#and some of my favorite fics like STAY AWAKE were deleted but it lives in my heart
do you have any joshler fics you could recommend?
yes, i do!
Webcam by Marasa
Tyler shouldn't trust people he meets on the internet.
Skyrim Saga by @pantaloonwarrior
Josh is not the one looking for trouble, yet he finds himself in one when he discovers a frozen body in The Pale of Skyrim. He gets attacked by a desperate wanderer named Tyler, who says he’s looking for his lost brother. (top x skyrim crossover!!)
Surrounded, Hounded by @bbluejoseph
His nightmares are full of teeth.
Hang me out to dry by violetjosh
It’s July 18th today, tomorrow and yesterday. Tyler wants it to be July 19th.
In the Upstairs Window by @edyluewho
Don't go in the warehouse.
Five Times Tyler Recovered and One Time he Did Not
Tyler gets hurt a lot.
and, i would like to also rec my current wip aka dystopia fic:
Street Poetry
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kirishimaswife2819 · 3 years
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 Wrong || Katsuki Bakugou x Reader (Birthday fic)
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Masterlist 1 || Masterlist 2
↠Author’s Note: Hi! I hope you guys like this, I feel like it didn’t turn out how I wanted it to but I still think that it’s okay. Hope you guys like it! -Danielle <3
↠Characters: Katsuki Bakugou x Reader
↠Summary: After accidentally distancing yourself from Bakugou to avoid accidentally revealing the secret party you’re planning for him, he assumes the worst and stays late at work because of it, but what happens when he comes home and realizes he was completely wrong?
↠Genre: Angst to fluff
↠Word Count: 2.1k
↠Warnings: None
↠Notes: None
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You yawned and rolled over, reaching over to grab onto your husband, but when he wasn’t there, you opened your eyes. His side of the bed was empty, so you looked at the clock and saw the time. You frowned, he should still be in bed, he never left bed that early.
Normally in the mornings, he woke up early for the pure purpose of cuddling you, not that he would admit that out loud though. Plus, he always shook you awake to let you know that he was going to go get ready for work, so you found it even more odd that he didn’t do that either.
“Katsuki!?” You called, and soon enough he entered the bedroom.
“What?” He asked, crossing his arms, dressed in his work clothes.
“Why are you leaving so early?” You asked, sitting up and wiping some sleep from your eyes.
“I have to get to work early,” he replied, “I gotta go, bye.”
“Oh, wait-” you tried, but he already walked out of the bedroom door. You frowned, and considered going after him, but he clearly wasn’t in the mood right then, so you decided to just leave him go. You could tell him happy birthday when he got home from work. Besides, if he went in early, that meant he could come home early and get to come home to the party earlier. In your head, you did the math and concluded that Katsuki should be home around four or five, so you still had plenty of time to get everything set up.
You went back to sleep for a few hours, before finally finding the energy to get up out of bed and continue on with your day.
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Bakugou sat at his desk, his pile of paperwork sitting in front of him. He was planning on getting some done since he went in earlier than he was supposed to but he was pissed and didn't want to accidentally burn any of it.
He knew that you had to be cheating on him and he was pissed off. You must not have noticed that he noticed, but you changed your password and took his finger print out of his phone. He also saw you delete a call, he just didn't see who it was.
Little did he know, you were planning a huge party for his thirtieth birthday, and you were just covering your tracks so that he didn't find out about it before it actually happened.
But that wasn't an option in his mind as he sat there, refraining from burning some hand prints into his desk. Eventually he got sick of trying to do paperwork and just went to go let some steam off.
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"Okay, everything's set up, now we just need Katsuki," you announced, pressing the last corner of a banner that said "Happy Birthday Katsuki!!" to make it stick to the wall better.
The party was big, but you only invited a few of his close friends, knowing he wouldn't want to see a ton of people on his birthday. So, you just had a lot of stuff to do and his favorite foods there.
"When's he get off work?" Kirishima asked, sitting at your kitchen table.
"Any minute now," you said, glancing at the clock and seeing it was a little past five so he should be home soon. And so you waited.
And waited.
And waited
And then waited some more. Everybody tried calling Katsuki multiple times and every time he either ignored them or picked up and told them he was busy before hanging up the phone again. And to top it all off, he wouldn't even answer your calls, or texts, he either rejected them or straight up ignored them before finally you gave up.
"Are you alright?" Kirishima asked, watching as you messed with the food on your plate. Mina and Sero had to leave since they had work the next day and Denki passed out on the couch. And anybody else that was there also went home.
"I'm fine," you replied, sighed and sitting straight up from your previous position of resting your head on your hand, "You can get Denki and go home."
"Are you sure?" Kirishima asked, frowning, "I can help you clean up if you want. Or I can go see Bakugou and talk to him."
"No, it's fine. Just get Denki and go," you said, "Thanks for helping me set all this up."
"Yeah, you're welcome," Kirishima said, "Are you sure that you're fine?"
"I told you that I was fine, just go!" You snapped and Kirishima looked at you, concerned, but he still got up and went into your living room to go wake Denki up. They left after saying goodbye.
And as soon as you heard the front door slam shut, you broke down, crying into your hands, asking yourself a million questions.
Why hadn't Bakugou come home? Why was he ignoring you? Did he not want to spend his birthday with you?
You didn't know the answer to any of them and that just made you sob harder. You were crying so much, that you didn't even hear your husband enter the house around eleven that night.
As soon as he stepped in, he had to pause to process what was in front of him. And when he did, everything made a whole lot more sense, everything pieced together in his mind.
The deleted calls, password change, you being a bit distant, everything made complete and total sense. He sighed and brought a hand to his forehead, mentally beating himself up for even thinking that you’d do that to him. Of course you wouldn’t, you’ve been married to him for four years, and in those four years you had been the absolute best to him.
He was also mad at himself for forgetting it was his birthday, why didn’t anyone say anything to him at work? Was it because he looked like he was about to explode everything the whole day? Or did they all forget too? Either way, he was pissed off at everybody he worked with for not saying anything all day.
He sighed, eventually bringing his hand away from his forehead and deciding to go get ready for bed. He could apologize to you tomorrow, since he figured you were already asleep, and he would take the day off to spend with you. Just as he was about to make his way down the hall and to the room that you two shared, he heard quiet sobs, coming from the kitchen. 
He furrowed his brows at this and opened the door that led to the kitchen, and he was a bit shocked to find you at the table, sobbing into your hands. His heart was hurting at the fact that you were so upset that you hadn’t even heard him enter the home, or the kitchen for that matter.
Bakugou sighed, before approaching you and gently placing a hand on your shoulder, startling you. You jumped at the sudden contact and immediately turned. You could make out Katsuki’s form through your blurry eyes, but you couldn’t read his expression very well, so you started frantically wiping at your eyes.
“Where the hell have you been?” You questioned, attempting to sound loud and mad but instead you let out a choked sob half way through.
“Y/n, I am so sorry,” Bakugou apologized, which is a pretty rare occurrence but Bakugou knew he fucked up this time, “I totally forgot it was my fucking birthday, and I thought you were cheating on me, and-”
“You...” you interrupted, your voice a bit small and quiet but it still shut Katsuki up, “You what?”
“I thought you were cheating on me,” Bakugou said, and he watched your heart break all over again. He wanted nothing more than to reach out for you and pull you into his arms, but you were pissed and he knew it would probably be better to let you speak your mind before he tried to make it all better.
“You really-” you sniffled, “think that I would do that to you?”
“No, of course not! You’ve just been so secretive, and I guess I assumed the worst. I’m sorry,” Bakugou apologized but you didn’t want to hear any of it. You just walked past him and out of the kitchen without saying a word. Bakugou almost went after you, but he was getting more pissed off every minute, and he didn’t want to accidentally hurt your feelings again, so he settled for slamming his hands down on the counter and yelling out, “God dammit!”
You returned to your room and changed out of your outfit. It was Katsuki’s favorite outfit of yours, so you had worn it for his birthday. You didn’t even bother putting it in the laundry basket and instead just threw it on the floor, before pulling on a t-shirt and some sleeping shorts, and then getting ready for bed. Bakugou remained in the kitchen, thinking about what he should do at this point.
Finally, you were all curled up under your comforter, in your bed, and you let out a few sobs and sniffles before falling asleep, since you were pretty tired out from the day. Eventually Bakugou returned, being careful not to wake you as he entered the bathroom and showered, before getting dressed into his pajamas, which consisted of his t-shirt and his boxers. 
He glanced over at you, and the empty spot beside you. As much as he wanted to cuddle up beside you, he knew he couldn’t. One, you were pissed, and two, he knew he didn’t deserve to sleep with you after what an ass he was. So, he settled for the couch, it wasn’t like it was uncomfy, he could afford a pretty comfortable couch and you guys often napped on it, but it was the fact that you were upset with him that made it so hard for him to sleep that night. 
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You opened your eyes, the next morning, to be met with your ceiling, and surprisingly, no sun in your eyes. Normally Katsuki opened the blinds as a way of telling you it was time to get up, but this time they were still closed. But you knew it wasn’t night, since the room was still pretty lit from the light that traveled through the blinds.
And then a smell hit your nose, the smell of your favorite breakfast food. Your brows furrowed at this, shouldn’t Katsuki be at work? And why the hell was he making you food? And then it hit you, the fight, he was doing it to apologize for what he did.
You knew that maybe you were being a little over dramatic but it hurt to spend all day doing something nice for somebody and then have them completely ignore it/not even notice it until later. You heard the bedroom door creak open and you glanced over to see your husband, still dressed in his pajamas, his hair an absolute mess, carrying a tray containing all your favorite breakfast foods.
“Morning, Y/n,” Katsuki greeted you, setting the tray on your nightstand, since you were still laying down, “Can we talk now?”
“Look, I’m sorry,” you apologized.
“Huh?” He replied, confused as to why you were apologizing to him.
“I shouldn’t of been so secretive. I just wanted to surprise you on your birthday, I’m also sorry I just walked away last night and-”
“No, no, no!” Bakugou quickly shut you up, “Don’t you dare fucking apologize to me. I’m the one who fucked up by not talking to you and assuming the worst. And then I forgot about my birthday and ended up hurting your feelings. This is my fault.”
“No, Katsuki, it’s-”
“No, stop it!” Bakugou interrupted again, “Shut up.”
“Fine, how about we both fucked up?” You questioned, and Bakugou grumbled.
“Sure, whatever, will shut you up,” Bakugou replied, and you smiled, sitting up and giving him a quick kiss on the lips.
“Thank you for breakfast, but get over here!” You said, and Katsuki quickly sat down beside you, before letting you position yourself in his lap. Then you reached over and got the tray, setting in your own lap. Soon, the two of you were cuddling and eating. You occasionally reached over your shoulder and offered a bite to your husband, which he took each time. 
After finishing eating, you two ended up cuddled up next to each, and you sighed, happy to finally be alright with Bakugou again.
“Hey, Katsuki,” you asked.
“Happy late birthday, sorry I didn’t say it yesterday,” you said.
“Thank you, babe. But don’t apologize, it’s my fault you didn’t get too. I love you,” he said, kissing your cheek before your lips.
“Love you too, Katsu.”
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Thank you to these two anons for the idea!!! <3
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Rudy Pankow x reader
Requested by anon // Summary: You begin receiving rude messages from fans after posting a photo of you and Rudy. You’ve been talking with him and he can tell something is wrong.
A/N: Okay, so the way I took this fic changed up the request a little, but I like how it turned out and I hope you guys do too!! xx 
Tag list is at the end. Let me know if you want to be added xx
Requests: OPEN {CLOSED}
** Who I Write For **
********************************************************************************************NOT MY GIF, CREDIT TO OWNERS
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Who does this bitch think she is?
She’s so ugly
He’s mine you stupid bitch
Stay away from him
Those were only a few of the comments on your posts from Rudy’s “fans”. You were missing Rudy on a particular day like today. It had been a few months since he’d left to film the Outer Banks in South Carolina and you were missing your best friend deeply. You’d posted a photo of the two of you taken before he left and Rudy’s fans went crazy over it, thinking you two had been dating secretly and then was now announcing it. He’d posted another photo the night before of the two of you, then you posted this one and people began jumping to conclusions.
Some fans were nice and sweet about things, telling you how beautiful you were and that they hoped you two were dating because you two were perfect for each other. Other’s weren’t so nice. They were threatening and saying how ugly you were. Some even threatened to kill you. It was ridiculous. You finally had to turn your social media notifications off.
You didn’t want to worry Rudy with your problems but you missed him and needed to hear his voice. You calmed yourself down before dialing his number, him answering immediately. However, you forgot about the time difference. It may have been only 10 pm in Alaska, but it was 1 in the morning in South Carolina.
His voice was raspy and sounded tired, “hello?”
You facepalmed yourself when realization hit, “Shit rudy… I forgot about the time difference.” You said quietly.
He cleared his throat, “No it’s okay… I,” He yawns and rubs his eyes, sitting up against the headboard, “I was awake.”
“Don’t lie... I’m sorry Rudy. I didn’t mean to wake you.”
“Hey it’s okay... I’m up now. What’s wrong? Everything okay?” He throws his covers off his body and slips out of bed, heading for the kitchen for a glass of water.
You bit back tears, “Yeah. I’m fine.” Your voice cracked and he immediately knew something else was wrong.
“You’ve been crying... What’s wrong, doll?” His nickname for you.
“no no. I haven’t... I um just watched a sad movie.” You sniffled.
He sighs, “Sure you did... You know you can tell me anything.”
“I just... I miss you Rudy.” Your voice cracked again, and you can’t help but let out a sob.
“I miss you too.” His voice is sad as he leans against his countertop, running a hand over his forehead. “I miss you too…”
“I think I just needed to hear your voice.” You pull the covers up to your chin, wiping your tears.
“It’s good to hear your voice too. Why don’t we try to face time tomorrow? We haven’t done that in a while.”
“Sounds great… Go get some sleep. I’m sorry I woke you.”
“You know you can call me at any time. No matter the time, I’ll always answer.” He reassures you.
“Thank you, Rudy. I love you.”
He knows you can’t see him, but he can’t help but smile, “I love you too, doll. Sleep well.”
He pulls his phone out as soon as he arrives and facetimes you, making sure you can’t see the surroundings just yet. You answer quickly, “Hey!”
He smiles, “Hey doll. What are you up too?”
You turn the camera around to show your room, “putting up clothes.”
He chuckles, “That sounds fun.”
“What about you?” You sit down on the bed to take a break, “Did you get done filming?” You can see he’s walking and then notice he’s wearing a warm coat. Weird because it’s hot in south carolina.
“Yeah we did.” He makes his way up your front steps and rings the doorbell.
“Why are you wearing a coat? Are you cold, Rudy?” You laugh and get off the bed, “Hang on, someone’s at the door.” You make your way to the front door and when you open it, your phone drops out of your hands. Standing there on your front porch is Rudy, a wide grin on his face.
“Surprise, doll.”
“Rudy!” You squeal, jumping in his arms.
His arms wrap around you, lifting you off the ground, “I just missed you too much.” He spins you around and then sets you down.
You’re already crying by the time he puts you down, “Stop it.” You step back to look at him, “I know you did not fly all the way home to see me because you missed me too much.”
He chuckles, “I’d fly halfway across the world if it meant I’d get to see my favorite girl..” He pulls you back to him.
You wrap your arms tightly around his neck, hugging him again, “You have no idea how much I needed to see you.” You say into his neck, your mind drifting back to the mean comments.
“I know. I could tell on the phone last night.” He nuzzles his head in your neck, giving a small kiss, “You didn’t think I would notice? I know you like the back of my hand.” He lets go of you and cups your cheek, wiping a stray tear with his thumb.
You lean into his touch, “Sometimes I hate that.”
He chuckles softly, “can’t hide anything from me.”
You shake your head, “No I can’t.”
He moves his hand to the back of your head and pulls you into a kiss, “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You smile into the kiss.
What a great surprise. You and Rudy posted another photo after getting comfortable near the fire, officially announcing your relationship. Then you two went on live to speak with fans and Rudy made it very clear all hate would be deleted/reported immediately and he wouldn’t tolerate it.
All my works tag list:  @blossomreed​ , @mggstyles​  
Obx taglist: @poguestyleskye , @alexa-playafricabytoto , @kaelyn-lobrutto24 , @prejudic3 , @turtlee-says-rawr , @outrbank​ , @k-k0129 , @annedub , @rockyyc77 , @ilovejjmaybank , @treestarrrrrrrr​ , @thedarkqueenofavalon​ , @write-from-the-heart , @eclecticpuppyhollywoodhumanoid , @lasnaro​ , @kiarasgold​ , @normatural​ , @kaylinfayezink​ , @lordsagittarius​ , @moose-squirrel-asstiel​ , @thelovelydreamer17​ , @chasefreakinstokes​ , @fanficscuziranout​ , @diverrdown​ , @tregua-oca​ , @junkiemuppettxx​ , @afterglowsb-tch13​ , @hardyxlove​ , @cinnamon-roll-seth​
JJ Maybank // Rudy Pankow taglist: @thatweirdblonde​ ,  @saltwatercowb0y​ , @popcrone818​ , @thee-sex​ , @coni-martina​ , @pm-my-hubbies​ , @timotaychalabae​ , @katiaw2​ , @maybebanks​ , @sataninsatin​ , @obx-beach​ , @fangirlvoice​ , @lolitstiana​ , @teamnick​ , @danicarosaline​ , @losers-club6​ , @bananasfromtarget​ , @jasminesuperstar123456789​ , @fratboystark​ , @notmcchkn​ , @obx-beach​
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fluffyskies · 4 years
Delete it or else
Sanders Sides
Ship: Prinxiety
Ler Virgil/Lee Roman!
Summary: Roman shouldn't of taken a picture of the sleeping dragon now he's in for it!
It was just a regular day in the mind place. Logan was in the living room reading a book and Patton was in the kitchen cooking lunch. Roman was also in the living room on his phone across from where Logan sat. Virgil woke up early this morning so after breakfast he went back to his room to sleep some more.
"Roman!" Patton called from the kitchen. Roman got up and went to the kitchen.
"Yes my dear Patton?" Roman was standing behind him as he finished getting the plates and utensils. Patton turned around to face him. "Would you get Virgil for lunch please?". Roman stood there for a moment before answering "Why not ask Logan?". Patton tilted his head with a smile "He's busy". 
Roman huffed at that. "He's reading…" Patton giggled "So he's busy". 
"I was busy too" Roman complained. Patton looked at Roman with puppy dog eyes. "Please our dashing prince?". Roman began to feel a bit bad so he gave in. "Fine I'll go wake up the sleeping dragon". Patton gave him a pat on the shoulder and thanked him. 
So the not very thrilled side was on his way to the stairs. But before that he gave a glare to Logan who was still reading his book. Logan looked up and saw the prince glaring "As Patton said I am very busy" he smirked. The creative side groaned and made his way up the stairs to Virgil's evil lair. He knocked on the door. "Virgil, it's time for lunch!" he yelled. But there was no response. He knocked again there was a slight noise but nothing else. So Roman just invited himself in to see a sleeping Virgil all curled up in his bed. He walked closer to see his face, he had a cute sleepy smile and a bit of drool on his face. 
Roman thought this was so adorable so he grabbed his phone and was going to take a picture and put it as his background and show it to the other sides as well. But this is when he made a big mistake because when he took the picture the flashed was on. Then he heard a groan from the bed and there was Virgil awake and now rubbing his eyes.
"Princey? watcha doing in my room?" Virgil asked after yawning. "O-oh nothing just was going to tell you that lunch is ready and Patton asked me to get you". Feeling the heat rise in his cheeks hoping it's not noticeable. "Oh ok tell him I'll be there in a minute" as he gets out of his bed to stretch. "I'll let him know" he said as he started to walk out, he took one last glance at the picture he had taken with a goofy smile on his face. 
Virgil had seeing this raised a brow. "What do ya got there Princey?" he asked. Startled Roman answered "Nothing!" maybe a bit to fast to not sound suspicious. Virgil huffed and sprinted at the speed of light and grabbed the phone right out the creative side's hand. "Hey! give it back!" he yelled. 
"In a minute Royal pain I just wanna see what's got you so smiley". His expression paused when he saw the picture Roman took of him. "What is...this??" he asked as he held the phone in Roman's direction. "Did you take this??" he asked annoyed. "Yes I did emo-nightmare". Roman said smugly and grabbed his phone out of his hand. "Ugh!" Virgil groan loudly. He stared right into the prince's eyes "Delete it". Roman smirked at him why should I, I bet Patton would love to see his favorite emo sleeping so soundly and adorably". That was it the last straw Roman is in for it now.
"I don't see why your so frustrate-" he was cut short when he felt a Virgil leap on top of him. His phone flew out of his hand and landed on the floor near the door. "Hey my phone!" Roman complained as he felt Virgil start to straddle him. He looked up at a very angry looking Virgil. "Delete it or else…" he spat. "Or else what" Roman shot back". 
"I'm not deleting that photo and you can't make me." Virgil hmmed "Your funeral".
"My wha-?" Roman couldn't even get those words through before he felt hands squeezing at his sides. He squealed and burst into to laughter immediately. "Stohohohop!" he laughed. 
"Not until you agree to delete that photo!" he yelled. "Nehehehever!" he sqeaked. 
"Ok you asked for it" Virgil grinned as he walked his fingers up from his sides to his ribs to his underarms. Romans laughter seemed to grow higher when his hands went higher. "Last chance~" Virgil sang. "NO!" the prince shouted back.
Virgil was actually pleased to hear his response he knew that the prince was stubborn as ever he was actually enjoying wrecking the cocky prince, but as if he was gonna say it out loud. He decided enough with the build up so he skipped the last few ribs and skittered his fingers in Roman's underarms. Roman exploded with laughter shrieking and going silent when Virgil went to drill his fingers in the middle of his armpits. "NAHAHAHAH STAHAHAHP IHIHIT!" he said with the last of his strength. Virgil sighed "Not until you delete the photo Roman!". After about 10 minutes of tickling he slowed his fingers giving Roman a break his voice was starting to sound wheezy.
"Now you gonna delete it?" He said with a stern face. "Fihihihine I'll delehehehete ihihit" he said with the last few giggles still coming out. "Good" Virgil said not as angry as before. Then they heard a knock at the door. Logan came in "Roman how long does it take to tell someone lunch is ready-?" he stopped and looked down at Virgil then further down at a red and giggly prince under him. "What happened here?" Logan said amused at the scene before him. "Nothing" Virgil said. Roman stayed silent still trying to regain composure after the tickle assult. "Ok well Patton asked me to go find you two becasue you guys were talking a long time. 
"Well… we would have been there sooner if Roman listened and deleted that photo of me!" Virgil spat. "But it was adorable!" Roman argued back. "What photo?" Logan asked curiously. Roman pushed Virgil off of him and grabbed his phone and gave it to Logan. "This photo" he gestured to it. Logan's face turned into an amused smirk "This is quite adorable as people would describe this as". Virgil groaned in his hands. "Hey it's not that bad Virge" Roman said starting to feel guilty. 
Logan coughed and spoke "Well if you excuse me I'll be showing this to Patton" and then he was gone. A minute later and you could hear Patton's squeals and shrieks obviously telling them that Logan had indeed shown him the picture Roman had taken of Virgil sleeping. 
Virgil was silent for a moment but slowly turned his head towards Roman. "You have 5 seconds to run before I catch you" his voice turning feral. You didn't have to tell Roman twice he took off running doing the hall with Virgil not far behind. Romans laughter was heard all over the mind place and went on for a long time but you know that Virgil sought his revenge to the fullest.
Author's note: Hi this is my first t-fic! Hope you liked it, sorry it may have some spelling mistakes... I'm also thinking of taking requests if you like have a nice day :D.
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narrysgolden · 4 years
So uh, hi, I’m not a writer but I do occasionally (used to) write and some lovely lovely person brought that to my attention today! They mentioned a totally different fic I was writing and forgot about (oops) but reminded me I wrote Part 3 of this ficlet ages ago and never posted it SO here’s that now. Happy Holidays to you all ☺️
Private Nights - Part 3
Part 1
Part 2
They were both much more quiet now than they had been the whole flight. Thoughts, and a hangover, swimming around in their heads. Niall was debating in his head whether he was hoping to not have to see Harry again this weekend, or was hoping to run into him again. He was leaning more towards the latter.
With an ounce of liquid courage left, he decided to ask anyways, just out of curiosity. “Hey where are you staying tonight?”
Harry’s face went blank. He closed his eyes, lowered his head into his hands and whispered shit.
“I think….I don’t think I actually have a place to stay.” He said with a chuckle, an attempt to not scream. In years past Harry would just stay at his house, but since he sold his LA home he had been staying with Jeff. Now that Jeff and his wife are out of the country, Harry not thinking to bring his spare key, that’s not an option either. Surely he could call up another friend, pop into a hotel or something. “Forgot I don’t live here anymore and usually I’d just go to Jeff’s but, “second honeymoon.” He shrugged.
Without thinking Niall blurted out “you can stay at mine” before realizing what he said. “I mean got a spare room and all, not too far from tomorrow’s venue.”
“Oh I don’t want to be a bother, can just call up a friend, get a hotel for a change or summat.”
A friend? Did he not consider me a friend? Niall thought. That kind of hurt but he tried not to take it personally. Would probably be awkward to have Harry sleepover anyways. “Uh yeah sure, sure. I’ll be there if you uh, need anything or whatever.” Now Niall was being awkward, tripping over his words and trying to play it cool.
“’course, thanks Niall.” Harry pat him on the shoulder with a soft smile as he peeled himself off the leather seat.
The boys parted ways after the flight, engaging in a much less awkward hug than the first one, and hopping into separate cars. As Niall went back to his LA home, Harry was feeling out of sorts. Even with his countless contacts in the area, he wasn’t sure what he wanted to do and had the driver drop him off at the Beachwood Café. Out of all the places in LA, this it felt most like a home away from home. He frequented the dainty café every time he was in town, knew the workers by name and they were always considerate of his privacy.
After greeting the employees behind the counter and ordering his usual, he sat himself in the back corner booth, shoving his Gucci bag underneath the table and pulling out his book. He had brought Norwegian Wood with him, grabbing it last minute from his shelf as a way to keep himself busy on the long flight. Even though he’d already read the book, twice, it was his favorite and impossible to put down. In an attempt to clear his mind, he began reading, for the third time, sipping on his coffee in an attempt to beat the already setting in jetlag.
When he woke up the room was half lit with soft sounds of mugs clattering together. He jolted his head up with a gasp, forgetting where he was and searching his surroundings. Harry had gotten so engrossed in his book he completely lost track of time….and consciousness. Jetlag hit hard and despite his second cup of coffee, he dozed off through chapter nine and slumped back in the booth. A slight bit of panic set in as he frantically looked at his phone, not knowing what time or even day it was at this point.
The café closed in 15 minutes. Harry quickly shuffled out of the booth, grabbing his stuff and swiftly placing his dirty dishes on the counter. “So sorry for hogging up the booth all day, keeping you here” he quietly apologized to the employee, voice coming out hoarse from sleep.
As he darted out the door he really started to realize he has nowhere to stay tonight. It was nearly 10pm on a Sunday and he’d feel bad for bothering anyone for a place to crash at this hour. He quickly remembered Niall’s offer earlier, along with how much of a dick he probably sounded for so quickly turning it down. In his sleepy haze he decided to just fuck it and call Niall up anyways.
Three calls later. No answer. Harry would really start to feel like a needy boyfriend if he called again. And fuck all if he remembers how to get to Niall’s house, let alone his address. Unless…
Harry unlocks his phone, scrolls through his contacts, and clicks on Niall’s name. And sure enough, right under the address bar is Niall’s street, number and all. Even after all these years, Harry couldn’t bare to delete Niall’s number or any of his information, and he’s thanking God now that he didn’t.
While in the Uber on the way to Niall’s he starts to become really anxious. This isn’t creepy right, just showing up at his house? I mean it’s Niall and he offered anyways. Right?
The car pulls up to the soft gray home, light coming through a couple windows with Niall’s car parked in the driveway. Thankfully Niall’s gate code was still programmed into his phone as well, so he could at least get past the fence without looking like an awkward stalker who shouldn’t be at this residence in the first place.
With all signs that Niall is home and another few phone calls going unanswered, Harry assumes Niall must have fallen asleep early too. He makes his way up to the front door and knocks, then rings the doorbell, then the buzzer and repeats the three for what feels like 30 minutes before giving up. He doesn’t want to yell or cause a disturbance in his neighborhood at now 11pm. So he sits down on the stoop, back up against the door, jetlag already taking over again.
Niall jolts awake with a weird feeling. All the lights are on, his damn shoes are still on and he’s very disoriented at this point, not intending on passing out so early in the day. He goes to check his phone, 11:30pm, and notices the 6 missed called from Harry. Immediate panic shoots through his body. Is something wrong? Did he need me? Oh god I wonder where he is. Am I overreacting?
Despite his hesitation, he decides to just call Harry back. No answer. So he calls again. After the fourth ring with no answer is when Niall really starts to panic. Without thinking he jumps up, grabs his keys from the counter and heads for the door. He flings the front door open so fast he barely has time to process the body thumping at his feet.
Harry is shocked out of his slumber as he flies back and his head smacks down on Niall’s feet.
“Jesus, fuck! Harry what the fuck!?”
Harry rolls over with a loud groan of pain and confusion. “Oh my god” he grunts.
“Harry WHAT the hell” Niall yells.
As Harry continues to writhe around on the stoop, Niall’s demeanor changed. “Har-Harry are you okay? C’mere”. He reached down to gently place his hand under Harry’s head and help him sit up, worried that he smacked his head too hard. Harry finally squints his eyes open to look up at Niall. He doesn’t know if it’s the jet lag delirium or the fact that he banged his head half on Niall’s foot and half on concrete, but he smiles up at the Irishman with a dopey grin and dimple on full display. “Hi.”
Niall is confused but can’t help smiling back. After a moment of innocent affection, Niall’s concern creeps back in. “Are you okay? Really? Need some ice?” Harry’s smile turns into a frown as he remembers his throbbing head and nods, taking Niall’s hands to help him up. In full disclosure, Harry is a total baby when it comes to being sick or hurt. He will take all the love and care that anyone is willing to give him and he will milk that shit like it’s his job. Niall knows, Niall kind of loves it, and Niall acts just like the caretaker Harry wants. “C’mon baker boy” he chuckles, wrapping his arm around Harry’s waist to lead him inside.
The name gets Harry to chuckle, lightening the mood. “Baker boy? Really? It’s been nearly 10 years Niall.”
“And yet you still talk about bread, Harold.”
For those few moments it’s like Niall and Harry we’re back in 2015. It felt different than the plane ride earlier which was fueled by alcohol. This time, the comfort was fueled by vulnerability. Something they shared closely between each other, years ago.
Harry laid down on the couch, sinking into the big plushie cushions and trying really hard to block out the memory of what happened on this couch the night Niall moved in. The heated kissing, the touching, the clothes thrown about the kitchen. It was also the one and only time that Harry had stepped foot in this house, other than at this moment. Niall brought over a bag of ice, handing it to Harry along with a pillow to prop his head up. As his mind began to clear up, he decided to take a seat at the other end of the couch. He could feel emotions resurfacing that he wasn’t ready for and did not think was appropriate for the time.
Harry thanked Niall and laid back on the ice, wiggling uncomfortably as the cubes poked the back of his head, but he was grateful for the gesture. Neither of them said another word, sleep taking over both of them yet again after Niall had put the golf channel on the tv for some background noise. As Niall dozed off, he could hear Harry’s labored breathing. Through hooded eyes he took in the sight of Harry’s chocolate curls sticking to the melting ice bag. His lips slightly parted, looking plush but dry, in need of some chapstick. The way his skin was so clear and glowed under the light of the tv. He was just....so....pretty. And with that thought, Niall fell into a deep sleep as well.
Niall awoke to a heavy weight on his stomach and a tickle of hair on his arms. He squinted one eye open in the dim lighting of the room and moved just enough to get Harry’s attention. The lanky boy on top of him groaned a small “mm cold” before readjusting his head to now be on Niall’s crotch and curl his legs up next to him.
“D’you wanna go up to bed?” Niall mumbled. Harry nodded, continuing his “baby” act.
The two of them groaned as they got up, sore from the awkward couch positions and groggy from on and off sleep all day. Harry slung his bag over his shoulder as they trudged up the stairs, coming to the guest bedroom on the right. Niall stopped ahead of Harry. “Sheets are clean, bathrooms on the le—“
“Can I...” Harry began to interrupt. “My uh, my head still hurts.” It didn’t. But Harry didn’t have another excuse to sleep with Niall and he knew Niall wouldn’t deny him the comfort he really needed right now.
“Uh yeah, sure, my rooms down thi—“
“Mhmm I remember” Harry interrupted again with a smug tone. Niall just rolled his eyes and continued on down the echoey hall. With each step Niall began to strip off another article of clothing, desperate to be comfortable in his own bed again and not caring that Harry was right behind him,
“Eager are we?” Harry remarked, watching closely each piece of fabric fall to the floor.
“Oh shut up.” Niall jabbed back, sprinting the last few steps and catapulting himself onto the bed. His head fell back, getting engulfed in the mountain of pillows stacked at the headboard.
“Jesus, Niall. Preparing for a pillow fight or something?”
Niall let out a cackle, pick up the pillow closest to him and chucked it in Harry’s direction. ”Maybe.”
Harry caught the pillow with impressive accuracy and threw it straight back, jumping on the end of the bed and launching Niall’s legs in the air. The two boys burst into a fit of laughter, lazily tossing pillows at each other in the process.
The laughter died down and their eyes began to droop again, but neither of them wanted to sleep another minute.
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john-wickening · 5 years
Worn Down
Tumblr media
AN: OKAY! We’re back! I originally wrote this fic last night when I was having a bad depression day. So you can only imagine how I felt when Tumblr.hell decided completely delete my only copy... Bro I was straight up pissed. But fear not! I rewrote this from memory in like two hours (while feeling better today, hurray!), and I actually think it came out better the second time! (so SUCK IT, Tumblr/my depression!)
So here it is, new and improved. 
Prompt: The reader has a depressive episode. John and his dog try to help.
Tw: depression, implied suicidal ideation
Word Count: 1814
I hadn’t realized I had sighed until the dog lifted his head to look at me.
I patted him on the head reassuringly. Didn’t want him to worry. He rested his head back down onto my thigh though his big eyes continued to look up at me. I smiled but it felt hollow.
Everything I did these days felt hollow.
I pressed my face back into the pillow and breathed in deeply. It still smelled faintly of detergent, but mostly it smelled musty. I had slept a lot in the last few days and yet I was still tired. My body felt wrong somehow, like the sleep didn’t really count. I had woken up hours ago but I couldn’t even muster up the energy to get out of bed.
I knew John would be home in a few hours and I should get dinner ready and the house tidied up, but I just couldn’t. He had texted me twice asking me how my day was going, but I couldn’t answer him. I was letting him down, I didn’t want to lie to him too.
How could I tell him that I felt so miserable, so numb, after all the sacrifices he made for me? For us?
I didn’t want to worry him either, but that required me getting out of bed and I was literally incapable of it at the moment.
I was utterly a wretched partner. I don’t deserve any of this.
I was tucked up in the bed I shared with the man who loved me, a man who understood me better than anyone else in my entire life. Our house was gorgeous. The life John and I built together, while complicated, was lovely. To top it all off, I had the sweetest, most loving little dog curled up by my side.
The fact that I could look down at his little face and still feel this way is how I knew I didn’t deserve any of it. What kind of ungrateful monster could feel anything but joy right now? How could I be so ungrateful, so lazy, so unsupportive of the people who love me?
When Meatball noticed I was staring, he perked up and his tail started wagging lazily. His big puppy dog eyes stared curiously at me.
I had no idea why, but that’s what pushed me over the edge. The damn dog.
When you’re miserable, your tears are hotter than normal. Why is that? What makes them so hot? Is it the pain?
The tears felt like molten lead as they seared paths down my cheeks. My eyes stung. Meatball crawled into my lap and licked at them as they fell down my chin. I wanted to push him away, but couldn’t find the strength, so I wrapped my arms around him and let it all go.
I cried like a child. My sobs echoed through the empty house. I thought of John and everything he had done for me, the sacrifices he had made. How perfect everything was and how much of a horrible person I was for feeling this way.
I didn’t deserve him.
After some time, Meatball started whining and I let him go, but he wouldn’t move away. I pushed him out of my lap, but he remained firmly by my side.
I couldn’t do this anymore. I couldn’t keep going like this.
I threw my head back into the pillows and cried myself to sleep.
 I wasn’t sure what woke me, but I found myself drifting groggily back into consciousness. The sun shone behind the trees and I wracked my cotton-wool brain to try to remember whether it was supposed to be setting or rising.
I felt the bed next to me shift and I turned my head to look at Meatball.
He was staring intently at the ajar bedroom door, his tail stock still. I wondered what he was hearing— then I heard the car door close.
John was home. Shit.
Nothing was done. Dinner wasn’t made, the dishes from yesterday still sat unwashed in the sink, and the house was a mess. I hadn’t showered in two days and my mouth tasted foul.
I had let him down again. I had ruined everything.
The door to the garage opened and my heart sunk into my stomach. My name fell from his lips as he entered the house.
I felt my eyes start to sting again as I laid back down. My face felt tight and swollen and my eyes felt watery and puffy. I knew the second he looked at me, he would know I’d been crying.
I couldn’t face him. I was too much of a coward. Breaking down in front of the dog was bad enough, but losing it in front of John was a nightmare. I had no right to have him worry over me. I wasn’t worth it. I flipped over and buried my face into the pillow. 
He called my name again and Meatball barked from his spot next to me. Belatedly, I realized with surprise that the dog had not run to greet John and instead had stayed rooted by my side.
That confused me.
John said my name a third time and gently opened the bedroom door.
I had been with John long enough to know that pretending to be asleep was stupid. He always knew when I was awake.
“Hi, John,” I mumbled into the pillow. I heard him cross the room and the mattress sank with his weight as he sat beside me. He placed his large hand on my back.
“Sorry dinner isn’t done.” I mumbled, my guilt eating me alive. “And the dishes are dirty. And the house is a mess.  I just… couldn’t.”
All I could think was I am a terrible partner.
 His warm hand traced my spine
“That’s alright,” He said as he traced some unknown pattern into the shirt I wore—his shirt.
“I can make dinner tonight,” It was absolutely the wrong thing to say to me. My guilt quadrupled.
“You’ve had such a long day and I was too lazy to do anything. I’m so sorry, John,” my voice was full of water by the end of the sentence. I can’t believe I’d let him down like this. A beat passed and I held my breath.
I realized I didn’t know what I wanted from him— his disappointment or his silence.
He heaved a deep sigh and removed his hand from my back. My heart twisted in a sickening, painful glee. Maybe he had finally realized that I was too fucked up to deal with and was going to leave.
You don’t deserve him, a voice in my head kept repeating.
His shoes came off with a thunk, followed by the clatter of his gun as he set it on the dresser. Then came his tie, and his belt.
The bed next to me sank with his weight as he got in. Meatball huffed when John moved him aside, but relented.
I stiffened involuntarily as he reached out and pulled me against his chest.
Why was he still here? How was he not absolutely disgusted with me?
Once I was nestled against his chest, he pressed a kiss into my tangled hair. “I love you,” he murmured against my temple and it absolutely broke my heart.
The dam crumbled.
I completely broke down. I clung to the front of his shirt and cried like a child. He was muttering something into my hair, but the blood rushing in my ears and the sound of his heartbeat under my cheek drowned it out.
We stayed like that for a long time, long enough for the room to get dark. Eventually, I just ran out of tears. We laid there for a little longer as I tried to reconcile how empty I felt.
As I pulled away slightly, I realized with horror that the front of his very expensive shirt was coated in my tears and snot. A zip of guilt shot through me.
“I’m so sorry about your shirt,” I croaked out as I wiped my eyes. His calloused hand reached up and cupped my cheek. His thumb swiped away an errant tear.
“This is the least disgusting thing on it, probably,” he deadpanned and I couldn’t help the watery chuckle that escaped my lips. He met my eyes and pressed a chaste kiss to my lips.
“Have you eaten today?” He asked when he pulled away. I couldn’t get my throat to work so I shook my head.
“I’ll make dinner.” His voice was soft but firm. “Come with me. You can rest on the couch while I cook.”
I was too tired and worn down to argue with him, so I nodded.
He got up. I sat up to follow him out of the room but was shocked when he stooped down and picked me up. He was actually going to carry me to the couch?
I was possibly the worst, least supportive partner in the entire world, and he was treating me like this anyway? It didn’t make any sense.
“John—,” I started to ask, but the words died in my throat when his deep brown eyes met mine. A strand of his hair had fallen into his face and was just barely skimming a fresh cut. Dark shadows rimmed his eyes and a faint bruise was just starting to blossom at his temple. Despite his clear exhaustion, his eyes were infinitely warm and clear and fixated on my own. I felt like I was looking at the sunset for the first time. He was absolutely breathtaking.
The corners of his lips quirked at what must have been my dumbstruck expression.
“Yes?” He asked. I suddenly felt ashamed at what I was about to say. My eyes dropped to his chest.
“I’m sorry I’m like this.” He frowned at me.
“There’s nothing to be sorry about.” I didn’t quite believe him, but I did feel a little bit lighter anyways.
“You don’t… have to put up with this. You don’t deserve this.” I mumbled into his chest as I worried at the top buttons of his shirt.
He shushed me and pressed a kiss to the top of my head.
When we reached the living room, he gently lowered me to the couch. He grabbed my favorite blanket and draped it over my legs.
He knelt down beside the couch and grabbed my hand and squeezed it. I squeezed back.
“We’re going to get through this.” He said, and pressed a kiss to my hand. “And I’m not going anywhere.”
I still felt hollow, but I believed him. If he could make this effort, maybe there was something to hope for.
“I love you, John” I said simply. His smile crinkled the corners of his eyes.
“I love you too.”
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aliencowboyqueen · 5 years
FIC: Casual Sort of Love (Part 2 of 2)
Pairing: Kylex (Kyle/Alex)
Summary: “We don’t need complicated reasons for having sex. Sometimes wanting to get laid is good enough.” (And then they caught feelings.)
Rating: Teen and up (This fic is about sex but there’s nothing graphic)
RNM Week Prompt: Day 7 - free day (Part 1 was Day 3: Quick and DIrty)
Part 2
(Part 1 is here)
"What's with the two of you?" Rosa asks, her elbow knocking against Alex's.
He lifts his eyebrows and gives her a questioning look. He is the only person aside from her sitting at the table but it seems all the people he knows are out at Crashdown tonight, so it's not clear whom she's referring to.
She gestures towards the bar with her chin. "Valenti's been giving you mournful stares the whole evening."
"Isn't he your brother?" Maybe it's the fact that Alex has multiple brothers, or that he grew up with them, but even as strained as their relationship is, he can't imagine calling any of them by their last name. Or perhaps it's because the name Manes belongs to him, too. As much as it burdens him.
"In blood maybe," Rosa replies with a shrug. She nudges the straw in her drink towards her mouth. "So what's with the two of you?"
Alex glances towards Kyle, who is very obviously trying to not get caught staring. "It's complicated," he tells Rosa.
"What did he do?"
Alex's mind flashes to Kyle's mouth on his skin, his fingers lazily drawing on Alex's body, and then to Alex walking away from him. "He didn't."
He misses Kyle. The thing is, nothing went back to normal afterwards. Their friendship has shifted. The space between them, once filled with easy compassion, is now a cold chasm filled with yearning. He finds it easier to stay out of Kyle's orbit, even though it hurts.
ooo ooo ooo
Kyle corners him by his car three weeks later. He is leaning against the driver's side door, arms crossed on his chest.
"I just want to know… Are we avoiding each other or has your absence in my life been a mere coincidence?" he asks.
"I'm not avoiding you."
Kyle clicks his tongue. He tilts his head and gives Alex a pointed look. "Is that why we've barely spoken three sentences in weeks? You said you wanted to be friends."
Alex doesn't know how to respond so he simply holds Kyle's gaze stubbornly.
Kyle sighs and sinks against the car. He takes out his phone. "I've got some leads on a possible alien," he says and offers Alex the device to look at the screenshots he's taken. "If you are interested."
The pictures and screenshots suggest an elderly woman living some six hundred miles away might be an alien. Possibly from the 1947 crash, even. It does pique Alex's interest.
"I'm free this weekend," Kyle says.
ooo ooo ooo
The drive is long and quiet. Alex is aware of Kyle's every breath, especially those that are the beginning of a word that never leaves his lips. He is aware of Kyle's hands that never reach for him. It's a strange, heart-shattering thing to miss someone so much while they are mere inches away. He is aware that when they make idle conversation to break the silence, they're not really talking – just saying words, none of substance.
Alex has only been in love once before but he recognizes the ache in his ribcage now. It might not be the same overpowering feeling, but it's the beginning of it, the heartbreak.
The exact thing he's been hoping to avoid.
ooo ooo ooo
There is a giant For Sale sign in front of the house. Alex and Kyle look at each other and shrug before walking to the front door and knocking.
There is only silence in response. But then the front door of a house next front yard over opens and a young blonde woman pokes her head out. She is holding a baby in her arms.
Over the next few moments, they learn the devastating truth. "Samantha Smith died last month," the woman explains. "Of old age, but it was still a shock. We thought she'd outlive us all yet." She pauses, rocking the baby. "She was my Grandmother. Are you here about the house?"
For the next half an hour, Alex sits stiff and uncomfortable in Alice Smith's living room while Kyle charms her. By the time they finish their coffee, Alice is ready to leave her spouse for Doctor Valenti, Alex thinks bitterly.
If only she knew why they are really there. Maybe she'd watch her children more closely. Alex is certain he sees the toddler girl levitate the toys in her playpen. The Smithes are lucky it's Alex and Kyle who found them instead of Alex's father and brothers.
"We're not here about the house, not really," Kyle says after a few minutes of chit-chat but by then Alice is so charmed by him she startles only a little. "We are working on a surprise genealogy project for a friend. We think your Grandmother – and you, I'd assume – are distantly related to him."
It's a gray zone where Alex himself isn't sure how much is a lie. He suspects, however, that Kyle is thinking of Michael when he says this. It both hurts and makes a perfect sense.
"Oh, I don't know," Alice says uncertainly, suddenly lifting her baby son up to her shoulder protectively. "Grandma Sam was an orphan."
"So is our friend," Alex says and all three of them startled at the sound of his voice.
Kyle puts his hand on Alex's shoulder and instinctively, Alex leans into his touch. It's comforting, and it tells him Kyle gets him, and it’s grounding and he is starved for it; suddenly he wants to wrap himself in Kyle's warm arms and clean scent.
Kyle removes his hand much too soon.
He leans towards Alice and takes out his wallet, from which he takes out a business card. Because of course Kyle has business cards. Alex can't imagine what a resident needs them for but at least in this moment one seems to come useful. "If you change your mind about the genealogy project… Or if anyone military-looking contacts you…"
Alice's eyes shift to Alex.
"I'm retired," he says and wonders how long before people don't see the years of service when looking at him.
ooo ooo ooo
When they return to the car, Alex realizes he is missing his keys.
Alice is standing on the porch with the car keys in her hand, looking guilty. "I'm sorry. My daughter…" She trails off, looking over Alex's shoulder towards Kyle leaning against the car. "He seems like a great guy. Reminds me of my grandfather… Though maybe that's the way he looks at you. Grandpa looked at Grandma like that, like she was his favorite view and a world wonder and the missing puzzle piece all at once. Grandma was a dreamer, she was so aloof, we weren't sure she actually loved him back the same. But then he died… It was such a shock, him dying before her… She was never the same, after." Alice chuckles awkwardly. "Sorry, I talk too much."
Alex takes the keys from her. "We're not… It's not like that."
Her mouth form a surprised 'O' but then she says: "Well then, my wife won't be very happy about me having his number in that case." She frowns. "This… this genealogy project… I'll think about it." Then with a furtive glance around her, she asks in a whisper: "Are we in danger?"
"Not immediate," Alex says and he hopes he is not lying to her.
He walks to the car wondering how to ask Kyle why he looks at him as if he was his enigma of a wife.
ooo ooo ooo
They have separate motel rooms that night.
Alex misses Kyle's warmth in his bed. And the way Kyle looks at him when they break away from a kiss. How Kyle's breath feels against his skin. And how Kyle calls him out when he's being unreasonable and how he listens when Alex has a good point.
He reaches out to check the time at 2AM and ends up opening the messages between him and Kyle. That's another thing he misses; Kyle's ridiculous yet sexy selfies and random alerts about Alex's favorite products. To his surprise, ellipsis at the bottom of the screen suggests Kyle is typing. They appear and disappear intermittently. A message rewritten and deleted. It never arrives.
At 3AM, Kyle opens the door for him in a t-shirt and underwear but obviously awake. He makes as if to grab Alex's t-shirt. Then he barely brushes his fingers against the fabric. Instead, he simply steps aside to let Alex in.
"Come in," he says. "Unless you're here to hook up and change your mind in thirty minutes."
Alex winces. Yet he can't fault Kyle for his words. He's earned that attitude.
"I don't think casual can work for us," Alex blurts out. The door closes behind him. "Because there's never anything casual I feel about you. Ever. You're a huge, important part of my life." He knows it to be true. Whatever he's ever felt for Kyle, positive or negative, it has always been a lot of feeling. Even at times when he was trying to ignore it. It was foolish to think that he could do anything meaningless with him. "When we were kids, when you were a nightmare, and now that we became a weird buddy cop comedy… I can't be just your casual fuckbuddy."
Kyle shakes his head. He drops down onto the edge of his motel bed. "I was trying to ask you out when you called things off," he says.
Alex opens his mouth but for a moment, nothing comes out of it. He looks around the room. None of the cheap furniture suggests an answer. "I know," he says eventually. "At least, I think I may have known that."
Kyle drops his head into his hands and combs his fingers through his hair. "But?"
With a step towards Kyle, Alex admits: "But I'm scared to be with you."
He is rewarded with a confused, hurt look. "You're sending really mixed signals."
Alex hasn't been entirely sure what he wanted from this conversation, not until this moment of looking into Kyle's eyes. It's not just that he hates seeing Kyle hurt or knowing that he is the one causing him pain. It's that he wants so desperately to be the one who'll put a smile on Kyle's face again. He wants to share his happiness and his pain and important decisions.
"I'm scared," he repeats. "I'm scared because I don't know if I can love you the way you deserve, even though I think I'm getting there. I'm scared you'll realize I'm too much trouble. I'm scared my father will try to use you against me. I'm scared things won't work out and I'll lose you for good. I'm even scared of what people will say." He pauses and takes a deep breath. "But I'm so damn tired of being scared. And I want to be with you. I want all of you, from your impressive cheekbones to your superficial pop culture references." He can't help a hint of a smile at Kyle's offended look. "You're hot, and funny, and kind, and brilliant, a really good person and really good in bed. You listen to what I have to say. And you make me feel good about myself."
He wants to keep going, but Kyle pushes off the bed and gets up. The distance between them closes. Kyle's fingers grasp the fabric of Alex's shirt. "Are we exchanging compliments? Because that part I could get used to."
Alex chuckles. "Wasn't what I was aiming for. But maybe?"
Kyle smiles, a soft and amused smile, though there's still something sad in his eyes. "You're so sexy. And, despite just saying 'scared' like forty times, you're so brave. And you're smart and you're aware of your skills, which is super hot. I just can't get enough of you, really. You're so principled and so ready to do what's right, no matter what it costs you. And you see people for who they are and… You make me want to be the best version of me that I can possibly be." He slowly runs his palms up Alex's body to rest on his shoulders. "Neither of us is perfect or uncomplicated. I can't promise things will go smoothly or that we'll always agree with each other or that I'll ever watch Star Trek with you. I can almost guarantee we’ll fuck up repeatedly. But I think we have a chance at something so good here. If you let us try. If you stop thinking of all the things that could go wrong." His grip on Alex's shoulders tightens. "And if you won't, then at least keep me as your friend, please? I really miss you when you push me away."
Alex responds by putting his hands on Kyle's waist. He could be arguing about kettles being black, but it barely crosses his mind. "We'll need to take it slow. I don't know if I'm ready to go public with this or… or even make any declarations. But I’d like to see where this goes."
"Just don't… don't storm out without explanation again, alright?"
With his gaze shifting away from Kyle's piercing eyes, Alex says: "I'm not sure I can promise that. But I can promise to come back with the explanation later."
Kyle nods. "That's good enough for me." And then he dives in for a kiss.
ooo ooo ooo
 Later, Kyle asks: "So what prompted you to change your mind?"
And Alex says: "Alice Smith's late Grandmother's husband."
Kyle stares at him for a long moment.
Then he says, "alright" and pulls Alex into a kiss again.
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lifeinahole27 · 6 years
Fic Bits 2018: Part 3
SO. One happy morning, I went to post this from my drafts and my dumb fat finger hit “delete” instead of “queue” and then I got sucked into work forever and ever and ever and never got around to posting part 3 of these. Incredibly delayed but here are the ones that fit into canon or headcanon or canon-adjacent. 
Included in this pack: 
“Winter Bliss Firsts” - a little look at how Emma and Killian celebrate their first holiday season after the dust from the Black Fairy all settles. Fluff - G.
“In His Own Eyes” - I got a request for whump, which is not something I write. Ever. So this is a bit of reflection. Killian-centric, slight angst? - PG-13.
“A Definite Improvement” - Some Captain Cobra and the evolution of their relationship after life has settled down. Fluff - PG? Sure.
“Winter Bliss Firsts”
With the Black Fairy vanquished and their lives back on track, Emma and Killian soon find a rhythm as they settle into their new partnerships – both as husband and wife, and sheriff and deputy.
Emma’s favorite is when winter finally hits in full force, the Maine weather forecasts getting bleaker by the day, to most.
To Emma, it means that less people will be out trying to cause trouble in their magical little town, which means they aren’t really needed for patrol a majority of the time.
If the Bug won’t even move from the curb, then who else is going to really try to start something out there in the blizzard?
Day after day, they sink into their little haven; they light the fireplace and curl up on the couch, enjoying the peace and solitude when it’s just them, and welcoming Henry into their space when he’s not spending time with Regina.
The greatest thing about all of this is that they never had to figure out custody or a schedule – Henry just drifts between the households, spending time with his mothers and his step-father as if it was the most natural set-up of all.
They’re never grasping for their alone time, and they’re never feeling neglected at their happy Victorian household.
When it’s Christmas time, Emma makes Killian go out to find a live tree for the first time in his life. He and David end up with the job of cutting down and hauling the trees.  
Emma and Snow “help” from the sidelines. Henry documents everything with both camera and pen, adding the tale to their storybooks.
Despite the fact that he knows almost nothing of the holiday, Killian easily goes along with the decorating, the baking, the traditions.
He is especially fond of the small cluster of mistletoe she posts above the door, kissing her every chance they get.
Emma enjoys watching him acclimate even further into modern living, still fascinated by the glimpses of Enchanted Forest and pirate that she sees peek out at random times.
But as the winter goes, so does his confusion to a lot of pop culture references.
The Christmas tunes easily get hummed and sung when she’s least expecting him to join in.
But he still throws down doubloons at Granny’s as a form of payment.
(Actually, she’s pretty sure that’s strictly for the reaction he gets from Granny, but he never says one way or the other.)
What she does know is that no matter how cold it gets outside, she always has Killian by her side to keep her warm.
Every once in a while, Emma thinks of the way he told her there’d be no getting rid of him after their wedding day.
And really? She couldn’t be more thankful that he was telling the truth about that.
“In His Own Eyes”
Despite his nature of being a bit of a scoundrel, Captain Hook is getting tired of all the times he’s been tied or chained to items since meeting Emma Swan.
There’s the knife to his throat, shortly followed by being tied to a tree and offered as food to an ogre. It reminds him of being trapped against the mast of his ship when Rumplestiltskin took his hand and his love, and he doesn’t like it one single bit.
She chains him up at the giant’s lair, refusing to believe he could be helping her – to be fair, he’s been waffling at best on whose side he’s on – but still, the nerve.
Then there’s Cora trapping him against the wall of that cave, his own Hook pulling at the fabric on his chest. His insides heave at the thought of this woman, but if she’s his only way to skin a crocodile, then he has to stay on course.
The darkness of his heart and soul consumes him so often that he genuinely doesn’t care if it’s bodily harm or a verbal lashing from any of these supposed heroes. All he knows is that he will have his revenge, even if he has to get hit by a bloody motor vehicle directly after.
Which is a good thing, since that’s exactly what seems to have happened.
When Killian awakes in the hospital, it’s to a chain around his wrist – again – and Emma Swan telling him that his foe is still alive. With magic. And angry.
“If I were to pick dead guy of the year, I’d pick you.”
He supposes, of course, that it wouldn’t be all that terrible to finally be free of this world and to join up with his Milah in the great beyond.
A trip to New York City to kill the Crocodile, and another journey being tied up, followed by another failure.
Time, and time, and time again, he fails and fails and fails. If he could just get his damn revenge and be on with life, it wouldn’t be so bad.
But somewhere in there he begins to believe in living again.
It might have something to do with the unstoppable force that is Emma Swan and her band of happy heroes.
It could be that kiss in Neverland.
It could be that, for the first time since he was under his brother’s command, he wants to do the good thing – the right thing.
And then it all gets taken away from him again, thanks to Pan’s bloody curse, and he’s never going to see her again.
“There’s not a day that will go by that I won’t think of you,” he tells her, just before they depart.
He thought having Milah die in front of him was bad enough, but having his second chance at love ripped away – to know that he has to live his life without her while she lives her life without him – hurts as much as if he’d watched her die, too.
Regardless of what happened in their missing year, all Killian knows is that he did not expect his reunion with Emma to result in injury to his person.
But he supposes even that hurts less than finding out she’s found someone new.
He seems to be destined for heartache and heartbreak, no matter how he tries.
“A Definite Improvement”
There’s a large pit of disappointment in Killian’s stomach when he walks outside with the video game controller and finds that it was all a ruse.
He’s been struggling lately to connect with Henry, and figured it was about time they started bonding. Of course, it all goes much deeper than that.
It’s not until much later that it all gets a little easier with the lad – after the world has quieted down and they aren’t in constant fear for Emma’s life.
Operation Best Man was a success, and after everything that went awry has settled, the ease with which they find harmony is astonishing.
It’s a rainy day several months after he and Emma have been married that Henry comes into the living room and turns on his video game system, and Killian tilts his head a little.
“I did tell you I’d teach you,” Henry says, handing over one of the controllers.
Killian does his best not to look too excited. Emma is out of the house visiting her parents so this is something purely for the benefit of bonding, no secondary alternatives.
After a few attempts at one of the games, however, it’s obvious it’s not going to work.
Killian was correct all that time ago when he said that the games weren’t meant for people like him. He understands what to do, and the storyline, and how he’s supposed to play, but with one less hand, he just can’t push all the buttons he’s supposed to, even if he braces it on his leg and uses his thumb on one side and the rest of his fingers on the other. It’s just no use.
“Why don’t you keep playing, and I’ll just watch?”
The next day, the system disappears from the living room, and Killian looks at the vacant spot sadly, knowing that while he and Henry have plenty to bond over, this is something that just wasn’t meant to be.
Two weeks later, Henry comes barreling down the stairs, flying out the door and down the walkway to meet one of the delivery people. He has no idea how mail gets transferred into a town that isn’t on the map but he knows better than to question such things at this point.
When Henry comes back in, he immediately goes to the kitchen and to the drawer where they hide all their miscellaneous items. He can hear the box cutter being used, and the shuffling of something being removed from a box, but he focuses on the book he’s reading, thinking that Henry has just ordered an item for himself.
He’s not entirely wrong; Henry has purchased what he calls a Wii.
“I used all my allowance and got mom to advance me some for the next month so I could order this,” he explains as he plugs in various items and finds batteries and puts a strange bar beneath their television.
Killian can feel how hard his eyebrows are drawn down in confusion, but Henry looks so excited.
“I’ll explain as we go,” he says, holding out a strange item for Killian to take hold of. “You slide that loop around your wrist and hold the controller like this.”
Killian follows the instructions, waiting as Henry fiddles with something else.
“Okay, we’re gonna make your Mii.”
“My what now?”
“Just look at the screen and press the buttons I tell you to.”
“Henry, this small thing looks nothing like me.”
“It’s not supposed to be a ringer, Killian.”
“There’s no option for facial hair.”
“Well, I guess you’ll just have to live without the constant three day stubble.”
“Says the young man who has three day stubble at present and it’s just a clean face.”
“I can walk away, you know.”
“Fine, fine. Get on with it… Those aren’t my eyes.”
“No, but those are your eyebrows.”
Killian’s eyebrow jumps up at the comment.
“See! There it is!”
“Why do my eyes look like that now?”
“Those are what your eyes look like when you look at my mom.”
“I would bloody hope so, she’s my wife.”
“You just like saying that.”
“Damn right I do. What do I do with this mini-me?”
“It’s just a Mii. And we’re going to play games with him now.”
“We tried this, lad.”
“We tried old school. Now we’re going with motion technology. There’s another part we could use, but we’ll skip the games that use that so you don’t have to be left out.”
He almost cries.
That’s a lie; he does cry. But he wipes it away quickly as Henry is explaining how they’re going to play something called “tennis” and he is awful at it at first but soon he’s catching on.
“Wait wait, pause the game,” he tells Henry after no more than twenty minutes of game play.
He shuffles the strap off his wrist and sprints upstairs, flinging off vest and button-up shirt as he goes, finding one of the t-shirts he normally reserves for sleeping in during cold nights.
When Emma arrives home from work, he and Henry have both soaked through their shirts and have exhausted their games list.
“Should… should I even ask?”
Both of them shake their heads, too tired to even try speaking as they lie on the pieces of furniture closes to them.
She comes back after she sets down her keys and hangs up her jacket, handing them each a tall glass of water and grabbing one of the remotes off the coffee table.
“I’ll take on whoever recovers first. Loser makes dinner tonight,” she states matter-of-factly. Her shoes are off, she’s back in leggings and a t-shirt, and her hair is tied up. Killian idly wonders when she managed to change when he swears she was only home for seconds before she brought them water.
Then he looks across at Henry, and Henry looks back at him, and they’re both scrambling from their prone positions trying to grab for the remote because that’s a challenge they’re willing to take on.
(They both end up making dinner, because they both lose to Emma despite their very best efforts and hours of practice.)
(“Beginner’s luck,” Emma says, her smile saying otherwise as she sits on the counter and watches them work side-by-side.)
(Killian wouldn’t have it any other way.)
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i-stan-too-much · 5 years
Sope Fic Recs
Here are some of my favorite Sope (Yoonseok) fics, because I’ve read a LOT and I’d like to share some of them with you :-
[ these are in no particular order and there are also some others I’ve wanted to share but unfortunately, they’ve been deleted :( ]
* - omg, this is very good
**- wow, this is a work of art
***- this is so good to the point that I’ve reread it so many times and yet I still fall in love with it just like the first time
1. Darling!*** By margotty (orphan_account)
— Hoseok is an aspiring writer who keep notes about a certain boy with soft black hair, lashes that feather in the wind and a nose that twitches when he's pissed.
Hoseok wakes one day to find that boy, the one he'd so often referred to as "Darling" is in his kitchen, making pancakes in Hoseok's pajama clothes.
(Basically Yoongi is a figment of Hoseok's imagination and he's come to life.)
This fic is one of those fics that when you just read the first sentence, you know that it’s going to be a good one. The plot is especially well thought out, the idea behind this fic is really cool, from the way that Hoseok first deals with the fact that there’s this ‘stranger’ that’s come to life from his notes, to how he learns to welcome Yoongi pretty soon after and learns to love him in such a short period of time. I also really like this fic’s ‘soft aesthetic’ like when Yoongi and Hoseok ride on Hoseok’s bike all over town, and how Yoongi is described with a certain delicacy. The first time I read this fic was on a school night - or shall I say day, at 3:00 am and after I was done, I had to go and reread it.
2. i can be ur pretty boy (i’ll wear a skirt for u)** By ohh
sugarmin, from what Hoseok gathers, is a goddamn tease. His profile picture is the lower half of his face, dewy cheeks, button nose, and a dangly earring hanging from one of his ears visible, but what puts the icing on top of the cake is this: his pretty pink mouth, suckling delicately on a heart-shaped lollipop. i have a gun in my bag, his bio says. Angel or devil, Hoseok doesn’t know, but he craves.
And oh, how Hoseok craves.
or, a story of new neighbours, boba teas, hidden identities, and riding the penny board under the summer sun.
This fic has two stars because it incorporates smut with a nice plot. Again I love the ‘soft aesthetic’ vibes that Yoongi gives off. I also like how Yoongi shows a more feminine side, and how both characters aren’t subjected to toxic masculinity. The fic itself is great, Hoseok kind of has a crush on this instagram model, the model being Yoongi, and Yoongi ends up moving to be Hoseok’s next door neighbor, and the rest is history.
3. Canvas** By Daebon
The paintbrush is poised above skin, ready to continue its work, but Hoseok finds that he's suddenly in far too deep. Now, the man beneath him has become the artist, coloring Hoseok’s world in vivid shades of passion.
His trembling hand lets go, brush clattering to the floor, splattering paint.
“Yoongi, I want you,” he whispers, voice low.
The elder stares back at him with a peculiar expression. “I already agreed to let you paint me.”
“No,” Hoseok rasps out, shaking. “Yoongi, I want you.”
Haunted by strange dreams, Yoongi begins to question the blurry line between right and wrong. Hoseok has the perfect life, but yearns for a muse other than his provocative boyfriend. Unfortunately, these troubled men find each other before they find themselves.
This fic has the potential of getting three stars, but the reason I gave it two was for the ending (this fic contains angst.) Now that being said, this fic is on a whole other level of literary techniques, the writer could even be a bestselling author, with how well this is written. Even if you don’t like angst, I’d recommend you give this one a go, because of how well written it is.
4. Love Yourself*** By endearings
It begins when he’s ten.
“Yoongi-ah,” his brother says, eyes glinting meanly. “You look a little chubby these days. Maybe don’t eat the ice cream, yeah?”
Yoongi puts the spoon down; curls into himself, drawing his knees to his chest despite the countless times he’s been told to sit properly at the dining table. “It’s just--just one bite, hyung; It’s not a lot.”
“Suit yourself.”
This fic will make you cry!! I put this one on here because of the message. You can tell that Yoongi has been insecure, and his family didn’t really help him feel better about himself, but Hoseok did. And maybe I put this one on here because I can relate personally to it (my best friend has been dealing with insecurities and body image for a long time now) but I still think that you should read this. I feel like it will really open your eyes. Disclaimer 99.9999% you’ll cry when you read this, so I don’t advise to read it in a public place.
5. The Diner** By psychojimin
"He tried really hard not to stare when that new employee came out of the kitchen for a second time. He tried really hard not to sniff when he passed by. There was just something about the man that made something stir inside of Hoseok, that made a comforting warmth grow in the pit of his stomach. The coffee in his mug had seemed to be cooled down enough and he took a sip, but the still scorching drink almost felt refreshing against his heated tongue."
I kind of debated putting this one on here, because I know a lot of people aren’t really interested in a/b/o, or are uncomfortable with smut. If you are, then you can go ahead and skip this one, but I put this one down for the people that have been looking for good ‘Alpha Hoseok’ and ‘Omega Yoongi’ fics. Not to mention, the smut in this is really good, but there’s still a plot.
6. Under the Same Sky*** By Lastwhalien For Mia95 [on going]
"The sky he wakes up to is not his sky."
One night ends as another begins.
Yoongi and Hoseok are half a world a way, living very different lives and yet they are intertwined when they begin to share their senses, irreversibly connecting their worlds.
Hoseok is the son of Durumi, not just a criminal empire but the empire, it is the machine that turns the world, manipulating money, world leaders, crime, and the rise and fall of power. He's good at his job, he was born for it, raised for it, but a coup has given his father the perfect chance to remove Hoseok from power, trapped in his apartment he's restlessly waiting.
Yoongi has escaped his past carrying the guilt of his mistakes he has rebuilt his life near the sea where he works on recreating the world as best he can, His life is calm, removed from the chaos it once held, but it still follows; a name he can never have, a family he can never truly be a part of.
One day they start to share their worlds, to see, to hear, to touch, to smell, to taste, to be two souls, two bodies, bound.
This one is so good!! Yoongi and Hoseok start off as complete strangers who appear in each other’s dreams. Then they realize that they can communicate with each other, and read each other’s thoughts. This one isn’t complete yet, but it’s so interesting and I can’t wait for the next chap. The plot is very interesting and the writer knows how to thicken the plot without dragging it out too much. The suspense will eat you alive!! Whether you want to start this fic right away or wait until it’s completed is totally up to you though.
7. wake up (to the sound of your fleeting heart)*** By inkingbrushes
Yoongi walks into Hoseok's dreams and it's surprising, sure, but it's a surprise that Hoseok welcomes.
This one too, is one of those that makes you wonder, how do people come up with such things?! This one is one of the older ones, and yet I still remember the first time I read it and how in awe I was, that someone wrote this and that they were THAT GOOD. Ever since, this writer has been one of my favorites and go to for bts fics.
8. stay (a little longer)** By ineedmygirl
That part of Hoseok that shut down when Yoongi left, that huge gaping space left in his brain and in his chest - it shut down to protect him
It was the part of Hoseok that knew, deep down, all along, that he was in love with Yoongi. And it knew that if Hoseok realized it back then, the heartbreak would devastate him beyond repair.
And now, that part of Hoseok is awake again.
or, Hoseok's best friend disappeared two years ago without a trace. They run into each other again in a seedy hotel in the middle of nowhere, and somehow Hoseok convinces him to join him and his friends on a road trip.
This one is a more recent one, so if you’ve read the ones I’ve listed above there still might be a chance that you haven’t read this one. This one is perfect for when you just need a casual fix to read when you’re home alone on a weekend and you’re bored and just snuggled up in your bed all warm. When I read this one, it just made me go aww. And when I reread it, it also made me go aww.
9. we’ll be looking for sunlight* By inkingbrushes
Yoongi thinks Hoseok's got a smile that can rival the sun.
(Or: the one where they meet during a cold winter night and Yoongi has no idea the boy with the million-dollar smile can turn everything he touches into ice.)
This one is the Jack Frost au you didn’t know you needed. I love all things Disney and Dreamworks and this fic was no exception. After typing all of this out, I questioned whether this one should really be on here, but why not. Who doesn’t like Disney or Dreamworks am I right?
10. The Things Worth Going To War For*** By softlyblue
“Spice and silk and trade and cloth. These are the things one goes to war over, but in my heart of hearts, I know they are not worth it.”
- quoted from a letter penned by the Crown Prince to his lover, at the end of the Southern War
“It’s got ears,” says the man that’s choking him. Hoseok. “Look, look. It’s got - like a cat.”
“Let me-” Yoongi wheezes, phlegm in the back of his throat, stars in his eyes, “Let me-”
“So Jungyoo wasn’t lying.”
Hoseok pushes harder. Yoongi realises faintly that he isn’t even touching the ground; Hoseok is holding him against the wall, Yoongi’s feet dangling uselessly a foot from the floor. “Why are you here?”
“He’s got the house markings,” Seokjin stretches over Hoseok’s shoulder and presses a thumb to the centre of Yoongi’s forehead, smearing the makeup there. The warpaint. “Maybe-”
“But why’s he got ears?”
Yoongi claws ever-more desperately. (Oh, if Jeongguk could see him now - he’d be a disgrace.)
“Hoseok-ah, I think you’re choking it.”
This one is also really good. I really like the relationship between Yoongi and Hoseok. Both start off hating each other at first, but slowly turn to acquaintances, then to friends, and finally to lovers. I remember this fic used to get updated every Sunday, and I would look forward to the end of the week just for this one. Disclaimer though, there are A LOT of ocs (original characters) so if you get confused a lot or are a little slow, you may want to at least skim through the previous chapters for names to have an idea of what’s going on (trust me this is from experience, I had to reread the entire thing)
11. Ripped At Every Edge, But We’re A Masterpiece** By superrunnaturall
Min Yoongi and his muse, Jung Hoseok.
I really like this fic, because you can really see the contrast between Yoongi and Hoseok’s background and where they came from. This one is also pretty old, but there might be a chance that you haven’t read it yet. The fact that Yoongi is a painter is a really good bonus might I add.
12. the prince’s vivisected* By cherryfluffyfuzzysocks [ongoing]
while the rest of the household worries over namjoon's strange behavior following prince jungkook's birthday, yoongi sets his mind on a different task.
he wants hoseok back in the house, whatever that takes. five years of enslavement together was horrific, but one month apart is unbearable. as yoongi prepares to work himself dead, the past continues to haunt the present.
**second work within a continuous series
This fic isn’t even my favorite of the series, but I added it because I think that this entire series is SO COOL. The idea of a kind of dystopian universe, where all humans are controlled by aliens has been overdone, but not when Jungkook’s the alien, that’s controlling everyone. I think that kind of adds a special touch especially when you see that even though the rest of bangtan are slaves to Jungkook (minus Hoseok) each one of them is kind of struggling with something different, and this series is covering exactly that. Each member (or two) will cover a fic and even though not all the fics will be sope I think that this one is still a must. Disclaimer, Jungkook is a huge asshole, YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!
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nerdyhuntress · 6 years
CS Spring Fic Formal: ”Home and Hearth”
Hi there @endlessmoonrise!!! I’m your gifter for the Captain Swan Spring Fic Formal! I’m so glad to share this story with you and I really hope you like it :) Here it is!
Summary: 4x02 “deleted” scene. After nearly freezing to death in that ice cave, Emma seeks warmth and comfort with Killian.
Emma Swan mused that spring was her favorite season now.
After that episode in the ice cave, she never wanted to see a single snowflake again. Unless she was inside in front of a roaring fire, bundled in blankets, with a mug of hot cocoa. Of course, she probably shouldn’t say that to Elsa. The snow queen had retired to the guest room for the night and her parents upstairs, just about to go to bed.
Killian still hadn’t left her side. They moved to the couch after she had complained about how uncomfortable the chair was. She had three blankets wrapped around her now, a third mug of hot cocoa, and a sleeping pirate keeping her warm.
What could be wrong?
She hadn’t told him how she felt, of course. She still didn’t even know if they were a thing. Emma didn’t really feel up to unraveling their relationship at the moment. What had Killian said to her before the snow monster?
There is always a crisis. Perhaps you should consider living a life during them. Otherwise, you might miss it.
He certainly had a way with weaving words. One of the many things that she admired in him. Though, of course, she’d never say that aloud. She could imagine his teasing already.
“Swan?” he muttered.
“Sorry, must’ve dozed off. It’s dark now. Shall I leave? Do you want to go to bed?”
A low blush crept over her face. As obvious as their attraction was, they still hadn’t done it yet. That probably wasn’t what was on his mind. Especially after she had almost froze to death in that ice cave. She was quite sure that he meant that as platonic as possible. But she didn’t trust herself if they somehow wound up in bed together. It would complicate things between more and it was the last thing Emma wanted at the moment.
“No, I kinda want to stay here. That alright?”
“Sure, love.”
They stayed silent like that for a moment. Emma couldn’t remember a time someone had held her like this. So cozy and comforting. It wasn’t just the heater that had warmed her up; his embrace helped out more than any machine could have.
“Hey, Killian?”
“Aye, Swan?”
“I kinda want to….to say thanks. For saving my life back there.”
He lifted his head so he could see her better, “My pleasure, love. You really think I’d let you freeze?”
“Given our history, can you blame me for being uncertain?”
The second she said that, Emma let out a giggle that she was sure everyone upstairs had heard. She wasn’t sleepy at all, despite how late the hour was. Killian looked surprised that she had thrown his own words back at him.
“Alright, love. I think you’ve had enough of those chocolate drinks.”
As he took the mug from her to place it in the kitchen sink, Emma grabbed his shirtsleeve.
“No, don’t. Stay. You’re so warm.”
He chuckled, setting the mug on the coffee table. Killian sat back down on the couch and put his arms around her waist, lifting her into his lap. She squealed embarassingly, putting her hands around his neck.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“Romancing my lady love. Keeping her warm,” Killian explained, wrapping the blanket more tightly around her. “Is there something wrong with that?”
“No, just….just keep doing that,” she whispered, laying her head on his shoulder. “But let’s lay down.”
“Of course, love.”
They fell sleep in each other’s embrace like that. Emma regretted it when she woke up in the morning to find them asleep on the couch and her neck completely stiff. She blamed him for being so warm that she drifted right off without going to bed.
Emma was grateful no one else was awake yet; she didn’t want to deal with the awkward questions of falling asleep with Killian.
Sunlight streamed into the room, lighting up everything it touched. Ordinarily, she wasn’t such an early riser, but the new spring weather beckoned her to wake up and enjoy the new weather. And it felt more enjoyable after spending what felt like eternity in an ice cave.
Emma quietly disentangled herself from Killian’s embrace. She stood up to stretch her limbs; it felt good after being cooped up on the couch all night.  She peered out the window, seeing the usual inhabitants of Storybrooke going about their mornings. The good weather had no doubt brought out the best in people. She could hear the birds chirping (or talking, as her mother would say) from above. The ewly planted bulbs in the windowsill were beginning to bloom, their colorful petals gracefully opening.
“Swan?” Killian muttered blearily.
Apparently, the stress of yesterday had taken its toll on Killian too. He slept quite soundly in such tight quarters, which was probably familiar to him after spending much of his life on the Jolly Roger. But now he was awake, his hair tousled adorably and his eyes full of sleep. He reached out for her and she took his hand, feeling the comfortable warmth that had lulled her to sleep last night. The warmth that saved her from freezing to death.
“Good morning, sleepyhead,” she grinned, pushing away the locks that had fallen onto his face. “Do you want some breakfast?”
“Aye, that would be lovely. Give me a moment and I’ll lend a hand too.”
Maybe she wasn’t ready to truly be open with him, but she treasured these moments with him. The wise, old pirate’s advice was indeed true. Living a life during these crises was definitely worth it.
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justwritingscibbles · 7 years
Christmas At Scribbles Mansion
This wasn’t requested but the original fic I had for Christmas day was deleted from Google-Docs. (My computer stopped the system from saving it.) 
So I’m writing another Christmas fic about the Scribbles’ Family House (where those who follow the blog come to live) that everyone had talked about for a bit. I don’t know how many new followers there are, but alot of people created this awesome house metaphor for the blog. So I wanted to use it.
Hope everyone has a good Christmas!
Tumblr media
- The House is decorated a week before Christmas. Everyone joins in the activity of placing decorations and lighting. By Christmas day, the House looks like a Christmas wonderland. Fitted with five trees in the main living room to accommodate the amount of gifts.
- The trees are surrounded by wrapped gifts. Adding to the colorful decorations in the massive room.
- Chiefiplier went around a few days before Christmas to get everyone’s allergies and meal preferences. With the help of those who volunteered, he created a massive feast for everyone. (You better say thank you. That man and his little workers labored over those meals!)
- The Light!Sides help organize activities and make sure everyone behaves. Especially when the Egos arrive for Christmas day. 
- The Ipliers are first to arrive. Wilford bursts into the House bellowing “HO HO HO”, dressed up as a bright pink and red Santa. Including a massive white beard and a jingling hat. 
- The Jims are dressed up as Elves, carrying armfuls of gifts that they add to the piles. Poor Bim is dressed up like a Reindeer, matching a red nose and antlers.  “He made me do this.” He’d grumble when someone asked him about his costume. 
- Dark brings him own additions to the piles of presents. They are small, only a little bit expensive gifts, but he has gotten one for every person in the Family House. Something everyone was surprised, but no less happy about. 
- The rest of the Ipliers eagerly join in the festivities. Greeting everyone with hugs and loud “Merry Christmas” cries. 
- The Septics don’t bother knocking. Anti glitches into the living space. Giving everyone a fright when he makes a Christmas light explode to get everyone’s attention. 
- “The favorites are here!” He’d declare before Angeliceye had to go to the door and allow his brothers to pile inside. They bring their own plates of food and drink for everyone. Which Chiefiplier took to the kitchens and placed amongst his own creations.
- Chase apologizes shyly as his kids follow him in. Stacy had dumped them at his doorstep, so she could have the holidays free. And he didn’t want to intrude on the day, but his kids had insisted on coming. 
- Of course, the kids get an excited greeting and Chase’s apologizes are waved away as his children join in the games. 
- Once the Nate!Egos finally arrived, almost smoking out the house when NateMare came down the chimney in a colorful display of flames and smoke, everyone was eager to open presents. 
- Hugs were exchanged, thank you’s thrown across the room. Excited squeals and yells as the wrapping paper was torn from the gifts. Everyone was eager to see what Dark had brought for everyone. And it was one of the first gifts everyone opened.
- Dark’s gifts were decorative snow-globes. Inside the glass ball was a miniature  House identical to Scribble’s house. The snow was glitter and gave off a multi-colored dust when it was shaken.
- “He’s pandering for attention.” Anti hissed when everyone started to thank Dark. Causing those who heard him to chuckle.
- Before lunch was ready, everyone clambers into their winter clothes and race outside into the snow. Almost instantly, snowballs are created and a war begins. 
- Chase, Bing, Marvin, Bim and Robbie all build a fort from snow and start barraging people from behind their protective walls. 
- Schneep, Dr. Iplier, Dapper and the Jims all fight from behind objects like trees or benches, even using other people as shields. While Jackieboyman, Yan, Anti NateMare and Wilford sprint around the space shoving snow into people’s faces. 
- The Chica’s (who snuck into the House while everyone was outside) quickly joined in the fun. Chasing people and trying to catch the snow that was being thrown. 
- Choco (Dark!Chica) was horrible at catching the ice, but amazing at running into people as she leapt to try and catch the makeshift ball. ChiChi (Light!Chica, I’ve seen people call her.) takes to the air and does somersaults and twists as family members throw snow into the air. Giving everyone a heart-attack when she almost slammed into the side of the house.
- Light and Angel stand to the side, shielding those who don’t want to be covered in snow with their wings. They create competitions who can make the best snowman, and laughing at the obscene stories and names each snowman is given.
- Their laughter quickly turns to disgruntled yells when they get a face-ful of cold ice as NateLight swoops in and dumps a bucket of snow on-top of them. 
- The two Angels zoom around the air trying to get NateLight to land so they can bury him in snow.
- The “respectable” egos, sat back on the porch. Watching the war unfold and conversing with the few family members that chose to stay off the snow. Host referees the fight, murmuring under his breath those who cheated or used an unfair advantage (NateMare melting the snow so people slipped over.) and Author would write them down in his notebook. Giving them a penalty of five second body paralysis. Those who were frozen in place, were pelted with snowballs.
- No one dared throw snow near the house. They weren’t brave enough to chance to get ice on Dark’s pristine new suit.
- However, a stray snowball flies towards the house and smacks into Dark’s chest. Uncertain laughter ripples through the fighters and Jackieboy quickly panics, pointing to the closest person with a squeal. “They dared me to do it!” 
- Dark only hums thoughtfully and the air ripples around Jackieboy. The only harm coming to him is an avalanche of snow falling from the branches of a tree the superhero was standing under. Also catching a few others in it’s wake. 
- Everyone quickly ran from under the other trees as their branches began to shake. Raining snow down on those who weren’t quick enough.
- Exhausted but overly joyous, everyone clambers back into the House as Chiefiplier calls out for Christmas lunch. 
- The dining room is vast, and the tables are lined with plates of delicious food. Each dish had a sign in front of it giving off what was in it, and warnings to those who had allergies. 
-Their was more then enough for seconds if people wanted some. And the dessert table was almost completely wiped clean by Wilford. But those who helped Chiefiplier were quick to shoo him away before he could steal all the sweets.
- Everyone seated and started to eat. Trying, and failing, to ignore Anti as he zipped around the room causing trouble. Angel attempted to get him to stop, but that was a fruitless task.
- Marvin uses magic to create a light show above everyone’s heads. Creating fireworks that exploded below the ceiling, the loud bangs muffled by Dark’s perception control. 
- Robbie continued to eat until Chase dragged him away from the plates, so he didn’t get sick. His belly bulging with food and he sat between Chase and Jackieboy with a content smile. 
- The Chicas hide under the tables. Nibbling on bits of food people feed them by sneakily handing it under the table or drop by accident. 
- Thankfully a food-fight didn’t break out. Much to Lightiplier’s and Scribbles’ relief. Not that NateMare didn’t try to start one. But was scolded heavily by Scribbles and the man looked like a guilty puppy when she was through with him. 
- With the day gone quickly, exhaustion hanging heavy over the House, everyone retired to one of the larger rooms of the house. One, the floor practically was made of pillows and many comfortable furniture dotted the room. 
- It was there, everyone passed around hot chocolate, tea, coffee or any other hot beverages to the people in the room. And were pleasantly surprised to hear a piano begin to play. 
- No one had noticed the instrument there until Dark sat at it’s small seat and started to glide his fingers over the keys. The soft tunes of carols started to fill the room as the Jims started to sing along to the music. Surprising everyone even more when they were fairly decent at doing so. 
- One by one, everyone started to nod off. Curling up amongst the blankets and pillows, falling asleep to the sound of the piano and the Jim’s voice. 
- Those who stayed awake, helped pick up the stray mugs and plates of desserts. Bidding the Egos goodnight as they left the House. 
- The next few days was taken over with cleaning. 
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davidcarner · 7 years
Sarah vs The Life Unexpected Ch 10, Shut Up and Kiss Me
A/N: This is probably the angstiest I will ever get with this fic. If you're looking for more than that, you've come to the wrong place. (But my guess is you're here for a reason, it's fine, we're all friends here.) Some have asked if there will be a mission. Probably. Maybe. I know a meeting with Beckman is coming sooner rather than later. I'm also guessing updates will be much less frequent the next two weeks with Christmas coming. Thank you all for the reviews, favorites, follows, DMs, PMs, Tumblrs, and however you've contacted me.
Also huge thanks to @haalpert for the great Charah bracelet gif!
Disclaimer: I don't own Chuck, but I did find the season 2 deleted season on youtube.
Chuck was in that place, half-awake, half-asleep. There was something on his left cheek, not chewing, but every once in a while there felt like teeth. It was more than something, it was causing him to wake up quickly. He was quite aware he hadn't shaved in a couple of days, because he was pretty sure the hairs on his face just grew from whatever was being done to him. He was fighting to open his eyes, when it suddenly stopped, and he felt his pillow go down by his left side, like someone was hiding. He felt eyes staring at him from the right. He opened his eyes and slowly turned his head to the right. There stood Molly with the biggest grin on her face.
"If you say a word about calling the stork," Chuck began. He paused for a second. "Just don't."
"You're getting really good at this Daddy thing," Molly said. "Granny wants to know if you're hungry?" Chuck started to answer but his stomach made its own feelings clear. "Daddy's hungry!" she said, and took off. Chuck felt a hand go over his chest and slowly down his torso.
"She's right, you're getting really good at this daddy thing," Sarah said softly, her lips on his ear. Chuck realized where her hand was and he did the one thing he was best at. He freaked out. Emma was up, Molly was up, and if they kept this up…He shot out of bed.
"Wow! Look at the time. You probably want a shower. I'll let you have this one, and I'll go use the other." And with that he shot out of the room, clothes in hand. Sarah sat up, looking around, confused. Had she just been pranked? She sighed, got up, and went to take her own shower. A cold one. Down the hallway, Chuck was standing in the shower, bouncing his head off the wall. "What are you doing?" he asked himself. "Seriously, what are you doing? The most beautiful woman in the world, who loves you, and you love her, and you dash out like that. What is wrong with you?"
He took his shower, got dressed, went back into the bedroom, closed the door behind him, and sat on the bed, waiting. Chuck heard the shower turn off, and a few minutes later, Sarah came out of the bathroom, dressed. She looked at Chuck as he stood, and wiped his sweaty hands on his pants.
"Listen, I am so sorry. That just caught me off guard and everyone is awake, and I'm…Sarah, I love you, and if you'll let me, I'll spend the rest of my life with you, it's just, this whole thing, it's like…"
"We've been set-up and pushed together?" Chuck's eyes got wide. Sarah nodded. "I feel the same way. There's so much pressure on us, that I feel like we just can't be. Does that make sense?"
"That is exactly how I feel," Chuck said softly. He walked up to her and hugged her. "Are we crazy?" Sarah pulled away and looked him in the eye.
"I get the strangest feeling we've been set-up, and I'm glad I met you, and I'm glad this is crazy, and I love you and want to spend the rest of my life with you, but it feels like everyone is pushing us to be something and maybe we aren't ready to be that yet," Sarah replied.
"Do you know how much of a burden you've taken off of my mind, you just saying that?" Chuck asked. Sarah grinned.
"Good, and do you know how much of a burden you've taken off my mind knowing that you feel the same way?" Chuck shook his head. "Maybe I shouldn't move in." Chuck shook his head no.
"No," Chuck began.
"Listen, it's a lot of pressure on us, maybe we should just slow it down? It doesn't change what I feel about you." Chuck was quiet for a second.
"I've slept the best I have in years holding you." Sarah sighed.
"I've slept the best I have as well."
"It's not like I don't want to make love to you," Chuck began. "95% of all men would say I'm crazy."
"That's why I'm not dating and in love with 95% of all men."
"Stay. Move in, sell your apartment, and stay. I'll have them put the house in our names. Just don't leave."
"Easy boy, that's close to begging."
"I ain't too proud," Chuck said with a grin.
"You do know that song's about sex right?" Chuck leaned down and kissed her. It started out slow and soft, but the hunger within both of them grew. The next thing they knew, they were both on the bed, clothes seconds from flying off, when Sarah stopped.
"Did I do something wrong?" Chuck asked. Sarah shook her head laughing.
"Not like this, not the first time," she said softly. Chuck took her hand and kissed it. "But after that," she said, hitting him with her version of the eyebrow dance. Chuck shook his head, grinned, and hit her with his version. The smile fell from her face. She leaned in close. "You were right, it does work," she said sultry. Chuck visibly gulped, and Sarah laughed. "Come on," she said patting his leg. "Speaking of being set-up, there's a certain five-year-old we need to speak to." Chuck held her wrist for a second, and she looked back at him.
"You're not leaving?" Sarah smiled and shook her head.
"I regretted the idea as soon as I said it," she admitted. She leaned forward and kissed him. "Chuck the only way you'll get rid of me is if you run me off."
"Sarah, you're former CIA, I couldn't make you do anything." Sarah grinned.
"You don't give yourself enough credit," she whispered. Chuck stared at her for a second, and quickly got up off the bed.
"We need to get out of here, now."
"Do we?" she asked, and Chuck fled. Sarah chuckled and headed out of the room. Chuck was waiting for her at the staircase. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in.
"You are going to be the death of me," he said into her ear, and pulled her in tighter.
"Look, I think you and I need to have a little chat with someone. Follow my lead on this one, okay?"
"Wait, that's not right. You're her mom, and you shouldn't have to play the bad cop and me play the good cop." Sarah just looked at him.
"You're five seconds from me dragging you back in that bedroom," she replied. Chuck groaned.
"Listen, later. I promise I'm good with us. But right now, there's too many up and around."
"Okay, can you do bad cop?" Chuck grinned.
"Only one way to find out. Why don't you go first. Sit down on one side of her, and I'll sit on the other." Sarah headed down the steps. Chuck counted to 20 and then followed. He got to the table, and sat down beside Molly. Emma looked up saw the two on either side of Molly, and shook her head.
"I think the game's up, Kid," Emma said. Molly shrugged.
"I don't care, I got what I wanted." Chuck turned to look at Molly.
"Don't be too mad at her, Chuck, I was involved as well," Emma admitted.
"Mom!" Sarah said.
"Oh, give me a break. You've done nothing but work, and raise that girl for five years."
"What did you do?" Sarah asked. Emma smiled and looked at her granddaughter.
"Very little, to be honest, it was mostly Molly. She had pictures of you and showed them to Clara at preschool." Chuck looked at Molly, who shrugged.
"I just told her she was my mommy," Molly said. "I told Mrs. Wood I was trying to help Clara talk, and she said most babies can't say mommy, but can say mama."
"So you showed her the picture and called her mama," Chuck said, grinning.
"You're not upset?" Molly asked.
"No," Chuck replied. Sarah looked at him, surprised. "Why would I be upset? Look, what did she do, set us up on a blindish date? Maybe got one of the preschool teachers involved, and your mom? We," Chuck said pointing to himself and Sarah. "Are the ones who fell in love. They introduced us. We should probably be thankful. Plus, Clara is walking, talking, and …where is Clara?"
"In the playpen in the living room," Emma said. Sarah hopped up smiling, and went to get her. Emma leaned in. "You do know if she keeps that up with Clara, one day she's going to want another baby." Chuck nearly choked. "What if I take the girls to the apartment tonight?"
"You don't have to," Chuck said softly.
"Scared to be alone in the house with me, Chuck?" Sarah asked. Chuck turned and looked at Sarah.
"No, it's just I spent most of yesterday asleep and missed out on everyone last night," Chuck replied. Sarah just looked at him, grinning. "I also know how you can't control yourself around me."
"Baby brother!" Molly loud whispered. Chuck rolled his eyes and Sarah laughed.
"I'll take the girls tonight," Emma said. "Just so you know, it wasn't just the people you named in on the plan."
"There was a plan?" Sarah asked.
"I wanted to do project Charah," Molly said. Chuck and Sarah shared a look.
"Oh, goody, we have a cutesy couple name," Chuck said.
"I kinda like it," Sarah said, shrugging.
"Morgan said we had to change it," Molly added.
"Morgan was in on it?" Sarah asked, shocked.
"You know Casey, Alex, and Carina were as well," Chuck added. Molly just nodded. "What name did Morgan come up with?"
"Project OMAHA," Molly replied. Operation Married And Happy Always."
"I don't hate it," Chuck admitted.
"Always, huh," Sarah said, coming up and wrapping an arm around Chuck. He leaned back into her and looked up at her. "Think you can handle that, Bartowski?"
"I can if you can," he replied. She leaned down and pecked him on the lips.
"Challenge accepted," she said, winking at him.
"Seriously, when's the wedding?" Emma asked. Chuck shrugged looking at Sarah.
"I figure when she gets tired of waiting and asks me," Chuck said. "I know you're taking the kids tonight, but would you mind watching them for a bit now? There's something I want to show Sarah."
"Sure," Emma replied. "I was going to take them to the park anyway, and see if you two wanted to join me."
"This won't take long, I promise," Chuck said.
"Then we need to plan Clara's birthday party," Molly said. Sarah looked at Chuck.
"She turns one this coming Friday," Chuck said.
"I haven't even gotten her anything yet," Sarah said. Chuck looked at her like she was crazy. He reached in and tickled Clara's belly and she scrunched herself into Sarah's neck.
"Sarah, because of you and Molly, Clara is the happiest she's been since she's been with me. She has a mom and a sister, what else could she need?"
"Mama," Clara said, hugging Sarah. Sarah's eyes were filled with tears. Chuck got up, found his shoes, put them on, and held Clara while Sarah got ready.
"Seriously, we need to throw her a party," Molly said.
"You got it, Pumpkin," Chuck replied. "Help Emma watch her and we'll meet you at the park in a little bit." Sarah came downstairs ready to go. Chuck gave Clara over to Emma and they headed to the car. A quick drive to the beach and Chuck had reached his destination. He held her hand as he slowly walked to what he considered his spot.
"I always came here when things went wrong," Chuck said softly. "I came here after I was kicked out of Stanford, after Ellie died, and every time things seemed to go wrong." Chuck turned to Sarah. "Even on days that were seemingly good, I wanted to come here and just watch the waves to calm me, soothe me. Since I've met you, I haven't had one want to come here, except to show you this spot. There's not much of my life you've not seen or been a part of already. I mean you already live in my old apartment, but this, this is my spot. I want you to know as confusing and crazy the past few days have been, I couldn't be happier. All because of you." Chuck leaned in to kiss her, and she stopped him.
"Thank you," she said softly. "I realize you've been closed up for the past several years, but you opening up like this, I understand, it makes you vulnerable, it's scary, and you're taking a chance. I promise you, I will be worth the chance." She started to kiss him, and he pulled back, a grin covering his face.
"You know, with the things we've said in the past few days, we'd be married in a few countries." Sarah laughed, and Chuck pulled her in for a hug. He pulled away slightly, and began to kiss her. After a few moments they pulled apart. "You know the house might be empty." Sarah looked at him, considering.
"Tonight?" Chuck nodded.
"I mean no pressure or anything," Chuck said. Sarah bit her bottom lip trying to keep from laughing.
"Let's go," Chuck said. "I have barely seen my girls."
"You're girls?" Sarah asked, an eyebrow arched. Chuck looked over at her.
"My girls, which includes you," Chuck said. She wrapped an arm around him and with her other, placed her hand on his chest as they walked back to the car.
"Careful, Chuck," she said. "Keep talking like that and you'll find yourself surrounded by us for fifty years or so."
The drive to the park was quiet. Chuck sat in the passenger seat, thinking. Sarah reached over and took his hand.
"Talk to me," she said softly.
"You're gonna hate me," he replied.
"I don't want Molly and Clara to go tonight," Chuck said. "When we started this, we knew exactly what each one came with, and after talking to Molly yesterday about family, it just seems like we're hypocrites. I mean it's one thing taking a night off but after what Molly said last night…it just doesn't feel right." Sarah didn't say anything for a second.
"Chuck Bartowski, if you keep this up, I am going to drag you to the courthouse tomorrow," she said softly. Chuck looked at her, blinking.
"File a restraining order?" Chuck asked confused. She gave him a look. It would have been longer and more pointed, but she was driving. They reached their destination, she pulled in, whipped off her seat belt, and got close to him as possible. She grabbed his face with both of her hands.
"I'm going to marry you before someone else figures out how wonderful you are and makes a play for you."
"Sarah, there's no one else but you."
"How do you know it's been less than a week."
"Sarah, I know. Will it be hard work, yes. Will it take every day of me showing you how much you mean to me, yes. Will I gladly do it, yes." Tears flowed down Sarah's eyes. She leaned in to kiss him, when she felt someone watching her. She looked past Chuck and noticed the face peering in the car.
"Molly?" Chuck asked.
"That girl, to want us to be together…"
"Think if we tell her that if she leaves us alone she might get that brother is a bad idea?" Chuck asked with a grin. The look Sarah returned wasn't a grin, and she wasn't mad, but Chuck thought perhaps he shouldn't ever joke about that again. "Never mind."
"Don't start something you can finish, Chuck," Sarah said softly. Molly was beating on the car window. "To be continued," she said, winking at him. Chuck gulped. The two got out of the car, and Chuck picked up Molly.
"Kid, I kinda need you not to keep showing up at inopportune times," Chuck said softly to her.
"I'm sorry," she said. "I just missed you, and I won't get to see you tonight."
"Well, your mom and I were talking about that," Chuck replied. "You're not going anywhere tonight. There may come a night in the future where your Mom and I may do something alone, but I don't think right now is the right time." Molly hugged him. "No matter what happens between you and your mom, I got you, Pumpkin."
"No, you and Mommy have to stay together," she said, hanging on to him for dear life.
"That's my plan, Pumpkin. That's my plan." Chuck noticed Emma and Sarah talking. Sarah took Clara, and Emma waited for Chuck.
"Turning down a night alone with my daughter?" Emma asked, grinning.
"Emma, or should I say, Mom," Chuck said grinning. Emma smiled at that. "We got into this knowing it wasn't just us, so we need to make sure this is going to work. Besides," Chuck said, tickling Molly's ribs. "I gotta make sure all my girls are happy."
"Chuck, will you just marry her," Emma said, exasperated.
"If that's what you want, then why don't both of you tone it down," Chuck said seriously. "It's been a week. Let us find our pace. I appreciate everything you've done, and I am thankful for the support, but let us figure this out."
"You're right," Emma said. "We were so concerned you two would never find each other, we went overboard. I'm sorry."
"Don't apologize," Chuck said, setting Molly down and ruffling her hair. "Without you both, we may have never got this far, but now, we know what we have, and, I can't speak for Sarah, but I'm going to do everything I can to make her happy as long as she'll let me."
"While I do appreciate you not speaking for me," Sarah said from behind Chuck. "I agree with everything you just said." She walked up and put her free arm around him. "I'm moving in, and I'm bringing Molly, and we'd love to have you stay with us." Chuck nodded. "This is my family now. Maybe it's unconventional, maybe it happened fast, but it's what makes both of us happy, and this is what we both want." Emma's smile was huge.
"I couldn't be happier for you two," she said. "If you'll have me," she began. Chuck cut her off.
"Come on, Emma, Sarah raising two and a half kids…." Emma grinned. Sarah looked down at Molly and winked.
"You know you're the half one, right?" Molly hugged both their legs. Sarah looked at Chuck. "We've got to plan a birthday party," she said, grinning. "A girl only turns one once, right, Clara," she asked looking back. Chuck reached over and tickled her belly. Sarah gave a glance around the park and caught Chuck's eye.
"Something wrong?" he asked.
"Probably some pervert watching the kids or something, something just feels off," she said.
"Then let's head home," Chuck said. Sarah started to shake her head. "Hey, remember you're a former spy, plus a mom, and that whole women's intuition thing. I'd rather be safe than sorry."
"What about Chuck E Cheese?" Molly asked. Sarah and Chuck shared a look.
"Oh, no," Emma said. "I'm going to go to the bookstore, find myself a book, have some coffee, and relax. I'll see all of you later," and with that, she was off.
"Scaredy cat!" Chuck yelled after her. She just waved and kept walking. Chuck looked down at Molly. "You owe me," he said in a deep voice."
"Okay," she answered in the same type. They went to the car, piled in, buckled up, and took off. As they pulled away, a man walked out of the woods and stared after them.
"Chuck…Sarah…kids…who knew?" Bryce said, shrugged, and went back to waiting for his contact.
Chuck and Sarah drug the kids in a few hours later, to the smell of something delicious.
"I may be a scaredy cat, but I'm in better shape than you two," Emma said after one look at them.
"There was a birthday party," Chuck said.
"She was four," Sarah said, still looking to be in shock. "There were twenty kids there, and the mothers, they just didn't care. They let them do whatever." She looked up at Emma. "I've started a revolution with a spoon, and this was scarier than that ever was.
"I thought it was a fork," Chuck said.
"That too, although the spoon was plastic." Chuck started at her.
"You are so amazing," he said grinning. Sarah smiled at him.
"You ought to see what I can do with a spork."
"Enough, take it to the bedroom," Emma teased. Sarah waggled her eyebrows at Chuck. Chuck looked down, and Molly was asleep on the floor. Emma walked over, took Clara, who was nearly out as well, and took her upstairs.
"I'll bathe her," Chuck said, looking down at Molly.
"I got it," Sarah said smiling. "Molly, come on," she said, half dragging her upstairs. Chuck went upstairs, and took a long hot shower. He changed, went and found Clara, and read her a story as she fell asleep in his arms. Before he finished, Molly and Sarah came in. Molly had on her PJs, kissed Sarah, walked over, demanded a good night kiss, which Chuck gave to her before she beat him up, climbed into bed, and was out like a light. Chuck kissed Clara on the head, started to get up, when Sarah took her from him. She held her for a minute, kissed Clara goodnight, and tucked her into her crib. They walked out and started down the hall.
"We're going to have to get Clara a new toddler bed," Chuck said. Sarah nodded, grabbed Chuck, and pulled him into the bedroom, closing the door behind her. "Private discussion?"
"Something like that," she said, slowly walking towards him.
"Sarah, we do this, and every single part of our life is tied together."
"Promise?" Chuck gulped. "Chuck, shut up and kiss me." Chuck was always told to be a gentleman, so he did exactly as his lady told him. A few minutes later he found himself out of breath and on the bed, with Sarah giving him a look like she was a starving lioness and he was a five-course meal.
"Are you sure about this?" Chuck asked. Sarah raised an eyebrow. "Hear me out. If we do this, then every part of our life is entangled in each other. There is no you and I, it's we on everything, and Sarah, I am done. I am done with ever trying to not be with you, Molly, or our family. Sarah, I want this, but if you don't then right now, I need you to tell me, because I'm not strong enough to say no." Sarah grinned at him, and kissed his jaw.
"You never did shave the past few days," she said. Chuck was having a hard time forming a coherent thought.
"Been a bit busy being sick and stuff," Chuck replied. She made his way up to his ear.
"You're saying if we do this, there's no turning back?"
"Uh-huh," he managed to mumble out.
"Good," she whispered. "Now if I hear one more word about not wanting to, I'm going to be very upset. Understand?" Chuck nodded. He appeared to want to say something.
"I love you, Sarah," Chuck said, and caught her by surprise by kissing her where her shoulder and jaw met.
"You're going to pay for that, Chuck," Sarah said, nearly losing the ability to speak herself. She looked at Chuck, his eyes dancing.
"Promise," she said, and he did.
A/N: I hope you all get to see Star Wars this weekend! Next time, work stuff, and birthday party planning. See you soon.
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chelsorz07 · 6 years
you know it’s not forever
I think I’m gonna stop doing these soon, since it’s been at least a year since I started the series and I have to have repeated some already. But for tonight I have nothing else to do. Also for anyone who actually cares I’m working on a fic...it’s not my first but it will be the first one I finish and publish so keep an eye out in the next couple days, Dean/Cas fans ♥
What's one of your locked text messages? a line from a justin bieber song that sarah sent me haha Don’t have any. This phone doesn’t delete shit apparently. Where is the one boy/girl you want to see the most right now? at this very moment i would grow a left nut just so i could give it away if it gave me the opportunity to kick it with mah weskimo. Texas. Do you think your last ex deserves to die? i don't think about him, one way or the other. I definitely do not think that. He thinks that. And I try to convince him every day that he’s wrong, just like he does for me. Who was the last person you slept in the same bed with? david. Dave but he’s been gone for two weeks. Would you be mad if your best friend dated the person you like? probably, considering the person i like is my boyfriend. If my best friend dated my husband, yeah that’d be an issue. She never would though. She doesn’t even like him as a person lol Is anyone over- protective of you? my parents used to be but i think they've decided to chill for the most part. Nobody cares that much about me. Plans for tomorrow? babysitting, and hopefully walmart to get shirts to tie-dye for the summer set. Laundry, Netflix, hopefully finishing the story I’m writing. I really suck at dialogue. Have you made a mistake in the past week? i make mistakes by the hour. Constantly. I don’t recall a specific one though. Do you know anyone named Joshua? yeppp. A couple. Nobody I’ve spoken to in years. Will you be in a relationship in 4 months? more than likely. I’d like to hope so. If my marriage falls apart in the next four months I will most definitely kill myself. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? for sure. I’d do it for free. What were you doing at 7:00 AM? sleeping. Watching TWD and playing solitaire on my phone. Do you think you can last in a relationship for six months? it's been almost a year. Oh my god. Do you think two people can last forever? perhaps. I have yet to see it happen. Would you put yesterday on repeat and live it forever? nah. No, yesterday sucked. Work was dead and with nothing to do my feet hurt like hell, even with medical grade compression socks on. Did you ever kiss someone with a tattoo? yeah. Yup. I would never go near that person again. I was 19 and stupid and he was a filthy liar. What did you do today? watched maranda, cleaned up the house a little. that's pretty much it. Slept mostly. Picked up the living room. Watched tv. Looked at real estate listings. Talked to my dad. It was a decent day. Last time you laughed super hard? no idea. i laugh all the time. Can’t remember. I tend not to laugh really hard when I’m alone. Which I usually am. Do you find smoking unattractive? nope. but it sucks being around all my friends who smoke when i quit two and a half months ago. It probably is but I’m a chain smoker so I don’t really care. How many people do you fully trust? haha...well...used to be one. now i'm not sure i can completely trust anyone. Still one. Although the person is different. Nobody will ever have my back as much as my dad does. Did anyone see you kiss the last person you kissed? i doubt it. Um...randos at the Pittsburgh airport. Did anyone call you pretty recently? ehh...don't think so. The last person to call me pretty was me. But Mike agreed so I guess him lol Do you look decent when you wake up? depends how my previous night went. That’s a valid answer. I look shitty without makeup no matter what. If my makeup from the previous day isn’t all fucked up after I sleep then I still look good. Are you afraid of falling in love? no. If I was it’d be way too late. Say the last person you kissed was kissing someone right in front of you? i'd probably feel exactly the same way i felt when i woke up from a really bad dream about him yesterday morning. There would be violence involved. Do you have any empty alcohol bottles hidden somewhere in your room? um...i don't believe so. I don’t drink anymore. There are a couple bottles of whiskey in my freezer that haven’t been touched in years, that’s about it. when was the last time you were at the beach? never. Still never. Think back to September, were you in a relationship? yep. I’ve been in a relationship for the past eight Septembers. Almost nine. If you had to delete one year of your life completely, which would it be? i wouldn't. Last half of 2010, first half of 2011. Do you know anyone with such a terribly annoying voice that you can't even stand? most people. Fucking BARB. A lady I work with. She’s so irritating. I’ve even had customers complain to me about her voice, saying they want me to check them out instead. Who was the last person to give you a hug? maranda. Dave. What was the first thing you thought this morning? aksdfmkaoiewhfjdnf;h. “Wtf time is it?” It was actually almost 3pm. But I don’t go to bed till the morning so. What is something that you disliked about your day? uh. everything. The fact that I was pain free most of the day and now I’m not. Have you ever kissed anyone whose name started with a B? How many? nope. Not that I recall.
What about T? How many? no. Nope. What do you currently hear right now? commercials. Carl Grimes. And my cat snoring. Have you ever sent a text to the wrong person? many times. Yep. Awkwardsauce. Who was your last text from? chele. My dad. Did you have any unread text messages when you woke up today? no. Nope, just a voicemail from my pharmacy. Would you rather be able to control the weather or control traffic? weather. Ooh...those are my two biggest fears sooo...Idk if I could pick. Are you faster at text messaging or typing on the computer? computer. Computer for sure. Even with Swype. If you won a trip to a nude beach would you go or give the trip away? i wouldn't go that's for sure...but i'd figure out a way to make money off of it. I stand by that. In your opinion which is the stronger emotion: love or hate? love. of course sometimes when i say i hate someone, it's just because i don't know how to tell them i love them. and furthermore, feeling like i hate someone can make me love them even more. Love. I don’t have the energy for hatred anymore. But I’ll never stop loving what I love. Would you rather sleep for 3 days, or stay awake for 3 days? sleeeeeeeep. Honestly...I don’t know now. I do love my sleep. And I’m lucky to do it for three hours at a time, let alone three days. But I’m also the world’s biggest night owl and am most productive when I should be sleeping. What time did you go to sleep last night? 5am this morning. Like 9am? I don’t remember. When was the last time you had starbucks? never have, never will. I broke my vow and had it exactly one time, a couple years ago. But I refuse to pay five dollars for coffee ever again. Timmy Ho’s and Sheetz are better and half the price. If you were granted one wish, what would you wish for? i don't believe in wishes. Money. What's the tenth text in your inbox say? "is nellie home?" from my mom. “I’m just happy you actually did something about it. Suppose I should return the favor and look into this now.” From Dave, about our respective health issues. Did you stand on your tippy-toes when you had your last kiss? for some reason i always do, even though he's only an inch taller than i am. I must have broken that habit somewhere along the way, because no, I didn’t. Do you like the same person you did a month ago? i've liked the same person for two years. That will never change. Would it be weird if the last person you kissed called you? yeah, cuz he's at work. and he almost never actually calls. He doesn’t call unless something is wrong.  Kissed somebody whose name starts with a C T D or J? d. First name D, last name C, middle name J. All different people. Do you ever think about the past? i think about past, present, and future. Always. Do you believe exes can be friends? sometimes. They most certainly can. Do you currently have a hickey, if so where? i've never had one. Only guy who ever gave me a hickey was a complete tool and I only liked him for his southern accent. He came along a few months after the last time I took this survey, when I was on the rebound. Last night you felt? meh. Bored and in pain. What's your favorite thing to do when you're bored? play solitaire. Read fanfic or watch Youtube. In the past 72 hours have you been under the influence? yup. I haven’t. It’s been months since I even drank a beer. Does anyone know your password besides you? no. Dave knows a couple of them. What're you wearing right now? pajamas and a hoodie. Lilo & Stitch pajama pants, Supernatural Day 2017 shirt. The Hot Topical makes a lot of money from me. What were you doing when you found out Michael Jackson was dead? don't know, don't care. i never liked michael jackson. That. Do you want to see somebody right now? yes. Several people. When's the last time you cried? daily. Um...a couple days ago at work because I was in pain. And probably the same day because I was watching Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life and it always makes me cry. Would you rather sing or dance in front of 100,000 people? i'd do both. I don’t want to do anything in front of that many people. But I could sing better than I could dance. Would it be more likely of you to fail Science or Math? both. I sucked at both. I was strictly an English and Art kinda gal. Will you regret your next kiss? no. they're so few and far between i can't regret them. not that i would anyway. No way in hell. I relish the ones I can get. Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? yeah but he doesn't ever seem to care. All the time. Everything makes me cry. Next time you will kiss someone on the lips? hopefully i'll get to see him tonight or tomorrow night when he gets done working, since i won't see him on his day off this week. Sometime between the hours of 4 and 7am next Thursday.  Your boyfriend buys you flowers, you say? he's not that stupid. he knows i hate flowers. Still true, except he’s my husband now. Do you understand football? understand it and love it. The fooseball is life. I’m so freaking excited for the draft tomorrow. Is the last person you kissed mad at you? he'd have to care to be mad. Our last conversation was about travel and home buying so probably not. The person you have the strongest feelings for dies, do you care? shut up. i'm terrified of that more than anything, because he seems to like to do dumb shit that could get him killed. and i've been having tons of dreams about it lately. What the hell kind of question is that? I’m not a sociopath. Think to the last person you kissed, have you ever kissed them in a car? yes. Our first kiss was in a car. Well not the first kiss but that’s what we spent the entire rest of that night doing lol...There have been many car kisses since then as well. Have you kissed more than ten people this year? one person. Just one. Would you ever date someone who was gorgeous but they had a conceited attitude? no. looks don't matter as much as personality. I didn’t know he was conceited at the time but no, I never would again. Like I said, dude was a tool. If someone called you a bitch would you be offended? more like proud. I AM a bitch. I own it. Do you know a few people that smoke weed? a few? i know less people who DON'T smoke weed. Everybody smokes weed anymore. Except like my parents. Was this the best summer of your life? it hasn't happened yet. but last summer was the best so far. For the record, the summer of 2010 was the worst of my life. And last summer was really good for the sole reason of my birthday week, where I met All Time Low and got to spend it back home with my family and friends. Do you think relationships are even worth it? some are. Hope so. Medicine, fine arts, or law? arts. Same. Have you been through driver's ed yet? safety ed...like six years ago. i still don't have my license though. We didn’t have “driver’s ed”. Safety ed was like six weeks of basics but there was never any practice driving or anything like that. I didn’t get my license till I was almost 23. What do you think about people who party a lot? i think i want to be invited? If they’re my age, they need to grow the hell up. If they’re my sister’s age, I’m sure most of them will get sick of it eventually like I did. When was the last time you dyed your hair? almost a year ago...i've been really lazy with it lately. A little over a month ago? It’s orange with black ombre. I like the concept but next time I’m getting it done professionally. Is there a movie you've seen countless times? more than one. Several. I tend to watch most things I like over and over again instead of watching new things. What do you need to go shopping for? i need to stop shopping. Haha...that’s a good answer. But I do need some more compression socks. Have you ever read Twilight? no. Yes, and dammit, I liked it. I still curse myself for that. Is there something that happened in your past that you hate talking about? yeah. Nah, I’ll talk about anything. I’m pretty self-centered. If Britney Spears came to your town, would you go see her concert? hell yes i love her. I’d be there with bells on. Meet anybody new this week? nope. but i'm going to on wednesday. Idk if customers at work count. I don’t leave my house unless it’s for that. Do you dislike anyone at this moment in time? everyone. Yeah, the cunt that thought it’d be cool to cheat on her boyfriend with my best friend and then screw him over as well. Any up coming events you're excited about? the concert on wednesday, and my birthday. Going home next week and house shopping. Does anyone hate you? sure. I guess so. Don’t matter to me.
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