of him. He removes his cock from your mouth, wiping come of his mess from your chest with his fingers and shoving them in instead. “You’re such a good girl, baby.” He bends down, connecting your lips in a hungry, yet tired kiss, tongues dancing together so you can both taste yourselves, further mixing. 
Panting, he kisses down your jaw and across your shoulder before going into the bathroom. A moment later, he comes back with a washcloth and wipes off your chest. He attempts to wipe himself from your face, but you laugh at him. 
“It’s in my eyelashes, Chris,” you laugh. “That’s not going to work.”
“Oh,” he murmurs and lets you up from the bed. When you stand you stumble, your apex and thighs so sore you can barely stand. “Baby?” He asks, holding you up. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah, I’m fine.” You kiss him and leave to the bathroom to clean yourself up.
When you come back, he’s leaning back on his hands while he sits on the edge of the bed, waiting for you. He sees you and holds out his arms to, and you gladly climb in, straddling his lap as you burry your face into his beautifully bare chest.
“Hey,” he says, and gently lifts your face off of him. “I love you, you know that?”
“Yeah, I know,” you smile sleepily. “I love you, too.”
You kiss him sweetly before he tucks you into the bed and holds you tightly as you both fall asleep, never wanting to leet such a perfect specimen go.
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The Way That You Love Me
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Summary: Chris has been feeling guilty, but you always seemed to pull him through.
Pairings: Chris Evans x Black!Reader
Warnings: anxiety, fluff, swearing, smut, daddy kink, missionary, oral (female receiving)
(A/N: This is from Chris’ point of view. And, yes, I was thinking of the Ariana Grande song okay whatever leave me alone. Remember that his nickname for Little Chris is CJ. Reblog please ☺️)
Tagging: @titty-teetee @blackmissfrizzle @olyvoyl @night-of-the-living-shred @liquorlaughslove @harrysthiccthighss @mariahthelioness29 @donutloverxo @stargazingfangirl18 @whiskey-cokenfanfic @olyvoyl @hqneyyincc @queenoftheworldisdead @iam-laiya @emjayewrites @slytherinandoutasgard @zaddychris
While Chris was away he’d thought about a lot of things. Like how he couldn’t wait to hug CJ. Or his mom. Or to tell you that he loved you while you were curled into his chest. Even though it was only a year and just felt like forever, he was mad at himself for fucking up when he had so much on the line this time.
Like, what if CJ forgot him. Or resented him like he did his own dad. Thinking about it had made him feel ill. He’d always promised himself that he’d do better and only a year into his sons life he failed.
Or what if you hadn’t been so you. So understanding and patient with him. What if you weren’t so full of love even though he didn’t deserve it. What if you moved on. Those thoughts kept him awake at night just like those thoughts of coming home to you kept him going.
It was silly, but when it came to you one of the biggest things he’d thought about was how you kissed his cheek. The way your lips pressed to him softly. So sweetly. Every single one filled with love.
He was also a man. He had needs. He missed feeling you ride him. Missed the way you rode his dick with wild abandon. How sweet you looked taking his dick and moaning for him. Calling him Daddy. Begging for him to fuck you harder. He missed seeing your tits bounce every time he thrusted up into you.
One of the things he thought of constantly was this one particular night. He’d dropped CJ off at his mom’s house because she’d pretty much demanded the two of you go on a date. It was probably the first time he’d seen you all dressed up since CJ had been born. Fuck you looked gorgeous.
Your hair was perfect. He’d pretty much demanded that you go get a mani/pedi and your eyebrows done because you’d been complaining about how you hadn’t been feeling nice. He wanted you to feel good for your first date in six months. You were so nervous about the baby. Of course you trusted his mom, but you were nervous about not having him close.
Then when he came home you were so beautiful that he had to dote on you a little bit. You’d gotten so thick since having CJ, it drove him crazy even if you didn’t see how beautiful you looked. That night when he’d taken off that dress to expose the lingerie you’d bought just for him he honestly thought he may have been in heaven.
Even now as you settled in beside him on the couch, ready to start binge watching that show you’d gotten him into he thought about those moments. Thought about you. About how he never wanted to lose you.
He’s been seeing this therapist every other Tuesday after work. Sometimes he worried so much that one day you’d get sick of shit and pack your things. Like maybe one day he’d push his luck. That you’d leave and take CJ with you. That you’d leave him all alone.
He knew he shouldn’t worry. He’d been trying so hard. He needed to make you happy. You seemed happy. Always smiling. If there was something wrong, you’d tell him. Yet there was always this nagging thought in the back of his head that he’d never be good enough for you. He knew that’s what everyone else thought. What if you started thinking it, too.
“I love you,” you whispered to him, brushing your lips against his cheek as he set down the bowl of popcorn in your lap before getting close so you could lay on him.
“I love you, more,” he said, because it was a Friday night, he didn’t have to wake up early the next morning for work, he’d just finished reading his son a bedtime story until he fell asleep, and now he was holding you in his arms with you all cute in one of his t-shirts with your shorts peeking out at the bottom.
He’d laid down you still wrapped in his arms. You kissed the underside of his jaw, moving your lips in a way that was making him groan. You smiled against him at his sharp intake of air.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish,” he warned you, pawing at your ass.
You kissed him first, straddling his lap now. He moved the popcorn bowl to the coffee table. The show you were supposed to be watching now forgotten because you needed him. Your lips erased all those bad thoughts that clouded his brain.
“Take me to bed, Daddy,” you purred and who was he to deny you when he owed you for lost time. He’d never make it up to you, but he’d never stop trying.
He’d carried you to your bed, laying you down. He hurried up to pull off your shorts because he couldn’t wait to taste you. The way you moaned for him was like music to his ears. He needed to please you, to worship you. Like every time would be the last time.
That time he was gone he’d craved your taste. Needed to feel you on his tongue again. Missed tasting your juices. Fuck your pussy was juicy. 
“Oh, Daddy,” you breathed, trying to keep your voice low.
His beard scratched against your thighs and you ran your hands through his hair. Every time he’d told you he was going to get a haircut, you’d get all pouty and tell him no. Said he looked handsome like this. Which he did, but really though you just liked tugging on it when he ate your pussy.
“I’m gonna... Daddy, you’re gonna make me... fuck!” As you came he kissed up your body until he could angle himself at your entrance.
He eased into you, savoring that first feel of your wetness surrounding the head of his dick and the way you stretched around him to accommodate his thickness. God you felt like heaven. He rocked his hips wanting to fuck you slow. As bad as he wanted to slam into you, he wanted to take his time.
“God, yes,” you whimpered. He leaned down to take your nipple into his mouth, moving his hips in a slow strong rhythm. Wanted to make it last.
“Fuck, Baby,” he groaned before lacing his hands with yours to put them above your head, burying his head in your neck.
Your legs wrapped around his waist locking him in place. He started kissing your neck dropping one of your hands so he could grab your hair pulling you closer so you had no choice, but to let him overstimulate you. Your head tilted back as your eyes rolled to the back of your head. Pussy walls getting so damn tight around him he thought you were going to squeeze him out.
He moaned, “That’s it, Baby. Cum for Daddy.” He was trying so hard to hold on. Your pussy felt too good, though. He knew he wasn’t going to last for much longer. Just one more. He wanted to give you one more before cumming deep inside you. “Say my name.”
“Chris, fuck me,” you moaned.
“Oh fuck,” he gasped. “Oh fuck, Y/N.”
Your free hand clawed at his back. He was so glad he made you take sometime for yourself today because you’d gotten your nails done and he loved the feeling on his skin. “Chris,” you mewled this time.
He picked up the pace again. Needing to fucking make you cum again right now because he was so close. You cried out and he had to kiss you to keep you quiet. You shuddered as it hit you again. Juices seeping down his length. He fucked you through your orgasm, prolonging it. You sobbed because you were so sensitive.
“Fuck, Y/N,” he groaned, breathing all heavy as he finally did it. Touching his forward to yours as his cum shot deep inside of you. “Fuck,” he breathed, “fuck, I love you.”
You tried to say it back, but he’d left you unable to find words as you came down from your high. You shut your eyes putting your head against his shoulder.
He slumped down on top of you needing to be close. Both of you breathing heavy. He chuckled as he kissed your cheek, wrapping his arms around you
“Are you gonna stay like this all night?” You laughed even though it almost hurt to laugh.
“I might.” He sighed contently.
You kissed his forehead, nuzzling into his hair with your nose then doing it again. Fuck his heart felt so full from your softness.
He yawned. He knows he should probably move because he didn’t want to crush you, but he was comfortable.
“Is everything okay? You know you can tell me anything.” You rubbed his back making sure to soothe where you’d scratched him.
“I’m perfect. I just... it feels nice,” he said. “I’m not hurting you am I?”
You kissed his forehead again. “No.”
He smiled while you ran your fingers through his hair. As he started to doze off all he could think about how lucky he was to have you. That he needed to hurry up to make you his wife.
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thewrittennerd · 2 years
Passion and Two Little Lines
     Chapter One  
In the area inside an empty bathroom, Violet Mikami brings her cell phone to her ear for the umpteenth time. “Hey, Violet, it's me. Uh, Evan. It's about what we discussed in my office the other day. Truth is…I can't stay away, and I worked with you long enough to know that you won't be able to either. Meet me in the coat room at the Chicago Fire Department Gala after you accept your award.”
Happy as she is to have that voice mail, and have that award in her hands, it's nothing but a fuzzy memory until strong hands cradle Violet's slender waist after momentarily pressing to the window glass in an effort to back her up against it.
Pleased as Paramedic Chief Evan Hawkins is by Violet's bold actions to pull him into a kiss, he knows that if they linger here any longer, they won't make it to his apartment.
And as good as they both look in their formal attire, Violet and Evan exchange a glance once their kisses have come to a brief end in order to breathe.
Grabbing her slender hand in his own, tuxedo-clad Evan hurries them to the nearest set of elevators so that they could an escape without anyone seeing them.
But that isn't so because, through the tinted windows reconnecting exes Johanna Voight and Kelly Severide, watch the young couple when they rush off. “Do you think they know that we know what they're doing?” Jo asks, tugging Kelly's tuxedo jacket tighter around her bare shoulders to ward off the chilly air of Chicago in January.
“Nah, but it might be a good idea to keep an eye on Gallo, just in case he finds out the hard way,” Kelly replies, slipping the ring Jo had kept since high school back onto her finger where it belonged.
 Two slender hands lift above the halo of dark waves.
Their ride to Evan's apartment building that's located only a few blocks from the building where the gala had taken place…it takes the pair slightly longer than it actually should. Because, as Evan finds out on this very evening, Violet is the queen of distracting a driver. With gentle nips to his cheek and ear, Evan nearly swerves his SUV just a smidgen but quickly regains his control after Violet sees this happen and moves away. Evan pulls her back toward him, wrapping one arm around her bare shoulders; keeping the other on his S.U.V.'s steering wheel.
 Palms guide the bottom of Violet's now unzipped dress upward.
Just before they arrive at his town house slash boarding house Violet's cell phone chimes with a text message. Lifting the screen up to her face, the black-haired paramedic uses a manicured fingertip to swipe up out of her cell phone's lock screen. Going to her text messages, the tiniest flicker of a smile moves onto her lips when she sees it's from Capp's librarian wife Cassandra. Using the same fingertip, Violet taps the video's play button at the same time she turns the inner volume up on the side of her phone.
Damn all consequences, this is exactly what Violet wanted: to feel adored.
“Hey, girl! I'm so, so sorry that most of us missed you getting your award, but I hope you looked wonderful in the dress you bought with that hard-earned money! Send me photos!” Once the video stops, a hint of sadness flickers behind the soft smile that edges onto her lips.
“Violet…” He only has to say her name once on two syllables and she is lost in a tidal wave of desire as her slender body frame surges forward across the console between them. He meets Violet halfway, their mouths crashing together instantly. After a short time spent in a steamy and scorching hot make-out session, Evan pulls back slightly; voice thick and dripping with desire as he's able to say: “Let's go inside.”
Violet nods, unable to speak let alone think rationally. Stepping out onto the street, the brunette paramedic makes her way around to the driver's side. Her hand tucks itself into the one Evan extends for her, exchanging smiles with him as they walk toward a two-story Victorian-era style home. “You live here?”
“I share it with several of the other Chicago Fire Department Headquarters Chiefs and occasionally a firefighter or two that are struggling to find a place in their budget,” Evan explains to her. “None of them are here tonight though, considering the occasion and circumstances. We have the place to ourselves.”
Tugging on the hand she's holding, Violet hurries toward the sidewalk and screened in front porch's concrete steps. Letting free a deep and rich laugh, Evan allows her to drag him with her into the house. “Back bedroom on the left of the kitchen,” he says when she turns to non-verbally ask for the location of his bedroom.
 Violet's manicured fingers slip down beneath the waistband of Tommy Hilfiger boxer-briefs that are black and gray. Evan's own fingers tangle among the lace just barely covering her chest and groin slash rear end. Mouths crash together in a firecracker fuse just waiting for someone to light the end of it, tongues tangling in a heated and passionate tango.
Once alone in his bedroom, Violet's fingers look tinier than they actually are as they hover above the lock on the doorknob. “I don't think there needs to be any light on in the room, do you?”
“None whatsoever,” he whispers in response. His breath warm as it wisps through the loose strands of Violet's hair curling down from her up-do.
Stumbling across the carpeted floor of his room with Violet in his arms, Evan finally gets her to the bed. They fall at the same time with him hovering before gently wedging one knee between the apex of Violet's slim thighs. Gasping for air, breath warming the skin of Evan's shoulder, Violet is suddenly brought to her feet by the mattress' edge. She leans into his broad chest as he unfastens the hooks of her bra, placing her ear against the left side of his chest. His hands tremble but remain gentle as he slides her bra's straps down Violet's arms in a slow and sensual manner before settling on her waist. Violet bites back a moan at his touch. “Don't hide those sounds from me on my behalf,” Violet hears him say in a soft, low vocal tone. “Be as loud as you want to be. My bedroom walls are soundproof.”
Good to know. A deep, loud and feminine moan rips itself free from the darkest depths of Violet's throat as she arches her slender stomach forward into the touch of his hands. Caressing. Fondling. Making her feel cherished. Loved. Adored.
If Violet knows him well…and she does…Evan is making up for both of them verbally agreeing to stay away from each other in the first place. “Don't be afraid to touch me in other areas, Evan,” Violet finally manages to say in a ragged whisper.
“That I'm planning on. But I'm going to take my time to do some exploring,” Evan whispers in response; the entirety of his mouth wrecking havoc on Violet's senses.
Grasping for what little air is left in her lungs Violet does her best not to thrash about from Evan's ministrations. Evan smirks to himself at the still nature of her slender form and moves his face closer to her ear. Warm breath lingering on the shell, Evan speaks in a low whisper. “Where do you want me, Mikami?”
“E…Everywhere,” Violet manages to mumble out on a breathless gasp.
“Show me,” he says, his voice thick and dripping with seduction. Violet shivers then, taking his hands, guides one up to her face and lips. She presses the softest of kisses to the print pads of Evan's fingers, ripping a soft groan from his chest. The movement doesn't deter Violet, however, from bringing Evan's other hand to cradle the round globe of her breast.
He takes over from there, the ridge of his arousal getting harder to ignore the further Evan caresses and fondles Violet's breasts; alternating, switching back and forth between them. “Just like that,” Evan barely hears her whisper over the loud sound of his heartbeat thundering in his ears. Evan's gentle and tender ministrations continue while he lowers his face to Violet's bare shoulder. Open-mouthed kisses blaze a fiery trail from the rapid and steady pulse point at Violet's neck, over the curve of her shoulder and down her arm. Evan repeats this on the other side before turning Violet to face him.
“You're beautiful,” Evan affirms after keeping his eyes locked onto Violet's while taking a photograph in his mind's eye. Her hair is starting to come loose from the chignon-style bun held in place with a beautiful bight white poinsettia. Reaching up with a gentle hand, Evan removes the pin's silver metal teeth from her ebony black hair. Violet tilts her head to give him better visual access then shakes her hair loose until it flows around her face and shoulders.
Damn she's absolutely stunning. Does she have any clue about the effect she has on me? Evan shakes off his thoughts before hooking his thumbs into the waistband of Violet's lacy underwear.
Violet isn't shy as she, too, helps remove the last remaining piece of Evan's clothing that's keeping her from seeing him exposed to his full glory.
As soon as they're both completely naked, Evan goes to grab a condom from his bedside drawer. Violet goes to spread out on Evan's askew bed covers and holds her arms out for him. Climbing onto the bed after Violet, Evan lays himself on top of her. Taking his now covered…protected…erection in his hand, Evan gently eases it into the tight walls of Violet's dripping wet womanly essence parts.
Evan breathes in the scent of her as he eases himself in one inch at a time. Violet remains completely still except to gently caress his cheek, the tip of her thumb grazing the corner of his lips. Turning his head, Evan places a whisper-soft kiss to the palm of her hand.
I'm falling in love, they both think at that exact moment.
And then they began making the earth move.
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qyllenhaal · 4 years
the magic hour ❛ the devil I know ❜
Senator!Chris Evans x Reader
Word Count: 1.1k~
warnings: 18+ only!!! handjob & age gap (Chris is at least in his late 40s/early 50s while reader is in her mid to late 20s)
A/N: Here is a short little blurb I wrote. Next week I plan on posting a fic where a new person inserts this messy universe. Another fic for a new person will probably be coming next weekend too!
7 o'clock was a magical hour. Fall was quickly approaching so the sky was usually dark a few minutes after. Most of the people have left the building and the halls were quiet.
Y/n was pressed into Chris' side, her hand moving rapidly around his length. Her bracelets rattled together to her annoyance but Chris liked for her to keep them on since he was the one who bought them for her.
"We all went in with the same plan, but that dickhead fucked everything up."
He just wouldn't shut up.
Chris just came back from D.C. and the stress was evident on his face. That's why Y/n was trying to calm him down with her hand. She gave him a temporary distraction when she first played with his zipper then pulled him out of his pants. However, he had trouble pushing his grievances to the side for just one minute.
"Does that make you mad daddy?" Her grip tightened and he groaned. Y/n hoped she was going to get his full attention by doing that but his thoughts still wandered over to his presiding anger.
He only stopped rambling when a finger danced on his cheek and forced him to look in Y/n's eyes.
"You know I really, really desire you and I'd love to shit on other politicians with you. But please let me get you off.
Chris looked at her, annoyed for a split second, and he gruffed. But he wasn't going to stop her from wanting to get him off. He'd be stupid to do so when they didn't already have as much intimae time as it was. He relaxed against the back of his office's couch. Once he shut his mouth, he was truly able to feel just how she was doing her best to make him feel good. A look of concentration on her face brought a small smile to his.
"Just like that. Such a good girl for me, trying to make me feel good. You're an angel." He kissed her cheek and Y/n felt blinded by the praise.
Chris felt like he was going to explode. it had been days, almost a week, since he had relief. He tried to get himself off in that house he has in D.C. Thoughts of Y/n flashed through his mind but it only reminded him that he was becoming dependent on her -- even to get off.
Y/n loved feeling him pulse underneath her hand. She could see the cogs in his head still turning, but at least he was silent and in the moment with her. She loved that it was her that could reduce him to nothing. He grunted when she would add more pressure.
"I'm going to fuck your fist, okay?"
It was a bit comical hearing him talk like that with his public persona in mind but she nodded anyway.
Chris's hips moved upward to get more friction. It felt like heaven and he found himself slipping away. The only thing on his mind was her, and her hand/ He opened his eyes to look at her and she was already staring back at him. She placed her forehead on his and he reveled in her closeness.
"Please cum for me?" her voice was small and pleading as if she was on the receiving end of pleasure. But seeing him with his mouth open and feeling the weight of his cock in her hand made her wet.
"Want me to make a mess on your hand Button?"
"Yes, please cum!" Her begging made Chris smirk. "I want to see you cum!"
He made her feel desperate for it. Just a few minutes ago she was telling him to shut the fuck up now she was begging for him to cum all over her hand. She just wanted to see Chris' face contort in pleasure and hear those cries spill from his lips; it's her favorite thing in the world.
His hips stilled and white liquid spurted from the tip of his cock. He grunted while Y/n sighed lovingly. Drops of white coated and warmed her hand. She still stroked him, milking him for all he was worth until he was grabbing her wrist to stop her.
She loved to hear him sighing and trying to catch his breath. There was always a lost look in his eyes when he came because of her. That familiar gaze always came back when he locked eyes with her and a smile always spread across his lips.
"You're incredible."
The pat he gave her thigh was weak. Chris looked down at her messy hand and back to her face, waiting for her next move. She still had her hand wrapped around him but her grip was looser now.
Y/n let him go and brought her covered hand up to her mouth. Her tongue darted out to slide against the skin on her hand, collecting his cum onto her tongue. Chris watched her doing something so filthy and groaned. He felt his cock twitch but he tucked himself away and zipped himself up.
"If Paul is giving you a hard time then let me know. I know one of his staffers that can put him in his place."
"Is it that boy you went on a date with?"
The room fell silent and Y/n looked away from his burning eyes. She tried to keep it quiet, but maybe he overheard her talking to one of her co-workers about it. her and Chris weren't exactly committed to each other so she shouldn't have felt as bad, yet she did.
"it's okay...you can tell me." His voice was honeyed and his hand stroking her thigh coaxed the truth out of her.
"Yea it is. it was just one date though. I doubt it'll happen again."
"Can I ask why?"
She folded her arms, reluctant but unable to stop herself from speaking.
"He held my face...at the end of our date he held my face and kissed me. It reminded me too much of that thing you do."
Chris was surprised to hear that, but it was a pleasant surprise. He was on her mind just as much as she was on his. It stroked his ego, he couldn't lie, but it also made his heart swell.
"You're so precious."
His soft words and soft voice beckoned her into his arms. She leaned into him and he wrapped his arm around her waist.
Y/n was going to have to leave soon but she pretended like each second was an eternity. She still had a lot of questions about him and what this was. But there was no doubt behind any of his intentions and that soothed her.
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nickysurfer28 · 4 years
A short drabble I wrote. It’s not perfect and it’s been awhile since I posted a fic. So I hope you enjoy!
Thanks to @denisemarieangelina for the help!
I might just add this to my “Hot Sessions”.
Pairing: Chris Evans x Female Reader
Warning: 18+ only , smut
This pic is not mine. Credits go to YouTube and Enews.
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You wait patiently as Chris is completing his interview with Ace Comic Con. You watch him from afar as he sits and talks with Scott and the ace comic con interviewer. Occasionally he chugs down his beer and glances over at you. His eyes wander up and down your body while you lay on the couch playing on your phone. He slowly gets inpatient trying to stay focus on the live interview with Scott on the other end, and answering fan questions and so on. You quietly glance over at Chris, thinking to yourself “Damn he looks good today in that right white tank and open floral shirt, even his tattoos are peaking”. You get all flustered and try to reconcile yourself. You quickly get an idea and quietly disappear into the other room . Chris glances up and noticed you’re gone. “Where is my girl?”. Thinking to himself. He quickly adjust and gets back to the interview at end trying not to look distracted or confused.
As Chris is in the other room continuing along with the interview, you plot your naughty surprise for him. You remembered you bought a bunch of Doritos Cool Ranch chips the other day on sale and it was “buy one get one free” , but you ended up buying like four bags because Chris loves them so much. You quickly and quietly make a trail of Doritos around the house with little notes to give hints for Chris. You make sure as you place the chips around him quietly so he doesn’t get view of what you’re doing. As you finish making the trail of chips , you strip off your outfit and lay yourself on the bed and open all the bags of remaining chips and place them all over your body. You leave one bag partially half full just to munch on them as you wait for Chris to find you.
You hear Chris finishing up the interview and saying goodbye to Scott as well. You quickly send him a text and hopes he starts the trail of surprise.
Text: “ I left you a sweet trail of your favorite snack. Come find me!!”
Chris reads the text with a big grin on his face.
Text: “oh don’t worry sweetheart, I’ll find you!”
Chris starts his trail of chips and reads the little notes you left for him to find. He quickly finds his way into the bedroom munching on the chips and his eyes widen by the surprise he finds on the bed.
“Holy shit!, damn sweetheart!”
You giggle with glee.
“Aren’t you hungry?”
Chris’s eyebrows arch and has the biggest grin on his face.
“Hmm , why yes I am hungry..”
Without any hesitation Chris striped off his clothes and jumps on top of you like a hungry animal. You giggle as he climbs on top and places his lips on top of yours. He works his way down your body slowly eating the chips off your naked body. He gets between your legs eating the remaining chips and buried his face in your hot core. You grab his hair as your back arches. You feel his tongue whirling around your hot core making you more wet than ever.
“Please Chris .... I ....” , you got lost with your words as Chris works you completely.
He leans up and looks at you with his piercing blue eyes. “Oh I just begun , sweetheart.”
You look at him with lust in your eyes.
“I want you now!” Chris obey and stroked himself some more as he began to enter your hot core.
He began to move in and out of your completely wet core. He thrust started to go harder and deeper as you squealed in ecstasy. He continues to pound you as the chips are flying everywhere and crunching between your sweaty bodies. He sucks on your nipples as your body flinches even more and you’re getting closer to climax.
“I’m gonna cum... CHRIS!” You screamed as his body pushed tighter against you.
His deep raspy voice whispered softly into your ear. “Yes. Cum for me...sweetheart.”
You finally felt the heat rising and washing over you as you reached climax. Chris quickly followed after. Your bodies collapsed on to each other along with the Doritos chips crushed and wet from the sweat. You both laugh from the site of the messy chips.
Chris chuckled, “This was the best snack ever.”
You couldn’t help but laugh with him. “You’re welcome.”
Tags: @denisemarieangelina @waywardodysseys @bellaireland1981 @daliaevans @lovinevans @patzammit @donutloverxo @sweater-daddiesdumbdork @stargazingfangirl18 @ozarkthedog @nomadevans82 @bit-of-a-timelord @chris-butt @katiew1973 @jtargaryen18 @trishevans @oddsnendsfanfics @branflakes82 @ohmy-captain @what-is-your-plan-today @tanyam93 @icanfeelastormbrewing @brilliantkey @retrogeekgal @buckysteveloki-me @kelbabyblue @enigma2112 @im-married-to-chris-evans @jms359 @xlanawriter @shellbilee @mery-be @iamwhoiamtmblr @marvelousstevetony
If I missed any tags let me know . Feel free to reblog.
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wiypt-writes · 4 years
Stark Spangled Banner
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Ch7: Eight Letters, Three Words, One Meaning
Summary: Katie and Steve’s relationship is blossoming, but they’ve still not come out to the rest of the team. Well, not yet anyway…
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OFC Katie Stark
Warnings: Bad language, spiders (yeah, okay, I need a warning for those eight legged freaks) Smut (NSFW, 18+)
A/N: More credit to my edit partner, @angrybirdcr​
Disclaimer: This is a pure work of fiction and classified as 18+. Please respect this and do not read if you are underage. I do not own any characters in this series bar Katie Stark and the other OCs. By reading beyond this point you understand and accept the terms of this disclaimer.
Chapter 6
Stark Spangled Banner Masterlist // Main Masterlist
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June 2013
Katie was trying to listen, she really was, but the warmth of the June sun was lulling her to sleep, despite the fact she had only gotten up two hours or so ago. She was trying to focus on the intelligence that had come out of the Department of Damage Control, that a Warehouse in Columbia was housing a load of the alien based weapons for sale on the black market.
Maybe if she just closed her eyes….
She found herself daydreaming. About her favourite thing to day dream about. Steve. It was now five weeks since they had started dating and two weeks since they had been caught by Tony. Since then they’d spent pretty much every other evening wrapped around one another post making out. Sometimes it would just be a bit of heavy kissing, sometimes there would be a little more. Like when he had lain over her on the bed, kissing her neck, lips, chest, before slipping his hands into her panties for the first time as he’d coaxed her to completion that way before she’d returned the favour, wrapping her palm around him, bringing him off.
And then yesterday had been her birthday, which had brought her one hell of a present.
Katie had been on at him for as long as she could remember for a ride on his motorbike so, amongst other presents, Steve had Clint help him research the best helmet he could get and he’d bought her one, much to her excitement. She’d squealed and then squealed some more when he had revealed they were off out for the afternoon. He’d packed an evening picnic and taken her up to Rock Creek Park where they’d eaten subs, muffins and were now laid back on the blanket, her head resting on his chest.
“Your hair smells different…nice different…” He nuzzled his nose into it.
“Oh, it’s a different shampoo…” She grinned “It was in the hamper of ridiculously expensive toiletries and make-up that Tony sent me. Or should I say Pepper, as he will have had no idea about any of that stuff…”
“Smells of cookies.”
“It has oatmeal in so you’re not far off.” She smiled, looking up at the sky.
The pair of them stayed still, his hand straying into her hair before he broke the calm silence.
“You know, when I was a kid…me and Bucky used to play a game, spotting shapes in the clouds” he said
“Tony used to do that with me.” she smiled, shifting her head so that the back of it still lay across his chest but she could see upwards “See, there’s a dog…”
“Looks more like a cow to me…” He cocked his head to one side.
“A cow?” she snorted, “Where have you ever seen a cow look like that?”
The two of them stayed like that for another hour or so, playing shapes and making conversations before the sun began to stray behind the trees. Reluctantly Katie agreed it was probably time to go home.
“I’ve had,” she undid the strap on her baby blue and silver helmet, pulling it off with a flourish as she stepped off the bike outside her apartment, “the most amazing birthday, thank you…”
She reached up and pressed a kiss to his lips.
“I’m glad you enjoyed it doll.” He said gently as she reached into her back pocket for her key card. Smiling he dropped his hand to her waist as they walked to the elevator. When the doors opened, Katie tugged on his hand gently and led him in after her. Once in her apartment, he allowed just enough time for them to remove their jackets and for Katie to hang her new helmet in pride of place on the hooks before his lips crashed onto hers, the kisses growing deeper, and he hooked his hands round the back of her thighs and easily picked her up. She giggled, wrapping her legs round his waist, her nose brushing against his as he carried her up the stairs, dropping her gently on the bed. She spread her legs making room for him so he could settle his hips in between the space they made as she wrapped her arms round his neck, his hands gently running up the side of her ribs, pulling off the t-shirt she was wearing, cupping her face in his hands. He let out a soft moan as her hands started to slide down his chest and it was clear she had intentions of using her hands, if not her mouth as well, on him again but that wouldn’t do, not on her birthday.
“Uh-uh not tonight baby girl.” He said, gently grabbing her wrists.
She frowned and looked genuinely pissed off that he was stopping her. As she pouted at him, he simply smiled “It’s your birthday, after all.” He whispered into her mouth before setting her hands down on the pillow on either side of her head before turning his attention to her chest, sucking and biting through her bra, listening to the sounds she made right by his ear. He continued his affections downwards, pressing small kisses all the way down her body until his nose was skimming along the waistband of her jeans. She let out a groan of delight as he brought his hands up to undo them and started guiding them down. 
The idea of tasting her like this had been on his mind since she had first done it to him but he was utterly lost, with no idea on what to do next. He glanced up at her, swallowing slightly and instantly understanding that he needed encouragement, Katie reached down to tangle her fingers in his hair, raising her hips to help him remove the jeans and her underwear. She knew he had never done this before, but now, as she gently bent her knees to allow him access she heard him let out a soft moan of his own and watched him as he snuck one glance up at her and then set his mouth on her.
It took a while, her guiding him gently, telling him what she liked, what was working and what wasn’t but she didn’t really have to give him too much direction. What he lacked in skill he made up for with dogged determination and eventually, her breathy directions died in her throat and then she was moaning and writhing in pleasure as his mouth worked her over, one hand in his hair and the other gripping the sheets. Her sweet, salty tang on his tongue set every nerve in his body on edge and the more he tasted the more he wanted.
Katie could hear and feel him groaning with each lick and suck he gave her. He was aroused, really aroused and surprised to find the warm feeling across his stomach was getting harder to ignore the more he worked her. When he focused his attention back on her little bundle of nerves, licking at it before closing his lips around it and sucking it into his mouth she was done. Her body convulsed, her back arched and she let out a strangled cry, his name on her lips and it made him slightly smug to hear. Steve held her down gently, one strong arm over her small waist and as her hand gripped his hair harder and she groaned brokenly once more, he felt himself go, tipping over the edge and he shuddered gently as his own release washed over him. Katie pushed her hand into his hair, having become too sensitive, gently moving his mouth away from her. Taking the hint, he obliged, kissing his way back up her body, pressing his mouth onto hers.
“Good?” He asked breathlessly, staring at her, seeking confirmation despite the fact she lay completely and utterly undone beneath him.
“God, yes.” Her voice was gruff, as she kissed him, the fact that he could still clearly taste her on his tongue meant that she would be able to too, and the fact that she didn’t care made him shudder, though that also might have something to do with the mess he’d once again made in his pants like a horny schoolboy.
As they kissed she began to trail her hand back down his chest reaching for his buckle but he stopped her again, pulling away.
“I err….” he trailed off, dropping his head slightly embarrassed. But he needn’t have been. The fact that he’d gotten off on giving Katie what was, frankly, the best orgasm she could remember having made her grin and she cocked her head to one side as she eyed him, tipping his head up to look at her.
“Best birthday present ever.” She smirked, drawing a laugh from him before he kissed her again.
“Agent Stark!” Fury barked, jerking her awake. Damned, had she actually fallen asleep in briefing? Steve was perched on the edge of Fury’s desk, and Katie could tell he was fighting to keep a smirk off his face.
“Sorry Sir, didn’t get much sleep last night.” She avoided looking at Steve as she spoke, her mouth tugged upwards at the corners.
Besides her she heard Clint give a snigger which he hastily turned into a cough. Of course he knew about the pair of them. Him, Natasha and Evans being the only people on the team that did although Katie and Steve had both admitted they didn’t really know how much longer they could keep it clandestine.
“So as I was saying,” Fury shot Katie another look as Natasha played along, patting Clint harshly on the back. “Salaad Ali.” Fury pointed at the picture of the main man responsible for the arms ring we had been tracking over the middle East . “Do we know much about him?”
“He’s a sick bastard” Clint sat up, suddenly all business. “Came across him on an op in 2009. Apparently when he was active as part of the regime under Sadam Hussein he was tasked with taking out a Kurdish fighter cell that was stockpiling munitions. He was undercover for a month. Then one night he kidnaps a guard, peels off the skin from his right hand, completely, and wore it like a glove to gain access to their stores using the biometric scanners.”
“That’s about power.” Katie took a breath as she rose from her seat. “Mocking and goading the people who he’s stealing off. Look at me, not only did I infiltrate your organisation, I maimed your security guard in the process.”
Fury invited her to take the floor and she stood up and spoke confidently. “From what I’ve read he’s obviously an organised offender.” Steve had to smile, before she had trained as a sniper after Clint had discovered she had a natural eye for a shot, she had joined STRIKE as a Mission Analyst-slash- Target Profiler. And she was good at it. “He’s sophisticated in his approach, and is a meticulous planner.”
“You have to be to pull off the sort of crimes he has, these are big jobs.” Clint said. Katie nodded as she paced slightly, the way she always did when she was thinking.
“I also believe from the other things he has allegedly done, the murders, rapes…he’s a control freak, a sadist, type of person who will always want the last word in the argument so to speak. Therefore, if he knows someone is on to him, he won’t come quietly.” She stopped by Steve and looked at Fury, then round the room at the assembled team. “We should be prepared for a fight. And they’ll be fighting to kill, not wound.”
“Can’t the air force just blow the place up?” Rumlow asked as Steve adjusted his stance slightly, his hand’s dropping to the buckle on his belt as he studied the man before his attention turned to Fury.
“If it was that simple we would have already sent in an air strike.” The Director shook his head, pushing a button to show a map. Besides him, Steve felt Kate shift a little and he stole a glance at her to see she was concentrating on the screen,  her chin resting on the closed fist of her left hand, elbow supported on her right arm which was crossed over the front of her body. Steve watched as her eyes flicked over the details and he turned to the screen as well, immediately spotting what the problem was.  
“There’s a civilian village less than five hundred yards away.” He sighed. “That place goes up so do they.”
“Exactly.” Fury nodded.
“Not to mention those weapons are really volatile.” Katie took a deep breath. “If they have as many as we suspect, then if they go up, it’s gonna leave one hell of a hole.”
“Which is why you need take the base and clear out the weapons.” Fury nodded. “And bring Ali in, I have some questions for him before we turn him over to the Authorities.”
They decided to operate under the cover of darkness, to give them the element of surprise. Once they had some form of plan- a heat scan as they hovered over the building told them how many people were in the building and once they had established that they moved in. They operated as a well-organised unit, quickly and meticulously flushing out the hostiles.
It was all going too smoothly, especially as Ali was still in the building. Capturing him was surprisingly easy, even if it was Natasha that found him. In hindsight, that should have been a warning sign they probably should have spotted. As Rumlow and Natasha were leading him away, the team already having dispatched the rest of the hostiles, Steve, Clint and Katie headed deeper into the warehouse to locate the weapons themselves when, just as they found a hidden room off the main service corridor, there was a loud clicking noise and Clint stopped dead.
“Shit.” He muttered and Katie wheeled round and he held his hand up to her. “Don’t move.”
“What…” Katie followed his gaze and swallowed when she saw his foot resting over a small metal pad on the creaking floor boards of the first floor room they were in.
“Yeah…we have a problem.” Clint sighed, looking at her then to the Captain “Should have seen that one coming.”
He’s the type of guy that will want the last laugh, so if he knows someone is on to him, he aint coming quietly
Steve scanned the floor and spotted another trigger a few feet away from Katie. Pulling her to the left away from it he looked around the room.
“What’s going on?” Rumlow asked over the coms.
“The son of a bitch has the place rigged.” Clint wiped his brow “ I’ve triggered some kind of sensor pad.”
“If he’s laying traps in here then the weapons have to be nearby…” Steve said, as Katie dropped to her hands and knees, torch shining through the dirty, well-worn floorboards.
“The device has to be under here…” she said, and she began to follow the wire across the floor, keeping her eyes peeled for more booby-traps, as Steve carefully made his way into a small room off to their right avoiding another trigger as he went. His eyes scanned the various crates of the familiar shining metal weapons and he sighed.
“Found the jackpot…”
“So have I.” Katie said, stopping crawling as the wire ended. She could just about make out the metal box, a red light flashing ominously through the gaps.
“Ok, we’re coming to you.” Rumlow spoke again
“No!” Steve hastily turned and walked back into the main room. “We don’t know how many of these he has laid around the place. Wait for my instructions.”
He glanced over at Clint who was stood, motionless, his eyes focussed on his foot.
“Barton, you okay?”
“Peachy, Cap” he said, looking up “Guess my Hawk eyes let me down”
“Happens to the best of us.” Steve looked at him as Katie stood up, pointing to her foot.
“It’s under there.”
“How big is it?” Steve asked.
“It doesn’t matter how big”. She said gently “It explodes then those weapons go up…” She trailed off.
And Clint dies no matter what, and as they wouldn’t ever leave a man behind, so did they.
"We need to start evacuating civilians.” Steve took a deep breath, “Rumlow…”
“We can start clearing the village but how many we’ll clear before-“
“Do what you can.” Steve cut him off. “Romanoff, have a chat with our prisoner, see if you can get him to talk, tell us how we turn this thing off”
“Yeah, not gonna happen.” She replied, not a trace of her usual biting sarcasm in her voice. “He’s out cold. Suddenly decided he didn’t fancy being captured after all and got a bit rough on the way up. I had to take him out.”
“Shit.” Katie muttered as Steve let out a long sigh, turning to face her as she stood, thinking something over. It wasn’t a great idea, but was the only chance they really had. So she decided to roll with it.
“Can you help me get the floor boards up?”
“Won’t that disturb the bomb?” He asked, frowning a little.
“Not if you do it here.” she moved about six foot to her left. “I can get underneath, see if I can disable it.”
Steve looked at her, then to Clint before sighing. It didn’t look like they had a choice.
A minute later, Vibranium shield and steel knives had worked their magic as Katie and Steve had prised a space big enough for Katie to lower herself into, head first, torch in her mouth, phone held in front of her, on her stomach. She crawled over to the bomb and looked at it.
“It’s on a fucking timer too!” she sighed, swallowing as the timer had less than 5 minutes on it.
“How long?” Steve asked.
“Long enough…” she said, deciding not to tell them. She snapped a photo before dropping the torch to the boards beneath her so that it illuminated the dark space in front of her.
“Someone patch me through to Lawson …now.” she spoke
Less than forty seconds later Lawson’s British accent hit her ear.
“Nova.” he said.
“We have a situation.” She spoke calmly, although she was anything but. She didn’t like tight spaces at the best of times and there was a huge spider sitting to her right. And she fucking hated spiders. And she was facing a bomb, now with three minutes left on the clock. Swallowing her fear she sent the photo to Lawson’s computer, her hands shaking “Hawkeye triggered this, can we disarm it?”
A moment’s pause.
“Yeah, we can. I can talk you through this…”
Steve swallowed and looked at Clint, the man seemed surprisingly calm considering, but then he was used to staying still for long periods of time on stakeouts. He gave Steve a slight shrug and the Captain looked back to the hole Katie had shimmied into.
“You’re gonna need a knife or something sharp to cut the wires”
“Got it.” Katie wriggle to free the standard issue Swiss Army Knife which contained every single gadget known to man from her thigh pocket.
“Ok so first thing is first, you’re going to need to lift it out slightly to get to the wires ok. There should be 3…blue, white and red….but this is important Stark so listen.”
“The blue wire has to remain intact and in contact with the sensor under Hawkeye’s foot. So don’t cut it or pull it ok?”
“Don’t pull or cut blue, right.”
“You need to gently lift it out towards you, watching that blue wire, and turn it to the side so you can see the red and white wires…”
Taking a deep breath, with trembling hands she gently reached out and slowly, carefully turned the bomb to the side, letting out a small squeak of fear as the huge black spider moved closer.
“You okay?” Steve asked, hearing her noise.
“There’s a spider in here the size of a fucking Chihuahua.” Her voice was a slightly higher pitch than normal. Steve sighed, any other time her fear of spiders would amuse him. Not now.
“It’s gonna be more scared of you than you are of it.” He tried to placate her, but as he spoke he knew that was utter bullshit.
“ Lawson…I’ve got it…what now?”
“Cut the white wire first and then the red.”
Katie took a deep breath, her hands really where shaking now, and she took a deep breath trying to focus, ignoring the timer which was now counting down from one minute thirty. She reached out with her left to hold the white still and her right clutched the knife as she went to work. The wire was tough but in 3 cuts it was severed. She moved to do the same to the red, but on the third cut the knife slipped and slashed into the palm of her left.
She let out a yell of pain. “Shit”
“Katie?” Steve dropped to his knees, trying to see into the space but all he could see was her back.
“My hand slipped, I’m okay.” She assured him. Taking another breath she took another three slashes at the wire and eventually it gave. The light on the bomb went out and the timer stopped on twenty-five seconds.
“Boom.” She exhaled, her head dropping in relief, her heart pounding in her chest.
“Nice work Nova.” Lawson let out a breath.
Katie swallowed, “Thanks Lawson…errr boys, a little help?”
Steve moved first as she shuffled backwards and managed to get one strong arm round her waist and gently she folded herself up so that he could lift her out.
“You alright?” He asked and she nodded, breathing heavily, but he could see from the tears in her eyes she wasn’t. Before he could say anything, Clint had pulled her into a hug as Steve instructed the team to move in for extraction of the weapons.
“Thanks Nova.” Clint said as she stepped back.
Steve gently moved towards her and turned her to face him, “It’s okay, Doll, you did it.”
“Guess I did.” Katie’s breathing was still deep as the magnitude of what just happened overwhelmed her. She began to shake and Steve simply wrapped her in his large arms and she pressed her face into his Kevlar clad chest and he rest his chin on her head, looking at Clint who gave him a little jerk of the head, before he wandered out into the corridor to find the team.
Steve pulled back and gently took her hand, looking at the place her knife had gashed through the leather on her palm gloves. It looked fairly superficial, the leather having protected her in the main “That doesn’t look too deep but we’ll get the medic to look at it.”
Katie couldn’t feel it. She was numb, numb from how close that bomb had been from going up.
“Seconds…” she said, swallowing “Seconds, that’s it, we were seconds away from going up.”
“Hey…” Steve moved back slightly so he could look at his girl. “That doesn’t matter now, you stopped it. Everyone’s okay.”
The blood was pounding in her ears as she looked up at his helmet clad face, his eyes warm as they locked onto hers. She was starting to lose it, and if she didn’t find a way to ground herself she knew she was going to break down into sobs, and she didn’t want that. Not on a mission. Steve watched as she reached up to undo the clasp at the side of his chin strap and before he could say anything, although he really didn’t have anything to say, she’d pulled his helmet off. She looked at him, hair tousled, bottom half of his face slightly grubby compared to the top.
“Baby,” he said quietly but his words died as she ran her non-injured hand up the side of his jaw and then leaned up, catching his lips, hand on the back of his neck. Steve was surprised, but didn’t push her away, he never could. His arms instinctively pulled her closer as he kissed her back, everything else zoning out, until they heard footsteps and a voice which was slightly amused.
“Ok, nothing to see here.” Clint spoke. Steve instantly pulled back and looked over Katie’s head at the assembled team of STRIKE agents, Rumlow, Rollins, Evans and Nat stood at the front. Rumlow’s face was a picture and Steve, despite the fact he was kind of embarrassed about being caught snogging his girl in the middle of a mission, felt a smug sense of satisfaction.
My girl, asshole.
“Told you Rumlow.” Rollins was next to speak as Katie closed her eyes and pressed her forehead into Steve’s chest, the moment of adrenaline fuelled passion ebbed away and was replaced by a sudden worry of her effectively outing them without asking him first.
“Fuck me sideways.” Rumlow muttered “Didn’t see that one coming.”
“Rumlow, you’re an idiot.” Lawson’s voice hit their ears “I aint even there and even I could see that a mile off. Mate, Fury only has one eye and I bet he could see it all the way from DC.”
Steve let out an exasperated sigh, but his arms didn’t let go of his precious charge as he issued an instruction. “Alright, wrap it up. Let’s get those weapons and move it out.”
His grip on Katie released as the team bustled into the room and he stopped to pick up both their helmets, handing Katie hers.
“I’m sorry…” she stuttered. “I didn’t mean to do that, I didn’t know they’d see.”
“Sweetheart, it’s okay.” He spoke gently, brushing her face with his gloved palm
“You’re not mad?”
“No.” He shook his head as she took her helmet off him with an air of surprise. “I mean they had to find out eventually, right. Maybe it isn’t exactly how I would have chosen to do it but…”
Katie snorted “Better or worse than being caught in the kitchen?”
He gave a small laugh “Undecided. Come on, let’s help them pack up those weapons and we can go home.”
The two of them were careful to keep a distance for the rest of the mission and trip home, a professional front was imperative to Steve and Katie was also keen to keep it that way too. She didn’t want anyone saying that either of them were impartial or unable to keep themselves objective. That said, on the flight home they took the inevitable teasing that naturally was always going to come their way when the team found out that its Captain and Sniper were together on the chin. It was all well natured though, and there were no smutty remarks beyond Evans asking Katie if she’d had her bed reinforced now she was sharing it with a super-soldier. In response, she hit him square in the face with a well-aimed granola bar, as Steve flushed at the back of the jet when he overheard. The Captain’s sharp eyes, however, clocked that one person who wasn’t joining in the joking and teasing was Rumlow. He looked like he’d been slapped in the face, and all Steve could do was hope he wasn’t going to be a complete prick going forward.
At the debrief Fury was pleased they had gotten a result and surprised the entire team by handing Steve a wad of notes and instructing them to go celebrate a job well done, but the wink he gave the Captain as he left the room before looking at Katie in that way he did, with a smirk on his face left them both in no uncertainty that he knew what had gone down.
The team hit their favoured bar, Loris. Katie and Steve sat together, Steve casually resting his arm round the back of the bench they sat on, as the drinks flowed, food arrived and Clint and Rumlow organised a pool tournament. Pool was one thing, along with art, that Steve had been pretty good at before he got the serum so after a bit of coaxing he joined in, eventually winning after thrashing Lawson in the final. Declining the money, he told Clint to use it to get the team another round of drinks, but they were drinks he had no intention of partaking in. He wanted to take his girl home because he could tell she was still a little shaken from the day’s events.
He wasn’t wrong. Whilst she had sat and eaten and drinking, she wasn’t really listening. The sight of that bomb timer in front of her eyes, and that fucking spider… she gave an involuntary shudder and looked up to see the tournament was now over and Steve was making his way to the table she was sat at, Natasha nodding to him as she headed to the bar.
He dropped onto the seat next to her, leaned forward and whispered “Wanna get out of here?”
She looked around, glancing over at the bar where Rumlow and Rollins were chatting up a group of girls. Clint and Natasha were sat a few seats down, in discussion with Lawson about something whilst Evans was leaning on the bar talking to a few of the other STRIKE team. She nodded. Steve stood up, took her hand and pulled her off the bench, the pair of them making their exit quickly and quietly, jumping into a perfectly timed free cab.
They sat in silence, his thumb skating over the back of her knuckles on the short ride home, his hand releasing hers only when he had to pay the driver. He caught up with her inside the lobby, just as the elevator door was opening and he stepped in behind her, her breath catching as he dropped his head, nose nuzzling into the side of her neck below her ear before he placed a single, soft kiss on her neck. Her arousal was obvious as she bit her bottom lip and let her eyes fall closed as his lips grazed her neck a bit higher. Then higher still until they placed a chaste kiss on her jawline, and that was all she could take.
She turned round, eyes dark with lust and lips met his gently at first before the kiss grew more urgent and she brought her hands up to his face, sliding them back to tangle her fingers into his hair. The way she did that set every one of his nerves on edge and he found himself pressing closer and moved quickly so that he had her pinned against the metal wall of the elevator. His left hand gripped her hip tight, his right winding its way into her hair giving a gentle tug as he pressed his lips against hers, causing the kiss to deepen, a small whimper escaping her mouth. The doors opened to the elevator, and the two of them stumbled out, lips locked, her hands clawing at his hair still, the pair groaning as they went.
His lips started to stray, kissing the corners of her mouth, dipping down to her jaw and neck but she always pulled his face back to hers, kissing him encouragingly, and he knew there and then that there was only one way this was going to end. Which right now was absolutely fine with him, but he needed to know it was with her too. He pulled away and looked down at her, his eyes bouncing between hers.
“You sure?” He whispered, wetting his lips slightly.
“Stevie…” she replied, her voice barely audible over her deep breathing. “Shut up and take me to bed.”
And he knew then he was a goner.
He surged forward again, spinning them both round, pinning her to the panel in the wall which hid the closed elevator doors with his body. His mouth trailed down to her neck, softly kissing, drawing a sigh from her at the sensation as he continued to skate his mouth gently across her collarbone which was exposed on one side due to the slouching top she was wearing. His hands reached down to her thighs and he effortlessly hoisted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist, nuzzling into his neck before kissing across his jawline and his cheek as he carried her across the apartment and up the stairs. He was aware vaguely of two small thuds as she shucked off her boots as they went, before he reached the bedroom his lips back on hers, urgently kissing her as he carried her inside, kicking the door shut before he crossed the room and gently fell forwards, depositing them both onto the bed.
His lips claimed hers again, a moan of his own escaping into her mouth and his hands strayed to the bottom of her top. She nodded eagerly, hands going to run through his hair, before she shifted and held her arms up so that he could pull the top over her head. He tossed it to the floor as she reached for his before he pulled back, allowing her to slide it up and over his head, both of them smiling into the kiss as he settled back down on top of her, his hand running up the side of her torso.
She pulled away from him this time and he watched as her eyes followed her hands downwards before she looked back up at him as her fingers gently grazed his stomach, lingering there before moving down to his jeans. He bucked at the touch as she slowly undid his belt, taking her time as she locked her eyes onto his again, lust had turned into softness as she looked at him. He stared right back at her, her eyes reminding him of emeralds, deep green, speckled with dots of brown, the slight ring of amber surrounding her pupil reminded him of the sun. Telling him of the power she exuded over him and the warmth she brought to his life.
He was aware that his breathing had quickened and he let out a low growl before he kissed her, harder and his hands moved down to her jeans, deftly undoing the button at the front. He moved, pulling them down in one go over her legs before he stood slightly, ridding himself of his, the sensation of finally being free was a God send. Katie sat up, eyes trained on him and he swallowed thickly as she undid her bra. He took a second to take her in, he loved her tits, he’d always had a thing for a good “rack” as Bucky put it, and she was a sight to behold. All soft pink curves and rose bud nipples. He was achingly hard now, and he needed to do something about it. In a flash he was on her again, mouth hungrily covered hers as his hands trailed up her legs, to her hips, up the side of her body and then onto her breasts teasing gently. She groaned, rolling her head back on the pillow at the sensation, her hips bucking upwards.
“Fuck.” He seethed out at the feeling of her grinding up against his rock hard crotch, and he nuzzled at her neck with his nose again. She dragged her fingers up his spine as he buried his face in the side of her neck working at the pulse spot beneath her ear, the little noises of pleasure she was making were music in his ear. Her hips moved again and he decided to help her out, his hand moving down and dropping below the waistband of her panties making her gasp as his fingers worked her. She was warm, wet, and he loved the fact he had this effect on her.
Her hips began to move in time with his motions, groans falling from her lips at the sensations lancing through her body as he nipped slightly at her neck and then moved his mouth to her chest, taking her right nipple in. Her groans were growing louder now and Steve couldn’t take it anymore. He wanted to be in her, surrounded by her, feel her. His hands both shot to the side of her panties, completely forgetting his strength and he heard them tear. He dropped his forehead onto her sternum, letting out a groan at his stupidity before he heard a laugh, his head shooting up in surprise at the fact she found it funny.
“I’m sorry…” he blurted out as she continued to giggle.
“You literally just ripped my pants off”
“Guess I forgot my own strength.” he offered as explanation, looking at her, an apologetic look on his face.
“You know they were Victoria Secrets?” She quipped, looking at him. Steve had no idea what that meant, but he assumed it was some kind of expensive lingerie shop. A sudden joke popped into his head and before he could stop himself he shot it out.
“Sucks to be Victoria then.” and this made her laugh even more.
Eventually their laughter died down, and they shared another quick glance, and then her lips were back on his, still smiling as she flipped the waistband of his boxers down, and he shimmied out of them, before settling into the space in between her hips. She moved underneath him, telling him exactly what she wanted and he was so ready to oblige. He kissed her hard, his right hand tangling into her left as she reached down with her right, grasping him in her hand causing him to hiss slightly. She guided him to where she wanted him and he gently pushed into her. The feeling caused both of them to gasp and groan, Katie leaning back against the pillows as he stretched her, his girth and length filling her completely.
“God,” Steve breathed, temporarily paralysed by the way her tightness gripped him. His arms shook and he dropped down to his elbows, the hand around hers tightening as his entire body felt coiled tight like snake ready to strike.
The stillness gave Katie time to adjust to his size, but one she had she was aching for him to move, needing to feel him. She whimpered a little, her fingers digging into his lower back urging him on. “Stevie, please?”
He started moving his hips, slowly at first, building up speed as he gained more confidence, their hips rubbing together with every thrust. With every rock into her, moans of delight and pure pleasure filled his ear as his head rest in the crook of her neck, every inch of their bodies pressed as close as they could get. When she groaned his name, Stevie, the pet name that sounded so much sweeter coming from her, it was like a hot wire to his groin and he felt the tell-tale heat striking across his lower stomach he groaned again, wanting to hold out longer, wanting to get her there first. He brought his lips back to hers plunging his tongue into her mouth and she dug the tips of her nails into his back and he was completely overwhelmed by her. Not the sex, but her.
“Katie, I’m not sure how long I’m gonna…” He began to try and explain but then groaned again as she pushed up against him, his head dropping slightly as he struggled to fight it.
“Let me see you.” she said, nudging his nose with hers, her voice ragged. “Wanna see you let go baby…”
At her words he groaned and raised his head to look at her, her eyes soft and shining. He managed a few more shallow thrusts before he lost himself, stiffening and groaning as Katie watched him, his lips slightly parted as he bit his bottom lip, and then the eyes that had been locked on hers fluttered shut before he pitched forward to bury his face into her neck.
She held him running a hand through his hair as a final shudder ran down his body, the waves of pleasure finally began to subside. Her own heart was pounding with affection for her man. She didn’t particularly care that she hadn’t gotten off, nor did she care that it hadn’t lasted very long either, but he had made her feel good. He took his time, had tenderly caressed and loved every part of her, had appreciated her in a way no one else had before.
“I’m sorry,” he blurted out before he could stop himself, “You didn’t even – I’m sorry.” He said again still kicking himself.
“Steve, stop. Just enjoy the moment. Please.” She whispered, kissing his temple.
Steve sighed as dropped his head to her chest, still inside her, as she ran her hand through his hair and down his neck. He stayed still for a while before he rolled off her and onto his back, pulling her with him so she could lie her head across his chest.
“It doesn’t matter you know” she spoke again, hand running through the soft smattering of dark blond and light brown hair on his chest “It was perfect because I was with you.”
“I just wish it had lasted longer.” he said, her words like a talisman in his chest as he cradled her close.
“It didn’t need to.” she looked up at him and felt her cheeks burning. She wanted to explain to him, exactly how she felt, but wasn’t sure she could find the words. She dropped her gaze from his face and he gently reached out with his spare hand.
“What is it?” HHhe asked, gently reaching out to tilt her face up to look at him.
“Just…no one’s ever made me feel like that, like this before” she said gently, her eyes shining. “You were so soft and gentle and…well I don’t think I’ve ever felt so wanted…” she trailed off, shrugging.
The band tightened across his chest slightly, how could anyone not want her? Gently he dropped a kiss to her lips.
“I like being your first.” he said, and she smiled.
They lay still for a while, his fingers gently combing through her soft hair before an idea suddenly hit him and it made him swallow nervously.
“We err…we didn’t… you know, use any…protection?” he said, stilling and Katie turned her head up to look at him.
“I got that covered, don’t worry…”
“How?” he frowned, confusion filling his features.
“Stuff has moved on since the 40s Steve.” she said, simply.
Her head returned to its spot on his chest and she gave a soft yawn. He dropped a kiss to her head and closed his eyes, pulling her closer, relishing the feel of her skin against his as their legs tangled together, the pair of them satiated and completely at peace
He was aware of her moving. He had his face pressed into the back of her hair, breathing in her gorgeous smell, revelling in her warmth and softness as her bare back was pressed to his chest, his arm wrapping around her, laying just under her breasts. It was all he could do not to moan as she untangled herself and he cracked an eye open, watching her bare ass and back as she made her way into the en-suite. Smiling softly through his tiredness he rolled onto his back, one hand straying to his hair as he lay still. Eventually he heard her make her way back into the room and felt the bed dip again. He could feel her eyes on him, simply watching. And it was all he could do to keep the smirk off his face.
“You get a good look?” he mumbled, shifting slightly, voice thick from sleep, eyes still closed.
“Sorry…” she said softly and he felt her finger gently tracing his jaw. “I didn’t mean to wake you.”
Well he was awake now, her touch igniting that desire once more. He shifted onto his side and cracked one eye open, taking in her appearance. Her long hair was cascading in slightly tangled waves round her face, and she looked absolutely stunning.
“I can think of worse things to wake up to.” he said honestly before he leaned forward and pressed his lips to hers. She responded willingly, his hand dropping to her hip before moving to her back and pulling her closer to him, the other arm snaking under her neck and angling her head to deepen the kiss. He rolled her over onto her back, one leg positioning itself between hers and he dropped his lips to her neck, nipping at that magical spot again. She let out a soft moan before she sat up slightly, pushing on his shoulders. It was just a hard enough shove to make him understand she wanted him lay on his back, and he was more than happy to let her take control this time. As she straddled him his hands tangled in her hair, pulling her face down to kiss him and as he did so she reached down between them, taking him in her hand and stroking him into full hardness which didn’t take much. He groaned but didn’t release her mouth as she adjusted position to take him in.
Slowly she slid down onto him, groaning into the kiss as she stayed pressed against him, and she began to work herself on top of him. She was quick to find a rhythm and her mouth fell open against his lips and she let out a shaky moan before sitting up fully.
This was another first for him and the sight of her on top, illuminated by the early morning sun sneaking in through her curtains was divine. He wanted to touch her, so he did, bringing her hands up to run them up her sides until his hands cupped her breasts, thumbs running over her nipples as she let out another moan. As she picked up the pace his hands went to her hips, pulling her down onto him harder, thrusting upwards to meet her for every move she made. She continued to move, quickening, her eyes never leaving his.
“Steve…”she groaned, as he tilted his hips up harder and he let out a groan himself, increasingly determined to get her there this time. As he felt himself beginning to tip over the edge, his hand moved from her hip to stroke at that spot between her legs and that did it. He felt her tense up and tighten around him, crying out loudly and unbridled as she shook. The sight of her coming undone on top of him, her cheeks flushed, lips pink, mouth open in a now silent scream, was simply incredible and quite possibly the single most exquisite thing he had ever seen. All of that, coupled with the force of her heat tightening even more made him lose himself again.
“Fuck, Doll…” the curse fell from his lips as he thrust upwards, before he spilled himself inside her again, the wave of pleasure deeper than anything he’d felt before. Katie collapsed forward onto his chest, her tremors subsided, both of them panting. He held her close, his fingers running up and down her spine as she let out a soft “hum” of contentment and he sat up, wanting to see her face to face. Still cradling her close he pushed the hair that had fallen over her face back behind her ears and she reached up, running her hands through his, causing him to close his eyes at the sensation of her nails on his scalp.
When he opened them again and looked at her something flashed in her eyes as the slight gleam of light through the curtains caught her face. She was looking at him, features soft, almost as if she was seeing him for the first time. His breath quickened slightly and he knew then that he was head over heels in love with her. No one had come close to ever making him feel like this and as he gazed at her, seeing the adoration in her eyes, he couldn’t hold it in anymore.
“Katie,” he said quietly, almost nervously, as he pulled her closer, his nose rubbing up against hers, “I love you.”
She didn’t hesitate to reply, she didn’t need to. If she was honest she’d loved him now way before they’d even started any of this. So without missing a single beat, she spoke in return as their noses continued their lazy dance, the words coming easily.
“I love you too, Stevie.”
Her reply lit a fire in his chest and he kissed her softly, grinning like a total idiot as she was smiling too, the kisses growing softer and shorter until she pulled away completely, her hand on his cheek, her eyelids heavy. He glanced at the clock, it was little past 6 and they could sleep in today. He had no desire to run, no desire to leave at all, so he set them both and slid a hand under her neck and pulled her to him, chest pressing into her back. He swept her hair to one side and placed a soft kiss on the back of her neck before he pulled the covers back up over them and closed his eyes.
Right there Steve would have challenged any man on the planet to prove they were happier than him.
**** O/S Phobias
Chapter 8
**Original Posting**
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gyllenhaalstories · 4 years
Can you write more of best friend Jake, like a third part?
CLICK THE SOURCE LINK BELOW TO BE REDIRECTED TO THE SECOND PART (which will also lead you to the first part) <3
how about some angst, anon? listen to no light, no light by florence + the machine for vibes!
(warnings: death of a parent, blood, injury, sexual content... this also got very long)
You and Jake have been friends for a few years already. Two peas in a pod. Telepathically connected. Soulmates. You get the whole picture.
But what if you lost all of it?
Jake was in talks for a big movie. Probably the biggest production of his whole life. The director, the producer, the rest of the cast... Let’s just say it was an express ticket to the Academy Awards. But filming happened at the same time as your mother died. So he turned down the role, offering it for someone much less fitting for the part (I  am the only human on Earth who doesn’t like Leonardo DiCaprio, so let’s give it to him for funsies).
You were so thankful. He did not even care about giving up the role of a lifetime, you were devastated and in shock and in need of support. He understood you better than anybody else. He knew what you needed, whether it was a hug or some distance and time alone. He helped you with the funerals. He was a member of the family, at this point. Your mother even wrote in her will to give her collection of vinyls to Jake, who always complimented her on her music taste. He was there during the ceremony, offering you tissues to dry your tears or his hand to hold.
He was there afterwards, for all of the weeks and months you spent feeling dead inside. He was there. He did silly stuff to make you smile, he brought you to fun travel spots like the Hamptons. Why the Hamptons? So you could judge the rich ass people and laugh.
Months went by, you truly believed your friendship was better and stronger than ever.
The Oscars ceremony was playing on television that night. You had forgotten about Jake’s role, but it all came back to you now. Jake attended the ceremony with his sister as his date. It was supposed to be you, but he did not want to pressure you. And you watched the whole thing on tv, waiting until the last categories which included best actor. Leonardo won, easily. He even made a joke, thanking Jake for giving him his second award.
Jake texted you from the after party. He sent you photos of Chris Evans being a total gentleman to literally everyone and everything (he even sent you a clip of Chris holding the door for one minute straight just in case someone walked in and needed help). He sent you photos of Jared Leto and his crazy Gucci suit. He sent you photos of Maggie drinking two flutes of champagne in your honour, followed by a video of her drunkenly singing I love youuuuuu.
And you were not even replying. You were crying. Throwing things around. You were so mad and felt so guilty.
Jake was worried, so he stopped at your place after the party (he had left early). He had a key, so he just walked in and called out your name. And he found you: crying on the floor, your hand had blood stains on it, just like the vase of glass picture frame that was not scattered on the floor, a photo of Jake and you was shredded to pieces.
He ran to grab bandaids and placed one on your wound. “It’s okay, I’m here” Jake tried to hold you tight but you kicked him away. “You’re always here! It should have been you winning this stupid award! It should have been you doing this movie! It should have been you...” Doing this, and that. You yelled that you were responsible for his career slowing down. You told him you were just a burden for him and that he deserved better of a friend than someone who stopped him from being happy.
You didn’t understand that all he needed to be happy was you.
Jake left, knowing you probably needed some time to think.
You never called him or texted him. He tried, but you never picked up the phone or you pretended to never be home when he stopped by. You had one of your friends ask him for your spare key, for your belongings you left at his place in exchange of the ones he left at yours. It was radio silence. You were miserable, and so was Jake.
Jake took on a new role, a much crappier one but it was an easy paycheck. And there was a rumour he was having a fling with his co star, whoever she was you did not even care. Actually you did, but you decided to never check the medias or read magazines that talked about Jake.
Your mutual friend group split up, some remained closer to Jake and others to you. They tried to talk some sense into you, to make you understand that if Jake wanted to focus on his work instead of you, he would have done it. Your friends slowly understood that this was more than a friendship ending. It was a breakup.
You broke up with Jake because you felt like you were holding him back. You broke up with Jake because you wanted him to bloom, to enjoy the remaining years of his career to get the recognition he always deserved. You broke up with Jake because you loved him so much it terrified you.
And deep down, you knew he loved you too and that was even worse.
Eventually, a whole year had passed without hearing Jake’s raspy morning voice during your sleepovers, without his hand holding yours tight, without stealing his beanies when it was cold, without listening to voicemails when he had to explain you a joke but he just laughed the whole time. Fuck, you missed him.
And he missed you too. This romance with his co star? It was bullshit. They had sex one and she just assumed they were a thing but he never cared about her. He only cared about you.
One time, you went to the grocery store. You were with a friend. You grabbed two different bottles of maple syrup. “Do you want the one from Vermont or from Canada?”
“Actually, I have some cool theory about Canada.”
You did not even need to turn around to recognize this voice. It was shy, it was trembling, just like your chin. It was the biggest déjà vu of your life.
You both paid for your groceries and you were magically parked right next to each other. Jake would spot your car in a full parking, you had a small stuffed animal squeezed under the windshield. He bought it for you years ago, knowing sometimes you got scared to drive when it was dark or icy or snowy. He was keeping you safe.
You stood in the parking lot like two idiots. It was cold. He invited you in his car, and you were now sitting in silence like two idiots.
He changed so much, but he was the exact same as when you left him. His hair was longer. He had a few more wrinkles at the corner of his eyes, you wanted to kiss them tenderly. He was wearing that emerald green hoodie that was just so soft you stole it from him just to sleep with it at night when he wasn’t there.
“I bought you something for the holidays, and for Valentine’s day, and for your birthday...” Jake shrugged.
You put on your seat belt. You could get a cab and drive your car back home another time. Jake did not lose time and headed to his place. Presents were piling up in the living room, with deflated balloons and tons of scrunched balls of paper. It was so sad that it was beautiful.
You two spent the evening catching up. You learned that his production company was doing better than ever. He learned that you quit your job recently because your stupid boss refused to give you the promotion you deserved. You learned that Leo, his dog, missed you. His sister too, his nieces too. You told him your dad brought him up in every conversation.
You told him you missed him. He told you he missed you too. It was an euphemism.
You straddled his waist, driven by an adrenaline rush. And you kissed. You made out, it was sloppy and hungry and sad. You both let out a few tears.
He guided you to the bedroom.
And you made love for the first time, the first time since you missed him.
You woke up the next morning, you felt different. His warm body was holding yours as he spooned you. His arm was so tight around you that you just knew it would leave a mark. He was scared you’d leave without him knowing.
You felt warm. You felt good. You felt happy. You felt home. 
Home is not a place. It’s not your parents’ house, it’s not your apartment, it’s not that park bench you always sat on to watch people run and walk their dogs. Home is not a place, it’s a person.
You were Jake’s person, he was yours.
You started working at Nine Stories Productions. You were not just Jake’s assistant, you were the head of the communication team. You promoted the company and the projects he supported. You worked with Jake, with Riva and with their other employees.
You moved in with him, finally.
He proposed in London, after he was done with playing Sunday in the park with George.
You got married, a very small and private ceremony. It was his family, it was your dad. You knew your mom was there too. She was looking over the two of you.
Or should I say the three?
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Lost Part 8
Harry Potter Marauders Era 
Link  to Part 7 
Pairings: Regulus Black x Reader 
Rating: M
Regulus found himself staring at his father with wide eyes. This was the last thing that he ever expected to happen! When Regulus scoped out this cafe, he liked it because it was off of the “normal path.” He never expected his father to be in a place like this.
Reaching down, Regulus wrapped his hand around yours. If he had to break the law for underage magic to apparate both of you away from Orion Black, he would. Regulus wouldn’t let you be harmed. He had just gotten you back in his life and nothing (not even his crazy pureblood parents) would wreck it. Regulus was happy for once and that happiness wouldn’t be taken away from him!
If his parents thought that arranging some marriage to some pureblood girl would stop him from being with you...they had another thing coming! They could kick him out of the family, disinherit him, and leave his share of the Black family fortune to someone else for all Regulus cared. He would find some way to provide you with the life that you deserved.
Regulus began but Orion stopped him with one icy look. Orion didn’t have to say anything to get his children in line. When Regulus and Sirius were small and behaving wildly it would take one look from their father to make both boys sit down...today was no exception. Regulus’ mouth instantly shut. The boy bit his bottom lip before looking down to avoid his father’s piercing gaze.
His eyes had flickered over to the girl huddled at his son’s side. You looked up at him with fear clearly written all over your face. You didn’t, however, move away from Regulus. That to Orion was bravery. If you knew who he was and didn’t try to run or back down, maybe you were more than a pretty face?
Regulus had scooted, if possible closer to you and was gently rubbing the hand that he was holding onto.
“I want to talk to you outside.”
Orion finally in his calm reserved voice. Unlike his wife, Orion wasn’t one for yelling. It took too much effort and made people too uncomfortable. His reserved nature usually got him everything that he wanted. Regulus turned his attention back to you as his father spoke again.
“She will be just fine without you for a moment. Wait here, my dear.”
Regulus gave you an apologetic look before standing and following his father outside of the cafe. He wasn’t for sure what Orion was about to say but whatever it was it couldn’t be good. He was about to learn that his “favorite son” was dating the one thing that their family hated most in the world.
Orion turned to meet Regulus’ wary gaze. He was thankful this scene was happening with Regulus and not Sirius. Sirius would have bitched the whole way out of the building. Regulus just followed after him with a frown on his face.
“The girl, Regulus, what is her name?”
Regulus looked down at his feet a moment before facing his father again.
“Y/n Evans.”
Regulus replied, keeping his tone calm and reserved as his father was silent for a moment.
“Her blood status?”
Orion watched as Regulus muttered “damn” under his breath.
“She’s a muggle-born. Go ahead and kill me.”
Orion smirked as Regulus closed his eyes. The boy was clearly waiting to be wiped from the planet. When no pain hit him, Regulus’ grey eyes fluttered open before focusing on his father.
“Well, what are you waiting for?”
Regulus asked and was even more confused when his father smiled. What the fuck was he smiling about? Orion Black didn’t smile. When he did it was few and far between...just like his youngest son.
“I’m not your mother, Regulus.”
“I’m aware of that but I’m dating a muggle-born...that’s like first on the Black family things that we don’t do list. I should be kicked out of the family and never spoken of again.”
Orion motioned to the bench by the front door of the cafe. Regulus followed his father to the bench and sat down as Orion looked thoughtful.
“I’m not going to say anything to your mother. You should know that some of our family rules are meant to be broken. What Walburga doesn’t know won’t hurt her. For example, she thinks that I am at work right now. The girl is very pretty. What house is she in?”
It took all that Orion had not to laugh at the expression on Regulus’ face. The boy looked as if his father had been replaced with an alien and he was just figuring things out.
Regulus replied, quietly as Orion nodded.
“That makes sense. You’re like me more than you realize, Regulus. I’m going to tell you something and I would appreciate it if you kept this to yourself as I am keeping your Y/n’s blood status to myself. When I was your age, before it was arranged that I would be marrying your mother, I was in love with a girl from Hufflepuff. She was a muggle-born too. I let her get away from me because I didn’t want to disappoint the family. Regulus, if you love this girl then don’t let her go. You will regret it for the rest of your life.”
Orion chose to ignore the stunned expression on Regulus’ face as he took in what he was told. It took Regulus a few moments before he was able to speak. He never in a million years would have guessed that his father loved anymore but Walburga.
“What happened to her?”
Regulus asked. Orion sighed.
“She died in a car crash. You were six at the time. While I love your mother very much, I have never stopped loving Ana. If I had just been a little braver, maybe she would still be alive. You don’t need to be afraid of being kicked out of the family, Regulus. If you love Y/n then you need to be ready to fight for her because that is what it will be...a fight. My suggestion, again, is to not let her go.”
Regulus frowned.
“The family will never accept her since she’s a…”
Orion interrupted without meeting Regulus’ face.
“Don’t. Let. Her. Go.”
Regulus didn’t feel the need to argue anymore. He simply nodded at his father’s command.
“I won’t. Please, don’t tell mum yet. I want to wait as long as I can. At least until we are out of school and I can provide for Y/n.”
Orion stood with a curt nod. He had things to do and this conversation needed to end. He looked back to Regulus with a small smile. If Orion hadn’t noticed how much his youngest son resembled him, he saw it now. Regulus reminded Orion of himself at 16.
“Tell your mum what?”
He questioned before Regulus smiled.
Regulus said, softly as his father turned and walked down the street without another word.
You remained in the cafe feeling even more anxious with each passing moment. Would Orion hurt Regulus in the middle of a busy street? Surly, he would have more sense than that. Too many witnesses. The better question in your mind was how was Orion taking the news about his son dating a mudblood? You frowned at the word but was sure that was what Orion Black was calling you at the moment. The fact that the man didn’t curse you was still a shock all on its own.
The door of the cafe opening and closing quickly pulled you from your thoughts. Regulus stepped back into the building without his father behind him. You nearly jumped on his lap when your boyfriend took his seat beside you.
“Are you okay? Is he freaking out? Did you get kicked out of the…”
Regulus placed a finger on your lips.
“Everything is fine.”
He replied, seeing the questions building in your mind. Why was Regulus so calm when he was so nervous only 10 minutes ago? He looked as if he had just gone and had a pleasant little chat with his father.
“But Reggie…”
Regulus raised an eyebrow resulting in you shutting your mouth instantly. That look alone said “enough, hush.” He leaned down and nuzzled his nose against your ear.
“I’ll tell you everything, shortly.”
Regulus was mostly quiet until the two of you returned to the hotel room that Regulus had reserved. The two of you were returning to school the next day and Regulus wanted one more night of just having you to himself. Regulus knew, come the next day, he was going to have to share you with others again. He didn’t mind his brother and friends as much as he did people like Gavin McDonald. Regulus was still internally seething over Gavin asking you on a date. It didn’t matter that Regulus completely had you under his spell now...Gavin was still worth brooding over.
I’ll just pay him another little visit in a dark hallway so he doesn’t forget just who he’s dealing with.
You, meanwhile, had been keeping your mouth shut all the way to the hotel. Regulus was going to extremes to have your last night alone as “alone” as possibly. You had suggested Regulus just staying with you in your bedroom but he insisted on a hotel. This left you lying to your parents about where exactly you were going. Your parents were under the assumption that you were staying at Lucille’s when in fact you just checked into a hotel as Mrs. Black.
Regulus locked the door behind him as you took off your coat. You waited until he turned around to speak again.
“Do you think that witch at the front desk bought it when you said that we are on our honeymoon?”
Regulus smirked.
“Well, we don’t like 11 anymore. Give it another year and maybe we won’t get such weird looks.”
He rolled up the sleeves of his black dress shirt before pulling your body against his.
“We won’t have to lie much longer either. You know that I’m in love with you.”
You eagerly returned the sentiment and kissed Regulus hungrily. The kiss quickly escalated but was stopped when you abruptly pulled away and went to sit on the bed. Regulus remained where you left him looking confused. You never pulled away from him like that and he didn’t like being left behind.
“Are you going to tell me about what happened today?”
You asked. Regulus quickly moved to join you on the bed. Reaching out, he gently took your hand in his and stroked his fingers over your palm.
“Apparently I am more like my father than I previously believed. My father had a little love affair with a girl from Hufflepuff when he was my age. I never would have believed it possible but he seems to be okay with us. He also agreed to not tell my mother anything.”
Regulus smiled at the stunned expression on your face.
“So...he doesn’t care that I am a muggle-born?”
Regulus shook his head.
“He would be a bit of a hypocrite if he had a problem with us then told me about him loving some muggle-born himself. He told me that I should be ready to fight for you...and I am. I’m ready to do whatever it takes to make sure that I keep you in my life.”
Regulus gently pushed you on your back and took his place over you. He leaned down to kiss your lips before making a path down your neck.
“I told you so.”
You said with a smug smile. Regulus raised his head up curiously.
“Told me what?”
“That Slytherins can’t resist Hufflepuffs.”
You slyly replied. Regulus smirked and pulled you into his arms. He didn’t want to rush to get undressed but now it seemed the perfect path to go down.
“Yes, you did and you were right. Now shut that smart mouth or put it to good use.”
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101flavoursofweird · 4 years
Brenda deserves better.
I’ve talked about some of the other under-appreciated PL ladies like Katia, Janice/Melina and Marina. Now here’s Brenda.
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In PL4, Brenda appears in a grand total of two cutscenes (with 0 voiced speaking lines), in a bonus episode and a few credit pictures. At first glance, her character profile doesn’t give us much insight into her personality either. She doesn’t get her own description in the PL4 character section of The World of Professor Layton, just a quick summary in Luke’s Family section. It’s easy to see why people don’t get immediately attached to her.  
There are plenty of other female characters in PL4, even those who aren’t ‘reoccurring characters’, who leave a much bigger impression— Rosa, Emmy, Arianna, Loosha, Marylin, Wren (A lot of my personal favourites!)... Listing them all now, I’m just realising that it’s no wonder Brenda doesn’t stand out! 
We first hear about Brenda when Layton asks Clark how she’s doing. Clark replies dismissively, ‘My wife is fine. She’s away. Family matters.’ Liam O'Brien doesn’t get enough credit for how well he plays Clark. Seriously, as much as he snaps at Luke, if you replay PL4 you can hear the anxiety hidden in Clark’s voice. He then quickly moves on to Luke. Layton says that he hasn’t seen Luke since he was a baby, which would suggest he hasn’t seen Brenda since then either. 
Brenda enjoys travelling, as her character profile indicates, so her absence wouldn’t seem too suspicious at first for Layton. However, it’s the manner in which she left that’s odd. If you talk to Brenda’s NPC friend, Thomas, he’ll discuss Brenda’s departure with Luke. Brenda would usually chat about her travel plans with Thomas, but this time, she left without a word. Thomas wonders if there’s a reason for this. He notes that Brenda always loved family vacations, unless she and Clark were fighting... He could be referring to fights Brenda and Clark have had in the past, or to more recent fights during the spectre attacks. Brenda noticed how Clark was acting like a different person after Evan Barde’s death (something Luke also picks up on), so that might have led to some misunderstandings.  
Luke thinks his mum left because she couldn’t deal with his dad anymore. (Or that Clark had even hidden Brenda away!) But she would never just leave without telling Luke. 
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Beth the maid notes that Clark has changed since Brenda left and she’s been hearing noises from the Tritons’ cellar. 
As awful as it would be for anyone to be trapped in a dank cellar for months on end, it must have been especially awful for someone who loves travelling. And in their own house too! Sure, Angela got locked in a hotel room. Yeah, Flora was trapped in a barn. Bill Hawks got taken to Future London for like a week—no one cares. But at least they all got rescued fairly quickly. Much like Angela, Brenda had a hunch about the villain in her town... and she ended up getting imprisoned by Descole.   
When Brenda and Doland escape from the cellar, Brenda’s first concern is Luke and Clark’s safety. Emmy asks if she’s OK, but Brenda doesn’t answer. She’s just shocked to hear that Luke is with the professor. Professor Who? Hershel Layton?! Again, this suggests Layton hasn’t seen Brenda for many years— since Luke was a baby. 
In Layton’s bonus episode with Clark, Layton mentions how Clark and Brenda have always been close. Layton is the one to suggest that the Tritons should come back to London. 
Sadly, we don’t get a conversation between Luke and Brenda, or Clark and Brenda, during PL4.
We do learn that Luke is protective of the bear his mum got him for his birthday. There’s also the heartbreaking bit about Luke calling out to his mum in his sleep while she was missing. But then, we get THIS precious picture from the PL4 credits:
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Thankfully, we get more interactions with Brenda during Azran Legacy, and we get more of a feel for her personality. Luke spots his mum in Kensington High Street and wants to say hello to her with Aurora. Brenda is surprised to see Luke, as she thought he was off on a trip with Professor Layton. (She actually calls Layton ‘Hershel’ when she speaks to him!) Brenda is quite happy to let Luke tag along with Layton. Though, she does tell Luke to be on his best behaviour— no reckless rushing around. 
Luke mentions in a dialogue box that he got his blue cap from the fancy hat shop in Misthallery. @laytonerd​​ came up with the idea that Brenda may have bought Luke his classic hat. (In the Layton universe, giving someone a hat is a sign of love*.) And from what we see of Brenda during Azran Legacy... yeah, that sounds about right.
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I love how something so simple like the Dress Up Minigame can reveal so much about a character. Brenda is elevated from Loving Mother to Hippie Angel Lady. That quirky part of her personality was already alluded to in her character profile. But now we see that Brenda doesn’t just collect odd souvenirs... She has a very unique style as well. (Her top hat appears to be inspired by Hershel’s top hat—again, adding some weight to their friendship!) Luke thinks her whole outfit is just too much, but Clark thinks she looks stunning and it suits her to a T. This is probably just one outfit amidst a huge wardrobe of wacky outfits. Perfect for Brenda and Clark’s wedding anniversary! Clark states that Brenda’s angel outfit reminds him of when they first started seeing each other... and he doesn’t know what he did to deserve her, making Brenda blush. Luke wants no part in this.
Brenda’s favourite colour is yellow. A colour associated with the sun, flowers, hope, cheerfulness and energy. (Like Emmy!) But it’s also associated with sickness, cowardice and deceit. (Again, relating to Emmy!) I wouldn’t call Brenda a coward, but she was a pawn in Descole’s plan and it probably took some time for her to recover from that. But, from her demeanour, she seems cheerful when she’s in London!
Brenda’s obviously quite close to Doland too. He worries about her when they escape from the cellar. It’s not like he does all the chores around the house! Brenda is the one to cook Luke’s favourite meal (roast lamb) when their family is reunited. Brenda knew when something wasn’t right with Doland while Descole was in disguise. She even refers to him as ‘Our Doland’. Awww!  
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We get several conversations between Clark and Layton in PL4, along with a bonus episode, demonstrating their friendship. But I really wish we could’ve seen more of Layton and Brendas’ friendship. Brenda is very relaxed about Luke going with the professor on his trips. (This isn’t surprising as she is a fan of travelling herself.) Brenda is very similar to Layton in how she picks up on other people’s behaviour. Brenda noticed that Doland was acting out of character, and she noticed Clark was being manipulated. She tried to go to the authorities (though, Third Eye Jakes wouldn’t have been much help...) and so, Descole had to take her out of the picture. She, like Layton, posed a real threat to Descole’s plans. Brenda describes Hershel as being very dedicated and hardworking when he was a student, but he’d also disappear for days on random adventures. With Brenda being a traveller herself, that’s another thing she and Hershel have in common! 
To this day, I’m still not 100% sure what Brenda does for a living. In Luke’s Family section in The World of Professor Layton, it’s mentioned that Brenda was ‘also Professor Layton’s classmate’. I’m assuming this means she studied archaeology as well? During AL, she talks about how she’s going to Gressenheller’s Library to do some research for a paper on plate tectonics... I thought that had more to do with geography than archaeology, but who knows? Maybe she does both! So, she might either teach at Gressenheller like Clark and Layton, or she has returned to university to do some studies of her own. She doesn’t seem to work in the same department as Clark, at least. She ‘drops by’ to see how Clark is doing, and to get a look at his department’s cutting-edge technology. 
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Brenda, like Professor Sycamore, is partial to the odd pun! She then proceeds to give them a puzzle— ‘Mutual Meeting Place’.
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It’s about four friends going to the theatre! ...Four friends. Could that possibly be a reference to Layton, Clark, Brenda and Claire? The girl in the puzzle picture also just happens to have red hair and she’s wearing green! (I just made myself sad.) Unfortunately, Claire doesn’t get so much as unnamed reference when Clark, Brenda and Layton talk at Gressenheller, but it’s easy to imagine Claire was close with them back when they were students. 
I’d like to think Brenda was particularly good friends with Claire. (They may even be a rare ship of mine...) *Who else was obsessed with quirky styles, and bought a hat for someone she loved? Brenda’s top hat in her Dress Up costume looks just like the hat Claire chose for Hershel. Brenda has an interest in new technology— imagine how many hours she spent discussing science with Claire! “You want to be the world’s first time traveller? Sure, go for it!” I find it quite significant that Claire’s death— and the institute explosion— were referenced in PL4. (Chelmey’s bonus episode is so hard to watch!) Had the Tritons already lost touch with Hershel (and Claire) before Claire’s death...? I wish Level 5 had given us more content for the Gressenheller gang. 
I can’t really say Brenda went through any under-appreciated character arcs, like Katia or Janice/Melina. She starts out as Luke’s-loving-mother... and by the end of the prequel games, she’s still Luke’s loving mother, which is fine! By AL, I guess you could say her relationship with Clark is much happier, if they were fighting before? And in the AL bonus episode, she admits she was initially worried about Luke when he wanted to go on adventures with the professor, but she can see has Luke grown up since then. She even helps Luke choose the blue sweater that he wears during the original trilogy games. Brenda and Clark don’t appear during the original trilogy- obviously, as their characters weren’t invented yet. But we could take this as a sign that they’ve accepted Luke’s growing independence and they still trust Hershel immensely! 
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There is a picture of the Triton family meeting up with Layton, Flora and the Barde siblings. Luke, Arianna and Tony are looking at a photo, remembering the time they spent together in Misthallery. Brenda is smiling at Flora in the background. Brenda’s clearly happy and, like the Barde siblings, she was able to move on from what happened with the spectre.  
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@the-triton-family-blog​ was also a great help for this post!
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thegoodgayshit · 4 years
Luz’s mother really doesn’t want to send Luz to camp. She knows once she leaves, there is no going back. But Luz has a knack for getting into trouble, and one day she stumbles into the same type of people her mother would have preferred she avoided. After helping Luz dissolve her high school bully into dust, Eda and Lilith know right away that this kid is just like them - a child of the gods. So Luz hops on a Pegasus and heads to Camp Half-blood, where she embarks on a dangerous quest that makes her both friends and enemies... and she might even save Olympus along the way.
Chapter Twenty-Four: We Help Out Willow’s Big Brother
Luz’s legs were burning.
She was pretty sure she’d never had to walk this far in her entire life. She’d been hiking a couple of times with her Tia Rosa when she was younger, but she definitely hadn’t enjoyed it. And it definitely hadn’t been more than an hour.
The walk down the highway hadn’t been that bad. They’d stayed off to the side of the road, and even been picked up by a nice mom in a minivan at one point. They’d told her that Gus’ dad had a fishing house along Turquoise Lake, and she’d dropped them off right at the edge of the highway. That had probably cut them about an hour of walking, but it was still slow and brutal.
Eventually, the highway had ended and a dirt road took its place. That’s when they started to move uphill. Luz could handle the straight line, but she was wearing vans and wasn’t at all interested in uphill climbing in flat shoes.
After about an hour and a half of moving along this uphill climb, Luz doubled over, clutching her stomach.
“Can we take a quick break? I’m dying here.”
Willow was more than happy to agree with Luz, dropping into a squat right next to her. “Sure, I’m beat.”
“I don’t know guys,” Amity said with a frown. Somehow, throughout the entire hike, she didn’t look even the slightest bit tired. She was sweating a little along her brow but otherwise looked unfazed. “We shouldn’t stop here. We’re exposed.”
“Don’t you guys think it’s a little strange we haven’t run into a single monster?” Gus added. He also looked a little worse for wear, he had shed his button-up and was now just in a t-shirt and jeans. But he was worrying his lower lip, looking around like they would be ambushed at any second. “I mean, we’re four demigods walking in a group, closing in on Mount Pelion. We couldn’t be bigger targets if we tried.”
“Don’t jinx us,” Willow deadpanned, taking a huge swig of water from one of the bottles they’d bought in Leadville. “I really don’t have the energy to fight a monster right now. We’ve been hiking for two and a half hours.”
“If we’re going to take a break, I think we should at least do it in the trees and out of sight,” Amity suggested, and Luz nodded, straightening back up.
“That’s fine with me, any break is a good break.”
They walked off the dirt road and down a little trail until they ended up a creek. Finding a good spot to sit along some rocks, Willow handed everybody a protein bar. Luz collapsed pretty ungracefully along a rock and closed her eyes.
“This is brutal,” she groaned, “and it’s only going to get more intense the higher up we get.”
“It depends actually,” Amity added with a shrug. “We might have to make our way around the mountain in a spiral. Lots of trails don’t go straight up.”
“How do you know all that?” Willow asks, and Amity tucks her arms around her knees.
“I live in the area, remember? My siblings and I go on hikes all the time during the school year.”
“So do you know the trail up Mt. Elbert?” Gus asks, and Amity shakes her head.
“No, we’re not allowed to go near Mount Pelion. I’ve done Mt. Evans a couple of times though.”
“Well that explains how you’re like, not even out of breath at all,” Luz says with a teasing smile. “You’ve got some superhuman hiking strength.”
Amity blushes, rubbing the back of her neck. “It just takes practice. Eventually, you stop noticing the burn in your calves.”
“Ugh, I wish,” Gus groans. “Mine feel like I’ve just run a marathon.
“Do you think we’re going to make it up the mountain before dark?” Willow asks, and Amity immediately shakes her head.
“We shouldn’t, even if we are in a hurry. The higher we get, the more brutal the winds are going to be. It’s just after noon, so we should hike a little longer before we take a break and look for camp.”
“Ok, then let’s get moving,” Luz said, and when she stood up, every muscle in her legs protested. “The sooner we get there the sooner we can stop.”
They started to make their way back to the dirt road, walking in pairs. Amity was leading the charge with Gus next to her, and Luz and Willow hung back, their feet dragging a little more than they would have cared to admit.
They were almost back at the dirt trail when Amity suddenly stopped cold, and Luz wasn’t really paying attention, so she just slammed into her back. Amity stumbled, but Luz reached forward and caught her arm, pulling her back.
“Sorry,” Luz mumbled, but Amity just held up her hand. It was so unlike Amity that Luz quieted immediately, as did Willow and Gus, who were now looking around the clearing with nervous eyes.
“Did you hear that?” Amity whispered, stiffening up.
Luz was quiet, listening to her surroundings as her friends did the same. At first, there was nothing. Just the rush of the creek and the swaying of the trees. But then…
Luz was so startled by the cry, she jumped right back into Willow, who held her shoulders and kept her steady. Gus and Amity called out their shields, holding a protective barrier in front of them, but it wasn’t needed. The cry had come from somewhere deeper in the trees, and following that right away was another cry, this one human.
A very angry human, cussing so badly her Mami would have washed their mouth out with soap.
Then, another cry from whatever had made that noise.
“Someone’s in trouble!” Willow exclaimed, and all four demigods summoned their weapons. Aletheia spun into a sword, and Luz caught it, and charged through the forest with her friends, her previous exhaustion forgotten.
“What kind of monster is that?” Luz cried out as they sprinted through the trees. There was no doubt it was something from their world. No bear or wolf made a noise like that.
“I have a couple of ideas!” Gus offered, doing his best to keep up and not trip on the rocky ground. “None of them good!”
“Sounds about right,” Luz groaned, before deciding to just focus on running.
Amity eventually skidded to a complete stop right as they broke through a clearing in the trees, and Luz stopped a lot more dramatically next to her, her dominant foot slipping and resulting in Aletheia being held up against her face protectively. When Luz looked past Amity’s shoulder at what was making the sound, she gawked.
In the middle of the clearing, there was a gorgeous white and blue farmhouse, with a huge porch. Luz could make out a clothesline hanging from the top of the porch, and a couple of wicker sitting chairs. There was a variety of hanging plants in the garden, and a huge wreath over the door. And the clearing? It was huge.
In fact, the clearing wasn’t a clearing at all. It was more like a twenty-acre farmers' field, just sitting off the dirt road in mountain country. Luscious green vegetables were growing in the fields, along with potatoes, corn, beans, an orchid of apples, and there was even a gods forsaken red barn smack in the center of it with a couple of animals milling about. The enough was enough to shock Luz since she was pretty sure the soil quality up here couldn’t be great. They looked like they could be in Missouri, not Colorado.
But the biggest shock wasn’t the farm. It was the farmer standing just away from the front porch. The farmer’s huge hands were clasping a boar by the tusks, stopping it from charging. He grunted with effort, gritting his teeth and digging his boots in the dirt, his muscles rippling under a green flannel button up.
Luz had never seen a boar before, but she was pretty sure they were supposed to be that big. It was easily the size of a sedan, with massive beady eyes, and it was doing everything in its power to push against the farmer. It’s feet stamped into the ground furiously as it pushed, and Luz saw the farmer tense as he was pushed back an inch in the dirt, and all the shock drained from her body.
“We have to help him!”
Luz charged forward, her friends at her heels. She approached the boar with a furious yell, and with a quick swing, she managed to take the boar by surprise and cut one of the tusks off sending it spinning into the dirt. The boar was now moving off-balance, diverting away from the farmer and charging in another direction. The farmer stumbled and dropped to one knee.
Gus and Amity charged at the boar with their weapons and shields, keeping it away from the crops. Willow had already leaned down to help up the farmer.
“Are you alright?”
He took her hand and stood, brushing his hands down his dirty jeans. “Thanks, kid,” he said to Willow, his voice gruff and heavy with a deep southern drawl. “I’ll be just fine. But we better go help your friends, cuz’ they ain't’ gonna be fine for long.”
Luz spun around, and her eyes widened in horror. The boar had turned on Gus now and had knocked his shield out of his hand with it’s one good tusk and sent it spinning into the dirt. He stabbed forward with his spear, managing to turn the boar away from him, but now it had focused on Amity, rearing back to charge.
Luz ran forward, but there was no way she could outrun the boar. Amity didn’t seem to need her help though, because as it charged she sidestepped, managing to graze the side of it with her sword. It wasn’t nearly enough to send it running, but it did squeal and give Luz, Willow, and the farmer enough time to make it to the other two demigods.
They readied their weapons, the five of them standing together and watching the boar murderously. Seeming to realize it was outnumbered, the boar huffed in anger, before turning tail and fleeing, exiting through the trees and out of sight.
Luz exhaled, turning to her friends in terror.
“What was that thing?”
“The Crommyonian Sow,” Gus said, his voice very small as he retracted his spear and picked up his sword. “The mother to the Calydonian Boar. It terrorized the village Crommyon and was later killed by Theseus.”
“Theseus?” Luz asked, her voice quickly rising in anger. “That can’t be a coincidence.”
“It’s not, Luz,” Amity said, and Luz’s gaze flickered up to look at her. Her eyes were wide, but not because of the run-in with the boar. “Your dream!”
Luz paled, and Willow and Gus turned to look at her in confusion.
“What dream?” Willow asked, and Luz recalled the dream she’d had of the mountain, from the fight between Theseus and Achilles, Belos’ order, and the Death Mist. When she’d finished, they both had gone pale as well.
“His exact words were ‘stop them before they find us’?” Gus repeated, fidgeting uncomfortably. “That can’t be good.”
“The Sow started showin’ up today, but it’s come back roun’ here three times lookin’ for trouble,” the farmer said, and Luz jumped, forgetting he was standing there. When Luz and her friends turned to look at him, he stuck his hands in his jean pockets, giving them a white smile.
Luz wasn’t sure how old he was, maybe somewhere in his early thirties? He had curly dark hair and a scruffy beard that made him look like a lot of the dads that dropped their kids off at Luz’s school in the morning. He had a deep tan, and his eyes were a dark green, that twinkled in a way that Luz pegged right away as not human.
Though she should have figured that out already based on the way he held back a boar with his bare hands.                                                                                
“I’m Demophon,” he said with a little smile. “Why don’t you kids come inside for some lemonade.”
Demophon’s house was really homely. It was an old farm style, with a lot of wooden furniture, and the décor was mainly light greens and blues. In the living room next to a couple of couches was a huge brick fireplace, sitting barren and unused. They sat down at the kitchen table that overlooked the farm fields, and Demophon returned from the kitchen with two pitchers of lemonade and plates of snacks: cookies, fresh veggies and fruit, and sandwiches.
They probably should have been more cautious, considering they didn’t really know anything about Demophon, but they were so hungry they couldn’t care less. Luz’s stomach grumbled in delight as she dug into a little tuna sandwich, washing it down so quickly with lemonade she barely tasted it.
“Thank you so much for the food, Mr. Demophon,” Amity said between bites, and he just shook his head.
“Demophon is fine, Amity. It’s my pleasure to help you kids on your quest.”
The four of them perked up, now looking at him with surprise. The farmer chuckled, but Luz noticed a slight lift in her shoulders. She did the same thing when she was worried about something.
“Yes, I know all about your quest. My mother sent me a message earlier this month lettin’ me know you migh’ be stopping by… and that you were on your way to free Lady Hestia.” For a moment, his nerves disappeared as he turned to Willow, his green eyes twinkling in pleasure. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, little sister.”
Willow dropped her sandwich on the plate, looking up at him in shock. Luz felt her mouth drop open and saw Amity and Gus tense next to her. Willow, eventually, was able to reply.
“You’re my brother?”
Demophon hummed, taking a seat next to them. He crossed his huge calloused hands together on the table and smiled. “Well, in a sense. Demeter is more of my adopted mother. But over the many centuries I’ve been alive, I have come to grow fond of her.”
“You’re Triptolemus’ brother,” Gus said, his voice lowering in realization. Demophon chuckled.
“Trip is my older brother yes. Though he rarely visits. He has many other duties to attend to.”
“But how… how are you alive?” Gus said in awe, and Luz realized that Willow and Amity were leaning in, desperate to hear his story. Luz really needed to brush up on her Greek mythology. Maybe she’d take it as her elective when she went back to school.
“What do you mean how is he alive?” Luz asked, blinking. “He’s a god, obviously.”
“No, Luz Noceda,” Demophon said with a shake of his head. He settled his warm green eyes on Luz with a smile. “I am no god. But I am immortal.”
Luz’s brow furrowed. “How is that different?”
“Demeter is the goddess of the harvest, but also fertility,” Demophon explained, nodding his head to Willow. “My birth parents were favored by my mother, just as Willow’s fathers were. In exchange for their adoration, Demeter sought to make me a god in their honor. She is the mother of the Olympians and worked with Hestia to have me stoked on their fires and made immortal. But halfway through the process, my birth mother found me on the fire and screamed, rippin’ me off the flames. The process was never finished, but it was too late to turn back. I was made immortal, but due to my… imperfection… I was never accepted into the Greek pantheon. So, mother let me have this farm here near Mount Pelion, and that’s where I’ve stayed.”
“Why weren’t you accepted?” Amity asked in shock when he finished. She was looking Demophon up and down. “You look godly to me. You held back that sow with your bare hands, and you certainly haven’t aged over the centuries.”
“There is more to being a god than just strength and immortality,” Demophon answered, his voice turning wistful as he talked. “You need drive: godly essence that comes from owning and having. You need to stand for something and have mortals who respect and favor you. Mortals don’t see me as a person who can grant them good fortune and prosperity, and I have no claim over any aspect of humanity.”
“Because the legends said you died in the fire when your mother found you,” Willow said, her mouth open wide with shock and realization. Demophon shrugged.
“Mortals rarely get the full story, and so they fill in the gaps with what they want to see. Complex situations confuse em’. I think you know what I mean, little sister.”
Willow flushed, and Luz realized that maybe Demophon had a point. Willow was teased for being “half a half-blood”, but she was one of the strongest demigods Luz knew. The more Luz looked at Demophon, the more sympathy she felt for him. It must be incredibly lonely, living for this long and never being accepted into the mortal world or the godly one.
“I’m sorry we brought the monster to your farm,” Luz said slowly, and Demophon looked over at her with the tiniest hints of a smile.
“Now, now of that, Luz. I’m no fool, and unless you’re the man that sent that beast, I have no quarrel with you. But you kids ain’t safe heading up the mountain until that monster’s been taken care of.”
Demophon stood up and went into the kitchen, but came back relatively quickly. He had a cloth package in his hands, which he handed to Willow.
“These are some of my mother’s apples. She has me grow them here in case harvest on Olympus is poor. It never is, so I always have plenty. When you need a boost, take a bite. Hopefully, it helps you on your quest.”
Willow held the package so gently in her hands, it was like she was afraid they would disappear. She looked up at Demophon in awe.
“These apples… they haven’t been trusted to mortals in centuries. Why would you give us something like this?”
Demophon’s face suddenly went dark.
“I want Belos gone just as much as the Olympians do. Hestia is the reason I’m here, able to tend to my farm and my livestock. She’s always been kind to me… kind to all who cross her path and say hello.”
He looked over at the huge fireplace in his living room, which was completely dark. His eyes were fixated on it, like the sight of it alone physically pained him.
“My fire hasn’t lit since she was taken,” he said, his voice breaking slightly on those last few words. “Without her, all the love and light and happiness that we know will fade from existence. Somebody needs to stop him, and get her back. If I were not bound to this farm, I would go up the mountain myself. I will do anything I can to help you.”
Demophon sat back down at the table and went back to cradling his calloused hands in his lap. Luz was suddenly struck with a pang of homesickness. Demophon did the same thing with his hands her Mami did when she was worrying herself sick about something. He was just as scared about the success of the quest as they were.
“You seem to admire Hestia a lot,” Luz said quietly, so quietly she wasn’t sure anybody would hear her. But Demophon looked up, and so did her friends, turning to look at Luz. She glanced at Amity, for only half a second, and realized that she was watching Luz with a careful expression.
Had she overstepped?
Demophon met Luz’s gaze, and that’s when Luz saw it. It was the same look Amity gave her when she was grappling with a decision. To tell or not to tell.
“I’ve had so few people I could truly call a friend while I’ve worked this farm,” he eventually said, glancing over at the fire. “I could always rely on Hestia to show whenever I lit that fire and passed on my offerings. There are so few certainties in a life as long as mine. If you were in my place, would you be happy with that changing in the blink of an eye?”
“No,” Luz said immediately. She couldn’t imagine just sitting at her Mami’s apartment while her friends were in danger. She’d do anything to protect Willow and Gus. She’d do anything to protect Amity.
She’d move the entire mountain by herself if she had to.
She opened her mouth to reply, to assure Demophon that they would do everything they could to save her, but she didn’t get the opportunity to. Because Amity spoke next, swallowing hard before shaking her head.
“I’ll get her back,” Amity said, leaning in to look Demophon in the eye.
It was so surprising Luz couldn’t help but turn and look at Amity out of the corner of her eye. Amity’s expression was startling. Her face looked exactly like how Luz was feeling.
“I’ll break her out of the cage and make Belos pay no matter what happens. I swear it on the River Styx.”
Outside, thunder rumbled. The temperature in the room seemed to drop. Willow and Gus were looking at Amity with a mixture of shock and horror on their faces. Luz didn’t really know what was happening, but judging by the equally as awed look Demophon was giving her, whatever she’d done was pretty serious.
“You don’t know what you’re promising me, kid,” Demophon tried, but Amity shook her head, leaning in again with such a ferocity Luz couldn’t look away no matter how hard she tried.
“I do know,” she insisted, reaching forward and gently resting her hand over his. “I know that nobody deserves to have someone taken from them. Being around the people you love makes life worth living.”
Willow cracked a small smile, nodding her head and leaning forward to rest her hand on top of Amity’s.
“She’s right. I’ll help too.”
“Me too!” Gus added, reaching forward to put his own hand on top of Willows.
Luz broke into a grin, nodding and adding her own hand to the now growing pile. “Obviously I’m in too. We’ll free Hestia, even if Theseus throws a hundred more stupid pig-boars at us.”
“Let’s hope he doesn’t,” Amity deadpanned, and Luz laughed, hard enough that everyone at the table cracked into smiles. Even Demophon, who was looking so grateful Luz thought he might start crying.
“Thank you, kids,” he said, wiping at his face. “You have no idea what this means to me.”
“We do know. That’s why we want to help,” Luz insisted, her whole body vibrating with adrenaline at what they were about to do. “Now let’s go make some pork chops.”
18 notes · View notes
Title: Gemini Flanagan {Three Shot}***
Chris Evans x Reader
**DO NOT READ @ WORK. If you do take caution**
Words: 2.9k
Summary: NOPE!
Note: Day 1 of Lee’s Valentine’s Extravaganza!!!!!
**Loosley Edited/Proofread**
{Part One}
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“Gemini Flanagan. Look the FUCK out! Gemini Flanagan. That’s a great name. God damn.” He laughs while shaking his hands beside him. You could tell he was really enjoying this interview. By the look on his face, you knew just where his mind was right now.
“He’d probably be good at a lot of things, Lynn. He’s cleaning’ up at those awards.” His laugh was adorable and sexy at the same time. Only Chris could get away with that combination. You bit your bottom lip and just sighed. You missed him. You revered and looked at the clip again, your belly did backflips as your mind went nowhere and everywhere sinful.
 “Gemini Flanagan huh.”
 You took out your phone and sent him a message.
 MSG: Gemini.
 A few minutes went by with no response. Then your phone fired off.
 MSG Chris: Oh god. You’ve seen it.
MSG: Seen what?
MSG Chris: the interview.
MSG: I saw a clip. I have to say it suits you.
MSG Chris: 😏 oh does it now?
MSG: Makes me wonder just what things he’s good at.
MSG Chris: God you’re killing me. You enjoy it don’t you?
You laughed and sent the shrugging emoji and went back to work. This house wasn’t going to design itself. For the next few hours, you and your team busied yourselves designing your latest project, a mansion of one of the A-listers. You worked tirelessly trying to put the finishing touches on the house you’d planned to be finished with this evening.
 Though you were busy, you couldn’t stop thinking about Chris and how sexy he was as he said, “look the fuck out”. That one part should not have turned you on as much as it did, but it had. Now that you’d seen and heard it you couldn’t forget it. By the time you were done for the night with the job done you were pleased the owners approved of the finished product. Once the business portion of your day was finished you made your way home.
 After a shower, you relaxed with a bottle of wine and some fruit. When you heard the door open and close you straightened and allowed your excitement to unfurl. The butterflies in your stomach were going crazy and you had to fight every urge to get up and run to him and leap into his arms. Instead, you remained where you were in the living room on the chaise you usually fell asleep in. Your legs were stretched out.
 “Gemini Flanagan is here baby, look the fuck out!” Chris walked into the living room in something that was a staple in his closet, a Henley shirt and a pair of dockers. The look on his face was a dubious one, one that said he was hungry.
 “Did you miss me, baby?”
 “Baby? I think you have the wrong girl, Mr. Flanagan.” Chris arched a bow. “My name is Lucky--,” you began before Chris interrupted.
 “Bush.” You smiled then bit your bottom lip. He knew the name of your first pet and the street you grew up on. “Well Lucky Bush, we’re both here—alone--,” he let hang in the air.
 “So we are. Quite alone.” You crossed your stretched-out legs and noticed his eyes fall to them. Deciding to play it up you rubbed your black thigh high stockinged limbs together thanking God you’d just gotten waxed the day before.
 “Maybe you should come a little closer, Gemini. I don’t bite.” Chris walked closer to you like a real predator. You could see his tattoos peeking you from underneath that tempting Henley. “Unless you ask me really, really nicely,” you finished and bit your bottom lip for emphasis. Before he reached you, he stopped a few feet away.
 “I don’t know. I have a girlfriend, who I love with everything in me. Not sure me coming closer is a good idea.”
 It was a great answer. An answer that deserved a reward—the best fuck he’d had in weeks. You lifted onto your knees, crawled to the end of the chaise and spread the open material of your charmeuse robe and gave him the full view. In prep for his return, you put on one of the many pieces of lingerie you’d bought over the years. Tonight’s was a new piece, a daring one at that.
 Placing your hands on your hips you immediately recognized the look. His jaws were clenched, eyes intensely focusing on the choice of skin. Slowly they raked over your flesh, first stopping at your partially exposed and perched nipples, then moving further down to stop at the many straps that hugged your waist and hips. When his eyes finally fell to your crotchless panties you knew you had him.
 “Jesus Christ.” It was strangled and gave away the pain he was in.
 “Are you sure? I have a boyfriend too and he’s my world, but—it’s one night and what they don’t know--,” you left hanging, allowing the words to float between you as you let the robe fall from you.
 Chris groaned the groan of a tortured man but still, he didn’t move. You smirked and turned to face your back to him. Like clockwork, his eyes dropped to your strapped up and exposed ass. Taking a peek back, you smirked and slowly crawled back to where you were sitting minutes before all the while accentuating every move with a tempting sway of your hips to the right, then the left.
 “Fuck!” With that, you sat back down and slowly spread your legs giving him a view he hadn’t seen in weeks.
 “One night with Lucky Bush and Gemini Flanagan. The possibilities are endless,” you said in your best a seductive voice, resting your hands on your knees.
 Chris closed the space between you, kneeled on the chaise and leaned to you claiming your lips as his. He tasted like home and you’d missed everything about him. The kiss didn’t take long to turn hot and passionate. Your moans melded together, and his hands gripped both sides of your waist. Chris firmly held onto you as he expertly kissed you, stealing the breath from your lungs.
 When he pulled his lips away in seconds they were on your jaw, then your collar before he cupped both your breasts. The scalloped floral lace pattern only allowed your nipples to peek through just a little but that was all he needed. Chris used his thumbs to trace circles around your areolas before he flicked your already hardened nipples. A breathy gasp escaped as you watched his every move. He lowered his head to your nipple but before he could give you what they wanted he paused and stared in your eyes.
 “You know I couldn’t really do this to you right?” you smiled at his sweetness. He wanted to assure you that he wasn’t a douchbag that would cheat on you for any reason.
 “I know.” A devilish glint sparked in his eyes then he finally gave you what you wanted. Arching back, you closed your eyes and enjoyed him sucking, licking, nibbling and teasing your breasts. You’d always known he had magic lips and he loved proving it to you every chance he got. He moaned and bit down on your tender flesh making you hug his head to you.
 “Oh God,” you whispered.
 “Not God,” Chris added trailing kissed down the center of your body, and across your stomach. He pressed your legs further back onto the chaise completely revealing you to his eyes. Locking eyes with you he quirked his lip up then spoke. “Gemini Flanagan.”
 Chris lowered his mouth to your sex and set the pace from the beginning, sucking your clit into his mouth and eagerly slurping against your already wet core. Upon impact, you hissed and locked your thighs around his head. He wasn’t having it though, he pried them open and held them right where he wanted them—spread open. Chris’ lips moved frantically across your skin and when he slurped and shook his head you lost it.
 “Fuck, Gemini!”
 Your hands buried in his luscious locks of their own accord and pressed his mouth onto you keeping him where you wanted. Your hips bucked against him and felt the first sparks of a fire he was quickly kindling, and you knew it was a matter of seconds before it flamed out of control for even him.
 “Ah, yes, yes, right there. Oh my god, I’m gonna come,” you announced. Chris mumbled on your pussy and that sensation only made your release that much more intense. Your body shook and as your hands flew back to grip the back of the chaise where your head rested. You held on tight needing some stabilizing force to keep you from lifting into the air.
 After what felt like an eternity you opened your eyes to see him kneeling before you lifting off his shirt. Though he wasn’t in Captain America shape anymore, he still kept most of his muscle mass and lean definition. Chris grinned while licking his lips.
 “Pineapple, cherries and mango, yum.” He arched a brow and squinted his eyes. The look gave off pure, unadulterated big dick energy. Moaning you slid to him and quickly began undoing his pants. Your hands move so quickly that the way you flicked open his belt sent the tip smacking you in the face.
 “Someone’s hungry for this dick.” Yanking down his pants and underwear at the same time you peeped up to him with just your eyes.
 “Famished.” You looked down to his length that was bobbing between you and moistened your lips all in prep to show him just how hungry for dick you were.
 Once your mouth was wrapped around him you wasted no time guiding his tip to the back of your throat. Chris let out a loud groan that stretched out for several seconds. You felt his hands lace behind your head and in the most loving embrace. As you pleased him his moans became louder and louder. You didn’t doubt that he could be heard in the forest that backed your house. You attached your hands to his shaft and worked them in unison with your mouth occasionally twisting them in different directions. Every time you did his grip tightened as he sent even more of his hardness down your throat.
 After only a few minutes he held your cheeks keeping your head still and plowed his hips. You could see the unriddled desire in his eyes and also saw that he wanted to lose control. You moaned and relaxed your throat taking him even further. His body shook just before he pulled back and stroked his dick.
 “Mmm, that mouth of yours is sinful Lucky Bush.”
 “There is another part of me that is sinful Gemini. Would you care to sample it?” You turned your back to him again and poked out your ass. When you felt his hand drop to it with a loud slap you moaned and bit your bottom lip. A new rush of wetness settled at your core making you want him even more.
 “Fuck!” Your voice was a surprised croak.
 “You like that? You like when daddy slaps your ass?”
 You nodded your head as he slapped it again, this one was a bit harder.
 “I can’t hear you. I know those lips are good at sucking but lemme hear you.”
 “Yes, baby I like it,” you responded then groaned from the third slap.
 “Yes who?” Your eyes met and again that devilish smirk returned.
 “Yes Gemini, I fucking love it.” He slapped you once, then twice and rubbed his dick through your wet folds. Each pass of his flesh had goosebumps rippling over your body. You held your breath in anticipation of his intrusion, but it never came. You were getting anxious. You tried to nudge back to take him into you but every attempt you made he evaded.
 Chris slapped your ass again but not with his hand. The heaviness of his dick on top of your ass cheek made you moan.
 “Shake it for me.” It was an order that was emphasized by another “thwack” of his dick.
 Thinking of your twerk playlist you shook your ass from side to side then bounced up and down sending his dick up only to drop back down onto you. Every heavy smack made you wetter. Chris looped his fingers through the straps of the panties and just stood there while you continued to shake your ass for him. You knew the second it became too much, the second he’d reached his limit. His hands tightened on the straps and positioned you just the way he wanted then snapped his hips forward burying himself to the hilt in your sopping pleasure trove. You screeched out and gripped the chaise trying your best not to fall.
 “Fuck yeah!” He didn’t slow down, not one bit. Every few seconds his hips thrust into you sending shiver after shiver through your body.
 “Oh, fuck yes baby. Fuck me Gemini!”
 As if that was the permission he needed Chris pounding into you with reckless abandon. You could barely catch your breath every time he withdrew before he was again stealing it by trying to split you in half. Chris grunted and groaned behind letting you know just how lucky your bush was.
 “Mmm, whose is it?” His voice was rough and deep. When you didn’t answer after the third thrust he changed his angle and depth and brutally rammed into you making you scream.
 “Whose lucky bush is this?”
 “Yours!” Gritting your teeth, the words barely made it out. It wasn’t enough for him. He pummeled you again pulling yet another scream from you.
 Chris jackhammered into you surprising you with the sheer power his body held. You knew you were about to fall apart, and he knew it too. Chris pressed his hand into the back of your head sending your face down to the chaise, so your ass was the only thing in the air. The new angle had you seeing stars, rainbows, unicorns, and sparkles.
 “Fuck right it’s Gemini’s. This pussy is Gemini’s. This ass is Gemini’s. You’re fucking mine!”
 You didn’t care how loud you were screaming, didn’t care about anything but what you knew was going to be a killer orgasm. Chris slammed into you once then circled his hips and stroked your g-spot. That was the hammer that broke the dam. You clamped around him and screamed and let go of everything including any shame or embarrassment. You didn’t know what was coming out your mouth, you’d lost control of it all. Chris grunted and pulled you back onto him trying to bury even deeper as he filled you up. Each spurt of his love only sent you higher and higher until you were soaring above the Earth itself and into the next galaxy. 
When your bodies stopped shaking Chris was lying behind you on the chaise with one of his lanky legs draped over yours. He was still sheathed in your heat. You could feel that he was not done. He kissed your ear then your neck.
 “Mmmm. Jesus. That was incredible,” you hoarsely whispered. His smile could be felt on your skin.
 “I told you, Gemini Flanagan’s probably good at a lot of things.” You busted out laughing then turned your body to face him. Chris groaned as he slipped from you and gazed into your eyes.
 “Maybe you should bring him out to play more often,” you suggested. His smile was wide.
 “Oh, you like Gemini huh.”
 “I love Christopher Robert Evans.” You softly kissed him twice, each time adding a little bit more tongue. He moaned and gently caressed your back down to your ass. His hands felt so good on you, you loved when he touched you. “Gemini—eh, he’s all right,” you added.
 Chris snorted. “Oh whatever; says the one who was incoherently babbling as if they were a mute.” You giggled knowing he was damn right. Chris imitated what you’d sounded like while rolling his eyes to the back of his head.
 “Oh my god, stop it.” You playfully slapped his chest while you giggled.
 “Oh my god I’ve heard plenty of times. Stop, is a first.” You smiled then rolled onto him and slowly slid onto his length. Chris arched back and groaned letting his hands fly to your hips. You stifled a moan wanting to show him that you controlled him. he was yours.
 “Jesus, Lucky Bush is—just as incredible,” another grunt escaped him before he moaned. His mouth fell open as he watched you slowly wine against him.
 “God baby,” Chris whispered squeezing your hips. You laid across him and went to his ear.
 “Is Gemini up for round two or do you want Lucky Bush to do all the work?” Chris crashed his lips to yours and kissed you with an urgency that had a taste of seduction.
 “I think Lucky Bush better show me how she got that name.” You smiled and rose up accepting the challenge.
 You knew this was not the last you’d seen of Gemini Flanagan and you couldn’t wait till he made his reemergence. 
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@airis-paris14 @thiccdaddy-mbaku @wakandas-vibranium @wakanda-inspired @theunsweetenedtruth @ashanti-notthesinger @reignsxjackson @halfrican-heat @ambthegamer @simplyyamberr @mejustme06  @ilcb7 @leahnicole1219  @destinio1 @maliadestiny @drsunshine97 @blowmymbackout @purplehairgawdess @thehuntoyobun @wakandamama @wakandawinning @profilia @zxddy-panther @h-challa @babygirlofwakanda @misswakanda2018 @ororowrites@hutchj @myfavemarvelfanfics @lavitabella87 @afraiddreamingandloving @autumn242 @purple-apricots @skysynclair19 @hersheyskissesss-blog @blue-ishx @90sinspiredgirl @tchallaswife @tchallamakesmeh0lla @turn-thy-paige @blackchickfics @blackpantherismyish @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @naturally-bri @flawlesslybeautiful14 @qweentbh @lunaerly @theoutereffect@twilight-sapphire-lover @pupyluv247 @stark-red19 @cockyboysandsugarism@maverickabull @madbadsiren @aykanna @myaw731 @ruruly20 @mixedmelanin @brittyevans @bezzywazhere @laketaj24  @soulsparker @theresnomoregoodones @syreanne @heybriheyyy @wakanda-bcth @uhlxis  @maliadestiny @dadinhas-heat @yaachtynoboat711 @geeksareunique @bultalongthewayside @ajspencer1892 @captiansaveasmut @imaginewhoever @terrablaze514 @starsshines-blog @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @darkandlovely94 @sithlordslut @wavyyc @naturalistamisslyn @nigarachi15 @madamslayyy @blackandfair @kreolemami @mylastnameisthe-fish @kaykay0829 @chaneajoyyy @tequilajay27 @blacklotus-of-the-black-kingdom @slimmiyagi @im5ftbutmythroat66 @jaeee-http@madhatterhelsing @sunflowerpsalms @wakanda-shit-is-that @deliciousstreetkidcroissant @jecourt @vebner37 @disneysdarlingdiva @melaninmarvel @alanastormborn @dolphinpink310 @yourwonderbelle  @ohleucothea @queentearra @bitchbetterhavemydinner @fentybabyy @kaykay4454fan @priya212 @kitkit1690 @chrismarcs @beautycomesindifferentformsworld @blackpantherimagines @ovohanna24 @sweetpeachjones @kslo000 @nubian-queen18 @omgsuperstarg  @mejustme06 @ilcb7 @leahnicole1219 @destinio1 @drsunshine97 @blue-ishx @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove @prettyprincessushio @treeondrea  @ursapharoh05  @blackpinup22 @kaytauru @big3gocandykahn @kissingpineapples @wildaboutchrisevans   @fitfineandstayingalive @misspooh @michele-onel @gorjiss @blacklotus-of-the-black-kingdom @muva-milaje @limbo-limbo-limbo @awkwardlyabstract @blxck-brxndie  @meeky-imagines @inlovewith3 @metalarmlover @mellowjellow6 @scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @thatrandomhetaliachick @missdeerstalker15 @ursapharoh05 @treeondrea @ovohanna24 @marvelheaux @romanceoftheeveryday @mufasathatniggatho @cltex84 @sweetbearcolorgarden @msincognito67 @mosagram @lunaerly @mar-ta-3 @ljstraightnochaser @lewatigress @akimi-youngblood @bekahdean87 @jasmindaughteroftheworld @cocooned-butterfly @emoniclark22 @chereedrop619 @theblulife @niggarachi15 @drsunshine97 @msincognito67 @missdeerstalker15 @wakandamama  @avenger-marvel-fan @arieljamiyla @vibranium-soul @monae-boss @queenxchallaxkillamonger@amirra88 @jaeee-http @omg-itsnadi @fonville-designs @sydneebleu @cherrystainedlipsbaby @behindthesehazeleyes27 @areubeingserved @kelbabyblue @academic-glowup  @patzammit @yourwonderbelle @pennywisesmistress @squeackygee @noramushrooms @titty-teetee @ab-baybay @kreolemami @impossiblegiantrebelbasketball @dangerouslovefanfic @heladoom @renesmeeharelds @zaddysqueen7 @alyxkbrl @hello-therree @taylorveebee @a-dizzle777 @deidrashouseofpain @coldmuffinbanditshoe  @evemej  @chaselovinggert @ben-wyxtt @designerwriterchic @chrisgalore @jennmurawski13 @rynabarnesrogers @yunggyeezyy @kemkem101 @dearkyrainez @minton131@momobaby227 @jesseswartzwelder @briellableu @browneyes9125 @mjey12 @magdelen69 @hannahholland1811 @lo-cheu @cocooned-butterfly @firstangeldragonranch  @jovanaprime @kemkem101 @gladiatrix14 @soapjay  
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evans713 · 4 years
date night / chris evans
part two of busy morning
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author's note: finally wrote the piece i promised @sweater-daddiesdumbdork love you💕
warnings: fluff, smutty undertones?, bad writing, not edited, i'm nervous about this one, don't know how good it turned out
fun fact: it takes me forever to choose the photo or gif because i want it to show the essence of each plot, okay not so fun, bye
Y/F/F means your favorite food, i wanted every one to have their own because it's a special moment
song: darling i do by landon pigg & lucy schwartz
Y/N blushed profusely as she left a howling Chris back at the kitchen. That man had no filter with her and as much as she loves it, she couldn't afford to get distracted. It did motivate her to work harder and faster to get back to her man and her good boy. 
She took the sticky note Chris wrote for her and stuck it at the bottom of her monitor. "Couldn't even thank him for breakfast." She muttered. 
"That kiss was thank you enough, doll." Chris' voice got closer to her.
Y/N saw him walking towards her with a glass and a jug of water. "One more dirty word coming from you and you can sleep by yourself tonight." She threatened. She was distracting her so much but she wasn't mad at him. Never.
Chris put his hands in innocence after placing the water near her desk. "I just need you wet- sorry, I meant hydrated." He laughed when Y/N's eyes widened. She took the first thing she saw, a pen, and chucked it at him as he tried making a swift exit.
"I'm not sleeping with you tonight!" She yelled after him. 
Chris could only laugh. It was so easy to get her riled up and shy at the same time. He hoped that after his purpose for that night, she comes around and lets him sleep with her. 
Taking advantage of her working most of the day, Chris started planning his surprise for the night. He went outside to the patio and thought of the possibilities. Both of them had set up a pergola and over time, they had hung plants. Since the surprise would most likely be at night, he instantly thought of what to do that she would love and added it to the list. 
It was going to be simple but he knew she liked simplicity. She had told him a million of times that all she ever wanted and needed was his heart. Of course he would love to offer her the universe. She only wanted him and he would always belong to her but a pinch of extra love wouldn't hurt.
Chris decided to get the stuff after preparing her some lunch. He knew she was so busy that she would most likely forget to eat. In the mean time he and Dodger cleaned up outside. Well he cleaned, the pup kept bringing him balls so Chris could throw them.
When he finished, he was drenched in sweat but satisfied. And it started to hit him was he was about to do. Should he call his mom, his siblings, your family? Was it the right time? He knew she wouldn't deny him. But today? What if she was still stressed about work? What if she only wanted to relax after?
"Should I do it, bubba?" The pup barked and Chris took that as a yes. He took his phone but his finger hovered over the contact number. Should he do it first and then let everybody know? Yes, he should do that. He didn't want to risk someone giving her hints. Because what if he chickened out at the last minute? Yeah, no. Her day wasn't even finished and if things didn't turn out okay, he didn't want the added pressure on her. Wow, no he was doubting if she would agree...
Chris felt his anxiety rocketing and Dodger felt that. The pup nuzzled his snout on his hands and licked.
"She loves you, you meatball. You'll do something nice so she can relax after a hard day and if the opportunity presents itself, you'll do it." Chris reaffirmed in a hushed whisper. He didn't want to risk her hearing him. "Thank you, buddy. Now let's eat something so we can get the stuff." He told Dodger.
Y/N started smelling something really good. She didn't know what time it was, didn't even had the time to check it but her stomach started protesting again. She would eat something soon. She would make the time. She hoped Chris would have some leftovers of whatever he was making.
Some more time passed and the smell got closer to her. Instinctively, she slipped her tongue to wet her lips. As she did so, she heard a groan from next to her. "Careful with that tongue, princess." 
"You are behaving awfully naughty today, Mr. Evans." Y/N retorted.
Chris laughed. "Your fault for being so sexy, baby."
"Now everything revolves around me?"
"Maybe not everything but my heart does." Chris smiled at her.
Y/N blushed. "Thank you for loving me, Chris." She whispered.
Chris set down the plate with food he brought to her and crouched in front of her, she noticed his damp hair and clean smell. "It's my pleasure, always." He promised and bent forward to kiss her. "I made you some tacos, real ones because I know you don't like the others." Both of them chuckled.
"It looks and smells so good, Chris. Thank you so much." It was her turn to close the gap between them. She tried making the kiss last without losing herself on him. "I love you, a few more hours and hopefully I'll be done."
"Don't pressure yourself for me, babygirl. I don't want you more stressed." Chris kissed her knee and stood up. He took her breakfast tray and kissed the top of her head. "I need to run some errands. I'm taking Dodger with me so he doesn't distract you and we'll be back in a couple of hours, okay?"
"Okay. Be safe. I love you."
"I love you too, doll."
Y/N finally finished. Edited and approved. Her shoulders slumped and she rested her forehead against the cool desk. She felt the tension slowly leaving her body and all she wanted was Chris to carry her to bed. 
But the house was quiet. She didn't think he and Dodger were back yet.
Getting up from her chair, she stretched her body and let out a big yawn. She took her plate, the glass and the empty jug to the kitchen. More yawns escaped her lips as she put everything in the dishwasher. Then went onto checking the garage and the lack of his car told her enough. She checked her phone.
'Hi, beautiful. 
We miss you.
We'll bring dinner home.
I love you, immensely.'
Y/N smiled at the text and took a screenshot of it, adding it to the album she created for texts from Chris she cherishes. Which reminded her to take the sticky note Chris wrote her in the morning with her to the bedroom. She took out a tin box from their dresser and carefully placed the note inside, smiling at the almost full box. She had lost count of how many boxes Chris has gotten her and that they had already filled up. Once Chris realised that she was keeping them, he promised her to get her more boxes and every time he saw one he'd think she might like, he got it. He also showed her his own stash that he kept in between the pages of his books.
She took her phone and typed her answer.
'I miss you too.
Drive safe.
I love you more.'
She put her phone aside and bribed herself to take a shower. Her bed looked so inviting but she wanted to get the work day's feeling off of her so she could fully relax. Inside, the bathroom, she had a similar conflict. Shower or bath. She settled for shower, she might fall asleep and drown. And Chris would be so mad at her if she died before him.
After the quick shower, she couldn't help it anymore. She was barely strong enough to take Chris' t-shirt that he had used to sleep the night before and pull it over her head. She towel-dried her hair one final time and she slipped underneath the bedsheets. She was out like a light the moment her head touched the pillow.
Chris was running around like crazy. It was later than he thought it would be but he had most of the stuff he needed. He was just missing the food but he could just have it delivered. Part of him hoped she was still busy. Not stressed, just busy so he could set everything up. But upon entering their bedroom, the sight broke his heart, making him smile sadly. At least she was resting.
Y/N was curled up in a ball, her head peeking from under the pile of sheets and blankets. She had most of her face buried on his pillow, clutching it as if she were clutching him.
He was about to step outside, not wanting to interrupt your sleep when Dodger slipped between his legs and jumped on the bed, going for Y/N's face.
"Dodge, no!" Chris whisper-shouted. He tried taking the pup away from her when he heard her giggles. 
"I missed you too, bubba." She said as she tried to get the pup under control. "I missed you too, love." She said to Chris.
"Sorry, baby. Didn't know he was going to do that." Chris winced when Y/N tried stifling a yawn. "Dodger, down. Let momma sleep." He got down and sat next to his legs.
"It's okay."
"Go back to sleep, angel. I'll let you know when dinner is ready."
"No buts," Another yawned escaped her lips, the soft sound making him chuckle. "Y/N, please, get some more rest."
Y/N didn't have it in her to fight him for once. She nodded and reassumed her previous position. Chris kissed her temple and she was back asleep. He didn't like seeing her so tired but for once he could use it. 
Chris didn't waste more time and first took the twinkling lights he bought. There was a lot of lights but he wanted to make sure everything was perfect for her. It took him almost an hour but he hanged them over the pergola. He made sure they were working before moving onto the next task. 
Next, he moved their patio table to be in the centre of the pergola and left two chairs in front of each other before moving the rest of the furniture to the side. Then he took the box of red rose petals and sprinkled them over the table, being grateful that it wasn't windy. He knew how she didn't like flowers being cut so he got fallen petals from the florist downtown, glad to have found enough for the table and a small trail leading to it.
Almost show time. God, he was starting to get nervous. But he had to remind himself not to show it. She would see right through him and think there was something wrong. Yes, his face gave everything away and it got her concerned. 
He started the fire pit and turned the twinkling lights back on. He got the plates, glasses and cutlery they might need and set up the table. He grabbed the two candles he bought and lit them, making sure nothing was close enough to catch on fire. He really, really didn't want anything to go wrong tonight.
Everything was almost ready. He was only waiting for the food so he could go wake you up. He thought about changing his clothes but before he made up his mind, the doorbell rang followed by a bark.
"Bubba, shh." Chris went to the door and greeted the delivery man. They chatted for a bit while he made sure everything was delivered and then paid, thanking the man with a nice tip.
Chris stopped dead on his tracks as he had entered the kitchen. Y/N was standing on the doorway that led to the patio. She had a hand covering her mouth while she looked at everything he had done.
“I was thinking we could have a date night.” Chris’ voice sounded from behind her. She turned around and he noticed tears in her eyes. “You don’t like it?” He was starting to get nervous. Maybe his idea wasn’t as romantic as he had previously thought.
Y/N walked up to him, taking the food from his hands and placing it on the counter next to him before crashing her lips against his. Chris kissed her deeply and moaned at finally having her in his arms without restraints. "Like it? Are you serious?" She whispered against his lips, her eyes making sure to captivate his. "I love it. You are the most amazing man ever and I'm so lucky to have you."
"I'm so lucky to have you." Chris whispered and pecker her lips. 
"If I wasn't so hungry for food," She kissed his nose. "I'd be ravishing you."
"Darling, don't say things like that." Chris groaned. "You know they take me places."
"I'll take you to bed later, I promise." She winked and started taking the food out, being loyally followed by Dodger.
"You are tease, baby."
"I say the exact thing about you. You breathe and I want to jump you."
Chris laughed as they took Y/F/F and the wine outside. Y/N once more was transfixed with the set up of their date. She really didn't deserve her man. He was always so thoughtful. It was plain Chris. He was born and raised to be a gentleman.
He took the opportunity to set up the speakers with both their favorite songs and walked back to her. "Ready to eat?" He asked.
Y/N nodded and Chris helped her push her chair. "I can't believe you planned all this for me. How long did it take you?" She asked as she took her first bite, offering a small piece to the pup next to her.
"There's nothing I wouldn't do for you." Chris winked, loving the blush slowly coating her cheeks. "I wanted to do something special for you after working so hard." He said, trying so hard to keep a normal expression on his face.
"Come on, Chris. You can't lie to me."
"I'm not." Now he was the one blushing. 
"I think you just want to get in my pants."
Chris let out a hearty laugh. "You got me."
Y/N dropped the subject. It was an incredibly sweet gesture and she knew there wasn't a malicious ulterior motive to his actions. 
Once they finished eating, Chris got up from his chair and offered his hand to her. "May I have a dance?" Dodger's head perked up but since there wasn't any more food involved, he ignored his humans.
She accepted his offer and stood up, coming to stand in front of him. Chris took his phone out and chose 'Darling I Do'. The song started and Y/N couldn't help but let out a loud laugh, making him join her. "Are you really trying to seduce me with a Shrek song?"
Chris laughed even harder. "It's a very good and very romantic song." He said as he pulled her closer to him.
"You are such an adorable dork." And he was, Y/N had mentioned liking the song the first time they watched the movie together and Chris had listened to it since then. 
Y/N closed her and rested her head where his heartbeat was beating frantically. Chris could even feel it and was trying so hard to get it back to normal.
"Y/N." Was he really going to do it? Was it the right moment yet? "Baby?"
"Everything okay? Your heart beat rate is starting to worry me." She whispered, her tone a tiny bit worried.
"Y-yes." He stuttered and cursed himself.
Y/N moved her head away so she could look at him better. "What's wrong?"
"N-nothing." Chris groaned and closed his eyes. "Shit, okay." He gave a step back and saw the panicked look on his soon-to-be ex-girlfriend.
Chris took a deep breath and got on one knee. He took the ring from his pocket and looked up towards Y/N and saw his beautiful girl covering her mouth, her eyes gradually watering.
"Y/N," He started, willing his voice not to crack. "I have loved you for the longest time. I have loved you even before I knew I loved you. I'm thankful for you everyday. For getting the chance to show you how much you mean to me. I meant it, there's nothing I wouldn't do for you. You have shown me what being loved feels like. You have given me a home. And the best part is that you love me back. You have given me everything. And I'm still selfish enough to ask you for one more thing. Will you do me the honor of spending the rest of your life with me? I promise to do my best to make you happy." He finished
"You already make me happy," She started, willing herself to stop crying. "And there's nothing more I want than to spend the rest of my life with you." She was getting choked up. "Yes, Chris, I want to marry you." She said and cupped his cheeks, crashing her lips against his. She hoped her lips could support her words.
Chris stood up and pulled her even closer to him. Her lips tasted salty. Maybe it was her tears. Or maybe his. But it was perfect because she agreed. She accepted!
"I heard you right, right? You want to marry me?" He used the pads of his thumbs to wipe her tears away as he kissed her forehead, her cheeks, her nose.
"Yes, Chris. Nothing would make me happier than to be your wife." She promised.
"The ring! Here." He offered the ring and Y/N finally took a good look to it. And it was beautiful. The diamond reflected the twinkling lights from above them and was nestled carefully around tiny diamonds, sitting on an elegant and smooth band. It was perfect and it was them. "Do you like it?"
Y/N put up her hand so Chris could slip the ring on her fourth finger. "I love it, it's beautiful." She said, admiring the way it looked on her, especially because it was a part of Chris.
"I wanted something as beautiful as you."
"And I got something twice as beautiful, just like you."
"Soon-to-be Mrs. Evans, can't wait to marry your dorky self."
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et-lesailes · 5 years
a day with dodger
pairing: chris evans x reader
word count: 2190
prompt: “Please do a Chris/Dodger fic. I just watched the YouTube video of “bedtime” and dodge and his lion and 😭😭😭”
themes: super wholesome fluffy goodness w chris n dodger :)
taglist: @viarogers​ , @evanstush​ , @chibi-crazy​ ,  @pining-and-tired​ , @songforhema​, @sebabestianstan101​ , @tanyam93​ , @bval-1​, @wonderwinchester​ , @little-miss-exo​, @poerebel​ , @gogomez-509​ , @patzammit​, @a-distantdreamer​, @malthestorytellerblog​, @rainbowkisses31​, @jbug491writinghelp​, @melannie77​, @gigistorm​, @lille-kattunge​, @teller258316​, @rohaintahquil​, @deidrashouseofpain​, @firstangeldragonranch​, @peach-acid​, @allsortsofinterests​, @xoxabs88xox​, @heyiamthatbitch​, @cptn-sgrogers​, @heyyouwiththeassbutt​, @bangtan-serendipity​, @troublermalik​, @beardburnsupersoldiers​, @captainscanadian​​, @rumoured-whispers​​, @lemonster120​, @puddlejoy​​, @hannie-stark​, @bookish-shristi​​, @kind-sober-fullydressed​
** if you have asked to be on my taglist and don’t see your name here, please let me know! i lost the note i had with all the urls and so everything’s been a bit messed up lately, my apologies!
notes: tbh this is one of my newer requests and while i want to finish older ones first, i had so much muse for it i couldn’t resist. thanks to @thewritingdoll​ for the graphic!
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Despite it being a Wednesday, it was the first day in a while both you and your boyfriend had the day off and were in the same place. There had been much discussion on what the two of you should do to spend the day, but no matter what you settled upon, there was one condition you both agreed on.
Dodger would be coming too. He was a part of the family, how could he not?
Chris had woken up at 6 AM to take him for his morning walk before returning to bed with you, the two of you liking to sleep in whenever you didn't have work. As his strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you back to the warmth of his body once more, Dodger settled himself at the foot of the bed and snuggled close to his beloved lion, quite willing to drift off to sleep again. He liked to be close to the two of you, and he was rather compliant with whatever schedules you had planned. Such was the life of a dog with a celebrity for a dad; he had gotten adjusted to the fast paced, sporadic lifestyle quite well. 
Your eyes slowly flickered open at around 9:30, a sleepy smile crossing your lips as you gazed up at Chris' sleeping face. His arm was still around you, large hand placed on the small of your back. You barely lifted your head up to check on Dodger, who was sprawled on his side with one paw around his lion. Like father, like son. You were grateful Chris was getting the chance to sleep; you knew how tired he had been from his hectic schedule lately. You carefully slid out from under his arm, though it wouldn't have mattered if you had ruthlessly tossed it aside-- the man was practically unconscious to the world when he was tired. 
As you lightly got to your feet from the bed, Dodger was quick to get up too, hopping off as he looked up at you with what resembled a beam on his furry face. You giggled softly and leaned down to pet him all over, giving his head a kiss. "Mm come on bubba, do you need to go out?" You guided him to the backyard door, opening it for him and watching fondly as he shot out like a bullet. You left it open a crack so he could come inside whenever he wanted, heading for the kitchen to start making breakfast for you and Chris. You didn't even care much for cooking in general, but it always made you happy to be able to cook for him, simply because you barely got to. Even when the two of you could find time to eat together, more than half the time you just settled on getting takeout or eating at a restaurant because you didn't have the time to cook. 
You were finishing up the pancakes when Chris sleepily wandered out of the bedroom, approaching you from behind and wrapping his arms around your waist. "G'morning," he mumbled in his low, husky voice still shaded from slumber, and you smiled as you let yourself melt into his hold. "Hey there, babe. You sleep well?" you asked softly, turning your head to give his cheek a kiss. He lazily rested his head on your shoulder, squeezing you tight. "Mm sure did. And waking up to this wonderful smell was just as nice. You're too good to me, sweetheart." You smiled as you turned back to the stove, moving the last pancake to the plate filled with them already. You knew what Chris’ appetite was like, and the more he ate, the better. Now that he was done with Marvel, he finally did not need to be so rigid and strict with his diet, and you and his mother and “plotted” to give him all the delicious food you could. “You deserve it, babe. You’ve been working so hard. Now how do you want your eggs?”
Before he could answer, a happy Dodger came trotting in, immediately running up to Chris to greet him. The man laughed loudly as the canine began to jump on him, almost immediately leaning down to scoop him up into his arms like a baby. “Good morning, bubba! Were you running around in the yard? I hope you didn’t use up too much energy, because me, you, and mama are gonna go for a hike today.” You smiled in satisfaction, giggling softly as you turned to ruffle his fur. “When does he ever run out of energy? It’s been so long since he’s gotten that long of a walk, he’s going to be thrilled.” Chris smiled, kissing the dog’s furry head. “You’re right. But I think he’s more focused on something else now.” You blinked and looked to where Dodger was currently staring before laughing, rolling your eyes fondly as you picked up the plate of bacon. “Okay, okay bubba, let’s put some on Daddy’s plate first and then I’ll give you a piece.” 
After the three of you ate breakfast, it was time to get ready. Dodger was already ready to go, waiting by the door and whining impatiently, making the two of you chuckle. “We can’t go in our pajamas, ya goofy boy! Wait a second!” Chris playfully chided, rubbing between his ears before ushering you to the bedroom. You watched as he peeled out of his t-shirt, subconsciously letting out a sigh. He heard this and turned to you with an amused grin, wagging his finger playfully. “Nuh uh, don’t look at me like that, baby girl. We can come home and have our fun, but our son needs us and if you keep giving me that look I can’t promise I’ll behave.” You blinked and laughed, coming over to smack his bicep. “I’m not feral, for God’s sake, I’m just appreciating my boyfriend’s body! There’s nothing wrong with that.” You smirked at him before standing on your tiptoes to give him a peck on the lips, then went to the dresser to take out the clothes you planned on changing into. “You gonna wear that sexy little sports bra I love so much?” he asked with a hopeful smile, and you giggled softly, taking it out. “Hm? Is that what you call behaving?”
“Yes. Misbehaving would be insisting you go without a bra on at all.” He pointed out with a cheeky smirk, and you wrinkled your nose at the thought, though couldn’t help but giggle again. “Okay, okay, get dressed. I can hear Dodger practically going into depression out there.” You changed into aforementioned sports bra, a loose workout tank top, and your favorite pair of Nike shorts. Looking over at him, you almost wanted to let out another pleased sigh. All he was wearing was a tight tee, workout pants, and a Red Sox baseball cap, but damn he looked good, especially with his bulging muscles. “You forgot this, sweetheart,” he commented, taking the matching cap he had bought for you and placing it on your head. While his was black with a red B, yours was black with a pink one. You smiled and adjusted it before humming thoughtfully. “We should probably pack a backpack, yeah? Water for all three of us, snacks, and some treats for him.” He followed you with his arms wrapped around you, taking his steps outside your own with a goofy smile. “You’re such a good mama. I can’t wait to have a baby with you.” He mumbled into your neck and you chuckled softly, murmuring playfully in response, “Now how about you propose to me first and then we’ll talk about it?”
He laughed as he pulled back to get Dodger’s leash and harness. “Oh, it’s happening, baby doll, but you can’t rush me. I need it to be absolutely perfect. And as of right now, that’s all you’re going to hear about it. Can’t ruin the surprise.” You smiled, shaking your head to yourself as you gathered water bottles, a portable water bowl for Dodger, his bag of treats, and a few granola bars into a backpack. “Well, you better hurry before I change my mind,” you teased, and he scoffed in response as he managed to put the harness on the dog’s squirming, wiggling body. “You’re stuck with me for life, babe, you know that by now.”
You sighed in pure bliss as you sat upon the grassy peak of land, staring out at the small waterfall pouring out into a river underneath. The two of you had found an isolated spot along the way to sit and relax, and Dodger seemed to love it too as he rolled around in the grass and basked in the sunlight beaming down. Chris leaned back as he adjusted his cap, smiling in satisfaction. “I wish we could do this more often, baby,” he murmured, looking towards you, and you nodded your head with a wistful sigh. “Me too. It’s so beautiful here, I feel like we never get to go outside anymore.” He nodded as he moved to wrap his arms around you, pulling you closer to him and resting his head on top of yours. “I know. Maybe it’s time I take a step back.” You blinked, glancing up at him. “What? From acting? Babe, you don’t need to do that. You love acting.” He sighed and kissed your head mumbling, “But I also love you. And our little bubba over here.” He playfully reached over to grab the dog and roll him over to his side, rubbing his belly roughly. “I want to be able to see you guys more often.”
You smiled, appreciating his sentiment, but hummed softly as you took his hands in yours and squeezed them lightly. “Chris, as great as that would be, I know you. You’d go crazy if you didn’t have a script in your hand, a role lined up-- a camera to be in front of.” You chuckled softly, lazily bringing his fingers up to your mouth to kiss them gently. “It’s your passion. And that’s not a bad thing. We still make our relationship work anyways, and me and Dodger appreciate the time you already do put in for us. If you want to take a break, that’s okay, but nothing permanent. I won’t let you, got it?”
He smiled as he listened to you, suddenly hugging you tighter to him. “I love you so much, Y/N. You know that?” You smiled as you nuzzled into him, tilting your head up to kiss at his bearded chin. “I love you too Chris.”
Bedtime was one of your favorite times of the day when Chris was home. Or, to be exact, getting ready for bed. After catching a nice, hot shower together and brushing your teeth while making funny faces in the mirror with the black charcoal toothpaste you had recently brought smeared all over your lips and teeth, it was now time to let Dodger know it was time for bed. “Hey bubba! C’mon, bubba, time to sleep. Go get your lion.” Chris leaned down to playfully pat the canine’s bum and you giggled as you watched the dog scamper towards the living room, picking up his cherished lion in his mouth. He trotted back to the bedroom happily, jumping up onto the bed and making himself comfortable. 
The two of you were now snuggled in bed in pajamas with Netflix on TV, Dodger curled up in between both of you practically passed out. Of course, though, if one of you were to get up to even simply use the bathroom or get water, he’d immediately be up on his feet again, wagging his tail making sure that nobody was playing or doing anything fun without him. You smiled fondly as you stroked his fur lovingly; Chris had made an excellent choice when he had picked him at the shelter, and you were sure you would both be adopting even more dogs down the road once both of you had more time. 
You were in a state of comfortable silence; one thing you loved about Chris was that while the two of you loved to talk and actually do things, you could also simply relax. There was never any pressure to keep conversation going or to keep each other entertained. You found pleasure in each other’s mere presence, and this was why you were convinced you could spend the rest of your life with this man.
You glanced over to him after about fifteen minutes, sensing he had been quite still. As you suspected, his head was slightly tilted, his eyes closed as he breathed evenly in his slumber. You giggled softly, carefully leaning over to turn off the lamp before settling down in bed, gently guiding his body down as well. He barely grunted and shifted, but soon naturally turned to wrap his strong arms around you, Dodger included. You smiled and pressed a soft kiss to each of their heads before resting your head on the pillow, soon to slip off into dreamland yourself.
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