#and the dunmeshi manga i've read too but it was a while back
naomiknight-17 · 8 months
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Ok, my to-read/in progress pile is getting out of control
I'm not allowed to borrow/buy/acquire any more books until I've finished at least half of these
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fuumiku · 6 months
Chilcille huh... ngl I was a little suspicious. like why would you do that, huh... hope youre not mischaracterizing anyone in your weird and wacky ship. a little weird. but then you said they both had flat asses and you know what? I salute you and your perfect characterization
The fact you seem to think you managed to not make this ask insulting is baffling. What the hell. Fuck off.
If you actually care to be open minded about the ship, I talk about marchil on my sideblog 24/7. Funnily enough I’m currently 4k words deep into an analysis of their character arc together in canon, but that’ll take some more days to get done. Some notable posts:
Of course without counting the analyses of Chilchuck on his own I’ve made, like my masterpost on his family situation. Or better yet you could also read my fics for them, see how weird and wacky they are here.
Wanna talk about mischaracterisation? They’re literally a comedic duo who interacts 24/7. Marchil is crazy bc ppl are like "did those shipper read with their eyes CLOSED?? They have no chemistry!" Meanwhile canon is like: "She’s obsessed with knowing everything she can about him and she reads him like a book." In her eyes he’s like that extra rare and hard and shiny unlockable dating sim character, that brooding mysterious character trope that’s thrilling to crack open and typically is at the center of the plot. The wife roleplay???? "Hey, did you know his type is blondes. Hey did you know he likes his women pretty and blonde. Hey did you know he likes her hair. Hey did you know that he teases her 24/7 and it’s one of the few things that consistently gets him grinning because he finds her reactions cute." Like a schoolyard bully pulling on the pigtails of the girl he likes.
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It’s not like they have any thematic narratives or relevance. It’s not like she’ll live to 1000 and has existential dread about it while he’s logically gonna be her next friend to die at 50 and wether it’s romantic or platonic it’ll terrify her to lose him. It’s not like it’s fear of death x fear of rejection so they’re both obsessed with the thought of loss looming, past and ongoing. It’s not like it’s half-elf x half-foot and there’s an inherent journey that was and still is to dispel prejudices and truly come to see each other. It’s not like he’s painfully real and raw and flawed but still a good man, that he’s not the figure of prince charming that she’s always dreamed of while still being virtuous and worth fighting for. Or you know, her hair being golden and it being the epitome of beauty to him, and his hair turning silver and it being Marcille’s worst nightmare.
Just a weird wacky ship who means nothing but shallow things to people who have weirdo reasons for liking it. Like can you not. If you’re not imaginative enough to think of reasons why this ship may have an appealing dynamic that’s not my issue. But yes, yes, they’re both flat asses to me, thanks.
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a-mel-tomelts · 2 months
Boo!!! Have a curse on ye!!!
To breakth the spell, name thou mutuals and what you like about them!!!
(not all of them. Minimum 5)
If I had to do it, you do too. <3
Coral, darling you forget the fact that I am not as popular as you are~
1. My non-Tumblr buddies || 2. Discord buddies. || 3. Tumblr only
@mary-sunday - we don't talk as much as we used to but i cherish you as my first persona/aa friend!!! You were encouraging me to write fanfiction and you're the reason I still love doing it!!! I am happy we got a chance to meet each other and i am forever thankful to Sachi-chan<3
@rustykeymaster - come back to tumblr so i can extort ask persona fanarts from you!!!! A wonderful artist with a very unique artstyle that i've never seen before. My very own tumblr sexy man that i dearly love. Pls do survive and do the things you love!
@misha-dai - YOU. YOUUUUU.
my brother, my bro, my buddy. I am so happy we started to talk more and i appreciate you lots. You just accept me rambling or venting anytime and you are always there for me (be it me bullying you or you bullying me pffft)
the absolute legend that revived tumblr just to agree with my post.
@loustdoesstuff - oh my god. I think there are more things i don't like about you actually /j pffft kidding ;>
my fiance, my son, my weird found family. We were a lot of things to each other and we are still talking!!! My monkey king and dearly beloved. Please find some lego studio and make them hire you for your own sanity or else I'll do it /hj... unless
@himi-wiz - himimimimi. We had a fun yet chill ride!!! I still think calling you a train is genius. Your first dm to me about my persona takes made me feel so flattered I was happy! I am happy we still talk even if not a lot and i appreciate you sharing all the photos and pretty art with me. A wonderful person who i respect tremendously. and i thank you for the next victim mutual in my list :)
@melodiclune - hihi!!! How did you like my ask~? My wonderful, sweet, darling Coral. So much I like about you. You are smart and witty and funny and I love you talking about everything and nothing at the same time. It's nice to hear things from your perspective. A pleasant experience, I'd say. Also, you forgot that I am Hiori to your Rin :^)
@zendersenders - omggggg. ZenderSis. My comrade in RinSagi. My personal first in line reader of spiciness. I love you so much. I find you very fun and charming!!!! I just love your vibe!!! Karasu to my Hiori indeed. Can't wait to read more of your works
@blue-thief - we haven't talked much but i love reblogging from you!!! I also like your BLLK takes. Also i think your title is super cool. Twice the man is awesome. A lot of respect!
@chibihobbitlore - MARIIIII. Your art is delicious, your personality is to be salivate over and I think you have so much gender in you. You can't even imagine. Sometimes I just want to squeeze you and bit you and play with you like a dog. You know, normal things!!! Doomed yuri for the win.
@akechi - we haven't talked at all but i like your aesthetic reblogs!!!
@leonawriter - i appreciate you as a writer and a blog! I like your persona and DCMK posts(even if our DCMK ships are different. My other friend also likes Kaito and Hakuba btw!) and i enjoyed your famfiction! I find you very interesting!
@zullyziggs - it's been a while! A very awesome writer. I appreciate all the little talks we had at discord and i am still a fan of some of your fics! It's nice to see you in my notification feed<3
@chilchucks-timbs - from the loki's sword into s dilf. The proper character development. I think you singlehandedly made me read the DunMeshi manga in full. It was worth it. I enjoy all the fanart. Thank you. It's nice to reblog or be reblogged by you! (Also i tried a demo of TWEWY2. The game is so niiiiiiice. Can't wait to try it in full!)
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celestialjellii · 4 months
Insomnia is kicking my ass, so I wanna just word vomit about Marcille, and just Dungeon Meshi as a whole.
Spoilers for the Dungeon Meshi manga, and trigger warning for mentions of Suicide.
I find myself relating to Marcille in a lot of different ways. One of these way is her relationship with her dad. Ask any of my friends and they'll confirm that my dad was one of the most important people in my life. I lost him in 2020 to cancer; I got genuinely so emotional when I saw Marcille reminiscing about her dad to the others. And how she wishes she got more time with him
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These kind of stories always seem to rewonate with me because I feel like my dad was taken from me too soon as well. Marcille's facial expression in the bottom panels is an expression I'm all too familiar with making. When talking about my dad (especially with people who never got the chance to meet him) its always really bittersweet. Its great because I'm able to talk about the greatest man I've ever known, but painful too because I know I'll never be able to talk to him again, be able to cry in his shoulders, be able to turn to him for help. And it hurts.
Theres also how Marcille views death inregards to herself, and her loved ones.
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This part made me genuinely cry because, in a way, I know how it feels. While its not necessarily in regards to death (I have had some harsh deaths in my life, like my dad's passing, and two friends of mine taking their own lifes) I do know how painful it can be to say goodbye to people, which is how Kui expresses Marcille's fear of death in Dunmeshi. With Marcille's long life she's going to likely outlive everyone she loves and thus have to say goodbye to them. I also have had to say goodbye to people I didn't want to: be it because of death, ending a toxic friendship,or other reasons. I also just love this part because you can see how badly everything that transpired in that chapter affected her, after bringing everyone back her first instinct was to chew them all out for being so reckless, but when ahe finally verbalizes what had happened her emotions catch her, and all she can do is fall back against the wall and begin crying.
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I also just love how immediate Laios and Senshi is to comfort, and apologize to her, as well as promising that they won't put her through that again.
I remember I was texting my friend Terra and we were joking about Marcille being my favourite because she's a "silly gay elf" but my love for Marcille can be summed up with "I came for the silly gay elf mage, but I stayed for the beautifully written character who struggles with issues that I frequently find myself struggling with.
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Additionally I just love how Laios and the others talk Marcille downfrom the edge after she's become the master of the dungeon, it reminds me of all the times my friends have talked me down from my own edge (I love you guys 💖)
Marcille's sexuality is another thing I resonate with. I know that Kui never explicitly states anything, but as a queer person I had a hard time reading Marcille and Falin's relationship as anyother other than romantic, like, we've all seen horny Marcille's "whoa hey!" reaction to Chimera Falin tearing her own shirt off (honestly such a valid reaction from her), but the part that really got me was how tender and loving Marcille is with Falin after she's been resurrected.
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My sexuality is something I've been struggling with a lot recently. A little over a year ago my boyfriend of nearly 8 years left me, and up until recently I was identifying as bisexual. However within the past few months I've found myself caring less and less for sex, and a strong desire for the roamntic aspects of a relationship, specifically with women. So seeing Marcille look at Falin with such adoration really resonated with me; I just really love their relationship.
This series is just so amazing, and it resonated with me in so many different ways from everything I've mentioned in this post about Marcille, to things like how Laios is such an amazing allegory for living with autism, to how Senshi has helped myself get a better, healthier relationship with food. Itw just an amazing series and easily in my top 5 anime/mangas.
That is all, I'm gonna try to get some sleep now, here have a dancing Marcille as thanks for reading.
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definitelynotsiffrin · 5 months
saw your dunmeshi race chart reblog and i cant help to say that dunmeshi is still painfully eurocentric despite being hailed for having diverse character design
If you also saw my other reblogs you would also see I reblogged someone speaking about that exact same thing and about how the diversity is an *improvement* but still not very diverse (and also just ... The kobold slaves which are still an iffy subject).
This is a bit odd though considering the race chart reblog must be at least a week or a month old now, so I'm guessing you are going through some of the reblogs just to tell people how it's still bad which won't get you far, if anywhere at all (it's a lot more tedious than just reblogging or making your own post and also going through reblogs to send anons to people you disagree with is not healthy in the long term)
I'm still going to be excited when I see diversity because small steps are still steps even if not big *enough* especially for anime/manga which is usually as diverse as a monoculture forest because it's a push in the right direction. [For some reason this paragraph looks grey in the editor, hopefully this changes after the post bc i can barely read it]
Considering this is something I have reblogged a couple times now, I'm going to take the guess that you have not been following me for long and I'm going to hope you are doing this in good faith
But going to people's blogs to say the thing I think most of us already are aware of is really not going to do much
At the end of the day we are strangers and you do a better job by making a post talking about the lack of diversity (or reblog one of the many, there's a couple good ones, specially again one talking about the slaves bc that part is uh. Questionable even if it's not portrayed as "good" with the one character that has a slave being against unions and all that shit, it's still weird and a bit too normalized in-universe for my taste) than coming to a blog you don't know what their stance of the issues is
You can still enjoy things while being critical of their issues, in fact you should be critical of what you watch because it's a good way to avoid falling down rabbit holes you might be best not touching, but being critical can and should be done while still taking a step back and enjoying it (and nobody misenterpret this, of course I dont mean buy Joanne Rowling shit, because being critical means knowing when NOT to interact with things because the simple act of being a fan out loud is helping a bad cause)
Again, I don't think (and hope) you are doing this in bad faith, but I already know, a good chunk of us already do, I've talked about it, it's still being talked about, and while we are *this* critical over it for dunmeshi we should really do this with other animes with no diversity whatsoever even within the people with same skin color because it's not going to do much if the only one we actually put pressure one is the one that started taking the step forward
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wsdalt · 4 months
(I have to say I'm really excited for that Felps fic you said you were writing, I love him and your writing)
Can you tell I have a brainrot of that vampire au?
Look, on my defense, that all is everything I love smashed together, vampires, Favela five(well, more like fuga 4 since Bagi is currently not there but anyway) +hideduo
How am I supposed to not like it?
Also don't remember if you ever answered(I've asked so many repetitive questions at this point) but how did Cellbit get turned?
Also I watched Dungeon meshi, so now the dunmeshi au can and will become another obsession(I'm not over that art from routeriver, dwarf Mike caught me so off guard AND TUBBO, they are tiny)
I think about that interaction between Cellbit and Pac you posted a while ago a lot, I love communication
Can you tell I like the toxic yaoi™ ship being somehow healthy? They are not supposed to work, they are not even supposed to. Yknow. be friends, let alone family
I love relationships that aren't supposed to work but do anyway and still be functional in a way no one can understand how(they are both freaks and I can't get enough of them)
(I mean, Favela five on general is a mess of a family and it works somehow, that must be why I'm so invested on them?)
Anyway, any dunmeshi au thing to share? 👀
Or literally any au or hc of yours, I love to hear anything from you, you have so many good ideas
Hope everything is good with you:D
- 💜
hi \o/!!! (thank you \o/!!)
i'm glad you like it!! i seriously need to revisit it and write another section of it sometime, but i'm unfortunately busy and have… so many wips on my mind as well oops so no promises
i… don't actually think i know how cellbit got turned? i would say either in the war or in the prison. prison maybe makes the most sense because there's not as many moving parts
actually hold on: there's a lot of potential for guaxinim to be the one who turned cellbit. it would explain why cellbit doesn't kill him (before the island at least, because we know the reason he doesn't kill him there) and why guaxinim feels comfortable talking back to cell i suppose?
and okay i'll put the dungeon meshi stuff under the cut for length
dungeon meshi is such a fun show (and manga, but i haven't really read it)--i'm glad you enjoyed both it and the au \o/!!
it's a very strange situation for pac and cellbit pfft. where they are in the au is supposed to mimic where they were during qsmp canon before everything went downhill. so… they've worked together before and are on mostly neutral ground, but… there's been a lot of factors involved that help pac (and mike) feel safe and suddenly all those factors are gone--but it's worth it! because they need to save felps!
but yes what i really like most about celltw is that they were genuinely friends and family for a bit, and it's likely if qsmp didn't end the way it did they might've even have been able to patch up their relationship again. it's… maybe not the healthiest choice? but it works for them \o/ (they are definitely both freaks pfft--but as you say, they're all kind of a mess)
i have a fic in the works at the moment for the au with felps and pac \o/!! not sure when it'll be posted, but it definitely will be at some point
and yes i'm doing well thank you \o/ i hope you are too!!
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silvertsundere · 4 months
Silver Talks AniManga (09/06/24)
next week starts another serialization round on jump, with 2 authors I've read their previous works (tho neither were that good), so that'll be nice but even more cause anemone will end also dunmeshi will end which SUCKS but I'm hoping they'll announce s2 at that AX panel trigger announced in july
blue - finale/completed
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Pokemon Horizons Ep53
it's been a while since we've got an ep this good, or at least it felt like it compared to some more recent stuff. I totally didn't expect hatenna to evolve since her name was in the title and they teased her glowing in the episode so I figured it'd happen in the future but she actually did so that was very cool. I'm also a fan of the mankey line so it was fun seeing them in action like this as well
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Green Green Greens Ch26 (Finale)
well that was pretty unremarkable it's unfair but I couldn't help but always compare this series to robo x laserbeam from some years ago. it's unfair because robo is a veteran author (kuroko no basket) but it also got axed so I think it's fine probably. went back and forth between 3 and 4 a bit but ended up landing on 4 but like I said at the start, there's just not much to say. the art wasn't too impressive for the most part, way too much white space, except from a couple shots here and there. the story also felt like it never moved. the finale ended basically at the same point of one of the first few chapters sucks for the author cause this is their second time getting a series axed around the same amount of chaps, but they really gotta up their game if they want to be able to hold a serialization
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