#and the comments are so short just little reactions to the chapter and what's going on and it's just gah it's like a warm blanket
nateslehky · 2 years
if you're reading a multi-chapter fic and really loving it and have the time PLEASE leave a comment on every chapter or every other chapter. even just short ones with your reaction. it's little but goes a long way <3
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Something impulsive | joel miller x f!reader x marcus pike, 7.1k
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Summary: The distance between you and Joel grows. You decide to give Marcus a chance. A chance encounter shifts the balance between you and the two men.
Warnings: 18+ MDNI, image just for aesthetic purposes, reader does not have a description, angst, slow-burn, insecurities, first date nervousness, flirting, sexual thoughts, kissing, Joel still being a prick, Joel still being an idiot (bear with him) dog piss (bear with me, too), as always let me know if I missed anything!
A/N: And here I was, thinking that this time I'll keep it short. Who am I kidding. Thank you for taking the time to read anything I write! Love you all!
P.S.: Credits for the final scene go to @jessthebaker and this hilarious comment that I just had to include in the chapter:
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Dividers by @cafekitsune & @thecutestgrotto
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Radio silence.
That is what you would call it.
After your last encounter, you haven't seen or heard from Joel for two long weeks. No text, no phone call, nothing. Were you entering the winter phase again? Most likely.
You regretted the way you had challenged him that night. It wasn't really your style, but that's what happens when you bottle things up. Especially things like desire and longing. Eventually, they erupt like a fucking volcano after a long hibernation. Brutally. And yet you haven't got an ounce or a reaction. Something. Anything at all.
You were terrified that your friendship had been broken. You could have texted him. You should have. You felt it was all your fault anyway. You should have apologized. But you were angry. And selfish. And deep down you blamed him for your reaction, for making you feel helpless, a pawn in his hands.
But was that the case? And can you really blame anyone for your own actions? You were responsible for the way you reacted. You could have done things differently. You knew that. But you did not want to admit that to him.
Whether you were angry or not, you missed him all the same. You missed his presence, his voice, his scent. You missed the sound of his name on your tongue. The warmth of his irises and the softness in his eyes when he looked at you. And boy, did he look at you.
He may not have been a man of many words, but sometimes, just sometimes, his gaze spoke louder than any voice in the room. That's how you got into this mess in the first place.
One evening, on your day off, you hang out with Trish at your place. You needed the company, being alone with your thoughts for too long wasn't a good idea. The two of you sit on the sofa, drinking beer and eating pizza straight out of the box. You had already put your girls to bed and this was your happy hour.
"Are you dating Marcus you little weasel?"
"Where did that come from?", your eyes widen in surprise.
"Joel asked me the other day.", Trish reveals, laughing under her breath.
"WHAT?" you squeal in disbelief. Joel was not the type to ask about other people's private matters. Especially yours and especially to his cousin. "OK, please, elaborate."
"He asked me if you’re seeing him.", she continues.
"When did this happen?", you try to draw an imaginary map in your mind, gathering all the information available to you to understand what might be going through his mind.
"A few days ago, maybe?" she says nonchalantly.
"He asked that explicitly? Those were the exact words he used?", you insist like a hound dog looking for clues.
"Of course not." Trish rolls her eyes, "He danced around it for a while, but I pretended I didn't know what he was talking about -which I obviously don't- and then I made him ask directly."
"Oh god, give the poor man a break!", you exclaim, you could only imagine what a menace could she be when she wanted to.
"Well, are you?"
"No, I’m not. But if he asks again tell him I am."
"Why?", she frowns but looks amused at the same time. Oh, she's up to something.
"So he will leave me alone." Well he already kind of did, but maybe it was for the best to cut the ties once and for all.
"What do you mean? Is he bothering you?" Trish insists, curiosity sparkling in her eyes.
"No- he's- it's not- uh-" where would you even start, it's all a fucking mess, anyway. "Forget I said anything-" you try to end the conversation, but-
"I might have kind of implied that, though?" Trish wrinkles her nose, trying to minimize the damage.
"Only because he looked desperate" she rushes to explain, "and honestly you two should really fuck each other. So I thought maybe I could spice things up a bit."
A minute or two passes before you answer her. All this information bombarding your mind left a paralyzing feeling in your mouth. He looked desperate? Why the fuck? Was this the classic 'I want what I can't have'? He wasn't that type. And he could have his way with you if he wanted to. Couldn't he? Did he get the feeling that you weren't interested? What more could you have done, he was the one who went cold and hot all the time. "It's not like that." is all you say.
"The hell it isn't." Trish quips, almost offended.
"We don't want the same things Trish, and I won't make the same mistakes again." you draw the line. "What did he say?", you ask without shame, because you just have to know, even if it hurts you.
"Oh, you know, he put on his usual 'Joel grumpy face' and walked out on me. But honestly, what did you expect?" she shrugs and continues, "So, if 'it's not like that'", she air-quotes you mockingly, "why don't you give Marcus a real chance? He's a good guy and I don't often say that," Trish points her finger at you.
"I'm sure he is Trish, but I can't."
"And why is that?"
"Because it's not honest."
"To whom?"
"To him."
"And..?" she presses you.
You close your eyes, because you really don't want to say it and it feels frustrating but comforting at the same time to have a friend who knows you so well. "And to my heart.", you mumble coyly.
"Oh, baby c'mere. You really like my stupid cousin, don't you?" Trish wraps her arms around your shoulders, squeezing you into a tight hug.
"No, I do not." It's more than that. "And don't push it any further, it's not happening.", it's your turn to point the finger at her.
"Ok.", she sighs troubled. "Ok, look at me and listen carefully.", she makes a serious face, holding your hands in hers as she begins. "Joel's my cousin and he is a good man and I love him, but he has his own issues to deal with-"
"What do you mean?" You interrupt her curiously. You never thought to ask about his past before, it seemed invasive.
"It’s not my place." she cuts you off with a guarded look that seems so foreign on her face and continues, "The point is, you cannot wait for him forever."
"I'm not-" you start to deny it, but Trish grabs your face in her palms, squeezing you gently to make her point and you stop mid-sentence.
"You deserve to be happy. And you can't miss something you've never had." her eyes bore into yours, full of care and concern.
Her last words strike you like a slap on the face.
Oh, but you can. You already are.
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Another two weeks have passed and you still haven't heard from Joel. He's stuck in your head like a virus, unable to think of anything else. This is the longest you've gone without talking. It's taking its toll on you, making you fidgety and jumpy, irritated by the simplest things. You've reached your breaking point and you're ready to call him, just to see if he's OK.
And, if you're honest with yourself, to give him a chance to make a move. He might think you don't want him to reach out. That thought makes you even more angry, you sound so pathetic in your head, begging for a man's attention. A man who has never made his intentions clear. You should stand up for yourself, hold your own.
You're at the office, shuffling through your bag, looking for your phone, still debating whether to call him. As you reach deep into your bag, searching through the million things you stuff in there, you feel a hard, papery thing on your fingertips. You fish it out and see that it's Marcus' card. You don't even remember putting that thing in there. But you remember him giving it to you.
He was such a gentleman and so thoughtful that night. He didn't ask for your number and he didn't press to put his on your phone. He gave you his card, clearly stating that he hoped you would get in touch with him.
"..why don't you give Marcus a real chance?.."
You take a deep breath and unlock your phone.
"..You cannot wait for him forever.."
This is it.
"..You deserve to be happy.."
You're going to call him. Right now? Yes, right now.
He picks up after the third ring.
"Agent Pike.", his voice deep and smooth, runs like honey in your ears. You remember how much you liked the sound of it.
You’re taken aback for a moment, you'd almost forgotten what he did for a living. It was strange but interesting to hear him like that, it stirred something in you. "Uh- um-" you lose your train of thought for a second, "hi- I don't know if you rememb-"
Marcus says your name instantly, the surprise evident in his tone. "I was beginning to think you'd either lost my card or I'd made a terrible, terrible first impression on you," he says with a soft laugh, vulnerability coloring his voice.
"No, no, god- no, nothing like that.. It was really nice to meet you!" you reassure him, because it really was.
"Yeah, you too.." Marcus replies and you can hear the smile in his voice. He doesn't say anything else, giving you time to collect yourself.
"I just-" you squeeze your eyes shut, trying not to freak out, pinching the bridge of your nose with your fingers, you hadn't planned this, "I've been really busy, with work and the kids, I haven't had a chance to..." the words catch in your throat as you think of the real reason you've been busy.
Obsessing over unavailable men.
But you don't want to lie to Marcus, he's been so kind and open, so you pause, looking for a way out of the hole you've dug yourself into.
"Hey, it's OK," Marcus takes the lead, sensing your discomfort, "you didn't have to call, but I'm really glad you did. I thought about getting your details from Trish in case you lost my number, but then I didn't want to force you into anything in case you didn't lose my number, you know?" he laughs timidly.
"Yeah, I know; that is so thoughtful of you. I'm- I'm glad I called." It feels strange to admit something like that, something so small, to be honest, to be so open and talk about positive things, to make someone feel good with your words on a personal level. You've spent the last few years just doing it for your daughters, loving them, hyping them up, rooting for them, but it's a change that you welcome and you discover that you really, really missed it.
There's a short silence on the other end, which makes you feel anxious, so you decide not to bother him any more. "I'm sorry I called during office hours, I-"
"No, no, no, don't even think about it, there are no office hours at my line of work anyway, so.." Marcus rushes to put you at ease. "I was just wondering if I should ask you out or if I'm jumping the gun," he blurts out and you can feel his hesitation through the phone.
"Well," you try to lighten the mood, "you're the one asking questions for a living, so why don't you earn your keep?" you bite your lower lip in anticipation and then snicker to yourself. You hear Marcus laughing, amused and impressed by your little stunt, and you have a deep desire to hear it again, knowing that it's your doing.
Marcus is not one to shy away from a challenge, so he delivers quite brilliantly. "It would give me great pleasure if you would go out with me," he says your name softly at the end, "I know it can be tricky with the girls and work and all that, but I'm sure we could work something out; my office hours are very flexible," he informs you, cleverly covering all your possible obstacles.
"I thought you didn't have office hours..." you return playfully, feeling lighter already, the thought of Joel still lingering, but the pain of it fading in your heart.
"For you I do." Marcus deadpans with an amazing ability to not make it sound cheesy. And you know exactly what kind of ability it is.
The one of honesty.
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Your heart is in your mouth. You're sure of it. You can taste your heartbeat on the tip of your tongue. As much as you've tried to play it down, you're nervous, your stomach is in knots. You spend most of the evening whining to Trish on the phone, freaking out about what to wear and ending up with a "What does it matter anyway? It's one date and that's it, he's not sticking around. Yeah, he's not. I'm good, I'm fine, this is fine." you shrug as you look at yourself in your bedroom mirror.
Trish's voice brings you back to reality, "None of that, everything's going to be fine, you're going to have a good time and you're going to keep having a good time." You looked sideways at the phone as if Trish could see you through it, glancing at the time. "Ok Trish, thanks for the pep talk, but I have to go or I'll be late."
"Sure thing babe, have a great night-"
"Thanks Trish-" you speak over her voice sure she's done with the pleasantries, but-
"-and don't forget to fuck 'im."
The line goes dead before you can reply.
Jesus Christ.
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"You got this. You got this. You got this," you chant to yourself, pacing the living room, checking the time on your phone every thirty seconds. "Yeah," you exhale with nervous conviction, "you got this." The doorbell rings and your stomach clenches. Conviction my ass, "No, you don't." you mutter before rushing to answer the door.
Your heels click on the wooden floor and you pin the hem of your dress down once more, just to be sure. It wasn't terribly short, but still, you haven't dressed for a date in God knows how long.
You open the door and your breath catches in your throat. But you could say the same about Marcus. You look at one another for a moment, both admiring each other. He looks sharp, clean-shaven, with a prominent jawline that makes you want to suck on it from side to side.
His hair is combed back and slightly to the side. He looks so handsome and then he smiles at you. A real smile, big and toothy and bright and beautiful. His eyes crinkle and his plush lips stretch with the force of it. His suit is elegant and clean, neatly pressed, and the two top buttons of his shirt are undone, showing a hint of his tanned chest, making it more casual.
"Hey.." Marcus speaks first, pulling himself out of his haze. His eyes drink you in, unable to land on one spot, admiring your simple but elegant black dress that stops mid-thigh, the softness of your exposed skin, the curves of your body and the features of your face.
"Hi..." you say back shyly, noticing his admiration.
"I- Christ-", he stutters almost confused.
"What's wrong?" you fidget with the fabric of your dress, your nerves getting the better of you once again.
"I almost forgot how beautiful you are-" Marcus admits, his eyebrows raised, a hint of pink spreading across his cheeks. "-you look amazing," he compliments, raising his arm and pointing his open palm in your direction.
You pray that you can fast-forward to the actual date and stay right here on the threshold of your house at the same time. "Oh, thank you -" you reply quietly, with a shy smile on your lips.
"These-" Marcus raises his other hand, suddenly remembering what he's holding, "these are for you," he hands you a beautiful bunch of flowers, obviously made specifically for you by a florist, wrapped in a beautiful ribbon. What is it about this man that turns the most clichéd things into thoughtful actions?
"These are so beautiful, thank you, let me-" you point towards the house so you can put them in a vase, signaling him to come in with your head.
"Hope it's not too much..", Marcus wonders as he enters the hall of the house.
"It's perfect," you smile warmly as you return from the kitchen with the filled vase and place it on the entryway furniture, admiring the arrangement. You place the palm of your hand on his bicep, reassuring him as you turn to leave.
His eyes shine with appreciation as he takes your palm in his warm hand, planting a soft kiss on the pulse point of your wrist. His scent fills your nostrils, sweet and masculine, and you can almost smell his shampoo as he leans forward. Your lips part and your eyes widen at the intimate contact, but instead of feeling pressured, all you want is for him to do it again on any part of your skin he likes. His plush lips are warm and soft, leaving the slightest trace of moisture as they part your skin, sending a wave of shivers through your body.
You stifle a gasp but you can't hide the dilation of your irises and he can't hide the hunger behind his. He cups your cheek in his hand, stroking your cheekbone with his thumb. "Ready?" he asks in a hushed tone.
"As I'll ever be."
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The drive is bathed in bits of small talk and comfortable silence, appreciating each other's presence without having to fill the quiet of the cabin every second. Marcus' gaze is split between the road ahead and you at his side. He drives with one hand, his right resting comfortably on the gearbox.
God, you're such a cliché, noticing the way his broad palm rests there, the veins bulging between his fingers and on his hand and it makes you squirm in your seat. Your date hasn't even started yet and you're already feeling uncomfortable in your underwear. Are you that needy? Or is it him? Is he doing this to you?
No, stop. Don’t think about him. Not right now. Stop.
You don't realize you're holding your breath until Marcus is asking if you're all right.
"What?" you snap out of your haze, jerking your head to look at him. He looks worried, his forehead forming a deep crease between his eyebrows. "I lost you there for a minute, what happened?"
"Nothing, nothing, I'm fine."
"You don't gotta do that, you know."
"Do what?"
"Say you're fine. You're allowed not to be."
You start to contradict him, but then you realize he's right.
"You're right," you admit, looking at him sheepishly. "I'm just nervous- and it's not your fault-" you hasten to explain, "I just haven't done this in so long that it feels like it's happening to someone else, like I'm watching myself from a distance."
He smiles at you knowingly and you add frustratedly, "That's so uncool, I'm sorry, I should be-"
"Moment of truth?" Marcus cuts you off before you can finish your thought.
"Um- OK?"
"I'm already hooked." he bites his lip, stealing a glance in your direction, his shoulders shrugging as if he had just told you the most natural thing in the world.
"Excuse m-" you look at him in bewilderment.
"I know I should play hard to get and do all the stuff everyone does on a first date, act cool and whatnot," he gestures in the air with his free hand, "but really? I'm hooked. Captivated. So-" he takes a deep breath, exhaling forcefully, "if anyone should be anything, it's me, scared that I'm going to screw this up, somehow. But you know what?" he looks at you expectantly, waiting for a response.
"What?" you manage to croak, your whole body buzzing with anticipation.
"I'm going to choose to enjoy this night by being myself-" he stops and scrunches his eyes in thought, "-well, ok, I'm going to hold back a bit," he jokes playfully, making you both laugh at that, relieving some of the tension and he takes your hand in his, squeezing it gently, "because I don't know if I'll get another chance. I can only hope that at the end of the night you'll choose to see me again."
He brings your intertwined hands to his lips and kisses your knuckles tenderly. He's said all the right things, everything you want to hear and dear God, he makes you want to climb him like a tree. You bite your lower lip so hard you're afraid you'll draw blood.
He studies your face and your fluttered expression for a moment, a smile of accomplishment painted on his perfect mouth, before he adds, "And you shouldn't be anything other than what you want to be. Neither of us should."
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The date was not what you expected, because it was actually a success. Zero awkwardness, lots to talk about, mutual humor and gentle glances. You started with dinner in a not-too-casual-not-too-formal restaurant and ended up in a great bar, lively but not too loud, where you had delicious cocktails over and over again. Not Marcus though, because he was driving. So responsible, you wanted to sink your teeth into his neck.
Marcus was truly interested in you. He asked you about everything, he really wanted to know about your life. You didn't delve much into the divorce and he didn't push it. But you told him more about your background, your work, your daughters, the challenges of being a single mother and to your surprise, he listened. Actively. When you told him it was his turn to spill the beans, he told you about his job and his specialty; his move to Texas for a fresh start and when you asked him why he felt he needed one, he reluctantly told you about proposing to his girlfriend of two months.
"I know, I know-" he raises his hand in defence as he shakes his head in disbelief, "I don't know what the hell I was thinking, I guess-" he looks down at his empty glass as if searching for answers, "sometimes I have a hard time letting things go."
He dares to meet your eyes through his lashes, to study your reaction. But your expression is neutral, no judgment on your part. "But I'm working on it, letting things happen naturally, you know? If it's meant to be, it's meant to be." he shrugs casually.
"That must be hard for you to deal with." you observe.
"Why would you think that?" he seems curious to know what you think of him, smiling crookedly.
"You strike me as someone who really tries to work things out, to fix what's broken. You don't give up easily, do you?"
His eyes bore into yours as he confirms, "No, I don't," smirking at you. You break eye contact and look down at your lap, biting back a smile of your own.
Suddenly you hear your name being called and you scan the room to find the source. You see Tommy just a few meters away, coming towards you to say hello. Marcus looks between the two of you, his eyes finally landing on yours, catching your faltering smile. "Hey, Tommy, how are you?" you hug him gently and then introduce the two men.
"Hi, nice to meet you." Tommy holds out his hand as Marcus extends his own, "You too."
"Who's the lucky girl this time, Tommy?" you tease with a devilish grin as you wink at him.
"The lucky girl is actually my brother." Tommy laughs breathlessly and your face immediately falls as he points his thumb behind him.
Joel is there at the other end of the bar, sitting on a table, his gaze fixed on you, his whole posture stiff, his jaw clenched and his eyes hard on you. You raise your arm weakly and wave at him, and he nods back sternly.
Marcus misses absolutely none of this.
How long had they been there? How much did he see? Did you do anything inappropriate? you keep checking yourself for any flawed behavior. But then you realize that you don't have to answer to him or anyone else. You can do as you please. So why do you keep hoping you haven't let him down?
"You wanna join us? There's plenty of room, come on.", Tommy invites you to their table.
You feel your legs give out just at the thought of this gathering and you try to decline politely, "We wouldn't want to impose, it's OK-"
Tommy gives you a confused look, as if you haven't spent the best part of the last two years hanging out together. "What the hell are you talking about, love? Come on, move that ass of yours." he waves his head in their direction. You glance swiftly from Tommy to Marcus and then back to Tommy, hoping he'll get the message, but he doesn't. Damn it, Tommy.
Marcus notices your apprehension and puts the palm of his hand on your forearm, caressing your skin with his thumb.
"Are you OK? Do you want to go instead?" he says in a quiet voice, just for you to hear.
You almost jump at his suggestion, "No, no, I just don't want you to think I'm not having a good time with you…" you lower your eyes, feeling vulnerable.
"Hey, hey, look at me." Marcus lowers his head to meet your gaze, "I think I'd know if this date was going south. But if for some reason it is and I'm too smitten to see it, I'm all ears." Marcus searches your eyes and you shake your head with conviction.
"It's not," is all you say, and you lean forward to place a kiss on his cheek, on the side of his face that is hidden from Joel's inspection. As if that would make what you just did any less obvious. Marcus' lips part, and he turns his head sideways to look at your profile, almost brushing it with his own.
His eyes linger on your mouth as you lean back to your seat, and then he licks his lower lip like a starving man preparing for his favorite meal. "Let's go meet your friends before I do something impulsive," he whispers in your ear, his grip on your arm tightening, his nose pressing against your temple and his lips brushing your earlobe.
Goosebumps spread across your skin and you have half a mind to get the fuck out of here and drag him back to your house. But instead you giggle like a schoolgirl and lead the way to hell, feeling the warmth of his hand on your lower back and the moisture of your pussy running down your thigh.
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If a person could combust out of stillness, it would be Joel. You're not even sure he's breathing at this point. You train your eyes on his chest, trying to follow the rise and fall of his rib-cage, just to make sure he doesn't faint.
He's sitting directly opposite you, next to his brother, who's sitting opposite Marcus. He's nursing a beer with one hand, the other behind Tommy's seat. He barely speaks to you, he avoids looking at you and that makes you feel like you’re doing something wrong and he's giving you the cold shoulder. It takes everything you've got to swallow the lump in your throat and the tears behind your eyes, but you do it.
The same waitress who took your previous orders comes back and asks what you and Marcus are having. You order a beer, and before Marcus can place his own, Joel spits, "If you're driving her back, you shouldn't be drinking," giving him a disapproving look.
Your cheeks flush with embarrassment, your eyes dart from the waitress to Joel and then to Marcus, ready to apologize on his behalf. You knew Joel could be abrasive, but never so blatantly rude. Those were the first words he said to him.
Jesus, what is his problem?
Marcus seems to be able to handle his own, answering to you instead of Joel without missing a beat. "Good to know you have such protective friends," he says with a twinkle in his eye and then he orders, "I'll have the same as before, thank you.", shifting his gaze to the waitress. "One soda with a slice of orange coming up," she says politely and leaves to get your drinks.
You glare at Joel, but he doesn't seem to be paying attention, although he flinched almost imperceptibly when he heard Marcus' choice of drink. Marcus gives you a gentle kiss on the temple and you begin to suspect that he knows exactly what's going on between you and Joel, whose jaw is twitching at the sight of Marcus' public display of affection towards you.
You envy Tommy at the moment because he seems blissfully unaware, so you turn the conversation to him. Or at least you try, because as soon as you open your mouth to speak, Joel cuts you off and asks Marcus what he does for a living.
You can't help but think that after your first meeting in that god’s forsaken bar, it took him months to strike up a conversation with you, but tonight, for some reason, he just can't seem to shut up.
Marcus, being as polite as ever, gives him the general answer that he works for the government.
"Ah, a white collar," Joel replies condescendingly and your eyes bulge out of their sockets, "must be nice, relaxed." still not looking at you and God does he tick you off. Tommy shifts uncomfortably in his seat, stealing glances at you, not sure what's going on. In any other case you would have found it endearing. Not so much now.
You too are squirming in your seat, trying to think of a way out of this awkward situation. This is not how you imagined your first date would end. And it's certainly not how you expected to meet Joel after all these weeks.
Marcus seems unfazed by the veiled hostility coming his way, smiling back at Joel, almost enjoying the antagonism. "Not necessarily, but I can't talk about it either." This catches Joel's attention and he looks at you questioningly for the first time. You tilt your head slightly to the side, signaling what are you doing? but Joel takes his eyes off you, sipping his beer nonchalantly.
"What about you? What do you do for a living?" Marcus returns the question.
"We're contractors, me and Joel; we're brothers," he gestures between himself and Joel, "and we work together." Tommy chimes in quickly, having reached his limit of awkwardness at the table. You breathe a sigh of relief, but it's not long lived.
"And how do you all know each other?" is the next natural question to come out of Marcus' mouth.
Joel's eyes land on you briefly, something flashes past them and before you can stop him-
"She and I actually met in a bar..." Joel smirks at Marcus, but you speak at the same time-
"Joel-" Your voice is firm as a warning, fully accepting that your tone might be alarming to your unsuspecting company.
"What?" Tommy's voice falters, laughing uncomfortably, completely at a loss. Marcus reads the table, his eyes darting between the three of you, at the same time placing a protective hand over your shoulder, rubbing soothing circles with his thumb.
"What?" Joel repeats in a different tenor to his brother and he shrugs, smiling, "It's no big deal, tell them," he has the audacity to put you on the spot, nodding his chin at you.
You feel the contents of your stomach move up your esophagus, cold sweat coats your skin in a thin layer. Betrayal. That's all you can think of. "Uh-", you try to find the words, but nothing comes out, betrayal, you're not good at it, lying doesn't come easy to you, betrayal, especially with three sets of eyes on you. Joel just sits there with a smug look on his face and you wish you had the guts to slap it out of him.
Marcus' voice brings you back to the present, are you all right?, a soft whisper caresses your ear and soothes your insides. The bile in your throat begins to return to its rightful place, but your eyes are already moist, your waterline glassy, a look of defeat and disappointment painted on your soft face. Joel sees it all written on those contours of yours that he has come to know and marvel at from afar, and it is as if a sudden realization hits him, snapping him out of his asshole behavior. He is cruel to you.
"All right, all right," he rolls his eyes and continues with a sigh, and Tommy's eyes return to his brother, but Marcus' remains fixed on you. "We met in a bar and we had a heated..." he stops abruptly and your face takes on a look of horror as he searches for the right word. "...argument." Joel finally adds. "We exchanged a few words, but then we ran into each other at my cousin's house and the rest is history." he laughs as he waves his hand in the air and winks at you.
You bite your lower lip as hard as you can to keep your chin from trembling, but a single tear of relief or suppressed anger, you're not sure anymore, escapes from the side of your face that only Joel can see, as you give him a forced, watery smile.
Luckily the bar is dimly lit, otherwise they would all be able to see the redness spreading across your chest, the rage manifesting itself on your body. Used and played is how you feel, and Joel is the last person you would have thought would put you in this position. You'd bet all your money on it.
"Why didn't you say anything?" Tommy wonders aloud, looking between you and Joel. You clear your throat and have no choice but to confirm Joel's lie. "It felt awkward at the time, so we pretended we didn't know each other. It was an unfortunate moment, one I deeply regret," you lock eyes with Joel and see his facade almost crumbling, "that will never recur, ever again." you continue to stare at him as you speak the last words with concealed bitterness. For the first time that night, he looked down at his lap in shame and regret, pretending to peel the label off his bottle with his thumb.
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The ride home was silent, you were emotionally drained, something Marcus picked up on easily, so he simply offered his open palm, which you gladly accepted, tucking your fingers between his own. He continued to caress your skin, back and forth, and it was all you needed to calm your nerves.
As he walked you to the front door of your house, you felt compelled to apologize to him in a profound way. "I'm so sorry about Joel," you shake your head, looking down at your feet, your fingers scratching your forehead, a worried look on your face, "he can be intense sometimes -" why are you defending him?
Marcus lifts your chin with a gentle finger under it, his thumb caressing your jawline. "I don't care about Joel." With one simple sentence, he has erased him from your conversation. No more room for him to steal any longer of your night with Marcus.
“I'm the one standing on your porch right now am I not?”, the implication clear in his voice and words.
“I'm not sure what-” you try to avoid confirming or denying his assumptions.
"Mhm," he smiles knowingly, his eyes fixed on yours, searching for something. You feel safe with him, but you can't shake the feeling that you've ruined everything. Marcus' eyes drop to your lips and he slowly leans forward, stopping just inches from you, waiting for you to initiate. You can feel yourself unable to relax, your body stiff, frozen. But you want to, you really do, so you ask instead, "Are you going to do something impulsive now?"
He smiles and leans even closer to your lips, his breath gently fanning across your plump skin. His nose gently nudges yours, "Yes, I think I might."
Your lips almost touch when a muffled voice followed by loud barks startles you both, causing you to pull away and look around for the source of the disruption. After a few seconds, you both see a medium-sized dog running down the street. You wait to see if its owner follows, but no one appears. You turn to look at each other, giggling at the strange interruption.
Marcus caresses your cheek with the back of his knuckles and you lean into his touch, the moment gone and lost. "I hope you had a decent time because I know I had a great one and I really hope I get to see you again."
"Marcus," you scowl at him, "are you fishing for compliments?" you chastise him teasingly.
"Well, a man can dream," he smirks playfully as he tries to get some distance between you in case he comes on too strong.
"You don't have to," you coo, grabbing his collar to crush your lips against his.
After the initial shock, Marcus holds your head in his hands, tilting it to return the kiss and deepen it. His soft lips massage yours, sucking and nibbling at your lower lip. His upper lip and tongue capture yours, tugging gently, sending waves of pleasure through your body. He licks into your mouth, exploring every soft cavity, and you suck on his tongue in return.
He grunts into your welcoming cavern and you fist the fabric of his shirt that adorns his chest tighter. He presses his body into yours, trying to keep his pelvic area from pressing into your lower abdomen, but you can feel his growing erection inescapably.
You come up for air and murmur into his mouth, "I had a great time and I'd like to do it again".
This time it is he who presses his mouth to yours, kissing you fervently, sucking all the air out of your lungs. Your body is on fire, your abdomen tingling with desire.
You whimper against his lips as you reach for the short curls at the back of his neck, tugging them gently between your fingers, causing him to growl against your wet flesh, and he can feel your nipples poking at his chest through the thin material of your dress as you press your torso against his in sheer determination.
He's sure he's going to lose it and fuck you in front of your house for all your neighbors to see if he doesn't stop now. He breaks the kiss, panting, his eyes boring into yours, your foreheads touching. "Christ, woman," he closes his eyes and laughs to himself, "you're going to give me a heart attack."
"Better me than old age, right?" you try to hide your teasing smile behind your tightly pressed lips.
"Hey, I'm about to arrest you for threatening a government official," he warns without any conviction or authority.
"Are you going to handcuff me, Agent?" you ask, looking at him through your lashes and it comes out more breathless than it should.
"Jesus." Marcus mutters through his teeth, his resolve hanging by a thread. "OK." he gives you a sharp look, "I'm going to leave for the sake of both of us," he says, but his grip on your hip tightens, as if he's afraid you'll disappear.
"You could come in, you know," you offer, looking at him sheepishly.
His expression is pained when he has to turn you down. "And I'd like nothing more, but I want to do this right. Please, let me do this right." Marcus pleads softly, rolling his forehead over yours in desperation.
"What does that even mean?" you ask, a bit embarrassed by his rejection.
"Means I want to wine and dine you, spoil you, give you the perfect date," he coos into the soft skin beneath your ear, making you shudder at his soft promise. "And when you think you can't go another second without my touch, then I'll come in and spoil you some more," he continues, brushing his moist lips along the pillar of your neck. "I will spoil you in all the ways you deserve." he finishes, planting an open-mouthed kiss on your pulse point under your jaw. Your knees buck and your pussy contracts, squeezing out your sweetness at the feel of his warm and wet tongue.
"OK," you breathe out in a shaky voice, nodding dumbly, cupping his face in your hands and planting a small kiss on the tip of his nose.
He smiles and presses his lips to your forehead murmuring "God, you're something," and his heart swells at your tender gesture.
Marcus takes a deep breath, pauses and seems hesitant, but speaks his mind anyway. "OK, I'm going to skip the whole 'three day rule' and call you tomorrow. Is that OK?" he looks anxiously into your eyes, "Am I rushing you?"
A spontaneous laugh escapes your lips at the sound of that. "I just invited you into my house, you think a phone call is going to rush me?" you frown, "You can call me whenever you want.", you say matter of factly. You turn to leave, but change your mind and face him again. "Actually," you bite your lip mischievously, "I need to make sure I can rely on the American authorities, so I'm counting on your word. I'll be expecting a call by tomorrow," you stifle a grin by pressing your lips together.
"Yes, ma'am." Marcus nods in amusement and gives you one last kiss, pressing his lips to yours for as long as he can before ushering you into the house. "Good night," he breathes against your lips.
"Good night," you whisper back with a shy smile and close the door behind you. Marcus walks to his car with a stupid grin plastered on his face, gets in and drives away, but not before making sure you have closed and locked your front door.
In the stillness of the night, Joel takes a moment to assess the situation and satisfied that the coast is clear, he carefully emerges from the large bush he was hiding behind.
He glances down at his dog pissed shoe and mutters to himself,
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moriartyluver · 11 months
Hello🙋 it's me yet again. How's it going?
Are you still taking requests? If you aren't, please ignore this.
If you are, could I please request a William x Reader oneshot? I got inspired by that poker chapter (I hate Johnson).
So, one night, William, Albert, Moran and Bond decide to play poker, and the winner will be recieving a kiss from William's wife (they somehow persuaded her to do it💀). So, William pulls some intelligent shit (I'm stupid, ok?) and obviously wins. Bonus, he asked reader to sit in his lap for good luck🤭.
I really hope this is not confusing and thank you very much! ❤️🥰
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A/N: I’m still taking requests dw 😭 this request got me giggling and blushing omg 🤭 I’d sell my soul to get to sit on liams lap 🛐 (I hate Johnson too)
Character(s): William James Moriarty x fem! Reader
Format: oneshot
Genre: fluff + spicy
Prompt: above^^
Warnings: established relationship (marriage), reader is female, gambling??, a little bit spicy. Way too short 😞
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“That’s right, darling. We’d invite you to join but..” William trailed off as you scanned the table. Fred and Louis were observing while Bond, your husband, Moran and Albert were all sat around a table, the poker set out.
“But what?” You asked, feeing slightly left out. “Because I’m a woman?” You were half joking but everyone knew that playing games like cards or poker were not very ladylike.
Bond shook his head “You’re the prize, (nickname). The prize can’t be playing because then what shall you get if you win? It’d make more sense for you to watch instead.”
You raised a brow in confusion. You? The prize? What on earth was that supposed to mean?
“When you say it like that, it makes you sound perverted.” Moran commented from beside Bond, a subtle smirk on his face.
You look over to William as if demanding an explanation. He smiled sheepishly, it wasn’t him who had declared the bet and he’d much rather not have you on the line.
“What Bond meant to say was that the winner is supposed to get a kiss from, you, (name).” Albert explained with a smug look and a sip of wine as usual, watching his little brother furrow his eyebrows in slight irritation from beside him. “Nothing too extreme, just a little peck on the cheek.”
Clearly he had some of not all the responsibility of creating the prize. Albert wasn’t as much of a mastermind as William was, but God, he had the tendency to meddle and scheme in other peoples lives whenever it could provide entertainment.
You looked at him with wide eyes. “I didn’t agree to this! You can go bet on something else,” then you paused “Nevermind that, as the lady of the house, I’d much rather not have any gambling take place within the estate, or anywhere for that matter. Haven’t you learned anything after that run in with Mr Johnson?”
“Oh don’t be like that, (name), it’s just for fun.” Moran laughed, although there was a slightly guilty tone in his voice, like a child caught misbehaving “Besides, we all know Louis acts more like the lady of the house much more than you do.”
Louis glared at the colonel then rolled his eyes while you held back a snort from his reaction.
You sighed begrudgingly “If you insist..but if I do, then the loser has to do all of my chores for the next month.”
“Two weeks.” Louis negotiated with a stern look.
Fred was about to pull a stool out for you to sit on but was stopped by William calling out to you. He had his evil (yet attractive) little mischievous smile on so you knew he was planning no good. Chances were, he was probably going to win if Moran didn’t cheat as usual but with a kiss from you up for grabs, he had become even more competitive and determined to win. Both because he adored any scrap of affection he could receive from you, and because he dreaded the idea of you kissing anyone but him, even if it was strictly platonic.
“Come sit here, my dear,” He said, patting his thigh. The corners of his lips were turned upwards “I need my lucky charm to help me win your affections.”
“Do I have to?” You groaned, clearly flustered by the idea.
“Please?” He pleaded, looking at you with a teasing yet innocent expression. You gave in, walking over to him and sitting on his lap while your husband wrapped his arm around your waist, securing you in place. You look at him as if to say ‘you’re lucky I love you.’
“L-Let the game commence.” You said, hoping not to draw attention to your flushed expression as you played off your stutter
“Oooh, unlucky Bond,” Albert chuckled as James frowned at his loss.
It was finally William’s turn as he was sat beside Bond and the turns went clockwise.
“Your turn, dear.” You said, hand on his shoulder. You could see a smirk forming on his face. One that he would usually wear whenever he would bring corrupt nobles to justice or read of Sherlock’s work in the paper or whenever you would tease him. A smirk he would proudly wear with satisfaction.
You peer over to look at his cards, eyes widening momentarily. You look back at your lover’s face as his eyes land on you. William gives you a wink, ever so smug from what is seconds away from being a win. You had been observing him the entire game, and yet he still managed to get his way as usual.
His hand clutched his cards, ready to spread them over the table while his other hand caressed your waist, thumb massaging the soft flesh over your clothes.
Everyone had been waiting in anticipation, silently observing your reaction aswell as William’s. It was a general presumption that he would win though, partially due to his intellect, partially due to his possessive nature.
“Royal flush.” William stated nonchalantly as he spread his cards on the wooden table.
Moran tossed his cards to the ground in anger, clearly because he had the potential to win if William wasn’t so damn lucky (not for the sake of being kissed, just for the fact he was once again so close to beating William but just not close enough) James has his hand cupped in his cheek, glad Moran didn’t win whilst Albert could care less, he just wanted another glass of red wine.
William could only smile, hoping not to appear boastful despite how badly he wanted to brag, not because he won, but because you were going to kiss him. Although it seemed you had forgotten that now because of how proud you were that he won.
“It seems I’m much deserving of a prize now,” William whispered to you, pulling you closer to him “Don’t you agree my love? I did play so well just for you.”
You pause, recalling the original deal. You hesitantly nod, still annoyed that you were the prize because if you weren’t, you probably would have won anyways.
“Fine.” You groan, leaning forward to press a kiss to his cheek.
Except you don’t.
The cheeky bastard turned his head at just the right moment, possibly intentionally, for your lips to land on his. Wolf whistles echo through out the room along with a “get a room” from Moran who recovered from his loss.
You pull away gently, tapping William I’m a faux scolding manner before sticking your tongue out at Moran, about to hurl some insults before William kisses you once more.
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its-avalon-08 · 6 months
hearts intertwined (hamilton x sister! driver!rosberg) pt5
chapter 5: apologizes in order
warnings - none at all
series masterlist
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The soft clinking of shopping bags filled the near-empty aisle as Y/N reached for a box of cereal. Clad in sweats and a messy braid, a stark contrast to the glamorous world of F1, she was lost in thought, replaying the events of the previous night. The memory of Lewis's cold glare and Nico's fierce protectiveness left a sour taste in her mouth.
Suddenly, a figure rounded the corner, sending a jolt of surprise through her. It was Lewis, clad in a simple t-shirt and jeans, his hair slightly mussed. The collision was minor, a brush of shoulders, but the throbbing pain in her hand made Y/N yelp, dropping her grocery bag with a clatter.
Lewis's eyes widened in alarm. "Oh my god, Y/N! Are you alright?" He knelt down to pick up her groceries, his face creasing with concern.
Y/N winced, biting her lip as she retrieved a box of pasta that had split open. "Yeah, I'm fine," she mumbled, more to herself than him. Her voice dripped with a coolness that wasn't entirely genuine.
The silence stretched, thick and awkward. Lewis cleared his throat, his gaze flitting between her face and the injured hand she cradled close to her chest. Finally, he spoke, his voice hesitant. "Look, Y/N…"
Y/N raised an eyebrow, a silent challenge in her gaze. The last thing she wanted to do was have a heart-to-heart with Lewis Hamilton, especially after his behavior at the end of the race.
Sensing her resistance, Lewis took a deep breath. "About the other night… my reaction… I'm truly sorry. There's no excuse for what I did."
Y/N's defenses faltered a little. She hadn't expected an apology, and the sincerity in his voice surprised her.
"It's… fine," she mumbled, staring pointedly at the spilt pasta.
"It's not fine," Lewis countered, his voice firm. "You don't deserve that kind of treatment, from anyone. I crossed the line and that is never okay,"
He stood up, and for a moment, their eyes locked. Y/N saw something flicker in his gaze, a mix of regret and something she couldn't quite decipher. Y/N gave a gentle smile.
An unexpected silence descended upon them. The tension was still there, but a strange sense of ease settled in as well. They talked, starting with the mundane things – the lack of healthy options in the store, the upcoming race in China. Their responses were short and guarded at first, but they gradually settled into a comfortable conversation.
"So, cereal for breakfast, then?" Lewis asked, a hint of a smile playing on his lips.
Y/N snorted. "What else am I going to make with this mess?" she gestured towards the split pasta.
Lewis chuckled, the sound surprisingly warm. "Well, you wouldn't want to upset your nutritionist, would you?"
Y/N couldn't help but smile back. The comment, laced with playful sarcasm, was the Lewis she knew from the press conferences – witty, confident. But there was a different layer to him she was starting to see, a man beneath the champion's facade.
As they walked out of the store together, bags balanced on their arms, the awkwardness had dissipated. A fragile truce had been formed, and for the first time since their heated exchange, Y/N allowed herself to consider a world where Lewis Hamilton wasn't just her rival, but perhaps, just perhaps, someone she could understand.
credits for gif - @lewishamiltongifs
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taglist: @laura-naruto-fan1998 , @xoscar03 , @torossosebs , @jajouska , @lindsayjoy444
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yangkitties · 2 months
bros before hoes ✰ chapter 21: three's a crowd
wc: 0.6k
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Sunghoon can’t help how he feels. 
Jealousy simmers at the tips of his fingers, bubbling away in his chest. He thinks he might explode if he has to see Chaemin next to you for another second more. 
You’re laughing, and it’s the most wonderful sound in the world, but Sunghoon wants to smash his head against the wall, because you’re laughing, and it’s not because of him. 
Sunghoon was gone for one week, maybe just a little bit more, but he comes back to see you all over Chaemin, and he can’t help but want to throw up on Chaemin’s pristine black shoes. 
Sunghoon scowls as he watches you both, passing comments and acting like you had known each other forever. He was sure at one point Chaemin pointed at him and then proceeded to whisper something in your ear. 
Or maybe Sunghoon was just going insane. 
He watches as Chaemin doubles down in mock pain, an over exaggerated reaction to you lightly punching him. You roll your eyes, making your way towards Sunghoon. 
Your eyes meet, and suddenly the world stops spinning. Sunghoon swears he could get lost in your eyes forever and never complain. 
He knows he has the most dopey grin on his face, ‘goo-goo eyes’, as Riki would describe, but he can’t care, because you’re making your way towards him with the most gentle expression on your face. 
Your face looks over his own, smiling brightly at him. He sees your lips move, vaguely making out what you’re saying. He can’t really hear anything, too immersed in trying to memorise your face. 
It’s not until you snap your fingers in front of his face does he realise you’re calling out to him, telling him something. 
‘Hoon, you good? You’ve been spacing out a lot recently…’ You pout, and Sunghoon thinks his heart just burst into a billion butterflies. 
He laughs, shaking his head lightly. He can feel the heat crawling up his neck, blood rushing to his ears. 
‘Just tired… All the travelling is catching up a little.’ He leans back, head bumping the wall. You nod in understanding. 
‘You should come officially meet Chaemin! I bet that would give you some energy!!’ The thought of meeting Chaemin made Sunghoon want to rip his hair off, but you looked so hopeful, how could he ever say no to you?
He nodded, standing up beside you. You cheered, clapping your hands as you lead Sunghoon to where Chaemin was. 
Your smile is intoxicating as you introduce the both of them to each other, trying your best to break the ice. Sunghoon almost breaks out into a smile, keyword being ‘almost’. 
He can’t help but scowl every time you giggle at Chaemin’s actions, frown deepening ever so slightly. 
The introductions are cut short by the director’s yell, calling you to your places. The 3 of you rush to your places, stage faces taking over. 
Sunghoon would love to say that emceeing went smoothly, he really did. 
It started off fine, the 3 of you introducing yourselves, laughing as if you were the world’s best friends. 
It really was fine until the interviews began, and Sunghoon’s eyes landed on the script. His eyes almost roll out of their sockets as he reads the script, raging at the amount of banter scripted for you and Chaemin. 
The rest of the interviews seem awkward and heavy, Sunghoon’s tensed speech changing the mood. 
Thankfully it gets over quickly. Sunghoon rolls his eyes, exasperated at the result of the interviews. 
He finishes packing in record time, leaving the building as soon as he could. Sunghoon scowls all the way back to the building, drowning in his own head. 
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synopsis > with the help of fukutomi tsuki, park y/n finally gains the courage to face their long time crush, the one and only, park sunghoon. park sunghoon thinks it's love at first sight when he sees her. paired up as the new mcs of music bank, shenanigans ensue when y/n learns about sunghoon's crush...
note: brah lowk dont know what im doing... hope y'all are enjoying tho bc i love making this smau so much 🥹 enjoy this humungous chapter as an apology for going ia randomly 😔🫶
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©️ yangkitties 2024 do not copy, plagiarise, or repost
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rafesapologist · 10 months
the set up — rafe cameron; part nine
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𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆: you've been one of the pogues since childhood, and your loyalty has always lied within your friend group, who is practically your family. when a threat by the name of rafe cameron begins to threaten the pogue's plans, they assign you to gain the trust of the dubious kook and keep an eye on what he's up to. however, now it's been six months since your friends set you up to spy on the kook prince himself, but what you didn't anticipate was to fall head over heels for the boy. your relationship had soon become inviolable shortly after your guys' first exchanges, much to your friends' dismay, and you two became practically inseperable. that was, until rafe discovers the truth.
warnings: swearing, some angst
author's note: hi my loves. so terribly sorry for the extensive wait it took for this chapter to be released, between school starting and things going on in my personal life taking an abundance of my time, it has been difficult to sit down and make the time to write. with each chapter, i always want to curate a piece that you all will enjoy n i never want to give you guys something half-assed. anywho, i have seen and read all ur comments about updating this series i promise, ur requests have not been ignored! thank u for being patient <3
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The car ride to the chateau was quiet and tense. Your eyes stayed glued to the window, rather than looking at Rafe, who you instinctively knew was pondering a thousand reasons as to why you had a sudden shift in your demeanor. At some point, he had placed a gentle hand onto the top of your thigh, but much to his dismay, you shifted your legs towards the passenger door. His brows furrowed at your reaction, confused as to why you were rejecting his touch as though you weren't just begging for it merely an hour ago.
You hated being so callous towards him, especially without giving him an explanation as to why you were exactly, but you knew it was for the best. Your loyalty still belonged to the Pogues.
"We're here." Rafe blurted out rather dryly as the car came to a halt. With the lack of sound from the tires moving or the engine running, the atmosphere became even more unpleasant than it was prior. Your eyes shifted from the window to your lap while you fiddled with your thumbs in an attempt to form a sentence before parting ways with the boy sitting next to you, who happened to be surveying your every movement, unable to come to a conclusion about what was happening in your mind.
"Hey, I'm sorry if what we did made you uncomfortable or was too much. I don't want to overstep your boundaries or anything." He coughed, scratching the back of his head as a subtle display of his nerves taking over.
"No, it's okay," you shook your head, eyes staying locked onto your hands, "It's not that I promise. I just - Forgot I had something to do tonight and it hit me last minute." The little white lie you chose to go with was minor and meaningless, yet you felt an immense guilt at the pit of your stomach for the deception you were fronting right before Rafe's solemn face.
"Oh," Rafe sighed as he nodded, "okay yeah, that's alright. Well in that case, I guess I'll see you later. Maybe we can go out sometime this week." He flashed you a weak smile, with partial intent to try and ease the tension in the air, and another to try and convince himself that things between you two were okay and that you weren't pushing him away all of the sudden.
"Yeah, maybe so, Cameron." You replied with a forced smile that went unnoticed by Rafe, nodding quickly as you hoped to brush his comment under the rug for the time being. "Thanks for driving me, by the way. I appreciate it." You thanked him, a conciliatory approach to your final goodbye in hopes that it would clear Rafe's wondering mind of any doubt between the two of you.
"Of course."
You pushed aside your incentive for a short second as you leaned across the seat, placing a gentle kiss onto the blond's cheek, a small residue of your strawberry chapstick temporarily tattooed onto his skin. He soaked up every bit of it.
"See you later, Rafe." You breathed quietly against the side of his face as you backed away, taking in one last glance of the stunned boy as his eyes fluttered back open, just before hopping on out the car and trailing up the steps of the chateau. You made sure to turn around and wave to Rafe one last time before entering, a signal to assure him that you were safe and that he could finally drive off.
"Y/n? What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be with-" You cut Kiara's prying short as you were in desperate need to relay your newfound information amongst your friends.
"Rafe and Ward are shipping out the gold tonight, like literally within the next thirty minutes." You blurted out frantically.
"Wait, what? Are you sure?" John B questioned, his eyes wide with disbelief.
"Pretty damn sure, considering he just told me about it. That's why I came here as soon as I found out," You stated in urgency, "we don't have much time before it happens. He's heading to meet his dad right now."
"We gotta go." Pope interjected immediately, an unfamiliar sterness in his tone.
"And do what, Pope? How are we supposed to stop them with no plan ahead of time? Kiara asked, raising an appropriate question to the matter. The news came so last minute that none of you really had time to digest what was happening, let alone come up with an elaborate plan to stop something that had been in the works for weeks prior.
"We'll find a way. We always do." JJ spoke up as he rose confidently from the couch, which in turn earned an eye roll from you at his gesture and stupidity.
"Don't be naive, JJ. We can't just magically stop Rafe and Ward, especially since you know they probably have backup here to keep anyone from getting in their way." You spat back in annoyance while the grudge you held against JJ from the day before lingered in the forefront of your mind, causing everyone to look between you and JJ in confusion.
"Right.." Kiara interjected, attempting to cut the tension that was heating up in the room amongst two of her closest friends, "Well, if none of us have any solutions then what can we do." She huffed, her face ridden with apprehension.
"Actually, I might have an idea." You heard the voice of Sarah Cameron join in on the conversation, eliciting everyone in the room to turn their heads in the direction of the blonde Pogue.
"It might be a longshot, but, why don't we just distract Rafe and Ward, and the rest of us go in during the meantime and get the gold before they realize?"
"Who would be doing the distracting?" Pope Inquired with his arms crossed, hesitation at the forefront of his demeanor, yet there was still a hint of agreeance that became evident by his curiosity.
"Well, y/n can call up Rafe, pretend there's an emergency or something. While she's doing that I'll go meet up with my dad, then you guys can go in and do what you need to do. We can at least hold them off for a bit, it should give you guys enough time." Sarah proposed the calculated scheme. It wasn't a bad one, far from it actually, but part of you hated it at the same time. You weren't too fond of the idea of lying to Rafe for the second time in a row, all within a 24 hour time span. It made you feel peccant and iniquitous, which went against everything you stood for morally, but you had to look at the bigger picture and push aside your guilt for the moment. This wasn't about you, it was about doing what's right for your friends and defending them. After all, you were their biggest hope.
"Alright, I'll do it. But I can't promise I can hold him off for long, he seemed pretty eager to get there to meet Ward." You heaved.
"That's okay, we should only need a few minutes." Pope nodded, a smile peaking through at the corners of his mouth, his eyes glimmering with a newfound sense of hope in them.
"Thank you, y/n. We couldn't do this without you." You were taken by surprise with the embrace of your sanguine confidant, who held onto you like you had just given him the world. Your body relaxed in his arms as you hugged him back, giving him the assurance that you were going to do your best to help him in whatever way you possibly could.
"I should probably call Rafe then, I don't want to waste anymore time than we've already lost." You stated, pulling back from your friend. Pope responded with a head nod as he gestured you away.
You flashed your friends a small, insincere smile as you walked off into one of the bedroom of the chateau. Your heart raced at what you were about to do, worrying that if Rafe senses any ounce of deception it'll all blow up in your face, or worse, he'll lose all trust in you.
You took in one last deep breath as you unlocked your phone and went straight to your contacts, scrolling until you found Rafe's name. Your finger hovered shakily over the 'call' button as you stared at it for a few seconds, wondering what you were even going to say to him. Your eyes wandered around the room as you tried to ground yourself for a moment, bracing for whatever was to come for you and your friends. You didn't want to do this, but what other choice did you have? This wasn't about you, this wasn't about what your feelings or what you felt was right or wrong. It was about the people you cared about the most, and in that moment, they needed you greatly.
You allowed yourself to fall back into the mattress, letting your body sink deeper into the foam as you gazed at the ceiling in deep thought. You could hear the sound of the front door opening and closing in the living room, alerting you that your friends had left, leaving you to do your part of the deal.
"Y/n? Is everything okay? I thought you'd be asleep by now."
"I'm not okay right now, Rafe. I need you."
taglist (sorry if i missed anyone, please let me know if you'd like to be on it!): @ellesalazar, @champomiel, @vadinaleme, @kys4-20, @gills-lounge, @allsmilesreally7, @sublimepenguinpeach-blog, @sp00ky-spr1te, @bibliophilewednesday, @haroldpotterson, @i-love-rafe, @ellesalazar, @calmoistorm, @abundantxadorations, @fals3-g0d, @gillybear17, @oiiviagrande, @hockeybabe87, @augustlikesdeath, @wpdailyminimeta, @palmwinemami, @loxleys-blog, @ikisscline, @flyestvenustrap, @ilovesteveharrngton
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call-sign-shark · 1 year
Heaven in Your Eyes|| Arthur Shelby x OC!Reader
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Summary:  When Arthur comes home with his arms wrapped tight around your shoulders, willing to introduce you to the family, the reactions are lukewarm. Some love you, some are wary, and others do not really care. But when it comes to Thomas Shelby, things are different. After meeting you he comes to two conclusions: first, Arthur is madly smitten with you to the point it worries him. Second, he does not like you. Not at all. That's why he tries to scare you away.
Words: 4,5k
TW: smut, non-protected sex, p in v, age gap (reader is in her late 20s), typical canon violence, mention of suicide attempt, mention of drugs, Tommy being a dick,
Notes: ✞ All chapters can be read as stand-alones but it's obviously better if you read everything.
✞ Heaven is OP's original character but written with the use of « you » (Moodboard here).
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PREVIOUS || Masterlist || NEXT PART
“Bloody Hell.” 
That was all John could say when his vibrant blue eyes fell on you.  The night Thomas told him Linda and Arthur had divorced, he could not believe it. He, more than anyone else, was well aware of his older brother’s tendencies to kowtow under his wife’s authority. Hence his reluctance to believe in such an improbable event. Once he processed the information, John thought about the whole ordeal over and over again. At first, he genuinely thought Linda was the one who left for she had already threatened Arthur to do so countless times. Let alone the fact their relationship had been hanging on by a thread for a while. Somehow he could not blame her — dealing with his brother’s mental illness and tantrums was overwhelming, he could get it, but if there were positive traits among Arthur’s troubled behaviors they were certainly his loyalty and the gigantic amount of love he could give to his significant other. That was why he was persuaded Arthur would never leave his wife, as much as John and the Shelby women warned him she was not a good person.
— And here he came today after weeks of absolute ghosting, the fairest creature he has ever seen snuggling in his arms. For sure, no one expected it.
“Bloody. Fucking. Hell.” He reiterated, standing in the doorway with his hand still on the knob and his eyes wide open. Astounded, John looked at you from head to toe for probably the tenth time in a row. 
“Are ya going to stand there like a dumbass or can we come in?” Arthur growled. He tightened his protective embrace around you, ready to bounce on his little brother’s throat at the slightest inappropriate comment. You bit your lip, not really sure what to do or say — maybe meeting the Shelby family was not a good idea after all.
“Is she really your woman?”
“Fuck off, John! Let us in.” Arthur said louder. He did not want to throw a brutal fit in front of you but you could feel his body shaking against yours, for John was about to cross the very short limits of his patience. One of your small hands gently stroked his chest in an attempt to calm him. Luckily for John, the sensation of your cold skin, which he could feel through the thin fabric of his shirt, was enough to tame his fire.
John Shelby blinked again and, this time, his thin adorable lips stretched in a teasing smile. You did not know him, but you felt he was about to say something stupid. Very stupid.
“How could such a stunning young girl like her be interested in an old and ugly ass dog like you? Fuck, is that your real hair color tho?” 
The flip in Arthur’s brain switched - it was too much for him not to react.
“Arthur, dear.” You said with an indescribably soft voice, stepping in front of him to block his path. You pressed your hands on his chest a second time to gently keep him from fighting with his younger brother and probably knocking him out with his bare fists, “It’s alright. He is just messing with ya, you know?” You looked at him, a loving smile flattering your juicy lips.  Letting a long and noisy exhale out of his quavering mouth, Arthur looked dagger at his brother one last time with a threatening gleam burning in his iris before shifting his focus on you. As soon as his steel blue eyes caught sight of your adorable pout his face relaxed.
“Alright. Alright.” He whispered, feeling his rage evaporating at the sole view of your holy smile, “Ain’t going to smash his face in front of such a delicate little lady, eh.” He said. The gravel in his voice never failed to make you burn with both love and desire.  Then, he leaned over you for a kiss, his mind finding its peace only when your lips crashed together.
John watched the scene with vivid interest, for he had never seen someone handling his brother with such genuine care.  To be honest, he had hated Linda since day one — not only for the power she exerted on Arthur but also because of her irritating and condescending nature. She had always walked among the Shelby family as if she had been irremediably better than them, both morally and socially. John could not help but see all her sweet gestures being tainted with a will of controlling Arthur. That, along with the muzzle and leash she had put on her brother,  strengthened his deep aversion for Linda. But you were different — he could sense it. There was something about the way your fingers laid upon his brother as if you were not afraid of his destructive fire but did not want to extinguish it either. Also something about the way you looked at him, with both love and admiration, to the point he could not say if you were his guiding light or if it was the other way round. And when he saw the sudden shift in Arthur’s behavior, immediately calming down at your angelic voice, he knew you were the one.
“Moreover” You added, slowly pulling away from the kiss to press your forehead against his. Arthur looked at you with eyes half closed, bewitched by your enchanting tone.
 “I only see one ugly ass dog here and it’s chewing on a toothpick.” Your smile turned into a cunning smirk and your precious aquamarine eyes glanced at John.
“Hey! Hold your woman.” John retorted, pretending to be vexed — truth was he liked your wit, “Alright you can come in,” he said, stepping away from the doorway to invite you inside the Shelby’s house.
“Ain’t holding shit, I love it when me angel bites,” Arthur stated with one sharp, almost carnivorous grin on his face. As he passed by his little brother he punched him right in the shoulder in a typical sibling way to avenge himself. The younger one swore.
You took a deep breath and looked at Arthur, trying to find the necessary courage you needed for this first encounter. Admittedly, you did not know what to expect, but one thing you knew was that the Shelby family was not people you wanted to mess with. 
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A relieved sigh escaped from your lips as you filled the teapot with water, all alone in the family kitchen. You enjoyed this quick moment of calmness, soothed by the pleasant smell of freshly baked cookies Esme had taken out of the oven minutes ago. The wooden floor creaked when Arthur entered the kitchen, closing the door behind him. As soon as you left the table following Polly’s comment he had followed you.
“Yer okay?” He asked, his hoarse voice highlighted with sincere worries. 
“I’m fine dear,” You glanced at him above your shoulder and offered a light smile to reassure him even though you both knew you were hurt, “You should go back to your family, I won’t be long.. Just needed to take a big breath. And we are running out of tea.” You added, waving off his question.
Arthur shook his head in disapproval and walked toward you with his so-specific yet adorable gait, swinging both arms at the same time. You had always found this detail absolutely endearing, which had surprised him at first — you never mocked him for the way he walked, nor made the slightest snarky remark.
Your smile, flickering and fragile at first, soon widened in comfort knowing he’ll keep you company during this life-saving break. 
“I’m sorry for what Pol said to you. She doesn’t mean it.”
“Pretty sure she did mean I was a Devil and that I’ll bring woe to this family, but it’s fine.”  You said before shifting your attention back to the teapot. Arthur wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you in a tight and reassuring back hug. As soon your bodies collided together, his warmth alleviated all your doubts and you found a well-deserved comfort in his presence. Worries vanished in smoke, annihilated by his protective demeanor. 
Each time you touched was a reminder that everything will always be fine as long as you were together.
You wiggled your nose like a little bunny for his musky perfume tickled your nostrils. And its familiar fragrances were enough to chase Polly’s unpleasant comments away from your brain. If you had not been busy making tea, you would have buried your face in his chest and never moved again.
“It has nothing to do with ya,” Arthur broke the silence first, “it’s your hair.”
“My hair?” You asked in a half-convinced tone, one brow raised. 
“Yes, your hair. She thinks someone cast a spell on ya when you were young or something, and she’s afraid the spell will harm her too if she sits next to you. Like it’s bloody contagious. It’s some kind of superstitious shit, not that she had really felt something evil in you.”
At such a revelation, you brought your small hand to your mouth to cover it and tried your best not to laugh. If her words had hurt you, painfully reminding your troubled life in France, the idea of a strong woman like Polly Gray being afraid of you only because of the color of your hair had something hilarious.  
“Esme too. She told me she’d personally kick me in the balls if her fookin’ baby comes out with white hair. But that woman is batshit crazy anyway. Pretty sure she’ll kick me in the bollocks for free.”  He growled, his arms tightening around your waist. He rested his chin on your shoulder. Arthur was holding you firmly as if he was afraid you might run away from him after the disastrous encounter with the two Shelby women. After waiting all his life for a woman not to flee from him, he would break into a million pieces if you would do so. Fortunately enough, Ada seemed to like you. She fancied your wit and your curiosity. Most of the afternoon had been spent chatting with her and John under the judging eyes of both Polly and Esme. Usually, people would shut Ada down each time she would talk about politics, especially about her communist ideas, but you did not. Quite the contrary, you listened to her carefully and questioned her with a genuine will to learn — even though you had never been good with politics. At least the conversation had been stimulating. And just like John before, she had also noticed the indescribable care and love with which you blessed her older brother, never controlling him, and always showering him with signs of deep affection. Maybe that was why she did not tease you when she noticed that you and Arthur were holding hands under the table. 
As for Finn, he had been too busy staring at Arthur with eyes wide open to even bother interacting with you. He could not believe that you, a tiny young white-haired girl with an angel face, were in love with his violent brother.
“So they think I’m contagious.” You might have been too confident about your ability to remain impassive because you suddenly snorted with laughter as you understood the true nature of their rude behavior. The crystalline laugh that escaped your mouth sounded like the most delicate music to his ears — he would listen to it with delight each time, his sick brain momentarily forgetting the booming canons and cacophony of war. Arthur, relieved by your reaction, allowed himself to chuckle along. 
“They do, eh.” He admitted, his lips gently brushing your neck, irremediably attracted by your fragile porcelain flesh. His breath, slow and peaceful, caressed your sensitive skin as he exhaled, sending shivers down your spine. Arthur closed his eyes for a second and let the delightful scents of your perfume intoxicate him. Way stronger than any drugs, your fragrances made his head spin — he was losing touch with reality but, this time, he was more than allowing it to happen. Because instead of being sent into a violent craze, he would drown in a blissful haze. 
“You should flee from me, I might infect you too, and you’ll be under my spell.” You teased, your heavy French accent adorning your words.
“I’m already under your spell, love.” His arms freed your waist from their grip only for his strong, calloused hands to run up your sides. How much you enjoyed the sensation of your body flickering under his touch as his soft fingers left trails of fire in their sillage until they finally cupped your small breasts. A blazing desire awoke in your belly and spread like wildfire through every inch of your flesh.
“Arthur — no,” You looked around you to make sure no one had discreetly entered the kitchen.
“Why not say Arthur yes?”  He grunted in your ear. His raspy voice caused an earthquake in your whole being — it shook you so strongly that your legs were now trembling, ready to give up under your weight.  Your lips parted to say something but words got stuck in your throat as his hips pressed against yours to keep you trapped between the kitchen counter and his tall, lean body. 
“I’m serious, we could get caught. And half of your family already distrust me so I’m pretty sure fucking in their kitchen won’t do me good.” You managed to say quickly before biting your lip, trapping its juicy flesh between your teeth. 
“It will do good, love. Fookin’… Good…” His thumbs gently rubbed your perky nipples, which were already pointing through the thin white fabric of your dress. A feverish and liquored sigh escaped from his lips, as he started moving his hips against the sinful curve of your butt cheeks, “I crave you so much Heaven, ” he paused his sentence to lay myriads of hungry kisses on your neck, “You make me lose me bloody mind…” An excruciating heat pooled in his body, so insufferable he could have ripped his skin apart. Arthur growled again at the overwhelming sensation of lava flowing through his veins
—  “I. Need. Ya.”
You don’t understand. He did not only want you, he needed you.
You were his missing half, and he could only feel complete with you.
You were his light, and he could only find a way out of the darkness if you were here.
You were his saving grace, his redemption.
You were his breath, his blood, his heart.
You. You. You. You. 
There was only you. 
You could not help but moan in a frail and aroused whine: his hands had left your breasts to travel everywhere they could on your body, almost a bit too eagerly for you to keep up with what was happening. At that point you had to hold onto the counter, nails digging into its worn wood. 
“Arthur.” You whispered, eyes closed and head down. As the arousal building within almost suffocated you, Arthur kept invading your pale and fragile flesh with both his daring hands and mouth. You whimpered at the pinching sensation of his teeth that had just bit the base of your neck. You were usually not timid when it came to sex, but not when the family of your man was taking the tea in the room that was right behind the door. But Arthur could not care less about getting caught. All he wanted was a taste of his angel.
He was everywhere — on every inch of your body, his lips kissing and biting. His hands rubbing and grabbing. He was overwhelming your senses with his unquenchable need to touch you again and again. And how good it felt to be desired as he did. 
To be desired "À la Folie".
“Say you want me, eh. I wanna hear it.”  The gravel in his voice sent tremors in your belly. You exhaled, your breath shaky, for one of his hands had just lifted your dress. Doing so, he disclosed your garters and the beautiful lace panties you were wearing. The fear of getting caught was still pounding in your chest, but the way he touched you was too good to resist. You gave in, ready to pay the consequences. 
“I want you Arthur, “ You finally admitted, your lips stretching in a smirk, “ I want you,” You repeated, arching your back and spreading your legs  to show how eager you were to feel him inside you, “Only you.” You had uttered the last two words with such tenderness, such a comforting tone, that you felt him smile against your neck. His mustache was tickling you at each word, each movement, which only contributed to the hurricane of sensations and feelings he provoked within your soul.  Right next to you, the teapot had started to let out a faint and continuous whistle as the water boiled inside. At one point you were convinced it was not the kettle, but your scorching desire that made such a sound.  
With one skillful movement, Arthur’s fingers shifted your soaked panties to the side and he unbuckled his belt with his other hand.
“Please…” You bent over the counter and begged, for the clothes that separated your bodies had become a far too heavy burden to bear. The only moment you felt a twinge of satisfaction was when his hard shaft pressed against your dripping pussy. 
“Bloody hell, woman.” He grunted, his voice raspier than it usually was, as your delightful warmth and wetness welcomed him. 
Arthur grabbed your hips fiercely and, unable to wait any longer, sunk into you in one slow but determined trust. A gravel moan, far from being discreet, echoed in the kitchen at the dizzying sensation of your warmth swallowing him. Struck by a moment of clarity, you covered your mouth with your hand to muffle your whimpers of pleasure.  Stars dangled behind your closed eyelids, along with the melody of beating hearts and snapping flesh. In that risky situation, you were both well aware it was not time for a languid and intimate moment, but rather for a quick and torrid fuck. Hence, Arthur started to pound you with a fierce and quick pace as soon as you had adjusted to his size.  Your legs quivered even more for his cock was thick, so thick your walls were stretched all around him. 
“So… Tight…” He stuttered, breathless.
“Oh my — Arthur, Arthur!” You chanted, as a poor sinful soul chanting for God to set her free. The way his name melt on your tongue only made his thrusts rougher, for he loved how it sounded in your mouth. Especially with that adorable French accent of yours. There, with his cock buried deep in your heavenly cunt, he felt like a proud man — not some kind of rabid animal, or a lonely lunatic anymore.  He just felt like a good man, giving pleasure to his good and beautiful little wife.
His pulse quickened. His pupils dilated, and you felt him going faster. Muffling your screams, you lost yourself in a fire of lust. You were not you anymore, but a wet mess of desire.
The pleasure you were giving him sent a shot of dopamine through his brain. Arthur threw his head back, grunting louder, and let his whole being sink in the high you were causing him “So — good. Yer so good, Angel. Keep pleasing your ol’ Arthur, will ye?”  His hips jerked for he felt his climax coming. Yet, Arthur put his own pleasure on the back burner, refusing to come if you did not. He kept fucking you on the counter and slipped one of his hands between your legs to rub his fingers against your swollen clit. This time it was too much to handle: your walls clenched around him and you froze, all your muscles tensing at once. A cry of release would have echoed in the kitchen if you had not choked it with your hand. A tsunami of pleasure crashed against your bones, leaving you panting and shaking like a leaf, still bent over the kitchen counter with your dress lift and Arthur deep inside you.  
As you cum, your glistening love juice dripping along his shaft, Arthur allowed his own pleasure to overflow. He slammed his hips one last time against yours -- his cock throbbed, at the edge of climax. But as much as he wanted to fill you with his semen, he still gathered all his remaining will to pull out in extremis.
You sighed with ecstasy when warm and milky ropes of cum rained down on your ass.
“Aah yes, love.” Arthur’s hoarse moan echoed in the kitchen. How long did you stay there? You could not tell, for you were still dizzy with the orgasm he had just given you. Arthur slowly came back to his senses, the fog of pleasure in his brain evaporating. 
"We should get back to the living room, eh."
That was at this moment of intense relaxation, the two of you catching your breath and sharing post-sex smiles, that the door slammed open.
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“Am I interrupting something?”
Your heart missed a beat. In one movement, Arthur pulled up his pants while you strengthened up and smoothed the folds of your dress before turning to the newcomer.
“Fuck off Tommy. Can’t you knock?!” 
“This is no bedroom. I don’t need to knock because I am not supposed to find anyone having sex here.” A freezing and quiet voice, also blessed with a seductive and hoarse tone, retorted.
The infamous Thomas Shelby stood in front of you, arms crossed in his back and cold blue eyes staring at you.  If you had the ability to disappear right on the spot you would have used it without hesitation. Yet, you remained silent, slightly hidden behind Arthur who ran his hands through his hair to slick back the rebel strands that had fallen on each side of his face. The older Shelby quickly moistened his lips with the tip of his tongue before talking.
“Erm, can I help ya Tommy?” He asked, still panting from your quick but intense fuck. You took advantage of their conversation to wipe the sweat from your forehead and briefly redo your hair.
“I am afraid you can’t, brother. However, I am pretty sure you charming woman can. I’d like to talk to her if she allows me to.” 
You frowned. Why the hell did he want to talk to you in private?
Arthur nodded and wrapped your shoulders with one protective arm, his surprised expression turning into a smile. He could not wait to introduce you to his little brother, filled with pride at the idea of showing him his magnificent woman. It was important to him — even though he would have preferred him not to meet her in these conditions — “Of course, I've been waiting to…”
“Without you.” Tommy cut him off, and his words broke Arthur’s dawning grin.  Despite the rollercoaster of emotions you just had, you could not help but open your mouth.
“He’s your older brother. He has every right to remain here while we talk, hasn’t he?” You argued, unhappy with the way Thomas Shelby acted. Arthur had waited the whole afternoon for Tommy to come so that he could introduce you to him, and when his little brother finally ought to show up he sent him off. That was painful to watch, “or if you really want to talk to me in private I think you might ask politely.” 
A heavy silence fell in the room. How dare you speak to him with that arrogant tone? He thought. Tommy inhaled through his nose slowly, and moistened his lips, “Well, Arthur would you please leave me and your charming lady alone for two minutes?” He reiterated with a more polite phrasing. In spite of his unshaken placidity, his bleak winter eyes were looking daggers at you. He had certainly killed you at least three times in his mind. Slightly confused, Arthur looked at you, then at Tommy, before nodding, “Right,” he mumbled, his eyes fleeing his brothers’. He kissed your cheek and reluctantly left the kitchen, already aching from your absence. 
You sighed, wondering what was going to happen now that you were all alone with the fearless Peaky Blinders’ boss everyone was talking about. Rather than starting the conversation, you took a cigarette from the small silver case that was on the counter and slipped it between your full lips, still swollen from the countless times you had bit them when you and Arthur had sex. Thomas Shelby remained silent too— all he did was walk to you, his soles hammering the floor, and lit up your cigarette with his zippo. But you were not fooled by his gentlemanly appearance nor by his undeniable charm. You took a puff from your cigarette until the tip ignited, and you stepped back from him as quickly as you could. Contrary to what people could think when watching Arthur and you, you did not like people entering your personal space without an invitation.
“I’ll go straight to the point, Miss Lavey. How much do you want?” He asked, his low and quiet voice undisrupted by the slightest emotions. While Arthur was made of fire, Thomas Shelby was surely made of ice. 
“I beg your pardon?” You asked, brows furrowed , for you had not understand what he meant.
“How much money do you want to leave my brother?”
His words were so violent, so unexpected, that you were unsure if he had just slapped you across the face or not. Your mind started to buzz, its gears creaking and tinting as you tried not to burst out in anger at such an indecent suggestion. Against all his expectations, your innocent pout turned to the most freezing expression he had ever seen on a woman.
“To Hell with your money. I don’t know what you're trying to do but I won’t leave him. Why would I, eh?”
“Because I don’t trust you.” He retorted as soon as you had finished your sentence. Thomas quickly rubbed his cigarette on his lower lip and lit it. White smoke came out from his nostrils as he stared at you, like an angry dragon gazing upon the last breath of his future meal. “When I learned for you and Arthur I decided to send some of my guys to investigate on you. They told me every bloody thing,” He emphasized each syllable, almost baring his teeth doing so for you to understand he was not joking — in case you doubt it, “ I know you come from that small town in the French Alps. I know about the witch hunt that took place there and all the women who have been tortured and burned. But more than that, I know that you managed to escape right before they tied you to the pyre. And I also know about the story of the five poor villagers who have been hunted and killed like animals — it was you, right?” Tommy exhaled another cloud of smoke, his eyes never losing their focus on you.
“— And?”  You gritted through your teeth, hatred blooming in your heart at the mention of these traumatizing memories. However, you did not let it show, for you knew it would please him. Thomas Shelby was well aware of the threatening aura that emanated from him, and how to use it for his own benefit. If you displayed any sign of fear or anger, it would be over and he would win. And somehow you were not particularly afraid of him.
He might had blood on his hands but you did too.
“And I will not tolerate a witch and a murderer around this family, nor will I let you take advantage of Arthur and ruin him.” 
“Now you’re worried for Arthur. Isn’t it a bit too late?” You said, all the traits of your doll-like face suddenly devoid of any emotion, except a slight shade of unsettling arrogance, “You throw away his meds, you send him off when he asks you for help — when he tells you he’s desperate.” You stubbed your cigarette out in the nearest ashtray, “You didn’t even help him when he was ruining himself with cocaine. But that’s not it.” You walk toward Tommy, reducing the distance between you and him with unstoppable steps until you were standing a few inches from him. You raised your head to look at his arctic blue eyes, “He tried to kill himself and all you did was wave it off at best and treat him like a child at worst. Now let me ask you something, Thomas Shelby. Who’s the one who uses his own brother as his combat dog? And who’s the one who closes his eyes on his problems until they are insufferable enough for him to attempt suicide?” 
Thomas clenched his jaws, his gaze hardening. He had to admit you had guts for a frail creature he could have broken in half with his bare hands. You were such a small yet fierce woman, it almost unsettled him. Moreover, you were smart, and smart was dangerous.
“So, don’t ever say I am the one who will manipulate and ruin Arthur when you do it on a daily basis. I love your brother, and whether you like it or not I’ll stay by his side.”
He rolled his eyes. The conversation was slowly but surely getting on his nerves, “Listen, I don’t need another Linda. She almost turned him into her dog and yet he was barely half in love with her compared to what he feels for you. Look at him! Look at fucking Arthur Shelby! He would throw himself out of London Bridge if you’d ask him to do so. She already tried to change him and took him away from this family, so don’t think I am naive enough to believe in your so-called love and kindness.”
“I ain’t gonna change shit. I am well aware of his demons, well aware of what he is but that's okay, I accept him the way he is. All I want is to see him healed and happy. No matter if he wants to keep killing people for your business. Sky could break loose I won’t give a damn as long as he feels better.”
Another silence. Thomas was trying hard to decipher your intentions but he could not probe your far-too-unique eyes. His brows furrowed; it was the first instance of emotions you had seen on his face since the beginning of your not-so-cordial conversation. 
“You’re a bad omen, Heaven. I can feel it.”
“Why dear?  Do you see a sapphire in my eyes?” 
A rush of thunderous rage ran through his veins — how could you mention Grace's death? A gleam of violence ignited Thomas's eyes, who suddenly grabbed your throat without any warning sign. His strong and large hand tightened around your fragile neck and pressed against your windpipe enough for you to give you trouble breathing. You tried to talk but nothing came out, words choked under his palm. The pressure was not enough to really choke you, but it was still painful. With eyes wide opened in surprise, you wrapped your own fingers around his wrist and clawed his flesh in a desperate attempt to free yourself from his grip, but Thomas did not falter. Quite the contrary, the more you struggled the more he closed his fist around you.
“Don’t ever disrespect Grace anymore!” He gritted through his teeth, “You want to stay by Arthur’s side? Fine. So here's the plan: you’re going to be a good little wife for him and you won’t cause any trouble, nor interfere with my business. You’re going to do the best you could to make him happy and you’ll take care of him. You'll want him even when he’ll go back home wasted, yelling at you and breaking things because he will ultimately do it,” He paused, his eyes falling on the pale flesh of your throat he was still holding. The expression on his face changed for one brief second as he started to caress your neck with his thumb, almost too tenderly to be completely devoided of any kind of attraction, “but let me set this straight: if you ever try to leave him, if you become an inconvenience or if any member of my family is hurt because of your cursed being… I’ll burn you in a field like the witch you are.” 
He finally released your throat and looked at the scratches you inflicted on his wrist. As you inhaled loudly, Thomas rolled down the sleeve of his shirt to hide the red and thin cuts your nails had left on his skin. He did not even bother checking on you.
“Let’s go back to the living room. And wear your most beautiful smile.” He stated with his usual cold demeanor, watching you rub your sore throat. Then, he offered you his arm to keep up appearances. You reluctantly accepted and followed him out of the kitchen, still shaken by the conversation — 
The whole family, freshly joined by Michael Gray, was chatting together, all scattered here and there in the living room. Arthur, a hip flask filled with whisky in one hand, got up from his chair as soon as he saw you. At first, you thought he suspected something but the truth was that Thomas was insanely clever and he took care not to leave any bruise on your delicate skin.  And when it came to hiding things, he was certainly the best. Even better than you. Tommy finally released you from his grip so that you could come back to his older brother, then he poured some whisky into a glass for him.
“Well Arthur, congratulations. You’ve brought a stunning and lovely lady into that house. I guess we could welcome her in the family, since she made our good ol’ Arthur happy, eh.”
He rose his glass to you, his threatening blue eyes staring right at your soul. 
“Welcome, Heaven. Hope you'll stay with us for a while.” He said, pretending nothing had happened.
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Any comment, review, reblog, or constructive criticism is welcome. Your reactions really motivated me, so please don't be shy. English is not my first language.
Also, the third first parts of this series can be read as stand-alone but I advise you to read everything if you want a better understanding of details.
Tagging those who might be interest: @areyenotfondofmelobster @meowtastick @babayaga67 @sired-to-hybrid
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lowkeyrobin · 6 months
could you write a walker x transmasc!reader oneshot? if not, that is fine aswell! - 🗡️
of course I could!! just beware any random shit because I don't know much about being transmasc and I did a lot of research on reddit and tiktok for this for like mannerisms ans shit ; thanks for requesting and I hope you enjoy! ; for any regulars on my blog, ik I've enforced the gn reader only thing but I updated my rules list, where I'll only do trans masc/fem readers on request. that doesn't mean request a thing and add one of those solely for a set of he/him or she/her pronouns though. ; post writing robin and this was actually so fun to write LMAO I hope you like this even tho it's so short
summary ; youre transmasc and properly come out to walker and co + some stupid shit for two parts
warnings ; language
disclaimers ; idk shit about awards shows + imagine middle school auditorium seats for the first part
word count ; 723
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You, Aryan, Walker, and Leah sit in the audience at the 2025 Emmy Awards, chatting before the cameras turned on to watch the proper show begin. You and Walker sit together, with Aryan and Leah right behind you. The thick, tan, plastic chairs were going to do a number on your ass later. For a million-dollar award show you'd think they would upgrade the seat situation a little bit.
Leah and Aryan sit forward in their seats, holding a conversation with you and Walker, both turned around in yours.
"No, and like, you will not be calling me that, thank you!" You laugh and smile, "If you get your grimy hands on my legal name I will actually throw myself away. I am a man!"
"Wait, what?" Walker questions, eyebrows furrowed. "Legal name?"
"I changed my name" You clarify. "Cause like..." You look yourself up and down, hands following your gaze. "Y'know?"
Walker blinks, pushing his blonde curls away from his face. "Wait... you're trans?"
You nod, a playful yet unbelievable smile on your face. "How did you not know?"
"Even I knew" Leah comments, glancing at Aryan, who nods in agreement.
"I thought it was kinda obvious." You chuckle, seeing his surprised reaction. "I had to keep correcting people about my name like, a million times"
"I never knew you had another name? I thought it was always Y/n!"
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"This is going on my story"
"Which one?"
"The Boys"
Walker smiles, his right arm slung over your shoulders as he watches you caption and post the picture you'd just taken with him on your public Snapchat story. It was titled The Boys, meant for you and all your close friends.
He was glad to see that you considered him one of your close friends, but also on such a deep level, though it was just a title to you. He saw the deeper meaning that you didn't. Like an over analyzing reader to a writer. He was happy you also considered yourself a boy, that you could happily parade that around and feel comfortable with your identity. He truly couldn't be more proud to see you happy and smiling in this moment.
You look back up at him, a cheesy smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
"What's that look for?" You ask, a little confused.
"Nothing" He replies, patting your right shoulder blade as he moves his arm around a bit. "We should definitely make a playlist and put it on your story for people to listen to" He suggests with a slight shrug.
"For what?" You ask again, a little puzzled as to where this was going."
"Just cause"
"Okay, Mr.-Won't-Explain-Shit-Scobell"
"You just went on a five minute tangent trying to avoid the word homophobia"
"I was testing the waters with your gaydar, cause apparently it was broken the first time"
"I don't have a gaydar! I'm just, like, here! I'm just a guy"
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"Look at this handsome man! Dude, wear purple more, I'm so serious"
"Okay, I see you, Y/n!"
"Fix your tie!"
"I'm trying, I'm still learning! I didn't have this chapter of boyhood"
"Here-" The blonde mumbles, reaching forward to fix your black tie.
You tilt your chin up, giving him easy access to the cloth wrapped around your neck. Leah and Aryan watch, smug looks on their faces.
You send them a glare, trying not to alert Walker to it. He quickly reties your tie, sending you a thumbs up as he backs away. You quickly thank him, a warmth heating up your cheeks, physically unnoticeable.
"Walker, you look like a divorce lawyer." You comment, stuffing your hands in your purple pockets.
The blonde dramatically scoffs, a hand rested on his heart. "You're so mean to me! You're not welcome to the next boys sleepover"
"I don't wanna be a part of that dorky shit anyways"
"Okay, meanie"
"What are you, twelve?"
"...Did you just attempt to quote me?"
You shrug with a side nod.
Leah speaks for you, "Yeah, he did"
"How do you know?"
"He told us that he was gonna try and quote you at least once today" She chuckles.
The three look back at you, lining your jawline with your finger, clearly sucking up your tongue.
"Dude, stop mewing, we have to go out there in like, a minute"
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sugar-grigri · 4 months
Just wanted to point out my little grain of rice about your response to lottimiqo's analysis, don't really have to post my ask btw but since I can't comment on the og post I'm just gonna point it out here.
About Denji being the one who who started the kiss... I just can't see it that way.
Simply because Denji never, but NEVER touches the women who have touched him back. Not even for a rush of hormones.
Unless he haves complete and explicit permission to do so, he goes for it. Case we have only seen with (rip<"3) Power.
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(sorry the pages aren't in order.)
The other times Denji haves "made" contact with those women, he just never touched or tried anything back.
Makima #1
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Immediately backs off after she guides his hand on him.
Himeno #2
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Again, he may accepts but he just doesn't start anything back. Doesn't even take his own clothes off, Himeno does. (I didn't download the page of her taking his shirt off.)
Fumiko #3
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Once again, taking this one as the closest case to him and Yoru on #167. In terms of situation mostly,,,
He keeps his hands for himself.
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He accepts, he asks if they should do it now. But does he jump into action?
The fact that Denji is looking at "Asa" in that moment just makes me doubt more he would start anything. He likes Asa, that's why I just don't think he would dare to kiss without "her" stating it explicitly. But "she" doesn't. Yoru just leans in again after, from my perspective, he backs off.
Anyways sorry if I'm not that clear or didn't explain it well but I hope the examples give a view of my point. 😿
Love your posts loulou! 🫶🏼
You're right to point all this out, it's very relevant and makes chapter 167 all the more coherent. But there's also something important to ask: why? Why does Denji never seem to take the initiative?
I think it's because he was subconsciously afraid. But not afraid just to take a step with a girl. Fear of disappointment (and trauma)
You were right to mention Power at the very beginning, because it actually starts a vicious circle. There's always the moment when Denji wonders if he's finally going to get what he wants, and it turns out in the worst possible way.
Denji experiences his first disappointment with Power, realizing in the same way that touching breasts doesn't produce the effect he'd so dreamed of. Questioning his way to happiness. Makima takes over, subtly picking up on this search for happiness in getting close to a girl, to manipulate him. In the long term. In a more insidious way that prevents Denji from realizing that things aren't going his way.
Himeno is a transmitter of trauma. She's drunkenly kissed all the new recruits - it's like a rite of passage. Trauma is the vomit it literally regurgitates down the throats of new generations. Denji lost his "innocence" too at this point, unconsciously realizing that he was the object of consolation from failing adults.
Reze kissed Denji, cutting off his tongue. In fact, she had no particular reason to do so. In fact, by cutting out his tongue, she is expressing her desire to silence Denji. For it is through their discussions that they realize their similarities, and therefore the risk of empathizing with him. Cutting out his tongue allows her to make him suffer as her mission requires.
I've talked a lot here about Fumiko. Fumiko is the symbol of all this unconscious sexual trauma for Denji, openly manipulative, adapting to Denji's reactions, giving him the impression that he's the great hero in control, promising to do him good, to protect him, while dreaming of making him a collector's item.
In short, if Denji didn't react, it was also because he had unconsciously understood from a purely physical point of view that these were not the right circumstances, the right context. The accumulation of all these experiences has also pushed him to withdraw into himself, while continuing to hope. Because Denji hasn't yet really experienced what he's been longing for, the bits and pieces of experience have given him a bitter taste for sex. But since it's his only hope, he clings to it.
That's why I think we'll know when we're in the right circumstances when Denji reacts with his hands. Embracing another is a sign of trust. It's always the others who have done it, never him, on his own.
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iamknicole · 6 months
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Chapter Eleven
A/N: I'm on a roll, yall! Enjoy! Please remember to ⭐Comment, reblog & share⭐
Warnings: Slight mentions of abortion, cursing, physical violence. TYPOS. 18+ MINORS DNI
Chapter Ten
Saturday had rolled around quicker than Zilla would have liked. His first go round in therapy was mandated, though he did learn a couple things he didn't take much from it. The therapist they paid him with wasn't a good match and they wouldn't let him swap. But this time his therapist was someone chosen by a loved one. While he trusted Kamille's decision he wondered how this therapist would be. She had told him that he could take Moriah but with everything that's transpired between them, he figured it wouldn't be a good idea to take her. 
The suede sofa felt good under him, he rubbed his left hand back and forth on the arm of the sofa. Dr. Barnes sat in the matching chair across from Zilla awaiting the answer to his question. 
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“If you don't wanna answer, we can circle back to it at the end of the session, Mr. Fatu.”
At the sound of his name, Zilla's eyes moved from the sofa to his new therapist. 
“Can you ask it again?”
“Sure,” Dr. Barnes chuckled, “What landed you on my sofa?”
Zilla's eyebrows rose for a second. “You want the long answer or the short answer?”
Again, he chuckled. “For the sake of time, since we have a shorter session today you can go ahead and give me the short version.”
“Short version is Pops died when I was little and I just found out I had a kid, they dead too.”
“I’m sorry to hear about your father and your child. Which one would you like to talk about first, Mr. Fatu?”
Zilla scratched his face, chuckling. “You can call me Zilla, man. You ain’t gotta call me mister. But uuuh I guess Angel.”
Dr. Barnes nodded, giving the younger man his undivided attention. “Zilla it is. Angel is your child, I’m assuming. Boy or girl.”
“How old?”
He rubbed at his nose, deflating against the suede material. “I guess you could say 12 week or sum’ like that.”
Dr. Barnes studied his reaction with a slight brow raise. “Tell me about the circumstances.”
“Uuh, my girlfriend she found she was pregnant after I got locked up and when she was 12 weeks I think, her mom made her,” he paused rubbing his hands together, “She made her get rid of the baby.”
Dr. Barnes wrote a few things down.
“You said that you are just finding out about his passing so no one told you when it happened. How did that make you feel that no one told you?”
He sat quietly for a few minutes then shrugged. “I mean I was pissed at first that they hid it from me.”
“And now?”
“I get it. They weren’t not tellin’ me at first cause they ain’t know how but they were gonna tell me. Then when that bi–that lady did what she did, they felt like it was Fat place to tell me and she was scared to tell me.”
Dr. Barnes wrote a few things then looked up with a smile on his face. “Fat?”
“Oh, Moriah, that’s my lady.” He informed him with a proud smile on his face. “Wanna see her?”
Dr. Barnes chuckled out his response then sat his notepad aside so he could lean up. He took Zilla’s phone, a smile on his face while he studied it for a moment then gave it back. 
“She's beautiful. Who else is in the picture?”
“Thank you. Our niece and my mama,” he said, glancing at the screensaver before putting it away. 
“Have you and your mom talked about the circumstances with Angel?”
“Not really no. Like for a second but nothin past that. I wanted Rye to be involved when we talked and she's finally off today.”
Dr. Barnes smiled. “Today is the day then. How does that feel? From the picture it seems you and your mother have a good relationship.”
His smile was back again. “Yeah, we do. It got better when I got out. I feel kinda nervous.”
“Tell me about that.”
“Cause me and Fat talked to each other about it and I talked to one of my brothers but it's different with our parents. Well my mama and her dad.”
“You think you're gonna hear something that might make you emotional or you think she's gonna tell you something that you and Moriah may not already know?”
“Is both a good answer?”
Dr. Barnes leaned up, resting his arms on his thighs. “There's no right or wrong answer. Whatever answer you give is the answer, Zilla.”
He nodded slowly stroking his chin hair. “Then both.”
“It's okay to feel nervous or apprehensive to talk about something as long as you do it. Going through with it is the focus. Make sure you're open to listening to what your mom says and that you get whatever questions out. If you feel like you might forget, type them up on your phone.”
“Yeah … maybe, man.”
Checking his watch, Dr. Barnes steepled his fingers, pointing his index fingers at Zilla. “You almost made it through your first session. How do you feel about making this a regular meet up? I promise if you're not comfortable, I'm okay with that. You can't heal and grow properly if you're not comfortable.”
Zilla thought for a second, making the commitment of talking about his feelings every other week made him nervous. The question echoed in his head a few times then his mind went to his relationship and his family. 
“I'm coo’ with that.” He answered with a small smile. “We can do that.”
“Great, great. So I'm going to give you a little homework.” Dr. Barnes chuckled at his frown. “You act like I'm about to assign you geometry homework or something. It's something easy and you don't even have to write anything down.”
Zilla laughed a little sitting back up. “My bad. Homework ain't ever been my thang.”
“Mine either,” he chuckled. “Your homework is for you to plan something for you and Moriah to celebrate Angel. Doesn't have to be extravagant unless you want it to be. Just something. Sound good?”
Zilla scrunched his face a little. “Like something fa kids?”
“Whatever you think is appropriate to celebrate you and Moriah's son. Something that you can look back on and always think of him. Okay?”
“Aight, I can do that.”
“I know you can. I’ll see you in two weeks, can't wait to hear about what you planned.”
After therapy, Zilla stopped by a floral shop and a bakery he passed on the way home. He eased into their apartment, sat her gifts on the coffee table then followed her voice to their bathroom. Moriah rapped along to her music as she finished up her skin care routine, Zilla stood in the doorway watching her with a smile on his face. 
“That's yo shit, huh?” He laughed seeing her jump. “How you scary listenin to thug ass music?”
“You're gonna give me a heart attack, Isayah!”
“Naaaah,” he laughed, going to give her a kiss, “You'll be aight.”
Pulling him closer, she kissed him a few more times and hugged him. “Oh whatever. How'd it go?”
“Went good, Auntie picked a good one.”
Moriah clapped excitedly then grabbed one of her moisturizers from the counter. She squeezed a little bit into her hand. “So you're gonna go back then?”
“Yeah, ima go back, Fat.”
“Tell me about it.” She dabbed a bit of the moisturizer onto her fingertips then started to massage it into his face, “Girl or guy? Old or young? Me or them or you?”
He laughed trying to get away from her hands. “Mane, what is you puttin on me?”
“I thought you were losing your thick ass accent but I see it's still there,” she joked. “Moisturizer. Now answer please.”
“I don't need that.” He complained allowing her to continue. “Man, older, you. Aight na, you don't gotta squeeze my cheeks like that.”
She giggled while still doing it. “You squeeze mine and I don't say nothing.”
Grabbing her hips, Zilla pulled her closer to him then slid his hand to her butt and squeezed.
“Cause you like that shit. Duh.”
“Isayah,” she squealed, “Stop that, I'm tryna help you moisturize.”
“I already got my own moisturizer, I don't need that.”
She stared at him. “Boy what moisturizer you got? I have never seen you use moisturizer. I have to put everything on your face.”
“You know what moisturizer I got, Fat.”
“Nope, I don't. Tell me.”
His eyes met hers, glanced down briefly then back up with a smirk on his face. She stared at him for a moment before it hit her. 
“Why are you like this?”
“Like what?”
“Nasty for no reason.”
“It ain't for no reason,” he laughed, “It's all to make you happy so say thank you.”
Laughing, Moriah stepped away from him to the sink to wash her hands. Not one to be away from her, Zilla moved to stand behind her, staring at her through the mirror. Her eyes met his for a brief moment making her smile. 
“Zay,” she called out softly. 
He hummed out a response.
“I don't know if you know this but,” she paused to turn the water off and dry her hands, “There's no other place I'd rather be than here with you.”
Her heart swelled watching the tint rise to his cheeks as his smile spread across his face. It wasn't often she was able to make him blush so when she did, she enjoyed it. Pulling her closer once again, Zilla put his face in her neck kissing her there then lifted his head to look at her through the mirror. 
“You sure?” He asked softly. 
“Of course, I am.”
He kissed her face a few times. “I got you something. Come on.”
Moriah allowed him to lead her out to the gifts. Immediately she went to the flowers, inhaling their scent and gently caressing their petals. Zilla quickly snuck a couple of pictures of her.
“They're so pretty, Zay. I love them. You picked them?”
He scrunched his face playfully. “What I get if I say yes?”
She laughed softly looking over at him. “The same thing you'd get if you had help.”
“Mmm then yeah, I did. I did good? I think I remembered all the ones you like.”
She nodded, moving her eyes back to the flowers. “You did. All that time I thought you weren't listening to me but you were.”
“I tell you all the time, even though I wasn't actin like it all the time, you was and is the most important to me, Fat. I listened to everything you said to me.”
“I promise, girl. I mean it.”
She tilted her head back and puckered her lips at him. He put a hand on her throat, pecking her lips a few times. They held each other's stare for a moment until she stuck her tongue out at him making him laugh. 
“Silly ass, I got you something else. I'm surprised you ain't see it first.”
She frowned a little, turning to look. “Ooooh that's a bakery box. What you get me?”
“Open it and see.”
She eyed him before turning to the box that sat on their coffee table alongside the vase of flowers. She slowly opened it, excitedly wiggling when her eyes landed on the contents. 
“I haven't had good red velvet cake since we left Texas, babe. Wait … is it good?”
He sucked his teeth playfully. “I'm not tryna get cussed out about that damn cake, I wouldn't give it to you if it wasn't, Fat. And I damn sure wouldn't have got you a whole cake if it wasn't.”
She laughed. “I cussed you out one time and you won't let it go.”
He stared at her. “Twice. Both times you went on for a hour and a half.”
“Blah, blah,” she said, picking the box up, carrying it to the kitchen, “You want a piece?”
“No and neither do you.”
“Wait, what?”
He chuckled. “You heard me. You not eatin that right now. Close it up and get back over here.”
She pouted. “But why not?”
“Cause I said so. I know you ain't ate no real food so you not eatin no cake right now.”
The following silence made him chuckle. Quietly, he crossed their apartment to the kitchen. He watched her try to quietly cut a piece. 
“Moriah,” he called out sternly. 
She jumped and pouted. “Just a little piece.”
“What I say?”
Rolling her eyes, Moriah closed the box lying the knife across the top and slid her feet over to him. He kissed her head ignoring her pouting.
“Think you my Daddy,” she mumbled as she walked past him. 
He laughed. “I know I am cause you told me. Get in that room so we can call Mama.”
The couple laid across their bed with Moriah's iPad in front of them waiting for Leata to answer their facetime. Zilla bothered Moriah while they waited. 
“If you lick my face again, I'm gonna bite you.” She warned. 
Zilla paused for a second then laughed as he leaned in to lick up her jaw to her cheek. Grabbing his face, Moriah pulled him closer and bit his cheek just as Leata answered the call. She sat quietly watching them, glad they were in a good place still. Laughing, Zilla pulled away from her grasp and wiped his cheek.
“Don't lick me again, Fatu.” She laughed. 
He leaned forward and licked her lips. “You say I don't listen anyway so.”
“Isayah, stoooop.” She laughed, wiping her lips. “You so annoying.”
“But you love me,” he laughed, leaning over to do it again. 
“Zilla, what are you doin to her?”
“Making her laugh, Mama.”
“No, you're annoying me,” Moriah corrected, laughing. “Tell him to leave me alone, Ma.”
She chuckled softly. “Behave, Zilla. How are you two?”
“I'm aight. How you?”
“I'm good, son. Rye, how are you?”
“Well,” she said bumping Zilla, “I was good till your son started bothering me. And he wouldn't let me have any of the cake that he got me. He's being annoying and mean.”
Leata looked between the two of them. “Why can't she have cake?”
“Cause big head ain't ate real food since last night.”
“Rye, its what,” she paused to look at the time, “Almost 2 and you haven't eaten yet? You need to eat before all that sweet stuff.”
Moriah pouted. “Yes ma'am but only cause you said it and not him.”
Zilla mushed her head playfully. “Either way you ain't gettin it right now.”
“Alright, are yall ready to talk?” She asked stopping them before they could start arguing. They nodded putting their attention back on her. “Okay so where are we starting?”
Moriah nodded for Zilla to go.
“Um when yall found out Fat was pregnant, did you and her people talk without her?”
“We did. We actually spoke a few times. Rye, you don't know this but Hassan knew before you told him. You said you wanted to tell the two of them at the same time but you and I were going to need him as an ally while you told Nadine.” She explained. “When he got in town, I had him come to the house first so I could talk to him. He understood my point of view and he was glad that I had told him prior to. His main concern was the two of you and the baby.”
“Wow … thank you. I didn't even think about that.” Moriah admitted.
“Of course, manamea. While Rye were in school, the three of us got together to discuss the whole situation. It was made clear that no one was to say anything to you until I figured out how to tell you. Surprisingly enough, Nadine agreed to that but knowing what she did that's probably why.”
Zilla nodded, rubbing over his chin hairs. “Anything else?”
Leata thought for a few seconds. “Just that even though the timing of the pregnancy wasn't ideal, Hassan and I were never mad at you two. A little disappointed but we were honest with ourselves,” she chuckled, “We saw it coming from a mile away. We thought it'd be a little later but we knew.”
Moriah and Zilla looked at each other then back at the screen. 
“Knew what, Ma?” She asked with her brow raised. 
“That there was gonna be a pregnancy or a scare at some point in high school. We knew it.”
Zilla scrunched his face up. “We wasn't even datin then.”
Again she chuckled. “You two never put a name to it but yall were. You went on dates, you were always cuddled up on my sofa, in your bedroom with the door closed and locked and sneaking out together.”
The couple laughed softly. 
“We wasn't doin nothin that most of that time. Not till later.”
“Oh trust me, son.” She laughed. “I know when yall started. I just didn't say anything. You didn't wonder why all of a sudden your brothers were giving you condoms and talking to you?”
Zilla laughed thinking back about it while Moriah sat mortified with small giggles escaping her. 
“I'm embarrassed,” she declared. “I told you, Zay.”
He laughed. “You was always scary anyway so I ain't pay you no attention.”
“Any other questions for me?”
Moriah looked to her boyfriend for his response. 
“Uuuh … after Fat told you what happened, what did you do?”
“Well first I went to pray,” she chuckled humorlessly, “Because if I didn't, I knew whatever I would've done would not have been good. I consoled and talked to Rye until she had to go back home afterwards I went to my bedroom and I cried. I called Arthur to tell him, he was livid. I had to keep him from going to see Nadine. And then you ended up calling me, Isayah. You usually never called as late as you did but I remember you saying something was telling you to call me so you did.”
Zilla tried hard to remember that call, he could recall certain parts of the conversation but not all of it. 
She continued on. 
“It was hard to act like everything was okay but I had to because I knew it wasn't my place to tell you. I could assist Rye with it but that was all. Plus telling you while you were in there would not have been good.”
Moriah reached over to wipe the few stray tears from his face. He sniffed a few times. 
“I appreciate y'all for carin enough about me not tell tell me then cause I prolly would've got more time. I woulda caused hell in that place.”
“And that's what we didn't want.” Leata said softly. 
Zilla leaned over, kissing Moriah's cheek then whispered for her to go ahead. She nodded, starting to play with her fingernails. 
“I gotta tell you something else about this whole thing, Ma.”
“I'm listening, Rye. Whatever it is, it's got you nervous. You only do that with your nails when you're nervous.”
She smiled a little, trying to stop clicking her nails. “After everything, I kept asking my mom for information. I wanted to know if she knew the gender and what they did with my baby afterwards. Then finally she told me that she had the gender and she had them cremate the remains. And she said the only way I was getting any of that and my sonograms was under one condition.”
“Which was what?”
Moriah bit her lip, fighting the urge to cry. “I had to get my tubes tied.”
Leata frowned, leaning in a bit closer. “You had to what? Cause I know Nadine did not.”
“I had to get my tubes tied, Ma. I wanted what I had left of my baby so I agreed.”
Leata's face was set in shock on the other side of the facetime. There were so many words that wanted to come out but she was unable to say a thing. Moriah asked Zilla to pass her the baby blue box from his nightstand, when she got it she held it in view for Leata to see. Zilla rubbed soothing circles on her back. 
“She just had him in this ugly carton thing so I used the money that my dad had given me for something else to buy him this. He's gone everywhere with me even college,” she chuckled softly.
Trying to process everything, Leata brought her hands to her face for a moment. She allowed her tears to fall freely as she stared at the screen. 
“Yes ma'am,” Moriah tilted it a bit to show where his name was engraved at the top. “I was having a boy. I named him Angel.”
“Oh, Rye. This just makes what she did that much worse. It wasn't enough that she made you abort Angel but then continued to use him to manipulate you and pretty much take away the chance to have another.”
Zilla and Moriah sat quietly listening to her come to terms with everything.
Leata took slow deep breaths. “That is an evil woman that neither of you need to be around. I know that's your mother, Moriah but you have done all you can do. There is no saving grace for her and you will not give her any. Do you hear me?”
“Yes ma'am.”
“I am so sorry that she did that to you, Rye. If I would've known I would've done something to stop it. Does Hassan know?”
“I know, Ma. No, I never told anyone until now so only you, Zay, my mom and me know.”
She nodded. “Well no one will find out from me, that is your business to tell. I um I need to go. I love the two … the three of you so much. Call me or text me if you need me.”
Zilla noticed the look on his mother's face and got concerned. “You good, Mama? You look pale.”
“I'm okay, I'm okay. Just processing. I'm gonna go.”
Without waiting on them to respond, she disconnected the call. Moriah closed her iPad case then rolled onto her side to look at her boyfriend.
“She is not okay.”
“She ain't,” he agreed. He grabbed his phone sending out a quick text, “I told Arthur to go check on her.”
“She looked pissed. I'm pretty sure if not now, in the next few days she's gonna go see my mom.”
Zilla thought then shrugged. “Nadine need her ass whooped anyway. She get what she get.”
Moriah laughed, “You not wrong but Ma do not need to be doing that. We don't want her to get in any trouble.”
He huffed loudly. “You right but Nadine still need her ass whooped. I guess text Auntie Kami too but that would mean you gotta tell her.”
Moriah tapped on her phone, sighing softly. “The good thing about Auntie Kami is I don't need to tell her right now and even though she'll find out in the midst, I can still talk to her about it later and she'll be okay with it.”
Zilla gently pushed Moriah back, making her lie on her back so he could put his head on her chest. She reached one hand down to rub his head while she continued to text. 
“I'm proud of you, Fat.”
“What did I do?”
“Everything. You went through all that plus her basically torturin you till I got out and you stood ya ground. You strong baby.” He praised softly. “You got a good ass heart too. I ain't gon let nobody else play with that shit or you. Zilla got you.”
“And Fat got you. You know I do not play about you.”
He laughed a bit. “Shit, I know. Remember ole girl you beat up at that skate party? Made that girl piss herself.”
Moriah busted out laughing, almost dropping her phone. “I did not.”
“Yeah you did. I remember,” He laughed “I remember cause when you realized it got on your hand, you punched her ass in the mouth.”
“Cause that shit was nasty. If she couldn't hold her bladder she shouldn't have started with you.”
He turned over to look at her, a smile on his face. “I thought you said you ain't do that?”
She stared at him trying not to laugh. “Okay, fine, I did. But in my defense I was only doing what Pops, Ejay, and your cousins taught me to do.”
“They did not tell you to make nobody piss they self, mane. You did that.” He laughed now sitting up.
“They did so. They said make sure whoever I fight is leaking by the end. They never specified what kind of leak.” She shrugged playfully. “Point is, I won, she apologized and never bothered you again.”
He shook his head at her, still laughing. “And that's why I tell people not fuck witchu cause they don't want them problems. And I don't either.”
She swatted at his arm after she put her phone down. “Don't tell people that. They gon think I'm mean.”
He pushed his lips to the side staring at her. “That ain't a secret, Fat. Everybody that know ya ass know you mean as shit. You only nice to your patients, Mama, Hassan, and Toni. And I really don't think you that nice to Toni, I just ain't seen it yet.”
“Aht. I am nice to her. She's not nice to me.”
“Damn,” he called out, “That mean she meaner than you. Yall was meant to be friends.”
Moriah sat up and launched herself at him, he grabbed Angel's box moving it to the nightstand then wrapped his arms around her. He laughed as she landed playful jabs to his torso.
“Since I'm mean, I might as well beat you up then, Fatu.”
“Now you know the only one of us that gets beat up around here is you,” He joked, tickling her sides making her giggle uncontrollably. “Now say sorry.”
“Zay! Zay, stop!” She yelled in between giggles.
He continued his playful assault on her sides through his own laughter. “Say sorry and I stop.”
“Okay! Okay! I'm sorry!” She yelled.
He hummed not stopping. “That ain't enough. Am I your daddy, Fat?”
“Zilla, I gotta pee!” She giggled. 
He laughed still tickling her.  “Then you better answer me. Am I your daddy?”
She fell over giggling. “Yes! You're my Daddy! Stoooop!”
Laughing, he let her go. He watched her jump off the bed and run into the bathroom closing the door behind her. She yelled from behind the door. 
“You get on my nerves, Fatu!” 
He grabbed his ringing phone and put it to his ear. “Love you too, Fat! What's up, Jon?”
“The hell is yall doing? Yelling in my ear.” He asked, talking just as loud. 
Zilla laughed putting the call on speaker. “Nothin, man. What's up?”
“Checkin to make sure yall still coming this weekend. Trin made me call cause she said if her favorite cousin not here I'm gon be in trouble.”
“Ayyye, I'm the favorite. Tell her we gon be there.”
Jon laughed. “She wasn't talkin about you, man. She was talkin about Moriah.”
He sucked his teeth. “Just for that tell her, I'm comin but Fat stayin home.”
Moriah came out of the bathroom and went back to the bed, leaning against Zilla. “I'm not staying home. If I don't go, you don't go.”
“I can go places without you, big head.”
“You can but you can't go visit them without me.”
He looked down at her. “Why I can't?”
She stared back at him. “Jon gon let you live with him?”
Jon laughed, interrupting them. “Damn, she sound just like Trin. Always tryna put us out over a lil jokey joke.”
“Cause yall not funny.” Moriah fired back playfully. “We'll be there, Jon. And I want the same room, Trin told me it was mine.”
“Lil girl, how you just gon claim stuff in my house?” 
“Huh? You said you want me to tell Trin you being mean to me?”
“Maaaan,” he drug out playfully, “Aight fine but you gon tell Sefa why he can't have that room.”
Moriah squealed, “My second favorite Fatu man is gonna be there? Why you didn't tell me before?”
Zilla frowned. “I better be the first favorite.”
She scrunched her face. “Ew, no. Arthur's my first favorite then Sefa.”
“And what number am I?” Jon asked. 
“Uuuuh let's see …. There's Arthur, Sefa, Zilla, Jacob, Ejay, you and then Naio.” 
“Now wait a damn minute,” Jon called out, “I'm number six! Why am I so low on the list? What I do?”
“And why am I number three?”
“Jon, you're never on my side just like Naio so that's what yall get,” she explained quickly, “And you're number three because Arthur spoils me and Sefa always took my side and the both of them always check on me.”
Both men sucked their teeth. 
“Aye, Zay, we gon jump Sefa this weekend. Traitor.”
Zilla laughed. “Hell yeah.”
“But aight then. Text me what snacks and stuff yall want for the weekend so I can add it to the list. Call if yall need anything.”
“Bye number six!” Moriah joked. 
Job sucked his teeth. “Just for that, no snacks for you.”
“Bye, man.” Zilla chuckled, ending their call. “Fat?”
“What, big head?”
“I'm really number 3?”
She nodded, smiling. “Yup but you're my number one Fatu in the non platonic way.”
“I'm the only non platonic Fatu you got.”
She huffed playfully. “Boy, just take the number one spot and hush.”
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After her shift, Moriah changed out of her work clothes and into her regular clothes then went to the ED to wait on Toni. She watched the older woman check in a second patient in the last ten minutes. Bronco, Zilla and Moriah had finally convinced Toni to come to a show and see him wrestle. 
“Nurse Bryant, it's fifteen minutes past your shift.” Moriah called out looking at her watch. 
Toni finished up with the patient then turned to her friend. “I couldn't just stop what I was doing, Rye. I'm coming, give me a second.”
“We're gonna be late if you don't come on. We still have to stop by your house to drop off your car and for you to change, go to mine to drop my car off and uber to the show. Bring your butt on.”
The handheld monitor went off again interrupting them. Before Toni could check it, Moriah snatched it and passed it to the nurses relieving her, who had been trying to get it. They had a short conversation then Moriah pulled her friend from behind the nurses station and towards the doors.
“Wait, wait, my purse.” Toni called out trying to go back. 
“It's in my bag, let's go. Cause if I miss my man because of you, me and you are gonna need a ref.”
When the friends got to their cars, Thomas was sitting on the hood of Moriah's car. Toni rolled her eyes and Moriah stayed to dig through her purse. 
“Why are you sitting on her car? Get off.”
Thomas smiled. “Was just waiting on her. No harm done, Toni.”
“Yet you're still sitting on it,” she clocked with a tilt of her head. 
He waved her off putting his focus on Moriah. “Can we talk, Moriah? It won't take but a second.”
“You have until I find what I'm looking for to say whatever it is you wanna say to me and I believe I told you to call me Nurse DeBreaux.”
“I just wanted to tell you that I'll love you and wanna be with you regardless of us being able to have children. We can try and if it doesn't work, we can always adopt. I really want to give us another try, I've matured. I'm not the same person I used to be.”
“Found it,” she announced triumphantly and pulled her pink taser Jacob had given her years ago from her purse. She moved closer to him, putting it near his crutch. “If you ever sit on my car again, call me anything but what I've told you to call me or bring my medical information up again, I won't be the only one who may not have kids. Am I clear?” She pressed the side making it spark for emphasis. 
Toni stood back laughing to herself.
He jumped a little. “Whoa, I'm just tryna make amends. It's bad enough you might not have kids, don't want you to be alone on top of it.”
“Why do you assume I'll be alone, Thomas?”
“Look at all the kids in that family. If you can't give him kids, he's not gonna stay when he finds out.”
Moriah chuckled. “Get the hell off my car, Thomas. You got five seconds.” 
He jumped off the hood, taking a few steps back. “Just think about it, Mo.”
“You are so lucky I got somewhere to be. Stay away from me and I mean that shit.” After he jogged off, Moriah turned her taser off and threw it back in her purse. She passed Toni her own purse. “I'll follow you to your house. We gotta hurry.”
Forty five minutes later, the friends made it to NXT Arena at Full Sail University. They walked around the backstage area looking for their other halves.
“Haven't you been here before?” Toni asked, looking around. 
“Yeah twice but both times he was with me. Let's just ask somebody.” Moriah looked around then spotted what looked like a friendly face. She approached the woman, tapping her shoulder. “Sorry to bother you but we're kinda lost.”
She smiled looking at the two of them. “Well I hope I can help. I'm literally like two almost three weeks in. What are yall looking for?”
“Catering. We're supposed to meet someone there.”
“Now that I can find. Follow me,” she laughed, starting to head in that direction with them. “I'm Gia, by the way.”
“Nice to meet you. I'm Moriah and this is Toni.” Toni gave a polite smile and wave when Gia looked over at her. “What do you do here, Gia?”
“Journalist but in basic terms, I do backstage interviews.”
“Sounds cool. And you don't have to get all sweaty and thrown around so that's good.” Moriah joked, ignoring Toni’s mimicking. 
“That's the best part,” Gia agreed, stopping in front of catering, “Do you see who you're looking for?”
Moriah and Toni looked around for a few seconds. Toni nudged her friend's arm and pointed. 
“I see them over there.”
“Where?” Moriah asked, frowning. 
Toni pointed, “Right there. Left corner. I know you see Bronco's tall ass and Zilla.”
Gia's ears perked up at the mention. “I see them. Come on, I'll walk yall.”
“Uuh, we got it but thank you, Gia.” Toni frowned.
Gia laughed it off. “No worries plus I hadn't had a chance to speak to them today. They're always on the move.”
Gia walked in front of them, leaving the two friend's to exchange looks before following her. Moriah mumbled under her breath a bit. 
“Oh my gosh, Zilla! Look who I found wandering around,” she announced putting a hand on his arm.
Moriah didn't miss the grimace on his face as he looked in Gia's direction. He moved her hand then noticed Moriah and Toni. Bronco rolled his eyes accepting Toni's hug. He whispered to her that Gia got on his nerves. Zilla smiled widely at Moriah going to hug her. 
“What's up, Fat? What's up, Toni?”
“You didn't tell me your sister and her friend was coming, Zilla. I could've met them at the gate for you since you and Bronco had them wandering around.”
Toni laughed under her breath looking up at Bronco, who rolled his eyes again. 
“Sister? Do me and him look alike to you?” Moriah asked, confused. 
Gia laughed, clasping her hands in front of her body. “I'm sorry, I was assuming. Cousin then?”
Zilla pulled Moriah into his side, placing a kiss to her temple. “She not my cousin. This my lady, mane. And we got them. We good, Gia.”
“Oooh this is your girlfriend? He really loves you, girl. Every time I talk to him, he mentions you.”
“I wonder why,” Toni mumbled. 
Moriah smiled looking between them. “Good to know, Gia.”
Gia patted his chest a few times then let her hand linger there. “He's a tough cookie to crack but I think I'm wearing him down. We're gonna be friends. And don't worry, I'll keep an eye on him for you. These girls around here can be a bit much.”
Before Zilla could, Moriah pushed her hand off of him.
“Yeah I can see that about the girls,” Moriah sassed tilting her head. “Just a little thing to keep in mind about him … he doesn't like to be touched by people he don't know like that and I don't either.”
“Noted, girl. I'll make sure they keep their hands off of my friend.” Gia smiled at Zilla and Bronco then moved to hug Moriah and Toni. “Enjoy the show. Ooh come find me afterwards, we can go get drinks.”
Moriah turned to stare at her boyfriend, who held his hands up. 
“Fat, I ain't do shit. She can't take a hint.” 
Bronco nodded. “He ain't lying. He literally gives her no indication that it's okay for her to even talk to him and she still do it.”
Moriah folded her arms. “She better learn how to take a hint or she gon have a problem that she don't want. Talking about some damn sister or cousin. She knew I wasn't either one of those.”
“She did,” Toni agreed, “She was trying to be messy.”
“And had the nerve to put her hands all on him like I'm not standing here. She lucky I ain't break her damn hand.”
Toni clapped her hands. “Girl, seriously. She was trying you. Being all bold like, I can imagine what she does when you're not here.”
Moriah groaned inwardly. “And she better hope I don't ever find out cause I will beat her ass and then ima beat his ass.”
“And then ima beat Bronco's ass,” Toni added.
“Wait, I moved her hand just like I do any other time and tell her to stop. Why I'm gettin my ass beat?” Zilla asked. 
“Ion even like that girl and I tell her to leave him alone. I shouldn't be gettin my ass beat.” Bronco stressed. 
“Just so yall know we not nothing to play with,” Toni explained with finality. 
Moriah nodded. “That part.”
“Listen, me and Bronco not worried about that girl. We dodge her ass and whenever she do catch us, we keep it short. Right, B?”
Bronco nodded. “Right.”
“It better stay that way too. I don't mind beating her ass, Isayah.”
Zilla nodded her face then her lips, holding her body against his. “I know you don't. Don't worry about her, she ain't important.”
“Oh! Rye almost tased Thomas’s nuts off.” Toni announced with a chuckle. 
Zilla looked at Toni then his girlfriend. “Not that it matter but why?”
“He was sitting his ass on my damn car and was tryna talk to me about being together,” she explained, “Then I told him if he ever sat on my car or brought what he brought up again, I wouldn't be the only one with fertility issues.”
“Good job, sis.” Bronco praised excitedly. “But next time do it. Teach his ass.”
Toni hit his arm, chastising him.
“You know when he work next?”
“Why?” She asked, staring at him. 
“Do you know, Fat?”
She nodded slowly. “Yeah, Thursday same time as me.”
“Aight, yall go head to your seats. We'll send somebody to get yall before the show over.” He pulled her closer, kissing her slowly. “I love you, fat head.”
She laughed softly. “Love you more, Fatu. See you later, Bronco.”
Bronco hugged and kissed Toni then smiled at Moriah. “Aight, sis. Yall cheer loud for me and my boy.”
The men watched their girlfriends leave catering before turning to one another. Bronco's smile widened with a mischievous glint in his eye. 
“What time I need to be ready Thursday?”
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Fortunately for Nadine, Kamille was able to detour Leata for a couple of days. Knowing her sister's work schedule, she invited Nadine to her house Wednesday afternoon for a snack and to talk. Kamille left the detail about Leata coming out to ensure her sister came. 
Leata and Kamille had been sitting in her living room since Arthur dropped her off thirty minutes prior. The two waited on Nadine's arrival. 
“Which one of your babies was that, that dropped you off?”
“Arthur, my oldest. And he was not happy that I wouldn't let him stay.” She chuckled. 
Kamille laughed. “Yeah, he didn't look happy. Rye told me that he's the only brother that knows so I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that he's on the list of people that aren't happy with my sister.”
“He's definitely on that list. I don't blame him … just thinking about it makes me so angry. She was 15 years old, a baby.”
“I've been giving her shit about the way she's been with Moriah for years and she tells me the same thing every time. That she can do what she wants with her child.”
Leata rolled her eyes. “Same crap she's said to me.”
The door opening and closing momentarily ended their conversation. Nadine called out for her sister then followed her voice to the living room. Her smile slowly dropped into a frown as she went to sit on the love seat. 
“You didn't tell me there would be a third wheel, little sister.”
Kamille smiled. “Seems like you were the last one here so you're the third wheel, big sister. How are you?”
“I'm well. How are you? Hello, Leata.”
“Same, Nadine.” Kamille answered, nudging Leata.
“Hi, Nadine.” She greeted stiffly.
Nadine hummed at her. “How is your son treating my baby?”
“You would know if she were still talking to you,” Leata chuckled, “He's treating her the way he's always treated her, like a queen.”
“Queen of what? The hood?”
Kamille jumped in to stop them. “Nadine, cut it out. Don't get sassy because you know she's right.”
“Kami, why am I here? I've been working all day and I am too tired for this.”
Girl,” Kamille scoffed, “You worked two hours today, you not tired. Anyway Leata wanted to talk to you and I am here to facilitate. Don't be your usual asshole self either.”
Nadine rested her elbow on the arm rest, moving her attention from her little sister to Leata. “What would you like to talk about, Leata? What can I do for you?”
Leata counted backwards from ten in her head before responding. “I'm just gonna jump right in, I don't have the patience to beat around the bush. You made Moriah get her tubes tied?”
“Yup.” She answered popping the ‘p’. “Anything else?”
“Anything…. Anything else? Are you kidding me? You don't see anything wrong with making a 15 year old girl get her tubes tied? She was a baby, Nadine.”
She smiled at her former friend. “No, I don't see anything wrong with making hard decisions for my child. She was a baby that didn't need to be having babies so I made sure she wouldn't.”
“Birth control was an option, Nadine.”
“Wasn't gonna do what I needed to be done.”
“What if she never able to have kids again? Does that even make you feel a little bad?”
She shook her head, a slight smile on her face. “Knowing that she'll never have a child with that child of yours brings me joy and a sense of accomplishment. And if I'm as lucky as I think I am, he'll break up with her.”
“Nadine, what is your got damn problem with me and my kids? You went from being one of my best friends to my enemy.” Leata yelled while sitting up on the sofa. 
“You and your kids are just like that husband of yours.” Nadine yelled standing from the love seat. “I didn't realize it until after his ass killed over.”
Leata stood as well, pointing her finger in Nadine's direction. “You better be careful with the next words that come out of your mouth.”
“Hmm well let me take a second to think about what I wanna say about you, your husband and your kids.” Nadine paused dramatically. “Your husband always had his ass in my family's business, in my husband's ear about this and about that. Thought it was just him but you and your damn kids are the same way. You took your husband's spot in my husband's ear and your kids are in my daughter's ears.”
“Hassan and Moriah know how to make their own choices! We did not make them do anything they didn't wanna do, Nadine!”
Nadine rolled her eyes. “Oh sure. They just happened to make these stupid decisions after talking to one of you Fatus.”
“Oh please, Nadine. I'm glad you think so highly of us that we have that much control but sorry to tell you it's complete bullshit.”
“I'm not my daughter or my husband, I'm not falling for that.” She chuckled. “As bad I felt when your husband died, I was glad cause I thought I was finally getting control back of my family. But then the manipulation and interference didn't stop.”
Kamille stood at that. “Nadine, you're going too far. Stop that.”
“Oh I'm just getting started,” she spat, laughing. “I don't think I'll have to wait that long to get control back and have my baby come home to me. That child of yours is following in his father's footsteps literally so it won't be too long before he joins him. Now that's a funeral I would pay good money to sit front row at.”
Leata's right arm reared back then forward with as much force as she could muster connecting with Nadine's left cheek. There was so much force behind her slap, Nadine lost her balance and hit the floor. She held her cheek, opening and closing her mouth trying to check her jaw. Kamille stepped in front of Leata. Pushing her back gently trying to calm her. 
“That was the last time you will ever talk about my kids or my husband! If you ever talk about them again like that it'll be your funeral we're sitting front row for!”
Slowly, Nadine pushed herself up onto the love seat. She heard Leata but the pain in her face and jaw kept her from responding. There was a slight ringing in her ear as well that wouldn't go away.
“Breathe, friend. Breathe. I got her, you go call Arthur.”
Leata glared at her old friend as she left the living room, mumbling to herself. Kamille stared at her big sister wondering how the sister she used to look up to turned into this person. They were fifteen years apart but at 38, Kamille felt like she had much more sense than the 53 year old sitting in front of her today. 
“Why would you say that to her? You can't really feel that way, Nadine.”
Nadine winced a bit when she opened her mouth. “You know I don't say things that I don't mean.”
“I don't know that but I do know if you say things to hurt people to get the upper hand. You wished death on her kid. That's not right.”
She chuckled. “What's not right is her family breaking up mine.”
“Their family didn't do a damn thing but love you, Hassan and Moriah. Although it's clear that they wasted their love on you. You and you alone broke up your family.”
“If I didn't know any better I'd swear you were drinking the Kool-Aid too.” Nadine smirked as best she could. “So tell me which Fatu are you sleeping with? Hmm let me guess … Jacob. He was always fond of you.”
Kamille frowned at her big sister. “Me and Jacob are friends, basically family like the rest of them and you know that. You just say anything to avoid accepting fault. Mama didn't raise us like that.”
“How would you know? I was damn near grown when you were born. You don't know shit about how I was raised.”
Kamille sucked her teeth, “I know enough to know that she raised us both the same way. You need to stop this before you get to a point where it can't be fixed.”
“I don't need to do anything but call the police.”
“For what, Nadine?”
“I'm pressing charges. She assaulted me and you witnessed it.”
Kamille shook her head. 
“You are absolutely not. If you call them, I'm calling Mama and telling her what you did to Moriah and what you just said to Leata. And I know no matter how old and bitter you are, you do not wanna deal with a pissed off Trenice Parker. Do you?”
Nadine stared at her sister for a few moments then huffed loudly. “Go get me a ice pack, don't just stand there.”
Knowing how her son felt, Leata waited until they got back to her house to tell her how the meet up had gone. He then spent thirty minutes going off about Nadine and debating on going back to Kamille's to finish what his mother had started. 
“You know you gotta tell Zay and Rye, right.”
She shook her head. “No, they've already got a lot going on. I'll tell them just not right now.”
“Mama, they need to know now. Especially Rye. This not nothing to keep to ourselves.” Arthur stressed kneeling in front of her while she sat on the sofa. “She better hope I don't see her in public.”
“That right there is why I don't wanna say anything. Your brother is gonna react that same way.”
“And he should, Mama. Her bitter ass wished him dead. You don't say stuff like that.”
She closed her eyes, taking a few deep breaths. “Okay fine but this is gonna hurt Moriah.”
“Whether you tell her now or later, it's gonna hurt her, Mama.”
Begrudgingly, she facetimed Zilla. A part of her hoped he didn't answer so she had more time. Her hopes were dashed when she saw his smiling face and heard Moriah's voice in the background. 
“Aye! Stop hitiin’ me, Mama on the phone and ima tell!” He laughed. “Mama, tell this girl to keep her hand to herself.”
Arthur moved to sit beside Leata, putting his face in the frame. 
“What did you do to her, son?”
“I … ow, your lil hands hurt, mane. She offered me cake and now she mad cause I ate it.”
“Nah uhn! I offered him a piece yesterday and he ate another piece today!” Moriah yelled.
“He sorry,” Arthur suggested, “Right, Zay?”
Zilla frowned a bit, pulling Moriah into a loose headlock. “Uhuh, right. My bad, Fat. What yall got going on?”
Arthur put his attention on Leata, silently urging here to go on. 
“I wanted to tell you two that I went to Kamille's to talk to Nadine. And it didn't go well.”
Zilla moved him and Moriah to their sofa to sit down. Moriah got comfortable against his chest. 
“What happened?” Zilla asked, looking between his mom and brother. 
Leata looked at Arthur then back at the screen. “It didn't last long, I'll say that. We got into a spat, she said some ugly things and it escalated.”
“What did she say?” Moriah asked softly. 
“I asked her about what she made you do and she said she was proud of it and felt accomplished.”
It was heartbreaking to see the residual joy leave Moriah's eyes. Zilla pressed a kiss to the top of her head. Leata waited for her to respond, when Moriah didn't she continued. 
“She also said some things about your father and your brothers but mostly you. Things escalated,” she sighed, “I'm not proud of it but it ended in me slapping her.”
Zilla's brows raised. 
“What she say? Had to be bad for you to do that.”
Arthur realized she wasn't going to be able to say it so he stepped in. “She wished death on you, Zay then Mama slapped her.��
Moriah sat up immediately, pushing herself off the sofa but Zilla held onto her waist with one hand. 
“Fat, sit down. Come ‘ere, man.”
She shook her head, roughly pulling herself from his grasp. “No, I can't. I can't.”
Leata spoke up. “Let her go, Zilla.”
He huffed watching her walk off to their bedroom. “The hell I do to her for her to say that?”
“I'm telling you that you did nothing to deserve having someone say that about you, Isayah. You could tell that woman to have a good day and she would swear you cursed her. You hear me?”
He nodded starting at the closed bedroom door. “I hear you, Mama.”
“Isayah,” Arthur called out, getting his brother's attention, “Mama told yall that so yall would know what that lady got going on not to cause a setback between the two of you.”
He nodded again. 
“Go do what you need to do.”
Zilla disconnected the call as he got up from the sofa. He went to listen at the bedroom door for a moment before going in. Moriah laid with her face in her pillow, crying softly. Going to her side of the bed, Zilla kneeled there and rubbed her back. 
“You meltin again, Fat?”
She shook her head, not lifting it from the pillow, followed by a muffled ‘no’. He smiled a little, nudging her over so he could see her face. 
“It look like you meltin’, baby.”
“Just a little,” she said softly. 
“You don't gotta melt over that. Zilla ain't goin nowhere, Zilla gon stay right here with you to get on your nerves.”
She nodded, sniffling softly. “Promise?”
“Zilla promise. What can I do to make my lady stop meltin?”
“A kiss maybe.”
He chuckled, leaning up to kiss her. “Better?”
“Mmmm … maybe one more.”
He kissed her again. “Now?”
She shrugged. “I kinda feel better. A snuggle would probably make it all the way better.”
“Whenever you ask me to snuggle, you end up tryna do more than snuggle, Fat.” He pointed out getting up from the floor and climbing into the bed behind her. She moved her body back, closer to him. “See? You already startin’.”
She laughed softly. “Just getting comfy. Plus ever since Zilla threw his condoms away, he hasn't wanted to snuggle with me anyway.”
He laughed in her ear. “We both been tired as shit, Fat. My bad.”
“You never cared about me bein tired before.”
“That's cause I wasn't tired.” He kissed her neck a few times. “I promise to snuggle with you next time. Aight?”
“Pinky promise?” Moriah proposed as she lifted her pinky up.
He linked his pinky with hers. 
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Since they were leaving for Tampa as soon as Moriah's shift ended, Zilla dropped her off at work Thursday morning. She had long forgotten about Zilla's inquiry into Thomas’s work schedule so she didn't question him taking her to work or warn him to not do anything bad. Moriah liking to be thirty minutes early to her shift worked out in his and Bronco's favor seeing as the friends made it to the parking deck minutes before he did. Unbeknownst to him, he parked his Audi between Bronco's truck and Zilla's challenger. When he stepped out of his car, Zilla was standing at the back of his car startling him. 
“What's wrong? Why you so jumpy, mane?” Zilla laughed. 
Bronco crept up behind him, slamming the driver side door for him. “He act like he seen a ghost or sum.”
Thomas jumped again looking between both men. 
“There are cameras in here.”
Zilla looked up at the cameras, smiling even wider. “You mean them right there? I wouldn't count on them workin.”
“Naaah they definitely outta order, my guy. Kinda like yo ass,” Bronco added with a chuckle. 
“What do you want? I need to get to work.”
Zilla moved closer to him grabbing his collar to shove him against Bronco's truck.
“Wait, why he not hemmed up against his own car?” Bronco asked, frowning. 
Zilla ignored his friend, maintaining eye contact with Thomas. “Moriah told me yo ass still botherin’ her and if it's one thing I can't stand is somebody that don't understand no especially when my lady say it. She asked you one too many times to leave her alone so now I gotta step in.”
Thomas struggled to get out of his grasp but his strength was nothing compared to Zilla's. “It's not that serious. We were just having a conversation.”
“A conversation that she told you she ain't want which mean she said no to your ass.” He spat, pressing his forearm into Thomas’s throat. “This the one and only warnin you get from me. The next time you see me or my boy it won't be to talk.”
Bronco stepped forward and leaned down so they were sure level. “And if you don't keep this lil meeting between us, you'll see us sooner than that. Comprende?”
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“Sis! I been missing you!” 
As soon as Moriah and Zilla stepped inside the house, Trinity ran to them engulfing Moriah in a tight, bear hug rocking them from side to side. Jon and Zilla watched them with frowns on their faces. 
Jon hit his cousin's arm. “Uce! I missed you!” The two of them hugged mocking their women. 
Trinity sucked her teeth. “This why you number six. Get on my nerves.”
“They just jealous cause nobody ever misses them.” Moriah rolled her eyes playfully. “Everybody else here or we early?”
“Yall late as hell.” Jon fussed loudly. “Should've took off like uce told you to. Lucky I ain't give ya room away.”
Moriah laid her head on Trinity’s shoulder. “My favorite cousin wouldn't let you do that.”
“And won't. Everybody in the backyard, come on.”
Trinity pulled Moriah along with her while Jon and Zilla followed behind. They talked softly and briefly with each other until they got to the patio. Moriah scanned the backyard, squealing when she spotted Jacob and another cousin on the grill. She ran to jump on his back. 
“Jacob! I missed you!”
Laughing, Jacob sat the spatula he was using down and backed away from the grill. “Damn, girl, I missed you too. You almost took us both out.”
She got down, laughing and fixing her shorts. “I haven't seen you in so long. I missed my buddy. I don't have nobody to get on Zay's nerves with.”
“Shit, we got all weekend to make up for lost time, sis.”
“Yall asses is not about to get on my nerves all weekend unless her big head ass wanna get left here with you,” Zilla declared approaching them. He slapped hands with both of his cousins. “Fat, you remember Josh. Right?”
She nodded, moving to hug him. He barely returned the hug but she didn't notice. “Hey Josh. Of course I remember. He's the twin that's not annoying, the good twin.”
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Josh nodded his head at her, mumbling out a greeting then turned back to the grill. Jacob noticed how their cousin acted but realized Moriah and Zilla didn't. 
“Aye, sis, there go Sefa. Better get to em before mean ass do.”
Zilla frowned playfully. “I'm mean ass? You know her ass meaner than me.”
Moriah stuck her tongue then ran over to Sefa, jumping on him the way she'd jumped on Jacob. Zilla let his cousins know he'd be back after he spoke to Sefa. Turning back to the grill, Jacob nudged his cousin. 
“What's up with you?”
“Nun man, I'm cool.”
Jacob started to flip the burgers. “I would believe that if you don't just give that girl the cold shoulder.”
Josh shrugged, focusing on the chicken. “Ion like her. I ain't think he'd stay with her this long.”
“You don't like her? Moriah? Moriah that's been around since they was kids?” Jacob asked with his face screwed up. “Why you ain't like her?”
Josh looked over at Moriah with his family, his lips turning up at the sight of them being happy and friendly with her. “She ain't right for uce. He deserve better.”
“Better than Moriah? She the best thing that ever happened to his mean ass.”
“That's what yall think.”
Jacob scratched his head looking over at his family then back at Josh. “Ion know man. You gon have to explain that one to me later on. But word of advice, chill on the attitude with her, that boy ain't right in the head when it come to her. He protect her heavy.”
Josh waved him off. “We'll see.”
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magpiefngrl · 4 months
hey! curious new writer here. which fix of yours were the easiest to write and which were the hardest? in what way?
Hello anon! Thanks for an interesting ask.
OK I'll start with the disclaimer that every fic has its difficulties as well as moments when it flows, but there have definitely been some that poured out of me with great ease than others which were a constant struggle.
The Miseducation of Draco Malfoy, my first drarry, was written at the height of my obsession and it poured out of me. I wrote like a fiend all day and would go to bed at night and reread what I wrote. I breathed that fic day and night for the weeks it took me to write it. It was also the most fun I had writing, prob because I was a complete unknown and there were zero expectations from me. Similarly, The Full Monty, written just after TMODM, was an easy fic to write. I remember I read the prompt and was immediately assaulted by images and started laughing on my own and was like, OK I need to claim this, the fic is writing itself.
Similarly but in a more tortuous way, dirtynumbangelboy poured out of me too. More tortuous because it took me ages to find the right beginning, and by then I was behind with my deadlines and got stressed. Also, I wrote it in a sort of dread of the Erised fest, because it had some amazing writers that year and I was intimidated. I remember my goal was to "at least not embarrass myself" .
But, aside from the doubts and stress, dnab itself flowed like nothing else. There are passages that I really love, even now years later, and they are exactly as they came out the first time. I did very little editing (compared to other works).
With The Boy Who Died I made a fun post on tumblr about a mdzs AU of drarry and then the idea wouldn't let me go so I had to sit and write it. Luckily it was summer and I didn't work and I could spend my days writing it. There were moments I got stumped but it mostly came out easily.
Finally, a lot of my short fics poured out of me in one go and came out almost perfectly formed. The Dare, A Perfectly Normal Reaction, and my MCD The Death You Carry are good examples.
Fics that took ages at first:
so my thing is that I have to find the right opening to begin the story, otherwise I can't proceed. I don't plan; the first scene/chapter is my plan. And sometimes I get stuck for yonks. With The Unquiet Grave I began with a Draco POV, him being a politician and Harry his bodyguard, had an interesting first scene and then---nothing. It's like I hit a wall. Zero words come. When I have this feeling, I know I need to go back and revise. Long story short, it was when I changed the POV to Harry that somehow the whole gothic mood came about and I felt the auspicious click: I got it. That's what the story is. A gothic romance. After that, it was easier.
The same thing happened with Hush, darling. I rewrote a first scene fruitlessly several times until a random bit of inspiration fell into my hands: the visual of a card game. I began with it and I let it guide me and the whole plot/stakes/cast fell into place.
Fics that needed a LOT of work and had to be dragged into existence:
The Gift is the first that comes to mind. First couple of chapters were pretty easy and then I was stumped. Writing it felt like dragging myself up a slope, step by step and also not being happy with anything, so that was fun. :/
The other is 9 ½ Days, which took actual years to finish. In that case the middle part was the hard one. I wrote the beginning fairly easily and the last chapters, the plotty ones, also flowed. But the middle. Zeus almighty. It took me years and I thought and thought and thought about it a lot. Finishing this fic was an immense relief but also a source of pride, especially because I really liked the result, and judging by the comments I get, people seem to love it too.
Thanks for an unusual ask! It was good to ponder about my fics and my writing process. The same issues seem to crop up with my original works too, and it's helpful to remind myself that I got over those issues before and I can get over them again.
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literaryavenger · 8 months
Captain America: Civil War - 4
Summary: You make it to the airport but it looks like you're gonna have to fight your way out. Thankfully, Steve called some backup.
Pairing: Avengers x Reader, slight Bucky x Reader
Warnings: Descriptions of violence. Descriptions of injuries. Language. Mentions of Y/N and Y/N/N (=your nickname). My poor attempts at being funny.
Word Count: 3.6K
A/N: It took me a fucking long time to write this, I hope I did the airport scene justice. Here's to hoping the next chapters don't take me as long to write! I did my best, enjoy!
Masterlist | Series Masterlist
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You get to the 6th level of the parking garage at the Leipzig/Halle airport and Steve parks next to a van and you all get out.
Steve gets closer to the van, followed by Sam while you stay behind with Bucky, both of you leaning on the car as you stand on the passenger’s side to be able to see over the car because you’re just that short.
You hear a little snicker from Bucky and look at him with your eyes narrowed as he seems amused by the sight but doesn’t say anything. Your attention goes back to the van as Clint loudly opens the side door.
“What timezone is this?” Scott asks, clearly disoriented as he gets out.
“Come on.” Clint encourages him and pushes him slightly towards Steve. “Come on.”
Scott walks to Steve and shakes his hand with an amazed look. “Captain America.”
“Mr. Lang.” Steve politely says as he shakes his hand.
“It’s an honor.” He says in awe. “I’m shaking your hand too long.” You try your best not to laugh as Scott fangirls over Steve.
“Wow! This is awesome!” He turns and sees Wanda and, in the same cheery voice, says “I know you, too. You’re great!”
Then he turns back to Steve and feels his shoulders saying “Jeez.” and you can’t help but giggle, seeing the scene and everybody’s reactions that go from amused to confused while Scott continues talking.
“Ah, look, I wanna say, I know you know a lot of super people, so… thinks for thanking of me” He says and you giggle more while looking at Bucky to make sure you heard right and his face is as confused as you feel. You turn back to Scott as he says, “Hey, man!”
Sam tries to play it cool by saying “What’s up, Tic Tac?”
“Uh, good to see you.” Scott says, seeming a little confused at the nickname but deciding to blow past it. “Look, what happened last time when I-”
“It was a great audition, but it’ll…” Sam interrupts him, shaking his hand with a chuckle. “It’ll never happen again.”
“It was hilarious!” You comment somewhat loudly and everyone turns to you, Sam glaring while Scott giggles quietly as you wink at him and wave at Wanda and Clint.
“They tell you what we’re up against?” Steve brings everyone’s attention back on the matter at hand before you and Sam start bickering.
“Something about some… psycho-assassins?” Scott says innocently and you keep in your laugh, hoping Bucky is not offended by Scott’s description of the Winter Soldiers.
“We're outside the law on this one. So, if you come with us, you're a wanted man.” Steve warns him.
“Yeah, well, what else is new?” Scott says casually and you grin. Dude is pretty cool.
“We should get moving.” Bucky says.
“We got a chopper lined up.” Clint says to the group, just as the PA starts announcing something in German, which you fortunately understand.
“Dies ist eine Notsituation." You frown. Emergency? “Alle Passagiere müssen den Flughafen sofort evakuieren.”
You’re about to translate when Bucky beats you to it. “They're evacuating the airport.”
“Stark.” Sam says and you roll your eyes. Yeah, that makes sense, that dramatic diva.
“Stark?” Scott echoes, sounding surprised and not in a good way.
“Suit up.” Steve says in his Captain voice and you know better than to disobey.
Steve is in his uniform now as he strides through an underpass, then jogs onto a private runway, heading for the chopper when an electro-disabler slams onto the chopper and Steve looks up.
Tony and Rhodey, both in their Iron Man and War Machine suits, descend and land in front of Steve.
You’re in the terminal with Bucky and Sam as the latter scans the airport to find their Quinjet. You can’t really hear what the others are saying, but you can hear Steve through the earpiece.
“Hear me out, Tony.” Steve tries to reason. “That doctor, the psychiatrist, he's behind all of this.”
You see T’Challa leap over a truck and after a moment Steve says “Your highness.”
You can see Tony talking, you assume trying to get Steve to surrender, before you hear Steve again. “You're after the wrong guy.”
Tony says something else you assume to be about Bucky because of what Steve answers back. ”And there are five more super soldiers just like him. I can't let the doctor find them first, Tony. I can't.”
You can see Natasha talk next and then Tony makes a face and you know he’s done, then you can hear him yelling “Underoos!” through Steve’s earpiece. 
Suddenly you see a guy in a red onesie swing in and shoot what looks like webs at Steve, stealing his shield and binding his hands before landing on top of a truck a little wobbly. 
You furrow your eyebrows and look at Sam to your right but he’s busy with Redwing so you look at Bucky next to him and he looks just as confused as you do. He meets your eyes and raises an eyebrow in question but you simply shrug and look back at the scene when you hear Steve say. “You've been busy.”
Tony tries his hardest to reason with Steve while, as planned, the Captain patiently listens to him while Sam looks for their Quinjet. “You did that when you signed.” He answers calmly at whatever Tony said.
You can see Tony pleading with Steve, and you almost feel bad but are snapped out of it when Sam finally talks. “We found it. Their Quinjet’s in hangar five, north runway.”
You see Steve raise his arms and one of Clint’s arrows flies through the air and breaks the webs on Steve’s hands, freeing him. “Alright, Lang.” Steve says and Scott enlarges, taking the shield from the guy with the red pajamas with a flip and giving it back to Steve.
“I believe this is yours, Captain America.” Scott says and you chuckle. Dude has a serious man crush.
The two men next to you look confused at what is so amusing, and you merely roll your eyes and say “come on.” as the three of you start running.
As you’re going through the terminal, you see the Spider-man dude stick to the glass outside and all three of your attention goes to him.
“What the hell is that?” Bucky asks as you run.
“Everyone’s got a gimmick now.” Sam sounds really annoyed and obviously you have to tease him.
“That’s a person, not a metal bird, Wilson!” You say.
“Don’t bring Redwing into this!” He yells back, glaring at you as he runs.
“You brought Redwing into this!” You snark back and, before Sam can say anything, Spiderman breaks through the glass towards the three of you, Sam tries to protect you and that causes you both to go crashing into the wall. 
You can see Bucky throwing a punch but Spiderman catches his fist easily, shocking all three of us while shouting “You have a metal arm?! That is awesome, dude!”
Sam goes flying into Spiderman and takes him away, while you approach Bucky.
“Did that sound like a kid to you?” you ask him, still looking after Sam and Spiderman.
“Doesn’t matter. Let’s go.” He says starting to go after the other two.
“Matters a little…” You mumble while following Bucky.
You can hear Wanda and Clint talking through the comms, to Tony you assume when Wanda says “You locked me in my room.” and then you hear Clint say “made you look.” just as you see through the window all the cars flying down thanks to Wanda’s magic.
Spiderman wings through the rafters in the terminal, chasing Sam who flies backwards firing shots. Spiderman stops on a high beam and just then Bucky throws a giant piece of metal at him.
You can hear Spiderman yell back “Hey buddy, I think you lost this!” before throwing back the piece of metal, causing Bucky to cover you with his metal arm while it flies back, thankfully missing you both.
Sam takes the opportunity to kick Spiderman and try to bring him down, but Spiderman swings again and webs Sam’s wings, which sends him crashing to the floor. As he gets up, Spiderman webs his hands to the railing behind him and then sticks to a column and starts nerding out about Sam’s wings as you run to help Sam, Bucky right behind you.
You’re too focused on Sam to notice Spiderman swinging towards him at the same time that you get to him, luckily Bucky wraps his arms around you as all three of you crush into the railing and down to the floor on the level below. 
As you all land Spiderman quickly webs Sam’s arms together, Bucky’s metal arm to the floor and then your arms, sticking you to Bucky since he was still holding you with one arm as you basically landed on him.
While Spiderman talks over you, you can faintly hear Sam messing around with his gear and you hope he’s doing something useful. Just as Spiderman is about to shoot webs again, Redwing attaches to his wrist and drags him off.
After a beat of silence Bucky says “You couldn’t have done that earlier?” to which Sam answers “I hate you.” and you roll your eyes and say “God, you two are children.”
You do your best to grab your pocket knife and, after a moment of struggling, you succeed then cut the webs off of you and Bucky with a little difficulty. You get up and cut the webs off of Bucky’s metal arm before going to Sam and helping him out of the webs too.
Your heads all snap to the window when you hear the sound of an explosion and can see it just as you hear Scott through the comms saying “Oh, man. I thought it was a water truck. Uh… sorry.”
You frown and turn to Sam and Bucky. “That can’t be good. Let’s go.” The three of you run out of the terminal as fast as you can and when you get outside you meet up with Steve, Scott, Clint and Wanda, all of you running towards the Quinjet.
“Come on!” Steve yells, but your run is interrupted when suddenly a yellow laser makes a line in front of you and you’re all stopped in your tracks. A fucking laser. You look up and see Vision hovering over you.
“Captain Rogers. I know you believe what you're doing is right.” He starts while the rest of Tony’s team gathers around him. Tony flies in while holding Natasha, Rhoday flies T’Challa and Spiderman swings down with one of Dora Milaje, T’Challa’s personal guards, that you saw at the FBI bunker and you think her name is Ayo. “But for the collective good you must surrender now.” Vision finishes talking and there is a moment of silence where you all just look at the opponent directly in front of you, which in your case is Ayo.
“What do we do, Cap?” Sam asks.
“We fight.” Is all Steve says and you hesitate for a second looking at him and then at Ayo.
“Anybody wants to switch?” You ask while looking at your teammates, some look amused but Steve kind of glares at you. “No? Alrighty, then.” You look back ahead as you all start walking, then jogging faster and faster until you’re full on running towards the opposite team.
Tony, Rhodey, Sam, Wanda and Vision take flight and then the first sound that can be heard is Tony’s fist meeting Steve’s shield. 
Clint shoots an arrow at Vision that dodges it, Sam bumps into Rhodey mid-air, Scott shrinks and jumps on Natasha, Wanda shoots her magic at Peter while he shoots webs at her and T’Challa straight up jumps onto Bucky. 
You lose track of what everyone else is doing once you come face to face with Ayo, who loses no time hitting you with her spear but you luckily dodge it, throwing a punch of your own that she easily avoids. The only thing you can tell is that Nat and Clint are near you fighting, and so are Bucky and T’Challa.
You take out your extendable baton, glad that Clint suggested it, and try to hit Ayo repeatedly, but you miss everytime. You’re getting frustrated when you finally land a hit to her cheek and grin, but you quickly regret it when she kicks you hard on the ribs, sending you flying back.
Ayo jumps on you and raises her spear right over your face, but before she can hit you Wanda sends her flying back far away from you.
You don’t have time to thank her when she’s throwing Natasha off of Clint and into a metal container. 
“Geez, Wanda, go easy on them.” You tell her and she gives you a pointed look, before looking at Clint and saying “You were pulling your punches” before walking away.
You and Clint exchange a look but you get distracted by T’Challa throwing Bucky into a container near you. You get into action right away and just as T’Challa is about to claw at Bucky, you push the supersoldier out of the way and you both go stumbling to the side while Wanda throws T’Challa into a big metal container far away from you. 
You and Bucky roll a little and, when you stop, you end on top of him. He looks up at you and whispers “Thank you.”
“Anytime, Soldier.” You wink at him and get up, helping him up too. Wanda joins you with an amused look on her face.
“Still think we should go easy on them?” She asks smugly, and you merely roll your eyes.
You’re thankfully distracted by Spiderman knocking Steve off his feet but when you go to help him, you’re intercepted by Natasha.
As you start doing hand-to-hand combat with her, you can hear Scott calling Clint “Arrow Guy” and you almost chuckle, but don’t let it distract you because you know Natasha could seriously hurt you, although it seems like she’s going as easy on you as you are on her.
“Nothing’s changed between us, right Tasha?” You ask, concerned about your friendship as you keep fighting, though it almost feels like any other sparring match you’ve ever had.
She laughs and nods. “Nothing, Y/N/N”.
You grin at the nickname and say “Good” before kicking her a little harder than you’ve ever had and sending her flying back, then you run to Steve and get to him as he points at himself and says. “Brooklyn.”
You frown at him and then look at Spiderman with one of those giant metal walkways people use to get to the planes and your eyes widen.
“That seems a little excessive.” You say, looking back at Steve.
“He’ll be fine.” Steve says shortly and starts jogging away, signaling to you to follow him, which you reluctantly do.
You and Steve are running when you hear Scott say “Uh-oh” through the comms and you frown. “Are you okay, Scott?”
You can hear him panting freaking out, saying “Oh boy. Whoa!”
You and Steve are joined by Bucky as you’re hiding behind some containers and you’re about to ask Scott if he’s okay again when Bucky talks and you turn to him. “We gotta go. That guy's probably in Siberia by now.” You can't help but think how fucking blue his eyes are.
“We gotta draw out the flyers.” Steve says, snapping you out of it and you make up your mind.
“I'll take Vision.” You tell him “You two get to the jet.” 
You know Steve’s about to argue when Sam cuts in “No, you get to the jet! All three of you!” He says through the comms. “The rest of us aren't getting out of here.”
“As much as I hate to admit it, if we're gonna win this one, some of us might have to lose it.” Clint chimes in. 
You and Steve look at each other and it’s like Sam can sense your hesitation as he says “This isn't the real fight, guys.”
“Alright, Sam, what's the play?” Steve says, his eyes darting between you and Bucky.
“We need a diversion, something big.” he says and you try to think about what you could do.
“I got something kind of big, but I can't hold it very long.” Scott offers “On my signal, run like hell. And if I tear myself in half… don't come back for me.”
You frown and look at Steve and Bucky who seem just as confused as you do. “He's gonna tear himself in half?” Bucky asks.
“You're sure about this, Scott?” Steve asks into his comm.
“I do it all the time. I mean once… in a lab. Then I passed out.” He tries and fails to reassure you.
“That doesn’t make me feel better, like at all.” You say looking from Bucky to Steve, who seem to agree.
You can hear Scott mumbling “I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the boss. I'm the BOSS!” to himself and then suddenly he grows into a fucking giant of 60-65 feet.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” You say almost in shock.
“I guess that's the signal.” Steve says and starts running towards the jet, you and Bucky following closely.
You can hear Sam saying “Way to go, Tic Tac!” as you run, going past Scott, who stops T’Challa from following you by kicking a bus into him, then Rhodey almost gets to you, but he’s stopped by Wanda.
The three of you are getting closer to the jet when a tower starts falling over the entrance, courtesy of Vision, but Wanda keeps it up with her magic for you.
As you pick up your pace and approach it, you’re stopped by a spear landing right in front of Bucky, missing his foot by a centimeter.
Ayo is about to jump on Bucky but before either him or Steve can do anything to stop her, you throw yourself on her, sending her stumbling back and to the ground, enough distance between you that you have the opportunity to look behind you at Bucky, Steve just behind him with a look that’s both impressed and shocked at your reflexes.
“I got this. Go.” You tell the two men even though your eyes are fixated on Bucky. 
“Are you sure?” he asks you with a hint of worry and you grin.
“It’s nothing I can’t handle, Sergeant.” Steve smirks and nods, moving towards the jet again, but Bucky hesitates. You know Wanda won’t be able to keep the path clear forever so you try to reassure him.
“Go, I’ll be fine. Go!” You yell the last word, which seems to snap him out of it and he turns around with a nod, running at full speed towards the Quinjet.
You turn around just in time to see Ayo running towards you, but this time you’re not fast enough and she sends you falling back. You quickly get up and do your best to keep her occupied while the tower that Wanda was keeping up falls to the ground.
Or, more accurately, you're taking her punches while landing little to none yourself.
Ayo gets distracted for a second when she sees Natasha stunning T’Challa and that’s enough to give you the opportunity to take the upper hand and take her down. Unfortunately you don’t notice how close the two of you are to her spear but then again neither does she.
You see Giant Scott get taken down and, while still holding Ayo down as best as you can, you say worriedly through your comm “Scott? Scott, talk to me, are you okay?” There's a pause while you hold your breath and then he says “Does anyone have any orange slices?” And you let out a breathy laugh, both amused and impressed by his resilience.
In the time it took you to check on Scott, Ayo managed to get a hold of her spear, almost driving it through your arm. Thankfully she misses, though it still leaves a pretty deep cut.
Your eyes widen and as you get off of her she wastes no time to go help T’Challa. You lay down on the ground while holding your arm where the cut is and can see the Quinjet taking off so you let out a relieved sigh.
You sit up and, when you see Vision going to Wanda, you smile and get up to gocheck on Scott.
“You alright, big guy?” You ask him as you approach him with a little bit of a limp and he nods chuckling.
“I am. Are you alright? “ He eyes your arm and you nod. “I’m fine.”
Clint approaches you and wraps an arm around you to help you stay up, knowing you’re not gonna ask for help but he can clearly see by your quickly paling face that you need it.
You look towards the Quinjet and your eyes widen when you see Rhodey quickly falling down, Tony and Sam both diving to help him. “Shit…”
You all watch in shock as he hits the ground, Tony lands right beside him and then Sam lands a little further away. You can hear Sam saying “I’m sorry.” right before Tony shoots him and he goes flying backwards. 
“SAM!” You yell and try to start making your way to him even if he’s far, but Clint holds you back with his arm around your waist, Scott’s hand on your uninjured arm.
You hold your breath until you hear the faint “I’m okay” in your ear, followed by Sam’s grunts and you relax, mumbling “Thank fucking god…”
You look around the airport, all the destruction and the people you still love despite it all.
Steve and Bucky made it out of here, so you won. At what cost though?
You can just hope this was all worth it.
Requested taglist: @sapphirebarnes @aki-ham @mary-jinx @abbyyourlocalmilf @selcouthial @esposadomd @americaarse
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unicorncornflakes · 1 year
Dark Desire - Modern AU! | Chapter 9
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Paring: Aemond Targaryen x Niece!Reader
Summary: Aemond doesn't know how he feels every time he sees you. Neither do you when you look at him. Your father Aegon has always been absent from your upbringing ever since he divorced your mother. That role has been filled by Aemond until last summer, when everything changed.
Tags: Alternate Universe – Modern/ Setting Emotional Hurt/ Comfort/ Drama & Romance/ Eventual Smut.
Warnings: This fic includes manipulation, violence, death, and inc3st, at some points. Reader has purple eyes and her mother is from Dayne House, the rest is complete free :D
Tag-List (If you wanna be tagged in thi series or all of my work, let me know): @thedamewithabook @afro-hispwriter @chainsawsangel@thetrueblackheart @atherverybest @itsabby15 @boundlessfantasy @partypoison00 @glame @tempo-rary-fix @tssf-imagines @aaaaaamond @imaloserbby @youngcomputerpuppy @aemondsfavouritebastard @cloudroomblog @queenofshinigamis @bluevxnus @wooya1224 @serving-targaryen-realness @darkenchantress @padfooteyes@mariannnavao @moonlightfoxx @jennifer0305 @ammo23 @iloveallmyboys @tempt-ress @bellameshipper @okfashionista @shelbyteller @dahlias-and-marigolds
Author´s note: Pls, enjoy! Feedback, shares and comments are always welcome!
I want to apologize with this chapter. This week has been a terrible nightmare and I didn't have the time that I normally have. Thanks for all the waiting, I really hope you will like it :D
Word Count: 8K
"Fuck," Cregan moaned through his teeth. All of his fingers had dug into your skin with force, almost cutting off circulation. He held your hips as if his life depended on it. Sweaty and panting, he was right below you. He had indeed reached his climax. He had cumed after a couple of hip movements that you had made a short time after having placed you on top. His eyes were still closed, but he finally opened them a little and gave you a smile. “Fuck… you're too tight for me…” he slurred again and you laughed flirtatiously as he continued to hold on to your hips. You looked at him with half-closed eyes, in a sensual look that promised him much more, and he swallowed to end up resting his head between the cushions of that hotel room. He laughed again. And you laughed with him, but the truth was... it was the third fuck you'd had that afternoon and you still... you hadn't cumed. You had asked for the afternoon at work exclusively for this and, although Aemond had denied it saying that you had many coffees to serve him, Aegon had finally said that you could go, that he would talk to his brother. And so you had packed all your things and headed for the hotel room where Cregan was waiting for you. Everything had flowed well until you found yourself unable to let yourself go. You could only think of Aemond. Would he also covet your hips like that? Would he also end up with a smile on his face, as if it had been the best shag of his life? “I love you…” Cregan whispered, waking you from your musings. He looked at you with sincere eyes and full of joy, waiting for your reaction, while you continued on him. At that moment, you landed on your reality. You were with Cregan and he was confessing in the worst possible way. It wasn't what you needed at the time. It wasn't what you needed at all. His huge hand traveled from your hips to your face and caressed you. That hand was so big that he could encompass it without difficulty. He brought your face closer to his so he could kiss him. And you couldn't anymore. You didn't want him to love you. You just wanted to disconnect from everything. You couldn't answer 'And I love you too', because it was a lie, and you couldn't lie about something like that. You started to feel bad. Right at that moment you separated from him and got up to pretend that you were looking at some message on your mobile phone, which you had left on the nightstand, and Cregan seemed to be turned off by your attitude. You saw him sit on the bed with difficulty while he took off the condom and tied it in silence, almost regretting having confessed like that.
“Would you like to go to dinner? I have the whole afternoon free” you told him going back to bed, pretending you hadn't heard that confession. And he just threw the condom in a bad way into the trash can that was next to one of the nightstands. “Then we could go back and continue…”
"What you want. I'm going to take a shower” you saw him leave angrily and awkwardly, as if he was tired from all the fucking you had that afternoon. You followed him, worried. You didn't want to lose him either. You were being selfish, but you couldn't lose Cregan. He seemed to be the only one who cared about you. You saw him turn on the shower. “(Y/N), I haven't said 'I love you' to you in a way that I don't mean or in response to a good fuck. Really, I…” he started telling you, but you quickly cut him off.
"I don't like being told. That's all" you replied approaching him. "People say ‘I love you’ in a very easy way, but in the end it's not true" you told him seriously, while your arms went around his neck. He kissed you with feeling, your lips came together slowly and were even slower to separate. Your father had ever told you ‘I love you’, few, very few, and fewer were the times that he had shown it to you. Aemond had told you ‘I love you’, on many more occasions, before last summer, but when push came to shove, he hid feeling like a cornered monster. You hated being told that "I love you" thing. It was almost like a way for them to laugh in your face, to try to show something they didn't feel. I love you. I love you. I love you. But in the end there was no one to demonstrate that feeling.
"Really, I do" Cregan replied caressing your cheek with the back of his hand. "And I don't know what kind of shit people you've met, but when I say it, it's because it's true" he replied and kissed you again. As you kissed him, you thought of Aemond. I wish that ‘I love you’ that he had said to you a couple of weeks ago, just before you left with Cregan, had been real. I wish it was. You had only said once in your life to someone ‘I love you’, and that had only been to Aemond.
“It's a pretty good proposition for lining the new models,” Daeron commented, as he looked at the plans on the table. Aegon was also in the same room, although he was only getting up to pour himself another whiskey. Aemond was at the head of the meeting table. However, he had paid little attention to this encounter with Cregan Stark. The northerner had made an appointment with them several weeks ago to sell them his new idea. The one-eyed man had put it off until it had been unavoidable. He had endured stoic absolutely the entire meeting. His head was not there. "What do you think, Aemond?" Daeron asked him, but he only took out a cigarette and put it to his lips. One could feel the tension in that room. He lit his cigarette and took a deep drag. He blew smoke, daring Cregan to go through with his proposal.
"I'm not interested" that was absolutely all he said. He hadn't been paying attention. He hadn't interested her in the least. He wasn't going to do business with that mangy wolf. That was all. He would not lose money. Aemond Targaryen never lost money.
"You haven't thought it through" Cregan stressed, trying to make his former boss think about his proposal. The Worg had left the company shortly after Aemond took over, but whenever he had made proposals as an outside consultant your uncle had accepted them with little reservation. That was before he touched his stuff…before he touched you. You hadn't spent that night in the Targaryen house. You'd just come back that Saturday morning smelling of the same cheap hotel gel Aemond could smell on Cregan's skin.
"Yes, I've thought about it all I had to," he replied, not looking at the incredulous faces on Aegon's and Daeron's. Cregan had always made them money and they didn't understand why he was saying something like that. Aemond took another silent drag, daring Cregan to speak further. He had already settled the matter, but he liked when they crawled in front of him. "I'm not interested"
"I guess we can think about it some more, huh?" suggested Aegon. He said it quite annoyed. The truth is that your father was comfortable in Cregan's presence. The old wolf seemed to make you happy. You spent a lot of time with him…it was the complete opposite of who he was. And he couldn't be more pleased. He didn't want you to end up with someone like himself, unable to take care of you.
"Is this all because I'm sleeping with (Y/N)?" asked Cregan bluntly. The northerner had your uncle as your true father figure. For the person who had cared for and protected you up to that moment. And he could understand why Aemond would worry that his little girl was now with someone so old, even that you were with someone. Cregan felt much the same way about his daughters, but that didn't cloud his judgment. As always, he misinterpreted the feelings that Aemond had towards you, because perhaps his way of interpreting them was the correct one, the natural one...
Aemond's jaw tightened for the first time in that encounter. At last a gesture other than indifference had appeared in that meeting with Cregan. Seeing him like this, a revelation appearance in Daeron´s mind. Indeed, it all had to do with you. The bathroom scene was beginning to make sense. Something had happened between you two, but he wasn't going to investigate it. He would never dare go against his brother. The only thing he was wondering was how it was possible that Aegon was so blind and that Aemond continued to have that attitude towards you.
“I don't know what bothers you about me being with her. I take care of her. I protect her…” he began reasoning “I love her. If her father isn't upset that she and I are together… “Did he love you? Who the hell did Cregan think he was? He didn't want you. He didn't love you half as much as Aemond did. And he did know how to take care of you and protect you. He had been doing it all your life. You were his everything, and now his everything spread her legs almost every night for Cregan…he had been an asshole…those words were stabbings into Aemond's heart…
“You are not together. I don't hear her address you as my boyfriend, or my partner,” Aemond shot back. Cregan was nobody to you in your uncle's way of seeing him.
"Because she doesn't want to, but for practical purposes…" Cregan tried to explain.
"...She sleeps with you because she's bored" Aemond completed the sentence as it suited him, because he knew it was true. Cregan was your nothing. He lifted one corner of his lip in a sneer as he watched Cregan look at him as if he was going to kill him with his stare. “That's all. She feels lonely and bored. She ends up in your bed because she has nothing better to do all day”he sentenced and took another puff, blowing smoke through his nose.
"You don't know her at all" For the first time, the Northerner had darkened his gaze, as if he was trying to glare at Aemond with his eyes. His sincere and cheerful look had become a reflection of the contempt he felt for the one-eyed man.
"The one who doesn't know her is you, Cregan" Aemond replied amused. He was willing to kill Cregan any way he could. “(Y/N) is a Targaryen. She's not going to end up with a Stark, or do you already imagine you taking her to the altar to end up divorced from her? I think your three ex-wives could prove me right…” he finished adding.
"Don't say another word, Targaryen," Cregan threatened, getting up from his chair, as if he had hit him where it hurt the most.
"Why?" Aemond faced. He didn't plan to lose that matchup.
"Aemond" Aegon tried to rebuke him, but his brother just looked at him as if he were a complete stranger, as if he was losing sight of him in this confrontation.
“Do you want your daughter to end up with someone who is the same age as you?” His brother answered with that excuse. Actually, the only thing that mattered to him is that the man you were with wasn't him.
“You don't need to humiliate me, Aemond. You are not interested in the project that I present to you. Good. I don't care about” Cregan replied “I'll sell it to the competition”
“With the simple gesture of making a phone call, I can end your career, Cregan. Don't tell me that you're going to sell it to the competition" Aemond scolded him, as if that wasn't with him, as if he hadn't said or done anything to piss off Cregan... he had threatened him, but Aemond could afford it. He could afford what he wanted.
"As your lawyer and adviser, I recommend that you think coldly" Daeron replied. 'And don't think with the tip of your dick' he wanted to add, but he kept quiet. He almost always remained silent. They saw Cregan storm out of there and Aegon approached his younger brother, hands in pockets and sorry he had to call his attention.
“I understand little, Aemond, but it is a good project. It's best if you say yes at (Y/N)'s birthday party,” Aegon told him, as if he was trying to convince him. And then Aemond looked at him as if he were trying to put him down. "I don't know what happened to you, but..."
"Is he coming to (Y/N)'s birthday party?" he asked annoyed and Aegon looked at him with an incredulous smile at his reaction.
"It's her partner, Aemond, even if you don't want to see it" his older brother replied "(Y / N) asked my permission to him come, and I think that if it makes him happy that's what we have to do.”
Aemond didn't answer, didn't even bother to look at his brother again. You, in his head, were just doing these things to make him jealous. Last year he had taken Alys to your birthday with the desire to distance himself from you. This year you were going to take Cregan to make him jealous. Aemond returned to manifest a feeling that he had not had in years: that of being screwed.
“For the seven. There are men who don't know how to be ashamed” in a scene very similar to the one she had experienced years before, Alicent was with her middle son, watching a happy couple, but she didn't like it. She had the same disapproving look when she looked at Cregan that she had when he looked at your mother at her birthday party twenty years ago.
Aemond, just behind her, sipped his wine in silence, just as he had done so many years ago. They both thought in silence how to solve that situation, but both for very different reasons: Alicent was doing it for your good, for decorum, you... you had to find a good boy your age... Aemond did it because he wanted you, because if someone deserved to be sitting next to you while one of his hands caressed your knee and his other arm wrapped around your shoulders, it was him, he was the one who deserved such a reward... not the mangy Cregan, as he was just now. He laughed like an asshole at some bad joke Jace made and you returned his caresses by intertwining his fingers with yours.
They were all around the garden table, where they had dined together to celebrate your birthday, but Alicent and Aemond had been the first to get up, while the others were still there, celebrating, drinking and laughing...
"This can't end well" Alicent said as she watched as Cregan kissed you on the neck and you laughed in front of everyone. “The faith of the seven teaches us…” Alicent continued to speak, but Aemond only watched her in silence. You were wearing the black dress he had bought you, your lips were painted his red lipstick, you almost looked like you were made for Aemond that day, and yet you were going to end up in the bed of Cregan's cheap hotel room… He had taken Alys the year before, you this one to Cregan. You were hitting him where it hurt the most and he didn't know what to do to get you back again...
You ended up opening presents, like every birthday. The gifts at your father's house had always been better than those at your mother's. They had always tried to make up for the absence of the year with lavish and enormous gifts, which had made you excited as a child, but which over time had only seemed ridiculous to you. Your Uncle Daeron had given you a new cell phone. Helaena and Jace some very expensive headphones that you were going to return along with your mobile phone and buy yourself a graphics tablet to draw... your grandmother had followed her line and bought you a discreet sweater so you wouldn't be cold in winter. You smiled at her and thanked her, it was almost the best gift of all… until Cregan arrived. He had given you a rather modest box of charcoals that he told you could use at Sunspear School of the Arts, and you thought you would burst into tears of happiness. You felt for a single moment that Cregan was the one…he was too sweet and chivalrous. However, all that happiness and stupid smile wiped from your face when you opened your father's gift.
“Come on, open it, open it. I think you'll love it.” Aegon smiled as he handed you a huge box. Coming from your father and knowing how little he knew you, you expected anything. You opened the wrapping paper and took the lid off the box. "And good? Do you like it?" Your father asked nervously, scratching the back of his neck almost anxious to please you, and you just looked away as you closed the box again, almost with tears in your eyes. Aemond raised an eyebrow, sitting across from you, and Cregan knew nothing of what was happening to you.
"Alright. Thank you, dad” was all you said, but seeing the same bandolier bag that Aemond had given you a couple of years ago with only the heraldry of your mother's house, it broke your heart. You always said that you would change your last name that year, but it was one thing to say it and... quite another to see how your father gave you something like that with only the coat of arms of your mother's house. It was almost like an invitation for him not to feel like one of his family. He had excluded you without realizing it. You closed the box and put it to the side of the lawn chair where you were sitting.
"It's that I saw that you had the other one, very old and destroyed and you had removed our shield... so I thought that with everything you liked and used it, you needed a newer and better one" your father tried to explain to you happily and you just looked towards other side. With that stupid gesture that Aegon thought he had made to make you happy, he had only made you sadder by emphasizing an obvious fact: you weren't a Targaryen, not even in his eyes, and you never would be. "(Y/N), are you alright?" he asked you and Aemond rolled his eye in annoyance before you could even speak.
"Why the hell haven't you put the heraldry of our family?" he asked his older brother rather peevishly.
"Aemond, don't start, please," Helaena tried to say, as she rocked one of her children in her arms. They all looked like they were going to accuse him of the same thing. His obsession with her last name and his house.
"I have asked you a question, Aegon," Aemond replied. He was dying to give you the little box of that expensive jewelry. Inside was his gift, a symbol of love from him to you. You heard them start arguing, but you couldn't stop thinking about how your father had excluded you with such a foolish gesture like that. The rebellion you had in mind was one thing, another for your father to reaffirm an idea that you tried to maintain as crazy. However, at that moment, Cregan's phone rang, and from that moment on, while everyone was arguing, your life changed forever.
“I'll take the first flight. I won't be long in coming. Tell him I'll be there as soon as possible” you heard Cregan speaking on the phone. He had gone into your room looking for privacy. You entered silently and closed the door behind you, not wanting to disturb him. He looked at you at that moment and you knew something wasn't right “Yes. I will be there as soon as possible. Goodbye” he repeated again and hung up. His phone quickly ended up in his pants pocket.
"All good?" you asked coming closer and Cregan just sighed before speaking and pinching the point of his nose between his thumb and forefinger. He seemed suddenly tired, as if he was overwhelmed by this situation. Actually, he would never have confessed to you, but he always felt that he had spent too much time in King's Landing, playing lovelorn children with you. He had a family and a responsibility, and that call had brought him back to his reality, in which you were barely a part.
"No. Not really” he sighed and moved closer to you, wrapping his arms around your hips, pulling you in like that, as if he knew that this was going to be the last hug he gave you. "My eldest son, Rickon, fell off the stupid motorcycle that he insisted that we give him for his last birthday, so he broke his leg" he explained quite tired. At that moment, he saw a side of Cregan that you had never seen before, that of being a father, and you were more aware than ever of the age difference that separated you.
"I'm so sorry" you answered, while your hands began to caress his chest. You wanted to comfort him. It really was what you wanted seeing him really so tired.
"Thank you" he whispered defeated and exhausted. “I have… I have to go see him, (Y/N). I have to be with him."
“I understand and it's the best you can do” you told him, sounding sincere, and he really thanked you. He always would. He thought you were quite generous, but it was largely because you wished your father had done the same for you.
"I'm going to take the first flight to Winterfell... I´m sorry" he apologized, because he knew he was leaving you there alone, on the day of your birthday celebration with your paternal family. Alone and surrounded by dragons, each one more indifferent towards you.
"I could come with you" you told him automatically. You didn't want to stay there without Cregan's company, it could be that you weren't in love with him, but you needed him. He seemed to be the only one who cared about you. You could accompany him to his home, be with him and support him while his son recovered... you could go far away from everything that bound you to King's Landing. You were sure that if you walked away from Aemond, things with Cregan would flow even better. The prospect did not excite you, but it did give you hope that you would feel better.
“(Y/N)…” Cregan walked up to you and kissed your forehead, almost in a goodbye gesture. His hands grabbed your face and he gave you a sad but sincere smile. "I will be back. I promise you and things will go back to the way they are now... but... you're not ready to come with me" she tried to explain to you "Rickon is 19 years old... and I don't think he could accept me being with a girl his age" he swallowed, but finished smiling at you "I have to protect you from that" he tried to explain, while in his head he was trying to find a correct way to present his children as his... Well, Cregan didn't know how to define you. You had never put a label on what you had and he didn't think you were going to put it on now. You were nothing, and if you now proposed to accompany him, it was a good sign to Cregan that things were beginning to work out. However, for Cregan, unlike for your father, his children were his priority.
"I can protect myself from that, myself" you replied. It wouldn't take long for you to pack your suitcase, to follow him, to accompany him. You would help him with whatever was needed. However, Cregan knew that this was neither your place nor your responsibility, at least for the moment. He wasn't going to be so selfish as to drag you North with him and then keep you hidden from the rest of his family. It wasn't fair to you, and it wasn't fair to him.
"I promise you. I'll come back as soon as Rickon gets better” he told you, ending the conversation, kissing you sweetly on the lips. "I love you" he answered you at the end of the kiss, and you didn't answer. Because you weren't in love with him, because at that moment you were hurt, because at that moment… the only hope you had in King's Landing was running away from there.
You sat at the window of your room. All alone again and abandoned, you clutched your knees. Your head rested on them and, through the window, you watched in silence as Cregan got into the taxi that he had ordered a few minutes ago. You understood why he wanted to go alone, but... as always you were the one who suffered the consequences. You weren't in love with him, but you were trying. He was a good man, you have taken care of yourself and protected yourself all this time. He had offered you everything you had asked for. Perhaps, he didn't even want you to go with him as a measure to protect you from something you weren't prepared for... At least, he cared about his children... and that made you jealous when you compared him to your father. When had Aegon caught an emergency flight to see you? Whatever the situation? Never. That was all you could think of. Cregan had told you that everything would be the same when he returned, but even he didn't know when he would return, and you also understood that you were the last of his worries. You were nothing to anyone. You felt the tears come to your eyes and you buried your head between your legs in a terrible anxiety attack. You couldn't breathe and your throat ached from it. You thought that when you were there you only had a sore throat from crying. Never for laughing. You missed him. You missed that pain that caused you to laugh until you ran out of breath... you kept crying trying to silence your crying.
You felt how you grabbed your hair, how your hands were lost among the roots and you screamed in a devastating scream that must have been heard throughout the house. You didn't want to be there. You didn't want to continue carrying your father's last name... he had excluded you with that stupid gesture of the bandolier, but you couldn't take it anymore... you needed to escape from there... and yet, at that moment you couldn't think of anything else that you wanted to disappear from there… you were just alone… your heart raced, you felt palpitations, you thought you were going to die, and you felt another involuntary tug of your hands on your scalp… you were having an anxiety attack… you hit your back against the wall and all your body slipped, you fell to the ground and continued crying. There seemed to be no salvation for you anymore, what was it that you had done wrong to get to that situation?
You heard your father scream your name and then arms grabbed you as you continued to cry. You were no longer there. That anxiety crisis had left an empty shell... you heard voices... you heard how your father and Aemond argued... but you didn't understand a single word... you weren't there anymore... your chest and throat hurt. You couldn't breathe anymore...
"I just went up to her room and found her like this, I didn't want to..." Aegon followed Aemond as he carried you into his arms, ready to take you wherever you were need. He only cared about you. That was all that mattered to him. This was all his fault, or at least in part, but he would never accept it. Your grandmother followed close behind.
"I already knew that all this nonsense with that Stark was going to cause us problems" Alicent commented while Aemond ignored them all, carrying you easily towards his car. "I told you to control her, Aegon, that this was not going to end well..." his mother told him.
“I… this summer… I tried to do my best…” your father tried to explain, following his brother. At that moment, Aemond stopped. His shoulders tensed and he turned, still holding you, so he could look at his brother.
"Well, do us a favor and go back with your whores, or snort cocaine, or get drunk... we've done better in previous summers without you..." he snapped coldly, and Aegon froze, as if he didn't know what to answer. He felt his face turn pale. Aemond was right... you were better off without him... your father only knew how to be wrong...
Daeron and Helaena looked at Aemond as he walked out the door of the family home, ready to take you to the hospital, wherever it was needed to make you feel better. They knew the truth. Aemond had not only been cruel with those words towards your father, but he was also being selfish towards you. Now he wanted to seem like the hero of that whole story, when in reality he was just another of the culprits.
Aemond ended up driving in his car at top speed. He carried you in the passenger seat while you continued crying, almost out of breath, choking on your own tears. You were alone and he wanted to hug you. Whisper to you that everything would be fine, but he needed to take you to the hospital. You weren't okay. He was terrified that you would never be again. It reminded him of the anxiety attacks he had when he was young when he looked in the mirror after losing his eye... he only felt guilty, and his money paid the best specialists in those emergencies where he took you, in that very expensive hospital... his money was only used to pay for the attempts to mend all the damage he had done to you... he almost couldn't breathe now it was him... he felt a pressure in his chest. He couldn't think. The only thing that reigned in his mind was the fear of losing you... the fear of not having you... the doctors told him that you needed to rest and that they had given you some painkillers. Aemond almost felt cheated, was that all? Yes, he really was. For the doctors it was something that would have to be monitored, but it was nothing alarming... Aemond was destroying your life... your father was destroying your life... the Targaryens did it because they had impunity for it... and Aemond felt cheated, because nobody It seemed to slow down the monster inside him, almost seemed to encourage it... and he hated himself for all that he had made you suffer...
“I don't want to go home,” you whispered as Aemond drove in silence. He didn't even dare look at you. He just swallowed. He felt guilty. If you had reached that situation it was because of him.
"Where do you want to go?" he asked you frankly, honestly, with…concern. You had ended up in the psychiatric emergency room of the most expensive hospital in the city. The money that Aemond had worked so hard to get was now only serving to keep you in a sleepy but calm state. Aemond didn't know what the doctors had made you take, but they had made you calmer and more manageable. Tomorrow would be the hard day. He didn't want to face tomorrow. That anxiety attack you had suffered was proof that he did not want to lose you, that he could not lose you.
"I don't know, but don't take me home" you repeated, on the verge of tears. Your hands found hers as he kept her on the gear stick. That touch sent a pleasant shiver down his spine. Actually, Aemond didn't need to talk about anything right now. He couldn't stop thinking about you. He was really anxious. He frowned, the scar aching. That only happened when he was stressed or really worried. Pain throbbed in his eye socket. He needed to get home, remove the patch and put on ice, drink something, or just stop thinking for a moment. Nevertheless. The first thing at that moment was you. So he stopped driving in the direction of the family home. He knew where he was going to take you.
You two ran across the lawn so as not to get wet. The sprinklers were on that night, and Aemond was leading you through the dark. He tried to run so as not to get wet, but it was impossible. He heard you laugh and his heart sped up. Your laugh sounded every time a sprinkler hit you. He ended up taking you in his arms and your arms went around his neck, while your face was cradled in his chest. You heard his heartbeat accelerated by your closeness, by your proximity, and you laughed sweetly. That was the place where you should be. This was definitely the place where you belonged. You breathed hard, filling your lungs with his scent. You did not know what they had given you at the hospital but you began to feel better, with a warm feeling in which the rest seemed not to matter.
He left you once you reached a bank and there he took off his huge jacket and put it around your shoulders and you hugged yourself half drugged to the warm sensation it produced. You liked it because it just smelled like him, because it belonged to him. He smiled when he saw you smile under his coat and stroked your chin, only to end up sitting next to you and lighting a cigarette with that characteristic click that Zippos have when opened. He took a drag and blew the smoke rapidly out of his mouth, in a rather nervous state for his liking. “I'd need  smoke something much louder,” he commented with a half smile, and you resisted slightly, largely relieved that you weren't home. You looked around, quite disoriented, but finally recognized him. It was the park where he had taken you when you were his little dragon, when you were just a little girl who adored his uncle. All that adoration had now turned into an irrepressible desire that drove both of you upside down, that made you lose yourself on the fine line between moral and immoral, but then, in that park, you were just two lost people, but who they loved each other deeply. Each one in their own peculiar way, but love nonetheless.
“Do you remember that day I told you I wanted to break the world record for going high on that swing?” you told him pointing to one of the few swings that were in that park. You could tell that it was an elegant place, not very suitable for children, but that even so it had covered the needs that you had as a child in that regard. He looked at you with a half smile and then looked straight ahead, while you continued to stare at him, completely entranced.
"How could I forget it? I told you that we had fulfilled it when I went too far from pushing you and you fell. I remember telling you about it while he was tending your scraped knees. They had just called us to congratulate us" he laughed amused, remembering how happy he had been with you when you  were a child, and that made him feel worse, how had he gotten to a situation like the one you were in? How had that been possible?
“I miss that time. You loved me ”you sighed resting your head on his shoulder, and Aemond sighed tiredly. He took another drag on his cigarette. You knew that he only smoked when he was feeling anxious, which led you to wonder if there was any time in those days when he was relaxed. This wasn't doing him any good, but he needed to talk to you, he needed to.
“I've always loved you unconditionally, (Y/N)” he breathed heavily after saying it, closing her eyes “And I need you…” he confessed “I need you the way you want… because I really want it equally …” he swallowed and you turned your sleepy head so you could look into his eyes. Your eyes met. Yours was of disbelief, his of acceptance. He couldn't lose you. He could never do it. His hand moved slowly to cup your face. Once he reached your face he drew you in a quick movement towards him and his lips met yours in an eager kiss. You didn't close your eyes. You couldn't believe what was happening after such a long day. You only contemplated him while he gave you a silent kiss. So, you finally closed your eyes and let yourself be carried away by that endless kiss. That was for you to be home at last. Finally.
Aemond poured himself a whiskey in silence. He'd only had to make one phone call and the Hightowers' luxury hotel had the principal suite available for him and his date. No one had asked questions. No one had talked about how he would be billed for that night and that act. He had just arrived driving his Ferrari, he had left it at the door and you had gone up in the private elevator of the hotel. No one had seen you enter. No one knew who the Targaryen Industries CEO's girl was that night, but no one asked questions, it was better that way. The illuminated city greeted you that full moon night. The dim light of the moon entered through the window and illuminated the enormous room. Aemond stood with his glass in front of the bed.
You sat on the bed and looked at him. Your eyes were still sad. You must have looked terrible. That wrinkled short black dress, your disheveled hair, bare feet, and mascara smeared all over your cheeks… Yet to Aemond there was no more beautiful sight. You were completely broken, but so in need of him that he could die of happiness. That was how he liked you. He needed you to need him. He wanted you to love him. He loved that you loved him. However, his face didn't seem to harbor any emotion… he took a sip from his glass of whiskey while he watched you. His free hand in his pants pocket. He wasn't going to let you see the terrible erection that pressed against the fabric in an almost annoying way. You looked at him and tried to smile. You were sad, lost, upset... but, you had him. Sitting on the edge of the bed, you uncrossed your legs, inviting him to come with you at once. You saw how his imperturbable face paled when he saw you slowly unfold your legs. You opened them laughing in a sweet but flirtatious way, almost like a whore who knew what Aemond wanted. All your pussy soaked just for him. Your uncle took another sip, though he only licked his lips. He had before him something that he wanted much more than that glass. You smiled biting his lower lip when you saw him moisten his lips without losing sight of what he really wanted...
He finished his drink in one gulp and set the glass down on the table where he had picked it up. "Take off your panties" he ordered, still not approaching you. He watched how you obeyed him with a feigned innocence, you slowly passed the wet cloth over your legs, letting them fall to the ground due to all the weight produced by the accumulated humidity that was now in it. You saw him smile pleased. "Good girl" he whispered to you as he moved closer to you. He caressed your lower lip and you looked at him with bright eyes as he continued to stand in front of you. Aemond grabbed your head, tugging at your hair with a smirk. You felt your whole body arouse with sheer anticipation, but you did nothing more than look at him with a smile on your lips. Your uncle pulled your hair again, as if he expected you to unbutton his pants, and you smiled at him proudly and pretty. You weren't going to kneel before him. You didn't mean to, not for a single moment. "I want you to suck me off" was all he whispered to you with a smile on his lips, and he pulled my hair once more, as if you hadn't known about his wishes from the beginning. Of course you knew what he wanted, you weren't stupid. You have never been stupid.
"What a pity! I don't feel like it today" you told him in a sensual and childish tone to which he only knew how to respond like a predator and squeeze your hair even more. You saw him clench his jaw in response as he breathed heavily. You saw how that lump rose before your refusal. It turned him on when you contradicted him, as if it were something to break or break. Aemond had to have everything under control. He had always been like that. "Get down on your knees" you told him daring and excited and he looked at you as if he didn't believe what he just heard... you saw him debate whether he should do it or not, but in the end he did it. His knees dropped with all his weight against the ground. Aemond was at your mercy... you laughed as you felt how his hands now coveted your hips. Without a word, one of your hands rested on your uncle's head while you slipped into bed, giving way to what now you wanted... his eye did not leave yours. Parted lips. Fascination on his face. You felt his hands moving up your dress to your hips. His breath against that soaked area made you emit a small moan... you removed the patch and the bluish prosthesis greeted you... you returned to caress his head with only your fingertips and he smiled delightedly...
Your uncle brought his face closer to your pussy and you smiled at him again. Aemond never ate anyone's cunt in those days. Perhaps when he was younger he had been quite good at it, but now he didn't do it to anyone. That would have been lowering himself, but with you he could do it, because you were special enough or he was crazy for you enough to do it. You were a Targaryen, just like him and that made him cross limits that he hadn't crossed for a long time. He kissed the inner side of your thighs, while his hands gripped your hips. His grip was strong, almost as if he thought you could escape at any moment, as if he really needed your body. Aemond didn't think he'd ever lost his head for anyone so much in his entire life. His lips kissed the soft skin of the inner face of your thighs again. He looked at you waiting for an answer and saw you with your back arched, a small moan escaped your lips, almost as if that brief contact of his lips with your skin was enough for you to reach the climax. He smiled to himself as he thought in wonder at the power he had over you. That was how he liked it. You might think you were the one in control, but you weren't. Aemond was always the one who held him like an iron leash, held tightly between his two hands. He kissed you again on the inside of your thighs and then again, and again... he played at making you want him, asking him to eat you. You had told him to kneel and he had but only to get to this moment. He kissed you again on Mount Venus, but his lips avoided contact with the area where you really wanted them. He saw you laugh. He liked the sound of your laughter, but he also saw how your eyes full of passion asked him to continue.
"Tell me what you want" he whispered to you, playing with you. His violet eye fixed on you. He stuck out his tongue ready to lick, but just as you brought your hips towards the target and he continued on the trajectory, he backed away with a mischievous grin.
"Aemond" you moaned at him, halfway between anger and excitement. Still smiling.
"You haven't told me what you want yet," he replied, rubbing his face on the inside of your thigh, his gaze still on you.
"Are you going to make me beg?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. Your index finger stroked his chin and he smiled, almost victorious.
"It wouldn't be bad" he answered you while you felt how one of his hands released the grip of your hips. He put one of your legs over one of his shoulders to get better access to your cunt. One of his fingers slowly caressed the crack of your pussy and a shiver of pleasure ran through his body. All your skin stood up.
"Aemond" you moaned again, closing your eyes. He turned to smile and then his entire tongue ran up and down your pussy, savoring all the slippery juices that had gathered from that foreplay. Your eyes narrowed and your lips parted, emitting moans that guided Aemond in what you like or not. His lips and his tongue seemed made to eat that part of your body. One of the times when he stopped while you writhed, you saw how his entire chin lit up from the moisture that had adhered there. All coming from your body. But he wouldn't let go, you writhed but he seemed extremely hungry, enough to not take a breath. His lips surrounded your clitoris and he sucked, at that moment you felt even more pleasurable pressure build up in your stomach. One of his fingers entered you while he kissed, licked and sucked on your clit. "More" you asked him in a moan and he put another finger inside you, pressing that indicated and spongy place inside you. You almost thought you were dying while he looked at you arrogantly, satisfied with all he could do. You writhed with pleasure thanks to him. There came a point where you couldn't and you cumed all over his face while he continued to lick it almost clean and you lay back trying to catch your breath. That was how it had to be, you were finally together as you should be. Aemond then simply dropped his pants while you were a drenched mess in that black dress where your aroused nipples could be seen through the fabric. You trembled with pleasure, but you needed more, you both needed more. Your uncle positioned himself between your legs and gave himself a couple of quick pumps with his hand. The red tip greeted you, pre-cum dripping, in agonizing anticipation. He moved over you, resting his hands on the mattress, and then he kissed you. You could taste your flavor on his tongue.
Aemond entered you. His cock surrounded by the warmth of your pussy. Tight and soaked. His eyes closed and his teeth clenched in a muffled moan. He believed that he would cum soon. Your legs encircled his hips. Your eyes met and you laughed as he started to ram you into the mattress. Slow but strong. This was for Aemond to be home at last. Finally.
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piracytheorist · 10 months
Episode 33 reaction!
*incoherent screaming*
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Yor talks about how they'll just put them in that inflatable boat and then go to the other ship, but would that really work with the amount of assassins on board? All they'd need to do would be fire with a sniper while the trio were boarding.
Anyway. Caught by the smell, after all. And indeed Yor doesn't seem to have a scent that super-smeller Turtleneck Guy can pick up. Interesting!
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I love how Anya didn't even have to negotiate this. She wasn't even direct about it.
Also, it looks like Anya got a little more comfortable hearing a myriad of passionate thoughts around her? Like, remember episode three, where she passed out from the amount of thoughts around her. Here she didn't seem bothered at all and thought she could "look around" for Yor's thoughts. Is that a sign that she's getting stronger and gaining more control of her power?
I love how Yor saw the two guys standing by the hallway and went like "These are probably assassins" and they were indeed assassins.
Okay. This spread is hilarious, with all the different expressions side by side, and I'm glad I had the manga in a physical copy and could see it in all its glory XD
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It was so sweet, how Olka tried to calm down Gram 🥺 the voice actress did such a great work there!
They actually fit three full chapters and one short chapter in one episode, and it still didn't feel rushed, what the hell! Like they took their time showing everything. This is amazing.
I love how Gram got excited over jumping around in Yor's arms XD
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The sniper got an order to kill the baby too, if possible! The fuck!
Setting a fight between assassins - which includes a lot of shooting - amidst a firework show is brilliant. The plain guests had no idea what was happening just a few meters away from them.
The difference between their reactions at the other dodging was hilarious. The sniper went like "She dodged that???!?!" and Yor was like "Aw shucks, he dodged it."
Then. Yor. Fucking. DESTROYED. A DAGGER WITH HER BARE FINGERNAILS. What the actual fuck! (I accidentally typo-ed "bear fingernails" there but was it actually incorrect? This woman is a beast!)
And Gram is still having fun! Fireworks? Time to cry. People trying to kill them? Laughing his heart out :D
My god! The assassins coming out, and Yor doing her tricks with her stilettos before preparing her stance? The animators really understand the assignment!
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Some good quick action there, McMahon coming to their help and I THINK I MIGHT HAVE SCREAMED WHEN ZEB GOT HIT.
Like they were actually falling and I was like. Please tell me he wore a bulletproof vest. Please tell me he won't die. PLEASE DON'T DIE ;_;
So yeah. I was so relieved to see he had a vest. And it's also funny that they took a humorous tone with that. A bit of an emotional whiplash was expected there XD
There's so much good animation there I can't even begin to comment on it. I'll have to gif a lot tomorrow :D Probably :D
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McMahon cleaning up! Both preparing to fuck shit up!
I love how Yor apologized for using a guy's dead body as a shield from bullets. Kindness over all!
And then Loid wondering why Anya is still so excited after a long show of fireworks. He would lose his mind as a modern parent whose child could listen to Baby Shark a million times in a row.
A literal bloodshow ensues! Yor killing guy after guy and McMahon cleaning up after her!
Meanwhile, Anya and Loid enjoy the fireworks, and the office dudes win a fortune. Wins all around!
Though shit! The mace guy broke one of Yor's stilettos! Sacrilege!
They didn't pull back. With the soft song accompanying the action, we then get a hilarious (!!) montage of Yor taking out the assassins one by one and HOW DO THEY DO THAT. How is the humor in this show so effective I DO NOT UNDERSTAND. Like, Endo's writing is funny in and of itself, but then the anime manages to pick up from that and use make it over the top! I love it.
Turtleneck guy thinks he's in the position to judge Yor??? Shut up my dude.
So McMahon is a pretty traditional dude, huh. Interesting. And did Turtleneck Guy really go like, "No, YOU will be eaten by sharks!" Like was that the best you could do XD
But then! Things get deeply serious! McMahon isn't dead, is he? O_O (don't answer)
Oh my god there's so much more I can barely comment! The katana guy being over the top! Yor worrying over breaking Loid and Anya's hearts! BECAUSE SHE'LL DIE. The haircut moment XD
But then Yor had her moment of wondering and then got her ass kicked and shit.
It is not clear in the anime, but it looks like in the manga Yor ripped the earring off her earlobe to stop Turtleneck Guy from moving on.
It's kind of tragic, how the Briar siblings ended up. Yor got into a dangerous, soul-eating job to protect Yuri's carefree life, and Yuri, seeing the sacrifices she made for him, did the same for her. They're so desperate to protect each other from the evils of the world, because they're all they have...
But now she's got even more of a motive...
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So what if I cry? What if I dissolve into a puddle of tears and feels? So what? T_T
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One last moment of logic that yes, she did rip her earlobe.
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And now I continue screaming. Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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maislovebot · 1 year
Top 10 bsd characters oral scenarios: Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Hello! Here’s the Ryu chapter! I did everything yesterday but I guess I forgot to hit publish or something?? Sorry about that, as an apology I’ll be posting the Chuuya chapter today as well:)
Contains: afab reader, no pronouns, face-sitting, overstim, kinda ooc, nipple play I think, orgasm delay, teasing, kinda angsty but like what do you expect it’s Aku, Rashoumon but like sexually, she’s used as light bondage
Check the original post out on ao3! (same user)
“ Can you come home? I want you. ”
You were enjoying your day in some mall, spoiling yourself just a little. Of course, it would’ve been nice to invite your lovely boyfriend, Akutagawa, but he was busy with something involving the Port Mafia, he didn’t go into detail. He probably felt like saving you from the gory details. He was even kind enough to supply you with a fair amount of money, silently sliding it into your hand when you were about to leave. It’s crazy how much money he makes because of his jobs at the Port Mafia, and he’s only a part of the command unit.
Your day at the mall was cut short when you received a call from the one and only Akutagawa, and you assumed it had something to do with the money he gave you until you picked up the phone.
“Huh? I thought you had a job today.”
“I finished it early. I need you right now.”
You stood for a few seconds, confused and now slightly turned on. Understanding all too well what he wanted, you complied with his wishes.
“Alright, I’ll be there in about an hour, I have to check out at the store I’m at, and the drive is 45 minutes.”
Silence stood on the other line, then a short “hurry.” Was said before Akutagawa hung up abruptly.
Now that whatever Akutagawa was planning was on the schedule for tonight, you wanted to get home as soon as you could, bouncing your leg in line, waiting.
‘ Finally, that line was so long. ’
You fiddled with your keys, trying to get inside of your car, the desperate way you searched through your keys and wallet making it harder for you to actually get into the car.
‘ God, finally. ’ Once you made it into your car, you shifted uncomfortably in your seat.
‘ Damn it Ryuu, why’d you have to be so demanding when I’m so far away? ’ you kept thinking about whatever it was he wanted to do, and it made you more and more needy, picturing whatever it was he wanted you to do to you.
With you taking a considerable amount of shortcuts and speeding a bit more than what was ethical, you made it back in record time. Only 45 minutes.
Fiddling with your keys yet again, you were cut off by Akutagawa opening the door for you and pulling you inside hastily.
“Took you long enough.” Akutagawa commented, noticing how you were lightly rubbing your thighs together. You wanted to give some snarky response, but you were cut off by Akutagawa grabbing your hair and leaning into you, kissing you rather roughly.
You were embarrassed because you hadn’t even gotten a chance to shut the door yet, and you pushed it shut with your foot.
You pulled back, already desperate for air from how vigorous Akutagawa was with his kissing. You pulling away didn’t deter Akutagawa for even a second, and he instead brought his lips down to your neck and began kissing and licking at it intently.
“Aa—Ryuu—what’s gotten into y—ah!” You were cut off by him licking at your sensitive spot, and him lightly groping you. Noticing your reaction, he paused and asked if you were alright.
“Is this not okay?”
“No—it’s fine, it’s just.. this is different. You never act like this.”
“I finished work early so I wanted to spend some time with you.”
You have a puzzled look, then a small moan from Akutagawa reuniting his lips with your neck, slowly trailing down to the tops of your breasts, while bringing his right hand down to grasp your bottoms and underwear at the same time, pulling them down just enough for you to be on full display, this made the blood rush to your cheeks while you questioned him.
“And you being done with work early caused this? I mean, I’m not complaining but it’s different.”
He gave a sigh “can we talk about this later? I just want you right now. We can talk about work after.”
You looked at him and nodded. “Alright, but let’s at least get up the stairs before we go any farther.”
Akutagawa nodded, and pulled you up the stairs by your wrist and then walked to the closest room with a soft surface that he could lay on, which happened to be your front room.
He laid down on your couch, luckily it was fairly large, it could fit the both of you.
“Could you sit on my face?”
Your eyes widened, and Akutagawa rephrased his question.
“Would you be fine with sitting on my face?”
You laughed a little, and Akutagawa looked at you rather blankly.
“Well that was blunt.”
“I’m blunt.”
You nodded, “that you are.”
Akutagawa looked at you expectantly, awaiting your answer. “Well?”
You said nothing, and instead pulled your bottoms down, completely stepping out of them. You smiled then straddled his hips and leaned down, quickly giving a small and quick kiss to his neck, not wanting to make him wait much longer, he was clearly a little desperate after all.
“Of course I will.” You spoke into his collar bones. You moved yourself upwards until you hovered just too high for his mouth to reach. Akutagawa didn’t sit and wait, and instead pulled your hips down till your heat was touching the outside of his lips.
Akutagawa opened his mouth and darted his tongue out straight to your clit, licking a circle on it.
You gave a barely audible groan, and immediately ground your hips down onto his tongue, increasing the amount of friction on your clit, causing you to repeat the process over and over again. Akutagawa gave a cute small moan under you due to the slightly suffocating feeling that arose from you grinding yourself onto him. How was he already driving you crazy from just one small lick? I guess you had been waiting for this for almost an hour, and he went straight to your clit with no precautions. Akutagawa kept licking at your clit before eventually beginning to suck on it. As of right now, Akutagawa was gripping the couch harshly, although it was fruitless due to the fact there weren’t really any blankets to grip onto.
You being so desperate for release in the car made your orgasm arrive pretty quick, and you wanted to try and warn Akutagawa.
“I’m clo—se..!” With this warning, Akutagawa paused the movement of his tongue, and sat there silently.
“What? Why’d you stop??” You whined, trying to grind down on Akutagawa, but he grabbed your hips and pulled you down onto his upper chest.
“Beg for it.” He said, staring straight into your eyes. You sat there silently, not really wanting to get rid of your dignity so easily.
“Come on. I know you can do it.” Akutagawa repeated his command yet again with a straight face, although it was a little difficult to take him seriously with the bottom half of his face being covered in your precum. Akutagawa noticed this, and wiped it off, closing his eyes and covering his face in the process, clearly a little embarrassed. While his mouth was covered, he coughed once or twice before asking again, now having a dry face.
“Just ask me and I promise I’ll keep going.”
Feeling your orgasm just sitting there in your stomach, not going anywhere, you grew desperate and whined quietly before giving into his requests.
“Please, let me cum. Please.” Your begging almost came out as a whisper, and Akutagawa was clearly not satisfied.
“You can do better than that.”
You looked away from him, considering just doing what he wanted. You were still stuck in place, considering how Akutagawa’s patience was running rather thin, he moved his hands up to grip on your thighs tightly, his nails digging into your skin just a little.
What finally got you to give in was when he quickly moved you back up to the top of his face and kissed your clit, your sensitivity running wild, even the slightest bit of stimulation made you jerk your hips down into him, and beg like he wanted without even realizing it.
“Please! I-I wanna cum so bad, I wanna cum all over your face! Please, please..” you begged, feeling yourself beginning to tear up from the overwhelming need to cum, barely even acknowledging how lewd your statement was.
Akutagawa noticed this, and took your begging into account, deciding that he was now satisfied. Without another word, he moved his tongue between your folds, and sucked at your clit, still holding your thighs tightly.
“God, I’m—” you couldn’t even finish your sentence before you came, expecting to be able to calm down, you were shocked when he kept going, continuing to suck on your clit with absolutely zero shame.
“Ahnn.. why’re you still g-going?” You pleaded, and Akutagawa gave a muffled moan yet again, not responding to your question. The overstimulation was pleasurable right now, but at the rate Akutagawa was going, you were sure it would start to hurt at least a little bit very soon. What changed however, was Akutagawa’s grip on your left thigh was completely removed when he brought his index and middle finger to your hole and spread your precum quickly and slid inside of you. He rested his fingers inside allowing you to get used to the feeling, contrary to his lips that kept working on your clit. Already knowing what he was waiting for, you nodded your head letting him know he was fine to move if he so pleased. When he thrusted his fingers slowly, he sped up his work with his mouth, the contrasting feeling driving you to your next orgasm.
It was far too much, and you tried to pull yourself off of Akutagawa, but he quickly grabbed your thighs, removing his left hand from your hole in the process. Muffled under you, you heard him ask, “just a little more? Can’t you last a little longer?”
“Yes, I’ll try.” You said, grinding down onto his face slightly.
“Perfect. Just tell me to stop if it gets too much.”
Without another word, Akutagawa brought his tongue up to your hole, and grabbed the innermost part of your thigh to pull you down as far as he could, and slowly thrusted his tongue inside of you. Your eyes shot open much wider than before and you grabbed the top of the couch tightly, trying to ground yourself. Encouraged by this response, Akutagawa sped up the movements of his tongue. The feeling of your walls surrounding the small amount of his tongue he could bring inside of you made him buck into the air just a little, and he brought his left hand down to his hard on, gently palming himself. He felt a little ashamed of what he was doing, but he was desperate at this point. In order to make up for his dominant hand no longer holding you down, he lifted his head up so he could thrust his tongue impossibly deeper into your hole. You simultaneously ground your hips down onto his mouth, only increasing the intensity of his actions.
You could feel the familiar feeling of release yet again, and you warned Akutagawa.
“Please.. I’m close. Make me cum, please! Don’t—don’t stop!” Akutagawa nodded as much as he could under you, and you sighed with relief. What caught you off guard, however, was Akutagawa urgently pulling you off of him and resting you on his chest. You wanted to whine because he pulled you off after he promised , but you were met with a fit of coughs from Akutagawa, and you frowned slightly.
“Ugh—I apologize. I know you were close.”
“It’s fine. You’re clearly worn out, let’s just lay down for now.”
Akutagawa shook his head, and pulled himself up so he could lean against the back of the couch, and beckoned you to sit on top of him. Hesitantly, you complied, not wanting to take too much out of him.
“I’m gonna make you cum. I won’t let you stop until you come one more time.”
“Ryuu.. you really don’t have to.”
“I will.”
You sighed, knowing this was a battle you couldn’t win. You sat atop his lap, straddling him, making sure to not put too much weight onto him. Akutagawa grabbed at the hem of your shirt, and gave you a is this okay? look. You nodded, and to emphasize it, you pulled the shirt off yourself, leaving you in your bra.
Akutagawa reached his left hand to your back and unhooked the back of your bra with his hand, and watched it fall down your shoulders. You lifted your arms, and you were now completely naked, opposite to Akutagawa, with the only thing he wasn’t wearing being shoes. But he’s still wearing socks, of course.
At least he understood this, and decided that the jacket shouldn’t just be for show. He mumbled Rashoumon , and suddenly your hands were being held up, only not getting tired because they were being held up by his jacket. You jumped, and looked at him playfully.
“You could’ve warned me first! My heart nearly jumped out of my chest.”
“I assumed you’d be used to it by now.”
You shook your head, looking into his eyes and smirking just a little.
“Well, come on, if I can’t use my hands you better put that mouth of yours to good use. Again .”
Akutagawa decided to ignore your teasing and complied, reaching his mouth towards your chest, and taking one of your nipples into his mouth, licking around the tip of it. He slowly moved his right hand to your other nipple, pulling on it gently. After a few seconds, he brought his left hand down to your crotch, and entered you yet again. This time however, he went much faster, thrusting into you quickly.
You let out a loud moan and all the stimulation and brought your head down to the side of his head, closing your eyes tightly.
“G-god, Ryuu, you feel s-so good..” in response he hummed, and the vibrations against your burning skin made you jerk your hips forward. This made Akutagawa’s fingers pull out of you to just the tip, so he quickly thrusted them back in before moving his thumb to your clit. You tried to pull your hands forward to grip onto Akutagawa, but you were unable to pull your hands out of Rashoumon’s grasp.
“P-please, Ryuu, lemme hold you!” You cried out before Akutagawa looked away from you for a split second, and released Rashoumon from you, and you instantly grabbed Akutagawa’s shoulders so tightly he was sure you would leave some bruises behind, not that he cared.
You pulled your head back, and looked at Akutagawa, only to be met by his eyes staring right into yours. It looked so intense, so intimate, that it drove you over the edge, making you cum one last time.
You shook a little as you came, and Akutagawa pulled away from your nipples and kept fingering you slowly, helping you ride out your high. Once you were calmed down, he pulled out of you, and you whimpered quietly from the friction.
You breathed heavily for roughly thirty seconds, with your eyes shut tightly. Once you had caught your breath, you opened your eyes and looked at Akutagawa and smiled.
“That was nice. You did so well.”
Akutagawa looked away, embarrassed, before coughing a few times into his sleeve.
“Glad you liked it,” you stared at him. “Just one problem though.”
Akutagawa raised an eyebrow, and questioned you.
“And what might that be?”
You leaned down, and kissed Akutagawa intensely, grabbing the back of his head gently. After a few moments, Akutagawa reached back and grabbed your hand, trying to pull it away. You moved your hand and pulled away.
“I didn’t get to help you at all.”
Akutagawa instantly understood what you meant, and looked at you blankly.
“You don’t have to help me. Seeing you like this is enough to keep me content.”
You sighed playfully, and slid down onto the ground, reaching your hand under his jacket, you gently caressed his knee over his pants. Akutagawa’s eyes widened just a little, and he shifted from the uncomfortable tightness in his slacks.
“I want to help you out. Please?” You asked while slowly trailing your hand up until it met his belt. You teasingly grabbed the buckle, beginning to undo it.
“We can take as many breaks as you need. I just want to please you.” You looked into his eyes, and Akutagawa loosely grabbed your hair and moved his hand down himself to get the belt undone faster.
“ Do as you wish . ”
Poor guy doesn’t have the stamina to go for longD: I think his foreplay makes up for it though
Wc - 2.7k
Chuuya chapter will be released today!
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bonny-kookoo · 2 years
Jungkook:Sugar & Spice (Intro)
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In which Jungkook really wants people to love you just as much as he does - or maybe not.
Tags/Warnings: Raccoon Hybrid!Reader x Idol!Jungkook, established relationship, opposites attract because I love that concept, are you tired of my hybrid stories yet because I'm not, fluff, romance, smut, jealous koo, slice of life, mild ddlg themes
Chapter length: short
Other content: Spoiled, Calm
"I forgot.." you mumble quietly, a little ashamed about your entire situation as you've just had to explain to your boyfriend that yes, you've just gotten your period, and yes- you've probably now stained his nice expensive little sofa in his studio.
"It's fine, see?" He mumbles before casually wiping the leather with a tissue before throwing it into the trashcan nearby. "Didn't even stain at all. Do you wanna go change?" He asks casually, looking at you - before he clicks his tongue, the clear waters in your eyes a telltale sign of your typically emotional reaction to things like these. "Come here, crybaby, everything's fine!" He laughs a little, letting you cling onto him as you hide in embarrassment.
"I don't feel good." You whine into his chest, and he chuckles.
"I know baby." He says, as he pats your head. "You wanna go wash up?"
"But I don't have anything to change.." you complain, now getting even more frustrated.
"Bullshit. I've got your pyjama pants here somewhere-" He says, parting from you to search for the clothing item before he crawls.. underneath his desk?
"What're you doing, Kookie?" You giggle a little, watching him pull out a simple black canvas bag that he opens the zipper of.
"Excuse me? You think after what- 4 years I wouldn't be prepared for shit like this?" He proudly claims, before holding up one of your period-slash-heat pull ups- something you've been horrified of telling him about the first two years of your relationship with him, too fearful of how he might react to it. But you've learned soon enough that while Jungkook does sometimes get a little mean in his fun with others around him, he's not a bad guy at all. He's just a bit clumsy at times.
"Why do you have them here?" You whine, grabbing after the pair he's got in his hand.
"Why not?" He shrugs. "Your heats can start random as shit, and your periods are even worse. Better safe than sorry." He simply answers, closing the bag and shoving it back underneath the desk. "Now go change, I'll prepare the couch so you can nap." He jokes, smacking your thigh as you get up to follow his word.
Pulling out a blanket, he puts everything he knows you'll appreciate where he thinks it'll be good, before he checks his phone.
Only recently, he's gone public. While fans knew you existed, they didn't know much about you, nor that you and Jungkook weren't just platonic but a genuine relationship. And while he'd been prepared for what surely was to come, he'd been surprised by the welcoming reaction of the fans, many already expecting it and others defending that he's a person who deserves a private life.
And so, he's been more open with you, company even allowing you to now be seen in behind the scenes footage, and even publishing professional photos from backstage of you. People became pretty much just as charmed as he himself had been years ago- happily accepting you as a part of it all now, and he couldn't have been luckier.
But at the same time, he starts feeling just a little upset at the comments some fans keep repeating.
"She's so cute, I wish I had a hybrid like her!"
"Honestly though, if hybrids were allowed to be idols, she'd definitely be the visual of the generation!"
"She kind of seems almost too nice for Jungkookie~!"
"You think she ever feels lonely at home? I mean, he's at work all the time.."
"Jungkookie?" You ask, and he snaps his head up from his phone, boiling emotions quickly forgotten at the sight of you holding your fluffy striped tail in your hands. "Can you take a nap with me?" You wonder quietly, and he internally swells with pride.
"Of course, baby bear." He chuckles before joining you on the couch, holding you close and tightly just how he knows you like it. Does he leave you alone too much? Do you feel lonely sometimes? He's interested in the answer, but scared of it just as much- so he won't ask the questions. He'll just hold you, love you, and care for you.
Because the love you have is special, and nothing will break you both apart. Not time, not work, and for sure, not his career.
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