#and the fact that it will be fought mainly/starting in a pocket dimension is funny to me and invites weird theorizing
quixoticanarchy · 2 years
Kind of funny how at the end of the world when Morgoth breaks out of the Void, this final epic battle is prophesied to take place on the plains of Valinor - somewhere that’s.. no longer really part of the world. I’d think Valinor would get pulled back out of its realm of hidden things during the breaking of the world, but it’s interesting that the reshaping/unflattening post-Númenor is said to be sort of a foretaste of the end times, while its impact is also (in my view) to make it less clear how the end of the world will play out, now that ties are severed (for most intents and purposes, limited unidirectional sailing aside) between Aman and the rest of Arda. Maybe the original prophecy still holds, it just wasn’t able to account for such disruption to the whole geographic relation of Middle-earth and Aman (and the Void too, which itself is presumably only accessible from Valinor’s Door of Night), but it would be interesting if the world-rounding intervention by Ilúvatar - by definition drastic and unexpected - actually interfered with the fulfillment of Mandos’s prophecy or altered the world’s fated end
Unlikely but here’s a concept: the Final Battle only applies now to Aman, and destroys it, removing it and the elves and the Valar fully from the world. The earth just keeps on spinning and no one notices a thing
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