#and something comforting is my favorite song by him and HE PLAYED IT LIVE GUYS YOU DONT UNDERSTAND
squipedmew · 9 days
holy shit this is so surreal
10+ years of being a Porter Robinson fan and I finally got to see him live
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darl-ings · 8 days
midnight radio | jeon wonwoo
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pairing: wonwoo x reader
genre: fluff, college au
warnings: none
word count: 2390
summary: in which you are a new host for your school’s midnight radio broadcast and wonwoo makes a call to the show
a/n: this has been in my drafts since 2021…
“Good evening, everyone. Welcome to KU’s Midnight Radio. The song you just heard was Sabrina Carpenter’s Bed Chem. I’m Y/N, your host for this semester. As you may know, Midnight Radio is usually hosted by Soonyoung Kwon, or DJ Hoshi, our favorite eccentric dance major, but he’s studying abroad in Japan right now, so I’m here to host the show for him until he comes back in January. 
“You know, I’m actually not that nervous right now, even though I’m alone. I don’t know if any of you know me, but I hosted the show with DJ Hoshi and DJ Hong for a bit during last fall semester. I had a great time since I got to chat with my fellow peers during the late hours of the night. By the way, I hope you’re all having a good night so far. The first week has been really hectic for me, so I’m sure it was for a lot of you too. Make sure to get some rest. After the show, of course.”
You winked at the camera filming you, watching as the comments of the show’s Twitch stream began flooding in. You leaned forward, squinting your eyes to read them.
“Welcome, welcome. I see a few song requests, so I’ll make sure to play some of those later. Does anyone want to have a chat? The number is in the pinned comment if you guys want to talk. I get it if you don’t want to though. I’m having a pretty good time by myself.”
It took only a few moments for the phone to light up next to the laptop. A grin appeared on your face as you reached out to answer it, pressing the speaker button before leaning back to get comfortable in your chair. 
“Name and social security number please,” you joked, crossing your arms over your chest as you smiled over to the camera.
“Wonwoo, 738203830,” the voice answered back, causing you to gasp.
“Did anyone get that? Surely someone wrote that down,” you asked, grinning happily as you leaned forward to read through the flood of comments. “Some people caught that number, Wonwoo. Anything to say for yourself?”
“I’m sorry to Kim Mingyu for outing his social security number,” the person stated, his seriousness making you laugh. The person on the phone chuckled too. “It’s not his actual number, by the way.”
“I’d hope not. If we’re thinking of the same Kim Mingyu, I’m positive he wouldn’t let you live another second if you gave that information away,” you laughed again, thinking about your good friend, Mingyu. 
“You’re right. Do you know him? Tall, good cook, thinks he’s good looking?”
“I do, but I’m not going to fuel his already big ego by talking about him during the show.”
“Good idea.”
“So, Wonwoo. Tell us about yourself. Anything interesting going on?” you asked, anticipating the stranger’s answer. Wonwoo hummed to himself in thought.
“My name is Wonwoo. I live off-campus with a few of my friends, Mingyu included. My major is--”
“Sorry to cut you off, Wonwoo, but if I have another awkward conversation about majors my head might explode. I said tell me something interesting! What are you doing right now?”
“Oh thank God, I wasn’t ready to have someone ask what classes I take and why I choose KU as my school. I hate when they ask that, by the way. Why do they care so much?” he questioned, making you chuckle.
“They don’t care. They’re just trying to fill the awkward silence with an awkward question.”
“Right. Well, what am I doing right now? Hm, I’m in my room watching your stream and talking to you. Mingyu’s cooking ramen for our other roommate Vernon, so I might steal some of it when he’s done making it.”
“It’s the right thing to do. But also, why are they cooking so late? It’s 11:30pm right now.”
“Vernon skipped dinner to go to the Asian-American club meeting. He’s one of the club leaders so he had a lot to do tonight.”
“That’s the best club on campus, by the way,” you pointed out to the camera. “Anyway, did you want to talk about anything, Wonwoo?”
“Hmm, let me think of something interesting. Should I ask an academic or existential question?” he asked, your eyebrows furrowing as you thought. 
“While I do love existential questions, I think since it's the end of the first week of school, we should talk about academic things. Don’t make it boring though. Maybe some advice?”
“Advice is a bit boring though…”
“I could just ask the next caller…”
“How do you get close to your peers?” Wonwoo quickly asked, making the smile on your face soften. “I mean, maybe we could give a few tips on making friends?” he suggested. You nodded along, clapping your hands gently.
“I like that, yeah. I know a lot of people, including myself, who had or are currently having a hard time getting close to others. Are you the same, Wonwoo?”
“I am.”
“Really? You don’t seem like it. We’ve had a good conversation so far, I think.”
“Yeah, but it’s easier to talk when you’re not face-to-face with the person, you know?”
“That’s true. Maybe that’s why I feel so comfortable talking to a stranger right now.”
“Maybe… Look, I know we said we weren’t going to talk about Mingyu, but he’s a good example for our question. He’s a talkative person, right?”
“Very talkative.”
Wonwoo laughed. “I met him halfway through my sophomore year. He was a freshman but he was more popular than anyone I knew. He came up to me in the cafeteria when I was eating alone and just struck up a conversation with me. I’m surprised he didn’t stop talking to me after that since I was very quiet and gave him short answers. He’s my best friend now, so I’ve witnessed a lot of encounters when he just goes up to someone randomly and talks to them. We went to the grocery store earlier today and he just started a conversation with a worker in the bread aisle…” Wonwoo paused for a few moments, a soft sigh escaping his lips. “I guess I’ve always wanted to have his voice. Not like–not his actual voice, but his ability to talk to anyone and keep them interested.”
You hummed at Wonwoo’s words, eyes on the comments as you spoke. “It seems a few listeners have friends like this too. But, yeah, I get it. My friend Yuqi is very extroverted as well. I wish I could make friends as easily as her, but also, I can tell it’s exhausting for them to talk so much. I don’t know about Mingyu, but Yuqi comes back to our apartment after a party and immediately crashes. She pushes herself to talk to all these people, but it just tires herself out. I’m sure if I tried to be that extroverted, I would probably die.”
“Same. I remember after my freshman orientation week, I slept for twenty-seven hours straight. I was going to sleep for more, but my roommate at the time called the on-campus police saying he thought I was dead.”
“Twenty-seven hours? Jeez, you practically were dead! But seriously, talking to people is so exhausting. Especially during freshman orientation! The amount of people I talked to during then was more than I’ve talked to in my entire life.”
“Of all those people I met, I only talk to one of them today. All of it was pretty pointless, but I’ve heard some people meet their best friends during that first week.”
“Yeah, I met a few of mine during then too. But, anyway, back to the question. How do you get close to people? Well, my advice is to remember that whatever you’re insecure about, whether it's your personality, your body, whatever, it does not matter. When you’re meeting someone, don’t focus on the negative things, like if you’re making a fool of yourself or if you look bad. No one cares that much, and if they do, they aren’t a good friend.”
“This is why it took me so long to make friends. I always felt that no one was listening to me when I spoke, so I convinced myself that I had nothing important to say. But my friends now teach me that my voice matters. Vernon especially. He doesn’t talk much, to begin with, but when he does everyone focuses on him, because we care about what he has to say. And when I talk, everyone looks at me and I feel like they’re listening.”
“That’s important, by the way! Make eye contact when you’re speaking with people. I feel so shitty when people aren’t looking at me while I’m talking. I always trail off and just stop talking. Make eye contact, and don’t multitask when someone is talking to you. It’s rude.”
“Don’t get me started on that. I hate when people are doing other things during a conversation, especially if we’re talking about something deep or important. And I really hate when people don’t listen to me after I just listened to them.”
“Please, everyone, listen when people talk. My self-esteem gets so low when people don’t listen to what I have to say. So please, listen to people and be active in the conversation.”
“Being active in the conversation is really important.”
“Exactly. So, in conclusion, listen, be active, and make eye contact. If you make people feel good while you’re talking, they’ll want to talk to you more,” you stated while pointing at the camera with a stern look on your face. You heard Wonwoo chuckle, causing your hand to falter. “Why are you laughing?”
“You’re just cute,” he answered simply, causing a blush to spread across your cheeks. You looked away from the camera, suddenly feeling very shy. “Wow, really? All it took was calling you cute to stop you from talking?”
“It caught me off guard,” you whined slightly, hiding your face with your hands. Wonwoo laughed at your reaction, causing a wide smile to fall on your lips. You removed your hands from your face, smiling at the phone. “Did Mingyu finish making the ramen?” you asked, resting your arms on the table. 
“Yeah, a while ago.”
“What? Why didn’t you go eat it?”
“Because I was talking to you. But I should go now. I think they’re watching Single’s Inferno without me.”
“Alright, Wonwoo,” you pouted slightly, sighing as you traced your finger on the table’s wood. 
“Don’t sound so disappointed, Y/N,” Wonwoo chuckled softly. It was embarrassing how easily a stranger could make your cheeks redden. The conversation with Wonwoo was the best one you’ve had in a while, and you were sad to end the call.
“I’m not,” you denied, sitting up to scoot closer to your laptop. You read through a few comments before speaking up. “The people don’t want you to leave.”
“Yeah,” you answered, reading a few more comments. “Someone said you should co-host the show with me,” you giggled.
“That sounds fun. Maybe I’ll look into it for you.”
“Don’t be cheesy,” you muttered with a smile, switching your laptop tabs from the Twitch stream to your Spotify. “Before you go, any song requests?” you asked, trying not to sound sad as you spoke. Wonwoo hummed in thought.
“I’ve been listening to SUHO’s album recently, Self-Portrait?”
“I love that album,” you smiled.
“It’s really good. Could I request a song from it?”
“Of course.”
“Okay… maybe, Let’s Love,” Wonwoo suggested, your heart doing a million flips as you typed the song into the search bar. 
“I’ll make sure to play it next. Thank you for this lovely conversation, Wonwoo. Eat well tonight and get some rest,” you stated. “Tell Mingyu to make me ramen sometime, too.”
“Will do. Thanks for talking with me, Y/N. Goodnight, sleep well after the show.”
The line ended shortly after, a sad smile resting on your face. You sighed, looking back to the camera with a wider smile. 
“Now, I will be playing Wonwoo’s song request. It’s one of my favorites off the mini-album, Self-Love. This is Let’s Love, by EXO’s SUHO.”
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You held two more shows on Saturday and Sunday night, silently wishing Wonwoo would call again. You had good conversations with other students, but none were as riveting as the one you had with Wonwoo. It was probably easy to search him up, and you contemplated doing so during your free period between classes on Monday as you sat in the campus cafe with Yuqi across from you. Your finger hovered over the Instagram search button, where you had typed in Wonwoo’s name, but to avoid being a creep, you exited out of the app and placed your phone on the table.
“Dude, found your mystery man,” Yuqi spoke up, causing you to nearly spit out your drink. You looked up at her, raising your eyebrows in confusion.
“Wonwoo, that guy you talked to during the show on Friday. He’s in Mingyu’s recent post. They went to some water park,” Yuqi stated, still scrolling through her phone. “They all have really good bodies…” she trailed off, staring dreamily at her screen.
“Are you not going to show me?” you questioned, leaning forward to look at her phone. She giggled at your eagerness, turning her phone to face you.
In the photo, Mingyu was standing next to three other guys, including Minghao, who was a partner of yours in your Photography class. You tapped on the picture, revealing the tags of the others standing with them. There was a person tagged vernon_98, who you immediately identified as the Vernon that Wonwoo talked about during your call. Which meant, the other person tagged as everyone_woo was Wonwoo.
You blinked at the picture, taking in the visuals of your mystery caller. You noted his black hair and his glasses which made him look surprisingly good. You blushed slightly at how the wet suit he wore was tight against his muscles, revealing his large biceps and pecs. He held up a peace sign, your eyes trailing to his hand. He was so incredibly handsome, and you just had a conversation with him like it was nothing. 
“Oh my God,” you muttered. “He’s hot?!”
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Don't You Worry Your Pretty Little Mind
I'll Write Your Name Chapter 8
Roy Kent x Latina!Popstar!Reader
6.8k words
Warnings: Language, mentions of drinking, slut-shaming and mentions of an age gap, me not knowing how making an album works and not letting it ruin my fun, judgey internet trolls being judgey, lots and lots of pining
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“Can I come see you in the studio?”
I looked up from the Scrabble board to find Roy staring at me, that hard stare of his that often accompanied a long silence. Sydney was curled up in his lap, enjoying a nice ear massage while we played a quiet game. Somewhere in the background, a movie neither of us was paying any attention to was playing, filling the room with something more than our lack of conversation.
Something had felt different when we returned from the lake. Somewhere between our heated make out session and his weird indifference to being the subject of my song, something had shifted. It was probably just me, I conceded. It was me overthinking and worrying that Roy was going to figure out how I felt. If anything, I was probably starting to weird him out with my awkwardness.
“In the studio?” I repeated, cocking my head at him. “Is Keeley bugging you for pictures of something other than a Scrabble board?”
Roy smirked. “No,” he scoffed. “I was just thinking, you’ve seen me at work. A lot, actually. How about you let me see you at work, sunshine?”
My gaze fell back to the board, to the word wrinkle that Roy had just put down. The album was coming along well, I admitted to myself. In fact, the majority of the songs were brand new as opposed to reworked lyrics from my old albums. Not that Roy Kent needed to know, but he was apparently quite the muse. In the back of my mind, I knew he’d hear all of the songs eventually, but the little nervous part of me wasn’t quite ready for it- especially for him to hear them live in the studio.
And yet, those brown eyes had me murmuring, “Sure, Kent.”
He grinned- one of those real, joyful grins- and turned his attention back to the Scrabble board. “Maybe tomorrow?”
My mind raced, trying to remember what song we’d be recording; I couldn’t remember for the life of me. “Uh, yeah.” I fiddled with the ends of my hair, trying to offer Roy a casual smile. “Sounds fun.”
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Roy leaned into the leather couch along the back wall. Did she always look this nervous when she was about to record- or was it because of him? No, he scolded himself, rolling his eyes at his wandering thoughts, the same ones that kept wandering to that afternoon at the lake, when she’d sat on his lap for the benefit of some paparazzi and kissed him hard enough to almost make him believe it.
Fuck off, he told himself as he crossed his arms. She was being forced to create an album that was supposedly about a man she wasn’t actually in love with; of course she looked uncomfortable. He’d be foolish to think it was anything else.
“You ready?” Her producer- a loud, lanky guy named Alex- spoke into the microphone that echoed into the recording booth.
She nodded, brushing her hair out of her face. Roy liked seeing her look so casual in a sweatshirt and minimal makeup; she was always stunning, whether dolled up, or in her Greyhounds gear, or in pyjamas. But this look- so comfortable and domestic- was his favorite by far. As if she could feel his soft gaze, her eyes flickered to him. He offered her a tiny smile, trying to tell her how excited he was to see her at work. She offered a shy grin in return and straightened up before returning her focus to her producer.
“Let’s do it,” came her confident voice.
The producer shot her a thumbs up and hit a few buttons, filling the studio with a dreamy tune that immediately warmed every inch of Roy's body. She swayed a little, eyes closed, feeling the music, before she opened her mouth and her eyes- eyes that went straight to Roy.
I feel so high school every time I look at you
I wanna find you in a crowd just to hide from you
Roy couldn’t help but crack a small grin. She’d mentioned at some point how people often said she sounded like a girl that never left high school behind- and now here she was, proudly proclaiming that yeah, she felt like that girl, at least sometimes. He was learning that not only was she fully aware of the things people said about her, not only did she not let it affect her, but she could lean into and make fun of herself. There was something charming and, frankly, kind of sexy about it.
And in a blink of a crinkling eye
I'm sinking, our fingers entwined
Cheeks pink in the twinkling lights
Tell me 'bout the first time you saw me
I'll drink what you think, and I'm high
From smoking your jokes all damn night
The brink of a wrinkle in time
Bittersweet sixteen suddenly
The warmth in Roy’s chest became more of a burning when he heard the words wrinkle in time. The book he’d read on their holiday, one of his favorite books, the one he’d admitted to having read countless times. She’d mentioned it in her song. Roy quickly shook off the excitement that tingled in his fingertips as he listened to her sing about American Pie and feeling like high school; she was adding in details about him, he reasoned. She had to make it seem like these songs were about him, after all. Of course she’d sprinkle in real details so people wouldn’t be able to guess that the songs were about other men, real romances she’d had.
It was all part of the act.
Still, he couldn’t help but grin when she sang about him- or whoever the true subject of the song was- knowing how to ball while she knows Aristotle. It was cute, silly, the words of an infatuated young woman. Lucky man, some tiny voice in the back of Roy’s head thought as he tried not to feel a smidge of jealousy towards whoever had apparently pulled her into the backseat of a car.
“She’s great, ain’t she?”
Roy tore his eyes away from the singer to find her producer grinning at him. He nodded to the empty seat by the controls. Glancing back at the singer, Roy stood and took the new spot, closer to the glass that separated her from them.
Alex continued, “You must be something, Roy Kent. She’s a workaholic, that’s a known fact, but wow. She’s been nonstop these days. I’m getting phone calls and texts and voice memos at two in the morning with nearly completed songs.” He raised his eyebrows at Roy. “M’girlfriend’s starting to get worried,” he joked. Glancing back at the still-singing star, he went on, “But seriously. I’ve worked with her for years, and I’ve never seen her so inspired.” He nudged Roy. “Must be love,” he hummed.
The song finished, her voice soft and wistful and her eyes on Roy. She smiled at him, something that looked like a real smile on her face, with flushed cheeks and bright eyes. Roy couldn’t help but smile back, ignoring every tight feeling in his chest, those tight feelings that kept growing and growing no matter how much he fought them.
“Yeah,” he managed to huff. “Must be.”
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 Normally, I wouldn’t be caught dead scrolling through the hate and gossip that usually accompanied my name online. But for whatever reason, after a rehearsal for my tour, I couldn’t help the way my eyes stayed glued to my phone, to all the jokes and headlines declaring that Roy Kent was too old for me, that he was a senior citizen and I was a child.
“Must be a slow news cycle,” April chirped as she watched me stretch in front of the dance studio mirrors.
I sat my phone down so I could make myself focus on my cooldown. “It’s stupid,” I grumbled, sitting with my feet out in front of me. “It’s not like I’m sixteen and he’s thirty. I’m a full-grown woman. He’s got what, a decade on me?” I scowled at my reflection. “I write about my exes, they tell me to grow up. I date a nice, stable guy with a good job, and they tell me I’m a baby.” My deep sigh filled the empty dance studio. “It’s like I can’t do anything right.”
April’s face softened as she sat on the floor beside me. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before,” she reminded me. “They always have something to say about you, babe.”  After a pause, her eyes sparkled. “So, you think Kent’s a nice guy, huh?”
I pretended my heart didn’t skip a beat as I rolled my eyes. “He’s a good friend,” I huffed. “And I hate to think that his own reputation is getting sullied by associating with me. Especially since-” The words caught in my throat before tumbling out. “-since none of this is real.”
“What about your reputation?” April asked quietly, watching me with those gentle eyes that I always hated being on the receiving end of, gentle eyes that were far too familiar.
“My reputation…” I sighed. “Let’s be real, it’s always going to have problems.” I laughed hollowly and picked my phone back up, resuming my scrolling. “But if I’m being really honest, April, if I was in a relationship- an actual relationship- as healthy as the one I’m pretending to be in, well all the shit they say might be worth-”
I froze as words began to bloom and swirl in my head. Ignoring April’s questioning look, I scrambled to my feet to hurry and grab a notebook before those words began to disappear. Lucky, I was able to start scribbling down my thoughts, thoughts that multiplied rather than vanish. My pen continued to fly as April chuckled and loaded me into her car, as she drove me home, as I sat in front of my piano all night. The pen was still moving the next morning as Roy followed April and me into the recording studio, where Alex greeted me with that familiar giant smile.
“You are not still fiddling with the lyrics. It's already perfect,” he scoffed. He shook Roy’s hand as though the two of them were old pals now. “Your girl kept me up all night with this new song,” he huffed. He gave me a pointed look. “Steph looked about ready to kill me when I got out of bed to head down to the home studio.”
“Steph’ll be fine when I thank her in the liner notes,” I hummed, waving him off, thinking of all the other late nights my insomniac tendencies had caused his poor girlfriend. “Now, do you have my music or not?”
The playful annoyance on my producer’s face was replaced with glee almost immediately. “Here, give it a listen.” He placed some headphones on my head and hit a button.
I closed my eyes and tilted my head back, letting my head fill with the twinkling music, something that felt like young love and hope and romance. It was exactly what I’d imagined in my mind- but better. For the millionth time since we’d started collaborating three albums ago, Alex had done pure magic with just a few manic voice memos sent obnoxiously late at night.
“Perfect,” I sighed after only about thirty seconds. I handed him the headphones back and nodded. “Let’s try it.”
As Alex prepared to play the music, I grabbed Roy’s hand and gave him my coyest smile, replaying Keeley’s reminders to really sell this thing in my mind; my chronically online producer was the perfect audience for a little PDA. “Come on, Roycito. I want you to hear this one.”
Roy shot me a curious look and followed me into the recording booth, watching me sit down before joining me. I kept his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers as I nodded to Alex to play the song. When the glittering music echoed inside the booth, Roy turned to me, the corners of his mouth turning up and his eyebrows raised.
Keeping my eyes on his, I opened my mouth and began to sing-
Flamingo pink Sunrise Boulevard
Clink, clink Being this young is art
Aquamarine Moonlit swimming pool
What if all I need is you?
As the song continued, I offered Roy my best smile, the one I realized I wore so naturally when he was around. He returned it easily, with sparkling brown eyes and pink cheeks. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Alex recording us with his phone, mischievous grin on his face. If this was real- if we were real- this would make an adorable video, one I’d cherish and play over and over. Me, singing a song I’d written about Roy, for Roy, pure infatuation all over both of our faces.
At least it would look good on our socials.
But if I'm all dressed up
They might as well be looking at us
And if they call me a slut
You know it might be worth it for once
And if I'm gonna be drunk
Might as well be drunk in love
Roy’s eyebrows flew up when I got to the title of the song. I wasn’t surprised; sure, I wasn’t the sweet little nineteen-year-old I once was- I openly swore and wrote songs about sex now- but I’d never called myself something so crude before. But as I sang it, I found I liked the way the word contrasted against the romantic dreaminess of the song; it kind of reminded me of Roy, a juxtaposition of gruff hardness and tender sweetness.
Send the code, he's waiting there
The sticks and stones they throw froze mid-air
Everyone wants him
That was my crime
The wrong place at the right time
And I break down, then he's pullin' me in
In a world of boys, he's a gentleman
On the word gentleman, I reached out and tapped the tip of Roy’s nose with my index finger. His skin was warm, and I swore the pink in his cheeks deepened. Some small, timid part of me was scared that he was uncomfortable with the attention, with being implied as the muse for this song after his reaction to “Sweet Nothing”. But something in his bright eyes and soft smile told me that maybe, just maybe, he was enjoying himself.
Figuring that he was also playing things up for my producer’s benefit, I let myself lean into the performance, offering Roy flirtatious smiles and bumping his shoulder coyly as I sang to him.
Half asleep
Taking your time
In the tangerine, neon light
This is luxury
You're not saying you're in love with me
But you're going to
Half awake
Taking your chance
It's a big mistake
I said it might blow up in your pretty face
I'm not saying do it anyway
But you're going to
And if they call me a slut
You know it might be worth it for once
And if I'm gonna be drunk
Might as well be drunk in love
Roy shook his head as the music faded. “Fucking amazing,” he murmured, too softly for the microphones to pick up. He leaned forward and kissed my cheek, leaving an undeniable warm spot where his lips touched my skin. “That’s a fucking hit.”
I ducked my head, suddenly overwhelmed by the look in his eyes. Remembering where I was, I looked back into the control room, where Alex had a wide grin and April wore a curious expression. Ignoring my assistant’s raised eyebrows, I nodded to my producer. “Well?”
“It’s perfect,” he chuckled into the intercom. “Seriously, I love it.” He cocked his head at me. “Needs a new title though. Maybe ‘Lovesick’ or ‘Love-Struck’?”
I knew this conversation would be coming. “No,” I said with a small shake of my head. “It’s ‘Slut!’. I don’t want any other title.”
“Kid,” huffed my producer, calling me the nickname he knew made me roll my eyes. “This is a radio hit. Song of the summer. But you’re not going to get any airplay with that title. You're already fighting the fact that you call yourself a slut in the chorus. Don’t shoot yourself in the foot here.”
“No.” I sat up taller, keenly aware of Roy’s arm pressed against mine. “If they can spend the last decade calling me a slut, then I can too. They don’t want to hear me sing it, maybe they shouldn’t have said it.”
Alex groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Fine,” he grumbled as he stood up. “’m gonna go grab some water and cry about the fact that you’ve just cost us our millionth Billboard top spot.”
I rolled my eyes with a grin; he always gave in when I felt passionate about something. “Don’t worry,” I assured him as he left the studio. “I’ll write you another hit.”
“Fucking badass,” came a sigh next to me. When I turned my head, Roy was staring at me with raised eyebrows and a slacked jaw. The corner of his mouth turned upwards in a lopsided grin. “Sticking up for what you want, flipping the bird at the people who talk shit about you. You’re a badass, sunshine,” he chuckled, planting another kiss on my cheek.
“Thanks,” I murmured, ignoring the fact that he'd kissed my cheek without a real audience to witness it. “So you liked the song?”
He nodded earnestly. “Fuck yeah,” he assured me. “Tell me you’re going to do that one live. It’d be fucking magic.”
I paused, glancing at April though the window; she was watching us with something that looked way too much like a smirk. After narrowing my eyes at her, I turned back to Roy. “Well, I was kind of toying with the idea of previewing the album during the tour. Like surprising some of the shows with a new song.”
Those thick eyebrows flew up. “You’ve gotta do it. People are going to lose their shit when they hear these songs.” He shook his head and leaned forward to plant a tender kiss to my temple. “What a fucking mind, indeed.”
Fuck fuck fuck, I thought as I glanced away. This crush, this stupid little crush, was becoming too much for me to handle. Roy Kent was too supportive, too nice, too kind, not to mention too fucking handsome. Why couldn’t he be the moody jackass I first met in Keeley’s office? Why did he have to be one of the most genuinely good people I’d ever met? This whole thing might blow up in my pretty face if I wasn’t careful.
But when I looked back at Roy’s sparkling brown eyes, I felt like it might really be worth it for once.
“Hey Roy-o.” Keeley bounded over, wearing something with far too many sequins, and gave Roy a friendly hug. “Where’s your better half?”
Roy rolled his eyes, giving Keeley a small squeeze before letting go. “She’s over with April,” he answered, not bothering to correct Keeley about calling the popstar his ‘better half’. He nodded across Jamie’s living room, where the singer and assistant were huddled in a corner and giggling. As if she could feel his gaze, those familiar eyes flittered around the party until they met his; he swore her smile widened.
Keeley's bright voice interrupted his thoughts. “Have you gotten to hear any of the new album yet?”
“I have,” he said, unable to hide the hint of bragging in his voice. “It’s fucking brilliant so far, actually.” His eyes returned to the popstar- who was already glancing over at him.
“Think she’d honor us with a preview?” Keeley teased, waggling her eyebrows at Roy. “It’d be nice for Jamie’s piano to get used for once.” She wrinkled her nose playfully. “Don’t know why he bought the damn thing in the first place,” she added.
Roy hesitated for a moment as he looked around the party. Jamie had decided to throw a party to show off the pool he’d built in the backyard after the end of the season; after a day spent in and out of the pool, the house was packed with the Greyhounds and their significant others, wearing cover ups and sweatshirts over swimsuits and newly acquired sunburns and laughing over drinks. The “power couple” had, of course, come together, with Roy opting to wear his usual black and his ‘girlfriend’ in a sweet summer dress that looked like it belonged on a magazine cover. Unsurprisingly, she looked lovely as ever, chatting with everyone with ease and looking as if she belonged. She was like that in every room, Roy realized; always relaxed, charming, making whoever she was with feel like they were the most important person in the room. For the millionth time since they’d met, Roy felt awed that the woman he’d thought would be a complete brat and diva was actually one of the most genuine people he’d ever met. And that knowledge had him growing more and more protective of her by the day.
Because that’s what friends are for- right?
“I mean…” Roy cleared his throat. “I guess if she fucking wants to-”
“Great!” Before Roy could finish his thought, Keeley had grabbed his wrist and began dragging him across the room, a movement Roy was surprisingly irked by. She didn’t let go until they’d reached the popstar, who offered Keeley that sheepish smile she always wore around the model. “Hey!” Keeley chirped.
The singer accepted the hug Keeley wrapped her in. “Hi, Keeley,” she murmured. Her body seemed to soften when she realized Roy was looking at her. “Sorry you had to miss the pool party. Rebecca said you had to go rescue a photoshoot or something?”
Keeley nodded eagerly, seemingly pleased that the popstar was engaging her in real conversation. “Yeah, the model was being a bit difficult, so I had to go talk her down. Bummer to miss out on all the swimming, but what can ya do? It's not easy being the boss.” She nudged the popstar. “Well, you know how it is. You're basically running the music industry these days.”
“Oh, I don't know about that-”
Roy rolled his eyes and wrapped an arm around the popstar’s shoulders so he could tug her close. “Oh fuck off with the modesty,” he gently chided. “You’re on top of the fucking world.” He turned to Keeley, holding his head high with pride. “Have you seen her tour numbers? Fucking impossible to get tickets to the show now.” He quirked an eyebrow at the singer. “Good thing I've got an in, otherwise I'd be missing the event of the summer.”
“Think I could manage to score a ticket?” Keeley teased with a wink; funny, Roy didn't feel those usual butterflies.
“Definitely.” The popstar leaned into Roy's touch; fuck, she always made it feel so natural.
Ignoring the fluttering in the deepest pit of his stomach, Roy gave her a squeeze. “Speaking of the show…” Roy cleared his throat and lowered his voice. “Any chance you'd want to preview one of those new songs? Tartt’s got a piano.”
Her eyes widened for a fraction of a second. “I dunno, Roycito,” she hummed, scrunching her nose in thought.
Immediately, Roy shook his head. “You don't have to,” he whispered, loud enough for only her to hear. “You absolutely don't fucking have to.”
She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment- her thinking face, the one Roy had gotten quite used to while watching her work at the lake. He briefly wondered if she was aware of it. “Sure,” she finally said. “I’ve got one I can share.”
In the blink of an eye, the entire party was squeezed around Jamie’s never-been-used piano, eagerly awaiting the opportunity to hear the unreleased song. She looked so at ease as she sat down, all smiles and giggles as the Greyhounds chattered about what songs they liked, teasingly asking if this song was about Roy, speculating if this meant there was a new album coming soon.
Before the singer could even pluck one key, Roy barked out, “Oi, no fucking recording. I see one fucking phone, I’m punching dicks.” When he looked back at the piano, he was greeted with a smile, the kind that was stifling full-on laughter. Roy smirked; he was good at making her laugh, he’d discovered. He gave her a small nod, letting her know that he was cheering her on.
With a deep breath, she looked down at the key and began to play gently, creating a warm tune that Roy hadn’t heard before. Immediately, he liked it and knew that, once again, she’d created a hit.
There's glitter on the floor after the party
Girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby
Candle wax and Polaroids on the hardwood floor
You and me from the night before, but
Don't read the last page
But I stay when you're lost, and I'm scared, and you're turning away
I want your midnights
But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
It was sweet, romantic, perfect. Roy didn’t bother hiding his grin as his shoulders relaxed, making him realize how tense he’d been before she started. Keeley seemed to have noticed, because she grinned up at him with raised eyebrows.
Not that Roy noticed, not when he was too busy watching the popstar and soaking in every word she sang.
Hold on to the memories
They will hold on to you
Hold on to the memories
They will hold on to you
Hold on to the memories
They will hold on to you
And I will hold on to you
Roy dared to tear his eyes away from the piano to peek at the reactions of his friends and his team. He watched as Colin wrapped an arm around Michael and leaned in close to his boyfriend; he noticed the way Jamie’s fingertips brushed against the inside of April’s wrist; he caught the tears forming in Rebecca’s eyes and her wistful expression; but none of the little moments made him smile the way the singer’s voice did.
Especially when she finally looked up from the piano to lock eyes with him.
Please don't ever become a stranger
Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
Please don't ever become a stranger
Whose laugh I could recognize anywhere
As Roy’s chest tightened, Keeley leaned close and whispered, “It’s incredible, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” Roy breathed, not looking at the model. “She is.”
Without another word, he left his spot next to Keeley to walk over to the piano and sit beside the singer, whose smile widened. She scooched closer to him, not missing a single key and never breaking eye contact. It was as if the room around them disappeared, as if they were back in their quiet little world by the lake, where nothing existed except the two of them and the music she created.
Don't read the last page
But I stay when it's hard, or it's wrong, or we're making mistakes
I want your midnights
But I'll be cleaning up bottles with you on New Year's Day
The moment her fingers lifted from the keys, Roy instinctively leaned close and pressed a chaste kiss to her lips, feeling her smile pressing against his. And he ignored the feeling that, for the first time, he might not be kissing her for the benefit of an audience.
When I pulled back from Roy's kiss, I was still smiling. Smiling at the song, smiling at the enthusiastic cheers from the Greyhounds, smiling at the awed look on Roy's bearded face.
But on the inside, I was screaming, wishing that the kiss he'd given me was as real as the feelings that grew inside me every day, the feelings I had poured into this song.
“That was fucking gorgeous,” Roy whispered in my ear, his warm breath tickling my skin. “Seriously, sunshine, I'm having a hard time picking a favorite song.”
All I could do was smile at Roy, with his sweet words and bright eyes, and murmur, “Thanks, Kent.”
As everyone else returned to mingling and chatting, Roy reached down and touched my hand gently. “Let’s go grab a drink.”
Plastic cup in one hand, Roy’s hand in the other, I followed the footballer through the house, offering my most dazzling smile as people commented on how much they liked the song. Eventually, I found Roy leading me up some stairs. Before I could ask him where we were going, he led me into a side bedroom and to the window. Once he pushed the window open, he nodded to me. 
“How about some fresh air?”
Suppressing my surprised grin, I climbed out the window after Roy, accepting his warm grip as he helped me out onto the roof overlooking Jamie’s backyard. The twinkling patio lights below echoed the emerging stars above, making it seem like Roy and I were floating somewhere in space; the sounds of shouts and laughter from the party reminded me that we were still on Earth.
“How’re you doing?”
Roy’s growling voice returned my thoughts from far-off galaxies. “Hmm?”
He shrugged and scooted closer, as if trying to keep me warm. “I know there’s been some shit about our age difference,” he said slowly, searching my face for a reaction. “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
A hollow laugh spilled out of my chest. “Me? I’m fine. They spend years telling me to grow up, be more mature, stop spending all my time running around with boys. But here I am, with a man, a stable man, and suddenly I’m sixteen and need to be protected and need to be protected from big, bad Roy Kent.” I nudged him and took a sip of my beer. “I’m more concerned about you, actually. Everyone’s acting like you’re a dirty old man because of a couple photos of you grabbing my ass.”
“Honestly,” Roy chuckled. “I’m starting to feel like one.” A blush settled on his cheeks. “Sorry about that, by the way. Guess I got a bit carried away.”
I shook my head. “Don’t,” I assured him. “What did everyone think we’ve been doing, cuddling and holding hands? We’re supposed to be adults in an adult relationship. You’re Roy Kent. Anyone with a brain could assume we’re, well, you know.”
He sighed and wrapped a warm arm around my shoulders. “Yeah,” he agreed, “but I don’t like seeing your reputation take all these hits. That’s not the point of all this,” he reminded me.
“Kent,” I said slowly, fighting the urge to lean my head on his shoulder. “If the worst thing they can say about me is that my boyfriend is a smidge older than me, then this is the best my reputation has been in ages. It’s annoying, sure, but it’s not the worst thing they’ve ever said about me.”
“I guess,” Roy mumbled, tugging me closer. “Just… keep me posted on how you’re doing, alright? If we need to cool things down, or call it off, you let me know. I’ll handle Keeley and Lanie. You’re more important than any fucking plan, you know. Much more important.”
With those kind words, I gave in, leaning my head on his shoulder and watching the lights twinkling below us. For a little bit, I let myself forget all about the press, all about the beautiful ex-girlfriend I saw him whispering with while I sang, all about the party downstairs. Hell, I let myself forget all about the fact that this was a fake relationship with an undetermined but very real expiration date.
For a little bit, I let myself pretend that Roy Kent might love me back.
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Roy grinned as he watched her nose scrunch in concentration while she studied the chess board on his coffee table. After informing Roy that she’d never played chess before, he insisted on teaching the popstar before their early bedtime. She was spending the night at his place, something he realized was kind of rare; normally they were at her place, mostly because of Sydney the cat. But Sydney was staying with April (and probably Jamie too), plus Roy’s house was closer to the airport. 
The two of them would be leaving early in the morning for their flight- on her private jet- to Los Angeles, where they were due to celebrate her niece’s birthday. Roy felt apprehensive- he wasn’t the kind of guy who met families; even with Keeley, he’d only met her on a handful of occasions. But here he was, suitcase packed so he could fly halfway across the world and meet what his fake girlfriend described as “a typical loud Mexican family”. She’d spent the last week warning him about which uncles would try to get him drunk, about the nephews who were already obsessed with him, about how her mother was going to try to feed him the moment they walked through the door, and about how her very protective father and sister were both going to give him the third degree during their visit.
“They’d always thought I’d bring Dani Rojas if I ever brought an athlete home,” she had joked when he asked what they thought of the fake relationship so far. “Not an old British man.”
Even though this was all for show, so that there would be no suspicion from the press if she showed up to a major family event without her supposedly serious boyfriend, Roy still wanted to make a good impression. His own family pretty much consisted of his sister and Phoebe; there was something lovely about a big family, even one as loud and overbearing as she described to him.
“My folks are really looking forward to meeting you,” she hummed now as she finally moved a chess piece, looking comfortable in her criss-cross position, leaning her back against the couch. “You’re going to be the first boyfriend they’ve met in awhile.”
“Seriously?” Roy took his turn, trying not to smirk when he saw the disappointment on her face when she realized her move had set him up for victory. 
She snorted as they reset the board. “I mean, you’ve met Everett. Not exactly the kind of guy that parents like mine would be excited about. Drinks too much, pants too tight, total bad boy. Scared the living daylights out of my poor Catholic mother. Meeting him would've killed her.”
Roy fidgeted with the pawn he held. “But they’re excited for me? The old man who swears every other word?”
“They say I look happy,” she murmured, eyes on the board. “They’ve seen photos of us, they see that I’m not out partying like I used to. They think I’m in a really good place thanks to you.” She offered him a small smile, cocking her head thoughtfully. “Honestly, I think so too, Roycito. This friendship has been really good for me.” She reached out and touched his hand gently. “So, thanks. For being such a good friend.” 
For a moment, Roy just stared at her hand in his, warm and soft and familiar now. His mind wandered to that afternoon by the lake, the way it had ever since they'd gotten home from holiday, and a quiet voice wondered if all of her was this soft and warm.
Fuck off, he scolded himself harshly. Perverted old man, indeed.
“Oi, I've got something for you,” he murmured. Gently, he pulled back his hand, hoping the movement wasn't too gingerly, and stood up. He walked briskly to his room and returned with a small jewelry box. Trying to keep his signature apathetic expression, Roy handed her the box and sat back down, wondering if she could see the way his fingers twitched in anticipation.
With a coolly raised eyebrow she opened the box. When she saw the silver necklace, a smile broke out across that pretty face.
“It's perfect,” she giggled.
Keeley had mentioned to Roy the idea of giving her some kind of trinket to symbolize the relationship, another piece of evidence that this fake romance was real and very serious, especially in the face of the age gap discourse they'd been facing. Immediately, Roy knew exactly what to get her.
It was a simple silver chain with a little square charm, with a large R engraved in the middle and a tiny number 1 in the corner. A Scrabble letter.
And for whatever reason, Roy didn't bother telling her it was Keeley's idea. Not when he saw the brightness in her eyes as she took the necklace out of the box. Her smile widened when she looked back up at him, at what he knew was his most pleased expression.
“Thank you, Roy,” she finally said, her voice thickening. “Wanna help me put it on? I'm sure the girls would want me to post a selfie or something.”
Roy's stomach sank a little at the mention of the publicists, reminding him of how orchestrated everything between the two of them was, but he didn't let his easy expression fade. Instead, he went around to her side of the coffee table and took the necklace from her hands, not minding too much when her fingers brushed against his. He settled on the couch behind her and brushed the hair off the back of her neck, wondering absently if the back of every woman's neck was pretty or just hers. He lifted the necklace in front of her, smirking to himself when he saw the way she immediately patted the charm against her skin. He clasped it securely into place and gently laid the chain on her neck. However, he didn't immediately remove his hands from her. Instead, he found himself staring at the smooth skin he back of her neckon the back of her neck, wondering how it would feel against his lips. He knew what her mouth felt like, of course; but what about the rest of her?
Spurred on by this newfound curiosity, Roy leaned forward and ghosted his mouth over her bare neck. But before he could properly attach his lips to her skin, his mobile vibrated across the room, breaking whatever spell he was under.
Clearing his throat, Roy scrambled to his feet, ignoring the raging heat in his cheeks and refusing to look her in the eye. He rushed over to where he had carelessly tossed his phone earlier and glanced at the name on the screen: Keeley.
“Yeah?” he grumbled when he picked up. He dared a glance at the beautiful singer; she was staring down at the forgotten chessboard with wide eyes, fiddling absently with the silver Scrabble letter around her neck. Had she felt that little kiss? he wondered, his heart frozen in panic. What the absolute fuck was wrong with him?
“Just checking in,” Keeley chirped, ignorant to Roy’s frazzled state. “You two’ll definitely be photographed when you arrive in L.A. So just make sure to post a few pictures, look like the happy couple, you know the drill.”
Roy nodded, then remembered that Keeley couldn’t see him. “Yeah,” he repeated. “I know the drill.” He cleared his throat and averted his eyes, lest he be caught staring. “Anything else?”
“Are you alright, Roy?” Keeley’s voice was filled with concern. “You’re even more monosyllabic than usual.”
“I’m fine,” Roy lied. “Just, dunno, fucking anxious for the long flight or some shit.” He glanced back across the room; those pretty eyes found his. “I’ll talk to you later, alright?”
Keeley sighed, clearly unconvinced. “Alright. Have a safe flight, Roy-o. Say hi to-”
Roy hung up before she could finish. He stuffed his phone into his pocket and shifted his weight. “Should we get some sleep, then?”
“Was that Keeley?”
He blinked in surprise. Her voice was small, not at all the confident woman he’d gotten used to. “Uh, yeah,” he admitted, cocking his head when he saw her wide eyes. “She says hi and to have a safe flight.” He paused for a moment before blurting out, “You don’t like her very much, do you?”
Flustered. The Grammy-winning, Billboard-topping, record-breaking popstar looked positively flustered as she gazed back at Roy, with her parted lips that formed a pretty little O. “Why do you think I don’t like Keeley?” she asked with an awkward little chuckle. “Of course I like Keeley. She’s great.”
Roy wasn’t convinced. He saw the way she looked when Keeley was around, quieter and more reserved, only speaking to the model when spoken to, almost disappointed when Roy and Keeley were in close quarters.
If Roy was a more foolish man, he’d think the singer was jealous of his ex-girlfriend.
But only an idiot would think that.
Instead of pushing the matter, Roy just shrugged and nodded in the direction of the hallway, of the separate bedrooms they’d be sleeping in. And, as she quietly followed him down that hallway, he couldn’t help but wonder if she’d fall asleep thinking of him- the way he would fall asleep thinking of her.
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Taglist: @infinetlyforgotten@ladygrey03@book-of-roses@thatonedogwithablog@misshall14@wibblywobblyvampywolfystuff@akornsworld@itswhateveripromise@purecinnamonextract@oceanncurrent@dearvoidgoodnight@hopefulromances@respondingtoshowerthoughts-blog@hotleaf-juice@emmy2811@captainorbust-blog@preciousbabypeter@shion-ah@royalestrellas@eugene-emt-roe@littleesilvia@teenwolf01@sisinever@yagotgames@queen-of-the-downtown-scene@emmaallisonann@mrdsturd@confessionsofatotaldramaslut@charkachow@mrdsturd@littlepinapple@sunfairyy@shadowzena43@uhmidkmuch@imsoluckyeverythingworksoutforme @alicedsworld @222333777 @thegivenvoid
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lilacgaby · 10 days
I love your writing style! Could you do maybe a sfw alphabet for tamaki?
aa tysm! i love tamaki so ofc!
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a- affection,
tamaki shows his affection through gifts. buys you little gifts and treats from his travels around japan, always thinking of you as he passes by shops. he just gets too nervous to speak or share his love for you, but as he places another themed keychain in your hand, you know he loves you.
b- best friend
as a best friend he'd be a great listener. probably gives great advice that he never applies to himself, but encourages you greatly. probably views you highly too, admiring your best traits.
c- comfort
he'd comfort you with his presence. making sure you know that he's there for you whether you need him, listening with taut ears as you explain what's wrong, or just holding you if you can't speak.
d- domestic
he'd be a good cook because of his quirk! he'd cook a variety of different things you've never tried before, types of meats you would've never tried but he surprisingly made taste good. while i don't think he's a meat freak, i think he'll make an effort to keep clean.
e- end
if he broke up with you... something's wrong with you. sorry.
if you broke up with him.. something's wrong with you, again not sorry. but, he'd be distraught, his anxiety coming back and worsened for like a week, not to mention mirio, fatgum, and kiri HATE you. deserved though.
f- fiance
i see tamaki as the guy to want a perfect relationship, and he'd value marriage highly. he waits about three years to propose to you, but values your opinion highly, so if you want to get married quicker or wait he'd listen to you.
g- gentle
he's the definition of gentle. so sweet with you and if he even thinks he hit you forget it, he'd probably beg for your forgiveness, and treat you like glass for the rest of the day, even after you reassure him.
h- hugs
first time you hugged him he almost passed away from glee, he loves hugs now. hug him please.
i - ily
he says i love you a year into the relationship. you just make him so indescribably happy that he couldn't put it in to words, but it slipped out on your anniversary date. since then, it's become a bit easier for him to say it, but he still gets flushed.
j- jealous
i think his jealousy mind stem more from insecurity than your actions, he'd feel like you'd deserve someone more confident, and seeing you hang around with a confident person would upset him mentally. wouldn't voice it much though.
k- kisses
kiss him and he'll die.. but now he can't live without them. has to get one before he leaves out to a mission please, or else it's all he'll think about.
l- little ones
surprisingly good with kids! especially ones on the more timid side like him, he doesn't feel as judged as he plays with them. and it's sooo cute to see him using his quirk to impress them.
m- morning
his favorite way to wake up is huddled up with you in his bed, i will die on my belief that he's a little spoon, so he loves waking up in your chest, your hands wrapping him close to you as the sun peeks in.
n- night
he's probably exhausted after his patrols, he gets home late sometimes, and the think he wants the most is to be with you. he collapses into you, after showering of course, and falls asleep to the beats of your heart.
o- open
you have to be his friend before his lover, sorry! he'll open up to you after becoming close friends, which might take a while.
p- patience
i think he's a patient guy, in arguments and overall in life. he'll do his best to stay calm, but he's not great at regulating his emotions so he'll let it out sometimes!
q- quizzes
great listener who knows everything about you. knows your favorite color, song, where you want to go, even knows things about yourself before you yourself know them.. kinda telepathic in that's sense.
r- remembers
you know that common 'forgets your anniversary/birthday trope?' yeah not happening with this man. he has his calendar marked, alarms set, assistant notified. yeah he'll be on top of it.
s- security
he'd stand up for you if the time called for it. putting away his anxious thoughts as he fought for you, or stood up for you. even though after he'd freak out a bit, hed be happy as he saw the look in your eyes.
t- try
he'll try so hard in your relationship, he just wants everything to go right. plans out everything by the hour :(
u- ugly
he has no bad habits sorry! perfect man in my eyes.
v- vanity
isn't obsessed with his looks that much, just wants to look cool. doesn't worry over your looks either, he thinks you're perfect </3
w- whole
god forbid you have to go somewhere without him, or he has a mission without you. he just feels so incomplete without you and your comfort, your hugs, your kisses, but your reunion is so cute everytime that it makes up for it.
x- xtra
he lives off your compliments, like if you randomly don't compliment him he'll be sad for the rest of the day.
y- yuck
he would hate for anyone to be cocky and rude, so obnoxious and inconsiderate.
zzz- sleep
as i said, little spoon tamaki on top! loves it when you sleep facing towards eachother, once you tried it once, he literally cannot sleep any other way.
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best boy tamaki ahghb :((
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nina-ya · 11 months
Paper Rings
Pairing: Sanji x Reader CW: None, just fluff. WC: 1.5k
A/N: Important things to note for this: Pink is the song lyrics Italics is the present. Regular text is the past. This is written with the song Paper Rings by Taylor Swift in mind.
The moon is high, like your friends were the night that we first met. Went home and tried to stalk you on the internet. Now I've read all of the books beside your bed.
It’s late at night and you are flipping through one of Sanji's cookbooks, the room dimly illuminated by the lamp beside your bed. Your thoughts wander as a cherished memory of the night that you met Sanji plays through your mind. You had been on your way home, the streets lit by the moon,  when you rounded a corner and collided with a blonde man sporting curly eyebrows. He’d seemed distressed and was in a rush, but as he looked into your eyes, there was a glimmer of hope. "Oh, I'm so sorry, mademoiselle," he'd apologized profusely, his voice carrying a trace of optimism. "I would never intentionally bump into someone as beautiful as yourself." You dismiss the action, quickly accepting his apology when you noticed he had an exotic blue and white plant in his hand. "Do you live around here? Do you know what kind of plant this is?" he asked. "My dumb friends ingested these and are acting completely loopy." He sighed with frustration.
You couldn't help but chuckle. "I know that plant," you'd said, still amused. "It's a potent hallucinogen. No wonder your friends are acting all loopy."
Sanji groaned in frustration at the revelation, his shoulders slumping. However, your offer to help shorten the effects lit up his face with gratitude.
"You do?! Really?" He'd sighed in relief. "You can't imagine how relieved I am to hear that. Thank you so much. How about I take you to them now?"
Sanji extended his hand to you, a bold move that you found irresistibly charming. You accepted it, your fingers intertwining with his, as he led you to where his friends awaited.
Later that day, once you were back in your own space, you sifted through every newspaper you possessed, hoping to find even a glimpse of the enigmatic cook from the Straw Hat Pirates who had captivated you that fateful night.
With the memory lingering like a sweet dream, you close the cookbook in your hands, placing it gently on the stack of cookbooks on Sanji's bedside table. Each of those books bore colorful tags, bookmarking the pages of recipes you hoped Sanji would make for you. Feeling content, you turn off the lamp and snuggle up against him, his warmth comforting you as you drift into a peaceful sleep. 
The wine is cold, Like the shoulder that I gave you in the street, Cat and mouse for a month or two or three, Now I wake up in the night and watch you breathe.
From the moment you bumped into each other, there was an undeniable spark between you. You tried to brush it off at first, but you couldn't deny that each second with him was filled with tantalizing moments that left your heart racing.
You'd often meet in the most unexpected places, exchanging witty banters and sly smiles. One day you'd find a charming note served with your food, a playful message filled with riddles only you can unravel. The next he shows up next to you, handing you your favorite drink with a wink.
You often would try to one-up one another, each trying to outdo the other with clever surprises and flirty gestures. A bouquet of flowers appeared on your pillow, and you would respond with an exotic fruit that he has been dreaming of trying. The chase was thrilling, and the tension undeniable. Sometimes your conversation would turn serious, and you'd share your dreams, fear and your past. These moments of vulnerability only deepened the connection between you two. You guys would revel in your childhood memories, share your hidden desires, making every conversation feel like a meaningful step toward something greater. As the days turned into weeks, and the weeks into months, this little game continued. You knew you were falling in love, but the excitement of the chase and the sweetness of the words left unspoken only added to the magic.
You wake up from your slumber, a smile gracing your lips at the fond memories that your mind replayed. You reach over and gently brush a piece of hair out of his face, watching his serene expression as he sleeps. Kiss me once 'cause you know I had a long night Kiss me twice 'cause it's gonna be alright three times 'cause I've waited my whole life
Your gaze shifts to his lips, eyes lingering as you note the parting of his lips, the rhythm of his breaths like a soothing melody. You smile softly as you notice the drool that had escaped his lips and settled onto the pillow below him. It’s a sight that fills you with warmth and nostalgia, prompting you to reminisce about that unforgettable first kiss you both shared.
The tension between you two had become palpable. It was a warm evening on the Sunny, and the sun was dipping over the horizon, casting a golden hue over the ship’s deck. 
The night held a sense of promise, and it was clear that something was about to change between you and the cook. You found yourselves leaning against the ship’s rail, the salty breeze tugging at your hair and clothes. You had assisted Sanji in preparing a delicious dinner for the crew, sharing longing glances and laughter amongst the sizzling pans and aromatic spices that filled the air. The crew had enjoyed the fruits of your labor and began to disperse, leaving the two of you alone on the deck, the gentle lapping of the waves the only background noise. Sanji extended his hand, and you placed yours in his, fingers intertwining. There was an unspoken understanding between you two. He leaned in slowly, capturing your lips with a tenderness that surprised you both. His kiss was like a promise of all the unspoken words, a promise that was intoxicating. It was a moment of longing and patience, of waiting for something incredible.
As your lips parted, he kissed you again, a little deeper this time, as if to reassure you that the connection between you was real and profound. You felt the warmth of his affection in every touch and the depth of his feelings in the soft sigh that escaped your lips.
And just when you thought your heart might burst from the sheer intensity of the moment, he kissed you a third time. It was a kiss that declared his devotion and sealed the unspoken promise of your future together. I like shiny things, but I'd marry you with paper rings. Uh huh, that's right. Darling, you're the one I want, and I hate accidents except when we went from friends to this. Uh huh, that's right. Darling, you're the one I want.
You shift in bed, your eyes drawn to the jar of paper rings lovingly collected over the course of several months. These seemingly simple but deeply meaningful tokens held a special place in your heart, each representing cherished moments and declarations of love. With a smile, you reflect on the unique memory tied to every single one of those paper rings.
Sanji had many charming habits, one of which that he had recently developed was the practice of crafting paper rings. Every time he stumbled upon a stray piece of paper or a napkin, he couldn't resist the urge to fold it into an intricate ring and present it to you. 
These paper rings weren't just a whimsical hobby; they were his way of proposing, of showing his affection without the formality of a diamond ring or a grand gesture. The first time he'd presented you with a paper ring was on a starry night while the crew was celebrating on the deck. He'd taken a napkin, expertly folding it into a ring, and slipped it onto your finger with a grin.
"Mon amour," he said, looking into your eyes, "I know it's just paper, but one day I'll replace it with a proper ring. Until then, consider this a promise."
As the days turned into weeks and then months, he couldn't resist the urge to make more paper rings. You'd find them in your pocket, on your pillow, even in your morning coffee mug. They were simple, yet they held a deeper meaning—one that you cherished. The crew members aboard the Thousand Sunny grew accustomed to the sweet tradition. They'd watch with knowing smiles as Sanji would take a piece of paper and begin his craft. He'd tease you about how you were collecting more paper rings than he had eyebrows, and you'd simply laugh, knowing that each one was a testament to his love.
You're the one I want. In paper rings, in picture frames, and all my dreams. Oh, you're the one I want.
For the time being, you treasure your assortment of paper rings, patiently waiting for the day when Sanji surprises you with a genuine ring. Unbeknownst to you, a dazzling, shimmering ring resides hidden in his suit pocket, awaiting the perfect moment to make its appearance.
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blkgojo · 11 months
Whining and Grinding on the JJK Men | Pt. 1
ft. nanami, gojo
warnings. none
synopsis: mini scenarios in which you grind on Nanami and Gojo
The men of JJK are grown. They’ve more than likely gone to parties and maybe, even hooked up with a few women. But, we’re talking about men who’ve barely stepped outside of Japan. They’ve never gotten wined on. 
Let’s set the scene. You’ve landed in Tokyo on a month-long solo trip. Your plan is to do three things and three things only: relax, relax, and of course, relax. Maybe, you end up at the club during your first week or maybe, you’re more the kind of person who ends up at the club only after they feel more comfortable and have made a few friends. Either way, you’re there and so is he. 
If it were up to Nanami, he would’ve celebrated Shouko’s birthday in a more intimate setting. He would’ve picked somewhere with quiet music and comfortable chairs for them to sit back and smoke their cigars. He imagines the night would’ve gone somewhere in the vein of them reminiscing about their old days and updating each other on their lives – they never did get to do that as much as he would like – but Shoko’s birthday festivities weren’t up to him. Frankly, it wasn’t up to Shoko either.
Who else would have them end up at a nightclub other than Gojo Satoru? 
“You’ve been my teammate for so long, Shouko! What kind of guy would I be if I didn’t do something nice?”
“A better one,” Shouko deadpans.
Utahime laughs loudly to piss off Gojo, but none of them protest much more because they all end up inside anyway. Nanami sighs as he drinks his negroni. He wishes he had said something.
That is, of course, until he sees you. Since he was a kid, he’s developed a habit of picking out foreigners from a crowd. If it wasn’t their hair then it was the way they moved through the world, taking up more space than a Japanese person would dare to. Sometimes, they laughed loudly. Other times, it was more subtle. The shiftiness of their eyes when they were lost. Their dress. Their makeup. During quiet moments, he liked to play a guessing game with the people in a crowd. Who was a bit like him? A bit other? A bit different? 
There was no question with you. Normally, he’d move on, but his eyes are drawn to you like a moth to flame. 
“You should talk to her.” Gojo says from beside him. They’re sitting down in a VIP area because of course, Gojo has access to a VIP area.
“What if I-”
He thinks Gojo pouts. He doesn’t know. He isn’t looking at him. 
“So what? You’re just gonna stare at her like a creep?”
He ignores Gojo. It usually works, but there’s something about tonight that’s got Gojo particularly mischievous. Gojo is the one to approach. He’s the one to drag you back to your VIP section and have you sit next to a flustered Nanami. He sits smugly to Nanami’s left and you can’t tell if the blonde man wants to punch his friend or get up and leave. Eventually he relaxes and you convince him to dance with you.
Nanami just seems like the kind of guy who doesn’t let loose much. Like the kind whose buttons you push just to see him unravel. You guide him to the dancefloor, unknowingly past a smirking Shouko and wide-eyed Utahime. 
“Do you dance?” You ask him, leaning into his ear.
His breath ghosts your neck as he speaks. “Not typically.”
“I’ll teach you.”
Let’s imagine that the song playing is your favorite whining song. You gently grab his hands and turn your back to him, guiding his hands to your hips. Slowly, you begin to move and he just stands there awkwardly.
You laugh, leaning back slightly to speak in his ear. “You’re supposed to move with me.”
To your surprise, he laughs, too. His voice is husky. You think you smell alcohol faintly on his breath. “But, you move so well.”
“And I need someone who can keep up.” You say this with a grin to soften the blow. His grip tightens just a fraction as if goading you to move and you do. 
He moves with you. Not as well, but he moves all the same. He dances with focus because honestly, he's turned on and he's trying to keep his head in the game.
Thankfully, he's nothing if not a quick learner.
Let’s flip the script. Same scenario. Gojo has decided to drag everyone to his favorite nightclub for Shouko’s birthday. Why? Because he’s Gojo, the honored one, so disconnected from reality that he thinks the best thing for Shouko is something other than another night spent lounging in a bar. They could do that any other day. In a world of high mortality rates, birthdays are rare and he’ll be damned if they celebrate his only surviving teammate living another year by doing something benign and boring. 
“You’ve been my teammate for so long, Shouko! What kind of guy would I be if I didn’t do something nice?”
“A better one,” Shouko deadpans. 
Utahime laughs loudly to goad him, but he knows Shouko. She’s rolling her eyes, but she’s smiling just slightly. She’s even got her nicest button up on. Maybe, she doesn’t want this as much as him but part of her is ready to have fun.
And he’s right because him and her are the only two dancing. Nanami and Utahime try, but they decide to instead go back to the VIP section and lounge. It would seem like he dances often, but honestly he doesn’t have the time. Gojo is the honored one. The heir to the Gojo clan. He’s constantly being pulled in a million different directions, being asked to put this fire out or save this city from annihilation. 
Dancing for him is a rare lovely thing. He doesn’t have his infinity on and the club lights, flashing and dark, are dim enough that his six eyes almost feel relieved.
You bump into him accidentally. Accidentally on your part. He could’ve easily dodged, but he didn’t particularly care enough to.
“Sorry!” You say, glancing up at him. You see a flash of bright blue eyes before they disappear behind black shades. Gojo holds his hand to his ear like he can’t hear you (he can).
You lean up into his ear. “Sorry.” 
“No problem,” he responds. “You can bump into me again if you want.”
You pull back and he’s grinning. You laugh.
Gojo’s easy to flirt with. Even if you turn away, satisfied with a snippet of conversation, he’s still around. He’s set his eyes on you and while he’s fine with you saying ‘no’, who would he be not to give you the opportunity to say ‘yes’ first. 
You can dance. Sure. There’s no question about that. But, it’s when your favorite song comes on that you fully let loose. You’re moving your hips, hands up in the air, and he’s watching you. Gojo’s the type of guy to come up behind you. He taps your shoulder first and holds his hands up, gesturing towards himself as he does a little two-step. It’s goofy, but it works.
Gojo doesn’t need much guidance. His hands are on your hip without question. He even makes a few comments here and there; a whisper or two in your ear about how good you are at dancing.
Don't stroke his ego or return his compliments. It'll go to his head and he won't let it go.
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baekhyunteamo · 2 years
you're my best friend | kylian mbappé
bestfriend to lovers, inspired by the song you are in love by taylor swift.
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one look, dark room meant just for you.
when you met kylian it honestly wasn't love at first sight. admiration at first sight. it seemed that all eyes were focused on him. lucky would be the one who left this party with him.
time moved too fast, you play it back. buttons on a coat, light-hearted joke. no proof, not much... but you saw enough.
small talk, he drives. coffee at midnight. the light reflects, the chain on your neck...
you don't notice the moment a hello turns into a cute joke with his french accent or how different the shape of his mouth is when he speaks spanish. the way the loud laugh echoed when he said he'd be able to drive you home and you said "driving? i doubt it..." when you shared the first coffee at midnight. latte.
he says, "look up" and your shoulders brush. no proof, one touch but you felt enough.
when you sat side by side on the stairs and he showed you the sky. asked if you thought you'd end up leaving the party for coffee at midnight. the goofy smile when you say partying isn't your strong point, the shoulders touch.
the months passed. there was no way not to look at him and see comfort. kylian was no longer the guy who took you out for coffee at your first fundraiser, he was the guy you called when things didn't go well at work. the guy you sent huge paragraphs to about how your favorite singer released a new album. the guy who listened to hours and hours of theory about taylor swift songs.
you can hear it in the silence.
you can feel it on the way home.
you can see it with the lights out, lights out.
morning, his place. burnt toast, sunday.
you keep his shirt...he keeps his word.
mornings at his house became routine. go there after work and find him on the couch playing fifa. going to the bedroom and picking up any shirt that was on the bed with his scent on it and sitting in the living room to play with him was also routine. waking up in the morning with the smell of burnt toast, watching him try at all costs to do something in the kitchen other than the food already prepared by the nutritionist.
one day he was napping on the couch, a routine moment. he wakes...strange look on his face, pauses, then says:
you're my best friend
and you knew what it was he is in love. and so are you a thousand times more. in the silence of the living room, in the warmth of the sofa. in one of his psg sweatshirts. with the smell of home.
and for once, you let go of your fears and your ghosts... one step, not much but it said enough.
the first kiss didn't happen on the couch, it happened in the middle of the street. close to the 24-hour coffee shop that was routine when the two couldn't sleep.
you kiss on sidewalks. you fight and you talk.
it happened in the middle of one of the stupid, pointless fights. talking about him and his interest in any blonde that is minimally functional.
"you speak without understanding" he says
"kyky, even a blind man knows your type! skinny blonde french girls! i don't understand why you keep denying it all the time, denying is worse!"
"do you just like to pretend you can't see?" he says, taking another sip of the latte, which in the cold of Paris, felt warm in his hands.
"here it comes..." you say holding your own cup
"my type is very specific. likes to play fifa, loves bronwie, horror movies every tuesday. is in love with lilac, but always tells me that i look great in blue. my type actually has brown hair. cuts bangs whenever she's having an existential crisis, she looks great in them. my type, have the most beautiful eyes i've ever seen. you know it's you."
and you understand now why they lost their minds and fought the wars.
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tobbotobbs · 1 year
Hiii!! I saw your post with the cod boys + Alejandro for a reader who likes Ayesha erotica and etc but I was wondering how would they react to music like: Narcissistic personality disorder, Stare don’t touch and like artists like: Odetari, Cade Clair, 9lives, Lumi Athena and Iluvvern?
Hey! Thank you for the request! I rarely listen to them myself, tried my best but this was still fun to write!
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Now this man isn't really the person that listens to music a lot. Sure, he knows the regular typical chart songs because a specific scotsman always listens to radio when they drive somewhere, but really he doesn't know shit about music and he doesn't really care about it either. That is, until he found out what kind of music you enjoy and listen to!
He was a little confused as why you were so fond of this...chaos of high pitched noises and yelling. Questioning you why a sane normal person would in general enjoy getting their ears torn apart when they wanted to listen to something that's called and considered an art form? You decided to give the poor man a little break in into the world of edm and phonk genre. You explained the emotions that went with these type of songs and how it just makes your spine tingle when you listen to something like NARCISSISTIC PERSONALITY DISORDER or other songs of these kind. He tried to listen to a few himself, but it's really not his. He doesn't mind you listening to it though.
He does however looks after you. He knows how you can sometimes forget to take breaks when listening to music with your headphones and afterwards get headaches from it. He will remind you to keep the volume on a lower healthier level rather than fully turned up. Whatever makes you happy, makes him feel content as well. As long as his love is happy and doesn't get hurt that is.
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Johnny is a little menace. He likes music. Mostly Scottish stuff or dirty songs like Ayesha Erotica but when he heard you listen to Red Eyes Black Dragon on full volume in your room he got curious. He's never heard of this kind of music, hyperpop and dance/electronic wasn't really his until now. He started easily with something that was pretty popular on TikTok to see if he should try out listening to more.
He did find two favourite songs after a while. Sure, they are pretty popular at the moment but he didn't chose them because of that. He just...really feels them when they come on his playlist. Kerosene Sped up and Murder In My Mind are his go to's when asked what his favourite songs are at the moment. He also really lives to explain why he suddenly started liking this kind of music. His answer always the same: ,,Y/n listens to it. It's their favourite music genre and I feel so close to them when listening to this music!". Ghost thinks Soap is head over heels for you and should finally tell you everytime he sees you guys smiling at each other longingly while one of you puts this music on. It's like a secret conversation between you two.
When you finally got together (after he proposed you listen to music together in his room to calm down after a long mission and he put on the song if it ain't me by whatsaheart and afterwards kissed you) weekly music sessions are a must. You invite Gaz sometimes because he really wants to explore more music genres meanwhile on other days you have discussions about your all time favorite songs in the car and Johnny always hypes you up when Kyle tries to make his music genre the dominating part of the discussion. If you are close to losing the discussion Soap will just straight up pull his phone out, start his playlist and play your guys genre as loud in the car as comfortable for your ears.
Visiting raves together is also very important. Soaps first rave was with you and Gaz. He got so overwhelmed by all the nlise and lights that you had to leave earlier to cuddle with him and listen to his calming scottish songs in a very very low volume, barely hearable in your guys room. It was still fun for him and after that he got used to the clubs noise and lights!
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Poor Gaz really loves music. He does. But he is unsure of exploring new music genres. Way more comfortable with staying with what he knows and learned to like. Though when invited over to you and Soaps weekly music session he couldn't decline. A good time listening to music with his best friends? Hell yeah! That was, until he heard what kind of music it was you guys listened to. First being really opposed to it, he left very early saying he still had papers to sign. He actually just needed time in a quiet room because his ears had started to hurt sadly.
Next time he listened to this music was when he and you shared a room on a mission. You put it on to fall asleep, god knows how you could sleep to it but you seemed to do just fine. Kyle layed awake on his makeshift bed and tried to listen to the text and after a while he also fell asleep. It was a miracle how but he did. He asked what song played when you guys fell asleep the next day, trying to recreate the melody so you knew which one he was looking for and soon he got the name from you. Metamorphosis. It's become his favourite song, one of the more softer sounding ones he really enjoyed.
Cuddle sessions when you guys are together os a must. In the background there is always your playlist playing on a low volume to not hurt Gaz and his poor sensitive ears. Though once in a while he can be seen in a rave with you, where he wears sweet green earplugs you got him for his birthday, to reduce the noise a little and still be able to enjoy the event.
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Man has no idea what in the seven hells you got there going. Was it an exorcism? He wasn't sure. He also couldn't understand a single thing. But you seemed to be doing just fine. Singing your lungs out to Sex Obsession by cade clair and Lumi Athena. Watches you bouncing around the training field while shooting and stabbing dummys left and right without a single miss. Today was your turn to choose the music on the little makeshift training field John had at his own home, you guys had a week long off from work but still spend it training because you didn't know what else to do. When you started your playlist he knew the "enemies" were done for. It seemed with this kind of music you just felt more powerful and legendary or something of that kind. At least that's what you have told him.
He is impressed by how you can work so good with that shit on full speakers, but he doesn't allow you to listen to it while on a mission or on base on the training field because it could distract yourself and the other soldiers. Internally he also says that because he himself isn't really a fan of that music and finds it even a little annoying. But he doesn't tell you that. For that he adores your happy face while the music plays too much. Gaz and Soap asked him and Ghost once to join you guys on a rave night. Old man didn't even knew what it was and only said yes because you had the next day off. Simon just stayed back and laughed his ass off at John's obliviousness.
When you guys came back the poor old man had to take some ibuprofen to make his headache go down a little.
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So you like raves and all this weird interesting sounding music? Nice! Alejandro does know a few things, of course he does. His and Rudys teenager lifestyle was going to parties and being active all day and night. But the music style did change a little over the years. Electronic/Dance is still a beautiful sounding chaos but a little more...Gen Z like, how Soap and Gaz would put it. Alejandro is listening to it with you, now and then. But he won't allow you to play it while training or on operations. Even if he loved you and you were his everything, he likes his workspace to be concentrated and ready for anything so no music or anything allowed.
Well you and Rudy did prank him once in a while with that sudden loud music in his office or while training the new Los Vaqueros members. It was fun to watch him get scared and then calm down just to be annoyed be the laughter of the new recruits or when he kicks his pencil holder off his table because there was a sudden loud melody right behind him on his desk and while turning around the poor cup holding his pencils got a visual flying lesson around the room.
Raves tho, are a yes. When you guys have free time and there is one nearby, he likes to take you on a date to visit them. On the occasion he loves to get a little risky on those raves, taking you somewhere more hidden and pounds you to the beat. He once invited Rudy, after talking to you, and when Alejandro started walking away with you hot on his trail Rudy started to follow as well in the dark neon lighted room full of people. In a dark corner they fucked you, a pleasant surprise for Rudy which ended with you and your boyfriend grinning successful and enjoying the outcome of the night.
So sorry this took me so long. My mental health is a little down right now and I got a few other things going on rn sooo yeah! Hope you enjoyed this one, till next time (:
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itsmattchou · 1 year
1 to 10, you make my heart flutter !
pairing: zb1 hyung line x gn!reader warnings: noT PROOFREAD!, if you can play the violin NO YOU CANNOT, established relationship, intentional lowercase, english isn't my first language!!! genre: fluff synopsis: just cute things the boys do in a relationship notes: THIS IS MY COMEBACK POST YEAHHHHH👹👹👹👹👹 WASSUP i'm back and better than ever. also I've been binging never have i ever recently and i just LOVE that show ngl. BTW THIS ONE'S REALLY BAD SO I'M SORRY
KIM JIWOONG - takes pictures of you. kim "king of taking candid pics of you" jiwoong. you're easily the most gorgeous being in this universe in his eyes. so, naturally, he takes pictures of you whenever you look extra beautiful to him. which is always. he barely takes bad pictures, but whenever one has something off about it- your face is a little to blurry? the lightning doesn't fit? you blinked? picture gets deleted and he continues on taking new ones till he gets the perfect shot that realistically portraits your beauty. every single picture of you in his camera roll is literally instagram worthy. he's like,,,, naturally skilled at being your photographer.
ZHANG HAO - teaches you how to play the violin. hao really loves playing his violin. it's one of his passions- and how could he not share this passion with you, his beautiful partner? the first time you tried to play his instrument was a disaster to be completely honest. it requires a certain amount of skill to sound great- and you did indeed not have that needed skill. it was kind of embarrassing, but hao encouraged you to keep going and continously gave you tips on how to improve. now, after months of dating and months of violin lessons, your skill improved. hao best teacher CONFIRMED
SUNG HANBIN - gives you piggyback rides. hanbin is a tall guy who definitely can carry some weight. he's proving that by carrying you around on his back effortlessly whenever, wherever. if you're out on a date and you even once complain about your feet hurting on the way back home, he's already about to carry you. if you'd ask him why exactly he enjoys piggyback rides so much he wouldn't be able to give you a proper reason. maybe it's the way you're giggling softly right next to his ear when his steps speed up. or mister "acts of service + physical touch" just enjoys being able to help you while keeping you close.
SEOK MATTHEW - takes you on walks. matthew really loves taking walks. with earphones plugged into his ears and his playlist busting, he enjoys just walking around in nature and forgetting about everything for once. well, this was before he met you. now he's taking you regularly on walks with him, strolling through nature or the streets of the city you live in. hand in hand you're talking about anything and everything, giggling and having a great time together. and sometimes you're just silently enjoying your surroundings: the way the sun is tickling your noses or a gentle breeze is brushing your skin.
KIM TAERAE - sings to you. a beautiful man with a beautiful voice? that's exactly who taerae is. now after months of dating his singing is one of your favorite sounds on this planet. lucky for you, there's barely a situation where he does not sing: while showering, while cleaning the house, while cooking? singing. he sings in order to comfort you after you woke up, terrified, in the middle of the night because of a nightmare you had because he knows how soothing the sound of his voice is for you. he writes love songs inspired by you and performs them during private living room concerts (basically just you two chilling on the couch after a date) only for you.
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spoiled-milk · 17 days
blush blush characters’ (kelby, volks, eli, ichiban, cashew, and cole personal headcannons (imo‼️‼️)
a/n: doing some of my personal favorites then some lemme know if y’all want more. ik this is probably done already but like i like yapping on company time 🤪 i'm so inactive i am so sorry i am not cooking
content warning: none except for mild swearing and not proof read lmao
word count: ~2.0k words
would love love LOVE it if his s/o made him laugh or laugh at his jokes (even if they’re all sports related)
since he is an athlete and all i think that he knows how to cook healthier meals, but if you cooked anything for him, he would probably eat it since it's from you as long as it isn’t like covered in grease
he loves being around you, so if you go on morning jogs or evening jogs with it would mean the world to him and he values that a lot (even if he has to carry u halfway through the jog / walk it with you)
i don't think he would be too pushy with his diet on you, respects people and their own diets but would gently push for a healthier diet such as salads and low carb foods
if i were to suggest an ideal date for him is kayaking. it's a great work-out for him and it's a great opportunity to show you all the breathtaking sights that the river y'all kayak has to offer
kelby has weekly basketball games, baseball games, and swim meets, and he understands that it is a lot, but if you attended some of them or go out of your way to support him, his insides get gooey, and he feels like he could run fifteen miles
he lives and craves for physical touch. kelby will take what you can give. hugs? great. holding hands? awesome. linking your arms in his? he's in heaven
ok, to be a lil saucy here i think kelby would think you're super mega hot when you work out. here you are running on a treadmill sweat on your face and chest and he's definitely staring at you and now he's got to go to the shower rooms and get his head out of the gutters
also think of this guy’s stamina c'mon you can’t tell me that this guy would only go one wahoo round with you yk (source: me don’t ask)
if you and them are even remotely the same size clothing wise, they are going to take your clothes. no asking or nothing eli will just rummage through your closet and make a fit with a few of your borrowed clothes
one time they stretched out one of your baby tees and you were so bummed out when you found it after they wore it and now eli swears to never take another one of those shirts again
would probably date someone who can put a really good outfit so that they can steal it
would also love if someone would watch anime with them please just give ouran high school host club a chance pls pls pls pls
they probably enjoy watching shoujo or slice of life but if you wanted to watch something else, they probably would watch it with you bc they like you lots
if you watch something that you started with them and watch ahead of them? they’re heartbroken. devastated. defeated. the first and the only time you did that they were inconsolable
would take you clubbing if you were up to it but if clubs aren’t your scene, they totally respect that and won’t push you out of your comfort zone
they will also take really really REALLY good care of you if you get wasted around them and they are really good at keeping you safe
if you listen to vocaloid and reveal that to him he will spam you with new songs that drop by the vocaloid producers that he likes
i am a firm believer that eli fucks so hard with giga p you can’t convince me other wise sorry i make the rules
if u don’t know what vocaloid they will make you listen to a couple of songs that he thinks pass off as normal but again if you fw vocaloid then he can start showing you some niche vocaloid songs
such an acts of service man. if you played his lil date thing you would know (i need to go back n double check this by playing it again)
gives off his moody dark grumpy energy but fuck it I’ll be in the minority that believes he likes being small spoon please give him head kisses he enjoys them even though he will not tell you
i think that volks in the beginning of your relationship is uncomfortable with pda but as your relationship continues, he’s gotten used to holding your hand or giving you quick pecks in public
at home though? his hands are on you always. a hand on your leg, your legs on top of his legs, his arms wrapped around your waist. he always has one of his hands on you
if you go on hikes for either leisure or to exercise, he will join you as much as possible every single time
HAS 👏A 👏 REALLY 👏 GOOD 👏 SKIN ROUTINE. he’s a model photoshop can only do so much yk. expect to do skincare together and face masks at the end of the week
has a very early bedtime (like probably 11pm or like midnight at the latest) so when he’s getting ready for bed so are you by force
if you wake up later than him whenever he has an early photoshoot, he will always prepare you a portion of whatever he made for himself
he wants you to meet his mom once it’s confirmed that y’all are serious. you two are the two most important people in his life (and he doesn’t have a lot of people in his life who matter the way that y’all do) and he wants to make sure that his mom gives you a seal of approval (as long as you make volks happy, you win her approval dw)
he knows he’s not the most romantic person out there but makes sure that you’re taken care of. that’s how he shows that he cares. he hopes that the way that he makes your bed, organizes your work desk, and applies moisturizer to your hands after you’ve long fallen asleep is able to convey the feelings of love and adoration, he has just for you
tries to keep your relationship a secret from his fans and it works in his video formats because duh you can edit those but when he’s live streaming? he’s cooked. tf you mean he can’t just talk about how cute you are when you nap or gush about the way that you cutely hog the blankets when y’all nap together?
he was scared that his fans would not be too happy at the idea that he was in a relationship, but most of his fans were not like that at all. most of his fans are the sweetest people
some of them even tag you in some edits of ichiban and not gonna lie you watch some of them because DAYUM your man is fine
ok, some of his fans immediately become your fans when they see you on for the first time on his stream and that ichiban was not prepared for but he also was not prepared for the edits of YOU that go around his community
his chat makes it well known that if he fucks it up with you they’re all gonna come n snatch you up because you’re such a treat
is not very good with words or actions he’s kinda like a cute boyfailure but you can’t fault him too much he’s just so stinkin cute at being clueless
does this say anywhere in his voice lines or in his phone fling? no, but i do not care. um anyways, i think ichiban has a thing for building personal computers
like everything in his PC is customized. from the computer case, the motherboard, graphics card, everything. he has so much fun building them to the point where he has like 5 fully built computers off somewhere in his house because he didn't know what to do with them. to ichiban, they're like adult legos, but if legos costed even more money
if you wanted him to build you one, he totally would. probably wouldn't even charge you because he loves building them and customizing them for you (and because he's probably loaded from being a popular streamer and whatnot). ichiban would be absolutely elated if you wanted to build a PC with you if you offered. he loves doing things with you
clingy clingy man touchy touchy man
this might be a little controversial but i don't think that he would like kill anybody. injure somebody? most definitely probably. (i'm probably in the minority here but i'll die on this hill)
BUT he’s very very possessive of you. does not like it when other boys pay attention to you. he wants to be the only one to see the crinkle in your eyes when you smile, or the way the sunlight hits your eyes when you’re reading in the afternoon, or see how ethereal you are when you sleep on the couch in the evening with a movie on that highlights your face just right
has articles of your clothing. has stolen a used shirt from your house just so he can use it as a pillowcase and snuggle with it at night
he will show up at your place whenever he has free time. after work, before work, he will sleepover at your place quite frequently too if you let him. your landlord is convinced that he’s your boyfriend with how frequently he comes over
loves doing mundane chores with you. washing dishes, putting away laundry, going grocery shopping, you name it and if he can help you he will. it feels like you two are a real married couple. soulmates. it squeezes his heart just right when people see you two getting ingredients for dinner and mistake you for a couple
if you have work functions where you need to bring a plus one you better call him first, he would pounce at the opportunity to be yours, even if it’s just for one evening
he’s very good with his words. he’s so cold to others but with you he’s so sweet. he can just tell if something is off with you. he somehow just knows if you had a bad day. he’ll be there with take out, movies, whatever you need (red flag honestly, but i like wearing rose colored glasses)
if you let him embrace you pre relationship, now he expects some sugar anytime he sees you. a hug when he first sees you, a hug for when you have to leave, a hug when he “accidentally” runs into you in public, etc.
he’s inexperienced, but he’s a quick learner. you’re probably his first relationship and he would never tell you, but he’s insecure about it
loves reading to you. it’s just so intimate with the two of you pressed together under the sheets. he gets butterflies just thinking about it
tell him you love his voice. that you like hearing him. he is a little aware that some people think his voice is hot but coming from you? he’ll hold it to heart. maybe he should consider recording for audiobooks
makes a reading list for you, out of love of course. he asks you what genres you like, book length, etc. even if you don’t read, should you ever ask for his recommendations he will be ready for you
go to the library with him and read pls. it doesn’t have to be date just go with him. he goes by himself all the time please go with him. you don’t even have to read books with words you can pull up the graphic novels he won’t mind promise
i imagine cashew fucks so hard with dates where it’s just the two of you (like a picnic or a walk in the park) he has so many ideas because of all the romance books he reads, but he’s scared he’s gonna botch the execution of it
treat him nicely please, again you’re his first serious relationship so don’t break his heart too bad
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metallicaislife · 10 months
Dating Lars Headcanons
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A/N: Lars deserves so much love!! Secured a spot on a record with no band, put an ad in the paper and the rest is history. thx for coming to my ted talk.
Requested by: Anon
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none
SFW Headcanons
You were just living your life blissfully unaware everything was about to change forever
At a bar with some friends, Lars spotted you and he was done for
Hadn’t spoken to you yet or anything but knew that he would move mountains for you if he could
He was hesitant to approach, he didn’t want to come off as a creep, he desperately wanted you to notice him the same way he noticed you
And that you did, as your friends laughed and chatted you couldn’t help but notice the guy across the bar who was already looking at you, rather than looking away trying to play it off, he gave you a sheepish grin and it made your heart skip a beat
You got up to get another drink and that is when Lars made his move
He’d start off with some cheesy pickup line- 
“What’s your favorite drink? Just so I know what to order you on our first date.” 
Literally if anyone else pulled that, repulsion. But he was just so freaking cute and it was smooth as hell
So you chatted a little bit lots of flirty flirting 
You didn’t want to be a bad friend and ditch them so reluctantly you went back to your group but not before exchanging numbers with Lars
He calls you that night, he just knows the two of you are meant to be and so he isn’t going to let this opportunity slip through his fingers
He’s a pretty busy guy but he was more worried about your schedule and found a time that worked best for you and made it work 
Top tier first date, like best first date you’ve ever been on
So of course you said yes when he asked you again
Then you beat him to the next ask and it made him absolutely melttttt
You two start dating exclusively really quickly
He just comes off as an absolute lovebug to me idk haha
So like it doesn’t matter who you’re in front of or what the situation is he is touching you at ALL times- not in a nasty way, get your mind out the gutter 👀
Holding your hand, holding you from behind and resting his chin on your shoulder
Sitting on the couch your legs are touching, he has a hand on your thigh, plays with your hair, rubs your back etc
And when you reciprocate and hold on to him or play with his hands or hair, or tickle his back he’s so giddy and cute 
When you’re alone it’s even more so, your legs across his lap, or sitting in his lap
Taking turns spooning or letting the other lay their head on their chest
Just all the sweet snuggles!! 
And he can talk for hours, doesn’t matter what it’s about, but it’s so comforting listening to him whether it’s about the band and the upcoming tour, or its absolute nonsense
He gets so mad when you fall asleep on him and he can’t get up and get the camera because you look so damn cute and he wants to immortalize that in a photo but he doesn’t want to disturb you
So when he does catch you sleeping and it’s not on him there are so many photos of you and you just look so peaceful 
He just adores you so much 
Knowing you’re backstage when he’s done and ready to give him a big ol’ hug even when he’s super sweaty and probably a little stinky makes him so freaking happy 
When his kit is getting setup before soundchecks he lets you play around on them and even if you’ve got absolutely no rhythm he’s gonna be hyping you up so hard
“You’re so good, baby! You should come out and play during one of the songs tonight!” 
You just roll your eyes, but the fact that he supports you in all you do, even if you aren’t good at something yet makes you feel all warm and fuzzy
You two are just the cutest ever and deserve all the happy endings 🥹
Thank you for reading! Feel free to request or chat :)
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ghostking4m · 11 months
Joe Burrow x male reader
Summary: Y/n reflects on his relationship with Joe in therapy. What his therapist doesn’t know won’t kill him.
“So tell me your favorite memory with Joe.”
Y/n didn’t know why he was wasting his time in therapy if he’s just going to be asked questions like this. It’s like he was being asked what his favorite childhood vacation destination was and it makes him feel like a little boy being mentally evaluated.
“I don’t know. I mean- there was this one time when I went to his game against the Kansas City Chiefs and we got this tornado warning. We were just sitting on the swings at this park and it was already cold and windy. The alarm started going off and the look on his face was like he was a character straight out of a horror movie.” Y/n said with a tiny smile and turned to his right to look out the window. “Neither of us had ever seen a real tornado, maybe in the Wizard of Oz, but never in person. Sure, we were both scared, but seeing his eyes wide with pure fear and his knuckles white as snow when he was gripping the chain on the swing was the most hilarious thing I had ever seen. He tried to convince me that we need to go and seek shelter, but I just sat there in the swing laughing. Eventually he sat down in the swings with me and just laughed with me. We even saw the tornado in the distance, but we didn’t move a muscle and we were luckily still safe. Well, no, that was kind of a lie. We did move, but it was only so we could play on the seesaw, then we just laid in the bark together. His arms were wrapped around my waist and I felt so safe. We were so close, not only in proximity, but also on an emotional level. We had feelings for each other, but we both refused to admit it. We were like teenagers playing 7 minutes in heaven, in the sense that we were like kids teetering with our feelings in the dark, both too afraid to make a move.”
Y/n felt a twinge of sadness deep in his heart when he thought of the memories. Remembering what it was like to face danger in the face with Joe hurt him a little more than he would like to admit.
“From what i’m understanding, the two of you stayed at the park in the middle of a tornado and risked facing the tornadoes wrath, just because you thought it was funny?” Y/n therapist asked him. It’s like he couldn’t believe that two people could be so in love that they just wanted to stay there and live in the moment, even if it meant being in the wake of a natural disaster.
“Well, when you put it like that, yeah, I guess we do sound a bit crazy.” Y/n chuckled in response.
“Like, don’t get me wrong, it was totally crazy to just sit there when we saw the tornado destroying everything in its path, but somehow it all felt like everything would be okay.”
“Why?” Dr. Wallard questioned Y/n.
“Because I was with him. I knew we would be okay as long as we were together.”
Y/n felt a jolt of electricity while he was onstage. Performing in Paycor stadium was something different for him to get used to, but he felt so comfortable in Paycor, considering how many games he had been here to watch, despite being a California native.
“So, you guys know I’ve been doing this thing at the end of every show where I play a surprise song. We have 1 song left, so what do you guys think the song is going to be?”
Y/n didn’t want the night to end, so he was more than happy to keep the crowd engaged. He heard people yelling all around him in the stadium. He heard Vicious, Sue Me, Because I Liked A Boy, Decode, but he had something else in mind.
“Jokes on all of you, because i’m doing a song that no one has ever heard, not even my team. I just finished the final master last night and I’m so excited for you guys to hear this song. Only three people in the world will know what this song is about, myself, the person I wrote it about, and my therapist.” Y/n joked as he was introducing the song. The entire stadium howled with laughter and cheers after he said that.
“This song is called Tornado Warnings”
“You always blow me away with your performances.”
Y/n knew that voice in the dark, if he were blind, even if he had his ears covered. Just the sound made his heart pick up to an inhuman speed.
“You just want to see me on my knees in front of you, Burrow” Y/n made a teasing joke in response.
“Well, I would never turn that down, but I mean it, you’ve always been such a captivating and talented performer. It was fun to come to your show today.” Joe pleaded. Y/n turned around and his breath dropped the second he saw those eyes, cool as ice. It never ceased to amaze him how much of an effect Joe’s eyes had on him.
“Thank you. That means a lot. Did you have a favorite song or part of the show?” Y/n asked him, trying to be as casual as he could.
“There was one song I heard tonight that I couldn’t get out of my head. It was something along the lines of you lying to your therapist. That seems like it’s the opposite of helpful, don’t you think?” Joe spoke, poking fun at Y/n.
“Yeah, but it was only ever for the lyrics. It fit the melody and theme of the song. I’ve been entering more of my popstar era than my songwriter era and now i’m just singing what fits the melody than making sure my lyrics are true to me.” Y/n said sarcastically. Joe could always see right through him.
“Right, because you’re a popstar, not a singer-songwriter who the internet claims is the son of Taylor Swift.” Joe said laughing. “Anyway, I really liked that song. I really liked being called a son of a bitch.”
Y/n laughed and it felt so natural to be with Joe like this. Oh god, Dr. Wallard would be so disappointed in Y/n right now if he knew about this.
“No, that one was actually just a line that worked for the melody. I don’t think you’re a son of a bitch. Your mom is an angel.” Y/n said with a smile on his face. He slow started inching his way towards Joe and wrapped his arms around his waist, looking up at him.
“I’ll tell her you said that” Joe chuckled back. He wrapped his arms around Y/n and leaned down to kiss him. No matter what happened, no matter how hard either of them tried, they just couldn’t stay aware from each other. There was something magnetic, something out of this world about their relationship. Joe didn’t want to be with anyone else, even if they were officially in a relationship. “You know, sometimes I can’t tell if we’re in a relationship, just hookup up, friends with benefits, or if you just like kissing me.”
“Oh please! Don’t flatter yourself, Burrow. You look like the green giant from that vegetable company.” Y/n retorted. “If anything, YOU just like kissing me.”
“Cant argue with you there.”
Y/n thought about Joe all the freaking time. In the shower, driving to the grocery store, on stage performing, but his thoughts about Joe just hit a little differently when he was in his therapy sessions.
“If Joe were to tell you, right now, that he wants to get back together with you, would you do it? Would you reignite that spark that started your relationship in the first place?” Dr. Wallard asked Y/n.
“Oh fuck that! No. Absolutely not. I’m over that son of a bitch. I’m at a point in my life where I almost want to put all of that behind me and pretend like it never existed. I’m just gonna start telling everyone that we never dated, we never saw each other in the first place, we never kissed.” Y/n lied with no hesitation and absolutely no conviction.
Maybe some part of him thought that if he could convince Dr. Wallard that if he couldn’t see the lie that it doesn’t exist. Deep down, he knew that he wasn’t as mysterious as he thought and he’s not as good of a liar as he thinks he is. Dr. Wallard has GOT to be catching on as much as Y/n denies anything ever happened with Joe.
“You wouldn’t go back to the person that you described as the most epic love of your life? You’ve once told me that you think he’s the only person you could ever be with. You had plans or dreams to marry him. Do you still get those dreams sometimes?” Dr. Wallard investigated further.
“No. No. No. In fact, I actually met someone else. There’s a man i’ve been seeing who looks like Joe in a way, maybe it’s the eyes, but character wise, he’s nothing like Joe. He’s so much better than Joe. He’s like he was a predestined thought in Santa’s mind before he was even born and has been on the nice list from birth. He’s the upgraded version of Joe.”
“Does this man have a name?”
“I’d rather not say that right now. I don’t want to jinx anything, you know?”
“Ok. That’s a valid argument. Does this man have any green flags that Joe didn’t?”
“This man is nothing but green flags. Joe was like a walking red flag, or like a walking, talking, breathing natural disaster warning.” Y/n argued.
Y/b had to think a little more about his next response. He thought of Joe and his sweet kisses.
“Joe was a walking tornado warning.”
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shuniverse · 1 year
dark nights ,, g.tnka
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🧷 I decided to write gundham because I adore that man and I want to marry him fr 😔❤️
🎐 f!reader (because I’m self-indulgent 🥲) ;; cute fluff ;; a storm ;; gundham + a tight muscle shirt 🤭 ;; gundham calls you paramour and dove and darling because those nicknames suit him and they’re so fucking cute 😭 ;;
gundham had invited you over, missing your company, because ‘even the supreme overlord of ice gets lonesome in his abode.’
you happily obliged however, also missing the warmth you felt in your boyfriend’s apartment, as well as his adorable little hamsters, the devas.
and so, you’re driving to his home, playing some low, soft songs on the way there, your bag packed in the passenger seat with hoodies and other assorted clothes, and your hair done in a messy bun in the back of your head with light bangs framing your face, and subtle dark eyeliner around your eyes.
finally arriving at his door, your things in hand, you knock on his door.
you giggle at the rustling behind it, and you smile softly when the door finally opens, revealing your boyfriend with his hair down and messy, face mostly clean aside from the gentle eyeshadow still around his eyes, in a snug black tee that accentuates the subtle muscle of his arms and the thicker muscle of his chest, and loose grey sweatpants hanging low around his hips. he looks absolutely delectable.
“darling? you’re gawking, is something the matter?”
his comfortingly deep voice pulls you out of your trance, and you giggle and nod. “sorry, baby, you’re just super pretty.”
his cheeks flush at the compliment, ever the shy guy despite his normal persona. “ah, thank you, my paramour.”
you nod, stepping forward to press a kiss to his lips, more prominent now that the pale foundation isn’t covering them, and he reciprocates happily with a ringed hand to your cheek.
he pulls away though with a beautiful close lipped smile. “let us get inside, my love, we mustn’t let it get cold. besides, I’ve been dying to feel your most comforting presence in my dark abode.”
once again, you nod, and step inside and walk to his room, where you set your things. you know he doesn’t mind, he’s let you know, and you’re comfortable considering you’ve been together for two years. you’re surprised you’re not living together at this point.
you leave his room, having stolen one of his hoodies, which makes him chuckle when he notices. “cold, my dove?”
you giggle. “yeah, it was kinda chilly outside, especially with the rain coming in.”
he nods with a knowing grin on his defined features. “of course, I understand, love. come, I’ve prepared some movies for us to enjoy. ah, but first, please make yourself comfortable, I’ll go grab our treats for the night.”
“ok, baby.” you smile and kiss his cheek while he presses one to your head, lifting your hand and kissing the back of it, before walking to the kitchen to retrieve your snacks.
god I got lucky with this man, you think, he’s perfect.
as soon as you utter those words, you notice four familiar little blobs in your peripheral vision, and you turn your head to see the devas crawling over to you to cuddle against you, maga-z gently nibbling on your forearm, making you giggle. “hi, babies. miss me?”
you smile fondly at them. cuties, they are.
gundham walks back into the room, seeing the cute little scene, and he smiles. “how adorable. a goddess with fearsome creatures, shall I call you circe?”
you giggle at his reference, knowing Circe is one of your favorite Greek goddesses. “I wish, baby, but she’s too cool for me.”
“oh nonsense, dove. you’re goddess enough for me, and I think that suffices enough, yes?”
you smile and kiss his arm as he sits down next to you. “I suppose, love. now, what movie do you have picked out?”
he gives a small smile as he pecks your temple before handing you a bowl of fresh fruits as well as the chips he knows you love. “I’ve picked out a few, darling, just let me know what you’d like to watch, okay?”
you nod, getting comfy and munching on your fruits.
he scrolls through movies he rented for you, passing through Atlantis, The Phantom of the Opera, The Conjuring, The Hunchback of Notre Dame, Incantation - and as soon as he stops on that, your face lights up; it’s your favorite horror movie.
“Ooh, ooh, that one!”
he chuckles. “okay, my paramour, we shall watch this one.”
you smile giddily at him and kiss his cheek. “thank you baby.”
he gives you a warm smile, one you’ve grown to love and appreciate, seeing as it usually only comes out with you. “anything for you, my dove. let’s watch now, I know you’re practically vibrating in your seat.”
you giggle at his comment, snuggling up close and grabbing a chunk of watermelon and handing it to gundham, who opens his mouth for it. you pop the fruit into his mouth, and he chews with a little smile, waiting til he’s done to kiss your head and speak again. “thank you, my paramour.”
nodding, you chomp on a piece of your own. “of course, pretty boy. let’s watch the movie now!”
he gives a small laugh, turning on the movie for you both to watch.
all goes well, until about 10 minutes later, thunder booms outside, and a flash of lightning is the last shine of light you see before all goes dark.
you scream, clinging onto gundham. you wouldn’t necessarily say you have a fear of storms, but this one got to you.
you feel arms wrap around your form in a comforting manner, and a kiss is pressed to your head as a hand brushes down your hair. “shh, my love, all is well, it’s just a power outage, you are okay.”
you bury your head into gundham’s thick chest, whimpering a bit. “are.. are the devas okay?”
he smiles against your head, feeling the aforementioned hamsters crawl and snuggle against his neck, and close to your head. “yes, darling, they’re just fine. are you?”
you pause for a moment, before looking up at him, faintly seeing his defined facial features from what little light is coming through the window, and nodding. “yea, I.. I’m fine, baby.”
he nods in response, kissing your forehead. “good, that’s good. I suppose no movie then?”
you pout, before sitting up and grabbing your snacks. “let’s just head to your room, baby. it’s comfy in there, and we can light candles!”
he chuckles at your enthusiasm, standing up and holding out a hand for you to hold. “let us go then, dove.”
you both head down to his bedroom, the familiar smell of incense and cedarwood filling your senses, making you smile, and you plop down on his bed, the black silk sheets comforting you with the plush pillows.
he gently grabs your snacks and places them on the bedside table, and he picks up a candle from a drawer, lighting it, and setting it down. the smell is a mix of lavender, and musky oak-like wood. he then turns to light and burn some incense as well, the woodsy smell complementing the candle.
he smiles at you now, and you lay back on the sheets comfortably, opening your arms to the beautifully misunderstood man in front of you, who happily takes your invitation and gets on the bed to lay comfortably on top of you, the top of his dark head close to your chin.
you press a kiss to his head, feeling drowsy and comforted by the way he runs his hands up and down your sides, and he presses a kiss to your collarbone.
“a nap would be good now, darling, storms are good for sleep. let us rest, and feel rejuvenated when we wake.”
you smile, nodding, softly scratching the base of his neck with your nails. “sleep.. sounds good, my love.”
he sighs deeply, his deep and rumbly voice making you warm inside. “sleep well, my paramour.” and with a kiss to your jaw, he’s snuggled his head against you, on his way to dreamland.
and it’s now that you realize, however.
this is home, you think.
and you think you could stay til those candles burn out, til all of them do.
or forever.
yeah, that. that’s a good idea.
hope you enjoyed this!! I love writing for gundham :((( he makes me so so happy and I want a boyfriend like him 😭😭
feel free to like and reblog, it’s greatly appreciated!!
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meekahy · 11 months
Babes!!! Here is another fic I wrote about Noah. It's all fluff!
Let me know what you think!!! Any feedback is helpful!
I'm also taking requests!!!
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I missed you:
I stare down at my fingers, knee bouncing uncontrollably as my nerves bubble from the bottom of my toes to the top of my head. My eyes quickly shift to the clock on the wall, watching the seconds tick by. As the minutes near, my heart pounds, my hands sweat, and the sound gets louder.
At the sound of laughter, my eyes dart to the source. The guys are stood there laughing at something I entirely missed in my nervous state. Noah sits down next to me, and I feel butterflies replace the anxiety I was feeling when our eyes lock and his hand slides onto my knee. I don’t know why I was so nervous seeing him again, but seeing him now made all my nervousness fade away. 
He leans in, his eyebrows furrowed and his gaze searching my eyes for any sign of hurt as he asks, “Are you okay? I can tell there’s something wrong”.
“Oh! It’s nothing. I think there’s too many people here”, I mutter, placing my hand on top of Noah’s. He flips his hand over to tangle our fingers together. “Should we get going? Are you guys hungry?” I ask the boys. 
They all groan, answering in multiple variations of yes. I stand and pull Noah with me as we all walk back to my car to head for dinner. As we walk, Noah tugs me into his side and presses a kiss to the top of my head.
“I missed you”, he mutters as I squeeze my hand on his hip reassuringly.
“I missed you way more!” I chime as he squeezes me with his arm around my shoulder.
By the time we all reached the car, the boys were fighting over where to eat for dinner. 
“But Mexican sounds sooo good,” Folio groans as Jolly gives him a bored look.
“I just think Japanese is the way to go”, Jolly retorts.
“Let her decide”, Nick motions to me with his hand.
I look at them with wide eyes, “Me?” They all nod in return. “Hm, I think I’m going to have to side with Folio on this one, guys.” 
Folio pumps a fist into the air, “YES!”. I just giggle at him.
At the Mexican restaurant Jolly orders a margarita. “Folio, you’re lucky this margarita is delicious”, he says as he sips reluctantly. Everyone is chowing down on chips and salsa. 
While everyone is stuffing their face, Noah wraps his arm around my chair and leans in.
“So, what’s the matter?” he questions as I look into his eyes. 
It was really hard living alone without Noah here to comfort me when things were bad. Sure, he was a phone call away, but nothing beats his warm, belonging hugs. He makes me feel like I’m at home and it’s hard living without that everyday.
I rest my hand on his knee as I sigh, “I think I just missed you while you were on tour is all.”
He smiles at me and gives me a kiss on the cheek, “I missed you too, pretty girl.”
After dinner, everyone heads back to the car. Noah is holding my hand, swinging it as we walk back to the car. 
Dropping Folio off, we are all singing in the car. We’ve been listening to a lot of Lorna Shore, Sleep Token, Spiritbox, and even some Taylor Swift. Nicholas looks to me from the passenger seat after Folio leaves and wonders, “What song do you want to listen to next?” 
Thinking briefly I plead, “Okay, I know you guys are home and tired of playing this night after night, but do you mind if we listen to Artifical Suicide? I love it when Noah does the little screams at the beginning. It’s my favorite! Pretty please?”
“Anything for you”, Nicholas replies.
The song begins and starts to swell. I know exactly what part I’m waiting for and giggle in my seat as Noah is still holding my hand. Right as the first growl comes out I raise my hands in the air, close my eyes and smile, imitating it silently. Noah watches with amusement as he starts to sing along to the song. I scream the words to the best of my ability and all the guys watch in enjoyment. The next time Noah growls in the song, he does it out loud for me. I squeal with excitement. With all of us laughing, I think and treasure this moment. It’s the little moments that make my heart smile.
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deadricslover · 10 months
Sweet nothings
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a/n: Don't even know how I came up with this one tbh but I'm depressed because tour is over so I've been thinking about the guys too much.
summary: After a long day, you finally get home and spend some time with your partner and your sleep app comes in handy the next morning.
warnings: None :)
pairings: Ashton Irwin x fem!reader
Your ears got used to the car horns blaring and engines rumbling as you sat in traffic waiting impatiently to get home after a day that has-- for lack of better words, exhausted you. Those familiar sounds were soon interrupted by a sound that clashed with the cars and their horns. Your phone. You pick it up and glance at it quickly even though you are stuck in traffic that's not moving. You answer it and put it on speaker, dropping it onto your lap
"Hey, Ash" you say into the speaker
"Hey, you. Where are you?" he asks clearly wondering where you are as you should have been home almost an hour ago.
"Stuck in traffic." You sigh simply wanting to go home, see your partner, eat dinner whilst watching TV and go to sleep.
"Ah, I should have come to get you" he replies hearing your tone.
"That wouldn't have gotten me home any faster" you giggle
"I could have been there to keep you company at least. I've been home all day by myself" He hates being alone for too long, you knew this but needed to leave nevertheless.
"Would've could've should've" You reply not even thinking up of another answer for him.
You hear him let out a little laugh before informing you "You sound like a dad"
"Thanks, Ashton" You reply sarcastically. "I should be home in about half an hour" you let him know
"Perfect. I made dinner. I don't want it to get cold" he replies
"Ooh, what did you make?" you ask genuinely curious but also wanting to keep talking to him and not hang up
"You'll see when you get home." he tells in a sneaky tone.
"Ahh, I see" you understand "how was your day?"
"nothing out of the ordinary. Just played around with some songs for a while"
"anything good?"
"I'll ask the guys and see what they think. I'm not sure how I feel about them" he replies honestly
"they're better than you think. don't worry" you support
He thanks you and you wrap up the conversation with him nearing twenty minutes later as you were close to home. You lock your car and open the front door to your home dropping your keys inside the front door. Ashton comes around the corner when he heard the door open to greet you with that perfect, contagious smile that could brighten the gloomiest of days. You're greeted by the comforting scent of dinner wafting through the air. The soft glow of fairy lights adorned their living room, creating a warm ambiance-- one that you needed at this moment.
"you're home" he says, wrapping you in a tight embrace. The stress of the day seemed to melt away in that moment. His comfort was all you ever needed in life, his warm energy and personality.
"What's all this?" you ask, a curious smile forming on your face as you notice the carefully set table and the delicious aroma of your favorite meal.
"Just a little surprise for my hardworking girl" Ashton replied pulling away from you slightly to catch your reaction, his eyes sparkling with affection.
"Do you want to change first?" He questions letting go of you but still holding your hand in his lightly as if you were a delicate piece of art-- which to him, you were. You nod softly before leaving and changing into something a little more comfy. You take your hair down as you make your way back into the kitchen and see him dishing up two plates.
"no peeking" he says without even turning around to you, knowing you all too well. you smile and roll your eyes as if he would see and left the kitchen. he quicky follows you and being the gentleman he is, pulls out a chair for you before pushing you back in and hurrying off to get the plates.
Throughout dinner, Ashton couldn't help but constantly steal glances at you, when you weren't looking, in awe at the way your eyes lit up when you spoke your part of the conversation. As the evening went on, the atmosphere shifted to one of tranquility, the pair enjoying each other's company in the soft glow of the living room, catching up on some tv that you had missed the night before, before making your way to bed to wrap up the perfect night.
As you were exhausted from the long day you had, you slept almost instantly after finishing your night routine and got cozy in bed whilst Ashton brushed his teeth. He saw you wrapped up in the duvet all snuggled up and couldn't help but smile at you. Something about tonight was just so lovingly domestic that neither of you could help stealing glances at eachother and smiling to yourselves.
he turns off the lights and gets into bed next to you cuddling up. He couldn't help but admire you even more as the moonlight hit your sleeping face. He plants a kiss into your head and nuzzles his nose and face into you sweetly.
"I love you" he whispers. "so so much"
"I don't want to wake you, but I needed to say it" he adds
He whispers sweet nothings to you for a little while before eventually drifting to sleep.
The next morning you woke up without Ashton by your side. He had mentioned that he wouldn't be there and he would be at the studio with the guys when you woke up. You grabbed your phone as you sat down to eat breakfast and saw notifications from different apps. your sleep tracking app popped up and indicated that you had been sleep talking. Curiously you click into the app and press play on the audio and Ashton's voice reaches your ears. You hear all of the sweet nothings that he whispered to you when you were sleeping and couldn't help the formation of butterflies in your stomach. You decided to ask him about it when he came home later on that day. You got ready for work and left for the day.
Differently to yesterday, Ashton got you from work on the way home from being at the studio.
"Hey, Ash" you greet him, getting into the car.
"hi, my love" he replies placing a kiss to your face when you settle in.
after asking eachother about your days you decide to ask him about the sleep app.
"can I ask you something?" you question
"anything" he replies
you didn't know exactly how to go about it, but wanted to know that you knew so you decided to just play the audio for him. he glances over you slightly confused until he realizes what's going on. He goes red and looks away embarrassed about what's happening. he doesn't regret it, but wishes your stupid sleep app hadn't caught it.
"turn it off" he laughs gently pushing the phone out of your hands.
"you're so sweet" you tell him, placing your hand on his that's on the gearstick showing him there's nothing to be ashamed about.
"shut up" he shushes you, still smiling as he puts his hand on your thigh momentarily.
You finish the day exactly the same as the previous day, but Ashton makes sure to block the permissions from your sleep app so that it doesn't catch anything else. He isn't upset that you heard, and to be honest, he's not all that embarrassed, because he says this stuff to you all the time but it's just the fact that you caught him. He wouldn't change that you heard it though.
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
↱ you’re it for me ↰
➘ summary : this is a Hobie head canon that showcases all the little aspects happening in your relationship with him amongst other things. Keep in mind this will be a lengthy journey of reading and it’s based off of this post that I made a while back
➘ a/n : I’m making a part two to this headcanon because I feel it’s a bit too long lol and I don’t want you guys strolling for ages, so here it goes, part two
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Listening to Rock Music Together and Him Creating A Playlist For You :
Hobie Brown's cozy apartment was bathed in the warm glow of soft lighting. The sound of punk music played gently in the background, its melodic notes filling the room with a sense of tranquility. Hobie sat cross-legged on the couch, a small assortment of nail polish bottles spread out on the coffee table in front of him.
Beside him, his girlfriend (y/n) reclined comfortably, a content smile gracing her lips. She watched as Hobie concentrated on the task at hand – painting her nails with the precision of an artist. His brows furrowed in concentration, he dipped the tiny brush into the nail polish and carefully applied it to her nails.
"This color suits you, (y/n)," Hobie remarked, his voice soft as he continued his meticulous work.
(y/n) chuckled softly, glancing down at her nails. "Yeah? I like it too."
As the music continued to play, Hobie's fingers moved with a gentle rhythm that matched the beat. With each stroke of the brush, he seemed to be creating more than just pretty nail art – he was crafting a moment, a memory to be cherished.
Absently, (y/n) tapped her fingers against her thigh in time with the music. A soft smile tugged at the corners of her lips as she closed her eyes, allowing herself to become immersed in the soothing melody. The sound of the punk song enveloped her, blending seamlessly with the cozy atmosphere of the apartment.
"I like how this song sounds," (y/n) mused, her voice a mere whisper.
Hobie's fingers paused for a moment, the brush hovering just above her nail. He looked up at her, a fond glint in his eyes. "Yeah? You have good taste, babe."
They shared a brief, tender smile before Hobie resumed his task. The atmosphere was serene and intimate, the outside world fading away as they embraced this moment together. The punk music played on, acting as the backdrop to their quiet conversation and the soft swishing of the nail polish brush.
As Hobie's artistic endeavor neared its completion, (y/n) opened her eyes and admired the intricate designs on her nails. "You're really talented, Hobie."
Hobie chuckled, a hint of bashfulness in his expression. "Thanks love. It's just something I picked up over the years."
With the last brushstroke, he set the nail polish aside and gently blew on her nails to speed up the drying process. The two of them sat in companionable silence for a moment, the music continuing to play softly in the background.
As the song reached its end, Hobie leaned back and stretched his arms above his head. "Done!"
(y/n) held up her hands, admiring the artwork on her nails with a satisfied grin. "Wow, you really outdid yourself."
Hobie's smile was radiant as he reached over and gave her a quick kiss. "Anything for my favorite gal.”
Their cozy evening continued, filled with laughter, music, and the simple joy of being together. The punk music remained a constant presence, weaving through their interactions and the thoughts of creating a soundtrack for the cherished moments they shared stayed heavy on his mind.
And as they relaxed in each other's company, (y/n) couldn't help but feel grateful for the little things – the music, the artistry, and the love that colored their lives.
A few weeks after the cozy evening in Hobie's apartment and the creation of their shared playlist, he found himself inspired once again. This time, he had a different musical idea in mind – one that he believed would resonate with (y/n)'s spirit and new found love for punk music.
Late one evening, as the city's lights twinkled outside his window, Hobie sat down at his desk with determination. He opened his laptop, his fingers tapping the keyboard with purpose. He knew that this playlist had to be different, edgier, and perfectly aligned with (y/n)'s taste in music.
The words "Punk Anthem" flashed across the screen as he named the new playlist. With a grin, he began scouring his music library for different songs that he believed would resonate with (y/n). Each track was a nod to her vibrant personality, her sense of independence, and the free-spirited energy she brought into his life.
Hobie added songs that had rebellious lyrics and energetic beats, all designed to capture the essence of punk rock. The playlist was a tribute to (y/n)'s unique spirit and the way she lived life on her own terms.
As he carefully curated the songs, Hobie's mind wandered to the moment he would share this playlist with (y/n). He imagined her reaction, her eyes lighting up with delight as the first chords of a punk anthem blared through the speakers.
When the playlist was finally complete, Hobie leaned back in his chair, a satisfied grin on his face. He had poured his heart into this gift, hoping it would convey his deep understanding of (y/n) and the unique connection they shared.
A few nights later, Hobie and (y/n) found themselves in his apartment again. The atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable, much like their previous evenings together. They were sprawled out on the couch, wrapped up in each other's presence.
Hobie cleared his throat, his fingers drumming lightly on the arm of the couch. "Hey, so I've got something for you again darlin.”
(y/n) turned to him with a curious smile. "Oh? Another surprise?"
Hobie smirks, reaching for his phone and pulling up his music streaming app. He handed the phone to (y/n), his eyes dancing with excitement.
On the screen, she saw the title: "Punk Anthem."
Her heart raced as she tapped on the playlist and saw the list of punk songs that Hobie had curated for her. The rebellious energy of the tracks spoke to her soul, and she couldn't help but be amazed at how well he knew her tastes.
"Wow, Hobie," she exclaimed, her voice a mix of surprise and delight. "You really nailed it."
Hobie chuckled, a touch of pride in his expression. "I knew you'd love this."
As the first song started playing, (y/n) couldn't help but bounce to the beat. She looked at Hobie, her eyes shining with excitement. "This is awesome! Thank you!"
Hobie's arm found its way around her shoulders, and they leaned into each other, soaking in the energy of the music. Together, they listened to the punk anthems that spoke to their souls and celebrated their connection.
In that moment, Hobie and (y/n) felt the music pulse through their veins, a reflection of the vibrant love and understanding they shared. The playlist wasn't just a collection of songs; it was a testament to their journey, their bond, and the way they continued to learn and grow together.
As the last chords of the final song faded away, Hobie and (y/n) exchanged a glance that spoke volumes. The punk playlist had brought them closer, celebrating their uniqueness and the beautifully unconventional love story they were writing together.
Helping With Your Usual Hair and Skin Routine :
On a lazy weekend afternoon, the sun cast a warm and gentle glow into Hobie's apartment. Hobie and (y/n) found themselves lounging on the couch, their comfortable silence a testament to the ease of their relationship. As they flipped through a fashion magazine together, (y/n) suddenly looked up at Hobie with a mischievous smile.
"Hey, you know what would be fun?" she said, her eyes sparkling.
Hobie raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What's that?"
"What if you helped me with my skincare and hair routine?" (y/n) suggested, a playful twinkle in her eyes. "I'll walk you through the steps, and you can be my partner in beauty crime for the day."
Hobie chuckled, the idea sounding both amusing and oddly appealing. "I've never done anything like that before, but I'm up for the challenge."
With a grin, (y/n) jumped to her feet, leading Hobie towards the bathroom where an array of skincare products and haircare tools awaited.
"Okay, step one," she began, holding up a cleanser. "This is a gentle cleanser that I use to cleanse my face. You just need to squeeze a little onto your palm, mix it with water, and then massage it onto my face in circular motions."
Hobie followed (y/n)'s instructions, his fingers working the cleanser onto her skin. He was careful and attentive, his touch gentle as he followed her lead.
"Next, we use a toner," (y/n) continued, showing him a bottle of toner. "This helps balance the pH of the skin and prepare it for the next steps."
Hobie watched as (y/n) soaked a cotton pad with the toner and then held it out to him. He mimicked her actions, gently patting the toner onto her skin.
As they moved through each step of the skincare routine, (y/n) explained the purpose of each product and the benefits it offered. Hobie listened attentively, his focus solely on (y/n) as he followed her lead.
"Now for the hair," (y/n) said, leading Hobie back to the living room where she had laid out haircare products and tools. "I usually use this heat protectant spray before styling my hair."
Hobie held the spray bottle, reading the label. "To protect your hair from heat damage, right?"
(y/n) nodded with a smile. "Exactly."
With (y/n)'s guidance, Hobie expertly sprayed the heat protectant onto her hair, making sure to cover every strand. He marveled at how much he was learning, and the way (y/n) explained things made it easy to understand.
As they moved through the hair routine, from blow-drying to styling, Hobie found himself enjoying the process. The atmosphere was light and playful, and the fact that he was doing something new and different made it all the more enjoyable.
When they finally finished, (y/n) turned to Hobie with a satisfied grin. "You make a pretty good beauty partner, you know."
Hobie laughed, a warm feeling of accomplishment washing over him. "I have to admit, I didn't expect to be doing a skincare and hair routine today, but it was surprisingly fun."
(y/n) leaned in and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. "Well, now you know more about my daily rituals. It's a little part of my world that I wanted to share with you."
Hobie's heart swelled at her words, a reminder of the depth of their connection and the way they embraced each other's interests.
As they settled back on the couch, (y/n) snuggled against Hobie's side, her head resting on his shoulder. The fashion magazine lay forgotten on the coffee table, replaced by the memory of a lighthearted afternoon spent exploring each other's worlds.
With Hobie and (y/n) sitting cozily on the couch, enjoying each other's presence as they exchanged story feeds and shared laughter with one another. The warm ambiance of the room created a comfortable atmosphere, one where they could simply be themselves. As their conversation flowed, Hobie found himself becoming increasingly intrigued by the idea of experiencing his girlfriend's skincare routine firsthand after helping her with hers that morning.
He glanced at (y/n) with a playful grin. "You know, all that talk about skincare earlier has got me curious. How about giving me the same treatment?"
(y/n)'s eyes lit up with amusement. "You want the full skincare experience, Hobie?"
Hobie nodded, a glint of mischief in his eyes. "Why not? I want to see what all the fuss is about."
“Oh you’re tots gonna love this!”
With a delighted giggle, (y/n) agreed, and they made their way to the bathroom. (y/n) walked Hobie through each step, just as he had done for her. She demonstrated a whole new way for him how to cleanse, tone, moisturize, and even go as far as to show him how to apply a face mask both a clay and wet version. Hobie followed her instructions diligently, a mixture of curiosity and amusement evident on his face.
As they reached the final step of the routine, (y/n) applied a moisturizing cream to Hobie's face, her fingers moving with a practiced touch. She studied his features, noting the smooth texture of his skin.
"You have great skin, you know," (y/n) commented, her tone affectionate.
Hobie grinned, his eyes twinkling. "I've never really done anything special for it. My skincare routine is pretty simple."
(y/n) arched an eyebrow, intrigued. "Oh? Do tell."
Hobie chuckled, leaning back against the counter. "Water and a bar of Dove soap. That's pretty much it."
(y/n) burst into laughter, her joyous peals filling the bathroom. "Water and a bar of Dove soap? That's it?"
Hobie shrugged with a sheepish grin. "Hey, it's been working for me so far."
With the moisturizing cream applied, (y/n) stepped back and surveyed her handiwork. "Well, you're a natural, Hobie. Your skin looks amazing."
Hobie's cheeks tinted with a hint of pink as he scratched the back of his head. "I guess I've been underestimating the power of an actual skincare routine”.
As they returned to the living room, (y/n) leaned against Hobie, a satisfied smile on her face. "See? Skincare isn't just for girls. Guys can benefit from it too."
Hobie wrapped an arm around (y/n), a contented expression on his face. "I never said it was but I’m starting to believe you love,” he says feeling the tingling sensation on his face.
As the evening continued, their lighthearted conversation flowed seamlessly. The memory of their skincare adventure added another layer of shared experiences to their relationship – a reminder that even the simplest moments could become cherished memories.
You Cook Him Breakfast so He Does The Same For You :
The soft morning light filtered through the curtains as (y/n) tiptoed around the kitchen, moving with a sense of purpose. She was up earlier than usual, her excitement bubbling over a plan she had concocted. Today, she was determined to surprise Hobie with a homemade breakfast in bed.
With careful consideration, she gathered ingredients and utensils, creating a delicious spread that she knew Hobie would enjoy. As she moved about the kitchen, the aroma of freshly cooked food filled the air, wrapping her in a comforting embrace.
However, her focus was momentarily interrupted by a sound from the bedroom. (y/n) glanced over her shoulder, her heart skipping a beat as she saw Hobie standing in the doorway, shirtless and rubbing his eyes.
"Hobie," she exclaimed softly, a mixture of surprise and delight in her voice.
Hobie's lips curled into a sleepy smile as he walked over to her. "Good morning, love. You're up early."
(y/n) grinned, her cheeks tinted with a touch of pink. "I wanted to surprise you with breakfast in bed."
As Hobie wrapped his arms around her from behind, (y/n) felt a rush of warmth, her heart fluttering in response. She could feel his bare chest against her back, the steady rise and fall of his breath as he held her close.
"That's incredibly sweet," he murmured into her ear, his voice a soft caress.
With her head leaning slightly against his chest, (y/n) continued to cook, feeling his presence envelop her like a comforting embrace. She could sense his quiet appreciation for her efforts, his gaze fixed on the food she was preparing.
Hobie's chin gently nudged against the crook of her shoulder, and he dropped a tender kiss on her temple. "You know, you're amazing," he whispered.
(y/n) turned her head slightly, her lips brushing against his jaw. "And you're incredibly distracting when you're shirtless in the morning."
Hobie chuckled, his arms tightening around her for a moment. "Can't help it if I'm irresistible."
Their playful banter filled the air as they continued to share the intimate space of the kitchen. (y/n)'s heart swelled with affection for the man who stood behind her – a man who had walked into her life and filled it with joy, laughter, and unexpected moments of tenderness.
Finally, the breakfast was ready, and (y/n) carefully plated the food. She turned around to face Hobie, her gaze meeting his with a mixture of love and gratitude.
"Breakfast is served," she announced with a smile.
Hobie's eyes sparkled with appreciation as he released her, allowing her to move to the dining table where she had set up the food. As they sat down to enjoy the meal, their fingers brushed against each other, the simple touch a testament to the connection they shared.
In the soft morning light, as they savored their breakfast and shared stories of their day ahead, (y/n) couldn't help but feel grateful for the moments that brought them closer together. From surprise breakfasts to tender embraces, their love was a journey woven with warmth and affection, a journey they were more than willing to embrace, one sunrise at a time.
The next morning arrived, and Hobie was filled with excitement as he prepared to surprise (y/n) with breakfast in bed, just as she wanted to do for him. He moved around the kitchen with a sense of purpose, selecting ingredients and carefully crafting a meal that he hoped she would enjoy.
With a smile, he began to cook, his focus solely on the task at hand. The sizzle of bacon and the crackling of eggs filled the air as the aroma of food began to envelop the room. Hobie hummed softly to himself, eager to surprise (y/n) with a delicious meal.
However, his concentration was shattered when he heard soft footsteps behind him. Turning around, his eyes widened as he took in the sight before him. (y/n) stood there, wearing one of his shirts that fit her in an oversized fashion. The shirt fell just above her knees, and her legs were bare.
"Good morning, Hobie," she greeted, her voice laced with sleepiness and a hint of mischief.
Hobie's gaze traveled over her, his heart racing at the sight of her in his shirt. He couldn't help but admire the way it draped over her, creating an effortlessly alluring look.
"Morning," he managed to reply, his voice a tad breathless.
With a playful smile, (y/n) hopped up onto the kitchen counter, crossing her legs as she sat there. "I woke up earlier than I thought, and I couldn't resist coming to see what you were up to."
Hobie's attention snapped back to the food on the stove, realizing that he had become so distracted by (y/n) that he had forgotten about the eggs. He rushed over to the stove, quickly turning off the burner and assessing the damage.
"Uh, I might have burned the eggs a little," he admitted sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck.
(y/n) laughed softly, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Well, it looks like we're even now. Remember the last time I got distracted by you while cooking?"
Hobie chuckled, a rueful grin on his face. "Yeah, fair point."
As they shared a lighthearted moment, Hobie's heart swelled with affection for the woman who sat before him. Her playful spirit and effortless beauty never failed to leave him captivated.
(y/n) hopped down from the counter and walked over to him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "Don't worry about the burned eggs. I'm just happy you wanted to do something sweet for me."
Hobie's arms encircled her, drawing her close. "I wanted to give you a taste of your own medicine."
She grinned up at him, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Well, it's definitely a memorable morning."
As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, the breakfast mishap became an inconsequential detail. The love and affection they shared far outweighed any culinary mishaps, and the simple joy of being together was more than enough to make their morning memorable.
In the soft embrace of the moment, Hobie and (y/n) knew that their love was a beautiful journey filled with laughter, surprises, and the sweetest of mornings, where the simplest gestures held the power to create cherished memories.
When He’s Jealous But He Makes It Clear You Two Are Together :
The day was bright and full of promise as Hobie and (y/n) found themselves in the midst of a bustling street in the Spider-Verse. They had ventured to this unique dimension, a place where various versions of Spider-People coexisted, with the intention of experiencing something truly extraordinary.
As they marveled at the sights around them, from towering skyscrapers to masked heroes swinging through the air, Miguel O'Hara, also known as Spider-Man 2099, approached them.
"Hobie," Miguel called out, motioning for him to come closer. "I need to discuss the upcoming mission with you."
Hobie gave (y/n) an apologetic smile before following Miguel away to talk, leaving her standing amidst the vibrant Spider-Verse crowd.
As Hobie and Miguel conversed about the mission, (y/n) couldn't help but feel a little overwhelmed by the novelty of the environment. She looked around, taking in the different Spider-People and their unique costumes, each a testament to their individual stories and experiences.
Lost in thought, she didn't notice the arrival of another Spider-Person until a voice brought her back to reality.
"Well, well, what do we have here?" a smooth voice purred, and (y/n) turned to find a man leaning against a nearby wall. He was dressed in a black and red suit, his stance oozing confidence.
(y/n) blinked, caught off guard by the newcomer's presence. "Oh, um, hi."
The man grinned, his expression flirtatious. "I must say, you're the most intriguing sight I've seen all day."
Feeling her cheeks flush, (y/n) shifted uncomfortably. "Oh, thank you. I'm just visiting with my boyfriend."
The man's grin didn't waver as he raised an eyebrow. "Boyfriend, huh? He must be a lucky guy."
Before (y/n) could respond, a wave of relief washed over her as Hobie returned, his expression serious. He noticed the interaction between (y/n) and the stranger, and a flicker of jealousy flashed in his eyes.
"Hey," he said, his voice firm as he approached (y/n).
She turned to him with a small smile, grateful for his return. "Hey, everything okay?"
Hobie's arm wrapped around her waist, pulling her close. He shot a pointed look at the man who had been chatting with (y/n), a clear message in his gaze. "Yeah, everything's fine. Just needed to discuss about the mission."
The man chuckled, seemingly unfazed by Hobie's protective stance. "Well, it was a pleasure meeting you both. If you ever change your mind about that boyfriend of yours..."
Hobie's grip on (y/n) tightened, and he met the man's gaze with a steely look. "She's taken."
The man raised his hands in mock surrender, a smirk on his lips. "Fair enough. Enjoy your time in the Spider-Verse."
As the man walked away, Hobie released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding. He turned to (y/n), his expression softer now.
"Sorry about that," he said, his voice tinged with sincerity. "I didn't mean to leave you alone with him."
(y/n) smiled, her heart warmed by Hobie's protectiveness. She reached up to gently touch his cheek. "I appreciate it, Hobie. But you know you have nothing to worry about."
Hobie's gaze softened, and he leaned down to press a tender kiss to her lips. "I know. It's just hard to see you talking to other guys, especially someone like him."
As they stood there, wrapped in each other's arms, the vibrant Spider-Verse surroundings faded into the background. The Spider-People and their extraordinary stories no longer held their attention; instead, all that mattered was the connection they shared and the love that continued to grow between them.
As they walked away from the encounter in the Spider-Verse, the vibrant surroundings gradually began to fade into the distance. Hobie's arm was draped over (y/n)'s shoulders, and though the atmosphere was lighter now, he couldn't help but mutter under his breath.
"God, I hate that guy."
(y/n) couldn't help but chuckle at Hobie's display of jealousy. She leaned her head against his shoulder affectionately. "You know, it's kinda cute when you get all protective."
Hobie's lips curled into a faint smile, his gaze softening as he looked at her. "Protective, huh? Well, I just don't like the idea of anyone else flirting with you."
She tilted her head up to meet his eyes, her expression warm and sincere. "Hobie, you have nothing to worry about. I'm happy with you, and no one else matters."
His smile grew more genuine, and he pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I know, (y/n). And I'm grateful for that."
They continued to walk, their steps in sync as they navigated their way through the dimensions. The conversation flowed effortlessly, a mixture of laughter, shared stories, and moments of comfortable silence.
As they reached the portal that would take them back to Hobie's dimension, (y/n) looked up at him with a soft smile. "You know, even in the wildest dimensions, you're the one I want by my side."
Hobie's heart swelled with affection, and he cupped her cheek, his touch gentle. "And you're the one I choose, too."
With a sense of anticipation and the knowledge that they were embarking on a journey back to their own world, Hobie and (y/n) stepped through the portal, their hands intertwined. The Spider-Verse's unique landscapes and characters faded away, replaced by the familiar sights and sounds of their home dimension.
No matter where they went, or what challenges they faced, their love remained a constant anchor in their lives. As they left the extraordinary behind and returned to the ordinary, they knew that the bond they shared was anything but mundane – it was a love that transcended dimensions and was stronger than any obstacle that came their way.
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