#and the estonian traditional clothing for seele
anominous-user · 2 years
which of the 5 outfits did you like the most and for sure will be getting? :D for me, Ellie it is!! goodbye 9600...
ohh that's a good question! the ones that i definitely want are ely's and seele's, i just really like the theme they got going on for elysia. and since it's a pyramid gacha skin they're prolly going all out with the effects as well so.. and seele's outfit is one of my favorite seele outfits in general (, plus it looks like it's free so it's a win-win.
(also seele's hair is giving wendy so that also)
fallen rosemary's skin is free from the megaman event so i'll be definitely getting her.. except i don't have FR so i wouldn't be able to use it anyway LMAO
sushang looks really cute but i heard it's b-chips (according to team china) so if she is then i'm probably not getting her.. i don't like getting b-chips skins unless it's for the flame-chasers
kiana's outfit is…kind of a mess? i like the idea behind it but it's got that problem i've had with a lot of recent battlesuit looks (and by that i mean the IMG S-ranks and. misteln) in that it's all over the place but unless i automatically get it through, say, a spending event (like aponia's summer fit) then i'm most likely not gonna bother… i already have her time runner outfit anyway (i say, not having HoF in the first place)
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