#and tbh good for him she's mistreating his wife
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Taryn: Hi Cardan. Cardan: Wisdom has been chasing you but you have always been faster. Taryn: Jude: He called you stupid.
#( crack tag tba. )#cardan is taryn's 1st hater#if taryn has 100 haters cardan is one of them#if taryn has 1 hater it's cardan#if taryn has 0 haters then cardan is dead#he's been constantly giving him the bombarstic side eye throughout all trilogy#and tbh good for him she's mistreating his wife
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I will make a full review of The Swallows of Kabul book and movie (mainly book as I watched the movie with SPANISH subtitles so my understanding of the movie was mainly backed up by my subpar Spanish and prior context/knowledge from the book, but I'll still review the movie) BUT for now lemme just talk about THEM in the MOVIE:
I like the movie ending a tad bit more; it gives us hope for Zunaira and for Musarrat and Atiq it gives us them dying side by side, as a couple should. In the movie, Atiq is more sympathetic/I don't hate him like I do in the book. In the movie, tbh, it seems like Atiq and Musarrat had a ok (maybe even good, I'll get to that later) marriage that struggled due to the Taliban rule and deteriorating state of Afghanistan due to war. Atiq isn't as mean/callous to Mussarat in the movie as he is in the book nor is he abusive at all in the movie. Plus, his feelings for Zunaira are less intense and romantic than the book, so all together things seem more grounded and I can better understand Atiq and more so Mussarat's love for him.
The reason why I think the movie made the change of having Atiq and Mussarat be implied to have had a happy marriage is cus of this scene:

This didn't exist in the book (at the very least not my English translated copy. I did get a PDF version of it, I am thinking of buying a real life copy to see if there are any differences.) Mussarat is looking at these photos and it seems like, unlike the book, in the movie Atiq and Mussarat were HAPPY. Maybe even in love. In the book, because the author doesn't focus much on their marriage before and Atiq's general bitter and indifferent attitude to Musarrat and his growing anger and mistreatment of her, it seems like even from the start Atiq has been indifferent to Mussarat.
But in the movie, all of the scenes where Atiq mistreats Musarrat or obsesses over Zunaira are gone. It's more so presented like it's a love that's withered away but comes back in a quiet, all too late realization when Musarrat sacrifices herself and switches places with Zunaira just so Atiq can save Zunaira, which would make him happy after so long of being depressed. I love the framing of everything, how Atiq keeps staring at Musarrat after avoiding her gaze for so long.
ALSO in the book Atiq dies trying to find Zunaira after she flees by taking off women's burqas. But in the movie, Qasim figures out that Zunaira was switched out and kills Atiq on the spot; again, the movie is shifting the story to be about Atiq and Musarrat's marriage and making us more sympathetic to Atiq. Atiq dies NOT looking for Zunaira but facing his wife who loved him till the very end, he just didn't see it until it was too late and his corpse is forced to see.
In terms of ending and framing this marriage, I personally like the movie WAY more. I feel like the movie does more justice to Musarrat's character, let's us feel more sympathetic to Atiq, and is in general more hopeful than the book.
I have half a mind to write a good ending for the movie where this good, happy romance that Mussarat and Atiq are lowkey implied to have at the very start of their marriage actually works out in the end cus like. I'm actually rooting for Atiq in the movie! I hate him in the book. In every version I want Musarrat happy. So like, if I ever post a rewrite of the MOVIE (!! Movie cus book Atiq can suffer) don't be surprised, I'm doing it like 30% for Atiq and 70% for Musarrat. I really do mean it when I say you come out of this story (movie or book) loving the women characters the most
#bigsischats#bigsisyaps#movie review#the swallows of kabul#the swallows of kabul by yasmina khandra#yasmina khandra#the swallows of kabul movie#the swallows of kabul (2019)
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10 fandoms, 10 characters, 10 tags
Basic rules: choose 10 fandoms that you are part of/support, and choose a favorite character from each of those. Then, tag ten folks!
Tagged by: @dragonsongmakhali and @thefreelanceangel (thanks! I get around to tagged things eventually, lmao)
This isn't in any particular order, they're just in whatever order they came to mind! I'll also note that I've never really understood the concept of 'being in a fandom'? I just...like the thing? So I guess this is more like "A handful of my all time favorite characters, many of whom went on to inspire me to write similar OCs whether I realized it at the time or not." Anyways, I wax verbose on this, so...buckle up, and thanks ahead of time if you decide to read it all!
I'll go through my recent notifications to tag some folks who've interacted lately (also thanks, I've been very ill and out of it for what feels like months now...) @ashenbun, @the-sycophant, @eorzeanflowers, @iron-sparrow, @briar-ffxiv, @merlwybs-wife, @sundered-souls, @superbolided, @ahollowgrave
1. Harley Quinn, Batman
What's not to love? She's quirky, she's (incredibly) smart, she's bi, and she's just one of many female characters I love for being flawed, but better for it! She's dealing with mental illness, and feels like only this one person understands her - and having been wrapped around a narcissist's finger before? I get it. You don't realize they're a piece of shit until...one day you do, or one day your friends get through to you that this is unhealthy, and you're not really yourself around this person. I love that she gets to be her own character these days, and live her own life, and do what she wants to do (when she figures that out) - I actually love that she works more and more with the Batfam in recent material because...she was never a villain. She's always been chaotic neutral! She changed who she was for the Joker, and was always miserable and mistreated no matter how hard she tried to be exactly who and what he wanted (a mewling servant) - and more often than not, even when she did what she thought he wanted, he still punished and humiliated her (like when she almost killed Batman). Bruce has LONG been on Harley's side, and long tried to talk some sense into her...but I think they'd been 'at odds' for too long for his words to get through to her, and it took the initial mutual compassion (and eventual love) shared between her and Pamela for someone's 'get the fuck out' speech to finally sink in. And now she's a fully realized character/woman with her own goals, her own personality, her own style... and if people don't like that she can do crime AND do good stuff alongside the Batfam? They can fuck off - at least, I imagine she'd say that, tbh. It's her choice - she never wanted what the Joker wanted. She just wanted him to notice her. Now she can act on her whims, and live in the moment and live up to her fullest potential! (Plus, while I'm not Jewish, I love that she is! At least in most iterations that I've seen.)
I think 'hurt people hurt people' is another good tagline for her - because the instant she's shown real compassion...be it from Bruce-outside-the-suit, or Poison Ivy? You can see her heart. You can see the sweet, and loving person she is under all the performing...or 'masking', you might say. The tragic clown doesn't need your laughter... they need your compassion. They need you to listen.
2. Mackayla Lane, The Fever Series (I've read this series at least 6 times, and recommend you read it, too!)
Mackayla is a self-centered, pink-loving, girly-girl who doesn't think heavy thoughts - she likes to sunbathe, paint her nails, and enjoy lazy southern days by the pool, when she's not working part time as a bartender. Until her sister is murdered on a trip abroad, and in her fervor to find out what happened - and why it feels like nothing is being done about it - she picks up and goes to Ireland in search of clues her own damn self...and finds out about this whole hidden legacy of the Sidhe, Sidhe-Seers, and why/how she and her sister are tied into this world. It's such an emotional journey! She evolves into someone different a few times throughout this journey of grief, self-discovery, and...eventually, love. She learns to be more introspective, to be more aware of those around her, to look deeper in herself for strength, so as to never be a damsel in distress again - she fights furiously for a sister we never get to see alive. (and I love a good story about a character central to the plot who is dead before the story even begins, tbh.) She goes from someone I'd roll my eyes at, to someone I'd look up to, instead. She learns to be fierce, but not to lose her compassion in doing so. She learns to fight for not just herself, but others. She suffers, and it breaks her for a time - but she comes out of it stronger for it. She doesn't let it hold her down, anymore - she can't afford to, doesn't want to...she wants to fight back.
I love character development, and she's got it in spades...and that's not even touching on all the OTHER amazing characters around her in this series. Also, if you like a spicy slow-burn, this is it. 'Begrudging allies to lovers' is how I'd term it, I suppose. (I still long for a high production value show of this series...especially bc it would appeal to all kinds of people - it even goes post-apocalyptic later on! But not for the usual reasons.)

3. Margo Hanson, The Magicians (The show, not the books, for once)
Feminist icon without being 'cringe' about it - and has a line I love, later on, about how her father told her she could be anything she wanted...until she wanted to be those things. Suddenly, the world wanted her to pick - you can't be strong AND womanly; 'you can't have both,' they told her. And she said 'Fuck You', and did it anyways. She is impossibly strong, but even she feels deeply on the inside. She rarely, if ever, lets it show how heavy the weight of the world is...she just shoulders on, and does the things no one else will do. She stands up for what's right, and now and then she fucks things up, too...because she's only human. But she's never apologetic about who she is. She lives out loud, owns her body, owns her opinions, and the rest of the world better get the fuck out of her way, because she's got a witty one-liner...and a gun.
He's an alcoholic/addict, he's a wet rag, and he's basically the world's best occultist... whether you love him or hate him. (I love bisexuals getting the spotlight in media, so it's nice that he's that, too!) He's a rat bastard who's just trying to get by in a world that's chewed him up and spit him out time and time again - he drinks the pain away, he chases death, and...despite his best efforts, he lives. Because anytime he actually comes close to death, he realizes that it's all worth fighting for, actually - even if he always falls off the path again. Notably, neither he nor Harley Quinn were really supposed to be longstanding characters...and now they're both fully fleshed out people, and a couple of my favorites! I like that he's complex, mentally ill, and still tries to do what's right, most of the time. But the world pushes his hand, and something's got to give, and unfortunately it's usually the people around him who end up paying the price...which doesn't mean that he doesn't carry that guilt for the rest of his life, mind you. But the world itself was saved! ...though he'll never not regret the harm it causes the few people he lets close, and how it then causes so many others to avoid him like the plague, as they assume he's just a shit who will sacrifice his friends at the drop of a hat. He's the reluctant savior. The...anti-hero? I'm not even sure that's right, because he does want to do good. He just... does some fucked up things to achieve that good, because there's often genuinely no other way - and no one else has the fortitude or the know-how to do it but him. So he'll carry that load, so others don't have to. He'll smoke it away, drink it away...anything he has to, to quiet the guilt, and shame of saving the world from the shadows...never being thanked for it, because he doesn't fly around in spandex, or drive a fancy animal-themed car.
4. John Constantine, Hellblazer/DC Comics (An anti-hero I love, a rare bi-disaster MAN in media, and my favorite occultist/wizardy person in fiction, I think...besides Margo.)
Also, his Hellblazer comics are very politically left leaning and he shits on Tories and racists and homophobia, etc. He might hide his pain in ways that make him seem like a piece of shit, but at heart he knows what's right, and that his fellow man deserves better. (Also, it's implied that he slept with/dated King Shark...you go, king.)
5. Dracula, Bram Stoker's Dracula and Castlevania (first the game, then the show) I was obsessed with the book even as a kid, and when I saw the most iconic scene in a video game ever, I was in love with his Castlevania counterpart, too.
Not much else to add to this one - I just think he's cool! I love vampires! I love Mina, as well, for all the strength she shows in the face of almost-certain-doom...but I love a good villain, and Dracula is the perfect villain. Also, it turns out the whole book might just have been one big, gay metaphor from a man in the closet! That's pretty cool to find out, after all these years. I do love the backstory from the film of him being SO IN LOVE with his wife that he cursed God and just...became a vampire. Because 'I fought in your crusades and you let the woman I love kill herself? Fuck you, I'm just never going to die. Now I'll kill all your beloved humans!' Castlevania's backstory is similar enough that I enjoy both iterations of it - a man driven to madness by love, and loss...and in Castlevania, it's not even his FAULT he keeps getting summoned back, which is where this scene below even comes from, which kinda cracks me up. He specifically points out what pieces of shit humans are...they say they hate him, but it's humans who always summon him back to do THEIR dirty work.
6. Taimi, Guild Wars 2
When you first meet her, she's a bobble headed child prodigy, even among the incredibly intelligent race of Asura, with big hair and an even bigger pink bow on her head - who has a terminal illness, and a physical disability from it that makes it hard for her to walk...but it never stops her. Not even once. Commander might be a badass, but they'd be nothing without Taimi's vast intelligence saving the world time and again - and you almost have to watch her die! She loses her favorite mech, which is both a walking apparatus and her best friend, and goes on to lose her best friend/love interest...and the pain never breaks her. She's a literal child, a teen/young adult by current story - and the endurance and compassion and strength she shows are just...making me emotional to even write about. And while she's still alive in story at present (and they've aged her up over time!)... we discussed with her not that long ago in story how she is dying - and she feels the pressure to get as much done as she can before that day. But one day, she won't be with us anymore...and despite all the people that Commander has lost? I'll never be ready to lose my little rat-daughter.
Go play Guild Wars 2.
7. Jaina, World of Warcraft
You meet her as a young woman, in Warcraft - an idealist who believes in peace, and stands against the open, and blatant racism against the Orcs, and the Horde. She strives for this peace so hard that she allows her own father to be executed - and for years, she stands with the Horde, and speaks on their behalf and fights for peace...until those same people go out of their way to not just screw her over, but almost kill one of the only family members she has who accepts her, and steal an ancient artifact that could basically just wipe out the Alliance much like the bomb that was used to wipe out the whole city she was in charge of. She suffers from the guilt of not trying harder to help Arthas. She suffers so...so much guilt, for so many things. She isn't perfect, and she has acted out of hurt, and rage at times - but she grows, and learns, and becomes this whole person comprised of beautiful flaws and complexities. I know what it's like to have your friends betray you, and want to burn it all down. I know what it's like, to need years to come to terms with that hurt. I know the pain of years and years of guilt and self-loathing and 'what-if's'. Jaina has become an amazing woman who has helped people, hurt people, and learned both difficult, and beautiful lessons along the way, to become an ultimately better person who still believes in the rights of all people...just with less of that youthful naivete that got her so hurt and blindsided.
8. Ahsoka, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
I put off watching Clone Wars, and thought I wouldn't like how they worked Ahsoka in...and boy was I ever wrong. Finally, at long last, there's a female character who is given as thorough a Jedi treatment as Luke, or Anakin...if not better! I love analyzing the 'family lineage' of which Jedi mentors which, and it's a bit funny how Qui-Gon was a rule-breaker paired with Obi-Wan-the-rule-lover...and then he ended up with a padawan even more about going against the grain, because Qui-Gon was supposed to have 'raised' Anakin, himself - then Anakin ends up with a Padawan in an attempt to teach him about how to move on from loss...because all padawans grow up and move on with their lives, one day - but he ended up with someone just as hard-headed and outspoken and out-going as him, and he got a taste of what it was like to be his master! All that said, Ahsoka grows and develops and learns hard lessons, and...grows up as a child soldier in a war the Jedi never should have been a part of, anyways - and (spoilers) when she goes on to be wrongfully accused of a crime by the Jedi Council...they try to walk it back later by saying 'oh this was clearly a test by the Force and you've passed, hooray promotion'. Ahsoka is having none of it. It's hypocrisy. It's a lie. They can't put their own pride aside, and admit that they were wrong! And why would she want to be a part of an organization like that? That's not a promotion at all. Now she'd be just like them, and that leaves a sour taste in her mouth. (Not to mention other hypocritical things she notices throughout the series.) She goes on to learn to live in balance - not all emotions are bad. It's not about complete eradication of emotion, but learning which ones to cultivate, and which ones to set aside and think on. She learns what the elder (extremist) Jedi will not - balance. She becomes better than all those who came before...even Yoda, who is in her Jedi-family-lineage; he admits that the Jedi are blinded by their arrogance, but he's among them! I love everything about her story...so far, at least. I've got yet more catching up to do with Rebels and the Ahsoka show.
9. Asajj Ventress, Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Honestly, I like her for a lot of the reasons I like Ahsoka - they're like two sides of a coin, and I think she even says this to Ahsoka later in the series. But Asajj suffered immensely early in life, and lost two father figures (even if one of them was her kidnapper) - to include a Jedi Knight who was briefly her Master, before he was slain in battle. She was picked up by Count Dooku, and had her pain and hate stoked like a fire...and in time he betrayed her, as well. And still...she went on to be resilient, strong, smart, and a master in her own fields of stealth and assassination. She learned hard lessons, and learned to think for herself - she learned that she didn't need any of those men who had come before, in her life...she only needed herself. Her own wits. Her own strength. Her own intelligence. Much like Ahsoka, she broke away from what others tried to mold her into, and became her own woman... whether people liked who she became, or not.
She's a badass. Watch Clone Wars. Read her books.
10. Buffy, Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Does this one need a reason? She's an imperfect badass, too! She's a lot like Mac, mentioned earlier - she's girly, but not always. Sometimes it concerns her what people might think of that - being feminine, but strong - but she learns to embrace her strength and ferocity and role in the supernatural world... although not without bucking against the system just like Ahsoka and Ventress do - she makes it her own. She plays by her rules, not the Council's, not her Watcher's...and when she does so selfishly, and screws up, she learns a hard lesson about the wisdom and input of your friends and family, and considering how your choices affect those around you. She decides she will not be a dog on a leash for the Council (maybe she was some inspiration for Ahsoka...) - she's here to do two things: look fly, and kick monster ass. Oh yeah - and empower other young women to do the same.
Honorable mentions for Spike (from Buffy), Lucifer (from the self-titled show), Aurene (GW2), Eliot Waugh (The Magicians), Catra (SPOP)
You'll no doubt note that pretty much all the women on the list are people who suffered immensely/were wronged and eventually grew stronger for that, and overcame both the situation and their own flaws...I love a bitch who can overcome both her own flaws, and the world itself being against her!
#favorite characters#blorbo from my shows#ugh I hate that word#The list goes on but we'd be here all week if I went on about EVERY character I love
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read Shadow finally and my feelings about Tigerstar II "helping" RiverClan are still the same
especially the multiple times RiverClan territory is called "basically ShadowClan" or RiverClan cats are called "temporary ShadowClan cats" - especially since RiverClan is shown to hate those comments
on the positive, the ending had a lot of cool moments and canon Nightheart is slightly less annoying now that he's finally maturing
and I do wanna say, cause people get on my ass about liking him - I like him for the same reasons I like Tallstar, cause I was born to a mother with PPD and my brain hyperfocuses on how I would want to write their relationships with their mothers
and as of the ending of Shadow, it seems he and his mother are actually starting to get along, which is better than we were allowed to see with Tallstar and Palebird
still not a fan of NightSun because I dislike a good portion of canon Warriors romances - with some exceptions [BrightCloud, MudBright, etc]
on the Frostpaw side of things, I dislike that she's written with a crush on her first cousin and, tbh, they don't need her having a crush at all to make her susceptible to being manipulated by him
but I am curious to see more of her story
I wish this little spitfire nothing but happiness, esp cause someone she trusts is actively pushing her down a path to unhappiness [Splashtail]
I hope she realizes she deserves better than to be used by Splashtail tbh
also hyped because it's implied we're getting more HavenSneeze kits and I love this silly background couple
on ShadowClan's side
Berryheart is an interesting antagonist and I wanna see her children go off on her tbh
especially Spireclaw and his wife, Fringewhisker
Fringewhisker doesn't deserve the mistreatment she's getting
I'm going to be sad that we don't get to see her and her husband be happy together, but I am glad that, esp with the new rule, that she gets to be considered full ShadowClan and that it seems more cats are seeing her as one of them
cause I adore her and the fact that she's not afraid of how much of a bitch her mother-in-law is being
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My Pleasantville Rotation Round 1 Summary
I think I’ll do some Sims 2 story summary once in a while because it makes me enjoy my gameplay more and keep my blog active. Don’t worry, it won’t be too often and flood my blog, I promise! ✒️🛣️
🍁 Lothario-Goth Household (Cassandra, Don, Victor, Nicolo, Tuxedo🐈⬛)
Cassandra Goth finally gets married to Mister Lothario, they have two beautiful children, both male. Their name is Victor and Nicolo, after their great-great-grandfather and their grandfather. But oh no, don’t get it wrong, she hasn’t tamed the playboy down at all. He still has a wondering eye, only his new fatherly duty delayed him a little. He’s still a great father after all.
💵 Goth Household (Mortimer, Dina, Gabrielle, Olivia)
Dina finally got a hold of her bag, but for extra security, she decided to have a baby with Morty. Wait, but I thought you had Gabrielle AND Olivia? Yeah... Olivia is an oops baby... Oops… Oh well, extra secure I guess. But Dina isn’t so fond of child care, so most of the work falls on Mortimer. He’s not complaining tho, he loves them. And remember when I said Lothario still has a wandering eye? He comes to visit Dina every day! So scandalous.
🎀 Girlies Household (Nina Caliente, Kaylynn Langerak, Peek-a-boo🐹)
After getting fired from “The Pleasant Housewreking Incident”, Kaylynn finds comfort in Don Lothario. He knows about the incident from his wife and suggests she move in with Nina (his other fling), she’s been looking for a new roommate after her sister moved out. So Kaylynn did, and they’re so compatible it’s awesome. But this still isn’t a life Kaylynn wants, so she keeps working and saving money so she can move out and start her own family soon. Oh, what about Nina? Yeah, nothing much, she’s happy with what she has now. But she does become a dancer, a girl gotta pay bill somehow.
🏠 Pleasant Household (Daniel, Marry-Sue, Angela, Lilith)
Marry-Sue caught Daniel cheating on her with the maid, but luckily she got a promotion that day so she didn’t have a mental breakdown. Well, I guess luckily for Daniel too because, in the end, he manages to climb back into his wife's bed. Poor Lilith still lives a miserable life, but she plans her escape with her law job. She wants to be a lawyer/judge and get justice for every mistreated teen. Go, Lilith!
🧓🏻 Oldies Household (Herb, Coral, Buffy🐕)
Both Herb and Coral go back to pursue their dream job, what are they gonna do in their free time if not more work? Herb works in music and Coral in oceanography. That’s not the most shocking, they start having polyamory relationships with none other than Kaylynn Lagerak! Oh my.
🍼 Broke Household (Brandi, Dustin, Beau, Skip Jr.)
Brandi popped out her unborn baby, it’s a boy! So she named him Skip Jr. She always loved babies but WATCHER this one she swore was a devil reincarnate because he’s so difficult! He says no to everything, making Brandi not want to have any more babies EVER. So Homegirl starts focusing on feeding her family instead, sadly she gets fired from her first job tho. But the kids (except Skip Jr.) seem doing good, Dustin found his love in drawing, and Beau in cooking!
🎨 Dreamer Household (Darren, Dirk)
Nothing happens much tbh. Darren guy still in love with Cassandra, oh, Dirk won’t do his homework anymore. If he keeps it up he might not be able to go to college. But hey, at least Darren and Dirk are really close now.
🌾 Burb Household (John, Jennifer, Lucy, Paul)
Nothing much happened in this household, except Jennifer thrived in the business career... and other oops baby. Hey, but at least this one is long-wanted by his dad. Can’t say he’s been taken care of so well though, his father is busy gardening.
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Apple salt: Apple & Diana decide to trick Raven into signing the book by staging that Apple has actually gone poof & that the only way to bring her back is to sign. After Raven signs & Apple “reappears”, Raven discovers that she was tricked. She lashes out at the two for tricking her into signing & now she’ll have the same destiny as her mom.
This could go with the ask that has Apple never declared fairest and all that tbh I tried my best
Raven felt her stomach tighten and she felt dizzy as she realized her older half sister and half niece have tricked her into writing on the Storybook.
She was to follow her mother's destiny, the legacy of her ancestors.
"You will regret this Apple," she weakly hissed at the pair who just gave her a small smug smile.
2 years after graduation Apple watches secretly horrified as her father loudly announces that he and Raven, his dearly departed wife's half sister, were to marry. Apple was shocked because her mother was barely in the ground for less than a week and she looks around to look around the White Court to see if any of the members of the royal court were worried.
But they all had smiles.
"This is what you wanted was it not your highness?" the blonde jumps to glance at a duchess next to her, if she was correct the duchess was one of her mother's childhood friend whom she gave a title to because they had been such great friends when younger.
"Y...yes but-"
"Be glad that your father, now The Good King has decided to announce an engagement instead of a wedding. Surely you know the story of the 10th retelling of this story."
The Good King, Joffrey the II, of the 10th retelling of the tale had made a messy divorce with his Queen to marry the Evil Queen of that generation. Having declared that the marriage was invalid since he was the spare of the Charming family and his older brother was meant to marry that generation's Snow White.
And then announced a wedding for him and the Evil Queen the next day.
It had left a stain in the next few generations in both the White line and Charming.
Especially since that Snow White was declared a bastard and was mistreated by that Evil Queen for almost a decade and no prince saved that Snow White till 6 years after she was poisoned and even by then she had had a difficult time taking her right to the White throne after her father and his wife had moved to the Queen Castle in the little kingdom each Queen descendant ruled over after their tale ended.
They had even already had a teen daughter once that Snow White finally could take the throne thanks to the will her mother left before she passed while her daughter was still poisoned.
But Apple was confused, surely her father had to court Raven, it was much too early for an engagement to happen.
They were barely 20 years old and Raven was to marry Apple's recently widowed father?
She didn't know how to feel really.
But she knew the Snow White tale was so close starting.
A month later she witnessed the huge wedding and coronation that was such a huge deal, she had butterflies in her stomach knowing what comes next.
She was 21 when her stepmother gave birth to fraternal twins, a girl and a boy and was given the role to be a lady in waiting for them before she was eventually forced to do heavy chores around the castle.
Years passed and she still wasn't poisoned and she was getting worried because surely she should be poisoned by now. She was becoming worried because her half siblings were about to hit the double digits and she was still not poisoned.
Her body was now sore and tired from all the chores she had been long ago forced to do.
She was desperate.
The twins were now 13 years old and she was still not poisoned and she could see that her father deeply loved Raven, but the ravenette ignored him and did her hardest to rule the White kingdom the best way she could.
She was 34 years old once she was finally poisoned and honestly she was internally embarrassed because she was much too old to be poisoned.
But it was food poisoning that would go down into the Storybook.
And even then she had heard herself from the mirror that Raven was still the most fairest, but before she was poisoned, she had finally heard the mirror say that Princess Narcissa was the most fairest of the land.
The book showed that too and so everyone knew she didn't get the happy ever after she wanted because she was barely 35 years old when she was finally able to take her throne and marry her prince Charming who was 10 years her junior.
She then heard the whispers that Queen Raven had used doctors to get pregnant with the twins, sure the marriage with her and the king was consumated, but she had been able to convince him to have them use doctors to get her pregnant since he was much too old.
She was barely 41 years old when she gave birth to her daughter and by then her looks weren't all there anymore, her 31 year old husband was starting to become infatuated with the 20 year old Princess Narcissa, the Evil Queen to her daughter's Snow White.
Her body ached from the labor she had been forced to endure and she was embarrassed to witness her husband secretly court her old friend's successor. She knew her time was coming soon even if her daughter was barely a year old.
Raven really did promise revenge.
Queen Raven "Evil" King-Queen was still beautiful at 41 years old, still looking as if she were in her late 20s, her daughter catching the eye of the husband of the Snow White that was pathetic in the Snow White tale of her mother's generation.
She was never declared fairest after 2 decades of their tale beginning.
Raven truly did get the last laugh.
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Miserable Pt. One (Thomas Shelby Oneshot)
Character/s: Thomas, Grace mentioned
Word Count: 1, 184
Tag List: @dontdowhatisayandnobodygetshurt @myriadimagines @lilyswritings @encounterthepast @death-of-a-mermaid @lotsoffandomimagines @woahitslucyylu @obsessedunicorn24 @thedarkqueenofavalon @fangirlsarah16 @theshelbyclan @captivatedbycillianmurphy
A/N: I know I haven't written in a while, and it's so frustrating. Everytime I sit down with an idea I end up hating it. Tbh, I kinda hate this. I'm hesitant to post it, too. Even typing this, I question if I should delete it all and act like it never happened. I know it's just mental health getting in the way, making it hard to be confident or excited, even hard to write. It just has to be that way sometimes, y'know? But I can't let it get in the way :) so I've already planned a part two. Despite what I may think or feel, I know if only one person likes this, it'll feel worth it. Or it can make someone who's feeling the same way know it's not their writing, it's just their mind making them doubt themselves. 💜💖💜
Gif Credit: @nofckingfighting :)
There was no better love that followed than one with tragedy. Loss. Sorrow. Grief. There was death, an everlasting want for one last touch, a kiss, a desire to put into words these indescribable feelings. Poison lips and infinite wounds, the edge of the universe sliced apart. Too much red. Too much fear. There was a beauty to it all, a want, a romanticized story stitched together, putting it in the heads of children that this what they wanted: to know, at the end of it all, only one is left standing. This wasn't that, though. This wasn't a grave plot for two. This was murder. Homicide. And the knife was in his hands. He could plea all he wanted, try to convince the world he was an innocent man, that the blood on his hands was not yours, but the rest of the worlds, as if there were a difference. He could do all he wanted, but there was no denying it. It didn't matter if he meant to or not, the second you stepped down the aisle, he was leading you to the underworld. A shallow hole in the ground. Your final resting place.
The mother of his child. The love of his life. Time could heal wounds, but he was made of scar tissue. Hard, faint, scared of being ripped open again. Flinching at the sharpest of sounds. He didn't have to question if he'd ever get over her, the answer was clear. To him, to the family, to strangers simply passing on the street. By the grace of God, if he believed in such a thing. Grace. A name that made his gums bleed, his muscles tense, his head ache. His Grace, the woman he was going to spend the rest of his life with. If he'd known she was there, he would have said something. Made a deal with Death herself, someone he'd become an old friend with. Take a walk with her, laugh the way they used to, show her he wasn't scared of her anymore the way he had as a boy. Take him, not her. He was living on borrowed time, regardless. But she was always tricky. Kissing his cheek. Biting his lip. Killing his wife instead.
Like any deal he'd ever made, there were always consequences.
An eye for an eye. A life for a life. A loveless existence for a pretty paycheck.
That's what you were to them. Not flesh and bone, not a person with feelings, memories, you weren't a soul, but money. Paper bills and shiny eyes. An extension of business. A write off they could use later. You would take the Shelby name, binding the families til death would you part, sharing the wealth. Down the aisle, one step in front of the other. There was no one else, but him. A widower, a bachelor, both slept alone in a bed made for two. He refused. Blood boiling. White knuckled. Spine creaking, cracking, threatening to burst. They let him throw his tantrum, his office unrecognizable. Papers torn. Furniture overthrown. Broken glass, whiskey sticky on the floor. They let him brood, seep in his own anger, cook in his disbelief. Gave him space. No one had heard his voice for days, just the tap of his footsteps stalking past them, the smell of cigarettes sewed in his coat, the huff of his breath.
But when the time came, it was his turn to take one for the family.
Drunk because he could be, because it was the only way he could face the day. There was little you knew about him, the man who'd become your husband. A name, followed by gossip. Cheap talk, your mother scolded, whisking you away from the whispers. Nothing to believe, your father insisted. Naive, sheltered, unaware what they said was true. . . He wasn't what you pictured. The days leading up, you had dreams of who you'd find. Dimples? Freckled cheeks? Smile lines? He was none of that, the realization sinking in your gut, slapping you across the face with an open palm, as you made your way down the aisle. In front of you a family you didn't recognize, their eyes burning you alive. He stood before you, unsteady on his feet, the cold of his blood making your skin prickle. Behind his eyes, the storming skies you were sure, in another life, you could have loved, there was nothing. Disdain. Indifference. A hint of hatred.
You wanted to go back to sleep.
Find the man of your dreams and marry him instead.
You could never live up to her name. Finding your place, learning quickly you would never measure up to her. Pictures of her littered around his home, witnessing the slow corrosion of two people. Your wedding day was the last time you got a good look at him. Nights you spent alone, wasting, waiting up for him, knowing he would rather sleep at his desk than look you in the eyes and admit this was a mistake. His boy taken care of by nannies, maids, tutors, the very family that shared his blood. For a home so full, so well staffed, you saw so few faces. A haunted house, there to live, to breathe, but never to be seen, never spoken to, only about. Your name passed around during meetings, mistreated, turned into a fucking joke. Leaving behind your family, your friends, all your loved ones, for what? For this? The ring on your finger made empty promises. It laughed at those stories your mother read when you were a child, mocking you for ever believing in them. It cackled at the sight of an empty bed, of a full glass, at her smile, knowing whoever you were to him, your husband, you'd always be second best. You'd always thought you'd be married to your one true love, your soul mate. Your one chance to spend the rest of your life happily ever after.
Fuck. That.
You didn't want to be her, there was no need. The time alone, the way you hung from his arm at parties and events only to be shaken off the second onlookers were away, given the cold shoulder while he went out for a smoke. How you were hidden away from any business, the business your family was happily paying for, keeping the lights on and his pockets well lined. The snickers and whispers you received from your own family, from the rest of the world, when it was only you and the bottom of a wine bottle on your side to defend yourselves. You could hear them now. Poor thing, what a fool to marry Thomas Shelby. All of it, it made you jaded, jagged. The sweet, innocent, smiling face in those wedding pictures replaced by someone bitter, angrier, someone who was going to put this family in their place, show them you weren't some toy they could throw away after growing bored of.
He didn't love you, you didn't want him to, not anymore, but goddammit you were going to be heard.
#writing#thomas shelby#thomas shelby drabble#thomas shelby oneshot#tommy shelby#tommy shelby drabble#tommy shelby oneshot#peaky blinders#peaky blinders drabble#peaky blinders oneshot#thomas shelby x reader#thomas x reader#tommy shelby x reader#tommy x reader#x reader#thomas shelby fic#peaky blinders fic#drabble#oneshot#gender neutral#gender neutral reader#x gender neutral reader
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Got7 Headcanon: They Are A Pirate King Who Falls For The Princess They Kidnapped
He would know when he first saw her that he wanted her to be his forever
He would treat her better than any other prisoner by far
He’d even let her wander around the ship freely
He would pamper her and make sure she was as comfortable as she could be as a prisoner on a pirate ship
Even if her ransom was paid he would beg her to stay
If she said no he would accept it and let you go if that was what you really wanted
He wouldn’t hesitate to kidnap her again in the future if the opportunity arose
To him this would be strictly a job at first
He wouldn’t give a flying fuck about the princess, just the payout
He would treat her the same as any other prisoner they kept for ransom
No special treatments no matter how much she pleaded
The ransom for the princess would take longer than expected
He was forced to get to know her
Just as he was warming up to her and realizing he was falling for her the ransom would arrive
He would turn away the payout and sail away with the princess to try to live a pirate happily ever after
The nicest pirate king
Saw everything as business, but never mistreated anyone
Had the princess dine with him every night
He would act like this was a diplomatic trip instead of a kidnapping for ransom
He would shower her with compliments and beg her to be his alone
He would give her the best prisoner room
Nothing would be too good for her
Tbh, he probably would have just let her go without the ransom if she asked
When the ransom came through she would refuse to leave him behind
Introduced himself by telling her not to fall for him
Known as one of the more ruthless Pirate kings
He wouldn’t hesitate to kill or enslave anyone whose ransom wasn’t paid.
He would keep her in the cells with other prisoners
He would personally attend to her only because she was the prisoner worth the most
He wouldn’t give a shit until she asked him if he could spare a book for her to read while she awaited her fate
He would bring her a copy of his favorite book
It was hers too
He would develop a soft side for her and break his own prisoner rules
When the ransom came in he would take the money and never release her
He would lie and say her father never paid up
He would offer her death or enslavement
He was thrilled when she chose to live
He would be awe struck at her beauty
He would make sure to treat her with the respect a princess deserves
He would make his lackeys find out her likes and dislikes and would surprise her with foods and activities she enjoyed
He knew she would never willingly choose to stay with him, but he was going to try to win her over anyways
After the ransom was paid and she was getting ready to leave he would give her a memento of his love and her time on the ship
She would admit she loved him more than her betrothed and it would break him to watch her go
Whenever he was docked near her kingdom he would carry on an illicit affair with her until his dying days
He would never be able to convince her to leave with him, but he was content knowing he was forever in her heart
Bam Bam:
He would know from the moment he saw her that she was his one and only
From the start he would shower her with wealth and gifts
He knew he would have to send her back when the ransom came in, but he was sure he could convince her to stay
He would dress her in the finest silks, make her the best foods, and provide her with exotic animals and gems.
He would think that she could never want to leave his side
He would become obsessed with her
When the ransom came and she decided to leave he wouldn’t understand
She would leave and never look back, and he wouldn’t accept that
Before she could settle back into her home she would be kidnapped again, this time with no ransom
He would only meet her when he found out she got hurt in the prison cells
He would feel bad and ask his sailor in charge of collecting prisoners why such a fine lady was forced into the cells
He would bring her to his suite and take care of her personally
He would apologize to her for her previous treatment
The days would pass with him explaining what being a pirate is like and learning new things from her
Before he knew it he had fallen hard for her kind soul
When she asked when she could leave the first time he would hold back a tear and apologize, explaining that her being here was just business and she couldn’t leave until her ransom was paid
After a while the ransom seemed like it would never come and Yugyeom sent one final warning
The ransom never came and he apologized and told her that protocol is to kill her
When he saw her cry he couldn’t go through with it
Instead of drawing his knife he walked away and brought back a ring
He would beg the princess to be his wife instead so he could spare her
He knew that no one would dare kill a Pirate Queen
#got7#got7 headcanon#kpop#kpop headcanon#yugyummygot7reactions#got7 pirate#got7 pirate au#anon#anonymous#these gifs y'all#not my first choices#i had so many problems#i couldn't get any gifs to add#i'm over this 'error uploading photo' bullshit#it's been months#tumblr needs to fix this#all the og gifs were the right sizes and saturations#i'm mad
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Thoughts on the 2010 Globe version of Henry IV Part I, which I rewatched last night (definitely got a lot more out of it than when I saw it live back in the day, to which I think my main takeout was just, “ha ha, Falstaff funny”). Lengthy rambles below:
- Obviously this version brings out the comedy of the play brilliantly. What I really like about the specific mode of humour is how it is the vehicle for the cruelty of the main characters - particularly Hal. The really funny moments are also very barbed and tense: watching the play I laughed a lot but always in an unsettled, uneasy way. Like, the pranks Hal pulls on Falstaff, the insults he throws at him: always hilarious but in a kind of, “jeeeeeeeeezzzz. yikes. wow he went there” kind of way. From their very first scene. You really do feel sorry for Falstaff, even though (at least in Part I) he’s always able to bounce back and give tit for tat. Parker and Allam play it brilliantly: with Parker bringing just enough seriousness to the delivery of his insults, and Allam giving just enough of a pause before diving back into the reparté, to indicate that the blow has struck home. These pauses leave just enough space for the audience to really understand the force of these insults.
- And then the “anon anon sir” bit: again, one of the funniest bits of the play, but utterly brutal because the victim is an impoverished uneducated serving boy of slow wit who just has no standing or ability whatsoever to parry the joke. And like, the best part of that whole bit is when Hal promises the boy, “I’ll give you a thousand pounds, ask me for it whenever”; Poins calls the boy from offstage; boy chimes out, “anon anon sir!”; and Hal says, “I mean I’ll give it to you but not right now.... ask me tomorrow!” And it’s the best written joke in the whole scene but it’s also completely fucked up how Hal uses his power and wealth to toy with this powerless kid like a cat playing with a mouse. As often happens in Shakespeare, the funniest bits are the cruelest (thinking bout Malvolio....)
- Seriously, what the fuck is up with Hal? His favourite passtime is bullying poor people. And athough he has clear disdain for them, he is obsessed with them (or with Falstaff specifically) - he won’t leave them alone.
- This version really brings out the homoeroticism of the play, I think in the right ways. It doesn’t try to translate that homoeroticism into modern notions of queerness/gay identity, but it also doesn’t shy away from just how much charge and innuendo there is in that direction. And this homoeroticism is inextricably bound up in Hal’s cruelty and insecurity. The bit where Hal imitates Hotspur coming home to his wife and acts out the "give my roan horse a drench” innuendo; and then during the “anon anon sir” bit when Hal spills beer/sack on the boy and then suckles it off his shirt... basically Hal is just super mean and insecure and horny for men he despises. And tbh the psychosexual element of it is so overt to me that at times it feels a lot more transgressive than just having some dudes kiss on stage. We’re just fully subjected to the full force of Hal’s weird sado-masochistic class complex.
- Also, although there are lots of references to whores and whoring, Hal basically doesn’t interact with any women in the play (aside from Mistress Quickly for 2 seconds) and this version doesn’t have him interact with nonspeaking background wenches. He’s simply having a very homosocial old time with the lads at all times. Good for him.
- In particular, Roger Allam’s performance really brought out for me just how effeminitely Falstaff is coded. Obviously there’s the fact that everyone, particularly Hal, is absolutely fixated on Falstaff’s effeminite physical traits, his fleshy corpulence, his roundness, his red cheeks... But it’s also embedded in Falstaff’s campness and the language he uses to relate to Hal. In his very first appearance, Falstaff jokingly accuses Hal of corrupting him:
“Thou...art indeed able to corrupt a saint. Thou hast done much harm upon me, Hal, God forgive thee for it. Before I knew thee, Hal, I knew nothing, and now am I, if a man should speak truly, little better than one of the wicked. I must give over this life, and I will give it over.”
The cadence and language here (especially in Allam’s performance) evokes a hysterical fallen woman accusing her seducer. You really want to finish the clause, “before I knew thee, Hal,” with “I was a virgin”: that’s the sentiment here, literally embedded in the innuendo of “knew”, and even if it’s jokingly made, to have Falstaff position himself so effeminately in relation to Hal this early on is very pointed, I think. This campy coyness, especially when Falstaff is ironically “playing innocent”, is peppered throughout the play (“Thou seest I have more flesh than another man and therefore more frailty.”)
- There’s also a striking parallel between Hotspur/Kate and Hal/Falstaff. The hot-and-cold way Hotspur mistreats his wife through heated flirtation followed by abrupt rejection, crystalises the same dynamic with Hal and Falstaff. They bait each other and bicker like a married couple; their barbed reparté expresses a kind of lustful antagonism: they give off strong Who’s Afraid of Virigina Woolf vibes. Falstaff is Hal’s wife.
- Given Falstaff’s campness/effeminicy, the scene where he eviscerates Mistress Quickly is interesting. On the one hand you don’t necessarily have to read loads into it; can be understood as standard misogynistic humour. But the sudden viciousness of it - “go, you thing, go”; “she’s neither fish nor flesh; a man knows not where to have her” - feels both compensatory (Falstaff using misogyny to assert his own masculinity), performative (the performance is for Hal) and also smells of a type of misogyny stereotypically characteristic of gay men; the implied repugnance towards female genitalia, the disdain for the superfluous sex. Probs reading too much into it (he’s also simply lashing out cos she’s reminding him of the debts he owes her) but it’s an interesting moment.
- This play really keeps overtly telling you what is going to happen. The directness with which Hal, again from the very first scene, continually tells Falstaff that one day he is going to fuck him over. The extempore scene where Hal and Falstaff take turns to play the king is particularly good because it explicitly foreshadows two confrontations that are already clearly structurally inevitable: the confrontation Hal will have with his father later in Part I, and the eventual moment when Hal will publicly cast off Falstaff in Part II. To me this also adds to the barbed aspect of the play: as much as Hal and Falstaff love to flirt, as much as they like to play with the power dynamics, we are constantly reminded of the stark reality of that power dynamic and the inevitability of how this is going to pan out.
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i finished ootp so here are my notes/modifications/headcanons etc etc. long post ahead so be warned lmao!
molly’s stress. harry noticed it as soon as he saw her. she still has the strength to give a rib cracking hug to harry of course, as she always does when she sees him. but the stress of everything, the worry she feels about the impending doom they’re all facing, the fact that she keeps thinking about her family dying has caused so much stress that she doesn’t eat nearly as much as she used to. she’s grown thinner due to the stress and it’s just really sad.
the twins and their inventions are still driving molly up the wall. the orders meetings are secret, not meant for the children to hear and so when she discovered the extendable ears, she probably lost it. she’s already highly stressed out and snappy because she has to be in constant quarters with sirius whom, at this point in time, she does not like. she gets a headache often too and so that was a kind of final straw sort of thing for her. just got real pissed at the twins.
not only is she stressed about the war and possibly losing everyone she loves, but she’s in a terrible state because of the fight that arthur and percy had. she loves both very much, and knowing that percy wants nothing to do with them really stings. all she wants is for him to be there with them, she feels incomplete without percy around and she’s often crying at the mere mention of her son.
molly loves tonks, but a lot of the time she’s really annoyed at how clumsy she is. again, it’s nothing really against tonks or anyone in particular, it’s just she’s dealing with a lot right now and the little things set her off.
molly hates mundungus because she doesn’t like how shifty he is. she really doesn’t trust him at all. and she never will tbh.
the twins deciding to use magic to “help” only to make a mess. molly has just had it. she’s done. with everything. it’s unfortunate that the twins often get the wrath but they push her buttons quite often so can she really be blamed?
molly hates that no one backed her up at the meeting. she only wants to protect harry and her own children, she doesn’t want them hearing the dangers, but even arthur wouldn’t back her up which ended up putting her in an even worse mood than she already was. really, in grimmauld place she’s pretty much always pissed off because of how stressful she finds the household to be.
molly and sirius are cousins by marriage. honestly i love that.
i think that molly is very insistent on cleaning the place because it offers a distraction. she can focus on the cleaning instead of focusing on her fears which are growing ever more present the closer they get to the school year.
molly wearing a purple quilted nightgown is the cutest thing okay. not really relevant, just cute.
molly being the typical mom to harry was fussing over him before the hearing. trying to brush his hair and make him look good was an aesthetic.
“molly gets her own chapter title” was literally a note i made.
arthur just going “i work here” like a straight savage. he’s learning from his wife.
“he got off! he got off!” “SHUT UP!!!” i stan one angry legend. also something i wrote in my notes.
when ron made prefect she hugged and kissed him a bunch of times and probably embarrassed the crap out of him. which she also would’ve done to bill and charlie and percy too with their achievements.
if you wanna see my in depth note about the boggart scene click here
i can’t believe the boys made ginny fall down the stairs. and molly was not happy about it in the slightest, so she was just in a very bad mood escorting harry to the platform. even more so because sirius decided to tag along.
molly definitely never approves of sirius trying to leave the house. stay in the house sirius. and stop trying to contact harry you’re gonna get in trouble.
if molly ever found out what percy wrote to ron, she’d be even more upset than she already is.
molly didn’t want the kids to talk about harry producing the patronus, because she know that he gets enough attention as it is and she doesn’t want him drawing even more of it. the boy deserves a break.
if molly knew her baby girl was dating somebody she would lose her shit.
molly doesn’t want her kids to participate in the dumbledores army thing. but in my headcanon, especially in molly’s hogwarts au, she would support it. because molly herself, after her brothers died spent a lot of time researching the dark arts and how to defend herself and her family. and she would want her kids to know how to save themselves as well. and she knows that umbridge is fucking useless. and in said hogwarts verse i think she’d even offer to harry if he needed any assistance she would be there for him. because as we all know molly is one of the most badass bitches in the wizarding world.
molly was on duty for the order, which i assume means she was doing the same job as arthur. guarding the prophecy which kind of gives me anxiety because what if it had been her that got attacked. i can’t even imagine that nope no thank you.
molly would’ve been absolutely furious with malfoy if she heard the song he made up about ron. and in her hogwarts verse, she would’ve had to stop the twins and harry from beating up malfoy even if she would’ve liked to see it because he deserves it. she also would’ve gone after ron to make sure he was okay, and probably cuddle him against his will.
molly would’ve known before receiving dumbledores message that arthur was in danger. the clock would’ve told her, because she wouldn’t have been asleep. without arthur by her side she finds it very difficult to sleep. and with what he was doing, guarding the prophecy she would’ve been even more worried and unable to sleep. so she would’ve seen that he was in danger and probably started panicking. and when the message confirmed what happened she would’ve definitely cried. she went straight to him, and seeing him in such a state would be very difficult for her indeed.
all she wanted was the comfort of her children. she needed it as much as they did. and being able to hold them and say it’d be okay was such a relief to her. she was also so grateful to sirius for allowing them all to stay, and honestly that moment was the start of her actually liking him. the fact that he was so willing to help out after how she’s been towards him just completely changed her tune about him.
harry is a son to both arthur and molly, so naturally she would want him to be in the room visiting as well. he’s family too.
the kids kept asking questions to arthur and molly was not having it. so finally she told them to get out.
molly would’ve been very worried about harry during the christmas break, and how he wasn’t joining them and distancing himself. she would understand and wouldn’t push him to do anything, but she would be very worried.
of course molly was extremely heartbroken when the gifts she sent to percy were sent back. she doesn’t understand why she has to be punished this way as well. she loves percy so much, and to be treated this way from her own child brings her more pain than she’s ever felt in her life.
arthur trying to use stitches made molly so angry. like just livid.
sorry but molly saying to harry “professor snape” just confirms that her and snape are bffs
molly would be very upset to learn that the death eater who killed her brothers escaped. she would feel overcome with rage and despair.
the fireworks that the twins set off? she’d love it. she fucking hates umbridge so she really couldn’t care less. like especially in her hogwarts verse she’d just be grinning at them and be so proud of them.
molly would also be so proud of minerva and how she reacts around umbridge. the woman has more restraint than molly would ever have.
book molly would probably be pissed that the twins quit school. my molly though, she’d be mildly upset at first but she’d also be kind of impressed.
in her hogwarts verse, molly p much follows minerva every where, especially when it comes to things like what umbridge was trying to do to hagrid. molly would’ve been there with minerva, and seeing them stun her? oh she’d be pissed and they’d probably all be on the ground in seconds flat because no one touches her best friend and gets away with it.
i want to imagine molly and arthur showing up with the order to help fight off the death eaters. and i would also like to imagine molly killing the death eater that killed her brothers because she deserves that revenge.
finally, molly would’ve joined in with the orders warnings to the dursleys, probably threatening that if they mistreated harry one more time she’d show up there and make them regret every decision they’ve ever made.
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What’s your opinion on each of the alpha+beta trolls, or your opinion on each of the alpha+beta kids?
EACH oh my god... oh my god bless you....
BETA TROLLSAradia - WIFE I LOVE HER I WOULD DIE FOR HERTavros - he used to be my favorite when i thought i was straight lmfao. now i think hes an asshole if im being honestSollux - love him. such an asshole but a lovable one. he has so many lines that make me laughKarkat - thats my BOY my CRAB SON Nepeta - she was my favorite from the start because cats. i fucking love cats my dude holy fuck. Kanaya - beautiful. i love her. useless lesbian but so fucking valid. she’s part of the sexiest scene in homestuck so...Terezi - OH ANOTHER WIFE?? ?? She’s my phone lockscreen rn. god i would fucking die for terezi in a heartbeatVriska - oh, me? a bitch. i used to actually fucking hate her a lot lmao but now. oh. you know. actually not gonna lie i still hate her but like also love her? idk lmao. she’s awful lmaoEquius - mmmmmsweat. ok but for real i do not much care for the fellow! i appreciate his love for horses but hes an asshole creepo! i dont hate him thoGamzee - i would sell him to satan for one cornchipEridan - hate him. would kill if i had the chance. ok but he’s written VERY well and his story is very interesting and i’ve written paragraphs about this before so yeah.Feferi - OH, ME?? yeah that’s um. that’s me.
ALPHA TROLLSDamara - i love her. she a straight up bitch but that’s why i love her tbh.Rufioh - fuck that guy. only likable characteristic is that he’s based on rufio from hook. Mituna - yuckie. HATE how the fandom treated him as a poor innocent babbu uwu he just need to be wuved uwu hes my babbuuuuuu lmao he nastyKankri - ive been sitting here for two minutes trying to think of the correct words to describe my hatred for this man but i just don’t know how. just... someone make him shut up, pleaseMeulin - love her! i think youll notice a trend in my opinions and its “i love every single girl in homestuck” anyways. yeah! i feel bad for her tho she should drop kurloz’s ass lmao. but i think the fact that they both sign is v coolPorrim - OH. HOHOHOOOOHOHOH. ... .. OH HER.. . .. OH. I LOV HER. ok but for real people need to like reread her fuckin dialogue when they try the whole “ummm actually the boys are oppressed on alternia” shit cause actually they fuckin aint!!! i could explain but that is not what this post is for uwu and porrim literally explains it already. porrim is perfect and i love her.Latula - a mood, honestly. i feel like i used to BE her like the whole IM A GAME GIRL YEAH THATS RIGHT IM A GIRL AND I GAME! WATCH OUT, BOYS!!! and on the inside i was suffering with crippling anxiety :) Aranea - again, a bitch but i love her. thats sort of the Serket thing. lovable bitch. like she literally fucked EVERYTHING up but shes a cute alien girl so.... :/Horrus or is it Horuss i literally never know - big sweat. im honestly not quite sure about him... he’s not as bad as equius but he still gives off yuck vibes, yaknow? i lowkey feel bad for him when hes all like ‘i just realized i was in love!’ and rufioh is like ‘uhhhhhhhhhh we should see other people’ and he didnt even FUCING hear cause his EARS WERE TOO SWEATYKurloz - i don’t trust like thatCronus - dieMeenah - love her! i love how her character was uhhhhhhh im trying to think of a word i cant think of it so ill just say developed instead. i love how her character was developed with the whole (vriska) thing like oh shes more than just Punk Fish Bitch like she’s actually like a whole person. neat.
BETA KIDSJohn - oh, John Home Stuck? yeah i know him. he’s pretty fun. pretty neat. pretty cool. a good boy.Rose - a lesbian icon i would die for her in a second. only thing i dont like abt her is she’s incredibly hard for me to write cause i have like NO fucking vocabulary and shes just droppin these fuckin crazy ass smarty pants words all over the place!!! shes fuckin so pretentious and i love her so much.Dave - a friend and boy. love that guy. one of the most developed characters mayhaps?? very good.Jade - I FUCKING LOVE JADE HARLEY. I WOULD FUCKING DO ANYTHING FOR JADE HARLEY. OH MY GOD. OH MY GOD. and listen it’s not just cause ima furry and she is too she’s just the best fucking girl okay? ? ? ok.
ALPHA KIDSJane - underappreciated! i love her very very much! she had to put up with so much shit from those nasty boys she’s so tough and i love her so much. she has done nothing wrong ever in her life.Roxy - BEST GORL!!!!! im so proud of her... she could literally do anything shes such a fuckin badass and id die for her. i hope she comes to my home and punches me in the face.Dirk - hm. he sure is In Homestuck isn’t he? haha :) Jake - a good boy. very mistreated he deserved better! he went through so much FUCKING SHIT! god !
the dirk thing was a joke i actually like him a lot and all his character development is fuckin wild like he grows so fuckin much throughout the comic it’s so great.
#god. if anyone has more specific questions DO NOT HESITATE TO ASK!!!!#i fucking love homestuck#homestuck#Anonymous
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I keep loving your posts!
I have zero problem with Liu Ran going forward with the marriage - it would be one thing if she forced or otherwise blackmailed him into it (and “I give you this cool book if you marry me” doesn’t really count as that) but she is not obligated to make his escape from marriage easier. If Hongyi doesn’t want to marry, it’s his job to convey it and not marry (and he was doing just fine with that; he voluntarily changed his mind only because he felt he owed it to his father out of filial piety and love). She’s not obligated to martyr herself and turn him down so he won’t have to do the work of saying “no I won’t marry” himself.
I don’t think she thought it through much beyond “I like him and he’s a decent person and we know each other since childhood” but also it’s a super smart marriage for her beyond that. Precisely because his being a man in terms of power is balanced out by the fact that her family is much more blue blooded and powerful. Yes, they are both aristocrats but not all aristocrats are made equal. Bailies are a fancy kind of artisan, Lius can make the empress nervous. Despite her uncle and her servant repeatedly saying how she can marry better, way better if she wants, this type of marriage is actually the best - not terms in status but protections during the marriage.
If she married into a family as powerful (or a prince as her loyal servant says), and said family or husband decided to neglect or mistreat her, not much her birth family can do. But the Baili family, less noble, less powerful and less influential HAS to treat her well and if they don’t , that can be remedied. I mean, with all his stand-offishness and blunt to the point of rudeness speaking, it is not in Hongyi’s nature, on a basic level, to mistreat and abuse his wife. He may ignore her but he won’t beat her or humiliate her or let other women lord over her or whatever. But the practical beauty of this marriage is that even if this wasn’t the case, she would still be protected by the familial difference in power and status and I love that!
I don’t think you watched it, but it reminds me of The Story of Minglan, where Rulan, one of the sisters, deliberately made a very smart choice to marry a scholar from a less important family than her own. Sure, she fell for him and he had good prospects but she explicitly told Minglan that his less powerful family was a big part of the draw because it will allow her to be protected in marriage. And in a story shot through with the theme of how men fail women over and over she ended up having a great marriage, one of the very few women in the story to do so (I think she, Qi Heng’s second wife and Minglan herself are the only examples tbh.)
Luoyang episode 3 watch notes w spoilers
I suppose I need to start referring to Scraggly Man of Unwashed Mystery by his actual name, since everyone has taken to shouting it repeatedly. Gao Bingzhu! Gao Bingzhu!
Ah, Gao Bingzhu! Even heroically saving a small child while fighting off the police mob! Is there anything this man can't do? (Beside personal grooming)
"Gao Bingxhu is not crazy. He's wanted all over the city. How could he be attending a wedding?"
"You don't know him. This person is a complete psycho."
lol she's not wrong, but the man is on a MISSION (the v urgent mission of finally bringing Baili gege into the plot)
It makes Baili Hongyi quite interesting that he is THIS stubbornly resistant to having his marriage decided for him. From what I understand, during that era it generally was expected that the child would go along if their parent arranged an advantageous marriage for them. It's one thing if there is a real objection to the girl or her family, but instead he's rebelling against the whole idea of an arranged marriage. Something very sympathetic for a modern american but feels unusual for the setting for him to be going THIS HARD about it.
So, the elephant in the room: is it an asshole move for Lui Ran to be going forward with the marriage when she knows he doesn't want it? Hmmm well, in the fictional historical context I'm frankly ok with it for 1 big reason:
We can't ignore that even with an empress, ancient china had a socioeconomic and political structure where women did not have equal rights as men. Baili Hongyi has immense legal & social privileges by just being a noble-born man. Just being a man, period.
Lui Ran on the other hand has no option to not get married. She will absolutely get married off to a man and then that man would be able to get away with starving and beating her. There will be an enormous power imbalance. It's fate she cannot escape.
This guy she's known from childhood is a dependable, ethical person who she can trust never to mistreat her. Of course she has a crush on him. I'm not going to judge that when the Baili family gave her this chance to have a genuinely good husband, she grasped at it with both hands. Honestly, the entire capital can whisper behind her back about forced marriage and she's still better off.

Anyway, sadly our second brother Baili has entered the chat and now his dad is dead and he's fleeing w criminals on horseback and it's all very nice to see him interacting w our other 2 leads but did it have to be this way?! :(
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all of the questions. fandoms: marvel, dc, star wars, videogames, YOUR OWN OCs heck do what you want. if it's overwhelming pick 1
Putting these under a cute because this will take a while.
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? Most of the fetishized M/M ships (especially Stony and Thorki)
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP? Science Bros (Tony + Bruce)
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Yes. More than once.
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? I mean I’m not a fan of Stucky, which is super popular
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? Ahahahahhahahahahahahhaha yes.
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated? Mm. T’challa/Sam wasn’t something I would’ve considered
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now? I don’t know about this because I’m a salty person who sticks by my stuff regardless.
Have you received anon hate? What about? Nah. Not popular enough.
Most disliked character(s)? Why? Any n*zi version of a character. No thanks.
Most disliked arc? Why? Ghost Rider. Yawn.
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? Uh not sure?
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? Again, not sure. I haven’t been in touch with Marvel fandom much.
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? I mean. I can’t answer this one.
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? The fandom can go fuck itself with all its fetishization.
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? Agents of SHIELD has had swings of quality up and down but it’s better than the movies right now.
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? Lincoln would never have arrived on the show.
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… Instead of Lincoln, I would have polyamorous Daisy/Gemma/Fitz.
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? Of course not.
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? As I said before, the fetishization of mlm and the erasure of characters of color.
What is the purest ship in the fandom? Steve/Peggy.
What are your thoughts on crack ships? They’re not for me but I don’t mind them.
Popular character you hate? I don’t think there are any? Unless Lincoln is popular. Fuck Lincoln.
Unpopular character you love? TRIP DESERVED BETTER
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? I would recommend it to people who I know absorb media critically.
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? Less deaths of women and characters of color in general.
Most shippable character? I don’t know, I have very few ships for Marvel just in general.
Least shippable character? Bruce. I want him to fly solo.
DC (note: this will be heavily Batman: The Animated Series)
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? Batman/Superman. I mean, okay, it’s funny, but I don’t really get it. I do enjoy it, but it’s not like active shipping.
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP? I don’t know what is popular in DC.
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Ye.
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? I mean I hate any pedophilic relationships. Or incest. Some of those might be popular, knowing the nasties on the inter webs.
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? Not that I can recall, but I don’t ship much in DC.
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated? Actually yes. Several things, mostly because I am more at peace with things and can enjoy more stuff freely.
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now? Not really?
Have you received anon hate? What about? Nah. Not popular enough.
Most disliked character(s)? Why? The Joker is a bit flat, despite being a classic.
Most disliked arc? Why? I can’t remember, BTAS was so good.
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? Pry every single character from BTAS out of my cold, dead hands.
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? Pry every single arc from BTAS out of my cold, dead hands.
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? Can’t exactly answer this.
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? I mean. I’m not involved in DC fandom.
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? I can’t remember but I prefer the Poison Ivy origin story I saw on some other show than BTAS and I can never find it.
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? More Harley/Ivy dammit!
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… Selina and Bruce spending more time together pls.
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? No.
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? I’m gonna keep my childhood away from you nasties.
What is the purest ship in the fandom? I mean Harley/Ivy isn’t exactly pure but it’s super sweet.
What are your thoughts on crack ships? Go for it if it’s your thing. It’s not mine.
Popular character you hate? ?? I don’t know what’s popular.
Unpopular character you love? Pry every single character from BTAS out of my cold, dead hands.
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? BTAS is so good. So good.
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? I want more BTAS. I wouldn’t change it.
Most shippable character? ????? I guess Selina.
Least shippable character? All the children.
STAR WARS (gonna stick with movies era)
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? R*ylo, Ob*k*n, K*lo/anyone tbh.
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP? Rey and Poe are best buds but nah son.
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? MANY TIMES.
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? Fucking. Ob*k*n and R*ylo. WHY GOD WHY.
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? Ha. Ha. Ha. Ha. Yes.
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated? Actually, SkySolo.
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now? Not that I can think of really.
Have you received anon hate? What about? Nah. Not popular enough.
Most disliked character(s)? Why? Palpatine is a great character but keep him away from my children.
Most disliked arc? Why? Phantom Menace. Shoddy writing.
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? Pry Anakin from my cold, dead hands.
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? Pry attack of the clones from my cold, dead hands.
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? I can’t answer this.
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? The fandom is really hostile to wlw and people of color and it’s gotta stop.
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? Clone Wars > Rebels.
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? Rebels needs more Ahsoka, Clone Wars needs more Riyosoka.
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… Instead of Anakin turning to the dark side, he raises his children with his loving wife and kills Palpatine personally.
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? Not at all.
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? The relentless mistreatment of female characters.
What is the purest ship in the fandom? FinnRey. It’s so good.
What are your thoughts on crack ships? If it’s for you, whatever. It’s not for me.
Popular character you hate? Not that I know of? I have a lot of vitriolic star wars hate though, so let me know.
Unpopular character you love? RIYO CHUCHI IS MY WIFE AND ALSO AHSOKA’S WIFE.
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? Yes always and forever Star Wars owns my ass.
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? Rey needs a girlfriend on one arm and Finn on the other as she goes to train with her father.
Most shippable character? Frankly I ship Padmé, Leia, and Rey around a lot. Wonder why.
Least shippable character? Palpatine and Snoke. I’d tell them to go fuck themselves but they don’t deserve the pleasure.
VIDEO GAMES (gonna do dragon age and mass effect for simplicity’s sake)
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? Cullen/Dorian
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP? Shakarian tbh…
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Yeah.
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? I have. Many.
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? Yes a million times or more.
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated? Mm. Morriana came from some fanworks primarily. And several others than I am less enjoying now but I still like.
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now? Ahhhh some things that aren’t because there’s anything wrong with it but because of My Personal Feelings.
Have you received anon hate? What about? Nah never.
Most disliked character(s)? Why? Cora irritates me at times even though I love her, and Liara coming onto me in ME2 was a little weird. Cullen is annoying for a lot of reasons.
Most disliked arc? Why? Without the context of the book, Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts felt out of place.
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I mean I don’t know who’s strictly unpopular because I hide in my corner and hoard my loves. Josephine isn’t super popular. She’s my first love.
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I liked the Deep Roads and the Fade. I know, I said it.
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? I can’t answer this.
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? Both fandoms have a lot of big problems that they pretend aren’t there, particularly with both whitewashing and ignoring wlw in favor of mediocre men.
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? I like Ryder more than I like Shepard.
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? Actually interacting with Ellen Ryder instead of Dead Mom™.
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… Instead of wlw getting no romance content, I would’ve made everyone gay to spite str8s.
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? No.
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? Acting as if people are a hive mind who are all gonna love all characters.
What is the purest ship in the fandom? I’m biased but Ryder/Suvi. Suvi is my scientist wife.
What are your thoughts on crack ships? If that’s your thing, go for it. Not for me.
Popular character you hate? I have bitterness towards Liara because of her scenes. She’s a fine character but she feels like she’s coming onto me even when my Shep was with someone else.
Unpopular character you love? ?????? I mean I don’t know.
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? Yes, but I’d be careful about it. Because I know I conflict with people because of my. Particular Stances.
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? DA2 needed more in general. Just more.
Most shippable character? The PC of any of the games.
Least shippable character? Cole. He’s a child.
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? They’re my OCs so…I guess one I’ve been doing lately that makes me a bit uncomfortable.
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP? The same as above.
Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? Nah because they’re MY OCs.
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? Any incest, pedophilia, abuse, all would be NOTPs. Some would be popular if I had a fandom and I know this.
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? RIP Lorren/Patch.
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated? Nah.
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now? Probably, not that I can think of.
Have you received anon hate? What about? Nah.
Most disliked character(s)? Why? I mean I love all my OCs.
Most disliked arc? Why? They’re…my stories.
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I love all my characters and lots of them don’t even have a presence with anyone but me.
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? I mean. Lots of my plots are probably uninteresting to certain people.
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? I can’t answer this.
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? I want one.
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? I will never have one.
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? I should revamp a lot of my OCs, give them a makeover.
Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen… Instead of Lorren being abused, she should’ve stayed with her mate.
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? No, but I will judge you for not shipping the actual pairings I have.
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? That I don’t have one?
What is the purest ship in the fandom? Sara/Suvi.
What are your thoughts on crack ships? I don’t crackship.
Popular character you hate? Oh yes. Old Rugemorne. I don’t care about you you old bastard.
Unpopular character you love? PRY VISHA FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS.
Would you recommend XXX to a friend? Why or why not? I recommend my OCs because they’re my OCs.
How would you end XXX/Would you change the ending of XXX? I need more OCs.
Most shippable character? Teri is pretty shippable. So is Avery.
Least shippable character? Dor’senn is aroace so.
0 notes
Ok so I'm kinda doing this for you rn I'm sorry if you don't like it. If you want to delete this that I will-
Vanoss- Wildcat and Vanoss take care of Smitty together. It was originally just Vanoss but after a bad divorce he needed a place to stay with Smitty so Wildcat let both of them stay. They're roommates now and they both take good care of Smit. I like to think that Smit thinks of Wildcat like a second dad.
Ohm- He's taken over custody of John after an accident in the family that left John without parents. (Like John's mom or dad was Ohms brother or sister) Ohm took in John when he was only three and loves him like John's his own son. He kind of spoils John because he wants John to have a good and happy life. He's absolutely terrified of telling John that he's not biologically his father, but he doesn't know that John already knows. John just loves having Ohm as a father and he can't remember much of his biological parents. Ohm, Vanoss, and Wildcat like to hang out while John and Smitty have playdates.
Bordie + iNut- Idk about them tbh, they could be roommates or a couple but I like to think they're roommates. Like they both lost/broke up with their old partners and now help each other out with raising Toby and Jay. I think Toby would be Bordie's kid and Jay would be Matt's, but now that they all live together they all consider each other family. Jay and Toby 100% think that they're brothers. If Bordie and Matt were a couple I would still think that the children came from other relationships but now they've moved in and started dating.
Fitz- Fitz found Mason abandoned or left at a park. He took Mason home and let him stay there while Can tried looking for the parents. He continuously went to the police and asked if someone lost their baby and called it in- but the answer was always no. One day he just got a package in the mail and it included all of Mason's necessities from his last family plus some adoption papers. This made Fitz super upset because the real parents of Mason literally just abandoned their kid to a man that could've been dangerous. He still has no clue who left Mason there and why but he thinks Mason is the best thing in his life. He and Swagger actually hang out a lot and like (love) each other's company. They both love Mason a lot and Mason considers Swagger his Papa.
Marcel- Marcel and Simone raise Nogla together. They ended up not being able to have a baby for some reason, (just go with it dksyfsiwhwje) so they adopted Nogla. They love Nogla's little accent because you can here it more prominently now that he's speaking. He didn't talk a lot until he was six. Marcel and Simone take amazing care of Nogla and love him to bits. (I haven't been up to date with a lot of YouTuber's relationships, and really I never tried knowing about them in the first place so can someone plz tell me if something happened to Marcel and Simone so I can change this and make it not awkward?)
Brian- Brian is in the same situation as Ohm. He took in Anthony after a close friend of his that he considered a sister passed away during childbirth. He was there in the room while she gave birth and before she died she said that she wanted Brian to take care of the child. Brian talked with the family afterwards and they all agreed that it would be alright for Brian to take care of the child as long as he let them see Anthony. Brian named Panda Anthony because he knew that his friend loved that name. Anthony likes to tease his dad about the crush Brian has on one of the daycare people (Moo lmaoo)
Cartoonz- He got full custody after a bad divorce with his past wife who was constantly mistreating Squirrel. She died midway through the custody battle while drunk driving. Cartoonz was severely shaken up by this so he moved in with Delirious since he already knew how to take care of children and because Squirrel already knew who Jon was. They live together and take care of Squirrel as best as they can. Squirrel doesn't know about his mom dying so he just thinks she on a vacation.
Daycare AU
Since, @fanta-king put the idea of an AU where everything is happy in my mind. I bring you this BBS/Misfits daycare au. Imagine more a summer daycare thing so the kids can be a bit older.
So I was thinking the staff at the Daycare would be
Moo- he runs the place and basically treats the staff/parents like his own children
Swagger- he is great at story time, really enjoys working with the kids and playing with them.
Scotty- basically runs snack time, he always has treats on him but is easily coerced out of them with big eyes and a ‘pretty please’
Mini- works the front desk, religiously hands out stickers to the kids and is the second biggest source of ‘ask your parents later’ following Swagger
The kids are
Smii7y age 5- Vanoss is his parent, but Wildcat picks him up sometimes. He is the biggest sticker thief, will put said stickers everywhere sometimes confusing people as to how he got them there, he has one on the office ceiling and no one knows how it got there.
Kryoz, age 6- Ohm is his parent, he assists in the sticker heists but his main interest is in blowing bubbles. He’s one of those kids that just say things and nobody knows how to respond.
Toby age 6- Bordie and iNut are co-parents. Toby is that kid who when it’s time to play dress up always goes for the boa, he kind of does his own thing but will join in on things when it suits him.
McCreamy age 6- Bordie and iNut, like five months younger then Toby but Toby always just refers to him as his ‘little bother’. Is the kid who starts a nice art project but will get bored and just dump glitter on it to be done. The main child who puppy eyes Scotty out of his candy.
Zuckles age 5- Fitz is raising him, eats sand. He can never stay awake for story time and will just pass out on Swagger and once called him dad when he woke up. Is 70% of the reason Jay dumps glitter on things, pestering him until he gives up on his art project and dumps glitter on it.
Nogla age 7- Marcel is his parent, also eats sand but also glitter. He can play Mary Has a Little Lamb on the xylophone and this drives Mini mad as it’s the only song he’ll play and he’ll do it for hours.
Panda age 7- Brian is his dad, everyone thinks of him as the angel child because he’s pretty good at listening unless he’s frustrated he is generally pretty good. He’s the one that’ll be screaming in one moment but then happy almost immediately after.
Squirrel age 4- Cartoonz is his parent, Delirious picks him up a lot. Kind of follows people around and then does whatever he wants, pretty much just wants to be near someone and doesn’t actually want to interact with them.
I’d write something about the parents but I’m so very tired and it was hard enough figuring who was who’s parent.
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