#and the other eight kids because there are eleven of these poor kids in total
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I've only got a vague idea of what Succession is/was, but I'm still pretty sure Techno Mechanicus is going to be reenacting with his siblings in about 20+ years.
#him and c3po and ebony dark'ness dementia raven way#and the other eight kids because there are eleven of these poor kids in total#jesus fucking christ#feeling lightheaded#elon musk#elon musty#elongated muskrat#succession#techno mechanicus#tau#x ae a-xii#X AE A-XII#exa dark sideræl#grimes#grimes music
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How about bamon: things get awkward after their divorce and they have to spend one of the kids birthday together for the kids but they still are kinda irritated with each other? Lol I just found you I’ve read all your fics on archiveofourown!
I'm responding to this so very late, I apologise!! Such a fun prompt - thank you so much 🖤 Am very tempted to expand on it as a one shot...
"Who is that ?" Dylan's mom spits the curly straw out of her mouth, spraying cola (and Malibu) onto Bonnie's arm. She's oggling the dark haired man swaggering into the party hall - black jeans and matching tee accessorised with the silver aviators Bonnie once thought were sexy as hell. Past tense.
"My ex husband," she grits out, and marches over to him.
"What are you doing here?"
Damon grins down at her, revelling in her annoyance already. "Diego wanted me to come."
"You could have texted."
He shrugs. "I did. I texted Maeve."
Bonnie fights back an audible groan, "I meant me, not our eleven year old." She gestures at the rather fancy box of chocolates in his hand, "Are those for Diego because you know he can't have-"
"They're for you," he holds them out to her, "For organising all of this." He notices the banner Bonnie had painted, hanging along the opposite wall. "I see your art skills haven't improved."
"Better than yours ever were," she retorts, scratching at the plastic film around the box. It does not go unnoticed by him.
"Wait until you see the card I designed for-"
"DAD!" Diego interrupts the almost familiar flow of banter. She's relieved, only the tiniest bit disappointed.
"Hey big man!" Damon laughs, as her, their, now eight year old barrels into him. "Wow, nice face paint."
"You need some too!" Diego, the dinosaur, commands.
"No, no, I don't think-"
And Bonnie can't resist saying: "Daddy would have to take his sunglasses off for that."
And Damon can't resist pushing them off his face, into his har...and winking.
His eyes are still the same startling shade of blue they've always been. In fact, the age folding at the seams only makes them bluer.
Diego drags him away towards the face paint table, yabbering to the poor teen she hired that Dad HAS to be a tiger. When Damon catches her eye and quirks a challenging brow, her eyes flicker upwards, on instinct. When she glances back at him, he's smirking.
Bonnie pops a chocolate in her mouth and decides it's time to prepare the cake.
You're totally watching my ass, she thinks, smirking too.
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Fanfic Author tag game
Tagged by: @onthedriftinthetardis - thank you for tagging me, friend!
Tagging: @gingerteaonthetardis, @lotsofthinkythoughts, @lizann5869, @blueboxesandtrafficcones, @chocolatequeennk, @skyler10fic and my brain went blank on who else writes...I am sorry if I forgot you but consider yourself tagged if you are reading this!
Ao3 name: LadyPaigeC
Fandoms: Doctor Who mainly with a bit of dabble in Teninch (Broadchurch, Secret Diary of a Call Girl, Takin’ Over the Asylum, Hang Ups, etc)
Number of fics: 82 (including a couple of drabbles) plus an additional 10 headcanon asks
1. Fic you spent the most time on: Well one of my current WIPs (loosely titled The Journey’s Beginning) is actually the first thing I ever started writing in DW fandom and I’ve yet to complete it, so...🤷 However, in terms of actual writing time, I think it was probably The Age of the Wolf. I did a lot of reading up on the Time War and Expanded Universe storylines and spent a lot of time working out how to make the overlapping episodes play out together.
2. Fic you spent the least time on: Hmm. I think it was either Moonlight Rendezvous (Ten x Rose), A Death Defying Romance (Nine x Rose AU), or His Beloved (Twelve x Rose) (which was totally written out of spite for a 12 x Rose anti). All three of those were written very quickly and seemed to come to me easily.
3. Longest fic: The Age of the Wolf (Eight x Rose; Ten x Rose, Eleven x Rose) at just under 40K words.
4. Shortest fic: Atomic Blonde (Ten x Rose) which was a dwsmutfest 69 word “drabble”
5. Most hits: The Age of the Wolf with 5600, but for a non-multi chapter fic it is A Little Bit of Hope (version 2) with 4630.
6. Most kudos: The Age of the Wolf with 522
7. Most comment threads: Accidentally Ours (Ten x Rose) with 117
8. Fave fic you wrote: Oh goodness. How do I pick?!?!? They are all my children! I will say that I am amazed at how well The Age of the Wolf came together in the end. It was so difficult to write and I struggled a lot with it. Honestly, I’m just proud to have finished it. Penance and Pain (Nine x Rose) is also another one I have a soft spot for. One because I love poor Nine still hurting from the repercussions of the Time War and two it was the fic that introduced me to so many of my friends in fandom.
9. Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: Hmm, I have a few that I want to tie up in regards to the series. Specifically my Embracing Life (Ten x Rose) series. Hannah Baxter - Sex Surrogate also has another adventure coming for sweet Martin. 😏 😈 🔥🔥🔥
10. Share a bit of your WIP or share a story idea that you’re planning:
Oh gosh I have so many WIPs that I’m working on. There is the Martin and Belle one I referenced above; a Hardy and Hannah fic where they have a one night stand before Hannah is thrust back into his life after becoming embroiled in a murder; Walt (from Camping) meets Angel (from The Calcium Kid) while trying out roller derby; Rose and Ten get pulled into a circular paradox that forces them to live through the early 70s and help out the Third Doctor at UNIT; a Sam Tyler and Annie Cartwright fic where instead of working for the Manchester police department, they work for Torchwood and Sam is the son of Nine and Rose; a Sally Lockhart AU where Eleven x Rose run into a fobbed!Ten while trying to sort a mystery; a Tentoo x Rose x Thirteen OT3 fix-it; a Nine x Rose Vampire AU; a Ten x Rose’s daughter meets Nine; a Crowley x Rose fic for @doctorrosetennant; and the other one I referenced above - The Journey’s Beginning - which is a alternate version of Doomsday, where Doomsday still happens, but the Doctor and Rose are never at Canary Wharf. Here is a sneak peak of that one:
Rose sat on a relatively bare part of the control panel, legs swinging, while the Doctor was tinkering under the console. “How much longer, d’ya think?”
The Doctor popped up and dusted off his hands. “Done. Glad I thought to recalibrate the directional unit, she was about 4 time zones off. Now that could have gotten us into a bit of trouble.” He waggled his eyebrows at her.
Rose grinned up at him. “Oh, so now we’ll be trouble free, will we?” Her tongue poke out the side of her mouth. “Where’s the fun in that?”
“Why Rose Tyler! I always knew you were jeopardy friendly, but am I to believe you actually court danger?” The Doctor looked at her with an exaggerated look of surprise.
She giggled. “That’s me. Danger’s my middle name.”
The Doctor placed his hands on either side of Rose and leaned in giving her a heated look. “That so?” Her gaze dropped to his lips as she wet her own. “Well, Miss Rose Danger Tyler, where to next?”
Rose brought her eyes back up to meet the Doctor’s and just as he began to move toward her, Rose’s stomach let out a growl.
He jumped away from his tempting companion and a manic smile broke out across his face.
They had been playing this little game for a few weeks now. Heavy on the flirting and innuendo, a few stolen kisses, but every time things seemed to be progressing towards more, something interrupted them and the Doctor pulled back.
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push me, pull you
this is part three of the series “run long, roam far, return soon” part one: “knock me the fuck out (i dare ya, babe)” (cont.) (fin.) part two: “where we grew up”
(click here if you’d prefer to read this in AO3′s format)
“You guys have been in here for over twenty minutes,” Steve complains, turning into the kitchen of the Wheeler’s house – not the same as the one they lived in while Nancy and Mike where in high school. Karen got her heart set on a fixer-upper after Mike left for college and it became a passion project for her. It’s old, charming, and deeply haunted. “What are you two doing?”
Quickly, El turns away from Billy, nervously running her hand over the end of the braid draped over her shoulder. She’s dressed a little nicer than he normally sees her today, in a sweet flowing dress patterned in butterflies that leaves her shoulders bare. There’s always been an innocence to her, despite her childhood, or maybe because of it. A wide-eyed wonder that he secretly hopes she never loses.
Steve notices that Billy looks concerned as he informs Steve “El’s gotten herself ready for a big date.”
“Billy,” she pleads, mumbling at her hands. “I can’t.”
“Just ask,” he coaxes softly. “Even if he says ‘no’, anything is better than wondering. You know that.”
“Ask who what?” Steve asks, confused. Then, feeling like he’s been hit with a frying pan: “Jesus fuck, please do not say Lucas, I will have a fucking heart attack-”
Lucas has spent six years hoping that Max would see what a monstrous snake her husband was and leave his ass and Max has, from what Billy’s told, regretted most of the eight years since they broke up for good. Steve can’t take watching life break El’s heart that way, not sweet and loyal Eleven.
“Henderson,” Billy says, clipped and brusque. “She’s talking about Henderson.”
“Why would you talk El into asking Dust on a date?” he says, even more confused now. “Eleven doesn’t even want to talk to Dustin. I mean, I don’t think you hate him, but he’s pretty sure that you do. He can be dramatic sometimes.”
El trembles as she slides down the wall into a crouch. “I can’t!” she tells Billy, her eyes filling with tears. “Billy, I can’t! I’ve already messed it up.”
Crouching beside her, Billy says, “Why d’you never talk to him, honey?”
She shrugs, staring at the floor as she wipes furiously at her cheeks. “I can’t-I can’t remember how to talk around him,” she says, swallowing against a fresh urge to weep. “I forget words.”
“Yeah, baby, I know. Love can make you super dumb.” Billy says sympathetically and Steve feels sucker-punched when he realizes that he is talking about the way teenage Billy felt about teenage Steve.
Turning on his heel, Steve enters back into the group of people laughing around a game of mock D&D in Max’s living room. “Hey,” he says, smiling at Dustinas he gestures wildly with a half-empty glass of Guinness. “Can I talk to you for a second?”
“Um, yeah.” Dust downs the rest of his glass and hands their shoddily made up script to Erica. “Have fun. Make me proud.”
“Wow, the bar has never been lower.”
“I love you too, you little shit.” Steve begins pulling him along toward the kitchen. He’s not sure he’ll ever get over Dustin growing up to be bigger and taller than him. Bemused, he asks, “Where are we going?”
“I think that it’s time for El to apologize to you,” Steve says firmly. It was the one thing he was sure of – his realization may never have arrived if Billy hadn’t been laying in the hospital bed and apologized in that dead, traumatized monotone.
Dustin begins to resist a little. “No, Steve, c’mon. The six of us don’t really have to be attached at the hip.”
“You think she hates you.”
“No, I said she didn’t like me,” Dust replies patiently as they approach the kitchen. “That’s not the same thing.”
Billy and El are where he left them, and if he didn’t believe it before, he believes it when he actually looks at her reaction to seeing Dustin.
Eleven’s back straightens up and her eyes widen, leaning away from their approach like someone is actively holding a gun to her head. If Billy’s reaction to his own love was rage, El’s reaction seems to be terror.
“Dude, what did you guys do to her?” Dustin is just as clueless as Steve was, but it doesn’t take a genius like him to notice that she’s been crying recently. “Eleven…”
Even the simple act of hearing her name makes El tremble. Dustin can barely seem to stand looking at her and it pains him. Steve says, “If you guys ever want to get past this, then she needs to apologize to you.”
“Why the hell do you think she needs to apologize to me? I’m the asshole, you dipshits! Have the two of you seriously been telling her that was her fucking fault?!” Crouching, Dustin mutters, still without looking quite at her, “C’mon, you don’t need to do this. Go to The Party, I’ll talk to the idiots.”
“Dustin, what you talking about?” Steve demands, “What’s your fault?”
Startled, the younger man looks at him, blinks, then quickly says, “Nothing, stop harassing her about this. She doesn’t need to apologize, we don’t talk to each other, that doesn’t mean she doesn’t have my back, okay?”
Billy tries to say something, but Steve cuts him off. If he knows what Dustin sounds like when he’s tired, then he also knows what Dustin looks like when he’s done something he shouldn’t have. “Why do you look guilty? Dust, what did you do? Why did you call yourself an asshole?”
Awkwardly fluffing his curly hair, like an exceptionally sad-looking poodle, Dustin grimaces and tells El, still without looking her directly in the eye, “Sorry, I thought you already told him. I should have known you wouldn’t rat me out. I’m sorry they’ve been bugging you.”
She stares at him, wide-eyed, as he turns to Steve and bluntly says “Eleven doesn’t like me because two weeks after graduation, after she broke up with Mike, I basically shoved my tongue down her throat.” Everyone in the room gapes at him in shock and he sighs heavily, “We were all at a bonfire, I was drunk, she was really drunk, She didn’t want to talk to me anymore, and I totally respect that. You guys need to stop this weird crusade to force her to like me, because it’s my fault. I earned it.”
Dustin flails his arms in a ‘so, there’ kind of gesture, and adds, “El, I��m so sorry for this whole thing, I should’ve apologized immediately, but you look so freaked out anytime I go near you, and I didn’t wanna corner you like some kind of creep. You’ve always been Mike’s girl, and it was so fucking gross and sleazy for me to…”
“I’m not a possession.” Eleven interrupts, her voice hard and cold. “I don’t belong to Mike Wheeler. Michael Wheeler doesn’t own me.”
“Of course he doesn’t,” Dustin assures her. With a nervous laugh, he adds, “I don’t think anyone could if they tried.”
And El’s face fills with a helpless rage that reminds Billy painfully of himself. You idiot, he thinks, watching Dustin’s face, so full of friendly sympathy. So clueless for a kid so smart. She wants to belong to someone. She wants to belong to you.
Were his feelings that obvious?
Oh, totally, Robin’s voice answers in his head, explaining to Erica on the phone. There poor Billy-boy was, heart on his sleeve, checkin’ Steve-o out like he was on the effing menu. And Steve got so flustered every time Billy walked in, he never even noticed.
“You kissed me,” she repeats angrily.
“I’m sorry,” Dustin repeats, miserably. “I took advantage of you, El, and it took me so fucking long to apologize, but I really am so sorry.”
“I don’t remember,” El seethes, fists clenched. “You kissed me, and I don’t remember.”
“You were really drunk,” Dustin says gently. “But I promise, I won’t ever do that again, okay?”
Oh, that is the opposite of the thing Eleven wants to hear. She’s so angry – she feels like something she so desperately wants has been taken from her, and now Dustin is telling her she doesn’t even have the chance to get it back again.
“Bastard,” she hisses, eyes beginning to shine and glitter with unshed tears. On the stove, a kettle begins to whistle sharply, even though the burner it’s sitting on isn’t even lit.
Dustin begins backing away, eyes wide, and El lunges, grabbing the front of his sweater with clawed fingers and kissing him, passionate with anger and six years of love that she’s just been choking herself on.
She pulls away just as abruptly, and Dustin’s lower lip begins to bleed sluggishly. “You bit me.”
He doesn’t sound mad, just quietly shocked.
“That’s all you can say to me?” she demands, as the tears begin to slide down her face. She has made herself into a fool, and for no good reason. She told Billy this was a mistake.
“I…yes?” He’s bewildered by the combination of passion and violence, and even more bewildered by the tear. Maybe the kiss made them even now? But then why the hell is she crying? Fuck, he’s been trying not to upset her, Dustin can’t stand it when Eleven cries, but somehow, he’s managed to do it anyway.
Swiping angrily at her eyes, El darts toward the back stairwell beside the sink. Dust, feeling like something important was slipping away from him, grabs her arm, though he knows that’s the last thing he should do with El when she’s upset. That’s how you end up suddenly knowing what the ceiling feels like on your back. “What do you want me to say?” he pleads, grabbing both of her elbows. “Just tell me what you want, and I promise I’ll do it.”
LOVE ME BACK!, she wants to scream.
“Nothing,” she says dully, limbs going slack like a puppet with its strings cut. The lie crushes her. “I don’t want anything.”
“Do you just…really not like me, then?” he asks in a small voice, and the question startles her into a half turn. “Because you didn’t remember my dumb drunk kiss, but you always act like I’m a Demogorgon that’s about to…eat…you…”
Her face is a brilliant crimson, arms crossed defensively over her chest. His lower lip still stings. “Oh.”
“Don’t look at me,” she says in a mumble, shoulders hunching. She covers her eyes, tears spilling out from beneath her fingers. Chin trembling, she repeats, half-pleading, “I don’t want anything.”
Dustin swallows hard, licks his lips. He’s been less nervous presenting his actual dissertation plan. “What if I want something? Would that be okay?” He watches her chewing on her lower lip before she nods. “Can you please look at me?”
Slowly, arm trembling, she lowers her hand and stares at him, her gaze darting at him and then away, frightened and hesitant. She’s barely able to raise her voice. “...okay.”
He never had the slightest conception of the power his touch could have over her, but when his hands cup her face, all of the cupboard doors suddenly swing themselves open. His thumbs wipe at the trails of tears on her cheeks and the dishes on the shelves tremble along with her. Dustin lets her relax enough to look him straight in the eye and says, deadly serious, “Do you have any idea how fucking difficult it is, finding a girl who can measure up to you?”
Her brows pinch together.
“Because I’ve tried,” he confesses. “For twelve years, in three different states, I’ve tried to find a woman who can compete with the first girl I ever fell in love with, and it’s asking way too much of one person.”
Eleven listens, stunned, as he continues “Because that girl is the kindest person I know, and the strongest, and the bravest. She’s clever, and funny, and beautiful, and wise. She’s stubborn as a mule and she pushes anyone who’s ever loved her to be the best version of themselves. She can flip cars without breaking a sweat, and she makes a chocolate cake so delicious that after my first bite, I cried literal tears of joy.”
She’s crying again, and the bags of flour and sugar on the counter have split their seams and begin to pour their contents all over the countertops and the floor. Like Eleven’s heart is bursting, and they burst with her in sympathy.
Pressing his forehead to hers, Dustin whispers “That’s all I want. Find me your equal. I’ve tried, but every time I come home, I see you and I know it’s no use. No matter who they are, they can’t be better than an Eleven.”
“…I can’t say anything that nice,” she admits, holding his hands to her skin. “I’m-I don’t have the words…”
Karen’s tulips, half dead in their vase, are suddenly blooming in full life on the center island. Billy and Steve grin at each other.
Very quietly, Eleven says, “You carried me.” At his confused look, she continues “In the school. When we were young. You carried me. I remembered that.”
“Yeah?” He doesn’t know why, because she seems to think this is very important.
“It was the first,” she tells him. “The first time I really knew what ‘safe’ felt like. It was you. It’s always been you, too.”
Dustin laughs. “We’re a pair of perfect fuck-ups, aren’t we?”
Seriously, she asks “Are we a pair?”
“We could be. If you want.”
She considers that for a moment. “Does it mean I can have a real kiss now?”
His eyes flicker down to her lips. After fully breaking, his voice has always had an almost musical quality, but it seems especially nice to her. “They both felt pretty fucking real to me.”
The back of her neck tingles. As stubborn as he accused, El insists “More?”
Dustin glances nervously at Steve and Billy.
Steve laughs and Billy rolls his eyes. “At least go upstairs, we don’t need to watch the two of you making out.”
Billy sighs as El drags Dustin up the stairs. He’s intensely familiar with dating someone who looks innocent but turns into a fucking maniac in the sack when they’re in the right mood.
Fuck, I hope the kid has a seatbelt and a fucking helmet.
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Ancient Writer of dreams and nightmares: I am 71 (-one month), and have been writing (making up tales) since I was three. I can still remember my Pawpaw whittling a pencil for me, and Mawmaw tearing a piece of brown grocery bag for me to write on. They weren't 'poor', but writing paper wasn't to be wasted on a 'kid' just for fun. I carefully scripted my first short story.
Of course my 'letters' looked more like ancient Hanguel, so I had to read it to my "captured" audience. I really don't remember the story, but as my grandparents had a yard full of chickens and my dog, Mutt, liked to chase them (because of this we 'both' got into trouble -- because I always joined the chase) I most probably wrote about that.
My Pawpaw was a story-teller. For several years I thought there really was a baby found in the wilds of the African jungle and raised by the great apes. I thought he was the luckiest babe, EVER!
Then I found Pawpaw's books about three years after he died. I was eleven when he died, and felt that my best friend had abandoned me. But when I found those books I realized just where Tarzan actually came from and went to. I read everyone of those books and got the complete picture. THEN..
Well, Pawpaw also told stories of Daniel Boone and Davey Crocket...before I saw them on Disney. Then, of course, I went to school and learned what I already knew. Pawpaw was an excellent story-teller and never mixed up his facts, time-lines, or characters.
Growing up under his influence had a lot to do with how I developed as a story-teller. At family gatherings when I meet cousins I haven't seen in decades, they STILL remember me and the stories that I used to tell them. My children and grandchildren have grown up with me re-telling Pawpaw's old stories, and sharing many that I made up on the spot.
But I think what I read in my early years developed my writing style.
I was just turned eight when I read my first Shakespeare, MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM. He was my first favorite author. Then I was forced to read Romeo and Juliet. I was disgusted by the fact that TRAGEDY was made famous as a ROMANCE! Even at the innocent (then) age of fourteen, I was disgusted with the idea that it was considered romantic for 'anyone', let alone 'teenagers' to commit suicide over unrequited love.
My sister (now 68) and I recently discussed this play. Because she had a 'forbidden' teenage love, she said that she related to the story (even though she had never read it). GASP! It was required reading in ninth grade!
I remember our dad breaking up my sister and her boyfriend, who was really cool. He was a hard working farm boy who had saved his money to buy a motorcycle. AND his own car. But he wasn't good enough for my sister. smh
I always thought her story would make a great LifeTime movie. But I'm not touching it. She would 'skin me' for sharing with the world her broken heart. And if I added the stuff that sells today, she'd scalp me for lying. Not a win situation at all. So, I will write notes in my "Random Jottings Journal" for future decendants who might grow into writers or story-tellers.
By the way, the title "RANDOM JOTTINGS" came from a sci-fi book that I read as a kid in the fifties. I don't remember the author, although I'm pretty sure it 'might' be from a Heinlein juvenile book. But I've never found a reference to any sci-fi books using that term. SO!!! If anyone recognizes "RANDOM JOTTINGS", which was a note book that a professor/scientist/genius used to keep his 'thoughts', PLEASE share the author's name and the title of the book!!! Thank You.
In the meantime, I referenced Shakespeare. James Oliver Curwood wrote about Kazan, the Wolf Dog, and later Baree, Son of Kazan. From those two books, read when I was eleven, I searched for and found other books about Canada. Later there was Walter Farley, author of the Black Stallion, and the Island Stallion series. I think I met my FIRST friendly alien in the Island Stallion Races.
Of course, Edgar Rice Burroughs taught me much false history about the jungles of Africa, as well as the Moon and Mars. But I loved every 'read-under-the-covers-with a-flashlight' minute! I believe he was a contemporary of Zane Grey, because he wrote a few non-jungle and non-space stories, too. Which led me to Zane Grey.
Having read both of their biographies at a young age, I learned about the hardships of being a writer. I should say 'the hardships of a struggling writer'. I have never had a problem writing. Since I write for 'fun' and not 'profit', the few short stories I've had published were by local press, and a State magazine.
No, my struggles have centered around graduating high school, and completing college, stuggling to satisfy my husband, a 'Mr. Spock in the Flesh' personality, and later raising two children without benefit of parental support or child support. But we survived in the middle of laughter and many tears. And my made up stories about children lost in the woods who were rescued by a great friendly bear, or wolf. Or dog. And sometimes by a great Black Panther - a by product of one of my Pawpaw's 'local historical tales'.
I understand that publishers detest stories that begin with "It was a dark and stormy night.." But let me tell you, some of the BEST bedtime stories occur on stormy nights when the power has gone out, and it's too hot for candles or lanterns. That shadow that stands darkest in the corner and seems to be moving towards the bed is actually grandma come to check on the kids, and stands quiet so not to disturb the kids if they're already asleep. But since they are awake, and they see her 'shadow', she becomes the old crone who lives in the castle dungeon, and has slipped her chains to visit with the 'wee folk'. But there are no fairies out on such a blustery night, so the old crone comes to visit with the 'wee bairn', who fall all over themselves to get out of bed and sit around her to hear her stories of 'long ago' and other 'dark and stormy nights'. Again -- unpublished, because publishers don't like ... LOL
Of course there's always On-Line publishing. But that involves more work than actual writing.
Back to the writrs who influenced my writing:
While I enjoy a good Western, an adventurous space trek, or time travel, I also enjoy the occasional Historical Romance. Georgette Heyer was my first! I still re-read her amazing books. Of course there's Jane Austen.
There are a myriad of modern writers that I have read over the last five decades. Heinlen, Asimov, Norton, Bradley, McCaffrey, Moon, Stirling, Krentz/Castle/Quick, and Moening, just to name a few of the ones whose books I have in my personal library.
Those older authors did affect my writing style to develope as I read their stories. The later authors helped me to move into the late 20th century. But I'm not so sure that I like the 21st century so much. It's all about being politically 'correct'. If you aren't ashamed of your gender, your race, your country, your religion, your culture, your family, your history, then you are prejudiced. That's just too much guilt to have to live with.
I'm still dealing with my mom's death from ten years ago. I was her care-giver for five years. Her doctor had given her nine months. I still worry if I did enough for her in those last years.
And though my children are grown with their own families, I worry that I wasn't a good enough parent. And I worthy as a grandmother? How was I as an older sister? I was responsible as a moral guide when our parents were at work. Was I a good neighbor? A good support in our Church? And Hollywood wants me to feel guilt about something I can't change?!!
I'm an old woman who still likes being a woman and enjoys liking men. I'm not just white. I'm also mixed with a bit of Native American, and even a drop of -- OMG!!! --- Black. snicker.
That's a serious joke, because as a kid I had a recuring nightmare that I was a black man being judged by a group of people in white hoods I was hanged amidst their fiery torches. I always thought those white hoods represented the Catholic Church, because at that young age I didn't know about the Ku Klux Klan. Even though I grew up in the South, my family was not involved with that group of out-lawrey. Thank God!
Still, I'm supposed to feel shame? For something not even my family supported.
I've always believed there's a hint of Fae in my DNA. Because I love dancing in the light of the full moon, and flying with the owls who perch outside my bedroom window and call to invite me to follow the moon's shadow. If I am part Fae, I know it came from my mother's people. They were Irish mixed with Alabama Indians who believed in the Nunnehi aka Immortal, and the Yunwi Tsunsdi, aka Little People.
ALSO, while there's no DNA proof of ancestry, I've always been a 'closet Chinese'.
In the Fifties, when WW2 was still fresh, and we were involved with the 'Korean Conflict', and at odds with China, I would sneak around the radio, turn down the volume, and tune into 'that wierd channel' that sometimes played Opera, or Chinese music. Ahhh. I would close my eyes and wander through the few visuals I'd found in books, or the occasional movie. (before color tv)
A year or two ago I was totally depressed and disgusted with American TV. Hollywood has become so political, so wierd. Their programming is no longer for entertainment, but to 'educate, enlighten, or to inform'. zzzzz
Then I found KDrama!!!!! Korean TV. Japanese Tv. squeal!!! Chinese TV.
The rom/coms are sweet and 'pure'. Okay. I'm realistic. This is not a reflection of real life on any planet. But the innocence of the early 1950s programs is there. Similar to Disney's 'Summer Magic'. I'm happy with those dramas that remind me of thati nnocence. I have found a few dramas that shared more than I cared for, and I do enjoy an occasional 'romp'. But I've always preferred the Lady and Gentleman characters.
And watching these programs have reminded me of those fairy tales and legends from my childhood that had been sprinkled with the Occasional Oriental myth, legend, and children's tale.
Then I remembered my FIRST historical legend. "The White Stag" by Kate Seredy, is the tale of Atilla the Hun!
I recently found a copy of that book and am waiting for a quiet time, when the power is out and there's nothing to do. Then I will use one of the many flashlights I bought for a huge hurricane, and relax on the sofa beneath an open window and read this legend once again. I live in Florida. The odds of this happening increases as the summer progresses. I can't wait to learn if my memory of this tale of Atilla the Hun remained true, or has been distorted in the last half of a century.
Most of the tales that I write involve space adventures, the occasioanl ghost, and encounters with fairies, the evil ones, not the romantic ideal fairy. smh
I've never been very good with romance or comedy. But thanks to the recent influence of the Asian productions, I have re-formatted one of my dark adventures and turned it into a rom/com.
I love a good joke, but very seldom get the point or see the humor. And I can NEVER remember the punch line if I try to share a joke. My family have said they will write on my tombstone --
"I don't remember the punchline ... but it was funny."
But as I write humorous lines or events I find myself laughing. Or crying at sad events. And I am all 'giggly' when I write what is supposed to be innocent romance between a young and shy couple. But I have never felt that my own reactions were a true guide to how the story might come across to a 'reader'.
As it happens, I have two sisters younger than I am. My middle sister is bored easily and immediately redirects our conversation to something about 'her'. Okay. I understand. She is lonely, needy, and maybe a bit selfish? Not judging. She's the 'middle child' and that's her excuse. ROFL..
But the youngest sister is my greatest fan who declares that I am an awesome writer. "I love you, sister, dear."
So she visited me last week and patiently listened as I read the first chapter. She listened quietly, and I wondered if I had 'read her to sleep'. sigh. Boring books are often the best sleeping pill. Then I heard her laugh.
Squeals/Dancing/hooting/flying around the room in ecstasy!!
Okay! At least one person has laughed. And she's not that easily 'tickled'.
So, I will always carry on and write. But now I feel that at least I might be following a path strewn with "Black-Eyed-Susans, honeybees, butterflies, and bunnies".
I don't know if anyone will read this, or will enjoy it. I hope so. While sharing bits of my youth, my worries, and my concern about certain ones of my 'stories', I actually had ideas for developing 'new' stories.
I am always amazed when writers say they are 'blocked'. I have only to open my eyes to see a world around me that no one else can envision. I listen to a song, and I'm in a different world, time, planet. A gift from Pawpaw, and Mother's DNA.
It is my oldest granddaughter's birthday this month, and I don't know what to give her for her birthday. But when she was younger, she always asked me to tell her a story. I think that I will pull out one of my OLD/ANCIENT tales that I wrote when her dad was her age and make it into a book for her.
p---leia aka Mamma KayeLee
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So Much Better Than It Is Today
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
High school AU, Song fic: Paradise By The Dashboard Light
Words: 5,640
Warnings: A LOT of jump cuts, sexual themes, arguing, swearing, bad decisions, not my best work, a little angst. The ending is kinda fucking stupid. Not proof read.
Request: No. (It’s a challenge)
A/N: So this was for @flatbottomholland s challenge, but with me being, well me. I forgot about it. Cause I’m a hot ass mess. So here it is now. I hope you like it, it's not my best work, but I tried. Its 50′s themed, but with modern values. But not really, It's hard to explain. Just read it, and it should make sense... hopefully... Natasha’s a little OOC, but there's a reason for that. Originally written as FxF, but could totally be read by anyone.
Summary: You swore that you would love her until the end of time.
The cold night air streamed against the cherry red metal of the parked Chevy. Stars littered the black sky, the moon reflecting on the rippling waves.
"Sam did not do that!"
"No, he did. I was there," you said, nodding your head. "He was too busy flirting with the waiter, to notice Bucky drinking his milkshake." you chuckled the scene replaying in your head, acting it out to the best of your abilities for her. "Once he found out, he grabbed Bucky's milkshake. Y'know, to drink his instead. But, Bucky being Bucky, wouldn't let him have it. So they started this tug of war for the milkshake, ending with Sam pulling too hard, and splashing it all over the waiter he had been flirting with... and, so that's how Sam got kicked out of, Jarvis'."
Natasha laughed, "But, what about, Bucky?"
"He went home with the waiter. That's why they're not talking right now."
This caused Natasha's laughter to increase, doubling over in her seat. You following her lead.
"Hey, you know, Steve?" you asked.
"Yeah." she nodded, fully immersed in what you had to say. "The used to be skinny kid, turned jock-artist. What about him?"
"He was the waiter."
Joyous laughter poured from the lone car, parked by the vast lake. The smell of nature, and the sound of crickets leaking through the small crack of the open window.
Settling into easy conversation. You found yourself enjoying her company more than you had ever expected. No longer able to pay attention to what she was saying. Watching her face contort into many different expressions. Liking every single one of them. Thinking how lucky you were to be sat here right now.
(Nine hours ago)
You walked down the semi-crowded halls of your high school. Books in hand, backpack slung over your shoulder. Your eyes staring at your destination in front of you. To say you were nervous about what you were about to do would have been an understatement.
"Hey, Natasha." You got her attention, drawing her away from her friends. Your own watching you like halks from behind you. "Can I talk to you for a minute?"
"Sure." She shrugged, following you to a clear part of the hall. One where neither your friends nor hers could hear you. "What's up?"
"Umm, so, I was wondering," you started, some of your nerves coming through your voice. Much to your dismay. You coughed, regaining some of your confidence. "I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me? No? Okay then." you replied for her. Turning on your spot, about to walk away from her. When she reached out and grabbed your elbow stopping you, turning you around to face her once again.
"O- Okay?!"
"I would love too," she clarified.
You looked at her like she had just grown another head. "Are you sure? This isn't some kind of joke is it?"
"No. It's not a joke. I really do want to you out with you." She rested her hand on your arm, giving it a comforting squeeze.
You were about to voice you joy, abruptly thinking, "You know I meant it as a date right?"
"Yes. As a date. I want to go out on a date with you," she said slowly.
"Oh, great." You beamed.
"So, when?"
"When what?" you asked, still slightly dazed out. Surprise still coursing through you from her agreeing to go out on a date with you.
"When are we going out on our date?" she chuckled. Her hand, not going unnoticed by you, as it travelled down your arm, grasping onto your hand softly.
"Oh, uh, tonight?"
"What time?"
"I'll uh, pick you up at eight?"
"Perfect, I just have to be home by eleven."
"You will be home by eleven, scouts honour," you promised, giving her a mock salute. Making he laugh. You smiled bright, at the fact that you had managed to make her laugh.
"Good. You can drive me home then?" she stated more than asked. Pulling you along by your hand, towards the exit of the school.
You still felt the envy radiating in the air around you. Like you had hours ago as you walked from the school, people glaring at you. Jealous that you had somehow managed to get a date with the Natasha Romanoff.
Your hand gripped the wheel softly. Playing with the leather sewn onto it. You drifted back into the one-sided conversation in front of you. Music playing in the background of the warm car. Gazing happily at the red-head. As she animatedly spoke. And you just knew. You would remember this day for the rest of your life.
All of a sudden, you were in the back seat of your car. Slowly stripping each other's clothes from your lustful bodies. The soft lull of music playing in the background. Disrupted by the heavy breathing and panting pouring from both of your mouths.
Words had stopped being spoken a long time ago. Instead replaced by heated touches. Your bodies felt like they had been burned, where your fire hot hands had grazed one another's bodies. Similar to gripping tightly onto a red-hot knife. The burning hurt. But not as much as you craved each other's bodies. The craving hurt so much; you never knew of a pain so good, a feeling so right, like this one right now. You never knew that wanting something so much could cause so much pain. It shocked you to your core how much you liked it.
You pulled against each other. Tugging at the remnants of your clothes, hands caressing skin. Gasping heavily into each other's mouths.
"No no, stop," Natasha ordered, straightening up in her seat.
"Oh?!" You shot back, sitting back in your own seat. "Did... did I do something wrong?"
"No. No, you did nothing wrong. I just have to get home."
You glanced at the clock on your dashboard, as Natasha began putting her clothes back on, beside you. The clock showing the time was 10:40. Where had the time gone? Looking back to the now almost fully dressed girl beside you, you asked, "Are you sure you can't stay out any longer?"
"I'm sure. If I did, my parents would kill me... then you."
You nodded your head in understanding. "Well, then. Let's get you home." You slowly picked your clothes up off the floor and began to pull them on.
"Won't your parents go crazy if you don't get back on time?" Natasha asked as you both hopped out of the car, and into the cold night air. Moving to the front seats. This way being easier than climbing over them like you did when you first tumbled into the back seat.
"How come?"
"Mother's dead. Farther's off fighting some war. I live with my senile grandparents, that go to bed at Five pm," you listed off.
"Oh, I'm sorry about your mother." Natasha caressed your arm, in a comforting manner.
"It's fine. I didn't know her." At this, Natasha shot you a look of confusion, silently asking you to explain. "She died giving birth to me."
Natasha took a deep breath, debating whether or not she should apologise for your loss again or not. Knowing that it wouldn't help. Watching as you began driving back to her house. Instead, she tried to lighten the mood. "Well, you must be proud of your father."
"I would be if he hadn't abandoned me when I was born and didn't blame me for my mother's death," you replied. "I don't know why I'm telling you all of this."
"You must like me," she tried again, a hopeful smile on her face. Both optimistic that it would lighten the mood, and that you dod in fact like her.
"Must do." You smiled back.
"Grams, Gramps!" you called out to your sleeping grandparents. Knowing full well they were both fast asleep, and wouldn't wake up with your yelling. Throwing your key's into the bowl sat on the small table by the door, a small pile of mail stacked up next to it.
You shuffled through the few letters that were addressed to you, as you continued talking. "How was your day? My day was good. Just got back from the date." You walked into the kitchen, ready to eat some leftovers. "You know the one I told you about when I got back from school? The one with the girl I like? Yeah, it went well. Just dropped her off now. We almost had sex. Remind me not to tell you that tomorrow, when you're actually awake."
Laying in bey, belly and brain full. Leftovers filled your stomach. Thoughts crammed into your mind. A smile on your face, as you thought about the previous few hours you had spent with Natasha.
Little did you know, she was doing the exact same thing.
Natasha crept into her house, hoping not to wake her parents. A light flickered on to her side. Startling her, and making her look to her right so fast that she thought she had just given herself whiplash. Her eyes wide with shock, as she looked at her father.
"I'm back on time." She pointed a finger at him.
He chuckled, "You are. I just wanted to know how your date went."
"It went well."
"I can see that," he said, a teasing smile on his face.
She looked at him confused. "What?"
"Your shirt's buttoned up wrong." He nodded to the white shirt she wore, one side longer than the other, thanks to the missed buttons.
"We didn't do anything."
"Really? Because I'm pretty sure you learned how to dress yourself when you were six."
She exhaled harshly, not wanting to have this conversation with him. "We didn't have sex." She bit the bullet.
"I know. We raised you well." Walking up to Natasha, he threw his arm over her shoulder and began leading her up the stairs. "But don't tell your mother." he gestured to her dishevelled appearance. "She'll rip your heart right out. And the poor souls you spent your night with."
"Oh yeah." She nodded.
"So. Do you like them?"
"I do, dad. I really do."
"Good. Remember, don't-"
Natasha stopped, turning her back to her bedroom door. "Don't let them take advantage of me. I know dad."
He smiled. "Good night," he said placing a kiss on his daughter's forehead.
"Night, dad."
Now here she lay, in bed, her thoughts plagued by you.
Glancing over to the side of your beds, you both suddenly felt lonely. Shrugging your blankets further up your bodies. Trying to replace the warmth the other had provided. Slowly falling into a peaceful sleep. Dreaming of your previous date, illuminated by the dashboard light.
Over the next few months, it happened again and again. You would go out on dates, sometimes just going out for a drive around town. But you always ended up fooling around. Either in the back of your car, in one of your bedrooms, one of your living rooms. Yours mainly. And once in the school parking lot. Which made your friends, Tony, Bucky, and Sam. Whistle and hoot at you two. That had been two months into your relationship. That's how everyone found out you were actually dating.
During those months, you were barely dressed when you were alone together. But never going any further than fooling around. Which to be honest, you were getting kind of antsy about. You had both talked about having sex, agreeing to wait until the right time. But you were starting to get frustrated with the wait.
You were parked in an empty parking lot. Getting all hot and heavy with Natasha in the back seat of your car.
Your hand started you travel further up her body, aiming for her breasts.
"Alright, stop. Stop. Stop," Natasha said pushing you off of her.
You slammed back into the seat next to her, huffing out a breath. As she shrugged her discarded clothes.
"Don't be like that," she uttered.
"Don't be like what?"
"Like that," she gestured to you. "All moody cause I told you to stop."
"It's not because you told me to stop-"
"Then what is it?"
"It's not because," you started again, your voice hard, causing her to roll her eyes, "You told me to stop. I don't care that you told me to stop, I'm fine with that. I'll stop if you want me to," You sighed. "It's just that I'd like to know if it's ever gonna happen."
"Of course it is."
"Then when? Cause truthily, I'm getting a little impatient. I'm fine with waiting. I'd just like to know."
"When you love me." She pushed her hair over her shoulder, beginning to button up her shirt.
"How do you know I don't? Do you not know how I feel about you? Sometimes I think that my heart's gonna drown out the radio with how fast it's beating."
"That doesn't prove anything," she commented.
"Then how do you expect me to prove it?!"
"Say it." Natasha turned to you, face hard.
"Say what?"
"Say that you love me."
"How do I know you love me?"
"Do not turn this around on me," she scolded, pointing her finger at you.
"You leaned towards her, resting your atm on the back of the seat. "Baby, listen. We've been together for four months. I do live you. And that's why I want to sleep with you. But if you don't want to sleep with me, that's fine. I just wanna make sure we're on the same page here."
"Just take me home," she muttered.
"But, Natasha-"
"Now, Y/N," she demanded.
You huffed, "Fine."
Your eyes moved around, taking in Natasha's form in front of you. From your spot sat next to her, in 'Jarvis' Milkshake Emporium'. Watching her plump lips move as she spoke. Your eyes found their way to her red hair, it trailing down over her shoulders. All except for one lone strand of hair. You lifted your arm from where it rested on the back of the pink and white leather seat of your booth. Moving to brush the piece of hair back over her shoulder, your hand coming up to cup her soft cheek.
Natasha cooed, leaning into your touch, her eyes flickering shut. A small hum escaping through her closed lips.
She slowly opened her eyes. Admiration for you pouring out of them. As you rubbed your thumb over the soft skin of her cheek.
"You've gotta stop doing that," she whispered.
"Doing what?"
"Doing things that make me want to kiss you."
"And what's so wrong with that?" you asked leaning in closer to her. "I thought you liked kissing me?"
"I do." She inched closer.
"Then why don't you?" She answered your question with a passionate kiss. Wrapping an arm around your neck pulling herself into you. Sliding a leg over yours, as her free hand came up lightly touching your cheek.
You wrapped your hands around her, tugging her further into you. Leaving hardily any space left between you. You pulled apart leaning your forehead against hers.
"Ahem," a cough spurred you away from your intimate moment with Natasha. Turning around to look at Tony and Rhodey, the two boys sat opposite you. Both of them smirking as you and Natasha wiped your mouths.
"Sorry about that," you cleared your throat.
"Are you sure you don't want us to leave?" Tony smiled mischievously. "Give you two some privacy?"
"You can talk."
You barked out a laugh at Natasha's response. Remembering all the times they had been less than family friendly in front of you.
"Are you folks all finished here?" You looked up to a smiling Steve Rogers. A dish bucket in his arm. Pointing to your empty plates and glasses.
"Um, yeah. Thanks, Steve," you said.
"It's cool. So, you want the bill?"
"Yeah," Rhodey replied, "We really should be heading back."
"Yeah, they need some privacy," you told Steve, who chuckled in response.
Steve hummed, "Good. We don't need Jarvis busting a blood vessel, cause you can't keep it in your pants."
"Hey!" Tony yelled, gesturing an arm towards you and Natasha. "They're the ones who just had a make-out session in front of us."
"And yet, you're so much worse. It's like your sex drive, is a permanently running motor," Steve commented. Turning to walk away with Tony screeching after him.
Three weeks later, you ended up back at the lake you shared your first date. The sun setting low over the forest that surrounded the lake. Leaving a warm glow on everything it touched.
It had never felt like this before. Your kisses were slower than usual but no less heated. If anything they were more desperate than ever before. Your hands held onto her waist, as you hovered above where she lay on the seats. Red hair sprawled out over the cherry red leather below her. Her hands fisted into your work shirt, pulling against it, keeping you as close to her as possible. One of her legs thrown over your side, calf resting on your back.
"God, I love you," you told her, speaking over the low hum of the baseball game coming from your radio. Mouth never leaving hers.
"I love you, too," she whispered back, voice lustful.
You had talked about this. Agreed on it. But you were still hesitant. Just in case it was all swept away once again. After your fight that day two weeks ago, you both had a long discussion about your feelings and what not. She told you that she did want to go all the way with you. And she knew you wanted the same. The only thing holding her back was that she wanted you to love her, which you told her you did. And she loved you too. She was just so unsure of your love for her. She knew how attractive she was, and she knew anybody could lie to her for one night in the sack. It wasn't that she didn't trust you. She did. She merely wasn't interested in setting her heart up for heartbreak. But you had reassured her that she had nothing to worry about. Telling her that you would never purposely break her heart. It meant too much to you, to do that to her. Which lead you two here. In the back seat of your car, like the many other times. This time both in full agreement, that tonight was the night.
Your deep kissing had continued, once you had uttered your love confessions.
Your hands pushed up her shirt, fingertips caressing the soft skin underneath.
"OK, here we go," the commentator spoke. You and Natasha too engulfed in one another to even register his voice. Your hand's travelling around her waist, to hold her lower back. You used your leverage and pulled the lower half of her body into yours. Making her let out a lustful moan into your open mouth.
"There's the windup, and there it is."
Braking away, you panted on each other's lips. Staring intensely into each other's eyes. Your chests rising and falling with your rapid intake of air. Her arms were now reaped around your neck, hands deep into your hair, nails grazing your scalp. Natasha's eyes were dark, so blown out that you could barely see her bright green irises. Your hands slid slowly up her back. Never breaking eye contact, as you reached her bra, swiftly unclasping it. Natasha attached your lips once again, as she pulled your work shirt from your body. Manoeuvring you onto your back so that she was now straddling you. Only breaking your kiss when she reached under her shirt and pulled her bra from her body. Throwing you a mischievous smirk, before pouncing on your lips once again.
"Turning it on now, he's not letting up at all, he's gonna try for Second." Your hands slid up Natasha's soft skin, coming to a stop just under her breasts. "He's gonna slide in head first, here he comes, he's out!" She nodded to you that it was okay, unbreaking the kiss. With her nod of approval, you gingerly moved your palms up and cupped her breasts. "No, wait, safe - safe at second base, this kid really makes things happen out there."
Natasha sat up and began slowly unbuttoning her shirt. Leaving it wide open, but still obscuring the majority of her breasts. A groan erupted, from your throat, as you ogled at her. The close to animalistic sound coming from somewhere deep in your stomach. She smirked at you, eyes lustful, as she ran the pad of her thumb over your slightly parted lips. Leaning over, you attached your lips. The kiss on the verge of turning into something faster and more wanting. As Natasha gripped the chest of your T-shirt in her hands, tugging it up and over your head.
You sat up, Natasha still seated in your lap. Your lips unrelenting, as you manoeuvred, so your hand pressed gently into her body. Fingers tickling the top of her stomach. As your hand lingeringly moving down her body, gradually easing its way down to her core.
"He's trying for third, here's the throw." Further and further down your hand went. And with it, the antsier Natasha got for your touch. Her breathing quickening. Her fingers gripped the top of your shoulders, as she moves forwards and backwards slightly. Your hand slipped down the waistline of her pants, making their way into her panties. Lower and lower it went. Natasha threw her head back, letting out a low groan. Before making her way back to your lips, sucking n them with a fiery passion. Your hand inched closer and closer to her entrance. Closer. Closer. And closer still. Before... "It's in the dirt-safe at third! Holy cow, stolen base! He's taking a pretty big lead out there, almost daring him to try and pick him off."
You glanced down Natasha's shining body, as she moaned quietly. Carefully laying her back down in front of you so that you could lean over her. You started peppering kisses over her chest. Trailing them down her body, over her stomach, and to the place you knew would make her scream.
"Base line, the suicide squeeze is on!"
You kissed the only showing skin above her pants, as you began unbuttoning them. Peering up to her, you smirked into her skin. She was melting underneath you, her head thrown back, and panting. You focused again on your task at hand. "Holy cow, I think he's gonna make it!"
"Stop!" Natasha yelled, sitting up abruptly. Causing you to fly back, and into the window, your hands sprawled out, holding onto whatever of the car you could. As fear rippled inside of you, at her sudden outburst.
"What?" you asked, your voice soft, hoping to death that you didn't do something to hurt her.
"I just want to know, before we go any further. Do you love me?"
Ugh, this again. She was like a broken record. "Yes. I love you."
"That's not what I mean."
"Then what do you mean?"
"Will you love me forever? Will you never leave me? Will you marry me?"
"What?!" You looked at her like she had just grown an extra head. "Natasha, we've only been going out for like five months."
"I know that. I'm not asking you to marry me, you idiot. I'm asking will you marry me someday? I have to know."
"I... I don't know."
"See. That's exactly why I've been stopping you all these months."
"You can't just expect me to know if you're the one, Natasha!"
"That's why I want you to wait! So that I can experience this with someone one who wants to spend the rest of their life with me."
"Then why didn't you just say that?!"
"I don't know," she muttered quietly. Buttoning up her clothes.
"I said, I don't know!" she yelled, shocking you with her outburst. Turning to you, she glared slightly. "I don't know. I'm just so confused, I know what I want. I want love. True and unconditional love. I'm in two minds." She held out her hands, looking at them. Showing you the two invisible separate sides of her brain. "In one of them, I want to do this with you. I want to do this with you so badly. But in the other. I want to wait. I want to make sure you'll be with me forever. That you'll never leave me. That you'll make me your wife." She looked at you. "But I don't know which to choose."
"That's a lie. You know exactly which one to choose. You can wait. And I accept that. I just wish you didn't lie to me."
"I'm not lying to you! I do want this!"
"Then why don't you?!"
"Because I want you to love me!"
"I do love you!"
"Then prove it!"
"How am I supposed to do that?!"
"Figure it out. I can't give you all the answers. This one you have to find out yourself." And with that, she slammed the door of your car and began her walk back home.
You jumped out of the car, hastily grabbing your work shirt and shrugging it on. Chasing after Natasha.
"Wait, Natasha. Wait." You grabbed her elbow. Causing her to spin on her heal, facing you.
"Tell me."
"What?" you asked shaking your head confused.
"Tell me if you want to be with me for my life."
"Let me think about it."
"Tell me."
"Baby, Let me sleep on it," you practically bagged.
"Yes?! Or no?!"
"Let me sleep on it!" you were both beginning to lose your tempers now.
"I can wait here all night! So, tell me. Yes? Or no?"
"Let me sleep on it!"
"Will you love me forever?!"
"I'll tell you in the morning!" you raged at her.
That night you laid in bed, wide awake, staring at the ceiling. Your mind going round and round in circles. You could practically hear the words of your father, his hard voice, ringing through your head.
"Sex-crazed fool, thinks they're in love. Doesn't even know what love is." He would say. "Think of how your mother would react." If he were here right now, he would be barking it at you. Standing tall in his military uniform. Your imagination making him taller than he would be. Which makes sense, cause the last time you had seen him was when you were eight.
But, he wasn't here. And neither was your mother. The only people you had were your grandparents. Who were kind enough to let you live with them, while your father served his country. Too busy to visit you. For ten years he had been too busy.
"If you love her so much, why don't you just tell her?"
Sitting up, startled by the voice by your door. You turned to peer at your grandmother. Who had a small knowing smile on her face.
"Gram? What are you doing awake?"
"I could hear your thoughts. You have a restless mind," she said shuffling over to you, in her nightdress and slippers. Sitting at the edge of your bed. That's what she always said. That she could 'hear your thoughts'. Which was fairly true. She could always tell when something was on your mind.
"I've already told her."
"Then what's the problem?" She raised her hands in bewilderment.
"The problem is," you started, pausing as you tried to find the right words, "I want to take our relationship further-"
"Ahh." She threw her head back. "You want to sleep with her."
"Yeah." You nodded. You were starting to feel uncomfortable now. But you knew she would not leave until you told her what was wrong. "But, she wants proof that I love her."
She hummed at your situation, "I'm sure you'll figure something out."
"Have any suggestions?"
"Nope," she said patting your shoulder, before gripping it using it to help her back onto her feet. "This you have to figure out yourself." And with that, she shuffled back out of your room.
You there your body back, head landing on the soft pillow, muttering, "Thanks for the help, Grams."
Here you were again, two weeks later, sitting in your regular booth in Jarvis'.
That's when it hit you. And oh boy, did it hit you. It hit you like a tidal wave. The feeling of utmost love. You were prepared to swear on heaven and hell, every God and goddess that existed, hell even your mothers grave. That you would love this laughing girl in front of you, until the end of time.
"Marry me." It had just fallen out. You shocked yourself when you had said it, mirroring the shock that covered Natasha's face.
"Yeah," you affirmed nodding. "Marry me. Why not?"
"Because we're eighteen, and have only been dating for six months," she deadpanned.
"So? My grandparents were seventeen when they got married and they'd only known each other for two weeks. They're still happily married."
Natasha laughed, "You're really serious about this, aren't you?"
You nodded. "I love you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I promise I will love you until the end of time. And you know I don't break my promises," you tried convincing her, leaning closer to her over the table. "Don't you wanna marry me?"
"Okay." She smiled, her hair moving as she nodded slowly.
"Okay. Let's get married."
That was ten years ago. You remembered the joy it filled you with, the way you had run out of Jarvis' with her and had gotten married to her the next hour. You had both got what you waited for that night, and then started the rest of your life together.
And now here you were, ten years later, regretting everything from that stupid stupid day. If you could turn back time, you would. You had changed over time. So had she. You began slowly falling out of you teenage love. And into resentment. Natasha still loved you, however, just like she did all those years ago. You had thought about getting a divorce, many times in fact. But you had vowed and promised her that you would love her until the end of time, that you would always be there, that you would never break her heart. And you never broke your promises.
So now you were here, in your small suburban house. Waiting for the end of time. So that you could end your time with her.
Maybe things would get better.
Maybe you could try counselling.
(Alternative ending. Ha! Bitch you thought! I need to have happy endings.)
"And, Cut!" Phil Colson, or as everyone called him, Mr C, called out. The group of kids standing on the stage snapping out of their personas. Some walking to their friends, others beginning their descent from the stage. As Mr C continued, "Good job out there! You're gonna knock it outta the ballpark on Wednesday!"
Principle Fury walked up behind him, them starting an animated conversation.
"Hey, Mr C," Clint Barton called out, hopping from the stage. Interrupting His and Fury's conversation. "Can I talk to you about something?"
You took a deep breath and ran a hand through your 50's styled hair, glancing around, from your position on the stage. Eyes glancing at the small group of people in front of you, talking away happily, before your eyes caught the redhead walking from the stage.
"I can't believe he wrote his own play," Tony noted, stuffing his hands into his jacket.
"You gotta admit though, it's not half bad," Steve defended.
"Yeah. Mr C is good at this kinda stuff," Tony agreed.
"Plus this gives us extra credit," Bruce said.
"Yeah, Buck needs that." Steve nodded to a now insulted Bucky.
"Shut your whore mouth, Steve," he replied.
You turned to follow Natasha, hoving to have a quick chat with her, as Wanda walked up to the talking boys.
"I still can't believe Fury said yes to this."
"Said yes?!" Tony asked, "Do you know how happy he was when Mr C asked him if he could do this?"
"Well, that's unexpected," Wanda muttered.
You hopped the last few steps, calling out to Natasha as you did.
"Hey, Nat!" She turned to face you, eyebrows shooting up in a silent question, as to why you stopped her. "Are we still going out tonight?"
"Yeah." She nodded, Pick me up at seven?"
"Don't be late."
"I wouldn't dream of it," you said continuing to walk with her, out of the auditorium.
Just as you were passing where Mr C, Fury, and Clint were converting excitedly. The small freshman named Peter Parker, who Mr C had recruited to be his assistant, moved from his spot standing awkwardly behind Mr C and had taken a few steps towards you.
"Hey, good job."
"Thanks, kid," You replied, smiling at the awkward boy.
As you walked down the bright hallway, you spotted the two infamous Odinson brothers, bickering by the water dispenser. Also decked out from top to bottom in 50's gear.
"Remember, Mom, said we need to clean our room when we get home," Thor said.
"If I remember correctly. It was just you, who had to clean {your} side of the room."
"Would you please just help me?!"
You snickered at the brothers quarrelling, catching Natasha's attention. She threw you a small smile, taking you by the hand and dragging you from the school.
Well, all in all, you could say that you weren't gonna end up like that play.
#natasha romanoff x reader#natasha romanoff imagine#natasha romanoff#black widow x reader#black widow imagine#black widow#marvel#MCU#original fanfiction#flatbottomhollandchallenge
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The Invisible Language
(This is a vent fic. I was struggling with having to dump a friend yesterday and it got me dwelling on my social struggles..and so I tried my hand at actually writing a fic to project all my problems through! XD)
(For anyone who doesn’t know, I have autism-Aspergers specifically, and I totally 100% headcanon Logan as an aspie. I have this post detailing why. So..for those of you who also stan autistuc Logan (and maybe a bit of ADHD Roman) here is this, me basically throwing my entire life story on our poor nerd and I am so sorry but also not XD. Also, the book I mentioned is very real, and I actually own it. It’s really useful, if a bit dated and heteronormative)
Warnings: Descriptions of sensory overload (similar to a panic attack) social struggles, very brief mention of selfharm, mentions of fistfights and minor physical violence.
Ships: none, but you can probably see my logicality heart in there lmao
The Invisible Language.
It was all just so complicated now.
Or rather, now he knew how complicated it was.
Before, Logan had always just thought he was bad with people. That was fine. It fit, with his habit of staying inside with his nose in a book. The socially awkward, introverted nerd who wasn’t good with kids.
It was simple.
But that’s the thing. Life isn’t simple. And neither was Logan. Even as a six year old.
The socially awkward, introverted nerd, from what he’d seen on tv, would have cried or just silently tried to make due when another kid ‘accidentally’ spilled tomato juice all over his copy of Alice in Wonderland. Logan Sanders leapt from his desk, grabbed the kid’s wrist, and yanked him down so his head smashed into the wood.
The socially awkward one was laughed at. Logan was sent to the office.
Time and time again this would happen. Until he turned eight, and his parents pulled him out of school. He was homeschooled after that, and it was simultaneously like a breath of fresh air and entering a stifling hot room. He was free of the children, free to discover on his own, but he found himself itching for more, to ask questions about things his parents could answer, to do projects he’d heard about online but often ended up screaming in his attempts to recreate them because it wasn’t explained, why this, why that, how do I do that, it doesn’t make sense!!
Homeschooling was a blessing and a curse. He made due. He did well in fact, almost all of his online courses were marked complete with a neat 100 for the score. It was enough for them, but not for him. Eight year old Logan hated it. Ten year old Logan was used to it.
Eleven year old Logan dug his heels into it.
Middle school. His parents wanted to send him back. He understood their reasoning, the rational half of his brain did. Middle school was a big change, adolescence, and the middle ground before high school, which he always knew he would be going to-you can’t get college credit from online courses and library books after all, not the ones he was using. It would give him time to prepare. And yet he was a creature of habit, so used to his solitary life..
Logan has no choice however.
On the first day he stepped inside, armed with only the knowledge of American Girl books he’d skimmed through (who cared if they were meant for girls, they didn’t write helpful guides for boys!) and distant memories of elementary school. The first weeks went by as a blur, and Logan ate it up. The assignments, the grades, the smirk he always found himself wearing when he placed his assignments in the bin. That triumph didn’t even compare to the rush of pride and satisfaction he felt when the teacher told the class that he test they’d been given was apparently too hard, many kids failed and only one student actually got a perfect score, and his paper was handed back with a 100 written on the top.
He’d be lying if he said he didn’t hold the paper up a bit and catch the eyes of the numerous people who stared at him with no surprise in their eyes.
Logan even found friends in those first few weeks. A darkly dressed kid who, much like him, never really knew where to go during paired projects and ended up working with him. He found that Virgil was actually very bright, a relief when he looked around the room to see people talking and not doing anything useful. The pale boy was quiet, but listened as Logan chattered away about his plans for the assignment.
Patton was next, a round-faced boy who seemed to share at least a few words with everyone he saw. Logan didn’t mind that. He wasn’t a lazy student, maybe a bit easily distracted, but when he was sat next to Logan in science his work quality was always at least a solid B, as long as he was shushed every now and again. He seemed better with people too, and Logan found himself enjoying his company.
Then there was Roman. He was introduced to their little trio by Patton, who apparently shared a drama class with the tanned boy. He was..a handful. And yet Logan found himself challenged by him. Their friendship was an unusual one, full of debates that more often than not ended in yelling, but at least they started off with intelligent points and interesting ideas-and if often Patton had to break off their passion so neither of them landed with lunch detention, well that was the price to pay.
He was enjoying himself here.
Then the second month. Logan remembered where he was when a redheaded girl told him he was wrong in that ‘you’re a moron’ tone when he told her that actually, the word for the study of space was astronomy, not astrology. When a boy in a green sweater had blatantly ignored him when he asked him to stop scooting his chair across the hard floors. When an entire group of people had continued to call him Logie even though he’d told them over and over he hated it. Many of them seemed to do it just because it annoyed him. This went on. Every day another simpleton would disrespect him. Every day he’d tell him to stop. Often he’d snap at them, or swear. That always got him snickers in return. And Logan found himself clenching his fists as his whole body burned red hot.
It happened again a week after this started. A boy with a Minecraft t-shirt cut him off in the lunch line, and when Logan told him to go to the end, the boy only scoffed and responded with “Are you in kindergarten?” in a tone that made his blood boil with how fucking snotty it was.
Logan’s hand was fisted in the back of that obnoxious t-shirt and pulling back with all its might before he could think.
The boy ended up on the floor crying, and Logan ended up suspended.
There were more incidents that year. Mostly yelling or swearing, but minor physical violence was not unheard of. It was common even.
Logan didn’t want that. He wanted to be cool, to drop the bullies and idiots with bullets of intelligence from his tongue, but everything he tried a witty comeback they’d give him either confused looks, no acknowledgement as all, or retort with ‘Your mom’ jokes, a sort of ‘insult’ that required barely a single brain cell to perform.
They never listened. They were stupid, childish, disrespectful. Logan stuck only to his three friends and the many teachers he’d grown quite friendly with, They liked him after all, he was precocious and that was something teachers always found fun. with adults, he also found he could make himself actually heard, his theories, ideas, suggestions, it was a glorious freedom he had previously only had with Patton, Roman, and Virgil.
But things didn’t get that much better.
In fact, in seventh grade Logan found his outbursts getting worse. They were farther and fewer between, but the eventual rage that would explode was far worse than before. It was like the dam that held back his rage had grown stronger, but that meant it took more water to barrel it over, and that sent far more devastating floods down the peaceful valley of his mind.
In eighth grade, he got into a fistfight with a boy who had called Roman gay as an insult, not knowing that it was true or that the word should not be used in such a manner. When the boy refused to listen to Logan’s explanation of what the word meant and instead switched tracks to scoffing every time he said it was a normal and perfectly acceptable, beautiful thing. And by the time the midget of a bigot tossed in the dreaded f-slur Logan’s mind was so crimson he only felt a rush of relief when his fist connected with the boy’s head.
It was two weeks of suspension for that. And it was during that time that Logan’s mother revealed something to him that he had never expected.
Tales of his childhood-or babyhood rather, where he had exhibited strange behaviors no other parent seemed to have seems.
“I think you might have Aspergers,” she had said.
And now, here he was. He couldn’t believe it had taken her this long to tell him of her suspicions. But now Logan was sitting on his bed, the blanket covered with constellations, staring at the cover of a book.
It was a familiar scene.
But this wasn’t a book chosen by Logan’s own hand, or by the school, or even a recommendation from his parents or a loan from his younger sister Abby.
It had been gifted to him by the man at the Autism Center.
The Asperkid’s Secret Guide to Social Rules.
He’d read the whole thing.
Before, he’d thought he was just awkward.
But no. Of course it couldn’t be that simple. It wasn’t that he just didn’t know that w to say. He was. missing an entire way of communicating that people his mind now knew as ‘neurotypicals’ spoke in without realizing it.
The secret language. Body language, facial expressions, tone, he knew that all existed yes..but he’d never seen it. At least not in the subtleties the book described. And all these double meanings of phrases? So the dark-skinned girl who had asked him what he was reading during math class didn’t want to just read the back and learn Sherlock Holmes’ latest mystery? She’ wanted to get to know him?
Why didn’t she just say so!
It was so much more complicated now. The vague, yet simple term of ‘weird’ was replaced by the vast, yet specific, confusing, and multifaceted word that was autistic. A word he’d never have expected to apply to him. Mental health went really a subject he’d looked into, feelings were too wound into it.. and feelings had always been his greatest vice.
So now, with that book in his hand, he thought.
There was a whole other world he couldn’t see..that’s what he had been missing all this time? was the specific shifts in tone in posture people made-what he’d always thought to be absently-something his parents expected him to understand and that was why he always seemed to have to be elbowed when running his mouth?
It was like….like telepathy. Yes, to Logan, the cues he now found himself putting extra effort into finding; his sister’s slightly hunched shoulders at the dinner table, his dad’s slightly turned up nose when he mentioned his history teacher, were a sort of telepathy that the ‘normal’ population all shared. But it wasn’t as if it was that simple. Of course, it was tauntingly, agonizingly complicated. You see, these people were all telepaths, sharing cues in an invisible tongue-and yet, none of them knew they were telepathic. And yet still, they all expected everyone else to be.
So that was why he was strange. Logan had looked up how much of communication was non-verbal - he felt his eyes go wide when he saw the percentage dedicated to ‘body language’.
Fifty-eight percent.
Fifty-eight percent.
What else could he have missed?
Logan was both happy and uncomfortable with the diagnosis. He now knew terms, words, blessed reasons for his little ticks, why he felt like something was terribly wrong for at least an hour just because he’d had to take an alternate route to school (routine disruption), why was such a picky eater (finickiness caused by sensitivity to textures and certain flavors/smells), why people always responded with confusion whenever they saw him pepper the science teacher with question after question, challenge after challenge like he was trying to understand how the universe wove itself in the span of five minutes, and looked surprised when Roman asked him if he knew why Patton was being quiet. Logan had responded with a simple no, informing the other that Patton hadn’t told him-and when the slightly taller boy had suggested that he ask, Logan realized the thought had never occurred to him.
Most importantly, it explained what Roman had dubbed ‘The Fitness Fiasco’. To sum it up, Logan had thought of a new game for their groups to play in gym class—something besides basketball for once in their lives, and yet as he tried to explain, the girl who seemed to have taken charge of the group he was trying to explain the idea to kept talking over him, ignoring him, challenging what he said—and the noise. The noise, how all the chattering and the sound of balls bouncing on the floor, the rage he felt at being slighted in this way, how it had attacked him. How he’d suddenly found himself tensing, wanting to run or to yell, unsure which, how the sound turned solid and pressed in-his muscles going taut, his hands twitching with every word from the students mouths, how his arm violently jerked away as Patton tried to comfort him- And then the scream. He’d screamed at the top of his lungs for quiet, falling to the ground and sobbing in the fetal position—eyes screwed shut behind his glasses and hands clamped tight to his ears, unsure of what was even falling from his mouth aside from the fact that he was begging, begging for silence. It had only quieted a bit as people turned to stare, and then he’d felt hands on his shoulders, ones he jerked away from—but no one knew what to do. Virgil’s low whispers for him to breathe, to use the 4-7-8 method that the emo always used to calm his own panic attacks, was only met with more incoherent begging for silence. It had been Patton who rescued him, who brought the teacher over and ended up guiding the sobbing Logan to an empty classroom. There he had been met with silence. There he felt his terrified bawling turn to weeping with relief. In the silence, he’d recovered, his muscles lost the tension, and he allowed the freckled boy to wrap him in a hug.
He’d only been able to call it a panic attack before. But now he knew the term. Sensory overload, brought on my the noise and the stress.
It had been a relief just to know that. To know that in moments when he stood among too many people, feeling his muscles clench as their shoulders brushed his, that his hands should not go out to push them away, but to his ears, to block out the trigger.
It became a cue, when debates with Roman got heated—they were friends after all, if rivals as well, and it was understood that if Logan’s jaw suddenly clenched and his hands went up to cover his ears, they had to pause for at least a minute.
But of course, knowing where the holes in his social skills were led to Logan compensating, and it didn’t..always feel natural. He found himself staring at people, trying to read their faces, for a little too long on many an occasion, or overreacting to something because he’d overanalyzed the tone. He found himself having to bite his tongue on many an occasion to keep himself from simply explaining why he did what he did to his parents, who would only take it as making excuses.
It was a balance of the good, the bad, and the ugly. He understood now that his all-or-nothing attitude was why he found himself simply not doing projects if he couldn’t grasp the material—and this led to him having to more often than not, swallow his pride and ask for help when he was getting frustrated. Yet the same black-and-white philosophy got him gasps of shock from Roman when he explained that, in the story Roman had been iterating to him, the whole second half of the plot could have been avoided if Leealli had simply decapitated Sorcerer Kai while they were trapped in her dungeon. Roman had protested, saying it would make her just as terrible as they, but Logan had frowned, explaining that yes, the act was cruel, but if a single act of evil by her direct hand was all it took to stop countless others by her indirect hand, wasn’t it worth it?
But he had also been the one to convince Patton not to remain friends with Oliver, when one day, sitting on the cotton candy clouds that patterned Patton’s quilt, the smaller boy had confided in him that Oliver had vented about his habits of self-harm to the kind soul for three hours the night previous, yet refused any help Patton gave, shot down any attempt at saying he was worth more than he thought.
It was Logan who had took Patton’s hand and told him that people like that could only be helped by themselves and a therapist, that he should not take it upon himself to bear others’ problems in that way. Who had given him a hesitant hug and told him that his mental health was just as important as theirs.
His friends were his lifeline. Maybe they tripped him up—well, they definitely did, yet as much as he found himself apologizing to Virgil for seeming angry when he was simply tired and being a bit blunter and more insensitive with his words than usual (not that he usually was tactful or sensitive when it came to criticism, even constructive criticism) he found himself sighing in relief as the anxious boy shared with him his own experiences in worrying about the negative undertones in the words of others too much to be considered healthy. They would sit and talk about it, the same experience for two different reasons, one of them due to the irrational fear of people disliking him or being angry, and the other due to worrying he was doing something incorrectly that he was not aware of, failing to pick up on a crucial piece of information.
As much as Logan found himself and Roman butting heads, even shouting at each other during friendly debates gone sour, name-calling and snapping fault after fault, he reflected fondly on the time he had been ecstatic to discover that Roman’s own ADHD-riddled brain hyperfixated on Disney just as his own did on Sherlock, and they would both go on for hours about their obsessions while sadly recalling how old interests had faded.
As much as he often found himself hurting Patton unintentionally, and even worse, learning that Patton had been hiding that fact from him for weeks as to spare his feelings, as difficult as it was to convince (well, more plead with) Patton to tell him these things, as he wouldn’t be offended much and he had no other way of knowing what he was doing wrong, he found himself sitting by his side, all attention completely fixated on what to him were mindblowing truths about people and yet seemed common, boring knowledge to Patton, as the freckled boy explained cues and rules, that invisible language Logan did not speak.
Those friends stuck by him, even though others did not. With all the walls Logan had built up around his emotions, to protect himself and others, few could breach the fortifications—except for those who had already been on the inside as he built them. And he was fine with that.
Going to a therapist was...awkward at first, but it helped. Mr. Picani understood his aversion to talking of his feelings, and instead cleverly tricked him every time, asking questions about events until Logan was off on an angry rant. With that expelled, they’d talk through possible solutions.
He kept the book. And most of the other books he was given on the topic, eager to learn and understand more things about himself, knowing the reasons behind behaviors, quirks in things had always been one of his favorite things, and now he found it was possible in people.
As Logan worked through his discovery during the last semester of eighth grade and through that summer, with his Virgil, Patton, Roman, his parents, Mr. Picani, and occasionally even his rainbow-haired little sister, he found his mind shifting. He was truly calm now more often than not, able to express his rationale...well, rationally, rather than through insults. His debates grew calmer, and while he certainly had his slip-ups..he was improving. Slowly. Steadily.
His viewpoint of the world was unusual, like an outsider, and while that could be isolating, if he explained it well, people were often interested to hear it. It was different, his own; the metaphor Logan found himself using was that everyone else was a Macintosh computer, and he and his fellow spectrumites were PCs, capable of all the same things, though in ways the world was not wired to accommodate. Also, clearly superior in many a way.
His core programming was different, even if his exterior seemed the same, and Logan was okay with that. He’d never know the invisible language, not as a native would, but he could learn it—the same way he learned slang, through help, a lot of online research, his friends, and some study notes here and there.
It was complicated, they way he figured things out, the systems he’d devised. But complicated problems would never be solved with simple solutions.
And he still had plenty of time left to learn.
(Thanks to @poisonedapples for betaing this and basically screaming RELATABLE every two second, that’s exactly what I wanted to hear!)
(...I don’t really have a general fic taglist so imma just- y e a here)
Tags: @royallyanxious @whatwashernameagain @sandersmarvel @the-incedible-sulk @supremestoverlord @hanramz-the-fander @childhood-wishes-and-dreams @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @madly-handsome @galaxy-warping @extremist-water-agenda @ierindoodles @princeanxious
#Autistic Logan#aspie logan#aspergers#autism#vent fic#break writes#my writing#I'm sorry but also not pfft#half of this was written on my phone and the lag was so bad half the words became '(*-%29'#not a lot of tags for this but a lot of this is inspired from actual life#...yes#including the part about being the only person to get a 100#it might have been the only passing grade#or maybe it was a 97#not sure#but yep that happened to me XD#logan sanders#virgil sanders#patton sanders#roman sanders#sanders sides#platonic logicality#or maybe pre romantic#who am i kidding it's pre romantic it's me
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Pocket Monsters AU: party Pokémon in depth
The following details each Pokémon’s personality, plus provides some backstory on how they met Vergil and became a part of his party. Exclusively regards my primary Pokémon crossover AU (though there are similarities shared with my secondary Pokémon AU).
Additionally, his Pokémon’s moves, abilities, and natures are detailed here.
— Backstory
Met as a Snorunt. Vergil was under the age of ten—say eight years old. During winter, his adoptive father took him out into the nearest woodland as a means of helping one another bond. Vergil had only recently been adopted and so was continuing to adjust to his new family and lifestyle. Closed off and wary, he was naturally a little difficult to get through. However, as his father attempted to entertain him with the pictures he was taking, they'd both heard a commotion nearby. It was amid downed branches, a deeper walk into the woods, that they spied a Pokémon Vergil had never seen before, and one having gained the attention of a small flock of irritable Murkrow. They descended upon the Snorunt, pecking and cawing, overwhelming the poor thing. Vergil felt deep sympathy toward the Pokémon and he'd made an honest plea for his father's intervention. His Vivillon sent them all away at once, and with that done Vergil raced over without a moment's hesitation to look over the Snorunt left frightened and bruised. Vergil's approach was gentle, himself still insecure and shy. But a side of him unseen before had emerged when he beheld the Pokémon for the first time. Now he'd taken the initiative to act for it, and he openly asked his adoptive father to help the Snorunt further.
Vergil asked for a Potion to use on Snorunt. He was told how to spray and he carefully applied one spritz on the Pokémon's bruises. After some stinging it instantly recovered, and it grinned at Vergil. The Pokémon wasn't at all fearful or distrustful; once it felt all better, it showed its appreciation jovially at the boy. While it seemed to disregard the adult's role, it totally admired Vergil with a great reverent gleam in its eyes. He was satisfied with Snorunt looking well, and so he (hesitantly) and his father took their leave, but Snorunt trailed them closely. It was reluctant to let them go, calling after Vergil with evident disappointment on its face. With every step they took it would follow, even when Vergil's adoptive parent instructed him to tell it to stay. Snorunt would cozy itself right up to him, tugging on his jacket, all smiles at whom it now thought highly of. The two youngsters were attached already, neither of them willing to part ways.
It was then that Vergil had made another plea, but one unmistakably genuine and heartfelt, with his father to let Snorunt go home with him. He wanted its friendship, he wanted it at home the way his new parents had their Pokémon at home. And, really, what could have been the harm? Nothing worked itself out more perfectly: Vergil and Snorunt became fast friends, and the little Pokémon was welcomed warmly into the household. During their earliest months together, Vergil had been happiest, he talked to the Pokémon more than he'd spoken with his new parents—he was drawn out of his shell by some amazingly fortunate chance, and it helped to improve his own familial relations. Having a Pokémon of his own was a great benefit to him at so crucial a time in his childhood, right when he needed the company, the encouragement and the comfort.
Some time after their bond had formed, Vergil was given a Poké Ball with which to catch Snorunt and cement their partnership. A year or so later, he'd switched the standard Poké Ball for a Great Ball and went on to use only those with every other Pokémon he'd befriend. His first catch at so young an age would be his most significant; the two were inseparable, even through the process of growth and all of life's complications. And when it came to Snorunt's evolution—though the process of deciding on an evolved form and the prospect of such a change alone had been completely new and, therefore, a cause of uncertainty and hesitation—nothing between them had suffered. They merely went on, their loyalty hardened.
— Personality
Doting, motherly. Froslass has adopted quite a gentle personality in contrast to the way it behaved as a Snorunt. It grew alongside Vergil, maturing at around the same rate as he. Upon evolving, it's immediately reminded of Vergil as a young boy when it looks at him, and so feels compelled to show him a motherly kind of affection. Namely by cupping his cheeks, pinching them. It can't help but coo at him in its own way. While it is mild, quiet, and easily manageable, it also tends to be a little nitpicky. It shows great respect for Vergil's things, and so makes sure that everything is in its place, or just the way he may have left it. Froslass will tidy up, even pick up after its trainer should he have been careless.
There is no doubt about its loyalty. Froslass will even go as far as to physically defend Vergil, or the other Pokémon. It’s something of a powerhouse in battle, having learned highly damaging, exclusively offensive attacks. But Froslass’ speed affords it great flexibility, offering many more opportunities to wrap up battles quickly. Intuitive and sharp, it often has a clear idea of what it should do next (in battle or out) without Vergil’s input. It's willing to get into just about any situation when called upon—or out of its own volition when necessary. Though Froslass is remarkably obedient, it may, at times, let itself out of its Ball. There is no apparent cause for this; however, on these occasions the Pokémon turns specifically to Vergil. There is a good chance Froslass is nostalgic, missing the days the two had spent more time together as youngsters. Nevertheless, it's good-humored, cheerful. It will rarely display any discontent, unless there is concern to be had.
Froslass isn't shy, and is quite friendly with other people and Pokémon. While it's somewhat reserved, patient, and keeps itself out of the way, it shows no aversion toward individuals outside its tight-knit circle of comrades, its “family.” Because the bond it shares with Vergil is stronger than that he has with any other, it's well aware of his feelings. It understands him in a way that is intrinsic to Pokémon, but that in itself is strengthened due to their mutual compassion. Of course, with Vergil being as enigmatic as he is, even Froslass will fail to figure him out. His corruption would put some strain on their relationship as well, and the same is true with his other Pokémon. Regardless, Froslass will always be his partner, his “signature” Pokémon.
— Backstory
Met as a Prinplup. Vergil was eleven years old. Abandoned by its former trainer as a Piplup, but trained enough to have evolved. Just days after evolving, it was let go much to its alarm. Prinplup did not press its trainer to change their mind, but stayed behind as its former trainer intended it to. Always dependable, and loyal even at so early a stage, Prinplup did not act against the decision made for it. Suddenly the Pokémon found itself without purpose. It wandered as a result, inclined to avoid both humans and other Pokémon. Understandably, Prinplup had become dejected, and spent a handful of days in aimlessness.
Vergil had first sighted Prinplup within his neighborhood, swarmed by a group of children eager to get their hands on the Pokémon. He'd just arrived from school, greeted by his Snorunt, and out on the front yard of his house they'd spent some time playing lightly before a commotion was heard from a distant playground. Children gathered excitedly and he knew not why; normally he wouldn't care, he would keep to himself, but he saw a Pokémon among them that didn't appear to appreciate the attention, and it was only through a pang of concern that he, along with and encouraged by Snorunt, approached the group. As sympathetic as he was, he'd retained some shyness, and for a moment he lacked the heart to intervene. Of course, the kids were in his age group, and he'd Snorunt by his side—why should he be hesitant? So, the courage was gathered to call their attention, to tell them to leave Prinplup alone, but they responded sourly and instantly labeled him a spoilsport.
One boy bragged that he would catch the Pokémon, and he'd brandished a Poké Ball to enforce his point. He, and the others, argued that any wild Pokémon was fair game for catching, and that was technically true; but Vergil went to Prinplup's defense regardless of the facts. Prinplup could have fled amid their distraction, but it stayed behind out of fear for renewed harassment. It didn't take much goading for Vergil to be dragged into his first Pokémon battle, of course he found he had little choice in the matter. The challenger would catch Prinplup if he defeated Vergil, or else he'd forfeit the right if he lost.
Prinplup found it surprisingly noble that someone would defend it, unselfishly take its side and consider its own good. Where its own trainer had abandoned it without reason, breaking their loyalty and their trust, an unknown child showed qualities that it could admire, and such were qualities that would have matched its own. The other boy, a brash young trainer without humility, sent out a Shellder to battle Snorunt. Without prior experience, Vergil found himself outmatched. While Snorunt kept pace, Shellder showed impressive defense, and it landed a Tackle attack that floored the inexperienced Snorunt. The battle was just about up and Shellder was poised to land the final blow. However, as Shellder fired a Water Gun, the Pokémon which was at the heart of the debate rushed headlong to defend Snorunt, saving it from fainting and immediately making clear where it stood in the argument. Prinplup had decided to battle for Vergil, and together they successfully fought back. Thanks to Prinplup's previous battling experience, it claimed an impressive win for both Vergil and itself. The challenger was discouraged, and he retreated home with his Shellder.
Having done what he thought was right, Vergil thanked Prinplup for defending Snorunt and made it plain that it could go on its way without fear of being bothered any further. He'd have gone directly home with his weary Snorunt if not for a gentle tug on his arm and admiring eyes peering into his. Prinplup had silently requested to follow Vergil home, and by good fortune it hadn't ever thought to leave him.
— Personality
Gentle, quiet, out of the way. Empoleon very much resembles the patient older figure of the bunch. While having a serious character, it doesn't lack a sense of humor, or warmth or affection for those it's close to. It likes to learn from what it observes, and in this way it's become very familiar with Vergil and his other Pokémon. From their mannerisms to their facial expressions (if applicable), even down to how their instincts would move them, Empoleon has each one of its friends in mind. While Vergil might be a tougher nut to crack, Empoleon has a good overall understanding of him. It will try to anticipate, to the best of its ability, how someone might react to any given situation or stimulus. In that event, it's attempting to stop something from spiraling out of control; or, at least, to stop an unpleasant ball from beginning to roll. Empoleon often tries to maintain harmony among its friends, to offer them comfort if need be as well as encouragement. It is by no means disciplinary or critical. Empoleon's presence is calming and reassuring, and this affects Vergil to some degree too. He appreciates level heads and steady hands, and he finds that Empoleon has these traits.
Empoleon is greatly dependable, reliable, trustworthy, and loyal. It will dauntlessly stand by its trainer and its fellow Pokémon. It has a clear sense of justice, of right and wrong, and it isn't afraid of disagreeing or disobeying if it's aware of something that shouldn't be. In fact, Empoleon hardly shows apprehension. It's quite courageous, but not fearless. While it will try to always put up a strong front for itself and others, there will be situations in which its strength may falter. It's only natural. That being said, Empoleon has taken a number of cues from Vergil. Having been beside him since his childhood, Empoleon has watched him mature. As he hardens himself against the hardships that come, Empoleon learns from this to become stalwart itself, and sturdy for others to lean upon it. It tries to emulate Vergil's cool to some level. However, by some coincidence, it has also developed a sense of pride. This could simply be a result of its evolution, as Empoleon are generally more prideful than their pre-evolved forms.
In battle, Empoleon is confident in its experience and physical strength. It trusts in its trainer's commands, never hesitating to obey. Every battle is treated seriously, and its focus never strays from one. It puts all of its effort into battling, wanting to take the most out of each experience regardless of defeat or victory. It primarily seeks to gain experience so that it may grow continuously. Empoleon finds itself learning from every battle, honing its skills and making itself a formidable ally—truly a Pokémon Vergil can depend on, both during and outside of battle.
— Backstory
Met as a Staryu. Vergil was thirteen years old. Just across the street opposite his school, a vacant lot would welcome a concessionaire, only the man behind the small business used Water-type Pokémon, confined to a medium-sized glass tank, to advertise and attract patrons by showing off tricks and attacks, entertaining anyone who would pass by all throughout the day. It was exhaustive work and consequently cruel on the part of the man to put them to it. Vergil had suspected such when he swung by the tank when Staryu had recently been put on the job. It, along with a Horsea and Goldeen, entertained him with more dedication as he'd drawn incredibly close to watch them. Staryu, however, gave its best effort, and it caught most of Vergil's attention. It seemed a very proud, energetic, and hard-working Pokémon, and that must have appealed to the boy above all else.
Vergil would stop by again, one day after another, and made himself a frequent visitor this way. For almost a full three weeks, he'd grown quite fond of the Pokémon in the tank while he cared nothing for the reason they were there. Staryu had taken as much a shine to him as Vergil had to it. It would vocalize in response to anything he had to say, often holding a conversation with him (as best a Pokémon could speak with a person). It hadn't failed to make him smile, and when Vergil had praise to give, Staryu would beam. However, throughout this time, Vergil progressively grew concerned as he'd seen, with his own eyes, the lack of care the Pokémon were given. They were overworked, and he'd seen their spunk waning each day. In fact, the man behind the operation had been loud and demanding, even reluctant to have one harmless boy stop to look at the Pokémon as often as he did. He'd often shoo Vergil away. Quite the observant little one, Vergil could tell the Pokémon were performing less and less. He'd noticed this in all of them, but Staryu had put on the strongest front—such a reality impressed him, serving as both a cause for admiration for the Staryu, and cause for the deepest sympathy. Into the second week, the Pokémon had lost much of their vitality, and he'd noticed them going missing from the tank, one by one—no doubt removed as they were deemed useless by the concessionaire. Staryu was all that remained of the original group (fresh Pokémon were placed in the tank once it was largely empty), perking when it saw Vergil. It would always want to catch his attention and impress him when he came by. The one Pokémon that toughed it out the longest, worked the hardest. Vergil feared Staryu's likely disappearance and whatever mysterious fate awaited it when it would cease to do its job.
A surprising turn of events unfolded when Vergil stopped by another day, just into the third week of work. He had a mind to confront the concessionaire about the way he treated his Pokémon, and he indeed approached him to share his concerns. But in the coarse way adults tended to speak, the man in none too kind words told Vergil to mind his own and leave the Pokémon alone. With a sharp tongue he barked Vergil away (made some kind of threat that involved his parents, too), even went as far as to attempt to grab a hold of him, and he'd have been rid of the child altogether if not for the Staryu's attachment to him. It understood all, and it leaped out of the tank in spite of its fatigue to tackle the man aside. The adult fumed and had every intention of dragging Staryu back inside the tank, but the Pokémon fired off a Water Gun to discourage him altogether, and it was then that it renounced its position and chose instead to side with the boy. The concessionaire had had it with the trouble and gave Staryu up, preferring that it go its own way so that Vergil would finally stop coming around. As it happened, Staryu was elated, and… fortunately, some weeks later, word went around that the business had gone under over ethical matters, thus the businessman had left the neighborhood and was very likely ruined over his inhumane practices. It need not be said that his adoptive parents were astonished when Vergil brought home yet another Pokémon. They'd suggested he was a magnet to them.
— Personality
Persistent, determined, works hard. Quite a vibrant personality, Starmie attempts to give everything its all. It meets challenges and tasks resolutely; it's rarely reluctant or hesitant to try. Its spirit is something to admire. It's bright, brimming with pep, its enthusiasm is infectious; it motivates the other Pokémon, encourages them, and it tries to do the same for Vergil despite differences in communication. However, quite enough can be determined from its body language alone. Starmie is incredibly obedient, quick to do what's asked of it. Its loyalty never wavers, and it doesn't dare question its trainer unless it had a legitimate reason to hesitate or to doubt him.
Starmie is surprisingly social, always curious in other Pokémon and wanting to meet them. The same is true toward humans (or humanoids) it meets, but to a slightly lesser degree. It seems to think so highly of Vergil that others like him pale in comparison, and are thus undeserving of the same attention it gives the nephilim—plus, its loyalty to him is a factor in that. Still, Starmie is not rude nor cold toward strangers, and still very friendly and easily approachable. It's mindful and respectful of others, and while it wishes never to get in anyone's way, it inadvertently makes itself a handful for Vergil simply from its dutifulness and its enthusiasm. This Pokémon will never stray from his side, ensuring that the others are respectful of him and don't cause trouble. If there's a quarrel between them, Starmie will wedge itself right in the middle of it to referee, to put a stop to the fuss. Whether or not it succeeds greatly varies, and Starmie might cause more trouble just because of its involvement. Sometimes it does overstep its boundaries. If Starmie is to be reprimanded, then it accepts it humbly.
As far as battling goes, Starmie is of strong mind, body, and soul. It really gets into a battle and only ever does its very best, even going further to push beyond its limits. If it should lose, it doesn't take it to heart, but takes it as a motivator. While it's confident in its abilities, it doesn't make the mistake of overestimating itself and is actually quite careful to make the most of its moves and of the instructions it's given. All in all, Starmie is a resourceful, sturdy and reliable Pokémon, and it has long proven its invaluable worth to its trainer.
— Backstory
Met within The Order. Vergil was twenty-one years old, having recently set up his base of operations. It was as he settled in that complaints of power failures, electrical surges, changes in current, and other unusual phenomena came to him directly. Then came reports of a Pokémon sighted: a Rotom popping in and out of electrical outlets, making a nuisance of itself, very obviously entering appliances, devices, even cables. The sudden influx, and surplus, of electricity attracted the Rotom to the headquarters, and it had decided to make itself to home there in spite of what that meant to the people inside. It was concluded that Rotom had been stealing The Order's electricity, messing with the power supply, and, as consequence, hindered their work. Attempts to subdue the Pokémon on the part of the workers were met with failure, and so it came down to Vergil to put an end to the Rotom's antics. He'd set up a clever little trap; simply, the goal was to draw the Rotom out into the open toward a highly concentrated source of electricity, whereupon he would confront it by surprise and drag it into battle. The Octagon served as the best place, and his plan was put perfectly into action. It was all too easy to dupe the Rotom, and once Vergil had it in his sights, he'd taken advantage of its panic to pit his own Pokémon, Froslass, against it. It'd been exhausted, just as he'd predicted, but what followed was more out of necessity than anything else. With no immediate means to expel the Pokémon from where it wasn't wanted, Vergil had little option left to him but to capture it with a Great Ball (one of his own as he had nothing else on hand).
While he had originally intended to release it back into the wild, he had come to realize that such a Pokémon with so great an affinity toward electricity would prove itself a great asset in his hands. While he'd had some harsh words for it, he'd also shown his benevolence by offering Rotom the opportunity to be his Pokémon, also enticing it by suggesting he'd allow it to feed off of the surplus electricity running throughout The Order—but no more than that. Rotom was more thrilled with the latter half of the proposal than anything, but it agreed to join him anyway. At the risk of the trainer, however, for Rotom proved itself a challenge to tame and train. There were difficulties at first, what with Rotom's boundless energy and insatiable appetite, and its inclination toward making mischief at the expense of everyone and everything around it. In spite of it all, Rotom proved its worth, Vergil grew to like it, and an attachment had naturally come to form between them. As a result, Rotom was ultimately fully trained and its more problematic behaviors curbed. Vergil wouldn't dream of letting go of his little friend.
— Personality
Hyperactive, excitable, resembling the youngest child among a group of siblings. Rotom is, by far, Vergil's silliest and most impetuous Pokémon. It approaches life haphazardly, driven by impulses and immediate desires. It's somewhat careless toward others in this way, with its thoughts running at an immeasurable speed. It zips around everywhere, perpetually, a fast Pokémon by nature. It's constantly running on the electricity it eats, so it really doesn't ever get tired on its own. Rotom is always grinning, seemingly impossible to upset. When faced with responsibility, it tackles its tasks enthusiastically. While it may appear scatter-brained and unable to be relied upon for much of anything, the truth is quite the contrary for the most part. Rotom is loyal, it understands Vergil, and it always wants to perform well no matter what it's doing for him. Rotom is very effective at what it does, and it can snap into action the very instant it's told what to do. However, it frequently doesn't pay attention outside of battle, so Vergil needs to repeat himself. His patience is at times tested by it, but it follows through ultimately. It's obedient and dependable, though it may not look like it; but Vergil has formed a strong enough bond with Rotom to understand it in turn, and so he knows what to expect from it. Of course, there are times when he'll worry, show some insecurity, and there tends to be cause for it.
Rotom is capable of pausing, contemplating, changing its mind. If it finds itself in a spot of trouble, it will react accordingly. It's definitely the kind of Pokémon that lets itself out of its Ball. Not quite fond of isolation, it will often seek company if it's not already preoccupied, or if there aren't enough distractions around to keep it entertained. Rotom may stray unwittingly, and quite a distance, and once it realizes it's away from anything or anyone familiar, it will become distressed like a child lost without its parent. Rotom very much resembles one in need of adult supervision—namely from Vergil, although the other Pokémon play a fair enough part in ensuring Rotom behaves itself. Rotom is capable of changing form, as long as the necessary appliances are available to it.
— Backstory
Met some time after Vergil returned from Hell, when he was twenty-three years old. Absol wandered into Limbo City after the chaos quieted down some. It sensed an upheaval to come prior to the destructive surge of demonic force Mundus had set upon the city, and since then Absol had kept itself abreast of the supernatural developments. Normally a Pokémon that stays far from human populations, Absol relied upon the changes in the air, the forces of the world around it, from the safe distance at which it remained, to learn of the bad turn that the world had ultimately taken. When Mundus' power was no longer felt, and the nephilim's flaring passions had died, Absol then dared to venture into the city. It kept itself alert, avoiding falling prey to the demons that roamed free. Few humans were there to really disturb it, and Absol had primarily taken to higher vantage points both out of security and of familiarity—its species is known to inhabit mountainous regions. Beforehand, Vergil had been dead numerous days, but when he had finally returned to life, the Absol had only begun to assess the destruction, it having arrived at Limbo City only a day, maybe not even that long, prior to Vergil's revival. The power to emerge with him was striking; his life force had been both tainted and enhanced, and it was easily sensed by Absol. It sought the source of this new disruption, successfully finding Vergil not too arduous a search some time later. However, it never neared him, and he hadn't taken notice. The Pokémon watched him, the nephilim went about his life. It kept its eyes on him, in fact, in judgment and in wait, perhaps thinking it may intervene if he should threaten the human lives still lingering within the environment. It was a striking thing, too, for Absol to discover that he had Pokémon of his own; companions, partners, friends that he had shown he'd cared for. Absol watched all this, and studied him, and went on to observe him unobtrusively for some time—days, weeks. Absol had been there, saw no malice from him (though he had still given off an unsettling essence), and determined to meet him, face-to-face, to test him and his bond with his Pokémon. There was an eager curiosity in Absol as it desired to study him more directly, through interaction now. It definitely had become interested in him, and perhaps believed him to be an exceptional (in his uniqueness) person worthy of the Pokémon's contact.
Absol was not hesitant when it approached him right outside Paradise, and had wasted no time in deciding on its actions. By no means was it aggressive nor confrontational toward him, but it showed clear assertiveness and confidence in its appearance before him. It made its intentions plain: it sought a battle, and Vergil held no real qualms against the challenge. While he did not understand the need for it, nor where this Pokémon had come from or why it appeared at all, he was contented to oblige, and with Froslass beside him he allowed the Absol a proper workout. Both Pokémon appeared to be evenly matched, although Froslass hadn't the benefit of a type advantage as Absol did. As it happened, Froslass was defeated, and the result of the battle had understandably frustrated a nephilim exceedingly prideful. However, Absol did not leave, but stood before him with intent in its eyes. Despite his loss, Vergil had taken note of the Absol's merits. There was a connection then, a spiritual click. They seemed to understand one another in the briefest moment. When asked if it wanted to go along with him, Absol stepped forward. Vergil caught his final Pokémon with a Great Ball.
He'd known about Mega Evolution and was aware that Absol's species could achieve it. When he proposed Mega Evolution some time later, both he and Absol approached it in the same way. They both worked hard at it, both equally dedicated to achieving it. That implied strengthening their bond, and that was something that took added time to nurture. However, as Absol is now able to Mega Evolve with ease, during any battle, that in itself serves as testament to a goal accomplished. Initially, Vergil owned none of the items necessary to carry out Mega Evolution; he had to go through the added trouble of acquiring both a Key Stone for himself and an Absolite for his Pokémon. This he did with Absol too in order to grow closer to one another. However, even after coming into the possession of said items, they were still faced with the inability to join their hearts, so to speak. The training that followed was a challenge more often than not, often resulting in frustration on both their parts (which didn't help matters as Vergil was, more or less, impatient in his desire to achieve the same that he'd witnessed his brother do). A good amount of time was taken into achieving Mega Evolution, and it's something that was worth the effort.
— Personality
Solemn, stubborn, yet keeps out of the way. Having a strong spirit and a strong body to match, Absol prides itself on its fighting ability. It enjoys battling and is seemingly always up for it, just as it likes the idea of gaining strength, speed, and stamina. By contrast, it isn't fond at all of defeat. If it's down, it will fight to the very last until it simply can't push its body any longer. Absol will hold temporary grudges against those that defeat it, including itself: it'll be disappointed in itself, thinking its abilities subpar. But over time it simply gets over the fact that it lost. If Absol can strengthen itself for a rematch and come out the victor, then all the better. However, it isn't fixated on battling and winning. Absol is quite easy-going, agreeable, not at all a nuisance—at least when it's having a good day. It's adequately patient, respectful of its trainer, dependable and loyal. It doesn't stray from Vergil's side, but if it should, it won't go far nor delay in returning. Absol is obedient, but to a point. When said point is crossed, the Pokémon's adamant, stubborn traits are put on display. If it simply doesn't feel like it, Absol will not obey, or behave in whichever way is expected of it.
It's a confident Pokémon, sure-footed, quick to act. Even if it were to make a mistake, it wouldn't hesitate in making it. There is no shyness in Absol. It's neither introverted or extroverted. It's active by nature, but it's also known to settle down and lie in the corner, or sit at attention, in wait, if Vergil has an instruction for it. When he's seated, preoccupied, Absol may choose to lie at his feet. Otherwise, it would wander, seeking to entertain itself even if through exploration (of the same rooms, halls, streets, etc. which tend to bore). When all else fails, a nap helps to pass the time. Absol's excitement may flare up when there's reason, and in such an event, it becomes pushy, difficult to quiet down, and difficult to deal with on the whole. Some aggression may slip through. If Absol were to sense an impending disaster, or an unfavorable turn taken within the environment, it will doubtlessly bring it to the attention of its trainer and fellow Pokémon.
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hello it’s me...again. if you’re unaware, i’m sam, she / her, twenty - one, est timezone, and i also play ben the sourwolf, quill the brute and auden who has Had Enough™! i’m reposting / rewriting hal’s intro because i decided to revamp him a little, so that’s what’s gonna be under the cut! as always, please feel free to message me here or @mcrdices if you’d like to plot!
➰ ( DYLAN O’BRIEN, CISMALE, HE/HIM ) *✧.:°░。 —- is that HAL CARPENTER ?! you know them, right? they are the 26 year old HALF SEELIE & HALF HUMAN !! they’re known for being PENSIVE & SOLICITOUS - but i’d be careful if i were you because they’re also DIFFIDENT & MOROSE.
nathan harold “hal” carpenter is a half - seelie / half - mundane from minnesota. his mother is a two - hundred year old seelie who left the seelie realm and pretty much everything else about the shadow world behind when she met and fell in love with a mundane man aka hal’s father.
( btw, the only people who would ever call him nathan are people who are very close to him and even then they would only do it to let them know that whatever they’re talking about is v serious )
so hal’s parents get married and he’s one of their nine kids, all boys. yeah, he’s got eight brothers and he’s one of the seven middle children
had a pretty typical mundane childhood out there in the middle of frozen minnesota. his dad worked as a used car salesman, his mother stayed home raising the kids and taking care of her v v beloved garden. they always had everything they needed but were still pretty poor. with only one parent working and eleven mouths to feed in total, things could be rough always sometimes. but, they managed! this is the rl weasley family okay. hand me down clothes, home cooked meals, brotherly teasing, lots of love!
hal knows the very basics of seelie magic & the shadow world thanks to his mother who taught him and all of his siblings how to control their abilities and the general basics of surviving out in a world filled with every kind of supernatural creature available
( also yes as a half - seelie he does have the ability to lie aaaand his pointed ears are visible at all times because he can’t be bothered with glamour magic and prefers to just pass it off as a “cool family trait” even though he doesn’t even like his ears but anYWAY )
he was just not that interested in learning about the shadow world as a kid. his mom being a seelie and & everything that went with that was never a secret in the carpenter household soooo...he just didn’t care that much
his hobbies of photography, hockey, and playing the drums were always much more interesting to him.
he honestly just?? wanted to be normal?? he wanted to be mundane?? wanted absolutely /n o t h i n g/ to do with the shadow world at all ever??
tbh he was genuinely spectacular at staying out of shadow world business until about five years ago aka the moment a feral werewolf crashed into his life on a motorcycle and convinced him to run away with her
he was twenty - one years old, in his final year of studies at a small community college in minnesota where he took photography classes and worked a boring job he didn’t like just to be able to do that bc remember, the family is poor af
he met raven calanoc, a wandering werewolf who happened to stumble upon his hometown and long story short, she convinced him to use the money he’d been saving for his last semester of college to buy a motorcycle and run away with her. they’ve been inseparable ever since.
for the past five years, he and raven have been traveling around on their motorcycles, hanging out in the woods and getting kicked out of bars after raven starts a fight aaaand that’s pretty much it. that’s all they’ve been doing for five years now and hal wouldn’t have it any other way.
he’s been in wilshire for a few months now and while big cities are definitely not one of his favorite things, he’s just been trying to enjoy his time in california!
so, i think that’s all for backstory which means we’re moving on to personality and other extra stuff!
he’s friendly but quiet & timid, modest but a little ~out there~ in an artsy way, a super loyal friend with a short temper that he got after spending sm time around raven
literally always has little cuts and bruises on his face & knuckles, a split lip, a black eye...all the typical i got in a fight at the bar last night type of injuries because that’s literally always true. raven starts fights and he helps her finish them, always.
tbh he’s basically raven’s ( mostly ) human familiar?? like she spends so much time in wolf form that she often forgets how to Human so hal helps her out when needed
he’s open to making other friends though and honestly he’s a pretty good friend to have if you can deal with his shyness, random picture taking, tendency to just sit around by himself and think...like if you can get over all of his annoying habits you have a great super loyal friend, the realest ride or die ever
hal is bisexual but doesn’t date much. tbh a lot of people see him and raven together and think that they’re dating and they actually do pretend to date sometimes just to get people to leave them alone lmao but nah
really really misses minnesota sometimes?? like, it was his only home for most of his life and he’s really close with his family so he’s very likely to randomly start reminiscing about how much he misses playing hockey on the frozen lake with his brothers during christmas break and being around for family dinners. he’s sentimental ig
so, like i said before, he knows the basics of seelie magic but he’s pretty rusty because he doesn’t like using it for the most part. outside of his family and raven he’s not even really comfortable with anyone seeing him practice magic
looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you but would most likely just punch you in the face at worst
has a biiiit of a short temper but not like...Ben Level Bad ™. he can just snap and be a little snarky sometimes which might surprise people because he’s usually pretty quiet
fr though....he could stand alone in the corner of the room completely quiet for hours and startle tf outta everyone when he randomly decides to say smth because nobody even noticed he was there??
loves to take pictures and that’s most likely what he’s doing if he’s not hanging out with raven or playing the drums
lemme just stop now because the length of this is officially absurd. lmk if you’d like to plot!
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You've mentioned it in a few tags, but if you have the chance/inclination, I would love to hear more of your thoughts about the final scene of 13x03 -- as someone who was, er, less than pleased with the ep, I'm trying to get a more positive angle on it, and I love your insights (and agree with them more often than not) so...help? ^^;
I don’t know what insights I have, but I can talk about my thoughts. This ended up being super long, so the thoughts are under the cut:
First of all, I think all analysis should start with a very close reading of the text. Let’s look at the dialogue in the episode in two key scenes.
First, a snippet from the third scene. We start off fine—Samtired, Dean neutral. (He’s clearly also tired, but he comes in more surprisedabout the Missouri thing than angry, depressed, etc.) Then, Sam says that he’ssending Jody to take care of Missouri’s case, so that they can stay to workwith Jack.
SAM: We need to help Jack learn how to control his powers.Jody can handle this.DEAN: Yeah, maybe she can. Or, maybe she ends up dead because you wanted to skipout on her to babysit the Antichrist.
As soon as Jack is mentioned, Dean immediately moves to anger. It’s quiet, but obviously accusatory,and obviously that’s aimed at Sam. He’s upset that Sam is putting Jack abovetheir friends. Sam responds with confusion, for a second—he’s staring at Dean,wrinkled forehead (so much forehead), wide eyes and parted mouth of shock. Theystare at each other, with Dean clearly fishing for a response. Then,
SAM: Dean, we need him.DEAN: No, don’t.SAM: Mom—DEAN: Don’t. You— If you want to stay here and Mr. Miyagi this kid, knockyourself out. I didn’t sign up for that, so I’m gonna go to work.
So, Dean leaves. Sam sighs, and groans, but he’s not angry.Dean wasn’t even particularly angry in that last line, but he reacted sharplyto we need him, and doesn’t even wantto hear Sam’s theory. Note how quickly he interrupts on Mom.
Okay, now we can skip over a lot of the boring Patiencebusiness (though, it is interesting that Dean tells a smiling Jody [?? What wasthat, as a directing choice?] that he’s fine, and then is CLEARLY NOT FINE ATALL). We come back to the bunker with Dean having seen yet another of theirfriends (or good acquaintances, at least) die, in a world which he is nowtelling people is crapsack and shitty. Now:
We enter the penultimate scene on Sam’s clearly upset face. He looks like a wife who’s been sitting in thedim kitchen waiting for her deadbeat husband to get home from the bar so shecan scold him. He won’t even turn around to face Dean when he greets him—thoughhe does greet him, asking about the case and acknowledging Missouri’s death.Dean is grim, and even more obviously exhausted than he was at the beginning.He immediately starts with a mean-spirited joke, and we watch Sam’s face whilehe says it:
DEAN: How’s the kid? He go dark side yet?
Sam squeezes his eyes closed in suppressed anger.
SAM: Nope.
He finally turns around, ready to confront Dean. He’sfidgeting with one of the target-markers on the war table, which is relativelyunusual body language for Sam. He also has an interesting slouch, and openposture. He’s not shamefaced, or apologetic—he’s ready to fight.
SAM: He is pretty messed up, though.
Dean responds neutrally. This isn’t a fight, he doesn’tthink, just a statement of fact.
DEAN: You’re telling me.
Sam looks down, and then responds in a tone which is—less antagonisticthan his posture had been, and after he speaks he meets Dean’s eyes directly.His expression isn’t angry, but rather… disappointed.
SAM: No, Dean, he’s messed up because of you.
When Dean looks back, and looks genuinely confused by this,Sam smiles (humorlessly) and his mood shifts closer to anger again. How couldDean not get it, he seems to be thinking, and he slaps the target-marker downon the war table in another slightly aggressive posture.
SAM: Dean… You said you’d kill him.
Dean looks away, understanding where Sam’s upset is comingfrom (perhaps) now. It’s not quite an eye-roll, but that wasn’t quite how thatmoment between him and Jack went. We can guess now that Dean didn’t tell Samthat Jack was stabbing himself and trying to die, because Sam would have askedhow that conversation went. (Of course, it’s possible that Dean did barereporting, but the tone of this next line implies that the conversation betweenDean and Sam about this moment didn’t happen.)
DEAN: It wasn’t exactly like that.
There’s a slight emphasis Dean puts on that, and he’s not angry yet either. He looks back to Sam, andmaybe he was going to explain more, but Sam jumps in with:
SAM: Then how exactly was it?
A line which, while ostensibly calm in tone, is said a) as abit of an interruption, and b) Sam’s sighing through it and giving Dean a look, putting himself on Jack’s siderather than Dean’s. Dean is having a rough… week, let’s put it that way, and hedoesn’t respond well to this. We see immediately that Dean is thinking aboutthat moment from earlier, and he hasn’t had the benefit (unlike the audience)of seeing the patient, slow way Sam is working with Jack, and learning abouthis feelings and personality.
DEAN: I told him the truth. See, you think you can use thisfreak, but I know how this ends, and it ends bad.
The camera here cuts to Jack, listening in, and we’reclearly immediately meant to feel bad for the poor sweetheart. (By the way,thank god they’ve complicated him with a touch of brattiness—if it were allsyrup all the time he’d be unbearable.) That being said—Dean has a long, long history of being right about this stuff, and as theaudience we know that, too. But then—we cut to a different locus of the argument.Sam moves from talking specifically about usinga supernatural power to bring a loved one back to life (something we’veseen them do multiple times and which they tend to agree is a bad idea… exceptwhere their brother is concerned), and changes the conversation to be about this:
SAM: I didn’t.DEAN: What?SAM: I didn’t end bad. When I was the “freak.” When I was drinking demon blood.
Sam says it aggressively, strongly, sharply. Puts obviouspauses between the phrases. Dean immediately discards this, and he’s doing ittruly—it’s not him making a point, he really honestly does not believe thatthese situations are remotely similar.
DEAN: Come on, man, that’s totally different.
Sam is keeping the argument here, though; he’s drawing avery close parallel between himself and Jack.
SAM: Was it? Because you could’ve put a bullet in me. Dad told you to put a bullet in me, but youdidn’t. You saved me. So help me savehim.
We see Dean rejecting this line of argument even as Sam’shalfway through it, though. He doesn’t like this parallel at all and disagreeswith it. Superficially, of course it’s true, but Dean doesn’t buy it, andclearly doesn’t like the implications.
DEAN: You deservedto be saved. He doesn’t.
We cut here to Jack again, looking sad, while Sam insists—
SAM: Yes, he does, Dean, of course he does.
But then we cut back to Dean, and the camerawork here isinteresting. Finally, Dean is making this into a real argument, moving close. Sam is gigantic in the foregroundhere, and Dean is small and looking up and bleeding hurt, and he’s absolutelyrejecting Sam’s parallel-drawing. He remembers where the argument started, andhe’s still having none of it:
DEAN: Look, I know you think that you can use him as somesort of an interdimensional can opener, and that’s fine.
Note: it’s clearly not fine. Sam doesn’t like theaccusation, either, though he did start the day with ‘use’ rather than ‘hugsand kisses’. Anyway—
DEAN: But don’t act like you care about him, because you onlycare about what he can do for you. So, if you want to pretend, that’s fine, butme? I can hardly look at the kid, ‘cause when I do, all I see is everybody we’velost.
Now Dean is raising his voice, reacting from strong hurt.This is still the core of the problem. It’s not hating Jack-as-a-person, it’shating Jack as a function. A subtledifference, but key, I think. Sam responds to the accusation of Jack as responsiblefor the various losses—
SAM: Mom chose totake that shot at Lucifer. That is not on Jack.
Dean doesn’t disagree, but moves directly to the issue ofactual (possible) culpability, as far as he understands it.
DEAN: And what about Cas? SAM: What about Cas?DEAN: He manipulated him. He made him promises. Said, “paradise on earth,” andCas bought it. And you know what that got him? It got him dead!
Dean’s voice is raised again and there’s a shiver of emotionrunning through it; when we cut to Sam’s coverage (and again, the camera is lowbehind Dean’s shoulder and Sam is massivelooming over him), Sam is grimacing and looking down, not exactly pushing backagainst Dean’s feelings or his point.
DEAN: Now, you might be able to forget about that, but I can’t!
And then we cut, quickly,between Dean’s wide-open pain, and Sam’s more shuttered expression. Then there’squiet, and we cut to Jack, who seems to be having real feelings about Castielper Kelly’s cheerful inculcation, earlier, and we cut there to the final scene.
…So. A lot is going on, there.You know that, for me, the Sam & Dean relationship is the actual main plotof the show. A lot of crap happens that they have to react against, but italways comes down to these two, for me. As we’ve also discussed, the latterseasons have this general shape: seasons six, seven, and eight are aboutfiguring out where they stand with each other, post-Apocalypse, whichculminates in the ‘marriage’ scene in Sacrifice (even platonically, that was areal promise of devotion); seasons nine and ten are about working through theconsequences of betrayal, and working out how devoted they truly are to this ‘marriage’;seasons eleven and twelve were about the close, mature, real work of making the‘marriage’ function. In seasons eleven and twelve they were honest with eachother, worked through their problems by talking; when there was a secret, theyapologized quickly and forgave quicker, and they had each other’s backs throughthick and thin. It’s remarkable, the level of maturity they’ve reached.
Season thirteen has opened on avery dark time for the Winchester boys, and they’re starting from verydifferent places in dealing with it. Dean is heartbroken; Sam has hope. Sam’shope is pinned to Jack’s power. He wasn’t positive that Castiel was ultimatelydead, as we saw with him questioning Dean twice about that in 13.01; he hasalso mentioned repeatedly that he doesn’t think their mother is dead, thatLucifer might have kept her alive for some reason. (Which he’s right about—really,if anyone knows what Lucifer might do, it’s Sam Winchester.) Dean, in contrast,refuses to believe that Mary is alive and he’s certain that there’s no comingback for Cas. He has clung to that defeat almost as a comfort, a way to keepwalking—getting his hopes up, just to have them dashed, would be even morepainful. He gave up, and we saw it, the second God didn’t answer his prayer.
Sam and Dean disagree a lot, butit’s rare that we get to see a profound disagreement like this which isn’tlocated in a personal place. We sawreal anger between them in season four and season nine. We saw personalbetrayal, dismissal—we’ve even seen them try not to be family, though of coursethat never lasts long. (Might be impossible, considering the soulmate aspect.)This disagreement about Jack is bad, and that was a real fight they had, thereat the end. But the disagreement is still located on Jack, and I think that’s a very important distinction. Sam ismad at Dean for causing Jack pain, but he clearly understands why it’shappening and where it’s coming from. Dean is mad at Sam for trying to keep(what he thinks is) false hope alive and trying to use the supernatural forces,when that always ends bad. But thisisn’t fury. This isn’t personal betrayal. Dean lashed out in a cruel way withthe ‘oh, I guess you just forgot about Cas’ line, but that’s… frankly, veryDean. He lashes out when he’s upset. Sam knows that, and he doesn’t lash back,he’s just… frustrated. A punch isn’t going to be thrown, here.
Put it a different way. In aphysicalized incest world, where they might share a bedroom in the bunker? Noone would be getting any tonight, and there probably wouldn’t even be cuddles.(The horror.) But after this argument, I can still see them going to bedtogether. Sam’s shoulders might be held high and tight, and Dean might have tohave a few beers after his shower before he slips quietly into bed, but they’restill on the same team. They still love each other, and there’s no doubt aboutthat. They’re just mad. They’ll get better. This argument doesn’t make me doubtthat’s true, for a second, and the Winchesters don’t doubt it either—not in theAU where their love is more obvious, and not canonically.
There is an argument to be madethat Dean is coming off poorly, here, specifically because they keep focusingon the woobified aspects of Jack. “Jack is such a sweetie, and Dean is just abig meanie-head.” I can see why people are thinking that. However, I don’tthink it’s true. This episode particularly, with Jack acting a tiny bit bratty,we’re starting to get a more complex view of him. A lot of the work with Jackin the episode focused on choice. Kelly’s little video insists that Jack can bewhatever he chooses to be; that’s contrasted against Sam’s insistence to Jackthat he can be both powerful and good, and Dean’s insistence that the situationwill go wrong and that Jack was always going to be evil. That duality was a strongtheme throughout. Jack threw a tiny bratty tantrum; Jack was surpassingly sweetwhen Sam offered him a helping hand. He doesn’t know what side he’ll fall on,and neither do we, and neither do the Winchesters. They have their opinions,and the fans are developing their own, but it is being left ambiguous which wayit will go—and I love that. The turn comes when Jack thinks about Cas, who maytheoretically be a neutral party—and then the episode’s focus immediately flipsto Cas waking up in the Empty, upon Jack literallyonly vocalizing his name. What kind of fucking power is that, holy cow.
Anyway. Dean’s anger and hurtare real, and we’re shown repeatedly how deeply it’s felt. Is it pretty? No. Isit heroic? No. But it feels real, and it’s why this show is worth watching. Meanwhile,Sam is truly, really trying to help Jack… and he’s also not pretending like hedoesn’t want to use him, which is so deeply in character for Sam that it makesme want to do a little dance. These complexities are why I still come back, andI’m so glad we’re getting them. It’s looking right now like 13.04 will continuethis argument, and this complexity, and I can’t wait. I love that I can loveDean Winchester, and see every tiny bit of where he’s coming from, and stillthink he’s wrong, and still be interested in how the story is unfolding. In alot of ways, this is reminding me of mid-season nine—when we knew that Dean haddone wrong, and we knew exactly whyhe had. I was completely neutral, there, and I’m neutral now. I just want tosee how the story unfolds.
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With everything crazy happening in the world, it is important that we still depend on the little things that make everything feel right. For me, I know that I can always depend on classic episodes of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit to help me feel at home. There's something strangely soothing about Benson and Stabler working together to solve a sex crime. (And yes, I know that Christopher Meloni left the show nine years ago - as far as I'm concerned, the Stabler episodes are the only episodes that matter.) When it comes to rewatchable episodes of SVU, I always come back to “Babes," a season ten episode. So with nothing better to do, let me tell you why it is possibly the best episode of SVU ever created.
"Babes" starts with our usual fake-out cold open: characters just trying to enjoy a night out before stumbling on a gruesome crime scene and then we never see them again. This time, it's the last diners at a restaurant. Despite holding holding up the kitchen staff from going home, the gentleman on the date asks to order desserts (despite the fact that they seem to be eating salads) and suggests flambé because it's "exciting." The irate waiter tells them that "the only thing that's flaming is the maître d'."
Just then, a man on fire can be seen screaming and waving around just outside the restaurant. Yes, that's right: SVU set a man on fire and made a visual gag out of it. A poor bus boy throws pitchers of water on the man as he collapses dead into the restaurant.
Stabler and Munch arrive at the scene (Benson is at a conference for… some reason) and meet up with M.E. Warner, who shows them that our John Doe is not only charred to a crisp but is also missing his private parts. When Munch asks where the victim came from, Warner tells them with a straight face to "Follow the bloody brick road."
Someone give SVU's joke writer a raise because John Doe's not the only one who's on fire tonight.
Back at the station, Warner rehydrates his fingerprints (what?) and discovers his identity is that of a homeless man named John Galli. They visit Galli's father, played by Michael Badalucco, a man who hates cows more than coppers. Mr. Galli informs them that his son had been targeted by "Street Cleaners," a vigilante group that runs around beating up homeless people and posting videos of their exploits online. Planning a sting to catch the Street Cleaners in action, Tutuola suggests they "introduce them to the laziest, filthiest bum they've ever seen."
Smash cut to: Munch pretending to be a homeless wacko screaming conspiracy theories into the night. No joke, this edit is hilarious.
Anyway, the Street Cleaners run out to beat up Munch and are quickly arrested. The detectives take off the perps' ski masks and one of them is a girl. The music treats this reveal like it is the most shocking thing that could ever happen. Obviously, they didn't kill Galli - SVU always throws a red herring at you in the first ten minutes and this episode is no different.
Returning to the station, Stabler and Munch find a blowtorch that was found at the scene and can be traced back to the science lab at Blessed Heart High School. Their guide at the school is Max, the president of the school's chastity club (remember this for later), who informs them that the only student who has access to the lab after hours is senior Alec Bernardi. Stabler and Munch spot Alec, who immediately looks guilty and tries to escape the cafeteria. Munch tells Alec that he looks like someone lit a fire under his ass.
"Fire?" Alec asks, sweating. "I don't know anything about a fire."
Smooth, Alec, real smooth.
He's got a burn on his hand so it's obviously him. They bring him to the station for interrogation, where Benson returns from her conference just in time for Alec's mother Peggy to burst in. Peggy is played by the incredible Debi Mazar, so even though the episode was cruising along at a comfortable seven or eight, the energy level has now been dialed up to eleven. Alec is proud of mutilating and immolating Galli and reveals that he did it because Galli raped his little sister Tina and got her pregnant.
Benson speaks with Tina, who vehemently denies being raped. However, she is pregnant. Turns out, she seduced Galli to get pregnant on purpose because she and her friends are in… you guessed it… a pregnancy pact! That's right, this episode's ripped-from-the-headlines story is the Gloucester High School pregnancy pact, where a bunch of teenaged girls got pregnant on purpose.
Benson tells the girls that they are stupid. "What's the big deal?" one girl asks. "That vice president lady's daughter is gonna have a baby. Why can't we?"
The pact's ringleader is Fidelia Vidal, who is excited that she and her friends are "totally gonna be the hottest MILFs on the block." Her father, Not-Bobby Canavale, wants Benson to leave because she is scaring Fidelia with some truth talk. Suddenly, her boyfriend bursts in, having just heard the news of her pregnancy - and it's Max, the chastity club president. Oops. Fidelia's baby daddy is not Max but is instead a twenty-two-year-old rapper named Dizzer.
Let's talk about Dizzer. In an otherwise perfect episode of SVU, Dizzer is a straight-up garbage character. Dizzer is a white rapper who works at a place called Skribble Skratch Records. His motto, airbrushed on his shirt, is "reckin' decks 'n' gettin' sex" and he attempts to get a fist bump from Tutuola, calling him a "brother." Again, this guy is white and he is trying way too hard.
Stabler hands him a court order for a DNA test and the detectives leave to let Not-Bobby Canavale know that they're actually getting stuff done this episode and everything's going to be alright. Not-Bobby Canavale goes to Fidelia's room so they can go get the amniocentesis done and make a DNA match, but her door is locked. Stabler shoulders the door open because he's an animal and the parents and detectives are met with a disturbing sight:
Fidelia, dead, having hanged herself on her ceiling fan.
Obviously everyone is distraught and it's a genuinely shocking moment. Not-Bobby Canavale comforts Max, and Michael Badalucco is spotted moping in the crowd to remind us that he is still in this episode. Fidelia's mother lets the detectives know that someone online was calling Felida names like "slut" and "whore." The email address leads them back to Dizzer, but he denies having sent the harassing emails. His alibi is that he was taking part in a threesome in Brooklyn and reminds the detectives of his motto/airbrushed shirt. Tutuola looks ready to punch this man. The detectives take his phone into evidence and thankfully we don't have to deal with Dizzer ever again.
Tech agent Morales proves that the IP address actually came from an internet cafe and holy shit the culprit turns out to be none other than Peggy Bernardi, seen in some seriously unflattering ATM camera angles. Peggy proudly shows off a onesie for her new grandbaby that says "My grandma is a GILF" and high-fives Tina. When Stabler and Munch confront her about her harassing emails, Peggy goes off on a warpath about how Fidelia ruined her kids' lives and kicks the detectives out of her house. ADA Greylek suggests that they hit Peggy with criminal impersonation and reckless endangerment, among other charges, and Munch reminds the group that Peggy only used words against Fidelia and to arrest her would go against the first amendment. Good ol’ Munch, always a voice of reason. Before they have time to commit to what exactly they're arresting Peggy for, word comes in that a mob has formed outside Peggy's apartment, led by Not-Bobby Canavale. Stabler and Munch arrive to rescue-arrest Peggy.
On the stand, Peggy says that sending harassing emails to a hormonal teenaged girl was "just a goof." A large television is presented so that Peggy can awkwardly read her fake-teenage bibble-babble to the courtroom. We get to learn what "OMFG" and "STFU" mean. In her last message to Peggy, Fidelia writes that her "fath is knocking," implying that their conversation was ended because Not-Bobby Canavale was at the door. However, Tina suddenly comes to a realization and informs the courtroom that "FATH" actually stands for "first and true husband" in some dumb chastity club lingo.
Stabler and Munch realize that Fidelia's "FATH" was Max, who comes clean: when he realized that Fidelia had cheated on him and didn't love him, he killed her and faked her suicide. Case closed.
Max and Alec are put away for their crimes and Peggy is let go. ADA Greylick gives Peggy some unnecessary attitude and Peggy goes fully ballistic, strangling Greylek and screaming "I'm a good mother!" Greylek tells Stabler to "collar that bitch for assault" but Stabler sees poor Tina in tears, having witnessed everyone she knows and loves fall apart in front of her. Mr. Galli offers to take Tina in, given that she is pregnant with his grandchild, and promises to help her raise the baby. The episode ends on a rare moment of kindness.
So what makes "Babes" the best episode of Law and Order: SVU? The episode features a lot of "ripped-from-the-headlines" moments, from the Gloucester pregnancy pact to the the suicide of Megan Meier. There are some genuinely funny moments in the episode and the performances are pretty great, especially Debi Mazar. And while Benson isn't featured all that much, it's a pretty heavy Munch episode, and he's always great. The episode starts with a homeless man on fire with his penis chopped off and still somehow finds a way to get more crazy by the end. "Babes" is a season ten episode, which means it's SVU in their bonkers prime, a few seasons before Stabler left but long enough into the show's run for them to feel blindly confident in what they were doing. If you are able to stream this episode, I highly recommend checking it out - it will almost definitely improve your day.
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I came out after a Donny & Marie Osmond concert
So I knew something was “off” when I was about ten. I quickly stifled such feelings as I was already prime real estate for bullying at my private Catholic school in the early 90s – A fat, poor kid with divorced parents.Also I was bad at sports and liked art. I was pretty much prime real estate for torment without adding more fuel to the fire.
I pretty much repressed my feelings for the next almost twenty years. During that time, two of my grandmother’s three grandsons came out – The third grandson, my brother, ended up our lone straight one in the family, God love him. And for a long time I think my family had suspicions? I gravitated toward a lot of LGBT culture early-on. I didn’t really talk openly about crushes. Things like that– The little things that add up and, when you look back at them, make you give a small “ooohhh. That makes sense!”.
This led to my mom even taking me out for ice cream at one point and asking me, point-blank, if I was gay or not. I was in denial and annoyed– I’d thought this was about ice cream not… Not this!
I got through college, I got through the death of the grandmother that helped raise me. I got through unemployment, I got through depression. I almost go through my twenties. Then, I got to soul searching.
I spend basically my entire existence from twenty-eight through twenty-nine trying to figure out what I was, where I was most comfortable. I resorted to even reading up on what I could possibly be. I even took Kinsey scale quizzes. I was desperate to find out what I was. Eventually, I landed on bi. This is the stupidest thing ever, but Kate McKinnon was the final nail in the coffin that buried my heterosexuality. “Ghostbusters” wasn’t the greatest film, but the equal attention I paid to her and Chris Hemsworth in it were basically my “light bulb” moment. The first person I told myself was myself–In a mirror. It was so hard to say the first time! But it was right…
Then I told my favorite cat. He was pretty cool with it. I feed him, so he sort of HAD to be. Then my infant niece–I asked her if she’d still love me. She was eleven months, so I got gurgling in response. I took it as a “yes”. Then I told my best friend, over Skype, while seated underneath my desk, like the brave grown up I was. She was supportive, and VERY rightly told me that my mom deserved better than the letter I had planned to give her.
My family is by no means homophobic. Like I said, a lot of my family is LGBT. My parents have gone as far to open their home and couches to people of all walks of life–It doesn’t matter who you are, who you love, or what you believe in. Basically, they never cared who you were, as long as you were a good person. Oh, you also had to like animals. That was important.
So it’s the night of the Donny and Marie Osmond concert–My mom had bought me tickets, and I’d been psyched for months about seeing them. I love old music, what can I say? Anyway, they put on an amazing show, and mom and I are driving back in the dark. She’s talking, I’m trying to but I am totally OUT of it. My heart’s going a million miles an hour–Which is no good because I’d downed a corn dog and a lot of other horrible food at the concert venue because 1. stress 2. I have a healthy love for awful food. We finally get into the driveway, it’s now or never. So I tell her, shaking. Crying– Apologizing. What for, I don’t know. I’m a mess. She finally gets me to spot and start laughing by taking my phone and taking some ridiculous selfies with me. I still have those photos and love them dearly.
Her response, after her initial confusion of “why now”– Was basically that I wasn’t off the hook when it came to giving her grandchildren. She later helped me tell my dad– A redneck in his 70s who also happens to be one of my heroes. He told me that he loved me. He held me extra close after the Pulse shootings, which happened only months after I came out. He and my mom have been my greatest supporters, along with the rest of my family.
I’m 100% out to my family, maybe… 90% out to my friends, and it’s pretty much an open but unsaid thing at work, although the coworkers I have straight-up (heh) told have supported me.
I never really found a whole lot of stories of older people coming out in my search, so I thought I’d share my story in its totality–Dorky concert and all. Sorry if this has gotten too long– You don’t have to post if it’s too long, it just feels good to have finally written my story.
I’m a lot happier with myself now, I will say that. I’ve been out for about two years now, and these are some of the most freeing of my life. I can say that it’s okay to be older and still questioning these things. Everyone grows at different rates. It’s okay to take your time coming out, or coming to terms with yourself. For me, it was nearly twenty years. Sometimes I’m a little envious of those who come out earlier, but that envy doesn’t last too long. It’s quickly replaced by the knowledge that I’ve got a whole army of people who love and support me, and that, while I’m single now, I have a whole, wide world of experiences waiting out there for me.
It feels good to finally be on the path to being the me I always wanted to be.
Thanks for sharing your story with us :)
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Saw II
Starring Donnie Wahlberg and Tobin Bell Rating: ★★ Jigsaw (Bell) is found by Detective Eric Matthews (Wahlberg) and his army of police officers. While apprehending the serial killer, Jigsaw reveals that he has eight people stuck in a trap, including Matthews’ son. With the “help” of Jigsaw, the police attempt to put an end to his game.
The sequel misses a sense of originality from the first by following most conventions and cliches of the horror genre. The film also features plenty of plotholes, nauseating editing choices, excruciating moments of torture, characters making blatantly poor choices, terrible acting, and a head scratching ending. However, it is mildly entertaining with a decent plot, some exciting moments, and average performances by Wahlberg and Bell.
After watching this film, I immediately wrote a list of everything wrong with the sequel to record my initial thoughts. At a total of eleven errors, I had to stop myself because I ran out of paper space on the front. On the back of the page, I wrote a total of four positive aspects. The cons outweigh the pros, but it was decently exciting.
Its opening scene involves a guy attempting to get his head out of a mask with spikes ready to pierce through his face. However, the editing of this moment is more sickening than the act itself. In about thirty seconds, a hundred different clips are stitched together building up to the guy’s grizzly death. This poor choice in editing comes full circle by returning in the final moments with a recap of everything we just watched (a greatest hits montage, if you will). The editing is supposed to help build up a big unveil or tragic death, but it actually takes away the suspense by becoming too unbearable to watch.
Some other unbearable aspects include the gruesome moments of torture. In the original film, all of the grizzly actions (like the main character cutting off his own foot) happened off screen. However, the sequel is shameless in showing gruesome moments, like a woman thrown into a pile of needles, or a man cutting off a piece of his own skin. I would say these are the two most disgusting moments in horror history, but if one were to see The Green Inferno, they would think otherwise. Additionally, these two small parts may set the tone for the next five films.
What puts characters into these gruesome situations are their poor choices. On many occasions, the characters act as if Jigsaw removed their brains before entering the game. At one point, a man crawls through an oven seeking some needles, to which he is surprisingly scorched to death. Also, a lady sticks both hands through a glass box, resulting in the slitting of her wrists. Oh, did I forget to mention the guy who looks through a peephole with a loaded gun facing his eye on the other side? Well guess what happens to him?! Also, it is hard to care for these characters when there is little to no development for each one. Although they all share one thing in common, their reasons for being there are mostly unknown.
There is also a lot of unknown in its story. Right off the bat, Donnie Wahlberg knows where the serial killer is. How?! Well when Donnie goes after the killer, he brings along a detective who knows everything about Jigsaw. However, the detective contributes absolutely nothing to helping the victims stuck in the killer’s game. There are so many plot holes along the way, but let’s cut right to the chase by addressing the ending.
The ending makes no sense. There are two nice little twists for the ending, but they do not add up. *Spoiler Alert* It is revealed that the previous drug user from the first film is actually in cahoots with Jigsaw. This is fine, but she is somehow immortal; since when?! How is it possible to be thrown into a stack of needles and survive?! Also, how did his kid end up in the safe behind Jigsaw this whole time? Was the kid in the game a double? Who knows, but who cares. The plot does try to have some depth, but ultimately fails in the end. **End spoilers**
Despite having all of these flaws, there are some redeeming qualities. First, Donnie Wahlberg and Tobin Bell act very well together in their arguments. Wahlberg gives an intense performance, as he demands Bell to free his son. On the other hand, Bell is completely cold and shut off from the world. Also, Bell speaks in a low tone with his empty eyes lock with Wahlberg’s. The two surprisingly have better chemistry than all eight characters trapped in Jigsaw’s game.
A ticking clock in the background, along with a decent game being played by the victims, does make for a mildly entertaining watch. Tensions are high not only for the victims, but for the detective as well. The detective is in a rough spot by being face to face with the kidnapper of his son while he has hours to live. The situation has high stakes for everyone involved, and despite its many flaws, there are hardly any dull moments. The film tries its best to be as exciting as possible.
Most importantly, it does has some ties to the original film. With this sequel, we find out a little more about the backstory of Jigsaw, along with his strange accomplice. Also, the ending pays homage to the original by ending on the signature, “game over," line.
The sequel is not two unbearable. It has a long list of flaws, but it tries to be an exciting watch. Sure, there were plenty of head scratching moments, but there was hardly any boredom. The biggest downside of the sequel is how it sets the tone for the five films to follow. With each new installment, it supposedly takes a step further in showing disturbing scenes of torture. This piece to the puzzle fits just about right.
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On a recent trip to visit my folks, I went through some boxes and found, sans cover, this copy of 1999’s BATMAN: GOTHAM ADVENTURES #17. Gotham Adventures was my full-stop favorite comic when it was coming out, a combination of me being smack dab in the middle of its target demographic and it being really, really well made. Tight story, dynamic artwork, clean, crisp colors and letters. As I transition from Vacation Dan back to The Schkade That Works, I thought it would be a useful exercise to go through this issue, page by page, to see how it ticks.
I’ll be focusing mainly on the pencils and colors by Tim Levins and Lee Loughridge, respectively, plus Scott Peterson’s script — Terry Beatty is one of my favorite inkers ever and letter Tim Harkins acquits himself expertly, so I won’t have much to say about them beyond “continues to be amazing, surprising no one.”
And please, feel free to check me on any mistakes I might have made, add your own commentary, or share similar examples of good comics done well.
Batman: Gotham Adventures and all characters contained therin are of course property of DC Comics, reproduced here solely for educational purposes.

We open strong with a full-page splash. Three distinct players whose suits, hats, and bad ties immediately code them in the Timm-verse aesthetic as ‘Hoodlums’ give us immediate sense of threat. Their momentum is heading left, into the fold, against the western flow of reading; this is because they’re bad guys — their actions go against the proper order of things, up to and including the reading flow. But also for another reason, which the right-most hood’s reaction sets us up for, compelling us to turn the page.

An even stronger followup with a double-page splash. Batman smashes in through the window in a powerful left to right movement, in direct opposition to the gangsters’ movement on the previous splash. The background establishes the family Batman is there to protect, as well as the shabbiness of their apartment and clothes. The fact that Batman’s cape can still be partially outside the window while he’s hitting the hoods who just came through the opposite doorway immediately sells how small the space is. What could these poor people possibly have that’s worth three armed gunmen kicking down their door?

This page is all about one thing: establishing Batman as an overwhelming force. Strong left-to-right movement, always dominating the panel, no signs that this is especially difficult for him. His first line of dialogue: a piece of short, relaxed, confident detective talk.

The first two panels do a lot. Batman converses openly with the Agronas family, who clearly trust him. He’s a terrifying physical presence, but a terrifying physical presence of the people. It also shows that Nicky Agronas is bright — wears glasses, reads the newspaper. As soon as they mention the husband, the husband appears, which is a nice clean introduction for that character. There’s no reason the husband could’t have been in the double splash that introduces his wife and son, but having him coming home in the middle of this scene is a great way to inject a little motion onto a page that would otherwise just have been four people talking in a room. Lastly, the sudden use of heavy black — enhanced by Loughridge’s shift to unnatural yellow lighting — makes Batman’s suspicion of the husband feel intimidating without having to change his physical demeanor, which would have both been over-the-top and undone the work the first couple panels do to make him a sympathetic protagonist.
Academic sidebar: Setting aside that this is an issue in a series featuring one of the most famous fictional detectives of all time, how do we know Batman the protagonist of this story? Because he’s the one doing things and asking questions, moving the plot forward.

Nice one-two beat with the first two panels on this page: Panel one, Mr. Agronas is calmly answering the question — he’s a good citizen with nothing to fear from Batman. Batman still dominates the frame, though. Panel two zooms in on Agronas, putting the question of his involvement to bed with a simple, honest mini-joke. Letting him have a panel all to himself to say this is a good way to humanize him. In panel three, Batman continues to tower, but there’s no threat of violence. Here, as on the high-angle shot in panel three of the previous page, we see some shattered glass to remind us of the damage to the window and door from earlier. The money Batman leaves them for said damage is totally understated, with only the bright green color drawing attention to it. Batman’s a stand-up guy, but drawing attention to it wouldn’t fit his image.

There’s nothing in this first panel that says “JAIL” or “POLICE” — it’s just a bluntly governmental-looking building (I believe it’s specifically the blocky grey columns that give it this feeling), but we can tell from the fact that there’s prison bars in the next panel that that’s what the building is. No need to add extraneous detail. I like the design Levins gave the head hood, first seen on page one — the unibrow is a great way to sell the change from frowning to fear. Note also how many memorable features the big prisoner has — bald, scar, blind eye, bad teeth. He’s easy to remember, which will become important shortly.

Loughridge’s sickly green colors of the previous page snap back to natural lighting on this page, immediately conveying the change in environment. And hey, how great is that Commissioner Gordon silhouette in panel one? That’s some smart use of character model. Regarding the design of the big prisoner from the previous page — we see here that he’s in fact Batman in disguise, which actually saves us a lot of space on this page; instead of showing him removing the disguise and then putting on the cowl, we only need to see him opening the shirt to reveal the bat emblem, and then in the next panel, bam, he’s Batman. We know Bruce Wayne doesn’t look like that. We know it’s a disguise. We get it. It does rely on the reader having a basic knowledge of these characters and this world, but all things considered, that’s a pretty safe bet. Couple other things: Levins keeps the energy up by skewing the axis of the four panel grid, which also gives this rooftop scene a nice sense of vertigo. I’m actually not a huge fan of the last panel — I find that the upside-down pose kind of undercuts the gravity of what he’s saying, I think the leftwards movement is weird, and the whole panel is just, like, tangent city. That said, still a strong page.

Again: Batman as an Overwhelming Force. I know I just bashed the previous page for its leftward movement, but on this page it works really well — the wreckage of Batman’s assault on the house leads leftward towards the front door, up the stairs, ultimately across Zarelli’s desk, towards the man himself. I think this counter reading flow movement really effectively sells Batman as an invading presence in this man’s home. This page also shows us the wealth and power of Enrico Zarelli, who we finally see in the last panel after being mentioned regularly for four pages; The huge house, the framed artwork, the dozen armed thugs. See also the confidence of his speech, and the fact that he’s shadowed just like Batman. There’s an implicit feeling that this is a meeting between equals.

Nice that our first full look at Zarelli has him in his own panel, with the cowled shadow on the wall behind him suggesting Batman’s off-panel movement towards him. Great acting here — I love how Zarelli no-sells Batman’s gimmick.

Levins (with the round panels boarders) and Loughridge (with his deceptively-hard-to-pull-off-well use of grey and sepia tones) work together well here to make the scene a flashback without drawing attention to that effect. Note how we don’t need to see Zarelli’s whole body to know he can walk, we just need to see him moving at the same height as other, presumably ambulatory people. Cool dramatic composition in the last panel, placing us in the line of fire along with Zarelli and his men.

This use of shadow to cleanly yet powerfully suggest something gruesome off screen is something ‘Batman: The Animated Series’ did so well, and it’s likewise effective here. Seeing Zarelli’s clenching hand (the Z ring was established on the previous page) gives us just enough intimacy to feel his pain. The use of black as a costume design element in this scene makes Zarelli, his son, and Batman feel a little more important and real than the hoods on either side.

I like that there’s a batarang laying on the ground amongst the dead/unconscious gangsters. It’s not necessary, but we saw him throw it on the previous page, so it’s a nice little piece of continuity. The final two panels have added impact because they’re the last before the page turn, giving them a feeling of isolation and hopelessness (undercut slightly by the fact that the page turns to a very colorful double page DC Kids page encouraging young readers to enter a nabisco sweepstakes, recycle this comic, and, perhaps most puzzlingly, pick up the first issue of the ‘Day of Judgement’ crossover).

Good call having Batman’s cape closed over him on this page. It makes him less aggressive, almost judge-like, befitting the respect he’s giving this man who lost his son. The cool coloring in panel four adds impact to the dicey situation Batman now faces.

Appropriately, we go from talking about sons de facto and de jure to having Batman talk it over with Dick Grayson, his son by any other name. Here, the upside down thing actually serves to break up the mood after a heavy scene. The fact that they’re talking about serious business while casually practicing acrobatics makes the scene particular to these specific characters — even when there’s no one to punch and nothing to detect, there’s still always Batman stuff going on in this Batman comic.

This page rules. I love how much motion there is, even down to Dick’s change of arm position in the background from panels one to two. It makes the motion of Bruce pulling off the mask seem smaller and more intimate by comparison. And that last line is just all-american grade-A understanding of character. It’s informed by Bruce’s origins, but not directly referencing them. He can’t put his personal desire to see Zarelli’s empire destroyed before his human duty to give Nicky the chance to know his biological father. Panel two of this page also features our first and only bleed art (art which extends beyond the edge of the physical page, as opposed to art contained within the boarders of a panel), which further gives the Batcave a sense of hugeness, and nicely breaks up the layout of the page besides.

Note that the only characters we can clearly see on this page are Nicky and Zarelli — the scene is about them, not Batman and the goons, who are all either far away or in shadow. Nice touch, the goons all being in casts and bandages. I can’t even put my finger on why that works so well; they’re not really there to guard anything, since Batman already went through them once without much trouble. I think their main purpose on this page is to make us feel how Nicky feels in this place; this big house full of men with guns, this intimidating world this man is asking him to be a part of.

This page is lit warmly, with lots of sympathetic angles. It’s not until the last panel that Zarelli’s pitch is thrown into any kind of suspicious light. “Without family, you have nothing” — but family with Zarelli means gunmen, tainted opulence, and the looming, annihilating specter of Batman.
Now, I’ve eschewed ads in my scans until now, but I include this one as a particularly good example of how even the best writers have no control over what image might end up facing an important emotional moment.

The first page dedicated entirely to Nicky and Zarelli. The very sympathetic first panel transitions into an intense close up in panel two that makes Zarelli’s offer feel almost like a threat, even though that’s clearly not how he intendeds it. Zarelli can’t help being the dangerous gangster he is. The first time Nicky speaks, it’s to ask about his parents, and I love Zarelli’s castoffish response, “The people who raised you?”

Another page solely of Nicky and Zarelli. If the last couple pages have been all about Zarelli’s pitch, this one is entirely about Nicky’s process. The Thinker’s a little on the nose, but I dunno, it works. And it goes towards our ongoing theme of Nicky Is Smart. He’s staged strongly throughout, reflecting the strong decision he makes. The choice to include the background in panel four helps reinforce Nicky and Zarelli’s spatial relationship, which heightens the act of walking away. That it’s this close to the end of the story and Peterson can still devote an entire page to this moment shows how well-paced the issue is.

The goons become useful again in this final action beat. Batman Overwhelming Forces them into the doorjamb, a good use of the environment to make it clear he gets to them before they can get after Nicky, but his real rage is saved for when he turns around toward Zarelli. He’s huge in this panel, as aggressive and dangerous as we’ve seen him in this issue. Zarelli, by contrast, is made small by a high angle shot, his hands folded in his lap. The four panel grid is even skewed so as to squeeze him into the corner, in addition to making the action in the previous panels more dynamic.

It’s Batman and Son again, with the green glow of the batcomputer establishing the change in location. The note to Lucius Fox in panel two is a nice large scale version of him leaving the money on the Agronas’ table on page six. And Nicky would be a good candidate, too — this is the (or at least a) payoff for Nicky Is Smart. Panel three is small and all utility, showing Batman’s change back to Bruce Wayne as we transition up from the cave to Wayne manner, a panel made necessary by the fact that we haven’t yet established that location in this issue. We’re left with a nice big final panel, rosy and nostalgic in direct contrast to the green of the batcave. Bruce looks from left to right at the portrait of his parents, mirroring the portrait in Zarelli’s study, cementing the emotional connection he feels to a man who is in all other regards his enemy. You could read the fact that Bruce’s sitting as an additional corollary to the wheelchair-bound Zarelli, but I think it’s just that a seated position works best for the horizontal composition of the panel. Strong ending for a very strong issue.

Nothing insightful to offer here, it’s just that I’ve always thought this next issue cover was rad. I probably have that one too, somewhere.

(The missing cover, by Bob Smith and Terry Beatty, is awesome.)
#Comics#Batman#Batman TAS#Scott Peterson#Tim Levins#Terry Beatty#Lee Loughridge#Tim Harkins#DC Comics#Educational Purposes
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Desperado — 01 (M) | JJk.
Pairing: Badboy!Jungkook X Reader
Summary : A messy situationship at it’s finest. You don’t even know whats headed your way, just even engaging in the slightest within him. See, he has an assignment to complete. A mission granted by his father thats do or die. You just so happen to be a major pawn in that assignment. He didn’t mean to take an interest in you. Surely it was an accident right? Only except. you hold much value in this game that he’ll do anything to complete it. Oblivious is what you are. Poor thing. Poor.. Poor thing.
Genre: Mature/ Mafia!Jungkook
Trailer: xxxxx preview
Word Count : 4.6k
Warnings : This honestly isn’t for the light hearted and the weak…High angst, usage of drugs, drug mentions, mental illness, switch!jungkook, Brat reader, possible stockholm syndrom, kidnapping, assault, death of side characters, weapons, usage of weapons, masturbation, physical violence, blood, alcohol, weed, unprotected and protected sex, spanking, honestly its a lot of aruging
Copyright: please do NOT repost, translate, or modify my works in any way, shape or form, on any platform. If found doing so , it is considered as plagiarism and appropriate LEGAL action will be taken
‘‘ Here is the first room on your schedule.. now i’ll have Mr. Brock if he’ll have someone that has a similar schedule as you, to help you around.’’
You nod your head at the assistant principle and gulp. The nerves that you had somehow subdued is starting to creep back up again. Nothing or nobody in the hallways which makes the tension and nervousness in the air even more thick.
He places a hand on your back, ‘’ You’ll be fine Miss yn. If anybody bothers you, you know where my office is now right?’’
‘‘ Right..’‘
‘‘ Good then. Now go inside, im sure the class is ready to greet you.’‘ He chuckles, his cheeks puff out with a hearty smile. It’s somewhat creepy.
Taking a deep breath in, you turn around and put one hand on the door handle. Thoughts intrude your mind of such all the horrible things you could think happen. It doesn’t help that your heart is beating at a fast pace. It feels like it could burst any second now.Your hands tremble as you open the door slowly, in reward it lets out a creaking noise.
The muttering sounds of student’s suddenly stop. A man, about 5 foot 9 looks over at you. You take in his features. A westerner. Finally someone of your kind. He has dirty blonde hair and is clean shaven. There’s a mole on the left side of his full set of lips but not to noticeable, just the right size. He can’t be anymore than twenty eight years old at the max.
‘‘ Welcome! You must be yn! Come in, Come in.’‘ He shows off his pearly whites smiling proudly. You keep your head low to not make any sorts of eye contact with the class as you make your way over to him.
‘‘ Class please Welcome yn!‘
You can practically feel the eyes burning on you but your head remains a little lowered. Some chatter begins once more along with some whispers and giggles of teenage girls.
‘‘ Why don’t you tell us about yourself hmm?’‘ The teacher, Mr. Brock, politely asks.
You finally manage the courage to raise your head up. It’s a bad idea you soon regret doing it. The faces all stare at you in silence, waiting for you to do as told.
Swallowing hard, you look at the teacher and then back at the silent classroom. “I’m yn, I’m uh.. new here and I just transferred from an international high-school. I moved here when I was eleven due to my mom’s job. I was born in the United States, but soon Canada had became my home after being born.”
‘‘ Wow! A foreigner!” One person bursts out. Then suddenly, all of the questions start coming in at once.
‘‘ How is it in Canda? ’‘
‘‘ I’m visiting the United States over the summer!’‘
‘‘ Is it true that Americans are obese?’‘
Questions are thrown left and right. You try and answer each one of them but your mind and mouth clam shut. It’s not like you’re from America anyways. So all you do is just stand there opening and closing your mouth trying to get a correct answer out.
‘‘ Enough!’‘ Mr. Brock gives one stern look to the class and they all fall silent. You silently thank him in which he nods and turns back to the once more silent class. ‘‘ She surely doesn’t want to be bombarded with questions. Just welcome her class. Shall we begin teaching once more?’’
’‘ Yes teacher.’‘ The class says in monotone.
Mr Brock sends you to an empty seat in the back. On your way to the back, there are more giggles and murmurs but you get past it. Besides, it would be harder for them to stare since you’re in the back. Your eyes are kept low as you pull out the materials needed for the class. The teacher resume’s what he’s teaching all while you think of how many ways you hate this new school.
The bell rang a chime-ful ring that almost makes you want to mentally drown yourself. At your old school they did not have that annoying chime. Instead it was a regular 10 second dull ring. This just adds on the list of why you really don’t want to be here.
‘‘ Hi, I’m Ayami! Nice to meet you!’‘ Your thoughts are interrupted by a short girl with long dark brown hair, smiling and holding her hand out. You eye her up and down and hesitantly take her hand and shake it.
‘‘ You’re new yeah? Can I see your schedule?’‘
You furrow your eyebrows as she hold she hand out to see the schedule. You give it to her.
She scans over it and hands it back with a smile on her face. ‘’ We have all our core classes together. I play the Violin and I also take Fitness class. So we will only see each other three times out of the day and in lunch also.’’
The two of you start walking down the noisy yet not crowded hallway. Each time a person passes you they chuckle or whisper. You keep your head forward with hopes of the day going by fast.
‘’ Fitness?’’ You didn’t know it was an option.
‘’ Yeah it’s like P.E with no teacher. Only two gyms, one for boys and one for girls. You basically have to fight for slots in scheduling for a spot. They give you a blue card to swipe to get inside the gym.’‘
‘‘ They did not tell me that.’‘ You frown.
‘‘ Well you did come in the end of the year. Plus you have to be academically good for them to even consider letting you take fitness.’‘
Academically good? Just for a workout? ‘’ Why is that?’’
‘‘ Because.’‘, She chuckles as you both turn down the corridor, ‘‘ You have to take an hour off your performing arts class in order to get fitness. Hence why your grade in that class and others have to be good.’‘
‘‘ Oh.’‘ You nod. ‘‘ That makes since now because you would have to do good in that class. I get it.’‘
You both stop at a classroom. The blue sign on the left of it reads AP Psychology. You can’t help but to smile because it’s always been one of your most favorite classes.
‘‘ You are in your last year correct? Have you chosen your major and college?’‘ She waves to the teacher as you follow behind her. You look at the female teacher and she gives a warm smile.
Ayami makes her way to the back of the room and points to a desk next to hers. You take it as her wanting you to sit there so you do. ‘’ My major is Psychology. I haven’t chosen a University.’’
‘‘ I chose SNU. I’m going in the medical field as a Pediatrician. Oh how I just love kids.’‘ She beams. You chuckle at her sitting position. Elbows on the table with her head in her hands and a smile to top it all of.
‘‘ Then why choose Psych as a class?’‘ You ask.
Ayami shrugs her shoulders while adjusting her seating position. ‘’ Maybe I’ll need it one day.’’
By the time the class is over you’ve written down every word and notes that the teacher had provided. Ayami had slept for half the class but managed to get some of the notes down. Maybe she’ll ask for them later. That defeats the purpose of her being so called academically well though.
‘‘ And this is the cafeteria. We have 4 main lines of lunch choices. European food, Korean food, American food, and Japanese food.’‘
Your mouth drops at the sight of the huge cafeteria. It’s very spacious with a set of spiral stairs leading up to another seating area upstairs. Two cafeterias? What doesn’t this place have? Each flag of all over the world hangs on the perimeter of the ceiling in the two huge cafeterias. You try and count them one by one but end up disregarding it seeing as though there are so many.
‘‘ We have two vending machines. One with juice and the other with little snacks.’‘ She points to the farthest corner of the cafeteria. There stands two brightly colored machines filled with snacks and drinks. Wow.
You and Ayami begin to walk towards Japanese cuisine line. It wasn’t pretty full in the lines or cafeteria in general. ‘‘ Amazed? Yeah I remember being the same way after I moved from Japan to Seoul and as placed here. I got in by auditioning and recommendation.’’
Grabbing a tray, your mouth waters at what you see before your eyes. All the foods that the lunch lady’s prepared looks so delicious. ‘’ You’re from Japan? You speak english very well..’’
‘‘ Yes I’ve studied hard. I practice a lot too. I speak three languages total. Japanese, English, and I had to be forced to learn Korean and the hangul alphabet.’‘ She chuckles at the end.
‘‘ Can I just have whatever she gets?’‘ You look up at the lunch lady and she nods in approval after you hand her your dark green tray. After the tray is filled with enough food, you and Ayami thank her and move down the line.
‘‘ Try this, it’s sweet in the inside.’’
You watch her as she drops two biscuit like circles onto your tray with her chopsticks. ‘’ It’s kind of an overwhelming sweetness, so you’ll only need to eat a little bit.’’ She says.
Once you two have payed for your two meals, she leads you to a table in the middle of the cafeteria. You notice two females and one male which makes your anxiety even more high than it was. New people and you don’t mix together. Its just an awkward scene waiting to happen.
‘‘ Minlee, Crystal, Sungmin, this is my new friend YN.’‘ Sitting her tray down, you feel a tug on your skirt informing you to sit next to her in which you do. They stare at you for a bit, making you look down at your lap to avoid the eyes.
Ayami sighs, ‘‘ Idiots! Say something nice.’‘
‘‘ I’m Crystal. I like your eyes...’‘
You look up at her and take in her beauty. Clear skin with strawberry red, long hair and bangs. Her figure seems to be very slim and tall. Full lips with a tiny mole on near her right eyebrow, and a nice nose. Surgery maybe?
‘‘ Thank you.’‘
‘‘ Sungmin. Art is my kind of thing.. what’s yours.’’
Your eyes almost buck out of your head when you make eye contact with him. He has a sharp jawline with a protruding collar-bone and semi long neck. But it all makes up for his tall height and hands that are big also. Double eye-lids with white teeth and a cute yet sexy baby face. One that looks innocent but might be the opposite. To compliment his face, he has short wavy tresses with bangs covering his forehead.
‘‘ The piano..’’ You say, ending the eye contact that was made. You look down at your plate of whatever delicious looking food it is, but your mind goes blank when you realize there are no forks or spoons, just chopsticks. Your worst enemy.
‘‘ Oh how nice. I’m Minlee. I play the viola.. I also draw a bit.”
She’s pretty too. A short bob cut and fringe bangs. Her cheeks are full and just look so pinchable, even with her two dimples. She’s a little on the shorter side but not too short.
Sungmin notices you staring at your tray of food. A look of concern comes across his face in which you try your best to still not make eye contact with him. .’‘ Do you not like the food here?’‘
‘‘ Oh no no no the food looks so good. It’s only that...’‘ You trail off not wanting to reveal something to embarrassing. What would they even think of you. An eighteen year old who doesn’t know how to use chopsticks.
Minlee smiles and finishes off for you, ‘‘ You can’t use chopsticks right?’‘ She puts hers down and grabs yours, breaking them apart. You watch her as she folds up a piece of tissue to the point where it is thick. Then takes a hair tie from her wrist and slips the block of tissue in between the chopsticks then wraps the hair tie around them.
‘‘ Trainer chopsticks. There you go.’‘ She smiles, putting it back onto your tray. You thank her as your cheeks begin to heat up. ‘‘ Sorry for the inconvenience.’‘
‘‘ Wow. How do you eat at restaurants and at home?’‘ Sungmin leans forward from his previous position waiting for your answer. You bite your lip and begin to pick up a dumpling. ‘‘ I order out or either pick it up at a restaurant. We have forks and knives and spoons at home.’‘
‘‘ You’ve lived here for so long, how do you not know how?’‘ Crystal giggles and takes a sip of her berry-like beverage. ‘‘ I try and practice but give up after the first try.’‘
‘‘ Ah I see. Well we can help you work on that if you like.’‘ Min-lee takes a bite of her pizza and nods. ‘‘ Thanks. Although you guys might not be very successful. I’m short tempered.’‘ You chuckle, plopping another dumpling into your mouth.
Crystal lets out one of her cute giggles again, ‘‘ Non sense. It took me till i was ten to stop using trainer chopsticks. I hated when my mom made me use regular ones.’‘
You laugh with the whole table again. This might not be so bad. Four new friends on the first day of school. Wow, being the anti-social person you are it’s a new record. You only had a total of 2 friends at your old school, but something inside you thought that they weren’t really your friends because they talked to you whenever they felt like it.
‘‘ Oh they’re coming! Look guys look!.’‘ Crystal points and squeals at the entrance into the cafeteria. ‘‘ Oh god. Here she goes again.’‘ Sungmin rolls his eyes and shakes his head.
She punches his arm and does a harsh ‘shh’ sound. Sungmin rubs his arm and curses under his breath making you smile at the two. ‘‘ Shut up idot! I need to have quietness while i intake their handsomeness.’‘
‘‘ Those boys are nothing but trouble.’‘ Minlee says, shaking her head also as Ayami agrees with her.
You turn to look at the entrance to see who they’re referring to. But you freeze and begin to choke on a piece of noodle as they walk through the cafeteria.Tears form in your eyes as your coughing becomes more violent. Ayami ferociously pats your back until the noodle becomes un-lodged in your throat and onto the ground.
‘’ Damn it yn! What’s wrong?’’ Ayami says, eyes wide of fear and curiosity. You shake your head as your breathe hard, ‘‘ I just didn’t expect it to be the boys from this morning.’‘
Sungmin hands you his un-opened bottle of water in which you take and thank him just before taking multiple sips.
‘‘ They’re beautiful aren’t they? Jungkook, Jimin, Namjoon, Seokjin, Hoseok, Taehyung, and Yoongi.’‘ It doesn’t help that Crystal is in a dreamy like state with her hands on her head and a slight smile as she stares off into space.
You turn to get a good look again. They sit in the corner of the cafeteria, as far away from where you guys sit as possible.There’s seven of them and they laugh and talk amongst themselves. They aren’t looking or staring at you, unlike the other students who did so all day. So it’s declared safe to stare at them without fear of making eye contact.
They certainly don’t look like blood brothers. The one from this morning has muscles with dark brown hair and a serious jaw-line. Another is taller, leaner, but still muscular, and has black hair with a dimple when he smiles. The third one has ginger hair and an eye smile when he laughs. His full lips also catch your attention. The forth one is less bulky with a brown haired mullet and facial features to die for. Fifth one has a bright personality coming from the way you’ve seen him smile and laugh way more than the others. He has blonde hair. Sixth one has what it seems like a dull personality. He sits with his legs crossed with a neutral facial expression that doesn’t change. But something tells you he might be the biggest sweetheart ever. The very last one looks like he could be a model like the mullet guy. Broad shoulders and a squeaky laugh. How adorable. You just could not look away from them. They’re so beautiful it’s unnatural. They are like the faces you see on a fashion magazine. Or maybe even skin care.
‘‘ Who are they?’‘ You turn back to them at the table. ‘‘ You were staring at them for like five minutes.’’ Ayami shakes her head and finishes up the last of her ramen. ‘‘ They’re trouble that’s who they are.”
‘‘ No.’‘ Crystal interrupts, ‘‘ They’re handsome men that make this school worth going to.’‘ Sungmin scoffs and sits back up from his slumped position. ‘‘Yeah right. I’m number eight after them on the schools ranked handsome list.’‘
‘‘ Exactly. Number eight, idiot.’’ Crystal roles her eyes earning a fake hurt expression from Sungmin. ‘‘ I swear if you weren’t my sister I would say something so insulting.’‘
So they are brother and sister. Interesting.
‘‘ I’ll tell you who they are.’‘ Min-lee sighs and pushes the tray away from her while clearing her throat. ‘‘ They came two years ago. All of them came together. Nobody knows where or what school or district they came from. Rumor had it that they didn’t need to audition like the rest of us to get in. That’s when people started to speculate and get interested in them.’‘
‘‘ I did not have to audition..’‘ You say, confused. ‘‘ It’s because you had a good recommendation from someone that’s of higher level.’‘ Ayami says.
‘‘ Oh. Keep going.’‘
Minlee continues, ‘’ They wear all this rich-like clothing and have always walked to their core classes together like they were some type of high-class boys. But in reality, someone found out information on them, and who they work for.’’
You furrow your eyebrows. Work for? What does that even mean?
‘‘ Supposedly they are all in this gang. It’s one of the most notorious gangs in South Korea. Say the name and everyone knows who you’re talking about. But nobody knew who they were. The principle had denied the rumors and speculations when it was brought to her attention. But it was too late. Now everybody believes that they’re truly apart of it. And guess who’s father is the of the gang.’’
You had no idea. You sat there waiting for her to continue as everyone else became quite at your table.
‘‘ Jeon Jungkook. The dark browned haired guy with the killer face.’‘ Minlee sits back with a smirk upon her face. You don’t know how to take all this in.
Seven boys apart of a gang? But go to a performing arts school? It doesn’t make sense at all.
‘‘ So he and his friends work for his father correct?’‘ You ask. They all nod their heads at you. ‘‘ That means that they might be killers?’‘ You swallow hard, trying not to look back at the seven boys.
‘‘ And drug dealers, and criminals.’‘ Ayami rolls her eyes and sighs.
‘‘ They’re all ruthless. They might seem like they care about you, if you’re pretty to them. All they want is sex from girls and money from doing their dirty job.’‘ Minlee says.
‘‘ Non-sense, I know a few girls that have dated them.’‘ Crystal frowns while gazing over at them. ‘‘ And how long did it last? Did it end well.’‘ Sungmin’s sarcasm comes out of his mouth.
‘‘ Nobody asked you dummy. I was just saying.’‘ Crystal lets out a huff of air, picks up her tray, and starts getting up. ‘‘ I’m going to toss my trash. Anybody coming?’‘
You just so happen to get stuck with the night shift before someone comes in and does the overnight. You wish someone would have covered your shift for you. It makes it even worse since you’re utterly exhausted from getting used to your new school today. All you wanted to do was go home and sleep, but work calls and money must be made.
‘‘ How was school?’‘
‘‘ Eh. I need more time to get used to it.’‘ As you bring in the last boxes of ordered candy, you thank the vendor and watch him leave the store.
‘‘ Really? I would kill to go to a performing arts school.”
You chuckle at Sejun, your coworker who manages to keep you sane at the store. ‘’ It’s not all that. The uniforms are ugly.’’
‘‘ Uniforms? Ha, nevermind I wouldn’t want to go. I can’t just wear one single thing for the whole school week. You know I’ve got to express my fashion in any way honey.’’ He snaps his fingers together and does a striking pose.
You stifle your laugh with a hand coming across your mouth. He likes putting sarcasm on the stereotypes of him, which is funny to you. Such a silly person, but a blessing to work with. When you met Sejun you thought he was the flirty type because he’s always hands on and touchy towards the staff. But after one day you had asked if he liked you, he laughed right in your face for a good two minutes. It was embarrassing, so you thought, but all in the end he shook his head no and told you he is gay, in English, in his Aussie accent.
It was a relief to you but you saw that coming out of no where. How could you not have known? Till this day it still shakes you up , but in a relieving good way.
‘‘ The group at school misses you. I told them to come into the convience store to see you one day this week.’‘
Sejun takes half the boxes from you and starts slicing them open with a box cutter. You carefully hang each pack of candy onto the metal hanger with ease. ‘’I’ll be looking forward to it. We need a night out all together.’’
Stacking an empty box on-top of another, ‘’ But exams are coming soon. I heard from one of my new friends at school that they also test each quarter on your performing art skill. We have this big one coming up, as my teacher said today.’’
Sejun hands you a box of blue raspberry candies that belong on the row you’re working on. You take it from him and toss it next to you to work on when you’re done. ‘’ Yeah. Maybe an end of the year graduation party. A big one.’’ He says.
You nod your head in approval as you hang the last bag of strawberry candies up, ‘’ Sounds great. Lets rent a place shall we?’’
‘‘ Yes. We could invite anyone and everyone! Let’s plan this out more later on okay?’‘ Sejun giggles of excitement. ‘‘ Besides, I need to meet new people. Preferably a handsome boyfriend who can handle all this ass and sass. ‘‘
You almost choke on your mint flavored gum when he says that. Sejun giggles once more and pats your back, ‘’ I’m totally not joking. We need to get boyfriends. Any cute boys at your school? No down-low ones for me.’’
Your mind instantly goes to the group of boys. You don’t know the names by heart yet. But you do know the one who confronted you, Jungkook. The leader of the group at school, and son of a mafia-drug lord.
You swallow hard and shake your head no quickly, “No. I don’t.’’
Sejun smirks, getting up from his crouching position and placing his hands on his hips. “You’re lying. Come on spill it to me mama.”
Looking back up at him, you try and hide your burst of laughter that comes tickling up your throat. “Im,.. serious..’’
‘‘ Who is it. Let’s go behind the counter and talk. Some customers might come in soon. It get’s busy around 5 till 7. ‘‘ He holds out a hand to help you up. You pick up all the little empty boxes and then grab his hand for him to yank you up.
On your way to the counter you toss the boxes in the huge recycling bin by the soft drink machines. ‘’ Honestly, it’s really nothing.’’
‘‘ Oh so it’s more than one boy hmm? ‘‘ Sejun smirks again. You roll your eyes playfully and stand right next to him, leaning on the counter. ‘‘ Okay fine. It is more than one and they are all handsome but i’ve been warned about them.’‘
‘‘ Spill it Now.’‘
‘‘ Seven boys go to my school and its rumored they are in the mafia. Get this, the leader of the gang spoke to me this morning. Of course they’re all stuck up and rude. They laughed at me when the leader scolded me for being in their way.’‘
You shiver at recalling this morning’s entrance scene. ‘’ The leader is nonchalant with a bad attitude. He’s got a great face though. The rest are all very handsome. Like they all belong on some modeling contract and on the front page of some magazine.’’
You notice Sejun’s mouth hanging open which makes you furrow your eye-brows at him. ‘’ What? You know them or something?’’
He raises his finger slowly out of your direction. Your eyes follow to where he’s pointing and your breath hitches for a quick second. No way. No fucking way.
The door’s bell rings signaling someone has entered. But it wasn’t just someone. No, it was more than one person. Those seven boys. Laughing and being loud as they walk inside, barely even noticing you or Sejun.
‘‘ Are those the ones you were talking about? Because they’re hot as hell and-’‘
‘‘ Shut up Sejun.’‘ You whisper harshly. You can’t believe with your own eyes what you’re seeing. How is this even possible. On-top of that, how did you not see those on them before.
Sejun whispers, ‘’ okay but all of them are covered in tattoos.. major turn on oh my god.’’
Your mind or body doesn’t pay attention to him talking. All you cant think about is how Jungkook’s neck, biceps, arms, and chest are covered in tattoos. The deep, black v-neck on him portrays his collar-bone making you just want to melt right then and there.
Tattoos? Who knew that tattoos could look so fucking good on a person like him. It’s obvious to why he covers them in school, but jesus christ they look to damn good on him.
The ripped black skinny jeans show off his very muscular thighs. Is this heaven right now? You can’t even stop yourself from staring so hard. The blood rushes through your cheeks just imagining him shirtless with all the tattoos showing.
‘‘ Yn.. Yn.. come back to earth he’s coming up to the counter damn it!’‘
Sejun shaking you makes you come back to reality. Before you know it, he’s standing right in-front of you with a case of beer and condoms. Not any regular sized condoms either.
‘‘ Well well well, it’s little miss entrance ruiner. ‘‘ He smirks, eyes never leaving yours, brown eyes burning right into your soul. ‘‘ Ring these up for me baby-cakes.’‘
You bite your lip and break eye contact first while grabbing the scan gun. Your hands shakily scan each item not even daring to look back up. ‘’ Your total is $22.34... cash, credit or de-’’
He cocks his head to the side with a sly grin on his face, ‘‘ Cash.. if you don’t mind.’‘
‘‘ N-no problem.’‘
He gives you a twenty and a five dollar bill in which you put it in the cash register and take out the change back for him. Ripping the receipt off the printer, you hand it to him first and then the change.
‘‘ The name’s Jungkook.’‘
He smirks once more before grabbing his items and leaving out with the rest of the boys trailing behind him. Once the door closes, you finally let out a puff of air.
It still doesn’t hit you that what just happened is real. It can’t be real. You did not just hold an actual conversation with a possible gang person. A sexy one at that.
#jungkook#bad boy jungkook#badboy!jungkook#jungkook tattoo#jungkook angst#jungkook smut#jungkook fluff#jimin#jimin smut#jimin angst#jimin fluff#yoongi#yoongi smut#yoongi angst#yoongi fluff#mafia bts#bts#bangtan sonyeondan#kookie#kpop smut#kpop mafia#kpop fluff#kpop angst#kpop reaction#kpop fanfiction#desperado#kim namjoon#kim seokjin#min yoongi#jung hoseok
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Disuphere (An AU Fosters family fic) Chapter 46
On Monday, Jesus’s world got turned on its head for the second time since he’s been “safe.” There have been other times, of course. Times as a really little kid with his birth mom, where she’d be high and there wasn’t enough food. Where they got locked out of the house. Or left in the empty one. There were the foster homes, so many Jesus had lost count. Each one slowly weakening his ability to trust.
Then there were the Fosters. (The Adams Fosters, eventually, when marriage was finally legal for his moms.) But back then they were just the Fosters. Jesus remembers Stef - meeting her at the police station - where he and Mariana had been dropped off by the latest foster parents who “couldn’t take care of them anymore.” Even at five, Jesus had thought how scary it was that no grown ups could take care of them. How scary it was to be responsible for his sister all on his own.
Stef and Lena, though. They changed everything. They were the first adults that proved they could take care of Jesus and Mariana. Three intense years in the foster system, living with Moms, and being bounced back to Ana when she tried to get clean, and they were finally adopted at eight. At nine, Jesus got in That Car and at thirteen had to start all over again with the bonding and the trusting.
All for what?
So Callie could creep on him and take pics while he didn’t even know she was doing it? Moms didn’t even know what she’d been up to? How could Jesus ever trust them again? How could he trust his family to keep him safe, when all this time, that was an illusion?
He doesn’t want to think about it too deep. Besides, that’s what therapy’s for. He’s been yesterday and today. Trying to rebuild and work through everything. At least he can still trust the office, the process and Dr. H. It’s the only reason he comes out of his room. Because he knows he needs it. But he’s not ready to talk about Callie. Or look at her. Or see her.
Even just hearing her talk to Jude about how she’s in “the biggest trouble of her life” makes him feel a strange mix of violated and vindicated. What she did was so bad. He feels gross even thinking about it. So, hell yeah, she should be be punished. Losing her phone should be the least of her problems, but right now, it sounds like it’s the biggest.
Jesus knows she’s faced real loss. Jude, too. For all of Jesus’s awful trauma anniversaries, Callie and Jude lost their birth mom. Their birth dad was driving the car, drunk. Brandon told him about it once. The day was awful for them.
But trauma doesn’t excuse this. Nothing excuses this.
Jesus hears it, the minute Mariana arrives. It’s hard not to. Even when she’s trying to be quiet, she makes an entrance.
...Except this time, she doesn’t.
He can see her, silhouetted by the light down the hall. She has blankets. A pillow. Her backpack. It’s like she’s moving in. And it makes him feel secure, except:
“Did you know?” he asks, hoarse.
The day’s coming back to him - the moments he lost and the words he was screaming - he’s starting to remember. It’s like rocks weighing him down to the bottom of a river. How Mama had sent Frankie from the room to call Mom. How Callie and Mariana had come in, and Jesus had rushed at them, shoving Callie all the way back against a wall, until Brandon intervened, dragging Jesus away. Frankie crying. Him screaming, “I trusted you,” at Callie. At the family. Because he had. He’d trusted them. Now, he just doesn’t know.
“No,” Mariana says. “Why do you think I’m out here for the third night in a row?”
“I don’t know,” he admits. He feels close to blank, but he can’t be blank when he’s talking to Mariana.
“I’m here because I’m on your side. Because I’m your backup. Because I’m mad for you…”
“Then why are you crying? If you’re mad?” Jesus asks. It’s subtle, her crying. He wouldn’t know she was actually doing it, except her voice got thick. It’s not how she used to cry, he realizes. She’s adapted for him.
“Because, if you hurt, I hurt. That’s kinda the way it works,” she snaps. “And I should have known what she was doing. I should have asked more. Made her tell me. Because her doing that hurt you so much. You not trusting her carries over to the rest of us. We all let you down, Jesus.”
“Not if you really had no idea,” he manages. Jesus crawls over, like the slug he feels, and reaches through the beads for Mariana’s hand.
She takes it, tentative.
They just stay like that - her lying out in the hall, him in his room - separated by a curtain of beads. He lets go, and she moves.
She’s going.
His heart sinks. He feels totally alone. Stares at the stars on his ceiling. It’s fine. He’s used to being alone. So, he just thinks for a while. Mostly about those damn pictures. Mariana was right. What happened did hurt him. It set him back. He thinks about the pictures he hates, and then one nudges the corner of his mind. Jude, around ten years old, watching Jesus at thirteen.
Seeing that picture, he honestly doesn’t know how he could have ever thought that Jude and Jacob looked like each other. Hair color, yeah, and maybe their height at first. But Jude was sturdier. So much more confident. And there was another major difference:
Outside of that first day, Jacob never thought Jesus was going to hurt him. But in the picture Callie took (Christmas of 2011, when everybody was finally together again) Jude looked guarded. Afraid.
How had Jesus missed something so obvious?
Jesus hears it in his head - the words Jude had just spoken earlier tonight - in the hall with Callie:
At least he didn’t pull a knife on you.
Had Jesus ever apologized? Ever tried to make that right? Because if Callie’s trauma isn’t an excuse for her to systematically destroy three years of safety, security and trust, then his was never an excuse to scare his little bro.
Little bro.
It feels wrong to think it, and right at the same time. Jude’s not Jacob and he shouldn’t be worried about what Jesus is gonna do. So, maybe he’ll talk to Dr. H. about Jacob some...and maybe he’ll talk to Jude, eventually. He’s not responsible for Callie’s choices.
He hears the beads again and glances over. Sees the entire box of Cheez-It crackers, outlined by the hall light, and a letter.
This whole time, Mariana’s been writing to him. Emotion closes his throat but he clears it.
“Thanks,” he whispers. He flips on the light, unfolding the paper and reading:
I don’t know what to say right now, but if my letters help you even the smallest bit, why wouldn’t I write you?
Maybe because I’m embarrassed? Maybe because you’ve always taken such good care of me and I feel like I am sucking at returning this totally vital thing.
Maybe because I’m guilty. You really are the best brother ever. You always protect me. You always have. But I can’t reciprocate. When I could have helped you, I didn’t. And I can’t forgive myself for that.
Okay, this letter is getting seriously depressing. You said you liked hearing stories about when we were little, right? Well, I remembered one.
It was Mama’s birthday That Year. So pretty much right before. Moms were at work and Brandon was in charge. He’d just turned eleven, like, two days before. But he thought being in charge meant bossing us around, and that he got to call Aidan to help him babysit us. They got distracted (of course) mangling a poor bee on the back patio...and while they were busy you may have locked them out. (Front and back doors.)
I decided that we were in charge and we were gonna bake Mama a cake. From scratch. IDK why I was so opposed to boxed cake mix, but I was determined. I thought baking a cake must be kinda like baking cookies. You climbed on a chair and got a super old cookbook down. We destroyed the kitchen, Jesus. It was so bad. Technically, we weren’t allowed to use the oven, but I was sure Moms would make an exception if they knew we were using it to bake a cake for Mama.
Amazingly, we didn’t burn the house down. The cake turned out. Like, it baked. But it looked weird. Then you found like three different frostings in the cupboard and wanted to use them all to frost the cake - and we were in a rush because we didn’t want Moms to come home to Brandon and Aidan locked outside and us using the oven.
So, you frosted the cake with oven mitts on, because the pan was still hot. All the frosting kept melting off and you just kept saying how it was a good thing we were using all of them - vanilla, chocolate and cream cheese frosting BTW.
Long story short we got the cake done and hid it in the refrigerator. But Moms came home to a destroyed kitchen and we were almost grounded forever. But then you were like, “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAMA! WE MADE YOU A CAKE!”
Mom took it out and set it on the table. Mama cut herself a piece right then...and ate it! (The cake looked seriously weird, Jesus. She should not have eaten it.) But we were so proud and she hugged us and said it was the best cake ever.
That’s how much she loves us, Jesus.
She ate our scary-gross-made-by-nine-year-olds cake.
She still does, you know? She loves you. She just didn’t know what Callie was doing. None of us did. And if you can forgive me for not knowing, try to forgive her, too.
Before Jesus does anything else, he folds the letter back up and tucks it with the other one inside his wallet. Then, he reaches through the beads again, for her hand, not really looking at what he’s doing.
“Yes. Hello,” Mariana says. It’s muffled. Jesus peeks through the beads. His huge hand is totally against her face.
“...Kinda like your hand, but different…” he mumbles, embarrassed. He pulls away. And just like that, there’s her hand through the beads.
“I don’t know, you know?” he admits.
“Yeah,” she says softly. “It’s a lot. But I won’t push you, okay?”
“You don’t have anything to feel embarrassed or guilty about BTW. You’re here for me the way I need you to be. That matters.” He squeezes her hand.
She grimaces but he can see it. “Sorry. Too hard?” he asks, glancing at their hands.
“No, it’s my stupid stomach.”
“Guilt gut?” He means it as a joke, but when she doesn’t answer, Jesus thinks maybe he’s onto something. “You can tell me about it. I didn’t mean to shut you down just now, I just meant that I’m not holding a grudge against you or anything like that.”
“Will you tell me about it? Sometime?” he asks softly.
“Yeah…” she echoes. Sometime.”
They fall asleep, still holding hands.
It’s the first time in three nights he doesn’t wake up with nightmares.
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