#and the way el just hits him w the flowers
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will byers roasting his siblings
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kageyuji · 9 months
meeting his friends
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⤷ oikawa, iwaizumi, kuroo ; [gn!reader]
warnings/genre: none, just fluff :) also not beta read el oh el
notes: uhm. heyyyy i’m back from the dead. anyway its 2023 what is wrong w me IUFHRE
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━━ oikawa;
oikawa had always been good about hiding his nerves. he made a habit of hiding his anxieties with a charismatic smile and witty line.
this is why his current predicament was a statistical outlier.
he sat at the door of the gym, where he could hear the impact of volleyballs on the ground and the sharp chirps of shoes against the floor. he could also hear his heart pounding in his ear and feel the heat rising from his chest to the tips of his ears. his palms were sweaty and he couldn’t manage to make himself stand still.
it was when he heard your voice call his name that he felt relief wash over him. for a moment, anyway.
you smiled. you were so happy, so excited, to finally meet his friends. don’t get him wrong — he was excited to show you off, and to finally get to brag about how great you were to his friends. the issue he had was the insecurity biting at him.
“are you ready?” you asked, voice near-mockingly sweet for how nervous he felt.
“of course, my dear,” he smiled, placed a quick kiss to your forehead, and grabbed your hand. his thumb began to rub small circles around your knuckles, although you couldn’t help but think that maybe it was more so to calm his nerves than yours.
as the door shut with an awkwardly-loud bang, his team stopped. a single volleyball bounced once more against the floor and hit iwaizumi in the ankle almost comically.
“hey,” he started. his mouth was dry. was he breathing fast? he felt like he wasn’t getting enough air. “this, this is y/n. i’m sure you’ve heard me-”
“they’re your partner, right?” mattsun called.
you squeezed his hand. the smile on your face eased the fluttering in his chest, almost, almost making him forget about the fact that he hadn’t said anything.
“yes. yes, they are.” he realized now that he was smiling. he squeezed your hand back. “and i imagine that they’ll be around for a while, so get used to their face.
━━ iwaizumi;
“i’m excited!” oikawa whined.
of course he was excited. excited because he knew how much oikawa had been itching to embarrass him ever since his relationship status had reached oikawa’s ears. iwaizumi, as much as he adored you, was painfully aware of this fact and had been equally concerned to introduce you to setter.
“i’m aware, ‘kawa, just don’t scare them off at the earliest convenience. okay?”
“loud and clear.” oikawa gave a mock-salute and sat back in his chair. it earned a small smile, but it didn’t change the fact that iwaizumi was a little bit concerned still.
a knock was heard on the door.
iwa was on his feet in his second and opening the door just as quickly. he met you with a smile, although you weren’t ignorant to the nerves hiding behind it. he had taken the time to text you on your way over and warn you that oikawa might subject you to embarrassing stories and (well-meaning) jokes at iwa’s expense.
“hey! i’m y/n,” you spoke.
“it’s nice to meet you,” oikawa smiled and stood up to meet you where you were standing just in side the door. “i’m oikawa. although i’m sure your boyfriend talks about me at all hours of the day.”
“whatever helps you sleep at night.” iwaizumi said. “anyway, you can come in and sit.”
oikawa mock bowed; back bent perfectly, one arm tucked under his chest and one against his back, pleased look on his face. the whole nine yards.
this was going to be… fun.
━━ kurro;
“i would imagine that i know how to impress my own partner.” kurro frowned.
“do you?” kenma asked, holding up the flowers he had gotten you.
he always meant well with gifts. although there were some times where he sent them without really knowing why he was getting them — he just liked to give you things, he supposed. regardless, he had bought the flowers with the thought process of them being a peace offering between you and his friends. why he needed a peace offering, he didn’t know, but he just wanted the interaction to go smoothly.
his favorite people were meeting each other. he was allowed to be a little nervous, alright?
that said, he drew his attention back to the flowers. met his black stare, kenma sighed.
“the thorns. and the leaves. take them off.” kenma huffed. he handed the bouquet back over to kurro. from beside the black-haired individual, bokuto gave the flowers a tentative sniff.
“get your nose out of their flowers!” kurro frowned again.
bokuto held his hands up in defense, although the three of them were now laughing. he joined kenma on the couch and left kurro to tend to the flowers. from his trek to the kitchen, they vaguely heard something and timing and leaves, although they couldn’t have been bothered to clear up whatever he had been babbling about.
that was, until a few minutes later when the two of them heard a knock. they shared a knowing look before bokuto fell over himself trying to race to the door. he opened it with record speed and a crazed look on his face.
you looked surprised to see him at the least.
“hi. uhm, bokuto, i assume?”
from behind him, you watched as a blonde grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him back into the house. he offered you an apologetic look. he called for kurro, before looked back at you.
“sorry. you can come in. well… it’s not my house, but you can come in.”
you blinked. well, ok then.
you stepped inside in time to see bokuto plopping himself down on the couch and kenma walking over to join him. as if on cue, kurro rounded the corner with roses in his hand.
his eyes darted from you, to the two of his friends, and then back to you. he looked akin to a deer caught in headlights before he muttered a preemptive apology for the two of them.
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andiwriteordie · 1 year
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best me's, bleed // bravest soldier, frontlines, you're losing me - god its like. el's the only one trying to keep the relationship intact even if its w lying / pretending to be smth she isn't / fighting as hard as she can bc mike only apparently notices her then.
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loss and indecision, pain // imposition, down the hallway, till it's gone - the fight abt mike not saying that he loves her, its teeming with the loss of something she thought she had unconditionally and mike's indecision. mike runs after her while she's being taken away in the police car, and he didn't know what he had till it was gone.
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throw out // keep it, tired // phoenix, rising from the ashes, mending all her gashes, dealt the final blow - she's worked so hard to build this relationship (again, even if through lying) and she's used to bouncing back, and love turning out to be conditional or not for all parts of her, but she didn't think it'd be from mike, who took care of her, who was her first friend. that might've been her final blow.
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love // dying, signals - her old self, the one who needed mike to be there and would need him to save her is dying, and mike can't tell that, he still views her as the scared little girl who ran away from the lab, who hasn't learnt anything abt the world and how it works or how to keep a friend. she keeps showing him that she does. she's dealing with the death of her dad and bullying and trying to be normal so desperately, and the loss of her powers, which were a constant to her, so she knows about the 'real world' but mike refuses to see her as she is.
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don't understand // i know you don't, cure would come // i fear it won't - mike doesnt understand how she wants to be loved, and its not the same way that the little girl wanted to be loved, and since he's still in that mindset, he won't ever learn to love her the way she needs unless he is cured of his incorrect thinking abt her and what she wants from life and love, and el thought it might happen eventually (you can see in the airport scene that she had hope, but it was extinguished after 'from mike' on the card w the flowers) but now el thinks it might not, and she has to live with that.
ANYWAY hi andi this long ass ask is for u !! i Meant it when i said i was insane abt el - you're losing me btw. 😭💗 love u
tagging abby in this as well @strangeswift bc if i have to suffer through reading this (i mean that in a good way i promise) so does she
no but literally you hit the nail on the head. this is one of taylor's saddest songs imo, and it really does just sum up el's feelings towards mike and how unloved their relationship makes her feel! god i'm so so upset over this, but it's sooo good 😭😭😭
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juliawritess · 1 year
Illicit Affairs Chapter Two: Patrol
It had been 3 months since Joel’s death, and spring was starting to make its way upon Jackson. The snow was beginning to melt, and the birds could be seen flying over Wyoming. Decorations for Easter were put out, eggs being dyed.
Ellie and Luna hadn’t seen each other since that night on the wall, but Ellie didn’t mind. She had a good time for the first time in a while, and it was nice to laugh, but she just couldn’t bring herself to go out like she used to.
Before, her and Dina and Jessie would go to town parties where they would drunkenly dance all night until they all stumbled home. Or they would sneak past the walls to the secret weed cellar 2 miles away. Oh, how she missed those walks. She would complain and complain about how her feet hurt and “the weed isn’t even that good”, but she would do anything to go back.
It was the end of March, and Ellie was scheduled to meet Tommy and Maria for dinner. Tommy left a note on her doorstep reading:
Haven’t seen much of you, kiddo. Come by this evening for supper, me and Maria want to talk to you about something. If you’re up for it.
Something about the letter embarrassed her in a way. Like she was fragile, delicate cargo. Like everyone had to walk over eggshells to get her to talk about Joel. Which was probably true. She hadn’t necessarily been the nicest lately.
Only a few days prior, she had picked a fight with some teenager. She was huddled up in her little group just next to Ellie whispering about how secluded she’d been, and how she only talked to her little girlfriend. Ellie had approached them.
“What the fuck is your problem?”
The girl looked scared, then. Ellie had a few straggled bandages across her arms and a cut on her nose. She hadn’t washed her clothes in a while, so she looked a bit disheveled.
When no one would answer, Ellie scoffed. “That’s what I fucking thought.”
The girl, who she would later learn her name was Ally, threw the first punch while Ellie’s back was turned. It was weak, and soft, and Ellie couldn’t help but laugh before turning back around.
“That all you got?”
Ellie didn’t mean to hit her so hard. She deserved it, of course, but she was trying to avoid Tommy’s lectures about “public decency”.
When Ally could finally bring her head up, her friends had scrambled, and Ellie saw a bloody front tooth lying on the ground.
Ally was only 17, so Ellie bolted. When she made it back home, she iced her hand and sat on her bed.
A few hours later, Jesse came knocking. When she reluctantly opened the door, he barged in, Dina following close behind.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Dina yelled. “You’ve got that poor girl in the infirmary and you’re just- what- hiding? She’s only 17, Ellie.”
Ellie sighed and went to the kitchen, leaning on the counter.
“Little bitch deserved it.”
Dina threw up her hands in defeat and slammed the door shut. Jesse looked at a loss for words.
“This is the 3rd fight this month, man. What are you getting out of this?” he asked.
Ellie thought about it for a second. She wanted to respond with something snarky, to show him that she truly does not care, but she couldn’t muster up a response. What was she getting out of it? Pleasure? Self-satisfaction? Because to be honest, she really didn’t feel very satisfied.
“Get your shit together, Els. We miss you.” And then he left. And she was alone again. With a bloody fist and disappointed best friends.
When Ellie walked into the infirmary to find Ally lying on the bed, she almost walked right back out. She was laying there with flowers, cards, candy, you name it all surrounding her. She was groaning in pain and had her hand covering her chest. Seriously?
“Little dramatic, don’t you think? I mean it’s just a tooth.” She spoke.
When Ally saw her, she immediately sprang up, all the pain apparently vanished. And that’s when Ellie saw it. The missing space of a right front tooth, gone. She had to turn around to not laugh.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“Well, I wanted to apologize, for your tooth or whatever. It was immature. I mean I still think you’re a bitch, but you know- you’re only 17.”
“Wow, I’m touched. Ally said, sarcastically.
“I mean if you don’t want to accept it, I really don’t care. I’m only here because my friends want me to say sorry. You would be wishing for both your front teeth this Christmas if I didn’t have so much self-control.”
“Fuck you.”
Dusk came, and Ellie made her way to Tommy and Maria’s for dinner.
When she reached the door, no one answered. She considered going back home, making up a story that she sat there for a while and figured they weren’t home, but she knew Tommy didn’t deserve that.
She let herself in, still surprised that these people left their doors unlocked. On the left, the dining table sat with food splayed across it. There were candles lit in the dim room. The cold was causing problems in the dam, so electricity wasn’t at its peak like it was in the summer. But despite, the sight of their home brought a strange comfort.
Maria stepped out from the kitchen, a black apron tied around her waist and rag in hand.
“Hey, honey! I’m sorry, I tried to get to the door, but the pot was overflowing.” she said with a laugh, making her way over to Ellie and leaning in for a hug.
Ellie was never a hugger, so she flinched slightly, but gave in eventually. She figured she needed to get used to it by now.
“Sit, sit, Tommy should be down in a minute. I’m just finishing up dessert.”
Ellie sat facing the window.
“You really didn’t have to do all of this, Maria. It looks amazing, but it must have taken all day.”
“Oh, it’s no bother. I enjoy cooking, keeps my mind off things.” Maria yelled from the kitchen.
Ellie wondered what she meant by “things”. Maria never worked on patrol for a day in her life. She began Jackson and was living in safety for years before Ellie even showed up 5 years ago. Something about it made her jealous in a way, because Ellie was trying to keep her mind off the only father figure in her life dying, and Maria was trying to keep her mind off of the pot overflowing.
A few minutes later, Tommy made his way to the dining room, kissing his wife on the way. He was dressed in clean clothes and smelled of aftershave.
“Well, aren’t you dolled up?”
“Oh, shut it, kid.” He said, sitting at the head of the table.
When he was sat, he got this solemn look on his face, like he was studying her. Ellie was never self-conscious of her state before, but this really made her think. Does he notice the bags under my eyes? The bandage on my fist? The weight I’ve lost?
“How are you?” he said.
He nodded slightly and stared at the table for a moment. A silence grew over them like a fog, filling the room with grey, before Maria walked in, carrying peach cobbler and a smile.
“It looks amazing, honey. Thank you.” Tommy said.
Maria had a proud look on her face as she sat across from Ellie. “Shall we say grace?”
Ellie had never said grace before. She wasn’t really into any religion, but most people in Jackson were Christian enough.
She awkwardly connected hands with Maria and Tommy and bowed her head, but she didn’t say Amen at the end, wasn’t really sure she was supposed to.
“So, I heard you met Luna.” Maria laughed.
“Oh—um.” Ellie didn’t know how they found out about her climbing the wall. She didn’t want them to think she was breaking their trust in a home that they built.
“Yes, she told us she stopped you on the way to patrol and introduced herself. Only nice things to say.”
It was one thing to go against Tommy and Maria’s wishes, but lying just felt so much worse.
“Oh, oh, yes, she just said hello, she seems nice enough.”
“We heard differently,” Maria looked at Tommy. “she said you guys talked for quite a while, about Joel and such.
And such. As if Joel is light conversation. Small talk. Who does Luna think she is talking to Maria about Joel? About Ellie’s Joel?
“It wasn’t like that. She asked if I was okay, and that was all. I don’t know what she told you.” She didn’t mean to sound so closed-off, but her thoughts about Joel were suppressed until now. Maria took it as a sign to change the subject.
Tommy took the lead this time.
“So, about what we wanted to ask you.”
This peaked Ellie’s interest. Whatever it was, was eating at her.
“How would you like to go back on patrol? We would send you with a partner, of course, but I figured it might be helpful to—take your mind off things, get back out there. Because frankly, I’m worried about you, kid. You haven’t left Jackson in months.”
Ellie took a bite of roast and pondered. It wasn’t a bad idea. She enjoyed patrol. The spring weather would be a nice time to start, and it was true. She hadn’t left Jackson in almost 4 months, and it was starting to affect her behavior.
“When can I start?”
Monday morning came, and Ellie woke up at dawn. The house was cool and empty, her favorite time of day. The woods weren’t awake yet, and the only sounds were the distant small talk between officers upon the wall.
Ellie stepped out to the porch, still in pajamas, and sat on the rusted swing. She was almost done with Joel’s Western for the 4th time.
When the sun finally rose above the trees over Jackson, she knew it was time. She changed into working clothes and pulled Joel’s jacket around her. Before walking out the door, she turned around to her desk. A polaroid of Joel and Ellie on their first night in Jackson. She took it and stuffed it into the side pocket of her backpack and left.
When she made it to meetup, Jesse was waiting for her with a rifle.
“One for you, and one for the new partner.”
Ellie looked to the right, and there stood Luna. Of fucking course.
“Glad to have you back, Els. You’re headed East today. There’s a strip mall about 4 miles out that we cleared almost 2 weeks ago, so it shouldn’t be heavy. Just keep an eye out for wanderers.”
“Yeah, yeah, I know the drill.” She wasn’t listening to a word he said.
Ellie and Luna made it to the stables to get their horses silently, before finally making it out of the gates and into the woods.
Half an hour in, Luna finally spoke.
“So, are we just gonna ignore each other?”
Ellie pondered how to respond. She wanted to yell, ask her who she thought she was talking about her to Maria. But she remembered what Jesse said.
Luna stopped her horse, and Ellie kept going.
“What the hell is wrong with you? Did I do something?”
Ellie sighed, turning her horse around.
“You know exactly what you did.”
“Oh come on! Are you serious? This is so childish, Ellie. Just tell me.”
Ellie chewed the side of her mouth, an anxious habit she’d grown over the years. Joel always scolded her for it.
“Is this about what I told Maria? Because I did it so you wouldn’t get in trouble. If she knew we were on the wall when we shouldn’t of been, you wouldn’t be able to be on patrol right now.”
“Why did you tell her that we talked about Joel when we didn’t?”
“But we did talk about Joel.”
“You asked me one nosy question and I answered. Maria tells me that we had quite a conversation, and that didn’t happen.”
They started their horses again, Ellie taking the lead this time.
“She was worried about you. She asked if you were feeling better and I told her that so she would stop mentioning it to you. Based on your reaction, I figured you didn’t really want to talk about it with anyone.”
“That’s not for you to decide.” She replied quickly.
“I’m sorry.”
They continued the journey in silence, before making it to the strip mall. It was quiet, which brought Ellie some relief, but part of her kind of wanted to kill something right now.
Ellie decided on splitting up. The mall was cut into two sections across the street which met at a dead end, where they would meet.
She cleared her side with ease. There were a few clickers who must have been hiding out for a while in the storage closet, but she had enough shivs on her to not make it an issue.
To her surprise, she found a comic bookstore along the way, and it was almost fully stocked.
She filtered through the comedy section until she finally found it. No Pun Intended: Volume Three. And four. And five. She couldn’t believe they made so many.
As she was stuffing them into her backpack, she heard 3 gunshots from across the street. They had agreed to only use guns in an emergency.
Ellie booked it across the street until she reached a winded Luna, sat behind a counter in a clothing boutique with 3 clickers dead in a pile.
“Are you okay?” Ellie asked.
“Yeah, I—just, was trying to be quiet and I stepped on a fucking clothing hanger.”
Ellie looked over at the pile, all of them without heads. Impressive.
“I’ll finish the rest. Just grab the horses, I’ll be back in 10.”
Luna reluctantly stood up. Ellie could tell she was embarrassed. She wanted to tell her that it had happened a few times to her, and there wasn’t really anything to be embarrassed about, but she was too prideful to admit it.
When Ellie had finished clearing and had a backpack of canned food and comic books, she made it back to the meeting spot. Luna was waiting with the horses with a bored expression.
They were almost home, only about half a mile out, when Luna finally spoke. God, why does she keep speaking.
“Are you done being mad at me so we can be friends?”
Ellie looked behind her at Luna.
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baekhvuns · 1 year
Hopefully the kid has a great career, I'd hate if he became "one hit wonder" like many young stars before. Man City who??? Idk I'm not seeing anything, my eyes are closed. Arsenal first <333 cristiano can't go back to ManU so he's choosing the next closest thing, ManCity??? 😭
Ahhh yes me and my friends figured it must be Torres and taste! I used to be a huge El Nino fan. Btw random, I had no idea David Villa works in an Indian club?! Also I joined tumblr (don't ask me how many years ago...) because of the Spanish NT and the first user I followed was actually a Barca fan lmao. Dark times
Noooo I'm probably not attending Lolla in Paris 🔫 I want to, since Skz are headlining, but it still won't be a full concert and I don't care for any other artist in the line up. Btw I'm travelling to SK next week, ngl I'm not that thrilled, but hopefully once I'm there it'll be worth it. I have so many vegan spots to visit in Seoul! Maybe I'll be too distracted to feel petty and sad about the Euro tour
The enemies to lovers prompt has so much potential AAAAAAAAAAAA a slow burn me thinks, a slow and painful one! I really need to read it 😭
I don't think any of the royals are particularly normal jjshshahshagaha maybe Beatrice and Eugenie, they're just kinda there? We know who's the worse tho, Andr*w that old fuckhead. Camilla and Charles don't have good reputation and we all also know why. Guess they can be funny sometimes, but I wish they had sense of morality instead of sense of humour 💀
That Hannah Montana doll, I need to see it 😭 Baek but have you seen The O.C, Skins, 90210 (not the OG one even though it slayed, but I watched the spin off and it was insane)
Not ANOTHER After movie oh god, this and the Hoover movie, we're doomed :/
Literally can't remember anything from that Nascar cartoon, but I watched the shit out of it for a while???
I have that webtoon you mentioned saved actually. Also I noticed a webtoon I started on Kakaopage has made it into ENG webtoon, it's called Complicated Cohabitation. I only started it, because nuna content <3
You wanna steal Soohyuk from me??? Well that's ok, I'm on my way to propose to Hwa. Also the football rings hold ooooon wjdjwjsjjshahash. I actually bought some jewellery from this website before, but I just noticed all the funny rings
I try to be respectful towards religious people, but sometimes it's hard ajsgahshshajaj rip, they can't enjoy Lucifer nor Changmin's Devil, SNSD's Run Devil Run or You Better Run 😬 actually I saw a post on Reddit asking whether Halazia has religious themes, because OP couldn't listen to it if they used religious symbolism. Also pretty sure TXT always had angelic and devilish theme going on (btw that song is my fave off their album - me liking every song that has villain or devil in it)
Uhhhh bestie do you remember this video 😭🤧❤ (but the camera mostly filming his lips, neck and hands drives me INSANEEEE 😳😳😳😳)
Gonna start Nayeon x Hongjoong dating rumours jdjsjsjsbshsh. And You're right Atz and Dox served CEOs at the wedding
???? and hmmm
Okay rich...... do NOT remind me are you insane Park Seonghwa?! But he's cruel and vile
Omfg I haven't been on twt that much, I totally missed two new Seonghwa fansites and they have some gold content like this 😭 and this and oh wow god it's me..... - I need to arrange flowers for him, make him a big ass bouquet 💐💐💐💐
Okay that's enough of Hwa spam :3 - DV 💖
Hopefully the kid has a great career, I'd hate if he became "one hit wonder" like many young stars before. Man City who??? Idk I'm not seeing anything, my eyes are closed. Arsenal first <333 cristiano can't go back to ManU so he's choosing the next closest thing, ManCity??? 😭
it’s really sad seeing new comers come up and be compared and being called the “the next messi, the next ronaldo!” and yet they disappear after a year or something,,, MAN CITY BLUE !!!!!! they’re still 5 points behind but u best believe they are on their way, and 3 el classico’s????? + barca women coming for another win?? also 😭😭 idk if this is someone who had a fan account but it seems a little real take ur barca hate away HES A KPOPPER cr7 he needs to get back to rm, forget man city bro will ruin it 😭😭
😭😭 is this not true atp this has to be intentional is chelsea doing, 3 TIMES???? barca having to go to court to register a member and suing la liga WHILE CHELSEA SPENT €500MIL ON SIGNINGS???? INSANITY
Ahhh yes me and my friends figured it must be Torres and taste! I used to be a huge El Nino fan. Btw random, I had no idea David Villa works in an Indian club?! Also I joined tumblr (don't ask me how many years ago...) because of the Spanish NT and the first user I followed was actually a Barca fan lmao. Dark times
EXACTLY TASTE!!! he’s actually a goal scoring machine, so insanely talented,,, I THINK HES UNDER SOME ODISHA CLUB that was very surprising 😭😭 want to see him play in euro again,,, rmr how iniesta went to japan’s fc bc he didn’t want to ever face barca if he wasn’t playing in it 😭😭 LMFAOOO DARK TIMES AND BERE U ARE CONVERSING W A BARCA FAN ☺️☺️
Noooo I'm probably not attending Lolla in Paris 🔫 I want to, since Skz are headlining, but it still won't be a full concert and I don't care for any other artist in the line up. Btw I'm travelling to SK next week, ngl I'm not that thrilled, but hopefully once I'm there it'll be worth it. I have so many vegan spots to visit in Seoul! Maybe I'll be too distracted to feel petty and sad about the Euro tour
NOOOOOOO there’s so much happening in paris this time around 😭😭😭 right you are!!! omg it’s also come back season ur gonna see so much again! baekhyun comes back 😭😭 i saw this one video on a vegan cafe in itaewon called plant cafe & kitchen and the food looked so good! here’s also some restaurants to check out if ur going jeju! i hope u have a fun and safe time there!! I THINK YOU WILL BE DISTRACTED IF U STAY AWAY FROM TWT 🔫🔫
The enemies to lovers prompt has so much potential AAAAAAAAAAAA a slow burn me thinks, a slow and painful one! I really need to read it 😭 //// I don't think any of the royals are particularly normal jjshshahshagaha maybe Beatrice and Eugenie, they're just kinda there? We know who's the worse tho, Andr*w that old fuckhead. Camilla and Charles don't have good reputation and we all also know why. Guess they can be funny sometimes, but I wish they had sense of morality instead of sense of humour 💀
plots like those are truly the bane of my existence, can go into so many routes, rivals? mafia enemies? sworn since birth enemies? EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING,,, right eugenie and beatrice! they’re yeah just there 😭😭 i also like princess anne, she has a witty personality irl it seems and the crown version was just hilarious fbwnbdsjckc the tampongate is never escaping charles ever 😭😭😭 NO UR RIGHT FBFB i think those who aren’t the direct heirs families tend to be unhinged, the one who are the siblings tend to be more lowkey
That Hannah Montana doll, I need to see it 😭 Baek but have you seen The O.C, Skins, 90210 (not the OG one even though it slayed, but I watched the spin off and it was insane) //// Not ANOTHER After movie oh god, this and the Hoover movie, we're doomed :/
IT WAS THIS FBWKFHWKCJC THO MINE HAS HER ONE FEET CUT OFF 😭😭😭 THE SONG IS DIFF! do u rmr the bratz dolls and the strawberry shortcake ones 😭😭😭 IVE, IVE SEEN THE O.C AND LOVED IT DESPITE THE CONFUSION I GOT UNFORTUNATELY NOT THE OTHER TWO, are they quite similar?? ANOTHER MOVIE YEAH 😭😭😭 at least we have a redemption coming in ??? freaky friday revamp?? desperately need blake to leave that movie 😭😭
Literally can't remember anything from that Nascar cartoon, but I watched the shit out of it for a while??? //// I have that webtoon you mentioned saved actually. Also I noticed a webtoon I started on Kakaopage has made it into ENG webtoon, it's called Complicated Cohabitation. I only started it, because nuna content <3
it does look quite interesting to watch fhwjdhen the characters are <33 U DO?? ITS SO GOOD LIKE AN UNHINGED VERSION OF ONE SIDED ENEMIES TO LOVERS 😭😭 NOONA ROMANCE??? SIGN ME UP !!!!! the younger mc trope is so >>>>
You wanna steal Soohyuk from me??? Well that's ok, I'm on my way to propose to Hwa. Also the football rings hold ooooon wjdjwjsjjshahash. I actually bought some jewellery from this website before, but I just noticed all the funny rings
JFVWKFJWKCJCK GET BACK HERE HELLO TASIR IS WAITING!! TASIR. WAITS. omg those are so interesting to look at, THE DRAGON STOP IT SOMEONE NEEDS TO GIVE IT TO HIM 😭😭 do u think they have a anklet that has the golden boot charm bc that would be something ppl would buy fbwnd the world cup looking necklace 😭😭 maybe we should mail it to ronaldo <3 i know this is a parody acc but i just know he did something like this
I try to be respectful towards religious people, but sometimes it's hard ajsgahshshajaj rip, they can't enjoy Lucifer nor Changmin's Devil, SNSD's Run Devil Run or You Better Run 😬 actually I saw a post on Reddit asking whether Halazia has religious themes, because OP couldn't listen to it if they used religious symbolism. Also pretty sure TXT always had angelic and devilish theme going on (btw that song is my fave off their album - me liking every song that has villain or devil in it)
NO SRS i also think it’s like selective for many people, if a group they like do it it’s amazing and even praise it! but if one doesn’t it’s devil worshipping 😭😭😭 NO LITERALLY HOW WOULD THEY SURVE THE F(X) RED LIGHT ERA 😭😭 ayo ngl i expected halazia to have a pentagram or some rituals and a hook like zimzalabim 😭😭😭 yeah! they always seems to have that theme, very garden of eden x edgy australian band vibes <3 u know they should cover imagine dragons i think that music suits them well! like bad liar esp! THAT SONG IS SO GOOD UR RIGHT BUT TINNITUS??? 🤲🏻🤲🏻 they have the funniest titles 😭😭😭 what the heck 😭😭 lionel mbappe
Uhhhh bestie do you remember this video 😭🤧❤ (but the camera mostly filming his lips, neck and hands drives me INSANEEEE 😳😳😳😳) //// Gonna start Nayeon x Hongjoong dating rumours jdjsjsjsbshsh. And You're right Atz and Dox served CEOs at the wedding
I DO AND WHY WOULD U REMIND ME OF IT WHTMWHDKW THE ZOOM IN ON THE HANDS !!!! GRRRRRRRRRR nayeon x hongjoong giving ✨ ceo romance ✨ the bright and cherry fl and the reserved always squinting ceo <3
???? and hmmm //// Okay rich...... do NOT remind me are you insane Park Seonghwa?! But he's cruel and vile //// Omfg I haven't been on twt that much, I totally missed two new Seonghwa fansites and they have some gold content like this 😭 and this and oh wow god it's me..... - I need to arrange flowers for him, make him a big ass bouquet 💐💐💐💐 /// Okay that's enough of Hwa spam :3 - DV 💖
san’s an ass guy,,, bro just be going into all the details 😭😭😭 do u ever just randomly, out of no where rmr the texture of the smoothness of his hand? no? it’s okay BECAUSE HE WILL REMIND YOU FBWNBDWNDJKS
Tumblr media
oh i just screamed
he’s giving junior hwa tutor au but also steve jobs
what the hell
WHAT THE HECK im going to d word if he doesn’t put that inside
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haro-whumps · 4 years
Group Whumpees 6: Breaking Point
CW: transphobia, implied/referenced noncon, panic attack, shitty family relations, manipulation (sort of? Just in case), slavery, aftermath of abuse, multiple whumpees, defiant whumpee (but not for long! >:D)
Tag list: @bleeding-demon-teeth @theycomeinthrees @redwingedwhump @whimperwoods @inpainandsuffering @whole-and-apart-and-between @whump-whump-whump-it-up @whumpingupastorm @newandfiguringitout @lonesome--hunter @looptheloup @deluxewhump @whumping-every-day @yeet-me-out-a-window @what-a-whumpy-world @burtlederp @constellationwhump @swordkallya @finder-of-rings @fairybean101 
Special thanks to @icannotweave for inspiring some of the events in this chapter and chatting w me about it :3
The moment his phone was turned back on, it rang, and the ensuing conversation with his father pissed him off. His voice was loud, his free hand a fist, his face turned down in a snarl.
Master Galo was nearing his breaking point, Evan knew it. He might not have understood the nice guy act, but this? He knew this. He supposed he should be grateful it hadn’t come out at Lilah, that morning, that the bandages on his thick arm hadn’t been the final push needed to get him to snap, but he was going to snap soon. Evan didn’t know why he hadn’t yet, what about his weird mindgame was so important to him, why he wanted the five of them to believe he was so nice and shit, but it would be soon.
Greyson had provoked Master Galo, that first meeting. As far as Evan knew, he was the only person in their family to confront Greyson about it, wondering why Greyson was suddenly the provocative one. Greyson hadn’t said much in answer, just cleaned his glasses and asked Evan not to do anything foolish, himself, which was infuriating in its own right. 
Honestly, almost everything that had happened since Mistress’s death had pissed Evan off. Their Master refused to give them clear rules, but starved them for not following them anyway. He didn’t want Attended, and he didn’t beat them when they fucked up, he hadn’t reminded a damn one of them of their place despite the fact that he obviously could. Did he think the sight of him was enough to make them cower? Did he expect them to take one look at his broad ass chest and heavy fucking arms and fall over themselves to please him?
It made Evan’s teeth grind that, if that were the case, Master would be right. He didn’t need to do shit; they were terrified of him anyway. Was that the game? To be friendly and sugar-sweet and smiley and happy go fucking lucky while his physique and their own hunger kept them weak-kneed and trembling before him? Or did he just like the anticipation of it all? Knowing he could bring the hammer down on them at any moment and laughing at them with every twitch and jump because they all knew it was coming, but only he knew when?
Fuck this guy! Fuck him and his stupid face and his broad hands and how he was able to bring them to their knees without even lifting a finger! Evan’s arms were shaking with his anger, with the unspent tension of multiple days.
He couldn’t take this.
He knew he’d promised Nyla, but he couldn’t take this. He couldn’t take the arrogance of it all and he couldn’t take the waiting and the waiting and the fucking waiting! He’d eaten a few hours ago, so if Master resumed starving him he could take it. Master was strong, but Evan was too. He could take it. And he would, because if it wasn’t Evan that Master Galo finally erupted at, it would be somebody else.
“I’m not having this conversation anymore!” Master Galo shouted, pacing the sunroom, each heavy footstep resounding loudly. “Dad, I don’t care! Okay? I don’t care! I’ve been busting my ass over here and all you’ve done is call me to complain, repeatedly. I’m done. I’m blocking your number. Don’t call me, don’t call the house, do not speak to me until tomorrow.”
Master Galo hung up, jamming his thumb against the flat screen of his phone with unnecessary force, and prowled over to the artisanal table he’d set the wine bottle on (Evan had been the one to bring the table into the house, and Mistress had rapped his knuckles harshly when he’d set the heavy wood down carelessly, too loud). The wine bottle had been mostly full that morning, and was now half empty. Master Galo drank straight from the bottle, and clearly did not know he was being observed.
He was pissed. He was injured. (Lilah had injured him, a fact Master Galo wasn’t likely to forget). If Evan was going to hit that breaking point, now was the time to do it.
Instinctive, animal fear pooled behind his ribs and below his gut, laced through the anger already wiring his teeth against each other and making his clenched fists shake. He knew what he was doing was stupid, but he was done waiting and wondering when Master Galo would hurt one of them.
He didn’t knock (punishable) and didn’t address Master Galo when he was seen (punishable).
“Evan,” Master Galo said with a sigh, setting the bottle back down, and Evan did not go to him to kiss his hand (punishable) and he did not kneel with his forehead to the floor (Sasha and Evan had that as a special rule for them, since neither of them “knew how to behave.” He didn’t know if that was punishable or not, for Master Galo, but still, he did not do it).
“Good, actually, I was gonna go look for you. Help me bring in the flower arrangements Lilah made,” Master ordered, not as much effort going into his nice guy routine, turned away from Evan and doing something on his phone (likely blocking his father’s number, like he’d promised). 
Well, they had all agreed that there was one good way to make Master angry, that first morning.
“Yes, Mistress,” Evan said very deliberately, hurling the word at Master Galo’s back, and he heard Master’s phone case crack.
Master looked at him, eyes wide and angry, and Evan felt a rush of fear, of “now you’ve done it” rise in him like bile. But he maintained eye contact, wanting Master to know it was deliberate, that he’d said it intentionally. Summoning his anger, he jerked his chin forward. Do something about it.
Master made a strangled noise and rubbed over his face with a hand, shifted his weight onto one leg and tapped the toes of his shoe against the floor with the other, and ducked his head down while pushing his fingers through his hair. He propped the hand with his phone against his hip and waved his finger at Evan, then lifted his head. “Actually, you know what? Why don’t you go grab Nyla and have her come here?”
Nothing could’ve more effectively dropped the floor out from under Evan’s feet. The anger and tense fear, the readiness, the thought that he could handle whatever was about to come at him was instantly replaced with guilty horror.
“No!” Evan screamed, dropping to the floor, grinding his forehead against it. “No, Master, Master, please! No, sir, Master, please, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!”
Master Galo made a noise, some sort of annoyed groan, and asked, “Can we not do this?”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry sir I’m sorry Master I’m so sorry, I won’t ever do it again I swear, please, please don’t--”
“Yeah, I’m just. I’m just gonna--” Master Galo said, walking past Evan, and he lurched, grabbed Master with both hands, one around his belt and the other in the hem of his shirt.
“No! Please, punish me, punish me!” Evan begged, crying, knowing he was, his voice gone high and panicked. Inciting Master Galo was supposed to mean Evan got hurt, that he got to control the way Master Galo boiled over, not this, never this, not Nyla, “Please Master punish me!”
Master Galo pried at Evan’s fingers, and he knew refusing to let go instantly would just make it worse but he couldn’t! “I”m not going to--”
“I’m sorry!”
“STAY.” Master successfully shoved Evan’s hands away from him, the order harsh and loud. “Stay here, don’t go anywhere,” Master ordered after, grip harsh but not quite bruising around Evan’s wrists.
Evan sobbed as he left, heavy footsteps audible. He stayed. He couldn’t afford to make this worse than it already was, not when Master was punishing someone else. Mistress Bethany had played many, many mindgames with them, but when she was pissed, she lost control. Evan could always count on that, and no one had ever been punished for his provocations.
But Master Galo was slower. He’d warned them of that day one. He was more methodical, clearly, and although he’d refused to beat them until now, clearly he knew how to hit where it hurt.
“I’m sorry,” Evan moaned into the vacant room, arms wrapped around his belly and forehead once again on the floor. He was shaking, sobbing, all anger gone and replaced only with fear, with shame, with an unbearable guilt.
“Evan?!” Nyla asked, alarmed, as she rushed into the sunroom. She ran in front of him and spun gracefully, sinking to her knees as she did in a flair of skirts, and he looked up at her worried face.
“I’m sorry,” he sobbed, because he was. He’d never been this sorry in his life. 
“Master told me to come calm you down,” Nyla informed him in a scared rush, one hand to his shoulder and the other cupping his unworthy cheek. “Evan, what did you do?”
“I’m sorry,” he repeated shakily, “I provoked him, I’m sorry--”
“You provoked him!?” Nyla hissed, fingers digging into his shoulder and he choked.
“I’m sorry!”
“Why would you provoke him!?” Nyla scolded, her composure ruined, “He’s been in a bad mood all day this is the worst time to make him angry!”
“I h--” Evan hiccuped on a sob, raising a hand to clench at his vest, fingers digging into his chest. “I couldn’t take the waiting, anymore, I wanted to have it over with.”
“Idiot!” she hissed. “Idiot!” she repeated, louder. But oh, that wasn’t the worst of it.
“He was going to punish you, instead,” Evan confessed, body shuddering and involuntarily casting forwards. “He was--I begged him not to but he didn’t--”
“Where are the others?” Nyla asked, voice hollow, and Evan felt another icy hand of fear grip his heart. If not him, Nyla. If not Nyla, someone else.
Evan struggled to his feet, wiping at his face that wouldn’t stop crying, and was stupidly grateful for the arm Nyla wrapped around his waist to brace him.
Sasha was in the kitchen, thank god, and was alarmed and surprised to see them, thank god.
“I fucked up,” Evan explained, Sasha’s wide eyes darting between them. “I pissed him off, he’s--smart.”
“He’s punishing someone else in Evan’s stead,” Nyla said quietly, and Evan leaned heavily on the counter as Sasha instinctively took a step back, her hands raised over her chest. “Where are Grey and--”
The other kitchen door opened, and Greyson walked in. Which just left one unaccounted for.
“Lilah,” Evan cried, despair seizing him as he collapsed. He sobbed into his hands, distantly aware that Greyson asked a question, and Nyla answered it. Sasha knelt in front of him, but he didn’t deserve her comfort.
Mistress Bethany had never done made him like this. Oh, he’d cried for her. He’d begged. But not like this, only ever out of pain or fear or exhaustion, never this. He could take the cane or boiling water or her nasty over-long fingernails, he could take the exhaustion and the hunger, he could take the words that somehow managed to cut like knives despite how often he told himself he didn’t care what the bitch said. But he couldn’t handle knowing that Lilah, little Lilah, was on the other side of an eruption that he had caused.
Nyla’s skirts entered his field of vision, the hem of her apron stained from an old spill. She stood close with her feet spread, the way she only got when she was angry (he deserved it), and he lifted his heavy head, breath hitching as he cried.
“You promised,” Nyla stated, the words damning.
“I’m sorry,” he squeaked. He’d keep the promise, now. He’d never piss off their Master again, not after learning that he would punish the others for Evan’s mistakes. He’d listen to Nyla, he’d take her advice and obey her as the leader of their family. 
“You promised,” Nyla repeated, and the betrayal in her voice hurt worse than anything Mistress Bethany had ever, ever done. Nyla was not a violent person, but Evan almost wished she was. If she hit him for this, it would be no less than he deserved. 
She loomed over him, like this, lips pressed thin and fists balled at either hip, but she whirled, braced her hand on a countertop and ordered, “Evan, stay here with Sasha and calm down. Grey, avoid all of Master Galo’s usual haunts until dinner. No one talks to him unless he talks to them first.”
Evan let his head drop back down, biting back tears, his body jerking with each hiccup, and squirreled himself away in front of the pantry. Ideally, there, he wouldn’t be able to get in Sasha’s way, since she was doing her job and apparently the only thing he was good at was fucking things up for the rest of them. Why hadn’t he just behaved himself!? Why was seeing Master Galo break such a priority for him? Stupid fuckup, why wasn’t he the one bleeding and aching right now?
If he had the chance to do it over he’d take it in a heartbeat. He wished he could, he’d give anything, he’d do anything, if it meant his family didn’t get hurt. Hurt because of him.
He was supposed to be trying to calm down, but he couldn’t stop crying. It wasn’t until after Greyson had set the table and taken Master’s plate out to him that Evan finally wound down, accepting the glass of water Sasha gave him. 
After Master ate, Sasha plated meals for Nyla and Greyson, then, more hesitantly, herself, and then she stared at Evan.
“Don’t,” he croaked, voice hoarse and raw, “I couldn’t keep it down, if I did.”
“H-he said…” Sasha murmured, gripping her left hand tightly in her right. “O-only if he r-revoked, I, I have to, m-make sure you all eat.”
Was that a subtle punishment, too? If they didn’t eat while nauseous, didn’t keep it down, that was a broken rule?
“But. But,” Sasha continued, voice whining higher, “if he r-revoked perm-mission and didn’t t-tell me, I--”
“Breathe, Sasha,” Greyson said, his hand on her shoulder, the one without the lock of hair she left loose to self-comfort with. “If he didn’t tell you, then be obedient. Even if he gets upset, Nyla and I can beg for you, that you were only following his directions. It’s a hard test for the first day with a new rule, but we’re here for you.”
Sasha took a deep breath and nodded, then looked to Evan again.
“I can’t,” he whispered miserably, “I’m nauseous; it’ll come back up.”
“Bread and water,” Nyla interjected, stabbing her fork into her own dinner. “It counts as eating, Sasha will have followed the rules. It’s light, it won’t come back up.”
Even though she was mad at him, she was still fixing his problems.
“Thank you,” he whispered, heart twisting with fondness even through everything else. He stood and washed his hands, promising Sasha he’d get it himself. She plated Lilah’s dinner, Evan cut off a hunk from the morning’s loaf, and he nibbled at it miserably.
“D-Do… you w-want to come w-with?”
See Lilah. Comfort her, maybe, from the very thing he’d caused. He turned his head away, ashamed.
He ate the bread, slowly, his stomach churning unhappily, when she left.
“She’s okay!” Sasha shouted--well, what counted as Sasha shouting--as she ran through the door on her return. “L-Lilah, she’s n-not hurt. She’s b-b-been Quiet a-all evening! N-nothing’s happened to her s-since lunch! She was c-confused, when I s-said we’d b-been sca-ared.”
Nyla gripped Sasha at the elbows, everyone’s attention on her. “Sh-she’s okay!”
Evan ran.
“Evan?” Lilah startled when he entered, and she was. She was okay. The relief stole his breath from him. “Evan, what’s happening?” Lilah asked as he crossed to her, barely remembering to toe off his shoes before climbing into bed, flinging himself at her and wrapping her in a bear hug. “Why did Sasha think I was hurt?”
“We all did,” he croaked, pressing his nose to her hair. She was alright. Master hadn’t hurt her.
She shook her head against his chest. “I told you earlier, remember? He wasn’t mad I hurt him.”
“No, no I--” Evan had to stop and swallow. It was shameful, to confess to it again. To recount how he’d acted, and how the others had almost gotten hurt because of it. Lilah smacked his head at the end of it, though nowhere near hard enough to hurt.
“Idiot,” she scolded. “Stop doing stupid things because you’re angry.”
“I won’t,” Evan promised with a wet chuckle, so relieved she was okay. “Never again.”
But if Lilah wasn’t hurt, that meant Master hadn’t punished anyone. It meant Evan had kickstarted some new stage to the mindgame; there was something left undone. Sure, maybe it fit into what Evan understood of Master Galo’s ploys that he was simply reminding Evan that he knew how to break him, so easily and so very thoroughly. Maybe this was just another show of power. Maybe Master Galo had realized Evan was trying to claim control, and had denied him even that.
Or maybe, Evan thought, as he lied wide-awake after his family had all fallen into an unsteady sleep, Master Galo was simply biding his time for when it would hurt the worst. The punishment was coming. It had to be.
Evan had one last chance to make sure the person punished was him.
He crept up the stairs, quiet despite the fact that he knew his family couldn’t hear him, here. He went to Mistress Bethany’s old room--largely untouched, just yet--and walked across the perfectly spotless carpet. One of his jobs, as housecleaner, was to come to this room every morning and scrub out the blood from whatever had happened the night before. If even a speck was left, he’d spend the following morning scrubbing without gloves to protect him from the harsh chemicals. 
He was very good at cleaning. He wasn’t good at much else, but he could clean. And, he reminded himself as he opened the tool closet and lifted the heaviest wooden cane, he bruised very nicely. Mistress Bethany had beat him with this, him more than any of the others, trying to break him, trying to put out the final shreds of defiance in him, the rebellion he clung to, his anger. He tried to feel for that anger now, and felt nothing.
In less than a week, Master Galo had done what Mistress Bethany had failed to do over the course of a decade.
He gripped the cane below the handle and took a deep breath. Move gracefully. Don’t cry before it starts. Don’t emote with ugly expressions. Evan was no good at pretending to smile, but he could look submissive. He slid one hand down the cane, gripping it lower as he started to walk. The smooth wood raised goosebumps across his skin and bile in his throat, but now wasn’t the time to back down.
He wasn’t angry, this time, he wasn’t impatient or stupid. He’d do as he was meant to.
Don’t stutter. Don’t recoil. Flinching was okay but not too far, or it would look like a recoil. His footsteps, though quiet, seemed to boom inside his ears. As did his pulse, and his breathing. Thank Master Galo properly. Don’t panic, this time around.
That would be the hard one. The looming threat of what would happen if he failed--if he didn’t beg hard enough or right enough that Master Galo would punish him--had him on the brink of terror already, and they hadn’t even started yet. He bit down on that fear, with no anger left to shield him from it, and forcefully reminded himself, Don’t panic.
Knock on the doorframe. He did. Greet Master when acknowledged. “Master Galo.” Kneel. He did.
“Evan, why are you here?”
“I apologize, Master. I reacted poorly, earlier.” Evan lifted the cane in both hands, presenting it to the man that loomed over him like a nightmare. “I intentionally called you the wrong name, I shouted, I touched you without permission, and I was ugly in doing so. For these offenses, Master, please,” he hoped Master Galo hadn’t heard his voice crack on the ‘please,’ “punish me.”
The fear was building, compounding in on itself, too fast, but Evan kept his body rigid, immobile. He’d fucked up, so many times, he wouldn’t fuck up this one, he couldn’t. Even when he heard his Master take slow, thoughtful steps toward him: he kept his head down, his arms up. Even as each step sent him closer to a panic. Even as his breath threatened to break loose of his control, to speed up, ugly and audible.
Even as his Master’s shadow blocked out the moonlight.
Even as Master Galo took the heavy cane from his hands.
Galo needed to be very, very careful. He’d been hasty, earlier, impatient and irritated with this man misgendering him when he was already at the end of his rope thanks to his father. A couple laps around the property line and the familiar burn of lifting heavy objects and moving the floral arrangements inside had helped him cool off--a lot. But the damage was very clearly already done. Evan sounded wrecked.
The cane was solid wood, probably oak or some shit--heavy. If he hit Evan with this, he could kill him. Galo set it down and leaned it up against the chair in the room, overfull with his belongings. Having Evan sit there wasn’t really an option, not unless he wanted to dump the stuff out and he needed to be delicate, here.
Alright, what did Galo know? Evan thought Galo was still pissed at him (not entirely unreasonably). Evan wanted to be punished with a heavy fucking cane, due to #1. Something had spooked this guy--badly. Galo couldn’t carry on not knowing what that thing was, or else they’d wind up right back here again: with a slave kneeling just inside his doorway, ready for him to do terrible things to them. 
“Evan, I’m gonna ask you some questions and you’re going to answer them honestly, okay?” Galo said, slowly walking back to his bed and sitting on the end of the mattress, patting next to him. “Will you come over here?”
“Yes Master,” Evan answered instantly, moving to get up but then hesitating. Okay, Galo’s bad, he did just say he’d be asking questions, not necessarily making suggestions via questioning. 
“Come here,” Galo ordered gently, and Evan moved faster than Galo had ever seen him move. He didn’t sit on the mattress like Galo had hoped, but knelt at Galo’s side. “Sit on the bed, please,” Galo tried, and Evan moved again, still quick. 
“Thank you.” Galo pat him, once, on the back. Evan did not have a history of responding well to touch, for all that Galo had seen him, so he didn’t plan on doing too much of it while they talked. “Now what’s all this about” was probably a redundant question, since Evan had literally listed off his offences when he came into Galo’s room. 
Galo, predictably enough, spent too long thinking, because before he could even begin to formulate an intelligent question Evan whispered, “Anything.”
“Anything, Master,” Evan stated, barely any louder, if at all, “I’ll do anything.” Slowly, deliberately, Evan moved his hand directly towards Galo’s crotch, and Galo was grateful for the speed because he didn’t have to snatch Evan by the wrist, just stop him.
“No, Evan, I’m not fucking you,” Galo said firmly, aware of his mistake too late. He must be tired, if he thought inviting Evan up onto the bed with him was a good idea. “Didn’t meant to imply--”
“Please,” Evan choked out, small.
“Evan?” Galo became aware that Evan was trembling in his grip.
“Please don’t hurt them,” Evan begged, sounding at the end of whatever rope he had, and Galo’s brow furrowed.
“Them?” he asked, “You mean, the others?”
“Please,” Evan repeated, “It was my mistake, I did it. Please, Master Galo, punish me.”
Galo bent to get a better look at Evan’s face, and he saw tears brimming there, inside a thousand yard stare.
“Hey, buddy,” Galo said, waving his hand in front of Evan’s face without even as much as a blink, “I’m losing you there.”
“They didn’t--” Evan choked.
“They didn’t do anything wrong,” Galo finished for him, gently.
“So please, please punish me,” Evan begged, the first tear spilling over, and Galo couldn’t think. He was tired, he was spent, it was late, he wanted to be asleep and not having this conversation but Evan was freaking out, and that was Galo’s responsibility to fix. “I’ll take anything, I’ll be quiet or loud or however you prefer, I deserve it Master, I’ll do anything you tell me to just please, please--!”
“Evan, stop talking,” Galo said, careful not to tell him to be quiet or shush or anything that might imply he wasn’t allowed to cry right now. Evan’s mouth shut, and Galo let go of his wrist in order to sling an arm around Evan’s shoulders, hugging him. He needed time. He needed to think, but thinking was so hard when he was so tired. He let Evan cry against his shoulder, the poor guy’s hands in fists at his sides, and Galo didn’t know how to fix it.
It looked like the only thing that would calm Evan down, at this point, would be to actually punish him. But Galo wasn’t going to hurt him, so, something else? But what would count as a punishment--enough that Evan would accept it as such--but not hurt him? Galo couldn’t think.
Oh! So he’d buy himself some time.
“Evan, tomorrow morning, meet me in the den.” Galo felt bad for even saying it, feeling Evan flinch under his arm, but it was supposed to be a punishment. “I’m tired right now,” not a lie, “so I’ll deal with you then.”
“Thank you Master,” Evan said, and Galo moved his hand to give Evan a little push on the back, mostly to help the man. “Thank you Master, thank you.”
“Go to sleep, Evan.” Galo watched him stagger to his feet, and stumble once on his way to the door.
“Yes, Master, thank you.”
Galo sighed and flopped back on his bed. He was making mistakes and his body felt like lead. He knew he had to climb up and crawl under the covers, but they were so far away.
The longer he lied there the harder it would be. Fuck.
But he did feel better in the morning. Clearer, sharper, better equipped to puzzle out what the fuck was going on with Evan.
At least he could hazard a guess at what had spooked the guy so bad: he thought Galo was going to punish the others for his actions.
...Now that he thought about it, Evan had lost his shit the first time when Galo said he was gonna have Nyla help him with the flowers instead. How had Galo phrased it exactly? He couldn’t remember, it was such a small detail, a harmless sentence said when he was pissed and frustrated. Except it hadn’t been harmless, clearly. Evan had taken it to mean Galo would hurt Nyla, and, he guessed, the other three, also. 
“God,” Galo muttered to himself, pulling his notebook out and writing Don’t insinuate you’ll hurt other people when one person “messes up” on the list of suggestions he had for his own behavior. 
Flipping back a page, he wrote, Evan will beg to be beaten if you spook him enough. Not as surly as I thought???
Galo ran his fingers through his hair and started getting ready for the day, his old suit tight around the chest and biceps. As he dressed and groomed himself, he tried to think of a good punishment that wouldn’t actually hurt Evan. He was combing his hair when the lightbulb went off, the idea striking him.
He headed on down to the den, where Evan was already waiting, on his knees with his wrists crossed behind his back.
“Morning Evan,” he greeted, approaching him and extending his palm, which Evan kissed.
“Master Galo,” Evan returned, quiet but thankfully not sounding as panicky as the night before. Galo tilted his head up by the chin so he could see his eyes. The usual fire he sometimes thought he saw was beyond absent; Evan looked like a broken man.
“Repeat after me, Evan,” Galo said, hoping that being punished would serve as some small comfort, that he wasn’t entirely off-base. “I will not misgender Master Galo. I will not provoke him and I will show him respect.”
Evan didn’t hesitate to say it back to him, and Galo removed his hand from under Evan’s chin.
"Good, Evan. Now say that out loud 999 more times. You may leave the den after you do; don't lose count."
And so Galo spun on his heel, and left.
He wouldn’t do anything to confirm that Evan had, in fact, said it 1,000 times. He had shit to do and it didn’t matter to him, personally, if Evan did lose count. But if nothing else, even just kneeling there that long would be a punishment in and of itself. And it addressed the issue.
“Morning Sasha,” Galo greeted, offering his hand again and getting started on his morning shake. “Has Evan eaten yet this morning?”
She shook her head. “Cool. After he’s done with his recitations, he can eat, but don’t interrupt him please.”
Sasha nodded and he smiled at her. “Atta girl. I’m gonna go load up the van and head to the church. This everything?” Galo gestured at the foodstuffs, packaged neatly the night before. When she nodded, he gave her a pat to the shoulder. “Thanks, Sasha. I’ll see you all tonight, probably after dinner so don’t wait up.”
When everything was loaded and Galo behind the wheel, he buckled himself in but then took a moment before he actually turned the van on to sigh and rub his hands down his face.
“Alright, Galo,” he said to himself, staring at the car ceiling. “You can do this. It’s gonna suck, but then it’s gonna be over.”
He breathed in, breathed out, and went to go set up for the funeral.
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okaybutlikeimagine · 4 years
(tumblr won’t let me respond to asks directly so we’re screenshotting them till further notice  🤷)(i had the WHOLE THING typed out w/ the italics fixed into the ask and i copied it so i wouldn’t have to go through and put the italics again and then my DUMBASS SELF went to copy a fucking SHRUG EMOJI and now i have to put the italics in again. good thing i do all this stuff on a separate google doc bc i’m a moron and would have lost the whole thing just now. anyway)
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Hi!!! I’m crying bc you fucking KNOW that Billy would get so fucking embarrassed!!
Bc Billy is prideful!! I’m telling you, that boy has some Leo in his chart or something bc if anyone so much as smiles at a joke at his expense, he gets defensive. And that’s not to say that he doesn’t banter back and forth with Robin, and that’s not to say that he and Steve don’t give insults that sound like endearments, and that’s not to say that he and Jonathan don’t rib each other amicably… but it’s different. Pride is a very different thing.
Bc Billy is legit like a little lion cub. (AKA every Leo i know, therefore Billy has Leo in his chart, don’t @ me) it’s an almost juvenile kind of attachment to pride. Like a baby lion cub who’s just getting their mane in but holds their head like they’ve got the biggest one in the pride, it’s a little childish (as much as he may not want to admit it).
And it’s really not Billy’s fault. That’s what he’ll tell you. That’s what he’ll tell anyone. It’s not his fault he’s a brat and he’ll shrug his shoulders and he’ll continue to be rude/bratty and for some people (Steve) it’s charming and for others (almost everyone else) it’s tolerable but for Jim…. It’s…. It’s upsetting. Jim doesn’t like to be seen as “controlling” or a “hardass” or whatever but he’s not sure how he can just ignore when Billy is being disrespectful. Even if it’s only slightly. bc like…. He feels like he needs to be a good dad and good dads make sure their kids grow up to be good people, right??? Which isn’t to say he thinks Billy is a bad person but he worries because, like every parent, his biggest fear is fucking up. He didn’t get a whole lot of practice with Sara. and after her death he couldn’t help but think of every time he slipped up. Every time his wife soothed his hair and said: “We have time to get it right.” every day that passed with Sara in the hospital where he realized she was wrong.
And i’m SO sorry for getting into that but I think that really influences how Hop parents now! The man was broken and then just…. Acquired a 12 year old. And then a 17 YEAR OLD?? Like… the man would be Confused as to how to proceed. And then THIS happens…
Bc Billy has mood swings. Billy is a teenager and also the human version of a bratty little cat that puffs his chest out and ruffles his own fur and may leave a few scratches but is ultimately harmless (esp now that he has a nice, loving family!!) and so they’re at the dinner table and the boys are talking about their grades and whatnot and Billy may be a little pouty. Because maybe Billy didn’t study as hard as he should have for his last history test. He just thinks history is so stupid. He’d rather read a book or do 100 math problems. What’s history gonna teach him?? He doesn’t need to know any more about plagues.
So he says that.
Jonathan’s talking about how well he did on his essay and Will is talking about how he did on his math test and Billy’s pushing carrots around when Joyce asks: “How’s school for you, Billy?”
“Just peachy keen.” he sneers down at his plate. Hop tuts harshly.
“Hey.” Hop chastises, only serving to make Billy’s blood boil more.
“Calm down.”
“I’m plenty calm.” Billy snaps back, but it’s quiet. He shoves a sliced carrot in his mouth.
“Have you had any tests or anything lately?” Joyce asks calmly, in that motherly voice she always gives that makes Billy’s mind swirl a bit.
“Billy-” Hop warns and it makes Billy sit straight up, but give a challenging look in Hop’s direction as he says, loudly:
“Yes, ma’am.”
Joyce stops asking, but she sends a look to Hop, who’s still caught in a staredown with Billy. Billy can’t see her look, but he wouldn’t understand it if he could, because it says: Hop, cut it out.
And the conversation shifts to significant others and then Joyce is smiling kindly at El and asking about her and Mike and maybe Hop is pouting but he’s not gonna draw attention to himself bc Joyce will just hit him like she always does when he’s pouting over their kids dating (specifically El). And Jonathan is smirking a bit into his dinner but Will is visibly uncomfortable as El gushes about Mike before complaining that he doesn’t come over enough and that she doesn’t go out enough and Billy gets irritated. Why should he and Will have to listen to this when they don’t want to??
And he mutters something, darkly. Something about Mike and El and “ungrateful little brats”.
And everyone hears. He only half means it, but they don’t really think that far.
And Hop shoots a look his way before chewing on a carrot rather aggressively.
“Somethin’ to say?”
Billy gives Hop a challenging stare, but he backs down as soon as he starts it.
“No sir.” He mutters harshly.
“Then behave.”
“How about you and Steve, sweetie?” It’s Joyce. Being sweet.
“Happy as can be.” It sounds bitter the way he says it because it is. They got in a fight today. A little one, but enough to make Billy taste something sour in his mouth when he thinks about it. He figures they’re gonna make up just fine tomorrow, no flowers or empty promises needed, just another heated conversation followed by a heated make out in the front seat of Billy’s Camaro. Maybe followed by a serious talk that’ll make Billy’s face heat up because he still can’t believe this boy has Billy wrapped around his finger so fucking tight.
“Yeah, well Officer Callahan says you and Harrington have-”
“You know his name.” Billy growls, resting his fork on the plate.
“Steve. You and Steve have been running around empty fields a lot lately.”
“And?” Billy’s vision is turning red. It’s tunneling a bit.
“And what’s that all about?”
“Don’t really wanna give you all the dirty details.” Billy shoves some meatloaf in his mouth. Hop’s looking at him like he’s a hassle and Billy’s proud of it.
“You guys shouldn’t be doing that. Someone’s gonna say something.”
“And?” Billy’s getting madder. He puts his fork down with a loud clang.
“And you’re gonna cause problems-”
“For you?” Billy seethes, leaning forward a bit, just willing Hop to say it.
“For yourselves.”
“Oh yeah?” Billy asks, leaning back in his chair, blood boiling hot. “Well what about the little twerps?”
Billy nods over to El, who makes a whining noise.
“Hey!” She calls, face pouting.
“What about them?”
"I just don't think it's very fair that it's safe for them and not us." Billy growls, gritting his teeth, eyebrows low.
"That's not true."
"It's safe for everyone else but us!" He’s mad. He’s mad bc him and Steve have argued about this before. Argued about how there’s no real point in being together if they have to hide all the time. That one time when they saw Cindy and Jason being grossly affectionate in public and Billy grabbed Steve’s ass and Steve got mad. They fought for a few days and it ended with them laying in Hansen’s big empty field, on the outskirts of town, talking in dreamy, far away voices about how one day they’d move to California bc “It’s not like this there… trust me, babe. It’ll be so much better.”
Billy’s vision tunnels more. All he sees is Hop in different shades of red. He forgets where he is. He’s livid, thinking about El and Mike and Cindy and Jason and Tommy and Carol and Nancy and Jonathan and he’s going to scream. His heart is racing with disdain.
"You know it's still dangerous for El to go out." Hop warns.
"You know that's not what I meant."
"Look... kid-"
"I'm not a fucking kid." Billy growls, leaning forward even more.
"Language!" Hop’s voice is booming and Billy’s had about enough of this. He resents being told off like a kid.
"Sorry! Excuse the fuck out of me!" He’s snarling and Hop seems about as livid as Billy feels.
"Go to your room!"
"Fine!" Billy yells, shoving his chair back and standing up, turning to Joyce for the first time all dinner and seeing her eyes full of… concern. He doesn’t know how to feel about it. Something in his chest heaves at the sight. His eyes flick over to Jonathan and then to El and then to Will…. And then his chest tightens. He looks away just as quickly.
He thanks Joyce quietly for dinner, mumbling it a bit but he thinks the sentiment is clear enough. He drops his plate off next to the sink and storms off to his room, slamming the door with probably too much force but everything’s on his mind and he has the right to be a brat if he wants.
It’s just that he hates just sitting here with nothing to do but think about everything. He doesn’t even have his stereo to listen to music with bc he gave his to El until she can get a new one bc hers broke and her nightmares have been bad recently. Listening to music before bed calms her down. Billy didn’t say anything about his own nightmares or his own need for music before bed. He wishes he had now that he’s laying in bed, about ready to rip his sheets to shreds bc he’s boiling. He feels like a storm but, to any outsider, he looks like a toddler- red-faced from a tantrum and fidgeting and bubbling like a shaken up soda bottle.
He’s so mad he can’t even do anything. The minutes pass in sticky but frantic moments of anger and thoughts and memories and the only thing his body will let him do is just sit there. Lay in his bed and pull at his covers and fall into thoughts and think about Hop reprimanding him like that and how awful it was and how red and angry he looked and how he sent him to his room like a kid and… and how Joyce looked so worried…. And how that same look was in Jonathan’s eyes…. And Will’s…. That same worried, concerned look. They all three have the same eyes- Lonnie be damned. Those boys share their mother’s eyes and all of the emotion that goes within them and it makes… it makes Billy mad he’s mad about it he knows he’s mad and-
And he calms down a bit. Calms down enough to do what Steve told him to do when he gets angry and stressed and doesn’t know what to do with himself. Because Steve’s family is “well-traveled” and Steve knows all these weird little things from all these cool different countries.
So Billy takes out his notebook and rips a couple pieces of paper out (bc he saves the fancy paper Steve gave him for when he’s actually trying) and does some origami. Bc Steve said it’d help him to do something with his hands and this is something he can do quietly, in his room, without being destructive. ”It’ll help, I promise!”
The hardest part is making a perfect square, bc it takes too much patience and usually Billy doesn’t have that. But he’s just doing this to calm down so he eyeballs it as he cuts the paper and starts to fold what he knows, which is either a heart or a crane. Those are the only 2 things Steve has taught him that he knows off hand w/o the instructions or Steve guiding him through it.
There’s more crumpled paper on the ground than folded paper on his desk but Steve had assured him that was more than okay. It’s kind of the point, he figures. Crumpling and ripping up the paper is almost as nice as folding it to make something, and it makes actually making something feel even better when it happens.
He’s sitting there, on his 3rd heart, when there’s a small knock on the door.
“Go away.” He calls, realizing that the paper he cut isn’t a perfect square bc the corners won’t match.
“It’s Will.”
Billy pauses a bit. He goes back to folding his paper, not caring about the corners bc it’s not bad enough to start over. He doesn’t say anything.
He hears the door open.
“Do you think ‘go away’ doesn’t mean you?”
“Does it?” Will asks, voice earnest. Billy looks up to see his face matches.
Billy sighs, the harsh feeling in his chest softens a bit at the boy in his doorway. He turns back to his folding.
“What do you want? And close the door.”
“I wanted to ask if you wanna come listen to records with me.” Will says, closing the door behind him.
“I don’t think they want me out there.” Billy folds his paper with his fingernail to make it sharp. It burns his thumb a bit.
“That’s not true.” Will says, taking a few steps closer. “Mom told Hop… Dad he shouldn’t have done that.”
And that makes Billy mad. He’s not even sure why. It’s a heat in his chest and his face that feels like anger and he messes up his fold and he’s just… he’s confused and he’s red and all he can think about is Will saying “mom”. Not “my mom” just “mom” and also “dad” like he’s theirs and Billy can’t understand it still and he smashes the paper into a ball in his hand-
“I don’t need your mom defending me.” Billy says harshly, spitting the words out like he hates them, chucking the paper on the ground. He’s too aware of the way Will flinches a bit at his harshness. He takes a deep breath.
“Uh... “ Will’s fidgeting. Billy feels bad. He sighs.
“I don’t have my stereo.” Billy leans back, running a tired hand down his face. “Ask Jonathan.”
“But I wanna listen to your music.” Will says quietly and Billy believes him. Will’s been getting interested in Alice Cooper and Led Zeppelin and all of the fun bands that actually perform. Steve gifted Billy a VHS performance of Led Zeppelin and Will seemed to like the lead singer quite a bit.
“Well I don’t wanna go out there, pipsqueak.” Billy rips out another piece of paper. It’s quiet for a second, Billy eyeballing another square to cut. It’s so quiet, Billy thinks Will has left.
He thinks wrong.
“Can I still hang out with you?”
Billy puts the scissors down, exhausted, and looks up at Will.
“Alright, what’s wrong?”
Will shrugs. “Nothing. I just…. Like it in here.”
Billy’s confused, but he almost believes him for a minute.
“I don’t have music for you.”
“I can grab a book to read.” The boy’s so earnest, Billy knows he’s not gonna shake him.
So he waves him away with a nod and Will’s out and back quicker than Billy can think about how weird it is that this boy would rather sit in his room in silence than do something fun. Will’s closing the door carefully, latching it quietly and moving over to sit on the bed.
Billy has crumpled up 2 more pieces of paper before Will begins to pry.
“Are you folding things again?”
“Uh huh.”
“What’s it called, again?”
“Cool.” Will scoots on his knees to the edge of the bed so he can see what Billy’s doing. “Do you need any help?”
“I’m good.” Billy mutters, unconvincingly.
“I can cut the paper for you. I’m good at making squares.”
And so Will is sitting criss cross on the bed, cutting perfect square after perfect square, while Billy sits backwards on his desk chair with his arms folding on the back rest and mind racing a mile a minute. Will’s so quiet and calm, willingly coming in here just to spend time with Billy, helping him now and… and something sick fills Billy’s chest. The only thing he can hear are his words at the dinner table.
‘Hey-uh…” His voice sounds weird to his ears and his tongue feels thick but he’s got Will’s attention now so he needs to get it out. “Sorry.”
Will’s eyebrows scrunch up. “Sorry for what?”
For being a dick? For ruining your dinner? For ruining your family?
Billy shrugs.
“I dunno. Just… not being a good example.”
“Whaddya mean?” Will asks, handing over a handful of squares before working on some more.
Billy shrugs again. “I dunno kid I just… I’m not like Jonathan. I’m not… I’m not a good example for you. It’s embarrassing.”
“What’s embarrassing?”
“Getting told off like that in front of you guys.” Billy turns back around so he can start folding again. He needs to do something w/ his hands.
“I told you, mom told him he shouldn’t have done that.”
“But he was right-”
“No, you can be upset if you’re upset. It’s fine.”
Billy falters a bit. He wonders if Will is quoting Joyce. The small boy keeps speaking.
“You’re a good example,” Will’s voice says, and he sounds so sure that Billy believes him. “You’re just a different one. You show me to stand up for what I believe and… and that it’s okay to be… to like boys…”
Billy stops folding altogether. Will’s voice gets quieter.
“You’re a good example. It’s good to let things out when you feel them.”
Billy’s mind is racing. He’s folding without thinking about it. Because the only thing he can think about is how he got accepted into this family so quickly. How Hop took him in and Joyce accepted that like she was accepting a package at the door. She took him in like he was her own son and not some bratty problem child being dumped on her. And now Hop reprimands him without his fists and Joyce chastises Hop for being too harsh even though he’s… doing his job, whatever that entails and it’s… it’s too much sometimes. It’s too much to think about but Billy knows he wouldn’t give it away for the world bc every moment like this reminds him that every passing day is a day further away from the pain he grew up surrounded by. The pain now doesn’t even compare to the pain then. This is so different bc this pain is laced with care and love.
He’s made a crane before he realizes.
“I’m glad you’re my brother.” Will’s voice sounds so far away but it crashes over Billy like a wave.
Billy nearly crushes the crane in his hand from the words. He’s so shocked at them.
He turns and gives Will the crane, not looking the boy in the eye as he gathers up the paper and the scissors from the bed.
“I don’t need any more paper. Thanks.” Billy mumbles, dumping everything on his desk.
“You’re welcome. Is this for me?”
“Yup.” Billy shoves the paper in a drawer and tosses the scissors into his pencil cup.
“Thanks!” Will’s so excited about it. Billy’s heart is fluttering.
“Wanna listen to those records now?” Billy asks, hands on his hips, fingers fidgeting bc this is a lot and he just…. He needs music now. Whatever. He realizes he shouldn’t be so scared. There’s nothing to be scared about. Will beams up at him.
“Sure!” Will gets up and rushes to the door as Billy grabs a folded heart and follows the boy out, aiming to give it to Joyce by means of apology. He thinks briefly about giving one to Hop as well, but he figures a spoken apology and a light punch on the shoulder and a promise to listen should do just fine to get the man smiling again. Bc somehow- somewhat miraculously -it always does.
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sicprowl · 5 years
Death by Chocolate
Dimitri and Cute Byleth stuff - bc why not?
“What the heck are you wearing?!”
Dimitri frowned, glancing down at his pristine white outfit with black trim, gold buttons, and matching blue and white cape.  Even his long hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail, something he’d been proud of.
The nine year old couldn’t help but panic and clutch his novelty bag close, “I-It’s my costume!”
Sylvain blinked, his fake fangs peeking out from his upper lip.  "Yeah, I can see that!  But what are you supposed to be?!“
The red headed vampire guffawed only for Ingrid to stomp on his foot.  She then smacked him out of the way with her Valkyrie shield, “I think you look great Dimitri.”
That seemed to ease the young boy, “T-Thank you.  El helped me pick it out.”
Now it was Sylvain’s turn to be unsure, “Edelgard?  Your step-sister?”
Ingrid punched him with her shield again and gave the blond an approving nod.  "It’s great that you two are getting along.  Getting a new family is…tough.“
Dimitri didn’t reply, not needing to be told how hard it’d been when his father married her mother.  The boy had been excited to get a sibling, but all his interactions with said girl made him think she didn’t want anything to do with him.
"Where is Ms. Imperial Princess?”
“She’s with Hubert,” Dimitri answered as Ingrid hissed at him to stop it.  "They left the house before I was done getting ready…“
"All, tall dark and Snape-y.”  Sylvain snickered, earning another hit in the gut - only this time from an arriving Felix.
“Would you stop acting like an idiot?”  The shorter boy snarled while crossing his arms, “You’re embarrassing!”
Sylvain gave his friend an extra toothy grin, “Says the boy dressed up like Leonardo.”
“I’m a NINJA!  Not a ninja turtle!!”
The boys sniped at each other while they left Dimitri’s house and joined the many costumed kids filing around outside.  The sun was still out, so a lot of the younger kids were walking with parents or in large groups - much like their own.  It was going to be crowded like this for a while considering they were one of the better neighborhoods.  
Three words.  King sized bars.
“Is Dedue going to trick or treat with us?”  
Dimtri smiled at Ingrid, “Y-Yes.  He’s got to do something first, but he said he’d meet up with us soon.”
“I’m surprised he’s coming at all,” Sylvain shrugged as they came to the second house.  "Trick or treating might be too childish for him.“
"Says the eldest of the group,” Felix sniffed disapprovingly while Sylvain looked affronted.
“Hey!  I’m just trying to enjoy my last Halloween!”  The vampire grinned and flipped his hair, “I’m getting older after all - and I can’t spend next year looking for candy.  Not unless there’s a girl involved.”
Felix and Ingrid looked disgusted and made fun of the red head as they continued down the line of houses, bags growing heavy with treats and the occasional peppermint.  Decorations both cute and scary greeted them at each house - along with the occasional dad who thought he was scary enough to frighten some kids.  They didn’t mind if it, not if it meant more candy if they played along.
It was an hour later when the sun was already halfway past the horizon, most of the younger kids already going home for the night or visiting their last few houses.  Now the streets were littered with kids thier age and preteens like Sylvain, clinging to their last night of childhood before they focused on things like sports and awkward dating.
Dimitri didnt’ look forward to that, not when his mind was already reeling with nervousness.
Not when they were nearing the house.
“Whoa, look at this place!”  Sylvain pointed, “I think it’s the creepy place behind your house, Dimitri!”
“S-Shush!”  The blond whispered urgently, wide eyes staring at the old manor with panic.  "You’re being rude!“
But Sylvain continued to talk loudly, noting that the place was probably the oldest manor in the neighborhood.  With run down shingles, shabby siding, dirty panels and creaky steps that could wake the dead.  The windows were dirty, or foggy, Dimitri wasn’t sure.  The front yard was slightly overrun with weeds, boxwood bushes that looked like lumpy meatballs and a driveway full of cracks that were need of serious repair.
Felix gave the shabby home the side eye.  "Does anyone even live there?”
“Y-Yes,” Dimitri replied with a soft voice, his gaze looking around for something or someone.
“Whoa, really!?”  Sylvain’s smile grew, “Do you think it’s haunted?  Is the guy living there creepy?  Does he stare at you from his windows?”
“N-No!”  His head whipped around on his friend, affronted.  "The family that lives here is very polite-“
But Sylvain ignored him, already walking towards the creepy home.  Even the sight of other kids avoiding it wasn’t enough to deter him - which only made Dimitri begin to panic.
"W-Wait!”  The Prince grabbed his friend’s arm, but he was looking around wildly.  "We can’t!“
"Huh?  Why not?”
Dimitri blushed, suddenly nervous as everyone began to stare, “B-Because…  Because-!”
“I’m sorry I’m late,” A new voice piped in and they all turned.
Oh thank the Goddess!
Dimitr couldn’t help but feel relief at seeing his loyal friend who was…dressed as a cowboy?  The group eyed his button up shirt, jeans with carpet sewn on the sides, leather boots and  spurs, and brown leather hat placed neatly on his head.  Sylvain would have laughed at how serious Dedue looked in his not-so-serious costume if he didn’t already know the boy could knock him into next week.  The fact that the dark skinned boy acted like nothing was wrong was enough to make Dimitri feel better about his own costume.
“Took you long enough,” Felix scowled with a point of his plastic sword.  "You missed half the houses already.“
"Apologies.  The bakery was busy and my family needed the extra help.”
Felix huffed, accepting the explanation while Sylvain gestured towards the run down house with his thumb.  "All right, let’s go, let’s go!  I wanna see what kind of candy this place has!“
"If they have any at all,” Felix muttered as he walked with the vampire, Ingrid following after them.
Dedue and Dimitri stood still, the blond’s body fidgeting with nervous energy while the tall cowboy looked down at him, silent.
“Did…Is it done?”
His face felt scorching hot when Dedue nodded, pulling a wrapped bundle from inside his pocket.  "Yes.  It set before I had to leave.“
Dimitri let out a breath of relief, wanting to open the foil and look at his personal creation, but was also too afraid to see it.
"T-Thank you,” he smiled while taking the item, cradling it in his hands like it were precious.  "I really appreciate your help with this…I wasn’t sure…“
Dedue placed his hand on the blond’s shoulder, giving him a reassuring squeeze and tiny smile.  No words were said, but the look that passed between them was enough.
Gathering up his courage, the Prince gave his friend a nod before they walked up to the house where Sylvain was repeatedly ringing the doorbell.
"Hmmm, maybe no one’s home?”  
Ingrid glared and smacked his hand away from the button, just in time as the front door to open and an adult greet them with a gruff hello.  All but Dedue paled at the sight of the messy haired man, eyes blearly from what could only be from a heavy sleep.  No one said anything as he ran a hand through his honey brown hair while looking down at them.
“Trick or treat?”  Sylvain smiled, bag out hesitantly.
The man blinked, clearly confused as he looked at the boy before he cursed under his breath, hand rubbing his chin.
“Shit.  Is it Halloween?”
Sylvain lowered his bag while the others showed varying degrees of disappointment on their faces.  The man mumbled out an apology, tired eyes watching as the kids talked about the next house as they turned to leave.  Then his gaze stopped on Dimitri and Dedue, waiting for them to also leave.
“Uh…”  The man rubbed the back of his neck, “Sorry.  I don’t really have any candy.”
Dimitri swallowed, staring up at his very familiar neighbor.  Though he’d never seen the man up close, he recognized by his hair and the way he stood, that this was the same person who spent many hours of the day working outside.  Each day was either spent on the roof, windows, or yard; hammering away at loose nails, pulling weeds, or painting anything that wasn’t dry rotted.
It was no surprise that he was so tired and Dimitri almost felt bad for bothering him but…
“Oh, Byleth…”
The young boy stiffened, eyes wide as he saw a bit of movement behind the man’s legs.  A girl, his other neighbor, peeking out at them.  
Suddenly his throat felt dry and words escaped him when their eyes met.  Mint meeting blue, curious vs panicked.  The familiar girl stepped out in the door way, getting a better look at the two trick or treaters.  He blushed the longer she stared, suddenly wishing that pretty gaze wasn’t looking at him at this moment.  Oh goddess, his hands were so sweaty; so hot and sweaty that Dimitri feared he’d melt the treat between his palms.
“T-Trick or treat!”  He stuttered at her, holding out his gift to the girl he’d been watching from the small gap of flowers and fence that separated their yards.
Amusement flashed between the man’s eyes as he looked down at Dimitri.  "I’m pretty sure we’re the ones who have to give you a treat, kid.“
Dimitri blushed, shaky arms still held out towards the blank girl.  Hopeful.  Desperate.
Her father nudged her shoulder.  She looked up at him for silent confirmation and earned a nod before she took the gift.  The Prince swallowed when their fingers touched then quickly pulled away the moment she had the bundle.  Dedue gave him a look of encouragement as the girl unwrapped the chocolate in the shape of a flower.
Dimitri spent many hours with Dedue the day before in his family’s bakery, learning to make chocolate from his friend specifically for this reason.  It had been embarrassing to ask, but Dedue had been understanding and patient as he showed him the steps and how to decorate.
"It’s a Forget-Me-Not.”  Dimitri blabbed, eyes wide as if under a spotlight.  "I-I tried to make a rose, but they’re a little hard and…“
He shut up, feeling stupid for doing all this in the first place.  
This pretty girl was probably already in MIDDLE SCHOOL and what was he?  Some dumb little kid with a dumb little crush.
She turned the candy in her hands, staring blankly at the simple shapes before nodding at Dimitri.  He exhaled through his nose in response, only to snort.  The Prince covered the lower half of his face, mortified.
"Byleth?  You got something to say?”
The girl looked up at her father then back to Dimitri who still had his face covered.
“Thank you.”
Red began to spread up his neck, cheeks, and even to the tips of his ears as he let out a garbled you’re welcome.  After another awkward second of staring, Dedue came to his rescue by bidding the two farewell then dragged his friend away before he could make a bigger fool of himself.
“You did well.”  Dedue whispered, making Dimitri want to groan.
“Please don’t tell anyone…”
“Of course.”
The rest of their night was uneventful as they collected more candy then they could ever eat and went back home, bellies full and aching.  Dimitri didn’t touch any of his, too busy groaning into his pillow and wondering what had come over him.
Perhaps he could convince his father to move?  Surely it was doable.  
Luckily the boy didn’t feel the need to.  Not when he found a small bag of Hershey kisses on his side of the garden, right next to his flower gap where he’d sit and stare.
He wasn’t sure if he should look deeper into the meaning, but the gift made his heart soar all the same.
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bdeharrington · 5 years
𝕚𝕥𝕤 𝕒 𝕕𝕒𝕥𝕖 - 𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕧𝕖 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕥𝕠𝕟
As Steve drove home he couldn’t stop thinking about what Dustin had said, he walked in his house and into his room where he plopped down on his bed.
He decided to call his friend Robin, you and Steve could always count on Robin to give you guys advice no matter what it was she knew what to say and what to do.
Steve picked up the phone and dialed her number,”Hey dingus whatcha up to?” she said, he chuckled. “I need your advice on something” he said.
“Advice about what?” Robin asked, “It’s about y/n, it’s so stupid but I want to ask her out but I just..” he said.
“You just what?”
“I mean we’ve been friends for such a long time and what if she doesn’t see me like that...”
“Steve, now look I haven’t know y/n as long as you have but I know that she likes you. I mean the way she looks at you and the way she talks about you.. I would be lying if I said it wasn’t cute because it is...Are you really that much of a dingus to see how much she’s in love with you?” she says.
Steve sits there for a minute as he thinks about you and how he’s tired of hiding these feelings from you and how he’s tired of watching guys hit on you and how he felt when you kissed him on the cheek.
“Hey Steve did you OD over there?” Robin asks as she interrupts Steve’s thoughts
Steve chuckles, “Your right Robin I am an oblivious dingus..but i’m going to do it I just want her no actually I need her...thanks I appreciate it”
“No problem Stevie and by the way im not going to be at work tomorrow soo you and y/n will have to share my shift” she says.
“Ughhh okay!! Thanks again Robin goodnight..” he says as he hangs up the phone.
Steve sighs and started to dial your number, as he held the phone to his ear he was hoping that you would answer.
“Hello?” you say
When Steve heard your voice all he could do was smile,”Hey y/n..” he said.
You giggle “Harrington!!!”
“So listen um.. Robin just called me and said she wasn’t coming to work tomorrow so we will have to spilt her shift” he said softly.
“Oh..Is she okay?” you ask, “Yeah she’s fine she just has some stuff to take care of..”
“Oh okay, hey guess what!!! I found our yearbook from junior year!!” you said,”Oh noooo don’t remind me of that year!!” he said as he chuckled. “Oh my god why did I look that this? I was so ugly!” you say as you look at yourself.
“Nooo you were beautiful!! You still are..” he said, you smiled as you blushed slightly.
It was silent for about a minute, you hear Steve clear his throat on the other side of the phone.
“Anyways..junior year probably my worst year..”Steve said, “Why’s that?” you ask softly.
“Well is was the year that you dated Tommy’s friend Jack..You spent so much time with him and I just felt like we were drifting apart...” Steve said
“Is it just me or did I just hear Steve “the hair”Harrington admit that he was jealous of Jack my boyfriend from junior year?!” you say.
“Yeah you did..I hated that guy he treated you so bad y/n... you deserve so much better than that douche bag seriously..” he said.
You chuckled softly,”Y-yeah i know that’s why I ended it..and because I realized that I had feelings for someone else. Someone who actually treats me good and makes me laugh when im upset and tells me im beautiful when im feeling ugly..J-just an overall good guy” you say.
Steve smiled, it was silent again to where all you could hear is each others breathing.
“Steve-“ You say as you get cut off by your mom entering your room and telling you goodnight.
“Goodnight” you say not excepting Steve to hear but as you open your mouth to talk Steve says,”Yeah it’s getting late we should probably go to sleep”
“Oh..y-yeah you’re probably right we should..”
“goodnight y/n i’ll see you tomorrow”
“night Steve...” you say softly as you hang up the phone.
You sigh as you lay down on your pillow, “Gosh your so stupid...he doesn’t like you why would someone like him be into you??” you say to yourself.
You then look at Steve’s picture in the yearbook that you had beside you, you chuckle as you close it.
you lay back down on your bed and turned off your lamp as you drift asleep.
As your alarm clock rang you woke up to a wave of tiredness, all throughout the night you had tossed and turned considering all you were thinking about was what you had said to Steve.
You get up out of bed and took a shower, as the warm water hit your skin it definitely calmed down your nerves.
As you got out you quickly wrap a towel around you and went to put on your ‘scoops ahoy’ uniform, you absolutely hated it but Steve thought you looked adorable in it.
You then quickly did your hair and makeup and made your way downstairs where you were greeted by your mom, “Oh mom im going to be late tonight again so don’t wait up for me okay?” you say.
“Okay honey have a good day i love you!!” she yells as she cleans the kitchen,”Love you too!!” you say back.
You then walk to your car, as you start to drive to the mall the butterflies in your stomach started to flutter, “I really hope Steve doesn’t bring our conversation from last night” you say to yourself, with Robin gone also there is going to be no way to avoid Steve if he wants to talk about last night.
As you arrive at the mall you walk into scoops, you get everything situated for the customers. You expect Steve to walk in any minute now but he was late, like really late..like 2 hours late, you hoped that what you said to him last night wasn’t to much for him.
Your thoughts started to weigh in, “Did i really just ruin my friendship with my best friend?” you asked yourself.
Since business was actually pretty slow so you decided to tidy things up around the shop it also was an opportunity to take your mind off of the situation.
You started with the tables you wiped them down with a warm wet rag, then your scooper, since Steve nor Robin was not here there was no reason for you to clean them.
You then looked behind you the cups were so unorganized so you started to tidy those up, as you were fixing them you hear the bell ring.
You sigh and turn around to see Steve with a bouquet of flowers and a note, “Steve!! W-whats this?” you ask.
Steve chuckled and handed you the flowers and note, “Just read this..” he said softly.
As you carefully take the note off of the bouquet you start to read it.. ‘y/n ever since i met you i automatically fell in love with you, you made me into the man i am today and if it weren’t for you i would be totally lost. i just can’t believe that it took me this long to say admit this to you..i love you y/n and i promise i will never leave you’
You look up at Steve and smile, “Hiding my feelings from you was probably the hardest thing I have had to in my entire life, i love you y/n i always have and i always will” he says.
You come from behind the counter and walk up to Steve, you stand on your tippy toes and put your arms around his neck.
He bends down and you kiss him softly on his lips,”I love you too Harrington ..” you whisper. You feel Steve smile against your lips as he kisses you again, you pull away as he grabs your waist.
“So what do you say tomorrow we go see a movie and then dinner?” he asks looking down into your eyes, “It’s a date stevie!!” you say as you place another kiss on his lips.
You then hear the kids including Robin clap and cheer,”Finally!!!” Mike says, “He found his Suzie!!!” Dustin says as he smiles at Steve.
You and Steve look at them and laugh, “Well anyone want ice cream?!” you say. This kids say “me” in unison you laugh,Steve then kisses you on the cheek as you serve the kids their ice cream.
A/n: Heyy homies!! sorry this took forever but i was wondering if i should make a part 3 where max and el want help y/n get ready for her date with steve like with her outfit and stuff idk but let me know!!! i think it would be cute but anyways hoped you enjoyed ilyyy💗💗💗
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Chapter 8 : Happily Ever After
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                                       ~Still Loving You~
*Billy's PoV*
"Kat! Kat, get up! Kat! Kitten, please, don't do this to me! We just finally got reunited...And now you leave? Don't do this to me! Kat!" I screamed out, crying, shaking her and hugging her tightly, moving the hair from her face, trying to wake her up...But she wouldn't budge. "Billy...It will be okay, Billy. I promise." Max's voice suddenly rung out softly as she made small steps towards me. "And how the hell do you know that?!" I yelled at her, all the pent up anger trying to get out. "Because her love for you is stronger than some stupid monster. What you did there, holding that 4th vine so it wouldn't hit her...You saved her. If it weren't for you, she wouldn't still be breathing now. You two saved each other...There's no way she'd leave you." she crouched down to my level, looking at me with such an uncharacteristically gentle expression. "Max...Max, don't let her die...What will I do without her?! Max what do I do?! When the fuck are the doctors coming?! Who knows how much longer she can stay like this!" I cried out, taking off my shirt and applying pressure on her wounds, too scared to see how deep they were. "Look, Billy, do you see the ambulance lights? They just arrived and they will take care of her. Trust them, okay? She'll be okay. Come on, let's get her to them and leave everything to professionals." he instructed, motioning me to get up, for I felt completely lost.
She guided me to the ambulances where they put her inside and drove to the hospital, without letting me ride with her. Instead, they had other paramedics check on us and see if we had any serious injuries, which we didn't...Not like her.
"I'm sorry, Max. I'm sorry. For everything." I put my face in my hands, trying to grasp reality, as my sister kept rubbing my back and leaning on me, trying to make me feel better. "It's okay, Billy. I forgive you. I know you've been through a lot. I'm not mad at you. Nobody is." she promised, making me nod slowly, not finding the power to raise my head. "I should be there, holding her hand and making sure she's okay..." I muttered, biting my lip in annoyance at my uselessness. "There's nothing we can do for now, Billy. But once they finish treating her, they'll let us visit her. She'll want to see us when she wakes up." she explained, making me frown. "What if she's still blind? What if she remains that way? It would kill her. She'll go insane." I complained, in fear of the future. "Even if she's still blind, I'm pretty sure it's only temporarily. El lost her powers from overusing them, but they'll be back. Kat may not have lost them, but it had other side effects on her. It was just too much pain and stress on her. Everyone reacts to stress differently, right?" she shrugged, looking down. "I guess...Hope you're right..." I muttered, no wanting to think anymore. "I'm sure I'm right...Bro." she giggled the last word, making me glare at her with a 'You did NOT just do that' look, that made both of us laugh softly. "Thanks...Sis." I teased back, making her gag. "Let's agree to never use those words again, okay?" she laughed, nudging me. "Yeah, agree. Sounds too weird." I managed to say with the ghost of a smile on my face.
It didn't take long before we got taken to the hospital for a proper check up, got our wounds treated, and we got told where Kat was still being treated and we got the options of either staying a lot of time in the waiting room, or go home and get called when she'd wake up. Of course, I couldn't go back home knowing that she was here, all alone, but Max persuaded me to at least take a bath and change, as she wouldn't want Kat to smell filth and sweat first thing as she'd wake up.
It's been two weeks already and she hasn't woken up. 
I couldn't breathe, I couldn't blink, I couldn't eat, I couldn't drink, I couldn't live.
Everything was a haze, spinning around me, and I had no idea if or how time passed by me in no way.
I'd just stay on the chair by her bed, bringing her fresh flowers and chocolate every day, knowing very well how she loves them so much, and I'd hold her hand, kissing it, putting it on my face, crying into her touch, begging her to wake up...
But it all felt in vain.
She was sitting there, peaceful, breathing in and out softly, and all I could think of were those night when I'd hold her to my chest and watch her sleep with a smile on her face, cuddled up to my side. Her fair was a flaming mess of fire, never tamed, just like it's always been. If you looked at her, you'd think she was just sleeping, resting after a long school day, and I was the one in a comatose state, by the way I looked...
I had no idea how I looked.
Max would complain that I looked dreadful, my eyes constantly read, my face deathly pale, hair a mess, but not even a cute one, like Kat's, and just...Just completely dead.
I was dead.
My body was living, but my heart wasn't beating anymore...And it won't again, until she wakes up.
Come on, baby, wake up.
You said so yourself, this can't be the end! 
Come on, Kitten, don't leave me all alone in this cruel world. You gave me a reason to smile, a reason to live and move on...You gave me hope for a bright future...And now you're just gonna disappear?
No, baby, don't do this to me. Please, have mercy, I don't know how much more pain I can take.
Seeing the horrible bruise on her neck that's no doubt there because of me...It made me cringe every time I'd look up to see her face. It reminded me of my broken promises and of how that fucktard hit my mother, making her leave and abandon me. 
I should have fought harder, I should have opposed that monster better, I should have done something...Anything.
But instead, I let that thing make me hurt her.
I hurt her.
And I couldn't possibly forgive myself.
I was so caught up in my own thoughts that I didn't notice her squeezing my hand lightly until she shifted a bit in her bed, letting out a soft grunt. I immediately shot to my feet, looking at her frantically, to see if she was going to move again - And she did.
She was crying, whimpering, clawing at her neck - 
Until she shot up, shrieking so pitched that it hurt my ears. There was so much hurt and desperation in her wail for help that it felt like ripping my heart off.
She kept trashing around, frightened like deer being hunted, clawing at her face, at her eyes, until I grasped her wrists and pulled her to my side, reassuring her that it's gonna be okay.
"Baby, it's me, Billy! Calm down! It's okay now! It's okay now...It's okay...I'm with you...I am here..." I kept repeating over and over, until she broke down and started sobbing in my chest, having no more fight in her. "B-Billy...?" she managed to choke out, barely audible. "Yes, baby, it's me. Billy is here, Kitten. You're safe now. We won. The monster is dead. We're all okay." I kissed her forehead, wiping away her tears. "Wh-Why are the lights off? Why can't I see? I'm so scared, Billy, I'm so scared." she gripped my shirt so hard that I thought she might tear it off as she pulled herself as close to me as physically possible. "Kitten, calm down. You lost your sight, but it's temporary. I promise. You overused your powers, that's all. Your vision will come back soon. I promise." I told her, but in truth, I had no idea if it was a lie or not, I just said what Max did. "It's scary...It's so scary. It's...It's just like with the monster...It's so scary...Like it's not over, like it's just gonna come and attack me from somewhere...And everything is so loud all of a sudden..." she cried in my arms, making me bite my lip. "Miss Black, I see you've awaken. How are you feeling?" the voice of a doctor suddenly echoed in the room, making her jump in fright and tremble, hiding herself as best as she could. "Wh-Who are y-you?" she said in a meek voice. "I am your doctor, dear. I'm hear to check on you." the man explained in a gentle voice. "I'm...I'm good...When w-will I see again...?" she called out, not raising her head. "You've been in a coma for 2 weeks. You had enough time to let your brain calm down, so in less than 2 more weeks, you should be completely cured." he explained, making her whimper. "When can she go home?" I asked him, petting her hair softly. "We need to do some tests to make sure you're okay. If she cooperates, tomorrow she should be able to return home. However, she will need constant looking after." the doctor warned, making me nod. "Can I stay here with her until tomorrow? She won't cooperate if she's alone. She's been through enough." I tried to reason, and the doctor sighed and nodded his head. "Very well." he left to get the others, probably to prepare for the tests. "Will they hurt me again...?" she raised her head slightly, clinging to me. "No, baby, I won't let them hurt you. They'll just take some of your blood and make sure you're okay." I answer, kissing her head and hugging her. "O-Okay..." she breathed out, closing her eyes as she leaned into my chest.
After the doctors took some blood samples and all that was needed, I climbed in bed next to her and we laid down, her in my arms, both of us too afraid to let go of the other, as if we'd just disappear again. Even holding her made me feel frightened and anxious, but this time, I had to be the one to save her, to protect her.
At least this time.
*No PoV*
Every night, nightmares would wake both of them, each night it seemed to get worse and worse, no matter how much they'd rely on each other for comfort and sweet words.
It was getting so tiring for both of them.
Billy's nightmares were milder, despite everything he's been through, and he managed to get over them easier. Kat, however, due to the constant darkness in her head, it felt like even being awake was a nightmare, and she couldn't differentiate reality from night terrors.
However, what seemed like an eternity, but was merely a week, passed and the girl woke up...But she was alone.
She trashed around the bed, feeling it and calling out her lover's name, until she bolted out of the bed, ran to the door, in process hitting herself with it, and went down the hall, calling for him again and again, leaning on a all and sliding down, fear draining her of all energy, so much that she didn't realise that her sight has almost completely returned to her.
"Kitten...? Kitten, what are you doing here?" Billy asked in confusion and concern, kneeling down in front of her. "DON'T LEAVE ME LIKE THAT AGAIN! YOU SCARED ME TO HELL! I THOUGHT YOU WERE GONE! I THOUGHT IT TOOK YOU AGAIN!" she screamed at him, hitting his arms, crying and them throwing her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her, afraid to let go. "I'm so sorry, baby, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, I just wanted to get something to eat." he explained, cooing at her softly in a way to calm her down. "Next time wake me up or something...You scared me..." the girl mumbled, pouting, making her boyfriend chuckle lightly. "But babe...Look at me. Can you see? It looked like you could finally focus your sight." he asked, holding her face up, having eye contact. "N-No...No way...I-I can see...It's still blurry, b-but I can see! Oh my God, I can see! Billy, I can see again! I can see!" she cheered, throwing herself at him, hugging him as tight as she could, laughing in happiness. "Then how about we go and have a walk outside? I'll let you wear my shades, okay?" he chuckled, kissing her passionately, caressing her face. "Yes, yes, yes, let's go! Come on, I want ice cream!" she kept jumping up and down, holding his hands, and he could only shake his head and grin.
Things were finally starting to get better for them.
*Kat's PoV*
"Joyce...Thank you for not moving until I got my sight back. I wanted to see you guys one more time before you left. Especially you, Will. I will miss my little Wizard. But hey, I'll be moving to Cali anyways...Hey, you could come over! You guys can come visit any day! All of you guys. And...Thank you for telling me about Jim...I...I want to be selfish and say that he Pinky Promised he'd come back to me...He promised...But...Captain Hopper saved all of us...So...I can only thank all of you for saving the day." I hugged Joyce and thanked her for everything she's done for me and for taking El in as well. "I will miss you, Fox..." Will mumbled, looking down. "I will miss you too, Will the Wise Wizard. I will miss you, sweetheart. But as I said, I will get a car and I can come see you, or you can come over in Cali and have sleepovers and play DnD like good old times." I grinned, hugging him tightly. "Can we really do that? We haven't played DnD in a long while." he looked up at me with hopeful eyes. "Of course, dear, of course we can. I miss playing it too. We have a lot of proper catching up to do anyways. The Idiot Party needs to get reunited often, okay?" I laughed softly, kissing his head. "Okay, Fox. You're the Party Leader, you know best!" he smiled gently and went to stay with his mum. "See you soon, okay?" I winked at those 3, trying not to let tears fall. "Of course! Have fun in California!" Will waved at me as he got in the car and all three of them left. "That was quite the goodbye party." Billy chuckled, making me nudge him. "Don't be a jerk. Besides, we have to leave mid-September too." I smirked up at him, making him guide me to his new car, of course, the same brand. '79 Chevrolet Camaro. "If I'm not a jerk, I'm not myself, sweetcheeks. And besides, we're supposed to meet up with Harrington and Robin for ice cream, right? What is this, some sort of tradition? Make Harrington treat everyone to ice cream?" he chuckled, looking at me as he started the car. "Why are you complaining? It's free ice cream! Who cares?" I shrugged, laughing carelessly, raising the volume to the song and singing together. "Yeah you! Shook me aaaaaall night loooong!" we sang AC/DC's song, finally feeling free and with no care in the world.
"Okay, babe, the tent is all set up. Let's make the fire and we can swim tomorrow?" Billy asked as I kept arranging everything in its right place. "Oh, Gods, yes, I'm starving. Come on, the BBQ's gonna be SO good!" I clapped excitedly as we set the grill and prepared the food.
We sat on logs, enjoying the chilly weather in the forest, songs from the cassette player blaring.
Everything was perfect, nothing to disturb us.
It was just us, together, nobody else. Just us and the loving nature... And Billy took out his guitar as soon as twilight disappeared and the moon rose high, illuminating us, as we stayed in front of the big camp fire, roasting marshmallows.
"I promised I'd sing for you, didn't I? I'm a California boy who's completely head over heels in love with you. And I thought...I practically COULD play any rock song I know and I'm sure you'd love it, 'cause babe, your music taste is hot as fuck, but since we're all alone, just us two...I thought maybe I could spoil my Kitten a bit with a song I heard randomly. So, baby, here is my song for you, and I swear that if you blush, I'm gonna set this guitar away and make out with you until dawn."  he had his characteristic smirk on his face, making me giggle and raise my legs on the log, hugging them and resting my chin on my knees. "Okay, love. Amaze me." I grinned, winking at him.
He played "Your Song" by Elton John and I couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear, swooning and how sweet and velvety his voice sounded, how beautifully each chord he did echoed through the silent forest, and how lovingly he looked at me, that smile never faltering for even one second.
I was so touched that I didn't realise I was sniffling a bit until I had to wipe away a few tears with the sleeve of Billy's  my Jersey jacket because everything was so emotional and I could finally feel and understand what happiness is all about.
"So, how did you like it, Kitten~?" his smirk grew, knowing full well that I loved it. "Put your guitar away and come here, you teasing jerk." I giggled, extending my arms towards me. "Now THAT is what I love to hear, sweetheart." he chuckled, putting down his guitar and picked me up, making me wrap my legs around his waist. "I bet you do. After all, I'm saying that. And...And we're finally happy and have no more worries. We're free." I giggled in our kiss, making him bite my bottom lip playfully. "We are happy, but we're not free. You, babe, are trapped and I won't let you go ever again." he grinned, making me laugh and kiss his cheeks. "I wouldn't have it any other way, honey. Just you and me." I declared softly, putting my forehead to his. "Just you and me." he muttered, kissing me tenderly.
"JESUS CHRIST, THIS PLACE IS HUGE!" my jaw dropped in shock as we stepped out of the car. "Yep. Welcome to California, baby!" he cheered, kissing my temple. "After we finish arranging out home, can we go for a swim?" I grinned, looking up at him. "If we're not snoring of exhaustion, then sure. I did say I was gonna teach you, alright." he agreed as we got in the house and started moving furniture and everything. "Okay, at this rate, I think we'll go swimming next week." I joked, wiping the sweat from my forehead. "Or next year." Billy laughed, getting another box inside.
But instead of doing work, I plopped myself on the sofa, then blinked, realising that I had something in my pocket. Taking it out, I realised that it was a paper...A letter.
"Oh no..." I whispered in realisation.
It was the letter Hopper gave me before the whole monster fiasco happened. I was so scared to read it that every time I'd look at the folded paper, I'd tuck it back in another pocket...
But now I'm in a new world, I'm a new person, I'm stronger...And I can do it.
"Dear Kat,
I've been trying to write this for a long time, but you know how I'm horrible with words. I got some help from Joyce, so I hope I won't fuck it up as I usually do. I wanted to say that I'm very proud of you. Even with your backstory, you managed to keep your innocent and pure self, which is a huge thing in this cruel world. Secondly, I regret not taking you in myself. It was a long time ago, I was still suffering over Sarah's death and I couldn't see anything else in my life, only her death and my wife leaving me. I was a mess and I couldn't care for anyone else, not even for myself, and for that, I am sorry.
It took many years until I came down to my senses, even by a little bit, which is when I started helping you out with your new home and motorbike. I felt as if I had my daughter back and I could somehow help her, even if I knew that wasn't real.
Then, when El came, with the same backstory as you, only younger, I knew that I had to make things right. Not only for her but for you and for Sarah as well. I had to atone for my sins, so I adopted her and took care of her.
I've been stuck in a never-ending limbo all this time, not even bothering to try to get out anymore, finding comfort in the pain that I felt, but after seeing you, El and the kids, I realised that maybe there is more to life than wallowing in self-pity and Sarah wouldn't want her dad to be so miserable by his own un-doing.
So I tried to change.
I know my words were harsh and many times I wouldn't mean what I said and stuff like that, but you have always been like a daughter to me and I love you.
That day when you decided that you'd be Katrina Black and not Three anymore made me see the first sparkle of light in the darkness that overwhelmed me.
I'm sorry I wasn't there for you like a father should have and I'm sorry I didn't make enough of an effort to be there for you, like you deserve. I truly am sorry. I should have done better, and that is my only regret.
But I saw you and that Hargrove kid, I saw you happy, I saw the way he looked at you, and you at him, and I got reminded of what love and happiness really are, and I could feel a ray of hope coming back from my life, and I tried getting my life back together, as I should have done long ago.
I know you will become a successful Vet, you're an incredibly smart and beautiful girl, and I wish you all the best. I only hope I will be there to see you grow into the incredible woman that you're going to be when you grow up. I wish I could walk you down the isle when you'll marry the man of your dreams who's going to cherish you with his whole life and heart, like you deserve...I wish I can be in your life from now on.
I am proud of you, Kat. I hope you know that and you will learn to value yourself as you should.
P.S. : If Hargrove ever hurts you in any way, come to me and I'll make sure he regrets the first time he started breathing.
Lots of love,
Captain Jim Hopper."
I couldn't stop the river of tears that flooded my face as I read the letter, holding it to my chest in pain. Hopper...Why did he have to die, damn it...Why him...Why like that...
"Huh? Kitten, why are you crying?" Billy rushed to me, crouching to my level. "I...I found the letter Hopper gave me in Starcourt before he left to close the gate. I was afraid to read it...And I guess this is why." I handed him the letter as I rolled on my side, holding his hand. "Ah...I understand...He really loved you, you know? Even if you had no biological father, you had him." he skimmed the letter quickly, chuckling at the parts mentioning him. "I know...I'm really lucky to have met him and have him part of my life..." I muttered, sighing. "Don't be upset, Kitten, look at the bright side. He's watching over you living your life the way he wished for you to. You're happy, you're in your new house, you're at Uni, you have me-" he kept trailing, making me giggle and kiss him. "You always know what to say to make me feel better, don't you?" I smiled, kissing his hand. "That's because it's you, love." he put my hand on his face, leaning on my touch and smiled.
"Okay, so, swimming isn't as hard as I thought it'd be, okay?" I said casually, floating around. "It ain't, but I sure am, seeing you in that swimsuit." Billy laughed, splashing me with water. "Okay, okay, enough with the innuendos! You've been saying them all year, you really think I don't get them?" I laughed at his shocked expression, putting my hands on my hips. "Oh, you little lying vixen. Now you've done it." he shook his head, tracing his bottom lip with his tongue. "Now I've done what? What are you gonna do, splash me to death?" I laughed at him, not realising that he was walking towards me. "No, much worse." his dark voice called out as he lunged at me, getting me completely underwater, where he kissed me, before getting us back to the surface. "THAT WAS INSANE!" I laughed like an idiot, getting the hair out of my face. "I wasn't expecting anything like that!" " 'Course you weren't. I am a man of many surprises." he smirked, resting his arms on my shoulder. "And you...Are one sneaky little vixen." he smiled mock-innocently, tilting his head to one side. "I prefer the term Fox, thank you." I looked up at him, challenging him. "You'll pay for it, babe. And you're gonna love it." he let out an amused breath, pulling me in another hot kiss. "We shall see, hun. We shall see." I muttered, holding his hands.
We didn't care for anyone who was on the beach with us, nor about the seagulls or the wind blowing through our hair. We enjoyed the hot September sun kissing our skin and each other's presence and loving.
It was a new world. A scary one, but one that I could easily brave with him by my side.
"Oh, what the fuck, guys, why am I the damsel in distress? This is not okay!" Billy grumbled, sinking back in his seat. "Because your dice-luck sucks." Max laughed at him, rolling his dice. "Don't worry, babe, I'm gonna save you from the big bad dragon keeping you in his high tower...Higher than Harrington after fighting the Russians." I teased, making Robing and Nancy double over with laughter, while Steve mock-smiled at us. "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Robin was high too, should've seen her face!" he accused, pointing at her. "Yeah, but Robin wasn't the one sitting down and asking if she's doing cartwheels right." Dustin pointed out, making Steve groan. "And I wasn't the one peeing at the top of an elevator and letting the stream go everywhere." the girl snorted, making me scream in shock. "NO WAY! STEVE, NO WAY!" I couldn't stop myself laughing and hitting my leg. "You'd think after such a long time of being King Steve, he'd have at least enough Royal Direction skill." Billy teased nonchalantly, making all of us laugh harder than before. "Okay, fine! No more free ice cream for any of you!" he threw his hands out in desperation, making us groan. "You have only 1 line at "You win", Harrington. The "You suck" part is completely drawn over with lines. Think again when you speak." Robin smirked at him, remind him of the dreadful whiteboard. "Ahoy, captain! What's cookin', good lookin'? Is that what you'd say to all girl coming for a scoop?" Dustin joined Robin in her teasing. "Hey, at least I have 1 line, okay? Is it for my good looks? Or for my flirting skills?" he tried to lift his head up, but all of us laughed. "It's 'cause you know Fox, I'm sure!" Will jabbed, making Steve groan and put his face in his hands. "You got that one right, kid." Robin high-fived him. "Hey, come on, guys, stop, you're making me blush here. I'm not the Princess of the group!" I giggled, hiding my blushing face with my hands. "You're the Party Leader, that's even better!" Will gave me thumbs up. "Besides, the Princess in Distress is Billy, not you!" Max laughed, making her brother glare at her. "Go back to making fun of King Steve, not of me." he put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me closer to his side, kissing my temple. "Sorry, man, you're King Billy now. Or Princess Billy, to suit you better. Royalty is royalty, after all." Steve shrugged, making me laugh. "It's fine, guys! If I'm the one to save him, then I'll just come by to your balcony and hear your sweet voice calling out for me! 'Katrina, Katrina, wherefore art thou, Katrina!  Deny thy slyness and refuse thy name; Or if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love And I'll no longer be a chick magnet.' How does my updated version sound, hmm~?" I recited from Romeo and Juliet, having everyone holler with laughter, some of them more or less knowing what parody it was. "I didn't know you could recite Romeo and Juliet by heart." Billy said in a low voice, clearly impressed. "That wasn't Romeo and Juliet, sweety. That was Katrina and Billy. Our love is genuine and won't die in three days, like they did. We have our Happily Ever After, unlike them." I winked at him. "Besides, that play sucks. I'm no Shakespeare fan...But I can recite you all of Dorian Grey's lines. Now THAT is pure art." I said in a proud voice, flipping my hair back. "YOU are pure art, baby." he smirked at me, looking me up and down a bit. "Enough flirting, you idiots! Let's just go back to DnD!" Mike called out, seemingly frustrated. "Oh, shut up, Mike! You should be the last person to say that after you and Lucas kept ditching the game to spend time with your girlfriends!" Will glared at him playfully. "In private!" Mike refuted, making all of us laugh at him. "Okay, I will be the bigger man here and tell Fox to roll the dice." Lucas picked the dice and handed them to me. "Tough being the bigger man when you're a short 14 year old, huh?" Jonathan teased him, making him gasp in shock. "Excuse you?! I don't see you being much taller for a 18 year old!" Lucas sassed out, making Jonathan smile in amusement. "Guys, look! Fox rolled max points!" Max called out, making me smirk. "And this, my dears, is how I stole my Princess Billy away from the grasps of the mighty dragon." I bowed at them, as if finishing narrating a story, making them all clap and cheer, like a great auditorium.
"So...This is it, huh? We're finally adult...Starting University...And then we'll be working as a Doctor and an Engineer. That...Sounds kinda scary, don't you think? I still wanna live and be free and have fun." I squeezed Billy's hand anxiously, starting up at our Uni - The University of California. "Who said we won't be able to do that? There's nothing stopping us, baby. We have the whole life ahead of ourselves to be young and wild and free. There's nobody to tell us we're wrong, to reprimand us, to boss us around. It's just the two of us, forever, in our lovely home, our car to travel around as much as we want and do anything we want. Take Uni as an opportunity to meet new people and make friends. Who knows, maybe you'll find some more interesting than Harrington." he joked, kissing me reassuringly. "Can we get a dog sometime?" I asked him completely out of the blue. "Won't you see enough at the hospital?" Billy asked with an eyebrow raised. "Well...I guess I will. But they're adorable, don't you think?" I grinned, making him chuckle. "We'll see how we do and maybe some day we can adopt one." he rolled his eyes despite smiling. "SWEET! It will be so cute!!" I beamed at him, kissing the 'B' necklace that shined in the morning sun light. "You are cute, Kitten." he said in a soft voice as we went to watch the entrance ceremony.
All throughout Uni, everyone knew us as the power couple, the Doctor and the Engineer, the ones who had couple necklaces and dressed with matching band Tshirts. We were, what they would call, literal Couple Goals.
It was weird celebrating Christmas eve only the two of us, being so used to having the kids around, but now that we finally finished Uni and work is keeping us busy, it's a wonder we had the time to decorate the house so nicely. It might have been childish, but I found it lovely that we still put the wrapped gifts under the Christmas tree and everyone was supposed to come over for Christmas day.
Cookies were baked, the lights were set, I and Billy were on the sofa, cuddled together, waiting for 10 pm to come by-
And it finally did.
Smirking, he got up and put a cassette in the player, having "Careless Whisper" as the first song, which made my eyes widen in shock.
It was definitely the mixtape that he made for the first Christmas we spent together.
I looked at him with a loving smile on my face as he got in front of me, taking my hand so we could dance under the mistletoe and sing away the lyrics to the song, as in love as when we first kissed.
But then..."Still Loving You" started, which made him look down and chuckle a bit, biting his tongue.
"You know...I never imagined I'd end up being in a proper relationship. Especially not with an angel like you. I don't deserve you and I don't deserve this happiness..But I'm a selfish man, so I won't complain or think twice about it." he began in a soft voice.  "Honey, don't say tha-" I tried to say, but he shushed me with a kiss. "Let me finish, please." he asked, and I could only nod in response. "I was running on a thousand miles per minute on pure fuel on self-destruct path until I met you. I wouldn't be alive now without you. Not physically, nor emotionally. The day mum left was the day I was sure that I wouldn't be able to save myself or be happy in a normal relationship, or love a woman as much as I love you. So much that I'd jump in front of a stupid monster so it won't attack her anymore." he continued, making me giggle. "And...I sure as hell never thought that I could be as soft as I am now, but I guess this is who I truly am, not the jerk that fuckass made me into." he sighed, kissing my forehead. "I know I make mistakes, I still do, I'm a stupid human. I know I broke your heart before, and seeing how bad I hurt you made me want to die with every tear you shed and every second you'd ignore me...Hell, ignoring me felt worse than cursing or insulting me. It was hell...But you still forgave me. And I don't deserve you. I really don't. But Kat...Kitten, you make me the happiest man alive and...I know I told you that day at the cafe that 'Happily Ever Afters' don't exist...But being with you made me realise that...That you were right. They exist and we should pursue them. So, baby...Kat..." he took a deep breath before taking out a box from his pocket and went on his knee in front of me, revealing a ring. "Katrina Black, honey, would you want to be my Fox forever and marry me?" he grinned at me nervously.
I could only start crying as I fell to my knees and threw my arms around his neck "Yes, Billy, yes I will marry you! I'm so happy, sweetheart. You made me so happy. I love you so much." I kissed him deeply, making him chuckle in relief as he put on the ring, but I could only look at him, Billy Hargrove, the one I call My Husband.
We finally have our Happily Ever After.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7
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dustedmagazine · 5 years
Calexico and Iron and Wine — Years to Burn (Sub Pop)
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Photo by Piper Ferguson
It’s been 14 years since the first Calexico/Iron & Wine collaboration, 2005’s In the Reins. In his review then, Dusted’s Daniel Levin Baker astutely recognized that “Iron & Wine and Calexico are not dissimilar enough, as purveyors of sad and elegant country ramblings, to make a provocative combination by juxtaposition alone… it's in the subtleties, the flowers on the wallpaper, that the collaboration bears fruit.” Now, nearly a generation later, the same calculation applies. Both bands tend, at their best, to make subtly excellent Americana songs full of skill and care that doesn’t especially call attention to itself; both have also made records that seemed, to me, overly safe and comfortable.
There is, after all, a fine line between classicism and stasis, and hewing too carefully, for too long, to the elemental essentials can take the fun out of things. Years to Burn comes about as close to this as possible without tipping over; the songs feel pared back and polished and just about exactly right, whether in the gospel-swelling idiom of Iron & Wine’s Sam Beam or in the jazzier, more experimental haunts of Calexico. There’s nothing extra, nothing silly, nothing distracting, these songs are as streamlined as an otter in water, slipping through in cool, frictionless purity.
Beam wrote more than half the songs on this disc, his plainspoken verses set to melodies that pitch and roll and right themselves. His skills in fitting word and melody and rhythm often hides itself, the way a master tailor’s stitches disappear into the cut of the suit, yet they are considerable. Notes the way that “What Heaven’s Left”’s recurring phrase works, the sputtering triplets of “What a wave of a” kicking into the syllable-stretching harmonies of “w-i-i-i-ld hand,” the curve of melody returning “called you into this world?” to where it started. The whole thing knits together so well that it seems like it’s always been there; it lifts the song in an emotional updraft.
Calexico sits in the background on these Beam-written cuts, coaxing a soft acoustic jangle, a plaintive whine of pedal steel, a sudden flare of trumpet in the interval between phrases. On their own tracks, starting with “Midnight Sun” and “Old El Paso,” but really hitting full stride in the Calexico portions of “Bitter Suite,” the band edges further from center. Their “Midnight Sun” has a scrambling, shuffling, desert buoyance to it in the guitars and drums, and a peyote-tinged magic realism in lines like, “Well a woman appeared with a guillotine smile/she handed him a rose then he turned to stone.” (Weeks after the first time through, I continue to ponder the phrase “guillotine smile” and imagine something gleaming, sharp and closing fast.) Calexico is more concerned with rhythm and texture than Iron & Wine, and the layering of electric guitar, acoustic and pedal steel, and piano is particularly fine on this one, suggesting bottomless depths and trap doors out of reality.
The three-part “Bitter Suite” exercises Calexico’s penchant for ghostly Latin laments and jazz-infused reveries. Part 1, “Pajaro,” kicks up a rueful dust with haunted, incandescent Latin guitars and mournful Spanish vocals, sung, I believe by Jacob Valenzuela. Part 2, “Evil Eye,” turns more abstract and improvisatory, with hard bursts of guitar and sudden cries of trumpet. Dreamy floats of vocal sound—think of the soft focus singing in “Woven Birds”—waft through thickets of syncopation. It is satisfyingly strange and lovely. Part 3, “Tennessee Train,” is a Beam song, more grounded in melody and craft, but not dull; Rob Burger takes a turn on vibes, then accordion to fill out its warm wood-smoke-y sound.
Both Beam and the members of Calexico have reached an age where considerations of mortality infuse even the most ordinary moments with a kind of preciousness. Their songs look back on lives and loves and forward towards the unknown with a lived-in mysticism. Beam’s best verse on life and death comes in “Follow the Water”’s deft metaphor: “Two kids climbed on a roller coaster car/Got rattled on the track/Up and down, around and back/Whoever they were/No matter who they are/No one’s walking off the same.” Joey Burns gets off a simpler epiphany in “Years to Burn,” where he murmurs “Years to burn, years to burn/Breezes that die and rise/Years to burn, years to burn/Our tears hold the light in our eyes,” to a swelling country waltz melody.
The most reductive way to hear this album is to hear Beam for the words and Calexico for the music, but that’s not quite the way it works. Beam is, of course, a superb craftsman, whose ability to shape words to the music (and vice versa) can arrest and stun—but he’s also an accomplished singer and guitar player and arranger. Calexico, by contrast, explores musical genres omnivorously and knowledgeably and its members play the hell out of their respective instruments, but they are also capable of a startling lyrical imagery. The collaboration seems to shake both Beam and Calexico out of their ruts. Here’s to many more years to burn for both outfits.
Jennifer Kelly
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demogordon · 2 years
Scout’s Scribbles, S4E02
justice for billy? no. justice for chrissy. my girl was clearly so sweet and genuine and like the opposite of the it girl stereotype but no let’s rally around the dead racist instead
i’m really feeling gross about her whole storyline though so i’m a little glad that the body dysmorphia stuff can take a back burner for a bit
at least we have epic husbands callahan and powell back. dream team. i think they’re gay married and they kiss each other on the mouth and i will not be accepting any criticisms.
mike brought el FLOWERS that’s so fucking sweet. how is anyone upset about it. he ignored will, which is not being a good friend but he’s also 14, maybe 15 and people in that age demographic are not known for their great emotional intellect. will’s painting reveal NOW. i have a lot of mixed feelings about mike and will and el. clearly el and mike’s romantic relationship is immature and they need to grow as people but i really hope he’s not just gonna leave her for her adoptive brother.
there’s such an awkward vibe with literally EVERYONE. nobody in this godforsaken group of five people can communicate in any way. side note. i’m obsessed with argyle. he’s a weird freaky babygirl </3.
i’m so glad that el decked angela in the face w a roller skate fuck yeah get her ass. it’s weird to me that mike in particular didn’t take her side there especially after watching what they did to her on the floor. is violence the answer? sometimes.
my guy freds is absolutely gonna get GOT. i was on the fence about him with the way he was talking to nancy and being weird about her and jonathan but now i’m like hell yeah nerd’s rights. also can we learn more about the hit and run please? no? fine but i’m gonna be mad about it.
i fuckin told you
how sad is it though that there’s a possibility that freds just died in the exact spot of the accident he caused. like yeowch.
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daqueen15writes · 7 years
Your Light Remains
Fandom: Dragon Age Rating: Mature Pairing: Cullen Rutherford x Arya Amell Chapter: 1/?? Summary:  Eliza Hawke arrives unexpectedly at Skyhold, promising to pledge herself as an agent of the Inquisition under one condition: They will attempt to reverse the Rite of Tranquillity on her cousin, Arya Amell.
Read on AO3 here
Notes: I’ve had this series in my head for a very long time and I am extremely excited to finally start sharing it. Updates will probably be quite sporadic, but I am determined to see this through. Hope you enjoy!
In the long hours of the night When hope has abandoned me, I will see the stars and know Your Light Remains.  - Chant of Light, Canticle of Trials
Arya Amell's pounding footsteps seemed to echo as she ran across the barren landscape of the fade. Her long, dark hair flew wildly around her, sticking to her face where the tears poured down her cheeks.
The Fade shifted suddenly as her sanctuary came into view. It was just as she had left it last, a bizarre blend of library and garden which could have only existed within the Fade.
Arya drank in the sight, her eyes following the rows upon rows of tall bookshelves which outlined the chamber. A spiral staircase stood opposite her, leading up to a balcony which granted access to the second story of books, as well as an array of plush armchairs. Instead of a ceiling, the room opened up to the swirling colours of the Fade sky above. The centre of the chamber was dominated by a large willow tree, with low twisting branches. A grassy meadow full of wild flowers coated the floor like a carpet, surrounding a large pond on the far side of the room. Books floated haphazardly throughout the room between bookshelves, waiting to be plucked out of the air and read.
She and Eliza had constructed this sanctuary together as children; it was their safe haven, away from the prison of the circle and the fears and uncertainties of a life constantly on the run. Here, they had fantasised about one day meeting, but that could never happen now.
Arya came to an abrupt halt at the thought, fear and despair clawing at her chest. This would be the last time she would see her sanctuary, and it appeared to be empty. If Eliza wasn't here, Arya would never see her cousin again.
"Eliza?" She choked back a sob, "Eliza, w-where are you?"
"Over here Ari!" Eliza called, swinging her way down the spiral staircase, "What's got your knickers in twist, you never call me-" the words died in her throat as her amber eyes met Arya's blue.
"Ari? What happened?!" Eliza was at Arya's side in an instant, far faster than she would have managed outside of the fade. She gripped Arya's upper arm with one hand and tried to brush the tangled mess of hair out of her cousin's face with the other.
"He lied to m-me El, Jowan lied," Arya sobbed.
"He's a blood mage El, and I helped him escape."
They had gone into the basement in search of their phylacteries. They had found Jowan's and destroyed it, but Arya's had already been sent to Denerim following her Harrowing. But that didn't matter; Jowan had assured her, he and Lily would help her escape. Maker, she had been such a fool.
"We got caught and he left me behind and they're…they're going to make me tranquil." Arya's knees buckled and she fell to the floor.
"No! They can't!" Eliza gasped, crouching in front of her cousin, pulling her hands away from her face and holding them tightly. "I won't let them… we'll come for you, Bethany, Carver and I, we'll break you out before they can-"
"No! You'll never make it in time El, and then you and Beth will be imprisoned here too, maker knows what they'd do to Carver."
"Please, don't make this any worse than this has to be," she whispered.
Eliza pulled her younger cousin against her, wrapping her in her arms. The cousins sat that way for what felt like eternity, clinging to each other, making the most of their last moments together. Arya's sobs echoed through the fade as Hawke stroked her hair.
"They'll coming for me for me soon, I don't have much time." Arya took a deep breath, wiping her face. She looked up at Eliza resolute. "Promise me you won't come looking for me?"
"I'd never forgive myself if something happened to you, and I… I don't want you to see me like that. Promise me?"
"I can’t just leave you-“
“Eliza, please.”
Eliza wanted to resist, to argue and fight until she was blue in the face, but the pleading, desperate look in her cousin’s eyes made her falter.  
“I…I promise.”
Arya sighed in relief. Trying to muster up a smile, she took Eliza’s face in her hands. "Goodbye El, I love you," she whispered.
"Wait! Not yet, don't g-" But  the figure of Arya Amell had already faded away, leaving Eliza Hawke kneeling alone in the fade.
"M-mage Amell?"
Arya knew that voice all too well. A voice that made her heart soar and butterflies flutter in her stomach. Soon, she'd never be able to feel that again. She'd never figure out if it was love or just an adolescent crush. She curled up tighter on the cold hard ground of the room that served as her cell, squeezing her eyes shut, trying to stop the flow of tears.
Maker, not him. Not now.
Footsteps. A pause.
In spite of herself, she turned to look up in surprise; he'd never used her given name before. Cullen was knelt beside her, uncertainty etched across his face. As their eyes meet, his eyes widened.
"I-I came as soon as I heard, I had to see you before- M-maker, I'm so sorry"
She laughed hollowly as she pulled herself into a sitting position with her back against the wall, hugging her knees to her chest.
"There's nothing to apologise for Cullen," she sniffed, trying to wipe the tears off of her face, unable to look Cullen in the eye. Maker, why couldn't she stop crying? "It's my own fault, I trusted the wrong person and now I'm to be made-" Choking back a sudden sob, she buried her face in her arms.
Tranquil. The word hovered unspoken between them.
She heard the sound of plate hitting the floor before a warm, calloused hand gently grasped her upper arm. She gasped softly at the unexpected contact, before slowly looking up to meet his eye. She felt her heart stop at the look of concern and devastation on his face.
It was the only kindness she had been shown since Jowan's escape. Despite everything, he still trusted her. To him, she wasn't a monster. To him, she was still Arya.
The thought was enough to tip her over the edge again, and somehow she was suddenly in his arms, sobbing hysterically against his chest-plate. Cullen hesitated for just a moment before awkwardly wrapping his arms around her, the sudden urgency of the situation had broken every boundary. He slowly rubbed her back with one hand, stroking her hair with the other. After a while, the sobs started to subside.
"I should have realised," Arya murmured against him.
"You couldn't have known."
Her hands balled into fists against his chest as she looked up, her blue eyes icy. "He was my best friend, my brother, for seven years. We told each other everything! How could he keep that from me? I should have known."
But Cullen still did not pull away, still gazing at her intently. Embarrassed, Arya took a deep breath looked down at her hands, slowly unclenching them.
"Why are you doing this? You should hate me."
"I could never hate you."
She looked up at him again, surprised to find the gentleness and sincerity in his eyes. This was closer than they'd ever been before; she'd never noticed the darker flecks of amber in his golden eyes before. Her heart hammered in her chest. If this was her last chance to feel like this, Maker be damned, she would not waste it. Lips parted, she moved her face closer, and, Maker's breath, he wasn't moving away…
The sudden scraping of the key in the lock of the door broke the trance, and Arya leapt away from her Templar and back against the wall. She would not get him in trouble too.
"Ser Cullen, I thought I'd ordered you to stay in your quarters," Greagoir barked.
"B-but sir-"
"Silence! As I told you in my office, I will not change my mind. You are too close to this situation…this mage." He sneered the words. "You will leave immediately."
Cullen took one last look at Arya. His sorrow evident.
"Now, Cullen."
"I'm sorry, M-mage Amell." Cullen whispered.
Arya could not watch as he walked away from her. She barely noticed as they tied her wrists together and led her away. As if she could try to escape anyway, with them restraining her magic.
Irving stood there in the Harrowing Chamber, waiting for her execution party. He looked at her sadly; his star pupil, reduced to this.
Panic bubbled in her chest. "Irving, please, don't let them do this to me. I could-"
"I'm sorry, child," Maker, why did he have to look so disappointed in her, "This is the only way"
"Mage Arya Amell," Greagoir barked, "You knowingly aided the escape of a blood mage."
"I didn't-"
"Silence! You have proven yourself untrustworthy and a danger to the circle. You will be subjected to the rite of tranquillity, for the safety of yourself and others.”
Arya had finally run out of tears, but couldn't stop herself from shaking uncontrollably.
Greagoir approached her, lifting the lyrium brand to her forehead. “Consider this an act of mercy.”
Arya squeezed her eyes shut and tried to focus on her remaining emotions, savouring each one.
Love. Eliza, her only true family, who’d taught her to climb trees in the Fade, and could make her cry with laughter. Anger. Jowan, her friend, her brother, who had lied and betrayed her, leaving her alone to this fate. Joy. The sneaked glances, smiles and blushes with Cullen in the library. The thrill of their secret chess games in the dead of night.   Sadness. There were so many things she’d never experience. So many things she’d never get to feel. Wonder. The rush of magic through her veins as she healed a wound, or brought ice to her fingertips. Fear. What would become of her now? Would any fragment of her remain?
And then Arya Amell felt no more.
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baeleywilliams · 7 years
You got it boo!
2.) did you have a memorable childhood pet?
I had a beta fish that I named “rainbow fish” and I had another beta named Korn (after the fucking band) and my mom accidentally killed Korn because when we cleaned his tank and replaced his water the water was too cold, killing him instantly
4.) have you ever tried drugs?
No, and I don’t really have the intention to
6.) have you ever made someone cry?
apparently but she was a bitch to me too so idgaf
8.) have you ever been in love? if so, describe the moment you knew it.
Oh definitely. Um. God this is gunna be gay. But most recently it was with my current BF Charlie @thecreamsiclefox and. I don’t really know when it was but I guess I just. I finally realized that I want to spend as much time as possible with him and that he’s someone I never wanna let go of and I really could spend the rest of my life with him, romantically.
10.) are you part of the lgbtq+ community? do you support them?
12.) have you ever been in love with someone you couldn’t love?
lmao technically
is he out yet??? anyways he was gay so I guess that counts?
14.) what is your favorite tv show?
I don’t really watch a lot of TV but I loved Firefly like a fuck ton
16.) what are songs you’ve cried to when you first heard them? (if any)
The first one that comes to mind is Shake by Jared Mees and the Grown Children. I was in the car with Charlie and we were driving late at night, I think he was taking me home? it was near either the end of senior year or the end of summer. It’s all about forcing yourself to be happy even though a lot of shit is going down and I was feeling that really hard because I had to go to college and “I am trying to love/What I have to leave/And I’m trying not to grieve/Prematurely” really hit home because I had been thinking about how much I needed to soak up loving my friends and hanging out with my boyfriend because I’d have to leave soon and I didn’t know how often I could come home and I was so scared everything was going to just go away. The song wasn’t even half over and I was just weeping in the passenger seat and I asked him to just skip the song. I’ve relistened to it since then and it’s honestly a fave of mine and I don’t really cry anymore. But it just really hit me hard that first time, and it still does if I think too much.
18.) have you been out of your country?
no :/
20.) how many people have you kissed?
Four? and then like maybe two halves depending on what you count. But whatever.
22.) what is your dream car?
a manual compact that works and is paid off
24.) what is your favorite flower?
I’ve never really had a favorite flower, but I guess I really like orchids?
26.) have you ever been on a blind date?
No actually
28.) have you ever backstabbed one of your friends?
UM NO?? And if I have it was NOT intentional I love my friends
30.) do you have neat handwriting?
Other people think I do. but I need to write more or else it’ll get really bad
32.) do you want a friend with benefits?
Uh no thanks I’m good. If I were single maybe but probably not. I get emotionally attached very easily
34.) have you ever been blackout drunk?
Definitely not
36.) how many concerts have you been to?
Not including festivals or like, the rodeo: 11. I think that’s it
38.) do you have a hidden talent?
bruh I don’t got no talents
40.) do you think money can buy love?
No, but buying things for the one you love is always nice
42.) have you ever done something illegal?
oh yeah
44.) what is an unusual fear you have?
I dunno if it’s unusual but I am deathly afraid of roaches. like you can have one smaller than ya pinky dead in the corner and I’ll just start yelling and crying and I will straight up leave
46.) do you believe in supernatural creatures?
duh wtf el chupacabra RAISED me
48.) what is one quality you need in your partner?
They gotta make me laugh
50.) does size matter?
I mean. I MEAN. more than a mouthful and all that. but like. yeah.
52.) what is your favorite ice cream flavor?
Either mint chocolate chip, rocky road, or red velvet
54.) ever been on a plane?
Twice! Round trip to Seattle
56.) is there anyone you’ve lost touch with that you wish you hadn’t?
I kinda wish I still talked to a lot of my childhood friends, but I don’t so :/
58.) are there any friendships you wish you could make?
??? idk I’m p satisfied w my current friendships
60.) have you ever walked outside after 12 am?
Yeah. And I’m going to have to do it a lot more starting next semester. Welp
62.) are you scared of rollercoasters?
64.) do you have any plans this weekend?
The weekend is over today. But i did go record shopping with a friend yesterday (Chase if you must know). idk what I’m doin this weekend.
66.) who do you wish you were talking to right now?
MY DUMB GAY PIECE OF SHIT BOYFRIEND. He’s taking like a time out chill day and keeps getting distracted
Honestly I just wanna like. HANG OUT WITH people. Like my college friends and some more friends I haven’t seen in a while
Technically I’m perfectly capable of talking to anyone right now but I mean anxiety
68.) who is your favorite superhero?
JUBILATION LEE (Jubilee). She’s Marvel, an X-men
70.) what is your favorite song from every decade starting at that 80’s?
FUCK NO WE AIN’T DOIN THAT. One song for every ten years?? chill
72.) who is your biggest OTP?
shut up I hate myself JohnVris Homestuck AND I’M NOT EVEN CAUGHT UP
Oh or maybe CeciLos, Nightvale
74.) do you want to be married one day?
It would be really cool
76.) do you drink enough water daily?
lmao no
78.) if you had the opportunity to go to the moon, would you?
80.) when was the last time you cried?
fuck if I know. not today though!!! proud of me.
82.) have you ever made anyone laugh so hard they peed?
I hope so
84.) what are 3 words you would use to describe yourself?
emo gay sad
86.) what is your favorite season and why?
Summer because I can wear shorts and have fun
88.) do you know how to play any instruments?
I know the bass and the clarinet and I can kinda guitar probably
90.) what are you allergic to?
Nothing actually, I even had testing done
92.) if you could be any character from your favorite tv show would you, and if so, who would you be?
Uh probably but idk who my fave character is so
Rachel (Friends) goes through too much damn drama but I want her closet
94.) are you outgoing?
Sometimes but not really
96.) are you a good flirt?
Sometimes but not really
98.) which planet is your favorite?
100.) are you a good listener?
I like to think so
102.) would you kiss any of your friends?
uh like on the cheek or smth maybe but the mouth is reserved for Charlie whether he likes it or not (he doesn’t but too bad)
Send me a number!! (any odd number?)
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okaybutlikeimagine · 5 years
Joyce picking up Billy for fighting in school. And than having to explain to his Dad when they get home. But the only reason Billy gives is ”i was mad.” So frustrated And clueless Hop sends Billy to his room and tells him to stay there until he tells him the real reason for fighting. But Joyce tells Hop they need to work on Billys anger issues. Because she tells him Billy did give him the real reason - he was angry. So they need to work on that. As a family.
YES okay this is so damn valid bc Billy most definitely has anger issues. I feel like we can all agree the poor boy was never taught any constructive ways on how to help w/ his stress and so there are times where the anger and the frustration and all of that emotion just bubbles up inside of him and he breaks. And more significantly, breaks on OTHERS.
(And i was going to include them buying Billy a stress ball but i looked it up and found out that stress balls weren’t invented until ‘88 so jk)(but I’d also like to say that Billy would 100% love and benefit from having a stress ball from the late 80’s bc apparently they were made to be thrown and it would sound like breaking glass so he could throw it against the wall and get the satisfaction of getting his frustration out while also not breaking anything!)(anyway)
When Joyce gets the call from the school, she’s super confused. She almost never gets calls from the school, the only time is when Will is feeling under the weather and seriously has to come home. Other than that, even through bullies and headaches and whatevers else, her boys will stay in school. Even if she tells them they can always call if they need to come home, they’re just not the type to do that.
So getting a call from the school is strange, but when she hears it’s about Billy, her heart hurts a little.
When she gets to the school, Billy is sitting in a little chair in the office absolutely fuming, chest rising and falling fast, eyebrows knitted in tight. Once he gets a look at Joyce though, his expression turns a little sheepish. The principal explains to Joyce that they think Billy needs to go home for the day to calm down and is allowed to return tomorrow “if he feels he’s able to be a respectful young man.”
Billy growls at the words, but keeps his head down. Joyce nods, but her face is disapproving. She doesn’t like the way the principal said that.
She walks with Billy out to her car.
“Sorry for making you come down here on your day off.” Billy says with what he seems to be trying to pass off as a disinterested sniff.
Joyce shakes her head. “It’s fine sweetie. Do you need to talk about anything?”
Billy shakes his head no.
“Are you hurt?”
Billy shakes his head no.
“Did the other kid say anything to you?”
Billy shakes his head no.
Joyce is confused, but lets Billy be. “Alright, well we can talk with your dad about it when he gets home.”
And so Joyce makes them up a couple of sandwiches for lunch and makes him drink a glass of milk and tells him he can hang out in his room if he wants to. She thought she’d have to be strict with him but she can’t find it in her. She can see in his body language that he’s exhausted but still tense. The muscles in his shoulders flex just from sitting and staring at the table. He grabs his glass so hard she’s afraid he’s going to break it. His eyes have been tight and hard and maybe even unseeing since he got home. His muscles keep flexing and unflexing like he’s getting ready to protect himself.
Joyce doesn’t understand it. She never even saw this kind of behavior with Lonnie. Lonnie was more careless than he was tense and frightful. He would lay back and kick his feet up on tables and be quick to irritate. It wasn’t until he got older that he started getting tight like this, and even then he was still too lazy to be this bottled up and clearly struggling.
She lets him sit in his room and play his music out loud. She listens to the familiar sound of weights being dropped on the ground. She sits and wonders what to do. Her boys were never like this. Jonathan gets a little tense sometimes but he’s always been so emotionally mature. He only blows up if it’s something really serious, otherwise he sits still and lets people pick on him. He always has.
When Hop comes home, Joyce tells him what’s happened, and they ask Billy to come out and talk to them about it.
“He really didn’t tell you a reason?” Hop asks, hushed.
“No, he didn’t wanna talk. I didn’t wanna force him.”
Billy walks out, mouth a little twisted up but otherwise looking for all the world like his normal self. But when Hop sets him down and asks “What happened?” neither of them get the answer they’re expecting.
“I beat someone up.”
“Because I was mad.”
… and that’s it. He says it like he would say his eye color or his age. Like it’s a fact. Hop blinks hard and leans forward a little.
“Did he hit you back?”
“Did he say something to you?”
“Did he do anything at all?”
“I dunno, would you call being in the wrong place at the wrong time doing something, because if you would then yes, he did something.”
And Billy looks and acts defiant, leaning back, legs spread, eyes piercing Hop with a stare that dares him to reprimand him.
“Then why’d you hit him?”
“Because I was mad.”
Billy gives another shrug, seems a little exasperated at having to repeat himself, still daring Hop to do anything at all. Hop huffs and pinches the bridge of his nose.
“Go to your room. And when you come out I want a real answer.”
At that, Billy bristles. Hop doesn’t see it, but Joyce does. He gets defensive, stands up with a shove of his chair back and gives a sneer before walking off to his room and slamming his door with a loud bang.
Joyce feels it in her heart: this is wrong.
She sits where Billy just was.
“Hop… we need to listen to him.”
Hop gives her a disbelieving look, gesturing to Billy’s now shut door.
“I was listening just fine, were you? That wasn’t a real answer!”
“Yes it was.”
“Where was the answer?”
“He was mad. That was the answer.”
Hop scoffs, leaning back and putting his hands over his face. Joyce leans forward to gently pull them away by his wrists.
“I think Billy has a real anger management problem.”
“Well I could have told you that.”
“Okay, well what are you doing to help him?”
Hop doesn’t say anything, just stares at Joyce in confusion.
“Exactly. We need to help him out here.”
Hop is so confused, so lost, so curious as to how this woman who’s known Billy for far less time than Hop has would just know what to do. Then he thinks maybe she doesn’t. Maybe she’s as confused as Hop is but she knows that help is the answer, not frustration and tiredness. Not giving up. They can’t give up.
“Yeah. Fine. You’re right.”
And so they work on it. They help Billy work on himself. Hop tells Billy it’s okay if him being mad is his only answer, but that they need to work on him not getting mad so often.
And so they help him find little hobbies!!! They give him a good, safe space for him to do actual constructive things. Billy’s really good with his hands so he helps Hop out around the house if things ever need to get fixed up. He picks up woodworking and makes little wooden figures around the house. They start off simple and get increasingly more complicated. Hop and Joyce beam when they say that the lovely decoration on their mantle was handmade by their son.
They buy him his own sketchpad and watch happily as Billy sits at the table and sketches and draws stuff out with Will and El. He admits to having always liked drawing as a kid but mumbles about how his dad had told him it was a prissy thing to do. He mostly sketches trees and plants and landscapes. He’s always really loved plants. He tells them that.
So Hop gets him a couple of plants to tend. Steve buys him a little potted plant to keep on his window sill. Billy helps Joyce with the landscaping around their home. Joyce admits that she was always a little jealous of Karen’s flowers in front of her house.
“Mrs. Wheeler’s garden can eat shit. Ours will be better.” Billy says with utter determination and a little dirt on his cheek.
When he gets too stressed and needs to go outside and do something relaxing, he’ll tend to the garden, watering and weeding. Joyce will help if she’s not busy.
And while these help release some stress in general, sometimes school is just too riling, too draining, too emotionally tough that they have to figure something out for him.
But Jonathan figures out what’s going on and tells them he’s got this. And when Billy’s birthday comes around, he opens up a little present from Jonathan and finds a walkman. Jonathan explains that he knows music helps him greatly, any time he’s stressed he puts on music to drown the bad things out, and Jonathan can understand the feeling. He feels the same when he’s upset or nervous. so he figured being able to listen to music in the hallways will be a good way to keep the anger at bay.
Billy nearly cries. He hugs him tight before punching him lightly. Jonathan rubs his arm and mumbles an amused “you’re welcome”
And so Billy is happier! More free! Has more space in himself to do things he loves bc all of that pressure is leaving his system and yeah, he’s still a firecracker and a brat but he’s finding more things to put his mind to! More things to put his energy into! More ways to be constructive!! And when I tell you the rest of the family is so happy for him, MAN it’s an understatement! They’re just so overjoyed at Billy having an easier time being happy♥
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