#and that the last time we saw Shuri was like 4 years ago!
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First of all, Shuri was born in 1998. This is the MCU timeline and takes place after the blip, so 2023. Add some time for T'Challa to get sick and pass away, 2024 (which is where most of this year's movies took place). Add a year, Ramonda dies, 2025. She is roughly 27 at this point (If she was dusted, she's 23, but still a grown up). Combine that with Namor having an extended life at roughly 500 years, how is this a problematic age gap? He's older than most people on Earth! If theirs is problematic, so is Thor and Jane Foster (Thor is like 2000 years old.) You can't even use the "well, Thor's a god" thing, because so is K'ulk'ulkan. And further, I don't like the insinuation that I'm gross enough to ship a child with an adult. Fuck you for that, tbh. Especially because Letitia is 29 IRL, anyway.
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mal-urameshi · 1 year
Chronicles of Mama Okoye and Riri! XVI
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Requested by: @somethingcleaverandwhitty
That One Time Riri Got Grounded But Snuck Out To Have A Lit Time Instead.
"Ma! Mama! You can't do this to me!" Riri trailed behind her mother who was currently, very angrily, picking up the dirty laundry. Something Riri was responsible for, but Okoye took it upon herself to do.
"Don't give me that, Riri. I gave you many chances. But clearly you never learn." Okoye sucked her teeth in annoyance.
"But I was busy with one of my inventions! You know how important they are!"
"I'm not saying that your inventions aren't important, but you have responsibilities that I expect you to uphold. But clearly you disregard what you are supposed to do." Okoye separated her darks from whites as Riri anxiously paced.
"Ma, I swear I was gonna do it!"
Okoye held her arms akimbo, "Oh, really?" She gestured to Riri’s attire which consisted of mismatched socks, discolored shorts and a white tank top.
Riri looked down at her attire, "I like the aesthetic. Vagrant couture."
Okoye sucked her teeth, "Four days! I told you to do the laundry four days ago before I left! Clean the house! Make sure everything is tidy. That is all you had to do, Riri! But I have to come back home to be up your behind like a tic! And the worst part is that this isn’t the first time."
Riri groaned, "Bast! This is so unfair!"
"Bast nothing. Unfairness is me coming home to you doing not a thing I asked of you. There are consequences for your actions. You are not going and that's final!"
"Ma, please! I've been excited about this for months! All my friends are gonna be there! I told Shuri I'd come to keep her company!"
"No, Riri. End of discussion. Call Shuri and the rest of your friends and tell them you can't make it." Okoye slammed the washer shut and watched as Riri stomped out of the laundry room.
Riri slammed her bedroom door and flopped onto her bed. She ground her teeth before screaming into her pillow. Shit!
“She knows how fucking excited I was for this and she’s not making me go! What the fuck!” Riri screamed into her pillow again until her voice was hoarse.
When she finally raised up from the pillowcase, she saw a wet spot. She was so frustrated she didn’t realize she was crying. Riri sniffled and wiped her eyes before she called Shuri on her Kimoyo beads.
Almost immediately she picked up, “Riri! I’m just now picking out my change of clothes for later today! I’m dreading wearing my ceremonial outfit, but I’ll suck it up. I can’t wait for us to enjoy the festivities! Look!” Shuri showed Riri the top she was planning to change into.
Riri smiled at her friend’s excitement, “Uh, about that, Shuri.”
Shuri immediately frowned when she heard Riri’s tone of voice, “No, no. You said you were coming! Enzi Nuru only happens every 4 years! It’s going to be amazing this year! We were looking forward to this!”
Enzi Nuru. The Wakandan celebration lasting from evening to early next day. It’s an entire event dedicated to all the tribes that make up Wakanda. An extravagant party that celebrates each tribe's unique culture and contributions to their great nation. There was music, food, games, dancing, workshops, storytelling, live performances. You name it.
Riri’s frown deepened. She couldn’t attend last time because by some stroke of fucked luck, she’d fallen extremely sick. How the heck was it possible with their healthcare, she didn’t know. But she had been so miserable. Luckily her mother was at her side to make things a bit more bearable. Unfortunately, that meant that Shuri was by herself. Sure, she had her parents and T’Challa to hang around, but it wasn’t the same, she’d lamented.
“Mama told me that I can’t come.”
“What! Okoye said that? But she knows how excited you are about it! And knowing how sad you were because you couldn’t attend last time…” Shuri’ furrowed her brows, “What happened?”
Riri flopped backwards on her bed, “I kinda didn’t do my chores that she told me to do like…a billion times. And I guess she had enough.”
“So..she grounded you?”
“Yea! What kinda white people bullshit is that?! I have half a mind to tell her just whoop my ass and let me go.”
Shuri giggled, “You know Okoye would never put her hands on you.”
Riri groaned and paced around the room, feeling restless, “Everybody in Wakanda is gonna be there! Ugh! I’m so fucking pissed off right now. How could Mama do this to me? This is one of the biggest nights of the year and she just does me like that!”
“Maybe you should try apologizing? Anything! I want us to have fun together. Last time was so boring without you there.”
Riri nodded, “Okay, okay. I’ll call you back to tell you what’s up.”
Riri slowly opened her bedroom door and peeked outside. She walked out into the hallway on a search for her mother. She found Okoye mopping the living room with a scowl on her face.
Okoye wrung out the mop before getting on a knee to clean under the couch.
“What is it, Riri?”
Riri wrung her hands while rocking on her heels, “I’m sorry.”
“I am supposed to be resting for later today. But I can’t rest knowing my home is a pigsty. If you were sorry you wouldn’t have done it to be sorry in the first place. Or you would have picked up a broom to help!”
Riri closed her eyes and rolled her eyes to the back of her head. Oh fuck. 
“I’ll help you clean. And then we can finish in time for you to rest so we can head on over to Enzi Nuru.”
“Oh no, didn’t I tell you that you aren’t going anywhere?”
“But Mama!” Riri whined, “You know how much I wanted to go! And last time I went I was so freaking little I barely remember anything! I was sick as a dog last time and you know how miserable I was.”
“There are consequences to your actions, Riri. I know how much you want to go but going to Enzi Nuru is a privilege. And right now, your privileges are suspended.”
Riri bit the inside of her cheek and walked off while she grumbled, “Man, fuck this bullshit.”
The mop in Okoye’s hand snapped under the sheer force she held it with, “Oh, Bast..so help me.”
Okoye closed her eyes and breathed, “Keep that attitude up and you’ll see where it gets you, young lady.”
“Riri! Okoye might as well smack you upside the head. You’re lucky she didn’t use that mop as a makeshift spear. You know how good her aim is.” Shuri yanked a palm down her face in frustration, “You were supposed to be apologizing! Not provoking the Lion!”
“I tried to apologize, but she did the whole Mom thing where she just went on and on and on. It was pissing me off.” 
Shuri’s distracted expression had Riri calling for attention, “Yo. You with me?”
“Oh yes, I’m with you. I was just double-checking to make sure you were not on your period. Because, Bast.” Shuri gave a low whistle.
“Fuck it. I’ma sneak out.”
Shuri’s eyes bulged, “You’re sneaking out?”
“Yea. She’s gonna be busy anyway. She ain’t gonna be home.”
“Yea. Because she’s going to be at Enzi Nuru with the other Dora Milaje!”
“Exactly! She isn’t gonna notice me with all those people around. So I can come and party and have a good time! Then when it’s over, I’ll sneak back in at dawn, she won’t know shit.”
“What, you ain’t think I can pull it off?” Riri crossed her arms.
“You know Okoye has the eyes of a hawk. She’ll sniff you out.”
“Please. I’ll sulk all day up until she leaves, she won’t notice a thing. Have some faith in your girl!”
Shuri shrugged, “Okay. I’ll see you there.”
Riri sulked the entire afternoon as her mother went about her business. At lunch, she played with her food, feigning depression. After that she morphed herself into the couch as her mother occupied herself with some television.
Riri thought she was doing a pretty good job.
“Ma, you don’t love me.” Riri sighed as she walked into Okoye’s bedroom as she was donning her uniform.
Okoye threw a glance at Riri who flopped onto her bed, “You got me in the house on some Cinderella vibes while everyone is basically gonna have a lit time at the ball.”
Okoye slipped on her bracelet, “You know, I was going to allow you to go, but after your attitude this morning, I decided against it.”
Riri sat up and pouted, looking at her lap in shame. Damn! She coulda went, for real?
”I’m sorry for cussing. Even though it was under my breath.”
“Oh, so that’s your apology?” Okoye stared at her daughter through the mirror while adjusting her neck-cuffs.
Riri took a deep breath, “I’m sorry for being disrespectful, Mama. It was wrong of me to behave that way.”
Okoye walked over to Riri and pressed a kiss to her forehead followed by a hug, “I still love you no matter what you think, Riri.”
Riri hugged her mother back, “Yea, I know you do. I love you too, Mama.”
“Have fun leading the parade and kicking off the festivities. While I rot here. Alone, in this house. All by myself. Watching with want as I stare at everyone else have a good time on WakandaVision.”
Okoye sighed, “Have a good evening, Riri.”
After seeing Okoye off, Riri waited for a half-hour to pass before she quickly got ready and jumped out of her bedroom window. Not because she was afraid somebody would see her, but because she wanted to get in the spirit of sneaking out.
Riri walked to the heart of Wakanda where by now the festivities should be in full swing.
“Where’s Riri?” Ayo queried Okoye as she brought a drink over to her friend.
“I grounded her.” Okoye took a sip from her drink as the other woman looked at her like she grew a second head.
“You did that to Riri?”
Okoye just nodded.
A soft slap to her arm had her looking in the direction of Aneka, “You punish my niece on one of the most exciting days of the year? What a coldblooded serpent you are! Couldn’t you have postponed it until tomorrow?”
Ayo butt in, “Or maybe suspend her technological privileges?”
Okoye sighed through her nose, “I can’t do that to her. What if she fell into a depression or something? But I had to put my foot down. I’m always so soft on her. Talk is cheap. So I made sure to let her know that there are repercussions for her actions.”
“You went full General on her I see.” Ayo hummed and sipped from her cup.
Aneka folded her arms, “Well I still think what you did was cruel. Oh, I still remember how she cried last time because she was so ill.”
Okoye shook her head, “No. She needs to be punished. I will not go back on my stance.”
“Woo! Let’s get it!” Riri barely had time to catch what her friend threw back on her in jest. 
“Riri! You made it!” Imani grinned after she stood up straighter and hugged her.
“You know I wouldn’t miss this for the world!”
Another girl, Abena, came out from the sea of bodies and pulled Riri in, “Let’s have some fun!”
“You don’t have to tell me twice!” Riri grinned and shaked her waist in time with the music as the Border Tribe drummed an energetic beat.
After the song concluded, Riri turned on her beads to contact Shuri. A good bit of time had passed, so all the formalities the Golden Tribe had to go through should be over and done with.
Shuri answered on the third ring, “Riri! Hi!”
“Hey! I made it! Where are you?” Riri grinned.
“Huh? What?”
Riri tapped on her kimoyo earrings to cancel out the surrounding sound, “I asked where are you?”
“I’m at the Golden Grove. I haven’t left yet! But I’ll meet you at the River Tribe’s section? The Maji Oasis.”
Riri nodded and headed to where Shuri told her she’d be. Riri was encapsulated by one of the traditional dances being performed on the River Dance Pavillion. The way the water splashed, danced and sparkled around the women’s bodies that moved with such fluidity was absolutely hypnotic.
“Found you~” Someone whispered in her ear before she felt her ribs get tickled.
“Haha! Shuri!” Riri turned around and hugged the taller girl, “I’m so mad I missed your performance. I wanted to record your pigeon-toed ass trying to dance on stage.”
Shuri chucked at the dig,”Please, you wish you had my moves. The only thing you know how to do is bump and grind like those Americans.”
“I’m my mother’s daughter! I can shake my waist for days, thank you!”
Riri grabbed Shuri’s hand and weaved through the mesh of bodies, “The Nkosi Waterfront has these really tasty looking shrimp skewers I wanna try!”
Shuri threw her arm around Riri’s shoulder as she walked in time with her, “I myself would like to try their coconut rice pudding!”
“You are funking up the mood, Okoye. It’s a time to have fun!” Aneka danced on Okoye which coaxed a smile out of the woman.
Ayo nodded, “Yes. Us Doras are allowed to have fun as well.”
Aneka grinned, “Exactly!” She grabbed her wife and swayed with her, “Let’s go get something to eat! We can pack up some stuff for Riri too.”
“Here!” Riri placed her stick of shrimp to Shuri’s mouth so she could taste, “This shit is bomb!”
Shuri slid one off of the skewer with her teeth as she fed Riri a spoonful of her rice and beamed through a full mouth, “This is the bomb-diggity!” 
Riri’s palm flew to her mouth to prevent food from spilling out. Yet she ended up coughing a bit, “Never,” Riri laughed through her coughs, “Never say that again! The bomb-diggity?”
Shuri nodded with a shrug, “Yes! The slang is correct, yes?”
“I mean, yea. But you gotta say it with the American accent. Our regular accent makes it sound dorky as heck,” She chuckled.
“Nope! I’ll say it like I am right now!” 
Riri stuck her tongue out at Shuri as they walked over to the Jabari Tribe’s section: The Jabari Enclave. Riri pointed to one of the finely crafted gorilla masks before she circled Shuri with mock intimidation.
“Hu! Hu! Hu!”
Shuri grinned and puffed out her chest, “Mayafa!”
“Well, if it isn’t Riri and T’Challa’s baby sister.” M’Baku emerged from behind the curtain of the tent. He towered over the two girls with crossed arms.
“‘Sup, Mimi? We was just checking out your exhibition. You guys have some really exceptional craftsmanship.”
“Of course we do. Only the best of the best amongst these other exhibits.”
“Relax.” Shuri tsked, “It is no competition.”
M’Baku ushered the girls inside the tent, “Come, come. You are just in time for the storytelling. It won’t disappoint.”
Just as Riri and Shuri were ushered inside, Okoye, Aneka and Ayo walked past the tent.
“The merchant tribe makes the best pastries, I swear to Bast.”
Aneka tried to break off a piece of Okoye’s pie but got a vicious smack to her wrist, “You have your own."
“Ouch! You have a different flavour to mine. I was just curious about what it tastes like.” Aneka whined.
“We have to get back to Warrior’s Haven. We’re due for a friendly sparring match with any willing attendees.”
Aneka grinned and gave Okoye suggestive eyes, “How many men do you think are going to be falling at your feet for your attention and to be laid out by you?”
Ayo joined in on the teasing, “Maybe you might fall for someone? In the literal and figurative sense?”
Okoye swiped some of Ayo’s ice-cream out of her cup, “In both of your tiny-brained dreams. Aneka, make sure when you give your motivational speech to the young ones, try not to get tongue tied.”
“It is not my fault! Their beady little eyes scare me. They stare into your soul. How could I not trip over myself.”
Ayo gave Aneka’s shoulder an encouraging rub, “Don’t worry, my love. Just pretend they are a bunch of baby Riris.”
“That makes me feel much better.” Aneka became starry-eyed thinking of her sweet niece.
 “Holy moly, those Jabari women are something else. Like…oh my god.” Riri fanned herself as she walked out of the tent.
Shuri nodded, “They’re….wow. Such fine specimens. A work of art, really.”
“You think I can bag myself a Jabari girl? They’re so bad!” Riri joked.
Shuri silently shrugged, “I mean…if you put your mind to it.”
Riri scratched the back of her neck, “Forget I said anything.”
“Where are you girls going? The next show is about to start!” M’Baku called after them.
“Nah! Me and Shuri wanna see what the other tribes got! Thanks for getting us in the front row, though!” Riri grabbed Shuri’s hand and walked over to the Border Tribe’s section: The Sentinel Outpost.
“Yoo! They’re teaching the Guardian’s Shuffle! It’s been a while since I did it.”
Shuri’s snickering had Riri looking over at her, “Sorry, sorry. But the name gets me every single time.”
“Whatever! Let’s just hop in the fray!”
Aneka tugged Okoye over to the Sentinel Outpost, “Look! The Guardian Shuffle is going on! Let’s join! You know how you tear up the dance floor, Okoye! Show them who's boss!”
“I’m getting my beads ready for this!”
“Go Riri! Go Riri!” Shuri hyped Riri up as she slid along with the other dancers as they went through the choreography.
Okoye joined the mix and spun as everybody else did, almost immediately getting lost in the motions. Ayo started recording when Aneka joined Okoye.
Riri laughed along with Shuri as they shuffled around each other she spun and took three steps back when a flash of gold and red caught her peripherals. She turned while still grooving, but her jaw hung open when just a few feet away, her mother was cutting it up on the dancefloor with her two Aunties.
Her eyes bulged before she took a few steps back as everyone else did to not be noticed by her mother.
“Code G! Code G!” Riri told Shuri.
Shuri grabbed Riri’s hand and spun her around, “What is Code G? We never discussed any codes.”
“General Mama is like 20 feet away from us! I gotta disappear!” She frantically jerked her thumb behind her.
Shuri looked into the sea of people and spotted the three Doras, “Oh! That’s bad! Let’s go mingle somewhere else!”
The girls ran over to the River Tribe’s section and disappeared into one of their tents.
Ayo was replaying the video of Okoye and Aneka having their fun, “You have to send me this, Ayo. The lighting is so nice too!” 
“I’m outdancing you though, Okoye.” Aneka teased with a mancing snicker.
Okoye continued to watch when something in the background caught her eye, “Ayo. Can you rewind for me?”
Ayo did as was told, “Look!”
Okoye pointed to Riri dancing in the background before she froze momentarily after catching sight of her before she danced off screen.
“Was that Riri?” Aneka grabbed Ayo’s wrist to get a closer look at the replay.
“She snuck out!”
“She unearthed a rebellious streak!” Aneka mused.
“Now, Okoye. She just wanted to have some fun.” She tried to placate.
“She disregarded my orders to stay home.” She marched off to go find her daughter, “When I get my hands on her…” Okoye fumed.
“Oh crap, oh crap! What do you think she’s gonna do to me if she catches me?” She nervously played with a braid.
“You have to go home either way.” Shuri shrugged.
“You right, you right. I should make the most of my time out here, yea?”
Shuri grinned, “Yes! We get turnt up for as long as we can because who knows when you’ll see the light of day again.”
Okoye made her way through the different Tribes’ sections in search of her elusive daughter, but her efforts were fruitless for now.
“Okoye, don’t get too angry. You’ll raise your blood pressure.” Aneka tried to soothe.
“When I get my hands on her she’ll be wishing Bast herself intervenes!”
“Okoye just take some deep breaths, okay?” Ayo tried to reason.
Riri and Shuri found themselves in the club-like setting of the Mining Tribe’s section. The entire space was dark save for the colorful flashing lights. The bass reverberated against Riri’s chest as she danced against Shuri who was recording them both. She activated her noise canceling in her earrings as she talked into the camera.
“We’re enjoying Riri’s last night of freedom! Her first and maybe last act of rebellion before Okoye crucifies her!”
Riri grabbed Shuri’s wrist and shouted into the camera, “I’m too savage to be grounded!”
Okoye found her way over to the Mining Tribe’s section, the flashing lights obscuring her vision at first.
“What if she went home?!” Aneka queried.
“Please, I know my child. Home nothing!” 
Riri held her head back with the help of Shuri as Shuri poured a cup of Fruit Punch into her mouth, “Drink, drink, drink, drink!”
Riri tapped Shuri’s hand to signal that she had enough before she wiped her mouth, “Feels good living life on the edge like this.”
Shuri knocked back the rest of the drink, “Oh yes. Living life on the edge! I’m dangling my feet!”
Riri grinned as she bobbed her head to the imaginary beat, “I tried to pay attention but attention paid me. I’m rockin’ like-”
“I should rock some sense into you, young lady!”
Riri jumped when she heard her mother’s voice behind her. She didn’t even look back before she slapped Shuri’s arm, “Run for it!”
Both girls weaved through the sea of people before making it out into the open again.
Okoye was taken completely off-guard by the two teens booking it out of there as quick as they did.
“Wow. I wasn’t expecting that.” Ayo laughed.
Okoye chased after Riri who ended up diving into one of the insanely large bouncy castles. Okoye groaned. Those things were more of a labyrinth than anything else. All that sliding and climbing, it was a wonder how no kids turned up missing in there. She followed inside, almost immediately having to dodge hyper children who seemingly came out of nowhere.
“Riri! If you hear me, just know that you’ll wish you stayed home when I catch you!”
Riri snickered, hearing her mother's partially muffled voice, “If you catch me!”
Okoye shook her head as she flipped and rolled and jostled around the bouncy castle, trying to locate her daughter. She couldn’t help but reminisce of times not so long ago where she had to climb into these very bounce houses to collect Riri because the child was too stubborn to come out on her own. Okoye couldn’t help the smile that sneaked its way onto her face.
Riri’s foot snagged in one of the mesh nets and it seemed like the more she fought, the more tangled it became and it didn’t help when a bunch of kids kept trampling over her body, “Oh, shit!”
Okoye had found Riri soon enough, “Aha! You thought you could get away, eh?”
Okoye tackled Riri who screamed at the attack, “No! Mama! No! Please!”
Tears pooled at the corner of Riri’s eyes as Okoye attacked her with tickles, “I’ve been drinking a bunch of stuff all night, don’t make me pee my pants, Mama! Hahahaha!”
“This is what you deserve! For disobeying direct orders!” Okoye grinned as Riri writhed against the stimulation.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! Hahaha! I just wanted to have some fun!”
Okoye relented and allowed Riri room to breathe. Riri eventually went limp and looked up at Okoye, “I’m too weak to move.”
Shuri was standing at the entrance of the bouncy castle where she saw Okoye dragging Riri out.
“You’re alive! I almost thought she sent you to meet the ancestors.” Shuri smirked as Riri stood on wobbly legs.
“She loves me too much to kill me.” Riri then turned to her mother and held out her wrists, “I’m ready for jail.”
Okoye rolled her eyes, “When we get home, I’ll deal with you properly. But for now, go ahead and have your fun.”
Okoye couldn’t find it in herself to be extremely pissed off at the moment. You could blame it on the good vibes.
Shuri jumped in excitement, “Yes! A few more hours awarded before your untimely death! Let’s make the most of it!”
Riri hugged her mother and jumped up to give her a kiss, “Thanks Ma! You can chew my ear off as much as you want when I get home. I appreciate you!”
Riri then smiled and held Shuri’s hand, “Want to go get some ice-cream from the Merchant Tribe?”
“Sure!” They both ran off into the distance.
“You’re such a softy, Okoye.” Ayo rubbed Okoye’s shoulder.
“Yes. If it was my mother, the entire population would have heard her mouth. I wouldn’t have been able to show my face ever again.” Aneka shivered.
Okoye wrapped her arms around both women, “I’m in the mood for some shrimp skewers. How about the both of you?”
“Me! Me!”
“I have been craving seafood.”
Taggies: @karimwillia @neptoons1998 @pantherheart @xblackreader
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dilemmaontwolegs · 2 years
The Surrogate [pt.1]
Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Summary: Natasha, Clint and you have been inseparable since you joined Shield all those years ago. When Natasha mentions how much she wanted to be a mother you make it your mission to give her that opportunity. The hysterectomy in Widow training left her unable to carry a child but her ovaries remained. Using her egg, and a sperm donation from Clint, you carry the child and have to deal with all that comes with it - mostly a very protective mother. Warnings: 18+ only, pregnancy, mentions of blood WC: 2610 Set after Civil War, just before Infinity War and after End Game.
|| Main Masterlist || Drabbles Masterlist || Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3 || Part 4 ||
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Wakanda, late 2017
Tears filled Nat’s eyes as she watched the image moving on the black and white screen. The baby, her baby, was throwing kicks that already made her so proud.
“We gotta work on that roundhouse, kid.” She murmured as she bit her knuckle to stop her lip trembling.
You took her soft hand, running your thumb over the teeth marks on her skin before wiping the stray tear that escaped. “At least give her a few years before you start training her.”
“Her?” The fearless widow's eyes widened as she looked to the sonographer.
“Too early to tell I’m afraid.” She smiled and wiped off the gel from your stomach. “We can check that at the next scan.”
“I bet she’s a girl, smart and brave like her mom.” You said squeezing Nat’s hand before getting up from the bed.
Natasha held the precious images in her hands as you left the hospital and kept peeking at them as if they would suddenly disappear. She was so wrapped up in the outline of her baby's face that when she saw sudden movement beside her she lashed out. Clint groaned and she grabbed his hand and twisted it away from your stomach before dropping it like hot coals.
“Oh shit, I’m so sorry!” She gasped, taking his hand and rubbing his sprained wrist. “You shouldn’t sneak up on us like that.”
“I’ve been talking to y/n for the past two minutes.” He chuckled and plucked the ultrasound images from her fingers to look at the baby. “Ugh, they all look like aliens.”
Natasha hit his arm as she took them back and cradled them to her chest while he laughed at her defensiveness. “Do not!”
“Trust me, I’ve been through this three times. Don’t let them do a 4D scan, it’ll give you nightmares.” He said with a theatrical shiver. “Now who’s up for sushi, I’m starving.”
“She’s not allowed sushi.” She answered before you could. “Shouldn’t you be heading home before anyone realises you left. You are under house arrest, remember?”
“How could I forget?” He laughed. “Fine, fine, I can tell when I’m not wanted. I jizzed in a jar for you and now you don’t need me anymore. I feel used.”
“We really do love you.” You promised as you waved him off, the Wakandans giving him a stealth lift home.
You were about to walk over to the quinjet that Steve, Sam and Wanda were waiting at when Nat pulled you to a stop. You could already see what she was about to ask of you the second your eyes connected and you shook your head.
“I’m going with you, Nat.”
“Please, I need to know you and this baby are somewhere safe, warm and fed.” She said as she splayed her fingers across your abdomen, the tiniest hint of bump beneath her palm. “T’Challa has said you are welcome here and Shuri will make sure you have the best care possible.”
“You make it sound like you're not coming back.” Your emotions had already been all over the place the last three months and once again fresh tears pricked your eyes.
“We will stop by whenever we can, I promise.” She said, wiping your eyes and wrapping her arms around your waist. “It just might be a little while.”
A larger pair of arms wrapped around your shoulders as Nat stepped away and you looked up to see Steve with a sad smile. “You just worry about taking care of that baby, I’ll watch her back.”
“Watch each other’s backs.” You said louder as you looked at the others lined up on the ramp.
“I need a favour.” Steve suddenly said seriously and you frowned at the tone. “Can you check in on Bucky?”
“You didn’t go and see him?” Your frown deepened.
“I went to but…he looked…I dunno, peaceful. If he saw me he would offer to come with us and…”
“You don’t think the Wakandans got rid of it all?”
“No, it’s not that, I know they broke Hydra’s hold on him but I don’t know if Bucky has. If that makes sense.”
You ran your hands up and down his huge biceps and tried to ease the discontent in your friend as you nodded. “You guys better get going. Don’t worry about me or Bucky, just don’t get caught.”
You gave one last wave as the ramp began to rise and prayed they stayed safe as they headed to Algeria to help with a new conflict. It was all you and the team of rogue avengers had done for just over a year, moving from one fight to another hoping to bring peace. You actually weren’t sure what you were going to do with yourself, you never usually had so much time on your hands but now you had six months.
“Excuse me, where can I find Bucky?” You asked Ayo as you passed her on the way to your new room.
“The white wolf keeps to himself.” She nodded her head to the wall of glass that overlooked the pastures. “He has a spot a few miles out.”
She pulled a black orb off her bracelet and held it out to you, tapping it to open a holographic image that morphed into a map. “Goodluck.”
She tapped the butt of her spear into the ground twice before continuing on her journey and disappearing around the corner before you could even ask what she meant by that. Confused and in possession of a highly intelligent piece of equipment, you held tight to the ball and walked away from your room with the map tracing your every move.
The long grass kept catching on your clothes as you walked and you swore under your breath as you followed the device's coordinates towards an ochre clay and thatch hut, similar to some you had passed on the long walk. You had almost reached the curtained archway when a head popped out followed by the man himself, having to duck low to get out of his home, and his forehead instantly crumpled as he spotted you.
“Uh, hey.” You said with an awkward wave, not really having had a plan for how this meeting would go.
“You were in Germany.” He said, recognising you from the briefest of interactions before you had helped evacuate people from the airport before it got destroyed. “Y/n.”
You were surprised how much you liked the sound of your name on his tongue, a hint of his Brooklyn accent peeking through.
“Yeah, Steve asked me to check in on you since I’m going to be staying here for the next few months.” You smiled and mindlessly rubbed your belly as you spoke and you caught the dart of his eyes down to your hand.
“Steve’s here?” His eyes lit up before you shook your head and his face dropped. “You and Steve are…”
“Friends. I’m a surrogate.” You laughed at his confused expression, remembering Steve the first time it was explained to him too. “I’m having Natasha’s baby.”
“She’s the father?” He looked even more confused and you had to rein in your amusement as you shook your head.
“She’s the mother. Clint’s technically the father but he’s not going to be on the birth certificate.”
“That is the arrow guy, the one with the family.” He nodded remembering the other man who had helped in the fight in Germany before wrinkling his nose. “He has a wife.”
“Ok, I am really not explaining this well.” You sighed in exasperation. “Doctor’s took an egg from Natasha and Clint did his thing, y’know, in a pottle or whatever, then they put them together in a science lab and then they put it in me. Laura knows all about it and I didn’t have sex with Clint, thank god. I’m like the Virgin Mary…but not a virgin.”
“Ok.” He said with a shrug and began to walk to the veggie garden leaving you to catch up.
“That’s it, no questions?” You asked as you caught up to him and heard his laugh for the first time, a warm rumble that came from deep in his chest.
“Steve was enhanced by a serum, I’m 100 years old, I live with Wakandan technology. I don’t ask questions anymore.”
“Fair enough.”
You watched him work in silence, moving around the tracks in the garden and picking weeds that sprouted as well as gathering some cassava and tucking them in the folds of his red shuka. Every now and again he would look up to see you still leaning against a tree trunk in the shade but you knew that wasn’t necessary with his enhanced hearing, so it just left you curious.
Even in the shade the heat overwhelmed you and had you tugging at your shirt, lifting it out in the hopes that cool air might miraculously blow up it but it wasn’t working. You turned your back on Bucky and his gardening to watch the glimmer of sunlight on the little lake he lived next to. You could imagine how perfect the water would feel lapping around your feet so you kicked your shoes off and began to make your way towards the waters edge.
“Don't move!”
You froze instantly at the order, the deep timbre that gripped you to his authority and heard the quiet rustle of footsteps through the grass behind you. The grass in front of your foot moved and suddenly you realised that it wasn’t the grass moving but something moving in it. You could barely feel the arm wrapping around your waist as your heart hammered in your chest, eyes fixed on the brown head of the snake poised and ready to attack.
“Ow, fuck.” Bucky hissed as he spun you around and put himself between the venomous vine snake.
His hold on you dropped and he reached behind his back to grab the snake that had buried its fangs in the skin beneath the fabric. He glared at the snake a moment before throwing it with all his might right across the lake to the banks on the other side and groaning as the poison coursed through his veins.
“Shit, shit, shit!” You swore as you scrambled for your phone only to remember it was in your room. “What do we do? I need to get Shuri.”
“Don’t worry about it.” He said through gritted teeth as he stumbled back towards his hut. “‘S not the first time.”
You hurried to his side and wrapped an arm around his waist, supporting some of his weight as you walked to his hut and ducked inside. It was far emptier than you imagined it would be, a single mattress on the floor at one end, a low table with a single cushion for him to eat at. It looked lonely.
“What did you do last time? Do you have anti-venom?” You asked as you helped him onto the mattress taking care that he didn’t lie directly on his back.
A sharp sarcastic laugh escaped his teeth and he shook his head. “I have the serum, it won’t let the venom kill me.”
“It’s still got to be painful.”
He didn’t answer but you could see it was already painful from the way his eyelids flinched with every movement and soon a trail of blood leaked from his nose. He had saved your life, you could hardly leave him in the state he was in, so you went to the few belongings that were in a woven basket and grabbed a small washcloth before dunking it in the pale of water.
“Don’t move.” You ordered as he tried to pull away from your touch.
His eyes clenched shut as a fever broke over his skin and you pressed the cool cloth to his head, leaving it to rest there while you untied his shuka. A shaking hand reached up to stop you but you placed it back at his side.
“I need to see the wound.” You said softly. “Just let me take care of you, it's the least I can do.”
His nod was imperceptible but you took his silence as agreement and pulled the red fabric away and bared his back. Four angry red puncture wounds swelled at the base of his spine, blood seeping from the holes in a constant stream.
“Why isn’t it clotting?” You asked as you wiped the blood away for the third time.
“The venom…stops it.” He stammered as shivers racked his body.
You couldn’t imagine him already going through this alone, it was horrifying to watch so you knew it must have been ten times worse to actually experience. You grabbed more of his clothes and apologised as you ripped through them to make a bandage and stem the bleeding. You promised yourself you would replace what you ruined as you pulled his blankets over his body and hoped you had done enough to ease some of his suffering.
The cassava he had harvested had fallen out of his clothes so you took them to the small hearth that had been quietly burning and found a knife to peel and cut them. A simmering pot was hung over the hearth and added the cassava to that before stirring it and going back to check on Bucky. His forehead was crumpled with pain lines as you took the now warm cloth away and placed a fresh cool one back down.
“You’ll make a good mother.” He murmured without opening his eyes.
“That’s sweet but the baby isn’t mine, Natasha will be her mother.” You sighed longingly, not realising being a mother was actually something you wanted until you were carrying someone else’s child. “Thank you for saving us.”
“Worth saving.” He muttered before his breathing slowed and sleep took over.
You couldn’t help wondering what he meant by that, did he think he wasn’t worth saving? Is that why he put himself into harm's way, because he thought it was penance for his actions as the Winter Soldier? From everything Steve told you about his best friend, you knew he was a good person and his selfless act cemented that belief but you couldn’t help but feel the need to change the way he saw himself.
Perhaps it was because of your own dark background that made you want to show him how people change, that they are not defined by their worst actions. When Natasha and Clint recruited you, they were actually on a mission to kill you. They saw something in you worth saving, something you couldn’t see until they brought you into Shield and showed you how you could use your skills for doing good. You now saw in Bucky what Nat and Clint saw in you.
The next six months looked a lot better now that you had your own mission to complete.
Click here for next part.
AN: let me know what you think lovelies
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angstsfordays · 3 years
Beautiful Pain (4)
Chapter Four- Now or Never
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Enhanced! Reader
Summary: Post-Blip, you started to feel lost when most of the Avengers team are gone. Coping with your loss, you still find hope in the connection with your remaining friends. However, it is not easy as everyone is trying to figure their lives after the Blip.
Having a long history with Bucky ever since you both saved each other from Hydra, you were still glad you had Bucky after all this time. However, as you try to give Bucky space to find himself after being pardoned for his past, you start to wonder if you should ever cross the line of friendship before it’s too late.
That thought might have to be put on hold though, when you, Sam and Bucky find yourselves having to deal with threats that continue to rise in a post-Blip world.
Chapter synopsis: Your supposed ally leads you to an unlawful nation where danger lurks at every corner. Bucky starts to see you in a different light.
Warnings: Sexual objectification. Very bad undercover work. Calling Sam daddy. Sexual innuendos.
Word count: 4.8k
Notes: I am very humbled that people have been enjoying the story and liking it so far! This means to me a lot as a novice writer! ☺️
I had a lot of fun writing this chapter, felt like I got more to expand for the Madripoor episode. I love to know what y’all think of it so far! 😘
The tag list is still open! Let me know if you want to join with a message or comment in the chapters!
Previous: Prologue | Chapter One | Chapter Two | Chapter Three
Next: Chapter Five
As Zemo made arrangements on his end, you did not know what to expect. You, Sam and Bucky were brought to the tarmac of a small private airport, your attention was brought to the private plane that Zemo was leading you towards.
Sam made a comment on Zemo’s wealth and the latter explained that he was practically royalty before the Avengers destroyed his country. Touché.
You took the seat right across from Zemo and you couldn’t help but put your guard up around the man. He could sense the tension all over your face and offered champagne to which you declined. You wanted to make sure you were fully sober around this guy.
As you looked on at the exchange he had with his steward, he almost looked decent for a moment. You wouldn’t have thought of this guy to be a manipulative and scheming man that caused that chain of events many years ago.
“You don’t know what it’s like to be locked in a cell.” Zemo started off after having a sip of his champagne. He then paused in his actions as he looked over all of you and corrected him.
“Oh that’s right, you all do. My apologies.” Rolling your eyes, you crossed your arms as you leaned into the comfort of the plush aeroplane seat.
Sam tried to get Zemo to start talking but the baron brushed it off for a moment as he looked at a book in fascination. As Zemo brought up a familiar notebook, he asked who Nakajima was.
Your eyes perked up at the familiar name and you immediately turned to look at Bucky who instantly pounced on Zemo and grabbed him into a chokehold. Bucky warned him not to touch his notebook or he would actually kill Zemo, probably with his bare hands.
As Bucky settled down in his seat once more, you gave him a knowing look but he averted his eyes to avoid eye contact. The conversation then took a more light-hearted turn as Sam tried to describe how Steve noted down his suggestion of the Trouble Man soundtrack in the notebook that now was passed onto Bucky.
Sam asked if Bucky liked it too and the super-soldier replied that he liked 40’s music to which Sam look almost offended that Bucky didn’t share his taste in music. Bucky looked like he didn’t even want to bother but he clarified that he indeed liked it just to get Sam to back off.
Zemo decided to join in the conversation and put his two cents. Sam was surprised at how Zemo managed to eloquently describe the music style. Afterwhich, Sam went on to say how everyone loved Marvin Gaye while Bucky agreed that he did too.
Sam added that Steve adored the singer too. Hearing this, Zemo commented that Bucky must have looked up to Steve very much.
Yes, we all did. You wanted to add that in too.
Zemo, however, then took the liberty of giving his view on Steve. He talked about how dangerous it could be to idolize super soldiers like Steve and start to disregard their flaws, thus allowing him to not be held accountable for the repercussions that stem from his actions. Even if that meant the formation of movements, the fighting of wars, the loss of innocent lives.
Sam gave him a warning to better stop talking but Zemo continued on. When Zemo noticed how you started shaking your head in dissatisfaction, he gave a light chuckle before speaking directly to you.
“Miss Y/N. Contrary to my own personal views on enhanced individuals, I do find you fascinating, The files I read on you only make me more curious. Can I ask some questions?” You could feel the attention being put on you in the room and you grew slightly uncomfortable.
“What do you want?” Hoping to act nonchalant to mask your nervousness, you crossed your legs and leaned back into your seat.
“You have no family history. You grew up in an orphanage, am I right?” Nodding at the facts he laid out, Zemo carried on.
“You couldn’t have possibly been experimented on. You have gotten into any accidents?” You shook your head in response.
“Chemical exposure, radioactive bites, cosmic ray exposures….those are the possibilities that an ordinary person could obtain superhuman abilities according to the theories online.” Unimpressed, you continued to shake your head at him.
“Tell me. I’m curious.” You couldn’t entertain the likes of him but seeing how he was leaning in to wait for your answer, you gave an indifferent expression before speaking.
“It appeared out of nowhere. Someone committed arson in the local convenience shop where I was at the time. I was trapped with the elderly shopkeeper and I thought we were both going to die. A burning beam was falling onto us and I thought that was the end. I suddenly emitted a burst of energy that managed to put own the fire and incinerate the beam into ashes.” As you retold your story, memories of your fear from that time came back.
“The shopkeeper lost consciousness but I saw everything. I wasn’t sure if it was me but I ran away. I couldn’t’ return to the orphanage because I was afraid the police would find me. I lived on the streets for a week before my powers manifested again.” Your eyes fall to your fidgety hands, cracking your knuckles as it gave you some sort of relief.
“A kid was crossing the street without his mum knowing and a car was speeding on the road. I tried to reach out and pull him back in but the car was just inches away from us both. I caused a scene that couldn’t be ignored. S.H.I.E.L.D managed to find me and took me in.” Zemo’s eyes were tracking your every movement and expression in a way that Bucky didn’t like. As if you were something up for display and Bucky put his foot down.
He was getting protective of you and did not want Zemo to harbour any hidden intentions. Who knew what Zemo was thinking of?
Zemo spoke up before Bucky had the chance.
“Fascinating just fascinating. It’s like your powers had been dormant inside you all along. Are you even human?”
“Last time I checked, my blood is still red.” Your sarcastic response earned a laugh from Zemo and he stroked his chin as he continued to observe you quietly. Sensing he had more thoughts in his mind, you returned the questions back to him.
“You hate enhanced individuals so much, would you get rid of me if you had the chance?” Growing a smirk, Zemo wasn’t expecting you to ask him that and he was more than eager to give his reply.
“I am undecided, but you’re different. I can see you are more discreet than the others, just like Bucky over here.” Zemo made his final remark before he moved on to talking about the location that you were headed.
His words sunk in and you kept on thinking about how he hit the nail on the head.
Yes, you had to be more discreet. You could never proudly show off what you had, instead, you had to keep yourself hidden in order to protect yourself.
Recalling your S.H.I.E.L.D days, you remembered how you were told to keep your powers on a low profile by Director Fury himself.
Your lab results came back and it was discovered that you had a special gene in your DNA that could be identified. There weren’t any references or connections to existing research and findings so you were viewed almost as an abnormality.
It was then later discovered that your powers were connected to your life force and if you ever over-exerted yourself, you could possibly die. That almost happened back during the civil war between the Avengers. It was the first time you ever used your powers on a larger scale and you had even passed out at the end of the battle.
You remembered waking up in a hospital bed on the raft.
When you found refuge in Wakanda, you got to learn more about your powers with Shuri’s help. She believed as long as you trained your stamina and built up your strength, you could control your powers without ever worrying about being drained. That’s how you found yourself the privilege to receive special training with the Dora Milajae under King T’Challa’s request.
You definitely owed the Wakandans big time.
Seeing how you were uncharacteristically down, Bucky wanted to check in with you out of concern. However, he chose to restrain himself, thinking that you probably one to be left alone. He wished he could do more for you like you do for him.
Before you knew it, you landed in Madripoor. An island nation that was lawless and dangerous, yet home to the darkest of black markets and underground businesses. Zemo said that all of you could not go in as yourselves and had to basically go in undercover.
You couldn’t hold back your laughter when Sam changed and came out in a fancy printed suit. He was to act as a real life promiscuous and rich man who really could have been his doppelgänger when you saw a picture of the man.
However, you weren’t one to laugh when Zemo asked you to act as one of Conrad Mack aka Smiling Tiger’s fling for the night. When you first received your outfit, you threw it back in Zemo’s face.
You were not the most comfortable with sexy and revealing clothing personally so you couldn’t imagine yourself wearing it at all. Zemo tried to convince you that Smiling Tiger’s women were all of a certain type so you had to go through with it in order to fit in.
Letting out a groan, you snatched the little champagne dress with an open keyhole back. The front was designed to give a loose look that shyly reveals your cleavage. The dress held onto your shoulders with thin straps and it overall gave the impression of a silk slip dress.
When you put it on, you wiped your clammy hands on the silk material and grimaced at how it barely covered your ass. You were grateful that the shoes you received had thick block heels as you had forgotten how to even walk in high heels anymore.
Swiping on the red lipstick for the final touch, you took a deep breath to calm your nerves as you looked in the mirror. You got this.
Stepping out of the changing room, you were met with the full attention of all three men and you put a finger up to warn them of making any unneeded comments.
“Damn Y/N. I mean this in the nicest way possible but this is an entirely different look for you. In a good way, of course.” Sam tried to compliment you seeing that you weren’t fully into your outfit.
“Thanks, Sam.” You knew his intentions were always pure and good, so you didn’t mind it much. As he and Zemo went off to discuss something, you saw that Bucky was still looking at you intently. He must think you look weird, you thought.
In all the years that Bucky have known you, it was the first time he has seen you looking like this. You always had gone for casual and comfortable looks in your daily life. The only time he has seen something different was when you put on your tailored suits for formal events.
He had to do a double-take when he saw how the little dress number hugged your figure in the right places.
Bucky knew he shouldn’t continue looking but his eyes fleeting quick glances when you were looking elsewhere. He always felt that you were one of the most beautiful people he knew on the inside, the fact that you could look past what he did and accept him for he was. He never felt that he had to pretend to be fine when you’re around because you were there to accept him for better or worst.
Seeing you now stirred up a different feeling inside of him. Why did you suddenly seem so attractive this time? He did not want to be that guy who viewed women differently because of the way they dressed. In fact, he was never the kind to like someone because of the way they look but more of how they make him feel.
However, observing how bashful and shy you look in front of him, Bucky suddenly felt rather nervous himself. He saw you taking a step towards and he swore his breath hitched as his mind was registering this scene in slow-motion.
Your hands came up to put his dog tags inside his black shirt before going for the zipper of his jacket. Your eyes fleetingly met his for a moment before you started saying something.
Bucky wasn’t able to process it as he was entirely focused on how you were casually helping him as you normally did, but his mind can’t help but think of it as an intimate gesture.
You continued to buckle up the belts of Bucky’s harness and couldn’t help but to relish in the act of caring for him. This was probably the only time you could fulfil your feelings of wanting to be close to him without crossing the line.
“All done.” Once you have adjusted the straps on his shoulder to make sure they were comfortable, you glanced to see Bucky looking down at you in a daze.
“Hey Buck, you there?” Calling for his attention, Bucky snapped back to reality as he saw you staring at him with a curious doe-eyed look. Clearing his thought, Bucky scrambled to recall what you had said and just continued looking at you in question.
You went on to ask if the straps were comfortable to which he nodded curtly. You grinned in satisfaction for a short moment before it fell into a tight-lipped smile.
“Bucky, are you really ok to go into character? I know how hard you worked to get away from all of that.” Implying how he had to act like the Winter Soldier for this undercover mission, Bucky took a deep breath before answering you.
“I’ll be fine. It’s just for this mission.” You just silently nodded at his words before signalling that you two should get a move on.
All of you were heading to Low Town as Zemo named to find his informant, Selby. Zemo reminded everyone to stay in character regardless of the situation, if not the mission would be compromised and your lives could be at risk.
Zemo gave you a personal warning to avoid using your powers if possible. If your powers were revealed publicly, there was a high chance you were at a bigger risk than the rest because people would want to take you for their own.
It was not every day an enhanced individual with superpowers walks into Madripoor and you would definitely become a prize to be coveted.
You were first greeted by the hustle and bustle of the nightlife crowd. The neon signs lit up the incredibly dark streets followed by the loud booming music that could be heard from some of the places that you passed. Your eyes were focused on Zemo’s back as he led all of you to the location, refusing to make eye contact with anyone else.
Entering the crowded bar, you could hear Zemo speaking Russian to Bucky. You weren’t familiar with the language but you could make out one world, Soldat.
Sneaking your arms around Sam who was caught off, you gave me a pointed look that told him that the undercover work starts now. He gave you a brief nod before rolling out his shoulders and you pressed yourself closer to him, putting your acting face on.
All of you stood by the bar where the bartender greeted all of you.
“Hello, gentlemen. Wasn’t expecting you, Smiling Tiger.” The bartender nodded to Sam. His eyes moved over to meet yours before greeting you, Miss. You gave your best smile in return.
“His plans changed. We have business to do with Selby.” Zemo told the bartender. You could see the shift in his eyes and saw someone from out of the corner of your eye moving away. Shifting your stance, the bartender didn’t acknowledge Zemo’s words and glanced back to you again.
“New face?” His comment was directed towards Sam but seeing how Sam was hesitating, you realised that he hadn’t had much experience with undercover work at all. He was a military man not a spy or agent after all.
“Hopefully, the last.” You giggled shyly and looked up to Sam with an affectionate gaze before giving the bartender a wink.
The bartender nodded curtly before asking Sam (Smiling Tiger) if he wanted his usual. Sam nodded silently in an efforts to prevent himself from doing anything out of character.
You caught Bucky looking at you as he leaned sideways on the counter. Your silent exchange was a way for you two to check in with each other and a brief smile mirrored on both of your faces before you turn to see the bartender taking out a snake from a big jar.
Trying to control your expression at the disgust coming up your throat, you subtly swallowed heavily at the sight of how the bartender slit the snake open. Sam who had his back turned for a brief moment was shocked to see what was presented on the counter in front of him.
Zemo tried to continue to put on the act and acted like it was nothing out of the ordinary. Your global knowledge and several visits to Asia made you realised why this was the Smiling Tiger’s favourite. Snakes infused into wine was touted to be an aphrodisiac to help a man increase, ahem, stamina.
Bucky felt almost bad for Sam and looked away briefly. You could see Sam gulping down nervously when the bartender added the finishing touch to the drink and you gently rubbed his arm for emotional support.
“I love these.” Sam managed to say through gritted his teeth and clinked his glass with Zemo. Your own bile almost resurfaced and you quickly turned your head to hide your nervous gulp.
Putting up a thumbs up awkwardly, you wanted to facepalm when the bartender looked back at Sam with a dubious expression.
You knew you needed to do something so everyone’s covers won’t be blown. Putting on a sly smirk, you let a hand move up Sam’s chest slowly and sensually before resting it where his heart was.
“Looks like you and I will be in for a long night.” Adding a slight giggle, you pretended to act shy after you spoke your words. Sam was trying his hardest to not look bewildered at your act while Bucky was trying to suppress a sudden wave of annoyance that washed over him.
He knew that this was an act but he still didn’t like it for some reason. He had to admit that he was not expecting you to get into character so well, seeing that this image you were presenting was the furthest cry from who you actually were.
The bartender looked slightly less suspicious of all of you before he went away. You could feel Sam heaving a sigh of relief beside you and you did the same alongside him.
Another man came up to Zemo, telling him of how he was unwelcomed in the area. Zemo putting up a cool façade, explained he had no business with someone named the power broker. Zemo restated his business here once more before the guy left.
Zemo explained that the power broker runs Madripoor and it was best you all stayed under his radar. Moments passed before another guy came up behind Zemo and Zemo turned to Bucky talking in Russian once more.
The instant the man placed his hands on Zemo, Bucky went into winter soldier mode. Everyone’s attention was directed to the scene happening. The whirling sound of Bucky’s vibranium was heard clearly as he was nearly crushing the man’s hands and went ahead to knock him over.
More and more people started to gather fool’s courage to take on Bucky. You saw how he easily took down everyone with barely any sweat.
“Didn’t take much for him to fall back into form,” Zemo commented to you and Sam, and in all honesty, you wanted to choke him like what Bucky was doing to another guy on the bar’s counter.
Hearing the continuous clicking of guns from everyone in the bar, your senses were now alert at the possibility of having to break character and use your powers.
“Stay in character or the whole bar turns on us.” Zemo whispered into your ear and grabbed onto your hand before you could even think of doing anything.
Zemo got Bucky to back down and the bartender told you all that Selby was ready for your visit. Sam checked in with Bucky to which he responded with a curt nod.
As you made your way along the back end of the bar, you could see the stacks of cash all over a table and the armed guards that filled up every corner of the room.
“You should know, Baron. People don’t come into my bar and make demands.” Selby turned out to look like what you would imagine her to be. She sat comfortably on her couch with a dominant presence and seemed like she was not someone easy to deal with.
Zemo tried to reassure her that he was making offers not demands to quell her mood. Selby asked how Zemo was able to escape from prison and Zemo replied smugly on how people like them always found a way.
As Zemo tried to shift focus onto the order of business, Selby wasn’t still into it. Making a comment about Sam’s taller than usual height, Sam not knowing what to respond just nodded in silence.
She even purred at him teasingly before her eyes landed on you.
“Who’s this pretty little thing you have here? Where are you from?” Selby’s eyes narrowed in as you sense everyone starting to look flustered by the unexpected question. You were just meant to play a background character but didn’t expect the sudden attention.
Biting your lips into a furtive grin, you snaked your hands around Sam’s biceps. “Daddy picked me up from the club that I was working at. He says I am his one and only now.”
The men all tried to stop their jaws from dropping to the floor at your sweetly coy act. Who were you?
“Hmm…” Selby hummed while she looked you up and down. “You can do better, sweetie,” Selby remarked smugly before giving a subtle gesture to herself.
Lips forming into an ‘o’, you feigned a surprised reaction at the flattery. You tried to send a flirtatious look back so that Selby would be in a better mood.
Your act was rewarded when Selby grinned wider and asked Zemo for his offer. In exchange for information on the super-soldier serum, Zemo was willing to trade Bucky in pretence. He added how he would give Selby the codes word to control Bucky, treating him like an object.
A wave of anger started rushing through you as the scene unfolded and you glanced to see how Selby became more intrigued.
“Hmm, I have plenty of strong men already working for me. What else can he offer?” Zemo was taken aback by Selby’s words, thinking that she would already be interested in Bucky.
As the men were grappling to come up with a good response, you went on your first instinct and spoke up.
“Well he is rather handsome, isn’t he?” Everyone’s focus turned onto you and you took a breath to continue as Selby gave you an expecting look.
“Not as handsome as my daddy here but-” Walking around Sam, you headed towards Bucky who was trying to look unbothered but dying of curiosity on what you were about to do.
“He seems like fun to play with.” You purred as you gazed at Bucky’s profile. You gestured for Bucky to face you and could see how he was still staying in character. Running your fingers down his five o'clock shadow, your eyes glinted as you batted your lashes flirtatiously before looking over your shoulder back at Shelby.
“You can’t help but imagine having a good time with him. Super soldier serum should have some perks, no?” Your hidden innuendo was loud and clear to everyone in the room. If this didn’t appeal to Selby, you didn’t know what will.
Sam was trying his hardest to maintain his expression as he couldn’t believe his ears. Never in a million years would he think the sweet and innocent Y/N he knew actually dared to speak like that.
Bucky did his best to tighten his jaw and continue his stoic facade to hide the shock from what you had just said.
Never did he thought you would take the situation to such a turn. Your improv was unexpected and he couldn’t believe the woman in front of him was actually you.
Your sudden bold and cheeky persona was doing something to him. Your innuendo about him started to make him feel hot in his ears. Bucky had to clench his fist tightly to get himself to hold it together as he felt his heart racing out of nowhere.
He didn’t know what was happening to him but he knew you were having some sort of effect on him.
“Of course, that’s my silly opinion.” Turning to face Selby with a mischievous smile to keep up your character, you noted her looking at you thoughtfully as she rubbed her chin.
“Not just pretty but you’re witty, aren’t you?” Selby noted as she grinned like a Cheshire cat. Satisfied with your input, Selby then revealed what she knew about the super-soldier serums.
Apparently, there was a doctor, Dr William Nagel who has been helping the power broker to create the serums here in Madripoor. When Zemo tried to probe further about Nagel’s location, Selby decided that Zemo was overstepping.
In the very next moment, you could hear a vibration of a phone and saw Sam reaching out to his jacket.
Great, all of your covers might be blown. Selby demands that Sam answered it on speaker. The tension in the room could be cut with a knife. To carry on the act, Sam reluctantly proceeded to answer the phone.
A woman’s voice came up and in the next sentences spoken, you realised that she was his sister, Sarah. Oh boy, this wouldn’t end well. You closed your eyes in prayer as you hoped it can go over smoothly.
Taking a sharp intake of breath, you looked to see Bucky glancing down in shared unease. Sam was doing his best to make sure his cover won’t get blown. You thought all was going well but when you heard Sam’s name from Sarah, you knew you were all toast.
Selby immediately called for all of you to be killed and in that moment, all hell broke loose. Selby got shot in a blink of an eye and her guards were up in action. Bucky pushed you behind him protectively as he fought off Selby’s men.
Once all her guards are dealt with, Zemo called for weapons to drop and you took the back exit.
Making a swift escape, all of you tried to play it cool while taking long quick strides. The sound of the first gunshot made you jumped and sprang into a run. You saw Zemo took off in another direction but you didn’t have time for him.
You, Bucky and Sam decided to sprint ahead. “I can’t run in these heels.” Sam cried out and you retorted in annoyance.
“How do you think I feel? Mine’s twice as taller than yours!”
Bucky reached over to grab your hand and interlocked your fingers together. His super-speed was practically lifting you off the ground, dragging you like a rag dog.
"Hey! What the hell man? What about me?" Bucky ignored Sam's whining and focused on not letting your hand go.
Not knowing where you are headed, a sense of dread started pouring on you and you grew anxious by the second. People on motorbikes were starting to drive up behind you three.
You were wondering if it’s time to not give care and actually use your powers for real this time. All of a sudden, the two people on the bikes behind you have been shot by someone from above and you stopped in your tracks to locate that individual, fearing you were next.
Zemo reappeared from the shadows and claimed that you all might have a guardian angel.
“Drop it, Zemo.” The familiar voice brought relief as you matched it to the face that emerged into your sight.
Your smile at the thought of a friendly face faltered when she continued pointing a gun towards all of you. Sharon didn’t seem as pleased as you were. Turns out she had to fall off the grid and found herself in Madripoor after the turn of events many years ago.
"Y/N, is that you?" She took a double-take on you, probably not used to seeing you dress up like this.
"Hey." You awkwardly replied. The moment didn't last as Sharon trained her eyes on the men and continued to be hostile.
Your heart dropped as you hear her telling of how she was unable to be in contact with her family anymore. She had become a fugitive and still is. An immense amount of guilt washed all over you when she retorted about how she wasn’t backed by the Avengers.
You weren’t batch mates with Sharon back in S.H.I.E.L.D academy but you became friends when you crossed paths during work. You could not believe you haven’t reached out to her all this time.
Bucky pleaded with Sharon for her help and Sharon gave a thoughtful look at all of you. When she saw you with your uncomfortable expression, she gave a sighed and stated that she wasn’t done discussing the topic.
Offering refuge in her place at High Town, all of you accept it.
You sat beside her in the front and the two of you exchanged silent looks before she started the engine. What were the odds of seeing her again in Madripoor?
You hoped to be able to get a chance to talk to her later.
Tag list: @tanyaherondale @spookycereal-s @cataves @conflicted-noxsirius
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hayleygray08 · 3 years
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You are my home.
Introduction: this is my first writing on here. Bare with me.
Summary: you are a new member of the team after tony finds you in a hydra raid. You are shy, reserved, and not very talkative at first until you realize the team is not going to hurt you. Once comfortable you show them your powers and fall for a certain super soldier, again.
I used google translate for words in Russian, so if the words are wrong. I apologize.
In my writing, no one is dead.
Pairing: bucky x reader, everyone else is platonic.
Genre: fluff, anguish, mentions of torture, blood.
I am crouched in the conner,on the floor of my cell waiting for the guards to come get me. My daily training. More like torture.
They make me train as hard as I can and if they think I am slaking, I get a few thousand jolts of electricity shot through my body. Or even a few punches.
Yesterday was one of the worst days so far, that I can remember. I was getting random images flash inside my head, almost from a past life from what I saw, which made me loose focus quite a bit. In return the men who watch me train were heavy with the electricity jolts and even harder punches, anywhere they could land on my body. So, I was not looking forward to today's training.
I don't have a clock or windows in my cell but I knew every time they would come to get me. Like my body knew the exact moment every day. So when that time came and I was still in my cell I was growing a little worry. They are never late, sometimes early, but never late. Just then a siren rang out and the lights dimmed then went red. Was that the alarm for an intruder? How is that possible?
As a million thoughts ran through my head at what could possibly cause the alarm to go off. A very vivid picture or memory came to me and played on repeat. It looked to be the 40's, on a dock or a pier, I was laughing and looking out at the water. There were two guys with me. One was small, blonde hair, blue eyes, and had a small smile on his face. The second was bigger then the first, had brown hair, bright blue eyes, and laughing with me. Why do they look familiar? Why do I have two names on the tip of my tongue? Who are they? Just as I was about to say those names my cell door was blown off and there was a cloud of dust.
As the dust settles and I can properly see, there is a man in a red and gold suit of metal. He walks towards me as he says "Cap we got someone here. She looks no older then 24, covered in bruises, and looks terrified.""Yes, I'll make sure to get her out.""No, I can't tell if she is dangerous." He sighs and crouches down so he can look me in the eyes.
"Hi, I am Tony Stark, and I am going to take you away from here." Tony says and offers me a hand. I take it cautiously and follow him out the door and eventually outside.
Once we made it outside I take a deep breath. It felt so good to get clean air. I don't even remember the last time I was outside. Must have been years. I had to shield my eyes, it was so bright out. I didnt notice more people joining us. I was to busy looking at my hands and arms. Was I always this pale? I look up at the guy who took me away, Tony, and then darkness.
Tony catches me before I could hit the floor and runs into the jet. He lays be on a table and Bruce starts an examination. Nobody dared bother him. Nat hands Tony a flash drive and sits back down with the others.
While I was unconscious and now in the medbay at the compound, I was getting more images. Some are to fast to register what it was and some stayed a good while showing me a life I do not remember, but wish I did. Also things I did, hurting people, a chair, and training. It was all to much. To much pain, suffering, lose. I could feel myself have a panic attack. Which alerted everyone.
I jolted up into a sitting position clenching my chest and taking big gasps of air. My heart monitor going off like crazy. I looked around frantically, not recognizing where I was. I tried to rip out the Iv's but a pinching sensation in my shoulder makes me stop. I look up and see a women, before I am unconscious again.
Meanwhile in the common area Tony, Steve, Natasha, Wanda, Sam, Clint, Vision, Bucky, Bruce, Thor, Loki, Scott, and Peter all sat around looking at my file.
"Her name is y/n, y/ln. She was born in 1918, lived in Brooklyn, New York. Was taken by Hydra in 1946 while she was working on a S.H.I.E.L.D mission. Hasn't been seen since. Until about 2001 when she was spotted riding a motorcycle from a crime scene. Looked to be an assassination. Then again in 2003, 2005, 2007, 2012 and the last time in 2014. So the last time was 7 years ago. It shows she was trained like the winter soldier, but never met one another. But her powers got out of control and they have been training her to keep them in control since 2014. She has assassinated 6 men, 4 women, 2 children, and 1 hydra agent in a training gone wrong on that one." Tony reads outloud to everyone.
Steve and Bucky look at each other with a look in their eyes, as if they can't believe it. Then Tony brings up a picture of me for the group to see. Everyone gasps as a few photos show up. One is me, Steve, and Bucky at Coney Island. Then one of me and Bucky smiling at each other. Then there is one of me and Peggy Carter. Once all pictures are shown, all eyes are on Steve and Bucky.
"You know her?" Asked Natasha. Everyone silently asking the same thing.
"Yes, we know her. She was our friend. She grew up with us. She was our best friend. And a little more to Bucky." Steve answers quietly, looking at Bucky. It has been 78 years since he has seen her.
As they tell the others about me and what they remember, I am waking up again at the medbay. This time more calm. The nurses and doctors where asking me questions but I wouldn't answer them. They could tell they were not going to get anywhere with me, they called Tony and Bruce. I still would not talk to them.
How could I trust them? I don't even know them. For all I know they could be Hydra as well. With all these images popping up I don't even know what to believe anymore. Both men were throwing question after question at me. I didnt know how to answer. Or if I even should. Once they realized they were not going to get anywhere they left.
By the time I got the okay from the doctors, I was put inside a cell. Something I am all to familiar with. But this one was clean, had a comfortable bed, running water, and was warm. All the walls were glass and I could see people standing around watching me. Two I kinda recognized due to the images that I get. Each one would ask a question, each time I just stared ahead.
"We want to help you." A women with red and blonde hair spoke up after a few minutes of silence. I laughed.
"You want to help me? You don't even know me. How can you help me?" I responded quietly.
"Wanda has some powers and is able to look inside your head. Put the pieces together for you. Help you remember." The same women responded looking at another women with red hhai. I am guessing is Wanda.
"We read your file, y/n, let us help you remember the things they have taken from you." Tony says as he walks around. I don't respond, just look at everyone.
They gave up after 3 hours of silence from me and them asking questions. They leave me alone until a few days later. For those days they would bring me food, check to see if I am okay, then leave. It was Wanda, Tony, Bruce, and Steve that came a few days later. I watch them as they open the door to my cell and take a seat on a bench.
"If you are okay with this, we would like to try something. It does involve bringing back everything Hydra took from you. It might be painfull. But we think you should have the choice in remembering your life."Tony speaks up after a few minutes of silence.
Do I trust these people to try and help me? Do I even want the help? To remember all the pain I have caused and I life I will never get back.
I look at the four people in front of me and when I looked at the blonde man named Steve a memory came to me. It was just us two in a tent that looked to be on a base of some sort. He was the way he is now bigger then the other one I have seen. As if he grew or got on steroids. He was telling me about someone but it was fuzzy but I had this feeling of sadness.
I take a big breath in and look at them. "What do I have to lose? Not like I am going anywhere anytime soon." I tell them as I look at my hands.
I didnt see Tony nod at the door but did hear it open. I look up to see a young girl, with a different wardrobe then the others. She smiles kindly at me as she sits next to Wanda.
"Hi, my name is Shuri. I am from Wakanda and I can help you remember." I just stare at her.
"How long will this take?" I ask quietly.
"Depends on the damage they have caused for you to forget everything. Could be a few days, weeks, months. If you have trigger words. We will make.."
"Trigger words? What does that mean?" I interrupt her.
"Words that change you into a different person. Like they did witht he winter soldier. When we got the files from the base you were held in, shows you do have some." Tony says to me.
"Oh, so then I guess we should start this thing." I tell them. They did not expect me to say that.
They step out of my cell and start to say 6 words in Russian.
"девять- nine"
At this word I started to feel a crawling sensation run across my skin. I started to blink rapidly, my vision was getting foggy.
Now I'm rolling my shoulders, flexing my hands, shaking my head. That crawling sensation is getting thicker, heavier.
Once that last word was said I stand up, look at them with a blank expression, and cock my head to the side a little. "готов подчиниться- ready to comply."
They ready the words and I am me again. Well the shell of me that I know. I sit on the bed and take deep breaths. I did not like the feeling of having no control.
They watch me before they leave me alone for a little bit. I don't remember those words but it felt like my body did and it hurt badly.
As i sit and then pace and sit again for I don't know how long, everyone else is in the common area trying to figure out what to do next.
"Her words are different from Bucky's, why?" Same asks as they watch me in my cell.
"They made the words unique for that person. Hers are more girly because she is a girl and what she likes. They make it so only one person gets triggered and not all at once." Bucky says with a frown.
As they continue to talk and see the next step. I am going a little crazy in my cell. I started to throw everything that I could, I tried breaking the walls, the floor. I was screaming, crying, and bleeding. No one knew of my powers because it was not put in any files. So when I fall to my knees and scream everything shuts down and I pass out.
Once the lights were out, they were up and running to my cell. As people in the building were trying to get the power back on.
When they get to me I was laying on the floor and covered in some weird goo. That started right as I hit the floor. Bruce went to check if I was okay and when he tried to check my pulse he got shocked. He steps away and goes to the others.
"This is not in her file, didnt show if she had powers or not. Why would they do that?" Natasha says as the nurses come in hazmat suits.
"Because she is more dangerous then we thought." Steve says sadly.
That is part 1. Possibly a part two.
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worstloki · 4 years
Part 1
--[official naming and legal rights ceremony for Morgan]--
Tony: you know what would be really funny? Pepper: Tony... Tony: THINK about it Pep- how can you say no to this once in a lifetime opportunity? Pepper: Rhodey and Steve. We already decided. Tony: ok fine. FINE! I'll just give up the chance for our daughter to have two literal powerhouses watching over her Pepper: one of them isn't even alive! Tony, signing the paperwork: he was the dodgy one anyways! Pepper: oh g*d tell me you didn't Tony: too late. our daughter's got 1 thunderer and 1 deceased trickster listed as her ~*godparents*~ and no punishment you come up with will ruin this moment for me Pepper: its fine, this is fine, it wont even be legally binding since you can't have two male godparents listed so its invalid anyways, haha this is fine, everything is fine,,, Tony: i actually heard from Thor that Loki could be female if they wanted... Pepper: ... Pepper: TONY!! -- [later] -- Rhodey: dude did you seriously put LOKI down as a legal guardian for your kid instead of me Tony: well I wanted Thor but he insisted that I put Loki down too... something about honouring Asgardian tradition...? Rhodey: tradition is fine but isn't he DEAD? Tony: sure Thor thought he was dead 5 years ago, then again 4 years ago, and then again 2 years ago... but if he was alive he would have already, statistically speaking, shown up by now Rhodey shaking his head fondly: okay i forgive you for replacing me with Thor and his deceased brother, but the next kid has my name on it. I've already called dibs with no takebacks, okay? Tony: one kid is already keeping me busy enough, honeybear... 
---[3 years later]---
Tony: And. I. Am. Iron Man... *snaps* Thanos' army: *disintegrates* Tony: *taking his last breathes* Pepper: you can rest now... Loki: *shoves Pepper aside and pulls the gauntlet off Tony* Pepper and Rhodey and Peter who were standing around tony: LOKI ?!? Dr Strange: no SToP you cant juST do THAT- Loki, taking out the time stone: why not Dr Strange: if you change anything now it'll ruin the timelines!!! Loki, reversing time on Tony and bringing him back to life: that's not how time works, Dr. Supreme Dr Strange: It’s Strange, and- Loki: Yes, I agree, it is strange that you decided to let Earth's best hero die when literally every infinity stone is rigHT HERE Dr Strange: but its wrong to misuse their pow- Loki: Then it’s a good thing I'm evil and don't care Dr Strange: buT- Loki: no need to worry, I'm only helping you heroes out this one time because apparently while I was stardust Tony chose to give me partial ownership over his child so now i am bound to care for it  Pepper, remembering that Loki is legally Morgan’s godparent: oh my g*d   Rhodey: well, I bet Tony didn't expect this Tony, speaking in his sleep: frickity frackity Loki, looking at Tony disapprovingly: I agree.  --[a week later]-- Tony: okay, so like, i don't want to seem ungrateful for you saving my life, but i only wrote your name down to get Thor - Loki, annoyed: Yes I figured as much Tony: -yes but if you've saved my life I was wondering exactly how bound you are to help and how far you're willing to go to watch over her Loki: does this have anything to do with the 18+ end-of-the-world-celebration party at the end of the week? Tony: maybe Loki: *stares at him* Tony: ...okay, yES… do you think you could make sure Morgan is alive and well and safe while I go? It’s clear you don't appreciate being forced to be her godparent so if you do it I'll even get your name off the legal documentation by the end of the week and you can leave after Loki: If you so much as try to remove my name when it is THOR that has been neglectful of his duty and has been ignoring the implications of having a child under their name then I will have no choice but to hit you over the head with stormbreaker Tony: oh. okay. no name removing then that's cool i guess just please don't smite me or i'll dob to thor that you're going to try touching his shiny axe and have are regressing on your journey to goodness  Loki, pulling stormbreaker out of his pocket dimension: I’m afraid you’re too late to warn him about the potential theft of his favourite beer opener. I will, however, watch Morgan over both days of the party, IF I also get put in charge of the spider child and Wakanda's princess Tony, doing his best to ignore the huge axe: how do you even know about them, weren't you snapped for the past 5 years?? Loki: I understand that they're not allowed to attend the party either and will not have any parents or guardians available to care for them at the time... Tony: you're not going to try any funny business right...? even if you wont hurt Morgan how do i know you wont lay a hand on the others?? I cant just trust you to watch over a bunch of kids no matter how much bruce and thor vouch for your sanity Loki: you can trust I wouldn't risk scarring Morgan like that if you don't trust i wouldn't intentionally attack a bunch of literal children Tony: hmm okay I guess I’ll just cross my fingers and hope you don't relapse into villainy  Loki: wonderful. inform the children that I will pick them up 2 hours before the time of the party. Tony: need me to get you a ride? Peter lives close but Shuri lives just a tad bit out of walking range Loki: no thanks I'll be fine
---[at the party]---
Pepper: YOU LEFT HIM ALONE TO CARE FOR MORGAN?! Tony: he’s been doing a fine job of it while we’re around, and besides, it’s not like I left her with him alone or anything! Pepper: No, of course not Tony, that would be too simple, no, you left LOKI in charge of not JUST our child but also Peter, and the PRINCESS of Wakanda too Pepper: do you have any idea how badly this could work out?! putting aside the political disaster that would occur if something happened to Shuri the ethical considerations alone make strangling you very tempting right now Rhodey: Pepper, Tony would never do anything to put Morgan or Peter or even Shuri in danger... he knows they're kids, right Tony? Tony: Peter can benchpress a mag-lev and Shuri can design one in 60 seconds flat. I’m not concerned because they'll be fine even if he does try to pull off anything even 2% evil! Pepper: *not impressed* Tony: some sort of Asgardian binding magic was involved so he literally cant try to inflict any harm on Morgan, and that includes emotional distress just for the record, believe me, i checked Rhodey: what do you mean 'i checked', what did you do man Tony: Morgan wanted ice pops the other day so i told her to ask Loki Pepper: TONY he's a WAR CRIMINAL Tony: so anyways Morgan went up to the ally we’re kindly hosting - who literally takes residence on whichever couch is closest to Morgan by the way and it’s super funny to watch him move between couches every time she leaves the room - and he's reading when she asks if he'll get an ice pop with her Tony: and I've tried talking to him when he's reading and it does NOT end well Pepper: and you sent MORGAN to do it anyways?? Tony: and he said no at first, which was predictable, right? but then Morgan got sad and a bit teary-eyed and she asked again and when he saw she was sad he literally jolted in pain and he put the book aside and got up so fast to immediately lead her to the freezer to get some  Rhodey: so, what? he physically cant say no to Morgan or some wacky voodoo thing compels him? Tony: That is the conclusion I have come to with my findings, yes. It seems he can’t intentionally do anything to hurt her in any way. So Morgan and her new friends are completely safe, sweetie. Pepper: I'm leaving to make sure she's doing okay... Tony: I also installed cameras just to make sure no one gets murdered without thorough evidence to convict him, if that helps? Pepper: If you can get the live feed to go to my phone I'll consider staying Tony: deal.
--meanwhile, in Tony's house--
[Peter Shuri Morgan and Loki are wrapped up in blankets and watching The Hobbit. Loki is doing some paperwork and Morgan is drinking orange juice while Peter and Shuri share some popcorn] Peter: so are we going to talk about how we're watching a movie with the person who attacked New York with an alien army a few years ago or not Shuri: he was not acting of his own volition so i thought we were excusing that Loki, looking up: you are literally the first person to have mentioned that Peter: but Mr. Stark said that-- Shuri: footage of the 2012 attack conclusively showed that his eye colour changed before and after he had been subdued the final time, which was a phenomenon associated only with being under the influence of the sceptre containing the mind stone  Peter: he does magic though! it could be a trick or the cameras could've been too grainy to tell Shuri: They weren't. But the changes in his behaviour and speech patterns also indicate that he was being controlled or at least coerced to some extent. He's also sitting next to us doing paperwork and watching Bilbo sneak around a dragon. Loki: Congratulations, you are officially the only person from this planet for whom I can confidently vouch is not a- *covers Morgan’s ears* -complete imbecile. Shuri: Thank you. Peter: well, she is a genius Shuri: Yes I am, in fact I'm a genius that has the approval of Loki, which is even better, because I'm assuming he'll have some neat ideas on how to make a fool of T'Challa in my lab on camera more often Loki: I may have some experience in the making-a-fool-out-of-my-brother department Shuri: wonderful! we can brainstorm after the movie :) Peter: I don't have a brother to prank :( Loki: I can fix that Peter: ...what Shuri: yeah, what?? Loki: oh I meant that if you wanted I could legally become your godparent and then you'd have Harley and Morgan as prankable siblings Peter: you know what? I'm actually considering it Shuri: how angry do you think T'challa would be if I made Loki an official Wakandan by saying he's my godfather because I think that would get a hilarious reaction out of him Loki, nodding: According to Asgardian tradition claiming a godchild forms an irrevocable bond and he would have to accept that his sister has someone who pulls off legendary pranks keeping her safe from any attempts at his retaliation Peter: that’s so cool and i'm definitely accepting your offer Shuri: and I'm joining in because i have a folder filled with evidence that Loki was mostly innocent of the New York attack but some videos of us together pulling off harmless pranks would make fine contributions to it Loki: wonderful! Loki, holding out documents and a pen: just sign here, there, and there, Peter: wait you've been sitting next to us filling out godchild adoption forms this whole time??? Loki: well actually I started out filling out the godparent-removal forms because Thor is an irresponsible buffoon and i refuse to share custody with him Peter: do you think i could get ~*Thor*~ to adopt me- Loki: Nopity nope. Too late. You've already signed the forms so you're stuck with me, and I refuse to share any of my friends with him Peter: aww you called us your friends Loki: you have no proof i said that Shuri, pointing to the camera in the corner of the room: but that hackable camera does >:) [peter jumps over the sofa and is going to retrieve the camera for shuri to get the blackmail material when he gets hit by a pillow. shuri says 'hey that was not nice' as she hits loki with her pillow. peter throws the pillow he has at loki. morgan yells 'PILLOW FIGHT!!' before joining in, and by the time they settle down again all of them have missed the ending of the film and have to rewatch the last 20 minutes before drifting off to sleep together on the floor in a patchwork of all their blankets]
---[later at the party]---
Tony: sorry pal, I'm a certified genius and even I don't know how she managed to carry around and slip Morgan’s papers to you when that dress has no pockets and her purse is barely large enough to fit a small-to-medium-sized wrench Rhodey: it was probably the same way she switched your drink for Thor's godchild renouncement forms when you weren't looking Tony, whispering: I think she has CEO paperwork powers Rhodey whispering back: you're only noticing now?
[pepper and tony get home the next day]
Pepper: i still cant believe you left Loki near the kids Tony: and i still cant believe you didn't know how to check the live feed and decided to ignore me the entire night instead of bothering to ask. clearly deep down you trusted my judgement and the decision to leave the kids in Loki's capable, mischiefy, slightly-insane but apparently reformed hands.
[yelling is heard from the living room and Tony and Pepper run in to find Loki Peter Shuri and Morgan sitting around wrapped in blankets and playing Mario Kart and exclaiming their thoughts very vocally. when they are noticed all the kids freeze and stare at Tony. Loki mumbles something about telling Tony he lost the bet since he did in fact manage to keep everyone alive and at that point even Pepper is staring (glaring) at Tony.]
Tony, realising the kids have bonded™: oh no. what have i done.
#part 1 of my modern AU where tony has to deal with his batch of kinda-kids being monopolised by loki#the same loki who refuses to say he's ''reformed'' or ''better than he used to be'' because he's ''always been like this''#the thing is that he's not TELLING anyone about the mind control so everyone assumes the worst#he goes around doing harmless pranks and flambouyantly messing with people and is listed as their Number 1 enemy#despite never harming anyone in the avengers get called in to deal with him all the time but he's not even close to evil?#good luck to tony who has to explain that to people when they see him having a regular conversation with loki#he's not evil he just likes causing mischief and if you're not running away and screaming like crazy the things he does are actually funny#no one gets hurt or anything they're all harmless and he's only a criminal because it counts as 'terrorising civilians' to make trees dance#shuri peter and morgan end up bonding with loki 2 weeks after thanos is gone#before that tony was just kind of hanging around tony's house anyways because ''morgan is here''#spoiler alert: there is no magic binding him to the kids he just values the fact that someone would honour him with responsibility#why did thor ask for loki's name to also be put down? because he DIDNT WANT to be morgan's godfather#he was depressed and knew he was in no mental state to take on that role and didnt think he deserved it anyways#he asked for loki to be written down too because he thought tony would never do that and he would get out of it but that obvsly didnt work#i'm tagging this under: LokiAdoptsAU#LokiAdoptsAU#this is part 1 and I'll post part 2 tomorrow but there isnt going to be a storyline or anything its just everyone existing
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airis-paris14 · 4 years
Dress Up 5
Summary: She’s not his fiancee, but no one else needs to know.
Warnings: None
A/N: Hey guys, so... ummm. It’s about to get real ugly in these next few chapters. There’s some cuteness to break it up, but, yeah don’t say I didn’t warn you. Love you guys... don’t hate me.
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 || 5 || 6 || 7 ||
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“My lady,” Sirobie moans as Eshe shakes her awake. “Her Majesty Queen Mother requests your presence in the great hall urgently.” The student sighs and sits up noticing that Kasigo is emerging from her closet with an outfit. “Time is of the essence, your ladyship.” Sirobie hops out of bed, her mind replaying the last twenty-four hours. She grabs the hangers from Kasigo and rushes into the bathroom. What could she have done wrong? T’Challa hadn’t said anything, she’d assumed the day had gone well. He’d even joined in playing with the children. 
The children. 
 Kamyra abhorred children. She groaned and tied her coils into a puff. Five minutes later she emerged from the bathroom awake, frustrated, and nervous. Both of the maids curtsied and led her to the great hall. It’d been a little over a month, yet the palace layout still confused her at times. “Where are Lesedi and Leena?” Sirobie cracked the silence that had enveloped the trio.  “Lesedi had a passing in the family and Leena took the day off,” Kasigo answered. “Oh. Please send Lesedi my condolences and let her know that she is in my prayers.” 
The group stopped in front of the great hall doors. “As you wish, your ladyship,” Kasigo responded. The women pushed open the great doors, curtsied, and hurried out shutting the doors softly behind them. Sirobie glided, executing the now perfected walk, over to the couches where Shuri and the queen mother sat. “Good morning,” she greeted settling into the couch across from Ramonda. “I only wish it was, Shuri murmured. Sirobie frowned and Ramonda pinched her daughter. “Did I do something wrong?” Sirobie looked in between the women. She thought that at least they had truly enjoyed her company. “ You have done nothing wrong my dear, but I am afraid this problem is out of any of our controls.” 
“Yeah the media and people who make a living ruining other people’s lives are at fault for this one,” Shuri sighed. T’Challa hurriedly entered the room. “What has happened? They said you needed me urgently.” 
“Yet you still took your sweet time joining us brother,” Shuri sassed. T’Challa glared before settling next to Sirobie.Shuri raised an eyebrow at the two as her mother spoke. “This is the headline not only here, but across the world,” the queen slid a newspaper on the coffee table. “King T’Challa and his fiancée bond over children in hospital,” T’Challa read allowed. A large photo of him and Sirobie, who was holding the infant, while speaking to the three-year-old, was plastered under the headline. They were both gazing lovingly at the children and each other. They looked like a family, Sirobie shook the thought away as T’Challa’s voice yanked her back to reality. “I do not understand. Is this not what we want?” 
“Read under the headline genius.” Sirobie takes the paper from T’Challa as he fuses with his sister. “Just months ago Lady Kamyra, soon to be Queen of Wakanda, declined to hold any children and all but publicly declared her disdain for children. Could her change in heart be fueled by the expectancy of her own bundle of joy? Rumors of pregnancy started flying after her fall at a state ball, hosted in her honor, that was attributed to dizziness and fatigue. Coupled with multiple inside sources reporting her to have a more cheerful, honest, and open disposition around the palace and in person, many begin to wonder if we should be expecting a new royal family member,” Sirobie trailed off looking up at the bickering siblings who’d gone quiet.
 “It goes on from there to explain her background and your engagement. Their point is valid. If I did not know you were not Kamyra, I would suspect a pregnancy as well. We must do damage control. If a pregnancy is suspected the elders will begin to push for an immediate marriage, so that the child is born within the boundaries of wedlock,” The queen sighed, “we must buy ourselves time to locate the real Kamyra before our hand is forced.”
“What should we do?” T’Challa sighed and reached for Sirobie’s hand. She allowed him to take it, surprising herself and Shuri, who’s eyebrow lifted once more. Sirobie turned back to the queen, “do everything you can out in public. Drink wine, coffee, eat fish. Anything a pregnant woman shouldn’t do, you two should be seen doing. Within reason of course.” 
“So when we go out to dinner tonight, I will order fish and red wine,” Sirobie somewhat asked, partly telling T’Challa. He nodded in consent. “Sounds like a good idea for starters,” Ramonda co-signed. Shuri looked at all three of them in bewilderment, “You two are going out...tonight….together… uncoerced, and unforced….” she looked between Sirobie and her brother, “just for funsies?” 
“That is what people do when they enjoy each other’s company little sister,” T’Challa smirked. The king kissed his mother’s forehead before exiting the room. “Yesterday, you two weren’t even speaking for fun as far as I knew, now you’re going on a date with him?” 
“It’s not a date. We’re just getting to know each other as friends. He’s already engaged, remember,” Sirobie smiled. “ I’ll see you both at breakfast? I’m going to lay down until a more decent hour when breakfast is served.” The queen’s mother smiled and nodded giving Sirobie permission to leave. Shuri turned to her mother, “I am not losing my mind, am I? You see it as well?” 
“I’ve seen it since he met her. The boy was infatuated. Is infatuated. He is just too afraid to end his engagement with the eldest of the Habredies. For what reason? Only Bast knows.” The queen sighed and headed back to her own chambers. Leaving a bewildered princess in her wake. 
“Where are we going?”Sirobie asked as she walked down the hall with T’Challa. The sun beamed through the large glass windows lining the front of the palace. “I thought I could show you the city.” T’Challa pushed open the front doors of the palace and held it as Sirobire glided through.
“You do know I’ve been here for four months before we met right,” Sirobie smiled as they descended the palace front steps. “Oh,” T’Challa frowned. “You really were not listening when your mother introduced us were you?,” Sirobie teased. 
“What are you studying?” T’Challa finally looked up at her. “Film with a minor in Studio Art. Painting specifically. I’ve been to a couple of museums and worked with some local artists and craftsmen. Especially the weavers. I enjoy their work the most,” Sirobie explained, her grin splitting her face from ear to ear. 
“I am glad you have enjoyed what Wakanda has to offer,” the king nodded turning back to face the road as they continued their walk into town. Silence sank in as Sirboie took in the sights of the city center. She’d only been here a couple of times with the Zulas when they insisted on taking her out for dinner. T’Challa watched her smile grow silently admiring the way her eyes drank in the city like it was her first time visiting. “Sirobie,” T’Challa broke their silence, both of them hopping out of the way to avoid the monorail train as it let its passengers off. The king found an empty breezeway and pulled Sirobie up the stairway to an open terrace overlooking the square. “I owe you an apology.”
Sirobie froze as the king turned to her, reaching for her hands. “I was not the nicest person to you when we first met. I know I explained why but I never apologized for, or acknowledged, the hurt it caused you. You probably felt alone and anxious about everything. The exact moment when I should have reached out to support you I chose not to. I treated you like a nuisance instead. I sincerely apologize for that.”
“T’Challa you do not have to apologize. I am not your fiancée-”
“What if I want you to be...”
Sirobie felt her mouth fall open. Suddenly the market felt miles away and so did the terrace under her feet. The sun was too hot, too bright, and it was suffocating. She glanced up at the king to find that he looked equally as surprised and mortified by his own admission. Sirobie knew that he’d never intended to let that slip. “What I mean is,” he fumbled through the beginnings of an explanation. “I know that you are not my fiancée and I wish we had met under different circumstances. Regardless of that, you were here doing not only myself and my family a favor, but the country of Wakanda one as well. You uprooted your life for your last two months to dive into this situation you knew nothing about. The least I could have done was support you and try to get to know you as a person,” the king rambled. 
“I think that you attempting to get to know me now is a start, and I appreciate your apology. I really do. I would like to get to know you as well, but for the first month I was here we were not on the best of terms. That is not something that just goes away. I also apologize for being a little hot and cold with you as well, especially after the hospital. I think we should focus on just getting through today together, disproving the baby rumors, and enjoy each other’s company,” Sirobie offered a small smile and gently removed her hands from his hold. T’Challa face fell slightly and for a second Sirobie felt bad. Sure, she knew how he claimed to feel, but part of her just couldn’t trust him fully. This wasn’t middle school, grown men don’t pick on and ignore the girls they like for their attention. She hoped to see more of the T’Challa she saw yesterday in the future but only time will tell. She wasn’t going to rush into something only for him to close himself back off. 
She couldn’t say that she wasn't attracted to the king, especially after seeing him with the children yesterday, and in his admiration of her work. It helped that he was unbelievably handsome too. But he wasn’t hers to have. In a month’s time, she'll be back on campus for graduation and he’d be back with his fiancée planning a wedding. Unfortunately, they just weren’t meant to be in this lifetime, but maybe they could become friends at the end of it all. 
“Sirobie? Are you alright?” T’Challa’s frown pulled her out of her own musings. “Huh?” Sirobie took a step back, their closeness quickly becoming disorienting. “I asked if you were ready to eat lunch,” T’Challa frowned. “Um sure. I’m sorry for zoning out,” Sirobie allowed the king to guide her back down the stairs. “Do you do that often?” The couple emerged back into the street.
“Sometimes when I have a lot on my mind.  Luckily it’s not that big of a deal in my line of work,” the student jokes. The king cracked a smile. They walked up to a small glass front cafe and were escorted to a table in the center of the large window. “Are you sure this place is good? There is no one else here,” Sirobie commented and the king chuckled. “I called ahead so that we could have the privacy to speak freely and not worry about pretending to be engaged. So you could speak as yourself and not Kamyra.” 
A man emerged from the back and placed identical fish meals in front of the couple. “Thank you,” Sirobie and T’Challa smiled as he placed a bottle of wine on the table before exiting. “The owner is a friend from grade school. None of the staff will repeat anything they happen to hear,” T’Challa explained as they began to eat. Sirobie raised an eyebrow “And the window is for paparazzi?” 
“Yes, unfortunately. T’Challa sighed. “They are not like American paparazzi. They will not ambush us and will mostly take photos from a distance so as not to disturb us. It does help them if we don’t know they are there. You cannot act for a camera you that you do not  know exists.” 
Sirobie nodded enjoying her meal. “So tell me something about you. Anything. Where’d you go to college? Highschool? First love? Weird habits? Hobbies? Favorite joke?” Sirobie grinned and T’Challa laughed. “Come on. I’m an open book. You can ask me something first if you would like,” Sirobie goaded while taking another bite of her fish. 
“Well, you have met my family, what is your family like?” T’Challa questioned taking another bite of his fish.
Sirobie pauses and clears her throat, “Well. We aren’t very well to do. My parents do the best they can. They always took us to museums and spent time with us when they didn’t have to work. We’re all very close and I miss them terribly,” Sirobie admitted. “Have you not spoken to them since you’ve been here?”
“I write them letters weekly. I’ve had Kasigo take them to the post office on her way home once a week for me since I’ve been in the palace. We can’t afford international calling and I don’t understand the post system well enough here for them to be able to write me back. I’m sure there are dozens of letters waiting for me back at the campus post office when I get back.” Sirobie jokes half-heartedly. T’Challa frowned. “I am sorry. I did not know.”
“It is alright. You couldn’t have known. I can’t wait until I can see them again and tell them about Wakanda. My father would love the integration of nature and architecture. He wanted to be an architect before he had to drop out of college to support my mom when she became pregnant with me.”
“How many siblings do you have? Just two: a younger brother and little sister. Ahj and Soliel. Ahj is 17, he’s about to graduate high school in May. Soleil is just five. She’s my little mini-me,” Sirobie chuckled.
“What does your brother want to study? Film I believe. I missed decision day and since I haven’t talked to them, I’m not sure what school he’s gonna be attending,” Sirobie’s face fell, her heart aching at the milestones she’d missed. She’ll just barely make it home in time to call Soleil for her birthday. Her parents didn’t think they’d be able to swing plane tickets to graduation. T’Challa noticed her change in demeanor and made a mental note to arrange for her to be able to call her family. “Enough about me though. Tell me something.”
“What would you like to know?” The king placed his fork down and sat back from the table. “You have a choice. Either tell me about the first woman you loved or, how you ended up in this situation with Kamyra?”
T’Challa frowned and Sirobie broke into laughter. “Your question was easy. Why would you give me a hard one like this?”
“Hey! You let me choose. Bad decision on your part,” Sirobie shrugged and took another bite of her fish to finish it off. “Why do you want to know anyway?” 
“I mean, we are pretending to be engaged, I might as well learn who at least one of the other women is,” Sirobie took a sip of her wine. When T’challa didn’t respond she raised an eyebrow, “Unless they are one and the same?”
The king laughed placing his own wine glass back on the table, “No they are each their own equally sad story. I will tell you the condensed version of both,” The king sighed, “My first love was my best friend in grade school. Nakia. We dated for a while, then she decided to become a war dog. She loved the adventure and felt tied down at home. She took more and more missions until we barely saw each other any more. She knew the life that came with staying with me and she did not want to be tied down, and I would not ask her to stay here and be unhappy with me. Then my father passed and I had to ask for Kamyra’s hand in marriage. We met a few times as children and she was a sweet person. She was spoiled though. Kamyra is not a fan of this arrangement either, but I will not sacrifice Shuri like that, and she and her father know her marrying me is more favorable than our younger siblings marrying. So she seems to have decided that she will take out her disdain, for her predetermined fate, on me and Wakanda.”
“Hence the running away?” Sirobie hummed. T’Challa nodded and reached for his glass.
 “Thank you for sharing with me.”
“Thank you for listening,” T’Challa sipped his wine, “I feel it is only fair I ask the same question of you.” 
Sirobie sighed, “There is not much to say.”
“What do you mean?”
“I have never been in love. I don’t think I’ve ever been in a relationship long enough to be in love with anyone. My longest relationship was two months in high school long distance. I hadn’t even kiss a guy until college,” Sirobie admitted. 
“I don’t think that’s a bad thing. You waited until the time was right for you.” The king took a bite of his own meal. “That’s easy for you to say,” Sirobie snorted, “I’m sure you were Mr. Popular Ladies man in high school.”
T’Challa shrugged, “Sure, but it wasn’t because of who I was as a person. It was because of my position, which is why the only person I was ever involved with was Nakia.” 
Sirobie nodded, “That makes sense,” The two ate in silence for a few minutes, “Do you miss her?”
“Unless you miss Kamayra?”
The couple both started laughing. “I do miss Nakia from time to time, but she is much happier out there than she could have ever been with me. When you love something, you let it go.” Sirobie offered the king a small smile and nod as he explained. “That is really sweet,” She smiled, daring to reach over and squeeze his hand. The king squeezed her hand back and they both left them settled on the table. The worry that she was trusting T’Challa too easily nagged in the back of Sirobie’s mind, but there was nothing she could do at this point. Their time together was short and she wanted to leave without regrets.
“I like this side of you,” the college student sat back in her chair and looked over at the king. He looked up from where he had been signing the receipt. “I hope I can see it more often.”
“I would like that too Sirobie,” T’Challa placed the check back in its cover. He stood from his seat and extended a hand. “And, I think that can be arranged if you are up for another adventure with me right now?” 
“There’s no time like the present,” Sirobie grinned and they headed back into the streets. A few blocks later, she found herself in a market in the center of town. “Have you been here before?” The king called into her ear.
“No, I’ve been saving up to get some presents for my family before I leave.” She replied. “There is no time like the present,” He chuckled. They wove their way through stands Sirobie picking up a few trinkets along the way. Eventually they stop at a jewelry store and from across the store, the king notices Sirobie admiring an emerald cut diamond and vibranium ring. “You like that one?” The king pointed. Sirobie looks up startled. “Umm, yeah. It’s beautiful.” 
“You should get it then,” He gestured for the clerk to grab the ring from the case. The man looked up from his phone and his eyes widened once he realized who he was in the store with. He bowed and stumbled over himself to grab the ring and hand it to the monarch. “T’Challa I couldn’t aff-” Sirobie started. “May my fiancee and I have a moment in private,” T’Challa cut her off and the student widened her eyes. “Of course,” The man saluted his leader and went to the back of the store. “T’Challa I’m so sorry, I wasn’t thinking about being out in public.”
The king reached for her hand and chuckled, “It is alright, I should have thought about that earlier. I want to get to know the real you. That includes everything you have to say to me.” Sirobie nodded as he pulled their fake engagement ring from her finger. The filmmaker's breath hitched as his long fingers caressed her hand. “What are you doing?” She breathed. “You said you liked it, did you not?”
“I do like it.”
“Then you’re going to try it on-”
“But T’Challa what do I need an engagement ring for,” Sirobie interrupted. The king raised his eyes from her hands as a smirk blossomed on his lips, “We are engaged are we not?”
His brown eyes bore into hers as the cool metal slipped over her skin. Sirobie’s heart leapt into her throat and she felt as though she would faint. As much as she didn’t want it to, this felt right. She’d always imagined this moment, albeit a very different scenario. The man she loved would be down on one knee, grinning up at her, she’d be dying of anticipation. Her nerves would be fried, her mouth hanging open in surprise, but the one thing she was sure of was her answer. It was always yes in her dream. 
She didn’t love T’Challa, at least as far as she knew, and this could never be. He would never be down on one knee in front of her. He was to be married and she’d be halfway across the world when it happened. Though, perhaps inexplicably, this felt so right and she never wanted the moment to end. She was brought back to her senses by his warm voice and fingers. It’s a little big, but that is easily fixed,” the king grinned and pressed a kiss to the large diamond. Sirobie chuckled lightly, drawing back her hand to admire the ring, “You are an absolutely insatiable flirt.”
“Sometimes and only for pretty girls,” the king bantered back. Sirobie reached to take it off. “Allow me,” the king insisted, “I’ll have them resize it so that you can wear it.”
“You’re seriously going to buy it?”
“Yes,” T’Challa frowned.
 “I already have an engagement ring though.”
“That is one of my mother’s old rings. You deserve to have one that you actually like. Especially since you can’t have a man that deserves to place this ring on your finger,” The king trailed off. “I’ll go get this sized-”
“HELP! Please!” T'Challa and Sirobie turned towards the voice yelling from outside. “Stay here,” the king ordered running out of the door. Sirobie caught the ring box and followed him to the window. Seconds before she could make it to him the store window shattered and gunshots rang in her ears. 
“T’Challa!” She stumbled her way through the front door of the shop where she saw him face down on the ground. A scream clawed its way out of her throat. “Somebody do something please!” She turned the king up to face her and pulled him into her lap. She searched frantically for a bullet hole but couldn’t find one. There was a notable lack of blood as well, and the king had changed clothes. He was covered in a suit of some kind. “T’Challa? Are you there? Can you hear me?”
“Lady Kamyra! What happened?” Okoye asked as she ran up to the couple. “I don’t know,” Sirobie frowned at the un-responsive king, tears running off her face. “I don’t know. We were in the shop just looking around and someone started screaming for help. He ran outside and I heard a gun go off. And then the glass shattered and when I made it out here he was on the ground. But I can’t find a bullet hole and he’s not waking up.” Sirobie sniffled and panicked through the explanation. “Breathe,” Okoye pulled the student away from the king’s body. Ayo and other Doras surrounded him. “General,” it’s inside his suit,” Ayo called. “Demethi. Damn it,” Okoye groaned, “Call the princess. And get him back to the palace now. The herb can only do so much. Go!” Okoye ordered and helped Sirobie to her feet. 
“We will be back later to help with the damage,” she informed the shop owners who were looking on. The crowd nodded solemnly as she helped Sirobie walk back to a jet. Sirobie was silent as she stared out of the window. “I shouldn’t have agreed to go shopping with him.”
“This was not your fault,” Okoye rebutted, “there was no way you could have prevented this. I should have been there with you all but he insisted on going alone. We could easily blame ourselves, but that would do neither of us any good.” 
“He was right. Trying to get to know each other is just a bad idea. We went on one date and now he has been shot in the chest.”
“This was not your fault. We will get to the bottom of this. But you need to be strong for T’Challa and for this country. People just witnessed their king shot, for what we hope is not, dead. I know that you are not Kamyra. But T’Challa, and this country, need their Queen and she is you.”
@sarahboseman @waitingonafriend @thiccdaddy-mbaku @sarcastic-sunshines @ororowrites @derangedcupcake @mzbritt @leahnicole1219 @dramaqueeenamby @marvelheaux @skysynclair19 @halfrican-heat @kaciidubs @queertrex @kumkaniudaku @purple-apricots @autumn242 @thedelightfulone @90sinspiredgirl @royallyprincesslilly @wikiwakanda @chaneajoyyy @sisterwifeudaku @sarahboseman @tchoking @almostpurelysmut
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imma-new-soul · 5 years
Friend to the Bride
Summary: When your friend Natasha is finally getting married she introduces you to everyone whose going to be a part of the wedding. When she introduces you to her friend Bucky things get a bit interesting
Pairing: Bucky x Reader, Natasha x Steve, Wanda, Scott, Sam, Thor, Shuri, Hope, Pepper, Tony (platonic)
Warning: probably spelling error cause I didnt proof read
Words: 3k (oops sorry not sorry)
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It was nearly 6:30am and your plans to sleep in for once was interrupted by an annoying knock on the door. You grabbed the pillow from under you covering your face trying to block out the sound of the knocking but it just became louder and more frequent. Throwing the sheet that covered your body off and aside you placing your feet into the slippers you had kicked off before hopping into bed last night. 
Shuffling lazily through the living room you arrived at the door. Whoever was at the door was very persistent in their attempt to get you out of bed. Swinging the door open you were greeted by a way to energetic, Way to a wake Natasha Rominoff. Although she was your bestfriend you wanted to kill her for taking the only day you could get some well needed rest away from you. 
“I called like a million times what were doing?” She said shaking her phone in your face 
“ I was trying to sleep in like a normal person does on their day off, only psychos like you are up this early Nat” you say walking to the kitchen to start to make a fresh pot of coffee. Natasha grabs the pot from your hand and places it on the counter behind her. 
“Get ready we’re going dress shopping, we can pick up some coffee on the way over” she says pushing you towards your room.
About 4 months ago Steve finally asked Natasha to marry him and it was about time they were dating for 5 years and everyone figured it would never happen, even Natasha had her doubts. ever since then Nat has been going crazy planning everything herself. Her wedding dress was already picked out and she was so excited to start looking for dresses for all her bridesmaids. last week you went with her when she finally said yes to the dress and you balled your eyes out because she just looked so stunning. 
You couldn’t protest and beg her to let you crawl back in bed no matter how much you wanted to,  Besides you were her maid of honor and knew you couldn’t skip out on this. Nat waited for you on the couch while you got ready. Finally you stepped out in a gorgeous summer dress, hair in perfect curls, and pretty white wedges. 
You decided to take Nat’s car because you were to tired to drive anyway. After getting your well needed coffee you arrived at the dress shop at around 7:30am. 
“So why do we have to be here so early?” You say stepping out of the car.
“Because it’s the only reservation I could get, This place is ALWAYS booked. Now hurry up everyone’s already here waiting for us” Nat said rushing out of the parking lot heading to the entrance of the shop.
Even though you haven’t met all of Natasha’s friends you met some of the girls a few times throughout the years and they adored you. They thought it was cute how quiet and shy you were, Wanda and Shuri took an especially strong liking to you always making sure you felt comfortable and included.
 Walking into the shop you spotted the rest of the bridesmaids right away and they all got up hugging you and Natasha and took their seats back on the couch. Hope, Wanda, Pepper, and Shuri all beaming with excitement, everyone couldn’t wait to pick out their dresses. The dress shop was beautiful and way bigger than you expected. One side has gorgeous dresses hanging from the racks and a few mannequins wearing stunning gowns and on the other side was a giant red curtain dividing the room but you didn’t quite know what was on the other side. 
After about an hour everyone picked out their dresses and was already fitted, it couldn’t have gone any smoother you thought smiling at how happy Natasha was. After everyone was changed into their original clothes Natasha sighed and grabbed your hand leading you through the curtain to a separate room and the rest of the girls joined a few seconds later. The room you were now in look similar to the one before but the dresses were replaced with suits and tuxedos. Steve and a group of men you never seen before were scattered around the shop some still in their street clothes and some in there suits. You figured these must be his best-friends and groomsmen and clenched your awkwardly coming to the realization that you now had to meet new people when you were just getting use to Natasha’s friends. 
The rest of the bridesmaids walked past you greeting the men, hugs and laugher exchanged for a few minutes until Nat pulled you over so she could introduce you to the guys. You already knew Steve so there was no need for introductions. She swung her hand around Steve’s waist and started to call out their names. “This is Scott, Tony. Sam, Thor, and Bucky, everyone this is my Maid of Honor y/n” she said each of them turning to look at you.
Scott stepped towards you bringing you into a surprising, tight hug and you giggled a little hugging him back
Thor gave you a wide smile bowing his head a bit “Nice to meet you Lady y/n” he said in a low deep voice 
Sam reached out for your hand and placed a small kiss on the back of it, winking at you 
Tony was to busy checking himself out in the mirror to pay you much attention 
Lastly Bucky stepped forward towards you extending his hand out for a handshake but not making any eye contact with you. You noticed his hand was soft but sweating a bit and he cleared his throat before walking away awkwardly keeping his eyes on the floor. 
You had to admit they were a strange group of individuals but the way everyone talked and laughed with each other you knew they were one big happy dysfunctional family who loved one another to death and you wished you had something like that for yourself. After a few minutes everyone settled in waiting for the rest of the men to try on here suits. Sam strudder out of the dressing room confidently in an all black fitted suit and shiny flat black shoes. He smiled sticking out his tongue and did a dramatic spin so everyone could see him. You couldn’t help but laugh at his actions and everyone joined in clapping and whistling feeding his ego a bit. 
A few seconds later and Bucky came out in the same all black suit. His large shoulders and arms wrapped in the black material and as he turned to look in the mirror you couldn’t help but notice how good his butt looked in those pants. The suit fit him perfectly hugging just the right spots and you couldn’t take your eyes off of him. Natasha looked over her shoulder to see you practically drooling over Bucky, she smiled and went back to talking to Steve. 
When you were done in the shop Nat and Steve invited everyone over for lunch at their house and everyone one accepting their offer and got into their separate cars. On the ride over Natasha took one hand off the steering wheel smacked your thigh lightly to get your attention. 
“You know Bucky is single” she said smirking keeping her eyes on the road. 
“So.. what does that have to do with me?” You said squinting your eyes
“ C'mon y/n I saw the way you were looking at him” she said holding back her smile
“I don’t know what you mean” you said back to her
“Don’t give me that If your jaw was any more open it would have touched the floor” she was now smiling at you containing her laughter 
Your cheeks blushed bright, she wasn’t wrong but you hoped no one noticed. You sat there in the passenger seat not really knowing what to say feeling so embarrassed you wanted to sink right into the seat.
“Just promise me you’ll try to talk to him y/n he’s a sweet guy I think you’ll really like him.” Nat said hoping you’d say yes. You sighed a little rolling your eyes.
“ Fine I’ll try to talk to him, but I’m not making any promises.” You said finally giving her what she wanted to hear. Nat smiled childishly giving herself a mental pat on the back.
Lunch at Steve and Nat’s was a blast all of their friends were so funny and made you feel welcomed. After the meal, some people were crowded around the couch watching a rom-com that Wanda picked out and others broke off to their own little groups. You saw Bucky leaning against the wall and turned to look at Natasha nervously, she gave you a nod and you took that as her way of telling you to go for it, so you did. You walked towards Bucky till you were standing right infront of him. You had no idea what you were going to say so you blurted out the first thing that came to your mind.
“Hi I’m y/n” you said 
“Yeah I remember.. Natasha’s Friends” Bucky said in a friendly tone 
You wanted to slap yourself, of course he knew your name Nat already introduce you. You wanted out of this conversation already and it had just begun.
“Yeah” you said awkwardly nodding your head 
“ umm so how do you know Nat?” He said trying to keep the conversation going. 
“ We went to the same high school she was pretty much the only person I talked to my whole 4 years.” You said not realizing that that sounded kind of pathetic but you went on to ask Bucky how he knew Steve and he replied saying that he couldn’t remember a time where he didn’t know Steve and you found it sweet that their still so close. Surprisingly Bucky was very easy to talk to, he asked you lots of questions and you were more than happy to answer them. The two of you actually had a lot in common. He loved reading and science and watching old movies ,all the things Nat use to tease you about saying it was geeking. 
You couldn’t believe you could talk to someone who was so hot and be able to not make a complete fool out of yourself. After a few hours of talking with Bucky you started to see him as more than just a pretty face, he was interesting and sweet and very respectful. Somehow the conversation turned to a discussion about your relationship status and you couldn’t hide the blush on your cheeks 
“So are you taking anyone as your date to the wedding?” Bucky asked cautiously 
“ No I have too much stuff to help Natasha with I mean it’s not like I have anyone to go with anyway.” You say looking down and away from Bucky 
“Yeah I don’t either, if that makes you feel any better.” Bucky said laughing lightly and placing a hand you upper arm. 
Your heart started to beat fast and your skin started to heat up at his touch. You giggled a little with him trying not to let him notice how his touch was affecting you. You felt crazy for it but just in these few hours you were developed really strong feelings for Bucky. It was getting late and everyone was starting to head out and so was Bucky which disappointed you cause it felt like you could talk to him forever. So he said his goodbye to you giving you a quick hug, sliding one hand around your waist and leaning into you. The warmth of his body and smell of his cologne set tingles all down your spine. You signed and frowned to yourself watching him leave Steve and Nat’s house before you remembered a few minutes before he left he asked for your phone putting his number in it and telling you to text him whenever you wanted someone to talk to.
A few weeks past and the wedding was tomorrow. Bucky and you texted everyday, it wasn’t anything flirty you just talked about work and errands and the wedding of course. You were so excited to finally see your best friend get married but first you had the rehearsal dinner tonight that you had to attend. You were more than nervous, this was the first time you were going to see Bucky in weeks. It took you 3 hours to get ready trying to make sure you look your absolute best.
Arriving at the venue a little after Natasha you where in awe. Everything was already set up for tomorrow morning and it was breathtaking. When everyone arrived the first thing you had to do was practice your walk down the aisle with your partner. Nat figured it’ll be fine to not rehearse any of this till today because she knew no one needed much practice walking in a straight line. All the bridesmaids and groomsmen took their place wrapping their arms around their partners arms waiting for the queue. You were a bit confused you didn’t have a partner until you felt Bucky’s arm wrap around yours. 
“Hey y/n” he said with a million dollar smile. You could just melt right now! 
“Hi… umm you’re my partner?” You said a bit confused as to why he never mentioned it to you when you two had texted all those nights.
“Yea I’m Steve’s best man Natasha told me to keep it a secret, that it was a surprise for some reason.” He said still smiling at you.
You snapped your head around to see Nat waving and smiling at you giggling like a little kid. You wanted to scold her but you couldn’t contain your smile. The music started right away and as the couples started to walk Bucky leaned down to your ear 
“You look beautiful” he said leading down the aisle not giving any time to respond. 
You blushed the whole way down the aisle and you were pretty sure everyone noticed. The rest of the rehearsal went perfectly and as everyone sat at the tables to eat your mouth hurt from how much you smiled. Bucky sat right beside you telling jokes and funny stories. God he’s so perfect you thought to yourself as he went on and on. A few minutes into the meal you felt Bucky’s knee graze against yours and you bit your lip trying not to smile. Steve and Natasha was talking to everyone about the plans they had made for their honeymoon when you felt Bucky’s hand reach out and grab yours that you had resting on your lap. Your heart pounded in your chest and you let your smile spread across your face. He held your hand the whole dinner as he talked to you about any and everything 
When dinner was over, everyone started to pack up and leave. Bucky let go of your hand and stood up pulling the chair out for you to stand up. 
“Well I’m going to head out” he said you could hear the tiredness in his voice
“Ok It was really nice talking in person again” you said smile up at him 
“I’ll see you tomorrow beautiful” Bucky said leaning over to place a kiss on your cheek. 
GOD DAMN!! Is it hot in here? Or is it just you???
You were in shock. Did that really just happen? Did he call you beautiful? Gosh his lips are so soft? All these questions and thought ran through you head. That night you couldn’t sleep, you were up all night thinking about all that needed to be done for the wanting and most importantly you couldn’t stop thinking about Bucky. Morning came and you hopped out of bed ready for what was to come. You got dressed in some comfortable clothing knowing you weren’t going to be in your bridesmaid dress for another few hours. Nat picked you up and you both arrived at the venue early enough to get your hair and makeup done. 
The morning was chaotic for you, you ran all over the place making sure everything was perfect until it was time to finally start the ceremony. All yours and Nat’s work paid off everything was perfect. Bridesmaid and groomsmen arm and arm, you and Bucky where last before Natasha walked down the aisle and she was stunning. She took everyone’s breath away. You and Steve couldn’t help but tear up at the sight of her. After the ceremony was over, it was time for the PARTY. You could finally relax and have fun with your girls. 
The wedding was turning out even better then you expecting and it made your heart swell to see how happy Natasha was. After a few up-beat songs the DJ started to play slow love songs for all the couples. Every pair stepping out on the dancefloor to slow dance to the music. 
It was sweet seeing everyone in love, you watched as they cozied up to each other the women’s heads on their mans chest swaying to the rhythm. You were taking away from your thoughts when you looked up to see Bucky standing in front of you with his  hand stretched out 
“ Can I have this dance?” He said, taking his hand he lead you to the dancefloor, holding your waist with his hands. 
It felt amazing to him having you in his arms, he looked down at you with heavy eyes filled with passion. Without thinking he inched closer to you kissing you lightly, your hand wrapped around his neck pulling him in closer deepening the kiss. He pulled his head back after a few moments and spoke
“I was going to ask you this yesterday but I kind of got to nervous,… can I take you out sometime… like on a date" 
"Yea I’d like that” you said smiling at him and kissing again. 
When the song was over you looked over to see Natasha clapping for the two of you and you smiled in complete happiness 
@mushyjellybeans @sebbbystaaan
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We Do This to Live Ch. 4
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Chapter Four
Summary: On Earth-198742, there are no heroes. There’s humans. There’s mutants. There are even some that fall somewhere between. But when Boliver Trask manages to get the Sentinel program signed, it’s up to a thief and her brilliant sister to find those that still believe in something more - something good. And maybe, along the way, they’ll get the chance to save mutant kind.
Pairings: Rogue x Remy, Marie x Shuri (eventually), Geneva x Bucky (eventually)
Word Count: 2933 words
Warnings: Um, starting to see some baddies? Getting to see Geneva’s powers more? Smidge of angst? Cussing for sure.
Masterlist to OCs - Masterlist to Other Works 
Previous Chapter
Fluorescent lights cast a bitter glow over the lab. It was a silent reminder for everyone that what they were working on, what they were doing, was wrong. Yet knowing that changed nothing. People came and went. Clocked in and out as if it were nothing, ignoring the fact that their actions were inhumane. Along the walls, there were sketches. Plans for their future. Metal armor – designs borrowed by Stark and materials discovered by Stryker.
He didn’t say anything. In his own corner of the lab, making notes of the blood he was studying, Boliver Trask found himself lost in his work. Always lost. Always fascinated.
Alexander shook his head, hardly surprised. He’d known Boliver for years. He personally brought him into SHIELD, knowing he would need the man’s genius if his own agenda were to succeed. “Boliver,” he spoke up. Louder this time.
Finally, as he scribbled another note, Trask looked his way. “Alexander. Did you find it?”
“There wasn’t a mutant there.” Alexander glanced at the notes he took. Just above, he saw a file marked Bobby Drake. “The only reason I went was as a favor to you. You’re aware of that, right?”
“Very much so.” Boliver returned to his study, adjusting the microscope with stubby fingers. “However, you and I both know that the Guilds have rumored mutants there. We might not be able to confirm anything yet, but every opportunity to gather new data is crucial to this program. The Sentinels need to be as prepared as we can make them.”
Alexander looked around. He knew Boliver was right. He always appreciated that they had the same beliefs. People like Stark and Rogers? Mutants? They were something the world didn’t need. A threat to their lives. “As much as I understand that, I won’t be making a personal visit next time. If that’s what you desire, then you can go.” He turned, making his way to the exit.
Boliver glanced his way, an amused smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“You two really hate them, huh?”
Boliver looked up, eyes settling on the intern that had spoken. He adjusted his glasses and shook his head. “On the contrary, I rather admire them. The things that they can do? We have never and will never see anything like it.” He removed the blood sample, putting it back on the rack. “Pierce has different beliefs to me, but I’ve always seen mutants and their abilities as our salvation.”
The intern’s brow furrowed, confusion marring her features. “So…why all of this?”
Trask smiled. Oh, how naïve the boy was. “Because free will is a tricky thing. If we are to earn our salvation, we must be willing to make the difficult decisions. Do you understand,” he glanced at the intern’s badge. “Ms. Darkholme?”
The intern, albeit hesitant, nodded. Boliver tilted his head, catching sight of what he could have sworn was a yellow hue to her eyes. He watched as she gathered her files, probably on to whatever task she had next. As she left the room, his fingers drummed against the counter. If Boliver had learned anything throughout this process…
It was to always trust his gut.
He grabbed the phone, dialing four numbers. The answer was almost instant. “Yes, this is Dr. Trask. I’m afraid we’ve had a mutant break into the facility. Yes, that’s right, only apprehend. Thank you.” Hanging up, Trask closed the folder and grabbed another sample.
This time – Scott Summers.
Five Years Later – 2009
“Fuck!” Geneva’s back slammed into the ground; the wind knocked out of her.
“Watch y’language.”
She groaned, rolling onto her stomach. She didn’t need to look back to know her father was smirking. He was always like this. Never going easy on her. Always pushing her. Her forehead dropped, resting against the mat.
“Y’want t’join a Guild y’got no reason t’be a part of? Fine. But I’m the one trainin’ ya.”
It was the only way to get him to listen.
And she’d been regretting it for five years.
“Up, Geneva.” His voice was filled with authority. Gone was her father. This was all “Gambit”.
She huffed, knocking her hair out of her face and forcing herself to her feet. Her muscles ached. Her nerves buzzed. Everything contradicted itself. “Give moi a minute,” she muttered, bracing her hands on her knees.
Geneva was relieved when he listened. This time last year? He would have laid her on her ass again.
“The Assassins and anyone else wouldn’t let y’catch y’breath. ‘M not goin’ t’either.”
She knew it came from a place of love, but damn if it didn’t annoy her to no end.
Pushing herself up, Geneva picked up her staff. “Y’ready?” She looked his way, smiling when she saw the concern there. Her dad could try to act as tough as he wanted, but she knew the truth. He just wanted her to be safe.
“Oui.” She twirled it between her fingers, spinning around. The metal clashed against his staff and he smirked.
Then, the two danced.
Geneva’s butt hit the mat once again. She scowled, eyes glowing a little brighter. Kicking the staff aside, she braced her arms on her knees and looked at Remy. He was smirking, leaning against that stupid bostaff. Raising a brow, she jerked her foot and knocked it out from under him.
He only stumbled.
Geneva groaned, falling back on the mat.
Sometimes it was infuriating just how good her father was.
Geneva stepped out of the tub, the darkness around her more of a comfort than it had been all those years ago. She hurried to dry off before slipping on some leggings and grabbing an off-shoulder crop top. Still in the darkness, Geneva combed her fingers through her short hair and towel-dried it.
That would be enough.
She crossed the room to the generator. One button and the trill of electricity rushed, not only through the room, but through her skin. Pretty green eyes flashed gold. The familiar rush of gold danced under her skin, tingling and silently telling her that it was there once more. But she didn’t have to be reminded.
Geneva glanced towards the mirror, seeing her reflection once again. She tended to avoid that, but there were days where it couldn’t be helped. Her fingers absentmindedly touched the Lichtenburg scars that twisted around her skin. Raising her crop-top just slightly, she saw how those scars were just as at home on her ribcage.
She really didn’t have to be reminded.
Stepping out of the tiny home, Geneva crossed the yard and slipped in through the Lebeau Manor’s back door. She made a bee line to the fridge, craving something to eat after Remy had so thoroughly kicked her ass. However, when she closed the door with an apple in her mouth, she couldn’t stop the snort that passed when she saw Marie at the table. On her laptop, like always.
“I heard that,” Marie said, fingers absentmindedly breaking off a poptart. She popped the piece in her mouth, speaking around it as she asked, “Y’know y’look like a pig like that, right?”
Geneva rolled her eyes. The apple snapped under her bite as she peeked over Marie’s shoulder. The twelve-year old was breaking into Essex Labs. She rolled her eyes. “Mama ain’t gonna like that. ‘Sides, didn’t y’just get ungrounded fo’breakin’ into the Pentagon?”
Marie didn’t say anything. Instead, her fingers banged a little louder against the keys. Geneva raised a brow, tugging at a strand of long black hair. “Y’lookin’ pale, petite. Why don’t we go somewhere?”
More silence. Geneva sat back in her chair, taking another bite of her apple. She hadn’t expected any different. Since Geneva joined the guild, Marie had treated her different. Not that Geneva blamed her. Marie was waiting until the day she was legal – wanting to get as far away from New Orleans and the Guilds as possible. And Geneva choosing to join? It put a wedge in their relationship.
One that Geneva hadn’t been able to fix.
“C’mon, Marie. When’s the last time we did anyt’in’?”
“2004,” Marie answered matter-of-factly.
Geneva frowned. Her fingers drumming against the table and Marie’s against her keyboard were the only thing keeping them from absolute silence. And she hated it.
Marie didn’t hate her. She knew that much. When her powers had been at their worst, keeping Geneva from touching anything, keeping her from showering because water burned her skin, Marie had done all the research needed for Geneva to study electricity.
It was her work that helped Remy and Rogue teach Geneva control.
But that was as far as their relationship went now.
She looked up, missing the way Marie glanced at her. Jean-Luc was standing in the doorway, offering a small smile.
“Y’pere tells moi that y’been doin’ real good with y’trainin’.”
Geneva couldn’t contain her smile. While there might have been some days where she felt as if she were struggling, never making any progress, hearing her own father say that meant a lot. Especially because Rogue had to talk him into letting her.
“C’mon.” Jean-Luc gestured in the direction of his office. “Wanna run somet’in’ by ya.”
That one conversation with her grandfather, the Guildmaster, is all it took for Geneva to find herself here.
And where is here?
Washington D.C.
At the Triskelion.
Geneva was lying on the roof, eyes fixated on the stars. She could be patient until the last person left. It helped that she had music playing in her ears.
Be-Beep. Be-Beep.
Geneva felt the vibration from her watch rather than the beeping from her alarm. She pressed the button and rolled onto her stomach before jumping up. Glancing over the edge of the roof, she smirked when she saw Director Fury leaving.
Moving to the center of the oddly shaped building, she pulled out her shrunken staff. Electricity crackled off her fingers – a required thumbprint for her staff to extend. She pulled out another gadget, attaching it to the roof and then her belt.
“Time t’go t’work,” she muttered. Then…she stepped off the ledge.
The wind rushed, whipping against her face until the wire finally stopped her movements. She glanced above her, already feeling the buzz that came from deadening motion sensors. Her eyes flickered a little brighter, her skin threatening to light up as the building powered down. Chuckling, she thought to herself, So much for security.
Music continued blaring in her ears as she found the opening she needed. Fingers pressing against the corners of a window, she grimaced as that irritating hum appeared in her ears once more. But the glass was vibrating, freeing itself from its containment.
She caught the edge, feet landing in the window-frame. Attaching her escape to the next window, she eased the glass down and stepped inside. Her bright eyes took in the office space. It was already stifling, warming up from her powers shutting off the A/C three floors above and three floors below. Seven levels. No power.
Geneva collapsed her staff, tucking it into her back pocket as she made her way to the desk. The office was clean, something she wasn’t used to considering her family seemed to thrive in clutter and chaos. That was thieves for you. Tucking her hair behind her ear, Geneva brushed her fingers against the computer tower. The screen lit up, earning a satisfied smirk from Geneva.
Doing the basic hacking her younger cousin taught her, Geneva easily slipped past barrier after barrier. She raised a brow. Was all of SHIELD this paranoid? Fingers strumming against the keys, her eyes sparked a little brighter, excitement getting the better of her.
But it vanished just as quickly.
A passcode.
She needed a personal fucking passcode for Pierce’s personal files.
Geneva’s fingers froze over the keys. Well…there was only one person she could think of to call.
I wanna roll with him, a hard pair we will be A little gambling is fun when –
Marie jolted, her hoodie and hair hiding most of her face as that blasted song blared from her phone.
Russian roulette is not the same without a gun And baby, when it’s love, if it’s not rough, it isn’t fun
Yanking her hoodie off, Marie was determined to find that stupid piece of technology. She stumbled out of her chair, barely maneuvering around the mess she constantly lived in. It was a reminder that she needed to find some time to clean up, but that could wait.
Where was that phone?
Yanking back the covers on her bed, she snatched it up and answered.
“Y’changed the fuckin’ ringtone on my phone?”
Geneva winced as she held the phone away from her ear. That was a little louder than she anticipated. “Not my fault y’got an easy password. For a hacker, woulda thought ya knew better.” She heard rustling on the other end of the line and knew Marie was probably sitting somewhere.
“’M five seconds away from hangin’ up. Whatcha want?”
Geneva winced. She might have been pushing her luck. “T’ink y’can get moi the password for Pierce’s computer?”
Silence. Geneva stared at the computer in front of her, feeling like a weight was pulling her down. She needed this. She needed Marie’s help. “Sil vous plait, Marie. I – I can’t fuck this up. I know y’don’t like – “
“Stop.” A sigh and then, “Y’stupid if y’t’ink I wouldn’t help ya, Gen.” The familiar sound of fingers brushing keys made Geneva’s shoulders visibly relax. “Mas why the hell didn’t y’go a bit more prepared?”
Geneva chuckled. “Do y’know moi at all?”
She didn’t need to be standing in front of the tween hacker to know that Marie was rolling her eyes. Of all of Marie’s sassiest actions, that one practically had its own voice. “Oui, I do. And I don’t understand why our Pepe would send y’in the middle o’SHIELD for y’first assignment.” More key strokes and then – “Putain de merde.”
Geneva’s brow furrowed, paranoia getting the better of her as she glanced to the door. She really didn’t have time for Marie to get distracted.
“I can hear y’anxiety t’rough the phone, Gen. Buzzin’ as loud as them powers o’yours.”
Geneva wanted to make a snarky retort back, but she knew better. After all, Marie could go and leave her stranded and that –
“Try somet’In’ real quick.”
Geneva’s fingers froze. No. There was no way. “Marie, c’mon, be serious.”
“I am. Try it. ‘N’ hurry up, their guards check the upper floor every hour.”
“’Ow y’know that?”
“’M lookin’ at their schedule now.”
Geneva snorted. “S’does this mean y’forgive me,” she asked, quickly typing in the passcode.
“Eh. Five years ‘s a long enough grudge.”
Geneva smiled, shaking her head as she pressed enter. She expected an ‘incorrect password’ to pop up. It was only natural. There was no way the head honcho of SHIELD was –
Nope. He was connected to Hydra.
“Sonovabitch,” she muttered. Focusing on the task at hand, she pulled out a flash drive. Her goal was the Accords, Pierce’s personal information, and the information of others on the board. Some high-dollar official was paying the Thieves Guild a lot of money for this and she couldn’t let Jean-Luc down.
But still…there was no way Pierce was the only member of Hydra. Did the Accords exist because of them?
“Still can’t believe y’were right.”
Marie’s smile could be heard with the way she spoke, asking, “Do I ever steer y’wrong?”
They both knew the answer was ‘yes’. Geneva’s eyes scanned the names of multiple files, copying the ones she needed. The mouse paused over a title.
There, as if begging to be opened, were three little words. The Sentinel Program.
Shaking her head, Geneva instead copied the information on the Accords, the Avengers, Weapon X: Terminated Project, and other names she recognized from Marie’s findings. There were so many… Even if the buyer didn’t want them, didn’t she and her parents deserve to know?
Geneva jumped when she felt a buzz of electricity. Sure enough, someone had come up to one of the three floors below her. She could feel the electricity buzzing through the person’s skin. “Time t’go.” She plucked the flash drive free.
Everything came quick. Reattaching the corded wire, pulling the window back in place, and zipping back to the roof. She pulled herself up and rolled onto her back. A sigh of relief escaped her.
She succeeded in her first mission.
Chuckling, Geneva brought the phone back to her ear. “Y’know, we make a pretty good team.”
“I swear, if y’make this a habit – “
Geneva snorted once more, hanging up before Marie could give some poor threat she didn’t mean.
Now? She needed to get her ass back to New Orleans.
The security guard wasn’t much of a threat, not that Geneva would have wanted to find out. He was old in the face and white in the hair. His wide, rimmed glasses were perched high on his nose. Every stride was short as he came down the hall. The familiar hum of the A/C and the flickering lights signaled that the power that had vanished…was now perfectly fine.
He looked around, his hand hovering over the door to Pierce’s office. “Building must be getting old.”
And with that, his hand dropped.
And he, the man with the name ‘Lee’ scribbled on his badge, strode towards the elevator that would return him to his post.
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jbbuckybarnes · 5 years
Alternative Endgame Ending | s.r.
Description: An alternative Endgame ending with Steve Rogers and female reader. Originally written for my friend @marmariavel . His actual ending makes no sense without the build-up that was necessary for it and I wanted to fix it. Pairing: Steve Rogers x female!reader
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Hurt, bleeding, angry and 100% willpower. Words describing Steve after Thanos had just fought him for the second time ever and this time he's not gonna back up. His angry face went to you for a second and you could see the giant split in the skin on his arm. "Fasten it!" you yelled. He saw you look down to his arm and did as you said. The pain on his face when he fastened the shield on his arm hurt you from just watching. His face was on Thanos and Thor that were fighting. With a look at you and a tone that was so silent and serious that he was creepy to you, he said, "Whatever it takes!" He held his hand out and seconds later Mjölnir flew into it with shock on your face, that you tried to play off before running to Thor, while Steve was fighting with Thanos. ______
He looked at you & then the army on the horizon. "Whatever it takes, Steve." you looked at him, knowing this was probably your last calm moment together forever. "Whatever it takes." he got a strand of hair out of your face. "I lo-" he started but you were interrupted by your earpieces. "Cap? Captain? Do you copy?" light was building behind you and you slowly turned around "On your left!" You looked at each other in awe and then saw more and more portals open up. Armies, multiple armies, just filling up this side of the horizon. Tears built up in your eyes as you looked back at Steve which made you hold them back. There was a battle to be fought. "AVENGERS!" everyone around you went into fighting positions. "Assemble." he almost growled and with a gigantic scream, the army clashed towards the little valley between the hills of rubble. "Y/N!" Shuri screamed and threw you some tech you've been trying out 5 years ago before she went missing. "Don't disappoint me, sister." she smiled while shooting an alien before running towards the next.  Fire started going off shortly after and you were jumped and pushed to the ground next to a big piece of metal from the collapsed compound. "Today isn't a day to die, Mini-Steve." Bucky said into your ear. He was back, he was here. You needed to hold back a squeal of happiness. The fire started to shoot at the sky all of a sudden. "What-" he mumbled but saw the flying person. Your heart eyes towards the sky were what he saw next. "Carol, you fucking badass." a grin appeared on your face. Everyone watched the ship go down in less than a minute. "Danvers, we need an assist here." you both heard Steve and stood up. Right in front of you was a pretty beat up Peter. "Hey...I'm Peter...Parker." "Hey, Peter Parker. I heard you got something for me." You stood up when he said he didn't know how she would be able to get through the whole battlefield. "Don't worry." "She's got help," Okoye said with her usual powerful stance. A group of women built around Peter and Carol and you joined in. _____
You stood there with Shuri when an absolute silence was laid upon the battlefield. "Tony..." your eyes were not able to hold back the tears after that whisper. Clint went on his knee, T'Challa did the same, so did Shuri, Bucky, Sam, you fell to your knees and saw Steve do the same. You both just lost another person that was part of your family. _____
After he was all healed up, the heart-shattering funeral was over and Bruce had recovered, Steve needed to bring back the stones. "How can I? You're taking all the stupid with you." Bucky said and then Steve went to hug you. "I love you," you whispered the one thing you wanted him to know for the last 4 years. You knew the chances of him maybe staying back in time. You hated that idea and his eyes were so uncertain when you saw him go up the stage. 5 seconds later & he didn't come back. With Sam mildly freaking out at Bruce and Bucky turning away you stood there with silent tears running down your face. He left. You didn't know what to feel, all you felt was making you lose a sob.
1 minute. It took one damn minute for him to come back to the stage. You sat on the floor in pieces, Bruce and Sam were looking at the tech and Bucky had taken a walk down the path they came from. The suit came off and a "Y/N?" came out. You looked up and your eyes widened. "Sorry, took longer than I thought." he smiled and pulled you up into his arms. "Fuck you for scaring me." you boxed his arms in the hug. "Thank you for ruining my plans and saving them at the same time." a kiss landed in your hair. "What do you mean?" you looked up. A sound came from the stage behind him. "A soul for a soul. Soulstone against the soul of my partner in crime." he smiled and the helmet went off of the person behind him. "NAT!" you almost pushed Steve away to hug her as tight as you could. "You missed me?" she had her usual smirk across her face. "So much. Especially when all women teamed up against our purple asshole." now you had tears of joy. "Wow. Can't believe you left me out of that." she joked. "You made it possible." you hugged her even tighter before letting her go to let Sam and Bruce hug her. Bucky noticed what happened and made his way back. "That was not the plan you told me, punk." he boxed him and hugged him. "Sam?" Steve said serious and made him turn to him. "Steve?" he smiled. "There is a shield waiting for you in Wakanda. I lost too many people to continue this with a good feeling and there is no person I'd rather see take my job." he smiled at him and Sam’s jaw was on the floor. "You- I can't. What?" he got out. "What do we do now, Cap?" you smiled at Sam and a flustered smiled made its way onto his face. "We take a break and help Pepper and the government after." he shrugged. "I really could go for one of Pepper's sandwiches right now," Nat said. "You can scare the shit out of everyone in that house right now." you smiled at her. "I'll just walk into the kitchen and see." she giggled. _____
A scream came from the kitchen of the house shortly after. You and the men giggled like school children at Pepper having a mild meltdown at Nat. "You can't just do that!" she had quickly calmed down. You all came in totally chill and greeted them normally. "Shit. You're gonna give me a heart attack someday." Pepper held onto the counter. "Clint will be scared out of his mind." an evil chuckle came from Nat as she bit down on the sandwich. The following hours were spent catching Natasha up on everything that happened. Tears made their way over her face, a rare occurrence before the snap but Steve and you were used to it a bit by now.
You were sitting at the little lake with Steve, Bucky & Morgan. She was a mild but curious child and honestly fitting the group very well. Your feet were in the water and Morgan was switching from lap to lap every few minutes. She sat in yours when she asked, "Will my daddy ever come back?" The two men tensed up at the question and you needed to hold back tears but you could answer. "He's never completely gone. He's all around you. He made this whole world save for you and you always have a piece of him with you. Inside of your heart." you pointed at her chest and she smiled up. "You sound like him and mommy, Auntie Y/N." she giggled and a big smile came across your face. "Gonna get some more drinks," Bucky said and left. You knew exactly what he was doing here but you didn't mind. "Do you think Auntie Y/N should have a baby that you can play with someday?" you asked her softly. "Yes." she had one of those entire body smiles. "A boy or a girl?" you asked back and saw Steve smile at you both in your peripheral vision. "A girl." she smiled before climbing to Steve's lap again. "What hair color would she have, Morgan?" you continued asking and she pointed up at Steve's hair. You didn't miss the tiny hint of blush creeping up onto his face. "And which eye color?" you asked. "Blue." she giggled. "And would she a princess or a superhero?" you asked with a content smile. "A princess superhero." she clapped. "And what would be her power?" "She could do the things you can do and the things Uncle Steve can do and the things Uncle Sam can do and everything Aunt Nat can do," she said with a concentrated face. Steve and you looked at each other with a shy smile.
"I wanna go to mommy." she quickly got up and started running. "Slowly, Morgan. You don't wanna fall!" you loudly said but she was already close enough to the house. "She's the sweetest kid ever." he smiled and shook his head. "You're good with her." you smiled. A blush crept up again "I guess. But you're a natural." "Steve?" "Hm?" "Just say it." your soft, knowing and encouraging smile made his heart jump. "I love you." he smiled. "I love you too. Idiot." you rolled your eyes before finally leaning in for a kiss. "Never thought there would be a cure for all my grief," he mumbled against your lips. "You're finally accepting that you're in the now. Not in the past. You were in that bargaining and depression phase for longer than I've ever seen someone be in it. Glad to help, soldier." you winked and he pulled you onto his lap. "I love you," he said again. "Since when?" "The day I met you in Shuri's lab 5 years ago." he smiled and connected your lips again. "That's a long time to build up the courage." you ruined the moment and made the both of you laugh.
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The Siren & The Healer (1)
Natasha Romanoff arc
Chapter 1: The Mission
Platonic Natasha x fem!Reader, Loki x fem!Reader (soulmates?)
Theme: With cracks between the most powerful superheroes of the earth, Natasha Romanoff does not find rest when she is assigned on a mission to find the missing pieces of a puzzling power that once nearly got into the hands- rather, tentacles- of Hydra. In order to unearth the pieces, she must dig through her own past and make a decision that might decide the fate of the earth in the coming wars.
Series: Will contain violence, death, destruction, softness, fluff, smut, friendship, and whatnot
Chapter warnings: sometimes dreams are hotter than your realities.
A/N: This was written a few years ago with an OC in mind so reader has a name but it is a reader insert.
Word Count: Toooo tired. Must sleep. But weird dreams. What to do.
MASTERLIST in bio, love
Time: 1600 hrs
Location: WAKANDA
“Two years. I go away for two years and these pea-brained men break the one thing I have worked so hard on.”
Even pissed, Fury looked the cutest to Natasha. She could tell he was trying his best to seem enraged but this assassin had known the ex-director of SHIELD long enough to tell when he was feeling something and depicting something else.
“You may have brought them together with one goal, Nick, but the boyband had different agendas.”
“And what did the only woman of the boyband want?”
She could feel the softness in his rigid voice. It only went soft when he knew. This time, just like every other, he wasn’t wrong. “The woman wanted those pea-brained men to work it out. But now she’s gone solo for a while. She said screw them. She wants some me-time.”
Fury chuckled before taking Natasha into his embrace. The hug was partly because he had missed his favourite spy and mostly because he realised amongst all that had gone down in the past few weeks, she had been the only one searching for a neutral ground.
"Hmm," Natasha hummed as she finally broke away from the warm hug and looked at Fury, "staying in with Goose is really making you mushy, Nick."
Fury scoffed and Natasha chuckled. "Please! You are the only one who gets the hugs. Don't tell Barton that. Or Tony for that matter. I don't know how he'll use it against me. And I don't wanna know."
This was nice. Natasha was already feeling better now that she was away from the constant conflict and brooding- not to mention discreet pining- of her two boys. Wakanda was welcoming. The air was like no other. Wrapped up in the warmth of the African sun, bringing with it the coolness of the forests along with the local beats, cuddling with nature while prospering faster than the rest of the earth in every term. Tony would love this, she thought to herself, though he would be more curious about the genius mind behind all of this and readily try to recruit them.
Children scuttled about, playing hop-scotch and hide-and-seek, their innocent and restraint-free cackles filling the air with their mellifluous everyday fun. The local shops had quite a variety of accessories lined up for everyone. Bags and baskets made with intricate handiwork, decorated with beads, stones and soft clay tones of art depicting the everyday Wakandan life. Many even had the Dora Milage adorning them. Masterpieces, truly. But that was not all. Young girls and boys had their own sections in the square to display their latest science projects. A girl had made a miniature help-bot, taking requests for the books you wanted in the library and fetching it for you- here, from the topmost shelf of the lone bookstand that housed all the books this young one had read at least twice. Another group had designed gloves for the elderly and the ones suffering from Parkinson's to help them with their daily routines. The gloves had the ability to absorb vibrations and motions and convert it into electricity to help the person charge their device by holding them.
"Ndingayifumana le?" Natasha asked the little girl sitting with her mother at one of the sections selling their hand-made backpacks, pointing at the one in all black adorned with stones and metals around the purple outline of a panther.
The girl smiled at her and nodded. Her wavy brown hair bounced as she skipped to the back of the shop to get a jute bag to wrap the backpack in before running back to the front. "Ndiza kwabelana ngemfihlo kunye nawe," the little one mentioned, gesturing from her hands to lean closer to her. Natasha did exactly what the girl asked her to, genuinely interested in what secrets she was about to spill. "Inepokotho efihliweyo apho unokuzifihla imipu yakho," she whispered, showing her customer the secret compartment.
Natasha 'ooh'ed in excitement.
"Nala," her mother gave her a stern stare but her voice was soft for her child.
"Ngu-Black Widow, umama," the little one stressed towards her mother, making Natasha feel a mild jolt in her heart.
"Does everyone here know who I am?" she had to ask Fury, who merely shrugged.
"Well, you got them their favourite broken white boy, so..." he flailed his hands.
Taking the backpack carefully packed and put inside the jute bag, Natasha and Fury walked towards the road less travelled- towards Shuri’s laboratory.
The lab itself was a brilliant piece of work. Natasha could really feel the waves from every wall and equipment declaring they were Shuri's and they would always be Shuri's- loyal to the bone. And yet the air was the most welcoming to her- along with the scarce number of people greeting her with a smile on her way. But the brilliant young scientist was nowhere to be seen for now.
"So, what is it Fury?" she finally had to ask, "you drag me away from my me-time at Bora Bora to this spectacular lab."
Nick's smile was warm.
Uh-oh, Natasha thought, that meant trouble.
He gestured her towards the private office. "You and I both know you could have not survived Bora Bora for even three days, woman."
She chuckled. Well, he wasn't wrong.
“I have some work for you. Actually, it was Nakia who brought in the work. So, you can thank her or curse her.”
Fury waved his hand over the table to produce a holograph of virtual files in front of him. He opened up the first one and produced newspaper clippings.
"Remember the faint 2012 rumours among the people in the black market about an ancient weapon that had been 'discovered' somewhere in India that could, and I quote, ‘wipe out an entire state, even an entire country if used...correctly’. Hydra had been looking for the weapon at that time. They even discovered the location of the weapon but for some reason lost contact with their team the very day they were supposed to move it."
Natasha looked at the screen, an uneasy emotion clouding her face. Fury saw her hand move to the side of her stomach.
“The entire team vanished.” She said, looking at the images of recorded conversations of Hydra. “How many were there?”
Fury did not take his eyes off of her.
“Five. Three assassins, one translator, one strategist.”
Natasha was confused now.
“Assassins to handle a weapon?”
Fury nodded, “Look at the conversations from a week before the D-day. They talked about some sort of organisation or a coven. The weapon was either fortified or was being exploited by them. Either case required them to move it effortlessly, no matter the lives it cost.”
Natasha moved through the files for more information.
“How huge is this weapon?”
“We don’t know. Here, play the last conversation recorded by the Hydra HQ with their extraction team.”
Natasha clocked on the audio file. The entire room was filled with the crackling noise from the conversation.
Voice 1: HQ! Are you there? *heavy breathing*
Voice 2: Yes, this is HQ.
Voice 1: Is the line secure?
Voice 2: The line is secure. Confirm your status.
Voice 1: We have discovered the whereabouts of the weapon. There has been a casualty from the enemy’s side. The Director needs to hear this.
Voice 2: Where is the weapon?
Voice 1: Call the Director to the phone right now. We are on our way to the extraction location. *in the background* Carlos, Thomas, ready your weapons.
Voice 3: Boss, something’s wrong. The bomb, it’s gone off.
Voice 1: What?! Son of a bitch! Carlos! You were supposed to wait for the signal.
Voice 3: It’s not my fault! I didn’t do anything. Something’s wrong.
Voice 2: What is happening?
Voice 1: Why is there no signal? We lost the tracker. Boys! What is going on?
Voice 4: I cannot reach Alyn. He’s not responding.
*sound of tire screeching to a halt*
Voice 1: What the hell? Is that Alyn on the ground?
Voice 4: Oh no! Oh God no! Look!
Voice 2: What is going on there? Confirm your status!
Voice 1: It’s coming for us. Get out of here. It’s coming for us.
Voice 3: There’s something in the shadows. Goddammit, it’s huge!
*a screeching sound and periodic hum followed by screams *
*the line goes blank*
“What was that?”
“My guess right now is as good as yours. I have people working on the frequencies to see if they match some alien source that we have met before. Apart from that, is this,” Fury concluded as he handed her a file.
Natasha took the file. Zelda-Kane 12-16, it read.
“Nakia was hunting down a group involved in human trafficking across the African continent and south Asia when she came across someone who was quite closely related to the mission.”
She turned the pages to look at the detailed work and findings of the Wakandan spy and came across a photograph. Her fingers stopped.
"Yuri Chekhov- the director of the failed mission to bring the weapon under the tentacles of Hydra. He has been involved with the group for some time now."
Fury knew he didn't even have to say his name for Natasha remembered that face all too well.
And suddenly she was back in the Red Room with a much younger version of Yuri standing in front of him, covered in blood all over, his dead grey eyes looking straight through her. Trying to find that little girl with red eyes inside Natalia. The girl who could bring chaos without blinking.
Fury's voice brought her back.
"He was operating through India for the past five years. No dirty dealings, no weapons exchange on the black market, nothing- almost like this guy was trying to stay under the radar."
"And he's made a move recently. That's why I'm here. That’s why you are here." Natasha was calm as ever.
That was what Fury admired the most about her. He knew this was going to hit home but he also knew Natasha Romanoff was not the one to let it get in the way.
"He was sighted in Vienna last week. So was Hansel Meldrake- the one who's behind all alien remnants market in Europe. He is the one involved with the notorious group that supplies his scientists with test subjects. All of them victims of human trafficking”
Fury closed the hologram and passed a flash drive to Natasha.
She looked out the window and breathed. It was evening already.
The city outside was lit up like it was celebrating tonight. He saw her admiring the view before realizing it wasn’t the city she was looking at.
“Now if you want I can contact—”
"No. You're not contacting anyone," her composed voice declared in one go, "I can handle this alone."
He knew it would come to this. He had always known.
"Natasha. I won't have your back on this one. We won't be meeting any time soon. The only reason this file is in your hands is because of Nakia. Are you sure you want to take these guys down alone? At least Cli-"
"Don’t." Natasha closed the file in a flash and he knew he couldn't do anything now.
And she was back in the Red Room standing in front of Yuri, looking into his dead, grey eyes.
Rusalka, they said in the most innocent yet dead voice.
"It's time I faced some demons alone."
He felt the softness of those hands again. So tender. So warm. Yet, they are not his mothers. Mother had a different way about her touch. These? These are different. Too soft. Too welcoming. Why? No pair of hands has been as welcoming to him. Ever. All of them had a motive. All of them wanted something.
"What do you want?" he shouted at them.
They didn't say anything. Only kept caressing him. Gentle strokes on his forehead, absorbing away all heaviness form his head, combing his hair, letting some manner of light enter them at every nuzzle of those fingers.
Too comfortable for his own good.
"Who are you?"
The same voice came back again.
It was the same feminine voice he heard when he was on the verge of standing by the gates of Hel.
Oh, Valhalla, who is this utterly blasphemous ray of sunshine snatching me from the claws of death?
"Hey, weasel! Wake Up!"
Loki's eyes shot open, his lungs gasping for air as he shot himself to the other end of the ship to get away from whatever menace had been hovering over him.
"Holy shit!" the raccoon spoke without hesitation- even a tad bit of excessive boldness one might say- while Loki looked around at the faces judging him from head to toe.
"Damn! Is he homeless?" He heard the man in the weird leather jacket speak.
"I am Groot," said the little Groot.
"No, we adopted Mantis because she is one of the good guys. We still have to figure this one out," the racoon spoke again.
And that's when he saw her.
And she saw him, her immaculate green face feeling a mild shock before scrunching up her face.
"You!" Loki and Gamora said in unison, reverberating with the vibes to take out their daggers to slit the other's throat any second now.
And before anyone else could even speculate about that reaction, daggers were out, fingers were curled into fists, teeth snarling at each other and legs covering the distance between them to just snap at each other right at that moment.
"Would you two stop or do I have to knock you out like last time?"
The figure casually leaning by the freezer announced before gulping down the beer bottle in her hand. She sounded tired. Maybe she was.
"Nebula," Loki greeted the other sister with less contempt as compared to the other. "You and your sister better have a good reason to kidnap me."
Both scoffed and chuckled while the other man raised his brow with no understanding of what exactly was going on.
"Um, excuse me-"
"Is he who calls himself the Star-Lord?" Loki thought out loud, looking at Peter standing there, words that were interrupted now dissolving in his mouth.
"Well, yes I am Star-" he was on the edge of blushing, really hard, when Loki interrupted him again.
"Is this the man you chose to love, Gamora?!" he nearly guffawed, leaving Quill shocked; hurt too when Loki clutched his stomach because the laughter hurt him too much.
"I hate this guy," Peter muttered. Rocket simply shrugged. "I mean that was my reaction too, Quill. Can't really blame him, ya know."
"What the hell are you even doing here, Loki Odinson." Gamora made sure she stressed the last word as much as she could, to pinch Loki right where it hurt.
Loki looked at her with a questioning gaze before shrugging. "I don't know."
"I mean, one moment I was dying and the next-" he gestured at the entirety surrounding him.
"Hm, what sort of demon is keeping you from dying and returning to hell?" Nebula quirked, biting into the blue strawberries kept specially for her on the ship.
Loki sighed, reforming every little detail inside his dream, every little touch, every minute excitement that his nerves felt. He could feel every bit of sensation all over again. Well, that was the thing- he could feel everything and yet, for some reason, he could not remember that face.
"Whoever that was," he was thinking out loud without even noticing, "was one heck of a demon."
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lifeofmarvvel · 5 years
Sunshine On A Cloudy Day- Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Word Count: 3133
Requested by @dank-memes: “Hey! I was wondering if you could do one where it’s a Parker x Stark! Reader and the reader is the leader of the new avengers (this takes place after infinity war and avengers 4). Something goes really wrong on a mission and it’s making the team fall apart and the reader starts to blame herself and Peter is there to support her and eventually confesses his love to her? And then later the team sees this and makes up as well.”
A/N: Sorry for the approx. year wait! Thanks for being so patient! I also did things a little differently than worded- hope that's okay and you like it! Anyway, I played around with the style a bit with this one. Hopefully, it reads well and makes sense. Obvious Endgame spoilers ahead (it has been almost a month). Thanks to all who gave me suggestions for the team members, even though they aren't really featured.  The title comes from "My Girl" by The Temptations. Enjoy!
Warnings: Self-doubt, minor violence, ENDGAME SPOILERS
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[Y/N] Stark. Daughter of Tony Stark. Step-daughter of Pepper Potts. Older half-sister of Morgan Stark. Child prodigy. Heir to Stark Industries. Newest leader of the Avengers. Fantasia.
That certainly was a lot to live up to. Your dad surely lived up to what was expected of him and exceeded it. Naturally, you had the same expectations, if not more, because of it. It wasn’t hard at times, but at others, it crushed you. Sometimes it was in your nature to solve a problem the team had had for days in hours. Those moments your inherited genius really shone through. But in others, all you wanted was for someone to see you for you and not your genes.
Pepper, Rhodey, Morgan, and Happy did see you for you. But they were family. You’d known Pepper, Rhodey, and Happy ever since your mom had left you with Tony as a toddler. You had quite literally known Morgan all her life. You wanted, maybe even needed at this point, for someone outside of them to see who you really were.
The team tried. With most of the original Avengers retired or off to a better place, you had stepped up and filled your dad’s spot. Originally he hadn’t wanted you to be a superhero. But just like him, you were drawn in and couldn’t stop. He gave in and started training you with the newer recruits. Due to you being a teenager, he didn’t let you on any missions- at first.
Since you were technically not an “active” member of the team, you were left out of the whole Sokovia Accords issue. And not only did this issue divide the team, but it also brought in Spider-Man and your active involvement on the team. Since then, Fantasia was a public favorite and beloved superhero. Unfortunately, it added to the list of things people saw when they saw you instead of you.
The final battle with Thanos- the 2014 version of Thanos, actually- happened years ago. The heroes that survived and hadn’t retired after the battle continued their hero-ing for many years. But they aged, trained proteges, and retired themselves in due time.
And here you were. The new leader of the Avengers, alongside a grown-up Peter Parker. It was kind of funny how at times he seemed to have the same role Steve did all those years ago, considering he was also your father’s protege. You worked together, aided the team, and tried your best to fill the shoes left by the original team but still be your own person.
The team now consisted of you, Peter, Kate, Cassie, Monica, Harley, America, Shuri when she was available, and Morgan in training but not mission-active. The job was draining, physically and emotionally, but it was worth it. Humanity was worth it. And despite all the petty arguments the team could have, you loved them and leading them and almost everything that came with it.
And one person in particular...not that he’d ever know. No, you decided professionalism was the best way to go in regards to romantic feelings towards a teammate. No need to compromise yourself, him, and possibly even the team over something like a crush.
A crush.
Okay, maybe it was more than a crush, considering it started when you first met him and hasn’t let up yet. And you had another reason other than being compromised for not telling him. After all, he’d been one of your best friends ever since you met him after that fateful day in Germany. No need to ruin a perfect friendship. Absolutely no need. No need at all. Nope.
Yeah, you were screwed.
All things considered, the team was working together pretty well. Even though many of you were working together for the first time, everyone seemed to get along. Everyone knew their parts. Everyone knew what to do. Everyone respected you. You didn’t even get too many comparisons or references to your dad anymore. It wasn’t quite Original Avengers Fighting Together smooth, but the pieces were falling into place. It worked.
That’s what mattered most- it worked. You lived up to expectations, the team won fights, they got along, and it all worked out in the end. You were doing the right thing, you were the right choice. It’ll only get better from here.
It did not get better from here.
That’s what raced through your mind when what was supposed to be a simple, easy mission took a nosedive for the worst. It was supposed to be a quick in-and-out. Get in, knock some bad guys out, collect some info, get out.
Instead, someone triggered an alarm, Kate was out of arrows, Cassie had a broken leg and many gashes, Peter was stuck to the ceiling, Monica hit a wall, the goons were closing in, one of your thrusters was malfunctioning, someone screamed, no, make that two- wait no, maybe it was you, the walls tumbled down, dust was everywhere, where was everyone, are they okay, you can’t lose someone you can’t lose someone you can’t lose someone again, you can’t see anything, something hit your arm, you were going to have to call an Original Team Member for backup, how embarrassing is all of this, something hit your leg, it’s all your fault, you never should have started this mission you weren’t prepared, the team wasn’t prepared, something hit you in the back, where were you, it’s all your fault, this is not better this is worse much much worse.
“Fantasia, look at me.” A soft voice pulled you from your swirling thoughts. Peter wasn’t stuck on the ceiling. He was in front of you, pulling you aside from the team, gentle hands on your shoulders. Somehow, you were out of the building. Somehow, you were on the quinjet. You had no memory of leaving. The thoughts were too much- you hadn’t been paying enough attention. A shaky breath escaped you.
“Hey, deep breath,” Peter said, preventing you from spiraling again. “You didn’t seem like you were mentally here with us so I got the team out and we’re heading back to base. I got your back. Take all the time you need to calm down. I totally get it.”
You closed your eyes and gave him a half-smile. “Thanks, Spidey. Imma just lay down now.” Before he could answer, you slumped against the wall and greeted the darkness with open arms.
A booming noise woke you. You shot up, reaching for a weapon and finding none. Your head screamed at you in protest, and a second later the boom cleared. Two of your teammates faced each other, clearly in the midst of an argument. Oh no. The team wasn’t getting along anymore. And from the sounds of it, they were arguing about the mission.
“Yeah, well maybe if you hadn’t set off the alarm, we wouldn’t be in this mess!”
“Oh, so it’s my fault now?! I’m not the one who made the building crumble on us! If anything, you’re the reason why everyone is injured now!”
“I made the building crumble? Please. I was aiming at one of the bad guys and he dodged it last second! That’s not my fault! How was I supposed to know the blast would take out a beam and crumble around us?”
Oh no.
Things looked like they were going to get physical soon. Cassie and Kate faced each other, moving into defensive stances as they shouted. They were best friends. Why was this happening? The team was falling apart. If they couldn’t get along, nobody was going to get along. The team was going to fail. It was going flop, dissolve, want nothing to do with each other, ruin friendships, save nobody, hurt everybody, it was going to die. If only you’d been more aware during the fight. This wouldn’t have happened. None of this would have.
“Hey hey hey!” Peter said, stepping between them. “We can’t place the blame on one person here, okay? We all messed up- it was bound to happen eventually. The team wasn’t as prepared as we wanted to be and that’s okay. We weren’t expecting there to be the number of agents that were there. That’s nobody’s fault or everyone’s fault; take your pick. We’re landing now, so please sit down and calm down. You can talk it out inside.” He then went back to his piloting seat and sat down next to Harley.
Bless Peter Parker. He was an angel with how often he cooled down the team from fights. Without him, the team really would fall apart.
Ten minutes later, the quinjet had landed. You made sure everyone was physically okay before retreating to your room again. A screaming match looked to be on the horizon involving everyone and you booked it before you could hear it.
You changed into something more comfortable, set some background music up, and laid on your bed. Exhaustion washed over you. Why had everything gone so wrong today? You were the leader, you should be able to prevent this. Peter shouldn’t have to step in- it shouldn’t happen.
It was all your fault the team wasn’t sticking. You picked new recruits. You lead them in training exercises. You talked with Rhodey over what missions the team was ready for. You had agreed that today should have been easy. You were underprepared. You let the extra agents distract you. You lost control of your team. You couldn’t get them to get along. It was all on you.
You couldn’t live up to the Stark name. It was too much. The team was going to start seeing you like your own person for sure. They’ll start to see you as the failure Stark. They’ll kick you out and give your position to Morgan as soon as she’s old enough. She was living up to all the expectations and exceeding them. She rarely doubted herself. She was the younger, better sister. Fantasia was just a knock-off version of Iron Man and Rescue anyway.
Your eyes squeezed shut, blocking out the sunlight flooding through the windows. It was still daylight. That’s how quickly the mission became a disaster. You hadn’t been gone even 12 hours. Distantly, shouting echoed through the compound. They had to be yelling their lungs out or the fight had moved rooms. The bedrooms were a long way from the landing pad. You squeezed your eyes tighter. Maybe if you ignore it, it’ll all go away or turn out to be a bad dream.
A knock on your door made you jump slightly. There was only one person who’d be here now. “Go away, Pete,” you said.
“Not until you come out or let me in,” came the response. You were right. A pillow made its way to cover your face as you shifted. It stayed.
When you didn’t say anything else, he came in. With the pillow in the way, you didn’t see his reaction to you curled up on your bed. You did feel him sit on your bed, your back to him.
“Leave me alone,” you mumbled half-heartedly.
“Not happening.” He reached out and started playing with what he could of your splayed hair. “I’m staying until you’re done with your pity party.”
You looked over your shoulder to give him a glare. “I’m not having a pity party.”
He smiled softly at you. “I know that. But it got you to look at me, which was the whole point of it.”
You huffed and turned back to your pillow. Silence stretched over the two of you. The repeated motion of Peter playing with your hair started to lull you to sleep. You could count on him to calm you down any day.
Right before you fell asleep, his hand stopped. “C’mon, please tell me what’s bugging you.” He was met with more silence. “Please? For your best friend?”
It was hard to resist. You didn’t dare turn over- no doubt he’d have his puppy dog eyes on display. Curse him and his perfection of that skill. Curse him and his perfection overall. “The team’s falling apart and it’s all my fault,” you said.
“Hey now, that’s not true,” Peter protested. “We might be going through a rough patch, but it’s not your fault.”
“But I could’ve prevented everything that happened.”
“Maybe,” he agreed. “But that’s okay. You’re human, Stark heir or not. You put too much pressure on yourself- you always have. That’s why I’m here, right? To knock some sense into you every once in a while.”
You sniffed and ran your hand across your eyes even though you weren’t crying- really, you weren’t! “I don’t know what I’d do without you, Pete. You’re really the reason this team hasn’t killed each other yet.”
He chuckled a bit. “It’s not easy. You make it easier to do. You’re such a great leader, [Y/N]. You try to save everyone you can, you try to make the team get along the best you can. Everyone respects you- I don’t think you quite see that all the time, but they do. You’re one of the most selfless people I know, and you can solve problems faster than they come up. Today was just a fluke. They happen, they’ll continue to happen. But that doesn’t mean it’s your fault that everything flopped.”
A loud shout interrupted him and he paused, then took your hand. Shifting so you faced him, a small smile found its way onto your face. “The team won’t always get along. We even fight and we’ve been friends forever. They’re just starting to work together. They’ll get in soon enough.”
“Dad did complain about the original team fighting a lot,” you added, smiling continuing to grow.
“Yeah.” Peter had a smile matching yours. “We’ve got this. You got this. You’re smart, funny, patient, and you care about and love your friends and family with all your heart. You’re the best person I know, and I love you. You said you don’t know what you would do without me, Well, I don’t know what I would do without you..”
You froze, eyes widening. “What’d you just say?”
“I don’t know what I’d do without you..”
“No, before that.”
“You’re the best person I know?” It was obvious he knew what you meant and was avoiding saying it.
You swatted his arm with your free hand. “Not that, doofus. Between those two things.”
Peter blushed and looked down. “I love you?”
If you had been grinning earlier, it was nothing compared to how you smiled now. “Good. I love you, too, Peter Parker. I’ve loved you for years.” A light, peaceful feeling settled over you, like sunshine in your chest. All doubts vanished from your mind at that instant- storm clouds clearing for the sun.
“Good. Yeah, that’s good. Me too. Well, not me too. I have also been in love with you for y-” You wrapped an arm around his neck, pulling him down for a kiss, effectively cutting him off.
“How many years did we waste on pining, do you think?” You asked him after pulling away just enough to talk.
“Too many,” he responded, then pulled you in for another kiss. You laughed into it, causing the kiss to barely happen. The two of you were smiling too much for it to go well, but you didn’t mind. In fact, you loved it.
If Peter Parker of all people loved you, then you’d be fine. You’d dreamed about it for years and it came true. Why couldn’t that apply to the team? It would. You could feel it. All the goals will be accomplished, the team will get close, everyone will improve. You could accomplish your dreams- even if you couldn’t control everything that came your way.
The next morning, Kate snickered when you staggered into the kitchen, pajamas rumpled, hair a mess and very much your father’s daughter in the morning. You shot her a glare and made your way over to the precious caffeine. She opened her mouth but you raised a single finger and took a sip.
She waited until you finished, then pounced. “So, what’s going on with you and Peter?” She wiggled her eyebrows at you, leading to you scrunch your face up.
“I don’t know what those eyebrows are for. Nothing’s going on. Peter just came to give me a pep talk after a rough mission. It’s happened before.”
Kate gave a disbelieving scoff. “I came in to tell you guys things had calmed down more and we were gonna get takeout to find you two cuddled up and fast asleep. That’s something, all right.”
You scowled at her and didn’t answer. After fixing yourself something to eat, you sat down and watched the rest of the team trickle in. When Peter passed by behind you, he paused long enough to give you a kiss on the head before continuing on.
“There! That’s what I’m talking about!” Kate exclaimed, jumping out of her seat.
The team, despite being trained superheroes, all jumped at her raised voice. “What on Earth are you talking about?” Cassie asked her.
“Peter and [Y/N]! What’s going on between you two?” She directed the question towards Peter, who was gathering his own breakfast.
He glanced at you with a smile before looking back down at his food. “Nothing.”
The room erupted with noise. “THAT’S SOMETHING ALL RIGHT!” Kate shouted above it all. Harley couldn’t stop laughing. America shook her head at her teammates.
“Team Mom and Dad, I called it!” Cassie said when everyone calmed down, sending you coughing from laughing while eating.
“No! Don’t kill Mom!” Monica added jokingly. She patted you on the back. “You good?”
You nodded as the last few coughs ended. “I’m not gonna let some cereal be the end of me, guys. I’m fine,” you said, prompting some scattered laughter. “Anyways, Peter and I end enough of your fights to be your parents, huh?”
“Yeah, sorry about that,” Kate said. “We’ll try to make that happen less. We’ll get it down soon enough.”
“She has a point, though,” Cassie butted in. “Something’s going on between you two.”
“It’s nothing,” you replied at the same time.
“Something’s going on!” Cassie repeated, laughing.
“We’re best friends, Cassie, that’s what’s going on,” you said. End of discussion. Back to breakfast. Your tone was clear.
Of course, they didn’t believe you. And you totally blew your cover an hour later when Morgan showed up and walked in on Peter kissing you and screamed: “IT’S ABOUT TIME!” But that didn’t matter. A beautiful thing came out of a terrible day. Things could only get better. And you weren’t wrong this time.
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Tagging some Mutuals: @flicker-parker @skymoonandstardust @aw-hawkeye @loverholland @sunshineandparker
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dukereviewsmovies · 4 years
Duke Reviews: Black Panther
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc And Welcome To Duke Reviews, Where Today We Are Continuing Our Look At The Marvel Cinematic Universe...
Where Today We Look At The Only Marvel Movie To Ever Be Nominated For An Oscar, Black Panther...
This Film Sees T'Challa Returning To Wakanda To Serve As His Country's New Leader. However, He Is Soon Challenged For The Throne By Factions Within His Own Country When 2 Foes Conspire To Destroy Wakanda...
Will Black Panther Be Able To Stop This New Threat?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Black Panther...
The Story Starts With A Father Telling His Son A Story
(Start At 0:09,End At 1:37)
We Cut To 1992, As King T'Chaka Visits His Brother, Prince N'Jobu (Played By Randall From This Is Us), Who Is Working Undercover In Oakland, California And It Is There That T'Chaka Accuses N'Jobu Of Assisting Black Market Arms Dealer Ulysses Klaw (Played By Gollum) In Stealing Vibranium From Wakanda...
N'Jobu Denies The Accusations But T'Chaka Reveals A Second Wakandan Undercover Agent In The Form Of N'Jobu's Partner Who Reveals Himself As Zuri To The King Confirms His Suspicions Of N'Jobu Being A Traitor To The Crown. So, As Punishment T'Chaka Tells N'Jobu That He Must Return To The Wakandan Council To Admit His Crimes...
However Before We See Anything Else, We Cut To Outside As An Invisible Plane Flies Off...
Fast Forwarding To The Present Day, Following The Death Of T'Chaka By The Hand Of Baron Zero...
(Yes, I'm Still Calling Him That For Those That Don't Know Or Remember Why, Read My Civil War Review)
As His Son, Prince T'Challa (Played By Chadwick Bozeman) Returns To Wakanda To Assume The Throne After Working With Okoye, The Leader Of The Dora Milaje (Played By Michonne) To Extract His Ex, Nakia (Played By Lupita Nyong'o) From An Undercover Assignment In Nigeria's Sambisa Forest...
(End At 4:27)
Returning To Wakanda Afterwards, T'Challa Reunites With His Mother, Queen Ramonda (Played By Angela Bassett) And His Sister, Princess Shuri (Played By Letitia Wright) Who Will Be Our Q For This Movie...
Meanwhile In London, Klaw And His Associate, Erik Stevens (Played By Adonis Creed) Steal A Vibranium Artifact From The Museum Of Great Britain. But Back In Wakanda The Ceremony Of T'Challa Begins
But First Before I Talk About It I Must Say That The Make Ups In This Scene Are Fantastic. I Mean, I've Seen Stuff Like This In Ripley's Believe It Or Not But Seeing It On The Screen Is Insane!...
Anyway, Giving T'Challa A Liquid That Removes His Enhanced Strength, T'Challa Formally Invites Anyone To Challenge His Claim As King In Ritual Combat. So, With That Said, M'Baku, The Leader Of The Mountain Dwelling Jabari Tribe (Played By Winston Duke) Steps Forward And Claims That He Is Not Worthy Of Being King...
Drinking A Fluid Derived From The Heart Shaped Herb, T'Challa Goes Into A Deep Sleep Where He Visits The Ancestral Plane Where He Reunites With A Vision Of His Father Who Tells Him That He Is A Good Man However He Warns Him That Hard Times Lie Ahead And That He Should Surround Himself With People He Trusts...
After Hearing This Bit Of Knowledge, T'Challa Wakes Up...
Spending Time With His Best Friend And Okoye's Husband, W'Kabi (Played By The Guy From Get Out) Afterward, They Learn From Okoye Through Their Communicators About The British Museum Attack By Klaw. After Losing His Parents At Klaw's Hands Years Ago, W'Kabi Urges The King To Find Klaw And Bring Him To Justice...
Before Travelling To Busan To Deal With Klaw With Okoye And Nakia, T'Challa Visits Shuri Who Gives Him Newly Upgraded Communicators, Remote Access Kimoyo Beads, And A Newly Upgrade Suit With Nanites That Absorb Any Damage That Fits Inside Of A Necklace...
And The Flash Thought Having A Suit In A Ring Was Cool?
Traveling To An Underground Casino In Busan Where Klaw Intends To Sell The Artifact To An Unknown Buyer, However When T'Challa Discovers That The Buyer Is CIA Agent Everett Ross (Played By Bilbo Baggins) Who Was Last Seen In Civil War, They're Forced To Sabatoge The Operation...
Oh, And We Get Our Stan Lee Cameo In This Scene...
Stan Lee Cameo!
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Inciting A Shootout, Klaw Tries To Escape But T'Challa, Ross, Okoye, And Nakia Try To Intercept Him In A Car Chase...
(End At 4:36)
Forced To Hand Klaw Into The Custody Of The CIA, Klaw Is Interogated By Ross Who I'm Surprised Doesn't Play A Game Of Riddles With Him While Interrogating Him....
But Aside From That Hobbit Reference That I Put In, Klaw Is Rescued By Stevens, But During The Escape, Ross Gets Injured While Protect Nakia So Instead Of Going After Them, They Have No Choice But To Return To Wakanda To Use Their Technology To Save Ross...
While Shuri Heals Ross, He Tells W'Kabi About Losing Klaw, Feeling Betrayed By His Former Friend, W'Kabi Walks Away...
Meanwhile At An Airstrip, Stevens Kills Klaw, As T'Challa Talks With A Now Grown Up Zuri (Played By Saw Gerrera) About What Happened Years Ago With N'Jobu As Stevens Had A Ring That Matched His...
Zuri Explains To T'Challa That N'Jobu Planned To Share Wakanda's Technology With People Of African Descent Around The World To Help Them Conquer Their Oppressors. But Not Accepting This T'Chaka Arrested N'Jobu But When He Did N'Jobu Attacked Zuri And Forced T'Chaka To Kill Him...
Ordering Zuri To Lie About What Happened And To Say That N'Jobu Disappeared, They Left Behind N'Jobu's American Son, Erik In Order To Maintain The Lie...
Arriving With Klaw's Body In Wakanda, Stevens Demands To Speak To T'Challa And His Wakandan Council...
Talking To A Now Healed Ross About Stevens, He Tells T'Challa That He's A Former Black Ops Solider Who Joined A JSOC Ghost Unit And Has Adopted The Name Killmonger. Being Brought In To Talk With T'Challa And The Council, He Reveals His Identity As N'Jadaka, The Son Of Prince N'Jobu Before The Tribal Elders...
Challenging T'Challa For The Throne In Ritual Combat, They Decide That Killmonger Has A Legitimate Claim And The Ritual Combat Begins Once Again...
Asking Killmonger To Kill Him Instead Of T'Challa As He Caused His Father's Death, Zuri Is Killed By Killmonger, But Killnonger Doesn't Spare T'Challa Instead He Goes...
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And Throws Him Over The Waterfall...
With T'Challa Presumed Dead, Killmonger Is Made King And Ingests The Heart Shaped Herb To Gain The Powers Of The Black Panther, After Having A Vision Of N'Jobu, Killmonger Awakens And Orders The Heart Shaped Herb To Be Incinerated But Luckily Nakia Gets Of Hold Of One Before He Does...
Supported By W'Kabi And His Army, Killmonger Enacts His Father's Plan To Have Wakandan Weapons Distributed To Wakandan Operatives Around The World...
Seeking The Aid Of The Jabari Tribe, Ramonda, Shuri, Ross And Nakia Learn That They Have Been Caring For A Comatose T'Challa Who They Rescued In Repayment For Sparing Their Leader M'Baku's Life...
Feeding It To T'Challa, He Returns To The Ancestral Plane, Where He Reunites With The Spirit Of His Father Who Tells His Son It's Time To Let Go And Join Him And The Ancestors....
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Asking His Father Why Erik Was Left As An Orphan In The US When He Should Have Been With His People In Wakanda, T'Chaka Claims He Did What He Did For His People And Wakanda To Allow Them To Remain In Isolation. Rejecting This, T'Challa Tells Them That They Cannot Hide From The World Forever...
Telling His Father's Spirit That He Will Return To Stop The Monster His People Created From Sitting On The Throne, T'Challa Wakes Up And Returns To Wakanda To Stop Killmonger's Plan...
Returning To Mount Bashenga To Challenge Killmonger Who Dons A Black Panther Suit Of His Own, Shuri And Nakia Join The Dora Milaje And The Jabari In Battling W'Kabi And The Wakandan Army. Piloting A Remote Jet, Ross Shoots Down The Planes Carrying The Weapons Before They Can Leave The Country...
Confronted By Okoye, W'Kabi And His Army Stand Down As Killmonger Overpowers The Dora Milaje And Nearly Kills Shuri But T'Challa Saves His Sister And Tackles Killmonger Into The Great Mound, For One Last Battle...
(End At 2:39)
Showing Mercy, T'Challa Fullfills Killmonger's Childhood Wish Of Witnessing A Wakandan Sunset, Offering To Heal Him, Killmonger Prefers Choosing To Die A Free Man Than To Be Incarcerated So Removing The Dagger, He Dies...
Rejecting The Isolation Of Wakanda Like Past Kings Did, T'Challa Establishes An Embassy At The Apartment Complex Where N'Jobu Was Murdered And Appoints Shuri And Nakia To Run It Which Is Where Our Movie Ends...
We Get A Mid Credits Scene Where T'Challa Appears Before The United Nations In The Rebuilt Vienna International Centre To Reveal Wakanda's Resources To The World And To Come Out Of Isolation...
We Also Get A End Credits Scene That Sees Bucky Barnes Waking Up In Wakanda (In Time For The Next Movie) To Be Met By Shuri Who Begins To Help Him With His Recuperation From His Mental Programming
And That's Black Panther And It's A Good Movie...
While Not My Favorite Movie In The MCU It Wasn't Bad, I Liked The Story, The Characters Were Decently Written Chadwick Bozeman Is Better In This Movie Than Civil War Though He Still Goes In And Out Of That Mako Voice He Does That I Complained About In Civil War. The Bad Guy Wasn't That Bad I Absolutely Enjoyed The Movie And I Definitely See It..
Well, We're Finally Here As Next Week We Look At The First Part Of The End Of The Infinity Saga, Avengers: Infinity War! But Until Then This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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asterinjapan · 5 years
the end of a journey
And that wraps up my collection posts for this trip. How time has flown by…
As always, I like to do a final post in which I look back on my travelling, before I close this blog until my next trip. I am going to do that this time as well, but my reflections on Okinawa will be slightly different than expected, as in the early morning of October 31, the main buildings of Shuri Castle were destroyed in a fire. Thankfully there were no human casualties, but the loss of the castle cuts deep for Okinawa, and it would feel odd to just cheerily babble about visiting the castle without touching upon what happened a mere 4 weeks later (to the day, I now realize).
I uh, might have postponed this entry so that I could pretend I didn’t have to close the chapter of this trip, haha. But with my photo album done, all that’s left is my final words.
Now without further ado, the final post for Japan 2019!
  One would think that after eight previous trips, another flight to Japan would feel like routine, but the start was already different since I needed a domestic flight transfer. However, being able to see the islands of Okinawa from the plane awed me, and definitely set the tone for my enjoyment of the main island. I arrived with fairly high expectations, and I got to say that Okinawa more than delivered. Although I confess it was slightly odd to stay along the Kokusaidori main street, as it’s so touristic and feels like a shopping street in Tokyo, but it still has its own Okinawan flavor. And I was so close to the ocean! I couldn’t believe how quickly I reached the shores, and even with a highway road above my head, it was great to trail through the water on my day of arrival.
Visiting Shuri Castle was on the top of my wish list, so I did that right on my first full day. Reading about the beautiful reconstructions and seeing the pictures definitely didn’t hold up to the real thing, and I could only admire the love and dedication that had gone into reconstructing this centuries old castle. It felt so completely different from the other Japanese castles, which it of course is, but I hadn’t expected to feel that so acutely. You could definitely tell how proud the people here were of the castle, and I can only hope that those whose livelihoods depended on the castle can get by now. It still feels surreal to think that the buildings are no longer there. There are logistical problems for rebuilding, although I don’t doubt they will get there in the end. It burnt down before, and rose from the most terrible of ashes. It will likely take decades, but considering how big a symbol this place is, there will definitely be something new. I do confess I kind of skipped war memorials during this trip to Okinawa, but the scars of the Battle of Okinawa was visible everywhere; and yet it was also noticeable how the people have come back from it. I can only hope their spirit will continue from hereon too and that this symbol will rise again.
Of course, I had no idea while I was there what would happen four weeks later, but I’m glad in retrospect that I took my time and uh, took as many pictures as I did. Nearby Tamaudun Mausoleum impressed me deeply as well, although I must confess that was due to the full package: the castle and the history and the mausoleum together, plus the pathway leading up to the building was short but absolutely lovely.
After that, I saw so many sights. I climbed the mountain to find Nakagukusu castle, where I had a blast feeling like I was in some weird limbo between a gothic European castle in ruins with crows flying by and, well, a subtropical island, with beautiful blue seas on both sides. Weirdly, it really looked like only the castle was clouded that day, as the sun was shining on both sea sides, but it just added to the atmosphere.
I went from super touristic but cheerful Okinawa World with its gorgeous caves to the genuine and wonderful museum, teaching me so much more about the islands, explored gorgeous gardens, and to top it all off, I got to spend a day on Tokashiki island, which really was the icing on an already delicious cake. The weather was lovelier than I could have even hoped for, the views were amazing, and I was honestly jealous of myself while I was there. This really was the picture perfect ‘tropical holidays’ right from the travel brochure, and although I think I’d get bored of it if I were to spend a whole week just chilling on the beach, it was an amazing way to end my week down south. Not to mention the submarine ride! I’m really glad I was tenacious and eventually lucked out and got on, because I wouldn’t have missed it for the world. It’s one thing to see coral reefs on tv or in an aquarium, but seeing them in the wild is awe inspiring. Luckily the Kerama Islands (which Tokashiki is the biggest of) are a national park and under protection, and I can only hope that we can all protect amazing sights like these all around the globe.
 After a week of exploring something completely new, it was time to return to an old friend: Fukuoka, which I had stayed in for a week back in 2015. I had fond memories of staying there, and this week didn’t disappoint. The flight was so relaxed I would almost say I got rid of my fear of flying (not entirely, but it definitely diminished from here on), and then it was time to explore the places I had missed out on before! It was my first time seeing a typical conical and active volcano, and Sakurajima definitely didn’t disappoint. Karatsu had caught my eye in recent years, and I’m so happy I went there, because I had a delightful day and I was thoroughly charmed by this city. Beppu was highly touristic, but I had a good time exploring the hells anyway, and I’m easily amused, so getting to say ‘I went to hells and back’ won’t get old soon. The typhoon made me stay in Fukuoka for a day since I didn’t want to risk getting stranded, but I don’t regret it one bit as I finally got to see Kushida shrine in the sun and had a blast in Canal City. It was safe enough to go to Yoshinogari Historical Park next, and wow, there was so much to see and do that I definitely have to go back here sometime. And hey, I got to be crafty and made a mirror! I’m still unreasonably proud.
With the weather continuing to smile down on me, I hit Okayama next, where I finally got to dress up as a princess in the castle (I’m easily pleased) and saw the sights we sadly had to miss out on last year due to floods. Gorgeous sights and castles greeted me as I finally got to see more of Shikoku, and although I am definitely a bit weary of temples now (sorry, Onomichi), the views over the Inland Sea continue to impress. The weather was exceedingly kind to me and gave me blue skies over all castles, and so I happily checked off number 7 on the list of 12 original castle towers still remaining. Past the halfway point! I do love castles, haha.
My luck hadn’t run out yet as on my final day in Okayama, KOKIA was performing in Osaka. It was just an hour away from Okayama, the closest I was to Osaka the entire trip, so that left enough time to visit Universal Studios beforehand. And of course, seeing KOKIA live is always a magical experience (which is a nice bridge from the Wizarding World of Harry Potter I guess, haha). I’ve said it before, but even live recordings and DVDs can’t compare to the live experience, and I feel so privileged and blessed that this is my seventh time (!) getting to see her live. And this was my third time in a row getting to meet her for an autograph! I might get spoiled at this rate, haha. It was wonderful to hear songs from all those years ago as well as some newer favorites.
And although I hadn’t been looking forward to the long trip to Tokyo, this was in fact a very relaxed experience. I had so much leg space that my suitcase in front of me was no big bother, and the seats next to me stayed empty anyway. Getting back to Tokyo, and more specifically Ikebukuro, felt like coming home again, and I enjoyed soaking into the familiar sights (and uh, shopping, I have to admit).
This was the only part of my trip where I actually noticed the typhoons that had blown over or were on their way. Japan has taken quite the battering this year, with typhoons forming very late into the season, being more powerful than ever, with Hagibis being the tragic record. It had given me quite the scares, but all it really meant for me was a few windy days, two days of rain on 4 weeks total, and making it risky to leave Tokyo for the mountainous areas. The people here have suffered far more. I can only hope they recover well from this natural violence and that they can catch a break for a while.
 Anyway, you can easily dump me in Tokyo for months on end and I will still have a great time. This city is so massive and there are plenty of places worth a second (or third, or ninth) visit, so it’s hard to imagine I’d ever get bored here. And since many of the series and games I like hail from Japan, I definitely took the chance to stock up on merchandise and go to cafés to let out my inner fangirl. Look, I grew up on Pokémon, I’m not gonna ignore the chance to have dinner with Pikachu. Rainy days aren’t so bad if you get to spend them in a museum so big that even a full day is barely enough to see everything, and I got to spend some extra days with my friend on top of it.
I have to admit I felt a bit bad about not using my JR pass much in that last week except for the Yamanote line, but that in no way diminished how much fun I had, and I confess to having cried a couple of times in my final days in Tokyo due to my impending return home. Of course, going on holidays is different from living somewhere, but I still feel like a piece of me was left behind in Japan way back in 2010, and so it hurts to part every time. That might sound dramatic, but that metaphor does explain why I feel so strongly about it.
 The flight back gave me one last treat with the Fuji showing up through the clouds, marking the first time in all those flights when I actually got to see it from the plane. Sadly the picture I took on my phone isn’t super crisp, but it’s the best I could do at the moment, and really, there’s something about that mountain you can’t quite catch on camera anyway. The flight was calm and hardly affected my nerves, and though I didn’t sleep much, I managed to get home safe and sound without even falling asleep on the train or bus.
Of course, the jetlag was waiting for me with a big ol’ hammer, and it took a while for me to recover. A bit longer than expected, actually, although I suspect part of that was caused by just how much I’ve seen and done over those past 4 weeks. Look at how long this entry is getting, and I barely even touched on some days and impressions! I can’t believe I got to check off my entire list of places to visit until I got to Tokyo. I hadn’t thought my body could handle it, but I was pleasantly surprised, and I definitely feel in a better condition than ever. Seeing all these wonderful sights for sure invigorated me, so I don’t doubt it helped, but the relative ease with which I climbed those mountains also surprised me. Not that I’m complaining!
And that brings me back home. I’ve had two weeks to recover now, and I think my body has adjusted to being back in the Netherlands again. I’ve collected all my reports from this blog (and have apparently done NaNoWRiMo writing challenge a month early, as I surpassed 50,000 words written in a month, oops), my photos have been sorted out, I’ve put together a photo book for the collection, and… well, all that’s left is closing off this blog until the next trip. That won’t be this year anymore, haha, no more last-minute Christmas trips to Tokyo! Although I won’t deny it’s tempting, but I’d rather take the time to plan out my trip for next time.
I don’t know when that will be. Part of me really wants to see the cherry blossoms, but it’s a busy season, so I should be looking into flights and hotels already if I am set on doing so next year. Summer 2020 is out, though. I’d rather avoid the height of summer in Japan if at all possible, and well, with the Olympics and Paralympics next year, I think Japan really doesn’t need any more tourists in the mix, haha. So, who knows! I’ll have to wait and see where next year takes me, although I’d love to return to Japan as soon as possible. I still haven’t visited Hokkaido, after all, and I did plan out a lot of day trips from Tokyo that I didn’t get to do now.
 I keep saying it, but I don’t think I’ll ever be done with Japan. Despite hardships, I am so happy I decided to study its language and culture, over a decade ago now. It really broadened my horizons, allowed me to meet new people, and introduced me to an immensely interesting country. Although I’m far from fluent (I really need to pick up my study books and at least increase my vocabulary, yikes), it still really helped finding my way here and getting in touch with people. Of course, I saw everything through a tourist’s eye, but I do my best to read up on the places I visit and get a better sense of the culture and history through first hand experience. Speaking the language to a degree definitely helps with that.  
And so, I will now close this blog again until my next trip, which hopefully won’t take too long. Whether it’ll be a short hop over to Tokyo or a longer cross-country travel remains to be seen, but I can’t wait to find out!
Thank you for sticking with this blog and for reading all that in case you made it here, and see you soon!
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lauxxury · 6 years
STONE COLD [4] - Bucky x FemReader
Summary - You never wanted to come back, not after how you left things with everybody at the Avengers, but especially him. 
 Pairing - Bucky x FemReader
 Warnings - a fight scene, mentions of being mind controlled, i think nothing more. 
Word count - 2k 
A/N: this is the last chapter so i really really want to know what you thnk of this mini serie. i want to apologize for taking so long to update and also I’m not going to link the previous chapters bc tumblr is a bitch but you can find them on my masterlist that is on my bio. thank you for reading, gif not mine, credits to owner. 
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“And now this is awkward” Tony said looking at you.
 Silence filled the room. Bucky’s eyes were on you, trying to read you, trying to know what was going to be your reaction, what were you going to say to him. You were apart for two years for a simple misunderstanding, for a modified video. If only you would have waited for him to return so you could have talked things through, if only you wouldn’t have seen that video. But, how did you saw that video? Someone had to put it somewhere for you to see. It must had been the same people who modified it… But, who?
Your eyes flied from the screen where they had been fixated for the last minute and landed on him. But he couldn’t recognize the natural light they used to had. Had you changed that much in two years? Your eyes looked colder than ice, your features were stone cold.
Suddenly, your eyes started to glow in that peculiar green shade he had seen just minutes before. Your eyes were only on him, as if there wasn’t anyone else in the room. Your hands started to glow as well as you reached up and, in a blink of an eye, his back was pressed with force against the wall that was behind him seconds ago. A green-ish glow surrounded him but it wasn’t gentle at all, not like when you caught him from falling. Instead you were crushing him against the wall.
“What the hell?!” Sam called out, not expecting at all this kind of reaction, in all the time that he had known you, you were never violent, it didn’t matter how mad you were.
“Ich werde dich zurückbringen, Soldat” I am taking you with me, Soldier. Your words didn’t sound like you, they got out of your mouth, but it wasn’t your voice and they were in German. When had you learn to speak German? Bucky thought. And then it hit him.
“She’s brainwashed!” he screamed for his teammates, his friends, to do something, to stop you because you weren’t yourself in that moment. You were something else, someone else, the you that Hydra had made you while you were captive. How haven’t he thought about it?
And they kicked into action.
He saw how Natasha was the first to move towards you as she shouted “Hit her in the head! Hard!”, but you moved slightly your hands and she was pushed backwards by your magic until she was pressed against the fridge as Bucky was against the wall.
He saw from the corner of his eyes how Tony summoned his new nanotech suit. At the same time Sam pulled out a gun from the top of the fridge. Steve was already charging at you, but you changed the pressure you were using on keeping Natasha to the wall and directed it at Steve.
He saw how the muscles on your arms tightened at the extra force you were needing to push Steve away from you while keeping himself to the wall. He tried to fight against the green glow that was keeping him against the wall, but it was impossible for him to move any part of his body except for his head. He was going to need to help in a non-physical way.
He screamed you name but you were not paying attention to him, your focus was on keeping your ex-teammates as far from you as you could, but it looked like you were going to lose at one point, there were too many of them and you could only use one of your hands to hold them back.
Your name escaped his lips again, this time in a whisper but he knew you heard him. “Look at me” he shouted this time, “it’s me who you want!”. The hand that was holding him back against the wall started shaking and he was able to take a step toward you. “Look at me!” he tried again, and your head turned his way, your eyes still glowing bright green.
You conjured a kind of green shield around the both of you to keep the rest of the team away. “This is not you” he started saying his eyes not moving from yours, although he could see in the corner of his eyes how the team was trying to penetrate your magical shield. Your eyes lost his green glow just for a second. “You would never hurt them” he tried again. He was never good with words, but it looked like it was working, so he was going to have to do his best. “They are your family”, you tilted your head to the side at his words, “We are your family”.
The green glow surrounding you faded a little, and so did your spell. His eyes were on yours when he saw how Steve’s shield hit the right side of your head.
Your body fell to the floor and he rushed to your side. Your head was bleeding, but he did not care at all if he was going to get blood all over himself. He picked you from the floor and stood up going as fast as he could to the Med Bay.
The first thing you heard when you awoke was the humming of the motors of the quinjet you were in. You were laid in a hospital bed and when you tried to sit up you realized you were tied up to it, not only by your wrists and ankles but by your knees and chest too.
What the hell had happened? How did you end up like that? The last thing you remembered was watching the video on the Avengers’ kitchen and then nothing, everything was blank.
You recognized the ceiling, it was of an avengers quinjet, why where they treating you like a criminal? What did you do? Nothing made sense… where were they taking you? Jail? Maybe. Maybe they were afraid of what you could do now, even though you knew Wanda’s powers were more powerful than your own.
And, where was Bucky? You needed to apologize to him. You ran away and everything went to shit because you were not mature enough to talk to him about what you saw.
“Hydra was controlling you” Bucky said as he stood up from a chair. You hadn’t seen him sitting there, your head too dizzy to notice. “We don’t know if they still are”, he continued as he approached the bed you were strapped in.
“What did I do?” you said turning your head slowly to see him. “Is everyone okay? Steve?”
“Everyone is fine now” he sighed. “Dr Banner found a chip on the right side of your head. He believes that’s how they told you what to do, and when to so it. He is not sure if that’s all, that’s why we are flying to Wakanda”
“Wakanda?” you asked confused.
“That’s where they treated me” he explained. “Where they erased the Winter Soldier from my mind”. His eyes were darker than usual, the deep blue almost dark gray. You had missed him, and the pain he seemed to be in when he remembered what they made him do while he was the Soldier made you hurt too.
“I’m sorry”, you said loud enough for him to listen, even though your words came out barely a whisper.  “I should have talked to you about the video, I should have waited…”
“Don’t” he interrupted you, “I don’t blame you, I know I would have acted the same way”. His eyes fell to the floor as if he was trying to avoid yours.
“But still… I messed everything so bad.”
“We can talk about it after the doctors say you are completely fine” he interrupted you again. “We are arriving”.
It was the beginning of your second week on the Compound after the doctors from Wakanda, and specially Shuri, who you’ve learn was one of the main reasons Bucky was now free of Hydra’s control, said you were good to go.
You hadn’t seen Bucky yet, the first thing Natasha told you when you came back was that he was on as mission with Steve and Sam on South America and that they didn’t know how long they were going to take.
You were on the common room, one place you had grown to visit on the early morning when you could not sleep. Something that was a side effect of Hydra’s mind control.
It turned out you were the mole that you were looking for on the CIA, Hydra was using you to get intel on the president and other missions around the globe. But now they thought you were death, so you could not leave the Compound, at least until you were certain no one who knew about what Hydra did to you was still alive. That’s what Sam, Steve and Bucky were doing.
The cup of tea that was on your hands had got cold at least half an hour before and you had not intention on moving from the comfortable couch.
“Nat told me I could find you here” you heard a voice right behind you. You turned around so suddenly you almost dropped your tea. “I didn’t mean to scare you” Bucky said with a small apologetic smile.
“It’s okay” you answered turning again to keep watching the fields that surrounded the Compound. “I’m a little jumpy”.
You heard him sit down right beside you, his body turned to you while yours was turned to the window.  You could feel his eyes on you, but you were not ready to face him. You were never going to be ready, but you knew you had to.
“How was your mission?” you asked him, trying not to talk about what you knew he came to talk about.
“It was fine. We…” he paused thinking if he should tell you what he was about to say, “we found the place they kept you in Guatemala. But you know I’m not here to talk about this”.
You turned to look at him. His blue eyes where exactly as you remembered them from when you were together, they always had that glint of mischief, always looking for adventure, even f it was just learning how to make pancakes.
“I’m sorry” you said.
“I know” he said reaching for one of your hands. “I’m not here to talk about that either”. You looked at him, confusion all over your features. “I want to be with you again”.
You jerked your hand away from his touch and you saw how his eyes twitched with hurt. “I’m not the same, Bucky” you said shaking your head side to side.
“I’m not either” he took your hand again, you knew that he needed, it was his way to ground himself when he talked about his feelings. “But I still love you, I will always love you, no matter how much you hurt me”.
“That’s not healthy”
“I know, but you are good to me” his eyes were on yours, a little smile forming on his lips as he held your hand and you knew you were not going to be able to say no to him. He was the love of your life after all. “Let us try again, please” he begged, “I know we’ve been through a lot, doll. But we are so much stronger than everything. We’ll be better than before, I promise”. He gave your knuckles a little kiss, although his lips barely touched your skin, you could feel goosebumps growing on your stomach. “I won’t give up on us again, will you?”
“I won’t”.
A/N: so everything is answered now but if you have ay questions or something you haven’t understood please aske me. i hope you have enjoyed this as much as i have. feedback is always super welcomed. and HAPPY NEW YEAR!!
Tagglist: @901seconds @moli1497 @thunderous-flower @its-a-simply-me-thing @siderman-berries @barrosstan
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artemisegeria · 5 years
Endgame Predictions/Wishlist Round-Up (Spoilers)
I made a number of posts discussing what I thought might happen, what I wanted to happen, and what I didn’t want to happen. Here’s how all my speculation and hoping stacked up against the real movie. Massive spoilers below the cut.
In summary, I was really wrong about a lot of stuff. The whole movie was very different from what I expected.
Speculative Timeline (as of April 2, 2019)
- We open on the remaining Avengers either in Wakanda or already back at the compound. It is only days or weeks after the Snap. They are struggling to pick up the pieces. They track the missing population and try to figure out what happened to all their allies that we didn’t see at the end of Infinity War.  Eh, not really. It was kind of like that, but they didn’t really focus on it.
- They find Nick’s pager and begin messing around with it to continue sending the signal. Captain Marvel arrives. Straight up was not in the movie.
- They cut to some of the other people who will play a role. Probably Tony. Maybe the dusted people. Or Scott Lang in the Quantum Realm. Eh, kind of. They did cut to Tony early on.
- We return to the Avengers. They decide to go fight Thanos. A while ago, I saw a synopsis from footage that was shown to some Disney investors. It said that the Avengers track the energy signature of the space stone, so maybe Captain Marvel’s arrival helps with that, since that is the stone her powers come from. This is still very soon after the Snap as shown by Nat’s hair in the new special look footage. This was a trick again. I think this happened after the time jump.
- They get soundly defeated. But they either manage to escape or Thanos shows “mercy” and decides to send them back to Earth or something. Wrong. They actually defeat him, which I liked. It really made me wonder what would happen next.
- Maybe some time passes of them still struggling to get through the wreckage of their world. Some other remaining allies, like Pepper, coalesce around them. Kind of. There was the scene with the hologram chat.
- Tony arrives with Nebula. Reunions and tough conversations. This pretty much happened, but it was more shouting than an actual conversation.
- Big time jump (like 3-5 years). I know I shouldn’t get my hopes up, but for some reason, the more I re-watch the trailers, the more I think that sometime during this period, if it really falls out this way, they will be able to restore Vision.  First part was right. Sadly, very wrong about the second part.
- We open on Nat in Japan. She talks to Clint and tries to get him to come back to New York with her. He refuses; he says he’s not done avenging his family. Wrong about the second part and it happens early in the movie.
- Cut to Tony, Steve, et al. working together on new weapons, getting SHIELD back together, trying to make the best of the situation. So wrong.
- Scott Lang arrives from a Time Vortex in the Quantum Realm. He finds the Avengers. He has new information that unlocks a solution that they haven’t tried yet. Everyone starts to work on that. Kind of, but happened much earlier than I expected.
- Clint comes back, hence Nat’s smile in the new footage.
- Maybe they cut again to the dusted people working on their own solution. And/or Thanos.
- We see the Avengers working more/testing whatever time travel/quantum technology they’re developing. There are some emotional beats between different characters. They didn’t really pause long enough to have emotional beats in my opinion.
- They’re finally ready to use it. I still don’t have a clear idea on what could happen during this part of the plot. But they use their new allies and new technology to get what ever they need to face Thanos again. Yes, the infinity stones, but I didn’t really predict anything specific here.
- The final showdown. Everyone fights together, last chance, throw every power at the wall and see what sticks. They’re on the brink of defeat. Thanos is still too powerful. When things look very bleak for our heroes, all the dusted people come back. They rally and defeat Thanos. The rest of universe’s population that was dusted comes back. Mostly this is what happened, definitely the best part of the movie.
- Celebration, mourning, weddings, funerals, a taste of what the characters will be doing going forward. Kind of yes, kind of no.
- End Credits Scene(s)
- Cue black screen with white text, saying something to the effect of: The Avengers have done their jobs. Or the new Avengers will return.
General Predictions (as of March 25, 2019)
1.      There is no time travel, aside from maybe whatever Scott does to get out of the quantum realm. The early leaked set photos that looked like they were from the Battle of New York were all BARF technology, dream sequences, illusions, alternate universes, etc.
2.      They do explore multiple realities/universes.
3.      The dusted people are not in the Soul Stone. I think I got this one right. I’m still a little unclear on what happened.
4.      Tony survives and gets to marry Pepper and have a kid and a farm.
5.      Steve survives, too. With everyone debating whether Steve or Tony or both will die, I think they might go for a surprise and kill off neither of them, making the death(s) someone(s) more unexpected. I guess he’s technically still alive at the end, but close to dying of natural causes.
6.      I think at least one major or semi-major character will die and stay dead. At this point, I have no idea who.  Yes, so far.
7.      The MCU going forward is in a totally new universe/continuity. The more I think about the possibility of the multiverse, the more I think they might pull a Star Trek (2009) and have the fix involve creating a new timeline, therefore making permanent changes and definitively forging a fresh trail.
8.      I hate to say it, but I think we will get some variation of White Vision. Prove me wrong, Marvel. I do not want to be right about this, but I just have a feeling. This would not be the absolute worst outcome because it could still be fixed, but I really, really hope I am wrong. I’m not sure, but I think I might have preferred White Vision to the complete nothing that we got.
9.      They will fight Thanos more than once. Yes.
10.  Shuri is fine. The picture of her on the missing people board in the first trailer was either a misleading shot or at that point in the movie, the Avengers genuinely thought she was dusted. She will help them defeat Thanos.
11.  There will be a time jump. Despite the admission that misleading footage was used in the trailers, I think certain appearance changes in the characters point in only one direction. Individual shots may be misleading, but I think the general sense that a lot of time passes at one point will remain.
12.  The Snap will still be reversed, but the fix will not involve undoing it entirely. Instead, people will be brought back to after the time jump has occurred. I just cannot fathom Marvel not bringing back half the universe’s population. But if the time jump remains intact, that will provide some permanent changes and losses.
 Wishlist Items (as of December 11, 2018)
1.      Vision comes back with his emotions/memories fully or mostly intact
2.      Wanda et al. come back
3.      Everybody lives
4.      Alternatively, if anyone dies, have it be very important to the final victory and a grand send-off
5.      Have all the Avengers be integral to winning, not simply rely on the awesome powers of a few of them
6.      If time travel is involved, still have everyone remember the events of Infinity War
7.      Emotional reunion between Vision and Wanda
8.      Have Tony and Steve reconcile I don’t know, kind of, but not really.
9.      Emotional reunions for everyone Most people got them.
10.  A Pepper/Tony wedding at the end/show everyone celebrating
11.  Showing the aftermath of IW for the general population Kind of, the bare minimum of showing that.
12.  Full-on Return of the King style ending with 10 scenes showing little vignettes between various characters where everyone is happy or on their way to being happy Also kind of, a little bit
13.  Happy or reflective post-credit scenes (no indication of a new threat on the horizon; let there be a moment of peace) No post credits scene?
14.  At least 20 minutes-half an hour of wrap-up/celebration and/or mourning/preparation for moving forward after the final battle. Hell, I’d probably even take an hour. They have 10 years of movies to wrap up. I think it was more like 5 or 10 minutes.
15.  Thanos gets the justice that is coming to him
16.  Have Nebula kill Thanos (if that’s the resolution, which makes the most sense to me), and not Tony or Carol or someone else
17.  Have Thanos be the main villain (I keep hearing rumors that this is not the case, but I think that it would be a bad idea)
18.  A final battle scene that Sebastian Stan (I think) mentioned filming with every Marvel character making a grand last stand Almost everyone, except Vision. I’m still mad about that.
19.  A (final?) pre-battle pep talk from Steve
20.  Everyone meeting Carol kind of, also bare minimum
21.  “Avengers, assemble!”
22.  Ideally, I’d like Vision to come back as early in the movie as possible, but the more I think about it, the more that seems kind of unlikely. But if it doesn’t happen until the end, I’d love Tony to have a line something like, “I need to have all my sons at my wedding.”
23.  Shuri and Peter Parker to interact
24.  Thor (and Loki?) and Doctor Strange to meet again and have a callback to Ragnarok
25.  Wanda and Doctor Strange to interact Not really, I think they were sort of next to each other at one point.
26.  Wanda and Carol to interact same as above
27.  Vision and Groot to interact
28.  An explanation of Doctor Strange’s plan didn’t really get one
29.  People interacting in the Soul World
 Things I Didn’t Want to See (as of March 14, 2019)
1. White Vision
2. Wanda to somehow be pregnant/have the twins by the end of the movie. It seems probable that some variation of that is the eventual plan, which is fine, but I’d prefer them to wait a while to implement that. Let Wanda be happy and let her and Vision just be a happy/recovering couple for a while, let them more fully explore themselves and their powers first.
3. Redemption for Thanos. I know there is some precedent for him working with the Avengers in the comics, but it would make me angry if they just worked together in the face of a bigger threat despite everything that happened.
4. Captain Marvel or anyone else to save the day (almost) single-handedly. Most of the talk from the filmmakers and the marketing indicates that they are focusing on everyone being a team and working together, but I would be tremendously disappointed if that turns out not to be the case. It’s only proper that, as the apparent swan song for many of the original six, that much of the focus should be on them and the whole ensemble of all the Marvel heroes. I want everyone to be integral to the victory.
5. Lack of closure in general. I don’t want Thanos or any of the Infinity Stones hanging around. I guess the Infinity Stones are still around.
6. No Vision
7. No happy reunion for Wanda and Vision. There are definitely ways they could both come back, but still not get a happy reunion, which is why this is a separate item.
8. Anyone dying. Probably the most unrealistic, but I will hold on to hope until proven wrong.
9. More trauma for Wanda and Vision. What with the show still apparently happening, I have fewer and fewer doubts about the fact that both Wanda and Vision will come back (pretty much at 100% certainty for Wanda and maybe like 70-80% for Vision), but I am far less certain about what the movies/show will do to them once they come back.
10. Vision to be wiped out from ever having existed. I don’t think this one is too likely, but I do see some room for it to happen.
  Things I Liked That I Didn’t Expect or Ask For
-          America’s ass
-          Wanda’s badass one-on-one confrontation against Thanos
-          All the MCU women teaming up
Things I Didn’t Like That I Didn’t Expect or Ask For
-          Virtually zero mention of Vision. Not even saying his name once. Honestly, the writers always seemed to like him. Did they suddenly get mind controlled by a Vision or Scarlet Vision anti?
-          Fat jokes about Thor
-          A cameo by one of the Russos (I always get them mixed up)—it was very stupid and self-indulgent, considering what they left out
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