#and surprise! but I'm transgender
martianbugsbunny · 12 days
My TNG poll is over (Data won and I should not be surprised lmao; proud of dealer's choice Will Riker for pulling a solid third) so let's do another one!
Dax and Odo don't get to be in it because that feels like cheating. they're actually trans.
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kits-ghosts-corner · 6 months
TERFs will look people dead in the eyes and say "I'm a good person. I'm one of the good human adult females" and then commit holocaust denial like what the fuck is wrong with you people
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tosteur-gluteal · 12 days
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Again, gouache painting I made to relax
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brawlersinzone · 3 months
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spinfader · 7 months
Today we are breasting more boobily than ever before (ft. Bob Dylan)
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stardestroyer81 · 5 months
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Can I offer you a nice transfem sheep in this tryin' time? 💙🏳️‍⚧️✨
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seldompathic · 7 months
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Not Sonic related, I know :')) It won't happen often.
One thing that sucks about passing is that I often get roped into intolerant conversations at work. They don't know I'm trans. Now, they never will 🫠
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ennieasys · 4 months
just saw a iron ingot in Minecraft and thought it said the f slur
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uncanny-tranny · 2 years
The Trans Community is less an amalgamation of every trans person in existence and more of many trans communities with different needs, goals, aspirations, and experiences, so I'm always low-key suspicious every time I hear cis people act as though there is a Singular Hegemonic Trans Community.
When you notice and recognize that there are many trans communities with either similar or polar opposite goals, I think you can recognize commonalities between communities and are able to work with us instead of assuming, you know?
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talisidekick · 9 months
The incel to trans pipeline is real, huh?
I ............. really wouldn't know. I'm not celibate, I lost my virginity at um ... well ... lets just say before 18 and if I choose not to have sex, it's 1000% voluntary because my DM's are overflowing with horny to the point I generally don't know what to do (like wtf, I'm flattered but holy fffffffffuuu-). I don't even have an OnlyFans and I've been solicited for sex multiple times ... by women mostly (say you're gay and a trans girl and holy shit). I have a partner I'm married to (I love you), a girlfriend (I love you too), and a Dom (Mistress, if I wasn't supposed to say anything, I'm sooooo sorry, please forgive me). So uh ... yeah!
I find this ask hilarious because I know it's trying to be insulting but ...
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... this was me casually pre-HRT, and this fake improvisation of a man never once had a problem getting laid or getting shamelessly hit on, and this ...
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... dumb moron of a girl that is me now is somehow min-maxing her dating pool options despite being very cozy with what she's got right now. Like, I could maybe do a one-night stand once I have the confidence in myself but ... I've been threatened to be left drooling in the sheets of some very aggressive lesbians, and more than a few enbies have uh ... shared some vivid descriptions of how wrecked I'd be if we hooked up, and am scared.
I recognize this is kind of flexing, but like ... I'm transitioning for myself, and fully expected my sex appeal to tank and my options to go down, not sky rocket up where I'm genuinely terrified. I'm only 2 and 1/2 years in, without FFS or SRS/GRS. The FUCK am I going to be dealing with in 5 years?!? Or post "the cutening" of FFS?!?!?! ... or post SRS/GRS?!?!
So like, fuck you, but also ... fuck me, what is even happening right now?!
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acidloe · 2 years
As a pre-t trans fan of TAD I'm thinking how funny it would be if I recorded myself singing Ms Hyland's half of a duet, then when the t kicks in record Mr Batey's half and smush them together
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feralnumberfive · 1 year
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I noticed this when watching Barbie that there is a somewhat hidden transgender symbol on the back wall of the Mattel meeting room
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ghost--castle · 6 months
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happy trans day of visibility and also easter if you celebrate from your local trans catboy
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denieatsart · 1 year
Fellow transcontinental railroads
Did you ever feel like there was like . a secret code about transitioning that you needed to follow before you could like . come out or fully transition or whatever
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frankensteinshimbo · 2 years
Frankenstein Pt. 1 - Accidentally Transmale
For the next post in this series click here!
My book club had its first meeting on Sunday night, and I thought it would be a good idea to write down my observations about Frankenstein, Or The Modern Prometheus here. (lmao, I hate how formal that sounds, but my attention to detail will not let me merely post Frankenstein, so anyway)
I've never actually read Frankenstein because my high school teacher was determined that we should read Dracula for our Gothic lessons. I actually cannot emphasize more how much no other class read Dracula. It wasn't in the curriculum for Gothic lit. It just wasn't. The curriculum was set up for Frankenstein by having us start with Pygmalion and the concept of self ownership over yourself versus being shaped by someone else and how that tied into the theme of literary canon as a whole, ect. ect. There is no original work and everything written is a Frankenstein that questions its own authenticity.
We talked about Stoker's religious fear over sexual immorality, and now I am just full of useless literary vampire facts because we went into a rabbit hole of other types of vampirism. That's a whole other story.
As far as Frankenstein goes, I was fairly certain that as far as the themes and structure of the plot, I had nothing to really contemplate on. Because it is just so ingrained into the American psyche. Victor Frankenstein created a monster he did not want and that lived in intellectual abandonment and emotional negligence. There are tiers of understanding to what those themes mean (Frankenstein was the doctor, not the monster; Frankenstein may have been the doctor, but he was also the monster), but I really only expected to find out how Mary Shelley chose to construct the story rather than anything new about it.
But I ended up finding themes of myself in Frankenstein. I think that's by merit of Shelley putting a lot of her childhood into him, which he extrapolates on at length. Of course a male character who can create life and arduously undergoes the labor of doing so only to be horrified by the result will provoke transman questions by coincidence.
His immediate abandonment of something he has spent months looking over, only to cite how aesthetically horrific it is is fucking ridiculous. But. It's also understandable. He cites that as he worked, that he thought things would essentially "buff-out" with animation, but that upon that animation, consequence was what set in.
And I can't say. I cannot say that has not been my horror story in recent years in this country. To force myself to carry something inside of you that you can repress until it's in front of you. That said, Frankenstein still very much sealed his own tomb from the inside. I just find the theming put in front of me all the more potent because of some accidental snag of relatability. And maybe it's not so accidental. It might not be meant for transmen explicitly, but these questions have to be time old for anyone with a womb, and it's an interesting vehicle to launch into the beginning of the bigger horror.
I haven't gone through the whole of the story yet, so I'll be writing stuff piece by piece.
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julie-su · 1 year
... am I exactly where I need to be in life? <- he is aging and does not feel the horrors
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