#and shanks has all of that
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franeridan · 1 year ago
reading volume 105 and I had forgotten we actually got mihawk's bounty and on page acknowledgement that he's a better swordsman than shanks??? they have half a billion difference in bounty mihawk's is still over half a billion above luffy's this is absolutely fantastic to me for many many reasons but especially because by god zoro seriously fought him ten volumes in. he really tried to fight someone with three times king's bounty with only one named sword and three weeks of experience as a pirate. he actually left his village at age sixteen specifically looking for him and went up to him at age nineteen convinced he was gonna win. and he had the guts to complain about mihawk using the butter knife to fight him too how is he alive he's so lucky mihawk felt like adopting that day
#i have already extensively lost my mind over final boss mihawk cruising the waters of the plot since the early chapters for#absolutely no reason whatsoever and tricking you into forgetting he's an actual god walking between ants#but when i read these things in the manga it fucks me over all over again like#yes sure shanks was there first chapter too but not as an enemy??? not sitting smack in the middle of the shichibukai#nearly all of them luffy defeated when he was still nothing more than a rabid chihuahua???#insane!!! mihawk is insane!!!!#but the fact that he has only half a billion difference with shanks ESPECIALLY trips me cause#strength isn't the only factor in deciding a bounty in one piece!!!#influence! power on the seas! number of territories and subordinates!! the type of crimes they committed!!#they all play a factor in deciding someone's worth together with their strength#and shanks has all of that#all of that factors in his four billions bounty#but mihawk has none of that!!! no power! no territories! he doesn't even have crewmates!!!#he's alone doing his thing by himself!!!!#he /was/ called the marine hunter so I'll guess he does have the incidents to make his bounty increase#but aside from that it's all calculated on his strength??? his strength alone is worth 3.5 billions?????#how high would his bounty even be if he had a fleet and territories like shanks does??????#dude#dude I'm obsessed with mihawk#in case that wasn't clear or obvious enough#......he's pretty much worth the added bounties of marco king and katakuri i cannot wrap my head around this#he straight up says he doesn't want to be an emperor is this why he isn't one it is isn't it dude made it so himself#oh i LOVE him when is he becoming relevant already#if oda doesn't give me either a fight between him and shanks or with them allied fighting side by side before the end I'll cry fr
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reineydraws · 7 months ago
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never forget that mihawk is just as down bad as shanks is 💘💘
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POSE INSP - 1) this very cute buggy x self-insert art pls show it some love; 2) that one draw ur ship meme; 3) pixy liao's experimental relationship photography series discussing how culturally different it is for her bf to be younger than her, extra fitting bc her bf is 5 yrs younger and shanks is 4 yrs younger, heh. :')
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fishareglorious · 2 months ago
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for the first time ever vila gets drunk in one of lilya's drink alongs and proceeds to say this in full earshot of. windsong who was also drinking with them
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kacievvbbbb · 6 months ago
You do get the sense that the fallout of Roger's death and the Roger pirates disbanding not so much traumatized Buggy and Shanks indifferent ways but instead generated such drastically different reactions to the trauma.
While the trauma of everything seemed to push Shanks into the future, always constantly waiting for something, putting plans on hold and then later in place, for this great moment, this great coming that he sees on the Horizon. For Buggy it rooted him firmly in the past keeping him trapped in this grief masquerading as anger.
While Roger's death forced Shanks to grow up fast, it kind of arrested Buggy's development keeping him stuck in those same feelings, rooted int that same place.
You get the sense that Buggy's whole east blue schtick is just one long overdue rebellious phase one big fuck you to Roger and his ideals. He's rebelling against Roger's principles. One of their rules was don't steal from innocent people and Buggy was keeping a whole town in poverty. If Roger and Luffy's pirating styles are diametrically opposed to someone like Blackbeard, who might be the most literal pirate in the entire series, then buggy is the parody of that Blackbeard piratism. He is playing up cruelty, being the most piratey pirate possible, hell he's literally a clown on a stage. It's all a show! It's his own special way of trying to "get back at Roger" of trying to discard everything Roger taught him for this overacted, over exaggerated clownish cruelty. Mentally he never left that execution square. He is still 15, alone and scared.
Hell he literally never left either, while I'm pretty sure Shanks' booked it out of the east blue as fast as he could, Buggy never lef, might have never left, if not for Luffy. It's part of why Luffy bothers him so much, he's just like Roger everything that Buggy is trying hard to forget and here comes this kid, whose never even met the Captain but is wearing his hat, shoving it right back in his face.
It makes sense that he never leaves the east blue till Luffy literally forces him out of it (fucking with Luffy gets him captured and imprisoned) and it makes sense that it's Luffy that literally breaks him out of prison, literally sets him free, and on the path to greatness that maybe he was always meant to achieve (even if he trips his way into it). This boy that is tragically so much like his old captain but so beautifully unabashedly himself, is what Buggy needs to start letting go off the past, to start trying to move forward.
Maybe that's why Buggy, at what could arguably be described as his lowest moment, gets the strength to free himself from his own self imprisonment, realizing that even back then he was locking himself away and pinning his own dreams on Shanks. And, maybe for the first time ever, Buggy really own his dream. He declares to his tormentors and his crew and the entire world that; actually He wants to find the one piece, him, as captain of his own crew, this crew, not just a part of someone else's. That's his dream and he's willing to turn the world upside down to do it.
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gotticalavera · 3 months ago
I like the idea that Fiddleford is one of the healthiest (mlm) relationships Stan has had.
And we're talking about a divorced man, a former cult leader, and a guy jealous enough to build robots to stalk anyone who flirts with Stanley.
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fighting-naturalist · 1 year ago
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blackholesun321 · 4 months ago
Idk why but I think it would be fun if Shanks and Mihawk are trans, but Shanks is a trans man and Mihawk is a trans woman and we change nothing of how they look or how they behave—
Shanks was probably like 7 when he went to his dads and was like, Hey, I’m a boy, and they were like, Hell yeah, you are, and he’s been on hormones, puberty blockers, and then testosterone, and either worked out enough he didn’t need top surgery or got top surgery by 18-19. So literally no one knows he’s trans aside from Crocus, Rayleigh, maybe Buggy, (but I like to think he just forgets—) and Beckman because they met when someone insulted Roger (saying he probably sucked dick before he was executed), so he pulled out his packer and threw it at the guy (saying he could suck this fucking dick) and just went all attack! grieving fourteen year old.
Mihawk, on the other hand, was like 16-18 when the egg cracked and she learned that no one else secretly wants to be a woman and I can be if I just decide to be and was like, "Hey, I’m a woman... cool.” But also has no want or need to change her body; hell, she loves how she looks, but she’s not on any hormones, she likes her beard, hasn’t done voice training, and isn’t getting bottom surgery. She also in the most Mihawk way possible kind of just assumes everyone else knows and doesn’t feel the need to tell anyone? And because of that weird assumption that everyone knows she’ll just stab people who use the wrong pronouns.
(This is how she became the Marine hunter; they kept calling her him, and she kept stabbing because rude, even though she makes no effort to correct anyone at all.
Garp is the only person who’s clocked; she uses she/her pronouns and calls her she always, and everyone thinks he’s insulting her. But really he’s just look she’s a pirate but I’m not going to miss-gender a fellow queer, and also explains this to no one.)
Accept Shanks, who she politely told after their first duel, and she’d already stabbed him reminded (not even revealing). reminded him of her pronouns. And he was like, all alright 👍 and just started calling Mihawk by her pronouns, also explaining this to no one. (Accept for Beckman because he doesn’t want her to stab him. He’d have to do paperwork.)
Anyway, after some fun times and making out, Shanks offers her the name of the guy he gets his hormones from (it’s Crocus; he's mailed them via Coo for years now). and Mihawks like hormones? Why would I want to change me? I’m awesome. And Shanks agrees that yeah, she already has a pretty great pair of tits, and Mihawk pushes him out of the hammock.
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invye · 6 months ago
When They Are Drunk
(as observed by the Red Hair Pirates)
I forever love when we let the Red Hair Pirates interact with the mess that is their captain and his relationship(s), so here have some lenghty thoughts about Shanks, Mihawk and Rosinante interacting with the Red Hair Pirates while drunk in my CoraMiShanks Fix It AU under the cut:
The Captain being drunk is neither a rare ocurrance nor a particularly interesting one. They've seen it all within a week of getting recruited, including the hour long rambles about how much he misses Hawkeyes even though they literally duelled each other two days ago. 
The Red Hair Pirates have long since established a system for when they are among people on land or otherwise have guests on the Red Force, where the crew takes turns and one or two people remain sober on Captain watch duty; much to the eternal gratitude of Benn who has wrangled a drunk and poetry waxing Shanks way too often for his poor nerves and approaches it with an practiced aura of exasperation.
The one thing however that adds some fun to the mix is that after the captain finishes his hour rant about how much he loves Mihawk's creepy unblinking eyes, he turns his overflowing sentimentality on the rest of the crew. 
His chosen 'victim' would be sitting there, minding their business when suddenly there's the captain's arm around their shoulders and he slurs a monologue of compliments about their skills and abilities and gratitude for all the things they do for the crew. And during that genuinely nice and flattering monologue he'd sway closer until - boom - it's too late, they're in smooch range now and no one is safe from the Captain's Appreciation Smooches.
It used to be somewhat of a rite of passage, back when Shanks was still actively recruiting. The day a new crew member got thier first Appreciation Smooch from their drunk captain was the day they became fully and irrevocably a part of the crew.
There is a rank list hanging in the galley on the Red Force, ranking the crew members by the number of smooches they have recieved from the captain. Benn is so far in the lead, no one will ever catch up to him, but the rest of the list is surprisingly balanced, as if there actually is a system to the captain's drunk madness that informs him whom of the crew he hasn't complimented and properly expressed his appreciation for in a while.
They considered adding Hawkeyes to the list after the first time he was subjected to the Appreciation Smooch, simply to watch how long it would take for him to climb the ranks and actually overtake Benn (and because his wide-eyed expression of utter surprise and confusion was beyond hilarious). Eventually they decided against it, because while the captain still hasn't figured out the list's meaning, they're fairly certain Hawkeyes would within mere hours of finding his own name on it.
After all these years, Hawkeyes still manages to be an enigma to most of the crew, despite having seen him around plenty. During the times where Mihawk was actively duelling the captain, they could count the passing weeks by the sound of Mihawk's boots on the deck and his grumbles of "Red Hair promised to shut up if I joined for a drink;" every Sunday like clockwork.
But even though they have seen Mihawk drink plenty (always and only expensive red wine that the captain stashes seperately just for Hawkeyes), they have barely ever seen him drunk. Even Benn, who has known Hawkeyes pretty much as long as he's known the captain, only somewhat understands what happens behind his unblinking eyes, and he does have the somewhat regular 'honour' of Mihawk sitting next to him as they sip their wine in silence, because Hawkeyes had quickly determined that Benn is the only person on board with good taste. It's a weird form of bonding, the total silence vaguely uncomfortable to observe, but the captain gets all mushy and happy about Hawkeyes engaging with the crew (even if its technically only Benn), so they suppose it's good enough.
None of them are ready for it when at some point a switch is flipped in Mihawk's brain and he decides that the Red Force is a proper safe place. Hawkeyes allows himself to get drunk, and while he's still eerily silent and prone to staring into the void, he starts emoting. Ever so slightly, little smiles, mostly directed at Shanks. 
Lucky Roux is the first with the questionable luck of experiencing an expression of appreciation (maybe even friendship..?) from Hawkeyes. He was going around handing out little snacks to mitigate the incoming hangovers, when he walked up to Mihawk leaning against the reiling a little away from the rest of the bustle, to hand him a sandwich and encourage him to actually eat it too. Next thing he knew those yellow eyes were staring right into his soul, a hand resting on his shoulder for full two seconds of contact and Mihawk told him a quiet but genuine "thank you" before going back to staring into the void and nibbling on his sandwich.
By the time Lucky Roux was sitting back down and staring into his own drink again, he still hadn't managed to shake off the cold shiver caused by Hawkeyes' intensity, even though it was an unquestionably positive interaction. Lucky Roux gets the Captain's Appreciation Smooch that night, because of course Shanks saw that and is unreasonably happy about it.
Honestly, the Red Hair Pirates still haven't quite understood how Corazón entered the whole *gestures* Situation that is the relationship involving the Captain and Hawkeyes. He's shown up one day in Haweyes' company and now he's here in all his clumsy glory, having the best of times chatting with the captain, while Hawkeyes gives them both the same sappy stare. The crew supposes its a net good and respects Rosinante's request to be called by his name rather than title as they incorporate him into the rounds of drinks.
Rosinante only ever drinks a single drink if his kid is with him. (And boy does the kid have opinions; he once prognosed when exactly he expects the captain to die of liver failure down to the month, which was only made more horrifying by Hongo solemnly nodding along in the background. At least Hongo had then continued to explain that he already had been slipping the captain a regimen of meds to prevent just that for years.)
As the kid grows older and is less present however, Rosinante allows himself to indulge. Turns out for all his clumsiness, he mixes the most amazing cocktails.
Speaking of his clumsiness, they still haven't figured out if drunk Rosinante is more or less clumsy than usual. They have seen him fully drunk walk a perfectly straight line, only to stumble over literally nothing and take a perfect swan dive right into the next group of people. At least once he's down, he stays down. Most of the time draped over at least three different laps, slurring out endless apologies, but not making a move to leave. They've quickly understood that Rosinante has been severely lacking positive physical contact in his life and let him stay where he is until Mihawk or the captain pick him up eventually. If they tried to move they supposed Rosinante would too and that would only result in another round of spilled drinks. Also they can't help but admit that Rosinante's presence is somehow calming and comfortable, so no harm done.
the end of the night
No matter what, a night of drinking would inevitable end with the captain, Hawkeyes and Rosinante piled in a heap in the corner. The captain happily snoring away, Hawkeyes somehow managing to lean against the next wall all proper and cool looking in his sleep, arms crossed and hat pulled down over his eyes (no one will ever point out that he drools for fear of death), Rosinante curled over them both like a very oversized cat, his feather coat doubling as a blanket.
Seeing them, the Red Hair Pirates are happy that things turned out like this. They all are maybe a bit too aware of just how dangerous a world they are living in, and just how close they've all come to death before.
Hey, by the way, when has anyone last checked in on the kid? Didn't Rosinante say something about Law recruiting himself a crew of his own? How's that going?
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hanashiz · 7 months ago
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The Clown, The Star, The Genius Jester Our shining blue, Buggy!!
Happy Birthday dear blue, it's your day on 8/8
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bambayah · 6 months ago
It’s just funny how Mihawk kept using Luffy as a tool to get closer to Shanks (one way of looking at it)
1) Sailing across the treacherous seas in a coffin just to show the bounty poster of a boy mentioned long ago that Shanks will see eventually
‘Maybe he’ll be in the mood to celebrate and I’ll be invited for a drink or two.’ -> it worked
2) Saying sorry to Akagami (who was not yet present) then attacking Luffy, dramatically chasing him throughout Marineford, casually showing off his power. Why tho? For a conversation starter the next time they see each other?
“Hey there Red Hair. I tried to kill the boy you think of as a son but Fate has other plans. How about you? Do you have any plans, tonight, perhaps?”
Stop it Mihawk, it’s like you have a crush on your ex 😭
It’s like using a pet or something to get into the good graces of your crush 😭 in a very convuloted way 😅 Still very Mihawk
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strawbubmint · 7 months ago
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my headcanons for most of the strawhats + sum of my other faves <3
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minniiaa · 1 year ago
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oh to be a rich depressed divorced alcoholic gay man just trying to live in his castle alone who accidentally adopts a goth lesbian equally wine drunk daughter and a gay son who wants to be just like him when he grows up
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icarusthecryptid · 9 months ago
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Some Luffy and Shanks fanart for the SOUL (I almost forgot Shank's scar the replay of this now has a moment of reflection 😭)
Tumblr I offer you ✨them✨ this app scares me still, I hope I'm doing this right <333
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kacievvbbbb · 6 months ago
Look Mihawk’s eyes definitely glow in the dark and this fact definitely threw Shanks of the first time he learned it which coincidently was during their *coughs* first time. But it’s kind of hot and he’s grown used to it now……mostly.
Because you know Mihawk is definetly the type of dude to never turn on a light ever and with his propensity for staring unblinkingly and his half hazard middle of the night sleeping habits. It’s a bit of a bit of a problem .
the years Shanks has lost of his life waking up to a floating pair of shimmering golden and ringed eyes staring at him in complete darkness he will never gain back and are best not talked out.
Also imagine if Mihawk is prone to midnight snacking (making up for all the food he doesn’t eat during the day to maintain his vampiric reputation) so many a red haired pirate have woken the ship with Shrieks having stumbled into the very dark kitchen to see a pair of otherworldly eyes completely demolishing a plate of leftovers or an entire charcuterie board staring right into their soul.
Ben and Yasopp have almost shot him multiple times(with only one of those times being on purpose) Many a crew member has solicited Shanks to get his boyfriend exorcised and the ship cleansed. In 2 years the closest Zoro ever came to cutting Mihawk was while blindly flailing his swords around in the dark trying to fend of the kitchen demon that besieged him during his midnight beer run. This will happen every night, they never talk about it. Zoro never figures out it’s Mihawk and is pretty sure the Kitchen is haunted. Won’t keep him from his midnight protein shake (he is no longer allowed beer)
Perona is the only person who is even slightly normal about this (she lived on thriller bark floating pair of eyes in the dark is child’s play) she just switches on the very bright white kitchen lights, effectively blinding Mihawk and leaving his terrible posture and he use of his precious kogatana to eat meatballs exposed to the light. She gets a cup of water turns off the light and leaves. The next day Mihawk buys her a new dress they never speak of this again.
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fighting-naturalist · 2 years ago
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Sam/Jack/Daniel moments 2/?: “The Serpent’s Venom”
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blackholesun321 · 6 months ago
Guys while hallucinating on my new meds, I came to the realization that Mihawk was out on the open seas as swordsman since he was a teenager maybe even younger…. Did he ever finish a normal education?
Scratch that did he even have a normal education? Does he know math? Can my guy tell me the quadratic formula? Like I think we all forget as individuals how much school taught us yes the school system is broken blah blah but guys we understand germ theory and how birds fly and chemistry and biology that people just 60 years ago wouldn’t have known and would have killed to know, like I’m sure he can write and I’m pretty sure he can read but does he know how the moon pulls the tide? Did he know the earth wasn’t flat until he saw a globe for the first time?
Have we as individuals been bamboozled by the stoic gothic refinement of luxury that Mihawk projects we completely overlooked they fact the guy probably doesn’t know salt is a rock? Like wanna bet he saw how cool the over the top refined gay goth was and just like tailored that too his vibe but he’s never actually read a classic in his life?
What I’m trying to get at is Shanks who grew up around some of the smartest people in the world who spoke multiple languages, one was a doctor and you know Rayliegh who definitely doubled as a quartermaster might have a higher education then Mihawk.
Like I think it would be funny if Shanks was the guy who read books on Philosophy and artistic historical movements throughout the world (cough to impress Mihawk cough) and Mihawk doesn’t know how fish breathe underwater and has never read anything higher the a YA novel. (Which are awesome books but talk about reading a book by its cover! Lol… I’ll see myself out.)
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