#and that a average dose is only 50 milligrams
zipperkiller · 2 months
I fucked up in my cyberpunk red campaign by not understanding how the drug trade works, now they have a brick of synthcoke that’s worth like 400k eddies
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yogihealthplus · 2 years
Effects of various doses of delta-10
Delta-10 THC is thought to be only approximately half as strong as THC, it nonetheless produces similar euphoric effects and changes in sensory perception. You could ingest the Delta-10 in various doses based on the amount of intake! These are:
1) Micro Dosage- The dose between 1-5 milligrams is considered to be a lower dose or microdose. This dose will not give you the high but would definitely give you some sort of energy like coffee. People also believe that this dose can also help in increasing the ability to focus and concentrate.
2) Low Dosage- Any delta-10 dosages between 10-20 milligrams are regarded as modest. This dose is frequently reported to cause mild euphoria, increased focus and concentration, and increased energy. With this dose, sensitive people could experience some modest changes in perception.
3) Standard Dosage- The psychoactive delta-10 THC dosage ranges from 20-50 milligrams. At this dosage, it has a similar effect to traditional marijuana products, but with a stronger focus on the ecstatic and energetic side of the spectrum. Some users claim that their drunkenness and impaired motor abilities prevent them from going about their regular lives.
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4) High Dosage- The typical high from marijuana extracts should be anticipated, combined with intense sensations of euphoria. Anything over 50 mg of delta-10 THC is regarded as a high intake. Users could feel more creative, but it will probably be hard for them to keep their inventiveness in check and complete their tasks.
How long will it last?
The delta-10 could be ingested in various forms, be it gummies, vape cartridges, or tinctures. Buy these delta-10 cartridges for sale online along with other range of products at @yogihealthplus.com. The response time could be different but the effect remains for a long duration usually.
When we inhale the delta-10 compound, maybe through a vape, it starts to affect us immediately and would persist for around 2-3 hours or even more for some. Gummies take around 45 minutes to show the results but may last for about 4-10 hours. If sublingually taken,  delta-10 tinctures often start working in 10–30 minutes and last 4–8 hours on average.
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Dosage of HGH and Peptides
Some info for your reference:
IGF-1 lr3
Dosage: daily dose ranges from 20mcg to 150mcg a day Effects: reducing body fat (abdominal area) and muscle building combine with other products To reduce fat: combine with HGH Fragment 176, CJC-1295 DAC Cycle for muscle building: combine with GHRP2, GHRP6, CJC-1295 DAC, MGF
BPC 157
A typical dosage of BPC 157 is 10 mcg per KG of body weight, but the actual dosage will depend on injury type and severity.
The dosage depends on the purpose and severity of the injury/damage you are treating. People generally use between 4 to 8 mg of TB500 per week during the initial (loading) period of 4 to 6 weeks. Afterward, some opt to maintain the effects with a low 2 to 6 mg dose once every 2 weeks. The effects of TB-500 wear off within 2 - 3 weeks of injection.
HGH is measured in IU (International Units) and mg (milligrams).1 mg equals approximately 3 IU while 1 IU equals approximately 0.33 mg. Dosage:
People generally use 2 IU per day for anti-aging purposes, take 4 to 6 IU for bodybuilding, weight loss, and fitness while taking 8 to 16 IU for a short duration to treat severe burns or recover after injuries. Doses below 3IU per day usually bring no side effects while people can notice the improvement of their skin, better sleep, more energy, eating junk food without gaining weight, etc.
PEG-MGF Dosage 1: 200mcg (10 IU) of PEG-MGF split bilaterally between muscles just trained i.e. 100mcg left side, 100mcg right side PEG-MGF Dosage 2: 200mcg (10 IU) of PEG-MGF is to be injected into abdominal fat
CJC 1295 without DAC
Dose per injection: 100mcg Injections per vial: 20 x 100mcg dosages Amount to Inject: If you have used 1ml of water for mixing then a 100mcg dosage = 0.05ml (or 5 units on Insulin Syringe). If you have used 2ml of water for mixing then 100mcg = 0.10ml (or 10 units) and if you have used 3ml of water for mixing, then 100mcg = 0.15ml (or 15 units). Injection Frequency: 100mcg injected 1-3 times per day, preferably together with a GHRP Peptide at 100-200mcg.
CJC 1295 with DAC
600mcg taken once per week, at any time of day.
Dosing will ordinarily be at least twice per day and preferably 3x/day for best effect, taken at least 30-60 minutes before a meal and at a time of non-elevated blood sugar (in other words, after blood sugar has had time to fall since the most recent meal.) The amount taken generally will be from 50-300 mcg at a time. When using a GHRH along with GHRP-6, dosing should be reduced to 50-100 mcg at a time.
For an increase in GH levels, higher doses within the suggested range definitely increase the effect. With regard to healing benefit, for example for tendonitis, the low end of the range is often entirely sufficient, and the noticeably greater effect is not necessarily seen with increased dose.
A starting dosage is typically 20 i.u. per kilogram body weight, 3 times/week. After two to four weeks, a maintenance dose of 20 i.u. /kg BW can be taken once a week.
All peptides need to be reconstituted with bacteriostatic water or sodium chloride specifically used for injections. In order to use Melanotan II effectively, you need to understand your skin type. To keep things simple, we can go ahead and break skin types into three categories.
Skin Type 1: Very fair skin, never tans. Dosages: 50-60mgs or 5-6vials. Skin Type 2: Fair skin, burns but sometimes tans. Dosages: 30-40mgs or 3-4 vials. Skin Type 3: Medium skin, sometimes burns and always tans. Dosages: 20mgs or 2 vials. Beyond that, if your pigmentation is already naturally olive or darker, you will need to use less
Melanotan II for your tanning needs. The tan results coupled with exposure to sunlight and UV rays should last a user all summer or through a season.
Daily Dosages vary depending on your needs: For Erectile Dysfunction (ED): average dose is around 0.025 mgs/kg (1kg = 2.2 lbs) For Tanning (skin pigmentation): average dose is 0.025-0.030 mgs/kg (1kg = 2.2 lbs) Taking too much M2 can make you somewhat yellowish, so you need to start slowly with lower doses and move your way
Normally, GHRP-2 will be used 2-3 times a day at around 100mcg-300mcg per injection. For example, I recommend taking it before breakfast and before bed for maximum benefits.
HGH Fragment 176-191 How much Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Fragment 176-191 should be used? In most studies, favorable results have been shown with dosages between 400-600mcg or 4-6mcg/kg split into multiple dosages per day.
How long should Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Fragment 176-191 be used? In most studies, no adverse side effects were reported with continuous use per the dosage limits in the above answer.
What is a typical protocol for Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Fragment 176-191?
Studies have suggested the following:
A typical beginner protocol would be: 200mcg before breakfast 200mcg 30 minutes prior to training Approximately 5-7 days a week – subcutaneous injections
A typical intermediate protocol would be: 250mcg before breakfast 250mcg 30 minutes prior to training Approximately 5-7 days a week – subcutaneous injections
A typical advance protocol would be: 200mcg before breakfast 200mcg before lunch 200mcg 30 minutes prior to training 7 days a week – subcutaneous injections
When dosing multiple times a day at least 3 hours should separate the administrations.
What are some of the possible side effects with Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Fragment 176-191?
Reported side effects have included: hypersomnia (excessive sleeping), insomnia, burning feeling at injection spot (last 10-15 minutes). All side effects went away after 2-3 days of discontinuing use.
Should food be consumed before or after the injection of Human Growth Hormone (HGH) Fragment 176-191?
Studies have shown that the administration should ideally be done on either an empty stomach or with only protein in the stomach. Fats and carbohydrates blunt growth hormone release. After administering the peptides wait at least 30 minutes to eat. At that point, the growth hormone pulse has reached its peak and you can eat what you want.
HCG Usual Adult Dose for Ovulation Induction Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG): 5000 to 10,000 units IM once 1 day following the last dose of menotropins
Recombinant Chorionic Gonadotropin (r-HCG): 250 mcg subcutaneously once 1 day following the last dose of the follicle-stimulating agent
Comments: -Some experts recommended HCG doses of 10,000 units. -Patients should be appropriately pretreated with human menotropins. -r-HCG should not be given until adequate follicular development is indicated with serum estradiol and vaginal ultrasonography; treatment should be withheld in patients with the excessive ovarian response (e.g., significant ovarian enlargement, excessive estradiol production).
-Induction of ovulation (OI) and pregnancy in the anovulatory, infertile woman in whom the cause of anovulation is secondary and not due to primary ovarian failure
-Induction of final follicular maturation and early luteinization in infertile women who have undergone pituitary desensitization and who have been appropriately pretreated with follicle-stimulating hormones as part of an assisted reproductive technology (ART) program (e.g., in vitro fertilization, embryo transfer)
Usual Adult Dose for Hypogonadism - Male HCG: 500 to 1000 units IM 3 times a week for 3 weeks, then 500 to 1000 units IM 2 times a week for 3 weeks OR 4000 units IM 3 times a week for 6 to 9 months, then 2000 units IM 3 times a week for 3 months
Uses: -Selected cases of hypogonadotropic hypogonadism in males -Hypogonadism secondary to a pituitary deficient in males
Usual Pediatric Dose for Prepubertal Cryptorchidism HCG: 4 years and older: 4000 units IM 3 times a week for 3 weeks OR 5000 units IM every other day for 4 injections OR 500 to 1000 units IM for 15 injections over a period of 6 weeks OR 500 units IM 3 times a week for 4 to 6 weeks; if unsuccessful, patients should be given an additional series using 1000 units starting 1 month later.
Comments: -Treatment is believed to induce a temporary testicular descent response in patients who would have testicular descent during puberty but may produce a permanent response in some patients. -Treatment usually occurs between 4 and 9 years of age.
Hexarelin Typically, a dosage of around 200mg each day works best for therapeutic benefits but can be as much as 400mg each day. Data shows that there are no added benefits of using more than 200mg a day.
Ipamorelin For ranges of dosing, use 200-300mcg 2-3 times per day. If you want, you can combine it with other growth hormone-releasing hormones for a greater synergistic effect. 8-12 weeks of dosing is suitable, and it can be used indefinitely.
Sermorelin A dosage of 0.2 - 0.3 mcg once daily at bedtime by subcutaneous injection is recommended. It is also recommended that subcutaneous injection sites be periodically rotated.
Usual adult dose Induction of ovulation Intramuscular, 75 Units of FSH and 75 Units of LH activity once a day for usually seven or more days, followed by 5000 to 10,000 Units of chorionic gonadotropin one day after the last dose of menotropins. If necessary, the dose of menotropins may be increased by 75 to 150 Units FSH and 75 to 150 Units LH every four or five days. Up to 450 Units, FSH, and 450 Units LH a day may be required.
Assisted reproductive technologies Intramuscular, 150 Units of FSH and 150 Units of LH activity once a day for usually seven or more days, followed by 5000 to 10,000 Units of chorionic gonadotropin one day after the last dose of menotropins. If necessary, the dose of menotropins may be increased by 75 to 150 Units FSH and 75 to 150 Units LH every four or five days.
Note: The dosage regimen may vary according to physician preference or patient response. If the ovaries are abnormally enlarged or the serum estradiol concentration is excessively elevated on the last day of menotropins therapy, human chorionic gonadotropin should not be given for that cycle.
Male infertility (hypogonadotropic hypogonadism) Intramuscular, 75 Units of FSH and 75 Units of LH activity three times a week (plus chorionic gonadotropin 2000 Units twice a week) for at least four months following pretreatment with chorionic gonadotropin (5000 Units three times a week for up to four to six months) {10}. If an increase in spermatogenesis has not occurred after four months, the dose may be increased to 150 Units FSH and 150 Units LH three times a week (with no change in dose of chorionic gonadotropin).
MGF A typical protocol would be: 100-300mcg of MGF divided into 1-2 bilateral administrations into 2-5 different areas of the muscles approximately 5-7 days a week – intramuscular injections.
Example, if you want to administer 200mcg of MGF into the chest and biceps muscles 2 times a day and 3 different areas of the muscle then you would need to divide the dose as follows:
200mcg / 2 times per day = 100mcg per administration 100mcg per administration / 4 muscles (2 chest and 2 bicep muscles) = 25mcg per muscle 25mcg per muscle / 3 different locations on each muscle = 8.3mcg per injection
Theoretically, the more locations used to administer the MGF into the muscle the more places for muscle growth.
Studies have also suggested the following: The administration should not be given within 2 hours after training in order not to reduce natural IGF-1 production.
The administration should not be given within 2 hours before sleeping in order not to reduce natural growth hormone production.
After administering, adequate-protein needs to be ingested for MGF to be effective in building new muscle.
How to reconstitute MGF? MGF is typically manufactured in 2mg amounts and is reconstituted with sterile water. – If 2ml (2 full – 1 ml U-100 insulin syringe) of sterile water is added to the vial then each unit of the syringe will equal 10mcg. – If the syringe is filled up to 10 units (up to the number 10 on the syringe) it will equal 100mcg of MGF.
How long should MGF be used? In most studies on MGF, no adverse side effects were reported with use for 4-8 weeks (per the dosage limits in the above answer) followed by 4 weeks of non-use.
Selank Selank products are normally available as a 0.15% spray, with 75 μg of Selank per spray. The recommended dosage is 2 or 3 sprays per dose with 3 doses per day (a max total of 675 μg per day) [R].
For an adult weighing 67.5 kg (about 149 lbs.), this translates to about 0.01 mg Selank/kg body weight. Rat studies normally used 0.3 mg Selank/kg body weight.
Gonadorelin Adults: 100 mcg dose, subcutaneously, or intravenously. In females for whom the phase of the menstrual cycle can be established, the test should be performed in the early follicular phase (Days 1-7).
Epitalon Epithalon dosage and course (cycle) duration
The dosage depends on the purpose and severity of the damage which is treated. Epitalon can be used orally (less effective and large dose) or injected intramuscularly or under the skin (more effective at much smaller dose).
1. Oral Epithalon use (least effective): duration: between 10 - 20 days dosage: between 400 - 600 mg of Epithalon per day daily frequency:200 mg per serving, between 2 - 3 servings per day (depending on the dosage)
2. Epithalon as nasal spray or drops (medium effectiveness): duration: between 10 - 20 days dosage: between 15 - 30 mg of Epithalon per day daily frequency: total daily dosage split into 3 servings throughout the day
3. Injectable Epithalon use (most effective): duration: 10 - 20 days dosage: between 5 - 10 mg per day (20 mg intravenous for terminal patients) frequency of injection:1 injection per day for low dose, 2 injections for higher dose (divided between morning and late afternoon injection)
Each 10 - 20 days course of Epithalamin is followed by 4-6 months pause before repeating the course again. Epitalon treatment can be repeated indefinitely.
Semax Because Semax is so potent, only small doses are needed to achieve the desired results. In most cases, 0.5-1.0 milligrams per day are all the average users will need. In most cases, this is equivalent to one or two sprays from the nasal applicator. Semax does not need to be taken with food, nor do you need to adjust the dosage to account for sex or size differences. What one will have to make note of, however, are the different variants of Semax concentration. The 0.1% concentrations are less powerful than the 1% solutions (which are normally reserved for stroke victims or individuals with serious medical conditions). For cognitive enhancement, the lowered concentrations should work adequately.
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duskkodesh · 4 years
A PSA for the rat community
Guys, I’m seeing some stuff in the ratblr tag and I just wanna remind that aspen wood shavings can be fine bedding for rattos. Aspen is a great option as it’s a hardwood, has limited smell, and helps wick moisture. Aspen does not contain the phenols associated with cedar and pine. Just make sure you get it as close to dust free as you can get or sift it yourself which you can do with a screen or fine mesh grate.  Paper is also a fine option, some use cat paper pellet litter but be aware some brands contain pine pulp. Some kinds can also become very dusty when moistened and dried. Corncob bedding has the potential to mold if wet, fleece can be good but can hold irritants like ammonia close to their noses if not changed regularly and washed in perfume-free soap or vinegar. Pretty much all things have upsides and downsides but it’s good to read why things are considered bad and look up the studies yourself. It’s okay to try something and switch if it’s not working out.  It’s also fine to give your rats citrus in moderation with the peel removed. Yes, you heard me. The study was held at Berkley where they measured D-limonene levels and cancer used orange juice as an example and orange juice contains rind oils. The Carcinogen Potency Project measures the carcinogen’s potency as TD50, the dose which will cause cancer in 50% of rats that have been administered D-limonene. The TD50 for D-limonene is 204 milligrams per 2 lbs of rat. The average human serving of orange juice is 6 ounces which contains 5.49 milligrams of D-limonene. This means a rat would have to consume 2 gallons of orange juice, as in consuming nothing but orange juice everyday for a couple months, before it becomes affected with kidney damage. A mango contains 9.8 milligrams which would mean a male rat would need to eat at least 20 entire mangoes before getting cancer. Also D-limonene is mostly found in the rind of oranges and citrus so removing the rind and only giving then the juicy inside (Again, in moderation) is fine and negates most risk.  Read the studies to make good informed opinions for your pets. 
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totallycalcium · 2 years
The Use Of Calcium In The Management Of Osteoporosis
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In April 2018, the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) updated its recommendations on the use of calcium and vitamin D supplements. Based on its findings from the review of the current scientific evidence, it does not recommend calcium doses for osteoporosis or vitamin D supplements in healthy women without vitamin D deficiency. The studies do not show that supplements reduce the risk of fractures.
The USPSTF recommendations are not blanket recommendations for everyone; they say that the evidence presented is not strong enough to suggest that all healthy adults take calcium and vitamin D supplements.
Adults who may need a calcium dose for osteoporosis or vitamin D
Even if an adult gets sufficient calcium from their food, there are situations where calcium may not be adequately absorbed in the body. Vitamin D deficiency is very common in the US, and without sufficient vitamin D, calcium will not be absorbed and benefit the body.
Adults with intestinal problems like lactose intolerance, Celiac, or Crohn’s disease do not absorb many nutrients efficiently, including calcium, and hence need supplements.
Women who have premature menopause will experience bone loss and need to be vigilant about their diets, warranting the need for an additional dose of calcium.
Vegans who do not eat dairy may require help with calcium intake.
Adults over age 45 who have had a broken bone from a low-impact fall or injury can benefit from supplements whose core component is calcium.
Adults who have been diagnosed with osteoporosis or low bone density experience difficulty sustaining calcium in their bodies.
What we know about calcium dose for osteoporosis or vitamin D
Calcium and vitamin D are crucial components of good bone health. Calcium is the principal mineral that makes bones strong, and people need enough vitamin D to help get calcium absorbed into the bones. In addition to bone strength, calcium is important for muscle contraction, nerve transmission, and blood clotting.
To meet the current Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of calcium dose for osteoporosis, women ages 18 to 50 and men ages 18 to 70 need 1,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium; this equals two servings of calcium-rich food, like dairy or foods and beverages fortified with calcium. Adults who eat cheese, yogurt, milk, and fortified beverages daily are likely getting sufficient calcium from their food and do not need a supplement. However, it is best to consult an expert on the subject matter.
As we age and hormone levels drop, we need more calcium to make up for the bone loss in the body, leading to the risk of fractures. For women age 50+ and men age 70+, the RDA increases to 1,200 mg daily. This amount equals 2-3 servings of calcium-rich food every day and a balanced diet of fruits and vegetables. Meeting this required calcium dose for osteoporosis can be more challenging in older adults. Only about 30% of women in the US get enough calcium from their diet alone. Finally, the USPSTF links calcium dose for osteoporosis and vitamin D supplementation to fracture risk reduction. We do not see osteoporosis-related fractures among women until their 50s. The most typical fractures we see in this age group are wrist or upper arm fractures. The average age for hip fractures is 81. Therefore, supplementation at younger ages may be unnecessary.
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How To Keep Your Immunity Up This Winter Season With Vitamin C
Winter is the start of the cold and flu season. Wearing a scarf or an extra layer of warm clothes is not enough to protect you from getting sick. Colds can be prevented in a number of ways, one of the most well-known of which is by taking vitamin C on a daily basis. Read on to find out more on how to stay healthy and to know more about combating cold and flu during this winter season.
Why is Cold and Flu More Prevalent During Winter?
Cold and flu are the most prevalent contagious illnesses during the Winter season because of the following factors: 
The flu virus flourishes in colder, drier air, and we're more likely to be trapped indoors with our loved ones during the winter, allowing germs to spread quickly. 
The body's defenses against infection are weakened by cold temperatures. 
We may be deficient in some vitamins that serve to power the body's immune system. 
When we inhale cold air, the blood vessels in our nose may contract, preventing us from losing heat. This could hinder white blood cells (the germ-fighting soldiers) from reaching our mucus membranes and eliminating any viruses we breathe, allowing viruses to slip through our defenses unnoticed. 
This is why during these very cold winter months, you should take Vitamin C as an additional protection for your body. It is frequently recommended as a natural cold treatment and can be used to keep your body strong and healthy. Vitamin C can be found in supplements, juices, cough drops, tea or other forms. 
What is Vitamin C? 
Vitamin C is an essential vitamin and antioxidant that your body needs to keep it strong and healthy. It is used in the maintenance of bone structure, muscles, blood vessels, and immunological function. It aids in the formation of collagen, which makes your skin glow and healthy. Moreover, it also helps in your body's iron absorption. Vitamin C is actually not generated by your body, but is very naturally abundant in citrus fruits, mangoes, strawberries, green vegetables, tomatoes, and among other foods. Vitamin C is also available as a natural dietary supplement in the form of pills, chewable tablets, and candies in addition to consuming this meal.
Can Vitamin C Prevent Common Colds?
Vitamin C, in general, will not protect you from catching a cold. However, in terms of the duration and intensity of such an illness, this vitamin appears to have advantageous short-term effects. Colds can cause a lot of missed work days and disruptions in your daily life. Vitamin C Gummies Immune Booster can be taken to strengthen your immune system that might be weak or weakened due to the presence of a comorbid ailment or extreme change of weather and temperature. In fact, one study found that taking 200 milligrams of vitamin C every day can cut your risk of getting a cold by up to 50%.
How much Vitamin C Do I need to take?
The Recommended Dietary Allowance (RDA) of Vitamin C for an average adult is between 65-90 milligrams with the upper limit of 2,000 mg. For men it is 90 mg per day, and for women, it's 75 mg per day. You could take higher doses if needed. Taking too much Vitamin C may not be harmful, but you might experience multiple visits to the restroom. Hence, it's better if you consult with your doctor first in order to determine how much dosage is more appropriate for your body's needs.
Remedez® Vitamin C 12  CT Gummy is easy and convenient to take. It's the quickest way to boost your immune system. You can take it with or without food. For adults, you may take 2 gummies while children 10 and up may take only 1. These delicious and flavorful gummies come in cherry or orange flavors that you can choose from. It is non-GMO, gluten-free, and has no artificial sweeteners and flavors. Remedez® Vitamin C Gummy has powerful antioxidants that help you fight stress, giving you glowing skin, radiant hair, and healthier joints. This can be your daily supply of Vitamin C that can support your wellness and can aid you in preventing common cold.
This Blog "How To Keep Your Immunity Up This Winter Season With Vitamin C" originally posted Here.
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your-dietician · 3 years
Safety, Heart Health, and More
New Post has been published on https://depression-md.com/safety-heart-health-and-more/
Safety, Heart Health, and More
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Risk of cardiovascular disease is important to think about for people with diabetes.
According to the American Diabetes Association (ADA), people with diabetes are twice as likely to experience a cardiovascular event like a heart attack or stroke.
Low-dose daily aspirin can help reduce a person’s risk of experiencing a cardiovascular event. It’s typically recommended for people who have previously had a heart attack or are at high risk of having a cardiovascular event.
It’s estimated that 20 percent of people in the United States over age 40 use daily aspirin.
However, the use of daily aspirin in people with diabetes may not be so clear-cut due to the risk of potentially serious bleeding. Healthcare professionals must consider the potential risks and benefits before recommending daily aspirin to someone with diabetes.
Currently, daily aspirin is recommended for people with diabetes who have a history of cardiovascular disease. People with an increased cardiovascular risk may also take daily aspirin if they are found to be at a lower risk of bleeding.
Below, we’ll cover why aspirin can help prevent cardiovascular events, why it may not be recommended if you don’t have cardiovascular disease, and what else you can do to lower your cardiovascular risk if you have diabetes.
First, let’s explore the links between aspirin, diabetes, and cardiovascular disease.
How does cardiovascular disease lead to cardiovascular events?
A cardiovascular event like a heart attack or stroke can happen when blood flow is blocked to an important organ. Heart attacks are caused by blocked blood flow to the heart, and strokes take place because of blocked blood flow to the brain.
These cardiovascular events typically occur due to the effects of something called atherosclerosis.
In atherosclerosis, a fatty substance called plaque builds up on the walls of the arteries. This can narrow the arteries and reduce the amount of blood that can flow through them. In severe cases, plaque may block an artery entirely.
Plaque can also tear, or rupture. When this happens, it can lead to the formation of blood clots. A blood clot can either block the affected artery or break away and block another artery in the body, such as one in the heart or brain.
How does diabetes increase your risk of cardiovascular events?
People with diabetes have high blood sugar. When blood sugar levels are not managed, it can lead to damage in the blood vessels as well as the nerves associated with them.
Additionally, people with diabetes are also more likely to have other risk factors for cardiovascular disease. These include things like high blood pressure (hypertension) and high cholesterol.
How can aspirin reduce the risk of a cardiovascular event?
Low-dose aspirin inhibits the enzyme cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1). When COX-1 activity is reduced, it leads to lower levels of a molecule called thromboxane A2, which normally increases platelet aggregation and blood clotting.
Simply put, aspirin works to reduce the activity of platelets, the part of blood that’s involved in clotting. Aspirin thins the blood and helps prevent blood clots from forming.
Because of its blood-thinning properties, taking daily aspirin can increase the risk of bleeding events. This can include more mild events like bruising easily or nosebleeds.
However, serious bleeding events can also happen, such as bleeding events in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract or brain. Because of this, a healthcare professional must weigh the benefits of daily aspirin against its potential risks.
According to a 2019 report, the ADA only recommends daily aspirin at a dose of 75 to 162 milligrams per day for people with diabetes and a history of cardiovascular disease.
The ADA notes that daily aspirin may also be considered for people with diabetes who are at an increased cardiovascular risk. You may be at an increased cardiovascular risk if you are 50 or older and:
have a personal history of:
dyslipidemia, which refers to unhealthy levels of one or more types of lipid
have a family history of early cardiovascular disease, defined as males younger than 55 and females younger than 65
are a current smoker
However, it’s important to discuss the risk of bleeding events with your doctor. It’s also possible that your doctor will want to assess your risk of bleeding before recommending daily aspirin.
Why isn’t daily aspirin recommended if you don’t have cardiovascular disease?
A 2018 study focused on daily aspirin use in adults with diabetes who had no history of cardiovascular disease.
The study included 15,480 participants, half of which received daily aspirin. The other half of the participants received a placebo. Researchers followed up with participants over an average period of 7.4 years. They found that:
Serious cardiovascular events occurred in a significantly lower percentage of the participants taking daily aspirin (8.5 percent) compared to those taking the placebo (9.6 percent).
However, serious bleeding events also happened significantly more in people taking aspirin (4.1 percent) compared to the placebo (3.2 percent).
The researchers concluded that, for people with diabetes and no history of cardiovascular disease, the risks of daily aspirin appear to outweigh the potential benefits.
However, a 2019 review of studies did not see the same risk for bleeding events. The review included data from 34,227 people with diabetes who had no history of cardiovascular disease. The researchers found that:
Daily aspirin lowered the risk of cardiovascular events by 11 percent.
Taking daily aspirin did not cause a significant increase in bleeding risk.
Researchers noted that real-world data has shown higher rates of bleeding in people with diabetes who take daily aspirin, even if this review did not show the same results.
Researchers concluded that aspirin has potential benefits of preventing cardiovascular events in people with diabetes, but the benefit could be counterbalanced by the bleeding risk.
For now, the researchers say recommendations of low-dose daily aspirin should be individualized based on a person’s current cardiovascular health and bleeding risk.
There are other options to lower your risk of cardiovascular events if you’re allergic to aspirin or cannot take it.
You may be able to take the blood-thinning medication clopidogrel (Plavix) instead. However, like aspirin, clopidogrel is also associated with a risk of bleeding events.
If you have diabetes, there are several other ways you can help prevent cardiovascular issues. Let’s take a look at these ways now.
Manage your blood sugar
Remember that high blood sugar levels can cause damage to your blood vessels and raise your risk of a cardiovascular event. Because of this, always take your diabetes medications as directed by your doctor.
Additionally, be sure to check your blood sugar levels at least once a day. If you find that your readings are consistently outside your target range, make an appointment with your doctor to discuss this.
It’s also important to have a doctor check your A1C levels every 3 to 6 months. This measures your average blood sugar levels over the past 3 months.
Treat high blood pressure and high cholesterol
Underlying conditions like high blood pressure or high cholesterol can increase your risk of cardiovascular disease. If you have one or both of these conditions, take steps to manage them.
High blood pressure can be managed with a variety of different medications, such as beta-blockers or ACE inhibitors. Additionally, lifestyle changes like reducing stress, eating a healthy diet, and not smoking can also help.
High cholesterol can also be treated with medications, lifestyle changes, or both. The medications used to lower cholesterol levels are called statins.
Eat a heart-healthy diet
Try to have heart-healthy foods in your diet. Some examples include:
fresh fruits and vegetables
whole grains
chicken or turkey
lean cuts of meat
low fat dairy items
It’s also important to avoid some types of foods, such as:
If you smoke, try to quit
Smoking is a risk factor for many different health conditions, including cardiovascular disease. One effect of smoking is narrowing your blood vessels, which can reduce blood flow.
If you smoke, take steps to quit. It may be helpful to work with your doctor to develop a plan to quit that you can follow.
Get regular exercise
Getting regular exercise can help with keeping your heart healthy and managing weight. A good rule of thumb is to get at least 30 minutes of exercise most days of the week.
Another step you can take is to try to sit less. This is particularly important if you work in a sedentary, or desk, job. Try to get up and move around every 30 minutes or so.
Take steps to manage weight
Losing weight, if necessary, can help improve your heart health. Be sure to talk with your doctor about healthy ways to lose weight.
If you have diabetes and are concerned about your cardiovascular risk, ask your doctor about daily aspirin. They can help you decide if it may be beneficial in your individual situation.
Don’t take daily aspirin before talking with your doctor first. It’s possible it may not be recommended for you, particularly if you don’t have a previous history of cardiovascular disease, heart attack, or stroke.
You may also want to talk with your doctor before using daily aspirin if you:
are over the age of 70
drink alcohol frequently
have a risk of bleeding events like GI bleeding or hemorrhagic stroke
are planning to have any medical or dental procedures
have had a previous allergic reaction to aspirin
When to seek emergency care
It’s important to be able to recognize the signs of a cardiovascular event like a heart attack or a stroke so you can seek medical attention.
Signs of a heart attack are:
pain, pressure, or tightness in your chest that lasts longer than a few minutes
pain in your:
shortness of breath
feeling lightheaded
increased sweating
digestive symptoms like upset stomach, nausea, or vomiting
The symptoms of a stroke are:
one-sided weakness or numbness affecting your face, arm, or leg
headache that comes on suddenly and is severe
feeling dizzy or lightheaded
vision problems
trouble speaking, walking, or keeping your balance
Call 911 or go to the emergency room if you experience any symptoms of a cardiovascular event. It’s okay if you’re not sure if you may be having a heart attack or stroke. What’s important is that you receive prompt medical attention.
Although it can help lower the risk of cardiovascular events like heart attack and stroke, daily low-dose aspirin may not be recommended for everyone with diabetes. This is because daily aspirin carries the risk of serious bleeding events.
If you have diabetes and are concerned about cardiovascular disease, talk with your doctor about daily aspirin. Your doctor can help assess your cardiovascular risk level to determine if daily aspirin is recommended for you.
There are also other ways you can improve your cardiovascular health if you have diabetes. These include managing your blood sugar, treating other health conditions, and eating a heart-healthy diet.
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ledwallioi · 3 years
The best values of carotenoid-rich food sources are in fresh
  2. Carotenoids:
  A second, powerful antioxidant is carotenoid. Certain types of carotenoids are more beneficial for the eyes than others. Certain carotenoids,Led Spot Light Manufacturer such as beta-carotene, which one of the most commonly found carotenoid types, also help the body break down vitamin A in the food. Lutein and Zeaxanthin are closely related carotenoids found most frequently in green, leafy vegetables such as spinach, and studies have shown that both these types are advantageous in preventing cataracts and muscular denegation. They are also found in yellow vegetables such as corn. The body doesn't produce either of these carotenoids, so it's doubly important to include green vegetables in your diet.
  The best values of carotenoid-rich food sources are in fresh, uncooked vegetables. Cooking reduces the vitamin values and so every healthy diet should include a daily dose of fresh salad and fruits. If fresh produce isn't available the frozen packets can substitute, as the freezing process reduces the vitamin content only marginally as long as the vegetables themselves were frozen still very fresh. Canned produce is never recommended, as canned goods are invariably suffused with chemicals and preservatives, deteriorating the vitamin value greatly.
  Carrots, for example, are bright orange in color because they contain carotenoid, which is an antioxidant found in brightly colored fruits and dark green, leafy vegetables. Carrots contain almost three thousand RE units per 100g. and a single, average-sized, fresh carrot contains over 2000 RE. Carotenoid colors the vegetables red, yellow or orange and has been found to reduce the risk of all sorts of eye diseases. Carotenoid-nutrient foods are easily distinguishable because of this characteristic that provides pigment and allows for easy absorption in the body. A single medium sized mango contains 800 RE, a single sweet potato [also called yams] contain 2,660 RE units, a red bell pepper contains about 500 RE and a cantaloupe contains 320 RE for every 100g serving.
  3. Vitamin C:
  Vitamin C is found in citrus fruits, such as oranges and lemons, also in tropical fruits [pineapples, papaya, etc'], berries, every kind of pepper [red, yellow and green], potatoes and green, leafy vegetables. An important supplement that accompanies vitamin C is the group of bioflavonoids that appear in all the same fruits and vegetables. Bioflavonoids are chemical compounds that give certain foods their color and help the body absorb vitamin C. Though they are not vitamins themselves, they act as antioxidants in the body. Buckwheat is a good source for this compound, as are grapes, plums, cherries and the pith of citrus fruits. Bilberry is also an excellent source of bioflavonoids, but they are seldom seen in the U.S
  Vitamin C should be consumed in produce as fresh as possible, as heat and light reduces it potency. Vitamin C-rich foods should be kept in a cool, dark place and even orange juice is better stored in an solid, enclosed container rather than a translucent container such as clear glass. The RDA [recommended daily allowance] for vitamin C is sixty milligrams for both women and men. One single orange contains 70 mg, one mango contains 57 mg, grapefruits contains 90 mg, one cup of raspberries contains 31 mg and one cup of strawberries contains over 85 mg of vitamin C. Green vegetables contain slightly less per weight- one cup of chopped broccoli contains 82 mg and one cup of chopped green peppers contains 133 mg.
  Like Lutein and Zeaxanthin, the human body doesn't produce vitamin C naturally and foods rich with this vitamin are vital to general good health and certainly eyesight. In fact, vitamin C isn't stored for very long in the body's reserves and daily doses are required. Like other antioxidants, this vitamin reduces the risks of various eye ailments, especially cataracts and muscular erosion. It is especially important for people aged 50+, as the body retains less vitamin C as the years progress, leading to the onset of age-related diseases.
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annieboltonworld · 3 years
Juniper Publishers- Open Access Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources
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Evaluation and Characterization of Tannery Waste Water in Each Process at Batu and Modjo Tannery, Ethiopia
Authored by Abdrie Seid Hassen
The leather industry is suffering from the negative impact generated by the pollution it causes to the environment. Nearly 70% of the pollution loads of BOD, COD, and Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) are generated from soaking, liming, deliming, pickling and tanning and retanning processes. There is an enormous pressure from the various pollution control bodies to regulate and minimize the amount of pollution generated from the leather processing. The need for use of alternative to chemical methods to combat pollution problem have become necessary to protect the industry and to comply with the environmental norms. In the present study, effluent samples were collected from Batu and Modjoa tannery in Ethiopia. The effluent samples were collected from all stages of processing viz., soaking, liming, deliming, pickling, Chrome tanning and Retaining. The physicochemical parameters of the tannery effluent viz. pH, alkalinity, acidity, biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5), chemical oxygen demand (COD), total solids (TS), total dissolved solids (TDS), suspended solids (SS), chlorides and sulfides were determined. All the parameters included in this study are found to be higher than the prescribed discharge limits for tannery industries. The investigation of the tannery wastewater from different tanning processes gave a number of conclusions. The results indicate that the wastewaters from the tanneries do not satisfy the legal ranges of selected parameters discharge to inland water and to sewer.
Keywords: Alkalinity; Acidity; COD; BOD; Tannery Waste Water; Sulfides; Chlorides
Abbreviations: COD: Chemical Oxygen Demand; TS: Total Solids; TDS: Total Dissolved Solids; SS: Suspended Solids; BOD: Biochemical Oxygen Demand
The tanning process aims to transform skins in stable and imputrescible products namely leather. There are four major groups of sub-processes required to make finished leather: beam house operation, tanyard processes, retanning and finishing [1-3]. However for each end product, the tanning process is different and the kind and amount of waste produced may vary in a wide range [2,4]. Traditionally most of tannery industries process all kind of leathers, thus starting from dehairing to retanning processes. However, in some cases only pre-pickled leather is processed with a retanning process. Acids, alkalis, chromium salts, tannins, solvents, sulfides, dyes, auxiliaries, and many others compounds which are used in the transformation of raw or semi-pickled skins into commercial goods, are not completely fixed by skins and remain in the effluent. For instance, the present commercial chrome tanning method gives rise to only about 50-70% chromium uptake [5]. During retanning procedures, synthetic tannins (Syntan), oilsand resins are added to form softer leather at varying doses [6]. One of the refractory groups of chemicals in tannery effluents derives mainly from tannins [7]. Syntans are characterized by complex chemical structures, because they are composed of an extended set of chemical such as phenol, naphthalene formaldehyde and melamine-based Syntans, and acrylic resins [8-10].
Among Syntans, the ones based on sulfonatednaphthalene's and their formaldehyde condensates play a primary role, for volumes and quantity used in leather tanning industry. The oils cover the greater COD equivalents compared to the resins and syntans. The BOD5/COD ratio of syntans was also lower than other compounds. A brief description about the wastes generated from a tannery and their impact on the environment would be appropriate to understand the problem associated with it. The beam house operations soaking, liming and deliming lead to discharge of high amount of sulfides, lime, and ammonium m salts, chlorides, sulphate, and protein in the effluent. Consequently, the wastewater is characterized with high amount of BOD and COD. Soak liquor contains, suspended solids, dirt, dung, blood adhering to hides and skins, and chloride etc. lime liquors are highly alkaline. This stream contains suspended solids, dissolved lime, sodium sulfide, high ammonia cal nitrogen and organic matter. Unhearing and fleshing effluent contains fatty fleshing matter in suspension. The spent deliming liquors carry significant BOD load. The spent bate liquors on account of presence of soluble skin proteins and ammonium salts containing high organic matter. Pickle liquors are acidic and contain high amount of salt.
The spent chrome liquors contain high concentration of chrome compounds and neutral salts. The wastewater from neutralization, retanning, dyeing and fat liquoring sections contribute little pollution load [11]. Solvents and this leads to the emission of volatile organic compounds (VOC) [12]. An average of 30-35m3 of wastewater is produced per ton of raw hide. However, wastewater production varies in wide range (10-100 m3 per ton hide) depending on the raw material, the finishing product and the production processes [2]. Organic pollutants (proteic and lipidic components) are originated from skins (it is calculated that the raw skin has 30% loss of organic material during the working cycle) or they are introduced during processes. The objectives of this study to evaluate thephysico-chemical properties of polluted water discharged from tannery, viz., pH, chloride, sulfide BOD5, COD, alka linity, T.S.S, TDS and evaluate of tannery wastewater in the different tanning processes viz. soaking, liming and unhairing, deliming and bating, pickling, tanning and retanning processes [13,14].
Materials and Methods
For the present study effluent samples were collected from tanneries in Batu and Modjo, Ethiopia. The effluent samples were collected from all stages of tanning processing viz., soaking, liming, deliming, pickling, Chrome tanning and Retanning. The effluent was collected in polythene containers of two litres capacity and were brought to the laboratory with due care and was stored at 4oC for further analysis. Chemicals used for the analysis of spent liquor were analytical grade reagents. The physical and chemical characteristics of tannery effluents parameters viz. pH, total alkalinity, COD, BOD5, total solids (TS), total dissolved (TDS); total suspended solids (TSS), chlorides, sulfide sand chromium were analyzed as per standard procedures [15].
Determination of pH: The pH is determined by measurement of the electro motive force (emf) of a cell comprising of an indicator electrode (an electrode responsive to hydrogen ions such as glass electrode) immersed in the test solution and a reference electrode (usually a calomel electrode). Contact is achieved by means of a liquid junction, which forms a part of the reference electrode. The emf of this cell is measured with pH meter.
Determination of total alkalinity: The alkalinity of sample can be determined by titrating the sample with sulphuric acid or hydrochloric acid of known value of pH, volume and concentrations. Based on stoichiometry of the reaction and number of moles of sulphuric acid or hydrochloric acid needed to reach the end point, the concentration of alkalinity in sample is calculated. A known volume of the sample (50 ml) is taken in a beaker and a pH probe was immersed in the sample. HCl or H2SO4 acid (0.1NHCl in 1000 ml distilled water) added drop by drop until the pH of the sample reached 3.7. The volume of the acid added was noted [15].
Calculation: Alkalinity as mg/l of CaCO3= (50000x N of HClx ml acid titrated value) /volume of sample taken.
Determination of chemical oxygen demand (COD): The chemical oxygen demand of an effluent means the quantity of oxygen, in milligram, required to oxidize or stabilize the oxidizable chemicals present in one litre of effluent under specific condition. 2.5 ml of the sample was taken in tube, 1.5 ml of 0.25 NK2Cr2O7(potassium dichromate), spatula of mercuric sulphate HgSO4 and 3.5 ml of COD acid were added and kept in COD reactor for 2hrs at 150oC. After cooling the sample titrated against FAS (standard ferrous ammonium sulfate 0.1N) and used ferrion as indicator. The end point is reddish brown color. In the blank tube 2.5 ml of distilled water was taken and then follow the same procedure in the sample [15].
Calculation: COD (mg/l) = (blank value-titrated value) xN of FASx8000/ volume of sample
8000 ill equivalent wt of O2x1000ml
Determination of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD): Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of an effluent is the milligram of oxygen required to biologically stabilize one litre of that effluent (by bio-degradation of organic compounds with the help of micro-organisms) in 5 days at 4oC.If the BOD value of an effluent is high, is high, then that effluent contains too much of bio-degradable organic compounds and so will pollute the receiving water highly.
A. Procedure
a) Take 5 litres of distilled water, aerated for 3.5 hours, added nutrients 1 ml nutrient for 1 litre aerated distilled water (FeCl, CaCl2, PO4, MgSO4, domestic water), aeration for 30 minutes.
b) BOD bottle (300 ml), add sample, fill the bottle with aerated water, put the lid (avoid air bubbles), keeping BOD incubator at 20oC for 5 days, after 5 days take the bottle and add 2 ml MnSO4, 2 ml alkaliazide iodide and 2 ml conc. H2SO4. Shake the bottle well (yellow colour) take 200 ml sample add starch solution as indicator (purple colour) titrated with 0.025 N sodium thiosulphateend point colour change from purple to colorless. In blank filled the bottle with aerated water without the sample and follow the procedure [15].
c) Calculation
BOD5= (blankvaluetitratedvalue) x300/volume of sample
Determination of Total solid: The term solid refers to the matter either filtrable or non-filtrable that remains as residue upon evaporation and subsequent drying at a defined temperature. Residue left after the evaporation and subsequent drying in oven at specific temperature 103-105°C o f a known volume of sample are total solids. Total solids include Total suspected solids (TSS) and Total dissolved solids (TDS).
A. Procedure
Dry weight of empty dish or crucible (initial weight), add 50 ml sample, keep it in water bath until dry, keep it in oven (103 to 105oC) for at least 1 hour, desiccators, and take final weight of dish [15].
a) Calculation
Total solid (mg/l) = (final weight-initial weight) x1000x1000 / volume of sample
Determination of total dissolved solid
A. Procedure
Dry weight of empty dish or crucible (initial weight) take sample and filter with What man No.1, add 50 ml filtrate sample, keep it in water bath until dry, keep it in oven (103 to 105oC) for at least 1 hour, desiccators, take final weight of dish [15].
a) Calculation
Total dissolved solid (mg/l) = (final weight-initial weight) x1000x1000 / volume of sample
Determination of total suspended solid: The difference between the total solids and total dissolved solids are suspended solids.
Determination of chloride: Chloride is determined in a natural or slightly alkaline solution by titration with standard silver nitrate, using potassium chromate as an indicator. Silver chloride is quantitatively precipitated before red silver chromate is formed.
A. Procedure: Take sample (10 ml to 50 ml), add 2 ml of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), add 2 ml K2CrO4 (potassium chromate indicator), titrate with silver nitrate (0.0141 N), end point formation of reddish yellow colour (yellow to orange). In blank trial take distilled water instead of sample and follow the same procedure above [15].
a) Calculation
Chloride (mg/l) = (A-B)xN. of silver nitratex35.45x1000/ volume of sample
A = ml titration for sample
B = ml titration for blank
N = normality of AgNO3
Determination of sulfide: The sulfides in the solution are oxidized with an excess of a standard iodine solution and the excess back titrated with a standard thiosulfate solution.
A. Procedure: Take sample (10ml) in conical flask, add 5 ml zinc acetate (5%), filter through filter paper, take the filter paper and put it in the same conical flask, add 100 ml distilled water. then add 20 ml, iodine solution and 4 ml 6N HCl, add 2 drops of starch as indicator (purple colour will form), titrate against sodium thiosulphate (0.025N), end point the colour change from blue colour to colorless. In the blank test take 100 ml distilled water instead of sample and follow the same procedure above for the sample [15].
a) Calculation:
Sulfide (mg/l) =(BV-TV) x N. thiox400/Volume of sample xN. Ioden
BV= blank value
TV= titrated value
Results and Discussion
Characteristics of tannery waste water
Wastewater of each tannery process consists of pollution of varying pH values. Similarly, a large variation exists in every parameter BOD, COD, Chloride, Sulphate, etc. Discharge of these chemicals into wastewater is hazardous for the environment. Analysis of physical and chemical characteristics of the tannery wastewater collected from different tanning processes viz. soaking, liming and unhairing, deliming and bating pickling, chrome tanning and retaining are listed in (Tables 1 & 2) respectively.
Determination of pH
The pH values of both tanneries are in the range 3.2512.64. Which was very higher value compare to limit set by EPA (6.0-9)? The extreme pH of wastewater is generally not acceptable, as lower pH cause problems to survival of aquatic life. It also interferes with the optimum operation of wastewater treatment facilities. Water with high or low pH is not suitable for irrigation. At low pH most of the metals become soluble in water and therefore could be hazardous in the environment. At high pH most of the metals become insoluble and accumulate in the sludge and sediments. The toxicity of heavy metals also gets enhanced at particular pH [6].
Determination of Biochemical Oxygen
a) Demand (BOD): BOD is measure of the content of organic substances in the waste water which are biologically degradable with consumption of oxygen. Usually indicated as 5-day Biochemical oxygen demand (BOD). This is the amount of oxygen in milligrams per litre (O2) (mg/l) that consumed by microorganisms in5 days at 20oC for oxidation of the biologically degradable substances contained in the water. The results of present study revealed that BOD level from different tanning processes viz. soaking, liming and unhairing, deliming and bating pickling, chrome tanning and retanning is given in (Figures 1-4) indicating high organic load surpassed legal limit set by EPA (200 mg/l). The presence of organic matter will promote anaerobic action leading to the accumulation of toxic compounds in the water bodies.
Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD)
Chemical oxygen demand (COD) is quantity of oxygen expressed in milligram consumed by the oxidisable matter contained in one litre of the sample. The test is performed by vigorous oxidation with chemicals and back-titrating the chemical consumed for oxidation. COD is system of measuring the content of organic impurities with oxidizing agents. The results of present study revealed that COD level from different tanning processes viz. soaking, liming and unhairing, deliming and bating pickling, chrome tanning and retanning is given in (Figures 5 & 6) exceeds the permissible COD level EPA (500mg/l).This indicates that the effluent is unsuitable for the existence of the aquatic organisms, due to the reduction in the dissolved
Determination of Total Solids (TS)
The results of present study revealed that TS level from different tanning processes viz. soaking, liming and unhairing,deliming and bating pickling, chrome tanning and retanning is given in (Figures 7 & 8) exceeds the permissible TS level of 110 mg/L. These solid impurities cause turbidity in the receiving streams. The composition of solids present in tannery effluent mainly depends upon the nature and quality of hides and skins processed in the tannery.
Determination of Total Suspended Solids (TSS)
The results of present study revealed that TSS level from different tanning processes viz. soaking, liming and unhairing, deliming and bating pickling, chrome tanning and retanning is given in (Figure 6) and it exceed the permissible TSS level of (20200) mg/ L. These suspended impurities cause turbidity in the receiving streams. The composition of solids present in tannery effluent mainly depends upon the nature and quality of hides and skins processed in the tannery. High level of total suspended solids present in the tannery effluent could be attributed to their accumulation during the processing of finished leather. Presence of total suspended solids in water leads to turbidity resulting in poor photosynthetic activity in the aquatic system [16-18] and clogging of gills and respiratory surfaces of fishes [19].
Determination of Chloride
The results of present study revealed that chloride level from soaking and pickling, are 19250 mg/ l, 23500 mg/l respectively (Table 2) and the levels exceed the permissible chloride level of 1000 mg/L of effluent discharge into inland surface waters. High levels of chlorides in the tannery effluent could be attributed to the soaking and pickling processes. The chloride content in water sample gives an idea of the salinity of water sample.
Determination of Sulfide
Sulfides are particularly objectionable because hydrogen sulfide will be liberated if they are exposed to a low pH environmental, and if they are discharged into stream containing iron, black precipitates will be formed. Sulfides may be toxic to stream organisms or to organisms employed in biological treatment systems. The results of present study revealed that sulfide level from liming and unhairing process is given in Table 2 and it exceed the permissible sulfide level of 2 mg/ L. of effluent discharge into inland surface waters [13].
Determination of Total Alkalinity
Alkalinity of water is its acid neutralizing capacity. It is the sum of all the bases. The alkalinity of natural water is due to the salt of carbonates, bicarbonates, borates silicates and phosphates along with hydroxyl ions indeliming & bating process is given in (Tables 1 & 2). The Free State. However the major portion the alkalinity is due to hydroxides, carbonates and bicarbonates. The results of present study revealed that alkalinity level from soaking, liming and unhairing, and deliming process are given in (Figures 9-16).
Determination of hexavalent chromium
Cr is one of the most important pollutants released from the tanning industries in the effluent. According to Saritha and Meikandaan (2013) chrome tanning processes originates toxic metals and regular treatment systems are not eligible for the elimination of it. The wastewater generated by tanneries is the major source of Chromium pollution. The chromium (Cr) is well-known to be toxic to living organisms due to their bioaccumulation and non-biodegradable properties. In Tables 1 & 2 Maximum Cr concentrations was show at both tanneriesrespectively.This indicates that the concentration is above permissible limit of EPA (0.1mg/l).
All value except pH are stated Mg/l
The processing of hides and skins into leather is carried out in an aqueous medium m and hence the discharged water from pits, drums or paddles containing several soluble and insoluble constitutes the effluents from the tannery. In the present study, investigation of the tannery wastewater from different tanning processes gave a number of conclusions. Results of the analysis showed that the tannery wastewater from different tanning processes viz., soaking, liming and unhairing, declaiming and bating, pickling, chrome tanning and retanning is highly With a disagreeable pH, alkalinity, acidity, total solids, total dissolved solids, suspended solid, chemical oxygen demand, biochemical oxygen demand, chlorides and sulfides. The results of the analysis indicate that the wastewaters from different units of the tannery do not satisfy the legal ranges of selected parameters.
For more articles in Juniper Publishers | Open Access Journal of Environmental Sciences & Natural Resources please click on: https://juniperpublishers.com/ijesnr/index.php
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scriptflorist · 7 years
Are there any deadly flowers but you can consume them in certain ways that are safe for humans? Sort of like a flower version of fugu?
Hey Nonny,
there are a lot of poisonous plants. Not all of them necessarily deadly, but I will try to lay my focus on it since you are looking for something of the likes for your story. We, humans, have a way of exploring our planet’s flora by trial and error, unfortunately, that probably lead to a lot of deaths in the past because we hadn’t quite figured out plants just yet. Since you asked for a fugu equivalent we’ve looked specifically into plants (or parts of them) that would be considered edible, since flowers are not as commonly found on dinner plates as fish would be and most people likely don’t consider them as edible either.
Almond (Prunus dulcis) – Okay technically it’s not only almonds, it’s something about the Prunus genus as this concerns also cherries, peaches, plums and apricots, just to name a few common. And it’s not about the fruit flesh because unless there is an allergy it is very obviously edible and good for many of us. This is all about the seeds, and yes that includes almonds as they aren’t nuts but seeds in all technicality. Now we can eat almonds, but the more bitter they are the more cyanide they contain (just like cherry seeds.) And cyanide in large amounts is deadly of course so in order to be sold they must be processed to remove the poison. However, bitter almonds are still illegal in some countries.
Cashew tree (Anacardium occidentale) – Cashews are tricky, they are not technically deadly. They are, however, poisonous and need to be processed before they can be eaten. Raw cashews are coated in something called anacardic acid. I don’t think I need to explain why acid is a bad time for your character’s mouth, but this particular acid is closely related to urushiol the allergen found in poison ivy, which just brings home the point why your character should not put raw cashews in their mouth. It also makes quite obvious how a bad case of allergies might cause death in this scenario.
Cassava (Manihot esculenta) – Cassavas comes in two forms. Bitter and sweet. Sweet cassavas are nice cassavas, well nicer anyway. Sweet cassavas contain about 20 milligrams of cyanide per kilogram. Bitter cassavas have easily 50 times as much cyanide, with an average of 1 gramme per kilogram. (The numbers are vanishingly small in oz.) A common cause for large amounts of cyanide is droughts. And once again we have cyanide poisoning.
Chronic, low-level cyanide poisoning can lead to goitre and tropical ataxic neuropathy (a nerve-damaging disorder.) Severe cyanide poisoning is linked to a paralytic disorder called konzo, as well as death in some cases. Cassava consumption in humans is also known to cause severe calcific pancreatitis which can lead to chronic pancreatitis.
Interesting about this plant, however, are not its leaves or flowers, but its roots. Sweet roots can be cleansed of the cyanide by thorough cooking, bitter roots, however, require more careful processing. Fermenting, cooking and soaking just to name a few.
Castor oil plant (Ricinus communis) – Again, not the flowers but the seeds are where the poison is located, eating the flowers isn’t recommend either way as the whole plant is more or less toxic in varying degrees, the seeds are simply the most dangerous. This poison in question is called ricin, which is not only extremely toxic but also water-soluble. And of course, this exact plant is used to make castor oil as the name already suggests.
This plant is also arguably the most poisonous in existence, or at least it was in 2007 according to the Guinness Book of World Records, and yet it is arguably not the most lethal. For the average adult the lethal medical dose is 20 micrograms per kilogram when injected or inhaled, and while it is claimed to be much less toxic when ingested, a dose of about 20-30 milligram per kilogram (about 4-8 seeds) can still cause death when that way.
Symptoms commonly appear within 2-4 hours but can be delayed for up to 36 hours and they include a burning sensation in the mouth and throat, abdominal pain, purging and bloody diarrhoea. Within just a few days severe dehydration, a drop in blood pressure and a decrease in urine will occur and if left untreated death can be expected within 3-5 days. However, if your character makes it past that time frame they do have a chance of survival.
In 1978 a man called Georgi Markov was assassinated with them, you can look him up on the internet.
Indian pea (Lathyrus sativus) – The seeds of this plant contain a neurotoxic amino acid called ODAP. ODAP is short for some chemical description that makes my brain and eyes hurt and frankly this is the part of chemistry I don’t understand anymore so we’ll stick to ODAP. Anyone can pronounce ODAP.  If eaten regularly over a long period of time ODAP causes paralysis and wasting (away of muscle mass for example) and it is thought to be the cause of neurolathyrism (a neurodegenerative disease.) It only occurs during famines when the seeds of the plant are basically the main food source. It is also not deadly, but a damaged brain is no fun either.
Kidney bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) – Beans of any kind contain a substance called lectin, but red kidney beans have an exceptionally high concentration which is why they stand out in this case.
As few as 4-5 kidney beans is enough to prompt symptoms. Among them, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea and it takes about 1-3 hours after eating them for the symptoms to appear. Fortunately, they will disappear just as quickly within some more hours. The best way to counteract the toxin is to cook the beans at 100°C (212°F) for ten minutes. Dry beans are recommended to soak a whole five hours in water before further handling, and the water, of course, has to be discarded afterwards.
Slow cookers generally have a reputation for not cooking the beans hot enough and through that aren’t considered safe for kidney bean cooking. Which might sound not quite as serious but if they are accidentally cooked at 80°C (176°F) the kidney beans become five times as toxic as raw.
Lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus) – We’ve just talked about why beans need to be cooked properly, but on top of that these ones contain a cyanogenic glycoside, but we’ve already talked about why cyanide is bad for your character’s body as well. So I think this one should be clear.
Mango tree (Mangifera indica) – Mangos are a similar deal like cashews. Only that this time we’re dealing with actual urushiol (the poison ivy allergen) which can be found in the peel, sap, leaves and stem. A bad case of allergies could easily turn deadly in this case. If your character has a history of poison ivy or poison oak contact dermatitis they have all that’s needed to spark an allergic reaction.
Potato (Solanum tuberosum) – Yes, potatoes too. They contain something called a glycoalkaloid. Yes, all potatoes, but especially wild potatoes. Cultivated potatoes just have been bred to reduce the toxin to a manageable level for us humans, and that is really all we can do. Technically your character could try cooking them at 170°C (340°F) or above to at least partially destroy the toxin, but all I can imagine for that scenario are some sorry, overcooked potatoes which just cause a lot of sadness at the dinner table.
Rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticum) – While the leaf stalks are edible, nothing else about the leaves is. The bad guy here is oxalid acid. Again, I don’t think it needs explaining why acid is Bad. Symptoms include kidney disorders, convulsions, coma and although rarely, death.
The lethal medical dose of pure oxalid acid is about 25 grammes for a human weighing roughly 60 kilograms (~140 lbs.) Fortunately, it would take a lot of effort, determination and possibly malfunctioning taste buds for your character to actually cause severe damage to themselves in this case as that equals about 5 kg (11 lb) of sour rhubarb leaves to chow through. But much like it is with potatoes it’s not like the leaf stalks are free of poison, they just contain less which in turn is then manageable for a human.
Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) – You might have noticed the similarity to the Latin potato name. Which is because both of them are part of the Solanaceae family, the nightshade family and if you need to know anything about nightshade for your story it is that it is dangerous and deadly in pretty much all cases. Tomatoes contain a thing called solanine, which if ingested can cause nervous excitement and upset the digestive system. Fortunately, ripe tomatoes are very much fine to eat, and most people wouldn’t come to think of eating their stems and leaves. However, some have thought it a good idea to brew tomato leaf tea. Tomato leaf tea now is the cause of at least one recorded death. Don’t have your character make tomato leaf tea.
- Mod Jana
This blog is intended as writing advice only. This blog and its mods are not responsible for accidents, injuries or other consequences of using this advice for real world situations or in any way that said advice was not intended.
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simona-study · 4 years
What is zinc and what does it do?
Zinc is a nutrient that people need to stay healthy. Zinc is found in cells throughout the body. It helps the immune system fight off invading bacteria and viruses. The body also needs zinc to make proteins and DNA, the genetic material in all cells. During pregnancy, infancy, and childhood, the body needs zinc to grow and develop properly. Zinc also helps wounds heal and is important for proper senses of taste and smell.
How much zinc do I need?
The amount of zinc you need each day depends on your age. Average daily recommended amounts for different ages are listed below in milligrams (mg):
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What foods provide zinc?
Zinc is found in a wide variety of foods. You can get recommended amounts of zinc by eating a variety of foods including the following:
Oysters, which are the best source of zinc.
Red meat, poultry, seafood such as crab and lobsters, and fortified breakfast cereals, which are also good sources of zinc.
Beans, nuts, whole grains, and dairy products, which provide some zinc.
What kinds of zinc dietary supplements are available?
Zinc is present in almost all multivitamin/mineral dietary supplements. It is also available alone or combined with calcium, magnesium or other ingredients in dietary supplements. Dietary supplements can have several different forms of zinc including zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate and zinc acetate. It is not clear whether one form is better than the others.
Zinc is also found in some oral over-the-counter products, including those labeled as homeopathic medications for colds. Use of nasal sprays and gels that contain zinc has been associated with the loss of the sense of smell, in some cases long-lasting or permanent. Currently, these safety concerns have not been found to be associated with oral products containing zinc, such as cold lozenges.
Zinc is also present in some denture adhesive creams. Using large amounts of these products, well beyond recommended levels, could lead to excessive zinc intake and copper deficiency. This can cause neurological problems, including numbness and weakness in the arms and legs.
Am I getting enough zinc?
Most people in the United States get enough zinc from the foods they eat.
However, certain groups of people are more likely than others to have trouble getting enough zinc:
People who have had gastrointestinal surgery, such as weight loss surgery, or who have digestive disorders, such as ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease. These conditions can both decrease the amount of zinc that the body absorbs and increase the amount lost in the urine.
Vegetarians because they do not eat meat, which is a good source of zinc. Also, the beans and grains they typically eat have compounds that keep zinc from being fully absorbed by the body. For this reason, vegetarians might need to eat as much as 50% more zinc than the recommended amounts.
Older infants who are breastfed because breast milk does not have enough zinc for infants over 6 months of age. Older infants who do not take formula should be given foods that have zinc such as pureed meats. Formula-fed infants get enough zinc from infant formula.
Alcoholics because alcoholic beverages decrease the amount of zinc that the body absorbs and increase the amount lost in the urine. Also, many alcoholics eat a limited amount and variety of food, so they may not get enough zinc.
People with sickle cell disease because they might need more zinc.
What happens if I don’t get enough zinc?
Zinc deficiency is rare in North America. It causes slow growth in infants and children, delayed sexual development in adolescents and impotence in men. Zinc deficiency also causes hair loss, diarrhea, eye and skin sores and loss of appetite. Weight loss, problems with wound healing, decreased ability to taste food, and lower alertness levels can also occur.
Many of these symptoms can be signs of problems other than zinc deficiency. If you have these symptoms, your doctor can help determine whether you might have a zinc deficiency.
What are some effects of zinc on health?
Scientists are studying zinc to learn about its effects on the immune system (the body’s defense system against bacteria, viruses, and other foreign invaders). Scientists are also researching possible connections between zinc and the health problems discussed below.
Immune system and wound healing
The body’s immune system needs zinc to do its job. Older people and children in developing countries who have low levels of zinc might have a higher risk of getting pneumonia and other infections. Zinc also helps the skin stay healthy. Some people who have skin ulcers might benefit from zinc dietary supplements, but only if they have low levels of zinc.
Children in developing countries often die from diarrhea. Studies show that zinc dietary supplements help reduce the symptoms and duration of diarrhea in these children, many of whom are zinc deficient or otherwise malnourished. The World Health Organization and UNICEF recommend that children with diarrhea take zinc for 10–14 days (20 mg/day, or 10 mg/day for infants under 6 months). It is not clear whether zinc dietary supplements can help treat diarrhea in children who get enough zinc, such as most children in the United States.
The common cold
Some studies suggest that zinc lozenges or syrup (but not zinc dietary supplements in pill form) help speed recovery from the common cold and reduce its symptoms if taken within 24 hours of coming down with a cold. However, more study is needed to determine the best dose and form of zinc, as well as how long it should be taken before zinc can be recommended as a treatment for the common cold.
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD)
AMD is an eye disease that gradually causes vision loss. Research suggests that zinc might help slow AMD progression. In a large study among older people with AMD who were at high risk of developing advanced AMD, those who took a daily dietary supplement with 80 mg zinc, 500 mg vitamin C, 400 IU vitamin E, 15 mg beta-carotene, and 2 mg copper for about 6 years had a lower chance of developing advanced AMD and less vision loss than those who did not take the dietary supplement. In the same study, people at high risk of the disease who took dietary supplements containing only zinc also had a lower risk of getting advanced AMD than those who did not take zinc dietary supplements. People who have or are developing the disease might want to talk with their doctor about taking dietary supplements.
Can zinc be harmful?
Yes, if you get too much. Signs of too much zinc include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, stomach cramps, diarrhea, and headaches. When people take too much zinc for a long time, they sometimes have problems such as low copper levels, lower immunity, and low levels of HDL cholesterol (the “good” cholesterol).
The daily upper limits for zinc are listed below. These levels do not apply to people who are taking zinc for medical reasons under the care of a doctor:
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Are there any interactions with zinc that I should know about?
Yes. Zinc dietary supplements can interact or interfere with medicines that you take and, in some cases, medicines can lower zinc levels in the body. Here are several examples:
Taking a zinc dietary supplement along with quinolone or tetracycline antibiotics (such as Cipro®, Achromycin®, and Sumycin®) reduces the amount of both zinc and the antibiotic that the body absorbs. Taking the antibiotic at least 2 hours before or 4–6 hours after taking a zinc dietary supplement helps minimize this effect.
Zinc dietary supplements can reduce the amount of penicillamine (a drug used to treat rheumatoid arthritis) that the body absorbs. They also make penicillamine work less well. Taking zinc dietary supplements at least 2 hours before or after taking penicillamine helps minimize this effect.
Thiazide diuretics, such as chlorthalidone (brand name Hygroton®) and hydrochlorothiazide (brand names Esidrix® and HydroDIURIL®) increase the amount of zinc lost in the urine. Taking thiazide diuretics for a long time could decrease the amount of zinc in the body.
Tell your doctor, pharmacist, and other healthcare providers about any dietary supplements and medicines you take. They can tell you if those dietary supplements might interact or interfere with your prescription or over-the-counter medicines or if the medicines might interfere with how your body absorbs, uses, or breaks down nutrients.
Zinc and healthful eating
People should get most of their nutrients from food, advises the federal government’s Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Foods contain vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and other substances that benefit health. In some cases, fortified foods and dietary supplements may provide nutrients that otherwise may be consumed in less-than-recommended amounts. For more information about building a healthy diet, refer to the Dietary Guidelines for Americans and the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s MyPlate.
Where can I find out more about zinc?
For general information on zinc:
For more information on food sources of zinc:
For more advice on buying dietary supplements:
For information about building a healthy diet:
Office of Dietary Supplements Health Professional Fact Sheet on Zinc
Zinc and Zinc in diet, MedlinePlus ®
U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) FoodData Central
Nutrient List for zinc (listed by food or by zinc content), USDA
Office of Dietary Supplements Frequently Asked Questions: Which brand(s) of dietary supplements should I purchase?
Dietary Guidelines for Americans
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alldaydrugs · 4 years
Spend Your Golden Moment of your Sexlife with Vigora 100
Vigora 100mg is a prescription medicine used to treat erectile dysfunction (impotence) in men. This supports men in getting or maintain an erection. It refers to a group of remedies known as phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE 5) inhibitors.
Vigora 100 may be taken on an empty stomach or with a meal. It should be strictly taken as prescribed by your doctor. 
You should make it about 1 hour before you plan to have s*x. The quantity of time it takes to work ranges from person to person, but it usually takes between 30 minutes and 1 hour. 
This capsule will only help you to get a creation if you are sexually stimulated. However, you should not take this medication if you do not have an ED.
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What is Vigora?
Vigora tablet is a medicine which generally comes in the form of pills and is used to solve sexual problems in men where men cannot perform painful erections or manage an erection for a long time. The central part of Vigora lido spray is Sildenafil Citrate.
 As the central part of this medicine, Sildenafil falls under the category of phosphodiesterase type-5 inhibitor. It finally works by relaxing the blood vessels, which increases the blood flow to the s*x. For PAH nursing, this drug is always a more suitable choice for the doctors to recommend and for the cases to have them.                   
Viagra is a brand for Sildenafil Citrate, which is efficiently used to treat erectile dysfunction in men and pulmonary arterial hypertension. 
The researchers in the UK were initially developing Vigora 100 mg. Since its launch, this drug enhanced the most generally used and effective medication for the treatment of ED.
Vigora 50 Tablet is a phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor that serves in relaxing and increasing blood vessels. It helps to extend the stream of blood in several parts of the body.
This medication can be used for using ED; while men. It also uses pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH), and finally improves the exercising ability in men and women. 
Vigora accommodates 100 milligrams of sildenafil citrate is a Phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor. Zydus Cadilawhich manufactures this drug is a pharmaceutical company in India. Vigora is composed of the main constituent Sildenafil Citrate.
Vigora Tablet is a drug used to treat mechanism disorders such as Ed and Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension. Erectile Dysfunction happens when a man can't move or keep an erection while having carnal s*xual intercourse. 
 How to use Vigora 100?
This medicine is for external use only. Use it in the dose & duration as advised by your physician. Check the label for directions before use. Clean and dry the influenced area & gently massage the 100. 
Wash your hands after applying, and only hands are the affected region. Vigora 100mg medicine is to be eaten with food. Don't take Man force. Stay extended Tablet with Cold Drinks or Alcohol.
 When can I eat after taking Vigora 100Mg Tablet?
It is adequate to take a tablet with an empty stomach. Taking a light meal is advised before consuming this medication.
 How does Vigora work?
Sildenafil Citrate acts by blocking the demeaning of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) by PDE 5. Cyclic guanosine monophosphate works by improving the blood flow and vasodilation in the s*x region of the body.
Phosphodiesterase type 5 works by binding with cGMP and reducing its availability in the body parts. By blocking the activity of PDE-5 and growing the availability of cGMP in blood, Vigora 100mg pill helps remedy erectile dysfunction.
 Is Vigora safe?
Vigora tablets are safe and are recommended by doctors for erectile dysfunction or pulmonary arterial hypertension. It is a clinically approved drug. It is not a prescription drug, so you may be able to buy it online or from any medical store at a meager price. Zydus Cedilla manufactures it.
 How does Vigora work the first time?
Vigora is PDE type-5 medication; therefore, it would slowly relax the blood vessels and increase the body's blood flow after it starts stimulating. Consequently, it causes increased blood flow to the penis and thus helps to achieve erections.
 Dosage for Vigora:
You must call your doctor or reach a nearby medical facility immediately if you presume any symptoms due to overdose like a lengthy erection, hot flushing, loss of hearing, dizziness, etc. Keep your medicine away from your family or the people about you. Do not share oral jelly without any knowledge.
 Missed Dose:
Vigora 100 Mg can be taken whenever you wish. You just need to get to take it before sex. Skip the dose if missed and never take multiple doses next time if you missed it once or twice.
 Side effect:
Persistent cough
Decrease/loss of vision
Change in color vision
Decrease/loss of hearing
Prolonged and painful erection
Take it when Ou needs it. Do not use more than once a day. It's best to use Vigora drug about 1 hour previously s*xual intercourse, but you can eat it anywhere between 30 minutes & 4 hours before sexual activity. Vigora helps achieve & maintain a creation, but will not produce the erection without sexual stimulation. 
Do not use Vigora if you have recently taken nitrates (medicines used in angina or chest pain). Notify your physician if the erection continues for more than 2 hours after s*xual intercourse. Do not take Vigora if you newly had a stroke, a heart attack, or severe liver disease or slight blood pressure (<90/50 mmHg).
Pregnancy: Medicine is not intimated for use by women
Alcohol: Avoid taking a drink as it can cause side effects with this medicine.
Kidney: Use the medicine with attention in patients with kidney impairment, and dose adjustment may be demanded. Discuss your doctor.
Liver: should not be offered to patients with critical liver impairment. In sufferers with mild liver impairment, a lower dose of these operators should be used as initial therapy.
Driving: can cause dizziness and can harm your vision. You should not drive or perform a machine if you experience these effects.
Storage Of generic Vigora Keep Vigora out of the reach of children. Keep Vigora in its original container. Store at 25°C (77°F); excursions permitted to 15-30°C (59-86°F).
 Composition and Nature of Vigora 100:
Vigora 100 principally consists of Sildenafil, which helps increase the blood vessels in the penis so it can be maintained during s*xual intercourse.
 Initial Action
How effective the drug Vigora 50 and 100 can be noticed between half an hours to 2 hours after using the treatment.
 Our Other Products for treat Erectile Dysfunction:
Caverta 100 | Vigora Lido Spray | Duratia (Dapoxetine) | Vigora Gold 100 | Silagra | Megalis | Cenforce 100mg | Fildena 100mg | Cenforce| Zenegra 100 | Tadora | Tadacip | super Vidalista | Super P Force | Extra super p force
 How to Store Vigora 100 safely?
Always store these medications in a cool as well as dry place. An airtight box or your medicine cabinet will be ideal for you. Do not keep them in the bathroom or kitchen where they might get in contact with moisture. It is best to pick a well away from your children's or pets' reach.
 Author Bio:
Alldaygeneric is one of the best online universal stores. We offer Branded medications such as Malegra, Tadalista, Fildena, Vidalista, Cenforce, etc. Considering the year 2014, we have been working on what is now globally recognized as one of the leading online mail-order pharmacies in the world today.
Q: What is the time limit for an average person to consume Vigora 100 mg Tablet?
Vigora 100 mg Tablet is usually advisable for adults above eighteen years of age. The drug should not be accepted to underage individuals.
 Q: Is driving recommended while under the influence of Vigora 100?
No, driving is not strictly recommended.
 Q: Can Vigora 100mg Tablet be used to treat symptoms of premature ejaculation?
No, Vigora 100mg Tablet is not said to be able to treat premature ejaculation.
 Q: Can Vigora 100 help enhance the size of the penis?
No, Vigora 100mg Tablet is not expected to improve the size of the penis.
 Q: Is it best to take the Vigora tab on an empty stomach?
Yes, you can take it with an empty stomach for the best results.
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bridgetkat-blog · 5 years
Imposter Syndrome
           “You should be an English teacher,” my dad used to tell me.
           And I would respond with something along the lines of, “English teachers get paid shit.”
             I sat in a blue, plastic chair in the front of my Calc AB classroom—one of the only air-conditioned classrooms in my budget-conscious Catholic high school—as my teacher projected a piece of paper onto the front wall. Written on the paper was a distribution of scores earned on the most recent test.
           “One person did get a hundred,” my teacher said as he gave us a run-down of the score distribution. “This is the first time someone has ever gotten a hundred percent on this test.”
           After he had finished discussing the scores, he began passing the graded tests back to the students. After anxiously awaiting the news of my score, he finally handed me my graded test. Bright red ink was scribbled on the top of the paper:
           Math was my niche, my safe haven, where I always knew I would succeed. Where I never feared failure.
             I’ve never been good at reading. It was always my lowest-scoring section on standardized tests. I read slowly, and sometimes I realize that I haven’t been paying attention for the last two pages. My eyes scan through the words, but they kind of just go in one eye and out the other. Not only did this make reading difficult for me, but the frustration it caused made reading utterly unenjoyable.
             I come from a family of health-care providers. My father is a physician, my mother is a PA, my uncle and his wife are both physicians, my grandfather is a surgeon, and my older sister is in medical school. My dad could always tell me if I had strep or not. He once used his stethoscope on me at home because I thought I was dying[1]. On another occasion, I had the stomach flu, and he called in a prescription anti-nausea tablet for me—it was that easy. When I had cramps, my mom would tell me, “the prescription dose for ibuprofen is 800 milligrams, so you can take four.” I couldn’t go to the grocery store with my dad without running into four different people that he either worked with or treated. When I got the stomach flu again in college, by parents were able to tell me everything from the best position to lie in to the best over-the-counter medicine to buy.
           There was never any explicit pressure for me to follow in my family’s footsteps, and I never felt any implicit pressure either; health care was just all I ever knew.
             Before I was an English major, I had some pre(mis)conceptions of “The English Major”: obsessed with books, wears big hipster glasses, spends free time reading The Great Gatsby while drinking tea in locally-owned cafés. Has read the entire Harry Potter series three times. Mildly, endearingly socially awkward, but otherwise unremarkable. At one point, I thought people chose to major in English because they weren’t good at anything else. That’s why I was hesitant to become one myself. Why would I be an English major when I’m good at other things – “more useful” things, “more impressive” things? Why would I give people a reason to think I was unremarkable?
             As I approached high school graduation, I never felt confident about what I wanted to do in college. I never felt like thinking about it. I told myself that I knew what I wanted to do just so I could stop worrying about it. I knew I was confident in math, and I was above average in science, so I decided on biomedical engineering—the same major my older sister had already been studying. It just made sense—I could use my talents in math and science, I could be involved in healthcare, and best of all, I could make good money. It made sense, didn’t it?
             I vaguely remember one day in 3rd grade when my class was having silent reading time. My teacher—who I did not particularly like—came over to my desk and told me that I shouldn’t mouth the words while I’m reading. I didn’t understand why doing that was bad, and I still don’t really understand now. I’m not sure if it was solely for that reason or if other evidence was involved, but my teacher ended up making me do one-on-one reading practice with a volunteer parent. This is the earliest memory I have of feeling stupid.
             I went into the semester optimistic—lots of people on my floor were in engineering, my older sister was a tutor in the College of Engineering, and I expected to enjoy all of my classes. But within two weeks, I decided I hated engineering and Engineering Problem Solving I[2]. “Everyone hates EPS 1,” they all said. “It doesn’t mean you hate engineering.” How exactly does one not hate engineering? was my only thought. I stuck with my engineering math class because it was basically just Calc II, and I wasn’t against advancing my math expertise.[3]  
           At this point, I was back at square one. So what the fuck do I do now? I decided to jump right on something else I had considered in the past: physical therapy. I had been interested in it since my senior year of high school[4], so the next semester, I began my work as a major in human physiology on a Pre-Physical Therapy track. It made sense, didn’t it?
             You know those fat literature books you get in middle school? I always read the dumb little stories but hardly could remember what they were about. In high school, I Sparknotes’d my way through Huckleberry Finn and Of Mice and Men. I think I actually read about 50% of To Kill A Mockingbird. And I still got an A in American Lit, presumably because I’m good at bullshitting[5]. I got a 2190[6] on the SAT because, unlike the ACT, there is no reading portion.
              One day — after a year in Human Physiology, a week of shadowing, and semesters full of bullshit classes — I had an epiphany: I fucking hate this. Maybe it was the professors; maybe it was the three-hour labs in windowless rooms; maybe it was the fact that every class made me cry on at least one occasion. But I knew that I hated it. And besides that, how does a painfully shy five-foot-tall girl work as a health care provider, anyway?
           So for the next couple of weeks, I panicked and obsessed over what I was going to do. There I was, a second-semester sophomore, looking to completely start from scratch as I went into my junior year, and the self-reprimanding thoughts began. Can you pick something you actually enjoy for once? This is the rest of your life we’re talking about. Stop letting other people’s expectations make decisions for you and get your shit together.
               But I’ve loved writing since I took my first creative writing class in high school. As soon as I was formally introduced to it, creative writing became my coping mechanism for any and all things. It was my way of sorting out the jumbled thoughts in my head into something I could translate into words. And my composition teacher was constantly astounded by my flawless grammar. So, despite my less-than-ideal track record in reading, I chose to be an English major. Am I actually, diagnosably insane? Probably. But more than a year later, do I regret it? Not even a little bit.
             I need to make one thing clear for those who have the mindset I used to have: English is not easy, or useless, or unimpressive, or unremarkable. STEM students see English as a cop-out major, but ironically, those are precisely the students who are most likely to fail miserably in an English class. STEM is numerical, logical. English is subjective, creative, and abstract. Throw a stereotypical Engineering student into a Chaucer class or a creative writing class, and they are bound to have difficulties. But they don’t think so. They think it’s easy. I’d like to see a STEM major write a three-page paper on four lines of The Canterbury Tales. I’d like to see a STEM major read one of Shakespeare’s Sonnets and even have a clue what it’s talking about. I’d like to see a STEM major write five pages on the symbolism of fire in Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. I’d like to see a STEM major read five novels in four weeks. I’d like to see a STEM major take a class entitled “Chaucer” and even make it out alive.
             I don’t read for fun, but maybe I would if I had the time. I don’t read or study in cafés because I can’t concentrate if I can discern nearby conversations. I wear glasses, but only because I need them to see, and contacts make my eyes itch. I’m socially awkward, but neither mildly nor endearingly. I’ve never read The Great Gatsby, or Gone with The Wind, or Great Expectations, or any books of the Harry Potter series[7]. I do drink tea, but only to calm my clinical anxiety.
           I always thought I had to go into math and science because I was especially good at those subjects. To me, there was never even a question of what I enjoyed; what mattered was what I was good at. People always asked me, “Why do you want to be an engineer?” or, “Why do you want to be a physical therapist?” And my answer was always based on the fact that I excelled in math and science, not that I enjoyed those areas. It only dawned on me that I should enjoy my career when I was halfway through college and it all suddenly became real.
           Why had I never considered a career in English, you ask? Because in 21st Century America, a successful career in English[8] is “unrealistic,” a “fantasy.” Doesn’t pay well[9]. Most people don’t even consider pursuing a career in English because it’s generally accepted that it’s not even a valid option, unless you want to be “stuck” teaching or working as a full-time barista, sharing a four-bedroom apartment for the rest of your life. And so what if someone does want that?
           Sometimes I worry about how I’ll be able to teach English if I’m not particularly gifted in reading – literally half of the subject. But then I realize that that is exactly the reason I will succeed as an English teacher. Some teachers are so gifted in their field of study that they don’t know how to help people who don’t understand it immediately. When you’re naturally talented in an area, it’s hard to explain it to someone else. It’s when you actually have to work to learn the material that you understand how to teach it to someone else. The best teachers are the ones who understand how it feels to struggle and know how to help. I’m going to be that teacher for someone.
           But yeah, I’ll probably get paid shit.
 [1] I was not, in fact, dying.
[2] Engineering Problem Solving I, or EPS I, is a core introductory course for all engineering students.
[3] I ended up getting an A.
[4] Throughout high school, I had a chronic muscle knot near my right shoulder blade—a result of cheerleading, show choir, and bad posture. Eventually, it got so bad that I started going to physical therapy. In my efforts to relieve this massive knot, I became infatuated with muscles and how they functioned. And that’s how I got interested in the field of physical therapy.
[5] A lifetime of mandatory religion classes in a Catholic school system gets you good at that kind of thing.
[6] Out of 2400. This is approximately equivalent to scoring a 33 out of 36 on the ACT.
[7] I have seen all of the Harry Potter movies, though; I don’t live under a rock.
[8] Besides teaching.
[9] Includes teaching.
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jeantmelton · 5 years
What is CoQ10?
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CoQ10 (short for Coenzyme Q10) is an essential element for many daily functions and is required by every single cell in the body. As an antioxidant that protects cells from the effects of aging, it has been used in medical practices for decades, especially for treating heart problems.
CoQ10 is synthesized within the body naturally and used for important functions, such as supplying cells with energy, transporting electrons and regulating blood pressure levels. As a “coenzyme,” CoQ10 also helps other enzymes to work properly. 
Although the body creates Coenzyme Q10, it doesn’t always do so consistently and CoQ10 production naturally declines as we age — just when we need our cells to help defend us most. Lack of CoQ10, or CoQ10 deficiency, is most commonly associated with the damaging effects of oxidative stress
CoQ10 Deficiency:
Some contributing factors to CoQ10 deficiency/low levels, besides aging and genetic defects, are believed to include:
Having chronic diseases
High levels of oxidative stress
Nutritional deficiencies in B vitamins
Mitochondrial diseases
Taking statin drugs
CoQ10 Benefits:
Some potential benefits of CoQ10 supplementation that have been studied are:
Improving symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome and sustaining natural energy: CoQ10 plays a role in “mitochondrial ATP synthesis,” which is the conversion of raw energy from foods (carbohydrates and fats) into the form of energy that our cells use called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). Also, clinical trials have found that CoQ10 may be a powerful natural method to treat fibromyalgia symptoms. Improvements include reduction of overall pain and symptoms.
Improving heart health and offset effects of statin drugs: CoQ10 has strong potential for prevention and treatment of heart ailments by improving cellular bioenergetics, acting as an antioxidant and boosting free radical-scavenging abilities. What we do know is that CoQ10supplementation may be useful for those taking statins, since it can lower side effects that they often cause. Statins are used to reduce an enzyme in the liver that not only decreases the production of cholesterol, but also further lowers the natural production of CoQ10
Increasing sperm count and motility: It’s possible CoQ10 can improve fertility issues in men. Clinical trials have shown that supplementation with CoQ10 significantly improved sperm count and motility.
May protect cognitive health: In those with cognitive impairments such as Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease, increased oxidative stress in a part of the brain called substantia nigra is thought to contribute to symptoms. Some studies have shown potential for CoQ10 to help reduce cognitive decline.
CoQ10 Could aid in Diabetes: CoQ10 has been shown to improve insulin sensitivity and regulate blood sugar levels. Supplementing with CoQ10 might also help increase CoQ10 concentrations in the blood by up to three times in people with diabetes who typically show low levels of this compound. Also, one study had people with type 2 diabetes supplement with CoQ10 for 12 weeks. Doing so significantly reduced fasting blood sugar levels and hemoglobin A1C, which is the average of blood sugar levels over the past two to three months. Lastly, CoQ10 might help prevent diabetes by stimulating the breakdown of fats and reducing the accumulation of fat cells that could lead to obesity or type 2 diabetes. 
It is good for the brain: Mitochondria are the main energy generators of brain cells. Mitochondrial function tends to decrease with age. Total mitochondrial dysfunction can lead to the death of brain cells and diseases like Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s. Unfortunately, the brain is very susceptible to oxidative damage due to its high fatty acid content and its high demand for oxygen. This oxidative damage enhances the production of harmful compounds that could affect memory, cognition and physical functions. CoQ10 may reduce these harmful compounds, possibly slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease
CoQ10 Foods:
Coenzyme Q10 is found naturally in our diets from foods, including fish, liver, kidney and the germs of whole grain. The richest natural sources of dietary coenzyme Q10 are meat, poultry and fish, but vegetarian options, such as beans, nuts, some vegetables, eggs and dairy products, are also helpful for increasing your intake.
My recommendation for the best foods supplying CoQ10:
Grass-fed beef
Wild Herring
Free-range chicken
Sesame seeds
Pistachio nuts
Pastured Raised eggs
Wild Sardines
Wild Mackerel
Currently, there is no specific dietary intake recommendation for CoQ10 established from the Institute of Medicine or other agencies. Because it’s a fat-soluble antioxidant, it’s most easily absorbed when consumed with a small amount of healthy fats (just like vitamins E and A). Although it can be obtained from certain foods, foods tend to only supply low doses, which is exactly why many experts recommend supplementing if you’re older or have a condition that may benefit from CoQ10 supplementation.
CoQ10 Supplement Dosage:
CoQ10 comes in two different forms — ubiquinol and ubiquinone. Ubiquinol accounts for 90% of the CoQ10 in the blood and is the most absorbable form. Thus, it’s recommended to choose from supplements containing the ubiquinol form. 
Because CoQ10 is a fat-soluble compound, its absorption is slow and limited. However, taking CoQ10 supplements with food can help your body absorb it up to three times faster than taking it without food. Additionally, some products offer a solubilized form of CoQ10, or a combination of CoQ10 and oils, to improve its absorption. 
Your body does not store CoQ10. Therefore, its continued use is recommended to see its benefits. Supplementing with CoQ10 appears to be well tolerated by humans and have low toxicity. Dosage sizes of CoQ10 supplements range anywhere from 50–1,200 milligrams per day. Most supplements fall in the 100–200 milligram range.  Depending on the condition studies attempt to treat, the CoQ10 dosage recommendations can range from 90 milligrams up to 1,200 milligrams. This larger dose has typically been used only to study the neurological benefits of CoQ10 — most successful studies use between 100–300 milligrams. If side effects appear, it is recommended to divide the daily dose into two to three smaller doses. To find out which brand we recommend, reply back or comment below CoQ10.
The post What is CoQ10? appeared first on Unlimited Health Institute.
from Lastest News https://unlimitedhealthinstitute.com/what-is-coq10/
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peentuba9-blog · 5 years
Is Your Sunscreen Killing Coral? The Science (with Video)
You might have seen that Hawaii has banned certain sunscreens that have been linked to coral bleaching. In particular, it’s the organic “chemical” sunscreen ingredients oxybenzone and octinoxate that have been banned. It sounds like a great victory for the environment, right?
But if you search a little past the headlines, you’ll find that there are actually a lot of coral experts and marine ecologists who aren’t happy with the decision. Why is that?
To find out, let’s look at the science behind sunscreen and its effects on coral.
Here’s the video – keep scrolling for the text version.
The concerns about sunscreen’s effects on coral come from studies on isolated coral samples, and the main possible impact is coral bleaching.
Coral live in symbiosis with algae (zooxanthellae) that live inside them. The algae are important to the coral because they absorb sunlight and photosynthesise to create nutrients to feed the coral. The algae are also responsible for the beautiful colours in coral.
But when the coral is overly stressed, it expels the algae, leaving the coral bleached and pale, and without their main source of food (algae provide about 90% of the coral’s energy). Bleaching is sometimes reversible, and if the stress is only temporary, the algae can return to the coral. But if the stress is prolonged or too severe, then the bleaching continues and the coral will eventually starve and die.
A lot of different stresses are known to cause coral bleaching. The main ones are temperature changes in water (usually as a result of climate change), ocean acidification, increased sunlight, and pollutants (e.g. herbicides and nutrients from farming, oil spills, silt).
Some sunscreen ingredients have also been found to cause coral bleaching in studies on isolated coral samples. The most studied filter is oxybenzone. Some of the key studies are:
Danovaro et al. 2008:
Hard corals bleached by octinoxate (1.98 ppm), oxybenzone (1.98 ppm) and 4-MBC (0.99 ppm)
All other compounds tested (octocrylene (1.98 ppm), octisalate (1.65 ppm) and avobenzone (0.66 ppm)) had minor or no effects
For non-sunscreening ingredients, butylparaben at 165 ppb caused bleaching, propylene glycol at 33 ppm had no effects
Bleaching was worst when sunscreen exposure occurred at higher temperatures
The ingredients could potentially cause coral bleaching by promoting viral infections
(Concentrations of filters are slightly ambiguous in the paper; concentrations are per volume)
Downs et al. 2016:
Oxybenzone causes bleaching and deformities in multiple coral species at 2.28 ppb – 228 ppm
The effect is worse in light
Fel et al. 2017 (symposium presentation, summarised by Wood 2018):
No effect from octocrylene, octyl triazone, ecamsule (Mexoryl SX) or drometrizole trisiloxane (Mexoryl XL)
Avobenzone had an effect only at highest concentration tested (5 ppm)
Zinc oxide had no effect at 10 ppb but caused bleaching at 1 ppm
Corinaldesi et al. 2018:
Uncoated zinc oxide nanoparticles caused rapid bleaching of stony coral at 6.3 ppm
Coated/modified titanium dioxide nanoparticles had minimal effect at 6.3 ppm
This suggests that it’s dissolved zinc ions that are harmful and not the formation of oxidising substances (like hydrogen peroxide), since it’s well known that titanium dioxide is more potent at forming free radicals in sunlight
The studies listed above have led to the headlines that sunscreen ingredients can cause bleaching at “extremely low concentrations”. But there are still varying degrees of “extremely low” that are relevant here:
ppm means “parts per million”, or milligrams per litre. This is the equivalent of one-fiftieth (1/50) of a drop diluted in one litre (around 1/4 gallon for you US people).
ppb means “parts per billion, or micrograms per litre. 1 ppb is a thousand times more dilute than 1 ppm.
ppt means “parts per trillion, or nanograms per litre. 1 ppt is a thousand times more dilute than 1 ppb, and a million times more dilute than 1 ppm.
These distinctions are important because, even though these numbers are tiny to us, they’re extremely important when working out the effects of sunscreens on coral relative to the amounts of sunscreen. The fundamental principle in toxicology is that everything can be a poison in large enough amounts, and everything is safe in low enough amounts. This is commonly summarised as “the dose makes the poison”.
In the studies, sunscreens were exposed to coral in the ppm to ppb range. And while these sound pretty low, other coral researchers have pointed out that these concentrations are much higher than those found in the vast majority of the environment.
For example, the lowest concentration of pure sunscreen filter used in the 2008 Danovaro paper that had an effect was 0.99 parts per million of 4-MBC (enzacamene), which sounds quite low – but it’s actually quite a lot.
Assuming that you applied 30 g (the recommended amount) of sunscreen containing 3% enzacamene on your entire body and it washed off completely into the water as you swam, you’d get that concentration if you swam in 909 L of water – about 3 bathtubs full.
To achieve 2.28 ppb of oxybenzone, the lowest quantity tested in the 2015 Downs study, your 30 g of 6% oxybenzone sunscreen would be diluted in 790000 L, or one third of an Olympic swimming pool.
These estimates are quite conservative, since it’s commonly found that people usually wear less than half of the recommended amount of sunscreen, and the amount that dissolves in water is far less than 100% (the 2008 Danovaro paper estimates that 25% of the sunscreen comes off in a 20 minute swim).
The ocean is also massive, containing 97% of the Earth’s water – 1.34 x 1021 L, which translates to 1.8 x 1011 L of water, or 70 thousand Olympic swimming pools for each of the 7.44 billion people who live on Earth. That’s also about 180 litres of water per grain of sand on Earth.
There are also ocean currents that carry away pollutants as they enter the water. So it shouldn’t be surprising that sunscreen is only found in almost undetectable concentrations in most of the environment (in the ppt range), or is undetectable.
But higher concentrations that realistically could affect coral have been found in some places, generally in secluded bays with hundreds of recreational swimmers in a small patch of water, like on popular beaches. For example, in Hawksnest Bay and Trunk Bay in the US Virgin Islands, concentrations of oxybenzone between 75 ppb and 1.4 ppm have been measured during busy times of the day.
It’s important to note that even though environmental concentrations are low, bioaccumulation can also occur. This is when the sunscreen ingredients build up in coral and lead to a higher concentration than in the water.
As well as the low concentrations, there’s another big question mark in the data. Unlike for other impacts on coral, there isn’t any solid evidence of sunscreens having caused harm to coral reefs.
There’s some anecdotal evidence from researchers who have seen that coral reefs in a few areas with more swimmers are more degraded than in areas with less swimmers, or with less sunscreen use – but anecdotal evidence is flawed, and there aren’t any studies with convincing evidence. This is very different from the headlines you might’ve read about how we’re all destroying coral with sunscreen!
In studies on sunscreen and coral, some researchers have tried to estimate the effects of sunscreen in the environment on coral:
Tsui et al. 2014:
In aquatic recreational areas in Hong Kong near snorkeling hotspots, it’s estimated that the risk of bleaching of hard corals by oxybenzone was 21% risk and by octinoxate was 11%
Danovaro et al. 2008:
An estimated 10% of the world’s reefs are threatened by sunscreen pollution
However this frequently-cited conclusion might not be warranted due to their assumptions – they base it on the fact that 90% of tourists are concentrated on 10% of the world’s reefs, and they say that their conservative estimate is based on tourists applying an average of 2 mg/cm2 of sunscreen to their entire body twice a day, when most studies have found that people tend to apply less than 1 mg/cm2
But a lot of researchers are of the opinion that the harm from sunscreen for the vast majority of coral reefs is actually minuscule, if you look at the bigger picture. Sunscreens don’t even rate a mention in recent textbooks and reviews on coral bleaching.
The much bigger threats to coral are climate change and agricultural management, and against these larger threats, banning sunscreens to save the reefs is a bit like rearranging deckchairs on the Titanic, or polishing a scratch on your doorknob when your house is burning down. It helps, but is it really worth doing?
Researchers Kelvin Gorospe and Austin Humphries at the University of Rhode Island point out that damage from sunscreen “is negligible against the backdrop of what really is threatening reefs […] climate change”. They advise that “if you want to do something to help save not only coral reefs but the ocean in general, sunscreens should not be high on your radar”.
These scientists are also critical about the sunscreen ban – it seems to be an easy way for politicians to show that they’re “doing something” and distract from the bigger, harder-to-fix issues of climate change and reef management.
While it may help, it’s insignificant and most likely a disingenuous (or at least misguided) way for governments to avoid dealing with issues with far great corporate interests involved. There’s limited funding for addressing environmental issues, and attention on the wrong things can distort people’s perceptions.
We seem to be losing sight of the real problems (warming / emissions), with growing focus on straws and sunscreen = displacement behaviors = pointless little things we’re doing bc we don’t wanna accept the real challenge in front of us. https://t.co/CWdxHt0zAb
— John Bruno (@JohnFBruno) June 28, 2018
If trading the fight against the many drivers of climate change for ditching your sunscreen brand sounds too good to be true, it’s because it is. Important op-ed in @projo by @URI_fisheries PI @ATHumphries and post-doc @kdgorospe. https://t.co/XIphFhdm5b
— Humphries Lab (@URI_fisheries) June 28, 2018
Another tokenistic aside to lull is into a collective delusion of #OceanOptimism and distract us from the real challenge of mitigating climate change, addressing which unsettles corporate mentality and related political camps as threatens ‘business as usual’
— Peter JS Jones (@PJSJones) May 27, 2018
Avoid harmful sunscreens if you’re swimming near coral
Sunscreen has pretty negligible effect, except perhaps if you’re planning to swim in an area close to coral. In those situations, you should try to maximise your use of other types of sun protection (shade, sun-protective clothing) so you can minimise your use of sunscreen. For the exposed areas, look for sunscreens that don’t contain ingredients that have been found to be harmful to coral, or contain lower amounts.
Common sunscreen ingredients:
Harmful: oxybenzone, octinoxate, enzacamene (4-MBC), zinc oxide
Minimal harm or no effect: octocrylene, octisalate, avobenzone, octyl triazone (Uvinul T), ecamsule (Mexoryl SX, drometrizole trisiloxane (Mexoryl XL), titanium dioxide
Unknown: bemotrizinol (Tinosorb S), bisoctrizole (Tinosorb M), diethylamino hydroxybenzoyl hexyl benzoate (Uvinul A Plus), ensulizole, homosalate
Some safe sunscreens:
It’s important to make sure you read the actual ingredients of the sunscreen, and don’t just look for labels like “reef-friendly”, “biodegradable” and “non-biodegradable”. Lots of “reef-friendly” sunscreens mistakenly assume that organic (“chemical”) sunscreens are harmful while inorganic (“mineral”) sunscreens are safe, even though zinc oxide has been found to be worse for coral than many “chemical” sunscreens, and some even contain oxybenzone.
Note on zinc oxide: Zinc oxide is toxic at around the same concentrations as the organic sunscreens (except oxybenzone), but it’s typically used at much higher levels in sunscreens (up to ~25% zinc oxide vs. below 10%/closer to 5% for organic filters). And although only zinc oxide nanoparticles were tested in the published studies (the particle size used in the Fel study is unknown), it’s possible that “non-nano” micronised zinc oxide will have this effect too (depending on how the zinc comes into contact with the coral) – one paper suggests that it’s to do with dissolved zinc ions, and both micro- and nano-zinc oxide release similar amounts of zinc ions.
Biodegradable also doesn’t mean reef-safe – both zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are non-biodegradable (again, they are often mistakenly labelled as “biodegradable” even though they don’t break down), but one is harmful while the other is relatively safe.
To minimise the amount of sunscreen that washes off your skin, choose sunscreens with high water resistance and apply them 20 minutes before you enter the water.
Act on climate change
More importantly, you can try to help with climate change. While climate change is a huge and scary problem, there are are a few things you can do to try to help:
Cut down on the biggest contributors to your personal carbon footprint: for most people, these are driving cars, going on long-haul flights and eating meat.
Opt for a green energy provider
Vote for political parties who recognise climate change as a threat, and whose policies address the problem
Contact your local representatives about climate change. If you feel like your voice isn’t heard, it might make you feel better to know that because most people stay silent, they assume that one opinion represents the views of multiple people.
Further Reading
Corinaldesi C et al., Impact of inorganic UV filters contained in sunscreen products on tropical stony corals (Acropora spp.), Sci Total Environ 2018, 637–638, 1279–1285. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.05.108
Danovaro R et al., Sunscreens cause coral bleaching by promoting viral infections (open access), Environ Health Perspect 2008, 116, 441–447. DOI: 10.1289/ehp.10966
Downs C et al., Toxicopathological effects of the sunscreen UV filter, oxybenzone (benzophenone-3), on coral planulae and cultured primary cells and its environmental contamination in Hawaii and the U.S. Virgin Islands, Arch Environ Contam Toxicol 2016, 70, 265–288. DOI: 10.1007/s00244-015-0227-7
Gorospe K & Humphries A, To lather or not to lather? Providence Journal, 27 Jun 2018 (accessed 29 July 2018).
Gregory K, Hawaii bans sunscreens with chemicals that damage coral reefs, but Australia reluctant to follow, ABC News, 4 May 2018 (accessed 29 July 2018).
Jovanović B & Guzmán HM, Effects of titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) nanoparticles on caribbean reef-building coral (Montastraea faveolata), Environ Toxicol Chem 2014, 33, 1346–1353. DOI: 10.1002/etc.2560
Tsui et al., Occurrence, distribution and ecological risk assessment of multiple classes of UV filters in surface waters from different countries, Water Res 2014, 67, 55–65. DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2014.09.013
Wood E, Impact of Sunscreens on Coral Reefs (open access), International Coral Reef Initiative, 2018.
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Source: https://labmuffin.com/is-your-sunscreen-killing-coral-the-science-with-video/
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meganmariedeighan · 5 years
Is CBD Liquid legally available in Germany?
ingredients Much more important than taste aspects are the ingredients used to assess the quality. A top product is characterized by the use of high quality ingredients. Equally important is that the CBD Liquid has undergone quality control and has a corresponding test certificate. CBD e-liquids usually consist of five ingredients: in addition to the CBD, they also contain propylene glycol, known as E 1520, glycerine, known as E 422, natural flavors and distilled water. Nicotine-containing liquids also contain nicotine. The latter is rather to classify as negative in terms of health. The aromas are usually taken deeper moves. Nicotine can cause all the more fatal health damage.
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Amount of CBD included
An important quality criterion is the amount of contained CBD. Many of the CBD E-Liquids available today contain an amount of 100 milligrams of carrier compound composed as indicated above. However, the CBD content can be very different. The CBD dosages range from 50 milligrams to 1,000 milligrams. Beginners of the Vapen should start with a low CBD dose, because the CBD is absorbed very quickly during the vaping, and has a strong effect even at relatively low doses. In addition, at higher doses, more side effects are to be expected. The organism needs some time to get used to an increased CBD intake. Anyone wishing to use the most effective CBD Liquid for severe pain or a neurological condition must purchase appropriate liquids in higher doses after the acclimation phase.
The CBD contained in CBD Liquid addresses the body's own cannabinoid receptors. Thanks to its wide distribution throughout the body, it has effects on the psyche, the brain and the organism. However, the idea that the effect of CBD on the brain is similar to THC is illusory. However, one of the big advantages of e-liquids is the fast-acting effect. The inhalation of the E-Liquids generates an effect entry after just a few seconds. This is beneficial for chronically ill people who suffer from severe discomforts such as pain or the like. In such cases, it is particularly important to have a high CBD content and a very good quality of the liquid.
In the case of cancer, it must be questioned whether a high-quality and high-dose CBD e-liquid is sufficient in its effect, or whether the doctor should talk about one of the now prescription-only available CBD preparations with THC content. The prescription of such cannabis medication for concomitant treatment is often only possible in the final stage of a cancer.
Ingredients, THC content and aroma
Some of the questions about this topic section have already been answered in the previous chapter. With regard to the ingredients, it has to be stated that CBD is currently subject to a media hype. There is also the opportunity to realize high profit margins by trading in liquids. Therefore, it is reasonably close that some foreign manufacturers of liquids could use inferior or stretched vehicles and low quality flavors. Therefore, it is advisable to choose a reputable and certified CBD dealer from Europe.
The THC content of e-liquids in Germany has clear legal requirements that must be complied with. E-liquids, like all other CBD products, should never contain more than 0.2 percent THC. With the Vapen you notice this small THC portion possibly faster than with other dosage forms. As a rule, however, it is not noticed at all, for example in the multiply purified CBD isolates. So who buys CBD and hopes that he will get high, is subject to a mistake.
CBD liquids are not to be regarded as intoxicants, but rather as medical adjunct therapy usable. The liquids are often used for the self-treatment of chronic ailments, and for the reduction of painkillers and similar side-effect drugs. In case of doubt, the use of CBD E-Liquid should be discussed with the attending physician.
With regard to the flavors used in the CBD Liquids Test, there are currently no findings on the health benefits or possible sequelae. Potentially, however, there are inhalation risks associated with long-term use of flavored e-liquids, which hardly anyone is aware of. Whether vaping with flavored liquids can cause or aggravate intolerance or allergy to fragrances in sensitive people is unknown.
The fact is that the flavors contained in an e-liquid with CBD have to have a food suitability according to the legislator. Nevertheless, the debate on the potential health hazards of flavored CBD liquids is controversial. It is therefore worthwhile to use the arguments of both sides in order to come to a personal judgment regarding possible risks. Which interest group stands behind the pros and cons, but for a medical layman is hardly comprehensible.
As a precaution, people suffering from chronic respiratory diseases such as pulmonary fibrosis, asthma or COPD should rather test the non-flavored CBD Liquid, but choose the pure CBD Liquid with no flavors and nicotine content. The same applies to people who suffer from chronic fragrance intolerances. From our point of view, the fragrances used present a comprehensible health risk if they are present in nicotine-containing e-liquids. The inhalation of nicotine is likely to be much lower, because it just tastes good. Every consumer is well informed today about the dangers of long-term nicotine consumption.
Use, intake, dosage during smoking or vaporization?
CBD "steaming" is generally considered to be the most efficient and healthy way to enjoy CBD consumption - provided the consumer chooses nicotine-free e-liquids. The fast-acting effect of vaping does its job. The vaporizers are already considered a success story. From the point of view of the manufacturers, they even represent the "future of the green industry". In the vaporizers, many see a healthy alternative to smoking cigarettes. There are no combustion residues in the vape that can be inhaled.
Cannabidiol has brought to the fore a whole new cannabis target. Not everyone wants to use the psychoactive substance THC to relax and get rid of stress consequences. CBD offers all the benefits of hemp to these consumers - minus the disadvantages that the THC-induced intoxication can bring with continuous use. In addition, the vaping is the most efficient use for CDB. The bioavailability of the CBD is higher in the vape than usual. For most CBD products, only a relatively small proportion of the consumed CBD enters the bloodstream.
CBD products are expected to have a percent oral bioavailability of about 15 percent. On average, only about 14 milligrams of 100 milligrams of cannabidiol enter the bloodstream. The rest is stored in body fat because it is not water soluble. To calculate is also the so-called "first pass effect", which occurs with oral CBD intake. Ingestion via the mouth - for example in a drink - causes the passage of CBD through the digestive tract. The liver eliminates part of the CBD and thus reduces its availability. However, intestinal transit can be circumvented by sublingual administration. This CBD oil is placed under the tongue.
However, when vaping or vaporizing CBD liquids, oils or flowers, we have the best method available to avoid such a high loss of bioavailability. Because here, the CBD can get directly into the lungs and into the bloodstream. The "first-pass effect" is completely nullified when evaporating CBD Liquid. Thus, four times more CBD can be taken from an e-liquid. The bioavailability of CBD increases with the vaping to 50-60 percent. In other words, it takes a much smaller amount of CBD liquid to achieve the same effect that the CBD consumer would have made with four times the amount of oral CBD oil.
Another advantage is that no meal can delay the absorption and the onset of action when steaming. When CBD evaporates oil or e-liquid with high cannabidiol content, the effect is significantly faster. That can make a difference from half an hour to half an hour. The dose of CBD may be different for a 100 milliliter capacity liquid bottle of the same size. There are 100 milliliter bottles with 25 milligrams of CBD, up to a CBD share of 500 milligrams. Basically, CBD beginners should always choose the lowest dose of 10-15 milligrams of CBD. After the acclimation phase, the dose can be increased if necessary.
The vaporizer (or vape pen) is a great way to spare your scratchy throat from smoking cigarettes with hemp ingredients. The vapors of inhaled CBD oil from a vaporizer are significantly milder. In addition, the oil or liquid can be better dosed, and controlled in the effect.
Is CBD Liquid legally available in Germany?
CBD e-liquids, and all other CBD products on the market, are legal, as long as the THC content is proven to be below 0.2 percent. But that only applies to the CBD. The THC is still a drug of intoxication, and therefore illegal. It is subject to the Narcotics Act. Legal, but prescriptive and only in the final stages of a fatal disease, some already approved drugs with CBD and THC content can be used.
Watch out for travelers who want to take their CBD and vaporizers abroad. In Thailand, for example, all THC products are strictly prohibited. Even a CBD liquid could lead to an arrest here because of its minimal residual THC content. This could potentially be the case in other travel destinations. To be on the safe side, CBD should not be consumed in such travel countries. One indication is the countries in which CBD may already be legally consumed. In all other travel countries there could potentially be problems with it - especially since CBD has not been publicly known and accepted as medically usable drugs.
Often CBD is considered as a dietary supplement, so that a medical use is considered unassignable. Possibly this will complicate the sale of CBD preparations in Germany in the future, or provide conditions. Even the aromatization removes the CBD-containing liquids from being regarded as an approved drug with proven effects.
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What should consumers pay attention to when buying?
In essence, this has already been answered elsewhere. When buying should always be paid to high quality. CBD e-liquids should only be purchased from online merchants in Europe who are trustworthy. From the consumer's point of view, Scandinavian or Swiss manufacturers are currently in the lead with good to excellent qualities. In Europe, high manufacturing standards are likely. In addition, European e-liquid manufacturers are subject to many regulations and controls that are not available in Asia or Africa. Over-priced e-liquids can not meet these standards. In our CBD Liquid Test you will find the best product.
CFD crystals test
CBD Liquid Test and Leaderboard at the top of this page.
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