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ace-robot-has-matcha · 3 months ago
Surprised that Jacob Knowles doesn’t have a big following on here
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aurosoul · 1 year ago
I just had a thought looking at Starfucker Super Trans 2000! A lot of the stuff I’ve seen you work on in AR has been human scale—I assume for practical reasons.
But theoretically, there’s no real reason you shouldn’t be able to create something and then scale it up to be big, right?
My first thought, of course, being that you could theoretically draw a version of Starfucker Super Trans in Figmin XR and then scale it up to actual size! (Though depending on the scale of the game you might need a nice field or parking lot for that XD)
My second thought being that if AR does become more commonplace like you dream, what an educational opportunity! I mean, it’s one thing to say “a blue whale is as long as two school buses put together”, and another to actually take your kid outside and plop down a life-sized model right in front of their eyes!
I think you’re right, AR really does have potential to make a lot of things more accessible. After all, technology tends to become cheaper and more available over time. Maybe someone can’t travel across the country to see a big museum, but they can rent an AR set and plop down a smithsonian dinosaur skeleton in a nearby parking lot!
And going back to the blue whale; giving kids these experiences with animals they might not be able to see otherwise can help give them an appreciation for nature, so they’re more motivated to preserve what’s right around them as they grow up! Say, draw them in with whales, and then show them the kind of fish that live in rivers around them and how beautiful they are too! Make a field trip of it!
AR just holds so much potential as a tool to introduce new experiences, I think. The way you use it especially gives me hope; your work has a feel of wonder to it.
One of my biggest concerns about AR is that it will have a similar effect as the internet, where we rely too much on it, moving too much from the physical world to the digital. You see studies as well that are finding developmental problems coming from not having enough interactions with the physical world. But, the way you mix your work with nature, talk about how while it could be used to replace some toys—making it easier to fulfill the remaining demand sustainably—it also can serve as an introduction for people to find interests they want to pursue more seriously with physical components… I really think we can introduce it to good effect.
I've been sitting on this ask for ages because I wanted to record a video showing a life-sized mech in response to it - but I just wanna say
YES, YES, A MILLION TIMES YES to ALL of this!!!!! 😭💖💖💖
messages like these are what makes my work so worth it, because every word of what you said here is EXACTLY what I'm trying to communicate with everything I do.
early on, the founder of Figmin XR (Javier Davalos) understood that people can't just be told that this technology will change the world for the better - they have to realize it for themselves. so he applied for the first Magic Leap grant, won it, and then got to work creating a software to help people do just that.
everything you've mentioned above is either already in development or already starting to be implemented in schools, museums, workshops - even summer camps!! and I know this because I've been working directly with the people organizing these things, helping to teach them how to use Figmin to teach others. :)
the future will be more digital than it already is today, yes, but that doesn't automatically make it a dystopia. I've said it before and I'll say it again - technology is just a tool, and there are many, many people creating new ways to use it for good.
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the12thnightproject · 2 years ago
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Chapter 33: Cover Up. Yoshimoto tries to help Katsu cover up her black eye. Shingen notices anyway.
Shingen x OC; Kenshin x MC (Mai)
Previous Chapter: Here
Logline - Disguised as a boy, Katsuko finds herself working for Shingen, but her dangerous masquerade becomes difficult to sustain when she falls for the man with a fatal secret.
Shooting arrows at targets wasn’t doing much to improve my turbulent emotions, but on the upside, I hadn’t missed any shots either, even during my speed drills. So at least there was a comfort in knowing that my muscle memory wouldn’t fail under the stress of internal upset. In fact, I might have been more accurate than usual.
“You could be Artemis, the Greek Goddess of the hunt.” Out of the corner of my eye, I’d seen Yoshimoto come into the practice yard, but he’d politely kept quiet until I finished loosing a round of arrows. Trust him to be familiar with Greek mythology.
“Isn’t one sweet talker in your family enough?” Apparently, the silver tongue gene was dominant.
“Standards must be kept,” Yoshimoto said, before following my example and speedily sending off seven arrows, one after another, into the targets. “I was told that you were looking for me. Why?”
I jogged out to collect all our arrows before replying. “Two reasons. One, I managed to get my hands on a letter you’d be interested in.” I’d read the stolen letter already – it contained the names of the Imagawa vassals who were interested in joining Yoshiaki. Although I planned to give the original letter to Shingen, Yoshimoto needed to know which of his vassals were disloyal. The knowledge that more vassals were dissatisfied wouldn’t be welcome news, but at least it was a short list.
He sighed. “Sounds ominous, and probably like something that is going to cause me a lot of stress and headaches… what’s the other reason?”
I handed him his arrows, giving him the first full view of my eye. “Getting the letter involved a bit more effort than I planned for.”
He put down his bow, then put his hand under my chin, examined my face carefully. “I see.”
“Can you cover it up?” I figured either Mai or Yoshimoto could help here, but Yoshimoto was more likely to be able to cover up both the black eye and my secret. “With cosmetics? You were going to teach me those in any case.” My make up skills were limited to making my eyebrows seem more ‘boyish.’
That comment gained me another sigh. I had a feeling that sometimes Yoshimoto thought I was exhausting. Still, I would take Yoshimoto’s exhaustion over Chiyome’s amused condescension or Sute’s sly hints that she knew Shingen ‘very well.’ “Fashionable cosmetics will involve painting your entire face and neck with a layer of thick white powder.”
Oh. That wouldn’t work. Or rather, it would work, but it would likely create additional questions. “Could you … blend shades together with my skin?” Ok, I was willing to risk a temporal paradox in the invention of concealer. Which wouldn’t otherwise be invented until… actually, I had no idea. But it hadn’t been invented yet.
“Interesting concept.” He picked up his archery equipment. “I can try. And in the meanwhile, you may tell me about this letter that you went to such trouble to acquire.”
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A short while later – after, upon a very strong suggestion by Yoshimoto, I had bathed off the odor of fish guts – we reconvened in his quarters. While Yoshimoto busied himself with his supplies of cosmetics and watercolor paints with the attitude of an alchemist who has been set the task of transmuting lead into gold, I read him the letter and copied down names for him.
“What will you do about them?” I squinted at the list. Lucky for Yoshimoto my handwriting wasn’t as terrible as my drawing.
“Truthfully, there isn’t much I can do. As long as it’s a minority of vassals wishing to join Yoshiaki, the status here will be unchanged. The majority will stay here in Kasugayama, especially when the weather turns colder. The Imagawa are prideful – but they also like their creature comforts. Those who want to leave on their own - I cannot stop them… if they later wish to return to the fold of the Imagawa, I cannot prevent that either.” He tested a couple different tints on my wrist. Everything faded right into my skin. “Needs to be thicker.”
“So, this is a case of you can choose your friends, but you cannot choose your relatives?” I tentatively touched the skin under my eye. It didn’t feel like the swelling had gotten any worse. Small miracles.
“Close your eyes.” He approached me with a paintbrush. “Correct. Although since you intercepted their letter, those vassals will not receive a response from Yoshiaki, and may settle into sulky disgruntlement, rather than outright rebellion. I will pay attention.”
“What about-”
“Keep your eyes shut.”
“Sorry.” I felt the soft tickle of the brush over my cheekbone. So, Yoshimoto’s plan appeared to be to watch and wait. His middle name might be ‘procrastination.’ And… on that note. “Did you actually intend to take me to the Shogun to look for Iekane?”
“I did not. My intention was to keep you from running away.” My eyes flew open again. “Eyes shut, Katsuko. While I understand your wish to pursue Iekane, there is no guarantee that he will be at court. Meanwhile, Yoshiaki is Nobunaga’s problem. The shogun wished to use the Uesugi-Takeda forces to weaken Nobunaga, and potentially ourselves. The best response to that would be to ignore the bait.”
Aki had said much the same. “But… I.” I opened my eyes again to see Yoshimoto looking at me sympathetically. “I want to do something.”
“And you have done something.” He indicated the brush, currently covered in a tinted liquid. “I understand your feelings. One doesn’t want to feel that one is unnecessary.”
That comment diverted me from my own self-involved musings. “Has anyone made you think that?” Yoshimoto always acted as if nothing bothered him, almost invited people to write him off, what with his near comical obsession with art and antiquities. And yet the same bitterness that came over Shingen when he was talking about his mortality seemed to come over Yoshimoto when it came to his purpose.
“I am a failure as a leader. And here I am living in a castle with the God of War, witness to great leadership on a daily basis.” He put the paintbrush down, took a step back and looked at me. “Not dark enough – I didn’t account for the shade of the bruise.” He picked up another color and repeated the mixing process. “In any case, I suppose if I cannot be fearsome, at least I can be decorative.”
“You’re more than that. When you’re needed to act, you do so. You did save Mai’s life. You helped when the river flooded.” I gestured to all artwork and antiques in his room. “And… this is an impressive collection. If art is your passion, well, then. Art endures… Not much else does.”
Yoshimoto was quiet aside from the soft clatter of the lacquer containers. Finally, he said, “he told you.”
I nodded. Well, I suppose technically, Sasuke had told me first, but Shingen had confirmed it.
“Was this-” He lightly touched my eye, “a response to the knowledge?”
“Of course not.” I watched him test a few more stripes of color on my wrist. “I get banged up all the time… anyway… it’s not like I’m the only one facing a loss. Acting as if I were would be pretty selfish.”
Yoshimoto regarded me steadily. “If you hold onto your pain, doesn’t it deprive others of the opportunity to share theirs?”
“Proving once again that you’re not merely decorative.” And since he only raised an eyebrow at that, I added. “Ok, yes, I’m worried, and sad, and scared.”
“So am I.” Yoshimoto began working on my face again, so I shut my eyes before he could ask me to.
“But I’m also scared I’m going to pre-mourn, and that’s not going to do anyone any good either.” Hence my turbulent emotions when I took my fear out on the innocent targets in the archery field.
“You have lost me,” he said.
I wasn’t entirely sure how to explain what I meant, although I had more than one example of pre-mourning in my past. I chose the one that was simpler to talk about. “Before I came here – I mean before the storm washed my brother and I up here, I had a cat. He was not a young cat even before he lived with me, and he was a gentle soul, quite content to stay inside and nap in the sun, and curl up next to me while I was reading. I had him about five years before he got sick. And the doctor said-.”
Yoshimoto had been listening intently, but he stopped me there – in an apparently typical familial way of not letting a storyteller tell their story uninterrupted. “You took your cat to a healer?”
“In my village, companion animals are prized and worshipped, so yes there are doctors for cats.” And even cafes for cats, but let’s not confuse the man. “The doctor said my cat was dying and would only be with me a couple more months. I was so upset about his pending death that I was no longer able to enjoy that he was alive. I would get up to check on him three or four times in the night. I used to talk all the time to the cat, asking him to get better. I may have made his last days more painful because of my sadness.”
“Possibly there is something to that,” Yoshimoto said. “But your cat knew that he was loved.”
Love doesn’t always make a difference. Love can’t keep anyone alive.
I took a second, and then a third look at Yoshimoto. His face was turned away from me, and he gazed out the window, beyond the walls of the castle. I knew that he was no longer talking about the cat. But I didn’t think he was talking about Shingen either. “Yoshimoto… was there someone once that-“
He cut me off. “It was a long time ago.” Then he shut the door on further confidences and held up a mirror. “What do you think?”
Well… it would probably fool the unobservant people.
Shingen was anything but that.
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I didn’t have a chance to pick up teahouse pastries before I stopped by Shingen’s room a little while later, but I had talked one of the castle cooks (no huge effort, she adored him) into making him some sweet dumplings. So at least I was bringing him a fresh and hot dessert, which would hopefully distract him from noticing my eye. Or at least give him enough of a sugar rush to not say anything.
However, I had little hope of either of those things occurring.
Shingen was playing a game of Shogi, of all things, with Kenshin, of all people, but when he noticed me hovering at the door, he beckoned me in.
“And before you protest, you are not disturbing me, and while it was gratifying to know that I,” he quoted the note I’d left by the side of his bed the night before (to prove that I had indeed kept my promise to stop by), “’looked too peaceful to wake up,’ I would have been happy if you had anyway.”
Kenshin made one of those grumpy hmphs that actually meant he was in a good mood. “You might as well come in. He’s not likely to play any worse.”
Curious to see how the game was panning out (well, obviously there were other reasons, but I was also curious), I came in and knelt next to Shingen. Oof, yeah, he was losing. Well, he had said once that shogi wasn’t a favorite game of his, but given how smart he was, I was surprised that even as a non-fan of the game, he wasn’t doing well.
Both Kenshin and Shingen studied my face a long time – yup, they’d both noticed. Shingen didn’t say anything, but there was a tightening of the muscle on the underside of his jaw – I expected he was holding his tongue until Kenshin left. Kenshin returned his attention to the game.
I put the hot dumplings within Shingen’s reach, then settled back to watch the game-in-progress. A moment later, I jumped when Shingen’s fingers tickled the back of my neck. His fever must have gone way down because his hands were cold. “I take it you know how to play.”
I waited until Kenshin made his move, because I imagined he wouldn’t put up with conversation while he was thinking. He had Shingen’s king on the run, and if he promoted the rook, Shingen’s loss would be almost inevitable. Kenshin promoted the rook, dropping it behind enemy lines.
“I play,” was all I said. The literal game was more fun than being a figurative piece in whatever game Aki was playing, but either way, I played Shogi… better than Shingen, unless he was taking a ‘let the wookie win’ strategy with Kenshin (if so, probably not a bad idea).
Shingen’s hand hovered over his silver General, and if he moved it to where he was clearly considering moving it – well, it wasn’t the worst move he could make, but he was going to need to open his pawn line to let his King escape Kenshin’s rook. He must have sensed my tension on that move because he paused, then hovered over one of the pawns instead. He seemed to be waiting for something. I patted him on the back. He moved the pawn.
“Interesting.” Kenshin straightened up. He smiled, looking much as he looked when he was sparring. Oh. He really liked Shogi. Idly, I wondered what would happen if he and Mitsuhide were to play… they might be well matched. Although the most likely scenario would be that somewhere in middle game, Mitsuhide would say something snarky that would prompt the stabbing response from Kenshin, so it was a good thing that such a match was unlikely to occur.
Bloodstains would ruin a perfectly nice Shogi board.
The only possible response to Shingen’s pawn was to move the opposing pawn to greet it, so once Kenshin did that, it was Shingen’s move again. If it were me, I’d set up a trap move… ah, Shingen saw that possibility too, as he held his hand over his castle… and again, hesitated. I patted his back. Ok. Apparently, I was now the one playing Kenshin, although Shingen and I were the only people aware of that.
Unfortunately, the game still ended with our inevitable defeat. He’d been too far behind even before I got there. “I resign,” Shingen told Kenshin, when he reached the point where there were no more avenues of escape.
“Interesting that your game play improved immensely when she got here. It almost became a satisfying battle.” Kenshin began putting the pieces away in what looked like a custom fabric case – probably Mai’s work.
I gave Kenshin my blandest and most innocent smile. “I must have brought some luck with me.”
“Hmph.” He pinned me in the sharp gaze. “I will send a healer with some salve for your eye. Next time, we’ll cut out the intermediary and you will play me yourself.” He turned to give Shingen an equally sharp look, then took his leave of us.
“Guess he wasn’t fooled.” I wondered whether or not I would be able to defeat him if I played a game with him from the opening. Or… if I could beat Shingen, which based on this afternoon, might be the more achievable task. “And while I wouldn’t have thought Shogi was his game, I would have thought it yours.”
“Granted, I am generally better than I played this afternoon, but I’d rather strategize about real life scenarios than spend time memorizing shoji moves and counters. Although I find it incredibly attractive that you are good enough at the game to garner Kenshin’s praise,” he replied. He scooted himself further back on his futon and patted the spot next to him. “Now… just as Kenshin was not fooled by our shogi ploy, I am not fooled by whatever it you have done to try to hide that black eye. Are you going to tell me what happened?”
“It’s not as adventurous or daring as all that.” I wondered how much information I could get away with keeping back.
Again, he patted the spot next to him. “Then you shouldn’t be apprehensive about telling me the story of your… non-adventure.”
I wasn’t apprehensive. I plopped down into the suggested spot. Already there was a comforting familiarity in the way our bodies fit together, even when we were sitting side by side. No, I wasn’t apprehensive, but the knowledge that his definition of daring and my definition of daring didn’t overlap much suggested that conversation would be littered with minefields.
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mcenvs3000f23 · 1 year ago
My Ideal Role as an Environmental Interpreter
Promot: Describe your ideal role of environmental interpreter. What might it entail? Where might it be? What skills might you need?
When I think about what a role as an environmental interpreter looks like I think back to when I was a high school student, I recall going on field excursions to parks dedicated to environmental protection and witnessing the incredible work the staff members performed in teaching the public about the environment. Typically, the field trips would involve adventuring through parks with a tour guide. The tour guide would tell us stories about the nearby wildlife and species of plants they are aiming to conserve in the park. This sparked my curiosity in a job that would allow me to spend time in the outdoors and with nature. It would be far healthier to spend time working outdoors in the natural environment and doing so would be an amazing way to do your job. In a role that enables me to participate in courses and excursions that inform guests about the environment, I would feel accomplished. 
The ability to advocate for conservation and sustainability through teaching future and current generations is also an exciting aspect of this role. Having the ability to educate on endangered species, climate change, and sustainable living would be a very rewarding aspect of a career. Rainforests, islands, national parks, savannahs, and the Arctic are just a few amazing locations where it is possible to learn about the environment and serve as an educator. Even though there are so many amazing areas to work in the environment, coral reefs and marine conservation are my favourites. As an environmental interpreter, working on a coral reef or marine conservation area like the Great Barrier Reef would be ideal. It would be a fantastic opportunity to broaden my knowledge and experiences to deal with various creatures in various climes. Protecting the coral reefs is a topic I am very passionate about, Coral reefs are important to buffer waves from the shoreline, otherwise, the waves can do damage to nearby communities. Our coral reefs are in danger as they face threats from fishing practices, boat anchors and coastal developments. Being able to encourage others to also be passionate about coral reefs and inspire them to also fall in love with their beauty would be a rewarding role. 
I would require in-depth knowledge of coral reefs and a solid science background to be effective in a role as an environmental interpreter in a coral reef or marine conservation. To explain my expertise to visitors in a way they might grasp, I would need to have excellent verbal and communication abilities. In addition to having a strong enthusiasm for conservation, it helps to be able to educate and communicate well to draw in and hold the attention of an audience. Success in a role educating people about coral reefs would be crucial for motivating and inspiring others to save vulnerable environments. Environmental interpreters are crucial in spreading awareness of conservation efforts and maintaining coral reef protection. 
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ahopkins1965 · 5 days ago
Love Compatibility
Discover whether you and your flame can be together through love compatibility. Get practical dating advice and take your relationship to the next level.
Your Love Compatibility Reading is Ready
pisces & cancer Sun Sign Compatibility
Strengths as a Couple
Pisces and Cancer make for an interesting and strong partnership. For starters, they’re both cut from the same cloth, or rather drawn from the same well. This shared element is Water, making these two characters emotionally complex, deeply rooted in personal connections, and ever thirsty for knowledge in all its forms. Their motivations, philosophies, and interests often overlap, and that overlap helps to establish connections between the signs more easily in the short term and makes them more sustainable in the long term.
That’s not all the watery overlap can do for the Cardinal and Mutable elementals, it also permits them a strong complimentary edge with one another where they add to each others’ strengths while adding an extra layer of complexity to the proceedings. The Crab is certainly a lot more grounded than the Fish which allows Cancer to teach Pisces the values of patience and practicality. Meanwhile, Pisces has a lot to teach Cancer regarding spirituality and the matters of the world beyond what can be measured or understood as we see it.
Two facets about the Water element are personified by the Cardinal and Mutable members of its trio. Cancer is known by most as one of the most nurturing and responsible members of the Great Wheel, reflective of Water’s life-giving properties in nature. Pisces meanwhile personifies Water’s unpredictability and all-encompassing nature and is able to convey that sense of joy and curiosity to those around them. The Water couple then, makes for a sprightly couple with each other, and good parents to their children.
Weaknesses as a Couple
There are unique challenges for the Water Couple to overcome that only come about in same-element couples. For one, a common challenge for them is to think outside the box and come up with new solutions to certain problems when they arise. Pisces’s Mutability allows them to detach themselves from a situation to search for a solution but then comes the challenge of convincing their Cancer partner of the value of their idea when Cancer will stubbornly stick to their guns under the belief that if it worked once, it will work all the time.
As mentioned, there is significant overlap between the two Water signs in terms of interests and ideals, but where they differ most greatly is in their personalities. This is reflective in the symbolism of their signs themselves. Pisces is modeled after the fish, a sort of animal that travels within water at great speed but has great difficulty staying put if their life depended on it. Cancer is modeled after the Crab and while certainly not a sedentary sort is much less maneuverable than its fishy counterpart. But they can explore the land in a sustainable manner, a feat few fish can reproduce. Cancer lovers are emotionally invested, irrational at times, and prone to crabbiness. Pisces can’t stay put, their eyes wander too much, and worst of all their convictions are not set in stone. Malleable yes, reliable not so much.
The other major clashing point for these two Water Signs comes to how they deal with each other on personal matters. Cancer is a controlling type. They like plans, schedules, doctrines and will stick to them strictly. Pisces has no plans, does not like plans, and only holds them in regard to disregard them. It is the primordial Crab of Order confronted with the primal Fish of Chaos. There will be stress and there will be tension in their time, and if these two can’t find a compromise, they’re as good as done.
It will come as no surprise that two Water Signs will be brought together by their mutual romantic feelings for one another. Its basis will be rooted deep in the emotional cores of both parties. Cancer in particular has a strong connection with their emotions, and this can be enough to anchor even the most feisty Pisces lover into a commitment.
It’s a bit of give and take in this romantic affair. Cancer will hold their heart close to their partner and give them meaningful intimacy at all times. Pisces will bring their dynamic nature into the discourse and beholden their crabby partner to new delights and sensations they’ve never experienced before.
If there is any tension between these two, it will most certainly come from the conflicting upbringing of the signs. Cancer is traditional, while Pisces is more experimental. This can be overcome with genuine care and consideration, but it is something the couple must be mindful of even in their most vulnerable moments. 
Interests and therefore activities overlap for these two lovers. As such Cancer and Pisces will enjoy a bounty of activities to perform with one another, at least in the beginning. They also bring their personalities into the engagement; Pisces dynamic action clashed against considered judgment calls from the Cancer partner.
That dynamism will be a detriment in the long run however especially if the Cancer partner is unable to keep up with Pisces’s boundless energy. There will be a choice for these two to consider; allow the Pisces partner a greater degree of freedom to display that wanton need for action, movement, and energy. Or Pisces can opt to calm themselves down and see if they can expend that energy for activities that would be more suited to Cancer’s energy levels.
Pisces is known for being flighty and schizophrenic at the worst of times, yet if there was ever one thing that is consistent about them is Pisces’s need to talk and talk about everything under the Sun. Thankfully Cancer is just happy to oblige and will listen to the mad ramblings of their hopeless lover. 
Despite appearances, the Pisces has seen the depths of humanity; the same depths that Cancer gladly probes in their quiet moments. So given some patience, the Cardinal Water sign is able to extract deeper meaning from even the most inane proceedings.
The Order vs Chaos conflict reveals itself in this aspect of their romantic relationship once again, and this might be the clincher for both parties to consider whether or not they want to continue their burgeoning relationship or not. Cancer is a creature of order and wants more than just a loving partner, but a sense of stability within their life and a home to return to after the day’s end.
Pisces meanwhile could care less about these things and is happy to join the ride through the highs and lows, often happily causing highs and lows to keep themselves stimulated. They thrive off of moment-to-moment actions and live in chaos. Once more a compromise must be struck; their connection to one another must never stagnate for the sake of both parties, and if that ever happens, one or the other must be willing to put in the work to jump-start the sequence all over again if they truly want this to work.
Cancer’s ability to sift through emotions is one of a kind. As the Cardinal Water sign, they can see right through the threads that tie peoples’ emotions to their characters and know better than most how to adjust and fix them. They’re able to see Pisces for what they truly are, and that is something that the Mutable Water sign appreciates.
Pisces meanwhile have their own magic touch. They possess a genuine warmth and tenderness that will catch even the most cloistered Cancer off their guard; allowing them to open up and be candid about certain things they would never speak of under normal circumstances.
Healing Crystals for Pisces and Cancer
One of the problems that these two might encounter is the fact that they execute their intuitive powers differently. On the one hand, Cancer relies strongly on their purest emotions, whereas Pisces yearns for spirituality more than their emotions. 
As such, we can see this in Cancer as someone who loves to nurture their partners, whereas Pisces is leaning towards change and creativity. With that, proper communication and balance is ultimately necessary for them to capitalize on their strong points as a couple. 
Also known as the stone of communication, Turquoise is a healing crystal that plays a vital role in helping couples express their thoughts in a proper way. When we communicate, it is obvious that what’s in our head will not always be relayed properly to the other person. But with the help of this healing crystal, such can be addressed. 
Thus, by using this healing crystal as a bodily ornament, it will impart it positive energy. By wearing it as a necklace, this healing crystal will be brought closer to the throat chakra, allowing for better effectiveness!
As mentioned in the previous healing crystal, the problem between these two is balance. And sometimes, communicating what they think is not enough. Within themselves, they need to achieve some sort of balance so as to translate thought into action. 
Perhaps the most popular and common earth crystal, Agate is known to bring balance and stability. Grounding you back to your roots, its energy commands you to remember your footing. By empowering that inner maturity in you, Agate can aid in helping you remain calm and collected even in the midst of a rollercoaster of emotions. 
Thus, they can take advantage of this healing crystal by wearing it as an ornament. In this way, you can constantly remind yourself and your partner to remain in touch with what is instead of dwelling in the uncertainties that life has to offer.
Black Tourmaline
While this pairing is a strong one right off the bat, negativity and conflict are unavoidable. As such, even when they are compatible, paying no mind to these lingering negative energies can cause dents that will break the relationship. Thus, it is ultimately necessary to remove such.
For instance, small conflicts can lead them to doubt whether or not they have that strong intuitive connection. Because of some uncontrollable and unforeseen negative circumstantial events, conflicts may arise and lead them to heavily argue against each other. 
With that, Black Tourmaline is a great crystal companion for them. Taking away the negative energies before it even grows, this healing crystal will work its wonders in the background. While it doesn’t highlight itself, it is always active 24/7 in ensuring that negative energies don’t get past it.
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thedivinefish · 2 months ago
TGIChristmas Day: Release the holiday stress
TGIWednesday News 📰 Merry Christmas 🎅, Happy Holidays 🕎 and beyond!  Whatever and however you celebrate (even Winter Solstice) it's all good, may you enjoy it all with a happy heart. When my eldest son just a wee toddler, we went searching for him during the holidays. We found him sobbing 😭 near the Christmas tree 🎄 and when we asked "What's wrong buddy?" he said "It's just the stress of Christmas and all the presents 🎁 and everything." Clearly he was repeating this from the adults and was too young to know what stress even was!  So, ease up on the stress and dial down the pressure on yourself this holiday season and remember NO is a one word answer.  It's ok 👌 to take it easy this time of year and not join all the hussle and bustle.  In contrast, my eldest's son, my only begotten grandson, was about his age and prior to reading he walked around the presents 🎁 and the tree and kept touching each one and asking "For me?" and each time his parents said, "Yes that's for you!" he would carve out his presents into a separate pile 🎁🎁🎁. This time of year and always we need to be fishing 🎣 and figuring out if something tests energetically strong or weak, positive ➕ or negative ➖!  It's not so much a question as it is a statement, "I feel ___" and then it will test either strong or weak and then you fish out the negative.  🙏 Keep the faith and enjoy the holidays and the season beyond!  Wishing you and yours infinite blessings as you read this now. 👼 Have you and I fished out 2024 so that 2025 can vastly improve?  Get on my schedule before years' end🎣   View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments Watch our video here!
ON DECK 🚢🎣⚓ 🔱 🧭 ⛵  -  First Group Clearing Zoom event in 2025 will be Thursday January 30th at 4pm. 
This call will focus on new beginnings and golden opportunities! All about opening the cosmic portal of transformation and motivating you, clearing the past, grounding you in the present, and leaning you into the future to co-create positive changes in your life. REGISTER HERE! (this call is included for all YouWealth Season 28 Package B buyers) - Working on some great new audio releases for 2025... on the front burner is one called "MyBeliefWorks for Winning at the Game of Life"... stay tuned! TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
I believe, think, know and feel that I can and will enjoy the change of seasons and I will look for the unusual and the positive in what shows up next. I am ready, willing and able to live more in this moment, releasing the past and leaning into a positive future! I know when, where, how and why to be in a state of allowance and acceptance of what shows up next knowing that nothing is happening to me, but everything is happening for me and my life lessons. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Know that if you'll make a little progress each day that the rest of your life can be the best of your life!▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔 Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection  💝 Gift Certificates are Available too!!Shop Here 🛒Login to Your Account Here ⌨️ ​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies.  Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online** From the Fish Box 📧
 I haven’t driven at night except around our town where I am familiar, in years. My night vision has been getting so bad that I’ve just given up going into the big city unless someone else is driving. It’s been a lot of missing out on things for myself and my kids because of it. I had to unexpectedly drive 45 minutes away last night. I’ve only been on the prayer service for a day, so I hadn't really expected anything in regards to my night vision improving. My anxiety was at an all time high, but I took some Rescue Remedy, said a little prayer with my kids in the car, and started driving. I could barely believe it (but I did, because I do believe in everyday miracles at warp speed), everything was SO much clearer than it has ever been. The other lights weren’t like giant blurry torches in my face. I was able to make it to our destination and back home without any issues. I’m still in shock but incredibly thrilled. Thank you so much Jimmy for your love of helping others and the blessings you share with the world!!! Looking forward to allowing more blessings to surprise me everyday with your daily prayers." - T. Canada Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! 
My Daily Prayer - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here  **NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. MDP Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request. TGIChristmas Funnies🤣 ShareShareForward Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger  Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions Access Bars© Practitioner/ Tampa - Schedule Session Here
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divinefishingtips · 2 months ago
TGIChristmas Day: Release the holiday stress
TGIWednesday News 📰 Merry Christmas 🎅, Happy Holidays 🕎 and beyond!  Whatever and however you celebrate (even Winter Solstice) it's all good, may you enjoy it all with a happy heart. When my eldest son just a wee toddler, we went searching for him during the holidays. We found him sobbing 😭 near the Christmas tree 🎄 and when we asked "What's wrong buddy?" he said "It's just the stress of Christmas and all the presents 🎁 and everything." Clearly he was repeating this from the adults and was too young to know what stress even was!  So, ease up on the stress and dial down the pressure on yourself this holiday season and remember NO is a one word answer.  It's ok 👌 to take it easy this time of year and not join all the hussle and bustle.  In contrast, my eldest's son, my only begotten grandson, was about his age and prior to reading he walked around the presents 🎁 and the tree and kept touching each one and asking "For me?" and each time his parents said, "Yes that's for you!" he would carve out his presents into a separate pile 🎁🎁🎁. This time of year and always we need to be fishing 🎣 and figuring out if something tests energetically strong or weak, positive ➕ or negative ➖!  It's not so much a question as it is a statement, "I feel ___" and then it will test either strong or weak and then you fish out the negative.  🙏 Keep the faith and enjoy the holidays and the season beyond!  Wishing you and yours infinite blessings as you read this now. 👼 Have you and I fished out 2024 so that 2025 can vastly improve?  Get on my schedule before years' end🎣   View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments Watch our video here!
ON DECK 🚢🎣⚓ 🔱 🧭 ⛵  -  First Group Clearing Zoom event in 2025 will be Thursday January 30th at 4pm. 
This call will focus on new beginnings and golden opportunities! All about opening the cosmic portal of transformation and motivating you, clearing the past, grounding you in the present, and leaning you into the future to co-create positive changes in your life. REGISTER HERE! (this call is included for all YouWealth Season 28 Package B buyers) - Working on some great new audio releases for 2025... on the front burner is one called "MyBeliefWorks for Winning at the Game of Life"... stay tuned! TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
I believe, think, know and feel that I can and will enjoy the change of seasons and I will look for the unusual and the positive in what shows up next. I am ready, willing and able to live more in this moment, releasing the past and leaning into a positive future! I know when, where, how and why to be in a state of allowance and acceptance of what shows up next knowing that nothing is happening to me, but everything is happening for me and my life lessons. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Know that if you'll make a little progress each day that the rest of your life can be the best of your life!▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔 Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection  💝 Gift Certificates are Available too!!Shop Here 🛒Login to Your Account Here ⌨️ ​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies.  Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online** From the Fish Box 📧
 I haven’t driven at night except around our town where I am familiar, in years. My night vision has been getting so bad that I’ve just given up going into the big city unless someone else is driving. It’s been a lot of missing out on things for myself and my kids because of it. I had to unexpectedly drive 45 minutes away last night. I’ve only been on the prayer service for a day, so I hadn't really expected anything in regards to my night vision improving. My anxiety was at an all time high, but I took some Rescue Remedy, said a little prayer with my kids in the car, and started driving. I could barely believe it (but I did, because I do believe in everyday miracles at warp speed), everything was SO much clearer than it has ever been. The other lights weren’t like giant blurry torches in my face. I was able to make it to our destination and back home without any issues. I’m still in shock but incredibly thrilled. Thank you so much Jimmy for your love of helping others and the blessings you share with the world!!! Looking forward to allowing more blessings to surprise me everyday with your daily prayers." - T. Canada Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! 
My Daily Prayer - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here  **NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. MDP Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request. TGIChristmas Funnies🤣 ShareShareForward Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger  Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions Access Bars© Practitioner/ Tampa - Schedule Session Here
0 notes
365dailyaffirmations · 2 months ago
TGIChristmas Day: Release the holiday stress
TGIWednesday News 📰 Merry Christmas 🎅, Happy Holidays 🕎 and beyond!  Whatever and however you celebrate (even Winter Solstice) it's all good, may you enjoy it all with a happy heart. When my eldest son just a wee toddler, we went searching for him during the holidays. We found him sobbing 😭 near the Christmas tree 🎄 and when we asked "What's wrong buddy?" he said "It's just the stress of Christmas and all the presents 🎁 and everything." Clearly he was repeating this from the adults and was too young to know what stress even was!  So, ease up on the stress and dial down the pressure on yourself this holiday season and remember NO is a one word answer.  It's ok 👌 to take it easy this time of year and not join all the hussle and bustle.  In contrast, my eldest's son, my only begotten grandson, was about his age and prior to reading he walked around the presents 🎁 and the tree and kept touching each one and asking "For me?" and each time his parents said, "Yes that's for you!" he would carve out his presents into a separate pile 🎁🎁🎁. This time of year and always we need to be fishing 🎣 and figuring out if something tests energetically strong or weak, positive ➕ or negative ➖!  It's not so much a question as it is a statement, "I feel ___" and then it will test either strong or weak and then you fish out the negative.  🙏 Keep the faith and enjoy the holidays and the season beyond!  Wishing you and yours infinite blessings as you read this now. 👼 Have you and I fished out 2024 so that 2025 can vastly improve?  Get on my schedule before years' end🎣   View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments Watch our video here!
ON DECK 🚢🎣⚓ 🔱 🧭 ⛵  -  First Group Clearing Zoom event in 2025 will be Thursday January 30th at 4pm. 
This call will focus on new beginnings and golden opportunities! All about opening the cosmic portal of transformation and motivating you, clearing the past, grounding you in the present, and leaning you into the future to co-create positive changes in your life. REGISTER HERE! (this call is included for all YouWealth Season 28 Package B buyers) - Working on some great new audio releases for 2025... on the front burner is one called "MyBeliefWorks for Winning at the Game of Life"... stay tuned! TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
I believe, think, know and feel that I can and will enjoy the change of seasons and I will look for the unusual and the positive in what shows up next. I am ready, willing and able to live more in this moment, releasing the past and leaning into a positive future! I know when, where, how and why to be in a state of allowance and acceptance of what shows up next knowing that nothing is happening to me, but everything is happening for me and my life lessons. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Know that if you'll make a little progress each day that the rest of your life can be the best of your life!▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔 Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection  💝 Gift Certificates are Available too!!Shop Here 🛒Login to Your Account Here ⌨️ ​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies.  Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online** From the Fish Box 📧
 I haven’t driven at night except around our town where I am familiar, in years. My night vision has been getting so bad that I’ve just given up going into the big city unless someone else is driving. It’s been a lot of missing out on things for myself and my kids because of it. I had to unexpectedly drive 45 minutes away last night. I’ve only been on the prayer service for a day, so I hadn't really expected anything in regards to my night vision improving. My anxiety was at an all time high, but I took some Rescue Remedy, said a little prayer with my kids in the car, and started driving. I could barely believe it (but I did, because I do believe in everyday miracles at warp speed), everything was SO much clearer than it has ever been. The other lights weren’t like giant blurry torches in my face. I was able to make it to our destination and back home without any issues. I’m still in shock but incredibly thrilled. Thank you so much Jimmy for your love of helping others and the blessings you share with the world!!! Looking forward to allowing more blessings to surprise me everyday with your daily prayers." - T. Canada Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! 
My Daily Prayer - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here  **NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. MDP Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request. TGIChristmas Funnies🤣 ShareShareForward Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger  Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions Access Bars© Practitioner/ Tampa - Schedule Session Here
0 notes
advancedthetapractitioner · 2 months ago
TGIChristmas Day: Release the holiday stress
TGIWednesday News 📰 Merry Christmas 🎅, Happy Holidays 🕎 and beyond!  Whatever and however you celebrate (even Winter Solstice) it's all good, may you enjoy it all with a happy heart. When my eldest son just a wee toddler, we went searching for him during the holidays. We found him sobbing 😭 near the Christmas tree 🎄 and when we asked "What's wrong buddy?" he said "It's just the stress of Christmas and all the presents 🎁 and everything." Clearly he was repeating this from the adults and was too young to know what stress even was!  So, ease up on the stress and dial down the pressure on yourself this holiday season and remember NO is a one word answer.  It's ok 👌 to take it easy this time of year and not join all the hussle and bustle.  In contrast, my eldest's son, my only begotten grandson, was about his age and prior to reading he walked around the presents 🎁 and the tree and kept touching each one and asking "For me?" and each time his parents said, "Yes that's for you!" he would carve out his presents into a separate pile 🎁🎁🎁. This time of year and always we need to be fishing 🎣 and figuring out if something tests energetically strong or weak, positive ➕ or negative ➖!  It's not so much a question as it is a statement, "I feel ___" and then it will test either strong or weak and then you fish out the negative.  🙏 Keep the faith and enjoy the holidays and the season beyond!  Wishing you and yours infinite blessings as you read this now. 👼 Have you and I fished out 2024 so that 2025 can vastly improve?  Get on my schedule before years' end🎣   View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments Watch our video here!
ON DECK 🚢🎣⚓ 🔱 🧭 ⛵  -  First Group Clearing Zoom event in 2025 will be Thursday January 30th at 4pm. 
This call will focus on new beginnings and golden opportunities! All about opening the cosmic portal of transformation and motivating you, clearing the past, grounding you in the present, and leaning you into the future to co-create positive changes in your life. REGISTER HERE! (this call is included for all YouWealth Season 28 Package B buyers) - Working on some great new audio releases for 2025... on the front burner is one called "MyBeliefWorks for Winning at the Game of Life"... stay tuned! TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
I believe, think, know and feel that I can and will enjoy the change of seasons and I will look for the unusual and the positive in what shows up next. I am ready, willing and able to live more in this moment, releasing the past and leaning into a positive future! I know when, where, how and why to be in a state of allowance and acceptance of what shows up next knowing that nothing is happening to me, but everything is happening for me and my life lessons. I am asking in all languages and throughout all time lines and so it is. Know that if you'll make a little progress each day that the rest of your life can be the best of your life!▶️ Watch here on YouTube - Please Like 👍 and Subscribe 🔔 Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
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🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection  💝 Gift Certificates are Available too!!Shop Here 🛒Login to Your Account Here ⌨️ ​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies.  Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online** From the Fish Box 📧
 I haven’t driven at night except around our town where I am familiar, in years. My night vision has been getting so bad that I’ve just given up going into the big city unless someone else is driving. It’s been a lot of missing out on things for myself and my kids because of it. I had to unexpectedly drive 45 minutes away last night. I’ve only been on the prayer service for a day, so I hadn't really expected anything in regards to my night vision improving. My anxiety was at an all time high, but I took some Rescue Remedy, said a little prayer with my kids in the car, and started driving. I could barely believe it (but I did, because I do believe in everyday miracles at warp speed), everything was SO much clearer than it has ever been. The other lights weren’t like giant blurry torches in my face. I was able to make it to our destination and back home without any issues. I’m still in shock but incredibly thrilled. Thank you so much Jimmy for your love of helping others and the blessings you share with the world!!! Looking forward to allowing more blessings to surprise me everyday with your daily prayers." - T. Canada Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! 
My Daily Prayer - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here  **NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. MDP Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request. TGIChristmas Funnies🤣 ShareShareForward Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger  Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions Access Bars© Practitioner/ Tampa - Schedule Session Here
0 notes
delphypool48 · 5 months ago
Master the Art of Spearfishing with Delphy Pool’s Spearfishing Course
Spearfishing is a thrilling combination of hunting and freediving, offering an unmatched connection to the ocean and its ecosystems. At Delphy Pool, our Spearfishing Course is designed for adventure-seekers who want to learn the skills and techniques of sustainable underwater hunting. Dive into the world of spearfishing and experience the excitement of hunting beneath the waves in Cornwall’s stunning waters.
Why Spearfishing?
Spearfishing is more than just catching fish; it’s about developing a deep respect for the marine environment, honing your skills, and challenging yourself physically and mentally. It’s a sport that requires patience, precision, and the ability to read the underwater landscape, making each dive a unique and rewarding experience.
What to Expect in Our Spearfishing Course
Our course covers everything you need to become a confident and responsible spearfisher. Whether you’re a complete beginner or have some experience, our structured program is designed to guide you every step of the way:
Expert Instruction: Led by seasoned spearfishing experts, our course provides comprehensive training in the art of spearfishing. Learn the techniques, equipment handling, and safety protocols needed to succeed in the water.
Freediving Techniques: Since spearfishing often involves freediving, you’ll learn key breath-hold techniques to help you stay underwater longer and move more efficiently, enhancing your hunting skills.
Equipment Familiarization: Get hands-on training with spearguns, pole spears, and other essential gear. Learn how to select, maintain, and safely use your equipment for the best hunting experience.
Marine Knowledge: Understanding the underwater environment is crucial. We’ll teach you about fish behavior, how to identify your target species, and how to approach them quietly and effectively.
Sustainability and Ethics: Responsible spearfishing is about balance. Our course emphasizes sustainable hunting practices, ensuring that you respect the ocean and contribute to conservation efforts by making ethical choices.
In-Water Practice: Put your skills to the test with practical sessions in both the pool and open water. You’ll experience the real conditions of spearfishing in Cornwall’s diverse marine habitats, guided by our instructors.
Benefits of Learning Spearfishing
Improved Physical Fitness: Spearfishing is a full-body workout that improves your strength, stamina, and lung capacity.
Mental Focus: The sport demands concentration, patience, and the ability to remain calm under pressure, enhancing your mental resilience.
Sustainable Fishing: Spearfishing is one of the most sustainable forms of fishing, allowing you to select only the species you need without bycatch or damaging the environment.
Who Can Join?
Our Spearfishing Course is perfect for anyone aged 16 and up who is confident in the water and eager to learn. Whether you’re an experienced diver looking to add a new skill or a beginner eager to dive into the world of spearfishing, we provide a safe and supportive environment.
Ready to Dive In?
Embark on a spearfishing journey with Delphy Pool’s expert-led course. Experience the thrill of the hunt, the beauty of the underwater world, and the satisfaction of mastering a new skill. Click here to book your spot and take the first step towards becoming a skilled spearfisher. Dive deep, hunt smart, and connect with the ocean like never before!
0 notes
jcmarchi · 7 months ago
Balancing economic development with natural resources protection
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/balancing-economic-development-with-natural-resources-protection/
Balancing economic development with natural resources protection
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It’s one of the paradoxes of economic development: Many countries currently offer large subsidies to their industrial fishing fleets, even though the harms of overfishing are well-known. Governments might be willing to end this practice, if they saw that its costs outweighed its benefits. But each country, acting individually, faces an incentive to keep subsidies in place.
This trap evokes the classic “tragedy of the commons” that economists have studied for generations. But despite the familiarity of the problem in theory, they don’t yet have a lot of hard evidence to offer policymakers about solutions, especially on a global scale. PhD student Aaron Berman is working on a set of projects that may change that.
“Our goal is to get some empirical traction on the problem,” he says.
Berman and his collaborators are combining a variety of datasets — not only economic data but also projections from ecological models — to identify how these subsidies are impacting fish stocks. They also hope to determine whether countries might benefit instead from sustainability measures to help rebuild fisheries, say through new trade arrangements or other international policy agreements.
As a fourth-year doctoral candidate in MIT’s Department of Economics, Berman has a variety of other research projects underway as well, all connected by the central question of how to balance economic development with the pressure it puts on the environment and natural resources. While his study of fishing subsidies is global in scope, other projects are distinctly local: He is studying air pollution generated by road infrastructure in Pakistan, groundwater irrigation in Texas, the scallop fishing industry in New England, and industrial carbon-reduction measures in Turkey. For all of these projects, Berman and his collaborators are bringing data and models from many fields of science to bear on economic questions, from seafloor images taken by NOAA to atmospheric models of pollution dispersion.
“One thing I find really exciting and joyful about the work I’m doing in environmental economics is that all of these projects involve some kind of crossover into the natural sciences,” he says.
Several of Berman’s projects are so ambitious that he hopes to continue working on them even after completing his PhD. He acknowledges that keeping so many irons in the fire is a lot of work, but says he finds motivation in the knowledge that his research could shape policy and benefit society in a concrete way.
“Something that MIT has really instilled in me is the value of going into the field and learning about how the research you’re doing connects to real-world issues,” he says. “You want your findings as a researcher to ultimately be useful to someone.”
Testing the waters
The son of two public school teachers, Berman grew up in Maryland and then attended Yale University, where he majored in global affairs as an undergraduate, then stayed to get his master’s in public health, concentrating on global health in both programs.
A pivotal moment came while taking an undergraduate class in development economics. “That class helped me realize the same questions I cared a lot about from a public health standpoint were also being studied by economists using very rigorous methods,” Berman says. “Economics has a lot to say about very pressing societal issues.”
After reading the work of MIT economists and Nobel laureates Esther Duflo and Abhijit Banerjee in that same class, he decided to pivot and “test the waters of economics a little bit more seriously.” The professor teaching that class also played an important role, by encouraging Berman to pursue a predoctoral research position as a first step toward a graduate degree in economics.
Following that advice, Berman landed at the Harvard Kennedy School’s Evidence for Policy Design, a research initiative seeking to foster economic development by improving the policy design process. His time with this organization included five months in Jakarta, Indonesia, where he collaborated with professors Rema Hanna and Ben Olken — of Harvard and MIT, respectively — on a portfolio of projects focused on analyzing social protection and poverty alleviation.
The work, which included working closely with government partners, “required me to think creatively about how to talk about economics research to several different types of audiences,” he says. “This also gave me experience thinking about the intersection between what is academically interesting and what is a policy priority.”
The experience also gave him the skills and confidence to apply to the economics PhD program at MIT.
(Re)discovering teaching
As an economist, Berman is now channeling his interests in global affairs to exploring the relationship between economic development and protecting the natural environment. (He’s aided by an affinity for languages — he speaks five, with varying degrees of proficiency, in addition to English: Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, Portuguese, and Indonesian.) His interest in natural resource governance was piqued while co-authoring a paper on the economic drivers of climate-altering tropical deforestation.
The review article, written alongside Olken and two professors from the London School of Economics, explored questions such as “What does the current state of the evidence tell us about what causes deforestation in the tropics, and what further evidence is needed?” and “What are the economic barriers to implementing policies to prevent deforestation?” — the kinds of questions he seeks to answer broadly in his ongoing dissertation work.
“I gained an appreciation for the importance and complexity of natural resource governance, both in developing and developed countries,” he says. “It really was a launching point for a lot of the things that I’m doing now.”
These days, when not doing research, Berman can be found playing on MIT’s club tennis team or working as a teaching assistant, which he particularly enjoys. He’s ever mindful of the Yale professor whose encouragement shaped his own path, and he hopes that he can pay that forward in his own teaching roles.
“The fact that he saw I had the ability to make this transition and encouraged me to take a leap of faith is really meaningful to me. I would like to be able to do that for others,” Berman says.
His interest in teaching also connects him further with his family: His father is a middle school science teacher and mother is a paraeducator for students with special needs. He says they’ve encouraged him throughout his academic journey, even though they initially didn’t know much about what a PhD in economics entailed. Berman jokes that the most common question people ask economists is what stocks they should invest in, and his family was no exception.
“But they’ve always been very excited to hear about the kinds of things I’m working on and very supportive,” he says. 
“It’s been a really amazing learning experience thus far,” Berman says about his doctoral program. “One of the coolest parts of economics research is to have a sense that you’re tangibly doing something that’s going to have an impact in the world.”
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justcastcharters-blog · 10 months ago
Best Fishing Charter for All Ages in Galveston Bay
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Galveston Bay is a sparkling gem along the Texas Gulf Coast, known not only for its scenic beauty but also for its abundant marine life, making it a paradise for fishing enthusiasts of all ages. Whether you're planning a family outing, a trip with friends, or a solo adventure, choosing the right fishing charter can dramatically enhance your experience. Just Cast Charters in Galveston stands out as a premier choice, offering expert guidance, top-notch equipment, and an all-inclusive, family-friendly environment that caters to both novice and seasoned anglers. Why Choose Just Cast Charters? Expertise and Experience Just Cast Charters is operated by seasoned professionals who are deeply familiar with the waters of Galveston Bay. Their expertise is not just in navigating these waters, but in ensuring that every guest, regardless of age or skill level, finds the joy in fishing. The crew's extensive knowledge of local fish patterns, the best fishing spots, and the optimal times to cast the line maximizes your chances of a rewarding catch. Family-Friendly Atmosphere Understanding that fishing is a beloved pastime that can be enjoyed by people of all ages, Just Cast Charters prides itself on creating a welcoming atmosphere for families. They ensure safety on board with child-friendly gear and provide simple, effective instruction to make the experience both fun and educational for young anglers. The patience and dedication of their staff make them ideal for children’s first fishing trips as well as for older adults looking for a peaceful day on the water. Variety of Fishing Experiences Galveston Bay offers a diverse range of fishing experiences, and Just Cast Charters is equipped to cater to them all. Whether you’re interested in bay and jetty fishing, targeting species like speckled trout, flounder, and redfish, or you prefer venturing a little further out to chase some larger offshore species, they have the boats and equipment to suit your needs. This versatility makes it easy to tailor the trip to the preferences and comfort levels of any group. All-inclusive Packages Just Cast Charters provides all-inclusive packages that cover everything you need for a successful day of fishing. From rods and reels to bait and tackle, everything is prepared for you. They even handle the cleaning and packaging of your catch, making the entire process hassle-free. This attention to detail allows you to focus solely on the fun of fishing and the beauty of Galveston Bay. Conservation Efforts In addition to providing an excellent fishing experience, Just Cast Charters is committed to the conservation of Galveston Bay's marine ecosystem. They practice responsible fishing methods and educate guests on the importance of preserving natural resources. This commitment not only ensures the sustainability of the fishing industry but also teaches younger generations the value of environmental stewardship. What to Expect During Your Trip A Typical Day on the Water Your adventure with Just Cast Charters begins at dawn, with the boat departing shortly after the first light. This early start takes advantage of the best biting times and gives you the most out of the fishing day. As the boat glides over the calm waters of the bay, the captain will share insights about the area’s marine life and ecosystem, enriching your experience. Throughout the day, you'll visit various prime fishing spots, each offering the chance to catch different types of fish. The crew will assist in setting up your equipment and teach you effective fishing techniques, ensuring that everyone on board has the opportunity to reel in a catch. Enjoying the Scenery and Wildlife Apart from the thrill of fishing, Galveston Bay offers stunning natural scenery. As you navigate through the waters, keep an eye out for dolphins playfully trailing the boat, pelicans diving for their breakfast, and perhaps even the occasional sea turtle. The picturesque views of the Texas coastline add to the serene experience of being on the water. Wrapping Up the Day As the day winds down, you'll head back to the dock with your catch and a camera full of memorable photos. The crew will assist in cleaning and packaging your fish, providing you with fresh fillets to take home or tips on the best local restaurants that will cook your catch to your liking. Creating Lasting Memories At Just Cast Charters, we believe that a fishing trip transcends the mere act of catching fish; it’s about creating lasting memories that will be cherished forever. Our charters are meticulously designed to ensure that families, friends, and individuals leave with stories they will share for years to come. Whether it's the excitement of a first catch, shared laughter over the one that got away, or the peaceful anticipation of the next bite, each trip is filled with unique and precious moments. We are dedicated to providing a fun, safe, and engaging atmosphere so that every second spent aboard our vessel enriches your life and becomes a cherished memory long after your journey ends. The memories made during a Just Cast Charters excursion are as varied as the marine life in the sea. From a child’s joy in catching their first fish to an experienced angler’s satisfaction in mastering a challenging catch, each trip is a tale waiting to be told. Our crew is committed to making your fishing adventure unforgettable by offering personalized service, sharing tales of local fishing traditions, and making sure your time on the water is joyful and exciting. As you head back to shore, you will take home more than just your catch; you will return with tales of adventure, moments of laughter, and a deepened connection with nature and your loved ones. These memories are the cornerstone of Just Cast Charters, where every outing is a chance to create something enduring and beautiful. A Commitment to Excellence Just Cast Charters’ commitment to excellence is apparent in every aspect of our service. We use only top-quality equipment to ensure reliability and safety. Our boat is well-maintained and outfitted with the latest comforts to enhance your experience. Additionally, our team continually refines their skills and knowledge to offer the best possible experience to our guests. Join the Just Cast Family When you book a trip with Just Cast Charters, you are not merely signing up for a fishing trip; you become part of a community that cherishes the water, fishing, and familial bonds. We warmly invite everyone who wants to experience the joy of fishing in Galveston to join us. Easy Booking and Accessible Information Booking your adventure with Just Cast Charters is straightforward. Our user-friendly website provides all the information you need, from detailed descriptions of our trips to the booking process itself. You can effortlessly check available dates, explore the types of fishing excursions we offer, and read testimonials from our previous guests. Our website is your portal to an unforgettable fishing adventure in Galveston. The Heart and Soul of Just Cast Charters Leading Just Cast Charters are Erica and Chris Berry, who live and breathe the fishing lifestyle. More than just skilled anglers, they are also devoted parents to six children, weaving their love for fishing with strong family values. This fusion of passion and family is the heart and soul of Just Cast Charters. Erica and Chris ensure that every outing is not only a fishing trip but also a learning experience about marine conservation and the importance of sustainable practices. They actively engage in community activities and strive to teach all guests, especially young anglers, the significance of respecting the aquatic environment. Moreover, their personal approach means they remember the names and stories of repeat guests, crafting a truly familial atmosphere on board. Under their guidance, Just Cast Charters doesn't just take you fishing; they bring you into their family, sharing stories and forming bonds that last long after you've left the boat. Connect with Us To keep up with the latest from Just Cast Charters, follow us on social media. There, you'll find fishing tips, updates on prime fishing locations, and inspiring stories from our guests. Book a Fishing Trip in Galveston Today! Just Cast Charters in Galveston, TX, offers more than just a fishing charter—it's your gateway to memorable experiences on the water. With Erica and Chris Berry's blend of expertise, passion, and dedication to family, each trip is personalized, secure, and thrilling. Whether you are a seasoned angler or new to fishing, Just Cast Charters is your best choice for an extraordinary fishing adventure in the beautiful waters of Galveston. Set sail with us and discover the joy of fishing with Just Cast Charters. Choosing the right charter can be the difference between a good fishing trip and a great one. Just Cast Charters in Galveston Bay offers a professional, inclusive, and environmentally conscious fishing experience that is perfect for anglers of all ages and skill levels. Whether you're teaching your children the patience of fishing, enjoying a day with friends, or simply soaking in the peaceful marine environment, Just Cast Charters promises a memorable adventure in one of the most beautiful fishing destinations in Texas. Our crew's expertise in the local fish species and the most effective fishing techniques ensures that every trip not only enhances your skills but also deepens your appreciation for marine life. Book your trip today and discover why they are the best fishing charter for all ages in Galveston Bay. Just Cast Charters 715 N Holiday Dr, Galveston, TX 77550 (409) 209-7999 Read the full article
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ashly-29 · 10 months ago
How to Buy Cheap Crossbows?
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Crossbows have changed from being feared as strong hunting and combat weapons to becoming useful equipment for outdoor enthusiasts and sports. Although high-end crossbows can have high price tags, there is a market for less expensive models that are still accessible without sacrificing performance or functionality. We explore the realm of cheap crossbows in this thorough guide, revealing their applications, advantages, and things to think about before making a purchase.
Cheap Crossbows - Versatility in Application
There are many uses for inexpensive crossbows in hunting, fishing, and other practical pursuits. They act as easily obtainable target-shooting aids, giving enthusiasts a fun method to hone their accuracy and archery skills. These crossbows are also ideal for recreational archery activities like field competitions and 3D courses, which let users experience real-world outdoor obstacles and hunting simulations. 
Affordable crossbows give hunters a practical way to take down small game, like squirrels and rabbits, while also promoting ethical and sustainable hunting practices. They are also useful in pest management, helping landowners control unruly wildlife populations. 
Cheap crossbows are also useful tools for outdoor enthusiasts and survivalists, offering a quiet and effective way to gather food or defend oneself in an emergency. Lastly, they are essential to instruction and training because they teach novices the art of archery and inspire a love of outdoor activities in upcoming generations.
Considerations for Prospective Buyers:
Cheap crossbows are accessible and affordable, but before making a purchase, potential customers should take a few things into account. First and foremost, it's critical to evaluate the crossbow's intended use and specifications, including whether it will be used for target practice, hunting, or leisure. 
To guarantee longevity, dependability, and performance, purchasers should also assess the crossbow's construction quality, components, and features. It is important to consider factors like draw weight, arrow velocity, and accuracy when choosing a crossbow so that it fits the user's shooting style and skill level.
Intended Use
Determine whether target shooting, hunting, or recreational archery is the crossbow's principal function. Picking a model that fits your intended use is crucial because different models may be optimized for different activities.
Build Quality and Materials
Consider the crossbow's manufacturing process and materials. To guarantee longevity and performance, look for robust construction, resilient materials like aluminum or composite, and dependable components.
Features and Accessories
Take into account the crossbow's features and accessories, which may include quivers, scope mounts, and cocking mechanisms. Choose the features that are most important to you and make sure these cheap crossbows have them at a cost that fits your budget.
Draw Weight and Arrow Velocity
These two parameters have an impact on the crossbow's power and performance, so pay attention to them. Aim for a higher arrow velocity for increased accuracy and range, and select a draw weight that corresponds to your strength and shooting ability.
Precision and Accuracy
Evaluate the crossbow's precision and accuracy by reading user reviews, testing it if you can, or speaking with seasoned archers. For models that perform consistently and with minimal deviation in shooting scenarios, look for them.
Customer Testimonials and Brand Reputation
Look up respectable companies and brands that are well-known for making high-quality crossbows. To evaluate the dependability, effectiveness, and longevity of various models, read customer reviews and testimonials. You should also think about making your purchase from reputable retailers who have a proven track record of satisfying customers.
In conclusion, cheap crossbows give enthusiasts of all backgrounds and skill levels an affordable, accessible, and versatile way to start exploring the world of archery and outdoor activities. Although these more affordable options might not have all of the high-end features and premium craftsmanship of the more expensive models, they still offer dependable performance and functionality for a variety of uses. 
Wholesale Blades - Your First Choice!
Cheap crossbows prove their worth in a variety of situations, enabling users to participate in their chosen activities with confidence and enjoyment. These scenarios range from recreational target shooting to small game hunting, pest control to survival preparedness. Additionally, these crossbows are excellent teaching tools that help novices learn the principles of archery and outdoor skills while cultivating an appreciation for the natural world. 
People who investigate the possibilities provided by inexpensive crossbows find not only a rewarding hobby but also a stronger bond with the natural world and the long history of archery. These crossbows can offer enthusiasts of all ages and interests endless hours of fun, adventure, and skill development with careful thought, preparation, and responsible use.
Crossbows under $100 are available at Wholesale Blades in a variety of styles to suit the needs of both novices and expert users. Even though the prices might be alluring, it's important to carefully consider aspects like the design elements, construction materials, and general durability. While lower-end crossbows from Wholesale Blades might be more appropriate for casual target practice or learning, they might not have the same accuracy, potency, or durability.
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mtfishtales · 11 months ago
Unveiling Nature's Treasures: An Unforgettable Adventure with Guided Fishing in Montana
Casting your line into the pristine waters of Montana is an angler's dream come true. However, navigating the rugged terrain and locating the prime fishing spots can be a daunting task, especially for those unfamiliar with the area. This is where MT Fish Tale comes into play, offering an unparalleled opportunity to unlock nature's hidden gems through guided fishing in Montana under the direction of seasoned experts.
Expertise at Your Fingertips  
At MT Fish Tales, our team of seasoned guides possesses an intimate knowledge of Montana's diverse waterways, from the legendary rivers to the secluded mountain streams. With years of experience under their belts, they have mastered the art of fly fishing, honing their skills to identify the most productive spots and employing the most effective techniques for each unique situation.
Tailored Experiences for All Skill Levels
Whether you're a novice angler seeking to learn the ropes or an experienced fly fisherman in pursuit of the ultimate challenge, our guided fishing in Montana caters to anglers of all skill levels. For beginners, our guides will patiently impart their wisdom, teaching proper casting techniques, fly selection, and reading the water. Experienced anglers, on the other hand, can benefit from our guides' in-depth knowledge of the local waters, increasing their chances of landing that elusive trophy catch.
Immersive Wilderness Encounters
Guided fishing in Montana is not merely about catching fish; it's a multisensory experience that immerses you in the breathtaking landscapes of Big Sky Country. Our guides will lead you through pristine forests, along meandering rivers, and across vast meadows, providing ample opportunities to spot diverse wildlife and soak in the natural beauty that surrounds you.
Sustainable Practices and Conservation
At MT Fish Tales, we are committed to promoting sustainable fishing practices and preserving the delicate ecosystems that support these precious waterways. Our guides adhere to strict catch-and-release policies, ensuring that the fish populations remain healthy and thriving for generations to come. Additionally, we actively participate in conservation efforts, working hand-in-hand with local organizations to protect and restore these invaluable natural resources.
Your Adventure Awaits
Whether you're seeking a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of daily life or an adrenaline-fueled adventure in the great outdoors, guided fishing in Montana with MT Fish Tales promises an unforgettable experience. Book your excursion today and let our seasoned guides unveil the hidden treasures of Montana's waterways, creating memories that will last a lifetime. Visit https://mtfishtales.com/fly-fishing-montana-guides/ to learn more and embark on your guided fishing adventure in the pristine waters of Montana.
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thedivinefish · 3 months ago
TGIWednesday: Can you help me find my dog?
TGIWednesday News 📰 Imagine, "back in the day" if someone lost their pet 🐶😾 they'd be hollering 🗣️ for it in their neighborhood and asking others if they'd seen it. Fast forward to paper and putting up lost posters🪧🖺 and all of the above.  Then phones 📞and calling the shelter along with all of the above.  Fast forward to today and posting on 📱 social media scrolling through found pets, ring cameras,  group texting others 👥 to inquire about any sightings. And they have barcode data readers that are reading something the size of a large grain of rice inside your pet's body 🐕 to get data on the pet. And now they've even come out with tiny discs about the size of a nickel for their collars that can geo track on an app and even Apple's airtags! 😯 Wowza, imagine how advanced we've become.  Ditto for the holidays and physically shopping for that perfect gift... now we merely scroll and click to see that gift wind up being 🚚 delivered to your doorstep or to the door of the very person that's receiving the gift! 🎁 Death, taxes and change are all that I can guarantee you; so embrace change. 🤗  Know that things don't happen to you, they happen for you so you can experience all sides of life lessons and to move forward full steam ahead to accomplish your wishes, hopes and dreams! 🌟 Join us for our much requested, year end 🖥️ Zoom group clearing event this Thursday where we'll clear the energy of the past year and forecast and empower better opportunities for your future!  🙏 Many blessings and wishing you and yours the very best of the holiday season and beyond. "We are all one and our origin is the sea." Armin van Burren  Let's convert holiday chaos into holiday cheer!  Get on my schedule and let's go fishing together!🎣   View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
ON DECK 🚢🎣⚓ 🔱 🧭 ⛵  -  First Zoom on 2025 will be Thursday January 30th at 4pm. 
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TOMORROW DECEMBER 19, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/goodbye-2024Register now and Submit your TOP 3 to be cleared on the call:
1) I'd like to transmute _______ energy from this past year. 2 ) What I am thankful for receiving/experiencing this year ____ 3) What I want to strengthen and align with in the year ahead. ____Register Here - $22 TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
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🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection  💝 Gift Certificates are Available too!!Shop Here 🛒
🛒 NEW FEATURE! You can now review and access your purchase history in the shop!!
Want to review which items you've purchased in the past, or did you lose your files in a computer crash? Go to My Account and enter the email associated with your shop purchases and receive a 6-digit code to login and re-download your files.Login to Your Account Here ​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies.  Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/ Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day! DECEMBER 18TH "Just for today, I will believe that every little thing is going to be alright. I will not dwell on what is wrong, missing or out of place. I will concentrate on the good, the positive and the upbeat and thus I will create even more!"
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online** From the Fish Box 📧
 I really had a great session as always. It is such a thing that I breathe a huge sigh of relief when I get off the phone with you. I feel so much better and any uncertainties I have you clear and advise me on too". - HM / NYC Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! 
My Daily Prayer - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here  **NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. MDP Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request. TGIFunny🤣 ShareShareForward Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger  Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions Access Bars© Practitioner/ Tampa - Schedule Session Here
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divinefishingtips · 3 months ago
TGIWednesday: Can you help me find my dog?
TGIWednesday News 📰 Imagine, "back in the day" if someone lost their pet 🐶😾 they'd be hollering 🗣️ for it in their neighborhood and asking others if they'd seen it. Fast forward to paper and putting up lost posters🪧🖺 and all of the above.  Then phones 📞and calling the shelter along with all of the above.  Fast forward to today and posting on 📱 social media scrolling through found pets, ring cameras,  group texting others 👥 to inquire about any sightings. And they have barcode data readers that are reading something the size of a large grain of rice inside your pet's body 🐕 to get data on the pet. And now they've even come out with tiny discs about the size of a nickel for their collars that can geo track on an app and even Apple's airtags! 😯 Wowza, imagine how advanced we've become.  Ditto for the holidays and physically shopping for that perfect gift... now we merely scroll and click to see that gift wind up being 🚚 delivered to your doorstep or to the door of the very person that's receiving the gift! 🎁 Death, taxes and change are all that I can guarantee you; so embrace change. 🤗  Know that things don't happen to you, they happen for you so you can experience all sides of life lessons and to move forward full steam ahead to accomplish your wishes, hopes and dreams! 🌟 Join us for our much requested, year end 🖥️ Zoom group clearing event this Thursday where we'll clear the energy of the past year and forecast and empower better opportunities for your future!  🙏 Many blessings and wishing you and yours the very best of the holiday season and beyond. "We are all one and our origin is the sea." Armin van Burren  Let's convert holiday chaos into holiday cheer!  Get on my schedule and let's go fishing together!🎣   View Calendar First, Then Pay and Schedule 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 mins | Appointments
ON DECK 🚢🎣⚓ 🔱 🧭 ⛵  -  First Zoom on 2025 will be Thursday January 30th at 4pm. 
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TOMORROW DECEMBER 19, 2024 4:00pm ET  |  1:00pm PT  | 10:00pm UK Registration fee = $22 30 minutes live | Includes replay access 👉 https://calendly.com/jmh-calls/goodbye-2024Register now and Submit your TOP 3 to be cleared on the call:
1) I'd like to transmute _______ energy from this past year. 2 ) What I am thankful for receiving/experiencing this year ____ 3) What I want to strengthen and align with in the year ahead. ____Register Here - $22 TGIWednesday Video Download ▶️
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🏆 Best Sellers
💸 The Prosperity Collection  🧘 The Body, Mind and Spirit Collection 🙂 The Improve Your Life Collection 💻 Access 50+ Videos in the Zoom Replay Collection  💝 Gift Certificates are Available too!!Shop Here 🛒
🛒 NEW FEATURE! You can now review and access your purchase history in the shop!!
Want to review which items you've purchased in the past, or did you lose your files in a computer crash? Go to My Account and enter the email associated with your shop purchases and receive a 6-digit code to login and re-download your files.Login to Your Account Here ​Visit our ​O​nline ​Training Center 🖥️ "Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach him how to fish and you feed him for a lifetime" - Lao Tzu
All are welcome to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT to access the NEW and IMPROVED My Liquid Fish Change Made Simple Basic Training Course. Anchors Away Masterclass:  Sustain and clear and sovereign energetic field of dark energies and anomalies.  Life Force Energy Masterclass: Enhance your fishing practice by approaching from a deeper, numeric level. MLF Mastery & Advanced Practitioner Certification Courses FREE Live Appearances 🎙️
Watch and listen to hundreds of Radio Show replays for FREE here in the archives from the Jimmy Mack Healing Radio show.
https://thejimmymackhealingshow.com/ Fish Food 😇📣
The Daily Bread To Feed The Fish
Tell the Fish - 365 Daily Inspirations and Affirmations - by Jimmy Mack Own this e-book so that you can read inspiration every day! DECEMBER 18TH "Just for today, I will believe that every little thing is going to be alright. I will not dwell on what is wrong, missing or out of place. I will concentrate on the good, the positive and the upbeat and thus I will create even more!"
**Can't See The Full Email? Click Here to View Online** From the Fish Box 📧
 I really had a great session as always. It is such a thing that I breathe a huge sigh of relief when I get off the phone with you. I feel so much better and any uncertainties I have you clear and advise me on too". - HM / NYC Receive 24/7 Prayers from Jimmy🙏
Your name will be added to a special VIP Prayer list where Jimmy will use his intelligent computer software, src4you which runs 24/7, to delete the negative and increase the strength of the positive creating a higher probability of favorable outcomes for you. You can add yourself and those living in your immediate household and yes you can include pets! 
My Daily Prayer - $99/month This $99 service is for ONE SINGLE MONTH of 30 DAYS ONLY.  👉Click here  **NOTE: Most clients save money and choose the auto-renew option listed below so they do not miss a single day of prayers PLUS they take advantage of the cummulative effects of this service over time. MDP Monthly subscription - $95/month on auto-renew 
👉 PayPal for subscription Click here 
👉 Use Stripe for subscription Click here. 
*Anytime prior to your next scheduled payment within the 30 days, you can cancel or pause this service via email request. TGIFunny🤣 ShareShareForward Jimmy Mack ​​​ Transformational Healing of Body, Mind​ & Spirit, People, Places, Pets & Situations!​ ​ Appointments | FAQs View Availability First, Then Pay 15 mins  | 30 mins  | 60 min www.jimmymackhealing.com Free Resources: Learn MLF for FREE | Videos on YouTube | Radio Show Archives Advanced Training: Masterclasses | Mastery and Practitioner Certification Clearing Audio Downloads​ and eBooks http://www.jimmymackhealingshop.com ©1996-2024 All Rights Reserved.
-------------------------------------------------- TGIW newsletter managed by: Sandy Bidinger  Digital Marketing Specialist at SMBeConnected Solutions Access Bars© Practitioner/ Tampa - Schedule Session Here
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