#and she always has something super practical to say about what a relationship moment really boils down to
blainesebastian · 2 years
words: 2,009 ship: austin butler x reader summary: (anon request) “what about austin with someone even touchier than him. maybe fans start saying she’s always clinging on him so she gets self conscious in public but austin notices right away” warnings: none notes: prompt just slightly different from request-- this can be read in tandem with ‘touch’ but isn’t necessary. requests are back open for now :) thanks to anyone who's left me one! appreciate it xx tag list: @killerqueenfan, @karamelcoveredolicity, @elizabethrosecresswell, @gigisworldsstuff, @stylespresleyhearted
Frowning at a few candid photos posted on Instagram, you scroll through the comments. You usually don't allow yourself to go down this rabbit hole because it shouldn't (and doesn't) matter what people think about you and Austin. No one is in this relationship except the two of you, you know that's the only thing that matters...and yet, these comments are burning into your eyes and imprinting on the back of your mind. It's mostly because it's spiteful, they're not fooling you on that, but that doesn't make them any easier to read.
There's a set of photos of you and Austin at a cafe last week that had a patio, enjoying the pleasant weather while you could. Austin is seated in one of the chairs, a pair of sunglasses and a ballcap on as he drinks his iced coffee. You're standing between his legs in the first photo and then you're sitting in his lap the second. Not that you need to justify this to anyone, but the patio was practically empty and you weren't disturbing anyone's afternoon. It's not like you were making out or somehow making this interaction obscene. You're typically seated on Austin's lap, it's so automatic at this point that he'll often find your hand and tug you to sit down on him—zero complaints.
Regardless that these strangers are not entitled to any background information, you know that might change a few people's opinions as they spit out nasty comments.
elvislover: you can tell he's super uncomfortable—like, yikes ericatownton: she literally does not give him a moment to breathe austinfan: #clingyaintcute
There are some bright spots,
austin345: can some of ya'll mind your own business? austin looks so happy in these? i don't get some of these comments shannonhyat: they're so cute! wish i could sit on austin like that, ngl eyeswithwonder: find yourself a man who looks at you like austin looks at Y/N—like she's hung the moon bro
but sometimes those aren't enough.
You've always been the touchy type—ever since your first boyfriend, but maybe it's gone beyond that, you've reached out and squeezed someone's arm while laughing, you're easy to hug to express emotion, and God, definitely super cuddly when you get a bit drunk. People who have never been your friends have called you a flirt or, just like the comments you're seeing, clingy...but you've never really found anything wrong with it. It's one of your love languages, how you best convey how you're feeling—and it's not like Austin isn't the same way.
He's big on touch, ever since you've known him, even when you two were just friends. Always with the hands on your hips, your waist, your lower back, fingers through your hair or playfully gripping your chin or absentminded centers of connection, knees against knees, shin along shin, shoulders brushing. He's never been shy about it...so why all of a sudden do you feel like you need to be?
You have no idea why you’re letting this bother you—Austin has never said anything that’s hinted that he’s uncomfortable, and you know he’d tell you. You really hate that this has gotten so underneath your skin.
You debate on whether you want to mention something to Austin or not, maybe talk about it or just…ask if there’s any merit in thinking you’re too clingy, if you should back off a little? But you never manage to get the words out of your mouth.
Setting your phone face down, you look up as Austin comes in from a night out with some cast members. He had asked originally asked if you wanted to join but you had dinner with your agent that you couldn’t miss (because it’d already been rescheduled twice).
“Hi,” He says warmly and walks over to where you’re seated on one of the stools at the island table. You hum as he leans down to press a kiss to your lips, slow and intimate, body heat rolling off his skin.
He smells like cologne and just a twinge of cigarette smoke, alcohol, intoxicating in a way it probably shouldn’t be. You find yourself closing your eyes as he leans a bit against you, not drunk but definitely tipsy, a lazy smile on his face as he pulls back. You smirk, reaching up to thread your fingers through his wild curls.
“Have a good time?”
“Would have been better with you,” He replies matter-of-factly, slipping his jacket off and setting it on one of the other stools. Austin clears his throat, getting a good look at you for a moment and pauses, “You alright?”
He knows you, lifts his hand to curl his pointer finger and brush it across the crinkling of your skin between your eyebrows. Far too well.
This could be your moment but…it feels foolish to mention it. Not only because Austin’s a bit inebriated and it wouldn’t be right to draw him into this conversation, but because the longer you sit with these thoughts, the more silly they feel. Right?  
“Yeah,” You lie through your teeth, giving him a soft smile. “M’just tired, got a headache.”
He hums lightly, moving to press a long kiss to your forehead. “I can make you some tea.”
You let out a laugh which is mostly air leaving your nose, “You are swaying on your feet,” You cup his cheek, amused and fond, “Shouldn’t I be taking care of you?” You lean up to press a kiss to the bridge of his nose.
He crinkles it but smiles down at you, “What’d you have in mind?”
You playfully tap his cheek, “Bed—maybe a shower.”
Austin purses his lips, seemingly in thought for a moment before he nods—and then ever so quickly scoops you up into his arms. It’s haphazard and ridiculous and you can’t help but laugh as he carries you towards the bathroom,
“Hey! I didn’t mean with me.” And you can’t stop yourself from laughing, Austin teasingly grabbing at your ass. He barely turns the water to the shower on before he sets you down, drawing you into a kiss.
It’s been a relatively lazy day which you’ve seriously come to appreciate, it’s not often that you get many of them to spare. You’ve spent the morning with Austin browsing a large farmer’s market, deciding on fresh fruit and vegetables and handmade products that you probably don’t need but are indulging on. It’s fun, calming—it’s in moments like these where you can kinda forget how crazy your day to day lives can be. There’s comfort in that normalcy together.
You decide to go to the same bistro on the corner from your apartment for lunch, a place that you both have been before countless times because of the great food and rich coffee. Not to mention that you’re slightly obsessed with the beautiful patio outside that’s perfect for a little fresh air and spots of sun. It fills up fast but this is where it pays to be a bit of a celebrity—when Austin calls ahead, they make a table up for him, no matter how busy they are.
Can’t deny that you kinda love that perk as you pick at some fries on your plate next to a finished sandwich, full and content, legs under the table pressing into Austin’s as he talks about his upcoming project. You can’t help but smile as he talks with his hands, animated, excited for what’s to come because he deserves every single moment of it.
There are small moments of enjoyable silence, just sitting in one another's company, the hand that's not eating fries sitting loosely on the table. Austin's hand finds yours automatically, something so automatic that it makes your stomach do a complete flip. Your eyes glance down to the rings on his slender fingers, running along yours, squeezing every so often. A small smile tugs the corners of your mouth and you pick up your iced coffee to take a sip.
"Today was pretty great," You comment after the breeze picks up and flutters your hair. You run your fingers through it, adjusting sunglasses on your face.
"It was," Austin agrees, running his thumb along your knuckles, "You regret that we don't always have time for it?"
You give him a small smile, shaking your head, "No, course not. Just makes it that much more special when we do."
Austin hums, lifting your hand to press a kiss to the inside of your wrist. He then tugs, encouraging you to stand, and you already know where this is going before it happens. This is something you do all the time—you share food or coffee together and find yourself on Austin's lap. Even on this crowded patio, you're tucked into one of the end corners near the lines of bushes for a bit of privacy, your stomach clenches with nerves in a way it's never done before. You can't help but think about all those stupid comments, burning letters into the back of your vision.
You completely tense up, freeze in spot.
Austin notices automatically, of course, his eyebrows drawing together in soft confusion as he looks up at you, "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," You reply, too quickly, shaking your head--he can read right through you, Austin's always been good at that.
He lets out a soft sigh out of his nose, holding your gaze for a long moment, blue eyes boring into yours. And yet, you can't seem to move. Curling your hair around your ear, you glance at the other tables, expecting to see eyes on you, maybe people taking candid photos to appear online later...and yet there's nothing. Of course there's nothing.
"You're shaking," He replies gently, standing now from his chair. He runs both of his hands down your arms, squeezing, “What’s goin’ on?”
You almost want to brush it aside but Austin’s locked in now, he’s not going to let you. So you briefly roll your eyes towards the sky, a shaky laugh following, “You’re gonna think it’s ridiculous.”
“I doubt it.” He encourages.
Chewing on your lower lip, you give a soft nod, “Uhm—do you…do you think I’m clingy? Like, as a girlfriend?”
His eyebrows draw together in confusion, unsure of how you’re topic jumping to this and it looks like he might want to smirk but doesn’t because he can tell you’re upset. “I think…both of us enjoy attention through touch, there’s nothin’ wrong with that though. Doesn’t make you clingy.”
He keeps your gazes connected, making sure you hear him, that the words register and you find yourself nodding once. The ghost of a smile tugs at the corners of your mouth and Austin cups your cheek, shifting you into a kiss that lasts a good handful of moments. You know he’s doing it on purpose too, keeping you close, drawing it out.
When he pulls back, he playfully nips at your lower lip, making your smile much more genuine, “And don’t let anyone else tell you otherwise.”
You hum in acknowledgement because Austin knows, of course he knows where you were coming from. You’re not sure whether that means he’s been on social media too or can just sense it—you’ve talked about pap photos before, candids posted by fans. It’s never really bothered you until now. It means a lot that he sees you, without having to explain or justify how you feel. You definitely love him for that.
“Now,” Austin says, sitting back down in his chair, “C’mere.” He motions towards himself with his fingers.
You can’t help but laugh warmly, taking Austin’s hand and allowing him to tug you over to him. Sitting down on his lap, perched on his one leg like it’s the simplest thing in the world, you lean your shoulder against his chest. He smiles up at you, hooking a finger underneath your chin to draw you into a kiss. It’s slow and sweet, no cares in the world—especially for anyone who might be looking.
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I love your Lords of chaos stuff and would really like if you could write something about Euronymous dating a girl who has a completely different aesthetic as him (girly, pink, super sweet and innocent) it can have smut . And if it could talk about how the dark circle feels about their relationship and stuff. Thank you and would truly love it.
Okay so this was really, really fun to write because of the dynamic. I hope you like it and as always have fun reading :)
Princess and the Vampire
warning : big fluff, use of Y/n
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masterlist-Lords of Chaos 2018
masterlist-Rory's characters
Second Part
Diclaimer : I don't want to glorify anything, it's about the actors who play a role, not the real events.
The two couldn't have looked more different when they entered the shopping centre. The young woman was dressed in bright colours, but most of all it was her pink top that revealed her silver belly button piercing with a little Hello Kitty pendant on it that drew attention. not to forget her blue jeans with the colourful flowers sewn on them.
A typical glittery girl of the nineties from the outside. If she hadn't intertwined her fingers with those of a dead man. Next to her, a young man with longer black hair, black leather trousers, jumping boots and a T-shirt with satanic symbols on it. Two completely different people who loved each other more than anything else.
She heard him mutter to his friend, who was now giving the tenth pensioner a death stare and scaring him off with ,,Hail Satan". But this only made his friend smile, which is exactly why she loved her friend. While he was him and they both accepted each other as they were. Pink and girlish and dark satanic.
Like Yin and Yang she thought and jumped beside him before they arrived in front of a jewellery shop only a few moments later. ,,You dragged me here for this...well then, if you want" he grumbled and she just giggled before pulling him behind her. She was grateful that he came along to her little shopping trip, as she knew he didn't think much of trends and the mainstream.
Which is why she gave him a kiss on the cheek which made him smile slightly. ,,So again, I hope you're prepared to be kicked out of my shop," she heard him say again and knew what he meant. Since you got together about a month ago he had been telling his friends/band/admirers that he had a girlfriend but it never came to a meeting.
You were just too different for that and Euronymous was sure that the circle would tear you apart. Even though you met by chance in an ice cream parlour and he got your strawberry ice cream and you got his dark chocolate ice cream, something clicked between you.
Turning to him and smiling confidently, she said, ,,I don't wear pink heels for nothing, you know," before turning back to the chains. ,,I just need one more thing and it's perfect" she thought and looked from star symbols, to little flowers and musical notes. ,,How about this?" she heard his voice and he held out a necklace with a skull on it.
Smiling but rolling her eyes slightly, she pushed the necklace back into his hand and said, ,,That would look good on you, my sweet vampire, why don't you go and get it?".
Looking a little further through the shelves she let out a squeal of delight and Euronymous covered his ears before coming over to her and smiling. ,,OMG she's cute, look at those little ears!" she exclaimed, practically pushing the necklace with the Hello Kitty pendant into his face, which he could more than see.
Taking his hands up with conviction, he looked at the necklace and said quietly, ,,Yeah, it's kind of cute," which she confirmed with a knowing nod before they went to the checkout and bought it. ,,Wait, I'll help you" the black haired man said and while she held her hair up slightly he fastened the clasp so that the necklace was in place.
She went to one of the shop windows and looked at herself in the rather bad reflection. ,,That looks super cute" she said delightedly and smiled a big smile at Euronymous who returned it before the two of them took each other by the hand again to make their way to the record shop.
Spraying her perfume, which smelled of cherries, around her one last time and putting it in her little pink bag, she saw Euronymous give her a murmuring smile before he opened the door for her and the two of them went inside.
There was no one in the shop itself and she saw her friend's brief relief as he ran his gaze over the plates before stopping at the path to the cellar. ,,Ready?" he asked, pulling aside the curtain where she could already hear the loud music coming from downstairs. Fixing her hair one last time, she nodded to him before following him downstairs.
She had only been in the basement a few times when the coven didn't have a meeting. But it definitely lacked colour in her opinion. Overcoming the remaining steps, she stood next to Euronymous with a broad smile. ,,Nice man, a hooker, didn't know this was going to be an orgy" was the first comment from someone wearing a bandana and grinning broadly.
The others laughed and she saw that it was not the first and not the second beer they all seemed to have had. ,,You must have paid the little one a lot," she heard the murmur of someone with long dark brown hair who was playing with a lighter and had a challenging look on his face.
That's the guy from the interview in the newspaper...Varg or something she thought, but didn't let the remarks get to her, she was above these things. ,,Or is she our victim, I really want to do it again" said a guy with long hair and a knife in his hand that flashed in the light who was sitting next to a guy with a heel cross chain. Before she noticed a blond, quiet, thin-looking guy she recognised as Pelle/Dead.
Euronymous's best friend as she knew. Just normal nice people. ,,No guys...this is Y/n my friend!" Euronymous interrupted his friends and followers and put a hand on her shoulder and pulled her close. She waved to the group before giving Euronymous a kiss on the cheek and pulling out of his embrace before walking over to the various guys.
She was more than ready. ,,Hi I'm Y/n...nice bandana where did you get that?" she asked the first one, shaking his hand eagerly before pulling the bandana hanging around his neck towards her. ,,It comes in pink too, I hope," she murmured and let go of him again with a grateful look. ,,Of course you can get it in pink in all colours...Hellhammer we could go and get some together" he replied quickly to her cheerful manner and shook her hand before returning to his beer and giving Euronymous a thumbs up for her.
Before she went over to the one with the lighter and shook his hand as well. Intrigued, she ran her hand over one of the soft strands of the boy's hair and said, ,,Wow, they're really soft...you must tell me about your hair care routine".
This seemed to throw the stranger slightly off track, but almost in spite of himself he began to write his routine on an old sarviert. ,,Here, it's not expensive at all, I'm Varg, by the way, I also have nice hair," he said and suddenly seemed almost embarrassed and quietened down before he sat down on a chair again and was quiet.
Putting the serving dish in her little bag, she went over to the boy with the knife. ,,You have a cute smile...what kind of sacrifice is that?" she complimented him and made a happy noise as she saw his cheeks turn a bright pink and he just put the knife away and shook his head slightly. Before he calmly said, ,,I'm Faust...not a victim, just a joke" and quickly took a long hit of his beer.
Nodding, she shook the hand of the guy next to Faust with the necklace before proudly holding it out to him. ,,You definitely need one with Hello Kitty, the colour would suit you," she said, and only heard the more than overbearing guy mutter an ,,Occultus" before leaning against Faust and giving him a searching look. Before she almost killed poor Pelle, who looked as if he would throw himself into Faust's knife.
She grabbed his face and turned it slightly from left to right. Before she said to Euronymous, ,,My little vampire, you never told me how pretty he is, you're missing make-up", she let go of Pelle and bounced happily back to her friend, who was watching the whole thing with a big grin. Before he pulled her to him, gave her a heartfelt kiss and wrapped his arm around her waist.
No one dared to say a word. ,,I see you are very good with the boys" he said delightedly and she just smiled proudly. To be more precise, she had the boys so well under control and she was so excited about herself that the evening ended in a Disney marathon, that's for sure.
She wasn't the one who cried at the death of bambies mother, but a certain black coven did. And since then she has been the pink shining exception of the black circle or simply the pink princess of black metal.
@mayhem-things , @bvg-w1res , @beldamama
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writer-freak · 5 months
Dates | Hazbin x Gn reader
Characters: Lucifer, Vox, Husk and Rosie
Warnings: gn reader, mentions of reader possibly being a cannibal in Rosie's part, I think everything else is pretty fluffy, english isn't my first language
A/n: So I'm currently busy with a personal fanfic for me and my friends so I haven't spent that much time with writing stuff for Tumblr but here are a few headcanons that I wrote real quick.
Comments, likes and reblogs are always appreciated and really motivate me to write more <3
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I think Lucifer would sometimes use his authority as the King of hell to give you the best dates ever
He would take you to exclusive restaurants that are like super fancy for hell and would even book out the entire restaurant so that you could spend time together just the two of you 
If you want to visit a specific location he will do everything in his power so that you two can go there
Though I do think he personally would be particularly fond of spending just time with you at home
Maybe watching a movie and cuddling, I think after Lilith left he would be quite a touch-starved 
And now that he is finally ready again for a relationship he just really enjoys being as close as possible to you
I think as gifts he would often handmake you things but if there is something specific that you talked about wanting but are not able to get at the moment he would buy it for you in an instant
He would definitely take reader on some overly fancy dates, you would be sitting in a restaurant where you wouldn't be able to afford a meal with your entire month's salary
But Vox obviously tells you to get anything that you want as he will pay for it
In general, he would really shower you with the money that he has
Gifts from him would be something overly fancy and expensive and even if you tell him you don't need that stuff he will still give it to you
In general, I think he tends to be a bit overly obsessive so he probably will never let you leave his sight
The gifts are almost ways to ensure that you will stay by his side even if it's just because you feel bad that he spends so much money on you
I think Husk personally prefers more chill and relaxed dates
At least when he has some free time for them, because if Alastor just wants him behind the bar all day then he has no say in what he wants to do
So often your dates are just you sitting at the bar while Husk is working
But hey at least you can spend some time together
But outside of that, I think if you wanna go out it could be like a chill bar date with good music if you can find that kind of place in hell
Or you two just spend time in each other's rooms 
Cuddling together while watching a movie and maybe you can give Husk a massage until he starts to purr loudly
I think he would give you some good liquor that you two can share together or in general something more practical that you can actually use 
He just enjoys being able to relax with you and forget about everything else
I think Rosie is almost playful while dating, she just has this really charming personality
She would take you out around cannibal town maybe to a nice cafe or restaurant around there
Or even better a picnic in a park with food from her own shop she really wants to make sure that you are eating well
I can kinda imagine her also enjoying spending time with you playing music, singing and dancing together
I think she would handmake you some gifts and in general, she is someone who would regularly just gift you something because she likes seeing you happy
She would just really cherish you and always shower you with compliments
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Divider by: @saradika-graphics
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5am-mist · 2 years
Bella X Costar!
Bella catches reader visibly checking them out during a group interview:)
Atleast try to hide it!
°pairing°> bella ramsey x costar!reader
°summery°> you couldn't stop staring at bella during an interview but what you didn't expect was what came after them catching you
°requested°> yess! :))
thank you anon for the lovely request! sorry this one took me a while! i wasn't super sure how to end this one but i hope you like it!i used tlou cast and i just made the readers character up her names Mac hope thats ok, enjoyy!
Staring in The Last Of Us was a great opportunity, you would never deny that but sitting in a brightly lit room infront of an interviewer with some of the funniest most amazing people ever made it feel all the more sureal. You, Pedro, Nico, Anna and Bella were all sitting in a group with Nico and Anna sitting on the two very front chairs and you, Pedro and Bella on the back three.
The interviewer sitting across from you was currently asking Anna some questions though you had no idea what they were. Your mind was far to occupied, with Bella. It almost made you mad at how good they looked. They had the most amazing hair, eyes, smile, lips, hands and not to mention the suit they were wearing. It wasn't fair, how could you not fall for them?
You were broken out of your thoughts by the interviewer calling your name. "yes?" you flashed a smile at him hoping with every fiber of your being you weren't caught staring. "i was just about to ask you, how do you feel about Joel and Mac's relationship?" he finished it off with a smile.
You mentally cursed at him for interrupting your mindless staring but answered with a "well i feel like what they have is so beautiful and heart breaking at the same time, she's always seen Joel as a father figure but realises that he had a daughter before her and she feels guilty for loving him because of that. She puts distance between them that slowly disapates when Ellies brought into the picture. Its sweet i think."
He seems pleased enough with your answer and moves on to ask Pedro and Nico a few. You feel relieved. Happy that for a short time you get to resume your endless staring daydreams. Turning to look at Bella you freeze when those beautiful brown eyes are staring right back at you.
Shit. They saw you staring didn't they? All you wanted to do right then was sink into the floor. You watch as his lips curl into a smile and he winks at you. HE WINKS AT YOU!? You were sure that this was a part of one of your day dreams. The moment is once again ruined by the interviewer but this time he was asking Bella some questions.
The interview was finally over, you loved your job but sometimes it felt as though interviews would drag on for forever. You were scrolling on your phone when Bella approached you. "hey i was wondering if you needed a ride home?"
You didn't really, Pedro drove you here and you assumed he was going to take you home but as if they could read your mind she spoke up, " i actually spoke to Pedro and he said he's cool with if you are...?"
Of course you were. Were you really going to say no to your crush, Bella Ramsey, offering you a ride home? Never. The drive was painful -for you atleast- you were so worried that they'd caught you staring, that this would be the end of your friendship.
"I saw you staring ya know? Im not upset about it if thats what you're so worried about."
"You can tell!?" you practically burst their ear drums. "Of course i can. You don't have a crush on one of your bestest friends and co-workers for the longest time and not be able to tell when they're feeling off."
True. I mean you were always able to tell when something was off with Bella. Wait. Did Bella just say he has a crush on you? "im sorry?" its more of a question really, you're asking him to verify that this wasn't just another day dream.
"you heard me and just for future reference if you're gonna stare at me atleast try to be discreet about it!" they say as one of their hands finds its way onto your thigh.
"I'll keep that in mind" you say as you turn your head to face out the window hoping they don't see how much you're blushing but knowing damn well she already has.
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onelocket · 1 year
Hello Krei! How are you? So I was wondering if I could request Fyodor with a fem s/o who does ballet? And like, her teacher is super hard on her, so she keeps practicing at home and he is always cheering for her and maybe even helping her (like holding her waist for support, and all). Not a NSFW but like this closure of touches and kisses? uwu
hello fyodor’s beloved cello!! i love this idea so much and incase this is more than just an idea, i do hope you’re alright! always prioritize yourself and your health,, i’m so sorry this one took a while, but thank you for requesting ♡
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pas de deux Fyodor D. x fem!ballet dancer reader
involves -- domestic relationship, possible inaccuracies but i tried to limit them! ;_;
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Initially would he only keep a quiet eye on you.
Because personally I find that Fyodor wouldn't be direct with expressing his worries to you at first, even if you have a strict teacher. He trusts you knew what you're signing up for, but sometimes it gets a bit concerning. On certain days you'd see him on a seat nearby where you practicing so he can 'look', or rather — watch over you. Because be as your talent may, if concern for you was a topic, Fyodor has a lot in his head.
"Oh- Fedya, hi." You mutter with a tiny smile, sweat cradling your cheek. He didn't like seeing it. He'd rather have his hand there.
"Milaya," He smiled back, stepping closer to you. "Was that a sauté you just did?"
"...Yeah!" You eventually reply out after a minute of surprise, smile growing. When did he learn that name?
Indirect as his words were, he deep down meant each sentence to check if you were still actually thinking in that head of yours. But he only really asks when you practiced overtime, checking if you still actually had control of your head and wasn't just practicing like a bot with scripts she couldn't comprehend in her head for world forbid what her teacher said.
As time goes, he'd be there for your small break sessions
For you did one day promise you'd take breaks in between the hours you almost comically stretch to unnaturally long sets. At first he wouldn't be there, definitely busy with his own work — but eventually did he appear more often, like he knew when you'd take your breaks. He wanted to just be there for your comfort and his assurance that you're fine, but he speaks sometimes.
"(Name)," He calls out your name in his voice you'd always relax your head to, "Would you like more water? I'll get some for you."
"Ahaha, you're a bit more caring today Fyodor." You joke out quietly, a laugh to hopefully let him take the word as something light. "But yes please, thank you."
A laugh to momentarily break the pressure you put for yourself and the concern you put for him was enough to make him smile in that same moment.
Your loyal fan
If you didn't mind it; Fyodor is always delighted to watch your practices at home, especially because he's one of the firsts to see all of your dedication before the crowd gets to see your angelic play of ballet. May it be as long as practicing a section of a dance you were going to preform soon, or even just as warming up with positions — he loved watching you, soothing his mind away from his continuous thinking.
"I must say, milaya, I don't believe I've seen that position before." Fyodor's chin rests on his intertwined fingers as his elbows meet the desk he was sitting at.
"Mm? Ah- emboîté is more of a set of steps though." You reply back, staying in your position to let the talk settle. "I still find myself a bit stiff with it, so I'm practicing it right now."
"Is that so?" He puts his hands down. "I'm intrigued then. Do continue."
Usually those points get you to explain the steps you're doing if you're still energized for talk, your voice able to make your lovely viewer also a listener. Sometimes he lies about having no knowledge to it, sometimes he just wants you to explain it to him. For you would he listen to your talk and ramble about ballet, even if he didn't do ballet himself.
Your own, visible worry breaks Fyodor's barrier of hiding his
He wouldn't want to overwhelm you with his constant check-ups like "are you okay?" or "want me to do anything?", because he'd rather have you ask for it or allow his eyes to see your physical body speak for its status. Plus, he knows you're an independent beauty who can handle herself. But when you start involuntarily stressing out however.. it's not so pretty to him.
"Shh, shh shh. Milaya, I'm here." He coos to you as he leans on the mirror behind him, holding you close in his arms with your sobbing face on his shoulder.
"You did that step so well," Fyodor whispers, one hand stroking your hair. "Be proud of yourself."
Deep down it wasn't so easy for him to know what words he should say to you, finding your fear and anxiousness unnecessary for such talent you hold in something not everyone can just do. But of course was it understandable, so he tries. Be it speaking words when he thinks you need it, grabbing you something or just holding you — do expect a lot of care to try and soothe you.
Taking care of your body gently like you're a rosebud
It doesn't happen so often, Fyodor knowing you were still able to tend to yourself. But to say something doesn't happen often doesn't mean it never does — Fyodor always there for you when you ask for it.
"Milaya, perhaps its time for another break, wouldn't you say?" He quietly suggests like a lullaby, not wanting to interrupt whatever may be in your head right now.
"I'm okay." You try to assure, "My teacher requires me to perfect this in a week... I'll perfect it, and rest if I can."
"'If I can' won't do.." He replied with a more audible voice, hands meeting your feet as he gently rubs them, "While a flower like you gets watered daily, she needs her sunlight as well."
The most he can usually do for you is to massage you or rub your sore feet from all the practice, set aside the other things he can do that mostly treat your mental being than such physical. But every time he caresses your aching body is it always so careful and much more delicate, also attentive to your own saying about your comfort.
It'd been a few hours since your practice for today. You ended up promising to Fyodor that today would be shorter than the ones you took these past consecutive days, but you deep down feel guilty for doing so.
The days to attending practice in an actual dance studio again were nigh. You were going to see your teacher in two days, and you still had to compose yourself for whatever word they'll tell you.
Of course, their criticism also helped you and your progress to the world of ballet. You were treated as if a unique flower each time you hear something you can learn from — a bit overwhelming to the ears, however important to know for being the one seen with improvement.
It still made you nervous though.
As your foot finally feels the hard pressure of the floor after having your toes balance you the whole session, you pause with your hands holding onto the barre you swore was cold this morning, now all matching your body temperature.
"Milaya, are you taking a break?" You suddenly hear a familiar voice welcome itself in your ear, a smile reaching your tired face as you see your boyfriend walking inside your small studio.
He didn't visit as much today, which honestly made you a bit upset. But at least it also aided you into giving your all earlier, even if that such was for him anyway.
"Hi, Fedya." You greet, your feminine and angelic voice equally meeting a smile on your lovers. "I'm done for today. Like I promised you."
"I'm glad to hear that." Fyodor steps closer to you with a hand gesturing its desire to touch you, to which you allow.
His slightly cold hand meets your forehead as he wipes a small bead of sweat off, head tilted a little as if concerned for you. "Would you like me to get you anything?" Was his first set of words, his other hand meeting your waist as if to give you some sort of closure.
"No, I'm fine." You deny, although as you spoke you did feel your throat a bit dry.
I do need water.. but I don't want him to leave yet.
Until a thought sparks in you.
"Mm, there is something I kind of want right now." You imply with a rather smug, yet still an adorable little smile. This wouldn't slip away from Fyodor's eyes, replying to it with his own chuckle. "And what would that be? I'm here to give what I can."
"I still feel guilty for finishing practice early." You start to explain, one of your own hand meeting to press on the hand which held your waist. "I feel like I should be giving more time, since I'll be seeing my teacher soon."
You see a temporary look on Fyodor's face. A look that indicated his own dislike for you finding the need to have your own time be controlled by another person, even if you weren't in the studio of which they have right to parry through.
But he doesn't discuss it. Instead he softens his gaze, unwilling to argue with you. "I am not forcing you on this matter, milaya. I am simply suggesting you breaks in between your hard work."
"I know," You reply, an expression of what deemed to be curiosity on your now tilted head. He knew this was just to get his ears in lead, but regardless was your face cute. "But I'll finish todays practice.. after we do something first."
"(Name), I'm not experienced in ballet." He immediately recalls to you, a genuine look of his own curiosity written on his face. You nod to the note, "I know. But you're good in blending in, right?"
Silence temporarily controls the room, although Fyodor reassuring you no anger was present in the moment with his gaze on you — hands carefully holding you.
"Oh, I see." He eventually speaks up, letting go of your waist. "You'd like us to have a duet?"
His grasp of understanding your point makes you eagerly nod, "Yeah. A pas de deux is what we call it." explaining its term to your clueless looking boyfriend.
A smile meets his lips to the answer you have thoughtlessly given, enjoying your disregard to hide vulnerability with your sleepiness. "Pas de deux is French. A step of two?"
"Yes!" You exclaim rather excitedly, both of your hands finding its fingers to interlock into fists as your right palm leans back, earning you this.. almost pleading pose. "But don't worry- I won't make you do work.. I just want us to have an adagio."
"As long as I've seen you do such pose, I could give you the possibility of me doing it." He puts a side comment to before replying properly; "But of course. An adagio is where the danseur supports the ballerina's movements, am I right?"
"How do you know that..?" You furrow your eyebrows to, a small yet blithe pout on your face. "My, you suddenly rambled about that before." Fyodor hums out, a hand on his chin. "But nevermind that, milaya. We can do that if such is your wish," He stops to escape a little laugh, "however I'm not a danseur exactly."
"No but you're certainly my partner." You fight back, taking a swift glance at Fyodor's appearance. He was simply wearing a turtleneck and pants, which would do. Because really, you just wanted to feel him while you did what you loved.
Your remark makes Fyodor laugh before you two knew your place — him behind you with arms supporting your waist, toes returning into balancing yourself. You wanted to impress your lover, but with how tired you actually were you internally doubted what balance you had left in you.
So you chose one you could do right now. Little less of what you wanted, but you hoped it could impress him somehow.
One of your leg was supporting your body, the other is extended into an arabesque. You felt Fyodor's grip on you tighten a little bit, the corner of your eye catching his head turned to you.
Your arm which was adjacent to your lifted leg stays where it is as your left makes its attempt to draw its move... till you find yourself yawning.
Immediately did you bashfully cover your mouth as pink meets your cheeks, Fyodor holding onto you tightly in case you trip due to the sudden surprise. As you yawn he carefully adjusts you, enough for you to get the hint and let your feet meet the floor again.
You didn't want to see his face right now out of pure embarrassment, but his move tells you to as he turns you around, hands locking on your waist to support you.
As expected, not a look of mockery or humorous find was in his face, rather.. concern, but also still soft.
"You're too sleepy." He whispers, one hand letting go of the latch to meet your face, brushing away those strands of hair. "This lovely ballerina should sleep now."
"But the..." Your voice trails, a tiny frown painting on your face as he wipes it away with a kiss on each side of your lip, turning that into a better look. "There now, there's no need to frown." He spoke quietly, "If you want it that badly, we can try it tomorrow."
"...Okay," Defeat mourns your words in, trying to conceal the topic of your embarrassing yawn with a lean in, asking for a proper kiss by Fyodor. And it didn't even take a minute for him to allow the need, pressing his lips with yours.
Gentle and delicate circles rub your back as you melt at both the kiss and at the sudden but welcoming massage, hands holding onto his shoulders for support.
His kiss felt warm, tranquilly and clement. While his earlier, very rare visits to your practice room were gifted with kisses, they were all tiny and lacking.
And you could tell he enjoyed this as well, his fingers making subtle movements that felt like little shivers down your waist. A comforting one, at least.
The kiss takes shorter as you desired, however he makes up for it by peppering sweet kisses on your knuckles to the hand he picked up with his free one, eyes closed.
"я тебя люблю, my milaya." He mutters in between those kisses. "You're such a strong girl. Be mindful of that."
Your mousy pink cheeks meet the peachy hue he knew it'd blend to, a smile meeting your lips again as you let your fingers rest on his, your thumb catching his own to rub the skin. "I love you too."
His hand lets go of yours as he stops. His hand on your back would glide down to your waist to touch again as he pulls you in closer, you taking that as a hug. Both of your hands wrap around him, whilst his free hand continued the relieving massage.
"It's alright. Let's get yourself changed then head to bed, okay?" He whispers in your ear, to which you hum a sleepy sound to.
You didn't want to sleep right now, as much as how warm and serene he was to lean onto. But knowing he probably was also too tired to be carrying a girl even if such was his girlfriend, you had to stay awake till the envelope of sheets surround you two.
Yet staying awake till then wouldn't be as bad either. You'd get to hear and see your lover take care of you.. to rub all those sore spots away, and importantly be here for you.
"Besides, if a pas de deux means a step for two — you can technically count this in... wouldn't you think?" He suddenly adds, finding his unexpected thought carry through vocalized words.
His own surprise for himself makes him let out a tiny chuckle from it, muffling the noise with a soft peck on your shoulder.
"Because you being so strong with everything you're dealing with is already a step for us two."
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morgy-doo · 6 months
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Luz noceda~
has 100% made you read all of the azura books ATLEAST once
has started teaching you spanish because she thought it would be cute if you two had your own cute lil conversations without over people over hearing
always pestering amity on relationship advice
the owl house is basically your second home by now
hooty can never leave you both alone for more than 5 minutes when your with each other
tries to hide whats going on with belos from you but you figure it out pretty quick because she is a BADDDD liar
she just doesn't want you to worry <3
AMAZING at cheering you up, honestly she would throw herself off a cliff just to hear you do that little cry laugh thing
Amity blight~
she is constantly worrying she is not good enough for you
please give this poor girl some love and reassurance
based on the past person she was she is terrified that one day you will realise there are better people and will never speak to her again
even if your not in the track, abomination magic has become a big part of your life
sometimes at school she gets an abomination to follow you around and carry your bags and stuff when she is not avaliable
she thinks its sweet and endearing
you think its terrifying but don't have the heart to tell her
literally gulps down your praise
"you really think i did good?"
she is so proud of herself after that
she cares about you SM
lucky bitch
your safety always becomes before hers and sometimes she forgets to do certain things for herself because she is to occupied with worrying about you
Willow park~
loves gardening with you
honestly you were clueless about how to diffrentiate (did i spell that right?) different types of trees
but ever since dating her you know the label and scientific name of ever plant that's ever grown
good for you boo <3
always is slightly self concious around you
always trying to smooth down her hair
but DAMN this girl is STRICT
if you play a sport or any type of activity that involves potential injury, you better expect her to be wrapping you in bubble wrap the moment you leave that field
if you were trying to impress her with your skills and get hurt, she will scold you the entire time she is fixing your injury, but secretly finds it cute
she will find simple little things to brighten your day like leaving cute little potted plants on your desk before class
Gus porter~
THE MOST supportive boyfriend to ever grace this earth
you wanna try something new? go ahead he will be excited to hear how you liked it
you wanna try out a new sport? he will be cheering you on at every practice and game in the stands
definately owns one of those shirts that say "i love my bf/gf"
tries so hard to impress you
he wants to be the perfect boyfriend for you so if you show interest in the slightest thing then boom you own a whole collection of items related to that interest and he has learnt everything there is to know about it off witchapedia
loves watching you use your magic
it interests him
learns so many different jokes just to make you laugh and smile everyday
Boscha (i only just realised she doesn't have a last name)~
oh god how do i even start this
can be super clingy one minute, but then acts as if she is used to the attention from you and couldn't care less
she takes it upon herself to be your protector
even if its from a potential splinter
BIG on pet names
babe,baby,darling,sweetheart, yk
"heh did you see that babe? i totally just saved you from that rogue grudgby ball"
speaking of grudgby, as cliche as it sounds she has bought you a jersey that has her name on it for when she plays grudgby
honestly dies of happiness when she hears you shout "that's my girlfriend!"
always lends you her jacket when your cold, even when she is freezing herself she is way to stubborn to take it back
or she just lets you wear it around the school hallways so everyone knows the coolest girl in school is your girlfriend
when she is ruling hexside, she keeps an eye on you, no matter where you are in the room, her third eye is always on you
she is terrified she is going to lose you like she did the others
lets you sit on her lap when she is on the throne
can you tell she is my favourite?
Hunter deamonne~
he is literally the definition of acts of service
the biggest gentlemen ever
holds open every door, pulls out your chairs for you, literally he could be your slave
gets red VERY easily
when you give him praise he practically melts
found it hard to open up to you about his past but when he does he feels a huge relief
now he tells you literally everything
you totally gossip together all the time
he loves training with you, it's never serious and he can see your magic in action
you are honestly his everything
he loves playing with your hair too
is honestly so good at doing hair, he has learnt how to get the perfect rounded bun
loves you more than life itself
part two? <3
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spideronthesun · 1 month
Siblings and Questions Tag!
Thanks for the tag @cain-e-brookman! (x) Oh, the fun I had answering those!
1. Who looks the most like Dad?
Nikolas. When he first started going to school, lots of teachers would not stop looking at him, because he reminded them of someone else. He thinks he and his father share a lot in common, even some of the drinking problems. Although he would never treat his brothers the way he had treated him or Edvardas. And since they only share the same mother, the other one would be Danielius. He's a carbon copy of his own father.
2. Who looks the most like mom?
Edvardas. He's got her eyes and nose. But Adamas is the one who is most similar to their mother in personality.
3. Who eats the most?
Danielius. There's a good chance that you might bump into him in the kitchen late at night, when he is trying to find something to snack on in the fridge. However, Robertas love to sneak bites off his brother's foods as well. He lives by the motto that sharing is caring.
4. Who has been in the weirdest situations?
Definitely Edvardas. Let's just say that he's always been a bit difficult. He used to storm out of the house and disappear for over a week sometimes. Causing his brothers to worry about his whereabouts because he would not bother contacting them. And ever since he was young, he would always find himself in trouble without even looking for it. He has some stories to tell.
5. Who sleeps the most?
Danielius. He goes to bed around three am and can sleep till noon.
6. Most stable romantic life?
I'd say probably Nikolas, since he was so close to getting married once, but he had ended it abruptly. He doesn't date around unless he's certain about a connection. Edvardas is a serial dater. He has had far too many partners over the years. Robertas had been in two serious relationships before, one of them being long-distance. Adamas never dated. And Danielius, well, he's still young. He's got his eyes currently on someone. But he's not sure about how she feels about him.
7. Worst habit of each one?
Nikolas has substance issues, so that makes him unreliable. Edvardas is hot headed, and tends to act before thinking. Robertas takes other people's stuff without asking. Adamas can be a bit far too independent sometimes, and he tends to go behind people's backs. And Danielius procrastinates.
8. Who's the most dramatic?
Edvardas. Come on, we are literally talking about the man, who had run away from his family the moment he had found out that he's got some mumbo jumbo super powers.
9. Who had a weird phase?
No one, really. Well, I don't consider most of the things weird. I do think that Adamas likes listening k-pop, and even today, you'd see him making new playlists with the songs that he had discovered recently. Robertas went through a goth phase.
10. Best cook of the family?
Edvardas. He works as a chef, and I can tell you that he is so good at it, that he would throw me out of the kitchen. And would ask me to stop using so many spoons because he doesn't understand what I am trying to make. His love language is cooking for people he loves.
11. Best memory together?
You know, there's too many of those. So many of the best memories stem from childhood where they were practically inseparable. They would always be playing together outside. They would go camping every summer. And after their father had gone to sleep, they would stay up all night around the bonfire, and tell each other scary stories. Probably with Danielius slowly drifting off to sleep and falling asleep on Rob's shoulder.
12. Worst memory together?
My dear friends, this is a spoiler.
13. Dream trip together
They don't really have anything in mind. But someone like Edvardas would probably want to go to hitch a ride and go somewhere. At least to take a temporary break from magic and just feel normal again. Remember what it is like to be a human without many responsibilities.
14. Would you rather not be able to shower for a month or have the same clothes for a month?
Nikolas would be most straightforward with his answer. Have the same clothes for a month. Edvardas and Robertas would be so baffled, they would end up getting into an argument. Adamas would be busy laughing at those two. Danielius would end up scratching his nose and think about it for hours. And would forget what you even initially asked him because his mind wandered off somewhere else.
15. Who's the older one?
16. Role model?
Without hesitation, Adamas would always pick Nikolas. He admires his eldest brother far too much, and is thankful for how he kept the family together despite many struggles that they had run into.
17. Who usually has the worst ideas?
You know, it would be far too obvious if I answered Edvardas, right? So, let's go with Danielius for this one. He also has a tendency to think with his heart before using his brain. And while it is too much of a spoiler to give out why I am saying so, he almost got himself in trouble in order to save Medeina.
18. A GIANT insect is on the wall, who's taking care of it?
If it's a spider, Danielius is screaming and running out of the room, only to never be seen again. Or hiding behind Robertas or Nikolas. If it is a beetle, Robertas would pick it up and bring it outside, without much disgust. Usually the insects love him.
Tagging: @alintalzin @mrbexwrites @satohqbanana @addomfarm-ogf-updates @darkangel319 & anyone else who wants to do it!
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wndaswife · 2 years
gerri for the headcannons
characterization headcanons: gerri fields
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character flaws
overly idealistic, easily swayed, slightly impatient
she had a good childhood. her family was always interested in their community and school events and involved in gerri’s personal life. but because of how social and active her parents have always been within their large circle of connections, gerri’s childhood led her to crave a more personal type of one-on-one intimacy in her future
cleaning habits
she is surprisingly organized; her room is never a huge mess and she always knows where things are, picks up after you when you’re hanging out together 
cooking habits
adds a bunch of extra ingredients to her instant ramen and considers it something she specializes in, interested in becoming a better cook, always shares her food
coping mechanisms
she’s a sensitive person with a very big heart, so i’d say when she’s upset she likes to externalize her feelings, playing loud music and ranting, always feels better after a good cry and sometimes does prefer to be distracted from her problems. she doesn’t cope alone, and prefers to be with you throughout any distressing moments 
eating habits
has a certain aversion towards very healthy food as some kind of subtle rebellion against her parents’ annoying pestering about her diet. she would decide against having certain foods if she knows it’s the kind of dish her parents would try forcing her to eat
enneagram personality type
6w7. i believe 7w8 may seem likely for her, but i think she is really reliant on her relationships and attachments with people rather than being more of a thrill person, and hates disloyalty and dishonesty because of her strong opinions on close relationships. i would say someone who fantasizes a lot about a potential love interest and who is a bit blind to the fact that he isn’t even completely interested in her seems more 6w7, as a 7w8 would likely become bored with a lack of reciprocation
myer-briggs personality type
she is kind of the stereotype ESFP best friend
playing the guitar for one, of course. she’s also involved in some kind of sport like volleyball or basketball that she’s actually really good at, and you always encourage her to continue with her practices, especially with how self-deprecating she can be. i also kind of see her picking up crocheting, making little things for you and hats and gloves for a christmas gift
vulgar and sarcastic
because she’s a person who’s really involved in the present, gerri may have a hard time imagining her future or finding any worth in her talents. she is easily annoyed whenever her parents ask her what she plans on doing with her degree or what she hopes to do after graduation. it takes someone she has patience for who knows and loves her enough to help her pave a future for herself in her mind and tell her that she isn’t as incapable and stuck as she feels she is sometimes
lazy day
she finds every chance to spend time with others, and lazy days are often spent indoors with you, listening to music and lounging around watching something and ordering out
would probably find it gross when dogs lick her, thinks cats are bitchy and fish are boring, so she honestly wouldn’t know what to do with a pet at first. but she would soon find herself super obsessed with the dog her family gets. would take it on long walks often. her parents have to tell her to stop feeding it pieces of her dinner
she’s secretly super into something really nerdy — perhaps has the whole harry potter book collection which she’s reread a few times? she never openly admits it because she thinks it’s such a dorky thing to be into
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ashipiko · 1 year
Pre 2, gen 2 3 8, love 3
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LOVING THIS EMOTE RENNY TY for blessing my eyes 🫶
tho it is now ashace hour so. 😳
PRE-2.) What was their first impression of each other?
“Pfft. Ashi was soooo boring at first— Always ‘Don’t mess around!’ or ‘Riddle’ll have your head for that!’”
“…Was she wrong? Uhhhhh… Anyways!”
Ace found Ashi too similar to Riddle for him 😭😭 which TBH was an exaggeration
he found that she was a party pooper because she would always warn him before he did something stupid, but she was really fun to tease which made up for it <33
“Ace was a meanie, TBH. Like fun, yeah, but kinda annoying too! Though I gotta give it to him, I respect the guts to speak up to his dormhead like that.”
Ashi found Ace annoying too, and unreasonably mean 😔 but she was able to tolerate him, plus he was her only friend (apart from Grim) in the beginning 🫶 She also admired his ability of standing up for himself and others when he recognized something wack
GEN-2.) Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
“A date? Ahh, now that I think about it, I don’t think we really had a FR one? I think our hangouts eventually faded into dates… Besties to lovers, amirite? Haha!”
LIKE ASHI SAID the line between besties and S/O is INCREDIBLY thin between them 😭😭 so they never really had an official first date, but it was probs going out to get tarts or just hanging out in their secret garden at heartslabyul <3
GEN-3.) What was their first kiss like?
“Shhh! Listen, Ashi doesn’t know about this, but… Our first was technically before we started dating. She was fine with it! ...I’m pretty sure? Who the hell even sleeps while leaning on their ‘friend’ like that, huh?! It was bound to happen! W-Well actually, it wasn’t even a real kiss, just on the forehead— Gah! Whatever!”
Ace and Ashi’s first kiss (a kiss on the forehead) happened during Book 5, in the practice room <3 Everyone had gone out in the period where Deuce and Epel left, leaving the two of them alone 😳😳During this while they were doodling in Ashi’s notebook together, she happened to fall asleep on Ace and he just kinda. sat there like 😳
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He claims that, “The vibe got a hold of me and then next thing I knew, I tucked her hair behind her ear and freaking!!! KISSED HER ON THE FOREHEAD.” another person claims to have walked in on Ashi waking up and Ace screaming <3
GEN-8.) Who gets jealous easier?
“Ha! You seriously think the guys at NRC have a chance at stealing my girl? Pfft, cmon. They’re all ugly losers! They got no shot! Unlike me~”
ACE 100% LIKE obvs ashi has her jelly moments BUT? she’s a charming pretty and charismatic girl in an all boys highschool of course she’s gon get people crushing on her 24/7 😭😭
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not to mention Ashi is Ace’s partner in crime, rival, bestie and girl so he has a LOT to lose w her 😔 def the type to side eye and put his arm around her in attempt to drag her away
LOVE-3.) How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
“Cuddling with Ace is super cozy, actually! It’s always so fun and warm, it never gets old— Eh, is my face heating up?”
SLEEPOVERS EVERY WEEK W THESE TWO (unless it’s a busy week or someone’s overblotted again 😔) I think it just naturally happens whenever they’re both on a couch/bed and watching a movie or playing games together <3 so pretty often for cuddling I’d say
PDA THO..... I think ace would do it purely to flex that “HA I GET BITCHES” and Ashi would also participate despite getting HELLA flustered 😭😭 pre-relationship they already were pretty close physically but when dating they hold hands a LOT more often (like all the time) and just lean into eachother a lot 😳 plus the smoochies
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it may happen on accident w/o them acknowledging that it’s PDA tho 😭😭
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
lots of cartomancy talk in this one
I feel like the only Confidants I have I can work on are Chariot and Death right now, so I actually pulled up a spoiler-free guide to see what I should be prioritizing and I ASSUME THERE IS A CHARM CHECK EARLY ON BC WOW THIS FAQ IS HAVING ME SPEND SO MUCH TIME IN THE BATHHOUSE
can I be a dumb yank for a second and say communal bathhouses are really fascinating to me. I would never be able to attend one until I'm older because I am a happily fat person, but the concept is still really compelling to me. Is it like a public restroom, is it rude to speak to the people around you? Or is it like a hairdresser where you are expected to speak to the people around you? also this thing with the baths having different medicinal qualities on different days, is that a thing because that's really interesting.
I think it interests me because I am a queer who does not drink alcohol, so like... finding comfortable communal spaces is actually very difficult. You can only go to so many coffee shops, yanno.
Does Japan share the trouble that America does, that the places you can be outside your home are all commercial in some way rather than public spaces you're allowed to just go?
This is the kind of thing I think about playing a game like Persona which is trying to evoke a sense of place. There's this moment that I screencapped but now I lost it, where Morgana talks on the train ride about how they like foreign products (like soda and food) because they always feel more effective than stuff from your country. Which, if that is a shared experience in Japan (and everyone in the world, lets be frank) (okay except the UK, I don't uh expect things from the UK to be better) (no not even the tea) (wait i guess the chocolate, yes)
that to me is very interesting.
goddamn i'm fucking rambling.
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Ryuji's confidant arc seems to be pretty spot on for a Chariot. He is good at his drive, his forward momentum, the urge to get shit done without always thinking things through. A Chariot is that friend you call in a crisis who will help you get through something so long as they don't have to make big decisions. He gives that vibe that if Reverie broke his legs and wound up bedridden for a while, Ryuji would be there like "hey what you need done" and would do the cleaning and shopping and helping Reverie limp around. THAT'S him.
But like all Chariots, he doesn't have a grip on the reins, which seems to be his broken relationship with the track team. It was that urge to act (goaded by Kamoshida) that cost everyone the team and the resources. He's carrying that around like an anchor pulling the dirt up behind him.
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Also he brought me to a special ramen shop in Ogikubo so I think that's literally Harukiya. I even looked up images of inside the shop and they're super similar!
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jfc are those the same bowls
Would love to talk to someone on the dev team about the decision to go from, to my understand, 4 games of fake locations inspired by real places to just straight up real places.
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Props to Takemi for being actually pretty goth. The casual morbidity with her never stops, which I find interesting.
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lmao I love the body language in this game honestly. The way she slouches to get closer and examine Reverie as he drinks more lighter fluid is in of itself good characterization.
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Got some details on her which really elucidate the Death arcana assignment. (Fun fact, the Death card is also sometimes just called The Nameless Arcana/The Arcana With No Name.)
She fucked up something at the hospital and has been thrown out of the Tokyo medical community basically, so she operates her solo practice. Now, I'm not sure what the eventual plot here is, but Death can be a card for going through mourning and coming out stronger for it. I would be into seeing something about letting go of the lingering resentment about her expulsion and gaining peace from being the provider to small community that can learn more about her themselves, outside her reputation.
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Meanwhile, lmao, fucking Sojiro. I am getting the feeling I am supposed to be reading him as just an omnidirectional curmudgeon, all bark and less bite. He's going to teach Reverie to work in the coffee shop.
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Which reveals him as the Hierophant.
Now, I don't really know if Atlus knows what the fuck the Hierophant is. In P3, the Hierophant link was atrociously written, both on a technical level and the actual sideplot. It had frankly zero connection to the idea of the Hierophant? (it was the Old Couple and the tree, for those who don't recall, I wouldn't blame you for scrubbing it from your minds.)
And I have been really loud about how Dojima should have been the Hermit and the fucking Shrine Fox should have been the Hierophant.
I was assuming Sojiro was Hermit from his early remarks but now I realize that doesn't work with the frequent references to him being a social gadfly with his Hitting The Open Bar On The Lido Deck look. So...
A coffee shop owner for the Hierophant is frankly an interesting concept. He demands exacting behavior from Reverie but also brings him into the fold. A patriarch not of religion but of the cult of coffee, where the secret rituals and knowledge are about beans and tending to customers, that's a humorously apt take on the Hierophant.
When people talk about the Majors, I feel like Emperor and Hierophant get confused/conflated a lot. But the Hierophant is often what people are thinking of. They exert an outsized amount of control, they accept and excommunicate people to keep that control, and they are the keeper of the spiritual rulebook that allows them to have that power. They are the material gatekeeper in contrast to the spiritual gatekeeper of the Priestess. And while the Priestess is motivated to protect people by controlling knowledge, the Hierophant is not only motivated to protect themselves, but they are motivated to protect The Order, The Cult, The Religion, which also protects them.
All this to say: Hierophant of Coffee? Hilarious.
(Also retroactively explains why he's been such a Huge Bitch to Reverie, Hierophants hate everyone who threatens the social order.)
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I don't know what it is about Reverie's face but it makes literally every needy dorky statement he says so much better.
ALSO? I WOULD HAVE LOVED MORE VOICE ACTING FOR HIM. Just gimme someone to say the chosen lines. I want some DELIVERY on these absolute bangers.
okay this one has been Hella Long so I'll make a new post for the enxt plot development
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popchoc · 10 months
How do you feel about the Station 19 cancelation news? I’m shocked but not as sad as I thought I would be. Felt like they’d been flailing for a while there. I’m not sure what this means for Greys but I just started liking it again this season and would love to have 2 more seasons with the new interns before they end it. Knowing ABC they’ll try to get to 25 seasons because it’s such a money maker. I try not to compare them too much but I always thought Greys should’ve ended around season 8 but definitely by season 12. And idk if they’ve started filming already but I’m guessing that now Marina’s story will be a rush job about getting kids asap and being a family which is at least a happy if somewhat boring ending. The person I’m really excited to see get a good ending is Vic though. She deserves more than lucklastre relationships and comic relief. Also Jack. Would love for them to do something coherent with him that isn’t just about women either. What would you like to see for your favorite characters?
Hey anon, pfff where to begin?! I sure was surprised, I really didn't see it coming. Rationally speaking, I kinda get it. I mean, this is how it works; just because some shows do get many/endless seasons, it's not the norm, and 7 seasons is actually pretty decent. (One more than Private Practice, for example). Yet kinda understanding doesn't mean I don't have any thoughts or feelings about it! To start with, I feel like it's always better (to accept) when it's a creators decision, not the network's. And something else that isn't helping (at all!!) is the fact that it's all so rushed, with (suddenly) only ten more episodes. Though I do feel that ten x 40 minutes could be enough to wrap it all up (I am glad that at least they have the chance to write an actual ending), it just feels unnecessarily cruel. All in all I would lie if I'd say I'm super upset (with the chance of sounding preachy: if this year told me one thing, it's to upset about real misery and just enjoy everything else!), but it does feel like a pity - I was definitely still on board - and I do feel for everyone who's sad or upset about the news. Losing something you deeply love is never great, and though there will be other shows and ships, that's just not something most people want to hear right now, so to all of them I can only say: hang in there! (And please do enjoy season 7. It's not over till it's over!)
I personally don't think any of this will effect Grey's (PP didn't either). Who knows, it might even mean that Carina (finally) becomes a regular on there? She sure deserves it, though I'm going back and forth with actually wanting this, which has more to do with Maya or more so: Danielle. I wouldn't want her to be "stuck" on some guest appearance once in a while (or worse: them not knowing how to integrate her, like they's been struggling with Stefania/Carina on S19). So yeah, I see options, but I also have moments where I feel like I can actually be okay with.... I don't know... them moving to Italy (pregnant, for all I care, since it ends anyway and I know it would make people happy).
About the others. Well, I think they're getting full circle with Andy as captain, so at least there's that. I'm with you about Vic, I want her happy and not because of some dude. I guess the key for her will be crisis one. Same with Jack, he deserves happiness, and also a lot more acknowledgement (yes he can act like an idiot, but that doesn't mean he is one). When the show started he was actually doing fine as LT and this close to becoming Captain... so maybe he could (also) become one after all, albeit at a different station? I do like some blossoming romance though, this is that kind of show after all, so for that I'm thinking Travis - I would really like to see him find The One.
And besides all this? I just want fire. A whole lot of fire! And fun. Like... calendar and bar nights fun. Thrills and smiles... that's not too much to ask for, is it?
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tutuandscoot · 2 years
Things I love about VM: Post skates
1. Scott always helps Tessa all the way out of an ending pose.
This is something I have talked about ad nauseam. I’m obsessed with it not just in the fact that they always do it but the way they do it. In all fairness it’s not always super delicate and soft, sometimes- specifically in practices it’s a bit quicker just to they can move on and get out of the way for the next team, but there is always a constant in that he helps her back to vertical, then to her feet if they have finished on the ground, and holds her to make sure she’s on balance.
Here is a very stark comparison of what it looks like when you do and don’t do this:
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Now I know this wasn’t the best skate for HD.. but that’s exactly my point. As the male partner you are responsible for your woman and you can’t let your own disappointment get in the way of caring for her. Scott was not (seemingly) super happy initially after their skate either- I’m not sure why, presumably just wrecked and the music eff up situation at the start of wasn’t fun. But everything he does before he gets up is getting Tessa up and ensuring she’s settled before worrying about himself, despite his current feelings. I know this seems like not much to make a larger judgement on, but given Zach attempts to make ‘cute’, “”””soft”””” moments in warm ups when it’s not necessary/not holding her in an awkward position like these ending poses.. only makes me view those moments as less genuine since he doesn’t hold and support her when he actually should be. This is never the case with Scott and Tessa- both/all instances are 100% genuine whether it’s just a nice intimate moment for them or he is actually responsible for her safety.
Now to be straight its not like this is a huge safety issue- like for eg just dropping the girl when a lift doesn’t go right, but it’s a more nuanced version of safety in the way the man handles his woman. It’s caring for every part of her as if she is made of priceless china and must be handled so carefully. Helping her even in moments where it’s not completely necessary, Tessa or any girl is fully capable of getting out of these positions on her own or with minimal help, but it’s the fact that with TS, T never has to because there is this quality built into their relationship of Scott having absolute priority for her physically and emotionally. Its like when Scott is talking about celebrating on ice after a skate and the fact that he has Tessa and she existing reminds him that he can’t just leave her.. he says it kinda comically but the irony if it is every single time she is his first priority to stand her up and make sure she’s settled before stepping away no matter how excited he is. It also, in reference to any performance prolongs the emotional connection the two skaters were at least attempting to convey in their performance. In the instance of.. really any of TS programs where they finish like this.. the emotions are always some variation of love/romance/devastation/needing to be one/them honestly wanting to keep feeling what they say they feel so strongly whenever they skated together. In an instance where a team doesn’t do something like this- for whatever reason, it takes you out of the performance. If for some reason you didn’t notice HD’s errors or didn’t know enough about skating to know the consequences, you are immediately hit with that fall of energy just by their reaction. I understand the disappointment they felt but you should do your absolutely best not to show it and not take away from the good parts of the program or the audiences experience watching you. I will go on to say further later in this series how distracting it is when a team lets up their disappointment with a performance right at the end, sometimes before they have even finished. With TS that doesn’t come into affect, they are good at remaining professional and Scott is actually good at suppressing his emotions in this respect, as well this care of her is natural and constant in their physical relationship-his utmost protection of her at all times.. it’s not a choice, it’s just what he was taught from an incredibly young age to protect his partner no matter what, as well as his love of her, and so that’s always what he did, and by the end it was second nature.
TS gif is from GPF 2016
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tamersmile888 · 1 year
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With the way the world seems to be spinning faster and faster each day, Hope takes a moment to enjoy the view and just....breath.
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Just a few days ago she was in the same exact park sleeping near the public bathroom stalls. Now she's a published author selling books in her own shop/soon-to-be-café. She can't even imagine where she's heading next.
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Seeing Jay's number pop-up on her phone, honestly. made her heart break a tiny bit more. But when she finally does answer, she can't help but smile at how excited he sounds.
Jay: I just got picked up by the Brindleton Bay Pelicans! I showed up to the team's practice and the coach liked what he saw, so he let me join the league! I wouldn't have had the courage to put myself out there if it were for you cheering me on. We should go celebrate!
An unofficial date with Jay? What could possibly go wrong? It's blazing, so they meet up at the pool to go for a swim and enjoy the sun.
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Hope doesn't really do public pools, but Jay pretty much distracts her from all the other people in the water. Which is already a bad sign. His “innocent” flirting slips out like a native language. It's hard to keep her heart from flipping. Even when she tries to steer the conversation away from herself, he finds a way to make her feel like she's the only girl on his mind.
Hope: Looks like you're going to be the big shot celebrity now.
Jay: I'll be a lot busier, but I'll always have time for my favorite cheerleader.
Hope: I'm pretty sure you'll be the only one in the uniform.
Jay: Seriously. I owe you. Thanks for the push.
Hope: Any time.
A playful shove turns into a splash battle. Hope laughs while trying to keep pool water from getting into her mouth, which only makes Jay splash harder. Maybe they really can just be friends without all of the drama. This is way more fun anyway.
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Jay walks off to take a phone call, saying he'll be right back.
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Only, he doesn't come back. Once again Hope is left alone, confused and crushed. Again.
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Hope goes to the gym to blow off some steam. Watching a couple of super strong girls pounding at a punching bag inspires her next book.
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Heart KO Tired of her heart feeling like a punching bag, boxing champ breaks up with the love of her life only to learn that her next big match is against the woman he cheated on her with.
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Checking her social media, fans seem to be loving her new book Heart KO. It has so many good reviews. Readers are really connecting with her main character, Kacy. Some of them have even reached out about their own relationship issues. It's good to know her personal pain can be someone else's breakthrough.
Writing a book is one way to get over a breakup, but if Hope really wants closure, she can't just make her fictional character do it for her and hope Jay opens the book. She has to be the one to close the door. Instead of confronting him face to face this time, she writes her feelings down and sends Jay an email. It's basically a “Goodbye Love Letter.” She deserves to be treated better, and if he can't do so even as a friend, it's better if they stop seeing each other all together.
Holding her breath, she hits send. She thought she would feel a lot better afterwards, but now she just feels like a drama queen. Maybe she should have sat on it for a while before she said something she would regret later. Now she'll be driving herself crazy waiting around for his response...
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blakeshaw-oracle · 2 years
What made you fall in love with the blakeshaw ship?
Okay, so— This question in particular has a few different answers! Some of which are actual, slightly boring ones and some that are just “I love my little community”. I’ll give both, for fun.
[This is a long post! You can scroll to the bottom for a TL;DR]
So, the “practical” part of my answer is that I’ve always loved many of the dynamics that go into it! Large age gaps, shota, kidnapping/stalking, and Stockholm syndrome (when applicable) to name a few! I had learned about the movie on tiktok (lmao I know— don’t worry about it) by chance one day and thought it sounded interesting. I didn’t get the opportunity to watch it in theaters but with fandom spaces being the way that they are, I was able to put together the general plot of it pretty quickly!
I really liked the relationship between Al and Finney almost instantly. So, one day, I decided to look around and see if there was any ship content of them floating around. I tried Twitter; nothing. Instagram; nothing. Then, I decided to say fuck it and try here. I found a single blog— My now friend’s second (I believe) ever Alfinn blog. Iykyk.
Reading their posts and learning the ship name(s) made me only want to dive deeper. I had just gotten Peacock (which if you didn’t know, the movie is still streaming on there!) and decided that that was the best time to watch it, so I did!
I’ve talked with a few friends about it and we all pretty much agree that the scene where Finney has just woken up and Al brushes his bangs out of his face was the point of no return. That’s what got us hooked. That was the moment.
I watched it live on call with my best friend and I still remember making the comment “This is my ❤️stopper” to her and she just about died of laughter. I wish I could remember what part I had said that about—
At the time, this blog didn’t exist, so I was very scared to interact with any of the other Alfinn blog’s posts. But then, I caught word of a server… and it changed everything.
Again, I only had my freshly made general proship Tumblr (that I still haven’t posted on to this day, fun fact 😂) and it was blank so I was sure the Alfinn person would definitely think I was bait or something like that. I knew about the server for around 4 days before I found the same person’s Twitter that they had just made for the ship.
I have a general proship Twitter. AND I’m super active on it (I like a lot of posts and follow a bunch of people). I knew that it would be my ticket in. I got up the courage to reply to their tweet about the server and within the next hour, I was in.
This is going into my more “I love my community” answer— I have met so many wonderful people there. All of which absolutely adore this ship. I was so nervous to interact and worried that no one would like me. I was wrong.
On our very first movie night, we all watched it together. It was absolutely fucking hilarious, and we had a blast all being horny on main for Al together. (You can only imagine our reactions to the shirtless scene 👀) I think that night really solidified the blossoming love for this ship in my mind. I can’t think of Al and Finney without thinking of my new group of friends as well.
Then, of course, came you guys! I learned a bit more about what happened to the Alfinn blog friend and the terrible things that were said both to and about them. I decided that they shouldn’t have to be all alone here and, on a whim, made my own ship blog for the first time.
Everything else kind of happened naturally. More people were seeing my content and I tried to keep up with posting as often as possible. Now I have 27 of you to chat with! You’re all fucking awesome!! Even if you’re just lurking or you never send in an ask/comment, I’m glad you’re here! The more the merrier. I don’t plan on leaving any time soon lmao ✨
But yeah! A lot of things factored into my love for the ship. I made a bunch of friends because of it and I’m happier now than I have been in a long time. Not to get all mushy, but— I didn’t have many people to talk to before and now I have an entire little community! No one’s judging anyone and we can all just have fun and gush about our silly little ship together. It’s like crawling into bed after a long day of being on your feet. You can finally relax.
TL;DR — Their dynamic is yummy and I’m a sap who loves the friends that I made bc of it 💕
- εϊз
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risingsouls · 2 years
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[Oh yeah. New chapter. I’ll try to condense this all down to one post and be concise over my usual multi-post mess, so all of my ramblings are under the cut.]
[Starting off with some fun humor:
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Man, Krillin. Come on. These guys are just trying to live their lives as Frankenstein monster zompies. Leave em alone. I guess it really is ACAB out there...
All jokes aside, I would love Toyotaro’s/Toriyama’s humor more if it was down this route all the time. Miss me with all the sexist and fan service-y shit plz.
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Wait. Krillin. You’re in West City. Your badge says SCPD which I imagine stands for SCPD. Aren’t you out of your jurisdiction? #defundthepolice yeesh.
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Gamer Goten still using Nimbus is so far the best thing about this chapter. :’3
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The practically cousins bit is cute. But lmao does everyone just simp over Trunks? Trunks is the cool older kid, I guess. 🙄 Goten is right there, Fyler. He’s adorable and a sweetheart. I will say it seems that so far Goten is the focus but we’ll see if it stays that way.
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Oh boy. I hate you already Beta 7.
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Fyler is the new Videl? She may be a simp, but it look slike she at least has some brains. :’3
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JK. Goten got his one quick fight with Beta 7 and we’re back on the Trumai bullshit 😒. Say you have a favorite of the two without saying you have a favorite, Toyotaro/Toriyama/whoever is writing this shit these days.
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I have a love hate relationship with Mai being the brains of this whole operation. Love because we do stan smart ladies. Loathe because it feels like that’s really the only role they’ll seriously give women in this series outside of housewife. Kale and Caulifla and to a very small degree 18 sort of break that mold, but what are the odds we see the former two again? We will at least see 18 in action again when Cell Max shows up but it’s always a supporting role for her. I also still don’t forgive them for the damsel in distress shit they did with Mai last chapter, and I sense another scenario on the horizon.
Side note: I’m both laughing at Trunks and feel bad for him because he thinks Mai asked him to the dance because she likes him, but she actually just wants to activate her trap card. :’3 RIP kid.
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AIGHT. I half rescind my last statement. Didn’t see this before posted. I hope she does get that squatty shit on her own lmao. I mean. I still have big X to doubt, but then again, it does seem like the writers take the month to gather intel about what their fans want, so maybe they’ll choose something worthwhile this time.
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Damn. Stone Cold. I’m really surprised they didn’t have her get all gaga over Trunks now that she suddenly saw Future Trunks in him when he saved her. But. For the moment, them’s the ropes, Trunks :’3
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Daw. Fylah ur rude. You should feel lucky being at the dance with this sweetpea. 
Also, what is her collar? What kind of 1950s ass dress is she wearing?
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Or I guess American 50s was the choice of style, looking at least at the dresses and some hairstyles. Goten is still rocking his bowties :’3
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Mai didn’t get the memo. She heard it was Warrior Princess themed. Trunks looks pretty spiffy tho can’t lie.
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Look, I ain’t the biggest fan of Mai and really don’t see the need for bringing her and the Pilaf gang back at all but...she really did not come to play at this dance. xD
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I take back my cool kid comment. Trunks is just a SIMP.
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omfg. Is that the female android Hedo made to be his date to the dance. Fucking 🤣 I’m getting Rosie vibes from the Jetsons or some shit I CAN’T
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Why is it only “Don’t tell your mother, GOTEN”? Like...I guess Bulma has more knowledge of the Red Ribbon Army but this just feels more like the dated old “Everyone’s scared of Chi Chi” bs. Though, they try to push the everyone’s afraid of Bulma, too, so why. Why is it always Chi Chi that gets treated like a monster and horrible person when, especially in Super, we actually get to WATCH Bulma be a terrible person? Ugh. 🙄
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Dino droid. :’3 Bobo what did they do to you ;-;
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Goten looks like Gohan in the Cell saga here. Idk if that callback was purposeful but. Here it is.
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🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I hate it. I take it back. I hate the humor. All of it.
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Aw that’s cute tho. And mama isn’t scared of him that’s really sweet. The zombies were the best part of this arc. 10/10.
With all that said, that’s about the end. Hedo vows to get out of prison to make the ultimate android and I assume this will lead into the events of Super Hero. It’s hard to say if they’re going to have him break out like he did in the movie or just wait out his three month sentence (the reason I say this is because it seems strange to go into detailing him getting the reduced sentence if he’s just going to bust out before anyway). So, will we see a time skip and go into Super Hero, or will we get something else in between? I mean. Frieza’s still out there doing...whatever the fuck he’s up to. Broly is featured in the Super Hero movie, but we never got that movie adapted to the manga. I’m pretty sure the time has passed to do that since they gave Frieza a new form, but who knows. The writers aren’t exactly known for consistency. I’m leaning more on the time skip, but who knows. I would rather see what the hell they were going to do with Frieza and his bullshit (and have Vegeta finally get to kill his fucking ass but I know that won’t happen), but I’m guess we won’t get to until the next arc.
Overall, though, the mini arc was fine. As I’ve said, it was nice to see Trunks and Goten get to be normal teenagers and take the Saiyaman helm. It was nice to get more context to what happened with Hedo before Super Hero, I suppose. Goten got a little more time to shine in the last chapter, which is nice. Plenty of goofy moments and inconsistencies, but I’ve come to expect that at this point in trudging through this series. My biggest hope for the Super Hero arc, at least where Goten and Trunks are concerned, is that they don’t just end up treated as comedic relief with a failed fusion. I’m not holding my breath, but who knows. Maybe they’ll get a bigger role since they were involved in this whole sleuth story.]
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emcads · 2 years
So if you’re in the mood to talk about tpof (again!), I was thinking it’s a real crime that we didn’t get to know how Esme felt about anything since the battle with Borya to meeting Amenirdis. Like what was she thinking specially about the magical princess aboard Jack’s ship who definitely had something for him? Was she jealous like she’d been with Tia Dalma (although I still think it might’ve been just Jack thinking that)? Curious?
oh, you know me, anon. i’m always in the mood to talk about tpof.
this got unexpectedly long so i’m popping it below a cut <3
i think this is an interesting one bc esme’s jealousy itself is not very straightforward.  she tries very very dearly not to be jealous,  and not to let jack’s other relationships bother her: she wouldn’t be with the man if she remotely thought to expect fidelity,  and deciding to continue to be with him is just the choice that she makes.  but at the end of the day esmeralda is only human:  of course it’s going to bother her to some extent / make her jealous,  even if she’s deciding to deal with that herself rather than take that jealousy out on him. for the most part, it’s fine, jack is off gallivanting with sex workers,  that’s how he is,  and that’s how she’s always known pirates to be –– whether or not they’re in a committed relationship. what distinguishes  tia dalma  / amendiris  as meriting legitimate jealousy in her eyes is the fact that she knows that there’s more to it than just a casual sex / purchased sex kind of thing. they’re both powerful, competent women who command not only jack’s affection but his respect ( much like herself ),  possibly even his love in the case of amenirdis,  though esmeralda can only make guesses on that count.  probably her most immature line in the whole book is her little “is she pretty?” about tia dalma, but to me ...  idk, that’s also one of her most honest moments,  where’s she’s just genuine about the jealousy she’s feeling, about wanting to impress jack and wanting him, period.
and knowing, too, that she’s getting older, she’s not in her 20′s anymore as jack is. far be it from me to say she’s lost any amount of beauty, but she worries about it. physical appearance has been one of her practical tools in her field as well as access to romance.
anyway, i wouldn’t really call it a matter of competition,  and honestly,  she’s so frank and open and giving towards amenirdis that i just don’t see her as the type of girl that would ever let a man cause infighting and discord between herself and another woman.  part of the reason she knows jack’s attachment so well is because she respects the hell out of these women too  ––  of course he’d fall for them,  who wouldn’t ?   but at the same time, she knows that she won’t ever really “measure up” to these women,  in terms of power,  or ability to captivate jack’s attention,  or even to help him when he needs it,  and I think that’s what really bothers her more so than the actual sex  ( though on that count, she is human, so she’s thinking about that too even if she isn’t saying it ).  esmeralda is already fighting a losing battle with his love for the pearl / captaincy with the eitc,  so it’s ...  a little distressing to know that he’s already very much being captivated by someone else.  she doesn’t really stop to consider that he might not actually be romantically / sexually engaged with amenirdis the very moment she finds out she’s actually super hot, it’s practically a given knowing jack.  but it’s also one more thing –– a very visibly, beautiful reminder –– that the man she’s in love with doesn’t think about her all that much,  so that does hurt. ( especially when you consider she’s just dropped everything to save his entire ship and crew post-battle, not something he has done or would ever do for her )  and she handles it with grace, i think, especially meeting amenirdis where she’s at and treating her as an individual rather than in connection to jack.
i think ...  her desire to meet ayisha/amenirdis is somewhat honest, and somewhat not. there’s definitely a petty part of her that wants to meet jack’s new love interest for herself and size her up, because of fucking course jack sparrow can’t leave port with an ugly woman without her being smoking hot by midvoyage.  but what she says about wanting to meet her out of genuine admiration, and wanting to help her, is also true.  she highly, highly respects women in positions of power, even those who were born into it, because she’s lived that life herself and knows how it can be,  and tbh the opportunity to meet an actual royal isn’t one she’s about to pass up. her place of generosity also sort of ... comes from a place of knowing jack and his sartorial habits, and how content he is with the grime and ... other things,  and making an educated guess that he hasn’t made her comfort a priority in that regard.  so she’s able to relate to her,  distantly, in the idea of being a well-born woman among pirates,  who also desperately wants to bone jack.
edit:  just to add that she’s certain they’re involved once she realizes amenirdis wants to be involved with him.  jack will pretty much sleep with anyone willing,  but that’s a non-negotiable point.
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