#and the dentists said i naturally have really good teeth
rad-rat-with-a-tophat · 9 months
it is the first day of winter break and i have been ILL almost the entire day. my life is a TRAGEDY and the gods are LAUGHING at me.
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amirasainz · 4 months
Can you please do amira gets her wisdom teeth removal and is so loopy and adorable, the drivers and wags heart melt?
Sure, I hope you enjoy reading this. If you have a request, let me know.
No Part 2!!!
Her own kind of wisdom
Amira Sainz, Carlos Sainz Jr's beloved little sister, recently had her wisdom teeth removed. It certainly was no easy thing for her to do because, like most people, she was afraid of the dentist.
"No, please don't make me do this, Carlitos. I promise, I'll stop eating M&M's," she looked at him with big, tearful eyes.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry, but this is for your own good," Carlos promised her.
She gave a tearful cry and turned to Rebecca, who was watching the whole interaction. She only shook her head sadly and petted Amira's hair lovingly.
After a dramatic goodbye with lots of tears and hugs, Amira was put under anesthesia, so she wouldn't feel anything. Thankfully, she easily fell asleep.
Meanwhile, Carlos, ever the protective big brother, was pacing up and down in the waiting room. An elderly lady was also sitting there, silently judging Carlos.
After two horrible hours, the small operation was finally done, and Carlos and Rebecca were able to see her.
As she woke up from the anesthesia, she was adorably loopy, her normally sharp wit dulled into a delightful haze.
"Carlos, Carlos, Carlos. Imagine if you get lost in the parking garage. Then you are truly Car...los. Get it?" she asked, her voice muffled because of the cotton balls inside her mouth. Carlos's only reaction was to stare with an empty expression into space.
Carlos had made sure to let a few of his closest friends from the F1 grid know about the procedure. Before long, a small group had gathered at the Sainz family home, including Lando, Charles, Fernando, and a few of the WAGs like Carmen and Lily. (Their boyfriends weren't allowed to come, by order of the best WAGs.)
The moment the trio returned home, everyone cooed over the paddock princess.
"Oh, my beautiful baby. Are you feeling better?" and "Look at you, my love," were the first things Carmen and Lily said to her before leading her to the couch. Fernando and Charles had already prepared a princess-worthy comfy space there with lots of blankets and pillows.
Amira, her cheeks puffed up and her words slurred, tried to engage everyone in conversation, her usual shyness replaced with an endearing boldness. She babbled about how the clouds must be made of marshmallows and insisted that Lando’s hair was a shade of blue. The room was filled with laughter, everyone’s hearts melting at her innocence and charm.
Carlos, though usually the fiercely protective older brother, couldn’t help but laugh along, his protective nature temporarily overshadowed by the sheer cuteness of the situation. He made sure to capture a few moments on his phone, knowing these would be memories to cherish.
As Amira drifted in and out of consciousness, mumbling sweet nonsense, the drivers and WAGs took turns sitting by her side, holding her hand, and ensuring she was comfortable. Their usual competitive edges softened.
After Amira fell asleep for real this time, cuddled up between Lily and Fernando, Charles couldn't help but say:" She really is a brave girl. If I were her, I would have already fainted seven times" making the group laugh.
"So, Lord Perceval. Where is your WAG Joris?" asked Carlos, which gained him a groan from Charles.
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theonetruegnome · 2 months
Thank you all, so much
Before we begin, I wanted to say thank you to all of you. Even if you just looked at one of my writings and said, 'Hey that's cool!' to yourself, thank you. Your support in any way is helpful. These have been some of my happiest moments, and my self esteem issues have all but vanished. To think that my silly characters bring some people such joy is a wonderful feeling. So thank you, you are all the salt of this blessed planet we call home.
Now then, onto our feature presentation! I give you now, the best friend to all, and leader of the shifted critters! Drumroll please... Introducing...
Sunny is the official leader of the shifted critters, her encouraging nature and level headedness making for someone who performs well both on a regular basis, as well as under pressure, always facing adversity with a smile.
She plans all their outings and adventures, with occasional help from munch, and acts as a role model to the others, always kind and courteous to everybody, willing to do good deeds for the hell of it and helping anybody if she sees they're down on their luck or hurt. She also joins in all of their pursuits, cooking with Munch, nature walking with Leah, assisting with Dandy and Eli's schemes (to the chagrin of Mana) and writing and reading with Conk and Mana, sometimes both at once!
If she sees anybody hurt or bully someone else with intent, she ends up riled, though she tries not to resort to violence as it is 'The language of hatred and bitterness'. For example, while out walking alone one day she found Dandy on a street corner with a couple of teens who were pushing her around and had started to be really rough. Dandy tried to fight back, but was pushed, tripped and hit her head on the pavement. The teens were debating leaving her there when up came Sunny, who calmly told them 'You don't know me, but I saw what you did to my friend. Now, I am an amicable person, but I can't stand bullies, so I'll give you a choice. You have twenty six seconds to either apologise, leave and never come near either of us again, or to start learning how to eat corn on the cob with no teeth!' When the leader of the gang came up and pushed her away, sunny fake fell to the ground and started to count. Twenty six Mississippi's later she bounced back, dropkicked the ringleader in the face and, like she said, knocked out six of her teeth with her trotters. She repeated their choices, and the bullies apologised and carried their friend off, presumably to the nearest dentist or hospital. Dandy never had any idea of what happened that day, as she woke up back in her home with the orange piglet girl sitting at her bedside, and couldn't remember a thing. Sunny told her she had had a concussion, and she had simply asked the bullies to leave her after she hit her head and had insulted them to the verge of tears. Dandy was really impressed, and called her a hero. Sunny still feels bad for the girl she attacked though, even if it was self defence. I mean, nobody deserves to have their teeth kicked out, do they?
One of her main flaws is that she puts herself last. While yes, she usually takes good care of herself, she often forgets to if there is drama between the critters, and Callum is always checking up on Sunny and making sure she's eating and drinking enough, not stressing over everything and just asking her to take care of herself. He has also convinced her to take a 'sunny day' every other month, where everybody has to go and do what she wants for the day, no complaints and no hesitation. Otherwise, the contract Mana had drawn up when he came up with the idea is voided, and Sunny leaves them (and goes home for the day. They make it seem like she'll leave the friend group if they complain as a joke).
Sunny... doesn't have a mother any more. She died when Sunny was very young after unknown poisoner put nicotine into a large number of milk jugs, killing hundreds of others as well. It was sheer luck that the other two didn't also perish. As such, Sunny doesn't have many memories of her, but treasures what few she does have. In a locked safe behind a fake wall lies a trove of things to remind her of her mother; a letter to her father written in a graceful sloping font. A baby picture from her grandparents. A strip of photos obtained from a mall Photo Booth of Sunny and her mother. It seems unreal to Sunny that she once knew the woman depicted on the polaroid and remembered in the fragile artefacts she has squirrelled away, that that woman had loved her more than anything else in the world. But she doesn't dwell and make herself sad. Rather, she is glad that she was able to remember her mother at all, and that she lives on in her heart. Besides, she still has the rest of the critters and her father, and he is more than enough for her. The two are inseparable, and it is from him that Sunny learnt to be kind, selfless and loyal to the people who love her.
Trivia time:
She is usually either the one to take Callum away and sit with him when he starts to cry, or she asks one of the others to do it.
She lets Munchypup plan halloween, as it lets her have a break and he has gotten candy collection down to a science; Which houses and streets in town give the best and worst candy traditionally and which costumes to wear to maximise generosity. Either cuteness for individual costumes, or creativeness and scariness for group costumes. So far, they have been dead soldiers, highway men (for costumes and literally that night) and a bloodthirsty mob. Despite her protests, Munch has made her the main one of all the costumes, as 'You're the boss, boss!'
She can't sweat, so she often has to wear a lot of sunblock and a wide hat during summer, otherwise she'll get dehydrated and overheat really easily. She once got heatstroke so bad she started crawling around calling herself "Merlin the happy swine, here to fix your pipes!" The others don't let her play too much during summer without a break anymore, as she was embarrassed enough about Merlin.
When she gets really upset or stressed she steadies herself by singing 'Shaddap you face' by Joe Dolce under her breath.
Finally, her charm is a banner with an orange sun on it, as she is the rallying point of the shifted critters. Her scent is pink Chrysanthemums.
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Jessica Glenza at The Guardian:
A bill introduced by the US senator Bernie Sanders would dramatically expand access to oral healthcare by adding dental benefits to Medicare and enhance them in Medicaid, public health insurance programs that together cover 115 million older and lower-income Americans.
Despite Americans’ reputation for the flashy “Hollywood smile”, millions struggle to access basic dental care. One in five US seniors have lost all their natural teeth, almost half of adults have some kind of gum disease and painful cavities are one of the most common reasons children miss school. “Any objective look at the reality facing the American people recognizes there is a crisis in dental care in America,” Sanders told the Guardian in an exclusive interview. “Imagine that in the richest country in the world.” Nearly 69 million adults and almost 7 million children lack dental insurance. For those who have insurance, costs are often opaque and high. Multi-thousand-dollar bills are so common that the nation’s largest professional organization for dentists, the American Dental Association (ADA), signed an exclusive partnership with a medical credit card company. In 2019, more than 2 million Americans went to the emergency room for tooth pain, a 62% increase since 2014, and a crisis of affordability pushed an estimated 490,000 Americans to travel to other countries such as Mexico for lower-cost dental care.
“The issue of dental care is something we have been working on for years,” said Sanders. “It is an issue I think tens of millions of Americans are deeply concerned about, but it really hasn’t quite gotten the media attention it deserves.” Sanders said he had seen how poor dental health can affect every aspect of a person’s life – he described constituents who cover their mouths when they laugh or have been turned down for jobs because of missing teeth. Sanders said he recognized the importance of the issue by attending town halls in his home state of Vermont, “and learning how hard it is to get dental care, how expensive it is and [how] dental insurance [is] totally inadequate”. “Having bad teeth or poor teeth is a badge of poverty,” said Sanders. “It becomes a personal issue, a psychological issue, an economic issue as well.”
Sanders’ bill expands dental coverage by adding comprehensive benefits to Medicare; incentivizing states to improve dental benefits through Medicaid; and providing dental benefits to veterans through the Veterans Administration. Additionally, the bill would attempt to tackle some states’ dentist shortage by creating student loan forgiveness programs for dentists who practice in underserved areas, and increasing funding to non-traditional places to see dentists, including at community health centers and schools. Expanding dental coverage is exceedingly popular – recent polls show 92% of voters support the proposal, including an overwhelming majority of Republicans. Sanders said his proposal was good policy and “very good politics”.
Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) has proposed a bill called the Comprehensive Dental Reform Act that would dramatically increase coverage for dental care for Medicaid and Medicare patients.
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orinscrivelloopossum · 6 months
When I was younger, just a bad little kid My mama noticed funny things I did Like shootin' puppies with a BB gun I'd poison guppies, and when I was done I'd find a pussycat and bash in it's head That's when my mama said (What did she say?)
She said, "My boy, I think someday You'll find a way To make your natural tendencies pay You'll be a dentist (You'll be a dentist) You have a talent for causin' things pain (Pain) Son, be a dentist (Son, be a dentist) People will pay you to be inhumane (Inhumane) Your temperament's wrong for the priesthood And teaching would suit you still less Son, be a dentist You'll be a success!"
Here he is folks, the leader of the plaque! Watch him suck up that gas, oh my god! He is a dentist and he'll never ever be any good Who wants their teeth done by the Marquis de Sade?
Oh, that hurts! Wait, I'm not numb! Oh, shut up Open wide, here I come! I am your dentist (Goodness gracious) And I enjoy the career that I picked (Love it) I am your dentist (Fitting braces) And I get off on the pain I inflict (Really love it)
I thrill when I drill a bicuspid (Bicuspid) It's swell though they tell me I'm maladjusted (Dentist) And though it may cause my patients distress (Distress) Somewhere, somewhere in heaven above me I know, I know, that my mama's proud of me Oh, mama?
'Cause I'm a dentist, and a success! Say ah! (Ah) Say ah! (Ah) Say ah! (Ah) Now spit!
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notasapleasure · 2 years
Hustle S07E.04 (2011)
Once more I am apologising for posting approximately ONE MILLION screenshots, and also for being gullible about the nature of Hustle. This was a delight in the end, but I left my live reactions as they are.
Another staple of BBC TV that I. Never watched. (if you wonder why I pay my license fee, it’s as I said before: rugby. So the Joplin-blogging will only be happening in between 6 Nations matches this weekend).
Danush...already does not spark joy D:
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God this is exhausting look at all these old men running around, I'm going to have a heart-attack just watching them...
Benny is Denis Lawson! Aww, I think Brasso and Wedge would get on brilliantly. That's not how this is going to go down in this episode.
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His nickname is The Dentist.
I'm going to say he'd get on with Lee from Utopia :')
If you're squeamish about 'unscheduled extractions' this one won't be for you!
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There's a lot of bigging up of how awful and smart and horrible Danush is, but very little Danush thus far.
Hangs out at the boxing gym, wears good suits. Casually beats up goons in broad daylight.
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I don't know the lady Hustler's name* (*Emma) but:
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She's right.
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It's a Look.
Montage montage montage - ooh!
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Not the most flattering shot, but for interested parties: the gnarly arm scar is there!
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Also he has a pet rottweiler aww. He even chose his password for dear Tyson, the fool :')
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He's not interested in boxing at the Olympics, has no sense of humour and I don't know enough about Iranian accents to scrutinise that one too closely...
Bleurghhh so many swishy fast-paced camera cuts I feel seasick
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Walk walk fashion baby
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It's his turf guys, get off it
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Head empty. So pretty. He can take my teeth I don't mind I just want to smell him.
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Also for him to not talk, I think that accent is probably Bad.
u ok Jo?
No I uh....just...uhh
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Me, having a Perfectly Normal One: I’d let him gut me like a fish, sure.
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So the deal ends in Danush nicking the cash...and...
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LOOK at this big brown-eyed baby dealing with scary gangsters oh sweetheart no you’re too soft for this
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Aww the double-crossers got double-crossed. Hope he and Wedge don't get their legs cut off by Vic :(
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Aw he really was all front! Once The CrewTM were onto him he got very easily screwed over.
Lloyd the Geordie is outta here, mon! And Benny's off to Tehran.
Dead? Nope! Consensus is that Vic won’t care about his legs, only Benny’s.
Evil? Absolutely not, not a drop of malice in his body, just a big cuddly Rottweiler-loving darling.
Affects the plot? Well, not as such, I’d say. He does what Benny tells him to do, and then he scarpers. Not really any agency of his own.
This was a delight, and Joplin looks fine, both as mad Darius and sweet Lloyd. 4/5 again, because I’m still waiting for him to play a character who gets a little more background and motivation of his own, and at least some kind of resolution. A girl can dream!
But also now please give me my Star Wars Hustle AU where post-canon, everyone survives, Brasso and Wedge get a team together to get Cassian and Jyn out of trouble.
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bound-vivisection · 2 years
sorry this is like a day late, my computer is busted
anywho! embarrassing story (still not used to talking about this kinda stuff so I feel the need to give a heads-up of the sexual nature of it lol)
I'm trans ftm, and I only recently started T, and i was always told about increased or decreased libido being a possible side effect, but I've barely really had one to begin with, so I didn't think there was gonna be much of a change.
I've become an absolute horndog and it's so weird lmao, I've jerked off more in the last couple months than I have in my entire life. so I had to learn to be quiet, because the walls are thin. unfortunately, the only method that's worked for me is grinding my teeth. which is obviously very bad, especially since I've worked super hard to keep my teeth well-maintained.
only problem is: I didn't realize I was doing it. I started getting really bad toothaches and migraines, but I couldn't figure out what was causing it. I had to visit a family member a couple states away, so I stayed a few days and scheduled the dentist appt for the day After I got back. Since I didn't jerk off the entire time I was there, I wasn't clenching my jaw as much, so I thought it must have been a one-off thing.
Again, I was so very very wrong. Literally the night I got home, I went RIGHT back to it, and I'm gonna use a weird simile/metaphor/analogy real quick: ya know how some addicts will build up a tolerance to a drug, and they'll go thru rehab, but if they relapse and use the same amount they were taking Before they lost their tolerance, it might kill them? it felt like that.
I went so long grinding my teeth, that the little break lured me into a false confidence of "oh my jaw is just fine, nevermind!" and jerking off when I got home was like my overdose.
I cracked my back two molars.
Imagine going into the dentist, and having to tell them Exactly what happened, and how you broke two Very Strong, Very Durable teeth.
Well I didn't. I was fucking mortified, so I lied. Wanna know what I told them? I said I fell.
How pathetic is that lmao
No need to apologize, such is life!
You poor poor boy. 😭
I can only imagine how absolutely mortifying that probably felt. I don’t have anything embarrassing like that, but if it any consolation I wasn’t able to cum until after I started testosterone. So needless to say when I discovered I was able to I quickly went off the deep end and went from never masturbating to doing it multiple times a day. 2 years later it has settled down but I still average masturbating most days of the week.
Can I suggest maybe getting something to bite on instead? Like a rag. Or the good old face in the pillow trick so you can muffle noises.
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madzigness · 2 years
Adam his version of "Dentist!"
(Author note: Another low effort shitpost about Adam. I want to apologise to everyone for making and sharing this, but I listened to the song from Little shop of horrors song name "Dentist!" And it just fit Adam as character so much and I had to make an Adam edit of the song, but still I am sorry. Commnet if you have song suggestion for a villain of rwby that would be fun to make something like this for and I might just make something like this)
Disclaimer do not read if you find gore, the act of cutting of limbs too disturbing!
Adam driving Bumblebee with Yang gagged and tide up behind him.
(Adam) „When I was younger, just a bad little kid
Sienna noticed funny things I did
Like shootin' human kids with a BB gun
I'd burn a huntsman academy, and when I was done
I'd find Blake and bash in her head
That's when Sienna said”.
Adam stopped the bike in front of a factory and picked up struggling Yang.
Banesaw stepped out of the truck he drove next to Adam.
(Banesaw) “What did she say?”
(Adam) “She said, "My boy, I think someday
You'll find a way
To make your natural tendencies pay
You'll be a terrorist””.
(Banesaw) “You'll be a terrorist”.
(Adam) “You have a talent for causin' things pain”.
(Banesaw) “Pain”.
(Adam) “Son, be a terrorist”.
(Banesaw) “Son, be a terrorist”.
(Adam) “Faunus will pay you to be inhumane”.
(Banesaw) “Inhumane”.
(Adam) “Your temperament's wrong for the priesthood
And teaching would suit you still less
Son, be a terrorist
You'll be a success!" Adam walked into the factory full of White fang members, Yang was hung by her hands on a chain in the middle of it.
(White fang gang) “Here he is folks, the leader of the White fang!
Watch him beat that human,” Adam punches Yang and blood spills out of her mouth” oh my god!
He's a terrorist and he'll never ever be any good”.
(Adam) “Who wants their teeth done by the Marquis de Sade?” He lifted Yangs head so she would face him.
(Adam) “Oh, that hurts! Wait, I hope you are not numb!” Yang was struggling and trying to scream or talk through the gag.
(Adam) “Oh, shut up” He punched her in the gut. Bonesaw had taken Yang scroll and video called Blake she had answered and now was looking in horror with the rest of her team.
(Adam) “loosen up, here I come!” Bang another punch thrown at Yang.
(Adam) “I am your terrorist”.
 (Banesaw) “Goodness gracious”.
(Adam) “And I enjoy the career that I picked”
(Banesaw) “Love it”.
(Adam) “I am your terrorist”.
(Banesaw) “Breaking bones”.
(Adam) “And I get off on the pain I inflict”.
(Banesaw) “Really love it”.
(Adam) “I thrill when I drill a human filth”.
(Banesaw) “human filth”.
(Adam) “It's swell though they tell me I'm maladjusted”
(Banesaw) “terrorist”.
(Adam) “And though it may cause my victims distress”.
(Banesaw) “Distress”.
Adam stopped beating Yang and walked up to an alter with Sienna picture kneeling before it.
(Adam) “Somewhere, somewhere in heaven above me
I know, I know, that Sienna proud of me
Oh, Sienna?
'Cause I'm a terrorist, and a success!” Adam picked up his sword and walked back to where Yang was hanging and raised the blade.
(Adam) “Say ah!” Adam leaned towards Yang.
 (Yang)*muffled screaming* “mmmhhh”
(Adam) “Say ah!” Yangs eyes filled with horror.
 (Yang)*muffled screaming* “aaahhh”
(Adam) “Say ah!” Adam brought down his sword cutting of one of Yang arm a faunus removed her gag.
(Yang)*shrill screaming* “AAAAAAAhhhhhhhh!”
Adam turned to look at the scroll and saw Blake and the rest of her team horrified and crying, Adam smiled.
(Adam) “We are done she learnt her lesson cut the feed.” The White fang left the factory, leaving Yang hanging in the factory for team RWB to find her dead or alive depended on how fast they found her.
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sonderrow · 1 year
A journal entry. 05/??
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The third time was actually more relevant. It sounded less of a loser sorry. Less of a weak student who was in his own little bubble. One I’m actually not ashamed to tell if ears are ready for it.
When I came to prison, I wasn’t the giddiest of guy. And I knew what happened to ones who got in for children. I didn’t want that. I could tell you the most self-deprecating depressive and dark vision of myself like the next guy after me, but even if I don’t have the highest opinion of myself, avoiding torture would be nice. I was enough of a douche to have prison staff on my side, but whenever things roughed up, they were asked to do nothing. I wasn’t stupid; I never wanted it to be obvious. Nobody likes someone who licks the dogs’ boots.
I didn’t know what to do with it. I wasn’t going to hang myself like inmate #123921. It’s not that simple to take the decision of I wanna die, even if for a while all your waking moments are wondering when it will happen.
Like I expected, since I cut every possible link with anybody remotely useless when I graduated and only kept things professional, I was pretty much alone. It’s a man-eat-man world. Who would want to associate their very rich name to a corrupt businessman who on top of that was accused of rape and murder including minors? True or not, your name is stamped and it’s only business to withdraw. And I expected every two seconds to be brutally raped, get my teeth out of my mouth before being beaten to death.
That’s when he first visited.
Oddly enough, the visits were in a private room, like an interrogation one. However, the boy didn’t carry any documentation, any badge. He was just here. A pretty boy, like one said, I assumed he was around sixteen or seventeen, not more than that. A slightly toned skin, slender features, white hair stopping a bit at the jawline. Wearing a white shirt with dark jeans and elegant boots. Nothing too fancy. He was both mysterious and youthful, seemed about to smile, but his face stayed neutral. Something about him made him, I could say, appealing. An aura of natural charisma. The kind you meet and want to ask a few questions, or get to know better.
And the first thing he did was get up of his chair and slid something between my finger. Now, I’m bound by chains to the chair of course, and I can’t do much really. Only now I have a pocket revolver in my hands. And I have no freaking idea how this little guy was able to get me here and get this thing there. It goes beyond me, I can’t understand. Every probability is broken by the blatant bystanding of the laws.
“What, you want me to shoot myself?”
He grins. He’s mocking me. I would too. Even if my pride is intact, I must look pretty pathetic. However, he doesn’t make me feel uncomfortable. It’s like I’m just watching some kind of bad sitcom with a friend. He isn’t mocking me, but more like what is happening… and I do too. And for a moment, I feel almost alone in the room, like nobody was there. This guy has no presence. He doesn’t do nothing, yet he is, but I can’t put my finger on it.
Life in prison is cut from the rest of the world, and even with the little time I’ve been there, I can have some good predictions, it’s not like I know nothing about what’s happening in here. With nothing left going on for me, the sweet release of death comes more and more tempting. It’s different from the other times. The other times were… me having enough of what I was doing, I guess. Now… I have nothing to lose, I feel. Nothing to gain. It’s just for fun, the heck of it, maybe. To have this bullshit come to an halt. I am in my twenties, I should be living a full-fledged life, but I am here for the rest of them.
My face stays stoic. I’m not nervous. I just look at this firearm like a possibility. I check inside; it’s loaded. Flynn stopped grinning, he just looks like someone waiting for his dentist appointment. I feel no judgement from him. His eyes meet mine for a second, and I feel… something coming out of this contact. Because of how tense all this is supposed to be, I feel the lack of emotions need a word I can’t get my mind on.
The barrel goes to my forehead. I take a breath. I’ll just do like when a kid needs to go down a higher slope, I’ll empty my mind and just do it. Because I am good to deal with pressure. And perform. I won’t feel anything I tell myself, so there’s no biggie, bah.
The thing I know my ears ring because of the gunfire, and I hear a terrible ricochet all over the room that puts my body on high death is near alarm ironically. My chains clank against the table and chair as I am startled. And I see that Flynn is holding my hand right above my head, deflecting the barrel at the very last second. He let go. And my arm flabbily fall off my side before I put it back on my lap… and then decide to settle it on the table, grip still on the firearm.
“I can’t believe it.” He says so, but really his words sound so fake. “I can’t believe you really done it. Looks like you’re dead now.”
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one-abuse-survivor · 2 years
Ice Anon - I don't know if I've ever talked about this before, but I love my teeth, they make me feel really good about myself and they're one of the only things I like about my appearance. Even though others keep telling me I need braces, I don't really want them cause I feel they're perfect as they are and I have no issues with them at all.
They're super sharp and I adore that, ever since they came in I would sometimes stare at them cause I liked how sharp they were and how they were positioned. I don't know why, cause logically I know I should get braces to straighten them out but I feel like that will fuck up my teeth and my mouth and make me start hating this part of myself too.
My dad a few moments ago kept talking about how I need braces, and they were going to get me some, and even when I said I didn't want them he kept trying to talk me into it. I said I doubt my mouth would have enough room and he replied with, "They'd just pull some teeth if that's the case."
I kept up the same defense, "I don't want it, and I like how my teeth are now. I don't even have problems with them."
And naturally he responded with, "Maybe we should tie you down and fix your teeth that way." I hissed at him and responded with, "I will bite your fingers off if you try."
After he made it seem like he was joking by saying, "Do you really think I'd tie you down?"
My immediate response was, "Yes."
Maybe I do need braces, maybe I should get my teeth straightened out, but I don't want to, so why is he even joking about tying me down and having them fix my teeth without my permission??
I can't believe this all started based on an offhanded comment I made about how sometimes I miss losing teeth cause I miss how the blood would pool in my mouth.
I don't know how to feel, or what to do, he said we'd get back to this conversation later but I fear he really will force me.
I'm really sorry this happened, nonnie. Even if he played it out as a joke, what he said was fucked up and I think your response is very understandable. I think your anger at being mocked for having boundaries over your body is more than justified. While it's true that sometimes braces are necessary for health reasons, that's for a dentist to decide, not your dad. And even then, you are allowed to ask for information and to be given time so you can make an informed decision over what happens to your mouth.
I hope he let it go and didn't insist on the topic. Sending a big virtual hug ❤️
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abingtoncenter22 · 2 years
Cosmetic Dentistry In Pittsburgh, Pa Residence
These thin laminate veneers are translucent and easily detachable. Hershey Dental Care is a high tech Hershey, PA dental workplace devoted to skilled quality dental implants, and cosmetic dentistry, in addition to many different services. Whether you may be in search of an Hershey Dentist or a Harrisburg Dentist. We have dental workplace situated closer to those, on your comfort.
Dr. Wilderman placed a strategic mix of porcelain veneers and crowns to ship a dazzling smile makeover. Inlays and onlays are designed to restore and reconstruct teeth affected with tooth decay or different points. Our Elkins Park cosmetic dentists exactly design the inlay or onlay to go nicely with your tooth completely.
Our highly skilled staff will assess your want for a crown, bridge, implant or different process to revive or improve your smile. Our goal is to provide high quality dental care in your life-long oral health. Although each patient’s cosmetic dentistry journey shall be unique to their objectives and overall oral well being, most follow a similar process. Start your journey by coming in together with your questions or concerns about how your enamel look.
Veneers are manufactured from porcelain ceramic, which displays light identical to natural enamel. If sufferers have discolored or even injured tooth, they pennsylvania cosmetic dentistry will enhance the shape and shade of their tooth enamel using veneers. For sufferers who do not want to commit to permanent veneers, we offer Lumineers.
Dr Dennis and his workers are the most effective I had a damaged tooth I was simply going to have pulled. I was to be a new affected person so I was impressed how quick they got me in. Once there I was given two choices he could pull the tooth or clear it up and place a crown over the tooth. I obtained a name the next day to verify pennsylvania cosmetic dentistry how the crown felt examine on an discomfort I said all good it works I can eat on the aspect where the crown is. I really have more work that's wanted which I will not go anywhere else to have it done. But by no means have a met a dentist that impressed me like this workplace has.
Contact us todayto discover out if our Zoom whitening or custom tray whitening possibility is best for you, and which simple remedy will let you achieve the bright and white smile you at all times dreamed of. Dr. Stevens is dedicated to rejuvenating and enhancing your natural beauty using state-of-the-art procedures. The outcome is an attractive, pure result that permits you to look better and really feel extra assured about your bodily appearance. Since its foundation in 1974, the Pennsylvania Dental Group practitioners have shared a common imaginative and prescient and attempt to help each patient obtain his or her optimum level of dental well being. Brighten your smile and boost your confidence with protected, efficient tooth whitening. Treatment for gum disease in Philadelphia for a lifetime of wholesome smiles.
Are you struggling with cavities, tooth sensitivity, or dental pain? Nicole M Armour educated with professional dentists at world-class establishments. She has in depth expertise treating even probably the most tough cases in each adults and youngsters. Her attention to element and conservative remedy pennsylvania cosmetic dentistry planning means consistent and long-lasting results with significantly fewer problems. Additionally, Dr. Armour consults with other specialists and leverages her intensive community of Harvard-trained dentists when indicated to find out probably the most reliable and most secure treatment for her sufferers.
Tooth bonding remedy advantages sufferers with chips and cracks in their tooth enamel, in addition to deep tooth stains. Our staff can even color-match the bonding material to the shade of your pure enamel earlier than making use of it to the tooth enamel. Dental bonding is a faster and more economical choice for patients with tooth injury. Dental veneers are skinny shells that absolutely cowl the entrance of teeth.
A digital impression is used to fabricate clear trays which align your enamel to correct a rotated, tilted, or crooked smile. Dr. Wilderman and the Artistic Expressions Dentistry staff will hearken to your considerations and thoroughly design your treatment round your wants, goals, and budget. Professional whitening is among the fastest and most inexpensive methods to brighten your smile.
Cosmetic dentistry is a field of dental medicine that offers with improving the aesthetics of enamel. Our Philadelphia dentists can carry out a extensive range of operations to convey cosmetic modifications within the teeth, gums and lips. Cosmetic dental treatment is an art and solely skilled dental professionals can achieve the best results. Our dental office relies in Philadelphia, PA, and our team has been serving the people of the city with quality dental treatment for many years now. Do you have a special event arising the place your smile would be the heart of attention?
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sunball · 3 years
these observations are based on my own personal experiences with these placements and also research. please do not reword, copy, repost without asking. I apologise if some of these observations have already been said, I do not keep track.
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🦷 AQUARIUS/LEO VENUS or AQUARIUS/LEO IN 2ND HOUSE at one point made their own clothes or customized/painted on their clothes.
🦴 kinda related to the previous one, CANCER/CAPRICORN RISINGS I know have such unique styles, own unique objects and are icons for their fashion and that's because of aquarius/leo in 2nd house. they need more attention for their style FR.
🕷️ MERCURY IN 2ND OR 10TH HOUSE are more prone to have their ideas stolen and words copied. the sign it's in can tell you who are likely to steal your ideas and what type of ideas are likely to get stolen.
ex: aquarius = friends, people online/theories
🕸️ to me, 2ND HOUSE PLACEMENTS are most likely to get copied in whatever planet or sign sits there (more than Scorpio or 8th house placements). 2nd house placements look like they OWN whatever sign/planet it's in, they make things seem 'legit' and good on them that other people may want to have. but too bad, if you ever steal something from them, most people will probably know who it belongs to. 2nd house placements people have their shit trademarked.
🌲 wherever VIRGO/GEMINI is in your chart, it tells you what you worry and overthink about the most.
6th house - you may worry a lot about your health. whenever you get sick, you may overthink it a lot.
10th house - you may worry about your career and your reputation and whether people like you or not.
1st house - you may worry about yourself and think everything you do looks stupid. self conscious.
🪐 wherever SAGITTARIUS is in your chart, it tells you what you find funny and what makes you laugh. this generation has pluto in sagittarius which is why many people have dark humour.
3rd or 11th house - you most likely find memes and vine references funny.
mars or sun/5th house - you most likely find actions more funny than words. so like, when someone falls or acts something out.
1st house - you find people's facial expressions funny, you most likely find yourself funny too. maybe self depreciating jokes.
☕ SCORPIO MOON IN 2ND OR 7TH HOUSE mothers usually spoil them a lot, too much maybe. their mothers give them a lot of money and probably already bought land, cars, houses for them. that's that combination for ya (ofc it depends on the rest of the chart).
🎞️ TAURUS/LIBRA RISINGS I know are obsessed with power or want to be seen as more powerful/intimidating than they really are. this is because of Aries/Scorpio descendant, these people have attracted powerful people in the past who may have taken control of them in a way which is why they want to have control and power.
🎥 AQUARIUS PLACEMENTS/URANUS DOMS often bicker with older people because they're too 'old-minded'.
☠️ SATURN IN 3RD as we know, can have problems with their speech. I've noticed these people feel like there is a limit of how much they should say and feel like their throats are restricting (especially if it's a Taurus rising) when they speak which makes them choke on their words a lot and because of this, they may not want to communicate much at all because of embarrassment.
🐾 6TH HOUSE RULER IN 4TH/5TH/11TH HOUSE may want to rescue animals or have rescued animals at one point. also SOUTHNODE IN 6TH HOUSE most likely rescued/healed animals in their childhood.
🍄 8TH HOUSE VENUS/VENUS-PLUTO/PLUTO IN 7TH OR 8TH HOUSE can be very clingy with their partners. as we know, 8th house is associated with death so these people probably think about their partner dying a lot which scares them and makes them want to always be with their partner. these people are constantly reminded of death whenever they feel love.
🏚 FIXED PLACEMENTS absolutely hate their stuff being touched. If you ever think about tidying a fixed dom's room as a love language without being asked to or whatever, don't. trust me, I hate that shit.
⚰️ AQUARIUS DOMINANT these people are confusing. they're living oxymorons. they say one thing and do the opposite. they can also be the biggest hypocrites because of their contradictory nature. I mean, are you kidding? the name 'aquarius' literally made almost everyone think it was a water sign. again, they're so confusing and even the name says it.
📼 SATURN IN 5TH HOUSE individuals that I know are so talented. they came out of the womb with artistic skills Istg.
🦇 If you have a BUCKET SHAPED CHART, the planet at the handle is the energy you have to tap into this lifetime. You find it offensive when people say you don't give off the planet's energy.
🦷I know this is obvious but I want to make this post longer, those with SCORPIO OR 8TH HOUSE MOON have mothers that are associated with death in a way. either they died or nearly killed someone or something else.
🦴 SATURN IN 3RD HOUSE can give the individual very crooked teeth, their jaw can be uneven and they can have an overbite/underbite.
🕷️ CAPRICORN OR 10TH HOUSE VENUS can be very attracted to teeth, they either like clean bright teeth and smiles, want to be a dentist or like teeth as part of their aesthetic *cough* me.
🕸️ AQUARIUS OR LIBRA MARS can bruise very easily.
my mum has aquarius mars and she wakes up with 4 new bruises.
🌲 a lot of people I know who have LEO IN 6TH HOUSE have back problems.. bro y'all good??/
🪐 all my friends who have AQUARIUS MOON WITH VIRGO VENUS OR MARS find seggs so repulsive.
☕ LEO MARS IN 6TH HOUSE culture is entirely taking control of something once someone makes a little mistake.
my dad has this placement and he's exactly like this, he makes me sit in a corner and does it for me even tho he keeps telling me I should do things myself.
🎞️ AQUARIUS NEPTUNE people are so awkward in front of the camera wth stop with the peace signs and thumbs up (ofc it depends on the house and aspects).
🎥 those with 1ST HOUSE RULER IN 3RD/9TH/11TH HOUSE or in those signs usually have very 'meme-able' facial expressions, literally living memes.
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© sunball 2021
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miekasa · 3 years
any spare levi headcanons tonight????? 😁😁😁😁
Sure, why not, he is the love of my life after all. These are pretty random, and fit in some sort of generalized modern boyfriend au. Hopelessly domestic, as that is the nature of nearly everything I write for Levi, anyway. Also still terribly obsessed with the idea of him with a motorcycle, so there’s that.
He owns at least six black blazers. They’re nearly identical; slight differences in texture and cut, one with lapels, one that’s boldly all leather that you swear you’ve never seen him wear. They’re kind of his go-to staple, other than a sweater.
That being said, he doesn’t exclusively wear all black. His closet leans towards more neutrals, sure, but he’s not allergic to color. You might not catch him wearing neon orange on the average day, but he’s not averse to a nice shade of green, any shade of purple that suits his mood, even a softer pink.
He has towels and rags he sets aside especially for you when he comes over. He always washes them and put them back in place when you leave so that they’re ready to go for next time.
Claims to not have any attachment to the shows/dramas you watch, but he’s totally backseat watching. Halfway into every single series, he starts sitting down when you turn it on, and scoffs at dumb decisions the characters make.
He splurged on one of those frame TVs that look like a painting when they’re idle. It was a good investment in his opinion.
He doesn’t hate Starbucks drinks—there’s worse things out there in terms of quality of tea. What he despises about the establishment is the way they call out names for you to pick up your order. He’s learned that mobile order ahead is the way to go.
Has slippers for around the house, so consequently, you have slippers for walking around his house. He keeps both pairs (and a few extra for friends and guests) tucked neatly beside the door for easy access; yours always go next to his.
Does not understand the purpose of a robe. Buy him one tho and he will suddenly find an excuse to wear it: making breakfast, lounging around watching TV, doing some light cleaning and dusting. It’s comfy, alright, he can admit that much.
The little puppy you got him that he swore he was not going to warm up to now gets the royal treatment. The best doggie goods and treats, top rated shampoos, cutest drying towels, even a miniature couch he constructed just for the pup. They’re best friends, there’s no breaking that bond now.
Speaking of the puppy, affectionately named Captain, Levi can be found walking him every day shortly after work. They have a few different routes, but they always pass by the local vendors/market, who enthusiastically anticipate their appearance every day. Some of the older ladies running stands have even taken to bringing a few treats with them for Captain—after bundling up some goods for Levi, too, of course.
Captain also has a special doggy backpack Levi uses for when he’s on his motorcycle. If you follow anybody on TikTok in his area, you’re bound to see at least one video of the pup while Levi’s out riding. He’s become viral on social media without even knowing it.
(When you show him a video someone posted of him and Captain with well over 100k likes, and a million views, he only rolled his eyes. But remembers that particularly day; remembers the folks had a kid who politely asked to pet the dog, so he let him. He also maybe asks you to send the link to him).
On the subject of the motorcycle, there was a good few weeks he wouldn’t let you on it. Always found an excuse, a smart reply that was punctuated with gentle push on your forehead and calling you too clumsy for it. Later, you found out it’s because he’d ordered you a helmet; didn’t want to risk you riding without one.
He always keeps it in the storage compartment should he make a stop to pick you up while he’s riding; and he usually wears at least two layers to have a spare to wrap you in before you get on.
When he cooks, he always makes sure there’s enough for leftovers and/or to give you some later. He also bakes frequently, and at least once a week, he stops by with some kind of treat for you—“Trying out a new recipe, let me know if you think it’s missing anything.”
On the subject of food, he won’t police what you eat to annoying extent; he knows that not everybody has the time or will to make pasta from scratch like he does. But, he will smack your wrist if you consider ordering fast food when you’re over at this place. Give him 30 minutes and a single pan, he’ll make something much better than whatever you can find on Uber Eats.
Really, though, he doesn’t mean to obnoxious about the homemade food thing, it’s more habit for him. Growing up, he had to learn to be resourceful, so buying fast-food isn’t ever at the forefront of his mind. Cooking for you also turns out to be something somewhat intimate that he enjoys, so just let him.
Once bought an Apple Watch because he liked the look of them, it wasn’t insanely expensive like other high end watches, and it could connect to his other devices, so why not? A week later he returned it, the ping of his notifications were in one too many places for his liking.
You tried to convince him to keep it—“At least for when you’re jogging! It can track your activity and calories!”—but he clicks his teeth. He’ll survive without keeping track of them.
He learned the hard way that jogging with Captain is no good. His legs are too tiny and Levi ended up carrying the puppy the entire time. Captain is more of a walk dog… or ride on the back of his bike dog.
If you changed anything in his phone settings—like the ringtone for you contact, or the sound his keyboard makes—he wouldn’t go back in and try to figure out how to reset it. Unless it was something obnoxious, like adding an autocorrect shortcut to say something lewd.
He doesn’t really listen to music when he’s just walking. When he’s on a run, that’s fine, but he somewhat prefers to just… hear the environment around him when he’s on a stroll or a break from work. The only reason he’d have headphones on in public is to take a phone call, but even then, he’d prefer to wait until he’s somewhere more private.
He likes having you over at his apartment and has contemplated asking you to move in. He doesn’t want to rush anything, though, so he’s content with your sleepovers for now. (Though he really cannot fathom that you call them “sleepovers” like you’re 14. Please).
He speaks to his mother at least once a week, and she always asks about you. Levi tells her that you’re fine, gives her small updates about you, but Kuchel really just wants to know when the wedding is. He pretends to be busy whenever she starts asking and conveniently ends the call.
Occasionally, he’ll stop by and take you out for lunch. Depends on how much time he has during the day for himself, but he always enjoys sharing a meal with you.
Whenever you’re out with your friends drinking, Levi will pick you up. Even if you already told him that you’d Uber home; as soon as you text him that you’re going to leave soon, he’s already on his way.
He makes pretty good cocktails himself. Teases you for running his alcohol supply dry when the truth is he has more of your favorites in his cabinet than his own. He secretly likes the way you flirt with him when you’re tipsy.
You don’t always cuddle on top of each other when you sleep together. You can just lay by each other and that’s enough; but sometimes, you catch Levi turning towards you in his sleep, reaching for your hand. His body seems to search for yours subconsciously, and you swear there’s a hint of a smile on his sleeping face when you put your hand within reach.
Do not try to pay for dinner when you’re out with him. He’ll pull the “I’m going to use the restroom” move and pay the bill behind your back if he needs to. Open your own doors, maybe; pull out your own chairs, sure if you want; but not this.
He flosses very diligently every night. Mostly because he fucking hates the dentist, so if he takes the extra steps and is extra careful with his teeth, he doesn’t have to go as often, right?—Wrong, it’s the one time the roles are reversed, and you and Hange have to wrestle him into the doctor’s office.
On the flip side, if there are any doctors you routinely avoid and/or forget to schedule check ups for, fear not, because Levi will do it for you. He’ll drive you there, too—the only caveat being, that he usually doesn’t tell you where you’re going until you’re almost there. You think he’s doing the mysterious man surprise date thing and then boom, he’s pulling up to the ophthalmologist. Good luck.
He’s purchased a physical, paper copy of the news on every one of your anniversaries, birthdays, and other special occasions. He keeps them all neatly tucked away in a drawer. Sometimes, he looks back on them—sees what was happening in the world around you on that day. Maybe someday he’ll cut them up and bind them together in a book for you.
He doesn’t like having headphones in when you’re home with him, and preferred if you didn’t either—unless it was for work or school. He welcomes you to use his speakers and play your music aloud; he likes listening to what you listen to. If you look closely, you can catch him humming along or tapping his foot when he really likes a song.
Saves pictures you send him in an album in his camera roll. Occasionally can be found scrolling through them—particularly if you’ve been away on a trip, or he hasn’t gotten the chance to see you because of conflicting schedules.
He takes relatively short showers and doesn’t have a strong preference for the water temperature, so he lets you shower first. Unless you want him to join you, of course.
It’s not hard to tell when Levi wants you. He becomes noticeably more touchy, even if that margin isn’t too wide by anyone else’s standards; and he rarely tries to hide it. It only happens in the privacy of your apartments; but he’ll come on to you—leaning a bit further into conversations, a hand on your knee, a kind of cloudy look in his eyes.
Sometimes he forgoes the attempts at being subtle, just kisses you out the blue, carefully backs you up against the wall, puts his hands on your hips. He can be awfully direct when given the opportunity.
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hychlorions · 2 years
What are some of your favourite Klapollo headcanons?
Hi !!!! first of all i would like to direct you to what's basically my quippy (that's my name!) klapollo primer. it's a long read but it has the basic gist of my klapollo thoughts
to say something new though ! i think they're both stress bakers with equal but opposite energies. please never put these two in a kitchen together. apollo is like. eating a badly-frosted box mix cupcake that probably has a sort of lava cake consistency (read: raw in the middle) and going "my life has gone to shit and everything including my oven's temperature is out of my control." meanwhile klavier has a pile of perfect macarons behind him and he's going "what do you MEAN i need better coping mechanisms? what do i even need to cope for haha can someone who needs to cope bake THIS many macarons???" raw cake batter aside i feel like apollo would do better baking pies from scratch. the crust alone takes so much work that by the end of beating it out into flat-submission you don't even remember why you were hitting it so hard with the rolling pin. of course the downside of that is you get more efficient with rolling it out and soon you'll need to find other outlets to relieve all that rage, but it's not like he'd have the ingredients THAT often yk yk
other constants i can think of atm:
apollo's into poetry ! he might not be any good at writing them but he reads and he tries. like. tell me a guy who thinks like "i have to pull that darkness out of him" and "Mysterious songstress... Her quiet, deep song glides through the air... Lilting above a sparse, but elegant piano accompaniment" (yes i copy-pasted that) wouldn't try to write down the few lines he comes up with every now and then.
i like to think apollo isn't really naturally loud ? that aside from calming his nerves, it's what his voice training is meant to amend. like personally i'm a quiet person and i've had so many instructors and classmates tell me to project my voice or speak louder, and when i'm somewhere more comfortable i feel like i tend to yell a lot to overcompensate idk
apollo fact #7343984: he's scared of boxed milk. no i will not elaborate
klavier isn't good at arts and crafts. he once got into one of those youtube channels of housewives making those cute bento for their kids and husbands and he decided he wanted to try it for a picnic date. i mean it turned out delicious but it was still ugly as hell, never mind that he tried to make some of the onigiri look like him and apollo. just imagine how that would look. i say this with all the love in my heart btw
i also think klavier has bad handwriting. three words: Slanted, Sharp, and Scratchy. ofc this would apply to drawings too. i'd go so far as to say it's so bad that when he's writing down music and he doesn't have the sheets for it he won't even draw the g clef anymore. tick the staff and be done with it yk yk.
a bunch of miscellaneous klavier ones: had braces to correct a wide tooth gap and always asked the dentist to make patterns with the bands that hold em in place; terrible wisdom teeth; had a lisp as a child which led to him calling kristoph 'toffee' for most of his childhood; he was also the quiet kid that keeps sticking to his mom at family reunions (still does it). god i can go on and on.
one last thing about klavier. native german speakers keep telling me i'm using achtung wrong but i KNOW and i can't help it ok !!! i just think it's klavier's personal "help girl." his manager said pick a catchphrase and Use It and by god did he !!!!
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bostoniangirl85 · 2 years
Inspector Gadget (1983) ficlet
Hey all! To celebrate the start of summer vacation, and also spread some cheer and warm feels, here’s a little IG ficlet featuring lots of family feels, fluff, and a bit of humor. This was inspired by my own experience with my wisdom teeth coming in as a teen (it wasn’t fun at all). Enjoy!
Penny was miserable. And grouchy. 
Miserable and grouchy were not a good combination for a fifteen year-old, no matter how brilliant said fifteen year-old was.
Brain rarely saw his girl like this but it seemed even Penny wasn’t immune to the pains of growing up. Only this time it was a tender mouth and slight fever from emerging wisdom teeth. Gadget, always concerned with Penny’s health, had whisked her off to the dentist as soon as he noticed Penny wasn’t eating as much as she normally did. The dentist, a calm and kind woman Penny had been seeing for years, had done a set of x-rays which confirmed her suspicions - wisdom teeth.
“It’s just another growing pain,” she had reassured Gadget. “It’s normal for teens to feel some discomfort and slight fever as the teeth erupt, but they seem to be coming in straight. I’ll do another set of x-rays at your next cleaning. I’ll also write you a script for some mild pain relief. Try to eat warm, soft foods until the pain and swelling goes down. Until then we’ll just let nature take its course.”
‘Let nature take its course,’ Penny thought. ‘Right, except I can barely eat because my mouth hurts so bad!’
And now she was stuck on the couch, in too much discomfort to enjoy the warm, sunny weekend. Penny sighed and rolled onto her side, flipping aimlessly through the TV channels. Brain, who had been laying on the floor next to the couch, sat up with an inquisitive whine. Penny smiled at her best friend and set the remote aside to hold out her arms. Brain happily jumped onto the sofa, snuggling against his girl as Penny hugged him.
“Oh Brain, I’m sorry I’ve been so grumpy lately.” She reached out to stroke the dog’s head. “Why don’t you take a break? You don’t have to stay here all day with me.” Brain shook his head and lay down again, giving her a look that clearly said, ‘You should get some sleep - you’d feel better.’
Maybe she should close her eyes, just for a bit...
She must have drifted off because the next thing Penny was aware of was her uncle sitting next to her on the sofa. When did he get back? 
“Hi, Uncle,” Penny mumbled, trying to hide a wince. 
Gadget smiled and reached out to brush Penny’s mussed hair away from her eyes. “Hello,” he said. “How are you feeling?”
Penny shrugged. “Okay,” she mumbled. “Brain’s been looking after me,” she added. Gadget smiled at the dog. “Good boy, Brain,” he said before returning his attention to Penny, who was wincing as she rubbed her jaw.
Gadget frowned and moved his hand to very gently cup her chin, tilting her head up. He carefully stroked her swollen cheek with his thumb, his eyes worried. “Are you sure you’re alright?” he asked gently, still holding her face as carefully as though she were made of spun glass. 
Penny wanted to say that she was fine - she was so used to being strong and brave, to taking care of everyone else - but found she didn’t have the energy. “My mouth hurts,” she admitted quietly. “I think I might need some of that medicine.”
“Oh, Penny.” Gadget learned forward and kissed her brow, lingering for a moment before standing. “You stay right there!” he said, the familiar energy when he was on a mission coming into his voice. “I’ll get your medicine. You need to take it with food - what would you like?” “I’m not really hungry, Uncle.” “Nonsense - you’ve been eating like a bird for the past two days. I’ll warm up some soup; that should make you feel better.” Twenty minutes later he brought Penny a tray that held a warm mug of soup (canned, she noticed with relief, instead of one of her uncle’s experimental recipes), some crackers, steaming tea, and her medicine. 
After she was done eating Gadget cleared the dishes and then sat next to her as he turned on the evening news. Penny sipped her tea and rested her head on Gadget’s shoulder as she watched the TV with increasingly heavy eyes, Brain warm at her other side.
Maybe it was okay to let herself be taken care of for once, she decided with a sleepy smile.
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angelvyxen · 3 years
“𝐈’𝐦 𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐞𝐝𝐲, 𝐛𝐚𝐛𝐲.”
In which you’re Melo’s best friend & ex he’s not over
“What do you think of this?” You asked Melo as you turned around. He was laying back on your bed, scrolling through his phone. He moved his phone to the side and peeked over at you, “It’s straight.”
“It’s straight?”
“Yea, you look good.” He nodded.
You huffed and made your way towards your closet to rework your fit for the night again.
“C’mon bruh, I said you look straight! Why you changing again?”
“Because just looking ‘straight’ isn’t good enough. I need to look... I need to look..” you trailed off, looking for a word that encompasses just how much of a bad bitch you wanted to be tonight. "I need to look like City Girl meets Megan the Stallion."
"My nigga, what?"
"Just know I need to look good, Melo. Okay? Reef is going to be there tonight and I need to make sure I have every little bit of his attention."
Melo rolled his eyes from across the room when you mentioned Shareef.
"Man, fuck that nigga." You heard him grumble which made you laugh, asking,
"What do you have against Shareef?"
"I don't have anything against dude."
"Yes, you do. You've been on him since I mentioned I like him." You stepped out of your closet and leaned against the door frame to look him in the eyes.
"He's a bitch." He shrugged before looking back at his phone.
"What do you mean?"
"What I said. He's a bitch and you don't need to be associating with someone like that."
You rolled your eyes, "Negro, please," and stepped back into the closet. “You gotta chill on him.”
“How you Shaq’s son and still ain’t made it to the league yet?”
“He had health issues Melo, you know that. Please don’t go that low just because you don’t like him for no good reason.”
Melo sucked his teeth and leaned back on your bed, focusing back on his phone. “I got numerous good reasons.” He grumbled to himself.
“What was that?” You asked, poking your head out of the closet again.
“Nothing man! Finish getting ready, we late cause of you.”
“Uh huh, whatever.”
You settled for something basic, but cute. A pair of black jeans, your favorite color way of the Jordan 1s Melo had gotten you for Christmas last year and a matching graphic tee with some jewelry to bump up the outfit.
“You look good.” Melo remarked, his eyes following you as he opened the passenger door of his jet black Rolls-Royce Cullinan for you. You were happy you got to spend today with him. Both of your schedules never seemed to align anymore since the season started for him and you started a new job.
“Thank you best friend.” You grinned as you slid into the passenger seat of his car. He shut the door and walked around the car, opening his door and sliding into his own seat.
You held out your hand and he placed his phone in it before starting the car. As he was backing out of the driveway you unlocked his phone and went to his Apple Music. You scrolled through his playlists until you came to your favorite one, ‘Vibes 🥵🤞🏼💕’. You plugged in the aux cord before hitting shuffle and set his phone down. ‘Get you’ by Daniel Caesar started to play a few moments later. Melo raised his brows before a wide smile spread across his face and he said loudly, “Oh say less! Whatchu tryna do?”
“Boy, what are you talking about?” You giggled as you looked at the goofy expression on his face.
“You playing my grown folks music playlist, you tryna start something?” He looked over at you.
“Ew,” you scrunched up your face.
“Man don’t act like you don’t want this body.”
“Boy bye. I would never.”
“Oh word, so you wouldn’t kiss me right now?” He puckered his lips at you.
You shook your head and looked in the other direction, “Nope.”
“Girl stop playing and give me them lips.” He gently gripped your chin, forcing your head to turn and started to lean in close. This wouldn’t be the first time you kissed Melo. The nature of you two’s friendship was different than most. The two of you used to date but decided after a couple months that you’d be better as friends. Since you were already comfortable with one another, doing boyfriend-girlfriend things weren’t awkward. Long hugs, cuddling, and occasional kissing weren’t anything to you when it came to him.
Before both of your lips touched the car jerked to the side which made you realize he was still driving.
“Focus on the road!” You said sharply as the car jerked back to the opposite side, making it centered in the road again. Melo was laughing the entire time and you hit him in his chest, “That wasn’t fucking funny. I’m too young to die.”
“Relax, you still alive. Aren’t you? Always overreacting.”
You rolled your eyes and faced front, crossing your arms over one another.
“Aye,” he reached over and gently flicked your cheek, “Fix your face. The shit isn’t that serious for you to be catching an attitude over.”
You pushed his hand away, keeping your eyes in front of you.
“Cmon man, don’t start this. We were just having a good time.”
You kept quiet and you heard him sigh loudly. A second later you felt a hand on your thigh, rubbing up and down.
“You wanna get some food later?” He asked, knowing that that phrase alone would get your attitude in check.
“What kind?”
“Del Taco?”
You unfolded you arms and Melo laughed, “You so fucking fat.”
“Aht, don’t fuck up nigga. I’ll catch my attitude all over again.”
He nodded, “Heard you. I take it back.”
“As you should.” You said as you picked up your phone to play some games to pass the time. You settled on temple run, tapping your nails against the screen as you waiting for the game to load.
You squealed excitedly when you saw a text from Shareef pop up at the top of your screen. Melo glanced over at you confused as you typed up a response.
“Who you talking to?” He asked, trying to see what was happening on your phone screen.
“Shareef.” You answered and almost instantly heard him suck his teeth. You ignored his clear distaste for your crush and asked, “He asked if I’m sliding through, do you think ‘Yea, can’t wait to see you’ is good or does that make me sound too eager?”
“How about you just don’t text the nigga at all or you text him no and we just don’t go to the party at all.”
“Melo,” you whined, “I really like him, can you set aside the hate you have for him, please? For me?”
“Why do you even like him so much?”
“Well he’s kind,”
“Any one can be ‘kind’. Next.”
“He makes me laugh,”
“That’s not a valid reason. Clowns can do that. Then again, he is a clown ass nigga so,” Melo shrugged his shoulders and you rolled your eyes, deciding to ignore the statement.
“He’s cute,”
“He look like a big toe.”
“Melo! No he does not!”
“Yes he do. And his teeth all crooked. He need some braces. In fact, remind me to give dude my dentist’s number.”
You rolled your eyes and continued to list your reasons,
“He listens to me,”
Melo sucked his teeth, “So I don’t listen to you?”
“Where did you even get that from? See, now you’re just pulling shit out of thin air to be mad about. What is your problem?”
“Nothing. I just think it’s wild how this nigga come into the picture and all of a sudden I’m getting wiped out of it.”
“Melo what are you talking about?”
“So we just about to act like you haven’t been texting or calling me as much? And we finna act like you don’t want to come see me no more cause you’re always with him?”
“That is not true.”
“Yes it is. Wasn’t it just last week I offered to fly you out to Houston to see my game and you said no cause you and that nigga was supposed to be hanging out all weekend?”
“Oh my God, you still mad about that? Grow up.”
“Grow up? So it’s just fuck my feelings now cause he here?”
“How am I supposed to get to know him if I’m always with you?! I can have a life outside of you LaMelo!” You raised your voice slightly as you started to get heated. You didn’t understand why he wasn’t happy for you, he was supposed to be your friend.
“Why do you even want to get to know him! Ain’t shit to know! He don’t do shit, he don’t have shit but his daddy’s money and a fucked up hairline anyways!”
“Okay, now you’re about to get me mad.”
“Oh me talking about your lil boyfriend make you mad? Man fuck him! It’s not like he’s about to wife you no how! He’s probably trying to hit it and quit it, it’s not like you hard to get at.”
You stared at him for a second, wanting to believe that he didn’t just say what he said out of spite of all things.
“Fuck you! Don’t be mad at me because you’re too attached to me to get your own girlfriend!”
“Oh, I’m too attached now? That’s what we going with?”
“Nigga that’s what’s been happening! You’re so jealous you can’t even let me be happy!”
The two of you pulled up in front of the house party and he stopped the car, leaned back in his seat and looked down at you.
“Alright shut the fuck up. You about to get me hot.”
“Now you want to be a pussy when I tell you the truth. Typical.”
“I said shut the fuck up bruh. I’m not tryna get mad at you.”
You turned towards him in your seat, “You know what your problem is? You can’t get over that lil relationship we had. You need to build a bridge and leave that shit in the past, it was never that serious.” You said. Deep down you didn’t mean it but he already took the argument too far by calling you an easy fuck.
His jaw clenched as he ground his teeth behind his closed lips and his brows furrowed ever so slightly, leaving a small crease in his forehead.
“Oh, so now you don’t got shit to say no more?” You questioned, looking up at him.
He picked up his key and phone, opened the door and got out of the car, slamming the door behind him. You watched as he was walked into the party leaving you behind. You blew out some air to calm yourself down before grabbing your things and getting out.
When you walked into the house you couldn’t spot Melo anywhere but your attention was quickly taken away from trying to find him when you felt an arm snake around your waist. You looked up at Shareef, a smile spreading across your face.
“Hey!” You greeted.
“Hey. You look good.” He replied, pulling you into a quick side hug. “Those shoes are fire.”
“Thank you.”
“I didn’t think you were coming still. You read my text and didn’t reply.”
“Oh! My bad I just.. I got distracted on my way here.”
“Uh huh. You came with your boy?” He asked referring to Melo.
“He just walked in here looking mad at the world. Y’all had an argument or sum in the car?”
Shareef started to walk you around the house, away from the main party.
“Something like that. We just didn’t see eye to eye on something.. can we not talk about him, I’m here with you right now, I want to focus on you.” You looked up at Shareef, smiling.
For the next couple hours you hung out with Shareef in the backyard by the fire pit. There were a couple chairs set up in a circle around it so the both of you made yourselves welcome. The two of you talked about any and everything, only leaving to go refill your drinks a few times throughout the night.
“So that’s why I decided to do indisciplinary studies instead of just majoring in one thing.”
You nodded as Shareef finished telling you about his college plans. You liked that he was so goal focused and not all of his goals in life pertained to having a career in the nba like his dad.
“So-” you were cut off by the sound of a familiar voice.
Both you and Shareef turned to be met with his friend Josh Christopher who you’ve only met a handful of times, another 2 friends you didn’t know and.. Melo.. with a girl under his arm. They all had girls with them but Melo stuck out to you the most.
“Y’all mind if we sit?” Josh asked, already picking a chair and sitting down.
“Go ahead.” Reef said and you just smiled politely watching all of them sit and pull the girls they were with into their laps since there weren’t enough chairs.
You crossed your ankles, feeling uncomfortable as Melo took a seat directly across from you. You still felt tense about the argument the two of you had earlier but he didn’t seem to care much anymore as he was feeling up the girl, who wouldn’t stop giggling, in front of you.
Everyone started to talk as a group and you said a few things here and there but mainly kept to yourself.
“So, Reef,” Josh said getting everyone’s attention, “I don’t mean to be nosy or nothing.. but imma be nosy, what’s going on with you and her?” He nodded his head towards you.
“Whatchu mean?” Shareef laughed
“You know what I mean. Is that your girl? Is future Mrs. O’Neil in our presence?”
Shareef looked over at you, “You wanna be future Mrs. O’Neil?” He asked, a wide smile on his face.
You returned the smile and shrugged, “Maybe, maybe not. We’ll see.” You laughed. You managed to catch Melo’s glare as you turned your head. He had completely stopped giving the girl in his lap attention and his eyes were dead set on you as he wore the same expression he did in the car before he stormed out earlier.
You ignored his dirty look and him, looking back at Shareef as the two of you got back into your own conversation.
“Did I already tell you you look good tonight?” He asked as he moved closer to you.
“I believe you did.” You grinned, also moving closer to him. You had already shut Melo out of your mind.
“Well, just to let you know, you look good tonight.” He commented and you responded with a giggle, “Nah, but for real, you look good. I like your makeup and that shiny stuff you got on your lips.”
“My lipgloss?” You questioned, cocking a brow at the fact he acted as though he didn’t know what lipgloss was.
“Mhm. It smells nice. Like strawberries.”
“It’s strawberry flavored. Fun fact.”
“Does it taste like strawberries too?” He was getting very close to your face, you could almost feel his breath against you.
You leaned in, further closing the small gap between you two and whispered, “Find out.”
You were caught of guard when instead of feeling Shareef’s lips against yours you felt yourself getting pulled back and stood up. You looked back as you were quickly being dragged away from the group and of course, Melo was the one pulling you away.
He was facing the house so you couldn’t see his face.
“Melo! Let me go!” You struggled out, trying to yank your arm out of his grip, which only made him hold on tighter.
“Aye!” You looked back at the group, seeing Shareef stand up while everyone else looked amongst themselves in confusion.
Shareef grabbed your free arm making Melo stop and look back at him.
“Whatchu doing bruh? Let her go.” Reef said as he tugged you towards him.
“Imma give you 2 seconds to let go of her before I punch you dead in your shit.”
“I don’t want to fight you. We in public bro, just chill out and let her go.”
“I know you her friend and all but you’re overdoing this shit. I know you’re not about to hit me in front of all these-”
Before Shareef could finish his sentence, one of Melo’s fists went flying at his face. Luckily, he dodged it but that didn’t stop Melo from swinging again.
“Melo! Chill out!” You placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back.
“Yo, go talk to your boy. He wildin’.” Shareef had already let you go by now.
“I will. Don’t go anywhere, I’ll be back.” You told him as Melo had already started pulling you away again.
“You won’t.” You heard Melo grumble as he pulled out through the back door of the house.
“Slow down!” You said as he brought you upstairs before opening a door and pushing you inside the room. The door closed and you heard a click as the door locked. He flipped on the light and you could now see he brought you into a bathroom.
You looked back at him, an angry expression on your face. “What the fuck is wrong with you?” He didn’t respond as he backed you up into the counter behind you. He reached behind you and picked up a small towel and then grabbed your face. “What are you-”
“Shut the fuck up. Damn! You talk to much.” He cut you off harshly before starting to roughly wipe the lipgloss off of your lips.
“You got me all the way fucked up right now.” He continued to grumble as he flipped on the tap behind you and wet the towel before bringing it back to your lips and wiping again, “Do it taste like strawberries too? Find out,” he mocked, “I can’t believe your ass.” He grumbled as he continued to wipe.
You pushed his hand away from your mouth, “What is your issue?!”
“Don’t ask me no stupid shit like that. You know exactly what my issue is.”
“No, I don’t. I don’t see why you had to come and embarrass me in front of everyone like that.” You hit his chest which made him take a step back.
“I embarrassed you?” He said shocked, as if he wasn’t the one in the wrong.
“YES!” You said louder than you had intended for it to come out. You almost felt like crying thinking back on what had just taken place. “What is your issue today?! First you basically call me an easy hoe in the car and now this?! Did you even for a second stop to think about my feelings?!”
“No.” He shrugged, “Cause you never thought about mine. And don’t act like you didn’t say some foul shit too. Our relationship ‘was never that serious’ you remember that?”
“You can’t use that against me, you’re the one that started everything. I don’t understand why you can’t just be happy for me.”
“Be happy for you?” He made a face, “How do you expect me to be happy seeing the woman I love move on and rub that shit in my face? You want me to be happy about that? I tried to tolerate it but you want me to keep a straight face and act like it doesn’t bother me when you give another nigga attention the way you use to give me?” He stepped closer to you, now only a few centimeters separated both of your bodies, “You expect me to sit up here with a straight face as you’re about to kiss someone else? I admit, I was wrong for doing that in front of all those people but can you blame me?… I thought I could keep my shit together and be just friends with you but to be honest,”
He he cut himself off and picked you up and placed you on the counter, standing in between your legs and placed both his hands on either side of you before saying, “I didn’t want to break up to begin with. I’m greedy baby. Ion wanna share you with nobody.” His soft lips brushed against yours before capturing them in a warm kiss. You wrapped your legs around his waist, pulling him closer as your arms snaked around his neck.
His lips moved down to your neck, you moaned as you felt his teeth gently bite down on your skin while he kissed and sucked around the area. You already knew he’d leave a hickey. One of his hands started to creep up your shirt, gently tracing your stomach before making its way to your back and unhooked your bra. He pulled away from your neck and pulled your shirt off of you from the bottom, up and discarded it behind him before sliding each of your bra straps off your shoulders and tossing the bra on the floor like he did your shirt.
He placed his lips back on yours as his both of his hands started to fondle your breasts. He lightly squeezed the left one and pinched your right nipple with his other hand which made you squeal. He chuckled into the kiss and did it again, this time pinching both nipples harder than he had before which evoked the same sound from you.
“Be gentle, they’re sensitive.” You mumbled.
“I know,” he mumbled back, repeating the same action again, smiling as he watched you pull away from the kiss, throwing your head back slightly with your eyes shut tightly, “That’s why I like doing it.”
He brought you back into the kiss, moving his hands from your breasts (to your relief) and placed them by your sides. A moment later his hands got busy again, with his right one unzipping your jeans while the left one spread your legs further. His right hand snaked into your pants. You were dripping in anticipation, waiting to feel his fingers stroke your sensitive skin but instead he touched you from outside your panties. You felt his index finger rub your clit through the thin fabric and whimpered out needily, “Melo please,” you said breathlessly, breaking the kiss.
“Please, what?”
“Touch me.” It was torture having his finger so close but feeling so far.
Instead of doing what you asked oh so kindly for he removed his hand and went back to undressing you. He stepped back and grabbed one of your feet, untying one of your sneakers and setting it down on the ground before moving to the other one, untying the laces painfully slow. Once your sneakers were off he grabbed the waistband of your jeans and started to pull the article of clothing off of your legs. Once half your thigh was exposed he bent down and pressed a kiss on one of your thighs. “This was always my favorite part of your body.” He said quietly as he continued to pull your jeans down your legs. He pulled them off the rest of the way and let them fall to the ground after he pulled them off your ankles.
He refocused his attention back on your thighs, pressing a few, scattered, soft kisses on them as he inched back up towards your pussy. He licked your inner thigh, making you shiver before saying, “This,” he took his index finger and pressed it directly against your clit, “Is my second favorite part of you.”
Your hands grabbed the hem of your panties and tried to pull them down but he stopped you, lightly smacking away your hands and stood up straight once more.
“Melo..” you whined as you watched his lips stray farther and farther away from your pussy.
“Uh uh, no whining, you fucked up yourself.” He leaned in close, “What’s my one rule when we making love?”
“Not to touch myself.” You replied quietly, “But you were teasing.”
“That don’t matter my love.” He pecked your lips, “A rule is a rule.”
He pulled away and took off his shirt. You watched as his tanned abs and then his number 1 tattoo on his chest were exposed. He dropped his shirt on the ground and you took in his appearance for a second. His gold chains were shining under the light. You watched as he slipped off his shoes and then took a step back before waving you over and then pointing a finger down on the ground. You slid off the counter and got your knees in front of him. No words needed to be said, you knew what he wanted. You slid his slim-fit sweatpants down his legs. He made it easier for you by kicking them off his ankles.
You reached up, your hands feeling the bulge in his underwear. You looked up into his eyes, putting on your most innocent look face as your lips pressed against his tip through the fabric before you lightly drug your tongue against it. You could feel his hard on strain against the fabric as you did so. You, wanting him in your mouth already and too eager to continue teasing, pulled his underwear down his legs. His dick sprung out, almost hitting his stomach.
Your mouth hung open slightly as your eyes focused on all maybe 8 or 9 inches of his length. It throbbed slightly, some precum leaking out of the tip and down the base. Melo grabbed the base of his dick and guided it towards your lips, only needing to say “Open,” before you parted your lips and let him push each inch into your mouth.
You bobbed your head, guiding your tongue all along his length, outlining each vein, before moving it back to the tip, swirling it around. “Fuck,” he rasped out as his hands tangled in your hair, giving him a good grip on your head. He tried to push more of himself into your mouth but you stopped him, pulling back. “It can’t fit all in my mouth,” you said, using the time his dick was out of your mouth to catch your breath. “We’ll make it fit down your throat then.” He said as he pushed his shaft back into your mouth. When you felt his tip hit the back of your throat you gagged loudly to which he instructed, “Relax. Relax your throat.”
You did as he said, relaxing the best you could as you felt the tip of his dick move past the back of your throat and downward. You watched as each inch disappeared and your nose pressed against his stomach. “Good girl,” you heard him remark in a breathy moan. He pulled back again to let you breath before pushing his entire length down your throat once more. He got into rhythm, fucking your throat and guiding your head. It got sloppy quick, saliva dripping off of his dick and onto the floor and onto the both of you in the process. He thrusted down your throat one last time before cumming with a loud moan. You nearly choked as he came ropes down your throat without warning but somehow survived it without one gag. He pulled his saliva coated dick out of your mouth with a satisfied sigh and you swallowed the left over cum and saliva in your mouth.
He scooped you up and you felt yourself being set back on the counter. To your surprise he kissed you, rolling his tongue against yours as he slipped off your panties. Your juices had leaked through them and were starting to come down your legs. Something about sucking dick made you so horny. Melo’s head dipped down but you grabbed it, saying, “Just fuck me.” You didn’t even want head anymore. He did as you wanted, pressing his tip against your entrance before pushing in each inch of his dick slowly. You let out a satisfied moan, enjoying the feeling of having him back inside you after so long. He placed his head in the crook of your neck as his dick bottomed out inside you and you gripped his shoulders. You felt his lips brush against your ear before hearing, “It feels so good to be in my pussy again,” before he pulled out and thrust back in roughly, “And no other nigga better have been in it.” You let out a moan in response while shaking your head.
He fucked you like a mad man, thrusting in out of you faster and harder than you could comprehend. Your eyes started to subconsciously roll to the back of your head and your mouth hung open as a trail of endless moans left your lips. “You feel so good,” he whispered in your ear which set you off. You cleaned around his shaft, your nails gripped his back tighter and you started to cum all over his dick to which he responded with a groan saying, “You don’t know how good that feels,”
He fucked you on the counter for a few more minutes before you felt yourself getting picked up. Without missing a beat, or pulling out of you he switched your position, having you now bent over the counter. He gave your head him towards the mirror, “I want you to watch while we make love.” He leaned in close, switching the pass or his thrusts. “How does it feel?” He asked as he placed a kiss on your neck.
“I-it feels..” you struggled to get out, trying to keep your head up like he wanted.
The kisses moved from your neck to your cheek, “How it feel baby, talk to me.”
“It feels good.” You moaned out, “It feels so good daddy.”
“There you go,” he said as his thrusts picked up again. You let out another embarrassingly loud moan when you felt his fingers rub your very sensitive clit and he asked, “You love me? Hm?” Before feeling a kiss on your shoulder blade.
“Yes baby, oh my god, I love you so muchhh.”
He chuckled before using his free hand to face your face towards him. He pressed his lips against yours, trying to give you a kiss but you were moaning too much to kiss him back. He faced your head back towards the mirror, “You not letting no nigga take my place again, right?”
“Noo, never again,” you replied breathlessly before letting out another loud moan as you came everywhere once again.
“Good.” He placed a small peck on your cheek and let go of your head and moved his other hand from your pussy. He then gripped both of your arms and held them behind your back as he stood up straight and fucked you mercilessly.
I didn’t think I’d finish this today, but here I am, hours later lmao. I hope you all enjoyed. People have been asking me to do an imagine where Melo likes his best friend and they have sex for so long lmao so I hope this satisfied those anons.
Side note: imagine Melo telling you he doesn’t want to share you with nobody else but himself 😩
Please excuse any errors. I’m tired lol.
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