#and the best tree still hasn't changed like. it's FINE
gammaraydeath · 6 months
officially stopping my heuristic search for real this time. 19k rearrangements. like ok it's not that serious
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appleblueberry-pie · 4 months
Im back with another yandere satoru request hehehe
So, I was wondereding what would happen if Satoru's beloved found out about his very unhealthy obession with her?
Hold on, lemme cook rq- So, instead of getting the fuck away from him (like most logical people would do) she decides to try her best to get him some help. Like, she'd confront him about his very distirbing behavior, (basically tearing down his entire facade and presenting it to him) and when he's begging her not to be afraid of him, not to abandon him, she tells him that she wants him to get help.
Heres where I kinda got a little stuck....the thing is...he would listen to her every beck and call, but would he really get the help he needs, or would he decieve her and trick her into beliving that he's getting better when in realitly he hasn't changed at all. (He's just alot more careful about what he does behind her back.)
Mkayyy, thats all folks. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.
You kept hearing noises from your backyard.
It woke you up. You couldn't really recognize what it was, but you really hoped it wasn't raccoons eating your berries again. You admit, your garden has many fruits and vegetables, but you certainly didn't want them being eaten. They took too long to grow! So, you got out of bed, threw on your robe over your night gown and quickly made your way downstairs to your backdoor.
When you opened the door and stepped onto the grass, everything seemed fine. Your strawberries were intact. Carrots still growing. No lemons dropped from the tree. But to the far right, you did see a familiar figure continuously puncturing another man's insides with a pretty dangerous looking knife thing.
Someone was in your yard.
Someone was being killed in your yard.
You're within distance of a killer.
By the time the realization set in, the familiar looking man had already saw you staring at him. It was Satoru Gojo.
You both stared at each other. It grew painfully silent and you took a step back, your eyebrows furrowing. You began hearing your heartbeat in your ears and began breathing faster. Your lips separated, probably to scream, and Satoru dropped the knife, immediately running over to you to shut you up in time.
When he trapped you in his arms, you tried to scream in surprise, but he already had one of his hands covering the entire bottom half of your face. "SHHHHHHHhhhhhh. shhhhhhhh. shhhhhh." His heartbeat thumped against your upper back and you tried to look up at him. He was already staring down at you with those big blue eyes and you tried to take his hand off of your mouth. "It's okay, baby. You're alright. It's alright."
Well, he didn't kill you, so clearly you didn't have to be scared. You still tried to talk and he tilted his head. "......you gonna scream if I let you go?" You shook your head. He stared down at you, as if he was trying to catch you in a lie. But then he laughed and finally loosened his hold on you. You took his hand off of your mouth and turned around. "...............Why are you killing someone in my yard?"
He says nothing.
You try to look back at the corpse and he blocks your way. "Fertilizer."
You avert your gaze and hug yourself. "For your tree."
"I already fertilized it two weeks ago. You were there. It doesn't need fertilizer until like a few months later." Satoru goes silent and sighs.
"Alright, babe. You caught me." He stalks closer to you and stops when he's directly in front of you.
"I killed him because he was a terrible waste of space." His smile was unnerving and you only felt more uncomfortable and confused. "What....?" "....He was useless. And he got in the way." The way he spoke made things a little awkward between the two of you. Did this have something to do with you and him? You hoped not. But with the way he said it, and the way he was staring at you began giving you confirmation that this was the case.
"He doesn't deserve you like I do." You inhale sharply and take a step back towards your door. "Satoru-" "No, I'm serious."
"You can't just....kill someone. He's dead!" His shoulders shake as he laughs at your statement. "You think I don't know that? That's the whole point. To die." You shake your head, "I-I need to get you help. This isn't okay. You shouldn't think it's okay to kill someone just to....I don't even know."
"To have you," He states. But you didn't hear. You were already back in the house to research different forms of treatment he could possibly receive. You didn't know what you were going to do with the body.
Satoru did plan to use it as fertilizer.
He lied to you for 12 weeks. And he hated every second of it. He never liked hiding shit from you. Which is why he straight up told you that he killed that dumbass from a while ago. You deserve better than some liar. But he'd be damned if he let some random take you away from him. So, he told you that he was going to the therapist that he been paid off and also killed.
He told you the body was taken care of and you didn't have to worry about it. After all, your tree leaves looked perkier than usual(he didn't tell you that either).
When you heard he was consistently meeting with his therapist, you let him take you out more often. You let him hang out at your place to have sleepovers if you had the time, and you realized that you might have a small crush on him. You shouldn't have a crush on a killer, but here you were. You should've called the police on him a long time ago(not like he'd get rid of them either), but he promised you he'd be good. And he has been. So you trust him.
Satoru learned to stop doing things like being a killer when you're around. It was smart to do it at night. But definitely not where you live. Probably the stupidest thing he's ever done. He should buy that house a few towns off. Everyone would be better off dying in there anyways, especially if there'd be no trace of them in the first place.
He's lucky you're gullible.
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canirove · 10 days
Rice, Rice, baby | Chapter 29
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“Thank you very much for this trip, Declan.”
“You're welcome” he smiles. 
We've been on the road for a while now, and things haven't been awkward between us after what happened the night before. And with that, I mean the best make out session ever, and we've shared a few. 
Once we managed to break apart we just went to our rooms, both of us smiling like idiots. And in the morning while having breakfast, we still were like that. Smiling and feeling in cloud nine, enjoying our last moments together before having to go back to the real world and talk about what all those kisses meant and whatever he also wanted to tell me last night.
“Also, the playlist you made is so good. Banger after banger, no skips. Well, maybe just… Careful!” I scream when a car suddenly invades our side of the road.
“Olivia!” my mum says, storming into the room. “Oh, Olivia.”
“Hello, mum” I reply while she hugs me as if her life depended on it.
“How are you? Are you alright? And the baby? When the hospital called us and told us that you had been in a car accident I feared the worst.”
“We are fine, mum. Don't worry.”
“Then why are you keeping you here?” she asks.
“They want to make sure I don't go into early labour. It apparently can happen after big moments of stress.”
“And what is he doing here?” 
“Oh, dad. I hadn't seen you there with mum squeezing me” I say with a nervous laugh.
“I'll ask again, darling. What is Declan Rice doing here?”
“What?” my mum says, finally letting go of me and looking around the room. “Olivia, what…”
“I… He… I…” I mumble, trying to look for an excuse. Can the bed open and swallow me? Please? Or maybe the baby could choose to come now. Anything to avoid giving them an answer.
“I was the one driving” Declan says, the tone of his voice making me look at him and stop freaking out. I think I had only heard him talk like that in interviews after big defeats, when he's on captain mode. 
“You were doing what?” my dad says.
“Driving the car, sir.”
“So the accident was your fault?”
“What? No!” I say. “Declan actually acted super fast and thanks to him nothing serious happened to any of us, the other driver included.”
“You still hit a tree, tho” my dad says, his eyes fixed on Declan.
“Better that than the other car” I reply.
“But why was he driving, Olivia?” my mum asks. “Weren't you going away with Kennedy?”
“I… I… I lied” I say, that last word almost a whisper.
“You lied? Why?” 
“Because… Because I…”
“Olivia, were you away with him?” my dad asks. He's used my name, he hasn't called me darling. And he only does that when he is angry with me. Shit.
“I… yes?”
“Are you dating him?” he asks again. He still hasn't looked at me, he only has eyes for Declan.
“Then why were you away with him?” 
“Because… Because I… We…”
“Olivia, stop rambling and answer me” he says, finally looking at me. Though I wish he hadn't, because I had never seen him this mad and it is scary as hell. “Why were you away with Declan Rice?”
“Because… Because he's the baby's father.” 
“Olivia!” my mum gasps. 
“Is that true, boy? Are you the father?”
“Yes, sir” Declan says, taking my hand on his and giving it an encouraging squeeze, the confidence on his voice making me once again look at him. He is standing like he always does before a game, all serious and focused. I usually find that super attractive, and despite the circumstances, the feeling hasn't changed. It probably is stronger than ever. Because there also is some… protectiveness in him. Something that tells me that everything will be ok and that nothing will happen to me or the baby as long as he is there.
“Let's go” my dad says, turning his back to us.
“What? Where?”my mum asks with a confused look.
“We can't go home, Louis. What if Olivia goes into labour?”
“I don't care.”
“I beg your pardon?”
“I don't care” he repeats. “She's betrayed me. Us.”
“What are you talking about?”
“She got pregnant from an Arsenal player!” my dad says, looking at us again. “That baby has blood from the enemy!”
“Oh, c'mon, dad! Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously! And as if that wasn't enough already, you've been lying to us for months, Olivia. Making us believe that Alex was the father, making us imagine a future where both our families finally become one as we've always dreamed of, playing with our feelings. You lied to us all, and that's something unforgivable.”
“All that is Alex's fault! I was planning on explaining everything, but he told you I was pregnant before I was ready and then lied about being the father because I hurt him when I said no to being his girlfriend. He was bitter and jealous of Declan and did it all for revenge!” 
“Alex would never do something like that” he says.
“Oh, so you now believe him over your own daughter?”
“He hasn't hidden from her parents that she was dating a fucking gooner and that she was stupid enough to let herself get knocked up!”
“There is no need to yell or insult her, sir” Declan says.
“Oh, you shut the fuck up, you bastard!”
“Louis! He is the father of your grandson, show some respect!” my mum says.
“He is nothing to me. None of them are anymore. So when they let you go…” he says, looking at me. “Don't come to us. You are not welcomed in our house.”
“You can't be serious, dad” I say, tears starting to roll down my cheeks.
“You are not welcomed, Olivia. Neither of you are” he says, looking at Declan before walking away and leaving the room. 
“Dad… Dad!” I cry.
“Don't listen to him, Olivia… Liv” my mum says, cupping my face and making me look at her. “Don't listen to him. He is saying that because he's angry and hurt, but he loves you more than anything. You and the baby. He just needs time to process it all. We all do” she says, looking at Declan.
“Rose!” I hear my dad call for her from outside.
“I better go. But Olivia… We love you. Both of us. Never forget that.”
“Ok” I sob.
“Will you take care of her?”
“Of both of them, ma'am” Declan says. 
“Thank you. I know you are a good boy, and Louis knows it too, but… Football” she sighs. “You know how intense it can get.”
“I know, ma'am.”
“Call me when they send you home, Olivia. And please take care of her, Declan. She'll need you.”
“I will, ma'am. You have my word.”
“Please call me Rose. We are family now, aren't we?” she smiles. “And I better go. I love you, Olivia.”
“I love you too, mum.”
“Ok…” she says, kissing my head and then caressing my bump before leaving.
“Declan…” I whisper when the door closes behind her.
“It's ok, Liv” he says, sitting on the bed and hugging me, the feeling of his arms around me being what finally breaks me and makes me start crying like a baby. “I promise you I'm not going anywhere, that I'm not going to leave you alone. I'm with you, Liv. I'm with you now and always, you hear me? Now and always.”
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ego-meliorem-esse · 11 months
inspired from your post on arthur's love for alfred being compared to his home, what would arthur's affinity (i don't think it's love? but more like fondness?) for matthew look like as a house?
I wrote this more in Matthews POV, not Arthurs and realised too late. I'm sorry :/
Mathieu comes under Arthurs care in 1763. His home is both prepared yet also unprepared. Alfred is the beloved son who lacks nothing, is granted every wish, from literature of his choice, to expensive astronomy equipment. Yet, while this home is very child proof and child accomodating, it's all those things for a particular child though: Alfred. For a whole year Arthurs home is Alfred centered. That started to change, but I'm afraid not by Arthurs will or trying. Alfred found his platonic soulmate in his brother. They become inseperable. Matt starts to speak more English and Alfred is asking him for his oppinion more and more. Eventually even Arthur finds out what Matts interests are.
At a certain point the boys room becomes his own. The furniture is a fine dark wood color, it matches. But not in a painful way for Matthew. The wood is scratched and old. It's used and clearly loved. The boy has a good quality bed with dark red bedding and missmatched pillows. The matress is fine too. It's new. Matthew appreciates that. By the side of the bed stands a wayy too large drawer, and atop it are notebooks. some used to write in some to sketch in. Mathieu, now Matthew, is sketching less and less though. He's smiling more. He is playing outside more. He hasn't touched a rifle in a while. The only blood he sees is when Alfred cuts himself on the book page he is turning. He considers his brother to be slightly annoying in the beginning, though as time passes, Alfreds charm and kindness shines brighter than any negative notion Matthew has of his brother.
His room isn't empty. Even if no-one is occupying it at times, it's still very much full of life. And not only by his own things, but with knickknacks Alfred brought and left there. Alfred doesn't like Matthew's room. He doesn't like that the window in his brother's room face north. It gets less sunlight and that's something that annoys Alfred a lot. There is also a rather large tree in front of Matthews window that obstructs any view of the nights sky. Very annoying to Alfred.
But Matthew is not Alfred. Matthew's room is the best and safest place the boy has ever had. It's not cold at night and the door is opposite of the window. Also, he gets to choose where his desk is to be placed. He settled next to the window, but changes it quite a bit.
He is on guard and tense less and less as time flows. He starts to live in his new home instead of staying in Monsieur Kirklands house. Matthew is not keeping company to the lord's son anymore, but playing and jumping and telling stories with his brother.
The feeling of being an imposter and not belonging never truly left the boy, but feelings of being care free and happy buried the insecurities quite deep down in his chest.
Naturally, life seems to have a personal vendetta against the boy, so as the 12th year of his new life comes to a close, things change and feelings hidden float up.
The feelings resurfaced after Alfred stubbornly decided that he ought to buy passage on a commercial ship headed to Boston. The fear of being not wanted or needed came back when Matthew received a letter from Alfred telling him that he wasn't coming back "home". The only family he had, had left him once again. The feeling of being left to fend for himself pierced a cannon shaped hole in his heart once more. It wasn't until the early 20th century that he would actually consider Arthur his father, not just a mentor and patron. So in his mind he was left again with no family.
And so his room changed. He left fewer and fewer belongings out in sight on tables, drawers and the bed. His room was clean and clothes tucked away. He didn't draw anymore and the books he read were the ones which found themselves already in his room.
It's funny how our mental state reflects in the spaces we occupy. I need to clean my room.
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wandabear · 1 year
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Finders Keepers (but keeps it forever) - Wanda Maximoff x Werewolf female reader
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
ㅤ ㅤㅤ note: I'm going to leave these songs, you'll need them.
Jules is portrayed by Adelaide Kane in my mind ofc. First part - Touched - VAST. Second part - Dress - Taylor Swift
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ㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
“Everything has changed since that first full moon. And it has been for the last months, and the worst part is it hasn't been just one full moon after another, but also an eclipse at the same time. Yeah, it wasn't the best time in my life. ㅤㅤ  
Believe me, if there is something worse than a blood full moon it is: a fucking eclipse.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
My moods have been very different, more volatile than normal and also more sensitive. My appetite increases more and more, which is not strange since my metabolism changed a lot.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤ
Everything was fine until this morning. I was feeling good, I felt whole again. It could be said that I could even smile. Took a long hot shower, the water running down my body. The raspberry scent of the soap seemed stronger than normal, but it was delicious. I could smell the coffee in the kitchen, surely Jules was cooking something because the smell was so damn good. I wouldn't leave her alone too long in the kitchen tho. You would think: what’s wrong with all that? It all sounds pretty nice, right?
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
My teeth started to hurt, the first time I thought maybe it was some dental infection or something. This wasn't a first time tho. A loud beep forced me to hold on to the bathroom wall, the noise of the drops hitting the floor resounded in my ears.
Falling harder, hitting the ground, it was too loud. Painful.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Seeing myself in the reflection I could notice a slight change in my eyes, remarkable. Began to slowly turn into an almost animal and primitive yellow. ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Something is brewing inside of me, something that recognizes me and I recognize as myself. It’s my eternal companion, cause once in a while, its allowed to get out, but don't mistake that for freedom.
I look at my reflection and can see that it smiles unlike me. The wolf knows that its winning and I need to know why. I need to know what's going on.
Am I the owner of my own body? Or am I just a guest? Is this my body still?
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ I can feel it. It's like the blood boiled inside me, the heat became unbearable. The pumping of the heart, pounding in my own ears. The sound of the bones breaking will only increase the horror show. From beneath you, it devours. It consumes you... Slowly. Beast talks to me, whispers to me, seducing me. Because I can't deny myself anymore, it's what I am. Jules was right about something, the wolf is inside me, all the time. And I can no longer divide the line that separates us, the wolf and me. I can't help it. I can’t control it. And I can't go back to you.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Wanda. I miss you."
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N finished writing and sighed. She hesitated whether to send that e-mail or not, but as always, she just to deleted it. ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ She took her backpack and left the bedroom. Y/N looked out the window, the weather in Wyoming was turning cold and the trees were starting to turn white. But the cold was no longer a concern for her, she wasn't the same.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
They were back in Wyoming two months ago, Y/N and Jules traveled trying to find a cure or more information about who they were. Traveled all over the world, from Alexandria to the vast African savannah, from the cold forests of Wyoming to the hot South America.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Lobisón, Loup Garou, Werewolf, Úlfheðnar, Luchthonn, Rougarou. So many names that tried to identify them, to many places, too many cultures.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
But wherever they went, every book, every shaman, every person who knew about their true nature just told them that there were no cures for such a curse. Although some didn’t consider it a curse, some considered it a gift.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
A gift was a billion dollars, this was not a gift at all.ㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Now living in the woods near a Native American reservation, the people recognized their nature and allowed them to stay, as long as the girls stayed away at certain times of the month.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
It was a good deal, enough to evade the hunters who were always on the lookout for supernatural creatures to kill. And even if the girls kept themselves locked up at every full moon, Hunters never ask, they'll just shoot.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“It’s coming… I can feel it.”  Jules told her as she placed a huge bowl of spaghetti in front of her, Y/N took a seat at the table. Her friend spent the afternoon making a delicious dinner, enough to calm the hunger, and the hunger of the beast within.
Even if they knew it was impossible, at least they felt less guilty.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Thank you.” Y/N sighed.  “Sometimes I feel like it's... overwhelming. Also feel revitalized, so positive, like I can do anything.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I know… But we will get through this together, those were difficult months.” Jules reached out to squeeze her best friend's hand.  “But we'll keep doing it, until this is over.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/N took some bread before starting to eat.  “I'm starting to think this isn't going to end. I don't think we'll find a cure.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“Me neither…” Jules smiled sadly but leaned over to take some cheese. “But it will stop, even if it means our hearts no longer beat.”
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
They ate in a comfy silence for a while until Y/N hesitated.
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤ
“I want to go back to New York.” Y/N just dropped it. That surprised Jules who just frowned somewhat worried.
“Y/N…” Jules looked at her food kinda sadly, already talked about it many times but neither seemed ready for that.  “You know it's not safe for you to come back, nor for those who loves you.”
“I know, but… Yelena sent me this.”
ㅤ ㅤㅤ
Y/n sighed deeply and reached her backpack, pulling out what appeared to be an invitation, the paper was light purple. “She's getting married, Jules. I can't leave her alone on such a day… She’s my best friend.”
Jules took the card in her hands, looking that beautiful invitation. Kate Bishop and Yelena Belova invited them to be part of the union of their love, in a beautiful golden font. Damn, she was so damn weak for romance. “It's in three weeks... I don't know... You'll be very close to the next full moon, Y/N. Like a week.”
“I know, I plan to go back before then. Just attend the wedding and that's it, I'll be back.” Y/N looked like a little puppy, asking please to say yes.
Jules just was quiet for a moment, then nodded.
“You’ll have to take care of yourself and take care of those around you. You know that a week before the full moon we get... hungry.”
“Then it’s a yes?” Y/N looked up, surprised. “Are you saying that...”
“I'm saying you should visit your friends.” The girl smiled and continued eating her spaghetti. “After all, people don't get married every day, right? You should get out of all this for a bit, just don’t bite.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Y/N got up, hugged and kissed her friend's head, making Jules laugh.
“You're welcome, pal, just call me if you need anything.”
“Oh no, you’re not staying here. You come with me.” Y/N sat back down to finish the food.
“Me?” Jules frowned, now more confused and worried than ever. “No, Y/N. And what am I going to do there? I don’t know anyone.”
“You’re coming with me, that’s it. If I have to war a dress or a suit to go to a wedding, you'll come with me, I said.”
“Okay, but can I choose my own dress and-” Jules said so excited, a big smile on her face, when suddenly stopped, putting her hand towards her belly. Dishes smashed to the floor, she took a deep breath.
Both girls hissed in pain at the same time, feeling a deep stitch in their bodies.
“We have to… we have to go now.” Y/N managed to say getting up slowly after the pain passed, she looked out the window seeing that the sun would go down soon. According to google, sunset would arrive in an hour.
The brunette watched as Jules opened one of the safes hidden behind a painting and took out a suitcase. They both left the house and walked in the forest for perhaps ten minutes until they found to an old abandoned cabin. ㅤㅤㅤ
The owner was dead, now that cabin was their property. The important thing was that under that cabin, below the cabin, an old basement served as a prison every full moon. After working on it for a few weeks, they managed to make sure it was strong enough to hold them.
Silver was their ally, the bars were made of iron and silver as were the chains and handcuffs that would keep them trapped all night.
Y/N took the briefcase, inside were four syringes with a liquid derived from wolfsbane and powdered silver, that would weaken them enough. On top of that, there was a gun and many silver bullets. The necessary so that if either of them crossed the line, they would use it without hesitation.
ㅤㅤㅤ Of course none would, they weren't capable. ㅤㅤㅤ
“I choose tails, you have heads…” The Boston girl announced as she tossed a coin. “Head. This time you go first.”
Y/N nodded, walking towards the cell where she would be held for the night. The claws on the walls showed the chaos of every month. Jules helped her put on each of the shackles, closing them tight.
Seeing the pain the silver chains was causing on Y/N, Jules tried to be as gentle as possible, helping her to sit on the floor.
Y/N swallowed as she felt an invisible pressure around her neck, hands and legs. So agitated, sweat began to fall down her forehead. But while the silver around her made her feel tired, it wasn't enough.
“I love you, okay?” Jules tried to calm her down, though she knew it was impossible. She took the syringe and even though her hand trembled for a moment, ended up injecting Y/N’s leg as fast as she could. “Don’t be afraid.” ㅤㅤㅤ
As soon as she finished saying that, Y/N squeezed Jules arm so harsh, that if she were human it would have broken easily.  Pain was visible on Y/N's face, those eyes filled with tears.
“It hurts…” Y/N whimpered under her breath, clenching her jaw hard. The pain she felt was so deep and blinding, how each of her muscles contracted. Her heart pounding harder than ever, that pain was too much but necessary.
“I know, luv.”  Jules just kissed her forehead, trying to comfort her.  “But this will weaken the wolf, making the night less... difficult.”
Jules moved away seeing how Y/N closed her eyes and hugged herself, trying to bear the pain. She locked the cell and threw the key a few feets away, far enough so that Y/N couldn't take it.
Y/N looked up to see how Jules locked herself too.
“Everything will be okay.” This time, she tried to make Jules feel better.
“We will.” Sighing deeply, Jules injected the liquid into her leg really harsh. There was no time to be soft, soon the moon would rise and both would give way to the beast. Jules stifled a cry of pain and just closed her eyes feeling the wolfsbane reach the bloodstream.
The silver would weaken them enough, though not too much to kill them. They both hissed and writhed in pain for a long time until exhaustion began to wear them down, barely keeping their eyes open.
“Good luck.” Jules slurred.
“Please, be safe.” Those were Y/N's last words before closing her eyes.
But the peace of mind didn’t last long.
Maybe ten minutes later they both woke up suddenly, their hearts beating so damn fast. Her hands trembled uncontrollably.
Y/N took a deep breath, the heat suffocate her little by little. While the sun hid between the mountains, the wolf woke up in that cabin.
Like every full moon, the calvary began.
ㅤㅤㅤ Feeling how each of her bones broke with a chilling synchrony, how each fiber of her skin ceased to be hers and regenerated. Break and regenerate itself.
Again. And again.
Those eyes were no longer the same, a body which no longer belonged to her. How her will was given to a more primal being.
Releasing her and demanding Y/N to release it, set it free. Feeling the depths of the true nature, her true nature, so primitive and ancient but so natural at the same time.
But as every dawn, devotion and fidelity remains in Y/N’s heart. As well as the wildness and the wiliness.   Every night her bones are breaking, howling in pain.
The brunette fell to her knees, placing hands against the floor, clinging to its coldness to calm the inner fire, but it was impossible. The human fangs grew longer and sharper, the color of Y/N’s eyes changed to a wild shade of yellow.
She watched as her fingers clawed hard, finally letting out a scream.
A scream that was followed by a long howl, welcoming her new figure. The female and human figure was left behind, the Wolf was here now. Much larger than normal, but still a big, scary, wild wolf.
The fur was dark, while Jules's was a little more gray. Both glared at each other, far from looking for a rival, they connected. Now they were a pack.
Both beasts struggled to free themselves from their bonds but it was impossible, the silver kept them locked up and the wolfsbane kept weakening them. At least all night. ㅤㅤㅤ
That was all they needed.
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The birds singing made Y/n open her eyes slowly, lying on the cold floor of the cell. She sighed deeply, feeling how her whole naked body ached in a terrifying way.
“Fuck.” She growled.
It was like the worst hangover in the world, she thought. Those were the exact words Jules told her, and she confirmed it since she was bitten.
Carefully, the brunette got up trying to take the backpack with clothes that they left the day before.
As she put on her oversized T-shirt, she heard Jules groan sleepily waking from that awful dream.
“Welcome back, princess.” Y/N waved as she opened the cell and handed some clothes to Jules, who was just covering part of her naked body with her hands. Although to be fair, she didn't care about Y/N seeing her naked or anything anymore.
After half an hour, they returned to the house dragging their feet from pain and exhaustion. The hunger they felt was enormous; the beast always wanted to satisfy the ancestral hunger but it had not been fed for a long time.
And it never would be. It just left a horrible feeling, like they hadn't eaten well for a week.
ㅤㅤㅤ The brunette noticed how Jules was stroking her forehead when she was making some grilled cheese sandwiches, so she took some pills and a glass of water and handed them to her.
“Thank you. Silver is a bitch.” Jules growled, taking a few pills at once. “But at least that way we know we're not hurting anyone.” ㅤㅤㅤ
“Hurts too much but we have to pay the price for a clear conscience.” Y/N said and they began to devour their sandwiches. You could see the pleasure on their faces, like they hadn't eaten for weeks and finally got their favorite food. ㅤㅤㅤ
“So…” Jules licked her lips after drinking some of the juice. “We're going to the Big Apple.” ㅤㅤㅤ
“Two werewolves in New York.” Y/n nodded, licking the remains of ketchup from her fingers. “This is going to be fun…” ㅤㅤㅤ
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“Where to, ladies?” Asked the taxi driver with his voice raspy due to smoking.
Y/N and Jules left JFK airport after a nearly six hour flight, but the cold air against her face made Y/N smile.
Oh, she loved New York in April.
“71 Manhattan Ave, please.”  Jules said as she put the backpack to her side.
“Expensive a bit.”  Y/N raised an eyebrow.
“New York is expensive. What? We never go anywhere.” Jules shrugged and looked out the window at the busy New York traffic. “I thought we could treat ourselves this time.”
“Yeah...we don't go to a wedding every day.” Y/N sighed and adjusted her sunglasses to enjoy the view. The trip was nice, despite the fact that it was 7 am.
“Yelena knows I'm going with you?”
“Yep, as my plus one.” The brunette whispered and remained thoughtful.
She tried not to think about the consequences of the visit. What if Wanda saw her? What if she saw Wanda with someone else? Couldn't get over it, but she had to, for Yelena. She owed her after everything she'd helped Y/N.  Couldn't leave them alone on their wedding day.
“You're worried that you're going to see Wanda, aren't you?” Oh, Jules knew her very well.
Y/N swallowed and looked down. “It worries me to know that… I don't know if I can let her go once more if I see her again.”
Jules just sighed and took her hand, squeezing it gently to show her support. “Everything will be okay, you’ll see.”
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The green-eyed girl looked at herself for a moment in the mirror, enjoying that brown color. After a whole year, her hair was much longer, a few shades darker.
ㅤㅤㅤ Wanda smiled as she saw her friend in the reflection.
“You look great.” the sokovian whispered as she finished helping Yelena put on her dress. The blonde's eyes shone when she saw how the hair was ready, tied in a beautiful way. Sure Yelena wasn't wearing white, but a nice light color was enough.
ㅤㅤㅤ “Do you think so?” Yelena gasped and looked at herself in the mirror again. “Wow... I never thought I could get married. But bitch, I look amazing.”
“I always thought that you looked more a dog person than a married person.” Natasha joked watching her from the door.
“Oh make no mistake, sestra. I am both.” They all giggled happily, especially when they saw the happiness on Yelena's face.
“And here you are… Looking more beautiful than ever.” Nat added as she reached over to hug her sister. Wanda joined in, making it the most powerful trident ever seen.
“Okay, lots of love for now, I'll go see if Clint and dad are ready.” Yelena broke away and was about to leave the room when Wanda spoke:
“Yelena… I know I said I didn't want to know...” Wanda hesitated before what she was going to ask. “Is Y/N coming?”
Yelena sighed. “I think so, I hope so… I sent her the invitation so many times but didn't have an answer. Kate sended it too.”
She just nodded and watched as Yelena closed the door behind her. Natasha and Wanda decided to adjust their own dresses and comb their hair for the beautiful moment, since they were the bridesmaids, of course.
“You still miss her, don't you?” Natasha asked with a tiny side smile, although inside she felt really guilty about that. Seeing how her best friend suffered from Y/N's absence, knowing why she left and not being able to tell Wanda about it.
“Me? Pff!” Wanda said pretending to be uninterested.  “No, no... of course not. I like Vision, he’s lovely. Remember?”
“Yep… Still, you guys are nothing… like officially together or something. Just friends, right?” Natasha teased, knowing Wanda so damn well. She knew that if Wanda liked Vision so much -or as she was in love with Y/N before- it wouldn't have taken her so long to be his girlfriend.
“Can we talk about Yelena? This is her day, not mine.”
“Sure.” Natasha nodded but when she walked past Wanda she just poked her belly with a finger.  “Liar.”
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After getting out of the taxi and walking through that beautiful entrance full of flowers, Jules turned to see Y/N. She was wearing a nice femenine black suit while the Boston girl was wearing a flowery dress.
“How do you feel?” Jules asked a little concerned, noticing Y/n's silence since they left the house.
“A bit excited.”
“Don’t worry, ‘kay? She's going to be so happy to see you.” They walked until they reached the entrance, luckily Wanda wasn't around. Only some people she knew, like Daisy, Steve, Bucky, Carol and the gang.
“You look more nervous than me.” Y/N smiled as she watched Jules move her hands, a pretty clear sign of the anxiety she felt.
“Hey, Y/N! So good to see you!” Daisy came over to hug her and then walking away to keep talking to Bobbi.
ㅤㅤㅤ “Y/N, I haven't seen you for so long!" Carol moved closer to hug her for a moment. She was wearing a black suit that looked spectacular on her, especially with her blonde hair. Carol turned to Jules, shaking her hand. "And who's this beauty? I'm Carol Danvers, I love your dress." ㅤㅤㅤ
"Thank you." Jules stammered. ㅤㅤㅤ
"Oh, don't you dare." Y/N warned the blonde and then took Jules arm to keep walking. "Stop sighing, she's a heartbreaker. Let's go."
“Don't judge me, I'm about to walk into a wedding where no one knows me, I have social anxiety and I'm a werewolf close to full moon.” Jules licked her lips, glancing at some of the guests. “I have all the bingo numbers.”
“Come on… We will eat some delicious snacks, we will dance some 90s and 2000’s bangs, you will see me depressed and gloomy when I see the love of my life. It will be fun.” Y/N nudged her and held out her arm for Jules to grab.
Sighing, Jules took her arm and they both took courage before entering the church.
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The moment Yelena saw Y/N enter the ‘bride #2’ room where she and her bridesmaids were, went over to hug Y/N so tightly. Closing her eyes, so was glad her friend was there.
“Y/N! I was afraid you wouldn't come.” The blonde moved and watched her with immense joy. “I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too.” Y/N smiled happy, kissing her forehead. “You look beautiful, blondie. I’m so happy for you…”
She turned to see the beautiful bridesmaids, Wanda and Natasha. Both wore beautiful wine-colored dresses, loose hair and a look that could kill.
That room was decorated with beautiful flowers, some drinks to make the bride feel more relaxed and everything she needed to prepare herself.
“Hey, Nat.” Y/N smiled and gave Natasha a big bear hug before pulling away. ㅤㅤㅤ "I'm glad you came." Nat smiled happy to see her.
"Yeah..." Y/N gasped looking at Wanda now. There she was, as beautiful as ever.
“Wanda…” Y/N whispered. Her heart told her that she was still alive, and that it still belonged to Wanda. An entire year without seeing her, now she was there.
“Hi, Y/N.” Although those green eyes looked excited to see her, Wanda tried to pretend and hide her emotion to show a cold face. “You looking good.”
“Thanks… you still look beautiful! That dress looks so good on you...” Those words came out of Y/N’s mouth even though she didn't even think about it.
Nat and Yelena looked at each other and walked away, knowing it was time to leave them alone before the ceremony. What Y/N didn’t know is that minutes before, Wanda noticed the presence of Jules, who was taking a seat next to Daisy Johnson.
Suddenly all the happiness to see Y/N vanished, feeling enormous jealousy. And right now she had Y/N in front of her.
“So…” Wanda raised an eyebrow.  “You’re here.”
“Yeah.” Y/N swallowed, adjusting her blazer.
“With HER.” The Sokovian emphasized that last word, clenching her jaw. Wanda shook her head, felt so upset even if this was not the time to talk about it.  “Don't you feel guilty bringing her here with you? Not even a little? Isn't that embarrassing, Y/N?”
Y/N frowned now, didn't understand what the hell Wanda meant, she was just dazed to see her again. “Wanda, what are you talking about?”
“Oh, come on!”  Wanda just let out an ironic laugh, now that they were alone she could finally explode. “You were an idiot, but now I realize that I was the idiot all that time. I can't believe you're doing this!"
“No, you don't have the right to do this! This is my friend's wedding too, and I can't believe you brought that woman here knowing that I was in love with you!” Wanda pointed at her, annoyed. “That you ghosted me! And cheated on me!”
“I didn’t ghosted you.” Y/N gasped and shook her head.  “Well, not like that, I mean…yeah, but no!”
“Oh fuck you, Y/N!” Wanda shook her head and decided to get out of there, but Y/N dared to block her way. ㅤㅤㅤ
“I mean it, Wanda, Jules is not my girlfriend. I've never cheated on you!” She took her arm gently, not wanting to hurt Wanda but enough to hold her.  “She is like my sister.”
“Umh, it's… more difficult to explain than you think but…” Y/N stammered scratching the back of her neck, she never thought she should explain who Jules was. Lie now and fast. “She’s like my sister, we share a bond… family. Not of blood, she is… beyond that.”
“You and that girl aren't together? Never were?” Wanda's eyes widened in surprise, for a moment all the anger she felt against them seemed to diminish.
At that moment Cassie Lang came into the room to tell them the brides would be arriving soon and that the bridesmaids and bestman should go to the aisle.
“Of course not.” Y/N  laughed at how ridiculous that sounded, she opened the door for Wanda to go out first.  “She's not the reason I left.”
“Oh…” Wanda sighed and smiled shyly.  “That's good because Natasha is flirting with her right now, over there.”
The Sokovian pointed towards the area where the guests were and could see how Natasha talked to Jules, clearly trying to win her over.
“Damn, that was fast.” Y/N raised an eyebrow and they both laughed. "She beat Carol."
“Sorry… I misunderstood all that. I saw you with her, leaving a coffee shop a year ago, before you left me alone. I thought you just… you left me for her.” Wanda pressed her lips together, finally confessing what she had hidden for so long.
“It's okay. I saw you with Vision too…” Y/N wrinkled her nose.
“Oh, no. Ew. He’s just a friend.” She babbled nervously.
“Good… but, umh… I was with her yes, taking care of Jules…she… had some trouble.” Y/N sighed wistfully.  “I can't talk about it here, but… walking away was the hardest thing I've ever had to do in my life. To get away from you.”
“Then you never forgot me.” Wanda's beautiful green eyes sparkled.
“I could never forget you, Wanda Maximoff.” Y/N smiled. Their gazes, impossible to detach from each other, they were face to face.  “I was so in love with you.”
“… Was?”
Y/N was going to keep going when Natasha's voice brought them back to life. “They’re ready.”
Both nodded and settled on each side, Wanda walked away but not before saying:
“I'm glad she's not your girlfriend or something... but I don't forget that you ghosted me and you broke my heart.” Wanda definitely wasn't going to leave it like that. “We'll talk about this later.”
Y/N nodded and settled to the side next to Natasha and Wanda. On Kate's side were America Chavez, Cassie Lang, and Peter Parker.
The wedding march was heard, but then it was interrupted to play Yelena and Kate’s favorite song, making the moment one of the most beautiful Y/N has ever experienced.
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The party had everyone quite happy, Yelena and Kate couldn't stop laughing as the guests danced to a catchy 2000’s song.
Feeling a bit thirsty, she went to the bar to order sometrhing and noticed that Wanda was expecting the same thing. The Sokovian drummed her fingers on the wooden table, lost in her own thoughts.
Damn, she really did look beautiful in that dress.
“Hey.” Y/N stayed next to her.
“Hey.” Wanda smiled. The bartender finally handed her the cocktail and took Y/N's order.  “You alone?”
“My ‘plus one’  is with your best friend over there.” She nodded at Jules dancing with Natasha and Yelena. “She was pretty scared that no one would listen to her. Look at her now!”
“The power of a few beers.” Wanda joked. After taking their cocktails, both walked away from the dancefloor to go to the terrace. “Where did you both meet? I mean, I know you, or at least I did and… your friends were Yelena, Kate, and Natasha.”
Y/n swallowed, should she tell the truth? Why didn't she study what she should say and what not? The truth is, that Y/N didn’t expect to spend time with Wanda. She expected the Sokovian to reject and ignore her all night.
“We knew each other for a while before… I left.” Y/N looked down to see her cocktail, rather embarrassed to talk about it like it was a normal thing.
And it was noted how that affected Wanda, who seemed to be really hurt at the mention of that. "Why did not you call me? Why didn't you tell me where you were going?"
“I couldn't tell you.” Y/N begged Wanda not to continue.
Wanda snorted, shaking her head. "Sure."
"I mean it."
“Why?” Wanda persisted, she didn't want to let it go.
“Cause…” Y/N was about to spill everything but just stopped, swallowing her own words. She looked around, everyone was enjoying the party or the food. “I can't tell you here, okay?”
Wanda licked her lips, tasting the delicious cherry flavor from the drink and then leaned in to whisper:  “Is it a legal problem?”
Y/N frowned. “What?”
“The problem you left is… a legal one?” Wanda cleared her throat. “Were you running from someone?”
The brunette thought about those words for a moment, was she really running from someone or from herself?  It was a tricky question.
“Yeah. Jules and I… we were running from someone.”
“I understand.” Wanda said a bit worried, now she understood the situation better although it didn't make it less painful. “Violent situation?”
“Yeah, very violent. I didn't want to put you in danger.” Well, after all, that was true. Right?
“I'm sorry about that.” The Sokovian sighed and took Y/N's hand, squeezing it gently. “I hope you can tell me well about it later. If… we can still… hangout sometime.”
Y/N stared at Wanda for a moment. Boy, did she look as beautiful as ever. Laughter caught both of their attention, everyone was definitely having a great time. Even the grumpy Bucky who was smiling, drinking and dancing. This wasn’t time to be the brooding werewolf girl trying to stay away, was it?
“Hey... would you like to dance with me?” She finally held out her hand for Wanda to take, and smiled when the Sokovian did.
ㅤㅤㅤ “I was dying for you to ask it.”
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The door opened quickly, letting in two women devouring each other between kisses, completely desperate.
Y/N's lips searched for Wanda's in a needy way, barely separating to breathe. Her hands were quick enough to release her body and close the door behind them.
Our secret moments in your crowded room. They got no idea about me and you.
“Oh my god!” Wanda gasped, they both laughed at how ridiculously needy they were of each other.
After spending the whole night provoking each other between glances and smiles, thanks to alcohol too, both ended up kissing each other in a lonely area in the Chateau gardens.
“I wanted this so bad, detka. Every night thinking of you.” Wanda whispered, closing her eyes to surrender to the pleasure. "Only bought this dress so you could take it off."
They both dropped into the hotel bed, stripping off their clothes.
Say my name and everything just stops, I don't want you like a best friend. ㅤㅤㅤ
This was their first time together but it seemed like they had known each other forever. Caressing the exact areas to make the other melt completely.
Even if she wanted to stop, Y/N couldn't even control herself. As if she were possessed by the power of the next full moon, she devoured Wanda's lips with pleasure, desperately ran around her neck, owning her sighs.
Carve your name into my bedpost ,'cause I don't want you like a best friend.
Of course it wasn't just a product of pleasure and passion; the silent, hungry beast inside urged her to want more. To adore that woman, to love her and to go completely mad for her. Wanda was hers. ㅤㅤㅤ
Y/N sniffed Wanda's scent, closing her eyes, sighing deeply as if she were impregnated with it. As if she swore an eternal devotion to her, and what lived inside would gladly accept it.  
Don't bite her.
Don't bite her.
Don't bite her. If you love her, don’t bite her!
ㅤㅤㅤ ㅤㅤㅤ
Those words flashed through her mind over and over again. She shouldn't bite her, though that wouldn't mean spreading the werewolf venom, would it? She could only do it on a full moon. Or maybe... no. Even if the wolf wanted to bite her so bad, she would never do it.
Y/N just growled with desire, ignoring all those thoughts and letting herself lose in desire.
Every kiss, every lick, every moan was printed in Y/N’s mind, on her skin and in her heart. The way Wanda dug nails into her back as they reached their first orgasm, or their second one, or their third one or the rest of them. All of this silence and patience, hands shaking from holding back.
Say my name and everything just stops. You made your mark on me, like a golden tattoo.
That was one of the most exciting, hungry and exhausting nights that both had lived.
The agitated breathing of both, resting in bed after hours of need.
“That was amazing.” Wanda giggled happily, turning to see Y/n who didn't stop smiling either. “That was a good way to meet again...”
“It was. Damn, babe. You’re gorgeous.”  Y/N gasped, finally leaned in to give her a cute peck on the lips.
ㅤㅤㅤ Y/N knew that she was screwing up everything, it wasn't okay, she knew perfectly well that she was unleashing much worse chaos for later, only to live in the present. Still, she didn't want to get out of that beautiful moment.
They were back together, it was all that mattered.
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And although for Y/N many awakenings were terrifying, this had been the most beautiful of all in her entire damn life. Seeing Wanda snuggled against her body, smiling sleepily in the cutest way in the world. Oh, that was heaven for sure.
Now I wake up by your side. My one and only, my lifeline. I woke up just in time.
And without hesitation, Y/N would sell her soul twenty times over to awaken her entire life like this, leaving behind a chaos she had never asked for. How was she able to endure all this time without Wanda?
“Are you okay, detka?” Wanda asked curiously while she touched the brunette's belly. The morning sun tried to intrude between the curtains. “I see you're a bit thoughtful. Are you regretting this?”
“What? No! NO! Not at all!” She exclaimed desperately, but calmer when she saw how Wanda laughed.
“I’m just kidding.” She laughed and kissed Y/N’s lips. “I'm going to the bathroom, don't you dare leave.”
“I wouldn't even think about it.” Y/N smiled at her, watching as the brunette bit her bottom lip, walking fully naked to the bathroom.
“Oh, god.” Y/N sighed and dropped her head on the pillow. She glanced the phone on the nightstand. Should she...?
Didn't want to come back to life outside of this room, but she had to be responsible for her actions.
Taking a deep breath, Y/N reached for her phone and looked at the notifications.
A very cute text from Yelena and Kate, two texts from Natasha asking where the fuck she was, and two from Jules.
“I saw that you left me completely alone at the wedding (I’m so glad you did!) but thanks to the Russian redhead I was able to get home safely. (She’s taking me rn! I mean taking me home, not taking me- well, maybe later) Have some safe sex! Please, don’t bite your ex! I MEAN IT.” – from Jules, eight hours ago.
Y/N just rolled her eyes and giggled. Feeling in the clouds. Everything was back to normal for a few minutes and her chest filled with joy. Or perhaps it was the ego of wolf, knowing that soon it would be free.
Wanda came out of the bathroom and upon hearing Y/N’s giggle, she approached smiling.  “What is it, detka?”
“What is it? I have you here with me, looking so fucking hot.” Y/N smirked. “Everything is perfect.”
“Oh shut up, flirty.” The Sokovian blushed, lying down next to her again.
“You look like a goddess, Wanda Maximoff.”
Those words reached Wanda's heart, those eyes shone with pure illusion. But to break the beautiful moment, Y/N’s stomach began to growl.
“Someone’s hungry…” Wanda joked and they both laughed.  “Would you like to have breakfast together? Let me buy you something, because I don't have anything to cook here.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes, playing with her.  “Of course not, it's a hotel, dummy.”
“Oh, shut up.”
Although room service was tempting, the high prices made them both look at each other and quickly get up to take a shower together, going to the nearest restaurant. Holding hands, like two teenagers in love.
“Are you going to eat all that?” Wanda asked when she saw the amount of chicken club sandwiches Y/N ordered for herself.  
“Yeah, why?” The brunette took a bite of one of these, sometimes she forgot how much she had to eat and how surprised people were when they saw it. “I'm starving.”
“I see…” Wanda smiled tenderly, sipping some coffee.  “Okay, after an interesting night where we couldn't talk... tell me what happened to you all these months. There are some changes in you, I can tell. Besides the scars on your body.”
That took Y/N by surprise, fought not to choke on her food. “Well… like I told you, it's quite long story.”
“We have time.” Wanda raised an eyebrow. “I don't want to be annoying here but you owe me an explanation.”
Sighing, Y/N took a moment before beginning.
"The situation with Jules... well, umh… you know-”
“Cut the crap, Y/N. I’m glad to see you and the sex was amazing but you better start talking right now.”
Y/N narrowed her eyes. “Okay, no need to be all bossy!” Sighs. “The night we saw each other and had our date, I had an accident.”
This took Wanda by surprise, leaning in.  “Y/N, what? Are you okay?”
She nodded. “I had an accident which… I was slow to recover and Jules took care of me. That's when I met her.”
Wanda just remained silent. Maybe trying to make sure Y/N was telling the truth.
“That's why I couldn't call you.”
“Why didn't you do it later?” the sokovian asked skeptically.
“I wanted to! Of course I tried. I just couldn't… the guy with who I had the accident that night was a very violent person. He attacked Jules… He was after her, threatening her so we had to run...”
Not even her realized how she tried to get out of that web of lies and mixed truths.
“Sounds scary.” Wanda seemed terrified with everything she heard, but above all, she felt somewhat guilty and worried.
“You can’t imagine how much.” Y/N looked down. She had never talked about this with anyone but Jules.
“When I came to see you again, a year ago, I just… couldn't. I saw you with Vision and I saw that you were fine, I didn't want to get you in this huge trouble.” She shrugged, remembering the jealousy when she saw that stupid british guy.
“Y/N… you would never get me into anything dangerous.” Wanda took her hand and caressed it. “I know.”
Y/N swallowed, was that really true? She was the one who was really dangerous now.
“So…” Y/N decided to keep going and not sink into the guilt. “We left the city, we were traveling for a while to get rid of the… guy.”
“Wow, that sounds so sad and lonely.”
“It was…”
Wanda sighed and kissed the back of Y/N's hand, thinking about everything Y/N went through alone.  “I really missed you, a lot.”
“I missed you everyday.” Y/N confessed with immense pain, leaning over to kiss her lips one more time.
“So... knowing that you're not seeing anyone and that you still like me...” Wanda bit her lower lip. “Can we…?”
Y/N smiled tenderly. “I don’t like you, Wands, I’m still in love with you.”
Wanda finally smiled happily.  “Can we still see each other?”
And though it took her a moment to think about it, Y/N just answered with the heart and not her mind, not knowing the chaos it could bring.
“Of course.” She leaned down to kiss Wanda’s lips. “Now that I see you, I can't let you go.”
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“HAVE YOU LOST YOUR MIND?”  Jules yelled, shaking her head and closing her suitcase.  “I’m this close to kick your STUPID, IRRESPONSIBLE ASS!”
“Jules… please!”  
“No, Y/N. This is… This is beyond irresponsible!” She stormed into the living room angrily.
Exactly as Y/N thought, Jules hadn't taken well to the fact that she and Wanda were seeing each other again. Especially the story she made up to keep from telling her the dangerous and scary truth.
Perhaps the fact that the moon was full tonight made them both have a more explosive temper than normal.
"How long have you both been seeing each other?!"
"A week? Since we came here..."
"Y/N, you can't do this. I TOLD YOU NOT TO DO THIS!"
“Jules, come on! I can’t lie to her.” Y/N tried to follow her friend.
“YOU’RE LYING ANYWAY! SWEET SUFFERING JESUS, Y/N! I told you that this was not safe for you or for them!” She put her hands on the hips, trying to calm herself. Jules inhaled deeply, then exhaled. “Are you dating again?”
“Why is it a problem that I’m dating Wanda?” Y/N just flopped down on the sofa, utterly defeated. She felt like a scolded puppy.
“For the same reason we left. Because you're going to hurt her again! She doesn't deserve that! That girl is amazing…” Jules felt so upset with Y/N and with fate for making them suffer so much. 
“But I'm not going to hurt her, I want to be with her. I'm not going to leave her again.”
“That's much worse, Y/N!" Jules watched her like a bird of prey.
“I can do this… and be with her too, right? I can hide every full moon, we go to the woods like we will tonight. I'll rent the cabin every month...”
“Y/N…” Jules tried to talk but Y/N stopped her.
“Jules, I miss her so much. You have no idea how much it hurts." Y/N's voice broke, she brought her hand to her chest trying to calm the deep pain was feeling. The wolf didn't want to let her go either. “I can't be away, I tried to get away... but I can't do it anymore. I'd rather rip my heart out than lose her again. I love her. Jules, please, I love her.”
Jules sighed and all the anger inside vanished when she saw the tears in Y/N's eyes, she walked over to sit next to her.
“Do you feel okay knowing that you lie to her every time you see each other?” This time, her voice was sweet and calm.
“No… I feel like shit.” Y/N looked at her hands.
“Does she know all the pain you go through every month? Is she capable of choosing you knowing the danger she's into? Look… I know it's hard, I know letting her go was horrible… but you have to be honest with her. Or walk away."
Y/N didn't say anything, just kept looking down.
“You're not just exposing her to the wolf, Y/N.” Jules looked at her with sadness. “You’re exposing her to people who's going to hunt us down if they find out. Hunters are something you don't want to mess with... they'll use her to their advantage.”
The brunette just nodded. “I'll talk to her after tonight’s full moon.”
“As you need. Now we’ve to go.” Jules squeezed her shoulder and then got up from the sofa, they both took their keys and left that apartment a bit in a hurry. “I’ve paid for two more weeks... you can stay that long here while you figure it out.”
Y/N nodded and they both went downstairs, but the brunette stopped when her phone rang indicating that she had a new text.
“Detka, are you home? or free tonight? I would like to take you to a nice place.” - From Wanda, few seconds ago.
“What?” Jules asked seeing Y/N's disappointed face.
“It’s Wanda.” Y/N sighed, she was feeling so frustrated. Of course, what she wanted most was to go with Wanda on a one-of-a-kind date on a beautiful full moon, and not spend it locked up watching her best friend suffer. Turning into a dangerous monster.
Jules didn't say anything, she knew that for Y/N it was already painful enough. An 'I told you so' wouldn't help at all.
Y/N proceeded to write fast as they went downstairs.
“Hey, babe. Sorry, can’t do it tonight. I'm not home either, I'm working and I'll have to stay overnight. I'm sorry!” – Sent a few seconds ago.
Y/N sighed deeply before leaving that building, walking with her best friend to the car they rented. But what she didn't know, nor had she noticed, was that Wanda was parked in front of the house, with Y/N's favorite coffee and buns, ready to surprise her.
The sokovian saw how Y/N got into the car and took off with Jules. She looked at her phone and saw that the last text was: 'you don't know how hard it is to work here right now! I'm exhausted!"
ㅤㅤㅤㅤ Of course Y/N was lying to her again, but why?
Without hesitation, Wanda sped up to follow them and find out what the hell they were up to. Once and for all.
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Oh my. I hope you enjoyed it cause the next one is... WELL, MESSY. 🌙 I'm gonna leave the songs again here: First part - Touched - VAST. Second part - Dress - Taylor Swift
the cutest and lovely people tags ✨ : @lijo-8 , @duck-5 , @username23345 , @i-need-somebody-else , @lattayhottay16 , @germz19 , @chaeismybae , @mrns21 , @whhyyynottt , @tita001 , @dont-worry-aboutme-darling , @is-mise-rachel , @devilsanus616 @imnotasuperhero @wandanatfan @katiemay-025
Thank you for reading me, my honeybees. I'll leave you a song.
Thanks you so damn much to the people who leave a ❤️ , 🔁 and leave comments -even as an anon on my box of requests-, you make me keep writing. And you're making my life easier! 🐻ㅤ
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arvadthecursed · 4 months
Well, we tried to reintroduce Bug and Stella after several months of her living in my room. I did my best to get them used to each other's scents, I tried to create positive associations... But Bug is still aggressive toward her. I was trying to get her back downstairs, and Bug swatted at me hard. It would've been a big bloody mess but luckily I cut his claws the other day, so I just have a bunch of welts.
I feel like I've failed Stella. I don't know what to do. I don't know if my parents will have the patience it takes to try the reintroduction process again. That was the initial problem, they totally refused to properly introduce the two. And it hasn't fixed. I feel like a fuck up and I'm afraid they'll try and convince me to get rid of her.
They think I'm "keeping her cooped up" when to me, she seems happy in my room. She eats, she plays, we cuddle every night, she greets me when I come in the door. That's not an unhappy cat! But my parents think it's "cruel" to keep her in my room. Which, maybe it is, idk. But she's been fine with it -- my room is pretty large, about the size of a single-occupant college dorm. It's not like she's in a cage or something.
But also, her being in my room 24/7 isn't good for my health. I've been battling a bad cold/flu and I'm just now getting over it, after a couple days spent sleeping upstairs. I don't want to be sick all the time. I have my boards on Wednesday and I start my new job next Monday. But I also don't want Stella to suffer. And for a more selfish reason, I don't want her stressed out and having accidents in my room/on my bed. She ruined my sister's bed when she was stuck in my sister's room, and my parents have to replace the mattress (tldr, the door wasn't closed, so Bug would stalk outside the door and keep Stella from using the provided litter box). Which I'm not blaming her at all for, it's not her fault, she's a cat. I should've closed the door, but my parents thought that would stink up the room. I understand that she can't speak to me and tell me what's wrong, and I have to meet her on her level.
I just feel very frustrated and alone. My parents like her, they think she's cute, but they don't love her like I do. They didn't clean up an entire room that had been left filthy for months just so it would be acceptable for her because they didn't want her to suffer. They didn't buy her food, toys, the cat tree. They don't cut her claws and comfort her when it's storming. That was me! I made the effort!! And I feel like they don't understand that.
Idk. With my parents' track record when it comes to my pets, I'm anxious. I guess I can go to the doctor when I have money, see about stronger allergy meds, and maybe change her food to one of those "hypoallergenic" diets. I don't want to put her through being tormented by Junebug, who I also love dearly -- I mean, I raised him from a kitten! I was the one who litter box trained him and worked to socialize him (...not well enough, I guess, but he's fine with my sister's older male cat so it's weird).
If Stella went back to the pound, she'd be euthanized, I just know it. She was on the euthanasia list when Liss got her and brought her home. She's 10, she's still overweight. She wouldn't stand a chance. I couldn't do that to her. My heart breaks just thinking about it. She already spent so much of her life in the shelter, I couldn't send her back.
Idk. Thanks for reading. I just am feeling very bummed right now. I'm with her in my room again, comforting her so she hopefully doesn't have an accident.
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patibato · 2 months
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-A16 - Scissor Words
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Kiroku: … …
Egg: …
Kiroku: …L…legs.
Egg: ……
Kiroku: …Ah!
*shlap shlap shlap*
Kiroku: W-wait…!
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Momiji: (It's about time for us to meet. …I wonder if Kiroku-kun had fun.)
Woah, what's this piece? An egg yokai that's sprouted legs? Decorating the entrance with this is so creepy-cute!
I've gotta take a photo. Camera, camera…
Kiroku: Haa, haa… …!
Momiji: Wah!
Kiroku: -…!
Momiji: You surprised me…! What are you in a rush for, Kiroku-kun?
Kiroku: …
… …!
Momiji: (He's agitatedly looking behind me…?)
Kiroku: Ah, wha… ah…! (Don't look over there…!)
Momiji: Huh? What is it?
Egg: …
*shlap shlap shlap*
Kiroku: -…!
Momiji: …He left.
Huh!? The egg piece disappeared…!
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Kiroku: Haa… haa… haa…!
(…I've lost it, what do I do…)
(I'll contact everyone on the app…)
Dewawa: You seriously gonna tell 'em? Say the egg that's so important to them all ran away~?
Kiroku: …
Dewawa: They gonna be shocked? Your lantern art hasn't progressed either, yeah?
Pinfu: Yeah~ Might think you're so~ shameful~
Kiroku: ……
Rouzel: That's not it! It'd be best to joindre them! Tout le monde is surely worried!
Ripris: S'fine… either way… contacting and chasing… are both a pain… zzz.
KB: Nay, I believe getting in contact to be the optimal solution - what say you, Kiroku?
Kiroku: …
…I…… won't contact them.
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Akuta: This olive somen is SOOO GOOOOOOD! I could munch on it forever! Infinite munching!
Muneuji: The fried somen from the other day was excellent, but this too is wonderful.
*door opens*
Nanaki: Is Chief here?
Akuta: Ooh, not riiight now.
Muneuji: I'm fairly certain they went out with Kinugawa.
Nanaki: Ah. I'll leave it for later then.
Akuta: Anyway, you doing good, Nanaki? You're all smiley. Something happen?
Nanaki: Nah, though I did manage to make a song with a BPM to match the encore fireworks.
Since it's done, I kinda want to show it to Chief.
Akuta: Eh!? You can make music and stuff!?
Nanaki: Well. Yeah.
Akuta: For real~~~~!? I've tried making songs before, but it was impossible, y'know~~~~!
First of all, I can't read sheet music. Can't see the notes as anything other than dancing tadpoles.
I really respect guys who can do it~! In other words, I really respect YOU, Nanaki~~~!
Nanaki: You're exaggerating.
Akuta: This is no time to be modest! I wanna make a song someday too, so help me out!
Nanaki: If I feel like it.
Akuta: Yippee! I'll work out a strategy to make you feel like it~~~!
Muneuji: …Incidentally.
The one on egg duty yesterday was Kinugawa. Yet despite the date change, he's yet to show himself today.
That is to say, he's still in possession of the egg.
Nanaki: Now that you mention it, you're right.
Muneuji: He hasn't been online, either… I'm a tad concerned.
Nanaki: Think he's in trouble?
Akuta: Nah, I'm sure he's fine. That guy's huge! Gotta be strong too!
Muneuji: No… …he may have been abducted by aliens.
Nanaki: I-I wonder about that.
Muneuji: I suppose there's no problem, as he should be with Chief, but just to be sure, I shall scout around outside.
Nanaki: No no, I think you're a bit too concerned about that. Calm down.
Muneuji: It'll be too late by the time he gets taken…!
Akuta: What?
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Kiroku: … Finally… found it.
(But, the crows scared it, and now it's clinging to a tree branch…)
Egg: ……
Kiroku: …Can you not… get down?
Egg: …
Kiroku: (I'll hold out my shirt to make a trampoline.)
Egg: …!
Kiroku: … Thank goodness.
Egg: …!
Kiroku: (… Cute… I need to take it to the others quickly…)
(Where am I… everything's dark. I'll consult those kids… ah.)
My puppets are… gone…
(No, before I search for them, I need to hand the egg over to the next person…)
(There's a lot of notifications on the walkie-talkie app… I'll contact every… no, but.)
Dewawa: They gonna be shocked? Your lantern art hasn't progressed either, yeah?
Pinfu: Yeah~ Might think you're so~ shameful~
Kiroku: (It really is no good… I've gotta do something myself. I need to take the egg back quickly…!)
(But, I can't just leave those kids… Not somewhere I may never come back to…)
(We've always been together… They're-)
*car pulls up*
Kiroku: Ah…
Momiji: Kiroku-kun! Thank goodness…!
Sakujiro: So this is where you were.
Momiji: We had the GPS, but I was worrying about what suddenly happened!
Kiroku: I… I'm… sorry…
Momiji: No, as long as you're alright. But don't run around so much that you get lost, okay?
And… here.
Kiroku: …Ah…!
Momiji: They'd fallen by the side of the road. They're yours, right?
Kiroku: …Yeah… they're my… friends…
Momiji: I thought so. Try not to drop them next time, yeah?
Alright, let's head back to the inn!
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Kiroku: ……
Momiji: …
(Kiroku-kun's been making an awkward face this whole time… Like he wants to say something, but can't.)
(Kiroku-kun's a lot more taciturn than others, but that doesn't necessarily mean he isn't interested in those around him.)
(Rather, it looks like it makes him more attentive to his surroundings than most. That's why-)
(If I could do something to console his heart…)
I know. Kiroku-kun, how about we use PeChat?
Kiroku: Eh…?
Momiji: Using words is difficult, but maybe you can spell it out. Let's give it a go.
Kiroku: …
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Momiji: Don't worry about what happened today
I know you're truly a considerate person
Kiroku: Sorry for bothering you so much
Momiji: It's fine, I understand you've always got a lot on your mind
Kiroku: ……
…This might.
…Take a bit… to type…
Momiji: Got it. I'll wait.
Kiroku: I'll tell you. Why I'm like this. Why I became bad at talking
I accidentally hurt a friend of mine with my words when I was in elementary school. Even though they were such a precious friend
I thought a lot after that. And decided it'd be best if I didn't use words
So I became bad at getting words out
I've not made any progress on the lantern art either, I'm sorry
Even though I can draw properly when nobody else knows. I feel that expressing myself may hurt someone. And it might come back around to hurt me
So I got scared. Sorry
Momiji: No need to apologise. It's incredibly brave of you to express that
There will be times you can't get your thoughts across and end up hurting something
But if you ask me, it's really important to communicate, even if there are times you clash and fight with each other
Face it with courage, and if you're wrong, you can take it back. It's fine to try your best until you can get yourself across properly
That way, won't you be able to build up your relationship with someone?
Words and art are the same. As long as you fear expressing yourself, you'll never understand each other
If you can face them with courage, I'm sure they'll accept you
Kiroku: …
(I'll… start up the walkie-talkie app.)
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Akuta: "Aah aah, testing the mic now. Is that Kiroku-san? Hey there."
Kiroku: -…! He-hello… Hey… there.
Akuta: "Finally connected! Muneuji was real worried about you, flew right out of the inn. Copy."
Kiroku: …Co …
Akuta: "Anyway anyway, how ya doin'? Still on earth?"
Kiroku: I… …I'm on my way back… …copy.
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sylvia-forest · 1 year
[CN] Shaw's 2023 Birthday R&S
⚡ Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for a R&S which hasn't released in EN yet!⚡
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[Released Date: 16 June 2023]
[This content was translated with the help of Google translate and by my lovely friend XD]
✧[Chapter 1]✧
Shaw walked unhurriedly on the path on one side, and the earphone cable on his chest also dangled. It wasn't until a fork in the road appeared that he was finally willing to lift his eyelids and look left and right.
It was still the bat’s road on the left, two or three vehicles were parked there.
To the right, there was a gentle slope upward, and between the layers of trees, you can see a tombstone standing there, as well as two or three places where white smoke drifts out due to worship.
Since the burial of the old man, this is the second time he came here. Hardly a year has passed by but there were a lot more tombstones than before, and he couldn't even find where he was.
But Shaw wasn't in a hurry, he put his hands in his pockets, and walked east without hesitation. No matter how much this place changes, going to somewhere with the best Feng Shui never goes wrong.
[T/N]: Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art of arranging buildings, objects, and space in an environment to achieve harmony and balance in a way that will bring peace and prosperity. Or in simple having luck with the environment!
So it didn't take long for Shaw to stand in front of the old man's tombstone without any problems. After staring at the photo that’s mosaicked in the middle, he reached out and pulled out the earphones.
“Hey, old man.”
“I can't believe I chose this photo, you're the one with the biggest smile.”
Shaw raised his hand to brush off the dead leaves from the tombstone, but just with few strokes, his hands were covered with a layer of black dust.
After a few moments of silence, he squeezed his hand around his white cuff and wiped the dust off the tombstone bit by bit.
“Old man, you are too far from the city center. So don't blame me for not frequently visting, just swear some words upon the sky.”
As Shaw spoke, he suddenly narrowed his eyes and sneezed several times in succession.
“... Mine was pretty fast.”
“Then you relax yourself first, I haven’t finished reporting. When I’m finished reporting, you can criticise me all you want.”
At this time, the right cuff had become black from dust, so Shaw pinched his left cuff, and continued to wipe the dust.
“Originally, I wanted to wait until Ching Ming festival to gave you a grave sweep, although i don’t visit so often, certain rules still has to be followed”
[T/N]: 清明節 Ching Ming or Qingming festival means the Remembrance of Ancestors Day or Grave-Sweeping Day takes place on the 15th day after the Spring Equinox. 
“But I’ll be busy with some school stuff at that time, so I came early,”
“As for the antiques...everything is fine, except that your business has been reduced a lot without you.”
“You also know that I don't like making trouble, so I'll try my best not to lose money for you. Oh, and there's one more thing— —
“I accidentally broke a cup of yours some time ago. Fortunately, it was only from the Qing Dynasty. In addition, it was repaired in time, so the loss is not big. I just feel sorry for your old age, so I will pay you more.”
Shaw lifted the plastic bag that he brought all the way here and shook it in front of the tombstone. After shaking it, he took out a still warm roast chicken, three or two fruits and a handful of original melon seeds from it.
Then, he glanced at the bottle of sake left in the bag, and raised the corners of his lips slightly.
“Remember it all, all of them are your favorites.”
After pouring the sake into a small glass, he finally straightened up and fell into complete silence, and without his voice, the place was even quieter, with only a string of heavy metal sounds slipping out of the headphones which were half-dangling out of his pocket.
“It's all me talking, so it's boring.”
When Shaw raised his foot and was about to leave, he suddenly thought of something and took out a few copper coins from his pocket.
“Old man, you say I can do divination, can you tell me what you want to say to me through divination?”
The coins were thrown up and scattered on the ground, Shaw bent down and looked at them, and laughed.
“It's amazing, it seems to be there.”
He said, glanced at the sake cup that was only 70% full, and then picked up the sake bottle to fill it.
“Okay, I'll fill you up, but don't be too greedy. I'm really leaving this time, and I'll come see you when I have time.”
After Shaw finished speaking, he left without looking back. Only the small sake bottle was left, and the sake made silent waves with the wind.
On the way back, the sky was gloomy, and Shaw was still walking slowly when, a lingering smoke of plant ash floated behind him, and an old lady who seemed to have just finished sweeping the grave hurriedly rushed ahead of him.
“Young man, hurry up, it's going to rain heavily.”
Shaw took a look at the sky, and then kicked a stone on the side of the road.
"What a stupid rain."
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✧[Chapter 2]✧
After returning to the antique shop, the dust on the cuffs had condensed into a ball. 
Shaw didn't take off his coat, he directly took out a dust pan and broom from a corner of the backyard. Originally, he hadn't planned to clean it today, but the layers of dirt accumulated during the tomb sweeping made him realize that it hadn't been cleaned for a long time.
But when Shaw stood in front of the secret room with the broom, he never pressed the switch.
Since the old man left, he almost never went in there again. Even if he wanted to get some necessary things, he would just quickly go in and come out immediately, without any extra stops.
He couldn't say why he didn't want to go there, but he didn't want to "get to the bottom of it". He always felt that once he did so, a lot of troublesome emotions would come up.
So at last he turned and left, and went back to the door.
“Forget it, let's talk about it another day. You can't finish so many things in half a day.”
He began to sweep and drag the chair, and the harsh sound made from time to time made the parrot in the cage jump up and down as if startled.
Shaw stopped moving again and pinned the broom to the ground, “What, are you going to give your cage a big cleaning too?”
Seeing that the parrot continued to flutter its wings, he silently picked up the water basin on the side and walked towards the door.
“Okay, your voice is really precious, I've been raising you for four or five years, and I haven't seen you say a few words.”
After speaking, he lifted the water basin and poured towards outside, "Hey, what a coincidence, I bet you brat purpousefully poured it towards me!"
The old man just stepped into the antique stop and almost got splashed by water, his feet were shivering on the dry floor like an electric shock.
Seeing this, Shaw just shrugged his shoulders, picked up the mop and started mopping the floor, “You also said it's a coincidence, don't touch the porcelain”
“……Come on, I'm too old to argue with a kid like you.”
Old Yan put his hands behind his back and began to look at the "renewed" antique shop, with a puffing sound coming from his mouth.
“I was just next door when I heard your bells ringing, so you were giving it a cleaning .”
“Could it be that you have been enlightened by the Buddha's light, and you are finally willing to take care of this antique shop for your master and inherit the mantle?”
“Out of the way.”
Seeing that the broom almost reached his front foot, Old Yan immediately step back, Shaw slightly opened his mouth again. “Move to the left, there’s a treasure on the right.”
Old Yan subconsciously put his foot on brakes, and when he looked back, his face turned pale.
“This, the authentic work of Huang Tingjian, you put it here?”
“It's been raining for a while, and it's hard to come across a dry, cloudy day, so I took it out to dry.”
Old Yan's body went rigid, as if he hadn't recovered from the fright just now, “Anyway, put it in a safe place, I was almost knocked down by it just now!”
Shaw remained expressionless, silently putting down the mop in his hand.
“Old Yan. When it was first discovered, it didn't know that it would last for a hundred years or that it would be trapped in a wooden box by future generations.
“It's not too much to let it out once in a while to feel the breeze, right?”
Old Yan was stunned for a moment, his eyes even showed a few moments of longing, and then turned away.
“...... Why do you always come and then disappear?”
Old Yan didn't turn around, the afterglow quietly fell on his back.
“I won't be coming back today.”
…. It’s almost an year, how come today thinking about the scenery of my master enjoying chatting with these precious antiques comes to mind.
And then, there was only a sigh left at the corner.
The antique store was empty again, and the parrot was quiet.
Shaw didn't clean up any more, just leaned casually to one side, looked at the calligraphy and painting quietly for a long time, and then raised the corners of his lips.
“Surely you miss him too?”
“It's so awkward.”
Shaw shrugged, pretending to be indifferent, and when he was about to continue mopping the floor, a black shadow broke into the corner of his eye and stood at the door of the store.
He turned his head and saw the black letter 5 with a slightly raised tail engraved on the man's earphone.
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✧[Chapter 3]✧
At dawn, Shaw walked quickly in the forest, dragging his bleeding left leg.
“This time the "extra money" was harder to earn than imagined, but fortunately the things have been successfully obtained, and the rest is to extort more "loss fees" from BS.”
As he was thinking, his vision suddenly blurred, causing him to run and hold onto a tree trunk and look down at the wound.
Even wearing black pants, you can still see that the place cut by the blade is bloody, surrounded by a network of broken fabric on the top, oozing black and blue blood.
It seems that the tip of the knife seems to be poisoned.
He frowned and quickened his pace, walking towards the exit not far away. But the weird thing was, it’s clearly located in front by less than a metre, but he’s like stuck in cycles, spinning around in the same spot.
It wasn't until the third attempt that Shaw finally stopped beside the tree trunk he had carved a mark on.
“Tsk, do you really think these tricks can work on me?” Shaw gritted his teeth and complained, then simply closed his eyes.
How treacherous is the illusion?
And there was no escape from the four-element, eight-diagram array.
The next second, the off by hard memorised Eight Front Strategy taught by that old man, spread out from a circle supported by two legs in his heart. But as soon as he stepped on the “kun word”, a dazzling light wrapped him up. 
He opened his eyes slightly, and found that the source of the light was actually coming from the dragonfly eye worn on his chest.
Shaw took off the chain in surprise and twisted it, but before he could continue looking, that dazzling light burst out again, completely engulfing his sight.
When he opened his eyes again, it was completely black.
Shaw subconsciously stretched out his hand, but before his arm was straightened, his palm first met a rough and hard touch, like a pitted stone wall.
Just now it was an open forest, how did it become like this in the blink of an eye? He frowned and took out his phone to turn on the flashlight mode, the moment it illuminated, the surrounding environment was completely out of his expectation.
He was in a closed and narrow "passage", the rocks above his head could be touched by his feet, and the air was thin, with a cold, damp stench.
It was as if this place had never seen the light of the day.
“What's going on?”
Shaw endured the pain and walked a few steps, until he encountered a fork in the road, he turned his head sideways and looked in the two places.
Under the sweeping light of the flashlight, he saw some pottery and ironware on the ground, and a set of chime clocks were displayed in the distance, arranged in order from small to large at the bottom of the wall.
At this moment he felt something was wrong. After all, he grew up on West Moon Street, and he was surrounded by the old man every day. Even if he hasn't experienced it himself, he can probably tell that this was the place where the ancients lived in the legend.
How come when this thing lights up, he comes here?
He stared at the Dragonfly's Eye in his hand for a while, puzzled. But he didn't see anything unusual. His intuition told him that there must be a hidden secret. That's why the old man never explained it, but only entrusted him to take good care of it….
Just as he was thinking, a benevolent voice came from the storage room, Shaw immediately came back to his senses, and walked with light footsteps. And when he walked to the entrance of the side room, he saw an old-fashioned flashlight lying on the ground, looking along the bright light, a young man in a crumpled Chinese tunic, whose leg was firmly pressed by a broken stone slab.
Shaw didn't move for a while, just watched this strange young man scrambling back and forth on the ground, sweating profusely and grinning.
When he finally pulled his foot out of the gap, he stood up half-heartedly, looked up and saw Shaw standing at the door, and almost fell to the ground again in fright.
“You, who are you?”
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✧[Chapter 4]✧
Before the words fell, Shaw's flashlight was directed on the young man's face.
“You don't care who I am. You've got a lot of nerve, what kind of society is this, and you still dare to put yourself in danger?”
While the young man was blinded by the light, Shaw frowned.
He always thought this square-faced man looked a bit familiar.
But in the next second, the young man blocked the dazzling light with his hand. Seeing that he didn't reply for a long time, Shaw moved the flashlight to his hand again, and shook it lightly.
“Don't play dumb, this jade bead is the treasure you want to take away, right?”
“How about this, give you a chance to redeem your sins, you give it to me, and I'll handed it in for you.”
The young man immediately put the round white jade beads behind his back, his face full of indignation.
“You, what do you think of me? I was going to hand it over to the museum. This is a stone bone white jade, which belongs to our cultural product of the Western Han Dynasty. It is impossible to hand it over to someone with unknown origin like you!”
"You don't look like a good person with that hair color of yours, maybe you are with that group of foreign thieves!"
Shaw was listening and ran a hand over his blue purplish hair.
“Okay, not just a reckless man, but also quite knowledgeable, but you are wrong about one thing, this is not the Western Han Dynasty, but also the Ming Dynasty.”
As Shaw said, he shone the flashlight on the heavy wooden box behind the young man.
“This is lime sand made by mixing lime, glutinous rice, and sand. No one would do this before the Ming Dynasty.”
The young man froze for a moment, leaned over to take a look, and when he turned his head, the vigilance in his eyes was replaced with curiosity.
“....Where did you learn this from?”
"You wouldn't believe it if I told you, how about it? Want to give it to me?"
Seeing Shaw taking a step forward threateningly, although the young man was afraid, he still firmly guarded the jade bead in his hand, as if he would rather smash the jade than give it up 
“I'm not going to hand it over to you no matter what you say.”
“It has been sealed for centuries, and I will not allow its future fate to remain in the hands of wealthy merchants.”
“It should be seen by the world, it is history, it is culture!”
“Not synonymous with money!”
The young man's cheeks were red, and his voice became more and more subdued, as a resy Shaw couldn't hold back his laughter.
“I finally remembered who you look like, your accent, tone of voice, and a face that couldn't be more square .......”
“Just like the old man.”
Shaw scannedthe young man up and down while speaking, “It's okay for you to play retro style, no problem, but it does’nt suit that face of yours, too old looking, I advise you to put that big head down......”
Before he could finish the sentence, a dazzling ray of light flashed on his chest again.
It's the dragonfly eye.
“This is the Warring States glazed dragonfly eye, why do you have it?! I clearly —”
Shaw couldn't hear anything, the shining white light completely enveloping him.
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✧[Chapter 5]✧
In the following week, Shaw searched all over the antique shop, but he couldn't find any information about the Dragonfly Eye.
After a long silence, he finally raised his hand and pressed the switch on the back of the antique shelf, and entered the secret room. With the kerosene lamp in his hand, he stared in silence at everything before him - an ancient book lined up on a wooden table at the end, a magnifying glass at the foot of the page, and a sperm tilted against the door.
There are "traces" left by the old man from the last time everywhere.
That's why he doesn't like to come to this place.
He didn't know whether to tidy up the messy secret room or keep it as it was.
He always feels that once these are returned to their original places, time will take advantage of them and erase all the traces left on them. So when Shaw searched, he deliberately avoided touching these things.
The kerosene lamps began to fade but he still found nothing. The only accidental discovery was a dusty wooden box dragged out from the bottom shelf of the ancient shelf-
It contains a red hardcover photo album, and some fragmentary objects. 
Shaw didn't think twice and opened the first page. 
What caught his eyes were four black and white group photos, each photo has seven or eight young people in Chinese tunic suits smiling shyly.
In the next second, Shaw's fingertips holding the album tightened a little bit.The person standing on the far right of the photo was a young man with curly hair and a square face.
He subconsciously held his breath.
Obviously the guess was right, but he was still stunned, he continued to flip the pages in a daze.
There weren't many photos of this man, but you can tell that he has slowly changed over time - he has become a little fatter, his face has more wrinkles, and his hair has turned gray. In the end, it became the most familiar appearance to him.
When everything was irrefutable, Shaw couldn't help but smile, only the undetectable regret remained in his eyes.
“....Old man, you are very interesting. Hiding so many secrets from me...But it's okay, just leave it as a mystery for me to solve by myself.”
“Sooner or later, I will know whether that person was my hallucination, or I really met you.”
When he put the photo album back, he found an old notebook underneath.
“There are a lot of things.”
He flipped through a few pages, which contained the old man's notes on studying antiquities when he was young, and some essays—
“History is not as old as you imagined, as long as you see it, touch it ...... Naturally, you’ll become a part of history.”
[T/N]: Please take note of this line and don’t forget it, cuz it holds a special meaning behind it and play a big role in his bday date which will also be explained later ;) 
Seeing this, Shaw inadvertently looked at the ancient books, calligraphy and paintings in front of him. For some reason, these things that he has been accustomed to since he was a child, seem to have undergone different changes at this moment.
It seems that through these, we can see the past and see the freshness of the past.
Thinking of this, he raised his hand and placed it on one of the ancient books.
Has he become a part of history? To be honest, he has doubts, but there was nothing he could do about it. 
Because the only person he can ask has become “history”.
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✧[Chapter 6]✧
The time has come for the summer solstice, and the cicadas are chirping even more.
He patted the dust on his hands before picking up his phone and glancing at it - [Speedy Skateboard Shop] Dear member, happy birthday! Coupons have been added to your account, welcome to shop! Remember to subscribe back.
Shaw didn't even think about going back, and walked straight into the shop. It's been more than a year and a half now, and it's time to come to the store to make an account. Even if he doesn't bother to take care of the business, some basic things still have to be done.
But when he took out the calculator from the drawer, he found that there were stickers on the bottom of a business card.
He tore it off casually, and found that it was not only crumpled, but also had many cake patterns printed on it, one of which was the peach cake.
When Shaw saw this, he couldn't help laughing.
“Old man, aren't you hinting at something again?”
However, the only answer to him was a beep.
But Shaw didn't mind, and laughed even more.
“Okay, I've been eating it for so many years, and I would feel uncomfortable if I suddenly stopped this year.” He picked up the landline beside him and dialed the number from the business card to see if he could buy it.
After a while, the phone was connected by an aunt with a northern accent, ”Master Hua, why did you call this year? Don't you usually order it a few days ago? But it's okay, the birthday cake has been reserved for you.”
“What do you say, when will you come to pick it up? I'm off work soon.”
Shaw held the phone tightly, “Now”
She seemed to realize that it wasn't Master Hua's voice, and the other party was taken aback for a moment, “Oh, it's not Master Hua? Then will you help him get the cake from here? Or would he be getting it  himself?”
"He's not coming, I'll get it myself."
The time Shaw finished taking the cake and returned to the antique shop, it was already dark…
Without saying anything, he cut a piece of longevity peach cake and put it on a plate, and ate it quietly. But yes, what can change dramatically in the past year?
Shaw paused for a moment while eating the cake, and there was a glimmer of darkness in his eyes.
He couldn't say that, except for this cake, there were quite a lot of changes.
“Stinky boy! Stinky boy!”
At this moment, it was as if a stone had hit the calm lake. Shaw straightened up suddenly, and looked at the parrot who had finally opened its mouth. It was obviously still dark on the street, but time seemed to be turning backwards, and the bustling noises of the daytime could be heard next to his ears— —
“Old man, can you stop nagging me? This chicken is learning to talk, I don't want another bird to scold me.”
“Brat, if you were less of a troublemaker, could I say that?”
“...stinky old man,”
“Well, you brat!”
When this past incident came to Shaw's mind, he couldn't help laughing, not even noticing the cream on the corner of his mouth.
He continued to fork a piece of yellow peach and put it in his mouth,
“Old man, what did I say? You can't say everything out loud.”
“The bird always learn the bad, not the good.”
The night was quiet again, and the parrot also lowered its head and combed its feathers,
Shaw looked at the empty antique shop, picked up a candle and stuck it in the cake.
After lighting, the warm light of the candle reflected on Shaw's face, the youthful nostalgia and resignation were reflecting out.
“......Old man.”
“All these years, I haven't been very filial to you, I happened to turn 18 this year, so let's set an example.”
“To be your good disciple for once.”
“Your antique store, the treasures you receive with love, the "history" you cherish”
“I'll take care of it for you.”
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staghunters · 6 months
Figured I should make a new post at this point because the other one is getting too long to keep reblogging. I've been tinkering away at the site and it is shaping up! Here's a lil page by page tour under the cut
you can view the site here!
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Splash screen!
It's a little bumper so the css can load without it scrabling the home page. It looks alright, but to add some more text to the image, I have to make a new one in the death screen generator, which is not ideal.
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The home page!
I've changed the middle window so it fits in better with the rest. Not very visually exciting there in terms of color, but it is for now the best look imo. Text there is aligned justified, I've condensed it a bit more and added the randomized quote section underneath it instead of it being a seperate window on the side.
To do list needs an update but is still accurate. The team is still there, but on the other side, I have set the blinkies to be a bit larger. The music player has been removed because I couldn't find a way to add songs to it that weren't included on the source site. Snufkin is here now. The webrings will need some more. Retronaut is there, but not functioning as it should. it just forwards you to random sites in the ring instead of where it should be, but I can't find what exactly I'm doing wrong with the code.
Another thing that is not working on neocities itself is the "last updated" part. For some reason it doesn't display there what it does display on my local html. Maybe a bug at neo.
And icons at the top on the nav par! Adds some more flair to the place. The footer has also received a minor update: it now has a sitemap link instead of another back-to-home url.
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I'm thinking of moving the small window with the short info to the right, but it is here for now. Links that are web-building related are on the right, also for my own referencing. The essentials lists on the left are hidden on load, but can be revealed by tapping the puttons. The lists are in tree-view and the window shouldn't expand over the cassette image once the construction sign is removed. Speaking of, the cassette has a lil playlist.
I might expand on the info a bit more, but that is for me to ponder. I liked including links to tumblr, the guestbook, and a button in case anyone wants to link my site on theirs.
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Hasn't really changed much. I've been looking at moving the sidebar info to be in the main section upon load, but idk if that would just make things more complicated. Right now it loads to an empty section there, stuff appears once you click a button. PDF support is only available once I'm a supporter of neocities, which i do wanna do but isn't a priority atm just for getting this part running. The links to ao3 will do just fine for now.
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The space for my rambling. It can be browsed by entry through the post-it, and all that seems to be functioning alright. Added a kitty and a sticker for decoration. The Stop Making Sense bumper sticker will now load a local video of the performance, but once again I won't be able to add this to the site until I get a supporter thing going. It plays/pauses on click, hehe.
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Decided to add a page for it. Basic info, schedule, link to the room, my letterboxd, and an overview of past movies. It's a nice spot on the site that is also the most cramped, but I like how it turned out.
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In case any page/url error happens, you can send a movie recommendation to B (their askbox is linked when you open on desktop)
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The art and other pages are very much works in progress. Art can be up and running once I upload art to the site, but I'm not sure if I want to post full pieces here. Maybe I'll make it a space for sketch stuff that I'd otherwise discard.
As for the other page: I might be filing it under the writing page as a section, since the only thing here is WvW atm. It's cool that it has it's own thing, but I'm not sure if something that is basically a fanfic warrants such a space. That, or I keep it and drop all my other-media stuff in here so there's more to look at.
That's it for now! I got some ideas on how to continue, but they're not super-duper set in stone.
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secretlykoishi · 1 year
A rant about Foul Detective Satori/Cheating Detective Satori
Sorry, this will be long, but I have a lot of thoughts I need to get out. Spoilers abound.
I really tried to like this series. I defended it for awhile, and I thought it couldn't be as bad as SSiB, my previous least favorite Touhou official manga. As one might expect from my name and pfp, I am very attached to the Komeiji siblings. I also really love mysteries, especially if they're murder mystery themed like this one. But I found myself enjoying it less and less as it went on, and Chapter 29 finally killed the series for me. I'm so disappointed by how Satori is treated in the series named after her. You would think that being the titular character might make her at least A main character, but she's not even a secondary character. She's practically a glorified extra, which sucks because her ability that previous caused her to be hated by everyone in-universe could have been used to show her becoming loved for the exact same reason. Even worse is that the series is now fighting for who actually can be a main character between like five different people, and none of them are the titular character. Yeah, it was great seeing Flandre again, but why is she still playing such a large role in this when it's moved so far past the Scarlet Devil Mansion?
And as much as I love Reimu and Marisa, I can't deny that they are quite possible the WORST characters to lead a mystery story. They have no interest in figuring out the why, the how, the who, any of the things that make a mystery compelling. They just want to end the incident and be done with it. That works fine for games where it's not trying to build up a mysterious and tense atmosphere, but for something that's meant to be a mystery story, I can't help but wonder why they're so involved. Especially since this manga is probably the worst offender of a trend I've noticed recently of Reimu canonically losing at pretty much everything.
Characterization also started out pretty strong. We saw Reimu and Marisa being concerned about those around them instead of just themselves. Flandre was given interesting character shading that made her seem less violently unhinged and more of a standoffish devil-may-care kind of anti-hero. Orin was in the story at all (seriously, how long has she been tied to that damn tree!), and Satori was an active and key player at first. Now, Reimu and Marisa are in this pretty much just for themselves (which circles back to my previous point), Flandre has fully reverted into pure fanon characterization, actively UNDOING development she had (and don't worry, undone progress is going to be commented on more). And Satori is a glorified extra, which is insulting not only because the series is called Foul/Cheating Detective Satori, and not only because she's the only character who seemingly IS interested in the who, the what, the why, the how, and so on. And, she's the only one with a decent chance of solving things. It would be so much more interesting to see this from her perspective.
While it's not really here as much anymore, when the artist switched, I noticed a lot of very out-of-place comedy for a story that seems like it's trying to present itself seriously. I know comedy is nothing new to Touhou, but the story had established itself as a far more dramatic and serious story with the first artist, and I don't think it's unreasonable to want the same tone to carry throughout an entire story so it can be consistent.
Of course, what hasn't stopped is the awful pacing. This story has such a huge issue with padding that it genuinely makes me sad. It's gotten to the point of actively undoing progress, possibly best demonstrated in the most recent chapter (chapter 29 at the time of writing). The story drags itself out for so long that any time progress is made, you'd better not expect it to stay, because it WILL change anything before that progress means anything, and then we're back to square one. Like, for example, how we finally figured out who was possessed (Kyouko) only for the pacing to drag on so long for no good reason that it changed before that information could mean anything. Even more insulting, the person now possessed is the titular character, who by all accounts, should have been the story's heroine.
I also can't get into The Jailbreak King at all. I mentioned before that Silent Sinner in Blue was my previous least favorite official Touhou manga. There are two reasons for that, both present here. One is the aforementioned pacing and padding, and the other is the ridiculously OP antagonists. Yorihime made me enraged with how ridiculously flawless she was, as she was completely untouchable. The new villain Mizuchi is that but worse. She is pretty much entirely invulnerable and always 10 steps ahead of everyone. This could make for a good mystery premise if we got to slowly chip away at that lead, but again, the pacing and padding makes that impossible. Not to mention all the lore it messes up (like the most powerful youkai in the setting being incredibly easy to possess), or the fact that it makes no sense why Mizuchi can get away with possessing one of the sages and no one is particularly bothered by it.
I can't even be mad about the premise. It is such a cool premise. Like I said, a character who is hated in-universe by everyone for her ability to read minds because people are creeped out about it is now the only one with a chance to resolve a mystery that threatens pretty much everyone. It's a chance for redemption for her. It's her chance to prove that her ability isn't a bad thing to people that aren't herself. And if anything, is also a way to potentially prove that to her sister, who closed her third eye and shut off her emotions because of the hatred that she received from the people who hated them. Satori was literally the only one capable of figuring this out and solving this mystery in a timely manner that kept people safe. But between being demoted to extra and the pacing and padding being so awful, that I can't really see happening anymore. And now that she's become a victim in her own story, I don't think it's realistically possible for that opportunity to come again at this point. It took what could have been a really good premise, a really good mystery with a really good redemption for a character in universe was hated by everyone, potentially giving her the chance to finally be loved by people for the very reason that they hated her, and it fucking threw it in a garbage can and set that garbage can on fire.
So, yeah, all in all? I'm super disappointed by this series.
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cosmiclion · 1 year
If you're curious about the Midfords' role in my AU, they have the same titles/do the same things as in canon and I don't think I'll change that 🤔 What I have so far is that as soon as they learn one of the twins is alive they rush to see him and they try to be there for him as often as possible for things like hospital visits (the kid may have had the help of two demons to get stable but he still needs human medicine).
In this verse supernatural creatures have no reason to hide their true nature unless it's for very specific purposes so everyone knows Sebastian is a demon. It's not at all unheard of for a nonhuman to become the guardian of a human child, but it's not very common for a demon like Sebas to assume that role so, understandably, they have their reservations about the whole thing, especially Frances. In fact at the beginning she's willing to become Ciel's legal guardian and raise him as her own child even if she already has two young children of her own. I thought about a little scene, for which I might draw a short comic one day if I have enough time and energy 😅
When the hectic days following Ciel's rescue and the reconstruction of the manor have passed and everything's a little calmer, the Midfords pay child and demon a visit. Little Ciel is still on his path to recovery and he needs plenty of fresh air and exercise to strenghten his legs, plus some play time with his cousins is good for his emotional health. It's a nice sunny day and everyone's enjoying themselves in the garden and Frances takes the opportunity to talk to Sebastian, so she takes him aside for a bit.
"I must say, even though it hasn't been that long he's already doing so much better, he's a very strong boy." the marchioness comments.
From their spot under a tree shade they can see the others a little bit further. Alexis is helping little Lizzie make flower crowns, which she then gleefully places on Edward's and Ciel's heads. Ciel smiles shyly but genuinely.
"And despite everything he's gone through he still wants to smile."
"Yes, he is a delightful child indeed," Sebastian nods, and after a pause he adds "and I will make sure he grows up to be a fine gentleman."
Fast as lightning, Frances unsheathes her sword and stabs the tree trunk behind Sebastian, the blade just a few milimiters from his ear, and speaks in a tone that would scatter a pack of wolves.
"Now listen very carefully because I won't repeat myself, devil. That child is my only remaining nephew and the only living reminder of my brother and sister in law. I don't care if you're Satan himself, if you don't prove to be capable of providing the best life for him, nothing will stop me from taking him from you and raising him myself. Was that clear?"
If Sebastian had an organic body, he'd swallow a lump in his throat.
"Ah, crystal clear, ma'am."
Frances pulls the sword from the trunk and puts it back in the sheath, then offers the demon a warm smile.
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dnangelic · 3 months
" hmm .. sit still for a second , " and reaches over to fix daisuke's ribbon , smoothing out anything else on his uniform . ' how cute , ' mafuyu thought to himself . it was a good fit on him , considering their similar height , and with the wig ... well , daisuke blended in quite smoothly with the rest of the students .
then he rests his head against the other's shoulder , letting out a sigh of relief .
" thank you .. for coming to see me , even like this ... " masked , strained smiles , and without much of a moment's peace because of his running around . daisuke's presence as a whole was mafuyu's breath of fresh air , no matter where they settled . he's considered mafuyu's well being so much since they'd met , even going as far to put a disguise to visit him during lunch ... mafuyu can't help but think how undeserving he felt of it most times — had he been doing enough for daisuke in return ?
still , it put a restless heart put into peace , and left to think maybe today wasn't so bad . " .. is it okay if i stay like this ? " despite all his opposing thoughts- mafuyu wanted to cling close as always , no longer paying attention to his lunch .
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oops . had things ended up getting a little out of place ? ( it's summer , and it's sweltering , but that still hasn't stopped him from coming all this way , changing clothes as he sprinted . ) mafuyu's kinder with his frumpy hints than his mother ; the niwa can still feel himself wince a little as the echo of old scold-and-chidings fast haunt him --- ( minus five points , daisuke ! a phantom thief must always look stylish and impeccable ! )
... but that was different here , wasn't it ?
the other's hand comes close and he wants to hold it ; imagines himself gently snatching and halting mafuyu's glide over borrowed clothes so that he could indulge the impulse to kiss the back of that palm once more --- ( what the ... what was he thinking ?! wasn't a hello just fine ?! ) instead he quietly watches as mafuyu straightens out the ribbon and frees any wrinkles with a delicate touch .
' i'm sorry , ' he can't help but say at first with a flush , ' i should have taken better care of it ... ' even if he too was always trying to never let anything catch or snag and unravel due to dramatic acts like vaults over stone walls , steel gates with sharp points , or even the far more ordinary jutting twigs and sticks of passing branches .
for mafuyu , daisuke thinks , the sight of his uniform being tousled and left sloppy must have brought out complicated emotions for as long the idea of perfection was so important --- if not to mafuyu himself , then his own mother , who no doubt might have turned to all sorts of interrogation , assumption , and demand over the damage on an otherwise should-have-been spotless uniform .
mafuyu's head soon sets onto his shoulder , and daisuke feels his heart jump . he tries to quash the sensation , missing the empty sekai's morphing freedoms but filling up with warmth over the other's gratitude nevertheless . a small , sincere smile sets onto the niwa's expression , and it only grows until a hand lifts , hesitates , then gently rubs the top of the other's head .
' it's nothing , ' nothing to worry about , anyways . ' i was so excited to have someone to go to ... something to look forward to in the first place , that i was really scared i'd end up transforming on the way . ' he laughs a little , awkward yet still sweet , trying its best to lighten any airs . ' even though your uniform fits me really well , that only means it'd never fit dark --- and being stuck in a skirt that's too small is probably even worse than being stuck in swim trunks or gym shorts . '
but he's managed to spare himself any front page press over the great phantom thief's bunny briefs so far . the air softens , the sunlight shines and shimmers in between the gaps of tree leaves and blowing winds , and just for a moment , daisuke wishes that things like this could've lasted forever .
' it's okay . ' he says this even though what he means is he couldn't have asked for anything more . except for mafuyu's good health , a simple wish and something he too considers as he gingerly plucks a berry from the inside of mafuyu's now becoming-untouched bento , offering the fruit up cool and sweet-smelling to the other's mouth . ' ... here , say ah . your lunch is still important , ' but he'd happily stay , for every second of it . ' if it's alright , i'll feed you . '
all the other had to do , in the meantime --- was stay close beside him .
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h3rmitsunited · 2 years
Okay, because I couldn't help myself, I had to go for the Season Two outfits also.
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Starting, of course, with the Blackwing Jumpsuit. The angst-filled gray blob of imprisonment, dehumanization, and, say it with me folks, **Trauma**! Yay! There's no trace of Dirk Gently in this outfit. He's stuck in the white walls in clothes he wouldn't willingly wear, and not only that, but the last time that we saw our detective, he was wearing his signature yellow jacket and Mexican Funeral t-shirt from his friends. We don't see Blackwing take these away, but obviously they did, and the implication of them stripping Dirk of this identity that he's created for himself as Dirk Gently, holistic detective (which he was so proud to tell Riggins in episode 3 that he was solving real cases, finding clues, that he had friends), and stripped him of his friends, of the real connections that he had made out of no small effort, I mean the implication is just something that makes me really want to give Friedkin a nice punch in the face.
Dirk has this stripped away, is stuffed into this jumpsuit that says you aren't deserving of a real name, you're not a person, you're an experiment, you're a mistake, you never get anything right, so just do what you're supposed to do. He spends two months there with nobody, silent guards walking him from room to room, hearing the recorded voice tell him he's doing a bad job, and changing from one jumpsuit to another day after day.
I feel burnt out just watching it.
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And so he escapes. First outfit change we see is the jumpsuit top unzipped and tied at the waist, a simple gray t-shirt underneath. He's hesitant to feel like he's out, so he's still wearing the jumpsuit (and practically, yes, he hasn't had the opportunity to change his clothes), but he's letting himself enjoy his friends, feeling a bit vulnerable, worried about them being wanted by the FBI, opening up to Hobbs about what he's been through. He's not back into Dirk Gently mode, yet though.
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Not until Hobbs and Tina come back and say hey, we're gonna do a holistic, and present him with this bright reflective jacket to put over his white t-shirt and jumpsuit pants. We see Dirk eager to jump into the holistic detective persona, investigating, finding the air gun, doing his holistic... stuff. But you can tell that he's still not quite... there yet. He's still in that jumpsuit, he's finding out Todd got pararibulitis, there's a body in a tree, and things aren't quite right, but it's... fine.
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We see that he's taken the jacket off to sleep, resting it under his head. Like... like it's a dream??? Out of reach because he knows it's not as easy to just throw that persona back on, to jump right back into that same person that he was before, the bright jackets and wild theories. In the day time, it was easier, but at night, struggling to sleep while Todd and Farah rest in their beds, he can't escape his own thoughts, and there's no one to put the performance on for. He's still in that jumpsuit, wrapped in the traumatic experience of Blackwing, unable to keep that bright jacket on, just letting it sit under his head.
And it feels poingnant that the first thing that Dirk asks when Tina arrives that morning, is for new clothes. He needs to get out of what he's wearing. The reflective jacket didn't work, he's done wallowing the angsty memories, so he's just going to throw that away, try something completely different and just ignore all those scary thoughts that happened because of Blackwing and just go and go and go. Detective Time!
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One new spiffy outfit later, he looks himself in the mirror saying "best case ever", and if that doesn't tell you that the look is an important part of the way that Dirk works, I don't know what will. He's like okay... I can do this. I look the part, I just need to walk it again. Easy. Yes. Easy peasy.
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Except... oh shit it's not. He stumbles upon Bob Boreton who proceeds to attack him, Hobbs brushes off his warnings, and they go back to the station. And good god, the scene that Todd checks on him... he has taken off the jacket!
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Again, I repeat, the jacket is off! Except instead of this vulnerable state making Dirk open up, he bristles, dodging Todd's questions and wandering off. He's not in the same place that he was before, he willinging took off that layer of armor of his jacket, and he's scared and hurting, but like a cornered and scared dog, it just makes him feel trapped.
That is until later, after Panto gets brought to the station, the man with pink hair, convoluted bullshit just dropping like big crazy raindrops from the sky around Dirk. He's still jacketless, but he's got himself shielded by the file cabinet when Todd comes to talk to him. There's still that defensiveness, but Dirk finds himself able to open up a bit, and slowly during the conversation, he comes out a little from behind the file cabinet.
He's got the jacket back on during the house within a house sequence and for the subsequent scenes in the police station and Francis' room. This is a very chaotic series of events, and Dirk has a lot of Feelings throughout everything that happens. The initial, yes, I'm a detective I can't do this, to oh shit, I fucked up and I'm going to die, to panic that Todd is going to try to come in for him, then continued investigating and panic and escape and relief and then more panic when Todd has an attack and things happen so quickly and they go back to the station and (I analyzed this whole scene at the station in another meta post and gosh I love this scene) but this whole time but Dirk's clothes are the same. I'd say this scene is him wanting to cling to that holistic detective persona.
And agh, once again, this works so well, because he goes from that outfit to running into some rando guy in the bathroom of the diner and trading for his clothes, that red jacket outfit. Because, well that last outfit obviously didn't work... it got him trapped in a hell dimension and Todd had an attack and murder weapons and just... it was a bad outfit, so he changes and he's like, yes okay, I'm going to be doing normal detective stuff, not stupid, flighty bullshit, this is going to work this time.
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Spoiler, it doesn't.
Arnold Cardenas finds him and then proceeds to have a whole ass heart attack and Dirk is like... I'm starting to think I'm bad at this. I hate everything.
So why not go party, yeah whatever. Some big music festival? Tons of people? Lots of opportunities for stuff to go wrong? Well I'm a big disaster anyways, might as well embrace it.
So he keeps his little outfit on to head to the festival, a pair of glowsticks (oh my god the glowsticks), and at one point a big balloon hat, and is just like being a holistic detective is already so goddamn weird this might as well happen.
And we see him in this outfit... until... yeah, that's right, the infamous drug night, unseen except for our fanfics.
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And he ends up in this big fluffy pink coat, a cowboy hat, a black tank top and his little shorts, and oh boy, what a look that is. And it's like five different looks in one. Because Dirk doesn't know who he is. The spell loosened them up, as Todd called it a truth spell, and the truth that Dirk reveals is that he is wearing so many different clothes that he doesn't know what fits. It's pink. It's fur. It's a hat, or showing skin, or not showing skin, glitter or black or white or jacket or not. He's so turned around and shaken up and it's all just happening and happening and happening and it's so much.
He goes out to the main room and catches up with the others, hearing that super fun call from Suzie about how she's going to like drink their blood and murderize them, and he's like immediate spiral. But there isn't time to wait. They're like we have to get back to work and Dirk is freaking out and there's no time to deal with that. Time to go, go, go.
And I think it's also relevant that his next freakout happens when they're getting ready to go, he's in just his white button down and tie and staring down needing to put the jacket back on and get going when he's like...
...pause... I solved the case...
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He doesn't want to put that jacket back on. If he can just finish it right now, before anything else happens, then that can be it. Nobody else has to get hurt, they can just walk away. But he knows it isn't that simple, so the attempt to talk himself into this being the end turns into panic insane rambling, and the others are just like... yeah no, we need to go.
So Dirk gets his jacket back on, but he's not in it. It's like the jacket is wearing a ghost of Dirk, going through the motions, but it's too heavy, he can't bear the responsibilities, he doesn't want to carry this anymore. He can't do it.
And it all falls apart. Suzie, the hospital, Arnold.
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They make it to Wendimoor and the first thing Dirk does is throw his jacket off and pull off his tie. Nope. I'm done. I quit. I'm not that guy. I'm nobody and don't try to tell me I'm something. This is it.
He lets Beast do his hair and wrap him in vines because this is who he is when he doesn't have something. Sure, you can turn me into your uniquely elegant lumberjack husband. Better than being a fuck-up and getting everyone killed.
But then... pulling off the vines, and looking at the murals, he figures it out and runs.
Still in his clothes, he's not quite back yet, he's still scared and unsure, but he's got something he's running for, and once he gets into that town, he pulls on a jacket and jumps back into his role. I'm getting my friends back, I'm in this. I'm here for them and I'm going to figure this out.
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He keeps that Wendimoor jacket on until he's back in Blackwing and Mona blows up the room they run into and he gets a cut on his arm. And he's back with a friend, not safe, and very vulnerable, but he's still himself, he's not in that jumpsuit, he's got a friend, and she protects him as best as she can while they try to get Francis out, jumping in front of him when Ken is threatening him.
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But he ultimately makes it back to Wendimoor, saves the day, wearing that yellow jacket. That yellow jacket that feels so much like himself and Mona giving him that, knowing that is what he needs to wear at that moment, I'm here, Dirk, I've got you covered, you are who you are and you don't have to keep trying to be someone you're not. We love you so much. And we see after this scene that Dirk does look more settled, despite the breakdowns he had before, he seems okay, satified with what Francis had told him about what he is and his purpose. He stands by Todd's side wearing his yellow jacket with pride, with a smile, like this is who he is and he can be okay with that.
And then the final scene, that black jacket. The stripes of color on the sleeve the same as all his other jackets he had worn before. His suit of armor. And he looks happy.
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And it's so good.
This was very long, so I didn't go deeply into every single things as much as I could have, but season two is long and so much stuff happens! And Dirk is really going through it so... makes sense that his outfits go through it too.
Anyways, yay meta posts.
lol bye
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anneimaginesundertale · 9 months
Skeleton Children
There are currently six babybones hanging around in The Best of All Timelines, with a seventh one on the way. All the kiddos have fonts but we didn't use their entire font name for their names. (Covered By Your Grace Gaster is just a little bit of a mouthful...)
The kids are:
Randy Bistroke Gaster (@pureangleda and Blue) -- 5 years old
Cherry Swash Gaster (@pureangleda and Blue) -- 2 years old
Someday Joy Gaster (mine with Sweets) -- 4 years old
Grace Optima Gaster (mine with Sweets) -- 2 years old (twin)
Gideon Roman Gaster (mine with Sweets) -- 2 years old (twin)
Poppy Osseus (Boss and Trashy) -- 2 years old
More details under the cut about all these cuties!
Feel free to send asks for the kiddos! I'd love to write more about them! They're so cute!!!!
Blue and Ray (@pureangleda) have two kids: Randy Bistroke and Cherry Swash.
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Randy Bistroke Gaster is 5 years old. He just had his Pokemon birthday party back in December. He's in kindergarten (or maybe junior kindergarten based on his age). Randy has a round skull similar to his dad's and big blue eyelights. He's got his mom's curly brown hair, which he doesn't like having cut. (It's getting a little floppy lately.)
He loves Pokemon and generally anything that lets him run around and pretend he's great at battles like Dad and some of his uncles. He also loves to give hugs. His standard greeting is a big hug and "I'm Randy! I love you!" even to people he hasn't met. (His parents are working with him on that.) Right now Randy wants to be a Pokemon trainer when he grows up. Or a detective like Uncle G. He's not sure yet. He adores his baby sister Cherry. She's the best baby sister in the world!
Cherry Swash Gaster is 2 years old and the oldest of the Two Crew. She loves to move and recently started a baby ballet/gymnastics class to help her get all her energy out. She's also moving out of a "No Clothes!" phase. (That was partially solved by getting her ballerina outfits, but now the girl is a glitter bomb...) She tries very hard to keep up with her big brother and her older cousin Someday, but she's also besties with her twin and her cousin Poppy. She is absolutely fearless, something which causes Ray near heart attacks almost daily.
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Sweets and I (Anne) have three kids: Someday, and our twins Grace and Gideon.
Someday Joy Gaster — My little sunshine girl. Sometimes we call her Sundae instead of Someday because Randy couldn't say her name right when she came along. She's full of joy and has a big, beautiful smile like her daddy's (but, Sweets notes, without the need for orthodontia). She's a little blondie right now but that might change as she gets older. (My hair did.) She likes to have her hair in pigtails or braids. She wears glasses (currently pink ones). Her favorite phrase is "Me too!" She's jealous that Randy gets to be in big kid school when she's still in pre-k but she loves her teachers.
(Covered By Your) Grace Optima Gaster — Twins with Gideon. They're the youngest of the Two Crew. Gracie is my wild, headstrong girl. She looks a lot like her Uncle Sansy. She's got just enough brown hair for a couple of little floofer pigtails, and very expressive golden eyelights. Her favorite phrase is "Not fair!" Out of the twins, Grace is the chatty one. She never has an unexpressed thought and her vocab is impressive for a two year old! (Don't ask which uncle taught her some of those words. No one has confessed.) She adores her twin but will often run ahead of him and then remember and run back.
Gideon Roman Gaster — My sweet serious boy. He was born a few minutes after Grace and is much quieter than her. (There are trees quieter than Gracie, but that's beside the point.) Gideon looks a lot like his daddy with about the same amount of brown hair as his twin. He's got deep blue eyes. Gideon is very shy and tends to look pretty solemn. He's definitely a little bit of a mama's boy right now, which is absolutely fine by me. While his sisters are running around, Gideon likes to go at his own pace and observe everything. He also loves to be read to. If there is a grownup with an unoccupied lap, Gideon will wander over with a book and ask, "Read?" No one can resist those big eyes!
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Boss and Trashy have one daughter, Poppy, and one baby on the way.
Poppy Osseus is our final member of the Two Crew, but she was actually the second one born. She is already proving to be a spunky, energetic little thing and she absolutely loves the outdoors. She would spend every moment of her life outside if she could. Poppy alternates between insisting on pretty princess dresses (especially if she can wear her fairy wings with them) and overalls with "cool shirt". (The current "cool shirt" has a black cat under a mushroom and has been deemed the "Doofmanger" shirt.) She has a cute little curly brown pixie cut at the moment and insists on accessorizing with bows and barrettes and hats. (Sometimes all at once.) Whatever she's wearing, it better have pockets, because Poppy will put every rock, flower, bug, cool bit of moss, or mudball she can find into her pockets. She likes to share her collection. More than one uncle has been shocked to hear "Lookit!" and be handed a roly poly bug/caterpillar/dandelion. When she's not outside, Poppy hosts very fancy tea parties with Daddy. Boss keeps a picture of the two of them looking very fancy on his desk at work.
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squilf x nightcloud hypokits, in an au where they become leaders and bramble and crow get exiled/killed/whatever else ? i think they deserve it tbh
Warrior Cats Ships: NightSquirrel Edition
In this AU, Brambleclaw and Squirrelflight break up after it is discovered that the Three aren't his kits and Nightcloud and Crowfeather have a similar breakup after the Gathering where Hollyleaf tells everyone who her and her siblings’ real sire is. Brambleclaw also never becomes Deputy, with Brackenfur being the one in that position instead. Nightcloud approaches Squirrelflight at a Gathering soon after the the end of Arc 3 and they bond over the insanity that just occurred to both of them over the past moons. Over time, they fall in love but neither says anything, mostly to avoid more codebreaking shenanigans. Later on, Nightcloud is made Onestar’s Deputy after Ashfoot’s death, while Squirrelflight takes the place of Brackenfur after he steps down as Deputy of ThunderClan. Squirrelstar becomes Leader after Firestar’s death. When the Great Storm hits, Nightcloud ends up stuck by ThunderClan territory. She and Squirrelstar decide “screw it” and get together. They stay together even when Nightstar goes back to WindClan after the flooding dies down, becoming Leader of WindClan after Onestar’s death. Under the mateship of Nightstar and Squirrelstar, ThunderClan and WindClan run better than they have in many moons.
They have three kits:
Coldslate- black tabby tom with dark green eyes. Trans tom, aromantic asexual. Quiet and standoffish, Coldslate sticks out like a sore paw amongst his two more conspicuous littermates. He would much rather be left alone and strongly dislikes having to be around others. Many cats wonder why he hasn't left to become a loner. If he actually did leave the clans for good, he would probably have an awful time of it. Coldslate needs a highly structured routine to function, and thrives when he has plenty of rules and orders to follow. Although this makes him a very good warrior and clan member, the downside of this is that he does not adapt to change well. In fact, the only thing that will reliably make him upset is messing with his schedule and making changes to his duties without his knowledge. He isn't exactly very close with any of his older siblings, but he gets along with Breezepelt fine enough (mostly because he doesn't talk much). He is a Tactician.
Scorchbough- wild-furred fluffy ginger tolly with amber eyes. AMAB genderqueer, omnisexual. Ze uses ze/zir pronouns. Despite being the largest of zir litter and having the most ThunderClannish build out of zir siblings, Scorchbough is the best runner of the NightSquirrel litter. It is hardly any wonder that ze chose to live in WindClan, where there is lots of open space and ze can run all day. Ze has a lot of energy and cannot stand to sit still for longer than a few minutes. A common punishment for unruly apprentices is to make them spend the day patrolling alongside zir. Most cats can barely keep up with zir, both in pace and in conversation (ze is the fastest talker you will ever meet). Of all zir older siblings, ze is closest with Lionblaze. While Scorchbough often feels out of place in WindClan because of zir unusual appearance, ze loves living there and there's no place ze would rather be at the end of the day. Ze is a Scout.
Freckleplume- black tom with a white speckled face, a large bushy tail, and green eyes. Cis tom, gay. She uses she/he pronouns. Freckleplume is widely considered to be one of the prettiest cats in the clans, and that has absolutely gone to his head. She has always been spoiled by her mothers (though that goes for her other siblings as well) and expects that sort of treatment from everyone, becoming upset if she isn't treated well. He was the only one of his siblings that decided to live in ThunderClan with Mama Squirrelstar. He prefers napping in the shade of the trees to chasing rabbits any day. While Freckleplume is pretty selfish and vain, she does have a few good qualities. He is incredibly smart and knows exactly how to manipulate others to do what he wants, and is very loyal towards his clan and family. The few times he isn't acting in his own interest, he’s acting in theirs. She is a Mediator.
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sailorplanet1997 · 1 year
my top 3 sacrifice from the Tinkerbell movies!
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i love the feisty Terence during rat attacks while he was about to get ready for food and besides who will fly all day and night for Tinkerbell and purposely breaking the rules for her? (an another reason is because Terence knew the truth about Tinkerbell's situation and kept it as a secret to help her out by doing all of the damage control and covered everything up so no one will find out about Tink's plan, bringing everything with him to help her out too) who knows what could happen to the pixie dust tree or even Tinkerbell if Terence didn't showed up to Tinkerbell at all, i mean he literally saved the day for especially Tinkerbell but also for the others, either Tinkerbell always get stuck in the pirateship with no way out or if she do gives up hope for everything because she feels ashamed for her mistakes and thinks running away for the problems is the best choice for everybody so no one will find out about the situation
Tinkerbell sacrificing her wings is my second favourite because she called the winter fairies for help knowing she was gonna break her wing by doing so when her wings are freezing for too long, thankfully all turned out fine because everything was saved and the winter and warmer fairies reunited with each other once the pixie dust tree worked again after the freeze...all thanks to Tinkerbell everything ended up good even if she broke her wing that got restored shortly after Vidia as the third best after Terence and Tinkerbell because she did something no one has done it before and probably almost nobody has the courage to do so knowing they get caught and captured by the humans yet Vidia still choose Tinkerbell over herself despite everything knowing the concenquences for her actions and got captured instead of Tinkerbell, it's obviously seen she cares more about Tinkerbell then we probably realized, Vidia cares for Tink's well-beings more then she likes to admit (she's at the top 3 because an another reason is because at first she didn't wanted to have like anything to do with Tinkerbell in the first movie untill the third movie have happened with the humans event, she tried to keep Tinkerbell out from troubles but it ended the opposite instead however she puts everything aside to rescue Tinkerbell with or without the help of others, she told the others the truth about the situation with Tinkerbell and didn't give up hope after many struggles and Vidia wanted to get into Tink's life once everything was over...my thoughts on her was the exact opposite with everything in the third movie knowing how she was in the first movie but she did everything i didn't expected it from Vidia, that's why i also rank her so high with the sacrifice for others) i feel Vidia hasn't just done it for Tinkerbell but also for the others because without Vidia, either Tinkerbell was gonna get captured way TOO earlier with NO way out and dies or Tinkerbell was gonna introduce herself to humans and show them the existence of fairies and put them to danger so they get killed by the humans if Vidia didn't showed up to Tinkerbell (like iridessa said it could've ended otherwise if Vidia wasn't even there with Tinkerbell at all) Vidia belike: you can't get rid of me that easily i doubt i'll ever change my ranks unless maybe if they continues to make more Tinkerbell movies in the future
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