#and the art! so gorgeous I’m gonna die
sitp-recs · 11 months
I cannot believe after months of smutty gritty adult BL I’m finally crying my heart out reading a sweet ballet boy x boxer boy romance, what is even my life. This is the most romantic shit I’ve ever read in my life, I’m so emo rn I don’t know what to do with myself 😭
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cherryxsang · 2 years
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my bestie @toxicccred sent me this pic from her concert last night and i felt inspired!!! ❤️🧡💛
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ropes3amthoughts · 2 months
Honestly o can’t remember what pictures of him I’ve release used or not I feel so tired and he is on my mind but I can’t really think of wha say he was making me think of soup earlier bu I don’t remember why. I like soup n I like him he’s like a soup to me I would stir him and drink him and it would make my stomach warm yummy soup lol the way I fropped it kinda looks like he’s saying it
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MissRyoko Kui please give him lips more. And if you’re afannartist please give him arm hair I love him with an hair also don’t forget lips I said to Miss Ryoko Kui but that is fo revenue home pleas pretty lips + hot arm hair combo Kabru with nice lips and arm hair lease if anyone can hear me pleaseeeeeeee
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Wow cool board dude I like your ideas so smart what you thinking wow what an interesting critter you’re Like a bug in my hands think he’ neat the way he uses not only others but himself as a tiool like he thought he was gonna die throwing himself down with Mrirbhj but he did uh anyways because he has jab jn Laios would sighs Ruben ring things and it’s a thing to harpy omelet and allllkk that Kabruhe sjdjfoqkss in orhers and uses himself ass way did dhnelh there
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Lover the faces he makes. Why you so face. Cute face. He’s so stupid looking and so incredibly ethereal wowwww gorgeous what a guy love him 0 stars out of 10 housewife skips he couldn’t be the wife or the house but Rhys ok I’ll be both he can just sit pretty he’s good at beinf pretty good job stipid fafe and love in his jacket line him
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Lol you have blood on youe face and hands I’ll lick it off for you what wo said that yay as crazy who said that he’s like painting on a walk I em new kikenyhey wouldn’t winter him he’s cute awesome sauce he feed me that would be nice I clung take care of him too Illl remind Hom ear and stuff and o can take care of him sweet tender care of him. I could comb his hair and kiss him on the forehead. And I cult make him meals and tell him loveeeeee you and all of that k think he’s so neat holy him like sogtvhentkd there tgeee can’t think he art to n’t. Vimk I’m gukkubb askrrogjjfnrf j was saving he klutz chutych. Ray hi Mr svtvju Kim dash tngbbbbghr bee j ding remember what I was Saturn anymore but I like him dearly what a guy
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Owww my head hurts in the middle it’s so hard to think back of my skull n rn e middle it hurts but death ut Kabru today in the Cas I was with my mom and she was driving and she was like what do you want to do with your life and I was spacing out abidKavey and she like startled me if if it lmao a Kabru only thing on my mind I’m so sleep I’m gonna pass out iwgh Kabru on h mind bling Ough. Glad
Tumblr has all my tags s Ed ENA due I would not be able j rhis them again h wow mh eyes are flutter in snug ghee is hj my dreams
Wild say much more about him but there’s black in my corners of my eyes creeping in on my vision and j feel like I’m gonna pass out actually nvm I’m chill now I’m all good I love Kabru it’s raining rn cool noises Kabru clips cool love him hol lightning wow lightning like the cooo oh wow hidiesns the black in mh eyes vyekkunb ok ye good use I will mark ostcs of him Kabru 👍 fmhekk yeah
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demonbarbers · 8 months
so high rn so sorry if this doesn’t make any sense i’m just so emotional about josh and annaleigh and this production so i’m gonna ramble a bit about what i love about it and them. ok. enjoy.
the thing about sweeney todd is that it’s mean. it’s a mean show. it ends on the cruel irony of 2 officers bursting in on toby slitting sweeney’s throat, surrounded by 2 other bodies and one in the oven; on johanna watching her father die holding her mother and not even knowing it. everyone is an abuser or abused, and there is no hope or redemption to be found. and it fucking rules! it just rules. it’s so fun to indulge in our basest pleasures for nearly 3 hours, delicately served to us by one of the greatest composers who’s ever lived.
and every major production takes the bile and cruelty inherent to the material and runs away with it. like- just look at this swedish production from 2006, directed by vernon mound. or the last time it was on broadway, directed by john doyle:
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productions tend go smaller and nastier, more intimate, in keeping with the spirit of how sondheim originally conceived the piece. (side note: i LOVE when they do that. my ideal sweeney has buckets of blood and visera right in your face)
the original production of sweeney was MASSIVE, but that came from hal prince. hal couldn’t really get an emotional foothold on the material until he found within sweeney an extended metaphor for capitalism and the industrial revolution; people literally eating people and the machine of capitalism grinding everyone up. revivals also tend to seize on the brechtian class elements, like this absolutely gorgeous korean production from 2019 directed by eric schaeffer:
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sondheim, meanwhile, always objected to readings of sweeney as brechtian- it was all a farce to him, just a good, nasty time at the theatre. he approached it as a horror fan who wanted to write some fucked up stuff, which is maybe now some of the best art is created. but hal made it into epic theatre.
(if u don’t know what epic theatre is or what brechtian means google will explain it better to u than my ridiculously stoned ass can rn but im just focusing on one aspect of it rn: the distancing effect. basically, emotionally distancing the audience from the characters and the material so that everyone is engaging with the work on an intellectual level as opposed to an emotional one)
obc sweeney is an alienating show. it’s so fun and brutal and deeply felt, but these characters are grotesque. they’re cartoonish in their cruelty. just look at their makeup! john doyle also embraces the distancing effect; his revival is actor-muso, so we’re pretty aware at all times we’re watching a show. it’s all so cold, and the only warmth to be found is in the humor. and it rules. it’s nasty. i love it. this is the show i fell in love with.
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all these things have become inherent to sweeney over time, all teased out of the greatest broadway show to ever exist; visceral horror, cruelty, coldness, and class commentary.
but this revival is just.. it’s warm! it’s lush! it’s romantic! and i don’t mean that in the sense of lovett and sweeney (tho this is the warmest they’ve ever been towards each other in any major production i’ve seen). i mean that it gestures at and plays with romanticism.
my biggest critique of this production is, in doing away with the brechtian elements (sondheim just cheered), it also does away with overt class commentary. it’s all still there in the text- turpin is a corrupt judge, beadle is effectively a sheriff, sweeney and lovett are working class, the beggar woman is homeless- but as a director tommy kail seems… uninterested in any biting political commentary, to put it generously lmfao. and i hate so much how little of it there is to be found in this revival, bc you can still Do It without invoking brecht. but i’ve long made my peace with that. i wanna talk about what i love.
and what i really love and what kept me returning to it (beyond the fact that it’s sondheim, and it’s sweeney, and josh groban is so stupid fucking hot) is how human everyone is. the entire production, from the ground up, is built around taking these characters and their pain seriously.
the ensemble all have incredibly period accurate costumes, unique to each character they’ve crafted (fun fact even the swings have their own unique costume that’s only seen when they perform). gone is toby as a mentally disabled man child with an oedipal fixation on lovett. in gaten’s hands he’s a young teenager, aging out of being a cute urchin and just looking for a mother. in daniel’s hands he’s beaten down young man with a limp and a genuine love for lovett.
ruthie’s beggar woman has developed DID after a brutal rape and the trauma of institutionalization and homelessness. she’s not played for laughs, even if sometimes the audience chuckles, and she makes u feel guilty if you ever did laugh at her situation. daniel yearwood leans so far into anthony as a sweet guy completely unaware of the story he’s actually in to the point of comedy. maria is just a revelation as johanna, all nerve and tension and bloody nails from years of self-harm. it’s easy to lean into johanna as a princess track, but ~crazy~. and maria plays jo as mentally ill and traumatized from years of incesteous abuse, but it’s not a pastiche or a praody of it. jo feels human in a way i’ve never seen her depicted before. i love it. maria bilbao u have my heart forever for this.
and then josh and annaleigh…. ugh!!! annaleigh really captures the avarice at the heart of lovett, but still brings in enough genuine moments of humanity and compassion that you find yourself (like sweeney and toby) endeared to her. lovett is always cruel and can only love through manipulation, but annaleigh’s lovett is a woman who makes small concessions. bit by bit, piece by piece, she erodes whatever goodness she had inside her until nothing but her desire for sweeney is left. she’s a woman who’s used seduction to get her way, and it’s easy to envision that when lucy returned from turpin’s, she shamed her for “giving it away” without getting benjamin back. she’s a monster! and yet, when she dreams of a better life, you feel it. when she holds toby in her arms and cried at her perfect little life unraveling, you feel it. annaleigh makes you laugh so hard she gets under your skin and stays there, exactly how lovett seduces sweeney in ALP. and there it is- identification! the complete opposite of alienation. we’re in it with them.
and then there’s josh and his sweeney… i really feel like his sweeney is undervalued. annaleigh steals the show. she won the drama desk for a reason. it’s a legendary performance. but josh…. man. i just. i keep returning to josh’s open wound of a sweeney over and over again. i think he’s probably had this take bouncing around in his head for years. they smartly leaned away from sweeney as this embodiment of rage and physical menace, which surprised a lot of people. but instead leaned into sweeney’s grief in a way i haven’t seen any major production do. josh’s sweeney feels like a man who was put on this earth to be a father and a husband. there’s a buried sweetness to him and you can still see benjamin barker in him until the very end. i keep calling him “kendall roy sweeney” bc it’s the closest way i can covey to other ppl what josh is doing here. he’s all big sad eyes and suicidal ideation, tragedy and twitchy hands. he’s so deeply pathetic he just endears himself to you. i want sweeney to succeed more than ever before. even though he spends all of act 2 killing people and being a shit father and thus killing benjamin barker, i still find myself wanting him and lovett to get away with it. and when the reveal comes, and even worse the betrayal hits- that this woman who he let into his life and body and who, in some odd way, became a friend, lied to him this entire time- it hits like never before for me.
i just love it all so much. i’m so happy it exists, so happy this revival does something so new! sondheim has said sweeney todd is a show about obsession, and it is. this revival supposes: what is the difference between love and obsession? what if the two look the same?
i think often of this quote from luca guadagnino’s suspiria (a masterpiece btw): “Love and manipulation, they share houses very often. They are frequent bedfellows.”
to me, that’s this revival in a nutshell- the thin line between love and obsession, and all the blood spilled in between.
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fawn-eyed-girl · 3 months
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An Auspicious Fortune:
an @inu-spiration collaboration with @stardust414
Hi everyone! I'm very pleased to share my contribution to @inu-spiration: "An Auspicious Fortune" (Rated T), features a pining Inuyasha, a Sango who gets a troublesome fortune, and a Miroku who's trying to keep it all together.
I was very inspired by @stardust414's gorgeous art; please be sure to give them all of the love!! And please enjoy our little art and story 💖
Sneak peek under the cut!
Inuyasha’s scowl deepened. “Don’t fuckin’ joke with me, Miroku,” he grumbled, and turned his head away.
“Come, come now,” Miroku cajoled him, patting his friend on the shoulder. “You can tell me, Inuyasha. We’ve been friends a long time; we’re business partners now, right?” He dropped from a squat to his knees. “What’s troubling you, old friend?”
Inuyasha grouched, and pulled a piece of paper from his pocket. Miroku recognized it immediately; it was a small red omikuji, just like the one Sango and the children were waiting in line for. Miroku held out his hand. “May I?” he asked, kindly.
“Keh.” Inuyasha shoved it at him. “Don’t fuckin’ matter, anyway.”
“I’m sure that it does.” Miroku took the omikuji and opened it. His eyes grew wide at the fortune. “Why, Inuyasha, it’s…”
“A dai-kichi,” Inuyasha muttered. “Yeah, I know.”
Miroku tried to keep his composure. Why would a great blessing irritate his friend so?
“But, Inuyasha,” Miroku began, trying to see the reason, “isn’t this what you’ve wanted? What you’ve been waiting for?”
Inuyasha whipped around to face Miroku, who was stunned to see Inuyasha’s eyes wet with tears. “What I’ve been waiting for, you damn monk,” he hissed, “is for Kagome to fuckin’ come back through that well, not for some stupid, shitty fortune promising that some vague great thing’s gonna happen! Who knows what that’ll be!”
“Maybe it will be her,” Miroku reasoned.
“Yeah,” Inuyasha scoffed, “or maybe my brother will finally eat shit and die.”
Miroku choked back a laugh. 
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First Week in Bridgeport
Blog post under the cut
The morning lighting in my new place is incredible - this loft has gorgeous floor to ceiling windows and exposed brick walls. It’s got the renovated warehouse look with some quirky artsy flair! It’s like it came straight out of my wildest dreams. Sure the rent is… a bit steep, but the vibes are to die for. Besides, if all goes to plan, this shoestring budget is going to turn into chump change in no time. 
Speaking of, my new job starts in two days! I am beyond excited. The salon is located on a trendy street with a hairdressers, tattoo shop, café, and adorable little boutique. Listen, I’m not saying it’s made for me… but it's made for me.
When I got the offer back in February, I knew I couldn’t pass it up. A chance to move to the big city and style high-profile clients? Think of the prestige, the glamor, and the fame! The internship is merely a formality. I plan on running this hustle myself as soon as I build my portfolio and gain enough recognition to strike out on my own. 
What else? Oh- yes! I spared no time setting up my home studio in the sunroom, I get so much natural light in there. It was perfect for warming up my creative juices with some painting and drafting practice. I heard that the art market in Bridgeport is popping - you bet I’m going to network my way around it. I’ve always wanted to open my own gallery, and no snooty art critics are gonna stop me. 
I rewarded myself with a well earned spa day at the end of the week. The views from my place are breathtaking. Looking up at the stars and closing my eyes… I can see my name in lights already. 
So, what's it gonna be, Bridgeport? Are ya'll ready for me? You better be!
~ Love, Tami
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mannylikessims · 8 months
The True Story of the Villareal Family [1.1]
Welcome to the true story of the Villareal family of Windenburg, a family that Definitely Does Not Have Any Secrets.
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It was a gorgeous day at the Von Haunt Estate and nobody wanted to be there.
Jacques Villareal gestured around the fancy grounds. “This is it, offspring – the cherished tourist destination that is the Von Haunt Estate.”
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“We are having a Family Fun Day. Now smile.”
He looked at his children and didn't smile.
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Hugo and Luna groaned.
“Max, you were too young to remember, but at our last Family Fun Day, someone died under mysterious circumstances,” Hugo explained to his little brother.
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Max lit up. “Cool, does that mean someone’s gonna die?”
Jacques sniffed loudly, not answering the question.
“Now, bugger off, my pedestrian offspring. I don’t care what you do all day, as long as you meet me at the secret location after nightfall for some family-friendly and Definitely Not Criminal activities.”
Jacques said the last part loudly, just in case anyone was listening in on them.
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Wait, total freedom to roam the Von Haunt Estate? Heck yeah! The kids peeled off in different directions, finally excited for the day.
Luna strolled through the gardens – so lush, green, and romantic.
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“All I’m missing is my Prince Charming,” she said, sighing dreamily.
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“Hello, child!” A ghostly figure popped out of the bushes towards Luna. “Are you looking for love? I would like to offer my aid.”
“Uh…” Luna stared in shock.
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“Apologies, let me introduce myself: I am Lady Mimsy. That is, her ghost!”
“I overheard you pining for a prince. But I would like to tell you the story of a young woman who was married for money and at first felt resentful, but then grew to fall in love. And then her husband killed her in an accidental fire.”
“So what I’m saying is, keep an open mind, because your future love may not seem like a prince at first! You never know when your knight in shining armor might appear!”
Knight in shining armor? This wasn't Sims Medieval; knights in shining armor didn’t exist anymore. But, regardless, Luna decided that Mimsy was cool.
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“Sooo." She grinned. “You wanna look at cute boys’ Simstas with me?”
“Uh…” said the ghost.
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Luna whipped out her cell. “See, you can look up the cute boys on your phone here. But we only follow the cute, nice ones. The uggos and mean ones, we unfollow.”
Mimsy frowned. “But… how do they get out of there? You’ve trapped them in your device…”
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Hugo was the only one of the family who actually cared about learning things, or so he claimed, so he made it his mission to read every informational plaque scattered across the estate.
He learned that the estate had been occupied by a wealthy Victorian couple: the kind Lady Mimsy and the cantankerous Lord Bernard. History, nice. Hugo could feel his brain growing with knowledge.
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Their portraits hung in the museum, next to the very fireplace that allegedly killed them both. According to the plaque, Lord Bernard was so unhappy with one of his paintings, he tossed it into the fireplace and started a fire that killed him and his wife. Hugo nodded solemnly. History do be like that sometimes.
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Hugo spotted another plaque, proud of how much history he was learning, and opened the Voidcritter Go! app on his phone. Hold up, was that a Dicoatl up ahead?? That Voidcritter is, like, super rare!
The plaque stood forgotten as Hugo blazed ahead headfirst, eyes down, into dense green shrubbery.
The littlest Villareal, however, did not care for plaques. Max didn’t even know how to read.
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History? Boring.
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Art? Boring.
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Beautifully tended gardens? Boring.
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But wait! Who was that up ahead? A ghost!? Now this was interesting.
And it just so happened that Max had but one major wish in his young life.
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caddicarustv · 2 years
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🎥 NEW VIDEO 🎥 I did it. I can’t link it on Instagram, so go check my channel now. I’m gonna die now, bye Thanks to @jetpackbraggin for the gorgeous thumbnail art https://www.instagram.com/p/CmhdBUFj2n9/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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unsleepingtales · 6 months
Cursed out! What an ep!
Thinking about the Lucy/Gorgug parallels post and rotating them. In my head
Bakur art????
Ah they have leveled up!
Cottoncandy bitchfuck <3
Kipperlilly is independently wealthy ok
If Adaine could charge for her oracle duties that would be great
Adaine hates her SO much
I love the close up shot of Siobhan’s hand
I love Brennan glancing over at Ally to let them know that they need to pay attention to this next part before mentioning the divine stuff
The Abernant Sisters are everything to me <3
Even when you were being evil you were at least interesting and cool!
Aelwyn you gotta take care of yourself pls
And people are dying or something?
Loam Farm. Ok so the issue wasn’t with the faire, it was with the former venue?
Were they framed to get the faire to change venues?
Summoning a demon. Just another thing.
Riz is SO done
“You’re getting a+s and you’re killing all your extracurriculars so where is the stress coming from”???? Sklonda. Sklonda! Cmon. You had to have heard yourself say that.
Keep my name out of your mouth 💀💀💀 they are MARRIED
Sorry what
It’s called the moonar yulenear? That’s what the midwinter holiday in solace is called?
November (if that’s what month it is)
Brennan SO meant for Riz to be running
Of course Riz is going to Loam Farm.
Maximum legend!
Ratgrinders group art!!
Ally continues to be great at blending rp and mechanics
Hmmmm Kristen going to fallinel. Thoughts.
That’s so sad actually
Zac is SO smart
Your drama’s beautiful and I think it’s really gorgeous but I do think that Fig is fully cursed
God they’re insane I love them so much
It’s just an orifice
I love that little hands moment with the friends <3 I could pick your hands out of a lineup they are calloused and freckled and I love you
I’m wearing a sports bra and a g string and I want to be closer to all of you!!
He really tried to figure out a way to politely decline a bardic and he couldn’t
Mazey are you okay??
Oh god
The vice principal can’t leave a certain distance from the school??
There’s gotta be a way to get Ayda in on this
Wild that student government only has one elected position?? How are all the other positions chosen??? I was on student gov for six years and I had to run every time?
Brennan is thrilled with them
Shoutout to Zac for using proper over-under cable coiling technique while miming
Tragic this is devastating
She doesn’t need to die she’s gonna pass on the position at the end of the year??
Jealousy surrounds me. (The most serious she’s been all day)
Stop bringing him UP
“When you think about me why do you always bring up the ball?” Onesided fabriz truthers are having a field day rn
Mazeyyyyyy you care so so much
He wanted to live with his family I’m gonna cry
Hmm. Convincing.
From the man who dabbed at a school assembly we now bring you the revival of pwned
Bro she likes you
Paperweight boggy!
It’s a whole thing
Oh god
Summer god domain changed to more fire stuff regarding rage?
Not my circus not my monkeys 😭😭
Five from 2d10 😭
Whyyyyyy are you giving a speech to the middle schoolers. WHY
Sandra Lynn and Jawbone’s art makes me so happy
This little bitch ass cat >:(
Lydia Barkrock I love you forever and ever
D&D is so cool D&D IS SO COOL
Also science :)
Paladin Fig!
No that’s the curse babes
Fig is super fucking cursed
They literally tagged their notebooks with the ratgrinder sticker !
It’s not his place to feel wrathful. Oh my god he’s. Something.
Yolanda WAS neutral though that was the whole POINT she gave up any relationship to a deity in order to better teach clerics!! The token she gave Kristen was all about divine power and relationships despite lack of a god!!
Stay the fuck away from her brother
(Ally mumbling threateningly)
Step off buddy. Step Away.
Oooh why is that dc that way
Oh yeah but that has nothing to do with Fig
FUCK YEAH OATH OF ANCESTORS I love paladin mechanics so fucking much guys
Ey?? Zara and Porter?
Fig how many fucking parents are you gonna get
THANK YOUUUUUUU I love paladin mechanics I love devotion to a friend I love getting literal magic from love and devotion and a promise
This is sooooo leading towards Fig becoming a paladin of Bakur’s deity.
Ally and Lou’s reactions 😭
Murph face
Ruben seems genuinely upset about Lucy
Why is that your email address
Do you want me to get you a phone????????
A card that says thinking of you but fig signs it from gorgug 😭 I’m gonna cry
You absolute sweetie 🥰
What a choice!
Ohhh Fabian. Fabian misses his dad. Ouch.
Wild art imitating life moment bc we were just talking about getting hit in the tattoo
Oh goddddddd rage tokens
They would do anything for each other
The gleam in Brennan’s eye……..
Oh nooooo
(Emily laughing sadistically)
You made that so terrible for yourself and you did not have to.
Oh my GOD
Ok chill out man
Ok next week looks fun. The return of Baron. That’s chill.
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obikinetic-art · 2 years
Okay…gonna go ahead and throw some art out there even though I’m not sure about it??????? Style is not stable in the slightest, but I tried to make it look cuter than my usual stuff so I can branch out a little. Actively beating back the urge to not post any art until it’s perfect because otherwise I’ll never post anything! So…here we go 💀
ANYWAY, the important part is what fic this is from: Passion, by the lovely Why_is_my_nose_a_carrot on AO3. This is a sequel to their absolute rollercoaster of an original, Patience, which has completely melted both my mind and heart on numerous occasions and transformed me into a regular commenter.
If you like:
Slowwwww burn
HELLA plot twists
Pining, protective, considerate Anakin
Vulnerable, strong, self-sacrificing Obi-Wan
Overcoming trauma/abuse
Long roads to redemption (looking at you Qui-Gon)
Realistic depictions of complicated relationships
Respectful and loving partnerships
Slavery-related morality issues
Original characters you would actually die for
Tooth-rotting domesticity
Anakin’s gorgeous hair
Anakin’s terrible cooking skills
THE TWINS!!! THE TWINS!!!!!!!!!!
Then you will LOVE these two fics. Passion is currently in progress, but Patience is fully finished. I highly recommend both with all my heart! And please be sure to read the tags before, as always.
Patience | Passion
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This little scene is from Passion, where the twins are enjoying a rainy day out with Anakin and come across a very suspicious looking frog…🤨
I’ll definitely be doing more art from these fics, although I can’t guarantee any amount of consistency. Just know I’ll get there somehow.
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sparkbugs · 10 months
Ep 105 of jrwi liveblog!! My thoughts and reactions under the cut :3
The psa is so real good on you jay
Skip to like 20 mins in cause I forgor to write-
The egg joke was great LMAO. Also BIRD BIRD :D also. They left the tortle to die???? Oopsie I fucking guess??
Underground town :o chip pls just follow bird bird mannnn
I’m still so worried about Early Drey and Finn on the boat oh my goddddddd (THANK GOD THE SHIP IS SAFE WAA)
Bird bird my bestie… they better save everyone on this island man like I get it’s their home but they don’t need to be stuck here anymore
HOLYYY SHITTT 7’2… who is this… artists I kiss u /p you’re so fuckin talented and the art you’ve made is so so pretty
This woman. I want to be her friend.. ZAMIA :D BE MY FRIEND PLS YOURE SO COOL
I love how they’re arguing in front of these people LMAOOO “you lot are crazy, man” yea igneous. They’re a bit insane but it’s ok!!
“We’re the weird kind of pirates that throw our money off the boat and save things” 💀 yea well.
Well they’re gonna go beat up bad pirates that are killing these people and something bars gonna happen cause when does it ever go right!!! Haha. Ha. (Referencing a Spoiler I know that happens but I have no idea When it happens)
Group huddle moment!! Bring all these people on the ship I don’t care :) save them all somehow
Gilly nugget of wisdom. He’s smart I agree with him
There’s a lot :( just. Aaaag
God taking out the corruption on their own is going to be. Terrible.
Yeaaa gillion you. Need to stop dying please <3
GILLION JUST LIKE ME FR brother you cannot save everyone I understand. I get it man but you cannot save everyone you have to look out for yourself
Hallow spell :o time to google what the spell means- aw hell yea protection spot
GOO DRAGON… chip praying? Never thought I’d see the day- oh he. Corrupted nvm
Whomst was taken. They’re gonna get her back
Oh they have a boss that was taken :(
Just noticed puppy behind grizz :o they eepin
Zamia :( SO MANY SAPPHICS IN JRWI I love them all.
“We’re gonna help as best as we can but we also need help getting around here” seems like a reasonable request as they brought Knock back anyways.
Zamia I love you already :( you deserve the world, y’all gonna get out of here don’t worry
RABBIT! RABBIT!!!! And fox… ogghhdjs everyone on this island. They’re my favorites ever.
GIVE AWAY THE PANTS!!! QUEEN YEAHHH MAKE THEM NEW CLOTHES :D give them hope. This is so good I love this sm
Petlen!!! Trinket friend. MAGIC ROCK! Rock. Love rocks… OMG GIVE THEM FOODS FEED THEMSSS
HAJDJDISH switch blade.. AWEJDIS PETLEN :( I love them
ALICE? What how do you say her name. Smithy… “I saw you smithing from across the room” yeah I would’ve said that too tbh
This is we’re Knock gets the “yuh” from too-
Uh ohs. Jay. The map!!!! Huh hahdjgdja map??? What. Uh oh. Wuh oh
Corruptionnnb aaaaaa
LMAOOO “you see something bad? You RUN!”
17 ac finally jeez.. yay armor and upgrades
Spider webs… haha this is gonna go terribly
Ohhhh who fucked up- GRYFFON NOOOOOOO
Everything is fine everything is fine everything is fine the scuttling means nothing everything is fine everything is fineeeee
Queeeeeennn aaaaaaaahshsgaia
AAAAA spider that’s not a friend that’s not a friend uh ohssss ahahahaaa VORTEX WARP HELL YEA SMART MOVE- oh the web. RUNNNNNN A FUCK
This is fine :) I wanna be where the people areeeee I wanna seee wanna see em dancing.
Petrol.. patrol. Same thing…. (Also currently making burger while watching so I’m multitasking this is fun)
Gillion. You what. I mean yea but also haha that’s terrifying haha please be careful
Backstreets back ALRIGHT! Haha uh oh “what you don’t see” uh. Hehe there’s a heart or something.
“Like nuts” … Charlie please.
… haha! Uh oh!!!!! Hahahahdjdhgsja
This episode was great I’m so nervous. For what comes next! Hahaha!!!
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tenrousei-kuroi · 3 months
Your answer to anon's question about your favorite character makes me wonder: what was you first incest ship? Also, do you think there's a particular reason this kind shipping that piqued your interest?
oh you’re so silly, my first naughty ship was Sirius/Regulus of course!
but now that I think about it, it was sort of a weird winding journey to get there 🤔
I think like a lot of people I had a bit of a crush on Sirius black as a child, so he was my favorite Harry Potter character from early on, and then when I started flittering about the internet looking for fan content, I gravitated towards him
one of the first fics I ever wrote was Unable are the Loved to Die and that was wayyyy back in…oof, 2005? Between Books 5 & 6, sometime when I was either in late elementary school or early middle school. And contrary to the fic’s final form on FF.net a few years later, it was originally….not overtly incestuous 😝 I think I *wanted* it to be though. Because it still *felt* that way, my preteen brain probably just hadn’t really realized just what it was I wanted to explore.
then I discovered LiveJournal, a little past its prime unfortunately, but back then a lot of accounts and blogs were still up so I dove in *deep* and ended up finding a Sirius Black big bang that I gobbled up, and it was all pretty normal gen or Sirius/Remus stuff (that pairing was called “puppy shipping” back then)….until…the last posted fic in the fest showed up, which was written by a woman named Annie who, according to her LJ, was a classic lit major (We can already tell this is a dangerous combination for someone as pretentious as me).
her fic was called Palimpsest and it had the most gorgeous art by a creator called magrat_me. It was also explicit Sirius/Regulus, the first I’d ever seen. And I fell SO HARD in love with it.
the fact that the first incest fic I read was so beautifully crafted and written by someone with actual literature experience was probably a big factor in why the pairing stuck with me so hard. I bounced from that author’s profile to a bunch of other LJ folks with similar levels of syrupy, pretentious, flowery writing styles and in the course of like a week I think I read every Sirius/Regulus and James/Regulus fic on the site
I wish I could have chatted more with that author because everything I’ve ever written has literally been her fault. But she was a real adult and had clearly moved on from most of LJ and fandom by the time I found her stuff so I just sort of lurked. I did reach out once, years later when I saw the links to Palimpsest were broken and I felt like I might *die* because of it. (Idiot me hadn’t yet learned the hard lesson of saving online content.) And she was sweet enough to not only respond to a DM on a site she hadn’t touched in years but also to resend me the fic 😭 which I now guard quite closely, it’s not gonna get away from me again lol
after my fall into degeneracy I actually went back and changed that first fic I wrote, Unable are the loved to die. It’s properly cesty now, as it was always meant to be 😅
modern discussions about the morality of consuming questionable fiction and protecting children from iffy fic content and such always seems so alien to me because it never came up in my own formative fandom years. (I’m sure it was around, I just skirted by it.) no one anywhere at any point in time in my early days of hoovering up every Sirius/Regulus fic I could find mentioned anything about it being “wrong”. So I never internalized any guilt or shame or confusion. When teenage-me realized how dark my fiction preferences were turning it seemed pretty clear why.
I just find it interesting. I have a pretty normal and stable life, and so the darker and more bizarre corners of humanity are fascinating in a way that happiness just isn’t. “Well adjusted person lives life of moral correctness” is just zero percent interesting to me. And I’ve never felt it went deeper than that.
I’ve always been confident in my ability to consume media critically, and without the need for the works themselves to guide me directly towards the correct opinion. Looking back now this is largely thanks to my mother and her willingness to share any book with me that I wanted to read, and get me to any film I wanted to see. Sometimes things would be scary or wrong or offensive but that just meant it was time to think about *why* and get some good practice handling those feelings.
my family doesn’t read my fanfiction, but they all *know*. My partner in particular is a pretty good sport, love him lol. But my mother has read a bit of my original fiction, which is all just as deranged. And the only question she’s ever asked in response to forty chapters of brothers fucking and murdering each other is: “when are you going to get off your ass and publish something people can buy?”
now that I’ve spewed out an entire confessional on how I became infected with a fifteen year-long Sirius/Regulus brain rot and then diverged into a topic you didn’t even *ask* about…how about you?
let me know if your journey was just as crazy or if you’re a normal person 😅
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billdecker · 1 year
I’ve spent nine months perfecting my 40th birthday party playlist and I think I have it. It’s split up into kinda eras/musical obsessions of my life and songs that mean a lot to me/remind me of people no longer in my life, so here we are...
Seven Nation Army - The White Stripes
I Predict a Riot - Kaiser Chiefs
Apply Some Pressure - Maximo Park
Banquet - Bloc Party
Michael - Franz Ferdinand
Mirror Kissers - The Cribs
Take Me Out - Franz Ferdinand
Somebody Told Me - The Killers
Fell In Love With a Girl - The White Stripes
One Step Beyond - Madness
The Sound of the Suburbs - The Members
Jilted John - Jilted John
Anarchy in the UK - Sex Pistols
Teenage Kicks - The Undertones
Ever Fallen in Love - Buzzcocks
Going Underground - The Jam
Rock the Casbah - The Clash
Once in a Lifetime - Talking Heads
It Doesn’t Have to Be This Way - The Blow Monkeys
Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Tears for Fears
The Look of Love - ABC
Wishing I Was Lucky - Wet Wet Wet
Breakout - Swing Out Sister
Yes Sir, I Can Boogie - Baccara
Dancing Queen - ABBA
Best of My Love - The Emotions
Got To Be Real - Cherly Lynn
Never Too Much - Luther Vandross
Boogie Wonderland - Earth, Wind & Fire
You To Me Are Everything - The Real Thing
The Snake - Al Wilson
Move On Up - Curtis Mayfield
Land of 1000 Dances - Wilson Pickett
Do I Love You - Frank Wilson
Get Ready - The Temptations
Reach Out, I’ll Be There - Four Tops
My Girl - The Temptations
I Can’t Help Myself - Four Tops
This Old Heart of Mine - The Isley Brothers
Ain’t No Mountain High Enough - Diana Ross
I Wanna Dance With Somebody - Whitney Houston
Respectable - Mel & Kim
London Nights - London Boys
When Will I Be Famous? - Bros
Never Gonna Give You Up - Rick Astley
You’ll Never Step Me From Loving You - Sonia
Too Many Broken Hearts - Jason Donovan
Love in the First Degree - Bananarama
Venus - Bananarama
One For Sorrow - Steps
All That She Wants - Ace of Base
Love to Hate You - Erasure
Love Shack - The B-52′s
Sweat (A La La La La Song) - Inner Circle
Baby I Love Your Way - Big Mountain
Shine - Aswad
Would I Lie To You? - Charlie & Eddie
Return of the Mack - Mark Morrison
Save Our Love - Eternal
Stay - Eternal
Naked - Louise
Maybe - Emma Bunton
Mi Chico Latino - Geri Halliwell
I Turn To You - Melanie C
Out of Your Mind - True Steppers, Dane Bowers, Victoria Beckham
I Want You Back - Mel B, Missy Elliott
Re-Rewind - Artful Dodger, Craig David
Scandalous - Mis-Teeq
Flowers - Sweet Female Attitude
I Know Where It’s At - All Saints
Never Ever - All Saints
Stay - Lisa Loeb
I Quit - Hepburn
Drop Dead Gorgeous - Republica
Trouble - Shampoo
Bitch - Meredith Brooks
You Oughta Know - Alanis Morissette
Celebrity Skin - Hole
Weak - Skunk Anansie
Don’t Speak - No Doubt
Torn - Natalie Imbruglia
I Want It That Way - Backstreet Boys
Crazy For You - Let Loose
Love Me For a Reason - Boyzone
Keep On Movin - Five
Be the First to Believe - A1
Love Here I Come - Bad Boys Inc
I’m a Man, Not a Boy - North & South
House of Love - East 17
Let’s Get Ready to Rhumble - PJ & Duncan
If I Give You My Number - PJ & Duncan
I Should Be So Lucky - Kylie Minogue
Never Too Late
Step Back in Time
Better the Devil You Know
Spinning Around
Can’t Get Blue Monday Out of My Head - Kylie, New Order
Girls & Boys - Blur
Connection - Elastica
Smells Like Teen Spirit - Nirvana
Creep - Radiohead
Song 2 - Blur
Your Woman - White Town
Bitter Sweet Symphony - The Verve
Change - Lightning Seeds
Trash - Suede
A Girl Like You - Edwyn Collins
Disco 2000 - Pulp
Common People - Pulp
Country House - Blur
Mulder and Scully - Catatonia
World in Motion - New Order
Three Lions - Baddiel, Skinner & The Lightning Seeds
Wannabe - Spice Girls
Say You’ll Be There
Who Do You Think You Are?
Spice Up You Life
Old Before I Die - Robbie Williams
Rock DJ
No Regrets
Babe - Take That
Once You’ve Tasted Love
It Only Takes a Minute
I Found Heaven
Could It Be Magic
Everything Changes
Relight My Fire
Two Can Play That Game - Bobby Brown
I Luv U Baby - The Original
Don’t Give Me Your Life - Alex Party
Never Let Her Slip Away - Undercover
When I’m Good and Ready - Sybil
Ride on Time - Black Box
The Rhythm of the Night - Corona
No Limit - 2 Unlimited
Get A Way - Maxx
The Key The Secret - Urban Cookie Collective
U Sure Do - Strike
I Breathe Again - Adam Rickitt
Spaceman - Babylon Zoo
Red Alert - Basement Jaxx
Feel It - The Tamperer, Maya
Freed From Desire - Gala
Mr Vain - Culture beat
What Is Love? - Haddaway
Gypsy Woman - Crystal Waters
Finally - CeCe Peniston
Free - Ultra Nate
Dreamer - Livin Joy
Let Me Be Your Fantasy - Baby D
I’m Alive - Stretch n Vern
Set You Free - N-Trance
disco tits - Tove Lo
Coconuts - Kim Petras
Outside - George Michael
It’s a Sin - Pet Shop Boys
Relax - Frankie Goes to Hollywood
Gimme Gimme Gimme - ABBA
Total Eclipse of the Heart - Bonnie Tyler
Let’s Dance - David Bowie
Temptation - Heaven 17
Gold - Spandau Ballet
Karma Chameleon - Culture Club
Club Tropicana - Wham
I’m Still Standing - Elton John
Uptown Girl - Billy Joel
Young at Heart - The Bluebells
Come On Eileen - Dexys Midnight Runners
I Could Be So Good For You - Dennis Waterman
Amarillo - Tony Christie
Delilah - Tom Jones
The Best - Tina Turner
All Around the World - Lisa Stansfield
The Time of My Life - Billy Medley, Jennifer Warnes
Especially For You - Kylie, Jason
Perfect Moment - Martine McCutcheon
Chains - Tina Arena
A Design For Life - Manic Street Preachers
Yes - McAlmont & Butler
I Do This All The Time - Self Esteem
Zombie - The Cranberries
This Charming Man - The Smiths
Paranoid Android - Radiohead
The Wonder of You - Elvis Presley
Don’t Look Back in Anger - Oasis
Baby I Love You - The Ramones
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sakurachan7734 · 4 months
Love in my dreams and In real life to
Chapter 1: first time meeting
Zachary pov
It was a night like any other I brushed my teeth got my pajamas on took my hair out and went to bed but my dream last night was weird I was in what looked to be a forest with a weird light pink hue and I was standing in front of somebody and this person that was absolutely gorgeous they were tall like taller than me tall they wore a reddish blackish dress with rose all over the skirt and sleeves and a blue brooch on the neck ruffles and they had short dark brown hair they had different colored eyes, one purple one yellow but I couldn’t see the whole face they were wearing a bird mask and it looks like we had some weird ink dripping from their eyes and mouth I was so stunned by how they looked. I didn’t even know what to say so I just said the first thing that came to mind
Zachary: who are you?
Aristotle: somebody you’re going to meet very soon 
Zachary: what do you mean?
Aristotle: oh where are my manners? I didn’t introduce myself first! My name is Aristotle polonoi!
Zachary: oh yeah my name is Zachary dove *chuckles a bit* do you happen to be related to the world famous actor dýo polonoi? 
Aristotle: yes I am he is my dad!
Zachary: oh sh!t really?! I was just taking a random guess
Aristotle: yes! Why don’t we sit down somewhere 
Zachary and Aristotle find a bench to sit down by a lake 
Zachary: so tell me more about yourself I know this may seem weird but are you a guy or a girl?
Aristotle: neither I’m non binary and I moved about about 11 times
Zachary: what do you mean you move 11 times?
Aristotle: well according to both my dad, there are some people after us I was literally born in France until I was about 11 then we moved to Wales then the Philippines then Canada and Florida and no, I’m coming to California
Zachary: you said you moved 11 times not five
Aristotle: oh i’m counting times we moved houses too
Zachary: ah gotcha so tell me more 
Aristotle: well I am 16 years old and I have a 5 year old little sister and I’m pansexual
Zachary : really? I’m 16 and have a 5 year old little sister too and I’m bisexual and where are you moving to in California?
Aristotle: the same city as you and i will be enrolled in the same school as you
Zachary: really? That’s cool! what house are you moving into?
Aristotle: into the old castle on top of the hill next month 
Zachary: ok by the whats with the bird mask? 
Aristotle: oh I’m part bird like my father
Zachary: what do you mean? 
Aristotle: I have bird wings, the bird mask and bird hands and feet you just can’t see him besides the mask my sister is the same except she has a mask of my dad
Zachary: so your entire family wears masks Can you take them off? 
Aristotle: well me and my father can but my dad and my sister lavender can’t they are physically attached their faces if they try to take them off they will die 
Zachary: oh ok what classes will you be in?
Aristotle: art, acting, math, science, English and history
Zachary: oh who is gonna be your English teacher? Because there’s one everybody hates and one that everybody likes 
Aristotle: some lady called Miss Nea or something we just got the paper of my classes and teachers
Zachary; oh you poor soul you got the one that absolutely everybody hates 
Aristotle: why?
Zachary: never mind let’s change the subject 
Aristotle: oh we don’t have time for that you’re about to wake up
Zachary: what-
Zachary wakes up and shove his face in the pillow
Catalina:* opening the door* take you back where? 
Zachary: I had the best dream ever I was talking with a very pretty bird person and the conversation was really good and then I woke up!!
Catalina:* whispers* looks like your dream of your future lover
Zachary: what?
Catalina: nothing just get ready for school 
Zachary gets ready and go to school and tells Jackson about his dream
Jackson: dude what the f**k are you smoking?? Because give me some
Zachary: I’m telling you it’s real! I felt the way they held my hand
Jackson: hay I’m not saying you’re lying its just sounds super crazy 
Zachary: I understand that but*sigh* whatever let’s just get the day over with
Zachary pov
I can’t stop thinking about Aristotle….there voice the way they dress and how they spoke to me god they are just so dreamy but I can’t tell if they are telling the truth that we will actually meet in person but I really hope they are I want to see the beautiful person that they are In the physical world and not the dream world let’s just hope that I get to see them again
Third person pov
Zachary went to sleep again and he was back in that pink hue forest Aristotle was next to him reading something
Aristotle: oh hi there again Zachary!
Zachary: yes my dream is continuing! 
Aristotle: What?
Zachary: nothing what are you reading?
Aristotle: the story of Alagadda and the hanged king
Zachary: is it good? 
Aristotle: yes I’m at the part about the four lords
Zachary:* looks at the book* what are their names?
Aristotle: I haven’t gotten to that part yet I just started the chapter
Zachary: how many chapters are there? 
Aristotle: 20 I think I am at chapter 7
Zachary: wow do you like to read heavy worded and detailed books?
Aristotle: yes
Zachary: I know this may sound rude but are they fantasy books or like educational books?
Aristotle: not rude at all! And I read a mixture of both
Zachary: ok so how is life as the child of a famous celebrity? 
Aristotle: well it’s like a normal child’s life except I have to deal with paparazzi all over the f***ing place
Zachary: yea I can imagine that be annoying. What do you do for work? I work at a as a waiter at a fancy restaurant
Aristotle: that’s nice I have to come check out your restaurant sometime* chuckles* I work as a model 
Zachery: oh really? Are you a fashion model?
Aristotle: yes I have been in a few magazines
Zachary: oh really? That’s cool!
Aristotle: yes
Zachary pov
We talked to you’re a I completely forgot we were talking about I was so mesmerized by their voice good thing it’s the weekend so I can sleep all I want and see their beautiful face and hear their voice
A month later Zachary was walking around the neighborhood until he moving truck on the old castle of the hill and a familiar looking face walk down the stairs and started walking towards the city
End of chapter 

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luckydog251616 · 8 months
You in my blurred memories
{Yes, I am back with another fic, this one being angst! Maybe I’ll make something happy in the future? As for now, enjoy this angst~ -Kaveh Also, Tw for vivid descriptions of d3ath, yelling, cursing (?), and swords}
It was seemingly another day of Kaveh not being home. Alhaitham thought nothing of it, not expecting anything strange of it or weird. He was almost never home, it became a nightly occurrence. He would wake up, they would eat breakfast together (and he would listen to his “annoying” rants that he may or may not secretly enjoy), and kiss Alhaitham goodbye, and exit the house. He usually would be back by midnight, only to repeat the process once more. A cycle the both of them grew accustomed to. Sure it was strange, but it was uniquely theirs.
Tonight was different. It was soon midnight, and no sign of Kaveh. He decided to wait longer. 1 am. 2 am. No sign of him yet. Alhaitham grabbed the keys to the house and left. He thought of one place he would be, the tavern. Maybe he’s drunk. He thought. Maybe he had too much to drink and passed out… the thought of him being in such state worried him. It wasn’t until he rounded the corner where he saw a sight he wished to unsee.
“Al…hai…tham” A familiar voice croaked. Blood on the streets, a sword to his stomach. No…no, this is just some nightmare, right? “Kaveh!” Alhaitham cried out. The once stoic mask he wore broke. He dashed to Kaveh’s side. “Who did this to you?!” He asked, his question being answered with shadows.
“YOU BASTARDS” Alhaitham yelled. He saw red, sword now in his hands. “YOU FUCKERS WILL PAY FOR THIS!” He yelled while fighting off the ones who stabbed Kaveh. Bodies now on the floor, Alhaitham’s sword stained with their blood. His attention turned to Kaveh, who seemed to be trying to hang on. “Wait here, I’ll get hel-“ “No, it’s too late” Kaveh interrupted. “Don’t say that Kaveh, it’s not too late! You can be-“ “No. I can’t be saved this time, Alhiatham.” Alhaitham was silenced for a moment before saying “You…you can’t leave me too…Kaveh plea-“ “Do me a favor. Forget me” Kaveh says, before coughing, blood now covering his sleeve. “Kaveh…” Alhaitham says, stunned.
Footsteps were heard approaching. Kaveh took out the sword from his stomach, going to the group of people out for him. “Kaveh, what are you-“ He then froze. There’s no way…Kaveh had a look of determination mixed with a grimace of pain. “If I’m gonna die, I’m dying a hero” Kaveh says with determination. He had no idea what came over him. Perhaps it was the adrenaline, or perhaps the drinks he had that night. His vision glowing a bright hue as he fought, Ahaitham watching stunned. “Kaveh…you…you idiot…” He mumbles, watching Kaveh fight off the perpetrators. He knew it was over once he took the sword out. It was like he was signing off his chances of survival.
”Are you proud of me, Haitham?” Kaveh asks, a smile on his face. He looked so proud, having fought them off. He then collapsed, Alhaitham rushing to him, holding his body. His pulse is weak…
Kaveh is dying in my arms he thought, words being hard to make in this situation. Time was running out, and he felt so helpless, his only love now slowly fading out of existence. “Ka-“ “I know…Alhaitham?” Kaveh says, looking directly at Alhaitham’s eyes. “Yes, Kaveh?” Alhaitham answers, his eyes watery, body now shaking, trying his best to keep himself together. Kaveh then spoke his last words “Your eyes…are so…beautiful…the most gorgeous work of art I’ve seen…” And with a smile, he closed his eyes, never to wake up again.
“Kaveh? Please….don’t leave me alone…”
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Scrapbook: Chapter 3
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Title: I Ain’t The Way You Found Me
Rating: Mature, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Mike x Black!OFC (Dimples)
Fandom: Hellraiser: Hellworld
Word Count: 2.1K
Summary: A collection of moments with Mike and Daisy (Dimples).
Chapter Summary: Mike and Dimples take the next leap in their relationship.
Warnings: none for this chapter
A/N: I’ve had this chapter done and ready since posting the second chapter. I hope you enjoy it. Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best. 
Dividers by: @firefly-graphics
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by Me
Spotify Playlist is here.
Series Masterlist
My Masterlist
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“Hey, Dad. I need your help with something.” Mike’s serious tone had his father stopping his packing of Mike’s dorm room.
“What’s going on, Mike?” Walter stood next to his son and crossed his arms.
“So, uh, I wanted to do something special at the graduation party next week. But I’m not sure how to do it. And, I, uh, just…need some advice on proposing to Dimples.” He blurts out the ending and Walter’s face breaks into a grin.
“Well, I’d say it’s about time, son. You’ve been together almost two years, you’re moving in together. I’m assuming you already have a ring?” 
“Oh, yeah. I’ve been carrying it around for weeks.” Mike pats his pocket and doesn’t pull out the ring.
“Give us a look, then.” Walter sighs, making a ‘show me’ gesture with his hands.
“Oh, right. Duh!” Mike removes a rose-colored ring box, opens it, and hands it to Walter.
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“You picked this out yourself?” Walter smiles at the ring, moving it around to catch the light.
“Yeah, with a few hints from Dimples. She’s mentioned how much she liked simple jewelry with a bit of flair. And the guy at the jewelers showed me this and I could see it on her finger, ya know?” 
“It’s gorgeous, son. She’s gonna love it.” Walter closes the ring box and hands it back to his son. “So, first things first. It doesn’t matter what you say to her, just do it on one knee. Speak clearly, speak from the heart, and you can’t go wrong.”
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“Mikey!” Tiny arms are wrapping around him before he can think.
“My Cherie Amor!” Mike picks up his cousin and twirls her around, setting her back down on her feet. “Where’s your Dad, kiddo?”
“He and Mommy are talking to Uncle Walter and Auntie Eve,” She points over to where the parents are sitting at one of the picnic tables in the backyard.
“Why don’t you and Dimples hang out for a bit and I will be right back, ok?” He ruffles the little one’s hair and leans down to kiss the top of her head, leaving her with his girlfriend. Mike walks over to his Uncle Sy and pulls him away from the group. 
“Nephew, you got that look on yer face like yer planning something.” Sy sips from his beer to hide his amusement, even though he doesn’t have to.
Mike chuckles and rolls his eyes, looking over at where Cherie and Dimples are talking to Grandpa Gus. He turns back to Sy and pulls out the ring box and opens it. “I’m planning something huge, Uncle Sy.”
“Holy fuck, it’s about time, boy!” Sy says in a stage whisper, “That girl is already family, you know that.”
“Ok, between you and Dad, I feel like you’ve both been just waiting to bust my balls over this.” Mike closes the ring box and puts it back in his pocket.
“Mikey, she fits in here. Either you ask her to marry you, or…,” Something catches Sy’s eye and he shakes his head, “Or Gus will.”
Mike whips his head around to see Grandpa Gus and Dimples sitting alone, Gus’ arm around her while they take a selfie on her phone. He can’t help but smile and think she does belong with his family. She is his family. 
“Do me a favor and round everybody up. I better do this before he steals my girl.” Sy pats him on the shoulder and walks off to spread the word of an announcement.
Mike walks over to where Gus is still talking to Dimples with his arm around her. “Hey, Gramps. Can I have my girl back for a second?”
“Well, you can have her back but she could always end up being my girl if she plays her cards right. She’d make a beautiful bride.” Gus lifts her hand and places a kiss on it as Mike takes the other hand to pull her away.
“Gus, how many times do I have to tell you to stop flirting with my girl?” 
“I can stand to hear it a few more times, grandson,” Gus winks at Dimples and runs a finger over his mustache, “Either way, she flirted first.”
Mike turns to her and narrows his eyes. “I’ll just have to find a way to win you over, Dimples.” He looks around as everyone is making their way over to where they are standing. Mike smiles as she notices everybody else is smiling and looking at her. He gingerly steps behind her and she laughs nervously.
“Uh, what’s everybody doing? I know y’all saw Get Out, this is getting weird.” Confusion paints her face as Sy points behind her and she turns around to see Mike on one knee. She gasps, covering her mouth.
“From the first moment you smiled at me, I knew I wanted to see those cute dimples every day. When I kissed you for the first time, I knew I wanted to kiss you for the rest of my life. When you kicked my ass at laser tag, I knew I wanted you by my side forever. With your hand in mine, I feel like I can do anything. I promise you that no one will work harder to make you happy than me,” He takes out the small box, opens it, and holds out the ring, “I can’t imagine growing old with anyone else, nor do I want to. Will you marry me?”
“Yes!” Dimples wrap her arms around him after he put the ring on her finger.
The two of them are in their own world as they kiss, the world erupting around them as cameras flash around them and cheering begins.
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Evan crouches next to Mike rubbing his back as Walter leans against the door frame of the bathroom. “Michael, you have to calm down. You’ll do fine up there. Just look at her, smile, say the words, and walk back down the aisle with your new wife. Trust me, son, she is probably just as nervous as you are.”
Mike spits one last time into the toilet bowl and stands to flush and wash his hands. Evan hands him the mouthwash, he uncaps it and takes a bit to swish around his mouth before spitting.
“Dad, I’m not getting cold feet, I swear. I wanna marry Dimples so hard I can taste it,” He chuckles at his own words and his father and brother join in, “I almost feel like she’s settling for me or something. Like, someone can make her happier out there and she hasn’t found them because I’m here taking all her time up.”
“Mikey, that’s the dumbest shit I have ever heard you say. And as your big brother, I have heard you say a lot of dumb shit. But, you two were made for each other. She’s your ‘person’. Also, we already claimed her as family so if someone else wants to take her away from you, they’ll have to deal with us.” Evan gives a sympathetic smile and puts a hand on his brother’s shoulder.
“Alright! I’ve got this. Just gotta get dressed and then get married to the love of my life, easy peasy lemon squeezy.” Mike takes a deep breath and steps into the bedroom to get dressed. 
Walter and Evan give each other a look and burst out laughing.
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Danette, Hope, and Cherie are dressed and sitting and waiting for Dimples. She exits the bathroom and heaves a sigh of relief.
“Ok, I think I have my nerves under control now.” 
“Trust me, I bet Mikey is over there just as nervous as you are, if not more.” Danette walks over and pats her cheek, “Sy told me he had to take a shot before our wedding. Our first kiss as husband and wife tasted like whiskey.”
“Yeah, Evan was doing jumping jacks and push-ups to help with his nerves. He was sweating underneath his tux and was exhausted standing up at the altar. It was hilarious.” Hope chimes in.
“I’m only 10 so I don’t even know who I’m marrying yet. But they better be a nervous wreck too.” Cherie piped up, refusing to be left out.
The women all shared a laugh. Dimples walks over to where her dress hangs and runs a hand over the detailed floral embellishment. 
“Alright, let’s get this thing on and get this show started!” She claps her hands together and the women work together to get her dressed.
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“Allow me to introduce the bride and groom, Mr. and Mrs. Michael August Marshall.” The words of the wedding planner boom through the reception hall as Mikey and Dimples walk in holding hands to the applause of their friends and family.
Their first dance goes off without a hitch. The voices of Daryl Hall & John Oates bounce off the walls as ‘You Make My Dreams (Come True)’ plays. The new couple twirls and bops across the dance floor to the beat of the song. As the crowd claps for the happy couple, they make it to their table and are served their dinner.
During dinner, toasts are made. Walter speaks of his son humorously and his new daughter-in-law lovingly. Sy recounts how Mike told him he was going to propose moments before it happened and how he loved being a part of their special day. Evan regales the audience about how Mike told him he would marry a Princess one day and how he was right about that. Erika talks about how she was there for their first date and how she loves that she got to be there to see them tie the knot. But it was Grandpa Gus who brought the house down.
“...So there I am, just about to lay all my cards on the table with Dimples and this little whippersnapper comes in and proposes to her! I had her in the palm of my hands, ya hear me? In moments, she could’ve been MY wife,” The crowd laughs heartily and Gus twirls the end of his mustache, “But I’d do anything for my grandson, including letting him have the pretty girl. But, the moment he slips up, I’ll be right here for ya, Dimples. Congratulations. I love you both!” Gus raises his champagne glass and the room cheers for the happy couple.
Shortly after toasts, the newlyweds cut their cake. Mike “accidentally” gets some cake frosting on Dimples’ cleavage. He licks it off of her in front of all his family and at the shock of Dimples who swats him away at first and then resigns to her fate in a fit of giggles.
While the guests go back to dancing to the mix that the DJ set up, Dimples sits in Mike’s lap as they talk quietly. Occasionally, a family member will come and talk to them for a bit before offering an envelope or just a handful of cash. By the end of the night, they are stuffing it into Dimples’ purse. What a problem to have!
They thank their guests for coming and hug their family. Exiting the hall, they get into the rented pearl-colored Rolls Royce Phantom. It is packed to the max with gifts and luggage for their honeymoon in the mountains. Waving to their family, they drive off into the night.
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For most of the trip, Dimples is sick with what she thinks is stomach flu. Mike drives into town and picks up chicken soup, Gatorade, crackers, and ginger ale. He wanders the store’s aisles for a while looking for something else to cheer her up. He ends up in the Family Planning aisle and tries to think if this isn’t just her period on the way.
That’s when it hits him and he picks up the box and puts it in the basket before going to check out. Arriving back at the cabin, he shows Dimples the box and her eyes widen and he can see her doing mental math.
Sitting in the bathroom, they sit in front of the sink and wait for the timer to go off. When it does, they both jump. She reaches up to the sink for the test and holds it to her chest. Mike waits for her to pull it away and look at it but she is frozen.
“On three?” He suggests and she nods, “One…two…three.”
She looks down at the test in her hands and reads the word in the result window. “Pregnant,” She looks over to Mike and shows it to him, “Mikey, I’m pregnant.”
He takes the test and reads it over and over before saying, “It’s a good thing that I’m sitting down because I think I’m gonna–” His words stop and he slumps against the sinks and slides down the floor, having fainted.
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Chapter 4
A/N: The song of the chapter is You Make My Dreams (Come True) by Daryl Hall & John Oates. I love Hall & Oates so much. And this was just too cute of a song not to include it.
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