#and some ppl were like “yeah why DO extroverts do that?? like are they making fun of us???”
ed seems like one of those popular/outgoing extroverts who talks to a shy introvert once and then whenever said shy introvert enters the room he's like "HEY it's [name]!!! what is UP man!!" and like saying the introvert's name over and over and hyping them up so that everyone around him knows that this shy person is cool and he likes them
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girlreblogger · 7 months
and then there were 3 💿
don’t get mad. i’m saying what needs to be said and this the last time.
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the blk yn “stereotypical” stories are self indulgent and the relationships are unfulfilling and unhealthy. yeah. 
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i never mentioned fully the stereotype thing that’s associated with blk yn fics and that’s because i have never really understood what ppl meant by it. and this isn’t to be funny towards the ppl that say that abt those certain fics.
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i somewhat? get what ppl mean by yn is written as a stereotype when it comes to the toxicity in fics but because these stories are written by blk women for blk women who feel comfortable with those types of behaviors, dynamics and relationships i feel it shouldn’t be seen as blk women writing themselves as stereotypes because the comfortability with that idea of relationships comes from somewhere and it’s not no stereotype. 
stereotype: 1. a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person
that word itself just projects an idea on those ppl and (not to use a buzz word but) dehumanizes them. it dilutes and dismisses the perception and character those women see themselves as and i don’t personally think that okay. 
lots of ppl are accustomed to or find comfort in certain dynamics and behaviors for so many different and very personal reasons. (whether extreme or not.) without even knowing sometimes we all do or have because we are still ppl at the end of the day. so chalking up someone’s humanness to a stereotype is unfair to me. it’s the same shit that ppl did to us back in the day and still do till this day and i find it unnecessary to do amongst ourselves.
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that’s why i chose to say the relationships in those books and fics are unfulfilling. the dynamics, behaviors and all that ain’t healthy. if we being real. and that’s more than just a stereotype. i also dk what ppl mean by her being a stereotype in particular. maybe being extroverted? ion know. 
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but ppl who want to write those things are going to do what they want but that doesn’t mean..
blk women don’t deserve or that it’s impossible for us to have more exposure to more fluffy and healthy dynamics in books with us as the main leads (also all blk ppl cause not just women read books obvi and want fluffy romance that’s another convo tho). it’s also important we showcase blk girls in various ways because we all are very different.
**we should keep in mind a fictional! character we call blk yn can be a ya (young adult) so mistakes and learning experiences in fics aren’t always useless. (though it seems we’ve had enough of it im just saying)
with different ways of thinking, with different styles, quirks, and personalities. right now it’s mostly coquettes, bimbos, and baddies being written almost similarly each time. and that’s perfectly fine but i think there’s something else that ppl are wanting to see but i would like to know what exactly.
do you guys want see her in different styles? talking differently? as an ambivert or a shy girl? someone who doesn’t talk much or someone who does? like what would be the opposite of the “stereotypes” you normally see?
and how can we as a community make some kind of change to see ourselves differently.
those few ppl when i said “as a community”
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don’t get quiet now. 
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but honestly, because of that maybe give writers prompts and requests with what you’d like to read. there are many writers who always have requests open and lots of times those asks are some of their most popular posts!
ppl started only reading or getting used to smutty and plug books cause that’s all there was, (there was an influx at the time) especially since 2020. that’s also when the blk fic community began to grow so there were more blk fics and writers than it used to be. so maybe we can try and do that with fluffy, fantasy and wtv other fics. 
**also there are some really good books on kindle for you guys to try with blk girls as the lead that might be interesting for you. here’s some of my suggestions: sunny disposition! and excuse me while i ugly cry! (these are just from the top of my head)
i personally have noticed so much about myself from reading more wholesome stories and stuff so reading other fics or books sometimes isn’t for me. it’s books i’ve read that i look back at and see how much i have grown from what i used to be into. that’s why i don’t reblog as much anymore too because i want to find more that is more personally up my alley.
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so yeah let’s just try and find and create more books that are healthier. blk girls deserve love, kindness, to be treated gently not weak (or a like a child) and have sweet stories. stories and portrayals that heal us.
we can have suspense, drama, mystery, ups and downs, and even rain but i think a lot of us just want the sunshiney stuff. maybe that way we can digest the suspenseful and dramatic stories (that aren’t toxic) in a better way.
like i said in my last post we read and write for comfort so i think we can use this as a way to heal ourselves as well.
ps. (even some “healthy stuff” can be unhealthy lowkey but that’s another convo) 
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also thanks for all the likes on my previous posts! i was nervous ppl wouldn’t understand what i was trying to say but the good feedback has definitely given me confidence!
no bars
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Im deliberately sending this off anon so you can see that you arent being 'attacked' by 'Anne', and the fact youre even discussing it that way is ableist as fuck. Im going to start this by making it clear, I have BPD, Im also trans and you will not be knowing my AGAB. You are the asshole in this situation.
We're going to start off simple, you are not an expert on BPD, google and tiktok is full of misinformation and harmful stereotypes about Borderline pplo. BPD is not an 'abusive person' disorder, there is no such thing as a condition that makes you an abusive person. BPD does cause intense, deep emotions that can shift quickly and be hard to control; often this includes having intense feelings for people around them and being scared of losing them/them not being who you thought they were. Because this condition comes from trauma (usually from family/relationships) there are often amplified feelings around abanonment and betrayals of trust especially from ppl you thought were your friends. It is in fact common for some of our nost intense lifelong interests start bc of stupid reasons, but starting bc of a stupid reason doesnt mean the interest isn't genuine. Have you never done something bc your friend wanted you too and you ended it up loving it? Why is it any different bc it was a crush not a friend? BPD doesnt make you a manipulative person, nor does it make you gaslight ppl and seeing as 'anne' has a psychiatric degree Im sure he understands his condition better than you do.
Secondly, 'Anne' is allowed to be trans in whatever way he wants too, she doesnt have to bind, or pack, or change his appearance for anyone. I have a beard, long hair, wear any kind of clothes I want, have tits, have bulge, am hairy and wear a full face of makeup. Some of those things are part of my agab, some of them a part of my transition. And its not a single iota of your goddamn business whether youre friends or not. Gender is a performance and you get to choose the outfit and 'Anne' is deciding what she want his to look like.
Thirdly, you do not seem to understand that part of the reason you very clearly show yourself to be the asshole is the way you speak about others. Describing being an introvert as being more sophisticated or above extroverts is just ridiculous, you are not superior bc you dont go out to parties. I don't either, I find them uncomfortable and loud, but that doesnt make me sophisticated. You talk about 'Mike' as if he cannot be the arbiter of his own interests or relationship, that hes just stupid and couldnt piece it together if 'Anne' was 'faking'. You talk about 'Anne' like she's some master manipulator but you did everything that happened to yourself, you went to the GC and convinced them that something was wrong, you took a group of ppl who didnt know 'Mike' to 'Anne's' house to confront him, you made a callout post about 'Anne' on facebook, you tried to immediately go running to 'Mike' for damage control when your 'intervention' didnt work and you are the person that blasted it all over facebook and now tumblr. And now you are the one losing friends and family, and you deserve it, because the ppl you convinced to attack 'Anne' realised wtf they'd just done and how fucking horrendous that is. You have no evidence of any manipulation, or that 'Anne' is faking, or that 'Mike' isnt happy, you just presented your prejudice. 'Mike' and 'Anne' realise what youve done and they have enough proof to convince a judge or they wouldnt have gotten that restraining order. You are the person behaving manipulative here and everyone can see it except you.
I've tried writing a response to this so many times but I end up deleting it because when I try to explain myself it just sounds like I'm going in circles. There are tons of other asks I've tried answering and rewritten like seven times each before giving up. I've been writing over and over trying to explain like how while yeah technically Mike never told me word for word that he was T4T, when he told me I wasn't his type and then like two days later came out as trans it felt very, very much like he was coming out specifically to let me know that's why I wasn't his type. Or how I was trying to explain how look I know it might be controversial but the constant "main character syndrome" of extroverts just gets on my nerves and is supremely selfish in general and also the truth is you're just GOING to be more intellectual if you spend your free time actually expanding your mind instead of smoking pot and grinding against strangers and how someone like Mike who prefers the same free time activities as I do is just not going to work with someone who would rather party and get wasted than pick up a book, or how Anne is pretending to be trans and I know this because she isn't changing ANYTHING, and I was going to explain that the group chat was full of people she didn't know because it initially was a fandom ship discord from a show she doesn't watch but eventually when I started getting concerned yes it kinda became my "complain about Anne" vent place because nobody there really knew her well enough to go tell her what I was saying and it was a safe place for me to vent and explain why I thought she was abusive and cheating and they would actually listen instead of tell me to knock it off like others, and obviously OBVIOUSLY I thought her and I were close enough as friends she wouldn't mind me using her spare key which she kept under the doormat so it's not like I searched hard. I've written all of that so many times to so many different asks I can't even count and then i just end up deleting it because it feels pointless to even try because I know people will just keep sending asks so why bother so I never wrote it til just now unless I deleted it.
Im gonna be totally fully honest here I woke up and I saw the 99+ notifications in my inbox and I haven't been able to stop shaking because I'm so fucking angry because nobody is on my side, I literally scrolled hoping to find at least one person who was agreeing with me and nobody was and honestly I was so mad I couldn't even see and then I finally found a couple of nice asks and they were signed and I was so excited someone finally agreed with me and when I checked on their blogs they were all fucking terfs. All of the people who were taking my side were fucking terfs. And like I'll be honest with you I have two very close family members who are trans and honestly they've both blocked me recently and even though I tried to contact them they didn't respond and I seriously hate hate HATE terfs because they've been so cruel to my two family members. And I'm so angry. But then I found your ask and at first I was so angry and I tried to reply but I just deleted it because I was getting angry. But then I found more terfs in my ask and then even more hateful anons from non terfs.
But then I kept thinking about how conservatives will literally LITERALLY have Nazis agreeing with them and dig their hills in and in like wtaf how are you not seeing that NAZIS are agreeing with you? But literally the only people agreeing with me are terfs. And honestly that's the last shit I want, I luterally hate terfs. I'm not even exaggerating when I say this is the nicest ask that WASN'T from a terf so I've just. I dunno. I am freaking out because this did not go the way I planned. I knew some people wouldn't agree with me but I thought it would be more split, like some YTA but mostly JAH and NTA. And then when I saw the poll for a hot minute I thought maybe it might veer ESH but obviously that isn't the case. It's just like have you ever really cares about someone, really really cared about someone, and he says oh please don't hug me and pulls away, and then other people hug him so you think I better tell these other people "don't hug him, he doesn't like hugs" and then he says its fine and then starts hugging other people but not you? And you realize at no point did he ever say he didn't like hugging, he just asked you, specifically you, not to hug him? Well imagine that but with Mike, and he stopped wanting to hang out with me and told me not to touch him but whenever I'd remind Anne not to touch him he'd say it was fine and I guess when he came out as trans it was just easier to believe he didn't date cis people than he didn't want to date me. And there were times I thought man I wish I were a trans person so Mike would notice me, and then it seemed like Anne was doing just that because of COURSE it crossed my mind to pretend just for a little while, because if he just gave me a chance he'd realize that we are compatible. Honestly I'm just freaking out because I made this blog a month ago after sent the ask to the aita blog but then it didn't get answered so I started the blog to get all this off my chest. And bam suddenly I was bombarded a month later and it took me a minute to realize the aita hadn't deleted it. Honestly none of this went according to plan and nobody except people I fucking hate want to hear my side. And I dunno. I just don't know. Bur if the only people agreeing me with me all day are terfs then obviously I need to think things through.
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juni-ravenhall · 3 months
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updated these since the old ones were from 2020. not much is different, erased with white a bunch of options to make it easier to look at for me, changed some minor numbers that dont rly matter bc its not that easy to put those numbers down anyway.
some talk thats mostly about their relation to me and stuff about me instead of stuff about them below ⬇ (actually i should fill one of those out for me myself too. that could be fun)
i adjusted junis brother a bit focusing on just how hes like at the moment of having been rescued to jorvik, rather than thinking about his potential "real personality" if he was able to heal and become a more developed person instead of just full of trauma. i do want to eventually do something with the concept of what if he healed, or what if he hadnt been abandoned in pandoria to begin with? if hes intj like me (his behaviour is based on how i am when im completely broken down, which sadly has happened a lot in my life) then what would it be like to see him healthy and happy? its stuff id like to think about more eventually
also filled in that juni is enfj. back then i wasnt so sure what parts of her were different than me, over time i developed it and she really clearly became enfj. we both share high Ni aka my dominant function as intj but her dom Fe plays into the whole constantly being in contact w ppl thing - im also very caring and loyal, and i genuinely want to save everyone on earth and want everyone to be healthy and happy. i want society to be fixed (and ive got the ideas) and i want ppl to be kind and loving to each other. me and juni share that. but for me, i cant really handle talking to normies much bc their reality is just too different than mine. juni has no problem socialising with anyone, even if she ofc also has ppl shes the closest to and others who she might not get along with as much, its still easy for her bc Fe just has that harmonising feelings thing with others that i dont have (and being a dominant extrovert function, and not being ND, shes also not as exhausted by socialisation).
for me with low Fi i just dont really get much out of socialising for socialisations sake. its part of why i cant handle being on discord servers and stuff like that. i dont "vibe" with people in that way, i want to actually have interesting and intimate conversations and learn more about my friends, their backstory, their problems (can i help them?), their deep and genuine feelings (not stemming from copying others and peer pressure, group-think is extremely irrelevant to me and i dont view people differently if theyre supposedly in-group or out-group - im interested in everyone as an individual). for my whole life ive just been too different and for many reasons not been part of normie's society, so its just really alien to talk to normies. (as in, the abuse and isolation, the disability, the ptsd and depression, the queerness, and also just being intj, not really having a normal brain. i often wonder if the ppl who say bad things about mbti - besides the obvious "job and school mbti use is bad" yeah it is - have known what its like to just not be able to relate to almost anyone around you ever when it comes to personality. even online, even in a nerdy group, even in a place with ND people, even with queer people, even with disabled people, youre still different. you still cant relate. for me, finding out that im just a weird personality type was really important, and then i was able to study other ppl's personality types and now i actually get why people behave the way they do and why society functions the way it does for better or worse. which is a great thing to understand imo. the "omg mbti bad bc jobs and school and the tests are dumb" is one thing, but studying the functions and really truly diving into how other people function and how theyre different from you and how you all work and how the human history of the world has happened, is beautiful to me.)
as a low Fi person, with a focus on 1-on-1 connection rather than groups, i focus on talking intensely to the beloved weirdos on my computer, or posting my rambles and reading you guys rambles in return. u guys prob dont even realise, but for a lot of u, i remember like... u posting about ur job or school one time. what u posted about that u wanted to do or what ur upset about. i think about what ur ocs symbolise, why u write them that way, what part of ur personality and your lived experience, your feelings, makes u project this or that on characters. i think that a lot of ppl treat social media as a more shallow and "a drop in the ocean" type of thing, but for me, even ppl ive not talked to much on my dash, if youve been my mutual for some time, i think about you and remember things about you. if you post music i listen to it both to see if i might like the song but also bc im interested in what you like. i like learning things about people around me, the same way i like learning things about the world in general and spend obscene amounts of time studying and analysing the world both in its current and past. its an intj thing because its about my dominant Ni function, which loves analysing patterns and taking in information to process. but i dont mean that in a cold way, its an intimacy and friendship to me to learn things about you and understand you. not to "vibe" but to really know someone and see the puzzle pieces of their life. im very much about all the puzzle pieces that makes you You. im not saying its wrong to vibe and chill instead of analysing your mutuals like puzzles, just that this is something thats very different from how i am, and its been hard for me in life to relate to the way most people are.
idk if anyones reading this but some of you also prob noticed that i will pop out of nowhere and talk to you about some random thing you posted thats interesting to me, or send you a message of support if youre going through hard times. i remember when you posted that you were really sad and i notice that youre having a hard time when you post that youre sad again a month later. idk, its hard for me because im not always very emotional in a way that other people understand. i can come off as cold or quiet which in turn can come off as disinterested. but i just wanted to write it somewhere, to put out into the cosmos, that actually i care a lot about the little creatures on my dashboard and i hope that you notice even if my personality and behaviour is a bit different than what people are used to. people project mean things on me sometimes because im confident, for example, or because i stand up against things i think are harmful. because im not "loyal" if i tell a friend that theyre being rude, or im "rude" if im saying capitalism is bad. i can be projected as controlling (telling people "no" when theyre mean) or self-important (being confident in my skills and analysis) and other negative traits which is really unfair to do to someone just bc theyre different. to me i view everyone equally and i will tell off a friend if i have to, without meaning anything unkind by it. idk. ill stop rambling now bc its too much again (high Te will also do that) but i just have feelings and thoughts about that my beloved mutuals dont even know that theyre beloved and that my way of expressing myself is weird and its hard to live in society based around ppl who are very different than me in many ways. but learning mbti / jung functions was really great for me to feel understood and to understand others.
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Hey Cas <33
I'm rlly worried abt my bsf let's name her C
Basically she is a very extroverted person and is like a person who goes with the flow
And she is also friends with like evry1
Now she is starting to make friends with the so called "nice people" they r basically popular but C doesn't care abt popularity she said and I quote "these people bc they don't care abt anything" and I assumed she meant it in like I don't like them type of way big surprise she said that "They are MY kind of ppl" like ok maybe they r popular maybe they r cool but the fact that they don't take anything serious is a big problem. Like Ik ppl joke from time to time but that doesn't mean u will not take ANYTHING serious, wether it be studies or even a secret.
C now has an attitude of not taking ANYTHING seriously and her argument for evth is that "I was just JOKING"
and I hate that!!
Like I am pan. And one day I was sitting with all of ny friends and 3 of them didn't know abt my sexuality and we were talking abt how ppl are hot like uk normal high-schoolers. And i was like yeah even i want some1 (I'm a girl) and C just said y do u care u r gay
I WAS PISSED and the worst thing was there's this guy and there's also this girl who spreads rumors fats like af and C is "friends" with those two assholes and C did tell them jt was a joke but they might Suspect cuz C again made this joke in front of some1 else.
I msgd C saying like Hey I'm not comfortable with it and she did apologize and told me tht she wouldn't do it again But fast forward to nxt day I was talking with her and then she is like give the phone to ur sistes I need to talk to them (my sisters and C hv somewhat id a frndshp I don't understand) I was like ok and the phone was on speaker and she legit just said "Take care of her I think she is gay" and my sister responded with "Yes we know"
Now I haven't come out to my sisters yet and I'm rlly worried and I hope they don't know cuz my sisters are well...homophobic
And then C was like I want to bully some1
I said r u mad??? And then I explained how it's unethical and all
And she said I don't do anything tht is ever ethical
And then I again explained how bullying is wrong
She responded with "I was just joking why did u hv to take it srsly????"
I am in a trio of frndshp with her and pur best friend S I talked to her abt it and we hv decided we will talk to C before she actually does smth.
I'm rlly scared cuz C can take anything as an offense.
I'll update u <33
Sending love :3
Hi hon!
Honestly, I think C doesn't know the difference between being chill and ignoring boundaries. I think you're right to talk to her and tell her she's being a jerk. But if she doesn't take that talk seriously, it might be time to take some space. Outing someone is NOT okay, and it seems like she's making a pattern of breaking boundaries like this, you know? You deserve people who respect your boundaries.
Yes, keep me updated! Naming you chill anon!
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womanexile · 1 year
Hi! How are you? Hope you’re doing well.
I’m a Haylor, just like you.
So, I was scrolling down through Tumblr, then I saw your posts.
Idk why I felt like I needed to tell you that I TOTALLY agree with you on what you said about Jaylor’s relationship.
And I’d always thought of those while ppl were basically WORSHIPING them. Mostly Joe.
Swifties acted and still acts like he’s God who saved her, and she’s some sort of a girl who needed to be saved.
To me, that relationship was toxic.
Their characters were too different.
Joe is an introverted, nonchalant person, while Taylor is an extroverted, romantic person.
I always felt like he’s making her stay in a cave!
Sometimes, I was like: “Where the hell are you, Tay? Are you alive or what?”.
So, yeah, they still can’t believe they’re actually broken up! Like wake up! This is not a dream!
To me, that relationship was one sided…Tay gave everything she could, changed herself, changed her lifestyle for him, while he did nothing!
She would follow him everywhere! But he was nowhere around her.
Once in a lifetime, when they would be seen somewhere in public, he was always dragging her…! And ppl would worship him to protect her in front of the paps.
But that wasn’t something I call “protection”.
Yea I totally agree with you. That video I saw of him basically dragging her to the suv after the vmas just really upset me. When Harry & Taylor dated he always made sure she got into the vehicle first like a gentleman should! I think Taylor stayed with him for so long cause there was no drama with him & at that time in her life that’s what she needed.
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noroi1000 · 2 years
Hello so I would like to make a "Matchup" request after finally understanding wht it actually is-
So here is mah jjk matchup request
So my personality is-
Huge Extrovert, Loves Gossips, Talkative, Cannot sit in one place like noo let me move from here to there, Childish ( I am an ENFP wht else do u expect-) , Loves video games, Gets flustered easily , Have a HUUUGE sweet tooth, Energetic , Likes to Give gifts , Loves adventure, Talks on completely useless topics (for eg- i once discussed with a boy tht whether ALIENS WILL WIN OR GHOSTS n u won't believe this turned into a debate n like 8 more ppl joined in-💀) ,Sensitive,Has a special place for certain ppl in my heart but will never tell, Hides emotions- , Wants to help people, Puts others before myself, afraid of being alone, Talkative, Listens to my heart more, Randomly dances, Funny(said to me by many ppl so), DIRTY MINDED(idk if I was supposed to add this but I did so-) U will nvr know wht is going inside mah head, jumps from one topic to another, Sub, Chaotic human, looove the life of party, Lights up any room, Have a Huuuge grp of friends, Loves to hangout and Is Tiny like just 5'0ft (whyy)💀
So I think tht is enough soo- waiting for ur response :)
(Hope I didn't mess up💀)
I think your Jujutsu kaisen matchup is:
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I know that maybe you didn't expect it, but after analyzing your description, I see your behavior more like Yuji's behavior.
He is a very energetic boy who does everything around (if he can)
He is everywhere, he tries to help others, he likes to play and laugh a lot. His smile is like a radiant sun.
If someone told him to sit in one place while someone else was going somewhere, he wouldn't be able to stand it. Once this boy gets pumped up, he'll happily run and jump around, and there's no stopping him from doing so.
Besides, he'll agree to the weirdest plans that seem cool to him. He is gullible if his loved ones tell him something. He doesn't think much about what it might look like. He does it because it will be fun.
He wants to keep a smile on his friends' faces.
If that's even going to mean he has to make a fool of himself. He does everything that will be fun.
The wildest trips where he can laugh with his friends.
He'll talk about anything, especially if it's something that will make someone else smile.
He's not ashamed of making a fool of himself.
He had a hard life...
He has promised to protect others because he is strong.
He protects people, and puts their safety above his.
The last thing he wanted was to lose everyone he cared about.
If he had to choose, his life or the lives of his loved ones, he would choose the safety of his loved ones. If only they were happy.
Yuji would take all the suffering and misery of the world just to know that he helped someone while doing this...
• As I mentioned, you will always have wild trips. If you don't go out, you stay at home. It can be wild there too. A pillow fight can turn into a real war. And anyone who enters the room at that moment is under fire.
If you're going out somewhere, it won't be a boring place. What he loves: amusement parks, arcades, cinema, maybe some food. Even walking may not be boring.
A circus where he would do everything.
In the amusement park, he will always win prizes for you. You'd come home wrapped up in mascots, food, and more.
• Talking about something you both like? Of course! Your conversations on such topics can last for hours. Same with topics you both don't like. You can talk about people, things, food, anything else.
Each time you talk longer, your topics will branch like this, that at the end of your hour-long conversation you won't know where your conversation started.
Something like, "What was I talking about in the beginning?"
"I don't know. We started by talking about the food we ate."
"Huh? Fine. So... Oh yeah! Did you hear they're opening a new Ramen bar?"
Themes are constantly changing. That's why your conversations can last for several hours. And if you have snacks around, whether sweet or salty, it will last that long.
• He is your perfect partner for everything. Whatever idea you have, it will be with you. The weirdest conversations, he is. Dances or video games, he is. Even if he is able to forfeit so you don't get nervous.
Making you happy is what he likes to do.
He will never leave you alone for long.
Even if he is somewhere else, he will call and do everything for you.
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ladyseidr · 2 months
it's miserably hot so i Just Got Here but uh ke.l notes on my portrayal dump or whatever ( will contain spoilers! i was going to try to keep it mild but it, like, one hc in i realized it wasn't possible )
i do Not vibe with the idea that ke.l is the simplest character / least developed because what are we forgetting "they ignored me, hehe. . ." OR aub.rey's "i didn't realize people deal with grief in different ways" ????????
he's not a "himbo" he has ADHD and is trying his best ( and also his hea.dspace-self is literally 12 like damn give him a break fkdshflsadj )
"there are no signs that he's bothered by his brother being the golden child" we did not play the same game, but yeah no like he loves hero soooooo much but there's no way i'm looking past the whole "they ignored me" thing on top of the way he avoids his house / mother like the plague at parts. like, yes, i actually think his parents love him but his mother is fr so much like mine ( not the golden child part, everything else ) so i know what i'm talking abt kfhdsafhdslh. parents can be loving but also extremely judgmental ( or worse ), those are sadly not contradictions in my experience
i'm obv a good / true ending person, and for the record: yes he forgives sun.ny. it takes a while to fully work through it all, but he's verbally forgives him like. definitely quicker than everyone else
big big big big "i'm always there for everyone but no one's ever there for me" vibes, like i think sun.ny might be the exception, but i do think most ppl who know ke.l see his sometimes-forced confidence / happiness and silliness and just think he's fine
okay so this is probably projecting but the whole "oh he supposedly moved on really fast and started doing all these sports and making a ton of friends etc etc" thing does not read like him just "getting over it," it reads like how i cope with grief: by not coping with it. don't get me wrong, distracting yourself can sometimes be a healthy part of grief but in my case, i wouldn't let myself feel it at all and like. especially with hero suffering????? i really feel like ke.l bottled it up and tried to be strong for his brother and at some point he did or will crack
i am a big fan of ke.l visiting mar.i's grave super often hc tho
in the same vein as like, everything above, his whole "i thought i would just mess it up / make everything worse" ( i am not looking up exact quotes, bear with me ) is so. . . like i think he's literally a little fucked up from not being able to read the room / read social cues well when he was younger ( which, like, literally canonical ). like he was literally scared to reach out to his grieving friends, presumably even before the argument with hero??? all because he might make it worse????? kill me
okay okay okay okay on a lighter note: so bisexual and yes i'm gonna be honest i stand by my Has A Crush On Su.nny headcanon. i didn't choose this life, my gay ass brain chose it for me
( on that note i do still find ke.l/aubr.ey/su.nny/bas.il extremely funny. collects almost the entire friend group and hero is just like "why???????????" )
he's so extroverted i mean this is canon ( "while you were working i sat on a bench and talked to strangers!" ) but it Has to be noted. everybody is a potential friend to him. where's that one post that's like "i'm not here to make friends (big dumb smile) i'm here to make BEST friends"
loyal to a fault, protective to a fault, and full of bad ideas ( affectionate )
so touchy, physical affection is so his thing. yes this is also canon but he's a big hugger for sure
bringing up the ADHD thing again because it's so real, i was replaying the junkyard part and the whole "what were we looking for again" followed by "were we looking for something? :)" like 10 minutes later is SO funny, he's just like me for real
he saved sun.ny's life. like we do acknowledge that right. you can only get bad endings if you don't open the door to ke.l. opening the door and letting ke.l finally reconnect with sun.ny after trying so long is the only path to a good ending. sobs into my hands.
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
Ok so I think I confused TWICE's "Feel Special" with another song that I thought was a happy song but was actually a sad song. "Feel Special" is about feeling insignificant but then finding your purpose, which makes more sense in my head. I keep hearing "you made me feel special" which is why I probably thought it was sad song.
Also, please explain why I'm Yujin and Taerae (while you're at it) s'il vous plaît.
I also read your answer to someone asking if you are friends irl that like kpop...twice to make sure I was reading it right.
i have none but it's really by choice ‼️ not to sound like a bully but i'm sorry some ppl of the community aRE SO WEIRD??????
You are right. There's weird people in the community. I think it's every community in my opinion.
like everytime i communicate with one irl they are scary asf. i remember in 11th grade there was this girl who wrote me a love letter asking me to be the hyuna to her dawn like 💀💀
she also took a picture of me to whitewash me cuz she said i don't look asian enough when i told her i'm half viet 👹
OKAY that's so rude of her WTF? Also, I think I'm illiterate (?) but when do you mean by whitewash? Which definition is it?
"to intentionally hide some kind of wrongdoing, error, or unpleasant situation"
"to describe a minority who has assimilated with western society"
...neither? both?? Either I'm soooo sorry to hear you experienced that.
and they just talk about nothing else then kpop i just can't do that shit
Ah yeah, so scary. There was this girl in my second year of uni (another word for "college") and all she would talked to me was BTS or if I could help her with her school assignments (reasons she didn't do it was also BTS related 💀).
Personally I do know people who like listening to KPOP but don't talk about it 24/7 and no intense fans for me loool.
Have a lovely day, venom 😌
OH DAMN bro you got me confused asf i was like since when was this a break up song??? how did i never understand that?? your confusion was legit tho i understand how you got it twisted 😭
my explaination for the taerae/yujin vibes ‼️ despite being an extrovert, i sometimes feel like yujin is..... confused abt things lIKEBDBSJS HE JUST SEEMS AKWARD IN SOME SITUATION AND I FEEL LIKE IT'S ALSO YOUR CASE. for taerae, well first it's obvious i'd think about him for you because of your username... but apart from this, even if there's this joke about taerae and his loser vibes, i think like he's super cool but in his own way. that's also how i feel about you. plus i sometimes catch you writing poetry and idk it's such a taerae thing to me
yessss every community, especially this big, is obliged to have its part of weird ppl 😭 now about the whitewashing thing. in kpop, photographer, companies etc, tend to take a normal picture of the idol and edit to make their skin whiter. example here :
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and that's literally what she did to me 😀
the thing is there is a big part of the community that relies on their favs to make them feel better to the point where they kind of become obsessed. that's why a lot of people who stop listening to kpop are making a big deal out of it and criticizing the community when they leave... kpop is not the problem, it's just music in another language. if it was toxic for you, then you were the problem.
it's nice that you know regular fans then!! if i ever came across some of them i would have probably befriended them but it never happened so yeah 😭
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What about other ppl in the smp, like Eret, Niki, Jack? Do they go to Las Nevadas? Are Eret and Fundy still friends?
tw: gambling, drinking, self-neglect, slight eating disorder, mentions of past violence
/dsmp /rp
i'd like to this this au is set in a period after wilbur's resurrection and dream's prison escape where the entire smp is like. well, we're fucked— time to get wasted now!
quackity would originally look down upon eret, puffy, h, and punz because of the entire monarchy fiasco, but after knowing how rich eret was, quackity would let them slide. they don't seem to be a threat of power anyway, so why should he care? i also think eret might've helped supplied las nevadas too, maybe just simple materials here and there thanks to fundy's requests.
fundy has talked to eret multiple times whenever he visits. eret is good at stopping themselves from getting too addicted to alcohol or gambling, so they would be sober or healthy enough for fundy to have conversations with. eret has even probably had sleepovers with fundy because eret is still genuinely concerned about his wellbeing, you know? because to eret, it feels odd that fundy doesn't seem as lively as he used to be, even if he is still quite enthusiastic when he works, it still isn't the same.
eret often asks fundy about family. i think that's the main thing they always talk about— family, and found family. eret has found a family with the knights he's hired and giving shelter to all of the ex-members of the eggpire. eret's main concern is fundy, and if he could ever forgive them for missing the adoption. and fundy doesn't really know actually, because he is still quite hurt about it, but he's definitely moved on. he still values eret as a good friend, and eret reciprocates, and i guess that's what matters to him.
but in terms of family, fundy doesn't really know if he wants to label anything as family due to his trust issues. he often vents to eret about these problems, especially in the earlier stages of las nevadas. he's scared that if he ever labels something as family, they'd just leave him anyway, so he prefers not having a family. but eret still insists its important for fundy to have some type of support system, but this is where fundy tends to change the topic, and eret can't do anything but hopelessly nod along.
but there's a time that definitely changed! there's a time eret did hangout with fundy, do a simple sleepover like old times, and they woke up once to quackity and schlatt entering fundy's room with a tray of food. eret asked them what the food was for, especially since this didn't happen last time eret was here, but quackity replies that he kind of got used to it out of habit, especially since fundy doesn't really notice that he skips meals every now and then.
and eret is kind of surprised they care?? in a good way of course, because they're all. oh, fundy HAS found a better family to care for him. quackity and schlatt bids eret a good day before leaving, and eret approaches the tray of food quietly. there's a note placed atop. on the note, there's a to-do list for fundy with simple things like “remember to eat” or “remember to take breaks” or “lessen your cigarette intake”, and on the back, there seems to be a long note left by quackity. eret didn't want to invade fundy's privacy too much, but they did remember glancing at a small note that said “you are loved. take care of yourself, and never forget that” written somewhere on the paper.
NOW FOR NIKI! niki does visit, she visits a LOT, and she loves the upbeat vibes of las nevadas, anything with popping colors and enthusiastic moods are such a turn on for her, and she just loves to stay there for multiple days on end. the syndicate would be often concerned about her wellbeing, but niki ensures she doesn't really get too drunk or gamble too much.
(the drinking statement is debatable because, surprisingly, niki has a high tolerance for alcohol, so she drinks a LOT. where was this when she was having her villain arc?)
she's honestly just happy to be there, and she just likes to dance and groove! there's a thrill in las nevadas she never really experienced much in her life, and she's happy she can basically vibe here without worrying about betrayal or death every five seconds.
on the dance floor, she has danced with a couple of people. the first one she does dance with accidentally is schlatt, who seems to be Very Awkward when it comes to dancing. he honestly wasn't even supposed to be there— niki thinks he might've lost a bet or something? but niki still tried to make do with what she was given.
the most interesting conversations niki has had in her life has got to be the ones she has on the dance floor. when it came to schlatt, he was mumbling a lot, very awkward and tense knowing the state of their relationship during the manberg era, but niki puts that aside. because there's no point on lingering on the past for too long— she's talked to puffy and the syndicate about this far too many times— so she grabs schlatt and twirls him around like nothing has happened. he never really got to apologize, but he did give niki a fun dance, and you know what? it was fun! so that's all that matters.
quackity was the second one she's danced with, and quackity is the opposite of schlatt. he was charming, enthusiastic, extremely extroverted, and niki definitely enjoyed it! but to niki, she knows quackity isn't always this upbeat, or this loud and obnoxiously in your face, so when a slower song plays, she asks quackity if he can just shuffle alongside her slowly and follow her mellow footsteps. he calms, and she calms, and the conversations had dwindled into something more familiar. after a certain while, quackity admits that he's missed this, he's missed being vulnerable, he's missed being genuine, he's missed being soft and laidback, so niki tells him thst he's allowed to be that way for the rest of the dance.
and last person she's danced with was fundy. and fundy, she's definitely talked with before the dance, but she also calls in eret to join them. they boogie to an upbeat rhythm, dancing as if this feeling of euphoria and happiness was something they've experienced all their lives. niki knows that, often, whenever they meet up, there's always something that reminds them of their past faults, so they never got to be the way they were before the wars. so now, niki tries her best to make it different. that fun they had when they pranked tommy in the past, or find foxes together, or build weird statues— she will try her best reincarnate those feelings of pure happiness through stupid dance moves and stupid jokes because she misses it, and she will try her best to fix the friendship so that it'll be same, perfect thing it once was.
jack is pretty complicated, because i don't know much about jack, but i'd say he is one of quackity's... less responsible business partners. knowing jack, fundy and schlatt try their best to not get quackity to jump on his ass because quackity often gets mad at the ridiculous deals and offers jack gives.
i'd say that jack is just... having a pretty rough time. fundy and schlatt denote that he's kind of lonely, and his demeanor is very similar to quackity's wherein he uses irritation and/charm to mask the hurt they experience. and quackity... does soften up to that. he knows what it's like to feel alone and be left alone by people out of nowhere, so quackity decides to give jack another kind of offer: jack transfers ownership of their hotel back to tommy, and quackity will give jack a job offer to work at las nevadas' hotel. in that way, quackity doesn't need to make multiple exchanges with jack's business; he just needs jack to work for him lmao
so yeah, it's kind of a lax job. the hotel isn't the most booked all the time, but jack does enjoy managing the front desk since quackity actually allows him to get mad at shitty customers lmao. jack doesn't stay there 24/7 of course—if he wants to leave, he can just depend on fundy's redstone to do the work—but he does like working there because nobody looks down upon him. he feels like he has something he can do that he can do well, and nobody is looking at him as if he was inferior. sure, quackity and him are still not on the best terms, but jack doesn't feel like he's being belittled at all.
i'd say jack and sam kind of are friends too? because while schlatt, quackity, and fundy have their own thing, sam and jack manage las nevadas more on the sidelines, but they relate at the fact that they just casually do their own thing in las nevadas. it doesn't feel too awful or violent or belittling— it just feels normal.
sometimes, jack would visit the bar right after it closes to just. drink and talk to sam about... well, anything, really. these talks would typically last through the day, and they're kinda just glad they have found someone to talk to about, well, anything. it's hard to find a feeling of normalcy in the dream smp, let alone a feeling of peace and serenity, so even if they find this chill ambiance in a bar or a casino, they both still revel in the feeling of peace. they're happy with it, so they'll do whatever they can to maintain it.
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tsuumu · 4 years
hi babie i’m back 🤠🤠🤠🤠 anyways is it okay if i can req kuroo x a loud, talkative n extroverted s/o who likes to talk to him a lot but also checks to make sure he’s not annoyed bc a lot of ppl find her annoying 👉👈👉👈👉👈👉👈👉👈👉👈👉👉👈
kuroo with an extroverted f!s/o who’s scared she’s annoying.
hello lovely! it’s nice to see you again!! this was really fun to write, i hope i lived up to your expectations. <3
this became a tad longer than i was expecting but it’s okay.
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• you really can’t help but be loud.
• things tend to excite you a lot and you like to express yourself with lots of power and enthusiasm. most people are okay with this. they really enjoy your energy. unfortunately, there have been times in your life when people have told you you’re a bit annoying.
• things like that really tend to stick in your mind and make you feel insecure, you didn’t want people to be weirded out or exhausted by your extroverted tendencies but at the same time you have no idea how to control it.
• you first encounter with kuroo was during a lunch break at nekoma high, you and your friends would sit on outside tables placed near the gymnasium. you didn’t pay much attention to him at first, usually caught up in loud, rowdy exchanges and jokes with your peers. it was loud enough that anyone nearby would be able to hear it all clearly.
• kuroo sits with a few of his friends, some of them were the nekoma team, like kenma, yaku and lev, others were from various other classes of his. it’s in his nature to pry, he can’t help but overhear your voice above all the others.
“i wish they’d shut up just a little.”
kenma mumbles out, though his attention is focused mainly his phone than anything else. lev and yaku are too caught up in their own bickering over god knows what to notice. that left kuroo and a few others in airy concersation, hand on his chin, though his focus would slip and he’s begin absently listening to you. he didn’t mind it at all, he’d dealt with people like bokuto and yamamoto enough to be used to people like you.
• this goes on for a while, seeing you at the same tables day after day. you always have something new to talk about that he’d tap into, sometimes laughing quietly by himself.
• until one day, you stop.
you’re there with your friends, but you’re much quiter than usual. shoulders bunched up, staring down at the table. you look completely different to what tetsu was accustomed to. you don’t really participate in the main conversation, whenever you do, it’s half-hearted and forced. it sort of makes kuroo uncomfortable, seeing the stark contrast between your shift in mood.
• he decides to wait until lunch reaches its close, telling the others not to wait for him, before approaching you. you’ve lagged behind your friends anyway, packing your things slowly.
he doesn’t really know how to approach you, it’d be weird to tell you he’d noticed you were down when you’d never even talked before. you jump a little at the greeting, looking up at him.
yeah, that’s not the expression he remembers at all. something is definitely up.
tetsu takes a moment to figure out what to say, trying his best not to seem like he’s prying.
“is everything okay? i know we’ve never met but i noticed you were alone and you don’t seem very happy.”
you’re totally confused at first, was he sitting somewhere nearby? the dull pang of sadness still stirs around inside you, reminding you of why you’re so lifeless today. you adjust your gril on your bag, before sitting down.
“not really, but it’s fine.”
“it’s not fine if you’re upset, what’s wrong?” 
he doesn’t want to invade your space, so he stays standing, leaning on the wooden table surface. you sigh out. none of your friends had really asked, maybe they hadn’t noticed.
“i don’t really want to dump all my problems onto you.”
“you really wouldn’t be. i was the one who asked, so try me.”
kuroo has always been somebody who’s cared about others, even if they’re complete strangers. it’s what makes him an excellent captain for his team.
you pause momentarily.
“someone told me earlier that my personality was tiresome to deal with.” sheesh. it hurt to say. “i’m a little too much sometimes.” your fingers rub the nape of your neck, embarrassed. “it really sucks when people say that stuff.”
it’s quiet again, your gaze glued to the floor. hearing it out loud made you feel a lot worse, if you ended up crying in front of this boy, it would be even worse.
“they suck then.” he says, matter-of-factly.
“no, seriously. if someone deals with a personality different to theirs by critising them, they’re the worst. especially if they’re as outgoing and fun as you.”
you shift your feet slightly.
“not that i’d know or anything—“ he rushes to add on, but it makes you smile. genuinely, too.
“—kuroo. thank you. it really means a lot.”
• he ends up asking you if you want to grab something to eat after afternoon classes to cheer you up. you gladly oblige.
• that’s how your love story begins.
• even when you end up together, there are times that you crumple up about it but he’s immediately there to pick you up, kiss you all over and tell you he loves every single aspect of your extrovertion.
“my life would be a hell of a lot more boring without you in it.”
“i like that you’re loud, it means i’ll never lose you in crowds ‘cause your dumbass will be yelling for me.”
“keep laughing like that, please? it kills me how cute it is.”
“you’re happiness is what sets the mood and cheers everybody else up, you just don’t know it.”
• kuroo loves when you talk to him about anything, especially the things you love. if you do ever ask him if you’re too much, he’ll remind you that your personality is the reason he approached you. trust him, you’re perfect.
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what-nani-ano · 3 years
Hmmmm. That's a very happy response to Lilia....
Did his fangs get to you too?
You simply can't resist nice peeps and people who ask you things sweetly which actually makes you a very big list. You're an introvert easy pulled out of her shell. (I tried to pick peeps for Aurora too and... All I can see is her running for the hills. ^^' SHE KEEPS RESISTING PIP. AAAAA.) You get suckered in more easily.
Oh my... If this is what affects your pulls then Deuce, Trey and Kalim would come easily. Floyd is a coin flip. YOU GOTTA DRAG IDIA HOME. Lilia would be a surprise peep that appears.
Y e s fangs- but i like his personality a lot too- 💖
Wanna know why I easily come out oF my shell? This is bc
I don’t care
bc sometimes I just think of it as a gacha game- 50/50 chance of getting a nice friend or getting a crappy one that leaves u disconnected and forgets abt u
buuut I dont mind either outcome, nice friend is nice ofc- and I'll keep them 💖 but getting a crappy one is not gonna change much, since if I'm unhappy i'll just introvert my way out of that friendship and be alone at peace again
in other words
I'll be a ghost *ba dum tsss* no seriously
So yeah basically, I don't care if I get a bad ending with extroverts- I can just go back to being alone and I’ll feel back to normal
I might approach first if they're shyer than me 👉👈 only if they're shyer than me- or if im protected behind a screen-
Yeahhhhh i made a story- hehehehehe but it's more of just an idea- I think I talked abt it before??? In a nutshell Jani meets the idia during ~the new years thing with juice and kalim~ (bc i want to 😳) they’re both in line and Jani sees him being all nervous and just thought he looked interesting and was like “hi” and then introduced herself- ofc they didn't talk a lot bc they were both shy, she pretty much just asked what he was tryna get from the bags and shiz and then that was the first time they met- didn't have much impact on both of them
akejaish BUT then they meet online in some multiplayer game or smth and become friends bc they had fun chatting- jani just doesnt reveal if she's a boy or girl when gaming online cus... why would u do that??? how can u even trust ppl on the Internet so easily with that info??? (dw I love ya’ll tho)
THEN on a twisted wonderland day of fate- She's looking for Azul in the board game club to maybe tell him about someone breaking rules/discuss business maybe? BUT THEN OYA WHO's THIS DUDE HE's PLAYING WITH? that Guy JANI TRIED to TALK TO? they finally meet properly then boom- something idia says reminds her of her online friend she mentions it and one thing leads to another then Idia is like "WTFFF U'RE A GIRL?!" and then friendship :D
wow I talk a lot- anywayy
Knowing my lazy ass I don't want to put any more effort in getting those three to come home- pshhhhhhh I-It's not like I want them to come home or anything!
If they dont come home then so be it- i cant control that lmao *just cuddles ruggie*
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izchone · 3 years
tag game!
tagged by @eternallyhyucks thanks ma
whats ur favorite color? - green and blue
whats ur lucky number? - 444 and 7!
do you have any pets? - used to but it s worded
how tall are you? - 5’1😕 short story i used to be taller than everyone in my school but now the ppl that were shorter than me then are taller than me now🤣🤣🤣👎👎
how many pairs of shoes do u have? - i have 3 i think
favorite song? - I CANNING PICK ONE SONG OKAY it’s probz anywhere by june and like.. idk my whole playlist
favorite movie? - i do not watch many movies😓 but maybe like some disney movie idk that’s all i ever watch
what would ur ideal partner be like? - maybe someone like chenle and jisung😟 IF THATS EVEN POSSIBLE
do u want children? - too young 4 that
have u gotten in trouble w the law? - i hope not
bath or shower - shower
what color socks r you wearing? - im not wearing any socks🙏
favorite type of music? - r&b hiphop and citypop!
how many pillows do you sleep w? - 4 but like 2 of them are deflated or smn
what position do u sleep in? - all positions😁 but i start with legs up to my chest i think
what u dont like when ur sleeping? - when i forget to pray and when i remember i have to do another homework assignment👎
what do u have for breakfast? - it’s either a breakfast meat with rice or ramen👍 not the healthiest but ive been running on that since kindergarten 🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
have u ever tried archery? - no but it looks interesting
favorite fruit? - oranges!!! and kor pears
favorite swear word? - f word😁
do you have any scars? - not that i can think of
are you a good liar? - no😕 i smile like a crazy person if i try
whats ur personality type? - isfp!
whats ur fav type of girl? - one that is nice🙌
innie or outie? - innie
left or right handed? - left
fav food? - hmmmmmm i think rice or like cheese
fav foreign food? - tenola!! it’s a filo dish it is yum
are u clean or messy? - i want to be clean but i end up messy😁
most used phrase? - ‘HELP’ ‘WHAT IS THIS’ ‘ma’ ‘shut up’
how long does it take u to get ready? - for school it takes like 40 min but if it’s not school then like 15
do u talk to urself? - YES who doesn’t
do u sing to urself? - yeah
are u a good singer? - no???? i wouldn’t consider myself like boss level singer but i can hit notes.. i hope
biggest fear? - a lot of fears
do u like long or short hair? - short!
fav school subject? - math😕 ONLY BECAUSE there’s a right and wrong to everything and because when i learn math i feel like im actually learning something (except if it’s word problems and estimation👎 like why need to estimate when we can figure the question out)
introvert or extrovert? - introvert but an extrovert so like ambivert😱
what makes u nervous? - when i get a low grade in math or any subject😓😓 or when something bad happens to ppl i like
who was ur first real crush? - in 1st grade🤣 tbh i wasnt trying to like hook up with him i just wanted to be close friends with him
how fast can u run? - i cant run that fast
what color is ur hair? - black! or dark brown idk
do u like ur own name? - hmm a little bit! my real name is a bit long and people alw ask me how 2 spell it which is a bit tiring but yeah i think it’s pretty :)
what makes u angry? - when people tell me to do something that i was about to do😟👊🏻
do u want a boy or girl as a child? - I DONT KNOW
what are ur strengths? - to switch from being super quiet to really talkative😁
what are ur weaknesses? - to switch from being super quiet to really talkative😕
whats the color of ur bedspread? - the sheets are blue and white
whats the color of ur room? - painted white with a lot of paintings and stuff
tagging @fcxryzen if u want to do!
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silkylious · 4 years
Mistyping of Katsuki Bakugo (MBTI)
i’ve been meaning to post something mbti related but really didnt have an idea what i should do, but i noticed something in the bnha community thats related to mbti and wanted to share my thoughts on it! this is related to personality types and all that jazz so if that isnt your cup of tea then you can scroll past this! :)
i see a LOT of people typing Bakugo as xSTP, mostly ESTP but sometimes i see people typing him as ISTP, and frankly i could not disagree more. He SCREAMS ENTJ to me, here’s why:
first off if we’re just talking about the four letters, can we all agree that he is not an introvert? for the love of fuck Extrovert does not = “omg i love everyone hehe xoxo” you can be an extrovert and still be wary, cold and distant when it comes to interpersonal relationships. introversion and extroversion arent styles of communication or “vibes” its how people gain energy. some ppl gain energy by spending time alone, and are more stimulated by their internal world i.e reading a book and contemplating the plot alone. while others gain energy by spending time with other ppl, they’re more stimulated externally i.e having a discussion about a book with a friend. see the difference here? one is more stimulated internally (thinking about something alone), the other is more stimulated externally (having a discussion with someone else). all of us can do both, and we all need a healthy balance of both, its just a preference.
now when it comes to bakugo, the guy thrives on external stimulus, he literally gets pumped up for fights and shit, and most of the time he instigates them, hes always had a posse of people following him around even though he could easily shun them away completely. whether those were real friendships or not isnt the point, the point is hes always kept them around for his stimulus. so no, bakugo isnt an introvert, not by a long shot.
I’ll clear up why hes an intuitive not a sensor later on, but holy fucking shit. bakugo is a perceiver????? no way in hell. the only way i can see any hint of perceiving nature in him is that he’s occasionally impulsive, and even that barely means shit. bakugo is known for how hard he works, dude has been work since inception to reach his goal, and he does it in a very structured manner despite how he acts. he literally goes to sleep at 8pm, need i say more? bakugo also respects rules and authority and he’s a perfectionist in every sense of the word. so how in the fuck do ppl see him as a perceiver????
now i’ll be explaining his function stack (ENTJ) from my point of view, while comparing it to the function stack of an ESTP
ENTJ: Dominant Te (extroverted thinking) >> Auxiliary Ni (introverted intuition) >> Tertiary Se (extroverted sensing) >> Inferior Fi (introverted feeling)
ESTP: Dominant Se (extroverted sensing) >> Auxiliary Ti (introverted thinking) >> Tertiary Fe (extroverted feeling) >> Inferior Ni (introverted intuition)
ENTJ Dom Te: bakugo’s Te manifests in many ways, first of all his drive. as mentioned before he’s one of the most hardworking people in the series and that is in part to his self-discipline, he is remarkable at regulating himself in ways that meet his own standards and goals. and speaking of standards, Te uses objective standards to regulate circumstances, routines and construct reliable frameworks, so for example how he has a curfew, how he works out regularly, and that also means he’s harsher on himself when he doesn't meet those objective standards like how when he didnt meet the standard of “an indisputable first place” during the sports festival arc he went bat shit. Te in communication is very direct/straightforward and that exactly describes bakugo. he has a very “no bullshit” attitude when he talks and his words never hold any double meaning, just the way he talks is extremely to the point, as opposed to ESTP’s Ti which relies heavily on accuracy and precision. Ti users (ESTPs, ENTPs, ISTPs and INTPs) are very picky with their words and perceive other ppl’s words that way too, which sometimes causes misunderstandings i.e Te user says something that they think is straightforward but Ti user needs more clarification/accuracy.
Aux Ni: here’s why i see bakugo as an intuitive. i can see why people see him as a sensor, he’s extremely pragmatic and practical, its obvious as day that hes kinesthetically intelligent, but i dont think hes a sensor because he isnt a kinesthetic learner (Dom/Aux Se). he doesnt need any tangible stimulus to understand or grasp a situation/concept. for example, a character who is a kinesthetic learner in anime is Naruto (when jutsus are explained to him he doesnt understand shit like when he was learning to do the rasengan but once he was given a practical exercise he was able to understand and learn it) bakugo isnt like that, he is very capable of grasping situations even if he isnt directly involved. his Ni is also shown in how he fights and assesses situations. noticing people’s fighting patterns and making a solid prediction off of that comes naturally to him (much like midoriya who is also an Ni user), but paired with his kinesthetic intelligence (Tertiary Se) that’s what makes him such a good fighter, what gives him such great technique. Ni also shows in how creative he is with his quirk, bakugo knows all the ins and outs of his quirk and uses that to his advantage by creating new moves and ways of using his quirk.
Tert Se: this is where his kinesthetic intelligence comes in, his Se is shown through his fighting, cooking, ability to play music and just how practically capable he is. there isnt much to point out here, his behaviour speaks for itself but for the 100th time hes just kinesthetically intelligent not a kinesthetic learner, thats why Se isnt one of his main functions, it isnt what he uses to intake information, process and learn as opposed to Dom/Aux Se users (ESTPs, ISTPs, ESFPs and ISFPs).
Inf Fi: being the last function, Fi is very underdeveloped in bakugo, and it shows. he struggles with his own feelings and as a result opts for expressing the only emotion hes comfortable with, anger. Now if he was an ESTP he’d be using Fe as Tertiary function which i cannot see at all. Tert Fe users (ESTPs and ENTPs) are skilled at recognizing other people’s emotions and using that to their own advantage i.e being persuasive and/or charming, often described as cunning or masterful with people. perfect example of that from bnha is Hawks who is an ENTP, the way he uses the Ti-Fe axis in communication is the definition of cunning. bakugo is not like that at all. 
so yeah thats about it, let me know your thoughts on this if you’d like to share!
also Gordon Ramsay is an ENTJ and hes blonde and angry so you cant convince me otherwise lololol  
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borrovved · 5 years
dream state of mind
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Summary: bulleted scenario, in which you drunkenly end up kissing hyunjin at a party, and everything makes you feel like you're on a high
A/N: non idol!hyunjin, non idol!au, and underage drinking (plz listen to “tkm” by boy pablo when u get to the kissing part!!! it makes the reading experience really lovely uwu)
warnings: oral (female receiving)
ur both invited to this party by a mutual friend, jaemin
at frst u were all like “u gotta give me some sort of incentive to leave my bed, i’m not just going bc ur telling me to”
“there’s free alcohol”
“but i don’t even drink.”
“hyunjin is coming”
“..........go on”
“that’s the incentive pal, so go gussy up and look hot for your mans”
“ok first of all if i rolled up sporting salsa stained sweatpants all of these hoes would fall for me, so i don’t need to gussy up...but fine...i’ll do it for him”
you already take a long time getting ready but this time it takes a little while longer
you want to look flawless as humanly possible, but not so much so that intimidates him and makes him run off. your rbf already does that for you.
you arrive and hear the heavy bass and see the swarm of warm bodies up against each other, half of the ppl have drinks in their hands already. it’s not quite 10 yet, only 9:32 pm.
might as well grab a drink to loosen the nerves, you think
you go to the source of the drinks, and enter the semi crowded kitchen. right away, you see hyunjin.
you must’ve been eyeing him too long bc his eyes seem to shift to your figure. it’s probably the atmosphere of the place that gives you a little bit of some extroverted power, bc you wave at him.
..........he waves back, and smiles that grin u swear u fall for all over again each time you see it
r u smitten? mayhaps.
r u down to talk to him tonight and at least score his number? ye
but first, refreshments.
you’re not the best bartender in the whole world, but you try to eyeball the whole drink mixing to create your own understated cocktail.
a whooole lotta pepsi (or coke...or dr pepper... whatevr it’s brown and it’s good) and an ounce of what you assume, vodka, gets poured in your red cup
the whole thing burns the living shit outta ur throat but it’s definitely making you blitzed in the best way possible.
you casually look over your shoulder to hopefully meet hyunjin’s eyes once again, but is bombarded by a smiley jaemin
“jaem! hi :)”
“:D Y/N! welcome to the jamboree! did you uhhhhh talk to him yet?”
“not quite. but i waved and he waved back so i totally got it in the bag”
“what bag?”
“it’s a metaphor, jaem”
“r u drunk”
“hehe mabes.”
“anyway, i need to casually sneak over and strike up a conversation with him but he looks busy and i have no idea what to say to him.”
“leave it to me chum”
“yeah don’t ever call me chum ever again or i’m hitting you”
“well ok party pooper” jaemin then grabs your hand and strides to hyunjin’s direction.
panic finally begins to set in the pit of your stomach and you stop in your tracks.
“wait! jaem, idk if i can do this.”
“:/ i want to make a good first impression, but i don’t have a clue as to what to say. i wanna look cool..and hot..but also be an amazing conversationalist.”
“ur actually in good hands. i spoke to him earlier and he asked if you were coming.”
“yeah i know! let’s go”
he finally lets go of your hand, and you stroke the fabric of your midnight blue crushed velvet mini dress, the one where chenle blushes at the sight when you wear it
aaaaand here is chenle blushing and stopping mid-sentence and looking at you, jaw practically dropped.
hyunjin turns around to see as to what he’s looking at and he understands completely why.
you look ravishing, to say the least
lowkey gulps a little bc erm ur hot bb
and you feel really hot
“hyunjin, hi” your voice sounds a little sultry, not that you were trying
“hey” he says really cooly. you shiver at the sound of his voice, so melodic even through the loudness of the party
“HEY chenle can you help me move the ping pong table in the basement?”
“but me and jisung already-”
“welp we gotta move it again” and then chenle picks up as to whats going on a lil and is all like aight imma head out
hyunjin takes a sip of his drink and almost chokes a lttle bit when you suggest going somewhere more secluded to hang out
“like where?” he asks
“i’m not quite sure actually”
“how about a spare bedroom upstairs.” your eyes widen at his words and you short circuit a teensy bit.
he realizes this then stammers out a response “u-unless you don’t want to then-”
“that’s actually perfect”
internally sweet bb boy hyunjin is just “:o” bc he doesn’t know what will happen
he has heard some stories about you where you’re incredibly wild but at the other hand he has also heard that you’re just as much as a homebody as you are a party goer
“ok cool”
you lead the way and have to pull down your dress to prevent it from riding up so damn high and hyunjin can’t help but stare at your thighs
like, yeah it would be dope to be in between them but do you know what’s even cooler? resting his head in your lap
he’s a pure boy for the most part
both of you enter the spare bedroom and he shuts the door while you plop down on the bed. both of you are still holding cups, both pretty full
you’ve only spoken to him a few times, but enough to get a general idea of him
he’s soft spoken, a bit dramatic, is a lovely dancer and you noticed he has nice ass hands that could choke I MEAN hold your more petite hand
you blush at the idea
he finally sits on the bed beside you and opts to put his drink near the bedside table, you would rather hold yours, gives you something to do with your hands
“hi” he starts off
“hi” you say back
at first it’s a normal conversation
he asks how ur doing, you ask him the same
he says parties are kinda obnoxious
you partly agree and say “depends on if you’re with the right people or not really”
he hums in agreement
it’s back and forth conversation for a few minutes
and then you guys start drinking more in between responses
you don’t know when it happened but now the two of you are right beside each other, thighs touching, both tipsy from your drink
at some point you ditched your drink and got curious as to what his drink tasted like, and he offered you to sip. it’s fruity, and quite sweet
“fair warning tho, chenle suggested adding a lot of other alcohol in it so you might feel a buzz” he says
you’re slightly too far gone because you’re a giggly mess,
it’s ok, he’s giggling too
both of you are lightweight drinkers and get blitzed off of one cup sdjfhsdf you really should get better friends to supervise the two of you at all times
at some point you put your hand on his thigh
at some point he puts his hand atop of yours
you have always seen that cute freckle underneath his eye but up close and personal, it seems more cute
 “ur staring” he says
“i know”
it’s okay, he’s staring at your mouth
you finally notice his staring and out loud say “your lips look really kissable”
he smiles, and caresses your hand with his thumb
“i get that a lot. you have really pretty eyes.”
you smile softly, eyes somehow seem prettier in the dim light of the bedside table lamp.
both of you lean in at a slow pace, not wanting to rush
with all of the liquid courage you can muster you finally close the space in between you two
the kiss is so delightfully soft, so delicate
he cups your cheek with his hand as he kisses you
you don’t break apart just yet
you savor the feeling of the sensation of his lips molded into yours
he can taste the mango lip balm as he gently swipes his tongue against your bottom lip
you shamelessly moan and part your lips slightly
he smiles at the sound
he brushes his nose against yours, and then tugs at your bottom lip carefully with his teeth
your heart is beating rapidly, yet time seems to stop around you
hyunjin has been wanting to know what your lips would taste like for a while, and tonight he finally got the chance to know. it’s sweet, it’s soft, it’s dreamy
it all seems like a dream
you suddenly had the urge to bite at his bottom lip, and when you did, he released a guttural moan, and you take the chance to pass your tongue against his
he tastes like a daydream, and you feel tingly all over
you’re snapped out of your trance when he asks if you could straddle him
you nod your head yes, not trusting the sound of your voice
he lays back down on the bed, and you put each leg on either side of his body. you lean down, and once again, press your lips against his
he stops and asks “can i touch you?”
“yes, touch me anywhere you want”
he softly cups your breast in his hand, and begins to kiss you
your dress is definitely riding up, and you can feel wetness pool in the middle of your legs
hyunjin uses his other hand to softly stroke his fingers against your clothed clit
you hum into the kiss in appreciation, and he takes that as a sign to apply a bit more pressure
this time, the feeling takes over you and you hide your face in the crook of his neck, panting
the hand that was on your breast is now resting on your thigh, and gripping it rather harshly
“is it okay if i eat you out?”
he then grabs at your waist to set you on the bed
he pulls you closer to the edge of the bed and places your legs on each side of his shoulders
you pull up your dress while he pulls down your black lacy underwear
“you look so cute like this baby”
you giggle, and search for his hair to grasp on while he pulls his administrations on you
he kisses the inner part of your thighs, then places the flat of his tongue against your heat
he probes the tip of his tongue in your tight hole while using his thumb to rub agonizingly slow at your clit
moans fill the room, the sound echoing back to his ears, making him more determined for you to cum
he rapidly licks at your clit while inserting two fingers in you
he knows exactly what he’s doing, and because of that, you cum in only minutes
he puts your underwear back on and pulls down the skirt of your dress
he lays back down beside you and licks his fingers clean, looking right at you
your cheeks are flushed and ur a panting mess
“wonderful weather we’re having, hm?” you grab a throw pillow and hit him with it, to which he laughs
he places a hand on your hip and says “I don’t have your number”
you scour around the room to find your purse, which has fallen onto the ground
both of you exchange numbers, cuddle
a few hours pass by and both of you sober up, going your separate ways, but not before leaving a lingering kiss on each other’s lips
everything feels a bit hazy, like it’s a dream. but no, it happened.
he’s your biggest dream to come true
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tyonfs · 4 years
🤧 :
you are so sweet do you know that? you don’t need a s/o to be a queen yourself you already are one 👑 i don’t make the rules 😌
also hey I haven’t responded in a hot minute, school just started for me last week so I had to catch up oof im like lowkey a mess lol
also good news! I signed a lease for next school year with my friends and I’m excited! I’m currently rooming with someone I don’t know and they are kinda inconsiderate so I’m really looking foreword to the fall of 2021 😊😊
okay topic change but i have been noticing that people have been saying they want the old nana back seeing jaemin reserved and stuff — like i saw a tiktok about it and it had 83k likes like folks 1) he’s an introvert and 2) he had been promoting with a 22 MEMBER GROUP! that’s a lot of people for introverts to socialize with — and let’s be honest really just people in general.
I mean I’m an extrovert and even that would be a lot for me... I feel like people don’t realize that some just don’t really vibe in large crowds — I certainly didn’t at first but then my siblings are all introverted lol so they explained to me a few things (the funny thing is both my parents are extroverts and they only got one extroverted kid)
Idk i hope jaemin doesn’t feel like he needs to act energetic and smile for us constantly — even if he is feeling down or bc some fans may not want to see him more reserved and quiet — and just be himself bc we love him regardless 🥺💗
I just wish people who were concerned kept it to themselves and not commented ‘nana come back’ and stuff like that if that makes sense 😪
Also a lot of the rambunctious groups have introverted members which always surprises me (like Got7 has like 5 introverted members and half of SVT is introverted as well) but I guess that just means they are comfortable with their groups to show their louder sides and I think that’s cool because it means they are really close then...
🤧 anon i missed you how are you? 🥺 and SORRY i’ve been inactive too for a bit bc of school and stuff
but 🥺🥺 you and me both !! we don’t need men screw men (my friend just had a bad experience with a man last week so i am mad and bitter)
that’s exciting !! i have new roommates too next year but we’ve been friends for half a year (just haven’t met in person bc of covid) so i’m excited for fall too :’)) also i rlly hope that was supposed to say considerate not inconsiderate, otherwise i’m praying for you 😭
ALSO !! THIS ! i’ve seen way too many angsty tik toks over jaemin being “different” lately 😭 they’re also failing to see that he’s been in back-to-back comebacks during resonance era and has so many more activities he needs to take part in. he’s always been an introvert and has said he has a lot of energy sometimes and other times he needs to recharge, so idk why ppl paint it in a depressing way
but yeah it’s probably so exhausting with 22 other members 😭 that’s why he’s a lot more comfortable and energetic in dream, but that’s?? a perfectly normal thing?? idk why it’s dramatized so much
and exactly ! it surprises me sometimes which members are introverted like i didn’t expect han jisung to be an introvert but jyp rlly said put jisung in a group of extroverts
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