#and the doll scene with Garry was SUCH a good part of the game
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theyareweird · 3 years
Top 7 RPG Horror Games
RPG horror games are a great look into the world of horror gaming. Some of these games are full of plot twists, great stories and characters. Many of these games also have revolutionary ideas within horror compared to any typical American trope-filled horror film. Due to these reasons, the best RPG horror games will be presented. Disclaimer: This article contains spoilers to the games.
1. Ib
Unlike most RPG horror games, this is one of the few RPG horror games with a true ending, which also serves as a ‘good’ ending. Although the endings are extremely difficult to unlock, the “Promise of Reunion” ending is worth it for Ib and Garry’s sweet relationship. It’s scarce to see such two unlikely characters become friends and not have their relationship be toxic or messed up compared to most featured relationships in RPG horror games.
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2. The Forest of Drizzling Rain
Unfortunately, I should’ve earned a medal for stating what was going to happen next with almost every scene and character upon first viewing the game. Despite how incredibly predictable the story is, this game does have a satisfying “Good End” available. In fact, this is the only RPG horror game thus far to have a perfect ending. In addition, the story is great because of Shiori and Suga’s relationship.
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3. Corpse Party
It’s good to note the best graphics for this game are on the iOS version. This game doesn’t have the best characters, but some of them grow and redeem themselves throughout the events they experience. The story is also epic and full of plot twists. It’s one of the best stories and one of the scariest games most viewers could ever experience. Unfortunately, even if the player goes out of their way to save as many characters as possible, the ending may not be satisfying to some viewers.
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4. Misao
In regards to story and scary levels, this is ranked at second place. There are plot twists in the story, but players won’t notice them unless they go back and play through certain parts of the game to see both endings. This game also has quite the sense of humor when discovering different ways of dying. The “Truth” ending to the game appears after the normal storyline, the “Good” ending. Many viewers are likely to find the Truth ending to be tragic, yet satisfying.
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5. The Witch’s House
Like Misao, this game is mainly fun to play because of all the unique jump-scares. Plus there are also many creative and different ways of dying too. In fact, the game doesn’t waist time throwing the player into these sudden characteristics of the game. Although the game is scary and fun to play simply for this aspect, the story doesn’t completely come together until the end. There’s a “Good” ending in the game, but the “True” and “Secret” endings are what truly tell the tragic story.
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6. Mad Father
This game is scary and has a good story too, however; the “True” ending is the best. Unfortunately, much of the True ending is left open to interpretations. In the extra scene, if the player collects all the gems, it hints Aya decided to follow in her father’s footsteps by taking up biology. Aya does her job a little differently and doesn’t turn her patients into dolls. The dolls in Aya’s clinic are implied to be merely dolls and not made from human parts.
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7. Mermaid Swamp
All the characters are unlikable and the story isn’t too great. However, it’s one of the few RPG horror games where there’s little supernatural elements involved in the story or universe. There are no random dream sequences or unexplained magic. Instead, the game is mostly insanity and realism... Well, as realistic as a RPG horror game can be.
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What do you think? What are some of your favorite RPG horror games? Are there any other RPG horror you would recommend? Please share with me!
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saleintothe90s · 5 years
385. “It’s Garry Shandling’s Show” : “Mr. Smith Goes to Nam” (March 18, 1988)
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About a year before Gilda Radner died, she made an appearance on It’s Garry Shandling’s Show at the advice of her good friend, Alan Zweibel who was a producer.
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It’s available on vimeo, or on this site. 
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Garry is going to take a big step in his life tonight, or as he says it, “one more closer step [that’s some good english!] to having children”
I think the theme song is what people know the most from the show. I mean, its so simple.
This is the theme to Garry's Show, The theme to Garry's show. Garry called me up and asked if I would write his theme song. I'm almost halfway finished, How do you like it so far, How do you like the theme to Garry's Show. This is the theme to Garry's Show, The opening theme to Garry's show. This is the music that you hear as you watch the credits. We're almost to the part of where I start to whistle. Then we'll watch "It's Garry Shandling's Show". (whistles) This was the theme to Garry Shandling's show.
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Now we know how Gary got his poofy hair back then.
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I almost cry every time I see how excited she is, and the audience is. This was the first time she had made a TV appearance since the press for the movie her at Gene did, Haunted Honeymoon two years prior due to Ovarian Cancer. This was supposed to be her big comeback, she was even in an article in Life Magazine about beating cancer right before this. She was supposed to host Saturday Night Live, but due to the 1988 writers strike it was postponed. Unfortunately, her cancer would come back just a few months later, and Gilda would pass away on May 20th, 1989.
“Don’t milk the applause like that.”
“I’m sorry, Garry, I haven’t been on TV in a while.”
“Yeah, what was wrong…”
“I had cancer, what did you have?”
“I just a series of bad career moves.”
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“Are these the sea monkeys?”
“No, that’s my soup for dinner … boy you have been out of touch for a while.”
Ohhhhhh, I think the reason why this episode is titled “Mr. Smith Goes to Nam” is because Garry’s landlord, Leonard, was running around in the middle of the night having flashbacks and waking up the entire neighborhood. Turns out Gilda’s male nurse, Blake, was in his unit that was captured. You know how shows go to a flashback, welp, the flashback is coming to Garry’s house instead:
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“Nance, Nance! Sit over here, you can see Leonard’s past!”
The next day, all three of them come over to see Gilda and Blake.
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“Oh no! It’s the Garry Shandling show! No more tapes! No more tapes!” [Gilda thought Garry was coming over to bring her more tapes of his work to make him feel better, she used some of them earlier to tape Lakers games.]
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The flashbacks came to Gilda’s house too
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I was wondering why Gilda looked so catatonic in one scene in the Fox commercial, it’s ‘cuz she was hit by a coconut, because everything in Garry’s world is literal!
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“Don’t you look into the camera, I don’t care how sick you are!”
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Aw, they all played Candy Land at the end! Aw, but then Garry said, “I think Gilda’s ready to to television again..”
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IS THAT A PORTRAIT OF [Gilda’s husband] GENE DURING THE CLOSING CREDITS?! I hope they let Gilda take that home.
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In honor of Gilda this month, I’m donating proceeds to items in my ebay shop to Gilda’s Club branches all over the U.S.  The little doll is up on my etsy shop too. 100% of her proceeds goes to Gilda’s Club in Madison, Wisconsin. 
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1. Zweibel, Alan, Bunny, bunny : Gilda Radner : a sort of love story (New York: Villard Books, 1994) https://archive.org/details/bunnybunnygildar00zwei
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Ib is all a dream
Ib is a JRPG where you play a girl who falls into a painting word. While in this you come across Garry, another human who fell into this world, while traveling around this world of living paintings you once again come across another ‘human’ , a young girl named Mary.
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As you explore the world you discover many things, like how depending on which character you are depends on your perspective of the world around you. A good example of this is Garry seeing terrifying blue dolls while Ib sees cute bunnies.
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Another interesting part of the games is the endings. These endings made me think of these theories, as depending on what you do depends on what ending you get, the story can change so much from one little decision.
My theory is that the world of ib is a conjoined dream, this dream being shared between three individuals: Mary, Garry, and Ib. The change of perspective depending on them, and the true ending of the dream for each character. Not even this but in dreams, every person you see in any dream you have seen in real life, meaning the conscious versions of these characters have come across each other at one point or another.
The endings they have lies in the colors they represent
🔴Theory {Version 1}🔴
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Ib gets the true ending. I chose this one out of all of them because it fits her characters nature. Another reason is because of her color as I mentioned: Red. In this case it stands for passion. A strong color. Reasons behind this are scenes where she mentions going to a cafe with Garry , this shows her confidence that they will escape. Another example is when Ib goes on her own in one of the endings and burns Marys painting herself out of rage.
Real Life:
Ib is extremely self sufficient showing what type of life she lives. Shes independent to a farther degree then most kids her age; yes she does has Garry but shes already survived longer than most any other kid. This suggests that at home her parents are very busy , making it so she has to learn to care for herself at a young age. (Ib all alone theory supports this as well). We know at the same time though no abuse his happening at home since she shows a strong attachment when she sees the portrait of her family, meaning she still loves them. Anyways what does this mean for her ending? Being a self sufficient person is good and all but why would she need a friend? Well since her parents are so busy she may want someone to support her if she ever did need someone, a friend who could keep her from being lonley.
🔵Theory {Version 2}🔵
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He would get the Forgotten Painting ending. Why would this be? He dies, you may say. That doesn’t make a difference. How is he always described? He’s described by being a knight, someone who’s always there to protect Ib. Even if it meant sacrificing his life, which is what he did. One of the most honorable ways for a knight to die, protecting someone .
Real Life:
This also ties into his personality; a lonely person. He is shown in the gallery alone, he’s described as forgotten in his portrait and even how he acts. He acts shy to a sense, easily scared, and someone who puts others first; these are usually traits for someone who is generally lonely. Dying to protect someone would be great for him, to know his life meant something to someone else.
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He wants to be able to help someone, a way to throw to the side his reclusive self to do something meaningful; this dream provides that chance for him. Thats why he gave her the yellow candy, after all yellow is the color of happiness, he was able to give someone happiness; which in turn gave himself a purpose. Even so, its just his dream.
Garry is sleeping after all.
🔶Theory {Version 3}🔶
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Mary was the hardest of the three to choose an ending for; but at long last I pinned down this one. The “ Together, Forever ” ending. The reason why I choose this over the “A Paintings Demise” is the color she represents. Yellow commonly represents happiness, cheerfulness, ect; in none but this ending does she get a happy ending; even if its at the sacrifice of someone else, in all the others she never achieves her goal or ends up dying, sometimes both.
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But her dream, to be in the real world and finally have a close friend (Ib) ties into her real self.
Real Life:
Mary once again is the hardest yet easiest to see. Mary is a bipolar child who has schizophrenia. He being trapped in her own world is a nod to her family situation, her father left , presumably died, or left her and her mother. Her mother; I believe paranoid, barely letting her child leave if at all. In turn this makes her very needy and spoiled ; her one desire to be to leave and make a friend. We also know that she has a sister.
In the “A Paintings Demise” she refers to the painting as big sister, to get in more detail. Her sister would be very aggressive because of how the monster screams at the player and chases them. This obviously doesn’t happen to Mary, but anyone else; for example if she was able to go outside; any friend she’d want to make, she couldn’t bring them home because of her mother’s panic, and her sisters aggression.
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Leading us to the:
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If she does take her friends home, they become almost doll like, drained by her family members making them not want to be around her, in fear of earning the anger of her sister or the mother flipping out over them. If they do come to the gallery, they are just a shell, fake. This gives our Mary a sad life, even in her dreams she can’t escape most of the time; except for that one ending.
I hope you enjoyed the theory! This one was a bit tough but sometimes you need to go out of your comfort zone!
Speaking of that, I’ll let you theorize in the comments! I’d love to see you try to figure out how they came across each other in real life; was Marys father still a painter? Did Garry and Ib know each other already? I’d love to hear the ideas you have!
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