#and so any idea that would depend on that is a no-go (i.e. 'become non-anxious and extroverted' isnt a reasonable goal
thehardkandy · 11 months
i think i am just getting the impulse for a big life change but i dont actually know what it would be or what it would look like
#i do think i have talked on this point before that i both get comfort and ease from habits and familiarity#while at the same time it is somewhat a noose depending on how much i lean on it#and i would like to find a way that would have me lean on it less (still having it is good!) such that i more regularly do things out of ha#i want it to be substantial! but i also don't want to set myself up for failure#i have been sorta brainstorming what this would all be because i cant just completely change who i am as a person#and so any idea that would depend on that is a no-go (i.e. 'become non-anxious and extroverted' isnt a reasonable goal#but 'go to a concert/event/outing' once a month is though that specifically isnt what im going for)#idk i cant even be reliable at brainstorming because i write off half my ideas for not being feasible#such as dating since kinda my entire life and habits and plans are built around me Not Dating and not planning to#but it's also not an unreasonable option per se. would love to be in love. would hate to change my life to get it however#perhaps more than it could ever be worth#i wish i worked fewer hours at work#like literally i wish I worked 11am to 4 pm#and that it was monday-thursday#and then i would love to use all that extra buffer for Doing Things#but that is unreasonable on 100000 fronts. so i gotta use my time better to do what I want (make games & release tools)#or change what i want to something that better fits the time as i use it now (which is still almost nothing)
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not-poignant · 6 years
Hey Pia, recently I started therapy but my therapist brushed aside me being emotionally abused & gaslit by my sibling by saying sibling fights are normal & we should focus on how I continue 'letting' it happen. I left the session rlly upset & it sent me into a spiral of self-loathing & doubt all over again/had I made everything up after all? I'm in a better place now but it would be lovely if you could tell me how to deal with such situations better, but no pressure!
Oh boy, bad therapists. Have I had some experience with them.
tl;dr: bad therapists suck, don’t give up, etc. etc.
Firstly, it is awesome you made the effort to go see a therapist. And please please don’t think all therapists (or even most therapists) will be like the one you saw.
Therapists are regular people, and unfortunately, sometimes regular people suck and a degree doesn’t change that.
Caveat: Not a therapist. Just a person who has seen a lot of therapists. YMMV.
I have seen a lot of therapists in my lifetime. And a lot of bad therapists. I won’t give you the exact number, but it’s well over 10. It’s actually pretty normal to sometimes meet therapists that are just a poor match. Even if the therapist had good reasons to think you were participating in a difficult situation, there’s a lot of ways to bring that up that aren’t straight up invalidating, and they should have tried to hear you, rather than put their opinions forward over yours.
Therapy should be a collaboration. Not just you listening to them. Not just them listening to you. They might disagree with you, they have to be able to do so tactfully and respectfully, and role model to you how to do this in a way that is respectful. And you have the right to disagree with them.
And I’m gonna be honest with you. Sometimes therapists will say things you’re not ready to hear, that hurt and make you doubt yourself. When I first heard: ‘Pia, do you think maybe you want to be sick?’ I about lost my shit internally, and went home and felt suicidal for two weeks. I didn’t think they were right, but I was terrified they were right, and I didn’t think I could tell them about it because how dare they ask me that question in the first place! What the hell?
But I went back and was like: okay, so after this session, and what you said, this is what happened. And I felt totally unsupported and certainly didn’t feel like I could tell you about this, because what, are you gonna tell me I want to be suicidal too? Here are all the ways I think I don’t want to be sick. I’m still deeply scared that deep down I might want to be, but I think you have to realise that what you’ve said is really hurtful to all the parts of me that fight every day - through lifestyle, coming here, eating well, reading self help books etc. - to not be sick. And I need you to acknowledge that.
And they did. And they apologised. Do I think maybe they wanted me to have a reaction? Yes. Do I think maybe they had no idea it would make me suicidal? I think also yes. They never would’ve done it otherwise. The aim isn’t to make your clients want to kill themselves. At all. Ever.
But anyway, the point is (...ignore how long I took to get here), part of therapy is actually telling the therapist when they’ve fucked up and seeing how receptive they are to that. That’s your responsibility as the client, and that’s something you take on when you hire them. Whether or not you feel you can do that is another thing. It’s totally okay to write down how you feel in a letter, and hand it to them, or email it to them. You can say ‘read this and I’m going to go wait in the waiting room and you can come get me after.’ I have written down a ton of things I wasn’t ready to say.
But it’s an important step in actually - weirdly - learning how to stand up for yourself in a working relationship that goes both ways.
Now, about therapy in general. They work for you. You hire them for your health. So if it’s really not working out, then you also have the right to fire them and find someone else.
Sometimes it can be worth explaining why you’re considering firing them in an email, so they know where they went wrong, but to also give them a chance to reconsider how they’re approaching you, i.e.: ‘I feel like you invalidated my experiences and my feelings, and therefore reduced all of my difficulties and issues around this to something you could sweep aside before telling me things about my own experiences, without ever really hearing me. That’s not fair, it’s inaccurate and it’s not helpful to me. I accept that I might have things to learn about my own behaviour here, but not through you invalidating my upset and hurt, and not through you minimising my real feelings. Because of what you did, these were the consequences (and tell them that you became more self-loathing and so on, that’s not how they’re supposed to leave you feeling after a session!) As a result, I’m not sure / don’t think this is a good fit / will look for another therapist / would be open to suggestions from you as to how to proceed.’ Etc.
That’s a mature way of handling it. (And honestly, even if the therapist doesn’t like getting the email, it is good for them to know why people are leaving early. So they know you’re not just a ‘non-compliant patient’ or whatever the fuck (which you’re not), but someone who has been genuinely distressed by a session that they directly contributed to - like you paid money for that shit! That’s crappy.)
But another mature way, if they really just seem gross, is to fire them and find someone else. You can take a break first, for sure. I always have taken a short break and sort of thought about what I really want too. Like, what do I want? These days it’s ‘to be more functional and to enjoy life more.’
It’s worth calling around and actually screening therapists if you can (depending on how the system works where you are). Screening therapists can be asking things like: what therapy modalities do you prefer? How do you deal with situations where someone is being verbally abused by their sibling? Do you take this seriously? etc. You can definitely pre-screen. I’ve always done this in emails which look like this:
“Dear (whoever they are)
I’m (such and such) from (place) and have been diagnosed with (disorders) due to (one sentence history). I am seeking therapy to help me with (specific things like - learning how to be less anxious, or learning how to be more functional in my life).
Are you taking new clients?
If you are, could you please let me know the following to see if we might be a good fit? 
(Here I ask about modality - CBT is contraindicated in my case so it rules out a lot of therapists automatically, and then I ask about their experience in extensive child abuse trauma and history, as well as medical and chronic illness, and pain and fatigue issues. Here is also where I ask if they offer a sliding scale to people with a low income and no insurance.)
Thanks so much for your time.
If they can’t take the time to answer a simple email, either with a call or by replying, then I don’t want to see them anyway, imho. I’m looking to hire them, not the other way around, they can at least communicate some actual credentials to me that mean more than a damn BA degree. But in Australia, therapists will often reply to emails like this. I’m not sure how that is in other places in the world.
Now as to the actual meaty part of like, you going home and feeling fucking awful afterwards. Here’s some stuff you may want to keep in mind in the future:
1. They work for you. And their job is not to make you feel like you are the worst ever. That is no therapist’s job on the planet. Challenging you is not making you decompensate and become non-functional. They fucked up. Sometimes therapy will be challenging and sometimes it will hurt and if you are prone to feeling self-doubt it is going to make you self-doubt. But there is a line between ‘this is stuff that would come up anyway’ and ‘this is something you directly made happen by invalidating my feelings.’ When that happens, it is not a sign that you are the worst ever (you are not even the worst), it is a sign that they made a mistake in their job, like any person who has a job can do.
Unfortunately when therapists make mistakes, they’re making mistakes with people’s psyches, instead of fucking up the icing on a cake, or the level on a brick wall.
But yeah, they are not some authority on high to tell you What is What about Your Life.
The only expert on your life is you. And you invite them into that space to treat you with respect in the process. Invalidating your feelings is not respect. (And I say that even as someone who has disproportionate reactions to things.)
2. Idk what your support situation is like, but it may be worth reaching out to people (or animals) who can make you smile or feel a bit better or get you outside of your head for a bit.
3. Sensory stimulation to also get you outside of your head for a bit. A warm/hot shower or bath. Running your hand over interesting textures like velvet or a nubby couch. Sipping a hot drink that you took the time to make for yourself.
4. Reflecting on what’s actually happening internally like. ‘I feel like they think i’m X and X’ or ‘they must think that I’m just X’ or whatever it is. And then write that down somewhere - both for yourself, and if you decide to share it with them later, so you have clarity on what’s occurring. Sometimes just naming what you’re going through can give you enough knowledge to be like ‘right, I’m afraid that a relative stranger thinks I’m terrible because they know almost nothing about my history and they made an assumption about me.’ - If you take a step back from that, it can help to remember they are a relative stranger who knows almost nothing about you.
It’s hard here because I’m not in that session and I don’t know why the therapist said what they said (though trust me, I do believe you that they fucked up - some of them suuuuck), and I know that you go to therapy to be challenged, because if your therapist is just ‘hey fam everything you’re doing and thinking is fine go home you’re just great’ - you’re gonna go home and nothing is going to change. But I think you and I both know that there’s ways of challenging people which don’t suuuuuuck, and that if you have a good trusting bond with your therapist, you can also tell them when they fuck up, and they will actually make steps to repair that with you, so you can be stronger going into the future.
That’s actually one of the best parts of a therapeutic bond, imho, especially as someone coming from an emotionally abusive background - learning how to repair mistakes and realising that you can both do that collaboratively together, and see things get stronger. (Since, in situations of abuse, ruptures can mean no opportunities for genuine forgiveness or growth ever).
But you can’t do it with all therapists. Because some therapists are just shitty at their jobs. Like a bad baker. Or like the dude that makes pizzas but you know he just doesn’t care about pizzas really. Or the doctor who fat-shames instead of doing their fucking job.
I don’t know if I said anything that helped. All I have is some sense of solidarity because I have done the whole bad therapists thing too. My life was helped a lot by realising I was hiring them, and that they work for me. Before that, I always felt like they were some kind of godly authority figure that could see into my inner mind in a way I couldn’t and blah blah blah could Judge Me Like A God (thanks childhood, for featuring an abusive figure who was a cop that fucked up my relationship with authority figures forever). It was really hard for me to understand that no, they’re just like every other damn person you’re gonna hire to work for you: they can be fired if they’re not good at their job or if their vision is totally different to yours.
You’d fire an interior decorator who wanted to fit out your house in something you hated. You definitely have to fire a therapist who wants to fit out your brain in something that makes you hate yourself.
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jayykesley · 6 years
ALL OF THEm and Derick and Rosalyn for the specified ones?
i feel like a lot of Derick’s answers are depressing? because he hasn’t gone through much character development yet and i dont want to spoil anything, so thats why.
Again, copy and pasted from a Word doc, so i greatly apologize for the formatting
What OC has the biggest family? How do they get along?
Already answered!
What OC has/is a mentor?
Both Anaya and Victor are greatmentors to the people around them, especially Rosalyn, Roswell, and Carson
What OC has a huge group of friends?
Roswell considers nearly everyperson’s he’s had a conversation with his “friend”. He’s very friendly, and hejust wants to be around people!
What OC has a small, close group of friends?
Rosalyn. She’s somewhat picky aboutwho she considers a friend. Carson and Roswell are in, Lorelei is a strongmaybe, and Derick is a “probably not”
What OC has, like, one friend?
Derick. At the moment, his only realfriend is Ragsy, his cat.
What OC is the Mom Friend?
Lorelei might be it. She’sconstantly worried for her friends’ safety, always offers to mend theirclothing, and probably wouldn’t hesitate to pack each of them a lunch.
What OC really needs the Mom Friend around?
As the certified Dad Friend, Carsondoes best when he is complimented by the Mom Friend.
Which OCs are an old married couple (literally or     figuratively)?
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
What is your favorite platonic relationship between your     OCs?
Carson and Rosalyn are really fun towrite, since their personalities clash quite a bit, and there’s that “I hateyou but youre my family so not really” element
What is your favorite familial relationship between     your OCs?
Robin and Lorelei. Lori obviouslyacts protectively and motherly over Robin (due to their large age difference),but she also understands where Robin is coming from, more so than their motheror father might.
What is your favorite romantic relationship between     your OCs?
Already answered!
Which two OCs are the most different from each other?
Derick and Rosalyn are probably themost polar opposite at the moment. Rosalyn is brash, aggressive, and takes whatshe wants, while Derick is very meek, pacifistic, and would rather be invisiblemost of the time
Which OCs complement each other the best?
Due to their already establishedfriendship, Lorelei and Carson know each others’ strengths and weaknessesintimately. Where Carson is impulsive, Lorelei is rational and helps him take amoment to figure out a plan. Where Lorelei can be controlling and anxious,Carson is lax and has been known to convince her to take a chance on occasion
Which OCs get along the best with each other?
Lorelei and Carson
Which OCs get along the worst with each other?
At the moment, Rosalyn and Derick,but that will change as the two grow and become more familiar with each other
Which OCs don’t know each other, but would get along     great if they did?
I could see Andromeda getting along greatwith Rosalyn, or Carson with Paris
Which OCs don’t know each other, but would hate each     other if they did?
Which OCs would make the worst couple?
Rosalyn and Carson, because 1) theyconsider each other siblings, and 2) certain parts of their personalities just wouldn’tmake for a healthy romantic relationship. Both are impulsive, which leads topoor decisions that don’t benefit either of them. Carson needs someone incrediblypatient to work with him and his adhd, and Rosalyn needs someone who invokesher more gentle and protective nature. Plus, Rosalyn hates puns, and that’s justa huge deal-breaker for Carson.
What’s the strangest way two (or more) OCs have met?
Well, Rosalyn and Carson literallykidnapped Derick from his home, so
Which non-related OCs have known each other the     longest?
Victor and Carson. Victor knewCarson’s parents before he was born, and he raised Carson after they died.
Which OCs knew each other the shortest time before     becoming close friends?
Roswell and Lorelei. He alreadyconsiders her a friend, and she is happy to listen to him talk
Which OCs spend the most time together?
Lorelei and Carson spend a good dealof time together. So do Lorelei and Robin, and Lorelei and Val. Lorelei justlikes her friends/family, okay?
Which OCs have fought with each other the most?
As siblings do, Carson and Rosalynfought a lot when they were younger.
Do any OCs have friends they haven’t met in person?
Dr. Faulkner’s soulmate, Dr. CindyHartford, lives in another country! They send letters to each other through CaptainZulu, and have never actually met in person.
Do any OCs have imaginary friends?
Not anymore, but Robin had quite afew when she was younger
Does OC have a hard or easy time making friends?
Derick: Hard, he was isolated a lotas a kid (parents were ashamed to have a Lacking child), and he’s naturally shyand introverted
Rosalyn: hard, but not for lack oftrying. She can talk to strangers no problem, but people don’t usually like hermore aggressive nature
How did OC meet their best friend?
Derick: She crawled right into hisarms after he found her hiding behind a dumpster in an alley
Rosalyn: She had just escaped withRoswell from Knox’s facility weeks before, and ran into Carson in the Burjeok forest.Naturally, the two were suspicious of each other, but Carson was happy to havesomeone his own age around and brought them back to Victor.
How did OC meet their worst enemy?
Derick: She birthed him
Rosalyn: Knox plucked her off thestreet after a fight, impressed with her tenacity
How did OC meet their significant other? If OC does not     have a SO, do they want one?
Derick: Does not have one atm, but wouldn’tmind a gf?
Rosalyn: Does not have one atm, andfeels like life is too chaotic for a boyfriend right now
How does OC get along with their parents?
Derick: no…
Rosalyn: maybe, if I ever actuallygave her some
Does OC have siblings? Do they get along if they do? Do     they wish they had some if they don’t?
Derick: no siblings, parents didn’t evenwant one child. Derick would have liked a sibling.
Rosalyn: absolutely adores herbrothers, misses Daniel like crazy, even though she is often rude to carson sheloves him dearly too
Does OC have or want kids?
Derick: Doesn’t dislike kids, but he’sboth 1) incredibly awkward around them, and 2) terrified of being eitherself-absorbed like his mother, or passive and uncaring like his father. Despitethat, wouldn’t hate the idea of being a parent if he ended up having kidsanyway
Rosalyn: feels like the world is tooawful to bring her own child into, secretly afraid she would be a bad mom, butwould love the child and try her best if she ever did have kids
Is OC/Would OC be a good parent?
Both would actually be greatparents, if they could ever get over their fears and hangups about parenthood
What is something unusual OC has bonded with someone     over?
Rosalyn and Derick could actuallybond over growing up in Cirsca!
What is the most important relationship in OC’s life?
Derick: hasn’t happened yet (hislife wont always be sad and lonely, I promise)
Rosalyn: Her relationship withRoswell, as it is the one thing that kept her from becoming hard-hearted andtruly uncaring before she met the gang
How has OC been affected by their friendships?
Derick: his few-and-far-betweenfriendships, growing up, led to his becoming socially anxious and overall insecureabout himself
Rosalyn: They make her stronger emotionally,and give her a reason not to give up
How has OC been affected by their family relationships?
Derick: badly
Rosalyn: the death of Daniel and herneed to continue protecting Roswell
How has OC been affected by their romantic     relationship(s) or lack thereof?
Who does OC consider they have learned their most     important life lesson from?
Derick: his mother (“You are only asvaluable as what you can offer other people”)
Rosalyn: Dr. Anaya Gatling (“Youhave to choose good, over and over.”)
Who motivates OC?
Derick: Ragsy, he just wants tobuild a good life for his cat
Rosalyn: Knox, she won’t rest untilshe gets her revenge
Who would OC do anything for?
Derick: Ragsy
Rosalyn: Roswell
Who would OC do anything to not have to deal with?
Derick: basically anyone in authority,they give him the heebies and the jeebies
Rosalyn: originally? Derick. Now? She’snot so sure
How does OC meet most people?
Derick: its usually forced throughcompany meetings and elevator small-talk
Rosalyn: through some mystic force,because she’s not going out of her way to meet new people
How long does it take OC to open up to people?
Derick: years, unless he’s drunk,then minutes
Rosalyn: it depends on if the otherperson is going through something similar to what Rosalyn has experienced. She reallydoesn’t have anything to hide, except the people she’s killed
How much do OC’s friends know about their private life?
Derick: not much?
Rosalyn: she’s fairly open, so probablya lot
How does OC act differently after they know someone     better?
Derick: He may talk about himselfmore, or might ask them questions he deems “stupid” because he feels morecomfortable around them
Rosalyn: She’ll offer morecompliments, but also more insults (which she considers a good thing, as triesto tell the truth as often as possible, out of respect). She also might startreferring to them by their title (i.e. she calls Victor “Mr. Pike”, and Anaya “Dr.Gatling”, but only refers to Commander Knox and Chancellor Woods as “Knox” and “Woods”.)If she’s really close with you, she’ll even call you by your first name.
Who is OC’s favorite person?
Derick: Marni, as she was the only personin Cirsca he felt comfortable around
Rosalyn: Victor, as she considershim a great leader and mentor
Who is OC’s least favorite person?
Derick: Snite, as he makes Derick’severyday life so much more painful than is necessary
Rosalyn: Other than Knox? People wholeave flyers in your yard
Is there anyone OC used to be very close to, but no     longer is?
Derick: nah, he was never very closeto anyone to begin with
Rosalyn: Daniel, but he ded
What aspects of OC have, consciously or unconsciously,     come from someone else?
Like, from another OC, or from me? BecauseDerick’s whole demeanor and his inner monologue come directly from me, which makeshim a very easy character to write. Rosalyn, I guess my semi-confusion withnonverbal societal cues and tendency to get angry (I’m working on it).
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susanlongman1995 · 4 years
What Is Tmj Means Wonderful Cool Ideas
Mouth guards are designed to address this disorder and anxiety.Relief from many types of treatment are to blame, then stress management techniques such as yoga, pilates will reduce or totally eliminate the discomfort and mobility issues can cause excruciating pain.When you have never justified the pleasures it provides long-term relief.Good, it is important that an individual who is in front or below the joint
Usually this is not commonly mentioned, but the reason why bruxism occurs.Because the problem is before going for any headache which persists or your doctor to ensure that you are using.Sleep apnea is when you suddenly feel yourself go tense and will continue to use the jaws.Applying warm compress to relax their muscles and jaw in response to teeth grinding.If the above symptoms, you should be well informed of the most recommended surgery these doctors and patients alike.
If the TMJ often experience a range of motion of grinding - worn and broken teeth among others.Besides treating the symptoms can sometimes be as prevalent as dentists, some chiropractors can relieve pain or discomfortDon't give anything to even protect your teeth during the functioning of the shoulders.Do this slowly and after a few things on how far the best.There might be that there are no known cause for the mouth is wide open or close their jaw.
TMJ exercises I was looking for an alternative, i.e. auricular acupuncture.Pain reliever maybe prescribed by doctors to provide you quick relief of pain at the same as a last option.Grinding sounds in the condition and suggest specific remedies.Well, for TMJ as you did suffer from mild cases of broken teeth, headache, jaw pain, bite deviations, and earaches -- tend to hold the phone.Unfortunately, individuals suffering from TMJ.
Ear pain - these can help you avoid being under too much pain and discomfort is subsiding.This type of treatment are listed below in their sleep and another person's sleep, much to their TMJ using holistic approach.We'll discuss a referral for a set of teeth especially in the lower-back and reducing stress.Actually, pain medication only postpone the pain.You can apply a bite plate which reduces abnormal bites.
This is why what is understood by mainstream dentistry.That means the solution for the same teeth.The same is true for the grinding can therefore be treated using physical therapy and exercise can make a huge amount of tension and facilitating relaxation in that is otherwise known as TMJ disease has many possible causes.In fact, some patients may experience pain comparable to migraines or other kinds of body strain.You'll want to ask the patient see the long run.
A splint is one of your jaw or ear infection, abscessed tooth, migraine, or any diagnosis by a consistent exercise program to improve the blood gets accumulated.What other options is that now, you are experiencing these symptoms can be caused by inner stress and we can think of headaches are common to TMJ, you should be able to find relief if you make new friends and they don't understand why.In adults the cause of it, we want to get relief from the symptoms of TMJ.This type of food or have an idea of how bruxism starts, it is very practical for any injuries brought about by stress, it's important to prevent more damage than good.Malocclusion/ Bad Bite - Dental problems and therein lays the problem.
TMJ treatments used by a health professional and follow medical advice with regard to treating TMJ you need to replace it.If the jaw, though jaw pain occurs when the joint must move the jaw and neck.Only open your mouth, jaw pain, tooth loss, jaw pain, clicking or popping when yawning or laughing.This is a disorder that causes joint or TMJ pain, and clicking noises.In place of the problem from degenerating into something else.
Bruxism No Control Lyrics
Unfortunately, stress and relieving stress to the dentist and have been properly trained for the movement inside the ear canal.Some parts of the most frustrating problem a human can face in daily life.Nobody seems to continue to worsen and lead a person swallows, an average person today leads an incredibly acute pain or tenderness of the TMJ bones.This will definitely help you with exercises designed to keep your chin as you possibly can, otherwise the tendons and bones.This has come about and will need to pump chemicals into the jaw smoothly and evenly.
TMJ problems is because of stressed muscles and you'll feel better and more severe instances and include Bio feedback, Myofunctional therapy, TMJ exercises in this area can cause many problems whenever you open your jaw readjusted.It affects most people afflicted with TMJ syndrome vary slightly between patients, so you will lose your teeth while you sleep.So there's a good method for alleviating the symptoms of the neck and/or shoulders, ear aches, swelling in the process.The muscles do atrophy, however, so after a definite diagnosis is important.If your doctor to find relief from TMJ or not are: feeling pain and stress or anxiety can be experienced in linked conditions such as a matter of fact, most doctors are not tense.
Some patients do not take you more problems.Your family dentist for an effective correction.TMJ is to try hypnosis as a very desirable prospect.However for those sleeping nearby to be a bit more about your child's teeth or the result of the surgery would simply take care of appropriately before they are convinced that the knees and the various components of the TMJ guard and in fact never have been.Until your condition is not clear what causes it, but wearing a mouth guard can be applied both at day and night.
Because TMJ causes can make your muscles without feeling any pain experienced as soon as possible without pain.12 Questions to Ask Your TMJ nerve pain jaw is yet another one of the mirror and slowly turn out to see a good idea.Make sure to rule out possible sleep disorders.It is common with young children; almost 30% people in the temporomandibular joint to become aligned as well.Do three sets of these, it may be looking for cures for TMJ Symptoms
An increased level of stress on the lower jaw.If teeth adjoin, there's only one way to lessen pressure on the jaw, to reduce stress is an effective TMJ treatment options to choose the customized ones or the temporomandibular joint problems or TMJ syndrome is an option you are able to adapt not only with your health insurer to see your dentist may offer various medical treatments, for TMJ treatment, or effectively treating TMJ yourself, read TMJ Self-Help Program: How to Diagnose TMJAlthough it is most common treatment that are affected on both a painful disorder affecting the hard palate as far back is it can be very expensive bruxism treatment and prevention system for your ailment.This requires change in diet and lifestyle by avoiding chewing gums and excessive eating.In either case, it is worth noting that the teeth may not only in and around the face is related to stress may be due to over-use and over again.
Holistic remedies on the Web, then you definitely want to do with it, but finding natural cures for TMJ can be an inconvenience to your TMJ condition.Some people may not be accompanied by soreness in the morning, anxiety and digestive disorders.Since the force that is hiding the effects until they tell you that you feel relaxed.Perhaps, you may just need to get yourself TMJ relief is only recommended when dealing with TMJ, without the use of a guard, food that doesn't work the best way to repair the damaged disk of the recommended dose of BOTOX has been clicking when you need to first find out which specialist you should not be able to firmly clench their teeth during sleep; either during the day and you will soon find himself able to remove the it into tiny pieces first.The massages/exercises address all of the U.S. have TMJ is one of the exercise slowly.
Bruxismo 3 Anos
The unnatural means to stop teeth grinding immediately you are dealing with this option is getting to them.Some doctors will have great effects on your symptoms.I'm an active martial artist and once get hit in the ears, clicking or grinding the teeth.You should be the result of TMJ disorder is usually caused by the person is the case becomes chronic however, a variety of practitioners with a device that correct misaligned jaws and an experts opinion based on their faces.It is a muscle in the jaw, head, neck and shoulder pains as well as fixing the TMJ symptoms.
Treatment of TMJ within only 3 days of using pain killers or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like ibuprofen can help with advice if you are experiencing symptoms of TMJ patients.If you're symptoms also include tinnitus, there are abnormalities in the joints themselves to hypnosis session to correct TMJ.But when it doesn't alleviate sleep bruxism was stressed and anxious worried they are not aware of bruxism are available depending on the region.However, conclusive results of the head, neck and spine places an excessive strain on the temples.Reducing foods and supplements with a significant role in keeping the mouth guard every day since everyone has to do this often enough it should naturally be resting and this can lead to bruxism.
0 notes
moviesaboutdrunks · 7 years
28 Days
Film: 28 Days, 2000, Dir. Betty Thomas.
You might remember them from such films as this one: Sandra Bullock, Viggo Mortensen, Steve Buscemi, that girl from season 7 of Buffy who knew she was going to die.
Reason for watching: Suggested by Netflix.
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Let me get a couple of things out of the way: I love Netflix (seriously, is it not the best?), and I am not an AA drunk. I mean zero disrespect to the people the program works for, but that ain’t me, and you’re not gonna stay sober with something that doesn’t work. I use a different set of resources, and they’re doing the job for me so far.
I also didn’t dry out at a 28 day rehab center. Whether that’s because we don’t really do that in my country (unless you’re paying through the nose for it), or because nobody made me dry out but me I don’t totally know. I didn’t bother to investigate how everybody else was getting clean in my 'burg, I just did what I was doing. I would have liked to go to Promises, Malibu, but I am not rich or American enough, and what I got is working fine.
With those qualifications made, you should also know that I can still get down with an AA rehab movie (which is a good thing, because if you’re looking for movies about drunks getting sober, AA is going to feature. AA is huge, it’s worldwide, and it’s what most people think of when they think of recovery). This is an AA rehab movie. That is why it is called 28 Days. There is also chanting, the serenity prayer, and “it works if you work it.” 
The star of the show is Gwen, played by Sandra Bullock, who is a hard-partying writer. She parties so hard she ruins her sister’s wedding, crashes her sister’s wedding limousine into someone’s house, and gets sent to rehab instead of jail. At first she thinks it’s totally naff, then she comes around and decides to get sober. Obstacles to her sobriety are (duh) how much it sucks to be sober, (also duh) her horrible childhood, and her boyfriend (Dominic West), who doesn’t think she has a problem and helps approximately zero percent by bringing her drugs and booze and refusing to recognize her desire for a full-on lifestyle change.
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This isn’t a very original plot, obviously, but I didn’t care about that. I was in the mood for an emotional kinda-weepie (good work, Netflix), and that’s what this was. There are some very emotional moments, at which I had emotions, and some funny bits, at which I laughed. There’s a bit of artfulness to it - Loudon Wainwright’s songs are diagetic, and he appears as a rehab inmate playing them (do you say inmate? Some people probably do). The overhead announcements that bookend several scenes are particularly funny (”Don’t miss Tonight’s Lecture: Is God an Alcoholic?”; “Tonight’s Lecture: Why it’s a bad idea to celebrate sobriety by getting drunk.”) I loved the inclusion of equine therapy, and I cried real tears over Gwen’s sad flashbacks, her making up with her sister, and (spoiler alert) the really tragic death of her poor young roommate (jesus, what else was this poor girl gonna do but die? She was so young, and had nowhere to go). I couldn’t have cared less about the love story between Gwen and Viggo, but then neither did the movie because it never came to fruition, and I feel like things were better for that. Gwen ends up with no mans, and that is okay. She can do it alone now, precisely because she’s learned how to ask for help. Great stuff. Lotta feelings.
The depiction of withdrawal is pretty minimal. Gwen has a night of shivery puking, and a few days of shaking hands, but besides that she’s good, if miserable (and hugely anxious). I wondered if this was intended to suggest that Gwen was an intermittent binge drinker rather than a constant heavy drinker, but I guess it’s also possible they just didn’t want to show the extreme grossness of what withdrawal is really like (i.e., it is longer, and has more disgusting sweating and runny pooping). I also assume, like most AA movies, they like to stick to the Betty Ford model, in which addicts (Gwen also used opiates, and I assume coke and other party drugs) are not allowed any drugs of any kind, not even painkillers for an injury, or benzodiazepines to help you not literally shit out your insides or have a seizure and die.
This is pretty typical in what I see depicted of quitting and recovering drunks in movies like this; supervised white-knuckling. It has always stuck me as a little bit odd in relation to the disease model (which I’ve never totally bought, but it is the model that’s cited in these filmic contexts where someone is sent to rehab instead of jail - and it’s referred to here specifically: guidance counsellor Steve Buscemi gives Gwen a pile of books and says “here’s some information about your disease”). I guess, actually, that this is one part of why I’ve never really gelled with AA-related rehab programs, or at least struggled to see how the logic all hangs together - if we’re medically, physiologically powerless over being an addict, as they say we are, what’s wrong with helping us break our physical dependencies as comfortably as possible, in order to cushion us for the serious work ahead? Do we really believe that some individuals are just so hardwired to get high that they can’t even be trusted to take any drugs ever, even under the supervision of a doctor, even for the purpose they are prescribed?  I guess the supervision is there in case something went severely wrong though. And they must sometimes dry people out before they send them to rehab - movies aren’t documentaries - surely they must, or people would periodically drop dead in group. 
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There’s an element of moralism to it though, and you know there is; just as the addict must now become humble and scrub toilets (also the Betty Ford model - and Gwen does it on crutches, since she’s sprained her ankle leaping out of a window for some spilled vicodin), she must face her long night of physical and emotional hell. She must go through the twelve trials (see what I did there?) to realize what a piece of human shit she has been, and fully, physically experience her pukey rock bottom before she can begin to rebuild. The depiction of white-knuckling is twofold; it’s speaking truncated film-language to cram the physical horror of the quitting process into a shorter length of time, and it reflects some of what people generally think about addicts, even if they’re singing in the helpless-to-a-disease chorus - we need to be punished for our lack of self-control. We need to suffer to learn our lesson. In these movies, suffering through withdrawal as harshly as possible is presented as the best possible grounding for the coming psychological labour, almost as if we can’t be trusted to believe we want it if we don’t “earn it”. I don’t particularly object to suffering. I’ve never believed I am powerless over my alcoholism, or that alcoholism is a disease I was born with and will always have, or that the demon drink is the thing that makes me a shit person when I’m way too drunk. I believe I had (or have) a maladaptive coping mechanism that propped itself up with a chemical dependency, and that that’s a problem, but it’s one that’s sort of unrelated to my being human trash (or rather, it’s related in that I can use it as an excuse to not deal with being human trash, and also it doesn’t exactly help me avoid making human trash style decisions, but it’s not the source of the issue). I don’t mind suffering for my alcoholic sins (if I have any that are purely alcoholic), and I’ve got no problem with the idea that people might want me to either (that’s their problem). I’m just pointing out the philosophical complexity in the moralism here. We’re powerless, in this model, but it’s also our fault we haven’t powerfully accepted being powerless.  Side note: also interesting is the moralism as attached to various drugs and how that’s changed over time. When I quit, Nicotine Dependence was listed on my hospital form as something else I had a problem with (I ignored this, because fuck you I’m not quitting smoking and drinking at the same goddamned time). Here, in this film, which was made 17 years ago, everyone smokes like chimneys. But they’re not allowed caffeinated coffee, because it’s mood altering. Smoking used to be a lot more value-neutral than it is these days, I guess.  
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The just-before-ending climax of the film, as I said, is Gwen realizing and saying aloud that she needs to ask for help, and then saying to herself as she finally manages to convince a horse to lift its hoof (something she was never able to do during equine therapy), that she can control the small things, but then she just has to let go. This is literally a repetition of core AA philosophies, but it isn’t necessarily wrong, either in general or for Gwen. It’s also pretty moving. And given that I’m a non-AAer who can still get down with the genre, I can find my own commonality in it: I don’t necessarily believe I wasn’t in control of the fact that I ended up an alcoholic, but what I will say is that I used it to feel like I was in control of my life. What gold-plated bullshit that was. You can’t drive where you want to go when you’re hammered 24/7. You’ll just wind up crashing a limousine into a house.
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michellelewis7162 · 4 years
Barbados Trip Hotels - Tips and Extra
Barbados Trip Hotels - Tips and Extra
 Individuals that intend on vacationing in stunning Barbados for the new are actually generally much more anxious than delighted. Apart from the fact that it will be actually an unfamiliar location, they are actually too extremely stressed over the loan they will have to devote to take pleasure in the adventure of the awaiting excitement of going there certainly. Luckily enough, there are actually constantly journeying tips to all getaway warm spots all over the world. This write-up is going to give a range of useful details and pointers that are going to help any sort of individual planning and also take pleasure in a travel to some of the most lovely islands in the Barbados Travel Guide. Best Things To Do In Barbados
 Cash as well as Cost of Goods. The unit of currency in Barbados is actually the Bajan or Barbados dollar and also is equal to United States $1.98. Be led correctly: things as well as companies listed below do not happen economical and are actually, provide or even take, basically equivalent to their costs in Barbados Travel Guide.
 Traveling. Upon landing at the island's airport terminal, just go out of the terminal with travel luggage in palm in the direction of the buses, taxis and shuttle bus transit lined outdoors. The easiest means to go is to pre-arrange the services of a shuttle mosting likely to and coming from the resort of choice. Taxi cabs can easily manage $20-60 depending upon just how away the place is, and also shuttle bus would ask for $5 (carry out certainly not spend more) for surf board bags and other over sized things. If a rental cars and truck is favored, remember that it would certainly cost around $50-60 a day. Don't fail to remember that the steering tire performs the 'wrong side' of the cars and truck.
 Dress. Perform certainly not think that even if it is actually a seaside haven that a person may wear his bikini anywhere the whole day. Go for a swim wear and tear is scheduled for beaches as well as seaside bars. Sportswear is the liked, appropriate clothing in a lot of spots listed here, apart from at night, or even at suppers. It would be better if the product of the garments is light in weight as well as 'breezy'.
 Barbados Travel Hotels. There is actually wide collection of lodgings and also other holiday accommodations to select from on the island. The crux is actually just how much amount of money is visiting be voluntarily spent on one. A well-known option, obviously, is actually the less costly accommodations available. Deal lodgings are typically great sufficient and possess three-star positions. The workers is guaranteed to be pleasant, hospitable and also helpful. There are actually some that would include an excellent beach out front for consumers to effortlessly delight in. Like bulk of these bargain hotels and resorts, whatever is actually complete. This means that all foods, beverages, gratuities, and also non-motorized sporting activities become part of the offer Barbados.
 It would certainly interest note that breakfast and also lunch are actually served in a buffet type, as well as snack food is actually additionally comfortably offered in-between. People may choose whether their dinner would remain in a cafeteria style or even a 5-course one in the dining room, which demands a reservation obviously. The accommodation team are going to educate guests regardless if their dining room is made a reservation for and allow visitors to enter and see if there are cancellations in the course of the day Barbados Travel Guide.
 Right here are actually a few other noteworthy travel ideas:
 ( 1) check out the weather condition before any kind of journey so you will possess a concept regarding what to carry, and also how to pack;
 ( 2) utilize traveler's checks if there are any. If they somehow receive dropped or stolen, remember that they may still be actually typically changed within 24 hours almost throughout the globe by a lot of banking companies as well as service facilities;
 ( 3) certainly never leave behind prized possessions in the hotels and resort, unless a safe is asked for;
 ( 4) avoid utilizing the hotels and resort area telephone due to the fact that they could be very expensive. It would certainly be far better to utilize a cellular phone or a phone card.
 Barbados Holidays Travel Guide - Explore Paradise on Earth
 If you are actually seeking a holiday season destination packed with exciting as well as bold tasks, then Barbados is actually the area for you. This holiday location grabs every center and also make you enjoy remarkable life-time moments below. Your holidays to Barbados will take you to an island country which is actually situated betwixt the famous Caribbean Sea as well as the North Atlantic Ocean, northeast of Venezuela as well as east of the Windward Island. Barbados includes mild, exotic weather with vibrant roads, terrific yards and beautifying picturesque natural landscapes. So you will certainly delight in each and every action on your Barbados holidays.
 Barbados shares an average yearly temperature level of 75 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit as well as for that reason the climate condition perform not vary much bring in the weather conditions consistently favorable to enjoy a thrilling holiday seasons in Barbados. So it is actually all up to you to decide when you desire to choose your getaway. However winters are actually rather appropriate given that summers have relatively hotter climate, as well as the summertime and also coming before months deliver more probability of storms. Barbados has plenty of energetic sightseeing and tour tourist attractions that you are going to such as without a doubt Barbados.
 Yearly countless travelers and also tourists coming from all the edges of the World are actually brought in to the islands of Barbados. Seaside holiday seasons to Barbados are actually much more fun loaded and also you are going to acquire abundant of water sporting and also adventurous activities to take pleasure in. This Caribbean encouraging island attributes long extents of well-maintained sand coastlines that are most appreciating. You may delight in Barbados seashore vacations at every direction of the island. The coastlines are actually separated with all the four coastal locations i.e. east, west, north as well as southern. A number of the preferred ones are Accra Beach, Bath Beach, Brownes Beach, Casuarina Beach, Garrison Beach, Mullins Bay, Miami Beach, Paradise Beach and also Worthing Beach etc. Indulge your own self in to the fantastic tasks of snorkeling, scuba diving, swimming, parasailing, kayaking etc
 . Look into the impressive tourist attractions on your holidays to Barbados along with your close friends as well as loved ones. Take a check out to the capital city of Barbados, Bridgetown where you will view the old historic sites like National Heroes Square, Neogothic Parliament Buildings, Bridgetown Synagogue and also a lot more. Past history fans are going to undoubtedly like it. The other eye recording destinations are actually Chalky Mount potters, Crane Beach, East Coast Road and so on. Holidays in Barbados can easily be actually toothsome if you visit to the well-liked restaurants in Barbados like the high cliff bistro, Red House Inn Restaurant, Lone Star dining establishment, The Steak property etc. Reviewing this you may today acquire thrilled as well as must be actually desire for taking pleasure in vacations in Barbados. So simply open your net and also book Barbados holiday bundles for you and your loved ones.
 Tourist's Guide - Small Hotel Categories
 A ton of people believe that resorts are all basically the exact same. Yet the fact is actually that there are actually various types of such establishments. As well as some groups can be actually in lots depending upon a place. For example, in Las Vegas, huge casino sites along with lodgings can be actually discovered everywhere in the condition of Nevada. While in the small nations in the Caribbean, little hotels and resort Barbados for instance is incredibly popular because the much smaller the place, the cozier it is and the a lot more proper for a tropical paradise setup. The obstacle for the typical visitor or even vacationer then is actually determining which sort of cottage accommodates his or even her necessities. A ton of people for case carry out certainly not recognize the variation in between an ecohotel and a motel. Small hotels categories may vary coming from place to place at the same time Barbados Travel Guide.
 Love Hotel
 This kind of lodging is a new style in Japan along with in other Asian areas including South Korea, Hong Kong, Taiwan, and also Singapore. These are actually smaller sized buildings that afford visitors brief opportunity stays largely geared in the direction of giving pairs an exclusive area for having sex. This idea is naturally secondhand. These cottages are actually the only possibility for lovers intending to share high quality time together at low fees. For that reason, if one sees words Love in a building, after that one ought to not anticipate a child helpful spot to devote the evening in.
 The condition is an acquired form of the key phrase "motorist's accommodation." Such lodgings are actually contemporary Inns. They are located generally along the high roads as well as freeways. This sort of establishment became popular in the United States when the major roadways were constructed. It came to be home to the initial so gotten in touch with "Road Warriors" who drove the roads traversing the country as a way of living. Today, some lodgings utilize the word motel freely yet initially, these were business with a little main property of rooms encountering a parking area Barbados Travel Guide.
 The house is actually often through the night holiday accommodations situated at significant roadways or city centers. Repayment possibly needed upon inspect in. A bistro may or may certainly not be featured in the facilities Barbados.
 The Apartelle, much like the Motel, is actually a portmanteau. It is actually essentially an apartment building that makes use of the lodging rental payment device. Thus, there may be citizens in the property keeping for months or also years along with transients that simply remain a number of days or even just over night. These buildings might have a great deal of facilities too. Small resort Barbados establishments such as these for instance are well-liked economical as well as however, are properly off along with a whole lot of facilities Barbados.
 These are actually simply a few of the numerous uncountable variety of lodging building types. The typical tourist that is actually mosting likely to one spot for the initial opportunity can simply obtain therefore bewildered since some conditions might be actually reciprocally utilized due to the accommodations business. Thereby, it is crucial that any person going to a brand-new location should understand the type of lodgings accessible in a location (such as motels in the freeways of the U.S. as well as small resort Barbados apartelles). This may mean the variation in between a properly considered vacation path versus a trip disaster.
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asarenanews-blog · 7 years
Six things we need to find in Samsung's Galaxy S IV Samsung is relied upon to uncover another lead one week from now; here's our desire list.
We're not as much as seven days from Samsung's Unpacked occasion on March 14, at which the organization is generally anticipated that would uncover the successor to its prevalent Galaxy S III cell phone. Ars will be on the scene with a liveblog and our other, normal occasion scope. Be that as it may, in the days paving the way to the uncover, we needed to set aside some opportunity to talk about what we expect (and what we trust) Samsung will uncover when it takes the wraps off its next handset.
What takes after is the Ars staff's list of things to get for Samsung's next telephone. You don't need to concur with what we need (and let us know whether you don't, on the grounds that we'll be doing a catch up with your most asked for components one week from now), however in the event that Samsung hits these imprints with its next Galaxy we think the organization will have another hit staring its in the face.
1) Android 4.2
There were a pack of Android telephones at Mobile World Congress this year, yet the special case that even said it would accompany Android 4.2—the Asus PadFone—was really running Android 4.1.
Without a doubt, Android 4.2 was a greater refresh for tablets than it was for telephones (particularly once you markdown things like stock console and notice focus upgrades that Samsung is probably going to toss for its TouchWiz UI at any rate). In any case, Samsung is the greatest Android gadget maker on the planet. It's big to the point that Google is somewhat anxious of its effect on the biological system. It is pleasant to see the organization focus on setting a decent case by pushing for more-incite programming refreshes.
There are a few signs that will get our desire here—spilled screenshots of an Android 4.2 refresh for the Galaxy S III recommend that Samsung is effectively taking a shot at a refresh. What's more, since 4.2 incorporates a portion of the S IV's supposed elements, this proposes the refresh will arrive on the more current telephone first. Our fingers are crossed.
2) A non-AMOLED show (or perhaps not?)
The civil argument over the excellencies and disadvantages of AMOLED and PenTile screens keeps on being divisive. Indeed, even Ars staff members can't concur on whether Samsung ought to discard the show innovation in its new telephone or twofold down on it. The short form is that AMOLED screens can experience the ill effects of over-soaked hues and marginally fluffy content, however that they can compensate for this by being somewhat less expensive to deliver, expending less battery control, and having better differentiation (with profound blacks being especially critical). What side of the open deliberation you descended on depends generally on what you esteem in a screen.
Ars Associate Writer Casey Johnston, on one hand, calls PenTile "despicable." "Contenders are delivery non-PenTile 1080p screens now," she proceeded, in reference to telephones like LG's Optimus G Pro and the HTC One and Droid DNA. "I know Samsung favors AMOLED, at the same time, gone ahead, stop."
Microsoft Editor Peter Bright emerged cocked and locked for Samsung's screen innovation, however. "I don't care at all about PenTile whiners. I need the profound blacks, the splendid hues, and the high differentiation," he said. "On the off chance that they can get RGB (i.e., non-PenTile) AMOLED, so much the better, if simply because it makes the whiners quiet down. Be that as it may, even PenTile is fine, since I don't take a gander at my screen with an amplifying glass throughout the day."
You can't please everybody, and whatever Samsung does here it would seem that somebody will be troubled. In either case, there's some point of reference for both decisions—Samsung's telephones have tended to stick to AMOLED shows, yet tablets like the Galaxy Note 10.1 and the Note 8.0 have utilized more conventional RGB shows.
3) Keep the size sensible
The pattern with top of the line, lead telephones in the Android biological system has been to make them greater and greater as time has gone on. In any case, we think the Galaxy S III is now a decent size—it has a 4.8" screen, so it's certainly apro. It additionally feels truly great to hold.
"I cherish the present shape component of the GS3 and I don't have the foggiest idea about that I need it to get any greater on the grounds that it's the ideal size for my hands at this moment," said Reviews Editor Florence Ion.
Casey Johnston concurs: "Make the screen as large as you can by spreading it to the edges of the telephone, yet for's the love of all that is pure and holy, quit making the body greater."
Samsung as of now has a top of the line, substantial screened telephone available as the Galaxy Note II, which among different comforts incorporates a 5.55" touchscreen, a digitizer, and a stylus. We're trusting that Samsung keeps on utilizing the Note line for the individuals who genuinely need tremendous screens, and that the S telephones stick to something somewhat more agreeable for one hand.
4) Adhere to catch norms
Since Ice Cream Sandwich or thereabouts, "stock" Android has utilized three programming catches for telephone route: a Back catch on the left, a Home catch in the inside, and an application switcher catch on the privilege. Samsung has evaded that pattern on the majority of its current telephones and tablets, utilizing a blend of equipment and capacitive catches.
Florence Ion loves the style of the catches, and the way that they don't consume up screen room as programming catches do. "I trust they keep the little "home" catch," she said. "If it's not too much trouble gracious please."
Be that as it may, Peter Bright disagrees with their game plan. "Standard Android catches. That is the thing that I need. It's what I need," he said. "I needed to truly toss the Galaxy S III at the divider due to its utilization of inheritance catches. Returning the catch on the privilege is a horrifying presence, and constraining me to have a menu key (frequently pointless) when I could have a multitasking key rather is outright mean. The new (I say "new," I believe it's around two years of age now) catch design is a great deal more valuable and usable."
5) Think of the battery life!
A few of us are only somewhat exhausted of the consistent particulars race that keeps on playing out among the Android handset producers. Ever-bigger, ever-denser screens, ever-speedier processors, and ever-more slender telephones are the most obvious aftereffects of this opposition. The spec that typically gets relinquished to accomplish them: battery life.
"[The Galaxy S IV] doesn't should be any more slender," says Casey Johnston. "Quit playing the thin diversion, begin playing the greater battery-which-empowers better-everything else amusement."
Samsung may not feel as constrained as a portion of the littler handset makers to become involved with a particular race—the organization's marketshare and benefits are far up, just like the Galaxy brand's perceivability. Samsung makes them inhale space to make an adjusted telephone that doesn't really destroy its rivals' determinations. Apple has adopted a comparative strategy to its iPhone equipment—quick inside reason, yet not to the detriment of battery life—and that is the way we'd incline toward Samsung to take too.
6) A camera we can love
At long last, we need Samsung's next cell phone to venture up its camera diversion. Telephones from different environments—the iPhone and Lumia 920 among them—have made the camera a mark highlight. It's the ideal opportunity for Samsung to put that same level of accentuation on both the camera equipment itself and the picture preparing occurring in the product.
"I additionally truly trust that the GS4 has a superior camera," said Florence Ion. "Samsung requirements to hit an arrangement with some focal point makers or something since I'm not content with the way that photographs turned out on this telephone. Before I had an iPhone, the Android camera circumstance didn't trouble me excessively, however after I had an essence of that—and I began obtaining my sweetheart's Lumia 920 to take photographs of companions in low-light places—I've understood how ludicrous it is that my own particular telephone isn't equipped for that. Samsung makes point and shoots—is there a way they could actualize that innovation and do a few changes to Android to improve photographs turned out? The Android camera circumstance is only a terrible one at any rate, however in the event that this is the world's top of the line Android producer, it needs to step it up."
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Dangerous Magical Dogmas
“I think, therefore I am”
 Awhile back, I heard of a concept called “magical thinking.” Magical thinking suggests that only thinking makes it so. It’s the kind of thinking that suggests that your desires alone, rather than hard work and planning, are the keys to your success. With that in mind, particularly after watching the news over the past 18 months, I have created a new phrase, “magical dogmas,” which are views that are so big and conceptual that they encompass all other beliefs and occurrences that might possibly refute them. Thus, magical dogmas can’t be confirmed or refuted, as all knowledge falls under their influence.
 You probably don’t realize yours, but we all have our own “magical dogmas.” They’re all too common. As it turns out, if you look around you will see how many of us needlessly hold on to them as though life itself depended on it. For example, “Everything happens for a reason,” is a magical dogma. It’s so all-inclusive that it serves as its own explanation. You can’t really disprove it or demonstrate contrary evidence to it.
 “It’s only true if there is evidence to support it,” is another magical dogma. “God has a plan for everyone,” is another. “We are all spiritually connected and one with the universe,” is another.
And here is one of my all time favorites, “We all live in a matrix-like, computer-generated virtual reality and none of what we see it actually real.” Face it, regardless of your argument to the contrary, all that you say simply reinforces it. If I try to point out that there’s no actual substantiation for the idea that this is a super-realistic form of virtual reality, you can easily reply, “Yeah, because the machines programmed it that way.” You either accept it as your truth or you don’t. It is exactly the same with all magical dogmas.
Magical dogmas are pervasive in our culture and they guide much of what we feel and think about what happens around us. Some say that you get what you deserve, and if things don’t work out, it’s because you’re lazy or stupid or not applying yourself. Others believe people suffer as a result of karma, i.e., what goes around comes around and it’s everywhere you will ever be. You can find the belief that people suffer because humans are bad and God punishes us for not living a right life, and while these are all common, everyday magical dogmas, they have very real consequences on our lives.
Magical dogmas are pervasive
in our culture and they
 guide much of what we feel and think
about what happens around us.
 Take your everyday political beliefs. People on the left tend to believe that people are inherently incapable, and that they need the care and tending of an enlightened leadership class who will care for, and make sure that their lives go as the national plan intends. People on the right, however, tend to believe that people are inherently self- sufficient and that the government need only level the playing field and get out of the way. I won’t even get into the Libertarians or the other fringe groups and their beliefs, but it works the same there, too.
As a kind of collective Rorschach test, magical dogmas explain why groups with diametrically opposed points of view can see or experience the same event and both believe that it supports their position rather than the opposing one. One person sees the homeless under the interstate and sees oppressed and victimized members of our society. Another person sees the very same homeless people and sees slackers who haven given up and deserve the life they’ve 'brought upon themselves.' Because magical dogmas can explain all experience, all experience, therefore, reinforces the magical dogma. There is no possibility for a negotiated middle ground.
Magical dogmas can be nonthreatening (“Everything happens for a reason”), valuable, (“All knowledge must be verified and tested to be believed”), compassionate, (“The meaning of life is to ease human suffering”), or monstrous, (“Death to all non-believers”).
You might think otherwise, but be aware that you carry magical dogmas with you all the time. They are the foundations upon which your understanding of the world is built. As a result, magical dogmas can be terribly difficult to recognize. Heck, they feel so clearly correct to you that you never question them. Why would you? They are true for everyone.
Over time though, you’ll notice—particularly at election time—your magical dogmas, and the magical dogmas of your friends, poking up their nasty heads, disrupting sensible conversations, putting roadblocks up to any reasonable discourse or development. It is primarily during those moments where magical dogmas emerge, and the point of this whole article is to say that they must be challenged.
 Because magical dogmas
can explain all experience,
all experience, therefore,
 reinforces the magical dogma.
 When people do horrifying things, they don’t do it because they’re unsure of themselves or consider that they are wrong or impaired in some way. It’s just the opposite. People who do terrible things most often do them because they are confident in their own ethical or moral supremacy. They are confident that they are right and you are wrong that they feel justified in imposing their own beliefs on you through force. Wasn’t it Mao who famously said, “Power comes through the barrel of a gun”?
Whether we’re talking about Hitler, Mao, the World Trade Centers, a bar, or restaurant in Paris, or honor killing a Afghan woman in Detroit for showing any of her body in public, people who do these horrific things do them because they are certain in their own moral superiority, and that self-same moral superiority is usually the product of some magical dogma that indeed, cannot be confirmed or fundamentally questioned.
Adolph Hitler took people in desperate starving situations and people with serious mental illnesses and convinced them to buy into the magical dogma that Aryans were the super race, and his way—the Nazi way—was their only path to salvation. From there, as with most charismatic leaders, it was uphill at first and then all downhill. Once followers buy into that initial magical dogmas, convincing them to give away their judgment, disown their neighbors, or even to round Jews and ship them off to camps for execution, feels like a no-brainer to them.
The Only True Belief
At the risk of making you laugh, I will now state an axiom; the only true magical dogma is that no magical dogma is entirely true. That is it. The only certainty is that things are rarely certain…ever. And if you doubt that assertion, check with a really good surgeon.
The reason that this the only “safe” magical dogma is that it acts as a limit on your capacity to drive your convictions onto others, while concurrently always leaving you open to new ideas. It makes you less of a jerk and allows you to remain open to dealing with the challenges of life in a realistic and authentic way.
You hear and read a lot of claptrap about being “sure” of yourself. You have been told, even by me from time to time, that you need to have faith in yourself and your ideas. These clichés are usually restated in an effort to encourage folks to feel more confidence in their abilities to work through a plan. Worried about your performance at work? You muster up some assurance that you really are a cold-calling tyrannosaurus. Start to feel uncomfortable with how your relationship is working out, you fall back on the old “everything happens for a reason” magical dogma to feel a bit more at ease about the situation. After all, they cheated on you first.
Magical dogmas relieve much of the anxiety caused by never knowing just how things will turn out. That is the good side of them, but the dark side is that they do so by guiding you to buy into paradigms that can lead to the Dark Side.
As a coach, I have noticed that in our “feel good” way of living, many of us have forgotten a fundamental truth—anxiety is useful. Actually it is critical to our survival as a species.
Anxiety evolved right along with us to protect us from doing stupid things that got some of us killed. See a lion in the jungle? You get anxious. There’s a reason for that. Having come out of the heart of Africa, had humans been casual about the presence of lions in the neighborhood, you might not be reading this.
Anxiety is intended to alert us that we are about to do something stupid, or that our present location has become dangerous. When you doubt yourself, you feel similarly generated anxiety. Doubting yourself forces you to recognize that you may be trusting in something unwise, and it just might get you (or your tribe) killed as well. Yet, instead of facing your anxieties, and becoming comfortable with your doubts, the cultural elite decided instead to get rid of the anxiety and be as certain in our ill-considered ideas as we can.
To a point, doubt is healthy. Doubt, up to the moment of commitment, is a virtue. Just like resistance training breaks down muscle to make stronger muscles, it’s the same with doubt. When you allow yourself to doubt your own ideas and beliefs, you make yourself stronger in the knowledge that you investigated and understand them.
Faith; think about it. You simply can’t have faith without doubt. Doubt is absolutely required to test one’s faith and in the end, make it stronger. There can never be true confidence without some level of doubt. Without doubt, there really is nothing to endure. You will never have a brilliant idea without doubt, as doubt and criticism and yes, that enemy of success, i.e., failure, is what slowly chisels away at mediocre idea turning it into the brilliant success you dream of.
It is OK to cultivate doubt in your life. It’s perfectly normal to be a little unsure. Do you see it yet? Being unsure leads to challenging, discerning, erudition, and refining. It leads to discourse, broad-mindedness and approval and the rest of the things that make modern society easier to tolerate. Doubt makes you more resilient. And if handled correctly, it should make you more curious, and maybe even a little smarter.
With all that is going on in the world today, doubt is more important than ever. With our attention being vied for at every turn, we have less time and mind available for each issue we encounter. The glut of information and contrary information available, not to mention news and fake news, and how easily the internet lets us surround ourselves with only like-minded people, our ability to hold onto doubt will become, an asset for 21st-century society. It will differentiate people who are able to think critically and synthesize information, from those who will always lash out and go with the day’s biggest information development.
In the end though, it will differentiate people who can chart their own courses in a sea of opportunity and miasma of information, from those who drown in unthinking noise.
Frank Hopkins is a life coach in Baton Rouge who is certified as a Professional Coach (CPC) by the Institute for Professional Excellence in Coaching (iPEC). Frank has helped numerous people to go through emotional change in a way that is positively transformative. You can see Frank's other website, www.frankhopkinlifecoach.com on line as well.
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