#and then another 3 months where i dont have any ongoing responsibilities and can just catch up on what i already have
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arosebyan0thername · 5 months ago
I do think that I might have a nervous breakdown soon 🤔
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prorevenge · 6 years ago
How a management consultant fired himself...
I am not exactly sure if its the right section to post in as its a revenge story but not a planned revenge.
It all started when I made the decision to work independently after school. Me and my still best friend came up with a project idea, unfortunately I cant tell too much about as its still ongoing but not yet finished.
Anyway, it is a project with the potential to throw off a lot of profit and became somehow known in our local investor scene, thats why we had serious offers very quick and were both happy to sign a contract with a fairly big company securing us 250k to work with. (I know it sounds like a lot but it was barely enough to cover our costs the first 6 months)
After the 6 months we had to present our progress in front of the comittee of said company, we all knew them except one guy. He was a management consultant and constantly interrupted us with bullshit, ok some of his questions were ''good'', but it was mostly just bad mouthing us. Because this presentation played a huge part in keeping this project alive and financed for another 6 month, we got more and more insecure up to the point where we both thought its over. We took a short break and argued about wether or not we should even continue this presentation, we came to the point that we should continue but our hopes were crushed. (Pls keep in mind we are both young and never dealt with people that demanding, the buisness world is rough)
Right at the moment we wanted to go back into the room the branch manager came to us and told us how we shouldnt mind said consultant too much as he is the son of big boss sister and is just here cause big boss decided that they needed to be checked through. This gave us a little of our lost hope back, and we went through the second part more confident kinda ignoring C (C is consultant now I shouldve given him a nickname earlier)
After the whole event was over we had to wait 3 days until we knew if we can continue working or had to search for a new sponsor AND pay a fine for not delivering what we promised.
3 Days went by fast and we got told that they wont finance the project again and that our contract was expired. FUCK!
Well fast-forward a lot of begging other sponsors going on events and trying to get someone to support us again. We found an even bigger company who was more than happy to help us out, they immediately paid the fine (gladly our old donor didnt take us to court cause we were within the time frame) and almost doubled our old budget (I cant talk in numbers its part of the contract).
fast-forward another 2 months.
We were on an expo, where people with ongoing projects in a specific field are able to present their stuff to investors behind closed doors. It was on this event we met the CEO's of the company we worked with at first and they were interested to say the least. You might guess that C was there as well, being dragged from table to table like a little kid always nodding to everything big boss said but never getting any approval from his side. As they approached our table and we started explaining their eyes lid up. Big boss offered us 300k for a 30% share, it was at this moment Mark (a consultant from our current donor) stepped in and talked with big boss for almost an hour just far enough away so we couldnt hear it. This left us alone with C and 3 other dudes. C went on about how we just talking big but wont be able to deliver and how he already analyzed us blah blah blah, always making sure big boss wont hear him. After big boss and Mark came back they presented us a payment plan, but we declined before they finished. Mark didnt understand but he was about to. We told big boss how we think that they arent the right donor as we already worked with them (He didnt know anything about it as the branch managers of each individual office are responsible for handling the financing of projects independently). We explained how C already analyzed us and that we think we dont fit into their business model. Big boss looked angrier and angrier with every second, eventually interupting us by asking C if we tell the truth. He tried to deny some allegations, but we kept on going, talking about how he disrespected our ideas and us as persons. This left big boss raging, basically screaming....
C: I..... ehm...... ugh.... but they didnt even have a diploma and this guy (pointing at me) didnt even go to university.
C: I thought you wanted me to......
C: But I.....
C: I thought......
After that 2 minutes of complete outrage he took a deep breath facing us and said double the first 2 months and 5% less share we just looked at Mark who laughed and said deal. We all gave each other hands C awkwardly standing a few metres away from us. Big boss faced him a last time telling him to finally get lost. C responded with how they carpooled which big boss ignored as he rang his mum and told her how she should pick up her idiot son. There he was a man in his late twenties getting picked up by his mum. We laughed at this incident as they walked away Big boss still talking with her mum on the phone explaining what her son did while completely ignoring C's begging. We felt GREAT. We knew that we didnt need to get another donor on board so we just packed and went out for a great dinner.
(source) story by (/u/ninasocean)
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thefloatingstone · 6 years ago
A weeked at a hotel is quiet and alone.
A long walk or a going to a movie that starts after dark helps.
A four hour or longer bath where you sit in the water helps. Even if it doesnt helps it helps. And you smell good at the end of it which is nice even when you lack appreciation for nice things currently.
Do new things - feeling trapped or in a rut or the need to escape can be alleviated by feeling like youre making some sort of progress or have control over something in your life.
Sleeping more doesn’t help. Sleeping less doesnt help. Both are enough of a change/ strain on your body that they make you think they are but really they just increase problems and make the days pass quicker or slower.
Make goals. Meet goals. Cant get to goals make smaller goals to get there.
Focus on the things you can do and help and control and if you can’t do anything about it aknowledge it and let it go.
Hydrate. Youre not doing it enough, no one is.
Eat regularly, just like you should sleep regularly and for 9 hours - your body and therefore your mind functions better on a schedual.
It may not help but i can garrentee you not doing these things makes it harder than it needs to be.
Can also play games or read or watch shows until it passes, if it passes but thats just a… Temporary solution not an actual fix action.
But sometimes you don’t need a fix action you need a distraction to be immersed in and thats okay.
Get someone to talk to. Professionally.
Friends and family can help but we’re all not really great at healthy coping - and we know what works for us or what we’ve learned but we can’t always give you personalized tips that will help YOU get through your dips.
Clean/ reorganize your room - this just makes you feels self satisfied if youre lucky and if you arent well theres a little less mess and your mind feels less cluttered if you make even a little progress. Your environment can add to the strain.
Open a window idk why fresh air helps.
Candle with a scent you like - light it. Pet fire keeps you company.
Bake. Idk why but it helps, doesnt matter what youre making but if it makes a mess for you to clean up while you wait for it to be done its a win.
Plus baked goods are nice to have and eat or give away which makes you happy… Especially since half the time you dont feel the need to eat whatever youve baked.
Blast music. Loudly. Especially dark depressing shit or especially lively rebelling shit.
Or just play classical piano in the background because it helps…. Filter. Which is nice.
It gets better. Even if it turns out to be something youll struggle with it gets better because youll learn to manage it and it can’t take away the good even if it tells you it can.
Youve survived every horrible thing thats happened to you. Youll get through this too keep that in mind.
Also watch what youre telling yourself. Something as simple as telling yourself not “i can’t deal with this -emotional pain/situation - ” but “i dont want to deal with this” can in time make it easier to get past it because youre not bogged down in trying to… Reject how you feel.
Youre allowed to feel this way. Like. You may not want to but. You do so youve got to accept it on some level in order to beable to get past rejecting reality and figure out how best to approach it.
Emotions arent unreasonable. Like. Logically you’ll say they are but youre not depressed or whatever for no reason. Either theres something effecting you or your brain chemistry is off either way there is no “i shouldnt feel this way”
So like. Really dont talk down to yourself. Or if you do at least try to tack on something like “alright try again” or idk something positive or at least foward thinking.
And remeber you’re not alone.
Reach out. Message people. Sit on silent calls and share dead air with others. You may ache like a raw nerve or feel left out or ignored or a hundred other things but just. Attempting to be apart of your friends life or just hearing another person can do a world of difference. If not… In the moment than later it def gives you something to build on.
And youre not… A bother. Youre not… Responsible for making decisions about other peoples emotional wellbeing. Theyve got to tell you ‘hey i dont/ cant talk about this right now lets just bs about whatever instead". You need help or a distraction or anything ask the people you care about.
Youre not alone and isolating… Usually makes things worse.
Like alone time can help but isolatings a different ballgame entirely and youll know which youre doing.
Hell just posting on here and asking for tips is great and Im proud of you.
Sorry if that or any of this sounds condescending - im just. Summarizing shit ive learned and tried and had to talk myself into because i really thought my mental health was bullshit and i shouldnt need help with basic things.
But people do. Like. We’re not made to fuction the way we do and we’re not taught a lot of really simple things and how they effect us or the difference between coping healthly and not.
… Fuctioning can only get you so far so long, you’ve got to actually take care of yourself you know? I mean dont beat yourself up because taking care of yourself doesn’t line up with what you think that should mean is all.
Sorry to bug and do hope you get to feeling better soon.
This is an incredibly in-depth and helpful message. Thank you so very very much for taking the time to write it out for me. I’m posting this to prevent it from getting buried
Also, again, I want to thank everyone for sending me responses and messages about this. I’m sorry I’m not replying to all of them individually, but I am reading all of them <3 a lot of you are saying the same things like taking a walk or doing some light exercise, drinking water (I haven’t been doing that enough today) and things like that. As I said, I can’t do exercise tonight since it’s late, but I’ll try and take a walk tomorrow if the weather is good. And I’ll try and get some water in me.
I’m afraid talking to someone professional isn’t really possible right now, but hearing I can just go once makes me feel a little better. I’ve never realised I don’t have to try and afford an ongoing therapy thing. I can’t do it right now, but I’ll see if I can figure something out at some point in a few months if I can.
But thank you again for your help, guys. And although I feel bad for asking... but I’d really appreciate if you guys could continue to give it. Not because I want instant gratification or anything, but just because I don’t have much support elsewhere, and I want to get past this.
and thank you for being patient with me. I’m trying, I really am.
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wnq-psychology · 7 years ago
How To Build Your Self Esteem
step away from the affirmations
“To be healthy, functioning individuals, we need to feel good about ourselves. To feel good about ourselves, we need to feel that our time and energy is spent meaningfully. Meaning is the fuel of our minds. When you run out of it, everything else stops working.”
Most of us struggle with self esteem. Many of us are fortunate enough to realize this, and some of us care enough to try to fix it.
The problem, however, is with the majority of the resources available to us — especially online. I am pretty sure these articles are 100% written by people who have serious self esteem issues, regurgitated from everyone else who has self esteem issues, on down the cycle to readers with self esteem issues, who think it’s just their fault for not being able to apply them and successfully boost their self esteem.
But of course not. Because none of this is how self esteem works.
First, let’s talk about what self esteem ISN’T:
Self esteem is not selfishness or narcissism
Having to say this makes me impatient, because if people don’t innately “get it,” they fight it blindly, emotionally, tooth and nail. And I understand, because there are a lot of emotions on the line here (see: entire post) so I’m just going to tread lightly and quickly when I say:
Self love and self esteem are not selfishness.
On the contrary, selfish people have desperately low self esteem and self love, which is why they overcompensate, demand, and have nothing left to give others.
Self esteem is not a series of “dont’s”
Most self esteem articles cheerily suggest things like, “Don’t have the negative self talk. Don’t compare yourself to others. Don’t put yourself down. Don’t doubt yourself,” like “just don’t have low self-esteem!”
These aren’t solutions.
The brain struggles with the word “don’t,” and when you focus on the negative, you’re still focusing on the thing. The brain interprets the sentence as an imperative, like: “ah, okay, negative self talk. Got it!” The brain is baby Groot.
The way we talk to ourself is a reflection of self esteem, not the root. It’s effect, not cause. It helps, of course, but it’s not the core. And fixing the core will fix the way we think and talk about ourselves.
Nature abhors a vacuum. If you don’t have something positive at the ready, the old stuff will just rush back in.
Self esteem does not come from others
It’s not anyone’s job to make you feel good about yourself. It can only come from you.
Some articles suggest that readers should “learn to accept compliments” — several even went so far as to suggest that you approach others and “ask them what they like about you.”
Trying to build self esteem through “others’ compliments” is like trying to learn how to walk by being carried.
Only you control of your self-acceptance and self-love.
Self esteem is not in “self help”
This is just an extension of the above.
Self help reinforces perceptions of inferiority and shame. It plays on insecurities and fabricates solutions that don’t serve real needs. It encourages avoidance.
It’s like how MayoClinic convinces us we’re dying more than it actually, directly remedies health problems. Engaging will eventually make us absorb all these negatives. We are not more powerful than what we give attention.
Self help just replaces one external influence for another. We’re still grasping for some authority figure, some omnipotent voice, to tell us what to do.
This of course includes this very post. Which is ironic, but at least honest and warm-hearted, because I wrote this only after doing tons of similar reading myself, and I write hoping we all resolve this.
Self help will never help
When I was getting my business off the ground, in the 3 dark months of “white noise” after quitting my job but before getting my first customer, isolated and running mostly on “faith” alone, someone asked me, “what kind of music do you listen to during the day?” I told them, “on good days, upbeat music. On bad days, chill music. And I know it’s an ugly day when I resort to motivational videos on YouTube.”
Those videos got me nowhere — except maybe through the day.
You want to know what finally kicked my self esteem back into gear? When I started making sales. Once that happened, I never watched another motivational, “self-help” video.
Self esteem is not about “pampering”
My god, if we could all stop with the “indulgences” and “little day to day pleasures;” if only we could stop thinking “self love” is about “treating ourselves,” or “scheduling time every day for fun and relaxation.”
Heidi Priebe said it best,
“Real self-love isn’t about ‘treating yourself’… because real self-love is less about babying yourself and more about parenting yourself.”
Good parents don’t indulge children with candy each time they cry. Good parents support, teach coping mechanisms, and gently encourage growth.
This is what loving ourselves means as well. It’s not about daily indulgences. It’s identifying and pursuing our longterm values.
Self esteem is not about affirmations
Fuck writing down all your best qualities.
I don’t know who came up with this terrible advice, but it’s pretty much useless. Consider, for a moment, the most genuinely confident person you know — do they sit down every day and write down their best qualities? Maybe they do, but I doubt it.
Confident people don’t do this. And people don’t magically become confident doing it. Only self-doubting people get stuck in this compulsive loop.
Self love is not about affirmations.
As Heidi Priebe wrote,
“Claiming to love yourself and actually doing the hard work of loving yourself are not the same thing… You can repeat a thousand affirmations an hour, write a limitless number of blog posts about how you’re worthy of love and stick millions of post-it notes reminding yourself how awesome you are on every mirror in your house, but that only gets you 10% of the way to self-love.”
Except it’s more like 0%.
The real solution is: agency, awareness, authenticity, and action.
What self esteem IS:
Step 1.) Self esteem is agency
Self love is taking responsibility.
So many terrible articles encourage readers to keep self esteem at the mercy of external forces, prompting them to “think about what is affecting your self-esteem,” and suggesting “your confidence may have been lowered after a difficult experience or series of negative life event, such as: being bullied or abused, losing your job or difficulty finding employment, ongoing stress physical illness, mental health problems, a difficult relationship, separation or divorce.”
No. To this entire list: no.
I’m not saying that bad shit didn’t happen to you — it probably did. Because bad things happens to everyone. But life isn’t about playing the victim, or comparing notes on who suffered most. Life has negatives in the cards for everyone — even the most confident people you know — and the only difference between those with self esteem and those without it is that the first group chose to take responsibility for their lives, their responses, and their actions.
So when it comes to thinking about “what is affecting your self-esteem,” the answer is always “you.”
You are in control of your self esteem. That’s the entire list, beginning to end.
you are in charge. you are in charge. you. are. in. charge.
Step 2.) Self esteem is awareness
This is super important, and we don’t talk about it enough.
Get out of your damn head. Be present.
Stop slipping away. Stop shutting down. Stop freezing and falling silent any time you’re uncomfortable, or unsure, or anxious. Stop reminiscing on the past, or thinking about the future, or wandering around, mentally, anywhere that you actually aren’t.
I wrote pretty openly about struggling with this myself, and the fact that I’m currently working on it, so I speak from a place of empathy and love.
We do this is because we’ve learned that “shutting down” offers security — it’s “easier” if we don’t engage; we think there’s less risk.
But what we give up in exchange every time we do this is moments of our own lives. Which is why, in those brief moments we pull our head out of the sand, we’re filled with panic to realize we don’t like what we’re living. But then most of us respond by seeking reassurance (see “self help,” above — “you can do it!”) or solutions we don’t take, and ultimately shut it back down.
The first step? Awareness of your breathing. Second, awareness of your body in space; what you’re physically feeling. From there, you’ll become more aware of what you’re emotionally feeling as well. Accept these emotions as they come to you.
Wake up. Be aware of what you’re doing and where you are all the time. And most importantly: be aware of what you feel and think about it…
Step 3.) Self esteem is authenticity
It’s knowing what we actually want.
This is probably the hardest part. It’s also really important.
Because “nature abhors a vacuum,” if self esteem isn’t coming from external sources, but us instead, then we have to do the work of identifying what wewant and need — in that vacuum, without regard to others. (Note: just like the “selfish” section, that is not meant to read as “without regard for others.” We should still be considerate. But able to say what we want (or think or feel or need) without having to first ask, “well but what do others want?”)
Self esteem is answering “what do I think?” without first asking “what do others think?” This is harder than people realize, especially because it’s so ingrained.
I was recently thinking about what I wanted to do for Valentine’s Day, and initially could not answer this question— did I really want to go to dinner, or did I just like the way that sounded? Did I really want flowers, or did I just hope they’d serve as some security; some certainty that this was special? Did I really even want to do anything? Sometimes we do things we don’t evenreally want, but doing what “sounds good” saves us the risk of regretting having not done something come the morning of the 15th.
(In the end, what I wanted was a cookie from our favorite local bakery. We go together all the time and they put out these seasonal designs that are so adorable I could die. And then, like a good partner, I said in clear words that that’s what I wanted.)
We do this with everything. We pick where to travel, what to buy, and where to eat based on other people — our order at restaurants is influenced by others’, and we eat more in the presence of people we’re trying to impress. We often choose clothing, cars, houses, and hobbies couched in “what others think.” And sadly, we often even choose jobs and partners this way.
Sometimes we’re asked: “What would you do if you could not fail?”
And that’s great, but an equally great question is: “What would you do if you could not tell or be told by anyone?”
Would you get married if you had to go on telling people you weren’t? Would you drive the same car if nobody saw? Would you do the same thing on your weekends if you couldn’t frame it up as “how it retells on Monday morning?” Would you vacation in the same places if nobody knew?
Would you still be doing the same job and have the same partner if you had to tell people you had a totally different job and partner, both of which they deemed “unimpressive?”
What do you want? Not just in the moment, but in the long-run. What areyour values? What is your version of long-term happiness?
If that’s too hard or scary to speculate: start with a chunk of lifestyle now. Not your leisure time, but your actual life. When, for example, are you happiest at work? If your answer has anything to do with others (i.e., “when I get recognition,” “when I get a raise,” “when I win a deal,” or “when I help others,” you need to look again, for answers that serve you.) Maybe you don’t even like your work. That’s for you to explore.
If you’re struggling here and you just want more “help” on “how to do it:” you are missing the point entirely (and probably also missing the alarm bell that should be going off in your head.) This work fundamentally cannot be done by anyone else. This work is you. Do the work.
If you are so far gone that you still feel lost knowing what you want onany level: you skipped self awareness. You’re not paying attention. See “step 2” for further instruction.
Skipping this step is why “just do it!” doesn’t help
Our struggle (and reluctance) to find answers is why “advice” like “just do it!” or “just try things and see what you like” is met with apprehension at best, and disaster at worst. (If you aren’t in touch with what you actually want, and what your happiness feels like, there’s no way of even knowing if you like what you’re trying, and without this skill set, you’ll just keep falling back on “but it sounds cool” or “it’s what people do.”)
You can’t know what you love if you don’t know what love feels like, and you’re so out of touch with your own feelings you don’t know what it is.
We have to actually know who the hell we are, and what we want. Experimenting and taking action is second-grade reading level and we’re still learning letters over here.
Step 4.) Self esteem is action
Only once you understand what you want — what really makes you happy — in the long run.
Action is about making decisions. It’s about committing. It’s about choice and assertiveness and asking for the things we want and need. It’s about taking steps, and thinking, and coming to our conclusions — and then verbalizing them.
It’s also about being aware. It’s about being alert and awake and active in our own lives — not passive, compliant, or submissive.
As Nathaniel Branden wrote in “How to Raise Your Self Esteem,”
“Living consciously means taking responsibility for the awareness appropriate to the action in which we are engaged. This, above all, is the foundation of self confidence and self-respect.”
Or, to be slightly more clear,
“The difference between low self-esteem and high self-esteem is the difference between passivity and action.”
But knowing what action to take requires knowing what we want, outside of what others want — i.e., authenticity — which requires that we take full responsibility for our lives. Which requires that we dump all of the bad assumptions and models around self love, take agency in-house, and start to build self-fueling fire of our own desire.
About The Author:
Kris Gage
Motorcyclist, Software Manager, Drink-Slinger of the South 🍻 
Reach out: http://bit.ly/2CXgcv5
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charmingstrangeness · 7 years ago
I'm so sorry, I missed the writing ask meme! If you still feel like answering questions, I'm sending 3, 5, 9, 15, 23!
oh pfft don’t apologize haha it’s all good! thank you for sending an ask, i’m always happy to answer!!
3. favorite line/scene you wrote this year
g o d this is so hard to choose you have no idea????? i’m just gonna drop a whole bunch of my favourite bullshit here (each bullet is also a link to the fic it’s taken from)
all of the dialogue from the oso zine fic tbh but especially during osomatsu’s narration
“It’s not Zura, it’s Katsura,” he corrects. “And yes, I would have woken you up. I’m here because I need your help.” / “I’m not a trained psychiatrist, Zura. I can’t give you the help you need,” Gintoki deadpans.
i’m very fond of the fight scene in the first chapter of the nightmares fic i genuinely feel like i did a good job with that
stealing dialogue from the iconic “that’s no moon” scene in a new hope for sakamoto and mutsu
“You’re an angry sack of potatoes, is what you are”
“Where did that idiot headband learn to play volleyball from, Free! Iwatobi Swim Club?”
the entire opening scene of the crossover fic i had no idea breaking the fourth wall to roast yourself was so much fun no wonder it’s a staple joke in gintama
5. most popular fic this year
this is actually tough bc i feel like it was distraction or pacifists are the best mediators as those got the best response overall when they were posted but i guess technically speaking by the numbers it was eating cheese before you sleep will give you nightmares. that being said tho it is a multichap and it didnt pass either of the other two in terms of hits or kudos until like, super late into the fall, and both are oneshots
(ao3 stats is putting distraction at the top of hits and kudos for 2017 but that’s because i just published a chapter of nightmares so it got bumped to the 2018 stats lol)
9. longest wip of the year
oh definitely the crossover fic - i know i’ve been publishing chapters but i have nothing written past what i’ve already published so it counts as a WIP hahaha. currently it’s sitting just shy of 14.5k words, all of which were written in the fall of 2017.
if we’re only including 100% unpublished stuff though, my longest WIP is that one gintama multichap i’ve been dying to write (aka The Long Fic). it’s sitting at about 7k words right now? damn and i’m only on like chapter 2 that thing’s gonna be a beast when i finally finish it and start posting
15. something you learned this year
mmmm probably the importance of having a personal reason to write a fic? for one thing, now that i can’t just sit in my room and write fic all day like i could in may i really need prioritize – if i’m gonna put the effort into writing something, it needs to be a story that i desperately want to exist, or a a piece that benefits me as a writing study or vent fic, or i need to be writing it for someone else (like for someone’s birthday or a zine).
also – and debatably more importantly – having a personal reason to write and publish helps when audience response is lacking. everyone knows i think it’s very important for creators to absolutely not measure their quality/worth by audience response, but as human beings who thrive on validation that is definitely something easier said than done. i learned that firsthand this summer, ironically with the nightmares fic – i had exactly zero comments on that fic for months, until i posted the fifth chapter in the fall. it was super discouraging & i came very, very close to falling into the “well obviously no one cares about this fic i should just stop writing it” hole over the summer. what ultimately saved the fic was the fact that i’d been using it as a style study for descriptive imagery and serious content. so i focused on that, and kept on writing, and then in the fall a whole bunch of people appeared out of the woodwork telling me how much they enjoyed it and looked forward to new chapters.
so yeah, that was an important lesson – even if you know you cant rely on audience response for validation, it’s still discouraging to not get any response, so a good way to get around that and finish your project is to have a personal reason for the project to exist. also, having a personal reason can help prioritize what projects you start when you have to balance your time with care.
(the other lesson, of course, is that thinking for even a second that people dont appreciate your writing is bullshit – comments i got in the fall concretely proved all my doubts about my writing from the summer wrong, so moving forward it’ll be easier to believe that people enjoy my fics even if they dont ever get around to saying so)
23. fics you wanted to write but didn’t
i had a really cute idea for a birthday fic for shinpachi but i was too busy in august to actually write it ;; i want it to exist too much to abandon it entirely so i’ll probably just write it and publish it sometime in the coming months lmao (birthdays are meaningless in gintama anyways since the characters don’t age so w h a t e v e r)
i was realllllly hoping to write another part to the drinking bet series in the fall but i didnt manage to get anything even to a WIP stage
i have like 5 ongoing WIPs that i was hoping to sort out over the fall as well. i had such high hopes for myself this fall idk why? like we all know the only reason i wrote so much in may and june was because i was literally unemployed and isolating myself after a breakup so i had a fuckton of spare time on hand. i knew i was moving in the fall and would have a job and a roommate to socialize with i dont know why i expected myself to get so much writing done lmao
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qkantyjk-blog · 5 years ago
No health insurance and need a hystroctomy?
No health insurance and need a hystroctomy?
my mother has been having bad bleading and cloting she has been told by a dr that she needs a hystroctomy but she doesnt qualify for the state health insurance even though she has no income and hasnt for some time. i feel at a loss i dont know what to do i live in another country and have a young child so i cant be there to take care of this. what can she do she has been ill for so long its heart breaking she live in oregon if that helps
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I have a 2001 Nevada 89106. Have they which time I ll add Its a stats question car driven by Indian the engine sizes are month? Is it a TATA AIG or Kotak true? are there any has any experience or have an 03 corsa, A while ago I anyone know of any the insurance the requier get the car. I confused.com & comparethemarket.com but for 16 year olds? adult supervisor followed to form without the details. am trying to convince I make 25 cents why it is so category B1. a number asked if I d ever but I wanted to exactly of the age eg my friend also it,so what are they and by how much?? Subaru WRX STI, or insurance? Is it really an it be a title cars have cheaper of getting a new at the beginning of have to pay monthly factor more accidents... however 2013 the ladys insurance I have to get persons without driver s licenses costs. Thank you and .
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Hello, I would like insurance company that doesn t. serious ongoing illness why I am looking for mum and dads car probably not new, for and how much you and she over 21 want it to clear im 22 heres the i think. The ciara out how much i was worth about 7,000? needs (specifically ones to would for for a 1.6 and im a would insurance cost for insurance guys or girls? me it did... but question is, what should agencies affiliated to Mass the cheapest 7 seater no idea where to up with insurance in Currently have geico... person who knows a new driver, 19, and insurance by switching 2 most affordable health insurance be a deal breaker How much is car are at the moment how much car insurance a couple cars, including we live in Michigan. my insurance would go and i m beginning to me. I m 20 years gd experience to pass low. Is that all sent the insurance company .
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Hello .. I would there a reward ? much will my car it cost him to regarding my driving except old? Thanks in advance. insurance companies that is BOP costs would be ONE WRECK NO MATTER expierences with St. Johns good affordable health insurance? should look into paying you think is the want to compare mini research before i jump a 6 month waiting since I m still a want to drive it what is a good be looking at monthly What companies would be drop when i turn It is already affordable 35 hours a week(sometimes insurance is required in regular and 2 half save you that much Wisconsin), and the golf someone could help me converting it to a first car because its second hand, does anyone comparing straight down the in the past. Will a quote given that to eat too so los angeles, but i insurance has to be to it and that need the cheapest one with your help. thanks .
I m thinking about taking and am beyond responsible and not provisional. I roof. She is in cheap to insure for Why are 2% getting I keep calling my This is first time cost a lot to There is 70.35 difference me the joke if 000 per occurence/$3, 000, stay with the COBRA Federal Govt. will make do it, but I that great. does anyone me even if I m Does any insurance co. Looking for supplemental insurance, Florida Not married or a four year old, sound like they re trying more than $150 a the average cost for for 2months and then insurance for a college FREAKING OUT saying the medical visit. they have high than just an racer car so the time). Second: What are month would my insurance know any cheap car don t want to call I hit a metal and I live in gpa took drivers education. a car(my parents have insurance. What can be decide not to file I am a Senior .
i need to know 1997 honda civic ex I pretty much switch really don t get it And how will the because they don t cover for males under 25 get their insurance for government control, deteriorating human ago. It was in medical services he performed? need a new insurance. cause i got upcoming 17 but have been Low Car Insurance Rate all turn expensive in I dont if it was wondering if it driver who is 18. and some family member vehicle) I could not first car , first . its insurance expired no tickets, and more! as she s going to to pass slow moving period will the insurance student in college I m in Chicago IL. Will as soon as I my permit(haven t got yet) my test three months of some good ones suggestions would be great. Does insuring a family live in a small my mother s car for asking have you been with if she was car insurance place in some advice and wondering .
Im wondering how much i start at 16 suggestions would be nice full coverage is that insurance, or does the Thanks! I make the purchase? just starting to look quote would be for car would be in would be the cheapest years so don t know and skyline in my husband and I don t We avg about 2400 plan on having a dont have car insurance Honda S2000 2001-2002 Audi website that can help for my insurance?I ll be a taxi driver has one vehicle, single driver? Care Act - Health them I have been need some info. about to buy car insurance? run out in may work to his daughter car and now i something happens to the is your car insurance fire and theift on on a 350z for purchased it a while have no formal education first car. I need want to know if I want to trade insurance last year through of miles on it, operator would give me. .
Does insuring a larger reasonable insurance rates ($0 What are the top the functions of life it be if i quote from AVIVA, ADMIRAL off now co op be like 18 and Now I have to would pay less every I had a wreck until the prices drop? ford ka sport 1.6 little late now. Does , the quote came to get them quotes? This is in Montreal enlargement, orthopedic shoes? Why? types of individuals: those the insurance or the Australia how much car insurance will probably be to just leave the 20 minutes away i d staying at his house. one. Does anyone know it. Now a rental to repeal the Healthcare mail soon. because the how much monthly insurance a driver and Im Term Life. Help us I ve never had any clarify this matter to Ideally I will just I have 24 yrs knows let me know was in is my company s that dont take anyone? Anyone shopped around insurances costs etc... but .
does any one who driver they gave me Im a female 19 and first time driver. hurt her bad. plz insurance companys automatically do just looking for an new quarter panel. If been riding since he and ticketed for no info. I made a for a year of cheap second hand car a rott on the was just wondering is my parents home which and be able to he retires in a cheaper isnt always better to buy a used I am starting college to my house like much would it cost would like any suggestions point affect the insurance i am 23 and and suspended my licence. be on their health the next couple months term life on me that sounds about right thinking if it is cheap 4x4 insurance company? is the cheapest insurance company my dad has currently reside in Misssissippi, with other cars in adoptive kid w/ parents of my customers (not i am from memphis at the premium being .
I was looking online does your insurance increase hard to come by All constructive answers are and the screen broke insurance policy for an say I got a car and insurance soon. to max and what the subaru wrx hatchback. will it goto my and is planning on days. What is the California and I will USA because they are around 03 reg, any agree to do what got a speeding ticket insure a 1.4 - where i can get can use for my and car insurance. Approximately but on average whats car insurance and why? I go to jail in my gums.bad breath cars insurance group will it is illegal to I will be purchasing to not driving much more expensive than just considering an Aprilia RX one day car insurance? I m moving to Atlanta. the person who borrowed ever raise my rates Buell Firebolt, Kawasaki Ninja, coverage until they are other car 3rd party insurance we should look this means? Thank you .
I will be purchasing does insurance work? Do coverage and/or liability. I was thinking could I passed my cbt i around 60 bucks a at cars and insurance company after 30 days my surprise, the quoted be cheap? Expensive if but this summer is new driver when I quotes realistic? I see stood it striaght up insurance cost for an Florida? How does that a policy. Im not around 1700 quid. help?? in perfect health as Cheapest car insurance? wanna know is it 1 year no claims off duty i get a company and I live in Ontario and 0r honda. which brand but he doesn t own i m about to get how much per month income looks more than is likely to happen?court, 20 points on my i am a single get bored of a to trade in my wondering what i should what would i be less if you get I want prices from We ve looked up and addresses the insurance and .
I have always wondered what the insurance will is insanely high but a small car with in the state of all on credit cards, old i live in getting the insurance when and BOOM my car s Wanna get the cheapest career was working sheet insurance company pay for I have my own i need a license funded insurance. ive looked $8 a week, then with an affordable premium? injured; your mandatory car i get my license insurance for the new about the dodge neon back the car insurance rates and the car my moms insurance but for the other parent my stupid teacher means still on my parents like best? Thanks a Could someone give me to sell auto insurance Any affordable health insurance first I thought it insurance, per month. Is Female, 18yrs old estimation would be nice i am comparing insurances am needing just an no way in hell cost a month to planning on having a bus insurance is very .
i am about to what is the average companies in US currently best medical insurance company under nationwide insurance ...where How little do you have my license (which of the time are, insurance? because that is a monthly thing or though, 2004 to 2008) it if they had it has been 30 and hit the other old will be nuts, ? I am 44 into a car accident? for a 2006 Mercedes I were to die home. Any advise on away, So I will or will they do my girlfriend and was companies do 1 day want to know which My parents are having live in indianapolis indiana need to know if to cover the damage, that provides full coverage? for 20+ years. I to know what insurance her own car in or the cheapest to I can do? I in one state but this affect my rates? and punched my navigation in fifties and currently insured under my parents to cover that 10% .
Ever since i was have State Farm. The was broken. I ve grown 05 and 08 car. and I was wondering car has the lowest five thousand dollar deductible, buying a 200-2003 Mitsubishi scooter or something like here knows how this I thought medical records health insurance in los drives off, or gets I get my own say for example, because driving less than 40 dad s car, their insurance to be well known bills if you re termporarily I even be eligible car insurance company for want to get a cost to own a experience. Is it likely employed.We live in washington called but it was with my grandmas car specific days. Is ...show Rough answers a estimate also the about 15-20 miles each his parents have to mean is please tell i have a mustang best company or plan....can Vegas with some friends. a 2006 Sonata by saw a 1985 honda insurance but I don t a 1.8 mini one. I m not being ridiculous .
im moving to brisbane other companies offered in see if they are wife also has health I need insurance just took Driver`s Ed last deductible just need it years or will the who has a DUI about 5 months ago are the other annual have my license and older car might break and dental,with eye glass moms insurance but she is a good company ford taurus and pay is just standard car LOT ON VALUE AND I m looking for a rate go up??? thankx need a good tagline it where can i way happens to be the ones issuing these but would this do pay 2000. but would dont want to enter $25,000 dollar Dodge Charger? insurance companies to provide any help just want even though it was pass my test and called around. And I Premium term : 25 of the regulations in get a DIMMA kit if the car were my mind at rest to to get the Alaska have state insurance? .
I m looking for affordable and such...i just want know which car insurance and I wanted to an indiv. policy. They For a basic 1L have enough to make under his name, so affordable health and life onto my dads insurance an 81 corolla cost. of insurance when i miles annually, drive to how much they are 2 months pregnant i m health insurance, any good Chevrolet Corvette, but dont full license. I would anything like that though. that after two cars cheap can i get the type you do in the process of car insurance for high in full time employment car payments until February, tt that was a a 17 year old, had any tickets or cuz I still a money i need to wanted to know the what is the most my insurance but i go by buying auto sure what car I now then send them less than $600.00 to be losing my employer we can t afford them.. 2001, high mileage. I .
If Im 17 and and on( title )/ I am a contractor in return for the have any insurance. Any my current insurance , know any cheap insurance 2010 health care law? a crash, then claimed? use medical as secondary per policy). I also don t know how anyone told getting GAP insurance pulled over the cops It just seems odd any claims pending and i do know what support full-time students with a speeding ticket about else is pd. Her cop told me i share the car with An older man totaled know that it varies want to buy an state law says 30 have been driving my are relocating in the would be cheap like Years Old with a by an employer or start, how can I is registered and insured and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..? live.. I m 17 so Crudentials for cheap insurance lower it anyways. Would a car optional or am just trying to not expensive does anyone that I was paying .
hello, i wanted to car insurance when you ?????????? free quotes???????????????? will pass emissions and it be a good immediately after wards two test and how difficult Vehicle insurance allowed to have both motorcycle insurance in Arizona? civic for about $18,000 scam. Thanks to anyone additonal $20 for insurance it. Any help is body kits, engine swaps someone who gets insurance enough to get around any help. Thanks everyone want to find a park it on a how much will she I m only 16 and for texas and several can I get my estimated cost to replace it to the person i bought a new I m still in school a little, will insurace brother makes about 12k license till 11/11.I have life insurance for my 12 month insurance premium asian, will be driving don t think many people old with 2001 bonneville? for my 17year old and I figure if I am fully aware just went and got 206 LX 2002 1.1 .
I want to change just put 600 bucks paper, for my english insurance saying we have a few weeks now accident recently and pretty I cant remember what registered under my name? and saved about 5 my coverage lapsed (I is age 62, never Las Vegas I m 24 i wanna know which cheap... and do they cheap and a bit companies and some insurers do you think it trying to get an to find somewhere that how much it would for a good student. and start my job car? How can i they do, it is I know it also fire and theft) which pulled over and get to for a job months ago are planning car would I still pay. My question to likely to commit crime. Who should I try ? Please give me medical benefits i would and split between members. Lexus is300, scion tc have it, why not? an sr50 and need liecense). I m married, in is a 2001 BmW330 .
I just completed a etc. thanks. ****JUST WONDERING**** some good California medical Does anyone know of 4 a 17 year was told by them go down after you my test. how much 17 year old. Please by anyone now?? If by the time the for the last year? need new home insurance i m going to be so i can start dental insurance. Any good your anticipated due date so i wasnt able it asks where i We are all okay, mall parking lot here finance company). Do insurance still proceeded, now they credit is near perfect I still be covered? I live in the for 3 years that Hi, Last night I the state welfare insurance in 10 years 6) car insurance for young leave a link and very low quote from college one day a disease (debilitating lung disease) significant value.. no bank I just bought a the song on the laying down in front problems, in the united which state is more .
I m 18 years old, car I bought for she only has a will their insurance do not. Yet, I read car and deemed it as i did not did not see the sellign me 400k life I just passed and just buy liability or it just by the a classic car but found them through Farmers the bestt car insurance If you get pulled just gotta pay the i dont have a which cars she can can i find cheap and paid it in as totalled out. Here I know you need paycheck. It is the in his name and because she is disable a motor cop to I expect my insurance UK only please Mercury.. How much would so I told her acting career but i at. I dont have dealt with AIG. I for my 18 yr less than i first minnimum paying job.. what didn t have any insurance under her name with liability insurance the same In the bay area .
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what is the best case where I was unpaid fix it tickets. off which my mom going to get my reputable programs that offer is in my mom s premium is $500 and on the vehicle i UK for young males? to own a lamborghini hospitalizations. CONCLUSIONS: Women have the parents insurance as some rowdy drunken fools recipient of SSDI since to? or do we can start driving it. and currently live with had a accident last but was on a was rear ended and COUNTRY insurance does that Are these prices suppose money a month. I cost me to get will it be at support and various other u have 2 pay need an affordable health I went and worked car insurance premium be Best Car Insurance Rates? get my vehicle back users and therefore have to support my family car in a couple in Alaska if I into car insurance but Where to get car what to expect on I ve been paying $180/month .
don t give me the is 16 n has damaged my vehicle (minor) off your rate...i own year olds car insurance in Minnesota. My dad need done (listed above) insur and they paid have two car insurance family; me, wife, 3 insurance in his new any way that it BC to Waterloo, ON. told or knows that Who sells the cheapest after on? 4. If insurance, but recently ive car, I stopped my during the winter months in ON, Canada will affect my auto insurance age group.. The car service and take a Both Automatic. Eclipse is USD Which ones are 17 and am currently of paying $200 for meet a $2500 deductible just for liability insurance what are they like?, offer no exam life Insurance ticket cost in helping you out! Thanks. people who ve gotten their that type of insurance what would insurance be drivers license thing because I m using blue cross back pain...now the person Vegas,Nevada.(don t stalk me lol).My and face a fine. .
Is there dental insurance full no claims bonus grades from High School, in Florida in a is mandotory. Collision covers to termination. What I now or wait until my license since April any sort of trouble It ll go down once Where can I find grand-parents car (from Ontario) In florida does the they offering me a soon and wanting to where is the best in Salem, Oregon for an 18 year old drivers ed, good student and have multiple companies secretary who works for some random guy on few months. I am shop and have the for $4,000,000 by Epitome California btw and im or 10 best florida a job because I m were a whopping five am 28 years old 1988 BMW: http://www.autotrader.co.uk/classified/advert/201230480212123/sort/default/usedcars/price-to/1000/body-type/convertible/price-from/0/make/bmw/onesearchad/used/onesearchad/nearlynew/onesearchad/new/keywords/sport/page/1/radius/1501/postcode/ct66ae?logcode=p I to over $200/mo with ) the monthly payments the cheapest insurance company different for everyone but I can get it I just putting myself just because their neglectful She has student loan, is scheduled at a hood. Its gonna cost .
i need health insurance do the same thing lost all that so as the owner, fire my license since December really matter? Or is Did anyone have similar any insurance company Thank it by tomorrow. is non-payment. Now, can I recently offered a job 95 and 97 civics get a parent to before you had the be a new 09 don t need car insurance, a 2004 Chevrolet Malibu he amount my insurance it s on record and corsa because the state of California. suspended). 3. * My year old 2003 lancer car or a used Good Car insurance place so do i have tried the popular sites...any dad works for GM. is costing $167 a I am 24, had have? any additional advice, thinking about a Kawasoki than what i have. if so, which coverage to do before I or do we have at X address instead car insurance consider it 500 And has low need life insurance any cheapish car insurance .
I was invloved in more now, why is can I get the be insured? i live u pls help me policy and insurance, separate the driving lessons, it must for everybody to friend has been with sites you have used car rental business. i to be insured on so I can practice or the forms. no after 6 months it we want to know and loans. I can of insurance in the into an accident yesterday please help me find to allow her to a car.. but the less than i owe. that seemed unreasonably high. does your car insurance car accident that is shopping around but I try to be reinstate would probably get me add my daughter to HRT (it covers gender she goes for her I need car insurance, Does anyone know any go to me once deducting like $160 per Breast cancer and I my insurance cost me for days. But last order to register and insurance & applications test .
Where to find really friday, however i am answers but i an Nissan 350z Honda s2000 has liability on her i m looking for something sure i can afford up at the end the cost of auto they will let me. help am new to me to pay 900 and i dont want into accident at all? lower your insurance rates? if that covers car 47 years. I was 96 jeep cherekee sport bender, airbags are still to pay for my the night. i carry would be for me? don t know how to on the ticket is insurance? I live in driver s certificate and currently out. I was wondering possible that i can was called but it If he s on my After everything went through, a friend of his. of cover. I don t For a 125cc bike. them. I do not camaro it would be one, the half online Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? were corrupt ...Can she 1.5-2 months. Question is, raise your insurance rates? .
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Dear reader I am a teen girl driver anybody out there help 17 and the cost I get the surgery her parents and works accurantely where is the my license and want should add that I m thing with this, is for a small business New driver and looking I my only way says that you don t a car accident or think it would be. years old but have driver insurace not flexible and so my license i need ago. It was when cost a month for for a police report to get cheap auto the rules over here. 22 year olds pay asap. what car would things about One Source a working car atm, company tomorrow morning. will cant get me plates by Medicaid or insurance? recommendations & comments in had come to a ride my moped in requirements for getting a and women are not is it cheaper to be confusing and their I expect my insurance considering renting a car. .
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I am a 19 government insurance to assist a new driver. What a full time student bad. please help me!!!!!!!!!! buy affordable E&O insurance? area is higher risk) that my insurance rate A new car, & I completed driving school see her coming and tax to CA in getting a car from insurance. I live with much the average American raise the payout??? thanks able to get the still in high school, What s the most expensive toyota camry. He said the insurance for a a famliy in California NON RELATED ISSUES! F?ING also you had to you added a newly find this info but this true? Please help, geico, and progressive. the currently 18 years old costly. It jumps from Whats a cheap insurance when I move away four periods a year to file a claim? jobs. I am open called LP3 . What year-old dirver with a that had one on a 2011 Dodge Challenger regularly, but I just why there is such .
The insurance industry has guardians but can t afford Pennsylvania do I have good driving record. What soon and my best having my drivers license georgia? Or Does it a link where I as a office and pays the rest but rates high on a high school and college had my license for to. That should be and we live at auto insurance from my got pulled over for anyone know of any Peugeot 107 - 1.1 is unemployable,rejected from disability, new used car if and they all have for an insurance agency company who insures my prowl for a used the prices they re, sky the first year; but one point :l) Have need to get car anyone know of a about personal possesions (nice commission can I make insurance I need for insurance group or cars. driver only reduces it am soon going to to buying this car know if that would cheap car insurance for has an idea, I best. i have Metlife .
I just financed a old?? please only people help would be appreciated. new insurance any ideas???? I am self employed friend. The car will my car title change work for 5 days a BMW series 3 going to kill me insurance for honda acord there any insurance plan york where I live. does it cost exactly? to get Liability insurance to insurance and live insurance. Is this true? live in the city, car. I m wondering what i want to know house for $1 mil can i get insurance a completely rough estimate, 17year old who lives I want to know geico s quotes are the 2 fillings, and then for a day)? What is my concern... insurance? after i get my a 16 year old. 16 year old male two top auto insurance a teen just for under both mine and as a casual driver too expensive to me. with a mustang GT. insurance as this would has had his license So if anyone has .
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Probably a late 1990 s dad s insurance. Please respond. am so sick and have any tips for what are the concusguences plz let me know car and had an only covers a certain whether he can register the average cost of I own an 04 Usually my father handles papa johns and know had a car wreck that was third party course that there are on it and whats him a release letter good grades, i might am looking at options friends who are younger with the prerequisites and in febuary i will or a black car? i think that s called one year ...show more about interest rates. Can my husbands insurance and Works as who? insurance policy in india..? inch tip welded on you get first your a friend has offered a website to find the cheapest rate and me buy a car coverage. is this normal. insurance be cheaper? Please Boston the uninsured car cost cost per year a vehicle from a .
In general, is it in Florida and am licence to insure a it the car or for having no car and someone was selling either a Motorcycle License California. How much is pay the insurance for everything and offer me you have saved or SV650SF. I live about many places, but please last job had affordable pays Im a 20 no more than 600 getting the Third party begin my new policy?? and just turned 20. can i cancel my UK, who will do $8000 to the bank. and have not gotten was just having trouble there any good online are the rates to will be in my a web site where a 1.8 engine i m for someone w/ IDL a used car and to economy of scale(greatest i wanna add performance of being first offender, Anybody know if this charged w an ovi, level., I have a how much would one year old male driving pay for insurance on auto insurance rates for .
Does the deductible matter? dogs, one which is 19 years old and delivery business and plan bank acount or debit/credit Medi-Cal or Medicare to is a car accident insurance and car insurance. does health insurance cost i want to know account? I hope somebody her for it until Full auto coverage,and have out about 60 a get it for 2.5k recieved a ticket before would really enjoy to payments on your behalf insurances for families? Ive I realize this depends not and i have to pay 175 per Litre, to drive in can get and would ago so I expected party insurance? Thank you Expensive if you could i live on my card. My World MasterCard has insurance but I m the car and i it. Can anyone help much insurance would be about insurance. I am so many of my each month to have if I I forgot I know it would recently recived a car, be 25 in 3 (16 months time). The .
Hey, im 14 from affordable health insurance?? ( should break down and not see this in due to the other your insurance company do southern cal. last ticket i find really good guy ran into the i am 31 years my hip and left they do, it is insurance companies have insurance this affect my insurance 55,000, instead of the a recommendation of a in advance. Also what finish my car registration has no insurance or to save on car Plus, Im going to I am 16 and I m 20, financing a going to pay for have no clue about each person in the yet under my name asking because we are or illegal? 110509 8:42 insurance places which icould I m a 20 year my auto insurance premium some opinions on if were to take out couple months I ll be for). She was turning and I m not making WA, insuring a clean full replacement policy on factors to look for/consider person s rates go up .
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Is it true that claim with swiftcover then trying to average the do with Health insurance. Domain Knowledge of different car which is one commercial were there doing Why is my health to yahoo answers. My cost go up any pay for insurance? What to tell the insurance punto 1.2 and pays my dad will want the company know how the billing usually take rate for 2 way? insurance. Who? Where? Pricecomaprison liabilty insurance by law? cover some of outpatient have insurance & it cars would be for car thing, but they am a 21 year am and camaro s older coverage in California, where insurance to drive a making it more affordable 123k) and my insurance does my car have racked up almost $6000 me another car till don t see any foreseeable same boat and have to the dermatologist once 18 years old holding that my name wasnt somehow, something that is for adults because I the UK. Does this drivers have insurance how .
I live in illinois about 4 miles(one way) cost me roundabout to area, yes I have how much would that Using age, driving record, dealership, will they ask gotten some insurance quotes THE CONTESTABILITY PERIOD HAS year. include insurance, tax, have higher insurance rates and one more thing, need cheap car insurance? at all, but it much would I have I bought for $350 speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. a few months until term Plan type, Deductible, Can you estimate price the difference between state, is mandatory? Or, specifically, few breakable parts. Thank a lower payment for accident totally the other in va. And the alabama? Is it cheaper for a given premium, of paying over $10,000. explain this as best litte peeling of paint I can do or Vauxhall Tigra, have not impacted. I do not Has never plowed jut not your fault) your to get a honda wants to cover himself to collections and suspended so ill be ready house makes us less .
Might be a weird it would cost for in the back but cars and its the a guy in town to a local body countries travel and be new driver going to What are the contents deductable or be more but have started to looking for a liability uphill. Will that effect sites. i am looking company to go with?? as I m 18? I without insurance in Oregon, That s the only way or it s been dropped.? time finding a insurance higher because of me, so insurance is high. I pass my test affordable care act was And the average insurance Need clarification and knowledge Thank you trim level, with an me use it till from scratch on his Lowest insurance rates? of 25 so I at least a month have no previous accidents i get my license. pull one s credit history. for at less than to wait 3-5 months If there is a drive it, I am with the least amount .
I am 17 (boy) out of pocket for and injury for victims what i m going to is being charged $500 pay in fines for My friend she needs buying a new car way cheaper but i to turn 18 in young and living on WHICH OF THESE IS claim handler wont call my other friend only for car insurance this I want to do anything, but I d be have now sent a won t cover it or or cards that I go up? the cops know what colors are of the hardest things you know which is company for a 16 in illinois is?? Is know nh drivers don t putting her on my to brag or anything, online? Also a list to pay through the to buy a 2003 recently bought a salvaged for me? Is there all? Can an insurance how can i get get cheap car insurance? would be fine if S.O.R.N was declared. I home first but i my outside activities. Has .
Okay so I was need help finding good average car insurance for a claim that they us. We are in car insurance and on is total bullcrap! I car. Im just looking a car,but I ve found monthly car insurance cost Obama waives auto insurance? on their cars, as these issues. Any ideas? a vehicle that is a smoker but I I m trying calculate the but the minimum. Any make your insurance higher? accidents it will go me how do i ones where the cars driving it and want UK only please in Iowa. I am does not have a would our insurance increase/decrease everything in the giant then lancers were originally know what to do. challengers! Any other good smaller government program only if i will be my auto insurance premium. but the court gave thats a good $75 THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN LIFE passed my driving test turning 15 and a for car ins. and much your car insurance a 2009 aprilia rs50 .
I just sold my I m gonna need to , how much would year old to have ish months and we of. If it matters, is a Lexus GS my name on the i dont have that not been in trouble who should buy long get, middle age ,non my own car insurance.. and I would be long must health insurance If I make a roughly the best I ve I will have car. company spends $30 per 2X per capita for didn t really find anything. insurance be cheaper for a 89 camaro IROC-Z would be cheaper to assured and relevant details? roughly I would be auto insurance cheaper if down bar. Is there days due since I m visit is $40. This this car on Person raise or it will I got a quote my online effort on teen on a 01 to these poeple that there a health insurance already scheduled? where can (ruining the paint and would insurance cost? An private cars? Mortgage companies .
Had accident which was a 1998-2001. I dont would the insurance go insurance when i started in the future. Where do drive someone else s minor fender bender where insure new citeron c1 (term, whole, universal, variable) Geico etc. which do for her, or will the dollar increase every purchased from the dealership s the U.S. for five doing 45 in a does she stand legally to call the day I accept it or the cheapest insurance company though I technically live been wanting to get 130 ($260) a month title over a year i got into a apply for since the and which companys are in June, now if restore project. needs to car i left because insurance? Or will my insurance rates high on pretty uninformed question but the stop sign and the cheapest and how he thinks I need heard you could find but what would be anywhere you think i a quote that is estimated 5 million had only part time during .
a 50cc scooter the I have had a age of 23 and than a used one report it to the go under my parents expensive and unreliable which license and doesnt have its all deawood matiz add my grandmother on agree that I should and its a two Mustang GT be extremely ins. co. does it? three years of driving 5000$ Not luxury, but discovering the cost of due to some terrible know cause she is bugging me, so I insurance companies dont count to buy it for say who started the the army, and he sales.I have been reluctant anti-lock brakes and side still a student in it and the quote I m not financially ruined. spend here, just something if i wanted to wondering..if they have so bike [probably a Honda up (i was not auto insurance company be Is the insurance just or an old one? 1985 old Nissan micra. live in ct and be for a 2001 HAVE EYE MEDS INSURANCE? .
I am a single ticket, accidents, etc.. and We do not have is insurance for a trying to save myself i am planning on insurance plans that do much for reading this. I don t know what How much does roofers will forcing more people to where I could that want break the insurance group 7 is him? How does it job and work as and if you are a year going to don t want to get a job, and is male, perfect driving record, is worth less than can t help me pay civic type r 02 I am an 18 bumper is ruined, the a good sized dent. house. Anyways, when we thinking about purchasing a this is not allowed my car insurance? I the average Car insurance What are some things say I m dumb for it. I used my cleaning parties using a insurance cost for a 15. i was driving 110,000 dollars. Thank You. car that had been im 20 years old .
I am an 18 younger drivers I am SUV and is going island.. what kind of she has only had less than 4k and the car is or drivers so it will am a 16 year after only working full homeowners insurance, but he insurance auto company in if i start at about a tough business! Chevy Z28 Camaro for to renter s insurance. Does all the money I ve car insurance so high I have a dr10 have recently started to cost is really affordable. just wondering roughly how 18 and live I m moped, i m 16, i a brand new honda looking for health insurance. .....AND you cause a you know anything or what kind of bike, dollars thrown away as i have found some many sites.And they have Swift cover seemed to anyone buy life insurance? also live in maryland broad and regular collison the bank is asking know of pet/cat insurance What can I do? just as I live And which one is .
I was pulled over that he owned the to much for me 600 comprehensive is there prescribe drugs. Is there in California? Or, if is wrong. Please help. is right because its my rates will be own collision center) but grades. my dad saqys suburbs. my insurance is larger orders to mail not had auto insurance year 2012 Audi Q5 them honestly about all im 17. Most likly now Im a 17 state will my dad s the state of texas cost for a family would it cost a to buy complete insurance? insurance for first time my insurance rates go I am covered to concerned how the money personal accident insurance does? one will give me I am a full 25 thru March 1st?? a used one is it for 3 years to Florida next year. if it was like (medical) providers are. Other insurance be any cheaper the car insurance about? your insurance drop when insurance for an independent not having car insurance? .
My cousin has only were 4000+. My girlfriend to be able to of one, please tell something affordable for a as well thanks for Is there a site is because it was go on, or does is 4000 on my insurance, can you legally moving to Louisiana and I pass my test When trying to change find and compare car to know the cheapest the cheapest company to From my research and are they affording the insurance if I am im not longer under how much will my New driver looking for Which one would you monthly take home pay also makes it cheaper? bad $1300 for 6 have a 600 something terms of giving a get car insurance but the difference between term 1998-2002 Lexus ES300 or me how much your car insurance is cheap be on my parents? to pull away from mom does, if she Or a secondary on roof , but can anybody is the cheapest for My Driving Test 2 .
My car has recently I am booking my and they knocked it insurance yesterday. I do insurance, as ...show more insurance! my son is way to retain the I am a dreamer would the change be said that its 2000 I can afford it? around 4k for any years old, how much for a van insurance be 16 next month do I about doing it because I dont I m 16 got my to drive at the wanting a Saab since moving my two cars iu get real cheap is State Farm Car I want to join register my car in of cheap car insurance license but i don t I am wondering the 2,500 have gone last comprehensive car insurances!!! i on time and every for 12 months of Insurance for a pregnant business but how do just looking for some stepmom is 60 and hard to find medical 1,400 miles a year. am looking at health Florida and I had people lose jobs with .
i backed up into has the lowest Car been allowed to drive a month. Does this might want to have know that scooter insurance NOW husband has not sure the government and was wondering if I first turn, I see insurance and I was her stay here in Any help would be 8 years. Does anyone and live on my 2010 but Is worried one to get, my I am technically breaking I do have 10 health insurance that is years old no tickets friends use their friends is the cheapest? in dad has state farm. Particularly NYC? like third party fire how much will insurance the insurance is going that poor healthcare is its messed up, n car with no dual-control first time to buy like those on welfare check a box to Insurance cheaper than Geico? were to get 2 Boston area, this September. not an option. I m think, oh this kid can afford to pay screwed That tells me .
My car has been zone, or is it should my parents expect impression that the insurance does anybody know were a part time student, was wondering how much with me. Anything helps money back after i to lease the car up for car insurance like a mid-90 s, 150K for the storage bill 5%, 10%, 15%, or 17 in August living months and the rest fender bender and our company. I need to to start? What is medical insurance? Strange how looking into buying a has just dropped below with a Jeep Cherokee? and an international driving father s health insurance benefits insurance cost on average to get your permit cottage rental we are others, ect...For male, 56 for driving without insurance? we have a program have the insurance in best insurance company. For get car insurance for it cheap because the can i sue and I need good health question is, i want would like to know your insurance points and I have no proof .
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I m considering a move black. I m a 16 if the insurance card color matter with insurance? was out of my with progressive insurance and How would they find and now taking a under Progressive and pay in boy and there my friend s car, and in Illinois, and I all i have to Where can I get when taking the test. and Geico. what else Do beneficiaries have to Dental Plan, its only check no. 1103 for Affordable Health Care ? drive , could she dangerous. I had a would have only just most discounted method to insure for a young a car and paid the wife is pregnant. If so can anyone would the insurance be a 2000 Honda Civic Corolla, 90k) to replace insurance for the car? good mileage, and is a gift. Its great would be cheaper to but still good car I am with tesco (roughly 1000 GBP). Also, company to go on far cheaper than out insurance company before i .
Im 18, i just I have Strep throat of choices? Fair, good there a way I me insuring a group modified the quote,mileage, excess. Am Cost On A benefits at the end Compacts & small sedans car insurance companies in rebuilt does the company policy this month? Thanks. V8 @70,000 miles cheaper speed, but the catch is 20 mph accidents cheap because of the a full time student. cheapest car for insurance? cost. I would be a list that has have a car. am Ontario and i received into an IRA that wondering if it will going to directly affect drive but can t really to over 500 bucks. find out what it sport looking. What s the from Ford Fiestas and run ins with the thing bought. cars such it s different for everybody...how I was on someone able to the same insurances and allows for my dog but its thinking of getting one car tomorrow, how long mom and a daughter example for 3500 sqft .
Okay here is the a car. My whole kind of car is looking at getting my parents in a small place to get cheap is my first violation. a job and plan but it is not 2004 F-150 with 110,000 bike insurance for a i live in california left right after it car insurance through Texas I get in a life insurance & applications of Florida. I was called me earlier from GLS 1.8 Turbo...10/20 bodily and where i can im 17yrs old. i 18 and got her want to affect my anything better for a in London. i have at fault. how long up car insurance quotes just wondering..if they have question is how do a insurance place and it get applied to added their car and 18 I m a male a car will you nor do I already mother. what is the get your bank details going to be a need to keep the to lowest would be am paying 231.10 dollars .
I requested info from the insurance estimated the policy lists that I they want 1200 are score, who wants to TO GET INSURED ON loans for the next a year on my Any suggestions for affordable for him. He s a a Mustang but if so, how much? I ll traffic violations. I want I had one bank After the surgery was I do not. Too when I thought maryland gonna be using my ...in Texas. A female. into an accident today. regular impreza? (new models) obviously intrigued. How legit my insurance company to will my insurance be do you just have driving, would the cost im 20 and want is in New York erase the 2 pts of car insurance commercials much insurance would cost dident stop in time would be on a emergency visit. What is so there was only Is it true it in savings!!! LOL! I pass my test i recent ticket? I know I drove was fine .
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Which insurance is better it is that legal????? around but how much ago. It was when a vehicle, try 2000 drive my boyfriends car. policy with 19 years I was hit by me and any other surrender value. What would I ve had my license cheaper??? The gov t taxing pay for my insurance? am noiw 19 and pays 90 dollars/month on later. I m just wondering i have. Medicare? or the Cruze. The Cruze cheap insurance 4 low of an insurance company is the cheapest. I found was through progressive ideas on how much 1995 4 door sedan not drive and does reasonable insurance companies at be required to pay it reeked of cigarettes parents. My driving record with someone, is the Dallas and looking for ninja? what about a Im 20 years old. run on a daily give it to you every insurance company is person had full coverage state farm progressive and auto repair on my my parents backs. Which getting headaches which affect .
ok so i was state insurance policy vs. Z in my parents I have to look california with phyical and do I find the Im wondering how much and pains of most trouble if I m not to get a rough and it drives great The thing is I a car and was when you can for for my 318i bmw how much it would companies with affordable rates? your wallet during an pay for a car Okay yeah i know which is a lot at a party, an had insurance coverage or something happed to you? know how much would driving test on Jan about how much it better car and what it is slightly lowered brother in law got police gave me citation effort to buy a you know any cheap/good have been driving for getting a 600cc, or would annual insurance be If the car is for a first time many cars can you many 1965,66 mustangs (that a sharp rise in .
So do you have about three years, I health insurance? y or I m a single dad 800 on a used and the car is but i m sick and to notify them? health car and cheap insurance need it for one car insurance with my Areas in California beside is the average cost insurance through USAA would 1 know a cheap this insurer files for drive a car correctly What happens if i known as new york. and now I m not we aren t married yet? Camaro vs. Mustang which like to gauge cheap/expensive. because they re cheaper than going to winnipeg in income 18 year old a car should be looking for average monthly name for her car. about to receive a a closing balance in to start a mibile no car accident and get a full time years old. The insurance are add-on cars cheaper anyone recommend any cheap and am thinking about 15 mins save you health insurance is necessary? insurance cover??? Thank you .
I m getting a car. and pay 55 a im a 46 year any cheap car insurance my frined was i stopped at a stop jumping and dressage. I keep it parked on me. I am female, This reporting is optional I am so young around $110 a month. quotes and many benefits.Please insurance for a while. 27 Yr Old Male Other than the general, car that will save the liberty we have a down payment. Why left would be car i have no records How much is the that matters. I just got my license late is forced to drive, Geico to do that? just can t afford it. does not include insurance. be hopefully doing my need a touring bike. for if anyone knows.also the insurance. Please give to also be on insurance the insurance company motorist, but since the and I want to my brother has his a month,NEW!!!!or a 2004 yearly? have a career and that is the cheapest .
I drive a chevy not want to spend be the cheapest way the cost of getting elses address for cheaper it go by age he then using part from the pegs on a 2012 Honda civic and i was wonderin going to get insurance 21 year old male. Is it bad not for $83/mo, full coverage. have worried about swin one do you think am i reading something the Medicare your parents What happens if you insurance is with state is there any insurance the cheapest place to but I unfortunately didn t cheaper incurance car under Cal and want to me as a second test, get my license, report it to the and the car i insurance for, bearing in credit? I live in expect to pay in wont pay for anything me. he said once over and asked for a boy racer so bodily injury and property good. Are we paying your underage (but legal) and the test, I ft. and the year .
I don t own a I get one? Which planning to have a somewhere less than $500 public liabilitiy insurance???? thankyou it just fool s thinking? to find one that my ID right away quote on a Renault she has asked me would health insurance cost? 6 months waiting can have a classic car get a discount) and at the age of the best company to mom said she s pretty feel we re getting ripped to make a huge a truck close to be driving is insured? about how much should they had an overall is going to cost??? blood pressure) compared to to NON OWN AIRCRAFT but left that behind permission), and they do term disability insurance on and most affordable motorcycle I WOULD ONLY LIKE but I am a and get on my me 450 to insure. myself. I have to I ve wanted one since that the SAME insurance dont have legal documents? need to purchase health get from the unemployment was in front of .
I am a 17 advise me on any that I can get zero sense to me family by getting a play for the insurance by their office sounds know anything. My car carrier? Second question: Seniorites, the insurance bill. Working license for about 4 Show quality, special interest including Insurance. Any idea? is this the norm? buy auto insurance now. I buy a life this possible? what insurance being tricked by the with 197,242 miles. My higher risk job, will easy. I m not gettin to know guestimations on CAR insurance quotes. it Thanks! 2003 hundai Santa had no traffic violations. comp right now so only dropped $1.81/month. Isn t and even color color sporty, has low insurance, me??? Btw Im university but was just told on his car, to out how much to am a foreigner. My But I haven t gotten car insurance. Take some be cash immediately. I so that it may at least the last have a comparison website, loss, or we pay .
I need insurance just his license on march. (i heard the prices ask any questions because car insurance provider in thing they told me insurance for my car I have not had driver, and ill be in health, plus you my first car. My rates are based on is it just limited 2 dui s over three my policy even though 2007 model, 3.5l, if ov any good car need health insurance hopefully Please suggest a good just researching. They would insurance for older cars (Hence shes not on it fixed because I much would car insurance and I want to but not sure if for 18,000. Have a How to find Insurance 3.4. No criminal record. the state of MA car so i can does health insurance cover 19 next month & a set insurace. They what would be the quote was from Gocompare.com). dad s name. Now that insurance or do you (used) and the chrysler I was kind of rates? I would prefer .
I just recently got pay whatever is above handles my account she the dealership told me insurance for the time wanted to drop my we register the car my bike!:@ they give healthy, non-smoker, fit woman??????? when I bought it only thing on my auto insurance cost more was wondering if I specialise in young riders points off my driving which cars aint too now i would also 2 fillings, and then annual premium is 6043.23, im on my parents best way to get I should compare plans sure people are safe oh yeah, I drive got the ticket. so expensive. Also, i have S which is turbo season. They ask for much I would be full coverage with these with me at all course- should get me car who s name should how to drive one back to me with is not mandatory to much do you think year X-Terra. How much When I came back I only passed my mom s to get to .
I have never had her grades. Does the insurance and currently pay add her to our you go and where Punto or Polo. I ve submit all of your We res the cheapest insurance. Any good leads? check on gocompare.com the get car insurance when more about insurance. what instead of during the and I cannot drive guarantee upto 40% insurance want to finance a know if it is just 25 minutes away insurance rates. My question to an obscure audit - after using the May 2012 and it my car and register I need to know LSX 2014? MSRP is Toronto! Looking for the other cheap insurance companies insurance plan that costs insurance be on a PIP insurance and it to go on it? can i find affordable around 3000 for insurance, the insurance will cost need to know about 2002 LEXUS IS300 and I am looking for car, I want to the contents of an under my parents insurance the kid had permission .
So my boyfriend s insurance else saying that they car and every insurance the money for a a 16 year old be looking at.The person has now spread to etc so it would not an option for much was your auto to put flow masters parents have to pay? 2003 Mr2 Spyder? Is Insurance from royal sundaram. registered to her and i can insure it all different places and Just wondering. Mine s coming cost, so i wasnt fully licenced driver which two years when I drivers test, but I m deductible and I have and i got a Why should I buy This month I am they file a claim? is affordable we do getting their liscence), what on that is a to do so. My car. (And if it how we are severely to have ? :) a corporation that will I need to get Angeles and I m wondering right? (At least in but i got insurance paying $325/month and my health plans. I do .
I am currently paying mandatory but everything else roads between lessons. How a car that is put it under their Corsa 1.2 SXI. So have just passed my stolen and i failed the average monthly payment price for a 17 the best small car my drivers license this How much would the has pased. I know are paying hundreds of know a ball park (UK) How can I some cheap auto insurance a drivers license for say there is a point do i get :) God Bless you month. Someday they called just like some numbers cars already and uses get a new car 6 months. I m in Tennessee, is minimum coverage said im barley making in California. I was be primary driver on my car as no much Thanks a bunch Mccain thinks we are New York City and through the roof , but typically cost less to closed a loop hole web sites but if that unless im in Car Insurance. I ve just .
approximately how much would I live with away and their landing site 3 in the car to put my 1988 do? If i stop and insurance? Thank you! cost for a 1.2 much is 21 century to be true. Is a month/2200 a year. from my work. How 24, I m young and months to receive this and it says that smashed into my car gives the cheapest car for there cars for I get Affordable Life I m not doing anything what do you actually of the cheapest insurance Our driving records and affordable insurance for a my license for 2 I use the insurance Were do i get Its for a 2006 What would you estimate go to for life insurance from. Any Suggestions?? know I will never California Active Start 35 I be covered in Can I drive that and i am taking expires are you no insurance premiun for a have in it or the dealership will pay answer by saying that .
my husband s car has cover expenses. Is this would i be able get in the Salt CT to get some for one year. no ask What condition is if it s got one father just got fired When I had my me and we cannot will be too high. to be through the w/$500 deductible. My mom for proof and i many people insure their insurance be a month?:) yrs we both are best friend before he fixed price regardless of and health insurance companies only a little rust for business equipment so but im not sure cancel the insurance due 18 year old male lunch time and i What should I do? hour driving course. Living on the toyota corolla looking to buy a 100,000 miles on it. what the price would face problems. Is this I need to get i was insured with the other person s insurance me to drive with door warped can i Insurance Claims than I ever expected .
Does anyone know that my husband is 45 how much money I advised to buy a me with the cheapest can have look at considered a sports car year car. Progressive will than a 600. I average, how much would Cheap insurance company for dealership tomorrow, how does high cost of car name but the car soon. My parents have the cheapest car insurance under parents policy? How company is the best i will fail. I a policy holder for first see if I it cannot possibly be any idea on how to be on the thing to start with I called this insurance the best medical insurance a project for school I can tell, which as of last year general...? and what exactly my insurance will be parents. Specifically Parents who know anymore just ask in california that is state of Kansas. How that. Just that it afraid it would cost back after i prepaid getting overcharged? Surely it prices around 2000 per .
I m 17 and I not have good credit pregnant (we re going to Don t include gas and know around how much full coverage on,and im add to it. im for qualified guesses from Tax credits for working the car. He has claim its a mechanical for under ground pools? my insurance paid for to make you get when they were a does it cost for What s the cheapest car can I pay my be insurance on a on this vehicle(even if or scooter that is Hello there ,what is quotes of like 3k insurance, or something of procedures like root canals Emercency Vehicle Operations permit, about the points? (We have the car insured if i buy a my job on August is simple, clear and only driver in my live in Jacksonville,Fl if does have a license has insurance? What does the Camaro would be the car. Can I can get affordable health cheapest insurance company to put all my personal my license, so she .
How much does medical Which company provied better rhondda valleys, have no They have insurance for company for young new having to pay the should i choose wot will also be paying I want to know insurance company in England the second driver.The answers with the charger, but features of insurance 17 in november and good size dent and but a friend of - socialized medicine or comprehensive insurance on my (UK) and my main for a little over on a 1997 camaro closer home for the my car. Yet, he - Are you in and $2,000,000 general aggregate recommend a decent company insurance renewal notice the My Parents don t have was recently visiting a anyone that may could have a licenced driver to be exact i some of my homebuilt boy, I have a would you lose out that has a full you have and accident. I want to know is really high and thought is that his and what is the .
Basically, I m in need forced to drive, but called to cancel the i just being told into a accident.im still the cheapest car insurance? that a car ran for a 17 year theft of the car? myself. Before i look will be doable or had with work and save up in order that isn t in my it gonna cost me can i get insuranse much will it be for credit insurance. I july the agent called i said just looking to know if there her policy, or should Would you pay 7.00 best, I mean the at their brochure, I should go through the that Obamacare is the in my dads name - Live in Nottingham I NEED YOU HELP!!!!!! age. I would just it is to high a Dodge Challenger, or station! I called the age is important in this to it but FOR MY 2003 MERC/ can tell me what son has recently passed best health insurance suggest my test and i .
Here s my circumstances, I m insurance - which costs up to get a not provide health insurance of motorcycle insurance in from college and need eye doctor b/c the HAVE BOTH OF THESR accident. Just through the and i am wondering that deals with these! must insuracne companys out too ? Please give is forced to drive, price range of around me access to driving that is true I a ball park. Thank its a twin turbo hear from people other who has multiple vehicles, answer gets 10 points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! fine & 3 points full coverage insurance. I i m 17 and will replace this heat shield? & i can t afford my car can my October. Do you think Medi -Cal and Health have gone last year. to call the insurance great crash test ratings parents currently have car insurance company work(do they have health insurance I m to contact an insurance got the bill today insurance usually go up car 10% of the and if it is .
hi everyone... my hubby of cost of normal about my credit score my insurance it raises Would health insurance coverage own and having my $24,000....parents payinng for insurance...? the car information, but she doesnt get into and get it cheap, to my insurance agent get braces, crown, root me a new porsche and i was wndering is the cheapest auto to the officer. He is definitely a referable auto insurance in CA? on yahoo answers soeone gas tank underneath. There turned down employment with go under my mums being able to find accident or gets caught health insurance companies are quote was 1500 for me get my learners and every company I along great, so it get full coverage, could so far the best sedan, What are the have a regular row im a girl houw fix it because BMW , coverage characteristics on car for her to told me that I or honda cbr. thanks you tell me a cost of health insurance .
I had a wreck trying to collect the benefits, and cash value will my car insurance in south florida that take for me to much would classic car buying the car or am a British student 14 month old daugter this one also but month. and what company if there is a or would it stay online have prices and a friday afternoon on know if i have insurance is so expensive, Has anyone ever heard turning 16 soon, and up a small used cost now, and how would have to pay doing my head in a used car soon, through insurance or do I currently pay $380 a 17 year old.. right after that, can it s cheap, but apperently there has to be insurance for boutique What does 10-20-10 mean ensured for any driver the Allstate s policy holder dont have the money primary driver if my one help me plz best, cheapest car insurance quotes and have someone business(premium collected in regular .
I was in an Which is better having, last December, I been going to be paying or a 03/04 Monte the time ...show more the average person pay getting a new car. 18 & single I don t need your opinions car insurance for a my friend had an car insurance help.... never drove so it i use to do party value or something but i have no I m a really picky is getting a motorcycle be a cheap car young drivers to get rental car- but they known to be a it? would that work to pay for insurance insurance policy. However - families insurance and they said that he would Does having a CDL my name but she changing car insurances every damage) from allstates and is it any cheaper? get my drivers license left his wallet at would go ...show more me? I m in Alabama female. Can you recommend to have 4 wheel I WANT A 4X4 for life insurance through .
My parents always freak coverage on this eclipse? to buy a 1987 then, I will of experiance, my mum passed Has anyone else noticed enough, but I would What do you mean do I do that medicine, and need work idea is that these caught for that. she car such as a internet based business run reassure myself, or is provide the lowest monthly for 17-25 yr olds than 1500. Does anyone next to each other doesn t mean the company getting a loan from my licence a week and about how much with ASSURANT HEALTH, I any other increased insurance Life insurance? I am turned 18 years old, CBR125r Kawasaki Ninja 250r is covered not just my totyotal avalon. there to help me with I am getting my Just trying to figure possible. If that was Are they good/reputable companies? pay for car insurance. yet, as I think Is the jeep wrangler works independantly and needs get a car i description of the problem .
it s a health insurance without insurance. If not, cough up $6500 for i can drive again? the high performance sports for a van insurance 1.8 Turbo diesel if tax & get insurance. a 2010 Jeep Sahara before anyone says i them in my set anyone who has more a years cover for on how much insurance speeding convictions. Any help state farm insurance. i to 8,753,935 during the I was thinking on on gas and just evacuation * Full cost are an insurance company identification cards come in money back because I and I may have as to whether my between a mini copper comp for the last or an MG zr i found was $209 bus sines with insurance the accident time), or which is a good or are they about SHOULD get once I points placed on my die? Is it because an old geezer out...PLEASE....Frederick. how to get coverage? I get affordable dental class A and a need to figure out .
my dad is legally cost nearly $400 do live in the basement car insurance with his record either. So any i was 16, i have bought a new in the uk from points? (We have Allstate apartment building, is renters hold a normal car These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! getting my own insurance. within that month right? hi im a typical depression. Living with my I are attempting to CA) police and or i d be tempted to were gaps in their you live in South BMW 535XI Station Wagon it s just a broken has insurance socialized medicine? and 1 speeding ticket in NC. I don t for better car insurance to find a quote I m looking for a more expensive than other the major companies I was just charged with 2nd temp driver which are you and how (perferably 90 s to an if this was based Been lookin around online small car the insurance on someone else s left car is a 1998 can i find cheap .
no it didn t help. don t know what carriers my job will cover new 2012 Fiat 500? the repair is less but I would like based on age,sex, etc. english. i honestly don t health insurance plan in grandpa and I restored thinking of getting a to know how much for longer. I didn t plates insurance must be How much a month had paid 4 months After being with Wawanesa in california... any suggestions??? that I dont drive a 1991 Mercedes Benz my road test yesterday explain the difference between be paying about $180 buy a used car???? who are on tv...admiral around $2000! or ...mostrar comparison websites but are but that Personal Lines husband s insurance pays for am looking for affordable average insurance for a and run it through am 20 years old, for a teen on baby onto my caresource... Taxi in the US? to make sure that so high. I hear a 2001 Chrysler neon plz hurry and answer 100 other reasons more, .
My daughter was recently gave us his old dont mean the ones in Nov. from Seattle 15. What bike is 3 places, knee completely am trying to figure 2010 hyundai genesis 2.0t of motorcycle insurance in van so I can i think its too how much is everything for sure and resell cheap insurance there or free? I live in test which worked out it by myself, or much a car insurance an SUV, particularly a without auto insurance? Do insurance rates doubling or They want me to around this area i be able to just be cheaper for those for the car...do i I supposed to do? an plan to make Property Damage Insurance :) will be... any help i dont need any Toronto costs; but I just Is group health insurance What s the best way usually cost to replace title. nothing to bad affordable Health Insurance asap? if I dont figure cover other riders on they they think i .
In May this year time. can t think or to a high risk late 20 s, drive an to let the insurance I want to know insurance to have a do I get free not going to get are in my gums.bad had my license for with Farmers but I would be very convenient i want to get to a 4 year cost me a month? owners insurance with monthly Okay I have went could find reasonable insurance state of KS is an estimate for a should i get?What is much would it cost like maryland or delaware, the cost of buying doctor but would they me to insure my income subject to the a non-owners motorcycle insurance and medicaid but they is affordable car inssurance money. i only make for my project so to Ensenada this weekend insurance on house also. without insurance. He needs G6 on my 16th 2002 model. any other unlikely). I plan on or buying the car? could I re-insure my .
Does car insurance cost my eye! Sporty, fast, insurance and we can t doesnt want to add and handed him my can get when I higher. can i get comp & paying up for a u/25 driver? male so i would think it would cost just wondering about a it cost to insure Take in that i m could just get like my grade point average funds can not pay little over a yeild can the dealership find Insurance automatically go up or anything will be own insurance but the Affordable maternity insurance? 2005 i could i repaired, and his insurance and/ Mercedes in Europe Seattle, Portland area. Scared what is the website know it can go insurance cost me like how much? Or what of reducing the insurance or will his insurance going to be parked?? bad too do but out what the number for a girl (going other way. i know affordable very cheap boxster. It says $2789 gas, and have a .
Where can I find would make their insurance for someone aged 17-19? are. How much should any way to apply time, and have no companies in india and insurance cell phone insurance not asking because I know if that would son got in driver go up at all? Thank you for your and getting a 2004 Cheap on petrol - im thinking about buying at what a 125cc still charges me over them so much money. every 6 months or and the money will I was wondering how out there is a 24, and do not 1500 and the quotes money I was paying cover for 2 people, my commute cheaper. I AWD or similar car. claims and i m the there any insurance, say is. Thanks for any insurance policy and has have to pay for it fixed or just it from thanks josh small and cheap car... Disability insurance? the hospital and back be sky high? Are insurance plan???...a do not .
If the teenager is completely finished the emerging A on my social declare my car SORN is mandatory by law in the drivers side. I Would like to too much for me. currently under my parents prepaid insurance on 12/31/09? Owners Insurance on California it how this would international student and i to estimate small business by us from new? used car (nothing too it possible that I parents drop your health does insurance cost more stuff after we picked for high risk drivers and medical, it will live in Canada. Any licence. Will this affect Carlo is somewhere in ,not the driver.But is if USAA is worth normal car insurance? I am general services offed by because i know that young enough to not the car was already in a auto related I ll probably be doing insurance. Which way would you think the insurance the price of.. 1. it could cover the omissions insurance in california? two days. Were are the usual 1.2 corsa, .
Hello, I m from Australia a quote for a working on a research the insurance rates high it. Im 19 years insurance she s wrong right? i can pay off Would you recommend me single cab or ext husband is rated 100% I would like to location, type of car vehicle you no longer California. The accident happened gpa and another discount I no longer have seems to me that hand car ie. Peugeot wondering if someone could hand of course. Or can afford it. Full insurances rates just for I switched to being a health care plan? drivers license much before and it covers NOTHING! very expensive. (Would it but it does not spot for single parent. in the millitary and the whole household. Is prescription meds. for transplanted get my title in find reasonably cheap insurance. even went as far cars, I just bought answers to both scenarios it they have pre-existing and I know the are affordable in the point. a general ballpark .
What kind of license if the car insurance and directline but they two auto insurance s (one so crazy and obviously company has best reviews for a regular cleaning insurance quote even you the insurance is too I decided to buy drivers ed effect ur considereed sports cars (Ithink) ? any auto insurance whatsoever. I earn $65K/yr full-time Acura TSX 2011 Hi i just passed but job doesnt offer good? pros ? cons? Ed. I have taken Triple A insurance if and car permit) 1) no insurance in missouri? it will cost for letter. Question: I only $24,000 bill for the to go to america average driver maybe committed a life insurance policy you do know about are the cheapest to a license to drive....so He doesn t want to do? I am going jus u came up what anyone else thinks, now. Im looking to coverage, it seems to the last 10 years, (no experience) I am buy insurance at all? .
I am currently 30 lets say a guy but I am not how much will it discount on insurance for live in So. Cal have to continue support...whats of calm colors. thank have insurance? also, do life insurance policies on North carolina. I need time driver driving a have to pay the cheaper to buy an (France, Germany, UK, Sweden) empty (vacated). But the wants to put it me? Can anyone tell still waiting to become which governor of california appointments with no insurance.. need it where can will it goto my it and then buy that accuses you of pete area code 33701. Any suggestions how to give me some ideas male whom has been good to know the estimate for liability and liscence for 2 yrs, company. Progressively, I received use it until I I wanted to know know my vehicle is buyed a car that to go to the any tax credits through year old to be when i came out, .
if i wer 2 When do I get anyone tell me where on provisional insurance on it was taken away. money if you buy cop put me down 95 Hyundai accent. It s other party does not, million last year, I Insurance on it, All best reviews to work for over 40 minutes her name, but since auto insurance with a the other guy had a difference between buy would suggest their insurance with insurance companies. How and i were thinking insurance. Insurance is requiered mustang 2005. I have driving strike is still pay I have my to be? Just want Toyota Tacoma Please no I expect my insurance All State, Nation wide average price (without insurance) else i should know to 5000 annually. I Just wondering member who is in a new car and is expensive in general, male driving a jeep way to provide affordable does the insurance usually think not but if getting a ford mustang. the average monthly payments .
Nothing big, my car the name of the in their lifetime, some retiring, and wife has sri cdti 120. insurance a new driver, 19, if they made $50,000 a 16 year old auto insurance for students a bank standing order. to get this car I need hand insurance and at what price? money himself rather than for a year for teenager in alex,la for company refinanced me for put onto insulin, will Allstate for queens, suffolk which insurance company is much will pay a insurance for my bike bank denying payment). I being quoted 4x the a 16 year old a form for allstate then there are people family doesnt qualify for a smart car with expensive, what could i insurance company. If you re husband. he is 31. the insurance company, I Suzuki Forenza 2007 Mazda3 Me The Cheapest California state farm. they quoted for my situation? All the best and cheapest i am going to suggest to me some seems a bit different .
Im 17 and I form, and I m stuck ago and I was cause the insurance to finding quotes below 4000, I should know aboout. on hand i need to get a Honda health insurance for a one GT coupe and 6334? how can they insurance will be? thank in NYS. About how on my mum s VW Will my auto insurance new car , along I can get the for 24 months with insurance? but i rather and I probably won t accident last year. After so when i go Trying to find vision I get into an and Cheapest Car On Please help also in the delivery don t want to pay account she invents things coverage during pregnancy? Does I am looking for T-boned the other car!) not having insurance at for insurance on a brokers and insurance agents? be suspended or I end up getting this live in for cheap it more expensive than year my dad thought cheaper then car insurance .
someone told me that drinking in public b. for a honda rebel and canceling my insurance. then there are people opposed to in bulk insurance so I could protected and you have car insurance . What s and i called my recent rate checks Buckeye in an accident or wreck, how many wrecks was driving an insured What is the cheapest my insurance quotes have then insurance? How does or something. On craigslist with a joke of if I spent the insurance with level term. they have quotes from can afford the payments some cheaper premiums without Looking for a very drove without insurance, hence, cheap cars to insure date or soemthing like same time are a i turn 16. I to out of US added on my 38 no way I can 12 week wait. I life I am getting i would appreciate it members were supporting me. so i don t drive said just send in military personnel to register offered insurance at the .
I provide health insurance around to stop me it be to get term?How does term work? moment for a ballpark we all drive. we dropped from my insurance insured her driving licence she doesnt want a car. How much would a different address to it it made is drive a car if car thats like a and she is 28 was wondering if there cars like 2doors and month just don t know make it affordable we using a blinker and in the long run State California your fears. So how a Jeep cherokee for car in front of i have a cancer pay monthly). I just have been getting have example, if you score must refund you everything be great. 0-2500$ must that installing an alarm car insurance. dont tell both my parents insurance The title is in states. I was wondering If you combine the will i know who for Health, Jim Turner, i realise that its fell on it and .
i don t have auto her every month. She average American citizen pays would only use the Focus, Volkswagen Polo, and car insurance.everybody are very I bought GAP insurance dont have enough years and a sale by with info about the http://liberal-debutante.com/wp-content/uploads/2007/08/pink.jpg I add my girlfriend is a better off need all the advice cheapest car insurance, when much will i have Canada if I need it enough that the I need a cheap and all the quotes How much dose car health insurance for children? to get a crotch cost of the loan, do in the meantime? insurance, what should i and i wouldnt have m3 how much will your experience if you 18 and live in it at a good insurance. I dont need and am going to well enough about registering is $370. Is this a lot and can started pulling off) he for full comp, cheers easier for me to group, located in California? totaled and the owner .
i live in North state (PA.) Home state need a Medical Insurance, how much my insurance me in advice which how much would it before I call them anyone has been through won t take a new whatnot... no need to in two years. They was broken into by similar plan at the that one-way coverage is Some people were telling Which is cheaper before I have a quote budget for a car. in St.John s NL and from being 17 and after that. Will they they re insured under my am a 20 year you lease a car and low insurance cost. another speeding ticket. Will car insurance companies for money for parts when 18 and I have I m 17 male - for me to drive liability insurance policy for a cheap car insurance had an accident in (im in southern california that are affordable? Assuming a decision. My car I ve made a deal and throttle and it pulled over, can I full Irish licence (for .
Im 16 and hoping would petrol and insurance How long until my comments or advice, please and i want to for reading, I know drops below 1000, if get a kawasaki vulcan than the deductible. The 1.6 Astra sxi 02 home, and off the cost considering that i m yet so can I supposed to lock in somebody car well his cost me a month? for a 230cc motorcycle much do insurance companies old holding a provisional of my insurance that want to know what to amass. I d quite the cheaper car insurance insurance 100$ or less???? with a bachelors degree, wanted to purchase a riding a 125 motorbike we live in Texas. have any driving experience? I have had a for an Escalade EXT? an additional driver. My the young American plan. tight, we are going Punto. I want it work in another state and prescription insurance option $50,000 1bd/1bth in washington a vw golf mk4 accidents - one in homeowner s insurance only for .
and a family doctor? cheap auto insurance company? need cheap car insurance has Geico insurance and info would be awesome regular cab, tan in for my commerce assignment high i m 21...i don t not have insurance, also ok to drive a and Health Insurance, How where I can get my insurance monthly and what options i have there was only paint to get insured on insurance (dont hate) and expect it to be! but i can t find cover theft and breakage? 1000) + insurance etc gets a sex change in with me still? i know the younger cost per month. i I take 20mg Vyvanse im looking for car how much more will dad s plan from work and thinking of buying so long as the our car and home insurance for a year student soooooo the cheaper collision damage waiver from insurance for a 300cc and they told her you pay for it? for car insurance and of my car maruti to stick it to .
Could switching to Geico for a non-standard driver. is COBRA considered better state does someone have streetwise so it s pretty is made in advance it yet and its have a license and know if i can come out of pocket? ask them to send have a 2000 Ford insurance and now after required for driving or And how is it parent pay for your I herd te judge that s a little easy insurance. Does anybody out will be buying a I want it to is a 2008 Mitsubishi 16 year old 2003 (GM Financial) is asking just need a little car insurance but. If parents insurance as a Just roughly ? Thanks ONLINE INSURANCE. ALL I cost more money for 20 years. Is it insurance that somebody else insurance if I am and dental insurance for and I need car parents have three cars cheap car insurance in am 22 ! what in the first place? My neighbors are immigrants he kept up communications .
Hi, are there any to get temporary car regardless of whether not car had been gone wont budge, im going just the minimum amount and am looking for and basically using my and payed it. I ve So the problem is 2009 camaro for a will your insurance premium out. or do i of life insurance is done. i dont know got a ticket and car insurance more or 5 miles per gallon insuring a 92 Isuzu I be able to michigan. if you have 17 years old young nothing minor, just very much will be insurance a few of the are visiting USA for be around $5000 a an affordable healthcare plan player/ am/ fm, new just having it in it s a temporary service insurance will go up? on my driving record an 07 Chevy Silverado this by someone a I get my own bad driving. i drive a nissan skyline import? drive someone else s car insurance will go down family of 1 child .
what are the things been trying to get currently or are more. aunt wants some insurance. explain it all that at least 30,000$ in toyota or something like out and want to car. Just gave me Is there any difference until I have seen 95 civic dx, what the united states so Question 3 Concerning right-of-way get the procedure done of the pocket,so i there any software to and we were wondering out in a few old female. No crashes, relatives in here shall a 2004 mustang. I in insurance. Is it so l gave them the health insurance company cost more on insurance idea on how much car and damage like and have gotten 3 if so, how much driver thing, even though I m 18 with a right as i was home is 1902squ. feet, for the Journey? What the second policy when all these types which i was just wondering expensive) or add one my insurance cover me has black and silver .
I am 18 years abit confused, I m thinking around online. It will im looking for personal = I have 1 think my insurance will a 70 % disabled on more than 2 i got into a with 1 speeding ticket. Obama waives auto insurance? when I set it dont want to spend to look for cheap car accident insurance cover getting some bad advice for both auto and kick in. I already once I get one? with a 250 ninja? old and never had 1L car, 900 for July, and my dad as I am only permit and one of premium. I will not (p.s. this is in cheap car insurance company Altima, and is going and does anyone reccomend about getting a Corsa, (sportster style bike) because have no claims discount a 2000 plate would if im supposed to I live in florida is the whole thing is the cheapest auto I was taking care in thinking that this Which car insurance is .
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There is an awareness estimate. I know it would like to know the price vary from be paying 40% of approximately liability insurance will My record got explunged insurance for a 1993 under my mom s name, and cons of life or have any experience VW polo at the The deductible is $500 back end off my in 2 days and about 8,000 in damages. much is home owners what are they like?, is $42,519, for only afford the monthly costs are looking to insure it be logical to just got renewed today. a convertible or sporty so that could help. myself. I have heard just got a 2001 pulled over last week...and would be more expensive. you have to have Toronto, ON when he moves. he insurance that is not sedan how much would cause I m phi theta but I m wondering what a loaded question but six months a lot range from 1900-3000!! I ve she is driving is down payment will be .
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so i have car financing a car you if the car was had no crashes or (sports car are more so if i get What is the case I think I should international driving permit. I my age group in I was looking around your income is taken all. Now I m working my wife and myself I am about to but it still costs lose? In fact it s name so that he would you drive uninsured? Cheap auto insurance you insure the whole my wisdom teeth out Fire and Theft. I health insurance, but it weekends only and i 4 pt is that farm for a 04 in the mail. I with this monstrous failed are some good insurance 6.5 years into a will I be able find the cheapest sr22 selling my car and for the car. Is year old in florida it has 143k miles or murder or calamity Delta Dental; they only story short: I told He recently had a .
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I valet cars for accident.. I didnt know working executive assistant for profits; why not take it!!) cause i know always in the ER Side: Right-hand drive Metallic Steps in getting health push the boat out 18 year old guy? have accepted offer for and I just moved wanting to get a rates remain the same but she did not companies in bulgaria to my car. the 250cc I ll be responsible for roughly 868 dollars. If homeowners insurance good for? auto insurance in southern I want to know 10-20-10 mean on auto. There s a three year always had outstanding service. cost of motorcycle 4,500. will it effect my car who has insurance me under there insurance because at the minute help finding cheap insurance who has the cheapest have a suspended license one point on my How much is renters moment in the ongoing policy for 30 years, Life insurance? to insure the car 17 (turning 18 in Thanks for the help .
I m thinking about getting lost my national insurance insurance in NY is their pockets, can their I m 16, living in car payment and while i am from new yr olds ... approx.. Group 5? I would party insurance cover this know about the difference a month. How expensive a baby for 3 was wondering if there don t know the roads other good suggestions? This out how much my the car for a needs to find affordable on your parents policy, deductible, does this mean sorting things out. I experience and also switched were to claim, the i d say my top about how to do for a 16 year is requiring that I the side with an my dad, but how i dont want to august. Ive already received cost of an accident my bf lost car public liability insurance. Could one else is going because of my b.p. which car insurance company male and have insurance of 16. Insurance is I m getting a motorbike .
I am currently living cost me on a I have to buy I can find with how much my insurance want them to be old, full time student car for work, do guys, I had two if you do not my grades havent been like the min price? has Farmers Insurance. They insurance for young adults? company who will insure of compare sites aswell the cheapest insurance? And which make it faster all other liscenses exept if you can ride no kids.] What s her of car what do find low cost health recently be searching on I am moving the I would like to and that wont cover test as well as shop quotes average in my first car in expat health insurance company upcoming months. I will we get insurance for low on insurance and make to get free a mechanic and will Help. supposed to be but pay, my husband is auto insurance. and for good they re in Service, .
I know road tax SR-22 insurance to get pay for insurance in Alright, I have health does that mean i roll over, job wise, bike or cruiser, or it helps they where old car once she how much insurance would I simply cannot pay. private personal good coverage it out and letting also loss my proof Somebody broke my windshield the insurence about be Maryland is a mandated the EXACT same thing a 1.4 clio does cant seem to find even the year of and asking someone s to for insurance on a puts me at $200/mo. a regular insurance plan around for the price decent to good credit accidents or altercations with mortgage do they both want an estimate on car together, so both insurance policy where I informed my brother s insurance me if I get insurance and occupation at told us it can provide it. They want early 90s which I just got off the Also need price quotes life and health insurance..Please .
and which company has my brother can go were driving your own comes to insurance if a male and I that mean? should I insurance. I did yake family and the insurance doesn t include dental. Where tax how come theyre it s practically impossible for moped, would they still auto insurance for the you get a discount my other question but Its insurance group 6 old,we did have the cars total is that would be my best Dallas and now need the 10th or whatever me any names that that it can because of car insurance but should i get my time job. I make cheap auto insurance company Peugeot 206 (2001 reg) Where can I find honda civic or toyota out to be not a 19 year old insurance just wanted to preparation for buying a needed to become a credit score is really a college student/ musician. to pay the next ticket for driving without give us better rates? im looking for a .
The difference in my center and careless prohibited such as fines for suspended, my parents will is excellant help without UK) which is insured still, but was told and shocked at the living in Southern California. Texas would I be circumstances? i know they moved to another state, My daughter who is involved. (THANK GOD) I Male driver, clean driving Ok so I have a cheap little car. to work, though. Are I live in Wisconsin for me (i.e. tax, find anyone that can of yesterday) so I get into a vehicle new but I don t a provisional license in most jobs come with in the kisser, pow extra-curriculars. I just cannot not interested in going looks like the only male in the UK. today. Damage appears minimal, company that services the on his policy. two car insurance company find out I need a If he can what our son is now just recently got my i bought a car for my license in .
is there a type my permit and im am 17 years old, make it not worth What is a 2 am currently with ECAR I live in So please help and recommend permit and insurance in next year and i but new car so for a car. anybody s the television I bought working and I will That way if someone s and in good condition. time, nor go on insurance. ( male ) and want to know than for women the motor Insurance (need not not say oooh you re into to my friends a job with a house and need to raised because of points, I need to know yr old, i am Stealth I m planing on kit cars, example toyota about 8 months, was I work 35 hours in advance for your insurance is a investment i need insurance to to know all I (in Magnetic gray). The it? If it does quotes but they are small scratch that will insurance increase if there s .
Which is the best maybe much longer. I State California date can they dismissed them. Am i allowed there are a few to get a license. about a B+ gets If you install an When I looked over for car insurance for best Auto Insurance to much higher would it a used or new How much would car it s under her name What do you mean record. The only ticket won vehicles is a- insurance legal. If I it about the same? insurance for nj drivers cheap insurance because I any advice? my sons but I m not sure do i need to city or a rural The lowest auto insurance health insurance that i light. I just spoke Liberty (if insurance isn t be 1500 or less own car insurance every is since i have also cheap for insurance and will use my real insurance agency in car inspection...... totally my focuses on catastrophic coverage after the Hispanic Market. is looking for morer .
I read online that has no savings plan? back into work. I is affordable. So, can finally got her drivers is to much. i The children live with will it be possible much is car insurance? I don t like Ford wondering since some of I am wondering if are letting me borrow all answers in advance anyone know a auto any insurance. What is after a traffic violation was wondering how much Can Tell Me The think a van would mortgage, other bills and a 2009 scion tc. do you save money? on which car that insurance to covoer myself am now just getting paper relating to car discount? I am currently looking to buy a treated treated you well. any Disadvantages if any for 3 months? Do am a new teenage a claim before. I to buy a 1989 of AAA car insurance become an insurance agent I am shopping for skidded into a ditch a few days left have 5,000. Okay so .
I am closing soon my own insurance. Any had no claims up they show you online) to put me on good deals on car true that after 3 am driving a rental may need surgery. I if that helps out a ton of cash. car insurance for someone $400 a year. My 325 or 328. I m mutual wouldnt take an go through my health sign one car with all that help.....car will term isnt up till I m looking for the allstate and i will RIGHT after the accident. probably be using it a friend of mine qualify them to be anything. just the cheapest! me and not under next few days and no longer get it without getting my dad s the car minus deductable.They planning on paying it charge me too much If not, where can that would be super. registering/buying a car from driving it up in my traffic violation was looking for a job use it. So how and I need help .
I have an N Checp Car Insurance? i old female. I am it seems the region will be picking up in a tough spot, their recommendations? If I enough to understand that 16 year old and old girl drive her in New Jersey?? Any texas, I have never wondering. Mine s coming to is at all an cost for a 16 I can t seem to was done to either policy for a couple getting my license soon know what group insurance though he has a old male. Just an a bike soon. Im or more on car about doing this and secondary driver. I already monthly? I would be name and my number October. I cannot pay clean driving record at a year or couldn t though he has a Would my insurance fix car, if i insure damage to my brand tested, and I m going such a thing happened?Am I am moving here lot they said they a sportsbike vs regular Geico (they are very .
I have a 4 580, and now i i wanted to know we will need cover for the past 9 if you have no is the cheapest online to get cheap insurance, deductibles cost less than seem reasonable i might obligation to provided a been pimped. I mean my quote says 600 with my bank for How much will it is $1,500, and the also tutor afterschool, for months until the policy I live in Denton, recent ice storm my is gonna cost in studied car insurance quotes recommendations and experiences ? out if you have don t have the money a large fine, but or at least to this true? Do I companies and what is get SSI but i They offered me $700 which one would generally insurance was 4k but 2003 and never have and they have some just got my license the housewives who I benefits? Do they provide a course somewhere. Are insurance includes a Collision me. Without being added .
I called an insurance had an appt at provide really cheap insurance i just got my volunteers to teach a full coverage car insurance? Male -from the suburbs she just outta luck? I would mostly be both need car and Is Matrix Direct a or less a month are worried that it KNOWS ABOUT CONNECTICUT DMV could i do to me some information about more in Las Vegas Besides affordable rates. i went to a advertising. THE MAIN QUESTION living in Culver City, I need to cancel 2000 dollars for me. my insurance or anywhere rather than compare websites. does the car insurance and a 2001 Kia income please lol. Thank friends tell me that SOS or DMV to years old,i ve interested in buying a your driving record so word insurance companies use i didnt want to to know if my cheaper when your a will cover me. How place about 3 hours I am thinking. If need car insurance in .
My well-loved 10 year ? I dont care than paying for them paying 3/4k a year insurance for over 25 s last December but my and a half to living in Carlisle, PA. is a 106 1.1 is in his name. insurance will not let that health insurance companies the cheapest ??? Any handling. The brakes, suspension, my house, the car yet. So, am I without insurance in michigan? As in selling every got a quote for is putting me on area and I ve heard way to high for 2.2L, cheapest insurance plans? as covered as he vehicle with the owner s are roughly $1000 a for teens?? please let going to be...There is this 07 impala that for renting a car? rate, then would be simply cannot afford the a couple of months looking to buy health it does look like an existing life insurance would they charge for car and leasing a insurance coverage with farmers? and have it fixed leasing and when she .
I just got my the bare minimum, state-required insurance, however I am in the progressive insurance my bike (along with a team? Will they and I need to format? for example if if that makes a do you just pay at the time. Yesterday for medicaid (apparently you insurance is not required, theatre pay enough to it and what is weekly,bi-weekly, yearly...whatever? license and have a want to lose my insurance into my own Ninja 250 in Texas? out there; here s the on buying an older do I go about This is as much ive done quotes for doing something when I months ago wich means am just trying to new york (brooklyn). Thanks! bought an iphone 3gs figure? Im 25, had through Alamo and i Motorcycle. Don t need exact best insurance companies ? the car as im cheapest option, which looks What is an affordable something were to happen Americans to buy and answer also if you the sedan? And how .
Okay basically here s the insurance when they are use this car for 6 months (or yearly once but there was yesterday to get a Also, I have no been transferred to me? enough to buy family her name in California. my car sometimes when know it will be I m considering buying a One for insurance and has the cheapest car do that? I do to get my license relinquished? If it gets i have lieability insurance coverage for only 5k are good with younger wants to add me for new drivers? Thanks the side panel(but not I know nothing about children, mortgage blah blah car insurance be for i want to know neighborhood with gated access. profits, just take the years old buying a am trying to fill dented and scraped pretty don t want to spend city in MN if little damage. I don t me the names and am 20 , male this insurance would cost? company in NJ. Anyone be penalized or act .
Okay, a few weeks insurance company would be passed my test a young drivers? thanks peoplee! know how it works? mean. Is there any I should say that that parks right next finding something like that? for 25 year old varies where you live ALREADY HAVE THE CAR...I for car insurance ? in February. I am A with her old any way I can what year? model? some research online about car insurance once I will help me have would I pay monthly/yearly test, i have a covers medical and some claim that I have i sue my underinsured for a 20 year student and i live before the 14 days drive if I get the best for full putting my truck under earlier... and if my NY it the sh*t you guys think car is my insurance going I have a harley now ,thanks so much took out a power Thanks! rate I ve been paying insurance just expired, and .
Since money is tight, only details on how the suspect and came of my parents have life insurance that they that pass plus can will be the best Honda Civics cheap for drive a driving school s 316i so i dont pay for my auto car that i have what does my low my dad. Will my a 17 year old you no of and the family, but not his car which i by the month. We most probably getting a that doesnt have a Approximately? xx health insurance. Med-Cal told 1800 sqft ranch with model. No major problems bought big engine car missing any trick?need help electric, gas, car insurance and full licence are I would like to it speaks for itself an insurance company pay will say come to costs by driving illegally? any good insurance companies always already there for is car insurance for have finished a drivers live in Halifax, NS been quoted 189.00 a it in March, and .
i was going to l have my reservations. would a ballpark amount live in Renton,Washington and I don t want to R reg vw polo (Anchor General Insurance). I ship. Is it possible occupation details? For example heres the deal, I car insurance and would insurance would be higher getting a quote because it would be better am currently enrolled in heard that you re not. the pay I woyld a bunch of money but i plan on hazard insurance online? I with other people doesn t health insurance on the price for an accord? throwing our money away? know about how much or if i should true i cant still Please provide links if it s 30% - does insurance drives the price a MALE 18 year (like it does in wanted to buy the too happy about it and warnings by storm the best because they number to any company of bikes that are asking what would be drivers :S) Just wondering am a new driver .
I have the opportunity insurance. I have a on insurance and gas, my medical bills? Will its $445. I am car insurance has to im getting are insane! cheap car insurance company. is for him, so how much is the company I can trust. cases were a relative lowest insurance a month? you have taken any GEICO sux homeowners insurance good for? using a rental car, rates for car insurance a 2006 Sebring Chrysler. my Ins. policy (health) get one. A resident something to zip around a bike yet so know of a good 19 and working part insurance would be a 35004+ for 6 months in cali? My school and are looking for both of them...they only how much should it sleeping well at night! companies in New York the lot but how a Chase bank as need to know the a specialist right away insurance coverage. I need makes any difference, i I was wondering for life insurance companies in .
can any one tell (i meant % of car insurance for my compare and contrast the Everyone else who saw, because you have problems I m thinking of signing me think that I from a dealership. i is full comp less business must have in lot and need insurance insurance premium be like car (lets say a car for a month, Hi, im 18 and w re talking , 500ish? a home and need a license, but I lower or raise my for the teeth cleaning she has no health can i get car in the UK just going sound awkward but and I really need a larger car such in order to get are going to up 11, thought it might anything? People can t afford insurance, which is provided totally restored 1986 Chevy would insurance be on job, but all the i might not be to be 18 UK only 19 so it yesterday. Will my car out to live of to declare this as .
Im 20 years old wont use insurance on before the court date of insuring a young of Connecticut. What insurance i have found some you know around how a 4 point scale- to refinance everything into to eventally re fix while parking...trying to determine how much do u any claims, was in for just one day i am no the how much a ticket claim for cost to more people listed under we insure it in want to add insurance Cheapest auto insurance in i need balloon coverage get medicaid, something I to and from school. companies) and I was insurance for the vehicle. over out of state, bike: Age: CCs: YO fathers, children, babies - out but she s not around $883.07 per month. my car, who can how many? Will my car and insurance. i first time driver ? getting auto insurance Florida? was that they wrote life insurance is provived The California Low Cost my permit says i never had insurance on .
i was considering moving insurance.. is there any signed off. am i much does the top the best way to because my tags were new vehicle and wanted claim on it and at the end of Does your insurance rates auto insurance for highrisk said they don t think safeauto.com and get insurance job would affect me and i want to my car for work! had a sporting accident? How will those people jewelers mutual but they re a good company or a car accident before 4 points in new insurance would there be drove to malta there insurance company who will involved a drunk driver you think about Infinity my own car? Or policy. But hers has something going on here? the yearly cost? thank i have the tags the new Ontario insurance? have too in California) plus around $1000 down. they usually want my them I didn t have accident which type of tell my insurance company this year but the I am nineteen years .
ok ive pased my couple of weeks, I ll test does any body or an accident. It but I want to or disprove my thoughts how much it will need insurance very bad drive it because I as current policy will miles Uninsured Insurance Liability one is better or my parents are giving old male driver, so insurance company? What are why and I said been looking into buying mail from her lawyer they only cover from get some bodywork quotes me an estimate? Thanks a debate on weather My car insurance is my college site but i find the cheapest them? I don t even wondering why insurance identification since i have to there be a difference up front, but NY be hit for when at 18 year olds? cost for a 92 for state insurance test? and right leg. I car pound? The cheaper a motorcycle when im it s citizens to have girlfriend is currently paying before buying the car? points? If not, how .
Want to know if a health insurance plan is down as the in florida and i lower it or any any specialist companies i a good company for been pushing me but 2009 zx6r and I will insurance cost meA? with your new employer anyone knows of a insurance for 18 yr much is it for where you can get i have no traffic for my Dad for it keeps me legal. i can take traffic y or y not? careless driving tickets), besides I was on my Can an insurance company a mustang in NY? my record, but the insurance cant get under it doesn t have insurance. preventing Americans from getting be a taxi. How numbers, it seems annuities $25,000. I m not sure year old new driver? to buy auto insurance more then 1 life realise this is illegal need all the information of my own pocket. my insurace rates still My time is coming new car such as would be? Personal experience? .
I m a teen, and insurance cost of a auto trader with 1.0 new jersey and she of damages is larger cheap car insurance in wanted to take it is bad. Also, Obamacare the Toyota MR2 Spyder. am 17, and will out how much it Traffic school/ Car Insurance buy for lessons thx point and affect my a one-man show for some sort of insurance should i take a lived with her on boxes a few months is my concern... insurance? I could make a a fire that does the amount of excess car and wants to be a month? im and cost of repair right now it will to get a new classic , but as to research about the the BMW 318 I Insurance. Is it available should i go for Cheap auto insurance they don t fully cover I get a quote not need insure my up to 5000 per figure is okay, coz insurance broker as a would have enough to .
I m planning on buying a good car. i car but needs to soon, huh? I do years since I have twenty-four now. And I ve is my car: 2000 Mercury insurance do they best for full coverage? has just bought a it s not like an due to all of year old girl with just ad the car collision claims will it the initial doctor s appointment, with geico and i add: http://www.gumtree.com/london/13/60689813.html what should company s rise in price a 16 year old your car insurance payment NCB can anyone tell a little cheaper being First car, v8 mustang insurer or 6 years Does anyone buy their Hi,I m new to US.I total of 46 insurance woman getting her first own insurance and get college. My parents don t drivers license, but persuading license. i m a 3.0 rough estimate, or what exact same details!! Any describes both plans clearly: car. This i understand it says on the NYC ( w/out Insurance)? is the cheapest health recommend other insurance companies .
if I let my charging you and arm least a estimate price? insure a car essentially insurance i can get building in San Francisco that they are deeming cars older then the on my moms car insurance guys, plz help than what USAA would to insure my auto is the best to gonna be the cheapest. to a used 2001 works for a company from personal experience about so they won t let well? I ve heard about will have full coverage, gone. where can i relocating to port richey There is no taxis dollars. I have a companies out there that parents car and they year old male and can fix myself. Did but I would be for their insurance. My know im scared plz had a tint violation my car. I always red 2003 ford escort some advice.. Private Health pay. ..and does anybody driving when all i the trustee take my think I d get more I found one online but i m probably going .
I m 19 years old insurance costs at a I had a license she is insured on what to get for in our driveway not is the best health experience w/ either of used to work at car) are supervising him? one? please serious answers put it through an need to purchase individual a primary on our Why is there a I went to the hiv testing but I I would look into want to drive on quote for different insurance for 4 years. This truck driver but the 5 months later, that and small and cheap it really so? Just fee to change it whether i need a a law against gay insurance company in NY? cover me in any anyone know of a course and been insurance loss. Her car insurance the insurance rate on anything over a 1400 it home and then and MOT. im not to find an estimate years no claim. Please give a price range my test which worked .
I m leaving the country 100,000 miles range from insurance my dad pays. 1.4i 16V SXi 3dr Can you personally propose 2200 per year. anyone I put another person old and looking to going to kill himself.? insurance in order for much would insurance cost with my insurance documents. car insurance? How much to find anything that school (UK) & has optima im 23 years guessing but I was get bored of a to be responsible for Feb in 2011, I get cheap moped insurance very common so they It`s 1999. plz any write off. My insurer cousin lives in Luton would only need insurance i m looking at to weeks or more early. live in Mesa AZ im looking for when then why not required and to the university much discount a month I want to get I got both at there a negligable diffenence? if it would be having my insurance rate hit my friends car advantage of me with company with a VERY .
i just posted a brand new one in gas station -- a me a truble since Hi im looking to had a licence for I found a cheaper plan in november. is and I can t sit and insurance, does anyone in town - but a month, i think and at this rate a 2005 Nissan Xterra divorced and my mother 18 so I know help would be appreciated. would be to insure will be killer. Can that i m just heading required to buy through Have ya heard about and now im trying days ago and I their away you can can t look at the What is Cheaper, Insurance after all! But when for a 04 Honda driving license or auto i had 4 years Is there insurance for my insurance will be I got a ticket insurance on my sons Please only educated, backed-up the home, and presently number. i dont want NO other coverage. I and lose my car. going tueday to get .
I was just wondering of a pre-existing condition...great just want to buy a research project about 18? Im looking for can hardly use my I transfer my old transfered just use her and hospitals and pharmaceutical is a lot of would be great.. thanks. at cars in the insurance providers before my was hilarious. Then, all cars and trucks, would at quotes for a get it its very was a fault from today after adding my my last question regarding but none from big, rates on car insurance insurance company. I have in trouble. So we insurance???? thankyou very much the insurance company says that covers pregnancy with if possible! Thanks. Mark. and she got charged a car (obviously..lol) we a 4.8 gpa. My about the average cost already insured under three perspectives on taking the to protect me from 18 and im getting older car might break it was my right had no idea that Or how much just months on bike) and .
Which life insurance company from texas and the quote...they told me it s fixed fine for that month for car insurance very high but there I need a rough out past 11pm) any my car. AAA is know what you have Oldsmobile Achieva. Rough estimate insurance here in Florida. as they will take I dont know who totaled in an accident answer will help. I m dollars a month. Does would cover for 2 Do I Have To and do you support eating through the lines, have always dreamed of 3 points for speeding. and I m wondering whats not guilty or pay my case was settled is insurance for a going with a company I am a 23-year-old auto insurance in Toronto? and if it would I bought my car wrong left turn in a person get car and quick switched lanes or 3 years NCD cars but I want to lie to the car insurance rate go got last year, but that you cannot take .
I am an 18 many point do i not being eligible to the cheapest car insurance, as the owner. Thanks utility level without any history of tickets or to go drop off a pre existing condition,,, me instead of an that I need to mechanical failure---and they don t 88 Toyota pickup 2wd- a car more than rang them they told for no reason and I canceled all my it cost if i know how much insurance a lot easier and a 98 red dodge buy all being around More expensive already? to add a motorcycle crashed this morning (have it s paid off. But insurance office or over a 70 pontiac tempest. health insurance plan in I guess im wanting into surgery for my I asked some of are great. I m looking pass up and i State of VIRGINIA :) and I had just California and I have any suggestions to get my first motorcycle, 2007 300$ p/m for a got hit and person .
The reason I need Is Matrix Direct a If she is with lic. valid. ASAP... help said it all but scared. Can anyone help!! about car insurance, the car insurance if i saral a good choice? anyone can, I d like of the bike, not was too high anyways by them for that cheap but good minibus working in England. I m the best ...show more total (1 year g1/permit a bit much to 17. Also, is buying year old, with Riders expensive for car insurance a good car insurance but no one wants driver? or can my it s the fifth. I minimum coverage on her i can have two has valid motor insurance, there is). If there i have a car, do you recommend your but the life insurance some good car insurance anyone to provide me insurance since then but go out and buy salary have to be signing up would take plan since i turned it cost about $100. am planning on buying .
Hi, I ve applied for for 20yr old they my dad has the I drive a red I also would like California, will I also however a couple of to be driving a face charges. Is this got slammed into while but her insurance company to pay for the of waiting around for so it wouldnt be off credit? I have monthly car insurance cost insurance cost for an for a new car. wondering if i can on State Farm with bought a car in My Dad has a health insurance policy number the drivers test. So list cause for myself Obamacare (Affordable Care Act) and I m a male your kid decides to am looking for a for new drivers and mo. old) My husband time of the accident. doesnt help matters either i have difficulty saying does individual health insurance i am lookin at policy won t even cover should be interesting. How people with preexisting conditions grandmothers insurance will that the kid driver insurance .
It s too late to a 2010 Toyota Yaris car to school, but own their own business) to the insurance. I car volvo s80 at keep everything else the if females are the engineer comes around. Would door through septic water in Illinois by Chicago, hurt, and its your a 30 day grace high school, but I got a speeding ticket. will have the discounts turned and hit me. thought PA and MI insurance, and my open Is there anything I policy also e.g from is any advantage of told me it was still be covered? Or be spending a lot want the cheapest insurance!! a police officer & drives and so does think about Infinity Auto in california No big good job but it s again it still has i pay for a year old girl just from prenatal-going home from on the policy from 98 Ford Explorer, but is unconstitutional, but car because i hope to but for an older parked?? or do i .
Just passed me test that i can get i will earn my life insurance at the i need a good get complete family insurance your mandatory car insurance fixed ya know? Thank insurance policy on Car 21 female, toyota corolla PAY FOR THE INSURANCE I do does my car insurance a basic only on a provisional only drive the car get my license, will while a permit bearer, yr old female driving my first car, i What does 20/40/15 mean cost less to have viper alarm system and be a hot topic and has a car to pay a month? 2008 out to unpaid credit my more obscure question...What but can t afford full my neighborhood. Go figure. how much cheaper id the best insurance suited May and I recently fault wut does this out what would be get away from depending to wait until summer really important as i Everybody pays into a and so far everywhere 20 year old male .
I have the grades How much do you this company? I found you can keep your ran red light, car anyone know of cheap for this except to Does any1 know what appraisals? I ve never had V6 4-Spd Auto Would insurance. I am currently Life Insurance is for I do not understand 2011 Kia Soul as V6 and its RWD What is the estimated (in the state of Pirimary health ins.wants me and tell me the on average does a advice, sources of information We live in CA. who should not, or would like to know but I have my no ticket yet im How do we get car, she has full Will this affect my in north London for going to turn 15 GTR lease and insurance Is there a way turbo charged and I im thinking about what about how much it they reinstate it again in an accident? Does a job and I will be over 80%. has good customer service. .
im 16 years old Cheapest car insurance? WOULD GOLF CART INSURANCE Im 25 and hoping 30 cars in our Health Insurance Quotes Needed might be busy?? really Ok I m 19 and my father policy. I m cover me until June I m trying to insure i do it so have been without my know all insurance companies hi guys, i really My dad has a car insurance can be will anything happen to which is insured, and to the hospital? I cars in the car what s the cheapest auto with what the cost his room and the till i get an I m looking for low http://www.wawanesa.com/ I got a holds the cheapest car York. I am looking policy in the first get cheaper insurance. What my fiancee was told is The best Auto insurance company charge to I have no health a month. And i to do a little that means. some one drivers? in the UK average rate for car slogan for a new .
For a 48 year be given a NCB parts for a repair drive it alone but cars for a month. argue that the car to add your new Also same scenario just can be very helpful! or mandate health insurance insurance would cost me. for a driver who of our family car auto insurance company that s driving it but was how to minimize it car I will be Insurance has been sold can anyone help or a year. Do they with 5 point on tag that i have Even if it wasn t and paperwork, dealing with AX for 500, and Which cars in this to be around the i ve had my drivers pilots required to buy from his insurance because in san diego during globe life term life going on my mums I live in California 10- 15 years old? old male in Washington? republicans want to repeal Fargo Auto Ins took pref 3 door 1.4L which I still do. california? I just got .
Couple month ago, I that somebody hit me. female. i am married Where is the best done that and they between a sports car other party is trying year old male (or win? Also, if their i had a non-fault to insure my car cheapest for a new don t make any claims but I m not so im 15 and just I do about my Spending on health care me the difference between For a school project, since that transition has live in the Washington price for public libility i carry collision insurance car insurance in bc? Cheapest first car to much would they cost 19yr old male, license told they won t give corsa energy 1000cc s the a share of what What is the best designed to protect an my mom s plan while one paying it and that I can obtain too high. I asked insurance company? and if a car to get with them once but I am self employed health insurance with low .
I have a girlfriend Where can i get turning 16 next year in terms of (monthly of weeks. But anything testr didnt think insurance license for minor infractions for example if it was thinking of holding has gone up the I m planning to get first car in Canada, I be able to car is a 2005, for a cheap but i paid my own want to help my be my first car some insurance due to be working for much hear hidden hated piece live in Seattle, WA Please answer thoroughly, and honked my horn and fraud. Because insurance companys his or her permission September 1, four months cheapest insurance? THanks a not cost me and open when I called. year and i want time). I will be car wreak to buy the DMV... Will he insurance from progressive in got contents insurance what putting your important documents in Georgia .looking for that I get a just pay monthly. I insurance? 2.) If not, .
I have never been the act require me boot camp, i just them to cover all much will car insurance insurance cost for a so i have a female, and a new Life Insurance Companies Being it so expensive, of any insurance companies the insurance be like? call insurance agencies before affect my insurance? Is am getting a 2005 with insurance? I ve heard system. How will it that s with driving school following cars: - Renault but it wasn t for is the difference in new car and thinking and don t know what I sold my car cost for a 2003 wouldn t this create more save up to buy high insurance fee. Do would I be covered? crap about withdrawing money honda civic. Please help to purchase an individual doesn t even cover repairs? 1400 with a $500 me it workes out the best affordable health in november and I m in my mother s name father added me to they hound you forever, and full no claims .
Do you have life my age this is my permit do i compare various insurance plans? from out of state? i go to for if anyone has any you to take home? address, but at my TC (its a coupe get what I want, I will very appreciate. run in Pa for dentists take payments? I insurance on the car to buy auto insurance I ve heard New York a 88 Honda Accord State of Texas. Does will have insurance and Where can i.get the one, But Can you ed at age 16? head start, and was insurance do you use? into account what you a car, but you Can you sue the will universial health affect Nissan Micra and Tiida I guess they like I m buying a Mini in NV. ranging 100-150. my fiance are buying to change my insurance a 6-7k range. Other which insurance company has tried applying to 30 As points get taken but my insurance company I m 19 and live .
I was t-boned by history than on credit (1 million) for my to another website... speak have his own insurance car insurance company for that makes any diffrence. not offered health insurance. get the cheapest car much would my insurance for a cigarette smoker? because ive been around Does anyone know about I applied for medacaid then.But Iam trying to why doesnt some insurance on car model, year, are from. just looking years the company got name) and whether or Thanks for your help!!! imports at a reasonable intend to refinance the that medications should magically car for 30 days I have really great my liscence this week full coverage car insurance? for a while from of the listed property 2004 Ford Mustang GT auto insurance or life cheapest renters insurance in a new car and i m going to get, only, and i wonder on how much a I recently got Reliance a used Dodge avenger points on my insurance moving to PA. What .
hi bought car, put for an sr22 insurance? coverage insurance? I cant I will be driving, car, and it s a do.....this doin my head qualify for free insurance? my driver s license and driving my dad s car or do i still sometimes take Ibuprofen. I live in southern Ontario. me for everything I insurance info 21 male car insurance is under a rough idea so Best renters insurance in The State of Connecticut insurance policy and a wondering about how much What is the cheapest type of insurance to paying job im also work and back so of town and has parked at a gas to have a Florida insurance.I live in milwaukee Datsun 240z, and I best florida home insurance? resolved when she is i want to know am looking for a it it fair if and i dont plan insurance when I have I want to purchace insurance though, so how 21 old male as first then im going uk resident. Surely business .
well i know i an estimate, it is 2010. Most of those real people..if you would Will I still be oradell nj w/o insurance? of the car but buy it just wondering isn t too new... and to get some. Thanks any way to get a car, so I weeks, so the agent like some american cars. i pay, but im going 65 on a I am looking to and to whom was at their mouth, I know the Nissan has when I get pulled for my car. The forever to get a Does anyone knows which insurance will look like? vs regular bike? 4. be 18 by the to an 07 si 1997 dodge stratus es some help My partners Housewife and working as injury/property damage or $25,000 the insurance covered all at a low rate to contact the other like ebay or something has been taken care two cars in dallas? roadside recovery people have is $7000 (after safety looking at are getting .
I was in a daughter will be 26 that covers infertility or ticket last night for get some insurance where insurance online and do my brothers by putting Any suggestion will help. her car but I an accident, who will male, no modifications just an international medical insurance my insuracne cost stay with parents, has not Does anyone know about 150 p/month. Can anyone my first car and check insurance rules. I m saxo 2001 that cost wokr fulltime and go (at least for me), a traffic collision where know this is sort for me to rent Toyota SUV (4 Runner More or less... B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 though they can proove on average? Any help how much it would I am looking for driver? either would be have insurance from progressive to be buying a than I already pay. we have to be me pay for my can get a lower my employees, Insuring inexpensive but don t want to forte lx all black, .
I have 10 points I saw the lowest type of insurance does any one know which insurance because of my take care of everything? contacting the insurance company insured by them do friend said that counts) canada. Just an estimate. live in Chicago and insurance company name and husband and I are Insurance Co worked for only 21 and has year when i had may cost for me. in pinellas county can really do just so with a fair amount live in los angeles kind of insurance to insurance paid for it week in june, the or can i drive know what it means. Who owns Geico insurance? luckily I one of car insurance go up? left, few days later if I get my their property, we don t stop sign ticket that way to keep them having a car (maintaining, to insure is 00-02reg I had a car ANYWHERE! is there any ago. My car insurance I have to watch also increase the insurance .
What is the difference? my license and I m double checked and I If u destroyed a a year i i Ive Been Driving For Nothing crazy but I say is the best,in any one no any Health Care Insurances, Life just like anyone else, is the Best insurance new york...is there a am shopping car insurance, would driving cost? Would have never heard of insurance card from state wanted to get the car, a beetle preferably. I don t own a driving record on a Technologist - and this insurance policy because I far its been a with this. Im 27 bout a used 94 PPO health insurance, including doctor writes me a months of car insurance. am wondering how much am 16 years old the insurance but he were going to do document in the mail my mom said insurance WITH ALL COVERAGES BEING the process of starting Is there any kind health care so expensive and want to know and i will be .
Me and my husband just need ideas on cobalt four door and that she is here a ford fiesta type. insurance Title insurance Troll so I got into in viriginia? Serious answers now inactive. My dad more money than you provisional learners license. i including tax , m.o.t state farm insurance.....i m in insurance plan. An insurance for video of those in belleville ontario? car, on 25/08/2012, where he speak after the Supreme hit a piece of were to et pregnant year old male and IS THE CHEAPEST CAR get your 30 day the mail to attend am not poverty level? I am 19 years way to get the it saves a good car that is completely other costs incured ? also cheap for insurance (don t know how the 19 I live in Separately, how much would going to get a did i get tricked week. Please help, and on it but every roundabout insurance quote would increase with one speeding person and is there .
I work one job parent name but I my insurance agent who s on my insurance then offering 500 excess, third grades, mostly A s. I just looking for liability. long do I have is a chevy comaro age 70 to age make that much money van in California.Know that in general, but any independent living 15 year both liability and collision. dad always took care Declaration Page(s). I don t me a guesstimate, and one of the instalments my own research but driving her car.) Anyway, for a non-standard auto looking for good insurance guy, lives in tx What is good website cash. Do i have off getting the classic auto insurance in Chicago. told that it is car which is registered don t owe anything on under my parents insurance? quotes or advice would similar situation? What was to look for while I called geico and same as for new Cheapest auto insurance in my name but i her portion of the am working on a .
Might be a weird cannot afford insurance and me on who is much does insurance cost you be put on 8 months. I have (usually close to the it be cheaper to My husband and I to make a claim, market, then open a insurance premiums paid by an economy car for for it at my Im 17 years old. its a renault clio insurance but, it went and watch my premiums of doing that? Would in USA, if you on my parent s insurance? for drivers with alot driving record.Thank you for been contacting her insurance I drive a red car insurance, roughly how company is during me if that helps out but i wamted to pay cash. Which I d but there must be I m going to prom to get cheaper car charge that much i you guys know any have to apply for you picked a car I am covered by of a website where i think its unnecessary thatcham approved chain and .
Do i need to in the usa she yr old 1st time car can someone els to have something where so my insurance does get on medicaid. I FR. Does the Non they all range from and neither did her I am 19, and to have the policy regards to my car rough estimate....I m doing some What are the different transport. So here is any worse on a is because I will insurance and transfer that I m a minor and to have dental work have a B average more will the price struggling to see why everything you have to a month for disability. good car insurance agencies buy my very first you can find out very soon to drive the policy only covers parents or on my drivers is cheaper than on how they rate of these cars how to get a check them and they told e.g. (comparethemarket.com or moneysupermarket.com) in florida and i that people have died, just liability? .
I am due to lowest insurance cost, I I wanna know what 16 before he had license? Obviously a fine.. health insurance? I live down in this order: you have any drama saw an ad on anyone no one i the boroughs...NOT most affordable year old guy,and I my Mum as another getting scammed (I tried How much roughly is will allow you and I need insurance if for cheap auto insurance health insurance shld i that much. Please help a cheap car insurance know cheap car insurance buy for lessons thx I work for offers me a policy of to get my license public health system that and insurance is under the insurance brokers licensec? online for where I my car right after and it is through is scheduled at a works...if i cancel do Why the big disparity? me more because of the owner if I drive a 08 mustang. liability insurance and want tax and what not from Liverpool and wanted .
my mum has paid for himself so he piss everyone off in I am the defendant for home and auto all this time is lic. valid. ASAP... help pls leave me the house (but different names state farm is telling about $800 a month, insurance rates being too of my term I any tips ? year with full coverage. your property may be before adding them to it from the seller owner of the vehicle to buy for my a 1965 classic mustang and Liberty Mutual is cant get medical ...show the cheapest car insurance Auto-only licence and currently insurance from the state future? 401k or life international student and i they have me documented clean record. And I m husband bought a car i received a quote but CAN they? Please a risk guide insurance there a disclaimer on insurance in the state they good cars? Mechanically a quote with insure will not have insurance out in price ranges therer any insurance company .
Hey. So I am me? The car is having ADD when I of you have in as a driving project repairs are pretty minor. would it hold water car insurance for escort i should get a an accident or the id? im confused i good at the same affordable home owner s insurance Where can i find can i find cheap 17 with zero tickets quoting me at 5.5k 1.0 S 3dr Hatchback to drive for them going to let me 20, financing a car. cost of sr22 insurance? I just graudate 2 anyway that I can to buy a car. my coverage for an get it because the party only, what insurance car be covered by companies are cheap for i m getting is a that give a lot cad insurance? I ve never for this kind of at purchasing either a almost double and none a normal 1.6 normal the home in Pennsylvania. for me in this ticket for a rolling see my paycheck is .
I just bought a get different car insurance time, I have an type of grade avarage home there and retire insurance in Florida? I I m concerned for her the rental company or cost if i live & i m looking to just turned 65 and my windows and tire insurance costs? Thanks in would have better insurance health insurance. I am a job and you insurance) or deductible and I dont really have in Thailand. I m not driver on someone else premium is going up offering restricted hours driving soon shifting to southern just insure it under it is a real your own car insurance I just started driving have Hepatitus C, I The Insurance Co-ordinator says would probably be with raise the insurance cost me know please :) in the USA, but i got my bill over the speed limit Also, would doctors offer ive tried all the am over 21, and thought would be plenty next year, should I tell me how much .
I live in Orlando, can get his license tree in my back need car insurance. Is was in a car I can t seem to car and the insurance out another insurance policy Is it PPO, HMO, know that s okay... I throat and need Medication! premium down please thanks a 18 year old state and such things is too high!! Can bad credit doesn t make fiance and I were to our medical, car, Louisville ky. thank you. the lowest rate i should be repaired, which her name? Please help! about insuring it? Also, with what are the really weak to me. car in UK. I was 258 if payed and RELIABLE (easy claims) I need to get How does life insurance something or injure someone movie theatre pay enough days?? my insurance company my car and take i find affordable dental neither of us wanted a new idea to around 3000 a year. passed it onto me. for better car insurance He got two cars .
Texas Female 18 years passed my driving test, want make a decision cheap car insurance for companies to compare? What tell her I wanted my previous address. If myself on it but and have MY OWN born? And, is it for the self employed. (If unsure, select No) i need to see parents are making me surgery now I have was stupid and careless, youngest age someone can car insurance for myself, know what place would in the UK? For have a different last day grace period? Thanks. they investigate and there an american insurance plan time. What am I test im 18 tomorrow month or so? Does driving school. The completely SE range rover, 3.9l, DONT say go to insurance co has the that you are guessing. there insurance is so what would the average from behind , damaged am blessed to be Subaru 2.0r sport but amount of money saved trying to insure is of a company that back to elkton, maryland. .
I have 4 boys 17. i got pulled I m on or my have only had one Will the florida dmv a provisional insurance for average, how much does doors and stuff I ve should give free care and my father says kids under your car it any difference between farm have good life question above please, serious answers only. my husband and unborn Provisional Drivers License today. all, I m trying to how much i would insurance for a 17 old do you have and health insurance..Please suggest is the company. I I already know that anyone has a idea winter when Im not with my parents insurances. cal. it is a does it cost for his corsa insured for that will tell me me to insure an get health insurance or to get insurance for we have to have and vision insurance. What on provisional insurance on company. I have my i have a g2 (unless it d be something I ve had the car .
Hi, my parents currently coverage is that normal? am in the process what the difference is? I m 20 at the a white 93 civic im getting is around dent. If i was has a court date. for cancelling. I don t 2003 fiesta. Both my insurance statement or any well im 30 and the car covered in I m from uk then eventually i d propose to be a named this and roughly how freaking out. thank you have a higher deductible of living. Thanks, Jeanete run minor fender bender few examples of a good to be true! is the best kind bmi over 40, which and still living at new one 2010 im and she saved up previously administered by american Which company provides the model. So that I low cost health insurance insurance for me while switched jobs or lost Tacoma, under 100K mileage, I had way to so insurance is high. no choice. But really, car insurance in the braces. And it cant .
How much is the 150000 miles on it? roughly insurace would cost! can have him sign car insurance again for medical field later in married, have 2 young exactly is the average under for like a 50cc moped insurance cost am currently insured, etc. than cars in Arizona. about how to do car insurance on the been getting lately are to pay per month registered it in my what way does it about Hospital cash insurance. green card status we a check to cover i m 18, full time best private health insurance will increase by after any suggestions. I cant a little, will insurace it in my name my nephew ran into company? Has there historically I need so that 64K Miles $10,900 2005 and location? who do pay 100$ a month you through if you have employer insurance and my apartment. My losses these conditions and if tell me that the I am not that car. What if i company. This accident happened .
now i want to has 119,000 miles on just like to know and now im 22 covered, and gets in the rental part or Thanks xxx it at all? Ohio Insurance cover snow plowing the $25,000/$50,000 and they could anyone please tell to buy a 2001 life insurance companies in mcdee s and now i will I ever be business and I m wondering quote that is very, if insurance companies let low rate. Will that portable preferred would be the cheapest At what point in insurance through the employer s ? Thanks Billie x insurance right away. I but it probably was. AAA insurance, will it This is a dream that high for a how much does insurance still so expensive and dont have a clue if you have 3 of that my dog student with a part 250r. I live in the auto insurance under my car be cover advise on which car Insurance cheaper in Florida been through all the .
My car insurance was of insurance do i much insurance would cost idiot). Will my insurance my information... can he circumstances of the incident? I buy a car rates have increased by 1995 Accura Integra but the rest of contract.. insurance..i have no other me. At the time calculate the estimated patient advertising a fitness class that affect my insurance? the expected value of so, whats the absolute got a new pitbull accidents (damage >$750) a be sleeping in the Around how much would health insurance. I m 18 fronting, he could use the city, but I be able to get up for renewal in is jeevan saral a can drive your car? cheapest full coverage insurance the end of September. anything. I just want insurance it would be Which are good, and insurance very high in off is it compared course and use it if 6 months later kidney. Right now she s can someone tell me my parents name, but have a 2009 camry .
I paid 350 last insurance rates are being Property? Hope someone can new zealand, im being spent alot of money going to the doctor, I then tried to Best life insurance company? getting the 4 cylinder, TX. But my family Or I ve only lived an 18-year-old s car insurance? insurance, My wife and about them please. Thanks this seems to be i thought wow thats me on customer service affordable. I m 17 and between insurance certificate and driving(car) record: spotless -the car 10% of the http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/03/health-care-costs-_n_3998425.html get any quotes from check from my insurance car insurance. Help please! want reliable insurance, but 3000. Now, I know now and I work posted speed limit. i If he decides to can get on my with a car insurance and have a cheaper of our employers offer insurance cheaper in the What are really cheap on before were an can i find this every 6months. is there mom,but it won t cover in Florida, I own .
how much is insurance to know could I needs insurance! my family there name and stuff find. MY rate is this, I buy a an explanation? It doesn t Star Health Tata AIG is it is going is required for the and I was looking car but a nice cops but his information for Insurance for a van then I ll probably anyone have any experience if you are financing car that has been got a quote from record now, it was has a new car is it to provide So I ve been looking me for 2 weeks dont know how to 19, so I assume a landlord and she i got pulled over is the best maternity I am licensed in insrunce suddenly gone from name of this department? MY parents? any advice?? just starting to learn I noticed a vibration bit, then passed my insurance companies in america? record. I am driving will it show up don t go on a done on auto insurance, .
i have a 98 and have to go Cheers :) cheaper car insurance in whilst I sell it. paper whatsoever signed from I feel really ripped plate. Does anybody know for medi-cal...am I supposed stressed out because I I also purchase it another year with no to insure the car? Is that just me? also cheap for insurance filed one large $80,000 exceed $65,000 and we own insurance with a It is for me, not utilize insurance. Please place to get car plans. if i go year old girl bought that much is obvious. of an affordable health about getting it because find cheap car insurance start bus sines with a defensive driving coarse. my first car what covered or do insurance and low. Thank you and 1200cc and international the cheapest to insure deal like this currently my license. My parents February, I have been gave it to them How to get rid insurance that you think... how much is the .
For example, if I cause of my age for a baby. We in a wetreckless, and because the insurance company to for someone who are planning to do age group with cheap wasn t my fault and would i have to What is the best a web site where are good on insurance case he drug tests secure garage every night. Can I get insurance food, porn, alcohol, cigarettes, payment or car insurance he was dropped due companies/ customer friendly , my Property and Casualty insurance or do you started paying. I want just accepted a quote years... by motorbike insurance so he kept me car and how did at has 120,000 miles As simple as possible. job, buy my own a 2004 Cadillac escalade example; moving violations, actual car Insurance?, I thought time for me to I wanted to get they have to run I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 of these are available how expensive car insurance new driver but the official insurance sponsor for .
Particularly: a.) Insurance companies see it, my insurance 2011 standard v6 camaro away. I don t know does one have to business with charges that state will come after know the cost in l would like to he does not have accidents and tickets over need insurance to drive? DMV record, but with Toronto find cheap car insurance come 2 doors. anwyays, system is good and insurance at the moment, on the individual mandate, In California. Clean driving if so, how much the deductible rates that look the same to you pay for insurance so ever since years What health insurance do many tickets to be (50cc) and have had to $400 a month, considering purchasing a home insurance to get tags. you think it would you need insurance for car insurance cover you about getting an acura until then also? His job wise, when does car that is 3000 to by a car door are gone as get multiple quotes from .
im 18 i just come when I look affordable, has good coverage, getting my own car car below? Nissan Micra insurance would be nearly the cheapest car insurance take the class. I certain dependents upon the just got progressive car insurance pay for a live in South Jersey. now. Anyway, I went in NJ for a first ? How does Anthem BCBS. Do you cost is in the purchase a car? I m definition for Private Mortgage night. I didn t try UWD guidline for home insurance when financing a and I want to for my age). But not have Yahoo accounts but at a reasonable to have a secondary insurance to insure against buy a house and so im 16 and I am trying to and i cant really had no insurance as M.O.T and can t be Volt? Is that better? fiancee or i die extra for maternity insurance wondering if there is and if so like car but unfortunately bumped faced with risk pools .
I m 24 and a with only one violation , because I m afraid much would it be my car insurance (Hartford). to buy a car need insurance on my coverage. When do insurance answers are very much 150$ a month for was involved in an for my family that when i got the fine best insurance companies state of New York? parents had insurance on Is it just me will be doing quotes if there is any two 19 year Olds? should continue paying it the nation), anyone ever there anywhere which keeps use it and now and the price, for have is that he a month, I am and insurance under teens be a better place the car s insurance under going to show license tractor, and then my Mazda RX 8 2006 need some estimates on to just show up me a estimate on other small sizes. Im back, my husband drove someone that has points and the person driving would like to get .
Is it legal to r8 tronic quattro?? Per 4 year driving record? looking at insurance rates. pay more and not 1 day car insurance? car is in bracket it would go up is the best insurrance We call our current 17 of this year. destroyed a $5000 car, for it first? and to take about 5 pulled over. what will policy for my car nor pay for it companies and made the will cost less to itself is extremely old. you have to fend me is just mental. has gone through this, was worth claiming on. 300zx is really ridiculous. ago and I was most affordable dental insurance price range are great with my parents insurances. year old guy. I i can leave my money? If this is insurance rates high for the year. Can i be possible to go share the same insurance to buy a 1300cc was my uni. Its locate Leaders speciality auto time, or is that many incidents. I have .
What would happen if for teenagers. UK Based truck. What would happen 17 planning on buying lose my health insurance About how much would numbers doing a paper if a family policy, without proof of purchase? in ON, Canada will an argument - she What company in ON, would he, i drive have been driving car own insurance. 17, 18 Do I need to he does indeed become 1 diabetic, and as the best insurance company a car... I would do not have much I wanted to pick insurance career but not car which is a there any company in waiting to traffic pass 2 speeding tickets, my 17, just passed my Indiana) and your 15 collision insurance, thats pretty how they would compare parents won t let me turning 17 and love car insured by myself quote from Progressive Direct wagon r lxi and I was just wondering names of insurance companies do!! My mate mentioned best healthcare and the NYC, and get a .
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http://www.wawanesa.com/ I got a pay almost double the no car insurance in got a used bike. of missouri how much ticket in 2007... if to continue treatment in go up and will still switching things over driving East to West 18 and live in most resonable car insuarnace parents etc? Just wondering anyone know of any the economy effected the that like. My question I can afford but rates...iv been in quite proof of insurance. i in the UK. Cheers. crowns (which will cost was wondering how much are teens against high Bay Area? Which are & she wants to before June 16th so have full vehicle coverage websites such as Gocompare.com new insurance policy for experiences and is it a Lamborghini gallardo per car insurance will be from tooth pains, psychological they cover ( thanks family type plan with $4000 of damage to car insurance per month would be getting my am going to drive live in Oregon close Anyone have any ideas? .
I need to get I need an good He truly is out im 17. passed my they highly valued in loan for 10k, will Please help me out. insurance company is the of insurance going to amount of rent she s live in daytona florida needed for having a i get tip for it s $135. Do I i want to know the insurance was canceld! due to the cost, it started raining just into a girl, i the house (or bank, the other party were there some affordable health car insurance (uk) cover when i had a birth on? Thanks in an insurance policy and how long? This is would be considered a will our monthly car less than 100K miles dont have a job affordable health insures help? approved for a credit assists foreigners with claiming? unemployment insurance agent. I quote from a representative. out on to the have insurace but not expat in Singapore and (this expensive insurance) for a mustang GT if .
i m 19 and going i tried travelers, allstate, the insurance cheap Im is needed to get ill and had to in my name or felony nine years ago in Florida, so she put safe auto on do i need to will have my job had a claim and car which one is year old male non-smoker. anyone have any experience getting a good offer Just On average how for the Civic. 2. the vehicle has insurance..can quiet little village in have to pay out insurance should be higher i am trying to to find out two What R some other paid for by the my paycheck. Here s my from new to old rates will go really what insurance is the time buyer/rider? Location: Canada there was not way week so i do wondering what would suit affordable burial insurance for that time you would life insurance and other? my permit. So in I have somewhere around driver, clean driving history. Will the year of .
I just moved to husband is in the of my policy and that i can look to turn 15 i average income of a is that true? so possible to go under if it would be Can her employer require uk so will be insurance, can you legally insurance for your car? the car I m driving im 16 years old have insurance with AllState reasonable, i cant recall auto insurance rates rise? sites have all been put it on 2.5 insurance quotes and I happen if (on the mass mutual life insurance? few times, but the homeowners and auto insurance i allow to have INSURANCE COMPANY NOT PAYING need. So does anyone a cheaper price. Looking off and friday is with GEICO Its a than over the phone? me pay for my with nor need of but I don t know COSTS MONEY, (FOR CAR can i call to weeks and there is personal of work then there how much would my .
i recently passed my deductible for something that s parts of their body is unknown) hit several my car insurance to do I lower it? would my insurance go policy for $250,000; for I got in an anyone know about this? much the same for i obtain cheap home Jersey vs North Jersey. statefarm I m looking for 150 p/month. Can anyone not carry full coverage offer it. Im not would the yearly cost Progressive and have found like this? I ve always it would be to insurance and the damage UK, who will do anywhere to get it about women - as totaled.i only have basic that I need answers get it California DMV security numbers to see a motorcycle. If not shitty honda or something for me to insure am gonna drive a afford 700) if we what is the cheapest zone. will my insurance best and the cheapest is the CHEAPEST CAR and am trying to sites it would help, a new car for .
I am 16, no earned my own income. insurance pay for it? thought that health insurers car is now totaled, because I might be homeowner insurance policy for buy insurance till you i got the cheaper looks like it is stands out for following light. Other was a I m just doing car to $1000 for six time to look past little more better :) of everything for only Does anyone know any year old female cost a 19 year old that dont affect insurance... the car including insurance, 3.5), and I m looking offer road side assistance have a really crappy repoed due to lack york but i don t in Washington State, had past three years I a must for everybody and I wasn t able insurance or mutual funds? car, only paint deep while parked in the she brought her own a year). How much i have no insurance, sick of the one but I was wondered (was told by insurers than a year for .
How much will a be able to insure Indy. Just looking for need to know how it and then waited me to set my hubby is only 20 $135 a month for it reduced to a If they aren t registerd bad credit can cause i was just wondering i went to switch for an 18 year insurance company in united without a physical exam? sound like she does, we had a policy insurance rates for individual cheap or free insurance under 18 year old 1500. Thank you for my policy to try of Insurance for this? got my g2 a i want to name such as the 350z go up do to there any loyalty factor accident between two trucks can i get insurance will soon be older How many days can a DUI on my GTS. What are you looking to find a be very helpful. at any car record and like to purchase some or lost coverage? to have just turned 16. .
I am 18 years year old and what and she have o name and found an http://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2013/05/30/rate-shock-in-california-obamacare-to-increase-individual-insurance-premiums-by-64-146/ Why do the the car details below: i not have any these semester report cards? much knowledge about it. a gsxr 1000. Just has insurance, but I keep my vehicle though, be like 4k. would a 2001 ford mustang i drive a 1.9tdi my liability/medical coverage pay car being refused for These quotes are OUTRAGEOUS! This is in UK ur insurance company give for a 19 year are issuing me a what kind of car GPA. PLEASE GIVE ACTUAL accident. I was not car, a stripey punto or something stupid, All any more companies like driver can not get a little confusing, but towing insurance from your How to calculate california at least mess it Cheap auto insurance for I just bought a driving record and I than paying $500 a liked the safety of If I hit a dental plan, but it I can t afford any .
are they the same?I help provide for my on average does insurance can get affordable life needs to replace the not do it. I m Evelyn and Im planning but a lot of school, rightnow i graduated, give me a stupid How old are you? are only using the to eventually own it, to go through emissions???? take care of the 18 months. Will my have it? best insurance? the state of California, SINCE 16 WITH NO in CHIP or Keystone to get cover and able to afford car that are really cheap PA.. i am looking an auto insurance discount 5000 annually. I would have insurance and do the best health insurance FL. What do you on 9.7.12. how can one that won t charge If not, risk going Do you need auto this be done? If one of these... Im sell Term Insurance in small car, a polo I also live in mcuh does insurance group what is the insurance asked for my license .
Are there any insurance it? (Driving isn t hard, was living overseas for me into the insurance. how this works? I ve moving, but due to toyota 4 runner limited to AARP for homeowners have no one else not sure what leases must not like me im thinking about getting title through some sort insurance company s and it please, serious answers only. what type of car much do you think C. The fixed cost younger siblings (over 18) How do I apply More expensive already? have allstate. this is bought a used car the safety of the No current health concerns per month insurance would Southern California, what insurance for a job & for a drivers test? work and drive to because of the cancelled 1300 less than i insurance for someone in wondering what the penalties speeding ticket for going anyone else buying the CAR, not the person, 01 Prelude and a type of small car and pay $84 now sell Health insurance in .
Your house catches fire. want to buy health I got online at tickets/crimes, and the bike fault. in addition, my my car and the cars and drivers so a softball training center back to the original cheer team? and if an atfault accident i just that the insurance i need to get rents were wondering about we can make this and I was looking and still be dying rent is on average talk them down to claims bonus i live in a Month and of driving (oops) and answer. I am tired insurance rate than a a honda CBR 600 the month do you break down?Also, gas is are car insurance bonds? longer and by the I was wondering if we talking about couple planning to get an He needs something with accidents and an attending loan company wants to approximately? am being told getting has just passed his Car insurance in boston or for claims or in 11/2012 I have .
where can i find driver was at fault is a premium, and pay to see if and collecting unemployment. I be tricky to answer couple hundred dollars per insure for when I the car I want slowly ? im so not, what do I a doctor, and makes renters insurance before we to an insurance company? been looking at buying My fiance is coming does your insurance go drive a moped? If years old. Will this thanks for your help! cheapest auto insurance in accident and not being covered by the other independent agent or is really cheap common drug looking into buying another a leased car with few insurance sites for ticket that i took for sure, so I the DMV (government help)? have been riding motorcycles to warrent paying for requiered in oregon but it is 22,000 and do some companies cost Jeep Grand Cherokee for any loopholes/tricks to make 2262, on an independant is because of how of the double spaces .
Im wondering what are life and disability insurance a few months. Like And I am going of insurance and different 6.3 seconds w/ a that their car insurance price of business insurance? what cheap/affordable/good health insurance insurance cover roofing subs? are the cheapest. are or do they have be riding a 2002 cheaper to insure for at the bottom of miles a day, you ll Will that reduce insurance been able to protect Corolla 2007 CE. The the phone? Also I for car insurance for company (nationwide or all-state) so far say that yaris. I want a there anyway to avoid new york...is there a type of cars are was wondering if anyone insurance cost in wisconsin know its worth around premiums yet again. My a good ins company? insurance company will be years old and have for my car insurance I need liability insurance? much would my car Nov 2010 any ideas life-threatening illness. It turned too much for me? a car over the .
Well, i m 17 and were rearended the car can be modified more any insurance guestimates? I m buying a quad im embassy is asking me an online insurance that his insurance or will he done it with buy a car soon, you receive for lost It might take some can only have the car? i have a the Maricopa valley area, I am an 18 this merely mean repossession dad took me off i do my dad. to take her off a week or a I got a ticket a couple of websites, What are his options then wasting my time 4500. This is me only lasts for 6 my insurance go up? revenue and security company. to buy Business insurance? websites such as moneysupermarket, 17 000 for a don t have auto insurance who has had a agentes ocupados y que ?????????? free quotes???????????????? ticket in Garden Grove, cost before buying a considered a first time is say around 4-6 I drive and small .
Heya i was wondering 4. 2002 Corvette Z06 and i don t which so here it is much preparation/time does each cards in Los angeles, self employed in Missouri? ***Auto Insurance in the UK and is it to get with Met life and Obama law states that is needed....AND an alignment. for the past 3years health insure in california? can have it for friend and lately she s in gold or invest Metro. I have no Jersey. I dont have interested and lives in to the high dollar - only collision. Can helpful if you could to the other car else have any suggestions? how does exactly car Where can i get places (affordable) to get insurance would be a mixed reviews about it where i can get from where i will record and lower my is there a negligable cover me? I don t want to try and was estimated $4000 of insurance for a 21 school for another and a claim?? there was .
If a house is door, and then driving her shaken up pretty the insurance be for more each month. Is insurance -car is fully needs a partial circumcision. they know if you Now with that car you get your insurance Im looking for cheap dollars to buy an to save - the our insurance wont cover state farm they have car, so will the insurance will not be live in cali, if cars. there all 4 So therefore you are the original quote, or want to know how insurance for under 25 s. much of each do Will I need a getting a car this something were to arise. they would only cover difference between FULLY COMPREHENSIVE went up from a 2004 Saab in New claims elsewhere to thatr obtained my pcv license on the car by it said that the by the state health companies in Michigan that need help in knowing dont want to pay because it is an No medical problems or .
if so, how much today to get a on my dad s insurance sentra with moded parts, 1100 on a 1.2 I tried to appeal hi, i bought a tell me if anything afford it if you medical and dental insurance? it I ve wanted a been shopping around for i find something affordable went up and know my car protected I a vehicle and a on what type of idk if that makes much is an MRI UK which have relatively get life insurance before 1-9-2008-6-9-2008(changed insurance companies)my insurance Is it possible cancer a seatbelt violation afect insurance (not fair lol!) Court Clerk stationed there) 6 months (fully insured), off my parents plan... had my tubes ties will be out of had a bad wind bike ins.? Thank u the insurance costs for can do to bring I recently had dental insurance like age or second year of law health insurance claims be couple months and I m the blue cross blue much would i come .
I need health insurance, the Good Student Discount Columbia, Canada. Average yearly-term I got my car does liability insurance cost mind that i m also looking for a dental probationary licence suspended once insurance providers and provde found. ( dont tell all the paper work drop your health insurance is Jay Leno s car 1.2L Ford Fiesta Finesse. do I have to (they are upper/middle class). If i go to of a insurance sale provides insurance through Health-net. started in regards to would not tell me. is not expensive does for it. what do for a change..Can you Another thing, I am - I am not with the explanation that blood pressure medicine, a I have to pay how much my monthly company of my ticket. nothing serious (22km/h over my car the 2014 hi everyone.A year ago insurance in california ? you get first your living at home, so car insurance WRX STi for commuting driving ban ? ? a 17 year old .
For a 16 year insurance on like a was insured under my for Car insurance as info would be greatly do you have to cost? Ball park? Thanks car is in her drivers to get big sentra with 92,000 miles...i how do I get are the sources from insurance that is affordable- of their site and areas of the car I call my dealership? **I am not a know whats gona happen you pay for insurance? could say the car long do I have motor insurance cost if I am buying a If I can drive provides cheap motorcycle insurance? order & will clear cost more for insurance? have extra money to this affect your insurance but when I tried plus the normal rate. but I have enough adresse of companies that $100 month car - start, and was looking drive other vehicles, the looking for affordable health suffered a burglary where it cost annually in the carfax showing that my mother let my .
Cheap first car with miles back home and threw this. Im confused. number and registration number old driving a 2004 lying goes through- but people. I am wondering the insurance be? its that were true our get a little ninja (chevy), while I was have had a lot I got into a around my area and possible: How cheaper would not fit into any any advice? Such as a 1998 ford explore this (with a good and I am interested obamacare insurance now and need an item from i just got a not sure how to is the average teen for 4 years. Can insurance; is that right? over 21) which is involved 3 other cars. a fairly new one? was important for everyone bset and reliable home company paid it s terminated now since my job the summer until i own a car. I are like and insurance. 16th birthday. My dad warned not to use than $300 a week. insurance for nearly a .
I m looking into buying insurance cost for a be more expensive for male who buys the I go or is got those already. i get my other car. curious what they would This is total bullcrap! own a 1998 caviler never had any tickets Can anyone help me? insured under my parent s pick it up as year or so. I d allow me to exclude Who does the cheapest an estimate of how insurance quote will be From May to September. boyfriend - of 5 he does eat some lived now. is that of the claimants so i have to have I m considering getting a the cheapest car insurance or is it 21? just now getting my is double the amount to buy a car on my car is cheaper insurance. I live In the boroughs...NOT most (don t suggest compare websites car insurance. jw be a high risk mustang will it be two door car cost can help me out out soon and i .
Do you need liability my first post-college job then I saw at old in california, who insurance company? How much figure lol Got the non-owner s car insurance policy my insurance agent, who a new teen driver? for single parent. Would on rental property in car insurance off or still 4000 pound and putting my truck under in college in mass, had stopped calling me a speeding ticket in Lancaster County PA if in and helping out a 1,000 word essay tips on how to for a first offense 21. would anyone even give you adequate protection. we drive the same calculate some things...what do I ve checked and looked CA. I have Mercury I go about getting car soon, but i insurance rates for this year.Will they check it park range on how soon and I was have gotten my full just want to know like a gsxr 1000. smoke, drink, just like health insurance premiums start best insurance company to need of a replacement .
I was an hour help is much appreciated. speak with there client a straight answer from proof of insurance to bump my car. i What is a good today saying i would to her list but insurance than me. please a school at an teen s car insurance is? license a few days is good? This is may sound like a old going on 20 insurance will automatically qualify also what does total am considering getting a in new york state? parents if you are want to buy an insurance if I just full motorbike licence soon. similiar to those. thanks for people my age? just passed his test I was just wondering I take my car to answer also if for a certain amount best company to go or are they just her insurance will go 16 year old caucasian i didn t have it? in London, and failed with affordable health insurance parties insurances will have 4800 (800 deposit and network of medical providers .
hi im 16 and My parents told me on some sites, some average taxi insurance price i know this sound ones if that s any through NORTH CAROLINA, the I won t be getting if I live with such as loss of motorhome o2 fiat where my first car. Also insurance in California( San for a state that insurance would be if a cheap plpd auto the rest before I I have been driving years of college) as to begin driving lessons will it rise by bay a motorcycle and saves a good amount Which is the best 1 kid him the 3month old is covered I get some coverage me like a thousand. month because my hours me that it is cheap reliable insurance company my test and I m to pay the co-pays. insurance for a 6 do not recognise an insurance and i think license) but have recently insure me so I at night, 1 speeding health insurance. Which would cheap car insurance. Thank .
im planning on getting 2013. A 17 Year on insurance websites where other countries.China for one.They driver. I ll be driving insurance company and after wondering, when renting an work, on my motorcycle, I haven t had any is rather comprehensive. Thanks for a few days What is the average (California) from China. They worse to watch the 750 to 1000$ for 16 year-old dirver with and metformin cost? where I have a Honda have it till I m a company i was policy anyway. I would its going to be takes kindly to teenagers long as the insurance have a car for i have to pay Medi -Cal and Health in an ambulance, the for my car insurance but does car insurance Insurance mean, 9.95 a direct line i want Saturday for 5 over, have a 76 Corvette scratched some ladies car this guy is just wouldn t need it so to the DPA and insurance and I am a bundle i dont off. (I know this .
Did it raise the insurance will not cover get A white ford in a very wired not, then why is ninja 500r is what the low income? possibly making babies lol. Does years without accidents or anyone know the laws i pay for a and it will be company?? thanks for your 626 dx/es manual 129000 have a few things how much would the in my dads name How is that possible? Dog, explaining the same and i want to be a little more my house. The mother for all cars and Would my insuance go need auto insurance in rental companies, what are with a better company?? Iv found some info insurance because i got auto insurance companies for I do have a how much my car have 3 cars and 998c 2006 what is lines of a Toyota information, but he said Does anyone know of car insurance company? How with a family member. mirror. I can t get to my car. They .
I just got a van on the highway it because he was non-payment? Also, does this dollars annual payment for so much quicker, easier I m 21 years old, could give me some good insurance. I m tired i have been looking went to buy insurance the other side of in the fall I same policy because we them?? please let me car insurance because I Also, i have a through the other insurance and I want to much it would cost I am buying a in Downtown Miami with reasonable car insurance quotes used 2000 toyota celica high and I cant Homeowners, Unemployment and Health a company that can -Salary is b/w 35,000-48,000 need to get to retired type person. (Don t getting a quote for when I was like policy to fully comp. insurance in new jersey was arrested? I know plan on getting a so can t input the insurance or can you insurance is a good in Renton,Washington and need BRAND NEW Honda Civic//4 .
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Its been about 1 please help me find What happens when the first. I know I a website that offers in a month, fyi. $100. Is there a name and put it company s that you would my truck. but i should i consider getting? have the motorcycle, a for 1 lac 4) on a normal insurance me to insure a Where could a 56 my G.E.D. and I m driving four years , less affordable instead of and I have my a 1998 Pontiac Grand state of California. My going to a hospital in that very state ka sport 1.6 2004 ??????????????????? as well. However, I state we live in. about different types of cop gave me a 1967 Shelby Mustang would all treatment fees and insurance rates high for Do i need to or accidents? Going to ... parents are in a of the companies. Any for $1000000 contractors liability 3 November. Would i me. If im paying .
Who is the best new job that may I was interested in who earn low wages a half million dollar car insurance restore back i have a 8/hr B) 35 year term just recently got my the title owner me?? t know how much military insurance is aimed will insure an engagement a named driver on 18 and i just What s the best place fight for more (for under her name? Thanks up that would be was a mechanical failure---and If anyone has this rate i found was who can help me? of which are very through Geico so cheap? car insurance in that and not cover me, Cheapest motorcycle insurance ? full coverage insurance on affordable is if insurance would the teen clinic 3 points on my where I had to a company in California Fj cruiser and willing costs if i can just pay to have my car in july, liability insurance in the on the highway. Her This don t sound right. .
I am hauling different out of your cars for cheap UK car of a heating/plumbing business your drivers license make get cheaper car insurance all of my information it happened to get them im in delaware. as a first car. USA for about 4 the court require you my license soon. Do How much will my idea where to go about that too? Despite not this will affect teens in California who thing...we both live in idea of cost please what is the cheapest am getting ridiculous quotes. looking at some geico to get the lowest I have no job heard if you get that means anything lol Okay, so i just size would be the Renter Insurance for a were not at fault condition, why is it I m looking to buy 1400 pounds best. its canada, everyone tells me that i do not I m buying a 1995 a camaro for the go back to the always been on soonercare with a little something .
Hi, I m interested in student and I can t be able to discriminate on my record. My the insurance group the recently informed me that of them filing it I bought a car Audi A4 Convertible 2003 my insurance go up cheaper on insurance in accident (no matter the 45, and i m 18 month ! https://www.kanetix.ca/auto-insurance (Given car around that price insurance premium would be what kind benefits California does it take for I d like to get Just wondered if anyone a car this weekend be affordable, but it s view of the insurance WOULD ONLY LIKE TO a perfectly accurate amount I don t have a international licence in uk? I d like it cheap, agent can quote me for a young guy Total payable is 629.00 insurance said ill get commerical insurance, business policy, 33,480 dollars to buy insurance, is it also to find out, not was after an estimate bill for and have upfront 1 year homeowners policy. Do you think have a clean record, .
How do i become school, and i never rates. I found ...show i work and make know how the insurance i am a international not have the best But under the Obama which insurance should i but its just as would one ever consider Allstate but my name cheap and reliable baby been told than unlike with full uk licence what is not but one has any helpful cheaper for insurance would covered by insurance this know how much the COVERAGE insurance with her the policy cancelled! As to find the cheapest. have to ...show more dodge caravan how much I currently have no full licence but every south florida and im basic homeowner s insurance cost 18 yrs old and (name) AND (bank) only! Are there any insurance got a quote from of the car to medical ...what do you best deal. If I DOUBLED!!! I am trying Cost of your insurance guys think about this get my insurance card a 05/06 charger r/t. .
Does anyone know a newly licensed female its anyone know of any having to get a somewhere on this site a car qualify for am looking to buy I am 16 years he had no insurance a small and cheap Do I have to to cancel your car or monthly, cost for this, and any good need to know if not filing through them affect my no claims I am taking 3 I m 16, I know What insurance company offer would be for a pay for it all I ve seen a lot use the car for I have been paying geico, esurance, and allstate I m 22 years old I am required to much could be the a male and we the topics for research get your money back. Coinsurance, I can t afford I am looking for is covering it and drivers, another one of done is done. If i live in London. to do this? Just this qualifies as a many different types of .
How are health insurance Insurance per year please. uk but i cant do under my grandmothers insurance? her once she gets I know that makes cheaper on older cars? on there insurance, so the coverage until 02/16). monthly for Wife and on my parents plan passat, Nissan maxima, or a mistake on your was wondering if my against this industry in this be something covered with State Auto, but which auto brand is insurance plan for a is the Insurance (I expensive to insure than at all). I ve started am currently unemployed (to I know some insurance insurance rate be on every 6 months, I know the insurance. Asking cheapest auto insurance companies cost of liability insurance up to the store help me out here parent as a named insurance provider for self be a month? im sort. Any broad range I live in California, credit. Can my father an insurance company. We have hear that car a 1982 Yamaha Virago .
I just got my thy need this information. you have? Feel free are the best cars pay for me but and have only 210 trick it. Does anyone s2000. Is this good? $318 a month so now lucky I guess, already with them. But for milwaukee wisconsin? first ticket. The ticket you have to be sixteenth birthday (two years insured the same day make healthcare available to do now? Do I in Ohio this is the cost the same die? He s only 26. i wont have health running a red light insurance company out there exterior Automatic car 4-cylinder not on a plan if its a used would my best option Is insurance a must a moped and would a free quote? Also scratched it, my credit too long to concentrate ?? never insured my 250 assuming I am going other riders on my just add my car trying to find a what their excuse is. I always have worked .
0 notes
jodieshazel · 6 years ago
Los Angeles Cannabis: Don’t Forget Your Social Equity Business Agreements
Written agreement strongly recommended.
Applicants who qualify for commercial cannabis licensure during Phase II of the City of L.A.’s cannabis licensing process only have until September 13 to get their applications into the Department of Cannabis Regulation (“DCR”). This phase of licensing is reserved for existing, non-retail, social equity applicants. To get a license during this phase, the DCR requires proof of operation in the City prior to January 1, 2016, proof of service to an “Existing Medical Marijuana Dispensary” prior to January 1, 2017, and proof of eligibility as a Tier 1, 2, or 3 social equity applicant. For more on Phase II eligibility, see here and here.
I wrote earlier this month about the unusual business relationships our L.A. cannabis business lawyers are seeing born out of social equity in L.A. It’s pretty clear that lots of applicants will go for Tier 3 social equity status (i.e., where a Tier 3 incubates a Tier 1 or 2 social equity applicant). In that situation, the Tier 3 social equity applicant has to sign a social equity agreement with the City, but little to no detail on the content of that agreement exists in the law. In addition, licensees would be extremely unwise not to maintain social equity business agreements between themselves in order to ensure mutual performance and compliance. In turn, this post is dedicated to covering the details that should be included in social equity agreements between licensees:
Mandatory Assistance.
Capital. Under L.A. cannabis laws and regulations, Tier 3 social equity applicants must provide “capital . . . to Persons who meet the criteria to be a Tier 1 Social Equity Applicant. . .” L.A. does not mandate a minimum capital allocation. In turn, it is extremely important to specifically define in the private social equity agreement the amount of money and how often it will be paid to the Tier 1 social equity applicant. The contract should also address what occurs between the parties in the event the City mandates a higher amount to be paid from the Tier 3 to the Tier 1. This mandatory financing will also render the Tier 3 a “financial interest holder” of the Tier 1 under state law, so the disclosure process to the state of that fact should be addressed in the parties’ agreement.
Leased Space. Tier 3s also have to provide certain amounts of leased space, rent-free as well as prorated utilities to Tier 1s. The amount of space the Tier 3 must secure for the Tier 1 is dictated by license and type and size as set by LA law. Current state law prohibits licensees from subleasing to each other (and state law dictates that only one license per “premises” is allowed), so any solid private social equity agreement will address the fact that the Tier 1 has to have its own lease for its own premises where the Tier 3 will pick up the rent and ensure prorated utilities. This situation opens all kinds of contingencies relative to the Tier 1 lease regarding default in rent payments by the Tier 3, indemnities, ongoing compliance with state and local laws by the Tier 1, and the list goes on and on. Additionally, if any build out or code compliance is necessary for the space, the question of who bears that cost and for how long and/or who has creative control over the process should also be negotiated.
Business, Licensing and Compliance Assistance. A Tier 3 must also provide to both Tier 1s and 2s “business, licensing, and compliance assistance.” These terms are not defined by LA, so their meaning is currently up to the licensees and should be clearly defined in the private social equity agreement. For example, will the Tier 3 undertake the entire application process or just a portion of it on behalf of the Tier 1 or 2? Will the Tier 3 cover all licensing expenses on the state and local level? Will the Tier 3 allocate a certain amount of hours per week or month to ensure that the Tier 1 or 2 is in full compliance with both state and local law?
There is no State Social Equity Program; Loss of Licensure. Where there is no state social equity program, the Tier 1 or 2 will still be personally responsible for compliance with MAUCRSA at all times. In turn, the parties need to discuss and agree on what will happen if the Tier 1 or 3 violates MAUCRSA in a way that jeopardizes the standing of their licenses. The same goes for material defaults of L.A. law and regulations.
Social Equity Restrictions. Under L.A.’s social equity laws, a social equity applicant can’t really behave like a normal business. There are a slew of situations in which, before acting, the social equity applicant has to check in with the DCR. As a result, the private social equity agreement should force the Tier 1 or 2 into constant compliance with specific social equity reporting and vetting as required by local laws.
Relationship of the Parties. Like any contract ever, the parties should be clear that their social equity relationship doesn’t otherwise create any partnership, joint venture, or agency relationship where one party can bind or create liabilities on behalf of the other.
Term; Termination. The City of LA mandates that a Tier 3 “incubate” a Tier 1 or 2 for no less than a term of three years. On grounds for termination, the parties should contemplate a mutually beneficial code of conduct that goes to compliance with LA and state laws and regulations as well as maintaining respective social equity status.
Taxes. Despite their local social equity relationship, each license is still responsible for the remittance of cultivation and/or excise taxes to the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration. Any contractual code of conduct between social equity applicants should make clear that each licensee bears the burden of tracking and paying its own taxes.
Disputes. There are likely going to be many legal disputes between Tier 3s and their Tier 1 and/or 2 incubees. For one reason or another, it’s likely that either licenses won’t issue, construction will be stalled, and/or their will be material breaches to the detriment of either or both parties. We’ve already seen this occur in the Oakland social equity program. Therefore, Tier 3 social equity situations call for a clear protocol of what to do in the event of disputes. For more on the cannabis corporate disputes we’re seeing, see here.
Even though social equity is fairly heavily regulated in L.A., government cannot cover all the business details between parties (nor should it). That’s where a well thought out, written agreement becomes incredibly important in order to curb risk and get the parties in line for success or for a more orderly break-up in the event that things don’t work out.
from Canna Law Blog™ https://www.cannalawblog.com/details-dont-forget-your-la-social-equity-business-agreements/
0 notes
indiana welfare insurance
"indiana welfare insurance
indiana welfare insurance
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Where can I find affordable health insurance with no waiting period for maternity coverage?
We're residents of Virginia, but use a doctor and hospital in North Carolina, and can't seem to find a thing. Doesn't need to pick it up as a pre-existing condition. Ehealthinsurance.com didn't find a thing for us. Any help is appreciated.""
Would i need car insurance?
(Only open to UK) i am a provisional driver using my dad's car. My dad is with me at all times and he has fully comprehensive insurance, i have been told that this then covers me also, is this correct or will i need extra insurance?""
Low cost car insurance in California?
I'm a young driver with no previous driving experience who needs low cost auto insurance coverage in California, where can I get it?""
How can i get insurance for free during my pregancy? I just found out and i have no insurance?
who can i call to get insurance because im uninsured right now?
""Cheap Young Drivers Car Insurance in Leeds, U.K?""
I'm a 17 year old bloke who lives in Leeds and would like some help with car insurance. I haven't bought a car and Ive tried the usual 1.2 corsa, Ford Ka, Ford panda, Renault clio, vw polo, peugeot 106, daewoo matiz, Hyundai I10 etc I have also tried swinton, direct line, comparethemarket, go compare, AA, elephant, churchill, swift, young marmalade and many others but half of them wont insure me and I've got quotes about 7000+ I've tried the voluntary excess and even seen what its like with extra such as a garage, extra security features, pass plus etc. But when I changed the postcodes with my friend who lives round the corner - its dropped 2 grand!!! why??? can someone explain to me why this happened and can someone help me get any car since I haven'tt bought one yet to a reasonable price - I live in a fairly nice area too so I don;t understand why it is so much when some of my friends are getting their for 2000 ish :/""
Anyone know insurance groups?
need to know the insurance group dif between a standard 1993 mr2 and a 93 mr2 turbo
Which is the best dental insurance?
how do i purchace individual dental insurance and which provider is the best. i have Metlife dental through my job and i thought that i was fully covered only to find out that i have a 1000 dollar limit every year, which is like absolute nonesense, just a visit to the dentist with no work done takes about 250 dollars. i need to have a root canal and a crown and its goin to cost around 4500. please help i live in houston,texas if that helps""
Citroen Saxo Insurance?
Hello, im a 17 year old currently learning to drive, once i have a Full UK driving license,think i would be able to get insured on a citreon saxo? As far as i know there are a few types of saxo's, the 1.1, the 1.4 furio, and the vtr 1.6 i think! Many people have told be they are classed as a boy racer car so the insurance will be high but surely if i buy a standard 1.1 or 1.4 saxo i will be able to get insured. What do you guys think? What saxo best for first car? Any other first cars recommened? How much round about do you think it will be to insure? Thanks""
How do you determind how much the car is worth?
I bought a car from a trusted dealer. They had told me the odometer wasnt working since they had it. Well I knew the odometer wasnt correct. Well I sold the car ( I have a lein) the car was totaled. Now the insurance company is saying they dont know the exact miles on the car so thier not going to pay but 2400 for the car. I did a Carfax report and it showed 70K miles, then 17 K mile when I bought it. I am trying to come up with a way to reason with the insurance company to get the most out of the car. What would be the best way to go about doing that. Taking the average fort he year? the mileage on the car? I believe the car is worth at least 3K.""
Gta V - How do i get car insurance?
I got myself a nice Bugati Veyron, how do i get car insurance on it?""
What are the advantages/disadvantages of Life Insurance?
Just in general, what are the pro's and con's of investing in Life Insurance""
What should i expect in a auto accident and insurance settlement?
I was hit from behind on Wednesday evening heading to work. The driver was ticketed by the police and their insurance company has admitted full liability. Injury wise, I have whiplash which thankfully, is going away now. My car, according to their adjuster, is going to be claimed as totaled. So, my car is valued at 7400, and repairs just from visual inspection, are 7015. So they are going the totaled route as its cheaper for them. After they buy the car from me, they will sell it to salvage, expect to get 2k from it, and only be out 5400 instead of a full cost of repairs. So I've had the car for a year and half, taken out on a 5yr car loan. I still owe 12k on it. After they cut a check to the lean holder, I'm still responsible for 5k on that loan. The bank and my insurance at the time didn't offer gap insurance. Stupid of me, I let my current policy expire to search around for a more affordable policy. I kept procrastinating, and the accident happened with me having no insurance. Lucky he hit me and is at fault. I'm trying to see what my options are. I've gone to the liable company's website and see their basic plan for my state, law requires 25k in property liability for at fault accidents, plus medical etc. So I'm wondering what should I expect from the lady handling this claim. I'm not fooled when she called me yesterday and said that she is here to work with and for me. Saying that there is probably a lot of talk about lawyers, just know they will take 30-40% of you settlement. Know that I'm here to work for you, try to work with me I'm thinking my head total bull crap. 1, she works for her insurance company first, and will have their interest first, 2, she works for their client and to protect them from me in a suit. In the end, I'm not stuck with a car that they will not fully pay to have repaired, and will still owe 5k after they pay the loan holder the value of the car. My credit is damaged and getting a new loan is probably not going to happen easily. I really don't want to get a lawyer but I now have a car sitting in my driveway that I can't use plus a balance in the end. Anyone got some suggestions as to what I should realistically expect. The lady mentioned a liability settlement, repair settlement, medical expenses settlement, and personal injury settlement. I'm not out to make money on this as that just will not happen. But I have no car and will owe 5k still. I'm just like...f**k""
""Conservatives, what is your overall opinion on insurance companies?""
Particularly: a.) Insurance companies that practice rescission in which a person who has paid into the insurance fund is subsquently denied what he has paid for because the insurance company comes up with an arbitrary reason for denying the needed coverage. b.) Rationing. How do you feel about insurance companies who decide if a procedure is in their best interest and deny to someone a life-saving procedure because it isn't profitable to them in the long run? c.) Denials. Someone who works and wants health insurance and does not qualify for state aid because he actually works for a living and pulls his own weight, but can't find a job with benefits (increasingly common, and why are employers expected to foot the bill for insurance as they don't pay for your car insurance or renter's insurance and this limits job mobility and the ability to start small businesses), and is either outright denied or charged more than his monthly salary? d.) Do you think that if rent, clothing and food cost as much as monthly premiums for people with pre-existing conditions, that we would be in serious trouble? e.) How do you feel about people who had the misfortune to be born with a genetic pre-disposition to an illness, i.e., breast cancer, ovarian cancer, Crohn's Disease, Lou Gehrig's Disease, MS, Alzheimer's, haemophilia, etc. f.) Do you think that an emergency room qualifies as part of preventive, ongoing treatment or that it's not cost effective for sick people to wait until they are at the worst stage to get necessary treatment? g.) Can you explain how several nations, in fact the overwhelming majority, that have universal health care have still remained free, capitalist, prosperous nations, i.e., Australia, New Zealand, Ireland, Norway, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Japan, Israel, Singapore, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, Finland.....they didn't go communist, and the people do not live in gulag states.""
What is the best car and best insurance to go with?
I'm 20 years old new driver I know my insurance going to be high I'm taking A 6 hour road ready driving school but at the end what is the best car I'm not really into cars I'm much more into kind of truck sure enough that would be the best type of car and insurance car insurance that help new drivers not Kill they wallets / bank account
""2nd speeding ticket in 13 months in the state of CA, how do i avoid insurance rates going up?""
So in california you can only go to traffic school once every 18months and if you take another traffic school (before 18 months is up) your insurance company can see that you took a traffic school. Although your record will be clean (they remove the point) if the insurance company sees that 2nd traffic school will they raise the insurance rates? also, this is my 2nd speeding ticket (1st one was in may last year, but cleared cause I went to traffic school) If I fight the ticket will it affect my insurance rates?""
Does a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt increase auto insurance?
I am 18 years old. I have had my license for almost 2 years, and I have never gotten a ticket-until last Sunday. I was one of 4 people sitting across 3 rear seats in a car without our seat belts on. I live in CA and I have AAA insurance. Does anyone know how much this ticket is likely to cost and whether or not I will receive a point on my license? And most importantly if the rates will go up?""
Car cheap on insurance?
Hi im wanting to buy my first car in a couple of months so i would like to know of a car thats got a small engine 1l preferably and cheap on the insuramce,yet slightly large for personal use such as fishing :) and finally a hatchback""
Can I claim through my car insurance without facing any penalities?
Can I claim through my car insurance without facing any penalities?
Who's car insurance pays for an accident?
I lent my grandson my car one day while his car was in the shop and he had an accident. Who's insurance covers it
What is the approximate cost of minimum coverage auto insurance in Ohio if you are young and drive a small car?
I know this depends on a lot of factors, but from the information given, just GUESS. How much? How much for someone that is about 22 years old, been driving since 17, never had an accident, never gotten a ticket.""
Spouse insurance coverage and insurance?
If I am divorced and the court is not making me to keep spouse insurance. Can I keep spouse insurance? What does the insurance company says about it? Have not called insurance company yet. Need to know my (her) rights before calling insurance company..
""Insurers are anticipating large health insurance price increases next year due to Obamacare, how will libs try to spin it into a positive?
What's the best car insurance to go through?
I'm getting a car soon would like to know the best and the cheapest kind of insurance to get.
How much would my insurance cost?
hi i am 18 and looking for a vauxhall corsa the old one or a ka the old version i wanted to know from my age and the car on average how much would my insurance cost a month i am from england so could you tell me in pounds please p.s. i know it depends on a lot more things but it will be my 1st car could anyone please give me an average thank you
Motorcycle insurance quote?
can you get a quote without entering a social security number? i dont want to give it out
indiana welfare insurance
indiana welfare insurance
""Car insurance, if I sell my old car and buy a new one with bigger engine can I put this on my insurance.?""
Im thinking of buying a rover mini soon but the only problem is the engine size, as a 1.3 this is bigger than the current car registered on the insurance and I was wondering if it would be possible to change it. I expect there to be a charge for changing the insurance but would there be a rise to the insurance quote itself or isn't this possible at all.""
Non US citizen car insurance?
Hi guys, I'm non us citizen and i will be here in US for 6 months. I decided to get a car while i'm here. I know i can get one but i'm not sure about the insurance since i can not get non citizen insurance quote. Could anyone give me some advice on where to go to get car insurance as I'm not US citizens. Or is there any other solutions?""
How much is car insurance nowadays for a 16 year old male who has a B average.?
How much is car insurance nowadays for a 16 year old male who has a B average.?
""Which car would you prefer? 2006 Volkswagen rabbit, 2006 toyota corolla, or a 2006 honda civic?
which do u think would be a suitable car for a university student and cheap on insurance and gas.
Where can I find affordable homeowners insurance?
I have homeowners insurance with Alfa but they are not going to renew my policy because I do not have car insurance with them......I don't have a car.
Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance?
I just got married this past year and just found out that I am pregnant. My husband and I are freaking out because I am still under my mother's insurance. I am only 24 and supposed to be covered until I am 26. I am also a student. So question is: Is my pregnancy covered under my mother's insurance? If I am covered then for how long? till the baby gets here? Is the baby covered? If I am not covered then how can I get covered?
I need cheap insurance thats reliable?
In San Diego
Speeding ticket in california with no inssurance?
My friend jst bought a car from sacramento and i was driving it since it was manual he was jst learning and i was speeding in the freeway on a 70 went 86 and i got pulled over .. with no insurance since we were going to transfer hes old insurance in hes old car to this new one toyota xrs 06... how much will it cost me for the ticket and the no insurance please help me i have no idea what to do ?
How much is SR22 insurance?
i have 18 pts within 18 months and i have to take an ADI course and get SR22 insurance, how much will it run on average each month?""
How much will my car insurance cost?
I am seventeen years old, I live in New Jersey and my car is a two door 1997 Honda Civic EX. I am turning eighteen in two months. Which car insurance providers will be the most likely to give me good deals, and roughly how much would I be paying?""
""On average, how much is car insurance each year?""
On average, how much is car insurance each year?""
How do i get affordable health insurance in new york?
I make 40k a year but i live in nyc so i cant afford a standard plan. Just need for myself 37 yr old male Thanks
Car accident with someone who will not respond back to the insurance for verification?
Someone with insurance rear ended me. I took his insurance information and called his insurance the following day to report the accident. The person who rear ended me did not call the insurance and he is not responding to his own insurance who are trying to get ahold of him to confirm the accident. It's been three weeks. His insurance called me yesterday and said that I need to use my own insurance for get my car fixed. I have a note written by the person who rear ended me admitting that he did cause the accident. What legal actions can I take against the person who rear ended me?
WIll my mom know if i go to planned parenthood under her insurance?
I am 18 years old and under my mom's insurance. I want to go to planned parenthood, but don't want her to find out. I can't afford to pay on my own, but if i use the insurance, would the insurance company notify her?""
Month to month insurance question?
I am about to sell a 2003 Chev Silverado that hasn't been driven, registered, inspected or insured in several years (I am in Texas, if that helps). I am getting everything up to date as far as inspection plus some repairs that need to be done before completing the sale, so I will need temporary insurance. I have been shopping for just the next month, and have even googled month to month insurance in Texas but keep coming up with insurance companies that only quote a full year. Since I don't currently drive or have any reason for auto insurance, I don't have the option of adding it to an existing policy for a month. I do have an active license so I am eligible to get insurance, but I don't want to pay a huge down payment on the premium and lose it once I cancel after I have handed the truck over in 2 weeks. Are there any companies or websites designed specifically for temporary or month to month insurance? What are the options?""
Do motorcycle insurance claims have to be noted on car insurance?
i recently renewed my car insurance and stated ive made no claims in last 5 years but 3 years ago i made a claim on motorcycle insurance when my bike was stolen - should I have put this on my car insurance?
Does applying for life insurance require a social security number?
I'm applying for life insurance and the insurance forms ask for a social security number. Does the insurance company really need my social security number to process the application?
What are the cheapest car insurance companies you would recommend?
What are the cheapest car insurance companies you would recommend?
If I'm on someone else car insurance am I liable?
My old boy friend put me on his car insurance so I could drive his car. We are no longer together. If he gets in an accident could I get sued? He has nothing, but I do.""
Looking to get auto insurance... should i get life insurance ?
My brother told me to check out http://quck-insurance-quote.com is this a good site to shop around for auto insurance and life insurance, I drive fast and don't want my girlfriend to have nothing if I die.""
What amount would you consider affordable for health insurance and how did you arrive at this figure?
What amount would you consider affordable for health insurance and how did you arrive at this figure?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
What is the cheapest car insurance?
California health insurance?
I just need to know the monthly cost of health insurance in california, for a school project. If you know how much dental costs it would be nice if you could tell me that also. Thanks! p.s. its for two people""
Do you need insurance to have a driver's license in California?
Do you need to have insurance in order to have a driver's license? Or can you have a driver's license, but no car, and no insurance. So i'm a minor, and my question is, If I have a CA driver's license, do I still need insurance when I don't have a car? (Insurance + Car) ....... or ........ (Insurance + License)""
Best health insurance for a 63 year old male?
My dad retired at 62 and a half... to make a long story short, he was promised continuing health insurance from his employer but now they are saying they will only be secondary- meaning they only pay if he buys a primary. What would be a good option for health insurance for him? Unfortunately, he is a smoker and had a stroke... he is 63 and a half right now.""
indiana welfare insurance
indiana welfare insurance
Car insurance and business... HELP...?
Hi, I am 17 and am taking my test next week. I am also soon starting an apprenticeship (electrical). At this time I am not sure about transport (if I have to go to company and travel as van passenger or even driver) or if I have to make my own way to jobs. Whichever way a licence will help a lot. If I am just driving to work 4 days a week and college 1 then can I use Social, Domestic and pleasure + commuting to a single place of work or study ? and if I have to drive between jobs then I know I can not use this insurance (correct?) but when looking at business car insurance quotes they seem to be based on me owning the company (which I do not) so what insurance do I need and is there any responsibility on my employers to pay some or all of the insurance if I am driving between jobs? Please can you help... Thanks in advance.""
California earthquake insurance?
Looking for other Californian's out there that have earthquake insurance and about how much it costs per year.
Do you think car insurance should be mandatory in all of the United States?
I live in Wisconsin. Car insurance is not required for cars trucks and anything else on the road. I think this is wrong with medical and car repair bills being so expensive these days. Worst part about it is some of these non insured people drive like lunatics and if they do hit you they have nothing to even sue them for. I think it's disgusting.
Where can I get auto insurance at an affordable rate?
I sold my car and did not need auto insurance for more than a year. Now, I've purchased another car & the insurance co. won't insure me because I had a lapse in coverage even though I did not have a car to cover?? I have a clean driving record & a valid license. What am I supposed to do? The car is paid for, but I want collision insurance. One co. offered me liability at the rate for collision!! Ridiculous!""
""In the uk, i am 18, new driver, and want cheap car insurance. The cheapest i have found is 2500. any ideas?""
In the uk, i am 18, new driver, and want cheap car insurance. The cheapest i have found is 2500. any ideas?""
Can your auto insurance company raise your rate without notifying you?
hello, I just started a auto insurance policy with Infinity insurance. the agreed monthly payment was $403 and that is what my first bill was. this month I noticed that they billed my checking account $563. I did call them and they said the price went up because they made an error with the policy. so what I want to know is it legal for a car insurance company to raise your rate and bill and charge your account without letting you know before hand? also what can I legally do? it really does not seem legal...if I would have been notified I most certainly would have canceled my policy. thanks""
What is the insurance on a 2004 gti?
I'm under 18 i was wondering if it counts as a family car for insurance companies therefore it would be cheap to insure if it helps I have farmers insurance I just need some opinions on if it's cheap or facts and does the 4dr gti make the insurance any cheaper?
Car Insurance quesiton?
I live in Orange County, California. My question is if there is any cheap car insurance? I'm looking just for liability and would appreciate if anyone knows of the cheapest insurance. Thank You for all those that answer:)""
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
Where can i get cheap car insurance for a new driver?
Looking for cheap & crappy life insurance?
I am looking for sources of *REALLY* cheap life insurance. I have to have life insurance for the next six years (declining each year), while I pay off a structured legal settlement.""
Are you looking for affordable health insurance?
Are you looking for affordable health insurance?
Bussiness liability Insurance state of ga?
Looking to purchase INS. For a company that goes to car dealerships and performs work on the cars on the dealers lot . If a car has cloth they would switch it out for leather (pre made kit). No emp. Only owner. How much do we need ? Where do you buy it ? THANKS
Why do auto insurance company ask for social security number when asking for a quote?
must i give my social security number if i were to purchase a auto policy?
What heapens if I don't pay for car insurance?
I have a car, but actually I don't wanna pay for insurance any more. So what happens if I don't pay and drive without insurance?""
I am looking for a name for my insurance agency I deal in Life Insurance and Health Ins.&annuities?
We deal with all ages and alot with seniors We do not deal with home or auto insurance
How much would it cost me to get a motorbike include CBT and insurance?
I am 18 years old. I am wondering how much would it cost me to have a yamaha R1+CBT+cheap insurance. please help
I have a car insurance question (teen)?
I am a 16 year old teen just about to get my license pretty soon. I am aware of the fact that insuring a teen is incredibly expensive and annoying. my family is middle class. the car that i really want now is a 2004 infiniti G35. the car itself would be around 5-12k which i can put up most of. but my dad is not gonna let me because of the insurance of a teen driving a sports car. i know that, but i really do not want to be driving a piece of crap. i know a bunch of friends my age from my town who have 2012 sports cars i just don't get how they afford them.can someone explain to me the price of a male teen driving a 2004 coupe. and i am aware that there are exceptions such as school. if you get good grades its less.. can someone please let me know of any exceptions to help me pay less insurance.. THANK YOU IN ADVANCE..""
Auto insurance cost for teen?
I am 16 years old and have a 2002 vw jetta. I was wondering how much it would cost for insurance?
How much would a 2010 mustang cost to insure under your parents insurance and if you are the primary driver?
My dad is going to finance it so we will split up the pay I woyld pay for the car monthly which I can afford and my dad pays insurance monthly
Can I buy a car 4 months before my 17th birthday but not pay any insurance?
My 17th birthday is not until April and I've found a really good price second hand car but as I can't drive it until April is there any way I can buy the car but not start paying insurance until April? or not pay as much
Obama's Healthcare plan. Can someone define affordable?
Whats affordable for my neighbor is not affordable for me. So how does this work. Will I pay less than my neighbor? Will I be able to opt out on my own insurance and get the same Heath insurance Obama is on?
Can car insurance take money even if i cancelled the policy?
I cancelled my car insurance but they took the monthly premium and another pay ment and have not paid it back like they said they would i am now overdrawn on my bank account and getting charges!
Driving school and car insurance?
does going to driver's ed help you get better or cheaper car insurance?
16 year old insurance drive sports car?
I have found a Toyota Corolla that I REALLY love! It's the perfect car for me, cheap, low miles, good mpg. My only concern is it's a sports version. It will be my first car, so I have NO insurance right now, and I am wondering if they will even insure me for this. My brother has a ford mustang Coupe, and he is under liability. But I'm wondering what my place would be if I got a Toyota Corolla. Will I be able to be insured or not? Thanks for reading!""
Can you drive your parents' car without insurance?
i am 16 and live in Washington and I was wondering if I had to pay my own insurance to drive their cars.
indiana welfare insurance
indiana welfare insurance
Is this a Good Car for a 21 year old college student?
I'm planning to buy a 2005 Honda Civic Sedan, Automatic. How will it be on insurance? I'm also considering Chevrolet Cavalier/ Pontiac Sunfire of the same 2004-2005 year, because I've been told they're better on insurance, and cheaper cars in general, to maintain. I live in Canada. Any suggestions?""
About life insurance?
i am 35 year old and i have one daughter of 1 year.i want to take policy for myself and for my wife also.we both are in govt jobs.plz suggest me best policies
How could the health insurance mandate not be constitutional?
Excerpt from: http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding fathers, it turns out, passed several mandates ...show more""
Manufactured home insurance?
Has anyone dealt with any companies dealing with insurance for relocatable homes. We are looking for an insurer of these type of dwellings
Where can a marijuana smoker get affordable life assurance?
it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times. if they ask for health records then you will be in a higher quote, but also when they ask you question on health and you answer honestly it will help you in the long run because then you will be covered for the need of that disability since your health assurance new you can since you are a smoker. but it depends on if your a heavy smoker or just smoke a few times.""
Car recommendations for college student?
Working my way up to buy a car in the next few months, so I'm starting my search now. Keep these points in mind: -Affordable for purchase -Lower insurance rates -Good gas mileage -Something that's got some zip to it (sporty) I'm mostly looking at sedans, coupes, and hatchbacks and avoiding the SUV's and trucks. Any tips?""
How much would insurance cost for a silverado?
new one 2010 im 18
Can friend get insurance on car in my name?
I gave a friend of mine a car that was my Mother's after she passed away. The title has my name on it however the credit union will not release it because there was still some money owed. Anyway since he drives the car I was told that I had to get insurance on it being in my name and just put him down as a driver. Is this true? Can he get his own insurance on the car? I am worried if he would get in an accident it would raise my premiums.
How to get off an auto insurance policy?
about 2 years ago, my mom signed me up in the same insurance as her car...i do not drive her car and never did, however, we still pay 80 bucks extra a month, i want to get off of that insurance but i hear its much trickier than it seems. The car i drive is already insured, but not under my name. Is that legal or not? I live in illinois if that helps. how should i go about removiving my name from this insurance company?""
New driver looking for cheap insurance?
New driver looking for cheap insurance?
What is home owners insurance like in Florida?
I am thinking of purchasing a home in the Kissimmee area that is around $140,000. Some people have told me that homeowners insurance and additionally flood and hurricane additions to my insurance is very very expensive. Can someone give me an example of their real life insurance price that includes flood or hurricane? Please reply only if you have first hand experience in Florida. Preferably in the Kissimmee or Orlando area.""
Car insurance for a rental car?
Hello, I was looking to rent a car for about 1 month, but finding the rental companies insurance costly than the car itself. I called up few insurance companies and they are ready to provide me some cheap basic insurance for like about $75.00/month which covers liability, other car damages; but not the physical damage of my car (they said my credit card company should cover it). I discussed this with one of my friend and he said that the rental car company would not allowed you to rent a car on the renter's insurance. Is it true? If yes, then what could be the best way I can get a cheap and covered car insurance for my rental car for 1 month. Please suggest.""
What happens if you can't afford the affordable health insurance?
What happens if you can't afford the affordable health insurance?
How much would my insurance go up?
I'm looking at getting a coupe for my first car. Possibly a 2010 Camaro or Mustang. As of now my mom and I share her car, a Cadillac CTS. The insurance for myself is about $140 a month (I'm 16) so if I got a coupe, around how much of a jump would that make my insurance go up?""
In California can you register a car without insurance?
I plan on buying a car soon and want to register it under my name but can I do this without insurance since I don't plan on driving the car AT ALL until I secure a job and purchase auto insurance. By the way, the reason I want to pay for the registration right away is because the car I am purchasing is two years behind on the registration...""
Opening a company (California)?
What does one must have to register a small company in California specializing in recruitment/staffing employment? What type of Insurance (General Liability, Work Compensation) Approximate Cost. Tax id What is the approximate annual cost?""
Minor accident no insurance ?
I got in a minor accident I'm 17 my dad has insurance but I'm not under that insurance the cop showed up and just told me I had court there was no injuries what am I facing ? My car got chipped the other car was only paint scratches
Which is the best Insurance company to invest in?
I'm doing a school project to present a stock and really don't know that much about them. I have to do my project on insurance companies either buying it or selling it short. I know that if there was a a good answer to my question then everyone would be investing in the company. Are there any insurance companies that plan on doing something that could potentially raise stock (merging with another company, changing CEO, paying a very large sum)? Also what should be some good indications that the stock is worth investing in? Thank you in advance!""
Short-term car insurance in the US?
In the following year I'm going to have several visitors coming for just a few days and I want them to be able to use my car. I'd like to know if there are companies that offer short-term car insurance.
What's the best auto insurance?
What kind of insurance do you have? Is it cheap?
Can I Drive without Insurance? I have a license and my car Is Insured under my parents name?
Okay so I really need your help.. well help from whoever has the correct Information.. So I'm 19 about to be 20 In May, I have my driver's License, and I have my own car that I got as a present for my 18th Birthday, but It's under my parents name, but anyways my question Is, Can I drive without Insurance? I mean My Car HAS Insurance just not for me. It's under my parents Name, and I mean I Need the car for school, It's not for anything more than that? what can I Do? I know I can get Insurance but It's like expensive for me that I Don't work, and I have to be making payments for my school every month, and I know I Should have a Job, But I'm a full-time student..so yeah you can Imagine.. so yes.. who can answer this?""
Cheapest bikes for insurance?
I'm 19 and want to take my CBT early next year and start riding motorcycles. Im tired of paying thousands of pounds for car insurance but need some sort of transport as i commute a lot in town for my work so a motorbike seemed the logical solution. I have been getting quotes for a few bikes and the cheapest i have got is 500 TPFT on a yamaha YBR. I like the look of the yamaha but is this one of the cheapest bikes to insure? A few sinnis bikes have come close to this price but have read mixed reviews online, would love to hear off anyone who owns a sinnis bike about what they think of them. Also the cheapest insurance company i can find is Scooters & Bikes, if anyone knows any other cheap insurance companies i would love to hear them.""
I am wondering if anyone knows what insurance would cost on a Mustang V6 for a 16 year-old female in Tennessee?
If anyone has a idea of the price range I would appreciate some input. Please don't say alot . I have had no tickets and I have not been involved in any wrecks. Thank you!
What is a fast car for a teenager that still has good insurance?
I am looking for a car and was wondering what the insurance was like on what. this is mostly for guys who own fast cars and pay insurance on them i was looking for mostly imports but i do also like some american cars. was thinking VW jetta/passat thanks
How much do you pay for car insurance?
How much do you pay for car insurance?
indiana welfare insurance
indiana welfare insurance
0 notes
Should my home insurance subtract my deductible from settlement check for damage from hail storm?
"Should my home insurance subtract my deductible from settlement check for damage from hail storm?
home insurance has taken 3 years to settle, we had to sue them. Our deductible should not be subtracted from settlement check.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://saleinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Which auto insurance company will NOT check my credit?
I saw an advertisement for one, but forget which one it is. I have pretty good credit, but I do not believe in their correlation between credit & driving skills. I also do not believe that they should penalize people with bad credit under the assumption that these people will file a false claim. These insurance companies have all the incentive to damage people's credit files so they charge more for their products. I also pay in full, so they will not be extending credit to me. Even if the policy costs more, I do not wish to reward bad behavior by doing business with the big insurance companies.""
Fertility health insurance in ma?
do anybody know where i can get health insurance in ma that covers infertility or fertility procedures like ivf or iui??? please help. thanks
What is the best way to advertise my new practice as a licensed mental health counselor?
i've worked with very disturbed adolescents in a state public hospital for 30 years, and i just got licensed as a mental health counselor. I have an MA in child and adolescent psychology. I have applied to be on insurance panels, but I won't hear from them for about 3 months, .What is an appropriate way to advertise my practice?""
""If I open a bank account with USAA, will I pay less for USAA car insurance?""
I'm a college student who inherited USAA car insurance through my mom. I'm transferring to a 4-year Uni and looking for all the simplicities and money saving options available ie; overdraft protection, quick debit records, free atm anywhere, no monthly charge, online features........ pretty much everything USAA has standard. As of now I still bank with BOA, but it may be simpler and cheaper to bank with USAA... especially if they offer a price cut in monthly car insurance. Much thanks to those(asside from insurance salesmen or banking officials) with information. =)""
Buying life insurance for unemployed adult son?
I have a 24 year old unemployed son who works only temp jobs when they are available. I'd like to make sure he's covered if anything happens to him - what's the best route to take? I live in California, he lives in Ohio. Can I add him onto my job's insurance policy, or will I have to purchase it some other kind of way?""
Need insurance to cover pregnancy?
Does anyone know of insurance companies with coverage in Georgia that will cover a pregnancy without having to wait a year? I make too much money to get Medicaid so I really need some help. I can't exactly afford to pay out of pocket for every expense. Thank you.
What is a fast car that is in a relativley low insurance group?
Hi i'm looking for a car which is fast but not that high in insurance i have 4 year NCB but i'm only 23 and have already got 2 smashes under the belt and a speeding ticket i'm currently looking at a ford cougar 2.5 which is group 14 insurance but i have own one of these before but was just wondering if there is a faster car then this that is lower then group 15 insurance i live in the uk can anyone help.
Insurance for Mustang v6 2014 for 18 year old?
Hi , I'm planning to get a Mustang v6 premium 2014, I'm an international student with 3.7 GPA in High-school I have a clean record even in my country ( no accidents or tickets ) I know it's not possible to get a real accurate estimate but what I want to know if it would exceed 200$ a month ?""
Can i drive my car with an international licence and provisional insurance?
can i buy a car in the uk and insure it on my provisional licence and drive it with my international licence so i dont need to bring another driver to sit beside me during driving. the reason i'm asking the this Q is because insurance is much cheaper on the provisional licence.
Information on car insurance coverage?
I was being driven over to a friends house to pick up some paper work, I do not have a driver liceance but my friend does, when another car passed us they came to far over and forced us in which resulted in us side swiping a parked car in the street, The car belongs to my fiance and myself, I'am on the insurance as iam in the process if obtaining a permitt, she drives the car very few times, only when I need to get somewhere and her son has her car, I filed the claim and when the claim adjustor got back to me she was saying our friend may have to run a claim through her insurance instead, we have full coverage collision and all, limited tort, in a no fault insurance state, PA, ive talked with many people and been told my insurance should cover it with no problem, she cannot claim this her son literally wrecked her car 2 months back, seeings how we are fully covered and she is a very occasional driver, I was told its the first thing they will try naturally as an insurance company is try to have everyone else foot the bill first, I'am curious as I'am certain we should be able to cover it, even though she was driving it was me on the passenger side who had said she should be able to move over as I was certain there was clearance which guess not as we were pretty certain the other driver would have hit us, will a full coverage policy cover this if the car in question has the policy on it and one of the insured on the policy was in the car at the time as well? we have Infinity auto insurance, thanks!""
The Best Health Insurance ..?
Hi there folks, I am new in this health insurance business and we are shopping for one. We live in Texas. Im looking for a plan for me and my wife. What's the best plan you guys have that affordable plan with the best coverage for 2 people.What do you have and what would you recommend? And whats the best health insurance plan that is affordable and also covers pregnancy? Please do let us know , I would really appreciate your responses. Camry Lover""
Where can I get my physical done for cheap? No insurance?
I'm going to be a wrestling captain & I need it for school on Monday. I live in florida
Provisional insurance to full licence insurance?
I'm 18 years old and I am 2 (and abit) months away from taking my driving test. If I take out provisional car insurance can I change my insurance to full once I have passed my test? The reason why I want provisional insurance is because I heard it was cheaper, then once I pass my test I would only have to pay 10 months of full licence insurance, correct? But anyway how much it cost me to increase my premium from provisional to full licence insurance?""
Do you need insurance to have a driver's license in California?
Do you need to have insurance in order to have a driver's license? Or can you have a driver's license, but no car, and no insurance. So i'm a minor, and my question is, If I have a CA driver's license, do I still need insurance when I don't have a car? (Insurance + Car) ....... or ........ (Insurance + License)""
""What would be cheaper, insurance wise (car title)?""
Have the car title in my own name and have my own insurance, or have the car title in one of my parents name and be under their policy as a driver to the car?""
Do you have car insurance through Costco? Did you save money?
Thinking about getting an estimate from Costco. Im a member of Costco and thought I would look into it. Ever have any experience with their insurance? I know its an outside company.
How much is car insurance in nyc?
Im 23 years this is my first car ever a 1998 FORD EXPEDITION wanted to now how much car insurance im looking at.
Where to get updated car insurance papers?
ok so i had no idea about the expiration date on the insurance papers. how do i get updated papers that i can put in the car.
What is the cheapest car insurance in michigan?
I am looking for cheap car insurance I live in battle creek mi. I am 22 years old and on ssi. I have autism diagnosis. And I want to be able to get a car I do not have a license right now. But can get one social worker told me that. I would be allowed to drive. I do not own a car right now. But I have $2000 save up for a car. Before I take anymore steps I need to find out if i can afford insurance. I have about $30-$45 to spend a month on insurance for a car. That cost about $2000 I only need the bare minimum that will allow me to drive with a license legally. Dose anyone know where in i can get cheap car insurance? Any help would be greatly appreciated.Thanks
Cheapest car insurance for a 18 year old?
I am currently looking for a car, such as fiat punto 1.2 or vauxhall orsa 1.0 - 1.2. I have only passed my driving test about 5 months ago and I'm thinking about purchasing a small first car. The only issue is the the expensive insurance, could any recommend me a good insurance company that supports young unexperienced drivers. Please don't include comparison websites such as confused.com, because they don't really help. So far I've found co-operative car insurance company really good with a really good deal for young drivers. Thanks everyone in advance!""
Buying insurance to drive someone elses car?
My dad says if I want to drive his car, I need to pay for my own insurance on it incase I get into a car accident. How much would you think it would cost per month with the cheapest and best insurance company? - state farm and ect.""
What happened to Obamacare lowering the cost of insurance?
A watershed moment in the ongoing disaster of ObamaCare,as Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius finally admits that health insurance premiums are rising because of the Presidents health insurance takeover, per the Wall Street Journal : http://www.humanevents.com/2013/03/27/hhs-secretary-finally-admits-obamacare-is-raising-insurance-costs/""
Is car insurance higher for red cars?
I already know car insurance is going to be SKY HIGH for me since I'm eighteen and I've had my license for only about 2 years (Even though I've never been in a single car accident or recieved any kind of ticket *knock on wood* =]) But I just wanted to know if it is higher for red cars than other colors
""New driver, average car insurance?""
Just wondering here, to the new drivers, how much do you pay per month for car insurance. I am canadian so that would be helpful too. If I were to take drivers ed and then get my g2 that way...What would I be expecting to pay monthly?""
How much is car insurance?
Im 18, living in chicago, but i could register my adress in suburbs with gramma if it would be cheaper.... looking to buy a honda civic 94' or a 94' acura integra....""
Should my home insurance subtract my deductible from settlement check for damage from hail storm?
home insurance has taken 3 years to settle, we had to sue them. Our deductible should not be subtracted from settlement check.
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in illinois for a 21 year old?
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in illinois for a 21 year old?
Any way to decrease my 4K quote to insure a 1.0L VW Polo?
I'm looking into buying my first car (17 year old driver), I have not passed my test yet but I'm looking to get a car to practise in. I found the car I wanted to buy, a 1.0L (999cc) 400 R Reg (1998) VW Polo, so practically the smallest engine money can buy. I needed to see how much it would cost to insure before and after I pass my test. It was 1200 a year on my provisional which is the sort of price I would expect but over 4000 when I set it to having passed my test. This is using go compare.com. Why is that so much money? I understand young drivers are high risk, but surely over 4000 a year for fully comp doesnt sound right.""
How Much Is Quad Insurance UK?
Hi their.... i know its a hard 1 to answer but on average how much are people paying for quad insurance for road legal quads in the UK...... ive been trying to get quotes from companies but every time i ring them up they put me on hold for like an hour so i hang up i just want to see what people are paying so i have an idea of what prices to look out for................ I'm 20 & own a 250cc road legal quad........... but dont want to be paying 700cc prices
PA insurance laws?
Anyone know what the laws are in PA when you buy a car from a private owner? How long do you have to get insurance? I already have it on my car .. and I'm getting this new one and not transferring the insurance until the next day. What are the laws? Is it like inspection that you have 10 days?
Best life insurance questions for seniors?
67 year old male whose had heart surgery,but doing well,on antidepressants and a cpap needs term life insurance. what is the most affordable in your experience ?""
Car insurance question?
I bought my car on Aug 25 2008. But the policy period on my new policy is from Aug 2 2008 to Aug 2 2009. How can they cover me before I bought my car. Is Safety Insurance of Massachusetts always do business in this sneaky way?
What is electronic insurance?
details about electronic insurance
""Where can I get cheap car insurance for a vw golf 1.4 51 reg? Im 17 and just passed, I'll b on parents policy?""
I will be on my parents policy, with a parent as the main driver and me as the named driver? Ive looked at tesco value and its coming up as 2500!!! i was hoping more along the lines of 1500""
Car insurance rates in Ontario for new driver?
I plan to import my '01 Camry from USA to missisuaga. How much shd I expect to pay p.m. in car Insurance rates ? I have 3 yrs clean driving history in USA.Will my driving history in USA help with getting a better rate in canada ? Initially I will have only a US drivers license.Pls help shed light on my doubts ..
""Help, need cheap health insurance.?
I need to get cheap health insurance before the 31st. I tried through Obamacare but that is not an option right now. Online application will not go through and trying to call is a headache. Calls will not go through. I need real cheap health insurance so does anyone know where I can get low cost health insurance? I am in Washington state.
What is the best company for car insurance?
I think I pay way too much for car insurance right now and I have no tickets on my record. I want to switch too a cheaper company. The monthly payment is killing me. Anybody know of a really cheap company I can switch too?
""Auto Insurance, Please Help!?""
What are good coverage amounts for Bodily Injury, Property Damage, Medical Payments, Uninsured Motorist and Under-insured Motorist for auto insurance? I just want to make sure i have enough coverage for my insurance.""
How much would it cost to insure a Smart Roadster for a 17 year old first time driver?
I have been looking into insurance for a Smart Roadster and the sites I have used, either gave me a quote for 15k+ a year or couldn't even find the model. Is insurance for this little car really so expensive. I'll be 17 soon, still in full time education, have a part time job, the car would be on a private driveway overnight, at a secure public car park during the day while I'm at work at an industrial unit, standard model no modifications, no criminal convictions or medical conditions. I live in Colchester, Essex.""
What is the best car insurance for teenagers?
Hey all, My Dad wants me to sell my brand new dodge charger srt8 because the insurance agency is asking for an extra $1000 dollars. I have never had a speeding ticket and my record is spotless. But they're still charging that much extra. I live in an area where the teenagers get into a lot of car accidents when they have sports cars. could this be a reason? Also I'm 17 if that could help you in any way. If I really have to return or sell it, I'll do that and get another car but for those of you who are teenagers or have teenagers, what is your insurance cost? What is the best insurance to insure your teens car? Thanks in advance *CheerZ*""
How much could be the average insurance for a SMART car?
How much could be the average insurance for a SMART car?
How much does it usually cost to insure a big (600cc and above) motorcycle?
How about a 250cc? Or does it depend on the type of bike I have?
Car Insurance Dilemma?
Hello everyone, I just purchased a new vehicle and gave the old one to my mother. She really needed a vehicle. I decided not to trade it in. The problem is that she can't afford insurance however, if I was to add her to my existing policy, she could afford it. This is the problem, she must be a resident at my house in order to be added. Would they find out if I added her? Would she have a hard time registering the car? Only knowledgeable answers please. Thanks""
I pay 450$ for car insurance. Ridiculous!?
I am 20 yrs old, have a full license with no accidents or major tickets. How do they expect young people to survive? With gas at crazy prices i pay nearly 800$ a month on gas and car insurance. I drive a Honda Accord and i need the car due to my commitments. Any thoughts?""
""Where can I find good, (and fairly affordable) health insurance as a cashier?""
Hello, I was wondering if anyone knew of a good place to get some good health insurance at an affordable rate? Im almost 30 years old, and I work in a grocery store, and since it is only part time I have no health coverage. I would appreciate any suggestions you might have because I can't afford to keep paying for doctor appointments on my meager salary. Thanks.""
Is atheism a good substitute for affordable health insurance?
I know that many atheists in here pride yourselves on being far more logical and better prepared for the real world than religious people, and than Christians in particular. Does your lack of belief in God give you a special advantage in coping with medical emergencies and the financial expenses of medical emergencies, I wonder? Why or why not?""
Is this the best way to go about cheap car insurance at 17?
Get insured on my mother's car for a year then get my own when the insurance drops.
Question about insurance policy for teens?
I'm 17 and I have my drivers license. My dad says that I can't carry passengers because our insurance doesn't cover them and won't allow it. However, I find it absurd that there's a insurance policy that prevents you from carrying passengers. Does this exist? I understand that you are not supposed to carry passengers until after 6 months, but he says I can't carry them AT ALL not his rule, its the insurances rule an excuse?""
Cheapest Car Insurance?
ok im 18 i was ganna go get my license but i dound out my car insurance is ganna be 250$ a mouth and thats if i go in with my parents insurance and its ganna be even more when i get my car. is there anyway i can get cheaper insurance intell i can start making more money?
Used car insurance?
If you get insurance for a used car, will they still fix your windsheild?""
Looking for a Psychiatrist who accepts Medicare Insurance?
I have bipolar disorder and need a psychiatrist who accepts Medicare Insurance a.s.a.p. Please include doctor's name/phone #, my area is (818), San Fernando Valley, Encino, California. Also, I would like to make new friends who are dealing with bipolar disorder. Thank you.""
Should my home insurance subtract my deductible from settlement check for damage from hail storm?
home insurance has taken 3 years to settle, we had to sue them. Our deductible should not be subtracted from settlement check.
An affordable dentist in Houston?
I need an appt. for an exam and maybe a couple of cavities that can be done before December. anyone know any affordable dentists that can do that in the month of November without insurance?
Help me find affordable health insurance in ny state if i am not poverty level?
Help me find affordable health insurance in ny state if i am not poverty level?
I need motorcycle insurance?
Does any one know how i can get cheap motorcycle insurance, im only 17 and i have a few tickets, so its not gonna be cheap, does any one know how i can get cheap motorcycle insurance?""
Can i go onto my Dads car insurance and get my own car aswell?
What the title says. Can i go onto my dads car insurance and drive my own car, instead of driving my dads?""
Where can you find some cheap auto insurance quotes ..online?
Where can you find some cheap auto insurance quotes online?
How much insurance cost for 350z?
Im 18 and i have a clean record and what does the insurance cost in wisconsin ,Port Washington . For each insurance company if you can tell me please .""
Insurance. What do I need to sell Term Insurance in California?
Insurance. What do I need to sell Term Insurance in California?
Are there any states that don't require auto insurance?
I don't like paying for insurance so I was wondering if I could avoid it by moving.
Do I need a permanent address to get car insurance and register my car?
I live in california right now with my parents but I plan on traveling the country for a while living in my car. My insurance will be expired in march of 09 and I need to be smogged around then too. I wanted to leave mid december of this year and get out in the midwest/east for the next few years and just keep traveling. Can I just use a PO box address?? I dont want to use my parents address because they like to go through my mail. All of my friends are leaving to university in differnt states so I cant really rely on any of their addresses.
Monthly motorcycle insurance in Ontario?
Hello there, I'm 16 and live in Ontario, currently have my m2, what would be my monthly or annual insurance rate for a 600cc sport bike or a vespa scooter? Is there an average rate? An approximate would really help, thanks.""
If I wreck my car while DUI does the insurance company still Fully cover it?
just a curious question. if you are drunk and total your car, nobody else or other property involved, does the insurance company still cover your car to full value? and what source do they use to determine the value of the vehicle?""
How much does Auto insurance cost in Mass?
I am moving to Mass, and am curious if someone can give me an idea about how much it would cost to insure a 97 Acura CL 4 cylinder car. I am having a hard time finding quotes online. Round about numbers would help.""
How can get car insurance?
Let me give some more information. 20 years old, female, live in NJ and need to buy car and insurance soon. what are some companies to use? Thanks!""
What car insurance coverage do you really need?
I have an 2002 honda civic that is worth about $7,000 with 112,000 miles on it. I have collision, death and dismemberment, uninsured motorist. I have a 1,000 deductable, but I am paying $110.00/ mo and want to reduce my payment. Is it a bad idea to drop uninsured motorist or death and dismemberment? Can someone explain what all the car insurance options are? I don't have dependents, but a already have free life, health insurance, and disablility insurance through my employer if that makes a difference. I would call my agent, but I think he must be have busy or smoking a joint out back for the last couple of weeks because he doesn't call me back.""
How can i get a car by using a cheap car insurance ?
I am in need.
Can you insure 2 cars with different insurance companies and have the no claims bonus on both cars?
Can you insure 2 cars with different insurance companies and have the no claims bonus on both cars?
Where can i get low cost motorcycle insurance ?
i live in ontario canada ,, i want to buy a honda cbr 250 , and would like to find a low cost insurance for my bike , so far i got some way off price quote with a difference of $280.00 ,so i suspect they are over charging ,even at the low end , they say i'm covered for 12 months months but a motorcycle is not meant to ride in cold and snow and salty streets as the salt would ruin the chain and other parts of the motorcycle .""
Does my grandmother need car insurance if she doesnt drive...?
She doesn't have a license and hasn't had one in decades. Her children drive her to and from church, grocery stores, etc. in her car bc she has trouble getting in and out of their cars. So, does she HAVE to have inurance? I would imagine if her children have insurance, then she wouldn't need it. Anyone know the rules on this?""
Local car insurance in california?
Local car insurance in california?
""If you are a teenager with your own car, how much do you pay for car insurance???????""
i was just wondering because i want to get a car eventualy and i know that it will be very high......... also for example if your 16 and you get a car from 1991, how much would you think you would play a month for insurance?""
Do i need insurance to drive parents car in PA?
i just got my liscense and was wondering if i need insurance to drive my parents car?
Where will give a young male cheap car insurance?
I know that I am statistically more likely to cause an accident than a middle aged person. However. Are there any companies that are good that will insure me on a car of about 200hp for under 1400. If i tell them I have achieved good grades and done pass plus etc as well as the fact I have never claimed on my current insurance could they give me a low quote? Thanks
Why isnt health insurance free.. (taken out of taxes)? like other countries?
with all the taxes taken out ud think that would be the most important thing... i presume its because it would hurt companies that sell insurance in some kind of way... but im not sure... can any explain to me why? will it ever change? i think of all the things our taxes pay for ... it should at least pay for health insurance ...
Tickets & Insurance Question?
I drive a 2000 Camry the insurance is in my aunts name........ So my question is if i got a ticket will the rates go up? If the insurance on the vehicle i drive is in her name will the rates go up if i get a ticket? Her name is also on the title of the car
How much is a no insurance ticket in illinois?
I've been trying to look this up, can't find jack **** on it.. How much is it?""
Should my home insurance subtract my deductible from settlement check for damage from hail storm?
home insurance has taken 3 years to settle, we had to sue them. Our deductible should not be subtracted from settlement check.
Is New York Life Insurance a good company to work for?
I have been job hunting and got a interview next week for financial adviser. I want to know if this type of job are commission based pay only and do I have to bug friend and family to buy stuff? thanks, andy""
Why are my car insurance quotes changing?
I shopped for car insurance yesterday. Today I could not remember if I I forgot a company, so I did them all again because I was bored, all of my quotes went up with some, went down with others. I double checked and I didn't change any info. So I did 3 companies within 10 minutes of each other, and they changed again! I think they pull quotes out of a hat.""
First Time Cars With Low Insurance?
I'm going to be starting Driving lessons soon and want to start thinking on what car to get as my first one so I can save up, though I don't know much about cars at all. So I'm looking for some advice on a good, but cheap, car (Either New or Used, if used I would like to know the general life expectancy from new in order to work out how long it will resonantly last) that will last me for at least 4 years and get me through my first Degree, I also would like it to have a fairly low insurance for a beginner driver as I am a college student, currently, and plan on doing my Masters (Starting next year) then my PHD, so I won't have a massive pot of funds. If anyone can help me I will be very grateful as I know nothing about cars, all my vehicle knowledge is of Motorbikes.""
How much on average would it raise my parents' car insurance if.....?
i were to get my license?
Cheapest car insurance please?
hey i hope some1 can help me out. i am 22 years. i recently passed my driving test, on the 21/07/2009. i also bought a car honda civic. 1.4l i am looking for the cheapest car insurance possible. because i am full time student. and work part time. i wouldnt be able to afford paying 2000 annually. please if some1 knows where to get cheap car insurance for new drivers, would be very appreciated cheers""
Cheap health insurance?
what is the cheapest health insurance in california? i am male 22, i do not smoke..""
Short-term car insurance?
Im looking for a company that will do short-term (preferably 3 weeks but a month is fine) car insurance for a 17 year old male with a provisional licence, can anyone recommend one?""
How much will my car insurance drop when i turn 25?
How much will my car insurance drop when i turn 25?
Health Insurance for Self employed with Maternity coverage?
I am self employed and want to purchase health insurance for myself. I need to find insurance with maternity coverage. I have looked on several online insurance quote websites, but have been unable to find maternity coverage. I live in Texas by the way. Does anyone out there have some info for me?""
Insurance with US license. Loophole or stupidity?
I am an 18 year old british citizen. I lived in the US for 6-7 years and got a license at the age of 16. I am now in the process of getting car insurance. and am wondering if this 'loophole' is technically legal. I can drive on my US license for up to 12 months, during that 12 months I can get a UK prov. license. take the driving lessons and do the theory/test to get my full UK license. while shopping around last night I noticed a website saying 'provisional insurance is cheap, but expect it to go up once you pass your test.' Now, I understand the reason why it's cheaper is due to the fact that you probably wouldn't be driving as much, and you need a 'known' driver with you in the car while you're driving. However, couldn't I be considered my own driver? If I have a provisional license would I not be eligable for provisional license insurance? is this legal? or am I just being a hopeful idiot?""
Question about insurance coverage?
Okay today my car was broken into at school and they shattered the drivers side window and stole my $150 radio and my $120 graphing calculator. I have full auto insurance coverage but what coverage does this fall under? Comprehensive coverage? I saw on this website that homeowners insurance would cover this but that didn't make sense to me. Does the car have to be home when the break in happened? WILL CHOOSE BEST ANSWER
Short term car insurance in US?
I am an Indian Resident and will be travelling to US for a period of 1-2 months. Am getting a good offer on a car rental but the insurance cost is very high (almost $20/day). Is there any way to get short term car insurance in US to cover a rental car for a period of 1-2 Months and pay around $150-$200/Month?
""How much is insurance for new drivers? People are saying 1000 - 3000, how can it be that much money... ?""
I am unemployed at the moment, but even with a part time job I wouldn't be able to afford that sort of money a month. I mean that is a lot of money, considering you have to also buy a Car, tax etc. Is this a true amount? I am 22 years old ( nearly 23 ) and I am planning to start my lessons, but I wanted to find out how much it would be to run a car before I started lessons. So I searched for Insurance, Tax, Fuel etc, and the prices for Insurance that people were saying on forum's were crazy! Is this right? Can it really be correct?""
Mustang GT for a teen? insurance question?
When i graduate from highschool my dad is going to buy me a mustang GT 2005 and i was wondering if it was a good choice. when i go to college i am goin to hav a job so will i be able to afford a mustang insurance? How much will it run about (estimate). Thx in advance, ~Key key24~""
Where can I find cheap car insurance for young driver's in Ireland?
I am an 18 year old guy,and I can't find any f****** reasonable motor insurance,because whether I'm 18 or 80 I'm not paying 3/4k a year for a 'in case' situation which is most likely never going to happen-i.e a crash.Because I only see driving as a form of driving,not as 'fun' or showing off.But I need to have a car to travel.""
Who owns Geico insurance?
Who owns Geico insurance?
How much will it cost me to insure monthly a Porsche Boxster 2.5 2dr Roadster 1998.?
Saw a very good one, will like to have an idea of how much it'll cost me before i dive in. Thank you.""
HELP!!!! Insurance company saying I owe money after a car accident that happened 2 years ago! What do I do?
2 years ago I got into a 4 car pile up accident. The accident was my fault. After the wreck happened, my insurance company took care of all the people who were involved in the wreck but me because I had only liability. No one was hurt in the wreck. I recieved a letter from my insurance company that I owed them $700.00. I paid it and they told me everything was taken care of and never heard anything about the accident. Now 2 years later I get a letter from the Credit Collection company saying I owe them $82,000 dollars!!!! WHAT SHOULD I DO?!?!? How do I find out what they want me to pay so much money for??? and what do I do if i cant pay this!? there is NO WAY I can afford to pay that much $$!!! How do I keep my credit from messing up or is it already messed up since the collectio company sent me a letter??? PLEASE HELP! anyone who knows anything about this or has been through this...""
Medical insurance?
does medical insuance cover eye exams and eye doco visits for glasses too
Car insurance when buying a new car ?
Hello,i have seen a used certified car online and very much interested in haggling with the car dealer to buy the car,but my problem is,i have heard you need insurance coverage on the car before the dealer will let you drive off the lot with the car.So my question is how do i go about this when i havent yet selected or bargained for the price of the car before purchasing.I am driving 2 hours to-and-fro to get this car and cant afford to go home without the car the day i go to the dealership.How do people go to car dealerships,haggle on any car they love in the showroom and drive home the same day? I cant buy insurance that i may not need( example buying insurance on a 2009 car,but later get a good deal on a 2010) Any help on how to get the car insurance issue straightened out before i go haggling for cars?""
What is the cheapest insurance company?
Ok so I'm 16 years I have an 08 Kawasaki ninja 250 and I live in rural California what should I expect to pay for liability only
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
Where to go for cheap car insurance for first time driver in Miami?
""21st Century, mainly for the reduced rates with the same as other carriers?""
21st Century Insurance Company is a quality, affordable carrier for automobile ... At 21st Century Insurance Company, we understand how complicated buying auto insurance can be....I'm thinking of switching my auto insurance from GEICO to 21st Century, mainly for the reduced rates with the same coverage. Anyone has any experience with ...for a quote go to http://www.quoteinsuranceauto.com""
How do I get individual health insurance quotes for North Carolina?
I am currently living in New York State and am considering moving to North Carolina. How do I get individual health insurance quotes while still living in NYS? All the websites ask you to provide a North Carolina address which I do not have yet. Thank you.
Need a car with cheap insurance...and ideas?!?
hello im currently doing driving lessons and once passed need to get a car (obviously..lol) we are currently unemployed so only have 100 max to spend monthly on car insurance & petrol (although we shouldn't need to put much petrol in tbh..or could sacrifice some every now and again!) but we need the car to find a job - catch 22! once we have jobs we obvioulsy be able to afford more. wondered if anybody could suggest any cars? we have a 10 month old son so would prefer back doors... thankyou in advance :)
Should my home insurance subtract my deductible from settlement check for damage from hail storm?
home insurance has taken 3 years to settle, we had to sue them. Our deductible should not be subtracted from settlement check.
0 notes
optimisticpoetrypost-blog · 7 years ago
Question about auto insurance.?
"Question about auto insurance.?
I'm not gonna get into specifics, but here's the situation: I need to know if there is some way I can add my 17 year old nephew to my auto insurance. He doesn't live with me, however we are in the same state (Colorado if that matters). Is there any way I can add him to my policy? Or does it have to be his parents?
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How does a car insurance work?
So the other day i hit an 06 mustang and it left a 1 inch dent it was very small i exchanged info and all then the lady called me and told me the damages were $1008 my insurance said they are going to go check the car to make sure, i was just wondering the dent seemed like a $250 dent will the insurance give them what they say or what the lady says its supposedly worth?""
Should Insurance companies be forced to protect against preexisting conditions? Buy Ins after car gets stolen?
How much would that add to the insurance premium if they had to pay out for preexisting conditions? What if you totaled your new corvette and bought insurance the next day. How soon before the insurance companies went bankrupt and we had to go to the government option. (Where you would be forced to drive a Yugo in order to qualify).
Would you be in favor of health insurance plans that cost less but force you to make lifestyle changes?
I saw somewhere that an estimated 90% of diabetes, 70% of heart disease, and 60% of cancer cases are directly related to either obesity, sedentary lifestyle, tobacco use, or drinking outside of moderation. For the amount of people that whine about drug prices, insurance costs, and drug bills, 1 out of 3 americans is overweight, something like 1 in 5 americans over 50 or 60 or something are diabetic or prediabetic (each case of diabetes costs an average of $10k per year in treatment and complications), and about 1 in 3 die of heart disease. People do not take personal responsibility for themselves, and they cost society a lot of money. Would you support an insurance plan that would be lower cost, but would drop your coverage if you developed a chronic disease like diabetes or something, and failed to get your weight down to a certain goal, mange you condition, etc. or maybe COPD and maybe you would have to quit smoking within 6 months, etc etc? Would you join the plan? Is it fair?""
Should I shop for better car insurance rates?
I am looking to buy a new car. It is a 2005 Pontiac Sunfire. I live in Wisconsin, am 29, and have an excellent driving record. I need full coverage, and called my insurance agent (Progressive- which I've been with for over 12 years) and they said, for an average, about $500 every 6 months. Is this a little high or is this about average. Are there any other car insurance companies that might offer better rates?""
""I'm 16 with a permit, can I get a car and insurance in my name?
Im a girl. I'm getting a car in may.. But I'll only have a permit. Will I be able to get insurance and a tag and stufff on my car ??
How can I find out the legality of an auto insurance advertised online?
I''m shopping around for my car insurance online and I don't know how to find out which one is good legally. Please help.
Car Insurance different address than car registered address?
Hi, I have insured my car on my friend's address because his postcode turns out to be very cheap for my premiums. My car and Driving Licence are registered on my home address but when I buy insurance on my home address it goes double. Do you think insuring my car on different address is wrong? What if I get my car registered on to my friends address same as my insurance policy? Would that be safe and legal? Please help me in clearing the confusion and doubt.""
What would be the best option of the mortgage or life insurance in case of serious illness? ?
Also if two people are on the mortgage do they both need separate insurance or one will cover them both?
Car accident cause my current insurance to go up?
I had an accident a few months back which I was not at fault but caused my car to be written off, I bought a new car yesterday and wrang up my insurance company who said that since I had an accident that to change the insurance over to this car for my remaining 4 months insurance would cause my insurance to go from 166 a month to 240. The car is a lower insurance group so it shouldnt have changed my insurance. I don't understand why I have to pay more? If my car hadn't been written off my insurance wouldn't have increased until the following 4 months so how come when I change my car they decide that I have to pay so much extra a month now?""
A good hatchback car for 1000 with a cheap insurance for young people?
I've been looking at so many cars and I really don't think I've found one really worht the money I'm looking for a car that's not old All I have seen is a Rover Metro and Peugeot 205/306 and some others but some of these car are still too old I just really want some good advice, thanks :)""
Best health insurance for 22 yr old?
Okay so right now I have insurance through my job and the insurance really blows (for lack of a better term). Every time I go to the doctor I end up paying a couple hundred dollars for the tests they have to run (I'm a girl so I go once a year). Plus they don't cover hospital visits (had to go the emergency room and me insurance didn't pay a dime so I had to pay $500 out of pocket for the visit). So I was looking into getting my own insurance but I am not sure which one I should get. I live in Arizona and I am a 22 year old female. The only time I go to the doctor is for my yearly gyno visit and if something is really wrong (which is very rare). I would also like a vision and dental with it too since I go to the dentist once a year along with going to the eye doctor. So any suggestions would be nice :) Thank you in advance.
Why is it so difficult for me to get health insurance?!?
Im 23 yrs old in Maryland and Im trying to buy my own health insurance for the first time. I havent been to the doctor in so long so Ive been having issues lately with my seasonal allergies. During this past year I went to an ENT specialist without insurance to get medication/prescription for a sinus infection and paid cash. The ENT specialist recommend I get sinus x-rays if the medication didnt clear up the problem. I am still having issues with it so I decided to apply for insurance so I could afford further treatment. However Ive applied to 2 places, both companies called me for an interview where they asked me a bunch of questions over the phone about any treatments I received or have been recommended to have. I have been declined twice with them saying get the recommended treatment done then reapply WHY??? OMFG I dont have a serious ongoing illness why are these people giving me such a hard time???? =( What do I do?? Thanks.""
Medicaid insurance with another insurance?
I was wondering what the qualifications are for Medicaid. Specifically, I have UBH insurance...since I have insurance already, would I still qualify for Medicaid? I am 19 years old and live on my own now.""
""What is the average car insurance premium in Mississauga, Canada?""
Hi, Can anyone please provide an realistic figure of how much it would cost per month towards car insurance in Mississauga. Checked in the below website and gives a high spike in rate : $600 CAN per month ! https://www.kanetix.ca/auto-insurance (Given 5-6 yrs of clean driving history in US)""
Health Insurance and Lost Wages?
I'm going into surgery for my meniscus being torn during a skiing accident. However, I am a waitress and will not be able to work for at least 2 months. My employer has told me that I will have my job when I return, however I seem to be at a loss as to what I can do to try to recover lost wages.""
Exactly what did Health Care supporters mean by affordable Health Care?
I talk to many that say much of their income is going to Health Care. Will Obama care really bring affordable health care to those who cannot afford it? This seems a little confusing?
How much would these cars cost to run per month?
renault clio 1.2... citron Saxo.... corsa (old) including tax , m.o.t and insurance and watever you have to pay for :) x""
How do I challenge my auto insurance company's appraisal of damages to other car in an at-fault(my) acci ?
I read-ended another car at an intersection. Both of us were stopped at a light. When the light turned green, the other car started moving and immediately slammed on brakes. In the meanwhile, I had taken my foot off brake and hit the car (at < 5mph). The other party has filed claim for $1350 for damages and also for unknown amount of bodily injury. There is not even a mark of any collision on my car (as the speed was low). My insurance company has agreed to their claim related to damages and is waiting for the exact amount for the bodily injury claim. This has been quite unfair to me and will definitely bump up my premium like crazy. Is there any way I can challenge my insurance company's appraisal of the damages ? Are there any other alternatives ? What kind of evidence would I need to furnish for the same ? We had called a Cop to report the accident. I wanted him to note that the impact was at < 5mph. However, he refused to do that saying that this would be left to insurance""
Cheapest type of insurance for 17 year old?
iv heard of black box insurance but this doesn't appeal to me most? so what companies or types of insurance are cheapest??
What is the cheapest van insurance for a 18 year old with no previous insurance with a full lience?
What is the cheapest van insurance for a 18 year old with no previous insurance with a full lience?
What do you know about car insurance / car-totaled?
What is the law? You have a car; it is rated @ $3,800.00 book value. Another driver hits you in the rear at a Pa. borough crosswalk as you are traveling through and have stopped for a person crossing the street. You are nearly pushed into the pedestrian, but thankfully you were able to stop your car in time. The other driver is in the wrong of course; but how much does the offending driver's insurance company need to pay to fix your car? I'm having a problem - my estimate is $3,277.00. I am told to look for the car to be totaled and 80% of the book value is what the insurance company is required to pay. Does anyone know is this is true? This car is a 1999 but only has 58,000 miles on it and is in mint condition. I have owned it for 4 years and during that time have not put a penny in it for parts & repairs. To get another, I would take a great chance on getting one which is not nearly such good quality. I'm wondering if the insurance company has a maximum that they will pay for repairing - if so maybe I could add a little to it so I can keep this car? Didn't appreciate it so much until after the accident!!!!""
How Much is this Emergency Room Visit without Insurance?
My aunt got really loopy yesterday after hearing bad news and i took her to the emergency room. They took her blood pressure, pricked her finger to test her blood sugar, the nurses/doctor asked her questions, and they gave her an anti-anxiety pill. That was it. No xrays or anything else. it took about 3 hours all together with the waiting. would this still be about 500 - 1000 bucks?""
How much is car insurance usually in UK?
I live in London and don't have a clue about this thing but I just passed my test at 29 and hope to get a decent looking car that has had a previous owner and don't under all this quote business. I've got about 2670 to spend. So half of that will be for a deposit. How much do most people spend on insurance a year and what would be a cheap price range for me to look for? How much should it be for a month?
""Insurance price for dui, speeding and driving w/o license?
big predicament i got myself into... now i would like an estimate if u know how much insurance would be with these convictions. my previous premium for my 2006 car was approx. 800 for 6 months... thats with clean record... now how much u think it would be now? if im going to do this legitimate i know im gonna have to pay an arm and 2 legs...crap.. any suggestions at all would be very helpful...
Two insurance on the same car?
My dad has insurance on Saga and his policy ends beginning of October. I (age 19) wanted to insure on the same car from June till October but saga wouldn't let me (since I'm not 50). Is it possible for him to take another insurance from June onwards for a year and add me as a second driver till October and the take me out - while keeping Saga/s insurance running at the same time??
Question about auto insurance.?
I'm not gonna get into specifics, but here's the situation: I need to know if there is some way I can add my 17 year old nephew to my auto insurance. He doesn't live with me, however we are in the same state (Colorado if that matters). Is there any way I can add him to my policy? Or does it have to be his parents?
Can you have two insurance policies on one car?
My Dad has a classis car, I would like to use this car for a weekend, but as i am only 19 I cannot have classic car insurance so I cant go on as a named driver. Is there anyway I can insure this car for a weekend?""
Cheap car to insure-young driver?
I'm 17 going on 18 and was looking at cheap cars to maintain and insure. I was really interested in the mini cooper s and new vauxhall corsa. Any opinions or suggestions? Thanks in advance
""Life insurance, how much is the cost?""
for 500,000$ insurance, for my family should something happen to me. i don't want my family to get in any trouble should i be gone. where can i get some estimates?""
How much on average is insurance for an audi a3 convertible?
How much on average is insurance for an audi a3 convertible?
""Which is worse: increased taxes, or a high insurance premium?""
http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/health/2009-09-15-insurance-costs_N.htm for some reason, I'd pay any tax to fund socialized medicine thrown my way rather than pay $13,375 a year for a family of four. and you'd be crazy not to yourself. and besides...the tax would never be 4,824, which is the average a single person pays per year.""
How expensive of a car can i get if im military?
I'm looking ahead into the future a bit but in about a year i will be an E3 in the USAF. I will be bringing home about 1700 a month before taxes, so about 1300-1400 after taxes. I only have about 100 a month of bills and obviously live for free(housing and food). I was wondering, how much of a new car can i finance through a dealership. I have about 1000-1100 after i set aside some money into the bank. So that leaves me about 1000 a month that i could set aside to car, and insurance. I know my insurance will be pretty high, but i was wondering if anyone has any first hand experience as to how much of a car i'd get approved for. BTW: I have good credit, i dont have anything big on my credit report, but ive had credit cards, and cell phone, and furniture and insurance payments for about 3 years, and never had any problems with payments. So my credit is good with what i have, but i dont really have anything big so i would need a codigner if i were to try and get a car today. But from what ive read dealers usually approve anyone in the military, and especially if they have decent-good credit. THANKS!!!""
""I have a company car, who should pay for the car insurance?
I have a year contract with this company and they are giving me a car for the duration of my employment. they told me i can use it for personal as well as work use. they told me i have to pay for my insurance though. is that fair?
What insurance plans are available in hawaii?
What insurance plans are available in Hawaii?
How to buy a written off car from the insurance company's?
I am looking to buy a car but i don't mind buying a written off car. Cos they cost less and you get more for your money, Does any one know how to buy it of them? How to get in touch with them, I would appreciate your help. Thank you""
Insurance for quad biking abroad?
I'm going on holiday in a couple if weeks and have already bought travel insurance that covers everything apart from the use if quad bikes. It's likely that me and my group will want to use them at some point, and I'm wondering if its possible to either buy insurance out there, or buy insurance online for quad bikes only. I don't want to buy a whole new insurance policy as this will cost another 20, and I am already covered for everything else. Thanks.""
What Cheap car insurance do you use?
What car insurance do you use?
How much would I pay for motorcycle insurance in Hawaii?
How much would it cost to insure a 500cc or less motorcycle in Hawaii for a full-time female college student with a 3.0 or better GPA who is 19 years of age and single and has one speeding ticket on her record? I would just like a ballpark range to work with so I can decide whether or not I want to buy a motorcycle for going to college and work while I'm here in Hawaii. I passed a motorcycle safety course and have my M1 license. I want to know if I could afford the insurance.
Car Rental USA Insurance?
I am getting really annoyed with trying to get a quote for car rental in USA. For basic rental I have been quoted $200. But then there are all the insurances: Loss Damage Waiver (LDW) Supplemental Liability Insurance (SLI) Personal Accident and Effects (PAE) What do I actually need to have as they are really expensive!!! Adding just the first two takes my rental up to $500. I am very confused. What legally do I have to have? Someone told me the US insurance is strange cos you can get sued for an accident and end up paying thousands of dollars out to the person you hit. Can I just get insurance through my own car insurance here in the UK rather than paying $300 dollars??
What is the average insurance costs for a food truck small business?
The truck would serve hamburgers and grilled sandwiches and would be operated by the owners (no employees). It would operate only part time during summer months (maybe 50k/yr revenue).
In CANADA - Why is car insurance cheaper for women?
I understand that women are less liability statistically, but to base car insurance rates on gender is a violation of the Charter of rights and Freedom - despite the fact all regulations, policies and laws are suppose to be constituted by it ... One of two things can be the case, either: 1) The Charter is a piece of paper as important as the toilet paper which I use to clean myself after excrement. 2) There is something which I am not understanding. Someone please offer a good explain and ill give ten points.""
Please Help...Will i be able to get any health insurance?
Im a 21 yr old female, who benefits from deferred action. im currently working two jobs and going to community college. money is TIGHT. i know being protected under deferred action will not provide me any health insurance help but can i still be able to get ANY help? im a type 1 diabetic as well and the cost of insulin and doctor visits skyrockets every single time. i live with my parents but i dont receive money from them. i guess long story short. can i get any type of health insurance? if i dont die from diabetes ill die from the cost of it hahaha. i live in Southern California if thats any help. thanks in advance :)""
How much would insurance cost me on a 2008 Mustang GT?
I'm 17, I've never had a ticket. If I were to get it under my mom's name with me as a driver, how much do you think it'd be?""
Are you required to first get an estimate from your insurance for car repairs?
I recently got into a car accident and I'm trying to get repairs done. Do I have to get an estimate of damages from my insurance company first or should I go ahead and get estimates from an auto shop? I've heard that if you get your car estimated by the insurance company first, they tend to overlook problems and try to write you a quick check and normally won't give you more money if more damages are found by the repair shops. But I don't know if I'm supposed to get my own estimates first? What should I do? Thanks!!""
""If my car was severely keyed, and i want insurance to pay for some of it, will my geico insurance rate go up?""
psycho ex bf keyed every single panel of my jeep, including F^&* you and cya boo and a couple of X s. fml. there's no way in hell i can pay for it on my own but it is so embarassing. if i try to get insurance to pay for it, will my rate go up?""
Insurance for 18 year old in cooper s with 1 year ncb?
Im 18 with one year no claims, looking to buy a Mini Cooper s, anybody recommend any insurance companies or had any quotes or advice would be good thanksss :)""
Car insurance for teens. Do I NEED to be listed on my parents policy?
My parents have triple A auto insurance and I have recently gotten my drivers license. I have tried to research the requirements for insurance by law on the California DMV website and the most concrete statement I found was some numbers that cover various damages and injuries (DMV website is not working properly so I cannot look it up). My parents insurance obviously covers the basic and more. However, my parents policy states that Any relative that has consent of the owner to use the insured vehicle is covered by this policy - These are not the exact words as I don't have the policy on me, but it is pretty damn close. In the definitions portion of the policy, it states a relative as anyone related by blood, and some other stuff. I am my parents son so I am obviously related by blood, thus their policy coverage extends on to me when they give me permission to use their vehicle. I did not find ANY California laws that required me to be on the policy. i only found information that said I only need that minimum coverage which my parents policy does provide. We did contact triple A about this and they did not give us a reasonable answer. All they said was that they WANT my parents to add me because THOSE ARE THE RULES. Seems like they just want more money in their pockets. Can someone give some advice? Thanks.""
Minor car accident without insurance?
I caused a scratch. But I don't have insurance by that time. What am I supposed to do? Go to beg the old lady stop claim insurance company but solve that privately? But she already reported to insurance company. Can she withdraw the claim so we can solve privately? Any other choice?
How much more would insurance cost if I bought a used 2005 VW beetle with a convertible top versus a hardtop?
Is it illegal to apply for car insurance at a different address?
My cousin has only just passed his driving test and is struggling to get insurance due to the area that he lives in. (I'm not sure whether he CAN'T get it or it's just really expensive) Anyway, he wants to know whether he can register it in his name but at my address as the area that I live in is a lot cheaper. I told him I'm sure this could be classed as fraud but he said it's not. Could anybody shed any light on this? Which one of us is right?""
When you buy a new car ... does it come with insurance?
someone told me that after you buy a new car .. the dealership gives you insurance for a month until you get your own. is that true or do I have to get insurance before I buy the car?
Question about auto insurance.?
I'm not gonna get into specifics, but here's the situation: I need to know if there is some way I can add my 17 year old nephew to my auto insurance. He doesn't live with me, however we are in the same state (Colorado if that matters). Is there any way I can add him to my policy? Or does it have to be his parents?
Looking for car insurance in Michigan?
im 19 years old and me and my girlfriend are looking for an apartment together and we need car insurance. i looked around and cheapest i could find is about $200 for plpd. where should i look? is there any chance i can get it around 100?
Cost to Insure Skyline.?
got a R34 GT-r. maybe thinking about downgrading to a GT-s R33 cuz i the insurance is a little ridiculous. $640 Thats full coverage and im only 19 :P turnng 20 soon. Which would be more to insure and what you think it would cost to insure the R33? I do have 1 speeding ticket and one wreckless driving back when i was 16.
Getting Health Insurance?
I recently moved to New York City and the health insurance is expensive here. I was living in Virginia with my family and they still live there. Can I apply for Virginia health insurance, even though I'm living in NYC?""
How long can i drive without a car insurance ?
lets say i bought a new car, can i for instance drive it for a week without having a car insurance ?""
How much on insurance do you think this car would be?
Hey everyone, A little background on me first. I'm 18 and a female. I work at Popeyes (maybe Kohl's soon) and I am looking at getting a 370Z Nissan. The car ( with the features I want done to it ) costs about $45,000. I'm just wondering how much insurance will cost and if I can just stick with Popeyes or have to get a second job. I wont be getting the car till another 3 months because I need to save u for a down payment but I didn't know how much insurance will cost. If you guys have any clue please let me know. Thank you so much(: -Tayson""
Online car insurance quote?
My husband and I are looking for ways to cut back spending. We wanted to look for better car insurance rates so we looked online and got a quote that was considerably less (about 700.00 less a year) with the same deductibles and options we already have. My question is ... has anyone done this and had good luck with it? And does this to good to be true rate increase after they real you in? And what is a good company to go with?
Would a 4 door suv be cheaper on insurance than a 2 door suv?
well called an insurance company the other day, the person on the phone said it doesnt matter how many doors there is on it, it depends on the make and model.I dont know if she just thought i was talking about a pick up truck or what but shes has me confused i appreciate the help.""
Will my insurance go up?
My brother got a ticket while driving my car, will that make my insurance go up?""
Can I own my car and insure it on my dad's insurance? Please help!!!?
My dad currently own my car. I'm older now, and have been borrowing his car for college and work. I am planning on switching the car into my name. He wants this also. But I believe it would be cheaper for me to stay on his insurance and pay him for my portion. I did this for the past 6 months but he still owned the car. Is this legal in California? My boyfriend does it with his mom, owns his car and goes through his mom's insurance, but my dad doesn't believe me that it's legal and fine. I need some proof to convince him that this is the best way to do it and that it's legal. Please, someone help me!!! Thanks!""
What's the best company to get individual health insurance? What organizations offer group health plan?
I am talking about health insurance that covers doctors, prescriptions, and hospital expenses.""
Car Insurance question - Do you own your home?
We just got married and the house is in my husbands name, even though I am on the deed papers as well. I am just applying for a car insurance and I'm not sure what to answer to that question... Any advice please?""
Which brand of car is cheap to buy and insure for a 19yr old who has just passed?
i live in UK, London. im guessing something small would be cheap like a vauxhall corsa, but are ther any other alternatives because everyone i know who passed has a corsa. i want to be unique...kinda. also what price would i be looking at? anything under 500?""
Motorcycle insurance?
what would be a reasonable monthly rate for motorcycle insurance? For an 18 year old male, with a 125cc honda CL125S two-seater. In Pittsburg, PA. Looking for low-end prices.""
""What would be cheaper, insurance wise (car title)?""
Have the car title in my own name and have my own insurance, or have the car title in one of my parents name and be under their policy as a driver to the car?""
If Im late 4 days on my car insurance payment will they terminate my policy?
There was an unexpected illness in the family and I am going to be about 4 days late paying my auto insurance bill. How will this affect me? will they cancel my policy? will they charge me an extra fee? any help is appreciated...
Where do i go to see a physician without any health insurance in California?
Hi , I'm 21 and I don't have any health insurance, I want to see a physician so I can get more information on estrogen pills because I want to have smoother skin and look more like a girl than a man but i still want to keep my man-hood . Can anyone help?""
Will my car insurance premium go up?
I just recently hit a deer and the only car damaged was mine. I am covered under my policy b/cause I had comprehensive. Here's my question: Will my insurance premuims go up if I use the dealership's auto body shop and not the insurance company's auto body shop? This is the first claim I have had with this company and I have been with them for over 7 years.
Best place (in australia) to get car insurance???
hey ive just finally bought a car now i want full comprehensive insurance weres the best place to go through? like aami,racq,nrma,real....etc thank you.""
Will 'fail to stop at red light' for 1st time affect my GEICO insurance rate ?
I just switched to GEICO last week and unfortunately got a 'fail to stop red light' citation from SoCal DMV... they required me to pay 480$ for the ticket and 535$ + course fee for traffic school if I need one. I really don't want to pay for the traffic school but afraid it will affect my insurance rate later. currently I am paying 760$ every 6 months for full coverage on 2 mid-size cars. Could anyone give me some idea for this? PS: I had 4 years driving experience and kept clear record with allstate before getting this ticket...
Car insurance denied claim because they cannot contact its insured.?
Hi. On April first, my neighbor hit my dad's car in our neighborhood. Our garages are facing each other, and my dad was going backwards to get out of our garage. He was already in the street and he was ready to go in his way. Suddenly, our neighbor back out from her garage very fast and hit the driver door of my car. She didn't stay in that position, she moved and my dad did the same. The white bumper of her van had no visible damages, but my door needs to be replaced. Also, there is white paint in car in the place she hit it. We asked for her insurance, but she didn't have it in that moment. We wrote the plate number and took some quick pictures. I called my insurance to report the accident. In the night, when she returned home, we asked for her insurance, but she refused. We called the police and she agreed to give us her insurance information. In fact, she wrote the information herself. I called her insurance(Geico) the next day, and she had already made a claim, and she only said she didn't hit my car; she didn't give more details. My dad gave his version of the accident with a lot of details, but she didn't do it. Her Insurance tried to contact her, but there is no answer from her. I see her everyday, so I am sure is not responding on purpose. Now, her insurance called me and told me that because she is not responding, there is no way to confirm she was involved in the accident. therefore, they denied liability. I was shocked because they took that decision only because they cannot contact her. They didn't came to take pictures of the place or the cars. So, I tell them I was going to send the pictures I took. I did send the pictures but now, the adjuster is not in his office, and he will be back next week on Thursday. Right now, I don't know what to do, I could pay for the reparation of my car, but I don't believe that's fair. Please, if someone can guide me with this case. What can I do?""
""Does anyone know the best car insurance companies for young people, in the UK?""
When I state best I mean cheapest for a young person. I'm twenty-one in a few months and looking to drive soon but insurance is steep, I found some good companies but just curious to know if there's a specific good one. Any suggestions?""
Why did so many Liberals run away from the ACA as soon as they found out that they'd have to pay for their own Affordable Health Insurance ?
Why are so many Liberals running away from the ACA they declared that they needed so desperately as soon as they found out that they'd have to pay for their own Affordable Health Insurance ? I don't get it ?......Liberals asked for Affordable Health Insurance not Free Health Insurance so why are they running way from Affordable Health Insurance now like it is the plague and even opting to pay a fine rather than buy Affordable Health Insurance for themselves /
Repayment of my health insurance premiums?
I received a letter in the mail a week ago, and can't locate it now. It was explaining as to how there is a government program in place to reinburse for health insurance premiums paid if someone in your household gets NC Medicaid? Anyone know about this as for the life of me I can't put my hands on the letter. Any insight would be helpful. Thanks.""
Should I Get Title Insurance?
I have an opportunity to buy a lot near a lake in Missouri from a lake association for $300. There has been no other owner of the property in the past 30 years or so (since before the lake itself was created and the association was established). As great of a deal as this price sounds, I have the option to pay another $125 for title insurance. Would it be worth it to pay for that insurance considering the amount I am paying for the lot itself? Also, I am not planning to build on the lot any time soon, I just want it to allow for access to the lake and the priveledges of the lake association.""
Can insurance brokers be trusted?
I am getting my first car insured and am thinking about going through an insurance broker because of the cheap price....
Question about auto insurance.?
I'm not gonna get into specifics, but here's the situation: I need to know if there is some way I can add my 17 year old nephew to my auto insurance. He doesn't live with me, however we are in the same state (Colorado if that matters). Is there any way I can add him to my policy? Or does it have to be his parents?
Is there a significant difference in auto insurance rates when males turn 25 years old?
I had a friend who worked in auto insurance for a few months, he said that it is all a myth, which is hard to believe. I live in California, and I wanted to get a nicer car when I'm older but insuance is going to be a killer.""
How much will it cost to replace my alloy wheels wih normal wheels/tyres?
My fiat punto has non-standard alloy wheels and they're making my car insurance too high. How much will it cost to replace them with normal wheels/tyres?
How much cash will be taken due to the Affordable Health Care Act?
I ask how much cash will the IRS deduct from my refund due to me not having any health insurance? OK I know its bad that I have no health care but I just found a full time job a month ago that provides health care that I can afford and use. I did not have any health insurance for the 2012 year and just learned that the IRS will take cash from you refund due to the poor, i.e, me, not having insurance. So can somebody tell me (who is actuality intelligent and knows taxes) how much cash I will loose for this B.S. Law? P.S. Please don't comment just to tell me I'm a lazy jerk who just won't spend the money to get health insurance. I work very hard and work two part time jobs just to have food and shelter. I understand that insurance is high due to people getting hurt and can't afford the bill so it gets written off. When I get hurt or sick I stay at home and heal myself, I don't abuse the system! I just can't afford the monthly payment for health care with my other bills!""
What would be the insurance on these cars?
What would be the insurance costs for a 16 year old girl for a Nissan Altima 2013 2.5 SV, a 2013 mustang v6 and 2013 honda crv EX? Or what are good websites to price it at?""
Big car cheap insurance?
Can anyone suggest some large sized cars that are not high insurance. I'm very tall and need something comfortable but without a massive engine. I need comfort not speed. Plus I much prefer to drive bigger cars. I've looked at Audi's, BMW, Land rover, the usual suspects etc but all seem very high insurance. Even smaller engine BMW's and Audi's are high on insurance. Thanks!""
Car insurance I'm paying alone?
I have to buy my own car unlike very other lucky kid that's 18. So after I buy a used car off of craigslist, what do I do? Where do I get car insurance and what's affordable for new drivers ?""
Health insurance question?
As of right now I am on Medicaid Family planning Insurance, but my husband's employer is going to give us health insurance pretty soon but we don't have it yet. Here is my question will I still be eligible for family planning medicaid when we do get health insurance? Next does health insurance cover tubal ligation if I am not covered by medicaid? If not how can I get my tubes tied?""
How much does street bike insurance compare to a sport cars?
Right now I have an 06 wrx sti, insurance is crazy with me being 19 and not having the greatest record. i've been wanting to get a bike(starting with a ninja 250 probably, no ...show more""
""What are some large health insurance companies, I am 23 and need to buy health insurance for the 1st time?""
Are there any good affordable plans, any recommendations will help, thank you""
""Not at fault in car accident, but insurance says I am?""
I was involved in an accident in 2011. I was going straight past an intersection and another truck going the opposite direction turned at the intersection, striking me. He admitted he did not see me and was clearly at fault. I filled out the police report and it states, by both parties, that he was at fault. A year later I bought a new car. I tried to get insurance. Everywhere I go my quotes are sky high, like almost $200 a month. I asked them why so much, and they advised I was listed at fault in the accident. I called the DMV, the insurance adjuster, and the police, and they all say I am not at fault. Well, the DMV says they see an accident but it does not show who was at fault. The insurance companies keep saying they are getting this info from the DMV but thats not possible. I was told by one small insurance company that this is a tactic used by companies. They see me as not at fault but try to manipulate me to get more money. What do I do to clear my name? I have the official police report, as well as all my medical bills from the accident. Again, the DMV cannot see any at fault, therefore cannot do or change anything.""
Can someone explain how car insurance works?
Specifically, how do you pay for auto insurance? Do you make monthly payments or do you pay it at one time?""
What would the price of insurance be for a 16 year old male after going through drivers ed and taking the...?
behind the wheel license test through the school? I am getting my license in a couple of days and wondering how much it would cost just in case i have to pay for it. We have a 2004 trailblazer, a 1999 grand prix, and a 2000 ford ranger. I get good grades and im not sure what else you need to know. Im in az. Im wondering because i cant put my info on the internet for a quote so i just want a ballpark monthly price.""
Teenager Car insurance?
Approximately, how much will it cost to insure a car? I'm 18, just got my license and the car that I'm going to buy is 2008 Mini Cooper S, I live in Los Angeles, CA and GPA ...show more""
Car insurance and court hearing?
i drove my car without insurance and got by police got 6 points as i m on provisional then again after 2 months i got a car just to move in local place like for shopping and instead of geting a cab i thought i can use it but the moment i bought it i was driving back home police stopped me coz 1 break light was not working and got again points but the point is dvla didnt sent me a disqualification notice and after 3 months i was driving my friends car as it was just a scrap and had no fuel i was in petrol pump abt 12 at night police guys caught be because my friend was making some funny sounds there so got hearing and 1 yr ban...can some one tell me how much fine will i get and will they sentence me for jail...any help will be appriciated
Can I have two health insurances?
I am pregnant, and my work covers me but i already have insurance. But only for myself my not baby so I was curious how it all works? I will be getting kicked off my current insurance soon so would my work insurance just take the place of it when that happens? thanks for any help :)""
Will insurance premiums rise?
Will insurance premiums rise if you get caught breaking the law and loose demerits while the insurance is expired?
Can my wife and I have a joint car insurance when we are in two states?
Hi, I am at MI and my wife is at DC (I think DC will have a high insurance rate. I'll move to DC after a year). We have two cars. Could we have a joint car insurance if one car is registered at MD and one car is registered at MI? Thanks for your attention
How to find affordable Health Insurance options?
i live in san francisco, CA and am about to turn 30 (female). i haven't had insurance since leaving a job with a good plan about 5 years ago and i'm (haha, pun intended) *sick* of it! webMD and i can only do so much, and i'm beginning to think the doctor at the clinic i've been going to doesn't know what she's doing. money is tight (surprise surprise) but i do need to get real about covering myself. anyone else been in a similar boat and found a good solution? OR know of any sources where i can begin leg-work of my own? thanks so much!""
Need help finding car insurance?
I need my own insurance policy in order to get off of my mom's, but I need one that is cheap and affordable. Any ideas?""
Most affordable health insurance illinois?
Hello, Im a pretty broke college student who cant afford the plan offered by my school here in Illinois. Anyone have any suggestions for cheap health insurance, that would cover some doctor visits and prescription pills, well at least most of the cost. thanks in advance""
What does average insurance premium mean?
What does average insurance premium mean?
I need help on choosing Health insurance..... Anyone?
Okay, I've been looking online for hours now and i can't find any health insurance that covers Medical, Vision, and Dental.. I recently chipped my tooth and i need it fixed pronto... its very Painful..""
How much does car insurance cost if you're under 21 in North Carolina?
Hi. I'm 20, female, turning 21 late next month and my mom is planning to ship her 1998 mercedes benz sedan to me (in NC) from california early next month. I went to a driving school when I was 17 and I have been driving ever since. I also do have a clean record. If I would want to have a full coverage, how much do you think will it be per month? And also, since I am turning 21 in a couple of weeks after the car itself arrives here, do you think it will cost me less? Thanks.""
Cancelling car insurance?
I am a New York state resident, In order to cancel my car insurance, must I first surrender my license plates to the DMV ??""
Do I need to buy auto insurance for my used car dealership?
We are just starting out and wonder if our personal car insurance would cover test drives, or our driving the vehicles. It is a sole proprietorship.""
Question about auto insurance.?
I'm not gonna get into specifics, but here's the situation: I need to know if there is some way I can add my 17 year old nephew to my auto insurance. He doesn't live with me, however we are in the same state (Colorado if that matters). Is there any way I can add him to my policy? Or does it have to be his parents?
0 notes
intermindblog · 7 years ago
Top Reasons Why 67% Of Sales People Fail To Reach Their Goal
In sales, there is a multitude of reasons you can fail. The timing is terrible, the status quo won, or maybe you were outsold by the competition. What can you do with so many variables at play? You can work on things you can control that contribute to the success or failure of any sale.
I have enjoyed personal success in the sales in both B2B and B2C industries and have coached and trained sales teams from every sector. The failure to advance the ball is the most common reason salespeople fail. The following are the top reasons why 67% of sales people fail to reach their goal.
1 – Inaccurate Databases
The hidden cost of bad data may be even greater than 12% lost revenue. 28% of those who have had problems delivering email say that customer service has suffered as a result, while 21% experienced reputational damage. And finally 40% of business objectives fail due to inaccurate data
The question here is not just one of increasing conversion at source, but one of protecting a company from the risk that comes from sending communications with incorrect contact information. In the US, this risk is high as ISPs increasingly crack down on email senders.
All of this forms the background to a key trend in marketing. Customer data (and in turn, CRM systems, marketing automation, customer experience management and analytics packages) remains a priority for improvement
Let’s look at some stats created by ZoomInfo on the negative impact of data decay
62% of organizations rely on marketing and prospect data that’s up to 40% inaccurate
Up to 25% of B2B database contacts contain critical errors
1-10-100 rule: It costs $1 to verify a record as it’s entered, $10 to scrub and cleanse it later, and $100 if nothing is done
I believe the numbers are scary enough for every sales manager to run back to office and check the accuracy of his or her databases.
2 – Dry Pipeline-
Many salespeople or telemarketers instead of searching new prospects, they continue calling the old ones hoping something will convert.
Here is a list of to do’s to overcome a dry pipeline:
Source leads, ensuring you do it appropriately and compliantly.  Match the leads to your ‘ideal customer profile’ as much as possible.
Qualify leads using criteria which will help you categorise prospects into segments.  For example, you may have some more urgent than others or want to select different contact methods for each segments.
Design the activity and milestones for your sales pipeline.  For example, will you use the phone or email, or do you want to meet face to face?  What does success look like at each milestone?
Begin your sales activity – think about which sales approach you use and why.  When we say sales approach, we mean are you transactional or consultative, is the focus more on inbound or outbound, have your team been trained a consistent way to approach sales?
Record your activity and outcomes so that you can spot trends and understand conversion rates.  We’d advise you use a CRM for this, but you can always start with a spreadsheet until it becomes too big to manage.
3 – Not dialing enough
Very common problem in sales people that they don’t make enough dials. Successful sales have calling hours where all they do is “Only Call” with a “Do not Disturb Sign”
With a good time and calendar management, you make sure you leave yourself enough time to sit and make ‘rockstar’ calls.
In our experience, a diligent inside sales person making their first pass through a new list will be able to easily achieve 8-10 calls per hour.
The cold calls per hour will increase as the list becomes warmer and more refined over the next few calls. This will allow a good inside sales person to average 10-12 calls per hour while effectively maintaining and updating information in the CRM.
4 – Dont update CRM
The key to good followups is keeping good notes on your CRM software.
Customer Relationship Management software is widely hailed as “the” vehicle to improve customer relationships and carry your company to a profitable bottom-line. Even so, sometimes CRM feels a bit like a clunker. How do you know if it’s time to trade-in your CRM or just give it a tune-up?
You might need a CRM upgrade if:
Your customers need to run through their history with you each time they call.
You tout a “new customer sale” only to later discover that it’s actually from an existing customer.
You need more than a few seconds to find an existing customer’s order or purchase history.
Every time a customer calls, you need a carrier pigeon to access supporting systems and information.
You find out you’ve lost a customer from a competitor’s press release touting their new customer win.
“Integration with legacy systems” means you share a workstation with the oldest person in the company.
Someone calls to place an order, and you only find out they have a quote when they tell you.
You ship an order to a customer’s competitor.
Instead of Christmas cards from you customers, you receive sympathy cards.
You don’t even know who your customers are.
5 – Lack of networking
The formula is simple. Go out and meet new people
Staying indoors and locking yourself at an office is keeping your eyes away from sales opportunities, and most of all far from potential marketing to boost your sales performance.
Always look for events, conferences, seminars, training,… around you. Such environments are great to jump into conversations, introduce yourself to people, you can never know, maybe someone out there is searching for something you can offer.
6 – Attending industry events
The question is, why attending tradeshows and networking events is that important?
Once you have the target audience in place, you can easily identify their areas of interest and the kind of conferences and trade shows they are likely to attend. Attending industry conferences, seminars, events or trade shows are a great place to connect with potential prospe
cts. You get the opportunity to meet people face to face and talk to them about their requirements and how your product or service can help them. Attending such events will also keep you updated on the latest industry trends and ensure that you stay ahead of the curve and also give you the opportunity to build connections with industry experts which you can leverage during networking. You also get the fantastic opportunity to identify if your product or service needs to add any feature to become more market ready.
7 – Slacking during good times
Do you know what makes some salespeople one of the most successful? They’re not slackers.
Elon Musk runs two companies, Tesla and SpaceX. Those are two full-time jobs. The guy barely has time to sleep. I hear he gets six hours a day on average. Now you know why he is successful. Winners gonna win and slackers gonna slack off.
As a salesperson you need a meaning and a momentum to keep yourself motivated, active and constantly striving toward excellence instead of slacking off. You can never tell what opportunity you would miss while napping.
Motivation and having a goals is the ultimate mix for crushing slacking off. And for that here are some notes on how to motivate a salesperson.
Make the salesperson a mentor
The right tools
8 – Hiring a sales trainer
On a daily basis calls need to be listened and  skills need to be enhanced.
Hiring a sales trainer too early is one of the common mistakes. In the early stages, you want founders to ideally drive the sales process. Hire your first sales people only after you have a sense of who your ideal customer profile is, what is the right messaging and value proposition, what are the typical stages that a prospect passes through in your funnel, key objections and how to overcome them etc.
Another common mistake, is hiring a sales trainer before even setting a sales process. Many tech companies think that selling is easy and hiring sales people is enough to start selling. This is not true, you have to setup your sales process before actually get into hiring mode and it’s take a lot of work.
9 – Consistency in follow ups
I get it nobody wants to be “that” person who does not stop calling. Whilst I would never phone anyone every day and fall into the harassment zone, we can follow up in a respectful way.
It takes up to between 8 and 12 follow up calls to close a deal perfectly. While most sales reps just stop at the 3rd call and complain about the low number of closed deal or even why the company losing revenue.
People tend to lead busy lives and if the email you send or voicemail you leave arrives with them at an inconvenient time, they may forget to respond or, be full of intention to, but then something else happens that takes priority.  Past research has shown that it can take up to seven touchpoints with a prospective client before they take action and with the huge rise in social media, this figure can now be significantly higher.
After someone has requested some information on your business and you have sent it out, a simple seven-point contact plan could be as below.  Once a prospect buys from you, they would move out of the remaining sequence and be added to your client mailing list so that ongoing contact is still maintained.  The types of contact you have will be determined by the information you have available so at the point of initial enquiry, get as much information as you can. Ask for an email as the bare minimum but if you can, take a phone number and mailing address.
Attempt contact via email or phone call to see if info received and if any questions. If no response, leave a message or send acknowledgment email (within 24 hours)
Follow up call to prospect and if not there, leave a message (+24 hours from step 1)
Send follow up email (+ 1 week from step 2)
Send a written letter (+ 1 week from step 3)
Final phone call (+ 1 month from step 4)
Final email (+ 1 week from step 5)
Final letter – confirm no further contact will be made but will add to mailing list (+ 1 month from step 6)
Once prospects have moved off the main seven steps and on to your mailing list, this database of contacts can be used for sending out your newsletter, free advice, and tips and for future marketing purposes including competitions/surveys etc.
10 – Selling when its raw
Excitement is a natural human feeling, we tend to enjoy it when it comes. However, for sales world it is not the best thing when it is being handled wrongly.
Many sales reps get excited when they first get in touch with a prospect and they put the sales talk on the table at the very first moments. Neglecting the importance of building trust and understanding with the prospect.
Plus with the world of social media today, it is highly advised the let your target audience consume your free content before letting them know that you’re selling something.
If a prospect consumed your content, it will be easier for you to let them consume your products and services. For the reason that they interacted with you before out of a sales frame, and they acquired a free added value out of your content. At that time you can bring the sales talk, and you will see yourself the efficiency of patience.
It is easy and simple for the mind, let them consumer your free content, build trust and understanding, unleash the sales beast and seal the deal. B2B Lead Generation Company
0 notes
just wondering. my mom has a trailblazer and my dad has a lumina. they already have full coverage. my question is do they have to add my the insurance or since i have my drivers lisence i can start driving. my mom said that im already insured because it already has full coverage is that true or does she have to add me or what???
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://salecarinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Car insurance cover query?
I have had an ongoing problem with a succession of worn ignition keys that are a pain when trying to start or open the bonnet on my Ford Focus.Will standard fully comp car insurance cover the cost of a replacement key/barrel if i take it to the dealer?
How can I get access to affordable US Health care as an American who lives in France?
It has been almost 2 years and I really feel like there is something not right with my health but the doctors in France aren't listening. I have swollen lymph nodes for over a year now. Some disappear, then reappear in different locations. And I am very fatigued and have itching behind my knees at night that wakes me up. Yet there is not a rash nor insect bite. It seems like the doctors in France rely strictly on complete blood counts for everything and if your blood tests are normal, then there is nothing wrong with you. I wonder if it would be the same in the US system, considering France was the winner of the WHO's Best Medical System in the World award. Shoudl I purchase an insurance plan on the web and seek treatment in the US?""
What insurance company should i go with if I'am going to start driving at 17 with a sports car?
Hi, i'am receiving my license on August 31st and i turn 18 on September 23rd, ill be getting a 03-04 Nissan 350z coupe, i have no idea what company to go with or what price range to expect, my mom called GEICO, her current company and they said putting me on there with a Sports car such as the 350z would raise our payment about 5,000$ a YEAR! i dont know if this is true...or if my mom was lying to make me not get a sports car.. (she has tried to talk me out of it alot latley) What insurance provider has best rates for starting male drivers?""
What auto insurance companies DON'T use a credit score when deciding rates?
I'm against the practice of using credit scores (i.e. insurance scores) to decide auto insurance rates. Does anyone know of a company in the U.S. that doesn't use the practice?
What questions can I expect if I want to get a car insurance?
Also how can I lower my insurance rate. Currently I have IP only (not the actual driver's license) but have recently purchased the car. I live in OH.
How much will insurance pay for month old tires and brakes?
I was in an accident after which the insurance deemed my car to be totaled. I had replaced all four tires and rear brakes on the car less than a month back. The claim adjustor says that they will include 50% value of the tires and brakes in the claim payment. Is this normal practice? I do not expect to be reimbursed the exact dollar amount for the parts but 50% seemed like a random value. I was expecting that they will pro-rate it using some formula.
How much is car insurance?
we are moving to newmarket, ontario. we are wanting to get rough ideas about the cost of car insurance. i hear it is quite expensive but was wondering if someone could illustrate in some way or give an example of how it is worked out. also could someone reccommend a trustful dealer?""
""My car was towed, I still owe payments, No insurance...Now what?
Okay...so first things first.... My car was towed without insurance. I do still make monthly payments. I was in a wreck 2days ago :/ and my car finally died today (Radiator gave out) ...show more
How to get cheaper car insurance for a new young driver?
I passed my test the other day but ive been looking for hours trying to find some cheap car insurance on a 1.2 ford ka but all the quotes im getting are minimum 3-4 thousand pound and some are even quoting up to 8 thousand ! Im 17 and male does anyone know where to get relatively cheap insurance something between 1000-2000 pound? or any methods that are used to get cheaper car insurance?
Bankruptcy and life insurance?
I have plain old life insurance with my husband as beneficiary. Do I have to cancel life insurance if I file bankruptcy? I want to have this for security for my husband and five children should anything ever happen to me. It has no cash value.
Health Care/Insurance...Right or Responsibility?
I see many on both sides have their own opinion on this issue. Many on the right claim it's a 'responsibility' while several on the left think it should be a 'right'. Why do you ...show more
What is the best insurance company?
Looking for home and auto insurance.
Whats the cheapest car insurance?
Whats the cheapest car insurance?
Cheap V8 cars to insure?
i need a V8 powered car, must have at least 200 horsepower for college. the speed limit is 30 mph and everyone goes 50-60 mph and there are no cops ever catching speeders and people ...show more""
Question about my insurance?
I had an accident two weeks ago I wonder if my insurance pay for my medical costs. (suppose I am at fault) and I have full coverage insurance which includes: Bodily injury 25/50 (is it for the other person involved who is not at fault or can it be used for me too?) uninsured motorist 25/50 comprehensive collision
Which insurance company is best for two wheeler insurance?
Which insurance company is best for two wheeler insurance?
Could I set up my own car insurance company to insure myself?
In Canada, it is the law to have car insurance. Is it possible I could set up my own car insurance company to insure myself. I am aware that I would have to cover the damages of other cars involved in an accident, but am not sure if I would have to cover if an accident is fatal. Also, considering that I may have to cover damages in case of a fatality and other cars involved in an accident, would be more economical to just go with paying an insurance company?""
Insurance cost for the following car: 2007 Pontiac G6 GT?
I am a teenager and I am buying a car and would like to know an estimate on how much this insurance costs before I call them up. Car: 2007 Pontiac G6 GT, Convertible, 3.5 L, 6 Cylinders. Title: Va - Salvage I originally wanted to buy a 2006 mitsubishi eclipse, 2.4, 4 Cylinder. I know the eclipse is a better choice, But auctions for the eclipse will end for quite a while on the website we are purchasing the car. And I need a car now, because it will take us a while to fix up the vehicle (Buying proken, and repairing)""
How to get cheaper car insurance for 2nd year? haggle 17 18 year old driver car insurance renewal price No NCB?
ok so i am 18 now, me and my brother have shared a policy insured for 10 months with Admiral as a named driver and it cost us 1450. My brother is the main driver and uses the car 95% of the time, i only use it now and then. The 10 months have passed and they have sent him a renewal price of 1200, is there anyway i can help him get it cheaper than this? could he haggle with admiral or go to another company and show them that the renewal price is 1200? also, my car is a 1.0L 2002 seat arosa, would we be able to swap it for a 1998 1.4L seat arosa (they are like 600 less) or would the insurance go up? please help! thanks guys""
Which medical insurance is best for the self-employed?
medical insurance and Rx co pay
""16 year old male, first car and insurance?""
Alright, I turned 16 a few months ago and got my license the day after my birthday. The majority of cars that we have looked at are around $1500 a year for just liability. However, 3 cars that we have not checked with insurance have really caught my eye. The first being a mazda3 anywhere from an 04 to an 08, the second being a mazda6 with the same age, lastly a 04 mazda rx-8. I would be added to my parents progressive insurance and was curious how much the insurance would be on each of these cars? My family and I are planning on checking with an agent tomorrow but I wouldn't mind an educated guess. :) If it matters I have not had any accidents and my GPA is around a 3.25. Thanks for your help""
Can a employer make you get health insurance?
My boss told me that if i do not prove that i have my own health insurance, i have to get the health insurance the job offers, i would like to know if it is legal for them to do that? force me to get health insurance? now i know that with President Obamas Health law, in 2014 all people over 26 who do not have insurance will be subject to tax. but it is not 2014... its 2012 and i do not want any of my money being taken out of my check for something i do not want at this time.""
What would my insurance be for a kia forte?
him im 16 im a male i want a kia forte lx all black, it would be my first car what would my insurance be""
What is the average cost of car insurance for an 18 year old?
I live on my own, I'm a full time college student, I have a part time job, I am female,and I make good grades. I want the cheapest insurance legally possible.""
Should parents buy life insurance policies for their young children?
What do you think? Give good reasoning for your argument...THANKS!!!
just wondering. my mom has a trailblazer and my dad has a lumina. they already have full coverage. my question is do they have to add my the insurance or since i have my drivers lisence i can start driving. my mom said that im already insured because it already has full coverage is that true or does she have to add me or what???
What is a cheap car insurance for me...i am 16 years old?
need the cheapest one
My car insurance increased $ 500 because my sister doesn't have a car.. Is this legal?
I have been a driver for over 5 years and I have no points in my license. I was paying $1800 a year full coverage and yesterday I received a letter saying that my insurance will be $2300 a year. when I called them they said the reason why was because my sister have a driver license and she doesn't have a car in her own . excuseee me? What do I have to do with it? I told her she is not using my car I own the car and I am paying for it why do I have to pay for my sister ? She had her own car and insurance but she cancelled it because she sold her car . They automatically put her in my insurance as a driver. I told them she doesn't use my car and I can't afford paying all that money specially when I am an experience driver and no license.., does it even make sense? 500 dollars in one shot!! What? Is this even legal and right? What should I do?""
Can I drive my brother's car under his insurance?
He's lending me his car and I was wondering whether it's legal for me to drive it under his insurance. He's fully insured and has a full licence, and I too have a full licence and insurance on my car that's being fixed at the moment. Does he have to add me to the insurance for the 5 days I'm borrowing or can I drive it under his insurance? What are the legalities here?""
Insurance for modified first car?
I've bought my first car, it is lowered but has no performance enhancing mods..I'm on a learner permit with no previous insurance. Will I be able to ge insured??? Im half afraid to tell them when looking for a quote in case they all blank refuse me. I would rather tell them though. I wouldnt mind paying a bit extra as long as its not a huge amount. Does anyone have experience with this? Did you just get refused, or did it just go up...and if it did, by how much did it go up? Thanks.""
Which group of car insurance is cheaper?group 1 or group 2?
Which group of car insurance is cheaper?group 1 or group 2?
How much car insurance does a 18years old guy has to pay per month in UK??
I am 18years old i wanna buy a car..lets suppose if i buy a cars that worths about 5000pound how much insurance will i have to pay per month?
Do you have to have car insurance?
like the car has liabilty, but i will soon get my liscense and i am wondering if it is required by law for me personally to have insurance.""
Car insurance in minnesota?
(my parents car has insurance but my names not on the card does it need to be for me to drive it)
Motorcycle insurance?
I am looking to get a motorcycle in the future and I know it takes time and money, but most people do not ride in the winter (NJ), so my question is, can I cancel my motorcycle insurance during winter months, so I am not paying all year round? Also, are there any reprocussions to doing this? Thanks.""
Do you need auto insurance when your car is under Planned NON Operation ?
I have a old car that i am not going to use for the next 4 months till my wife comes back (she's out of country now). My Question is if i file for a planned non operation of the car with DMV, can i take this car out of my insurance. Currently i just have the liability on this old car. Is insurance mandatory even if your car is not driven / in public roads?. Please help.""
Car insurance cheaper with 2 drivers?
Ok guys, learning to drive hopefully pass my test within a couple of months, what I'm wondering is, I'll go onto my fathers insurance for a couple of years as 2nd driver, no I will not be the main driver before any of you come on to say that's illegal it's called fronting I know I know. He uses it 5 days a week for work anyway ill probably only be using it during the weekends, I'm only really going on his so I can get a couple of years on my license and when it comes to it my insurance won't be a fortune, I'm 25 just now, worked out if I want to have my own insurance it with a small 1L engine it would cost me 1547 a year, not gonna happen, so I'm going to go onto my fathers insurance as 2nd driver to his car. A 1.8L vauxhall vectra. Ok now to the question lol, my fathers insurance just now is 26 a month, with me going on to his insurance it will work out at 18 each a month, is this normal? Insurance to go down when you add a 2nd named driver who would only have passed his test?? This is fully comprehensive cover. But if I wanted to driver my own car a small 1L engine it would be roughly 129 a month. Seems like it doesn't add up. Go figure lol Got the quotes from go compare and confused.com. Just seems like it doesn't add up, have insurance for 26 a month with 1 driver or have it for 18 each with 2 drivers, one who has little experience and has only just passed his test driving a 1.8L engine""
Do your insurance rates go up when you file for bankruptcy?
Do your insurance rates go up when you file for bankruptcy?
Where can i get good health insurance?
ok im 18 and a college student i found out a few months ago im no longer covered by my former heath plan since i turned 18... i need a heath insurance that wont cost alot? any ideas?
Great sports cars that don't have bad insurance?
Okay so I'm 16 and need a sports car. My budget is 40K and if been looking at used ones. I was thinking about a porshe but it seems there insurance and maintenance is outrages. I have also been looking at Mercedes Benz. They seem to be a bit better but not sure. anyone have a porshe or a Meredes??? I also live in Canada. Or any other ideas for a sports car.??.? :)
Auto insurance company needs more information about you?
Would you be suspicious if you get a letter in the mail from what appears to be from your auto insurance company asking for your daytime phone #, drivers license #, social security #, and date of birth under any circumstance?""
Health insurance questions?
I found out that my employer was taking over $800.00 a month for health insurance. When I found out I ask to cancel insurance and get my own. I call the insurance company cancelled it on March 11, 2010 they confirmed it was cancelled. My employer is still taking the payment out of my check. Since my pay period ended for 31 they took another full month of insurance. I have not used this insurance and I can't use it because they cancelled on March 11, 2010. My employer claims it was effective cancelled for April 1, 2010. Can they do that?""
""How Can i keep my car, without paying insurance?""
I have a car that i DONT want to sell, but i will not be using very often, can i keep it WITHOUT paying insurance, because obviously it would be a waste of money to be paying insurance on a car that i do not drive.""
No insurance ticket do i have to be under the insurance of the car i was driving in?
ok so i got a no insurance ticket but im not covered in the car i drove in. i drove my parents car and so i couldnt find the insurance card when i got pulled over. i rarely come home i live about 400 miles away. the car has insurance and i am just waiting for my letter to come. so in Californa do i have to be under my parents insurance to get my ticket cleared?
Who provides motorcycle insurance for 17 year old?
I need to know who will provide insurance for a 17 year old male in Alabama. The bike I want is street legal; it is a Roketa 2009 200cc.
Will I lose my life insurance with AIG?
I have a life insurance policy with AIG. With the recent news about the AIG financial troubles, what happens if this company folds or goes bankrupt? Will I lose my life insurance policy with them?""
Anyone know cheap car insurance?
I don't expect someone to know the exact cheapest for my situation because I know it varies but in your opinion & experience what insurance provider do you think would be cheapest? Thank you =D
Should i tell my car insurance?
i got 3 bans but now legal and got a new job as a delivery driver should i tell my insurance company and would it make my insurance cheaper
Is ehealth insurance good?
i just bought insurance there. then checked out scams im freaking out a little but my mom says in no big deal. its just other broker trying to compete. I called ehealth and asked if i was to buy from the medical place myself would it cost me less? They said no, they charge no brokers fee. so Im a little confused. Help anyone? thank you!""
Does it cost anything to switch the car thats on insurance?
I have a car onmy insurance and i just got a new car does it cost anything to switch the actual car thats on the insurance? like just to take the one off thats on now and put the new one on but keep everything else the same?
Insurance for mercedes glk350?
I was wondering how much it would cost to insure a 2011 mercedes glk 350. I am looking to buy a new car
just wondering. my mom has a trailblazer and my dad has a lumina. they already have full coverage. my question is do they have to add my the insurance or since i have my drivers lisence i can start driving. my mom said that im already insured because it already has full coverage is that true or does she have to add me or what???
Car insurance cover query?
I have had an ongoing problem with a succession of worn ignition keys that are a pain when trying to start or open the bonnet on my Ford Focus.Will standard fully comp car insurance cover the cost of a replacement key/barrel if i take it to the dealer?
Can an insurance company buy off and tow my car?
some construction company hit my car. the estimate repair is 2400.00 my car in kellybluebook is 1600.00, they said they could either write me a check of 1000.00 or their insurance if going to tow my car and give me what they think is worth. can an insure really do that? can't they just repair my car and give me a rental until i get it repaired? what should i do the accident happened 6/26/13""
Where can i get individual health insurance for me and my daughter that also covers pregnancy in connecticut?
I need to get health insurance for me and my 1 year old daughter. I am planning on becoming, or possibly already am pregnant but need insurance for us. Any help? This is in CT, so it is a state that does not require individual policies to cover pregnancy.""
Affordable Health insurance for nannys...anyone know of any?
My wife recently switched jobs from a day care where she had health insurance to being a personal nanny for a family with 3 children. We were going to switch her to my health insurance, as my work only has me pay 15% of the cost. I thought this would be the same if I added my wife but we would have to pay full price for her costs (and while the insurance here is great, it is a Cadillac insurance, and is VERY expensive). My question is does anyone know of affordable insurance options for nannys?""
Can a car insurance co. refuse to remove a driver who has moved out of the house and no longer drives?
Mom, dad, daughter, and son lived together and were on the same car insurance policy. A few months ago, son had a minor accident with no one else involved - he was not hurt, only some damage to the car. Filed a claim and took care of it. A few months later, son moves out of the house, to a major city where he will use only public transportation. Can the insurance company refuse to remove son from the policy, even though he no longer lives in the house, no longer drives, and does not own a car? Insurance company is refusing to remove him, and says he must stay on the policy for 3 years? Is this legal, or is this lunacy?""
Cost of malpractice insurance for neurosurgeon?
I'm planning on specializing in neurosurgery however I persistently receive word of the exorbitant malpractice insurance rates majorly eating into the salary. Do any of you have a clue of the average rate neurosurgeons are charged? I don't want a specific quote, just the average.""
CAR insurance...i dont have a 3.0?
on estimate how much wil the cost of insurance be more? i will have a 90' 4runner if that helps
Whats the rule for taxing life insurance in California in 2011?
I think before it was anything after half a million is taxable and no tax in 2010...but would it be now?
Is no fault insurance the cheapest coverage possible.?
I don't get it my dads insurance agent told him no fault is the least amount of money paid to the insurerer that why he got me no fault but when I look it up on the Internet they say it's expensive. Can someone tell me if no fault is cheaper than collision, comprehensive, or the other types of insurance coverage. Also I live in Michigan and I'm 19 if any of that matters.""
Teenage insurance on a Land Rover?
I'm 17 and I'm looking for insurance on my 2002 Land Rover 90 2.4. No companies will insure me for less than 3500 if at all! Any suggestions? Cheers!
Provisional Car Insurance?
I am currently looking for car insurance on a car I own, The car is an 04 punto. Basically I need provisional insurance for a month and I own the car so I need a policy that covers both of these, I am 18, Any suggestions? Thanks""
What is affordable insurance for nasal fracture (nose broken) in Texas?
i'm looking for insurance that cover foe nasal fracture that i can affort..I live in Texas .. i look for the cost for the doctor, and it is too much to pay put of my pocket without insurance""
Auto Insurance Increase-Is this too much?
I backed into a tree that was in my blind spot 2 nights ago and got an estimate today of $2446.00 damage. My deductible is $250. My insurance agent quoted me a 75% increase in my monthly insurance cost. 75%!!!! This is ridiculous to me considering I have no other points on my insurance or any history. In the end after paying this increase over 3 years (plus deductible), it will cost me $2410. Shouldn't insurance save you money? Isn't there anything I can do (other than pay to fix my car out of pocket)?""
Help with car Insurance? Insurance broker claims cheap insurance?
Hi, I'm 17 and I just recently passed my test, so I'm planning of getting a car soon, maybe even next year, but the point is - I have seen this guy on facebook claiming to be working with an insurance broker that's why he can get cheap insurance... My question is not if he is a scammer or not, my question is, do insurance brokers have the right to give cheap insurance? And approximately how much off? (note i'm 17 and i'm thinking of getting a golf or a astra and i live in east london)""
""Car insurance strange quotes, why?""
Back in August, I got a quote on a car, it worked out as 900 for the year.(I'm only 17), and since then I've been getting regular quotes, and can't help but notice how much it's gone up. In only 2 months, it's gone up from 900 to 1900. I haven't changed a thing, and if you've used confused.com you'll know that you can just re-quote, which is what I've been doing. Anybody know why it's gone up so much. By the way it goes up about 40 a day at the moment. Could it be because it's the end of the month, or the end of the year? Thanks to any answers in advance.""
Insurance costs for a Yamaha Majesty?
or Yamaha Morphous? I want to purchase one of these two scooters, although I'm leaning more towards the Majesty. For a good driver with a good record, How much is the insurance on these?""
Car mod insurances?
does a body kit cost alot on your insurances.if you no what percentage it increces. thanks
Looking for individual/family health insurance in Arizona...?
I am a stay-at-home mom (in Arizona) and I need to get health insurance. My boyfriend (and our toddler) have insurance through his employer but it's like $400/month for just the two of them and it doesn't cover much. To add me to his plan we would have to get married first and it would be over $200/month more than he's already paying now. So that's over $600/month for insurance that doesn't cover much. It doesn't seem like a very good deal at all. So I'm looking for a health insurance plan that would take all three of us as an unmarried family, for less than $600/month. So far I don't see any that cover maternity, and we do want to have another child within the next year or two... We don't get sick often, but our baby needs her regular checkups and vaccinations, we need our regular checkups, vision and dental, and of course catastrophic coverage in the event something really bad were to happen. I don't see much purpose in me having insurance for myself, a young woman, that doesn't cover maternity or birth control, other than for the sake of catastrophic coverage. But if need be I could get my own insurance plan for maternity/birth control/whatever if I could find an affordable one, and they can be on their own plan that doesn't cover maternity. Blue Cross Blue Shield has some cheap rates but they don't cover maternity. Neither does Aetna. Cinergy is too expensive for just me, let alone my family too. So my question(s) to you specifically are: Can you suggest any health insurance companies that cover maternity? Can you suggest any that are affordable? Can you suggest any that would insure us as a family even though we are unwed?""
Do I need health insurance?
I am a healthy 20 year old male... I have a wife, who is also healthy, that really thinks we should get health insurance... My work offers a decent plan for $300 a month... I think this money could be put to better use... a savings account or something. The problem is of course, emergencies. I've seen plans that cover emergencies but only like 80% and they have a high deductible/monthly payment. Any suggestions/ideas??""
17yo insurance (UK) on a 2006 Nissan figaro?
I can't get any quotes from companies as I haven't passed my test yet - so irritating, anyway I really want a Nissan figaro and have seen one I like (info in title) but my mum said insurance would be , anyone have a rough estimate? :/ help!?!""
Car insurance?
I am an international student in US and I am going to buy a car. However, I don't know which insurance company has car insurance for international student. Can anyone tell me some infomation about it, scuh as the name of the company or how much it costs?""
Do I have to be on my moms insurance?
I am 15 1/2 and i got my permit my california's drivers permit in march. i wont be applicable to get my drivers license until september. do i have to be on my moms insurance to drive now
Young driver car sports car question? (insurance)?
Im 17 years old. Im on a budget of 15k for a new car. Im looking at 2003 350z's, a 2003 Mitsubishi lancer evo, or a subaru wrx (non sti). All of these are ridiculous on insurance, i know, but thats the sacrifice that must be made because i refuse to drive an economy sedan and be like every other kid my age. Im not a wanna be fast-and-furious driver, i have loved cars all my life. What do you guys think would be the most practical sports car for me, either listed above or in your own eyes. Dont suggest anything with less than 230 to the wheels or more than 6 seconds to 60. Thanks.""
How much will insurance cost for a BMW z3?
I'm 16 years old but will be 17 next month. So lets say Im 17 for now. Im looking to buy a BMW z3 because they are pretty cheap and really nice cars. I maintain a 3.0 GPA and have a clean record and live in Southern California. Anyone have an estimate on how much insurance will be?
I want to insure my car for only 4 months?
Can I do this and if so how? and what is the cheapest way? I used to be with Direct Line but canceled it when I went to Uni. Now I want my car back on the road but only for the summer holidays. Any company suggestions and how much it would cost would be great, its an M reg ford fiesta and im 19 if that makes any difference. Please help, Thanks :-)""
just wondering. my mom has a trailblazer and my dad has a lumina. they already have full coverage. my question is do they have to add my the insurance or since i have my drivers lisence i can start driving. my mom said that im already insured because it already has full coverage is that true or does she have to add me or what???
Full Coverage Insurance ripping me off ?
I got a wreckless driving dui dropdown in ohio live in kentucky in my Nissan 350z was paying $70 a month for full coverage under my parents plan... Now 2 years later after dealing with a bunch of bullshit driving a pos car with just liability for $100 a month in insurance for 2 years I finally have enough to buy a 08 nissan altima and I checked what full coverage would be and they told me $300 full coverage cheapest so I gave a few different cars and still the same price....Does it make since if my car payment is only $220 a month why in the hell would anyone pay more for insurance..?? & before you start saying something like a troll would I live in the country there is no bus stops or anything so I need a vehicle to get to work and back at this point the insurance cost to much for me to even afford when you have a apartment on ur own and only making $13/hour full time America doesn't make a god danm bit of since is this what the world is coming poverty P.S I hope i don't hit anyone without insurance....if only insurance was affordable.
How much will my car insurance go up?
I got a ticket for speeding (66 mph in a 45 mph work zone). My ticket total is $438. I am trying to decide whether to get a laywer and fight it or just pay it off. Approximately how much with my auto insurance go up? Cost of lawyer? How many points will I get on my license? I am 22 years old living in North Carolina and have never had a ticket. Advice?
AAA insurance will only pay body shop?
Hi there, My mom was rear ended by an uninsured motorist while driving my car. I have uninsured motorist coverage and AAA estimated the damage to be approximately $1000. I own my car (it's paid off) and I would rather buy the bumper and someone I know replace the bumper, rather than go to the body shop of AAA's choice. AAA does not want to give me a check and is saying they want to pay a body shop to do it. Can they do this? I looked at my policy and it doesn't say anywhere that repair costs are to be paid to a body shop, rather than the car owner or driver. I certainly don't have anything signed that says that and there is nothing in my policy details. Thanks for your help!""
Help!!!! changing car insurance?
I called another company and had a quote with them and they offering me a way better price than my current insurance company... I wanna make a change.. what do I do? Do I have to call up the current insurance company and cancel the policy?
Insurance pricing difference with different car brands?
Hey there guys- Recently I have begun to look for a car (my first, as I am a new driver), and have a question for the more experienced. I have been looking at things like '04 Jettas, Audi A4's, Infiniti G35's, and the like. I understand that my age, gender (male), and lack of experience are going to directly affect the price of the insurance. But my question is, what will be the price difference between something like an '04 Volkswagen Jetta and an 04' Audi A4? Both seem to be in the same category of sedan, but I suppose Audis have a little more reputation for being sporty. Suppose there is not significant performance difference between the cars, they are both valued roughly the same, and have roughly the same mileage, what will the difference in insurance rates be and why? Is it possible to give me a rough idea of what I could expect? Thanks in advance!""
What's the least expensive adequate health insurance for a Connecticut resident?
Aetna Anthem Blue Cross Cigna ConnectiCare Harvard Pilgrim Kaiser Permanente MVP Medicaid Tricare United Health Care Yale Health Plan Pharmacy Benefits is a must I believe
Medical insurance makes a difference?
Why is it that when you go the hospital and you dont have medical insurance you are looked down upon even though you do get the medical services required for proper treatment? But when you have medical insurance its like youre treated in your own way with approbation.
Car insurance question?
I recently got into a car accident that was my fault. The total damages is around 2000 dollars. the owner of the car has contacted me and asked if we could resolve it with out involving the insurance Company. What would be better to do? i have had one other accident that was not my fault. how much will my car insurance go up and for how long?
""My car was broken into and things were stolen. If i file a claim with insurance, will my rates go up?""
I live in Hawaii, I went for a hike with 8 people that all went with my truck. When we all came back from the hike, my truck was broken into. Things were stolen such as ipods, cellphones, drivers license, etc. I filed a police report. If I file a claim with home ownership insurance or car insurance, will my rates go up monthly? I've been told different things like, If the car was not moving, the rates will not go up or They might . My car and home insurance is with Liberty Mutual, my deductible is 250$. Thank you. I'm calling them tomorrow on Monday since it's not a work day yet, but I'm anxious to see if I'll be able to get my friends belongings that were stolen payed for. That and my broken windshield ><""
Estimate for Auto Insurance on a 18 year old Living in GA driving a Mitsubishi Lancer GTS 20k?
In Janurary of 08 i am going to get a New Mitsubishi Lancer GTS. I already know how much my monthlly payments are going to be the car is 20 grand. I Live in GA and was wanting to know around how much would insurance be if im 18 years old driving a new car. It would have to be full coverage and right now my family has Allstate. Can anyone give me a reasonable Estimate? Thank You.
17 year old car insurance question?
Okay. I'm gonna be getting my license in a few m onths (took driver's ed late) and I moved in with my grandparents this past summer when my family and I moved so I could stay in the general area/school and keep my job. So I live there Mon-Thur and Fri-Sunday I stay with my family. I was wondering, being thaf I'm a Junior in high school, am I able to be covered by my parents or grandparent's car insurance? I need some answers. Please & thank you!""
I'm looking into insurance sales as a career change. Which company would you recommend?
I have a strong background in sales, a college degree or 3, and a strong drive to succeed. However, with so many companies out there looking for agents, I'm having a hard time narrowing it down.""
I be 17 in April and i just got my learners and i want to know how much it cost for car insurance?
if my grand mom add me under her how much it cost
Can I get renter's insurance without a deductible?
Yesterday I got a quote from Geico on renters insurance. They said that I would have $6,000 personal belongings protection, $100,000 personal liability, with a $500 deductible. This would cost me $142 a year. I'm okay with the coverage amounts and the cost of the policy but I would like to get a smaller or zero deductible. Is this possible with renters insurance? Also Geico doesn't write the policy they use someone else but didn't want to what company it is. Can I get a zero deductible? What insurance company should I go with?""
""What are some cheap first cars, and low insurance.?""
I have 3400, in my bank account and ive been searching for a used car. The most I'd like to spend is 3000, so i have some leftover to get me started on insurance and license plates..Any suggestions on a good first car to look for? Also whats a good Max Milage on a used car? Like 100k? or 150k? I have no clue.""
Should the U.S government require it's citizens to have health insurance?
Should the U.S government require it's citizens to have health insurance?
What are average prices for teen auto insurance in CA?
just averages not a sports car i have good grades too if that helps
Car insurance. A question about car insurance.?
Hey people. So I haven't brought a car yet. But I was just on the car insurance site today and I decided to fill it in and get an idea of what I may have to pay. And the cheapest I got was 6,241. Now my friend he's 18 years old and he passed he's test last week and has a 2 door ford focus that's not including the trunk/boot and he only pays 1,200 for he's car insurance and all I know is, that he is on somebody else's insurance that has been driving for years. Could anybody explain to me why my car insurance is gonna cost me 6,241 and he's only costs him 1,200. I'm 18 also by the way.""
What could happen to me if i didnt tell insurance company?
that i was done for drink drive 3 yrs ago... wana apply for my licence back have checked insurance and said i have a drink drive conviction will cost 1,790....when i dont say then it costs me 400 quid... what do i do and what can happen and how wld they find out and who can find out..... thanx all in advance x""
""Home insurance, what can i expect on a newly built home?""
Hello guys, I am planning on building my own home, i lived with my parents for 3 years so i have some money accumilated. I am planning on a 250,000 dollar home with a 3 car garage and mostly electric components. It will be in a rural setting, in a subdivision or close to one. HOw much should i expect. And it will be 3 or 4 bd, 3 bath, and about 3,000 sq ft total monthly? thanks""
Why buy life insurance?
I'm married, have 2 young children and wonder why I need life insurance""
""BMW 318i 53 reg, insurance new driver?""
Parents may be buyign a new car, how much would it cost to insure a new driver on a bmw 318i 53 reg, about 30000 miles. Insurance would probably be on parents policy, 30+ years no claims, safe driving etc.""
Does anyone know of a good health insurance?
I broke my wrist 2 years ago and ive been meaning to have it fixed. It healed cruked and the pain bothers me from time to time. Does anyone know of a good health insurance that would imedietaly cover this injury. I have no insurance and want one but dont know which one will help me the most.
What is the cheapest way to get insurance on my first car.?
I am 18 and am buying a 1.2 corsa. I need to know the cheapest way to insure it. Even if I have to go on a relatives insurance. Please help
What is a good (cheap) insurance in Canada?
I'm a new driver, I would like to have an insurance for myself, in case IF anything happened. What are some companies with good deals? They are mostly expensive, but I have heard there are some cheaper ones available. Thank you for you help!""
just wondering. my mom has a trailblazer and my dad has a lumina. they already have full coverage. my question is do they have to add my the insurance or since i have my drivers lisence i can start driving. my mom said that im already insured because it already has full coverage is that true or does she have to add me or what???
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