#and she is the cuddliest stuffed animal I have
as a teenage girl who has a billion stuffed animals I’m proud to say that I do in fact own a blue elephant in a Hawaiian shirt that I named ella
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cognitosclowns · 1 year
I wanna fall asleep with these freaks 💓🥺
I am the eepiest sleepiest little guy of all time and this activated a Worm in my Brain so this is gonna get SO LONG AMSDNAMSND
sfw!! just snuggles and soft things
Not extremely cuddly? She likes her personal space!
That doesn't mean she never wants cuddles, she's just gotta be in a particular Mood for it!
Most nights, she wants to be kinda,, gently curled into your arm?? just a loose grip around it w/ her own, cheek resting on your bicep.
She talks in her sleep, but it's very quiet. Usually it's just her going through her schedule for tmrw (does she?? dream of work in her sleep???), but occasionally, you'll hear her mumbling about how much she loves you <333
Yes, it's just as cute as it sounds. She has no memory of it in the morning, but if you bring it up, she'll get this flustered little Half-Smile alllll morning <3
She falls asleep so fast. if you wanna be cute w/ her while cozied in bed I'm so sorry, the second she feels Safe and Warm and Cozy in your vicinity she's passing out for 4-12 hours ✨✌🏻
It's alright, you know she needs her rest <3 besides, that just opens up options for you two to be soft and shmoopy in the morning
Unsurprisingly, the cuddliest guy of all time. He would be inside your ribcage if the opportunity was provided KJASDKASJD
He really likes?? laying on your chest and stomach?? he likes to be significantly further down. occasionally you'll just,, barely see his hair and the top of his forehead peaking out from the covers from how low he gets
it's just so comfy! he likes The Noises and Warmth and Vague Suffocation that comes w/ sleeping w/ his head under the covers, resting against your torso <3
He smiles so much in his sleep. you didn't think ppl did that outside of movies, but he totally does <3 usually only when he's having a particularly good dream.
He also sleeps with stuffed animals! He always did as a child bc his treehouse was always cold as hell, and the habit just stayed with him!
they're so well-kept and soft all these years later <3 usually he just keeps them at the foot of the bed, bc it makes him feel safe to, but occasionally he'll bring a couple up for you two to snuggle <3 You Are Never Too Old To Snuggle A Stuffed Bear Don't Like To Yourself.
A Nightmare (affectionate)
not only is his sleep schedule Entirely Batshit, but he has so much trouble falling asleep. expect lots of tossing and turning
he does settle a lot thought when you hold him!! Don't hold too close, he still needs to squirm a lot to actually fall asleep
You're also the only person that he gets a full nights sleep with <3 he usually ends up waking up in the night, his mind starts working on smth, and he doesn't go back to sleep <3 but with you, it's almost instantaneous.
A little Jump, a bit of squirming to get into a comfortable position, and then off to seeb again <3 it's nice to see just how safe he feels around you <3
Expect plenty of early morning/late night convos <3 hell even middle of the night convos, where he hasn't realised that he fell asleep and instantly hops back into Whatever He Was
He also has such a habit of. Continuing Conversations From His Dream. like he'll just grab your arm and start talking about Yes I'm Sure If We Distilled It Enough We Could Make Whiskey Out Of Lighter Fluid Myc before passing out cold MASNFASMFJ
TLDR. squirmy silly man, but also enjoyable to seeb with.
OUGHEEEEEEEEAWBABWBAGOURGHR <- experiencing wife fevers
I refuse to believe she doesn't have a Big Comfy Bed. Silk covers, big thick duvet, more pillows that she knows what to do with. The bed is 3 times the size of her so when you catch her snuggled up in bed she truly just looks like those photos of Very Small Puppies in Very Large Beds MNASDMASND
So cuddly <3 you wouldn't expect it, since she makes a point of being seen as very Untouchable and Independent, but she loves to be held.
Her ideal state is nuzzled under your chin, feeling your pulse through your neck <333 a leg hooked around yours to make sure you're nice and close.
She takes a while to fall asleep, so she likes to go to bed early! Feel free to join her at any time, she'll just be dozing <3
If you do join her when she goes to bed, expect some,, very soft, lovey-dovey moments. she looks utterly adorable, all bundled up in her cozy little slightly-too-poofy nightgown and eye mask.
She Deserves 1000000 Cheek Smooches Or Else You Shall Die Of Love Disease <- her favourite part of the night. she will start giggling the moment she feels your lips on her cheeks and neck.
kisses her 1000. she's the most
It's actually pretty comfortable after you get used to it. you see the appeal, it's kinda got that Sensory Deprivation Tank feeling of weightless floating <3
Expect to be utterly Mummified in tentacles AKSDJASKJ
He insists that it's so that you don't go tossing and turning in your sleep and knock his ass off the bed but. You See Through His Lies You Understand. You See The Jackassery At Play Here.
OUGHEEE he has such a habit of like. swirling his tentacles gently around your skin. Not necessarily stroking back and forth, moreso massaging? if you have any knots in your back, thighs, or arms, they're gonna be gone by morning.
Fairly quiet? That doesn't mean silent though, he absolutely talks while you two drift off to sleep, but it's all in very quiet tones. A Little Shit, But Lovingly. (you may. gently have to bop him on the head and tell him to Shut The Hell Up Its 3 Am Goddamn Not Everyone's Job Is Just Sitting Around Getting Jacked Off MANSDMASNDMANSDMN)
He snores like a foghorn I'm so sorry. the old man of all time
If you can look past that though, he's so fucking delightful to sleep with <33 most especially bc he loves when you lay on him
he says smth about how it Helps Unfuck His Back, but you're at least 45% sure that that isn't the main reason
(and you're right, it isn't <3 he just loves feeling your weight on him)
He loves just,, leaving a hand against your back, running up and down as you settle in to sleep <33 before leaving it to rest on the small of your back <33 love is so real and true.
his tail wags in his sleep
You'll see this most when he's sleeping on his stomach, bc when he's on his back his tail can't move, and on his side Everything Hurts At All Times KAJDKASJ
You'll see it squirm around the most when you're touching him <3 if you run your hands through his hair, or trace patterns on his back that things gonna be WHIPPING like a wheatstalk in a hurricane.
^ this also applies to. early morning and late night cuddles. in the morning its more of a,, slow waggle? like you'll just see it gently twitching under the bed, while you place kisses on his cheek BAWBBABWBABW <- if I talk about his tail any more we'll never be done
just the guy of all time <3 go sleep with that old man go do it go do it now go go go go g
Let Him Sleep On The Booba
Truly he sleeps best with his face buried in your chest. what can he say, it's cozy as hell.
his ideal state is being Unconscious. A Coma. Laying horizontally being fed nutrients through a tube. He will nap on you at any possible moment
It's one of the time's he feels Truly Safe? Like he's constantly having to run around doing what the Shadow Board wants, doing what Rand wants, etc. Sometimes You Just Need A Little Nap With Your Partner To Be Okay Again
He IS freezing cold I refuse to believe otherwise. he runs Ice Cold and it takes him 15 minutes to warm up. feels a bit like cuddling a corpse until your body heat brings him back to Human Levels Of Warmth.
The things we do for love smh MNSFGKFAJSFGKSDJ
stupid rich expensive bed. imported silk sheets. mathematically optimised mattress designed in a lab to give him The Best Sleep Possible. he's rich enough to buy several countries, he might as well put it to use.
OUGHEEEEEEEEAWBABWBAGOURGHR <- experiencing wife fevers part 2
He's such a heavy sleeper MY GOD. If you couldn't hear his internal systems whirring and clicking you'd think he was dead KJDSAKFJASDKFJDSA
It isn't really his fault - his 'sleep cycle' likes to be done in one solid stretch, to avoid file corruption, which means. His body just,, won't wake him up unless it senses Active Danger to himself or you.
It's fine! He'll wake up if the house is on fire. Probably.
'aww you're such an old man <3' <- he's going to push you into a woodchipper AKSGJSAKDJFKSDFGJ
He's so warm and cozy <3
Upside, personal heater during the winter. Downside, summer is hell for both of you (Upside, he sleeps mostly naked in summer to avoid Dying of Death Disease)
Hold him <3 hold him he won't ask but he loves being held, even more than he loves holding you (which is. Saying Something). The second he feels your arms wrap around him, maybe one of your hands gently fussing with his hair? Out like a light <3 its sweet, all those unspoken ways that shows how much he loves you <3
ABWBABWBAB I swear I did an ask like this before but. I don't care this was so cute. If you have any additions, go nuts!
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jordosprout · 2 months
The Bad Batch Headcanons
I originally wanted to post this while grouping everyone's questions together. But some have been harder for me to figure out than others. So here are the ones I was most sure about!
It does not help that my original draft got deleted somehow- maybe Tumblr isn't the best place to write this stuff down initially,,
This one includes: Favorite Cuddle Positions & Sexualities!
Asked by @legacygirlingreen
"The boys favorite cuddle position?"
× Tech
▪︎ Head in his partner's lap, the courtship, or his partner lying on top of him.
He doesn’t love positions that result in hot breath in his face. But he still usually enjoys being close. Having a partner lay on top of him like a weighted stuffed animal is one of his favorites.
Absolutely not projecting with this one...definitely not
× Wrecker
▪︎ Sweethearts Cradle with his partner on his chest or reversed
He is the cuddliest of his brothers, physical touch is his love language for SURE! He enjoys taking the protector role with his lover, but hearing his partner’s heartbeat is a quick way to lull him to sleep. Wrecker reminds me of a pitbull/ large dog breed that thinks he’s a lap dog.
× Crosshair
▪︎ Tangled Together/Cradle with his head on his partner's chest
He looks for cuddle positions that make him feel protected. Though I think he’d like being a big spoon once in a while!
× Hunter
▪︎ Spooning, he’s the big spoon
Specifically with his partner’s head beneath his chin, as he’d find it most comfortable. He likes being able to protect the person he is cuddling with. 
× Echo
▪︎ Spooning, he’s the little spoon
Poor guy just wants to be comforted and feel safe. Having his back covered helps him with that, I’m sure he would also enjoy sleeping on the wall side to amplify that safeness he craves.
Asked by @domino-twinss
"Which members of the batch (if any) do you hc as queer?"
× I view Tech as Panromantic, Demiromantic, & Greysexual
× I view Cross as maybe Greyromantic or Recipromantic, & Bi maybe?
× I view Wrecker as Pansexual & Maybe Polyamorous as well
× I view Hunter as Bi with a fem lean
× I'm not sure how I see Echo?
× Omega I'm not super sure! Though I think she would be Sapphic
Thank you for helping me out! I have five more I want to get to as of right now, most are almost done just want to buff some stuff for them out :])
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i literally just wrote this heyyy
ray/violet, some janine/egon, some ocs i have literally never mentioned before now, guaranteed diabetes at the ending, barely any proofreading
"This week is a nightmare."
"When this week is over, I'm buying you the biggest stuffed animal."
Violet and Ray walked up the driveway to their house. She practically dragged her feet across the pavement. It was just one of those days when nothing goes right. Deadlines were sneaking up on her, editor's notes were getting on her nerves, everything made her feel like the world was ganging up on her and the week would never end. Worst of all, she had barely any time to see Ray. This brief walk home with him was the reason why she declined a ride from her driver though she was completely exhausted. The only thing she held onto was once this week was over, the next had Valentine's Day.
She smiled at him. "You mean it, Ray?"
"I won't be able to fit it through your front door."
She giggled, reaching for his arm and leaning her head on his shoulder. "I can't wait."
That next Monday was the day before Valentine's Day. Violet sat in a downtown Manhattan restaurant at the top of a high rise with her personal assistant (and close friend) Steffi, Janine, and Layla, who had been hired by the Ghostbusters almost a year back. She, Violet, Janine, and Louis Tully made up what Violet and only Violet referred to as the "B-squad". Within that year, Layla had gone from the spoiled rich hotel heiress forced by her parents to get a job at her new accountant's second place of employment to being engaged to that accountant and estranged from her parents.
All of them had had an eventful year. For Violet, it ended with Ray finally proposing to her, right at midnight on New Year's Eve. For Janine, it saw the beginning of a suddenly fast-moving relationship with Egon, which now saw her planning a trip to Vegas that may or may not cumulate with her wedding. For Layla, it included discovering her parents are cult leaders. As for Steffi, she continued to refuse to be tied down to any woman, career first as always. However, tracking Violet's exploits as a famous best-selling author was eventful enough. Now, they raised their mimosas to the best year of their lives, and to things only getting better from here on in.
Meanwhile, Ray was frantically driving from store to store. Just his luck that the weekend had been incredibly busy and he had no time to shop for Violet's gifts until the day before Valentine's Day. He had promised Violet a giant teddy bear, and he hated to disappoint her, especially when he knew she deserved it after such a rough week. But, every store he went to was sold out or too expensive. It certainly didn't help that he was running short on cash, all the money he had earned that weekend going into repairs on Ecto-1, which was in rough shape after all the stress put on her. He managed to get all the other essential gifts - purple roses, a box of Violet's favorite chocolates, and a necklace with a heart-shaped stone of Onyx (a gem he knew meant protection, calming, and release of negative energies, three things he knew Violet needed lately). He settled finally on a regular size teddy bear, though reluctantly. He just hoped Violet wouldn't be too disappointed.
The next day, both Violet and Ray were busy once again. But, they had the evening free to be alone together. They agreed they wanted to stay home, so Ray cooked salmon for dinner, exchanged gifts (Violet got him a framed cel from Murray the Mantis, one of Ray's favorite cartoons, signed by the animator, who she met at a con) and they settled in to watch Cinderella (Violet's favorite "romantic" movie). As they cuddled on the couch, Ray turned to her. "Are you happy now, my moon goddess?"
Violet blushed at her pet name. "Of course I am. You're here."
"I'm only sorry I couldn't bring you a bigger teddy bear."
"You silly. You brought me the biggest, cuddliest, sweetest teddy bear in the whole world. My favorite teddy bear."
"I did?"
"Yeah," She nodded, and poked her finger into the center of the chest she was curled up into. "He's right here."
His face turned bright red, and he smiled so bashfully she couldn't help but kiss him.
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the-leader-in-blue · 2 years
Ooc//so I just woke up from a horrible nightmare so dropping some thinks related to sleep n stuff
-Orpheus,beinf the largest and cuddliest,hates sleeping alone,he has to be holding someone or something,and even in someone is sleeping in the next room over she’ll have trouble sleeping,and god forbid she sleeps at home alone,he’s gotten so used to holding his little brothers and sisters,she immediately feels like something happened if she’s alone
-Leo and jay both have nightmares, Leo usually goes on a walk to calm himself down,but jay bassicly shuts down ,staring at nothing and shaking and crying.
-jay oftentimes doesn’t remeber he’s in the 2012 universe and will wake up a little confused,but he’s gotten a lot better about ir
-Orpheus has stuffed animals,not a lot,just two or three,but he cares about them a lot,and if anyhtinf happened to them she would freak out
I’m still loopy because rough being woken up by nightmares sucks fuxking ass anyways xoxo love yall
ooc\\ Me and jay immediately breaking down after having a nightmare
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this fandom desperately needs more lesbian content so can u write something for momo? (or jirou since u prefer writing for her)
It really does! Majority of the shit here is just Bakugo simps💀 I’m also adding Uraraka to this because she’s so cute
I’m assuming female reader or nb lesbian reader hence the lesbian lol
D*rk content/n*fw blogs, do not interact with me at all.
Momo Yaoyorozu, Kyoka Jiro, and Ochako Uraraka w/ fem. s/o
Momo Yaoyorozu
Probably the sweetest girlfriend you could ever ask for. Can and will buy you anything you want (not that you ask for a lot)
Buying stuff for you isn’t really her fav way to show her affection for you, though
I feel like she would show it more through words and occasionally physical touch
Constantly telling you how beautiful you are to her and how lucky she is to have you
No matter what your quirk is, or even if you’re quirkless, she still just thinks you’re the most amazing and incredible person ever
She gets flustered very easy though (not as much as Jiro but I don’t think many can get more flustered than her)
She adores it if your love language is touch
Jumping into her arms when you see her, or hugging her close between classes (if you’re in UA)
Mildly embarrassed when you love on her in front of her classmates, but she doesn’t love it any less
Even though she’s rich and can literally make whatever she wants with her own body, she loves receiving gifts from you.
Little notes with words of appreciation are her favourite (she feels so validated)
(Fun fact: it’s a tradition in my family that every Valentine’s Day, me and my siblings all get little stuffed animals and chocolate from our parents. We always get the same animal every Valentine’s Day and I think it would be so cute if Momo and her s/o did that together)
She will cherish those stuffies forever
Probably has a space in her mansion of a closet for stuff given to her by you
If you’re more into words of affirmation (as in talking to her straight up instead of notes) she is beet red
Kind of looks like she’s about to cry she’s so happy, she absolutely gives you the biggest hug ever afterwards
Kyoka Jiro
It was so painfully obvious she was into you before you two started dating
Constantly staring (her face would blow up like a fire engine if you ever caught her), probably has a punk rock playlist dedicated to you
So incredibly shy around you, she can barely talk
If you ask her out, she doesn’t even get an answer out, she has to text you later bc she wasn’t sure if you saw her nod.
But if she asks you out, she probably sends you the playlist mentioned before and asks you (very quietly) if you want to be her girlfriend after you tell her you listened to it.
After you two are dating you spend a lot of time at her house (or in her dorm room after training camp)
Teaches you how to play the guitar and keyboard, and you learn the drums together
If you can already play an instrument pretty well, she would LOVE if you helped her improve
Rocking out on the guitar together is the most fun thing to you two
The “Hero, Too!” performance is probably the first time you heard her sing (other than when she showed the class)
(My heart almost exploded her smile is so cute she looked so happy)
But she will die if you ask her to sing for you again
She loves the thought you put into gifts for her. She has no idea what to do with them but she keeps all of them
If you leave little notes for her, you can tell if she’s just read one. (Poor girl looks like she’s about to pass out 💀🤚🏼)
But she’ll come up to you later and thank you, tells you how beautiful you are before walking away f a s t
She writes little tunes for you along with her playlists. They start out as love letters, and then she adds the beat and notes
That’s the only time you’ll hear her sing is when she’s singing her songs for you
You two are rarely apart, it’s like you’ve been melded together or smthn
Overall 10/10 girlfriend, so sweet and kind to you
Ochako Uraraka
Need I explain how she is around you
Go watch the anime when Aoyama pulls that fucking stunt during testing
Aoyama definitely called it
And he rubs it in everyone’s face when you two get together (“I told you so, mon ami”)
Anywho- Ochako is amazing to you
Despite being poor, sometimes if she has any spare money she’ll get something small for you, like one of those cute animal keychains
She will cry if you buy her anything though
You two are constantly holding hands (per Ochako’s request)
Class 1a thinks you two are the cutest walking down the hall together
Absolutely the cuddliest out of these three (specifically going from most cuddly to least: Ochako, Momo, Jiro)
Not even just when cuddling, her hugs feel like cuddles as well
It is the c u t e s t thing ever when she falls asleep while cuddling (she probably drools💀)
She cannot explain how cute you are, it’s like her favourite word
But when she gets competitive, you’re not an exception
She will run you over if she has to, no mercy
And then she apologises after the competition (or “competition”) but you honestly love it when Ochako is passionate about something
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rbbalmung · 4 years
Pokemon SwSh GPL AU: Get to know ______
Guys, it’s time for my favourite pokemon ship. Prepare for loads of fluff. 
Get to Know Gloria x Hop (Postwickshipping/Hpyu): 
1: Who spends almost all their money on the other? I headcannon that Gloria really likes pokemon plushies, so Hop is always unconsciously checking the stuffed animal section of stores to see if there’s any she doesn’t have. Gloria tries really hard to get him books that pertain to his research, but she really has no clue what he studies aside from the fact that it’s legendary pokemon (Legendary Pokemon are his focus). 
2: Who sleeps in the other’s lap? Gloria! They are the cuddliest couple ever. There’s about a foot size difference between them, so she fits perfectly in his lap. (Hop is def the little spoon, tho). 
3: Who walks around the house half-naked and who yells at them to put on some clothes? TBH, they would both walk around the house half naked. They’re comfort first babies, so you know Gloria’s bra is coming off and Hop is discarding his work clothes the second their door is closed. I think it’s kind of a casual thing for them, though. They’ve known each other long enough that this kind of thing doesn’t bother them. 
4: Which one tells the other not to stay up all night and which one stays up all night anyway? Gloria has to drag Hop’s ass to bed pretty much every night. They’re both busy people, but we all know that Hop would lose track of time while working on his thesis. It is a fact that if Gloria doesn’t come to get him, he will fall asleep on his desk. 
5: Which one tries to make food for the other but burns it all by accident and which one tells them that it’s okay and makes them both cookies? They’re actually both pretty good cooks (Gloria’s mama owns a restaurant in Wedgehurst and Hop’s mom is obsessed with cooking), but I think Hop would probably be the one to burn all the food. The only reason why is because he has a harder time focusing solely on cooking instead of trying to multitask. Now, baking is a whole other story. They’re both terrible at it. 
6: Which one reads OTP prompts and says “Oh that’s us!” and which one goes “Eh, not really”? Gloria would be the one to read the prompts and Hop would be the denier (he secretly thinks it’s really cute whenever she does it). 
7: Which one constantly wears the other’s clothes? Gloria. 100% Gloria. She is constantly cold and has a passion for stealing Hop’s hoodies. He thinks its adorable because they’re always really big on her. 
8: Which one spends all day running errands and which one says “You remembered [thing], right?” Hop would be the errand runner and Gloria would make sure he remembered everything. It goes back to Hop’s mind being a million places at once and Gloria hyper focusing on one thing at a time. 
9: Which one drives the car and which one gives them directions? Hop would drive and Gloria would give directions for similar reasons to the question above. 
10: Which one does the posing while the other one draws? Hop doodles Gloria sometimes to keep his hands busy. It’s kind of an absent minded thing for him to do while reading an article/book. Once Sonia caught him doing it, and when I say she teases him relentlessly, I mean it. Hop absolutely does not let Gloria see these doodles (they’re very cutesy and he’d die of embarrassment). 
11: If they were about to rob a museum, which one does backflips through lasers and which one is strolling behind with a bag of chips? Hop would be the backflipper and Gloria would be the follower. Think back to their GPL season: Hop was blazing ahead at all times without a care in the world. Gloria is the slowest traveler in the world because she likes talking to everyone and visiting all the stores.  
12: Which one of your OTP overdoes it on the alcohol and which one makes the other stop drinking? Neither of them can hold their alcohol, but Hop at least has more body mass than Gloria. They’re a pair of lightweights and nothing you can say will convince me otherwise. (Let’s be real: Bede has to be the one to make sure they get home). 
14: Which one keeps accidentally using the other’s last name instead of their own? Gloria. I actually believe that Gloria would keep her last name even after she and Hop get married because it belongs to her mama (after the divorce, they both changed their last names to match her mama’s maiden name). Hop is also a proud Hoffman, so he wouldn’t use the name Park. However, everyone else will mix it up. Gloria gets called “Mrs. Hoffman” all the time if she’s arriving for restaurant reservations or something of the like. Newer reporters/young children call Hop “Mr. Park” because they just assume Park was his last name. 
15: Which one screams about the spider and which one brings the spider outside? Neither of them are scared of bug pokemon. 
16: Which one gives the other their jacket? HOP. I mentioned it earlier, but Gloria is always cold. Bede asks why he doesn’t just make Gloria bring her own jacket and Hop replies that he likes it when she wears his jacket (they’re freaking sappy).  
17: Who keeps getting threatened by the other’s overprotective older sibling? Pft. Leon? Please. By this point, he’s become the big brother of Gloria as well. The League members are a completely different story. They all like Hop, but since Gloria is one of their younger members and the biggest sweetheart, they’re a protective bunch (Especially Melony and Gordie). 
18: Who’s the first one to admit they have feelings for the other? Gloria, but it didn’t go well. It was right before he was leaving to finish up high school studying abroad, and the timing wasn’t right (aka Hop turned her down because he hadn’t yet realised his feelings for her). Gloria tries her best to move on but never truly gets over him. Luckily, his feelings hit him like a bag of bricks to the stomach when they reunite a couple years later.  
19: How good would your OTP be at parenting? The best. They would definitely be the cool parents (I mean, come on. They’re the freaking heroes of Galar!). I think they’d also be super supportive of their child’s choices. 10/10. They’re made to be parents. (Hop would especially want to be a good dad. He’s initially nervous because he never knew his dad and thinks he might mess up, but Gloria reassures him that he’s doing a good job). 
20: Which one types with perfect grammar and which one types using numbers as letters? Hop would be Mr. Perfect Grammar. Gloria would use mostly good grammar, but her texts would be littered with emojis. 
21: Who gets attacked by a bully and who protects them? Hop is the more confrontational of the two. Gloria tends to believe that people are only mean to others if something bad is happening in their life, but Hop will jump from 0 to 100 if someone even looks at Gloria funny.  
22: Who makes the bad puns and who makes a pained smile every time the other makes a pun? Gloria likes Hop’s bad puns, so everyone else has to cringe in discomfort at the oblivious pair. 
23: Who comes home from work to see that the other one bought a puppy? Hop. Gloria likes catching pokemon and sending them on poke jobs, so there’s a new member to their family at least once a week. 
24: Which one gives the other a piggyback ride when they’re tired? Hop. He’s the only one she would show vulnerability to, and he makes sure not to make her feel ashamed of it. (also, Gloria absolutely could not carry Hop. He’s like, a foot taller than her).  
25: Which one competes in some sort of activity and which one does the overzealous cheering? Both! They’re very supportive of each other to help ease the other’s insecurities. Hop gets really invested in her pokemon matches and Gloria throws him a little celebration every time he finishes a project.  
26: Who takes a selfie when the other one falls asleep on their shoulder? Gloria. Since Hop never goes to sleep at night, it is very common for him to take 5 minute power naps without even realising it. Gloria definitely takes pictures when it happens as a reflex (They were long distance for the first 4 years of their relationship) because she wants to be able to look back at their memories together.  Like Gloria doesn’t know about Hop’s doodles of her, Hop doesn’t know about her phone album of him. 
27: Which one would give the other a makeover if they asked? Gloria? I think they both grow into their separate styles as the get older, but Gloria would push Hop to wear more colourful things. Sonia once told Hop that a man should never tell a woman what to wear because it’s rude. I don’t think Gloria would mind if he suggested something, but he is way too nervous to do it (Sonia scarred him).   
28: Which one owns a pet that the other is absolutely terrified of? Hop is very nervous around Urshifu and Calyrex. Urshifu because he’s terrifying, large, and very protective of Gloria. Calyrex because the pokemon will take over his body without warning to tell Gloria something.  
29: Which one holds the umbrella over both of them when it rains? Hop! If Gloria held it, Hop’s head would be in the umbrella. 
30: If your OTP went on vacation, where would they go and what would they do? Who would take the pictures? Oh my gosh, they’d go everywhere. I think that after Gloria steps down as champion, they travel to all the different regions for at least a couple of years. Gloria would be the one to take pictures and make a little scrapbook when they return home.  
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stray-kids-react · 4 years
You go into little space
Bang Chan
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* Protective caretaker mode has been activated, no matter what the situation is. *
° Chan came home from work, throwing his keys onto the kitchen counter. Soon noticing a cute crayon note stuck to the fridge with a magnet, 'Hi daddy! I hope work was good. I am in the room drawing, come join me!'
* Chan knew about little space, and understood that it was a way of you calming down from any stress. He was always willing to take care of you, and never got annoyed or weirded out like some people did. *
° Chan walked into the bedroom, noticing cute little stick fairies stuck all over the walls. Your tongue stuck out as you focused on coloring in one of the fairies dresses. Too focused to notice your care taker admiring you from afar.
"Hey princess/prince charming, did you draw these?"
° You nodded shyly, looking at the floor worried that he would be upset at the new decorations. But you relaxed when he cupped your face, pecking the top of your head softly.
"They look amazing y/n, which one is your favorite?"
° You pointed to the glittery blue fairy with large pigtails, unsticking it from the wall to hand it to him.
"That's mine too! I love the glitter, that was a nice touch."
Lee Know
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* Is already whipped for you, but becomes even more soft when you go into little space*
° You were in the middle of shopping, when he noticed you shift into a more clingy and innocent faze. Minho looked at you with softened eyes, asking if you were alright. "Can we visit that store, please daddy?"
*Once Minho found out that you would sometimes go into little space, he researched everything about it to make sure he knew what to do. Constantly praising you for not being bratty or a bad girl/boy. *
° Minho guided you to the pajama store, wrapping his hand around your wrist gently. You skipped towards the sleeping masks, passing him a panda one and grabbing a cute glittery cat one for yourself.
"Does daddy look like this mask? Or do I look more like yours?"
° You tugged at the panda one, jumping up and down on the floor. Giggling excitedly when he would poke his face out from the mask, sometimes sticking his tongue out at you and making derp faces.
"Can we please get them? I really like this one~" You begged, pouting slightly.
° Minho loved seeing your bright smile, so he took it a step further and let you pick out one more. Chuckling when you clapped in joy.
"Let's go to the cash, and then we can go get some donuts. How does that sound munchkin?"
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* Changbin adored when you went into little space, always playing around with you. *
° You knew that Changbin was coming home in a couple minutes, and you decided to hide from him wanting to see if he could find you. Grabbing a flashlight, so you wouldn't be scared of the dark while in the closet.
*Changbin was really curious about little space, and let you explain everything to him. The next day, buying you a whole bunch of stuffies and glittery stickers. Letting you put one on his laptop, not planning on removing it anytime soon. *
° He walked in, noticing the empty bowl of ice cream with sprinkles left over. Changbin clued in that you were probably in little space, and played along with your hide & seek prank. Even though he could hear your small giggles from the closet.
"I wonder where my cutie pie went? Is she/he in the kitchen?"
° You jumped out of the closet with a cute rawr, making him "scream" in "fear". Placing a hand over his heart dramatically, he repeatedly praised you for being so "intimidating".
"I practiced my rawring all day, I wanted to surprise you daddy."
° He adored when you got all giddy after getting a reaction out of him, only encouraging him to be more dramatic each time. Sometimes even falling to the floor when you jump out of an obvious hiding spot.
"Get ready for supper cutie pie, I bought you your favorite pizza."
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* Loves when you go into little space, Becuase you both play around and he gets extra cuddles*
° You just woke up from a nap and wanted some attention, and you just so happened to jump into little space when you woke up. So you secretly grabbed one of your tiaras and planned on secretly placing it on Hyunjin.
*Hyunjin didn't know what little space was at first, so he let you guide him through all of the facts and duties of being a caretaker. He enjoyed when you became clingy, and used your light baby voice when asking for stuff. *
° Hyunjin immediately got into the character of a prince, assuming you were in little space. Voicing some of the barbies you brought out, and kissing a soft frog stuffed animal so it could turn back into a human.
"As prince of Amercanodale, I declare that Ken shall be released from jail."
° You soon grabbed different doll clothes, asking Hyunjin which one your dolls should wear. Asking for help with braiding the doll's hair, which he happily did along with some of his own hair.
"Can I bedazzle your hair? I have cute clips to use in it!"
° Hyunjin always allowed you to play with his hair, whether you be in little space of not. Loving that feeling of you stroking through his locks, and looking at him with only admiration and love.
"Use as many clips as you want beautiful, you can even use that hair chalk if you want."
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* Accidently found out about you going into little space, when he found your sticker stash*
° Jisung noticed your small pout throughout the day, noticing that you ran out of stickers and were in little space. He wanted to cheer you up so he took you onto a trip to the nearest dollar store, letting you pick out some stickers.
* Jisung knew about the basic things of Little Space, but never really looked into it until he found out that you used it as a stress relieving mechanism. He won't tell the members unless you are comfortable with it*
° You specifically picked out a pack of animal stickers that included some squirrels, sticking one on his cheek once he bought them for you. Pointing out that he reminds you of the sticker that you stuck on him.
"I look like the squirrel?... As long as you like squirrels than it's okay. *Chuckles*"
° You kissed the sticker on his cheek, and soon went on a rant about how much you love squirrels. Mentioning their fluffy tails, and cute cheeks that hold so much food. Not realizing how long you were ranting.
"Do you like Squirrels? Or are you more of a chipmunk lover?"
° Jisung thought wisely about which option would offend you the least, soon going with the most neutral answer. Explaining that he likes both and finds them just as cute as you do, loving the way your eyes sparkled in joy.
"Even though they are both cute, nothing can compare to my little squish y/n."
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* The cutest and cuddliest caretaker ever, loves when you become his own personal backpack and pillow*
° You were both heading home from dinner with the boys, and by the last ten minutes he noticed you switch into little space. Getting hints by your constant clingy hugs, and never letting go of his hand.
* You told him about your shifts little space when you were serious enough in the relationship. Letting all of the anxiety you had leave your body, when he simply nodded and sent you a soft reassuring smile. *
° Felix tucked you under the soft sheets of your shared bed, brushing away any stray hairs from your face. Letting you choose a bedtime story to read to you, rubbing a soft circle across your stomach as he read aloud.
"The prince left a soft kiss upon aurora's lips, watching as her lovely eyes fluttered open."
° Felix constantly glanced at your increasingly tired state, thanks to mixture of his deep soothing voice and soft delicate hands. His hand trained up to your cheek, pressing his thumb against the corner of your lips.
"Before I go to sleep, can I have a goodnight kiss? Pleeeaassee~"
° Felix giggled at your dramatic begging, but caved into your needy yet calm cuteness. Placing small playful pecks all over your face, before landing his last one across your smile gently. Staying on your lips for a couple seconds longer than the rest.
"Goodnight sleeping beauty, wake me if you need anything. Even if it's just cuddles."
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* Spoils you when you are in little space, just because you are too cute to say no too. *
° Hyunjin won a bet against Seungmin, so he had to go out and buy a toy for Kkami. You tagged along because you wanted to spend time with Seungmin and see some cute kittens. But you shifted into little space while looking at the kittens and babying them.
* Seungmin clued into small habits and hints you showed while going into little space, such as changing your voice, pouting, & being 10× more hyper than usual. Soon bringing emergency toys, just in case. *
° Seungmin asked an employee if you were able to hold one of the kittens, soon getting an answer when he unlocked the cage that the small kitten slept in. You held it close to you, making small baby noises during it.
"I wonder if Hyunjin would get mad if we came home with a kitten instead of a toy."
° You heard his sentence, but you were too focused on making the kitten purr louder for affection. Soon exclaiming in joy when it cuddled into your hand, making Seungmin comb his fingers through the soft fur.
"I think it likes me! Or maybe it just wants food... Either way I'm getting cuddles~"
° Seungmin saw the kitten a while back when he went shopping with Hyunjin for dog food, and knew that it needed someone who would love it unconditionally. So he ended up driving home with and furry lump asleep on his lap.
"We're home and brought something extra special, I hope Kkami doesn't mind cat fur."
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*The only time he will let you call him oppa or daddy, understanding it's part of Little space*
° You were terrified of the loud storm that was happening outside, so you rushed to your boyfriend's dorm to try and calm down. Bringing a couple extra presents while in your child like splurge of ideas.
*Jeongin enjoyed playing with you, loving the innocent gaze you gave everytime he used a big word. Sometimes he would shift into little space with you without realizing, but he secretly enjoyed the feeling *
° Jeongin turned on a couple flashlights while strapping on the adorable hat you brought, asking if your wanted any drinks or snacks. Holding your hand while walking to the kitchen for some chips and soda.
" You don't have to be scared of anything, oppa is right here and won't let anything happen."
° You nodded still a bit cautious thanks to the booming thunder outside, but that only led to him holding onto you closer while walking back to the room. Shooing your irrational scary thoughts away.
"You're the best oppa ever Innie, thanks for the yummy snacks and cuddles."
° He played music off of his phone to try and distract you from the loud storm outside, feeding you chips and giving a cute bendy straw for your drink. Chuckling silently when you fell asleep with crumbs all over you.
"You such a cute little sunshine y/n, have a good rest cutie."
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Match up! ~(˘▾˘~)
Can I get a matchup? I’m 5'4 chubby pansexual girl. I have brown skin, dark brown eyes and short black curly hair that’s puffy and in a Afro when it’s out.I like cooking,singing, animals, video games, cuddles, hugs, playing with people’s hair and people playing with my hair. When you first meet me I may look mean but I’m kind, caring, goofy and sassy. I’m only mean when you mess with me, my family or friends. I’m a calm and laid back person but sometimes I can get mad easy but a hug calm me down.I’m a affectionate person and I don’t know why but I like the nickname babygirl.In my free time I like to read, listen to music and play with. I don’t like drama and fighting but I will fight if I have to. For some reason it’s seems like I’m always smiling sometimes I don’t know I’m smiling until somebody point it out.I like watching horror movies and playing horror games since I’m chubby Im really warm.
I really love your matchups you are a good writer☺️
Eeeep! 😱😱☺You are too kind!❤❤☺ Thank you so much for the kind words and the request dear. Also sorry for taking like 1 million years to get this written! I hope you enjoy it love and I hope you have a super good day! ❤❤🌻🦋
So I match you with…………….. Shingen
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Naturally the first time Shingen laid eye on you, was when Yuki had saved you from plummeting to your death the night of the fire. You had ran and ran and ran to get away from Nobunaga and Hideyoshi, who spooked you by demanding to know who you were, and where you were from. Shingen spotted Yuki saving you from falling off the cliff and rode towards the two of you to make sure you guys were alright.
The second this man saw you he fell in love. You were unlike any woman he had ever seen before, the way you seemed to glow in the light of the full moon, had him absolutely speechless. Honestly, he thought, you must have been some sort of celestial being, with the way you shined. 
He walked up to you and kissed your hand as he introduced himself. Your expression was taut, and Yuki couldn’t help but be slightly intimidated by your features, “Careful my lord, she looks mean.” Of course, that comment from the young man earned him a stony glare from you, which sent shivers down his spine. 
Kenshin and Sasuke broke up the party as they arrived and the second Sasuke spotted you he sighed in relief, he had been looking for you for over four years. Before he could even offer you a place to stay, Shingen beat him to it. And that my friend is how you landed up in Kasugayama castle.
Shingen made sure to put you in a room fit for a princess, and he spent your first day at the castle showering you with gifts and trinkets. You honestly was so overwhelmed by the Kasugayama boys warm welcome, that you wanted to do something nice for them, to thank them. So you used your talents, to cook them each their favourite dishes to say thank you for the warm welcome. You made your way to Sasuke the next morning to ask him about all the warlords favourite foods so that you could start making your thank you gifts. You had decided to bestow it upon them at that evening’s banquet.
Sasuke smiled as you chartered down a list of everyone’s favourite snacks, and you got to work.
You had been in Kasugayama all of one week, and you really wanted to make Shingen’s dish extra special, as he had been the one who had most helped you to adapt to the castle life. He took time out of his schedule every day to show you around the castle and town. He would also pop into your room every day to enjoy a cup of tea with you. 
That night at the banquet, Kenshin was getting rowdy as he usually does, insisting the boys fight him. You honestly disliked fighting and drama, so you decided to defuse the situation by handing out your special gifts. You started with Kenshin handing him a big jar of freshly made pickled plums. His eyes sparkled as he plucked one from the jar to prop it into his mouth. The bunny warlord was now sitting in his corner, happily munching away at the pickled treats. You couldn’t help but giggle, as the way he was stuffing his cheeks made him look like a cute bunny. 
Next was Sasuke and Yukimura, you had found out that they both really enjoyed chestnut dumplings, so you handed them each a plate stacked high with the sugary delights. When it came to Yoshimoto, you were somewhat stumped as Sasuke had told you that he liked all foods that are delicious. So in the end you had decided to make for him your classic homemade stew, which he happily ate, all while wearing that elegant smile. 
Finally you turned to Shingen, whose brown eyes lit up in excitement as you handed him a hefty package. He opened it and was awestruck at the array of sweets you had managed to prepared for him. Eyeing Yuki, he took you by the hand and led you to his room, so that he could peacefully munch on his candy without Yuki scolding him in the background. “You truly bless me, my goddess, I shall savour every bite of these heavenly treats.” The two of you sat, and nibbled on the sweets, while sipping on some tea as you chatted late into the evening under the light of the moon.
Needless to say, Shingen was already head over heels for you, from the first night the two of you met, however, every detail he learned about you just made him fall more and more in love. He loved how you were the kindest person he has ever met. 
He loves how goofy and sassy you are, being able to easily match his wit and charm with your own. He can’t help but chuckle whenever you counter his flirty comments with a sassy remark. And he absolutely adores your goofy side. And he realises quickly that after just spending one afternoon with you, that he has never smiled and laughed as much in his whole life. You bring so much joy and love into his life; and he can’t help but fall in love.
And just when Shingen thought that he possibly couldn’t fall more in love with you, you just had to go and melt his heart into a puddle of pure happiness. It was no secret that you loved animals. You had taken up the duties of official Kasugayama animal caretaker. You would spend hours just playing with the warlord’s pets. If you weren’t cuddling with Kenshin’s army of fluff, you were playing fetch with Yukimura’s wolf pup. However, your favourite pet of all, to spend time with, was Shingen’s bear cub, which you had half and half adopted as your own pet. The little bear absolutely adored you and could often be found nestled on your lap enjoying the attention of you petting his soft fur as you read. 
One day as you were reading to the little bear, a song popped in your head, and you started sing. At that exact moment, Shingen had walked by your room, and his heart was stolen, your voice was so smooth and beautiful. HE swore he had died and gone to heaven at the moment, hearing your angelic voice sing. It was then when he couldn’t hold back his feeling for you in any longer. He made his way into the room and told you just how much he loves and adore you.
The two of you were the cuddliest couple around. As Shingen absolutely loved to just hold you in his arms. You were so warm and soft, and all he wanted to do is shower you with kisses and worship you from dusk to dawn.
He loves to just spend every waking moment with his goddess. Of course, since the two of you got together, you let it slip that you loved being called baby girl. And boy oh boy, did he like that nickname, he legit would call you that, from that moment on wards. 
He loves that you are always smiling, you are just so carefree and laidback. He can’t help but think of you as his own personal ray of sunshine, always beaming and making every room instantly brighter whenever you enter.
Of course, Shingen being the sneaky tiger he is, loves to tease his beloved goddess, which sometimes causes you to get mad at him. Although Shingen being the master of information, knows precisely how to get you to stop being mad at him, or out of any angry mood really. He will come up behind you and envelop you in a warm hug while kissing your ear and neck, all while whispering the sweetest words of affection to you, as he apologizes for teasing you. Of course, this causes you to instantly melt.
Shingen loves to spoil you. Whether that is with gifts or physical affection, this man just wants to shower you with endless amounts of love and affection. He absolutely loves to play with your hair. He can honestly spend hours upon hours just pulling his fingers through your lushes locks. If you want to make this man the happiest man alive, then play with his hair. He loves loves loves, it whenever you see him overworking himself, when you come up behind him and hug him. Bonus points if you gently pull him down to rest his head on your lap. He will practically be purring in delight as you tenderly pull your fingers through his hair while singing or reading to him. He will be like putty in your hands.
With Shingen, there is never a shortage of cuddles and hugs, this man will literally pull you into a warm embrace and shower your face with kisses whenever the two of you run into each other in the hallways
Often the two of you lovebirds can be found nestled in each other’s arms, under the light of the moon, sharing a drink. One of you is most likely always playing with the other’s hair as you share the events of your days with each other.
Other potential matches………… Masamune
I hope you enjoyed this, dear! 😳☺And I hope you have a super good day! @blackchubbyqueen ☺🌻❤🌻
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only-here-for-jatp · 4 years
Build-a-Band pt 5 Lukas and Jules
Part 5 is up!
Featuring: Luke POV, Luke building a Julie, and Reggie building a Luke
Not going to lie, not my best chapter. Little sleepy. HOWEVER, some chapters now have pictures at the bottom of the bears (sans outfits) that I’m referencing.
As always read on Ao3 here
And below! ~2300 words
Luke adored watching the faces of his bandmates as they shared Alexander the bear. Reggie was lit up like the sun, and somehow shone even brighter after rendering Alex speechless while he gently swept his fingers over the bear. Alex looked to be slightly in awe, not just in the surprising likeness to himself, but also at the care of thought that went into it.
He was only kidding, mostly, when he whined about Reggie not making him a stuffie. It was less because he needed a small stuffed animal version of himself, but more because he really wanted Reggie to want to make him one. He understood though, why Reggie would make one for Alex rather than him.
Alex had always gravitated towards soft things. For as long as the boys had known him there was something soft and cuddly nearby whether it be a stuffed animal, a blanket, or even just a sweatshirt. Reggie was much the same, although he tried to hide it significantly more than Alex did. Both of them loved such things, looked to them in an instinctual way for comfort.
Luke didn’t have that kind of attachment to soft cuddly things. It certainly that he wasn’t cuddly enough, in fact he was probably the cuddliest of the bunch, but even when he was little, he’d always chosen to cuddle people instead. In fact, he craved being in constant contact with another human being. When he’d been five it’d been his mom, he’d wrap around her leg or crawl into her lap and she’d whisper to him the secrets of the universe.
When he was ten it was Reggie. He’d follow him around, tugging on the bottom of his shirt as Reggie chatted at him in high speed. Mostly though, Luke would grab Reggie’s hand and pull him along into shenanigans and adventures and things that ten-year-old boys get up to. Over the years, there were classmates that teased them, but Luke would just grip harder, stick his tongue out and call them jealous. After all, clearly nobody wanted to hold their hands.
In late middle school, they found Alex. Soon it was cuddle piles on the floor or the couch. Pretty much anywhere all three of them could fit. That was actually most places since all three boys were fairly creative and very few sense of boundaries. It was Alex who he would hug as if it was a lifeline, the only thing keeping him standing, after fights with his mom. It was the three of them linking fingers, hands, arms, ready to defy the world where everyone they trusted, everyone they needed to protect them failed.
He would never dream of mocking the boys for their love of all things soft and cuddly. He figured he’d had his own teddy bears in a way, they just happened to be the very alive, and now very dead, Alex and Reggie.  Instead he watched with a soft smile at Reggie tried to hide his joy at Alex refusing to put Alexander down and getting to go back to Build a Bear the next day. The best moment had when he caught Alex teaching Alexander to play the drums when he thought no one was looking. Yup, his brothers were the most adorable and soon they would all have stuffies of each other to play with, and for that he was incredibly excited.
Luke wasn’t entirely sure what to expect when he poofed into Build a Bear the next morning, but walls covered with animals of all shapes colors and sizes was certainly not it. He could feel Reggie literally vibrating next to him and Luke’s excitement and energy was feeding off it. Oh yes, the kid in a candy store feeling was coming over him. Something about these stuffies felt different. Instead of lifeless stares, it almost felt as if they were alive and gazing fondly at the joy they were bringing to the three ghost boys and the smirking human girl.
He glanced at Julie and was unsurprised to see a soft smile and shimmering eyes as she took them all in. Alex had wandered off to the shelves mesmerized and before he could process what was happening Reggie was dragging him all around the store pointing out cool this and cool that and AHHH did you see. Luke was smiling and hanging on for the ride.
Or he was until he saw the dogs. There was one, like a border collie almost with fire sticking out all over the place and he heard himself scream before he realized the words were his. OHMYGAWD IT’S SO FLUFFY I’M GOING TO DIE.
At this point Julie and Reggie were doubled over and cackling at him while Alex barely spared him a quizzical look. He harumphed. He’d never gotten the appeal before! Not when he’d had Reggie and Alex so he had…. never mind he didn’t want to do THAT math… years to catch up on! He walked over to lightly punch Reggie in the arms as he slowly managed to stop laughing.
He meandered away, peering in all the boxes with Reggie following closely behind him. He wasn’t sure what he was looking for, but he figured he would know it when he saw it. It wasn’t long before Reggie was tugging at his shirt.
“Dude! Dude!” Reggie pointed at a soft caramel brown bear with big sewn in eyes. “It’s you!!” At first glance Luke agreed, it did kind of remind him of him, but as he got closer, he realized that this bear was slightly smaller than the other bears. Which of course is when Luke read the name “Lil’ Cub Brownie”.
Reggie just looked at him, an eyebrow raised and a smirk on his lips. “Let’s see what Julie thinks.” He called out to the girl watching them with amusement. “Hey Jules, how tall would you say Luke is?”
She gave Luke a quick up and down. Pondered it softly as her eyebrows scrunched up. “Hmmm…. 5’4”?”
Luke could feel the shock, horror, and betrayal coursing through him. “I AM 5’8”!” Julie looked at him quizzically “Are you sure?”
Luke let out a groan of frustration as Reggie picked up the small bear shaped lump and winked at him. He grabbed Reggie’s elbow and dragged him along scanning the aisles for something that might even mildly resemble Julie.
He’d passed this bear three times. He still didn’t like it, didn’t even think it looked like Julie, yet something about it kept giving him pause. It was a pale lilac color and it might be the softest thing he’d ever touched. The purple was kind of nice, but he knew Julie was a more vibrant purple like the dress she’d worn on the Orpheum and while her eyes could melt him to the core, she had a strength that astounded him. The bear kind of felt like Julie lite. A shadow or figment of her.
There was something weird with its eyes too like it had winged eyeliner. He knew every now and again Julie wore her make-up like that, but it didn’t really seem to be her. Julie was at her Juliest when in mismatched pajamas and her fluffy dinosaur slippers, her hair flowing freely and a soft song singing from her lips. It was like she carried the warmth and the light with her and this bear just didn’t.
Yet this was the third time he was standing in front of this Anna? From Frozen? Bear and it was his best bet. Reluctantly he grabbed the blob of fabric and hoped along the way it could become more like her.
He and Reggie made their way over to where Alex and Julie were already sitting, waiting for the other to join them. He had to admit he wasn’t listening while Julie gave them some monologue. The bear just wasn’t sitting right with him and it took Reggie dragging him toward these red boxes to jar him from contemplation.
Luke glanced in to see all the little hearts and felt a smile lighting up his face. Identifying a heart for Julie, now that he could do. He smiled a little bit at Alex’s intense focus, as if finding the right heart was the same as defusing a bomb. He laughed at Reggie’s antics of digging through everything and moving hearts into different buckets, leaving not one unturned in his hunt. Every now and again Luke would let out a tease at the look on Alex’s face or be fake angry with Reggie when he scooped hearts on top of where Luke was looking.
This was really what he’d come for, this moment of pure joy with his family. Julie just kept shaking her head at them all. For a minute they were just three seventeen-year-old boys with their favorite girl building a bear.
It took him by surprise really, the flash of color. Soon though, he was digging with fervor trying to find the glimpse of deep royal purple he’d seen. After what felt like forever and a impending feeling of hopelessness he found it. Sitting at the bottom of the bin was a purple heart, almost exactly the color of Julie’s Orpheum dress. This, this was the one.
He cracked a smile at Reggie and waved it in his face as Reggie held up what had to be the most awkwardly looking heart he’d ever seen. Reg must have noted his look of confusion because he started to explain.
“I know it’s not the prettiest looking heart but look at all it’s gone through. It’s still surviving, it’s still functional, it’s still the biggest heart of anyone I know. This is the kind of heart that gives pieces of itself to mend others.” Reggie just keeps going borderline rambling as if he also doesn’t know where to stop until his voice drops almost to a whisper “This is a heart that fixes things and and and you fixed us.”
Luke gave Reggie the biggest grin as the warmth flew through him at his friend’s explanation. “It’s perfect Reg. Thank you.” Reggie’s thousand-watt smile was back as they all moved back towards the stuffing machine. He prompted Julie to do the magic, dragging him and Alex into the convincing, not that Julie needed it.
The wish stumped Luke briefly and he watched as Alex and Reggie seemed to do it with very little hesitation. Words and thoughts seemed to jumble in his mind before some started to align with startling clarity. They were lyrics? Either way he whisper sang them to the bear.
We say we're friends, we play pretend. You're more to me, we're everything Our voices rise and soar so high. We come to life when we're, In perfect harmony
By the time he finished, Alex had his new bear stuffed introducing him as William the Skater Bear and Reggie and Julie were whispering together while shooting him looks. Soon the caramel bear was growing and becoming real. Luke had to admit, despite the height issue, Reggie really had done a good job picking out the bear and as he screamed about a guitar for Lukas, Luke giggled and stepped up to the machine.
Julie raised an eyebrow at his choice and he grinned at her sheepishly and shrugged. Truthfully, he was a little nervous about it. What if he picked the wrong bear? What if it looked awful? Would she hate it? When he handed her the heart though, her eyes grew wide before dashing up to his. She squeezed it tight and watched as her face shifted to awe and a blush crept over her cheeks before she hurriedly finished the bear.
She handed the bear back to him and oddly enough Luke stared deeply into the bear’s eyes. A flicker of recognition passed through. That was Jules, through and through. He took one more glance at Julie, smiled, and called out “C’mon Jules time to accessorize!” He heard her giggle as he wandered over to the clothes section.
In the end, he managed to convince Julie to let him bring home two outfits for Jules. One was a sparkly purple fairy dress with a black leather jacket and a microphone to match, the other was a pair of pajamas with monster slippers. They’d rationalized it as needing a band outfit, but also a cuddlier one.
For a brief moment, he and Reggie switched bears so Luke could hold onto Lukas. Reggie had managed to find denim pants with a band tshirt and a beanie. Reggie swore up and down that when they got home they could cut the sleeves off the bear’s shirt, but Luke was enamored with the little bear and his soft guitar that hung by a band off his hand. He nodded absently, agreeing with whatever Reggie said before pulling Lukas close into a tight hug.
A little voice that sounded remarkably like Reggie whispered into Luke’s head.
You are Lukas. Luke may prefer hugging people to stuffies, but it’s your job to make sure that for whatever reason we can’t be there, Luke can hug you and know we’re hugging him back as tightly. He saved us all and now he’ll never be alone again.
He looked up at Reggie, tears starting to pool in his eyes, even as Reggie looked a little confused. He reached out and hugged him tight. Never letting go of Lukas. They stayed that way for a long time before pulling apart.
Alex had witnessed the whole thing and was pretty sure he knew exactly what caused the burst of emotion in Luke. He gave a small smile before taking the opportunity to rag on his brother. “So what do you think Luke? Care to put Lukas down for a minute.”
Luke shook his head vigorously “Nuh-uh. Not a chance.” There was something niggling at him though as he joked with his bandmates. He couldn’t quite place it though until Julie slipped Jules out of Reggie’s arms and into her arms. He froze then, his brain catching up and slamming into him.
What if Julie could hear the lyrics he sung to the bear as his wish?
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glindaselphie · 5 years
bc she’s a harvestman, shiloh doesn’t exactly have the cuddliest form but she does her best to cuddle me when I do need comfort. I’m laid in bed feeling a bit mentally rough rn and she’s tucked herself into crook of my neck. I also have a stuffed animal that I’ve slept cuddling with ever since I was nine years old and when I’ve had a rough day or night, I’ll fall asleep with shi resting on top of the bear’s head bc she knows that closeness is comforting to me too
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mcnished · 5 years
5, 7 and 25? (Have a great day!)
Thank you!!
5- Nightly routine?
Not really a routine, but I always cuddle one of my cats (she’s the best) and watch youtube videos till I get bored and fall asleep.
7- Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? If so, what?
Nope! I do sleep with an actual animal though, the cuddliest cat in the universe.
25- Do you like hugs?
I hated them for a long long time, mostly because I felt like it was something I had to do. However, I’ve grown to love them, because they’re nice and I’ve gotten a lot better at protecting my boundaries. So I only hug people when I want to and it’s the best. Most of my friends are huggers as well.
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dolphinitley · 6 years
1, 6, 9, 20 for Emily questions!!! 💕
I really love these questions! Thank you for asking 🙂💕
1. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite? She has a plush reindeer, a stuffed dala horse, and a plush bear. The reindeer is her favorite because it is the softest and cuddliest and she has had it the longest. She acquired all of them from ages 12-15. They’re birthday gifts she got from her parents.
6. Who will they take advice from, no matter what it is? Who won’t they take advice from, no matter what it is? She very much values the opinion of her older brother. He’s 7 years older than she is and he’s her only sibling. She would not ever listen to John Seed, out spite. He just really irks her.
9. Do they empathize with non-sentient things (dolls, plants, books…)? She really loves books and it’s easy for her to get lost and emotionally involved in a book. She’s also very gentle with her stuffed animals. She admires flowers rather than picks them because she wants them to live. Having these feelings doesn’t mesh well with her profession, especially her violent time in Hope County. She was too soft to handle it well.
20. What do they like that nobody else does? At home she liked to play Magic: The Gathering with friends but in Hope County it’s not a popular game and she doesn’t have people to play with.
Here is a pic of Emily and Boomer just for fun 😊
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danafaithwriting · 6 years
1 for Jude Lenore and Oscar
1. Do they sleep with a stuffed animal? If they have multiple, who’s the favorite?
None of them do afaik. I think Lenore might be the most inclined to out of the three of them? she’s the cuddliest sleeper
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newsiegirlscout · 7 years
FHFIF Headcanons
Today, I was thinking I’d ramble on a headcanon roll about this show by the name of Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. It was really amazing while it ran, and all-in-all was completely underrated. I just finished the last episode two weeks or so ago and, since I’m still in shock over it, well....the best thing to do with sadness and joy and nostalgia is to give it to the Internet, right? Right! So-onto the headcanons!
--When Mac gets older, he gets a job at Foster’s, much to the delight of the friends. (He used to joke about his shift ending at 2:59 just to freak out Bloo. Frankie still cleans everything, so Mac’s job is mostly cooking and messing around anyway. Y’know, keeping the more active imaginary friends busy. That, and reading bedtime stories-he has an awesome “scary” voice, but in a silly way, like Mojo Jojo.).
---Mac’s favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate fudge with caramel and milk chocolate sprinkles. He gains control of his sugar intolerance somewhat when he’s around fourteen....but still goes hyper if he has too much. (Say, the normal sugar-hyped slight bounce for anyone else is Mac’s sugar rush.)
---Mac never actually retired his bookbag. It was intentionally way too large for  a second-grader’s homework load, so he could hide his most prized possessions from Terrence- or, at least, always keep them on his person. (On a regular day, his bag can be found holding his laptop, wallet, pictures of Frankie, library card, marbles, key chain, and water pistol. Yeah, that’s the water pistol that makes him look like an Ironman villain.) When he left for college, everybody at Fosters signed his bookbag. 
---He skipped more than a few grades. In fact, he was in a school for gifted children during the length of the series-which explains why an eight-year-old was writing an essay on the presidents. 
---Mac writes the most flowery, beautiful free-verse poetry you have ever seen. Once, it got published and he won a reward for it, but was still utterly embarrassed when the newspaper arrived at Fosters. He even snuck out around four AM to grab both his and Foster’s papers, but found Mr. Herriman calmly reading it in his study. (Herriman gave his highest stamp of approval-i.e; straightening his monocle, cleaning the lens, and remarking, “By jove!” 
---He tends to wear his hair long when he gets older-that, and typically going unshaven until Mr. Herriman tells him he looks like he’s about to attend a woodstock festival. 
---Additionally, Mac has fluffy, perpetually-askew hair because of his tendency to run his fingers through it when in stress or when he’s thinking. (Frankie’s hair is spiky for the same reason.) 
---He’s a hugger. Always has been, always will be.
---Mac, even as an adult, only prefers (as reading material) Science fiction, action, comedy, and comic books; for viewing, he prefers old movies, comedy films, and cartoons. A lot of cartoons. As in, about 63.547% of the animated films in the DVD case are movies that Mac hauled over at some point or another during his job and intentionally left there. (They all have his name in sharpie on a neat label pressed onto the back.)
--Frankie more or less decided a long time ago that she’s aromantic. The closest thing she’ll allow to love is the filial bond between her and the imaginary friends.
--Her favorite ice cream flavor is pineapple rum. (Yes, that’s a thing.) If any of the younger friends are with her, though, she orders mango. 
---She possesses a secret love for the color pink. She tends not to show it too much, as she feels it’s demeaning to her maturity, but otherwise, it’s her favorite color in the world. 
---Frankie grew up with the Foster’s imaginary friends. Her job started when Madame Foster occasionally asked her to do little chores around the house- say, rocking a baby friend to sleep or washing a pot -so that, by the time she turned fifteen and wanted to get a career so as to earn more cash, she was a first choice caretaker for Foster’s Home. 
--Frankie used to love those little toys that come in cereal boxes. She would eat bowls upon bowls of Choco-Frosted Sugar Bombs Trix and Captain Crunch, etc., until she was on sugar rushes to put Mac’s to shame so she’d get the toy and be able to get another box of cereal as soon as possible. (Her favorites were the superhero rings;((Does anybody else remember those? I feel like those were really big for a while, little plastic rings with superhero emblems?)); she once got so many, she could hook them together into a crown.)
--She loves the arcade games in an almost abnormal way. When she was about nine, she got the high score on Tetris, Paperboy, Centipede, and quite a few others. She is most often the one who will drive friends to the arcade and treat them to tokens partially so she can show off her gaming skills at the classics. (Bloo: “So by classics, you mean Halo and Call of Duty?” Frankie: “ No. The real classics. Defender. Pac-man. Astroids. Games you play in an arcade which was a building outside of your house. You would go there with your friends, listen to music, cute guys everywhere. In ancient times, they call it 'socializing'. “)
Madame Foster
--There are quite a few episodes in the series where an imaginary friend spends money. That was Madame Foster at work-when the house first opened, she distributed around five hundred dollars among the friends. With the addition of a hundred dollars every two years or so, that same cache has been circulating for years. (The trick being that they only spend it inside the house.)
---Madame Foster’s favorite ice cream flavor is butterscotch with caramel, chocolate syrup, rainbow sprinkles, whipped cream, and frosting. (What, you’ve never put frosting on a bowl of ice cream before? My sincerest sympathies.) Typically, she’ll get the chocolate-dipped cone, then have the server put it in a cup for her, so she has a large bowl of ice cream with all the toppings and a fancy cone on top of it all. (Mac starts to shake just looking at it.)
---Madame Foster has managed to scare the horror buffs senseless with her dramatic readings of existing stories, not to mention re-tellings of her own writing.
---Her room is full of stuffed animals. Enough stuffed animals to bury herself in. It is not exactly uncommon to find a stuffed animal hiding somewhere in the house. (Looking for a book? Whoop! A plush cat already beat you to it! Want some pancakes? Seems a small rainbow llama is already on it.)
---Madame Foster also harbors a love for cartoons. The other 44.453% of the animated films are hers. For reading material, she enjoys comedies, including a lot of old storybooks. (Mrs. Piggle-Wiggle, Black Beauty, Treasure Island, Little Men...et cetera.) She also loves reading the occasional horror story or adventure. (Do you think she’d enjoy All the Light We Cannot See? Yeah, I think so too. Then again, that was an amazing and beautiful bit of literature. Everybody go read All the Light We Cannot See.)
Mr. Herriman
---Mr. Herriman gives the cuddliest hugs. Receiving a hug from Mr. Herriman, especially when you’re somewhere around stomach-level, is the equivalent of sticking your face into a litter of warm kittens. Unfortunately, he’s not too big on hugging.
---Eduardo is by far his (secret) favorite. 
---His favorite ice cream flavor is butter almond, (and yes, he does take all the almonds out individually before consuming it), though he usually prefers a slice of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting. 
---He doesn’t actually understand Coco’s “language”. He tends to get the gist of what she’s saying primarily through another friend, Madame Foster, or Frankie, but otherwise feels a bit lonesome in that he’s the only person in that universe who isn’t fluent in it. 
---He’s a fairly pleasant conversationalist, though he likes things to be run in such an orderly manner to the point of everyone seemingly hating him in a not-exactly-inconspicuous way. This in turn can make him slightly irritated, gaining him a reputation for his short temper and high standards.
---He LOVES bad puns on an almost-sinful level.
---He also prefers classic tales, romances, and adventure dramas in both viewing and reading entertainment. And yes, when watching a movie, he is That Person ™ who insists on popping popcorn over the fire and turning on subtitles.
---Bloo was originally created as a vehicle for Mac to say and do whatever he wanted without having to worry about getting in trouble. (For example, getting to give the snarky response to Terrence and getting away with it.) He also created Bloo as a way to prove to his mom that he was responsible enough to take care of something. (This is NOT my headcanon, though I strongly support it.)
---Bloo was the one who found the secret passages to the Secret Library, the Secret Gaming Room, and The Secret Secret Room. He also found all nineteen secret drawers in each (One of which concealed a stuffed canary named Rod Tango!) on various Adopt-a-Thought Saturdays. (Once or twice, Mac didn’t actually find him and ended up playing with the B-team-or, in other words, the members of Pizza Party.)
---Bloo’s favorite ice cream  flavor is cookies-and-cream-birthday-cake. (No, that’s not actually a flavor; he usually just gets two orders and shmushes them together into one BIG ice cream ball). Additionally, if possible, he’ll top it with M&Ms, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, caramel syrup, butterscotch, gummy bears, rainbow and chocolate sprinkles, crushed Oreos, mini peanut butter cups, and, of course, frosting- but never, never, never, Coconut. (”If you want to get these things done at all, you have to get them done right!”) So far, the only one who’s  willingly treated him was Adult! Mac and Madame Foster-otherwise, he has to go by himself. 
---His ideal adopter would be someone with year-round passes to lots and lots of amusement parks, a paddleball collection including the Automatic Paddleball, pizza every Friday, a 25-inch television with a ton of video games (”No, 50-inch! Wait, is 75-inch a thing? How about we just do like in that nerd book Mac likes, the dys-zopia, and have the TV replace one of the walls?”), and a large freezer just for ice cream, including a retractable shelf for toppings. (I blame @askblooqkazoo for this one) :)
---He loves the Powerpuff girls. Loves, loves, LOVES it. (Bubbles is his favorite.)
---Wilt’s favorite ice cream flavor is mocha swirl, with chocolate sprinkles and a maraschino cherry. He’s always the one who treats everyone else and waits patiently until everyone has their flavors before ordering, though he tries to exclude Bloo in the most polite way possible. (”I’m sorry! You see, I can’t afford all your toppings, which I’m honestly really sorry about, I mean..I can’t apologize enough for this, really! Maybe Mac will take you out for ice cream if you ask him nicely?”) He refuses to let someone else buy ice cream for him, so behind his back, Adult! Mac and Madame Foster built a mini freezer that looks like a backpack and has a special rack for ice cream, not to mention the extra two canisters of whipped cream and carton of chocolate sprinkles, just so they could treat him to an ice cream cone without his objection.
---Nobody ever actually put a nameplate on Wilt’s bed, because he always prefers to sleep under the floor. He always has ever since Bloo came-Wilt mainly just wants a monopoly on a bed so he can steal the blankets off it in the winter.
---He is fully aware of how brash he can get in later episodes, so he builds up his “Sorry!” to compensate, until it became, “I’m sorry-if that’s okay!”
---He once got a PhD to help out a struggling college student by tutoring him in neuroscience and quadratic equations. (Yes, he never quite got the hang of it until Wilt taught him.)
---Coco dabbles in the dark arts. (Check the Wiccan Spellbook she was reading in “Fools and Regulations.”)
---Coco knows something the rest of you don’t. Don’t believe her? Look again, she may have noticed that detail you completely passed over. Maybe it’s just the orange juice in the fridge that’s a day past the expiration date; maybe it’s the ending of the world before your eyes. 
---No one is quite sure what ice cream flavor Coco likes the best. Whenever she goes to the ice cream parlor, she’ll say a few phrases and give a slight nod to the server. No matter who, they always come back with an elaborate sundae, topped with a firecracker, at the price of a regular ice cream cone. 
---Coco is an amazing actress. Just amazing. She once got a role in a high-budget movie for her acting skills. (Not to mention that, once the director came to the door asking for her, she laid a pair of reading glasses and went through every single page of the contract. Then, once satisfied, she laid a silver ballpoint pen and signed it-though by then, the director was on his phone, scrolling through random web pages. “Ya done yet?” “CoCo Cococo Co!” “Well, of course I’m not going to put you in a cage and make you perform for long hours with no sleep! Whaddya think I am, the guy from those Deo commercials?”)
---Nerds (See the “Good Wilt Hunting” Nerds) believe that she was created by a very confused islander child, possibly one who has never seen contact with another human being. She is part plane because of the occasional air crafts passing the island, part bird because of the exotic tropical life, and does not speak English because the child never learned how and instead made up a language that only they could understand. 
---Once, Eduardo got his picture taken with the actress of Lauren Goes Explorin’. (And got it autographed!) He was super excited about it, and eventually got it framed with the same heavy-duty frame that Frankie used to mount her cereal-box ring crown.)
---His favorite ice cream flavor is bubblegum, partially because of the color (”Pink is my favorite! I like it muy, muy, much!) and partially because of the fact that it’s candy as well as ice cream, so he can take out the bubblegum balls and put them in a separate cup for his Malibu Mimi dolls. 
---Wilt is his favorite, though Adult! Mac comes close. (He eventually learned to settle petty disputes, Frankie-style (A la’ Destination Imagination), so he takes care of most of those-often tipping a Bloo/Eduardo argument in favor of Eduardo while still making Bloo satisfied with the outcome.) 
---Eduardo’s tears do not dehydrate him, nor are they made of salt water. He doesn’t even sniffle beforehand, unless he’s trying really hard not to cry-whenever he’s upset, he just gives a stream of fresh water from his eyes. 
---Yep. He’s a hugger. Was there ever any question?
---Eduardo’s strength was added so he could pick up and cuddle people easily. Nina’s parents have quite a few photos of him carrying her home from a late, late rehearsal, school play, or day-long trip to the park while she sleeps peacefully in his arms.
---No, he doesn’t run out of energy when walking long distances or running. His feet sometimes hurt slightly from pounding the floor too long if he’s been running, but he always has the energy to run, or fight. 
--Goo has actually wrapped her lunch like a present before. (Her usual lunch consists of a bag of chips, a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, a cupcake she injected with more icing in the center, an apple, and a juice box. It has been observed by Mac jokingly as being “strangely normal.”) She only does it for special occasions, (It makes everyone jealous around Christmas until they see why she brought it to lunch.), though Goo includes “The third Tuesday of March” and “August thirteenth” as major holidays. 
---Goo likes to celebrate her birthday at Foster’s whenever possible. She additionally actually likes Cheese, because she thinks he’s funny and she’s good with him, so he’s almost always helping her open presents or eating streamers as she decorates the table
---Her favorite ice cream flavor is rainbow sherbet, but she also likes (”blueberry, gold ribbon, cookies and cream, and birthday cake! Well, really I like almost every flavor except not coffee since that one’s really gross and I also sometimes make up flavors that I think they should have, like gummy bear sprinkles, and then sometimes there are flavors that sound made up except they’re really not, like pizza and pear with blue cheese, ew, isn’t that gross? Oh! And did I tell you about my idea for an ice cream burrito where instead of the cone, they make it a tortilla instead with the sugar cone stuff?”) She’s definitely the person where, if she’s alone with a month’s allowance, she’ll try to stack the scoops as high as possible and roll each one in a bowl of toppings. (She prides herself on the fact that she once got the server to coat three scoops in gummy bears, rainbow sprinkles, and chocolate chips respectively, and even got him to pour some gummy bears in the cone.) If she’s with someone else, and they’re treating, she’ll just get rainbow sherbet.
---She’s not a hugger. She’s affectionately physical in other ways-friendly slaps on the back, pats on the head, fixing someone else’s shirt collar-but doesn’t really hug a lot. She’s more of a high-fiver, to be honest. 
---When she gets older, she has everybody write a story about Foster’s in an anthology she publishes under the name “Hillary-Britney “Lollipop” Starr”. (Involuntarily included? Mac’s poetry.)
---Goo is the karaoke queen. 
--The soda fountain guy has been through everything. (If you need further proof, just look at the way he casually throws out Mac when he orders all those milkshakes...all, “Dude, I make seven bucks an hour. I’ve seen it all.”)
---Cheese was created with an innate sense of technology. He actually knew full-well what he was doing when he memorized the code to the electronic security system, and sometimes, Frankie has to ask him for his help when fixing her computer. (Usually with her head in her hands while Cheese jumps up and down on the chair and says “No no no, you put too much stuff in the computer! Throw some away! See in the hard drive? See, see, see, see, see? That’s why it’s so slowwwww!”)
---It is impossible to accidentally create an imaginary friend. It’s more of a left-brained thing than a technical thing, and you usually have to have a pretty clear idea of their personality beforehand. Goo’s imagination works at ten miles a minute, so she is the one exception.
---Imaginary friends do not age. Friends like Scrappy (Remember that little guy with the Brooklyn accent and Victorian clothing? That was one of my favorites..) are deemed older by how long they’ve been at Foster’s and how much they’ve matured emotionally. 
---Larry John McGee (Goofball’s creator) had a very silly sense of humor in creating Goofball. He wanted his friend to act as a big brother, and knew that if he ever got lost, he’d go to Foster’s for help and weird out the staff. Goofball did almost all of what he was doing with a straight face to make everyone else in the house laugh when Frankie pulled off his rubber nose to reveal...an imaginary friend. 
---Youngman Rivers actually turned out to be a pretty cool guy when he got older. 
---Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends did not go away after the series finale. Foster’s lives on with many more adventures of its own, including more and more characters as time goes on, until Mac grew into an adult, still coming to tackle Bloo on the first floor every day.
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Lion Grandpa: Reinhardt Headcanons
He's the sweetest person you'll ever meet ever and one of the most fun. He's like everyone's cool grandpa and best friend and it's amazing.
He and Ana had a romantic relationship when they were younger. Things ended after Ana's presumed death and it hurt him the most, right behind Pharah, to find out she was alive and never told him.
Reinhardt has watched most of D. Va's videos and is one of her biggest fans, it's adorable. 
Reinhardt is the cuddliest man alive, it's insane. He loves hugs and gives the best hugs out of anyone (unless he's emotional. Then that bear hug becomes bone crushing in a nearly literal sense)
To every new recruit in Overwatch, Reinhardt was the first person to meet everyone and easily becomes everyone's first friend. Seriously, he's the most welcoming and the easiest to talk to, so he kinda made it his personal job to welcome everyone and make them feel like they belong. Everyone has a place and he'll help everyone find it.
Ana taught him how to knit
Animals just love him, it's absolutely precious to see. He'll be walking down the street and just have a line of stray cats and dogs behind him. If he's going through the park, then ducks are added to the mix. He doesn't even discourage it, he loves it and has to be firmly told that, no, he can't keep the fifteen cats that followed him back to the base.
He snores. Not at loud as you think, but you can definitely still hear it
 He's super good with kids, especially younger kids who just think he's the coolest person of all time. Every year around the holidays, he actually reads to less fortunate kids and has dressed up at Santa before for the occasion
He loves to laugh and to make jokes, whether the jokes are good or bad.
He can cook and he can do so really well, it's incredible, to the point where everyone is excited if he makes something. Only problem is that they'll have leftovers for days because he makes a lot
He and Torbjörn get along super well and I can just see them as drinking buddies who laugh too loudly and tell everyone stories of the old days like a hundred times
Loves older movies and music (he's tried getting Lúcio into it to), but he can just as easily get into newer things like some of D. Va's games
He's a very emotional man. Example, after getting over the hurt over Ana, he did cry and hug her out of sheer relief
He's gotten hurt so much in battle solely because he will run in front of everyone and anyone to protect them, be it a civilian or fellow fighter. He's probably seen Mercy the most because of it all
He knew Mercy's parents before they died and sort of stepped in as a family figure for her after it all. 
This man is basically a big child a lot of the time. He just loses it whenever a holiday is coming up, loves sweets, adores small animals, stuffed animals, everything. It's adorable.
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