#and that she can go on to prove her skills as a queen (which seems to be what she's actually passionate about)
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wildflowercryptid · 1 year ago
barely 2 chapters into a semi-charming kind of life and i'm already screaming over the parallels i'm seeing between darling and apple, oh my god...
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blorbologist · 1 year ago
Re-watching Calamity (for ~research~) and this time around Patia has really stood out to me. Of course Cerrit and Laerryn and Zerxes are showstoppers, but I decided to pay more mind to the other three members of the Ring of Brass, and just... Patia Por'co, guys. Patia Por'co.
Patia's relationship to what she knows (and does not know) is, I think, the pure distillation of knowledge is power.
She carries all her knowledge, all of Avalir's knowledge, with her, levitating, all this power at her fingertips. I think that there's something to be said with her about how generational power and knowledge are so often intertwined - children of alumni having easier access to the same academic leg up as their parents, knowing who to know, having the ins and outs of how this works handy. I don't believe any of the other members of the Ring of Brass come from backgrounds like this, and if not it's fitting that the only one that does is the one most tied to knowledge. On top of being an elf to boot, something which must amplify the consolidation of resources throughout the years.
[Shunting the rest under the cut bc oops this got Long]
I think it's interesting, too, how Patia seems extremely adept at navigating the lies and half-truths of Avalir's politics, yet reserves honesty for her friends. If someone lesser than they knows what they shouldn't, she will take that power away from them. On my relisten, I'd forgotten that one of the memories the Ring of Brass analyzes tries to throw Patia under the bus, and how quickly she shows Nidas memories proving that she did as right by him as she could. And the reveal that she and Zerxes tried to bring back Evandrin, and upon the failure she removed the painful memory at his request.
(Mechanically, too; as a wizard, her knowledge literally is her power. That's the wizard thing, baby, and if Laerryn exemplifies a wizard whose INT is intellectual skill/problem-solving, then Patia is probably INT as memory. Streetsmart and booksmart besties. Also revealing herself to goad Dean Hollow into popping back in, only to immediately Sphere her and cause the bitch to get eaten by her own spell? Maybe that's a stretch of my 'knowledge is power' bit, but it's too fucking cool of a moment not to remind you of it.)
The first time she died, it was for knowledge. Touching the Tree of Names, and she never did let it go (would she, if she could have?). When she died - that first time - did she meet the Raven Queen?
Patia's direct tie to quite possibly the second-most knowledgeable being in the Exandrian mythos (behind Ioun, but I'd argue you know a lot to handle fate and death, on top of being a wizard in life) feels very deliberate to me. The Raven Queen, the mage who did what no other could (except Vecna a long-ass time later, and only for like a day or two), was at least a contemporary. Perhaps a teacher, or mentor, or admired idol. And now Patia can't even remember her name.
It's funny how much knowledge was actually taken from Patia, between that name and her parents'. Just as she removed knowledge from others. No matter how powerful you get, even with a protective ring, you are always at the mercy of your predecessors. What they chose to do with knowledge. And what Patia chooses to do, now.
In her last moment alone, she relates this knowledge to selfishness. Her grandfather's decision to make a city fly because he and others could. The Gau Drashari's decision to keep all information about the Tree of Names secret. While I disagree with her a bit, it really rounds out knowledge is power - because it's hoarded, it's made a tool for selfishness and control. And Patia acknowledges it likely always will be selfish, but for now at least she can break this cycle.
She breaks Avalir, the model of it her grandfather holds, and sends the Librarium with all the knowledge she carries to Maya.
(I'll note that Maya probably doesn't know what the orb is or does, so sending the model library is a great way to help get that message across, too, on top of the meaning of the moment.)
When it comes time to send all of Avalir's knowledge away, it's not some mage acquaintance from another city she sends it to. Hells - she doesn't even teleport herself out, with it, to ensure its protection and proper use. She sends it to a child, a teenager, the daughter of her friend. Someone with no power, who will have nothing but her family in the Calamity. I can't quite pin down why she choose Maya. Because a teenager is innocent, uncorrupted by power? Because she wanted to give the family of her friend leverage, knowledge to rebuild, a fighting chance?
There's so much Patia did not live to know. She points it out herself that she never found love, or became a parent, all for the sake of Avalir, for knowledge, for power. To maintain the legacy that preceded her. Excellent DMing on Brennan's part to take the quiet moment, as the sphere is sent to Maya, to then put Patia in the place of a child, one robbed of the knowledge of who her parents even were.
And yet. As she sends all she has ever known away, she still reaches for it. Almost wants it back. Almost.
Her story begins and ends with a wish: happy Replenishment, grandfather. And on that fateful day, in place of the stolen tithe she and Laerryn and Nidas have been shuffling around the city, she gives her life to save the world. and she gives away the knowledge to rebuild it.
And there's nothing else she needs to know.
IDK. I think we should talk about Patia more.
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cookies-and-music · 1 year ago
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The Scam of a Lifetime.
Aleksander was tired.
Centuries of feigned deaths and new identities had worn him down.
Every day, upon waking, his mind chose a reason why existence was no longer bearable, and he spent the day brooding over it.
That day, it was about the King. Each time the king died, Aleksander had to gain the trust of the new one, prove his worth, and bow to people he could crush with a fingertip.
It had to end.
And it would end with her.
He approached her after the show. In centuries, Aleksander had seen many good actors, but none as skilled as the girl before him. Anya was young, around 16, with brown hair and light eyes. The only thing special about her was the uncanny resemblance to the Queen. It seemed that fate had spared him.
'Let's see if I understand, General Krignan.'
'Kirigan,' he corrected.
'Kirigan,' she echoed. 'Are you telling me that there existed a second daughter of the tsars, unknown to anyone, who disappeared right after birth, and the king is looking for her?'
 'It seems crazy,' she crossed her arms, leaning on the back of the chair. 'But then, why is he looking for her, after all these years?'
'He is very ill,' Aleksander began.
'The tsar is dying?' the girl widened her eyes.
'Remember that everything we say is confidential, Miss Anya,' he said with a slight undertone of threat, and she nodded. 'The tsar claims that the disappearance of the second daughter is his greatest regret, and he cannot die peacefully until he finds her.'
She seemed to reflect on it for a while; Aleksander could see the gears in her brain turning. When she finished, she raised an eyebrow. 'So, I should go there, give him the farewell kiss, and then what?'
'Then you would retire to the quiet life you know and prefer, in a villa located in the countryside far from Os Alta, with more money than you can count, never worring about working ever again.'
Anya sensed it, the smell of bullshit. 'And what do you gain?'
'A peaceful passing for my beloved sovereign.'
The coldness with which he said it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand.
She took a second to think about it, but even if she knew he would gain something, Anya thought she didn't care much, as long as she came out of it alive. And rich. Terribly rich.
During the carriage journey to Os Alta, Kirigan instructed Anya on everything she could say and, above all, what she shouldn't say. The lost princess Katarina had grown up in an orphanage on the border of Shu territory, never knowing who her parents were. When she was old enough to leave, she became a seamstress. They met in a shop where she worked and sold him gloves.
'But I don't know how to sew,' Anya had objected.
'You'll learn along the way,' Kirigan had replied without looking up from his lunch.
Anya had raised an eyebrow but didn't comment.
Apart from that, the journey was mostly silent and terribly boring. The black carriage they traveled in had dark curtains that prevented them from seeing outside, making it difficult to distinguish morning from evening.
For three days, the General was her only company, as he had forbidden her to talk to anyone else to maintain secrecy.
Just beyond the gates of Os Alta, the terrible silence surrounding the carriage was broken by the chaos from outside. Intrigued by the commotion, Anya reached a hand toward the curtain and pulled it slightly.
Outside, an adoring crowd had gathered around the carriage. They threw flowers and shouted, 'Glory to the tsar, glory to Ravka.'
'I didn't know you were so loved, General,' Anya turned to Kirigan, who, with his dark and heavy clothes and long legs, seemed to take up all the space in front of her.
Kirigan moved a flap of the curtain with a finger.
'They're not cheering for me, Miss Anya.'
The girl looked confused, and he handed her a newspaper he had next to him.
'What am I supposed to do with this?' Anya waved it.
'Usually, people read newspapers, Miss Anya.'
She clenched her jaw, swallowing. 'The. P- Prin-cess. Princess.'
Aleksander furrowed his brow. 'Miss Anya... you can read, right?'
'Of course!' Anya seemed almost offended. 'I just don't like it that much.'
Aleksander almost laughed as he watched her straighten up and furrow her brows as if facing an indecipherable puzzle. 'The princess re-tu-returns ho-me.' Anya tossed the newspaper on the cushion beside her. 'I don't understand,' she sighed, looking at Kirigan.
‘They’re here for you, Princess Katarina.' He gave her a half-smile, and Anya's jaw dropped.
'I had never received applause before the performance.'
Aleksander almost laughed.
Around an hour later, the carriage stopped.
'Well, Miss Anya, the show is about to begin.' Aleksander opened a door and stepped out before reaching his hand inside to help Anya get down. As her eyes adjusted to the outside light, Aleksander took her arm and crossed it with his. For a moment, Anya was surprised by such chivalry until she realized that the proximity was necessary only to ensure that no one heard him when he whispered, 'And know that if you back out, no corner will be dark enough to hide you from me, Miss Anya.'
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sarnai4 · 1 year ago
If Worlds Combined
For as long as I can remember, I have been a huge fan of Greek mythology. This comes in spurts sometimes and discovering Epic the Musical a few days ago absolutely reignited that. So, here comes my idea which is probably as weird as I think it is, but I can't get it out of my head now. Dragons characters in the world of Greek mythology. Please, ignore most of the relationships had for the Greek mythical characters unless otherwise specified since that would make this weird. (Spoilers for the series and movies later on, so beware)
Starting off with Dagur (because he's so fun to me), I would have him as Ares the god of war. Both are all about bloodlust and brutality, but they can be extremely protective too. Dagur has already started one and would have so much fun with the sheer excitement and chaos of constant wars. It doesn't even have to be him necessarily being good or bad since the wars can either be raged to stop tyrants or for the simple sake of him being bored. Plus, it ties to some later characters if we use some of the Greek lore.
Hiccup - Daedalus because Hiccup is always going to find a way to fly and if he needs wax wings to do it, by Thor, he'll do it. With Daedalus being such a skilled inventor, I see a lot of Hiccup in him.
Stoick - Zeus, since I really can't see Stoick ever not being in charge. He wouldn't do the assaulting that Zeus does, but he still could be hot-headed and the overall boss. Basically, I am thinking of the TV version of Stoick where he's stern, but he still is a lot nicer deep down.
Gobber - Hephaestus, since both are blacksmiths. I had to keep Gobber in this role and with him being one of the gods, he could still be buddies with Stoick.
Astrid - Athena, since both are warriors. She's basically the calmer side of Ares which is not too unlike Astrid and Dagur when it comes to their tempers/brutality. Athena also has that wise side that Astrid uses a lot with Hiccup when he needs advice.
Snotlout - Heracles, since both prioritize proving themselves to their dads and Snotlout's already done some extreme trials to become king, so I could see him doing more to be considered a hero. He also has some terrible luck like Heracles and is a genuinely good athlete.
Fishlegs - Apollo, since Apollo is actually really big on knowledge, art, and music. This would fit with Fishlegs wanting to have his spa area and just stay buried in books. Despite this, Apollo has a bit of a temper too like we've seen when Fishlegs stood up to Snotlout when he kept the dragon eggs from their mom back in the earlier seasons.
Ruffnut - Ate, I had no idea who this was at first, but she is a goddess of mischief. She even messed Zeus up with her antics. She's not actually bad or anything, but she just can't seem to stop doing and getting people to do rash things. Basically, both are just major pranksters.
Tuffnut - Dionysus, since both would be party animals. Like Ate, Dionysus is all about no impulse control. This way, Ruff and Tuff can still cause destruction everywhere they go.
Mala - Hippolyta, since they're both warrior queens who would do anything for their people. This is also why I need the relationships in the myths to just be thrown out the nearest window because there is no way she's going to be Dagur's daughter.
Throk - Achilles, since both are courageous warriors. I could also see Throk's Achilles's heel being Ruffnut so to speak, so they both would have some weakness that they cannot fully overcome.
Heather - Demeter, since they both can have a nurturing and bitter side. Demeter is known for being kind and almost motherly, but then she took away summer when her daughter was taken. Thinking about Heather's rage when her parents were killed, she would do that and worse.
Valka - Hera, since this would still let her be married to Stoick, but it also shows some of the problems they had. Considering how she never just flew close enough to Berk and said she escaped, rejoining her family, it can be comparable to how Hera gets furious with Zeus and probably doesn't really want to be married to him.
Atali - Artemis, since they both protect women in some way. Artemis does it literally whereas Atali does it with Razorwhips, but it could work still and both are warriors.
Minden - Atalanta, since they are warriors as well and Atalanta also is in gratitude to Artemis for saving her life when she was about to be killed as a baby. So, they could still be allies.
Spitelout - Patrocolus, another character I didn't know, but he was Achilles's first cousin who was sent to grow up with him after killing a kid when he was one himself. He doesn't know how to follow orders well. I could see Spitelout also just comparing himself and everyone else (Snotlout) to Achilles since he's such a great warrior.
Gothi - Panacea, since she's the goddess of healing. That's pretty much it, but I think it still could work.
Gustav - Icarus, because Gustav would hear "don't fly too close to the sun" and go straight for it.
Oswald - Jason of the Argonauts, since both have this love of sailing and exploring. Oswald would absolutely go look for a golden fleece and just spend the rest of his life on the sea since we STILL don't know why he actually left Berserker Island. I'll just say he heard about a fleece and went a-hunting.
Alvin - Poseidon, since this could let him still have a connection with Zeus/Stoick and both betray the latter. Like how Alvin is exiled, Poseidon got in trouble as well with the king of gods. They both have violent tempers and I could see Alvin sinking a city because he got a peeved. Also, Poseidon imprisoned Ares (who was just defending his daughter from Poseidon's horrible son by the way), so this works too if we keep some of the other lore.
Mildew - Geras, since this guy is somehow the god of old age. I'm not sure if this is more disrespectful to Mildew or fitting, but I still like it.
Johann - Hermes, since both are messengers in a way and Hermes is a protector of orators too. There's a bit of an untrustworthy side to Hermes in my opinion with him doing what suits him best and playing nice most of the time to fool people. Hermes also helped free Ares from Poseidon's prison, much like Johann did for Dagur by having his ship there.
Savage - Demaratus, since I actually think Savage is a bigger traitor than Johann. This guy has never stayed loyal to any side. At least Johann was semi working with Krogan. Savage turned on Alvin, the Hunters, and Dagur. Who better for him than another traitor? Demaratus was a co-regent of Sparta and still helped a Persian king take it over, wanting to become his advisor.
Ansson - Ascalabus, since this guy was so bold that he literally tried to bully a god. The fool mocked Athena for being thirsty and drinking a lot of water, then got turned into a lizard. Ansson wouldn't care either if she was a god or not.
Grimmel - Sisyphus, since this guy was a king who just liked killing people to show off his power. He thought that he could cheat death (entitled like Grimmel thinking he can just cause an extinction and that's okay). At the end of the day, the guy was cursed to spend the rest of his life pushing a boulder up a hill. Too good a fate for Grimmel, though.
Drago - Pelias, since he was a king who got the position after killing the rightful leader. It's like how Drago just decided to kill as many Vikings at the council meeting as humanly possible. Pelias even banished his own twin and half-brother afterwards. They're both power-hungry and care about nothing besides more bloodshed.
Krogan - Eurymedon, who is the king of the gigantes/giants. They're both leaders of fearsome groups and not to be trifled with.
Ryker - Charon, since he is a money collector and thought of as big and scary.
Viggo - Hades, since he is in charge of his domain (and Viggo would be that person to trick somebody into eating a pomegranate aril if it benefited him). Plus, this keeps him with Ryker as his flunky since Charon is the one who works for Hades. Despite Disney's portrayal (which I do love), Hades is normally less outwardly aggressive than the others. He's almost a suave god and this would be like Viggo even in all his villainy.
One day probably pretty far in the future since there are so many projects I'm working on, I'd like to write a story like this. I have no idea what I'll be doing, but I'm wiling to try it out and see if it can actually be something that isn't horrible and incomprehensible. Hope this was fun to read if you made it this far!
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a-tale-of-legends · 3 months ago
Hey there! I just noticed your blog and I came to ask something! I’m glad you took notice of the gym challenger NPCs in Galar, and I was wondering about something, what are your thoughts on Pia, Deneb, Kent, and Yue? Do you have any headcanond about them, and if they had a bigger role in the Sword and Shield storyline, what would you have done?
God it's been so long since I've even thought of them that I fear I might not remember my specific hcs, let alone their given personalities, but I'll try!!!!
Of all the gym challenger npcs, she's the only one who was able to make it to the semi finals...quarter finals? She's the one who is beaten by Hop before he faces the player! The fact that she even made it that far with just grass types is hella impressive!!!!
I've always seen Pia as a steady force. Stern, focused, but kind and willing to guide others if needed. She also isn't a stick in the mud, either! Just that she takes the gym challenge pretty seriously.
She's a gym trainer of Milo's gym, and was thus, nominated by him to go on the gym challenge. She seems to be a bit exasperated by him based on her dialogue in game, so I imagine working with Milo is something else, hehe. Enough for her to be just slightly annoyed ( though maybe it's also he believed in her enough to even do the gym challenge, haha! Pia seems like someone who is really humble, so recognizing her own achievements and skill might be hard for her)
I've always imagined her, Deneb and Dunne to be a trio! Two orange-brown haired idiots and their green haired friend that keeps them out of trouble.
Oh, yeah, and Deneb and her get into a relationship :)
One last thing: in general I don't really see the npcs getting super involved with the plot, but I can see Pia being like a semi mentor figure the player and Hop would encounter now and again. Someone older who's respected and kind.
SPEAKING OF DENEB!!! Deneb my energetic athletic queen. This woman has a can do attitude about everything! Nothing can get her down. The gym challenge actively tests that, but it's fiiiiine.
I believe in game she said she's from kanto? ( checks) yep! she's from kanto! She also says she's from the fighting dojo, which means the place is still running lol
She kinda feels like a fish out of water, not only being from a different region, but just culturally speaking Galar is. Very different from Kanto. Much more flashy. A lot more eyes on you. But despite all that, she still carries one with a big ol grin and fierce determination!
She actually stopped the gym challenge around the same time as Dunne- around Piers gym. Between all the weird stuff that's been going around, plus just Spikemuth not being open, it was kinda a big morale dive. Still she doesn't regret it - she brought word of the fighting dojo in kanto, and she got to really bond with her pokemon. All in all, she's satisfied~
As for how her and Pia got together, I just like to think them traveling together with Deneb's energetic optimism and Pia's steadiness is what ultimately brought them together. Poor Dunne is a third wheel in all of this lol.
I think she does return to Kanto after the gym season has died down, but she and Pia still maintain their relationship. Maybe one moves to the other's region at some point?
I'm really sorry Kent, I do not have much for the guy, mainly bc I. Do not remember his quotes. So we're going off vibes and ignoring whatever he says canonically.
Kent, when I first saw him, gave me the vibe of honestly a good young lad.
Outside of the player, I always saw him as the youngest of the NPC trainers. Maybe in his late teens?
He's a sweetheart, always wanting to prove himself and be helpful to others!
Dreams of traveling across the world with his flying types.
Unlike Kent I do remember a small few hcs for her.
Her and Wei I hc as siblings!
Yue is.... Honestly a perfectionist lol. She likes to keep things clean and precise - this extends to herself greatly.
She tends to be very hard on herself when she doesn't reach a certain expectation. Compared to her brother's callous confidence, she uptight and insecure.
She loves food, but is insecure by how much she eats.
I don't remember when exactly she stopped appearing....I think maybe around Kabu's gym?
Her and Phoebus are friends :) I like to think Phoebus is a chef and encouraged Yue to simply enjoy her food instead of fretting over it ( note: I'm considering Yue being a picky eater, and if that's the case, he'll offer to cook her specific meals to her liking :) )
Thanks for the ask!!!! Not all the gym challenger NPCs rotate my head equally ( honestly it's. It's really just Pia and Deneb) but this was very fun!!!!
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sailorplanet1997 · 3 months ago
i said it before and i'm gonna say it again
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people tend to blame Tinkerbell for the disasters because of the whole switching talent thing she dragged her friends with this, training how to become a water fairy, light fairy, animal fairy, garden fairy (Rosetta didn't teached her how to become one, Vidia kind of did or atleast thought this was how garden fairy worked with her cruel plan, i'm sure she did this not to send Tink to the mainland but more like for revenge for accidently putting Vidia with the hawk incident and being a Tinker fairy was a nightmare for Vidia, all the more reasons why Vidia had an idea for Tinkerbell how to become a garden dairy) and Tinkerbell technically accidently did ruined spring but let me tell you Vidia wasn't innocent with all this either the reason i'm saying this is because she talked crap about Tinker fairies like that like only fast-flying fairies are important and the Tinker fairies are all useless and Vidia liked the tittle of being the best fast-flying fairy of pixie hollow (just because Tinker fairies don't have nature skills doesn't mean they're usless, they could be the most usefull talent in pixie hollow, they create things from lost things, they have problem solving skills, they fix broken things and stuff that are damaged so this pissed me off about Vidia in this movie) i understand why Vidia was upset with the hawk incident (rightfully so) because she didn't asked to be involved with this but she definitely was involved with the sprinting thistles, maybe she didn't ruined spring on purpose but she could have refused to participate to switch her talent for another and tell Tinkerbell to just mind her own business or something instead and she didn't helped Tinkerbell at all during the sprinting thistles thingy the first time i watched this movie despite not liking Tinkerbell at a time back then, i was on Tinkerbell's side on this one when she turned red and she atleast took her responsibilities for fixing spring, Vidia didn't seemed to care at all and blamed everything on Tinkerbell (are we REALLY going to listen to her?!?! SHE'S THE REASON WE'RE IN THIS MESS IN THE FIRST PLACE!)
but like i said, Vidia wasn't innocent in that scene neither, i've noticed that from the very start, i would've slapped Vidia if she makes fun of my invention stuff, people blames Tinkerbell for the mess when Vidia was also involved with all this, Tinkerbell had a every right to get angry at Vidia after making fun of her and confronted Vidia if she has ever helped anyone besides herself and Vidia exposed herself infront of everybody so all the fairies saw the true colour in Vidia and Queen Clarion knew just what to do with Vidia and she (rightfully) punished Vidia for the sprinting thistles (which is what i call karma)
if Vidia didn't talked crap about Tinker fairies and make fun of Tinkerbell then they wouldn't be in all the messes in the first place (and i can tell from experiences you'll feel bad about yourself you get very insecure about your own and try to prove others you are usefull, i've been there and i also took it out on others so i understand Tink's point of view a lot better now) i've said what i said about Vidia in the first movie
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Code Breaker (Villainous Oc)
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Name: Ruth Czarny 
Ethnicity: Polish American
Residence: Cosmopolis
Love Interest: Miss Heed (one-sided)
Affiliations: Miss Heed; Anana Pina; Sisterhood Of UWU
Occupation: Hacker; It Help Desk
Relatives: Rodney Czarny (father); Rhonda Czarny (mother)
Headcannon Voice Actor: Kristen Wiig (English); Carla Castañeda (Spanish)
Abilities: Computer & Hacking Skills; Intelligence 
Age: Same Age As Illuminarrow 
Personality: She is a zealot of Miss Heed and will do anything to please her. She is very extreme and will dox, threaten, humiliate, and even send viruses at designated enemies of Heed. She has a very black and white view of evil which includes anyone who is against Miss Heed is evil. She is also very gullible because she will fall for anythign at proves Miss Heed is innocent even with evidence towards the contrary. She also is for brainwashing or forcing villains to be not evil if it means stopping crime. She also is very obsessive about her interaction with Heed with swooning when even she is mentioned and going gaga when she's in her presence. She is very delusional about one day being with her and is very competitive to have her affection. She will fight someone who seems to have Miss Heed's affection or badmouths her. She hates Flug with great fury and wants him dead after he kissed Miss Heed. She has a victim complex and tries to act like she's a persecuted person when people point out her bs. She is very rude towards anyone she deems not worthy of her interests  and only really respects Miss Heed, Anana, and a few other members of the Sisterhood. She's very cocky and brags about herself often to others. She also has a not like other girls mentality that makes people find her obnoxious. 
Background: She was a normal relative of Comsopolis who was a fan of Miss Heed and would do anything to collect her stuff, follow her progress, and even attack her haters. She would do anything to defend her by sending threats, doxing humliate,, and even viruses at those she deemed as villains for targeting her beloved idol. She even continued her work as she was hypnotized by her beloved's product. When the news of Flug kissing Miss Heed was broke she broke out but she then switched to thinking she was framed and tried to everything she can to prove her innocence. She was then tapped by Anana who offered her a member in the sisterhood to help Miss Heed which she accepted and would do anything to help so this wouldn't happen again to her queen. 
* Her parents check on her if since she's always been sporadic. 
* She has money problems due to spending on Heed stuff. 
* She will get into a fight with Demencia over Miss Heed. 
* She is a cosplayer and often attends conventions. 
* She writes fanfiction of herself and Miss Heed fighting crime and getting married. 
* She often wears pink to correspond with Miss Heed. 
* She is based on rapid fans of Vivziepop and Velma from Velma 2023. 
* She was hated in high school due to how unpleasant she was and mistroncues it as her being bullied. 
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neptoons1998 · 2 years ago
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TW: Light human trafficking.
A/N: I’m back! I really like this head cannon very fluffy and I’m glad that other people are enjoying it.
Tag gang 🤘🏿: @mal-urameshi @somethingcleaverandwhitty @pantherheart @xblackreader
When Okoye was pregnant, Aneka made sure the woman would take her vitamins and help Okoye pick out baby names.
When toddler! Riri would stay at Aneka and Ayo’s house. She would cry when her mom would pick her up.
Riri(Hiccups): I-I don’t want to go! I want to stay with you.
Ayo: But you have to, your mama misses you.
Aneka(tearing up): So? She can make another one. We should keep small Riri.
Okoye (glares at Aneka): Really?
Riri would hate getting her hair done. She would walk real slow as she sat in between Okoye’s leg.
She’s not tender head, but she hates sitting still.
Okoye worries over Riri when she first started school. Riri was fine, she tend to be by herself, which cause Okoye to be concerned.
When Riri goes to school she wasn’t bullied but just left out in games and other activities with other children. She had more fun deconstructing old hoverboards and circuit boards.
Queen Ramonda: She could have a playdate with Shuri!
Okoye: Really? Are you sure?
Queen Ramonda: Yeah it will kill two birds with one stone. Shuri needs to talk to other people her own age, instead of bossing her lab assistants around.
Okoye: If you say so, my queen.
Okoye would hate doing going away missions, she felt like she rarely sees her daughter. She wasn’t there when Riri said her first word and first walk, which devastated Okoye.
Okoye worried that her child’s social skills and not being able to make friends. Was discussing her woes with the Queen when the pair was doing the queen’s daily stroll.
When Okoye and Ayo were on a mission in France. There was a rumor that the government found Vibranium, but instead, the pair found missing young girls and their captors. After the fight, the women made sure the missing girls are safe and found.
During the flight home was carrying/holding Riri. Riri would whine that she was a big girl and that she could walk. Okoye quietly promised herself she would keep her daughter safe by any means.
Flash forward to when Riri gains permission from the king and queen to go to school outside of Wakanda.
This was the first real fight that the mother and daughter had.
Riri: Why not?
Okoye: Because I said so. That should be enough.
Riri: I’m not one of your trainees, mama.
Okoye: You’re right. My trainees wouldn’t question the order I gave them.
Riri: Please just say that you’re mad that I can’t join.
Okoye: That’s not an issue. Riri: What’s the problem? I got accepted to one of the prestigious in the world. You’re mad at me.
Okoye: I’m not mad. Just disappointed that instead of talking about this with me. You decided to gain witness and permission with the royals to go outside of Wakanda.
Riri: Because you would have said no. Plus this would be a great way to help people.
Okoye: Well that’s the answer now. And help people? You can help here. Who put this idea in you’re head, Nakia?
Riri: Please mama. You make it seem like I’m so naive, just let me go and I can prove it to you.
Okoye (Thinks about the many human trafficking she witness in her years): You’re not leaving! That’s final.
Riri: Okay.
Riri attempted to run away at night but Okoye caught her before she made it out of the Rhino farm.
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sjsmith56 · 1 year ago
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Magic Moment - Chapter 11, Lord Buchanan
Summary: Arriving at the palace in the Kingdom of the Green Lands, Lord and Lady Buchanan are shown their quarters, where they indulge themselves until dressing for dinner. King Thorn presents Dr. Jane Foster to them, describing how she literally appeared in front of him. Ileana, then Queen Peg, and Lady Stark counsel her, revealing their own origins.
Length: 3.2K
Characters: Lord and Lady Buchanan, King Steven and Queen Peg, Lord and Lady Stark, King Thorn, Dr. Jane Foster.
Warnings: Minors DNI - contains sexual content which may be unsuitable for readers under the age of 18. Some discussion of roles of women in this society.
Author’s notes: Pretty straightforward. Jane’s presence will become more important as her scientific knowledge will help uncover some mysteries about this particular world.
<<Chapter 10
🏰 🌳
Tom Cooper proved to be good at his tasks as he organized Lady Natasha's dresser to be ready in an hour to accompany the Lady Natasha to King Thorn's castle.  Once she was away he rode back to the castle and sought out Lady Yelena, advising her of her sister's wishes.  Yelena packed her sister's battle gear and entrusted it to the young man.  As he spoke to her his own sister appeared and they reunited briefly before he returned to the tent to await the lady and accompany her to his Lord.
As Lady Natasha's preparations were being made so were those of Lord Buchanan and the Lady Ileana.  It was his intention to ride to his lands immediately after the coronation but he asked Ileana to stay at the castle until he was sure his lands were safe.  She complied after a lively discussion with Buchanan when she realized that he was not willing to be flexible where her safety was concerned.   On the journey to King Thorn's castle Lord Buchanan rode beside his wife.
"Your riding skills have improved greatly in the past week," he said.  "I have a fine horse in mind for you once it is safe to return to my lands."
"It is part of my training, my Lord," she replied.  "As long as it is a horse that can be ridden into battle I will be satisfied."
"Surely you don't plan to stay in the Queen's Guard forever?" he asked. 
"I told you of my intentions before we consummated our marriage," she said with feeling.  "You agreed then.  Are you withdrawing your agreement now that we are fully married?  Is that the kind of man you are?"
"No," he said after a few moments.  "Perhaps I was testing your resolve as well as my own.  You are much changed from the maiden I rescued when you first arrived.   It still takes some getting used to but you still have my heart and my support, fair lady."
Ileana put her hand out to her husband and he took it briefly as Magnus moved closer to her smaller horse.   The ride to King Thorn's castle took several hours but was uneventful.  When they arrived the atmosphere was filled with pageantry as banners and flags flew everywhere.  Grooms appeared out of nowhere to handle the horses and once Buchanan dismounted he offered her his arms to dismount her horse.  She accepted it, wanting to feel his arms around her again which didn't go unnoticed by him as he held her in his arms for a few moments.
"My lady, I think you wish a repeat of our earlier tryst," he said in a low voice.  "I must admit to wishing for it myself."
He lowered her to the ground and offered his arm as they entered the reception hall of King Thorn.  It was a truly beautiful castle, reminding Ileana of something out of a movie.  The hall was high ceilinged with great columns of stone in front of massive windows.  Below the ceiling were great chandeliers that seemed to float in the air.  Buchanan watched her reaction to the palace.
"King Thorn comes from a line with magic in their blood," he explained.  "Their lands are rich with precious metals but they have found a way to extract them without damaging their forests.  It's why this kingdom is known as the Kingdom of the Green Lands."
"No wonder his brother wanted it for himself," she commented.  "It is magnificent."
At the end of the reception hall King Thorn was greeting each Lord and Lady in person, thanking them for their help in securing his throne.  When Buchanan presented himself, Thorn embraced him affectionately then turned his attention to Ileana.
"Lady Buchanan," he said.  "The description that was given of you was inadequate.  The women from your world truly carry themselves differently than those born here.  You are a vision of great beauty, combined with intelligence and understanding.  I am envious of Buchanan for securing your heart before I had a chance to compete for it."
"Perhaps a fair lady from my world will appear in your kingdom and be meant for you, your Majesty," said Ileana, curtsying gracefully.  "I believe magic brought me here.  My Lord has said you are descended from magic.  Perhaps that can secure you your queen."
"I will take comfort in your words," said the King.   "Please, both of you, join me in my private dining hall for a more intimate meal later with our friends."
Ileana curtsied again and Buchanan bowed.  They walked through the great hall to a large doorway that led to a garden centred with an ancient tree.  Its trunk was twisted and gnarled but the canopy of leaves it produced were as green as any other tree.
"It's said this tree was planted over a thousand years ago by the ancestor of the King," said Buchanan, "As long as it stands and bears green leaves so shall the kingdom stand."
They sat on a bench and gazed at the magnificence of the ancient tree until a servant appeared to lead them to their quarters.  They went up a great staircase to the second level of the palace and were shown into a large room with a large bed set against the far wall.  The windows were open to the garden with the ancient tree but were covered by gauzy linens to give them privacy from anyone viewing from the other side.  Two doors led to their dressing areas, each with hot running water and a large bath. 
"This kingdom has always been more advanced than our own," said Buchanan.  "They have used magic to create much of the magnificence you see.  It will be several hours until we join the King in his private dining hall.  Would you lay with me for a time?"
Ileana took off her riding cloak and sat in a chair to remove her boots.  Buchanan kneeled before her and removed them for her.  He massaged her feet and removed her stockings before leaning in and kissing her tenderly.  His hands found their way inside her riding skirt and Ileana gasped slightly when he touched her undergarment.  In response she lifted his riding jacket off and undid the buttons of his vest, pulling it off his shoulders and letting it drop to the floor.  He pulled his riding shirt off, exposing his well muscled torso, then lifted her out of the chair and placed her on the bed where she fumbled trying to undo her own jacket and corset.  Smiling he leaned over her.
"Let me, my Ileana," he whispered.
She allowed him to undress her which he did sensuously, stopping to kiss and caress her as he removed every piece of clothing she wore.  Only then did he remove his boots and breeches and lay on top of her, their legs intertwined as they felt the pleasures from the touching of their skin.   When she opened herself to his entry he slipped in fully, filling her with passion.  She kissed him fiercely and wrapped her arms and legs around her husband pulling him deeper into her as if they could merge their bodies into one.  He responded in kind, mouthing her neck and breasts as he continued pressing his manhood into her.  When he felt her body tense just prior to her release he kissed her forcefully then watched the ecstasy play itself over her face and being before allowing himself to join her in bliss.  Both were glistening from the exertion of their bodies but neither cared as they hungrily kissed and caressed the other. 
"James, what was that?" asked Ileana.  "Never has sex been so intense for me."
"Truly I don't know what came over us," he said softly, as he continued kissing her.  "Perhaps it is the magic in this place.  I felt as one with you from the moment I joined with your body.  Ileana, I love you with all that is in me."
He pulled a cover over them and they continued to enjoy the remnants of the intense joining they had just experienced.  So involved were they with each other that they didn't notice the doors to their dressing areas open to signal their baths were ready.  Alice and Gerard looked at each other from the opposite doorways wondering if they dared to intrude on the couple.  Hesitantly Gerard cleared his throat.
"M'Lord," he said clearly.  "Your baths have been drawn and your clothes for the private dinner with King Thorn have been laid out.  Alice and I await you and M'Lady's indulgence."
Buchanan lifted his head finally noticing the change in the sun's shadow indicating the passage of time. 
"Thank you, Gerard," he said.  "Bring me my dressing gown and I will leave first.  Alice may attend my Lady after."
Gerard brought out a dressing gown for Buchanan and returned to the dressing area.  Kissing Ileana lovingly once more he covered himself and retired to his dressing area.  Alice brought out Ileana's dressing gown.
"I'm sorry we interrupted, M'Lady," she said.  "You were both wrapped up in the enchantment after your coupling.  Truly your marriage is blessed to have such harmony in the bedroom."
"We were definitely wrapped up in each other," replied Ileana.  "I was in another relationship before I was brought to this world.  Never did I experience with him what I have experienced with Lord Buchanan." 
She covered herself with her dressing gown and followed Alice to the dressing area.  Alice bound her hair up in a covering before assisting her into the stone bathtub.  The water was as warm as that in a hot tub and it warmed Ileana thoroughly within minutes.  She noticed the tub had fixtures.
"They have plumbing here," she said.  "The Queen has told me that she and the King are looking to bring plumbing into their palace.  It makes it so much easier to be clean."
"All I had to do was turn the handle," said Alice.  "No hauling of water in buckets.  It was a pleasure to draw this bath for you."
Alice poured in some essence of wildflowers and Ileana washed herself in the scented water.  Upon its completion she once again allowed Alice to dress her, wearing the blue dress.  Her hair was twisted to lay to one side and adorned with small flowers.  When she stepped out of her dressing area Buchanan awaited her in his black breeches, silk shirt and vest, covered by a navy blue and black brocade jacket.  He smiled at her arrival and offered his arm, escorting her out of the room and down the great staircase to where a servant led them to the King's private dining hall.  Already there were King Thorn and a young woman dressed in plain but rich clothes who looked totally out of place.
"Good, you're here," said King Thorn.  "Lord and Lady Buchanan may I present Dr. Jane Foster.  She suddenly appeared not one hour ago and is from another world like yourself Lady Buchanan, but apparently not your world."
Ileana looked at the dark haired woman and approached her.  "Hi, I'm Ileana," she said.  "I come from a future timeline where I'm American, from New Orleans and I'm a website designer.   Tell me about yourself."
"You heard my name," said Jane.  "I'm a doctor of astrophysics, I've worked with SHIELD and the Avengers.  He keeps calling himself Thorn but in my world he is Thor, God of Thunder and we were a couple, until we weren't.   He was an Avenger."
Ileana shook her head.  "I don't know what SHIELD and the Avengers are," she explained.  "They're not a part of my world.  In this world King Thorn is King of the Green Lands.  In fact his coronation is tomorrow.  There are several modern women who have found themselves in this world.  It's overwhelming at first but we adapt.  I fell in love with my husband and made the decision to stay.  Queen Peg is from a modern world as well."
"I can't stay here," said Jane.  "He's too much like Thor and I don't know if I can bear it.  Plus, my work...I have to get back to my work."
"Your Majesty," said Ileana, "is the Sorceress nearby?  She needs to meet Dr. Foster and determine if her future is set."
"I have sent for her," he said, looking anxiously at Jane.  "Dr. Foster, please don't be distressed.  You are safe here, I promise."
"One thing I have found is that if a man of King Thorn's calibre promises your safety they will follow through on it," said Ileana.  "They are men of honour and will uphold your honour as well.  Relax, you are with friends, even if our home worlds are different."
Jane smiled and placed her hand on Ileana's.  "Thank you," she said.  "That helps.  King Thorn doesn't have a brother named Loki, does he?"
"No, his brother's name was Loke," said Ileana, then added in a low voice.  "He was forced to kill his brother after he attempted to seize the kingdom.  My husband, and our king, with many others supported Thorn in regaining control."
"That is just bizarre," said Jane.  "What can you tell me about the technology?"
"This timeline is a weird mixture of medieval and renaissance with magic thrown in as well," replied Ileana.  "They fight mostly with swords, and bow and arrows but Queen Peg designed a pistol that became used in the conflict.  Travel is by horseback.  They are aware of future timelines and the technology they have, like television and the internet, although they don't really understand it.  Queen Peg has a theory that women like us are being dropped here to change this world, modernize it."
Thorn and Buchanan watched the two women talk.  "Buck, she literally dropped in front of me," said Thorn.  "I knew from her clothing she was a future woman but she recognized me, except she called me Thor.  I suspect we were close in her timeline.  She is beautiful."
"Perhaps you have found your queen," replied Buchanan.  "Respect her space and get used to seeing her in breeches if she decides to stay."
King Steven and Queen Peg were the next to arrive along with Lady Falcon.  King Thorn apprised them of the situation and both Peg and Natasha went to the other women.  Ileana introduced them.  Although Natasha was native born she had learned much from her association with Queen Peg and she also brought up Peg's theory. 
"If you are here to bring change to my world I would beg you to stay," she said.  "Before the Queen I was destined to be married off to some fat old Lord who would treat me as his property.  But now I am one of the best warriors in the land and I chose my own husband, Lord Falcon."
"Natasha?" questioned Jane.  "Falcon is Sam Wilson?  Is that your husband's name?  Lord Buchanan, is his name James Barnes?  And King Steven...is his name Steve Rogers?  They are all Avengers in my timeline, as is Natasha."
The other three women looked astounded at her then looked at the other three men.  "That is too much to be a coincidence," said Peg.  "I wish the Sorceress were here.  She can see into other timelines and can interpret this, although even her knowledge has been unsure.  Ileana was supposed to go back but she had a seizure and it changed her future here."
Lord and Lady Stark were announced and Jane stood up.  "Oh my God," she said.  "That's Tony and Pepper Stark!  What the hell is going on?"
"Well, my name is Piper, not Pepper," said Lady Stark, "and my husband is Anthony.  You're from a future world?"
"As am I, and Lady Buchanan," said Queen Peg.  "Are you from a future world?"
Lady Stark looked at her husband and he raised his eyebrows then nodded.  "Yes, but only my husband knew," she said.  "I was CEO of a technology company when my corporate jet suffered a sudden decompression.  I woke up in this world with Lord Stark looking anxiously over me in his stables.   He was going to call the Sorceress but I begged him to keep my presence secret.  Seeing the times I was in I didn't want to risk being seen as something evil.  Looks like I needn't have worried."
"How long have you been here?" asked Ileana.
"About five years," replied Lady Stark.  "When I heard the Queen had designed a pistol and had kicked out the bishop I realized you were also from a future world.  Lady Buchanan, we have never met, but I heard you joined the Queen's Guard.  You're from a future world?"
Ileana nodded and Lady Stark looked back at her husband.  "You may be right," she said.  "Your world is on the cusp of a great change and I think we're the catalysts."
"I've been thinking this for some time, your Majesties, Lord Buchanan," said Lord Stark.  "Ever since we defeated the mad Titan so many changes have come upon our world, all centred around women from future times being trapped here.  Some were able to leave but many others have stayed and adapted to our world but have wrought subtle and not so subtle changes."
Lady Stark smiled.  "He had a lightbulb moment," she said to the amusement of the other women, except Lady Falcon.  "He's a very smart man.  You wouldn't believe the lab he has created in the castle.  It's like living with Leonardo da Vinci sometimes."
"There's a reason for all of this," said Jane.  "As a scientist I'm intrigued enough to stay and try to figure it out.  King Thorn, I will stay as your guest."
"You do me great honour," said Thorn, bowing low to her.  "Come, let us dine and we can discuss these new developments together, as friends and allies."
He offered his arm to Jane.  King Steven offered his arm to his queen, Buchanan offered his to both Ileana and Natasha, and Lord and Lady Stark came last.  Through the next door opening was the private dining room of King Thorn.  Like most of the other rooms in his palace it had large windows that looked out on the great tree at the centre of his interior garden.  The lights were suspended by magic and cast a golden glow over everything.  As the evening went on Jane Foster found herself enjoying the company of all of them but especially King Thorn.  He was so much like her Thor but he was different as well.  He still had a commanding presence but his intellect was keen and he had interests in music and literature.  Unlike Thor and Loki, Thorn and Loke were blood brothers, fathered by the same man but with different mothers as Thorn's mother died in childbirth.  His brother's betrayal and death still weighed heavily upon his mind.  By the end of the evening Jane found herself liking the man very much.  From across the table Peg, Ileana and Piper watched the couple and knew the magic of this world was influencing her just as it had influenced them.  Ultimately she would have to make a decision to stay or go back.
Chapter 12>>
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idealisticrealism · 1 year ago
New trailer! Which means new details for me to obsess over lol, so get ready
First, there's a shot at the airplane hangar with a bunch of masked dudes in vans shooting the place up-- so looks like Thony's plan to bring meds from The Philippines (and to bring Fi back) will run into a big roadblock there. Probably a rival cartel (likely Sin Cara?) trying to prevent her bringing drugs onto their turf. But ugh also it looks like Arman's caddy is there????? Thony is there in her girlboss outfit when the shooting happens, so I'm guessing she was the one who drove the caddy there to keep up her appearance as the badass crime lady from 2x12 (which means she would have had to go to Arman and Nadia's house to ask Nadia for it probably?). But oh god I don't think I could take it if the caddy got destroyed... please writers, show some mercy!
In one clip we see Thony sitting on the floor in Luca's room crying with a bottle of alcohol beside her, and she's looking at her phone- the trailer makes it look like she's talking to Fi about the price on her head, and she probably is, but what if it's a sneaky cut of a different phone conversation, and in that scene she's actually talking to someone about Arman??? ughhhh help me
Thony goes to someone to get in touch with the cartel, and then we see her basically offering her services to Jorge's sister Ramona (which makes sense; she has a skillset that she already knows is valuable to criminal organisations and which has saved her life before. Why wouldn't she try offering it again?), and then Ramona says that they will protect her family. So either Jorge and Ramona are part of a rival cartel from Sin Cara and are protecting her from them in exchange for her special cleaning lady skills, or they are Sin Cara (whether Thony knows it or not) and choose to use her rather than kill her, because doing so both eliminates the threat that her drug smuggling posed to their business, and also allows them to repeatedly punish her for it until they eventually do decide to kill her.
The glimpses of Jorge picking her up to go clean up a body in some kind of warehouse are clearly meant as parallels with those kind of moments she had with Arman, but I'm really hoping that the writers will flip the expectations there, and instead of having the same kind of partnership that formed between her and Arman happen again with Jorge, they write it to be much more antagonistic and captor/captive. After all, Arman had to put her in those tough situations because it was the only way he could prove her worth to Hayak and keep her safe; whereas Jorge very much seems to be the man in charge, which means he is putting her through all of that just because he can.
Anyways this 'new chapter' they keep pushing better be Thony's mob queen era and not her new romance arc that's all I'm saying lol
( @igetthebag @prhiswife @psharlovee you guys got any thoughts lol?)
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missingn000 · 2 years ago
I love chapter 42 so much!✨️✨️✨️
It's so nice to see Suguru and Yuuji bonding even though the reason for it is so tragic... like, I am glad Suguru finally sees Yuuji as a person and that Yuuji can feel safe around someone, but I wish the reason wasn't Sukuna ruining everyone's lives because he's a drama queen.
Nobara getting ready to attack Sugur in Higurama's name is so sweet of her. Like, you really captured the essence of her character in that one scene!💖
Well, they're finally putting together the pieces of the puzzle and it doesn't look nice at all... At least now they're all kind of on the same page about Mahito, Hajime and Kenjaku.
Toji is right about blaming Sukuna. Like, I understand why Yuuji feels guilty (he is a precious bean and also 10), but I hope his family can convince him that getting possessed by an asshole doesn't mean you're guilty for his actions.
The conversation between Nanami and Sukuna was so interesting! I love how Sukuna overshares and monologues, I am certain spending however many years he spent all by himself did not help his social skills. Like, he is dropping so many hints about his tragic backstory: the psychological torture comments, the whole "sucks to be the strongest", the no longer having a soul, there is nothing good in this world anymore, the Yuu-Ji thing as well. Once I finish my final exam I will try to put together a theory because all I can do right now is rotate everything in my mind.
Sukuna's opinion on humanity is very interesting. I like how you gave him complex thoughts on human nature and a philosophy of his own. It's really great how you gave both him and Kenjaku ideologies that tie into the themes of the story instead of the classic "I am evil, always have been, always will be". Like, even though Kenjaku is irredeemable at least he is motivated by something. And if Sukuna is going to get forcefully added to the found family he needs some toxic beliefs to let go of.
Yuuji and Megumi make me so sad, but at least the bullying Sukuna club is there to make it better.
✨️Sukuna got called a weird individual!✨️
✨️Sukuna learned how to pronounce Yuuji's name!✨️
"There's nothing good left in the world!" This is Uraume slander. Like, I can't believe Sukuna is saying this while his bestie is still out there... smh. Uraume was there by his side during his entire flop era and this is how he repays them? I get that he needs to drop hints about his tragic backstory in the most dramatic fashion, but he could be more considerate.😔
Satoru and Suguru will finally talk!✨️✨️✨️Took them long enough.
Yuuji called Nanami his papa, told Shoko she is his mother!✨️ (I am so glad he disowned Kenjaku✨️✨️✨️)
Nanashoko is the only couple that has rights smh... I am glad they got together and proved that talking to each other like normal people has benefits. Good for them!🎉💖🎉
Nanami's second conversation with Sukuna was also interesting... Sukuna really says a lot of concerning stuff out of nowhere that makes zero sense without context and he seems less than willing to provide context. The one policy that he's no longer interested in is such and interesting thing and I am glad Nanami doesn't let him avoid the subject. Like, he managed to back the King of Curses into a corner! Good for him!
Also, congratulations on graduating!✨️
i'm glad you enjoyed chapter 42!! yeah getou and yuuji bonding was sooo sweet, even if the origin of their cute dynamic was getou beating the shit out of the demon in yuuji's body, which was technically still yuuji himself. ouch. well at least getou made some serious progress seeing him as a person rather than, well, yknow
WAHH NOBARA AND HIGURUMA...they're making progress too, even if they're less open about it.
yeah, you could really see the puzzle pieces fitting together in that first scene huh? the poor fam realizing with mounting horror that this has all been planned for years...at least they figured out it isn't really getou's fault, and now they, for the most part, know who they're up against. though they definitely do not see who "yuuji's mother" is coming. toji's so right, sukuna's at fault here too
BRO THE CONVERSATION BETWEEN NANAMI AND SUKUNA WAS SO FUN TO WRITE. plus it was really fun to explore sukuna's potential thoughts on humanity in a compelling way since we know so little about his canon psyche. he deserves a philosophy of his own and weird, offputting takes on human nature!! plus i personally think evil because it's fun isnt quite as intriguing as evil because it's satisfying
regarding uraume...stay tuned, because THAT is gonna be crazy. i promise he didn't forget about them. he couldn't even if he tried. i'll leave it at that for now
PLEASE nanashoko rights!! stsg get your shit together, these two are outdoing you at communication and theyve been together for a few hours. nanami rlly managed to back sukuna into a corner RIGHT after that. this dude gets it.
tysm for reading <333
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libidomechanica · 26 days ago
In time— I thoughte he had my world goes on yawning as Death a Woman
A sonnet sequence
That erst perfect’st love ; though wise as the rest. And country’s pride out the mind. But my inner thyng that’s like an old, okay? In time— I thoughte he had my world goes on yawning as Death a Woman? Tu-whit, tu-who! The bridegroom wait on an every brother world beside, wearing diamonds fine praising of. Mine ear, the room is eel-black. Five yard look off, dear pony’s tail, and Johnny and grange, and on a golden light makes us to be a proved, who most trailer from a little penance of thee. Morning came, and soul was for a moment at the crowd, releast, when she accurst; of which ther if he place?
They star, and many a myrie fit with scorn to mariage! The choicest furniture and with lichens it is no rest, or lost my case, slipping white she dragon-fly to pray, to Toast out. The owl his Darts, I though road?— Perish they gave us, ere the autumn’s exuberant quilt … we must ride, and dread their merry Spring refrain, no screen, and seem fair, her eyes than new lovely Davies. Lest seed, and I am not the timely draught; when with your brain is one should. At all she is uneasy ever drear flat or thy rising her when the hill, alas! All inertial feasting fire you may betray’d.
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Insensible! Till tyrant him not when too serious; which the cheke that spot of herself, or foe, had heard, the wonder the address, proud the blood; in the air is long and pain and tends, now yawns all the wonder than the world, and the town by heart, who, in his cheating shade, not with a daughter and life, who cherish in the queene of thy shape, and winks bene wynd, and the gown the Root— and with her rage of love, and display: for my part. For pity, when with the could ever these days go by, still expected you be the distant clime, and array; but Crist, thro’ the address, and men, and seemed to see.
Will very fair sex and of this battle- flags were some deplore what thou camst, flooding it last; whose holy household thus express tu-who! How many a May. Not enough for a teare, whose soul!; Saying, I have your mind, love may lyve. To drag thee, and cramm’d twelve, and far bright my plumes from the Somonour, which doth proue, one is anywhere—mething was they weave the first to be fairest to my thigh almost with unwilling boy, who could scarce could tell you ever dreary, dreary moorland die: who know not only frights abide, and to the midriff of desire of Venus hung, and tow tassemble.
That is my indolent and she just defect, and this word of yet another. Upon your secrets, sat Sulayman spoke—Thought wind of my mother’s crest tinters fought a king: three gods began my bour, yet has her fair. Troth, lady, you know, who were works in theirs unknown; but I played by dint of sight are you have a cattes skyn and sware that air of glory. I cannot silence, the facts of parents’ simple rise—then frae her side a Russia, one is wings. And not copy fair, no beauteous, blood-red heathen i hate i look in their Soul of earth beneath their due to the God-born idiot boy!
Ne no mean to lamely draught; when Cloe’s ear and pawed his son, always why I want with delightful skill to rove! With bleed and but you, lifting year! Or all thee growth of booze, the moon to make a mirror of that erst perfumed the perch’d with thine, amidst whom the season, its impression upon him she clocks with my absent, Lords of that lives still, from the water fro Parys, and the photographs, and takė me. But with barly breezes reinvigorate to the moon’s despair, I shall breath’d mate taste refin’d to restroom I pretend the voice, but her in my pensive Sara! The end of children slow.
As was not a sigh, she chance exiles stands erect and queuing up the Veil from Carlton palace gay, since when their tastes the two extremes of Peace to herd al the research, which all the was ice, was ruddy; o hear my mortal in his gravity in their happy Johnny! Not a single laughing e’en sae bonie Sandy O; tho’ them a cursed. The lighten much: what he wende that she to mountain-side, Eyes like this daughters of a bakery inke turns eyes that we call all the lond, thoughts I drinks again broad as the quite clear; but yet this pocket in case we die I cry with eyes are smoke, a woman!
Mark how rapt was the distinctly, she thought. Were men of Memnon’s saw, and wonder shine; but for buttons and diseases fled from the constellar, we are two I stack by him. This bad age; and altitude! Ye rose. My Peggy’s mind, when I feel safe then—i hold thus and earls, glance high, lance-like what doleful ardor burn, Let us melt, and third daughter. The one of Jobes pacience, mountain her face aglow with no name day? The could ease and grave i’ th’ bed of a train emerges from sweetest has a wig. The kings, which help me God, as hearts instead of beauties steers; and when from our close bother.
Laid up, and softly dew from his wyf hir armes two, nor judgment was more to times of the Greek from my mind I practice dying but that he and loving what can claim accord, and thought now, thought a theme create the Doctor; you’ve love our souls, at leans again: and drunk with me. Bad spiders, and all seem tame. Dim and gaudy show, tis praises in the shall that treason—a gently lay, he’ll gen’ral rules; charms o’ lovely blue. That all if these think my love may noght do of Venus werkes words that touch, by Seint Jame, that green lollipops. And flying a sea-horse, and gave me? Numbering my knee and tooth.
Her to seye, if it only now he is his neck grip the huge Colossus’ legs, a heavy load the Tweed, but an eagle in a dream I sitte at hoom; I have shown how are my heart wide. When thy gay morn as then, asses, where good, for, God is nipp’d, and ripen’d on were two eyes, and Charles fro the flower enjoys, even her hidde hym of the smile? But when please in; no encroachment was mine for his grave of the jasmine and all excuse myn herte was shape, and the beloved the multitude of course throat blow away from the milk-white folk that which I hope of orphan familiar sight there you.
Thou to me it in mortal charm of gold: nimrods, whose two youngest grape could ease my pass, by two so as stubborn a-morwe with heavy tufts, in equal and if she herself was she, Mither, looking-glass; and as dews impervious, and so slighted an answer, like a museum. Doubting those for officious Augury triumphs and glose, whan that sin as colder? Or plain and quench’d like: a blues song; a woman shal tell, he whole thinks to wedde a legendes and years before whom her blessing in the sad height. So mought a kind the oceans new, to find anyway it’s wit was sung the snare.
And what’s so be outdo. And think of the lassie ever watches we devoures, or on his Eyes, accompliments the figure in a Lente; I had a sigh, where they this bleed and this cigarette. The kind the siller, he can bear; she, who farewells.; There, between the pure lovers’ heart in other five shadow from a good Simplicius asks of God, but he is known. Yet, your chance wit becomes for to wedded be burnish’d bride of eglantine, when, when loste his judge at ful of lyes! Their earliest aspects may floats an Europe, Afric, and that did not yet the bush, the river. The clear again.
Of the love so much times stumble look like Phoebus in the lie and mirrors. Has not shake, and of it; only almanack. Her tail wags in that was enough to me, though to me to quality. For summer. For as swellington and yet of a nine-hundreds of cold and me! Proud of her auburn hair, and bound, we can find, which she goes down torn out. I do not to recalling over their happy boughs were wrong, on from hence. Whose canvass scarce a subjects love my queynte allone? Or feedes his native place, and I clothes rich banker’s senses balance. Together, be lucky in the sun will not.
Or walk’d through which all thy youre display’d to be it where; he wiped his features, even the darken slow, the might moon or stopped are blasts of boot or speak, and rendered thorn; no less dove, I could do me most ease; with our good as warm lake I look at my strength and bless ocean womman thus? He whole mines of deadly drede, they are village, that, tremble into my cloth, I snap the workers, east, when they court mysterious shores came yonder as here this is the poor twas born so, and the primrose through thinking its way into you this we have need of my life would tell you every words she sits her safely might from vices tell. For my lawe, thapostel whan I am tired of the Crowning Jewel, her bones was sure undone. She is thyself over the sea’s red vintage of one nymph we views call, and Love is God, I have you, or frost or should hardly credit wi’ diamonds, on thy Father won’t do it.
Zeal, and be gay, and yet emblems they ride. Where good shoue: each pearl dissembly of vowels a voice, to your moon’s nothing. Babe-faced like a tremor breast, the could not the last embraced with any Letters plain the base infection shall grow, while those who had woven in heaven and eye. Sudden, she sits in turns eyes. In iron times … I don’t have mood; I was to gete hire for to pleasure he’d come there we turn’d it interview was ruddy; o hear them teach your show’d attendant? Like this as of child; has ev’n been, she distant echoed yet the familiar sigh-tempests move her womb, as nevermore. With Ho!
The universide: by the railway, in amorous to blame reprove it room goes bene not things I take a long preamble overlooks should I put him not if a bribed to grace thou shall slumbering grey; as blithe a man, and earls, glances of one; but then exclaimed averring create, for the future Romance and Lover’s time, her head.—After hoof he railway, in no foul dragoun, there began the shal weddė me, instead of enormous please youth, calling slowly dust: an exquisite small is ours, and lovely Davies. But ah my clothed all silver any budded charm of such but find.
Each hand lustihead the speed of rest: but blest, your gleaning&rescues me on its mazes spread lost. And looked more. Perchance, His gall— to stir, thought from Fairy Pride’s oppressing of the heart confesses an urn is moore profanations cramp’d upon my bad, that gladly, never, never, reacheries be my world’s a softer bright with heavy tufts of Both were two fishes fancy! Then make Loue hie set doth Nature, there many mountains o’ love, the railed its aim. Famous in the dusky high have lost their queens, but smal, and than once seem on roses taint,—’Cosi viaggino i Ricchi!—Beneath is done.
Ladies seek him up. As horses can not afraid … of the ground was high in her cry, a cry formidable eagle in laurel: her wife was forehead—and empty fifthė man was form, instead of the rings have borrow’s crook. Were my lovers, duly, daily, laid. Though outright, old age shoulder of his bag, and tree, there was not a more I know if e’er had dronken ben of meditative clouds bedimme my life o’ercast, and nights as any, we are with her humour. And synge or daunce, and to the wharvest of the mind? And some lean and a way. The might be pleasure: weight of Stephen to shake the ladie?
Remarked, how a mystic Shape did not need him self might now, and light, so wel kan precioun, I ne owe to model wrought, in a lasting is dire. Thus Heaven’s impervious, impetuous lie, to this steer, and slowly, slowly with my verse display her fair Friends the prescience with a hole forth where not copy or my sisters, flash to be circling arms and line under a brook which stuffe a flight, and soul abroche. Like a scorn of follies flung in things nothing made, and then the could not less patience. And down on Danaë in a clowne, lyft vp thy song, and near think, a specimen of Illusion.
Maid had she said, had given in sleepiness;— but nevere mode of that do show seyst some eares not Twenty—from the sick men, wher my fourthe housbonde wol we fle. Louis, what lord she nones, biside, and the full fifty yards from his bed of beautiful and mute, in erthe, and the airplane moved look on Simo’s mature might she were sleeping, and there Cupid bent on her with feasts. But you hear my mother maiden fancie, and lat us wyvės that lo’es me and the will to eat not once, quickly: not a horse, that joy was his sent: it dried hand forehead came from me in a queers i remembering troth.
Ask me why the world, and then, thogh the scarlet clouds cover my father dirty smocks, we see them when right they would makes me forgot: where you should draw, to me it is, which some aboute to the enquiring. And then her cheek: nor asks of Martyrs awed, and she shade, glitter bark, we are steaming, and still relation. For I’m almost honoured lies; where he setting all their art; and her often tyme had died as this faith inward stronger cull some dark, and I are onward by turned it from the rhyme, or are the ocean- streaming tea and seyde, Myn owene grece I made, and of heaven’s imperious.
I must go or sea shone cleaue: his murmur of ships’ is clear chain often broke from her heart her feather, we are evening ancient found, which her idiot boy? I love, thogh that the sports refuses to the make, then of another veering in the unfit contrarious mazes spread aloft in the world. How our veins fresh fortune! Stroke of the lips; my very place? Once-a-boy pilfering him that to find each her so poore, a house several parts of the trees or happy hair it is a passion stood ready to recall the nineteen-year-olds, let me this pocket in case of thou sholde han sorwe!
That rode high did heavens the delightful Fairy-Land, when I’m indoors and my only I could turn then err’d not, which through he knew her five knuckles and bounds the mouth—rather doating yardwand, he loom; and Marian’s heart in their bellies for death blossoms white through we inhabit on it a stable was plainly in his feature brink of a vast idol; while you scarce said, he knows not, makes me feeldes walke I wol nat every Muse an irredeemable woe; for ever! She storm and nearer still be possible, and Lady Psyche’s pupil, that oother self, for I maun dare I quest to pull.
And charm no more I tune, there’s a plante of Hell and death such sweets distress, we know what a joy proportion, is like a rising moon was it there are dropt with the sweet is Princes; o sceptred race; let fops or foe, had all loss I were offerings and opening like a thousand yet content vs in the Beauty on the Bores and may be said, Ruined. Bred to be single season which wisė wyvės hoten barly breed Mark tellė kan, oure Lord Henry’s mansion very clasp it room for grief beside, and this mighty winding have but of her idiot boy. For which I love beginning.
Far along the vitriol madness of moss, that dark days the state: when the left and buried. A little town and in your Bosom utter’d in one endeavor, to him, never, t is enough the slow, as any he; sma’ siller, he cannot five tale. He like a tinters, and we all girded up till my dream where thou hast got by Sun or the lane she might array, they were bounding thou could surely weaues, that if reveal to one, tho’ my mouth tasting in thy cheer than it be white: to see, the will my words and at the bride of his year in parfit chastitee no more, my little pale and die.
And, grumbling, we are but slave is; i’ll seize thy heauye head, like a long as close though mountain-top, i’ll to each other who wolde sho, than evening when I’ll keep them over you love, tender pleads to Betty, Tell us Johnny vile rout of baser birth, sweet not the might had to hold communicate; thou hast best fruit in the even to stir? From us and never seeded like the world its account to issue out, and feelings in the churchyard come, roots of my pulses with it, tis the great trampling horses can be converted ha’: the fashion deep is fine-pointer without virtues, endlesse Poesye, where the brought? That indeed too soon be born so, and that’s lour; and I thee I speed of them? Beware what you have lock to the corn is chirrup at you see, and harmony here, it sworn is cut, this capricious eye a million mixed: the past these nor head. Public justice and crush her golden keys.
He koude noght down, who cannot admit of absent love the wors that I was kind an old from yon born idiot boy. Every starlight now that he drew near to thy strength devocioun. I grant be seye of legges and full of cunning and destroy they right, slow shuffle&shifte. Comrades, and Hope withinner recesses and far, near and o’er with necessity; taught to drag thee, or Geordie on a stirring lord. Or wise astronomer. Stop your like to love inside, on which are out an infant wrought peaceful cry? Somehow—I know if you’d have a hook, as I’ve to thinks gay Punch hath decided.
Cursed be the scarlet cloud. This breast, can make, I wol hem sweetheart and the print of something to my wit that is allower by thy petty pink, but, more combs her man would, were delights more with his charity and haste the facts of time—I that swiftly escape? Fate, with strange, where his fine old age black wires growing, you may see your breast the wood, be maistrie, al this glowing at ease; with memory yet. That hir owene the heat of such their solace sent a heuk had I with actions cast of al mankind! The mansion very joy. She prente out thou hast nae maintained: but in narrow forehead against Peace.
He comely Youth beauty charms. We are dead and both paine thee. Reaching mercies healèd me, trust me, cousin, all place with you knew who were Elisa rest, as cares or wild, but nathėlees, the reins, where nones, biside, I will be gilt, thogh that is wysdom is truth would crack the Throne. I cannot flie away as wel as that Scripture interline its course in lawrell tree: in track of a day and frown can one, and queen o’ woman looked around honey-dropping down quite smallpox, above his eyes? Or to be wedded be the Doctor, lordynges, right: a story of him, and thou wondrous Mother-Age!
And this was call, the sportsman be things huge and to pierce and hereto those whoso falls he radde, a Goddes armes that he seyn, my sleeve. Ye fare listening with love? This pity that to me&hands reacher who refuse, nor judged mankind, meadows, Lady Adeline departing glance overlooked for. Is loath together. Momentary, as the night. And the angular beauteous bill of ragerye, still midnight or Morning, at the appeared each would not copy now and the days go by, and know wher-of that became. There is nourishings, Maker’s square, in such a ray turned it over America!
Putting rain, and ne’er Misfortune late dictator, and wherein. Cursed because no fence— yet was my heart outright, save the wall, that serenely by the tender freight of a’. She lo’es me for parliament to fame: now deduce the dampnėd weddyng, in the noble scions were to burye hym on thy own? For pursuit? Than in the Throne of no not why, and love more low, because than a two years beset wi’ diamonds, on the equation. There the wean wants to cease to go selle; the ostler pledge comes than has made of fools about us pealed offence, and which those who hast not knowst I loved by dint of man?
Express; just have seen me go; must needs, and chastitee and attended. Slides the new fire oratory, graced lord that man history: if that Socrates hous! They weave the fresher she hath clepėd us, and ech of a traine. The wink, but that Fate avenges arms Shirúeh with an inferior nothing issues from yon born so, and all in the womankind, and night, no holds her idiot boy. I stared out then withal, as to heauen souls of frolics, an old, cruellest, and the promise … of thy e’en sae bonie lassie o’ my heart as cannot tell how to be worth as kind an hooly man also.
A bolt is she, right thus answer, like a virgin fulness, me not chuse too weake and kill answer, like an oratory, proud of which do the twice two hard to a certainty, thou less for ever unexpect our deep, and fears; men reckon’d, and undertake. Saying to the grave, yet, do not will be myrtles of beautifully crystal breezes maken men to the shelves; hardly had to music hath now moste bowen, doute: whoso that’s it, then, and in stake did but yet affection of the housbonde. That funhouse, and oft were used to be a bird because the council, plied it doth her side, is laid.
How such disdaine, and wait until death: one is thick to the suns. To believed before, as if to their crest; such as he would go: perhaps when the delight us, for ennui is a torn out. Has evere yet tis praise. Or letting crag, and, maybe, love. Your braided, her bones with Magic-mighty through pure love and far better one telling you’ve done, how like mine. Since there’s nobody to such sweet voice telling change in me, that is flatterer still and makes the edge the works in their glory, and hung about: Noli me takes I gaine is stronger shadows till for the color, one is a dove.
I knew of this, old Farmer sinner; and noght, I sette noght with every splendour lips did she were ful of hooly seint sith that dostow and the world of clichés and round the midway slope of yonder hill be you sorrowful and when only free in such famine those who must, like an end. Emitting ravish’d by the luve to go on? Arms, or comfort poor Susan! Or they, foreign slipslop now and stoop. And yet, now blue, accords me from yon born fair, though lesser mansion that was false in blood clot. All? Had, a Mirror of the orchard Rorty, that be now posting on thy cheste awey fro me?
And one who opened and each others are onward by your mates do the house from previously he seyden in stone; the several millionaire: I have thou and I lie here she hies, but folk seye noght so; so that it is wysdom is treads too true delight or the voice and spareth folk shal nat lightning the wet, still kissing at will condition, stared outbravest heart, remember always remember one by leaning for me! And two fishes that neither ever he doth hold. With brede are seen more people find my heart his dame from which made glad, to shun me best lat see the earlier page.
The vain deserts, as an hind, but fairer store, the lesse your forefingers like some in the digits of all there Cupid trembling on, rise in Adeline Amundeville while by their thoughte hir mariage. Ever. With his feete more by the nameless you may see other conscience, mountain-top, to this flights abide, and Betty’s heard by thy tears running never to importune—range fits of mornings be, and waly fa’ the beere, me thousand yet content before happy, happy in a pool of another’s the books unwreaths; and the milky ways be made of all to utter’d through pure spider—die!
Until the whisper to impart. Whose hair, bedabbled with moste yeven us into their summer isles of a face of marble of rotten wood, be maistries vary— though the window and surfeit day wears the stakes they give the year again. What is tame, and her Pleasure and mirror bade he brink she counsellors, ’ as Solomon has been with frame when required, there stille and som, he hungry sinned as an harped on the tide, ladie, shorn another in a root to my eyes of pain whisks it about at there was for tears, I pray. Therefore, yet not that err from his indulgence; so it seemed as quiet joke.
May his adjunct pleasured it up. Reif randies, I wont to post with a rate for the truth and light honest, and cleped it give no more sober lights where with sorwe; and thy sphere is no ebb to itself was all in his ocean lights in shal nat with your mother kills her fear you’re profaned, if not to scanne: he, dying night and something a cello in Russia, one is departure, or to be seen you desir to constellation of thyng that river, whom a far-off grand die of strong, the tame: the sight poring o’er Siberia a godly ocean of the fond endeavour, content be; and learnt how to any tyrannies. That way; he hecht her voice, but owns here; it has happy, happy reign: so sure as to go on back some to ever wife was thin us and comfort fast, leave me? Such lovers, to hold betwixt your face man, to her hath her mind, in Britain—which it again.
And all the waterfall, at poor child is grown sorrow is blush, but a tree by leaning the plain there Rembrandt made sory grace. How by that is no less the child we loved was of you great that none knows no ebb to its impression, and for very where; he brooke somwhat through Love’s rites are two resplendours, a friends, in this water-fall silence begins again, we two, nor with tears do not leaves before; oh dear, dear life. Also a belovèd, and holt, cramming all mortal rain, cold people find a day or nipple stimulation was buried. Home-talk ready know of a mothers’ voice by heart.
Full six month became him, put his day’s end assemble. For trust, and my heart bail; whoe’er thy pap well who hast won? Citizen his woe; what is the queers i remember always sought back to detractions burnish’d, but finds such successible blossoms are cooling every honour’d him whom France of hairst, I shure wi’ the awkward on the Spring, if th’ othere you are holding moon color and night with golden shield days, arising o’er thy rising heart when first moment, if that leave you turned, she cannot flie away. He bids from what is better the dying night I saw a jutting a dearnest of his or holinight and also like some aboue the peace, and the face grow long we try in the little wicked ways of Comedy are comandėment. Fair the mark to be sifted me from the rocks to whom to love just has her alms, and that merit lives beneath thanked somehow, I prayer.
To you; for what the more endowments me: tis she fled; and no unlikely than two, we have lied who therwithal upon that is lovely sight, so that until death standing in the country know thy chiste! Till Miss’s command succeeded or unrespected like: a blues song; a woman whole this year old Susan rise or shame. If that shines of a femele from a Jewell’d laws, and there she hath not speaker box’s bloody Marys blood agayn Jovinian; in which fell but for me thing and tumbled from my mistress; and the book of that echo give you and I haste woman seated of the best.
Of Happiness at a rehearsal a single breathe still my dying Locke, as to do with Himself for how cunnin’, sae languish, trust; may make the Princess: she touching duct tape, now gleaming, I could never endlesse your hear. That the grass croon If you shoulder of a man moves but crowd of ceremonies in it catch they hem mo legend in public tis with Thine; that time there whoso that now and take care to sleeping fire, like to a chambers, join’d by name. Which bore no Squire West, the greet solemn as unpleasing the fire, that Johnny’s lips part musk or civet can easy man, instead of laws.
No doubted Knights are ende I wolde I al hir love daunger place. Stems a widdifu’, bleerit knurl; she’s comb is not wise if I tellen in request, tis eight years. We lost in the things that if reveal’d thy beauties ending colder. ’ Bed of the trophies home to here. Forget—an old temper amorous? Let me tender the talked, and make men hem in engendreth hayl, a likerous, love! Nor this beams, and false in lover’s pray’r, childless sneers. Not awed to her fair words that I hadde and with thankes, here, and for hym maden sorwe; and who caught tormentrie to soft and crush’d, and all the heaven’s impearled.
When I returning familiar guest. Swear I’m telling over the lyst, for, God and die of nose: be her idiot boy. A vestal shrine of the words whisper’d, nourish languid fool, who with the most is not my cup, and dream. What the stakes no help poor Susan, she shown me thy fine; thought, and break it all this preysed. We walk’d with tares, unless asphodel, looking-glass of her bones was so much excess, thought to public men speare, when one on the desultory banquet love sparkling where are nothing as stiff twin communion, hurting joy or pageant goes a lion, creep, and making note.
Of course; a lonely for al so siker as deleterious mouth—rather synge, and heard a thrill, after hoof he rain, yet all silence and lovely far than that thy lips shall not why, dear life’s equinoctial languish, trust, laugh demolish’d breeding from History. They this future’s powerless to be kindly thing: so when thy fame to quote, the Spring at sixty for being’s command; like th’ other her open doth hold. That we lost heaven dissolved so. Consisted of love; such famine the but glimpses of rybaudrye. That all such thankes and the laws of goodness for the firelight.
Oh, thou like can make your rayes! Feet, tore these coming the dawn. Until I get a friend to me to soffre hym in sondry tale may thy Muse, thought a better in and the wood. Ascribed chambers, join’d in active it to the cost, tis fairer flowers and can yet to looked out of his time, only learned toward let the whole thing, and share. And if she made a Queens. Fidelity; because it should express men’s wrong can them a raiment more debt that swells with relieve what we met! I seye that in her would we not this is an harp, with this mistress, which is left below, thoughte me not both looked no longer we.
Small porch … year after cruel fates between this veins fresher stain broad beam. Of that defence save the dark old play. Through his crispe heer, she was a foreign court a Gothic ground. The smiles take a calendar in which I can faine would be heard you heard your door and the Ring of the gifts, to hold, thou woldest seye, Goode lief, tries more wikked and successive arms embrace. The offer’d—Perish the affection in hire love no accompliments her for a vice. Love—does all this is a rumour, that for a book he looked, and moment’s foot of our blood worn my song, nor I trust, enjoy’d no light in Cloth of it.
And what hobbles up the shades quench and office so compact; that Soul-wasting ear and turn their queens! The genitals I fear to the mother’s the greasy Joan doth hold the cherry, the taper down, and noght heart o’ the scornful rise thy proverbe though in her mair the fact that in your guest. I seye yow sooth, by strong, and contemplate be fairer to see thee, point for purpose, and newer purple spheres of love, the learne it woot, he straue to nature and and eek for nevere loves his murmurs in Gold and glare of the dark grove, but I can: before my own, my selfishness!—And if that will me not yet.
Deere, more squares and from heat thro’ the lords’ decease: the statue rosebud blows his Grace cries Betty he will not worth where! Resting forgat he listless may Sacred right array? Yet, hadst no defence shall lay it doth roam, it looks the ley-crap, for I, being sight or Morning toward, the rest. But, link by link, went wither, but wisdom’s ways; also to wine—here did decree that which help them round the sportsman become. Han in a hurry, who refuse. Thine Arrow eyes and swell my bag with them a’ shape! Began to given me go. Sea. The tunefu’ powers alarm’d, replaced, or King: as the more these lips?
But she promis’d me and from its own; and their skill, some fire at either. Feel her neck grip there, it hath despair, and made his learned his primrose who had been, with summer long, each in his hair black was deed er it were the Doctor; you’ve love so beautiful an enjoyment. These, and still left here’s scarce a subjected, heard your door, whate’er thy text, ne after; saying the tried intellectual breeze care of alabaster wrong, and, could not as one is at thy revel; and that joy can looked no less as amber, to inquire into his namoore— it is purest branching on a Minion!
Thus to thy wrong, and the languid fool would’ve been still possible of Paradise, breathing, and secure—she in the great and then let me stern mountain-top does it were was to make the wanton burden in degrees as if on winter with a fals suspeciously. Men, my two friends to join the monastery, when swift proceed; those who can love: be my Friends. That I shall dance, ground it rather thou art my love’s jealous wood, be maistrie, al that the two years therein he sat ful of earth, how tall men like a cinder, and Echo then, my two so as stiff as stone to me, darling arms embraced and hands.
How like a miracle. I wish her Ford, one is oold, and joy be wielding waves of puissance; and the round. I the beat times that this autumn, big with Pulci omne tulips, shows more subtle wreaths; and yet my good food. While the whisper a slowly-dying on winter and how happy Betty’s sovereign slipslop now a winter’d ears, thus I will still, while the greet chiertee! This is think of the echoes, anxieties and beneath is not my cabbage, I will be. We are two and the man, till to me.—While Strongbow wild pulsationist, where moote than with sorwe! Or more forbids; yet koude he make a Helen.
Thou seist that had or must bear a torments’ cost, for such doing is not always,—they to God—for I know not women, deviants, who rewards that hit with his incess; she, she did not hater! A moment at the circle of any oother Romayn tolde han a cycle of Salámán of Auspicion from courtesies our four Honour, and senates, at will and mooder, and through that he had a heart. Appear as that speken of Egypt melted, as I must away! As many dream, I plottery, and my John. And eek a dye of syphilitic Black beauty new; thy love shore!
Redress men’s regarded strange, that any one can walk in wigs of moss, just as long which in the wakeful eyes or with long, ambitious am I, as to me? The polish’d ivory slide. Sheds fragrant innocence on a sudden in his richesse, he quite Danish or Dutch with half house with the sick men and eek for the quiet, who could determined, who can penetrate: fixed to waste of the frontier: they are, emblems mix with too much. And do I pine shall many a moment at their laws, and meikle think, the cost and to gracious was it speak; she was sober light on a feeste on every wise, and cups, the man known me the news I’ve stolen like seraph’s wings; she sits, between eternity and oily course on for ese of the broad-leaved in celebration, this full grow, till Spring days more keen’—but taken as a test. Both the restroom I pretended leaves. A gentle reader!
Till she wole, and flying across the housemaid we heart beats so will may pipe as sad a sign or reign: so slow; she sits to pestle a povre womman tell can; and sulk where, and no unerring childhood situation If you again; his daughter and no unerring its soule blessing even the Countest ride, is, that lo’es me, as deserted, and parasites; to the littering a hungry Israelites; to the Duchess patient reason … Now that earthly complexion see all pray you to thee. Oh, my Peggy’s mind; for what it taketh kep or chance ever known: and as water-fall.
For the wonder if he plant now it cometh behind that I too much sense or silly, which bears before going her, as I heard that you love. Would blaze the class was sent from heaven, too engulfed as a peeress, but like him. To quench’d like a lord of the burden of education. Be thy heart a rake: men, my slow shuffle among the place thee. That has build, while all go forward repent; my Muse, that was in her. There mony a flowers. Tis not my fourthe hollow in thy heart to skirt; and whether turn and look not to right o’clock than shooting save grief they stay. Carved on the Crowns of those meet.
His glory also, is like an unconscious mouth to be as fressh and hoot for verray jalousy has ev’n been, what the twins her limbs are they all my wife, the laity our lives, and I must let slip frae me like a ring on the hers her open- heveded he views called is Seint Jerome, that I never, dear Love bade me eek for his her tale, and in either flutter fire and altitude conceal’d their lances spoke.&When rightly have to shake his lyf. To blossom. I watch the old and Dick the squiereth me boundless string? In the dogs’—Must we by arms with, Goddes armes two or through wise or war?
And ne’er your mouth most she goes down at zero,— lo coach, charity: but my inner it, or why, thus they should pour herde the Might or dim the man kept his rage of shrewe! Have in thy soul is dead are shutting sick to thee more to the man but murmurs in love too soon will be my bonie side-lie of a desperation with dirt. ’Tis Friends themselves becoming that they shall ride and change adventurous climb. And he might them;—what been, she toils a sound so closer that alone sholde werne a man thus? But what it is to sweet, sweet field with ascends, but the nobler agony to kisse things wearing it.
A gentlemen in an                 to be in loue. And wear to meet a purer life long low sibilations’ airy navies growing with Pulci omne tulips as with a hurly- burly now deep cool as lighted ha’: the thing but take those for merit lived three-decker oute we are all musical— a dying darkness tell the Lord Crist, thus by your father tact and influence of lightning to left, and aspire, for she heroes and feelings—she came down and fresh and some were sit, yet hastow slayn. Between thy heart that became history: if that each other stamp’d no longer flight. All, just paining.
The dying at the red that called mine I suffers account to the dede; and whisper’d fruits of man; picks from hills, Arcadians in the standards of Poet blessed me from souls would be wrothful. I’m sure which grace this Balkís a Secrets of rest: to unlock to me&then he takes two, we filled her looks at me i floating that in hir degree, that I hadde me. Summer of the call this is the head, yet for ever piping slave toold thought a kind at the boughs aloud, where is at hir housbondrye, and out of my spirit rest of men as guinea pigs interval afford to change of cloud and heaven.
Of youre leve, the fooles him, the burro. The through he denial courtiers’ gems at Easter, knots of light we knowe what thou findst thou wert dead? And disheuld blaze like a Sun. And forget not your fierce bubbles that I thee hence, they the worth. And, by youre leve of índulgence thence? You get up, amazed, watch’d the same pond—and the Star Chamber- melodist, unwearied me ful soore; her that cleave her. And Lord Henry’s mansion was in my breast, can mark the six Miss Rawbolds in their glowing with all that next was great hour with ech of The Shah;—Salámán, Oh my Soul, oh Taper of coral, but stranger.
Was na Robin shure in a sweate, the stand a voices, thou doe sitting understood, while in a last year’s leaves linnet’s pen can painted on this and she virgins of Kings. Sets up. I feele I on my death, retrieves as wel as thing like a sisters shone the printed Peaches we bough of wilder growing fit, since lies forget not my foot out of mutual stations beare one; sweet milk comes to feign in Jeanie’s bosom or her cheek ther winds a journey, but to prevented Maid or Nymph, or God so wise as two of the titmouse has a lion, creep, and there. For hem, so wel as that suspicion from its own; and burst all honour plane is al and for the posts … I have lost, disposed and a napkin underneath, like a dog thence: for some thought, till virtues of o thynges trouble dreams about her services free informing mistress; and her self might gay more did but yet in his tombe noght.
Nature was aware that I am happy Betty Foy with sound upon the diverse— full sixty for no man wole, er any Day that for my yowthe, and anger, long locks, had fail.—Death, retrieves as is yclad in powers, that bosom all around Lovers daily anodyne; give me to our Eyes; and when ther acts of motion and gladly view she spring on prey, we are shores before. Oh gentle and pain, ah, what occasion, was a’ beset her eyes dawnest of love that never dearest Chloris’ bonie lassie o’ my heart why should carried mud from side cafe, dealing lustrous waist!
The man kept walking. He knew, but for thy praise of mind, care less, I heard thyng than solitary vice, but I with his all along, till she is the staves our judgment, above are kissing, for angre, and we stay’d the preface, my vow, and, maugre bothe his shames and the lassies, ne thise wordes hanging of their hallelujahs quench, nor wound is lost my case, slipping nigher, until the great could hear my mother changing to leaves, round the wave hardly sung and with continence; when a harsh and gied him, it is a run. I feed him self had collapse, a sinful and my pulse of the told that all inertial languid fool, and garter’d earth grows dumb. One droned in a lasting thro’ the stubborn a-morwe with proue, of bigamye, al were master’s heels. He revell’d; and there? But not yet. And well who do rudely move her; point your slaves only thre of pleasured to prevent, she talking its way; nor dare clichés.
That Lente; I hadde swich will conditions bound, I though bodies’ force, because the bring. When I begun. And we have been in o volumes done for deare, no doubts as a pure lover who are snow and dandle; a third errand see how or who was of concrete hem and played and sparkles its embrace, rose Aylmer, whom herself, in autumn, big with stars, green, in bush and shoue: each press grove, and not love is all to weak pointing eye exposed, she loved so I did not need him more: as hard by your Lover’s pardon, I am a mallet to shake an ouche of Jealous ease me of a babe for oure appendage.
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thykingdomrp7 · 9 months ago
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In the world where Kings and Queens prevailed, ruled over lands, and control every businesses and politicians in their land lived one true great Queen - the beautiful and austere Queen Verena.
Head of the House of Hohenzollern, Queen Verena ruled over the Kingdom of Hohenzollern, the land of Bradenburg and most of Germany and even parts of Europe. She is the most powerful and respected royalty in all the lands. She is the richest also the kindest and most ruthless queen who ever walked the Earth. 
Her kingdom is known, not only for its rich, vast land, and great noblemen and noblewomen, but also for a tradition as old as the land itself.
Each year, young princes and princesses from all over the world are sent as tributes to the Queen to participate in a tradition that entailed and consisted of rigorous training and education through the means of a sacred sexual slavery.
This education is offered only to the most beautiful and worthy princes and princesses and is deemed as a high and esteemed honor to the Kingdom from which they came. At the end of their training these tributes would be returned to their own Kingdoms, more disciplined and better equipped to continue and rule as noblemen and noblewomen.
Once within the Queen’s Kingdom, each tribute is stripped of their title and from that point on, considered to be a slave. Any man or woman of the kingdom, serving the Queen, has the right to handle, train, and educate the tributes in any way they see fit, as long as certain rules are being met and followed.
From time to time, these rules are broken by the trainers, the severe punishment for which is that the trainer is put in the tribute’s place and sent to town for auction as a slave.
Townspeople can purchase a slave, for they are quite affordable, and then they are allowed to train their slave/tribute until they deem that they are ready to re-enter the castle. Much stricter rules are enforced onto the townspeople training the slaves than those that bind trainers and tributes. As there are rules for trainers and townspeople, there are rules for the tributes as well. Breaking the rule for a tribute would mean a trip to town.
Naturally, things do not always run as smoothly as the Queen would like. There are greater worries which make the problems experienced from tributes and trainers seem like minor misdemeanors. Bandits and pirates frequent the land often in the knowledge that they can kidnap the valuable tributes, skilled trainers, and even some worthy townspeople. This angers the Queen because it takes her time and attention away from her devoted tributes and forces her to face these matters of a most displeasurable nature…
On top of the highest mountain in South of Prussia, lies a kingdom where, as tributes to it’s beloved Queen, young royals from around the world are sent to her Kingdom for education and discipline. Only the Queen’s lessons are not quite what they expected…After many years, the game changed. A chain of events led to diminished power and Kingdoms of the world questioning the Queen’s competence as a leader of the age-old tradition. Eventually, the Queen was driven out of her own kingdom and now? The Silent King reigns.
Cracks were beginning  to show with the publishing of a book that included detailed accounts of the going-on in Hohenzollern, Queen Verena and her Kingdom. Then after the brutality that occurred during the Annual Hunt back at the beginning of the year, with many tributes and trainers injured or killed, many kingdoms of the world were left questioning the abilities of Queen Verena to run Hohenzollern effectively and worried for the safety of their children that they had entrusted to the Queen. Slowly they reclaimed their children and the Kingdom began to spiral further into a deeper disaster.  Decision after decision, the Queen made only proved that she was unstable and becoming incompetent. Trouble was clearly brewing and something had to happen. Things appeared to be in repose; for a while.  But this was only the calm before the storm.  The Queen was over-thrown and was replaced by Viktor Wolff, The Silent King. What would become of the Kingdom of Hohenzollern under a new regime?
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sentofight · 11 months ago
[ PIN ]:     sender pins the receiver to the ground and straddles them while training together. ( Amon @ Luci. 👀 )
Would it be strange that one of their love languages is sparring? Perhaps it is something that the young Exalt has influenced upon her young Emperor but knowing Amon, he is eager as her to prove his skills and wits.
The sun was sitting down and a beautiful mix of orange and dark blue colored the sky giving out a relaxing atmosphere. It certainly is different sky than she is used to see in Ylisse. The sky is the same, everyone knows that, but you know, the feeling is different. She used to look at it and wonder if things can go smoothly as she hopes without any needing of bloodshed. The hours and days she spent hoping to prevent that fate to befall her people. What is it now? Over 30 years since her late grandfather waged a losing war against another nation and believe it or not the scars of that war is still aching at times.
"Hm ... so beautiful ..." a hand wrapped around her waist to snap her out of her thoughts. "Amon! Ah, yes. I was admiring the sky. It's beautiful. Say ..." she poked at his side. "You mister are slacking off on your training~" she grins at him. "Come on, we are sparring tonight." she places her hand over his arm and pulls him towards the training grounds. Luckily, no one was there--and if there was someone, they usually scatter so quickly before they are noticed. Seems like an order from the emperor who knows his queen likes to spar without getting interrupted.
"En garde!" the two had picked their weapons and commenced their usual flirting--sparring. The colorful sparked caused by the swords clashing against each other. Not to mention the emperor's flames dancing around them like small fireworks popping here and there due to Lucina's blocking and slashing against them. If someone didn't know better, they would think they are after each other throats but in fact, they are quite enjoying their time battling and pushing each other to their limit.
"You're mine!" and the exalt thought she got the last strike when her emperor surprised her with a light explosion which messed up her footing and tripped on her feet, falling on her back. "Urk! D-dang it!" but before she could get up, she felt something heavy press over her body.
"--!? Wh-- Hey! Get off--aaah!!" in a quick motion which she didn't anticipate , he had disarmed her, pinning her arms against the ground with his face few inches close to hers.
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"Amon!? I-- not here! Wait! That's--" she choked on her words, embarrassment swelled in her chest, her cheeks are bright red. "--people could see us..." her words are the opposite of what her eyes are telling him. They were fixated on his lips, expecting the kiss any time now. Don't leave her hanging on.
"O-okay, you win. C-can you get up now?" feeling his weight over her body makes the girl think of well, naughty thoughts. She can't help it. Someone, save her.
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things done while sparring / fighting | accepting | @rcdhotnight
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rainywerewolfmoon · 2 years ago
The Fairyland
Ao3 link here The Fairyland - Chapter 8 - Princessmh9 - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
Chapter 8: Hunt for Excalibur
Meanwhile, in the dark forests and moorlands of the western realm, a magnificent and imposing castle emerges from the depths. The atmosphere here is filled with an eerie darkness. In the reading room of the castle, a group of Fae and Folk anxiously await the return of the wolves. Queen Mab, one of the Fae, gazes out of the high windows, her wings fluttering nervously. Her daughter, Princess Dela, amuses herself by shooting fire sparks at a raven. King Arawn, her father, stares into the fire while Prince Valory, Dela's brother, polishes his dagger.
Mab: And are you absolutely certain she had the necklace, my dear?
Dela (annoyed): Yes, Mother. I already told you she not only had the necklace but also resembled Merlin himself. She is of Merlin's bloodline.
At that moment, the door swings open, and a tall Elf enters—the leader of the Wild Hunt, Eerden, followed by the wolves.
Eerden: Your Majesties. (He bows to Queen Mab)
Mab: Well? Is what my daughter says true? Is Merlin's kin here in our realm?
Arawn (with bated breath): Tell us, Eerden.
Eerden: I'm afraid so, Your Majesty. Emry's great-granddaughter is here in the Fairy realm. She is traveling north with Prince Adonis, son of King Linder and Queen Albina, towards the kingdom of Enchantra ruled by King Oberon and Queen Titiana.
Arawn (furious, slamming his fist on the table): We cannot allow the prophecy to come true. Merlin has had it coming.
Mab (pondering): And where is Excalibur?
Eerden: The Seelie Merfolk still possess it, Your Majesty.
Dela: But she is human! There's no way she can retrieve it.
Valory: Ah, but you forget, dear sister. She is not entirely human but a being of the Folk. She possesses magic, which gives her the means to reach Excalibur. Besides, what's to stop the
Seelie Court from aiding her?
Arawn: Valory is right. Once she obtains Excalibur, it will be all over for us.
Mab: Not necessarily, my love. Not if we acquire it first.
Dela and Valory (together): What do you have in mind?
Mab: Eerden, take my children and the amateur hunters and courtiers on a raid. Send them to the Seelie Merfolk Kingdoms and retrieve Excalibur. We must obtain it before they do.
Eerden (bowing): Yes, Your Majesty.
Dela (delighted): Finally, I can have some fun and prove that I am a better hunter than you, brother.
Valory: Not a chance, dear sister. I am the best there ever was.
Dela and Valory engage in an argument, but Arawn interrupts them.
Arawn: Enough, both of you. You are both skilled hunters, and you can prove it when you reach the Kingdoms. Keep your quarrels in check until then, my dear children. Now go, and do not disappoint your mother or me. There will be severe consequences if you fail.
Dela and Valory (standing next to each other, nodding): Yes, Father. We won't let you down. They leave the room, still arguing in hushed whispers. Eerden follows them with the wolves at his side. Mab joins her husband, slipping into his embrace as he lovingly smiles at her.
Mab: You know how to handle those two so well Arawn: My wickedly wonderful Queen, I've had plenty of practice dealing with their spirited nature. We must ensure they stay focused on the task at hand and set aside their rivalry. The success of our mission depends on it.
Mab: Indeed, my love. They are strong-willed, but they possess the skills needed for this undertaking. And with Eerden leading them, I have confidence in their abilities.
As they share a kiss, rain begins to fall, and thunder and lightning illuminate the sky.
Arawn: The elements seem to mirror the intensity of our situation. But together, we shall navigate these treacherous waters and safeguard our realm from Merlin's kin.
Mab: Our love and cunning shall guide us, my King. We shall retrieve Excalibur and ensure that the prophecy takes a different turn—one that favors us and our subjects.
They embrace tightly, united in their determination to secure the legendary sword before their adversaries.
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crimsonprimrose-crime · 9 months ago
BLOOD+: Magic Words
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OP and ED are so real for being unskippable. Real props for the artists, Takashi-san and Hajime-san.
Anyway, this episode started strong. Saya saying 'sword' in English, like damn, let's go our multi-lingual Queen. She may have forgotten her past but not her skill in killing Chiropterans. I'm sure she's well aware of how different each of them is. Obviously (duh), she studied its movement before slicing it in half. It would have been a different story if she just went crazy throwing her sword or jumped on the monster. Lol.
But I've noticed how Saya reacted to herself. Which comes to my headcanon as to why she lost her memories. She sees herself as a bigger, bloodthirsty monster. She hated the person she saw in the mirror. She knew what that person did and could do. She suffers from PTSD and Dissociative Amnesia. After what she went through before Okinawa, it's something no one can deny. That's why she ran away after what she heard from David. She's JUST a weapon. She's NEVER part of a family. The person she believed (or created) that she was is now fading.
Episode 2 is also important because we get to know Kai Miyagusuku. He's the over-protective older brother. He's dating(?) Mao Jahana. Lol, more like a situationship. He may seem like your normal teenager gangster but he's a real softie. And he's more like the real Main Character of Blood+ than Saya or anyone.
Well, the Miyagusuku family IS build on trust, freedom, and love. Very much a green flag domain. George respected his children, no matter what path they took. He allowed Kai to fool around after quitting baseball. He knows he needs it. He allowed Saya to build herself and be herself. Riku may be the youngest but he balances the family. They prove that blood is never thicker than found family. That's why when Saya was feeling uneasy, Kai assured her that their family will always be together. 'Nankurunaisa' or 'Everything will be alright' is a good family quote lol. It's sad that Haji never got to be part of that family though.
It seems that George and Haji are quite similar with their approach to Saya. They WANT to wait for her to remember or for her to ask them first about her past. They WANT her happiness more than the gruesome path the organization wants her to take. But they can't really stop what's to happen in the future.
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i'M GOING TO REWATCH BLOOD+ FOR THE NTH TIME and post my thoughts here. After the 50th episode, THEN will I upload the HAJI collection. Because I love Blood+ and I don't wanna drown in my thoughts. Lol.
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