#and the crooked window border as well lol
wingsfreedom · 11 months
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I didn't expect I'd have enough time to draw after I start attending college but I'm doing better than I thought I would.
Anyway this is a special Zhao&Ozai post with fully colored versions.
Bonus: Sodus by Cemeteries is a song that gives me Zhao and Ozai vibes: the nostalgic guitar beats, the monochrome photo of lively sea and flying seagulls (young Zhao&Ozai setting up for sail) and, of course, the lyrics that is both nostalgic and dark; describing their current situation imo.
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lepusrufus · 3 years
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Some (slightly angsty) vamp fam being wholesome and loving each other bc we need it 
Now keep in mind I’m in no way a writer but i wanted to write a teeny lil fic based around this sketch (the alternative was a short comic which i do not have the time for lol) so enjoy the angst and fluff under the cut
The frigid wind was howling outside, crashing against the towers of the Dimitrescu castle. Yet they stood tall and proud as they have for centuries now, the thick stone walls protecting its inhabitants from the winter cold. 
On the inside, the halls were filled with echoes of heels running across the polished floors, accompanied by the giggles and laughter of the three daughters of the house. Cassandra was in the lead, a comically large hat held in her gloved hands, followed by Bela and, lagging behind, their youngest sister Daniela. She deliberately stayed behind to -jokingly of course- mock their pursuer’s efforts to catch up. Each time she turned to yell a “we cannot be captured” or “give up and we may spare your hat” a small sigh escaped their mother’s lips. 
“Come now, daughters. You know as well as I do that I must get ready for tonight’s meeting.”
Alcina made no efforts to quicken her pace though, she knew that her mischievous daughters would not run too far ahead. After all, where is the fun in having so much distance between you and your pursuer that you can’t even see and make fun of them. At least that’s what Daniela always said. 
Despite her air of tiredness, Alcina couldn’t help the small smile tugging at her lips at the sound of her beloved daughters’ giggles. They may be up to no good occasionally, but they knew better than to cause their mother embarrassment, especially when it came to Mother Miranda. The meeting was still distant. For now she could afford to spend some time with them. 
The trio rounded a corner, the first two quickly slipping out of sight while Daniela lingered there and turned towards her mother. 
“Fine, we’ll give you the hat back,” she shouted and, for a second Alcina looked at her daughter hopefully, until she held her chin between two fingers in an exaggerated pensive expression. “If we can get a pet lycan!" 
Alcina grimaced at the mere thought of one of Heisenberg’s beasts coming even close to her castle. Her clean castle.
"Good luck then!" 
Daniela spun on her heels to follow her sisters, but lost her balance for a moment, slamming an elbow against the window placed right behind her for support. She had a tendency to get a little clumsy when excited, though it never became a problem bigger than a couple insignificant vases getting broken or an accidental -according to her- shove against her sisters. That is, until today.
The latch on the old window rattled from the combined force of Daniela’s hit and the wind outside that has been pushing against it all day long. This was the final hit that it needed to give out. The window opened forcefully, letting in a cold burst of winter air from outside that howled through the hallway. Daniela got knocked to the ground, more due to the pain caused by the chilly air than from its force, and instinctively tried to crawl away from the window while shielding herself from the cold as best as she could. The pain, however, became quickly unbearable and an agonized scream that bordered on a guttural grow pierced the howling of the wind. 
"Mom!” Daniela called out desperately, now balling up in the fetal position. 
Her mother however was not far, having witnessed the whole ordeal and now rushing towards her with heavy steps from the other side of the hall. Even the other two, hearing Daniela’s scream, dropped their game and came back for their sister. 
“Dani- " 
Bela had to quickly grab Cassandra’s shoulder to stop her at a safe distance. As much as it pained her to see her younger sister writhing in pain on the floor, she knew that all three of them being in that state would get impossible for their mother to handle. And Alcina indeed handled it. She was at her youngest’s side in mere seconds, forcefully shutting the damned window with just enough self control so as to not shatter it, and then knelt down to Daniela’s shivering form. She gently scooped her up in her arms, holding her close to her body and almost wincing at how badly she was shaking.
Alcina spared only a glance towards the elder daughters "Go around. Meet me in my chambers,” came her booming voice and, although she wasn’t mad at them, they couldn’t help the shiver that ran down their spines. 
“Yes mother,” they replied in unison and the next second a swarm of insects had replaced their bodies. 
The journey to Alcina’s chambers was little more than a quick blur of hallways and heavy booming footsteps. She shoved the door open, crouching to enter and made a beeline for the pile of blankets neatly placed on the bed. Daniela was lowered down on one of the thicker covers so that her mother could wrap her up in a better attempt at warming her up. She then was promptly picked back up, now cocooned in the soft blanket, and Alcina went to sit on the couch placed right in front of the fireplace while tightly holding her daughter in her arms. 
Contrary to popular belief, Alcina’s body was quite warm to the touch, unlike her daughters’ cold skin. On chilly winter nights it was common occurrence for the girls to come to her, demanding cuddles with the excuse that their rooms felt too cold. She always complied, gladly allowing all three of them to huddle around her like kittens for a bit of extra warmth. 
Which is exactly what Daniela was doing right now, her small body almost glued to her mother’s chest and her head shoved in the crook of Alcina’s neck. One hand was covering her face, muffling the sound of sobs, while the other was damn near clawing at her shoulder trying to hold the blanket tightly around herself. It pained Alcina deeply to see her in such a sorry state. Her hands were tightly holding her daughter and she bent down to kiss the top of her head, whispering gentle words of encouragement. 
A slight buzzing sound reached her ears as Bela and Cassandra entered the room, their expressions riddled with worry. Bela wordlessly approached the fireplace, it’s flames dying down from not being fed in a while, and added a couple logs that quickly ignited, casting a warm light on the room and its current inhabitants. Cassandra on the other hand was standing a couple feet away from her mother, not knowing what to do. The hat was still in her hands, her grip tightening further with each muffled sob that could be heard from Daniela. It took a few moments for Alcina to notice her, but when she did, she called her to sit by their side with a slight motion of her head. Cassandra was happy to oblige, quickly sitting down by her mother and helping her with keeping Daniela wrapped in  the soft blanket. Bela joined them too after taking care of the fire. She knelt in front of Daniela and started to slowly rub her shoulder hoping to bring some comfort while her other hand went to Cassandra’s.
They sat like that until sobs turned into soft sniffles and until those died down too. Daniela stopped shivering and was instead just enjoying the warmth of her mother’s embrace, recovering from the whole ordeal. Until she let out a sigh, still not budging however. 
“Well that sucked major ass." 
Cassandra couldn’t stop the small chuckle that escaped her lips at the sight of Alcina fighting the urge to reprimand her youngest for her choice of words. When she looked at Bela, she saw the same struggle to keep a straight face. The very air in the room seemed lighter, no longer carrying the very real possibility of one of them dying.
"No more heels for you. From now on you can only wear flats,” Bela said teasingly, finally allowing her shoulders to relax. 
“You’re only mad I’m taller than you,” came Daniela’s reply, who had turned around in her mother’s arms to give her sister a light shove. 
Bela gasped, indignated, and went for a rebuttal, but was promptly interrupted by Cassandra’s sudden burst of laughter. She buried her face in her hands, muffling the sound, and leaned against her mother. 
Alcina finally managed to let out a sigh of relief, her grip on Daniela loosening, and she leaned back against the soft cushions of the sofa. She closed her eyes, just reveling in the sound of her daughters giggling and throwing light teases at each other as if the last half an hour or so did not happen. These girls were really able to bounce back from anything. 
But that was still a close call. She was already making plans to have someone come to the castle and repair any old window with a faulty lock so that such an accident would not repeat itself. It wasn’t unusual for things in a castle to get old and less effective as they once were, but Alcina couldn’t help blaming herself for not properly upkeeping her home. Her and her daughters’ home. 
A shift from the three girls pulled her back from her thoughts. Bela got up to sit by her side, now all of them huddled around her and giggling at whatever joke Daniela just made. 
She could have a maid call the repairman later. Right now she just wanted to enjoy the quality time with her daughters, in the safety of her warm room. Not that the girls seemed to have any plans of letting her get up anyways.
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Perks (c.h)
Pairing: Calum Hood X Fem!Reader
Requested: YES
Summary: You haven’t seen your boyfriend for five months thanks to quarentine, time to make up the lost time
Warnings: Smut. Thigh riding. Mentions of quarentine. Dirty thoughts and talk. Language and probably some mistakes (English is not my first language, I’m sorry)
Word count: 1.7K
Author’s note: So we are all aware that this is Calum’s world and we are living in it, right? I’m not very familiar with writing smut so I hope this is okay and that you’ll like it 😊 thank you so much to the anon for requesting this! Reblogs, likes, comments and feedback are always more than welcome! Thank you so much and Happy reading 🦋💕
My materialist
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“OMG! Request! Request! Request! reader finally gets to travel and see Cal for the first time since Quarantine and is Shocked by his physique. smut, where they basically ride cal's thigh, while gripping his arms. i'm a slut sorry lol. female pronouns are preferred, but use whatever you like!”
Five months.
You haven’t seen Calum in five months and it was driving you insane.
When quarantine started you never thought you’d be trapped inside the state borders of Virginia. You thought you would have enough time to go back home to your boyfriend and spend the next few weeks cuddling up by his side. But, since timing can be a bitch sometimes, your work required you to stay a little bit longer and you missed the last flight to LA. So to say that you were ecstatic to get home would be an understatement.
You haven’t told Calum that you were on your way home, wanting to surprise him when you open the door to your shared home. The smirk on your face could only be matched with the up and down movements of your leg, being almost impossible to contain your excitement.
The Uber driver finally pulled up in front of the house after nearly one hour in traffic. You smiled through your mask and thanked them several times before jumping out of the car with your bags in hands, wasting no time in opening the door and stepping inside.
The smell of home invaded your senses, as tears gathered up in your eyes. It’s been too long, too long without this feeling of content.
You dropped your bags in the entrance hallway and made your way to the kitchen, hoping to see Calum there and surprise him with a long awaited kiss. Yet, Calum wasn’t in the kitchen, in fact it appeared that he wasn’t home at all! It was quiet… too quiet.
You washed your hands and started walking around the house, trying to find at least a clue of where your disappearing boyfriend went. You searched in the music room, the laundry room and finally your bedroom but he was nowhere to be found. That was until you peaked out of your bedroom window and you had to remind yourself of how to breathe properly.
There he was, tank top soaked in sweat as he worked out in the garden. His hair has gone longer, you never could tell in your FaceTime calls because he always wore a hoodie or some kind of bucket house whenever he was on the phone with you, and now his curls were unsuccessfully tamed in a headband, preventing it from hitting and sticking to his head. You slightly bit your lip at the thought of ripping that headband off his head and pulling on his curls just like you used to do.
He’s got a lot bigger too, you could feel your cheeks getting warmer at the sight of his muscles flexing with ease every time he stretched his arms. The need for him grew stronger as you imagined how it would be like to be held down by those arms, pinning you to the mattress as he ran his hands through your body until they landed on your neck, squeezing it just right until…
“Holy shit!” A voice said, interrupting your daydream. You looked down to see Calum already staring at you, blinking a few times just to make sure his eyes were not fooling him. You smiled and waved, quickly getting away from the window as you started running downstairs to meet him.
Calum entered the house just in time to see you walk the last step of the stairs and catch you in his arms as you ran into him, wrapping your arms around his neck and your legs around his waist.
“I’m not dreaming, please tell me I’m not dreaming. I’m so gonna hate myself if this is another dream” He said, hiding his head into the crook of your neck.
You laughed as you pulled away a bit, cupping his cheeks into your hand and pressing little kisses across his face “It’s real, baby” You said through kisses and happy tears “I’m home. I’m finally home”
Calum’s smile reached his eyes as he started giggling with you, wasting no time to press his lips against yours.
The kiss quickly turned heated as you parted your lips and granted him access to deepen the kiss the way you both needed. ’It’s been too long’ you thought ‘too long without his kiss’
His hands traveled down grabbing your ass and giving it a little squeeze, making you moan into the kiss as you felt his growing erection through the thin material of the shorts he was wearing. Without skipping a beat, Calum walked backwards until the back of his calves met with the soft cushions of the couch, sitting down and pulling you on top of his lap without breaking the kiss.
You straddled his thigh and started moving slowly, creating a soft rhythm that matched with the movements of your lips “You dreamt about me?” You ask, breaking the kiss and starting to trail your lips against his jaw.
“Yes,” Calum breathed as he pulled you even closer to him, almost not believing you were actually there “All the time I imagined you were coming home, almost lost my mind for a second there”
You hummed, trailing your hands up and downs his muscular arms “I see you got yourself busy while I was away” You giggled.
Calum’s plump lips made their way to your neck, kissing and leaving marks wherever he wanted, making you moan softly when he found your sweet spot right under your ear “Thought you might like it,” he teased as his hands started to touch you under your shirt, leaving goosebumps wherever they touched “Let the hair grow as well”
“I could tell… Cal-“ You whimpered. His hands were cupping your breasts over your bra, thumbs slightly rubbing your nipples over the thin fabric, making you roll your hips with more intent as you bite your lips trying to contain the moans.
Calum groaned at the sight “Nu-uh,” He said, kissing you so you’ll stop biting your lips “I wanna hear you baby, please” He almost begged, adding more pressure to your nipples “It’s been too long without your pretty little sounds, love. Can't wait any longer, I need to hear you”
You obliged, thankful that you were not going to bust your lip open from biting it too hard. Your hands quickly found the haim of your shirt, pulling it over your head and unclasping your bra, tossing them god knows where. “Fuck.” Calum groaned at the sight of you.
“Like what you see?” You grin.
“Fucking love it” He said, replacing his hands with his lips in a matter of seconds, kissing from your nipples to your jaw and from your jaw to your nipples again, leaving no place unmarked, no place untouched.
One of his hands traveled to your hips while the other one ventured even further down over your panties. You were so thankful you decided to wear a skirt today.
He rubbed his hand over your lips, smirking when he felt just how wet you were “All of this for me?” He asked with a smug expression.
“Yes,” you breathed, quickening your pace so you were rubbing on his hand.
“Yes what, princess?”
“Ah- all for you, Calum” You whimpered in extacy. The FaceTime calls, the sexting and the naughty photos could never compare to the pleasure of the real thing, and to think that you haven’t even started.
“Wanna ride my thigh, baby girl?” He asked whispering in your ear as he bit your earlobe while removing his hand from your pussy and grabbing your ass with a strong grip that you were sure would leave marks tomorrow.
“Yes, sir” You moaned.
Calum slapped your ass and made you yelp at the sudden hit, somehow making you even more wet that before “Do it,” He commanded “Make yourself cum on my thigh, baby girl”
You started to move your hips again, kissing him as you slowly quicken the pace. Your hands flew to his hair, fingers tangling in his messy curls and tugging them with enough force to make him moan in pleasure.
A trail of moans and quick breaths came out of your lips as you felt Calum’s grip on your ass, guiding your movements and pressing you down against him, making you feel everything and more, proud of the mess you were making with every thrust.
“Babyy.. “ you whined, lips parted as you pressed your forehead with his, tugging on his hair so he could meet you halfway for a deep, sloppy kiss “Calum-“
“That’s it, baby. That’s it” He breathlessly praised, feeling over the moon hearing your moans and whimpers, knowing it’s just for him “So beautiful like this, baby girl. So fucking beautiful”
You were close, you were close and he knew that. Calum grabbed your hips and started quickening the pace even more “C’mon baby, cum. Cum all over my thigh”
Your moans grew louder as your vision started to become a little foggy. Your hands trailed down to his biceps as you dug your nails into his skin, trying so hard to hold on just a little bit longer for him.
“Cal- Calum, baby” His name became a mantra in your lips, feeling your climax even closer “I’m gonna cum, baby”
Your nails sank deeper into his arms, making Calum hiss as he was sure you would mark him but in this moment he didn’t find a single fuck to give as you were coming closer and closer with each movements “Fuck. Cum, Y/N. Cum. I got you, baby. I got you”
You closed your eyes as your orgasm ran through your entire body, making you shiver as you slowly came down your high, still feeling Calum’s big hands on your hip.
Once again, you grabbed Calum by his hair and pulled him towards you, clashing your lips together into a passionate kiss, telling everything you need to know at that moment.
“God, I fucking missed you” He said, once you broke the kiss to breathe.
You giggled, still a little breathless “Ditto” You wrapped your arms around his neck, pecking his lips one more time “This was one hell of a welcoming”
“You surely don’t think this is over just yet” He said, a small laugh leaving his lips “I’ve spend five months without you in that bed, you’re not leaving my side anytime soon”
You hummed “Wanna take me there and make up for lost time?”
In the blink of an eye Calum got to his feet and pulled you over his shoulder, making you yelp and giggle as he carried you to your shared bedroom, once hand around your waist while the other one soothed your ass.
“What the hell?” You laughed.
“Perks of working out, honey” He smiled “And we’re about to do one hell of a workout”
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dongofthewolf · 3 years
A Heart’s a Heavy Burden
Abby Anderson x GN! Reader
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After arriving on Catalina Island, Abby is afraid to let her guard down. She lives with this constant crushing weight on her chest that she fears will never leave her. It’s not until she meets the reader that things begin to change.
Warnings: Copious amounts of fluff, swearing, basically just a lot of cute shit lol
Anon requested one where the reader goes on a hike with Abby and Lev, I hope you guys enjoy (especially if you requested it) <3 it’s been really nice getting back into writing and this request was so adorable aaaa.
A/N: I know it’s been a while since I’ve posted and for that I apologize. In the meantime, I hope this will suffice. Also peep the Howl’s Moving Castle quote I used for the title lol
After the death of her father and that night in the theatre, Abby has come to the realization that pain and suffering is nothing if not inevitable. There has never been a point in time in which an instance of joy or peace is not soon followed by the truest forms of human depravity. When Abby and Lev arrived in Santa Barbara she thought things would be different. She was filled with this brand new feeling of optimism that she thought was long forgotten, and for the first time in forever she had hope.
Then—almost as if some higher being was mocking her for finally letting her guard down—the Rattlers happened, and it all came crashing down. As easily as a sandcastle is destroyed by the tide, that newfound happiness was gone in an instant and that feeling of despair returned once again. She had almost become accustomed to the suffering and heartache that accompanied those short increments of happiness. 
So when Abby and Lev arrived on Catalina Island, naturally Abby was incredibly grateful, but she was also fucking terrified. The moment that she stepped onto the shore, Abby vowed to never let her guard down again. She never wanted to see Lev hurt again, especially after everything he’d already been through.
It’s easy to imagine how difficult life can be when every happy moment is squandered by the fear of something inevitably terrible happening. It’s been months on Catalina Island and that normalcy Abby has missed so much was beginning to return, yet she is still afraid. A large part of Abby knows that being captured by the Rattlers isn’t her fault, but nevertheless she still feels this tremendous weight on her chest. Bearing down on her, compressing her into something small. 
There is something different about Catalina Island though. Something that makes Abby feel as though—despite everything that has already happened—things will be different here. It’s you.
You were one of the first faces Abby saw when her and Lev arrived on the shore. She had sustained multiple injuries and was suffering from severe starvation and dehydration, Lev the same. You however were in the infirmary for a fractured ankle, and due to the shortage of space she was placed in the bed next to yours. 
There was something you noticed about Abby the moment she sat down next to you. You couldn’t quite place it at the time but thinking back, it was definitely her eyes. There was so much pain behind them. You didn’t know why or how you knew, but it was there. Maybe it was because you had seen that same pain in the mirror that sits idle in the darkness of your room, the one covered by a tattered white sheet. It didn’t matter though, because all you knew was that the pain was there, and you wanted nothing more than to show her that life can be okay.
You woke up early today, laying in bed and trying to shake the sleep from your body, you counted the dust particles that floated in the small beam of sunlight that peeked through your window. While you lay basking in the warmth and stillness of your bedroom, you heard a quiet knock on your door. A small voice followed, it was Lev.
“Y/N? Are you awake?” 
“Yeah, just give me a sec.” You carefully rolled out of bed before slipping on a hoodie and answering the door. 
When you opened the door Lev had a huge smile on his face. “Hi Y/N!” 
That was something you really admired about him. Even after everything him and Abby had been through, he was just full of this giddy optimism that continued to wonder you every day. 
“Hey Lev, what’s up?” 
“I was wondering if you wanted to come on a hike with Abby and I? Apparently there’s something she wants to show you.” 
“Of course, I’d love to! Just let me get ready and I’ll head down in a bit.” Just as the words slipped out Lev embraced you tightly. You giggled as he leapt into your arms. 
“Awesome! I’ll go let Abby know.” Lev released you from his grip before hurriedly running downstairs.
When you found the two waiting outside your room, you couldn’t help but grin at the sight of Abby and her adorable freckles. She looked so much happier now, having grown her hair out a bit and built up some of the muscle mass she had lost. 
“You ready to go?” Abby had her hands hooked in the straps of her backpack as she took a small step closer to you. 
“You bet your ass I am.” 
As Abby led you and Lev along the shoreline you noticed how her skin was almost glowing. You figured it was most likely a product of all the time she spent helping out in the California sun. 
Rather than resting like any normal person would’ve, as soon as Abby was back on her feet, she was desperate to help out as much as she could. Whether it was patrolling the beaches or running the farms, she didn’t care. She just wanted to help. 
It seemed like it was a way for her to somehow compensate for being rescued off of the coast, and you wished you could tell her that she didn’t owe anyone anything—that after everything she went through to get here, there was nothing to repay. Of course though, it’s difficult to console someone when they haven’t exactly told you what was troubling them.
The shoreline bordered between an abundance of rocky cliffs and the tide, and the area was littered with lush greenery. Lev walked ahead of the two of you, jumping from rock to rock with surprising ease.
“Be careful Lev! There are sharks in that water you know.” Abby yelled at Lev to no avail. It was sweet how protective she was over him, even though she knew he wouldn’t fall.
You lightly nudged Abby’s shoulder with yours, the warmth of her skin against yours was comforting. You gave her a small reassuring smile. “He’ll be fine Abs, you know he can handle himself.” 
Abby sighed, looking down for a brief moment before continuing. “You’re right… I just worry you know.” 
“Yeah, I get it. You know, you’re actually pretty cute when you get all protective.” You said it teasingly, but you’d be lying if there wasn’t a small ounce of truth to the words.
Abby smiled, blushing at the comment, but it was difficult to tell in the sunlight. She was grateful the sun had already made her cheeks a light shade of pink. “Shut up.” 
It was nice with Abby and Lev. You spent the day burying Abby in the sand on the beach and chasing the crabs that hid under the rocks with Lev. Abby had packed a whole bunch of food in her bag, and the three of you quickly devoured it all. 
While Lev was building a shark out of sand, you and Abby laid side by side as you basked in the warm sun. After a bit you felt a shift next to you as Abby rolled on her side, leaning on her arm while she looked down towards you. 
“Hey.” Her voice was quiet, soft, similar to Lev’s when he woke you up this morning.
You opened your eyes and nearly melted at the sight before you. Abby was completely shielding the sun from your face which created a halo effect that outlined her entire head. The small strands of hair that stuck out of her ponytail glowed like threads of gold, and you could see clearly now the freckles that danced across her face all the way down to her arms. 
You replied with a soft smile on your face as you laid there admiring all the little details of her face. “Hey.”
“Can I show you something?” 
You gave her a small nod. “Do you want me to get Lev?” As you began sitting up Abby put her hand on your arm to stop you.
“Actually, I was kind of hoping it could just be us. Is that okay?” There was a small hint of nervousness in her voice and you weren’t sure if it was due to the thought of leaving Lev alone, or if it was from something else. 
“I would love that.” The corner of Abby’s mouth curled into a small smile at your answer. 
The both of you stood up from the sand, brushing the excess off of your pants. Abby jogged over to Lev and whispered something quietly before quickly returning to you. 
When you and Abby began walking away from the beach you heard Lev’s voice in the distance. “Have Y/N back by ten o’clock young man, I have a hunting rifle and I know how to use it!” 
Abby rolled her eyes as she yelled back in response. “Yeah, yeah.”
You looked at Abby with a confused face. “He has a hunting rifle?” 
“Nah, I think he got it from a movie. I need to stop showing him those old rom-coms.” Abby chuckled as she responded and you couldn’t help but let out a small laugh as well. It’s almost annoying how infectious her laughter was.
Eventually, the two of you reached a long stream of rushing water. It wasn’t too deep, but if you were to fall in, the current was definitely strong enough to swiftly sweep you away.
There was a tiny path of rocks that travelled in a crooked line across the stream, and it was obvious it hadn’t been used in a long time. “Please tell me we aren’t going this way.”
“Come on Y/N, I got you. You trust me right?” Abby didn’t wait for a response as she grabbed your hand and led you across the mossy rocks. 
As you reached the last rock, you let out a breath of relief. All you had to do was prop yourself over the log in front of you and you were home free. Carefully, as you reached your arms up to grip onto the ridges of the bark with your fingertips, you somehow lost your footing and slipped. You yelped and nearly fell face first into the jagged rocks below you, but luckily before you could, you felt a strong arm grab your waist. Abby almost on instinct quickly hoisted you up and onto the log just before you fell to your death. 
While you laid your body down on the dirty log in an attempt to calm the adrenaline that was coursing through your veins. Abby nonchalantly stood up next to you with a huge grin, acting as if you didn't just see your life flash before your eyes two seconds ago. “See? I got you. Now let’s go.” 
You groaned. “Can I get a second? I nearly just died back there.” 
“Don’t be so dramatic Y/N, you know I’d never let anything happen to you.” Abby grabbed your hand and dragged you over the log. “Come on, we’re almost there.”
She wasn’t wrong about it not being far (and for that you were extremely grateful). It only took a couple more minutes until you finally reached your destination, and the moment you saw it, you were speechless. 
Before you was a small clearing that had a view of the entire island. There were two large trees with ripe oranges hanging from it’s branches, and an abundance of wildflowers that danced in the wind like small fairies. The sunlight that shone through the leaves on the trees reminded you of the small beam of light that you were admiring this morning, except this was a thousand times more beautiful.
“Holy shit Abs.” It was one of the most beautiful things you had ever seen, and to get to see it with Abby was seriously a dream come true.
“You know, if you don’t like it we can always head back.” Abby teased.
“Oh shut up.” You plopped down onto the soft grass beneath you, breathing in the warm air and letting the blades encompass your body. You noticed Abby was still standing and quickly patted the grass beside you “Lay down with me, you gotta experience it from here.” 
Abby lowered herself tentatively beside you, and although she tried to hide it, you could tell out of the corner of your eye that her gaze was fixed on you. 
Things between you and Abby have always been pretty platonic; sure you guys flirted every once in a while but it never extended beyond that. And as much as you’d like for the two of you to be more, you never wanted to overstep your bounds. You didn’t want to burden Abby with your feelings especially if she didn’t share them, and you definitely didn’t want to ruin your friendship. It was hard sometimes trying to ignore the longing in your heart—trying to ignore the urge to jump into her arms and kiss her whenever she gave you that adorable freckled smile, but you knew it was for the best.
However, with her gaze fixed upon you, and your fingers just inches away, something in you couldn’t help but move your pinkie just slightly in search of hers. It was a small touch. So small it could almost be accidental, but something in both of you knew it wasn’t.
You heard Abby’s breath hitch quietly and nearly pulled your hand back, but then you felt hers move towards yours. Slowly, Abby’s fingertips traced lines against your hand before lacing them together with yours. The gesture was so sweet you nearly melted.
When you turned your head to face her, her cheeks were flushed and her eyes squinted closed like she was waiting for a bomb to go off. It was in that moment that you realized she felt the same longing that you did—that she knew of the ache that occupied your heart, and everything just clicked. 
You tightened your grip on her hand as you brought her fist to your lips, planting a soft kiss on her knuckles. The act softened her expression and she opened her eyes to look at you with that damned smile on her face. 
Abby propped herself up the same way she had at the beach, looking down at you with those beautiful blue eyes. The wind blew loose strands of hair across her face, and you reached up to brush them behind her ear. But instead of retracting your hand, you rested your palm lightly against her cheek, tracing small circles with your thumb. 
Leaning closer, Abby finally broke the silence. “Hey Y/N?”
Your voice was quiet and raspy as you responded with a small. “Yeah?”
She was closer now, her nose against yours and her warm breath fanning across your face. “Can I kiss you?” 
You didn’t respond. Instead you closed the small gap with your lips, kissing Abby tenderly. It was the kind of kiss you couldn’t ever explain to anyone, like a dream you couldn’t quite recall but knew was good. It was perfect.
You could feel her smiling against your mouth as she ran her fingers through your hair and down to your chin.
When Abby pulled away she had this stupid grin on her face, and it was easily the cutest thing you had ever seen. 
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that for.” Abby laid back down next to you as she let out a sigh of relief.
As you rolled over to rest your head on her chest, Abby’s arm moved to hold you closer. “You’re kidding, right?” She looked at you, urging you to continue. “Abby, I’ve been waiting to do that ever since you gave me that seashell in the infirmary.”
Your heart swelled as you recalled how nervous she was—how she didn’t say a word to you the entire time there, until that day when she shakily introduced herself. It was one of the sweetest gestures anyone had ever done for you, and you’ve adored her ever since.
Abby blushed when you brought up the seashell. She remembers that day clearly; you were leaving the infirmary because your ankle had finally healed, and she saw her opportunity to meet you begin to narrow. Abby initially wasn’t going to go up to you because she was way too afraid, but Lev had seen the way Abby looked at you and forced her to go over and introduce herself. 
He is pretty much the entire reason you and Abby were here in the first place, having given Abby that small purple seashell so she could give it to you.
As you lay there listening to the sound of Abby’s heartbeat you heard a rustle in the bushes nearby and nearly jumped out of your skin. Abby quickly stood up, the both of you backing away from the noise. Reaching for the closest thing to you, you grabbed a stick and pointed it towards the source of the rustling. “Who’s there?”
Relief flooded through you as Lev jumped out with his hands up, screaming sarcastically. “Oh no! Please don’t murder me with that tiny stick.” 
While Lev giggled hysterically, both you and Abby groaned. 
“So did you guys finally kiss or did all my work go to waste?” 
Abby rolled her eyes as she reached out to nudge Lev. “You’re such a goober.” 
Lev looked at the two of you suspiciously as he crossed his arms. “You didn’t answer my question.” 
Abby gave him an amused face as she reached for you without warning, picking you up bridal style. And you couldn’t help but giggle as she leaned in and planted a short kiss on your lips. Abby then pulled away and placed you back on your feet, looking at Lev as she spoke “Did that answer your question?” 
Lev excitedly embraced the both of you with a gigantic smile of his face. “You have no idea how long I’ve been waiting for this.” 
You and Abby looked at each other happily as you answered in unison. “Trust me, we know.”
The three of you spent the rest of the evening in that small clearing. Abby held Lev on her shoulders as he picked ripe oranges from the trees, and when the sun began to set you lay in Abby’s arms as you watched the cascading pinks and oranges in the clouds paint the sky.
While you lay in Abby’s arms she looked at you with a sense of contentment that she hadn’t felt in a long time. Time had healed the wounds that decorated Abby’s arms, and though the emotional baggage still weighed heavy on her heart, life was brighter here with the Fireflies—with Y/N.
She knew in that moment that it didn’t matter if things came crashing down as it almost always did. The pain and suffering of life was worth enduring because Abby no longer feared the inevitable. She had found something to fight for here and as long as she had you and she had Lev, Abby would continue to fight regardless of the obstacles that stood in her way.
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taetaespeaches · 4 years
“Wait, I’m nervous.”
taehyung x reader (or oc) genre: fluff word count: 1.9K
a/n: Ok, lovelies, here is just pure wholesome fluff with Tae and Peaches. They are in their own little world again, of course, and they are just feeling real in love at this point lol. Very loosely based on ‘invisible string’ by taylor swift. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for reading! :))
p.s. if you want the playlist Tae makes in this, here you are. 
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HIS hands were gorgeous as he dragged the pen across the page, etching lines to form an abstract piece straight from his vibrant mind to the drawing pad. The diner, one you were well acquainted with, was relatively empty, only a few other patrons besides you and your boyfriend as you awaited your best friends’ arrival.
Jimin and his girlfriend were unsurprisingly late, and as you waited, Taehyung suddenly stopped drawing, reaching for his phone that was attached to a set of earbuds from his pocket. Holding the left bud out to you, he positioned the right one into his ear.
“I made you a playlist,” he smiled softly, a tinge of bashfulness evident in his features. Your lips curving up happily, you eagerly put the earbud into place.
“Show me,” you told him in excitement, Taehyung chuckling as he started the first song, ‘Make Out in My Car’ by Moses Sumney and Sufjan Stevens. Your boyfriend leaned over to you, leaving a sweet kiss to your shoulder before sitting back upright, returning to the drawing pad.
As you took in the lyrics, Taehyung continued sketching the simple but interesting image, you watching ever stroke of the ink. The lyrics entering your mind reminded you of the shift in yours and Taehyung’s relationship, as you skirted the lines of friendship and romance, fighting yourselves, trying not to fall in love with each other despite desperately wanting to love one another fully.
I’m not trying to go to bed with you
I just wanna make out in my car
And though I’m dying to fall in love with you
I just wanna make out in my car.
Despite the public setting, as you sat with your boyfriend listening to the music only you two could hear, it felt as though you and Taehyung were sitting in a moment of time separate from reality, isolated from the other patrons and kitchen staff. A space that was made for you.
When Taehyung entered your life, he came unannounced, all his youthful vibrancy interrupting your daily routine and changing everything forever. He was eccentric, radiating an array of colors that everyone saw, and you fell in love with them easily. If someone were to ask you what your favorite color was, you’d reply with whatever color is shining from him today. The inner-child within Taehyung inspired you, reminding you of the little girl inside yourself.
As the days turned into weeks, building up to months and accumulating into years, Taehyung was still by your side. You’d watched each other grow up, make mistakes, achieve goals. It’s not that Taehyung completed you, or you him, but life, within your little world, just seemed a little less worth living without him in it.
The song ending, Frank Ocean’s version of ‘Moon River’ started playing, you resting your head on Tae’s shoulder as you allowed the music to penetrate your heart.
My dream maker, my heartbreaker
Wherever you’re goin’, I’m goin’ the same.
How true that was. The man beside you was the one person who could both make your dreams come true, but held all the power to shatter your heart, but regardless, you were going with him wherever he went.
The song had a slow fade out, providing a nice transition into the next tune, ‘Early’ by Joy Crookes and Jafaris. The lyrics portrayed a relationship that is either doomed or is meant to be and meant to last. Much like how you and Taehyung viewed your relationship. The fear of failing as a unit plagued you for years until you and Taehyung mutually decided to take the risk.
I’m crossing borders of this friendship
You’re turning water into wine
I can’t believe it
Because, what if it works? You recalled asking him that very questioning, both of you choosing to throw caution into the wind, telling yourselves you were destined. You were either going to last forever, or it was going to crumble in front of your eyes, and you were both still aware of the risk that came with giving into your feelings. But you both decided it was worth the risk. He was worth it.
My ride or die
And I cross my heart
This is where we start when you walk my way
Left the baggage on the floor
You want us and we want more
Don’t you know I open door when you walk my way?
Lifting your head from Taehyung’s shoulder, his eyes drifted from the sketch to you, you smiling softly, matching his fond grin. “Is it ok?” He asked.
“The drawing or the playlist?” You asked, bringing your hand to his face to stroke his cheek with your knuckles.
“Uh,” he looked at the drawing for a split second before lifting his eyes to you again. “Both.”
“Both are great, baby,” you complimented. “You know what you’re doing,” you grinned, Taehyung chuckling.
“With the playlist?” He asked knowingly, both of you understanding the storyline of the songs he chose. You nodded, leaning toward Taehyung, the man dropping his head to gently rest his forehead against yours. “I can’t believe it,” he sang along with the song, moving his head a little bit to go along with the groove, you giggling at the cute action.
“Out of all the places I could have been that day,” you commented, Taehyung’s eyebrows raising as he pulled back a bit to allow his eyes to travel your face. “We could have so easily missed each other.”
“That’s crazy to think about,” he let out a breathy chuckle, his eyes falling to your hand that was resting atop his thigh. “I mean, I guess everyone we come across happens by chance, but not everyone ends up meaning so much,” he noted thoughtfully, you smiling at the comment.
As the song came to an end, Bruno Major’s ‘Easily’ starting, Taehyung wrapped his hand gently around your wrist. “If either of us had been walking by there just a few minutes, or maybe even seconds later or earlier, we would have missed each other completely,” your boyfriend realized, setting your hand on the tabletop.
Coming and going
Inside out and back to front
Oh, tangled and messy
That’s how we’ve always been and we’ll always be
And that’s alright with me
Just because it won’t come easily
Doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try.
The song added to the story line, bringing you back to the fights and the jealousy, the falling out and ignoring each other, only to always end up back together. You couldn’t quit each other, and you didn’t want to. Taehyung was the easiest yet most complicated relationship you’d ever had, and he probably always would be.
Bringing the pen to your skin, you watched as Taehyung drew a little heart on the inner edge of your wrist. “You’re cute,” you smiled, Taehyung flashing you his stunning boxy beam. The smile you’d never tire of seeing.
“Don’t look,” he told you as he prepared to add to his drawing. “I mean it,” he smiled wider, you mimicking the expression as you covered your eyes with your free hand.
Anticipating the touch of the pen against your skin, you spread your fingers apart, finding a glaring Taehyung staring at you through the slits between your digits.
“No peeking,” he whined with a giggle, you chuckling as you apologized.
“Ok, I’m sorry, I won’t peek, do your thing,” you told him recovering your eyes.
“I knew you’d do that,” he complained as the pen touched your wrist, moving over your veins.
“I promise I won’t again,” you giggled, Tae letting out a huff of feigned frustration. When ‘Easily’ ended, Ella Fitzgerald’s voice soothed through the earbud, singing ‘In A Sentimental Mood’. Your lips formed into a soft smile at the song, swaying your body gently as Taehyung completed his work on your arm.
“You can look now,” he told you, you tentatively pulling your hand from your face, looking into Tae’s warm brown orbs.
“Yeah?” You asked, not wanting to jump the gun and ruin his surprise. The man immediately turned your hand over so your wrist was against the table, you frowning at him.
“Wait,” he smiled bashfully, “I’m nervous.”
“Nervous?” You asked in surprise, smiling at him. “Why? What did you draw on me?”
Taehyung giggled cutely, his eyes shaped in crescents, his smile wide and boyish, the man looking adorable as ever. “Nothing,” he said with the innocence only your boyfriend could convey.  
“Why are you nervous, Dearest?” You asked again, nearly cooing at how cute he was. Just as you were preparing to turn your wrist over, a knock on the outside of the window next to your booth startled you both, you and Taehyung jumping as your eyes darted to the noise, spotting your best friend standing with Jimin as they waved dorkily at you.
“Jesus,” you huffed, clutching your racing heart, Taehyung immediately letting out a noise of complaint. “I forgot they were even coming,” you commented, Tae letting out a low chuckle at the comment.
The surprise intrusion made you forget the ink on your wrist for a moment until you re-registered the song humming in your ear.
Rose petals seem to fall
It’s all I could dream to call you mine
My heart’s a lighter thing
Since you made this night a thing divine
The lyrics resonated so deeply with how you felt toward Taehyung, you found yourself rotating your arm to view the addition on your wrist, the air leaving your lungs for a moment as your heart skipped a beat, then pounding several times quickly to catch up.
Next to the heart he drew were the words, I’m in love with you.
Taehyung’s lips appeared near your ear, their soft plumpness just barely grazing your skin. “It’s true, Peaches,” he told you, making you turn to face him as Ella Fitzgerald continued to sing to you both, the song coming to a close.
In a sentimental mood
I’m within a world so heavenly
For I never dreamt that you’d
Be loving sentimental me.
Leaning toward Taehyung, you kissed him with intent and passion and love. So much love. It wasn’t the first time he had told you he loved you, or you him, but it was the first I’m in love with you, and it was definitely the first since the terms of your relationship had changed. You were both very careful in skirting around the word “love” since you crossed the line of friendship.
Your hands were on both sides of his face, his gripping your wrists as his thumb brushed over the confession he scribbled on your skin.
“I’m in love with you,” you mumbled against his lips. “I’m so in love with you,” you told him again before falling back into the kiss, though Tae’s widening smile, which caused you to smile, made the kiss a bit harder to maintain.
“Jeez, you two, we’re in a public restaurant,” your friend suddenly spoke as she scooted into the booth, Jimin following behind her. Separating from Tae, you rested the top of your head against his chin, your boyfriend wrapping his arms around your body, holding you to him as he placed a kiss to your hair.
“Whatever, we’re in love,” Taehyung dismissed the girl, Jimin smiling widely at the scene.
In love. You were. And you couldn’t help but be beyond thankful that you decided to take the leap of faith with Taehyung. Because in that moment, it was absolutely the right decision. You were meant to find Tae, and love him with all of you. Your paths weren’t simply meant to cross. They were meant to meet and become one. You had no doubts. And you were in love.
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heli0s-writes · 5 years
There Must Be*
Summary: Steve ponders religion on a wintry Sunday morning.  Pairing: Steve x Reader A/N: 2.1k words. Smut. Fluff. Tenderness with just a wee bit of Angst. Inspired by Arcade Fire’s “Good God, Damn”. I’ve been writing a lot of sacrilegious and Bucky stuff so here is something in the opposite direction lol. Steve needs love, too. :)
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The soft glow of Sunday morning wakes Steve. A faint fluttering. Quiet rustling of branches in the breeze, as if hushing themselves. He rubs his eyes gently, brushing the sleep out of them, wiping the loose lash he feels tickling his cheek.
Tiny movements. Delicate and careful. Not even the blanket rustles to life any more than for half a second as his hand finds its way faithfully back to its former position. Warmly, tenderly, calloused palms and pads return to the softness of the arm over his chest, squeezing for just a second because he can’t help himself.
A happy sigh trills its way out beneath his chin, hot breath on his bare chest and he smiles, closes his eyes, stops himself from grabbing that arm again and rousing the lover so peacefully dreaming there.
The room is chilled, bleak in the way a winter morning feels with the seeping cold of the outside finding its way in to wrestle with the warmth. The light from the window is blindingly white— sun rays reflecting the starkness of the snow to dye it all in a shade that borders blue.
Steve is hot, as he always is. That molten magma core inside of him burns like a furnace and radiates like the sun. It’s the only reason why in the dead tundra of a New York January, he’s waking up with his clothes on the floor.
Well, not the only reason.
Last night was the reason.
An extra-large pizza, a spilled cylinder of parmesan cheese, a wrong soda accidentally delivered by a young teenage boy, and a retro record player.
A new album. Your new monthly fixation. Tracks four, seven, and nine are the best. The rest, even better. The intro? Beyond space and time and reason and rhyme, no sense in how or why she can be so good.
A triangle of thin-crust pepperoni, sausage, mushrooms, and banana peppers. Extra sauce. All shoved into your mouth as you spoke around the crunching.
You’re gonna love it. Perfect sleepover party music.
He made to comment, sleepover? But then the guitar strummed smooth and turned electric. The singer hummed and vowels crackled to life in her throat. Your foot tapped along to the beat and you grinned at him— thirty seconds in and your eyes were already wide and wondering.
He had only laughed, swallowed a mouthful and nodded along. Epithets of longing and yearning— loving in a modern age. Silvery voices harmonizing in the air of the apartment.
An album listen party, you called it. Even if it’s between two people, it’s still a party if you put your mind to it, Steve. There was a lively debate then, jibes exchanged about what you meant— if he lacked imagination in your mind, because he doesn’t. You scoffed, peeling a pepperoni off the slice in his hand and putting it in your mouth.
Not imagination, conviction.
And then a new train of thought embarked— a prod at him because before the pizza was ordered there was an argument about toppings and the debate over pineapple or not almost ruined the night. He sputtered a sound in response, but you quickly shushed him with a hiss between your front teeth. Annoyingly cute.
Your eyes are closed now, like last night when you bobbed along, mouthing the words, lips curled into a mischievous smile he longed to kiss.
He felt bad in the beginning when those thoughts surfaced. You were always friendly and sweet, silly, too. Playful, cheery, happy to be affectionate and kind and happy to receive care from others. He particularly loved your way with Bucky. Cautious only for his sake, but eager to befriend and attentive to small cues.
It was easy to fall for you.
It was easy to ask you to have coffee—outside of the Tower. Away from the monitoring and the stiff atmosphere of a job. It was easy to ask you to go steady, even if he blushed all over and you teased him afterwards because going steady was a dated term.
  The light settles on your face, your arm draped over him, bare shoulder above the comforter—that little cluster of freckles he thought was perfect.
Just perfect. How is it that you are so perfect?
“Steve?” You mumble dreamily, eyes still closed but moving behind the thin skin, coming alive.
“Yeah, sweetheart.”
A fluttering of eyelids, vision regaining and struggling to focus. A squint. Your brow furrowing slightly as you take in the room. Warm gray walls, wood framed art, mahogany bookshelves. A room that isn’t yours.
He smiles, traces the line of your jaw with a crooked pointer finger and listens to your heartbeat jump around in your chest.
Sunday morning and he’s waking up with a beautiful girl in his arms. Steven Grant Rogers, who couldn’t get a woman to look at him until he was twenty-six, used to pray on Sunday mornings that he wouldn’t get so ill and maybe grow a few more inches.
Then his prayers changed a little— he just wanted to be drafted, to defend his country, follow the fight like every other good American boy.
Then they were a rush of frantic liturgies through those wartime years— survive the serum, please Lord, keep me safe, watch over Bucky, and then, Lord, hear my prayer. I know I won’t make it out of this plane. Send my love to Peggy. Give her a long and happy life. Amen.
When he woke again, his faith had been rocked. He should have been bolstered by another chance at life, but he hadn’t been sure. It seemed wrong to be who he was—enhanced, different, a disfigurement of humanity itself.
  “Um, good morning.”
Your cheeks warm against his chest, and you tuck your face down into the space next to his ribs. He’s never seen you so shy.
Last night was close—tentative-- there was a slow kiss that suddenly turned quick. Your hand that was resting over his skimmed up his shirt and then both of you were undressed before the last track could begin.
The lights were dimmed, pizza finished, soda shared, a glass of wine stood empty on the table. Your exact words as you poured it had been Italian food goes best with red wine.
And Steve had laughed. Sweetheart, delivery pizza?
It goes best with boxed wine!
The mismatched pair of your undergarments were delicately hidden by your arms across your body—a pink sports bra and a striped yellow pair of boy shorts, faded and a little loose at the waistband. Your cheeks burned red when he observed the way the top clung to your chest, the way the hem of the leg squeezed your thigh.
I—I didn’t plan o—on...
The asymmetry was an endearing testament to the moment. Spontaneous and sporadic, fueled only by a sudden desire to touch and be touched by him. It excited him even more to know that instead of lacy lingerie and perhaps your splayed and posed form on a bed, you were showing him this.
You, just in the shape you are in, unencumbered by pretense, with a shy smile and a tummy full of butterflies migrating into him, too.
  “Last night was... um... really great.” You bury your face down into the sheets, rub your forehead into the mattress and he laughs when your hair tickles his side.
“Yeah. It was.”
  Last night had seen a part of Steve Rogers’ soul pulled apart and branded into your body. His lips memorized every inch of your skin, stretching out the desire for as long as he could because damn him if the first time might disappoint you. He heard himself whispering in the fog of his mind, while he tried to balance the sensations of your taste on his lips, your whimpers in his ears, and your skin pressed against his.
God, if you’re there—if you’re real--- if this is a dream... let me stay. Let me grow old here and wake here and love her here for the rest of my days.
Steve hadn’t quite thought about his maker for a long while. Other things occupied his mind more than the pondering of a creator and a purpose. Time hardened him and loss steeled him. But your easy smile and pop playlists cracked the veneer of Captain America right through and he was glad for it.
His new and strange life was still strange, but it became sweeter at least. Confusing, alien-invaded, super-powered, and all.
Steve’s fingers brush through your hair lovingly, smooths the sleep-crumpled side down. Against his palm, you make a pleased noise and your body flexes and scoots closer along his side. He’s highly aware of your soft breasts on his ribs, your thigh over his, your hip digging.
He can’t help himself. The hand trailing down to your neck moves on its own, chasing for more of the softness that split him open and soaked him in bliss. A gasp as his sheets slides down, revealing both bodies to the brisk air. He warms you with his large hands, running his palm from your stomach to your chest as he descends between your legs. He hangs off the edge of the bed, but it doesn’t matter much. He’s preoccupied now with only one thing.  
It’s Sunday morning and he’s making love to the most beautiful girl in the world.
You whine and exhale into his touch, arching that softness into his mouth where he is most eager. Your toes curl and he reaches with his other hand down the length of your thigh and calf, wraps his fingers around your ankle and massages you there, too.
“Steve…” Your voice is barely louder than a whimper, “Come up here.” You tug your foot from his grasp and tangle your fingers in his hair, pulling him up until he’s hovering over you with a grin. He kisses your neck and places his forehead to your collar, savoring the moment he pushes in.
Hot bodies in the cold blue of winter. Faint squeaking of the bed, muffled breath, pleading, pretty words from your lips. Oh God, Steve. Steve. Oh…
You are dazed and smiling, biting a tiny bit of your lower lip as you tip your head back on the pillow. He leans further, burrows deeper, and tries to memorize the way your face looks like this— happy, breathtaking, pleasured by him. Your ankles hook around behind his back and you dig your heels into him a little more, urging. He’s deep, he’s so deep, but he fulfills your request and plunges more until there’s nothing left between the two of you.
Your eyes are shut in ecstasy, throat constricting on a dry swallow as you squeeze him in pulses, body quivering while he drags himself out and does it again and again. He’s lost in the warm velvet space inside of you, shuddering too on the edge of oblivion. Steve tries to slow down, tries to see that look again on you, but you’ve returned from the high and pinch him playfully on the arm.
He can’t help himself. You’re gazing at him so affectionately, mouth curled into a smile, lips pressed together and then against his in a brief and chaste kiss. An innocent gesture sealed over the background of his complete unraveling. He rocks one more time.
Oh, God.
It just takes the one, and he’s crumbling to pieces, hiding his face in your hair, gasping into the sheets and hoping that you’ll still look at him once the siren song of morning fades. He doesn’t know why he’s so nervous, but suddenly your hand is stroking the back of his neck and wiping away the sweat that’s collected at the tips of his hair.
“I love you, Steve.”
It’s so simple, uttered from your lips without pretense just like last night. You make room for him, rolling over on your side. Your eyes flutter again, fatigue lulling you back to the warmth of sleep under blankets. He laughs and then laughs again when you bristle irritably at the noise. Over the edge of the mattress, he tugs the comforter up and back in its place, letting the glimpse of your shoulder peek at him like before.
Sunday morning, and Steve Rogers is kissing the top of your head, heart so full of love he could burst. He wishes he could go back and tell himself back there, with his knobby knees glued stuck to those old church pews—just say, it’s gonna be okay, pal. It’s gonna be hard and terrible, but it’s gonna be okay.
He’s questioned it for so long, but after this, after knowing you and your love, he feels a little more certain.
There must be a good God, if he made you.
tags: @whothehellisbucky @serpentbaby @badassbaker @alagalaska @cake-writes @crist1216 @star-spangled-man-with-a-plan
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thefinalcinderella · 5 years
Kaze ga Tsuyoku Fuiteiru Chapter 1-The Residents of Chikusei-sou (Part 2)
Whassup everyone who’s still keeping up with my translations? Here’s a longer chapter part! Since the next part is a lot shorter, I should probably have it up by the time this year ends lol
Full list of translations here
Translation Notes
1. Nightingale floors are floors that make a chirping sound when you step on them. They are used in some temples and palaces in Japan.
2. Ten tatami mats is about 16.5 square meters.
3. Nicotine is ニコチン or nicochin in Japanese, so Nico-chan’s nickname comes from that basically
4. Yuki calls Nico-chan a nirou (二浪), which is someone who failed their university entrance exams two times.
5. Yuki’s name has the character for “snow” (雪) in it
6. Nico-chan is referring to the classic anime Heidi, Girl of the Alps which was a World Masterpiece Theater anime. In Japanese, Heidi is ハイジ (Haiji), Clara is クララ (Kurara), and the goat is ヤギ (Yagi).
7. Six tatami mats is about 10 square meters.
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The apartment was older than he thought it was going to be.
“…Haiji-san, is this the place?”
“Yeah, this is Chikusei-sou. We call it ‘Aotake’.”
Kiyose proudly looked up at the building. Kakeru was just stunned. It was his first time seeing such an old wooden building that wasn’t even a cultural asset.
The cheaply built wooden two-story building looked like it was about to collapse at any moment. It was unbelievable that someone was living there. But what was particularly terrifying was that there were soft lights coming from several of the windows.
Chikusei-sou was right on the midpoint between the university and the public bath “Tsurunoyu”.
When one passed through the alley, one would come to a neighborhood where new condos that were beginning to be built and traditional fields existed alongside each other. Chikusei-sou was built in that area, surrounded by lush green hedges. There was no gate, and one could see into the lot from gaps in the hedges.
There was a large front yard covered in gravel, and to the back of the left side, there was a one-story house that seemed to be where the landlord lived. The roof must had been retiled, as it shone slightly from repelling the starlight. The building on the right side was the Chikusei-sou in question.
“There’re nine rooms altogether. Thanks to you, we’re all full.”
Kiyose led Kakeru to the front door of Chikusei-sou while stepping on the gravel. The door was a grated sliding door fitted with a thin pane of glass. The outside light was flickering restlessly within the long narrow door canopy where tiny insects were gathered. Relying on that sooty light, Kakeru tried to read the old wooden doorplate hanging next to the entrance somehow. There, written in manly cursive, seemed to be the characters for “Chikusei-sou.”
Kiyose carelessly stopped his bike, carried the two wash basins on top of each other under his arm, and put his hand on the sliding door.
“I’ll introduce the residents to you one-by-one. Everyone here’s a Kansei student.”
There’s a bit of a trick to this, Kiyose said as he opened the poorly-fitted sliding door as if he was lifting it.
Immediately after entering, the ground became a dirt floor hardened with concrete, and there was a shoe cupboard with doors installed nearby. It also seemed to play the role of a mailbox. There were horizontal slots that could be opened on the doors, and room numbers scribbled on paper with ballpoint pen were affixed with cellophane tape. Every piece of paper was browned from the sun. A quick look at the cupboard showed that there were four rooms on the first floor and five on the second floor.
The stairs that led to the second floor was to the right of the entrance. Even without trying to ascend them, one could see that it was crooked and warped. Kakeru thought that it was a wonder that the building still hadn’t collapsed yet.
Kiyose took off his orthopedic sandals on the dirt floor and prompted Kakeru, “Now, let’s go upstairs.” Kakeru put his sneakers into the cupboard labeled “103” as he was told.
“Haiji-san, welcome back!”
The voice came at that moment. Surprised, Kakeru looked around. There was no one there. Next to him, Kiyose was also knitting his brows together in suspicion.
“Up here!”
The overlapping voices called, and the two looked up at the ceiling. For some reason, there was a fist-sized hole on the ceiling of the entryway. It looked like there was someone trying to pressed their face through it. Someone’s eye was peeking down from the hole, and it looked like they were laughing mischievously.
“Jouji…” Kiyose said in a low voice. “What’s with the hole?”
“The floor got stepped through!”
“I’m going there now, so stay put.”
Kiyose was angry, but he went up the stairs without making any sounds. Kakeru was confused, but decided to follow after him. When he put his foot on the stairs, they creaked intensely, like they were nightingale floors. (1)
Kakeru climbed the dark and steep stairs and got a view of what the second floor was like. The ceiling was taller than he had expected. There were two doors that seemed to lead to the toilet and bathroom respectively next to the stairs, and next to them seemed to be two rooms. There were three more rooms on the other side of the corridor facing the stairs. All of the rooms were completely silent, but light was only leaking from the door with the plate that read “201” that was in the middle of the three rooms, directly opposite to the stairs.
Kiyose walked up to Room 201 without hesitating, then opened the door without knocking. Kakeru nervously peeked into the room from the doorway.
Room 201 was about ten tatami mats wide,(2) with a low tea table placed in the middle that served as the border between two sets of futons that were left out on the floor. It seemed that there were two people living in Room 201. Scattered messily around the futons were what seemed to be books and other junk that belonged to each person.
It was the residents of the room who caught one’s attention the most. They were two men with the exact same face, looking towards them like they were entreating them. They were twins who were extremely identical. Kakeru, feeling like he was doing a spot-the-difference game, compared the faces of the two residents of Room 201.
“I’m pretty sure I told you guys to be careful. Which one of you did it?”
Kiyose said bluntly, putting his hands on his hips. The twins, who made sure to huddle together, began to talk at the same time.
“Nii-chan did it!”
“Jouji did it!”
“That’s so mean, Nii-chan, pinning the blame on your little brother.”
“Weren’t you the one who made the hole bigger?”
“I only got stuck in the hole you made!”
Even the tones of their voices were exactly alike. Kiyose lightly raised his right hand and wordlessly commanded the twins to “Shut up.”
“Did you pay attention to the fact that the space between the boards near the entrance was weak?”
Room 201 was tatami-matted, but only the place that was right above the entryway had a wooden floor. The twins nodded with the same timing to Kiyose’s scolding.
“We were careful.”
“We were walking normally. Normally. Then suddenly, snap!”
Kiyose hmphed.
“The boards will come loose if you walk normally. From now on, walk with great care. Okay?”
The twins nodded again. Kiyose cautiously put his knee to the boards and inspected the hole.
“Um, Haiji-san?”
One of the twins shyly called out to Kiyose.
“Who’s that?”
The twins’ gazes were fixed on Kakeru, who was idly standing at the door.
“Oh!” Kiyose said like he just remembered and looked back at Kakeru. “That’s Kurahara Kakeru. He’s a first-year going to Kansei this spring like you guys. He’ll be living here starting today.”
Kakeru stepped into the room and stood next to the tea table, then lightly bowed his head.
“Please treat me well.”
“Nice to meet you.”
The twins said in unison.
“Kakeru, these are the Jou twins. The older brother is Jou Tarou and the younger one is Jou Jirou.”
The twins nodded in the order they were introduced. If their positions were changed, one probably wouldn’t be able to tell them apart anymore.
“Call me Jouji, and Nii-chan’s Jouta.” The one who was Jirou told him amiably. “Everyone calls us that.”
“Wonder if that hole can be used for something, eh, Kakeru?”
The one was Tarou also brought up the topic in a familiar way. “Um…” Kakeru stammered. He was overwhelmed by the twins, who spoke in rapid succession.
Kiyose got up. “We gotta put magazines or something over it to cover it up.” He said, looking down at the hole. “Did you guys hurt your feet when you stepped through the floor?”
“Nope, not at all.”
The twins shook their heads at the same speed. Guessing that Kiyose wasn’t angry anymore, their expressions were clearly relieved.
He scared those twins that much, Kakeru thought. Haiji-san seems to be a big person in Chikusei-sou. Thinking about his future living in a group in this old apartment, he sighed heavily. No matter where he went, it didn’t seem like he could escape from cliques or pecking orders.
“I still haven’t even showed Kakeru to his room yet. I’m begging you, don’t destroy Aotake any more than this.”
Kiyose said before quickly leaving Room 201. Jouta and Jouji saw Kakeru off at the door.
“The truth that this place is run-down got out as soon as you came.”
“If you’re really gonna live here, it’s a nice and quiet place.”
Kakeru said “Good night” to the twins who both talked in turn, and chased after Kiyose, who was beginning to go down the stairs.
It was true that Chikusei-sou was engulfed in silence. Even though the twins had made such a fuss, he didn’t see any of the other residents. Were they not in their rooms? He could only hear the rustling of the thickets of trees scattered around the building and occasionally the sounds of cars driving in the distance. From the front door that was left open, the spring night wind that was beginning to be lukewarm sprang up gently, carrying in the scent of the soil from the fields.
Kakeru picked up his sports bag that he left on the dirt floor. The overhead hole that was just created was already closed up with a magazine that had a woman in a swimsuit on the cover. There was no longer light coming from the twins’ bedroom, so the entryway was dim.
Finally, Kakeru was able to get a good look at the first floor of Chikusei-sou. The layout wasn’t much different from the second floor. They went down the hallway, heading directly from the entrance to the back.
On the left side of the hallway, by order from closest to the entrance was the kitchen, Room 101, and Room 102. Room 201 where the twins lived from just now was directly above the entryway and kitchen. Because of that, the second floor had one more room. Kiyose lived in Room 101, which seemed to be below Room 202. Based on that, Room 203 would be above Room 102.
The right side of the first floor hallway had the exact same layout as the second floor. Next to the stairs was the doors to the toilet and bathroom, and Rooms 103 and 104 were towards the back. They were below Rooms 204 and 205 respectively.
Guided by Kiyose, Kakeru was about to go down hallway when he stopped, startled. At the end of the first floor hallway, thick white smoke that definitely did not look trivial was rising.
“Haiji-san, isn’t there a fire over there?”
But Kiyose, without looking perturbed, was about to explain something or other with an “Oh, that.” At that moment, the door to Room 102 at the back of the left side opened vigorously. A figure flew out from inside. Thinking that they came out because they noticed the fire, Kakeru braced himself, but that person did not go to the entryway where Kakeru and Kiyose were, but instead violently knocked on the door of Room 104 across from them immediately.
“Senpai! Hey, Nico-chan-senpai!”
They continued to knock ten times, violently enough to rattle all the doors on the first floor. At last, the door to Room 104 opened.
“Shut up, Yuki.”
It looked like a large figure lumbered out, but the smoke was so thick that Kakeru couldn’t them well. The two did not seem to be aware of Kakeru and Kiyose, who were near the kitchen, and began to get into a fierce argument.
“Your cigarette smoke is getting into my room.”
“Shouldn’t you be happy you can get a whiff of it without spend money?”
“I don’t smoke! Anyways, it’s bothering me, so please stop it!”
Look, it’s so smoky, the resident of Room 102 said, flapping their arm to clear the smoke. The white toxic substance drifted all the way to where Kakeru was. He agreed that it definitely was the smell of cigarettes. It was good that there wasn’t a fire, but the two’s argument was escalating.
“Your music is too loud too. Blasting that nonsense music all night long and making me listen to it. You’re giving me nightmares!”
“I use headphones at night.”
“Even so, I can still hear that awful nonsense!”
“This place is ancient, so there is no helping it.”
“I don’t want my smoke to leak out, you know. It’s cuz the door’s fit is bad…”
“Alright, that’s enough.”
Kiyose clapped his hands and drew the attention of the arguing duo. “Perfect timing. Let me introduce our newest resident.”
When the sounds of the quarrel ceased, it became clear that the music from Room 102 that sounded like heavy bass and electronic noise entangled together, and the cigarette smoke from Room 104 that was pure white like dry ice, were both endlessly overflowing from the rooms. Kakeru did not want to go over there, but Kiyose walked to the back of the hallway where the two people were without minding it at all.
The residents of the back of the first floor, their momentum dampened with their fists raised and their mouths opened, waited for Kiyose and the newcomer Kakeru to approach.
“Senpai, Yuki, this is Kurahara Kakeru, who will be living in Room 103 from now on. He’s a first-year sociology student. Kakeru, this is the old-timer of Chikusei-sou, Hirata Akihiro of Room 104. Everyone calls him Nico-chan-senpai.”
“Cuz he’s the nicotine demon king.” (3)
The man called Yuki who was still not introduced yet, with his back to the loud music, said angrily.
Kiyose reined him in. “Nico-chan-senpai will be a third-year science and engineering student this spring. He was my senpai when I first arrived here, but before I knew it, he became a year lower than me.” He continued.
Nico-chan, who had a strong physique like a bear’s, nodded to Kakeru without smiling.
“So you’re gonna be my neighbor. Nice to meet you.”
Nico-chan, who had stubble growing on his impudent-looking face, really did not seem like a student. Kakeru secretly asked Kiyose, “Um, how many years can you stay in university for?”
“Eight years.”
Nico-chan added to Kiyose’s answer.
“This is still my fifth year.”
“By the way, he failed his entrance exams twice.” Yuki, whose real name was still unknown, impatiently interrupted. (4)
So that means he’s twenty-five years old this year? Kakeru quickly calculated and looked at Nico-chan, who was still dignified despite all of that. He did not cut in with any jokes or get angry, never breaking his composed demeanour. Part of him wanted to avoid damage from smoke pollution, but he didn’t seem like a person who was hard to deal with.
Kiyose finally introduced the other person.
“Kakeru, this is Iwakura Yukihiro. He’s a law student and a fourth-year like me. We call him Yuki. He may not look it, but he’s passed the bar.”
Yuki curtly greeted him. Just like his name, his skin was an unhealthy-looking bluish-white. (5) He was lanky and wore glasses, and had a very high-strung, fussy-looking face. I should avoid anything that would make this person complain as much as possible, Kakeru thought.
Nico-chan took out a cigarette from his pocket. Acting like he didn’t feel Yuki’s condemning gaze, he lit it.
“Yo, Haiji. There seemed to be some kind of noise upstairs just now. What was that about?”
“The twins, as expected, stepped through a floorboard.”
“Did they do that right away?” Yuki-chan laughed.
“Those two are idiots.”
Yuki’s cheek spasmed. “Even though they were specially assigned the biggest room in Aotake, isn’t it meaningless if they stepped through that floorboard?”
“The upstairs room near the entryway had always been dangerous. I have to think of a way to reinforce it somehow.”
Kiyose said, and Yuki frowned.
“I think it’s Prince’s fault though.”
While Kiyose and Yuki were deep in talk, Kakeru was silently standing around with Nico-chan. Nico-chan had an astounding lung capacity, and his cigarette quickly turned to ash all the way close to the filter. He stubbed it out on the door to his room.
“Oi, Kakeru.”
As expected, Nico-chan also suddenly called him by his given name without honorifics. “I realized something incredible just now.”
“What is it?”
“You three have the same names as characters as that Masterpiece anime!”
Kakeru knew little about anime, so he could only respond dully. Nico-chan, with his second cigarette between his fingers, pointed at Kiyose, Kakeru, and Yuki in that order.
“Haiji’s obvious. Kakeru is Kurahara, so he’s Clara. And finally, Yuki-chan’s the goat. See?” (6)
“Please do not arbitrarily make a person into a goat.”
“I’m Peter, and…”
Nico-chan said, ignoring him, and forcefully closed the door to Room 104 behind him. Yuki, burning with rage, spun on his heel and shut himself inside his room just like that. The door to Room 102 was also closed violently, and only the remnants of smoke and music drifted in the dark hallway.
A bewildered Kakeru spoke up, but Kiyose lightly shrugged his shoulders.
“Don’t worry about it. They’re always like that. They both seem to like you, so it’s all good.”
They like me? Really? Kakeru’s bewilderment deepened more and more, but he stayed silent and walked a short distance back up the hallway, and watched Kiyose opened the door to Room 103.
“Well then, this is your room, Kakeru. Here’s the key.”
Kiyose pointed to a brass key with a round head hanging from the interior side of the room’s door. “If you want to lock it from the inside, you have to put the key in the inside keyhole, and you do the same thing when you lock it from the outside. That’s too annoying, so almost everyone keeps it unlocked when they’re in their rooms.”
Kakeru took the dull gold key. It had a retro shape, like it was for opening a magic door. The plating was worn off in places, and it had a warm roundness due to being in the hands of generations of the room’s owners.
Kiyose took the lead and opened Room 103’s window, letting in the wind. The room was six tatami mats wide (7), and there was also a closet. Kakeru tried opening the closet’s sliding screen just to be sure. There were no bloodstains there like he was worried about, and the interior of the room was old but kept clean.
“Tomorrow, I’ll teach you where the rental futon place is. Bear with my blanket for tonight. I’ll bring it later.”
“I’m sorry for all the trouble.”
“There’s a toilet and washroom on each floor. The job rotations for cleaning are posted in the kitchen every month. Since you just came, you can start in April. I make the meals in the morning and at night.”
“You are? By yourself?”
“Just simple stuff. Each person supplies their own lunch. If you don’t need breakfast or dinner, tell me the day before.”
Kiyose stated the rules of Chikusei-sou without faltering. “For baths, you can go to Tsurunoyu a little ways from here, or you can also borrow the bath in the landlord’s house. In that case, you have to do it between eight to eleven p.m. There is no need for advance reservations or cleaning the bath. Cleaning the bath is a hobby of the landlord’s.”
“Got it.”
In order to hammer it all into his head, Kakeru concentrated and listened carefully to Kiyose’s words.
“There’s no curfew whatsoever. If there’s anything unclear, just ask.”
“What about mealtimes?”
“The times are different depending on the lectures, so everyone eats warmly. Most of the time it’s around eight-thirty in the morning and seven-thirty at night.”
“Got it.”
Kakeru nodded and bowed his head again. “Please take care of me.”
Kiyose once again smiled. Kakeru had been suspicious that he had some sort of ulterior motive for taking him to Chikusei-sou, but now that he met half of the residents of this apartment, it was difficult to continue to hold such suspicions. Kiyose and the residents he came across up until now were a bit strange, but they had accepted Kakeru immediately. Kiyose’s smile was extremely modest and mild-mannered, without any hint of pushiness.
From the kitchen, the sound of the wall clock striking could be heard.
“Is it ten-thirty?”
As though he just recalled something, Kiyose’s eyes moved to the wash basins he had left at the entrance.
“You can still use the landlord’s bath. If you’re not tired, do you want to go greet the main house?”
The two went out the entrance again. Kiyose encouraged Kakeru to wear orthopedic sandals, as it would be a pain to get out the shoes one by one. It seemed that everyone at Chikusei-sou favored wearing sandals whenever they walked in the neighborhood. There were several pairs of sandals that were taken off at the edge of the entrance.
They stepped on the gravel, crossed the garden, and headed for the one-story wooden house, which was the main house. Although called a garden, there were only a few large trees suitable for making shade, and they grew naturally alongside the hedges, and the rest were short and blunt. The simple appearance was almost like it was a garden in progress, and there was a large white station wagon parked there. It felt like it was only parked where the driver felt like, not that it was a fixed parking space.
Even though this was within Tokyo, that was a way to use a very luxurious piece of land. Perhaps because he could afford to do it now from settling where he was going to live, but for the first time, Kakeru was able to feel an affection for the area where his university was.
He had thought Tokyo was just a squalid and restless place. Kakeru breathed in the night air deeply. Surprisingly, that was also not the case. Here as well, people were diligently living. It was no different than the town he was born and raised in. There was someone’s livelihood here, seeking comfort by planting hedges and creating a garden.
Perhaps because it heard the two’s footsteps, the breathing of a creature that was strangely excited was heard in the darkness. When he looked closely, he saw a light brown mixed breed dog come out from beneath the porch of the main house, coming towards them while energetically wagging its tail.
“I forgot about this important resident.”
Kiyose crouched down and stroked the dog’s head. “This is the landlord’s dog, Nira.”
“That’s a weird name.”
Kakeru crouched down besides him and looked into the dog’s deep black and wet eyes.
“A senpai who lived at Aotake before found him,” Kiyose said, while raising up Nira’s drooping ears by his fingers. “Apparently, in Okinawa, bliss is nira something…what was it? Anyways, it became his name after that.”
“Heh, bliss?”
He certainly was a dog with a charming face free of any worries. It seemed like the perfect name for him.
“He’s a dumb dog who loves everyone, but he’s cute.”
For a short while, Kiyose toyed with his ears and stretched his rounded tail, but Nira still showed his deep affection towards the two of them. Kakeru also stroked him on the head as substitute for a greeting. Nira was not chained and had a beautiful red leather collar around his neck. “It suits you,” Kakeru whispered to the dog.
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its-love-u-asshole · 7 years
Unbound [Ch. 1]
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Pairing: Fushimi Saruhiko/Yata Misaki
Rating: T
Summary: Summer is Yata’s favorite time of the year in his town, a place where it normally rains nonstop nine months out of the year. It doesn’t help that the town is marred by old legends and tales which do nothing to make it less creepy and drab. Essentially, summer is Yata’s chance to forget superstitions and finally hit the beach. Apart from deciding what he wants to do with his life, all he wants is to enjoy it with his friends and maybe get to know Fushimi Saruhiko, a stranger who Yata can’t help but feel drawn to. However, the summer has more in store for him than usual, and he’s never been one to back down. 
Note: Sarumi fest! I’m so happy I get to participate this year as well ^^ This is a fic I’ve been working on for over a year really, and I have constantly gone back and forth about finishing and posting it lol. It’s an important project to me though, so I figured why not post it for fest and see what people think? ^^ 
Big thanks to @emeraldwaves and @brynne-lagaao for talking over this fic with me back in the past! 
The old cemetery, which resides isolated and forgotten on the south edge of the city, houses the dead from long ago, before industrialization came, before buildings and phones. The history is dull and no longer taught, though some still hang on rather tightly to it, including the lore which always shrouded the rainy plains.
At the rusted iron gate of the cemetery, there is an inscription. No author has even been recognized for it.  
“There is a legend in these parts.
It is widely accepted despite never being proven.
Should one choose to make a life here, it is best to know of the fate which awaits you.
When it is one’s time to die, a beast of the shadows will appear at the threshold of your home, teeth barred and ready to strike. It is a monstrous thing, scarring and beautiful, large and as black as coal. It will paralyze you where you stand, it will render everything worthless. It does not speak, it does not show mercy. It is an emotionless creature with only one job: to drag you into darkness. Do not try to run, do not try to fight. Such attempts are futile. You cannot escape. Death is imminent.”
They were looking at one of his old photos. Old, as in it had clipped edges, burned with a lighter in the moments he'd been too angry to continue staring, when his desire to erase such memories was strongest. Basically, it was from a time when he actually allowed himself to be in pictures at all, and that time had come and gone long ago.
 Looking at it now though, as it was held in Douhan's delicate, manicured hands, he almost let himself believe he'd been overreacting. The pressed green jewels on her index finger and thumb slid over the shadows of his plump face, the childish pout and the beginnings of his characteristic creased brow were already forming even at the young age of six. The quality of the family portrait was mediocre, or no, that was him being unexpectedly kind. It was a horrid quality, the shadows of the image casting a menacing look over his father's smug face while the light shone upon his mother's with a false celestial glow. How quaint, how fitting, since that was how she paraded herself back then, as less evil than the man beside her.
 And then there was his younger self. Small, skinny, and his hands still a little dirty from being out by the lake. His glasses were crooked and his clothes too tight, he’d hated those fancy collars and button ups. Useless. Presentation was everything, she would say, the lie was everything. Though, with someone like Fushimi Kisa, who never attended festivals and who he’d once caught tearing down holiday decorations, he had to wonder what compelled her to arrange a family portrait in the first place.
 "You look so cute," the blonde commented, the light tilt of her lips causing him to glare as he was brought back to the present. No matter how long he'd known her, her smug intentions and concealed jests annoyed him to no end, especially this time, when—
"This is what I mean though, you look so naive and innocent," she continued, flipping the photo over, pretending to analyze the date on the back as her eyes flashed with cunning. Honestly, why he allowed her to make a fool out of him, why he came to visit her at all, was a total mystery to him.
 Saruhiko stared out of the bay window, which took up half the wall of her small home. The weeds out front were overgrown, covering all but the corners of the glass and no doubt beginning to grow into the chipped bricks the house was made of. The plants stood out between the houses on either side of Douhan's, those homes had fresh cut lawns, rose bushes, and neat upkeep. Whereas the windows to those homes let in all the sky had to offer in terms of darkness and sunlight, the pane of the blonde's allowed only occasional streams of light or droplets of water through. The window itself was molded with intricate designs on the borders, the curtains as silky as they were unnecessary, as if she saw guests far more important than himself to appreciate such expensive items. But no, Douhan was not an entertainer, and her door remained locked for all except him. And again, why was he here?
 "It reminds me of how you look now--"
 "Shut it," he cut her off, standing up as he quickly made his way to the door. He’d been getting restless all evening, and now the weather was finally taking a turn for the worst. It was raining out, and he only had a single coat to shield him, but it was the least of his problems..."I don't have to listen to you and your--"
 "Theories? But they're not, are they?" Douhan sighed, kicking the shoebox of old photos to the floor. They’d served their purpose already. Meaningless now. "You're going to go look for him now too aren't you? Normal people talk to the ones they like, they don't--"
 "Why would I do a stupid thing like that?" He let each footstep he took towards the door accompany each part of the question, the wood creaking beneath his sneakers like he'd fall through the floor with any more force.
 "Because you wanted advice deep down? Because you are in lo--"
 "Those things don't happen to me, or to people who have never met," Saruhiko replied, before he realized he was probably pouting very much like his childhood self, and turned his expression into a schooled sneer. "Don't you have better things to do?"
 "Yes but this is more fun." She twirled a lock of her hair, absently staring out of the covered window like she was watching a breathtaking show, and he used the opportunity to turn away, and opened the scratched up door, not flinching when crusts of white paint rained onto the wood below. "Make sure to bring him by sometime, when you get the guts to talk to him."
 Yeah right, he thought. Partly because he wanted to believe he wouldn't actually talk to the boy in question, because why would he? And partly because...well, he was feeling spiteful, and the pathetic nature of the acknowledgement itself had him scoffing.
 The thunder outside rang through the air, followed by the downpour, and he pulled his hoodie on, his stomach sinking with dread when he took his first step out into the storm. His clock read 4:45 pm. The thunder rumbled on.
 "Oh, and Saruhiko?" Douhan's voice was booming through the noise, despite it being calm and neutral in nature, and he no longer found himself baffled about how she managed to do that, only annoyed that she seemed to always know what he was thinking. He clicked his tongue, turning his head back to face her.
 Her lips, glossy and pink, tilted up in a knowing smirk before he was smart enough to look away, the words hitting him even as he sprinted out into the rain.
 "Have fun."
 “Chitose hurry up! We were supposed to leave thirty minutes ago!”
A distant rumbling of cars filled the chilly atmosphere, and the sound of a spray can dying and clattering to the ground shrouded the warning. A few more clacks of a new can being prepped filled the gap where a response should’ve been, and the group of boys glared angrily at the source. Perhaps sensing the tension, the spraying ceased, and soon Dewa was being acknowledged with a long, overdramatic sigh.
Here we go, Yata thought to himself, rolling his eyes.
“Hey now,” Chitose addressed Dewa finally, turning away from the paint splattered wall in front of him. The other did not look impressed, as he rarely was with any of Chitose’s antics. No one was ever impressed with them, but it wasn’t as if they could avoid it. They were common, and for whatever reason, their group put up with them. “You can’t rush art.”
More silence.
Chitose shook the spray can again, not bothered by it, and continued his graffiti art on the wall under the freeway. A fresh, vibrant shade of orange shot out, adding definition and brilliance to the wispy lines and details.
They did stuff like this often, just tagging random places and buildings to waste time, to have fun. Plus, the thrill of getting caught was exhilarating, though it hadn’t happened yet. They had a perfect record so far.
Not for long though, if Chitose had anything to do with it.
“You can so! A night at home instead of in jail depends on it,” Bandou supplied, nervously stuffing empty cans into the duffel bag they had brought along. He sloppily wiped his hands on the grass, wincing when they became muddy, the colors bleeding together until it all looked brown. He looked up as if the universe had wronged him, it wasn’t as if he could wipe the substance on his pants after all. No evidence could be left. He chose to ignore Akagi’s snickering nearby in order to focus on the reason for his pain. “Besides, it’s just a dumb horse…thing.”
“It is not a horse dickwad, it’s a Pegasus and it’s flying out of the fiery gates of hell,” Chitose explained, like it needed explaining, adding more red to the artistic looking flames angrily as he did so. It was a nice piece, Yata would begrudgingly admit. The horse was weirdly life like even with its amateur design and weird colors, and it was sure to last a good few months before it faded into the grungy wall. Was it worth the risk though? No fucking way.
Akagi was full blown pissing himself at this point. Yata didn’t know if it was at Bandou’s expense or not, but he envied the other for being able to be so happy in their situation.
“Soooo, it’s gonna look bitchin.” Chitose swore again as his can ran out of paint, lazily tossing it behind his shoulder and grabbing another from Fujishima. Despite looking a little more than completely done with Chitose’s shit, the other made no move to stop him. Yata winced at the sound of the can opening. Sometimes Yata wondered how Chitose afforded all the paint he went through with his big projects. “I’m almost done anyways. Like, five minutes tops.”
“When have I heard that before? Oh yeah, just last week, when your over the top mermaid was supposed to look bitchin,” Eric supplied with a scowl, causing the others to laugh.
“Yeah, yeah. You guys suck.”
“Guys we’ve been here too long,” Yata finally spoke up, tired of just watching his friends bicker. Sometimes it was funny, today it wasn’t. There was a strange sense of foreboding in the air, and Yata couldn’t help but be superstitious. It did not feel like a day to push their luck. “It’s gonna be five soon. The bridge will be full of cops by the time we get there!”
They didn’t exactly look unsuspicious either, what with their stained clothes and large duffel filled with spray paint. Not to mention, they were hardly dressed in the most proper of outfits.
Yata hadn’t even really wanted to go out that day, too tired from playing videogames and doing chores all throughout the previous evening. With enough pestering from his friends though, he was forced out of his room, greeted by a gloomy day that promised bad weather. He was glad it was almost summer, he missed the brightness and warmth of the sun. Even just thinking about it made him energized. Getting to go to the beach, hike the cliffs…
But that day, the town had continued with its usual foreshadowing of bleakness. Indeed, the rain had started while they were out, making the choice of their graffiti spot easy. They were shielded from the water, underneath a loud freeway on the banks of the river. The horns of cars and the screeching of tires echoed down below, making it hard to hear. Plus, the banks of the river were around the more commercial area of the city, which made the land around them fucking reek.
At the thought, his nose scrunched up, and Yata held back a groan. He couldn’t wait for the rain to be over, and to go back to his neighborhood. Even if it was small and humble, it smelled fresher and there was way less traffic.
Sadly however, there weren’t too many places to paint there. As a result, they often had to travel more towards the city. Whenever they tagged in the area, they’d usually take the old midtown bridge back to their side of town, walking besides the traffic and hoping no officers stopped them. So far, so good.
“We’ll get there before five, quit worrying,” Chitose said while adding on the finishing touches to his large piece. “Aaaand, done!”
As he said it, the last of the can was used up, emitting a low hissing noise to signal its emptiness.
“Yes, yes. Now let’s go!” Bandou zipped up the bag after throwing the last can inside, and Chitose scoffed. Ah no…
“You guys just don’t get my artistic vision.”
Yata rolled his eyes, brushing his hands onto his shorts and grimacing as paint smeared onto them. Fuck, I forgot. His mom was going to have a fit if she saw how dirty he’d gotten.
“I’m not sure if the bridge is such a good idea anymore,” Fujishima spoke up cautiously. “It’s nearly rush hour, it’ll be busy.”
“Sooo,” Yata interrupted, “lots of people will totally see us!”
Ugh. They’d probably have to take the long way around. He’d surely be late for dinner, and his mom would have his head no doubt, and coupled with the paint, he’d be doing all the chores tonight.
The group looked frazzled now, unsure of the best way to proceed. Even taking the long way was risky, given the longer they were out carrying their stuff, the more likely they were to be noticed. Not to mention the rain was coming down a bit harder than before, and they were without umbrellas.
“This is all Chitose’s fault,” Eric muttered beside Fujishima.
“Oh, and who’s the one that suggested we even come out here?”
A chorus of ‘you’ was shot back at Chitose, causing him to scowl at his so-called friends.
“If we’re going the long way, we better start walking now,” Dewa added in frustration, zipping up his coat to hide his paint stained undershirt.
“More like running…” Bandou’s muttering didn’t go unnoticed by Chitose, who was now flipping him off and offering up a butt load of excuses as to why none of it was his doing.
Yata joined in, trying to will them all to shut up, because he was totally dead meat when he got home if he was more than thirty minutes late. Plus, Yata didn’t exactly like when it was pitch dark outside, something about where he lived creeped him out at night. The woods were like something out of a horror movie (but he’d ever let his friends know that stuff still freaked him out). The atmosphere wasn’t helped by the area’s rain, and Yata never understood why his mom chose to live in a city where in rained nine months out of the year.
“Let’s just risk it! Let’s go on the bridge—”
“Yata, it’s five! With all the college kids walking home from school, it’s almost as long as the other way! And we’re even more likely to get caught!” Bandou was freaking out, pacing back and forth on the dead grass beneath their feet. It sloshed from the rain, sticking to his sneakers.
Yata sighed, close to giving up and accepting his fate.
How was he going to explain himself this time? Traffic? Lost track of the hour? He didn’t have much time to shuffle through his overused excuses, and his own feet began to nervously shift on the muddy ground.
What do we do?
“It’s faster if you use the underpass instead,” an apathetic voice managed to cut through their bickering, causing all heads to turn towards its source in fright. The shock was only amplified by the roar of thunder above their heads, almost mocking their misfortune.
Yata turned in a flash, shoulders tensed up from the prospect of being caught, his feet ready to run.
Damn, if it’s a patrol we’re screwed.
Looking over, Yata was met was a completely different sight from the one he’d imagined, and against his will, his breath caught in his throat. The voice had come from a boy their age, slender and tall, wrapped in a cowl neck. His dark, wet hair fell in his eyes, obscuring the uninterested gaze he was sporting. He had glasses on that were a bit smudged from the fog of the rain, and his clothes seemed a bit damp and worn. He looked like he hadn’t slept in a while, his eyes glazed over but trying to keep an intense focus on his surroundings. The bags under them were dark for someone so young, but it didn’t take away from his beauty or the bright blue hue of them. He really did seem a bit unreal. Hell, Yata thought maybe he must’ve been one of those models he saw in storefront windows, the ones with the too perfect pictures. His skin was pale against the dark sweatshirt, and Yata had to wonder if he was a complete dumbass, letting himself be completely soaked by the rain.
There was silence as the group stared at him, the few feet of distance making it seem more like a standoff than anything else. The stranger didn’t budge, not even as the rain began to fall harder.
“U-uh, what?” Chitose had spoken up finally, taken aback by the other boy’s presence, probably hoping that they wouldn’t be ratted out. The dumb design behind him stuck out like a sore thumb, colors new and bright with the paint still wet. They were clearly the perpetrators too, hands stained with paint and the empty cans haphazardly tucked into their duffel, some sticking out messily. Their shoes were discolored from the bright shades as well, so it would take an idiot not to connect the dots.
Damnit Chitose.
A tongue click.
It was simple, but the annoying response was clear as day, even through the heavy rain fall.
“I was just saying, the underpass is faster than walking on the bridge itself. Less people that way,” the young man continued, rubbing at the back of his head. Yata blinked, lips twitching in a smile he couldn’t exactly explain. The guy was awkward, and he talked as if he was seriously struggling to offer advice.
But, the underpass…
Huh. They’d never tried the underpass before, mostly because of old, childhood tales which scared them away from the dank, shrouded place. Still, they were grown up and in a group now, and they could really benefit from a shortcut.
“Hey thanks! Guys—” Bandou was interrupted by a pull to his collar, a gesture that instinctively caused them to all huddle up in a circle. “Huh? What—”
“Idiot,” Eric muttered. “We don’t even know this guy.”
“So what? He’s just giving us directions,” Bandou pouted, on edge and ready to take off in whatever direction he was told. “The longer we’re here the more likely someone’s gonna find us!”
“Yeah but we’ve never been that way before,” Yata supplied, a bit more nicely than Eric. “The end of the pass could be a total cop zone for all we know!”
“Not to mention this guy could be a total sell out,” Chitose added. “I mean, we didn’t even know he was there. He probably saw everything!”
“Well I don’t know, he doesn’t exactly look stuck up. He definitely doesn’t look dangerous…” Yata whispered. In fact, he’d say the guy could stand to gain some weight…
“Shit, I look like I eat more than him,” Eric murmured.
“You eat more than a lot of people.”
“If I may interject,” an annoyed voice cut though the group’s chattering, causing another wave of panic to go through them all. Honestly, given their reactions, they looked like total spazzes. They all jumped back, the loud sounds of traffic also not helping the atmosphere as loud truck horns blared in the background. “Most of the homeless hang out under the new bridge over in downtown now. There’s no more reason for the cops to patrol the underpass anymore.”
It was a roundabout way of telling them that there was nothing to worry about. It was safe. Why not just say that in the first place?
They all shared a glance then, and the young man raised an eyebrow, burying his hands deeper into his pockets. Something was still off about him…and though he was always taught to be grateful, Yata wanted to know what was up before trusting the guy. Plus, he was curious. The guy hadn’t stopped staring at Yata since he’d arrived, and Yata wondered if he’d met the guy somewhere before.
Yata was the first to approach him, naturally, his face scrunched up in mild skepticism. “Why are you tellin’ us this stuff?”
A shrug was the response he got, well, that and what he swore was a light flush on the taller’s face. Come to think of it, the guy definitely wasn’t bad looking in the slightest, just a bit mopey. Like a pet lost out in the rain.
Yata fought the urge to shake his head. Not the time.
“You looked like a group of idiots with nowhere to go. The faster you’re out of here, the quieter it’ll be,” the boy said. Akagi squawked somewhere behind him, and Yata nearly did the same.
The hell?          
Yata scoffed, glaring now. Well, talk about a complete turnaround. Who was this asshole? “Whatever! What kind of answer is that? What kind of creep hangs out under a bridge anyways?”
“What kind of delinquent spray paints it?” The response was quick, so sharp it almost caused Yata to step back, but like hell did he back down from anyone.
Oh, I am gonna—
“Not to interrupt your weird flirting,” Eric said, looking smug and intrigued in a way Yata wasn’t too fond of. “But you didn’t have to come over here when you saw us.”
Wait…huh? F-flirting?
There was a weird feeling in the air, the kind which usually came when Eric was secretly making fun of him, and Yata saw the taller boy glare at the words.
Yata didn’t even have time to sputter out a response, because it was soon all going downhill.
“Yeah, heh,” Chitose seemed to speak with the same wolfish grin Eric was now sporting. Bad feeling. Very bad. “You sure you didn’t just want to help in general? Or…did you have an angle? I can tell when people are being uh…checked out you know?”
A long, loaded silence. Another tongue click.
“H-huh?” Yata stared at the other boy now, more than a little confused.
“Well,” the taller began hesitantly, almost reluctantly. “You did look like you needed help, but I wasn’t all that excited to offer any.”
Yata laughed at that, because seriously, why all that fuss if he was just trying to help? And why try to deny it after? Maybe the guy was just weird…
He glanced back at his friends, and his tense posture faded. “Yeah, we definitely—”
“I said you…as in I figured you needed help,” the taller cut off, his voice almost a whisper then. His eyes were boring a hole through Yata, the bright blue now a lot clearer. “I don’t know if that constitutes as checking someone out—”
“It does,” was the answer all Yata’s friends gave.
Yata stilled, and he almost didn’t hear the unrepressed laugh from Eric behind him.
Checking out? W-wait…
Yata watched as the stranger looked away, directing an embarrassed scowl at the ground, and it all seemed to click.
Yata’s face lit up red instantly, the cold not helping to hide it, and he was about ready to beat up Chitose, who was humming behind him. “I-I-I-I-I’m not—well I’m not like that see.”
“Since when?”
Shut up Bandou.
The other’s eyes seemed to twinkle with amusement at that, and Yata swallowed, suddenly torn between punching the guy and…well he didn’t know.
“I’m really not!”
“Yeah, right,” Eric whispered from the back. Yata spun around, flipping him off before returning to the handsome….no…annoying stranger.
“I-I’m just not…looking for that,” Yata said, but then backpedaled as if his mind was trying to save him. Fuck, fine. The guy did seem kinda cool…ugh! No, he was mysterious, that was all. “As in right now! Like right now, we really have to get back to the east end!”
God Yata wanted to crawl into a hole, his face was on fire. Luckily, the other spared him. Sort of.
“Hm, I see. Either way, you seem a bit slow, so I figured I’d take pity on those who lack common sense,” the boy said, a smug look dancing on his features.
“W-what? Fuck you, just—”
Sirens began ringing in the distance. No doubt about it, they were police sirens, and they were close.
The whole group tensed, and though they knew they probably weren’t being looked for, it didn’t mean they couldn’t be found. It was getting later the longer they stood there, and soon cops would be patrolling their area. The bridge may have already been crawling with them since they’d ran behind schedule. Which meant at that point, they had no real choice but to…
“Ugh fuck this! Either way, we might be screwed,” Chitose yelled, throwing the duffel at Bandou and hightailing it towards the direction of the underpass.
“Thank you for the help,” Fujishima spared a glance at the stranger before turning his attention towards Yata. “Yat—”
“Yata move your ass, you can talk to your boyfriend later,” Eric rushed past, grabbing Fujishima and dragging him forward.
“He’s not—ugh!” Yata ran a hand through his hair before starting to follow his friends, urgency overriding humiliation. He looked back one last time, curiosity getting the better of him once more. The stranger just stood there, unmoving and apathetic as ever, not even phased by all the noise around him, or the sudden retreat. Yet as neutral as he looked, Yata couldn’t help but find him strangely captivating, like he couldn’t help but meet the other’s gaze.
Yata sighed as Chitose called for him again, sparing one last glance. “Hey jerk, what’s your name?”
The other seemed surprised then, his eyes widening a fraction. It was actually a bit satisfying, seeing the new, non-asshole expression.
“What can’t talk now? Spit it out,” Yata called as he started to walk backwards in the direction his friends had gone. Fuck, he was totally going to have to gun it. The other hummed, tipping his head forward acquiescingly after a while, as if he was torn about actually giving up the information.
“Fushimi Saruhiko.”
Fushimi Saruhiko. Got it.
“See you around, Saru!”
It was bold of him, but he probably wouldn’t see the guy again, and the name made him laugh to himself triumphantly.
As sirens continued in the distance, Yata turned, sprinting away until he was but a speck in Saruhiko’s vision.
The sound of Douhan’s door slamming shut barely caused her to jump, and she didn’t even look away from the soup brewing on the stove as a blurry figure dressed in black flew past her periphery, shoulders hunched and steps quick.
“How did it go?” She asked, feeling particularly haughty, and she was answered by the deafening slam of the guest bedroom door.
Ah, so it went well.
“Misaki! You’re early…”
The screen door closed behind him, joining a rumble of thunder, and he did his best to control his rapid breathing so as to not seem tired. He could totally play this off…
Yata’s mother eyed him suspiciously as he trudged into the house, trying to not look like the drowned rat he was. Thank god he’d worn his good coat. He coughed to relieve some of the air in his lungs wanting to be released. He’d run the whole way, and had managed to get back ten minutes early, just before dinner.
It was a miracle, and part of him thanked Saruhiko over and over.
“Have some faith Mom, I’m not late every day,” Yata said as he kicked off his shoes and lined them up next to his siblings’. They were muddy, but the rain had washed off most of the paint colors.
Thank fuck.
“Yes, but you’re late most days.” His mother was now setting the table, eyeing him warily as she set out the appropriate utensils.
“It’s not my fault the bridge usually takes so long to cross…it’s a lot quicker than the long way though,” Yata said, hoping his mother wouldn’t try to question why he was even on the other side of town in the first place.
No such luck.
“You shouldn’t even be over there, what exactly have you been doing?” His mother paused, hand on her hip as she glared at him accusingly. The bowls in her hand clattered as they were placed down roughly onto the wooden surface, and he cringed.
“Nothing! There’s cool shops over there is all, but anyways, need help?” Yata moved closer to the table, desperately hoping to take his mother’s mind away from the topic of his afternoon whereabouts. After all, he could only lie to his mother so well…
She just ignored him, going back to the sink and furiously ringing out a washcloth, worry lacing her tone. “I don’t like the thought of you on that bridge, do you know how many accidents happen on there?”
Ah man…
Yata sighed. His mom stressed too much. He was careful! Plus he was pretty quick and healthy, he could get himself out of trouble, and he stayed away from the road.
He looked at the floor guiltily. It was nice, knowing she cared, but part of him did hate worrying her. It was part of the reason he didn’t like telling her when he went on one of his adventures.
“Don’t worry, we took the underpass today anyways,” Yata replied, tone softer as he laid out the rest of the place settings gently before sitting at the table.
Thinking back, they really had lucked out because of Saruhiko. He was kind of strange, and who knew how long he’d been standing there, or where he’d even come from, but he’d done them a real solid.
Even if he was kind of a dick.
Yata blushed, remembering the smirk on the other’s face as he had admitted his reasons for helping. He shook his head, trying to not let it get to him again. Surely he’d just been joking, trying to rile Yata up, and his friends had honestly only made assumptions. Regardless, the shorter knew he’d be hearing shit from his friends about it for weeks.
It didn’t help that the guy had been good looking either.
It also didn’t help that he had no idea why the guy’s looks even mattered to his messed up head.
He was vaguely aware of his mother’s voice being directed at him, so he figured it was best to return to reality before he got thoroughly scolded.
“—and there was an especially bad one today, a pileup I hear!” His mother was scrubbing at a pot angrily, stopping only to point a menacing finger at her son. “If I hear you’re on that bridge you’ll be in big trouble, you got it?”
He mumbled an affirmative, feeling like a kid again, then slunk further into his seat. His friends were probably going to have a field day with that too…
“Now, could you get your brother and sister? Dinner’s done,” his mom said with a loving smile, opening a pot on the stove and allowing a truly tantalizing aroma to waft through the house.
She didn’t have to tell him twice.
The mall was crowded on weekends, what with school being out and new paychecks to spend. Yata and Chitose had taken the liberty of crashing Eric’s date with Fujishima, inciting his wrath effectively.
“You losers really couldn’t entertain yourselves could you?” Eric grumbled the question as they walked out of the movie theater—the one they had just been kicked out of due to being too ‘rowdy.’ It had been mostly Chitose’s fault in Yata’s opinion. The redhead hadn’t wanted to intrude on the movie date, but Chitose was bored, and had thought it would be funny.
Ha fucking ha.
Now they couldn’t go to the movies for two damn weeks.
Oh well, Yata reasoned. Summer was finally upon them, so it wasn’t as if he’d want to spend much time indoors anyhow. This was his favorite time of the year!
So, he definitely regretted going with Chitose to the mall. Not only because he felt bad about crashing a date, but…
In all honesty, being around Eric and Fujishima sometimes made Yata uncomfortable. Not that he had anything against the relationship, not at all. It was just the fact there was a definite air of…trust and affection…what must’ve been love, and it surrounded the two. It made Yata feel all kinds of strange, but he could never put a finger on why. Maybe he was envious? No, that didn’t seem right either. More like wonder, like an annoying curiosity and need to understand the reasons behind those private looks shared between the couple. He wondered if he’d ever find someone who he cared about so much. He didn’t like to think about it a lot, because really it was so lame. More than anything he was happy for his friends.
“Relax, we’ll leave you alone after lunch,” Chitose argued, sitting down with the group at a food court table. Somehow, they’d actually managed to find a seat.
“Uh huh,” Fujishima replied, smiling fondly as he patted Eric’s back in apology.
“If I buy you food, will you forgive me?” Chitose pleaded with Eric mockingly, and the other just flipped him off, sticking out his tongue for good measure. “I’ll take that as a yes.”
Chitose got up and headed towards some unhealthy fast food stand, leaving Yata alone with the couple.
Well, maybe part of it was envy. For whatever reason, his mind unhelpfully conjured up an image of Saruhiko, and Yata immediately forced it away. Shit, what the hell?
“So Yata, still thinking about the dreamy guy from the other week?” Eric’s voice was packed with teasing notes, and he swore he even heard Fujishima hold back a snort. Traitor.
What kind of question was that anyways?
“What the fuck? Why would I be thinkin’ of that jerk? He did us a solid yeah, but he didn’t say anything else important,” Yata scoffed, scanning the food court to avoid making eye contact.
Truth was, he’d been thinking of Saruhiko a lot for some reason. It was like the encounter with the other was permanently sketched into Yata’s brain, and he couldn’t get rid of it.
“Not to make assumptions,” Fujishima began. “But you usually only avoid eye contact when you’re lying.”
Yata choked on spit.
Double traitor.
“I do not! I ju—”
“Poor bastard, doesn’t even know how bad he’s got it,” Eric sighed wistfully.
“Fuck off,” Yata muttered as he continued to look over the vast crowd of people milling about with their screaming kids and oversized shopping bags. The mall wasn’t always his favorite place to hang out, since he could potentially run into people from school he didn’t like, but with his friends it was pretty fun. Well, when they weren’t cornering him about hot strangers. Shit. No, bad. Yata continued to look around in frustration, hoping the distractions would drown out his thoughts. “I barely know the gu—oh fuck!”
Of course, the universe hated him. “There he is!”
If anyone asked, Yata wouldn’t be able to tell them why in that moment he dove under the table. Not one excuse popped up in his mind. Damn.
The same tall, tired young man from a few days prior stood leaning against the wall at the edge of the food court, people watching. He wasn’t soaked with water like he had been that day, and instead had nicely styled hair and clean glasses. Fuck.
Even worse.
Eric and Fujishima both turned to see what the issue was, but Yata cussed at them, urging them to stop. “Don’t fucking look over! He’ll see you!”
“Are you a middle schooler?” Eric asked after a confused pause, like he couldn’t actually fathom the situation which was Yata hiding under a table from some dude. “Just go over there an—”
“I don’t want to talk to that asshole! He looks at me weird…” Yata squinted, peeking out over the top of the table to watch the uninterested figure across the room.
“Yeah, because he’s gay as fuck for you,” Eric supplied, looking over to the counter where Chitose was ordering food, impatient as ever. As if Yata wasn’t having a crisis beside him.
“W-w-what?! Don’t say shit like that,” Yata yelled in a hush, never taking his eyes off of Saruhiko. “He was joking last time…”
“Pft, was not. I’m just letting you know that you shouldn’t be so damn stupid about it, he obviously likes you,” Eric said with an irritated sigh. “Who knows why…”
Yata only groaned, not in the mood whatsoever to deal with his friend’s bullshit. In any other situation, he would’ve been ready for a full on verbal standoff, but all his mind could focus on was Saruhiko and his lazy posture and blue eyes…
Great, he sounded like a loser. Since when did he hide from people? What was he supposed to do now? If he could just make a break for the escalator…
Then he felt a light hand touch his shoulder from across the table, and he looked over to be met with Fujishima’s kind gaze.
“Say thank you at least, he really helped us out the other day.”
Images of the rainy day under the bridge flashed in his mind, along with Saruhiko’s light flush and helpful words. He’d helped them, regardless of them being complete strangers…
Thanking him was probably the best thing to do, since without him, they could’ve been in deep trouble.
Like witchcraft, Yata began to consider it. He blinked a few times, cogs in his mind turning as Eric shared one of those secret couple looks with Fujishima that Yata couldn’t stand.
He had a point though…He’d never personally given a proper thank you…he was raised better damn it! Yeah…that’s all he’d say, just a quick thanks. Yeah. Full proof.
If he could get past looking at the other’s face at least…
Wait…no! His brain really did seem to hate him, but he somehow managed to work up the courage to finally stand. If this was what having a crush meant, no matter how small, he was not a fan.
The worse thing was he actually wanted to talk to Saruhiko deep down. Part of him was grateful Fujishima had given him the excuse, though Eric still didn’t seem impressed.
Yata straightened himself up, brushing his clothes off and setting his jaw like he’d never even dove to the floor in the first place. He waved over stupidly in the direction of Saruhiko until those piercing blue eyes picked up the movement and locked on him. Yata shuddered involuntarily. There was that sensation again…
The taller’s eyes widened a fraction, and he looked around, unsure if he was in fact the one being waved to. Unbelievable.
“Saru! Over here!” Yata’s yelling caused a few heads to turn, but not enough for him to be properly sheepish about it.
The taller didn’t seem to appreciate the attention on him as a few people looked, and from a distance Yata could see him click his tongue. Loser.
Yata didn’t realize he’d started smiling.
Saruhiko fumbled a bit before beginning to walk over, and Yata briefly noted his proximity to his friends, and had enough sense to move a few feet away from the table so Eric couldn’t butt in.
“You’re so short, I almost couldn’t see you over all the people,” Saruhiko said upon reaching Yata. The redhead registered the comment, resisting the urge to fight back, before glaring in annoyance.
“I’m not that short! Don’t think you’re better than me!” So much for resisting.
“Mm, and where do you get off exactly, calling me by my first name so casually?” Saruhiko’s tone was playful, like Yata was some amusing test subject. Or at least, more interesting than the other people bustling about the shopping center.
“Well, um—it’s a nice name?”
“Yeah, he could say it all day! Or night I mean…” Eric called from the table, completely aware he was being a total dick. The usual. Yata whipped around to glare, noticing as Fujishima tried to quiet Eric down half-heartedly. Thanks.
“Ugh it doesn’t matter! That’s your name!” Yata crossed his arms with a sigh, thinking maybe this hadn’t been such a great idea. He was getting flustered and he didn’t know why.
“And yours?”
“W-what?” Yata eyed the other warily, brain struggling to process the turn of the conversation as it entered dangerous territory.
“What’s your name? And don’t just say Yata, because I gathered as much,” Saruhiko said smugly.
“It’s none of your fucking business, that’s—”
“Yata Misaki. You’re welcome.”
Yata was going to kill Eric. Soon. The plan was already forming in his mind, no one would ever know as long as the blood stains came out of his clothes and off his baseball bat.
He was aware of Chitose obnoxiously returning to the table with piles of food, trying his best to whisper but failing. “Hey, is that Yata’s boyfriend from the other week?”
He hated his friends.
“What are you doing here anyways? All you were doing was staring at people like a creep! Are you following me?”
“Don’t flatter yourself, Misaki. This is the mall you know.”
Well yeah, that was true. Misaki gaped, having no real response. It was the most popular mall in town, given that it had the most stores and food places. Still, why the reserved, yet unfairly good looking, stranger from a week or so earlier was there still wasn’t clear to Yata.
And now he fucking knew his name. Perfect.
Then another thought lodged itself into Yata’s brain, begging to be voiced despite Yata’s confusion.
He’d never exactly seen Saruhiko around before.
“Hey, where did you go to school? I’ve never seen you…ever,” Yata said as the other now leaned against an empty chair from a nearby table, old jeans stretching as he stood dressed in the same jacket from before.
Saruhiko clicked his tongue, looking away, but something about the expression was more troubled this time. “My parents…didn’t really care if I went to school.”
The pout on Saruhiko’s face…wasn’t unappealing, and the fact made Yata swallow. He was totally aware of his friends sitting at the café table a few feet away, whispering and watching like a couple of vultures.
Even then, he felt the conversation was heading down a bad road, so he did his best to lighten it.
“O-oh. That’s lucky though! Still, I’ve never seen you—”
“Does that disappoint you?” Saruhiko had an amused smile on his face again, and he stepped closer. Yata’s face flushed, and he willed himself to believe it was just because of the attention, not the fact there was any kind of attraction for the guy (but that was looking less and less likely).
“N-no! You’re just weird! And you stick out…”
“Actually you blend in pretty well!” Chitose’s voice carried over from the table. “I hear only Yata noticed you when you were standing over there!”
Fuck you.
“Whatever! Don’t listen to them,” Yata huffed, casting his gaze to the floor. “Ugh, just…thanks for the tip the other day! About the underpass I mean.”
Saruhiko shrugged, small smirk still gracing his delicately structured face. “I don’t like the busy areas of the city. I know a lot of short cuts.”
Whoa…so cool…
He stared back up at the taller boy, eyes slightly wide and a grin tugging at the edges of his mouth. He faintly heard Eric hum mockingly in the background, but he for once, couldn’t find the will to care. Things weren’t going to get more humiliating after all.
He wondered, somewhere in the far reaches of his mind, what it must be like to feel drawn to someone. To want to be friends or…whatever, with someone so bad. Did it make your stomach feel this weird?
He shook it off, trying to not shame himself any more than he had already. He was probably overthinking things, he’d never been attracted to someone right out the gate like this. However, it almost felt like a challenge, a feeling he wanted to explore. And where was the harm?
He didn’t know what was happening, or what had come over him, but he was never one to not act on instinct. It was both an insult and a compliment he got a lot. Impulsivity was his strength and weakness. Regardless, he figured it was safe to trust his gut this time, and the words came out before he could even fully process them.
“Can you show me?”
Eyebrows were raised in return, followed by a barely there smile which spoke much louder than words.
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bangtan-spells · 7 years
Taehyung Scenario: You Can Be The Boss.
Genre: Fluff - CEO Reader AU
Part 2
It wasn’t even nine in the morning and you’d already had to handle two emergencies through your pone, sometimes you thanked the heaven for living in a time were connections were easily handled. The quiet background buzz at the reception felt like home, and you greeted the secretaries there wit a quick nod and a short good morning, walking straight to the elevators while your heels clicked on the polished floor.
Some days, you still couldn’t believe how far you’d gotten, and other days, just like this one, you were proud of yourself, of being able to laugh at the faces of those who only thought you were simply a dreamer, that women couldn’t make it far into the business world. You looked at the reflection that the elevator’s doors gave you and smiled satisfied. This was your world, you’d taken onto it with a lot of brain, charm and effort, you weren’t the CEO of your own telephone company for nothing.
Your office was located at the fifteenth floor, you enjoyed a pretty view of the city from the huge glass windows and it was decorated to your own liking. It was just nice to be the boss. When the elevator reached your floor and you made your way to your office, some of your employee’s greeted you, some others just got to the side to let you pass and maybe they were just a little scared you thought, intimidated more likely but you’d stopped being worried about that, whoever got past the initial prejudice and supposition would know that you were just a normal girl in a position of power and control, not a monster in disguise.
The door to your office was opened and you eyed your assistant’s desk but he wasn’t there, he was the most capable person you’d had on your side, sharp minded, witty, managed to keep almost every one happy and delighted them with a quick chatter. You stopped your train of thoughts when you saw a coffee mug ready and waiting for you at your desk, accompanied by some biscuits.
–Good day sunshine! – oh, there he was. Taehyung was like no other worker you had, that for sure, with his deep voice and animated demeanor that sometimes bordered on overwhelming. You dissimulated your smile while taking off your long coat and giving a sip to your coffee; it was perfect, Taehyung never brought it wrong.
–It’s really inappropriate of you to call me that Taehyung, I’m your boss – he just smiled at you, all teeth and joy so you looked down at the papers in front of you to stop yourself from staring. –With that being said, what do we have for today? –
–Meeting at nine thirty with the chief engineer about the new program he’s working on, reviewing on two new apps by ten and a half, have a call with the investors so I reserved you forty minutes after eleven for that, oh and the new interns arrive today, I did a preselection and reduced the group to five and they’ll have a private interview with you starting at two so you have enough time to go to see your parents after midday because their anniversary is today – he said, already on his efficient mode.
You gulped on your coffee, looking surprised at him. –Oh my god, I forgot… I need to get them a gift Taehyung –
–I already did – Taehyung said, signaling to one of your couches where a box with a pretty ribbon laid. –Since I knew you were most likely going to forget it, I took the liberty of planning a one week trip for them, and they should have a special lunch delivered with the catering service at their house by twelve, so you only need to take the box with you to give them their tickets and congratulate them –
You stared dumbfounded at him, sometimes, Taehyung went too fast but that was good, that was specifically good when he never let escape details like this and managed to save your day. You stayed silent for a moment and Taehyung talked again, he wasn’t one to do well with silence.
–Don’t you have the greatest assistant in the country? – he smiled again while looking at you. His tie was a little crooked, and who wore ties with little comic whales to work? Taehyung, that’s who; the indeed greatest assistant in the country who worked for you.
–Thanks Taehyung, you did well – you smiled softly at him and Taehyung shrugged.
–At your service boss, call me if you need me – he checked something else on his iPad and then exited your office, leaving you wondering how you’d managed to do without him before.
Working with Taehyung was refreshing somehow, because he, unlike others, never seemed to feel intimidated by you and you liked that about him, sometimes you wondered why someone as smart and capable as him was working as an assistant. You loved to have him, yes, but, you also knew he would make it big on his own.
It had been a busy month at the enterprise and you had only made it through working hand in hand with Taehyung, the guy was like a clock with those schedules of his. You closed the folder in your hand satisfied, it was almost eleven pm so you should head to home, you were tired but you had already gone through the full statistics of the month, everything was in order but you still insisted in checking them by yourself after the human resources and financial team finished them.
You put on your long white coat, took your purse and phone, turned off the lights and went outside, only to find Taehyung dozing off on his desk. You stopped surprised outside your office, why was he still there?
–Taehyung? – he startled with the sound of your voice, straightening himself on the seat and looking at you a little wild eyed.
–Yes boss? – he stood up and cleared his throat and you felt so guilty, you hadn’t considered saying to him that he could leave at his normal hour even if you were staying late that day, Taehyung had been with you for almost three months already and this wasn’t the first time he stayed until you left, you thought he’d remember he didn’t have to.
He looked tired, super tired in your opinion, didn’t he have someone waiting for him at home? You didn’t so you didn’t care for arriving early, but what about him?
–You shouldn’t have stayed Taehyung– You said softly and he smiled, shaking his head.
–I didn’t know if you were going to need me Miss – he tried to straighten his tie, but somehow, Taehyung’s ties were always messy whatever he did to fix them.
–I’ll tell the driver to get you home, it’s too late –
–There’s no need to – he always seemed shy when you tried to make things a little easier for him.
–I insist –
Taehyung looked at you for a few seconds and then his usual playful smile was back on his face, nodding and starting to pick up his things, something in him rose a sort of tenderness in you that was definitely out of place at the office.
Your driver was ten minutes late and for some mysterious reason Taehyung wasn’t answering his phone. You wondered if something was going on when your usual car stopped at your door, then, it was Taehyung getting out of it.
–Good morning – he said to your surprised self, as if this was the most normal thing, which in fact wasn’t.
–Good morning Taehyung… where’s my driver? –
Taehyung shrugged and opened the back door for you. –He is currently in the middle of a personal emergency and he couldn’t make it, so I’ll be your driver for today, I’m super multitasker like that –
That earned a little laugh from you, but Taehyung was apparently being serious about this. –Alright…but what about the office? You need to be there too–
–Not really – he said before closing your door and taking a seat behind the wheel. –I got that covered so you don’t need to worry boss – he smiled cheekily and you shook your head, you almost expected him to wink at you or something but he didn’t and you felt flustered for having such thought, Taehyung must be really fun to be with outside of work and you definitely shouldn’t be thinking about that.
You cleared your throat, focused on the memorandum you were currently writing on your iPad and let him in charge of the wheel.
  –You would hate that decision later – Taehyung said slyly at your back and you turned around on your chair to look at him, he was reviewing some paperwork by the corner of your desk, then you looked at your thumb, you’d been biting onto the tip of your nail for a good minute.
You laughed, well he was right, you just got your manicure done yesterday and Taehyung did miracles to dig a little space in your schedule just for it. Taehyung raised his eyes to you, deep brown and soft with an understanding gaze.
–They’ll fix it Y/N, just trust them –
–Is not that easy… – you said softly, it wasn’t every day that you let yourself be seen doubting in front of your workers but this was, well, Taehyung. He knew it, even if you weren’t saying a thing that you were on the edge of a nervous breakdown, there was a glitch in one of the most important platforms you owned and the engineering team was working against the watch to get it right and working again, but what if they couldn’t? not only was this going to cost you a lot of money but also you could lose a lot of contracts, sponsors, investors, and it wasn’t as easy for you to trust as it was for Taehyung. –What if they can’t make it? It’ll be my failure too and I…–
You sighed and Taehyung let down his pen, then he was searching for something on his pocket and offering you a little candy after that.
–They’ll fix it, you have a great team working for you and you’re always getting them on nice training programs for them to improve even more, so trust them – Taehyung smiled and then wiggled his eyebrows a little for you to take the candy on his hand.
It was too late at night, he should have gone home about three hours ago but honestly, you were glad he was there. You took the candy from his hand, it was strawberry flavored.
–Tell me about you Taehyung – you didn’t want to think about what was going on in the enterprise for a while and you had been wanting to know a little more about this assistant of yours that was so unique.
–Like? – he seemed amused by your request, if judging by the playful smile stretching on his lips while he ate a candy himself.
–Like… why you’re always wearing such things to work? – you signaled the tie with little whales, which seemed to be his favorite, the thing was obnoxious and funny, and somehow, something only Taehyung was capable of pulling off. But you’d seen him walking around the office in weird slacks, or jackets that didn’t seem to match anything, or matching colors you’d never think to match but that looked somehow at place if it was him the one wearing them.
Taehyung burst in laughter by that, and his laugh was low, deep and warm like honey, just like his voice. You looked down for a moment, telling yourself to keep it together and undid the sleek ponytail of your hair to let it fall down freely.
–Well, isn’t it original? I like it, what a better reason to wear something right? – it was as simple as that. –Makes me stand out, so I don’t get lost among the rest –
He rested his chin on his palm and fixed his eyes on you before winking, you should have said something about how inappropriate that was, but you liked it, kind of. It was difficult to say sometimes if you were overwhelmed or not by Taehyung, by his antics, by his sense of humor and his way of knowing exactly how to work with your rhythm. So instead of calling him on the right ways to behave at the office, you just felt your face overheating.
–You would always stand out amongst the rest of the people Taehyung…– you held his gaze, saw how his lips stretched into a full smile and had to look to the other side. –You don’t really need ties with whales for that –
You giggled softly and Taehyung’s eyes were still on you. You looked relaxed now, and he was glad for that. He didn’t like it when you were stressed, so he always made his best to have everything under control for you.
Taehyung admired the pretty way in which your hair was framing your face, it made you look way younger. He liked to make you company, ever since he entered your enterprise he was sure you weren’t as cold as his coworkers whispered over lunch hours, the majority of the time people were quick to assume and didn’t take their time to know someone like you, who had so many responsibilities to look after, so many people to take care for, someone whose decisions affected not only you but the rest of your workers. Taehyung actually admired you and knew you only needed to let go a little, thing you only did now whenever he was around.
–I know… but my whale tie makes you smile boss – Taehyung spoke softly, not missing the way in which you were looking at him, a little surprised and bashful, like a kid caught with their hand inside the cookie jar. He hadn’t missed the way you always disguised a laugh with his choice of ties or clothes. –So I wear it to make you smile–
You were the only two at that floor, and the security guards doing their usual rounds should be there in about thirty minutes, so nobody else heard the way you laughed right then, fanning your face because of his words. You hadn’t fired Taehyung yet because he was honestly the best at his work and deep down, you wanted him there, so yeah, maybe also because his tie with little whales made you smile like no other thing did.
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