#and so much fanart. SO MUCH FANART. still screaming till this day about the time the insta six broadway acc commented on one of the posts
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atlasvulcandar · 2 years ago
can i pick two?
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strangerthingsfanworkrecs · 20 days ago
I would love to recommend @tomtomslongdong as a *reader* highlight. It is always such a joy to see what they’re reading but also to read whatever comments and tags they leave behind. Let alone to be a writer and receive their feedback. One of the greatest supporters in the fandom, truly if no one else cares for a fic I wrote but they enjoyed it, it’s like the ultimate stamp of approval.
This week, we're highlighting @tomtomslongdong as a commenter! All recs this week will be from her recs.
Tomtom answered some questions about what she does to find fics and to leave great comments under the cut
Why Stranger Things?
I went from casual watcher in anticipation of season 4 coming out to falling in love with all the characters in the space of a few weeks. Friendship, loyalty and messy family dynamics are such a core part of st, which is something I latch onto when I’m watching anything. And maybe.. there were some characters(Eddie) that I grew even more fond of(definitely Eddie). I even remember seeing edits of Eddie at the picnic table but it wasn’t until I had watched that first episode of season 4 that I truly got it. It’s been 84 years but I’m still in love with that man.
What's your favorite ship (platonic or romantic) to read?
I read x reader the most but I adore platonic stobin and I wanna read about them more. Their dynamic is everything to me. Infact Robin with any of the st girls too. I look up this one fanart of robin and Carol Perkins a lot. A LOT.
How do you typically find fics?
At the start I would brave the tags more and I do still do that but genuinely it’s from blogs I like and follow reblogging them. I’ve curated my own little balance of people reading stuff I know I’ll like and also being introduced to fics I might not have even thought of reading before seeing their reactions.
Are there other forms of fanart you enjoy? How do you find them?
Fanart that’s been inspired by fics or concepts, just witnessing one artist inspire another is so joyful. Also when an artists self inserts themselves into their art! It’s seriously one of the coolest things ever. My favourite thing to do is trawling the tags of an eddie blog as I go on a deep dive. I scrape the barnacles off that boat allllll the way back to the start. I find all sorts of fanart and work that maybe I’ve never seen as I didn’t gravitate back to tumblr till later in summer ‘22.
What's your tip for leaving comments on works?
Just tell them how it made you feel man. Scream it at the writers. I’m no good at articulating myself at all but sometimes you read the exact thing you needed to read and all is right with the world. Let them know they’re very much to blame for your emotional state when they post. And who knows those writers might occasionally grace you with the biggest gift of all (more lore on the world they’ve built directly from their mind via an IV drip known as the DMs)
Is there any fanwork that really stood out to you?
hockey!eddie has an iron tight grip on me and if anyone could find the stats on how many times I’ve viewed dr-aculaaa and hearsegrrl art on him, you’d take my phone away
Is there anything we didn't ask that you'd like to add?
Just that it’s wild, there’s this little community in my phone that’s so smart? So talented? And I’ve formed what I hope I can call genuine friendships from this and yet no one in my day to day real life knows I’m just kicking around in here haha! I get to be my weirdo self with my weirdo friends in peace and I think that’s lovely.
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sailorspica · 1 year ago
reijean v-day 💝⚔️
see vee's prompt graphic for this. i tag anyone in any fandom, i want to hear about your OTP!!
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💝 favorite canon scene:
these panels in the 57th scouting expedition right here.
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in the anime the only internal monologue we get is from jearmin, which is a big rewatch tell of oh shit! why are reiner's thoughts private (armored hehe). but the ONE time, ONE time we get reiner's thoughts in this arc in the manga... it's about jean. and it's not like he takes over narration like armin did when he encounters annie alone, or like jean does once these three meet up. it's just one stray 💭 of "jean really... is different."
sure, other characters note jean's maturity since joining the corps, but recognition from reiner stands out here as a vote of confidence from marcel!reiner, AND four years later: when he still describes jean as "an irresponsible jerk who only ever thought of himself," even though reiner knows first hand that jean grew so, so much after trost. and it's his fault.
💝 a song that reminds you of them:
i previously posted SASAMI's I Was a Window, but another one that screams reijean to me is Till Death by Japanese Breakfast. briefly, it's about marriage, but she wrote a whole book about the context that this song and her relationship come from, which i highly recommend.
so many images in it are so post-rumbling to me: "get these days to go by like the swaying of a ship," (the studio recording starts with ocean sounds); "sing me to sleep, soothe this insomnia"; "your embrace healing my wounds / teach me to breathe, teach me to move." the beginning of verse 2, "steering on hostile waves of panic, like fighting a wheel that pulls to the right" makes me think of a later jbrekkie song, Slide Tackle, which IS reiner.
💝 favorite official picture/graphic:
back to back on the vol. 32 alliance cover baby!!
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💝 favorite fanfic:
i have to say two:
vermin by @oxygenbefore1775: delicious cadet days, delicious fucked up time in reiner POV, delicious, smart tangling with the technological/material/cultural gaps between the walls and the rest of the world. how much of RBA's deep cover is culture shock? the total lack of guile jean has while running roughshod over the land mines in reiner's head with just "bunny." god.
from shiganshina with love by @fromriches-tosin: this is really the one that lured me in. it feels like a locked room, three-hander play, when even being in the wide open air (well, not reiner) is claustrophobic because two characters are intertwined and dug into one another. and as someone who has inhaled shelves' worth of eruri fic and doujinshi, vee's levi is one of my favorites.
💝 favorite fanart:
oh, this and everything by @mikibagels. one thing about reijean that goes so hard is jean's growth spurt, cadet and post-rumbling reijean both have height difference. similar vein, @valmendy illustrating reiner's flirting from never let me go: "i feel like i missed out on my little brother growing up." hello???
💝 why i ship:
i binged the anime so late, just in time for season 4, and when the finale came out i could hardly think of anything other than "we're scouts, we don't know when to quit."
back in my day (i'm turning 27 this month), one dude beating up another in shounen launched a ship, a fleet of ships, and kept it afloat for years, but yams gave us their more obvious, huge interactions in the last... fifteen chapters. but there's so much history between them that screams to be noticed on initial reread and rewatch: the reijearmin (horrendous throuple name) date that was the female titan arc, that jean keeps his cool when the 104th hop on the armored as reibert and ymir try to flee, the whole return to shiganshina, the echo i come back to of "the jean kirchstein i know only thinks of himself."
with jean's OVA, they're the characters whose moms we see the most of besides carla jaeger??? the difference between karina and jean's mother is vast, yet their sons turned out so similar, despite it all. so caring, so haunted by that care. jean takes his leadership in the post-time skip survey corps so seriously, he agonizes over his field leadership in trost, while reiner feels like he killed marcel and bertolt and doomed annie, and in his lowest, lowest moments still manages to protect and worry for falco and gabi.
also, another big why: you people. this is such a cozy pontoon. 😘 happy valentine's day!!!
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fortemelody · 9 months ago
miku expo was legit the best day of my life so i wanna ramble about it
edit: found this in my drafts and wanted to revive it even if this took place like a month ago now lmao
first off i wanna kinda stress something that i honestly might get flamed for
i was in the pit, literally the third row, and around the halfway mark people who didn’t have wristbands on (that you get if you’re in the pit) finagled their way in and no security stopped them. this was like 5 people near me and like 3 more on the opposite side of the chairs. i could barely move cus i was so squished in by them and beforehand i was taking the opportunity to jump and dance becus i was in the aisle becus it was very spacious.
i personally see this as wrong. like i understand the feeling so much of not having good seats becus they are expensive. my bsf’s parents payed for these seats and that was the closest i’ve ever been/probably will ever be at a concert. i am eternally greatful for them. however, if i were at any other concert with my regular nosebleed seats, i would not move up to somewhere where the seats were obviously filled and payed for. people work hard to have the kind of money to spend on good tickets, and i felt like they were stripping away all of that just becus there was some open space and no one from security happen to be watching
i do feel kinda bad becus my friend was complaining a little too loud and vulgarly without a proper confrontation and i was saying things like “yeah” and “real” and i think they eventually kinda heard us but they didn’t do anything in response until i finally asked them nicely to at least step back so i could move around. most of them listened then but one person didn’t.
i want to acknowledge that i probably wasn’t perfect either in a different aspect becus i was legit screaming my head off and i realize now that behavior can definitely be distracting. i forgot that convention idol etiquette very much applies to even a virtual concert because there are others around me that might not appreciate my loudness who aren’t performing, along with the band members (although they prob couldn’t hear me from backstage).
wanted to address my thoughts on the screen too. honestly i still think it’s a weird call (and would make a lot of sense if it was by crunchyroll) and i still think it’s rather cheap but i can at least acknowledge that the visuals were pretty crisp. im assuming it also helped people see it from super far away better. it was definitely not an experience ruiner by any means but it was pretty jarring for the first 10 mins or so.
anyways, on to the good moments. at the end i shouted thank you to the band members when they came out and one of them saw me gave me the heart hands AND IT WAS SO FUCKING SWEET AHHH
i went into this only knowing about 5 songs for the set list and i’m so glad for that becus the suprises kept hitting me. some of the most hyped songs for me were unknown mother goose and fraulen biblioteca. i was so happy they played a wowaka song becus he deserves to be honored in multiple countries. and with fraulen i have a video recording of it where me and my bsf’s convo went like this:
“i can’t believe they did it”
(for context we were debating which songs would get played on the way there and we wanted this one but thought it had a slim chance. also meiko is my fav soooo)
ALSO we didn’t know we got VIP till someone told us (thank you kind stranger). the tote bag is really nice and i’ve gotten a ton of use out of it. and i used the fan in place of a penlight the whole time- idk how it didn’t break. as for the other stuff it was just kinda meh to me.
lastly we got a shit ton of confetti from the cannon and passed some out to people and took a couple for ourselves too. i’m so glad they did that it was a nice touch and it looked so beautiful as it was falling tbh
i think that’s all i gotta say but i might make some fanart to commemorate it later (i just said this same thing in a post a couple days ago and i haven’t even started *that* drawing yet….oopsies).
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blazeball · 2 years ago
boyfriend monreal... they WERE popular (first piece of blaseball fanart was of them iirc?) but they got incin'd early on and they've lived in my heart ever since. they just loved stealing bases so much. they ran so fast. the mints offence would have been so good if our headliners strategy had worked and they were our starting batter for longer than a single season. unfortunately, pudge happened. i still remember the game they got incin'd... i was at work keeping an eye on the live watch channel bcos they were unstable (jaylen) and then i look at the mints chat and everyone is yelling and sobbing and screaming. we were all single... after that season, the hall of flame debuted, and with it, feeding peanuts to our dead guys one click at a time. someone in the mints chat made a script to autofeed boyfriend and i left it on while i was at work. sighs dreamily. they were top of the hall of flame for a while before landry took over, but they stayed at #2 till day x, and then they were released. it was so bittersweet... they remain one of my favorite things about blaseball period
I've been sad about Blaseball lately
You should tell me about your Blaseball blorbo, especially if they aren't one that's well known. I mean, I wouldn't mind if you want to tell me why you like Jessica Telephone or Mike Townsend or PolkaDot Patterson anyway. But I especially want to hear if you have a guy (gn) that's constantly rotating in your mind.
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genshin-impact-fics · 4 years ago
Streamer!Genshin Reacting to Character!(Y/N) Dying in Game
!Warning!: Major character deaths & angst
Characters: Diluc, Venti, Childe, & Zhongli
It was a race to get inside one of the bases of the Abyss Order to put a stop to whatever plans they were in the process of executing that could potentially put many lives in danger. Diluc was rather calm while playing though it would be a lie to say that it wasn’t a bit annoying that the route to the domain was timed
It was once inside the domain did things pick up fast as it seemed to be a fighting wave system which after beating the first two rooms there was a short scene where in the end Lisa and Amber stayed behind to hold off the incoming enemies so the rest of the group could go further. It seemed like forever doing some of the puzzles to unlock the doors to reach the next fight
In that fourth room after the defeat of hilichurls and abyss mages did suddenly a short cut scene appear to show the appearance of an Abyss Lector. As remembering how much he hated fighting this guy in the spiral abyss he already knew what he was in for; however that was until your character stepped forward with your weapon ready. Diluc was actually sad to have to leave you behind as he was hoping that you’d be one of the characters that went with him to the very end
“I think I’ve watched enough shows and movies to know what this could be leading up to.” He’d comment to his viewers as he finally reached the destination where the Abyss Herald was. Finishing the fight triggered another cutscene as the traveler’s sibling appeared and was making their small speech, asking if the lives of the “friends” the traveler made were worth losing
Diluc is watching with a straight face as he kinda expected this but the who was what he wasn’t sure about and truthfully the only one he’d be truly heartbroken about is your death, but they wouldn’t kill you now of all times right? Wrong; soon the cutscene finally came across where they had left you and you were leaning against the wall extremely injured with your weapon laying beside you. Diluc is frowning cuz he has to watch you die now
Listening to your final words as you spoke to no one Diluc would sulk in his chair a little. In the last moment before your eyes closed, if you mentioned something about not getting to tell his character your true feelings it is visible that Diluc looks like he wants to cry(but he doesn't). Once the screen showed the mission complete he’d grab the plush he had of your character and hold it looking at his camera. “Of all the characters I thought were going to die, I wasn’t ready for it to be (y/n).” At that point he’d probably call it a day from there but he’d still talk to his viewers as he probably would watch the tribute videos that fans had already made
Everything was in chaos as it looked like archon war 2 was going to be taking place, but this time it was a war between the Abyss Order and the Archons. He was heading to Mondstadt to help and to check on you. Dvalin was flying around sending attacks at the abyss members. “Ah traveler there you are!” The sound of your voice as you landed before him; as weird as it was to see you in your archon robes was odd but you looked so good! After a short conversation you had gone flying off and it was time to get back to fighting
Things were looking good as it seemed like they were winning against the abyss order though it wasn’t over yet. It was until up in the air did a cutscene starting showing you and the traveler’s sibling fighting going at it. Venti is so captivated by how serious and cool you look fighting, but it all changed when the sibling landed a blow that caused you to fall from the sky ending up falling into the Whispering Woods
Venti couldn’t run fast enough to get to the woods to check up on you but when he did the first thing he saw was the sibling standing before you. He’s already sad and yelling at the sibling for hurting you though it seemed that now he was there the sibling went and disappeared revealing the real condition you were in. “No, no, no! This better not mean (y/n)’s dying.” He’d say in denial as he’s already starting to cry a little
“A-Ah Windblume h-haha… Sorry you have to see me like this.” Even in a moment like this you gave him such a cheesy grin until you seemed to grimace in pain. “Unfortunately it seems like… This is it for me. As long as the winds blow I will always be with you, so please watch over Mondstadt for me.” Your words were making Venti cry as it was like back in your story quest but only ten times worse. And to think it was already painful as it was your next words that did him in. “Maybe in another life we will find each other again and maybe then we can be together.”
Watching you start to glow until you turned into partials of light till nothing of you was left, Venti is devastated. The chat is crying with him as he’s saying how awful it was that his sibling had killed the love of his life! His viewers are going to send him fanart and fics to look at that was an alternative that you lived in the game
It was a big fight with the confrontation of the Fatui Harbingers, facing off against one of the other stronger members that blocked the path to proceed to seeing the Tsaritsa. The boss’ first stage was fine; however during the second stage it seemed after losing a certain amount of health the damage that Childe was dealing significantly decreased.
It was when the cutscene started that Childe was already dreading the foul legacy form he’d be facing this time. You suddenly came out of nowhere and already in your foul legacy form yourself Childe is going crazy over how cool you look; he’s also swooning at the fact that you’ve come to his rescue. The fighting progressed until you landed a successful hit that weakened the other harbinger; however, at that same time the other harbinger managed to hit you with a powerful attack
Childe is screaming at the sight of your mask breaking while you fell to the ground. He’s so glad that his character is running over to check on you instead of the fight picking right up, but he’s already feeling the feels hit him hard cuz he hates seeing you hurt. Seeing you back to normal, the damage you sustained was really bad; then the worst thought came to his mind. “This-This better not be what I think it is,” he’s saying not looking away from the screen listening to you weakly talk
“Haha don’t give me that look sweetie, I couldn’t just let this be where your journey ends.” Hearing those words and the nickname you used for his character was sad. “To think we’d be able to travel together more, but hey… Promise you won’t stop fighting and could you look after my siblings for me.” Childe is literally crying now that the reality of the situation is clear. If he gets a choice of dialog to choose from he is going to pick the choice that says that he pinky promises
If your character smiled at the choice he wanted to smile but he’s also just sad, you were dying in his character's arms. If you had given a small love confession in the little bit of life that was in you, he’s going to ugly sob and once the fight was starting again he needs to pause by going into his bag
Immediately he goes getting his big plush of you and coming back to hug it and cleaning his tears with his sleeve before looking at the camera. “I wasn’t ready for this, my baby!” He was not expecting to be losing you; he figured that some characters would possibly die but you were the last character he thought would be killed off in the game. There’s Fs in the chat all around and the crying emote; it’s sad boi hours in this chili’s. He doesn't wanna do the fight but also he gotta avenge you so this last stage fight was for you. Afterwards he’s gonna go look at fanart and video edits
After helping some of the other nations and their archon’s fend off the abyss order it was time he headed to Liyue to find you. Of course as usual it wasn’t going to be as easy as running around the harbor until he got word from Xiao that you were in Cuijue Slope. So he headed over to help you before anything seriously bad could happen to you
Getting to the open area there you were fighting against the sibling as you were even in your archon robes. Going in and interrupting the fight his sibling clearly looked annoyed and proceeded to try to get him to side with them which of course he didn’t. A Herald appeared to allow the sibling to get away which the fight with the Herald commenced
Just when Zhongli finished up the fight thinking he had won it strangely went to a cutscene as his character and you started to talk; however it was when the fallen Herald came out of nowhere about to attack his character but must to his surprise you shielded him not only taking the hit, but also using your elemental burst to finish off the enemy. Zhongli is frowning at how badly you were hurt as he already has a bad feeling this wasn’t going to end good; the traveler was helping you sit up after having fallen over
“I’m glad to see that you aren’t hurt my friend.” You said as you certainly have seen better days. “Sadly I believe my time has come… Do not be sad dear friend, I have lived many many years… As knowing you has been life changing. Though rocks change from erosion, know that no time will change how I felt about you.” Your words broke his heart as you had such a soft expression on your face as your body began to glow and before he knew it you turned into particles of light and disappeared. He probably wouldn’t cry at most maybe a tear but he is clearly upset about your passing in game and would take a break to talk to his viewers and maybe look at the fanart that surprisingly had been put out already
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pompompurin1028 · 3 years ago
In Everything
Summary: After using corruption and nearly killing a subordinate in the process, Chuuya once again finds himself questioning his humanity
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A/N: Chuuya deserves so much :’) This fic was inspired by this fanart I saw on Instagram, so please also go show the amazing artist some support <3 
Pairing: Chuuya x reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of alcohol, blood, spoilers for season 3, minor ln spoilers? (it should be fine since I hadn't read it either but just in case)
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My Masterlist
Chuuya could still vividly feel the effects of corruption against his skin. 
He recognized the familiar sensation of it clung onto him, even tighter than the clothes that adorned his body. It felt almost stifling, like it was still squeezing the breath out of his lungs, dragging him to the bottoms of the ocean, as it slowly stole his breath away... Little by little... As if it were digging into his skin with every breath, still trying to drain the life out of him, even after a day has passed since he allowed the true potentials of his ability to be unleashed.
Tracing his gloved hand against the bottom of the wine glass, for a second, Chuuya attempted to admire the way the deep ruby red drink glistened against the shimmering pale moonlight in the darkness of his home, to calm the racing yet uneven beats of his own heart. Yet part of him wished not to do so, for the clear thumps of it that sounded throughout his body were like a calming and reassuring sign that he too was a living, mortal, sentient being. He recalls fondly how you enjoy laying against his chest, voicing out that you enjoying listening to his heart beat, with his arms circled around you form in a warm embrace.
Feeling a sense of serenity slip into his racing mind at the thought of you, Chuuya finally allowed himself to raise his glass towards his lips, to drown away the sorrowful thoughts, along with the sickening sensations on his skin in a single gulp. Which he hoped would bring him at least pause from the thoughts that swirled his mind from last night’s events. Yet as he found his gaze once again meeting the almost scarlet-coloured liquid, Chuuya could feel the bile rising up onto his throat at the recognition of how similar the colour was to the blood that stained his bare hands the night before. 
Though Chuuya was by no means foreign to this sensation, nor the sight of it due to his position in the mafia. With the image of his subordinate badly injured right before his eyes, the sticky sensation of his blood on his hands as the first thing he could recall feeling after grasping the corners of sanity and consciousness that his ability had robbed him of. The same sensation he recalled trying to rub out of his skin constantly in the shower until his skin felt raw. But at the knowledge that his own ability had nearly taken the life of one of his own, the immense sense of fear and the almost ear shattering scream echoing across the battle field, at least for Chuuya’s ears at that current state, how could it not have him feeling sick to the stomach? Till now, it was as if he could still hear the sound ringing in his ear...
“Chuuya?” Though your tried your best to speak softly, already knowing that he would be deep in thought about the incident. Yet, the sudden voice that broke him from his thoughts was still enough to cause a rise of panic within him.
His grip slipping from the glass he was holding in his hand earlier, the two of you couldn’t help but wince as the sharp sound of shattering glass rang through the room, spilling the ruby red wine onto the ground whilst Chuuya mutters a curse under his breath at his actions and inability to save the glass in time.
“Y/N? Shit. Don’t come out of nowhere like that...” You could hear him mumble, his voice laced with a sigh of exhaustion. Though you had long been sitting at the corner of the room observing his state, you could not bring the heart to correct him knowing that it was the least important thing at the moment.
You watched with an aching heart as Chuuya barely allowed himself to meet your eyes, clouded with emotions as he set his gaze downcast instead, just watching the wine as it continued to spill across the carpet. But distracted as he is with his piling thoughts, Chuuya could only stare at his arm resting against his side. Trying to stuff out the memory of Arahabaki’s maniacal laughter overtaking his body and his mind as he slowly relented himself of control of the reins controlling his mind. And each time, Chuuya could only swallow down the surge of panic that arises from the deepest part of himself, urging a scream to rip out of his throat, yet being unable to as he consciously feels himself being stuffed to the back of his own mind, in the dark... slowly but surely losing control of his own self, his own thoughts, fading into inhumanity... 
Letting out a sarcastic laugh, you could feel your own concern bubble up inside you as you continued to look at your significant other. “It seems I am not that different from Q after all... What a hypocrite I am....”
“Chuuya, no-” you attempted to reassure him.
“Losing control, killing people on our own side! How different are we really?.” Chuuya brought his hand up to look at it. “And I had the audacity to...” he slowly trailed off.
“Chuuya, listen to me!” Grabbing his hand in the hopes of getting his attention to focus on your words rather than his own spilling thoughts.
“Don’t-” The panic was clear in his voice as he took a step back from you in the moment of fear. “Please...” his voice softened, allowing an unusual amount of vulnerability to shine through.
“Shit. Y/N, I’m so sorry.” Chuuya cursed with a shaky breath, finally meeting your eyes with a weak and apologetic expression. It was not the first time that you have seen him in such a state, having been with Chuuya for a couple years, it was inevitable that he revealed at least some of his thoughts about his own insecurities with his identity and humanity, albeit rarely. Yet it was the first time you’ve seen him so... broken and lost.
“Hey,” you took a step closer towards him to close the small distance he created. Though it seemed as if he wished to move away from you, a flash of worry across his eyes as you did so, he remained still. “It’s alright, it’s all over now, you don’t have to worry anymore.” Raising a hand, you brought it towards his cheek, your thumb brushing against it gently to calm him.
Reaching out to grasp his right hand gently in yours, and passing him a smile, you rolled up his black glove a little to place a chaste kiss on the scar upon his wrist. Seeing him flush red at the small act, you let out a soft laugh, which only brought you to a sight of Chuuya watching you fondly.
As you proceeded with your actions of taking off his glove, you could hear Chuuya once again protesting. "Wait-"
"It's fine Chuuya, I'm not scared." Gently sliding the familiar black gloves off his hands, you took it into your own, placing it against your cheek, and yours on top of his.
"If it wasn't for that... shitty Dazai, with these hands, I would've killed him, I could hurt others, even you," his voice slowly faded as he continued. "I rely on others to prove my humanity, to give me an identity, their interactions with me ground me with the belief that, maybe I am not a vessle carrying a dangerous ability, that I am safe to interact with. That, maybe, just maybe, I am human and can't just lose control with the utterance a damn phrase." Finally allowing himself to indulge in your tenderness, you could feel him wrapping his arms around you, holding you close as he buries his head near the crook of your neck.
"And once everyone is gone, I'll be left with nothing but the corruption inside of me. Isn't that pathetic?" You could feel his breath tickling against your ear, his voice almost seemed to break. You couldn't help but wonder if he was actually doing so to prevent you from seeing his current expression.
"What are you talking about, Chuuya?" You held him close to you. "Your humanity is scattered everywhere, in everything that you put your heart into. Like in the cooking that you make me when you're not busy, in the meaning behind all the things you have gifted me with. In the ways you care and help your subordinates, in how they grow with your words kept in mind."
"Even if they're gone, these things will stay. In memories, in their meaning, in other's character. You have left your mark of humanity on this world, trust me. And as your significant other, of course I would know." You continued, grasping his hand tight in yours to reassure him that you're there with him.
"But don't worry I'll be here with you, I'm not going anywhere."
"Thank you Y/N, for everything..." He held you even closer into his arms. Perhaps a few things were still a mess, but that was alright. At least for now, with you, he'll be fine, even just for tonight.
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Tag list @requiem626k @shadyteacup @alittlesimp @greenshirtimagines @jadegreenimmortality​ @sakikoshi  @kenmasbbygrl @dazaisusedbandages  @jessbeinme15 @mikasa-stan-account @missrown ​ @ginswife @tender-rosiey @bsdparadise @internetkilledtheroxstar @n1kolaiz @whorefordazai @shamelesspastawobblerland​ @rirk-ke if you would like to be tagged with I post comment on my tag list or send an ask!
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dovesnroses · 4 years ago
A Quickie
For: @otromeru
Rating: Explicit
a/n: Hello! I know I haven't posted anything original in what feels like YEARS, but saying the last several months have been wild is an understatement. This is a request/dedication to @otromeru who is an AMAZING artist and one of my fave Obey Me! Fanart blogs. I love Neru, and I love her and Mammon's relationship. I hope you all enjoy it!!!
Warning: SMUT, oral f! receiving, mild voyeurism, Lucifer being a dick
Neru’s pissed.
All day today, she’s been putting out fires. Literal fires.
She doesn’t know who gave Beel and Satan the idea to try to improve Solomon’s recipes, but she’ll kill them when she does. Scooping the last of the ash into the bin, she sighs. It feels like all of Devildom is conspiring against her. Every day since starting her relationship with Mammon, there had been things to do: meetings to attend, punishments to endure, magic to learn. And even worse, the other six brothers had made it their mission to be the most giant cock blocks.
Even today, Neru and Mammon had been on her bed making out. His hand on her panties was teasing her just slightly. They hadn’t had sex in a week, and they needed this - she needed this.
But then her cell phone buzzed to life, and it was Beel asking for help to put out the large grease fire that had started downstairs. She would have ignored it if it hadn’t been Lucifer calling Mammon, demanding he come by his office this instant.
After that, she didn’t see Mammon the rest of the day. Lucifer had to have finished yelling at him by now. And there was still some time before she had to help with dinner; maybe she could find him and finish what they had started.
When she can’t find him in any of the usual places, she walks to his room. When he doesn’t answer her knocks, she assumes he’s not there. And since the door is open, she lets herself in just to be safe.
Mammon doesn’t notice that she’s there. His headphones are in; volume turned up so loud she can hear the bass. His hand is running down his exposed stomach, and the other hand is pumping his cock in quick hurried motions.
Neru’s frozen, watching her boyfriend pleasure himself. Her center begins to throb, and her mouth waters. She doesn’t even consider that he decided to start without her. Mammon tilts his head back against the pillows, his face and neck flushed deep with arousal. She feels herself getting wet. But she doesn’t want him to stop. Her hand reaches down, and she gasps when she finds herself already soaked through.
And that’s when he catches her.
“Babe, what the fuck?!”
Mammon scrambles out of bed to pull his pants up. Neru jumps and turns away.
“Mammon, I’m so sorry!” She squeaks. He’s going to think she’s a voyeur, and do demons even care about kinks? How was she going to -
“Babe, I didn’t even realize you were here,” Mammon murmurs, his arms circling her waist, “sorry you uh...saw that.”
Neru turns in his arms and sees he’s embarrassed. She feels terrible, but it was so fucking hot to watch. “What were you thinking about?” she whispers, looking up at him slowly. Mammon grips her tighter and breaks their gaze. She pushes herself up against Mammon and feels him straighten, “Mammon, tell me.”
He doesn’t look back at her when he replies, “You...”
And though she knows that’s what it could have been, hearing him say that sends a roaring flame straight to her core. He looks back at her noticing her breath is heavy. Neru’s eyes are dark, and her cheeks are flushed. Mammon smirks as he leans to whisper into her ear, “Do you want to hear more?”Neru shivers and nods, breathing out a yes. Mammon’s hands travel lower till he can grab her ass gently kneading.
“Mammon,” she sighs, “need you.” And she kisses him hard. Mammon keeps his hands on her and pulls her to the bed. She’s on top of him, kissing him, and he moans just enough for her to swipe his tongue with her own. It’s a messy make-out session, a necessity to make up for the lost time. Her hands skate down his front till she gets to his jeans, and she pulls him out. He’s still hard, and Neru moans because she is finally going to get what she’s wanted all day.
Mammon’s phone begins to blast that wretched pop song Asmo set as a prank. He’d yet to figure out how to change it, and it’s an even worse reminder that they’re not alone. She jumps back from him, and he pulls to look at it. Lucifer lights up in bright letters. Mammon groans, and a Neru panics. He’s going to have to answer it. He’s going to have to leave. And she’d be stuck again, wet and needy.
That is not happening again.
Neru rips the phone from his grip and tosses it to the edge of the bed, out of reach. She’s pressing kisses along Mammon’s neck, pulling the edge of his v neck down to nibble along his collarbone.
“N-Neru!” Mammon watches her, pupils blown wide: a dark violet. He tries to sit up, but Neru plants a hand on his chest, straddling him. Mammon watches as she reaches down under her skirt to slide fingers down her slit. A small sigh escapes her, and Mammon’s cock throbs. This is what he had been thinking about: watching her touch herself in slow, methodical movements. Taking all the time that they could never seem to get. It’s hypnotic. Neru bunches her skirt over her thighs, revealing pale yellow panties slick with want, and his breath catches. Mammon wants to taste her, no, devour her.
The cell phone screams to life again. Mammon throws his head back into the pillows. “Fucking shit! What do they fucking want-“a guttural moan cuts him off as Nehru grinds down on his length. He’s already so far gone, the friction of her panties the best distraction from his useless brothers.
“Mamm-on,” Neru whimpers, grinding down again, “Need you now.” She fingers her panties and pulls them to the side, revealing her mound pink and we. Mammon can’t keep his eyes off it. She can’t hide the feral hunger as she sinks, already perfect for him. Neru keens at the stretch of his cock inside her. In any normal situation, she’d keep still, get used to his girth inside her. But the demands of the day had frustrated her, and absence does make the heart grow fonder. Once her hips are flush against his, Neru begins a steady, rocking pace.
Mammon’s eyes roll back as he’s enveloped in the warmth of her Fuck baby just like that. Pussy so good. He knows he’s speaking praises and expletives, but even his voice feels a distance away from the feeling of velvet walls. He can hear Neru whimpering her praises. Head rolled forward, cheeks flushed red. God damn, she was beautiful.
“Neru,” he feels her flutter around his cock at her name, “Neru, baby,” She moans again, pacing faster onto him. Mammon growls and reaches to catch her hips. “Ya gotta stop, baby,’ he chuckles, “it’s too good.”
She doesn’t stop.
Neru bounces up and down her thighs, burning lost in the churning of her pleasure. Watching the way Mammon’s eyes roll back and relishing in the way he grips her hip: nails digging into her flesh.
“Fuck - Neru,” Mammon is pleading a mess. She can feel him tense under her. He wouldn’t last much longer. Neru catches his eyes and smiles.
“Let go, Mammon,” she whimpers, and that’s all it takes for him to release and release and release into her. He shudders and gasps, and Neru feels herself fluttering around him, clenching tighter as she milks him.
He finally has the wear with all to hold her still. He groans with a twitch and then breaths a heavy sigh.
“Fucking shit, woman,” he curses, holding them still, “that was -,” he huffs, “wow.”
Neru smiles at him, eyes still glassy with lust. Mammon’s entranced by the flush that starts at her cheeks and disappears down her neck into her shirt. He gains enough strength to push her off with a whimper, gently maneuvering her to the bed. He crawls over and litters kisses across her forehead, cheeks, and nose. Never in his eternity of living did he think something so beautiful could be his. Her giggles lit his heart aglow. And maybe it was that after sex rush of emotion, or perhaps it was because it had been too damn long.
“I love you,” he whispers.
A different heat blooms within her, and Neru smiles softly, reaching to caress his warm cheek, “I love you too,” she’s said it a thousand times, but he can’t get used to the gentle declaration. His face heats up in embarrassment, and he hides it under the guise of kissing her chest and stomach.
“Fuck!” He grumbles, “you’re just so fucking - Fuck I -“
Neru giggles, ready to tease him, but then she hears the distinct rip of her panties.
“Mammon-!” Mammon shoves her knees up to her chest, and she squeaks. He positions himself in front of her center and meets her eyes, cheeks still flushed.
“You’re just so fucking cute,” and he steals her response by licking a stripe up her center. Neru clamps a hand over her mouth, muffling her gasps. Mammon moans in satisfaction, tasting his release mixed with her juices. His tongue scoops himself out of her; he can’t get enough. Neru’s thighs are already tense and shaking in his hands. He glances up through long eyelashes to find her watching him. Hand still over mouth, face beet red, chest rising up and down faster now that she catches his gaze. Mammon hums around her and flattens his tongue against her clit. Neru arches her back, a high-pitched moan escaping her lips.
He smirks and continues his ministrations, eyes closing in fervor. He would devour Neru like this forever if he could. She was too sweet for anyone else but him. He was her first, and he’d be her last. Neru’s pants were becoming louder like she did when she was close. Mammon didn’t want to stop. Didn’t care if she was going to be over-sensitive. Her pleasure triggered his greed, and he needed -
“Mammon!” the pounding on his door breaks him of his trance. Neru tries to pull away as Lucifer’s voice calls for him again, “Mammon, you have not yet explained this bill from the other day.”
Mammon looks from the door to his girlfriend, who is very clearly ravished and looking very unsatisfied. His grip had weekend against her, and when Neru looked his way, she smiled a sad smile: a, we’ll have to continue this another time, smile.
“No,” Mammon growls, and when Neru continues to move, he grabs her legs again, “I said no.”
She tries to object, but Mammon pulls Neru flush against him, arms wrapping around her thighs and over her stomach. His lips immediately find her clit, and he begins to suck on the bundle of nerves, eyes never leaving hers. At once, she’s back on her climb. Neru tries to push him away, but they both know it’s fruitless. Her face is flushed, the brightest it’s ever been, and he’ll have to ask if maybe she’s got a slight voyeur kink.
Neru’s moans and pants get louder. She’s chanting his name, almost sobbing it. Her stomach tightens, and she doesn’t want to come when Lucifer can probably hear them on the other side of the door. But Mammon’s pushing her to a place she can’t come back from, so far that the logical part of her gets smaller and smaller till all she feels is his lips on her.
With a final suck of her clit, Neru spasms against him. Her mouth opens in a silent cry, eyes rolling back. He works her through her orgasm as she finds her voice. Hiccuping his name until finally weakly pushes at his head, signaling no more. Mammon gives her one final tender kiss before pulling away. He can feel her on his lips and chin, and he so wished he could go back and savor more.
“Now that that’s over,” Lucifer calls irritation thick in his voice, “I still need to speak to you, Mammon.”
“Conjugal visit is over Mammon!” Asmo’s voice calls sweetly, “but thanks for the show.”
Mammon throws a pillow at the door, shouting, shut up! He looks at Neru, who is very clearly embarrassed, but she can’t help a giggle that turns into a burst of laughter. He glares at her and tries to duck back down to her, but she holds him back.
“Down boy,” she teases, still breathless, “we’ve still got work to do.” Mammon licks his lips and climbs over to kiss her deeply.
“Fine,” he grumbles. He kisses her again, nipping her lip lightly, “but maybe we should consider getting a place for ourselves.”
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erensproudsimp · 4 years ago
Chef D'œuvre
Jean kirstein x Reader
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⚠ Sexual Content Ahead ⚠
Content Warnings:Fluff, Sex on a canvas, established relationship, teasing Jean hehe, dirty talk, ultimate smut + this isn't proofread
Summary: Restraining Jean from touching you the whole day, a candle light dinner in the evening leading to sex on a canvas? The idea of Jean as an artist is just so hot.
Word count:4.1k
Fanart is by artworkbyzuli on insta
Cross-posted on ao3
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Colorful tainted tiles, the smell of fresh paint hovering in the air, early hours of sunshine filtering from the beige curtains to fall on his face highlighting his features as his eyes concentrated on the canvas. Blanc frames waiting to be hued with a meaning or not. Teeth clenching, his jawline apparent, he looked like a Greek God, his brush being his weapon, almost out of this world. Shirt glued on his body like a second skin layer bringing out his honed muscled body, Jean truly was a work of art spreading his magnificence on cloth and paper. Standing by the door frame in his shirt two times bigger than your figure, you admired your boyfriend, his back facing you, drowned in his own world of aesthetic in his studio.
Tiptoeing to him, you wrapped your arms around his torso, your cheek pressed on his back catching him off-guard. You took a quick whiff of him. Sandalwood with a faint citrus.
"Woah there, good morning baby, did you have a good night sleep?" Jean's hoarse voice almost made your legs lose their balance. His free hand caressing your arms, you hummed as a simple yes still intoxicated by his scent.
"I'm going to go prepare breakfast, I'll call for you when I'm done." Jean gave you a quick forehead kiss before you left the room.
Cracking some eggs in the pan, you connected your phone to the speaker in the house to play some music while you proceeded to put fruits in the blender to make smoothies. Swaying your body to the music at the same time lip-syncing to the words, you spread butter on slices of bread unaware of Jean's presence behind you. The man crossed his arms, leaning on the wall he admired your actions which were nothing but alluring to him.
What made it even more hot to him was the fact that you were wearing his shirt. At first in the studio, he didn't realise but now that he noticed, he couldn't help but smirk to himself. He took in the way his shirt was practically floating on you, the flashbacks of last night suddenly raced through his mind. The way you were moaning his name, grabbing the sheets tightly as you let him take control of you made him take a deep breath before he approached you.
Now it was his turn to return you the hug from earlier. Surprised by him, he didn't leave you a second to react to his abrupt act of affection, he moved your hair to the side to plant a kiss on your neck making you shiver. His arms tightened around you just as his kisses went deeper all through your neck.
"y/n," his hot breath unsteady.
"Je-Jean, the eggs are gonna burn," you breathed.
"The only thing burning right now is my urge to fuck you right on this counter," Jean whispered in your ear almost making you lose your thinking pattern.
"Jean, I'm serious," you tried to wingle from his grasp to save your omelettes and placed them on two separate plates.
Jean looked at you disappointedly as though a puppy who had just lost its toy.
"Aww don't look at me like that, gimme a kiss, come on," you opened your arms, encouraging him to come to you.
Gladly he did and locked his lips in an instant.
"Jump," Jean demanded in between the makeout and you, of course, obeyed.
Your legs around his hips, sloppy lips fighting for dominance, Jean pressed your ass on the kitchen island. His arms snaking up and down your thighs, giving them a light squeeze here and there.
"Your legs are pretty, but they would be prettier on my shoulders hmm," his voice laced with a passion so hot like molten lava.
Your insides now ignited with flame, you pushed your hips into his by closing in your legs wrapped around him. Hard. Mischievousness coursed through your mind as you wanted to tease him for making you flushed.
"Want my legs over you? well catch them if you can," with that said, you jumped off the kitchen island freeing yourself from his clutches to run away from him.
"Hey! Get back here! I'm not done with you! " Jean called after you, laughing as he chased you down the corridors. A soft genuine laugh emitting from him when you threw pillows from the sofas at him to halt his movements only for him to catch the items and throw it back at you like a snowball fight.
A grin plastered on your face when you finally got tired of the running and collapsed on the floor with Jean kneeling beside you equally euphoric. The happiness was mainly because he felt so much at peace seeing your smile.
"Got ya," he breathed from exhaustion, encircling his arms around your waist and pulling you close so that he could rest his chin on your shoulder.
"You're so warm," Jean nuzzled his nose into your neck.
"Speaking of warmth, our food's getting cold in the kitchen, hurry up we need to eat," you mentioned.
"The only thing I want to eat right now is you-" you cut him off with your index finger pressed on his soft lips.
"Jean, I swear to god, let's go," you pushed him from back because he was trying to grab your ass, however, you receded.
"Your hands were so small on my back, but I'd prefer them jerking my dic-" again you shut him up by shoving toast bread in his mouth to save you from further embarrassment.
"Y/n baby, I need you so bad right now," he said swallowing that bread hard as your eyes widen.
From the look in his eyes, you could tell that this man was sexually frustrated, certainly because of your actions earlier but you didn't expect him to be so thirsty.
For a brief moment, a thought came up to you, basically telling you to refuse his current wishes to make him further agitated just so that you ravish the feeling of him taking the pent-up anger out harder on you later. Perfect plan, you internally agreed to yourself.
"Oh you need me badly? How about you show me that at night, okay?"a light smirk stretching the corner of your mouth.
" Y/n, I need you now, like right now, I can't wait till night or anything," Jean whined. How cute.
"Aww, you're that desperate baby? You can't hold yourself back? I thought you were tougher than this,"you cooed.
" Y/n, I can see damn well what you're trying to do, so stop messing with me please, "Jean reached out to grab your face only for you to pull back. Not going to lie that did hurt you when you saw the disappointed look on his face, yet, oddly that made you feel and realise the control you had over him and goddamn this felt good.
"Okay then, how about a little bit of challenge for you? If you manage to keep your hands off me the entire day and that includes any sort of contact, I'll make a surprise for you tonight as a reward. And if you lose then no sex for you until the next day baby. Deal?"
"Now that's going to be hard as hell but your surprises never fail to entertain me so deal."
"That was quick of you," you commented shaking his hand as a way of signing the contract.
"I just know that you're going to do something remarkable that will blow my mind so I'm simply looking forward to it."
His hopes were ridiculously high for the reward and luckily you already had something in mind for tonight.
After breakfast, Jean wasted no time to rush into his studio to keep you out of his sight. That was going to be a little too easy for him to win in this way. Not that you didn't want him to win, you couldn't help but want to push him to his limits. While you were scavenging your mind for the perfect way to catch him off guard, you heard a knock at the door. Outside was the postman with a package which seemed to be a delivery of one of the various things you kept buying online.
Taking the parcel inside, you opened it to find something that made you smiled evilly. It was a black transparent two pieces lingerie with lace straps. Not a second was wasted for you to change into that. To hide your plans, you wore a bathrobe and tiptoed to the studio.
Inside, Jean clearly concentrated on drawing when you creaked open the door, his attention now on you.
"Y/n why are you wearing a bathrobe in the middle of the da- oh-"
Right at that moment, you removed the robe letting it fall to your feet to unveil the marvel that was hidden inside of it.
Jean's breath hitched in his throat.
"You have no idea how badly I want to scream right now,"his pencil falling out of his hand, he covered his face with his hand and took a step back from you. He rubbed his temples as he inhaled deeply.
"Fuck y/n, why are you doing this to me?"he looked at you from up to down as though he was eating you up with his eyes, capturing every inch of what he's seeing and burning it into his memory.
"Do you like what you see?" your hands on your hips as you leaned on the wall.
"You have no idea."
You chucked and approached him slowly.
"If only I could touch you right now, you have no idea of what I'd do to you," Jean put his hands into the pockets of his pants to try to contain himself from not jumping on you like a hungry wolf who hasn't eaten in weeks.
Clacking your black heels on the cold tiles, your hands meticulously moving on your hips, you diminished the distance between you two. One foot difference. Jean licked his teeth from inside closed mouth and opened it slightly to let out hot breath, sustaining the proximity but you could see the intensity in his eyes.
"I can't stop staring, please y/n, "
"Where's the fun in that? I wanted to see you all hopeless for me and you're doing a pretty good job resisting," your finger pointing at his growing bulge.
Blowing air from his mouth, his hands on his hips, he walked to and fro.
"Is this the surprise you were telling me about in the morning?"
"Of course not, the surprise is bigger than this. I just wanted to give you a little sneak peak thought since I love you so much and don't want to kill you with a heart attack," you giggled twirling a strand of your hair. His eyes went big.
"If that's the case, you better prepare yourself for tonight because you seriously don't know what I'm going to do to you," Jean licked his lips.
"Can't wait," you blew him a kiss while you strolled out of the room, his eyes still fixated on the lingerie.
Not only did what happened turned you on, but it also motivated you to start the preparations for Jean to wreck you till you couldn't walk. Changing into pajamas for comfort, you took out scented candles of your preference and placed them on the nightstands and dressing table in the bedroom.
Jean's POV
'What the hell was y/n even thinking pulling that move on me? '
Sighing deeply I looked at my boner.
"Now what am I going to do of you? Jerk off to the memory of y/n in that black lingerie?"
On second thought, that doesn't sound bad, except for the fact that he was in an art studio.
Gosh, was he not turned when he first saw you in that. The way the cloth surrounded your soft breasts, decorating them to be perhaps the most flawless thing he'd ever seen or the way your stance screamed if confidence. He couldn't decide which of them were hotter.
The little ribbons on the strap did nothing but make you more erotic. How did you even manage to look that good, is a mystery that he will never discover.
"I really got the best of the best for me huh," Jean smiled to himself.
His art failed in front of you. Null and void. In his eyes you were the definition of what a beauty goddess was, hence proving that beauty indeed lied in the eyes of the beholder. Despite your imperfections which nonetheless still made you impeccable, Jean always attempted in copying your sublimity yet in vain.
Without a doubt, you were the best Muse he's ever had in his life. One day hoping that he would finally do you justice and be able to recreate his image of you in his mind on cloth, Jean kept trying albeit failing each time. However, he would absolutely never give up.
Collecting himself from the recent impact, he picked up his pencil from the ground and as much as he wanted to concentrate on his drawing of you, he couldn't prevent himself from picturing you from back then. You were beyond gorgeous. Maybe, that exactly was the inspiration he needed.
"I need to take a bath," Jean said to himself. Luckily there were two bathrooms in the house, as he wouldn't want to interrupt you while you were busy making whatever surprise.
To be honest, Jean was as impatient as you and full on ready to be taken by surprise by you.
Your POV
"Okay I've cleaned the room spotless, scented it, changed the sheets of the bed, took out towels and now time to bring the big thing,"you checked off everything on your mentally made-up list before you could continue.
Rushing to the wardrobe, you took out the art supplies required for the sex painting. Canva isn't the comfiest option for sex but you knew that it will all be worth the work at the end.
You honestly couldn't wait to see Jean's reaction to this.
Since the mattress can get a little colorful, you didn't want to run the risk of ruining the bedding either, you rather placed the sheet of canva on the carpeted floor that was still easy to the body. Laying down a cloth, that you taped so that it wouldn't dislocated when things get moving, on top of which you placed the canva and towels around it as well as a trail of towels towards the bathroom so that clean up of the post-art would be rendered easier.
"Okay now that everything is settled, let's go take a bath and prep myself up," you muttered to yourself, locking the door from the inside so that Jean wouldn't accidentally enter it.
-Time skip-
A private dinner in your dwelling makes for an magical evening. Silk sheet on the table, napkins neatly pleated on the white plates surrounded by tableware. Incorporating flower petals, slow romantic harmonious music, and low lighting to create the right atmosphere you as well added string lights for an added touch of enchantment. Aphrodisiac food was the obvious choice, you thought, placing down the lobster in the middle. Wine in glasses twinkling to the fairy lights for a further sizzle.
Not long until Jean made his appearance in a suit, top buttons of his shirt loose while you were in a black dress lighting the scented candles.
"Hey babe," his throaty voice called.
Turning around, you saw him, his hands in his pockets walking towards you. His large body towering yours.
"You look hot," he complimented looking down on you.
"So do you," you giggled bopping his nose.
Pulling a chair, Jean signaled you to sit as he pushed the chair then going to his seat facing you.
The empty wine glasses were delicately filled with the red alcohol, each of you raising your goblet for a cheers.
" Cheers to my pretty boyfriend."
"Cheers to my future wife," Jean smirked as you were busy turning fifty shades of red.
In comfortable silence, except for the clinking of utensils, both of you ate.
"Main course is done for, now time for dessert, "he said standing from his chair to yours. Lift you off the ground swiftly, he walked you to the bedroom in bridal style.
"huh? HUH? Jean what are you doing?"
"Taking my dessert to eat, what else?" he replied kissing you. His kiss was a fever. Hot. Sluggish.
Opening the door to disclose the surprise, his eyes went wide until it hit him. The canva and towels on the ground, paint orderly laid on the bed.
"I was thinking the house needed some more decorations, so why not spice things up by creating this masterpiece and hanging it in the living room for everyone to see? " innocently you smiled at him.
"Hahaha y/n! You're amazing!" rosy cheeks, eyes twinkling with admiration and affection he twirled your body in air, "wait then that means that the whole day you preventing me from touching you was pointless," his expression now slightly frowned.
"I mean, yeah, I mean, I just wanted to see you desperate for me," you fumbled with your words.
"Bad girl. After this I will have to punish you for making me suffer for nothing," Jean put you down.
You didn't know whether to feel anticipation or fear knowing that this man was going to wreck you.
"Why are you acting coy all of a sudden? Weren't you the one to act like a whore? " with the cockiest smirk ever Jean said.
His hands previously placed gently on your hips began to tighten. The press only fueled your rapid beating of your heart. Tilting your head towards his face by lifting it with one finger on your chin, he locked eye contact with you.
Lust filled his irises. Skilfully, he unzipped your dress and pulled it off your skin. Skin that desired to be touched so badly. Skin that burned under his fingertips that grazed the surface. Under the clothes exposed the black lingerie that got Jean worked up since morning.
Even though he already saw you in it, it nevertheless felt like the first time. The same adoration that held his gape seemed to be worshiping your body.
"May I take your bra off? " Jean asked. You nodded, Jean elatedly removed it.
"Look at these perfect tits. Belonging and made only for me," cupping them in his hands, he growled against your neck.
Your mind going blanc and empty, you were left speechless. Only ravishing him. His presence. His hot breath fanning on you. As much as you wanted to take this slowly, you couldn't stop yourself from craving to feel him buried deep inside of you.
Your hand slightly sliding over his growing bulge, earning a hiss and restrained moan from him.
"No. You're not going to be the one to tease me anymore. It's my turn," biting your collarbone, he declared making you leap in his arms.
Feeling self-conscious that you were the only one in undergarment, you unbuttoned his shirt and ripped it off him while he was sloppily making out with you.
Grabbing your thighs, he insinuate for you to jump. Chest to chest, he then threw you on the bed making it sink under your weight. He was finally freed from his restraints of not laying a hand on you.
His body hovering yours, he kissed you passionately. He's never kissed you like this before. Maybe you should restrain him more often.
Jean swallowed your gasp when unknowingly his hand went down your stomach to press on your clothed clit.
"Huh? You like that?" laughs "yeah you like that don't you," he breathed his finger circling around the bud. Your response was a moan and your breath quickening. Your reaction turned Jean on more than he already was.
Going down on you, he sucked your soaked underwear, the room filled with slurping sounds. He gripped your hips by wrapping his big arms around it to prevent you from squirming away. You were practically a moaning mess. Aggressively, he ripped it off you, continuing to lick through your folds.
"Jea-Jean I think I'm going to c-cum," you manage to utter.
"Heh, not yet princess, we got so much more do," he wiped his mouth that was coated with your juices and licked the liquid off his fingers. You looked at him with pleading eyes as you were yearning for a release.
Legs trembling, you raised your body to be able to sit while Jean grabbed the body-safe paint and put a fair amount on the cloth.
"Come here my lady," he said as he picked you to lay your body gently on the canva, paint on your back.
Jean took off his pants and underwear, his hard dick slapping on his stomach whilst you were making yourself comfortable.
A brush in his one hand and a palette in another, he sauirted some paint on the flat item.
Impatience began to overcome you as you begged him to come to you.
"Wait a moment more babe, I'm just making the perfect colour," Jean finished his sentence by approaching you.
Jean maintained eye-contact with you, the brush gliding over your soft skin leaving colors behind its track. Chills ran down your skin after each stroke. Drowning in bliss, Jean slowly ran the tool down your belly to an inch higher up your pussy. You were waiting for him to pass the paint through your core but instead he stopped his actions making you internally more annoyed.
"I'm not going to let you get off so easily after what you did to me," Jean murmured.
Cold. Squeezing the paint tubes, Jean splat paint on your body, mainly on your stomach. He leaned forward and pressed his body against yours to spread the paint.
Lining his dick right outside your entrance, he thrusted in without warning. Your back arching, you let out a moan. His hands rushing behind your back, he hugged your body as he gave you time to adjust to him.
"Mmmm, fits perfectly. Look at how good you take me, yeah you see that? "Jean moaned in your ear.
" It's okay, you can move,"you bit back a groan because Jean didn't leave you a second before pumping in and out of you.
" I can't believe you're mine, all mine, no one but me knows how good you feel, just me,"Jean panted in your ears," listen to my moans, you he-ear how goo-od you're making me feel? "
"AH-yes Jean, yes," you purred.
His forehead rested on yours, mouth connected, swallowing each other's breath and sounds.
" Go faster Jeaann." This made him slow down instead of doing as you wanted.
"Oh? you want me to go faster? Go-o ahead, beg for it. Tell me how bad you need me," Jean's stroked your insides with long and slow thrusts.
"Pl-please Jean, need you so badly, you make me feel so good so take all your anger out on me bu-ut please make me cum alongside with you!"
"Lift your ass, my queen,"Jean satisfied with your answer commanded, which you did as he ordered as he pounded deeper into you mixing the paint on the canva.
"Look at you, such a good girl."
It wasn't long until Jean filled your insides with his hot seed making you scream his name loudly. Right before you could come that Jean could tell by the shaking of your breath, he lifted your body off the masterpiece so that your ejaculation wouldn't ruin it.
In his arms, you came so hard, your liquids dripping down Jean's skin.
"Y/n, I don't think you realised that but what you just did was so hot," Jean admired you.
"Also, thank you for fulfilling my fantasies as an artist," he thanked you kissing your cheeks fondly.
Walking on the towel leading to the bathroom, he put you inside the bathtub, opening the tap to let the container fill with hot water. While it was doing so, Jean got in with you between his legs and head on his chest heaving up and down.
Jean took some shampoo in his hand, and massaged your scalps with you basking. Heavenly was a word too light to describe the feeling. You were basically in paradise.
"In round two I'm not planning on going gentle now so just bite the pillow and take it," Jean sputtered against your hair.
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keimisan · 4 years ago
closest moots? or blogs that you really like?
KWBSJWJW i'm surprised you'd want to know but thank you sm for asking 🥺 its been about two months of the start of this blog, and honestly, its been such a nice experience. I have met some wonderful people who are also chaotic. I have met zebra wakasa, pink teddy sanzu and cow (???) hanma.
the closest moot i have here are @rae-blogging and @blueprint-han . But they're not a tr blog, so i'm not including them here i guess. P
theres no order
my first ever moot here is @hanniejji I LOVE HER SO MUCH SHE'S LIKE SO COOL and funny NAD SO NICE TO TALK TO. everytime a chapter or an episode drops, you'll catch me screaming in her inbox like some starved crow. Literally all of our convo is in caps lock, no kidding. my screaming buddy, simping buddy, and crying buddy in one package.
thenn @jyugosgf MY DESI SIS. like half the fandom is made of filipino population nd the other half is well, rest of the world. I never thought there'd be fellow desi blogs here. And PLS THE DESI RANTS/ DISCUSSIONS WE DID. Starting from momma baji caring for his hair in the most conventional indian way to om shanti om and deepika padukone, we've screamed. Damn it was so much fun. message for you if you see this bub: ily 🥺
@dr3ken ANOTHER DESI. she's funny, she's cool, her writings ABSOLUTELY CRAZY like bro did u learn that literature from shakespeare himself. i talk to her a lot, but in another social media. She texts like a loud punjabi AND PLS THE VIBE IS SO NICE LIKE you'll never be bored. Again, another caps lock buddy.
@sukunasbabymama first things first, she became my moot after i proposed to her. ma'am the proposal still stands- aNywAy, she's that one boss bitch who's also very comedic (you'll know if you read her works) i love how independent she is, and how free she thinks. Literally big sis energy, except that sis will take you out at 2 am to drink coke and throw the bottles into space with all the frustration you've got.
@sxlver-sweet the sweetest moot ever. she's an angel in human form, and a blessing to life. i went crazy over her works and sent an ask to yk, start communicating- she rb'ed that and deadass went WE NEED TO BE FRIENDS. that creme brule in my fridge that i'm eating slowly because i dont want it to end and will cry if i ever end it- thats her. also the only moot i've went jeogiyo noona hokshi namjachingu isseo (im so sorry if you dont get its, its kpop reference) and flirted like thrice with (probably) and will still continue to flirt because wkdjwjdjjw it is happiness.
and then @kallikrein my zebra wakasa comrade. i still feel no remorse for the amount of confusion we caused, nor the dash-clogging with countless reblogs we did. she's chaotic funny, and a professional charanon bringer. you literally can't but love her- there i said it.
@lila-skies i hyperventilated over her mitsuya request and thats it- thats how we became friends. SHE ALSO STANS RED-VELVET AND CHUNGHA LIKE please, you stan queens and i stan you.
@angrysupremacy a whole 24 carat gold with the cutest nose. i don't know why but i find her SO CUTE LIKE 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺. we fangirl about random tr posts on insta and its so nice talking to her! cute cute cute
@isuuki my bae. she too, is very sweet. brightens my day with her asks and makes me sob at the same time because --- death is coming and we're weeping every other day. i go 💕💞💖💗 Everytime i get an ask from her.
@tokyo-fukushu we dont have much interactions but i feel like she deserves a mention here. I'd definitely consider her one of my closest moots.
@uuden omg her works!! also simply her!! she's also really sweet! definitely in my closer moots list.
Last but not least, my cheese anonni (not mentioning you just in case) who also brings me serotonin. Shes so spontaneous and creative, as well as sweet. SHE GAVE ME HEART COOKIE DOUGH YALL 🥺
and @emergencyfoodpaimon 's posts are so fun to see. I really like seeing new things/fanarts. Also those heart memes make me go 💘💘💘💘
my moots' blogs are absolute masterpieces, and you'll totally love them. other than them, a few blogs that i really like are @kakuchan @maitani (my entire explore is filled with your content omg T.T) @harupill @manjikkai @everafterkeiji @ewitsren @red-beean @chif4yu @wwintersun sorry for the mindless tagging, please tell me if its bothering!
If you've read till the end, i applaud you omg. also, ship my moots with tr ask pspsppss, i really wanna do that.
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amphitritemists · 4 years ago
Last year, I discovered The Magnus Archives through some fanart created by @sock.on.shoes on Instagram. At the time, I was at the peak of my Good Omens obsession, figuring out my sexuality, and looking for solid gay representation. Based on the fanart I saw, I assumed JonMartin were a cute gay couple from a tv show I never heard about. A quick Google search told me I was wrong.
I hated horror because I associated the genre with cheap jump scares or images that would haunt my nightmares. I hated podcasts because I didn’t think I was an auditory learner. I’m the sort of person that would usually zone out and lose focus trying to listen to someone speak for too long. Back then, I was only starting to tolerate audiobooks because I wanted something to do while I ate meals alone, but I restricted myself to books that I already read before.
Nothing about The Magnus Archives should have attracted me, and yet, I found it on Youtube and decided to listen to it. 
Right away, I fell in love with Jonathan Sims and Martin Blackwood (because Jon merely mentioning that Martin “would contribute nothing but delays” was enough for me to project all my love into a character I haven’t even heard the voice of yet). I found the horror intriguing because the statements were short, interesting scenarios that didn’t try to randomly scream in my ear just to make me jump. The podcast made me stop and think about ethics and morals, what the right thing to do was or even if there was a right thing to do at all.
The more I listened, the better the podcast got. Outside the beautifully crafted statements, there was an actual world. More characters were introduced, more characters for me to fall hopelessly in love with because of how well-written they are. Fears were given names and I could point at them like warped up Hogwarts houses, latching on to the ones I blamed the most for my effed up head. I’m still in awe of it all.
This podcast got me through the second half of the pandemic. Because of this podcast, I found myself drawing and writing for fun again. I made a Tiktok as an excuse to cosplay some of my favorite TMA characters because I didn’t want to wait till Halloween. I became more active on Tumblr because I had no one to share this experience with in real life and I needed to rant somewhere. Then, I found @m-e-w-666 and from there I joined a Discord filled with so many wonderful new friends (you all know who you are and I love you guys <3).
I don’t know where I’ll go from here or if I’ll ever find another podcast that will match the obsession that I feel towards this one. I know there are other good ones out there and I have a list of some I want to try, but this one will always hold a special place in my heart because of the community it led me to. Thank you to the Rusty Quill crew for giving me much more than a podcast. It’s been one hell of a ride and every day I’m glad I jumped on.
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lavenderslemonade · 5 years ago
Hello! I'd like to make a request if I may! How would Aizawa, Mic and All Might react if they found out their S/O used to be a Villain (a pretty bad one at that) but gave it all up just to be with them. How they find out is totally up to you! Thank you!
Sure thing! Also, my requests are currently open if anyone is interested!
Also! I can’t believe I’ve already reached 200+ followers, close to 300! thank you guys so much for the support! I’ve actually been debating on posting My Hero Academia fanart. What do you think? Should I go for it?
How (Aizawa, Present Mic, and All Might) React to Their S/O Being an Ex-Villian
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- He knew you had come from a pretty tough life, he just didn’t know how tough
- He found out when principal Nezu asked if it was okay for the school to look into your background at the chance of hiring you as a substitute for possible classes
- Aizawa gave them permission, though knew it would be best to talk with you first, though just in case you were down for it, you could already be in the clear to start
- When he brought it up during dinner that evening he noticed you had visibly tensed before running to the bathroom to throw up
- He couldn’t understand why such news would make you upset
- You can’t bring yourself to look him in the eyes, due to what you know he’s now bound to find out
- When Nezu calls him into his office, he’s suspected that you’ve been given the all clear, but Nezu just gives him a sympathetic look before stating that the school doesn’t feel comfortable hiring an ex-villian
- Nezu, feels nothing but pity and shame for having to break the news to the teacher, and slides the file to Aizawa for him to read over
- He finds out that your parents died when you were a child, something he already knew about
- Though he knew you had adopted parents, he didn’t know that before then you have been bounced around from multiple foster homes
- He reads the reports of physical abuse by different families, and once he gets to your high schools years, he see’s where you were first arrested
- It started out as petty theft from stealing food, to cheap jewelry from stores
- It wasn’t till he read up to your late teens that you started doing extreme theft
- Robbing museums of priceless jewels as well as stores, plus helping sell illegal weapons to villians
- Once he got around to you being twenty three he noticed that all the villainous things you used to do just stopped
- He remembers when he met you when you were twenty two at the local cat cafe near his house
- You claimed to be busy mostly due to work, which he now found out what that was, though it clicks in his head that once you turned twenty three was when the two of you had started to date and get serious
- When he gets home, he’s still processing the information
- He was married to an ex-villian, you had been keeping this from him
- He honestly feels betrayed, upset, and currently feeling conflicted about being angry
- He finds you in the bedroom, knees against your chest, staring blankly at the wall
- You just look so sad, and hollow, and something that attracts his attention is the packed up suitcases beside you
- Were you really planning to leave now that he had found out?
- “I’ll go if you want. I’m sorry I never told you.” You stated, still not being able to bring your eyes to meet his
- He just sighs and climbs onto the bed with you, watching once again as your body tenses 
- “Why did you never tell me.” There’s clear evidence of hurt and anger in his voice causing you to roughly swallow 
- “Because I never wanted you to give me that look. All those nasty looks of disgust I could receive from people who would watch as I was arrested, but I can’t handle you looking at me that way.” You’d choke back a sob
- Aizawa would honestly be conflicted
- He doesn’t know if he should pull you into a hug and comfort you, or just let you be
- Though he weighed against the last option feeling you needed some times, he couldn’t bring himself to leave you alone
- He was scared, and knew that if he left you alone you’d take it as him wanting you gone, and no doubt about it if he came to check on you, you’d probably be gone through the window and left down the fire escape of your apartment building never to be seen again
- The thought of you leaving caused his chest to ache. The two of you had spent the past six years happily married
- You weren’t a villian anymore, you have paid your dues, and learned from them, thus he felt he had nothing to judge you on or hate you for
- The past is the past, and he honestly wanted you forever in his future
- He’d wrap you in his arms, hugging you close as you sob into his outfit
- When you finally fall asleep from crying so much, he’d tuck you in and start unpacking your suit cases and putting your clothes back up
- His heart would clench when he finds a copy of your wedding photo in one of your suitcases 
- After that you’re more open to him about your past, and no longer feel afraid to answer questions he has for you about your childhood
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- He finds out by accident
- He had come home late from patrol, wanting nothing more than to take a hot shower and cuddle with you, who was most likely already asleep
- He noticed that the mail hadn’t been gotten, and figured your day must’ve been so stressful that you forgot
- Ever since he met you, you’ve been helping with community service, now rolling around to be your fourth year
- He always suspected it was a hobby or something you enjoyed doing
- Oh boy, when he saw one of the letters was from the court house for you he got a bit curious
- He knew he shouldn’t be opening your personal mail, but he was curious as to why the court house would send you a letter
- Suspects that they’re asking you about jury duty, though he’s taken back when he reads that you only have six more months left of community service, and you’ll be able to be a full member of society once again
- He’s confused till it clicks in his head
- If you were forced by law to do community service, you must’ve done something pretty bad
- He sneaks down the hall past your shared bedroom, peeking his head in to see you sleeping soundly
- He goes straight to his office and types your name into the search bar
- He watches as images of you as well as articles of your past crimes pop up
- Turns out you were born into a mafia associated family, thus you practically grew up with a family of villians
- Spends about three hours doing research, noticing that he had met you the year you started your community service, about eight months in if he was correct
- After staring at a computer screen for so long he decides to take a shower to process the information
- He decides that once you wake up the two of you could discuss this and figure out why you wanted to keep this from him
- You grew up in a family of villians, it wasn’t your choice. You didn’t know better until you had been arrested
- Once he’s done showering he notices his office door is cracked open a bit more than he remember leaving it
- He goes to peek in, noticing you at his computer, tears in your eyes and a look of heart break
- He can’t stand you looking so broken, thus he’d push the door open slightly, calling out to you
- You’d shoot your head in his direction, a look of hurt and betrayal playing on your facial features
- He’d reach out to you, but you simply stand and walk past him before he can even touch you
- He chases you down the hall, not being quick enough as you lock yourself in your shared bedroom, and he can hear the closet door opening and the sound of clothes being thrown into a bag
- He’d start to panic begging you to open the door, to talk to him, that he’s not mad you at you for keeping it a secret
- Once he starts to break down crying, you finally open the door
- Instinctively he wraps his arms around your waist hiding his face against your stomach
- He feels your body tense at this action, though it relaxes just as quick
- Can feel you trembling as well as a few sobs escaping you
- Feels you shift to be on the floor with him, holding each other close as the two of you just cry
- After you’ve both settled down, you fixed a pot of tea for the two of you
- Spending most of the night discussing your past, your child hood, and how you had honestly planned to return back to crime until you met him
- The two of you remain quiet the other half of the night, enjoying each others presence, and he can now see a sense of ease on your face 
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- He had actually met you while you were perched on top of a building, watching as a rich family got in their car to go to a social event
- You were preparing to loot their home while they were gone till-
- “I am here!” The loud voice nearly caused you to scream
- You look up at the tall man, realizing who he is, the one and only All Might
- You were pretty sure you had been busted
- “I thought I was patrolling this area by myself this evening? Ah well! It’s always nice to have company!” He’d laugh loudly like usual
- You’d simply chuckle awkwardly before stating you had to go, but he insisted you stay
- After that for some reason, he always appeared where you were, stating he was also there to help you patrol the area
- It started annoying you to no end, thus you tried your best to endure it till you could rob a place in peace
- He followed you around like a lost puppy, talking with you, asking your questions about your life, some which you lied about
- However, having him around became a bit of a breath of fresh air
- Whenever he would appear you’d forget about your goal of robbing a building or home
- It practically got to the point of you waiting for him so you two could talk instead of looking for a place to steal from
- It surprised you when he asked you out to dinner one evening
- You’d never seen the symbol of peace so flustered before
- That was the beginning of your relationship
- The two of you were there for each other, through thick and thin
- He finds out when he’s leaving the police station one evening after turning in a villian
- States he’s in a rush since his girlfriend is preparing dinner that night
- Tsukauchi finally asks Toshinori who he’s seeing since he’s gotten all up and romantic for the past two years
- He gives your name to the officer, and he takes note of his friends worried expression
- “That’s a little risky don’t you think? No, more than risky! Do you know how the public will react when they find out you’re dating an ex-villian?!” He’d scold
- Toshinori is honestly confused
- Was his friend mistaking you for someone else?
- Seeing Toshinori’s confused expression makes Tsukauchi sigh before showing him your file
- Toshinori silently reads through before sighing and closing it
- He arrives home late that even seeing you sitting at the table by yourself
- It hurts him to know he made you wait, but he has to ask you
- Tsukauchi had stated that it had been years since you robbed anything, he All Might was able to trace it back all the way to the week before you met him
- He had come to the conclusion early on that you had most likely been planning to rob the house he met you at
- “(y/n), we need to talk.” He states, and takes note of you visibly tensing
- He asks you about your past as a villian, and requests that you be up front with him
- He can see the look of fear in your eyes, and watches as you quickly try to make a run for it
- He’s faster, caging you against the wall, staring down at you
- He states he’s not mad, and not planning to turn you into the police, all he asks is that you be up front with him
- Thus you tell him everything
- How you were planning to rob the house you two had met at, that no matter where you turned he was there
- He feels his heart swell as you explain just spending time with him caused you to turn away from being a villian anymore
- You two would remain quiet, as you’re honestly scared about what he might do
- You were sure he would never hurt you, but there was still the chance that he would call the police
- You tensed once you felt his hands press against your arms, and slide down to grasp your small hands into his larger ones 
- He randomly apologizes for being late, and gently leads you back into the kitchen so you two can have dinner together
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lovewillthaw-j · 5 years ago
Saving Elsa
An alternate in-movie fic (my first!). Set in between Anna climbing out of the cave, and waking the Giants. 
Inspired by Mego’s fanart, which also inspired my edit:
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TW: depression, grief, drowning, hypothermia
Anna blinked in the sunlight. The beauty of the dawn in the Enchanted forest could not fill the enormous emptiness within her. She felt utterly lost without Elsa and Olaf. She knew she had to destroy the dam, but that would flood Arendelle and hurt her people. And besides, she had no idea how to destroy such a massive structure of stone without Elsa’s help.
Elsa. It hurt to think about Elsa, but as she stood there, uncertain about the next step, gradually, thoughts of finding Elsa’s body began to fill her mind till it overpowered every other thought. Even if she didn’t know where Elsa had gone, she was going to try. Anna knew she could not survive the torture of another funeral with no body to bury. She knew she had chased Elsa all the way to the North Mountain 3 years ago, and she sure as hell wasn’t going to give up without trying.
Retrace my steps, she thought. She lifted her head and looked around and was gradually aware of the sound of water flowing in the river. The river! I can follow it back to the path. She followed the sound of the water and gradually made her way to the river bank. The Giants were still asleep and she was careful not to wake them. Trudging along the bank, beyond ear shot of the Giants, she slowly made her way through the forest, stumbling a few times whenever she got distracted by thoughts of Elsa. Finally, she came to the spot where the boat had left Elsa's icy path. She recognised the branch that Olaf’s little hand had grabbed onto previously and felt a sting of pain. Reaching her hand into her satchel, she felt Olaf’s wooden arms and coal buttons. Tears streamed down her face, but she steeled herself and said to herself, I must keep going. For Elsa. 
A twinkle of ice crystals caught her eye. Elsa’s icy path had melted but there was still some lingering frost. She felt the ground with her hands and confirmed that it was cold and wet. I’m definitely on the right path, she thought.
Onward she trudged, on the path that she had so recently been on. She was hungry and tired and her legs and lungs were crying for a rest but she didn’t feel them calling out to her and pressed on. Finally she came to the stone at the last spot that she had been with Elsa, near their parents’ ship. Hot tears came to her eyes as she was reminded of Elsa's last hug and the last image of her parents before they died. 
The sounds of waves crashing on the shore became apparent and she was re-energised as she remembered that Elsa had mentioned that the Dark Sea was too dangerous, just before their final parting. Had Elsa tried to cross the Dark Sea?
She ran to the beach and faced the waves of the Dark Sea. Suddenly, she noticed Elsa’s boots and outer cloak neatly lying on a rock. She wept over Elsa’s cloak, caressing it with her hands and burying her nose in it, smelling Elsa’s scent. Time stood still as she clawed and groped at the cloak, the closest she had been to Elsa since the horrible separation a day ago. 
And then she saw them. Through her tears, she realised that there were footprints in the black sand, leading straight into the water. Elsa’s bare footprints. From the distance between the footprints, she surmised that Elsa had been running. She had run straight into the water. And now she was dead. Her body, lost at sea. Just like Agnarr’s and Iduna’s. A mindless fury took over her and she stood and ran to the water’s edge, screaming at the waves. 
Dark Sea!!! You have taken the lives of my parents and now, my sister!! What more can you take away from me!! I have no one to bury!! I have nothing left to live for!! Why don’t you finish me off too!!
So saying, she plunged into the water and swam as far as she could, fighting the cold and brutal waves. She felt her consciousness slipping away from her and in a haze, thought she heard a horse neighing. A horse? I must be hallucinating, she thought. Suddenly, the sea spat her back out onto the shore. Relentless, Anna tried to run into the sea again, but within a few minutes, found herself back on the shore. What was going on? 
Night had fallen and Anna was shivering. She was soaked to the skin and very, very cold. She had lost her cloak when she went down that waterfall. Momentarily giving up on trying to drown herself, Anna crawled back to the rock with Elsa’s cloak and boots, shaking violently. She pulled Elsa’s cloak over her and felt a moment of irritation when she realised it was so thin that it afforded no warmth at all. Thanks a lot sis, only you could wear a peekaboo cloak and not feel cold. Her muscles were cramping from the violent spasms and Anna felt that she would not survive much longer. Her eyelids closed and out of the corner of her eye she thought she saw Elsa’s boot moving by itself. 
Darkness. And then, warmth. And a crackling fire.
Hours had passed and she woke up to find herself lying by a roaring fire and a little creature was resting on her bosom. A warm, wriggly...Salamander?! It was Bruni!!
Bruni!! You’re here? You made a fire to keep me warm? Anna noticed she was completely dry and felt much better. She was so relieved to have a companion, even if she wasn’t sure if he fully understood her. She held him in her hands and continued to speak to him.
Thank you so much Bruni. How did you know I was here? Bruni jumped out of her hands and ran to Elsa’s boot and crawled inside, then poked his head out, licking his eyeball and staring at her as if to say, I’ve been hiding in this boot waiting for Elsa to return!! Anna laughed as she realised that Elsa might have stepped on Bruni if she had put on her boots while he was in it! Laughing felt good. She felt like she hadn’t laughed in years.
Now what? What could she do to find Elsa? Say Bruni, do you know what happened to Elsa? Bruni looked at her quizzically, not seeming to understand. Sigh, you don’t speak, do you, thought Anna. She stood up and walked to the water’s edge. Why did the water spit me out, she thought to herself. She stooped and dipped her hands into the water. At this, suddenly Bruni hissed and sparks flew out of his body. He ran towards her and chased her back from the water’s edge, little tongues of flame emanating from his body. What’s wrong Bruni? What did I do? Suddenly, the flames erupted from Bruni, but instead of causing a fire, the fire took the shape of a horse.
A horse, Bruni? I don’t understand? What are you trying to...
A sudden ROAR of water from the ocean rang out and a mighty water horse emerged from the ocean and stepped on to the beach. The horse looked condescendingly at Bruni and took a menancing step forward. Bruni extinguished his flame and ran away, but he couldn’t resist turning his head back and sticking his tongue out at the horse.
Slowly Anna realised that this must be the water spirit! She had only encountered Gale, Bruni and the Earth Giants. Air, Fire, Earth and Water. This explained the neighing sounds she heard when the water spit her out! 
She curtsied formally to the magnificent horse and said, I’m princess... err... Queen Anna I suppose, of Arendelle. You must be the water spirit. I’m so sorry for shouting at you just now, I'm just trying to find my sister, Elsa. Thanks for saving my life just now. The Nokk bowed to Anna and she strode forward and stroked the Nokk’s neck. 
Suddenly, the Nokk bent lower and indicated that Anna was supposed to mount it. Surprised, Anna mounted the horse, not knowing anything better to do. Wait a moment, she said, as the Nokk stood up. Can Bruni come along? I’m still cold. Neighing a snort of irritation, the horse nodded its head. Gleefully, Bruni ran and jumped into Anna’s hands and ran up to her shoulder where he perched himself. Anna felt grateful for Bruni’s presence, both for the warmth and the comfort of a familiar face. 
With a whoosh! the Nokk broke into a gallop across the Dark Sea, taking Anna’s breath away as she flew over the black waters. Where is the Nokk taking me? she wondered to herself. Did Elsa come by this way too? Bruni happily stuck his tongue out and enjoyed the sea breeze. In the distance, Ahtohallan emerged, it’s frozen river glowing brightly against the dark stone. Anna gasped at the magnificent sight of the magical river. As the Nokk passed between the reflective pillars of ice that marked out the path to Ahtohallan, she stared at her reflection and her wonder increased. A powerful force seemed to be situated within Ahtohallan and she felt it drawing her in.
The Nokk slowed to a trot and gracefully stopped at Ahtohallan’s beach. Dismounting, Anna thanked the horse and it splashed back into the sea, disappearing in an instant. Now what? Anna asked Bruni. In response, Bruni jumped off Anna’s shoulder and ran to the open doorway of Ahtohallan, which Anna hadn’t noticed. Okay, keep going forward. Anna strode towards the doorway and gasped as she saw the four pillars with the spirits’ crystal logos carved into them. Bruni ran up the pillar with the Fire emblem on it, smiling proudly at her as the pillar momentarily lit up with an pink glow. Okay, well done to you, said Anna. But you’d better come with me cos it’s really cold here, okay Bruni? I’m not Elsa. Bruni obligingly ran back to Anna and climbed onto her shoulder once more as Anna walked through the doorway of Ahtohallan.
On and on Anna walked within Ahtohallan, it’s magic getting stronger and stronger as she went deeper within. She wasn’t sure what all this had to do with Elsa, but she knew from Mother’s lullaby that in Ahtohallan, all is found, all the answers, and she was going to go as far in as she could and ask Ahtohallan where Elsa was. She came to a slippery tunnel and gingerly made her way across. However, to her consternation, the tunnel ended in a sudden steep drop into a huge cavern. She could see the tunnel’s continuation on the other side, but there was no way across. (Unknown to her, Elsa had recently come this way and had made her way across pillars of ice, however, these had all flurried away when Elsa froze to death) 
Bruni, what do we do now? asked Anna, hearing her voice echo in the cavern. I can’t get across this huge gap and I can’t see anyway to climb down there. Bruni cocked his head at her but didn’t seem to know how to help her. Nevertheless, Anna was bolder now after having met 2 spirits. Plus, she knew that Gale had had a special connection with her mother and Elsa had tamed Gale. She called out, confidently, her voice ringing in the cavern: Gale! GALE! Please. It’s Anna. Remember me? Please, I need your help. I know you are able to carry me to the other side.
With a flurry of tiny ice particles, Gale appeared and swirled around Anna, playing with her hair and tickling her sides. Her satchel momentarily flapped open in the breeze and the ice particles flurried inside, wandered over Olaf’s remains, and sailed out again. I know, I miss him too, Gale. Thank you for coming, now can you carry me -
With a gust of wind, in mid-sentence, Anna suddenly found herself floating in the air. Bruni was thoroughly enjoying himself as Gale transported them both over. Whoa! That was sudden, Gale. But thank you very much. Anna continued her trek into Ahtohallan, coming upon the great hall where Elsa had recently re-arranged the giant pillars of ice. The architecture of this place was breathtakingly beautiful. She passed through another doorway and came to an enormous cave where, unbeknownst to her, Elsa had recently seen Iduna and created the snowy images of memories, all of which had since flurried away. There was another dark doorway framed in snow leading out of the cave, which Anna walked into. This led to a downward sloping path, and terminated again in a steep cliff with a sharp drop. Anna strained her eyes to look at the ground below.
Suddenly, Anna spotted a tiny figure that looked like Elsa. An anguished cry escaped her lips. Elsa was far away, at the bottom of the cliff and she was not moving. In fact, she looked completely different and...white. White as ice. No no no no... This isn't happening...say its not true...
Gale, please hurry!! No sooner had the words left her mouth, Anna felt Gale carrying her down the cliff gently. It was very cold here, even Bruni’s warmth seemed insufficient to battle the biting cold. The descent felt like an eternity to Anna, and she knew Elsa had gone too deep, against Mother’s warning.
cried Anna, running towards the cold, still statue of ice. She repeatedly called and called her sister's name as she hugged her cold body desperately, willing her to come back to life. Anna held Elsa's face in her hands, sobbing uncontrollably. She kissed Elsa’s frozen lips but nothing happened. Please. PLEASE. Ahtohallan, spirits, anybody. Undo this, this spell, whatever magic is going on here. Her voice sounded thin and empty in the bitter cold air.
Bruni! Can you warm her up? Please? Bruni gave her a sad look. She had never seen Bruni in grief before. Anna placed Bruni on Elsa's body, but Bruni did not even attempt to make any heat. Thoroughly exhausted and defeated, Anna clung onto Elsa and cried anew, tears flowing freely. This is the end, thought Anna. I can't bring Elsa's body back to Arendelle. She's become one with the ice of Ahtohallan. Oh how cruel can this be. I've come all the way here with the help of 3 spirits, which is pretty incredible, but in the end I'm sadder than ever before. I'm really ready to succumb now.
Her tears flowed down her cheek and dropped onto Elsa's cold, hard face. Suddenly, the tears glowed with light and were absorbed into Elsa’s face. The light from her tears travelled within Elsa’s frozen body and went towards Elsa’s heart. Then, a glow glimmered through Elsa's body and travelled up her left arm, which was frozen and stretched up to the heavens. It was only then that Anna realised how different Elsa looked, without her braid and in a totally new dress emblazoned with the spirit symbols. Had Elsa met the fifth spirit? Was Elsa THE fifth spirit?
A beam of light and snow came out of Elsa's icy hand, though it was feeble and much less powerful than what Anna was accustomed to. Elsa remained frozen stiff but the snow gradually collected and formed into...an image of her parents. The glow in Elsa's body then faded but Anna hardly noticed as the snowy images of her parents came alive and started speaking.
Iduna: Darling, I've been thinking. It might be time to tell Anna about Elsa. I can't bear keeping her shut out anymore. She's maturing now. She can be responsible.
Agnarr: It's not Anna I'm worried about. What if we let them get close again and the feelings are too much for Elsa? Joy brings out her powers as strongly as fear.
Iduna: But if anyone can find a way to help her, it's Anna.
Agnarr: You may be right about that. There's not much that girl can't do.
Iduna: Her love could hold up the world.
Agnarr: Lucky for the world. Okay. We'll tell her when we return.
The images of her parents stopped moving. Anna wept again, happy tears this time. This was truly a magical place of memories. She embraced the icy images of her father and mother with deep hugs, and felt their love pour into her anew, even though it had been six years since she'd last seen them set sail. Thank you. Thank you so much for that. Her mother's words rang in her memory. 
If anyone can find a way to help her, it's Anna.
Anna held Elsa by her waist, wondering what she could do. Her tears had somehow developed some power of their own when they touched Elsa, she realised. Could she do it again? On a hunch, she got down and placed one hand on the icy floor and kept her other hand on Elsa’s body, and she spoke out loud: Elsa, I love you. Ahtohallan, spirits, this is my beloved sister and I would do anything to bring her back. Please, show me something I can do.
Magically, the ground under Anna's hand glowed and ice crystals started to rise from the ground and coalesce into images! Anna gazed in amazement as a small-sized version of the dam appeared in front of her. But there was more. She could make out 3 blocky figures moving slowly towards the dam, in the distance. Suddenly, she realised she was looking at three Earth Giants and just then, they started throwing rocks at the miniature dam. As she followed the trajectory of the flying rocks, she saw a tiny version of herself running on top of the dam, dodging the rocks as they crashed into the dam, destroying it. Then the image faded away and morphed into a small version of Elsa, in her current frozen state, but coming back to life. The images then froze.
Anna sat down heavily, trying to process what she had just witnessed, here in Ahtohallan, the place of memories. She figured that she must be seeing "memories" from the future - visions. That didn’t sound too far-fetched, considering that Elsa had seen a memory from 35 years in the past. Momentarily, Anna wondered if she had gained powers herself and she absentmindedly tried to lift her hand and conjure up snow. Nothing happened. 
I don’t want ice or any form of powers, anyhow. I’m happy to be me and I just want you back, Elsa. She knew her request had been answered. She now knew how to save Elsa and how to destroy the dam. Now all that was left was to get it done.
Thank you, she breathed. Thank you Ahtohallan.
Elsa, I'm going to save you.
How this continues: with Gale and Nokk's help, Anna leaves Ahtohallan and re-crosses the Dark Sea, reaching the Earth giants. The story then continues as it did in the movie (Wake up!!!!!). With some important adjustments 1) Anna is not as sad when talking to Kristoff 2) When Elsa gallops toward Anna on Nokk, Anna is not sad, but surprised because she thought she would have to go back to Ahtohallan to get her. 3) When Elsa says “You saved me”, Anna replies “Yeah, I know!!!!” to which Elsa is shocked and then, Anna shares that she too has been to Ahtohallan. 
For those who aren’t aware, the scene of Iduna and Agnarr is directly lifted from the Deleted Scene, A Place Of Our Own. I just wanted to include it...
Headcanons applied in this fic - 1) 5th spirit’s powers are to extract memories from water; 2) Anna, as the other half of the bridge, can also communicate with the spirits and they help her get to Ahtohallan as she has no powers; 3) Anna becomes the 5th spirit for a short while - there was some transference when her tears fell onto Elsa; 4) Iduna is a memory, not a ghost; 5) Ahtohallan (Sentient) shows memories of the parents to the girls to comfort them and strengthen their resolve; 6) I was inspired by Rapunzel’s tears falling onto and reviving Eugene; 7) This fic features Brunanna heavily =) ; 8) I like the idea that Bruni and Nokk are “rivals” (water vs fire) and Bruni is cheeky towards Nokk.
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yodawgiherd · 4 years ago
Show, Don't Tell pt.2
>>>Read on AO3<<<
Rejoice! Because we once again got a continuation of fanart that is literally EVERYTHING. Check it out check it out ----> https://twitter.com/AnnLuVazzel/status/1396084472450269185/photo/1 *cocks gun* this is not a request. Anyway - I promised a second part if things went down and they DID so, here you guys go. Rating - E, but did you really expect anything else? 🤨
“No, you don’t have to, I got it.”
Mikasa blinked a few times, unsure if she heard him correctly.
“… You do?”
“Yea, of course.”
Taking the ball gag back from her, Eren put it around his neck and….
Closed it, letting the red rubber dangle in the hollow of his throat.
“Mikasa, this is one of your chokers, right?”, he tapped the ball, “Why have I never seen you using it?”
“T-That’s not…”
Oh god, she could feel the sweat running down her skin. How could he be so clueless? So innocent? So…
Cute. Damn it all but he’s so cute, Mikasa wanted to bite into his neck just to leave a mark on that untarnished boy.
Unaware that he just sent his girlfriend’s mind to the gutter, Eren looked in the small mirror Mikasa kept on her nightstand, admiring the new “choker” around his neck.
“If I’m being honest, I definitely prefer those you wear normally. Even the one with spikes is better than this, I guess that the ball in front is a bit of a revolutionary design but the red clashes with black too much, and…”
“Babe.”, unable to take it anymore, Mikasa got his attention with that single word, “That is not a choker.”
“No?”, frowning at the mirror, Eren took a step back, fingering the toy, “Then… What is it?”
Carefully, she reached out to undo the buckle on Eren’s neck, retrieving the thing. At the same time, Mikasa’s mind was racing because this explanation had to be both accurate and careful if she wanted her boyfriend to give it a try – and she really, really wanted him to be open-minded enough.
Here goes nothing.
“It’s a gag.”, she said, pulling back while the mentioned toy dangled between her fingers.
“Like… a joke?”, Eren’s eyebrows furrowed, “I don’t get it.”
For understandable reasons Mikasa felt like facepalming but managed not to. She was a strong woman.
“No – a gag like a thing that prevents you from speaking.”
“Oh… “
“…. Yea.”
“Ok, this might sound weird,”, Eren scratched the back of his head, “but is it normal for girls to have these lying around?”
Fine, if that’s how he wanted to play it.
“But of course! Next to make-up and lipstick, every girl has a few gags just rolling around the place. This design? it’s all the rage lately.”
She stared at him with a challenge in her eyes, but the wide innocent look in Eren’s eyes didn’t go away. He wasn’t joking, she realized, he meant every word. Oh, Satan.
“Really?”, he squeaked, the onslaught of information about the fair gender hard to digest.
“No.”, Mikasa deadpanned, “They don’t.”
“Then… why?”
She sucked in a breath, mentally steeling herself.
“I have it because I use it as a sex toy. I like it, I like toys and stuff, you could say that I’m…”
She hated that word she hated that word she hated that word - so much.
“…. Kinky.”
“Miki I’m sorry but I never heard that in my life.”
Mikasa, who was torn between slapping him for being so ignorant and kissing him for being so cute, let out a long breath. Cinnamon roll, he was a cinnamon roll.
“It’s, how do I say it, I prefer having some assistance in bed from sex toys such as this gag.”, she held it up, “I enjoy it more than vanilla.”
Eren’s face was slowly but steadily becoming red, because talking about sex stuff was too much for his normie brain, but he held on, doing his best to decipher the cryptic info Mikasa was sending his way.
“Uhm, so you want me to use ice cream in bed?”
Well, not that Mikasa would be opposed to it, temperature play was great and all but where did he…
The vanilla.
“I didn’t mean vanilla as flavor.”, she explained patiently, “Vanilla sex means normal one, without any toys and stuff.”
“Okay, okay, I get it now.”, he grimaced, “ I think at least.”
“All right…”
“One more thing – when you said that you like using toys in bed, does that mean that you have more than this,”, he pointed at the red ball, “thing?”
Babe, if you only knew.
“I do have several,”, Mikasa confessed, “but I think that it would be best if we moved at a slow pace, no need to put them all to use at once.”
He nodded and she felt a weight fall off her shoulders. If Eren saw the strap-on she was hiding in the lowest drawer he would be out of the door and gone from her life faster than a diving bird. Not that she ever used it, only admired herself wearing it in the mirror a few times, but the design was cool and they had a sale for it once so…
Maybe she would get the opportunity to bust it out one day.
Not now though, now was the time for the most basic of stuff - slow and steady wins the race to better and more fulfilling sex life. Now to the most important question.
“Eren, I want you to know that me liking this stuff doesn’t mean that you have to be into it too. I won’t pressure you into anything, nor demand that you do something that makes you uncomfortable – that’s not how this thing works.”
He was listening all right, his eyes in that mode that betrayed eating up every word.
“This lifestyle – I would like if you shared it with me, or gave it a try at least, but it has to be consensual from your side.”, she went on, “If you don’t want to I can just stash this thing and we can forget about this incident. I promise that I won’t bring it up.”
All right then, decision time. Eren had never seen anything like this in his life but couldn’t say that he was repulsed by it. This darker, kinky she said, side fit Mikasa perfectly, her visage screamed that she was special and that was in part why he found her so attractive in the first place.
No, he wasn’t disgusted by this – not excited either but he was curious. Curious and hopelessly in love with the girl, which meant that Eren was more than willing to give this thing a try. All things considered, it wasn’t like Mikasa was going to make him sign some binding contract, if it turned out that he truly cannot handle this side of her they would stop, easy as that.
“I’ll be honest, I don’t know the first thing about this, as you probably noticed.”, he began slowly, “But I am down to try it if you are willing to teach me.”
Was she willing to teach him? No. She was itching to do it – but let’s move slow for now…
“Okay, great!”, was covering about ten percent of all the excitement that was now bubbling in Mikasa’s chest, but it would do, “Let’s start with some basic – first of all, if you want me to stop at anything I will do, just say “Red”, okay?”
“If you will be unable to speak, we will figure out a different way.”, she held up the gag, “Which is fitting because we will be starting with this.”
Eren was all-ears. Figuratively.
He nodded at her, and Mikasa began the first lesson.
“As I said before, ball gag serves to silence the submissive – in this case – you. It gives the dominant, me, power over the other party, and by taking away your ability to speak it also “reduces” the sub to a plaything for the dom.”
“I’ll assume that sub is short for submissive?”
“Yes Eren, I wasn’t talking about sandwiches here.”
“Just making sure.”, he murmured.
“That’s good! Ask about anything you want, curiosity is good. Any other questions?”
“Did you ever do this with someone else?”
“No? I told you, you are my first boyfriend.”
“Then, did you ever use this?”, he pointed at the gag.
“Well, sometimes I use it on myself when I… you know…”
Despite her best efforts, Eren’s eyes remained clueless.
“Masturbate.”, she said out loud, finally igniting that spark of knowledge, “Now, anything else?”
“What’s the worst thing you’ve done?”
“What do you mean?”
“I imagine that since you were working solo till now, you didn’t get many chances to try stuff out.”, wasn’t that the truth, Mikasa thought to herself as Eren continued, “So – what is the weirdest of kinkiest thing you’ve done?”
Hmmm. Oh!
“I once wore rope to school.”
“Do you remember that day, like a month back, when I was all bothered and wouldn’t talk much?”
“You normally don’t talk much.”
“Fine, less than usual then.” she waved her hand, “I also didn’t want you to walk me home after classes.”
He tapped his chin a few times.
“I remember, I thought that I angered you somehow.”
“You didn’t, but I had a rope harness on me for a whole day so I needed to take it off as soon as possible.”
“What’s that?”
“It’s like – rope wrapped around your body in places that makes you feel it when you move. My boobs and inner thighs and stuff.”
He blinked a few times.
“Wow, that sounds intense.”
“It was, mostly because I pulled it too tight.”, she gave him a small smile, “I may be more experienced than you but I’m far from being a pro.”
Add that to the pile of things he was learning about his girlfriend.
“Anything else you want to know?”, she asked.
Satisfied, for now, Eren shook his head.
“Very well, in that case we will move to the practical part.”, she stepped close to him, holding the gag in front of his face,” Open your mouth…”
He did so, a bit surprised when she put the red ball between his teeth. After that came the strap that was buckled behind his head, and before Eren realized what was happening he couldn’t talk.
“Mmmmm.”, was his reaction.
“See? Useful gadget isn’t it.”
“I’ll take that as a yes.”
Now while Eren was getting used to having a ball gag in his mouth, Mikasa had mental work to do. In her mind, she went through the list of items that were hidden in her room, picking out those that wouldn’t freak out her boyfriend too much. Whips, paddles, and canes were ruled out for now, so were the candles and ice. Ropes took too long to set up, vibrators, dildos, and magic wands were scary…
No need to complicate things.
Passing Eren who was still caught in his battle against the ball gag, Mikasa rummaged through the nightstand and pulled out two more items. A blindfold and a pair of leather cuffs connected by a fine silver chain - this would be more than enough for now.
Turning towards Eren, she gestured to the back of his head and luckily he got the message for once, reaching there and unbuckling the gag from his mouth. Showtime.
Holding the toys in a way that Eren would notice them, Mikasa posed that one simple question she needed an answer for.
“Do you trust me?”
“I-… Well…”
If there was one thing that Eren didn’t expect to happen when he woke up in the morning it would be this – standing in the middle of his girlfriend’s bedroom with Mikasa right in front of him, leather cuffs dangling from her finger and a blindfold in the other hand, that damn question on her black lips.
Did he trust her?
Of course, but this was not something he ever saw himself doing. To say that Eren was vanilla would be an understatement, he was like a snow-white sheet of paper, so pure and normal.
Maybe that was why Mikasa wanted to ruin him so much.
She saw him suck in a breath, eyes wandering over what she was holding. Unlike the gag, it was quite easy to get what these two were used for even without her explanation, that was partly the reason why she chose them. Talking about it was fun and all, but the action itself….
That was where the true fun began.
“I trust you.”, those three words left Eren’s lips and Mikasa was in heaven.
“In that case let’s do this thing.”, she took the gag back, completing her collection.
“Starting now I am your mistress and you are my slave-…”, nah that didn’t feel right, “Let’s stick with sub.”
For some reason, that made him giggle.
“Something funny?”
A snort.
Fine, keep up with the lame jokes Eren, let’s see how much you like being punished for them.
“You will obey my orders without question, and in turn I promise not to do anything you won’t like.”, she nodded at the toys, “I will use these on you and nothing else, and we will have a safeword for me to stop if you want to – “Red” if you can speak and if not just knock on the headboard three times. Got it?”
Ah, first offense.
“That sentence is missing something…”, she half-corrected him.
Eren looked at her for a moment before he got it, even deeper blush on his face.
“Yes, mistress.”, he murmured, embarrassed.
“Good boy.”
Those words flew out of Mikasa’s mouth before she caught them, but as soon as they left she didn’t want to take it back anymore. They fit.
“Now – take off your shirt.”
“Uhm, you sure? I mean….”
“Eren, what did I say about questioning my orders?”
“S-Sorry.”, a raised eyebrow from her was enough this time, “Sorry m-mistress.”
“Good. Let’s try again –“, Mikasa made her voice more confident, hoping to get that “dominant” vibe across,  “Take off your shirt.”
Lips pressed together Eren obeyed her command, pulling the simple black t-shirt over his head.
“Now your pants.”
“Pants. Off. Now.”
Now it was teeth that Eren had to press together to cage the words in, but he did so. This new dominant Mikasa was doing things to him, things that he didn’t know his mind was capable of but one truth was clear. He was enjoying this, that much was obvious from the way her words tingled his spine and of course the reaction that his… pride … was having – one that was immediately visible to them both when Eren slid his jeans down and kicked them away.
An erection? This fast? Now that was something Mikasa liked to see. Not only because she was horny, but mostly because it meant that Eren was also liking this little game. Very nice, let’s continue.
Dumping the rest of the toys on the bed, for now, Mikasa motioned for him to come closer. When he did, she took hold of one of his wrists and closed the cuff around it, repeating the process with Eren’s other hand after. The chain connecting them was short, giving him a tiny bit more freedom than classic handcuffs, but the leather was much gentler to the skin than the steel.
“Is this okay?”, she asked him, watching Eren tug at his hands with a strange expression.
He was cuffed, hands tied together. Yet another experience that Eren never had in his life and for good reasons only – he was a good boy, a good student and never had the pleasure of being escorted in a cop's car. Make no mistake, he was still arrested right now, but his jailer filled his head with dirty thoughts instead of worry. That was good, so good that the cuffing thing didn’t feel half bad.
It felt… good. Kind of
“Yea I’m fine. Mistress.”
Saved it.
There he was, shirtless, pantless, and handcuffed, standing at the foot of her bed and Mikasa had to hold herself back from jumping at him right here and there. Patience.
“Lay down on your back,”, she instructed him, “I’m going to put the rest of the stuff on you.”
Obeying her order while she retrieved the toys, Eren slid down on the jet-black sheets of Mikasa’s bed. It was comfortable as always but the added novelty of having his hands restricted overrode that information successfully. She leaned over him, holding the blindfold.
“Put your hands above your head and keep them there.”, she commanded him, and he obeyed with a slight clink of the chain. Seeing that her orders were fulfilled, Mikasa raised the blindfold “I’m going to use this on you now, okay?”
A nod.
“Good, raise your head a little bit…”
The black material slid over his face and Eren couldn’t see anything anymore. She waited for a moment while he adjusted to the sudden darkness, before moving onto the last thing which would be used today.
“Open your mouth.”
He did so, but the rubber didn’t appear. Instead of that Mikasa’s fingers pushed into his mouth, her nails dragging against Eren’s tongue. He could feel her rings too, the cold metal contrasting with the warm skin as she pushed the digits deeper.
“You have no idea how long I wanted to do this.”, a heated whisper from the right, “To be able to play with you like this.”
Even deeper they went and Eren gagged slightly around the slender fingers. In response to that she scissored them, forcing his jaw wide open and at the same time her other hand moved, attacking the place where he was weakest. Palm rubbed against Eren’s raging hard-on, pressing down and giving the thing an over-the-cloth massage.
The sudden contact made him moan around her fingers, and Mikasa’s black lips split into a huge grin. Good, good, come to the dark side.
“I promise that you’ll enjoy this,” she whispered, “so don’t be afraid. Or be afraid, but just a tiny bit.”
He gurgled something around the fingers in his throat that resembled “Okay.”
As suddenly as they were in they were out, letting Eren gasp for breath and…
Be slapped from the left, a flare of pain appearing in his cheek. Before he could react the same flare happened from the right and now he was equally slapped from both sides.
“Wh-“, was all he managed before yet another thing found its way into his mouth, this time it was Mikasa’s tongue.
The kiss was more of an assault on Eren’s mouth. He didn’t control it in the slightest, had no agenda at all, simply gasped and moaned while Mikasa ravaged his mouth with her tongue and teeth. Dirty and messy was the best way to describe it, but Eren had no intention of ever complaining – why would he when her tongue gliding against his felt so good?
It got even better because Mikasa’s hand was back, this time at Eren’s throat. Slightly she squeezed the sides, restricting the flow of air, and combined with the deep kiss he was lightheaded sooner than expected. Just as he wasn’t handcuffed before, being choked was a new and exciting experience.
Eren never felt this way before while Mikasa kissed him, but the blindfold and handcuffs and chokehold on his neck made it an otherworldly experience. It was different from the simple pleasure he usually found in her lips, a way darker and deeper feeling, but he loved it the same if not more.
Just as his brain was running out of oxygen to keep functioning, Mikasa pulled back and released the restricting squeeze. A breath of fresh air was gulped down Eren’s lungs while she admired the way her lipstick was smudged all over his face now.
Let’s not dawdle on that, they still had plenty of ground to cover.
“I’m going to gag you now.”, she announced, not waiting for an answer.
Eren did have the safeword if he wanted to get out, and god knows that it was the last thing he desired at that moment.
Mikasa’s fingers were back between his kiss-swollen lips and she wrenched his mouth open, popping the red rubber ball in after. The straps were secured behind his head with a practiced hand and that was it – he was now completely at her mercy.
Now, this was a perspective Mikasa adored. She was sitting on the edge of the bed fully clothed, even her rings were on for Satan’s sake, while Eren squirmed beneath her. Hands cuffed above his head, eyes covered by a blindfold, a red ball gag between his lips.
Oh yea, it was all coming together.
Deciding that sitting on the bed was not appropriate for this position, Mikasa climbed onto Eren instead and seated herself on his lap. There, this was much better, especially considering that she could feel his hardness strain against her inner thigh. Her move was accompanied by yet another “Mmm” from her victim, a sound she liked very much.
Apart from Mikasa’s weight on him Eren had no way of tracking her, couldn’t say what would come next. She may have not tied his hands to the bed but she ordered him to keep them above his head, and her word was as strong as any chain. He couldn’t see her, he couldn’t talk to her, and hearing was also rather impaired because of the rush of blood in Eren’s ears. Truly helpless beneath her, all he could do was wait for what his mistress would grace him with. And then it came-
Nothing serious, just a simple touch, as Mikasa placed her hand on Eren’s chest, right above the heart. Still, in a state that Eren was in it was enough to make his whole body jolt.
“Easy there,”, she murmured, “I promised that I won’t hurt you.”
The slap didn’t count. Why? Because she said so.
Trailing her fingers up she patted his cheek in a small show of affection.
“You look so good like this.”, she stroked his face, “My Dark Knight, so good for me, so open and vulnerable…”
Vulnerable was a strange choice of a word, but when Eren tried to question it the gag came into play.
“Mmmmm.”, was all he could make, followed by a shaky inhale.
Mikasa wouldn’t hurt him, she said so… Would she? Ehm…
Abandoning his cheek Mikasa’s hand went exploring downward, her touch alone sending Eren’s brain into overdrive. When a human body is robbed of its senses, it tends to sharpen the remaining ones – this meant that his skin felt super sensitive right now, and the little path Mikasa was doing with her nails made him squirm and sweat beneath her. Didn’t help that her weight was pressed against his achingly hard length.
Tap-tap-tap, down her playful fingers went, doing nothing more than touching and occasionally scratching a little. Over the planes of his chest and there Mikasa found the first point of interest. Eren gasped out loudly through the gag when she tweaked his nipple, a small tremor running through his body.
“Sensitive? Good.”
Putting her other hand to work Mikasa tweaked both at the same time now, getting a heartfelt “Mmm” In return. What a load of fun, and she was regretting her choice of not using the clamps tonight. Oh well, she had other ways to play with Eren’s nipples too.
Ending the hold with a pinch on each one she leaned forward to press a kiss to the side of Eren’s neck. She should get him a choker of his own, Mikasa reasoned In her head, or even better – a collar to show who he truly belonged to. Not very realistic considering that they were only beginning this journey but hey. A girl can dream.
Exchanging lips for teeth she bit down on his flesh while her fingers once again assaulted his sensitive nubs, torturing her boy to the best of her ability. With no toys at her disposal, as she didn’t bring them in for a reason, her body was the only device she could use. Then again, from the way Eren sweated and cursed into the gag, it was working well.
Biting into the neck was a lot of fun, especially considering that Eren didn’t fight back, and Mikasa didn’t move on until he had a solid collection of black – from her lipstick – and red – from the teeth – all over the skin. Changing into her gentle mode she began kissing her way down over his chest, following the same way her fingers took, which meant that she arrived at the same destination in the end.
The nipples, tortured and abused by her cruel hands were soothed when Mikasa’s tongue gently lapped over the pain. And it felt good, great even, the content sigh leaving Eren’s throat on its own. It made her giggle, just how naïve her Dark Knight was.
The pleasure changed into pain at a moment's notice because now teeth were clamping down on his nipple, forcing Eren’s body to trash around some more. Pain was a great teacher, but Mikasa shouldn’t be overdoing this. There would be time to play around with that later, once they are more comfortable with this whole setting.
Then again…
She did abandon his nipples, after a few more bites, but couldn’t resist the plane of pale skin that made up Eren’s abdomen. That area simply begged to be marked, and Mikasa obliged, dragging her nails over it. Black fingernails created red scratches in their path, and they looked so angry that she had to bow down and soothe the area with a few kitten licks. There, all better?
Oh right, Eren couldn’t talk. What a shame.
This whole journey had a single destination in mind, and Mikasa was finally nearing it. Her pain-and-pleasure train was pulling in the end station, leaving an artistic creation of red and black in its path. What a beautiful canvas Eren’s body was, and Mikasa couldn’t wait to create some real art with wax one day. Or a whip for that matter.
Or maybe something more permanent, a tattoo, if she could convince him….
Back to the present – she reminded herself – there was still a lot to be done. The rest of Eren’s body covered, it was high time to move on to the main prize, a statement that he would very much agree with if he could. Eren did know what foreplay was and did it in the past, but being this ruined without having Mikasa even touch his member was something new. There was a lot of sweat on his skin, tears in the corners of his eyes beneath the blindfold, and the gag had the unfortunate side effect of drooling. He was truly nothing more than Mikasa’s toy right now.
It was a good existence.
Now then - Blowjob was a thing that Mikasa wasn’t very keen on at the start, because how was a girl supposed to find pleasure in sucking a cock? Eren has been the one who broke the barrier of oral sex, and him going down on her was a thing that she cherished. Admittedly he sucked at first but was a very quick learner and eager to please his goth girlfriend. Combine these two and soon Mikasa was enjoying very quality cunnilingus at a healthy rate. She liked French kissing already but having Eren’s tongue between her legs was a much, much better alternative. Not very suitable for public places though. Unless...
More on that later, because enjoying his mouth so often meant that Mikasa’s strong sense of equality bit her in the ass.
Begrudgingly curious, she tried the oral thing too and honestly it wasn’t as bad as she feared. Sure, the taste was nothing to write home about and it gave her nothing apart from a sore throat but there were other benefits to it. It made Eren fall apart at seams very easily and because of how the act was performed it fed her dominant side – she was in charge of his pleasure and could take it away at a moment’s notice.
Now it was even better.
Tied up, blind and mute he was her plaything. When Mikasa’s mouth slide over his stretched boxers, kissing the length that strained against the cloth, Eren let out a whine of a dying animal. His underwear had a wet spot at the head, and she made sure to kiss that more than once, knowing where the sensitiveness was.
“Would you like me to take you in my mouth?”
“What was that? I can’t hear you…”
“Mmm.”, Eren trashed above her, mouth working around the gag to make another “Mhhm.”
“Oh well, since you can’t speak I guess I’ll have to decide for myself.”, changing her hold Mikasa let the tips of her fingers drum against the head, “Hmmm, what am I going to do with you…”
Eren gave up on “mmm-ing” for now, knowing that she would just make fun of him for it and fell back to his previous tactic which was praying silently and hoping that Mikasa won’t do anything too cruel. For once luck was on his side.
“I guess that I can give it a try.”, she decided, tugging his boxers out of the way and throwing them somewhere in the room. Now he was fully naked beneath her while Mikasa didn’t take a single piece of clothing off. Domination, what a magical activity.
Finally uncovered, Eren’s length was now standing at full mast, begging for attention that Mikasa didn’t know if she wanted to give. Seeing the head glisten so much just from the foreplay did make her happy though. The process of converting her vanilla Dark Knight into a “Darker” one was going along swimmingly.
Ever the tease Mikasa took her time in kissing and biting the sensitive skin of Eren’s crotch, completely ignoring the erect part in the middle. Only when the whines from above grew truly desperate did she grace it with a look.
Just to see the reaction and because she wanted to Mikasa's finger flicked the glistening part, causing a flair of pain to shoot up in Eren’s brain. Look, nipples are sensitive but it's nothing compared to this, and he gave it the appropriate reaction by the tension that appeared in his legs and the protesting noise.
Too bad, because Mikasa found it fun.
Grabbing the length and angling it to the side she sank her teeth into it instead, and that was quite something. The muffled scream amused her greatly, especially knowing that it wasn’t so bad because she didn’t put much force behind the bite. To his credit – Eren didn’t move his hands from where they lay, fisting the bedding instead. In a corner of his mind he was very much aware of the fact that should he disobey Mikasa the punishment could be severe – even worse than this small innocent bite.
Seeing that he didn’t protest or fight back, she decided that it was a time for a reward. The carrot and stick analogy worked only if there was some carrot to balance out the stick. Closing her mouth around the head she sucked on it lightly, moving her hand up and down over the rest of his length.
It was amazing, and if Eren would be pressed he would confess that it was even more amazing than usual. Mikasa, during their relationship, did the thing she always did – set her mind on becoming good at literally anything and fulfilled that. Her blowjobs evolved from okay to fucking great to oh my god I could die right now and I would go as a happy man. That was the one Eren was getting, and combined with how restrained his body was?
All the pain and suffering Mikasa put him through was instantly worth it and he would go through it again and again just to feel this – the way her tongue toyed with the head, how she swallowed around his length to ease the passage down into the throat.
It was a test of Mikasa too because she really wanted to push her finger up Eren’s ventilation shaft – if you catch her meaning. But no, jamming your digit into your partner’s ass is a dick move if done without consent, plus it was something they had to work towards first. One day she would claim that place too, but not today. Eren was already giving her so much, there was no need to push his boundaries.
To prevent herself from doing something she would regret Mikasa occupied her hand differently, by sliding it into her underwear. She was wet, understandably so, and her fingers slid nicely along her opening. As her mouth slid down his length so did her digits found their way inside herself.
Dividing her attention between the blowjob and her own pleasure, Mikasa worked them both up to a nicely excited state but not too much – she didn’t want either of them to finish right now. With a few more swallows around him she let Eren in deep, the tip bumping the back of her throat and forcing a gag reflex. Not one to give up she fought against it, managing to deepthroat him in a few tries.
So low she went that Mikasa’s nose brushed over the pubic hair in the region, giving him as much space as she physically could. The pleasured groaning from above was worth it, and tilting her head she could see the trail of drool running down Eren’s chin, proof of just how much control he was losing over his body. She liked that, and it made the place between her legs tingle. Okay, that should be good enough. With a pop Mikasa pulled the fingers from her wetness, intent on finally getting on with the show.
But not before playing with Eren’s balls for a bit.
Forcing herself to stop after a while, Mikasa pulled back and straightened her back, not minding the spit that was now smeared all over him. Fishing a condom from her nightstand and reminding herself for like a hundredth time that she has to look into other forms of anti-conception because she wanted Eren to do her raw, Mikasa tore the packet open with the teeth. The implant thing looked good as a long-term solution, or maybe some pills so she could…
Another “mmm” from Eren reminded her that she should focus on the task at hand.
“Relax babe,”, she praised him a little, “I got you.”
With a movement that she learned from practicing on bananas, Mikasa rolled the condom over his length in one swift movement. She could do that with her mouth too, but since Eren was blindfolded there was no reason to use that now – no one to impress.
The next step was to prepare herself, so the goth pushed the – at this point quite soaked – panties down her legs, kicking them away. Unlike Eren she was still fully clothed, and that gave her a feeling of power Mikasa enjoyed. No other piece needed to be removed, because she was wearing a skirt and her fishnet stockings ended at the upper thighs, held in place by garters, meaning that the important part of her body was uncovered.
Or maybe the skirt could go too, it would only get in the way.
Unzipping the short red-and-black piece and throwing it away she moved herself up on the knees, positioning her opening above the latex-covered head. To tease a little she dragged it against her slit but didn’t let Eren in yet, rubbing it against her clit instead. It felt surprisingly good.
“Mmph.”, from above, a crinkle of the chain as Eren’s hands moved involuntarily.
“Shhh, patience.”
A few more slides had Eren truly groaning into the ball gag, drool leaking from the corner of his lips even more. Okay, enough is enough, it would be a shame for him to tap out now.
“Time for your reward,”, she purred,  “since you behaved so well.”
Grabbing the length and angling it correctly Mikasa sat down, moaning slightly when the tip penetrated her outer lips. She was wet and the condom was lubed, so it went in fairly nicely yet Mikasa still went slow, loving the feeling of total control. Down and up she slid, impaling herself inch by delicious inch, feeling the stretch of her sex as she accommodated the length.
Beneath her, Eren was having the time of his life. Blowjob into sex was an incredible treat, and he was slowly realizing that being a submissive can honestly be pretty damn great. Sure, he was in Mikasa’s power but she was also focused on his needs only. Not that he didn’t enjoy going down on her, because she had a unique taste that he honestly liked, but this was an interesting change of pace. And, if he was being honest with himself, the pain did tingle a part of his brain that Eren didn’t know he had.
Ever since they broke the “intimate” barrier and started having sex, Mikasa enjoyed the cowgirl position. Riding Eren gave her the control she enjoyed, same as with the blowjob, and unlike that activity this gave her pleasure as well. He was far from complaining about it too, as Mikasa on top was an amazing experience – not only because of the feeling but the sight too. Her sitting on top of his hips, those amazing mouth-watering abdominals jerking back and forth or up and down, pleasuring both him and herself by their connection. He loved when she touched herself while being on top, rubbing her clit in rapid tiny circles, did his best to assist her too. He loved that uncontrollable spasms of her muscles once Mikasa got close, leaning back to grab onto his thighs as she rode him to their completion. He loved it when she tilted her face up, hair fanning behind her head like a midnight curtain, moaning out loud.
Yup, amazing.
The blindfold unluckily robbed Eren of such a sight right now, but the loss of senses meant that everything he felt now was that more intense. Which was nothing short of amazing, considering that the most sensitive part of his body was squeezed in a vice-like grip of Mikasa’s sex, parting wet and hot walls as she kept sliding down and down.
And then she was fully seated on his hips, taking a moment to catch her breath. The stretch was there, and despite being delightful Mikasa had to move a bit to make her body truly appreciate it. For now, she was only feeling full, too full maybe as he was quite well endowed. So, after a small breather, Mikasa began sliding back and forth, stretching herself.
The sliding changed into circles, her hips knowing what to do automatically at this point. Small, then bigger ones, she circled until the unpleasantness trickled away. Stretched out and ready Mikasa moved on to the next part of her plan.
Up and high she went, almost too high as Eren’s length was taken away from its warm happy place, an act that he didn’t appreciate. With a needy “mmm” from his gagged mouth, hips moved in chase of hers, trying to place himself back into that amazing muscled sheath. Normally this would be okay, as Mikasa appreciated when he tried helping her riding him, but tonight was not a normal night.
“Down.”, she growled, her hand pushing at Eren’s abdomen with that unnatural strength her lean body possessed, “No moving.”
Forced back into the mattress, Eren whined in protest but obeyed. To remind him of her dominance, Mikasa leaned forward until her face was right in front of his. Taking a hold of Eren’s chin she forced his head to stay still – gazing into the place where his emerald eyes were, hidden beneath the blindfold.
“I said,”, her hot breath washed over Eren’s face when she spoke, “Stay still.”
There was still a little rebellion in the creak on his forehead, and Mikasa wanted an obedient sub tonight.
“If you disobey me again I will stop completely, get off of you, pull out my vibrator and then all you can do is listen to me moan while I make myself cum.”, she threatened him, “Understood?”
Eren’s nostrils flared when he breathed, his fucked-out brain filling with the dread this course of action would cause. Being kept on the edge was one thing but edging without a happy ending was not an experience Eren would like. A defeated “Mmm.”, left his gagged mouth, indicating his full surrender.
Like the kind mistress she was, Mikasa patted his cheek again.
“Good boy.”
And then she was leaning backward – ready to take her cowgirl to the next level. Hands anchored on Eren’s thighs, feet found purchase on her black bedding and slowly yet surely Mikasa was striking a tempo again. Slowly was the right word because she started very slow, testing if Eren would truly obey her. Once more she went up, unsheathing him from herself almost completely, and waited at the top. To her pleasant surprise there was no reaction apart from the little whine. It would appear that Eren had been truly broken.
Very well then.
With no need to test him anymore and more than ready to go at it Mikasa began riding him in the earnest. Up and down, up and down, up and down. The bed creaked beneath them, the slaps of her ass into his hips loud in the room. The gag that until now was only robbing Eren of the ability to speak was useful for once because he could sink his teeth into it. Close, he was very close but finishing before Mikasa would be disrespectful to all the work she did, and he clenched his muscles to hold himself back.
Realizing how on edge Eren was, Mikasa slid one hand down to rub at her clit, the wet sounds joining those already produced by his length disappearing into her. And the coil tightened and tightened and tightened, and it was doing so faster than usual because anytime Mikasa opened her eyes she saw this-
Eren beneath her, hands above his head in complete surrender, red lips clenched around the gag and eyes behind a blindfold. Wrists – cuffed together too. The proof of her conquest was everywhere – the scratches on his body, the trail of black lipstick everywhere. The bites were there too, littered all over the skin, and it all culminated into one thing and one thing only.
Finally, they were doing it, moving past the vanilla stage into something Mikasa enjoyed more, and it did wonders to her libido. At the threshold for now but Eren was one foot over, being pulled in by his enchanting girlfriend. Their exploration began here, but where did it end? Well….
The possibilities combined with the pleasure Mikasa was receiving both from her hand and the twitching length inside her and finally keeled her over. The coil snapped and Mikasa gasped loudly, her body going into that strange mode where she had no control of it yet it kept moving. Unable to bounce anymore it resorted back to sliding and it only made the climax that much better.
Eren could hear it because she was loud enough to overcome the rushing blood, and he could most definitely feel it because her sheath collapsed all around him, the walls caving in and squeezing him almost painfully. There were limits to what his body could do and resisting the incredible massage Mikasa’s sex could produce once it was stuck in its climax were far above them.
With yet another long and drawn-out moan Eren came too, emptying himself in the rubber with several jerks of the hips. And then they were still, with Mikasa’s body collapsed on top of his, doing little more than breathing…
It wasn’t until a few minutes later that she regained enough control to push herself up and roll away from his body. Mikasa disposed of the condom too before pulling the blindfold from Eren’s eyes. The first thing she noticed were the small tears in the corners of his eyes, but the fear that she’s overdone her first lesson disappeared the moment the gag was pulled out because his mouth formed a huge, immensely satisfied smile.
“So?”, she asked, still nervous about his answer, “Did you like it?”
The nervousness came from several sources- first – this was the first time Mikasa ever dommed anyone other than herself, second – she wanted this to work because she enjoyed it so much. But any feeling of dread was useless because Eren’s answer blew it out of the water.
“Did I like it? I loved it!”
“You did?”
“Yea! That was amazing.”
“Well… good.”
“No, good doesn’t cut it honestly.”, knowing no other way to say thanks, Eren surprised Mikasa with a kiss, one that she happily returned.
“Thank you.”, he whispered against her lips, covered by smudged black lipstick, “I love you even more now that you showed me this.”
“Does that mean that we are doing more in the future?”
The grin was everything Mikasa hoped for.
“You bet.”
But now he was tired, and so was she, and both of them needed a shower. While they both shared sweat and other things, Eren’s body was also covered by black smudges, a reminder of the route Mikasa took to reach that place between his legs.
And honestly? She should finally undress. Oh, and take the cuffs away from Eren’s wrists, that should be done too.
“Shower?”, she asked, getting a quick nod in return.
“After that, can you show me some other toys you have?”
“Damn, this eager?”
“I don’t want to use them! I mean, not yet, but I would like to see what else you have stashed.”
You know what? A small fetish-exploring tour of Mikasa’s collection was a better plan for the night than watching a movie. Yes, even if it was Twilight.
“Sure.”, she agreed, getting up from the bed and pulling Eren up too.
Hand-in-hand they headed towards the bathroom with Mikasa leaving a small trail of clothing behind her. They could always pick them up later, and Levi wasn’t here to chew her out for it.
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midnight633 · 4 years ago
Hiiiii midnight it’s been a while! I’ve been pretty the air at school is pretty chill rn and I haven’t been as stressed as normal! Anyways I just finished reading the haikyuu manga and none of my irl friends are going to read it so I’m DYING to talk to someone about it while it’s still fresh on my mind (also I remember you saying you read the manga but if you didn’t don’t continue reading for spoilers!) well ANYWAYS the nekoma match took YEARS of my life let me tell you and the cage metaphors and tsukki and kuroo’s battle of the blockers it was probably one of my favorite matches. And KENMA at the end actually having fun ahahah I loved loved loved this match.
And then fukorodani’s match with akaashi was hard to read but the “we are the protagonists/stars of the world” made my bokuaka heart go places but akaashi just breaking was so surprising to see and the fact that they don’t even win nationals makes me sooo sad I wanted at least one team I knew to win nations also
AND THEN THE NEXT MATCH HINATAA the day that scene gets animated is the day I combust someone give HINATA a hug he just couldn’t play for w h a t and then they losttt and he was crying alone and coach ukai and takeda were absolute kings in this scene. Buuuuttt we did get to meet the tiny giant and I thkught he’d look real intimidating and scary but he actually seems pretty cool! AND THEN KAGAYAMA unpopular opinion I actually can’t STAND him sometimes he really went I win while hinata is really cryingg and I know it’s for plot but hsjajsjs
The time skip omggg okay yachi saying that date tech went to finals and the Miya twins beat karasuno actually made my heart really happy. I do wish when they were third years they could if won but getting third is also really incredible and YAMAGUCHI WAS CAPTAIN I really need the crew as their years fics. The beach part was so fun to read I loved meeting them new people and OIKAWA I never though hinata and oikawa would get to the point of being good friends but I loved seeing it
AND THEN RHE MATCH BETWEEN HINATA AND KAGEYAMA okay kags backstory was sad but the “one day you’ll okay with someone who is even better then you” and that someone being hinata he finally beat kagayama it makes me sooo happy. Also bokuto making everyone clap for him I love it AND THE NEXT PART WITH OIKAWA ahahshd I don’t even want to know the outcome of the match but I was sooo sad it ended (and is it weird that I want a spinoff with natsu hinata playing volleyball that would be so cool)
I’m so sorry for the long ask it’s just I have NO ONE to talk to about this and you don’t ever have to answer I just like ranting so if you made it this far thank you and have an amazing rest of your day!
@ren-likes-muffins ?!! HOLY SHIT??!! You did it?!
I don't know what's with Tumblr not giving me notifications (also I haven't checked it much) so I'm late at seeing this but I AM SOO HAPPY U READ THE MANGA BECAUSE WE CAN NOW SCREAM AT EACH OTHER! I actually read the manga then went back and rewatched the series and started rereading the manga till the end of nekoma match then a week of exams happened and I became antisocial.
Deep breath
Like I was so pumped up for the nekoma match when I realized that was not yet animated and reading the first few pages of the manga was hard cuz my dumbass brain didn't wanna read right to left and interpret instead went rushing through the panels ( hence the re read to savour the storyline and characters) . But once I got into it the match was soo good? Like Kenma really went I don't care you're my friend I'm gonna tear u from limb to limb and did so calmly? I agree with the cage metaphor when he broke through it I was so giddy and I remember Suguru ( Nohebi's captain) commenting how he didn't like Tsukki's vibes and realising that it was same as Kuroo's and hating them both :)
The Fukorodani's match fed my bokuaka heart and was a precursor to Bokuto's 'im a normal ace' part. The tiny giant was kind of a disappointment but that's life for you.. and the kamomedai match man the battle of the little giants - I was so rooting for Hinata but when he collapsed I didn't get it at first but then it hit me and takeda's talk about taking care of body being a part of volleyball and all made me cry. Also Kenma coming to check up on Hinata? Soft. Heart breaking. Cue waterworks.
Somewhere deep inside I always expected Karasuno to win the nationals but they lost and I wasn't even bothered by it at the end
So.. unpopular opinion I kind of don't like Kageyama? He is always being insensitive and a dick to Hinata and when says I'm going forwards or some shit when Hinata collapses really made me dislike him very much. I don't really think their dynamic is healthy so kagehina became a big no-no for me.
But post time skip I loved that they could settle it and work together as equals. But Brazil?! My god, little Hinata become so accomplished-Ninja Shoyou- and the bit abt Kenma sponsoring him, Oikawa meeting him and becoming friends, seeing all these great high school players in the same team- let me tell you Atsumo and Sakusa on the same team with their competitive vibes with Bokuto - man I laughed like crazy at the Bokuto Beam, its so dorky and utterly him- and Hinata was perfect. Is it weird I want spinoff of the MSBY jackals and their shenanigans? I loved how they showed every ones career and Tsukki still playing 🏐 after saying it's just a game - he must have been more hooked than he let on-
I agree a spin off with natsu playing 🏐 would be soo Cool - going all like but Onichan you can't come to my game then everyone will want your autograph and you'll embarrass me-
I wanted more but with the open ending I can now imagine anything and subsequently my haikyuu brainrot is spreading
I too don't have any irl friends who watch it and I resigned myself to being alone in this but man ranting is so satisfying isn't it?
My haikyuu phase doesn't seem to end soon but it's just that I can't get into the head space for ATLA and I feel so guilty for it, I have so many updates from fics I've subscribed and I can't muster any interest in checking them out.
On another note it's so funny in a show where the only confirmed couples seem to be Tanaka and Kiyoko yet I ship so many of them!? In my mind they are all gay and I ship them. My fav ships are probably- iwaoi, daisuga, BOKUAKA, kuroken, and weirdly enough I was kinda obsessed with sakuhina, atsuhina, oh and sakuatsu. I. Just. Think. They're. Neat.
Oh well this is way too long and if you've read all this you have the patience of a saint and I'm proud of you. If you want let me know your fave ships and other manga bits that caught your attention ( random- but I love that Kita is a rice farmer and supplies for onigiri Miya)
Here is a fanart that I love that reminded me of the ' we are the protoganists of the world'
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Byee!! Take care and Have a lovely day! Ily<3
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blitheringmcgonagall · 4 years ago
All Too Well...
 @therealrjlupin sent me an ask to celebrate the reader milestone on ff.net for  We Can Be Heroes surprise, surprise asking for angsty Wolfstar!! Then tumblr ate your ask so sorry about that, here it is anyway. This is for you and for @stonecoldhedwig who wrote a very angsty Jily  My Heart Is Overcome  - very beautiful but so bloody poignant, so this is payback (also for the magnificent fanart for we can be heroes, but that deserves a lot more than this...!)
   All Too Well
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Sirius felt his heart rate hammer and the blood pounding in his ears as he whirled around to face Snape, his wand in his right hand.
“What the fuck do you want, Snivellus?”
He was constantly on edge, ready to snap, to lose it, since he had run away from home that summer. He called it running away, but it wasn’t. Being thrown out and disowned by your own parents, with nothing but the clothes he had on that day… he had wanted to leave, Merlin yes, he had threatened to leave hundreds of times. But he had stayed. To be near Reggie. To protect his little brother. Physically protect him, certainly, but also to act as a barrier against his parents’ poisonous ideas, to stop them seeping into his immature, innocent, wretchedly gullible psyche. The Potters had taken him in immediately, kindly, enthusiastically, no questions asked.
But this constant worry about Reggie, this guilt for leaving him alone with them? His stupid, pathetic weakness in minding that his parents didn’t love him, this feeling of abandonment? He hated it, hated himself, hated everything, so much. He was irritable as fuck. Always on the offensive, and defensive, high alert, fight or flight. It didn’t help that Mulciber and his mates constantly muttered snide comments under his breath when he passed, loser, a nobody, disowned, nobody wants you. It infuriated him that it bothered him, that his throat had a habit of constricting, his stomach feeling sick every single time. Bastards. He wanted to hurt them, wanted to lash out, so badly. How many times had James and Remus stopped him mid-curse? How many times had he already found himself in Mc Gonagall’s office since the start of term?
Less than two days ago he had narrowly avoided yet another detention, he was ready to send a nasty curse Avery’s way, one of his family’s Black Specials, when Remus had appeared, breathless from running and grabbed hold of his robe and pulled him to the side. Avery had sent a curse his way and Remus had blocked it and deducted points. Once Avery was gone, Sirius had punched the stone wall, viciously, repeatedly.
“Padfoot, stop!” Remus had whispered urgently, still breathing heavily.
“I can’t,” he had whispered back, determined not to break down, hissing in pain as his bloodied knuckles collided with the stone again and again.
“Padfoot,” Remus had said, a look of horror and desperation on his face as he grabbed his hand and brought it up to his mouth.
He had stared in awe, momentarily stupefied.
“Don’t, please,” Remus had murmured gently, kissing his injured knuckles reverently. “I can’t bear it.”
He stood speechless for a moment, watching Remus’ face turn a warm hue.
“I’m sorry,” he mumbled, exhaling suddenly, their foreheads meeting.
Then they were kissing, almost frenzied, frantic, Remus backing him into the wall whispering his name over and over, all his rage and fears forgotten.
He didn’t know what it meant, but Remus’ face looked so different since then, all lit from within, golden almost. Sliding his long fingers so they intertwined with his own, under the table at breakfast and lunch and dinner. Stealing kisses behind the tapestry outside Charms and behind the greenhouse. Remus seemed to think they were… they were something. He desperately hoped so. He was too frightened to ask, but he went along with it, smirking widely and grinning like a loon every time Remus walked into his line of sight, hoping he looked cocky, arrogant, cool, collected. He did. Remus looked pleased, a warm look in his kind, moss-green eyes, a slight glow on his cheekbones, a glance his way, followed by his teeth biting the side of his lips. He looked smitten, and Sirius could feel himself melt.
“I saw you, with that half-breed, Lupin,” Snape said, quiet but calm.
He saw red, rage flaring in his chest till he couldn’t even see properly, his vision narrowed to just a pair of dark eyes and white face staring at him coldly.
“You’ll regret saying that,” he said, his wand hand raised, trembling.
“Your choice, Black, if you don’t want Lupin to end up in trouble with Bellatrix and her friends, you’ll prove that he and you are not together. Otherwise, he has a target on his back.”
“You heard me, Black. Twenty-four hours.” “What the fuck? Why?” he shouted moving forwards with grim satisfaction as he saw Snape’s eyes fill with fear.
“That beast nearly killed me last year, as did you. Call it payback.”
“You bastard!”
His jaw was clenched so tightly, his lips practically closed. He jerked his knee up, without warning, and Snape groaned and doubled over, holding his groin.
“Mr. Black!”
It was Minerva Mc Gonagall, looking at him with concern.
“Follow me, immediately,” she said, motioning towards him as she went to check on the other student and directed him to the Infirmary.
“This behaviour cannot continue, Sirius,” she said.
There was worry in her stern eyes, and she was wringing her hands. He said nothing, clenching and unclenching his jaw and staring ahead.
“I will have to let your-“
Sirius’ breathing hitched and his eyes widened.
“Please, not Mother, she-“ he said.
“The Potters, I will have to let them know,” Minerva said, putting out her hand and squeezing his shoulder. “Mrs. Black will not hear about this.”
He saw her concern and nodded, swallowing a lump in his throat.
“Tell them I’m sorry.”
“Tell them yourself, Sirius.”
He felt so guilty for causing them trouble, but perhaps it was for the best, once they realised how fucked up and bad he was, they would get rid of him too, better if that happened now rather than later, when he got too used to Mia’s kindness and Monty’s soothing calmness. There were tears in his eyes, but he refused to let them fall.
  He was a coward. He had waited till the last few hours before the deadline, chain smoking, before finally asking Remus to meet him downstairs in the deserted common room. It was late. He could see Remus stifling a yawn, looking gorgeous in the candlelight, but so tired, and worried. He was always so observant.
“What’s wrong, Pads?” he said, putting his hand on Sirius’ knee and squeezing it gently, sitting opposite him beside the fireplace. “You haven’t been yourself all day.”
He tried to smile, faking everything, but he couldn’t speak.
“This…” he motioned between them, aware his voice was trembling.
“Us?” said Remus.
“There is no us,” he whispered hoarsely.
Remus removed his hand from his knee slowly.
“Oh,” he said softly.
Sirius sent him a tight smile, vacant and empty.
“You know me, I don’t do relationships.”
“I thought… I thought you liked it,” Remus smiled.
He looked hurt though.
“I did,” Sirius whispered.
“It doesn’t have to mean… it doesn’t need to be more than…” Remus whispered, still smiling, a few tears tracking down his right cheek. “I wouldn’t mind if...”
He wanted to scream.
“No, I can’t. Sorry.”
He heard Remus catch his breath and nod slowly, watched as Remus turned away and headed back towards the stairs, stopping when he got to the bannisters.
“You shouldn’t have… you should have told me,” Remus said. “I…”
He looked dignified, and shattered.
Sirius nodded, stiff upper lip, clenched jaw, shoulders so tight they hurt, praying his tears wouldn’t betray him until after Remus left. He could see Remus frowning, as though trying to sense how he was feeling. He turned his back on Remus and gripped the mantlepiece, trying to breathe.
“Padfoot?” Remus asked quietly.
“Go,” he answered, knowing he sounded all wrong, hard and desperate.
He heard Remus sigh, heard desolate footsteps fade as he ascended the spiral staircase, leaving Sirius spiralling downwards. He didn’t deserve Remus anyway, maybe it was for the best. 
Swiping furiously at his eyes he picked up his quill and wrote a note.
As discussed. Done.
Sirius Black
The ink was smudged, like Prongs’ left-handed notes.
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