#and she just tackles the father and starts beating on him and talking about her abuse
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 8 months ago
F! Yuu’s Dad in Twisted Wonderland pt. 3
Books 3, 4, &5 were when your dad was stressing.
🦀: Why do Ace and Deuce have sea mushroom thingies on their heads? They-They made a deal with a boy so they can cheat their midterms, but everyone else but you cheated as well so they’re stuck in a contract of servitude? Yeah no, don’t get involved in their foolishness-oh, damn it! The cat has a sea mushroom too! Well, I guess we’ll find a way to fix it.
When all the shenanigans happen and Leona eventually turns Azul’s contracts into sand and he overblots, your dad is there to witness it.
🦀:Already five in the evening and the boy ain’t right.
He watches you and your friends beat Azul out of his overblot and watches the aftermath.
Safe to say, your father makes you stay away from Azul, Jade, and Floyd.
🦀: Hold on, where are you going and why do you have a basket?
🦐: I’m going mushroom picking with Jade.
🦀: Is Jade that one that always looks high and acts erratic?
🦐: No, that’s his twin brother, Floyd.
🦀: Either way, don’t go with him. He probably does shrooms.
Which leads you to Book 4
Your father does not like Kalim.
🦀: Hey! Hey! Hands off! You are way too touchy with my daughter!
☀️: But she’s my best friend!
🦀: You just met her five minutes ago.
🐍: Kalim, don’t go around hug tackling people you just met.
🦀: You keep him in check. I like that.
Your father becomes the “I like that” lady from the Simpsons.
🦀: “You run a tight ship. I like that.” “You keep the boys in check. I like that.” “You got some intelligence in you. I like that.”
Eventually Jamil overblots, and Jamil doesn’t even bother hypnotizing your father. He respects him that much. Which extends to Yuu.
🐍: So, what’s your world like?
You sneak away into the desert to find your friends. Your dad is at Scarabia small talking with Jamil.
Jamil will forever have an ego boost that your father respects him more than Kalim.
Afterwards, when the VDC start to loom over NRC, he’s not opposed to you joining(it’s his chance to get video of you dancing and singing).
That is until he finds out the team is staying in Ramshackle during the training period.
🦀: No! Absolutely not! You’re not having 7 boys living in this dorm with you! Especially that Kalim and Ace boy!
🦐: Dad! If we win we could use the money to renovate Ramshackle!
🦀:…..fine. But they’re staying downstairs.
Your father catches a glimpse of Rook’s photobook. He legit tries calling the police.
Boy shenanigans ensue
❤️: Man I’m beat from practice.
🦐:So am I. I’m taking a nap. Wanna join me?
And for once, Ace actually gets to sleep next to you in a bed. Then it gets ruined by everyone else but Vil joining in. It turned into a group nap on the bed.
Your father finds out and he’s not pleased.
🦀: GET OUT! And Yuu, we’re having a review of the puberty talk when it comes to boys.
When the VDC’s happen, he gets a recording of Yuu dancing and singing. Unfortunately that was ruined after the revelation that Vil tried to murder Neige.
🦀: Yuu, we’ve gotta kick these people out! One of them tried to kill someone. These boys are not right!
🦐: Dad! It’s all good! He’s back to normal now and we won the competition which means Ramshackle can be renovated!
🦀: I worry about you. I really do. I never should have let you read Having Adeline.
🦐: *gasp* They are perfectly good friends!
🦀: Oh, really? Riddle has anger issues, Cater is just Cater, Trey probably has a fetish for teeth, Deuce is too pugnacious, and Ace keeps trying to sneak into bed with you.
🦐: But-
🦀: Leona is a grown man who needs to get his life and inferiority complex together, Jack is…actually he’s ok. Ruggie’s such a con artist he would takeover Atlanta. Vil’s vain and murderous, Rook is a French stalker, Epel has masculinity issues. Ortho is a robot boy who’s too complicit in his brother’s shenanigans and Idia is an otaku creep who looks like he constantly needs a bath or else he’ll look like a zombie.
🦐: But-
🦀: Kalim’s too hands on with you, too oblivious to his surroundings, and has no boundaries, Jamil’s ok, something seems off with Lilia, Sebek is going to make you go deaf, Malleus is a creep and under no circumstances should you engage with him, and Silver is alright.
🦐: Why didn’t you mention Octavinelle?
🦀: Did I need to say anything about them to make them look bad?
🦐: No….no you did not.
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dannyphantom1234 · 1 year ago
Reborn as Dan Phantom.
A fan of the show is reborn as Dan, the evil version of Danny just as he was created— but what no one knew was a fangirl had taken over the body and knew just what to do to help her family that would suffer what she just went through unless she did something to help. So— she creeped towards Clockwork, stole the time medallion, went to the timeline of the original, and immediately took over as big brother figure to help these poor children from suffering the future they would have to endure alone without adult supervision.
She— now he— didn’t care for gender, and just wanted to help and protect his new(ish) family from bad people. What he didn’t know was he was also thrown alongside the dc universe, which was an awesome discovery on his part later on.
Dan— or Dante— as he wished to be called, came to the group with sorrow in his heart as he explained what would happen in the future if Danny cheated on his test, not that it was anyone’s fault but fates. He explained how no one was at fault and it could all be avoided if he could help it.
He took over the ghost fights, and had a long talk with Clockwork about what would happen and his real purpose for being there.
His original timeline was obviously erased, and the only reason he survived was because of the medallion, so later he had to go through ghost magic and make himself his own person, gained a whole butt load of tattoos intertwined with ghost time magic and becomes the next king of the infinite realms after defeating the old guy easily after seeing him beat up his little bro.
Dante became king instead of Danny and took over all the overloaded paperwork along the way.
What he didn’t know, was that he would be summoned because of his status. He really thought the fan fictions were just exaggerating what would happen if he was ever given the position and power. Well, it was all true from what he read.
(I’m making this a Dante/King Phantom x Jason Todd/Red Hood).
He made an actual legal identity for himself with the help of Technus and Tucker, who became better pals after they set aside the fact that they attacked each other at some point or another.
Danny became a little brother to him, Jazz became his little sister who likes to treat him as if he were still Danny at times, and Danielle became his daughter.
Dante legally adopted Dani after they got his papers in order, and made her an identity as well. Elle was much younger than he remembered, but then again, she was deaged recently and just came back into contact with the group, who couldn’t take care of her because they were still children as well.
Vlad was still a little evil but leveled out after a huge diabolical involving Maddie, their so called mother.
Madeline Fenton had thought her son and daughter conspired with the ghosts and attacked them in their own home, Danny was greatly injured with multiple blast wounds and Jazz suffered a concussion while trying to push him out of the target zones.
Jack had football tackled Madeline and the rest was history.
Vlad had fallen out of love with her after seeing what she did to her own children, and instead got his head out of his butt and realized he was in love with Jack all along.
Jack divorced Madeline, took custody of his kids and decided they should move, all while Vlad made plans to take down GIW with Team Phantom.
Jack and Vlad met him and decided to emotionally adopt Dante as well in their messed up family.
Dante got a job as a mechanic and started his own business in Gotham. Very cliche from all the fanfics he read in his past life but he wanted to do something he knew and loved. He loved fixing things and his side job as the king of the infinite realms was basically being like a father to ghost children while scolding those who thought it was a good idea to attack innocent mortals.
He mainly spent his time raising Danielle. Giving her everything she deserves and making her happy now that his family was safe.
He was randomly summoned by the Justice League who were ready to full on attack him until they saw him reading to his child, not realizing he was summoned until someone cleared their throat. He was literally in his own little bubble, reading his two year old daughter a storybook while holding her against his chest as he floated above the ground, laid back in a relaxed position.
How it would go:
I looked up from the book after feeling a sudden shift in my surroundings, seeing multiple very brightly dressed people in front of me. I glared, shifting completely into my ghost king form while holding my daughter close to my chest. The storybook I was reading had disappeared into a pocket dimension for later, as I had to deal with this madness.
“Who in their right minds would summon the Ghost King? I literally burnt all those summoning books to ash.” I grumbled, and looked down to see Elle had slightly woken up at the sound of my deep voice.
“Dada?” She mumbled, rubbing her right eye as she sat up from my chest.
“It’s alright, Elle,” I rumbled, kissing her forehead as she plopped back down to take her nap again at my reassurance. “We can finish reading time later today.” I murmured to her as she went back to snoozing.
“What do you want, mortals?” I asked nonchalantly.
“Why does the ghost king have a child? And how in the hell are you not attacking us as the books state?” Zatanna asked, looking on at me in shock.
“You willingly want to be attacked after summoning me? That’s idiotic. “ I state, looking bored with their conversation. I still held Elle close, not answering their questions about my child just yet.
“No, a bloody idiot summoned you just as we defeated him as a last defense!” Constantine spat out, looking hysterical.
“Well, sorry to break the news, coward, but the last king was defeated by me after trying to take over the world, he is now locked away in forever sleep until we can find a way to get rid of him completely.” I explained to the coward looking at me in shock on the ground, bruises across his face and the usual weird looking villain costume on him.
I looked around for a quick second before stopping at the Batfam. Who were all here in a more relaxed formation seeing a child in my arms. My favorite fandom family in my last life.
I looked them over before spotting the Red Hood, my celebrity crush I had on him was no secret to my family, but they had no room to judge for themselves.
His aura admitted contaminated ectoplasm, and I knew I had to heal him sometime in the future.
“May I ask what your goals are? And who is this child?” Superman spoke up after a moment of digesting my information about my new position.
“I protect both living and the undead. I don’t have a world ending goal in mind, just to raise my daughter and give her the life she deserves.” I said, looking down at my daughter with a small smile that would be unnoticeable to most.
I looked back up to see the large group had softened at my words and I was about to ask a question about Red Hood, when my daughter suddenly decided this was taking too long and too much noise for her to take a nap.
“Dada! Where puppy?” She demanded answers, smacking the side of my face with her chubby hands, as I floated there, unmoving with an emotionless face towards the group.
“Cujo is with the twerp, remember? He will come by later for playtime.” I answered, which was slightly muffled as she squished my cheeks together and smiled at me happily.
“Dada! Fishh—“ she squealed out, looking happy with herself as she giggled at my face.
“You gremlin—“ I muttered out, tickling her sides as she squeaked, her flying out of my arms and turning into her young ghost form, looking ready to play.
“Playtime?” She asked, bouncing a little in the air, clapping her hands a little.
“Not yet, blob ghost. We need to head back home for snack time.” I explained, crossing my arms as she pouted, my arm muscles bulged a bit as I crossed them, and I still always forget the fact that I’m taller than most, alongside bigger. In my past life, I was a stick of a girl that had spaghetti arms, much different for sure.
Her pouting turned into the famous puppy eyes, and I turned back to the group to avoid them, only to see amused faces all around.
“Do you guys need anything before we head back? I’m sure you don’t want to deal with a Princess tantrum.” I rumbled out, looking on in disinterest as Elle decided to hug the side of my face like an octopus. She probably still had the puppy eyes on.
“You have an adorable daughter!” Princess Diana exclaimed soon after I was finished speaking. “How old is she?” She asked, looking at me curiously as I lowered myself to the ground, Elle now floating behind my head as she played with my low ponytail.
“She is now two years old.” I answered, swiftly nabbing Elle from behind me while reaching the back of my head. I lowered my arms to see I had her upside down now, her hanging like a sack of potatoes as she giggled.
“Dada!” Elle exclaimed, waving her arms around her in glee as she looked up at me.
“You don’t feel like a ghost completely… neither does she, what are you exactly?” Constantine asked, waving his hand at me in confusion.
“I don’t know if I can trust you with that information, Constantine.” I growled a little, glaring at him as he stepped forward while Elle hid behind me.
“Hey now! Let’s calm down, no one needs to start anything!” Nightwing stepped in front of the glaring Constantine who looked more and more like a bug the longer I looked at him.
“There isn’t anything to start, really. His soul is in shreds at the moment, not very powerful compared to my kind anyway.” I stated, crossing my arms once again as Elle peaked out from over my shoulder.
“Now, I need to speak with a Mr. Red Hood.” I said, looking on at the Batfam who tensed at my words.
“Why?” Batman growled out, stepping in front of the confused Red Hood.
“To heal him, of course.” I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose as I heard sounds of confusion from everyone else.
“His ectoplasm is very corrupted. He has the ghost flu, in which case makes my kind very moody and in need of pure ectoplasm to filter it and his emotions.” I briefly explained, unpinching my nose as I looked up from the ground. Willing my headache away for now.
“So his pit madness is basically the ghost flu?” Red Robin murmurs out hysterically, almost giggling in disbelief.
“Yes, I have heard of his haunt, Crime Alley, that being under his protection, I have never stepped foot on his property because I didn’t want to seem like a threat to a sick person who can’t control themselves completely with such a sickness.” I explained myself a bit nervously, rubbing the back of my neck a little with my right hand as Elle now sat on my left shoulder, swinging her legs.
“Wow, the ghost king is a dork…” I heard Spoiler mutter to Orphan, who nodded in agreement.
I huffed, crossing my arms and floated once again. “I can come back another time. I just wished to help a little. My doctor can probably fix him quicker than I, but I know what to do as I have studied under him for more than over a year now.” I informed them.
“So the pit madness can go away…?” Red Hood asked, stepping from around Batman to speak to me clearly.
“I’m unsure of what this “Pit Madness” is, but yes, I can heal you and make sure you properly get the help you need from your emotional roller coaster sickness.” I said, looking down at him as he took a few more steps to me, his family following behind him.
“Well, when can you fix me?” He asked, his voice modifier cutting all emotions from his voice, but I can clearly feel his emotions bursting from his almost formed core. It seems this sickness had stopped him from forming his core completely and left him sick for many years.
I could feel his hope, his rage and especially his bursts of want for some reason.
“I can fix you right now, but I wasn’t sure if you wanted privacy or not. It’s very…. Intimate. I can take you somewhere private if you would like?” I rumbled out, the burst of want came out more clearly, and I could tell Red Hood was clearly not expecting that word choice.
“Take me anytime—“ I could clearly hear his muttered out answer behind his helmet with my enhanced hearing, but I don’t know if I was supposed to hear that.
“Nope! Little Wing— you are not going with the ghost king—“ Nightwing suddenly yelled out, the whites of his mask bigger as Spoiler, Red Robin, and Signal burst into loud laughter. Batman sighed loudly in disappointment. Robin just “Tt” and sighed alongside his father, looking like a mini bat. Orphan just smiled at me.
“By intimate, I mean having a look at your soul, I will essentially have to take a closer look at that and cure you.” I fixed my words, making it seem as if I didn’t hear anything and I could feel a little disappointment coming from Red Hood but he nodded at my explanation.
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thelov3lybookworm · 2 years ago
Nothing Like I Do
Summary: Y/n and Azriel have been friends for centuries now, having run away together during his escape from his father's house. She had been his neighbour's daughter, whose father wasn't much better. They had talked and met on various occasions before, having understood each others pain.
As she returned from the last mission that Cassian had given her in the stead of Rhys, she had decided that she was going to confess her feelings for the Shadowsinger. But when she returns, she realises that even though he has moved on from Mor, he isn't without someone. As she tries to navigate her way to telling him of her feelings, she wonders if she's risking her friendship with him.
A/n: I really like how this came out, feedback is always appreciated. Also, this is my first time writing Y/n instead of a name, so let me know if theres some need of correction.
And the lines written in blue are the lyrics which made me want to write this. I've honestly been waiting to write this since the song came out, but as i was writing you deserve better, I wanted to wait. And the lyrics aren't in chronological order, just placed where convenient.
As she flew over the glittering Sidra and the colourful lights lighting the shops, Y/n took a deep breath in an attempt to settle her nerves. She'd be returning home after almost a decade and she'd finally be meeting her friends.
She was half Illyrian just like Rhys, her father being the one with the wings. He and her mother had wed when his father had arranged a marriage for them.
As she landed on one of the balconies of the House of Wind and vanished her wings away, the nervousness came back with a vengeance. Walking in, she heard noises coming from a nearby sitting room. She smiled. They hadn't changed one bit, being as noisy as ever.
Y/n knew that the High Lord had found his mate, and that, after the war, the they had been blessed with a son. Other than that, she knew nothing about what had happened during the time she had been away.
Her heart beating in her ears, she slowly pushed the door open, poking her head in. Rhys was already staring at her, having known someone had entered the shield around the house. But this, he hadn't expected.
"Hello." Y/n squeaked, before clearing her throat and entering fully.
Hit me like a shot in the heart
Never should have played you so hard
Guess I played myself, that's my fault
Azriel was out of his chair and tackling her in a hug before she could blink. The breath was knocked out of her from the force of his body colliding with hers. It took her a moment to wrap her arms around him as well, mindful of his wings. She smiled at the ceiling.
She had missed this.
When he finally pulled away, grinning, she was yet again pulled into another hug, this time by a laughing Cassian. She nearly lost her footing. When he let go, Rhys smiled at her, giving her a far more gentler hug than his brothers.
As she finished hugging him, her eyes found that of Mor's, shooting an instant spike of self consciousness through her.
As always, Mor was dressed immaculately, with her hair done as if she was attending some celebration. While Y/n looked just out of a battle. In her fighting leathers, her hair almost completely out of the loose braid hanging down her back.
And all of that reminded her of the fact that the male she had always been in love with was in love with Mor.
Hit me like a poisonous dart
You wеre trouble right from the start
Should havе ran, I guess it's my fault
Her spirits were already down as Rhys introduced her to the new additions to the family. She excused herself, saying she wanted to take a bath, but before she left, Y/n crouched in front of Feyre and baby Nyx, who was trying to grab a piece of her hair.
As he babbled at her, she babbled right back, making him exclaim in happiness, trying to jump around on his mother's lap. When he started making grabby hands at her, she was shocked because as far as she knew, it takes quite some time for babies to get used to strangers, let alone pick them up.
She stared helplessly at Nyx. Sure, she was good with kids, but only when she wasn't holding them, never really having held a baby. The one time she did, everything went wrong.
She stared at her new baby brother with wide eyes, before looking up at her mother. "Can I hold him?"
"Yes Y/n." Her mother instructed her how to sit on the bed,placing the little bundle in her lap. Little Y/n couldn't look away, her jaw open in awe.
"He's so small." Y/n mumbled when the door flew open, loudly crashing against the wall, making her jump, jostling her brother in the process. She turned to look at who it was, the colour draining from her face.
Her father.
He looked furious. He had wanted her to stay away from the little boy, and when she had begged to know why, he had hit her. She still didn't understand why her father had wanted that. She also didn't understand why he hated her so much. Maybe it was because she asked too many questions? Whatever the reason, he didn't like her and had told her she was to stay away.
In her haste to get off the bed, she forgot, for a moment, that a baby was in her lap. Before he could get hurt, though, both her parents were there, her mother cradling the baby to her chest, trying to get Y/n behind her. It didn't help as Y/n's father had already grabbed hold of her arm, dragging her out of the bedroom and the main door, out in the cold. When she realised where he was taking her, she started crying and screaming, begging to be forgiven this one time.
It was obviously useless. Later on she would wonder why she even bothered, but at the moment, she would have done anything to be spared from the darkness.
She was dragged into the neighboring house, where a man was staring at her in disgust. She didn't hear anything that the two Illyrians talked about, the sobbing mess that she was. Then as suddenly as her father had stopped, he began dragging her towards the stairs leading down, before she was shoved into the dungeon and the door was slammed shut, leaving her in the darkness.
It was quite some time before she could breath without hiccups, finally quieting down.
A small body settled next to hers. "What happened this time?"
Y/n said nothing for some time, wondering how just wanting to hold her brother for some time could incense her father so.
"I was holding baby brother. He didn't want me to."
She couldn't see him, but she knew he nodded.
He was her only friend, Azriel. She was often times put here with him, both their fathers being friends and taking some sick pleasure in torturing the small children, locking them up in dark places. This wasn't the first time her father had done this. The sad part was that, as far as she could remember, this had been happening forever.
Y/n felt Azriel tugging her closer, hugging her close as they tried to go to sleep on the cold and hard ground. He was her only comfortin times as this, and he will be the only one, for quite some time.
Now, after centuries, she understood why he hated her. She was a female. No other reason. And the reason he didn't want her near her brother was because he didn't want her tainting him. Atleast, that's what he said when she and Azriel had gone near there for a mission.
Y/n took a deep breath, shaking those dark thoughts away and focusing on the happy baby in front of her. She won't let those memories ruin this happy moment.
She gently picked him up, looking to Feyre for guidance. As she stood with Nyx, her eyes connected with hazel ones, full of understanding. And when Azriel smiled, it didn't seem so bad.
Sometime later in the evening, after Y/n had already changed and freshen up, she found herself sitting next to the Shadowsinger with Nyx again in her lap, shaking and waving a stuffed bat toy.
As the night wore on, Y/n found her mind wandeing to her decision to confess her feelings to the Spymaster, and how she could do it. But then, soon enough she realised, with a burst of excitement, that Azriel had already moved on from his crush on Mor.
That happiness didn't last long as she realised that the subject of those longing glances and lingering touches had been changed to the middle Archeron sister, sitting on the other side of him.
I don't even know how to think
'Cause now she got your heart, so I feel stupid, foolish
'Fraid I'm losin' everything I thought I couldn't
My whole world is fallin' apart
And she couldn't help but wonder, would she again be too late?
As she stared at them from her place on rhe first floor balcony of the River House, Y/n couldn't help the ugly feeling of jealousy that reared its head. She didn't want to feel that way, especially as the person who held her heart looked so happy.
Azriel was standing behind Elain, who was tending to a few plants in her beautiful garden.
Azriel's head swivelled towards her, his mouth open as if he had looked up mid-sentence. He smiled at her before turning back to Elain.
"You should talk to him." Nesta murmured from behind her, making Y/n jump. While she was busy wallowing in self pity and jealousy, Nesta had somehow snuck up on her.
The two of them had become fast friends, finding they had similar interests. Especially those novels. And despite Y/n not telling Nesta about her feelings towards the Spymaster, Nesta had found out.
"I don't know what to say." Her voice wavered with barely controlled emotions.
Nesta leaned against the railing next to her. "I know. But try atleast. If possible, before the party tonight. If all goes well, you can have fun with him. If not... we can find someone for you tonight. Probably try to make him jealous."
It had been two weeks since Y/n had returned, and tonight was the party Rhys had decided to host in honour of her return.
Y/n nodded. It was time. To move on with him, or without. She couldn't waste her life trying to squeeze herself into other peoples lives, hoping someone would give her some affection.
Y/n bit her lip, wondering how to approach the topic. But no elaborate words found her, especially with the Shadowsinger's full attention on her.
Don't you go fallin' in love
Trust me, she's not the one
She won't ever love you like I do
Hold you like I do, know you like I do
There was no soft and subtle way to approach this, so she jumped right in.
"Do you like Elain?"
He blinked, taken aback. "Of course I like her. I like you too." There was something in his eyes that Y/n couldn't decipher as he said the last part.
"No like– like lovers kind of like. Are you interested in her?"
His eyes shuttered as soon as he heard the question. "That's none of your business."
"Oh? And since when did the two of us have different–"
"We're both grown up now, Y/n. You have your personal matters, I have mine. Don't snoop in my life. You are a friend. Act like a friend."
Y/n couldn't help but gape at him, wondering what the hell had gone wrong between them to make him so mad at her. It was a few moments before she could speak again. And when she did, she wished she hadn't.
"Forget her Azriel. Don't go falling in love with her. Trust me she's not the one. She'll never–" Y/nstopped herself from speaking, know if she continued speaking, she won't stop and confess, and then end up most probably rejected.
"She'll never what Y/n?" He stepped closer, so close that she could feel his breath, his voice dropping dangerously. When she said nothing, he continued. "And if she's not the one, who is?" Again, there was that thing in his eyes that she couldn't understand. He searched her eyes before stepping back, shaking his head. "Don't try to control my life Y/n. It doesn't suit you."
Tears brimmed in her eyes as she watched him step out of the room she had pulled him into. Just a few moments later, Nesta poked her head in, as if she had been waiting here all this time.
"Let's get you dressed and make him regret." She murmured, tugging Y/n out of the room.
Y/n swallowed her nerves as best as she could as she stepped into the ball room, her eyes trying to find the Spymaster without her permission. But before she could see him, Nesta called out to her.
The night fared on without any issues, accept for the fact that she still hadn't found the Spymaster, good at hiding that he was. Sometime ago, a fae male had asked her to dance with him, which she was forced to accept after feeling Nesta and Mor's glares on her.
"Looks like it's time to change partners." A deep voice from behind Y/n said, sending shivers down her spine. The male glanced up, packing a little before making his exit. Finally, she turned to look at her friend, understanding why the male looked scared. Azriel looked like he was ready to do someone's head off. Or probably chew it off. His wings were slightly flared behind him in a show of power and possession, his signature scowl on his face, making him look all the more scary.
Y/n frowned at him, pissed that he had yelled at her just a few hours ago and then had the audacity to scare people away from her.
"What?" He asked after he had tugged her closer and begun swaying, still staring after the male.
"What's your problem?"
He glanced at her before again his eyes began tracking the male. "You didn't know him. He could've been a secret murderer."
Y/n gaped at him. "And what if he was? You had no right to scare him away."
"I'm just looking out for you. Were you interested in him?"
"That's none of your business." She parroted his earlier words, but he didn't seem to notice.
Don't you go falling in love
'Cause I'ma break that shit up
I won't let her love you like I do
Touch you like I do, nothing like I do
Nothing like I do
"He's not the one, trust me." Finally, he looked down at her.
Y/n had to take a deep breath to stop herself from screaming in frustration. "Don't snoop in my life, Azriel. You're friend, act like one."
A muscle ticked in his jaw as she pulled her hand away from his and stepped back. "Don't try to control my life. Doesn't suit you." Y/n whirled, her dress swishing around her legs as she walked away with barley restrained anger.
She walked out into the balcony nearest to her, leaning against it, taking deep gulps of the fresh night air.
Some time had passed before she felt Azriel's presence behing her and she sighed.
He silently came to stand beside her. It was quite a few moments before he cleared his throat. "I– I'm sorry. I was being an asshole. But did you see him? The way he was looking at you– it made me want to rip his head off him. I'm sorry."
He was looking at her now, but she stared straight ahead. When she didn't say anything for a long time, he continued. "What– what were you going to say, when we talked before the party? She'll never what?"
"It doesn't matter."
"It matters to me."
"She'll never love you... like I do." She needed to know, Y/n decided. If he rejected her, she could atleast have no regrets when moving on.
He started laughing, and she squeezed her eyes shut. "No way. You don't love me. You don't, do you?"
She pushed back from the railing, turning away fro him. "If you don't want me –which I know you don't– atleast don't invalidate my feelings by laughing–"
"Who said i don't? Hmm?" He caught her wrist, tugging a frozen Y/n back, flush against him. "I love you too, you dumb female. Have been in love for almost my whole life now."
"But– but you loved Mor–" She sputtered, turning her head to look at him.
"That was me trying to accept the fact that an amazing female like you would never want a bastard like me."
"You're mad if you thought that. Why would you even think that!" She turned to look at him fully, her wrist still clasped in his hand. He just smiled and shrugged, staring at her intently. "You're such an idiot."
"But–" He said after a moments hesitation, "I'm your idiot now?"
She grinned, the tension bleeding from her shoulders as she buried her face in the place connecting his neck and shoulder, his arms instantly going around her waist.
"You're my idiot now."
Little did they know then, that soon they'll realise he was her mate too.
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gingiesworld · 1 year ago
Buddy angst with happy ending.. Taylor or Gerri
Be My First
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Gerri Fields x GN! Reader
Warning: Angst but a happy ending.
Y/N had lost everyone they had ever loved in one fell swoop, even being took in by Kate and Danny when they were still in high school after having no other family in the state. So they had had a friend in Gerri as they recovered from the car accident. They became Gerri's test audience to her music which they loved the sound of her voice. They found it soothing and they would never get tired of hearing her sing. Pretty much soon enough falling for the girl.
Even during the last summer they had spent there, they had a job and decided to help with some of the repairs around the Field's residence even though they were afraid to step foot into their old home.
They were there for them all when Danny passed away that summer too. Although Kate tried to stop Y/N from donating anything of their earnings to help towards funeral costs, they never backed down.
But the moment they heard about the fight between Lily and Gerri and how this guy, David was the cause of Gerri's heartbreak. They went straight to him, anger coursing through their veins as they approached him on the basketball court with Lily.
"Hey!" They called out to the two. "What the fuck is wrong with you? You lead on my friend and she thinks she has a chance with you and you." They turned to Lily. "You're supposed to be her best friend and you screw her over just like that."
"It never meant to happen." Lily started as David put his hand up to stop her from talking.
"It's none of your business kid." He told them as they scoffed. "What and who I do is none of your business."
"It becomes my business when it is someone I care about." They told him with a swing of their fist, connecting with David's jaw. Before Lily coupd stop it, he tackled them to the ground and punched them as hard as he could. Y/N soon managed to get out of his hold and kneed him in the crown jewels, sending him rolling on his front as he groaned in pain.
"What the fuck!" Lily yelled as she got on her knees to comfort David.
"Gerri needs you Lily." Y/N told her softly. "Not me. She needs her best friend." With that they left the court. Lily knew they were right in Gerri needing her, especially with the loss of her father.
That was the moment Y/N decided they should move out of the Field's residence and move back home. Although they remained there for them all, but not so much more for Gerri.
But the moment she had found out what they had done, she soon made her way to their home. Banging on their door.
"Y/N! I know you're in there!" She yelled as she continued to bang on the door. Y/N groaned as they got up from the sofa, stretching as they made their way to the door to open it to an angry Gerri.
"Hello." They greeted her as she stepped inside.
"Don't hello me." She told them sternly. "Why would you interfere in my relationships? Hell, why did you beat up David?"
"Lily told you?" They questioned as Gerri chuckled dryly.
"Of course she did. She told me at my dad's funeral, which you weren't even at!" She poked their chest as they sighed.
"I was there." They told her. "I paid my respects to your family and well, you were busy with Lily and I didn't want to interrupt the two of you."
"You could have still came to me." She told them as they shook their head with a soft smile.
"You need your best friend more than you need me." They started to fix the comforter on the sofa and move the pillow to the cupboard.
"I need you too Y/N." Gerri told them as her shoulders deflated. "I guess I was too hung up on the deal I made with Lily and then the two of us fighting over David that I never realised that what I needed was right in front of me."
"What was the deal?" Y/N asked her as they moved to the kitchen.
"To lose our virginity before college." She told them as she followed them. Taking the bottle of water from their grasp.
"You shouldn't just throw that away with someone who couldn't care about your feelings." They told her with a tender gaze. "Your first time should be special. Memorable even and with someone who would do anything to make the experience as comfortable, safe and loving as it happens. Someone who loves you with every fibre of their being." Gerri listened as they spoke, the butterflies in her stomach going wild as she gazed into their eyes.
"Then be my first." She whispered as Y/N looked at her, shocked by her bold words. "I want you to be my first. Hell, you should be the one to kiss me and speak sweet nothings to me everyday. You should be the one who has me. Mind, body and soul."
"I will be your first." They told her as they stepped closer, caressing her cheek as she looked up at them. "But not right now. Not this week because I want to do this right. I want to take you out on dates. Support you at your shows. Shower you with love, affection and gifts. You deserve to be treated as such because you are amazing Gerri and I would be the luckiest person alive to have you by my side through everything."
And with that, she sealed the new chapter with a kiss, loving and passionate as she sighed at the contact. Her whole being was electrified and well aware of Y/N's hands that had now moved to her hips. Squeezing and caressing as the kiss deepened as she wrapped her arms around their neck, keeping their body as close as she could. Her mind was full with every thought that was Y/N. Her every fibre craved their touch. Her heart belonged to them and she never realised soon enough, but she was ready for a lifetime of love and safety in the arms of her person.
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missr3n3 · 7 months ago
Augusnippets Day 16
fandom: cabin tales (rotten roots AU) TW: home invasion, beatings, kidnapping, dehumanization, threats of torture, unreliable narrator word count: 560
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Everything happened so fast. One second, Peter was having breakfast mostly alone – save for several attempts to shoo Mittens away from his cereal.
Then, his front door opened, Mittens hissing at the intruders before Peter saw or heard them.
All hell broke loose.
Mittens, luckily, was off like a bullet – Peter could only hope he found a safe hiding spot. Peter bolted out of his chair, heading towards the kitchen – specifically, his knife block. He barely reached the doorway when he was tackled to the ground.
He should've listened to his father, should've gotten into sports. His frail limbs did nothing to defend himself from two pairs of fists and feet slamming into his body – hitting him, kicking him once he hit the ground, beating him.
By the time Peter was dragged into a van he only briefly caught a glimpse of, his whole body ached, burned, an eye was swollen shut, blood filled his mouth from a tooth knocked loose and dripped from a broken nose.
Within seconds of a heavy car door slamming shut behind Peter's bruised, limp body, his wrists were tied tight, and a rough sack was pulled over his head. Someone – a male, if the large size of his hands were anything to go by, pinned his bound hands above him. Someone much smaller sat on his torso. Cold air and ripping fabric told him all he needed to know.
“Look at it, squirming like a little maggot!” a feminine voice jeered above Peter, likely belonging to the captor who cut his shirt off.
“It's about the right color for a maggot after we kicked its teeth in, too,” added a masculine voice behind Peter. “And just as disgusting. You goddamn monster.”
“Save it for when we get to the manor,” a new voice chided – slightly further, probably the driver. It was feminine, but much lower, older than the person sitting on Peter. “You can let it all out during the initiation.”
“There's no rules against just talking,” the younger captor argued.
“Of course!” the male captor concurred. “Especially since there's so much planning to do! We’ve gotta make this one last longer than the previous initiation after all. Given what this shit-stain did.”
“Very true. We've got so many options, too.”
“Do tell.”
“I was thinking… maybe we start by cutting its fingers off.” Peter thought his heart would be merciful enough to stop at the younger captor’s words. “Oh! And then we can gouge its eyes out, since it doesn't deserve to see our newest member after what he did to her!”
What I did to…? What are they talking about!?
“I think the old man added a drill down there,” the male voice continued. “We could use that on its ears so it can't hear her.”
“I don't know… I think forcing it to hear its screams would be far more entertaining.” The younger captor sighed. “Maybe we save that for later, when it starts dying.”
One thought emerged in Peter's mind, a sliver of light he held to like a lifeline within the dark situation he found himself in.
At least they didn't have Sarah. Her sudden, unannounced work trip had become a blessing in disguise. Surely, she'd raise hell once she realized Peter was gone. Anyone would do so for their loved one.
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restlessmaknae · 2 years ago
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The tale of the young man whose voice was as beautiful as the moonlight, but whose voice could also kill.
➳ Characters: siren!Theo x princess!reader/you
➳ Genre: siren!au, curse!au, kingdom!au, fantasy, romance, angst
➳ Words: 4.4k
➳ Warning: mentions of blood, Theo killing people because he's a siren, major character death
➳ A/N: This story is part of my '5 words, 5 stories' series for which I wrote 5 totally different stories with 5 different band members featuring the same 5 words "I'm sorry, I love you". If you're interested in the other stories, check out this link! Otherwise, they can totally be read on their own. Dedicated to @dat-town ❤️
➳ Check out: my P1Harmony masterlist
➳ P1Harmony taglist: @dat-town, @tranquilpetrichor, @laaylaazyy, @americanokisses, @kuleo26, @hyu-won, @bamboongi, @syrxiee2, @wccycc, @littlestartonightsposts, @sunooslover, @chang-ryul
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Once upon a time, there was a boy named Taeyang. Taeyang was living with his parents beside the sea, his father a fishman, his mother a cook. Taeyang often accompanied his father to catch fish, assisting whenever he could, but it was rare that he went out fishing on his own. However, once, his father got sick, so Taeyang went out in his place because the family relied heavily on the man’s work.
It was odd being on his own, and he wondered whether there would be a thunderstorm that day. Storms were unexpectedly harsh and common these past few weeks, hence fishing was more difficult than usually. On the other hand, his father couldn’t afford to go fishing further away because they were occupied by other fishermen, they had their own territory, but where they lived was untouched.
Taeyang had heard some kids talk behind his back whenever he walked home from the market, they whispered about odd instances of people going missing after being at the shore and men jumping to their death from the rocks surrounding the water. No wonder no one dared to come close, and his father could use it to his advantage. His father didn’t believe in these tales though, he said they were mere rumours, and that this place was definitely not cursed.
The boy believed him, and he wanted to believe him even though messy grey clouds were already gathering above his head, the first warning of a soon-to-arrive storm. Taeyang let out a sigh, then got started on it. He did how his father had taught him, but he struggled so much with a catch, he wondered if he should keep pulling the tackle, but then he remembered his mother’s hopeless eyes when his father had come down with a fever, and he kept pulling and pulling… Until he pulled a beautiful female body out of the water.
The tackle got stuck in her blouse, and blood oozed out from her side - where the boy had possibly managed to strike her. Taeyang could barely believe what he saw, he was merely gaping at the sight and trying to pacify the crazy beating of his heart. This couldn’t be real. Why was she in the water? Taeyang should have seen if anyone had been around because he had been there for more than an hour. She had to swim super fast to get to the shore from afar if he hadn’t managed to see her before. Or…
“You…” The woman mumbled, and despite her being pulled out from water, her clothes were actually untouched as if she had merely been walking on the shore, not swimming in the water. How could this be? His eyes might have been playing tricks on him since that was simply not possible. She should have been soaking wet. Instead, her hair was shining, surrounding her heart-shaped face like a halo. She was beautiful, too beautiful, as if she had not been from this world.
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to,” Taeyang justified, but he felt like his explanation was of no use. She was a full grown woman and he was just a mere kid.
“You stupid fisherboy, you brought this upon yourself,” the woman warned him, but before he could ask what she meant, she grabbed him by the collar of his shirt, and sunk her teeth into his wrists.
Taeyang didn’t feel anything at first. To be precise, what he felt wasn’t a bite. He felt as if a strong current was pulling him under, as if he was drowning, as if he was trying to reach the surface to breathe, but as soon as she pulled away, his breathing became ragged, his lungs were on fire, and all he could think about was jumping into the water to cool himself down. Maybe if he just went in there, if he was surrounded by the waves, it would be alright…
“Stupid humans and their greed…” Taeyang heard the woman say even though it seemed like she was far, far away from him. He felt lightheaded, legs wobbly, and his vision becoming blurry. Colourful dots danced in his vision, and the scenery around him became like a carousel from which he couldn’t get off.
“Now you can ponder over your mistake forever. You and your family should have just left this part of the sea behind a long time ago,” she continued furiously, but as the boy’s eyes zoomed in on her, he caught sight of fangs, and now he wasn’t sure what was going on. Was he dreaming? It felt so real though…
Then, his vision slowly lost colour, and he found himself falling to the ground, his human body not being able to bear the bite of the siren.
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Taeyang thought of that incident as an odd one after all, and even though he was scolded by his parents for not catching anything that night, he insisted that he had been attacked, but the bite mark from the female didn’t show on his skin. Instead, a line was inked into his skin, and he couldn’t get it off no matter how much he tried to wash it off. It was a simple line, curving at the bottom. It was a drop of water, or a teardrop, depending on how you looked at it.
He didn’t give it too much thought, but whenever the boy wanted to walk to the market as he usually did in place of his parents, he couldn’t. He collapsed on the way or his feet didn’t move further, or he went there, but came back sick to the stomach. And it happened more and more often, so his parents kept him at home. After that, Taeyang spent a lot of time making drawings of the sea or helping out his mother in the kitchen or helping his father de-bone the fish. He made himself busy despite not leaving the house.
But then one day, he started singing out of boredom, and it changed everything. He wasn’t one to usually sing, but he felt this inner need in him to do so, and his parents also complimented his beautiful voice, so he continued on. He sang and sang, and he saw this adoring glint in his parents’ eyes as if they had been totally mesmerised by his voice, and that just made little Taeyang even happier. So he continued on, but soon enough, the glint in his parents’ eyes disappeared, and he saw horror in their orbs before they fell to the ground, their bodies numb.
Little Taeyang didn’t know it at the time, but as he grew older, he realised that the rumours were true and this shore was actually cursed. People went missing and men jumped to their death because this part of the sea was full of sirens. He met the beautiful woman whom he had injured later on, and she let him know that with her bite, he had become one of them. He couldn’t be away from water for long - a day at max -, his singing killed people even if his beauty was unmatched. Not to mention that he was now immortal, so the words of the woman - you can ponder over your mistake forever - made more sense.
“So you cursed me?” He inquired, still innocent, still just a child, barely 10.
“I didn’t curse you, boy. You did this to yourself. Your family didn’t listen to the warnings of the sea,” she explained eerily, and the boy had a feeling he knew what she meant. The constant storms, the sickness of his father, the fish being poisoned in the water… “I could have killed you, you know. Instead, I granted you immortality. You should be thankful. When you reach the age of 20, you will stay young forever,” she vocalised, her tone almost mischievous, and for a moment, Taeyang believed that what she was saying was of good intentions.
But then she smirked and her fangs showed, and he ran back to the house, scared of her, scared of the sea, and most important of all, scared of himself.
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Taeyang had to realise that she was right. Afterwards, his sense of time was never the same. Whether days passed or decades, he couldn’t tell. His only thirst was for the sea and for singing, and since he had this gawking inner desire to always stay close to the water, he couldn’t even think of ending the curse by going far away, by purposefully keeping himself off, by purposefully ending his life. The thought had crossed his mind, multiple times actually. The thought always hit him after singing people to death, after not being able to say no to his other desire: singing.
The truth is, despite the folktales of sirens being only females and kissing men to death, sirens could be males and females, and they didn’t kill with a kiss, they killed with their voice. Whether it was a male or a female, someone young or old, if he had the urge, he would have to sing sooner or later. He didn’t do it on purpose to kill people, but sometimes he couldn’t avoid it. When he saw the same terror in his victims’ eyes that he had seen in his own parents’, he thought of dying, but he couldn’t do so. He couldn’t get away from the water because his siren needs were greater than his human emotions.
Consequently, Taeyang knew better than to form bonds with people. Even if he managed to save a child from drowning or get something out of the water for an elderly lady, he couldn’t allow himself to get attached. If someone was immortal, getting attached would make their endless lives even more miserable. And so he didn’t.
Not until you.
He knew who you were even before you said so yourself. The truth is, he still went into the town to mingle with people just for the sake of it, he still ate food humans made just because he could do so, not because he was hungry for it, and he was still up-to-date with the important people in the seaside kingdom just because it entertained him (partly when it was about the ruckus they caused) and it helped his forever ongoing thoughts settle a bit. It also made him feel like he was one of them: one of the mortals.
“Why don’t you care who I am?”
Your question made sense. To you, Taeyang seemed like a mere boy - probably living by the seaside - in his loose cotton pants and loose shirt, unafraid of sitting by the edge of the cliff, looking over at the crystal clear water beneath his feet as if it had been the most fascinating sight ever known to mankind. You couldn’t have known just who he was or what he was, and the fact that he had lived through hundreds of years already, so he couldn’t care whether he spoke to royalty or common people.
“Because I’ve seen too much to care,” he justified, and it was true, he had seen too much. Nonetheless, you might have thought of a very different reasoning behind his words.
“Well, you are the first person to say that,” you mumbled, looking down at your intertwined hands. “You can guess why I am here, but why are you here?” You inquired with a raised eyebrow after a heartbeat of silence as you turned your gaze towards him.
Taeyang could indeed guess: you were there to get away from your responsibilities, to escape being a princess for some time before you would have to go back to the palace, go back to your supposedly perfect and supposedly loving family and fake smiles all the time.
“This is where I feel the most at home,” he admitted bitterly. No matter how much he loathed the sea, he still felt like it was where he belonged. He knew very well that it was because of his siren self, but it was true nevertheless.
“I wish I could feel the same.”
“Why don’t you try? You can jump into the water and see for yourself,” he suggested casually, and the reaction he received was truly amusing. Your eyes widened to double their size, your mouth was agape for a few seconds before you exclaimed in a high-pitched voice:
“Are you crazy? This dress cost a fortune,” you said as you pointed at your midnight blue dress that probably had more layers than the shades of the water underneath the cliff.
“You’ll never know if you don’t try,” Taeyang mentioned nonchalantly. He knew that to an extent he was a hypocrite because he didn’t try out a lot of things because he couldn’t do so anymore, but it should have been an encouragement. Or some sort of it.
You didn’t say anything at that time, but even that flash of bravery in your pitch-black eyes and hint of hesitation in your sweet voice were indicators that one day, you might be able to try it out, to break free.
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Taeyang was surprised that you kept coming back time after time. Sometimes you came during daylight, but mostly during nighttime, having escaped from the palace for the night because the young guards who were there (Keeho and Intak) both let you because you were on good terms with them. The siren found it pretty amusing that a princess could sneak out at nights because she was getting on well with the guards, but well, maybe it was some sweet compensation for you with your difficult life and all of your daunting duties.
And you did try to jump into the water, and since Taeyang was here, nothing could happen to you. Humans didn’t see sirens when they were in the water, so you couldn’t see any sirens even if they might have been around, and since you were just swimming in that lagoon he liked frequenting, there was only a small chance that any siren would come around. What you had to be most afraid of was Taeyang himself, but he avoided this particular lagoon and this part of the seaside when he felt the urge to sing (and ultimately kill with that). He had to be cautious, and he knew that he would have felt ashamed to be around you after having just killed someone, so he went swimming somewhere else.
Nevertheless, most of the time nothing happened, and you probably thought that he was just a young man from around here who liked the sea and this particular lagoon, and who always seemed to be in a combination of a loose (sometimes low-cut) shirt and loose pants. Truthfully, he couldn’t be bothered to dress in a different way even if his clothes were untouched when in the water. At least it was an advantage of being a siren.
Most of the time nothing happened, and you two could just be there, laughing about stories you told or talking about something deep as you particularly liked pondering about existential questions, and you weren’t afraid to speak your mind either.
“You know, it does feel a little bit like a home now,” you admitted once, and Taeyang did feel a sense of pride swell in his chest. A princess who didn’t feel herself at home anywhere started feeling like at home around his home?
“Oh, really?” He quirked an eyebrow, a smile playing along the curves of his lips. He leaned forward as if teasing, as if testing if you were honest or just joking, but you didn’t take it lightly. You kept looking at him, looking into his deep, dark eyes, and Taeyang felt something in him twist as you gazed at him. He was convinced that he could only feel the urge for two things: to be near the sea and to let his voice out to sing, to kill people because he recharged his energy for his siren self from these activities.
On the other hand, now, looking at your wet hair sticking to your skin, your dress tight on your body because you had just come out of the water, your eyes shining like a child’s when watching something marvellous, Taeyang had the urge to do something else, something more humane.
“Really.” You bobbed your head, your smile still not fading. He couldn’t tell whether you didn’t feel the same way or you didn’t mind the close proximity, but Taeyang assumed that you were unbothered unlike him. At least, until you didn’t lean closer as well. “But it’s because you’re here. It feels like home because you’re here.”
It only took a few seconds before the fire was ignited in his heart, and he leaned forward to close the distance between you just when you did so, thus you met in the middle. The kiss tasted of salty seawater, words that died on the tip of his tongue, burning touches of each other’s tongue, and vulnerable, momentary sparkles of hope. Ever since becoming a siren, this was the moment he felt the most humane, and the desire he felt then couldn’t be compared to the desire to sing or to swim. It was something more, it was something completely different.
And it was over before he could realise, and you leaned back, biting on your lip like a nervous little girl having stolen something. Then, you looked up at him, and he looked back at you, and when you sat closer to snuggle up to his chest, it felt like the most natural thing to do. So he let you, and you kept talking until your mouth ran dry, and one thing really stuck with him.
“And you know, you’re pretty wise for your age,” you said jokingly, and even though Taeyang knew that it wasn’t completely true, he also knew that you made him think differently of his immortal life.
“Well, it does seem like in all this eternity of a life, you bring in something you. As if life slowed down a bit when you’re here,” he confessed truthfully, and when you looked up at him, he could see just how touched you were. You thanked him with a kiss instead of words, and Taeyang felt like he couldn’t get enough, enough of you.
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He knew that he was playing a dangerous game - not just because of what he was, but because of who you were. You two were like the sun and the moon, you should have never overlapped each other’s territory, if you did, it should have been for the briefest of moments, but now, Taeyang didn’t know just when the fall would come. Despite how others described love, he didn’t feel like falling with you, he felt like flying with you - weightless, hovering somewhere in between reality and dreams and looking at the world around you from afar. As if you two were just two birds crossing the sky, and all the problems of the big bad world around you were minuscule.
Since he felt like this, he had a feeling that a fall would come - not even a fall, a crash. Falls were inevitable due to strong winds and external factors, but a crash was what was most painful and unexpected. You were a princess after all and he was a siren, you were mortal and he was immortal, you should have probably married someone of your rank and he should have never fallen in love with a human, but still… It felt so right being with you, it felt so humane, and no matter how much he would like to deny it, he missed this humane side of his. The heart palpitations whenever you were too close to him to let the opportunity go, the burning sensation that you left on his skin whenever you let go of him after holding his hand for sometime, the thrilled shivers going down his spine whenever he caught sight of you walking towards the lagoon, and that deep, deep feeling in his heart that you were there, with him, for him, and you cared.
And Taeyang, oh how much he thought that he was being careful, but maybe he was blinded by all those sun-tainted kisses, all the salty water flavours of you, all the shades your eyes took on whenever you were swimming in the sea under the midnight moonlight, all the layers you could show him affection and all the colours you brought into his life. And he be damned for not telling you about what he was sooner…
Because when you were sitting on the rocks together, your head resting in the crook of his neck, fingers intertwined in his lap, watched by the eerie moonlight, Taeyang could feel his siren self reaching into him, and slowly - like a tremor - spreading through his body. He wanted to quiet it down, he wanted to numb it, but it just kept coming on stronger and stronger, the waves pulling him under. It always started slow, but would come on soon, and he knew he needed to act fast.
“I… I have to go…” He said hastily, letting go of your hand, trying to push himself off the ground when you reached after his arm, looking up at him with wide, worried eyes. His heart broke at the sight, but he had to go against what his heart wished for, what your heart wished for.
“Where are you going? What’s wrong?”
“You don’t understand. I can’t be around you. You should go,” he insisted, and damn you, why did you have such a strong grip? Why couldn’t you let him go?
“Then make me understand, Taeyang. You can’t just leave like…” You left the sentence hanging in the air as the boy yanked your hand away. He knew that the sea wasn’t far away, but his siren self was resurfacing soon, and he didn’t know if he had enough time, especially with you still in his footsteps.
“Run, please, go… I don’t want to hurt you,” he pleaded as he gave you one last glance before jumping from the rock to another, feet moving as fast as he could. He didn’t even look where he was going or if you were still there, he just concentrated on getting to the edge of the cliff, so he could jump from it. With him in the water, you wouldn’t hear him sing, and that’s exactly what he wanted.
But he faltered and fell, his feet slipping between two rocks, and he yelped - what exactly he shouldn’t have because you turned back hearing his cry and asked if he was okay. You shouldn’t have… you should have gone further, and he should have already been in the water, but there he was, face bruised from falling onto the uneven rocks, ankle hurting where it came in contact with the cold hard surface, and he felt it coming, he felt it nearing… It was too late, he was too late…
He gathered all the strength he had left though, and pushed himself off the ground, but his siren self was stronger, and with you getting closer to him again, he couldn’t keep it in. He opened his mouth and started singing. Afterwards, it was like a battle between his human and siren selves, the song a plea, a cry, a warning, but all he could see was wonder in your eyes - the same kind of wonder he had seen in his parents’ eyes before he had killed them.
He just kept on going, but his human self was strong and wanted to leave, wanted to escape, his feet moving on their own, but you were already under his spell, and soon enough, your eyes widened, awe replaced by terror, and soon, your body bent like a flower in the wind, and you feel to the rocks. His human side knew he couldn’t do anything more for you, but he still jumped towards you to be able to catch you in time.
When he did so, he laid you in his lap, and despite the previous times he held you like this, he felt no warmth, no thrill now. Your body was fragile, it seemed weightless - given up on fighting the power his voice held. His voice that called your name sweetly, teasingly, lovingly so many times… now it was turning you sick, turning you…
When the song came to an end, your lips curled upwards for the briefest moment as you whispered:
“I knew it. You have the most beautiful voice, my siren,” you half-said, half-coughed through your last breaths, and Taeyang held you tighter as if it could avoid or prolong the moment he had to let go of your body that had started to go cold. Why did he have to have such a special ability if he couldn’t save anyone, let alone the one who saved him? Why did he have to bear the weight of his loved ones falling to their death because of him? Was it really his sin to carry?
“I’m sorry…” He cried out, his voice raspy and pleading and bleeding. Nothing like the beautiful singer, he felt like his voice was the ugliest now, the rawest, the most sorrowful as the words rolled off his tongue. “I love you,” he confessed through tears, and your eyelashes flattered as if you had heard him, but then, you closed your eyes for one last time.
All the colours of his surroundings, all the light from the moonlight, all the beckoning whispers from the sea seemed to fade away, seemed to numb into darkness. There was nothing else, just the last image of your loving eyes burned into his brain, the last warmth coming from your body as you still held onto him despite the song of death reaching your ears, and despite the fact that he had all the time in the world, an eternity left of his damn immortal life, it felt like nothing, it felt useless without you in it.
The world seemed soundless for the first time.
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A/N: I hope you enjoyed reading the fic despite its tragic ending! I can't say that I didn't feel bad for killing off a character, but I feel like such an AU called for such an ending (but I know I've also written a siren AU before where they lived happily ever after...).
Anyways, the Harmony: All In concept photos definitely did inspire me to write a siren!Theo fic (hence the header), though I have to admit this was supposed to be a Golcha Y fic at first. Nevertheless, I think the whole plot fits Theo more, so I hope you don't mind that I've changed it from a Golcha fic to a P1Harmony one.
As always, you can let me know what you thought through asks/DMs/reblogs. ❤️
If you want to read more stories of mine, let it be for P1Harmony or for other bands/artists, consider signing up for my taglist here.
Hope you have a lovely day/night! Take care! ❤️
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sabbathbloodysabbeth · 1 year ago
It’s been a minute sense I’ve written anything so I guess take this idea that I’m kind of going with right now? If anyone wants more just say something, because I’m considering continuing this au I have an idea how to introduce Robin and Eddie.
When the apocalypse started Steve was barely twenty, at the prime of his youth. Waking up every morning to go on runs, go to his fathers firm and work a 9 to 5 and be back in time before a big game on the tv.
Before the apocalypse started Steve had perfect vision, perfect hearing and an overall exceptional life. The white picket fence American dream some would call it.
Now, in the middle of the apocalypse Steve has creaky bones, shitty hearing, and more gray hair then both his parents did combined. He was only twenty five and looked older then the oldest person in the group, who was in their mid thirties.
“Stop that,” Nancy taps in Morse code at the center of Steve’s wrist, that was connected to the hand that was nervously tugging at his hair. The gentle beating of his heart vibrating against her fingertips, a huge reminder that he was still alive.
“Stop what?” Steve whispers close to her ear, keeping as much of this as he could private. Eyes flickering over the heads around them to double check that no one was trying to eavesdrop.
“The hair thing.” Nancy taps easily into his wrist, still looking forward as they walk. Sending a friendly smile towards a guard when they look between the two of them. Not much light meeting her eyes as she does.
Steve holds back an annoyed puff of air, knowing exactly what she was talking about. He had this tendency to fidget with his hair when he got nervous, and this was a very nerve wracking time for all of them.
If they didn’t get to the assignment table quick enough then they were out of a job for the day. Which meant less ration cards. And with out ration cards they weren’t going to be able to eat, and Steve and Nancy had already pulled out the emergency ration cards they kept out off to the side for occasions like this.
This was their third F.E.D.R.A base this year alone. It seemed like the fireflies were picking each one off faster then they could even get up on their feet.
Steve immediately listens to Nancy and moves his wrist back down, not pulling away from the others gentle touch. Taking another step forward in the line as they send each other fleeting glances. This was their last hope, or else they would have to go live out on their own. And the people out in the wild were a lot scarier then the FEDRA guards.
The line slowly dwindles down to one person ahead of them. The second that person takes their assignment and moves around Steve nearly tackles the table from desperation. An equally desperate look on his face as he watches the guard carefully, who was now standing up and closing the job book. That, was not a good sign.
Steve’s heart drops to his gut as the woman gives him a slight shake of her head before she starts to walk away, along with the rest of the guards giving job assignments at the table.
“Fuck-” Steve hisses out, taking a step backwards so that he was longer leaning on the table. Tilting his head he makes eye contact with Nancy who looked just as desperate as him. Both of them glancing around, hearing sobs from tired people who needed the work.
Like the days before, they both sulkenly head back down the side walk. They still had tomorrow but no food.
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rwby-encrusted-blog · 8 months ago
So for Rementent's extended family. Did Samus in this Rwby was Ridley a intelligent Grimm that murdered her family or was he a fanuas? Either way I see him working for Salem. He is called The Cunning God of Death.
It was a cool mistralian night. The grimm in the area had quieted down recently, and a Young Samus Aran watched the stars with delight, the delicate golden feathers along the back of her neck shifting as she gazed in wonder.
And then the screaming started.
A massive, leathery grimm, a kind unknown to humanity was toppled the main belltower of the village, crushing some guards that ran to fight it, many others caught in its putrid, glowing breathe that rained down from above.
Its head was elongated into a point, mouth long like an alligator's, full of hundreds of sharp teeth stained red with blood.
It was scrawny, seemingly little more than a skeleton, yet it took every blow that landed and kept crawling, flying, sprinting. It charged through the streets, devouring and slaying any person it came across.
Samus clung to her mother, the horse beneath them moving at full gait, her father having stayed behind to help as many people escape. The young girl peeked her head out form around her mother, just catching the sight of the massive beast swoop in at truly impossible speeds, lashing its tail forward - Into her mother's chest.
They were thrown from the horse, her mother gasping and wheezing as the massive creature crushed her beneath its foot, the beast seemingly grinning at the crunch of bone and squelch of organ, before it turned to Samus.
She had broken her leg when they were thrown from the horse. She couldn't run, she could hardly crawl, left alone as this thing, this Apex Predator of Grimm.
It's Pus-Yellow eyes bored into the girl as it slowly, methodically lurched toward her, some putrid, gurgling laugh bubbled up form it's throat as it pinned her with one arm, the purple flame inside its mouth welling up.
Samus was too scared to feel it.
This was it.
She was dead.
At least, she was until a dagger plunged into the grimm's eye, the well of energy scorching a nearby tree.
It was tackled off of her, a large man in full plate armor was on top of it, beating it with his hands, as a blond woman in leather armor lifted and carried Samus away, shoving something in her mouth.
"This is going to hurt, but I need to set your leg. Bite down on that instead of screaming if you can."
It hurt worse than when it broke, followed by a wave of nausea that made her puke, crying harder than she that night.
The woman place a hand on Samus's chest, muttering something and unlocking the young girls aura.
And then she passed out.
Samus woke up in her bunk.
It was that night again. It was always that night.
She strode into the small cooking section, preparing navy-style coffee, running her hands over a photo of her family. Her mom, the woman who saved her. Her dad, the man that beat that Grimm with his hands until it limped away for its own life. Her many, many cousins, siblings, and nieces and nephews.
She moved her cannon off the table, designed after her Father's own weapon.
The original had been melted onto his arm at some point after he went to help people.
She missed them. Often, and a lot.
But she had this family too. It's weird and big and sometimes suffocating with love, but she wouldn't change them for the world, even if they got on her nerves alot.
Ridley wasn't always this, as much as he wished he was.
No, no, there was a time when he was just another body for the grimm to tear into.
Now he was on the Winning side!
That first night, oh that GLORIOUS first night! The screams, the crunching, the destruction!
licked his eye, long since healed physically, but was still pissed at the bastard that took it originally.
Yeah if he had listened to orders and fallen back after wrecking shit he wouldn't have gotten stabbed, but where was the fun in running? It's all about the Chase!
That Tyrian guy knew what he was talking about!
But, Salem figured he'd had TOO much fun, grounded him for a while while she worked on a more "subservient" experiment.
Whatever the "Hound" was. Thing'd probably just be an attack dog for her, no fun at all.
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cloudcountry · 2 years ago
I HAVE I HAVE i love putting deuce in royalty au positions because he is just so PERFECT for any role. im gonna go on a rant that reads like a quick fic so like uhhhh HEAR ME OUT
Deuce wasn't always a knight.
He started from a humble beginning, just him and his mom on their farm that his father left a long time ago. He sells stuff at the market for his mom because she can’t make the journey alone now. She’s getting older and Deuce knows he’s going to have to step up and take care of her now, just like she did for him.
You, the heir to the throne, sneak out because you enjoy the market so much. You find his stall and the two of you talk, realizing how similar you are.
There’s more in this world that you want to experience.
You’re both stuck.
And so he vows to come back again and you two keep talking. He takes you to a clearing where he likes to think and wrestle with the other village boys. You ask him if he thinks he can beat you, and he gets this wicked smirk on his face before rolling up his sleeves.
He’s in love.
He starts training harder, fully aware that he needs to be able to protect you if you two were ever attacked while you were out.
A few years later, the annual festival has a sword-fighting event. You beg Deuce to join since the prize money would be enough to sustain him and his mother for a year. He takes your advice and joins, and you proudly step up to be his sponsor. At this point, the king and queen themselves are wondering what has you so interested in this farm boy, but you simply tell them to sit back and see.
Deuce exceeds your expectations. He wipes the floor with everyone and gives you such a radiant smile after the final opponent is down.
Your heart is fluttering.
Word spreads fast throughout the kingdom and people eventually start questioning whether someone with that considerable talent will be hired.
He should, right?
In fact, the king should have him be the heir’s personal guard since he’s that good.
And so the king calls him back to the castle, where he’ll have to face off with the king’s own forces. You’re a bit nervous but hold your head high as you sit next to your father.
Deuce does remarkably well until-
Until he loses against one of the higher-ranked guards, who hits him in the chest with the end of his dummy sword.
You gasp, heart plummeting. There’s no way your father would allow him to be your guard now that he failed and-
“You’re good.” the king says, and he’s smiling and suddenly your heart is soaring again because that means-!
“Not good enough to be the heir’s guard.”
“But I will train you. Getting this far on your own is impressive. Well done, Sir Spade.”
You can’t help but tackle him when the two of you are alone, nearly crushing his spine with the force of your hug. The boy you adore is going to be your protector. You’ll be closer than ever.
He seems a bit down, though. You ask him about his mom. He says he’ll be sending her money, but this new career will be so demanding that he’ll have to give up on seeing her.
“No you won’t.” you say stubbornly, “I will convince my father to let us travel down a route that will allow you to see your mother when we go out. I will also extend a helping hand to your farm with donations and labor. I know the two of you do not want to abandon your home. Just because you work for me now doesn’t mean you have to give up who you are.”
He thanks you profusely and thinks about kissing you for the rest of the night.
Eventually, there’s a ball for you to find a suitable husband. It’s a masquerade one, that being the tradition in your kingdom. You know you’re supposed to be unbiased and judge based on character, but when you see the familiar sea-blue eyes and dark blue hair peeking out from under his ridiculous hat, you can’t help but let Deuce occupy all of your time.
Once the ball ends, you name Deuce your husband.
He finally gets to kiss you.
“Everything I did, my beloved, was for you,” Deuce states, like it was the most obvious thing in the universe, “And I would do it over a hundred times without hestiation.”
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naddpod-encounter-tourney · 2 years ago
Truly what can one say about Reborn?
It begins, beautifully, with Hardwon getting a real chance to meet Lydia and explain to her what she means to him as a person, even without her direct influence on his life.
We then get the reincarnation. Almost rolling a gnome. Seeing melora again, getting tattooed. "I've been a half elf ever since I met you." The hammer taking hardwon back. The wrestling match. The fact that the audio was nearly lost to the ages, but Emily was able to recover it with a years-old forum post.
Entering Hill Home. Bev stopping to buy a comic about a cleric (Emily's cleric) to give to Erlin. Finding out that Erllin and Egwene have been off on their own adventures with Red and Gunther.
Bev’s devastating truth. Erlin’s natural, yet painful, reaction. Egwene reassuring Bev. Balnor’s reaction, making sure Bev knew this happens to people, and that things can still work out.
Moonshine meeting Lucanus. “Hey mom and dad!” Hardwon tackling Denny. Denny getting polymorphed into a boot because he’s just that weak. The conversation with Meemaw. The actual introduction to Lucanus. “A man who never thought he’d have a child, holding his child.”
Talking to Martha Toegold. The fact that she knows already what happened to Bev IV. Telling Bev about the tree in the back. “A Bestiary of Devils and Archdevils by the paladin Beverly Toegold I”. “Your father has given you an instruction manual on how to beat him”.
Every single goddamn thing in between. Goddamn.
Heart of the World:
The Boobs take the Stormborn to the Court of Gods. They write letters to their loved ones and put them in the contingency cubby.
After a bit of a difficult trek, they happen upon a wall where they can hear the wishes and prayers of the citizens of Bahumia. They offer a “We are here for you” in return, and are rejuvenated by the reaction to their presence.
Once they get close, they call their berserkers. Moonshine turns them into elephants, then summons pixies to make the elephants fly. The Titans of Bahumia fly into battle Thiala on elephants. (Murph is given the chance to leave Emily over any of that bullshit if he so pleases).
The battle with Thiala begins. She brings back Galad. Hardwon does 297 freaking damage in the first turn. 1,082 total by the end of the fight. Moonshine uses cantrips where they count. Bev takes on his own fungal form, and eventually casts a bonus action revivify on Hardwon. Balnor dukes it out with some angels.
They see what the mind of Thiala wants them to experience. I cannot do the flashbacks as much justice as @misslevel , so here are those comments on them from a previous round.
Thiala takes a second form. Uses Alanis and Ulfgar to harness their energy and make things worse. Tries to actually destroy Melora’s heart, holding the world together. Moonshine uses Handy Andy to steal Erlin, he’s freed from the gem, and able to help heal everyone. Bev, Balnor, and Hardwon keep swinging.
Nearing the end and fearing things will get so much worse (Balnor and Hardwon keep going down), Moonshine casts Shapechange and turns into a Gold Dragon. She eats Thiala.
The Titans of Bahumia return their divine heart fragments to Melora, as they were just borrowing it. They give Pelor his heart back, resurrecting him. They save the last one for the Dusk Mother, and give her rule over the one hells, renaming it The Ruby Dawn.
Old Alanis, the traveler, returns, and asks Balnor if he’s ready. He says tearful goodbyes and returns to his timeline, ready to destroy the hounds and save his village. “It’s okay, Balnor. I knew like all the most powerful things in this world, I was only borrowing you.”
We move forward in time. They start finishing off Akarot. Set up the ritual to destroy the Hellfire Crown. Hardwon visits his father in Kord’s Great Hall. Bev and Erlin get to be kids.
A year later, they return to Moonstone for the Jamboreen.
Moonshine reacquaints herself with the dragon she hatched and invites him to live with her at the Crick. Hardwon asks for the same offer, and it is given quickly. They read Balnor’s letter by the fire. Our story then ends where it began, in The Hungry Trout Tavern.
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cutekittenlady · 1 year ago
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 3
Picking up where we left off, I decide to do some last minute exploring around Aspertia City and managed to get an ultra ball! I think its only available from an npc in one of the houses after you beat the gym. Still happy I chose to explore. An ultra ball is a pretty good item this early in the game.
Heading towards Virbank from Aspertia I KO a few wild pokemon on the way. Once on my way out of Floccesy town Bianca catches up. Turns out she wants to update our pokedex to add a habitat feature which helps figure out which pokemon are in an area.
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She also tells us about rustling grass which is one of hte only ways to get certain pokemon in this game. I will likely be including such pokemon in the polls in the future.
Once we get onto route 20 a hiker is blocking our path and wont let us through without a gym badge. When we show him we have one he immediately starts a battle.
He starts with a riolu and I send out aries. Riolu hits with a quick attack while I have Aries use cotton spore to slow it down. I then use thunderwave to paralyze the little tyke. Riolu used foresight making Aries easier to hit and followed up with endure. Aries used thundershcok to deal some damage but while it does decent damage its not enough to get into the red. Riolu hits with another quick attack and I have Aries use thundershock again. This gets riolu in the red. I try to finish him off with tackle but he uses endure before I can, letting him hang on by 1 hp. Paralysis keeps riolu from counterattacking though so Aries next tackle takes him out.
After that I head down the stairs and run into Hugh and Cheren again. Cheren tells us about the dark grass where you can sometimes face 2 pokemon instead of just 1 and they can be stronger than regular pokemon. He then gives us some Pecha berries and takes off.
I decide to have Aries beat up a small childs psyduck for exp. I mean, there IS going to be another gym coming up. With that concious clearing thought I beat up a little girls lillipup.
This is pokemon. You gotta harden your heart a little XD
After beating up several little childrens pets Bentley winds up at level 15 and Aries at level 13. On our way through the gate to Virbank the desk lady stops me, judges me by the number of pokemon I have and gives me some great balls.
I mean I'm not saying no to free stuff but still
Not two steps into Virbank and our mom calls. UUUUUGH I'm only one town over MOM. I even have a murder bean and an electricfied wool blanket to keep me safe! LET ME LIVE MY LIFE.
Good thing we hung up on ma when we did or else we wouldn't get to see this juicy drama unfold.
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This guy wants to be both a ship captain AND movie star!
Yeah home boy dream BIG
But his... daughter? tells him how hes already a captain with, like, responsibilities and stuff and how if he doesnt move his ship stuff will go bad. But daddy-boy has a good comeback. evidently his daughter is the gym leader but also a member of a band. If she can do it why can't he? He then swaggers off like a BOSS
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ROXIE! That is no way to speak to your father!
Maybe I should go to the gym and teach her a leson about respecting her elders.... later. I gotta heal up the team at the pokecenter. Plus, honestly? This is the first town I've been to on my own. Imma EXPLORING.
And with that I do things like talk to strangers, find "antidotes" in trash cans, be given burn medicine, pokeballs by complete strangers, etc.
I'm also going to go play in a construction zone and (checks polls) try and catch a growlithe! This is also the first area where shaking grass becomes available which means Audino is now available for grin training which is going to come in handy down the line. At the moment though I really don't want to over level my team so I think I may try prioitizing catching a growlithe over trainer battles for as long as I can. Although I am going to opt to hunt for a growlithe in the dark grass to both increases my chances for an encounter, as well as increase my chances for a higher level growlithe.
Not only do I eventually successfully encounter a growlithe, but the very start of the fight lets me see that it has the Intimidate ability which is arguably one of the great core abilities of the game.
I have Bentley at the front of the party so he is sent out first but I pretty quickly swap into Aries to paralyze Growlithe. Plus this Growlithe is level 14 so using Aries, who is one level under it, might be the better call. It helps that fire types take neutral damage to electric as well. Although the fact htat its raining in gme may change that a bit. After two thundershocks and taking a couple of embers Aries successfully gets Growlithe into the yellow. Not wanting to repeat Bentleys murder spree from earlier, and wanting a new team member of the poison type gym, I opt to go ahead and try throwing a great ball. (I'd like to save the ultra ball I got in Aspertia for later potential catches).
And with that our little lady Growlithe is caught!
In a bit of selfish irl insertment I've opted to name this little spitfire after my families elderly dog. (I'm not the first person to name one of their pokemon after an irl pet and I wont be the last)
Course after giving it such a personal name I was relieved to see she had a Hardy nature and could fit into the team dynamic!
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Welcome to the team Molly!
With Molly successfully caught, I can now safely construct and release the next set of catching polls! Once I have those posted up, I'm going to go ahead and play through the Virbank Complex more or less on my own so i can train up my team in preparation for Roxies gym battle!
For now though I'm going to end this post here and we'll be able to tackle Roxies gym battle, POkestar studios, and potentially the beginnings of Castelia City in the next part!
Thanks for reading and keep an eye out for those polls!
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avictimofthejazz · 2 years ago
The Hardest Talk--Missy & Face
Continued from HERE
Missy’s anger is predictable, something Face expects as soon as he starts talking. It is the way of teenagers—to lash out violently when their sensitive spots are pricked, and exposed to the light. Her emotions are running through her like a roller coaster, first sinking lower, before rising to an angry high point, before dropping down again. He lets her run through them, from her defeated admission that she is giving everyone what they want, through her defense of settling for Stetson, to her sudden outburst when he spots the bruises. When she stands up, he does so too in a subtle gesture meant to stop her from storming out. To reach the front door, she has to get through him, and he might be comfortably into his forties now, but he is still a formidable barrier to an irate teenager. Besides, he suspects Missy is having a moment of dramatic flair. As much as she might claim it, she does not really want to go storming out of his house. “Take it easy, Missy.” Face holds up one hand as Missy blurts out a glimpse of her pain regarding George’s early death. “I’m not trying to sound like your father. I just sound like a father. We all get the same basic manual the minute our first daughter is born, and interfering with her teenage desire to date jerks is on page 183. He knows Missy has never had a proper chance to grieve for George. It had all been chaos and madness since he passed, and Missy threw herself into partying and chasing boys rather than dealing with her losses. Face tilts his head as Missy gives an explanation for her bruises. “Okay… so maybe a few bruises came when he had to yank you away from the bus—I’ll give you that one. I’ve left bruises too, when I had to tackle people out of danger. But what about these ones?” The con artist gestures at some fading marks higher up on her arms, like she had been pinned in place. “Or these?” He points out a few purple-ish marks just peeking out from her tee-shirt near her collarbone. “Since you don’t play any serious contact sports, I can’t imagine those bruises came from anything other then a guy getting too rough with you.” Face takes a deep breath, his eyes narrowing seriously. “I’ve spent most of my life doing really stupid stuff—in school, in the army, when I was on the run… it was pretty much my M.O. No matter how badly I pissed off Father O’Malley, or Hannibal, or even Amy, none of them have ever hit me over it.” He automatically discounts play-swats, friendly tackles, and light cuffs up the back of his head. Those are natural outcomes of interacting with old friends, most of whom are men. “Even when BA threatened to punch me in the face, and he probably had a right too, he never actually did it. That’s because you don’t hit people you love, no matter how much they annoy you, or how stupid their choices are. If Aaron is knocking you around because he says you’re doing stupid things and deserve it, then he’s lying. It doesn’t matter how stupid your choice might be, or how dangerous an action was. There’s nothing in this world you can do to deserve getting hit.”
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Missy’s outburst passes, and her next statement is much quieter. It also gives Face some painful context for how her mind is trying to rationalize the situation she is in. “Is it really better then being a nobody, if you have to pay for it in pounds of flesh?” he asks gently. “I know you’re lonely, and I know how crippling it feels to be alone… but trust me, guys who beat you aren’t a solution. They’ll just isolate you, and make you feel even more alone in the long run. It’s better to be single and free, then to be surrounded by people who only want things from you.” Face’s last statement carries the heavy weight of experience in it. He has spent years learning that painful lesson firsthand, discovering that his best friends are the people who want nothing from him except that he exist in the same world they do. That is why, no matter how fond he is of BA and Hannibal, he always declares Amy and Murdock to be his best friends. From the very first moments of their friendship, they did not want anything from him. Neither of them wanted him to scam anything, or steal something or supply answers. They just want him to exist, and to share their lives. It would take him years to realize just how liberating those friendships were to him. To not be wanted for his skills, but merely for himself made him look at his life, and the variety of masks that covered it, in a new way. Eventually, those friendships gave him enough courage to begin dismissing a few of those masks, and growing comfortable in his own skin. That is the kind of friendship Missy needs, honestly… but unfortunately, she is reaching a stage where her relationship with Callie is not nearly enough. She wants the attentions and validations that can only come from a young man… and Aaron is the kind of man who preys on that vulnerability, and manipulates it into something ugly.  
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george-washingmachine73 · 8 months ago
“You shouldn’t have said that”
just a small oneshot, post movie.
If there’s one thing everyone knows in encanto it’s that you don’t insult the Madrigals, with the family being in town all the time it’s bound to get back to you one way or another
Mirabel was walking through town, minding her own business like she always had, her eyes were focused on the book in front of her and her ears tuned out all conversations around her, she was in her own little world and was content that way, the town was content to let her stay that way as well.
 “-that bruja, Pepa Madrigal, ever since the magic came back she has refused to water the crops for us, her husband gets angry whenever we bring it up! Last time I checked our town eating is more important than her stupid emotions, she’s already super emotional anyway, after she’s done crying she forgets about it and leaves us to deal with all the damage, she doesn’t care about it because it’s all ‘clear skies’ again”
 Mirabel stopped and listened when she heard Pepas name, with each new line of complete bullshit that left that guys mouth she could feel herself growing angrier, she wasn’t about to let him get away with badmouthing her amazing tia, she looked up and saw that it was Diego, of course it was him, he was a farmers son and always complained too much, he had a huge ego and expected everything to be done for him, then bragged about amazing and difficult feats he most certainly hadn’t accomplished, he also bullied Mirabel, she would let him get away with that but this was too far.
 “What the hell did you just say about my tia? Just because she won’t water your fathers fields for him doesn’t mean that you’re gonna starve, there’s a river right beside your house! You’re just too lazy to put any actual work into “your” farm, if you can even call it that, my sisters grows your plants for you and my tia waters them, but even when she does that you find something to complain about, you were whining about the destruction in her wake, what, were the fields a little too muddy for you to do your weekly walk through? That’s the only actual work you do on your farm, any actual damage done by her is repaired by her and Luisa!”
 Mirabel wanted to say more, her tia was very aware of the damage she caused, one time Luisa (who was the only one able to bear the full power of her storms) had gotten struck by lightning and Pepa spent the entire week apologizing and offering to chores for her, she even gave up drinking black coffee so Luisa could have more, when Luisa recovered they jumped right back into arguing about it again though.
 Diego looked shocked and angry, Mirabel wasn’t wrong but she just called him out in the middle of town, he wasn’t about to take that
 “shut up you stupid nobody, what are you gonna do about it? Cry? Even as terrible as your tias gift is at least she got one, I bet your family wants nothing more than to get rid of you”
She turned the other direction and started walking away, at least he had stopped talking about her family, that was all that really mattered to Mirabel, she still really wanted to teach him a lesson for saying that about her tia but she could let it go, this time, but if he said one more thing-
“-you’re nothing but a curse like your tio Bruno! I guess being a failure runs in the family”
 Mirabel stopped in her tracks, growling under her breath so quietly no one but Dolores could hear
 “you shouldn’t have said that”
 Isabela and Camilo were in the small crowd that formed around the yelling teens, they could see Mirabel stopped and her lips moving, they heard what the other boy said and were about to go beat him up themselves when Mirabel whipped around and tackled him, making him hit the stony street instantly, he cried out on pain but Mirabel didn’t give him a chance to recover, instantly pouncing on top of him and punching him over and over, he threw a few weak punches in her direction but Mirabels barely felt them, she was too intent on breaking every bone in his body, when his nose cracked she smiled, that was one down.
 Isabela and Camilo watched from the side, neither of them made a move to help the boy, Camilo was debating grabbing popcorn, Isabela had a slight grin on her face
 “should we step in or..?”
 “Nah, she’s got this”
 nobody in the crowd wanted to get in the fray of that, when Mirabel hit she hit hard, Diego’s eyes were both swollen and purple, his nose was bent out of shape and bleeding profusely, his lips were split and puffy, blood ran from his mouth, a weak groan escaped his lips but Mirabel wasn’t done yet, her mind was a haze of anger.
 Dolores finally arrived on the scene pulling Luisa behind her, she knew this was the most likely outcome when she heard Diego and Mirabel start to argue so she went to find Luisa, Luisa strode forward and split the crowd, pushing through them easily, she didn’t look surprised by Mirabels violence, more tired or unimpressed, this obviously want her first rodeo.
 She reached towards Mirabel, trying to get a grip on her while dodging her flailing limbs, but she failed and got punched across the jaw and in the arms a few times before she could finally slightly pull Mirabel off of Diego, he groaned and tried to sit up but Mirabel broke out of Luisa’s grasp, she reached and grabbed a large vase that was on display outside of the potters and swung it around, Luisa kept Mirabel from reaching Diego and in her rage she blindly turned her violence on Luisa, swinging the vase at her instead but Luisa brought a forearm up and blocked it from hitting the side of her head, as Mirabel recovered from the momentum of swinging such a heavy object Luisa grabbed her, tucking her underneath an arm and pinning her still punching arms to her sides.
 Luisa reached down to the ground and picked up Mirabels glasses, it would be impossible to put them on without them falling off again, Mirabel was shaking her head and gnashing her teeth, her entire body was trying to wiggle out of Luisa’s grip, Luisa just folded them and put them on the front of her shirt and used her free hand to try and steady Mirabels head while taking sternly to her
 “you need to calm down hermanita, I won’t put you down until you are under control again”
 Diego coughed, finally managing to stand up before collapsing into the arms of his friends, he tried to speak through swollen lips
 “She’s fucking psychotic! She could’ve killed me! She needs to be-“
 “You shut up” Luisa sneered, now looming angrily over him with a still rabid Mirabel under her arm, she glared down at him and he shrunk a little more
 “if I hear one more fucking word leave your mouth I’ll be the one trying to break all of your bones, and I’ll succeed”
 he whimpered under gaze and tried to walk away, half limping with a friend under each arm while hissing in pain, he tried not to fall over his own feet when Luisa called after him
 “you can forget about seeing my mama for your pain, Dolores will tell her about everything you said”
Luisa eventually made it back to her room, Mirabel would give a halfhearted jerk every few steps but had mostly tired herself out, her teeth were tightly clenched together so Luisa couldn’t feed her yet with the few arepas she grabbed on her way through the kitchen.
 Luisa sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, wishing Mirabel want so damn protective of her family, then she wouldn’t have to waste her time and energy stopping her from murdering random people in the street every few weeks, while it was awesome to see awful people get what they deserve it would be considerably less awesome if her hermanita was convicted of first degree murder.
 Luisa gave Mirabel a gentle squeeze as she wiggled again
 “I’m gonna put you down now, but if you try to hit me again I’m gonna pick you right back up”
 Mirabel growled in response, but didn’t attempt to swing at Luisa as she got set on her feet, Luisa sat on her bed so they were at the same level and put her hands on Mirabels shoulders
 “What did I say about attacking people”
 “…not to do it”
 “And what do you do if you feel like attacking someone”
 “…get you or Isabela”
 “this is the second time this month Mira”
 “he deserved it! He was saying the most awful things about-“
 Luisa growled angrily and sighed again, her grip on Mirabels shoulders had slightly tightened, then it relaxed again, Mirabel went quiet and let her speak
 “it’s pretty damn annoying to have my chores interrupted just because-!”
 Luisa took a breath, trying to bring her voice back to a normal level
 “just because you can’t control yourself”
 Mirabel looked at the floor, her eyes a little misty, she scratched her arm and Luisa instantly regretted raising her voice, Mirabel sounded so sad when she spoke
 “…I’m sorry, I really am, I don’t mean to interrupt your chores or anything”
 her voice had a small waver in it and Luisa’s anger disappeared, she could never stay mad at her hermanita, Mirabel looked up at her with a few stray tears on her cheeks
 “you aren’t… mad at me, are you?”
 “Of course not Mira, c’mere”
 Luisa opened her arms and Mirabel rushed in, Luisa grunted at the sudden impact and fell backwards while Mirabel buried her face in her shirt, drying her tears, her arms were wrapped tightly around Luisa but soon relaxed as she curled up on Luisa’s chest, letting the warmth of Luisa’s body seep into her, her energy was finally drained, Luisa lightly patted her on the back and wrapped an arm around her
 “That fight really tired you out, didn’t it”
 Mirabel couldn’t find the energy to open her mouth, but slightly nodded her head
 “I still have chores to do y’know”
 the noise that left her wasn’t quite an answer but her head slightly shook, her limbs tightened around Luisa and relaxed again, too tired to hold that position, it was an obvious no, Mirabel was sleepy and Luisa was her mattress, she refused to leave Luisa when she got comfortable and Luisa would never knowingly remove her if she didn’t want to go, which she never did
 “alright, I’ll stay, I can never say no to you anyway, you’re lucky you’re so adorable and baby sized”
 Mirabel wanted to come up with a retort but her mind was too fuzzy to do so, a small smile was on her face, she abused the power that the position of favourite sister held whenever she got the chance, Luisa knew she would be stuck here for a few hours at least when she heard Mirabels slight snores, but she didn’t mind, to have the (occasionaly) murderous teen curled up on her like a kitten made potential starvation and dehydration all worth it in her mind.
 She closed her eyes, she could feel Mirabels soft curls tickling her neck, eventually her snores accompanied Mirabels soft ones, and there they stayed for the rest of the day and night. 
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homosociallyyours · 3 years ago
CW: intense dream description that involves abuse/csa, not real but ugh my dream brain didn't know it
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gayerthanevertbh · 2 years ago
content..? | i want you pt.4
natasha romanoff masterlist | series masterlist | navigation
pairings: dad’s best friend!natasha x fem!reader
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summary: your father doesn’t know it yet, but you’re in love with his best friend. and what makes it better is that you’re sure enough that she feels the same way. the sad part is, neither of you can word out your love for each other properly.
warnings: angst, age difference (natasha is 38 and reader is 19), implied sexual themes, just a sad sad chapter.
notes: yeah im back idk why but im here did ya’ll miss my juicy stories
“You’re too old for her.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea, Natasha. She’s too young for you, think about how the people would react to your relationship with her.”
That night, I couldn't sleep. Those words haunt me, as I was thrown into a circle of hallucinations from which I couldn't escape. I needed some space. No, I needed her. I needed Y/n to take those thoughts away from me and reassure me that what we were doing was okay. But Wanda’s words were beating me up, I couldn’t breathe.
I noticed the skies were perfectly blue as I lit up my cigarette and dragged it to my mouth. The clouds were perfectly aligned, and everything was in order. My concerns faded as I silently hoped that someone higher up would solve my problem. I looked down and noticed that the grass on my feet was starting to burn me. I needed to o back inside, but I had no energy to.
She’ll never love me, I thought to myself. She thinks I’m too old for her, an old woman begging for her love.
As soon as I finish my cigarette, I hear murmuring sounds coming from the pavement area. I looked closely, unable to take my gaze away from the scene. Bucky clung to Y/n's waist, smiling and giggling at her words. What is she saying? Was she purposely making him laugh? I thought, almost crudely, if I have to be honest. She gave him a gentle smile as she looked at him. That was the same expression she gave me whenever we made love in her bed. However, I could be mistaken. I had two glasses of beer today, so maybe I was overthinking it.
Y/n walked towards me and smiled at me. “Hi,” she says. “I thought you were at the market?”
“Change of plans,” I replied, my voice deepening with sadness. Or anger. “You weren’t asleep?”
"I left around 8 a.m. this morning," Y/n yawned, her smile faltering as if I didn't treat her the same way. “Wait, did I do something wrong? What happened?” I wish she didn’t notice that.
“I’m just having a stressful day, that’s all.” I sighed. “Where did you guys go?”
Bucky took in before Y/n could respond. “We went to a pet store,” he said, smirking at her. “She wanted a dog so much, so we decided to talk to Steve about it.”
“Are you sure he’d like that idea?”
"Yeah," he scratched his chin. If I was given a chance to tackle him, I would. "In any case, is he here? We'd like to speak with him for a few minutes." I wanted to lie about his absence, but what was the point if they were going inside? If I don't tell a lie, Y/n will spend more time with this boy. I couldn't stand him, especially considering how much he dominates Y/n. My Y/n.
I sighed defeatedly, standing up from the ground with a pack of cigarettes in hand. I’d save this for later. “Yeah, he’s just in the kitchen.”
“Great. Thanks, Nat.”
Before I could even reply, Y/n took him to her home and left me all alone in their garden. I looked away from the scene of them laughing, wishing deep inside that I could make her laugh like that. But that could never happen, we were just a secret after all.
I lit up another cigarette before going to the market.
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“You think she’s not upset?” asked Bucky while he eats the egg sandwich that my father made for him.
“I don’t know,” I replied. That was the truth, I don’t know whether she was upset with me or not. Either way, I have to speak to her as soon as she comes back home. “Maybe she’s just having a bad day.”
“Or maybe she hasn’t been laid.”
I cringe at his words. The thought of her having sex with someone else makes my stomach churn badly, almost as if I needed to vomit the toxicity in my fluids. I looked at him briefly, then back at my sandwich that I lost appetite for. He ruined my lunch.
I replied, obviously out of my mind, "Maybe." I closed my eyes and took a bite of the bread as I visualized Natasha kissing my lips. She seemed to be everywhere, and I was powerless to let her go of my thoughts. “Natasha is a lonely woman, she doesn’t want anyone in her life.”
“How do you know that?”
“I’ve been her godchild ever since.”
“Yeah, I know that, but how do you know that she doesn’t need someone in her life?”
Because she has me.
“We’re pretty close,” I said, drinking from a glass of water near my plate. “She tells me everything.”
"Why are you asking as if you need to know everything?" I've become irritated, it’s like he has to know every step I make – like a baby learning how to walk. “Me and Natasha are just close, period.”
“Does it look like I’m bothering you?”
“If you keep asking about her life, yeah.”
“Well, I’m sorry,” Bucky placed his beer on the table and hung his head low. I suddenly felt guilty for using my higher voice at him, so I reached for her wrist and comforted him – not wanting to cause another fuss. “I just… she looks at you differently.”
“How differently?” I sat up straight in my chair as my interest in our conversation grew. This did not make me feel good whatsoever. "How different, Buck?"
“I don’t know,” he sighed again, pinching his nose bridge. “It’s like whenever I would come to see you, her eyes would linger on you. On your hair, nose, everything about you. She’s…”
“She’s what, Buck?” I beg you, finish your sentence.
“She’s interested in you.”
I recall being with Bucky when Natasha was present, and I admit to catching her staring at me - almost as if she's in love with me, which I highly doubt. Or perhaps she is. We've never confessed our feelings for each other because we believe what we're doing is just for fun, if not more. Now that I think about it, maybe her lingering stares are more emotional and vulnerable, but I can't explain what I'm trying to say out of my mind.
“I don’t think that’s possible—”
He cuts me off, looking at me with a blank stare. “But she is,” he whispers. “And I don’t like it.”
“Why would it matter, though? I’m not yours.”
It stung him, and it did for me too.
"But I-" he pauses for a moment, calculating what to say, and looks to his right at the wall. He started flexing his hands as if trying to contain his rage. His assumptions would wash away like a sea if I held his hand now. But if I don't, he'll start looking into her, which I don't want to happen. “...I love you.”
I looked at him with a spacious face and sat back on the chair where I could rethink what he had confessed. Love me? I thought. How could he love me when I don’t love him back?
“I love you and I hate how she has you.”
“I don’t think you’re understanding what you’re trying to say.”
"I don't love Natasha," I said quietly, my heart pounding with sadness and fear. I can't tell him about us because it would ruin my relationships with everyone. And, while it may appear selfish, I'd be alone. I couldn't even have Natasha all to myself. “Buck, can you please look at me?”
“If I look at you now, I’d never get out of your way.”
“What do you even mean by that?”
“Meaning that I’ll never leave you,” Bucky looks at me again with glistening tears in his eyes, biting his lip so hard that it might draw blood. “And if she gets in the way, I might have to hurt her.”
I shook my head, grabbed my hand, and placed it on my chest. He looks at me deeply and gets closer – until our faces are inches apart. I could feel his eyes lingering on my lips, and I begged not for him to kiss me. If he did, I’d feel guilty. I feel as if I’m hurting the one I truly love. But no one could know about my love for Natasha, not even God above.
Before he could kiss me, I watched as Natasha appeared in the scene, looking at us with wide eyes. We stared for a moment, not knowing how to react in a way that it doesn’t explode everything. But as soon as I stand up, she walks upstairs with a grudge in her heart. I’ve hurt her, I’ve hurt her, I’ve hurt her.
“See what I’m talking about?” he looks at me once again before standing up from his seat. “I’ll go home for now, there’s a party tomorrow night. I’ll meet you there.”
“Bucky, wait-”
"Make up your mind," he said, wrapping his unbuttoned yellow blouse around his torso. He walks up to the doorframe and gives me a sad smile. "You just can't love her. You know you can’t.”
Deep inside of me, I knew he was right.
I finally broke like a dam.
"I know," I said almost to myself, covering my mouth with my hand as if I'd been hit by a bus a million times, "but she's lovable."
Bucky sighs and nods, his head dropping once more.
“I know.”
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I walked inside Natasha’s room and saw her having a cigarette while sitting at the foot of her bed – She didn’t look up and saw me walking in. Instead, she said: “He knows.”
I nodded, licking both of my lips.
“Yeah, he knows.”
Natasha chuckles, scratching the back of her head and flicking her cigarette on the ashtray beside her. I didn't know what to say or do, so I stood by the door, watching her smoke herself out of her misery. How can love be so demanding? So exhausting? But I'd rather go through that with her than with Bucky, who I couldn't fall in love with.
“You love him?” she asked, her reddish eyes looking at mine. She looked so… tired.
“Nat, I don’t love him.”
“You’re only saying that because you don’t want to pity me.”
I scoffed quietly to myself, but I had a feeling that she heard me.
“I didn’t say that I want to pity you.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
What was more to say than are you in love with him? Did she not trust me with my actions? Was I not obvious enough to show my love for her? I bit my lower lip with anxiety, and whispered: “I’m not in love with him.”
“Then who are you in love with?” As I watched her stand up from the bed and walk towards me, her voice was ridged with irritation. She placed her index finger on my chest, the cigarette smoke entering my nostrils. “Tell me, malyshka.”
My thoughts of being caught raced through my mind as I began to speak. Let me be in peace, I thought to myself. Let me express, let me show her how much I love her.
“Please,” Natasha begged quietly, as she kissed the tip of my nose. “Who are you in love with?”
“It’s not that hard of a question, Y/n.”
I sighed, nodding at her statement. It wasn’t so hard, but why can’t I breathe whenever she’s in my presence?
It took me a minute to respond to her, and I watched as her eyes glinted with the hope and desire that I'd been longing for from her. She moved her gaze up and down my face, then to my lips. I could feel her thumb running across the lower one before she kissed me with a moan.
We kissed like there was no tomorrow.
She held me from behind, her hands lowering down to my waist until I was turned around from the other side, pushing me slowly back to her bed. Natasha drew her lips away from mine with her eyes closed, whispering: “I’ve always known, baby. I just needed to hear it from you.”
We stripped naked and began passionately kissing each other as if my father wasn't at home. She kept one hand on the headboard while the other ran up and down against my ribcage, moaning every time her cock brushed up against my core. I felt her pulling away all of the sudden and looked down at my chest, which was slightly heaving – she smiled wickedly.
“You’re really beautiful,” she stated, out of breath. “I’m going to make you mine today, my love.”
That she did. Every gesture and touch she gave me that day was felt everywhere. She clung to me like a bear to its prey, grunting and whispering words I'll never understand until I let it overpower me. But I knew her words "I'm in love with you" couldn't leave my head or my soul. I felt her exploding in me, claiming me as someone she cared about and clung to. And I recall stealing every inch and every moment from her. I didn’t complain.
She lays beside me, holding my hand on her chest, as she looked at me deeply with those shrilling green eyes. She smiled, and kissed my forehead.
“I love you,” Natasha claims. “I’ve always been in love with you.”
I chuckled, resting my head against her left shoulder.
“Since when?”
“Since the day I realized I’ve fallen in love with you.”
We are both interrupted by silence, but not in an awkward way. I could feel the vibration of her humming on my cheek, which always brings me comfort and warmth. So, this is love? I asked myself in my head. It feels… good.
“Do you think Dad knows?”
She pauses for a moment before responding, "If he does, you know I'll take you away so we can be happy together."
“But what if our wants don’t meet?”
“Then I’ll let you go.”
That didn't sit right with me. The thought of her leaving and not seeing me hurts me on the inside, especially in my heart. I tightly closed my eyes, attempting to push away any negative thoughts that might arise. He'd let me love her, wouldn't he?
But knowing my father, I know he would never allow this to happen; my love for Natasha is unstoppable.
“I don’t like that,” I said. She only sighs and held me tighter in her warmth, still humming a song that I couldn’t process in my head. A person once said, if you love someone, you let them go. But is that nearly possible? Could they be wrong with their advice? She answered, “We don’t like that thought. But at some point, you do need to experience being an adult. I can’t take that away from you, especially when you’re still youthful and free. All I can do is support you and… wait for you.”
“But what if I don’t want that?” I asked, fighting back her thoughts as I looked up at her. “What if I don’t want you to let me go?”
She looked down at me and shook her head, I could feel her hand holding my jaw as she brought me closer to her face. She kissed my lips, then took a deep breath.
"I don't want to, baby girl," she admitted as she rested her brow against mine. "I really, really don't want to. I know I have to if he finds out or if you ever need to leave this relationship that we have."
I couldn't fight back because I didn't have the energy. Instead, I turned away from her, tears streaming down my cheeks. Natasha kisses my nape and holds me close, hushed and whispering sweet words to take my mind off my problems. But unfortunately, that didn’t work. I still cried that night.
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taglist:  @trans-wolf-boi @generousfartdragon @marvelogic @that-one-gay-mosquito @wandanotsosure @madelineleong @kksalexa @karsonromanoff​ @natashaswife4125​ @florojas​ @natashaxwife​
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sweet-villain · 2 years ago
Don't Lose Sight~ J.Q
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@haileighboi asked:
Ok so here is a request a little hurt to comfort one shot.
Reader and Joseph Quinn are happily married with twin babies. They kept his relationship a secret for work purposes. So when they finally come out you have some fans you love the reader and then some you don’t. So after receiving hate on her weight (even tho reader just had twin) she beats down on her self and starts talking bad on her. But ofc our sweet Joseph can’t have that so he is reassuring that he loves the reader and that he chose her.
The wind from the window brushed against your cheek as you turned over to your side, snuggling against your husband as he slept. He groaned as he felt you shift in bed, his arm grabbing around your waist as he snuggled his head into the crook of your neck.
You giggled, " Good Morning"
He groans, latching onto you like a koala refusing to wake up. The bedroom door creaked open and two pair of heads peered in. You turn over your shoulder to look at your two little angels as they yelled running to your bed.
You laughed as you watched them crawl up to Joseph, shaking him.
" Daddy, wake up!" Jimmy shook his head while little Jessie crawled to you, pushing her father away as she wrapped her arms around you claiming she was yours. Jospeh chuckled as his eyes opened to greet Jimmy.
" Good morning, bud" Jimmy and Jessie were twins, four year old that looked exactly like versions of Joseph but they both had your smile and your nose. " Morning, princess" Joseph took a piece of Jessie's hair and put it behind her ear. She pouted as she glanced at him causing Joseph to put his hands up in shock.
"Good morning, wifey" Joseph leans over to peck your lips but not before Jessie whine as she huffs that she didn't get her kisses. You made a shock face after giving Joseph a kiss.
" Did Mommy forget to give her princess some love?" Jessie nods her head making her curls bounce as she reaches her hands out to you. You grab her in your arms and blow raspberries to both her cheeks.
She giggles as you do, latching onto your head. Jimmy is watching with Joseph as the two huff not getting the attention.
" Mama!" Jimmy whines as he pats the mattress with a huff. " Me! Me!" you laugh as you turn your attention to Jimmy.
" Oh how can I forget about my favorite baby boy" you cooed as you lean over to blow raspberries on his cheeks. He giggled along with Jessie as you tickled her tummy.
Your husband cleared his throat seeing his two little angels were getting attention and he felt left out. Your head turned to see a pout on your husbands face with those puppy dog eyes. You look at your little angels and back at him.
" How about we give daddy kisses? He looks sad" the three of you tackled Joseph on the bed while kissing all over his face while he laughed, his arm around Jimmy on one side while the other was holding Jessie on the other side.
You loved mornings like this.
The media and fans don't know that you and Joseph have kids, the both of you felt like your kids didn't need to be involved. This was your family. You weren't going to put your kids through this even when Jimmy and Jessie were so young.
You were getting ready to take them to the park, Joseph had dressed up Jessie as she insisted that daddy dress her up. Jimmy had insisted that he matched with his little sister. He threw a tantrum when you picked out a different outfit for him with a different color.
" No!" he pouted as he threw the shirt on the ground.
" Jimmy, baby. Daddy and Jessie are waiting for us" he huffed as he turned his head. " Okay how about you wear the same colors as Jessie has on?"
He agreed as he slide off the bed and lifted up his arms. Joseph came into the room carrying Jessie all done. He put her hair in little pig tails too which were uneven. It looks too cute.
" You look adorable, baby" Joseph let Jessie down as she walked over to you and Jimmy. She puts her hand in her pig tails like she was showing them off to you.
" I love it" she giggled as you continued to dress Jimmy.
When you were done getting Jimmy dressed, Joseph put on a cap and sunglasses to shield himself from the fans noticing it was him. You had put on your own sunglasses and cap too, hoping that it would help.
You put the hood up on both Jimmy and Jessie as you headed outside after putting them in their twin baby carriage. They were side by side, sitting with a bottle of juice in their hands.
They both insisted that they have the same juice too when the other had it.
" Ready, love?" Joseph asked as he grabbed the keys, you put your purse in the carriage with your phone in your pocket. " Here, you almost forgot this" you handed his phone which he put in his pocket. He leaned over kissing your cheek as you opened the door for him.
It was really nice out today and a good day to walk in the park. It wasn't that too long of a walk. You were more worried that people would notice the two of you.
One hand was on the carriage while the other, Joseph laced his fingers with yours putting it on top of the carriage as you walked with him. He squeezed your hand knowing you were worried.
" Relax love, enjoy the day. Jimmy and Jessie aren't fussy, everything is okay" you nodded but you can't help it as you felt eyes on you.
You put Jimmy in the small swing set for the babies while Joseph was next to you swinging Jessie in her swing. She had a big smile on her face as she clapped her hands.
" Me too, Mama" Jimmy says as he clapped his hands. " Ready?" you asked him. He swung his feet as a signal that he was. You swung him but you felt a chill down your spine.
You turn your head to glance around and that when you spotted them. Some people were huddled up with their phones up as they talked to each other. One hand was on Jimmy's swing, your hands began to feel sweaty as you continued to stare.
Joseph noticed that you weren't paying attention to Jimmy and he turned to look where you were looking. He saw some of them wearing Eddie Munson's shirt while talking to themselves.
He knew you were on high alert now. Your mom radar was activated.
" Joseph.." you turned to look at your husband.
He nodded, " We're going" he took Jessie out of the swing, she trashed in his arms that she wanted to go back to the swing. You took out Jimmy and he wined in your arms. You put him into the carrier that was by the side of the fence by the swings. Joseph put Jessie in and he grabbed your hand as he hurried out of the park with you.
" That's Joseph Quinn!" someone shouted. You turn your head to glance back at them when Joseph tugged your hand.
" Love, let's go home" you followed him step hoping none of them took pictures or videos of you and your family.
You spoke too soon when you had put Jimmy and Jessie to bed, that's when your phone pinged. His too. He turned to look at you from the spot on the couch as he took out his phone.
You reached for yours on the kitchen table and turning it over seeing notification after notification. Your heart spend up as you clicked the first image that popped up.
Your heart sank seeing a fan took pictures of you with Jimmy in your arms. The caption has read, " It looks like Y/N Quinn with a little bundle of joy. Is this Joseph's kid?"
The comments after comment appeared through the other pictures of you and Joseph, then the twins, more of you together.
" Since when do they have kids?"
" Twins? My heart is full of happiness"
" She's too ugly to have his kids"
" I thought he left her. Wow they must have ugly kids" you closed out your phone feeling your heart sink further and further. You had some fans that loved that you and Joseph got together, but then there were some that always believed that Joseph was too good for you. They believed there would be a time you would break up.
Arms wrap around your stomach and his chin rested on your shoulder.
" Put that down love, don't listen to them" he turns you around in his arms. You avert your gaze from him as sadness overtakes you.
" hey" he reaches out with his hands to cup your face bringing you eye to eye. " You're beautiful, I love you. I love our kids, this will all blow over. Our family matters, Jimmy and Jessie. You and me. Our marriage. Our kids. Okay?"
You nodded, a small smile appears on your face.
" I love you too" he leans down brushing his lips against yours. You melted in his arms as you kiss him.
You had your phones back in your hands as you scrolled through the comments that were left from some fans. That day in the park went through all the social medias.
" She looks so different that she used"
" She looks bigger"
" She isn't working on herself anymore. Look at all the weight she gained"
" Mama life isn't for her"
" How is Joseph even married to her? Are they married?"
" She looks like a cow"
As you continued to read through the comments, they gone worse and worse commenting on your weight. You frowned dropping the phone on the bed and putting your hands over your face.
You stood in front of the mirror in your bedroom. Dropping your hands from your face and placing them on your stomach as you turned to the side. The frown deepen as you notice that you don't have the same stomach as you used to. The pregnancy with the twins did a number on you and they were right.
You turn to the other side to see if it was the same.
As you were looking at yourself in the mirror, Joseph walked in and stopped as he watched you. He noticed the way your lips turned into a deep frown and watched you turn on both side.
" What are you doing love?" He asks causing you to jump.
" I'm sorry, didn't mean to scare you" he says as he walks around the bed and stands behind you. His arms wrap around you and puts his head on your shoulder looking at his own reflection in the mirror with yours.
You don't answer him as your hands squeeze on your stomach and tapping it. You had hoped for some change but it was the same.
His hands laced his fingers with yours to stop what you were doing as he kisses your bare shoulder.
" What are you doing love?" He asks you again. His eyebrows frown together as he watches. He feels your shoulders drop slightly and sees you turn your head away from him.
He turns you in his arms with his arms wrapped around your waist.
" Nothing" you want to let this go away and not have him worry. But he's your husband he knows better than that.
You sighed, you weren't going to get away with this. He wasn't going to let this go.
" Some of the fans commented on how my pregnancy changed me. They said I look like a cow and that I'm not up to be a mother to look like this" you motion to yourself.
Joseph looked at you in disbelieve.
" What did I say about looking at the comments on your phone?" He asks.
" To turn my phone off and ignore everyone but you and our babies" He nods.
His hand comes up to cup your face as his thumb caresses your cheek.
" You're absolutely gorgeous Y/N. You're the mother of my children, you're my wife. You're my person and you're my everything. I'm so thankful you gave me two of the best gifts I can ever receive in my life. Jimmy and Jessie. Our sunshines" his other hand goes to your stomach under your shirt.
" This, right here" he softly traces up and down on your stomach. " I love to rest my head on here, one of the greatest pillows you have along with you know" He smirks. You giggled, playfully knowing what he means by that. " You're beautiful every single day. From the moment you wake up, to the moment you go to bed with me" he presses a kiss to your nose.
" Don't listen to what they are saying. They don't know anything. You're a great mother to our little sunshines. They adore you. They love you. Nothing is going to change this, we aren't going anywhere. I am not going anywhere. I love you till the very last breath I take"
He kisses your cheeks, " I love you"
He kisses your forehead, " my."
He kisses each hand, " beautiful."
He leans down kissing your clothed stomach, " gorgeous"
He turns you around and smacks your ass, " sexy."
He turns you around to face him as he stands up, brushing his lips against yours, " wife."
He kisses you and you throw your arms around his neck as you kiss him back, smiling against his lips. He knew always how to make you feel better.
Your family is all that mattered.
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