#and sorry this is becoming angsty
kneelingshadowsalome · 9 months
Hello! This my first ask so sorry for any mistakes but imagine in the highschool sweetheart au where reader is an artist and she shows him her progress through the years with drawings of him from when they met to their current relationship
maybe how she regretted not doing anything to stop things or drawings of his interests when he was younger but didn't show them to him at the time because they weren't "good enough" in her mind
OR a musician that composes something for him about how she perceives him
Or somebody who does crochet and just shows him a mini konig with ✨ accessories ✨
I love your work and how you write your characters, they have a mind and personality of their own
König upon hearing her little love ballads/seeing the comics she made of the adventures of her and him/seeing the mini König she made:
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(He might actually have a quivering uneasy smile before he excuses himself to the bathroom where he allows himself one (1) single tear)
(Comes back and says: "It's very nice my Liebe. How sweet of you." She's like "😍 You really think so??")
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beanghostprincess · 8 months
Water 7 and Enies Lobby happen but that scene in which Usopp is plotting to go back to the crew doesn't happen. Sanji finds Usopp staring at the sunset and the beach and wondering what he's going to do next exactly. Elbaf, yes, but he needs to plan so many things before sailing on his own. And Sanji just-- They haven't confessed or anything. And Sanji doubts Usopp loves him back that way. But what they've been through has made him realize he's in love with him. Which, you know, fucking sucks because he's leaving and Sanji can't do anything about it.
And,,, I'm just thinking,,, About Usopp actually leaving. And Sanji going with him. Usopp claims that he doesn't need somebody to protect him. That he's going on his own for that reason. He needs to do this on his own. But Sanji insists and says that that's what a first mate is for. The he isn't doing this because Luffy told him. Or anyone, really. Actually, this is something really impulsive and he doesn't think it's the best idea but it's what he wants to do. The Strawhtats are his home, yes, but he has realized that Usopp is the flame that keeps him warm. He doesn't feel so out of place and uneasy when Usopp is around. He doesn't think he'll be able to handle it without him. "I'm not doing it for you" is what he ends up saying. And fuck, okay, Usopp just has to accept. Excited. Happy. In love.
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prowerprojects · 1 year
So, I've been thinking for this for quite a while. The Metal Virus. Or more so, Tails. Tails lost the cure for The Metal Virus, the thing everyone was counting on him for.
And now Sonic Frontiers, blaming himself for everything, being a burden to everyone.
Sonic Prime, Tails hiding his needs and wants from Sonic.
Would we say that Tails is going through some sort of anxiety or depression of his childhood trauma???
I think he's just going though childhood trauma period haha DX
But in a way, yeah. In the comics, it's hard to know what Tails thinks. He doesn't really get introspective moments unlike a lot of other characters. Maybe like a panel or two to show that he's still alive and has feelings, but nothing that would really get into him.
In Prime he also has like 3 minutes of screentime.
In the games... yeah. I've been saying that he's been in a downward spiral since Colors. And then it just kinda kept getting worse and worse. In Colors (this isn't really supported by the text of the game), it feels like Sonic and Tails are going on an adventure together like the old times, and Tails blows it. He opts to work on the translator instead of fighting, and then Sonic makes a quip about it, and while I don't think it really got to him at the moment, it might have felt worse looking back at it. Then he also gets mindcontrolled, which probably puts Sonic on edge so he pushes him out of the final battle, (when Tails is finally ready to fight).
And you can see Tails is still smarting from it in Lost World. (I did skip over Generations, but it doesn't really go into Tails. Plus, it's Sonic's birthday) His insecurity is turned up to eleven. He keeps talking himself up, trying to prove himself, and reacts very strongly when he thinks Sonic doesn't find him reliable, but in the end he kinda does manage to prove himself so it's all fine, right?
But then Forces comes in and it's like. You are unreliable. You did cause Sonic's death. You did run away instead of stepping up to protect the world afterwards. (He does step up later on but you can see in Frontiers that the initial events still deeply affect him).
It's not just Frontiers, it's all been building up. (But also kinda weird because Tails needs support, not go off on his own. Well maybe it'll help him clear his head. It is still good to take a break from Sonic specifically, because lately he's been basing too much of his self-worth on his opinion, so Sonic can't really help here no matter how hard he tries.)
So yeah I do definitely think Tails is going through some things if you look at it from the in-universe perspective. Though I don't think the writers meant to write it that way, it just kinda happened.
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bridgyrose · 11 months
Frosen Steel Day 5: Injured and Recovery
One second. That’s how long it took for Ruby to get in the way. One second was all it took for Penny to watch Ruby get torn apart and for grimm to start attacking the light dust barrier above Amity Arena. One second was all it took for her to watch everything she had wanted to be taken away from her. Her hand trembled as she clicked play on the recording as she watched Ruby get torn apart by her and then hearing the sounds of Atlas soldiers ordering her to stand down. 
“You have to stop watching that,” Weiss said calmly behind her. “It wont bring her back.” 
Penny turned off the recording and stood up, her joints clicking and squeaking as she moved. She let out a heavy sigh as she caught a picture of her, Ruby, and Weiss together on the desk. “I… I miss her.” 
“I know.” Weiss walked up behind Penny and hugged her, resting her chin on the android’s shoulder. “But she wouldnt want you hurting yourself like this.” 
“She tried to stop the fight. She should not have gotten in the way, but she did and then I… I…” Penny looked down at her hands, swearing that there was still blood on them from trying to help Ruby as a couple Atlas medics took her away. “She is gone because of me.” 
“It wasnt your fault. Someone planned for Beacon to fall and used you. If Ruby was here-” 
“But she is not!” Penny yelled as she punched the screen she had been watching, her body wincing from the electricity that ran through her from it. She pulled her hand back and moved her fingers, listening to the clicks her joints made. “All I want is to see her again. To hold her like I used to.” 
Weiss squeezed Penny a bit tighter, trying to comfort her girlfriend. “I get that, but she wouldnt want you to spend your days wishing for her to be back. She’d want you to live your life, to get out there and help others like you wanted to. Speaking of, the General wanted to see us. He said there was something he wanted us to see and that he needed us to help Mantle.” 
Penny nodded and looked over to Weiss, putting a hand on hers. “Alright.” 
Weiss pulled away from Penny, gently holding her hand. “I’m sure whatever it is will help us.” 
Penny absentmindedly followed Weiss through Pietro’s lab and into the halls of Atlas Academy. She could tell that everyone was staring at her, uneasy with her presence as she continued through the halls and to the command center, even though her name had been cleared over the previous months. Still, she was glad that Weiss had gotten permission to see her and to stay by her side while she tried to “heal” from Beacon. 
As the command center door opened, Weiss pressed a keycard to the scanner and smiled as the door opened. “After you,” she said with a small bow. 
Penny nodded and gently took Weiss’s hand as she walked into the command center, nervous when she saw General Ironwood staring at the two of them. Her fingers clicked nervously as she gently squeezed Weiss’s hand, making sure not to hurt her. “You… you wanted to see us, sir?” 
“I did,” General Ironwood said as he walked closer to Weiss and Penny, handing them both new scrolls. “As of today, you are both in training to be the defenders of Mantle. With the grimm getting more active and slipping in through the wall around Mantle, we’ll need the two of you to assist the soldiers already down there to help contain the grimm and keep the people of Mantle safe.” 
Penny took the scroll and slowly looked it over, pausing when she saw Ruby’s symbol etched in the back along with hers and Weiss’s. She turned it on and paused when she saw her new ID using her old picture before her father upgraded her body. 
“How long will we be in training for?” Weiss asked. “And what will that mean for us?” 
“What it means is that you’ll both be full fledged huntresses once your trial period is over,” the General answered as motioned for the two to follow him. “However, before you start your training, you’ll need to meet your newest teammate.” 
“Newest teammate?” Penny asked curiously as she followed Ironwood out of the command center. Her question was met with silence as the General continued to walk through the halls of Atlas, deeper into the military base. She started to grow worried as she followed Ironwood deeper and deeper, through doors that started to require more clearance and were normally off limits to anyone who wasnt a Specialist or part of the Ace-ops. 
Ironwood stopped at a door and pressed his ID to it, listening to the gears and clicks as the door slowly opened. “Meet your newest teammate.” 
Penny froze for a moment as she watched a familiar girl in a red cloak work on a mechanical arm with a red scythe next to her. She swore the core that was her heart started to pound as her eyes saw Ruby sitting there, alive. “R-Ruby?” 
Ruby looked up and gave a small smile as she reattached her mechanical arm and walked over to the door, standing at attention. “Ruby Rose reporting for duty.” 
“At ease, Huntress Rose.” Ironwood started to walk off. “Penny, Weiss, you may stay down here to get to know your new teammate.” 
Penny slowly took a step forward, then another as she pulled Ruby into a hug, her fingers and arms clicking around her joints as she shook. Her mind rushed with emotions and her “breathing” started to hitch as she spoke. “I… I thought you were dead.” 
“Why are you hugging me?” Ruby asked. 
“B-because you’re alive.” Penny slowly let Ruby go, confused for a moment. 
Weiss finally spoke, her own voice filled with worry as her words slowly left her lips. “What… what do you remember? You know who we are, right?” 
“Of course I know who you are,” Ruby answered with a smile. She pointed to Penny, then Wess as she spoke again. “You’re Penny Polendina, and you’re Weiss Schnee. I’ve read over everything that the General has given me about the two of you until more of my memories come back.” 
Weiss looked at Ruby curiously. “Until your memories come back?” 
“My memories have been suppressed until the General feels like I can handle knowing more.” 
“What do you remember?” 
“I remember training as a huntress and fighting some grimm with my sister, but everything else is still a bit of a blur.” Ruby moved her bangs to reveal a small chip attached to her forehead. “This was put here to help me. The General said I woke up screaming a couple months ago, at which point he made sure my memories were overridden until he was sure I could handle whatever happened to me.” 
Penny reached for the chip on Ruby’s forehead for a brief moment as her fingers shook. It would only take a brief shock to short circuit it and allow Ruby to remember everything, to remember who she was to her and Weiss. One second to allow the floodgates to open and have her girlfriend back. Though, she pulled her hand back once she felt Weiss’s on her, lowering her hand back down to her side. 
“Then hopefully you’ll recover enough to remember soon,” Weiss said with a sad smile, squeezing Penny’s hand. “Is it okay for us to stay for a while longer? Just to get to know you.” 
Ruby nodded and started to make her way back to her desk in the small room. “Of course. I need to finish maintenance on my arm though, so I might be fairly quiet. Need to concentrate.” 
“Then we’ll be quiet for you.” 
Penny watched Ruby take off the mechanical arm and lay it down on her desk. It seemed to have a fresh coat of paint in red and green with a little white accent down the sides and on the fingers to look like gloves. She couldnt take her eyes off as she watched Ruby work, still working on her arm the same way she would on Penny’s. They way she stuck her tongue out a little when unscrewing each panel, the care she took as she checked wired and replaced anything that wasnt working, the gentleness she had with testing each joint. Her Ruby was still there in everything she did, but that wasnt her Ruby. 
“Are you going to be okay?” 
Penny flinched as she felt Weiss take her hand and pull her back a bit. “I… I will be fine.” 
Weiss sighed and leaned into Penny, whispering to her. “We can go back-” 
“I want to be here, with Ruby.” Penny slowly made her way to the bed to sit down, pulling Weiss with her. She sat and watched Ruby work on her arm for hours, rubbing a sleeping Weiss’s back. 
“I’m… not the same that I used to be to you, am I?” Ruby asked. 
Penny nodded and looked down at Weiss. “No, you are not.” 
“What was I to you?” 
“My… friend.” Penny paused for a moment as she said the word, wanting to continue by calling Ruby her girlfriend, the one she wanted to live in this world with. But the words wouldnt come out. It didnt matter if this Ruby still looked, sounded, or acted like her Ruby, this wasnt her Ruby. “A very good friend.” 
Ruby seemed to mull over the answer as she re-attached her arm, wincing as everything was set right. She moved her fingers for a moment, making sure everything still worked. “A good friend. I hope I can still be like that for you.” 
Penny quietly sat with Weiss, her hands shaking for a moment as she rubbed Weiss’s back. Then, a call started to come through. She quickly answered to Ironwood coming up on her display. 
“There are some grimm attacking Mantle and the soldiers we have down there arent enough.” Ironwood sent a couple of coordinates to the grimm. “Consider this your first run as a team.” 
Penny nodded as the call ended, rousing Weiss from her slumber. “We have our first mission.” 
Weiss stretched and reached for her rapier as she sat up. “Where to?” 
“District 12 of Mantle.” 
“I’ll meet you there,” Ruby said as she picked up her scythe and rushed off with her semblance. 
Penny froze as she watched the rose petals flutter around the room. After a minute of watching, she finally got up and rushed after Ruby, running through the halls of Atlas, not listening to Weiss to slow down. She quickly scanned for Ruby, finding her trail and following after. She finally landed, stopping as she watched Ruby fight the grimm. It was like watching a completely different person fight. There was no joy in the way she moved, just precise movements with the scythe. No smiles, just a serious demeanor as she tore through grimm to get the mission done. 
Ruby suddenly stopped as her body seemed to freeze up, her flesh hand reaching to her head as she dropped to her knees. Her arm started to shake as her mechanical bits locked up, her heart rate spiked as she watched a grimm walk to her. 
Penny raced into action, getting between Ruby and the grimm as she sliced into it. The grimm disappeared into ash as the rest started to run off. Instead of chasing after, she slowly turned around and knelt down next to Ruby, placing a hand on her shoulder. “Are you okay?” 
Ruby nodded as she took a breath, her heart starting to slow as her mechanical arm started to move again. “I’m… I’m fine. I lost myself for a moment. I need to get back to Atlas.” 
“My father’s workshop is closer, we can have him look at you-” 
“I need to go back to Atlas.” Ruby looked up at Penny, silver eyes starting to shine before going dull. “General Ironwood needs to know what happened. I’m not ready for combat and need to be looked at again.” 
Penny sighed as she watched a drop ship arrive with Weiss onboard. She helped Ruby up and walked her to the drop ship, supporting her. “Weiss will get you to Atlas. I will see you after I track down the rest of the grimm.” 
Ruby flashed a small smile at Penny. “And you wont disappear on me again, will you?” 
Penny paused in her step as those words ran through her mind over and over, her mouth twitching into a small smile as she swore she heard her Ruby, though her smile dropped when she was met with dull silver eyes. “I… I will not disappear, I will be back once I am done.” 
“Then I cant wait to work with you more, Penny.” 
Penny stopped and helped Ruby into the drop ship as Weiss and a couple medics helped Ruby in, taking off once she was situated. She stayed in her spot for minutes after the drop ship left, her “heart” aching as she ran through her memories of Ruby. Once she was finished, she turned to chase after the grimm, ready to accept that her Ruby was gone and replaced by the one she had met. 
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legolasghosty · 1 year
idk how to actually ask prompts or if ur still doing these (feel free to delete this one if ur not) but i have this scenario in my head where Ray take his 4y/o Julie to the park with his wife and a 5y/o Reggie comes by his back "Dad! Dad, look what i found!...you're not my dad." and Reggie can't actually find his dad
Hello Anon! Yes still taking prompts, sorry this took so long! Irl things were taking too much energy so I've been really slow on the prompt fills. I hope this finds you well! And I hope this matches up with what you were thinking, it's a really good idea!!!
TW: Implied child abuse and neglect.
"Swing, swing!" Julie exclaims, pulling at her parents' hands as the playground comes into view.
Ray laughs. "Of course, mija, we can do swings," he tells his 4-year-old daughter.
"Might have to just be you on that one though," Rose tells him, glancing down at the baby strapped to her chest. "I think Carlos is starting to wake up."
Ray leans over to peck her on the cheek. "Of course, I got it."
"Swing!" Julie cries again, more insistent this time.
Ray chuckles and allows her to tug him towards the tall, metal swing set. Julie clambers up onto one of the seats and Ray ducks around the chains to get behind her.
"Ready, Julie?" he asks, placing one hand on her back.
"Yes!" Julie cheers.
"Ready, set, go!" Ray calls as he pushes her forward.
His daughter giggles as she flies through the air, first up and then back down towards Ray. He can't help but echo the sound as he pushes her higher and higher. Not too high, she's only 4 after all, but enough to give her that magical feeling of weightlessness that Ray misses from his own childhood.
He glances over at one point to see Rose going down the little slide with a gurgling Carlos in her arms. He wishes he had his camera on him so he could get a picture of it. Ah well, another time.
Julie protests when he misses a push so he turns back to his little girl. Her ponytail is bouncing all over as she tips her head back. Ray thanks God every day that Rose knows how to handle her curls. He wouldn't have the faintest clue where to even start with them.
"Dad! Dad, look what I found!" someone yells from behind him.
Ray thinks nothing of it until he feels a small hand tugging on his black and green overshirt. He looks down to see a little boy, probably a little older than Julie, with dark, straight hair that falls over his eyes. Through the fringes, Ray can see the boy's delight and excitement quickly turn to confusion.
"W-wait, you're not my dad," the boy stutters, stepping back quickly.
"It's okay, no worries," Ray assures the boy, giving him a wide smile. He scans the playground quickly. "Is that your dad over there?" he asks, pointing to a man sitting beside the sandbox who looked to be around his build.
The boy squints, then shakes his head. "No, that's not him," he responds. He stares around at all the grown-ups there, and Ray can see him getting tenser with every passing second.
Ray drops into a squat so he can be on eye level with the kid. "Well how about I help you find your dad?" he offers, smiling.
The boy seems unsure. "Mom wouldn't like that," he mutters, dropping his eyes to the ground.
Stranger Danger, Ray thinks. He's glad the kid is cautious at least. "I bet your mom will just be relieved that they found you," he reassures the boy. He holds out a hand. "I'm Ray."
"Reggie," the boy says. He hesitates, then reaches out to shake Ray's hand in his tiny one.
"Who're you?" Julie asks suddenly, jumping off her now slowed swing to run up beside Ray.
"This is Reggie," Ray tells her. "We're gonna help him find his dad."
"Okay!" Julie agrees, grinning through her crooked front teeth. She turns to Reggie. "Hi, I'm Julie, this is my dad!"
Reggie returns her grin slowly. "Hi Juwie."
"Ju-lee," she corrects, giggling.
Reggie goes red. "Sorry, sorry," he stutters, his smile gone and his eyes widening.
Ray frowns at that reaction. Who was teaching a kid this young to be this upset over a simple mistake? Lots of the kids in Julie's preschool class had done the same thing.
"It's okay," Julie says, suddenly alarmed. She darts forward and wraps her arms around Reggie's shoulders.
Reggie seems startled by the hug, but after a second he returns it. Ray's chest feels warm at how Julie has so easily made the boy relax.
When Julie lets him go, Ray clears his throat and glances around the playground again. "Reggie, what's your dad's name?" he asks, getting back to the task at hand. The boy's parents must be frantic at not being able to find him.
Reggie frowns, thinking. "Well most of the grown-ups call him Rob, but mom calls him a word I got in trouble for saying at kindergarten."
Ray doesn't let himself dwell on that second part. "Okay, Rob then. What's your last name?"
Julie smiles. "That's my teacher's name."
Ray chuckles. "Well Julie, Peter is your teacher's first name. It's Reggie's last name. Like how your last name is Molina," he explains.
He racks his brain. He can't think of a Rob Peters that lives in their neighborhood, and that's most of who comes to this park. "Do you know your dad's phone number?" he asks Reggie.
Reggie shakes his head. "He gets mad if I ask about his phone."
Ray isn't sure what to do with that information. He just knows he doesn't like it. But that will have to wait. "Okay, that's okay Reggie," he assures the boy. "Where was the last place you saw him?"
"By the slide," Reggie answers, pointing. "We came over here in the truck and he took me to play."
"Your dad brought you here, but he's not here now?" Ray clarifies.
Reggie nods silently, biting his bottom lip. "He likes hiding sometimes, but I'm really good at finding him."
Ray makes a mental note to mention this to Victoria later. His sister-in-law is a social worker. Hopefully Reggie is just blowing things out of proportion because he's young and doesn't have a solid grasp on the world yet, but he'd rather be safe than sorry. Would rather Reggie be safe.
"Okay, well what does your truck look like?" he asks. "Is it still here?"
"It's blue, Dad uses it for work," Reggie tells him, looking around for the vehicle. His brow furrows. "Where's the truck?"
Ray spots the first tear escaping from the boy's eye. Julie must see it too, because she takes a couple of steps forward and pulls Reggie into another hug.
"Don't worry, my Papi is super good at finding stuff," she tells him. Then she laughs. "Unless it's his keys. Mami always has to find them for him."
Reggie lets out a watery chuckle at that. "My mom never finds things for my dad," he says. "She just yells right back at him."
"Everything okay over here?" Rose inquires, walking up to them with Carlos balanced on her hip.
Reggie retreats behind Julie, but Ray offers his wife a worried smile. "Don't worry, Reggie, this is Julie's mom, Rose," he tells the boy. "Reggie can't find his dad," he explains, rising to his feet.
"Oh no," Rose murmurs, frowning.
"I think his dad might have left him here," Ray adds in a hushed tone so only she can hear. "His truck is gone and Reggie said that his dad likes hiding from him."
"He doesn't know a phone number or an address?" Rose questions, mirroring his volume.
Ray shakes his head. "His dad's name is Rob Peters, and he drives a blue truck, but that's all I know. If he doesn't show up soon, we might have to call the police."
Rose winces. "I hope it doesn't come to that," she says. Then she smiles down at Reggie and Julie. "Well, I have some snacks in my bag," she tells the kids. "Why don't we all sit down and have something to eat. Your dad will probably be back any minute, Reggie."
Both children brighten immediately at the word 'snacks' and Ray thanks heaven for the millionth time for granting him the privilege of being married to Rose Molina. His wife leads them all over to a bench, where she'd left her large purse. She produces crackers and string cheese after a minute of digging around. Ray and Rose had learned soon after having Julie that the number one rule of having little kids was to always have food on hand.
Reggie takes some string cheese and starts tearing it open happily. Julie grabs for the crackers. Carlos whines a little and Rose laughs.
"Don't worry, you can eat too, mijo," she tells him, unbuttoning her shirt enough that he can nurse.
Ray chuckles and settles on the ground with the kids, listening to their very serious discussion about the merits of different snack foods. He wonders if Reggie lives close enough that the two could play together again, under less stressful circumstances. They were getting along pretty well so far.
Just then, Ray hears someone yelling. He looks up to see a man storming towards the playground. The guy might be taller than Ray, and definitely a lot broader. Rose, Reggie, and Julie notice the commotion a moment later.
"Dad!" Reggie exclaims, jumping up. "Dad, I'm over here!"
The man, Rob Peters apparently, turns slowly. His angry expression doesn't soften when he sees his son. "What're you doing over there?!" he demands, crossing his arms. "What have I told you about talking to strangers."
Reggie hangs his head. "I'm sorry, they were being nice," he mumbles.
"I don't care," Rob Peters snaps. "Get in the car."
Ray finally unfreezes and jumps to his feet. "Ah, you must be Reggie's dad," he says, taking a step towards the man and trying for a friendly smile. "I'm Ray, we were helping Reg-"
"I don't care who you are," Rob Peters barks. He takes a few steps forward and grabs Reggie by the arm. "We're going home, kid."
And then they're gone before Ray can get another word out. Reggie manages a little wave over his shoulder. Ray slowly turns back to his family to find them all staring after Reggie as well. Rose glances back at him and their eyes lock.
Ray knows they're in agreement. They're going to mention this to Victoria soon.
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amyster2003 · 2 years
"who am I?"
"who are you ?"
"... I don't recognize the man in the mirror anymore"
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crossdressingdeath · 11 months
Combining my thoughts on how significantly more could be done with Bhaal straight up not letting Durge die if he doesn't want them to with my thoughts on Durge fucking with Ketheric: Ketheric had to kidnap and imprison a godspawn to gain immortality and swear himself to Myrkul's service to get his daughter back and then here comes this fucker swanning into his tower like "God won't let me die!" This fucking Bhaalspawn who didn't even need to work for resurrective immortality because they're daddy's perfect little angel is now in his house and he has to deal with it because they are unfortunately allies. And then they start killing him for funsies!
(Although if you want to make it angsty there could also be an element of Durge starting to regularly attempt to kill Ketheric because he just gave away his ability to die and even if they won't admit it there's a part of them that's furious that he had that option and gave it up when they never got it to begin with.)
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morningmask27 · 1 year
Antfur X Juniperclaw shipkids :]
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Dawnshade and Cicadakit
Both kits were born after Juniperclaw’s death, Ant was truly devastated, but had support from Strikestone, Tawnypelt (who was at first in denial about being a great-grandmother already) and even Tigerstar to take care of the kids, even if they were somewhat disliked by other cats in the clan. 
Juniper and Ant had talked about the names they wanted to give to the kits and Juniper had mentioned the fact that he wanted one of the kits to be named after Dawnpelt. so when Antfur saw this little black kit with cream spots scattered all about they knew how to name them immediately. Their littermate was named after Antfur’s love of bugs, so little Cicadakit and Dawnkit were named. 
Sadly Cicadakit died pretty young. A freak accident according to some, a curse of StarClan according to others berryheart. Dawnkit’s markings were also being scrutinized. The cream spots were scattered oddly and somewhat resembled stars on their fur. Dawnshade genuinely has no connection to StarClan, even if some cats think they do. They simply want to live a normal, uneventful life, but TBC had other plans for them. 
Antfur died a brutal and painful death and then Strikestone too died; Tigerstar was too busy protecting his son, who had caused this whole mess to happen and Dawnshade was left alone; they became isolated in a clan that was being torn apart by the chaos of the impostor. They were partially also one of the cats that blamed shadowsight, for this mess and for having failed to save antfur. 
They volunteered to go to the dark forest to defeat ashfur once and for all. They wanted to be there to help and get revenge on ashfur as they were also the reason this all happened. They saw both their dads in the dark forest alongside their uncle and they were hurt, they were hurt by everything and forgot the blame on shadowsight after having seen how StarClan cats were. 
They were the one to kill ashfur in one vicious blow, not drowning him in the dark water, but finally cutting their throat open for a second time. Ashfur briefly didn’t see the cream spots on their fur when Dawnshade attacked. Then when the spirits that were controlled by ashfur were freed they got to ascend to StarClan, but Juniperclaw didn’t. These spirits were even bordering on defending their decision of letting ashfur join their ranks before he caused all this chaos. 
Now back in the living world they are one of the few cats that actively don’t believe in StarClan. not in a “they don’t exist” way but in a “they make bad decisions” way, just like Mothwing. Honestly they truly wonder if they should leave the clans and return to live with the guardian cats instead of staying in a place so poisoned by their set ideas of righteousness and ThE CoOoooOoDe. 
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vampire-fanboy · 9 months
theres two sides to me one where im so sad we didnt get branch as the one who got captured and had to be saved in the third, then theres another part of me thats happy he wasnt the one who got captured JNJGNDSJ
i feel it would've been so much more emotional if branch got captured? but at the same time idk how they couldve done it/made it work with how the current movie goes along w other stuff
idk theres a lot to it but im so YAAAY and NOOO that he isnt the one who got captured n it stayed a concept jNJGDJFS
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weirdcat1213 · 1 year
oh im shifting into gay pirate mode
its gonna be a wild ride and I WILL POST SPOILERS OF SEASON 2
for the people who follow me and dont want to get spoiled/dont care about ofmd: block "ofmd", "ofmd s2" and "our flag means death" (ill try to tag most spoilers but idk if ill do the same with art)
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doux-amer · 2 years
Imagine spending half a century with Barça. Imagine 25 years when you’re only 35. You only had ten years of your life where you weren’t playing for Barça and those ten years? You weren’t playing, sure, but you were a culé since birth. You were made a member of the club the day you were born. Your family is part of the club’s history; your grandfather is a former vice president. Blaugrana blood runs through your veins. And now you have to step away, and he’s stepped away before, but this is different. 
Lost it over Geri saying that if you love something so much, you learn that as you get old, the best thing to do is to let it go because of that love you have. 
Lost it over Geri saying, “I was born here and I will die here” and of course, OF COURSE, ending it with “Visca Barça.”
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ghosteel · 2 years
opal wants a tinkaton so bad, btw. a fairy with a hammer made from its enemies, ready to commit Unspeakable Violence at the drop of a hat ???? that's the pinkest thing she's ever seen !!!!!!
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selsieeeo · 2 years
Going back to this post where I just rambled on about wanting Silver to get possessed during the Endless Halloween Nights for the father and son angst.
I’m just thinking up a another scenario where towards the end of the Ultimate Halloween Party, before Silver had talked to Lilia, Silver wanders off or something and ends up getting possessed by a more vengeful ghost that doesn’t want any part of the Halloween party and wants to use Silver’s body to go to the living world.
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georgieluz · 1 year
sat down to work on the winnix i swore i was gonna finish this month and somehow opened up the lipluz project that's been driving me off the fucking rails the last two weeks and wrote 2k for that instead
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braceletofteeth · 2 years
After Inwoo escapes prison (because of course he does), Dongsik helps the authorities track him down, making it his number one priority and losing sleep over the investigation.
No one tells him that, but he knows, he knows Inwoo is his responsibility, and if anyone can find the infamous predator, it's got to be him.
More than anything, Dongsik needs Inwoo back in his cell, with his location known at all times. Only that can put his mind at rest.
For this, he's willing to go as far as offering himself as bait. At first, watched by the police, but, when it's clear it won't bring the desired result, he ditches security, going around by himself. Any place where he can be alone, with no one to witness a hunter's ambush to an apparently easy prey.
And then he waits.
And waits.
Lies down wide awake at night, waiting, and startles awake at random hours, still waiting, but Inwoo never once comes for him.
Sometimes Dongsik looks around, wondering if he's being observed from somewhere. Looks around, then looks around again. Wonders if he'd feel something different if Inwoo was close. If his senses would give him a hint. If he'd be able to feel Inwoo's presence under his skin, prickling through his veins and bones.
Instead, he only feels a void, a little larger each day, eating him by bits from the inside out, and wonders, too, if he'd know, if he'd be able to tell, had Inwoo ceased to exist.
(When the first of his new victims is identified as Inwoo's work, Dongsik excuses himself, leaving the operation's room and putting as much distance as he can between him and the detectives. He avoids Bokyung's eyes on the way out, walking past the worried hand extended to hold his arm as if a pitying touch now could set his whole body on fire.
The dam breaks as soon as he locks himself inside his car, safe from everyone's inquiring looks. He bends over the wheel and lets the tears fall, struggling to catch a breath. Painfully self-aware, he sees, clear as crystal, the ocean he feels himself drowning in. It's made of liquid shame, and at the bottom of it, there it is—another abstruse feeling, concealed in the dark.
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Angsty Sentence Starters #3
"Please, speak to me."
"I never wanted this."
"What else is there to do?"
"I am just so tired."
"You can't leave me alone."
"I don't know what that means!"
"Sorry, but I don't think I can do this any longer."
"Do you want me to fear you?"
"Why are you doing this to me?"
"I'm so sorry for anything I've done to you."
"This is nothing I ever wanted to happen."
"Can you please listen to me?"
"I am no longer accepting this."
"The uncertainty is killing me."
"Don't just walk away from me."
"It was never about winning."
"Tell me what I can do to make you stay."
"You are scaring me."
"Don't be afraid. It will be over soon."
"I can't save you if you don't want to be saved."
More: Angsty Masterpost
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