#and satan took control of my hands and made me draw this
super-nowa-art · 10 months
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forgive my sins... he just.... tiddies...
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astrobolical · 1 year
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Cute as a kitten-
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Content Warnings: Suggestive, Satan gets riled up (nothing explicit though), Animalistic behaviour (Purring, growling, protectiveness), biting, as always MDNI.
Reader: Gender Neutral
This took a turn, this was just supposed to be fluff but I have no self control with my second favourite brother, apparently. This has a lot of fluff in the beginning, at least. This was inspired from Satan’s texts about cat behaviours.
I made the banner before I wrote this, the quote is accidentally fitting. Also for Obey Me I’ll use MC rather than Y/N, it just fits better.
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There was a calming quiet around you as you lounged on the sofa, the only sounds that met your ears were the crackling of the fireplace as it warmed the room and the occasional turning of a page in Satan’s book from where he sat on the other end of the couch from where you were. In truth, it was rather odd that there was such serenity in the House of Lamentation but for now you didn’t allow yourself to worry over what the brothers’ could be getting into. No, the sight in front of you was far more important.
Your D.D.D. was forgotten in your hand, your eyes instead focused on the blonde who was engrossed in whatever tale he’d picked up. Apart from his furrowed brows when something unanticipated would happen in the story, Satan seemed entirely relaxed. It was a rare sight, indeed, and not one you would trade for anything.
While you by no means disliked his temper, it was an entirely different experience to see him as he was now. You adored that he felt a level of comfort with you that allowed him to lose himself into the words on the page. You couldn’t help the flicker of pride in your chest that this was something very few would witness for such an extended period— that you were someone he held more patience for than anyone else.
You’d been careful not to draw his attention or break this fleeting serenity, knowing that at any moment a flurry of commotion could erupt, chaos bleeding through and cracking this bubble of peace you’d found yourself in. It was bizarre that it hadn’t already happened, but you weren’t about to complain.
However, you were also not infallible. In the back of your mind you could recall messages he’d sent you recently, imagery of cats and their habits that he’d found adorable. A part of you, one not very deep down, wanted to see exactly how Satan would react to you creating such a situation— it was an impulse you’d had a hard time fighting down, though often the chaotic nature of the house helped to curb it. Now, though, it was just the two of you in the quiet of the living room. It was as good a chance as any, and probably the easiest and safest to manage it in. Without his brothers nearby it eliminated the risk of one of them irritating him with their remarks.
So, you began to debate the best way to go about it. Stretching, making little movements to gauge how much of his attention was on you— apart from a small glance your way at the initial stretch, he’d yet to look at you again. When you were satisfied that your fidgeting was of little consequence to him you put your little plan into motion. Admittedly it wasn’t very thought through, but it was a plan regardless.
Quietly you inched your way closer to his end of the couch, though the closer you were to him the more you wondered if this was something he’d find stupid. Sure he’d alluded to it in his text but that didn’t mean he anticipated it in reality, right?
Oh, but the urge just wouldn’t leave you.
Once you were close enough you adjusted on the couch, moving to sit on your knees though before you could get close enough to bunt your head against him those green and yellow eyes turned to you, eyebrow raising at the strange position you’d put yourself into. “MC?” He questioned, though didn’t protest at your sudden close proximity.
When you moved closer again he chuckled, his arm adjusting to allow you to invade his space even more. “If you wanted to read with me you just had to ask. No need to shuffle around like tha—” He paused as your forehead bumped against his cheek, making use of his opened arms to close that gap between you.
There was a small noise of confusion, and then a sharp intake of breath as you continued to rub your head against him in the same manner the cats he loved would.
Unexpectedly, the action was oddly cathartic, a show of affection that was something unique between the two of you. However you were startled from the feeling when you heard his book fall to the floor, jumping slightly and sitting back on your heels to give him his space back. You looked at him tentatively, and were greeted with a sight that warmed your heart more than the calm evening you were sharing could ever have.
In front of you was Satan, covering his mouth with the hand that had dropped the book, his cheeks flushed an adorable shade of pink as he stared at you with wide eyes. You felt your own face heat up, and you sheepishly laughed. “Sorry, I couldn’t resist.”
He didn’t allow you to continue your half-hearted apology, the hand that had moved to allow you in grasping the back of your neck and dragging you closer, the other moving to your cheek. “Satan?”
His forehead bumped against your own, his eyes closed as he nuzzled you in return. Unsatisfied with the simple bunt he’d given you, though, he moved closer. Mindful of his own horns he quickly returned the favour with fervour. You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped you, your hand finding his soft blonde hair and running your fingers through. He hummed, using his weight to push you back until you were sitting properly, skillfully managing his way between your legs to continue his ministrations in a way that was more comfortable for both of you.
There was a low rumble from his chest, a noise you recognized as a demon’s purr as he nipped at your jaw. Satan’s purr was a low rumble, a sound you hadn’t heard from him before— and wholly different from the purr you’d heard from one of his brothers once. You dared not comment on the noise, instead moving your hands to gently massage the base of his horns as his tail curled possessively around your shin.
This was the happiest you had seen Satan, and your heart nearly melted at how simple it had been to bring him such joy.
However as your fingers continued their gentle work, sharp teeth soon became more daring, the gentle rubs and nuzzles shifting to curious lips tracing where your jaw met your neck. Teeth grazing as he moved downwards, tail tightening in its hold, a large hand moving to your hip as you finally couldn’t keep yourself up, your back hitting the couch behind you as the Avatar of Wrath loomed over you.
You whimpered as he bit down just over where your pulse point betrayed your accelerating heartbeat, hard enough that you were sure there would certainly be marks there for days to come, yet not hard enough to break your skin. The rumbling from his chest faded as new feelings overtook the demon above you, a growl erupting from Satan’s throat as your grip tightened on his hair.
You bit your lip, your breathing quickening as his fingers dipped beneath the hem of your shirt—
“Certainly there must be better places for this? Or did the two of you want to put on a show?” The sudden voice interrupting the two of you made your entire body freeze and stiffen, and the growl that escaped Satan now was entirely more vicious as his head snapped up to glare at the eldest of the brothers.
The mood shattered, and your senses returned to you, quickly pushing out from under Satan the best you could with his tail still gripping you as tightly as it was, almost unrelenting. You hid your blush from Lucifer the best you could as you let out a squeak of an apology. “Sorry! Um, we were just—”
“It’s fairly obvious what the two of you were getting up to.” Lucifer’s tone was far from light, and it was clear he was displeased at the situation he’d walked into. “Please refrain from using shared areas for… personal fun.”
Surprisingly there was no protest from Satan, whose glare was so ferocious you’d have been terrified if you weren’t as close with him as you were. He was stiff, the only sound escaping him a low, threatening growl.
You turned your head to look at Lucifer, who rolled his eyes. “Oh, I’m so frightened.” He drawled, his words dripping with sarcasm as he smirked at his younger brother. “Take this to somewhere private, or behave yourselves.”
The blonde simply pulled you closer in response, and you realized he was simply unwilling to let Lucifer ‘take’ you. The possessive display made a heat reignite in your belly again, but you tried your best to ignore the feeling— if Lucifer had returned, no doubt the other brothers would filter into the house again soon.
Once Lucifer had left the room, the door closing with a sharp, loud bang Satan’s head fell to your shoulder, his forehead resting there as he sighed heavily. “Damn him.” He murmured, clearly frustrated at being interrupted, especially by Lucifer.
You hummed, carefully maneuvering him to nuzzle your face into his hair.
And then you laughed, and Satan huffed. As you moved back you couldn’t help yourself. “I didn’t think you’d react quite like that.” You admitted, realizing the strange situation that had just transpired.
“How could I not? My human showed me affection in the most adorable, perfect way.” He looked almost proud as he spoke, his eyes mesmerizing as he studied your flustered expression. “It’s a shame… it was just starting to get fun, too.”
You had a feeling you weren’t going to be leaving Satan’s side tonight.
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captainmalewriter · 3 years
Black Tattoo
I've always wanted tattoos. I feel like I'd look good in them.
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I already have a couple, but I want more. I want my body to become a masterpiece through my tattoos.
The only bad part is that I can't find the right ones to get. I couldn't figure out what I wanted for the longest time. I had a couple of ideas, but none of them really stuck out to me. A cross, a Spanish quote, a heart with a dagger in it; all of them felt really basic. I want something cool, something artistic, something that just looks nice.
Honestly, I was having a creative stump. Art was never really my thing to be honest. My first tattoo wasn't even my idea, it was my roommate Cal's.
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Cal was kind enough to come up with an original design for me, free of charge as a token of appreciation for choosing him as a roommate. I'm so glad he just gave me the design for free. He said if I wanted more, I'd have to pay up. But between commissioning him for a tattoo design and the cost of actually getting the tattoo, I wouldn't be able to afford very many tattoos. Even if Cal's art is some of the best I've ever seen, I just don't have the money for it.
It's such a shame though. Cal is an incredible artist, but he said that he wants to go into politics and isn't interested in publishing any of his work. I've seen him spend hours upon hours just drawing away in his notebooks. I think he has at least three notebooks completed filled in with drawings, and those are just the ones I know about. Cal's pretty chill about letting other people see his art, but not always. I've noticed it's mostly his charcoal drawings that he keeps hidden. It's weird, but I've chosen to just let him be. He got real angry the one time I tried looking at his charcoal drawings. I haven't tried since then.
That is, until recently. Cal went home the other day and he said he won't be back for a month or so. He left all of his notebooks behind too. It was the perfect opportunity to steal some of his drawings for some new tattoos!
I took my time looking over his drawings. I kept my favorites in mind, though I still couldn't stop thinking about those damn charcoal drawings Cal is so protective of. I just had to get a closer look at them. I practically flipped his room upside down looking for another notebook. I rampaged through his room until I finally found a thin black notebook tucked in between the mattress and the bed frame. Clever hiding spot, but now the notebook was all mine. I didn't even need to flip through all of its pages before I found the perfect design.
A sapling tree with a Satanic skull at the top, perfect for a chest tattoo.
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It's been about a week now since I got my latest ink. I made sure to put Cal's room back together exactly the way I found it. I'm sure he won't notice. He'll probably be mad about taking one of his drawings, but I'm sure he'll just get over it with time.
I was at the gym admiring my new tattoo when a burning sensation began to spread around my chest. The intense pain was unlike anything I had ever felt before. It felt like I was being burned alive! I quickly took off my shirt, and I almost couldn't believe what I saw. The ink of the new tattoo was seeping into my skin. The tattoo went from being on my chest to slightly underneath my skin, just barely visible enough to see it.
I was in excruciating pain. I grabbed at my chest, powerless to stop whatever was happening to me.
You shouldn't have done that.
I heard a voice, Cal's voice.
"Cal? Is that you? Where are you!?" I shouted.
In here idiot. Inside your mind.
The burning had stopped once the tattoo had completely sunken inside my chest. I couldn't move my body anymore. I was so stiff and heavy... I could only move my mouth.
"What are you doing to me Cal?"
I'm taking control, starting now.
My hand moved on its own, hovering right over my crotch and grabbed onto my junk with a tight grip. I winced in pain.
What's the matter Miguel? Can't handle a little pain?
My hand started rubbing my dick, and I could feel myself getting hard. I don't know how Cal was doing this. I could clearly hear his voice inside my head, and my body stopped listening to me. I became a passenger inside my own body.
"Cal! Get the fuck out-" I tried shouting, but my voice cut off midsentence.
Geez, you talk a lot. Just shut up, sit back, and let's have some fun.
I lost the last bit of control I had. Now Cal had full control over my body, all I could do was watch as it happened. My hands went up to my chest and rubbed my nipples. I pinched one of them, and I let out a moan against my will. My hands then snaked down my torso, following my treasure trail until they reached my waist. Each hand grabbed one end of my shorts and yanked it down, leaving my now erect cock to spring back up. My right hand then went to start jerking me off while my left hand kept playing with my nipples. Cal was thrusting my hips into my hand, and I kept moaning all the while. Each moan louder than the last.
Goddamn Miguel! I've never been this long or hairy before! I'm gonna enjoy every second of this!
Fuck, this is really bad! I was still in the gym's bathroom, anyone could walk in and catch Cal pleasuring himself inside my body!
What's the matter? Not having fun?
I suddenly moved into one of the bathroom stalls. Cal stripped me down until I was fully naked. He sat me down on the toilet, and I felt an unwanted smirk spread across my face. Cal was gonna do something to me, and I had no idea what.
I know what'll get you going, now let's see how flexible you are!
My hands went under my thighs and started pulling them up to me. I started bending over at the same time. Within seconds, I was now face to face with my own dick. I tried crying out for help, but it was no use. My mouth opened and my dick went right in. I was sucking myself off in the gym bathroom.
My body moaned and groaned as I kept sucking. Holy fuck... Cal knew how to suck dick! He swirled my cock head with my tongue, making sure to hit all the right spots. He deep throated me with my own throat, and I didn't even know I could bend the way I did. It felt more like I was sucking a dick than getting my dick sucked, but it just felt so good! Cal was way better than any my exes! Or am I the one that's amazing at sucking dick? I've never sucked a dick before nor have I ever wanted to. I'm straight, but the way Cal used my mouth on my dick just hit different. It was weird. I don't know, and I didn't care. All I know is I haven't been sucked off in so long, I was in pure bliss.
Something tasted salty in my mouth as I sucked myself off. Oh God, I was getting close...
Alright, that's enough.
Cal moved me out of that position and put my clothes back on. What the fuck man? I was so close to finishing too! I tried protesting against it, but I was only reminded how powerless I was with Cal inside my body now.
What? Did you really think I'd let you enjoy yourself after you stole one of my prized drawings? Not happening, I'mma keep edging you until you pass out from blue balls.
I groaned to myself. I can't believe he played me like that. When he's out of me, he's a dead man.
What was that? You wanna hit the weights today? That sounds like a wonderful idea!
Uh oh.
I marched out of the bathroom and walked straight to one of the benches near the dumbbell racks. He sat me down and took pictures with my phone.
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Here's a picture of the last time you weren't in pain. Enjoy it while it lasts.
I was getting worried again. Unlike the bathroom, I don't think what Cal was gonna do to me will be so pleasurable this time. Cal, what are you gonna do to me?
Man, I can't wait to hit a new PR today! Aren't you excited Miguel!?
Cal moved my body to start adding more and more weight to the bench press. He just kept adding weight, way more than I can lift. This man is trying to kill me!
While I was being forced to add more weight, a guy walked by and distracted me. He was a walking beefcake, and his tight shorts left little to the imagination. The sight of his protruding bulge and the smell of his sweat was turning me on. I felt my dick getting hard again as I watched him go into the sauna room.
...Cal? Was that you again?
I stood there, dumbfounded and horrified by the implications of Cal's answer. Then, for just a brief second, I regained control over my body and smirked as I began to walk towards the gym sauna. Cal only pushed me along with encouragement. I could feel him smiling inside of me.
New plan Miguel, and this time, we'll both enjoy the pain.
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I don't know if you've done this before :( but could you maybe write about the Obey me brothers after an argument with MC?? Like a fight make up kind of situation??
400 years later.....
Well, maybe not that long, but certainly long enough. I'm sorry >.<. Hope this doesn't put you off on sending other things because I did like doing this one!
Obey me Brothers + MC After a Fight
It was late into the evening when you heard the knock at your door. Before you could ask who it was, you heard the even timber of Lucifer’s voice behind the door. “[Y/N], it’s me. May I come in?” There was a long pause than usual between his introduction and question, seeming to debate asking, or your response, before he asked it.
To be honest, he had a right to be cautious because you weren’t sure what your answer would be before you opened your mouth. “Yes. Come in.”
The heavy door opened and Lucifer stepped in. Prim and as well stationed as ever, but the confidence normally in his face diminished just the slightest. “I…came to apologize.” The words seem to want to drag out of his throat. Like it’s the hardest thing he’s ever had to say. Not the best start for an apology.
“You didn’t have to treat me that way.” You tell him. Telling you like a child in front of everyone. Getting your hand smacked for something you didn’t even do. No coming to give some lack luster, dutiful apology he doesn’t mean. “And don’t say your sorry if you’re not.”
“I am sorry.” Lucifer insisted, before he took a deep breath and tried to relax. “You’re right. I shouldn’t have embarrassed you like that in front of everyone. I was upset, and took it out on you. Sometimes you’re an easy target because I know you’ll care for me no matter what I do. We always hurt most the ones we love.” Your cheeks tint at the comment. Damn him and his suave words.
The demon makes the effort to cross the threshold and take your hands. “Please know that I am truly sorry for my behavior. I will strive to never make you feel foolish, or less than, again. My mission in life now is to show you how much more than I find you over everyone else.”
You roll your eyes a little at the comment. “Let’s not get carried away. You’re starting to sound like Asmo.”
You giggle when Lucifer gave a forced, disgusted shutter. He then lifted your hands to his lips and gave them a kiss. “Am I forgiven?” He asked.
“I suppose.” Annoyingly, he was right. You would always care for, and love him, so it was hard to stay mad at him for long.
“Good,” he said, with his usual prideful smile, “I’m glad. I do plan to still make it up to you though. So make no plans for Saturday.”
“Will do.” You agreed. Giving him a tiny salute. He then left to let you finish getting ready for bed. Ideas of how he’d ‘make it up to you’ swirling in your head.
There was a sharp rap at your door that rung out clear in your room over your headphones. You were curious who was here at this hour, but got up to go answer the door before the tried again.
You open the door and are immediately confronted with a bundle of flowers being shoved in your face. Almost to the point of the blooms bursting against your cheeks. You stagger, at the afront of color, and the bouquet is pulled back slightly to reveal Mammon behind them. “I…bought you these flowers. To say I’m sorry.” The more he talked the more his voice trailed off. His normally confidence draining like the color from his face.
“Isn’t it rather cliché to buy someone flowers to apologize?”
Mammon flinched at your criticism. “I didn’t know what else to do. If you don’t like them I’ll buy you something else. Anything you want! Just please…talk to me.” Please forgive me, was what he was really saying.
You look at the demon for a moment. His defeated stance not fitting into his character at all. Ironic, since the fight was about Mammon being too full of himself. Confidence was one thing, but ever now and then it was too much, and when you tried to talk to him about it he turned on you. He had immediately regretted it, but you refused to talk to him for several days after to cool off.
Apparently, that was the worse punishment he could think of.
“You don’t need to buy me anything Mammon. I’ve already forgiven you.”
“Really??” He asked. Seeming unsure of what he’d heard or that he could trust you.
“Really.” You repeat, and immediate find yourself in his arms. Your flowers falling to the floor as he hugged you.
“Thank you [Y/N]! I’ll never do anything stupid like that again! I promise!”
“Well now, let’s not make promises we can’t keep.” You tease. Patting his back. “We all make mistakes Mammon. I’ll be angry with you sometimes, but I generally forgive you. How can I stay mad at my ‘First Man’ for long?” His hold on you tightened a little. It lingered for a moment longer before he let you go.
“Yeah. Right. Don’t you forget it.”
You were getting ready to head downstairs when there was a knock at your door. It was a surprise, since you were going down to meet everyone. So who was up here now? You open the door and find everyone’s favorite otaku, out of his hole and in front of your door, staring at you.
“Y-Y-You…You weren’t answering my texts.” Levi finally got out.
“That should have been a hint.” You tell him. Perhaps a bit more curt than need be.
The bluenette straightened in alarm before his shoulder slumped again. “I know. I’m sorry! But I couldn’t stand the thought of you being mad at me! I know I can get a little…-“crazy?” You interjected –“excited about my games and stuff, but I really didn’t mean to snap at you!”
The two of you had been playing some new quest game that was all the rage apparently on the deep otaku net. Supposedly it was unbeatable. No one had actually ever seen the final boss ending yet. Which of course meant Levi was determined to be the first. Confident that his eons of experience wouldn’t lead him astray.
Sadly, the legends of the unbeatable game were true. And after hour after hour of crushing defeat Levi snapped and took it out on you. He’s locked himself in his room after. Ashamed, and upset that he hurt you; if his texts were anything to go off of.
“I threw the game away and I’ll never play it again. I promise! I’ll never go all rage beast mode on you again as long as I live! Just please forgive me and talk to me again!”
“Oh Levi, it’s not that serious.” You insist as you reach out your hand to his clasped ones in front of you. Reassuring him. “We all get a little crazy when things don’t go our way. I forgive you. In the future lets try to play games that are a little less….taxing on our relationship, if we can manage.”
“R-R-R! Relationship!” Levi stammered. Turning bright red in front of you, which made you giggle. You lean in to give him a kiss on the cheek. Really frying his circuits. Maybe it was a little bit out of you missing Levi when you were fighting. And maybe it was also his ‘punishment’ for the fight as well.
Tucking into your homework for the evening, you look up from your desk when there was a knock at the door. It was sharp, to the point. You immediately knew who it was, and debated not answering. However, that would be rude and a level of pettiness not even you could manage.
“Hello Satan,” you greet when you open the door. Correct in guessing who was there. “How can I help you?”
The blonde seemed wounded by your formality, usually such a champion of manners. But he was a clever man and knew you were doing it to put some distance between you. “I came to apologize.”
“As you should.” Ok. Maybe you were a little pettier than you like to admit.
“You’re right, and I should have been here sooner. I was just….embarrassed.” Satan ran his fingers through his hair. “He just makes me so angry sometimes! Being so high and mighty. Bossing us around. I try to keep it under control but….I can’t.” Given he is the Avatar of Wrath, it’s a wonder he made any effort to keep his rage in check. Everyone says he was getting better though. Even his relationship with Lucifer was getting better; even with this spat. “It pains me more than I can tell you to know that I upset you in the process. Turning on you like that like an idiot when you were only trying to help. It was so stupid.”
“It wasn’t very like you.” You admit, and Satan gave a single, bitter scoff.
“Maybe not now. Maybe with you.” Cautiously he reached out his hand to take yours in a gentle hold. “But I am sorry. Please know that I’ll strive to not let my anger get the better of me again.”
“I’m sure you will.” You said. Squeezing his hand back. “And, I forgive you. I should know by now not to get involved with any of your fights. But I care about you all so much.”
“But you care about me most, yes?” He asked with a soft smile. To which you giggle and kiss his cheek.
“Yes. I care for you most.”
It was late afternoon when you heard the knock at your door. Typically, everyone was off doing their own activities at this hour, so it was a surprise to have someone looking for you. You open the door cheerfully at first, but then frowned. “Oh. Hello Asmo.”
“Hello [Y/N]-kun.” Asmo greeted brightly, but you could tell it was forced. “I…wanted to come see you. To apologize. For acting so ugly earlier.”
It’s not often that Asmo lost his temper. He usually left that to his silly, older brothers. Rising above in dignified beauty, as he liked to put it. But every now and then it got the best of him, and his tongue was sharper than any knife in the draw when he got that way.
“What you said really hurt Asmo.”
“I know,” he admitted frowning. “I haven’t been able to sleep all night thinking about it. Look at these bags!” You frown as he pointed to his under eyes, and he realized he was being selfish again. “I’m sorry I said such awful things the other day. I don’t have an excuse or fix for it. Except to say that I’m sorry, and I hope you forgive me.”
You let out a soft sigh at his words. He did seem sincere. It was a little odd to see Asmo so down. “Alright, I forgive you.” The demon immediately perked up with his usual smile and took your hands in his.
“Thank you [Y/N]! Let me take you out shopping, as a further apology. I’ll buy you anything you like!”
“So we’ve resorted to bribery now?” Asmo giggled at your joke and you nod. “I’ll right. I guess it wouldn’t hurt to get out. Anything I want?” Asmo nodded and made some suggestions on what you could spend his money on as you walked. Inevitably ending up on lingerie, which earned him a smack.
You had just gotten back from class when you heard the knock at the door. It startled you. You had only just gotten back a moment ago, so what remarkably good timing.
You finish taking off your uniform jacket before you open the door. Startled, yet again, to find Beel behind it. “Beel?”
“Hi [Y/N].”
An awkward silence filled the space, one that hadn’t been there since you first arrived in the Devildom, before you spoke. “I uh…was going to change. I just got back from class.”
“I know. I waited for you to come back.” The red head confessed. Nervously scratching the back of his head. “I wanted…to talk. I wanted to apologize.”
“You don’t have anything to apologize for.” You reply. Now nervously scratching the back of your head as well. “If anything I should apologize.”
Beel was so sweet and kind. But sometimes, his ‘space cadet ways’ over anything that didn’t involve food or fitness was very hard to deal with. He’d forgotten you were supposed to meet, yet again, so when he showed up an hour late for your date yesterday you had given him an ear full. He’d been hurt, but took it. Now you just felt bad, like you had kicked a puppy, with it over.
“But I should have remembered. It’s not fair that I forgot when we were supposed to meet. Again.” He looked upset with himself and fidgeted with his hands. “I really am sorry I forgot. I don’t want you to think you’re not important or anything. I’m just dumb.”
“You’re not dumb!” You scold Beel. Not accepting him putting himself down like that. “Can’t we just agree that we’re both at fault. You should have remembered, but I shouldn’t have yelled at you either. Can’t we just….make up? I hate fighting with you.”
Beel smiled softly and leaned forward to give you a hug. “I hate fighting too. I think I’ll be ok if we both take blame. That seems fair.” He let you go and stepped back. Seeming back to his usual, easy going self already. “Do you want to do a make up date? If you’re free. I can take you to Madam Scream’s or we can go get Fire Iceies.”
You giggle and nod. “Sure. That would be wonderful.”
It was so late at night when you heard the knock at your door that, initially, you thought you dreamt it.
Hearing it again, you woke up and threw on your robe over your pjs to go answer the door. Groggy, and a little concerned as to who could be here at this hour. Something must be wrong.
“Belphie?” You question in a whisper. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to see you.” He said. Remarkably less groggy than you were for a change. “I had to see you.”
“In the middle of the night?” You question. Getting more alert and annoyed at being woken up by him.
“Yes. I couldn’t sleep. Imagine that.” His fingers twirl at his long bangs while he looked down at the floor. “I came to apologize.”
“Apologize?” You repeat. Shocked, more than anything, that he was here to apologize. Not that he did deserve an apology to you, you just didn’t think he’d do it.
“Yes. To apologize. Can we make up now?”
“That’s it??” You remark after his ‘apology’. “You say you’re sorry like that and I’m just supposed to forgive you?”
“Yes. That’s how apologies work.”
“No it isn’t!” You snap. Louder than you wanted to with the late hour. You set your teeth and wheeze through them. You don’t want to start another fight. “You apologize because you feel bad about something and want to make it up to the person. It has to be sincere.”
“I am being sincere.” Belphie insisted. “This is sincere as I get.”
“Well it certainly doesn’t feel like it.” You reply. Crossing your arms.
It was Belphie’s turn to sigh at you. “Look. I’m not like Asmo or the others who are great with words. I came to apologize, and that’s it. I was wrong and I wanted to say I’m sorry. That’s the best I can do.”
“Why do you even want to say your sorry? If you don’t sound like you mean it.”
“Because I hate you being angry with me.” You blink in surprise at Belphie’s confession, and he sighed again. “I hate it. I hate not talking to you. I don’t care what anyone else thinks of me, but if you hate me, I can’t stand it. So, I came to apologize. To do anything so you wouldn’t hate me anymore.”
You uncross your arms and scrunch your lips a little bit. “That’s a better apology.” He looked back up at you with a questioning look. Seeming surprised that he had ‘done good’. “And, I don’t hate you. Just because I’m angry with you, for good reason, doesn’t mean I hate you. I could never hate you.”
The demon smiled softly. His expression tired, but hopeful. “Thanks [Y/N].”
“Now, we need to get back to bed. It is the middle of the night after all. And we have school.”
“Ok.” Belphie agreed. Then stepped into your room and made way to your bed.
“In your own room mister!”
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lancermylove · 4 years
Teenager MC 8: Dad’s Home! (Oneshot)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Demon Bros x gn!Reader, platonic.
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Could you do a one-shot where Lucifer arrives home after a looong day and walks in on his brothers laughing up a storm because teen MC accidentally exclaimed "Dad's home!" when they saw him?
A/N: Anon, I am SO sorry for taking so long! >< I like to write one-shot in one go, and recently I’ve been very busy. I hope you like it! 
Word Count: 2,287
Everything that could've gone wrong went wrong. First, Lucifer stayed up all night to finish a report for the RAD council. Then in the morning, his brothers ended up arguing and got into a food fight, so he had to forgo breakfast. When he got to RAD, he learned that Diavolo ran away to escape his responsibilities, leaving Lucifer a tall stack of papers to read and sign. On top of that, since the butler was out searching for the prince, the Avatar of Pride had to take care of Barbatos's student council work as well. For this reason, he had to ignore his rumbling stomach and skip lunch.
Just when Lucifer thought he could rest, a fight broke out between two lesser demons. Then he got caught in the middle of a prank and got doused in water, followed by pink glitter. There went his new clothes. After he left RAD, the raven-haired man stopped to get a snack but got attacked by hungry Devildom birds and had to give up his food. When he decided to head home, Diavolo showed up and asked Lucifer to save him from Barbatos; instead of helping the prince, the Avatar of Pride gave him a lecture which drained the remaining energy from his exhausted body. So, by the time Lucifer reach the House of Lamentation, he had no strength left.
All he wanted to do was eat, go straight to his room, and drink wine while listening to his favorite CD. The demon expected all his brothers to be busy with school work, but instead, he found them in the living room in a rather chaotic state. Mammon was rolling on the ground, holding his stomach and laughing up a storm; Levi sat on one of the sofas with both hands over his mouth, trying to suppress his chuckles; Satan leaned against Asmo's shoulder, laughing and wiping his tears, while Asmo pressed the tips of his fingers to his lips and giggled; Beel held onto his stomach and repeatedly hit one of his large hands on the center table, laughing heartily; the youngest brother was curled up on the couch beside his twin, chuckling. You stood near the fireplace, biting down on your lower lip, but as soon as you saw Lucifer, you covered your mouth quickly, hoping he didn't hear your words. 
Seeing the state of his family, Lucifer felt like hitting his head on a wall. All eyes turned to him, expecting him to question them or cross his arms and frown at their behavior, but the eldest brother chose to turn on his heels and dragged his feet towards his bedroom.
Asmo and Satan stopped laughing and exchanged glances as soon as they saw him exit the room. Belphie saw his older brothers' reactions and wondered what happened. He tugged on Beel's shirt to get him to stop laughing. Levi blinked in confusion, questioning why his tyrant brother walked away without saying a word. Mammon didn't get the message and continued laughing until Satan threw a pillow at him.
"Hey, whatcha do that for?" The Avatar of Greed asked as he sat up and smoothed out his disheveled hair.
"Is Luci okay?" You questioned, not expecting him to give such an unusual reaction, "Should...we go check on him?"
Before anyone could reply to your question, a familiar voice interrupted, "Pardon my intrusion, but would Lucifer happen to be here?"
"He just came home," you replied, "hey, Barbatos, did something happen to Lucifer? He...didn't seem like himself."
"I thought that may be the case," the butler touched his chin and sighed before explaining the events that took place throughout Lucifer's day.
"You know, Luci always does so much for us," you mumbled and glanced at the ground, "we always cause trouble for him, but he still takes care of us. I think this time, we should do something for him!"
Your lips tugged into a smile as you held up your curled hands close to your face, "Let's turn his bad day into a good day."
The brothers pondered for a second, and Asmo was the first to speak, "I agree. Whenever I have fashion emergencies, I can always count on Lucifer to help me."
Beel nodded in agreement, "Whenever I ask him for his food, he gives it to me. Also...he took care of Lilith a lot."
Belphie's muscles momentarily stiffened at hearing his sister's name, but he regained his composure. "He locked me in the attic to protect me...even though I caused him trouble."
Levi twirled the cable of his headphone around his index finger while mumbling, "He always makes sure my bank account is full, so I can buy all the games I want."
"He takes Goldie away from me," Mammon sighed and averted his eyes, "but to keep me from running into debt."
All eyes turned to Satan, waiting for him to add his point to the conversation. The Avatar of Wrath crossed his arms as the corners of his lips turned down, "What? You really want me to say something nice about Lucifer?"
"Come on, Satan," you pouted, "you know he has done nice things for you. Admit it! It's not like Lucifer is around to hear you praising him."
After a moment of silence, the blond man shook his head and admitted defeat. "Fine, even though I always hated him, Lucifer still looked out for me."
"See, that wasn't hard, was it?" You chuckled, earning a deeper frown from him.
"Seems like all of you have the situation under control," Barbatos smiled, "Then I shall take my leave. If you require my aid, then do let me know. Please excuse me."
Asmo opened the door to his elder brother's room and peeked inside. "Luci? Sorry, to disturb you."
The Avatar of Pride sat on the chair next to the fireplace with his arms crossed over his chest and head thrown back. He didn't open his eyes but motioned his brother to come inside.
"What's wrong?" Luci asked in a sapped voice, slightly opening his eyes.
"I need you to come with me." Asmo took hold of his brother's hand and helped him to his feet before Lucifer could protest in any way.
"Can this wait?"
"No, sorry!" Asmo forced a small smile as he studied his sibling's lifeless face.
Upon reaching his room, the Avatar of Lust asked his sibling to lie on his bed faced down. At first, the elder brother looked at Asmo with a raised eyebrow, but lacking the strength to protest, he gave in. While the other brothers fulfilled their duties, Asmo kept Lucifer busy with a body and face massage.
"Asmo, what is going on?" The raven-haired man asked in a muffled voice.
"Shh, no talking allowed. Just relax." The Avatar of Lust cooed as he worked his fingers to break the pent-up tension in his brother's muscles. In the meantime, Belphie and Levi snuck into Luci's room to draw him a relaxing bath with candles and soothing music.
"D-Do you really think this will help?" Levi asked while lighting the silver-colored candles around the black bathtub.
"It will help. Besides, we need to give Asmo time to sneak out and buy Lucifer a new outfit. Levi, while I add the final touches, go tell Asmo we're done."
After Belphie added the remaining petals in the bathtub, he made his way to the kitchen to check on his twin and Mammon.
"Beel! Don't touch that," Mammon loudly said as he whacked the top of his younger brother's hand, "Remember, we are cookin' for Lucifer."
"Beel, are you hungry again?" Belphie chuckled, stepping into the kitchen to find his twin pouting. The Avatar of Gluttony touched his growling stomach and nodded once.
"How are ya still hungry? You ate everything we made just a few minutes ago," Mammon sighed and shook his head in disapproval, "Belphie, will ya make sure he doesn't eat any of Lucifer's food? We don't have enough ingredients to cook everything again."
"I p-promise I won't eat anything." The orange-haired demon lowered his head and looked at the older demon through his bangs.
"Don't gimme that look. We'll getcha somethin' to eat after, 'kay?"
Beel's eyes lit as he vigorously nodded, "Let me help you with the vegetables."
"So, how's everything goin' on your end?" Mammon asked as monitored the food on the stove.
"Lucifer got his massage and should be relaxing in the tub. Asmo will leave to buy his new outfit soon." Belphie leaned again the wall and watched Beel rhythmically chopping the red, green, and orange vegetables.
“What about Satan and (Y/N)? Did they message ya?” 
“Yeah, Satan said (Y/N) gave an earful to Diavolo for giving Lucifer and Barbatos a hard time,” Belphie smiled and rolled his long bang between his right thumb and index finger, “I wish I could’ve been there.” 
Meanwhile, you and Satan worked with the prince and his demon butler to finish some of Lucifer's student council work. 
"Prince Diavolo, I apologize for crossing my limits earlier, but you are the Ruler of Devildom. That means you have certain responsibilities to fulfill whether you like it or not," you huffed, "you can’t push those duties on others. Lucifer and Barbatos already do quite a lot for you, so please don't give them a difficult time. Promise me, you won't."
Satan pressed his lips into a firm line to hold back his laughter while Barbatos quietly chuckled to himself. Diavolo exhaled loudly and shook his head, feeling guilty for his actions. 
"I promise. Barbatos, deliver an apology gift basket to Lucifer on my behalf. Also, let him know that he has the day off tomorrow." 
"Of course, my lord." The green-haired butler glanced at you with a smile before exiting the room to purchase the present. 
An hour later, you and Satan return to the House of Lamentation to find Mammon and Beel heading to Lucifer's room with a tray in hand. As the four of you reached the Avatar of Pride's bedroom, you saw the remaining brothers waiting in front of the door.  
"Ah, seems like everyone is here," Asmo smiled and knocked on the door, "Lucifer, we are coming inside." 
The Avatar of Pride was stunned to see the group enter his room but stared wordlessly. He scanned all of your faces with unreadable eyes, waiting for one of you to speak. 
"Here," Mammon broke the silence as he set the food tray on the center table, followed by Beel. "We heard you haven't eaten today..." 
Lucifer lifted the silver cloches to find three meals, an appetizer, main course, and dessert, messily arranged on fine china plates with intricate gold patterns. He examined the dishes but stopped to stare at the cake with a missing piece. 
"B-Beel, you promised you wouldn't eat anything," Mammon rested his hands on his hips and shot a glare towards his younger brother. 
"S-Sorry...I couldn't wait to eat," The Avatar of Gluttony innocently replied. 
To everyone's surprise, Lucifer started chuckling, "Thank you, Mammon, Beel." 
"Luci, I got you a new replacement outfit," Asmo chimed, "Though I must say, you looked quite good covered in pink glitter." 
"Oh, I also have something I would like to tell you," you chirped and clapped your hand together, "you have the day off tomorrow!" 
The raven-haired glanced at you with wide eyes, but before he could ask you why a loud knock echoed through the bedroom. All heads turned to see Barbatos stepping in with a large gift basket. "Pardon me, but Lucifer, Lord Diavolo asked me to deliver this on his behalf. He also wishes to apologize to you for causing you trouble today." 
For a while, the Avatar of Pride grew quiet as he pieced the events of the day together. His lips curled up into a rather soft smile, "Thank you, everyone, for turning my day around, but I advise you not to get used to this kinder side of mine. I am curious about one thing though, what were all of you laughing at earlier today?"  
"Oh dear, look at the time," Asmo gasped as he covered his cheeks,  "I need to go moisturize my bedroom." 
Mammon watched Asmo skip out of the room and quickly added, "Uh, I think I left the stove on. Lemme go turn it off before the house burns down."
Levi looked around the room nervously as Mammon ran out of the room. "Um, I w-will go get g-gasoline to put out the fire..." The Avatar of Envy stiffly walked out the room, nearly tripping over his feet. 
"I need to finish a report and pull an all-nighter," Belphie mumbled before turning on his heels and quickly sliding his feet across the hardwood floor. 
"I need to go burn my book," Satan said and power walked out, mentally beating himself for making a senseless excuse.
Beel tilted his head to one side and blinked, "Why did everyone leave?" 
"I should return to the castle to babysi- I mean to attend to Lord Diavolo," Barbatos chuckled and excused himself. 
"Uh, I need to...go summon the devil. See ya!" You flashed a toothy grin and raced out of the room. Lucifer watched all of you with one eyebrow tugged up. 
"Beel," he shifted his attention to the only remaining brother, "tell me, why was everyone laughing earlier?" 
The tall demon chuckled, remembering your word, and blurted, "When (Y/N) saw you at the front door, they ran into the living room and said 'dad's home'." 
"Dad...," Lucifer slumped on the sofa and touched his forehead with his thumb and index finger, "is that what (Y/N) thinks of me as? I suddenly don't feel well." 
➣ Obey Me Masterlist ➣ Buy me a Ko-fi or Commission?
➣ Teen MC Series: [1][2][3][4][5][6][7]
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godoflobsters · 3 years
The Brothers and Dateables With a Tattoo Artist MC
My own MC was a tattoo artist before she came to the Devildom, so I thought I’d write up some head cannons with a tattoo artist MC.
MC is gender neutral!
Nobody can convince me that the “Brothers Under a Pact” squad wouldn't be the first ones to get tattoos from MC, and Mammon would definitely be the first
Definitely likes to brag about it too
Don't remind him that there are countless people in the human realm that you tattooed before him or he will pout
People tend to think that Mammon is cheap and would try to talk you into giving him free or cheap tattoos, but he couldn't stand to be like that towards you especially regarding something that you’re so good at
Our first man works his butt off every time he wants to get some new ink from you
Likes to give you a big ole tip every time
Gets fidgety when he has to sit still for too long so you two have to take breaks often
Prefers small/medium sized tattoos rather than really big ones
One time after he started getting tattoos from you, he was at a modeling gig and they tried to make him cover them up with makeup, he quit and that magazine went bankrupt not too long after...dont fuck with the avatar of greed
Once your shop starts taking off in the Devildom, he and Asmo try to convince you to do a shoot for Majolish(They definitely didn't pull some strings to get Majolish to do a whole segment about you and your business)
The second brother to get a tattoo from MC
Refuses to get any food related tattoos: he doesn't want to accidentally take a chunk out of himself when he gets blinded by his hunger
This man has a very high pain tolerance and sits like a rock while you're tattooing him and you love him for it
He definitely needs snack breaks during longer sessions though
Has a memorial tattoo for Lillith over his heart that matches with one on Belphie
While making this list I was randomly blessed with the mental image of Beel with abuncha old school American traditional tattoos and you can pry that headcannon from my cold, dead hands
Mammon likes to brag that he has the most tattoos from you, but Beel might give him a run for his money, he doesn't mind Mammon’s bragging most of the time though, so he just lets him believe whatever he wants this time
But Simeon has never been all that great at following the rules that they set for him
The first of the dateables to get a tattoo
He wasn't actually planning on getting a tattoo at first, but one day he overheard Luke trying to scold you for all of your tattoos(definitely before the incident with Beel and Lucifer in the underground tomb) and that was the only push he needed to jump on the “tattoos from MC” train
There is a lot of rhetoric in the Celestial Realm about how “Your body is a temple and you should not mark it”
He’s still not willing to stray too far from his roots though, so he’d probably get something with vaguely religious undertones
Absolutely delights in the shocked look on your face and the sheepish questions on whether angels are allowed to do this
Once he’s finally convinced you that you're not damning him to fall by tattooing him, the process goes by very easily
He is very easygoing and open regarding designs and he handles the pain very well
He absolutely loves to show his tattoo off, even when he goes home to the Celestial Realm and receives his reprimands from Michael
The third brother to get a tattoo from MC
Didn't want to get a tattoo at first, all of that physical contact and pain on top of it? No way
But then Mammon, Beel, and even Simeon all got one and he got jealous
You're HIS Henry, why are THEY the ones who get to wear your art? He might’ve been able to deal with his dumb brothers, but SIMEON TOO?
You gotta sit down with him and have a nice long chat about it, making sure this is something that he would actually want to do and not just his envy talking
Spoiler alert: It was definitely just his envy talking
He realises that he is actually oddly attached to the idea of getting a tattoo from you now though, so he comes up with designs and draws them on himself until he is certain that he won't regret it
Would get something tiny and probably gaming related
Definitely very squeamish about the pain aspect but the design that the two of you came up with is very simple and small, so he is able to make it through without fainting
He absolutely loves his new tattoo...but he is never doing that again
Fourth brother to get a tattoo
Has wanted to get one ever since Beel showed him the tattoo he got in memory of Lillith, but things were very...not good...between the two of you at that point
Finally worked up the courage to at least ask if you would be okay with it after the two of you made a pact
Beel, forgetting his super high pain tolerance, told him that it getting a tattoo doesn't hurt at all, so he was in for a big surprise when he went under the needle for the first time
Whiny at first, but he manages to stay very still for you
Has a memorial tattoo for Lilith over his heart that matches with one on Beel
Will definitely start to doze off during long sessions
Convinced Satan to get a matching Anti Lucifer League tattoo with him(definitely doesn't try to convince you to get one too)
Make sure that he does not, under any circumstances, actually fall asleep while you're tattooing him. He did once and he rolled over in his sleep, almost ruining an entire tattoo
Ever since that time, Beel has come with him to his sessions so you could focus on your work and he can focus on keeping Belphie awake
Gets his tattoo not long after Belphie
One of those people that think every tattoo needs to mean something so he takes forever trying to pick out something that he wants
Would probably get some sort of quote or design inspired by his favorite book, something that really resonated with who he is as a person
Was somehow convinced by Belphie to get an Anti Lucifer League tattoo
Does he regret it whenever he realizes that he now has a portion of his skin dedicated to Lucifer of all people? Possibly, but he definitely won't say anything about it to you
Loves to look at you and just admire your tattoos, asking the stories behind each and every one of them that he can see
He might be a bigger fan of literature than the fine arts, but that doesn't mean that he has any less of an appreciation for your work
Definitely pulls some strings and gets one of his friends who owns an art gallery to display some of your work there
Can set you up with all the connections that you need to make your mark on the Devildom art world
The last of the brothers to get a tattoo
In the beginning he has no intentions of getting a tattoo, he does have alot of respect for your talents and how hard you work for them though
As an art lover and artist himself, he will most certainly commission you from time to time and hang your work in his study
He won't admit it, but seeing your art and thinking of you when he's stressed with work is very soothing
He eventually decides to let you tattoo him only if it’s in a place that is easily covered by his clothes, considering how he dresses that leaves you with pretty much his entire body to work with
Sometimes when he has some time off he will grab a sketchbook and join you if he finds you in the common room working on a design, you share a comfortable silence, with the only sounds be the crackling of the fireplace and the scratching of pencils on paper
The kind of person that wants a tattoo but has no idea what he actually wants, but hes picky as fuck so he will turn down every single idea that you give him for weeks
He is lucky that you love him
Whenever you two talk about placements, if you mention anything on his back to cover up the scars from his wings he will almost back out entirely
Afew months later he’ll put his pride aside come back, admitting that your ideas would be perfect and that he wants to go through with it
During the session he has way too much pride to admit that he was feeling any pain
That is until you have to start going over the scars
As soon as the needles hit scar tissue he starts to fall apart; tears, shaking, the whole nine yards
It takes you quite a few sessions to finish since he cant handle such long sessions on that portion of his back
The summer after his new back piece is finished, he goes with you and his brothers back to Diavolo’s beach, this time he takes his shirt off in front of everyone for the first time since the fall
He wears your art with such pride that he lets everyone keep the memory, he even lets Asmo keep the pictures he took of all of them up on Devilgram
Wanted to be the first to get a tattoo but Barbatos said no
If you want to continue your career in the Devildom for the duration of your stay, he will buy you a building to work from and any supplies to get started since you had to leave your stuff in the human realm
Diavolo has rooms in the castle filled with the art that he's collected over the years, so when he sees that you're an artist he gets so excited
Before he finally gets tattooed by you, he buys a lot of your artwork and hangs it up around the castle
It takes a few years to propose the idea again to Barbatos in a way that wont make the butler’s hair fall out from stress, but he finally relented under one condition: it has to be in an area that is still hidden while he’s in his demon form
He decides that his legs would be the perfect place to indulge in your artistic talents while also keeping Barbatos’s controlling side at bay
Hes another one that knows he wants a tattoo but no clue what he wants to get
Unlike Lucifer though, he is a true open canvas
He truly adores your art so he wholeheartedly trusts you with his body and knows that he will love anything that you do for him
He knows that this is most likely very nerve wracking for you considering his position so he tries to reassure you and make the process very easy for you
You still put everything into designing him something fit for a king
He’s the type to prefer large pieces that span over entire sections of his body rather than abuncha small/medium sized ones
Another fidgetter, he’s really not all that accustomed to pain so he doesn't have a high tolerance for it
Likes to treat you to dinner at Ristorante Six after each of his sessions
Tips like the absolute king he is, you could probably pay a couple months of rent back at your apartment in the Human Realm just from his tip
Once his tattoo is finally finished and healed, he will find every excuse that he can think of to invite you and the brothers on outings to places where he is free from scrutiny to wear shorts and show off your artwork
The last of all of the boys to get a tattoo
It was a complete shock to everyone when he came to you and asked if he could make an appointment to get tattooed by you
“Everyone” being you, Diavolo, and Lucifer because nobody else knows that it happened and he would like to keep it that way
Another member of the “I’ll get one as long as it’s somewhere nobody will see” club...so basically not his face
Before the two of you get to talking about designs, you expect him to go with something small and simple, maybe an elegant little teapot or something along those lines
Then this man comes to his consultation and throws you for a loop talking about a sleeve
Very picky, he has high standards for himself and what's on his body
Knows exactly what he wants but does his best not to stifle your creativity during the design process
You learn ALOT about just who lurks behind Barbatos’s mild-mannered butler facade during his sessions, he’s surprisingly upfront and honest whenever you have him under the needle
Can't get a tattoo
This man has pact marks for 72 demons all over his body, there is simply no more room
Any open space he has is being saved just in case any other demons *cough* Lucifer *cough* ever decide to come around to making a pact
Collects your flash and hangs it up around his room
If you take Diavolo up on his offer to set up a shop in the Devildom, he will make sure to tell all of his pact-mates about you, hype up your work, and get you a lot of business in the door
Sometimes he will commission art from you and use magic to make your art temporarily appear on his skin over the pact marks
Once you become a sorcerer and have a better grasp on your magic, he helps you experiment in creating magical inks and enchanting tattoos
The only one that actually doesn't want to get a tattoo
He doesnt think that tattoos would fit in very well to the image that he has for himself
And not being able to show off every inch of his beautiful skin while its healing is a no from him
Since he likes to test out his new makeup and skincare products on you, sometimes after he has had his way with your face he will let you draw on him with skin safe markers
would definitely be a wimp about the pain
Will spam pictures to his Devilgram of his fancy new temporary tattoos and you drawing on him
Will definitely try to bring you some of his flings to get his name tattooed on them, you will have to reprimand him every single time and eventually he will stop
If you're not the type to keep up with social media, he’ll offer to keep up a Devilgram account for your shop
If you're ever attempting to draw and you have a very specific pose in your head that you can't find a reference for, he will not hesitate to get up and start posing for you
He is baby and cant have any tattoos until he's older
His mind frequently bounces back and forth between the whole “your body is a temple” rhetoric that he was taught growing up and “wow that's so cool!”
After Simeon got his tattoo Luke became a lot more enthusiastic and curious about your job though
Will occasionally ask if he can have one of your flash sheets so he can color your pictures
These very often end up on the fridge in Purgatory Hall
Sometimes they even make their way to the fridge in the House of Lamentation too
Will this make the brothers jealous? Yes. Do you care? No.
Luke loves you and looks up to you so much that he goes through a little phase of wanting to copy you, yourself and the entirety of Purgatory Hall can expect loads of temporary marker tattoos
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demonicheadcanons · 4 years
Can I get the brothers reacting to finding MCs sketchbook and it’s filled with drawings of the demon who picked it up? All of them are masterpieces and some are angsty or sad, others happy, some just them doing mundane things. When confronted, MC just says “Of course I draw you all the time, you’re the most beautiful person I’ve ever seen. You’re my muse.” Thank you in advance, if it’s too complicated you can skip.
AN: This cute prompt has been sitting in my inbox for far too long. Thanks for sending this in Nonny <3 I love this idea. I tried to keep each scenario short so I could get this done quickly, as you’ve waited long enough for it. Tried is the key word here ;u;
You’re maybe already dating the boys in these? Or very close? They’re not explicitly romantic but have some affection. I also didn’t make the MC say these exact words, or even anything at all in some of these prompts, but the general feeling is still there. I hope that’s alright!
You left the book behind when studying together, rushing off to meet up with Mammon after you realised you were late and would hear hell for it. He notices it sometime later, too busy relishing on even the short period of time he’d gotten to spend alone with you in relative peace.
He picks it up and, curious, with no worries that you might not really want him to look through it, he flips it open to the first page. He realises what it is right away, and continues to flip through the pages until he gets to a drawing of him. Its such a perfect represention of the moment that he can recall exactly when you must’ve drawn this.
You’d come into his room to have a break from all the noise in the rest of the house, and you had laid on your stomach on his bed and worked away at something as he went through paperwork at his desk. He’d wanted to ask you, at the time, what had you so focused, but he hadn’t wanted to ruin the sight.
He continues to flip through the pages, and frowns slightly for every drawing he sees of one of his brothers, but his lips twitch up every time there’s even a simple doodle of him. He counts, unconsciously, and realises you’ve drawn him more than anyone else. Pride swells in his chest, so very familiar and not at the same time.
He hears the tapping at his door and calls out, immediately, for you to come in. He knows that knock, after all, and you’re one of the few members of the house that he wouldn’t hear coming down the corridor. He leans against the front of his desk, holding your book open in front of him, not bothering to hide the fact that he’d looked through it.
The particular sketch he’s looking at is one where you must’ve been close - you’ve detailed in every long, delicate eyelash, his hair falling in front of his face and his lips slightly parted, only the faintest frown on his face as he focuses hard on his work. He smiles as he tips the book forward, watching as your eyes are drawn to it. To his surprise, you only smile, relieved, raising a hand to your chest.
“Thank goodness, I did leave it here after all.”
You walk over and hop up onto his desk, leaning towards him as you try to see which sketch he’s looking at. He slouches a little more to make you comfortable and shows the sketch.
“You’ve drawn me a lot,” he comments.
“Of course. You’re beautiful, how could I resist?”
He presses a kiss to your temple and rests his head against yours, smiling. He doesn’t often like people commenting on his appearance - he was confident enough about it, knew how he looked, but he didn’t need to hear about it all the time. Still, from you, it didn’t hurt. Especially not if you felt inspired enough by it to draw him.
[[Other brothers are under the read more]]
Mammon had burst into your room and you weren’t there. Frustrated by your absence and unsure of when to expect you back, he decides to pick through your stuff. He wasn’t going to steal any of it - he’d been called out by Beel about that, before, and whilst he’d denied it at the time he knew it was true. He’d much rather steal something for you than from you.
The book is open on your desk to a page full of mindless doodles. It piques his curiosity, and he grabs it and sits down, kicking his feet up on top of your desk. It wasn’t like you were there to tell him not to, and you’d left without telling him where you were going so he was going to do whatever he wanted until you got back.
He flicks back to the start of the book, and honestly his first thoughts are about how you could easily sell these drawings for a lot of Grimm. Sketches of the Devildom, of flowers and creatures you couldn’t find in the human realm, of how the Devildom looked all lit up with the moon overhead, from the highest balcony in the RAD building. He’s in awe, mouth a faint ‘o’ shape as he continues to turn page by page.
The first drawing of him makes him freeze up. He was a model, Mammon knew he must be handsome. But he’d never felt it like he did now. In the drawing, he’s sitting on the floor, cushion in his lap as he plays some game on a controller. His expression is somewhere between frustrated and delighted, his hair fluffy and messy because he’d been running his hands through it.
He remembers - you’d been having trouble adapting to the Devildom so he stole- borrowed a console from Levi, but you were too tired to play. He played anyway, hoping that at least watching him would distract you enough, and to convince himself that he was in part doing it for him too and not to entertain some random human.
You walk in and he slams the book shut, but its too late - you’ve seen him holding it. You don’t seem mad about that, though, and instead glare at how he has his feet up on your desk. He adjusts quickly, fumbling as he tries to put on his confident act, walking over to you as he waves the sketchbook in the air.
“What’s this, then? You’ve been drawing me without asking me first?” he asks, teasing lilt falling flat in his voice. His face feels far too warm, as it often does when he’s around you.
“I couldn’t help it. You’re so pretty I just had to.” You shrug, nonchalant. You swipe the book from his hand and sit on your bed, tapping the space beside you. “How far in did you get?”
Mammon pouts as he goes to sit beside you. “Not far.” As he sits beside you, he grabs your sides and pulls you to lay down, holding the sketchbook open up in the air. He’s desperate for some attention right now, but he wanted to keep looking at your art. “Let’s look through the rest together.”
Levi was flustered. You’d been spending time in his room, and he loved your presence but it took him so long to get used to it each time that you stopped in to hang out with him. You’d brought the book you always had with you, and were working away on something, laying on your stomach on the floor with a Ruri-chan plushie in one arm.
He fumbles with his controller and sighs as he misses yet another jump in the game he was trying hard to distract himself with. Every time he glances over, he wants to ask what you’re doing, why you’re here with him when you could easily do your work elsewhere or with any of his brothers, if you were really happy to just sit in his presence like this. His voice dies in his throat and his face flushes when he catches sight of you, so he never does get to ask.
He’d messed up one too many times and was starting to get frustrated when he glanced over and realised you were looking at him, too. Heat floods into his face, and his frustrations die before he can even mumble out his signature ‘this is so unfair’. You smile, going back to your work before dropping your pencil. You wiggle around until you’re sitting, cross-legged, and hold out your sketchbook.
It was a drawing. You’d been drawing, and you’d been drawing him. Levi leans closer hesitantly, wanting to get a better look at it, trying not to think about how giddy and anxious your proud smile made him feel. He works up the courage to take the book out of your hands and looks over the drawing. It takes a long time before he can say anything, too busy focusing on all the little details - how his face is scrunched up from frustration and concentration, how his headphone cord is coiled around his fingers from when he’d been playing with it and hadn’t untangled it fully, how his head was tilted to stop his hair from fully falling in front of his eyes.
“You... its really good, but, I don’t... I’m not this handsome,” he mumbles, face bright red, and he flinches when you laugh.
“You are. More-so, actually, but its hard to capture from this distance.”
Levi can’t respond, just swallows. You sigh, something fond in it, and walk on your knees until you can fall against his side, cuddling up to the Ruri-chan plushie.
“Look through the other drawings. I only draw what I find beautiful. That’s why I drew you.”
His smile is faint, but its enough. He’s hearing your words, even if they’re hard to process for him. He relaxes and flips back to the front page, ready to look at the rest of your work with you.
Books were commonplace in his room. They were part of the furniture - quite literally, as they were piled up everywhere, even on top of his bed, although he’d made an effort to stop putting them there so long as you were spending time with him, so that you had somewhere comfortable to sit or lay whilst you were reading.
And yet, he always noticed when one was out of place, or when a new book had joined his collection without his knowing. Sometimes this happened because his brothers had found something interesting but weren’t willing to say aloud that it had reminded them of him, or that they bought it because he might enjoy it, so they’d simply popped into his room and added it to a stack. It was normal at this point.
That’s why he didn’t question it when there was a new book left on his bed, and when he didn’t hesitate to lay down and open it up, curious as to what story one of his brothers had left for him this time. Instead, he’s met with drawings. Amazing drawings of the Devildom, of his brothers... and of him.
There are notes, as well, few and far between, that allow him to place this as being your book. He knew that scrawl. He felt guilty to look through your sketchbook without your permission, but now that he’d already opened it, he was too curious to leave it be. He’d be honest about it later and deal with the consequences then, or joke about how you’d been drawing him without his permission so you were equal now.
The drawings were beautiful, more detailed that he’d seen for casual doodles left in a book without being shown to the subjects in them. He takes his time to look over each page carefully, each drawing filling his heart with something foreign, sweet and sticky like berry pie. He spends extra time focusing on each drawing of himself, wonders how and why you’d made him look so soft. It was hard for him to get portraits done as his presence could invoke anger in others and leave harsh and angry lines and brush strokes on the canvas, but clearly he didn’t have that same influence on you - instead, each drawing of him was more delicate than any of the others, like you’d put more effort in.
Satan returns it to you later, a smile on his face. He does apologise immediately, for looking at the drawings without your permission.
“Its alright. I’m just glad you found it for me.” You’re completely cheery, not bothered at all, and Satan sighs in relief.
“You’ve drawn me quite a lot,” he notes.
“Well obviously. I spend the most time with you,” you say, smiling when you catch the faint pout he covers up. That wasn’t what he had expected or wanted you to say, clearly. Nor was it all you had to say on the matter. “Also, you’re very beautiful. I wanted to try and capture that and keep a little for myself.”
He smiles now, content, and pats you on the head. “If you want me around, you only have to ask.”
You’d been working away at something as he picked out an outfit and fixed his hair, and he’d been dying to ask but he just needed to adjust a few more strands first - you were going out to Majolish together and he wanted to look perfect. He always did, of course, but when the two of you were going out together he put in even more effort than usual.
When he finally finishes, he jumps up out of his chair and rushes over to you.
“How do I look?” he asks, beaming, full of confidence as always.
“Fabulous,” you say, reaching out to readjust a few strands of hair that had fallen out of place from his quick movements. He sits down on his bed beside you and pulls you up until you’re sitting beside him, hugging you around your waist.
“What were you doing whilst you were waiting? You looked so focused, it was adorable~” Asmo chirps, looking pointedly at the sketchbook. His eyes widen in genuine surprise. “Wait, is that me?”
You nod, lifting your sketchbook up so that the two of you could see it properly. You’d been drawing him, just little sketches as he flitted about the room doing this and that to get ready. You couldn’t have spent long on each one, and yet they captured him perfectly. He looked elegant in each, determined and beautiful.
You flicked back to the previous page before he could comment, and Asmo’s breath caught in his throat. This drawing was him, it was so brilliant an example of everything that he was. He was looking at you and smiling, and you’d captured the love and admiration in his eyes so perfectly he wondered if this was somehow a photograph.
Asmo tears up and hugs you tighter, burying his face against your neck. You can feel him smile wide against your skin. He stays like that for only a moment before his excitement bubbles up to the surface and he litters your cheek, nose, and forehead with feather-light kisses. He’d do anything for the one who saw him as he was.
Beel had a pretty normal schedule for each day - he’d exercise, go to school, spend time with you and Belphie or his other brothers if they were around and alright with it, and of course, he’d eat quite a lot. You had a good idea of where he’d be throughout the day, and when you had the time for it, you’d accompany him so he wasn’t alone. Whether that meant sitting on the counter as he dug through the fridge, or laying on the sofa with your head in his lap and your feet in Belphie’s, you just liked to spend time with him.
And, a lot of the time, he noticed you had this little book with you. He’d caught you glancing at him many times, but didn’t think anything of it. He glanced at you a lot, too, so maybe it was only to be expected. He’d gotten used to the butterflies in his stomach when you two randomly linked eyes and you grinned, twirling your pencil around in your hand.
A lot of your time was spent together in relative silence, as well, and he was accustomed to hearing your pencil scratch against the paper. But he never asked what you were doing, because if you wanted to tell him you would. He trusted you to do that. And his trust paid off, when you were both watching a show together.
He notices early on that you're paying more attention to him than the screen, and when the episode finishes you tap him gently on the shoulder before stretching out your wrists. He looks to you, tilting his head in curiosity until you hold the book open in front of him.
It was a drawing of him, focused on the screen, odd lighting casting shadows against his form. He had something in his hand, some sort of food, but you’d put more attention into actually drawing him. So much attention that he was sure no matter how long he looked, there would always be something more to notice.
“Its me?” he asks, unsure lilt in his voice. He looks bashful, like he’s done something wrong. “Why?”
You stretch out your arms again, thinking, and finally answer, “Because you looked beautiful, and I wanted to draw you?”
It was neither easy nor hard to make Beel blush, and most of the time it just seemed to happen. You hadn’t caught onto the pattern yet, hadn’t been able to perfect it so that you could make it happen whenever you wanted. But you smile in silent victory now as his ears and cheeks flush a reddish pink, pairing nicely with his wide eyes.
His surprise gives way to a smile, and he leans over to wrap his arms around you, holding you close. All he can manage is a thank you, but with that you know how much he appreciates it, how much he appreciates you.
Belphie would often drag you off to the attic, and whilst he enjoyed the times where you would curl up in his arms and nap with him until you absolutely had to get up, he knew he couldn’t expect that of you constantly. You were still human, and you could only sleep so much before you had to get up to stretch or eat or just do something else to occupy your mind.
You’d built up a habit together, now, where if you wanted to get up you’d tap his arm twice and he’d reluctantly let you go. He’d stay awake if you left the room, just enough so that he’d be able to tell when you returned. If you didn’t, he’d have to go seek you out again by himself to drag you back with him and absolutely not just to make sure you were okay. If you did return, he’d go back to sleep and let you do what you wanted, opening his arms up if you tapped on them again to crawl back into his grip. It was peaceful, and though he never said it aloud, he loved it.
Often times, when he did wake up, you’d be sitting nearby in a little bundle of pillows and blankets that you’d made with a book and pencil in hand. You were quick to notice when he woke up, so Belphie could never just watch you to figure out what you were doing, which frustrated him to no end but at the same time it was nice to be known. Still, he was determined to figure it out.
His determination is unnecessary, because one day he wakes up and you’re looking straight at him, smiling contentedly. He woke up too fast, then, heart pounding as he tried to remember that expression. Did you admire him so much to look at him like that, even when he was just sleeping?
“You’re awake,” you say, voice light and cheery.
“And you were watching me sleep, as always,” Belphie scoffs, pulling the blanket up over his face to cover up his blush. “What’s new?”
You pout and stick out your tongue at him, and he lowers the blanket enough to return the gesture. It was hard to remember just how old he was when he acted like that.
“With good reason,” you tell him. He raises an eyebrow, and you smile and hold out your sketchbook. He takes it immediately, trying to act nonchalant as he opens it up and flicks through the pages. You barely catch how his eyes widen, how his breath catches and he slows down, taking in each drawing carefully.
“There are... a lot of drawings, of me sleeping,” Belphie says, swallowing, raising the book enough to try to cover his smile. Too late, you think. You’d caught him.
“You look cute like that. Plus, its the only time you sit still enough for me to draw you.”
“Or you’re just that obsessed with me. Weirdo.” He closes the book and hands it back to you, sitting up to stretch. He keeps his eyes on you, notices when you frown the tiniest bit. Was his teasing too much?
He sighs and slides out of bed, sitting in your pile beside you. He leans against you, like a cat looking for attention without wanting to admit it, and takes your hand in his, playing with your fingers.
“Thanks, MC.”
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mc-the-bunny · 3 years
Okay so hear me out this is my first ever story...
Have mercy on me please :')...
So i had the thought about lucifer being a winemom. And even though i dont particularly like lucifer i was thinking....
What if he would masterbate with the wine bottle and then mc walks 😳🍷
The story:
It had been a long tough day for lucifer.
All day he had been swarmed by paperwork,meetings, bills from mammon and Asmodeus buying things and making sure you dont get eaten or lose interest in him. After all he couldnt bare the thought of you losing interest in him or even worse you dying..
that would be the scariest thing happening to him after lilith died..
beel had also eaten everything in the house twice today. In response this had send satan in a rage, he had punched holes in cabinets and walls.
So now not only lucifer had paperwork he also had to scold satan, which was no easy task. The blonde demon had flung at him so many times (one hitting his abdominal area) before Lucifer could finally get him under control. He lifted his clothing up to reveal a nasty bruise grunting at the touch.
He would deal with satan later.
He also had to Prepare the repairing spells which required special ingredients they didnt have anymore due to beel eating everything including several dishes... So he'd have to go search for the ingredients.... Sigh* why doesnt akuzon have tge ingredients lucifer thinks while scroling to look if they did...
Akuzon had a lot from the east indian special black and red inc he used to the stuff his brothers bought. But sadly no spell ingredients... He could ask solomon if he could get some of the ingredients but he knew solomon would probably want to make a pact with him in return.... Not that he would ask for help otherwise, after all the Avatar of pride didnt need help from a sorcerer.
He walked up to his liquor cabinet
( which was massive)
First he had to drink some demonius to lighten his headache. (and stresslevels because lets be honest the poor man works way to much)
grabbed a bottle of demonius and sat back down behind his desk drinking straight from the bottle.
He hadnt even bothered to pore it into a glass because he would end up drinking the whole bottle anyways.
(bottles and time passed)
3 bottles of demonius later and lucifer finally felt at ease. His alcohol tolerance was naturally very high so if he really wanted to get black out drunk like mammon and Asmodeus sometimes did at parties he would have to at least drink 6 bottles of demonius.
No the 3 bottles just left him tipsy and on edge, feeling like he wanted to have some sexual gratification.
he took the empty bottle of demonius and looked at the shape. The bottles in the devildom (and human world) didnt look to different from those weird toys he saw Asmodeus walking with a few times.
He smirked opening his drawer he took some orgasm gel out. It was the gel he had wanted to use with mc, mc however was already wet enough on their own for him. Dripping down their legs before lucifer even entered them.
He smiled.
However he wasnt going to be dependent on some human to satisfy him.
He didnt want you to think he needed you.
No he was going to satisfy himself with this bottle of demonius, that was now covered in gel. He undid his pants, pulled off his underwear,
and let his hardening member jump out. He putting it on his desk and started to roll the cold bottle back and forth slowly.
his cock hardening at the temperature difference of the bottle. "Fuck " he muttered while pleasuring himself.
He would've been more than embarrassed if anyone would ever know what he was doing, no this was something only he would ever know about.
The only reason he didn't cum was because he didnt want the paperwork to be dirty with his cum. He would never stoop so low.
No he would never.
After massaging his cock with the bottle until it turned the temperature of his skin he looked at the bottle again.
Another idea popped up in his head.
The top looked to be the similar shape of the dildo he had bought recently for mc.
They had been very thankful and thrilled to try it out.
So curious that they couldnt wait to try it and he ended up watching them masterbate in front of him. He shouldve filmed it.
Such a gorgeous delicious sight should be filmed after all he thought.
He'd have to ask mc next time if he could film it.
Their moans of that night had flooded his senses remembering the lovely noises they had made, they seemed to feel so good with that toy inside their ass cumming on his sofa in his secret study.
He walked over to the sofa and looked.
mcs cum still visible on the dark red velvet.
He smirked positioning himself on the sofa ass up.
putting gell on the other side of the bottle now before slowly sliding the bottle in his ass.
A fairly loud moan escaped his mouth.
Its a good thing he had casted a spell to make this room sound proof for the time being otherwise his brithers might of heard him.
No that would be unbearable. They would definitely tease him over it, and his pride would be more shattered than ever.
Due to the orgasm gel his slit around it quite easily. He positioned himself feeling the cold glass reach deeper and deeper in his ass.
His body now felt like it was on fire with pleasure. Another loud moan escaped his mouth. Then he started thrusting the bottle in and out of his ass.
He could feel a orgasm going through his body at high speed.
Faster and faster rougher and rougher. As long as he was in control he didn't care how rough it was.
(nothing to rough for this sadist)
The sounds of his moan increasing in volume with every thrust.
He felt pure pleasure as he felt he was going to cum, he had preps for that to happen however and he Swiftly took the other empty bottle of demonius as he cummed into the bottle.
Putting the full bottle of cum to the side.
He was going to keep thrusting for a littke more he thought.
Lucifer stiffened at hearing your voice, and looked at you like a deer in the headlights.
"what are you doing?"
"Nothing i i was doingbpaperwork "
"with that bottle up your ass? "
You couldnt help but laugh.
Not in a humiliation way but it was the last thing you had expected to walk into when opening his door.
After the knocking was left unanswered you had stepped in only to find lucifer with a bottle of demonius up his as and flushed cheecks as red as apples.
I can explain lucifer quickly pulled the bottle out and sad up, his pride scattered and fearfully awaiting your reaction. What was he thinking not putting a spell on the lock!?.
He would have to wash those bottles secretly later.
washing would be safer due to nosey brothers . you would never be sure if anyone found the bottles or would stumble upon it by accident.
They woukdve immediately known who the bottles had belonged to, after all lucifer was the only one having multiple bottles of demonius on him at all times.
"Lucifer, im sorry for laughing my beloved. Its just that i hadnt expected to find you.. In such state"
... Lucifer fell silent. he felt like his life was over. he was beating himself up for letting this happen.
What would you think of him now?
Would you turn away? He would never get over it if you did.
Sensing his worry you walk up to him and put a arm around his shoulder (not knowing if you should put them on his cock instead)
"Lucy i understand"
You smile at him.
With bewilderment in his eyes he looks at you.
"You do? "
"Yes lucy babe i do, you were under so much stress today. i already thought you had forgotten our date tonight so i initially came to remind you of it "
"im so sorry mc i shouldnt forget -"
"no its okay Lucy its not your fault"
You looked over to the second bottle of demonius on the ground, seeing what you were almost sure to be Lucy's cum in it.
"It is mc how can i apologise? "
"Ill take that bottle"
before he can say no or even think about it you grab the bottle crawl to the corner of the sofa and smell the liquid in it.
Now emerged with the smell of the last bits of demonius his cum smelled like some sort of delicate wine.
"hhhmmmmm it smells so good lucy darling"
He looks at you in shock for a bit but as soon as he realises you dont judge him for masterbating with a bottle he loosens up.
"Does it now my beloved? "
You look up happily
Lucifer chuckles he tries to take the bottle back but you see it comming and quickly run to the other side of the room.
"Nuh uh its mine now lucy"
Lucifer scoffs and makes his way over to you.
Before he can reach you however you already started drinking his cum out of the bottle. Your eyes still fixated on his to see his reaction.
He looks at you before regrouping himself and making his way over to you.
You run to the other side before you continue drinking his cum wine.
"Hmmm mm hmmmmmm, if water tasted like this i would definitely drink enough on a day"
"Mc, stop this weird behavior at once and hand me the bottle..
before i punish you."
He reaches to grab you but having spend so much time with mammon you know how to avoid getting caught. Running further.
Lucifer can't help but smirk, after all hes secretly really proud of you and himself. After all you said his cum is delicious and are getting quite protective.
it is as if lucifer has to take candy from a child.
"Be a good girl and finish it all then"
Your eyes sparkle in excitement
*Really lucy? Thank you!! "
You sit down on the sofa again tired from running around. Lucifer sits besides you rubbing your back waiting for you to finish it all.
You do finish it surprisingly fast and put down the empty bottle. You want to hug him but-
Lucifer grips your hands and handcufs them
"yes darling"
he smirks biting your ear softly.
You squeel
"Lucy what are we going to do? We have to be at the restaurant at 6 remember?"
He positions you in a way your but is sticking up. He squeezes it and this draws a moan from your mouth.
"I remember that, we still have 3 hours"
"but-" you stammer.
"i said i would punish you
so be prepared sitting might hurt a bit in the restaurant. "
He says as he takes out his whip ready to spank you senseless for not obeying him.
I hope you enjoyed.
Im sorry for spelling errors im dyslexic😣
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
You’re my Treasure (Mammon X MC) Pt15 Final
The Blue Lotus petals (series)
As a fan of Beauty X Beast pairing, Showing your “true self” to Lover or (Monster Love) Tropes. I figure to make a (More Demonic Forms AU/head canon) story for each brothers. Heads up each brother’s Story is long as fuck. So, I’ll be posting them as parts and finishing one brother before moving on to the rest of them.
(spoiler for lesson 1-60)
Pt1 Pt2 Pt3 Pt4 Pt5 Pt6 Pt7 Pt8 Pt9 Pt10 Pt11 Pt12 Pt13 Pt14
Warning: Swearing, Demonic nature.
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“Okay, now here’s the Plan” Satan start discussing about how to trap Lucifer and make sure that he and Mammon stay in one place and not make the same mistake as before.
“Why do I have to carry the two of ya” Mammon as Levi and Belphie are in his arms. While you are with Beel upfront and Satan with Asmo is behind of two, as Beel following Lucifer’s scent.
“Because your more bigger then Beel right” Levi answer him, and Mammon just groans at him.
“I didn’t realize how soft your feathers are Mammon, this could be great for pillow stuffing” as Belphie said it, he nuzzles his face on to Mammon’s arm. Hiding the fact that he misses his big brother.
“OI! Don’t get any idea!!” Belphie sleepy laugh at Mammon’s bash reply, which Belphie scoffs.
Beel track down Lucifer’s scent in the mountain’s valley near the woods where Mammon’s treasure cavern is, soon you all hear a shrike from the distant, to both Mammon and Satan displease with the latter which clench his fist so tight he dug his nails into the palm of his hand.
“Satan, are you okay…...your trembling” Asmo asks as he feel Satan shaking.
“It’s fine Asmo…... it’s just my instinct kicking in, maybe because we’re in his territory I start acting like this. Shit I didn’t expect this strong of a demonic presence, this ruin the plan entirely”
“So, what now?”
“Our best bet is y/n’s pact with Lucifer, pinning him down long enough for at least on of us cast a chain spell on him, then Mammon can make sure he doesn’t escape”
After minutes of flying, both Asmo and Beel to feel weak and unease, and Mammon sees it.
“Oi, what’s going on with you two”
“I don’t know…... its like my body is getting heavy” Beel can barely say it, he felt like something is causing his body to feel numb.
“I think…... I can’t go on” Asmo started to slowly decent down, as Satan tries to talk to him.
“Asmo! You need to~”
Suddenly both Asmo and Beel felt a surge through their body, they felt that their wings are getting heavier.
“Shit! I can’t move wings” Beel is trying his damnedest to keep flying, eventually he can’t take it anymore and decided to make an emergency landing in one of the path ways between the mountains, and Asmo followed suit with Mammon not far behind.
“Beel! Are you okay!” Belphie immediately rushes to his twin’s side as Asmo can barely stand, while the rest looks around to see where you guys landed.
“Mammon…...” you called out to him, with a worried tone in your voice, as if you felt someone or something is watching you.
“Stay right there, I’ll come to you” Mammon start walking towards you, when he stops and his feathers immediately stand upright, and his wings is spread out in a defensive way.
You quickly turned around to see a black griffin-like demon with six pair wings, a tail with seven peacock feathers on the tip end, familiar horns and eyes with the sclera ink black with crimson red eyes staring directly at you.
“Lucifer…...” you mutter under you’re breathe as your eyes start to shifted, scared of what’s is going to happen.
Lucifer shrikes, launches himself towards you, but Mammon leaps over you, and colliding with Lucifer. The two of them fall on the ground and quickly got up and take a defensive stance as they growl at each other.
“Lucifer! Snap out it. Your better than this. You know us, you know me!” but the only thing that Lucifer did was shrike at Mammon and rushes at him. But then.
“Lucifer. STAY!?!” Immediately Lucifer was pinned on the ground, and try to struggle out of the invisible force on his body down.
Mammon turns around to see you with one hand reaching out and your pact mark with Lucifer glow on the right side of your chest, but Mammon can see that you’re struggling to hold down Lucifer.
The others finally got up, then Satan start casting the spell while the others circle around the two older brothers.
“Lucifer!!” Asmo calls out to him only met with anger shrike, then Levi and Beel start walking close to the two.
Feeling surrounded and threaten by his brothers. Lucifer, let out an eerie shrike causing the other brothers halted in place as they can feel their body twitching uncontrollably as they feel an uncontrollable force making their body weak causing them to fall on their knees all expect Mammon who fought the effect of Lucifer’s shrike, as he makes his way to him.
He sees it in Lucifer’s eyes. Fear, panic and confusion in his eyes just remained when he was like this, not even fully changed yet, and he was terrified. But you were there with him before and after transformation to keep him company and you might know it, but you were his guide back to his sanity when he was lost in his own instinct, now you’re helping him with Lucifer’s own beast.
This time he’ll be the guide for his brother, now he towards over the avatar of pride subdue state, with the attend to remain him of the promise he made with him long ago.
“Lucifer” Mammon calls out to his brother with sincere and honest in his voice “I’ll still stand by you, Lucifer” He stop shrike, and look at Mammon with confusion in his eyes. “Remember what I said to you long ago, I never regret following you and never will we need you Lucifer."
Mammon, will not let this happen, losing him like this. not even in a fight.
But he didn't know that Lucifer can hear him and remember that night.
The night he took Mammon's advice, and that draw him back to his senses, as Mammon continue on.
"And if I have to beat that to your thick head to make you realize that we need you and how much you need me. I know you’ll never say it~”
“I do need you Mammon….” He’s eyes widen to hear Lucifer talk to him, even his like this “I…...I’m sorry…. for lying and…... everything”
He got to him. He knew that Lucifer can hear him.
Mammon chuckles to Lucifer’s apology, to think his never going to hear this from him once this all over.
Meanwhile Levi was the first one to get back on his feet, and witness what he always wanted. The two talking with out turning into an argument. With Mammon comforting Lucifer in his own way.
“Oi, you can’t say things like that here, what if Satan or Belphie hear ya” he getting through to him. “Lucifer, listen. We’re gonna stay in the cave until you get a hold of this. It’s too dangerous to go back home yet. Don’t worry I’m stay and help ya through this” he smiles with eyes at Lucifer.
“Your …... enjoying this aren’t you” even with the demonic voice, Mammon can tell that Lucifer sound tired. Maybe once there in the cave, he can tease his brother.
“y/n its okay, he’s calming down”
“Are you sure” he nodded in respond, so you lower you hand and sigh in relief. Then let the first and second be alone while check on the others.
Once the force of the pact was gone, Lucifer got up with his head hang low. Disappoint at himself for using the book, he thought it was necessary with Mammon’s state. He was wrong, then he looks up to see Mammon who is trouble maker, stepping up took charge, when he was gone. He might be mentally exhausted but he can clearly see how Mammon has grown.
Lucifer walk up to Mammon and lean his head on Mammon's Shoulder, and let out a satisfy squawk. Then he pat Lucifer on the head, just glad that his calming down
“Good to have ya back, brother”
Once he reaches the nest in the cavern, Lucifer flop in the center nest and immediately fell in sleep, while Mammon watch from the mouth of the cavern.
After making sure that Lucifer is fully asleep, he heads towards you and the rest of his brothers to entre way of the cave.
“How is he?” you ask as you walk over to him.
“he’s asleep, he would be tired after all of that flying after changing” he answering you, before puling you into hug and holding you tightly. “Make sure our room is clean, by the time we get back kay’” you hum in respond as you bury your face into him, and start sobbing. “Hey! Its not like I’ll be gone forever. It’ll be a week, or even least with Lucifer prideful head, keeping him in control.”
You look up to him with tears gathering in the corner of your eye. “I know, is just I couldn’t help to feel responsible to cause all of this” tears start fall, but Mammon use the back of his hand to wipe it off.
“y/n even if we didn’t go to the casino that night, I would have done everything to make sure your save and sound, you’re my treasure after all” you blush and hide your face in his feathery chest and he laughs at your action “Hahaha. Now who’s flustered now!”
“Oh my, your even talk like him. You really need this time to be apart” Asmo chipper in as he and Beel are getting ready to fly back to house.
“Come on normie! We can’t waste more time here anymore. I’ve missed three days’ worth of events and login~”
“Oi! You’re not going anywhere; you’re staying here with me and Lucifer.” Mammon cuts off Levi and quickly grab him by the helm of his jacket and drag him back.
“This so unfair!?! Why do I’ve to stay?”
“Welp we’re off” Satan grab hold on to Asmo, he and Beel with you and Belphie arm on each of his arm took off leaving a pleading Levi yelling to take him with you.
Once you all are far way from the cave Asmo flew closer to Beel, Satan start talking to you.
“Enjoy the next couple of days with no Lucifer, because once he and those two come home, expect your name to be written on the ceiling”
“Satan!” Asmo butts in “Lucifer wouldn’t do that to our little human, he might be cruel but he’s not that heartless”
Satan looks up to Asmo with a grin on his face, telling him that to eat his own words.
“I can’t believe you would do that to our human Lucifer!?! How could you!”
“Asmo, I will not hesitant to strung you up to, for giving a headache this early in the morning”
“So, Lucifer how’s it feels being back to chaos and piles of paper works”
“You two, better enjoy your freedom now. Because once Diavolo approve the use of the book. You’ll be first two are going to change and I’ll make sure of that”
After returning from that cave with Mammon and Levi, two days ago. Lucifer had been catching up with a week worth’s of reports, bills, and paper works.
Now Asmo is at his side nagging and Satan just being Satan, as he makes his way to staircase where him strung you up by the waist after finding out that it was you who drag Mammon at that Casino in the first place.
As he got there, he saw Beel looking up to where you are being hanged.
“Beel what are you~” he Immediately cuts himself off when he looks up to see that you were gone and the rope is cut. Satan and Asmo try not to laugh at the whole thing.
“Ah? Lucifer” he glances over to Beel who is holding a white feather in his hand. “I find this~”
At the roof of the house was you at Mammon arms just being at each other’s presences as you two heard Lucifer screaming his name.
“Looks like that our que to fly out of here”
“Where do we go?” as you ask Mammon lifted you up in his arms, and quickly shifted into his tame form.
“Where do ya want to go?”
You wrap your arms around his neck, lean in to kiss him on the cheek, then set you head on his shoulder.
“Anywhere, as long your there” he chuckles “ya got it, treasure” and take off, flying to the dark sky. Happy and content.
Note: I didn’t expect for this story to take this long.
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belpheroo · 4 years
Title: All Yours Pairing: Mammon x f!MC Rating: 🍋 Summary: Takes place during Lessons 21-22 during the “aphrodisiac syrup” incident. Took most of Mammon’s dialogue straight from the lessons at first. PWP/PWF because I missed my baby Mammoney.
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“I love you so much, ya know?“ Mammon said, no hesitation, no stammering, “So I really missed you after you left. Like, how could I not? And I just want you so bad I can’t take it… “
He sighed, running a hand roughly through his hair, a blush dark on his already warm skin.
“I’m goin’ insane here! Man, this is killin’ me! It’s killin’ me, but… still, that’s all right.”
Mammon took another deep breath, finally breaking eye contact as he huffed, “I’ll just deal with it.”
She could hardly speak, still processing everything he so easily confessed. Despite the slight raggedness in his breathing and the way he kept his hands firmly set against his hips, clenched tight, Mammon seemed almost unaffected by the aphrodisiac properties of the syrup. Aside from his loose tongue, that is.
Satan, Beel, Belphie, Asmo… even Levi and Lucifer had struggled to control themselves and were freed by the compulsion by an order. But Mammon? He was so composed… it should have been a relief, but despite the sweetness of his words and the earnestness in his voice, she found herself wishing he was more overcome.
Now was the time to issue an order, to end the aphrodisiac… but instead she hummed thoughtfully.
“What if I don’t want you to deal with it?”
Those words would have once gotten an immediate response from Mammon, but instead he curiously flicked a glance back over at her, expression carefully neutral.
“Or… like, deal with it in a more fun way?”
“Human, ya really don’t wanna push on this. I can control myself, but I’m still a guy! It’s not nice to tease me like that…” Mammon grumbled, redness blossoming across his cheeks in new vibrant shades.
“I could lose it. Like, really. Really. Ya got it?”
“Mammon.” She cut him off, taking a few steps forward. Mammon hesitantly stepped slightly back.
“What if I want you to?” She phrased her words carefully, keeping them sounding like questions rather than suggestions or commands less she end the effect prematurely.
“Want what?” Mammon countered, running out of space to keep retreating as she urged forward, prepared to trap him between herself and his bedroom wall if she needed.
“… what if I want you to lose control? What if I want you to touch me? To show me how much you love me? How much you missed me?” Her eyes flashed, dangerous and scheming and insatiable as she ran her tongue out along her bottom lip for the barest moment.
Mammon barely managed to catch himself mid lurch, nearly moving off the wall to catch that lip in between his teeth.
“W…why would ya say that?! Mannn… ya just like seein’ me get flustered! Well it won’t work! I ain’t some baby demon, I’m the second eldest!”
“Even Lucifer wanted me so badly he could barely keep his hands off me before it wore off.”
“…he?! He touch ya?! Ya didn’t kiss him did you?!”
“No, I only want to kiss you.”
Mammon groaned, running his hand over his neck and up into his hair, dragging his fingers through it with a look of utter agony.
“You gotta stop… you can’t keep sayin’ that. You can’t keep teasin’ me, please I-“
He stopped, looking at her from the corner of his eye, lids half closed and a blush so hot and vivid on his cheeks she could see it even beneath his warm brown skin.
It took only a few steps to close the distance between them, Mammon taking several back until he was against the wall with no chance of escape. He twisted his hands into fists and pressed them down at his sides again, throat bobbing as he swallowed hard and strained. She wanted to catch it with her lips, to kiss him beneath his jaw and against his throat… but she settled for something small first, barely letting her lips brush the corner of his mouth.
The heat coming off his body was scorching, the intensity enhanced by the sudden grip of his hands around her arms as Mammon shoved her away.
Her name dragged out of him, a desperate, pleading moan.
“Mammon…” she was careful, any order, any at all would take away this moment, make him shut up in his thoughts again instead of acting on his feeling. She slid her own hands up his arms, feeling the coil of muscle and the heat of his skin.
“I’m not teasing.”
The hands at her arms left but in an instant they were cupped beneath her jaw, guiding her around and switching their positions so she was up against the wall. Mammon crowded her into the smooth cool surface before he settled his lips over hers. Needful. Greedy.
The firm planes of his body pressed along her, drawing her focus to her breasts, her thighs and oh god— he slipped his knee between her legs, pressing up against her center with practiced precision before he rolled his hips forward. He growled, low in his throat and all at once she felt as if the strength had gone out of her legs and heat pooled with sudden intensity in her core.
Her breath gasped out as they parted, giving her precious moments to take in air before he dragged his tongue across her bottom lip and then licked into her mouth. Mammon had moved back off enough that her hands were able to find their way beneath his t-shirt, the fabric bunching up on top of her forearms as she dragged her palms down the taunt skin of his stomach. She let her nails barely scratch him, feeling his sharp intake of breath as he sucked in and away from the touch for a moment and then all but melted against her as her hands slipped across his sides and stroked up his back.
“Too many clothes.” She said between mouthfuls of his kisses, the words sending Mammon scrambling to tug off his jacket. His attempts to take off his shirt were blocked several times by her own touches, a giggle falling from her lips and spurring Mammon to smile just as he finally managed to tug the shirt off and over his head.
Her own followed, but his hands came up behind her back before she could start making work of the bra and with one skillful snap of his index and middle finger, she felt the clasps pop open. A blush spread fiercely over her cheeks at his—deftness. Realizing despite his tendency to run hot and cold, he had done this before. Frequently. Often. The implications made her heart hammer in her chest and for once, it was Mammon who smirked.
She made a faint sound of surprise as he bent down enough to pick her up, arms under her thighs as he bore her against the wall. It made her just a bit taller than him, which was well enough to her as she ran her fingers through the back of his hair and tugged him into another kiss. Her legs secured around his waist, feeling keenly now where he was hard and tented against his pants, rubbing against her inner thigh with panted breaths between each kiss.
His lips trailed down her throat, pressing to the center of her breast and then against the soft swell. She tangled her hands in his hair as he sucked a pert nipple in his mouth, rolling his tongue against it over and over until she felt a shiver creep up her spine and shudder down to her core.
“Now, where should I go from here?” Mammon mumbled against her skin, giving the opposite breast the same attention until her legs trembled around his waist, struggling to keep herself up, “How about you tell me? What’s next…?”
Was he trying to entice her into giving him a command? He had give her nipple one last long lick before tilting his chin back to look up at her, blue eyes hazy but content, a dark flush deepening the color of his brown skin. No…Mammon was just— being Mammon. Eager to please and eager to keep touching her. And she was scarcely less eager to have him do just that.
“You have a bedroom…” she said, letting her hand come to rest against his cheek and stretching her thumb out to rub along his bottom lip. She hummed her approval when he opened his mouth and sucked the digit in. She withdrew her hand only to replace it with her lips, kissing him slower, more thoroughly, enticing the ember in his groin to flare up hotter until he was swiftly pulling her away from the wall and carrying her to the bed.
The red sheets were luxuriously soft against her bare back as Mammon bore her into the mattress. She relaxed her thighs slightly, but kept them pressed close to his hips all the same, stretching her arms above her head in a languid motion and arching her chest forward as Mammon kissed a trail from her jaw to the hollow of her hip.
Mammon found the hook and zipper of her skirt easily, undoing both before he slipped the fabric down and off, leaving her in nothing but her panties and knee highs. She rubbed her calf purposefully against his side, catching it on the hem of his jeans.
Mammon huffed, “Bossing The Mammon around? Fine… if you want me to so badly.”
“Yes.” She added, enjoying the way his blush had settled across his chest and neck. The sound of his belt buckle clicking sent a delicious pang of anticipation straight down to where she was already obscenely wet. She wondered if he could see it through her panties… most likely given how Mammon was taking the time to rake his gaze over ever inch of her, a strange expression passing over his face for a moment before he seemed to disregard whatever thought came into his head and work instead on getting his jeans and boxer-briefs off and out of the way.
He had absolutely nothing to be shy about.
She brought her hands to her hips, arching her bottom off the bed to pull down the dampened cotton, but Mammon’s hands stopped her. He took it upon himself to drag the fabric down over her thighs, admiring the curve of her legs and the way she wiggled impatiently as he finally slipped them off and over her ankles.
Mammon purposefully tossed them unto his jeans and she suddenly had a funny feeling that meant she wouldn’t be getting them back.
Mammon’s palms ran up along the length of her thighs, settling on her knees as he gently cupped his hands beneath them and slid her, smooth as silk over his sheets and towards him.
“…is this okay? Do… do you want this?”
With a faint smile, she canted her hips upwards, feeling the hot, iron-silk of his shaft against her core as she trapped him between his own stomach and her heat, rubbing against him with slow, intent motions.
Mammon made a sound like the air had been punched from him. She drew back just enough for him to use his thumb to press the tip of his head against her and then, gently she pushed forward again.
She went slowly. Enjoying the way her body stretched and fluttered around him, making space for him inside her. Mammon didn’t move, his eyes fixed, half lidded and dream like at where he was disappearing inside her. A tiny sound choked from his throat and his eyes fluttered shut when she seated him in fully, feeling a slight ache deep within her when his head pressed up against her cervex. She held there only for a moment before letting her hips draw back a ways, coaxing him with the tiniest roll of her hips.
Mammon moved then, shallow and deep and taking care not to press in too deep. The ridge of his head rubbed against a sweet spot every so often at this depth, making her clench involuntarily around him. His pelvis would press against her clit with each forward thrust, eliciting a content moan from her when he would hold there and grind against her.
Mammon cursed under his breath, leaning down into her waiting arms and capturing her lips in another kiss.
“It... it feels so fuckin’ good. You... “
His words cut off with a whimpered cry as she set her teeth deliberately into the long muscle of his neck, sucking there until his hips sputtered and his thrusts became faster for a moment. She gasped at the ache he had seared through her, worrying the skin with her tongue before placing kisses deep enough to bruise along his throat.
She dug her nails into his back and scratched down, the sound Mammon made as he arched against her touch deliciously obscene.
Mammon fisted his hand into the back of her hair, clinging for dear life as he slowed his moments and tried to even his breathing.
“…’most lost it…” he huffed after a moment, a sigh of relief turning into a groan as she bucked up beneath him.
“More,” She said, voice low and as dark as the pupils, blown-wide in her eyes, “Mammon, fuck me more.”
“And they call me a demon.” Mammon huffed, but he had begun to move again, the steady pull of his shaft along her walls making her tremble beneath him. Mammon smirked at that, easing his hand down between them and trailing his fingers over himself and her, touching where they were joined and bringing some of that wetness to swirl in leisurely circles around her bud.
His hand moved away, a protest in the back of her throat as he set his hands upon her hips and held her tightly, folding her upwards and keeping her firmly there.
He thrusted down sharply, the movement jolting through her and nearly slipping her away from him on the smoothness of the bed. She braced a hand back behind herself, gripping the sheets to try and keep still as he did it again.
She cried out then, startled at first until the sound melted into a whimper, mixing with the slap of his hips into hers once more as he kept up the unforgiving and unbearably deliberate pace.
Mammon’s breaths were coming as quick as gasps as gradually he quickened, the bruising impact of his hips mixing into the sweet bursts of pleasure each connection sent against her clit. So deeply seated in her, she could feel his head once again rubbing at the tender spot at the topmost part of her inner walls, barely able to contain her instinctive need to bare down on his shaft and hold him fast and tight.
His thrusts were growing shorter, faster, less forceful but no less intense as a prickling feeling began to grow in her core and spread out in tiny bursts, each stronger than the last until finally she felt them reach their utmost peak. The contractions of her orgasm were as tight as a fist and she could hear and see when she came as much as she felt it by Mammon’s reaction alone. His lips had fallen open, astounded with pleasure as he rode out each spasm, a ragged cry breaking from his throat. She felt his cock jump inside her, pulsing fiercely as he fell forward and buried his face into her neck, hands sliding up to hold her tightly to his chest as he shuddered and fell apart in her arms.
The come down was no less pleasant, her body still clutching at him, but in less frequent, softer bursts. She took the time to catch her breath, but found Mammon had not made to move, keeping her in a vice grip as he rubbed his lips back and forth against her neck.
He was trembling.
Affection burst through her chest, warming her like sunbeams through soft clouds as she did her best to soothe him. She ran her hands up and down his back, turning her cheek against his soft white hair.
“That was so good,” She whispered, “I missed you so much… you mean so much.”
The weight of him was pleasant, warming her down to her very heart. Mammon shifted a bit, leaning unto his side as he propped up on his arm to look down at her.
He looked so… vulnerable. Brittle. Like she had the power in that moment to utterly shatter him. She lifted up a hand to touch his cheek and he leaned into the touch, eyes closing.
“I love you.”
Mammon didn’t open his eyes, brow furrowing tightly. She was not having that.
“Look at me.”
He did.
“Mammon, I love you too. And I missed you and I want you all the time too and—“
“You’re killin’ me.” Mammon said making her freeze—but in the next breath he leaned down and caught her lips in a kiss filled with desperation and sheer adoration.
“I’m tryin’ to work up the courage to tell ya I love you so much right now I feel like my heart is gonna goddamn bust and you go and say all these… these nice things.”
“Not the only thing that busted.” She said, waggling an eyebrow until Mammon groaned.
“You deserve to be told nice things, Mammon. And often.”
He mumbled a non-reply, shyly enclosing her hand with his own and pressing a kiss to her palm.
“Might… take awhile. For me to get used to it.”
“That’s okay,” She said quietly, curling closer against him, “We have plenty of time now, yeah?”
That got a smile, pressed gently to her knuckles before Mammon released her hand to wrap his arms around her.
“All for myself?” He said, his touch becoming more certain— possessive.
“All yours,” she leaned forward to press a kiss to his nose, making Mammon pout and narrow his eyes briefly.
“Oh! You still need me to give you an order!”
“Um… about that. You already kinda did?” Mammon trailed off, fingers tangling in her hair gently.
“Wha— hey I was really careful! When did I give an order?!”
Mammon licked his bottom lip, a sly grin spreading over his features as he held to the back of her neck and whispered lowly, “‘Mammon, fuck me more.’”
There was a beat of silence as she blinked at him, cheeks growing rosy before she smiled in turn.
“Well what, human?”
The soft smile turned into a grin that Mammon, confident in her feelings, returned.
It was going to be a late night.
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eveningstar1516 · 3 years
Rise of the Demon King ~ Chapter 5
Rise of the Demon King
Fic: Multi Chapter Paring: MC x Everyone (Mostly Lucifer) Type: Angst with a Happy Ending Total Word Count: 26,758 TW: Major Character Death, Reader gets stabbed with a sword through their chest so…, Abusive Parents, Past Child Abuse, Demon Hunters, Loss of Control Summary: You’ve done it. You’ve finally done it. You’ve managed to anger the demon king. Now you hold your head high as he hands down your sentence. AO3 Portal: https://archiveofourown.org/works/27065362
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Previously:
Lucifer looked into my eyes muttering something in angelic before whispering, “I’m sorry…”
With tears burning his eyes he buried the sword deep into my heart.
“Thank you”
CHAPTER 5 - Oblivion (1618 words)
“Y/N? Wake up Y/N”
Someone’s calling my name?
“Y/N, please wake up”
I awoke in a daze hearing a soft female voice calling out to me.
“Y/N, can you hear me?”
Slowly blinking awake, I realized that I was floating in some dark void. Upon looking around, I found the source of the voice. A young woman with long strawberry blonde hair and violet eyes was looking at me. Her white and purple dress was flowing freely around her. Her hair framed her face just right with a small leaf hair clip finishing her look. She spoke out again.
“Y/N, can you hear me?”
“Who are you?”
“Oh, thank goodness you can. Y/N, I am Lilith. Do you remember how you got here?”
I looked down at myself realizing that there is a gaping hole in my chest where my heart is supposed to be. Memories of the trial came flooding back to me.
“I-I was on trial. The king didn’t like the idea of me having pacts with all your brothers, so he ordered that I be killed. He, he tried to make Lucifer do it but he refused to kill me. I remember ordering your brothers not to interfere and to obey Lord Diavolo above the king, then I ordered Lucifer to kill me with his sword. He whispered something in angelic then killed me. I thanked him then nothing. It didn’t even hurt when he killed me, I just fell asleep.” Hugging myself as I remembered what happened, what I assume to be not 30 minutes ago. Lilith moved to wrap her arms around me.
“Shh, it’s alright now. When Big Brother killed you, he probably used his holy sword, that’s why you didn't feel anything, but if he did, you should have returned to Oblivion. Do you know what that is?”
Nodding my head, I recalled my Devildom history class. Oblivion was the start of the universe. All living beings were created from oblivion. Oblivion is the purple aura that surrounds someone when they perform a spell. It is the stuff used to manifest something via spell or curse. If harnessed right, it can also be used as an energy source.
“Big Brother probably muttered a protection spell which is why you are here instead of non-existent.”
“Where is here?” I asked while slowly releasing her from the hug.
“This place has no name, although I like to call it the void. In reality, that is all this place really is. It is where souls end up should they not have a final destination but don’t return to Oblivion. This only happens in special cases. It is the reason I have been able to watch over you and my elder brothers. This is where things get complicated. You were not meant to die yet and I didn’t have enough power to save you this time. You now have to make a choice, no matter what you pick, you cannot change the fact that you died, there is no cheating death a second time. I can make you a demon and send you to the Devildom, I can re-incarnate you into a new-born human although you will lose your memories, or I can send you to the Celestial Realm as a seraph. It’s your choice.”
“There is no way I would give up my memories of your brothers and the time I spent in the Devildom, and as much as I would love to return to the Devildom, there is no way I am going to serve that tyrant calling himself “King”. I also really don’t want to serve the other tyrant that has the audacity to call himself “Father”” Sighing I cradled my head in my hands weighing my two options. On one hand, I can return to the brothers and the one I love, but I will have to serve King Abandon and that’s if he doesn’t decide to kill me again as soon as he lays eyes on me. On the other hand, I could go to the Celestial Realm and hide out with Simeon and Luke, but I would have to bow down to their Father so as to not risk banishment from the Celestial realm, and that’s if he doesn’t cast me out on the spot, unless…
“I pick the Celestial Realm. As much as I dread serving Father, it’s my best option of seeing the brothers again.”
“Y/N, are you sure? I will be using up the last of my power, there is no going back after this.”
“I’m sure.”
“Alright.” Lilith took my hand and started chanting in angelic. A golden aura surrounded her as strings of light flowed out of her and into my chest and back, closing my wound and forming 6 pure white wings on my back. My clothing transformed into white and pastel blue garments. A small halo appeared over my head. I saw Lilith beam at me and say something although I couldn’t make out what she said as the darkness claimed me once more.
~In the Devildom~
(Lucifers POV)
Tears threatened to spill over as I carried out Y/N’s order. Why? Why did they make me do it?! They could have ordered me to pick them up and fly them away, I would have done it before the order even left their mouth. There is no way I could send them back into Oblivion. Without thinking, I drew the sword I swore I would never draw again. My Father had dubbed it “Starburst”, my holy sword. I couldn’t bring myself to get rid of it after the fall, and now I’m glad I didn’t. I heard gasps from the crowd as I summoned the sword, the only demons having seen it were my brothers as well as Lord Diavolo and Barbatos. I fought against Y/N’s order long enough to mutter a small prayer for their soul, hoping that wherever Lilith was, she would hear and understand that I needed her help. Unable to fight the order any longer, I took one last look into their eyes and thrust the sword straight through their heart, my brothers screaming in the background. Holding Y/N’s body a little longer than normal, I heard their last words, “thank you”, then nothing. Y/N was gone, and I was the one who killed them. I didn’t have time to think about it as I felt a searing pain on the back of my left hand, turning over to face my brothers, I saw them each clutching a part of their bodies as we all felt the pact we each held with Y/N shatter. I gently laid down Y/N’s body and got up moving off stage before my tears spilled over signalling my brothers to do the same. Not acknowledging the king, we all turned and left, Diavolo and Barbatos following close behind. Asmo’s crying was all we heard as we walked towards the House of Lamentation, none of us wanting to be anywhere near the king. Upon entering, we all went our separate ways. Levi immediately retreated towards his room, the twins went to theirs. Satan went to the library. Asmo and Mammon both went into the direction of Y/N’s old room while Diavolo, Barbatos and I headed to my secret study. Now alone, I let it all out, my pride worthless now.
“It’s not your fault-”
“Isn’t it Dia?! I was the one that killed them! I wasn’t strong enough to fight them and now they're gone!”
“I noticed you muttering something before, you know. What was it?”
“It was a prayer to Lilith. I know she’s watching over us. I can only hope that she heard it and will help Y/N. I didn’t send them into Oblivion as he ordered but to where she is. That was all I was able to do.” Tears now streamed down my face clear as day as I leaned back into my chair looking up at the ceiling at the thought of my only sister and Y/N who has grown to be someone I would even call my lover. Barbatos put his hand on my shoulder to try and ground me.
“What now?”
“I don’t know Barb, I really don’t. My Father has control of the Devildom and now with Y/N gone, it will be a lot harder to continue with any of our plans. On the plus side, thanks to Y/N’s order, my word outranks my Father’s when it comes to you 7.”
“But the pact is gone. There’s no way any of their orders are still in play, right?”
“No, it is still very much there. I can still feel the lingering effects of an order. If it weren’t, we would have attacked the king as soon as the pact broke but Y/N ordered us not to interfere with the trial.”
We sat in silence, none of us wanting to break it, until Diavolo’s DDD pinged with a text alerting him and Barbatos back to the castle.
As they were leaving Diavolo pulled me in for a tight hug.
“I’ll make this right. I promise.”
Letting go, both demons left for the palace as I went to my room. Shedding my clothes, I bypassed pyjamas and laid in bed. Tears ran down my face as I thought about Y/N and all the precious memories we had made together. I rolled over and realized they left their Little D No.1 plushie here from their last sleepover. Clutching it, their scent strong on the plushie, I drifted off to sleep, hugging the Little D in my arms wishing it was Y/N instead.
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un-beel-ievable · 4 years
The Demon Brothers react to MC receiving unsolicited and objectifying comments.
Author’s note: Please do not repost!! If you like my writing, please leave a like and a comment (and follow me to see similar content in the future :D)! 
Lucifer ☕:
• It happens so quickly —mere seconds after you've finished speaking, in fact. There's a blinding flash of light, and the minute that it takes for your eyes to adjust to the effervescent glow causes you to miss the exact moment when two pairs of raven hued wings begin to unfurl from Lucifer's shoulder blades and lower back. By the time your vision returns, dark coloured horns have sprouted from the archdemon's locks. It appears that your recountment of the incident has pushed the brother who was usually the best at maintaining his composure past the point of controlling his temper.
• How dare they. How dare they direct such crude and obscene comments at anyone, and how dare they do so without the receiving party's consent. And of all the people to commit such an offence towards, how dare they demonstrate such behaviour towards the Morning Star's chosen one.
• Anyone who had the gall to show you such disrespect had best be ready to pay the price. Diavolo have mercy on their souls, because Lucifer certainly wasn't going to show them any.
Mammon 💳:
• Sympathetic. He's been in your shoes, after all. Modeling for Majolish means that he's received his fair share of unsolicited objectification from fans, especially when he rejects their advances. His usual tactic is to ignore such remarks —time was money, after all, and while those good-for-nothing may have had the time to waste on making unwanted comments, Mammon certainly didn't. Still, as much as the second born tried to act as he took such remarks in his stride, there were still times where these 'harmless' words bothered him greatly. So when you recount the events of the day to him in a quiet voice, the boisterous facade that he usually puts up fades and gives way to reveal the softer side of his personality. The one that he reserves only for you.
• "Just this once, 'kay? Not just any human gets to hug the GREAT Mammon...so don't be gettin' any ideas!"
• Becomes incredibly protective of you, even more so than usual. Any Denizen who is foolish enough to take a pass at you is going to have to deal with the consequences of their actions.
Leviathan 🎮:
• It's a rare occurrence for him to be on the receiving end of such comments himself, but he does watch an outrageous amount of voice actor panels. And in every single one there's always that one asshole who's making objectifying comments about the actors and throwing unsolicited remarks their way. It outraged him. Those voice actors put their heart and soul into creating quality content for their audiences, and this was how they were getting repaid? What made things worse was that some of these idiots not only thought that such actions were acceptable, but that they should be taken as compliments. How dimwitted did you have to have to be to make such an assumption? Even Mammon wasn't that dense.
• When he learns that his favourite voice actors weren't the only ones that were on the receiving end of such comments, he gets even angrier.
• If those assholes thought that they were going to get away with it scot free, they were mistaken. Even though everyone thought of him as just an useless otaku, Levi was still the Grand Admiral of Hell's Navy and the Avatar of Envy —one of the most powerful demons in all of the Devildom. No one, no one was messing with his player two.
Satan 📚:
• Has the most subdued initial reaction of all the brothers. He's quiet, too quiet; if you mistook his silence for being unfeeling towards your situation, no one would blame you. But the truth is your recountment of the events that had occurred had lit a spark of fury in him, one that quickly grew into an enraged inferno that blazed through his veins and consumed every fiber of his being —he's only being as quiet as he is because he's trying to restrain himself. He doesn't want to scare you.
• The imbeciles that had dared to make such degrading and unwanted comments towards you certainly were no where close to being in Satan's good books now. The Avatar of Wrath is sorely tempted to track down the disgusting creatures responsible for your discomfort and make them pay for their actions right there and then, but when he registers the expression you're wearing he decides that justice can wait just a little longer to be delivered. You needed him right now.
• Pulls you into a warm embrace and runs his palm soothingly down the length of your spine. If you're feeling up to entertaining his inquiries, he has two questions that need answering: who were they and where could he find them?
• The people foolish enough to make such remarks to you disappear without a trace the next day, never to be seen in any of the three realms again. 
Asmodeus 💋:
• Asmo is no stranger to both making and receiving comments that are a little more sensual than the norm. Despite his instinctive need to flirt with everyone and everything that moves, however, he's the Avatar of Lust, not the Avatar of Disrespect. He knows where and when to draw a line with his remarks. If Asmo does go too far with his flirting, he takes it upon himself to back off immediately, take responsibility for his actions and/or words, and apologise. Taking the boundaries of others into consideration is incredibly important to him, and he doesn't tolerate anyone with the inability to treat others with basic decency and respect.
• Makes Lucifer give the two of you a day off; he wants to give you a day that's dedicated to you and solely you. The day's itinerary is left up to you. Asmo is willing to go along with whatever it is you feel like doing, be it staying home and watching DevilTube together or a night out on the town. What the both of you ultimately spend the day doing isn't important, Asmo's endgame is to demonstrate to you how you deserve to be treated.
Beelzebub 🍔:
• Stares at you with eyes round with disbelief. This pure cinnamon roll just cannot wrap his head around the idea of someone treating you in such a manner. You weren't an object to be toyed with, you were a person. A sentient being —no, an ethereal creature— with thoughts and feelings. Surely everyone knew that a human as special and irreplaceable as you had to be treated with the utmost respect; why would anyone say such things to you? To make matters worse, they didn't even apologise to you after learning that such words made you uncomfortable. What in Hell's Fire did they mean by asking you to "learn to take it as a compliment"? That wasn't a compliment in any of the three realms, that was harassment.
• The hailstorm of emotions that swirl in your eyes causes his heart to ache. Unsure of how else to comfort you, he offers you something that never fails to make him feel better —food. He brings you an abundance of your favourite snacks and desserts. And chocolate. Lots of chocolate. It's not much, but giving you food is the only thing that he can think of doing for you at the moment. He takes one of your hands in his as you tuck into the snacks that he's brought you and promises that no one will ever show you such disrespect ever again. Anyone who dared to would have to get through him first.
Belphegor 🛏:
• Perhaps you should have waited until Belphie had woken up from his afternoon nap before attempting to inform him of the events that had occurred, instead of trying to tell him before he dozed off. The Avatar of Sloth is incredibly drowsy and pretty out of it as he nods along to the sound of your voice, in a half hearted way that makes you wonder if he's even listening to you or if he's merely allowing your words to wash over him. When you've finished speaking, he pats your head gently and turns to his bed, more than ready for a trip to Dreamland. The second his head hits his pillow however, the words that you'd been trying to cram into his sleep addled mind suddenly hit him like a train. Well, he's certainly awake now.
• A wave of guilt washed over him. You had needed him then, and he wasn't there to shield you from those imbeciles. And you needed him now, but he was falling asleep before your eyes as you spoke.
• As an apology, he takes you into his arms and holds you against his chest in a warm embrace. He buries his face in your hair and whispers sweet nothings in your ear, reminding you that you were so much more than what those assholes made you out to be. That you weren't an object to be toyed with, you were a person...a human. His human.
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nutmegalomania · 4 years
Movie Night
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a mammon x male reader ff
description: on a night when all you wanted to do was to get an early night's sleep, mammon decided to barge into your room and force you into a movie night. you had thought your hormones were under control, but you soon snapped. what first started out as the two of you innocently watching the wide variety of movies he brought turned into a steamy night with the movie night long forgotten.
ingredients: mammon (obey me!)/reader, male reader, mammon (obey me!), bottom mammon, movie night, smut, blow jobs, anal fingering, gay sex
flavor: spicy 🌶️
calories: 9,410
You sat on your back atop your bed, flitting through the manga you asked to borrow from Levi, when a knock on the sound of your door creaking open grabbed your attention. The manga shut as you turned your attention to the intruder who didn’t even have the manners to knock, and you sighed when Mammon slinked into your room with several movies in his hands. Instead of greeting you, he plopped down in front of your TV and turned it on, ignoring you as you shuffled into a sitting position.
“A ‘hello’ would be nice once in a while, Mammon,” you said, and he swatted a hand at you without taking his attention away from the blue screen in front of him. 
A deep sigh left you as you stood from your bed, dizziness taking over you for a few seconds before you blinked a few times and walked over to Mammon. You braced your hands on your knees as you bent over to get a look at the collection of movies he had splayed in his lap, but he leaned forward to cover them from your vision.
“If you don’t tell me why the hell you barged into my room at 10 pm with a bunch of movies, I’ll kick you out and lock the door... after I steal my duplicate room key back from you,” you said when he opened his mouth to argue back.
At that, he shut his mouth, and he turned his head in your direction with wide, frightened eyes at your threat. You gave him a soft smile, but your eyes told him not to fuck with you. He barged in during your manga reading session, though you hadn’t been able to concentrate on the words and drawings as your pent up sexual frustrations begged for your attention. Frankly, the last thing you needed was Mammon coming into your room when all you wanted was to jerk off and go to sleep.
“The... The—ummm—No one else would watch movies with me. It’s-It’s not like I want to watch ‘em with you or anything. Ya got that?! You’re the only person I could think of that would be willing to watch ‘em with me. Not that you’re special at all! Just my last choice, okay? Don’t get any funny ideas, ya hear!” he sputtered out, face reddening as he avoided your eyes.
With a groan, you sat down on the floor beside him, noticing how his body jolted when your knee touched his leg. You stretched your legs out in front of you and leaned back onto your hands while you fixed him with an intrigued stare.
“Okay. I’ll entertain you for a bit. Not like I have much to do either way.” Your head rolled to the side as you watched Mammon fidget with the movies in his lap. You reached a hand into his lap to grab out a movie case. He tensed when your hand grazed his inner thigh, and you pretended not to see it, though the redness of his ears made you want to tease him some more. As you flipped the movie around in your hand, you hummed. “Isn’t this a horror? I thought you hated those types of movies.”
“I-I thought someone else would enjoy it. It was just a suggestion! I didn’t wanna try to overcome my fear of them or something like that. Don’t go spreading false information to any of the others, ya hear me!”  
You held up your hands in mock surrender, a deep chuckle making your chest bounce while he tried defending himself with a red face. “I won’t. I won’t. I promise!” 
He pouted at your reaction and snatched the movie out of your hand before throwing it onto your bed, and out of your reach. You opened your mouth to speak your thoughts, but Mammon grabbed a random movie from his pile of what looked like five movies—six including the discarded horror movie—and held it up. From the cover, it seemed to be an action spy movie, a man with his back facing the viewer as a woman held him close against her body with her face giving a sultry look while she held a gun up looking at you. He opened it and slid the disc out before he got onto all fours to crawl forward to the DVD player to put the disc in.
You leaned back and honed your eyes onto the curve of his ass through his jeans as he stuck it out while he inserted the disc, and you mentally slapped yourself when you imagined something else entering a place you wouldn’t speak of. The DVD player whirred as it sucked the disc in and read it, and before long, ads popped up. Mammon cursed as he searched for the remote, and you grabbed it from the table next to you to hand to him. Your hands touched each other when he took it from you, and the warmth from his fingertips lingered against your cool skin. This time, Mammon acted as if nothing happened, but the redness of his neck betrayed his embarrassment. 
As he skipped the ads and reached the title screen of the movie, you decided to ask the all important question. “Did you bring popcorn?”
In response, he reached into his jacket and pulled out two packages of popcorn, a serious look on his face as he scanned the screen. A chuckle left you that turned into full blown laughter with you clutching your stomach and rolling on the floor.
“What-what are ya laughing ‘bout?!” Mammon asked as he turned his attention towards your body, wondering what drugs you had taken.
“I didn’t expect you to actually have popcorn! And your face when you pulled it out!” You let out a series of breathy laughs, and you sat up and crossed your legs as you let your laughter fade out. “You didn’t have to look so serious! I thought you were planning how to knock me out and steal all my shit while using popcorn as your distraction.”
“Sh-shut up! I had to hide it from Beel or else he’d interrupt.” Once those words left Mammon’s mouth, his hands shot up to cover it, and he looked at you with wide eyes.
You tilted your head to the side as you watched his face redden even more than it was—which you didn’t believe to be possible. “Oh? So does that mean you didn’t ask the others before me?” When he shifted from side to side, you leaned in closer to his face, and he avoided your face. “Or am I reading too deeply into things? Was it just a slip of the tongue? Is there something Beel would interrupt going on here?”
“Just… Just be quiet! It’s nothing, all right?! You’re-you’re just reading too deep into what I-I said. I-Idiot!” he said, and his stuttering made your heart clench from how endearing you found it. You wanted to tease him more, but at the same time, you didn’t want to scare him off so that you could see how everything played out.
You’d be a good boy and comply with his wishes for a movie night, no matter how much your hormones raged on inside you and urged you to tease him until he became a sputtering, blushing, crying mess underneath you. Now your groin burned as images of a crying Mammon popped into your mind, and you groaned as you adjusted your sitting position. As Mammon stood up to pop the popcorn in your microwave, you grabbed his wrist and dragged his attention towards your figure on the floor. You thanked your oversized t-shirt for covering the raging boner you had now as he looked at you.
“I’ll pop the bags. You just ready everything else, okay?” you told him, relieved when he nodded his head and plopped back down onto the floor as you stood up. 
You hissed as you walked towards your microwave, your erection rubbing against your thighs as you moved, and you were glad Mammon focused on readying the TV and seats for the two of you to snuggle into. You shoved the first bag of popcorn into the microwave and pulled out a bowl to put it in. While you stood there, waiting for the timer to run out, you willed your boner to disappear, and you thought about Lucifer scolding you for taking part in Belphie and Satan’s shenanigans against him. That seemed to do the trick, for now at least, and the timer beeped. After emptying the bag into the bowl, you shoved the second package into the microwave. The smell of buttery popcorn wafted through your room, and you hummed in content before you emptied the last bag into a new bowl for yourself. As you readied yourself to walk over to Mammon, he looked over his shoulder at you, eyes already in puppy mode, and you sighed as you waited for his request.
“Could ya get some drinks too?” he asked.
“What? Where the hell would I get drinks from?” You grabbed the two bowls of popcorn and headed over to him. When you bent down to set them on the ground, he pointed towards the fridge in your room that tended to house yogurt or pudding that Beel asked you to hide from Mammon. You looked at Mammon through slitted eyes, and he gave you a smile that made you roll your eyes before you listened to him and walked over to your mini fridge. The moment you opened it, a pack of sodas greeted you, and you glared at Mammon who avoided your eyes. “When did you buy these and put them in here?”
“Well—ya see—the thing is....” he trailed off, and you put a hand on your hip.
At the no-nonsense tone in your voice, he rubbed the back of his neck and looked at you. “I bought ‘em a few days ago and snuck in while ya were sleeping to stash ‘em away.”
With an irritated sigh, you grabbed two cans and walked over to him to bonk him on the head with his. “That’s it. Gimme your copy of my key right now. Who knows what other shit you’ve done in my room while I’ve been asleep.” You sat down next to him and held out your hand, but the cool feeling of metal against your palm never appeared. 
Mammon shook his head and leaned away from you, clutching the side of his jacket, where you assumed he kept the key to your room. You let out a deep sigh and leaned towards him to snatch the key from him, but he leaned further away.
“I’m not playing your games, Mammon. Just give me the damn key,” you said, fed up with his lack of cooperation. Again, he shook his head, and you pushed yourself to your feet to tower over his sitting figure. He looked up at you with wide eyes, and you took his surprise as your chance to grab him and grab at his jacket to steal your key back.
“No! Ya ain’t getting it back! Over my dead body!” he said as he clutched his chest and twisted his body around to kick at you with pitiful hits that only served to distance the two of you and not stop your pursuit. 
You drew closer to him, and he leaned back, letting out a grunt as his back hit the ground. In that quick second, you jumped on top of him, pushing his legs down and sitting on them to keep him from kicking you. As you straddle his legs, you leaned over him and pried his hands away from his jacket. You held his wrist together above his head with one hand while you used the other to search his jacket. Your hand rubbed against his chest, and he pursed his lips and turned his head to the side, neck and ears burning red while his legs fidgeted underneath you. His body twitched when you ran across his nipple through the fabric of his shirt, and when you felt the cool metal of the key, you snatched it out and released his wrists and clambered off him before you did something you’d regret. 
“Got it. Now you can’t barge into my room in the middle of the night to watch me sleep,” you said, hoping a little joke would lightened the mood, but Mammon didn’t respond as he laid on the floor for a few more seconds before he sat up with a flushed face, fixed his crumpled jacket, and slid into his spot.
He grabbed his popcorn bucket and placed it in his lap, remote in hand. Without a word, he hit play and opened his soda, the fizzing pop of it echoing in the quiet room. Instead of pushing the issue, you stuffed the key into the pocket of your sweatpants and grabbed your own popcorn and soda to enjoy the movie. To be honest, you didn’t even remember what it was about as your mind busied you with images of Mammon blushing underneath you, body jolting as you ran your hands across the naked expanse of his chest. Your mind only registered flashing lights that flitted on the screen and mixed with yells. You couldn’t tell if Mammon was into it either with the way his eyes seemed hollow, as if he were looking through the TV. 
Before long, the movie ended, and he instantly shoved a new one in without saying anything. You didn’t complain, assuming he would be uncomfortable talking to you after the situation that transpired between the two of you a few hours before the first movie. He put on a romance movie next, and while you tried to focus on the story this time, the moment the two main characters kissed, all you could think of was you and Mammon kissing instead. You wondered how soft his lips would feel, if you’d be able to taste his chapstick or if he’d taste like popcorn and sickenly sweet soda, if he’d wrap his arms around your neck and press his body against yours, whether or not he’d use his tongue, or if he’d moan and squirm as you deepen the kiss. 
You grabbed a pillow from your bed and covered your lap with it, hoping to hide your boner from Mammon. His eyes focused on the movie though, and he reached into his bowl of popcorn to grab more, only to pout when he felt nothing. He had finished it an hour before and seemed to have forgotten. You, on the other hand, still had almost your full bowl of popcorn as you were too preoccupied with your dirty thoughts to eat any. You handed him your bowl of no-longer-warm popcorn, and he perked up to take it from you. A content smile came to his face as he shoveled more popcorn into his mouth, not caring if it wasn’t fresh. 
The credits greeted you the next time you blinked and exited your thoughts, and Mammon sat there, sniffling as he wiped his nose on the sleeve of his shirt. You didn’t know what he was sad over since you couldn’t focus on this movie either. You reached onto the table next to you, grabbed the tissues, and handed them to him. While he blew his nose, you checked the time, taking a deep breath when you saw that it was only 1:36 am. As Mammon reached for another movie in his stash, you grabbed his hand. 
“Why don’t we mix things up a bit?” you said when he gave you a questioning look. 
Before he could ask what you meant, you scooted back towards your bed, grabbed the horror movie off of it, and scooted back to him. His eyes zoomed in on the cover of it, and they widened as he shook his head. 
“Why not? We could help you get over your fear of them. Think of it like exposure therapy. I’ll also be here to fend off any scary monsters that are lurking in the dark,” you said, and he hesitantly nodded his head, looking a little relieved. You offered him a soft smile and put the movie in. 
A scream sounded when it started, and Mammon jumped, the kernels in the bowl flying out of it and hitting the floor. You gave him a worried look, unsure if it was a good idea now, and he only shook his head and focused on the movie. Whenever suspenseful music came on, his body tensed, and during jumpscares, he’d fling his body around out of fright. When he had one especially bad fright, you paused the movie and scooted over to him, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him close to your body.
You rubbed up and down on his shoulder. He looked up at you, tears in his eyes. Your breathing stopped as you took in his disheveled appearance, teary eyes, and red face, and thoughts swam around your head and made your brain come close to short circuiting. Shallow breaths pushed through his lips as his chest moved up and down, and you swallowed thickly. Once he calmed down, he placed a hand on your thigh to push himself up, but it slipped, and your eyes widened when it brushed against your erection.
You turned your head towards him so slowly as everything felt like it was in slow motion. Mammon retracted his hand and shot up, and he stared back at you with wide eyes. The silence between the two of you resounded in your ears, louder than anything you’d ever heard before. Your mouth opened and closed as you tried to say something, but you couldn’t come up with anything to say. You were happy when Mammon said something, but his words were the last thing you’d expected him to say, only hearing them in your dreams.
“Do-do ya want some help with that?”
At the embarrassed tone in his voice, your body tensed. “What?” was all you could say, and you wanted to slap yourself for sounding so stupid.
“It looks painful,” he said as his eyes zoned in on your raging boner, and you realized he had knocked the pillow away from your lap in his haste to stand up.
“I-uh…” You couldn’t think of anything to respond with. You wanted to shout “Yes, please!”, but you didn’t want to scare him away and let him in on your carnal desires that revolved around him. “N-no! I can… I can take care of it myself.” The awkwardness in the room made you want to run into your bathroom to take care of it, but with the way Mammon kept staring at your erection, you felt that moving would be a bad idea. You grabbed the pillow and held it against your front as you stood up, Mammon’s eyes trailing up to your embarrassed face. “Good night, Mammon. Uh… See you tomorrow?” You wanted to jump into the burning pits of hell and die a painful death.
You tried to side shuffle your way to the bathroom, but before you made it far, Mammon walked up to you and pushed you down onto the bed. You let out a surprised grunt as your back sank into your mattress. The pillow disappeared from its spot covering your boner, and you propped yourself up on your elbows to see Mammon sitting on his knees between your legs. You sucked in a deep breath as he slipped his warm hands under your shirt and ran them across your torso. His tongue swiped across his bottom lip as he stared at the bulge in your sweatpants with hungry eyes, and your dick twitched.
He brought a shaky hand to the waistband of your sweatpants and boxers, and he dragged the both down, gasping when your erection sprang out in front of him. He grabbed the base of your cock in his hand, and his eyes trembled as he felt the heat from your shaft seep into his palm. His hesitation made you stop for a second.
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to, Mammon. I can take care of it myself,” you told him, but he shook his head, fluffy white hair bouncing to show you his disagreement with your statement.
Mammon leaned in close to your dick, sucking in a deep breath when it throbbed in his hand, and placed a kiss to the smooth skin of your shaft. Your cock twitched at the feeling of his soft, warm lips against you, and the way he looked you straight in the eyes with hooded eyelids and irises burning with sexual desire made you want to take him right there
“I want to do it for ya,” he rasped, and you didn’t get the chance to answer before he licked a slow strip up your shaft while his thumb circled the tip, and your body flinched when his thumbnail scraped against your slit.
“Mammon,” you groaned as he pressed his thumb down against your slit, his soft lips working on the sides of your cock. You needed his mouth around you… now.
At the low, gravelly sound of your voice, Mammon squirmed in his spot on the floor, but he complied to your silent request. His thumb stopped circling your head, the warmth of his smooth lips soon replacing the rough pad of his finger. You let out a shaky breath as his lips parted, and warmth encased your tip as he slipped your length into his mouth. A hand grabbed at Mammon’s hair, and he groaned as you tugged at his roots, the vibration of his voice sending shockwaves of pleasure down your cock. 
“Shit…” you breathed out, and Mammon dragged his mouth back up to your tip while his tongue swirled around it and picked up the beads of precum that spilled from the slit. 
His cheeks hollowed as he sucked at your tip, and soft hums of content left his throat as the bitter taste of your precum reached his taste buds and spread across his tongue. You ran your fingers through his hair, the soft strands caressing the skin of your digits as he relaxed his jaw and pushed his head down further on your cock. You bit your lip as the warmth from his mouth hit your dick and made it twitch, and when your tip pressed against the back of his throat, you couldn’t hold back the loud moan as his throat clenched around your length. You wanted to shove his head further down on your shaft, but the tears in his eyes made you stop, and he pulled off you as he gagged. Coughs wracked his body, and you grabbed the sides of his face, thumbs swiping at the tears spilling from his reddening eyes.
“Are you okay? If it’s too hard on you, we can just move on,” you said. The way his body shook with each cough stabbed at your chest, and you were five seconds away from telling him to drink some water while you busied yourself in the bathroom, but he shook his head again.
He looked you dead in the eyes, determination flashing through them, and the breath caught in your chest. He scooted closer to you until your legs sandwiched him, and your cock stood directly in front of his face. His pink tongue flicked out to swipe across his thick bottom lip, and he took a deep breath.
“I just need to get used to it. I ain’t stopping unless ya tell me you want to,” he said, and you opened your mouth to respond.
With one hand, he grabbed your cock, and the other reached up to settle high on your stomach. He applied pressure with his hand on your stomach until you flopped back onto your bed, and he wrapped his lips back around your tip. This time, he took a deep breath through his nose before he relaxed his jaw and pushed his head down your shaft. His throat closed around your shaft, and you squeezed your eyes shut. After a few seconds, it relaxed, and you hissed as more of you slipped into his mouth. You covered your eyes with your arm, trying your best to yourself back from thrusting into his mouth. 
Before long, his nose bumped against your pubic bone, and he hummed at the feeling of your large cock sitting inside his mouth and throbbing against his tongue. You couldn’t stop your hips from thrusting upwards, and Mammon let out a surprised gag. 
“Shit! I’m sorry… I couldn’t hold it back.”
He breathed out through his nose to tell you it was all right as he settled himself back down until all of you was inside his mouth. He stayed there for a few seconds to let his throat adjust to your size, and he pulled his head up, a wet sucking sound following before he shoved his head back down and repeating it again. Your stomach and legs tensed as he sucked in slowly every time he pulled up, and you sat up to place a steady hand on the back of his head. Once he fully got used to feeling you entering his mouth, he sped his pace, head bobbing up and down as wet gagging sounds echoed throughout your room. 
The warmth of his mouth mixing with the pressure from his sucking made your high come to you faster than you would have liked, and you twitched inside his mouth, signaling that you were close. He looked up at you through his bangs, his yellow and blue eyes piercing into yours, saliva spilling from his lips as he bobbed up and down on your cock. Tears formed a shiny gloss over his eyes as lust twinkled inside them, and you couldn’t stop your body from tensing as you twitched in his mouth and released your cum. Mammon didn’t pull off no matter how much you tried to tug him off. A throaty groan left your throat as your body tensed as you released inside his mouth.
As you filled his mouth with your thick, warm cum, his body twitched, and a loud, muffled moan left him. You pulled out of his mouth as a final string of cum shot out onto his face, and he stuck his tongue out to catch what he could as he let out ragged pants. While your orgasm calmed down, you took the chance to look over him and his disheveled appearance. His silky hair stuck up in random directions, and a mixture of saliva and tears made his reddened face shiny in the lights of your bedroom. His jacket and shirt were crumpled, and as you dragged your eyes down further, you sucked in a breath.
“Did… Did you just cum from sucking me off?” you said in surprise as you noticed the stain in his pants, and Mammon nodded slowly as his hooded eyes stared right into yours, his hands swiping your cum off of his face and shoving it into his mouth as a blush spread across his cheeks and ears. He swirled his lips around his digits, bobbing his head on them to get every last drop he could from them, and you groaned at the sight, your dick springing right back up.
“Get on the bed,” you ordered as blood rushed down to your erection, and he didn’t need to be told twice before he slipped off his belt, climbed onto the bed, and laid on his back, legs spread and the bulge in his pants prominent.
As you looked at his wet lips and lustful eyes, you bit your lips and ran your hands along the dips in his waist until you grabbed his jacket and helped slide it off him. He sat up to let you slip it free from his arms, his face centimeters from yours and his breath fanning against your lips. You leaned forward to capture his lips, but he laid back on the bed, his shirt riding up to expose the smooth muscles of his stomach. You let out an irritated breath and jabbed the inside of your cheek with your tongue, but you didn’t stop raking your eyes over his figure. On your bed. Ready to be fucked by you.
The fact that the reason for your sexual frustrations laid in front of you, ready for you to fuck him senseless, still felt like a dream to you. Mammon noticed you losing yourself in your thoughts, and he grabbed the collar of your shirt to pull you down on top of him. As you braced your forearms on either side of his head, he pressed his lips against yours. Your eyes widened as you felt the softness of his lips rubbing against yours. A delicious shiver ran down your spine as you realized just how well your lips fit into Mammon’s, as if they were destined for each other. 
Your sexual fantasies took control of you, and while he softly kissed you, your tongue slithered between his lips and entered his mouth, eyes closing. He let out a surprised squeak that you swallowed and tensed underneath you as your tongue rubbed against his, but before long, he relaxed and let you swirl your tongue around his. Though the two of you had just eaten popcorn, his saliva tasted sweet against your taste buds, and you couldn’t get enough of it. Mammon fisted your shirt tighter as you deepened the kiss and licked inside his mouth, savoring the flavor of him as your mind clouded with lust. He shuddered when you licked his teeth, and his body warmed up underneath you until you could feel it through your clothes. When you pulled back to catch your breath and opened your eyes, your breathing stopped as Mammon looked at you with a red face, eyes hazy as soft pants pushed past his red and swollen lips.
“Fuck…” you said as your cock twitched in your pants, begging to be inside Mammon.
You dipped your head back down to recapture his lips as your hands ran underneath his shirt that exposed his stomach. Mammon’s stomach tensed underneath your cool hands, and he bit your bottom lip and tugged at it, letting out a content sigh as you rubbed his sides. The calloused skin of your hands caressed his smooth skin, and he shuddered underneath your touch as your hands slid higher up his body, pushing his shirt higher up on his body. Your thumb ran over his hard nipple, and he mewled, eyes screwing shut as his chest pushed up in the air until it rubbed against yours.    
Your arm slithered behind his back, pulling him closer against your chest while you twirled his nipple beneath your thumb. The soft pants he let out on your lips made it impossible for you to stop caressing his warm skin and pressing your lips to his. As you held him against your chest, your hand behind his back slid down until it brushed against the waistband of his jeans. He sucked in a breath as he clutched your face and kissed you, and you slipped your tongue back inside his mouth, your hand slipping beneath his jeans to ghost the rough pads of your fingers across the skin of his ass.
Mammon moaned at the warmth of your hand and thrusted his hips up, rubbing the bulge in his pants against your erection. You let out a shocked grunt at the feeling of him pressing against you, and you pulled away from him to sit back on your knees. He laid in front of you, shirt barely covering his chest as his nipples stood proudly in the air for you to train your eyes on and bulge painfully hard in his pants. A deep breath left you as you held yourself back from stripping him right there and taking him at once.
He decided to test your patience though when he trailed a hand up his exposed chest to his lips, dragging his bottom lip down while his other hand cupped your boner. He pushed himself back on you and ground against your boner, and you screwed your eyes shut, lips pursing to hide the groans that threatened to spill. Mammon didn’t like that, and he slowly circled his hips.
“Fuck, Mammon…” you breathed out, the lust in your voice dropping it an octave as his name rolled off your tongue to dance in his ears, and his teeth caught his finger as a light breath pushed from his lips at the way you said his name.
“Hurry up. I… I can’t take it no more, Y/N,” he said, hips still circling as the finger in his mouth trailed down to run over his boner, and you placed your hands on his hips to stop his movement. He opened his mouth to complain, but when you pulled him into a sitting position to slip off his shirt and throw it to the ground where it crumpled into a pile of cloth with his jacket, he zipped his lips and flopped back onto the bed. 
Your hands grabbed the waistband of his jeans after you unzipped it, and you tugged them free from his legs. He shuddered as the material of his jeans brushed against his sensitive skin. Your mouth ran dry as Mammon laid in front of you in nothing but his boxers, a thin sheen of sweat creating a shine against his warm tan skin. He propped himself up on his elbows and ran his eyes up and down your body. He pressed a foot against your boner, and you let out a string of breathy curses as the aching in your cock spread throughout your groin. You needed to be inside him, to feel his warmth squeezing you as he moaned in pleasure.
“Turn around,” you said as you grabbed his ankle to stop his foot.
“Wha- No. I wanna look at ya,” he said back, and you sighed, reaching into your bedside nightstand to grab out a bottle of lube you kept in there for reasons.
“I have to prep you first. It will be easier for you if you’re on all fours.” Before he could argue, you flipped him over until his ass stuck in the air.
Your tongue swiped across your bottom lip as you slid his boxers down his thighs. His body twitched when you grabbed his ass, and he groaned into your pillow as you kneaded the flesh of his ass in your palms. Your thumbs spread his ass apart until you saw his hole in front of you. It clenched around nothing, and you ghosted the pad of your thumb across it, loving the way Mammon shuddered beneath your touch.
“Hurry,” Mammon begged while you squirted lube onto your fingers.
“Patience, baby,” you said, the pet name slipping from your lips before you could stop it. 
Mammon’s face burned at the name, and he hid his face in your pillow. You smiled to yourself at the redness of his ears and neck that betrayed his embarrassment as you spread his ass with your lube-free hand. You swirled a lubed middle finger around his hole, and he sucked in a breath as the cold lube touched his skin. His entrance clenched, waiting for your finger to enter, and while you wanted to tease him for a while, the aching in your lower half told you to hurry it up.
“Are you sure you want this?” you asked him to make sure, finger still swirling around the skin surrounding his opening, and he peered at you over his shoulder with a groan.
“Why are ya asking it now? Just shove your fingers in. I can’t take it no more!” he told you with a grumble.
“I just want to make sure I’m not getting ahead of myself. Yes or no, Mammon. Do you want to continue?” you said as the tip of your finger scraped over his hole.
“Yes! Just hurry it up before I die over here!” he replied as he pushed his ass back in hopes of getting your finger inside of him.
 “Oh, we wouldn’t want you to die now, would we?” you drawled, and as Mammon opened his mouth to retort, you pushed your middle finger inside him.
He threw his head back as your finger pushed inside him, his walls tightening hungrily around it as his jaw clenched. You rested your forehead against his back as the warmth of him spread through your fingers. You could already imagine how he’d feel around your dick.
“Fuck, you’re so soft inside.” Your breath fanned across the bare skin of his back, and he shivered. When he didn’t respond, you jammed your fingers into his hole and watched him throw his head back and bite his bottom lip. The ease with which your fingers slid into him brought an image to your mind of Mammon fingering himself in preparation before coming over to you, and you licked your lips. “Did you prep yourself? You’re pretty loose already. Were you already anticipating this happening? 
“I... ain’t tellin’ ya!” he ground out through clenched teeth as you bent your fingers around inside of him. You smirked and ran your free hand along his thigh.
Soft pants left Mammon as you pulled your finger in and out of him, and you bit your lip as he clenched around you each time your finger moved. You added a second finger, and he let out a needy moan as your fingers rubbed against his walls. You spread your fingers inside him, scissoring him open as you thrusted your digits inside him. 
“Ah! Hah…” Mammon panted out as you sped up your pace. You angled your fingers downwards, and a high-pitched, drawn out moan left him as his body tensed underneath you.
“Found your sweet spot,” you said as you continued to shove your fingers inside him, adding a third one as you aimed for his prostate.
“Shit… Right-right there! Oh my-” He shoved his face into your pillow to muffle his moans, and you growled in annoyance.
While you fingered him, your free hand reached up to grab the back of his head, his white hair tickling your hand as you gripped the strands between your fingers, and you tugged his head back. He let out a shaky mewl as pain spread through his scalp and sent delicious tingles throughout his body. A bead of sweat dripped down the side of his face to his neck, where it hung from his Adam’s apple. His eyes screwed shut as heavy pants mixed with moans and spilled from his lips without stopping. 
Mammon pushed himself back against your fingers with each thrust, and you leaned forward to tilt his head to the side and capture his lips with yours. The inside of your mouth vibrated as he moaned into it, body tensing and hole clenching around you. You released his hair and reached a hand around to grab his dick in your hand. He let out a shocked choke as you ran your thumb over his tip, the nail of your thumb running over his slit and making his body jerk. Precum from his slit spread over his length and slicked it for you, and you flicked your wrist while you moved your fingers in and out of him. His body rocked back and forth, filthy noises leaving him every second as pleasure built up in his body. 
You squeezed his cock in your hand, and with a final thrust of your fingers, a slow, drawn out whimper spilled from him into your mouth as his body tensed and cum shot from his dick onto your bed. You flipped him onto his back, and he didn’t complain as his cum pressed into his back while he let out soft pants and tried to calm down from his orgasm. He watched as you slipped your shirt off, exposing your toned torso to his hungry eyes. 
The bed dipped for a second as you pushed yourself off it and walked to your nightstand to pull out a condom packet. As you stood there to grab a few—just in case you needed them—Mammon turned onto his side and grabbed the waistband of your sweatpants, tugging downwards. You chuckled as his tongue poked out of the corner of his mouth while he focused all his attention on trying to strip you of your pants. With the condom packets in your hand, you complied with Mammon’s wishes and pulled your sweatpants down along with your boxer, and he sucked in a breath as your erection sprung out.
“You literally had this in your mouth several minutes ago,” you said.
“Well I didn’t get a good look at it then. Is… is that even gonna fit?” he asked as his eyes widened when your dick twitched.
“We can make it fit,” you replied, and he flopped onto his back again. “Are you sure you still want this?” You walked back to the bed, and it creaked as you got back on top of it.
“Y-yeah. It’s gonna hurt, ain’t it?” he asked, and you pursed your lips as his voice trembled a little.
You rubbed his thigh, swirling circles against his skin to calm him down. “I’ll do my best to make it as painless as possible. Just make sure you relax, okay?” 
He nodded, still a little hesitant, but the heat from your hand on his thigh eased his worries a bit. He spread his legs, and you slipped between them. You ripped open the condom packet and rolled it onto your cock. After pouring lube onto it, you poured some more on Mammon’s hole, and his body shuddered. You braced yourself on a hand as you held your dick with the other.
“I’m gonna put it in now,” you said as you looked into Mammon’s eyes, and he nodded while biting his lip, eyes trusting you fully. “Make sure you relax, babe.” After you spoke that pet name, you pressed your head against his entrance, not giving him any time to process the name that slipped past your lips. 
A sharp breath left him as his eyes squeezed shut, and his body tensed when his hole stretched to accompany the size of your tip. You peppered soft kisses against his chest, and he let out short gasps when your teeth nipped at his nipples. The veins on your neck bulged as you clenched your jaw, his tight hole sucking you in and squeezing your cock hard. As you pushed in deeper, Mammon’s back arched up from the bed as he pursed his lips and trapped a choked whine from leaving his mouth. His frantic hands grabbed your tensed jaw and yanked it up to stare at his face, and you let out a surprised noise as he crashed his lips into yours.
His hungry lips danced against yours, neither of you faltering as the pace quickened and turned sloppier, and you slipped his tongue in. His hands on your jaw fell down to grasp your shoulders, and he swallowed a soft hiss that left you as he dug his fingernails into your flesh, toes curling as your tongue swiped around inside his mouth and brushed against his in a sloppy, wet mess. While you distracted him with the kiss, you took the chance to pour more lube onto your dick before you slid yourself in more until you reached halfway.
Pain flared up in your shoulders as Mammon’s nails dug at your skin, but you ignored it when you remembered how much more pain he was in compared to you. Tears spilled from his screwed-shut eyes, and your heart hurt at the sight. You started pulling yourself out of him, ready to stop there and just finger him until he came, but as you slid out of him, he wrapped his legs around your waist and locked his ankles to trap you in.
“Don’t… Don’t pull out,” he ground out, and your eyebrows creased in concern.
“But you’re hurting, Mammon. I don’t want to hurt you,” you replied, and he shook his head.
“I’ll get used to it. I-I wanna feel ya inside me. Fully inside me. I’ll tell ya to stop if it becomes too much.”
 Though not fully convinced, you nodded, and he pulled you back down into another lust-filled kiss as you pushed yourself inside again. You let out a throaty groan as your pelvic bone hit against his ass, the full length of your cock nestling inside of him. Mammon mewled against you, your hot and pulsating cock a strange feeling inside of him that he loved already. You ran your hands along his sides, and you dipped your head down after pulling away from his lips to roll your tongue around his nipple. When his back arched as you nipped at his skin, your hand grabbed his free nipple and twisted it between the calloused pads of your fingertips. He cried out in pleasure, walls tensing around your cock, causing you to hiss against his skin.
“Didn’t expect you to be this sensitive,” you said as your tongue swiped over his nipple while you looked up at him, and his body twitched, soft pants escaping him.
“Shut… shut up!” An aching, drawn-out moan slipped from his lips when you pinched his nipple and nipped at the other one, and you grunted against his skin as he clenched around you. 
You wanted to move so badly, but you weren’t sure he had adjusted yet, and you weren’t about to make this experience horrible for him. The two of you stayed still for a few moments, Mammon’s hole trying to get used to the foreign object of your dick inside it while you practiced patience. Your neck veins popped as you willed yourself to not move. Heavy pants pushed past your lips as you screwed your eyes shut and felt a bead of sweat drip down your forehead before it hand from the tip of your nose. Mammon watched the bead of sweat hang on for dear life before it plummeted down onto his skin, and he pursed his lips. 
His entrance still burned where it took you in, but pleasure mixed with it and spread out from his hole until it coursed through his body, and he knew he needed you to move before this pleasure became unbearable. While you remained still above him, he pushed himself back against you and grunted as you slid in and out of him. The clenching of his walls and the groans leaving his mouth forced your eyes open until you looked down on him. His eyes looked down at where the two of you connected, mouth open as groans turned into soft moans, and his hands clutched the bed sheets as he pushed himself back and forth on you. 
“F-fuck… You’re-you’re gonna hurt yourself, Mammon. You haven’t adjusted yet,” you told him as you fought the will to slam into him as you watched his chest heaved up and down, perky nipples standing straight in the air and begging to be touched. 
“I don’t… give a… shit!” he ground out, and his body spasmed as your dick poked at a certain spot inside him. “Fuck!” he said as he shut his eyes and tightened around you until you felt ready to burst inside him. When you remained still, his eye flicked up to glare at you, and he locked his ankles behind your low back, pulling your hips towards him and pushing your dick deeper inside him. “Move.” 
The thin string of reason that held you together reached its final thread before it snapped, and you wasted no time in slipping your dick out of him before thrusting it back inside him, hitting his sweet spot. His back arched as he threw his head back on your pillow, exposing his neck to you. As your dick slid in and out of him, you bent your head down towards his neck to nip at the skin around his Adam’s apple, smirking against his skin when sharp breaths left him whenever your teeth caught his skin between them. 
You pulled back to admire the red blossoming against his skin around his Adam’s apple, and he covered his eyes with an arm as he noticed the proud look in your eyes that made his heart skip a beat, but he didn’t notice the feeling as pleasure replaced all the pain inside his body and built up deep inside him. Before he had come into your room, a deep itch inside him had taken his time as he tried anything he could to get it to stop, from the use of his fingers to any of the sex toys Asmodeus has given him, but only your dick seemed to reach the deep spot inside him that he desperately needed hit. His body heated up with each thrust into him until he burned beneath you and sent his warmth coursing through your body. 
Your hands grabbed his waist, and you pulled him back against your cock with each thrust, and his eyes widened as you slammed into his prostate. He reached his hands out to grab at his aching cock that begged for attention, but before his fingers could wrap around his shaft, you detached a hand from his side to grab his wrists and pull his hands away from his cock. He whined as you thrusted into him, precum leaking from his slit and spilling down the side of his desperate cock as he tried to yank his wrists free.
“Uh uh uh. I didn’t say you could touch yourself,” you told him, and Mammon glared at you.
“Ya dick,” he said, and you smirked.
“Well, that’s what’s inside you right now anyways.” 
He flushed and groaned as his hole stretched around your cock. His silence after your remark made you smirk at how cute he was, but at the same time, he looked so sexy as he sucked your cock up with his hungry hole.
“Are you sure you aren’t the real avatar of lust?” you asked, your eyes raking over Mammon’s appearance. Tears pricked the corners of his blue and yellow eyes, a shine coating them and making them shimmer, as saliva spilled from his open mouth that let out whines while he focused his attention on your cock sliding in and out of him. His hair stuck to his forehead as sweat coated his entire body and enhanced his lean muscles that contracted with each thrust of your cock. With your hand restricting his wrists, the redness of his face added to the fucked out look on his face, and your cock swelled inside him.
“Fuck, I’m close!” he cursed, fingers curling up as he tensed beneath you.
At those words, you switched your positions until your back rested against the bed sheets and Mammon sat on top of you. Your teeth caught your bottom lip as you looked up at him, his eyes hazy as his mouth hung open, saliva dripping from the corners as his dick twitched against his stomach. He let out a deep moan and leaned forward on top of you, resting his hands on your tense stomach as he adjusted to the new position. Your dick hit deeper inside him and reached spots he didn’t even know were possible, but he loved the feeling, especially when your cock pulsed inside him and begged for him to move. 
You rested your hands on his hips to help guide him as he started off slowly, lifting his hips up before he sank back down on your shaft. He threw his head back, mouth wide open as a silent moan wracked his body, your tip pushing deep against his walls. 
“It’s… so deep!” he gasped out as he lifted himself up one more time before plunging back down. His body trembled with pleasure, and you clenched your jaw as he tightened around you. 
He sped his pace up as he got used to your cock hitting deeper inside, and your hands on his hips moved down to grip his ass and spread it apart. His hole sucked you in, wet sounds echoing throughout the room as he moved his ass up and down your shaft. He laid down on top of you, his chest pressing against yours, and he pressed his lips to yours as you snapped your hips up to match each drop of his hips. You swallowed his moans, your tongue swirling inside his mouth. His pace became more frantic, and you knew he was close. His body tensed, cock swelling.
“I-I can’t anymore…” he panted out, pace slowing down as fatigue took over, and you flipped your positions one more time so that he laid underneath you. 
Without warning, you slammed yourself inside him, angling yourself so that your tip hit him in his prostate each thrust. His toes curled with pleasure as his body tensed underneath you, cock twitching and ready to burst. The build up of pleasure he had been experiencing threatened to spill out with each snap of your hips, and he bit his lips to hold back the long string of moans that wanted to escape.
“Don’t bite your lips. I want to hear you moan as you cum,” you said, and he obeyed at once, his teeth releasing his lips to let out staccato moans that were music to your ears. 
“I’m-I’m comin'!” he said as he pushed his head back against the pillow, hands gripping the bed sheets.
“Me too,” you grunted out as your cock twitched inside him, and when he squeezed your cock, you came undone inside him with a deep grunt.
As your cum filled up the condom inside him, Mammon let out a loud, drawn-out moan before his body tensed and shook with pleasure. His back arched off of the bed, stars dotting his vision as a wave of pleasure he had never experienced before washed over him. His toes curled, hand clutching the bed sheets and eyes screwing shut as he let out a debauched cry. Your mouth hung open as you watched his body twitched underneath you, hole clenching sporadically around your sensitive cock.
“Was that a dry orgasm?” you asked as Mammon’s body stopped spasming, no cum dripping down the side of his cock or against his skin.
His dazed eyes and twitching cock told you all you needed, and you gripped his dick in one hand. Your hand jerked up and down it, feeling his veins pressing against your hand with each motion. He twitched underneath you as overstimulation wracked his body, and he whined.
“N-no more. I can’t take anymore,” he said.
“Just a little more, baby. You need to let it out,” you told him, and he mewled when the nail of your thumb hit his slit. 
When his cock swelled in your hand, you tightened your grip on his cock and slid your hand up and down faster until his body jerked and a string of hot cum shot out of his tip. His cum splattered against his chest, and his hole squeezed you, and you groaned as you realized your oversensitive dick still settled deep inside him.
You rolled off Mammon as you pulled out of him and plopped onto the bed beside him. Heavy pants left him as he tried to return his breathing to normal while he calmed down from his high. Once his breathing returned to normal, you rolled onto your side and propped your head up on your hand to look at him. He flickered his eyes up towards you, and you licked your lips, your dick still pounding. 
“Let’s go for another round,” you said and gave him puppy eyes that he looked away from to not get suckered in. 
“But what about the other movies we didn’t- Ahhh!” Mammon didn’t get to finish his words as you pounced on him and peppered his body with kisses. As his soft gasps met your ears with each butterfly kiss, you realized something.
The rest of the movies would have to wait until another day.
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yandere-daydreams · 4 years
Title: Dissonance. 
Word Count: 3.0k
Commissioned by the lovely @arthurtheghostmechanic​.
[Part One]
TW: Kidnapping, Captivity, Emotional Manipulation, Unhealthy Power Dynamics, Non-Graphic Violence, and Suffocation.
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Every morning, Diavolo would help you get dressed.
It was a daily ritual, one that’d begun the first time you’d shown more interest in burning his gifts than wearing them, and he’d realized he liked the way you squirmed as his fingers brushed against your collarbone, his palms pressing against the dip of your back and his hands tracing the shape of your waist under the guise of fastening a row of clasps that’d been sewn in more for exorbity than security. You supposed this was how he intended to ‘court’ you, as he put it, or it was his favorite method, at least. The others came and went, and although he still occasionally took the time to bring you flowers from the castle’s garden or refuse to feed you at all until you let him feed you by hand, he always had an outfit waiting for you by the time you woke up, he always knew exactly how he wanted you to look, and he always helped you get dressed. Always. It was one of the few constants you could count on, with a man as busy as Diavolo.
Today, he was taking his time. Swabs of silky, scarlet fabric had already been draped over your form and adorned with just the right amount of black and gold to outweigh any individuality you might have retained, and yet, you could still feel warm breath ghost over your skin as he toyed with the strings of an already-bound corset, making you unsure whether he was still contemplating how to perfect it, or if he wanted to undo the intricate knots altogether. You could easily step away, finished or not. He’d positioned you to face a full-body mirror, one of the many scattered around the corners of his bedroom, but there was space, and he wouldn’t stop you, you were sure he wouldn’t stop you. Of all the things he was willing to do, raising a hand was where he drew the line, even if your stubborn neutrality often left him gritting his teeth and appealing to your sense of defeatism. It should’ve been a reassurance, it should’ve been a god-send, but in practice, his self-restraint only made you feel like the villain. If he wasn’t going to shove you away, then you’d have to shy back on your own. And if you did that, then you’d be the one to blame for his subsequent disappointment.
So, you stayed in place, glared at the floor, and wordlessly willed him to grow tired of watching you squirm sooner, instead of later.
Diavolo, however, was not as content with the silence as you were.
“You’ve been quiet, today,” He started, unprompted, unasked for. There couldn’t have been classes, that day. Clearly, he didn’t have anything better to do than draw your suffering out. “Is something wrong, my love?”
You could’ve told the truth. It would’ve been easy to, but there was some twisted, contorted part of you that still thought of Diavolo as someone distant, someone you shouldn’t upset, if only because it was so difficult to dampen his spirits, and he seemed so determined to keep them up. Even after he’d taken you away from the brothers, taken you away from the life you’d wanted, locked you into a gilded cage, and told you to sing for him, you still had to remind yourself to hate him. Fearing him was second nature, but loathing him was another burden entirely. Rather than spouting out the obvious, you let your eyes wander, past the mirror and to the well-decorated wall that lay beyond it. “I’ve been… with you for two weeks, and I haven’t seen anyone besides you and Barbatos,” You starters, letting your gaze fall onto a portrait of a young boy with gold eyes and crimson hair. It had to be Daivolo, but that wasn’t the surprising part - there was only Diavolo. No parents, father or otherwise, a theme that carried into many of the other decorative pieces, as you were beginning to notice. “Is it just the two of you?”
“Is that what’s been bothering you?” He chuckled, shrugging off your flat tone with all of his usual carelessness. If it was a sensitive topic, you couldn’t tell, but you could never tell, not with Diavolo. You’ve only seen him truly, genuinely affected a handful of times, and you doubted something as simple as a conversation would be the thing to finally leave a permanent impact. “If you’re worried there might be a lack of guests, don’t be. The only reason you haven’t met a diplomat or an ambassador or someone new and exciting is because of our budding arrangement.” He said it as if it were nothing, as if you’d just signed yourself into a contract you had yet to realize the full scope of. In his eyes, you might’ve. You were still trying to work out what exactly Diavolo thought your ‘arrangement’ was. “I thought it would be best to give you time. Humans can be such fickle creatures, and not all demons are as understanding as I am. I don’t want you saying the wrong thing to the wrong person while you’re still new to playing host.”
You should’ve known better than to press. You should’ve, but you pushed forward regardless, another singular pair of eyes in another all-but empty portrait working to spur you forward, despite your better judgment. “Still, you’re only a prince. Your father--”
“My father is asleep.” He spoke with the calm, practiced tone of someone who’d used the same excuse one too many times, of a child, scared and alone, trying to convince himself of something he didn’t really believe. “He has been, since the day he decided I was capable of ruling on my own, and while I’d be honored, I doubt he’s going to disturb his slumber to meet my chosen mate. He’s not a factor you should concern yourself with, darling.”
You were beginning to think there was nothing you should concern yourself with, not here, not when Diavolo thought of himself as so honorably, valiantly reliable. You hadn’t thought you’d miss that, about life with the brothers. You were left exhausted more often than not, in over your head with Mammon’s scheme’s or Lucifer’s standards or the twins’ insatiable habits, but at least you’d had enough to do to warrant exhaustion. You never thought you’d long to trip over a cursed book on the floor of Satan’s bedroom or find the door to Leviathan’s room blocked off by a dozen too many boxes, and yet, you found yourself waiting for it, sometimes, listening for an out of place scream, anticipating the next crisis. Diavolo said it was too much strain, for you. He said you shouldn’t be held responsible for a family so unpredictable.
He didn’t think you could handle it, so he sought out a way to handle you.
You bit down on the inside of your cheek. “That sounds lonely.”
There was a slight pause, a hint at a trace of hesitation. The closest thing you’d come to one, during your time with Diavolo. “It was.”
For a moment, neither of you spoke. Taking kind of prolonged stillness was unlike him, but Diavolo managed to redeem himself with a heavy sigh, a shake of his head, an arm wrapped around your waist as he slumped gingerly against you, leaning down as he slotted himself against your back. It was a heavy sort of tenderness, the type a desperate man might seek from a remorseless stone pillar, but your resolve felt a little less solid with every drum of his fingertips, every shaky breath he let echo against the back of your neck. You were the one to speak, though. If only to stop yourself from breaking first. “And that’s why I’m here, right?” You asked, your voice barely above a whisper. “Because you’re lonely?”
You felt him stiffen against you, going rigid at the suggestion alone. “(Y/n), I never--��
“You have other people.” It was more frustration than anger, the sudden awareness that you’d been taken by him, because of him, for him, despite all the luxurious, loving ways he tried to dress it up. “Your father might be gone, but you have options. There’s an academy full of students who’d be happy to find themselves at your side, there’s a kingdom of subjects you could choose from, if you wanted to. Is that why you ran the exchange program? You just didn’t have enough options, you wanted to see what the other realms had to offer. Were you going to kidnap Solomon, if I wasn’t good enough?”
“I wasn’t looking for company,” He countered, his hold becoming a little more secure, growing a little more controlling. It was oppressive, one arm crossed over your stomach and the other over your chest, making it more difficult to inhale as you struggled to keep your breathing even, but somehow, his affection did little to comfort you. If anything, it just made you want to rip yourself away from him more. “When I found you, I wanted you. There’s no one else I’d consider--”
“You have Barbatos,” You went on, letting your hands curl into fists at your sides. “He’s your friend, and you have him, and you shouldn’t need me, too. Even if that wasn’t enough for you, Lucifer’s still there. He looks up to you, he’s loyal to you, if there was anything you needed, he’d go to the ends of the Earth to find it. You have him--”
“I used to have him,” Diavolo hissed, the words nearly muffled against the nape of your neck. “I had him, once, but it seems that someone has caused his attention to stray.”
Your jaw clenched shut, instantly, but you made a point of narrowing your eyes at his reflection. It was a small rebellion, one he barely seemed to notice, but it felt too right for you to really care about whether or not he deserved it. “I’m sorry,” You muttered, frantic irritation fading into mild, blatant displeasure. “I didn’t realize how much you hated it when your toys find other people to play with.”
Diavolo went tense. He went tense, he took in a sharp breath, closed his eyes, and with little more fanfare than that, he relaxed again, as calm and composed and infuriating as he always was.
This time, when his attention returned to your attire, it centered around the ribbon choker around the base of your neck, the fabric as soft as a newborn lamb and as dark as the Devildom would be, in the dead of night. His fingers slipped underneath the strip of material, and for a moment, you thought he’d tear it off completely, but he’d never been that kind.
Rather, he took his time, untying the loose knot and speaking, as he did so. You were beginning to hope he’d talk himself to death.
“Lucifer’s interests align with his heart. He’s smart, and I do value him, but he’s a sentimental creature. He only pledged himself to me because of Lilith, and now that you’ve given him something of Lilith, he’s satisfied. He doesn’t have a need for me, anymore.” The choker was pulled taunt, for a moment, cutting you off halfway through an inhale. It wasn’t suffocating, but Diavolo made no move to let go. “And while Barbatos will always be my closest companion, he is a servant. His loyalty to me is a loyalty to the crown, and there’s no doubt in my mind that he’d put a knife in my back, if he thought it would benefit the realm.”
It took you a moment to respond, your voice coming out weaker than you would’ve liked. “I don’t see what that has to do with me.”
“It’s because I want you to be more than that,” He started, the words nearly a plea. Despite his tenderness and his airy tone, the choker was still biting into your neck, still making it harder and harder to breath. If anything, the task was only growing more difficult, one of your hands unconsciously finding its way to your neck, following the indents where the fabric cut into your skin. “You may choose not to believe me, but I’m not looking for power. I’m not looking for somone I have to chain to my side, if I want them to stay. I want you to love me. I want you to look at me and see someone who you couldn’t picture yourself going on without.” A pause, a ragged exhale. Again, you felt him shake his head, Diavolo leaning forwards just enough to kiss the top of your head. “That’s how I feel about you.”
By now, you were pulling at the choker, prying at it, trying desperately to put a hair’s width of space between your neck and that noose. It was barely a scrap, just a strip of material, and yet in Diavolo’s hands, it became a vice, a chain, a collar attached to a leash just couldn’t stop yanking. You kicked blindly, scrambling to throw your elbow into his stomach or tear at the choker or do something to make it a little easier to breath, but Diavolo only laughed, the sound low, throaty, warm and heavy and fatal.
“I do want you to love me. If nothing else, I want you to care for me. Worry about me, if you have to. I know beggars can’t be choosers in a situation like this.” When he released you, letting the choker fall to the floor and pulling away from you completely, saving your dignity wasn’t an option. You stumbled forward, gasping, choking, trying to cough air into your lungs as you groped at your now-tender skin, reddened bruises already forming a tight ring around your neck. Diavolo watched you passively, letting you stumble forward and brace yourself against the standing mirror. “I want you to love me,” He went on, slowly. There was a step forward, a footfall softened by the slightest trace of reluctance, and Diavolo’s hand came to rest on your shoulder. “But I’ll find a way to live with it, if you have to fear me.”
It was all you could do to close your eyes as you fought to catch your breath, to rest your forehead against the cool, welcoming surface of the mirror. You couldn’t see your reflection, but you didn’t have to - your throat ached, throbbed, and when you forced yourself to give him a reply, it was raspy, as jagged as all the many things you wanted to drive into your kidnapper’s anatomy, at the moment. “I can’t believe I ever felt bad for you.”
Diavolo only grinned, letting you catch the edge of the expression in the corner of his eye as he stepped forward. A firm hand came to rest on the small of your back, but it was fleeting, chaste, as far from comfort as the light, almost unnoticeable kiss he pushed into your temple. “I’ve never been one for pity.”
With that, he stepped away from you completely, leaving you hunched over, your body shaking and your pride stomped so far into the ground, you doubted you’d ever nurse it back to its full health. You should’ve stopped there. You should’ve let him go, given yourself time to recover, and resigned yourself to spending the rest of the day sobbing your eyes out into satin sheets, but there was something burning in your chest, something hot and rough and ruthless, as it urged you to speak, to yell, to scream. You didn’t know if barking after Diavolo like his disloyal mutt would do anything to sate it, but there was a chance that it might, and that was a chance you were willing to chase after like your life depended on it.
“You can’t keep me here.” That was enough for him to pause, to glance over his shoulder as he moved to tell you that he was already doing just that, but you faster than him, this time. “I won’t let you keep me here. I’m going to get out, and once I do, I’m going to put myself so far out of your reach, you’ll be lucky to remember what I look like, by the time I’m done.”
He wasn’t facing you, but he didn’t have to be. You could hear his expression drop, his smugness not disappearing, but dampening. “I’ve told you, (Y/n), the brothers think you’re in the human realm, and the other exchange students have yet to express their concern. There’s nothing Lucifer or his--”
“Fuck Lucifer.” That earned you the slightest flinch, a subtle delay as he finally turned towards you, but you were past the point of patiently waiting for his reaction, for his approval. It was almost sickening, in retrospect, how you’d given him the benefit of the doubt after he’d kidnapped you, after he’d failed to have the decency to show a shred of remorse. He thought you were going to sit pretty and wait to be impressed, and you had to prove to him that you wouldn’t be so spineless. Brothers or no brothers. “I’m not locked in a tower. I’m not helpless. I don’t need to wait around for someone else to save me. I’ll crawl out of here, if I have to. I’ll claw my way out. I don’t care what I have to do, I will get away from you.”
You almost expected him to lash out. You might not blame him after that, but to your relief and your disgust, his composure never faltered. He didn’t raise a hand, did storm out or take you by the hair or do something violent and ugly and expected. It didn’t matter, though. His aggression was repressed, but that didn’t mean it was concealed, not when you could make it out in every clench of his jaw, in the way his head cocked just a little too far to the side. In the stretched, seamless, sadistic smile that soon found its way to his lips, only reassuring you that your new resolve would’ve been necessary, whether or not you were the one to provoke him.
“I’d like to see you try.”
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sassyduckqueen · 3 years
Miraculous: Rise of Anatis 67
Firstly, I am sorry this took so long to do but it's finished now and hopefully it is a good read. Anyway, this was really fun and hard to write but I enjoyed it. I tried to make it quite light hearted compared to the others I've wrote recently and this officially marks the Lukanette part of the story. Like i know these two blueberries have been dancing around each other for a while but now they are finally on the same page on each other's feelings. However, Anatis won't be telling Lady Noir about it and vice versa. The reason is because they could work out each other's identities. Anatis thinks if he tells her, she realize he's is Luka from it as he wouldn't want to be with anyone else then Marinette and Lady Noir is still Marinette so she figures that if she tells him, he realize that both her and Marinette had the same thing happen to them at the same time and from that, he realize they are the same person. So I will be working on the Halloween Special for the Specials section and Crescendo next so I'm pretty excited about them XD
Also I changed Heureux Fin's powers a bit. He has a dust that turns people into fairytale characters that makes them not worry as a side effect. It can also change objects and places into fairytale scenery. Fairytale can shape-shift into fairytale creatures aka a fairy, a shadow and a wolf. It can also produce a dust in it's fairy form that turns Adrien's friends into the lost kids, making them think they were always lost kids while forgetting who they really are. Their canon hero names are inspiration for their lost kid names. For example, Kim is just monkey as a lost boy. Another reason why I decided to give it that power is because Neverland has that effected on the characters in the book.
Oh and for the fairytale characters that the characters became check the end notes :)
Chapter Sixty-Seven:  Heureux Fin
~Agreste Manor~
 "Thank you all for coming," Gabriel stated as he looked to his guests. Audrey and her husband were sat close to him on the right side of the tablet while Tomoe was sat next to him on the left. She was still gripping her cane. XY had come in place of his father and Amelie Graham de Vanily was sat opposite him. The only person who hadn't turned up was Alim Kubdel but this did not surprise him as Alim had walked away after the birth of his son. "As we all saw the temple of the miraculous has returned,"
 "Is that why you called us here, Gabriel?" Audrey asked, making him look at her as she glanced at her nails. "I already did my part for the order,"
 "Yes and your daughter was a wonderful contribution but now we must focus our efforts on the true goal of our organization," He stated, making almost all of them look at him. "Finding the mage's latest form,"
 "We have been looking for years," Tomoe replied. "We even hoped our own children would be him reborn and when it wasn't the case, we gave up or did you forget that?"
 "Of course, I remember that but I have reason to believe he must be here in Paris,"
 "Why on earth would the mage come here?" Amelie asked with disgust. "This rat hole is not worthy of his presence,"
 "Because of Hawkmoth," Gabriel stated, causing everyone to look at him. "Hawkmoth is currently misusing a miraculous and trying to steal more. It would make sense that this would draw the mage to Paris. In fact, I believe he might even be the one responsible for giving Anatis and Lady Noir their powers,"
 "So you're saying the mage has already been reborn?!" Amelie gasped, standing up. Gabriel nodded in reply. "Well, that simply won't do! How are we suppose to control him now?! He could be older then all of us,"
 "Relax, my dear. I have reason to be believe that he isn't that old," Gabriel replied, making her frown. "As for controlling him, there is plenty of ways to indoctrinate him into our way of thinking... as I'm sure Audrey will testify with her daughter,"
 "Yes, Zoe is doing wonderfully at her current school. By the time she is 18, she'll be a perfect fit to take over my position as both the Style Queen and Queen of the underworld," She smirked, looking at her nails. "Shame that Chloe is such a broken child though... however, I'm surprised none of you decided to put your child into the program,"
 "The Tsurugi family never let anyone dictate how they see the world," Tomoe declared, making Audrey frown deeply. "We are as elusive as the wind, as powerful as the flood, and as swift as lightning. We never let anyone rule our hearts or control us,"
 "Yet you're one of the most controlling parents here," Audrey pointed out, making Tomoe frown. "So much for not letting anyone control you,"
 "At least, my family understands honor," Tomoe retorted back. "Yours only understands money,"
 "You say that like it's a bad thing," Audrey laughed. "Money is power. We all know that,"
 Gabriel clapped his hands, getting everyone's attention.
 "As much as I would love to see this continue, let's focus on the subject at hand," Gabriel stated, making everyone look at him. It took a lot of mental strength for him not go to his secret garden and akumatize the room but having said that, they would make great akumas. He would even akumatize Amelie despite the fact that she was technically family. He cleared his mind of those thoughts as they began to talk about how to track down the mage's latest form and how they would take control of him. Of course, Gabriel had no intention of letting the others have him. No, he would take the mage for himself and akumatize him. He would be the perfect akuma to finally take down Anatis and Lady Noir. They wouldn't know what hit them.
~Feng's Hut~
 "Su Han used the wish?!" Luka gasped, pushing his fingers through his hair. "Why? Why did he do that? Why did he kill Toutai?"
 "Because he wanted the title," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "Su Han believed it was his destiny to become the Celestial guardian as soon as he found out about my existence but when Toutai was revealed to be my most recent incarnation, Su Han became jealous. That jealousy was left to fester and grew, turning into resentment as the years passed. It did not help that both were in love with the same woman,"
 "Mulan," Luka muttered, causing Feng to nod. 
 "When she chose Toutai, it added salt to an already infected wound and the resentment that Su Han had for Toutai turned into a cold, deep hatred," He stated, making Luka frown. "From that, things just got worst. Thanks to his hatred, Su Han fell victim to the dark spirit I mentioned. This dark spirit influenced him with promises of power and his 'rightful' destiny. He tried to get Su Han to murder Toutai but when he wouldn't, he suggested using the wish to claim what he called Su Han's destiny but as you know, the wish requires a price in return for what you wish. Su Han wished to be the celestial guardian and so Toutai lost the title but even with the title, it didn't change that Toutai was the rightful guardian. Su Han only wished to be have the title. He should have wished to have been born as my reincarnation but he did not. He thought just having the title was enough. He thought that he would become the best celestial guardian there was and that Mulan would rush to his side as his bride. Of course, she didn't rush to his side and stuck with Toutai. The two of them intended to leave and rebuild else where but the dark spirit whispered in Su Han's ear, making him believe they intended to usurp him. He made a special dagger and confronted them but he did not expect Toutai to challenge him for his betrayal. They got into a fight and as a result, Toutai was murdered and the dark spirit was freed,"
 "That's when he possessed Su Han," Luka stated, making Feng nod. "Tell me more about the dark spirit,"
 "His name is Simme. He was born of humanity's cruelty and feeds off negative emotions. Feelings such as anger, jealousy and resentment are what he is drawn t. He is also drawn to those who's hearts are darker then others. Just been around him will bring these negative emotions to the surface but it goes much far then that," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "Simme is what the kwamis call Móguǐ or Devil in your tongue. He inspired the stories of Lucifer, Satan and most devil figures in mythology and religion. He is a trickster and a deal maker but those deals never go the way people want them to. They only work in his favor,"
 "How did he get trapped?"
 "Another spirit fought him and trapped him in Jīngshén, an area in the spirit realm," He replied, making Luka nod before he frowned. "Luka?"
 "Wait... if he escaped from there and possessed Su Han at the temple..." Luka muttered as the color drained out of his face. "I restored the temple! That means he's back!!"
 "Yes and no," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "Simme is a spirit, meaning it is rather difficult for him to interact with the physical world so while he is technically back, he can only do so much right now, especially with the fact that his host is weak... but should there be an event that creates enough negative emotion or if he was able to find a dark soul and use it as a host, it could be enough to allow him to break through the spiritual barriers and manifest a form in the physical world,"
 "Great... wait what's a dark soul?" Luka asked, frowning.
 "It's a form of a pure soul but one that is born pure evil," Feng replied. "It is rare but what's even rarer is a light soul, which is one born pure good. You see most souls are a mix of good and bad. It's very rare for someone to be born pure evil or pure good,"
 "And I brought this thing back?!" Luka gasped, running his fingers through his hair. "I've made a huge mistake! I should have given up been Anatis and then-"
 "Simme would have returned regardless of your choice. Whoever defeated Feast and cast the miraculous cure would have brought him back," Feng replied, making Luka at him. "But regardless, this is what was meant to happen and your choice has been made. You are Anatis and Simme is free but that doesn't mean you are helpless against him. As my reincarnation, you can use a spell to trap him back in Jīngshén,"
 "Wait... I can?" Luka asked, making Feng nod. "How? I don't know magic... or at least not that type. Obviously, I know how to project my emotions... but casting spells... isn't that evil?"
 "No, a spell is neither good nor bad. It is the intention of the caster that makes it either," Feng replied, making Luka nod. "As for learning, I can teach you. Of course, you won't be able to cast that spell yet. It is a very powerful spell and you must first learn to channel magic, which is why we have the tests,"
 "Tests?" Luka asked, confused.
 "Yes, tests," Feng replied, making Luka raise an eyebrow. "These tests are required to prove you are worthy of magic as well as the title of Celestial guardian,"
 "Whoa, whoa... Celestial guardian?!" Luka gasped, making Feng chuckle. "I'm not celestial guardian material! I'm barely guardian material, Feng!"
 "Becoming a celestial guardian is your destiny, Luka," He explained, making Luka frown. "Think of it as you are my heir and I beg to differ. You have already ticked a number of the boxes to becoming a celestial guardian and passed one of the tests,"
 "I... have?" Luka asked, surprised.
 "Yes," Feng nodded. "You lead a team of heroes, you have the trust of a civilization, you restored hope, the kwamis you have met love and respect you and you are willing to fight for the right. As for the test, you passed the test of determination... my test... when you continued to fight, despite having a chance to walk away. Whether you see it or not, you're on the path of becoming the next celestial guardian,"
 "What do you mean your test?"
 "Each test comes from our different lives," Feng replied, making Luka frown a little. "Me and Khnurn came up with them after he showed determination in saving Egypt despite having a strong dislike towards most humans,"
 "...Why does he hate people?" Luka asked, making Feng sigh.
 "It is not really my place to save but let's just say for now that Khnurn has seen how cruel humans can be," Feng replied, causing Luka to frown. "He'll tell you in his own time but for now, let me explain more about the tests,"
 "Ok," Luka nodded. "Why is your test determination?"
 "It is what I represent," Feng replied, making Luka give him a confused look. "Hmm... how to explain this? Well, I guess you could say we're the closest thing to a spirit a human can be,"
 "Wait... that does mean we're not human?!" Luka gasped, concerned. Feng chuckled a little and shook his head.
 "No, we're still human... we're just part spirit too," He replied, making Luka frown. "Well, you know Kwamis are born from concepts and Renlings are born from values. Well, spirits are born from traits,"
 "Traits?" Luka echoed, making Feng nod. "I'm not sure I fully understand,"
 "Ok," Feng replied, making a thinking face. "Well, a good example is Simme and his opposite,"
 "His opposite?"
 "All things have an opposite, Luka. Where there is light, there is always shadow and where there is evil, there is also good. The world is of balance and Simme is no different," Feng replied, making Luka blink as he stopped talking and took a drag from a pipe. He rose an eyebrow as he was certain that Feng didn't have it a moment ago. However, he blew smoke out of his mouth and to Luka's surprise, it formed shapes that resembled men. He frowned as he watched them hurt and kill each other as a new form shaped. It resembled a snake with a grin. "Simme was born from the cruelty in the hearts of man and as a result, he can influence it,"
 Luka frowned as he watched the smoke snake whisper to the men, causing them to be cruel and evil but the smoke changed and showed a smoke person offering another food.
 "But where there is cruelty, there is also kindness," Feng replied as Luka watched. "Not all humans are evil or cruel. There are kind and it was from this kindness, Simme's opposite was born,"
 From the smoke people, a new shape formed but this one resembled a bird.
 "Finni, the spirit of kindness.... you met him during the mob boss situation. It was him who guided you to safety," He replied, making Luka blink. He did remember seeing a bird but he had no idea it was a spirit. "And it is him that we owe our long lives and immortality to. He is why we are part spirit,"
 The scene changed, showing a boy in a temple surrounded by others but what made them stand out was they didn't look solid. Instead, they appeared to transparent but the boy in the scene looked solid. Luka realized the boy was Feng.
 "I was born with the gift of foresight and I have always been able to see spirits..." He replied as the smoke changed. It now showed the boy but he was alone in the temple while others whispered to each other. Luka knew they were whispering about him. "Other humans believed I was mad. Even my parents. I never fitted in and the other children thought I was weird,"
 The scene changed to the boy, walking through a forest before he stumbled on the kwamis.
 "Then one day, I met Tikki and the other kwamis. I invited them to live with me, finding that I had more in common with them then other humans," Feng replied as the scene showed him laughing and playing with them. However, the scene changed to him trying to tell his mother something during a thunderstorm. "But then I had a vision of death and war,"
 The smoke changed to Feng talking to a girl in a village before it showed him running from her.
 "I tried to warn my family but they did not believe me so I ran away," He replied as the smoke showed him going deep into a forest and crying to himself. As he did, the grinning snake approached him. "That's where I met Simme. He tried to tempt me into using my gifts for evil but I refused him and found Finni,"
 The smoke showed an injured bird and Feng trying to heal him.
 "I tried to help and my kindness saved his life but he was still weak. I took him home with me and for a small amount of time, I was happy again but my vision haunted me and one day, it came to be," The smoke changed into a scene of carnage as a village been attacked by men on horses. Luka covered his mouth in shock as he watched Feng been cut down then attacked by Simme. Before he could kill him, Finni flew in and attacked Simme to protect his friend. He used his magic to banish him, sending the snake away and tried to heal the boy's wounds with his tears. When that wasn't enough, he possessed a nearby body and lifted Feng into his arms. The smoke changed and showed Finni's host taking a dying Feng back to their temple and to the other spirits who surrounded the dying boy. The other kwamis and Finni discussed something and then the scene showed them surrounding him and singing as Finni turned into a ball of light before it covered the area. When it disappeared, the smoke showed Feng sit up, alive. Finni had sacrificed himself to heal him.
 "That war drained Finni's power a lot and he used the last of it to merge his soul with mine and save my life," Feng explained, making Luka blink as the smoke showed Feng placing his hand where his heart was. "That was the moment I became the spirit of Determination. Up until the very end, I tried to warn my family of the attack and when Finni merged his soul with mine, it made me into a spirit... well, the closest thing to a spirit a human could be. That is why my test is the test of determination and each time I have been reborn, I became a new spirit with a new trait but the same soul. Each of my tests is based on those traits,"
 "What is my trait?" Luka asked, looking at Feng. "Did you know straight away?"
 "No... and I don't know what yours is either," Feng replied, making Luka frown. "But you will find out,"
 "Can I know what the other tests will be?" Luka asked, making Feng nod.
 "You will be tested on honesty, loyalty, courage and compassion," Feng replied, making Luka nod. "But I can not tell you when you'll be tested or how. Only that you will be and what their traits are,"
 "Four tests? That's it?" Luka asked, a little surprised. "What happens if I pass them? I mean I don't feel any different from passing yours..."
 "Oh, you are different since you passed mine. You're stronger and I know you felt it," Feng smiled, making Luka remember how he felt when he transformed after reclaiming his miraculous back. He had felt stronger. "As for rewards for passing, I can teach you how to farther your magic and how to channel mine. You also unlocked one of the locks,"
 "Locks?" Luka asked as Feng gestured towards the door of the hut, the one that never opens. "There's locks on it?"
 "Yes, five all together," Feng replied, making Luka blink. "One for each trait and once you have passed all of them, it will open the door, allowing you to join me and the others in Shangi-La both spiritual and physically,"
 "Ok... cool..." Luka muttered, not entirely sure how to feel. "I am here physically?"
 "No but this is still real," Feng replied, making Luka nod. "Anyway, do you understand spirits, our lives and the tests a bit better?"
 "A little... yeah..." Luka admitted. It kind of did make sense. He had to admit he was interested in learning how to channel magic. "So you can teach me to channel your magic? Does that mean I can have visions? And will that help with learning to cast spells? Also what spells can we do? Is it like Harry Potter? Do I need a wand?"
 "Luka, calm yourself," Feng stated, making him blink and grin in a sheepish manner. He did get a bit excited. "No, you don't need a wand. It isn't like Harry Potter. We can cast any spells but certain ones need certain things and power level so you'll be learning basic spells and yes, it will help with casting and you will be able to have visions but learning your own magic will help too and most things can be a spell. We just need to work out how you cast,"
 "Ok!" Luka grinned, making Feng smile. While part of him was kind of weary of it, a bigger part of him was excited. After all, he just got told he could do actual magic and it wasn't like Issac was in his life anymore. He didn't need to be afraid of been a witch plus Feng had explained that it was his intention that determined what the magic actually was so as long as his intention was good, his magic would be too and this was a chance to learn more about his empathy. "When can we begin?"
 "Now if you want," 
 ~A Few Days Later~
 "Urg, I can't believe we're back at school," Alix groaned as a number of students walked back to the school grounds. Summer holidays were over now, meaning it was back to the humdrum routine of studying and akuma attacks but the children were back, heading to the school. Felix had returned from London and was talking to Aurora and Mireille while they waited for Jean to turn up. Nino and Alya were similar in the sense they were waiting for Adrien and Marinette. Nathaniel was already at the school and in the art room, discussing the new ideas for the comic that he and Marc came up with during the holidays. Marc was also there. Alix would have joined them but she wanted to wait for Kim and Max. Mylene and Ivan were stood with the others, waiting for Juleka, Rose and Luka. "Why couldn't the summer holidays last longer?!"
 "We had two months off, Alix," Max stated as he walked up to her, making her groan before she grinned. "How was your holiday... other then... you know?" 
 "History Keepers," Alix replied, rolling her eyes. "It's been fairly good. Dad's still embarrassing and Jalil is still a history geek. When's Kim gonna be here?"
 "Oh, he is currently stuck in traffic," Max replied, pushing up his glasses. "Mr Pigeon has been trying to get rid of cars. I'm surprised Alya isn't on the scene,"
 "Eh," Alya shrugged, making Nino snigger. "It's Mr Pigeon's 60th time as an akuma and it will be over soon anyway. No one wants to watch that,"
 As if on que, the miracle cure rushed throughout the city, fixing any issues the akuma had caused. The students grinned as they saw it before beginning to chat about the recent akumas and how Anatis and Lady Noir saved them. A few of them had been akumatized before going back to school. Nino had been one of them. He had been re-akumatized into the Bubbler as he wanted Summer to never end so he tried to get rid of the adults again to allow the summer holiday to continued. Fortunately, Anatis and Lady Noir had dealt with him pretty quickly. A few minutes after the cure had been cast, Juleka and Rose walked over, followed by Luka. At the same time, Marinette had rushed out of the bakery, holding a croissant in her mouth. She had ran over and hadn't seen Luka, who had been jogging to catch up with Rose and Juleka. The two of them knocked into each other and fell on the ground with Marinette landing on Luka. She jumped up and helped him up as he laughed it off.
 "I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have looked where I was going!" She gushed, making him chuckle.
 "It's ok, Marinette," He replied, smiling before he pulled a face as a limo pulled up. "I was rushing too so I should have been more careful as well,"
 "Did I miss something?" Adrien asked as he climbed out, followed by Kagami. He smiled at her as he held her hand, making her smile back as she linked their fingers together. Instantly, Marinette cooed at their action, making both Adrien and Kagami blush a little. Alix laughed and moved her arm around Marinette.
 "Just Marinette and Luka falling for each other," She grinned, making both of them blush a little bit too. However, the mood soured as they heard the screech of none other then Lila Rossi. They all looked over as she waved at them before she walked up to them, instantly making a number of them feel uncomfortable.
 "Hi everyone!" She grinned before turning to Luka. "Hi, Luka! I'm so glad you decided to take the restraining order off me! I hope we can be friends,"
 "I didn't take it off. It was granted on a temporary basis and I'll be in court tomorrow afternoon to get it reinstated," He replied in a calm but cold voice. "So no, we won't be friends. Just because it is currently inactive doesn't mean you can come near me so I suggest you back off, Rossi,"
 Lila gave him a look before huffing and walking over to Alya.
 "Can you believe his attitude?" She asked, rather loudly. It was obviously to make Luka hear. He took a small breathe and ignored her, turning back to Marinette. "I just want to fix where we went wrong and he won't even give me a chance,"
 "Lila, you didn't exactly treat him nicely," Alya muttered, making Luka roll his eyes. It was more then that. "I mean you kissed him without his permission,"
 "I misread the situation!" Lila gasped.
 "Still..." Alya stated as Nino started to berate her, saying it wasn't cool to kiss people even if she thought it was but Marinette took Luka's hand and led him inside the school, making him smile a little as they walked over to the benches. They took a seat as he let out a sigh.
 "You ok?" She asked, making him nod. "How come the restraining order ran out?"
 "The court granted it on a temporary basis," He sighed, making her frown. "If the problem still occurs, we can get a fresh one which we'll be doing tomorrow. I asked if we could get it renewed before but apparently it needs to run out first and they review the case before granting a fresh one which can take up to two weeks to grant depending how bad the case is. There is a chance they won't grant a second one against her,"
 "They should," Marinette stated, taking his hand in hers as he looked at her. She gently moved his hair, causing him to close his eyes. "Are you sleeping ok? You look tired,"
 "Hmm... my nightmares aren't as bad," He muttered before a yawn escaped him. "But I'm not getting a lot of restful sleep. Music's been on my mind,"
 "Oh, you writing some new songs?" She asked, making him smile before he shook his head. "Oh?"
 "I've been practicing for that violin contest," He admitted, making her grin.
 "You're entering it?!" She gasped, clearly excited. "Wait but weren't auditions for it a couple of days ago?"
 "Yeah... I'm just waiting to find out if I got through to the next stage," He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. He hadn't even told his ma or Juleka that he had entered yet. He didn't want to disappoint them if he didn't get through. There had been a lot of entries for it and a lot of talent. Luka wasn't sure if he could get through to the next stage so he decided to keep quiet about it until he knew for certain. "I don't know if I'll get through and I don't want to disappoint anyone if I didn't so I figured I'd tell Ma, Juleka and you if I got through but I guess you know now... sorry for not mentioning it,"
 "Hey, it's ok," She smiled, making him smile back. "I get why but you're gonna get through to the next stage and blow those judges away!"
 "Thanks, Melody," He smiled as the first bell rang. "We better go to classes,"
 The two of them got up and walked over to the locker room as the other kids headed inside. Luka completely ignored Lila, who shoot a glare at him when she thought no one was watching before he put his stuff in his locker and grabbed what he needed for his class. Once that was done, he locked his locker and headed over to Marinette's locker as she put her things in and grabbed what she needed. The two of them left the locker room with their friends and headed upstairs to their classes.
 "See you at Lunch?" She asked, causing him to nod before she gently kissed his cheek, making him blush. He smiled dreamily at her as she waved to him before heading into her classroom. He turned and walked over to Mrs Mendeleiev's class as Aurora hooked her arm with his and grinned.
 "So you and Mari are an item?!" She grinned, clearly excited. He blushed a little. "Oh you are, aren't you?!"
 "W-We're taking it slow," He muttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "Like we're not exclusively dating... just enjoying each other's company,"
 "Oh my gosh! You're courting her!" Aurora grinned, making him blush as she giggled before she leaded against him as they joined the rest of their class. "I'm so proud! Our Lu is a true gentleman!!"
 "Have you told her that you love her yet?" Mireille asked as Aurora let go of his arm and took her seat next to him. Luka rubbed his neck again. "You haven't, have you?"
 "I mean we're taking it slow..." He mused, looking to the side. "And I know she likes me but I'm still unsure if it's just because I'm her friend or more... I'm probably just a friend to her..."
 "More... it's definitely more," Marc stated, making everyone look at him. He was scribbling in his notebook but he looked up to address everyone. "She flutters to you like a bee to a flower... I would use a butterfly as an example but... akumas..."
 "It's not their fault," Luka pointed out, making everyone look at him. "Hawkmoth uses the butterflies, just like he uses people,"
 "Hmm... that is a good point," Marc smiled, writing something down. "Anyway, Marinette definitely likes you. She moves her hair, blushes and she also shows you her wrists and 'vulnerabilities'... which means she trusts you,"
 "Trust and liking someone isn't the same thing," Luka pointed out but he couldn't help the smile on his face. He liked that she trusts him. "Still... it's nice that she trusts me,"
 "She's also open with you, has a genuine look in her eye when she looks at you, she mirrors you a little bit and when you two talk, she leans towards you and acts like it is only the two of you in the world," Marc pointed out, making Luka blush. "All signs that at the very least, she has a crush on you,"
 "How do you know this?" Luka asked, making Marc blush a little as he begin to fidget. "Not that it's a bad thing... I'm just curious,"
 "I wanted to show that Lady Noir has feelings for Anatis in the comic so I researched body language for it plus it helps Nathaniel with expressions when he's drawing," Marc replied, playing with his hands. "I'm sorry if I crossed a line. I just think you should know that Marinette likes you a lot and definitely as more as a friend,"
 "No, it's cool," Luka smiled before looking down. "I just guess... I like that she might like me but I'm just Luka so I guess I don't really see why..."
 "Stop second guessing yourself, Couffaine," Felix stated, making everyone look at him. He was so quiet they had actually forgotten he was there. "Dupain-Cheng likes you. You like her so just date already,"
 "Felix! Be nice!" Aurora gasped, causing him to give her a cheeky grin before she turned to Luka. "But he's right. Oh, you should ask her out on an actual date and make sure she knows it's a date date!"
 "I don't know, Aurora..."
 ~Meanwhile in Miss Bustier's Class~
 "You look happy," Alya grinned, making Marinette jump a little as she had been day-dreaming about watching Luka playing violin. Alya grinned, making Marinette look at her. "So you finally asked Luka out on a real date?"
 "W-What?! No!" She blushed, covering her face with her hand. She wanted to but they were taking it slow. However, when she thought about it, she did want to been more then just what they were at the moment. She liked the idea of been his girlfriend. She liked the idea a lot. She really enjoyed going on their little dates and she had thought about kissing him a few times but hadn't done so because she wasn't sure if he wanted to. It seemed like he did but she didn't want to assume. She loved and respected him too much to do that. She looked up from her hands as Alya grinned at her. "I... I want to... but I'm not sure if he likes me like that. Like I know he likes me but I'm not sure if he likes me enough to want me to be his girlfriend,"
 "But you want to be his girlfriend?" Alya asked as Rose gushed, leaning against Juleka who gave Marinette a small but happy smile. Everyone knew she shipped what they had dubbed 'Lukanette'. Marinette slowly nodded. "Girl, you need to ask him out,"
 "I bet he would say yes!" Rose gushed, making Marinette blush even more.
 "Luka definitely likes you," Mylene agreed as Alix rolled her eyes.
 "I don't get the whole dating thing but you like him and he likes you then you should go for it," She added in, making Marinette smile. Even Chloe encouraged her in her own way. However, Lila kept to herself, digging her nails into her hands as she listened. She wanted to destroy Marinette and take everything from her but taking Luka from her will be really hard since he knows what she is like. Somehow, that freak had seen through her facade extremely quickly. Even Marinette hadn't seen through it straight away. It was only after Lila slipped up that Marinette had realized that she was lying and tried to expose her. As annoying as it was, Lila was partially glad because she couldn't stand the baker girl but she had to pretend to. Sure, she still had to pretend but before she couldn't do anything about it. Now, she could mess with her and that's exactly what she did. In fact, that's what she'll do. She might not be able to turn Luka onto her side but she could at the very least make Marinette asking him out impossible. Hell, Marinette or Luka might even get akumatized out of it. She could then claim that they hated her and it would be especially funny if Luka got akumatized. If it succeed, he would have to fight his friend for Hawkmoth and if it didn't... well, he'd be sick for a few days and out of her hair. She held back a smirk to herself as she pretended to listen to Miss Bustier. The day moved on and soon enough, it was lunch time. Marinette was getting her food and Lila was watching her, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. Seeing Marinette walking towards the lunch table, she tried to trip her up but much to her annoyance that failed so she moved onto the next plan. She tried to get Marinette to call her out by saying something clearly false. Instead, Alya told her she didn't need to lie again and Marinette ignored her. She didn't even notice Nino rolling his eyes. After a few more attempts, she saw Luka walking in with his friends and annoyingly enough, his expression lit up when he saw Marinette. It was so obvious he had feelings for her that it sickened her. However, she also noticed a number of students looking at him. A few girls were looking at him with a dreamy expression but a couple of guys were glaring at him. Lila smirked as she saw one of the boys who she knew had a crush on Marinette, not that she understood why. She didn't know his name either and it didn't matter but luckily enough, he looked like Adrien and most of the school knew Marinette had a crush on a boy with blonde hair and green eyes. She could use that to ruin Marinette's chances with Luka by getting this boy involved. She excused herself from the table, not that Nino or Alya noticed and walked over to the boy. He looked up at her with mild surprise.
 "Hi, I have a message from Marinette for you," She smiled, making him frown.
 "Um... what is it?" He asked, a little confused.
 "She asked me to tell you that she has a crush on you but is just too shy to ask you out," She stated, making him blink.
 "Uh... isn't she with Couffaine?" He asked, making Lila mentally smirk. She knew they weren't together.
 "Oh, no they're not actually dating," She stated, making him raise an eyebrow. "She sees him as a brother and really likes you,"
 "Right... but aren't you that liar?" He asked, making her frown. "Doesn't Marinette hate you?"
 "Look, I have an illness that makes me lie sometimes but I'm currently in therapy for it and it's helping so much," She replied, making him nod. "Besides, I don't lie about crushes and I want to make up for my behavior towards Marinette so I figured getting her with the guy she likes. Anyway, you should totally ask her out. I'm sure she'll say yes,"
 "Well... I do like her..." He admitted, making Lila smirk. Though she morphed it into a friendly grin. He got up and walked over to Marinette, who was chatting to Luka. Lila returned back to her seat, just as Alya looked up and the guy talked to Marinette. He frowned as she gently let him down and asked her why she got her friend to tell him otherwise. Marinette looked at him confused as he pointed out Lila. She frowned and apologized to him before she walked over.
 "Why did you tell that boy I like him?" She asked, crossing her arms. Lila gave her an innocent look.
 "Oh, I thought you did," She gasped, making Marinette grit her teeth. "I'm so sorry. I thought that's who you were talking about in class today when you were saying about having a crush on a boy called Luke was it? Or was it Luka?"
 Marinette's face went red as Lila gasped.
 "Oh, no! I must have got the names mixed up," She gasped in fake regret. "I hope I didn't embarrass you! I was just trying to help you out... I mean you suffered so badly with your crush on Adrien that I didn't want you to suffer in the same way with your new crush but I should have known it was Luka you were crushing on. I just hope you're not stalking him like you-"
 To everyone's surprise, Marinette slapped Lila across the face before storming out of the room. Lila held back a smirk but instantly started to cry. However, no one jumped to her defense. Instead, Luka rushed outside to check on Marinette and Alya leaned over to her as the rest of the room glared at her.
 "Lila, girl, I know you were trying to help but you shouldn't have done that," She gasped, making Lila frown. "Everyone knows that Marinette has a thing for Luka and moved on from her crush on Adrien. You didn't need to lie to get her to ask Luka out. We don't do those sort of plans anymore,"
 "O-oh, I thought it would be ok since you and the other girls have come up with plans like that before," Lila gasped, tears rolling down her face. "I didn't mean to embarrass her. I guess I deserved that slap..."
 "Damn right!" Alix growled as the class glared daggers at her.
 "I get it, Lila but Marinette was getting there," Alya replied, causing her to grip her fist. "It's not nice to reveal a crush like that and that poor guy... I get you were trying to encourage her but you shouldn't have told that other guy she liked him? What if he hadn't take no for answer?"
 "Oh, no! I didn't think of that,"
 "Yeah right," Nino muttered, making both Alya and Lila look at him in surprise. "It's clear you did all of that on purpose,"
 "W-what? No!" Lila gasped as Alya looked shocked. "Why would I?"
 "Because you hate Marinette and probably want Luka yourself," He pointed out, making her blink. She would have to be careful with Nino. "I mean all you do is lie. You lied to me about having a crush on Adrien, you framed Marinette and you lied about been friends with heroes,"
 "Babe, that's enough," Alya gasped, making him look at her. "I get she lied but she's trying to be better and she did it to help Marinette, right Lila?"
 "Of course," She lied, making Nino glare at her before he suddenly got up and walked off. Alya sighed and went to follow but Adrien stopped her.
 "I'll go talk to him," He stated before walking away. Alya nodded and sat down as Lila mentally frowned. Her plan didn't go the way she wanted but at least, she embarrassed Marinette enough to make it awkward with Luka.
 ~The Art Room~
 "Hey!" Adrien called out as Nino stormed in, slamming the door. He ran up to him and gently grabbed his arm. "Nino, calm down,"
 "How can I?" He asked before sitting down and taking off his cap as he ran his hand over his head. "I had to say something, dude. I wasn't there for Marinette when Lila caused her to become Princess Justice. I actually believed her until Anatis exposed her and then this whole thing Alya still believing in her. It nearly drove us apart and I keep telling her that Lila isn't a nice person and is lying to hurt people but Alya still wants to see the best in her and I love that because it's sweet but it's wasted on someone like Lila. She doesn't want to be nice! She didn't do that to make amends with Marinette. She did that to hurt her and Alya can't or doesn't want to see that. I love her but she is acting dumb around Lila!"
 "Whoa, it's ok, Nino," Adrien gasped, kneeling down as Nino tried to calm down. "I get it. You just want to look out for your friend and your girl. And someone like Lila is nasty but Alya has to realize that herself. You just need to be there for her when she does,"
 "... you're right, dude," Nino replied, nodding. "I'm sorry... I just... I just don't want Lila to destroy her faith in people but I also know she needs to realize Lila isn't the person she thinks she is,"
 "I know," Adrien stated, sitting next to him. "I wish I had realized sooner myself but if you want, I can try and talk to Alya bout Lila,"
 "That be cool," Nino sighed. "I wish I had known before Anatis exposed her. I can't believe it took that for me to see the truth,"
 "I know the feeling," Adrien sighed, looking down. "I never realized how damaging her lies could be before Anatis called her out... I really thought she was like a tabloid and that she was just doing it for attention but after he pointed out that she was hurting myself as well as others, I realized how damaging lies can be,"
 "Yeah," Nino replied before he suddenly looked up. "Wait... Anatis called her out in front of you?"
 "Y-Yeah, like a few hours before he exposed her online," Adrien replied. He was sure he had told Nino about that. "She had tried to claim she was a descendant of a superheroine and that Marinette had threatened her into blaming Chloe,"
 "Y-You knew before the rest of us?" Nino asked, making Adrien frown. "Did you know before Anatis called her out? She use to claim that she knew Aspik and Ryuko and you always seemed to ignore that..."
 "Well, I thought at first she was telling the truth but then she said something that I knew was a lie..." Adrien admitted, making Nino start at him. "I asked Nathalie about it and she just said to ignore her like a tabloid and that she would expose herself..."
 "You knew and you didn't think to warn us? Me?!" Nino gasped, surprising Adrien. "Did you not think that we wouldn't realize?!"
 "I honestly thought she would expose herself and I didn't think she would go so far," Adrien gasped as Nino looked at him with hurt, making him realize how wrong he had been. He should have exposed her straight away and he would if he could go back in time. "I'm sorry, Nino. I wish I had told you and the rest of the class. I could have saved everyone so much pain but I really thought she would expose herself and disappear like a tabloid paper,"
 "Well, she didn't!" Nino gasped, pinching his nose. "God, Adrien! This isn't a fairytale! Things don't just randomly fix themselves! You should have told us! I... I don't know how I can trust you anymore..."
 "Nino!" Adrien gasped, surprised but Nino walked out of the art room, causing Adrien to follow. "Nino, wait!"
 Nino ignored him and kept walking, failing to notice the akuma and amok heading towards him but Adrien did. He gasped and suddenly pushed him out of the way, causing Nino to turn around in anger.
 "What the- Adrien?" Nino gasped, feeling his anger melting away as he noticed Adrien gripping his head and stepping backwards towards the wall. A purple butterfly mask appeared around his eyes as he tried to fight off Hawkmoth's control. Nino gasped and reached out his hand as he realized that Adrien had taken an akuma meant for him. He gripped his shoulders as Adrien tried to fight off Hawkmoth's influence. "Adrien, dude! Fight him!"
 "I'm not going to listen to you!" He gasped before groaning. "I won't be one of your puppets, Hawkmoth!"
 "That's right, dude!" Nino gasped, trying to encourage him. "Think only positive thoughts! You've got this, Bro!"
 "I won't do evil for you!" Adrien gasped but his eyes widen as Hawkmoth spoke to him. Nino slowly let go as he remembered what it was like giving into him. Hawkmoth had a way with words that made it seem like the greatest idea of all time. No one could resist for long, even Adrien and both of them knew it as Adrien's arms fell limp to his side. A single tear slid down his cheek as he gave one last look of desperation towards his friend. "N-Nino... run..."
 "Adrien!" Nino gasped as the purple smog engulfed him and a small blue smog appeared next to him before it disappeared, revealing his akuma form. He actually didn't look much different or scary at all. His outfit had changed into a green tunic with leaves on his sleeves and he had matching green pants. Material shoes were on his feet and he had a dagger attached to his hip, along with a pan-flute. His hair was still blonde but it was messier in style and he had a green mask across his eyes. The only thing that he could see right now that was unusual was his ears that were now pointed. In fact, Adrien actually reminded Nino of Peter Pan. Nino stepped forward, unsure what to do but maybe he could find the akumatized item before Adrien did anything. He went to reach for him but Adrien snapped open his eyes, revealing that his scleras were now green and his irises  "A-Adrien?"
 "Not anymore," He replied, smiling as Nino stepped back in fear. Adrien took out a small bag and reached in it before taking his hand out and blowing the dust in Nino's face. His eyes rolled up into his head as he fell down onto the ground. A golden glow surrounded him as Adrien grinned. "Don't worry, Nino! You'll be seeing me soon... but first, I have a game to play! Come on, Fee!"
 He flew up into the air and laughed happily before he flew off with his sentimonster following him. 
 ~In the Courtyard~
 "Marinette!" Luka gasped as he rushed out of the canteen after her. He frowned as he looked around but he couldn't see so he took a small breathe and closed his eyes, listening for the familiar song. He picked up on it and luckily it was close by so he followed it, coming to one of the staircases. He stopped and looked underneath. Hugging her knees while sitting underneath it was Marinette. He crawled next to her and sat down, making her look up from her knees. Her eyes were bloodshot and her tears were tear-stained. Luka gave her a soft look before he opened his arms. Instantly, she crawled into them and wrapped her arms around his torso as he hugged her. "Are you ok?"
 "E-Embarrassed," She mumbled, looking up at him. "N-Not of my feelings for you but just how it came out... I don't make you uncomfortable, do I?"
 "No, you don't," He replied, moving part of her hair out of her face. "If you did, I would have told you already but I like been with you. Lila was just been a bitch because she is a black hearted coward,"
 "But... now you know I like you.." She mumbled, looking down as she pulled away. 
 "Well, I hope so... we have been going on dates with each other..."
 "Yeah but only like small dates. They're practically friend dates," She mumbled, pressing her fingers together as she still felt embarrassed. She really liked Luka but she hoped he liked her but they were probably just really close friends... even though she wanted to be more. She would love to be his girlfriend but there's no way he would like her that much, especially after Lila's stun. "Lila meant that I like you... like really like you... and I'm sure you don't like me. I mean I'm sure you like me enough to go on a few small time dates but I don't think you like me as more then that. We're just friends... right?" 
 "Marinette... I-"
 "Marinette! Luka!" Adrien's voice stated, causing Marinette to gasp and bring her hands to her face. Luka looked behind him as Adrien walked over. Before he could reach, Adrien suddenly blew a golden dust in his face, causing Luka to fall to the ground as he heard Marinette shout before he heard a thumb as well. He tried to look over and saw Marinette laying on the ground as Adrien grinned to him before he looked over at Luka. "Don't resist it, Luka! This is your happy ending!"
 Luka felt himself getting heavily before he fell into darkness...
 ~Hawkmoth's Lair~
 "Dusuu, fall my feathers," Mayura declared, turning back into Nathalie. As soon as she did, she felt dizzy and began to cough. Hawkmoth went to see if she was ok but to his surprise, she pushed him away. He gave her a puzzling look as he turned back into Gabriel. "I'm fine, sir... but why didn't you recall the akuma? Adrien-"
 "It would have been too suspicious," He replied, making her frown. "That friend of his is the boyfriend of the lady blogger. If he tells her then she'll publish it and it will end up in Anatis' hand which could lead him to find out that I am Hawkmoth. I have managed to keep his investigations at bay but that would only fuel his belief that he is correct,"
 "I see, Sir," Nathalie replied as they made their way back to the lift. It took them a few minutes but once they were back in his office, she took a glass of water and sat down. Gabriel frowned to himself as he began to work on designs while keeping an eye on the news. As soon as Anatis and Lady Noir were on the scene, he would transform back into Hawkmoth but right now, Heureux Fin was wreaking havoc across Paris so he might as well do some designs while observing the situation. It also gave Nathalie time to rest. He glanced over to the news as Heureux Fin burst into the news reporter. He transformed Alec into one of the ugly step-sisters and turned Nadja into a version of the boy who cried Wolf before he addressed the camera.
 "People of Paris! I am Heureux Fin, bringer of happiness! I invite all of your to the grandest ball in the whole of Paris, brought you to by me and to be hosted at Agreste Manor!!" He declared, making both Nathalie and Gabriel to stare at the screen before he grinned and flew out. 
 "Wait what?!" Nathalie gasped before the doors suddenly burst opened and Heureux Fin flew in landing on the table.
 "Father!" He declared, grinning as Gabriel stared at him. "We're having a grand ball and I've invited everyone in Paris!"
 "Absolutely not," Gabriel declared but he regretted it. As soon as the words left his mouth, Heureux Fin's expression turned dark and his sentimonster, Fairytale, transformed into his shadow before it wrapped around Gabriel, trapping him in place. Nathalie jumped up in shock as Heureux Fin walked across the table towards his father. "Adrien, stop- hmm!"
 The shadow covered his mouth.
 "I'm not Adrien anymore! I'm Heureux Fin!" He declared, taking out his bag of dust. "We're having a grand ball and all of Paris is going to come whenever you like it or not!"
 "Hmm!" He declared as Heureux Fin took a handful of dust and blew it in his face, causing his shadow to let go him as he fell to the floor and began to glow gold as well. Nathalie rushed over to the door but the shadow got there beforehand, causing her to back up from it. She felt a tap on her shoulder before she turned around. Heureux Fin was hovering right next to her.
 "Adr-" She started but he grinned and blew the dust in her face, causing her to collapse to the floor as well. Heureux Fin turned to his shadow and grinned. "Go and bring our Princess Charming. She can help us set up the ball with her skill!! Oh and why you're at it, spread this all over Paris,"
 The shadow grinned and nodded, turning back into it's fairy form before it took the pouch that Heureux Fin handed to it. He had already transformed those who he needed to. Now he just had to set up the ball. He was even willing to let the cat and the beetle come to the ball. Though he will take their miraculous from them before the clock strikes Midnight.
 ~Back to the School Yard~
 "Luka!" A voice echoed as he slowly came around. He slowly blinked and opened his eyes, causing him to notice that he was laid on the ground. He slowly sat up and looked around as he recognized his surroundings as the school yard. Tikki flew in front of him and let out a sigh of relief. "You're ok,"
 "What happened?" He asked as he looked around. He remembered been in the courtyard with Marinette. He was making sure she was ok after Lila pulled one of her tricks and was about to fully confess to her but then they got interrupted by Adrien, only he didn't look like himself. In fact, he looked like he had been akumatized. Luka's eyes widen as he looked around and saw Marinette was gone. "Where's Marinette?!"
 "She was taken by something that looked like a shadow," Tikki stated, making Luka look at her. "I think your friend was akumatized.."
 "We have to transform," He declared, standing up. "Tikki, sp-"
 "Luka!" Juleka's voice echoed, making him stop and turn to Tikki. He went to open his hoodie, only to find that his clothes had changed. His new outfit resembled the waiter outfit Marinette had made him but it was more ragged and wore out. He blinked before pointing to his hair which was messier then usual. Tikki got the idea and hid in his hair as Juleka rushed over to him. Like himself, she was wearing a different outfit too. She was wearing a white dress with a blood red overcoat, matching red shoes and a ruby and gold circlet. Her hair was her natural color, which like himself was raven brown, almost black and her lips were blood red. As soon as he saw her, he realized she was suppose to be Snow White. Following her was Rose, who was wearing a pink dress in a style similar to Juleka's. "Are you ok?!"
 "I'm alright," Luka admitted. "Just confused about the new outfit,"
 "Oh, Luka must be Cinderella!" Rose gasped before yawning. Of course, she would be sleeping beauty. "Sorry!"
 "What's that?" Juleka asked, making him frown and look down. She was pointing to a golden envelope on the floor, causing Luka to pick it up and opened it. "Well?"
 "It's an invite to a ball at Agreste Castle," He stated, making him frown before he read it out. "Citizens of Paris, I, Heureux Fin, am throwing the finest ball in all of Paris! Everyone from all walks off lives are invited so they find their happy ending and forever after! Even the beetle and his cat are invited as long as they promise not to cause a fuss and hand over their miraculous! The ball starts at 7pm tonight at Agreste Manor..."
 "That's in half an hour!" Rose gasped, making him blink as she yawned. "Sorry! I'm just really tired,"
 "No worries, Rose," He replied before continuing to read. "The Dresscode is Fairytale theme. Though that shouldn't be a problem for anyone in Paris..."
 Luka's eyes widen, along with Juleka's and before anyone could say anything else, the two of them had ran out of the school. They came to a stop as they looked around. There were a number of giant beanstalks, thorn bushes and trees, making them realize that Heureux Fin had transformed the city into something out of a fairytale. The Grand Paris hotel was now a huge castle, there was a number of smaller castles and huts around. To Luka's surprise, the bakery had been transformed into a tower. Luka rushed over and made his way inside, finding Tom and Sabine had been transformed into a king and queen. He wasn't sure what fairytale they were from but he was more concerned about Marinette. They looked up at him and rose an eyebrow at his outfit.
 "I see you got hit as well," Sabine sighed, making him nod. "Are you ok? You look pale, dear,"
 "Is Marinette here?" He asked, making the two shake their heads as they looked at him with worry. "She was with me at school but the akuma ambushed us and when I woke up, I was dressed like this and Marinette was gone,"
 "We can help you look for her," Sabine stated, lifting her dress a little and following him outside with Tom. Luka nodded and led them to where Juleka was. He frowned as he noticed she was staring. He followed her look, causing him to stare at the floating ship. For a second, he thought it was Guard-O-War again until he realized it resembled the Liberty. A rope was thrown down and Anarka swung down, making them look at her. She was wearing a red captain's coat, black pants and boots but the most interesting thing was her right hand was replaced with a hook. She grinned at them. 
 "Ahoy, Me Hearties!" She grinned as a crocodile jumped down and landed next to her. Weirdly enough, they could hear ticking coming from it. "I see that scallywag hit ye all with his cursed magic,"
 "I'm afraid so," Sabine answered as a puff of glitter appeared next to Anarka before it reformed into Penny. She was wearing a silvery suit, had fairy wings and was holding a wand. "Oh, Miss Penny, you look lovely,"
 "Thank you," Penny smiled before turning to the kids. "Everyone ok?"
 "Well, no one's hurt but we've all been turned into something out of a fairytale," Juleka muttered, gesturing towards the school where a giant version of Ivan stood. Luka rose an eyebrow as he smiled and waved at him. He waved back before turning to the others. "At least, Anatis will be able to fix this,"
 "Have you seen Marinette, Penny?" He asked, making her frown as she made a thoughtful face.
 "No but I have an idea where she might end up," She stated, making Luka raise an eyebrow. "At the ball. Everyone in Paris is invited and Marinette is friends with Adrien,"
 "She's also the class representative," Rose gasped before yawning again.
 "And she's the best at making parties and organizing things," Juleka pointed out, making Luka frown before his eyes widen.
 "You don't think Adrien has taken her to help set up the ball, do you?" He asked, making everyone look at him.
 "It makes sense," Penny stated, making him frown. "We should attend the party then,"
 "Aye!" Anarka grinned as Penny cast a critical eye towards Luka, making him blink. 
 "Something wrong?" He asked, making her look in his eyes.
 "Marinette would never forgive me if I let you go to a ball dressed in rags," She pointed, making him blink. "And since I've been turned into what is clearly the fairy godmother... it makes sense that I have the ability to do this,"
 She waved her wand at Luka, causing a silver mist to move around him, causing him to shield his face as it changed his outfit. Once it disappeared, he lowered them and looked at his new outfit. He was now wearing a light blue vest with dark blue detail and silver buttons with matching light blue pants. There was a blue ruffle tie around his neck and he had a light blue gloves on his hands that only covered part of his hands and middle fingers. His boots were a dark crystal blue and sparkled like they were made from glass. Over his shirt, he had a silver tailcoat with a small amount of frills on it. It felt like it was made from the finest silk there was and his hair had been tidied up but remained in his normal style.
"Ok, now you can definitely go to the ball," Penny grinned, clearly enjoying herself. Luka would have to find a way to sneak away from them at some point during the ball so he could transform into Anatis but at least this way he could get in there without been spotted. Now just to get there. Maybe he could get close enough to Adrien to find out where the akumatized item is.
 ~Agreste Castle~
 "Are you coming to the ball as well?" Luka asked as the ship came to a stop outside the castle. Penny looked over and shook her head as Anarka walked over and handed her a bottle of rum. "I'll take that as a no,"
 "Well, I am a pirate, Lad," Anarka grinned. "We'll just wait here until Anatis fixes everything. Now go have fun at the ball!"
 "Right," He smiled before Penny lowered a plank for them to walk. Juleka and Rose went first before Luka followed. He felt nervous as he walked through the gates with a number of other people that looked like something out of a fairytale. Once he had located Marinette and made sure she was fine, he would find a way to transform. While his mother was flying them to the castle, he took a moment to check on Tikki. Luckily, she hadn't been affected by the change of clothes but gushed over his outfit. She was now resting inside his jacket, waiting for him to find the perfect moment to transform. He hadn't seen anything on Lady Noir yet so he guessed she was in a similar situation to himself. He took a deep breathe and followed Juleka and Rose in. The ball room was the grandest room he had ever seen. It was clearly based on an enchanted forest and hundreds of people there including a number of his classmates. Luka rested his hands on the edge of the banister and kept himself hidden a little as he looked around and observed the room in his luck vision, noticing the amount of exits in the place before he turned his attention to the guests. Rose and Juleka had joined the others and started to dance but Luka was observing everyone. In the back of the room was two golden thrones. A woman dressed as a queen but with a pig's nose was sat one. Judging by the color of her hair, it was Gabriel's assistant Nathalie. He noticed a frog king sat next to her that looked a little bit moody and he suspected it had seen better days. Judging by the smirk on Nathalie's face when she looked at the frog, it was Gabriel. There were other fairytale themed characters to. A lot of the guests were transformed into one might reference to as stock characters such as royalty and witches but it seemed that Adrien's friends were themed around main characters from fairytales. There was a wooden puppet next to his maker, making Luka realize it was Max and Marvok as. Alya and Nino had been transformed into Beauty and the Beast only Alya was the beast. Kim resembled a mermaid and seemed to be holding something in his hand while he sat in a bathtub. That made Luka assume he was the Little Mermaid. Near him was Alix who was talking to Aurora. Both appeared to be characters from Alice in Wonderland. Alix was clearly the white rabbit and Aurora herself was Alice. They were also talking to Nathaniel, who was Red Riding Hood, Marc who looked like a warrior, Mireille... she was the blue fairy and Jean who was dressed as Aladdin. It took Luka a second but he realized Marc was Atreyu from the Neverending Story. He took a deep breathe as he looked over the remainder of the guests, hoping to find Marinette. The Bourgeois family were there. Audrey was the Queen of Hearts and Andre was the cowardly lion but Chloe was dressed in a beautiful dress that resembled a Swan. Clara Nightingale was nearby. She was dressed as Clara from the nutcracker by the looks of her dress and she was talking with Felix who resembled a pixie. In the far corner of the room was an old witch, which he realized was Lila. Luka wasn't surprised that she had been turned into that. He moved his eyes from her and scanned the rest of the room until his eyes landed on Marinette. She was dressed in a pink tail coat with a golden waist coat and matching pants. Her boots were dark brown and her hair was tied into a loose ponytail. She had a ruffle tie around her neck and a pink rose pinned into her hair. It was simple outfit but she looked very beautiful. However, she seemed to be look around. Her eyes moved over to where he was and a look of relief came onto her face as she saw him. A blush crept over his cheek as that look turned from relief to awe. She must have spotted his outfit. Alya was next to her and said something to her but she shook her head as Luka took a deep breathe and walked over to the staircase. He descended down them as Marinette pushed through the crowd, causing people to look at her as she moved over. 
 "Hi..." She smiled shyly as she met him at the bottom of the stairs. "You look amazing,"
 "T-thanks..." He blushed, rubbing the back of his neck as well. "You look beautiful,"
 "Really?" She asked, making him nod before she moved closer as if to inspect him. "I'm glad you're ok. I was really worried when I woke up and you weren't around. I thought Adrien had hurt you. He assured me that he didn't and that he needed my help to set up this. I was gonna post on the akuma alert app but Adrien seems harmless and the heroes haven't turned up yet,"
 "I know," Luka replied, nodding. "I think they might be stuck in their civilian forms and haven't had the chance to escape yet,"
 "That makes sense," Marinette replied, nodding before shrugging. "Oh, well,"
 Luka nodded in reply and looked around as the music changed. It was the same song they danced to at Chloe's party and in the moonlight. He had a feeling Adrien was behind the song choice. Marinette smiled as she looked around too before Luka cleared his throat nervously.He knew he should make some excuse to get away so he can transform but it would just seem odd to just sneak off. Besides, Adrien seemed harmless as an akuma and he could fix everything later. He should be able to enjoy himself, especially since he was with Marinette. 
 "W-Would you like to dance? It's our song... You know... never mind it's stu-"
 "Yes," She stated, making him look at her. "I would love to dance with you,"
 Luka broke into a smile as she grabbed his hand and lead him to the dance floor. The two of them moved together, ignoring everyone else as they just danced and zoned out into their own little world. Luka couldn't help but smile when Marinette leaned against him as they swayed. The more they danced, the more a fog seem to cloud their mind, making them forget as they continued to enjoy each other's company. Around them, the same thing seemed to be happening to everyone else. Nino, who wanted to talk to Adrien and apologize to him, decided he could just do it later. After all, he was having a good time and it was thanks to Adrien. The other guests were the same. Aurdey didn't care what people thought about her, Chloe was complimenting Sabrina and others and Marc wasn't hiding behind his hair. He was laughing and happy. Lila was talking happily to people as if she wasn't a malicious witch. Her lies and fake personality forgotten by both herself and everyone else. Even Gabriel had forgotten that he was Hawkmoth and that he was after the miraculous to bring back his wife. Instead, he was sat in Nathalie's hand as they danced, all of their worries forgotten. Luka smiled as he swayed with Marinette. His own worries lifting away and been forgotten as they danced. 
 "I love you..." He whispered, making her suddenly look up at him with surprise in her eyes. A blush crept over his face as she searched his features. A smile broke through as she looked at him as well.
 "I love you too," She stated, making him stare at her before he grinned like a love struck fool. She smiled back and gently leaned on her head against his shoulder again as they swayed. Luka smiled and pulled her a little closer to him as he rested his chin on top of her head before closing his eyes as they swayed on the spot with their friends grinning and whispering as they finally confessed their feelings for each other. However, their peace was short-lived as Heureux Fin flew in and landed on the stairs case, crowing as he did. 
 "Hello, Paris!!" He shouted, grinning before a fairy like creature flew over, trailing dust over everyone. "Let's get this party started!!"
 He laughed and flew up into the air as everyone cheered before the party kicked into a swing. Everyone laughed and danced without a single care as the castle shifted into a real forest. A huge roaring fire was created in the middle, causing everyone to dance wildly around it including Heureux Fin. It was like something out of a fairytale with wild fae and characters dancing around. Sure, it would be a mess in the morning but Luka couldn't bring himself to care. Just like everyone else, he knew Lady Noir and Anatis would fix it, even if the heroes hadn't turned up yet but that didn't matter. Now was the time to have fun. The music changed into a fast paced song, causing everyone to clap and dance faster as the evening went on. Song after song, played and Viper laughed as he spun around arm in arm with Ladybug but he suddenly stopped when he saw someone standing in the crowd, watching. He let go out of Marinette's arm as he stared towards the figure but Carapace knocked into him, making him look over.
 "Everyone ok, dude?" He asked as Viper blinked.
 "Oh, I thought I saw someone over there," He replied, looking over again but the person was gone. "Huh... guess they went away,"
 "Ah don't worry too much!" Carapace laughed, joining the party again as he howled and danced around the fire with Rena and the others. Frowning to himself, Viper glanced over to where the person had been. He felt like he knew that person and something had changed but he couldn't place his mind on it. He shrugged and turned around to dance again but something inside his mind niggled at him. Something felt wrong. Very wrong but he didn't know what it was. It just felt like he had forgotten something. He groaned a little as he felt his head ache and very slowly, the fog began to lift. It still wasn't clear what he had forgotten but it was definitely something. He moved to the side and sat down as he held his head. Ladybug moved over and leaned down in front of him. He looked up at her and frowned. Was she always dressed similar to Rena? For some reason, he was sure she was dressed as a princess before.
 "Hey, you ok?" She asked, making him look over. "You look pale,"
 "My head hurts," He replied, frowning. She frowned back and sat next to him, gently rubbing his back. "I feel like I've forgotten something important,"
 "Really?" She asked. "What do you think it is?"
 "I don't know," He replied, looking down. He frowned as he noticed his outfit had changed as well. Like Rena, Carapace and Ladybug, he was dressed in what he could only described as ragged clothing. He was in a teal green tunic with dark teal breeches and material shoes but he was certain he hadn't been wearing it before hand. He was sure he had been wearing something similar to Cinderella. That's what his fairy godmother put him in. Wait... not his fairy godmother but Penny! His eyes widen as he remembered her and his family. She had been transformed into the fairy godmother and his mother had been transformed into Captain Hook by an akuma. His eyes widen even more as he remembered Juleka and Rose. They were Snow White and Sleeping Beauty respectively and Marinette... Marinette had been Princess Charming. He glanced over and saw Rose and Juleka dancing by the fire. They were dancing as if there was no care in the world. He turned to look to Marinette, who was looked at him with worry and fear. He stood up as she watched him. "There's an akuma.. we have to get out of here,"
 "What's an akuma?" She asked, confused before gasping. "It is to do with that nasty pirate-"
 "Marinette, listen to me," He gasped, cupping her face. "Do you remember who your parents are?"
 "I don't have any, silly and my name is Ladybug," She giggled, making him frown. "We're the lost kids, remember? Part of Fin's crew. We never grow up and we get to play all the time. You know that, Viper,"
 "Viper?" He asked, frowning.
 "It's your name," She giggled, tapping the side of his head. "You came here with Tigress and Pigella,"
 "Tigress and Pigella?" He asked, causing her to point to Juleka and Rose. He frowned and shook his head before gently grabbing her shoulders. "Listen to me. None of this is real. It's the effect of the akuma,"
 "Viper, you're scar-"
 "My name isn't Viper, it's Luka," He gasped, making her frown. "And your name is Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Your parents are Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng. You're 15 years old and a fashion designer..."
 "This game isn't funny, Viper,"
 "It's not a game," He gasped before he took a deep breathe. Something told him he needed to wake her up as well. "Remember what I said to you just before Kitty Section played live. You are an extraordinary girl, Marinette. Clear as a music note, sincere as a melody. You have been the song I hear in my head since we first met..."
 Recognition flowed into Marinette's eyes as the fog began to lift for her. She gasped and looked around, panicked.
 "Luka?" She gasped, making him let out a sigh of relief. "What happened? My mind feels foggy and confused,"
 "There's an akuma but I can't remember everything. I just know we need to get out now," He gasped, grabbing her hand and leading her away from the fire. Everyone else was having too much fun to notice. The farther they got away from the fire and the others, the clearer their minds got until they fully remembered everything including that they are heroes and that they needed a chance to escape and transform. Luka turned to Marinette, making her look at him. "I'm going to see if I can find Anatis. He might have been affected by the spell as well,"
 "Right," She nodded. "I should find Lady Noir as well,"
 He nodded before they were their separate ways. He slipped into the garden and hid behind a rose bush before letting Tikki out. He found her in his pocket asleep. He poked her and woke her up, making her yawn.
 "Luka?" She asked, making him slight in relief. "What happened?"
 "You feel asleep and I fell under the akuma's spell but now it's time to rewrite this story," He stated, making her nod before he swiped his earrings and transformed into Anatis. The rest of the fog completely cleared. He took out his yoyo and made his way back into the forest to fight Heureux Fin. He spun his yoyo when he came to the fire as all of the 'lost kids' looked at him with annoyed expressions. Heureux Fin got up from his throne and flew over, landing in front of him.
 "So you finally turned up, Bugboy," He declared, glaring at him as the lost kids sneered and shouted. "You know I'm just trying to let people have fun and helped everyone get their happy endings,"
 "By forcing them to forget who they are?" Anatis replied back, shaking his head. "That isn't how to help people... Adrien,"
 "My name is Heureux Fin!" He shouted back, taking to the air. "Besides, you can't catch me! Unlike me, you can't fly,"
 "He might not be able to fly but he isn't alone!" A voice shouted, causing Heureux Fin to look behind him as Lady Noir jumped on him. He managed to throw her off, causing her to land next to Anatis. "Got a plan?"
 "Not yet," He replied as Heureux Fin laughed and taunted them. "We need to ground him so we can find the akuma,"
 "You can't catch me!" Heureux Fin shouted before whistling. The fairy like creature flew over to him. "Fairytale, deal with this losers!"
 Fairytale turned into a giant wolf and landed on the ground, making Anatis and Lady Noir stare at it.
 "Great, he has a sentimonster," Lady Noir gasped as the wolf changed at her. She hit it with her baton as Anatis threw up his yoyo and summoned his lucky charm, which was a shoe and a sock. Anatis rose an eyebrow at it with confusion but before he could work it out, Heureux Fin tried to grab it off him. He jumped out of the way and stepped back, dropping the sock in the process. However, he was grabbed by the lost kids as Lady Noir was knocked back by the sentimonster. Anatis struggled against the lost kids as Heureux Fin flew over.
 "Now we can finally finding out who's behind that mask," He stated, reaching for his earrings. Anatis' luck vision kicked in, highlighting Heureux Fin himself, the shoe and the trees as a plan formed in his head.
 "None of this is real!" Anatis suddenly shouted, making Heureux Fin stop reaching for his earrings. "It's all a lie created by your powers. You're not Heureux Fin, you're Adrien Agreste! And this isn't a forest!"
 "You're lying!" Heureux Fin shouted but he lowered closer to the ground again, causing the lost kids to look at him with a little confusion. Seeing his chance, Anatis yanked him self free and threw the shoe, causing everyone to gasp it flew towards tree tops. Heureux Fin gasped and went to fly after it but Anatis stopped him, using his yoyo. The shoe hit the top, shattering one of the skylights before it fell down with shattered glass. The lost kids gasped and realization appeared in their eyes, causing Heureux Fin to realize. He fell down to the ground, allowing Anatis to recall his yoyo. Heureux Fin yelled out and charged at him but before he could hit, Lady Noir got the upper hand on the Sentimonster and threw it into him, causing it to fall on top of him before Anatis threw his yoyo, tying Heureux Fin and the Sentimonster to one of the trees with his yoyo. "Let me go!! Fairytale, atta- hmm!"
 To everyone's surprise, Nino shoved the lucky charm sock into Heureux Fin's mouth, cutting him off and causing Heureux Fin to look at him in surprise and slight betrayal.
 "I'm sorry, Adrien," He stated, taking the ring off and turning to Anatis, holding it out to him. "The akuma and the amok are in there. He took them to stop me from been the victim,"
 "Thank you, Nino," Anatis replied, taking the ring. "Kitten, would you mind?"
 "Cataclysm!" She called as he flipped the ring, tossing it towards her. She caught it and it rushed in her grip, causing the akuma and the amok to escape. Anatis recalled his yoyo, causing Heureux Fin to fall to his knees as Fairytale disappeared in blue smog before he threw out his yoyo and captured the akuma and the amok in it before releasing them. Lady Noir picked the shoe and handed it to him, causing him to smile as he took it. "Should I get the sock as well?"
 "The shoe will work fine," He replied before tossing it up in the air again. "Miraculous Ladybugs!!"
 The shoe burst into the cure and spreaded throughout the forest, getting rid of the trees and fire as it turned back into Agreste Manor. It washed over the party guests, turning them back to normal and restoring them to where they had been originally before bursting through the windows and spreading across Paris, turning it back into the city they loved. Heureux Fin turned back into Adrien and looked up confused as the heroes fist-bumped each other. Gabriel and Nathalie also looked around confused.
 "How did I get here?" He asked, confused before he noticed them. His eyes widen in realization and dread. "Oh, no! I was akumatized, wasn't I?"
 "Yes but I know you took it to stop Nino from been the akuma," Anatis stated, helping him to his feet as Adrien stammered an apology, "No need for an apology, Adrien,"
 "But I hurt people!" He gasped, making the heroes look at each other. "I did hurt people, didn't I?"
 "Adrien, you threw a massive party and turned people into fairytale characters," Lady Noir explained. "The most trouble you caused was causing them to forget their troubles. You didn't hurt anyone,"
 "But Nino... he must hate me," Adrien groaned, covering his face. Anatis frowned. "I... I should have never trusted Lila! All she does is hurt people and she upset my friend Marinette and Nino got upset with Alya because even though she told Lila off, she thought Lila was trying to help and fit in, just like I did. I offered to talk to her, to help her see the error of her ways like I did but in the process, Nino discovered I knew about Lila before anyone else and got upset that I didn't tell him like I should have!! I upset him and I saw an akuma coming for him! I couldn't let him down or fail to protect him again so I pushed him out of the way but the akuma and amok got in my ring and I tried to resist I swear. I-"
 "Adrien, calm down," Anatis stated, making him look at him. "Yes, you made a mistake with the whole Lila thing but that doesn't make you a bad friend. Talk to Nino and get him to help you with understanding social situations. None of this would have happened if you were taught how to interact with people your age and allowed to interact with them,"
 He shoot a look toward Gabriel, who looked at him with shock.
 "How dare you suggest that I'm the cause for this?!" Gabriel gasped. Anatis was ready to chew him out but to everyone's surprise, Nathalie stepped forward.
 "Anatis is actually correct, sir," She stated, making Gabriel look at her. "While his grades are excellent, he does lack in understanding normal social situations due to his isolated upbringing,"
 She turned to look at Anatis.
 "Which is we will work on," She stated, making him nod before she lead Adrien out, promising to get him some ice cream and to clear his schedule for a couple of days. Both Gabriel and Anatis stared in surprise as she lead him out before Gabriel turned to Anatis and held out his hand.
 "A thank you is in order," He stated as Anatis looked at it with distrust. "Is something wrong?"
 "I'm sure you saw how I call out a number of people for their behavior," He stated, making Gabriel retract his hand. "Well, you're heading to the top of the list, Mr Agreste. Adrien isn't some puppet or property. He is your son and if you keep going down this path you have chosen, you're gonna end up losing him forever,"
 "Is that a threat, Anatis?" Gabriel asked. He was certain the young hero didn't know he was Hawkmoth but he suspected the boy still suspected him. "Or a promise?"
 "Neither, Mr Agreste," He replied, making him raise an eyebrow. "It's a warning and if I were you, sir, I would heed it. Let's go, Kitten,"
 The two heroes walked out of the door, making Mr Agreste frown in a dark manner.
 "Soon enough, Anatis, I will crush you like the insect you are,"
 ~A Couple of Days Later~
 "So Adrien's schedule is been relaxed a little bit and he's asked me to help him to understand social ques," Nino explained as he and Marinette walked up to the school. "Though he won't be back in school for a couple of more days. Apparently, Nathalie is letting him have sweets and watch whatever he wants,"
 "That's good," Marinette replied before seeing Luka sat on one of the benches, listening to music. "Hey, would you mind going ahead? I need to do something,"
 "Sure thing, dudette," Nino smiled as he saw her looking at Luka. He grinned. "Go get him, tiger,"
 "Nino!" She gasped, blushing as he laughed and walked off. Licking her lips, she began to walk over. Since been restored, she hadn't had a chance to talk to Luka. She had tried to text him but he barely answered and she had a feeling is because of the party. She wasn't sure if it was the affect of Heureux Fin but Luka had said he loved her and she told him she loved him back. She did but she wasn't sure if he knew if she was been sincere. She had a feeling that he thought it was because of the effects of the akuma and in a way, she thought that might be the case as well. She stopped in front of him, making him jump a little and take out his headphones. "Hi..."
 "Hey," He stated, looking down at his hands. "Um... how is everything..."
 "G-Good," She mumbled, feeling her face heat up as he looked up at her. "How are you?"
 "I'm... good..." He muttered, though he didn't seem ok. In fact, he seemed surprised. Marinette rose an eyebrow. "I... I got through to the next stage for the music contest..."
 "Oh my gosh! That's great!" She gasped, going to hug him but she stopped and rubbed her neck, making him frown. "Sorry,"
 "It's fine," He replied, making her smile. "But are you ok?"
 "Um... actually, I wanted to talk to you about... the party and what you said..."
 "Oh god," He muttered, making her frown as he looked down in embarrassment. "Marinette, I am so sorry... I don't know what came over me with that. I know you don't like me in that way at all. I mean if you did, you probably would said already and you're out of my league anyway. I mean why on earth would a beautiful symphony like you want to be with a sour note like myself? You deserve better then me..."
 Marinette frowned as he looked down before a wave of clarity came over her. Luka didn't think she meant it but not because he didn't love her. He did but because he thought he wasn't good enough for her. 
 "Luka," She stated, making him look at him. "You're an idiot,"
 "That's mean, Melody," He stated, making her giggle "Why am I an idiot?"
 "Because I like you," She stated, making him blink at her in surprise. "I meant what I said during the party. You're amazing, funny, brave and creative. You mean everything to me and I'm so sorry it took me a while to realize it. I was so blinded by my crush on Adrien that I didn't even consider that someone else could be the one I want to be with but with you... there isn't any of that. Everything is so easy and simple with you. I don't feel like I have to be something I'm not. When I'm with you, I'm happy. Luka, I know I'm not perfect. I'm clumsy, stupid and I'm sure there's tons of girls that are way better then me but... I like you, Luka as more then a friend. I really like you and I..."
 She took a deep breathe.
 "I want to be your girlfriend," Luka's mind went completely blank as her words sank in. Marinette... liked him. Like actually liked him in the same way he liked her and she wanted to be his girlfriend. Marinette, the most beautiful girl in the world, wanted to be his girlfriend. He must be dreaming. There's no way this could be real but when he looked up at her, she was still there and he hadn't answered yet. He needed to say something before she thought he didn't like her. He opened his mouth as she looked down. taking his silence for rejection but before she could get up and leave, Luka gently took her hand, making her look at him. The way he was looking at her made her cheeks heat up.
 "I don't think you're clumsy or stupid. I actually think you're brilliant, beautiful and gifted," He stated, making her cheek heat up even more. "And there might be tons of other girls but they don't hold a candle to you. Marinette, I meant what I said when I said you were the song in my head. I still mean it and I always will. I... I love you..."
 "Luka..." She gasped, blushing. "I-Is that a yes to been my boyfriend then?"
 "Yes, it is," He smiled before blushing as well. "I-If you'll have me that is. I mean I'm not perfect and I'm certain gonna mess up but I love you and if you'll have me, I want to be your boyfriend..."
 "Yes, absolutely!" She gasped, making him blush. "Sorry, too much?"
 "N-No... I like your enthusiasm," He replied, causing her to squeak and throw her arms around him in a hug, making him chuckle and hug back as the bell rang. "We should go to class,"
 "Ok but meet me at lunch! I want to spend it with my boyfriend and hear about the contest! Ah, I can't believe I can say that!!" She grinned, making Luka smile back. Her song was louder then it had ever been. The second bell rang and she jumped. "Right! Gotta go!! See you at lunch!!"
 She blew a kiss at him before running off to her class, making him smile dreamily before he headed to his own lesson. He couldn't wait for lunch.
Miss Bustier’s Class:
Marinette- Princess Charming/Ladybug Nino- Belle/Carapace Alya- The Beast/Rena Nathaniel- Little Red Riding Hood/Red Rose- Sleeping Beauty/Pigella Juleka- Snow White/Tigress Ivan- The BFG Mylene- Little Princess Max- Geppetto/Pegasus Marvok- Pinocchio Kim- The Little Mermaid/Monkey Alix- The White Rabbit/Bunny Sabrina- Rapunzel Chloe- The Ugly Ducking/Swan Princess/Bee Lila- The Evil Queen/Hag Miss Bustier- Mrs Darling
Mrs Mendeleiev's Class
Felix- Rumpstileskin/Chat Luka- Cinderella/Viper Kagami- Puss in Boots/Dragon Marc- Atreu (Neverending story)/Horns Aurora- Alice Liddle Mireille- Blue Fairy Jean- Aladdin Ondine- Thumbelina Mrs Mendeleiev- Unaffected
Other Characters:
Audrey Bourgeois- Queen of Hearts Andre Bourgeois- The Cowardly Lion Nathalie- The Pig-faced Princess Gabriel Agreste- The Frog King Anarka- Captain Hook (didn’t attend the party) Jagged- Tick-Tock  (didn’t attend the party) Clara Nightingale- Clara from Nutcracker Penny Rolling- Fairy Godmother (didn’t attend the party) Jean (Butler)- Knave of Hearts Mr Damocles- the Piped Piper Nadja Chamack-  The Woman who cried Wolf Gorilla-  The Hunchback of Notre-Dame Officer Roger- The Huntsman (didn’t attend the party) Master Fu- Wizard Of Oz (didn’t attend the party) Master Mila- Snow Queen  (didn’t attend the party) Tomoe- Mother Gothel (didn’t attend the party) Emile- The White Queen (didn’t attend the party)
Next Chapter: Coming Soon
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lancermylove · 4 years
Teenager MC 4 (HC)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: Platonic hcs with all boys.
Warning: Mentions of depression, self-harm, scars, and insomnia.
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Can you do an obey me with. A teenage mc who suffers from insomnia, depression and sh(old scars and new cuts) I saw in the last post you said Simeon was well with teenagers so I was wondering if you could do all the boys but if not then the brothers and Simeon? Sorry you don’t have to I’m just looking for some comfort right now
A/N: Sorry for taking so long! Anon and anyone who is depressed and/or self-harms....life is difficult and there are times where it’s too much to handle, but please reach out for help. By no means am I saying this just to say something (or preaching) because I know how you feel as I have been suffering from depression for quite a few years now and also have insomnia. I can’t bring myself to talk to anyone because I feel like I would burden them, and I hate going to the doctor due to multiple negative experiences in the past and because they charge way too much. Recently, I came to a realization that I can’t keep going like this and have been trying to push myself out of the darkness. It is difficult, especially since I have an unhealable chronic injury that gives/has been giving me a lot of pain for years. BUT, I refuse to let the pain win. I have been quietly suffering for a long time, and it’s not a good place to be in, so PLEASE reach out to someone if you can or at least try. You can also find creative outlets to help distract yourself. My outlets are writing and art. 
He noticed that there was something wrong but didn’t give it much thought. Humans are different than demons and angels, so he brushed it off as a human thing. He realized that he may have to look into the issue when he saw you wandering aimlessly at night. Multiple times.
He asked you if something was wrong, but you said everything was fine. He noticed that your mood would change often, and that you weren’t eating properly and weren’t talking much. He once again asked you if something was wrong, but your answer remained the same. 
This went on for a while, until he reached his patience limit. “Will you tell me what’s wrong? I don’t want to hear ‘everything is fine’.”
But you still gave the same answer, much to his annoyance. Then, he grabbed your hand, accidentally pushing your sleeve up. Red, purple, blue, brown, and cream stained your wrist and forearm. You managed to pull away your hand, but he got the answers he was looking for.  
His pride is hurt because he wasn’t able to stop you from hurting yourself; moreover, that it took him so long to figure it out.
Luci takes you to his study and asks why you are doing this to yourself but doesn’t push you to answer. 
If he sees that you’re hesitating, he assures you that he only wants to help you.
The Avatar of Pride sets aside his seemingly aloof personality and opens up a new, softer side to you. A side that not even his brothers have seen.
He tells you that you are not alone, and he’s here for you.
Luci asks you to promise that if you feel like hurting yourself or if you’re sad, you will come talk to him. He even says to come to his room if you can’t sleep or can’t get your mind to calm down.
Lucifer realizes that this is not something he can help you with overnight and is fully prepared to stay by your side as long as you need him to.
Before he sends you to your room, he pulls you into a firm hug and whispers, “I care for you more than you think and seeing you hurt yourself pains me.” 
He is speechless. As the first demon to make a contract with you, he thought he knew you better than anyone else.
It hurt him that you didn’t think of talking to him or even consider coming to him. 
Mammon ends up crying...a lot. 
He wipes his tears and nose with the sleeve of his jacket, “Y-you thought I wou-wouldn’t care, right? Do I have to spell it out that I c-care about you more than anyone e-else.” 
He cups your cheeks in his hands and presses his forehead against yours, “(Y/N), why are you hurting yourself? Are you in that much pain? You know you can talk to me and share your pain with me, right?”
Mammon pulls you into his chest and wraps his arms tightly around you, “Cry if you need to. Hit me if you need to. Yell if you need to. But don’t hurt yourself.” 
He insists on staying in your room, and even if you say no, he’s not going to take no for an answer. The Avatar of Greed has made up his mind that he’s going to help you through this no matter what.
He freezes and starts to feel lightheaded.  
Levi knows what it feels like to be depressed and to have a low self-esteem. He knows what it feels like to be looked down upon. He knows what it feels like for life to be constantly unfair. He knows... 
He knew there were others out there who felt like him, but never once did it crossed his mind that you, the only normie he dearly cares about, would be like him.
Levi takes hold of your hand and takes you to his room. He sits you in his gaming chair and pulls a spare chair next to yours before handing you a controller. 
While the two of you play, he mumbles, “Who knew my normie was just like me? Now, we can be sad together...but normie, know that I will not let you hurt yourself.” 
He glances at you with a small smile, “If something happens to my norm-friend, I don’t know what I would do.”   
He gasps and covers his mouth, “What did you do to your beautiful skin?” 
It takes Asmo a second to realize that his question may have been insensitive. No, that was not his intention, but beauty is very important to him.
He apologizes for his question before taking you to his room. “My dear, what’s wrong? Why are you doing this to yourself? You may not want to talk about such a delicate subject, but I really want to know. Please, tell me.” 
If you choose to tell him, Asmo will lend you an ear, but if you don’t talk, he gently nudges you until you talk. If you cry, he lends you a shoulder and rubs circles on your back.
“No matter what you need, I am here for you. I will gladly listen to you and help you in any way I can. I promise.” He places a hand on top of yours, “Let me take care of you and your health.” 
Asmo places a friendly kiss on the top of your head. “You may not feel like it, but please allow me to pamper you for the day. We can go shopping, get our hair and nails done, and go to the spa. How does that sound?”
He has read so many books that he’s familiar with the ways of humans. It doesn’t take him long to know how and why those scars and cuts got there. 
Satan sighs. He knows he can be scary when he’s angry, being the Avatar of Wrath and all, but is he really that scary? To the point where you wouldn’t be comfortable talking to him about your pain?
He wanted to ask you if you were scared of him, but he knew this was neither the right time nor the right place; instead, Satan places a hand on your shoulder and asks one question, “Would you trust me enough to share your feelings with me?”
Whether you say yes or no, he assures you that he will not judge you in any way. 
He takes you to his room and tells you to wait for him. In a few minutes, he returns with an unusual colored concoction. 
“Drink this. I know you have not been sleeping properly. Let’s worry about everything else tomorrow, but for tonight, drink this and rest.”
He sits in his reading chair and watches you sleep. “I am sorry for not realizing that you were in pain. Starting from tomorrow, I promise to stay by your side.”  
He is extremely confused seeing the scars, new and old alike. 
Beel thinks that one of the lesser demons hurts you and is more than ready to destroy the one responsible.
When he asks you who caused these injures, you reply no one. He pushes you a little to tell him how you got those injures. 
Not answering his question, you walk away, leaving Beel even more puzzled. He decides to ask one of his brothers but leaves your name out. 
After Beel learns the reason, he comes barging into your room, and without thinking one, he bear hugs you. 
“W-why would you hurt yourself?” He asks, tears filling his eyes. “Please don’t...if you’re sad, then tell me what I can do to make you happy.”
Beel looks you in the eyes and says innocently, “I will give you all my food if it makes you happy. You can even use me as a punching bag if you need to get your emotions out. Don’t worry, your punches won’t hurt me.” 
The Avatar of Glutton draws you into another embrace and pleads that you stay in his and Belphie’s room. “We will have fun and eat a lot of good food!” 
The usual sleepiness and fatigue that surrounds him quickly disappears. He has never felt so awake or alert in his life. 
“(Y/N), what’s bothering you to the point where you would go this far?” He waits for you to answer but continues talking when you remain silent, “I know you haven’t known me as long as my brothers and may not trust me fully, but I care for you.” 
Belphie takes a firm hold of your hand and studies your face. “I can tell you haven’t not been sleeping. What do you say we take a nap? Naps always make me feel better, so it may help you too.” 
While taking you to his room, he looks at you, “We can talk about this when you’re ready...but don’t hurt yourself, okay?”
Belphie’s hug and warmth lull you to sleep in no time. 
Various expressions dance across the Demon King’s face - anger, sadness, confusion, and pain.
Anger because he failed to notice earlier, sadness and pain because he dislikes seeing you suffering, and confusion because he can’t understand why you would harm yourself.
In many conversations related to the human world, he has heard that the world of humans can be ruthless. Humans say that demons only dwell in hell, but from what Diavolo has heard, he believes demons also exist in the human world.
“I am not sure what to do as I have never faced such a situation, but please allow me to share my feelings with you.” He places a hand on the top of your head, “Having you hear in Devildom makes me happy. You are far different than what I imagined humans to be like.” 
He studies your expressions before speaking once more, “Many demons in Devildom disagreed with my decision to invite a human to RAD, but despite their protests, I stood firm. Now, I can say I made the right choice by inviting you here.” 
Diavolo gently touches your cheek, “I have found a friend in you, and I hope you have found a friend in me. If you have, then please share your feelings with me, be it happiness, sadness, pain, or confusion. I promise to listen to you and will do anything for you. Even if you ask me for the most difficult thing you can think of, I will bring it for you.” 
This was one of the possibilities he had seen in the many doors in his room.
He dearly hoped that he would never have to encounter this moment, but here it was. 
Barbatos had prepared himself in case it may come true, but all his preparation was for naught. Seeing the cuts had made him forget everything. 
He wasn’t one to take feelings into account, and he wasn’t qualified to handle these situations. In this mind, Simeon, Solomon, and even Lucifer could help you a lot more than he could. 
But, he also couldn’t let this continue.
“I realize that I may not express myself nor do I seem friendly, but if you wish to talk, I shall lend you an ear.” 
His usual stoic expression was nowhere in sight; instead, an unexpected softness found its way on his face. 
“Shall we talk over a cup of tea? I have baked your favorite dessert. I hear that humans believe when one is down, they should consume sugar to brighten their mood.” 
Simeon winces. Even though you pulled your sleeve over the scars and cuts, the image stays in his mind. 
It pains him to learn that you have been suffering...possibly all alone. 
He asks you a series of questions to learn the reason behind harming yourself. Are demons hurting you? Do you not like it in Devildom? Is something bothering you? How long have you been hurting yourself?
Though he wants to ask more, he doesn’t want to overwhelm you. 
Simeon takes you to Purgatory Hall and asks you to stay there with him. 
While making you a cup of calming tea, he says, “You are a strong, beautiful, and kindhearted person. You don’t deserve pain...you deserve all the happiness in the world.” 
He hands you the cup and smiles softly, “Drink this. It will help you. I am not familiar with the human world, but my dear, as your friend, I am here for you.”
Simeon sits next to you and gives you a warm, heartfelt hug. “Think of me as your guardian angel and share your pain with me. In return, I promise to listen to you and always watch over you.”
His first thought is to brew a potion for you to help with your pain, but he stops himself.
Solomon knows that rather than thinking like a sorcerer in this situation, he should think like a human first. 
“If it’s not too much to ask, will you tell me what bothers you?” He asks in a tender voice, “The demons may have told you that I am not trustworthy, but do believe me when I say I care about you.” 
Upon further examining your face, he deduces from your dark circles that you have not been sleeping properly. He also realizes that you may be depressed which would explain sleeplessness and self-harm. 
Sighing quietly, he brings you back to Purgatory Hall and asks Luke to stay with Simeon for the time being. 
If at that time you talk, Solomon listens to you without an ounce of judgment, but if you wish to stay quiet, Solomon decides to try again later.
For the time being, he hands you a potion and explains, “This concoction will help calm your mind and help you sleep. If your insomnia is left unchecked, your health will further decline.” 
He helps you remove your shoes and pulls a blanket over your body. “I will be here for you when you wake up. Rest well and sweet dreams, (Y/N).”
Solomon avoids telling you that he added a special ingredient to the potion - an ingredient that will give you pleasant dreams...happy dreams.   
He is shocked to see the injuries and doesn’t understand; in fact, he’s traumatized. 
Luke doesn’t say anything and just stands there, even after you walk away.
For the next few days, he has trouble sleeping at night and ends up asking Simeon a few questions. 
Luke gets angry at the demons for not taking proper care of you, but for your sake, he doesn’t say anything to them. 
He shows up at your doorstep unannounced with a basket full of baked goods. 
Luke doesn’t ask about your scars/cuts as he assumes it would be rude, instead he asks, “Do you think of me as your friend?” 
Regardless of what you answer, he says, “I am here for you whenever you need you...even if you don’t need me.” 
He takes a tight hold of your hand and looks at you with tears. “I want to be your guardian angel, so please let me be.” 
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