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Fireflies by owl city has big uwu energy and soft curious Logan vibes
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Hear me out
ok you know in the Halloween video where Virgil starts out genuinely shocked/offended that the others don’t think he’s scary in his neat little vampire costume
Imagine it being like that because he’s so used to the vampire act being the scariest thing ever by that i mean, imagine Remus and Deceit pretending to be terrified of it when they all still lived together. Just acting all scared whenever he pops up cause they know it makes him happy
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Points on why Logan Sanders is a great character.
Firstly, he is a big nerd. And he's just a ball of dork.
Although he dabs sometimes, he's trying to keep up with trends and I respect him for that.
He uses "falsehood" a little too much in my opinion, but it's stuck with me and now I keep using it whenever I can. Help
He just... I mean look at him-
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He has a flippin unicorn onesie/pyjamas and I just..dkkdkd how.
He has the kind of vibe that says "Yes, I have a million reasons as to say why you are wrong about this, thank you very much."
H i s s m i l e .
He turned into a gosh darn robot, which I think is a rather swell look, cause I mean, who wouldn't want a robot version of Lo?
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He makes some good points in the series, but that's another topic for another day.
Going a little bit off the topic here, but imagine with me a second. Imagine, Logan as a kid, correcting the teachers. It seems like a thing he'd do.
Oh, and did I mention his smile?
He makes for really good meme material if you pause the videos at the right moment.
He is literally babie.
He is a big glasses gay. And I just..👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏💙
He (in my opinion) can be shipped with any of the sides, cause I mean, come on its literally so easy to ship him with one.
He would have been a great character if he was in "the trial" from Steven Universe-
I think I speak for most of us when I say, this is what we think/say when we see Logan.
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Logan saying "Am I cool now? Am I being cool?", oh, of course he is-
The clapping thing he does with his hands? G r e a t.
He talked in Sims language that one time? I just...how?
He did use the word "ya boi" though, so,minus a point. But he makes it up by wearing a nice costume at least.
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He is very focused on crofters, and I can't blame him. Once you get focused on something you like, it's basically become a part of your life now-
His Christmas jumper/sweater is so kind of like, Picasso like, and I appreciate it.
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And he (most of the time), doesn't let negative impact weigh him down, and I think that's a positive thing.
He tries to rap, and I like how he's trying, plus you know what they say, practice makes perfect.
He does this little shimmy like thing?? F a n t a s t i c .
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He is very smart, and I applaud him for that.
He says gay rights and I again just 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👑
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Logan has a nice logo, and it is very representive of his character.
I would like to believe that he's cold and logical on the outside, but shy and self-doubting on the inside.
He has all our hearts.
He is one big dorky, gay, glasses babie and I just want to say that Logan Sanders has my heart.
His tie is a very nice color/colour, since it's blue, which I mean kind of balances out the amount of colors on the shirt.
He seems like a theatre nerd or geek, and it is a good vibe to have from a nerdy boi.
If you pause at the right moments, they make really good shots for edit making, and such.
Most of what he says is fine, but the word that most of us sanders sides fans like is "f a l s e h o o d", which I mean, has the same energy as the word "kiddo", and I love both of those words.
Logan is VERY defensive, which is good if he gets in a debate, I suppose?
On the topic of debating, it seems like he's quite good at debating.
From what I've observed, Logan is passionate about whatever he talks about.
He makes great poses now and again, which, like I said earlier, can be amazing for making edits. Like the pose shown below. That pose is great because it can be edited to look like Logan is giving something to the sides.
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He dabs sometimes and it reminds me of r/fellowkids, and I'm not sure how to feel about it.
S t e v e n u n i v e r s e f a n .
Do I really need any more points to explain why he's a great character overall?
He has a thing he says that has also stuck with me. I swear it's not falsehood. The thing is.. "uh oh, feelings".
Oh, and did I mention his cap?
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You are required by law to appreciate Logan sanders (well, only if you want to I suppose, hey, I'm not judgin. That's Roman sanders job.)
His costume in the Halloween video is heccin nice. 👍
Him and Patton (or any of the other sides) make a beautiful gay couple-
Am I the only one who thinks Logan's hair is fluffy? No? Just me?
We all stan a nerd man.
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I'd like to believe he's the kind of person that teaches the class when they were a young kiddo, and the teacher is just thinking their life over.
He's calm (most of the time) and serious most of the time. Not only that, but he's a good listener too.
F a n t a s t i c .
He's a stubborn boyo? I'll take 5, thanks.
He gave Patton a cat hoodie, and called a hero?
He's a poetry lover? Come on, you're making it easier to make up points-
He has many nicknames. Y e s.
He has a long sleeved shirt? You know what that means? Long sleeve shirt hugs (there's a new ship thing for ya Logicality shippers to make)
He's just a good character overall, and most of us appreciate Logan, so let's spend today celebrating the day of our nerdy babie boi.
With that being said,
Happy birthday to the nerdy babie boi, Logan. 👓💬
(Thank you for taking time to read these points, and have a good day/night.👋)
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Logan time Logan time Logan t
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click for the full drawing!
happy birthday to the coolest nerd 💫
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Oh, look, it’s all of them! Okay, time to finally stop shitposting and actually write a fic for this fandom
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The sides doing the cute pursed half-smile thing
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@teacupfulofstarshine he tries
(he does take the saltine)
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yall know that really long tumblr hat post? that but it’s patton with deceit’s hat
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yall know that really long tumblr hat post? that but it’s patton with deceit’s hat
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yall know that really long tumblr hat post? that but it’s patton with deceit’s hat
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Sanders Sides Episodes as Memes
Accepting Anxiety
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Fitting In
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Moving On
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Can Lying Be Good
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Why Do We Get Out Of Bed
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Crofters the Musical
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Learning New Things
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Embarrassing Phases
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Selfishness vs Selflessness
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Dealing with Intrusive Thoughts
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god i love this clip bc you can SEE logan going "christ cant let myself laugh it's not gonna happen" and then two seconds later patton says gryffindor and he stops. DEAD in his tracks.
you can HEAR his foot hitting the ground
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Ok! I believe you!
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Virgil 👏 is 👏 smart 👏
And Logan knows it.
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Here we see two examples of Virgil making points that Logan was going to make himself and Logan's reactions to them.
Do you ever think about how Logan realises how smart Virgil is, but then he gets sad knowing Virgil's fears stop him from being able to use his abilities to their full extend? Because i sure do.
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You ever just,,,,,, lowkey quote Can Lying Be Good?? in your homework
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Everything is okay
It’s been a while and I really wanted to draw something comforting and warm Artist credits (Avatar’s poster): https://www.artstation.com/emilycarleton
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