indie fandomless oc. loved by nell. (follows back from mirrcrspeaks)
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@sinriddled said: ““How about making me vice president in charge of cheering you up?” from doug !”
Doug’s voice came from outside of Riley’s cocoon of blankets. With a significant amount of rustling he turned to face the other on the couch. He kinda looked like shit now, huh? That’s what he got for running out of pain meds.
“ ...uh, yeah, okay, “ Riley said after a moment. “ Do you wanna watch dumb movies with me or something? “
#sinriddled#( answered ) thanks for writing!#( verse i. ) man of many tricks#//boi is sleemby#( queue ) sugarcane in the easy morning
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@chcsings· said: “ for a special agent, you’re not having a very special day, are you ? ” mmmmmmm from Riley
cry u.n.c.l.e.
Ava is not nearly as exasperated with him as she sounds, and is finding it rather difficult to keep herself from grinning. If she didn’t ham it up a little for him, there wasn’t really a point in keeping her face neutral. She extends her arm towards him, the one with the bracer, a brow arching as she does so. “You’ve got one too, Mr. Special Agent. And for the record,” The grin makes an appearance, and she doesn’t bother to fight it back. “It’s a good day. Not special, no… But it’s not a bad day either.”
“ Yeah? I wasn’t aware that anything was happening today. “ What had Ava so chipper all of a sudden, now? That was usually Riley’s job. As she extending her arm with the bracer, he hit it back with his, allowing the gentle clink to resonate through the hall. The bard’s smile grew as a realization dawned on him.
“ Well, whatever’s happened, I believe it calls for a celebration, “ he said. “ Perhaps a song or two, eh? “
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@bystcrdust said: “Open your heart (for ava) owo”
“ Ava is...well, she’s incredibly talented for one, “ Riley said with a laugh. “ She’s far more attentive than I could ever be, but that’s not terribly hard to do. She’s also -- well -- better at magic? It must be a warlock thing, but she’s a pretty powerful spellcaster. I wish...I wish she’d smile more? I don’t mean to sound like some creep when I say that, but -- she rarely seems happy, I suppose. I hope she can learn to enjoy life, however that might look!! “
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@serenitystored said: “❛❛ I’m not even going to comment. ❜❜ / from benny!”
Bubblegum pink sunglasses are lowered to frown at Benny.
“ What’s that supposed to mean? Is this not one of the best outfits you’ve had the pleasure of seeing on someone? “ To emphasize his point, Riley gave another little twirl. Just in case Benny hadn’t been able to appreciate the whole thing on the first go.
“ Come on, Benny, this is gold!! The jacket with the shoes? It’s not professional, sure, but like -- it’s so much more fun!! “
#serenitystored#( answered ) thanks for writing!#( verse i. ) man of many tricks#//aPPRECIATE THE BFS FASHION#( queue ) sugarcane in the easy morning
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Matthias scoffed. “I do, actually, know what fun is. Now is not the time, I’m– Busy.” He gestured to the map once more.
Perhaps he’d already become too comfortable around the stranger, but his fear and alarm shot up incredibly fast when Riley insinuated that Matt was running away. If he did tell the others… If they found Matt… He’d be done for good. The stranger did seem earnest in his promise not to tell.
“How do I know I can trust you with such a secret?” Oh, well, he’d basically gone and confirmed the truth now. Perfect. “Look, this doesn’t concern you, alright? I just need to find my way out of the forest, or at least somewhere safe to stay tonight.” Matthias glanced up at the dark sky and bit his lip, thinking of what was the best option now.
“ Oh, what a right shame you’ve not met anyone who lives in the forest, “ Riley lamented. After blinking his frog eyes a few times for effect, he sighed and started walking in the direction of the little spot that he rested his head. “ You know, if you trusted more people you could probably get further. “
Then again, when had trusting people ever benefitted Riley? The answer there was very rarely, honestly.
“ Luckily for you, I don’t have anything better to do with my time. You don’t have to trust me entirely -- actually, that probably wouldn’t be wise -- but you’ll need to trust that I know where I’m going. Without a map, “ he added. “ What’s your name, anyways? Mind if I have it? “
#illustrctio#( verse viii. ) different sizes of infinity#//hehehehHEHEH#( queue ) sugarcane in the easy morning
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@illustrctio said: “Open your heart to sterling 🥺”
“ I don’t think I can say anything bad about Sterling, “ Riley said. Even thinking about the guy brought a fond smile to his face. “ He’s smart, fun and dorky -- which is, like, the full package. Maybe his fashion is a little weird, but he makes it work for him!! I love having him around; he’s like, one of the best cuddlers. Ten out of ten would recommend, honestly. “
#illustrctio#( answered ) thanks for writing!#( r: oliver/riley | illustrctio ) promise me that you'll leave the light on#//he's gay ur honor
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Send “Open your heart” for my muse to tell yours their sincere thoughts about them.
Bonus: Send “Let me see your heart” for my muse to tell yours their sincere thoughts about them along with a gif depicting their relationship.
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“…you can call me Quinn,” they speak slowly, thoughtfully. This name is safe enough, and this man … doesn’t appear to be fully fae, but one can never be too sure. Curious, though. Maybe he is something of a dream, some inkling of foretelling amidst the usual omens and worries brought to them. The idea of familiarity soothed them somewhat, here. “May I call you by anything?”
“I am not in need of any food here.” They must refuse, as politely as possible. They know the rules. They know what manners they must maintain. Despite being lost and terrified and unsure of what even to do next. “I - I cannot ask you of anything.”
Quinn. Just hearing their name made Riley’s heart flutter. His smile softened while he listened to them speak these carefully-crafted sentences. At the last polite refusal, he hummed, eyes squinting in another pleasant smile.
“ Suit yourself. “ Ah -- what name should he give them? For a moment he considered a plethora of other aliases. He’d actually confused himself with these in a past form, never remembering which name he introduced himself with to people outside of the Feywilds. No, simplicity was key here.
Besides, Quinn deserved all the honesty Riley could give them.
“ You may call me Riley, “ he finally said, after a few more moments of thought. “ Well, Quinn, if you are not lost and do not need my help, do you mind a little bit of company? I must admit, this walk I’ve had on my own is getting quite dull. There’s only so much -- self-reflection one can do before they start to lose their sanity. “
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@bystcrdust said: ❛❛ That’s enough emotions for today, goodnight. ❜❜
“ I -- alright. Goodnight then. “
As Ava laid down in her sleeping bag, Riley couldn’t help but sit up in his. Had he said something crude--? He was trying to get better at that, though apparently he wasn’t having the best of luck. Perhaps his friend just...didn’t want to talk about her troubles. But what better time to pour out your feelings than under the stars? No one had stumbled upon their little campsite yet. Who was going to eavesdrop on them?
Maybe he was in need of a good night’s rest, too. Riley could feel his brain start to ache from these troubles. Without another word, the bard settled into his own sleeping bag in an attempt to fall asleep.
#bystcrdust#( answered ) thanks for writing!#( verse iv. ) substitute pleasure for pain#//riley having trouble w his princely affairs: let's have a heart to heart (:#( queue ) sugarcane in the easy morning
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Surely there were better things she could spend her Friday night doing. Maybe relaxing on the couch with a nice glass of wine, watching some Netflix movie, even getting a good night sleep. But no. She was here, in a Denny’s parking lot, being dragged inside by Riley.
Hey, maybe she would get a free dinner out of this.
“ I’m sure it is. ” Charlotte sighs once they make their way inside and find a seat, already peering over the menu. “ So you’re paying for this right? ”
“ Of course! My treat. “ Riley took a moment to beam at Charlotte before picking up his own menu. He’d take a few minutes to peruse his options, though he already knew what he was going to get. Every hour, especially one so late, was the perfect hour for some Denny’s pancakes.
“ Dude, they make the pancakes as big as your head here, “ he said aloud, looking up at Charlotte. “ It’s fucking great. “ When the waitress came around at first, he ordered himself a coffee plain. He smiled at his friend afterwards, and laced his fingers together.
“ So...what’s up with you? I feel like we don’t really talk anymore, y’know? “ There was good reason for that, probably. It was also a pretty good excuse for another friend date.
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@nomadiisms said: “❛❛ You fucked your way into this, and you’re gonna have to unfuck yourself. ❜❜ ;; from Lyari”
He had a point; literally and physically, that is exactly what Riley had done. Now he was idly talking with the father of some darling he’d met in the tavern last night. How was he supposed to tell this mountain of a man that he was looking for a good time with his kid, and not a marriage proposal?
Shit. There really wasn’t any way to do that smoothly, huh.
“ Can’t you just -- lend me a smoke bomb at least? Please? “ Lyari had those, right? It would be dumb for a rogue not to have one. Guiltily, he glanced back over his shoulder for any sign of the man returning. Coast still clear...he really had to get out of here.
#nomadiisms#( answered ) thanks for writing!#( verse iv. ) substitute pleasure for pain#//im djfakdJFDKSLG#//g o d#( queue ) sugarcane in the easy morning
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❛❛ Seriously, that was your best idea? ❜❜
❛❛ I didn’t know what I was expected. ❜❜
❛❛ How humanity survived so long is a mystery to me. ❜❜
❛❛ I’m surrounded by idiots. ❜❜
❛❛ How are you going to explain this shit away? ❜❜
❛❛ What is wrong with you- No, what is right with you? ❜❜
❛❛ And you just had to leave the body on my carpet? ❜❜
❛❛ I keep screaming but no one hears me. ❜❜
❛❛ Each time your mouth opens all that comes out is the sound of Mr. Bean. ❜❜
❛❛ It takes time and patience to be a good person, neither of which I have enough off. ❜❜
❛❛ I tried to tell you not to, but like, not too loud. ❜❜
❛❛ I just woke up and I’m already going back to bed. ❜❜
❛❛ You haven’t choked on your tongue, that on itself is surprising. ❜❜
❛❛ There’s nothing I hate more than everything. ❜❜
❛❛ Maybe I was the idiot for aligning myself with you guys. ❜❜
❛❛ Is that blood? I swear to god if the feds show up again- ❜❜
❛❛ What the fuck do you want me to do? ❜❜
❛❛ You fucked your way into this, and you’re gonna have to unfuck yourself. ❜❜
❛❛ You’re being nice, so where is the body and get the shovel. ❜❜
❛❛ I was a good kid, how did I end up with you fuckers. ❜❜
❛❛ Yeah, I knew that was going to end up badly. I just needed to watch it happen. ❜❜
❛❛ I’m not even going to comment. ❜❜
❛❛ Oh, for fuck’s sake. ❜❜
❛❛ What did you do now? ❜❜
❛❛ That breaks several international laws, state laws, country laws, and nautical laws. ❜❜
❛❛ As long as you drop everything and focus on me, I should be fine. ❜❜
❛❛ I don’t like this, so I’m going to bed. ❜❜
❛❛ People in the dark ages had this figured out, but no. ❜❜
❛❛ I’m going nowhere near any kids, polio is too hip and cool among parents for my tastes. ❜❜
❛❛ What are you doing? Why are you touching me? No. Help. ❜❜
❛❛ I don’t like what your thinking and I don’t even know what it is. ❜❜
❛❛ That’s enough emotions for today, goodnight. ❜❜
❛❛ I have depression and I’m depressed, Karen. ❜❜
❛❛ I can smell the bullshit coming out of your mouth. ❜❜
❛❛ I’ll find out what you’re hiding, and when I do, I’ll be really pissed. ❜❜
❛❛ Did you just now figure it out? ❜❜
❛❛ Their evil plan wasn’t even that complicated yet it completely went through you? ❜❜
❛❛ Are you even listening to me? ❜❜
❛❛ What are you waiting for, a formal invitation? ❜❜
❛❛ We’re not friends, I just need you alive. ❜❜
❛❛ Do you even know what a book is? A b-o-o-k. ❜❜
❛❛ Are you dumb, or did you just drink a bottle of horse tranquilizer? ❜❜
❛❛ Common sense is the sixth sense you’re all missing. ❜❜
❛❛ Look at me, look into the face of a broken person. ❜❜
❛❛ I don’t hate you as much as I do others, that’s it. ❜❜
❛❛ I don’t know why you woke me up, I was busy playing girl. ❜❜
❛❛ Please remove me as your emergency contact, my phone won’t stop ringing. ❜❜
❛❛ You’re not dead so it clearly worked. ❜❜
❛❛ Why would I do that- This better be good coffee. ❜❜
❛❛ I’m going to regret this, but I would miss you if you died. ❜❜
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protective sentence starters
as requested. Feel free to change pronouns or anything else ! part two here: ( x ).
“Don’t you hurt a single hair on his/her/their head.”
“Hands off!”
“What do you think you’re doing to him/her/them?”
“I’ll never let you go.” / “Don’t ever let me go.”
“Don’t ever leave my sight again.”
“I got your back.”
“Where are you going? It’s not safe out there!”
“Do you trust me?”
“Be more careful next time. I don’t want to bandage you up again.”
“Hey, it’s cold outside. At least wear a jacket.”
“I’d die for you.”
“You’ll back off if you know what’s good for you.”
“Get behind me NOW.”
“Here, I have an extra weapon.”
“Duck, you idiot!”
“Go on without me.”
“Well what did you expect would happen while you’re walking alone at night? Come on, let’s get you away from that creep.”
“Hey. Pal. I’ve got a gun/knife/fist/weapon and I’m not afraid to use it.”
“You can stop hugging me now.”
“You scared the shit out of me. I’m never going to stop hugging you.”
“Quit babying me! I can protect myself.”
“I’ll always be there to save you.” / “I know you’ll always be there to save me.”
“If you even THINK about touching him/her/them, I’ll kill you.”
“[choked up] I thought I lost you.” / “[choked up] I never thought I’d see you again.”
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if you ever want to love an idiot you know where to find me
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@chcsings liked THIS for a one-liner
She looks rather unamused at the moment, arms crossed over her chest and eyes void of emotion. “ This is what you wanted to show me? ”
“ You seem incredibly unimpressed with like, only the best place in this town. “ Was it a Denny’s date? Hell yeah! Where else would they go? Riley skipped across the empty parking lot to stand under the flickering light of the half-alive sign. Grinning at Charlotte, he quickly closed the space between them to take her hand.
“ The best time to come visit is now, actually! It’s virtually empty, “ he said, walking inside.
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“You… Live here?” Matthias glanced around at the area. It certainly didn’t look like anyone lived here. Was he the only one around, or… Were there more? Matt didn’t want to think about that. He glanced down at the map again, thinking for a bit before he felt the stranger tug on his cloak. Matthias grabbed his end of it and tugged back firmly.
“No, you can not have this.” He turned to face Riley. He seemed harmless, but Matthias wasn’t about to risk turning his back on a stranger if this odd fellow did pose a threat.
“And I’m not lost. I have a map, see?” He held the book out to Riley. “I’m just on my way out of the woods.” Saying it out loud felt… Strange. A Beornen rarely left the village itself, but to leave the forest entirely was something entirely new. “What is it you want, hm?”
“ No need to be such a spoilsport, “ mumbled Riley, lower lip jutting out in a pout as the fabric was pulled from his fingers. “ I’m only looking for a bit of fun! You do know what that is, don’t you? “ Maybe it wasn’t nice to assume that this human, coming from the village that he did, would even understand the concept of cutting loose. What a stick in the mud, though.
Blinking at the book shoved in front of him, Riley peered at the script. It had been so long since he’d seen texts such as this. Well -- actually, he’d never seen anything written in this text. How curious. Masking his confusion with indifference, he looked up at the other.
“ Are you sure you’re not lost? You look lost. I’ve certainly never seen you around these parts. Are you running away? “ His voice grew hushed in excitement. “ Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone if you are. Promise!! “
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Taubi’s ears folded back slightly and his brow knit in concern at the human’s admission. “…I…I can’t, in good conscience let you go to kill someone…” he murmurs, before pausing. “…But since you haven’t done anything yet, I can’t bring you in…” What was he to do?
The human’s question caught him off guard and he looks down at him in surprise. “I–I, uhm…well…” he sputters, glancing away, his cheeks tinging blue in embarrassment. “…Yes…yes, I have…a long time ago.”
That was a surprising amount of honesty for someone Riley had only met within the last few minutes. His smile faltered before he gave a little shrug. Right, maybe he should watch himself around this lethal stranger. Who was calling him lethal...perhaps he didn’t mind being seen as a threat. It was nice to be taken seriously, at least.
“ You could always travel with me, “ he offered. “ Then you could keep an eye on me to protect the public. How much is that bounty on the poster there, friend? I’m sure I can make double that on a good night. “ It was nothing but a small gig for the Fox, after all.
#nomadiisms#( verse iv. ) substitute pleasure for pain#//riley vc im about to change this whole mans career#( queue ) sugarcane in the easy morning
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