#and the one he used post defection was beating the poo out of him in a fair fight
lnkedmyheart · 1 year
Chuuya be like- Imma rip Dazi to shreds!!!
Also Chuuya when Dazai gets hurt- DAZAAAAAI!!!!?!! *worried mom mode activated.
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treadmilltreats · 11 months
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It doesn't matter why they cheat, it's not about you.
Since I started writing this blog I have gotten a huge response on my post's. I am truly grateful that this gift God gave me has touched so many people. Sometimes I get letters asking for advice. I don't know why since I am no Ann Landers, I fall on my face more than anyone I know. I make bad decisions and I definitely have picked the wrong men so when they ask, I am incredibly touched that they would want my opinion. The reason I write this is to inspire others to do what they didn't think they could do and getting these letters touch my soul, I am truly touched so thank you.
This last week alone 3 women reached out to me about a cheating boyfriend, husband, or lover. They all wanted to know what they did wrong, why they didn't see the signs and what I did to get past my situation, that I so publicly went through.
Again, I am not a love expert but this is what I shared with them.
1- First of all, it's not about you.
You can be the best wife or girlfriend. You can keep yourself beautiful, have your home spotless, cook like a chef and supply his every need in the bedroom and yet he will still cheat.
This is an ego thing for him, it has nothing to do with you. He doesn't feel like a real man inside and constantly needs to feel like the big man on campus over and over again. No matter how much you feed his ego, he needs to feel it from others.
Maybe he's a con man like my ex, and this is his job, to con women for his own gain. Maybe he likes the thrill of being close to the edge of getting caught, whatever the sick reason is none of them have to do with you! These are his issues not yours! Do not beat yourself up!
2- There are signs.
Yes, they are, yet you chose not to see them.
You poo poo them away, you make excuses for them. Yes, 1+1 doesn't add up to 2 yet here you are making excuses…well you know he has 2 jobs..He is a good man...insert bullshit excuse here.
Maybe you were blindsided but if you look back with clear eyes there were things that didn't sit right. That was your intuition, listen to it, it works trust me on this.
3- How did I get over it?
This is huge, huge, it's all about your self worth, what are you worth? Do you love yourself? How much? Is it okay to let someone do this to you? The answer is no! You need to love yourself enough to know that you are a smart, beautiful, kind and sweet woman. To know that any other man would be lucky to have you, that he would cherish the ground you walk on. This man is just not the right one.
You deserve to be treated like the Queen you are and NOTHING LESS!!
Hear me, nothing less!! There are plenty of fish in the sea. Why hold on to one that is a snake, beat up, and obviously defected.
Throw his ass back and keep fishing until you get that prize, that award winning one. He's out there. You know how I know that there are good men out there? Because we are good women and we are out there, so there has to be some good men out there.
Know that it's okay to be alone, God so many of us are afraid to be alone, but you need to treasure this time. Learn who you are, what you want, and what you like. Expand your interests, learn something new, try new things, meet new people. Know that you are okay being by yourself and will not settle for a man that isn't going to treat you right.
Yes it will be hard.... you will cry, you will question everything. You will curse and get mad but then you must choose to go on. Learn the lesson, forgive.
Yes, I said forgive not for him but for you. Let go of the hate and give it to your higher power or whatever that may be and move on.
You have just learned the most valuable lesson of your life, you have learned what your self worth is worth.
You learned that you will never again be treated that way again, that you would rather be alone than to sell your soul for a fancy bag, flowers or a warm body in your bed.
You know who you are and that one day you will thank him for making you this strong woman you will become.
So today my friends, remember this has nothing to do with you, this is a lesson and either you can learn from it or you can repeat the same mistake.
The choice is yours...The choice has always been yours to be the change you want to see.
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veliusthewanderer · 6 years
2021 The Race is On and It Looks Like A Frak-Up
Yes ladies and gentlemen, that time that you anticipate with both hope and dread is fast approaching: 2021 and the presentation of a new POTUS. Will he be Republican? Will he be Democrat? Will he actually be a ‘she’? Third Party? Its much too early in the game to know for sure, but let’s go over a few of the choices from each and see how they might stand against an incumbent dictator.
As of this post, there are no confirmed Republican challengers to Donald Trump. There are at least two possible explanations for this lack of a spine on the part of the GOP to field someone willing to take on Trump. They either worship the ground he slithers on, kissing his bumpy, sewer-smelling backside and act as those bobble-head dolls whenever he makes a move to usurp Congress, or they’re so terrified of him because of his ill-gotten wealth and dynamism that they cower in the corner and allow Trump to get away with murder-figuratively speaking. Its still early so there is hope someone will eventually tire of Trump’s oral flatulence and defy his cult of personality to put the country back on the right path, but personally I feel that hope is so slim as to be nonexistent.
On the other hand, thanks to a surge which propelled them into the House of Representatives for the first time in a decade, Democrats have been lining up, ready willing and able to take on the Ogre Trump. Fresh faces (three of which I’ll get to in a moment) as well as old favorites have either announced their candidacy or are exploring the idea seriously. Before I get to the new faces, however, I need to talk of the three old favorites and why I believe two of those might bring the worst outcome, a continuation of the Trump dictatorship, into reality. Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders (no poo-pooing from the Bernie Bros), and Joe Biden, starting with Warren. Back in 2016, she was being touted as a possible alternative to Hillary Clinton, an idea she spurned right from the start. Since then, however, she has become a magnet for those hoping to put a woman in the Oval Office but STILL can’t see Hillary Clinton as that woman. She’s taken on Trump, who delights in calling her ‘Pocahantas’ while besmirching her on TV, and at rallies. The recent revelation that she misidentified as ‘Native American’ on a document years ago has now come back to haunt her, as Trump has taken that football and ran with it, with little defense from Warren or the Democrats. A Warren nomination now would spell a second Trump administration as I feel she no longer has credibility and thus Trump would easily destroy her in the general election. Next up, Joe Biden. While the fact he was VP under Obama gives him major points among those hoping to revive the Obama coalition and take Trump down, Trump hasn’t shied away from attacking him as well, saying he’d knock Biden out in a single punch because he’s too old. While it is more likely that Biden could stand toe-to-toe with Trump on equal footing, I personally still believe that Trump would somehow (Russia) find a way to come out on top. I saved Bernie Sanders for last because I’m certain the Bernie Bros and ‘Berniecrats’ will start posting death-threats once I’m done (but as you don’t know who I am or where I live, good luck *wink* ), but sadly for you Berniecrats, he’s right now the biggest threat to any hope of removing Trump from office and making him face justice once and for all. It should be apparent to you Berniecrats that Trump is LOVING the idea of Bernie running again, as the many Berniecrats who defected to Trump did give some assistance to his campaign in 2016. Trump is already planning how to play up the ‘humiliation of 2016′ in which Clinton FAIR AND SQUARE beat Sanders to grab more support from those who still feel that Bernie got screwed. Now let me just be clear on this point (and make sure if you have trouble reading, zoom in the text or buy glasses). I didn’t fully support Bernie back in 2016 (yep, a Clinton supporter, KMA), but had he won the nomination, I would’ve voted for him readily and easily because as we now know, the alternative would’ve been a Trump dictatorship that would make Stalin look like Mr Rogers in comparison. Unfortunately, that is where my sympathy comes to an end, as a Bernie nomination-like the Warren nomination-would only spell another four years of the Orange Ogre.
Now that I’ve likely dashed the hopes of the supporters of the old school Democrats (and likely gotten death-threats from the Bernie fans), let me now talk about the three fresh faces of the Democratic Party who are running for president: Kamala Harris, Beto O’Rorke, and Julian Castro (no offense to Cory Booker, I’ll save him for another blog. Don’t worry, nothing bad will be said about him). Kamala Harris is another woman looking to to pick up the torch Hillary was forced to drop (Russia, FBI, Snowden), but unlike Warren, she is younger and-when it comes to Trump-just as fired up as her older fellow Democrat. Harris has been garnering a lot of support (second really, behind Bernie), raised more than $1 million and been meeting across the country. Thanks to the #MeToo movement and the earlier midterm elections, her campaign has received a boost and she could very well be able to remove the Trump blight from the Oval Office, especially if she’s paired up with one of the other two (three if you count Booker) candidates, O’Rorke and Castro. Harris is best placed to challenge Trump on matters that most concern women, such as healthcare, abortion rights, education. Julian Castro, son of immigrant parents, has the credentials either as presidential nominee or as running-mate to Harris, and could take on Trump on matters of immigration, healthcare, gun regulations, and education. Personally he’s my second choice for president for those very reasons, and while I would happily back a Harris-Castro Democratic ticket against Trump-Pence, another dream combination would be Castro and the third and most fresh face in the Democrat Party, Beto O’Rorke. Beto came from literally out of the blue, took on the Canadian Ted Cruz and lost by ONLY 3%. But even in defeat, Beto won simply by having his name out there, in Texas. Using that, he traveled to Iowa, where the first caucus is held, and announced his presidential campaign. Even if he gesticulates with his hands (a fact not lost on Trump, who ridiculed it much to the disinterest of O’Rorke himself) and looks like a model for L.L.Bean, Beto, like Castro, can take on Trump when it comes to immigration-having come from a border state, education, and gun regulations. He’s MY personal choice for Democratic candidate.
Now, unfortunately, I have to mention the Third Party because this year that candidate could play spoiler. Howard Schultz announced his candidacy just two months ago, and the resulting firestorm of protest from Democratic voters forced him, in a CNN town hall, to make clear he’d withdraw if it looked like his campaign would give Trump an edge. As much as I’d like to believe him, past history with third-party candidates has shown that its not likely he’ll honor his word. I could write a whole new paragraph ripping into the past third party candidacies of Ross Perot, Ralph Nader, Gary Johnson..but I won’t. I’ll simply conclude this one by saying that Schultz ties Bernie Sanders for biggest threat to any hopes of removing the stain that is Trump from the Oval Office and confining him forever to a mere chapter in US history texts. 
In conclusion, while I will NEVER vote Republican, I still hope someone in the GOP will finally come to their senses, grow a pair, and stand up to Trump on the presidential stage. Barring that, I hope that either Harris, O’Rorke, Castro, even Booker will emerge as nominees (and maybe select one of the others as running mate) and take Trump down. I sincerely hope Bernie reconsiders once it becomes clear he would hand the Oval Office to Trump on a gold plate should he continue to run..and drop out. I hope Schultz will honor his pledge should it look like Trump will get an advantage and drop out. But as I said, the day is still young. Anything can happen, so until the final nominations on both sides takes place, its all up in the air.
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treadmilltreats · 4 years
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IIt doesn't matter why they cheat, it's not about you. 
Since I started writing this blog I have gotten a huge response on my post's, I am truly grateful that this gift that God gave me has touched so many people. 
Sometimes I get letters asking for advice,and I am shocked because I know I am no Ann Landers,(Sorry dinosaur reference) 
See I fall on my face more than anyone I know, I make bad decisions and I definitely pick the wrong men so when they ask for my advice I am incredibly touched that they would want my opinion. The reason I write this blog is to inspire others to do what they didn't think they could do and to get these letters, well it touches my soul, and I am truly grateful, so thank you everyone.
This last week alone 3 women reached out to me about a cheating boyfriend, husband, or lover, they all wanted to know what they did wrong, why didn't they see the signs and what I did to get past my situation, that I so publicly went through. 
Again I am so not a love expert but this is what I shared with them.
1- First of all, it's not about you.
You can be the best wife or girlfriend. You can keep yourself beautiful, have your home spotless, cook like a chef and supply his every need in the bedroom and yet he will still cheat. 
This is an ego thing for him, it has nothing to do with you. He doesn't feel like a real man inside and constantly needs to feel like the big man on campus over and over again.
No matter how much you feed his ego, he needs to feel it from others. Maybe he's a con man like my ex was and this is his job, to con women for his own gain. Maybe he likes the thrill of being close to the edge of getting caught, whatever the sick reason is, none of them have to do with you! These are his issues not yours! Do not beat yourself up!
2- There are signs.
Yes, trust me they are there yet you chose not to see them. You poo poo them away, you make excuses for them but I'm here to tell you that yes, 1+1 doesn't add up to 2.
Well you know he has 2 jobs..insert excuse.
He is a good man... insert excuse. 
Well he said… insert excuse.
Maybe you were blindsided but if you look back with clear eyes, there were things that didn't sit right, that didn't fit together, that didn't feel right inside of you.
Let me tell you that is your intuition talking. Listen to it! It works, it's there for a reason, trust me on this.
3- How did I get over it?
This is huge...huge, it's all about your self worth. Ask yourself what are you worth? Do you love yourself? How much? Then ask if it's okay to let someone do this to you? The answer is no! You need to love yourself enough to know that you are a smart, beautiful, kind and sweet woman and that any other man would be lucky to have you. 
To cherish the ground you walk on,but this man, this is not the right one because he doesn't feel that way, otherwise he wouldn't have done what he did.
You deserve to be treated like the Queen you are and NOTHING LESS!! 
Hear me, nothing less! 
There are plenty of fish in the sea. Why hold on to one that is a snake, who is beat up, obviously defected, throw his ass back and keep fishing until you get that prize, that award winning one. He's out there and you know how I know that there are good men out there? Because we are good women and we are out there, so there has to be some good men out there as well.
I am also here to tell you that it's okay to be alone too, God so many of us are afraid to be alone, but treasure this time, learn who you are, and what you want. Take this time to expand your interests, learn something new, try new things, and meet new people. You will be okay being by yourself and you will realize that you will not settle for a man that isn't going to treat you right, ever! 
Yes it will be hard.... you will cry, you will question everything. You will curse and get mad but then you must choose to go on, learn the lesson, and learn to forgive. 
Yes, I said forgive not for him but for you, so you can let go of the hate and give it to your higher power, whatever that may be and move on.
You have just learned the most valuable lesson of your life. You have learned how much your self worth is, and you've learned that you will never be treated that way again. You've learned that you would rather be alone than to sell your soul for a fancy bag, flowers or a warm body in your bed.
You know who you are and one day, you will thank him for making you into this strong woman that you will become. 
So today my friends, remember this has nothing to do with you, this is a lesson and either you can learn from it or you can repeat the same mistake over and over...The choice is yours...The choice has always been yours, choose wisely.
"Be the change you want to see"
"And just when the caterpillar thought his life over...he turned into a beautiful butterfly"
**Now released my latest book**
The Blessing in Disguise.... revealed
***Now available***
My 1st book The blessing in Disguise 
Selling on my website
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