#and then also all the tweets because tbh nurseydex comes out way more in the tweets
rythyme · 2 years
i’m a simple guy. if you give me a slowburn queer romance between a flirty irresponsible humanities major and a grumpy hardass computer science major who hate each other on a fundamental level and yet grudgingly become teammates and eventually something more — i go feral.
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accusedoffeminism · 3 years
okay but nurseydex musician au
Nursey is an indie boy through and through. Think like phoebe bridgers where the music is indie but people call them industry plant because they come from money/know people on the on in the industry and that’s how they get started
He writes great songs with amazing lyrics that are poetic and take more than more listen to really appreciate.
BUT his manager tells him to write a song that’s more appealing to the radio so he does and it blows up. So Nursey becomes know for a few poppy hits and all of his deeper works are kinda just left for his die hard fans he’s not known for the parts of music that he loves.
Think taylor swift here. Loves writing songs like afterglow but is known for love story
Dex grew up playing guitar in his dad’s rock band with a bunch of his friends. He started playing guitar at 8 and at 11, they needed a bassist so he started to learn that. Then they needed a drummer and a someone on keyboard so Dex really just started learning how to play it all.
Throughout high school he floats from band to band just kind of filling spots that people need. In college in forms a band with a few friends and they find some success (Probably like a rock band thing). The college band blows up and they actually are able to go on a small tour they have a cult following of loyal fans
One day his band is asked to do an interview and ofc they say yes they’re young and wanna feel the attention. But the interviewer is playing one of Nursey’s popular songs and before the interview even starts, dexs is really shitting on it (dex ofc doesnt really know nursey and has has only heard his pop hits on the radio)
“I’m really tired on this type of shit. When I started playing music it was all about the instruments and the emotion before it. What even is this crap? Ya’ know I grew up playing...” and just really gets into how it’s not real music and how he’s a real musican.
Nursey sees the interview and is honestly really taken aback cause he had never heard of this band and why the fuck are they trying to start something. He ends up going on twitter and tweeting and dex saying that his songs have more meaning and depth than Dex could ever understand.
They get in a HUUUUGe twitter fight and everyone is talking about it. Fans are taking sides. Memes are being made. It’s like you can’t be a fan of both you have to pick a side.
During concerts they’ll reference each other and complain about each other. 
They end up meeting each other at some sort of festival/party/concert that they didn’t know the other one would be at. They bicker the whole time and dex leaves a fight angrier than ever before going on stage and honestly preforming the best he’s ever preformed. And Nursey hadn’t actually listened to any of their songs/watched them before but holy shit he’s so taken aback at the artistry and emotion before what they do and did Dex look this good when they were fighting??
And ofc Nurs is on after them and he has to try and compose himself. So he laughs it off and cracks a few jokes with the audience about the last band and before playing the pop song (acoustic style alone with his guitar) that dex shat on, he dedicates it to him as and everyone laughs
Dex rolls his eyes because how immature, but now that dex is listening to the song for what feels like the first time it feels different. And by the time nursey is playing the stuff that doesn’t get played on the radio and has the most poetic lyrics he’s ever heard dex is just kind of sitting there in awe of how publicly wrong about nursey.
But they have such a public feud and tbh it was good for both of their music bc it fulled fans and songs. The answer? Secret dating. Of course.
Nursey is trying his best to be chill around dex “haha yeah no strings attached this is just physical ahahhaha” but is having a hard time with it and is low key manic (think cruel summer by taylor swift). Like yeah I like you but I’m not about to get too attached to you cause you’re gonna break my heart
Dex is also anxious about in the “i’m already attached to you pls don’t break my heart” way. (think cornelia street by taylor swift)
Fans speculate how they’re both writing songs about a new fragile relationship but like there’s no way right??? no way. and neither of them are read to come forward and talk about it. They don’t even talk about it with their friends. They keep up the bicker online but see each other in private as often as they can.
Eventually they begin writing songs together (lots of cute moments together of “hey I wrote you this uh..” as they sit on the couch with their guitars”) and their styles begin to mature and change with each other. Like there is such a clean influence on each others work
Fans notice them tagging the same location more frequently and notice they have very similar looking living rooms... how odd. And then after telling their friends, they start to stop hiding. They don’t announce anything, but they’ll post their photos together with captions like “weekends away with the best” and lyrics from the others songs. when they get married they don’t tell their fans either. The fans friend out from their friends instagrams and they loose their shit bc they had no idea they were even dating????? they had just gotten their heads around the fact that they were friends?????? and now they’re married.
they find it really funny and like a bunch of posts reacting to the wedding
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