#and their mutual adoration for daniel c:
yenforfairytales · 2 years
i need more party limo posse shenanigans next season. specifically i need more Mike Barnes and Johnny Lawrence as a duo teaching the Eagle Fang side of things. getting into trouble.
with Chozen and Daniel teaching the Miyagi-Do side. trying to reign in the hijinks and inevitably joining in.
teenage mutant ninja turtles halloween costumes.
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millenari · 6 months
I promise I will shut up about the Broadway Revival sometime soon but thinking about it again, I do think that if it were just bad, I wouldn’t pay any attention to it at all.
Like… I don’t really clown much on the West End Revival. I mean, yes, the three big changes in that production I know off the top of my head are A) Rap!Tugger, which most everyone hated, B) Growltiger costumes, which most everyone didn’t care about, and C) Sexy!Griz, which most everyone either hated intimately or didn’t care about. But even so, nobody really dissects the West End Revival the way we do the Bway Revival. And part of that may have to do with less accessible boots, but I’ve seen (probably) most of the West End Revival footage that exists and yet it’s the Bway Revival that gets my goat.
And, yes, the Gillian Lynne snub element of the Bway choreo definitely plays a big part in that.
But also… the Bway Revival is sometimes really good? The West End Revival just... *is*. It’s a 98 clone with slightly different (and generally disliked) costumes. If it weren’t for the sort-of-racist and unbearably cringe Rap!Tugger, I don’t think this production would get much attention within the fandom at all (despite doing really well financially), because that’s all it really is: a perfectly serviceable 98 clone.
(And that’s not a bad thing. I like 98. I like the West End Revival. It’s a good production with skilled performers, chunks of it are on yt check it out.)
But the Bway Revival changes don't universally suck. There are elements (lots of elements!) of the Bway Revival I adore and I genuinely think are better than the original. Everything to do with Macavity, imo, is just brilliant. The old Macavity fight choreo had this kind of cool abstract tribal vibe to it, but the new choreo looks violent. It also looks more catlike; Munk and Mac crouch low to the ground like hunched-up cats, they circle each other, and the hits actually look like they connect at the right angles. The goofier parts (the mutual ass-slap, the playing tug-of-war with Demeter, the piggyback ride) are removed so it feels more serious: Munk actually looks nervous or frightened sometimes despite not backing down, and it looks like the background cats might be being controlled (which explains why few cats try and help Munk during the fight until the end). Not even to touch upon the lighting and music.
Revival!Macavity’s style of movement is super unique and recognizable too, Daniel Gaymon’s Macavity is amazing, I love how the way he moves sometimes makes him look possessed by something (also his Plato was adorable, He Has The Range Darling). His costume is cool on its own, (I don't love the old Macavity design, which simultaneously makes him look more like a tiger and also a little boy wearing pajamas rather than a housecat) but I love how the little mane-like collar and wig curls makes him look like Tugger & I love the parallels between the two that this production emphasizes. Tugger, the tribe’s most popular cat & pride and joy, versus Macavity, the outcast. Tugger, who everyone wants, versus Macavity, who can’t seem to acquire the one cat he wants.
Plus Macavity’s mind control? In the classic Mac freezes the cats; in the Bway Revival he forces them to dance. In the show where dancing together is a symbol of togetherness and community.  In the show where characters frequently imitate each other to indicate closeness or admiration. In the show where you spend like 5 minutes watching Grizabella the Outcast Cat fail to dance along with the others, Macavity forces the others to dance with him. NO NOTES WHATSOEVER.
And the extra lore and worldbuilding they add to the magic element? I don’t love the Macavity Interlude, but “He hypnotizes with his eyes/His head moves like a snake” in combination with the fact that it seems like Macavity needs eye contact to control other cats? Plus how Tugger, Munk, and Deuteronomy all seem to be immune to his powers to a degree?
This element isn’t really in the boot on yt but in later performances there’s a bit at the end of the fight where Macavity, (on the top of the car) visibly tries to use his powers on the gathered cats, and when he fails he looks down at his hands and then scrambles to grab the jumper cables. The idea that he has some kind of ‘magic meter’ that he is capable of using up somehow? Potentially explaining why he went the subtle route and tries to impersonate Deut rather than go in guns blazing for Demeter?
THE WAY DEMETER REACHES FOR HIM WHEN HE FIRST GRABS HER? The way she looks like she’s flailing and trying to get away from him the second time, after the fight? Tantomile jumping between Demeter and Mac the second he lets go of her?
It’s so good. Those changes make me go insane. Because they’re deliberate, and pointed, and they add things to the story, build upon the story, and add more depth to the story. They’re also just cool and fun to look at and play around with. That’s the thing that gets me about the Bway Revival, because they were capable of making insightful and meaningful changes that genuinely elevated the source material in really cool ways.
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rk1kheadcanons · 3 years
I have a prompt idea if you’re down, no rush at all! I just love the idea of rk1k meeting in college & it just being the first time either of them experience this real and deep love for someone. Like Connor is more on the reserved side & maybe was a lil sheltered, & while Markus is more outgoing he still approaches their relationship very carefully at the start. Both of their feelings for one another develop so strong so quickly, & maybe it scares them a bit and they don’t want to admit it to the other at first just how deeply they’ve fallen for each other because their relationship is still rather new, but it just ends up evolving into this really powerful/beautiful relationship. Can u tell I’m feeling soft rn lol
It's okay Anon, we'll be soft together.
When Connor first enters college, he's still awkward and feels like this is highschool 2.0 all over again. He has no high hopes of it being better than the good times (sharing anecdotes and movie quips with Kara and Chloe in Drama class) or worst than the bad times he experienced (bullying he experienced at the hands of Gavin Reed c/o the varsity football team and fighting with his own closeted feelings).
Connor expected his experiences to just...be.
Connor didn't come here for a good time; he didn't come here for any sort of time. All he intends to do is finish his criminology degree within these four years and dip.
Within a couple of months, he's more sure of himself. He's met some good friends like Simon and Daniel, and Simon's main squeeze, Josh. Daniel and he are best bitches 4 life at the start. He then meets North in English composition and the same happens all over again. The boss WLW and MLM solidarity were real.
He grows into himself with his friends. Now recognizes that he's a hot, gay bitch that has little time for messy people and likes to keep it that way.
He wears a camouflage of the 'shy, sweet type' so he can move around and be unseen easily even as he is constantly on the swivel, partly why he decided to become a detective: he was perfect for it.
His dad thought so too. Had said he would be so dangerous in their respective field because of how he was. He knew Connor was fucking manipulative and maniacal with the cutesy face and dangerous martial arts he'd learned-he'd raised him ofc. That adorable face was a damned front and Hank would guffaw when people fell for it.
Gavin Reed was the first to get his comeuppance senior year of high school and learn this. Connor had played the scared, shy guy- he'd then proceeded to beat the sounds and colors right out of Gavin's raggedy ass.
Now Connor had a damned fan. That bitch followed him to college he was so sprung n that ass whooping. Maybe he gave him brain damage?
Connor ignored him like he did everyone else on campus he wasn't trying to see. He remained reserved and clean-cut. Very few had seen the real him.
Connor had also vowed to not look for a relationship with anyone either in college. Bootycalls? Okay. Something to scratch that itch so he could remain focus on his studies, alright, but not a whole romantic situation.
Connor was just trying to get rid of Gavin for the umpteenth time since this year had started and of fucking course the rest of the football team was there. Gavin didn't know the meaning of "no" and "personal space" and was going to press the issue.
Here steps forward this God of a man. He checks Gavin and Connor's heart in a couple of words.
Gavin's threatened; Connor's titillated.
Markus Manfred enters stage left.
Stupid Markus Manfred and his stupid face, and his stupid heterochromia and stupid kissable mouth. Literally, fuck this dude.
No, literally, fuck him against some fucking lockers in the locker room after Markus winning game right now, get in him, because, because...
God, the way Markus chased his mouth with his own. The way he'd been stripped and lifted as he weighed next to nothing, the quick yet superb preparation on the fly and then the feeling of him quickly and effectively just getting inside... Connor's one leg shook with the stimulus, his other loosely hung around Markus waist for dear life.
Rip to his pants.
He can feel how he's being physically jostled by the other's larger hands, one on his side, the other under his thigh and it's just-
Connor's face is hot and flushed and he knows it. His damned eyes keep fluttering like he's seizing, mouth open and quite possibly drooling like he cannot control his facial muscles, control the noises pouring out of himself as every stroke inside of him touches that one sensitive spot just right.
His nails bite into Markus beautiful copper skin, flecked in freckles as Connor yells out his joyous release to everyone within a three-mile radius.
When it's said and done, they both had to recap how they even got into this scenario.
Neither were complaining, not really, just really taken aback that had happened out of the blue like that and felt so natural. Markus had been chiding Gavin about being a creep, to which Connor amended he was a stalking creep. It hadn't flown over we'll with Markus since he was the captain of the team.
Gav was hazed, he was pissed and retreated. They had stayed and talked to each other. Just talked. Markus invited him to that evening game to which Connor advised he'd already be at because he was a band member. It was early and they had parted but that whole day was filled with happenstance's of Markus appearance and talking to him. The pull had been strong.
The attraction was overwhelming and it was a bit terrifying for both parties to admit. They had just been talking to each other. Nothing significant or substantial.
Markus felt maybe he was riding a gaming win high along with his obvious attraction to Connor.
Connor felt like maybe it was mutual attraction and appreciation for him.
They both left it at that. Where Connor had not seen Markus before, he now began seeing him everywhere: in passing, in some classes, he acts as a student assistant for additional credit and functions.
Connor being in the college band and having a very beautiful jock show him this sort of attention was flattering he has to admit, and that he's a bit curious about him.
Markus asks him out on an official date.
Connor really wants to scoff at him because the scared, nerdy kid inside of him says this is a trap, he's doing this for an elaborate prank, that this is somehow tied to Gavin and you will regret this.
Connor has a hard time believing that someone that looks like Markus would genuinely be interested in a person like him. Then again, he had just blown his back out magnificently not that long ago.
Markus is all warm and fuzzy, bubbly and chipper and Connor gets drunk on the free serotonin every time they meet.
He takes the plunge and says yes to the date and has never regretted it.
The conversation is immaculate, the expectations realistic and superb, and Markus is not just a jock: he's down to earth, adopted into money but lives simply. He wants to be a painter like his dad...
His father is the Carl Manfred, the famous painter and Connor feels like he had an aneurysm.
Connor tells Markus about his Lieutenant Dad, Henry 'Hank' Anderson. How he was the youngest lieutenant on the Detroit police force and Markus stupidly and excitedly smiles and says "I know! I was such a fan of your dad. He helped my dad when art thieves were stealing one-of-a-kind art from the museum!"
Connor is so damned smitten with this lovely creature that it's insane. He thinks he really might lo..like Markus a lot.
Connor's thoughts derail at the word choice a scowl on his face. What was he, 10?
Markus would run away so damned fast if he said those words to him. Just because they'd been going out and now regularly intimate didn't make it love, right? Why, then, did it bother Connor that it felt so right only with this man?
Markus notices the sour disposition Connor has, tries to get him back into the conversation, and even though Connor says he's okay, Markus knows that he's withdrawn from the conversation fully.
Unbeknownst to Connor, Markus had his strong feelings as well over the matter.
He was feeling Connor hard. It blindsided him and he knew that he needed to talk about this with Connor, lest one or both of them get hurt.
They both had fallen hard, much harder than they thought they would.
Instead of that talk Markus promised himself he was mature and level-headed enough for them both to have or even Connor just acknowledging the truth of the matter, they left the relationship in a sort of limbo, as is, neither wanting to face that four-letter word headlong in such a brutally honest way, fear that maybe just maybe what each of them had been feeling wasn't that and neither wanted the hurt if it wasn't L O V E.
I have more ideas on this one but I'll cut it for now because it's huge for a Tumblr post, lol. If it gets some interest, I have no problem with continuing it in another post of my own. HMU if you do like like. 😘
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engaged19times · 4 years
RHONJ season 10, episode 2 recrap - Espadrille Fashion Show
Welcome back, scumbags! Pardon my late recap as I got sick this week (not Covid) but I’m back and ready to rumble!  In week 2 of our beloved RHONJ (most of) the girls escape for a vacay, Frank Sr. shoots his shot, and Teresa and Jackie’s war rages on!
  We pick where we left off mid-World War III in Margaret’s multi-patterned pink and orange Dunkin’ Donuts acid trip of a living room (all it’s missing is her husband Joe B. in a visor making coffee and buzzing people into the restroom) where the frazzled Jackie has just committed the grave offense of checkmating Teresa the Don with an ill-advised analogy about her dorter.  Teresa storms out of Marge’s dizzying rainbow zig-zag foyer (you could say that she runs on Dunkin’™) screaming the C-word (no Joe B., not coffee cake) repeatedly, high-tails it back to her own ornate brick estate which looks like a Carrabba’s built for Time Square (does everyone on this show furnish their homes from a franchise catalog?), and immediately calls her sister-in-law of whom she’s decided to cease fire on long enough to demand blind loyalty.  Weary Melissa is rightfully hesitant of siding with her on-again-off-again nemesis-in-law but luckily the Don will have all weekend to convince her (make her an offer she can’t refuse) because in a few days Margaret’s hosting a girls trip to Lake George to relax (read: shriek in big hats by a lake). Teresa is still reeling from the stress of Jackie defending herself by using Teresa’s own tactics and is now in full wild-eyed Heath Ledger/Joker mode and is giddy at the thought of tormenting her chosen nemesis all weekend on this supposed vacation turned hostage situation.
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Teresa runs on Dunkin’
  Next, Jen and her seven-year-old daughter Olivia who is chomping at the bit for screen time (wearing espadrille wedges like the North Jersey Suri Cruise she is) visit her beleaguered mother who is exiled on Grandma Island after the family ruled her guilty on the count of constant shittiness in the case of Grandma v. Grandpa.  The defendant pleads her innocence through questionable sobs that materialize out of thin air (and fail to produce any tears), we see a montage of her being generally toxic, and it appears that she might have also graduated from the Teresa Guidice School of I’m-Not-Guilty-Of-The-Things-I-Clearly-Did-On-Camera.  
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Espadrille girl in an espadrille world.
  Dolores continues to complain about her workaholic, commitment-phobe boyfriend David to both her adorable mother (please be my grandma!) and her greasy meatball sub of an ex-husband Frank. I love Dolores to the shore and back but this hot girl clearly craves a big bossy man-about-town meathead with a questionable record and a gold chain not a buttoned-up doctor who hates social events and hopefully this nagging storyline wraps up quickly or I’m going to start siding with Dr. David.
  Our jet-setters finish packing their most impractical bedazzled footwear (so many espadrilles!  Is someone on production in cahoots with big espadrille?) for a hard-partying jaunt to Lake George which to most is a relaxing sleepy vacation town surrounded by nature but to this crew of quar-fatigued cool moms is the Ibiza of the Northeast.  Troop Beverly Hills (oh how I wish Danielle was still here so I could call them Troop Beverly Merrill) meet up at Chateau Marge’s DD Lounge (The Cheers of Paterson, if you will) to await their chariot (luxury passenger van). Margaret’s  cute employee Lexi will be joining but Jackie has intelligently but unfortunately for us decided to stay home and avoid being the Itchy to Teresa’s Scratchy all weekend which will allow Tre to clear her head... right? Absolutely not! The Don has been swirling brandy in her dimly-lit mafia office plotting sweet revenge all week so instead of torturing her prey as planned she’ll spend it dragging Jackie to their mutual friends every chance she gets. How relaxing!
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Espadrille fashion show.
  In lighter feud news, Jen and Melissa are still touch-and-go after last year’s reunion where Jen heroically broke the fourth wall and roasted Melissa’s annual fake storyline (last year’s totally exhausting journey: should we try to have a baby?... the year after I had my tubes tied?) and while she was embarrassed by this brazen call out I think we can breathe a sigh of relief because it appears that she might have taken the note to which we all owe Jen a hearty round of applause.
  While the troop busses to New York and Tre exhaustingly redirects every conversation back to Jackie, brother husbands Frank and David go on a romantic one-on-one to the equally relaxing ReloaderzNJ gun range where we learn that Frank had a horrific work accident six months ago that detached his quads (I gasped!) and a kneecap (fucking yikes!) so he recovered at David’s house where I’m sure both of them flirted over a sudsy sponge bath or two. The point of this decidedly macho shooting range meet up is for Frank (a disbarred attorney with a history of cheating) to give David (a life-saving perinatologist who treats women with high-risk pregnancies seven days a week but can’t commit to his girlfriend of which he is patently incompatible with) some life and relationship advice that David awkwardly smiles and nods through.  
  Troop Beverly Merrill (OK, I gave in) finally arrives at the lake and wastes no time getting shit-housed.  Dolores and Melissa change into unfortunate coordinating jean ensembles like some sort of Destiny’s Child castoffs, Marge wrestles her alert new honkers into another whisper of a silk getup that they refuse to be tamed by, and the Don continues her exhausting anti-Jackie one-woman show.
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Jean queens.
  We wrap up at dinner where Jen smooths things over with Melissa (for now), we learn that Dr. David is apparently an unrivaled sexual stallion in bed (OK Dolores, we all get it now), and Tre shares that her daughter Gia, forever bridled with the burden of corralling the emotionally immature adults in her life, told her mother to apologize because they’re both in the wrong and it ironically appears she might be the only human capable of hand-holding Tre through a reconciliation. 
  Will Teresa step up to the plate? Will David ever emotionally fulfill Dolores?  Joe, may I please have a bacon Wake-up Wrap™ and a large black iced coffee? The answers to none of those questions and more NEXT WEEK! Share if you enjoyed and once again - sorry for the delay!
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wonderlandmind4 · 6 years
The Winter Soldier: A Ghost Story Chp-3
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Pairing: Winter Soldier x OFC
Summary: Most of the intelligence community doesn’t believe he exists. The ones who do call him the Winter Soldier. He’s a ghost story. So why does he keep coming back?
Warnings: None
Important Note: I said it before, but this story is a lot darker than anything I have ever wrote with the themes in it. Please proceed with caution during those moments. Everything in this story is a connection.
Words: 1.8k
A/N: Also, I lied. I did update a fic! Whoo! Happy New Year! I hope you all enjoy this super short yet important chapter :) and thank you for being patient with me (one shot fic on the way)
March 16th, 2012 6:00am
Ophelia wakes to frost on her window and a throbbing ache in her side. She groans pitifully, cursing her sleeping self for rolling over and staying on her bruised side. Maybe she’ll call Saige to see if she has any pain killers to ease the bruise. Of course, then she would have to explain to her sister why she needs them in the first place, and opening that can of long buried worms will not be fun.
She rolls onto her back carefully. Just as she’s contemplating calling into work and staying in her warm cozy bed, then cat pounces on her out of thin air. She groans as he landed on her injured side and chest, paws digging into the bruise and her cleavage. Binks chirps shortly, clearly irate at the lack of food. He flops down on her chest, belly up beneath her chin.
“You’re lucky you’re cute,” She grumbles, patting his belly. Binks’ response is to bite her wrist. “Okay, demanding diva.”
After she gets up and feeds her starving cat, she’s dressed and ready for work by seven forty-five. The frost on the windows don’t give way to snow like it did several nights before, and for that she’s thankful. The winter lasted a bit longer this time around, and as much as she loves the snow, she’s ready for Spring. Especially when Ophelia slips on a patch of frozen ground just as she’s about to enter the work building.
She catches herself on the handle of the door, the quick movement tweaking her ribs. She rolls her eyes because if she doesn’t stop doing these little abrupt movements, the healing will just be prolonged. Slow clapping comes from behind her as she straightens up, shooting an unimpressed look over her shoulder.
“Graceful. I thought you were the master at heels and ice,” Carter quips, a playful smirk on his mouth.
“Tell me how you met your husband, again?” She counters, yanking the door open to cautiously step inside. She doesn’t hold it open for him.
Carter huffs as he enters himself. “I don’t recall.”
Ophelia hums thoughtfully. “Wasn’t it a snowy, iced filled day, and you just couldn’t take your eyes off this handsome man, so you stepped in slush, slipped and busted your ass in front of him?”
He clears his throat as he follows her down the hall to the coffee kiosk. “Your point?”
“It was just a very kultzy meet-cute is all,” She smiles brightly as they get in line.
“Well, now we’re married so, he must’ve seen something in me.”
She chuckles while patting his shoulder. “That he did.”
Two hours into the work day, and Ophelia is only a quarter of the way through proof reading those policies. She welcomes the break when the intercom on her desk phone beeps.
“Ophelia, do you mind running those files of the International Waters Piracy reports over to me?”
“Not at all, sir,” She responds, quickly slipping her feet back into her maroon pumps. “Did you want the Defense protocols as well?”
“Please. The afternoon meeting got pushed up, starts in ten minutes.”
Pausing her search through the filing cabinet, she says, “I wasn’t informed, sir. I’m sorry-“
“Nonsense, I was just informed about it.”
“In that case, shall I scan them and send them or the hard copies will do?”
“Hard copies, thank you.”
“I’ll be right there.”
Once she finds and gathers the files, Ophelia saves the proof reads she uploaded to her computer and exits her office. She makes her way over to the conference room where the meetings are usually held, placing the flies on the long table, sliding them over to where her boss is sitting. He glances up from his phone, greeting her with a nod.
“Did you have a good weekend? As I haven’t gotten a chance to ask you yesterday,” He inquires lightly, dragging the folders over.
She can’t help the way her spine tenses just a little but she’s careful to keep her expression calm. “Yes,” she answers a little belatedly. “It was boring really. Just hung out with my cat. Exciting stuff. How about yours, sir?”
He hums distractedly for a moment as he looks over the files. “Good, very good. You know, Daniel came home this weekend. If I would’ve known you were just sitting there alone, I would’ve suggested you come over for dinner.”
“Sir,” Ophelia begins kindly, “I would have appreciated the offer. However, Deb- your wife, always seems to get a little-“ She breaks off, waving her hand in the air.
“Reminiscent?” He finishes with a smirk, “I know. You know how Debora is though. She adored both of you together.”
Ophelia mentally winces. The past relationship she had with her boss’s son gets brought up every once in a while. Her and Daniel dated their last two years of high school, into their first two years of college, before realizing that their relationship was more along the lines of best friends during that last year. Nothing explicit happened; no cheating, no lying or explosive fight. It just fizzled out towards the end and they came to the same conclusion, talked it about and agreed to break up. It was mutual, it was the least painful breakup she has ever had.
Daniel’s mother was sure they would get married. Ophelia couldn’t bear to see the disappointment on her face anymore when she still invited over for dinners. Eventually, even after Daniel convince Ophelia that it was alright, and his mom would stop asking when they would get back together, she stopped going to those dinners.
However, he was her first love and it did last four years, and although they remained good friends, they still hold a soft spot in each other’s hearts. It never extends into romance again, no drunken nights of “I miss you, just one more time”, nothing like that ever happened. The one night when they did get wasted, it was filled with Daniel gushing about the girl in his Foreign Affairs class. Last Ophelia heard was that Daniel and that girl were still dating, and Ophelia hasn’t seen him in almost a year.
“I know, sir. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out, I guess. She knows we’re still good friends though.”
“I think she’s holding onto the hope of a reunion. I, on the other hand, know when to take a loss.”
Ophelia laughs, taking that as an out to change the subject. “All the files are in order from date and relevance. I’m stilling proofing those policies but if you need anything else, just let me know. Shall I order lunch for the meeting?
“That would be wonderful, if you don’t mind.” He responds with gratitude, opening the first file. “Thank you, Ms. Phoenix. You are a valuable asset here.”
She smiles proudly. “Thank you, sir.” She’s about to turn away, when she remembers something. 
“Oh, before I forget, the new letterheads that were ordered came in. Whoever filled in for me when I was out didn’t bother to check if the correct official seal or spelling was used. The label was distorted and there was a typo in your name.” Ophelia rubs her lips together to contain the small bubble of a giggle in her throat.
“How bad?”
“Well, I was only gone for a week, but I’m sure an Alexandra Price didn’t suddenly take over as the U.S. Secretary of Defence. Spelled, D-E-F-E-N-C-E.”
He releases a heavy sigh before a goodhearted smile flashes on his face. “See, this is what happens when you go on vacation, Ophelia.”
Ophelia chuckles at that, pulling out the first page in the second file to tap the seal. “I assure you it’s all fixed. Alexander Pierce, U.S. Secretary of Defense, clear seal and all.”
“I knew there’s a reason I’ve kept you around.”
“That, and I know all your secrets,” She jokes, turning and waving as she exits the conference room. She misses the slow smirk spreading across his lips as the door closes.
“Of that, you don’t, Ms. Phoenix.”
A/N *insert sly eyed emoji here*
Previous   Chapter Four
Tags:  @justreadingfics @kat-lives@thecreatiivecorner @stressedasalways @chocolateturtlepeanutopera @moonbeambucky @barnesb1tch @denimandcabernet @keldachick @lovinglokiforever @violetrose90201 @sonarsyndor @swagfancroissantpizza @funnymilkshakes @no-champagne-socialist @ryanemac @dc2791-blog @stringgeek13 @nova-stars @bubblegum-cotton-candy-romance @ruinerofcheese @cuckoobirdy @glitchydruid @darkunderworldqueen @ultramagicaltacofandom @marvel-fan23@bennettk13 @cmorgana @thatcatoveryonder @watchoutforfrostbite
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beaulesbian · 6 years
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I decided to finally make a part two of this post, it took me half a year longer than I anticipated, but I rushed to finish it at least for June.
🏳️‍🌈 Happy pride month! 🏳️‍🌈
The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley – The best kind of subtle romance I have ever read. Includes mysterious pocket watch, solving bomb threats in Victorian London, a lady scientist, changing of future based on occurring events, an adorable clockwork octopus, and so much more! Did I mention the best, most beautiful romance I didn’t even expect to get?? Read it! (mlm main characters)
All out: The No-Longer-Secret Stories of Queer Teens Throughout the Ages by multiple authors, edited by Saundra Mitchell – This book was so refreshing to read!!! Retellings of fairy tales but queer and poc and mostly happy. I enjoyed each of the short story so so much, I don’t have words to say how much I loved this book, just, can we please have more stories like that? Thank you.
Radio Silence by Alice Oseman – Ever wanted a book with a main character boy and girl who won’t end up together by the end of the book? Then this is a book for you. Frances and Aled do not only become best friends who won’t end up together, but there’s even more diverse characters than these two main ones. This book even has an ace (demi) sexual representation, which I was very excited about, and the main character is biracial bisexual girl. There is lot of fandom talk and a radio show drama (kind of similar to Welcome to Night Vale). But also talks about other important topics like deciding that college might not be for everyone despite them being a great student in high school.
Not Your Sidekick by C.B. Lee – It’s a cute and sweet superhero themed futuristic story, first book of a trilogy I think. The main character is Vietnamese American bisexual girl, Jessika Tran, whose parents are both superheroes, but she doesn’t have any powers. She starts working for a company she later discovers belongs to town’s villains, but with time she learns that not everything about superheroes and villains is perfectly black and white. Also she’s working there with her crush, so that’s a bonus. It’s a really great book, there’s wlw romance and lot of diversity, action and silly scenes. The history behind the people’s superpowers and worldbuilding was really interesting too. The sequel is also already out, featuring a poc trans boy as the main character, who is part of Jessika‘s friend squad.
The Gentleman‘s guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee – A book everyone here should read!! A historical roadtrip with lot of angst, fluff and mutual pining of two of the main characters. It takes place in 18th century Europe. Monty is kind of an asshole, some moments you will hate him then you will love him, but as the journey progresses so does he. He travels with his sister, Felicity, and his best friend (and crush!) Percy, to visit few cities in Europe before he has to start work in his fathers company. This book addressed lot of issues, like white privilege and racism in that time period, sexism and ableism. But it’s also an adventurous book that’s funny and charming, and makes you feel really happy one moment and sad the next. There are also pirates!
Dreadnought by April Daniels – This is a first book of a duology about a lesbian trans girl Danny who receives superpowers after witnessing death of the superhero Dreadnought, which means she now has to become the new Dreadnought. But with the powers also becames real the ideal vision of her body, that she always wanted. She is very happy about it, but it also means she has to face her family and best friend and explain why she looks different. On top of that she has to help the other superheroes with stopping the new threat to the city, the villain who killed previous Dreadnought. Trigger warnings for transphobia, but it’s really worth to read.
Mask of Shadows by Linsey Miller – I’ve seen mixed reviews of this book but personally I loved it. It’s a fantasy YA with lgbt protagonist, that I don’t have enough of. Sal is a genderfluid, also bi? pan? thief who enters a competition to become one of Queen’s Assassins. Basically the last one standing (or rather living) takes the place. Sal knows how to fight and survive but also needs to learn other things to win this position. Like taking classes of writing/reading which teaches him a lady of court they previously stole something from, whom Sal quickly starts to like more than they should, with the competition at play. For me it was a really great book to read and I can’t wait to read the sequel!
The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli – I had to read this one quickly before Leah on the offbeat came out, and it was a joy to read this one too! Again so much representation, I love Becky’s books and the Simon vs world. This story is about Molly who has had a lot of crushes but never actually dated anyone. She’s jewish, has anxiety, is fat, loves her family, is very creative, and has another crush on a guy who is her coworker. There’s so much cuteness in this book, I was smiling and crying the whole time reading it. More for representation: her sister is gay, she has two moms, a new Korean-American pansexual friend (who her sister totally likes) and more. I need to meantion trigger warnings for fatphobia, because of part there with her relative, it made me cry so much, it was very reletable and I hated it but there was very good closure for it in the end, which I’m happy about. Anyway read this book, overall it’s a cute and happy book with lots of fluff!
Leah on the Offbeat by Becky Albertalli – I loved Leah from the Simon vs book, so I was really happy we got more focus on her. She’s fat and funny, unapologetic about who she is, in her words: “basically your resident fat Slytherin Rory Gilmore”. There was mentions she likes boys as well as girls. Because of a tour for her college she goes with Abby to see where she will live the next few years and stuff happens. And then there’s also their high school prom, which she thought she was ready for, but maybe she’s not ready for at all. I’m not even going to write more, it’s an amazing book, I cried so many times.
Timekeeper by Tara Sim – This story takes place in a Victorian era Britain where clock towers are needed for time to flow correctly. Therefore there is lot of mechanics who repair said clock towers, because if the clock stops, the town around it stops in time as well. The main character Danny is one of those mechanics in London, but his father is trapped in a town that Stopped and Danny needs to find a way to save him. But after someone tries to sabotage a clock tower in a small city, Danny is assigned in that town to fix it, and he eventually finds out that the myths he heard – that in clock towers could sometimes be seen beings, spirits of the towers – might actually be true. This book was so nice to read, there was the atmosphere of the Victorian era, mystery, cute mlm romance and awesome female characters.
I’ll give you the sun by Jandy Nelson – I cried a lot reading this book. At first it actually took me few months to read past first two chapters, because the writing style was so different from what I was used to, but after that I got absorbed in it very quickly. It’s a story about two siblings, Noah and Jude Sweetwine, who both go through some difficult times, with family, school and personal stuff, it’s about making mistakes and fixing mistakes. It’s about love, art, sibling struggles and growing up.
Other books that I read and loved and definitely recommend:
Of Fire and Stars - Audrey Coulthurst (f/f fantasy romance)
We are the Ants –  Shaun David Hutchinson (m/m)
In Other Lands -  Sarah Rees Brennan (bi mc, m/m)
Release – Patrick Ness (m/m)
Our dark duet – V.E. Schwab (sequel of duology, agender character, not much romance at all in this duology, it‘s one of my favourites)
A Conjuring of Light – V.E. Schwab (a beautiful fantasy, last book of trilogy, happy ending for m/m pairing whose each story is important throughout the whole series. Again, one of my favourite series)
Magnus Chase and the Ship of Dead - Rick Riordan (I don‘t want to spoil here but it‘s good, genderfluid representation since book two, more in this final book)
Ice crypt - Tiana Warner (sequel of the Ice Massacre, wlw romance between mermaid and human girl, who knew each other since childhood, there is third final book, Ice Kingdom, already out, but I still haven‘t read it..)
Happy reading!
(tagging few people who i think might enjoy it ♥♥: @eradne, @poefinn, @twomillionfreckles, @eliotcoldwater, @queen-max, @tsukiyam-a)
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hime-hana · 7 years
Wanna One hyung line's kinks
A/N: Putting this under the cut cause I feel that it’s a little dirtier than what I usually post so…  c: Enjoy.
❃ Yoon Jisung - a vanilla one in bed who is more into the loving and soft side of intimate relationship rather than the sexual one. He doesn’t think much of his kinks and is mainly focused on pleasuring you. His kinks would include: 
body worship - he loves acknowledging how beautiful your body looks each time you two are being intimate
stockings - loves it when you wear them because it makes you look so got and loves it even more if leave them on as you to have sex
after care - he is really into the sweet and loving cuddling after the whole sexual desire turned off
❃ Ha Sungwoon - seemingly cute and soft, in bed he likes playing the dominant role most of the time. He has a few common kinks, but is always open to trying new things out and include your own kinks as well.
female domination - he just absolutely adores the sight of you on top of him straddling him down with your thighs
mutual masturbation - being able to make you feel good and him as well? hell yeah, he is down for this anytime
strip tease - likes being able to take in every curve of your body and see the love marks he left on you before as you slowly undress for him 
leather - seeing you in some fitting leather costume in the bedroom would make him feel so hot just admiring your beautiful curves through it 
public teasing - be it from you or him, he likes playing this little game where he tries to see how far up your thigh he can go before you call him to the bathroom 
❃ Hwang Minhyun - he is a man of few kinks and fetishes; not really a big fan of experimenting and won’t go for for BDSM or anything that can hurt you or cause you pain. His kinks would include:
lingerie - seeing you all dressed up prettily and looking like a doll is something he wholeheartedly likes 
sensation play - in the most sensual form of it, with him blind-folding you and then kissing your whole body while holding an ice cube in between his lips
heavy petting - he likes hugging you, touching you, making you feel good but without involving sex into it
❃ Ong Seongwoo - he is a man who knows what he likes and is open to experimenting. Although he won’t go too deep into the whole rough side of BDSM, Seongwoo likes being able to dominate you fully and make you scream his name every time.
dirty talk - a couple of swears here and there, a couple of lewd words whispered in your ear about how you are such a dirty whore for daddy
hair pulling - likes being the dominant one and always shows that by grabbing a handful of your hair as he lets out a moan about how good you make him feel
begging - his favorite sound in the world? you sprawled out on the bed and begging for him to take you with soft moans and whimpers
orgasm denial - he likes messing with you and teasing you a lot in bed, getting close to the edge and then stop
phone sex - for the times when he can’t make you feel good in person, he will do it over the phone and make sure you come by the end of the call
❃ Kim Jaehwan - he’s someone that is somewhere in the middle, leaning more towards vanilla. Is only up for experimenting up to some point and usually likes discussing things through before you two get to action, just so there won’t be any problem with any of his or your kinks.
role-play - seeing you dressed up as a student with him being the bad teacher who punishes you always has an incredible effect on him
melolagnia - being sexually aroused by music, in this case more so by your voice if you are singing a very sexual song softly in his ear 
food play - he finds it sexy seeing you either all covered with cream as he gets to lick it slowly off your most private areas
❃ Kang Daniel - he is a man that knows what he wants and what he likes. Open to experimenting and trying new things, but nothing going over the BDSM extreme, he simply enjoys being the alpha male in the bedroom and have everyone in your vicinity know you belong to him.
clothed sex - he loves the friction caused by your clothed core rubbing against his jeans
scratching - be it from you or him, he loves seeing the red marks on either his back or your hips when he is done with you
hickeys - another way of saying I love you coming from him as your whole chest and neck is covered in light bruises 
power play - even though he is the dom, he likes fighting for dominance with you, even if you will lose each time
kitchen sex - or anywhere but the bedroom, he loves taking you over all kinds of surfaces in your apartment, but the kitchen counter is a personal favorite of his
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princess-megz · 7 years
Who do you ship your mutuals with and why?
this post is basically me giving lots and lots of love to my dear mutuals; i don’t wanna spam y’all so it’s all gonna be under here! nfkajsndc also this is in no particular order i love all of y’all so much based off of broduce trainees! 💖
@simplicitwannaone • laulau🐮hi first of all i love you second of all i ship you with senwoo i mean what i ship you with me ???? ?? not me i didnt say that i ship you with pjh your ultimate bias ?? i ship you with me i need to stop and do this serIOUSLY i ship u with your ong!!!! i ship you with gong seongwoo because first, your introverted personality irl will match with his outgoing loud one, also hes 179cm perf for your giant height u hardcore tol!!!! third hes also down to kabedon you give you cuddles so yall can be tol softs together
@heochannies  • meike 🌸visuaL!!!! i missed you welcome back minhyun bc yall give me ceo couple vibes daniel!! bc yall would look so so soft at home just cuddling and just you cooking and him just hugging your waist i just- awwwwwwww buT THEN LIKE if yall were going to like a fancy gala and you just dressed up in a long fancy gown and your face beat and him with his hair slicked back o my gosh yall would look sO GOOD i need to stop but yall would be couple goals jsndckjnak
@laji-101 • krissy❣️krISSY !! huehuehue i ship you with gunhee? guanlin? me? hehehe i ship you with guanlin! hes so soft irl and you wouldnt crush him when you hug him!!!! hed probably crush u but thats besides the point you guys awww soft awks couple best ship wow one tol and one smol how cute and u cant forget!!! guanlin is such a meme hes a s-swaggy rapper ;))
@seungkwanslowqualityenglish • mom!!!mom!!!!!! i feel like wine mom would look good with ahjumma jisung!! aside from the fact that yall have a lot of motherly instincts i think that you would smother each other in love and treat each other to cute lil dinners and he would buy you cute lil rose bouquets and i feel that this would be a rlly cute rlly domestic relationship d’awww but i lowkey ship u with jaehwan
@thegentlemanukulele • natnat 👑naTTT!!! Official Visual™ whats good i ship you with minhyun wait no dingdong but also minhyun stop what about dingdong mINHYUN I SHIP YOU WITH MINHYUN yall will be the official ceo organised couple u cuties i feel like with your soft innocence and his hardcore exterior w his soft heart yall will be so cute and there will be lots of cuddles and and and and jusT EVERYTHING about this ship is so adorable and uhngkasdckn its so cute youre so cute
@dae-vil • daEDAE ♡( ◡‿◡ )daedae!!!! are you feeling better i hope you are
@jihoonslattee • chiii ( ̄ε ̄@)chiiii!!! i ship you with jihoon !! anD NOT BECAUSE YOU BIAS HIM nksndckjn but because your lovely welcoming personality would be able to support him when hes feeling down :(( also i feel like you would be able to tolerate his lil aegyo moments unlike christy who would probably just roast the shit out of him and his somewhat cute fashion sense aww ^^ anD yall,,,, dance couple,, need i say more? the potential duet covers yall could do,, :’) thE BEST!!!
@peachiejihoonie • jiejie 😍wow my actual jiejie hows life with our parents been in the us???? good????? thx for leaving me behind in hk thx sis rlly appreciate it sjNCKSJN anYWAYS back to the point i ship you with lowkey minki??? mostly bc yall would be able to roast the living shIT out of each other with no feelings hurt bc ur a highkey savage and hed also be able to make u laugh a lot whicH IS SO CUTE and he’d act all tough when hes out on a date with u like ‘smh stay away creeper dudes this is mY gIRL’ and youd probably smack him but youd lowkey be shimkunging aw speaKING of creeper dudes although minki is lanky i think hed also be able to prOTECC u not that u need it but i feel like he’d have a protective instinct over u idk why bUT awwww jiejie youre so cute pls dont fight chi bc i shipped her w jihoon
@wildereyes • rach (ノ*°▽°*)raCH!!!! hehe hi!! i ship you w donghyun!! hes so soft and adorable and if youre ever having a bad day i feel like he’d be the type to do anything to make you laugh again :’) anD JUST him singing and you dancing and nsdkjackjsndkacn amAZING i support 101% yall would be so cute and i feel like yall would have compliment wars u know!! like ‘you look so cute today’ and his entire face would just light up and ‘nOOOooOOo youre the cutest’ and cue a never ending bickering match wow i love this nsdjnk
@kakaotaeks • eggslurper #2 lenlen!!lennie!!! we miss you so much pls come back when you have the time !! u know i gotta ship my homegirl with hyeongseob,, both yall wILD i mean who could forget the time when you got into fnc and started twerking #neverforget but when yall are together.. its just so soft,, so domestic with the cuddles on the couch and soft pecks while watching probably like a horror movie or something idk some sort of action/romcom d’aww
@ladynightmareii • snazzy :’)snazzy snazzy snazzy i hope youre well and getting better :also pls dont hurt me yes i do realise the age gap but this is just purely hypothetical pls dont hurt me :c
@imagineproduce101 • rinaaaa (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)rinaaa!! local v*dka aunt i ship you with jonghyun! bc ur kinda wild aaand hes basically the equivalent of a clumsy big bear plush, yall rlly balance each other out well! i highkey imagine yall spending a day at the arcade and running around and winning all the tickets possible, ending the day with a light stroll in the park with ice cream in your hands and just u know that cute wartortle smile he has and he just grins and you and wOW shimkung everywhere and omg when you get chilly he just takes off his jacket and puts it on your shoulders aWWW yall suit each other so well this is so cute im so soft for this
@scorpionallday • m!!!ahh u closet fangirl i see u ;))) short but sweet; i ship u with woojin bc ??? hes basically your other half ndckajndak i sweAR yall just- d’awwwww skdn asndka jsnc him with his low voice raps??? u and your harmonies. couple dances?? yes. hiS satoORI ;))))))) u and ur claimed ‘american accent’ smH
hehe i hope you guys enjoyed reading your lil paragraphs
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hyuncakes · 7 years
hi i was not sure if i should send this to your main or this but since this blog is more wanna one related tag could your mutuals as points in "if kpop positions were accurate" this is the post = seokjinandtonic. tumblr. com/post/164651220236/if-kpop-positions-were-accurate i have been following both of you on your main and here and i like you to know i am a fan and your graphics inspire me
YOU ARE SOOOOO CUTE OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LIKING OUR GRAPHICS!! And saying that we inspire you ;___; that’s so so sweet of you I literally screamed. You deserve the worlddddddd!!! This seems fun so let’s get to it!! ^^ Lillian and I are gonna combine our answers lol so if you’re tagged and are like “lool this girl isn’t even following me though???” it’s prob the other person~ :^)
the hyung you thought was a maknae
tbh I thought Ying was my age but it turned out she was 95 line!!! @ Ying I also tagged you for something else below c:
the unofficial visual
@woojiniel and @perkwoojin are so so so pretty?? Idk but these were the first two I thought of!! They have such soft, sweet visuals and I think usually in groups the official visuals are the ones with the “stronger” visuals? But once you get into the group more you start to notice that one member who’s like so so cute that you can’t believe they’re not officially labelled as a visual. 
the “not my bias, but is my bias”
Ummm probably @hwangminyeo! She’s like the member of the group that you first notice because of her visuals, and then you’re like semi-interested in that member and half keeping an eye on that member while you settle on a bias. And then once you get into the group more you find out that not only is she a visual but she also has such a cute personality? Like she’s more shy and dorky than you originally anticipated and then you fall for her double charms. (But you still gotta stay loyal to your bias lol)
the workout-aholic who basically lives in the gym and boy does it show
I’m putting Abby @hwangminyeo under here to because idk if she goes to the gym often or not but body goals 😭😭😭😭
the walking, living, breathing meme
@seonnho This is the one image I have of Jennie tbh… just one big meme (a cute one at that)!!! She makes the best textposts on her SVT blog. I love her sense of humor it’s just so…. relatable LOL. Is it because she’s a Seungkwan stan that she’s like this? It’s proven that Boo stans are the memest. I feel like she hasn’t made that many meme-y posts on here (or maybe I missed them :(( in which case I suck) but once she does 👀 Anyway I’ve talked to you like twice but I still love you c’:
I looked at the positions list before looking at Bonnie’s answers and thought Jennie would be perfect for this one and guess what… Bonnie’s already listed her LMAOOO PERFECT - Lillian
the one everyone has called “daddy” at some point
aaah no one I can think of because Daniel isn’t mutuals with us…… LOOOOL OMFG JUST KIDDDDDING (Lillian be like 😷😣🙏) Why did I even answer this one it’s so weird kfldjglkfdjgklfd
😷😣🙏 - Lillian
the ship that’s a hundred percent real and they know it
Is this even a question… @hwangminyeo and @minhwangs are the power couple!!! You always see them professing their love to each other on your dash LOL Romeong and Daliette are feeling threatened.
the short one that everyone is highkey afraid of
@minhwangs Sarah is a cutie but everyone knows that if you mess with her friends she’ll let you have it. She won’t hesitate to lash out at you if you dare insult the things and people she holds dear. So while she isn’t scary, she’s someone you don’t want to mess with once her protective side kicks in! But honestly it’s really sweet how even though she doesn’t let harsh words directed toward her bother her, she stands up for people ;___; She’s selfless that way!
the one that takes every opportunity possible to be extra as hell aka the variety king
@emperorhwangs Rui without a doubt is one of the funniest people here on Tumblr!! I love her sense of humor and even when she says the most random things like “a stick of rat deodorant” I just die laughing. I was contemplating between putting her for “the walking, living breathing meme” but I settled with this one because I associate her with Ong a lot! And we all know he’s the variety king so~ The captions in her gifs are the funniest and most extra ever, even the way she talks is super extra and funny.
the motherly one that takes care of the rest of their members and occasionally reprimands
@2hyeons Ying is more of an older sister type than the mom but she still gives off that caring vibe. She seems like the kind of sibling who barely talks to you because she’s stuck in her room all day doing work but she’ll also be there for you when you need it the most. Lowkey the kind of older sister who will call your cheating significant other over the phone just to scream at them and rat them out for hurting her little sibling loool. She’s more of an older sibling because while she takes care of you, she makes you want to take care of her too and cook her meals and check up on her once in a while to make sure she’s still sane c’:
@luminous-point Reni gives off such motherly vibes without even trying to idk why?? Not only because she’s 95 line! But she’s like your sweet hardworking mother (working hard doing translations 👍👍👍) who you always think of fondly whenever she appears on your dash. She always expresses her true feelings and stands up for what’s right, which is really difficult to do and as a result super admirable. She always has a very mature standpoint about things and avoids unnecessary drama. I feel like the dynamic is that we’re all little ducklings and she’s the mom!! But mom has to take care of herself too!!!
@p-arkwoojin and @minsbugi I put Jem & Kenia in this category because they’d make sure all the members are equally loved!! They both have huge hearts and no matter how many members make up their group(s), they’d take care of each and every one! - Lillian
the 4D member that looks cute in a sexy comeback, and sexy in a cute one
@hahasunqwoons! I think the ‘4D’ title really suits Summer even though she may not seem like it at first. But once she opens up to you, you’ll know what I mean looooool. She’s not 4D in the really wild sense but more of a lowkey kind of 4D (like Vernon!). Also I think she would fit both concepts! But she unintentionally shows reverse charms like in her Never dance cover (if you haven’t watched it yet, go watch it please. you won’t be disappointed), the song is more serious but she gives off a somewhat cute vibe! I think she could rock IOI’s Very Very Very as welllll :^) (future cover idea?)
the member who doesn’t have to worry about gravity bc they basically just flip everywhere
can’t think of anyone? :OOO
the extremely under appreciated one
ummm @kiminguy??? @guanlliver??? @lovebugi??? @wanhyun??? (Mutuals on here and our SVT blogs squad!! LOOL) I love all of them and their graphics to death I will literally make a blog and reblog all of their creations 50 million times like they deserve. Of course they all have such cute personalities dlkgjfdkj but I’ll spare you from my rambling and focus on their beautiful works~ Naomi has such soft, pastel graphics (pastels are one of my fave things in the universe) and she was one of my first favorite graphic makers in the Seventeen fandom back in the day. I followed her first and then when she followed me back I was SOOOO HAPPY OMG BC ONE OF MY FAVES NOTICED ME. Next we have Yasmin and although we haven’t talked much I really adore her graphics because they’re really unique! She uses vibrant colors and dark colors so well (a thing I’d like to learn how to do hehehe) AND also pastel graphics with vibrant coloring… a jack of all trades tbh. Next, there’s Jaymee, who I’ve been mutuals with forever on our SVT blogs but I never really got a chance to talk to until recently! (And she’s the sweetest…my one and only fan….LOOOL). Once again she works with both dark colors and pastel colors very well! Her edits and graphics have a minimalistic approach to them which I admire so so much because I always cram stuff onto a canvas and get bothered when there’s empty space in my graphics. Last but not least there’s IMA!!! My self-proclaimed little sister c’: I’ve known her for most of her time in the Seventeen tumblr community and I love seeing how her works changed over this period of time. But her works always have that special charm and uniqueness that you know right away that it’s her work! No one could imitate her style and pull it off! Inimitable seventeen carat hehe Ima always has a special place in my heart. I love her coloring style, I love her graphics style, I love her. But yea as you can tell I have much love for graphic makers and more especially underrated graphic makers! Graphic makers are a blessing to each and every fandom. Thank you.
also @tokkimingi​ like we’ve never talked before but Ale’s gifs and edits are soooo high quality and have the prettiest coloring and they deserve so so so so many more notes??? Like the Ren gifset I just reblogged….this is the kind of content that should receive 1k notes okay AAAAAH @ Ale, Lillian and I love your creations so much and you’re basically the go-to blog for NU’EST related gifs and stuff AAAAH 💕💕 
the one that finds pleasure in other members’ demise
I’m sure this goes on a lot when people tag each other in their bias wrecker posts cough when I send Bonnie black-haired Suga pics but I see @minhwangs​ and @hwangminyeo​ tagging each other in Daniel stuff sometimes and it’s so funny loool. I know you guys are Minhyun-biased but Daniel!!!!! - Lillian
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writinggeisha · 6 years
You’re at that point in your dating or relationship that you want to call your guy by a special nickname but it has to be cute so where are you going to find that? Don’t fret, we have a huge list of cute nicknames for guys, say them out loud to see how they sound, and choose two or three in case he doesn’t like one you have chosen.
We have even included some in Italian, French, German, Russian and a couple in Spanish. You will have a few to try out and see how he likes them, if he doesn’t like any of those, come back to the list and try again! Remember, a nickname means more if it is personal between the two of you and if he doesn’t like mushy nicknames like lamb chop then stick to the classics like babe or hun. Something else to remember when picking a nickname, do not use one that you used with an ex or one that makes him feel self-conscious about a short coming such as height. If he is short do not call him shorty, we shouldn’t have to explain this but that would just be cruel.
You don’t have to choose from this list either. Think about him, his expressions and his personality. Does he show emotions easily or not, what kind of hobbies does he have, all these things can help you choose or make up a nickname for him that is more personal and mean more to him than just a random nickname or Babe or Sweetheart.
Cute Nicknames For Guys:
Adorable  – or you can add to it with Adorable Angel. Amore Mio – Italian  means “my love”. Aniołku – Polish meaning angel. Angel – because he protects you, makes life easier for you. Agapi-Mou  – Greek for “my love”. Angel Eyes – his eyes are sweet and kind and full of love. Angel Baby – another cute name for a sweet guy. Angel Face – he has that sweet angelic face. Amorcito – Spanish translates to my little love. Angel Heart – you see he has the heart of an angel full of love and goodness. Angel of Love – he is your angel of love so let him know – maybe you had given up on love until you met him. Angel of Mine – self explanatory. Ace –   he is your ace that trumps all the other guys. Angelito – Spanish translates to angel. Anteros – Greek for mutual love.
Baby Cakes –  your love. Babe – a classic nickname. Babu – Indian, it is a title of respect for an educated man, South Asia uses it a respect for a father, grandfather.  If you want to use it as a pet name the urban dictionary says it would represent respect for something that has exceeding value. Baby Face – he has a young face. Blue Eyes – (if he has blue eyes). Baby Blues – (for blue eyes). Baccha – hindi for males, meaning baby the female version would be Bacchi. Bright Eyes – eyes that are bright and full of promise. Baby Doll – for a handsome guy. Bumpkin or Country Bumpkin – if he is from the country. Bellissimo – Italian for lovely if he has a lovely spirit, soul, or is just plain handsome. Bad Boy – not criminal just a little rebellious. Better Half – cause being with him brings out the best in you. Boo Bear – for a cuddly guy. Bärchen – German means little bear. Boo – for a cute guy. Bello – Italian for good looking male. Baby-Love – great lovely guy. Bambino – Italian for baby. Buttercup – sweet and beautiful to you. Bedroom Eyes – if he has seductive eyes. Bootylicious – no explanation needed. Brown Eyes – if he has brown eyes. Braveheart – he is brave and courageous and stands up for what he believes in.
Casanova – a true master of love. Carebear – cause he is cuddly and takes care of you like no one else. Cutiepie – if he is super cute. Cowboy – a strong male nickname. Corazón – Spanish meaning sweetheart. Cuddle Cakes – for a cuddly boyfriend. Cuddle Bunch – guy who likes to cuddle. Cariño – Spanish for honey, love. Chaviv  – Hebrew meaning dearly loved. Champ – he is your champion. Cuddle Bear – he loves to cuddle as much as you. Candy-Man – he is sweet in everything he does. Captain – he is the captain of your heart. Cuddle Muffin – for a sweet guy who likes to cuddle. Cupcake – sweet guy. Caro Mio – Italian for Dear for the male gender the female would be Caro Mia. Chi Chi Poo – cute rhyming nickname. Cuddle Buddy – another amazing name for a guy who is cuddly.
Darlin’ – an oldie but goodie. Daudi – Swahili meaning beloved. Doll Face –  cause he has that clean smooth face. Dream Boat – from the first time you laid eyes on him you’ve been dreaming of him. Dear Heart –  another oldie but still good. Dreamy – he is dreamy to you, let him know it. Drakonchik –  Russian for little dragon. Dewdrop – for a wise and refreshing guy. Dreamlover –  he is everything you been dreaming of in a lover. Dumpling – delicious as a dumpling. Daredevil – this guy likes rock climbing, skydiving, well you get the idea. Diamond – he is your diamond. Dashing – he is dashing and needs to know you find him so. Dream Guy – lets him know he is your dream guy. Don Juan – he is smooth and you like it.
Enchanted – if he is a charming guy.
Fire Cracker – he can be a bit feisty. Fuzzybear – for an affectionate guy. Fabio – need we say more? Foxy – sly sleek and gorgeous. Flame – because he sets your heart a flame. Firefly –  because he brings light in to your life.
Gorgeous – the nickname says it all. Good Looking – again we needn’t explain. Gladiator – A true warrior. Green Eyes – this is pretty obvious. Gum Drop – he is sweet and tasty. Golden Boy – he is your golden boy and this lets him know it.
Handsome – no explanation needed. Hunk – he is a 10 to you and this will tell him that. Heart Throb – he has your heart throbbing just by stepping into the room. Hon’ – a standard that never goes out of fashion. Honey – sweet as honey. Huggies – he is the one you want to hug on you and you on him. Hugs – he loves giving hugs. Honey Bear – sweet and cuddly. Hot stuff – he is your hot stuff. Heart Breaker – he could break hearts. Honey Bunch – sweet guy. Honey Bee – he is busy all the time and still sweet. Hot Lips –  you love getting his kisses because they are hot. Hottie –  you find him sizzling what better way to say it. Honey Buns – you find his buns extremely sweet. Honey Pants –  he really fills out his jeans well. Honey Cakes – he likes cakes you like cakes why not. Hotness – similar to hot stuff, lets him know you find him irresistible. Hun Bun – similar to honey buns. Honey Drop – drop of sweetness. Hubby – nickname for husband. Hunny Pot – he is a whole pot of sweet. Hunny Bunny – he is cute and sweet. Hot Honey – he is hot and sweet. Huggaboo – this is new but he is huggable and cute so it fits.
Iron Man – you think he is strong. Italian Stallion – you find him extremely hot and well built. Indian Warrior – he will fight for what he believes in. Inamorato – Italian meaning, male lover.
Jelly Bear –sweet and cuddly. Jay Bird – he likes birds and blue is his favorite color. Jelly Bean – he may act hard but he has a soft heart. Jazzy – he is full of spunk and fun. JAAN – Pronounced as Ja-an has its roots in the Sanskrit/Urdu language meaning ‘Life’. JD or Jack – he is like Jack Daniels smooth and distinct. Joyful Knight –  he brings joy everywhere he goes.
King – he is your king and you are his queen. Kissy Face – every time you see his face, you just want to kiss it. Knight In Shining Armor – he will rescue you whenever you need it. Kochanie –  meaning beloved.
L’amour De Ma Vie – French translates to Love of my life. Love Muffin –if he loves muffins, this might be a good one for him. Lamb – soft cute and cuddly. Lamb Chops – could be used for a guy who is small and cute. Love Bug – there really is a bug called the love bug. It is seen in Florida during certain times of the year which is its mating season and how it got its name love bug. So while it’s a bug, it still a cute name for your guy. Lover – an old standard that can be used. Lambkin – soft, cuddly and sweet. If this defines your man, this might be the name for him. Love Face – he has a face you simply can’t help but love. Love of my Life – this one should be reserved for exactly that. Luvy Duvy – a mushy form of endearment. Love Bear – he is big and cuddly full of love. Lover Boy – he’s good looking and your lover. Love Machine – he shows you love 24/7. Lovey Dovey – a mushy form of endearment. Lover Pie – similar to lover boy. Light of my Life – he brought light into your world. Liebling – German meaning darling. Lady Killer – he is good looking and many women check him out. Luchik – Russian means sun beam ray of light. Lovebird – like the actual “lovebirds”, he shows affection to you. Love Train – since the beginning he has taken you to places you never knew.
My Love – the one you love. Mooi – Afrikaans meaning Handsome. Mi Amor – Spanish for “my love.” Mr. Right – should only be used if you are positive he is actually Mr. Right. Mój drogi – Polish meaning my dear. Mr. Perfect – simply because he is perfect in every way. Mon Chéri – French meaning my darling. Mister Cutie – he is simply a cutie, nothing more needs saying. Magic Man – he can make you feel like no one else, almost like magic. McDreamy – he is just simply dreamy to you. Ma Raison De Vivre – French meaning my reason for living. Mr. Night Rider – tall, dark, and handsome. Muscles – he is well built and you like that. Moje Szczęście – Polish meaning my happiness. Mon Trésor –  French meaning my treasure. My All – because he is everything to you. Moonbeam – because when he looks at you, it’s like moonbeams surrounding you. Misiu – Polish meaning teddy bear. My Knight – the one who will fight for you and rescue you when you need it. Main Squeeze – lets him know no matter whom else is in your life, he is your main guy. Mon Bébé D’amour – French translates to my baby love. My Everything – no explanation needed here, he is simply everything for you. My One and Only – again like Mr Right shouldn’t be used lightly. My King – to you, he is a king so why not? Mon Ange – French translates to my angel. My Sunshine – he is the sunshine in your life, no better way to let him know this. My Hero – he is your hero because he rescued you. Mon Coeur –French translates to my heart. Mr. Adorable – simply put you find him totally adorable. Munchkin – may he is small and sweet then this could be the name for him. Ma Foi  – French translates to My faith. McSteamy – you find him absolutely steamy hot. Mon Ciel étoilé – French translates to my starry sky. My Heart’s Desire – let him know he is your hearts desire. Mon Beau – French translates to my beautiful one. My World – he is your world but again make sure it is really true before using this one. My Beloved – he is the one you love. My Better Half – he brings out the better parts of you. Ma Force – French translates to my strength. Man Candy – hey who doesn’t like candy, especially the kind without extra calories? Maravilloso – Spanish translates to gorgeous. Mon Amour – French translates to my love. Mr. Cool – this is the guy who is always cool no matter the situation. Mon Dieu De Sexe – French translates to my sex god. If you really want your man to feel special, use this one. My Lion – fits a guy who is like a leader. Mr. Amazing – you find him amazing in every way so let him know. Main Man – this tells him of all the men in your life, family or friends that he is the main man in your life. Muñeca – Spanish translates to doll.
Num Nums – you find him totally scrumptious. Near and Dear – no matter if he is near or far he is dear to you. Nenito – Spanish translates to baby. Number One – because he isn’t only your number one but your only one. Nookie Bear – yep made up but hey if he turns you on then let him know it. Nookie Wookie – yep made up but sounds cute.
Old Man – been around forever. One and Only – we don’t need to explain this one. Other Half – he is the other half that makes you a whole. Osito – Spanish meaning cuddly, teddy bear.
Pumpkin – because you think he is first rate and physically attractive. Panda Bear – big and strong. Pooh Bear – like pooh he is cute and cuddly. Pryanichek – Russian means he is your gingerbread man. Peanut – if he is small or short and cute. Perfect – he is perfect for you in every way. Peach – sweet like a peach. Puma – he is quick as a cat and sleek. Pookie – you find him cute. Precious – he is precious to you so tell him. Playboy – he likes to play with you but he isn’t dead and will check out other women. Pookie Bear – you find him cute as well as big and strong. Precious Angel – he is precious and an angel to you. Pookie Pants – similar to pookie and pookie bear. Pudding Pie – maybe he likes pudding pie or the color of his eyes remind you of your favorite pudding pie. Puddin – he is soft and sweet just like pudding. Pussy Cat – he is sleek supple and moves like a cat. Prince – he is your prince don’t let him forget it. Pitbull – he is loyal and tenacious. Paramour – French translates to lover. Precioso Mío – Spanish meaning my precious.
Querido – Spanish meaning darling, dear, lover.
Romeo – maybe your guy is cute and has a good way with words. Raindrop – because like rain drops he is a force of nature to you and your personal growth. Roo Roo – cute rhyming name. Rubber Ducky – soft pliable and cute. Rolling Thunder – he is loud and cute. Rum-Rum – for a strong guy. Rock Star – what guy doesn’t want to be a rock star.
Snookems – made up name that can mean anything you want. Sweetheart – this is a classic for sure and never goes out of style. Sweetie Pie – because he is your sweety and maybe he likes pies. Sugar – he is sweet just the like white granules of sugar. Schatz – German translates to treasure. Sugar Pie – similar to sweetie pie. Sailor – great for navy guys both active and retired. Sexy – to you he is the sexiest man alive. Süsser – German translates to sweetie. Snicker Doodles – like the cookie he is yummy and sweet. Snuggles – this is good for him if he loves to snuggle with you. Snuggley Wuggley – same as snuggles, he loves to snuggle. Schnucki – German translates to darling or sweetie pie. Snuggle Bear – Similar to snuggley wuggley or snuggles. Sexy Eyes – you find his eyes to be the most sexy eyes you’ve ever seen. Sexy Pants – the way his pants fit him makes them and him extremely sexy no matter if he is walking toward or away from you. Sona – Indian translates to Precious. Snuggy – a snuggler. Snuggy Huggy – not only does he like to snuggle, he likes to hug. Stud Muffin – you find him to be a stud and you want to devour him too just like your favorite muffin. Stud – strong well-built and sexy women look at him and want to bear his children. Sweety – like sweetheart, it is a classic that never goes out of fashion. Stallion – Like stud, he is well built, beautiful, and you think his children would be amazing. Soulmate – the one mate you will spend eternity with, so be careful when using this one. Sakharok – Russian means your sugar. Stardust – for a romantic guy. Sugar Lips – when he kisses you all you taste is sugary sweet love. Sparky – if he is full of energy, ready to go at a moment’s notice then this might be a good one for him. Southern Comfort – cuz he is smooth and sweet just like the drink. Sunny Boy – he brings sunshine everywhere. Sweet Cheeks – his cheeks just look so sweet you can’t help yourself but call him sweetcheeks. Sweet Pea – you find him sweet and cute and who knows maybe he likes peas. Soldier – just like sailor, great for active or retired soldiers. Studley – similar to stud or stud muffin. Sugar Daddy – he is sweet and takes care of you. Sugar Plum – sweet and sugary. Strudelman – he is like strudel with many sweet layers to him. Sweetness – you find him totally sweet. Sweet stuff – cuz he is always sweet. Sugar Puff – need we say more? Sweetthang – a slang of sweet thing or sweetheart. Super Stud –  he is your stud and to you he is super so tell him so. Sexy Devil – cause he is sexy and devilish. Sunshine – he brought sunshine into your life. Sweetums – similar to sweetheart, sweetypie etc. Sweetlips – his kisses are sweet. Sexy Face – this says it all. Spunky – well cause he is spunky. Sugar Britches – he just oozes sweetness. Sugar Smacks – yes it sounds like cereal but when he kisses you, all you can taste is sugar. Sunbeam – he brings sunbeams in your life everyday.
Teddy Bear – cute and cuddly. Tiger – strong and sharp, sleek and graceful when he moves just like a cat. Treasure – he is your treasure so don’t let him forget it. Toots – similar to babe, sweetie, or honey. Tesoro – Italian translates to Darling.
Velvet Lips – when you kiss, his lips are like velvet. Viking – he is strong. Valentine – he has your heart every day.
Wookie – right out of Star Wars. Wuggle Bear – for the big guy who likes to wuggle. Wuggles – for the guy who likes to combine hugging, cuddling, and wiggling. White Knight – he is your white knight. Wolverine – he is tenacious and will fight for you always.
Yummy Bear – when you look at him, he is yummy.
Zeus – A God you can really boost his self-worth this one. Zorro – a tall dark and mysterious man. Zany – he has a weird sense of humor but you get it.
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