#and texted my neighbor/bestie like DO YOU KNOW WHERE MY DAUGHTER IS
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pricelessemotion · 1 year ago
filipino moms are on another level
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pascalpanic · 4 years ago
Tik Tok Tyranny (Marcus Moreno x f!Reader)
Part of the Making Moves universe
Summary: Missy has become obsessed with Tik Tok. Luckily for her and not-so-luckily for you, her mini-mom adds many likes to her posts. Marcus gets roped in too.
W/C: 2.6k
Warnings: Language, Missy gets The Full Name when Marcus gets mad. otherwise it’s rlly tame.
A/N: PSHSHRHTS guys this idea has been rattling around my head and I thought it was super cute so I had to do it!! Lots of love to @leonieb for inspiring the first fic in this universe (who knows, maybe there are more to come?), @theteddylupinexperience for helping me out with all of my plot and helping me come up with this idea in the first place, and my babe @softly-sad for simping over Marcus with me and giving me some ideas!!
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Missy’s Tik Tok page has been blowing up lately, and most of it is due to you.
It all started when she downloaded the app, showing you and her father the funniest ones she’d found. Many of them consisted of cute animals and bad jokes, since she inherited her father’s sense of humor. Your phone constantly dinged with new messages from Missy, sending you funny videos and recipes.
This morning, you wake to big brown eyes in a tiny head above your bed. “Good morning,” Missy sings. “We’re making a Tik Tok. Up and at ‘em!” She shouts, pulling back your covers.
You groan and roll over, finding Marcus’s side of the bed empty. “Where’s your dad?” You ask with a gravelly voice, eyes fluttering open.
“I don’t know. Doesn’t matter, he’s not gonna be in it. Actually, we do need a cameraman- Dad!” Missy hollers into the hall.
You groan and rub your eyes, reaching for your glasses. “It’s like 7, kid. How do you have so much energy? You don’t even drink coffee,” You ask her, a yawn overtaking your face.
“Because I’ve been planning this since last night,” she says with a grin, ripping the covers back once more. “Come on, please.”
Another yawn. “Fine. What are we doing, hm?” You ask her, eyes opening as you stretch out in bed.
“I’m dressing you for the day,” she sings. “You know those videos?”
“No,” you groan. “There are a lot of videos, kid.”
“You’re annoying,” she pouts and plops next to you. “Your Gen Z bestie dresses you for the day!”
Marcus walks in with two mugs of coffee, and he hands one to you. You smile and thank him and he looks at his daughter with a furrowed brow. “You’re not making her regret moving in, are you?” He teases her.
“No,” she rolls her eyes as you sip your coffee. “We’re making a tik tok. I’m gonna dress her for the day and you’re going to be our cameraman,” she tells him with a grin, handing him her phone. “Alright, let’s go,” she says and stands, hauling you up and almost making you spill your coffee.
“Damn, Missy,” you laugh and stand with her. “Okay, what do you want me to do?”
She shrugs. “Uh, wave at the camera. This will be the before shot.” Your hair is messy and tied up, your glasses perched on your nose. You’re wearing a large t-shirt belonging to Marcus and a pair of shorts. You sip your coffee and wave as Marcus records it. “Good, all is going to plan,” Missy grins and leads you along.
That video got a fair amount of likes; it didn’t go completely viral, but you were popular. It made Missy excited beyond belief and she insisted that you make another. “How good are you at dancing?” She asks casually over lunch.
“Oh God, Missy,” you chuckle and shake your head. “Not great, but I can move somewhat easily. What did you have in mind?”
She beams at you. “The scene from Mamma Mia where young Donna is on a boat Bill and they dance around on it!”
You both adore the Mamma Mia movies. They’re what brought you together; Missy needed a female presence in her life besides her grandmother, and one night, after being ditched by her friends, Marcus suggested she text you. You brought her to your house and the two of you watched Mamma Mia while eating pints of Ben and Jerry’s, singing along at the top of your lungs and making jokes at the movie’s expense.
It turns out that the dance isn’t overly complicated. You’ve both watched the movies so many times that it’s almost like second nature to the two of you. You’re practicing the dance to the blasting speakers in the backyard when Marcus finds the two of you. “Hey ladies,” he calls out, but you can’t hear him. The two of you are spinning each other around and laughing as you practice, Missy bonking into you and making you both stop, beaming laughing.
Marcus pulls out his phone and records it for a moment, grinning as he watches it. His two girls having the time of their lives, dancing to the Mamma Mia soundtrack in their shared home. It’s wonderful.
The dance segment ends and you both stop, catching your breath. You grin as you see Marcus and rush over to him, throwing your arms around him. You kiss his cheek before burying your face in his neck. “Hi, snuggles.” It’s your favorite name for Marcus: he’s tall and strong but so cuddly and unbearably soft. You want your arms around him at all times. “I missed you all day, stupid work,” you chuckle.
He wraps his arms around you too. “Missed you too, baby. You and Missy are two great dancers,” he chuckles.
“Please. I look like I’m dying,” you snort, lifting your head and kissing him softly on the lips.
That’s your second Tik Tok video to earn a favorable amount of likes: the video of the dance that Marcus took while you practiced.
The two of you make a new joint account: @missyandminimom. Mini-Mom was her new favorite term for you: you weren’t quite her stepmom yet, not married to Marcus and not a legal guardian to her. But you were like her mom. Thus, Mini-Mom was born.
The video was posted again there and got likes in the thousands, sending you into relative fame. Missy screamed every time she checked the app, her new followers exciting her far more than it excited you.
The next step, Missy decided, was that Marcus needs to be a participant. But not a willing one, or at least not a participant that appears as willing.
“Please Dad, you just need to walk through the background!” Missy begs of Marcus with wide eyes.
Marcus shakes his head but smiles. “You’re not making me dance.”
“Nope! It’ll be just the two of us dancing, and you do whatever you need to in the background. It’ll be funny!”
“Isn’t the point of those things that the people don’t know they’re being recorded?” He asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Just act like you’re not! People will think it’s hilarious, us dancing and you just walking in the background. Everyone will recognize you and we’ll get famous!”
“Fame isn’t the goal,” you clarify to Marcus and to Missy. “We just think it would be funny,” you offer up.
Marcus can’t say no to you. “Well, I suppose,” he groans, and Missy cheers and throws her arms around him.
“You’re the best! I love you so much!” She squeals, letting go and running over to where you stand. “Okay, we’re gonna count down then do the dance, you just walk through the background, stop and look, whatever.”
Marcus nods and you give Missy a high five. “Nice going,” you tease and nudge her side. “Alright, you ready?” You and Missy have been preparing the dance for the past couple of days, and you’re wearing matching outfits now.
“Yeah, here we go,” she squeals and presses the record button. She backs up next to you as the timer beeps.
You start the dance, and Marcus walks dutifully through the background a few seconds in. He stands there for a second, staring at your ass, before wandering out before you complete the dance.
“Woo!” You and Missy both shout as you walk to the camera and check out the video. The dance goes perfect, and you widen your eyes as you look back at Marcus over your shoulder. “Jesus, Marcus,” you tease.
“I got distracted,” he murmurs, blushing, and you run over to him and wrap your arms around him, jumping up and wrapping your legs around him too. He holds you up and kisses the side of your face. “You’re so good with her.”
“She makes it easy,” you laugh and bury your face in his neck.
Missy whips around with her phone and records the two of you, where you stand koala-wrapped on Marcus. “You’re so gross,” she groans and heads off to edit the video.
The video does, indeed, go viral, as people recognize that that’s Marcus Moreno in the background, so that must be his daughter and does he have a girlfriend now? You even found you and Missy on the cover of a digital tabloid, in a shot of you hugging. At least they were kind about you.
The next video is a prank on Marcus. You and Missy spent the day planning it, giggling nefariously as you set everything up. You replaced Marcus’s katanas at home with a pair made of plastic, meaning he can’t summon them with his powers. When he returns home, the trap is laid, and you and Missy follow a loose script.
As you cook dinner side-by-side with your boyfriend, you smile up at him. “You know, you’ve never given me a demonstration of your powers, baby,” you murmur to him and kiss his cheek, continuing to stir the ingredients you’re working on.
“Because at home, I’m just your man,” he says and kisses you softly, cupping your face with one hand. You smile into his lips, and you have to admit that you appreciate it. You didn’t realize he was a Heroic until a few weeks of being his neighbor, when it finally clicked that he wasn’t just Marcus, he and Missy weren’t just the Morenos, he was Marcus. Moreno. He always leaves his work at work and you appreciate it.
“Why are you so fucking cute?” you coo and kiss him again. “Still. Just… do the thing, please, whoosh those katanas over here?” You ask, wrapping your arms around his middle and looking up at him with big eyes.
He sighs and nods. “I suppose.” You can see Missy shooting from around the corner and you sneak her a thumbs up. He stares in concentration, holding out his hand to summon them. Damn, he must be out of practice, he thinks, focusing harder. His lip twitches in frustration as it doesn’t work. “Fuck!” He ends up shouting after a few moments where nothing works, and Missy claps a hand over her mouth.
“Dad!” She exclaims with a laugh. Marcus very rarely curses, if ever, and his eyes widen as he realizes she was filming it.
“Melissa Angélica Moreno, don’t you dare-” he threatens as he realizes what she wants to do with it. It’s going on Tik Tok, whether he likes it or not. He lunges after her and Missy squeals, launching off a chase through the house as Marcus pursues her.
That video got the most likes of all of them. Glimpses into celebrity lives always do, and you knew from the start that Marcus’s videos would garner lots of attention. Lots of people thirsted over him in the comments. Many duets were made of people saying they wished they were you. You only supposed it was fair; who wouldn’t want to be with Marcus?
“Baby?” You mumble late one night in bed.
“What is it?” A sleepy Marcus murmurs next to your ear.
You sigh, rolling over in his arms to face him. “I know you’re famous, and Missy’s Tik Tok isn’t helping either, but you love me, right?”
His eyes open and he frowns. “Where the hell did that come from?” He asks, pulling you closer and wrapping his arms tight around you. “Of course I do.”
There’s still a small frown on your face. “You’re a superhero. You have a ton of people who would line up to date you. Lots of options.”
He chuckles and kisses your forehead. “Baby. I fell in love with you when you were wearing a fuzzy bathrobe and drinking coffee on your porch. How could you ever question how much I love you?” He asks, voice tinged with sadness.
You feel warm inside at his words, scooting closer. “I know. I just… get insecure about it sometimes.”
“You never have to be,” he assures you and kisses your forehead. “I have never and will never love anyone more than you, except Missy. That’s a tie.”
You giggle softly. “I love you so much, baby,” you murmur into his skin.
“I love you too, cutie. Now please go the hell back to sleep.”
“More like a grizzly bear,” you grumble but smile. You fall asleep just like that, your arms around him tight and face nuzzled in his neck.
Two days later, Missy comes flying into your bedroom on a Sunday morning, nearly making Marcus spill his coffee. “You guys!” She squeals. “I just posted a Tik Tok that got the most likes ever, and it’s only been up for like ten hours!”
You groan and scoot away from Marcus so Missy can cuddle in between the two of you. “What did you make now, huh?” You ask as she nestles in.
Missy projects her phone to the screen. She takes your left hand and Marcus’s right, joining them and grinning. “Let me first just say… you’re welcome,” she giggles.
The video starts. my simp-erhero dad and his love🧸✨ flashes across the screen over an image of you on Marcus’s shoulders in their backyard pool.
The video rolls, and it’s about 40 seconds long. A popular love song plays in the back over clips of you and Marcus. You kissing Marcus’s cheek after he found you and Missy dancing to Mamma Mia in the backyard. You, cuddled on top of Marcus on the couch, the both of you napping. You koala-clinging to Marcus after he stared at your ass in that dancing video. Marcus kissing you softly as you cooked dinner and asked him to demonstrate his powers. The last video is of you, Marcus, and Missy at a theme park. Both you and Marcus kiss one of her cheeks in sync, making her giggle. The music fades and the video starts again.
Marcus turns to the two of you, eyes watering. He looks into your eyes first. “Did you help her make that?” He asks.
Your eyes are watering too, grinning. “No.”
He grins down at his daughter, the tears slipping from his eyes. “Missy. That is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen. What inspired you to make it?”
She has a real answer: it’s that she wanted the two of you to see your relationship the way she did. She wanted to reassure you. She’d heard you that night when you told Marcus you felt insecure.
But Missy is a snarky little preteen, 4’4” of prepubescent rage and glitter. “The likes I knew I’d get,” she shrugs and skips out of the bedroom happily.
Before you can say something loving to Marcus, he takes your face in his and kisses you slowly. You both chuckle into each other’s lips, you breaking away and looking at him with big and happy eyes. “I love you so much.”
“I love you too,” Marcus grins, pushing his glasses back up his nose. “Hey, I have a question for you. Well, it’s more of a statement.”
“Go for it,” you nod.
“We should get married,” Marcus says plainly with a smile. “I’ve already asked Missy about it, she thinks we should too. Of course, if you don’t want to, I get that. I know we haven’t been dating as long as other relationships do before marriage, and-”
“Yes,” you grin. “Let’s do it.”
He grins and kisses you, holding both sides of your face in his hands. “You know, the two of us seem to really like rash decisions.”
“They always work out in the end, don’t they?” You ask with a grin.
Marcus kisses you in response. They do, they really do. He breaks away a moment later, grinning and watery-eyed. “I still don’t know what a simp is,” he sniffles.
@remmysbounty @mishasminion360 @softly-sad @blo0dangel @luxurybeskar @binarydanvvers  @sleep-tight1 @apascalrascal @randomness501 @spideysimpossiblegirl @notabotiswear @pedro-pastel @sanchosammy @lv7867
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genericpseudonyms · 7 years ago
one for the road, part two
speed limit - 05.03.2018
Do you get how Detroit isn’t some kind of hellscape?
I read the text at a rest stop in Defiance, Ohio. By then, Detroit was in my rearview mirror, but I could still see it clearly in my mind. The crumbling streets and the blighted houses. Huge sidewalks with no one walking about. Empty restaurants, museums, and parks. It wasn’t the first time I’d been to the Motor City, but the last time I’d been stuck in a bustling convention center for the annual auto show. This time I actually got the chance to look around.
Yeah, it’s more like a ghost town
A few seconds later, my phone buzzes.
Ha. Yeah you’d expect there to be more people milling around. It’s just...empty.
I scrunch up my nose and hit send. I never know what to say in text messages. I just try my best not to be that asshole who forgets to reply.  
I won’t lie. I’m happy to leave Detroit—though I don’t tell my friend that. It’s his hometown and my eagerness to leave had nothing to do with the city itself. Memories and desires have a way of creeping up on me when I least expect them.
For some reason, I kept seeing things in Detroit that reminded me of my last lover. Things didn’t end badly, but my neurotic brain does this thing where I create these mental boxes for people. I fill them with things I notice about a person. The movies and food and books they like. Anecdotes they tell me, offhand comments that catch my ear for one reason or another. I remember things people say for an absurdly long time. I relive them, cross-reference them so I can be a better friend, daughter, lover, coworker, human—whatever.
I do this because when I was young I read a Maya Angelou quote. The one about how people don’t remember the things you say or do—they remember how you make them feel. I somehow got it into my head the more I could force myself to remember, the better I could make people feel.
And maybe then, I’d finally be someone worth loving.
It’s a stupid plan when it comes to romance. When things end, I’m left with a box with their name on it. I’ll carry it around in my heart long after they’ve forgotten me. I’ll be fine and then my neurons will remember something they said or a memory of them laughing. I’ll get the urge to tell them before remembering, “Oh. This person may not appreciate hearing from me. I should err on the side of caution. Be respectful and considerate.”
And then I find myself wishing I were someone else. Someone more assertive, more charming, more self-assured. Just...more. It’s a shitty feeling, so as soon as my bestie grabs her Oreo McFlurry, I suggest we hit the road.
“You okay?” She asks. Her eyes glint with suspicion.
“Just tired,” I say. Half-truths are better at convincing people than lies. “I didn’t sleep well. That motel was gross.”
“Yeah. It really, really was,” she says, grimacing.  She doesn’t press further.
The drive down to Indianapolis is uneventful. The land is flat, colorless. It doesn’t help that sky overhead is gray and heavy with rain. Every so often, I end up completely zoning out. I’m a decent driver, but I don’t have the patience for long trips with no scenery. I sink into my thoughts when I ought to be focusing on the road in front of me.
My bestie is napping in the passenger seat. I envy her. Janelle Monae’s Dirty Computer blasts out the stereo. That helps in some ways, but not in others. I love everything about this album—the queerness, the intense bisexual lighting in the emotion picture, the clear homage to Prince and Bowie, the concept of protest as celebratory yet defiant self-acceptance.  
But it’s also unapologetically sexual. It makes me feel things.
“Pynk” comes on and I floor the gas. I watch the needle in the speedometer go up���60, 70, 80, 90 miles per hour. The fastest I’ve ever gone is 110mph on backroads of rural Virginia. I would’ve gone faster if I’d been alone, but my bestie was there with me then too. She just gave me a look and said, “You might wanna slow down. Speed limits exist for a reason.”  
I shake off the memory and glance at my speedometer again. I’m thirty over the limit and yet I have to resist the urge to go faster. It’s dangerous and I know it’s partly because I want to be in Indianapolis already and partly because this album makes me want to desperately fuck somebody. I want to feel wrapped up in them. I want to get screwed so completely I forget my name but wake the neighbors screaming theirs. I want to watch their face as their breath hitches and obscene noises catch in the back of their throat. I want to see all of that and know I’m the one who did it.
I look out at the endless stretch of asphalt before me, and ease off the pedal.
You’re doing okay, I tell myself. Someone will want you again. You can wait. In the meantime, you’re doing as much as you can to be your best self. You don’t have to rush into anything. There’s nothing wrong with living life one day at a time. For once, you can take it slow.
The song ends and I whisper to myself.
Speed limits exist for a reason.
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heartsoundslikelove · 6 years ago
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Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com
It’s time for the wonderful weekly wows of thankfulness! Let’s do this!
1. The Katzenjammer Kids – Not only is this fun to say, it’s a classic comic from looooong ago. They even made a postage stamp for them. It’s HERE Go and check this out on THIS SITE Comics, in general have always been my go to for entertainment. Back when I was a child I bought multiple packs of comics where you wouldn’t know what you got, except the one on top. It was always fun to see the reveal. Fortunately, I rarely found a comic I didn’t like and my brothers would find them interesting, otherwise. I think that was part of the fun. It was hoping I would find something to share with them. While I don’t subscribe to a newspaper anymore, I still look at the comics whenever I happen upon a paper.
2. Dogs I have known – I am in a reminiscent mood of late and I am thinking of the dogs who have influenced my life. Sport, who didn’t live long in our home and found a place on a farm, because he bit me. I cried when he left. Barney the beagle who lived in our hearts. I like how he always checked on my little brother, just making sure he was okay. And how he barked at toast. And ate my lunchmeat one too many times when I turned my back. And who played with Rowdy the neighbor dog, fighting over an old pillow while each had a end of it and would get in Barney’s house and run around and around with the darned pillow clenched in their mouths. Thump Thump Thump. Then Sam who preferred the outdoors much of the time. He was our watchdog. He was super laid back and some kind of mutt. Then there was Pee Wee, who was part peekapoo and part dachshund who got his name for the obvious. He was quite the dog and brave for his size. Then Patsy came along after Pee Wee died. Daddy suggested a beagle again and he was right on about Patsy. She was the sweetest. She rarely barked and was very simply a nice companion. Then there was Sandy, Maya, Hannah and Shakespeare. That’s enough dogs for this lifetime, doncha think? I won’t be having any more dogs, but I sure love when I can love on other’s doggies.
Pee Wee
3. Cuisine – I’ve been bored with my cooking lately and WARNING!! When you get older, your taste buds change. Some days I can barely taste what I’m eating other than to say it’s salty or sweet. I use more spices than maybe others do simply to try and put some flavor in there. A friend was making tacos yesterday and inspired me to try roasting peppers, onions a mushrooms. I could actually taste quite a bit of these, so that’s a win. I suppose that stronger tasting foods are going to be my choice. And I thought that if I could not taste so well that would mean apathy leading to weight loss. No, it does not work that way. You still try to find some things that taste good. No worries, though, because the weight is still becoming a loss. If you really want to see what I had you have to go to this LINK
4. Flea Market finds AND a friend who will pick them up and deliver them – welp – not really, but I saw these two chairs by the dumpster where I live and grabbed them. They are going to be picked up today by my friend and used on the patio of my daughter’s home. Aren’t they cute? I didn’t keep the ball.
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5. Art – I’ve been in a creative funk of late when it comes to my art. Last Monday I got together with a dear friend and we did some artsy stuff before we did some writing stuff. I took a picture of the asphalt cracks a good while ago and from that I was able to create this image of what I will call Lady on the Bridge.
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6. Six Sentence Story – I am working hard on story crafting and this group helps me to stretch my brain cells. Here this weeks story and I will warn you that it’s not a happy story, but I believe it will have a happy ending. You just gotta believe! Here is the STORY
7. Angel Card Project – We participate in the Angel Card Project and while the focus is on Christmas cards we expand to other cards when a need comes up. The leader/creator of the group has a Facebook page and if you would like to join, that would be awesome. Many of the card recipients are people who are lonely and need to know there are people who care about them, regardless of being strangers. After all, a friend is a stranger until you meet them. Here’s the link to the Angel Card Project page.
8. Errand Buddy – Each week when I run errands, mostly grocery shopping, I have a bestie who goes with me. While we are running about we solve most of the problems of the world. So, if you find that it’s a better place out there, you are welcome.
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Photo by Artem Beliaikin on Pexels.com
9. Messy Desk – Right now, I would not take a picture of my desk as it is very messy. That is something to be thankful for. A messy desk is a sign of production and I have been trying and it shows.
10. Invitations – You are invited to be a part of Ten Things of Thankful. Why not join in and share about your week? It is inspiring to hear about life and it’s challenges and overcoming adversities. Now, more than EVER we need the connection of love, caring, sharing to hold each other up. So my 10th thankful is that I am able to invite YOU to a place at the gratitude table. Come sup with us and leave feel satisfied. I may even cook some greens and cornbread for you. Or do you need sweet tea?
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Photo by rawpixel.com on Pexels.com
I like that expression!!
Sooooooo, drum roll!!! Here’s where you go to Link Up!!
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  Ten Things of Thankful – August 16 It's time for the wonderful weekly wows of thankfulness! Let's do this! 1. The Katzenjammer Kids - Not only is this fun to say, it's a classic comic from looooong ago.
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therealsarha · 7 years ago
80 Questions.
1. Who was the last person you held hands with? My fiancé

2. Are you outgoing or shy? Outgoing

3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? My step daughter

4. Are you easy to get along with? Yes, I’m lovely

5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? My fiancé

6. What kind of people are you attracted to? Funny, tall, tan and outgoing

7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? Yes

8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? My fiancé

9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Nope

10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? Erica my bestie

11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? Where are you now?

12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Figures- Jessie reyez
Stranger things - facing west
The moments I’m missing - Nina nesbitt
Sleep talking - Charlotte Lawrence
Praying - Kesha

13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? Yes

14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? Luck maybe

15. What good thing happened this summer? I started making monthly goals

16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? Yes

17. Do you think there is life on other planets? No

18. Do you still talk to your first crush? Yes

19. Do you like bubble baths? Only if I can share them

20. Do you like your neighbors? No lol

21. What are you bad habits? Eating haha

22. Where would you like to travel? Paris

23. Do you have trust issues? Nah

24. Favorite part of your daily routine? Showers

25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? My belly but I’m learning to love it

26. What do you do when you wake up? Roll over for a cuddle

27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? Tanner maybe

28. Who are you most comfortable around? My fiancé

29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? Yes

30. Do you ever want to get married? I’m engaged

31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail? Yes 

32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? I wouldn’t, sex is to precious to me to share it with people I don’t know

33. Spell your name with your chin. Court Di

34. Do you play sports? What sports? No, I gym, kinda

35. Would you rather live without TV or music? Tv

36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? Nah I haven’t liked a lot of people that way tbh

37. What do you say during awkward silences? “Well this is awkward”

38. Describe your dream girl/guy? I have him already

39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? Home decor or pet shops

40. What do you want to do after high school? Work and buy a house

41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? Depends on the situation

42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? I’m tired

43. Do you smile at strangers? Yes

44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? Space

45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? At the moment, saving to see my step daughter

46. What are you paranoid about? Bills

47. Have you ever been high? So high I could fly

48. Have you ever been drunk? Drunk as a skunk

49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? Nope

50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? Black

51. Ever wished you were someone else? A skinnier healthier version of myself maybe

52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? My bad health

53. Favourite makeup brand? anastasia Beverlyhills

54. Favourite store? Kmart

55. Favourite blog? Nada

56. Favourite colour? Teal

57. Favourite food? Sushi

58. Last thing you ate? A pie

59. First thing you ate this morning? An ice block

60. Ever won a competition? For what? Henry hill idol, it was a singing competition

61. Been suspended/expelled? Nope

62. Been arrested? Nope

63. Ever been in love? Yes!!

64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? It was with a popular guy in school, he’s a shit kisser was like making out with a snail

65. Are you hungry right now? No

66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? No

67. Facebook or Twitter? Facebook

68. Twitter or Tumblr? Tumblr

69. Are you watching tv right now? No

70. Names of your bestfriends? Ben and Erica

71. Craving something? Ehh the gym

72. What colour are your towels? charcoal

72. How many pillows do you sleep with? One 

73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? Nope

74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? None

75. Favourite animal? Dog

76. What colour is your underwear? Dark blue

77. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate

78. Favourite ice cream flavour? Jelly tip

79. What colour shirt are you wearing? Black

80. What colour pants are you wearing? Black I’m in my work uniform
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