#and thats Thursday for yall
I feel like everyone needs to fcking understand that Acotar is a mediocre FICTIONAL story!!
Just because people stan a specific FICTIONAL character (Tamlin or Rhysand or Eris or Nesta or Feyre) DOES NOT DEFINE THEM AS PEOPLE????
And critiquing FICTIONAL characters is NOT a direct attack on the Stans of that character!!
I personally have nothing against Rhysand Stans (contrary to the beliefs of anons in my inbox) I am perfectly aware that I do not stand on any moral high ground. Tamlin's character was ruined but he also abused Feyre, and he tried to make amends and that's about it I can accept that fact and still stan him AS A FICTIONAL CHARACTER. No one is excusing his behaviour. Why can't Rhysand Stans do the same?
Nothing makes abuse justified. Not the fact that Tamlin and Rhys wanted to protect Feyre or that Rhysie's abuse isn't acknowledged and recognised so Tamlin's won't either.
Also people need to understand: you cannot bully someone into submission and change their opinion on your favourite character.
U wanna hate Tamlin? Go right ahead! U wanna stan Rhys? No problem! U wanna stan Feyre the Queen of all Queens? As you should!
Stop trying to force ur opinions on others and calling them delusional for liking a FICTIONAL character!!
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farmersliga · 1 year
mental breakdown (10 hour version) (my version) (from the vault)
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theyellowhue · 2 years
Day 7 of missing Love in the Air
Oh gods. Oh gods. Oh GODS. its been a week. Wow. A WEEK!!!
icb that its a Thursday and i dont have a new Love in the Air episode dropping.
Currently feeling empty and hollow and im wondering how my Thursdays have been pre-LITA.
Im having a lot of feelings and I JUST MISS THE WEATHER BOYS, OKAY 😭
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They are the best thing that happened to me this 2022 💖
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raineandsky · 10 months
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kinnybeets · 11 months
Finally taking drivers ed but the car is so hot and I already did my turn I feel like I’m gonna throw up because I’m sitting in the back I am very car sick like I need a comically large paper bag sick rn
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windwheeler-aster · 1 year
hello all i am so sorry for being so absent :”)
im just writing to let yall know i am, indeed, alive. exams are two weeks from now ( i am quite literally shivering in me timbers ) but after that i’ll have a lot of free time so i can get back into writing
thank you all for your patience and understanding <3 
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daydreamdoodles · 11 months
Me thinking this week was gonna be rough not even realizing what next week holds
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ponysoprano · 1 year
If you haven't heard from me recently I apologize I genuinely have nothing to share on account of being at practice 5 times a week 😭
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532-1135-895 · 2 years
gooD morning ⁉️
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pupuyvs · 6 months
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a/n and we’re back in business!! sorry it took so long but im back now :)) i realized i didnt say this before but timestamps do not matter i be writing this at any time of the day. however just to help a bit so when they say an event u know what day: jihye has robotics on monday and thursday, soccer on wednesday and friday, dance practice on saturdays and now yeji and yuna practice on sunday. other than that im glad to be back and glad to see u guys enjoying and if ur name isnt tagged below i really dont know why tumblr wont let me thats it love yall <333
taglist: @myouiiiiiiii @bbanghanni @impossiblesharkcashrebel @lesbodietcoke @wmnrhot @pandafuriousa60 @jisooftme @rinapomu @r4cjh @snsdwater @chaewoni3 @73vyn @chaepu @haerinkisser @bagwhy @glassflowerpetals @mineige @jjongscardigan
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atreyuinthemidle2 · 1 year
Hers another one yall
Joey jordison x reader
Word count: 622
It's a dairy entry about joey <3
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Monday February 9th, 1998
Today, I started my job, and most of my shift I hung out with this cute guy named joey he seems very nice he seems really chill to. i guess he's a manager
Tuesdays February 10th 1998
Today I talked to joey some more. He's in a band and he asked me to go to the show this weekend. I hope I can go.
Wednesday, February 11th, 1998
Joey was not here today, but I will be taking my friend and my friend to the show
Thursday, February 12th, 1998
joey said that there were like 9 members. i was like dang thats a lot of guys on one stage
Fridays February 13th, 1998
Today was rough some bitch came in bitching about her not getting her way she swung at me then joey told her to get the fuck out i got the rest of the day off
Saturday February 14th 1998
Todays the show im so excited i cant wait i havent been to a show in a while since ive been to a show im sill trying to figure out what to wear
Sunday February 15th 1998
The show was amazing joey is great at playing live after the show he saw me and we talked for a while it was nice.
Friday February 27th 1998
Joey asked me if i wanted to come to another show i said yes hes really cool he also play guitar and hss been playing drums since he was like 8
Saturday February 28th 1998
Today's the show im really happy i couldn't find someone to come with me so ill be by myself
Sunday March 1st 1998
Last night was great joey and his band were amazing just like last time but after the show this guy came up to me and stated hitting on me being really creepy and joey told him f off then we hung out for a bit
Monday a april 1st1998
Today I got to meet some of joey's bandmates Shawn and Paul I didn't realize how short joey was till he stood next to them they both seemed really kind
Tuesday april 2nd1998
I've noticed myself looking at joey a lot I don't mean to but his eyes and his hair it makes him so perfect
Friday April 4th 1998
Joey has been complementing me a lot here lately I've gotten a crush on him hes so fucking kind
Saturday april 12th 1998
Joey has been taking shifts that I'm also working to be around me I think he likes me too
Wednesday april 26th 1998
Joey has been acting quite strange around me hrs reel quiet and shy when I talk to him he gets really red in the cheeks
Friday August 3rd 1998
I've been going to joeys  shows  every chance i get and I've met all his bend mates im really close with the wierd one his name is sid
Monday August 10th 1998
Joey hugged me and was gunna say something but then walked away omg hes killing me
Tuesday August 18 1998
Joey told me he liked me then we kissed I was so happy and freaking out on the inside were going out on the 22nd I cant wait
Saturday August 22nd 1998
Tonight's the night me and Joe are going out
Sunday August 23rd 1998
Joey took me to the movies we saw bride of chucky it was good he kissed me again and we went to his house and cuddled
Monday Oct 29th 2001
I cant believe i lost this Joey and I have been together for 3 years he and I have a. Apartment together and he's in a new band called murderdolls
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not-goldy · 10 months
Tae is traveling to US tomorrow (confirmed) and JK will be in the US on 28th so yeah again jokers being proven wrong. Taekook will be together like the happy couple they are and spending their time together bfo MS. Jimin will be back in Korea after filming a company contact. At the end of the day you guys will always get peanuts as we enjoy the whole buffet. Stay strong
Jimin will be back in Korea.... but where is he now???
THATS RIGHT WITH HIS MAN WHILE YOUR SHIP CO PILOT IS IN KOREA cutting his hair tryna look good for his Jennie.
If I were you I wouldn't worry much about when they will be in the same location- if ever they will. I'd be concerned what they do with other people when they aren't by chance on the same continent🤣
"Let's have faith. They might be on the same continent soon. Let's pretend this is not happening. Let's pretend he's not out there in the cold with another man. Jimin had his turn. Tae's turn coming"
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Well since they on rotation for dick, I'm just gonna go ahead and claim Monday through to Sunday for my client, Tae can have him like never in a week and on in- your-wildest-dreams when JM is done taking strokes😙
If you act nice, I'll let Jk have drinks on Thursday afternoons with him- don't worry Jimin will not be home ill make sure of it🙂
Your Jk cheating on his bf with Jimin trope must wear you out by now cos forget side chick- This is an overthrow. Find several seats in the back for Tae. He deserves better than this.
Company Contract- cognitive dissonance is a bitch huh.
The beauty of becoming the most successful Solo Kpop artists in 2023 is.... they've built enough leverage to walk away from productions they don't want to participate in. Also, they are a Solo artists. They don't need to film content with anyone they don't want to for nothing. Do you even understand what SOLO artist means??
If Tae Kook did any of the things these two do out here, I wouldn't even ship Jikook. I'd be a Tuktukkers. Yall lots are nuts. Go lick your wounds somewhere else.
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unknownfr1 · 1 year
141+konig reaction to when you get hurt:)
Requests are open!:)
yall really like hcs and rn im bored in a hotel room so this is what you get.
Price -
You both went for a walk after dinner. It had rained not long ago so you were wearing a long raincoat with a hood and he wore a simple jacket, with one hand holding yours, one holding a cigarette. The two of you were chatting, holding hands and strolling down the gloomy, grey-sky covered streets, it all felt calm and so relaxing with your lover. All until you walked into a puddle, a slippery one and came tumbling down on your ass. He stood for around 3 seconds, kind of shocked on what the fuck just happened "Y'alright!?" he asked before picking you up "No!" you shrieked, your whole bottom half was drenched in mucky water and you began to shiver. "Im cold" you said between shivers, your teeth chattering also, "Alright thats enough of that" he mumbled before taking off his jacket, then picking you up bridal style and covering you with his over-sized coat. "T-t-thank youu" you murmured while nestling your head into his neck "No problem darling."
When he carried you home he ran you a bath and got in with you and started to help you. Your whole lower half in pain but of course you boyfriend has it all under control. After your bath, he helped you change into some sleepwear and got in bed with you, cuddling and holding you tightly.
It was a thursday and johnny just got back from a mission. You were hungry, he was hungry so why not make some food. "Want me to make bacon and eggs?" you asked "No no dear! ill do it." he basically ran to the kitchen to stop you from getting there first. Johnny knew your skills in the kitchen were..limited ever since you set a pan on fire while making a grilled cheese sandwich, he has suggested he'd be the one cooking from now on. So after he sprinted to the kitchen you followed after him and sat at one of the barstools, watching him prep the bacon. As he started to put the bacon on the sizzling pan, he said he needed the bathroom and asked you to WATCH it and most clear NOT to go near it. As he walked away you sat in boredom watching it sizzle, that was until it started to bubble in a concerning way so you went to go check it out, what bad could happen? well you certainly got an answer to that when a whole gollop of hot, burning oil leaped to the exposed flesh of your arm. You screamed in pain then heard the heavy footsteps of your worried boyfriend, you showed him your arm and he even gasped, nothing he hadnt seen on the field but to see it on you in the kitchen shocked him. The smell of your burning skin started to spread so he quickly grasped your arm and ran it under the cold watered tap "Fuckin' hell bonnie, what happened?" you tried explaining but the pain of your arm made you feel physically sick so you couldnt.
After one hospital visit and many pharmacy stop-by's you both returned home. "Im sorry joh-" "Sorry 'bout what? Its alright darling im not mad". He parked the car and helped you out. The sun set and so he helped you bathe and change clothes. You both snuggled into bed and started to doze off. "Next time, wait till im there bonnie" he mumbled half awake half asleep, his arms tightly wrapped around you. You nod in a sleepish manner and both of you drifted off to sleep.
It was a hot summers day, you and Kyle were sitting in the back garden of his house. The weather was quite hot so you were wearing shorts and a loose t-shirt. Kyle was inside the kitchen making some cold drinks for the two of you, leaving you outside, reading and extremely invested in the book he had bought you. As you were reading peacefully, you felt something fuzzy on your arm and leg, you glanced over to see not one but four wasps on your exposed limbs, two chilling on your leg and two leisuring at your arm. You froze in fear. Everyone knew you had a deep hatred for these deathly little shits. You couldnt speak nor scream, just watch as the 4 bastards dug their vicious stingers into you. Well that surely woke you up. You started to cry and ran to the kitchen in attempts to find Kyle, his attention quickly drawn to your pouting, flushed face "Sweetheart..? What happened?" he asked. He watched as you flung your arm up, then your leg to see 4 nasty, swollen bumps "Wasps?!" he then asked again "Yes.." you murmured "Oh dear...your alright its okay." he cooed before pulling you into a hug.
He placed you on the counter and started searching for his 'Anti-wasp sting cream'. Once he equipped the cream he walked back over to you and started applying it on your as you called them "battle wounds." He decided that staying inside for the rest of the day and having a lazy day would fix things and cheer you up, so he set up a movie on the tv upstairs in your shared bedroom, also made you a cup of tea and along with giving you one of his hoodies he sat with you in bed and held you close, your head on his chest and one arm around your waist. You began to drift off and he couldnt help but smile at your peacefulness.
Simon had gotten home from a training deployment yesterday and you were so excited to have him back. You wanted to stay home with him for a while and soak up all the company you missed from him but he insisted to take you out and buy you things. He absolutely loved spoiling you and taking you out to fancy restaurants, and as a girl, who cant say no to shopping. You wrapped your arm around his forearm and the both of you walked and browsed the different shops, you were wearing a pair of heels Simon bought you, the first ever pair he gave you actually (your favorite ones). You were paying absolute no attention to where you were walking so as the tip of your stilleto caught on the line of the bricks, you went tumbling forwards, landing on your hands but that quickly ended once you heard a concerning 'snapping' noise, causing you to scream in pain. Simons fast instincts kicked in and he immediately attempted to catch you but that failed miserably. He helped you up off the ground and sat you down on a bench "Jesus!" you exclaimed as the pain in your wrist throbbed "Let me see love" he said while gently grabbing your wrist, holding it up and scanning it. "Ehm lets go to the hospital darling" he spoke in concern "Just dont look at it yeah?" and at that your eyebrows raised and that got you curious and of course you looked. Your wrist was completely deformed, you gasped and felt faint.
After your eventful trip at the hospital you got your cast. "Bloody hell love, some accomplishment ya got there" he joked You playfully hit him with your working arm along with groaning in response. "Yeah well your my caretaker now" you said with a grin "When was i not?" he smirked and chuckled. You gave him a complete death stare and he raised his hands like he surrendered, still laughing a bit. You both got home and showered together, he helped you eat since the hand you always use was not able to be put at use. You both went to bed, cuddling as usual "Night night darling" he mumbled while kissing you softly "Night night si." you murmured with a smile. The next morning you woke up, he wasnt there obviously meaning he woke up before you but you noticed some writing on your cast. 'Out of order'. "You bastard..." you grumbled with a smirk.
It was a rainy night and Konig had to wake up early for work the next day. You really didn't want him to go since it was your anniversary but you understood it was work things so you shook it off. You both were laying in bed, cuddling and he was whispering sweet nothings in your ear, helping you fall asleep better. You eventually drifted off to sleep in his big arms that engulfed you. He also went to bed after a while of admiring you and the way you slept so peacefully, he set an alarm for 5am and closed his eyes. The amount of guilt he felt for leaving you on your four years was eating his heart but he knew with the piles among piles of paperwork ahead of him, he couldn't get distracted. His alarm went off and he sat up and stretched his arms up, trying not to wake you up.
As he was getting dressed in some decent enough work clothes, a black t-shirt and some tan cargos he heard you mumble in your sleep and glanced at you through the mirror of the dresser, you were moving in your sleep and he couldnt help but laugh a little then shake his head. But just as he looked away he heard a loud THUD that startled him, then your groans and mumbles, he looked over to see you on the floor and then saw you sit up in confusion "Geht es dir gut, Schatz?" he asked with a raised eyebrow while turning around to look at you. "I think i fell off the bed" you mumbled, rubbing your side. He walked over to you and helped you up back onto the bed and kissed your aching hip. "That better?" he then asked "Yep..thank you baby" you murmured while getting back into bed. He tucked you in and left a kiss on your forehead then waved you goodbye, reminding you how much he loves you. Then left. The whole time at work he couldnt help but laugh a little at your silliness.
finally finished it over the course of 3 days bro. Ignore the broken german and another reminder requests are open so please i beg.
Translation: are you alright honey?
broken german from a crap translator dont mention it...
Its elliots bday tmr!!(voice actor of gaz)
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sleepyheadgallavich · 4 months
weekly tag wednesday thursday lol
tagged by the lovely @mybrainismelted @deedala and @vintagelacerosette
How did you get into the fandom? 
funnily enough technically because of my previous hyperfixation with the One Chicago tv series, specifically Chicago Fire actor Taylor Kinney lol. The show was going on a mid season break and I was like well I dont want to blow through what I need to catch up on but I want to wach said actor and I saw he was in 2 eps of s2 of shameless so I watched, laughed my ass off and decided to start it from the beginning immediately. Then became infatuated with gallavich surprise surprise.
How long have you been here?
on this blog, only a couple months, i had a lot of time off of tumblr but originally I joined around 2011 ish i think
What’s the first fandom channel you found? (Youtube, Reddit, Tumblr, Insta, Twitter, FB, other?)
I mean i had been seeing shit pop up in the algorithm on tiktok long before I got hooked, but like probably gallavich scenes on YT
what’s your favourite now? 
tumblr and discord for sure
Which mutual have you known the longest in the fandom?
oooh thats a tie actually! I started interacting with both of them at the same time lol @iansw0rld and @mickittotheman
Which tumblerino’s did you have your first fandom crush(es) on and want to get to know?
@mickittotheman again lmfao theyre such a cutie little bean i love them so much bitesyoubitesyoubitesyou
First Gallavich fan fic you read (or that blew you away that you remember)
screaming at the top of my lungs The Menagerie by @crossmydna
it wasnt the first story i read, but it was the first one that sank its teeth into me and made me absolutely insane. It made me love slow burn, so beautifully balanced, perfectly detailed. Amazing read I can NOT recommend it enough.
First Fan art that blew your mind? 
all fanart blows me away yall are so tallented its fucking insane. but the one that made my brain go brrrrrrrrrrrr was THIS one by Mechy aka @mickittotheman. but also I love @steorie, @doshiart @heymrspatel and @deedala your art always makes me go insane i love you all thank you for blessing my eyeballs
Fanfic trope that you were sure wasn’t for you but now you low key (or high key) love?
slow burn and college/sports AU's also sex worker of varying degree but specifically Headphones Encouraged by @whatthebodygraspsnot
What surprised you most about this fandom?
how fucking nice, and accepting everyone is! entering into a fandom, especially when there is no new canon content was scary but every single person i have come across has been incredibly lovely, and a few of them hold a very dear place in my heart for helping me through my self journey (@transsexual-dandelions looking at you i love you forever)
Moment in the show (or YT vids if you’re one of those) that you fell in hyperfixation with Gallavich?
oh literally instantly mickeys intro and interactions hooked me into their world immediately
Ian or Mickey?
okay first of all how dare you. this is impossible. i refuse
Which Gallagher or Milkovich are you? 
im mickey 100% lmfao love that for me
not tagging more people as im late to this anyway but if you see this and want to then i tagged you okay love you all byeeeeeeeeee
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namearentfunfr · 8 months
so yall remember my lords in black human au? (here) well im back with more ways to make their lives miserable :)
this post is inspired by marvelmaniac715's post where pokey uses a wheelchair (this one), and its only fair that these sadistic eldritch creatures be mildly inconvenienced for once.
pietro uses a wheelchair. hes not a fulltime user, but he cannot do the complex choreography that he forces his actors to perform. its a source of immense frustration. the actors complain that what hes demanding is impossible, he insists he couldve done it in a snap
bryson has extremely sharp eyes. he can see things others miss, further away than possible. in turn, all his other senses are shit. he wears hearing aids and has really low pain reception. thats probably how he could spot the lady in white stalking them occasionally.
toby's internal clock is royally fucked up. he wakes up at 2 am, gets sleepy at 7pm, gets hungry right after hes had lunch, is groggy the entire day, cant sleep at night. he cant help it. its only thursday, but it seems months have passed
for now theyre the only ones i can think of. maybe nibbly has some digestive issues? i have no idea what to give wiggly tho
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lionews · 2 months
alright yall. the stud with phase eyes is up. stud fee is currently 300sb. im fine with 'gatekeeping' private lines. i was gonna do that if i got the constellation. but not gatekeeping a trait that cannot be attained any other way. the owner i talked to is very nice but they were very strict on how they were going to sell these. made me miss my chance to even work on a project since the stud i was gonna have go up is now frozen till february. offered almost 100gb worth for one cub and they still didnt take it so HERE YOU GO LIODEN. i invested 100+ gb into this btw. it'd be cool if i got some of it back but im not expecting to profit. i dont wanna profit. i just want this trait to be open. i also have a fern-eyed girl if anyone wants to have some fern-eyed cubs, i will be breeding her. https://www.lioden.com/lion.php?mid=406158 is the stud. Bulrushes do not cost extra and i will be placing them on the stud myself. i will be breeding to approx 50-70 lionesses over the course of the next 2 weeks to spread the eyes, and will either be treeing the cubs or selling them. i will let some age out and chase them for some g1 girls too with these eyes. this lion is a g1, which costed me an extra amount of gb, but i wanted the lines to be as short as possible, lol. i was getting very irritated with how strict aetherin and their co-owner was being sooo. i had to buy both of the lions they were selling just to get this out before i go back to work thursday. take this as u will lioden. this was funded by the other players, anyway. all of this was custom decor money. all of the money made from this is just gonna go towards my autumn decors im making. ps. buying these lions was the worst fucking experience of my life and i will never deal with peoples co-owned lions again istfg. fucking sucked. me: "Hey ill buy this. i need to breed it to a stud for a project." aeth: "I can reserve it but you cant buy it rn, not selling till thursday/friday" me: "okay" person posts 2 trades me: "here's 50 gb. can i buy it now" aeth: "Not yet i wanna sell these 2 all at once" me: "Okay ill buy both for 90 then" aeth: "okay i gotta make sure thats okay with my co-owner" takes hours aeth: "sorry this ones reserved now. The other one i wanna sell too at the same time" me: "Ugh omg okay ill buy both of those then." (this is where i started to get super annoyed) no reply, accepts offer next day
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