#and since it's under carpet it looks cute too
sugar-and-spite · 4 months
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made a lil house in minecraft
#it is modded (the fairy lights and furniture are not vanilla)#and i did follow a youtube tutorial though i edited some parts#but this isn't a cherry grove lmao this is a plains#i added the trees and petals and. pretty much everything that's not normal plains stuff#hid lighting under the moss carpets so it's bright and there's no spawns but i don't need to ruin the Vibe with torches#the lake nearby is only separated from the ocean by a small beach#so i'm gonna dig a canal to connect them and decorate and possibly release the axolotls i found into the lake#one of the mods lets you have candles on lilypads so i'm stoked for that#ALSO. by the bedroom. that's my mine entrance#i literally spent over an hour and over 4 stacks of cherry logs making it (and drowned twice)#it's stripped cherry and birch planks all the way down to -53#with powdered snow on one side and a soul sand water elevator on the other#i literally haven't even mined yet or even carved out an area to start mining#i just made the shafts. and it took over an hour and two deaths gjfhdhshs#also powdered snow + carpet is my new favorite way of breaking falls thanks youtube#you don't fall into the snow bc of the carpet but it still breaks your fall and you take no damage!#and since it's under carpet it looks cute too#you just have to be careful when using a powdered snow drop next to a water elevator 😔#bc water will wash away the snow... happened to me twice 😭#thankfully i got like 7 buckets of the stuff so i was fine#rey rambles#minecraft#anyway cherry wood was the best thing they've ever added to minecraft i am SUCH a pink bitch and this is perfect#modded pink woods never quite captured the Vibe the way vanilla cherry does
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trashogram · 7 months
He Chose You (Pt.1)
Hazbin Hotel AU where Lilith never existed, Lucifer has been lonely for over a millennia and Charlie will be born one way or another. Rated E for explicit sexual content of the raunchiest variety in later chapters and also weird old people.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 13.5 | Part 14 | End
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There was a knock at your door. It sounded like someone rapping their knuckles against the wood whimsically, as if following the beat of a song you couldn’t hear.
The methodical folding of your clothes into garage sale-quality drawers came to a halt. You looked over your shoulder, shifting on your feet hesitantly.
It had been little over a week since you moved into the grand old Donner apartment. Apart from a quick tow-in of shoddy furniture from your hired movers, no one had come calling. 
You definitely weren’t expecting anyone either, not in a brand new city you’d spontaneously decided to live in.
After another moment of uncertainty, you pivoted to the door and inched it open to a slit you could peek through. “Hello?”
Your brow furrowed as you stared at the empty space ahead of you. Pulling the door open fully, you peered down one end of the hallway to the other. 
Nothing but cracked and crumbling crown moldings on wainscoting, a matted-looking saxony carpet, the same musty, stale air…
You nearly jumped out of your skin, head snapping down to see a real, live duck standing just outside your doorframe. 
     You immediately squatted down to marvel at the animal. It gazed back up at you with beady red eyes and a curious gait. 
“Hey little guy,” You cooed, smiling despite the incongruous image of a waterfowl in your building.
You raised a hand and reached out slowly, instinctive desire to pet the cute little creature warring with a minuscule yet no less embarrassing fear. 
Were ducks typically friendly? You knew so little, ornithology not being your thing. 
“Will you let me pet you?” Your fingers hovered over the surprisingly patient animal before it decided to nudge itself under your palm.
The duck shivered with delight at your touch, all-white feathers ruffling excitedly and tail wagging, looking akin to a very happy dog. 
“Oh my god.” You gasped, heart melting. “You’re so cute!”
Soft feathers brushed against your bent knees as the duck drew close enough to rub its body against you. It had gone from doggish to cat-like effortlessly, and you couldn’t help giggling over how silly it looked.
“Where did you come from?” You asked after a bit of cuddling, glancing from side to side once again. The hallway remained empty, no one running to fetch what you assumed was a beloved pet. 
     ‘That’s… weird.’ You thought. ‘So, who knocked on my door?’ 
It was tempting to ask the bird that was currently bouncing on its webbed feet. You couldn’t help but snort with laughter before positioning yourself so that you were sitting. In an instant, the duck made to climb into your lap, allowing you to carefully lift it onto your legs when it couldn’t reach. 
“You’re so silly!” Grinning, you continued to stroke its head. “Your owner is probably worried sick about their silly little guy.” 
The duck burrowed its head against your stomach as it settled on your lap, and you sighed. “I’d love to keep you, but I don’t know how to take care of you, sweetie.” 
Little red eyes bore into you from below, seemingly wide and beseeching. It was too precious, and too perfect (to the point where you idly wondered if someone was somehow scouting a way to scam you via adorable duck shenanigans).
Aside from the guttural, sad ‘wek’ you got in reply, a slow creak of hinges drew your attention back up. The door across from you had visibly opened the barest amount. You squinted, just able to make out frizzy red hair and a red-rimmed, down-turned mouth in the dim lighting. 
“Oh hey, hi!” You stopped yourself from standing, instead of bracing the bundle in your lap close. “Is this your duck?”
A tingle went up your spine as the door opened fully and an old woman appeared. She was dressed in green capri pants and a ruffled tan blouse, hair red as an open flame and barely kept in-check by a cheetah-print scarf. The makeup she wore was caked on, harsh red lipstick smeared around her thin lips and black kohl-rimmed eyes popping out of her wrinkled face. 
The sour, almost suspicious look on her face softened but did not completely go away, even when she smiled.
“Oh Lou!” She cried, making you jump. “You didn’t get very far, did you? I almost didn’t notice you were gone, you little scoundrel!”
“Well, thank goodness for that I guess. He’s got those little legs, ya see,” She nodded down at your lap, “but he’s so darn fast anyway, might as well be a midget racehorse!”
You chuckled and smiled politely. That persistent tingling at your back had you holding back a shiver, and the skin on your arms prickled and rose. 
“I didn’t know we could have pet ducks in this building.” Your words belied a confidence, as well as interest in having a conversation with this woman, that you didn’t truly have. 
As a matter of fact, despite the inner scolding you gave yourself for being judgmental, you were quite off-put in the woman’s presence. The want to return to your apartment and shut the door in her overly-painted face was rising like a lump in your throat. 
“He seems to really like you, that’s so sweet. He’s not usually this friendly with anyone but my hubby. That’s Mr. Farrow, honey, have you met him?” The woman - presumably Mrs, Farrow, leaned down just a few feet away. 
She still looked to be examining you and your avian companion, the bland pleasantness oozing yet unable to suffocate the shrewd glint in her dark eyes. 
“Oh, uh, no. I’m afraid I haven’t -” You started. 
“Oh, that’s alright! That’s fine! Matter of fact, he’d get an earful from me if he was talkin’ to a pretty thing like you without me knowin’!” Mrs. Farrow laughed. “Just kiddin’, honey. You’re new to the building though, aren’t you? Well, welcome! It’s nice to see a new face here! ‘Specially a young one!” 
“Thank —”
“Maybe that’s why Lou is so taken with you! Animals just thrive off energy and sunshine and all that. Not slow, almost dead things. I’m sure you’re birds of a feather that way.” 
Again, your soft laughter is polite, teetering on nervousness. 
You took a moment to rise, humming apologetically when Lou squawked as he was jostled. On your feet, you instinctively stepped back. One foot over the threshold and solid in your apartment. 
“He is really sweet.” You said, holding the animal out as carefully as you could. “I’m glad he didn’t get lost.”
Mrs. Farrow stared, arms falling to her sides. She didn’t attempt to take the bird from you for a long, long moment. 
Confusion and disbelief clouded your mind as you stood, waiting, watching as Mrs. Farrow’s throat bobbed when she swallowed forcefully. 
What? Was she afraid of the duck?
In a split-second, she returned to smiling animatedly and waved a geriatric hand in the air so flippantly that the uncomfortable moment ceased to exist. 
“Oh honey, you can put him down if you want. He’ll come back over now that our door’s open.” Mrs. Farrow laughed. “Lou’s not my biggest fan. He’s such a prideful thing, you know. Just like Mr. Farrow - it’s probably why they get along so well!”
You blinked, then slowly bent at the waist to let Lou down. The duck made another disdainful quack, red eyes looking at you morosely. 
It’s little legs eventually rowed through the air in an effort to gain footing. You lightly placed him over the carpet and let go, allowing Lou to jump down. 
The duck began waddling away, though it appeared to hang its head as it did so. Occasionally, he turned to look at you, somber and sullen as if bidding farewell before walking on death row. 
“Aww, poor little thing.” Mrs. Farrow drawled. At your side. “Looks like my Lou is sweet on you! Poor guy, I can see why! Again, a lovely young thing like you is probably a gift from above in this stuffy old place.” 
“Say, how long have you been here?” 
You turned to the old woman. “About a week, I’m still getting settled.”
Mrs. Farrow nodded vigorously, eyes bright but mouth pursed. “A week, a week?! A week and no one’s introduced themselves to you?”
“Holy Toledo, you must think we’re all a bunch a’ snobs in here! That’s no good. Oh! Why don’t you come over for dinner sometime and me and my mister can show you some proper hospitality?” 
“Oh, that's really nice of you —” 
“Sure! Sure! It’ll be great, how ‘bout tomorrow night? It’d give us some time to get prepared, have things cleaned and settled. Do you like steak? That’d be perfect, actually. I’ve got some in the freezer just waitin’ to be defrosted.”
“Um, well — That’s a little short notice…”
“I’m sure Mr. Farrow won’t mind. He’ll be glad for the company, and if he isn’t, well he will be when I’m done with him.” She chortled. “Just another joke, honey. He’s always dyin’ to talk to someone that isn’t me. It’d be a real treat to him. Treat ta me too! What do you say?”
Your mouth opened and closed as a light sheen of sweat broke over the nape of your neck. Mrs. Farrow’s sharp eyes were wider, attempting to beguile you while your head was still spinning. 
“I-I guess, maybe —” You stammered.
“Wonderful!” The eccentric woman’s eyes lit up like fireworks, cigarette-smoker’s voice becoming truly raucous in her delight. “I’ll go ahead and get started. You go get back to what it was you were doing before Lou and I interrupted you! And don’t worry about a thing! We might be old timers, but a good meal and good cheer never go out of style.” 
Mrs. Farrow laughed, pretending to shoo you away until you were back inside your apartment and she was pulling your door to a close for you. 
“Have a good night, honey! We’ll see you tomorrow! 6 o’clock, don’t be late!”
Before you knew it, you were staring at the back of your own door again. 
‘What the fuck just happened?’
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reallyromealone · 5 months
Title: hazbin security
Fandom: hazbin hotel
Characters: hazbin hotel ensemble, male reader
Fic type: story - romance
Pairings: angel dust x reader
Warnings: male reader, reader insert, angst, rape themes, reader is a giant, reader is a sweetheart, mentions of nsfw, adult language, mention of kinks, hurt to comfort
Notes: bing bong
The hotel went quiet as a hulking demon stepped in, having to crouch under he door to enter "uhh, hi?" Charlie said putting on a friendly smile as the 13 foot tall demon stared at her quietly and held up a paper advertisement along with a resume "oh! You're here for the security position!" She said excitedly as the massive demon nodded, everyone too unnerved by his hulking presence to even begin to think about anything else.
Charlie and Alastor went to the back with him, husk looking at angel dust with raised eyebrows as the door closed "holy shit!" Husk said to his close friend who's sipped his martini, nodding "he's a fuckin' giant, seriously! He could crush us!" The spider demon said almost awe struck as he barely hit the demons chest, angel knew he was probably hung like hell... Something he could feel in his stomach.
Charlie busted in "everyone meet our newest security! (Name)!" Charlie introduced the silent demon as the others awkwardly waved to no response as (name) nodded softly, a passive expression on his face.
And that's how it was, everyone went about their days as (name) despite his size lurked quietly in the shadows out of view but angel always kept a keen eye on him, he stressed him out... Reminded him of the people val made him sleep with.
Especially since (name) always glanced at him, like he was suspicious of him... Angel hated it.
"Give me the word, I'll handle him" husk would back up angel dust and the spider demon smiled at his best friend "thanks husky" he smiled, happy he found a genuine friend in the bartender as (name) threw out some crackhead who pissed on the carpet in defiance.
It was late as Angel dust walked to the hotel, exhausted and drained as his heels clicked against the pavement, today was shit and he just wanted to go home...
"Excuse me?" A gravelly voice called as the spider turned to see an imp with an intense glare "you're... You're Angel dust right? I saw your work..." They said seriously and angel felt his hair stand on edge as he looked at the other "what's it to ya?" Angel hissed out as the imp stepped closer and angel stepped back "I really... Admire your work... You look amazing on the big screen though... It pales to the real deal" they said heatedly as Angel felt he needed to get away and fast "no you don't!" The imp hissed out as he grabbed angel dust and pinned him to the ground "I wanna see if you're like how you are on the big screen!" The imp said maniacally as he tore at angels shirt.
Angel felt tears well up in his eyes, fuck he didn't want this to go how it did...
"Show me your cute-- holy shit!" The imp was lifted as angel shook, looking at his savior and was surprised when he saw (name) throw the imp like a ragdoll before lifting angel into his arm, the spider secured snuggly in his bicep as he went back to the hotel without a word. Angel was shaking as he just let (name) take him wherever, he didn't care anymore... He just wanted this night to be over.
(Name) Put his sweater over the other, nights in hell we're ice cold and (name) seemed genuinely worried as he took the scared demon back to the hotel. (Name) Didn't speak a word as angel looked up at him fearfully as he processed what happened.
The lobby and the hotel was pretty empty as it was late as everyone was either at home or in their respective rooms, the massive demon just clicking the elevator button as he glanced down at the other before looking forward.
"Wait this isn't..." Oh god, angel panicked as they passed his room and He felt his fears confirmed as they went to (name)s room and he was plopped on the bed unceremoniously, closing his eyes and expecting the worst until a t-shirt handed to him and the white haired demon watched as (name) turned around, Angel realized he gave him one of his massive shirts that fit like a dress. He hid the smile on his face at the fact the massive demon wanted to respect his privacy even though every part of angel had been broadcasted across hell.
But it felt nice... Being respected.
Angel felt awkward as he spoke softly "I'm uh, I'm finished changing big boy" he hoped it wasn't some kink, a lot of demons loved seeing angel in their clothes and fucking like that but was more surprised when (Name) Left the room as angel processed what happened and was elated to see the massive demon gold a tiny piggy in his hand, setting him in angels lap "nuggie!" Angel smiled as (name) sat on the ground, even sitting he held perfect eye contact "thanks... Why did you help me?" Angel didn't get it, no one ever did anything in hell without wanting something in return and (name) tilted his head "why wouldn't I?"
"So do you wanna fuck as a thank you?" Angel asked bluntly and (name) just stared at him "no"
"Then why would you help me if you didn't want to fuck?!"
"You deserve to be treated with respect, i wasn't going to allow such scum to treat you with anything less" the demon grunted, angel realizing that this was the first conversation be ever had with the other, the demons voice soothing to his ears. "you aren't as intimidating as I thought" angel said genuinely as he slid down beside (name), smiling up at him "I intimidated you?" (Name) Seemed genuinely confused and angel cackled "we all were! You're a massive demon who never talks!" (Name) Looked down at his own body and seemed to be in thought "that must be why people run..."
Angel let out a genuine laugh and kissed the others cheek "you ain't intimidating at all anymore to me!" He teased and (name) seemed flustered a bit at the others actions "nuggie seems to like ya" angel said as the tiny piggy crawled into (name)s lap and promptly fell asleep, normally he stuck to angel and angel alone.
"I just admit I have been feeding him little treats, my apologies" (name) seemed embarrassed as angel felt his heart melt a bit, not only was this giant so sweet to him but his pet!
(Name) Let angel sleep in his bed, the demon trying to set up shop on the floor when angel practically forced him on the bed "it's big enough for both of us!" And angel didn't want to sleep alone, the night shaking him up as he snuggled into (name)s side.
Waking up, angel was being held like glass as (name) cuddled him close to his chest as If he were the most precious thing in the world.
Angel didn't want to move, the domestically sweet energy making him feel emotions he wasn't used to.
And god was (name)s chest the most comfortable thing ever, practically smothered by the large pectoral muscles and his massive arms keeping him secure.
Maybe he could close his eyes and enjoy this a little longer...
When (name) woke he gently tucked the spider in as he got out of bed, grabbing a sweater for the other and a pair of boxers for him to wear as he wasn't sure if Angel wanted to wear sleep clothes when he woke...
What he didn't know was angel woke and stared at him curious as the massive demon out together some clothes for him, already dressed for the day and a goody smile played on his face.
He was gonna fuck this demon.
But romantically.
Angel stuck to (name) all day, the bigger demon letting him sit on his shoulder as he went about his day, angel dust talking away as the other listened carefully.
Eventually (name) needed to attend to things as he set angel carefully at the bar and walked off to do whatever it was charlie and Alastor needed him to do.
"So like, you fucking the big guy?" Husk asked bluntly and Angel dust explained what happened, the massive demon being nothing short of a gentleman to the lustful demon "he's only touched me to give me clothes or if I initiated it!" Angel was confused, usually people touch him first and without asking but (name) always looked at him for assurance before doing anything to the white spider, it was nice.
He felt special.
"You deserve someone nice like that, he's always watchin' ya, at first I thought he was glaring but now I think he was worried for ya" it was true, (name) always kept an eye on angel dust and the spider thought (name) was suspicious of him but...
Angel returned to the security demons room that night and (name) looks like a surprised puppy as he let the other in, angel looking up at him expectantly "I wanna fuck you but romantically" angel said simply and (name) tilted his head "you know you don't need to fuck me to be with me" he said simply and angel looked suspicious at him "what? You into cucking?"
(Name) Just lifted the spider and set him in his lap, absolutely tiny comparatively as he turned on the tv and pulled the blanket over them, kissing angel dusts forehead sweetly. Though their relationship seemed a bit rushed, angel couldn't help the goofy smile on his face as he snuggled into (name)s chest, the larger demon kissing his head softly.
He could get used to this.
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kjupchurch-xx · 1 month
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⭐️ Perfect ⭐️
                            July 26th, 2024
                       Los Angeles, California
                Deadpool & Wolverine Premiere
Tonight was the night we'd all been waiting for, the night we've worked so hard for. Tonight was the premiere party for Deadpool & Wolverine. I'd been working with the director, Shawn Levy along with making sure Hugh and Ryan had everything they needed while on set. I developed a super close friendship with Hugh and Ryan during the long filming process. I'd also gotten close with Blake, Ryan's wife. To be quite honest, everyone on our crew is probably the only people I'd consider friends since moving to Los Angeles four years ago.
I've done several films as a director's assistant over the last three years, but this film had been the greatest project I'd been apart of. Blake and I were at my home getting ready for the premiere while Hugh and Ryan were with Shawn preparing to meet us at the premiere. Our stylist came by earlier to finish up Blake and I's hair and makeup. They had us both sporting cute up-dos with a more natural makeup look with lighter neutral colors.
"I wonder what the guys are wearing tonight." Blake said while slipping into her beautiful red dress.
I shrugged, grabbing my black dress, sliding it on, "I don't know. Shawn wouldn't say."
She chuckled, "He never does. Did your ex finally stop blowing you up? Wasn't he trying to like show up on set some of the days we were filming?"
I rolled my eyes with disgust, "Yes, and yes. It's so funny how you ignore someone when you're with them and cheat on them but once they leave you on your ass, you want their attention."
We grabbed our stuff and headed towards the door as we saw our ride pulling up the driveway, "Have you met anybody you're even interested in yet? Best way to get over someone is to get under someone else."  She smirked.
I laughed, shaking my head as we climbed into the SUV that was picking us up to shuttle us to the event, "Shut up, Blake. You're stating to sound like your husband."
She laughed, smiling at me, "You say that like it's a bad thing."
I looked at her, sarcasm dripping through my facial expression and my voice, "It is."
She took a hesitant breath, "Seriously though, someone asked me about you."
I looked at her curiously, "And who would that be?"
She smirked, "Hugh. He was at our place the other night while you and Shawn stayed behind to finish up cutting scenes."
My jaw dropped, "What did he say?"
She shrugged, "He just asked us how long you'd been single and if he seemed like your type. He said he thinks you're gorgeous."
I turned to face her, completely flabbergasted, "You are so full of shit, Lively."
She burst into laughter, "Ask Ryan!"
I widened my eyes, shaking my head, "He's more full of shit than you are!" I failed to contain my laughter at this point.
She giggled, "Just watch. Pay attention to how he looks at you at the premiere. You'll see."
I playfully rolled my eyes, "Okay, Blake."
Had Hugh actually talked to Ryan and Blake about me? He was a nice guy. We'd become friends since we met on set over a year ago. We'd done some press together and make each other laugh, but for some reason, I doubt he'd be interested in me. Not that there's anything wrong with me, he's just one of the biggest A-List celebrities in the world. He's also not even one year out of separation from his wife of 27 years. Dating is probably the last thing on this man's mind.
The rest of the ride was pretty quiet. I couldn't shake my thoughts. I think he's handsome, he's absolutely ripped and his personality is out of this world. His accent is pretty sexy, too.
As we pulled up to the premiere location, Blake and I exited our vehicle, "Let's go, girls." Blake said, channeling her inner Shania Twain causing me to smile.
"Where's the boys?" I asked as we walked down the corridor.
Blake checked her phone, "They're waiting to step onto the red carpet. Which is..." she trailed off while looking down the corridor, "Right down there on the left."
I nodded, trying to hide my nerves. I've been on other movie sets, I've worked with other stars but I've never done a red carpet event. What if I fall and bust my ass? What if my dress malfunctions? So many what-ifs. As we arrived to the end of the corridor, I see Hugh, Ryan and Shawn waiting for us. Blake walks over to Ryan and they share a quick kiss.
"Anyone else feel like a 3rd wheel?" I jokingly said towards Hugh and Shawn, causing Shawn to shake his head and laugh, "Every time I work with these two." He said.
Hugh hooked his arm around mine, "You can be my date tonight." He gave me a smile.
I blushed, looking towards Blake as she gave me a silly 'I told you' look while hooking her arm around Ryan's. "Ohhhh, Big Deb's gonna be pissed!" He spat jokingly causing us all to laugh.
Hugh shrugged, "Oh well. She's the one that wanted to end things. Time to move on. Plus, I don't want to be the nerd showing up without a date." He said with a laugh and cheeky grin.
Ryan looked at me, "Fuck you, your first time on the red carpet and you're going as Hugh Jackman's date. I had to fondle his balls just to get him on this film. You lucky, lucky girl."
I shook my head, about to ruin my 2 hour makeup job from tears hitting my eyes at this point due to laughing so hard. "Guys, I'm pretty sure we need to go out there." I chuckled pointing towards the doorway that led to the red carpet.
We all nodded in agreement and made our way out. The sound of the thousands of photographers, fans screaming and journalists on the red carpet filled my ears. I felt Hugh tighten his grip on my arm, whispering in my ear, "Don't be nervous, you're gonna do great!" Causing me to smile.
We all posed for pictures as the reporters went wild. Hugh had not been seen in public with anyone since his split last year, so this was a big deal. The movie we'd all worked our asses off on was a big deal. The shouting was unreal and unbelievably loud.
Blake and Ryan went to another spot to do solo photos, leaving Hugh and I to ourselves on the carpet. A reporter took this as his perfect moment to approach us with rapid fire questions I was bracing myself for.
"Hugh. Kaitlyn. How does it feel to be on the red carpet tonight?" He asked, shoving the microphone into our faces.
We at looked at each other, "It feels great, mate. Glad to be here." Hugh said with a smile.
"Like he said, we're honored to be here." I said with a big smile.
"Kaitlyn, this is your first time on the red carpet." The journalist said matter of factly.
I nodded in agreement, noticing Hugh has not taken his eyes off of me. "It is."
The journalist continued to pry, "First red carpet and you're on Hugh Jackman's arm, how does that feel?" He asked.
I blushed, "Ryan Reynolds paid me to be his date. Someone had to take one for the team." I smirked, causing the journalist and Hugh to laugh.
As we continued our walk down the carpet, Hugh moved his hand from my arm to around my waist. We talked with many more journalists and posed for hundreds of photos before heading off the carpet to the back of the venue. There were some artists that were due to perform for the event. Some of them included Ed Sheeran, Taylor Swift, Jelly Roll, etc.
Hugh looked over at me, "Noldsy paid you, huh?" He joked.
I joked, "Only a few hundred."
He playfully gripped his chest, "Ouch."
I threw my hands up signaling defeat, "If it helps, I'm glad I took one for the team and you weren't stuck holding Shawn on the red carpet."
He grimaced playfully at the sight, "You're certainly the prettier one."
I snickered. "Am I?"
He nodded with a cheeky smile, "Loads, sweetheart."
I'm starting to think Blake may have not been as full of shit as I'd thought. We made our way back to Blake and Ryan catching up in the crowd to watch the musical entertainment of the night. Taylor Swift took the stage first, causing Ryan to fan girl. Ed Sheeran came on right after, all was great until he began performing his hit song 'Perfect'. All of the couples in the crowd had begun slow dancing. It was a romantic, sweet song but being single in a crowd of couples was depressing.
I felt a presence behind me as a hand made its way to my lower back, "Care to dance with me?" I heard in an Australian accent.
I looked over my shoulder to see Hugh smiling a bit nervously. I turned to face him and gave him a nod and small smile, allowing him to pull me into his arms for a slow dance. We both swayed to the song, singing along, never breaking eye contact. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hoping he'd kiss me. I could tell he was thinking about it as his eyes kept trailing from my eyes to my lips as he held me close, continuing to sway to the sound of Ed Sheeran serenading the crowd.
I slowly bit my lip as I noticed his eyes glance at my lips again. His face slowly coming closer. I could feel Blake and Ryan's gaze on us wondering what was about to happen. Did I even know what was about to happen? Did I want to know? Before I could process any more thoughts of my own, I felt his lips on mine. They were soft and he smelled so damn good.
I know we're standing in a room full of hundreds of thousands of people, but in this moment, it feels as if he and I were the only two people in the room. The kiss was slow and passionate.
He slowly pulled away, still swaying me and looked at me, "I'm sorry, but I've had a crush on you ever since we began working together. I've wanted to ring you so many times and tell you, but I didn't want to complicate things on set."
I smiled pulling him for another kiss, nibbling on his bottom lip before pulling away, "Ryan actually didn't pay me to be your plus one."
He chuckled, "I know."
I looked up at him, "Can we go somewhere else? Somewhere more private?"
He nodded, grabbing my hand, leading us through the massive crowd of people. As we made our way down out of the concert venue back to the corridor, we noticed Blake and Ryan already ahead of us.
"Ah Pal, gettin' lucky, huh?" Ryan smirked.
Hugh and I laughed, "We are too. It's okay. Embrace it. Embrace the amounts of great sex you're about to have." Ryan continued while nodding his head as if he were a love guru.
"Goodnight, Ryan." We both said in unison watching Blake, who was unable to control her laughter at this point.
Hugh and I made our way to the car and of course couldn't escape the sea of paparazzi. Except this time, we didn't pose for pictures and continued to the car. There were pressing matters that needed to be attended to first. Once we got into the car, we instructed the driver to take us to my house.
Hugh rested his arm around my shoulders, "How long have you known?"
I looked at him, confused, "How long have I known what?"
He looked at me seriously, "That I have a thing for you."
I shrugged, "I actually didn't. Blake mentioned it to me earlier, but I assumed she was full of shit. Kind of like the time you told Ryan to come to your Christmas party in an ugly sweater so he shows up and everyone else is in Dior."
Hugh laughed, "Love, you're anything but an ugly sweater at a party full of people wearing Dior."
I began laughing, "You get the point."
He gave me the boyish smile that had melted my heart since the first time I saw him onscreen and pushed a fallen strand of hair behind my ear, "You are the most elegant, beautiful woman I've ever laid eyes on."
I blushed, "You're not so bad yourself. I've actually had more of a school girl crush on you since the first X-Men movie."
He smiled cockily, "Really?"
I nodded, "Really."
He pulled me in for another kiss, this time pulling me onto his lap, deepening the kiss. I could feel his erection growing beneath me, causing me to pull away so we didn’t cause our driver to have a wreck before we made it back to my place.
“So what do we do now?” I asked casually, looking at him.
He shrugged, getting close to my ear, whispering “We’re going back to your place first, then I’m going to fuck you into the middle of next week. After that, we’ll cuddle. I’ll make you pancakes in the morning and after that, you’ll never want to leave.”
I chuckled pulling him into another kiss.
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lowkeyremi · 9 months
Hey! Since your requests are open I'd thought I'd slip in here...
Pro Hero Bakugou x actress reader where reader got nominated for the Oscars, and got the Oscar for the Best Lead Actress?? I can imagine he'd be so proud and would be in tear when she thanks him with her entire soul during her acceptance speech.
And the Red Carpet- I swear that man would be so happy seeing her look so pretty. Imagine they wore matching outfits too I can't-
Not to mention all the pictures being posted of them on social media... everyone would have proof of him in 4k looking at reader with heart eyes 💀
Absolutely no obligation to write this, I just thought this was really cute loll
he would literally brag to everyone be like "that's my girl." "they couldn't have chosen a better actress for that part. they wouldn't do it as well as she does"
and while they're getting those pics of him being smitten I mean ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE WITH YOU one of the photographers are like, "miss? do you know dynamite? he looks like he's dying to get a picture with you."
and you know their reasons they want something that could be written about, something all over the news. little do they know they were in for a show.
you say yes and he literally ducks under the red rope barrier that keeps everyone off of the red carpet and he walks up to you sliding a hand around your waist and kissing you on the cheek.
you two hear shuttering like crazy and a giggle escapes your throat. and someone yells, "look! they're matching!! do you think they're together?"
oh how the two of you enjoy reading up on people's theories about you guys, "dynamite is always posting [name] on his social media, they must be more than just friends." one person claims on twitter.
"katsuki my manager was really pissed that you kissed me at the red carpet." you weren't mad, honestly you found it cute.
"i don't care that guy can suck my dick for what it's worth. I wanna freely be with my girl." he rolls his eyes.
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claraswritings · 25 days
Reader opens a bookshop opposite the Bear. Her and Carmy meet and she holds back cook books for him and he cooks her food 😭
Omg cute 🥰 I put a bit of a twist on this one I hope you don’t mind but blurb btc
No TW just fluff
You’d been in the city for a little over two months when had met him. Carmen Berzatto.
He’d stumbled in, slightly pink in the cheeks looking for a book about a ‘magical pony’.
You’d given him a smile, small and tweaking at the corner of your mouth and pointed off to the colourful section down around a corner
“First display in the kids section. If you get lost it’s directly under the inflatable unicorn”
“Thanks” he ran a hand through a mess of curly hair and took off.
“It’s not for me” he told you when he’d returned with it in hand, some of the glitter from the cover now stuck to his patchwork jacket.
“I’m not one to judge.” You stated matter of factly. Even if it was for him, a grown man buying a unicorn book would not be the weirdest thing you’d seen.
“I promise it’s for…my cousins kid. I mean he’s not actually my cousin…but he’s…”
You looked amused.
“Okay, I believe you. Thousands wouldn’t” you teased as you slipped the pink sparkly book into a bag and handed it over.
“Is this place new?” He asked as if it had just dawned on him this was no longer the carpet shop it used to be and you raised your eyebrows.
“About two months.”
He let out a low whistle and nodded “I’m…Carmen, Carmy…I own erm…” he stopped and gestured out of the window hoping he sounded better out loud than he did in his head.
“The Bear?” You asked and when he tilted his head in confusion “I know. I’ve seen you come and go. It’s a big window.”
He winced even though it didn’t sound like a dig.
“Sorry, I would have said hi sooner, I’ve not…I’ve not been with it. Busy getting ready to re open.”
He winced again. You’d obviously not long since opened too.
“It’s okay” you said in the same way you’d said ‘I’m not one to judge’ and Carmy weirdly liked that. “I had a sandwich there a while back…when I was viewing this place. Maybe I’ll come in sometime.”
The way you said it was genuine. Not in the placid, token sentiment way people said it. You sounded like you mean it
“I’ll, uh, lemme know and I’ll sort you a table.”
It went on like this for a little while.
He’d started coming in every few days, mostly following Eva and Richie in.
“Ah, the cousin and his daughter are real.” You’d quipped the first time. “See I held back the new unicorn book thinking this guy was a secret fan…” you winked at Carmy before pausing “Guess I’ll have to give it to this little lady!” You passed Eva over a book which she ran off excitedly with
Richie had given you a nod and a “Thanks sweetheart” before slapping Carmy on the back and following his daughter off to the kids table.
The look he gave Carmy did not go unnoticed by you. Almost as soon as they were out Richie had turned to him with this shit eating grin
“Wonder why you wanted to go in. Real obvious cousin.”
“What? Was I?? Do you think she noticed?” Suddenly Carmy felt about sixteen and awkward again, as he glanced over through the window at you.
Richie clipped him around the head with the book “Just ask the nice lady out, fucko”
“Carmy!” You’d grinned when he’d come in a few days later. “I kept you a present”
He raised an eyebrow “Uh, yeah, you mentioned something about…” you paused not wanting to butcher the French pronunciation. “A French evening? At your place?”
You ducked behind the counter and picked up the hardback book, placing it on the counter with a dramatic drop.
“Here.” You pushed it towards him
It was a famous chefs latest book. Full of recipes and inspiration from his upbringing in Marseille and about his three star restaurant in Nice. “This is signed.” Carmy’s eyes widened
“Yes. I know” you tilted your head to the side and watched him flip through it. “Is that like…against some kinda chef code or something.”
“Chef code?” Carmy raised an eyebrow “Like scouts honor?”
You shrugged “I dunno. Just you look confused by the prospect of a signed book.”
“No…it’s just…I can pay for it” Carmy started looking around in his wallet and you raised your eyebrows
“Don’t worry about it”
“Are you sure? It’s signed. This is like having a…book signed by…”
“By him?” You tapped the cover.
“By like…Tolkien or something” Carmy continued “Shit analogy I know.”
“No I get it. He’s like some type of chef Tolkien”
“Yeah.” Carmy nodded
“So he’s good?”
“He’s one of the best. This is the nicest thing anyone’s ever done for me. You know he never signs right? I think he’s uh… like a recluse?” Carmy held up a hand“Hold on okay? I’ll be right back”
Right back was twenty minutes later. He entered holding out a plastic carton
“It’s the… I brought you some?” He ran his hand through his hair wondering if it was weird. “It’s not how I’d usually plate it.”
“I know. Thank you” you said and he noticed your slow reassuring tone and in his mind he heard Richie again, berating him for not asking you out
“Uh next time…How about I don’t bring you food. How about I take you out. Properly.”
“I think I’d like that”
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neowinestainedress · 1 year
wait for me | lee jeno
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title: wait for me
pairing: lee jeno x fem!reader
genre: smut
warnings: smut, unprotected sex, oral (m and f receiving), facef*cking, praise kink, minor degradation (more like teasing), (consensual) filming for one scene, pet names (princess, baby/babe, honey, good girl, silly girl, etc), mentions of p*rn, loss of virginity (it’s a social construct but you get the point), soft dom!jeno, innocent!reader, romantic but rough at times, a bit of aftercare
summary: jeno keeps his promise of turning you into a mess under him
wc: 6.195k
a/n: I take my time with things, but if I promise something, I will do it, so here’s a gift for my precious @everloving-avenue ♡ it took almost a year but the sequel to this drabble is here! you don’t have to read the first part to understand. the style is a bit different from the drabble because I do write in a different way, so I don’t know how it will flow if you read one right after the other, but I hope you’ll enjoy it anyway. I missed writing just good old smut with no plot. Same thing as the original drabble; I don’t think I’m the best when it comes to writing first times, so I hope this doesn’t suck completely. ps: missed writing about Jeno ♡
general taglist: @froggyforyoongi, @wingsss45, @tddyhyck | send an ask if you want to be added (i hope i didn't forget anyone cause i didn't use a tag, but from now on i will so i'll have everyone in the same place)
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“Can you take it all, pretty girl?” Jeno never looked more intimidating than he does now, looking down at you while you’re on your knees, trying to keep your gaze locked in his and don’t divert it, too embarrassed and distracted by his big, hard dick standing so close to your face. 
You gulp, humming lowly and moving closer to the head of his cock, your lips brushing against it, making him laugh tenderly. 
“We can wait if you’re not ready,” he says, the husky tone of his voice sends shivers down your back, and even if he has been nothing but nice and respectful to you, your brain can only focus on the sexiness of it. 
“No, I...” you hesitate, lowering your head as you suddenly feel shy, “… I don’t know what to do.” Since you called him that night, you had been more daring, but Jeno always focused on you, and the bravest thing you’ve done to him was a handjob. This feels like such a big step, and you’re terrified you’ll let him down, no matter how much he has been reassuring you. 
A smile curls his lips, but it’s more of a grin as he bends over and lifts your chin up. “I’m here to teach you, am I right?” 
You feel your throat close for a moment as you bravely meet his eyes, you can see he’s holding back, and that makes a fire ignite in you. You’d even let him be rough with you — at least that’s what you saw while lurking on… those sites — but you don’t feel like pushing your luck. So you nod, swinging your ass on your heels as your knees rub against the carpet to move closer to him again. 
“Good girl,” he coos, kissing you quickly before standing up like before. “Open up,” Jeno orders, this time holding the base of his dick as he prods the tip against your lips. 
You do as he says, tongue coming out of your mouth as you try to remember what you saw in a few videos. 
Jeno smiles, teasing his length on it, watching as you try so hard to don’t look away. He thinks you’re really cute, really fucking cute, to be honest. There’s a bit of fear and a lot of eagerness in your eyes, and after months, he can’t hold back anymore. His free hand reaches for your cheek as he slowly starts pushing in, whispering to you to be careful to don’t bite and keep your mouth wide open, until he’s halfway in. 
You flinch, eyes squeezing as you feel the flow of air already dim in your lungs, hands immediately finding his thighs to hold onto something. 
Jeno snickers, pulling out and shaking his head. “Silly girl, you have to breathe, that’s like the most important part.” 
You feel like he’s testing the ground, being bolder in the way he talks to you during these moments, and you have no idea why, but you find it hotter than you imagined you ever would. Your thighs clench as you feel your pussy throb just at the way he had called you a silly girl. 
“Through your nose, darling. You got it?” Something about the way he’s so condescending makes you dizzy and answer him right away, eyes fluttering as you nod and part your lips again, this time not set for failure. 
He pushes into your mouth again, it’s slow and he grunts as he slides in, feeling your warm, wet mouth wrap around him. 
You gag on it when the tip reaches the back of your throat, but Jeno’s ready to calm you down. 
“Breathe deeply, babe,” he says, voice dropped by an octave as his thumb caresses the portion of your skin between your jaw and neck. “You’re being such a good girl for me.” 
Your toes curl at his words, and you feel a heavy weight being lifted from your back. Jeno feels it in the way your throat relaxes and how your cheeks suck him in. 
If only he didn’t wait so long, he would stay still for a bit more, but now that he has you like this, he can’t control himself. “Can you suck?” He asks, voice shaking. 
“I guess,” you mumble before pulling away to take a deep breath. “You want me to move on it?” 
“Yeah,” he hums. “I fear I won’t be so gentle if I do all the job.” 
You quirk a brow, tilting your head as you stare at him. “What do you mean?” 
He shakes his head. “Nothing. Just remember what I said, breathe through your nose, and you’ll be fine.” 
You’re not happy with the way he dismissed your question, but you ignore it anyway, taking his cock in your mouth another time. You close your eyes to concentrate more and you start to suck, bobbing your head slowly at first, until you find a rhythm he seems to like, and it’s not too much for you. 
It feels weird, yet, every time you feel like you’re doing something wrong — like when the lewd sounds of your mouth get louder when it hits too deep, or when your nails sink in his thighs hard, or when spit drools from your chin — Jeno only moans louder and the hold of his hand in your hair tightens. 
“Good girl,” he praises, and when you open your eyes, you see his head reclined, lips parted and eyelids sitting on his beautiful cheeks. “Taking my dick so well.” 
Your body burns up at his word, a mix of feelings you can’t explain getting to your brain, but you keep trying to do your best to work on him. Until something pops in your mind. You pull away, mostly to take your breath, but your hand immediately reaches his base to pump up and down. 
Jeno doesn’t say anything, he even manages to muffle the groan of disappointment he let out when your lips left him. He knows you need breaks, but he still doesn’t quite expect what you do next. The combo mouth-hand was not on his bingo today and he can’t believe you’re doing it. It takes you a while to find a rhythm — he finds it adorable how uncoordinated you are — but when you do… fuck, when you do. 
You’re moving slower than Jeno would go crazy for, but he likes it anyway. You’re trying your best, brows knitted in concentration, mouth and hand working together, and soft moans vibrating around him. Just the view is enough to push him closer to the edge, especially when you seem to relax completely. 
“Stay focused,” he calls you out, fearing you might stop doing the most important thing again; breathe. “Don’t get too lost, princess.” 
You hum, voice muffling around his length hitting deep in your throat while you open your eyes to look at him. His jaw is tense, and he’s breathing deeply through his nose, the veins of his arms are so visible, propping on his skin as his hand is closed in a fist. He’s trying not to look down at you, you won’t know it, but you look too hot right now, and if only his eyes move down, he would start fucking your face. 
But you can’t take it. It’s your first time, and he has to be gentle. He can’t act like an animal without self-control, because he is not, right? 
Yet the more you softly moan, and gag and suck him, hollowing your cheeks while your hand shily works on the base and his balls, the harder it gets. 
When he practically growls, you pull back, terrified you did something wrong, unaware eyes looking into his. 
“Did I hurt you? I’m sorry, I — I was careful with my teeth, I’m sure I wasn’t —” 
He clicks his tongue, shaking his head as he shuts you up with his thumb on your lips, now plumper and red with spit dripping from a corner down to your chin. “You did nothing wrong,” his breath is ragged and his pupils are dilated, his chest is heaving quickly while his hair is starting to wet around the crown of his forehead. “You’re being good, baby, too good.” 
You blink, confusingly staring at him. “Too good? How can I be too good?” 
Jeno sighs, caressing your cheeks, wetting them with the spit that stuck to his thumb. “You really have no idea how fucking hot you look right now, don’t you?” 
You purse your lips, shaking your head as you keep looking up. Feeling oh so small. 
A smirk paints his face. “Should I show you?” He asks, but you don’t get it until he grabs the phone from the nightstand and shakes it in his hand. 
“Oh, that,” you gasp, feeling your throat go dry. 
“Only if you want, of course,” he reassures, sensing your hesitation. 
“I — it’s fine. If it stays on your phone, it’s fine,” you say, feeling yourself get wetter at the thought of him taking a picture of you at such a moment. It’s also curiosity. Are you really that good? Do you look as pretty as the girls in those videos? You doubt that, even if they look like a mess they’re always so pretty, but you? Maybe Jeno is just being nice because it’s you. 
“Of course, princess. Trust me, I wouldn’t let anybody else see you like this.” And also, for all the times he is going to have you in that position, he would even delete it once you are done, if you prefer it. 
You nod, shifting in your place because you don’t know what to do, should you pose? Should you take it in your mouth again? But Jeno answers your questions when he grips your chin and forces your head up, you’re not as messed up as he wishes you were, but this will do. “Smile for me,” he says and you do, feeling awkward. You’d like to disappear if only you couldn’t see his cock throb in your peripherical view, he wants you so much. 
So, as soon as the phone moves away with praises coming out of his mouth, you lean in, taking it inside again. 
“Fuck,” Jeno curses, clutching the phone in his hand, struggling to show you the picture of you. “Let me fuck your face,” he pleads, words followed by ragged moans, “you can tap my thigh if it gets too much but — fuck — let me try.” 
You pull away, trying to follow him, but even if you are doing something to him, your brain is already lost in the pleasure, and the fact you have pretty much no idea what he’s talking about doesn’t help. “Like in the videos?” 
“I won’t be that harsh, I promise,” and even if pleasure is running in his body, you can hear the honesty in his voice. 
“O — okay, but…” you drift your gaze away, “can you film us? So I can see after?” 
A deep groan reverberates in his chest, followed by a low suck of air. He can’t believe this is real, that you are real. So innocent and pure, asking for such things. But he’s more than happy you are the one proposing stuff to him. “Yeah, fuck, yes.” 
You shouldn’t feel like this just hearing his voice and moan, but you do, and the way your panties are sticking to your pussy is getting unbearable, you can’t wait to have him down there, so you part your lips, and wait for him to take the invitation. 
Jeno doesn’t waste a second more, shoving himself down your throat, stopping to give you time to adjust to the rough intrusion of his girth before he starts moving his hips against your face. 
At first, it feels weird, you have no control, and the pace is faster than yours, but you try to remember what he said before; you focus on your breathing and the sweet sounds coming from his mouth. Mostly because the ones coming from yours are too dirty for you to bear with. 
“Fuck, babe, just like this,” he praises, one hand holding up the phone and the other caressing your cheek, trying to give you something soothing while he moves with force, it’s not too strong, surely not like one video you accidentally watched — and closed right away because it was way too much. This feels like a great compromise between your slower pace from before and the facefucking.
“My pretty baby, taking me so well,” Jeno moans, smiling at you when he sees a glint of a smile in your eyes. “You still don’t believe me, do you?” 
You try to answer him non-verbally, but the way he’s thrusting into you doesn’t give your head any room for movement. He tsks, shaking his head disappointedly. “Don’t believe me when I call you beautiful when we go out on dates, don’t believe me when I whisper it to you in the morning, and not even now? Do I really have to show you?” 
You feel like choking, but not on his dick. It’s because of his voice, his words, and the tone he’s using. Your breath falters more when he turns the phone to you, the video playing what you were doing just a few moments ago. You should think it’s weird, humiliating even, but you don’t. It’s turning you on even more, and you do look pretty like he says. 
“See how beautiful you are even like this?” His voice is heavy, reaching deep into your core, making your pussy clench around nothing and drool out more excitement. “Your glossy eyes, your pretty lips stretched open just for me. Do you believe me now, princess?” 
You nod, nails digging into his thigh because the video and him are deconcentrating you and you fail to do the most important thing; breathe. You gasp when he pulls out, a thread of spit connects your lips with the tip of his cock as you sputter, trying to catch your breath. 
“Are you okay?” He asks worriedly, throwing the phone on the bed and staring at you with a concerned look on your face. “You know you should stop before reaching your limit?” 
“I know,” you cry out, cleaning your chin before lifting your gaze at him. “I was doing fine, but I… I forgot how to breathe.” 
Jeno snickers, caressing your lips with his thumb, smearing the mess on your chin another time. “You forgot how to breathe, baby? Didn’t fuck you yet, and you’re already my dumb baby?” He’s clearly testing the waters another time, you discussed these things a lot, but Jeno knows that videos and stories on the internet are a completely different thing from reality and he’s not so confident everything you think turns you on will actually turn you on. But apparently dirty talking, a mix between a lot of praises and just a hint of degradation, turns you on for real. He watches your thighs clench and your boobs rise while a choked moan leaves your lips. 
He smiles, or better, grins, tapping your face with his cock. “Will you let me fuck your mouth until I come, silly girl? Should we see just how dumb you get on me?” 
You nod eagerly, moving even closer with your knees, sure by now you were going to have marks of that night tomorrow. But not even the discomfort can stop you from letting him have his way with you. 
You moan louder when he pushes inside you this time, hands reaching his thighs for support while he starts moving quickly in and out, groans falling copiously from his tongue, balls slapping against your chin, and strong grip on the side of your face. 
You can’t take it anymore and you start rubbing your thighs together, trying to get a tiny bit of relief as his moans progressively get lower, aggressive and messier. He always tries to hold back but you’re loving this side of him. 
“Where — fuck — where do you want me to come?” He asks, slowing down a bit, only now realizing you’re wearing your favourite tank top and he doesn’t want to ruin your clothes, but were you ready for the whole thing? “Shirt?” When you shake your head he tries to think of something else, but the only option is not much better. “Floor?” But you shake your head again, and there’s only one thing left, “mouth?” You nod, eyes beaming, and he loses it. “Fuck,” he groans, hips stilling against your face as the orgasm hits him, making him empty inside of you. He drags out to don’t make you choke on his cum and then pulls away, still shuddering and moaning, expecting you to spit, having decided to play with fire and surely regretting it, but you don’t. Your face is contorted in an expression he can’t read, but you swallow everything, and then look up at him with innocent eyes. 
“Was I good?” 
“Fuck, honey, yes,” he says, lifting you up by wrapping an arm around your waist, making you lay on the bed. “So good,” he praises. 
You smile but feel shy once again when he doesn’t start anything more. You’re aching, and you want him. Everything. His mouth and fingers are not enough anymore, you need him now. 
“Jeno,” you moan. “Please.” 
“Yeah?” he asks nonchalantly. 
You huff, rolling your eyes. “Don’t make me say it.”
“Oh, no, princess, I want to hear you. Use your big girl words,” he orders.
“I want you to fuck me,” you breathe out, barely holding eye contact with him. 
He smiles victoriously, feeling his dick harden again just from hearing your voice say those filthy words. “Are you sure?” He checks in, quirking a brow.  
You hum. “I’m dripping,” you whisper, feeling too conscious about the mess between your legs. “I’m ready.” 
Jeno tried to postpone this as much as he could, not because he didn’t want you, but because he wanted to wait for you and respect your time. He knows you tend to jump into things head first, but after a brief look at you, he knows this time isn’t the case. Since the daring call, you two experimented a lot, so this was the right moment to give you everything. 
“Stop me if anything makes you uncomfortable, alright?” 
You nod, silently watching as he adjusts between your legs, pulling down your stained panties before throwing them to the side. You don’t expect his lips to leave kisses on your thighs, quite frankly you feel more eager than usual to get what you wanted right away, but it’s clear he has other plans. 
You still shy away every time he’s between your legs, feeling too conscious about how intimate you two are being. And it makes you even more dizzy when Jeno breathes in deeply before sucking on your clit. 
“Jeno,” you cry out, covering your face with your hands. 
“What, baby? How many times do I have to tell you not to cover yourself?” He scolds, eyes staring at you from between your legs. “Move your hands away or I’ll leave.” 
You barely give him time to finish that your hands are sitting at the sides of your body, and your hips are bucking up, inviting him to take care of you. 
“Eager baby,” he whispers before spreading your thighs wider, sinking down to lick your wetness. “Taste so good, princess.” 
“It’s weird,” you mumble, you truly can’t get what he finds so hot about it, and how good you taste. 
Jeno clicks his tongue, groaning in disappointment. “You don’t have to taste it,” he says, giving another harsh suck to your clit that makes your thighs shudder, “it’s all for me, and I love it.” 
Your head rolls back when he starts moving his tongue on you as soon as he’s done with his words. He’s neat, like his usual, sucking and licking until he has you shaking underneath him. But usually — the four times you’ve done this before — you just lay there. This time your fingers find their way in his hair, tangling in it as you push him closer. 
“Fuck, babe,” he moans, voice muffled against your body. “I’m not going anywhere,” he giggles and the vibrations push your brain in a spiral while your head rolls back. 
You bite down a high-pitched moan when he pushes two fingers inside you after collecting your arousal and his spit. If you want to take him — and you do — he has to get you ready for the big thing —literally. So he sucks on your clit and pumps in and out of you faster, scissoring his two digits every now and then to stretch you out more. 
“So welcoming, angel,” he hums, pulling away from your clit with a loud pop, “do you want me that much?” You must be particularly turned on because his fingers slide into you with ease, more than the other times when it took him a while to get you accommodated to the intrusion. 
“Yeah, I…” your words die in your mouth as you stare at the ceiling, feeling so, so close to the high. It’s a feeling you know quite well now, but it still catches you by surprise every time. And you fear you will never get used to any of this, not anytime soon, at least. 
“You?” He coos. “You want my cock in you? Want to finally know what it feels like to be fucked nice and deep?” 
You want the mattress to eat you as he speaks those words, but your body reacts in a completely different way, burning up as your orgasm washes over you, leaving you breathless against the bed. 
Jeno pulls his fingers out of you, sucking them clean when he’s sure your watching. “Tastes so good, no matter what you say, baby.” 
You let out a shaky breath, feeling your body buzz in ecstasy. 
“Come here,” he says, leaning in, lips to lips, “taste yourself on me.” You kiss him with no hesitation, not because you’re eager to taste your cum, but because you want to feel him as close as you can. 
“Jeno, please,” you beg, cupping his face before pulling him into another kiss. “I need you.” 
“I know you do,” he says, softly caressing your side. “Can you take it, though?” 
You nod swiftly, hips desperately grinding against him, feeling his cock against your skin. “I’ll be good, I promise.” 
Jeno smiles softly, finding it so cute how you still worry about him when you should focus on yourself. He kisses you while his right hand is busy rummaging in the stand next to the bed to find lube. 
“But I’m wet,” you complain when you realize what he’s doing, feeling a bit guilty because maybe it’s still not enough. 
“Yes, you are,” he agrees, kissing your body as he slowly stands on his knees and positions you better on the bed. “But I’m big, and I don’t want to hurt you.” 
You purse your lips in a thin line, trying to don’t overthink this, but Jeno gets something is wrong. 
“Hey, there’s nothing wrong with a bit of help. Also, lube can make things funnier, so why are you sulking?” 
“I’m not, I just — I want to be good like the girls you had be—” 
“No comparing, you are you, and I love you,” he stops you before you can finish, opening the bottle of lubricant but still waiting for your full consent. “Just trust me on this, alright?” 
“Yeah, I trust you,” you breathe out, voice shaking, and as you stare as he pours the cold liquid on his hard dick you realize this might be the smartest choice. Also, you have to remind yourself that porn is fake, and probably not even as funny as they make it out to be, so why would you want to ruin the fun with your boyfriend just to copy it?
“For anything, even if it’s just discomfort, stop me, alright?” 
You nod, feeling your nerves out of your skin, but Jeno wants you down on earth with him, and he needs to hear your voice. “Honey? What do you do if something’s wrong?” 
It takes you a while to realize he’s talking to you and even a bit more to answer. “I tell you,” you stutter, searching for his eyes because this is getting real and all your confidence is falling apart. 
“Good girl,” he praises, kissing you on the lips. 
When the tip of his cock presses against your entrance you know for sure using lube was the best idea he ever had in his entire life. Your jaw slacks, hands immediately reaching his back to sink in the skin of his shoulders as your chest rises heavily. 
“Honey, you’re too tense,” he says, pulling away. 
“No, I’m not,” you cry out, trying to push him in by locking your legs around his waist but he’s stronger than you and doesn’t let you do the dumbest thing you could ever do. 
“We don’t have to do it, you know right?” 
“But I want to,” you whine. “It’s just… big.” 
“Then we can wait.” 
“No, just… ease the tip in and then sink slowly,” you breathe out. 
“But you need to relax,” he says. “Let me do something.” It’s not what you expect him to do, but when his lips start leaving soft pecks on your skin, you can only relax under his attention. “That’s it, princess, loosen up,” he whispers against your neck, trailing down to kiss your chest, noting you’re still dressed in your camisole and he has to move it to have access to your skin. “Can I lift this off? Want to feel you close to me.” 
You hum, nodding your head in small movements as you try to relax your muscles. He quickly takes it off of you before going back to your skin, kissing and sucking, until goosebumps pervade you, distracting you while the fat head of his cock presses against your slit and you barely even notice.  
Jeno hums when he quickly glances up and you’re too lost in pleasure to tighten up around him, but he doesn’t push further in. “Good girl. Here,” he says, searching for your hand on the mattress, “hold my hand.” 
You do as he says, parting your legs when you realize he’s back where he was before, barely inside. “More, please,” you implore, meeting his eyes that turn into half-moons for a brief moment as he smiles back at you. 
He doesn’t ask more questions, afraid of tensing you up again, and pushes past your entrance. 
“Mhh,” you bite back, forcefully trapping your lower lips between your teeth to don’t let out weird sounds. 
Jeno stares at you, trying to study your body as he keeps moving, soothing circles on your waist. He’s barely halfway in and he’s not sure about what to do. 
“It’s… it’s weird,” you mumble, feeling shy when you two make eye contact. 
“Bad weird or good weird?” 
You shrug. “I don’t know, it’s not bad, it doesn’t hurt,” you reassure him. “You can push in, I’m relaxed.” 
You are, your shoulders are not tensed and your legs are parted on your own, your breath is also much more regular than before. So he does, he slowly buttons in, taking your breath away. 
You gasp, head rolling back as you feel full like never before. 
Jeno wants to back away when you start… laughing. “Are you okay?” 
You nod swiftly, “Yeah,” you smile. “It’s… I… I don’t know how to explain this,” you try to reason but truly there’s nothing rational about this. It’s the surprise because you can’t believe it happened and it’s the way it feels as your pussy automatically clenches around him. “I think you can fuck me,” you say, feeling the shame disappear. 
“I can take more time for you to adj—”
“I’m dripping and I’m ready for you, it doesn’t hurt,” you say, cupping his chin. “I’ve panicked about this moment enough, I know what I’m letting you doing.” You truly did, reading around way too much about what the first time felt like, knowing it wasn’t supposed to hurt or bleed like society said, and trusting him enough to do this. 
Jeno fights a chuckle to don’t ruin this completely and starts moving in and out of you. Studying your face with every move, his thrusts are slow at first, not only because he doesn’t want to push you too far, but also because he wants to see your reaction and feel you. Your eyes are closed while your lips are parted to let out the softest whimpers and moans, one hand is still holding his tight while the other is on his shoulder to hold onto him. 
“You’re so pretty,” he whispers, kissing you passionately, starting to pick up a rhythm when you don’t squirm away but your hips roll against his instead. “How does it feel?” 
“Good,” you cry out, “so good.” 
“Yeah? Told you it would feel good,” he groans, hips dragging in and out of you at a steady rhythm. He’d love to go faster, but he doesn’t want to hurt you or turn this into a bad experience. He wants to take it slow, and make you feel loved. “Better than those stupid videos you watch. You don’t need them to learn, they’re bullshit anyway, you have me.”
You groan, trying to hide away as you remember how he had caught you more than once as you tried to learn how to get better at this, no matter how many times he had told you he was there to guide you. “I will — I will disappoint you,” you cry out. 
“Yeah, are you sure?” He hums, kissing you briefly, hitting harder inside you, making you whimper a broken moan. “Then if you’re so afraid you’ll — fuck — disappoint me, it means I’ll have to fuck you more, ugh, how’s that sound?” 
You try to come up with words that make sense, but you hardly can breathe. It feels too much, lost in what’s happening now, and what is yet to happen. The idea he won’t hold back anymore, that at any chance he will try to make you feel good, and you will do too, sending your brain in a spiral. 
“Oh, imagining it already, nasty baby? One taste and you’re already addicted to this?” Jeno mocks playfully, cooing in your ear, sending waves of electricity down your spine. “Next time I won’t fuck you nice and slow on the bed, no,” he chuckles, brushing away the hair that is sticking to your sweating forehead. “I’ll get a bit rougher with you, do you want that?” 
You barely wait for him to finish the sentence and you’re already nodding, gripping harder on his shoulders, nails sinking in his skin, as you already savour the moment. “On the desk,” you utter shyly, slowly parting your eyes to meet his, dark and intense, piercing into your soul. 
He snickers, dick throbbing inside of you because he can’t wait to slowly discover all the little things you secretly fantasize about, he wants to watch your innocence fall apart right in front of his eyes, and he wants to be the one tearing it apart. He wants you to trust him enough to let him inside all your darkest and deepest secrets. 
“You want to be fucked on the desk?” He taunts, lightly slapping your ass, drawing a louder moan from you. “Yeah? Want to be bent over my desk?” 
You nod swiftly, trapping your tongue between your teeth as the intense feeling starts growing more and more in your stomach. “Wa-want you to pull my hair.” You’re not even sure you will like it, but you feel like everything is worth a shot with Jeno, you trust him, and you know he will respect you if you won’t like something. Even harsher things that scare you a bit, they don’t look so scary with him. 
“Fuck, baby,” he groans, rolling his head back, beads of sweat pearling his forehead. “You’ll kill me,” he whispers, teeth gritted as he tries to don’t sound too raw with his moans, but it’s hard when your pussy is gripping him so tight, your face is rolled back in bliss, your boobs are bouncing with his every move, and dirty words are coming out of your mouth. He’s not used to this and your curses, it’s used to your avoiding gazes and your small imprecations that are not curse words. 
You’re not used to this either. It’s like you opened the door to a new world and you don’t quite know how to move in it. There are endless possibilities, and you’d love to grasp them all now, but you can’t. You fear you can barely face what’s coming right now. 
“Weird,” you breathe out, chest heaving quicker as Jeno’s thrusts get faster and the hold of your legs around his waist tightens. “Too much.” 
“It’s not too much, princess. You can take it,” he says, kissing your cheeks. 
“No, it’s — it’s,” you choke on your words ‘cause you can’t quite explain how you’re feeling right now. 
Jeno kisses your lips again, it’s messier than before, and in the tangle of it, he asks if you want him to stop, but you don’t, and you almost scream a negative answer. “Please, no, don’t stop. I just — I feel like — I…” 
“It’s stronger than the other times?” He finishes for you, at least that’s what he can get from the way your body is squirming under him and how much cum is coating his dick. 
You nod, squeezing your eyes hard and opening your mouth to let as much air possible inside of your lungs. “It’s good, it’s so good, but I… I can’t take it.”
“You can, honey, you can,” he whispers, soothing you with circles on your hip. “Breathe deeply, like before.” 
You’d love to curse at him because how can you focus on your breathing during this specific moment? It’s impossible, and you don’t even want to. You like the way you feel upside down, it’s chaotic but good, and you don’t want it to stop. 
You pull him closer, kissing him harder, running your fingers through his hair to stop torturing his poor shoulders. “Want you, please.” 
“I’m here,” he hums. “Come with me?” 
You nod in a non-verbal reply, trying to don’t get overwhelmed by the feeling but it’s difficult, especially when his hand reaches for your clit and starts playing with it, and his moans get louder and messier. He sounds so hot, and that’s the last thing you need to let your pleasure invade you. 
“Jeno,” you scream his name, arching your back off the bed as pleasure runs through your body and soon after the same happens to him, filling you with his cum as he lazily pumps in and out to ride your orgasms. 
“Fuck,” he curses, letting his forehead fall on yours, pushing your legs closer to your chest before his movements come to a stop, and he feels like collapsing on top of you. He doesn’t, he keeps his body up with his elbows as he leaves pecks on your face. 
“Are you alright, love?” Jeno asks after a few seconds and you can only nod, still short of breath. He leaves one more kiss on your lips before pulling out of you, making you sigh at the loss of contact when he rolls to the side and jumps out of bed. “Stay right there,” he says before walking out of the room. 
“As if I can walk,” you giggle in a whisper, feeling your legs wobbly and your heart exploding out of your ribcage. You’re still lost in that daydream when Jeno comes up and starts to clean you up, doing his best to don’t overstimulate you — he’s got time for that.
You don’t say anything, only stare at him while his black hair falls on his forehead and you can’t believe you got so lucky. Once he’s done, he comes by your side, pulling close to his body and leaving kisses on your face. The one that breaks the silence again it’s him. 
“So, how was that? Good as you expected or did it let you down?” 
You giggle, moving your head so you can meet his eyes. “You really think this could’ve let me down?” 
“Well, I don’t know, I thought you were pretty vanilla and there you were, begging me to bend you over and pull your hair,” he chuckles, caressing your cheek. “Maybe your fantasies were different than this.” 
“It was amazing,” you smile, fighting the embarrassment caused by his words as you look at him. “Thank you for waiting for me.” 
Jeno smiles, eyes lighting up before his lips fall on your forehead again. “I would wait for you forever.” 
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© neowinestaindress; all rights reserved. do NOT repost, modify, or translate any work from this blog on any other platform and claim it as yours. you can find my works on ao3 (neowinestaindress) and wattpad (winestaintedress_; currently inactive).
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bratdotcom · 9 months
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Oh, Pretty Boy
( Vendetta!Leon Kennedy x GN!reader || sitting on a staircase your husband ♡ angst with comfort )
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Oh, if Leon could, he would keep you close to his heart, always. He already keeps you in his wallet. How close could he get?
That's where you should be, with him, he thought. You made him feel young again, like he had some sort of control in his life.
A security blanket, open and loving. Always waiting for him to come home, excitedly embracing him like you haven't seen him in years. Even if it's only been hours- can't help but worry for an old man like him, huh? Poor baby.
And there he finds himself, draped over your shoulder by the arm. You sit together with him on the carpeted stairs of your shared home.
“Pretty boy…” his blues focus on you as you speak, his eyes droopy. Tired. A bit unhappy with how lonely he's left you since he came back.
All Leon wanted now was you.
To be the object of your affection, to have his company wanted, needed because he was himself. For him. Was he selfish for wanting to be loved by you? All he wanted was to be the object of your love.
All Leon needed was you to keep him grounded. To be loved by you meant that he at least did something right in his life, even if it wasn't what he wanted it to be.
In your hands was a small locket. An intricate, silver locket.
You smile as you present it to Leon, “I uh..got this for you, hon.” The way you hesitate to present the locket to him was cute, Leon thought. A sweet thing like you shy around him? What an honor. You gently shove it towards Leon. He looks down at the locket, no words leaving his lips for a solid moment.
“You…you got this for me?” He asks if it wasn't already obvious enough. That you did, in fact, get it for him. It was right in front of him. You eagerly nod your head, your smile widening.
He blinks as he stares down. You cared enough to get him a locket? Just for him?
He blinks more, his blues wash over with tears. He was crying? Over some locket? Leon sniffles, corners of his eyes folding into creased lines as he narrows them to hide his tears.
“Aww sweetie..” his gruff voice softens, his bleary eyes drop down to look at the locket again.
And, his blues fill with tears again. The more he thought about it, the more he realized you cared for him.
It was a bit foreign to him, this feeling. Made him feel fuzzy. Like TV static. He couldn't really explain it.
He gently holds the locket, thumbing it open with his hand.
The locket clicks open, and inside was a photo of you. All smiley and sweet, just how Leon liked seeing you. If you were happy, Leon was, too. If you were mad, he'd be mad with you.
Although you couldn't see it, his heart was beating in his chest like a metronome back and forth. His heart in his ribcage was he too old to say he could feel it in his bones? Oh, Leon didn't want to dwell on that now. He was already beginning to feel nostalgic about what was happening right now, and it wasn't even over. Leon was in the moment.
In the moment with you.
This wasn't like the movies. He had to remind himself. There wasn't an end credit scene.
Well, at least not yet.
“Oh..” He mouths, blinking. His lash line fills with tears again. The harsh lines in the corners of his eyes soften as he looks at the picture of you inside the locket. “What are you, a mind reader?” He chuckles softly, running his thumb along the surface of the photo you somehow stuffed into such a small thing. Leon could never.
You don't answer his quip. Instead, you brush away the hair framing his face. “Are you…are you crying?” You ask softly. He looks toward you before quickly looking away. “N-no, no, I'm not crying. Shit…” He murmurs the last part under his breath. You caught him. You did it. You caught Leon crying. It was obvious. You've seen him cry before. You could tell by his slight stammer, his avoidant gaze, that he was going to cry.
And yet Leon acted like his heart was going to explode into pieces if he did cry. Like it was wrong to cry. It wasn't wrong. But to Leon, it felt wrong to cry in front of a sweet thing like you. He didn't like crying at all. He absolutely despised the stammer he had whenever he teared up. Lower lip shaking, his blues clouding up in warm tears.
“I'm not crying.” He denies, though it was obvious that he was. “But you are crying,” you murmur softly, pushing his hair behind his ear. You just had to see his face.
He tries to push down your worries by chuckling, though it came out more shaky than he wanted it to be. “You're crying, hon.” You repeat, wrapping your arms around him. “It's okay.”
Leon sighs shakily, leaning into your embrace. His posture softens, drooping down against yours. “What did I do to deserve you, sweet thing?” He murmurs onto the crown of your head, his eyes wander from your face, down to the locket again.
“You did the right thing, hon. C'mon..don't be like that.” You reply, drawing out your words like soft lines in the air. Like nostalgic cords of a song Leon couldn't remember the verses to.
Hearing you say that, hearing it come from your lips makes the tears clouding his vision finally fall. “Don't…don't be like that..” Leon replies in a low whisper.
He embraces you, taking in your warmth. Soaking it in as best as he could through his leather jacket.
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pinkberrytea · 19 days
Kinky NSFW Alphabet: Mavka & Astarion
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Eeee ty ty for the tag @nyx-knox! 🙌❣️✨ This made me realize I rarely ever talk about Mav and Astarion as a couple, I should do that more often 😭
Kinky NSFW Alphabet
Keeping it under the cut since this is a spicy one, so tagging folks first ✨ @zekeen, @bananasfosterparent, @honeybee-bard, @kalmiaphlox, @inkymoonbunny, @judasiskariot and @preciouslittle-bhaalbabe!
A = Aftercare (What they’re like after sex)
Mav is cuddly. She will immediately snuggle up to his chest and wrap her tail around his leg, almost as if seeking reassurance that she’s been good, that he won’t leave her. Astarion typically isn’t, but with her, it’s different—while he finds it strange, having someone else crave affection from him so badly (beyond just sex, no less), indulging her makes him feel almost powerful, like he is needed, wanted, so he will press his lips to her forehead and run his fingers through her hair until she falls asleep, and in the morning, clean her up if they’ve made too bad of a mess.
B = Body part (Their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s)
I’m an Astarion is an ass man truther, so he definitely has a thing for hers. Also her tail—he thinks it’s adorable how she will unconsciously perk it up whenever he's around, like a good little pup. As for Mav, she loves his hair, how soft and fluffy it is, but it’s his lips and fangs that always get her weak in the knees, especially when he flashes her that wicked smile of his.
C = Cum (Where does your muse prefer to cum/have someone cum?)
Inside, for both. Astarion loves marking her as his, stuffing her full and letting her fluttering walls milk him to the last drop. Mav, too, yearns to be filled with him and his seed, as only then can she truly feel whole, safe, so he will usually only pull out come morning.
D = Dirty secret (Pretty self explanatory: a dirty secret of theirs)
Astarion will sometimes steal Mav’s clothing items—often her underwear, but anything with her blood on it will do—so he can jerk off to them later. She’s aware of this, and doesn’t mind at all, though he’s still under the impression she doesn’t know.
E = Experience (How experienced are they? Do they know what they’re doing?)
Both are very similar in that they do have experience, only this is their first time with a partner they love and who loves them back. For Mav specifically, she had never been with another fully consensually before Astarion. Laying with someone who is desperate to pleasure them back is a new and scary thing for both, and it can be in equal measure healing and even more damaging, at times. But they're working through it, together.
F = Favorite position (This goes without saying)
Missionary, for both. Feeling him pin her down under his body weight and shield her from the world around them is comforting for Mav. She craves the intimacy of it, and Astarion is more than happy to be entrusted with that control, to look into her eyes as they kiss and take in her image as she comes for him, cheeks flushed and his name on her lips.
G = Goofy (Are they more serious in the moment? Are they humorous? etc.)
They aren't exactly goofy, but Astarion does tease Mav a lot. He loves watching her writhe and squirm, whine, moan, make all the cute noises, so edging and overstimulation are very typical for them.
H = Hair (How well groomed are they? Does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
Neither have body hair, Astarion in virtue of being an elf, and in Mav’s case, likely due to her origins—or maybe she's just like that.
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment? The romantic aspect)
Mav tends to get emotional, and it's not uncommon for her to cry during sex. Astarion teases her about a lot of things, but not about this, since any sexual act is usually just as emotionally charged for him. Drying her tears is, in a way, like drying his own. How intense it gets varies a lot though, but even during a lighthearted quickie they both become enraptured in their own little world, where there's just the two of them, and nothing can hurt neither him nor her ever again.
J = Jack off (Masturbation headcanon)
During the events of the game, starting in Act 2 while they're still abstaining, Astarion makes a habit of jerking off every night while feeding on Mav. Sometimes she's awake for it, sometimes she isn't, but either way she doesn't mind. Mav rarely ever touches herself if he's not present, since Astarion is very adamant about wanting to participate, and he gets pouty whenever she comes without him being there to witness, which he's able to tell by her scent.
K = Kink (One or more of their kinks)
Oh, Astarion 100% has a choking kink—he takes great pleasure in squeezing Mav's neck and watching her gag, even better if she is tied up or blindfolded. Similarly, she loves surrendering control over her body to him. Needless to say, both also have a bloodplay kink, so him biting her is almost a given whenever they do anything sexual.
L = Location (Favorite places to do the do)
Neither have much of a preference, but Mav does enjoy curling up anywhere with his scent, especially if she knows he won't be there when she wakes up—so basically, their own bed, or during the events of the game, his tent.
M = Motivation (What turns them on, gets them going?)
For Astarion, there is no greater turn-on than seeing Mav act all shy and bashful, ears and cheeks glowing a bright red and sweet little whines falling from her lips. He will immediately pounce and ravage her whenever he works her up to that point—which he can very easily do by either teasing or praising her, or maybe a mix of both. Also, again, drinking from her will inevitably cause him to pop a boner.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs)
They aren’t necessarily averse to it, but neither are very keen on her topping. Sometimes if feeling a little more adventurous they may decide to switch things up a bit, and Astarion does enjoy seeing Mav struggle to take the lead (especially if she’s riding him, with the added bonus that he gets to watch her tits bounce and her body get all sweaty and flushed), but even then, nothing that involves him getting restrained (much less humiliated) in any way. Also, bringing other people into their intimacy is something they're similarly not very enthusiastic about, Astarion in particular since he’s very possessive of her.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.)
They both have a preference for giving—Astarion because he thinks it’s adorable how she will squirm and moan with each flick of his tongue, and also because he loves tasting her, whereas Mav finds nothing more pleasurable than making him feel good. Skill-level wise, Astarion’s is higher due to him having hundreds of years of experience, although Mav’s clumsiness is both endearing and arousing for him, especially since she’s always so eager.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.)
Astarion tends to like it rough, Mav prefers a more sensual pace, so they try to meet each other halfway, starting slow and intentional and then becoming more animalistic towards the end. Although this of course varies according to context—a quickie will usually be rough all the way, and more emotional sex, gentler and softer.
Q = Quickie (Their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.)
They have quickies fairly often just because Astarion has such a high sex drive and there’s only so many hours in a day, but both prefer taking their time with it if possible, so they may enjoy exploring each other’s body to the fullest.
R = Risk (Are they game to experiment? Do they take risks? etc.)
Both are fairly adventurous, especially Astarion. While Mav won’t typically make suggestions, she is always willing to try whenever he proposes something new. He is having fun exploring his newfound sexual freedom, focusing on his own pleasure instead of his partner’s, and she has no qualms whatsoever about not always being his priority in bed.
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for? How long do they last?)
Astarion’s is much, much higher, but Mav does her best to keep up with him (especially since after a particularly rough session she knows that once they’re finished he will cradle her in his arms, stroke her hair and call her a good girl—no better motivation than that!). Mav also doesn’t last very long, at all, which he always teases her about.
T = Toys (Do they own toys? Do they use them? On a partner or themselves?)
Other than restraints and blindfolds, not really.
U = Unfair (How much they like to tease)
Astarion is a relentless tease, and Mav, his helpless victim. Squeezing her bum or stroking her cunt in public, whispering obscenities in her ears, pushing his hips against her own to let her feel his hardness, pointing out how wet she already is for him; all highly effective methods he will shamelessly use to make her putty in his hands.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.)
Astarion isn’t very loud, especially once he stops performing during sex. That’s not to say he doesn’t moan, but it’s typically low grunts that will slip from his pretty lips with every thrust, only really audible when he has his mouth close to her ears. Mav, on the other hand, does make quite a bit of noise, which he will enthusiastically coax out of her by suddenly pinching a nipple or playing with her clit while she’s still recovering from an orgasm.
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character)
Pulling Mav to him by the tail is endlessly amusing to Astarion because the base of it is highly sensitive and vascularized, so nine times out of ten, she will let out the cutest yelp and become wet for him on the spot. He does this way too often, and it always works like a charm.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes)
We're all aware our boy is well endowed and has pecs for days, so honestly, good for Mav—although she herself was created specifically to be sexually enticing, if her round bum and perky tits are anything to go by, so good for Astarion, too!
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?)
Astarion's is again much higher than Mav's—he is the one who tends to initiate most sexual interactions, but she is always receptive to him, especially since he knows exactly what gets her going (usually a balanced mix of praise and teasing, as mentioned above).
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards)
Mav will fall asleep almost instantly once they’re done—she’s not typically a fast sleeper, insomnia being usually preferable to the nightmares that plague her every night, but when in his arms, cock drunk and safe, she will allow herself the rest. Astarion also struggles to trance for similar reasons, but unlike her, he doesn’t need to, so instead he’ll just watch her, memorize every detail of her face, from the cute little freckles on her nose to the way her long lashes cast a shadow over her cheeks.
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Can we get headcanons for nonhuman Epel? I feel like he's often overlooked even though you seem to have a soft spot for him
While I will enjoy whatever you decide his nonhuman counterpart to be, I ask you to consider him as a bunny boy
Rabbits are very cute but their bites can tear up tendons and their kicks could kill smaller animals hedgehog riddle so don't let the appearance fool you
Hmm, I don't have a whole lot right now but...
Vil really hates Epel's need to dig.
Rabbits are natural diggers. Blame it on their wild cousins who burrow for nesting. House rabbits dig for fun, too. It... can also lead to him possibly "rearranging" the Pompom dorms carpet, or sneaking out and getting himself pretty dirty, looking satisfied till Vil has him by his scruff.
He can't help it, it's in his nature and the smell of the soil reminds him of home. Don't be surprised if he tries making his own burrow under Ramshackle, he thinks no one knows about it but Rook does...he always does.
Chinning...ever notice your rabbit rubbing its chin on things? It’s marking its territory with invisible bunny graffiti. “This human? Yep, they're mine.” His scent glands are under his chin so expect that to be getting rubbed on you, along with getting covered in his lavender fur, bunnies shed a lot.
He sure as heck has strong kicks but do you know just how bad those claws can be? My grandpa grabbed a wild rabbit the wrong way and that little thing cut up strips of skin and flesh on his arm and bled like crazy. Epel is gonna kick, scratch, and bite and come back to you with a torn-off piece of the guy's uniform in his mouth as a trophy, looking proud and cute with a flick to his tail.
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Speaking of tails did you know bun tails are actually a bit long?
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Though you're admittedly the only one who's going to find out since he's not going to let anyone else mess with it.
He's def an angry foot thumper who gets even angrier when told how adorable he looks doing it.
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slaymitchabernathy · 6 months
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Mr. President
President Coriolanus Snow who has worked so hard to get where he is right now.
He’s the poster child for Capitol success.
Orphaned during the war, stellar student at the Academy despite his dwindling financial situation, winner of the Plinth Prize, and top of his class.
Snow lands on top.
So when he becomes President of Panem, he’s not surprised in the slightest.
He’s ruthless during the election, doing whatever needs to be done to eliminate his opponents. It pays off in the end, he’s sworn in and all the power in the world rests in his hands.
Then he has to get married.
His advisors had suggested he do so before becoming President but he didn’t have time, didn’t want to think about letting someone get that close to him, see the good, the bad, and the ugly.
Which is why when he does get married, it’s strictly business.
Until it’s not.
Soarynn Nightingale was an obvious choice. She was classy, smart, kind, and above all she was beautiful.
He really just needed her to get everyone else off his back. They’d have some children, smile for the cameras and that would be that. And in the beginning, it was just as he had planned.
In public, they were head over heels for each other. It’s not like he hated Soarynn. She was fine, always respected his decisions, and most importantly, she played the part. She was Coriolanus Snow’s doting wife who selflessly devoted herself to her husband and her country. She attended every event she was invited to, she spoke highly of him whenever she was interviewed and she always knew how to turn it on for the cameras.
She was a perfect match.
It wasn’t hard for him to look charmed by her presence. Soarynn was enchanting in her own way, but he couldn’t afford to get too close. So he kept her at arm's length. They slept in the same bed together, had breakfast together and then they went their separate ways. It was easier this way.
He doesn’t notice how pretty she looks when she’s still asleep. He always wakes up before her and he definitely doesn’t glance in her direction, watching as she breathes in and out, her chest rising up and down. And he certainly doesn’t get a tight feeling in his pants whenever she wears those godforsaken nightgowns to bed. No, he doesn’t do any of that.
He’s the President of Panem, not some head-over-heels schoolboy.
He never wishes for more than a complimentary kiss whenever he leaves for work. Why would he want to be kissed by her when he’s so busy? He has an entire country to run, he can’t be bothered with frivolous nonsense.
And he definitely doesn’t think about bending her over at the breakfast table and sinking deep into her cunt. No, he never does that.
Neither of them feels the need to talk about it. How on their wedding night they just went to bed, never consummated the marriage. Her father promised she’d never been touched, that she was a virgin. As if Coriolanus gave a fuck. He needed a wife, not a whore. He didn’t care what she was like beyond her charming personality and her kind demeanor.
So he paid her no mind when she’d give him a soft smile, or touch his arm for just a moment when asking him a question. He never watched her get undressed when they were both getting ready for bed.
He’s sure she’s been expecting it, for him to take her under him and claim what’s rightfully his. But once again, Coriolanus Snow is a very busy man.
Until he’s not.
Until he’s had about enough of these teasing antics. He can’t keep his eyes off of her tonight and she’s doing nothing out of the ordinary. She’s sitting on the carpet, playing with Petunia before they retire for the evening. For Soarynn’s birthday, Coriolanus had bought her a sweet little kitten, figuring she’d appreciate the company since he’s gone for the majority of the day.
So every night before bed she plays with the cat, giggling whenever Petunia does something cute. He can’t help but notice how the strap of her nightgown falls off her shoulder, slightly exposing herself to him. Not that she cares or notices, not when he’s all the way over here sitting on the edge of the bed, carefully taking off his cuff links as he does every night.
They’ve established a routine of sorts for bedtime and he knows the next step will be rising from the bed and walking into the closet where Soarynn will follow suit and brush her teeth in the bathroom.
He stays on the bed.
He stays on the bed because as the President of Panem, you’d think he’d be getting a little more action. Sure he could fuck his secretary or some random girl off the street, but why would he when he has his beautiful, willing wife right in front of him?
It would be a waste of a perfectly good marriage.
“Darling,” he says, watching her pick up the cat. Soarynn looks up at him, her eyes slightly widened, “Yes?” She asks, such innocence in her tone. He knows she’s not doing it on purpose, not trying to tease him or rile him up. Soarynn would never do that. Since day one she’s been his good little wife, not some vixen from his wildest dreams. But it seems she’s become just that without even trying.
“Come here.” The look of surprise on her face is quickly smoothed over with a small smile as she slowly pushes herself from the floor, ignoring Petunia’s meow of protest. Soarynn stops right in front of him, her hands clasped behind her back like the good girl she is.
Since marrying her Coriolanus instated a small set of rules. Always use your manners, never stray from my side at public events, and never dress too provocatively. Simple things like that. He wasn't outrageous with his rules, he was a reasonable man. For the most part.
He spreads his legs and holds out his hands and Soarynn gives him a questioning look before hesitantly placing her hands in his. Rarely do they ever show each other affection, even in public. The first time he'd ever kissed her, ever held her hand was the day they got married.
His fingers wrap around him and he tugs her forward, right between his thighs as he looks up at her. When Soarynn isn't wearing makeup you can see all the freckles dotting her face and goodness knows she has a lot. She looks pretty right now. Adorable would be a better term for it since she looks so confused, like a lost puppy.
"I've been thinking," he starts, his right hand dropping her left hand so he can grab her bare thigh, "we never did anything on our wedding night." Soarynn swallows nervously, "Well you said you weren't interested in me, and the-"
"I know what I said Soarynn," he cuts her off. He doesn't need sass. He needs to know how tight that cunt is when it's wrapped around his cock. "I'd like to change the dynamic of our relationship tonight," he continues, his hand sliding up further and further until it's under her nightgown. He doesn't miss how her breath hitches but he pays it no mind. "We need to start a family after all," he says, slightly teasing her.
He's hoping to ease some tension and it works because her shoulders slightly relax and she nods, "Okay," she whispers, "whatever you want."
That's what he likes about Soarynn. She listens.
His hand palms her ass and he tugs her onto his lap, his lips crashing into hers. She lets out a squeak before giving in to the kiss, resting her hands on his shoulders as their lips move against one another. Coriolanus lets out a satisfied groan because when was the last time he kissed her like this? Has he ever kissed her like this? As far as he can remember it's been pecks and nothing more. Not even a longing glance.
Until now.
His hand remains on her ass, squeezing the flesh while the other grabs her waist, pulling her further against him. She lets out a small moan when he bites her bottom lip and it does nothing to help the growing bulge in his pants.
"Have you ever been with another man before?" He asks between kisses. Because he wants to hear it from her, not her father who was so eager to give his daughter away in order to secure his spot in society.
Soarynn whimpers when he squeezes her waist, "No," she whispers, "I was saving myself for my husband." He grins at her answer and basks in the fact that he will be the one to take her virginity.
She already belongs to him so this is really the cherry on top.
Their kisses grow more and more desperate and his other hand is slipping under her nightgown and grabbing her breast. Soarynn gasps when he pinches her nipple, her back involuntarily arching from the pleasure. "Please," she says, her hands carding through his hair.
He tugs at her bottom lip with his teeth, "Please what?" Soarynn rolls her hips to try and gain some friction, "Please make me yours Coriolanus."
It's like she knows how to rile him up. He grabs her hips and stands up, chuckling when she wraps her legs around his waist, her hands around his neck. He only needs to be on his feet for a moment before he turns around and tosses her onto the bed.
Soarynn squeals and bounces on the duvet cover, looking like a little vixen when she stares up at him. Coriolanus smirks and begins unbuttoning his shirt, enjoying how she watches his every move and how she bites her lip when he bares his chest to her.
Coriolanus might be a busy man but he's never too busy to work out. He runs a tight ship with his body and his chiseled figure is proof of that. He supposes she's caught a glance of him shirtless now and then, but she's never acted on it. Always waiting for him to initiate anything with her.
His good girl.
"Like what you see?" He quips, tilting his head to the side. Soarynn nods and her pinks turn a light shade of pink, "Yes, very much so." He looks her up and down, her soft legs crossed over one another, her chest rapidly rising and falling. "Take it off." It takes her a moment to realize he's talking about her nightgown, but she complies with shaky hands. He has to hold back a groan when he finally sees her naked. Well, almost naked. She's wearing a pair of lace panties, baby blue. Those will soon join her nightgown.
Coriolanus takes off his pants next, enjoying how big Soarynn's eyes get when she sees the imprint of his cock straining against his boxers. He beckons her to the edge of the bed with two fingers and he only grows harder when she crawls towards him on her hands and knees, stopping at the edge of the bed. "It's high time I teach you how to please your husband," he tells her, cupping her jaw in his hand.
Soarynn bats her eyelashes up at him, "Yes sir."
He doesn't hold back this groan, in fact, he squeezes her small little face, squeezes it to the point where she whimpers from the pain before he lets go and pulls down his boxers. "I'll be nice this time," he says, grabbing his cock, "but next time you'll be on your knees." Soarynn swallows as she takes a good look at his cock, the tip red and the length long, she licks her lips before looking back up at him, her hands in her lap, waiting for him.
He presses his thumb against her lips until she parts them and lets him slip his finger in. She wraps her lips around it, licking it, sucking it all while maintaining eye contact with him. His little vixen.
He pulls his thumb out, hooking it on her bottom lip and prying her mouth open enough to take the girth of his cock. Slowly but surely he pushes his cock into her mouth, watching as she furrows her brow and tries to take it all. She lets out a gag when he hits the back of her throat, unable to take anymore. She's taken a majority of it and her mouth feels heavenly.
He can only imagine what her cunt feels like.
Coriolanus grabs a fistful of her hair and begins to slowly thrust in and out of her mouth, listening to all the sweet sounds Soarynn makes. She whimpers a few times while trying to keep up, to please him. Her tongue grazes the underside of his shaft and he swears, gripping her hair even tighter as he increases the pace. She looks perfect like this, taking his cock. Tears begin to form in her eyes when he really starts to abuse her throat, his hips rutting into her.
There's some drool hanging down from her chin but no matter how messy she appears she never breaks eye contact with him. Coriolanus smirks, "Look at you, already doing your job so well." Her fingers grip the sheets and he takes a second to admire her body. Her breasts are perfect, they're perky and tan like the rest of her. Her waist is small and her hips slightly widen out, giving her a nice figure even as she's sitting down.
Coriolanus can feel himself getting closer and closer and he grits his teeth, "Let's see how well you can do angel."
It takes him a few more thrusts before he's spilling down her throat, his cock fully pressed into her tiny mouth. Soarynn lets out a gag but he doesn't move and she takes it, her eyes squeeze shut as she swallows his cum. Only when he's fully finished does he pull out, letting her finally breathe. Soarynn coughs, more spit coming out of her mouth and she wipes it off with the back of her hand before looking back up at him, "Was...was that good?" She asks with a bit of a raspy voice.
Coriolanus nods, "It was. Now lie down on your back." Soarynn looks more nervous than she has the entire night as she listens to his order and lies down. He hopes she's smart enough to know he's fucking her right away, a tight cunt like hers doesn't need to be fingered.
He wants to be the first thing ever inside of her.
It's easy to slide her panties off, Soarynn even lifts her hips up momentarily to help. Coriolanus pressed a kiss to her hip before he pries her legs apart, finally seeing that perfect little cunt of hers.
It's pink, it's small and it's so fucking wet.
"You were made for me weren't you?" He mumbles, blowing onto her clit and watching her twitch. "Yes," she breathes, "I belong to you."
She sure knows how to stroke his ego.
Coriolanus fully crawls over her small body, his frame dwarfing her in size. He begins to think of all the things he can do to her, all the positions he can put her in, what he can make her take.
He grabs his cock, still hard and ready, and rubs the tip up against her cunt, listening to Soarynn's moans. She tries to grind her hips up but he shoots her a stern look and she stops. Good, she needs to know how to listen and take it.
"My little fuckdoll," he drawls as he finally begins to push his cock in. She's so fucking tight it's nearly impossible for him to fit but he makes it work. Soarynn lets out a painful whine but he pays her no mind and continues pushing in.
He can't take his eyes off of it, off of her cunt and how it's wrapping around him. Like it was made for him.
Soarynn cries out when he finally thrusts all the way in, taking her virginity in one fluid motion. He looks down at her face to see it screwed with discomfort and possibly fear. "Look at you," he coos, his hand caressing her face, "my little dove is taking me so well." Soarynn gasps when he pushes his hips forward and a single tear falls from her face, "It hurts," she whispers, "I don't...I don't know if I can take it Coriolanus." His hand is wrapped around her throat in an instant and he squeezes it so hard he knows there'll be bruises in the morning, "You will take whatever I give you," he tells her, "morning, noon, and night, you live to serve me, please me. I don't give a fuck what you can't take darling, this is my cunt, not yours, mine."
Now she looks scared. She almost looks betrayed, wondering where her polite husband went but he doesn't care. Coriolanus looks back down at their connected bodies and slowly pulls out, feeling how tight her walls wrap around him before he slams back in. Soarynn claws at his arm but he pays her no mind and begins fucking into her.
Soarynn lets out a strangled moan when the tip of his cock presses against her sweet spot, again and again, abusing it. She feels so fucking good, so warm and tight. He looks down at her stomach and can see a small bulge forming every time he fucks into her, "Look at my little fuckdoll, look at how deep I'm fucking you." He pulls her up to look at her stomach and Soarynn whines, already in a dazed state. He drops her throat and lets her fall back onto the mattress, his hands grabbing her hips. He'll leave behind fingerprints but he doesn't care. He fucks her so hard, so deep. He's going to mold her cunt to fit his cock and his cock only.
"Fuck," she moans, her eyes rolling back when he lands a hard thrust. Coriolanus watches her face as he fucks her, how her tongue sticks out, how her eyes roll back, how fucking dumb with it she is already. "This is where you belong," he tells her, squeezing her hips, "stuck on my cock, bleeding on my cock. You belong to me Soarynn, you're my dumb little fuckdoll and you love it don't you?" Soarynn can barely breathe let alone answer but he doesn't care, he reaches down and pinches her clit hard pulling a scream from her lips, "YES! Yes, I belong to you Coriolanus," she sobs, trying to twist away from his grip.
But he's relentless and pounds into her, listening to the sounds she makes. The moans, the cries, the wetness between her thighs, the squelches. She's perfect for him. "You take it so well," he praises, digging his thumbs into her skin, "like you were made for cock." Soarynn gasps and pulls on the sheets, "Your cock," she moans.
Coriolanus grins, happy that his little fuckdoll is already learning this early on. "That's right angel, now who's cunt is this?" Soarynn whines when he presses his thumbs in harder, "Yours, " she says, "it's yours, belongs to you, I belong to you."
That's his girl.
He leans down and hovers right over her face, "Open your mouth," he orders, watching her struggle to comprehend such a simple order. "Open your mouth before I shove my cock down it and keep it there," he sneers, watching her mouth fall open. He spits into it, pleased when she immediately swallows without him telling her to do so. "Good girl," he praises. Her cunt tightens at the words and he raises his eyebrows, "Little slut gets off on praise? You like it when I call you my good girl? When I tell you how good you're taking it, how tight your little cunt is for me?"
Tears are freely falling down her face. Her face already dirty with spit, cum, and old tears. "Yes," she croaks, arching her back when his hand goes back down to her clit. "Then you'll keep being my good girl hmm? My little fuckdoll will get whatever she wants as long as she behaves." Soarynn whimpers and looks into his piercing blue eyes, "I'll do whatever you want," she promises, "you can do whatever you want with me."
How did he get so lucky?
He kisses her, tasting his own cum mixed with her saliva. They both moan into the kiss and her hands grab his biceps, her nails digging into the skin and he knows she's getting close. "Please," she whines, "please, please, please." He laughs because she doesn't even know what she's asking for, his sweet little fuckdoll. "Already asking for permission hmm?" He teases, speeding up his thrusts and making them hard. Soarynn nods and her teeth graze his bottom lip, "Yes sir." He'll be nice this time, let her cum right away.
She doesn't know she won't always get to cum, that it won't always be about her and what she wants. Sometimes he'll fuck her quick and leave her cunt filled with his cum, dripping for more. And sometimes he'll fuck her till she cries, till she can't take anymore. But she will. She belongs to him, mind, body, and soul.
"Cum on my cock Soarynn, show me what you're good for," he grunts, wanting to feel how tight she can really get.
Soarynn almost looks scared when she cums. Her mouth is open in a silent scream and her eyes are filled with tears while her back bends off the bed. He likes her best like this he decides, right when she cums and he knows that he'll forever have her in his pocket.
He cums soon after, painting her walls and she's babbling all sorts of things. So fucking dumb and full of cock she doesn't even know what to do anymore.
When he finally pulls out his cock is covered in cum and a small amount of blood. He looks down to see the white sheets stained with it and he proudly grins.
She belongs to him now. To the President.
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cambion-companion · 2 years
matey. I have this cute soft idea if you're interested in writing it ofc. basically fem reader where she's a lady of noble blood and knows aemond since they were kids. but there was always this awkwardness around them which slowly turned into disgust (lol bish why you lying, why you always lying) one day she's with helaena or lady friends and they ask her who she would marry from court if she had to choose which she replies with "I would marry aemond in a heartbeat" forgetting that she said that out loud with aemond overhearing it somewhere hiding behind a pillar or something lol. and the next day she keeps questioning herself why aemond is suddenly wearing his nice clothes, helping her with something? and then when she wants to bid him goodnight he replies with a sneaky "I would marry you too in a heartbeat" which ends with her all flustered or something lol. idk what this is honestly, It just popped into my head.
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Hi dearest! I'd love to write a lil something based on this lovely prompt!
Aemond x reader | fluff | Aemond being as discreet as a car backfiring
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Laughter surrounded you, the ladies you sat with in the fragrant gardens tittering to each other, blushes upon their dimpled cheeks. You set aside your book of Old Valyrian poems and leaned in conspiratorially. "Okay Rosaline, your turn. Who would you marry?"
Rosaline, a lovely curvy girl around your age with russet curls and a freckled face, laughed harder. "I cannot say, lady Y/N. Though lord Jason Lannister is rather easy on the eyes is he not?"
You shrugged. "If you go for that sort of pomposity, I suppose."
"Well, who do you fancy, Y/N?" Rosaline asked, huffing at you with slightly narrowed brown eyes.
You hesitated, all eyes now upon you, growing more curious with each second of silence.
"Well? Now you have to tell us!" A girl with straight brown hair piped up, her doe eyes mischievous. "You were so eager to hear our own secrets!"
"I...I've always. Well. Prince Aemond if you must know." Your fingers clasped together upon your lap, so tight your knuckles went white.
There was a beat of stunned silence, then the girls lapsed into another fit of giggles.
"Prince Aemond?" Rosaline choked.
"Haven't you been friends since you were children?"
"I thought they went for their siblings?"
"He doesn't have an eye, Y/N! How could you possibly think he's a suitable match?"
"Excuse me." You said rather flatly. "When any of you ride the largest dragon in Westeros, then you can talk."
"He is rather easy on the eyes." A Tyrell girl spoke in a thin voice. "Though I've heard rumors circulating he is rather callous and keeps to himself."
"He's not callous." You defended. "Though we do have our disagreements."
"Oh yes!" Rosaline tittered again. You fought the urge to smack her. "I've heard you two have been at odds the past few weeks. Lover's quarrel?"
"I-we are not-where did you hear...you know what it doesn't matter." You rose abruptly, forgetting the book beside you on the bench. "Aemond alone is worth a hundred times more than all of you put together. I would marry him in a heartbeat."
"What's under that horrid eyepatch he wears?" A sneering Lannister lady sniggered.
"Something far more interesting than what's under your garish skirts!" You shot back, a shocked silence following your impetuous outburst.
You cast one last scorching look over the gathered women, before gathering your dress and taking your leave of them, face burning.
You retired to your chambers, skipping the dinner feast, not wishing to see those girls again that day. You were still fuming. It was true, you and Aemond had not spoken since a heated argument a few weeks prior. However, this was not the first time you two had been at odds. Nor would it be the last, you reckoned.
A soft knock at your door roused you from your contemplation beside the fire. You rose from the sofa, crossing the carpeted floor and swinging the heavy oak door open to reveal Aemond standing in the doorway.
"Oh!" You said, too surprised to come up with anything witty.
"Walk with me?" Aemond held out his arm for you to take. His hair looked like it was freshly brushed, shining silver in the torchlight as he guided you down the hall into a deserted courtyard.
The evening air was alive with birdsong, the sky above a shock of orange and red as the sun made its western descent.
"I came to apologize." Aemond said as the two of you meandered out into the gardens you had spent your afternoon in.
"Apologize? You? Be still my heart!"
"Don't make me regret it, Y/N." The prince groaned, releasing your arm and turning to you, the vista of the city's red roofs and the sparkling sea framed behind him. "I behaved...rather appallingly and I regret not coming to you sooner."
"You were a bit of an ass, tis true." You smiled impishly at the way he fought down a grimace at your words.
"As if you were any better."
"I was right." You folded your arms across your chest.
Aemond clasped his hands tightly behind his straight back. "It is a matter of opinion whether Dorne is more progressive than us."
"No, Aemond. I'm afraid that's a fact."
Aemond breathed hard through his nostrils; you watched with interest as he collected himself. "I came to apologize not to argue further."
He opened his jacket and pulled out a small box from a pocket within. "And to give you this as a sign of my...remorse."
You squinted at him. "Did your mother tell you to say that?"
Aemond didn't answer, his brow raising at you as he gestured for you to take his gift. You lifted the box from his palm, undoing the string and opening it. A silver brooch lay within, bearing the insignia of your house. Small finely crafted letters spelled out your house words below the image.
"It's quite lovely, my prince." Your face softened as you took it out and fasted the piece to your bodice. "I will wear it with pride. Thank you."
Aemond graced you with a genuine smile, his eye lingering upon the pin now secured above your heart. You tracked his gaze with interest as it roved across your curves before snapping guiltily back up to your face.
"See something you like?" You teased, flashing a grin at him.
Aemond didn't answer, though he held your gaze as you stepped closer, noting how the breath caught in his throat at your sudden proximity. Your brow furrowed as you looked at the odd expression on his face, nothing you had seen there before.
"Are you well, Aemond?"
"No." Aemond shook his head. "Let us continue our walk."
The two of you walked side by side around the gardens, the deepening twilight enveloping you, stars unveiling one by one in the dusky sky. Your knuckles brushed against Aemond's, you extended your pinky, hooking it around his. Heat rose to your face as Aemond's fingers slid to tangle with your own, your hands intertwined as you strode along the path back to the Keep.
He did not break his grip on you, even as you stood again before your chamber door.
"This is where I bid you a good night, Y/N." He spoke softly.
"Yes, it is." You sounded breathless, not pulling away as he turned to face you directly, leaning down as he brushed his lips to the back of your hand.
"Yes, Aemond?"
"I would also marry you in a heartbeat."
You stopped breathing. He had overheard the whole exchange in the gardens. Blood rushed in your ears as, wide eyed, you watched as Aemond lingered long enough to take in your expression before he turned on a booted heel and strode down the hallway.
Gathering your wits once more, you shouted after him just as he reached the corner. "Aemond!" He halted, looking back at you with ill-concealed amusement. "Get back here or so help me..." You pointed to the ground in front of your door.
"We can continue this discussion tomorr-"
"No. No, you don't get to say something like that and just walk away." You hissed, leaving your chamber open as you stomped down the hallway to where he stood waiting, his lilac eye sparkling with delight.
Aemond took your forearms in his hands when you reached for him, pulling you in so quickly you stumbled, falling against his chest. "You overheard me today?" You asked, looking up at his angular face as his fingers traced your jaw.
"Mmm. I did indeed. You're quite the sight in your anger." His eye glittered. "Even more enchanting when it's on my behalf."
"They were wrong to say such things." You breathed, your voice only a whisper as the distance between your faces slowly closed.
"I rest easy knowing I have a champion in you, to defend my honor." Aemond chuckled, his breath tickling your lips.
You weren't sure who moved first, or if it was simultaneous, but you felt the press of his mouth against yours, your eyes fluttering closed as your hands buried themselves in his silken hair.
He moved against you, backing you up until you hit the wall, a gasp at the impact opening your mouth to him as he began exploring you with his slick tongue. The scent of him surrounding you, the feel of him caging you in, pressing his knee between your thighs, drew a soft whimper from your lips that he drank down with relish.
"Do that again." He murmured, tugging your hair until you exposed your throat to his touches.
"Make me." You smirked at the arched ceiling, quickly losing what little composure you had won back as he took your challenge to heart.
Aemond made you emit many more sounds of pleasure throughout the course of that night. Stifling your cries with his large hand at one point so as to not alert any nearby guard patrols. With the promises of a lifetime together to come he claimed you as his own, swearing in return to be yours until his dying day.
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arminsumi · 1 year
hey if ur up for it could u write promt 8 of friends to lovers for armin.. but like the reader teaches him how to kiss bc she really wants an excuse to finally kiss him? hehe
𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍 — アルミン ⋅ fem reader
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8 — "I'll teach you to kiss."
NOTE: wheee!! i'm ngl this prompt was made with armin in mind hehe 💗
🍒 𝐉𝐚𝐲 ⋅ 𝐑𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐬/𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐬 𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐚 𝐥𝐨𝐭 !
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"Ah, yeah, I mean, kissing is a core part of romance for most people, right? But there's no way I can do that."
Armin's chatting with you in the living room of your parent's house, just like you've always done since you were kids.
"Why? Kissing is pretty fun." you look over at him, drifting from the interleading kitchen over to where he sits slacked on the couch.
He mutters a quick and sweetly Armin-esque thank you under his breath when you hand him a soda. Vanilla Cola, his all-time favorite; he's drank it since he was twelve and didn't intend to stop drinking it.
"But kissing is awkward... you know how my first kiss went." he grimaces at the memory. You let out a breathy laugh, he looks so cute, almost like a drawing of a cute boy rather than a real one.
"Personally, I wouldn't count that as a first kiss. You were, like, what? Thirteen?" you open your own soda with a pop. It fizzes loudly, the bubbles audibly popping.
He opens his own soda, but of course — he does it in such an Armin kind of way. Very delicately pulling the tab back with his very delicate fingertips, as if the metal hurt his sensitive skin. You know he had the worst acne phase out of all your friends, there are faded scars on his cheeks. Rather than mar his beauty, you think they add to it; of course he never believed you when you said that.
"I think I was fourteen. Didn't you have yours when you were — eighteen? Right?" he looks over at you, fingertip circling the soda can lid.
His eyes always get you. They're entrancing. Hypnotizing. Spellbinding. Armin's unaware of the effect he has on girls, but that just makes him even more attractive.
"I did, yes. No need to remind me." you grumble, taking another sip of your soda and coming to a kneel at the coffee table.
You two always sat like that; him lazily on the couch, you on the plush carpet by the coffee table. Always propping your elbow on it, squishing your cheek on one palm. In the middle of a conversation, Armin would mimic your pose just to get a laugh out of you.
"Eighteen isn't too old to have your first kiss. I've told you that before." he reassures.
"Yes it is! Some people have their first kiss when they're little kids."
"But those kisses don't mean anything. They're childish kisses." Armin says.
"What age d'you think people start having adult kisses?" you ask him curiously, setting your soda down on the table.
You watch as Armin looks up in thought for a moment, his hand swiftly wiping some residual soda liquid off his upper lip. How does he make everything so attractive? In fleeting moments like these, you felt a strong urge to kiss him.
I could kiss him. I just need a plan. We're on the subject of kissing already.
You plot your moves like you're playing chess. It really isn't that difficult, but to you it feels like an impossible match.
"I think, adult kisses — eh that's a weird way of saying it — good kisses are after you're eighteen. Or maybe when you've had enough practice? But never mind, I think all the kisses I'll ever have will always be slightly awkward because I don't know what to do." he says.
He glances at you. His heart pangs when you and him make electric eye contact and he looks away. "You know..." he begins, but you cut him off.
"Why don't I teach you to kiss a girl?" you blurt out. "I mean, we're friends. Why not. I mean if you want to. Just a thought..."
He cracks a shy smile, "Just a thought?" he chuckles, then sits up and sets his soda down after a brief moment of thought.
"Alright, teach me." he asks and pats the seat next to him.
You climb up on the couch and settle down into a comfy position next to him — oh, you're very close, he thinks. The proximity makes his heart pang again, he can feel it sharp in his chest. But why? I mean, like you said, you're friends.
Do friends sit on the couch practicing kissing?
"Don't look at me like that." you tease lightly.
He blinks at you, "Like what? Oh, sorry." he giggle and widens his eyes a little. You've scolded him for having bedroom eyes many times, and he's defended that it's not bedroom eyes but rather he just has naturally lidded, sultry eyes.
"So... question." he asks as you lean in. His breath fans your face, it makes your lips tingle. You can smell the Vanilla Cola.
"Where do I put my hands? Because that's something I've never really understood..."
"Oh... well you can put them anywhere you like."
"Can you guide me?" he asks.
You look at him for a moment. His heart goes wild when you take his hands in yours. Yes you and him have held hands, plenty of times in fact, when you walk around town or when you run down the school corridors or while you explore abandoned buildings.
"Personally... I would want your hands here." you tell him, placing them on your neck, "And if you'd cup the back of my neck like — yeah, like that..."
Was it getting stuffy in here? But there's a good breeze coming in through the open window. Yet you feel like you're choking up. It seems like he is, too.
Warm hands cupping the back of your neck, gentle fingers holding you like a trophy, two big blue eyes staring into your soul.
He pulls you in for a peck. A sweetly awkward one. Your noses bump. Well, now both of you can't stop smiling which makes it hard to do anything.
You lean in for a peck, but it lasts longer than his and — oh my god, he melts. It's history from there. Feeling his best friend's lips sent him to another dimension, as dramatic as that sounds.
He's levitating when you keep pressing teaching kisses to his lips. He loves that you take your time, like you're savoring the taste just like when you sip on your soda.
"Y-you can tilt your head, too, it makes it feel better..." you tell him, a little short of breath.
His head spins a bit at the sensation. His lips are tingly.
So he tilts his head into the kiss, and holds the back of your neck and slides one hand down and finds your hand. He holds it.
He breaks from the kiss, lips hovering hot over yours, and looks at you through his lashes. "Is this good?"
"Mhm. Really good. You're doing g-good." you assure him.
"Can I keep going?" he asks.
So he keeps kissing you, gliding his lips over yours slowly. If anything, he only gets slower. He's really trying to savor it. Like he savors the taste of Vanilla Cola.
Minutes go by, though time dissolved in your minds by now. It was just another meaningless concept. Did past and future exist? Well, did it matter while kissing? No. No it didn't.
You pull away. He blinks and sucks in a breath, bangs lightly ruffled from pressing so close to your forehead. He can taste you on his lips, on his tongue, you're pervading his whole system and he loves it.
"S-so... that's... yeah... any questions?" you laugh, regaining composure quicker than him.
"Huh? What — questions? Yeah... can we do that again?" he asks eagerly.
"I just meant... like... keep teaching me. I think I can learn a lot from those lips." he backtracks nervously, Addam's apple shifting a little when he swallows sharply.
"Oh, right... well... y-yeah. Let's keep going then. Why don't you try kissing me now — mmf."
He goes in for it without hesitation. He kisses with his whole body, you can feel a surge of his passion wash over you, and he can feel a surge of tingles across his brain.
There's a lot of serotonin to be farmed from your kisses.
Light smacking sounds, subtle saliva sounds, lips on lips. He's never enjoyed kissing like this. But it's just practice. You're just teaching him so he can kiss... who? Who does he want to kiss? He doesn't have anyone in mind other than you.
He gets lost in it, and without thinking much he nibbles your bottom lip and swipes his tongue across it. You let him poke his tongue in and — well both of you melt harder than before. It's so impossibly soft. No wonder people praised French kissing. But did they ever get French kissed by such a gentle sweetheart like Armin? You were the only one to have that honor.
"Hah... sorry." he pulls away, breathless.
You pant very lightly, " 's okay..." you smile, "I don't mind if you... use tongue. I like it a lot..."
"Okay..." he gulps and then goes right back in to continue.
Weren't you supposed to be teaching him? It feels like that's not necessary, since both of your lips mold together perfectly. You and him are two matching puzzles pieces.
"Y/n?" he breaks from the kiss and looks down at you, hands gently squeezing both your hands now.
"Can I ask you something?"
He slightly smirks, lips glistening with your saliva, "Did you really wanna educate me on kissing, or did you just wanna kiss me?" he asks. Damn that sharp intuition.
"If the latter, how would you feel about that...?" you ask tentatively.
His heart thumps. Throbs. Palpitates. Malfunctions. You look so sweet, he wants to kiss you again and again.
He doesn't answer with words, he just dives back in for a feathery kiss, tangling his body with yours. Hands cupping your cheeks, in a very indescribably Armin kind of way.
He speaks in between each smooch.
" 'shoulda — kissed me — sooner." he mutters, taking a deep inhale as he kisses you harder than before, leaning into your body, cupping your cheeks so comfortably.
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hometoursandotherstuff · 11 months
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The 1912 Butterfly House has fairy tale grounds. It's located in Rose Valley, Pennsylvania, 7bds, 3ba, $1.250M. The interior is delightful, but the grounds are amazing. I would call it a Mission Revival style b/c of the interior.
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Looks like the stairs were refinished. Very nice, all the wood looks freshly redone.
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The living room is quite spacious and airy. Love the bookshelf wall.
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Beautiful old stone fireplace.
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This home has some gorgeous architectural features.
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I wonder if they removed the doors on those corner cabinets.
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The kitchen's okay, it appears to have the original imprint.
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Since this room is right off the kitchen I wonder if it's the original dining room.
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Cute vintage powder room.
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The primary bedroom has a separate sitting room.
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Love this original vintage blue tile and the tub and sink, too.
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The bedrooms are nice and light. This one has a ducky thing going.
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Lovely, big and bright guest room.
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What a lovely little office in the attic.
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There's also a funky shower up here. I wonder what that carpeted thing is under the window.
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Another spacious bedroom. The bedrooms are all so cheery.
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And, this one has a door to a wonderful deck.
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But, we have to look at the grounds. Beautiful rear patio.
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There are so many beautiful things to see.
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Here's a sweet little covered bench structure.
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And, look at this great greenhouse. I love this.
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This is nice, a basket planter.
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It's like exploring an enchanted forest.
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What I like about this is that it's not perfectly trimmed. It's a little messy and looks natural.
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Here's a little waterfall.
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There are quite a few water features.
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The .90 acre property is gated.
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str4ngr · 10 months
honey [ keegan p. russ. ]
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cw: suggestive, voyeurism, sex tape, masturabation, established relationship, fem! reader
requested by @thedoveesquire.
Spring cleaning, albeit summer, was more than necessary in your home. Especially since your husband had just returned, and to stay for quite a while, you really had no excuse to push off cleaning any longer.
You sighed as you finished up wiping down the bathroom tub, happily gazing at the sheen of cleanliness adorning the simple tile. Leaving the room, you realize your husband wasn’t where you had left him, repairing the hinges of his squeaky office door. The door moved with out sound, and you thanked Keegan under your breath, your eyes still fanning out to find the man. 
Behind you, the carpeted hallway led to soft sound beyond the familiar door of your bedroom. Your brows furrowed in confusions mind seeping with explanations as your lazy hips swayed in thought. Pressing your ear to the door, you listened with a strained ear as you tried to figure out the strange, quiet noises coming from a crackly speaker. 
Keegan was in awe. Complete and utter amazement as he stared at the video playing across his old laptop. His pants tightened like a vice as blood pumped away from his head, his mind completely engulfed in the video. 
An old one, one from the honeymoon phase after your wedding. Both of you fucked like bunnies for the following weeks after your ceremony, not as though that’s changed any. 
But, God, was it mesmerizing, watching the way his shaky camera-work captured your sweet skin, body spasming, audio muddled with the overwhelming moment of desire that thickened the air. Even with such amateur filming, you look divine; sweaty, naked, lear stained cheeks that led to lips puffy and red as your silky voice moaned his name like an angel. 
Peeking through the door that you thought innocently of, seeing your husband touching himself. Your panties began dampening, sticking to your flesh as your wide eyes watched the screen, enthralled by the way your bodies moved together in perfect them of lust. His volume was low, your straining ear focusing on his growling grunts as his hips slammed so perfectly into you. You swayed, imagining the same movements happening as if they weren’t on the screen. You breath was heavy.
So was Keegan’s. His struggled to keep himself together, biting into his lip to keep any noise from seeping past his lips. 
Your breathless voice, a low tone of lust bleeding from each word as your eyes met his, both filled with surprise. Keegan, being the bastard he was, grins, staring at you from where he was seated at his desk,
“Hey there, honey.” He sits up straighter, his pants not too fixed up from his previous moments. His eyes were dark with desire, gazing over your body, covered in skimpy pajamas as your cute thighs rubbed together, “come ‘ere.” 
You leaned against the door frame, mind spinning with possibilities as you gingerly approached him. You husband watched you, his hand not stopping its movement against himself. Flustered, almost shameful, you stand beside him, saliva building on your tongue as you stare at the screen, the video continuing to play. 
Keegan grinned, his resting hand slithering around your waste as he pulled you against his seat, lips pressing into your side,
“Wanna’ recreate this with me, honey?”
thank you sm for the request <3
3 i'll also be writting a full fic for this but i'm a slow writer so... idk when its gonna come out lmao.
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izzabela · 2 months
Howdy 🤠 I hope you’re having a good day! Love your work. Could you do a fic where Johnny finds the fem reader crying because she got broken up with by her first girlfriend? He comforts her and gives her some relationship advice. Maybe throw in a line like “I just thought I was capable of being loved.” Some good angst/comfort please and thank you.
The Other Woman - Johnny x fem!reader
in which you get dumped during a epic party
a/n: omG thank you for reading my shit!
ship[s]: johnny x bi!fem!reader
warning(s): bits of angst, fluff, comfort, post-story, friends to lovers(ish)
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You were supposed to be taking a break from training and sparring under Liu Kang.
You were supposed to be having fun with your friends at Johnny's mansion to celebrate his latest movie hit.
You were supposed to be confident in your girlfriend and yourself, that your bond wouldn't break like some do in those cheesy Hallmark films.
Instead, you were upstairs, tucked away in an extra room in Johnny's house, sniffling into a pillow you hugged close to your chest.
Your pretty, black satin dress was wrinkled as you were balled up in the corner of the room. You could feel the music's bass bump through the ceiling and vibrate through the floor of the bedroom.
No one was upstairs, since Johnny had put up a gate and a "DO NOT ENTER" sign over the ceiling edge for his guests. You, though, were the exception.
You were good friend with Mr. Carlton. Formerly a set-partner in his old movie, Flesh Pits, you two kept in touch after wrapping the movie.
At the time, you were dating a cute little barista girl at the local cafè in the studios of Hollywood, so Johnny knew to back off the flirty advances with you.
You were by his side when he fought Kenshi, trained alongside him, Thunder Lad, and Razor Rang, helped him out of Shang Tsung's lab, and every other event that happened during the timeline fiasco.
With everything that happened, it brought you two closer as friends, and you integrated well with the other men. You also met many other allies, women like Ashrah, Princess Kitana, Mileena and Tanya, and more women that aided you in you quest to stop the Titan.
You should have realized that being gone for an unforseen amount of time, leaving no texts, leaving no note, being with both handsome and ravishing women, would definitely send your girlfriend over the edge. When you came back, you though everything was going good.
That text on your phone proved you wrong tenfold.
To put it simply, she broke up with you claiming you lost your priorities. Claiming you didn't put her first, claiming you were unreachable, claiming, claiming, and claiming.
Worst of all, she claimed you were too much for her. You had too many responsibilities, which took you away from her.
"Tch," you scoff as you read the messages. Unfortunately, she wasn't entirely wrong.
After the events of Titan Shang Tsung, Johnny recruited you as his assistant director for the new series he was making (he actually shoved unedited garble on paper into your hands, saying you had to look over it).
Unironically, he named it "Mortal Kombat", and this was a task given to him by Liu Kang in order to introduce the world to... well, the world.
You were also sent on joint missions with the OIA. As one of Liu Kang's champions, the weight to protect the entirety of Earthrealm was huge and heavy.
You were sent on missions for weeks on end, and if you were unlucky enough, months. It was an inconvenience to many people, the most to your girlfriend.
New tears reclaimed your old ones, traversing down the dried stains on your cheeks as the reality of your situation begins to settle.
You're officially single- and if I dare say, it isn't your fault.
As you keep crying into your pillow, you don't notice the door behind you open, muffled steps on the plush carpet as you feel a slight weight on the floor.
Your head is up from the pillow, and your bleary eyes see a figure with pink over his eyes and a pink scarf around his neck. A warm arm hooks you into his chest and you take a whiff of the cologne.
Ah, it's Johnny.
You take a deep inhale, breathing in the pricey cologne, before another wave of tears leave your eyes. Johnny's in a slight fit on what to do, but he lets you claw at his back as you hug him and wail.
"Good thing I sound-proofed my rooms," Johnny griped a bit, which earns him a shove on his shoulder.
"Ow! H-hey! What's the big dealy-o?" You get up and out of his embrace, finding your phone across the room and opening it to your messages. You then toss the phone to him, and he begins to read where the break-up text begins.
"I..." he's breathless at the sight. His eyes dart up and down as he scrolls, trying to find any pretense for what could have caused this.
Unfortunately, no answers come from the texts as he hands your phone back. He takes the star-shaped shades off his face, placing them up on his head as he tosses the feather boa to the ground.
"Wanna sit and chat about it?" he inquired, sitting on the bed and patting a space next to him. You waddle to him, pillow clutched in your arms as you plop down next to him.
"I mean, I should have seen this coming," you sniffled, wiping snot off your nose. Crying into that pillow grossly accumulated the secretions from your nostrils, and it caked up at your nose.
"Good God, woman." He takes his button-up off and hands it to you as a makeshift tissue. "At least wipe."
You offer a small "sorry" before obliterating your eardrums with the roughest blow of your nose. Thankfully, Johnny's got a white tank underneath, meaning his incredible figure is out.
You can't focus on that, though, since your life just got the latest installment update. After blowing your nose, you continue to rant.
"I knew I was busy. Hell, she knew I got busy," you wipe your eyes gently with a clean spot of his shirt.
As mentioned before, you had the full plate of protecting the whole realm. However, as a normal human being, your girlfriend had her own problems, issues, and tasks to take on.
Just as you needed her, she needed you, but you weren't there.
"I know I can be a lot. Fuck, I did my best to keep it all down for her. And yet, I can't control it."
When you're overwhelmed, you find it a bit harder to open up to those around you- even your loved ones. You promised your (now ex) girlfriend you'd work on it, get better, but your chance was gone in the blink of an eye.
Johnny, for once, is quiet, with the only noise being the music bumping from the floor below you two. He's got a sympathetic frown on his face- it's clear he's been here before.
"I just.... I just though that I'd get it right for once," you murmur quietly.
You had shit luck with love. It wasn't that they were complete assholes, some of your exes were wonderful people. It's just that, you were a bit harder to get to.
As mentioned before, you wee hard to each when overwhelmed. However, in general, you were hard to reach period. You kept to yourself, despite the people you called friends. You were incredibly independent, to the point that you never opened up about how you truly felt.
In short, a really stubborn doormat- people walking over you (with a couple of pricks on the bottom of their feet).
"I thought that maybe, she'd get me. With how things were going, I really thought I was capable of..." your breath hitches as you mutter out the rest of your sentence.
"I thought that with all that I am, all that I have, I was capable of being loved."
Another wave of emotion comes over you, and the rest of your resolve breaks as your eyes overflow with fresh tears. The saltiness is in your mouth, and you can't help but choke on taste of it.
The bed is suddenly lighter, and Johnny is on his knees in front of you, both hands on yours as he declares a fact you didn't know about yourself.
"If you were hard to love," he begins, "You wouldn't have me, Ken-doll, Raiden, or Razor-rang by your side."
His hazel eyes stare into your colored ones, trying to touch your soul with his words. However, you look away as little baby tears fell from your eyes again.
He forces you to look at him, a firm (yet gentle) grip on the back of your head as he pressed your forehead on his.
"If you were hard to love, you wouldn't even have those shit-ass exes of yours!"
You let out a gargled chuckle, slightly choking on the snot and spit that was fresh in your mouth and nose. As fucked as it sounded, he was right.
You were capable of being loved, you had many friends to prove it. By the elder gods, you were friends with others not from Earth. You remember your letters with Kitana and Mileena, the spars with Tanya and Li Mei, not to mention the late night walks at the Academy with Ashrah.
You remind yourself of the meals you shared with Kung Lao, whether you won or lost bets was unimportant. You recall the chores you did with Raiden during the slow day back at the Academy, you even reminisce on the days Kenshi scolded you for training too hard.
Of course, you can't forget your best friend, Johnny. You think back to the days Johnny treated you to lunch after your scene-wraps during Flesh Pits. Memories of some birthdays spent with Johnny, even little pick-me-up dates where he'd cheer you up with karaoke or bar-hopping.
You were able to be loved, those people were just cowards. They didn't give all of them for you the way you gave your whole self to them.
Finally calming down, you realize how close you were to Johnny. You could see the shine in his eyes, despite the evident darkness in the room. You could feel his warm, ragged breath on your face as the faintest scent of alcohol whiffed into your nose.
You also note the delicate features of his face: the slight rough skin texture, healed scars from the battles he had endured, even a couple of freckles around his nose.
Was he always this handsome?
You smile and pull away from him, standing up and stretching your body of any kinks or aches it felt while curled up as you were. Concealed in the darkness was Johnny's pink cheeks from how close you two were.
"Thanks, Carlton," you tease him, dropping a bit of his government name. He scoffs, but he gets up as well, making eye contact with you as he searches your face for a sign of any more discomfort.
"Johnny," you groan, "I'm alright now, really."
Johnny takes your hand in his, fingers intertwining as he brings the back of your hand to his mouth. He kisses it, his warm lips making you turn a bit pink in the dark.
"Just remember, you've got so much more than what that bitch had to offer," Johnny says with a confident straight-forwardness.
You look at the door and back at Johnny, and he begins to lead you to it. However, you tug his hand right before he opens it, which makes him pause and stare at you again.
"What? Nervous?" he taunts. You laugh, shaking your head as you let go of his hand to straighten your dress and wipe away any hints of sadness.
You booty-bump Johnny out of the door's way, flicking your hair in his face as you turn to him with your signature, radiant smile.
"Not sure you can handle this much boom, Cage." You wink at him, flinging the door open as you allow the deafening music to envelope you again.
He smirks.
"You're on, pretty girl."
thank you so much for the request! this was actually a lot of fun to write, despite me restarting this fic two times in my drafts
if you guys haven't noticed, i've been calling Kung Lao "razor-rang" because of a little HC of mine due to Johnny's love of nicknames
hope yall enjoyed, and i'll see yall in the next fic!
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