#( crack tag tba. )
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richtozicr · 9 months ago
you're going to look at me, and you're gonna tell me this isn't richie & stan???? are you sure???
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zettabytezealot · 2 years ago
🎶 | open
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"I'm lookin' at a thousand versions of myself. And we're all fine as fuck."
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zettabytezealot · 2 years ago
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"You guys are getting paid?"
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"If you all vote for Peter you can all have a pay rise."
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fushichoumomo · 2 days ago
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“  Spying  on  sōtaichō  is  very  uncouth  ,  don't  you  think  ,  @madaramee?  ”
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avacynthia · 29 days ago
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"...I'm always watching, Barry. Always."
Stepping out from an innocuous patch of tall grass, Cynthia winks knowingly at the blond...before Spiritomb materializes from its ancient stone and teleports them both away with a ghastly screech. Off to the next destination!
(Sinnoh's protector keeps tabs on everyone. Somehow.)
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truly-quirkless · 1 year ago
[@frogsonalotusleaf | From here!]
Yagi nearly flinched at that mention- an awkward half-smile crossing his face. Yeah,- he'd never been one for paperwork, not when it came to Hero business. Even at his agency, there were others under him who filed most of his reports.- But he had slowly been forced to take on more and more files and sortings, until it had become an every-day task, these past few months...
Being a teacher really was something else.
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His smile fell, however, at the utterance of him 'trying harder'. That was what he'd done for so many years- but now, when all he could do was follow a doctor's instructions and hope it kept him alive...his old friend wanted him to do more. He exhaled softly. I'm not that strong, anymore.-- It was something he was slowly coming to grips with.
"...I can't." It sounded like an excuse- but it didn't ring any less true. What he had- what was left- was a delicate balance. He was trying to gain back some form of strength...what little remained...but he couldn't gain back some things. I can't be All Might anymore. The strain was too much. Even just looking like the old Hero for more than a second was enough to cause bloody coughing fits...
I can't be the Hero you want me to be, Nighteye.
"A soup doesn't need to have solids, but...if you're sure." He wouldn't push the issue. As much as Yagi wanted to help...he knew that (at least, personally) he would resist the aid of others if it was offered...and he had no doubt Nighteye would resist his.-- He sighed under his breath. The blond didn't have much he could do, and it seemed both of them were dancing the old subject. Maybe...it would just heal, on its own. Over time...those years apart might fade, but he worried.
Even his attempt at bringing it up had failed. It seemed Nighteye was rather intent on his personal life. Been there, he thought. When he'd been hospitalized- and for a long time after- he'd done everything he could to avoid anything down-putting. But the two would have to circle back to the original topic eventually.
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"Well...they definitely joke a lot- though I don't think you'd care for their...style..." Toshinori rested his hand on his chin, thumb pressed slightly against his cheek, his fingers splayed out slightly along the other. "...they're scrappy, and can handle themself in a fight. The first night we met, they actually attacked some would-be robbers with a cookie tin..." He chuckled slightly at the memory.
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"...they always seem to know how to make their coworkers smile, and I've seen them chatting with some of the ki--- students.-- Young Midoriya actually took a bit of a shining to them." He grinned. It was nice that his successor and his soulmate could get along. "Though they're really anxious when it comes to the general public..."
He wondered if it was okay to be saying that when Fin was on the same floor- but he doubted they wouldn't give him and Nighteye some privacy.
"I actually asked them to come with,...if you want to meet them." More to keep him company, though thinking about it...he probably shouldn't have invited them while he was speaking to Mirai. But, what was done was done.
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iruludavare · 7 months ago
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Holds up their phone. “Look.”
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     Some things were simply not meant to be perceived by humankind.
     They held in their hands an extraordinary feat of technology, of precious metals and crystal from the earth, and with their fingers alone brought into being a creation so foul. This uncanny collection of flesh. A distortion of what was already perfect just as it was so immense that it compels the heroine to lift a hand to block that cursed window which reflects what should never have been.
     Arceus, themselves, would weep in a manner so guttural and raw that the veil between this world and their dimension would shatter, should it be gazed upon too long. Despair. Mourning over what monsters could be made by the hands of a child of humanity.
          "...I sincerely hope Guzma grounds you for this."
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kaehdeh · 5 months ago
ren's favourite weapon :) ⸻ @windsfavored
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at  first  kazuha  frozen  up  a  little  bit  with  the  mention  of  his  full  name  said  by  his  fiancé.   (  that  was  mostly  a  indication  of  that  he  severely  fucked  up  ). looking  with  a  loving  expression  at  ren  listening  to  his  little  vent  he  can't  help  but  having  his  thoughts  being  carried  away  by  how  happy  and  luck  he  is  to  have  met  such  a  beautiful  being.  —   he  loves  ren  —   with  his  whole  body  and  soul. 
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being  pulled  out  of  his  cloud  nine  fantasy  kazuha  feels  the  soft  and  delicate  hands  on  his  cheeks.  again  words  of  what  sounds  like  desperation  been  spoken  to  him.  his  cheeks  are  squeezed  but  he  can't  help  but  laugh   ❝   don't  waste  your  talent  on  me  my  love…   ❞  he  is  saying  but  it  comes  out  more  comical  then  it  normally  would
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visionkept · 10 months ago
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Someone looks extremely HAPPY today. Maybe it has something to do about the new train passenger that the general has so patiently been waiting for MORE THAN A YEAR. ❝ Took you long enough ♡ ❞ The master diviner better get used to their obnoxious presence once again.
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sirenum · 1 month ago
The medic is looking down at her phone watching something. She stays quiet for a few moments before speaking
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" I hold a mild concern for the Brisk Team...are they okay...."
Alice shakes her head for a moment before tilting her head to the side
" they're using iced tea as gravy...I don't understand why would they destroy a poutine that way...who....hurt them?"
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hopedefined · 7 months ago
researching slang for obvious reasons and
who's gonna be the one to get confused when anna asks "can you carry me t'--" and actually go to pick her ass up
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2c75ff · 6 months ago
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A pass, huh? Sometimes, maybe -- and really, that alone is testament to Seventeen's sense of mercy. After all, Picc does make an awfully cute face when he's thinking hard...
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zettabytezealot · 2 years ago
-leans into the microphone- lyla but she's reenacting this entire scene wyd
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heiilari · 6 months ago
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I like eating nerds candy because I'm silently hungry for aquarium gravel and this just takes the edge off
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fushichoumomo · 2 days ago
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“  I  don't  remember  there  being  a  confession  hour  in  the  Seireitei  …  ”
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avacynthia · 11 months ago
He actually has no idea how he got here. He walks in with a confused look, unprompted.
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*piano theme immediately begins to play*
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