#and the best part has been sharing it all with you 💗✨
whyeverr · 2 years
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A tremendous thank you to everyone reading, whether you’ve been with me from the start, or are a new follower catching up, or anything and everything in between. 
I’m finally answering any and all questions about this story, so if there’s something you’re curious about that isn’t covered below the cut, send me an ask! 
As many have already successfully deduced, the true story this has been based on is what’s known as “The Galapagos Affair.”
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I first heard this story recounted on a true crime podcast. When listening to this completely ridiculous, stranger-than-fiction story I could see so many scenes playing out in my mind in the Sims. The release of the Island Living EP made the idea seem even more feasible, and it wasn’t long after I finished my Island Living play-through that I decided to head back to Sulani and retell the story that had been living in my head rent-free as best I could with the Sims as my medium. Almost 3 years later, here we are. ☺️
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Of course, from the beginning I've had to lean into certain changes to fit my retelling into the scope of the Sims. Sara’s best friend Fleck the raccoon, in reality, was a donkey (above). The Countess, or rather, Baroness, never carried her signature whip (not that CC objects or poses aren’t available for that, I just wasn’t up to the adventure of sourcing them for my game 😅), and there wasn’t any talk of death by pufferfish in real life. (Thank goodness we got both chickens and canning in game with the release of Cottage Living or I really would have had to deviate from the true story.) 
I changed names, too, so it wasn’t too easy for anyone to Google and spoil the ending for themselves or others. I chose to include the character of the Selvadoradian (read: Ecuadorian) guide who gets written out of the hotel company party, but missed the opportunity to include the overlooked Ecuadorian teenager hired on by Doctor Roder (real name: Ritter) to help them settle into their new surroundings, as I did not learn of him until getting my hands on Dore’s book shortly after beginning my series. (And here I thought I’d done my research...) Out of a desperate need for some comic relief, I dialed up the eccentric in “eccentric millionaire” and made Captain “call me Allan” Wolcott (Hancock) a real character. I’d like to think I did a good job making Sara Dach in Dore Strauch’s likeness, but certainly took my liberties with everyone else. CAS isn’t my strong suit. 
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It honestly feels a bit weird to share these photos, perhaps because I’ve kept the true story inspiration under wraps for the better part of 3 years, but also because they’re real people. With the exception of the Baroness (and arguably perhaps, to a lesser degree, Doctor Ritter), I don’t think any of these people would have necessarily chosen to step into the spotlight that was thrust upon them (though both surviving women did go on to choose to remain in that spotlight in order to tell their own respective versions of events). 
I’m obviously quite unsure of what any one of them would make of having their story fictionalized via screenshots of a life simulation video game posted to a social media platform in the 21st century... 😄 But I’d like to think I've done right by them by exploring their at-times ridiculous words and actions with empathy (yes, even for you, Friedrich) and not charging in with clear-cut hero and villain portrayals based on whatever I might think happened.
If you’re interested in learning more about the Galapagos Affair, there are loads of short and to the point articles out there (some linked below). You might also be interested in watching the documentary (starring the inimitable Cate Blanchett as the voice of Dore) which features a lot of archival footage, news clippings, journal entries, missives, and photos. If you’re really keen, you may even want to read one or both of the survivor’s books. Dore’s book is fairly dense, and focuses exclusively on the events of the Galapagos Affair. Margret’s is a quicker read, though it goes into a lot more detail into everyday life and homemaking on a remote island and also covers their life on the island over the following decades. And of course their retellings of both key and mundane events differ quite a bit. Both are certainly worth exploring!
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The Empress of the Galápagos Islands, Smithsonian Institution Archives Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 
The Gruesome History of the Galapagos Islands' Nietzsche-Fueled Homesteader Death Showdown, Gizmodo
The Galapagos Affair, ThoughtCo
Coming Soon to a Screen Near You: the Saga of the Empress of the Galapagos, HuffPost
My Favorite Murder: 129 - Coincidence Island [story beginning at 53:10] I no longer subscribe to or generally recommend this podcast but this one from the archives—where I first heard this story—is still an enjoyable, if not super well researched, listen. 
Do Go On: 173 - The Baroness of Floreana Island [story beginning at 5:35] This is a podcast I do listen to and recommend and, if you can believe it, there’s even a cheeky little Sims reference in this episode! (You might also check out their prequel episode 170 - The Essex and the Real Life Moby Dick about earlier happenings on the island of Floreana.) 
Satan Came to Eden: The Galapagos Affair Available to buy or rent on Apple TV or to stream via Kanopy / your local library and definitely not anywhere else
Satan Came to Eden: A Survivor’s Account of “The Galapagos Affair” by Dore Strauch, Available on Bookshop.org and definitely not anywhere else
Floreana: A Woman’s Pilgrimage to the Galapagos by Margret Wittmer, Available on ThriftBooks
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gay-dorito-dust · 3 months
Can you write Benji x wife newlyweds fluff?✨✨💗💗
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Just Benji being such a sweet, soft sucker for his spouse.
Reader is fem but it’s used very loosely.
It hadn’t been long since you and Benjicot were wed and the butterflies within your stomach has yet to subside, but a small part of you had grown partial to the feeling, especially when that feeling was brought back tenfold as you looked over at Benjicot on the bed; only to see him staring at you adoringly.
‘What?’ You asked, feeling a little exposed beneath his gaze and giddy that you got to be the recipient of such a sweet, genuine gaze as his.
‘This isn’t a dream is it.’ Benji asked softly as he reached out to grab ahold of your hand, pulling you to stand in between his legs, ‘please tell me this isn’t a dream. I don’t think I can handle it if all of this is just something I shall eventually awaken from unfairly.’ He adds as you crane your head down to rest yours easily against his own.
‘This isn’t a dream husband of mine.’ You reassured him softly as you stroked your thumb across the back of his hand, watching fondly as Benji’s face visibly relaxed at the sound of your voice, a soft smile hatching across his lips that left your heart melting every time you were blessed with it’s appearance. ‘What makes you think that any of this could only be achieved through a dream?’ You asked, curious as to know how his mind went that that conclusion because to you everything leading up to now has felt all too real to be a dream, you felt too awake to believe that you were in some way in a deep sleep.
‘You.’ Benjicot replied. ‘You’ve always felt like a dream come true to me since the day we met, and in such a way that I could never describe accurately, at least until now that is.’
‘And that is?’
Benjicot got up from the bed and moved his hands to securely hold your face between his calloused palms as his eyes flickered across every aspect of your face, almost as though he were committing this very moment to his memory, like he was scared that he was bound to forget all about it sooner or later and he was desperate to remember how your face looked now; hopeful that it will force his mind to remember the best moments of his life all over again. ‘That you were always meant to be apart of my life. It is as if the old gods made you and I to one day be bound in a shared fate that concludes with us still being together when it all ends. You are the other half of me that I can’t live without.’ Benjicot says as he peppered soft kisses across your face, making you smile at him warmly and reaching your hands to rest atop of his own.
‘You’re too sweet to me my beloved.’ You murmured as Benji pressed a kiss to your lips. ‘You must’ve been a poet in a previous life.’ You added cheekily before squealing when Benjicot playfully bit your lip in retaliation.
‘I meant that in a good way!’ You cried, lightly snacking his bicep.
‘To you it does, but to me it sounded very much like a playful jab made at my expense.’ Benjicot said and moved his hands to your waist, where in which he gave a swift tug and you were brought tightly against his chest, but you weren’t in any position to complain as you quickly latched your arms to his waist and rested your head firmly in the crook of his neck, kissing on it a little as a content smile blossomed across your face while sinking into his warmth.
‘Agree to disagree.’ You said, voice muffled against your now husband as the lull of sleep began to weigh heavily on your eyelids. The excitement of the day had long since drained you and all you wanted to do was to sleep in the arms of your beautiful husband, you couldn’t help but feel giddy calling Benjicot your husband no matter if it was aloud or to yourself, it just felt right.
‘Agree to disagree my love.’ Benjicot echoed as he helped you to bed, pressing a kiss to your forehead, nose and lips before getting under the covers to join you as he held you protectively in his arms, just a pair of lovers spending their first of many nights cuddled up to each other as though fearful of being separated from one another.
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 9 months
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happy new year everyone!! 🌟✨ it's been almost exactly a year since i first tentatively poked my head into this little space here on tumblr, and being part of the wonderful am/miles/tlsp community here with you all has truly been one of the highlights of my 2023 💗
as i'm sure is the case for most of us, it's been a year of ups and downs for me. i've been lucky enough to experience some amazing things (living in a new city, reconnecting with my creativity, getting my dream job, discovering music that speaks to my soul, making new friends, reading some amazing books) and human enough to experience some less incredible things (chronic pain, family difficulties, discovering my dream job is not in fact my dream job, getting long covid, the ever uphill battle of healing from trauma). through it all, this space has been a continued solace and source of joy, where i've met some truly special people and felt part of a little community where i get to have fun and flail and just be me. i can't even begin to express how grateful i am to be part of a space like this, or how grateful i am to everyone here who makes it what it is ✨
i also just wanted to say a quick thank you to everyone who has supported me with my writing over this past year, whether that's through kudos or comments or messages or amazing cheerleading/editing help. one of the absolute gifts of discovering this fandom has been the writing fic side of it. maybe it sounds silly, but writing four walls has genuinely been one of the highlights and biggest achievements of my year. writing has always been something incredibly close to my heart, but my degree left me totally sapped of inspiration and confidence, and i'd been struggling for a while to climb out of that after graduating. something about alex and miles just instantly sparked off inspiration in me that i hadn't felt for a long time, and getting to write about them over the past year has reminded me of the sheer joy of creating and the magic of getting to share that with people ✨
it's something that's finally given me the confidence to pick up my own original writing again too, and i couldn't be more grateful to alex and his wonderful lyrics (particularly the entirety of humbug) and to everyone who's supported my fic ventures for helping me reconnect to and explore my creativity. it's the best feeling in the world to finally feel like i'm coming home to that part of myself and carving out a proper space for it in my life 💗
2023 was far from perfect, but it was filled with so many brilliant moments of illumination and i feel i am leaving it with a deeper sense of myself and my path moving forward. i know it's going to be a rocky one at times, but i am excited for what 2024 holds in store for me - and i can't wait to continue flailing with you all over all things milex and to enjoy all the amazing fics/gifsets/posts/art to come!
wishing all of you a year ahead full of wonderful moments and new experiences and fulfilment 💫✨ i really am more grateful than i'll ever be able to adequately express for this space here, and to all the amazing people i've been lucky enough to get to know through it. here's to an amazing 2024 for all of us 💗💞🩷💓💖💕💝
(the photos above are just a random little collection of ones over the past year that i particularly associate with the various things i've talked about in this post)
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real-life-senshi · 1 year
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Miyuu, Mew and Ayaka posted on Instagram! :DDDDD Ayaka made the same post on her ameblo too! I had a feeling it's going to happen because Ayaka mentioned she was travling into Tokyo for a day since she's moved to Sendai now, but she made it sounds like it was only for work, but I'm so glad my hunch was correct and the ladies arranged to meet up!!!!! I could cry reading their posts! 😭
いろいろなお祝いの会💖 20年かぁ みんなが戦士で本当に幸せ あらためて 出逢ってくれてありがとう ずっと一緒にいてくれてありがとう これからもずっと、、 #美少女戦士セーラームーン #🌙 #セーラー戦士 #戦士会 #pgsm #仲間 #戦友 #かけがえのない存在 #小松彩夏 #🧡 #北川景子 #❤️ #安座間美優 #💚 #泉里香 #💙 #沢井美優 #💗
A celebration of various things 💖 20 years already. I feel so blessed we were all a Senshi Once again Thank you for being part of my life Thank you for always being by my side And for all the years to come ...
安座間の結婚のお祝いと今月誕生日の里香&沢井のお誕生日のお祝いをしました🎂💕 ⁡ なんだかお祝いが続いていて��しい🥰 ⁡ 戦士のお祝い事があると私も色んな方からお祝いしてもらえるので、私まで幸せな気持ちになれるんです☺️❤️笑 ⁡ 昨日も、お話しましたが私たちが出会った作品でもある実写版【美少女戦士セーラームーン】の放送開始から20年🌙 ⁡ この作品に出会えたおかげで、かけがえのない大切な仲間に出会えました💖💙❤️💚🧡 ⁡ 20年経った今でもこうして大好きなみんなと集まれて、笑って過ごせることが本当に幸せです💕 ⁡ いつもバイバイしてからも話し足りなくて ずっと連絡を取り合う私たち😝 ⁡ 20年経ったけど『変わらないねうちら(笑)』なんて話しながら、変わらないで一緒に居てくれるみんなに『ありがとう♡』と思った私なのでした☺️🧡 ⁡ 景ちゃんデビュー20周年& 写真集発売おめでとう✨ ⁡ 安座間結婚おめでとう💐 ⁡ 里香、沢井、まだちょっと早いけど お誕生日おめでとう🎂 ⁡ I wanna be with you. My best friend♡ ⁡ #戦士 #戦友 #仲間 #戦士会 #安座間美優 #泉里香 #北川景子 #沢井美優 #小松彩夏 #誕生日 #誕生日会 #結婚 #お祝い#幸せ #絆 #美少女戦士セーラームーン #セーラームーン
We celebrated Azama's marriage and Rika's & Sawai's birthday this month 🎂💕 I'm happy that these celebrations keep continuing 🥰 Whenever there is a celebration for a Senshi, I also get many messages of congratulations from all kinds of people, so it doubly makes me happy too ☺️❤️ lol As I mentioned yesterday, it has been 20 years since the work where we all met, the live-action of "Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon" began airing 🌙 It is thanks to this work, I got to meet my irreplaceable and most precious friends 💖💙❤️💚🧡 Even though 20 years have passed, I'm really happy that I can still get together and laugh with everyone I love like this 💕 Every time after we say bye-bye we still feel we haven't talked enough with each other, so we keep in touch all the time I told everyone that even though it's been 20 years "we've not changed all all (lol)", and then I shared my deeply felt "thank you♡" to everyone for having been with me without change all these times ☺️🧡 Congratulations to Kei-chan's debut's 20th anniversary & the release of her new photo book✨ Congratulations to Azama on her marriage💐 Rika and Sawai, even though it's a bit early, Happy birthday 🎂 I wanna be with you. My best friend♡
  そしてなんといっても!10月4日は、 実写版「美少女戦士セーラームーン」放送開始 20周年でした🌙
歳だけは立派に着実に重ねているけど、 中身と関係性は10代から変わらない大切な仲間です。
  そして20年経っても私達を応援してくださっている方々が 本当に多くて…感謝です♡  
Yesterday, we celebrated Sawai and Rika's birthdays & my marriage🥰   And what a special day! October 4th, Was the broadcast of the live-action Pretty Guardian Sailor Moon's 20th anniversary🌙 That day was also the 20th anniversary of Keiko's debut ❤️   So it was a day of celebrations for many happy occasions 🥳   Though we are all steadily and admirably getting older, But through the connection inside us, we are still the same precious friends we have been since our teenage years.   And there are so many people who are still supporting us even after 20 years….I am so thankful for all of you ♡   I thank you for your continued support moving forward!
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sublimecatgalaxy · 2 years
omg theme night!! i always miss these because of time difference! maybe Joel (TLoU) and “how does that feel?” and “stop pouting” to f!reader? im thinking like established relationship, very fluffy and loving vibes? do with this what you will haha. thank u girl 💗🪩✨
uh YES! I love the fluffy loving vibes, you're the best! Also, I couldn't tell if this was for the smut night or not cuz you said fluffy loving vibes so I went with spice and love LOL anyways.
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Joel's heavy, bounding breaths are all that I hear as I press my cheek against his sweaty chest, enjoying the feeling of our bodies wrapped around each other, the cool breeze blowing through the window and calming our heated skin.
"You're awfully loud, you know that?" He teases, finger pressing under my chin to lift my head up, our gaze meeting with a grin and I feel myself slipping further and further into him. I secure an arm around him, fingers tangling in the soft brown curls at the back of his neck and he hums, lips pecking mine gently.
"Do you think we woke her up?" I ask bashfully, stomach twisting in anxiety at the thought of getting caught by his teenage daughter, not prepared nearly enough for her judgement and witty comments.
She must know her father has had something going on behind closed doors even though her and I have never met. I'm typically sneaking in way after she's gone to bed, sneaking past her room and allowing Joel to take me to bed and we've been careful, extremely careful.
His concern was that it would get around to Sarah's mother and it would cause issues in the already lacking custody and he didn't want to jeopardize his relationship with his daughter or his secret relationship with me.
He's apologized nearly a million times, worrying that I'm starting to feel like a secret and as if I'm disappointed but what he doesn't know is that I would do anything, go through anything, to be with him, laying her, beside him in bed.
I would be a secret forever if it meant I could share some of my life with him.
"Nah, girl sleeps like a log most nights." He whispers against my forehead, peppering small kisses to my skin and I sigh in relief, raising a hand to my cheek, feeling my flushed skin.
"Fuck." I mutter with a gentle laugh, still soaking in the post orgasm haze while he does the same, chest rising and falling in slow, steady breaths, the opposite of how he was just twenty minutes ago.
"Yeah, fuck." He laughs breathlessly, hand slipping further below the blanket and down the expanse of my shivering spine. "You're too good at that." He emphasizes and I giggle with furrowed brows, looking up at him through my lashes with a questioning look on my face.
"Which part?"
"All of it. 'm having a hard time keeping up with you." I pat his chest, pressing simple kisses along his shoulder while rolling onto my stomach, tossing a leg over his waist as his eyes widen, tongue slipping out to wet his lips at the sight of more bare skin.
"Good, I like you always chasing after me." I whisper teasingly, going to move but I feel my calves cramping up, forcing a groan from me. "I'm cramping up from being on top of you." I move to massage my thighs but he bats me away, digging his thumbs into my muscles with a playful grin.
"Oh god, should I apologize?" He asks with a smirk, eyes softening as I let out a relieved moan, loving the way his fingers just know where to press to heal my pain. "You like that?" He asks against the shell of my ear, accent only deepening and thickening as I groan, gripping onto his shoulder. "How does that feel?"
"Hmm, good." I gasp. "Don't start this again-"
"Start what- I'm being nothing but a southern gentleman." He teases, hand trailing up to the side of my thigh to my bare hip, his eyes shining with nothing but mischief as he gives me a sweet look.
"Mhm, sure." I giggle, not believing for a second that he wouldn't pull me on top of him if I gave him the go ahead and I watch as his lip juts out in a pitiful pout. "Stop pouting." I pat his cheek with a giggle, leaning towards him to press my lips to his, kissing away his dramatic frown.
Before Joel can say anything else, we hear a shout and a groan from the other room, Sarah calling out to us. "Can you guys shut up?"
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Valentine's Celebration: Week Four Round-Up
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Fellow Travelers Valentine's Celebration: Week Four Round-Up
Week Four Prompts: 
“Nothing feels as good as coming home to you/having you come home to me.”
Favorite kiss/sex scene
✨ Spread the love with a quick comment and kudos on the fics you enjoyed, and be sure to reblog this post, so others can enjoy these fics too! 
💠 Authors: if your tumblr (or other socials) isn’t linked, and you'd like it to be, let me know and I'll be happy to add it. Or, if you're linked, and you'd rather not be, please contact me to remove it. 
❤️ very pretty weeds by @beyondxmeasure | Cyantific [T, 2K] Hawk has really put Tim through the emotional wringer this weekend, and he seems far too nice to deserve any of it. Rafael tries his best to give his new friend a warm send-off and a few words of wisdom.
Or, the walk to the ferry from Rafael's POV.
🧡 Under Stars Chilled By The Winter by @bluebellsinburbank | ConsumingLove (Bluebellstar) [G,1K] Hawk has been away in Rome for a week. He comes home to Tim.
Part 7 of Bravery | Part 5 of FT Valentine's Month
💛 you're the home beneath the ruin by @startagainbuttercup | startagainbuttercup [T, 1K] Episode 2, Inside Hawk's head.
He thinks about Tim, about the joy he felt when he woke up next to him just ten minutes ago, and another memory comes to him, a memory of him smiling so adorably Hawk couldn't stop peppering him with kisses until Tim laughed, ticklish, and wrapped his arms around him tightly, preventing him from moving, not that Hawk wanted to move. He fell asleep in Skippy's arms, feeling safe and content.
Part 3 of FT Valentine's Month: how do i love thee, let me count the weeks…
💚 in the still of the night by @thewindyoubargainedfor | thewindyoubargainedfor [E, 2K] Tim stayed up, waiting for Hawk to call. Hawk made it worth his while.
💙 gold-skinned, eager baby by @lispenard-street | lispenardstreet [E, 10K] Tim sets out for Fire Island with a single goal: to dig Hawk out of his pit of self-destruction.
As it turns out, Hawk is after something else entirely.
A 1979 fix-it… of sorts.
💜 In your eyes, this is a place worth remembering. by @in-our-special-place |  Cupping_Cakes [M, 630] Hawk stumbled into the room, his eyes blurry and his steps unsteady, but his gaze was fixed on Tim, as if he were the only thing that mattered. A wave of emotions washed over Tim, flickering between anger, hurt, and a longing desire to hold Hawk close one more time.
💗 Where figures from the past stand tall And mocking voices ring above. by @in-our-special-place | Cupping_Cakes [M, 472] They held each other's gaze, their love speaking volumes more than any words ever could.
Thanks to all the creators for your wonderful efforts, and to the readers for taking the time to enjoy and share these fics!
Thank you to @fellow-travelers-events for hosting this event. Prompts for the remaining weeks can be found here.
Ao3 Collection 💗
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lostloveletters · 5 months
yay sleepover weekend✨ do you have any woody/brady hcs💗
Hi yes! I need to mention @karasnonsense99 and @zaras-really-dreamless because some of this comes from the conversations I’ve had with them, so a million thanks🖤
HCs are under the cut! They're mostly post-war because that's what I've been working on for them recently.
Woody’s clingy. John’s the only person she really considers family besides Holly, and it’s not long before Holly’s back home in DC with Bucky. John’s not complaining, he doesn’t want to be without her for too long once they’re reunited after nearly two years apart. I don’t think they talk about it very much, at least he doesn’t bring it up, but there are times when he’s really glad she’s there to kind of physically ground him. A lot of late-night drives where Woody lets John just kind of have his space in the passenger seat while still knowing she’s there.
Woody doesn’t have a middle name, so her maiden name becomes her middle name, and that’s how they justify still introducing her as “Woody” to people even after her last name is no longer Woodward. She cringes a little every time someone calls her Kate. If they can't (or won't) call her Woody, Mrs. Brady is the next best choice, please. 
John knows from the start that Woody would never be a stay-at-home housewife type. He wouldn’t have married her if he had a problem with that. She works part-time as a mechanic, of course. The extra money definitely helps when they’re first starting out on their own and waiting for GI Bill stuff to kick in.
She’s not great at flirting, so she’s incredibly direct. He’s certainly not complaining about the ego boost but is exasperated at her complete disregard for subtlety sometimes, especially in public. She doesn’t see why it should be an issue because they’re married. He answers that yes, they are, but it’s peacetime and they’re stateside so they have to save it for when they’re back in the confines of their home.
Their house is older, three bedrooms but on the smaller side. I can see them with a lot of hand-me-down furniture from his relatives and “Hey, the trigonometry teacher said he’ll give us this couch he’s getting rid of if you see what’s wrong with his car.” Probably an old-school white Jesus painting somewhere on the wall, likely a housewarming gift from his mother. Always a little messy and kinda cramped, especially as time goes on and they have more kids (6-ish people sharing a full bathroom and half bath type of deal), but it’s very lived in and a comforting place to be.
Woody takes it upon herself to fix things around the house (she’s good at it, but she also has a bit of a complex about feeling like she’s not bringing much to their relationship. He never makes her feel that way, but her internal monologue isn’t always the nicest to her). So she’s on the roof. She probably has no business being on the roof. Somehow she talked John into holding the ladder for her, and he regrets it as soon as she’s up there, yelling to him about finding where rainwater’s leaking in from and replacing shingles.
They wait two or three years to have kids. It's not that Woody doesn't want to, but she's scared whatever made her parents not care about her might somehow be in her, too (it's not, her parents were just shitty, selfish people). John's over the moon when she tells him she thinks she's finally ready. It doesn't take long at all for her to get pregnant when they're actually trying.
Their first child is a daughter named Samantha (Sammy for short!) and they’re extremely lucky she’s a good kid because they have the hardest time saying “no” to her. John will tell her to go to her room and then she looks at him like 🥺🥺🥺 and he’s all “Wait, I didn’t mean it.” He takes it personally when Sammy says she's a big girl and doesn’t need story time before bed. Woody finds him listening to moody jazz under like a single lamp with a drink in his hand, lamenting Sammy’s growing up too fast (she’s five). 
Sammy’s an only child for a while, until she’s about school age and suddenly John and Woody are having a little bit of an emotional crisis and impulsively start trying for another kid. They have the rest of their kids in pretty quick succession after that, so there’s 5 or 6 years between Sammy and her next sibling, while the rest have maybe a year or so between them. There are no favorite children, except Sammy’s secretly John’s favorite. Don’t tell anyone.
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candle-willowmint · 1 year
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🕯️🤎Here is my polyship & OT3: 'Rrrru (main OC & WoL), Vi (my OC) & Raha. They're a closed throuple, Soulmates lovin' each other equally and they're all Pansexual (like me).💗💛💙
They're my everything and mean the world to me. I started telling 'Rrrru story in gpose, and so their story, almost 1 year ago.
✨More about their throuple: They're very fusional, almost inseparable, their connection is strong, mystical but also the fruit of natural & open communication made of boundless love and consideration. Listening, sharing, giving & receiving love with all their heart, respecting the freedom & choices of each of them, trusting each others, and always wanting the best for each other is at the heart of their relationship.🫶
They rarely argue & even if they don't always share the same opinion, they respect, keep an open mind. They talk to each other about almost everything without judgement.😌(each one has his secret garden and they are aware of the importance of this). They take care of each duo of their throuple with endless love & care, not afraid of being cheesy! They suffer if one of them suffers, and are happy when each of them flourishes.🪷
They have endured much, and cherish every moment together, show their love in many small gestures: a gaze, a caress, a sweet kiss, an embrace, a little word, listening & talking for hours, caring, healing, sharing hobbies, preparing their fav dish, a bath... Cuddles, lot of cuddles, making love, kisses, lot of kisses and much more! 🥰🥹
❣️I created them with all my heart, my soul, my guts, based on my vision of things, irl values, experiences, choices, instinct, even if i've never been in throuple. Please perceive them, and thank you for reading me! 🖤
📔To read their story, (still ongoing but main scenario almost done) you can join the non-social discord (link in pinned). I'll repost the whole soon here, except the explicit parts for wich i'll redirect.
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tophat-cy · 9 months
It's that time of the year again, huh?
Hello everyone! Here is TopHat_Cy with probably the last Tumblr post of this year. Since 2023 is coming to a close, I'll just put down a little summary of the experiences I had this year. Let's get started ^v^ ✨💗!
⚠️CW/TW since there may possibly be some ranting and/or venting at some points⚠️
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To be honest here, 2023 was pretty rough, and I'm not talking about that I had the baccalaureate in June, oh no. I was honestly waiting for that time so I can just do myself after that, right after I supported 4 years in that hellpit people called it high-school (or pedagogic college...whatever 🙄), just to get like over 3 months later on a worse hellpit called college, where all my personal issues has awakened...and felt horrible and lonelier like I've never been.
Despite being in overall horrible, high-school was great because mostly because I wasn't feeling the loneliness and self misery I feel now. Now that I'm at college I get almost hit daily by the fact that 1) I'm lonely and I'll always remain lonely (since who tf wants a little antisocial freak who literally draws all day lmao??) 2) I'm worthless, mostly because my French skills (at least) suck, and a good amount of my marks suck as well in comparison with other students (and honestly I wouldn't be bothered that much about this fact if it wasn't for my mom who haves the great habit to remind me by times to make sure I take big marks only to get the scholarship, hahahaha shut up bitch), which guess what, it makes me feel ✨horrible✨, and 3) Your life is a pure lie. This is sooooooooooo great isn't it :D ??!
I realized within my current college experience that I'm lonely not only in society, but with my own mom. I realized I'm even more of a worst daughter than I ever thought...I realized that I'm getting more horrible as the time goes by, or at least this is how I feel. I feel like losing myself slowly, becoming into nothing but a setinent shell of the former self. With those realizations, I'm getting hit in the face once again by the most saddest fact that I've encountered so far in my life but I always tend to forget it to make myself feel better (but you know how life is...it needs to offer you some lemons in the eyes 👁️👁️)...
...the fact that my life is nothing but a pure LIE.
But hey! Can we look into the bright side of what this year offered for some hot minutes?? It's not all black and misery! I had part of wonderful and fun times with my boyfriend (we did Whiteboards and rambled about our silly stuff like two neurodivergents that we are 😁✨), I had part of several fanart moments from people, I had Art Fight (yeaaaaah, our old pal Art Fight, which kinda started to become a pain in the ass every year when I have to bring my REFs up to date for this event...mmmmmmm 😊/pure af hot sarcasm, but honestly here, do I really care :D ???), I even joined my first Original Characters Tournament, Ressurection, in which I met wonderful people which appreciate my skills and also willing to help and support. And most importantly, I had YOU! All of you! If it wasn't for you guys, I definitely wouldn't been here, sharing this thoughts with YOU. And I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart, once again ❤️!
As a mini conclusion to all of this speech, I'll admit that this year was still decent so far, with all it's ups and downs, along with the fact that I'm returning myself at being genderfluid (hence the Pic at the very beginning of the post lmao :')) )
The latest events from this year at least made me think that being feminine related makes me feel worthless about myself, and I don't want to feel like that anymore. I want to be strong at its full and I want to feel and be free with who I am. I'm not the most social person, yes. I'm far off from being a great daughter, yes of course, and I'm definitely far from being the best person out alive, or at least a great one. But at least I want to do something about it, so I can have the right to say that I tried my best for real.
So, that's it. I'm genderfluid. I go by he/they/cee from now on (although cee/ceer pronouns are most likely optional, like if you want to use them, go ahead, although I'll still be ok if you used the he/they ones, just don't refer to me with she/her or any fem aligned pronouns).
🌙⭐Plans for 2024⭐🌙
(aka my favorite part from this post so far 🤓)
Just like everyone else, I have prepared some future plans for the next year and which I'd like to share with you. Here they are!
I want to make EITHER an OCT or a world-building RP server somewhere around February-March or later (I would've done it sooner, but I have to prepare for the exam session in January). The OCT thing may take a while though since I want it to be good, so this plan might get extended for 2025 as well. As for the world-building RP thing, with some effort, it could be done next year.
Returning on developing some miscellaneous projects - those being Insanity AU and a somewhat game-like concept that my boyfriend made plans about it in this year and which I'd like to develop on. Insanity AU is a thing that I've made with dustyisegg back in 2022 but discontinued it for 9 months due to [DATA EXPUNGED] and resumed it's development, by remaking the characters and their plot entirely. (Dusty if you see this tell me if you still want to work on this, yeah yeah I'm a huge procrastinator lawl 👾✨)
JToH, JToH, JToH projects - my dear and beloved JToH...(I've been in this Fandom for almost 3 years...more than I've been in the Doll Eye one, can you believe that?). Most of those projects will consist on simply designing new towerhumans, respectively redesigning the old ones. Along with that I have a comic project which I will start making it's script soon enough, other side projects that I have in my mind...and JToHVerse, which I don't know when it's that going to be started (earliest date will apparently be around 2025, but let's see how the comic project goes 🤷🏻‍♀️)
Putting some content in Toyhouse - a thing that I should worry about eventually ;v;
The last but not the least...To start developing at least one of my original storylines FOR FUCK'S SAKE 😂😂😂!!!!!! I've been waiting for this for years already hajshshdvbssb :')) I'm not sure which of them is going to come out tho. Definitely not PK though, that one will most likely get an extend to next year.
So...I guess that's it??
I'm going to assure you with two things before I finish. First of them is that, again I think, I'm fine. I'm not upset or anything. I had hard times like everyone else (maybe) this year and I had to left it out somehow. But in rest everything is alright, so don't worry about me. I will keep existing for you and for what I love ^v^.
The second thing that I will say is about this blog. Starting with January 1st, I do not allow anyone below the age of 15 to interact. I have an age now, and at this point I want to entertain people, not to babysit them. So don't get upset if you possibly get blocked, that would be one of the reasons (I hope to remember to unblock you after you get the age hhgjgjfjf 😅)
That's it guys! If you read til here, thank you very much for the attention and time spent on reading this. Hope everyone haves a wonderful 2024 and nice days! See ya around 💗💗💗!
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gettatranslations · 10 months
Special!!!!Yumigeta Ako (23.11.28)
Good evening 🌝
I'm Yumigeta Ako 🛑
Thank you very much for your comments yesterday!
Arghー I just couldn't get to sleep early last night!!!
I told you to but I couldn't do it myself…
Well whatever、these things happen
Also today was our 1st day at Yokohama Arena!!!
Morning Musume。'23 Concert Tour Autumn
「Neverending Shine Show」 SPECIAL
Thank you very muchー!!!!
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I felt so emotional today……
I'm so glad I got to see this scenery
I knew Yokohama Arena was big、but I was still surprised by just how huge it was。But it meant I could see wayyyyy more of your penlights!!!
So when I first stepped out on stage I was overwhelmed by all of you and your penlights and the size、but I tried to let go of that feeling
I just kept telling myself 「Don't mess up Don't mess up Don't mess up Don't mess up」。
Since we were all wearing ear monitors I knew the other members couldn't hear me〜
But thanks to that I was able to enjoy the rest of my time on stage、which I'm glad about
I mean I was still nervous though〜
Did you all have funー??
I was also able to take part in the MC!
Looking back on this tour we've really done so muchー right〜!
I've learned a lot😊 And had lots of fun〜
So with this tour and our summer tour
There are 8 more prefectures that I've visited for the first time!
The sky in Fukuoka was so beautiful!It was so impressive that everyone was taking photos and videos on the busー I really remember this moment (*^^*)
And the ramen was delicious!
Then it was already snowy in Hokkaido…!
Ehime's Mikyan-chan was so cute😍
In Miyagi I came to love beef tongue
In Iwate the beautiful paddy fields warmed my heart😊
In Kagoshima we saw a beautiful rainbow before the performance✨ The sky was so huge!And the steamed fish stew bun was delicious!
In Shimane we all talked about marriage!
I had so much funー!!!!
Next time I definitely want to visit Izumo Taisha❤️‍🔥
Hiroshima is where I made my oyster debut🦪
Thank you very much for showing me the deliciousness of oysters🍋🦪
I discovered lots of new great things in lots of new places‼️
I wanna go overseas tooー!I'm sure it would be so exciting❤️‍🔥
Also the last day of our tour is finally tomorrow…
And it's the day of Fukumura-san's graduation from Morning Musume。…
I'm still not entirely sure how I feel about tomorrow、but I want to try and stay in a good place and never forget Fukumura-san's smile and the way she often praised me
So I want to be the best version of my self even better than yesterday and today ‼️
I'll do my best and power up💗
I'm so excitedー!
Make sure your penlights aren't dead……
Well then it's time for today's 【Gettaa Life】✨
After the performance I ate lots of the food we'd been provided withー!!!!
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So cuteー!!!!!!!!
I went straight for the donut because it was so cute、and I chose my favourite chocolate cupcake💗
Here's a question。
Is the red bit under Santa's eyes his
I was just really curious、
So I turned to Nonaka-san because she was next to me in the dressing room and I said
「I think it could be a mouth、but I think it's his nose that's gotten red because of the cold」
And Nonaka-san went Huhー!I don't know!!
And then she said
「But I agree with you!」、
But then I suddenly thought
Of the song「Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer」
So maybe it's actually a reindeer in a Santa hat…???
And as I shared my deeper thinking with Nonaka-san she said
「Why don't you ask on your blog?!」
I'm so glad she guided me
So what do you think!!!!!!!
Tell me your opinion!!!
With your reasons!!!!!!
I bet it'll be interesting、I'm so excitedー✨
I Getted 「A strange donut」✨
If it's his nose does that mean his mouth is hidden in his beard…?
That's all!This has been 【Gettaa Life】!
T/N News and information has not been translated
1 day
Until our tour finale!
(っ ॑꒳ ॑c)exciting
Well then I'll see you tomorrow!
This has been YumiGettaa Ako!Good night🐶🐶🐶
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voylitscope · 2 years
Hello! 💗💗💗 I just want to say how much I've enjoyed getting to know you this year, and thank you for sharing your works with us. It's been such a highlight!
Thanks for being in this fandom and I hope that 2023 brings you all the best things there is to enjoy! ✨🎉
Hello!! 💕💕
This message is so sweet and makes me so happy. Thank you! Sharing writing online again and being part of a fandom again has been such a highlight of my year. I've felt so incredibly welcomed by this fandom in ways I never, ever would have anticipated, and it's been an absolute joy. Your support and encouragement have meant so much more than I can even express.
I'm so glad that 2022 introduced me to your amazing writing and to you. I hope you have a fantastic 2023! Happy New Year! 🎉
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kimberly-dinglasa · 5 months
S.H.E.S.S.H stands for:
S - Sightseeing H - Hospitality E - Exploration S - Souvenirs S - Safety H - Heritage
"Welcome to the S.H.E.S.S.H Travel Blog! Here, I invite you to embark on a journey of discovery, exploration, and adventure across the globe. At S.H.E.S.S.H, I was passionate about all things tourism, from the thrill of sightseeing to the warmth of hospitality. Join us as we delve into the vibrant tapestry of travel experiences, offering insights, tips, and inspiration for your next unforgettable journey. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or planning your very first trip, my blog is your go-to resource for uncovering hidden gems, embracing cultural heritage, and ensuring a safe and enjoyable travel experience. Let's embark on this exciting voyage together!"
I will introduce to you the places that I can share my unforgettable trip on Cebu South🤗
Please read every description of the photo below😊
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Carcar City💗
Carcar City, located in the southern part of the province of Cebu, is known as the Heritage Town of Cebu. It is best known for its buildings' architecture as the city maintains the historical and colonial structures that were built during the Spanish and American colonial periods of the Philippines
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Barili, Cebu❤️
What a nice view! When I look at this view I felt refresh at my mind! It is one of the biggest agricultural towns in the province producing important crops such as rice, corn, bananas, vegetables and coconuts.
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St. Archangel Church in Samboan, Cebu
San Miguel Arcangel Church is a Roman Catholic church located in Samboan, a southwestern town in the province of Cebu, Philippines.
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Balay'g Sawa Falls in Samboan, Cebu🤩
Balaygsawa Falls is a series of cascades, tumbling down from the top level. There’s a particularly deep hole above the main pool that’s a great lit
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Lantaw de Samboan😍
This is also famous in Samboan when it comes sightseeing. Only 50 pesos entrance fee then you can enjoy the view, farm, and also the foods. Lantaw De Samboan is also strategically located, strategic for sunsets that is! The viewing area has a direct – clear, straight, unobstructed – line of sight of the setting sun, really only ever getting blocked by clouds.
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View outside at My lola's house in Samboan✨
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Fruits and vegetables from Farm of Samboan🤤
When I arrived at my location my mama prepared for this because this is what I looking for.
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One of my uncle's art piece. He is locally famous in cebu. His name is John Dinglasa but I also Jess Dinglasa. Both of them has a lots of art work that is already been sold. He always at Robinson Galleria and displayed their works. Sometimes they have a to travel for their works.🤩
This is only places and experinced that I can share to you guys🤗 Maybe next time I can post a lot of my experiences when it comes trips and joirney. This places can help in the tourism industry to attract tourist. There is also a lot of tourist there experience the same that I've explore. If you have a time please visit of that places, you will not regret it! Thank you!❤️
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tampatom12 · 8 months
Retirement has so far not given Tom any cake. Seriously, he has to bend so far forward in the first pic to get even a hint of 🍑 HOWEVER, the “just throw it” picture his grandma sweater rides up and we see a hint of belly and it seems he’s still cut (better shape than he was at the 2000 combine??) thank u for sharing these photos so I can give my serious analysis in objectifying this 46 year old
To start, for those that are unaware this post is what Anon is referring to. 🙂🧡🏌🏻‍♂️⛳
Now, onto my commentary on the real part of this ask (thirsting after Tom Brady):
I have also been hoping for Tom to get hella cake in retirement, even with the full knowledge of him having a mostly flat ass throughout his entire professional career. 😔😢
He now has plenty of free time build a fabulous 🍑 that really POPS; what the fuck is he waiting for?!
Moving on:
YESSSSSS, I was SO HAPPY to see that little slice of his belly!!!!! 🤩🥳😍🥵🙌🏻👏🏻💥👏🏻💥👏🏻💥🌟💯🔥
We all need to see more of that from him, fr. 🫡
He does INDEED still look super cut...in fact, I can CONFIRM that he is...he loves to post shirtless thirst traps on Insta stories, especially when he travels someplace fancy!!
You best believe that I always l👀k at/study these photos & videos whenever he feels like sharing stuff like that with us and uhhhhh...YEAH.
The man has still got it!!! 😍🥵❤️‍🔥💗💓💖
And I agree; I think he looks better now compared to his 2000 Combine photo!! But that's definitely also part of what having money-and a cool witch as a wife for 10 years!!!-can do for you.
Also, while on that note...!!
I am absolutely not shaming men having bellies over men having six packs. Both look SO GOOD!!!! ❤️‍🔥💯🌟🔥❣️
I only commented on Tom still being cut because that's what those photos in the above, linked post represent!!
(I'll have to go searching for that one iconic photo of shirtless, soft boi Tom to share with y'all...!! 👀😍🥵)
Last not not least:
I am THRILLED that you are enjoying/have enjoyed them and that you are giving this 46-year-old man the CORRECT objectification that he very much deserves!!!
Thank you for sending this ask in!!! Please don't hesitate to come back if you ever have more thirsting that you need to talk about. ☺️💞
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seiwas · 11 months
hi sel! my contribution to the sleepover is . i just wanted to ramble about my boy best friend LOL I love him so much okay
It's his birthday today so I'm feeling particularly sappy, but I don't know if I want to tell him all this cause y'know. Might sound like something else LOL - I'm aro so I will put that out there - but yeah!
We've been rly close friends for a long time - prolly about threeish? years now and this guy has always always had my back. Like I'm so grateful for him whenever he's there to just hear me out or when I'm there to hear me out. We don't go to the same uni anymore although we used to before, but we do always talk to each other from time to time. I love rambling to him about anime/jjk and he always thankfully listens, what a guy 😭 I dunno. Talking to him always makes me feel relieved, not that I'm like, in love with the guy at all. Just pure platonic love and it makes me really soft that I have him in my life!!! And every time we see each other irl he always gives the bestest hugs!!!! seriously I'm glad I've got someone I can confide in and I'm also really glad he trusts me too. I miss him very much lol he's really a joy to be around irl. THAT IS ALL I love him a lot have i mentioned that
hello nonie!! 🥺 welcome to the sleepover!! ✨
oh that is so incredibly sweet!!! i love friendship so much 🥺
i'm so glad you found someone like him in your life nonie!! it's truly such a magical thing to find someone who always has your back, listens to you, and just!! gives you a sense of calm 🥺 (platonic or not!!) aaah and he gives the best hugs too!!!! that's the greatest 😭 how lovely to have someone you cherish so much that you miss them 🥹 AAAAH i am so so happy hearing you talk about this nonie sjhdbgsjd 🥹 i get really soft abt my friendships too and completely get you shadbhsdajb
my guy bsf is technically my bf but i do have two other guy friends i'm really close to (who are part of my bf's friend group!!—we're all in a subgroup together) and!! when i think about everything we've been through together, i get all soft and teary eyed rlly 😭 (been friends with them maybe for 6? 7? years now) 🥹 i always think abt experiencing life with them until we're old, with our own families, passing down all our silly stories 🥹
ANYWAY!! I DIGRESS!! i hope you can hang out with him soon!! 🥹 and i hope that you can meet eachother more often 🥺
let's have a sleepover!! 💗 send me any questions/stories you wanna share!!!
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thelikesofus · 1 year
7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 19 for the writers asks! 💗💗
Ahhhh Hi April xxx ✨💗
7. How many ideas for fics do you have right now?
Okay so there are currently 10 WIPs in my google drive that ive actually started writing but I'm actively working on 3 (maybe 4) of them
theres also another like ten ideas that i haven't even touched yet
8. What project(s) are you currently working on?
okay so the three maybe four that i'm actively working on are:
Orphan AU: this is my long fic where Buck and Eddie meet as kids at an orphanage but Buck gets adopted shortly after and then follows Eddie's life until theyre reunited as adults
Pirate AU: I am a sucker for Pirate AUs and I have struggled to find a Buddie one so i'm taking matters into my own hands. This is Captain!Eddie and Tutor!Buck kind of enemies to lovers too
Besties Babies Fic: This is a silly brain worm i got before the s6 finale. Buck and Kameron platonically raising their bio kid and Kameron trying play cupid for Buck and Eddie.
Love Languages Fic: This is an Eddie POV of Buck performing acts of service and Eddie slowly realising he's in love with his best friend
9. Do you write every day? If you wrote today, share a sentence of what you’ve written!
I would love to write every day unfortunately i am also in the final year of my bachelors degree and that takes up a lot of my time however just for you April i will write a sentence (or a few) and share it:
“Maddie,” He hisses as they scurry down the docks. “These men are pirates.”
“I know, Evan,” Maddie whispers back to him. “It’s fine, I promise.”
“It’s fine?!” Evan squawks. “What part of pirates do you not understand?”
Maddie turns back to look at him and her eyes are bright with excitement even behind the perfectly composed look of calm on her face. “They’re nice pirates.”
10. Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
There are two that come to mind actually the first is y(our) son which is only like 600 words and i wasn't all that happy with it when i posted it (i almost didnt post it tbh) but when it got a crazy positive response i was actually blown away.
The second is my tsunami era fic im so glad i get to hold you because its not the fic i had been working on at the time but the idea wouldnt go away so i wrote it in one sitting and then just posted it without much thought and again got such a positive response which was a nice surprise (particularly because the tsunami was so long ago i didnt think people would be that interested)
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
Not typically but i have made a playlist for the Orphan AU with all of the songs that i chose for the chapter titles which i will share when i post the fic <3
19. Give us a small teaser from one of your WIPs.
From Besties Babies Fic:
"Take her, please!" Before his sleepy brain even registers that it's Kameron on his doorstep he has an armful of squirming, squealing baby. 
"Ah, hi Honey." He says to the baby and receives a gummy grin and a vice grip on his nose in return. "Kam, what are you doing here?"
"I just need five minutes to myself. Buckley, please just watch her while I use your shower."
Send me writer asks <3
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merrrrrrrrry · 2 years
hiiiii 💗🫶🏻✨
those colors are so pretty!!!! honestly i think u did a great job applying the polish<3 plus even if it’s a little messy eventually after you wash your hands/shower once or twice the messy bits on your skin come off so it works out in the end 🤷🏼‍♀️
the best part of window shopping, especially when it’s at a place that’s expensive, is nitpicking the stuff you don’t like djshsj also that’s valid! it’s nice to take stuff in instead of constantly taking pictures
thank you for sharing your photos 🫶🏻🫶🏻 i enjoyed them and im living for the cat picture ✨
i can help you find a recipe if you would like!! is there any specific kind of chicken and pasta dish you’re looking for? also kudos to you for (potentially) making pasta from scratch! i’ve never done it before so i don’t have any tips but hopefully it goes well if you do end up making it<3
it’s nice that you got to spend time with your family 🥹✨ sucks that your train was 12 hours late though omg ☠️
i made homemade pizza tonight for dinner!! it was the first time i’ve made pizza dough from scratch and it turned out great and my mom and sister enjoyed it as well so im super happy about that ✨
bless your keyboard and you 💗✨ i hope your week is going well so far, sending you lots of love 🫶🏻
-✨holiday pal✨
That is absolutely true and the one thing that saves my ass but other than that my execution is pretty bad🤣 but i don't mind, i just think it's fun to see colours on my nails
Did you see that potato i posted in your tag? It's so cute.
I was thinking of like an Alfredo sauce type of thing but with chicken in it. I've found seperate recipes for Alfredo sauce and for different kind of chicken dishes but not a good one for chicken alfredo
That's so so amazing!! I wish I could try your pizza, i bet it was amazing
My week has been going well and that remember I told you I had to write a review for a book on arbitration law i was struggling to get through, i finally completed it! It's obviously not very advanced at all because I've only just completed my first semester so i don't know a lot but im still so happy i got it done
As a reward, I've been binge watching dance videos. This is something about me, i don't know.if you've noticed but i have a 'movement' tag in my blog. Some of it is jokey but it's basically my dedication to dance. I love dance and dancing and choreography and dance concepts and everything. I discovered Aidan Carberry today watching steezy videos and oh my god, i can't believe I didn't know he existed. If you're not that into dance, i still think you'd just get stuck in watching his first dance with his wife Elizabeth. I learned bharatnatyam for like 8 years or so and have the first certificate in it as well. I always wanted to and still want to learn other forms as well but that's not an affordable option. I hope i can get to do it when i earn myself
What's something you like that you haven't told me about that you'd be comfortable sharing??
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