#and smear his mouth on my hands and devices before cleaning himself taking great care to specifically go after his butt ON MY COMFORTER for
autixel · 1 month
For 2 hours I'd like to have my lap be cat free but noooooo apparently that's too much to ask
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jamestrmtx · 4 years
Fairytale Complex - [Undertale | Sans x Reader]
[Gender Neutral, Frisk's Parent Reader | Slow Burn]
Chapter Eleven | Premonition (His POV)
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How would they react to him having caught them dancing?
That's the only question Sans can ask himself when he enters Frisk's bedroom, both parent and child too busy moving to the fast-paced beat of the song to notice him by the door. 
Against interrupting their moment, Sans stands by and observes the scene from afar, paying attention to both people involved in the dance. Nonetheless, his attention soon moves on to the near faultless sway of (Y/N)'s arms, waist, and footsteps, following up to the harmony of the song. The view makes him wonder if -- perhaps -- they'd practiced a similar dance for the night of their wedding. It's either that, or they're secretly a dance teacher in their free time, somehow balanced with their full-time work as a secretary. There's likely no other, reasonable explanation over the swiftness and clean execution in each step they take, likely to have some professional experience based on how quickly they adjust to the consistent changes in rhythm with ease.
"Come on, honey!" they exclaim, grabbing Frisk by both hands and swaying them around the room. Their feet stomp rhythmically against the wooden floor, all while keeping up with the younger one's pace. "We'll be dancing this for your birthday in no time!" They laugh when Frisk stumbles and covers it up with improv, claps being given as a reward over their recovery. "See that? You're doing great!"
The music carries on playing as they both take a break, though the smile on (Y/N)'s face fades away the moment they take their phone. They lower the volume and frown at the screen; their expression's kept hidden from Frisk, who's now resting their head on their parent's lap, the younger one's breaths steadying while the elder one's quicken. Their gaze turns wet, their shoulders taut, and they blink a few times, lower lip bitten on in an attempt at preventing that sorrow from showing any further than it has.
Sans doesn't know what makes him call out for them so quickly, but something about the human frowning with genuine sadness rather than annoyance over his flirting makes his soul ache. They look towards him once their shirt's long sleeve wipes the one tear that does manage to leave their eye and run down their cheek. "Yes?"
He considers what exact response he can possibly come up with, choosing the worst one out of pure unpreparedness. "You dance good."
Weren't Frisk on their lap, he would've no doubt assumed they would be kicking him out by now, yet all the human can manage is another question, sounding borderline irate when it leaves their mouth, "And just how much did you see?"
"Uh… Everything?" Again, he screws up and sees their glare darken. "I mean it, though," he adds, hoping for the best. "Are you really gonna dance with Frisk for their birthday?"
Finally, they smile, a nod accompanying it; bringing up something related to their child rather than their own self seems to do the trick, thankfully. "Yeah. It's... It's kind of a tradition by now." They hold Frisk tight by the underarms and stand up to lift them high in the sky. "It's about our fifth time doing this -- Right, honey? Though I doubt you remember when you were three! ...Or do you?" They spin Frisk around, laughing after their child does so first; the pair's foreheads bump against each other when they stop, making the younger one burst out a giggle again. "I'll keep doing it for as long as they want to!"
Their phone rings, hitting the brakes on their joy again. They set Frisk back down on the floor and clench their hands in what looks to be them bracing themselves. When they find some courage, they take the device from where they'd left it, eyes tearing up again after. "Sorry about this, but… Could you watch over them for a moment? I- I need to take this call."
Sans nods, gesturing for them to go on ahead. "No problem, pal. Take your time."
"Thank you."
When they're gone, Frisk's smile falls and it's not long until they frown. 
They approach the skeleton's side and tug at his jacket, grabbing his attention. He looks down at them, now sitting by the floor, music long faded from the room. "Do you... think they're okay?" Frisk signs, facing him. "They've been frowning at their phone all day, but they… They won't tell me what's wrong."
Sans lets out a sigh, sitting beside Frisk as he nods and tries his best not to bring any unnecessary tension into the situation. 
"I'm sure they're fine," he says, rubbing the back of his neck. "(Y/N)'s just, uh… a lil' worried, as a parent." While he wasn't one for making quick assumptions, he can only figure the frown on their face is connected to their ex. If it was Frisk's birthday soon, it would no doubt mean Jerry was trying to regain contact with them again. "They just don't wanna make ya worry about any unnecessary stuff, so maybe that's why they're keepin' it from you."
The monster assumes he's said something wrong when anger shows on Frisk's face. 
He sees them stand up as their hands ball and gaze narrows. "And why… Why would their troubles be unnecessary?" At the sound of their voice, he braces himself, fearing the situation's become a way bigger deal than he expected it to be. "How... How can you worry so little, if you like them so much? I thought you'd at least make an effort to ask what's wrong!"
"Frisk," he calls out, caught off guard by their outburst. "I don't really think I'm in the right place to be askin' them about that kinda stuff." His face turns warm; how the child managed to find out what was going on between him and their parent is a mystery to him. The skeleton had been extra careful not to flirt with (Y/N) when Frisk was around, mainly to avoid any unneeded drama. "And how do you even know I like them?"
"You just admitted it!" Frisk points a finger at him, frowning. "Why do you like them? Da- Jerry said he did, but it didn't last long. And... And didn't Toriel break up with Asgore, too? How… How should I know you like them for real, then?"
"I'm sorry to say this, but you're buttin' into stuff you don't really understand yet, bud."
"It still doesn't mean I'm not right! S- So if you really like them, you- You should ask them what's wrong. Last time something like this happened, it was all my fault!"
Not quite sure how to approach Frisk now, Sans resorts to telling them to sit back down and finds preparedness through a deep breath. "Now, listen up," he says, patting the top of their head. "This is somethin' you shouldn't be worryin' too much about. I know it's normal and natural for you to worry about (Y/N), but this stuff's unfortunately somethin' only they can deal with right now." He lets go, pausing for another breath. "I'm not sure how they got hurt, but it's likely it wasn't your fault."
"How can you be so sure it's not my fault?" Again, Frisk switches back to sign language, though the faint tremble of their hands lets Sans know they're not quite convinced yet. "You said you didn't know how they got hurt!"
"And it's 'cause I ain't pushin' for you to tell me anything. Unless you really want to, the only thing I can get from this situation is trouble they're havin' with someone else, not you."
Frisk huffs, bringing their knees against their torso as they hug themselves, speaking up again, "If I tell you, c- could you tell me if it's really my fault?" They sniffle. "I... I really don't want to see them like that anymore."
"You really okay with tellin' me about it?"
They nod. "...Yes."
• • •
Sans catches (Y/N) at the balcony, standing in the middle of Toriel's hanging plants, potted cherry trees, and a wide variety of floral arrangements. Their face points down, and he can catch the silhouette of their phone, now in their dress pants' back pocket. They're still and quiet, though when he hears them sniffle, he calls out their name, making them turn around.
"Oh." He's welcomed by that noise and a face smeared with tears, a view (Y/N) tries to cover up by taking a napkin from their pocket and covering the mess away from his sight. "I'm... I'm sorry," they say, fixing themselves up. "I... made you wait too long, didn't I?" They crumple the napkin and pocket it away, face now revealing a tired gaze. A few subtle hints of their lament are still present, though he chooses not to comment on that, not wanting to interrupt them just yet. "I should go now."
Their steps are haste as they try to walk past him, making him resort for yet another risky move -- this one way worse than the last. 
"Wait," he calls out, grabbing their wrist.
They react almost similar to last time at the Ruins, and a yelp comes from their lips. When they look down at his hand, he catches a trace of embarrassment in their own gaze, rounded eyes going back to their normal state after he lets go and takes a step back. 
"Wh- What is it?" They try to sound polite, though there's an edge of caution in their tone.
Had they reacted out of fear again, or was his flirting getting to them that badly?
"I need to talk with you about somethin'."
"...Can't it be done tomorrow?"
"Frisk asked me to."
As expected, (Y/N) softens up at the mention of that name. They let their shoulders fall and frown disappear; a smile shows through, apologetic in more ways than one. "I have another meeting at five today," they reply, letting out a breath. "Do you think it could be done after I'm back? I need to take another call before I leave." They spare a moment to look at the time on their phone, facing what Sans assumes is a tardy hour based on how their smile falters. "And I'll... I'll probably just take it on bluetooth while I drive." They pinch the bridge of their nose, closing their eyes and huffing out another breath afterwards. "I'm out of time already."
They approach the door and smile again before leaving -- a mischievous one rather than apologetic like before; it's a look far different from their previous gloom and a change far too sudden for it not to warn over something. Thankfully, they stop right as they turn the knob and leave the door ajar. Then, they look at him, eyes half-lidded and smile much more prominent in their posture. "Thank you, Serif," they say, smile picking up at the sides; a glint shows in their gaze, though the monster's left unsure as to what it means. "You're a pretty decent guy when you're not trying to woo me over every five or six seconds."
(Y/N) leaves and closes the door before he can say anything in response, invoking a persistent sense of sheepishness he can't quite shake right off the bat. He wonders whether they're joking around with him or not, the way those words had come out clearly meant to be taken that way, but the look in their eyes conflicting with that thought. Whether they were fed up with him or not he was less and less certain about the more he got to spend time with them, making it harder to tell when they were being serious about him or not.
Were they making fun of him?
Or did they really mean those words?
Those are the two main questions to occupy his mind as he approaches the place (Y/N) had been standing at. He looks over the railings of the balcony, the view of flourishing nature and cloudy skies helping him not give too much thought over the situation. What brings him back is the reminder of what Frisk wanted him to talk about with their parent. 
While Sans could've easily declined by saying the topic was none of his business, as he stares again at the sky and considers the possibility of things having finally settled down for everyone he knew, he figures that's the best possible way to pay back for being let out into the Surface. 
But how in the world did Frisk manage to find him out?
Was he being too obvious, or were they really that observant?
At the thought of what (Y/N) had mentioned about not wanting any more drama pushed into their life, he considers whether to stop, or to perhaps be more subtle in his tries. He stops himself for a second and considers just why he was being so persistent in flirting around with them through these past few weeks. They already looked to be more than immune to any sort of flattery, so it seemed pointless to even try.
So what made him want to continue trying to fix things between him and them, and what kept them from telling him to get lost?
Were they too nice for that?
Scared of him, maybe?
He remembers the tour date and the results that came with them, far different from what he anticipated after it came to an end: rather than following along with his jokes, they had outright watered him down with each comment he made and shot right back at him without hesitation.
"Enemies to lovers is a thing, though."
"Only in low-quality romcoms."
That had been their breaking point, and -- even to this day -- he can tell their patience has yet to recover from that time at Waterfall.
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(...Took me 10 whole chapters and a prologue to realize I needed to add this here too, in order to make it easier for readers to click on the next chapter. 😔) 
(Please forgive me for being such a dumbass, lol.)
• • •
Take a shot (of water) everytime someone cries in this story.
Clear skin and a healthy glow await you!
• • •
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anangelicday-mrwolf · 3 years
Wolfsbane : Noblesse Fanfic (post-ending)
(previous chapter)
Chapter 61 – Classical Is the Best
“...Well? Is it over now?”
Tao muttered as he neared his communicator-plunged ear with his shivering hand, with Rael and M-21 nervously attending.
To their dismay, Takio, who was supposed to be reporting at the scene, was silent.
The men are appalled, assuming that Takio entered the scene when the gas was still lingering, effective.
Thankfully, that was when they could hear Takio’s voice.
<I’d say it’s over. We were standing by in a distance, as we could see the gas ghosting close to the surface.>
“Is that so...? What about the people?”
“What about their body modification? Is it gone now?”
“Don’t tell me it’s not over yet...!”
M-21 and Rael, out of impatience, almost barked into Tao’s ear, forgetting that he was not the only one who happened to be equipped with a communicative device.
They’re what?!
Hearts clattering at Takio’s statement, the three listeners could not dare to pull out the question stuck in their mouths.
<The people... Their bodies are returning to normal! I think that gas did its job!>
Takio cried out loud, sounding like he would weep as soon as he is offered with a handkerchief; Tao, M-21, and Rael replied with a trio of a sigh so deep they might as well spit their lungs out.
“...What about the 3rd Elder?”
Tao hesitantly added, and they tightened their lips once more, all ears on Takio’s reply.
<...Found him. He’s alive, but... Tao, I think you were right. Looks like that gas did get to him as well. Somewhat.>
Evaluated Takio, looking down at 3rd Elder, his body reeking of fatal fatigue, the sort that modified humans will never get to experience without a life-or-death battle that forces its participants’ lives on a line for at least a dozen times.
Although his body was perfectly clean of physical trauma, the white-haired man remained immobile, breathing like a fish pulled out of water.
Apparently, however, the man did not forget his portion of the mission, and he did not hesitate to ask as soon as he spotted Takio.
“Is... Is everyone okay...?”
“...Yes. Their modification is going away, thanks to you.”
“...No. Don’t thank me. This is... This is all thanks to...”
Cough, cough.
The 3rd Elder coughed lightly, but Takio and Yuigi who joined him started, their shoulders hitching.
Their eyes told them his state was nowhere near serious, but their senses told him he needed hospitalization this moment.
An exchange of looks was all it took Takio and Yuigi to settle to move him to KSA this instant.
“Don’t worry about me... Take care of the... Cough. And... Takio.”
“Could you please... Send the fastest among you... To this place I’m about to tell you...? And do it... Now.”
The fastest among us would be Rael.
But more importantly, is there an issue that requires Rael right now?
Barely meeting Takio’s eyes, who was suddenly quivering with anxiety, 3rd Elder whispered, his blue eyes curiously having lost its hue for a tone.
“I’m sorry, but... I need a favor.”
Meanwhile, in Lukedonia
“Huff... Huff...”
Lunark’s hand swiped her forehead, a drop of blood turned viscid with sweat trickling down.
It was more than forehead that was soaked with sweat and blood, but it was the best she could do.
She had been fully committed to this battle, reminding and reminding and REMINDING herself that if she is to slip even for a second, this power will drain away like a school of fish making its escape through the holes in the net.
And the battle was much more onerous than she had envisioned, as she had to put herself against the Dark Spear brandishing its true form AND struggle against this power vigorously bubbling within her like gas next to fire.
Just when the round 2 of this fight began, she had thought that now she can finally understand what Frankenstein would have been burdened with as he wielded the Dark Spear, though this power and Dark Spear are not even similar in terms of essence.
Alas, she learned that she was mistaken – mistaken and hubristic.
‘Just how...? How could Frankenstein walk and talk and smile with this power lurking within him? How could he possess both this power and the Dark Spear? How did he manage to use this power along with the Dark Spear?’
Theory and practice are two different things; Lunark learned that, as she saw for herself how controlling this power was nothing far from hellish.
When she sought openings for her to push and pull against the Dark Spear, the power accelerated on its own.
And when she concentrated this power at her limbs to leave a pregnant blow on her foe, it flailed about and disobeyed her.
‘If this keeps going, I’ll end up losing this power and repeating what happened right before I was thrown into the sea.’
At least, Lunark thought, the Dark Spear was treating her with more caution.
She had been clumsily but persistently building damage onto the Dark Spear, which was by no means meaningless.
And with the knowledge on the power Lunark had made her weapon, it could not dare trash about like it used to.
Notwithstanding, Lunark did not dare dub herself upper-handed.
In other words, the lead of this battle was a flag unmastered, out in the open for either one of them to snatch at.
And both of them knew by instinct that the one who is to prevail victorious in the catch-the-flag will be the one to announce this battle as terminated.
‘Now, what should I do?’
Lunark knew what was the most commonly employed compass at the face of a pathway that requires most essential choice of direction – the basics.
Which is probably why her head retrieved a tip from her parents, from the moment she was just introduced to the art of war and combat, excited to start her baby steps – perhaps too excited, as a beginner full of spirit and clumsiness.
How to win against a strong opponent? Hmm... Very well. It’s bit early for you, but I guess it can’t hurt to save a cat from your curiosity.
The win and loss in a brawl between powerful fighters are commonly decided by a very small element. Including, but not limited to, the out-of-norm degree that is added to your right shoulder. The squint that narrows your vision. The tempo that connects your step to your fist. The elements you’d deem so insignificant that you feel no time or need at all to mind can sometimes aid you to take flight. Or take a fall to your doom.
So, once I become strong enough to keep them all in mind as I fight, does that mean I won’t lose to anyone?
Not quite. A combat is composed of more than punches and slashes and whatever that seems decided. It is bound to be entailed with variables.
Which is why some say a battle between powers will end in only two cases – either it never ends, or it ends in a blink of an eye.
Which is why getting your basics correct is the key. Once you have basics to serve as a rope for you, you will be able to save yourself even if an unexpected makes you take a tumble down the abyss. In fact, you can use it to your favor if situation allows it. Which is why we shall try again! On your feet. Get set – and let’s go!
Reiterating her parent’s teaching in the speed of light, Lunark focused her pink pupils, glowing with crimson ring of light.
‘A battle between powers never ends... Or it ends in a blink of an eye.’
And considering their current situation, Lunark knew her next move must put an end to this fight.
She recalled her not-so-plentiful battle data she had personally earned on Dark Spear, before she kicked at where she was standing.
From her head to toes, the blood-red wings of aura as majestic as a burning phoenix spread out its silhouette.
Dark Spear flinched, but it gritted its teeth and lunged towards her, clearly having realized that there was no way to avoid this collision.
Two storms, one bloody and one dark-purple, swept through everything in their paths in deadly incineration.
Their distances were not great, but for some reason their races had yet to reach the finish line.
Until from Lunark’s shoulders the red aura suddenly started to lose its glare.
Bafflement dripping from every curve and cut in her faces, Lunark hurriedly stomped on her feet; and of course, the Dark Spear did not mean to gape at the moment.
“Looks like Lady Luck decided to smile upon us!”
Dark Spear spread out Frankenstein’s lips to more than what they would normally handle and revealed his teeth.
At the same time, it lashed out its true body like a child waving a balloon at a theme park.
Lunark’s skin could not stay unscathed at the wind smeared with black aura, and naturally she recoiled, her legs taking backsteps.
Now with the flow of the battle in its hands, Dark Spear was no longer reluctant.
For it knew this was its only chance to eliminate her.
Which is why it took a rushed step forward to spear itself into her.
Just as the Dark Spear’s vicious red eyes were targeted upon Lunark right at the tip of her nose, with a thump supernaturally strong hands gripped Frankenstein’s arms under Dark Spear’s control, so strong it might as well have snapped the appendages.
And with a crack Lunark’s head was raised, and Dark Spear’s thoughts froze upon meeting her eyes, to find the red circle of light still very vivid in her eyes.
‘She didn’t lose that power! She tricked me into her grasp...!’
Dark Spear’s belated realization was exactly what Lunark had in mind as she set her trap.
Her original plan was to cumulate physical damage upon Dark Spear, so that it cannot retain itself within Frankenstein’s body due to weariness.
Which was canceled almost immediately.
She did manage to add damage that not even Dark Spear could ignore, but it was none other than Frankenstein’s body that Dark Spear was maneuvering.
‘And the problem lies within Frankenstein, not outside. So it’s no use to beat the heck out of that thing.’
Thus she edited her plan – to return Frankenstein’s body to himself by pouring this power into his physical build.
But with the Dark Spear highly keen on keeping her away from itself, what she needed was a crucial moment.
‘My best option is to make that thing fixed on its spot. I don’t need to perfectly overpower it. Once I secure for myself a second that Dark Spear cannot stay away from me, I’d be able to pour this power into Frankenstein’s body. And if I do that...!’
She wondered how she would be able to pull this off, with Dark Spear held in Frankenstein’s hand; the answer came right away.
And there is a reason why people say classical is the best.
‘Hopefully you’ll give me a pass just this once, Frankenstein!’
Lunark attempted to once again grab Frankenstein’s arm, which was trying so hard to shake her away, as if she were a patient caught with a contagion.
Nevertheless, a crisis is bound to lead to a power unbeknownst before, and Dark Spear was no exception to this rule.
Feeling how her opponent’s arm is about to slip out of her fingers, she gave up on arresting the Dark Spear and took in a huge breath.
Upon making sure both their mouths are open, she weighed her neck with velocity.
And she pressed down a pair of dark purple lips with her own.
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(Illustration by. RyO - you can find her DeviantArt page here)
Her eyes were shut tight for full concentration, and Dark Spear’s red eyes snapped open wide in shock.
Almost simultaneously, red cloud of light was recast upon her silent body, to cascade straight into Frankenstein’s body through Lunark’s mouth.
Mumbling with its mouth blocked, Dark Spear fired sinister glints from two red pupils.
If we can’t beat you, we’ll at least make sure you won’t get to feast on your victory!
That was when Frankenstein’s arm clutching the Dark Spear was finally freed, and without hesitation the dark pillar of energy hit right through Lunark’s back with deadly aim, still whipped up with crimson maelstrom.
“...I believe it is over.”
Lascrea, who had been walking back and forth before her throne ever since her initial report on the situation, spoke with her gaze stationed far.
Kei, Karious, Gechutel, and Claudia followed suit, who happened to be present at the Lord’s Hall to protect her just in case.
A series of tremor from sprinting footsteps, too loud and too definite to miss even for humans, was approaching fast and furious.
Soon enough, somebody broke through the doors, almost tackling through the Central Knights who tried to stop him.
“...Or are you still that damned weapon?”
Frankenstein’s skin had regained its natural tone, but his upper body was drenched with dark red blood.
Hence the nobles did not relieve their bodies of tension.
At then they took in what he was holding in his arms, and their eyes trembled with distraught.
“I need every doctor in this place right now!!!!”
Frankenstein screeched, his manners and introductions cleanly forgotten.
And nobody blamed or chastised him, for through his fingers squeezing down on Lunark’s back to the best of their possibilities was gushing out a strain of black blood.
“I said right now!!!”
Frankenstein’s eyes, back to their natural-born cerulean, were shuddering as if they would burst any moment.
(next chapter)
Frankie and Lunark’s very first kiss was supposed to happen in this chapter. But I didn’t want to wait for 60 chapters to pass until these two finally kiss. And more importantly, since Dark Spear has taken over Frankie’s body in this chapter, I felt it wouldn’t really be their first kiss. Which is why I moved their first kiss to Ch. 29. XD And finally, Lunark’s battle against the Dark Spear is over, and every battle sequence has been terminated. Now all that is left is the aftermath of the battles and finale for this fic. I assume this fic will meet its end in August or September, and I’ll do my best until I reach there!
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alirhi · 3 years
chapter 17!
Title: Winter's Frost Chapter: 17/? Fandom: MCU Rating: R to be on the safe side Pairing: Loki/Bucky Summary: Loki never told anyone the real reason he became so obsessed with Midgard. Much better to let them think he wanted to hurt his brother than draw their attention to the one thing in the universe that makes the God of Mischief truly vulnerable. WARNINGS: nada. Well... Ali attempting comedy. I suppose that requires its own special warning lmao Notes: Loki's just so done lol
"I hate this plan, Thor."
"Yes, I heard you the first dozen times."
"This is the dumbest idea you could possibly have come up with!"
"We could always try Get Help."
"And use it on whom, pray tell?!"
"Don't be an idiot." Privately, Loki thought he might as well be asking the Earth to cease its tireless spin, but he had to try.
Thor only smirked at him, the bastard. "Just keeping things in perspective. There's always room for a worse plan."
"...Thank you."
"What's Get Help?" Bucky didn't even glance up from the little device in his hand. Ever mindful of the terrain and unwilling to see him mess up his pretty face by falling on it, Loki was constantly moving things out of his distracted lover's path just before he tripped.
"Nothing, darling. Has Darcy sent you another?"
He grinned, holding the thing – Darcy swore it was a telephone when she gave it to him, though he'd yet to see it used for a single call – out for Loki to see. "She sent a video!"
Eira was on the screen, splashing about in a tub that appeared to contain more bubbles than water. She was having the time of her life, and both of her enamored parents couldn't help smiling like fools.
"I hate being away from her."
Loki winced, squeezing his shoulder lightly. "I know. Believe me, love, I know. But she isn't safe around these people. Better to leave her in Darcy's care until we can be sure she isn't in any danger."
"I still can't quite believe I'm a dad!" At the pure joy and wonder in his voice and on his beautiful face, his ancient lover smiled again. He still had a long way to go before he was truly recovered from what HYDRA had done to him, but it couldn't be denied that when he was happy, Bucky was the cutest damned thing.
"I still think you're overreacting," Thor grumbled as they stepped off the elevator at last. "These are good people. They'd never harm a little girl."
"Uh... Loki's not in chains. Why is Loki here and not in chains? Security!"
The God in question rolled his eyes. "Lovely to see you again, too, Stark."
Tony looked like he wasn't sure whether to laugh, vomit, or jump into one of his suits of armor. "What the hell is this, Point Break? You promised this psycho would be in a cell for the rest of eternity. And who's the weirdo staring at his phone?"
Thor stopped before he'd even truly begun to offer the explanation he didn't really have, mouth hanging open and one finger in the air. Confused, he and Loki watched silently as Steve Rogers practically flew across the room and Bucky slowly lifted his head, finally taking in his surroundings for the first time since they'd left New Mexico.
"Steve?" He grinned and pocketed the phone immediately to throw his arms around his friend. "Steve! Holy shit, it is you!"
"Who is Bucky?" Thor mumbled to Loki, getting an exasperated eye roll for his troubles.
He knew, of course; when they'd first met, the handsome young soldier had introduced himself as Bucky. Loki had simply refused to call him that. Still, prior knowledge or no, he couldn't resist having just a bit of fun with his brother, so he decided, in lieu of a proper explanation, to treat it as if it was the most obvious thing in the world, just to hammer home how incredibly stupid Thor truly was. "I would imagine, given the context playing out before your clearly useless eyes, that it's a pet name for James. Derived from his middle name – Buchanan – if I had to guess. Honestly, Thor, how do you function?"
"Can someone please address the unfettered genocidal psychopath standing in my living room?"
Bucky flinched, moving back from Steve and giving Tony a slightly helpless look. "That was... I was under HYDRA's thumb, I was never a Nazi..."
"Not you, darling," Loki assured him stepping between the two newly thawed WWII veterans, and more importantly, between Bucky and the confused, wary Avengers. "He's referring to me."
"Wait, what?" Steve peered around him, trying unsuccessfully to catch his childhood friend's downcast gaze. "That's where you've been all this time? With HYDRA?"
"I didn't have a choice," he mumbled, face going red as he seemed to sink into himself.
"Quite literally," was Loki's frosty interjection. He pushed the soldier back when he got too close to his Sergeant and snapped, "If anyone wishes to interrogate or criticize him, I will happily transform you into something that cannot speak nor breathe."
"Just turn yourself into an elephant," Tony snapped. "Because you are the elephant in the room right now! Thor, explain to me why your insane adopted brother and his pet Nazi are in my home!"
"I was never a Nazi!"
"I've known Bucky all my life, Stark. There's no way he'd have joined up with those people."
"Nazis, HYDRA, what's the difference?!"
All eyes immediately turned to Natasha as she approached and finally got a good look at the man Loki was trying so hard to shield. Loki grimaced. "Oh. You."
Bucky flinched, looking as though she'd just slapped him. "Natalia, please don't call me that. It's Bucky, okay?"
"Sure, yeah." She laughed, launching herself at him. "And it's Natasha now."
Her arms over his shoulders and her legs wrapped around his waist were more than Loki could bear. When he noticed that Bucky was holding her up with both hands cupping her rear, he'd more than had enough. With a growl, he used magic to pry her loose and pin her to the ceiling. "That is quite enough, Agent Romanov. I'd appreciate it if you wouldn't make me tell you again."
"Put her down, Loki." Oh, great. There was Banner, eyes wide like a frightened rabbit, but approaching him nonetheless. "Before I let the other guy put you down again."
"Doctor Banner," he ground out as he slowly and more than a little reluctantly set the struggling spy down on the floor. "Delightful. Well, I see the gang's all here. Thor, this was your harebrained scheme, so why don't you clean up this mess?"
"Happily," Thor muttered, "if you'll stop making a bigger one."
"No promises. The next person to lay hands on James will be a smear of blood and innards on the wall."
"Loki, calm down." Hugging him from behind, Bucky murmured in his ear, "I'm not going anywhere."
Making no effort at all to prevent the Avengers from hearing him, Loki snapped, "I don't trust these people."
"For the record," Natasha pointed out, "we're not the ones who tried to blow up New York a week ago."
He smirked. "Nor am I, Agent Romanov. That was someone on your side, if you recall."
"The Chitauri?"
"Oh, that. I thought you were referring to the bomb." A little, dismissive shrug, and then, "Most of the damage to the city was still done by you lot. The Chitauri were mostly just...flying around."
"Also trying to kill people."
"Loki needs our help," Thor called out, just loud enough to drown out any further conversation. The Avengers all gaped at him as though he'd gone mad. It made Loki smile. "There was another force behind the attacks last week. Someone far worse was pulling Loki's strings-"
"Really, Thor, I'm not a puppet!"
"Unless you want to explain this yourself and hope any of them listen to a word that comes out of your weaselly mouth instead of simply killing you, sit down and shut up, brother."
"Marionette, anyway." When everyone turned to stare at him, Bucky blushed. "The-the ones with strings. That's marionettes, not puppets."
With a patient smile, Steve gently chided him, "Not really the time, Buck."
"...Right. Sorry. Continue not bothering to listen to each other. I'll be over here." Out came the phone, and Bucky was lost to them all as he scrolled through pictures of Eira again.
"What's with the phone?" Loki flinched and turned; he hadn't realized Barton was in the room until then. "Isn't he a little old to be sucked into that thing while we're all talking?"
"He's looking at photographs of their daughter," Thor told him with a dismissive wave of his hand, ignoring the death glare he received from Loki for it. "Now, if we can get back on-"
"...Their daughter?" Tony interrupted, stepping forward. "I'm sorry... Who's the other half of the 'they' in that equation?"
When Thor opened his mouth to explain, Loki grabbed his arm and squeezed hard enough to make him gasp. "I will kill you."
"And then they will kill you, and the world will end when there's no one to warn them about Thanos, and James and Eira will be left unprotected, likely to suffer horribly and die."
With a frustrated growl, Loki released him and, briefly, shifted to his female form. "I am, alright? Everyone's burning curiosity satisfied?" Shifting back, he took advantage of the stunned silence that had taken hold of the room and snapped, "There is a mad Titan with the ability to mind-control a God out there attempting to collect the most powerful artifacts in the universe, and while he declined to share the purpose of this venture with me during my captivity, I find myself seriously doubting that it involves giving everyone their own kitten. Now, can we focus, please?!"
Banner frowned. "Who did he mind-control?"
"How?!" He was beginning to get a stupidity-induced headache. Hands flying up in a wide gesture to the room at large, Loki looked at Thor and demanded, "How is it you think these people can possibly help?"
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My Reaction to “Gotham” S4E2
Just a heads up, there are mentions of suicide in this episode, and this episode gets disturbing because of the hallucinations caused by Scarecrow’s fear toxins.  If this reaction post is uncomfortable for you guys in any way, don’t read. 
If you need to talk to anyone, you can call the National Suicide Hotline at 1-800-273-8255 (available 24 hrs a day everyday) or you can reach out to friends and family or anyone you know on Tumblr.  We care.
AN:  I managed to record my reactions to this episode and hopefully I can transcribe what I said into this post.
Yeah that’s the old house, where Gerald’s wife died!
Oh my gosh, is that the dead guy [as the new Scarecrow hanging out in the yard]?
Ohh, that’s the Scarecrow hat that he [Jonathan] puts on in the season finale!
*Jim finds the victim from the end of the last episode still screaming*  Oh my gosh, the guy actually had some of the dried up fear toxin around his mouth.  Oh crap.
What the- frick, Bruce?
*Jim walks in to see Bruce in one of the holding cells*  Oooohhhh...
*gasps when Scarecrow appears in the Arkham warden’s office*
The way he [Scarecrow] kind of twitches his head to the side reminds me of Davy Jones from “Dead Man’s Chest”
*gasps when Scarecrow gives the Warden a face full of fear gas*
OK, here’s my question:  does the fear toxin come as a liquid first then dry?  Because when we see a close up afterwards, it looks like he was just sprayed in the face with water.  You can see moisture!
*gasps*  Lucius!
“What were you [Bruce] doing before that?”  “Rock climbing.”  HaaaaHAHAHA
Is that gonna be the new code name for his outgoings as Batman?  “Rock climbing?”
What the heeeeck?
*yells in horror when the Warden starts seeing a monster clown through the fear toxin*
*gasps when the Warden mistakes the other inmates as other clowns and shoots them down*
Oh my God...
Ooooohhh my gosh...
*gasps when Scarecrow gives one of the Arkham inmates a face full of fear toxin*
Oh my gosh, that drumroll in the background.  Is that Scarecrow’s theme?
“James Gordon?”  *in same tone of voice*  Oswald Cobblepot!
“[Jim] Play nice.”  “No.”  When does Jim ever play nice?
“Instead, let me [Oswald] me make you [Jim] a deal.”  Oh no.
“Find this Jonathan Crane and lock him up within 24 hours or admit to me, your subordinates, and the people of Gotham that you failed, and allow me to clean this city up!”  Jim, c’mon, don’t.
*groans in frustration*
Who the crap is this?
*Barbara enters the room*  Oooohhhhh.... my God.
Explanations please?  I know it has to do something with Ra’s al Ghul but... what?
*Barbara reveals her new hideout to be a weapons store*  What the...
Oh my God, there’s just machine guns everywhere...
Oh my God, Barbara needs to get rid of that haircut like now!
Oh my God, he’s [Bruce] going back out again.
“Out there, Alfred, I [Bruce] feel more alive than I've ever felt before.“  Oh my God.
Alfred, go out there and freaking stop your boy.
*None of the GCPD officers offer to help Jim take down Scarecrow*  Oh my freaking God
*Harvey refuses to go*  Oh my God, Harvey, go.  No, my God, Harvey.... go with him...
“So I am sorry, partner, but you are on your own on this one.“  Oh my freaking God
Jim’s gonna after Scarecrow and a hundred fear dosed inmates by himself.  Great plan.
Literally no one so far has made any good decisions
You see that dude just walking backwards like Reagan from “The Exorcist?!?!?”
AN:  And no, I’m not putting a link to the Spider-Walk scene (original and/or extended or deleted version) in because c’mon.
Oh my God, it’s the Warden!
“It’s you.  You [Jim] came!”  *whispers*  Crap!
Wait, did Jonathan take the precaution of just applying like tons of eye black around his eyes [for the mask]?
*cracks up when Victor heart-eyes a gun in a display case*
“Yeah, I’d say it’s open.  Hot damn, it’s like Christmas.”  Heeheeheeheehee!
Why is Ivy still working for Penguin?
“[Barbara] You lost your money on The Sirens Club, then went missing.  Rumor was you were dead.  And now you're back with a brand-new fancy place.  Who paid for it?“  Oh it has to be Ra’s!
“I’m [Victor] gonna take this [gun]....” 
Oh, I like that mirror shot of Jim.  Ooohhh...
Oh my God... is Jim gonna get freaking dosed with fear toxin?  Holy crap, what is he gonna see?
*Jonathan takes off his Scarecrow mask*  Oh my gosh, he did just smear a bunch of eyeshadow across his face... or ash.  I’m gonna say ash.
*gasps when Jim gets a face full of fear toxin*
Oh my God!  Holy crap, what’s he gonna see?
*covers mouth in shock*
“What will you see, I wonder?  One of your victims, perhaps?“  Is he [Jim] gonna see freaking Lee?  Oh God, I hope not.
He’s gonna see freaking Lee like dead or something.
Where the heck is Lee this season?
*groans in frustration and horror when Jim sees Lee bleeding out in a bathtub in the fear toxin*
*ends up dropping my head on the floor*
“We could have been a family, had a child.  You destroy everything you touch.”  Screw this...
Oh my gosh, this is dark.  This is really freaking dark even for Gotham.  Holy snot!  What was the TV rating for this episode, for this specific scene alone?  Oh my God!
Jim, it’s not real.  It’s not real, it’s not real, it’s not real!
*starts slapping my laptop*  Jim, it’s not real.   It’s not real!  It’s not real!  No, no, no, no, no, please do not AAAAAHHHH!!!
“Cut deep.”  *gasps*
No no nononono
*Jim beats the fear toxin*  OHHH!!
He just powered through the fear toxin with sheer will alone.  Bravo, Jim!
I wish there would be a thing as a tracker in this show.  Please.  Please have Lucius come up with such a device in S5 so that Bruce/Batman can use it.  Por favor.
That would make this whole thing just so much easier.
What the heck?
*Some of the robbers remove Bruce’s mask*  How do they not recognize that that’s Bruce Wayne?
“His face, it seems familiar.  You famous or something?“  Yeah, how do they not recognize him?
*Bruce takes down the head robber*  WHOA!
*gasps when Bruce makes an impromptu flamethrower and makes the robbers back off*
*Bruce uses a rope to jump out the window and land on the street*  Whooo!
Oh, that was a smooth landing...
*gasps when Alfred comes to Bruce’s rescue*
“Now, I hate to tell you I told you so, Master Bruce.“  Hehehehehe
Bruce needs like a proper Bat-cowl.
*gasps when Ivy enters the room*
“Know what?  [Tabitha] You’re rude.”  Oooh.  That’s a big insult.
*Jim sprays one of the infected inmates in the face with a fire extinguisher*  Oh my gosh...
“Water!”  Oh my God, are you freaking serious?
Wha- pull the fire alarm! 
Wait, so water deactivates the fear toxin, what?
*gasps*  Lucius!
Oh my God, did Lucius freaking make Bruce a Proto-Batsuit?
MVP of the episode, right freaking there.
*gasps in delight when we get our first look at the Proto-Batsuit*
“Oh, and long distance radio communicators.  In case you two wish to talk to each other whilst climbing rock.“  Heeheeheehee
“Selina said you [Tabitha] would need something from me [Barbara].  You can have anything you like.”  “Fine.  I’ll take your hand.”  What?
Oh my God...
Is it gonna be like Jaime Lannister- she’s [Barbara] gonna get herself a gold hand?  Or how is that gonna work?
Ohhhh, she [Tabitha] can’t do it...
Where the crap did Jonathan go?
“Which ones make me [Ivy] stronger?”  “That's dangerous stuff!  It's too powerful for you.  It can get in your blood, your DNA.”  She’s gonna drink freaking all of them, isn’t she?
*Ivy drinks all of the potions*  She gonna age up again?
“We’d [Harvey and Jim] need an army to take on Penguin.”  An army of what?
What about that list?  Bruce has that list of all the people that have the licenses!
“Ooh, that's a lovely leap, Master Bruce; positively gazelle-like.“  *chuckles*
*We get our first full look of Bruce in his Proto-Batsuit*  OK, it’s a start... definitely makes him look like a motorcycle gang member but it’s a start.
*jams out to the ending theme*
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