#and swooning all the more
wulfhalls · 7 months
corrupted godhood. reluctant false messiah. prophecy as a creeping all consuming malady. does the oracle see the future or make the future? the horror of trapping yourself inescapably on purpose. the chains of destiny dragging you towards the path you are fighting tooth and nail to free yourself from. there never having been a chance to begin with. no other choice to make. but making that choice regardless.
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justbackgroundnoise · 1 month
When discussing the increased physicality of women’s hockey these days in the new issue of lez spread the word, Marie-Philip Poulin discussed how she feels when it’s her fiancé that gets hit, saying,
“When one of my teammates gets caught, I get fired up. But when it’s Laura, my heart drops. I want to react and it’s hard not to, but I can’t.”
And I think we’ve all wondered how athletes actually feel when they play with/against their partner and now we know 🥹
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reagomyeggo · 1 month
im so curious to see what laudna’s next form of dread is gonna be
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lloydfrontera · 6 months
lloyd 'survived on one meal per day for years' frontera would absolutely see sharing food as a love language and javier 'lived in the streets for months as a child' asrahan would be fluent in it
i do believe there is a point in their lives where they both heal from the trauma of going through severe food insecurity but neither of them ever quite really forget just how important food can be. and when the other shares their food with them, they appreciate it as the show of affection it was meant to be
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tswwwit · 5 months
How would dipper propose to bill? -without any devious intentions, just pure love 😍
He'd absolutely overthink it to hell and back.
We're talking making notes and charts and a list of Everything That Must Go Right for the Perfect Setup. He's made a list of seventy-three options and eliminated half of them. He's fussed over the ring and has three different options stored in his sock drawer, one in the bottle of shower gel Bill doesn't use, and one up in the rafters. There's an excel file with probabilities for weather and temperature and the mood Bill might be in at that exact moment.
Of course, all these things completely fall apart in the most chaotic manner possible, with a high chance of 'near-death experience' to boot.
Dipper ends up blurting out 'Marry me' after the battle, seizing Bill's hand while his own are all sticky with the blood of their enemies and the survivors groan in anguish in the obliterated wreckage. And it's the most romantic proposal Bill could ever ask for.
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Luke and Ryan both used "to the core" describing the closeness of their relationships (Polin and Buddie)
Nicola and Oliver both said they had natural chemistry with their co-star (Nicola saying they stopped repressing it, Oliver saying they just let it flow)
Now 911 is posting bees for next season!What in the friends-to-lovers is going on!!
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alwayshinny · 5 months
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Hinny ♥️ - The Chronicles of Harry J. Potter's mind
She's Ron's little sister 😡
She's Ron's sister.😠
She's Ron's... 🫤
She's... 😵‍💫
She's so beautiful. 😍
Shit, she's looking my way. WAIT. DID SHE JUST WINK AT ME? 😳
Stop staring. Look somewhere else. Fuck, I think Dean noticed... Awkward... 😬
Okay, try to act cool. Stand against the wall, cross you arms, and look nonchalant, like you don't care. 😎
*stubbles with hand placement and footing* 🫨
Ginny: "Hi Harry"
tries to cover his dopey smile but ends up swooning instead. 🥴
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pizzaqueen · 1 year
464 words of pre-slash pining fluff for day one of @steddie-week / rated G or T
It’s not as tight a fit in the listening booth as Eddie hoped it would be, but it does get him closer to Steve than he’s been all day. (Well, except for when he draped himself all over Steve at their table in the food court, or when they were pressed close in the photo booth, Eddie goading Steve into making goofy faces, or when their knees were resting together at the movies earlier.)
But they’re in their own bubble here. The rest of the world completely shut out. Just the two of them, one set of headphones, and a song shared between them.
Eddie has the album at home, and he wouldn’t be surprised if Steve knows that, but he didn’t resist when Eddie dragged him in here with one hand curled around Steve’s wrist, the other clutching the album they’re listening to now.
The song is so familiar and it fades to the background as Eddie watches Steve sidelong; the drums keep time with the beat of his heart, the howling guitar could be the singing in his blood. He catches Steve looking at him, once, twice, three times, his pulse skipping whenever their gazes lock.
This is almost everything Eddie wants. Listening to music with Steve, forgetting about the world beyond the song and the space between them. It would be perfect if he was sure that Steve’s heart is beating as hard as his, that his skin tingles at the nearness of Eddie, the way Eddie’s skin is tingling, now, being so close to Steve. The way his stomach swoops, and his chest feels full to bursting, how he’s every single fucking hopelessly in love cliche whenever they’re together, and even more when they’re not.
But he doesn’t know. He has no fucking clue. Sometimes, maybe, he thinks—hopes—but how can he be sure? He’s out of his depths here. It drives him crazy but, fuck, in moments like this he wouldn’t have it any other way.
Steve shifts, their hips bumping together, the brush of his arm against Eddie’s sending electricity through him. It draws Steve closer and he doesn’t move away, so they listen to the rest of the song pressed close, like the booth is half the size.
“So”—Eddie pulls his side of the headphones away from his ear when the song ends—“what did you think?” He bites his lip, kicks Steve’s foot.
“I think I liked it.” Steve’s gaze flicks outside the booth, then fixes back on Eddie. His eyes twinkle, warm and dark, and he turns so he’s facing Eddie fully. He licks his lips and leans in, saying, “But maybe we could listen to it again?”
“Yeah,” Eddie says, a smile forming, “maybe we could,” and he starts the song over.
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owlsie-hoot · 7 months
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"Siegfried sometimes does that cat thing where they slow blink to say they love ❤︎you." for @hollandparkhomeforinsomniacs
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kg-clark-inthedark · 6 months
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I've been bewitched body and soul by @uncontrol-freak's corvosider au in which Corvo is a grizzled sea captain, so I made a short fan comic for ch 2. If you want to know where the seas will take them, check out their fic, Abyssal!
Higher quality version linked here because tumblr always chews up my comics
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tequiilasunriise · 2 years
In terms of Wenclair nicknames, I believe in ‘Enid using Willa’ supremacy and φεγγάρι μου (‘my moon’ in Greek) is especially beloved to me, but I also love little shit Enid who calls Wednesday any day of the week EXCEPT Wednesday (“Hey, Monday!” “What do you think about this Sabbath?” “Oh thank god you’re here Friday”) and it annoys her favorite murder goth to NO END but slowly said murder goth becomes endeared by her roomate’s antics as feelings start to tumble and bloom away. Besides ‘my moon’, I can also see her calling Wednesday ‘silly raven’ in Greek.
Meanwhile, Wednesday has this wholeass evolution from shit like “mutt” to way softer nicknames because Gomezifcation™️ is a powerful thing. She starts to pine and internally call Enid her Alectrona (a greek goddness of the Sun, known for sunrise or ‘waking from slumber’, a perfect combo of how Enid brings light to Wednesday as well as her inner wolf finally waking up), but slowly she starts using it out loud along with “mi sol” (‘my sun’, Spanish), “mon petit chiot” (‘my little pup’, French), and “la mia vita” (‘my life’, Italian). Enid melts everytime without fail and stutters in Greek and honestly? Who could blame her when Wednesday has that passionately lovestruck shine in her eyes as adoration drips from devout lips.
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juls-art · 9 months
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Doodlin' my sib's Big Body Tieflings in the dead of the night >:] --   Kofi | Patreon    
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sotc · 1 month
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So many Kdrama men giving girls umbrellas. I'm so down for it. Keep giving people you love symbols of shelter and protection. I will fall in love with it every time.
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cometrose · 9 months
i have so many passionate feelings about zhongli’s wrists and arms and i feel if i don’t say anything ill shrivel up and die anyway
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Anyway here are my own personal thoughts cause its not good to keep your feelings bottled up you risk dying
anyway i love the gold i love the black, i love the gold veins and i love the black geo hands encrusted with gold cracks, i love the transition from gold to black
i always imaged a transition from human zhongli to his dragon adepti form. Like he starts off with gold veins then his hands turn gold then the rest of his arms turn black. Since the now exuvia has dark scales and a golden mane, as he transformed the black would turn into scales all over his body like across his torso, before the rest of his draconian appendages pop out, his tails his horns, but his head and feet are the last to change and then poof you have dragon morax.
Zhongli's gold has always been one of my favorite parts about him specifically his arms, like i love sleeveless outfits so when he showed up kind of swooned. I always kind of imaged that Zhongli's current vessels are forged from geo itself so if you were to cut him open all his black and gold elemental exterior would kind of drip out.
anyway personal favorite is the huge geo hands that surround him in the liyue cutscenes. I love the imagery of his "own" hands encasing him and holding him up before the world.
zhongli's pretty conservative except his archon statue displayed all over the nation for some reason but dont get me started on his body. i never felt that the gold was only on his arms i fully believe that is all over his torso like listen to me listen to me look at the exuvia look at zhongli now look back at the evuvia i want you to go through the aforementioned transformation steps i just mentioned and then walk with me, his entire chest can be gold and black and shit that is what i believe and that is the truth because i am never wrong and zhongli whispered it into my ear after we spent a passionate night together anway
when it comes to his wrists i believe his just controls how much it glows and how much power he displays. I have said this before sometimes his hands are black sometimes theyre gold and we've seen zhongli's wrists before and sometimes theyre pale and sometimes they go all the way up his foream so i really think he just fucks with it. Like Morax Mode he is loaded up with geo elemantal energy he's black and gold all over but in a casual setting only traces of gold remain
i would kill to see the big ass geo hands like really like really im begging im really crying please
anyway i just wanted to talk about it and i felt letting myself fester with this deep and fervent lust and longing was only going to make me unwell LIKE CAN YOU IMAGINE THE BLACK TURNING TO SCALES WHEN HE GETS SERIOUS THINK ABOUT IT THATS SO COOL
but zhongli wants to be a little pampered princess consultant so one can only imagine what the rest of his body looks like all we see are his silly feeties and his hands and wrist i feel like a victorian man seeing a woman's ankle like kya kee scandal this is a man in the most prudish outfit ever like he got that shit on permanently which in reality only begs the question of why his archon statue is like that when zhongli himself is always fully fucking covered why were you half naked his nipples are out and everything?
tldr: i think zhongli's whole body glows black and gold like everything glows only his extremities like his head and feet are spared but hes a natural shapeshifter so he probably does whatever i just really live glowing appendages
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astrobei · 2 years
concept: lumax goes on a roller skating date. and at first, max thinks she’s going to be so good at it, because skateboarding is basically the same thing, and she knows how to move on wheels and every time lucas had tried to use her skateboard he fell and totally ate shit. she shows up feeling pretty good about herself— “don’t worry,” she keeps telling lucas, “if you fall i’ll catch you.” and lucas doesn’t say anything, and max just gets more and more smug until they finally step out onto the rink and my girl’s legs go flying out from under her, and she’s so confused as to what’s happening because she skateboards all the time, but she’s not used to having wheels actually on her feet, and she’s not used to them being able to go in two different directions. meanwhile lucas, basketball king of hawkins high and coordinated student athlete extraordinaire, is completely fine. and max keeps telling him to stop laughing— stop laughing, lucas, this isn’t funny!— even though it totally is. and he catches her the first couple of times she falls, and it’s no big deal, but then she falls hard and takes him down with her, and they land on top of each other and they’re laughing so hard that their chests hurt. and then lucas grins and says, “nice one, zoomer,” and max turns so, so red.
(@elekinetic thank u for the rollerskating lumax brainrot)
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