#and thats just getting through midterms
i-like-gay-books · 2 years
i really should not be sitting here like everything in the world is ok again because i turned in one (1) assignment and finished most of my classes for the week bro i still have to do a freewrite excercise, finish a book, and make a presentation all by thursday, write 1000 words of a short story and a 500 word reflection by friday, write 2000 words analyzing a text by monday, read another full book and an article and at least part of a different book by next tuesday, remember what frankenstein is by next thursday, and write 15 pages of a script by next friday i need to GET ON some of that but im sitting here like im completely home free because i turned in an essay and got away with not having read the readings for my class this week oop
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hyunjinspark · 2 years
im still here… 🥺
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immamapletreekid · 2 years
everyday i wake up and ask myself how im at this school and. not failing yet
#yet another round of admissions has begun and i dont wish to be reminded#theres so many smart and skilled people here istg#u have kids finishing the fucking cs midterm in 20 minutes and leaving#ok actually no the cs midterm was simple bc its designed so that even ppl with no prior#programming experience can get through it smoothly#THERE ARE PEOPLE FINISHING THE FUCKING ALGEBRA ASSIGNMENTS IN UNDER AN HOUR#I CANT EVEN WRITE ONE PROOF IN AN HOUR#algebra is both my favourite class and the class that i am scared of the most#bc proofs are. hard#hhhhhhhhhwhy ami here#howdidi get i n hhow#i fooled the admission team into thinkijg im actually capable#imagien having imposter syndrome over having imposter sydnrome#iiimagiengoing to. the school thats just that obsessed with math to open the only math faculty ever on your fucking continent#I THIUGHT IT WAS COUNTRY BUT NOPE ITS THE FUCKIJG CONTINENT#fbfndbjgkhsk programs with a reputation are scary. bc then ppl expect u who is in that program to be#not only passionate bc you chose to compete fir a positon in that program#theyexpect u to kniwo whay youre doijg#and i do not#ok identity crisis time over iits time to be functional and cram for calculus#OHMYGUCKIJG GOD I FORGOT#MY FUCKING ALGEBRA PROFIESSOR IS THE ONE#RESPPJSIBLE FOR MAKING ME LOSE SLEEP AND HEALTH FOR A GOOD HALF A YEAR IN SENIOR YEAT#BC THE FUCKING MATH CONTESY MY SHCOOL HOSTS WITH ITS NOTORIOUSLY DIFFICULT LAST QUESTION#HES THE GUY WHO MAKES UP TJOSE QUESTIONS EACH YEAR#AND IM LESRNING ALGEBRA FROM HIM AND THE OTHER DAY HE SAW ME WITH BOBA#AND SAIF TO ME i dont like boba#HES THE FUNNIESY GUY I LOBE HIS CLASS ITS SO ENTERTSINIGN#but also wow ive now met the perosn responibke for so mucb ofm y s ttress#rambling about stuff
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kokoa-la · 1 year
Prompt from @help-i-need-a-cool-username
Danny was tired of his neighbor’s bullshit. Above his head rested the well known crime lord of crime alley, Red Hood. Now, Danny used to be a vigilante, he gets it, truly, but that did not mean he forgave the other for the sheer amount of wake up calls he’s gotten. He knew he was a light sleeper, has been ever since the portal opened and since the portal was shut down by yours truly, but the amount of noise was still unacceptable. Did the guy not know he lived right below him? He knew that the building was in a rough patch, but it wasn’t deserted. He wasn’t the only one here ya’ know. By now the halfa had had enough. He had a class at 9 am tomorrow in literal physics. He needed sleep if he didn’t want to pass out in the lecture that he 100% needed for the midterms in 2 weeks. He would have gone up and complained in person if he wasn’t, you know, on the run. So he sat in his bed, grabbed earbuds, played one of his sad playlists and tried his best to sleep. 
That was it, Danny was going to actually kill the Red Hood. Here Danny is, minding his own business, writing a paper for the English class he had to take for extra credits, and in storms 5 men kicking down his door with all sorts of weapons. They were in all black with hoods and bandanas covering the bottom half of their faces.
“Where’s Red Hood? We know he lives here!” 
The half had had enough. Here he was, on page 2 of a 5 page paper, while on 9 shots of espresso and 3 energy drinks to make up for the lack of sleep he got last night because of the same very guy this gang is looking for. He was going to strangle this man, hands down, screw the GIW. 
“I’m literally a college student trying to live off of a minimum wage salary, if all of us could be crime lords and afford an apartment without a day job, we’d all do it.”
“Where is the Red Hood?!”
The guy in the middle had yelled before pointing a gun right at Danny’s head. He sighed before standing and putting his hands above his head. 
“I don’t know. He’s not here, and I don’t even think he lives in the building.”
He didn’t know why he was covering for his neighbor's ass, but he already had one foot in, so why not the rest of him?
“Don’t bullshit me! We know he lives here!”
“Are you sure it was this building, and not the one across the alley?”
Dany inched closer as the main guy looked over at the goon next to him and started arguing. By the time they looked up, Danny was right in front of the gun, merely inches away from the barrel now pointed at his chest. 
His eyes glowed a vibrant neon green before the lights turned off leaving the apartment in pitch black. 
Red Hood cursed as he realized how careless he’d been. One of his men had informed him that they received a warning from one of their informants. Apparently, there was a new gang on the rise with the sole purpose of taking him down. Somehow they’d followed him to his apartment one night and were staging an attack right now. Luckily, it didn’t seem like they knew his civilian identity, but he didn’t know that for sure. Plus, if they broke in and he wasn’t there, he didn’t want to know what they’d do to the others inhabiting the complex. 
It took him about two minutes to get there using his bike. He scaled the side of the building and got in through his window only to find his apartment exactly as he left it. Had his men lied to him? Or had the gang just not arrived yet? 
Well, that’s what he thought before he heard gunshots below his feet. He scrambled down the stairs and ran to the apartment below him, taking out his gun and slowly walking towards the door. It was dead silent. It seemed that the last noise to leave the place was that one stray bullet, since then not a sound. 
Hood cursed under his breath before turning the corner and moving the broken door out the way. Inside was a pile of 5 men in all black knocked unconscious with a man sitting on top of them criss crossed holding a bat with a green sticker on it in one hand while the other typed on the open laptop sitting in his lap. The vigilante didn’t even move. He lowered his gun to the floor and just stared at the scene at hand. Eventually the man looked up at him with ashy blue eyes and a tired look about them. He sighed before closing the laptop and resting his chin on the small end of the bat. 
“Dude, it’s 3 am. Can you please tell your enemies to stick to acceptable invasion hours?” 
Hood didn’t even know what to say. He just stood there at the door, even clocked his head sideways in confusion. The other sighed.
“I have a class at 7 am tomorrow and this paper is due like yesterday, so can you just, I don’t know? Schedule this shit? Or at least make sure they have the right apartment. I didn’t complain about the noise before, but this is ridiculous.” 
Yeah, Jason couldn’t believe his eyes or ears right now. Was this man serious? He cleared his throat before finally speaking.
“Right… sorry about that? I guess? I’ll take them off your hands. No promises about the schedule though. I can’t exactly control when people try to kill me.”
He stepped forward only for the other to raise the bat at him threateningly. He still sat on the 5 men, and still was pretty far away from Hood, so why he raised the bat he didn’t know. 
“Do you want them in your house or not?”
“I want you to stay right there and pay for the bullet holes in my walls.”
“You just said-”
“Oh, I know, but you agreed so readily I’m testing the waters.”
What the fuck was up with this guy, seriously. 
“You know I have a gun right? I could shoot you”
“Well so did they, and look where that ended them. Gunless and knocked out.”
Touche, Jason wanted to say, but didn’t. One of the men on the ground started to move and groan, his neighbor, without breaking eye contact with him, spun the bat in his hand and hit the man dead center on the head, knocking him out once more. 
Was Jason attracted to this? Maybe.
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 10 months
The Art of Etiquette Part 2 | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: You try to back out on being a debutant so you can stop taking lessons with Mr. Jeon but your mother is going to do everything she can to make you follow through Paring: f!reader x Etiquette instructor Jungkook Word Count: 2k~ Warnings: Like one cuss word but thats about it lol a/n: Let me know how you guys are liking this! I was planning on posting this later but I wanted to see if posting around this time would be better :) p.s. roughly edited lol
"Mom! Mom! Where are you?" I yell as soon as I get home. "I'm right here so please stop yelling, you know that there is no yelling in this household" she scolds. "Okay, then why did you yell at me when I got a bad grade on my midterm paper?" I throw in her face. "Watch your tone y/n I am still your mother" she retorts. "Now what is it?" she says quickly turning the conversation back to it's intended course. 
"I can't do this" I say and start making my way to the living room with her soon trailing behind. "Do what?" she sighs once we've both sat down. "This whole debutante thing, it's not for me" I say hoping it would pacify her but knowing for a fact that would never happen. "You're doing it!" she says, wanting to end the conversation already. 
"No I'm not!" I argue back "I'm not cut out for this thing. This life of high society and playing nice with strangers, pretending like you actually care about what they're talking about. I just can't pretend to be someone I'm not" I explain but unfortunately she'll have none of it. "Did something happen at your lessons today?" she asks, hoping to find the cause of my anxieties.
"Nothing happened" I huff, standing up and making my way to my room. "Obviously something happened since you always seem to have something to say about everything even at the most inopportune times" she says, obviously exacerbated by the memories. "Are you talking about the time I added staying alive to the set list at grandpa's funeral?" I question chuckling at the memory. 
"See this is exactly why you need those lessons. It's time to grow up, and if you're not ready to do that yet then I'll just have you get a job and start paying your own tuition so you can learn on your own what it means to be an adult" she threatens. "James said that he would pay for my tuition if I decided I wanted to go back to college. You can't take that away from me!" I argue and stop in my tracks, surprised and upset that she would even stoop that low. 
"Since you still feel the need to whine over small sacrifices such as these then it looks like we should probably start giving you some more responsibilities so you will grow up. Just take the damn lessons y/n, it would really make your father and I happy if we could introduce you to everyone properly" she explains softening her tone towards the end.
"But he-" I start, wanting to tell her what my instructor made me do but we're cut off by the sound of James getting home. "How are my two lovely ladies doing?" he asks while giving my mother a kiss on her temple. "Oh we're fine, y/n was just telling me how much she enjoyed her first lesson right?" she says giving me a stern face, daring me to say otherwise.
"Oh yeah they were great Mr. Jeon seems like a very nice man" I say giving him a half smile, forcing the answer out of myself. I hate lying to him, especially since he's been nothing but nice to me so far. A lot nicer than my mother that's for sure, so I would hate to mess things up with him. 
"Well that's great news! Especially since he called me just now and asked if you would like to take more lessons with him. It seems like he's taken a special interest in you and wants to really make sure you're set up for success. Would that be something that you would like?" he asks, thankfully leaving the decision up to me but with the glare my mother is giving me it seems like from her point of view there's only one obvious answer for this question.
"That works for me. Whatever you both think would be best is be fine by me" I say, doing my very best to sound as genuine as possible even though I'm dying inside. 
"Wonderful! He's asked if we could do three days of etiquette and two days of dance lessons during the week and on days closer to events we should do dance lessons on the weekend before the event as well. That schedule work out alright for you?" he asks while taking out his phone to no doubt sending a message to Matthew to contact Mr. Jeon tomorrow morning so he's prepared for my newly scheduled lessons as well.
"Yes that's fine but where will I be taking my dance lessons?" I question now confused as to why Mr. Jeon would speak to James about them as well. "Oh I didn't tell you?" he's your dance instructor as well" James says and leaves to his office to take a phone call. 
"No fucking way am I dancing with that man" I say turning back to my mother once he's out of earshot. "Did he do something that made you feel uncomfortable?" she asks, just now deciding to finally ask why I didn't want to take the lessons. "No he's just a dick" I huff, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Really, that's the reason? What did you expect? He's meant to teach you to act like a lady and let's be honest, a nice sweet approach isn't going to work on you" she says and makes her way to who knows where, to do who knows what. With how big this house is it could honestly be anything. 
"So is he hot?" Jesse asks, clearly interested in how things went yesterday. "I mean I guess but he's too rude for me to even begin to pay attention to that" I huff, frustrated at the thought of him alone. "What's his name?" he asks, taking out his phone to look him up.
"I don't remember but his last name is Jeon" I say taking a bite out of my sandwich. "J-o-h-n?" he questions, confused at the unusual surname. "No J-e-o-n. I'm pretty sure he's Korean" I say and slide over to his side to see what he can dig up on him.
"Jeon Private Etiquette Tutor" he types in and hits enter. "Woah" both of us say, seeing how many articles and pictures of him with actors, CEOs and public figures. "This guy must be loaded" Jesse says, clearly stunned at who he's worked with. "And he's hot! Damn girl you really won if this Jungkook guy wants to see you five times a week" he says and keeps on clicking through everything he can get him hands on about him. "And seven days a week when there's some stupid event I have to go to" I groan just thinking about how many hours of my life I'm going to waste with him. 
"He's only 27, I wonder if he's single" Jesse says winking at me. "For me or for you because you can have him" I scoff making him laugh. "No take backs! Well, unless he's straight. Then you can have him back. No matter how heartbreaking that might be" he says, wiping away fake tears. "Sorry to break it to you babe but he probably wouldn't go for either of us" I say placing a hand on his shoulder and getting up to leave.
"Hey! Where are you going? We don't start class for another half an hour" he yells after me. "I gotta go change since he wants me to be 'dressed like a lady' when I come and I won't have time after class" I yell turning to face him as I walk backward for a second. "Alright, have fun Barbie" he yells as I get further away to which I respond with a shake of my head as I make my way over to my car. 
"Acceptable" he says taking in my form. "Although the hem is far too short" he says looking down at my legs again before looking back up and making eye contact with me. "It was all I could find on such short notice" I explain but unfortunately he isn't satisfied with my answer. 
"Excuses will get you no where, you either do it or you don't. I'm sure you could have put in a little more effort into finding something more suitable if you had tried. Let's remedy the situation by the next class shall we?" he finishes off sarcastically before turning his back to me and walking over to the sound system in the corner of the room and I take the chance to stick my tongue out at him in retaliation. 
"You do you realize there are mirrors in this room correct?" he asks, clearly not amused with what he had seen me doing. "My apologies Mr. Jeon" I settle on, not bothering to give an excuse this time. "But are you really?" he asks, walking back towards me slowly, his voice an octave lower, catching me off guard. "N-no" I answer truthfully, nervous with the way he stalks towards me with clear displeasure enveloping his entire existence. 
He leans towards me talking directly into my ear, clearly using tactics to show his dominance over the situation. "Let us be honest with each other then. It would be a waste of both of our time if we were to do otherwise" he say sending shivers down my spine and I hate that it's something I couldn't have controlled even if I wanted to. "Is that clear?" he asks, his warm breath hitting my neck making my mind feel clouded, leaving me confused on how to respond to him leaving me only being able to nod in response.
"Good" he says leaning back, giving what I had hoped for was a little more room to breathe. "Next time use your words" he says tilting my chin up just as he had done at my last lesson. "Yes Mr. Jeon" I say quietly, leaving him satisfied with my cooperation and straightening back up to go back to what he had been working on.
'What the fuck was that? What the fuck was that? What THE FUCK was that?' I ask myself over and over and over again. I'm startled out of my circular train of thought and am met with what I can assume is some sort of waltz music running through the twin speakers on either side of the wall that the sound system is placed against. 
"I can't dance" I voice out, sticking to my word and answering the question before he bothered to ask. "I thought as much, ballroom dancing is a lost art amongst the youth of your generation" he says adjusting a few more things before coming back over to me. 
"You speak of my generation as if it was much younger in comparison to yours" I respond crossing my arms over my chest in defiance. "Were you perhaps curious enough to inquire about me?" he asks finally turning around to face me, making his way back over to me as he had done before, having caught me red handed leaving me changing my position, holding my hands together and having them rest against my thighs.
"I had just assumed based off of how youthful you look" I respond, giving him a forced compliment, not wanting to admit to what I had done. Well, really what Jesse had done but again he would see right through me. "Haven't we agreed to be honest with each other?" he questions reaching his hand out and easily pulling my hands apart. Placing one of mine on his shoulder and the other held in his hand, leaving his free one to rest on my waist. 
"Do as I say and hopefully we'll come out of this without any injuries" he says practically daring me to make a mistake. "But of course" I say and straighten my posture to match his and follow his lead as best as I can. 
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joannasteez · 7 months
crying, laughing, loving, lying - being comfortable is no good
pairing: roman reigns x angel (black oc) warning: this little chapter is all angst and unfortunately barely features angel. but i'm giving backstory!! no other warning besides swearing and talks of divorce. authors note: i love imperfect characters. so yummy. first chapter found here. word count: 1700
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roman loves his job. he loves the campus. and he loves his office —which to him, despite seth's modernistic sneering, is wholly traditional—outfitted tirelessly to suit a timeless sense of taste. dark wood furnishings and overly warm lamp lights. deep shelf walls and old brass ceiling fans. the neat clutter of sports paraphernalia surrounding unread midterm papers —which detailed in their own ways and intellectual fashions, the steady rise of sociopolitical tensions of pre-world war-two society through a 1936 olympic games lens — and once looked over defensive plays meant for forthcoming football games. and this here was his little heaven, his peace, but said peace was being tainted. squandered and spat on. because of all the days he'd chosen to settle in at the office on campus versus doing work from home, she, had stopped by to see him this day. to parade around that pitiful frowning in her lips and the beautiful, un-useable ring she'd never bothered to just get rid of.
and he was very specific about not getting it back. about not wanting it back. about her even selling it, if thats what she wanted. since she'd always done what she wanted anyways. what difference would it make if she sold the eighteen karat in exchange for whatever dress or lamp or table caught her eye? roman really couldn't give less than a shit what she exchanged it for, just as long as he'd never have to see it again. because all the memory is stored there, in the all those beautiful cuts of diamond. but then again, as he said to himself, 'amina does what she wants', including showing face when showing face was exactly what he didn't need. 
he seems to be the only tired one in all this. the only struggling survivor, hell the only survivor really. amina's face feening to look written in a perpetual state of guilt which was complete, utter bullshit. but then again disingenuous was her forte. and roman was sure that the divorce lawyer was the happiest they'd ever been. maybe even eating off the money they'd made at the expense of his failed marriage. but who knew. at this point, who fucking knew. 
his glasses give the ring clarity. a shine. making his jaw twitch and his foot shift till his knee jumps. all of which are involuntary. and this burns his core, the very base of his belly, because why does the discomfort take him so wholly?   unsullied and lacking compassion as it travels his skin. 
he can feel her eyes fixing into him. screwing hot over every line and detail of his freckled face as she waits. and oh does roman make her wait. letting the silence drown the room till theres nothing but the whipping spin of the ceiling fan and the warm lamps singing with a buzz.
"are you gonna say something?"
and all he can remember is his bed. the distress of the sheets and the boiling heat in his body. her moaning and then the absolute fright. the guilt as she forced her body away into the wall, the sheets surrounding her, drowning her up to her neck. his fingers cold from the breeze. 
the ring still on her finger. why even keep it on?
something in roman's skin flares. a burning irritation. an anger bought on by the existence of anger itself. because why should he be reduced to something this wild and ill-controlled? why should he be the one suffering, feeining stability. why should a simple ring bother him so much. he was, is, better than this, better than the pity written in her eyes. he hated this. why didn't she just fucking sell the damn ring. 
"hows terry doing?", that name like poison on his tongue. the whole memory of it coming up to dry his throat till he's tasting bits of bile. his fingers flexing as he takes to fingering over the stacks of papers at his desk. "still enjoying my headboard?" 
"don't do that...", amina's eyes averting. guilt, guilt and more guilt. "...don't, don't bring him up like it's on him". 
"oh?". a scoff but a laugh too. disgust and amazement. but he's irritated too. surprised. "is this accountability? are we in the end times finally?" 
she sighs exhausted. "roman". 
"amina", exhausted too but wryly so. to dig into her skin in any way he could. 
and when she takes her beat, which he finds annoyingly dramatic, staring into his eyes with all the sincerity drawn up from her gut to say "i'm sorry", he still can't find the will to care. 
and he tells her as much.
"i. don't. care", pushing the ring with his finger over toward the edge of his desk. the fast motion threatening to knock it off the surface if not for amina snatching it mid drop. "take the ring back. pawn it. sell it. shove it in an envelop and burn it", rising from his seat to take a stack of book at the side of his desk to the deep shelf wall. his body tall and wide and rife with anger. "i don't give a shit. i don't want it". 
he can hear her shifting to get up too. her heels clicking small. cautioned steps. not so far but not too close. and now he's sees that's just been the regular state of affairs for everything concerning them. an arms distance of romance. 
"it belongs to you". 
one of the books tighten in his hand. a hard cover stress ball. "the simple fact, that i keep saying i don't wan't it, and you keep shovin' it in my face, really just lets me know you’re here to twist the knife". he shelves the books impatiently, the slotting of them ending, each, with a thud into the wood. "just give me this one thing. listen to me this one time". 
amina takes her turn to bristle. to advance at him and laugh. mirthless and mocking. 
"you wanted the wedding in the summer, so we planned it for july. you wanted to move back home, so i followed you", each click of her heel harsh against his office floors. straining to creak till it's edging into his skin. "you wanted the bigger house and you didn't want me to work and you didn't want me to hang around certain men. i always listened to you". 
'no', roman thinks. whipping away from the shelf. his ears scorching. "wrong", his pointing finger toughing into his chest. "i didn't want you around terry because he was a dog in fucking heat every time you were near him. and everything was always negotiable. i never forced anything". his blood pumping sharp and wild. "you liked me making decisions. you liked being taken care of. i made shit a playground for you, and you ran it to hell till you got caught". 
"negotiable? really?", amina's voice shrill and wavering. "like its a fucking business deal? well so much for a fucking merger of equals”. the ring clutched in her fist, her balled fingers pushing into his chest as she clicks up to him. no longer an arms length away. "you just knew that you knew what was best all the time". 
and when he refuses to accept her forcibly pushing against his chest, the ring falls. 
"and the one thing i didn't know?", his face a breath away from hers. the warmth of vanilla filling his nose. making his screen cringe and his jaw tighten. "that my wife was getting fucked cervix deep in my bed by terry, every other weekend since the night of our wedding". 
"it wasn't every other weekend". 
he laughs. from his belly and with a soft trembling in his nerves. his body uncomfortable still. bothered by the shake of his own anger. "but it was in my bed, in the sheets i bought".
she sneers. her eyes rolling harsh.
"everything with you is always, i and me". 
"yes amina", his tone patronizing. "because you cheated on me. you never even tried", his head shaking. "im not the villain in this". 
her eyes glisten. welling to threaten the breaking out of tears. 
"i had no voice. no say. no room to make mistakes with you. everything was always handled. i couldn't breathe". 
"why not say something?"
"you wouldn't have listened". 
he scoffs. "you don't know that", walking briskly to his desk. collecting the stacked papers to shuffle them inside the thick leather of a messenger bag. he needs desperately to leave. to come from under the thick air of the room. "because you never considered trying. and thats the one thing you can never say i didn't do. i always tried to make you happy. making things comfortable". 
"being comfortable isn't this good thing you keep making it out to be". 
he was over it. over the heat boiling his skin. over the aching in his chest. the lumping in his throat. the sharp pricks in his eyes. the mindless way his jaw twitched to tighten. and he was over seeing amina. he needed something liquid, strong and relieving. and he had papers to grade, he didn't need this. not now. not ever again. 
"if no one has ever told you before, i need you to know that you are filled with a concerning amount of bullshit". 
amina snatches up the things she came to his office with. being sure to leave the ring. "well look at us being two peas in a pod". 
her heels click out of his office. the silence enveloping him again. his shoulders heavy and his eyes tired, from the lateness of the day and the threat of tears. 
and the ring is still there. still and unmoving. his fingers curling to fist but lacking the heart to pluck it from the floor. 
his phone buzzes. angel's name popping up against the screen. a warmth fighting greatly to overtake him as he opens up an image she's sent, but it fails to do anything worthwhile. the chill in his bones icing over so easily that his nerves feel beholden to deaden with a cooling. 
text message | angel : ready when you are
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and the heart to reply is void in him. more piqued that amina had destroyed his mood so much that it'd left him hollow enough to leave you unanswered. and God was the urge there, just not great enough to overcome the anger pushing deep in his skin. 
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donkeys-waffles · 8 months
Okay, listen I'm not all that convinced AFO is completely gone. And let's put DFO aside for a moment. His and Yoichi's story feels uncomplete, there are certain elements that were given the time to be graced on but never really elaborated on. Like for example, that possibility that certain elements of AFO's backstory were fabricated to accomplish a certain message.
It's very easy to read over his backstory and gather the idea that he was born evil. But after a deeper look, it's very clear that was the purpose. We are meant to believe AFO is evil because that's what he wants us to believe, that's what he sees in himself. I feel bittersweet towards his supposed 'end'. Because I hate how Bakugou delivered that end, for one. But on one hand I enjoy how he mentioned needing Yoichi, it starts with denial and ends with recognition. And even if this a hot take, I think it's a beautiful, emotional end to such a messed-up individual.
However, I have a weird feeling about two things. First, I'd like to say, one thing I've noticed in writing is if something is brought up randomly, it'll generally come back to bite you later. Nothing is left unsaid, otherwise you have plot holes.
I found it interesting how it's mentioned AFO wasn't able to use his last trick up his sleeve, without any elaboration as to what that would have been. And I would say this was done on purpose, maybe just used as another example of every dream he wasn't able to accomplish before he died. But bringing light to this does nothing to strengthen the impact of his death on the narrative. Another interesting detail was Yoichi's wish. His dream of AFO being the kindest quirk in the world, which I can see being used to cause a reaction in the reader, as if trying to make them feel some heartache for such a bastard. But even with that reasoning, that sentence in the end feels so empty. unfulfilling, and almost lack-luster. It seems odd to be brought up and this could be bias, but I feel like that sentence had more importance than just literary cannon fodder.
We know AFO's main goal, make everyone love him like Yoichi, and his midterm goal was to steal his brother back through OFA. Makes sense.
But I still have questions. I understand why he took Tomura, to get a strong enough host to steal OFA, makes sense. But how does leaving Gigantomachia in the mountains have anything to do with such a goal? For what? Retirement? What did that achieve, wouldn't it better if he kept him around? If he was planning on moving his consciousness to Tomua later, then keeping him around would be better, right? Afterall, he'd be able to meet the child and possibly have a better understanding of the situation. Gigantomachia is an incredibly strong asset (look how he took down SO many heroes in the first war); he could have possibly even used him as backup during his fight with All Might.
And why keep OFA at a distance when his entire goal is to steal said quirk? I'm referring to that one panel in Vigilantes. Thats the entire opposite of his entire 200-year-old goal.
And that whole thing with his copy of rewind... This man is 200 years old, with an extremely strong villain empire, who has earned the respect of a genius scientist... You don't achieve any of those things by being stupid. And now I'm not normally one for completely trusting the MHA Wiki, but I can't blame them for giving him a 6/5 intelligence. He's a genius, and is spectacular with quirk analysis, it's his thing ya feel me. But it does show his lack of self-preservation, which is against what he's supposed to be angry at All Might for.
All Might took his health and his empire; we know he didn't really care about his empire as much from Spinner. (I mean lack of self-preservation because he's using a quirk that will eventually rewind him out of existence, whether he transfers his quirk to Tomura entirely or not. There's a possibility that it won't work, he failed to take complete control the first time remember. Is that what this supposed 'trick up his sleeve' was supposed to remedy? This is the same man that gave himself immortality, the same man that ran away from All Might for years, the same man that has shown to rely on the strength of others instead of dealing wounds himself. And might I add the same man that is supposed to be angry about his health being diminished. Afterall if not his health or his empire what could he possibly be angry at All Might for that's so special, so unique compared to his predecessors?)
This brings me to my last point. Since when the hell did this bitch care about THE CHILDREN! This man literally stole quirks from children, killed thousands, and turned a crap tone into braindead nomu. And he's angry on behalf of the children. Are we ever going to get an explanation for that?
Like I would understand if he killed the children that he apparently gave heroic ideals to. Like Ha! You will pay for passing on your ideals to children by watching me steal their quirks and kill them. But that's not what he means, or he would've stolen Tokoyami's quirk, killed Jiro instead of leaving her with a broken eardrum, and blasted Izuku away with deadly force instead of holding back in the first war. We have no answers for such behavior from a man known for exhibiting zero humanity (and making that behavior his ENTIRE personality.) Need I remind you this man stole Tomura (possibly gave him the quirk that killed his entire family,) and groomed him just to possess him later alright. He also turned Tsubasa into a nomu for shits and giggles, which we have never talked about once! Tsubasa, need I remind, was a small child and was the Doctor's grandson (which you'd think give him immunity to this kind of sick shit but apparently not.)
There are so many questions left unanswered, many of which Yoichi himself can't even answer. Like with all their human experimentation they do on a daily basis, the clone theory wouldn't really surprise me. It would make a lot of sense for his character as well. And even if that theory doesn't pan out, the vestige behind the locked door (which is entirely separate rant honestly,) or even Tomura's AFO vestige maybe. Though I feel if Izuku really saves Tomura in this war, then we might never hear much of anything from that vestige. Especially since their first priority would be to cancel it out as soon as possible. A lot of people bring up how the story is almost over, and they are probably right. But the end date was supposed to be 2022 originally, right? Then it was moved to 2023, now it's 2024-2025. Like yeah it is almost over, but there's still story that needs wrapping up clearly because that deadline has been pushed back multiple times. Too many times to make it a valid counterclaim anymore. Either way, I don't think we are in the clear of the Demon King's superiority complex anytime soon.
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romanarose · 9 months
Life update if anyone cares.
I only post this bc i was posting my depressing shit for months and a lot of people were reaching out in concern <3
cw sever depression, self harm, suicide, csa, SA, all the bad. but also lots of good <3
TLDR: Despite a god-awful semester, i got all a's and b's
Everyone thats been following me the last few months has seem my personal posts about how fucking awful things have been for me.
I've dealt with fact I can no longer deny that what happened to me was CSA, despite being on a milder side of things. That sparked an absolutely spiral. I didnt sleep for months which made things worse. School, I got an F on a midterm and i NEVER get F's on writing assignments.
Work had its complications and i quit and then rescinded that quit two days later. I was so constantly depressed in my dorm my roommate literally told me i needed to go to the basketball game with them bc i was sitting in a depression hovel none stop. I only went to services twice this whole time, one shabbat and once for Rosh Hoshannah.
I burned the ever living fuck out of my fingers, yall remember that one? lol.
In novemeber i had relapsed so severely on self harm i thought i had accidentally killed myself. I should've called 911. I thought I was bleeding out and/or going into shock. I then worked myself up more by going down pages of the internet about medical shook and people dying from it. that did not help my heart rate. I couldn't stand, I couldnt see straight for a while.
I could not afford an ambulance or a hospital stay as i am uninsured and only ork 25 hours a week. not a lot of money.
All this happened and I didn't miss work. This is not a brag, this is me not being able to makegood choices for myself.
Finally, thanksgiving break hit. Thank fucking god. I WANTED to use those 4 days of absolutely nothing to get to my TWO BIG RESEARCH PAPERS I HADNT STRTED YET but alas, I was SICK. I was so sick, in fact, and so hoped up on cough medicine for 3 days i was incomprehensible.
I was so physically ill, i couldnt even think about how mentally ill i was. I slept and slept and slept. And by the time sunday hit, I felt so recharged.
My failed midterm was so bad and so not me my professsor reached out to me. Im close with him (in a v appropriate way lol, hes a bruce springsteen fan too) and i felt comfortable telling him essentially that for a few months there things were severe, and I really should've gone in for a 72 hour hold multiple times and i was not safe. through a few lines of resources, I ended up back in therapy bc my school added a new therapist that is a woman (i stopped going last year bc i didnt like seeing a man)
I like my new therapist.
Anway, in about 2 weeks I wrote 2 12 page research papers, 2 book report papers, 1 science paper did 2 presentations, took 2 finals, wrote 2 more finals with essay questions, and at the end of it all, not only did I not fail any classes...
I GOT ALL A'S AND B'S! Which means my gpa is still high enough to renew my scholarship for my last year
I am so fucking proud of myself for accomplishing all this despite suffering so fucking badly. I havnt felt pain like that in years, just agony.
I had a down turn again over christmas bc my siblings were literally ass, upto and including making fun of me for not ating (i am multiple accounts of sexual trauma from several people, so im scared of dating), making fun of my eating, and my sister slapping me and my older brother hitting me. Was a bad time. But for right now, im in the place im staying for break (all january) im back at my old day care and they love me, and olive garden at this store has been going great
Im hoping next semester to be better, im hopful at least
Anyway, thank you so much to everyone who has supported my writing has supported me through these times. It makes me happy that i came her to share my silly little moon knight x reader series, not really intending on writing a whole lot, but next thing i know, i have friends and a lil community. so thank you <3
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chaosandmarigolds · 4 months
💌 why did you start this blog?
💔 is there a fic you wish you didn’t write
🍄 what is something that’s happened in your life that you wish you could go back and change?
for the ask game!! if u dont wanna answer these its okay
No cause you don’t understand I love talking, I am the epitome of a yapper. Like yapper and Coco are synonymous, my picture is in the dictionary under yapper, it is insane-
💌- midterms and finals, I wanted a little escape to where I could just post my lil ideas. (I literally never thought there would be over 1900 of yall who also like my lil ideas 🤍)
💔- no! Even if something I’ve written isn’t my personal favorite I never regret writing it, it was an experience and in the moment it probably made me happy or helped me get through something
🍄- ya know on my first thought I would say a lot of things but in reality all of those things that I look back on and cringe, cry, or even just have distaste for made me into the person I am today. Everything in my life helped me grow and when I look at the big picture it’s so apparent on how each of those things shaped me and enabled me to become better. (I would’ve stolen my crayon back in kindergarten. I still hate u Maddie)
And…because I wanna get to know you some!!! Let me respond with-
🪐- favorite shows / series of all time
🧚‍♀️ favorite characters of all time
🫐 some place you’d love to visit
Annnn yeah! Thats it! <33
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c-c-cherry · 2 years
HELLO you may recognise me as the artist that drew that one whole scene from chapter 7!! thought i'd drop in to say:
FIRST OF ALL midterms are the pain ever, i wish you all the best!! stay hydrated <3
SECOND OF ALL thank you for taking the time to leave such a long and heartfelt reply on my post asjcjkdj it made me really really happy and giddy for the rest of the day i'm so glad i managed to portray the characters and envision the scenes the way you intended us to! your writing is absolutely gorgeous and i hope you're doubting its quality less, because it is top tier.
speaking of your writing i was tempted to talk about why i really loved the fic in the post itself but felt like it was really long already 😭
so here i am, this may be long, i apologise in advance for my rambling, in this essay-
i love how everyone turns to teru because he's reliable and he's smart but he's just a 14 year old who's had to be his own adult for way too long and he's just trying to figure things out, too. I LOVE HATE THE WAY HE TRIES TO FILL REIGEN'S SHOES, I LOVE THEIR FATHER-SON DYNAMIC
and shou oh my god i love that he tags along, that he's included but feels like an outcast in their group, the way he's there because he cares but he thinks he doesn't really have the right since he's not as close to reigen. HES SO ALONE BUT HE DOESN'T KNOW HOW TO INTEGRATE INTO THEIR CIRCLE, SO HE KIND OF HANGS AROUND THE EDGE AND GOOD LORD I WISH THEY'D JUST PULL HIM IN
in conclusion i want to hug them all. i haven't felt this many emotions in so long cherry you did amazing and trust me you're going to keep doing amazing, because you are you
if you read all the way here thank you for bearing w me 😭😭 i hope you're doing well, you said you recovered from a mystery sickness recently? take care ok, we support you!! <3
Hello Bloo!! I’m so sorry it took me this long to finally reply. Life is life, and now I’m here! But just know that I’ve been rereading this ask consistently because it makes me so happy that my work can…make people think THOUGHTS? In-depth thoughts that they want to share with me?? It still barely feels real to me that people are liking my silly self-indulgent fic where I make the business man suffer. So thank you! I’m so happy you’re enjoying it, and thank you again for that deliciously-crafted fan comic! :)
I'm sparing your poor souls from a Cherry ramble under the cut. But for those who wanna peek inside my silly head:
As for what you’re saying about the fic itself…yeah HAHA. You’ve got it down. As someone who’s completely desensitized to their own ideas and the execution of said ideas, I don’t know how obvious all my little underlying themes and ulterior plot lines have been, but your interpretation of it all is pretty spot on. I’m a sucker for forcing characters to face their own truth via IMPOSSIBLE circumstances and then dragging every other character into a whirlpool of chaos and conflict and confrontation in turn. It makes it all the more fun >:)
I’ve been trying to write the characters carefully so their dynamics blend or clash or do anything else that I please, and that means letting them roam free and interact with each other while keeping their special character quirks. I love writing Mob constantly on the verge of guilty instability, Seri having to step his ass up despite his confidence not yet being 100%, Shou and his mysterious ways that are SO worth exploring because he's such a complex character despite not appearing a lot in canon, Ritsu’s impulsive, fear-driven, 13-year-old antics (and that dreaded stop sign), and of course, Reigen and all his pathetic self-loathing. In fact, ALL of them have been incredibly fun to write because ONE has amazing, fleshed-out characters that interact so well together. BUT I’ve been surprised with how much I’ve loved writing Dimple and Teru especially. Dimple’s not hard to write at all for me, but his interactions with the other characters in writing are ADDICTING, and I didn't expect that. I will say this forever, but I want Dimple in more fics because of the POTENTIAL. LET THE FART CLOUD HAVE THE SPOTLIGHT!! As for Teru—you can ask anyone who was around for the first few draft chapters of AH—I was very hesitant to write him at all. I personally think his character is very hard to nail, and I’m honestly surprised at how much the audience has taken to his role and his little moments within the fic—that encouragement and influence definitely made him appear more than I originally anticipated :)
I could ramble for hours about every character and all their inner complexities that I'd love to explore in this work and others. But I will stop myself here hahaha.
Thank you for this sweet little breakdown of what you’re enjoying in AH so far. It makes me feel very happy :) And thank you all for all the support! It really means a lot.
As for my mysterious sickness from a few weeks ago, it has vanished! Student life is crawling with unknown bacteria. It's like you're in daycare all over again, or perhaps a medieval plague ward. Now all I have to do is battle the turbulent trials of finals :’)
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aviangrian · 7 months
ahhh i just wanted to say i love starboy SOOO much!!!! i did not/still dont know anything about f1 but the way you write it is so easy to follow along with and read!!! i love how you write the characters, especially scar/grian/joel/lizzie, you write them so so sooo flawlessly... i love how it seems like were there with scar in the moment of everything going on and how you describe everything from his perspective. i also LOVE how you write scar and grian especially because they both seem just so *real* and *raw* and i usually never see that from fics. the way you write is just so in detail that it really allows the reader to imagine everything thats happening and i LOVEEE that!!! i also love how you write grian and mumbos friendship, like they obviously care about each other so muchhh and i love how the readers able to see that even through scars perspective!!!!! esp the scene after grian fell asleep watching topgun and mumbo helping him lay down into a more comfortable position,,, and how they hugged when grian finally got p1 😭😭❤️ NOT TO MENTION THE LATEST CHAPTERRRR AND SCAR AND GRIANS FIRST KISS????? THAT WHOLE CHAPTER WAS GOLDDDD i loved that chapter so much,,, so much happened between grian and scar???? that scene of them in the club??? scar (and us) finally getting some insight to what happened in grians past from grian himself??? grian being comfortable enough with scar to actually open up to him??? AND THEM CONFESSINGGG??? ☹️☹️☹️❤️❤️❤️ might be my fav chapter if im being honest
i also just wanted to ask a few questions while i was here though;
first, do you have a set upload schedule? or is it like a whenever you have time to work on it thing?
second, do you think youll be posting more content abt this au after starboy is finished? like a grians pov or something? ive become so interested in this au because i can tell so much work has been put into it and id love to see more it!!
lastly, is this going to be an eventual mumscarian fic??? i think its obvious Somethings going on/has happened between grian and mumbo but i just dont know What... like that one scene with them all at the dinner??? or the car scene with grian standing up through the sunroof???
i cant wait to read more chapters!!! but im also scared As Hell because SO much has happened already and its only been 6 chapters. we still have 5 more longgg chapters left and im so scared but also excited for how things are going to go... i hope youre having a good day, i cant wait to see what you have in store for this story!!! 🫶🫶 sawrry that this was a lot of rambling though,,, 😭😭❤️
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anon i’m crying?? 😭 thank you so much.
the goal of the fic is real and raw! it’s an unusual setting (maybe not for me considering this is my second racing centric fic) but everything that happens is a product of the environment! the wins from his own team left scar feeling bitter at times, but watching grian win had him so proud he knew he’d get in trouble w his own team if he showed it lol. it’s all about where they are and it makes me sooo happy (like you would not believe) when people who aren’t f1/sports fan still enjoy the fic!
last ch was a lot and contained a lot of really vital stuff that i couldn’t wait to see the reactions of. grian finally opening up is so important to me and scar letting it happen in its own time is a huge part of why grian begins letting him in, which is evidently not something he’s used to at all. mans has been through it in this universe
as for the questions: i don’t have an upload schedule but i try to churn out the chs when i have time. it fits that valentine’s was right before midterms season for me so i got to get something out before i get swamped by all that 🥲 i don’t like to let a full month go by without posting but we’ll see how my semester keeps going lol
and i’ve been thinking of content once i’ve finished starboy. i’ve had ideas of grian’s pov hitting all the major plot points or even a jimmy spin-off one shot but nothing is planned for now. definitely floating around in my mind
mumscarian is not the endgame but the mystery behind grian and mumbo will be revealed! grian is mysterious and mumbo being mumbo goes along w it, but it does come full circle eventually!
i didn’t even realize there’s already only 5 chs left! that’s crazy, considering how much of the story i have left!
thank you again anon, this is all very much appreciated. i love your rambling because it allowed me to ramble too haha
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tartagliascumwhore · 2 years
Comfort Childe
You show up at childes door at the middle of the night in the pouring rain because of family problems and he invites you in and takes care of you <3
i'm procastinating studying for my midterm so you guys get this :)
This isn't spell checked or proof read cuz im delirious from lack of sleep and buzzed on caffiene
gn reader x childe
tw! implication of parental abuse ( this is just me projecting) let me know if there are any other trigger warnings i should add
comfort <3
Get back in here!
you heard your dad screaming as you ran to open the door. You just needed to get out of the hosue for a while, so you ran out barefoot in the pouring rain.
You didn't know where you were going, your legs were leading you through the harsh downpour, splashing through puddles as you heard deep rumbling in the distance indicating that the heavy rain would soon turn into a storm.
As you ran, you find yourself on a familiar street, and soon enough you were loudly knocking on the door of a house. After a few moments of waiting you saw a tall ginger opening the door in confusion, wh8ich quickly turned into concern as he glanced as you.
Oh god what happened? Are you okay?
before saying anything else, he pulled you into a hug, getting his clothes wet since yours were soaked. You were trembling due to the cold and you leaned into him for more warmth.
Is it okay if i spend the night here?
he simply pulled you into the house and closed the door behind you. he told you to wait as he grabbed some warm clothes for you to change into.
As you were changing he made you a cup of lavender tea since he knew it was your favourite, and handed it to you while leading you to the couch.
Ajax knew about your family situation and was hesitant to ask if something had happened in fear that it would make you feel worse. So he sat next to you as you sipped on your tea, waiting for you to speak.
After a moment of you silently drinking your tea, you turned your body to look at him, the face of concern not leaving him for a moment.
I'm sorry for intruding like this, i just didn't want to stay at home.
He shook his head smiling
You could never intrude, you're always welcome here. You must be tired, i can make the bed for you.
No no, i can sleep here on the couch
What kind of host would i be if i let my guest sleep on the couch
okay fine
and with that he got up to grab blanket for you and placed them on the bed. he then grabbed your hand and led you to the bedroom, making sure you had what you needed.
Do you want a glass of water in case you get thirsty?
No thats fine, thank you.
He got up to turn off the light, about to leave when you stopped him
Um, could you stay here with me? I don't want to be alone.
Of course
He turned off the light and jumped into bed with you. he wrapped his arms around you holding you close as you rested your head against his chest. You felt safe.
He kissed your forehead whispering,
You know i love you right?
You nodded your head
I love you too.
You slowly fell asleep while Ajax rubbed circles along your back, making sure you were as comfortable as possible.
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fapper · 1 year
yallllll omfg.......... its actually insane how my delusions will completely take over reality and i literally get blinded by it. its actually insane. the TA doesnt like me, he never did 💀 he has a whole ass engagement ring on his left hand. he's just a nerd FUCK. oh yy god. my godddddd. he doesnt gaf about meeee and i got so sad over it for like 30 minutes but then i got overwhelmingly worried about how this meeting w this bitch ass prof will go tomorrow and now im jsut like. when will i ever get a break? im so exhausted from the shit thats been happening in my life right now. like what? on top of mid grades, im actively ruining the few relationships i have w ppl (even tho they r shitty...) from this whole cheating thing, and im growing more anxious. I just want this semester to be over with so bad. like all of this wont matter in a month.
in a month, I will be home, in the big room, hugging my dog, and eating my moms cooking again after a whole year. like. i just want that to happen so fast right now. but i cant. i have to get through this cheating shit, midterms, and finals before i get to that point.
guys its just really exhausting. im so close to the finish line but the road is so fucking hard. like its an uphill battle. a war against me. like. and its such a discouraging journey ? the way its like, i study/ do work 10+ hours every day and it would still not be enough. i would still get low B's on exams. its insane. its disheartening. its just unbelievable how fucked up everything is rn like what do you mean im about to get 3 B's/ maybe even 1 C this semester like what. what..
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save-the-spiral · 2 years
Wiztober 2022 Day Four: Youth
Sylvia & Cyrus are besties and enable each other REAL. Don’t worry about the guy jumping out the window thats Malistaire he’s fine. This fic is mid at best but its all I got. I’ve got work tomorrow and hermitcraft to watch tonight sooooo
Content warning for death mention and swearing.
“Oh gods, we’re getting old.” Sylvia groans, auburn locks falling from their braid as she leans heavily over the library’s balcony railing. The orange light of fire magic in the lanterns gives her a halo of copper light and she looks like a goddess, though at the moment she’d be the goddess of bitching about aging.
“Practically rotting away.” Cyrus adds drily, amused at his best friend’s choice of conversation starters. He is also leaning on the railing, elbows against it as he examines a complex diagram in his textbook.
“Did you see the incoming students?! They’re babies! Infants! Children, even!” Sylvia leans dramatically onto Cyrus, elbowing him awkwardly as she did so. 
“Sixteen years young.” Cyrus closes and stows away his book, accepting that he would not get a moment of peace for a while yet.
“And what are we, then? Old crones! One foot in the crypt already!” 
“That just makes us twenty-three, Sylvia.” 
“Maybe you are! I’m twenty-four!” 
“You don’t look it.” Cyrus says flatly, lying. He does this often, the blatant lying in a monotone is entertaining to him, but not to Sylvia who believes him half the time no matter how ridiculous, even if she ends up laughing later as well. 
“Why do I keep you around, Drake?” Sylvia puts an arm around Cyrus’ shoulders, pulling him with her as she begins to walk. 
Cyrus rolls his eyes. “I assumed for my sparkling wit, but I am beginning to think otherwise.” 
Sylvia giggles then, letting go of Cyrus and walking ahead. “C’mon, the babies are all in class so we can steal a quality spot in the gardens for studying.”
“One of these days the librarians will realize you’re the one getting grass stains on their scrolls and they’ll hunt you for sport.” Cyrus uses his advantage of longer legs to pass Sylvia and open a door for her, which she rolled her eyes at him for.
“It’ll be the same day they realize you’re the one stealing from their stache of bodice rippers!” Sylvia dashes ahead as Cyrus splutters, voice cracking horrifically. 
“Sylvia!” Is all he can manage as he begins to run after her, both of them limited by the Dragonspyre Academy student uniforms. 
Most of the corridors are empty, save for the few staff or students absorbed with their own work. Sylvia and Cyrus easily run past them, Sylvia’s athleticism compensating for her shorter legs so Cyrus never catches up. Cyrus nearly slams into a stone wall when Sylvia takes a sharp turn to the right, towards the gardens. 
While Cyrus regains his balance, he hears Sylvia’s voice crack as she yelps in shock, and the sound of something falling. He turns and races towards her, around another corner, and stops dead in his tracks. 
“Are you okay?” He asks on instinct when he sees Sylvia on the floor. She’s sitting, rebraiding her hair.
Sylvia huffs. “Fine, except there was some goth dork just standing in the middle of the hallway. Think I spooked them when I yelled so they ran off.” 
“Off where?” Cyrus looks around the hallway, empty as it was aside from the tapestries and signs along the walls.
Sylvia gestures towards one of the arched windows out into the open air, soft sunlight and gentle breezes coming through it.
“Hope they knew they were on the second floor.” Is all Cyrus says after raising an impressed eyebrow.
Sylvia snorts, and uses Cyrus’ arm as an anchor while she pulls herself up, the distinct sound of a joint popping coming from her leg as she does so. “It would be kinda funny if they didn’t.” 
“Only a little bit.” Cyrus says.
“Maybe more than a little bit, if they beef it and we instantly pass our midterms.” 
“Did you just say ‘beef it’ in reference to a fellow student dying from a two story drop?”
“It’s better than some of that so-called prose in your recreational reading.” Sylvia teases, waggling her eyebrows. 
“I do not read romance novels, Sylvia.” 
“You’re right, I wouldn’t classify those as novels. Can’t believe you still read them.” 
Cyrus sighs. “Now I’m here asking why I’m friends with you.” 
“My sparkling wit, obviously.” 
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1d1195 · 1 month
Sam! The newest part of Most was EVERYTHING!! Now you know absolutely LOVED Lauren getting publicly embarrassed by Harry calling her out like that! I swear I was so happy knowing that she finally got exposed and she technically exposed herself lol I do think it was so right for Harry being the one to find out because I fear the MC would have just been too nice to her lol but also I think it gives him some closure? Idk if that’s the right word but I think it helps fill in some gaps for that time of the breakup. ANYWAYS loved reading that lol
Now you have been putting this couple through so much but honestly I love it! Harry was literally in shambles while driving to her apartment and he had to find out she was TRAPPED IN HER BUILDING THATS ONE FIRE?!? And she DIDNT REALIZE IT?!? I would start crying ngl if I was in his position lol I was so invested when reading the last half especially when she dropped her love confession as almost a goodbye?! I’m so excited to see how their story will be wrapped up! They are so in love I can’t! So so good bestie as always you’re killing it with these stories!
Also sorry it took so long to reply back! Had such a busy week and I’m just so tired lol my summer classes end in 3 ish weeks so this upcoming week are my midterms(so crazy 😔)! Idk when fall classes start exactly but I think the last week of September maybe? Idk I’m avoiding knowing it lol and don’t be sorry for asking questions! I love questions! I commute to school so I’ve never lived on campus. I live with my parents still so it has its pros and cons lol
Though I’m so surprised you almost start your school year again?? Idk if I’ve just lost the concept of time but I thought you still had a pretty good chunk left of summer break for you?! I can only imagine how hard it is to be “on” all the time especially as a teacher and I hope that you do set goals for not overwhelming/working yourself this year! I just know you can do it my love because you are so important! Always rooting for you💗
I LOVE that you’re having some free time to read! And honestly some smut/romance books are needed sometimes so I don’t blame you for gobbling them up! Anything that you come up for Monday I’m sure it will be great even if it’s sad lol and a check in is always nice! I love to see how the couples are doing! I was just thinking about the Zipper couple bc I saw a horse drawn carriage yesterday when I went out lol and I LOVE YOUR RAMBLING!!! I could never get tired of it or you!! Love little updates on the life of Sam lol
Hope this weekend treats you well and sending the best vibes! Love you lots!!!-💜
Hi!!!! I have been dying for Harry to figure it out. I know it took a while but I hope it was kind of worth the wait. It's funny you say that about the MC finding out 👀 It def gives him closure. I'm so glad to be done with Lauren. (Although I'm sure I'm going to have to write an extra about her running into Lauren hehehe)
I just LOVE to have drama and make Harry stress out when I write 🤭🤭 There's something DEFINITELY wrong with me its in all my romance books basically. I'm just a sucker for a protective guy getting all worried about his lady 😅 HE DEF was SOBBING. I think I wrote he was crying but it was subtle because I had to make sure he could still see but maybe that's the next part hahahahaha but in my head he was a blubbering mess 🤭 This part was SO short when I originally wrote it. I know it's pretty dialogue heavy and I just couldn't figure out how to make it any longer so I just kept throwing stuff in and I was like "she should just tell him. It's pretty obvious anyway."
I am so appreciative of your compliments as always 💕
Please don't apologize! I bet you're exhausted! 3 weeks seems like forever. That's interesting you start toward the end of September. There's NOTHING wrong with living at home and commuting. I have an apartment and I love my bf but I would move back home to my INSANE family in a heartbeat if it meant I could save more money 😅 I was lucky to live on campus because of scholarships and stuff but even still I was only an hour away from home if I needed anything and after my first year I had my car with me.
I have one more full week off but I've been SO busy I feel like I didn't really get a break :( idk. I know people complain about teachers having all this time off but it goes quick and shoving all the things you need to do into it is difficult. I haven't even seen like half of my friends that I wanted to see which I normally budget my time off with. The thought of meeting up with them is exhausting and as I've mentioned before I always do the reaching out so that's exhausting in it's own right. I think I will likely have to book myself into September and hang out with them at that time.
I actually reread parts of Zipper the other day 😭 I think they probably rotate through my top 3 couples and stories. But what's a little sad is I would love to write more about them, but I think they might be done. I feel (hope) I wrote a really solid ending for them and I could write about their kids or whatever but idk if that's worth it. I like to think of them as all wrapped up--zipped closed, if you will. 🤭
LOVE YOU hope your weekend allows you some time to yourself and your midterms are easy peasy 💕
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moonjxsung · 6 months
ilyilyilyilyilyil- hai hai Star :3 I am so excited you added me back on discord literally like wiggling n giggling in bed last night when I went to sleep ^w^ todayyyyyyyyy my day went from alright to bad to alright to i have no idea idk it was a long day... 8+ hours on campus *cri** but its okay we survived the horrors (horrors me being sleep deprived from studying, friends bailing last min our weekly lunch (its ok i understand they get busy but i was still sad) and then chem lab) and then i got home and was thouroughly distracted by skz fics and pintrest but I got some studying done and I am feeling ready for my chem midterm tmrw so yay? :D AND THE WEATHER WHERE I LIVE IS LIKE AMAZING NOW??? IM SO HAPPY SPRING IS HERE ITS LIKE SUNNY AND WARM (13C) (i live somewhere thats like known for rain :/) ANYWAYSSS I HOPE YOU HAD THE BESTEST DAY I love reading all the other anon asks and learning more about u and ur day ^v^
PLSKSKDKDKDRK IM SO HAPPY YOU’RE ON THE DISCORD NOW we’re all one big happy family ily ily
8+ hours on campus ☹️ pain ☹️ BUT AT LEAST YOU MADE IT ‼️‼️ and even if your friends bailed on you just pretend we virtually had lunch together ily we are literally eating pizza together rn your friends are missing out 🥱 ALSO GOOD LUCK ON YOUR CHEM MIDTERM POOKIE I LOVE YOU I BELIEVE IN YOU 💖💘🩷
The weather is so warm here tooooo it feels like early summer which is kinda good kinda bad bc I miss the rain (💔) but the days are longer again and I have so much sunshine to take walks and go be out in the world it’s so healing !! 🫶 ALSO MY DAY WAS SO GOOOOD I’m gonna try for skz tickets for Lolla so it’s going to be a v stressful Thursday and I’ve been SO busy w meetings but at least we’re halfway through the week now YIPPEEEEE
I love you sweet angel take care of yourself !!!!! MWAHHH
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