#and the whole eating disorder - depression - suicidality subtext thing in s14
bastardennis · 4 years
So I was reading the Sunny scripts and came across this gem right here:
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Dennis was supposed to say “stop trying to kiss me”. The actual show version is,  however , “you gotta stop kissing me, man, I don’t want it”.
The ‘kissing‘ as opposed to ‘trying to kiss’ from the original, in the continuous tense nonetheless.
Look, I know that there’s a huge elephant in the Dennis’s storyline in the form of sexual consent and all those points he brought up are very valid, but, BUT
It would make so much sense in the big picture (and for Mac’s character) if the actual kissing actually happened. Multiple times.
Hear me out. Yeah Mac is dumb and we love him for it, but he’s not that dumb. I always found his sureness about their big gay relationship a bit suspicious and his advances not really.. in line with his characterization. Unless those kissing moments actually do happen off screen and Dennis is not just some passive bystander confused about Mac’s affections.
If you set the situation as Mac ‘trying to kiss’ Dennis repeatedly with Dennis pushing him away, saying that it’s not going to happen, then yes, Mac is a bad guy.
If there are multiple moments where kissing situations happen, but Dennis ends them or doesn’t let them become anything more, I can kind of understand Mac being confused about the signals.
HOWEVER, Dennis is 100% and absolutely right.
I’m just saying, it’s a huge jump from living with your closeted roommate slash partner in a plausible deniability gay relationship all the way to fucking raising a kid and sleeping in the same bed together (which happens in the time span of two fucking episodes). As Dee said in ‘Tends Bar’, “Dennis, I gotta say, I feel like this is just about something else.” About big feelings and clearing the lines of communication maybe? Mac, you should’ve asked him first, goddammit.
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