#and the tired older bro vibes he gives made me draw this
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tired older brother yakko
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alilbihh · 5 years
spaced out — (prologue)
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summary: "take me to your leader.“ you couldn’t believe it. this man was otherworldly in all sense of the word. "well I hope you’re hungry, my dude, we’re going to visit the king of burgers.”
Planet A3022 is on the brink of extinction. with little to no females there to repopulate and its king not interested in any one of them, he assigns one of his most trusted men to retrieve a female suited to his tastes willing enough to take his hand in marriage. things go haywire once the man in question crash lands into the considerably non technological Planet EA4728 with you there as witness.
genre: fluff, humor (??), angst, highkey crack, poly!au, alien!au
pairing: alien!taehyung x reader x alien king! ??
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The man curses in his native tongue, careful not to raise his voice, his temper. He has to remain cool-headed if he is to survive. He grips the rotational controls tighter, palms sweaty as is his back and forehead and shit shit- he's just sweaty all over he's just gross and could really just use a shower.
He jerks the rotational joystick in his grasp to the side just in time, laser beams firing overhead. They hit the comets and/or asteroids instead, resulting in a rain of heavy masses of metals and rocky material drilling holes into the spacecraft made by hand by a group of his kind's top engineers, yet despite that the man is almost sure it's barely even dented its heavy walls. It was made to sustain large amounts of damage. It was made for war, not for speed.
He hadn't raced in a while. And when he had, it had been for fun, back in his training days. This time he couldn't afford to lose. Though with a spacecraft of this size, it didn't seem like he was going to win, either.
He curses again when a particularly massive chunk of rock hits the front of his ship, red warning signs blaring at him immediately from all sides, robotic voices warning him of danger, danger, danger. It's not a big problem, he reassures himself. He doesn't have time to fix it, anyway, not when he's being chased. Though the chase being partly his own fault to begin with. He was being careless, falling asleep when he wasn't supposed to. The ship had been set to auto-pilot, its destination already inputted into the system, but that doesn't mean he was free from danger.
Stupid, stupid. Now he will never gain his king's trust again. He won't have much need for it if he's dead, though.
His breath catches in his throat as he approaches a considerably no-name planet. He'd bought time by firing at his pursuer's viewfinder, but it would only be a matter of time until they find him again. Chewing at his lower lip, he releases a breath as he rapidly inputs a code, praying to whichever higher deity that might be listening for him not to die- for him to please, please not die or, even worse, be found by the civilization he’s literally about to crash into.
"Emergency landing set to planet EA4728."
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"Any fives?"
"Go fish."
Jin grumbles mutely, passive aggressively snatching a card from the deck spread over the floor. You snicker, even as he kicks your shin, not discreet in the slightest. The man beside him snorts, so he kicks his shin, too.
Jungkook looks smug from where he sits beside you, raking a hand through his hair with his empty hands. Cardless hands, in fact. You were still stuck playing this mind numbing game with Jin. "Nines?"
"Go fish."
You grin when you end up picking up a nine, leaving Jin to whine at your cheeky expression. You were never good at the whole poker face thing. Jungkook likes to boast that he's won because of his mastering of it, despite this game being entirely based on luck. You curse him inwardly.
Jin clears his throat. "...got any fives now?”
"Still no."
A large intake of breath, followed by a yell of indignation— "This-" Jin starts, slamming his cards onto the pile on the floor, "-Is dumb." You watch in odd fascination as the older man goes to stand up, ending up hitting his head on the counter before letting out a yelp and then, only then do you remember where the three of you are. Shuffled, cramped, hidden under the check-out counter of Jin and his boyfriend’s shared flower shop, away from the customers' prying eyes.
Jungkook is straight up cackling beside you as the other male falls on his bottom, holding his head in his hands, and you're laughing even as your hand ends up brushing against the mustard-stained paper on the floor that once held Jin's sandwich. But you're happy and they're happy, so you wipe your hands on Jin's apron without hesitation.
You stand up, eyeing your surroundings, thankful for Jin's sake that there were no customers around to witness the unfortunate occurrence. You eye the poppies and roses and flowers you don't know the name of, the low hanging vines that grow along the ceiling, the smell of comfort and familiarity. You'd draw this if you could. Exactly this, an awash of greens and blues and oranges.
"Hyung how much longer until your shift ends?" Jungkook asks as he stands up beside you, placing a delicate finger over the bobby headed maneki neko on the counter. "I'm hungry and had to watch you eat your sandwich and it was, quite frankly, the worst experience of my life."
"You ate half of my fries." Jin says at the same time you say, "You ate half of his fries."
Jungkook's doe eyes that already scream innocence are now gleaming in betrayal. Why did his eyes have to be so big and open and honest. As if he doesn't already attract the attention and the protective instincts of anyone within a fifteen foot radius of him.
"I did not." Jungkook whines as you and Jin exchange looks. "I don't wanna hang out with you two anymore. I'll get a boyfriend, surely he'll appreciate me more."
"The whole gremlin vibe you have going on doesn't exactly give you much sex appeal." You say with a snort.
Jungkook makes a noise of indignation before, promptly, punching at Jin's stomach, the man letting out an unappealing oof before yelling—"What did I do?!"
The moment is (thankfully) interrupted by a tired Hoseok trudging out the backdoor, scratching at his chest. You step out to greet him, turning your back to the chaotic duo, immediately regretting it as you hear Jin mutter a "I dare you to put your hand in there."
The man, his arms already spread out in greeting, squeals out a "Y/nie!" the same time you squeal out a "Hoseokie!" before you promptly wrap your arms around his back, squeezing the life out of him, as he deserves. The man has it hard enough already.
When you two separate Jin and Jungkook are already behind him, Jin whining out a "Y/n, stop hogging my boyfriend" as he presses a kiss to the man's cheek. Jungkook is just hovering beside them with a look that screams ew, when will my dads get a room. Three seconds later he says "Gross, not in front of the baby."
"I thought you said you were an adult?" Hoseok mutters, amused.
"Not me, dumbass, I'm talking about Y/n!" 
You could barely even open your mouth to argue before Hoseok continues with a playful sort of warning to his voice, "That's dumbass-hyung to you, brat." Jin shakes his head, patting his boyfriend's chest reassuringly, or maybe he just wanted to feel up his pecs. Pilates has been treating Hoseok well. Jungkook moves to pat the other (platonically, as all bros do). Hoseok doesn't move at this point, unfazed.
Your voice is flat, eyes narrowed at the scene. "Are we gonna, like, go or something?"
It takes a while for all four of you to clamber into the car, Hoseok in the drivers seat and Jin beside him, you and Jungkook on the back seats like children being taken on a road trip by their two chaotic dads. Hoseok had to have closed up shop first and foremost, saying goodbye to the flowers and kissing the ones he likes the most, particularly the peonies. Jin had only stared, used to it after working and (almost, you’re still waiting for the talk), living with the man for so long, occasionally checking the time on his watch for comedic effect.
Now you're all in a comfortable silence, the radio sometimes going from soft and relaxing music to Fergie or something but you don't mind, only watching the world go by from your window. Hoseok's voice cut through the silence only twice, first to ask if you were all going to his and your shared place and the second to ask Jin if he was gonna cook or if he should order pizza or something. (The first ended up being a firm yes, the second with Jin saying something along the lines of "Jungkook has a semi-healthy lifestyle and Y/n asked me if i wanted to grab dinner at one in the morning. I'm making spaghetti.")
You don't know how that agreement led to you being sprawled face-down on their couch, no food in sight. Hoseok and Jin disappeared a while ago and Jungkook suspected it was for less than innocent purposes but that can't be right, Jin never makes out with an empty stomach; Hoseok has said it, Jin himself has said it, it's a well known and not very interesting fact. You should have left with Jungkook for kebabs. What were you thinking. Damn Jin and his really good spaghetti sauce.
You sit up so quick it gives you whiplash, opening the door to your and Hoseok’s comfy apartment resolutely. "I'm leaving!" You don't expect much of a response, but you hear a thump somewhere around the bathroom area, so you take that as answer enough.
The brisk air hits you all at once as you walk outside, and you shiver before aggressively rubbing your arms for some kind of warmth. You didn't really think this through. You decide to walk forward with no jacket and no destination, letting your feet take you to wherever your heart desires.
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The man stays strapped to his seat as he goes through the planet's atmosphere, fingers digging into the armrests. He grits his teeth, watching as the blur of shapes and colors starts gaining form into trees and cities and life, and with the force of gravity pushing him back, he can't even lift his arms to steer the spacecraft into a space further away from the cities, for both their safety and his own.
He can only watch helplessly as he gets closer and closer, hoping and wishing and praying that he doesn't end up hurting someone, that he doesn't end up dying, himself. He's about to make a risky decision, he knows.
"My king-" he draws in a breath, squeezing his eyes shut, all too familiar faces coming into view, even from so so far away. "Forgive me."
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"Hoseok- oh! ah!"
"Sit still, you moron." Hoseok rolls his eyes, a fond smile creeping upwards against his will. "The kids are waiting on us."
"But i'm in pain." the younger male's massages turn into pinches at that, and Jin sits up startled with a yelp.
Hoseok pats the older's back, "Feeling better?"
“Yeah, thank you.” Jin says with a sigh, relieved his muscles aren't aching anymore. “I wonder what else you can do with those hands, ey-”
Hoseok slaps him upside the head as he passes by, searching the hallway with furrowed brows. "Where'd they go?"
"Huh? they're gone?" the older hums, creeping up behind the other with wide eyes, rubbing behind his head with a barely contained pout. "Maybe they finally collapsed from hunger?"
Another slap upside the head. "They're fine."
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You were not fine.
You were cold and hungry and, quite frankly, lost. Nothing around you looked familiar, and you could barely see anything with how dark it was. Not only were you cold and hungry and lost, but you were also stupid, not knowing from which direction you came from. You squint at the dimly lit streets, lampposts flickering as you walked past.
This was, like most things, probably Jungkook's fault. But he was with kebabs and you were in the middle of nowhere, so there was not much you could do except curse at the skies.
The Seoul skies are dark and cold and there are never any stars to be seen, just pitch black, airplane lights tiny and bright flickering across it deceiving enough for you to think it's a star, and you watch with dull eyes as the light flickers until it disappears from sight.
You reminisce on the days back at Busan, tiny Jungkook and tiny you climbing onto the tree in the backyard to get to the roof, arms spread and back pressed uncomfortably to the tiles, the stars and the moon so close, as if you could touch them if you were to reach out. You'd sit there and talk about nothing and everything and sometimes you'd laugh and sometimes you'd cry and there was this one time you straight up fell off roof (you were fine, but he'll never let you live past that), and sometimes Jungkook would sing even past the occasional puberty cracks in his voice.
You sigh at the empty sky, figuring it's late enough to be considered dangerous and that you should at least attempt to find your way back to Hoseok and Seokjin's until a Definitely Not an Airplane flickers in your peripheral vision.
You squint, eyeing the little light in the sky as it flies across your vision. A gasp catches itself in your throat, small smile twitching up your features, the thought of seeing a shooting star for the first time in so long enough to have your heart beat faster. As you're about to close your eyes and make a wish (despite your consciousness telling you how lame it is), your brows furrow as the shooting star continues flying through the sky. Or rather, straight down, getting continuously bigger and brighter as it approaches.
Your eyes widen as the light slowly growing closer gains shape, not one of an airplane or a meteor or anything explanatory that could have fallen from the sky, but something you couldn't possibly identify, even as it grows closer and closer as the seconds tick by. You're left to watch, dumbfounded, as the unidentified flying object is only seconds away from hitting you, and in a split second decision you’re shielding your arms in front of you in a meek attempt to protect yourself, eyes shutting tightly. Oh god. You’re going to die.
When you manage to peel your eyes open again, a few ways away is a pod of some sort, floating only inches off the ground. A metal container, taller than the average person, spacious enough to fit the average person. And there was indeed a person- a person- inside of it, sitting in a suspiciously comfortable looking armchair, hands gripping the armrests and his eyes closed.
Let's set the scene: you're in a deserted one-way street, the flickering of the lampposts above only serving to creep you out even more, an unknown yet oddly handsome man that just fell from the sky only a few ways away, in the middle of the street.
The pod's door slides open.
You jump, eyes and brows comically wide and you would have laughed in any other situation. Against your own volition, you eye the man, nearly forgetting to think beyond breathing at his appearance. He's very much the picture of otherworldly you're starting to suspect he is, jaw sharp and hair still well maintained despite what it looks like it's been through (going through the atmosphere, you remind yourself). His clothes look to belong to someone of importance, despite the torn and dirty shape it's currently in, all perfectly cut and fitted garments and expensive looking fabrics.
You don't have time to think about much beyond that before the man's eyes snap open, flickering towards you almost immediately. Your breath hitches.
With a large yet shaky step, the man steps out with his hands gripping at the pod's walls for balance, not breaking eye contact for even a second, staring with half lidded eyes. He steps out. One foot, then the other. You can do nothing but stare, blinking rapidly to ensure this is all real, that Jin didn't finally snap and poison your food to have you hallucinate. He's about three large steps away from you before he speaks.
"Earthling!" he starts, pointing an accusing finger at you, and you're more than aware of how deep his voice is. "State your gender and sexual preference!"
You feel like you've made some sort of terrible mistake.
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a/n: hello lads!! this is the first installment of this series, feel free to tell me your thoughts! lmk if there are any mistakes lmao,, thanks for reading!!
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steamishot · 5 years
End of July
i think i’ll be starting my period sometime in the next 24 hours. my friend who i am synced with just started hers this morning. tomorrow, i am using a sick day to go to to dentist. my dentist is in san gabriel- a 20 minute drive east of my home. in the past, i would only take a half day, but then i thought, why am i stressing and rushing myself to go to work when i have all these sick hours. even more so when there’s not much pending at work. so, i plan on going to the dentist in the morning, having lunch in the area, then coming home and painting my living room and kitchen. my dad asked one of his home depot contacts to come work for us lol. i’ll be taping and painting along with him tomorrow so the job gets done faster. just came back from home depot earlier and bought two gallons of shiny luster paint- the same shade and sheen as my room. i also bought a darker grey to paint the borders for contrast. hopefully it looks good. a few weeks ago, our gallon full of coins got topped off. my mom would sit and individually package the coins into the sleeves banks provide whenever we wanted to exchange the coins for cash- this would take her nearly half a day. not sure why we never used coinstar before, but we finally did it. i learned that its an 11% fee if you exchange the coins for cash, but there is no fee when you exchange for a gift card. so, with one gallon full of coins, we got about $350 total- i put about half on a home depot gift card, and half on an amazon gift card. it was funny/so coincidental today that our total came out to be exactly 2 dollars less of our home depot gift card (my dad also had things to buy and we weren’t computing the costs).
events this past weekend: friend’s going away party. she received a scholarship from fullbright- which is a prestigious academic award to represent the US in international affairs. i didn’t realize how honorable it was til today and previously saw it as another “teach english abroad” opportunity. we ate at roe seafood in long beach. i thought the food was pretty bomb- i’d give it a 7/10. however, the more i ate of my scallop porcini pasta- the more water i had to drink. taste wise it was definitely there, but the cheese/carb combo was so damn heavy. i liked the group and it felt easy/natural to socialize (also because i was sitting in between my good friends b and s). in my last blog, i was venting about b, but i realize in the grand scheme of things- the little things i get annoyed by don’t matter. she continued to do the things i got ticked off by over text, but instead of getting irritated, i tried to teach myself to be loving and forgiving and think- she’s not me, i’m not her, don’t think that what i think is the “right” way of doing things is actually right. we had a nice time together that night. good vibes throughout. 
watched lion king with my mom, grandma, bro and wife. i went into the movie having low expectations due to what everyone else was saying, but i enjoyed it. the fact that we got to live through seeing the cartoon version in 1994 to seeing it full in CGI in 2019 is incredible. i love the storyline of lion king. the scene where mufasa dies always gets me. i had to hold back tears during the emotional parts of the movie lol. 
matt’s free time is decreasing and decreasing. he now has to work 6 days a week. he’s at work before i wake up, and still at work after i’m off work. on a GOOD day, he’ll only be at the hospital for about 13 hours, on a bad day, maybe 16 :(. he also has to study outside of work as they have monthly exams. saturday was his one day off during the week and it was kinda sad lol. he has one day to catch up on sleep and he’s too tired to do anything else. he tells me that he doesn’t have time to drink water at work, let alone use the restroom. his lunch consists of downing a soylent. his hospital is severely understaffed and he is doing nurses’ duties (drawing blood, patient care taking). he normally calls me right after he gets off work. i get to talk to him for about an hour or so, while he’s prepping dinner and eating. he then goes shower and gets ready to sleep and i get to see him again for a few minutes before he sleeps. i feel lucky that i’m the one he wants to talk to and see every day. i hope i brighten up his day, as he keeps saying he’s “dying” lol. when he didn’t match into a residency program, he was depressed. now that he’s in residency, it’s also depressing (but at least there is an end in sight). apparently the second and third year residents are super jaded and negative. i wouldn’t be surprised if he became like that in a year lol. on saturday, he called me right before i was going to shower. so i told him that i’ll call him back afterwards. as i got out of the shower, i saw a message from him saying - take your time, i’m gonna go shower too. so i took my time and started getting ready for the going away dinner. he called me 10-15 later and was like “you didn’t call me back!” there was something so satisfying about him being needy and clingy LOL. he’s naturally an independent cerebral person so i love it when he is needy. 
saturday night at like 1am, i got a random text from L asking me about relationship stuff. coincidentally, i couldn’t sleep cus your girl would have been dead asleep by 11 any other day. i’m happy that she felt comfortable enough to reach out to me and share her feelings. i learned that we both are perfectionistic, have unrealistically high expectations, and are quite sensitive. she cares a lot about how others/her friends perceive her relationship. she shared with me an instance where her bf came off a bit rude to her in front of her friends and she felt “very disappointed” in him. if i place myself in her shoes, i can understand why she felt hurt. and if its an reoccurring thing, then i’m sure the pain is stronger. however, being “very disappointed” in your partner for being human is stressful for both you and them because you set unrealistic standards for the relationship. she wasn’t able to let it go and gave the incident more attention than it needed. from hearing her story, i basically saw my problems in someone else. it makes me realize how silly and crazy i am sometimes in making mountains out of molehills. i used to think that it was good to have high standards for your partner, and i often felt disappointed by my last partner. i think it reflected more on myself than him- my needs weren’t being met, i wasn’t happy in the relationship, i stayed with an incompatible partner, etc. having “high” standards is only valuable if the standards are attainable and something that can be worked towards. 
i feel very happy with my current partner. being away from him for almost two months now has allowed me time to reflect on us and myself. i’m way more forgiving with the distance, and considerate about his new schedule and circumstance. in my last relationship, i started seeing the flaws around 8/9 month mark. and if i was smart and experienced enough, i would have realized those were dealbreakers (because in the end, i broke up with him for the same reasons). coming up on 9 months with matt, i feel secure and that our issues are small issues. we’re able to get along and have similar values and ideals. 
his words can sometimes come off harsh but i’ve gotten used to it and actually really appreciate him being honest and constructive with me. a week or so before he left, i was hanging out in his room. i forgot what we were talking about before but he said, “you would be much much prettier if you worked out. not that you don’t look good now, but you would look better if you worked out.” i was a little bothered by that at first, but realized he is 100% correct. i never paid attention to my body much before- but skinny fat is not a good look or feel. my bikini pics in hawaii were meh lol i was flabby, weak and out of shape. i started working out recently with dumbbells and find it so fun- more efficient work out than without any equipment. working out also helps my face maintain its shape. i realized in the past months my face started looking more bloated and fat. i’ve even received comments from two of my older friends - “you got fatter. but just in your face.” i was never mindful of how my diet and exercise routine affected how i looked. which is really dumb as a human lol. i kinda wish i was more athletic when i was younger because i’m almost just starting from scratch now. however, i am grateful that i was at least somewhat active (hiking here and there, walking, leisurely workouts) in the last few years. so, he helped me gain weight to be at a normal range (this is the heaviest i’ve been my whole life). now it’s my job to tone myself. i’ve been saying this for some time, but i’m getting more cognizant about fitness which will help the consistency. 
throughout our time together, he’s only lost his patience/raised his voice a little twice during arguments. the last time he did actually helped so much in putting me in my place. he is very smart and makes pretty good arguments sometimes haha. the last time, it made me realize that it’s better to nourish my relationship rather than bring drama into it. since then, i’ve thought twice about bringing up small issues that i can learn to let go. i love that he pushes and inspires me to be better and to be hardworking. and i’m glad i’m pretty receptive to his ideas. 
i read old conversations with my past partner today. it was super cringy. i come off as cold, inquisitive, and serious and he comes off as immature, emotional and uninterested in my thoughts. even reading through our messages now i felt the frustration i felt when i was talking to him then. i felt i was always trying to change him into the person i wanted him to become. i saw the potential but i didnt see the person he was. to me, he was gross, trashy and had many insecurities. the more separated i am from it, the more i am disgusted with myself for choosing that lol. however, i am grateful for what he taught me, which was what attracted me to him in the first place- how to be intimate emotionally and physically, how to talk about feelings, how to communicate, how to talk about more difficult subjects, how to bring up issues, how to understand what i’m feeling, etc. 
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