#and the viggo/valka fic i need to write
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i will think about a random ass ship, go "what the fuck I don't understand how that would even work" and then open a blank Google doc to try and work out how it would work
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Httyd 2 AU 𐋅𐌉𐌂𐌂𐌵𐌐 𐌀𐌍𐌃 Ꮭ𐌀𐌂𐌊's 𐌕𐌀𐌋𐌄 𐌂Ꝋ𐌍𐌕𐌉𐌍𐌵𐌄𐌔
Httyd 02 AU Plotbunnies (Spoilers! 'Keep reading' at your own preference)
Before the story starts, here are a couple of points that needs to be understood.
Jamie comes to live in Berk a few months after the events of 𐋅𐌉𐌂𐌂𐌵𐌐 𐌀𐌍𐌃 Ꮭ𐌀𐌂𐌊's 𐌕𐌀𐌋𐌄. I'm going to write a fic of it before starting Httyd 2. It's going to be similar to the plot of Heather coming to the island but a bit different. (e.g. Astrid is not suspicious of his arrival)
From the series, Viggo and Ryker does not die.
Jamie's parents tell him he's adopted and gave him a pendant that they told him was around his neck when they found him abandoned as a baby.
Now for the plotbunnies for the Httyd 02 AU. Some parts are pretty much the same from things I said before.
🔵Jamie tells Jack he's planning to propose to Astrid and asked help in turning his pendant to the ring. 🟢When it comes to the relationship between Jack and Hiccup, it’s surprisingly Stoick who plays good cop while Aster goes bad cop. 🔵Aster is actually super protective of Jack, even as he tries not to be obvious about it. 🟢Aster and Gobber often make bets with each other on who the winners will be in dragon races or other such competitions. Their choices are usually between Hiccup or Astrid. If on the off chance that neither of the two wins, they check who wins the bet according to the next best placement between the two. 🔵Jack still majors as a medic on the battlefield, but he makes sure to keep up with enough combat techniques to back up a reckless Hiccup. Even with Toothless, they’re not foolproof. 🟢Especially not with Hiccup’s experiments on flight suits. 🔵Toothless and Jack are so done with Hiccup’s clumsy falls with his flight suits. 🟢Jack shots ice out of his hands in a confrontation against Eret and his dragon hunters. 🔵When they return to Berk, Aster tells Jack about his lineage. 🟢The Overlands come from a line of magical people, but over the years, the magic in their blood has gone weaker that it could skip several generations before magic would present itself once more. 🔵Aster also tells Jack about how he knew Pitch and how they were once partners. 🟢Pitch saw him with some woman, misunderstood something and left without a word. 🔵Jack's eyes turn blue when he uses magic. 🟢Eret tells Jamie that he's his long lost brother. 🔵Jamie finds out that Eret is his brother, but he doesn't like the circumstances of their reunion. He needed Eret to prove he wasn't just using this to betray them later on. 🟢Eret proves his loyalty by pushing Astrid out of the way before Drago could strike her. *The next scene is similar to the movie wherein Drago prefers an icy, watery grave for them* 🔵When Jack and Hiccup went off on their own, they encountered the hoard of  dragons without the masked figure. In that encounter, it was a bit rough and Jack got knocked unconscious when a large dragon tail smacked him to the walls. That was when Hiccup pulled out his fire sword to keep them away from Jack. 🟢The masked figured finally showed up at that moment. 🔵Jack regained consciousness half an hour later. Hiccup was glad he was okay, and excited to introduce him to his mother. Jack thought he was dreaming up until the point Toothless pounced on him, showing his own relief that he was fine by licking him. 🟢While Hiccup and Valka bonded, Jack works on controlling his magic. Valka had encountered Drago and Pitch in more than one occasion so she gives Jack tips based on her observations of how Pitch handled his magic. 🔵It was also Valka who gave Jack the idea to reach to Pitch, since they seemed to be of the same people, Jack might have a chance to have Pitch defer to their side. 🟢Adversely though, Valka is not as supportive to Hiccup's idea of reasoning with Drago. While she thought Pitch may still be reasoned with, like Stoick, she thinks Drago to be a lost cause. 🔵Pitch is the one helping Drago summons the dark bewilderbeast. 🟢Drago intends to take Jack as well so he had more magical power at his side. 🔵If he can't get his alliance like he had Pitch's, then he was going to get Pitch to use his magic to put Jack in a trance of obedience. 🟢Pitch later allies himself with Jack and Hiccup after Jack convinced him that they were from the same people and that they should help people.
"Wouldn't it be better than living a life with a creep, just to be feared and hated by people? With us, you have a shot of getting real acceptance."
🔵When Toothless was at a trance and about to hit Hiccup, with Stoick rushing to reach his son in time, Jack gets to Hiccup first to take the blow and dies. 🟢While Hiccup was mourning for Jack, Pitch casts a time sensitive spell which prevented Jack's soul from completely passing on. It revives Jack, but since the mageborn was still on the fence about which side to defer to and he was still on Drago's side currently, Pitch uses a spell right after that puts Jack on a trance and has him going over to Drago's side much to Hiccup's dismay. 🔵Drago leaves them stranded while taking control of all the dragons along with Toothless, plus Jack, and they head for Berk. 🟢When Hiccup snaps both Jack and Toothless out of their trance, Jack goes off alone to confront Pitch one more time and get him to join their side.
[Astrid and Stormfly fly toward them. Astrid stands on Stormfly's back, keeping her balance.] Jamie: Get 'em, Astrid! Tuffnut: It's MY glory! Ruffnut: Always ruining EVERYTHING! Tuffnut: NO SHEEP, NO GLORY!
[Astrid leaps off of Stormfly, runs up Belch's spindly neck, and plucks the Black Sheep from the Twins' hands.]
Astrid: Gotcha! Ha-ha!
[She tumbles through the air onto Stormfly, sticking a perfect landing, the Black Sheep in hand.]
Tuffnut: Whoa! Ruffnut: Astrid!
Stoick: Well played! Ha, ha, ha! Jamie: (To the crowd) That's my girl!
Fishlegs: Yoo-hoo!
[Back to Astrid on Stormfly, eyeing the fast-approaching finish line, unaware as Fishlegs suddenly rams Meatlug into Stormfly, sending Astrid off-course. She recovers and sees Snotlout flying headlong toward her, war hammer cocked, aiming at Astrid.]
Snotlout: Uh, excuse me! Astrid: Stormfly!
[Snotlout hurls his hammer. Astrid ducks and rolls Stormfly out of the way. The hammer catches Fishlegs in the face with a CLANG. The crowd collectively winces.]
Crowd: Oh!
[Astrid and Stormfly recover from their roll, loop over the water, and they blast past the finish line, dunking the Black Sheep into their basket! ASTRID WINS!]
Stoick: That's thirteen! Astrid takes the game!
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Hiccup: This is amazing! *sees a stone pillar ahead of his flight fight* No longer amazing... Jack: Toothless, that's your cue! Toothless:*dives in and saves Hiccup similarly to the movie, they tumble onto safe ground awkwardly* Jack: *Is thrown off Toothless haphazardly* Hic, I love you unconditionally and unquestionably, but your fly-falling with style? A little less unconditional. Hiccup: Toothless just needs to work on a better landing, that's all! Jack, sarcastically: Sure, blame the dragon. Toothless, growling before slapping Hiccup with his ear:  Hiccup: Ow! Jack: Couldn't have said it better myself, lizard.
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Hiccup: So what should we name it? [Toothless chews at his armpit]Hiccup: "Itchy Armpit" it is. Jack: You should work on your naming skills, Hic. [Jack gives Hiccup a moment to finish including the addition of the new island they discovered on his journal before diverting the topic elsewhere.] Jack: So, quick question to interrupt your mapping. *he says this while casually twirling his staff* I love flying with you and Toothless and all. Jack: But any reason in particular you dragged me from Aster’s Trading post to go all the way out here. Jack: Instead of, I don’t know… The race you’ve been preparing for weeks now? Jack: I’m open with options that doesn’t involve clothes. Hiccup: *Rolls his eyes as he answers curtly* I'm avoiding dad. Jack: *In deadpan* Oh no. Pretending now I wasn't there during the conversation, tell me about it. [Hiccup proceeds to explain things and gestures wildly as he rants. Jack doesn’t interrupt or anything, but he does mirror Hiccup’s actions playfully while his mouth mimes the words his boyfriend speaks. Hiccup finally notices at one point and tugs Jack down on his lap.] Jack: I like where this is going... Hiccup: Could you— *he tries not to smile but come on this is Jack we’re talking about. Finally, he clears his throat* Jackson Overland, this is serious. Jack: Okay, okay. I’ll behave. [Hiccup finally continues. And gets to the part of Stoick wanting to make Hiccup chief soon.] Jack: Sounds about right. Jack: He’s the chief. You’re his son, the next in line. Jack: What, did you except that you’d take over Gobber’s blacksmithing business? Hiccup: That's— Well, I kinda hoped… Jack: Hiccup… Hiccup: It’s just… I’m not ready. Hiccup: And I know we had this talk before too, yeah, “Oooh~ I rather be Jackson Overland, the next chief’s sweetheart” and not just meh~ “Jackson Overland, the Blacksmith’s sweetheart”. Jack: *snorting and hitting him lightly on the head with the safe end of his staff* A flattering impression, Hic. Hiccup: But... I'm scared I might mess it up. Jack: And that’s okay. Hiccup: Last I checked, it's not really 'okay' to mess up. Jack: Which has never stopped us before, if you don't recall. The whole feud with dragons and you Vikings ended because of our "messing tradition up" and that worked out well enough. In the end, we manage to make it work. Jack: Kidding aside, you’ll get to that point where you'll accept the role wholeheartedly, and you'll know just what to do when you're made chief. You have it in you, Hic. Hiccup: How could you know that? Jack: Well, you have your dad's stubbornness, for one thing. Jack: And also, it's because I believe in you. Hiccup, smiling: *stands up and pulls Jack against him* Hiccup: What would I do without you?
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Jack: Well, get married, for one thing. Hiccup: Hiccup: What? Jack: What? *narrows his eyes and playfully pushed Hiccup away with a mock angry face* Hiccup Horrendous Haddock, I swear to the gods you vikings believe in, if you're not planning on proposing someday, I'm taking Toothless and leaving you on this Itcyrock. Hiccup, chuckling: It's Itchyarmpit. Hiccup: Also, you can't fly Toothless. Jack: Way to miss the fucking point, Haddock. Hiccup, laughing and pulling Jack in once more: You know I'm just kidding. Jack: You'd better be. Hiccup: Does this mean you're saying 'yes' someday?
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Jack: Hm, maybe after pranking you with 'no' just to mess with you. Hiccup: It's only an effective prank if I don't know about it, you dork. Jack:  Unless you forget. Jack: Now are you going to kiss me already or not?
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Hiccup:  Gladly.
[Hiccup smiles softly and starts to lean in for a kiss. Then a strange explosion erupted somewhere farther North of them. A strange explosion… of Ice.]
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[Hiccup and Jack go in close to inspect the area where they saw the ice explosion]
Hiccup: It's... Ice? Jack: *steadily stands up as Toothless hovers near the tall spiky icicles, and reached out to touch it* Definitely is, brr. *shakes the cold from his hands* But it doesn't seem like a naturally formed glacier. Hiccup: Yeah, I wonder what caused it... [Suddenly, a blast was heard and Toothless dodges before Jack and Hiccup realizes a net was headed towards them. Jack loses balance and starts to fall...] Jack: Hiccup!
[Toothless dives to rescue Jack, and the moment of relief Hiccup felt at the success of the dragon doing so was gone when he spots three cages filled with dragons and immediately maneuvers Toothless towards them.]
Hiccup: Oookay... This is a problem. Jack: Less talking, more moving. *Moves to start picking on the locks* let's hurry before the ones who did this shows up...
[Suddenly, a voice yells from a distance...]
Eret: Stop right there! Jack: and says something as cliché as that...
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Eret: I am Eret, son of Eret, dragon hunter extraordinaire. 
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Jack: Yeah... Can't say we've had good run ins with dragon hunters. But you seem like a nice guy, would be a shame to burn you to a crisp. Hiccup: Also, son of Eret? What's your father's introduction, Eret, dad of Eret? Jack: Cut him some slack, Hic. The words they can spell might be limited.
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[As the rest of his crew yells complains and curses to Hiccup, Jack, Astrid, and Jamie's departure, Eret picks up the pendant Jamie unknowingly left behind...]
Eret: This is... *His eyes widened as he looks towards the fleeing group* Jamie?
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[Hiccup and Jack arrive on Toothless along with Jamie and the others]
Stoick: Haha! There he is!*To Gobber, proving his point* Huh? The pride of Berk! Aster: And his beau, in which both decided to finally show up for work. *Shoves Jack a crate he needs brought to his stall* Gobber: Yay. *waves his prosthetic hand with sarcastic enthusiasm.* Hiccup: Sorry. Got held up. Jack, shrugging: Yeah, and you know the rules, I am where he's at. Aster: Not a rule if it's self-made, showpony. Jack: My next rule is that it is. My third rule is 'honesty is the best policy.' Aster: Since when? Jack: Since I found out I can shoot ice out of my hands, and figured hey, maybe there's something Aster's not telling me. Aster:  Aster: Oh. Jack: 'Oh'?! So, you did keep something from me for all these years!? Hiccup: Okaaaay, clearly there's a lot to unpack right now. Let's take it slow, snowflake...
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[Hiccup just introduces his mother to Jack. Jack observes the large dragon utopia beheld in front of him and the woman standing beside Hiccup said to be his boyfriend's dead mother. ]
Jack: Am I dead or dreaming?
[Toothless excitedly pounces and licks Jack after seeing him awake from his previous unconscious state]
Hiccup: So, what's the verdict? Jack: Decidedly not dead or dreaming, but in desperate need of a bath now. Hiccup: You know that it doesn't really wash out completely even then. Jack: Hope springs eternal. Jack: Toothless. Down boy. *expression is an odd mixture of a grimace and amusement* I'm okay, you're still getting more grilled Icelandic cod from me in the future, relax.
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[Astrid and Jamie along with the others abduct Eret to question him about the possible whereabouts of Jack and Hiccup. Before that though, Jamie saw Eret wearing his pendant...]
Jamie: Hey, that's mine! Eret: So it's true. It really is yours. Jamie: Yes, it's mine and you better give me it back or... *Jamie is interrupted by a hug from Eret* Uh, what? Astrid: Okay, what's happening here? Ruffnut: Beats me, but Jamie, can we switch? Jamie: *Pushes Eret away* Okay, let's have some boundaries here now. What's that for? And I said give me that back. *He snatches the pendant from Eret's neck* Eret: Jamie, don't you remember? It's me; I'm your brother! Jamie: Jamie: Again... Everyone: What?!
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[Valka goes into the closest thing she has for a kitchen and sees Jack preparing food...]
Jack: Ah, sorry for using it without permission. Magic training can be entertaining only for so long. Turns out, using it is equally as draining as, say, running about. Also, it's a bit passed lunch, so I decided to start on it. Much as I like the dragons, you could say it's not on the same level as Hiccup, or yourself. Jack: I do enjoy listening to him talk about it, though. Valka: Oh, no. It's fine. By the looks of it, you're managing better than me. I lost a little of the... home-cooking touch, after all these years. Valka: So, you're dating my son. Jack, blushing: I... Yes. I hope that isn't a problem for you, madam. Valka: Not at all. Considering all this time, it's more suitable for you to be someone special to him, compared to calling myself his mother. Jack: Jack: Running the risk of over stepping, I don't think you should worry about that too much. If I'm being honest, seeing you two interact in the last couple hours, it seems like there's more you in him than the chief. Jack: Though, the stubbornness, he definitely got from Stoick... Er, just don't tell the chief I said that. Valka: *chuckles* I don't think I could even if I wanted to. Jack: Right... Sorry. Valka: Now allow me to run the risk of over stepping... I'm curious, as his mother of course... What do you like the most about Hiccup? Jack: Oh, that's... Well... *makes vague gestures with his hands* He's funny, and I like fun, so that's one. But I wouldn't say it's the most... He's also caring, obviously different from the others but in a good way just... It's just all of him. He's not really Hic with all his good parts. Valka: *chuckling* good answer. Here, maybe you can show me how you're making that.
[The two continues to work on the food. After a while, they hear Hiccup scream for a moment before it sounded muffled. The two shared a look, before rushing out, Jack grabbing his staff on his way out, only to see that Stoick and Gobber have arrived.]
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Stoick: Remember our song, Val? Stoick: I'll swim and sail on savage seas with ne'er a fear of drowning... Stoick: And gladly ride the waves of life if you would marry me.. Stoick: No scorching sun nor freezing cold will stop me—
Gobber: ...on my jour... ney. Jack and Hiccup: 😑🙄 Hiccup, in hushed tones: Really, Gobber? Jack, murmuring as well: This isn't bonfire night sing-a-long... Gobber, quietly: Sorry...
Stoick, annoyed before proceeding: If you will promise me your heart... Stoick: And love Stoick: Valka: And love me for eternity... Valka: My dearest one, my darling dear, your mighty words astound me, Valka: But I've no need for mighty deeds when I feel your arms around me! Stoick: But I would bring you rings of gold, I'd even sing you poetry Valka: Oh, would you? Stoick: And I would keep you from all harm if you would stay beside me! Valka: I have no use for rings of gold, I care not for your poetry Valka: I only want your hand to hold Stoick: I only want you near me
Gobber laughed and started whipping and dancing along to Stoick and Valka's dancing and singing.
Valka and Stoick: To love and kiss to sweetly hold, for the dancing and the dreaming. Through all life's sorrows and delights—
At one point, he nudges Hiccup to Jack, more like shove. The two boys laughed and smiled at each other before dancing as well.
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Valka and Stoick: —I'll keep your laugh inside me, I'll swim and sail a savage seas with ne'er a fear of drowning! I'd gladly ride the waves so white and you will marry me!
Stoick carries and spins with Valka in his arms, and Hiccup pulls Jack into him worming his arm around Jack's waist and the older boy gave him a peck on the cheek as Stoick and Valka embraced tenderly...
Gobber: Eee I'm still going, I'm done!
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Stoick: Now all we need is for Jack and Hiccup to marry and adopt us a grandkid! Hiccup and Jack, choking on a drink: Valka: Maybe too soon, love? Stoick: What 'too soon'?! I want a grandchild to bounce on my knees without being out of shape and it hurting too much! Gobber: With the training you do everyday, I don't think you could ever be out of shape, Stoick.
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I’d sell my soul to the devil only to see this happen in the movie. It was also an excuse to draw an angry looking Hic because he’s too hot don’t question me I might do a digital version of this, meanwhile enjoy uwu (No backgrounds because I’m lazy)
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aleteia-ff · 4 years ago
The Phantom of the Archipelago - Chapter 14: Your Kind of Crazy
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Read on: AO3 | FF.net
Read the previous story, The Phantom of the Arena, on: AO3 | FF.net
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I'm alive and okay!
First of all, I want to thank all of you who have left messages of concern over the past couple of months. I am doing very okay; life just changed a lot for me since September. I graduated from university, started a full-time job and somehow found my own brown-haired, green-eyed (pure coincidence) lovable dork, who I've been dating for the past 6 months.
So all in all, I have been well, but So all in all, I have been well, but unfortunately this has also left me with little time - and mostly energy - to work on my fanfiction. So I just want to clarify a few things about The Phantom of the Archipelago and its future;
1) I still absolutely love The Phantom of the Arena/Archipelago, Phantomcup, Astrid, Hamish, and everything else in the story's universe
2) I do not plan to abandon the story any time soon
3) If I ever do abandon the story, it will be because I don't think I can find the time again to properly work on it. If this happens, I will make a post about it and update the story. I would also like to write a summary of what was supposed to happen from the point I left it at, so everyone can have some closure
4) The continuous love and support I receive from you, and this community as a whole, is a very big motivator for me to get back to the story. Because I really want to share the rest of what is in my head!
Updates will unfortunately remain irregular, and Six Sentence Sundays will also be suspended for now, but I have not stopped caring about this community or this story!
I also hope to get around to answering all the comments you've left me in the past couple of months very soon, but I figured I'd prioritize publishing an actual chapter.
I hope you enjoy it!
Full synopsis:
After five years of relentlessly putting up a siege against the Red Death, Hiccup, the former terrorist known as the Phantom of the Arena, has finally defeated the Archipelago's greatest enemy, putting a definitive end to the dragon raids. Hoping the worst is finally behind him, he returns to Berk, only to find he left more behind than just the girl he loved. And that life still isn't done with him.
Outside of the Archipelago, Eret, son of Eret, is left with nothing after a mysterious dragon rider destroys his fort and releases the captured dragons his employer sorely needed. Fearing he'll be killed if he doesn't, he flees to the Archipelago with what little remains, hoping to find employment in the dragon-infested area. But the threat seems to have followed him, as news spreads of how Berk's infamous Phantom has returned to reclaim what's his. And that people like Eret will never be safe, unless they act against him.
Ships: Hiccstrid, Eret/Viggo Grimborn, Eret/Tuffnut Thorston, Stoick/Valka
Rated Mature for Violence and Sexual Content.
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evilwriter37 · 5 years ago
do you have any random headcanons about any characters that you'd like to share? i always love the little tidbits that you incorporate into your fics bc they fit the characters so well and would love to hear more if you have any :3
I haven’t really incorporated this into fics for some reason, but I like to think that Stoick and Hiccup both suffer from migraines. We’ve seen them get stress headaches and rub between their eyes. They’ve both had a conversation while having ice blocks on their heads. So yeah, Haddocks (minus Valka) get migraines. I need to write a fic about it.
Viggo journals and stargazes when he can’t sleep, which is most of the time. He smokes a mixture of opium to help with sleep and relaxation.
Dagur has serious abandonment issues. Most of his family is gone and he’s had people leave him in the past. He’s afraid of being abandoned again.
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aleteia-ff · 5 years ago
The Phantom of the Archipelago - Chapter 3: Not Quite Like Home
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Read the previous story, The Phantom of the Arena, on: AO3 | FF.net
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Hi guys! So glad to be back again and I hope you're all doing fine, and you're safe, despite all the confusing and difficult stuff that's going on in the world right now. I'm doing alright as the company I started working at two weeks ago allows me to work from home.
Also a bit of an explanation regarding that from my side; the reason that I'm only updating once every two weeks, and that chapters might sometimes be shorter than you guys were used to towards the end of Phantom1, is because I've started working 40 hours a week. So I simply can't write as much as I used to. Hence, I prefer to update more slowly, but still regularly over updating a lot in one period and then having to go on hiatus. If it turns out that I write quicker than planned after all, I can always start updating more. So that's just so you guys know where that's coming from. Currently I still have enough buffer to be able to guarantee updates for the next months.
Thank you so much for all your love and support so far! I'm especially happy about the positive responses to Eret's storyline :) I hope you enjoy this update!
Full synopsis:
After five years of relentlessly putting up a siege against the Red Death, Hiccup, the former terrorist known as the Phantom of the Arena, has finally defeated the Archipelago's greatest enemy, putting a definitive end to the dragon raids. Hoping the worst is finally behind him, he returns to Berk, only to find he left more behind than just the girl he loved. And that life still isn't done with him.
Outside of the Archipelago, Eret, son of Eret, is left with nothing after a mysterious dragon rider destroys his fort and releases the captured dragons his employer sorely needed. Fearing he'll be killed if he doesn't, he flees to the Archipelago with what little remains, hoping to find employment in the dragon-infested area. But the threat seems to have followed him, as news spreads of how Berk's infamous Phantom has returned to reclaim what's his. And that people like Eret will never be safe, unless they act against him.
Ships: Hiccstrid, Eret/Viggo Grimborn, Eret/Tuffnut Thorston, Stoick/Valka
Rated Mature for Violence and Sexual Content.
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aleteia-ff · 5 years ago
The Phantom of the Archipelago - Chapter 2: Daybreak
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Read on: AO3 | FF.net
Read the previous story, The Phantom of the Arena, on: AO3 | FF.net
Join us on Discord in #aleteias-fics to discuss the story with others!
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Hey everyone! I'm back with the second chapter! I just wanted to say thank you for all the lovely reactions so far, because they make me smile so much. I was a tad worried about whether people would still be interested in this story and its universe, but seeing so many people come back and hear that they're still in love with the original story and that they like the way this is starting… It just means the world to me. And it really motivates me to continue writing and work on it even more.
I hope that you are all doing well even though the world is going through some trying times, and that me publishing a new chapter can make you feel even just a little bit better.
Full synopsis:
After five years of relentlessly putting up a siege against the Red Death, Hiccup, the former terrorist known as the Phantom of the Arena, has finally defeated the Archipelago's greatest enemy, putting a definitive end to the dragon raids. Hoping the worst is finally behind him, he returns to Berk, only to find he left more behind than just the girl he loved. And that life still isn't done with him.
Outside of the Archipelago, Eret, son of Eret, is left with nothing after a mysterious dragon rider destroys his fort and releases the captured dragons his employer sorely needed. Fearing he'll be killed if he doesn't, he flees to the Archipelago with what little remains, hoping to find employment in the dragon-infested area. But the threat seems to have followed him, as news spreads of how Berk's infamous Phantom has returned to reclaim what's his. And that people like Eret will never be safe, unless they act against him.
Ships: Hiccstrid, Eret/Viggo Grimborn, Eret/Tuffnut Thorston, Stoick/Valka
Rated Mature for Violence and Sexual Content.
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